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CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 15, 2024 T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Seyferth, K. Johnson, J. Montgomery-Keast, S. Gawron, L. Willet- LeRoi, D. Keener MEMBERS ABSENT: S. Blake MEMBERS EXCUSED: B. Mazade STAFF PRESENT: M. Franzak, S. Pulos OTHERS PRESENT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to approve the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting on December 14, 2023, was made by K. Johnson, supported by J. Montogomery-Keast, and unanimously approved. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR A motion to nominate B. Mazade to Chair of the Planning Commission was made by J. Montogomery-Keast, supported by J. Seyferth, and unanimously approved. A motion to nominate D. Keener to Vice Chair of the Planning Commission was made by J. Montogomery-Keast, supported by J. Seyferth, and unanimously approved. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. PUBLIC HEARINGS Hearing, Case 2024-01: Request to amend the Planned Unit Development at 1148 & 1204 W Western Ave (Adelaide Point), by Adelaide Point QOZB, LLC. SUMMARY 1. This is the 4th amendment to the Adelaide Point PUD. Please see the enclosed timeline that describes the amendments in detail. 2. The requested amendments include the following: a. The primary function of the east boat basin will change from boat staging to fishing. The shopper docks will be moved to the east side of the existing boat launch, next to the forklift drop. Transient docks will be moved to the east side of the central peninsula. The fuel dock has been moved to the central basin. b. A planting median has been introduced on Adelaide Blvd to denote the entrance into the development. c. The former railroad path has been converted to a multi-use path along the southern edge of the campus. d. A connection has been made from the bike path on the west side of development to the sharrow lanes on Adelaide Circle. 3. Please see the enclosed “Shopper Dock Relocation” and “AP Fishing + ADA Access Plan” documents. 4. Notice was sent to everyone within 300 feet of the property. At the time of this writing, staff did not receive any comments. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ted Fricano, 1050 W. Western Ave: Received communication about the fuel dock and was concerned because he thought a gas station was being built. He supports amended PUD. Jamie Cross,976 W. Grand Ave: Concerned about changes to Hartshorn Marina. They are also concerned regarding the bike path and that no permits have been submitted to EGLE, as well as, other marina amenities. They asked that the PUD amendment not move forward until there is more clarity. Mike Israel, 40 Willow Wood Dr: He spends a lot of time fishing, supports the idea, and doesn’t see any hindrances. Jake Eckholm, 362 W. Muskegon Ave: He states that handicap zero barrier access is available to the west, out of the boat launch area. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING – MOTION A motion to close the public hearing was made by J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by K. Johnson, and unanimously approved. MOTION J. Montgomery-Keast moved, seconded by K. Johnson, that the request to amend the Planned Unit Development at 1148 & 1204 W Western Ave be recommended to the City Commission for approval with the following conditions: 1. The parking configuration does not change from the previously presented plan. 2. More details, including a landscaping plan, shall be included for the proposed median on Adelaide Blvd. 3. That an application for an elevated bike path be submitted to EGLE. ROLL CALL VOTE K. Johnson: Yes S. Gawron: Yes J. Montgomery-Keast: Yes L. Willet-LeRoi: Yes D. Keener: Yes J. Seyferth: Yes MOTION PASSES Hearing, Case 2024-02: Staff initiated request to amend Article XX, Sections 2006.12, 2006.14, 2006.15, 2006.16, and 2006.17 of the zoning ordinance to eliminate the entry door transparency requirements for certain building types. SUMMARY 1. The form-based code requires a minimum amount of transparency for windows. The code has helped develop quality buildings that interact with the public realm. This has been particularly helpful in commercial districts, where pedestrians have the ability to connect with commercial spaces from the sidewalk. 2. A new development must provide a minimum number of windows on a front building façade and doors must also have a minimum amount of transparency. This requirement has worked great for commercial buildings but has started to cause issues with new residential development. 3. The code requires that 25% of front doors must be transparent. This requirement doesn’t work as well with residential developments. Often times a window on a door will give access into a living room or kitchen, reducing privacy for the occupant. Blinds and other window treatments are often hard to find for door windows. This has led to some property owners hanging sheets in windows. 4. Staff is requesting to keep the transparency requirement for commercial buildings, but eliminate them for residential buildings. This amendment would eliminate the 25% door transparency requirement for the following building types in the form-based code: live/work, small multiplex, rowhouse, duplex, and detached. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING – MOTION A motion to close the public hearing was made by J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by J. Seyferth and unanimously approved. MOTION J. Montgomery-Keast moved, seconded by S. Gawron, that the request to amend Article XX, Sections 2006.12, 2006.14, 2006.15, 2006.16, and 2006.17 of the zoning ordinance to eliminate the entry door transparency requirements be recommended to the City Commission for approval. ROLL CALL VOTE K. Johnson: Yes S. Gawron: Yes J. Montgomery-Keast: Yes L. Willet-LeRoi: Yes D. Keener: Yes J. Seyferth: Yes MOTION PASSES Hearing, Case 2024-03: Staff initiated request to amend Section 2311 (accessory structures) of the zoning ordinance to set the regulations regarding chicken coops. SUMMARY 1. The City Commission recently passed an ordinance (see enclosed) that allows residents in certain residential districts to keep up to six female chickens. 2. The zoning ordinance must be amended to set the regulations on chicken coops. See below. 3. Please see the enclosed zoning ordinance excerpt for “Accessory Structures.” PUBLIC COMMENTS None. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING – MOTION A motion to close the public hearing was made by J. Montgomery-Keast, supported by J. Seyferth, and unanimously approved. MOTION J. Seyferth moved, seconded by J. Montgomery-Keast, that the request to amend Section 2311 (accessory structures) of the zoning ordinance to set the regulations regarding chicken coops be recommended to the City Commission for approval. ROLL CALL VOTE K. Johnson: Yes S. Gawron: Yes J. Montgomery-Keast: Yes L. Willet-LeRoi: Yes D. Keener: Yes J. Seyferth: Yes MOTION PASSES NEW BUSINESS None. OTHER None. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm.
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