Planning Commission Minutes 04-12-2012

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                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                           PLANNING COMMISSION
                                             REGULAR MEETING

                                                  April 12, 2012

Chairman T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:                        T. Michalski, B. Larson, J. Doyle, B. Mazade, L. Spataro, S.
                                        Warmington, W. Parker, Leann Mikesell

MEMBERS ABSENT:                         B. Smith, excused

STAFF PRESENT:                          M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:                         J. Hughes, Hughes Builders, 3279 E. Laketon Ave; L. Page, 3328
                                        Wilcox; D. Wilbur, 2294 Madeline Ave; J. Rudicil, 3639 Marina
                                        View Pt; D. Mills, 1817 Mills Ave; Resident of 4380 Hackley
                                        Point Ln; B. Moore, 1873 Harrison


A motion that the minutes of the special meeting of February 23, 2012 be approved, was made
by S. Warmington, supported by B. Larson and unanimously approved.


Case 2012-009: Request for a site plan review for the property at 2325 Sheridan Rd, by Port
City Group. M. Franzak presented the staff report. Zoning of the subject parcel is I-2, General
Industrial district. It is located in the Port City Industrial Park, surrounded by industrial
properties on all sides. The parcel measures 9.93 acres, and there are currently two separate
facilities on this property. The northernmost facility is 35,300 square feet, and the southernmost
facility is 12,500 square feet. The addition will measure 13,849 square feet and will connect the
two existing facilities. It will be used for warehousing, and there is adequate parking for this use.
The southernmost parking lot is rarely used under the current conditions. The Fire Department
has the following conditions of approval: Fire hydrants shall meet city specs.; Fire flow
calculations shall be conducted to determine pipe size for water main; Hydrant spacing and
placement shall comply with IFC 2009 edition appendix C Table C 105.1. The Planning
Department has the following conditions of approval: A revised site plan must be submitted
showing the western property line and setback; A landscaping plan must be submitted; The
height of the building must be listed on the plan. The Public Works Department has no
outstanding issues with the site plan, nor does the Engineering Department. Staff recommends
approval of the site plan for the building addition subject to the conditions listed. J. Hughes
stated that the company anticipated adding 15 new jobs.

A motion that the site plan for the building addition located at 2325 Sheridan Road for the Port
City Group be approved, with the condition that all requirements listed in items #5 and #6 of the
staff report be provided as needed on a revised site plan prior to issuance of a building permit,
was made by L. Spataro, supported by B. Larson and unanimously approved.
Planning Commission Minutes – 4/12/12                                                               1



Former Sappi site at 2400 Lakeshore Drive. Several people showed up at the meeting to voice
their concerns over the Melching/Sappi site. L. Page asked the Planning Commission to exercise
its authority under the Zoning Ordinance to change the zoning on the parcel from General
Industrial to Waterfront Marine. He stated that the City’s Master Plan stated that the parcel was
not to remain industrial after the paper mill ceased operation. L. Spataro reiterated the
discussion from a prior Planning Commission meeting: Melching was advised that they needed
a master plan for the site, environmental clean-up was not under the Planning Commission’s
authority, and the City preferred negotiation and working cooperatively with the property owner
to end up with a favorable outcome for all. T. Michalski stated that the Planning Commission
could not take action at this meeting, as the request would require public notice. The City would
also need to seek information from its legal counsel. D. Wilbur stated that he previously worked
for Melching, and it was his opinion that Mr. Melching was concerned with the environment and
doing things properly. T. Michalski clarified that the Commission did not have an issue with the
way the property was being dismantled; the concern was what the property would be used for in
the future. J. Rudicil stated that Muskegon was on the verge of becoming a great place to retire,
and the future of this property was important to that. He wished to slow down the process and
ensure transparency in decisions made regarding the use of the property. D. Mills stated that he
was concerned with lake pollution, and that all property owners on the lake had a stake in this
site. Another resident concurred with the desire to slow down the redevelopment so that all
concerns could be addressed. She was concerned about the pollution on the site and didn’t want a
rush to redevelop before that was investigated. She stated that this was a 100-year decision that
would affect the City for years to come. B. Moore challenged the City and community to write a
plan for the site, and suggested a new zoning district tailored to fit this large parcel. She
preferred to see a broad mixed use at the site that would contribute to the residents’ quality of
life. B. Larson addressed the suggestion that the City take the property under eminent domain.
He stated that was not a reasonable solution, as the City had no money for that and the current
property owner had legitimate rights to the property he bought. He stated that he would still like
the City and the public to have some say in redevelopment of the property. T. Michalski stated
that it was necessary to work with the property owner, and he referred the matter back to staff for
further research into what could be done at the site.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m.

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