Citizens District Council Minutes 04-07-2015

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Tom Pastoor at 5:35 p.m.

Roll call was taken by Laura Hichue
Present:             Tom Pastoor, Addie Sanders-Randall, Billie Quinn,
                     Emma Torresen, Rosaline Ford, Kim Burr, Commissioner Johnson
Absent:              Chris Carter
Staff Present:       Oneata Bailey, Samantha Ferguson

Commissioner Johnson noted that his name was missing from the March meeting Roll
Call. It was noted and will be changed to include his name.
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the March 3, 2015 meeting with a
change to include Commission Johnson present.



Action Plan and Budget – The Board reviewed the Action Plan and Budget as

Mr. Pastoor asked regarding Code Enforcement, $50,000. Oneata explained what that
budget was for and the duties for that inspector.

Mr. Pastoor asked about the Blight Fight, $16,984. Oneata explained that the Blight
Fight was a targeted specific area originally from Laketon to the high school, now
increased to Muskegon Avenue, almost all of the Nelson Neighborhood, except North
Nelson from Muskegon to the lake. Visual disturbances noted in the Blight Fight Target
Outcome were defined and discussed.

Mr. Johnson asked about the Neighborhood Grant item. Oneata explained that this was
a continuation of the program started in 2014. She listed the different neighborhoods
that had received grants from this program.

Mr. Pastor noted the $50,000 for Fourth Street Repaving Project. Oneata explained
that it was for one block on Fourth Street between Houston and Muskegon Avenues.

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Mr. Johnson asked about the Internship Program being increased. Oneata explained
that the City would be hiring more and will be working with Michigan Works and their
programs with Muskegon High School and other high schools for students to work in the
summer. The program is underutilized and funding is in jeopardy so the City is trying to
work with them to keep the program going.

Mr. Pastoor asked if there was anything new in this year’s Action Plan. Oneata stated
only streets because there were no streets in last year’s CDBG budget.

Discussion took place about the new Homebuyer’s Assistance Program that was started
last year.

Mr. Pastoor asked to review the actual budget report. Questions were asked on
individual line items.

Mr. Pastoor asked about the Neighborhood Grants Budget. Oneata explained how
much had been allocated and that there were 3 applications remaining for around
$2,000 each but when all grants are approved, it should be very close to a zero

Mrs. Torresen asked about the Administration Budget being decreased. Oneata
explained that the Engineering Department had come in late with their request so in
order to provide funding; there was a decrease in the Priority Home Repair and
Administration line items.

Mr. Johnson asked about the street paving project and would it be in conjunction with
the Muskegon Avenue project. Oneata stated it is expected to be completed by

Mr. Pastoor asked Samantha Ferguson about the decrease in funds for Priority Home
Repair Program. Samantha stated she would be done sooner in the fiscal year and
applicants would have to wait for the next funding year.

After further discussion, the Board moved to accept the CDBG Budget as presented.
The vote was unanimous to approve.

Mr. Pastoor started review of the HOME Budget. He asked about the CHDO allocations
and discussion took place about the current CHDO’s projects.

Mr. Johnson noted that the $100,000 in this years proposed budget will be there until a
CHDO comes forward with an application.

Mr. Pastoor asked about the Rental Rehab and Rehab Construction line items. Oneata
explained that Rehab Construction will be funded by Program Income through the sale
of homes along with the Homebuyer Assistance Program. She further stated that
finding rehabs were difficult and the New Construction was the most important. As far
as Rental Rehab, it was decided to use more for New Construction.

Mr. Johnson asked if the Target Area was going to be connected with HOME monies.
Oneata said the Program Income can be used anywhere. Mr. Johnson asked if the
increase in CHDO money would be better used in the Infill Program/New Construction
and how was the decision made to increase the CHDO funding.
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Oneata stated that with the new process for applying and receiving CHDO money, it
allows for possibly more agencies to get funding.

Oneata also stated that the City is waiting for the Target Market Analysis results before
pursuing houses to rehab and where would be the best area to be. HUD doesn’t allow
for houses to be left on the market more than 9 months.

Mrs. Torresen asked for clarification on the remaining amount in the CHDO budget and
the new budget of $100,000. Oneata explained that the 2014 money must be spent
before those CHDO’s can apply for the new 2015 money.

Oneata further stated that if the money a CHDO receives is not spent in a timely
manner, the City can advise them that it will be taken back and re-allocated to a
different line item or CHDO.

Mr. Pastoor asked if there were any other questions regarding the HOME Budget.

Mrs. Burr moved to accept the proposed HOME Grant Budget as presented by Staff.
Mrs. Ford seconded the motion which carried unanimously.


Oneata responded to a question about 1500 Leahy. Oneata stated the owner had
moved in and seemed to be doing well there; there had been an issue with the fireplace
which has since been taken care of.

Oneata also stated that the City had received a State Preservation Community Award
and would be going to the ceremony in May with the owner and the Baker College
instructor that assisted on the project.


A motion was made and supported to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 p.m.

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