Citizens District Council Minutes 11-03-2016

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
November 3rd, 2016

        The meeting was called to order by Tom Pastoor at 5:32 pm.

    Roll call was taken by Samantha Pulos-Porter, and a quorum was present.
     Present:
              Tom Pastoor                            Chris Carter
              Veania Coleman                         Addie Sanders-Randall
              Kim McDonald                           Kim Burr

       Absent:

       Excused:

               Lisa Judge
               Ken Johnson
               Oneata Bailey

       Staff Present:
            Samantha Ferguson
            Samantha Pulos-Porter

        Mr. Carter motioned to approve the minutes, from October 4th, 2016; Ms. Coleman seconded the
motion, which passed unanimously.


       CAPER Review Period: change from 30 days to either 15,20 or 30 days

     Mr. Pastoor explained that there is a request to change the CAPER review period. Mr. Carter
motioned to approve the change to the CAPER review period and it was seconded by Ms. McDonald. Mr.
Pastoor asked for discussion and also asked if the change is in line with HUD regulations. Mr. Carter
added that it was, and that Oneata previously said that it has always been 30 days but it doesn’t have to
be, and that the 30 day comment period makes it hard for her to get the report done by the deadline. Ms.
Burr asked if we’re changing it to 15 and Mr. Carter replied that she (Oneata) plans to use the 20 day
comment period and that will give her ten more days to get it done. Mr. Pastoor asked if all were in favor
and the motion passed unanimously.

       Homebuyer’s Assistance: race category clarification
    Mr. Pastoor asked if Chris (Carter) had a question in the previous minutes concerning what the letter
“M” stood for on the Homebuyer’s Assistance Program Stats Report. Mr. Carter asked what racial
category that it stood for. Ms. Pulos replied that the letter “M” was actually transposed (from another
category) and what each of the racial categories defined by HUD were (B=Black, W=White, H=Hispanic,
A=Asian, AI=American Indian) and offered to give Mr. Carter a copy of the report if he would like. He
declined. She also explained that we went out to HUD’s website to verify the classifications. Mr. Pastoor
asked if there was any other old business.
    Ms. McDonald stated that last time we just went over where all the money (that is received from
HUD) went and that all of it was done and approved. Multiple people agreed. Ms. McDonald asked when
the next money will arrive. Mr. Carter stated around the beginning of the year and that the initial figures
always get cut and monies will be designated to different things after that point. Mr. Carter and Mr.
Pastoor added that the way money is released to CHDOs has been changed from previous years and that
they receive money as they accomplish projects. There was also general discussion about Midtown Square
Houses and their progress, as well as how Habitat always completes their projects.


       December and January: meeting schedule

Mr. Carter motioned to approve the cancelation of both the December and January CDC Meetings, the
motion was seconded and approved unanimously.


       1477 Nolan: open house

Mr. Pastoor asked where 1477 Nolan was located. Ms. Burr responded that it was located in Pinch Town.
She remarked that it was a cool street with a creek that runs behind the house. Mr. Carter added that he
looked it up on Google Maps. Ms. Pulos described that it was located by Wasserman’s Flower Shop, on the
way out to Lake Michigan. Multiple people added descriptions of where the neighborhood was located.
Ms. Burr added that the progress was very slow on the property. Ms. Pulos added that the progress on the
Sampson property was exactly the opposite and was flying by. General discussion was had about the
neighborhood and houses in both areas. Ms. Pulos stated the sale price was going to be $125,oo0. Ms.
Burr asked about the open house and Ms. Pulos stated that it was held on Halloween and went well.

        Mr. Carter entertained a motion to adjourn at 5:57pm, which was unanimously accepted.

Next Meeting:
        The next meeting date is: February 7th, 2017

        There was general discussion about the importance of Neighborhood Associations and the
differences in other areas of the country in terms of the friendliness of people, as well as differences in
behaviors in our own neighborhoods in Muskegon.

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