Planning Commission Minutes 06-18-2020

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                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                 PLANNING COMMISSION
                                    SPECIAL MEETING

                                         June 18, 2020

Chairperson T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              T. Michalski, J. Montgomery-Keast, J. Doyle, B. Mazade, F.
                              Peterson, L. Spataro, B. Larson, S. Gawron

MEMBERS ABSENT:               E. Hood

STAFF PRESENT:                M. Franzak, H. Mitchell

OTHERS PRESENT:               S. Musselman, Damfino Development, LLC.; P. Sartorius, 1575
                              Edgewater; J. Page, 1853 Cherry.


Hearing, Case 2020-11: Request to amend the Planned Unit Development at 1875 Waterworks
Rd; 1490 Edgewater St; and 3400, 3460, 3474 Wilcox Ave, by Damfino Development, LLC. M.
Franzak gave the staff report. The Docks PUD was approved by the City Commission on June 25,
2019. The proposed changes in this plan are: a) The elimination of the boardwalk and platform in
Muskegon Lake. b) The beach will be removed and be replaced with a buildable lot. c) Lot #70
(Now #71) is increased in size. d) A new beach would be placed where lots 114-116 were
previously located. e) The south wall of the channel is being moved with a reduction in width from
140’ to 120’. No parking spaces are proposed for the beach, nor were any proposed for the beach
in the plan that was already approved. Street parking is currently not allowed on Edgewater St.
Please see the enclosed PUD plan. Staff recommends approval of the PUD. The amended plan
reduces the density and increases the open space. M. Franzak stated that he had received public
comment from Chuck Bieszka of 1689 Edgewater who is in support of the development. Roger
and Jeanne Knop of 3212 Windward who were pleased and hopeful of the development and that
the developers have been great neighbors.

B. Mazade asked if the setbacks were changed due to the changes. M. Franzak stated that they
were the same as the rest. S. Musselman added that the change was to add one lot. B. Mazade
asked about the court hearing. S. Musselman described the process that had happened and that
there is basically nothing to continue with. B. Mazade asked about the approvals from the Army
Core of Engineers and Eagle. S. Musselman stated that they received the approvals from the Army
Core of Engineers but they are waiting on approvals from Eagle. T. Michalski asked how the
density of this development would compare with the Harbour Towne development. S. Musselman
stated that the density would be very close. B. Mazade stated that the current units in Harbour
Towne were 199 but the original approval was for 248. L. Spataro asked if there would be any
changes to the Brownfield agreement for improvement to Edgewater if the roads change within
the development from using Edgewater. F. Peterson stated that there is little or no connectivity
with Edgewater and the development so it makes more sense to use the Brownfield money where
it qualifies. P. Sartorius stated that he was pleased with the accommodations from the agreement
with Damfino. The City has discretion to address the issues on Edgewater with Brownfield money
because the development would still have an impact on Edgewater. There should be a study
performed to find out what is needed for the Edgewater area. T. Michalski asked if the lawsuit had
been dropped. S. Musselman stated that Damfino had to sue the Edgewater area in order to amend
the plat but the Edgewater area has stepped back. J. Page stated that there was no connection with
Edgewater due to the changes in the development.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by B. Larson, supported by J. Montgomery-Keast
and unanimously approved.

A motion that the request to amend the Planned Unit Development at 1875 Waterworks Rd; 1490
Edgewater St; and 3400, 3460, 3474 Wilcox Ave be recommended to the City Commission for
approval was made by J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by B. Larson and unanimously approved
with J. Montgomery-Keast, J. Doyl, S. Gawron, B. Mazade, F. Peterson, T. Michalski, L. Spataro,
and B. Larson voting aye.



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:21 p.m.


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