Planning Commission Minutes 02-14-2008

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                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                    PLANNING COMMISSION
                                      REGULAR MEETING

                                          February 14, 2008

Chairman T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:              B. Turnquist, L. Spataro, B. Mazade, J. Aslakson, S. Warmington,
                              T. Michalski, B. Smith

MEMBERS ABSENT:               B. Larson; T. Harryman, excused

STAFF PRESENT:                L. Anguilm, D. Leafers

OTHERS PRESENT:               P. Kopytek, Baker College, 1903 Marquette; D. Mayville, Bosma
                              Architects, 557 W. Western Ave.; H. Wierenga, Fleis & Vandenbrink


A motion that the minutes of the regular meeting of January 10, 2008 and the special meeting of
January 22, 2008 be approved, was made by B. Turnquist, supported by B. Mazade and unanimously


Hearing; Case 2008-04: Request to amend the Final PUD for 100 Muskegon Mall for the properties
located at 280 & 284 W. Clay Avenue and 801 Terrace Street, to allow for an educational culinary
institute, by David Mayville, Bosma Architects, 557 W. Western Avenue, and Baker College. L.
Anguilm presented the staff report. Final PUD approval was given by City Commission on February
22, 2005. Uses within existing or newly developed buildings had not yet been determined, but the
approval was for “mixed use, residential and commercial”. This amendment targets the property at
the corner of Third Street and Clay Avenue, the lot next to it on the corner of Clay Avenue and
Second Street, and the property at 801 Terrace Street, bounded by Terrace, Clay, Jefferson and
Western. The request is to allow for an educational culinary institute at 280 and 284 W. Clay
Avenue, and a student parking lot at 801 Terrace Street. The property is zoned B-3, Central
Business, with a PUD overlay, and all properties surrounding these parcels are zoned B-3. The lots at
280 and 284 W. Clay are 1.3 acres of vacant land. There is a sizeable strip of land on the corner of
Third and Clay that is a common area owned by the condo association. This strip will be used for a
grassy, landscaped area with an art piece that has yet to be decided on. The lot at 801 Terrace Street
is 2.3 acres in size, and would be developed as student parking for the culinary school. The site plans
show two proposed gated entrances, one off of Terrace and the other off Jefferson. The Planning
Department requires that the following items be amended on the site plan as a condition of approval:
a) provide a vicinity map, b) provide the parcel numbers and addresses of the property, c) indicate
parcel dimensions, d) include area reference points for adjacent properties (drives, structures within
100 ft), e) indicate existing zoning classification of abutting properties, f) indicate location of snow
storage areas; if snow will be removed from site, so indicate on the site plan, g) indicate location of
fire lanes, hydrants and fire lock boxes, h) fences on both sites most be moved back from the corner
Planning Commission Minutes – 2/14/08                                                                  1
for clear vision at intersections (see City staff to discuss exact location of fencing), i) the student
parking lot needs site circulation arrows, and j) the landscaping plan needs additional trees and
shrubs, and the student parking lot shows no landscaping. Staff can work with the architect to amend
the landscaping plans. The Department of Pubic Works has the following condition of approval: A
copy of the plumbing plans must be sent to Kelly DeFrench, Department of Public Works, 1350 E.
Keating, Muskegon, MI 49442. The Engineering Department has the following conditions of
approval: a) sheet C1.2, storm sewer connections can’t remove newly constructed sidewalk, and b) a
drive approach permit, if not constructed during City’s project, will need a permit from Engineering.
If requested by owner, it can be a part of City’s project (after August 2008), if owner agrees to pay
actual cost. The Fire Department has the following conditions of approval: a) fire flow water supply
data test shall be conducted and submitted to the Fire Marshall, b) fire lane shall be established,
signage required, c) post indicating valve shall be installed for suppression system, d) key box shall
be installed for Fire Department access, and e) a 5-inch stortz connection required for Fire
Department connection. There were no other comments received regarding this request and staff
recommends approval, with the listed conditions.

D. Mayville introduced the project and provided information on the proposed layout of the building,
including a restaurant, bakery, classrooms, and public space. They wanted an open concept for the
building to make it inviting to the public, and a pedestrian-friendly exterior. He described the plans
for the exterior of the building and the grounds. He also stated that they would address all items
mentioned in the staff report. H. Wierenga described the exterior areas of the building, including
parking and lighting. He stated that the front area would have less green space than mentioned in the
staff report. It would be more of a public promenade area, much of which would be paved. He stated
that they would resolve the storm sewer issues with City staff. B. Mazade asked what color the fence
would be. H. Wierenga stated that it would probably be a black ornamental fence with masonry
supports. B. Mazade asked about the evergreens shown on the landscape plans. H. Wierenga stated
that they had decided not to include evergreens. J. Aslakson asked how many parking spaces would
be included in the small parking lot, and what the timetable for completion was. D. Mayville stated
that there would be 58 parking spaces in the small lot, and they planned to break ground in mid-April.
P. Kopytek stated that they hoped to have everything completed by September 2009. L. Spataro
asked about the treatment of the Clay Avenue side of the large parking lot. H. Wierenga stated that
they would use the existing hedge, but would clean it up and keep it well-maintained. B. Turnquist
asked what the retail hours would be, and who would run the restaurant and bakery. P. Kopytek
stated that preliminary plans were for two shifts of student workers. They weren’t sure of the hours
of operation yet, but were considering staying open on weekends as well as during the week.

A motion to close the public hearing was made by B. Mazade, supported by L. Spataro and
unanimously approved.

A motion that the minor amendment to the Final PUD for 100 Muskegon Mall for properties at 280
& 284 W. Clay Avenue and 801 Terrace Street be approved pursuant to the determination of
compliance with the intent of the City Zoning Ordinance and City Master Land Use Plan, subject to
the conditions that 1) all revisions to the site plan listed in #7 of the staff report are completed and
approved by the Planning Department, 2) the condition listed in #8 of the staff report by the
Department of Public Works must be met, 3) all conditions of the Engineering Department listed in
#9 of the staff report are met, and 4) all conditions of the Fire Department stated in #10 of the staff
report are met, was made by S. Warmington, supported by B. Smith and unanimously approved.

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T. Michalski stated that the applicants had requested that the hearing for case 2008-02 be withdrawn.
S. Warmington asked if the case would be brought back before the Planning Commission at a later
date. B. Mazade stated that the applicants were waiting for correspondence from the property owner,
and he believed that the request would eventually be brought back before the Commission.


J. Aslakson asked that public hearings not be put on the Planning Commission agenda until after the
property owner had signed the application form. T. Michalski concurred. L. Anguilm stated that she
would make sure of that.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.


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