Citizens District Council Minutes 04-03-2018

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
April 3, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Veania Coleman at 5:32 pm.

Roll call was taken by Samantha Pulos-Porter, and a quorum was present.
    Present:
            Ken Johnson - Commissioner
            Veania Coleman
            Poppy Sias-Hernandez
            Scott Banninga
            Kim Burr
    Absent:

    Excused:
              Tom Pastoor
              Jeremy Lenertz
              Carrie Johnson
    Staff Present:
          Oneata Bailey
          Samantha Pulos-Porter


A motion to approve the minutes, by Poppy Sias-Hernandez, from February 6, 2018; Scott
Banninga seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Commissioner Johnson expressed his satisfaction with raising the AMI Limit from 60% to 80%.


Annual Action Plan for 2018 was discussed. A copy of the previously submitted Action Plan
from 2017 was shared with CDC members as an example of what 2018 may look like. Oneata
reported that budget talks with the department heads will be happening in the month of April.
The City Manager will also discuss budget details and any changes will be included in the 2018
Action Plan. Oneata also reported that at a federal level, our CDBG program was signed for to
continue. She also discussed that our Action Plan is a regional plan with Muskegon Heights and
Norton Shores because for the most part, we have similar activities that we provide in our
communities. Changes will be made at the May CDC meeting based on any comments received.
Official amounts for the next program year will provided to us by HUD and included in the plan
to be submitted. There was discussion about incorporating youth programs into the budget.

Also discussed: 2018 Income Limits have also been released by HUD. There was an increase
from the 2017 amounts. The decision by the CDC to raise the income limits used for CNS’
programs was raised from 60% to 80% of the AMI and has been a positive change within the


      1350 Eastwood Drive
       An offer was received. The potential buyer was over income and did not qualify.

      Homebuyer’s Assistance Program
       There will be minor changes made to the program. Homes purchased with FHA loans
       will not require an additional inspection in order to receive the grant. The lenders and
       realtors that have participated in the past were invited to discuss the program at City Hall.

Scott Banninga motioned to adjourn the meeting, Poppy Sias-Hernandez seconded the motion,
which passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:09 pm.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting date is: May 1, 2018.


Lead testing and issues, including acceptable levels were discussed. The County losing their lead
grant and the lack of certified painters in the area were also discussed.

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