Citizens District Council Minutes 12-04-2018

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
December 4, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Veania Coleman at 5:31 pm.

Roll call was taken by Samantha Pulos-Porter, and a quorum was present.
    Present:
            Ken Johnson - Commissioner
            Veania Coleman
            Jeremy Lenertz
            Scott Banninga
            Eleanor Canter
            Kim Burr
    Absent:
            Carrie Johnson
    Excused:
            Poppy Sias-Hernandez
    Staff Present:
            Oneata Bailey
            Samantha Pulos-Porter

A motion to approve the minutes from October 2, 2018 was made by Scott Banninga; Kim Burr
seconded the motion, which pass unanimously.

Oneata explained that the CAPER report only talks about the programs that currently run through
the CNS department. She directed the CDC group to a handout that list different eligible
activities that CDBG money can fund. She explained that if the group wanted to incorporate new
activities, the conversation needed to start in February, to be prepared for the City’s budget talks
in April.
Oneata then directed the group to a previous balances handout. The handout showed the current
budget for funding year 2018-2019, as well as any existing balances. Kim Burr asked about the
water testing line item and Oneata explained that the City Manager requested that we test water
service for any address that we assist through the Priority Home Repair Program. Oneata
explained that some figures on the handout have been spent, but not paid out on multiple repairs
through the same program. Commissioner Johnson asked why there was such a large balance in
the Service Delivery category. Sam explained that there is somewhat of a delay to fully reconcile
funds in coordination with our Finance Department. Scott Banninga asked if MSHDA has funds
available for blight elimination. Oneata explained that those funds were coordinated through the
County Lank Bank. Jeremy Lenertz asked if demolition was paid for with different pots of
money. Oneata explained that the City no longer had the blight elimination grant and that the
County Land Bank was using and managing MSHDA grant funds. Commissioner Johnson asked
if the CDBG line item for demo was for the target neighborhood and Oneata confirmed that it
was, but the area focused on was changing.

Chairperson Coleman asked what the status was with the $55,000 allocated for Youth Services.
Oneata explained that it was for kids 14-18, with the intent of giving them a summer job. She
expressed that she had an idea in the works and would let the group know in the New Year what
it was. Oneata also stated that she’d rather not pay administration costs along with wages for the
youth. Jeremey asked what will happen if Oneata’s idea falls through and asked if a RFP should
be sent out just in case. She assured the group there will be enough time to get things in order for
a youth program before the summer time.


Oneata explained that lien against a person’s property are put on for five years, not depreciating
at all for that time period. The existing subordination policy states that after two years, a person
could ask us to subordination in the case of refinancing, for example. She explained that process
of applying for the subordination and that there were many different factors involved. Oneata
explained that the City of Norton Shores had a much simpler subordination policy. She explained
some difficulties working with the City of Muskegon’s policy and that she had interest in
simplifying the policy. She wanted the CDC’s input on changes to make the City’s subordination
policy more streamlined. Jeremy motioned to table the discussion for now and it was seconded
by Scott Banninga and unanimously approved.

Kim Burr motioned to approve the Meeting Schedule for 2019, it was seconded by Jeremey
Lenertz and unanimously approved.


Lead Safe Muskegon Program is up and running. It is focused on children with elevated lead
levels, pregnant women and Medicaid recipients. The money is from the State Medicaid
Program. CNS reports to them each week throughout the process. Kim asked if there are enough
contractors for the program and Oneata stated that we are working with a few. She went on to
say that 25 families are set to be assisted through the grant. Scott added that the East Broadway
area in years past was notorious for high lead levels due to car repairs. Oneata said that the risk
assessments look at paint, plumbing, soil, and any other source of lead.

Oneata added that there needs to be a vote to re-establish a chair and vice-chair due to changes in
the board. CNS’ property located at 1350 Eastwood sold before it had to become a rental


Meeting was adjourned at 6:29 pm. Kim Burr, Eleanor Canter.

The next meeting date is: February 5th, 2019.


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