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MINUTES Citizen’s District Council Meeting City of Muskegon CDBG Conference Room 203 Muskegon, Michigan Thursday, April 11, 2013 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Tom Pastoor at 5:35 p.m. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by Laura Hichue Present: Chris Carter, Addie Sanders-Randall, Tom Pastoor, Billie Quinn, Lea Markowski, Rosalind Ford, Excused: Virgie Jackson Absent: Lori Rasmussen Staff Present: Oneata Bailey, Laura Hichue APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chris Carter made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 5, 2013 meeting. Rosalind Ford seconded the motion which passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS ACTION PLAN • Mr. Pastoor asked what the status of the Action Plan was, minus the HOME allocations. Oneata explained that as of April 18, the 2013 annual plan will be available and published. They will be mailed to the Board members for any comments or concerns to discuss at the May meeting. This will be during the 30 day comment period. CDBG HOME ALLOCATIONS • Mr. Pastoor reviewed that they were deciding on allocations for 3 applicants, Habitat for Humanity, Community Encompass, and Trinity Housing. Oneata passed out copies of the Proposed Budget for 2013 and explained how the sequester effected the totals with a 5% reduction. She further discussed some of the Activities and how they were budgeted. Discussion took place regarding the façade grant and issues that had happened in the past but the program was being funded again this year. Mr. Pastoor asked what was the status of the budget as of now and had the Commission approved it yet. Oneata explained nothing had been approved yet. Page 1 of 5 Mr. Pastoor referred to the application made for the Summer Youth Program and he was told that less money was available; the program at the high school would be funded with the $70,000 in the fund and the Burn Grant fund was gone, leaving less money to do other activities with. He questioned if an adjustment could be made to the $70,000 from another activity because of the importance of the program. Oneata explained where some cuts were made in some of the Activity funds. Mr. Carter expressed that it was a difficult fight to get the $70,000 and asked if there was still going to be a summer program. Oneata explained the YMCA (Y) was going to be partnering with 2 youth programs. Discussion took place if there would be the summer park programs. Commissioner Markowski explained that the Youth Program Grant would be to the Y’s summer program and are looking for additional funding. She stated that the locations for the programs would be Nelson School, Seyferth Park, Smith-Ryerson, Reese and Sheldon Parks. Mr. Carter said his main concern was making the programs accessible to the kids. Oneata stated there are as many as 20 smaller groups starting up programs. Mr. Carter said when the $70,000 was set up it was to make sure the youth had something to eat in the summertime. He wanted to make sure that was still going to continue. Commissioner Markowski wasn’t sure if that was being provided. Discussion took place about various programs and how unfortunate it was to continue without the grant for the program at the high school, which also included older teens and young adults. Mr. Carter stated that there were character-building, curriculums or stipulations in awarding the grants and asked if that was still in place. Oneata stated it was and that it was monitored by the reports submitted. Mr. Pastoor started the discussion about the HOME allocations. Mr. Carter asked what the total amount was available for CHDO’s, not counting the City. Oneata stated it was up to the CDC as to how much they wanted the City to have or not have. The total amount it $233,984. It is required to give at least $35,098 to the CHDO’s and $23,398 is automatic for Admin to the City. Discussion took place reviewing some of the presentations and there were concerns how some of the money was going to be used. One example discussed was for training purposes (Trinity Housing) and Oneata stated that training was not eligible for CHDO Reserve. The City could give them money from their own fund but it would not be considered CHDO Reserve. Page 2 of 5 After reviewing the applications, discussion took place on the various uses. Mr. Pastoor asked if money for personnel would be allowable, Oneata explained that that would be CHDO Operating funds. The City could give up to 5% of the $233,984 and split it amongst the CHDO’s for operating, and she suggested to not give them admin because most of the CHDO’s have other funds available for this line item. Further discussion took place about the funds being used with matching funds from other sources. Mr. Pastoor discussed Trinity’s programs and stated that they had a track record and have been active in the Oakview Neighborhood. It was stated on their application that they will use the program income from the sale of the properties for their rehab. There are 3 properties currently for sale and they are working on more at this time. Mr. Carter stated there was a gap when Trinity did not receive funds. Oneata stated they had not requested funds and there were changes in staff. She further stated when Trinity got their NSP3 funding they started going strong again and wish to keep going; also, Trinity has shown in the last 12 months that they are eligible for funding and are working again. Discussion took place about the increase in the number of people wanting to rent and the need to improve the rental housing. Oneata stated the Rental Rehab program has been utilized more this year, in part because of the County Lead Grant program, and is helping improve some of the rental housing. Discussion returned to the request from Trinity Housing. Their request was for $54,000. Mr. Carter suggested to give them $30,000, and could be adjusted after going through the others and seeing what is left and needed for the City. Mr. Pastoor wondered if they did scale it back to $30,000, would that be enough for them. Mr. Carter stated that after each applicant is decided and see what is left for the City, it could be adjusted. He stated that he is in favor of the City having money to work with also because the City does a good job with their projects. Mr. Pastoor said that when investments are made in neighborhoods there is such a positive impact and there is more of a return on the investment. Habitat for Humanity is requesting $39,000. Review and discussion took place about their application. Commissioner Markowski stated she is supportive of them because of the homeowner involvement in the program. Oneata stated that at a closing with a Habitat property, a portion of the monthly mortgage payment goes towards a maintenance fund to help in the future. Page 3 of 5 Mr. Carter stated he would agree to give them $36,000, taking off the $3000 for personnel from the $39,000. Community EnCompass requested $70.000. Review and discussion of the application took place. The main use of the money was to rehab 2 units in a building on Terrace Street if they were able to purchase it. There are a total of 4 units on the top floor and commercial space on the lower. Mr. Carter expressed concern of the sustainability of the property based on past association’s experience. Mr. Pastoor explained that some of the space would be a training area for their personnel and neighborhood youth that go out and do repairs, not so much as a community center. He stated the neighborhood association is not involved as far as using it as a community center. Mr. Carter asked Mr. Pastoor if Community EnCompass has the ability to sustain the building. Mr. Pastoor stated the rent from the rental units will pay for the spaces on the first floor. Commissioner Markowski stated that the lower level would be a good use for YEP (Youth Employment Program) training also. Mr. Pastoor stated how positive the YEP programs is and that they were starting to change their focus to getting kids into college along with training. Discussion took place regarding the Smith-Ryerson programs. Mr. Pastoor reviewed what the board had discussed about CHDO’s funding. The Board had tentatively awarded $30,000 to Trinity Housing; $36,000 to Habitat for Humanity and $63,000 for Community EnCompass. That would leave the City with approximately $64,000. Oneata stated that was fine with $20,000 going to Rental Rehab. Commissioner Markowski asked how the Rental Rehab Program worked. Oneata explained how it is initiated and the procedure. She stated that the County Lead Grant will assist with $1,000 per unit and will do painting, windows and any other lead issues. Commissioner Markowski asked if there are rental rate requirements when going through the Rental Rehab program. Oneata stated there were and explained the requirements. The owner also has to match 50% and use it before getting the funds; there is no income requirement for the owner. Further discussion took place regarding Community EnCompass’s request and with a consensus of the Board the final allocations were decided. Rosalind Ford moved, and was seconded by Billie Quinn, to award $30,000 to Trinity Housing; $36,000 to Habitat for Humanity and $60,000 to Community EnCompass. Roll call in favor of these allocations was unanimous with Mr. Pastoor abstaining. Page 4 of 5 STAFF REPORTS Oneata stated that a job fair was taking place on April 23 by the City with Michigan Works to recruit Section 3 workers. The fair will take place at the Smith-Ryerson building. Section 3 workers are unemployed citizens living in public housing or are low- income and interested in construction work. There are 5 contractors doing the interviewing and 3 of the 5 are Section 3 contractors. They will provide their time for interviews and may hire some of the applicants for future City projects. There will be up to 6 workers hired. Commissioner Markowski stated the YEP program would also be interested in the job fair. ADJOURNMENT Discussion took place regarding the next meeting scheduled for May 7. Mr. Pastoor stated he would not be present and asked Vice Chairman Carter to chair the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Page 5 of 5
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