Citizens District Council Minutes 05-04-2021

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Zoom Meeting
Muskegon, Michigan
May 4, 2021

The meeting was called to order by Jeremy Lenertz at 5:33 pm.

Roll call was taken by Sharonda Carson, and a quorum was present. (Location of each person in
attendance are noted following their name.)
     Present:
            Perry Dennie– City of Muskegon
            Marie Cisneros - City of Muskegon/Nims Neighborhood
            Veania Coleman – City of Muskegon
            Jeremey Lenertz – City of Muskegon/McLaughlin Neighborhood
            Paul Kurdziel – City of Muskegon
            Ken Johnson – Commissioner – City of Muskegon/Nims Neighborhood
            Jennifer Ross- City of Muskegon
     Absent:
            Ationza Smith
     Excused:
     Staff Present:
            LeighAnn Mikesell – City of Muskegon
            Oneata Bailey – City of Muskegon
            Sharonda Carson – City of Muskegon

A motion to approve the minutes from April 6, 2021 (Action Item) was made by Veania
Coleman; Perry Dennie seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Oneata Bailey, Director of CNS discussed the consolidated plan and 30 day comment period. She
offered CDC members the ability to make comments and discussed many options that could be
included in the consolidated plan. She also mentioned that the things that could be included in
the plan were not limited to current programs and that we should include pandemic impacted
Paul Kurdziel asked about the opportunity to create a program that would offer young women
and men, ages 18 and higher the opportunity to learn a skilled trade. The program is recognized
in other communities as Access for All.

Veania Coleman wants to ensure that youth programs continue with current and future funding.


Oneata presented the CDBG and HOME budget for the various activities that the city offers to
the community that displayed both years 2019 and 2020.

The fire station bond was discussed as to whether CDBG funds should be used or not. Oneata
and LeighAnn explained that the decision to pay for the fire station was voted on by the
commissioners in previous meetings and that it could be revisited in the future.

Jeremy Lenertz encouraged a motion to revisit the fire station bond and make it an action item;
Veania Coleman seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Oneata presented the CDC with historical data of services that the community has received for
both Homebuyers and Home Repair programs. The data showcased types of services, income
level, male versus female, demographics, and amounts spent in the past.

There was no general discussion

Jeremy Lenertz motioned to adjourn the meeting, Veania Coleman seconded the motion, which
passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.

The next meeting date is: June 1, 2021.

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