Planning Commission Minutes 05-14-2009

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                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                           PLANNING COMMISSION
                                             REGULAR MEETING

                                                      May 14, 2009

Chairman T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:                        L. Spataro, T. Michalski, B. Mazade, B. Larson, S. Warmington, T.
                                        Harryman, B. Smith, B. Turnquist

MEMBERS ABSENT:                         J. Aslakson

STAFF PRESENT:                          L. Anguilm, D. Leafers, M. Cameron

OTHERS PRESENT:                         J. Poniatowski, 1284 W. Laketon Ave; S. Johnson, Every Woman’s
                                        Place; D. Mayville, BMA Architects, 557 W. Western Ave.

Chairman T. Michalski read a letter from Commission member J. Aslakson stating that he was
resigning due to health reasons.


A motion that the minutes of the regular meeting of April 16, 2009 be approved, was made by B.
Turnquist, supported by T. Harryman and unanimously approved.

Hearing; Case 2008-23: Staff-initiated request to rezone the property located at 1221 W. Laketon
Avenue from RM-2, Medium Density Multiple Family Residential District to R-1, Single Family
Residential District. L. Anguilm and board members discussed the origin of this request and the
status of the project at Every Woman’s Place. Due to the approval of the site plan for expansion of
Every Woman’s Place, staff now recommends denial of the rezoning request.

S. Johnson from Every Woman’s Place stated that they would like to maintain the current RM-2
zoning so they can proceed with the expansion of their facility.

A motion that the request to rezone the property located at 1221 W. Laketon Avenue from RM-2,
Medium Density Multiple Family Residential district to R-1, Single Family Residential district as
described in the public notice, be recommended for denial to the City Commission pursuant to the
City of Muskegon Zoning Ordinance, and the determination of lack of compliance with the intent of
the City Master Land Use and zoning district intent, was made by B. Mazade, supported by B.
Turnquist and unanimously approved.




Planning Commission Minutes – 5/14/09                                                                  1
Case 2009-05: Request for Site Plan Review for a “Welcome Center” addition at Baker College,
1903 Marquette Avenue, by David Mayville, BMA Architects. L. Anguilm presented the staff
report. The subject property is part of a large parcel occupied by the main campus of Baker College.
It is zoned RM-1, Low Density Multiple Family Residential, as are properties to the north.
Properties to the south and west are zoned RM-2, Medium Density Multiple Family Residential, and
to the east is RT, Two Family Residential. The subject property was formerly the site of the
Muskegon Regional Center but has been occupied by Baker College since 1997 with an approved
special use permit. This request is for an 18,312 square foot, one-story addition to house a Welcome
Center. The parking area to the east of the wing of the school’s proposed addition will have a net
loss of 20 parking spaces but adequate parking is available throughout the large campus. The
Planning Department requires the following amendments to the site plan as conditions of approval: a)
the property description and parcel number must be included on the site plan, b) indicate the zoning
for this property and adjacent properties, c) indicate parcel lines and property dimensions, d) include
topography elevations at 5-foot elevations, and e) indicate trees and other vegetation that will be
retained or removed. There appear to be several large oak trees in the area. They should be retained
if at all possible, or additional trees planted to replace them. The Engineering and Public Works
Departments have no outstanding issues with this site plan. The Fire Department has following
conditions of approval: a) water supply fire flow calculations shall be conducted and submitted to the
Fire Marshall’s office, b) Fire Department connection shall be a single stortz connection and shall be
accessible for the Fire Department, c) post indicating valve required for suppression, and d) Fire
Department access shall be maintained and comply with IFC 2006 Section 5 and Appendix D. Staff
has received no other comments regarding this request, and recommends approval subject to the
conditions listed in the staff report.

D. Mayville described the project and distributed drawings of what the welcome center would look
like. He stated that the addition would be 2 stories. He addressed the items mentioned in the staff
report and stated that he had spoken to the Fire Marshall about his concerns. He also discussed the
site drainage and landscaping plan.

A motion that the site plan for a “Welcome Center” addition at Baker College, located at 1903
Marquette Avenue for David Mayville, BMA Architects, be approved, based on the conditions that
1) All requirements listed in item #6 of the staff report shall be provided as needed on a revised site
plan prior to issuance of a building permit, and 2) All requirements of the Fire Department listed in
#8 of the staff report be met, was made by S. Warmington, supported by T. Harryman and
unanimously approved.


Paved Terraces – L. Spataro presented a letter written by a City resident who was concerned about
the paved terraces in the City. Board members and staff discussed the issue. M. Cameron stated that
the city’s Engineering Department would be the main department to deal with terraces in that regard.
Planning Commissioners directed staff to look into it and make a recommendation to the

Silversides/Naval Museum – Board members and staff discussed issues regarding the Naval
Museum. They suggested that staff send a letter to the museum board members explaining the
issues, and reiterating the conditions of the Special Use Permit and the permitted activities at the
museum site.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:53 p.m.
Planning Commission Minutes – 5/14/09                                                                2

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