Housing Board of Appeals Minutes 07-07-2016

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                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                         MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS
                                  MEETING MINUTES
                                     July 7, 2016
Board Chairman, G. Borgman called the meeting to order at 5:31 pm.
ATTENDANCE: B. Arthur, G. Borgman, K. Kolberg, W. Krick, R. Mackie, E. Simmons, B.
ABSENT: J. Lewis, excused; K. Briggs, excused.
STAFF: H. Mitchell, K. Murar, S. Ferguson
OTHERS: A. Bruce, 1520 6th St, Apt 1. & T. Shields, 406 Jackson (Grand Haven, MI) & D. Kirsey,
1856 Cedar (North Muskegon, MI)

A motion to nominate R. Mackie as Vice Chair was made by E. Simmons, and supported by W.
Krick, and unanimously approved.

A motion to approve the regular meeting minutes from May 5, 2016 was made by B. Turnquist,
supported by R. Mackie, and unanimously approved.

EN140138 – 1153 Pine (McLaughlin Neighborhood). – Brenda Daniels, 944 E Sextant Rd,
Muskegon, MI 49441. T. Shields, contractor, stated that B. Daniels paid the deposit and
established payment plan with him. T. Shields stated that the frame is in much better shape than
expected and moving forward with the project. The deck should be complete in 2 to 3 weeks and
he provided progress pictures to the board members. He could not provide a timeline regarding
the roof and siding, as payment has to be made before proceeding. The additional materials are
located inside the home to complete the porch.

A motion to table the case until September meeting provided the owner stays on track with a
timeline (the timeline submitted from 5/16/16) and to work with SAFEbuilt on a more detailed
timeline for the repairs to the home and the garage and to stay in contact with the Building Official
and the owner must return to the HBA meeting with an update & to show the project is on track
at the September meeting, was made by B. Arthur, and supported by R. Mackie; unanimously
EN157069 – 1451 Park St. (Nelson Neighborhood) –Antwan Bruce, 1520 6th St, Apt 1. Muskegon,
MI 49441. A. Bruce provided an update of work being completed and should be ready for final
inspections in the next 2 to 3 weeks. He would like an extension to address plumbing issues they
had encountered. B. Turnquist noted that 2 of the permits (electrical and building) expire at the
end of the week. K. Murar stated that the owner can request for an extension in writing. There
was no plumbing permit applied for as of 6/30/16.
A motion to table the case until the September meeting (unless the owner obtains final inspection
of the permits and obtains an occupancy permit), was made by B. Arthur, supported by R. Mackie
and unanimously supported.


EN1600650 – 1133 W Western – Kirksey Investment Corp, 1204 W. Western Ave, Muskegon,
MI 49440. D. Kirksey stated that following the fire in 1999 at the property; the plan was to rebuild
what had burned & been removed. Money has been invested in structural engineering and various
plans, but they have been trying to sell or lease the property while waiting for the market to get
better. Press’s has submitted an application for the demolition for full demolition of the site. A
letter was also submitted to SAFEbuilt requesting to leave the basement slab, a perimeter
basement wall to 3 feet below grade for safety and security reasons. He was currently waiting on
City’s decision on their request, following approval from the City, Press’s will be starting
immediately on the demolition. K. Murar stated that the staff recommendation is to declare, to
keep the process moving forward.

A motion to declare the structure substandard, dangerous and a public nuisance was made by
W. Krick, supported by B. Arthur; and unanimously approved.

EN16032101 – 1227 Fleming – Raymond Torrenga, 1440 Franklin, Muskegon, MI 49441. R.
Torrenga stated that there had been structural insurance on property. The insurance company
had sent the money to him and he had to pay the damage that was done to the adjacent
property owner’s home; which didn’t leave him with anything left to hire someone to perform the
demolition. He is reqestiong that the City demolish the home and he will make payments on the
demolition bill.

A motion to declare the structure for an emergency demolition due to the fire was made by A.
Boyd, supported by E. Simmons; and unanimously approved.


H. Mitchell reported the current status of the next demolition bid, meeting with County for
upcoming MSHDA demo grant and status of several homes on dangerous building list.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:27pm.

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