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CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 12, 2019 Chairperson T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: T. Michalski, M. Hovey-Wright, J. Montgomery-Keast, J. Doyle, B. Larson, S. Gawron MEMBERS ABSENT: B. Mazade. F. Peterson, E. Hood STAFF PRESENT: M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger OTHERS PRESENT: Scott from SYP Trucking; M. Oliver from Melching Inc. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to approve the Minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting of November 14, 2019 was deferred until the January meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS Hearing, Case 2019-27: Request to rezone a portion of the property at 190 Wood St from RM-1, Low Density Multi-Family Residential to B-4, General Business District, by SYP Leasing, LLC. M. Franzak presented the staff report. This parcel measures 12.5 acres and is accessible from Bayou St, which is located off the Moses Jones Parkway. It is zoned RM-1, Low Density Multi- Family Residential and has been mostly vacant in the recent past, only being used for indoor storage with the existing buildings on site. However, one of the buildings is now on the dangerous buildings list and the potential buyer would like to demolish it. He is proposing to keep the remaining steel-frame building for use as indoor storage and would like to store a fleet of business vehicles outside. The outdoor storage of fleet vehicles in conjunction with a business is considered a change of use, so the rezoning is required. The applicant is only requesting to rezone a portion of the property to B-4, which was noted on the map provided with the staff report. A portion of the property was located in a flood zone, which was also shown on the map. Staff recommends approval of the rezoning. The property is not very conducive to residential development. The developable footprint is severely reduced by the flood zone to the north and the steep hill to the south. Scott from SYP Trucking explained their plans for clean-up of the property and the storage of vehicles. M. Hovey-Wright asked if they planned to utilize the flood zone area. Scott stated that they did not, and they had not removed any trees from that area as could be seen in the overhead views of the property. J. Montgomery-Keast asked if they would be performing maintenance on the vehicles on the property. Scott stated that they may consider putting up a garage in the future to do maintenance work. M. Franzak stated that they would be required to obtain a Special Use Permit in that case so they would have to return to the Planning Commission for approval. M. Oliver stated that he had looked at the site a year ago for a demolition estimate and it was very blighted and unsafe. They would like to do the demolition as soon as possible and planned to install a berm to help screen the area from view. J. Doyle asked if the perimeter of the property would also be cleaned up. M. Oliver stated that it would. J. Montgomery-Keast asked if there was a plan to fence the property. M. Oliver stated that there was not at this time; they would use tall vegetation and the berm for screening. A motion to close the public hearing was made by J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by J. Doyle and unanimously approved. A motion that the request to rezone a portion of the property at 190 Wood Street from RM-1, Low Density Multi-Family Residential to B-4, General Business District be recommended to the City Commission for approval, was made by J. Doyle, supported by J. Montgomery-Keast and unanimously approved, with T. Michalski, M. Hovey-Wright, J. Montgomery-Keast, J. Doyle, B. Larson, and S. Gawron voting aye. NEW BUSINESS None OLD BUSINESS None OTHER There will be no chapter 5 outline from Suburban Nation this month. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:14 p.m. DR
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