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CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES November 14, 2024 Mazade called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and the roll was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: K. Johnson (arrived at 4;04 pm), S. Gawron, J. Seyferth, B. Mazade, S. Blake, J. Montgomery-Keast, and L. Simmons II MEMBERS ABSENT: None MEMBERS EXCUSED: D. Keener and L. Willet-LeRoi STAFF PRESENT: M. Franzak, S. Romine OTHERS PRESENT: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion to approve the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting on October 10, 2024, was made by S. Gawron, supported by J. Montgomery-Keast, and unanimously approved. The motion was amended to correct the vote counts on page 3 of the October 10, 2024, meeting minutes and unanimously approved. PUBLIC HEARINGS Hearing, Case 2024-33: Request for a special use permit to operate a food exchange, learning garden, and office space for educational use, at 2330 Barclay Street, by the Kids Food Basket. SUMMARY 1. The property measures 27,293 sf and the principal building measures just over 15,000 sf. There is also a small shed located on site. 2. This property was granted a special use permit in 2017 to operate a conference and special event center. It has operated the event center and leased out office space since then. 3. The applicant is now requesting a special use permit to allow Kids Food Basket to run their operations on-site. Uses would include a food exchange, a learning garden, and office space for educational purposes. Kids Food Basket intends to purchase the property and utilize the entire building for their operations. The event center and office spaces would continue business until the building is purchased. 4. Please see the enclosed site plan, narrative, and letter of recommendation from NECAA. 5. Notification was sent to every property within 300 feet of this address. At the time of this writing, staff had not received any public comments. PUBLIC COMMENTS J. Stole, Wildwood Condos: Supports the request but has traffic concerns, especially at the Sherman Boulevard and Barclay Street intersection. J. Smith, adjacent homeowner: Had questions regarding noise levels and whether there would be activities at night that would cause noise. J. Manahan: Questioned if children would be on-site and if so, in what capacity. L. Peterson: Had questions similar to J. Manahan about children and what the maintenance or upkeep of the property would entail. W. Lawless, Wildwood Condos: Questioned if a fence between her property and their parking lot is a possibility. They also had questions about noise and how late in the day activities will go. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING – MOTION A motion to close the public hearing was made by J. Montgomery Keast, supported by K. Johnson, and unanimously approved. MOTION S. Gawron moved, seconded by J. Montgomery-Keast, that the request for a special use permit to operate a food exchange, learning garden, and office space for educational use, at 2330 Barclay Street be approved with the following condition: 1. The banner sign is removed. All signage must conform with the zoning ordinance. ROLL CALL VOTE S. Gawron: Yes B. Mazade: Yes Montgomery-Keast: Yes J. Seyferth: Yes K. Johnson: Yes S. Blake: Yes L. Simmons II: Yes MOTION PASSES Hearing, Case 2024-34: Staff initiated request to rezone a portion of 1095 3rd Street from Convenience Comparison Business (B-2) to Form-Based Code, Neighborhood Core. SUMMARY 1. The City of Muskegon recently sold the former “Catholic Charities” property that is now vacant at the corner of 3rd/Houston. The developer plans to rehab the existing building into apartments and to also add additional residential units, such as rowhouses, on the vacant portion of land along Houston Ave. 2. The portion of the property that contains the existing building is zoned Form-Based Code, Mainstreet. 3. Staff is proposing to rezone the current B-2 portion of the property to Form-Based Code, Neighborhood Core. Staff believes this zoning designation would allow the most flexibility for different types of housing units, as the addition is still being designed. 4. Please see the enclosed zoning ordinance excerpt for FBC, NC districts. 5. Notice was sent to all parcels within 300 feet of this property. At the time of this writing, staff had not received any comments from the public. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING – MOTION A motion to close the public hearing was made by S. Gawron, supported by J. Montgomery-Keast, and unanimously approved. MOTION J. Montgomery-Keast moved, seconded by S. Blake, that the request to rezone a portion of 1095 3rd Street from Convenience Comparison Business (B-2) to Form-Based Code, Neighborhood Core be recommended for approval to the City Commission. ROLL CALL VOTE S. Gawron: Yes B. Mazade: Yes Montgomery-Keast: Yes J. Seyferth: Yes K. Johnson: Yes S. Blake: Yes L. Simmons II: Yes MOTION PASSES OLD BUSINESS None. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:38 pm.
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