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Minutes Citizen’s District Council Meeting City of Muskegon CDBG Zoom Meeting Muskegon, Michigan April 6, 2021 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Jeremy Lenertz at 5:35 pm. ROLL CALL: Roll call was taken by Samantha Pulos, and a quorum was present. (Location of each person in attendance are noted following their name.) Present: Ationza Smith – City of Muskegon Marie Cisneros - City of Muskegon/Nims Neighborhood Veania Coleman – City of Muskegon Jeremey Lenertz – City of Muskegon/McLaughlin Neighborhood Paul Kurdziel – City of Muskegon Ken Johnson – Commissioner – City of Muskegon/Nims Neighborhood Absent: Perry Dennie Excused: Jennifer Ross Staff Present: LeighAnn Mikesell – City of Muskegon Samantha Pulos – City of Muskegon Oneata Bailey – City of Muskegon Sharonda Carson – City of Muskegon APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion to approve the minutes from March 2, 2021 (Action Item) was made by Paul Kurdziel; Veania Coleman seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS: Jeremey Lenertz asked for a nomination for the open CDC chair position. Paul Kurdziel nominated and made a motion to elect Jeremy, Veania Coleman seconded. The present group members unanimously approved. Veania nominated and made a motion to elect Perry Dennie for vice chair, ____________seconded. The present group members unanimously approved. The CDC chair is now Jeremey Lenertz, the vicechair is Perry Dennie. NEW BUSINESS: Sharonda Carson discussed the survey results and briefly explained them. She explained that the purpose of the survey is to gather information from the CDC. Oneata Bailey asked the group to provide 5 things they would like to see as activities included in the Consolidated Plan. Oneata Bailey talked about the Consolidated Plan/Annual Plan Activities that were written between 3 municipalities (Muskegon, Muskegon Heights, Norton Shores). Muskegon is the lead group. Muskegon Heights and Norton Shores will attach their plans and become part of the report. STAFF REPORTS: Oneata stated that anything staff had to report was covered in Old Business and New Business. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Community gardens and how things have changed and the fact that they have started to disappear were talked about. Paul mentioned that in his opinion, there are less grass roots community action centers now. ADJOURN: Paul Kurdziel motioned to adjourn the meeting, Veania Coleman seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:11 pm. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting date is: May 4, 2021.
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