Citizens District Council Minutes 03-10-2011

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
Thursday, March 10, 2011


The meeting was called to order by Patricia Montney at 5:55 p.m.


Present:             Ned Carter, Rasheedah Gillespie-Muhammad, Virgie Jackson, Amy
                     Varnado, Patricia Montney
Excused:             Addie Sanders-Randall, Tom Pastoor, Stephanie Marion
Absent:              Steve Gawron
Staff Present:       Oneata Bailey, Sue Sutherland

Legal Aide discussed their program.

HeathCare discussed their program.

Sacred Suds/Healthy Neighborhood discussed their program.

Motion by Patricia Montney to fund CBO’s the same amount as last year from the Vinyl
Siding Program with Legal Aid receiving only $3,500 and nothing for Main Street as they
are being funded out of the General Fund; seconded by Virgie Jackson. Motion passed
with all yes votes.

Motion by Ned Carter to fund Affirmation Action $10,000; seconded by Virgie Jackson.
Motion passed with all yes votes.

Motion by Patricia Montney to fund the Summer Internship Program with $10,000;
seconded by Ned Carter. Motion passed with all yes votes.

Motion by Ned Carter to fund Emergency Repair with $225,000; seconded by Virgie
Jackson. Motion passed with all yes votes.

Motion by Virgie Jackson to fund the Senior Transit with $45,000; seconded by Ned
Carter. Motion passed with all yes votes.

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Motion by Patricia Montney to fund street construction with $130,543; seconded by Amy
Vanardo. Motion passed with all yes votes.

Motion by Ned Carter to fund Dangerous Buildings with $50,000; seconded by Amy
Vanardo. Motion passed with all yes votes.

Motion by Ned Carter to fund the Youth Program with $70,000; seconded by Patricia
Montney. Motion passed with all yes votes.

Motion by Rasheedah Gillespie-Muhammad to fund Code Enforcement with $50,000;
seconded by Virgie Jackson. Motion passed with all yes votes.

Motion by Ned Carter to fund Façade with $15,000; seconded by Patrica Montney. Motion
passed with all yes votes.

Motion by Patricia Montney to fund Community encompass with $70,000; seconded by
Virgie Jackson. Motion passed with all yes votes.

Motion by Patricia Montney to fund Habitat for Humanity with $53,000; seconded by Amy
Vanardo. Motion passed with all yes votes.

Motion by Rasheedah Gillespie-Muhammad for $32,071 for HOME Administration;
seconded by Amy Vardo. Motion passed with all yes votes.

Motion by Amy Vanardo for $65,000 for Rental Rehab and the remaining balance of
$130,649 for Infill/New Construction; seconded by Rasheedah Gillespie-Muhammad.
Motion passed with all yes votes.


Patricia Montney adjourned the meeting at 7:56 p.m.

Sue Sutherland
Community and Neighborhood Services
City of Muskegon

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