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MINUTES Citizen’s District Council Meeting City of Muskegon CDBG Conference Room 203 Muskegon, Michigan Tuesday, June 2, 2009 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Patricia Montney at 5:37 p.m. ROLL CALL Roll call was taken by Liz Parker. Present: Patricia Montney, Ned Carter, Muhammad Hakeem, Marcia Hovey- Wright, Virgie Jackson, Thomas Pastoor, Addie Sanders-Randall, Amy Varnado Excused: Dan Rinsema-Sybenga, Stephen Gawron Staff Present: Wilmern Griffin, Liz Parker APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ned Carter made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting (March 3, 2009). Addie Sanders-Randall seconded. Motion passed unanimously. WELCOME NEW MEMBER MUHAMMAD HAKEEM Before the old business started, Pat Montney introduced the newest member of the group, Muhammad Hakeem. He is from the Angell neighborhood and he wishes to learn to what extent his influences will help the community. OLD BUSINESS HUD Funding Amounts CDBG: $999,433 vs. $984,207 = +$15,226 HOME: $322,469 vs. $290,049 = +$32,420 Page 1 of 6 Both CDBG and HOME increased a little bit. How the CDC decides the money should be used, the City Commission will have the final determination. Wil Griffin gave everyone a handout with the City Administration’s CDBG and HOME recommendations. Pat Montney said under New Business she had the Veterans and Budget Cuts and had an article to hand out regarding their budget cuts of 25%. She was glad to see the increase recommendation for the Veterans to give them full funding. Marcia Hovey- Wright wanted to know if Wil had enough for CDBG Emergency Repairs. Wil said there is never enough money for Emergency Repairs and he could have used the entire $15,226, but he wanted to spread the money around and not have it all go to one entity. Marcia said she was happy with the proposed recommendations. Virgie Jackson said there were a lot of dips in the road by Ryerson Creek on Home Street off of Apple in the Marquette area and wanted to know if that qualified for Emergency Repairs. Wil explained Emergency Repairs was for home repairs, not street repairs. Wil said that would go under street repair through Engineering. Tom Pastoor said that road was on the list for street repairs, but he thought it was now pushed back about several years. The City Administration recommendations for the additional HUD CDBG funding are as follows: CDBG From To Increase W MI Veterans $3,000 $5,000 $2,000 COM-Planning – Façade $5,000 $8,500 $3,500 COM-Leisure Svcs – Youth Rec $75,000 $80,000 $5,000 American Red Cross $3,500 $5,000 $1,500 COM-Affirm Act. – Summer Intern $6,250 $8,000 $1,750 Legal Aid – Foreclosures $8,500 $9,976 $1,476 Total $15,226 The CDC made several changes to the City Administration CDBG recommendations: From To Increase COM-Leisure Svcs – Youth Rec $75,000 $79,000 $4,000 Musk. Community Health Project $2,750 $3,750 $1,000 Pat Montney made the recommendation to increase Muskegon Community Health Project for uninsured diabetics by $1,000 because there are a lot of uninsured diabetics in need of diabetic supplies by decreasing Leisure Services Youth Recreation by $1,000. The CDC reason for the changes is that the Muskegon Community Health Project deals with uninsured diabetics and this is such a growing problem in Muskegon. Amy Varnado asked if there were any concerns from the non-profits, since the last CDC meeting, regarding what they’ve received. Wil Griffin said no, but all the groups are always in need of funding. Tom Pastoor noted the American Red Cross had asked the City Commission, before they made their final recommendation for an additional $1,000, which they received. They are now getting an additional $1,500. Marcia Hovey-Wright said they provide a needed service. Ned Carter did not see a problem with the recommended changes. Patricia Montney asked if there were any other suggestions. Marcia Hovey-Wright made a motion to accept the City Administration CDBG Page 2 of 6 recommendations with the CDC changes. Ned Carter seconded. Motion passed unanimously. The City Administration recommendations for the additional HUD HOME funding are as follows: HOME From To Increase HOME Administration $22,500 $25,742 $3,242 Rental Rehab $70,000 $74,727 $4,727 COM-CNS - Sr. Weatherization $125,549 $150,000 $24,451 Total $32,420 The CDC made several changes to the City Administration HOME recommendations: HOME From To Increase COM-CNS – Sr. Weatherization $125,549 $145,000 $19,451 Habitat for Humanity $50,000 $55,000 $5,000 The CDC reason for these changes is that Habitat for Humanity always needs and uses any funds given them for their Muskegon projects. Marcia Hovey-Wright wanted to know why more money was going to HOME Administration than they originally requested. Wil Griffin explained administration is 10% of the total funding. Since the funding went up, the administration had to go up accordingly. Wil Griffin said Neighborhood Investment Corporation and Community enCompass were not getting any increases as they both have asked for extensions for spending from last year’s money. Habitat for Humanity was able to spend all their money. Pat Montney wanted to know if Wil Griffin had started the Sr. Weatherization Program and he told her no as the program year had just stared the day before. Marcia Hovey-Wright asked what constitutes administration costs. Wil Griffin explained it includes salaries and benefits, supplies, ads and Public Notices in the Muskegon Chronicle for our various projects, which can be very costly, etc. Pat Montney wanted to know if CNS was getting closer to the goal for 10 years in Rental Rehab. Wil Griffin said this is the last fiscal year of the CAPER. He’s been trying to meet with landlords through the Landlord Association for the Lead program. In the beginning of the Lead program, landlords paid $1,500 and got $8,000 of Lead abatement. The new landlord pricing has been lowered to $1,000 for $12,000 of Lead abatement. Unfortunately, the landlords keep saying times are tight and they are afraid if it’s known there is Lead on their property they will be open for litigation, etc. Ned Carter asked about the Sr. Weatherization Program and does it really cost that much. Wil Griffin explained the increased funding will do more to blend into the City’s guidelines on energy efficiency and help the seniors reduce their energy bills and help the housing stock for the City. Tom Pastoor wanted to clarify that the money goes into weatherization and not to the paying of utility bills. Wil said that was correct. Ned asked how much the cost is. Wil said last year, with the Nova Group, the total bill was about $170,000, including doing an energy efficiency study on 22 homes in one month, and providing new windows, furnaces, insulation and doors. CNS paid for half the cost. Marcia Hovey-Wright asked about the income levels. For this program, it is 80% AMI and is for seniors only. Ned Page 3 of 6 Carter mentioned Habitat for Humanity could use the increase in funding as one of their projects is having financial trouble – the Women’s Build. The additional funding would greatly help this project. Muhammad Hakeem asked if you had to be an owner or renter for the Sr. Weatherization. Wil Griffin advised it was owner only. Marcia Hovey-Wright suggested giving Sr. Weatherization only $20,000 and give $4,451 to Habitat. Addie Sanders-Randall said the money goes further in the Sr. Weatherization Program. Muhammad Hakeem asked what properties are used for the HOME programs. Wil Griffin explained they include rehab and new construction. Lots are either bought through the tax-reverted program, donated or he buys them from the owners directly. Marcia Hovey-Wright made the motion to accept the City Administration HOME recommendations with the CDC changes. Addie Sanders-Randall seconded. The motion unanimously passed. YouthBuild Grant Wil Griffin reported there is no word on the grant yet. He did mention the Young Parents, partnering with Every Women’s Place received $700,000 funding. Hopefully he will get positive word soon on the $1.1million grant. NSP – Guidelines & Properties This grant will include demolitions and rehabs. The properties have to come from foreclosures handled by HUD or a bank. In three to four months we will be doing demolitions. 940 Wood, on Wood and Allen, will be rehabbed. Muhammad Hakeem wanted to know why the house would be rehabbed. Wil Griffin explained it would be the anchor for other projects in the area. It’s a large house and will make a nice home. Muhammad also wanted to know if the contractors needed to be licensed. Wil advised they need a residential builder’s license. Action Plan – Revised for NSP Wil Griffin said the Action Plan did not need to be revised. Only an amendment to the Action is required. A Public Notice will be put in the Muskegon Chronicle for the comment period. CDBG Stimulus Package - $267,182 The funds of this package must be used for infrastructure or job creation activities. The City is considering using the funds to pave White Street, between Wood and Scott, which has never been paved before. Marcia Hovey-Wright wanted to know about filling potholes. Wil said that was an Engineering project. Wil also thought of a pilot program, in high crime areas, using solar street lights. This would help the City with energy costs, reducing electric bills to little or none. It would also light up areas of perceived high crime areas. Wil is meeting with the City Administration on Friday. Pat Montney asked about using high energy light bulbs to reduce energy bills and putting a windmill on top of City Hall. Muhammad Hakeem asked about rehabbing a building to be used as a community center. Wil Griffin explained that’s not what City Administration wants. Marcia Hovey-Wright suggested the money be used for green projects. Pat Montney states using the money for paving is the easiest, but it doesn’t provide long-term employment. She wanted to know if there can be a stipulation about having residents of the City of Muskegon hired by the contractor. That also needs to be put in the stimulus about using local residents. Wil Griffin explained 14% of the staff hired has to be county Page 4 of 6 residents. It should be City residents. Pat also said that if this is to be used for economic development, they should train people to be permanent hires. Muhammad Hakeem said it use of funds should be cost effective and it should use city residents in their own neighborhoods. Wil Griffin said as of March, the unemployment rate for the City of Muskegon was 19.5%, and youth unemployment is even higher. It was also noted there are no programs for people in their mid to late 20’s. Muhammad also asked about using the money for job creations, to encourage licenses for bazaars, BBQ’s, sewing, etc; something small for the neighborhoods that could help sustain the people. It was brought up that their licenses could result in a conflict with zoning. It was brought up that micro-enterprises are a good idea and the Chamber of Commerce is supporting such activities and SCORE is helping these people get started. Pat Montney asked what was going on with the concept of a downtown grocery store as she hadn’t heard anything about that in quite a while. Wil Griffin said in Kalamazoo, they had an urban grocery store, serviced by Spartan. Spartan dropped the grocery store and now it will have to close. It is very difficult for urban grocery stores to survive in this economy. Pat wanted to know when the CDBG-R would be started. Wil advised early July. NEW BUSINESS NSP2 This is a new grant that Wil Griffin wants to apply for. Out of $1.93 billion available, the minimum request is $5 million being used on at least 100 units. The units can consist of demolition, new construction, rehabs and housing counseling. Because of the number of units involved, the City of Muskegon would have to collaborate with Neighborhood Investment Corporation, Muskegon Heights, Community enCompass, County Mental Health, etc. The guideline for each Census Tract is they must have a score of 18 in foreclosures and/or 18 in vacancy. This score is determined by HUD and the data they have on foreclosures and vacancies. Most of the City of Muskegon’s Census Tracts passed, except for the areas of Beachwood/Bluffton, Lakeside, Campbell Field and Glenside. Some big ticket items Wil Griffin is considering for this project include the demolition of an old building and building a green development on the lot, using energy efficient windows, appliances, windmills, etc. It is hoped this development would attract younger families into the community. Unfortunately, it is feared none of this will be successful unless the City can bring jobs into the community. Tom Pastoor wanted to know if there were enough units in order to apply for the grant. Wil said yes. The deadline for submission is July 17. Second Annual Muskegon Unity Academic Olympics CNS is again sponsoring the Second Annual Muskegon Unity Academic Olympics in partnership with Muskegon Public Schools. The event is for Muskegon Public Schools students in grades first thru eighth. The categories will include math, language, technical (such as plumbing traps) and questions and answers area. The event is scheduled for Saturday, August 29, from 11am – 2pm at Nelson Elementary School Field. Wil Griffin is still getting the word out by sending letters to the churches, applications at the library, attending neighborhood association meetings, etc. Page 5 of 6 ADJOURNMENT Patricia Montney adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Respectively submitted, Liz Parker Community and Neighborhood Services City of Muskegon Page 6 of 6
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