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CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING MINUTES February 5, 2015 Chairman G. Borgman called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. ATTENDANCE: B. Turnquist, W. Krick, B. Arthur, E. Simmons, R. Mackie, K. Kolberg; G. Borgman ABSENT: None STAFF: H. Mitchell; K. Briggs, SAFEbuilt; D. Renkenberger OTHERS: R. Shefferly, 4024 Park East Ct, Grand Rapids; D. Miller, 1297 Lakeshore Dr. Meeting Minutes: B. Arthur stated that an address from the November meeting needed to be corrected: 159 E. Larch should be 159 W. Larch. A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of November 6, 2014 with the above correction, was made by B. Arthur, supported by E. Simmons and unanimously approved. Elections: A motion to retain G. Borgman as Chairman and W. Krick as Vice-chairman was made by R. Mackie, supported by E. Simmons and unanimously approved. Old Business: EN145695 – 1328 Spring – Jesus Aguirre, 2100 Teepee Ave, Carpentersville, IL 60110 (tabled 11/6/14 meeting). This case was tabled for 60 days at the November meeting, with the property owner directed to contact SAFEbuilt and establish a timeline to get the repairs completed. The owner did not contact SAFEbuilt, and the taxes are still past due. A motion to declare the structure substandard, dangerous and a public nuisance was made by R. Mackie, supported by W. Krick and unanimously approved. Dangerous Building – New Cases: EN147359 – 2237 Vincent (all structures) – Roger & Colleen Linstrom, 1257 E. Wilke Rd., Rothbury, MI 49452. J. Paulson of SAFEbuilt started the enforcement action to try to get the tree removed and the home repaired, as the realtor could not get Bank of America to fix the home after a tree had fallen on it. There was quite a bit of roof damage and it appeared there could be exposure to the interior of the home from the elements. A Notice and Order was sent 11/14/2014. Bank of America was in the process of foreclosing on this property; once the Notice and Order went out, they turned in paperwork stating they no longer had an interest in the property. Bank of America turned their interest over to Selene Finance. Taxes are current for this property. H. Mitchell received a phone call from R. Terpstra, who was interested in purchasing this home. He had informed the realtor that he was interested in the home should the original offer from another buyer fall through. At that time the tree hadn’t fallen on the house; once the tree fell, the offer on the home was withdrawn. Mr. Terpstra was informed by the realtor that the City was working on 1 OF 2 having the home declared a dangerous building. He had tried calling Bank of America to see about purchasing the house but couldn’t reach the proper person. Staff provided Mr. Terpstra with the information of the financial institution and the two agents that were listed on the vacant building registration form for this property. He was also advised that he could attend this meeting and see what could be done to provide more time so he may purchase the home. R. Shefferly (attorney representing Selene Finance) stated that the Selene Finance would like more time as they were in the process of soliciting bids to remove the tree and make repairs. He requested that the board allow them additional time to do that. K. Briggs asked how long they would need. R. Shefferly hoped that they could have it completed within 60 days. K. Briggs asked about the condition of the interior of the house. R. Shefferly stated that there appeared to be some interior damage from the tree, and asked if a City inspector could go through the house with a representative from Selene. K. Briggs recommended that the board allow more time to get the house fixed. G. Borgman asked if Mr. Shefferly understood what needed to be done to avoid demolition of the house. R. Shefferly stated that he did. G. Borgman advised him to stay in contact with K. Briggs going forward. B. Arthur asked if 60 days would be enough time to do the repairs. K. Briggs stated that it should be and suggested that as long as the repairs were at least 80% finished; this may not need to come back before the HBA. A motion to table this case for 60 days to allow the current owner to repair the damage to the house was made by B. Arthur, supported by R. Mackie and unanimously approved. EN147622 – 1297 Lakeshore (garage only) – Daniel Miller, 1297 Lakeshore, Muskegon, MI 49441. A Notice and Order was sent on 11/14/2014. Mr. Miller contacted staff and stated he was working with K. Murar (SAFEbuilt) in regards to the garage repairs. Staff had received complaints about the garage and suggested that a written timeline for repairs be submitted to the Housing Board of Appeals for approval. A copy of the letter sent by K. Murar was included in the board members’ packets. There are no taxes owing for this property. D. Miller stated that he wished to keep the garage and would need more time. He was currently using it as a shed and stated that he had cut down the overgrown brush around it. K. Briggs asked how much time he would need to get the repairs done. D. Miller stated that he needed to wait for better weather to start, and estimated it would take two to three weeks to finish. K. Briggs stated that the boarded-up windows were not up to code would need to be replaced. D. Miller stated he would do that. K. Briggs asked the board what time frame would be acceptable. G. Borgman suggested that this could be tabled until the June meeting to allow the owner time to get the repairs completed. A motion to table this case until the June meeting to give the property owner time to repair the garage, was made by B. Arthur, supported by R. Mackie and unanimously approved. D. Miller asked what would be required of him as far as house repairs. G. Borgman stated that this case only concerned the garage, but he should check with SAFEbuilt about any house defects. Other: Budget - H. Mitchell updated board members on the budget for demolitions. 159 W. Larch – W. Krick asked what the status was on this property. K. Briggs stated that he would re-contact the company in the spring, to make sure they finished the work. VanSlooten property – B. Arthur asked for the status on the VanSlooten property. K. Briggs stated that staff would be meeting next week to discuss the issue and keep moving forward. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 p.m. 2 OF 2
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