Planning Commission Minutes 07-12-2012

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                                              CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                            PLANNING COMMISSION
                                              REGULAR MEETING

                                                   July 12, 2012

Chairman T. Michalski called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:                        B. Larson, J. Doyle, L. Spataro, S. Warmington, L. Mikesell, B.
                                        Smith, T. Michalski, W. Parker, S. Gawron

MEMBERS ABSENT:                         B. Mazade, excused

STAFF PRESENT:                          M. Franzak, D. Renkenberger

OTHERS PRESENT:                         D. Melching, 16942 Woodlane, Nunica; P. Johnson, Resource
                                        Planning & Design, Spring Lake; D. Pollock


A motion that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 14, 2012 be approved, was made by B.
Larson, supported by J. Doyle and unanimously approved.

B. Smith arrived at 4:03 p.m.
L. Spataro arrived at 4:06 p.m.




Case 2012-17: Request for a site plan review for the property at 2400 Lakeshore Dr, by Melching,
Inc. M. Franzak presented the staff report. This parcel is zoned I-2, General Industrial District, and
measures roughly 120 acres. The eastern half of the property where the former paper mill was
located is currently under dismantling, demolition and/or remediation. The applicant would like to
use to western half of the property for scrap metal dismantling and processing. Scrap metal
processing is considered a principal use permitted under the zoning ordinance. However, since it
has never been used as such in the past, it is considered a change of use, and a site plan review is
necessary. The site plan indicates the locations of scrap steel staging and dismantling areas,
proposed loading platforms for port shipping, and existing and future vegetative screening. The
applicant has stated that the scrap metal will be moved off site via ship, rail and truck; prioritized in
that order.

P. Johnson described his background, the site in question, and the work being done there. He stated
that they want to be able to have a scrap metal processing area on the west end of the site. L.
Spataro stated that he was concerned that the section in question represented almost half of the
entire site, and it was not consistent with earlier plans presented to the Planning Commission. He
Planning Commission Minutes – 7/12/12                                                                  1
stated that it was difficult to make a decision when they haven’t received information on plans for
the rest of the site. His other concern was access management; the Shoreline bike trail was on-street
passing by the property, and there was no left turn lane on Lakeshore Drive any longer, so it would
be difficult to accommodate all the truck traffic. P. Johnson stated that the use being considered
was a use by right, and he didn’t think they were required to provide a site plan. The proposed
scrap metal operation would comprise less than 50 percent of the total site. L. Spataro stated that it
was important to ensure that this use didn’t interfere with the adjacent residential neighborhood or
the other uses on the site. However, since the applicant had not furnished a master plan for the site,
it was unknown what the other uses would be. P. Johnson stated that deed restrictions narrowed the
scope of what could be done there. L. Spataro stated that it was important to consider how this use
would fit in with the rest of the site. P. Johnson stated that at this point it was not possible to
provide a master plan for the site with any certainty. He stated that permit by right uses would
allow the entire property to be used as a scrap yard. T. Michalski asked if it was Mr. Melching’s
intent to continue to process scrap metal after the site was dismantled. D. Melching that it was. T.
Michalski stated that he had spoken with State Representative Marcia Hovey-Wright, who told him
that the DEQ was trying to put together a committee to discuss this property. He was concerned
about pollution on the site, and would have a problem with a scrap metal processing facility being
put on a clean site. He preferred to await DEQ findings. P. Johnson stated that he was aware of a
future meeting with the DEQ, but not a committee. He stated that the DEQ did not play a role in the
site plan process. L. Spataro was upset that a master plan for the site was not provided as requested
the last time Mr. Melching was before the Planning Commission. He stated that it would be
irresponsible to approve a site plan today because they were not given enough information; the
Planning Commission had no way to know if this use would be compatible with the rest of the site.
P. Johnson stated that circulation patterns and buffering were shown on the site plan submitted. He
stated that he would be glad to address any deficiencies that didn’t meet site plan requirements. S.
Gawron stated that the Commission’s desire for a master plan for the site has been stressed over and
over. B. Larson stated that he intended to make a motion to table the request. Since there were so
many present in the audience, T. Michalski asked him to hold off on making the motion until
audience members had a chance to express their opinion. Nine people expressed their opposition to
the request. Reasons included environmental issues, noise, increased traffic, wear and tear on roads,
lack of a buffer between the site and adjacent residential areas, and pollution concerns. M. Hovey-
Wright stated that she had spoken with DEQ personnel about the site, and DEQ investigation into
possible contamination was ongoing. P. Johnson stated that they had not been allowed to present
their complete site plan for review, per the zoning ordinance. He said the site plan contained
information on screening, berms, and other issues brought up. He stated that the fence along the
Lakeshore Drive side of the site was a work in progress.

A motion to table the request for site plan approval for scrap metal processing located at 2400
Lakeshore Drive, was made by B. Larson, supported by L. Spataro and unanimously approved.



Form-Based Codes – M. Franzak distributed information on form based codes to the board
members and asked them to review it for discussion at the next meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.
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