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Minutes Citizen’s District Council Meeting City of Muskegon CDBG Conference Room 203 Muskegon, Michigan May 7, 2019 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Kim Burr at 5:30 pm. ROLL CALL: Roll call was taken by Samantha Pulos-Porter, and a quorum was present. Present: Ken Johnson - Commissioner Jeremy Lenertz Poppy Sias-Hernandez Eleanor Canter Kim Burr Scott Banninga Veania Coleman Absent: Excused: Carrie Johnson Staff Present: Oneata Bailey Samantha Pulos-Porter APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion to approve the minutes from April 2, 2019 was made by Scott Banninga; Jeremy Lenertz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: The budget for CDBG-HOME was discussed. Poppy Sias-Hernandez motioned to approve the CDC proposed budget for CDBG, seconded by Jeremy Lenertz, which passed unanimously. Scott Banninga motioned to approve the CDC proposed budget for HOME, seconded by Eleanor Canter, which passed unanimously. Budget details are as follows: CDBG CDBG CNS-Staff CDC Proposed Organization/Agency Activity Proposed 2019 2019 Youth Opportunities/Summer COM - Finance Internships $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 COM - CNS CDBG Admin ** $ 197,690.20 $ 197,690.20 COM - CNS Priority Home Repair $ 100,000.00 $ 125,000.00 COM - CNS Services Delivery $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00 Residential Façade COM - CNS Program $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 Fire Station Bond COM - Finance Repayment $ 254,166.66 $ 254,166.66 Dangerous Bldgs - COM - Inspections Demolition $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 Dangerous Bldgs - COM - Inspections Board-Ups $ - $ - COM - Leisure Services Youth Recreation* $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 Code Enforcement COM - Planning Staff $ - $ - COM - Engineering Smith Ryerson Park Neighborhood Beautification - 3rd St COM - Engineering Sidewalks Economic COM - Planning Development $ 10,000.00 $ - COM - CNS Youth Center $ 111,594.14 $ 86,594.14 COM - Engineering Sidewalks - ADA $ 10,000.00 $ 20,000.00 COM - DPW Skate Park $ 30,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Construction of ADA Enhancements- COM - ?** Convention Center $ 10,000.00 **not vetted, recommended by the CDC TOTAL $ 973,451.00 $ 973,451.00 HOME HOME CNS-Staff Organization/A Proposed CDC Proposed gency Activity 2019 2019 Housing CHDO Affordable $ Allocation Units**** 50,222.70 $ 50,222.70 CHDO $ Administration Administration - $ - HOME Administration* $ COM - CNS ** 33,481.80 $ 33,481.80 $ COM - CNS Rental Rehab 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 HOME Rehab $ COM - CNS Construction * 110,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ COM - CNS HOME Infill 121,113.50 $ 121,113.50 $ TOTAL 334,818.00 $ 334,818.00 NEW BUSINESS: SAFEbuilt would like CNS to repair roofs earlier, to avoid internal damage to home. The CDC supports updating the roof policy to accept applicants with letter from the Inspection Department (SAFEbuilt). Scott Banninga made a motion; seconded by Poppy Sias-Hernandez, which passed unanimously. STAFF REPORTS: 1015 E Forest: Original buyer backed out of purchase agreement, CNS is entertaining other offers. Exceptions to the 6 year waiting period, if it limits other program services, was also discussed. ADJOURN: Scott Banninga motioned to adjourn the meeting, Veania Coleman seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting date is: June 4th, 2019. GENERAL DISCUSSION:
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