Citizens District Council Minutes 06-10-2024

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                              Citizen’s District Council Meeting
                                   City of Muskegon CDBG
                                    Conference Room 103
                                     Muskegon, Michigan
                                         June 10, 2024

   I.   Call to Order at 5:33pm
  II.   Roll Call
        Present: D.Nichols-Lewis, J. Weirich, J. Sanocki, B. Sanders, K. Kochin
        Staff Present: S. Carson, W. Webster, Mayor Johnson, Dr. Smith
 III.   Approval of Minutes (4/2/24) motioned by K. Kochin and supported by J. Sanocki
 IV.    Public Comments - None
  V.    Old Business
           a. CDBG Grant Applications – Discussion Only
 VI.    New Business
           a. Annual Action Plan Budget – K. Kochin motioned to support the annual
               action plan. Supported by D. Nicholas-Lewis. All in Favor
           b. Discuss 2024 Meeting Schedule – It was discussed to increase the
               amount of meetings to bi-monthly effective 2025 Further discussion in
               September meeting.
VII.    Staff Reports
           a. Sharonda updated board members on Providing a snapshot
               of all of the programs, locations, % completed, etc. Staffing is short one
               community Development Specialst.
VIII.   Adjournment at 6:10PM Next Meeting September 3, 2024

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