Planning Commission Minutes 11-14-2019

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                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                  PLANNING COMMISSION
                                    REGULAR MEETING

                                       November 14, 2019

Chairperson T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:               T. Michalski, M. Hovey-Wright, J. Montgomery-Keast, J. Doyle,
                               B. Larson, F. Peterson

MEMBERS ABSENT:                B. Mazade, E. Hood, excused, S. Gawron, excused

STAFF PRESENT:                 M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:                A. McCausland, 30 N Bear Lake Rd.


A motion to approve the Minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of October 10,
2019 was made by M. Hovey-Wright, supported by J. Doyle and unanimously approved.


Case 2019-26: Request for a site plan review for a new building at 541 Young Ave, by Adam
McCausland. The property measures 1.6 acres and has 266 feet of road frontage. It is zoned I-1,
Light Industrial and is located in the Seaway Industrial Park in the Marihuana Overlay District.
The applicant is seeking approval for a new 12,000 square foot marihuana grow facility. They
plan to apply for the marihuana facility license through the City, but are first seeking approval for
the new building. The building will be placed diagonally on site to work around the storm drain
easement running through the property. The parking lot will be placed over the easement. The
City will not be held responsible for any costs associated with maintenance on the easement. The
Fire Marshall has recommended denial of the application until the following three items are
addressed: 1) Emergency access around structure exceeds 150 ft code requirements for non-
sprinkled buildings, 2) Fire Department access results in a dead end exceeding 150 ft and must
have an approved turn around, and 3) Need more information on building type and fire hydrant
locations. In addition, the applicant is missing the following four required items on the site plan
(they may elect to place these off-site, anywhere within the Marihuana Overlay District): 1)
Sidewalk must be installed the entire road frontage with at least 13 canopy trees planted in the
terrace, 2) Two decorative streetlights, 3) There shall be at least one bench, bike rack, trash can
or bus shelter located on site, and 4) There must be a minimum of 18 canopy trees and 35 shrubs
located in the front setback. The applicant is working with the Muskegon County Drain
Commissioner’s office to obtain a stormwater permit. All approvals should be contingent upon
receiving the stormwater permit. Staff recommends approval of the site plan, with the following
conditions: 1) The Fire Marshall approves an amended site plan that addresses the access/fire
suppression requirements, and 2) the Planning Director approves a revised site plan that addresses
the four missing items listed above.
M. Franzak stated that the applicant had been working with the Fire Marshal to address her
concerns with the site plan, and Planning staff would work with him on the landscaping. B. Larson
asked if there would be a fence on the property and if barbed wire was allowed. M. Franzak stated
that a 6- or 8-foot fence could be installed behind the front building line of the structure, but no
barbed wire was allowed. J. Montgomery-Keast stated that she was concerned about the missing
sidewalk. M. Franzak stated that this was a unique area – on one side of the parcel there was a
cemetery and the other side contained industrial properties. A sidewalk on the subject property
would not lead anywhere, and foot traffic was not encouraged in this area. Staff could require that
the applicant donate a sidewalk in another part of the city in lieu of putting one on this lot. A.
McCausland stated that, if their business was successful, they planned to erect additional buildings
on this property, but they would wait to gauge the success of this one first. He confirmed that he
had been working with the Fire Marshal and believed that their revised site plan met the
requirements now. They would like to break ground in the spring. M. Hovey-Wright asked if the
building would resemble a pole barn with doors. A. McCausland stated that it would and explained
the layout. He stated that they had no firm plans for other buildings yet. M. Hovey-Wright asked
if there were other grow facilities in the works. M. Franzak stated that there were, but those were
in existing buildings. This was the first new building.

A motion that the request for a site plan review for a new building at 541 Young Avenue be
approved with the conditions that 1) the Fire Marshall approve an amended site plan that addresses
the access/fire suppression requirements, and 2) the Planning Director approves a revised site plan
that addresses the other four deficiencies listed in the staff report, was made by B. Larson,
supported by M. Hovey-Wright and unanimously approved, with T. Michalski, M. Hovey-Wright,
J. Montgomery-Keast, J. Doyle, B. Larson, and F. Peterson voting aye.

F. Peterson and M. Franzak provided progress updates on some ongoing projects that had
previously been approved by the Planning Commission.


Chapter 4 of Suburban Nation – L. Mikesell reviewed chapter 5 of the Suburban Nation book.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:48 p.m.


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