Citizens District Council Minutes 02-07-2012

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Citizen’s District Council Meeting
City of Muskegon CDBG
Conference Room 203
Muskegon, Michigan
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The meeting was called to order by Tom Pastoor at 5:39 p.m.

Roll call was taken by Liz Parker.
Present:             Tom Pastoor, Rosalind Ford, Virgie Jackson, Steve Gawron
Excused:             Lori Duff, Jonathan Phillips, Addie Sanders-Randall
Absent:              Chris Carter, Stephanie Marion
Staff Present:       Oneata Bailey, Liz Parker
Guest Present:       Pat Montney

Minutes from the October 4, 2011 meeting could not be approved because there was
not a quorum present.

       Recap of 2010 – 2011 Grants
Oneata Bailey handed out a recap of the 2010 – 2011 grants showing money awarded
and spent, and goals and achievements. She explained the grant was from June 1,
2010 – June 30, 2011. Funds had been overspent in previous years; the Finance
department took money back from CDBG activities Facades, Demos, Service Delivery
and Admin to apply towards the debt. Under HOME, NIC closed their doors and their
money was returned back to the City. Oneata went on to explain HOME allows you to
carryover funds. Sr. Weatherization funds were not spent until fiscal year 11-12; that
money has been totally used. CDBG Youth fund activities overlap the grant fiscal
years. Tom Pastoor asked who approves the moving of funds. Oneata said it is
decided between CNS and the Finance department.

Oneata also stated when there are substantial changes to the Consolidated Plan, such
as the increase in Emergency Repair AMI from 50-60% plus the co-pay, a substantial
amendment has to be submitted to HUD. Amendment changes will go to the CDC first.
Also, if more than 10% of the allocated grant is involved, that also needs to be brought
to the CDC.

Under HOME, Rental Rehab was put on hold until the County received their Lead
Grant, which they now have. We are partnering with them for leverage; there is
$60,000 from 10-11. There is $30,000 going into Rental Rehab for 2011 – 2012; CNS
is currently working with one project.

Pat Montney noticed CNS had advertised for more contractors and wanted to know the
outcome. Oneata explained in some trades CNS was low in the number of available

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contractors on their list. Unfortunately, she did not get a lot of new contractors.

        Introduction of New Members
Lori Duff could not attend the meeting and Chris Carter was absent.

        Goodbye to Pat Montney
The City Commission did not renew Pat’s term. Per the By-laws, this is the Mayor’s
decision. The Mayor made the motion and Steve Gawron seconded the motion. Steve
said he missed the fact that Pat wasn’t included with the board renewals. Oneata
thanked Pat and appreciated all her years of dedication and knowledge base. Tom
Pastoor felt this as a great loss to the group and a grievous mistake. Those CDC
members present disagreed with the decision and thought something in writing should
go to the Mayor. Tom said he would voice his opinion with the City Commission and
with the Mayor.

Pat said she felt Oneata didn’t brag enough of the CNS accomplishments (CDBG,
HOME, etc.) so they can be included in the minutes for others to see.

       Citizen Participation Plan
There were handouts of the current Plan and proposed changes. The group will review
them and discuss them next month.

       CDC By-laws
The CDC By-laws were handed out. They will be reviewed and discussed at the next
meeting, along with any amendments that are required.

Tom reminded everyone of the upcoming community development workshop on March
12 by author Peter Block – Community, the Structure of Belonging, urging people to
attend. Tom also advised the group he will not be at the March meeting. The question
of who will chair the meeting was brought up. It will be determined at the March

        Next CDC Meeting
There were some conflicts with the next meeting date of March 6. Liz will email the
group to see if everyone is available on Thursday, March 8 at 5:30pm.


Tom Pastoor adjourned the meeting at 6:42 p.m.

Respectively submitted,

Liz Parker
Community and Neighborhood Services
City of Muskegon

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