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CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES October 25, 2007 Vice Chairman B. Turnquist called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: B. Larson, B. Turnquist, B. Mazade, B. Smith, J. Aslakson, T. Harryman MEMBERS ABSENT: S. Warmington, excused; L. Spataro, excused; T. Michalski STAFF PRESENT: L. Anguilm, D. Leafers OTHERS PRESENT: R. Borgeson, 550 W. Western Ave. NEW BUSINESS/PUBLIC HEARINGS 2007-041 Request for site plan review revisions for a building addition at 2040 S. Getty Street, by Peter Apostle, Baker Technologies. This case had been tabled from the October 11 meeting. L. Anguilm provided board members with a revised staff report and site plan. This site plan is an amendment to the original, approved by the Planning Commission on November 10, 2005, with conditions. The site plan then received final approval from staff, with revisions, on May 21, 2007. The plan is before you once again because the applicant has requested a change in how the building addition is configured on the back of the building. The property consists of two lots, totaling 6 acres. The original plan called for a 26,000 square foot addition located on the back and side of the building. The amended plan shows the building located totally on the south side of the building, and moved further forward on the site, eliminating 7 parking spaces and some of the lawn area. The applicant indicates that some additional lawn area will be added to the south of the front parking area. The proposed use for the building is the same as in 2005. It will be an engineering and machine shop with about 14 employees. If large scale production should begin in the building, additional parking would need to be added on the vacant parcel to the south to accommodate those needs. The 6 inch sewer line shown on the site plan going under the building is the service to the building, and DPW has no issues with its location. The Planning Department has the following condition of approval: no trees shall be removed from the site, except those necessary for the construction of the building and rear drive, without approval of the Zoning Administrator. The Department of Public Works has the following comment: there is an existing 6” water stub off Getty Street that should be considered. The Fire Department has the following condition of approval: fire flow (water supply) testing shall be conducted and owner shall contact fire protection contractor and City DPW to schedule testing. The Engineering Department had no comments at the time of this staff report. Staff has received no public comments on this request and recommends approval, subject to the conditions listed in the staff report. L. Anguilm stated that the revised site plan addressed the items listed in the original staff report. The sewer line mentioned was a service line, and DPW personnel did not indicate any concerns about its location. B. Mazade asked for additional information on the line. R. Borgeson stated that Planning Commission Minutes – 10/25/07 1 it was a private line for Baker Technologies, not a public line. It was made of cast iron, so they were allowed to build over it. A motion that the site plan revisions for an industrial building addition located at 2040 S. Getty Street for Peter Apostle, Baker Technologies Inc., be approved, with the condition that all conditions of the Planning Department and Fire Department described in #5 and 7 of the staff report be met, was made by J. Aslakson, supported by T. Harryman and unanimously approved. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:09 p.m. dml Planning Commission Minutes – 10/25/07 2
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