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CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES November 17, 2022 T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Montgomery-Keast, K. Johnson, T. Michalski, L. Spataro, J. Doyle, B. Mazade MEMBERS ABSENT: E. Hood MEMBERS EXCUSED: D. Keener, L. Mikesell STAFF PRESENT: M. Franzak, S. Pulos, J. Eckholm, Pam and Bruce Westra OTHERS PRESENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to approve the Minutes of the Regular Planning Commission meeting on October 13, 2022 was made by J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by K. Johnson, and unanimously approved. OLD BUSINESS Case, 2022-21: Request for a minor amendment to the site plan for the Planned Unit Development at 2033-2043 Lakeshore Dr, by Tiny Digs. SUMMARY 1. The PUD for this project was approved in August 2022. It includes 10 tiny homes, a rental house and a shed. 2. The applicant is requesting to amend the plan by switching the location of the shed previously proposed behind the house at 2043 Lakeshore Dr and relocating it to the northeast corner of the development, near the intersection of Moon/Lakeshore Dr. The tiny home that was going to be located there, would be relocated to the back of 2043 Lakeshore Dr. 3. The Planning Commission decided at the October meeting that this request would be considered “incidental or minor” as defined by the zoning ordinance and would not require another public hearing. This request will be decided by the Planning Commission. 4. Please see the enclosed revised site plan. MOTION K. Johnson moved, seconded by, J. Montgomery-Keast that the request for the amendments to the Planned Unit Development at 2033-2043 Lakeshore Dr. as proposed be approved with the following condition: 1. The utility chalet must be decorative and have windows on the walls that face Moon St and Lakeshore Dr. ROLL CALL VOTE B. Mazade: Yes K. Johnson: Yes J. Montgomery-Keast: Yes T. Michalski: Yes L. Spataro: Yes J. Doyle: Yes MOTION PASSES PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE. NEW BUSINESS Case 2022-29: Request for a site plan review for a new 96,646 sq ft building at 2725 Olthoff Dr, by 2725 Olthoff, LLC (Northern Biomedical Research). SUMMARY 1. The property is zoned I-2, General Industrial. It was previously used as part of the former correctional facility. 2. The lot measures 18.7 acres. The first phase of the development will be the construction of a 96,646 sqft laboratory building for a research and development company. The first phase also includes a 8,799 sqft accessory building and fenced electrical equipment yard. Subsequent building additions are proposed for additional phases, but will need to return to the Planning Commission for approval. 3. Olthoff Dr will be extended to the west and then to the south. It will be paid for by several economic development grants acquired through the State of Michigan. An additional buildable lot, owned by the City, will be located to the west of the new Olthoff Dr extension. 4. The building meets all applicable setback and parking requirements. The proposed landscaping plan far exceeds the requirements of the zoning ordinance. Three landscaping berms are proposed in the front setback. 5. The site plan includes an eight-foot chain link fence with barbed wire in the back of the property. 6. The building will be fire suppressed and a fire rated gravel drive will be placed around the building. 7. The applicant has been working closely with the City’s consultant towards obtaining their stormwater permit. The stormwater permit must be issued before construction may commence. The stormwater detention pond will be located along the northwest corner of the property. 8. Please see the enclosed site plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the site plan. MOTION K. Johnson moved, seconded by, J. Montgomery-Keast that the site plan for a new 96,646 sqft building and accessory structures at 2725 Olthoff Dr be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE B. Mazade: Yes K. Johnson: Yes J. Montgomery-Keast: Yes T. Michalski: Yes L. Spataro: Yes J. Doyle: Yes MOTION PASSES Case 2022-30: Request for a site plan review for a new building at 492-522 Ottawa St, by West Urban Properties, LLC. SUMMARY 1. The project includes the parcels at 492, 492, 498, 504, 510 and 522 Ottawa St. They will all be combined before permits are issued. The City currently owns the lot at 522 Ottawa St and is in the process of selling it to the applicant. Together, the parcels measure 29,771 sqft. 2. The parcels are zoned B-4, General Business. The applicant will be constructing up to 11 office/storage condos. The condo’s measure 24’feet x 50’ and 24’ x 60’. The entire development will measure just over 10,000 sqft. 3. The rear setback varies from 11 feet to 21 feet. The side setback on the northeast side is 11 feet. The side setback on the southwest side, after the addition of unit 11 (future), will be over 20 feet. The front setback is 17.5 feet from the sidewalk. 4. The applicant has applied for their stormwater permit. 5. A retaining wall will be constructed in the back of the property. 6. Almost the entire length of the property will be an open “curb cut” to allow for easy access to the storage bay doors. 7. A landscaping plan was not included. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the site plan with the following conditions 1. A landscaping plan is approved by staff. Landscaping elements must be incorporated along blank spaces on the front façade, along the side and rear setbacks, or in the terrace of the new curb and sidewalk. 2. Curb and sidewalk improvements shall be made in all areas that are not used for direct access to bay doors. Undeveloped road frontage must be replaced with new curb and sidewalk. MOTION J. Montgomery-Keast moved, seconded by, L. Spataro that the site plan for a new commercial building at 492-522 Ottawa St be approved with the following conditions: 1. A landscaping plan is approved by staff. Landscaping elements must be incorporated along blank spaces on the front façade, along the side and rear setbacks, or in the terrace of the new curb and sidewalk. 2. Curb and sidewalk improvements shall be made in all areas that are not used for direct access to bay doors. Undeveloped road frontage must be replaced with new curb and sidewalk. ROLL CALL VOTE B. Mazade: Yes K. Johnson: Yes J. Montgomery-Keast: Yes T. Michalski: Yes L. Spataro: Yes J. Doyle: Yes MOTION PASSES UPDATES ON PREVIOUS CASES T. Michalski asked for an update on Hartshorn Marina and stated that the staff there refused to accept his application for a slip. J. Eckholm stated that he would look into it and follow up with T. Michalski. OTHER None. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:59 pm.
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