City Commission Packet 02-08-2011

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                   FEBRUARY 8, 2011
  A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK
  B. Purchase of Police Patrol Bicycles. PUPLIC SAFETY
  C. City-GVSU Joint Permit – Offshore Buoy Project.        PLANNING &
  D. Approval of the Fair Housing          Resolution.   COMMUNITY      &
  E. Approval of Sale of City-Owned Property at 1585 Hudson. COMMUNITY
  F. Control System Annual Software Update/Support. WATER FILTRATION
  A. Application for Special License (Liquor Control Commission). PUBLIC
  B. Consideration of Bids for Isabella Avenue, Peck to Terrace (S-654 and
     W-724). ENGINEERING
   Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
   Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
    Submit the form to the City Clerk.
   Be recognized by the Chair.
   Step forward to the microphone.
   State name and address.
   Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
   (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)

ADA POLICY: The City of Muskegon will provide necessary auxiliary aids and services to individuals who
want to attend the meeting upon twenty four hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Please contact Ann
Marie Becker, City Clerk, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or TDD:
(231) 724-4172.
Date:      February 8, 2011
To:        Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:      Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk
RE:        Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Commission
Goal Setting Session that was held on Friday, January 21, 2011, and
the City Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, January 25,



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
                     JANUARY 25, 2011
   The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City
Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 25, 2011.
   Mayor Warmington opened the meeting with a prayer from Pastor Tim Cross
from the Living Word Church after which the Commission and public recited the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
  Present: Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Stephen Gawron,
Commissioners Steve Wisneski, Chris Carter, Clara Shepherd, Lawrence Spataro,
and Sue Wierengo, City Manager Bryon Mazade, City Attorney John Schrier,
and City Clerk Ann Marie Becker.
      A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes for the January 10th Commission
Worksession Meeting and the January 11th City Commission Meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes
      B. Amend City Ordinance 54-264: Purchase/Consumption of Alcoholic
         Beverages by Minors. PUBLIC SAFETY
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Director of Public Safety is requesting the City
Commission to adopt the amended ordinance. The amended language will
bring our ordinance into compliance with sate law-MCL 436.1703.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the amended ordinance.
      C. Sale of the Vacant, Unbuildable Lot at 163 W. Clay.     PLANNING &
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to sell the vacant, unbuildable lot at 163 W.
Clay to Lorrie Ornelas, 165 W. Clay.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the property sale.
Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Spataro to approve
the Consent Agenda as read.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, Wisneski, Carter, Gawron,
           and Shepherd
            Nays: None
      A. Second Quarter 2010-11 Budget Reforecast. FINANCE
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: At this time staff is transmitting the Second Quarter 2010-
11 Budget Reforecast which outlines proposed changes to the original budget
that have come about as result of changes in policy priorities, labor contracts,
updated economic conditions, or other factors.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Proposed changes to the 2010-11 budget include:
            •   Increase in estimated income tax revenues from $6.0 to $6.5
                million based on continued recovery from the recession
            •   Budget adjustments to cover large            one-time    payments
                previously approved by the Commission:
                   °   $1 million supplemental MERS contribution
                   °   Pay-off of ULA loan and fire truck lease ($954,605)
            •   Adjustments to street and other capital projects based on grant
                availability and timing issues.
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Wierengo to
approve the Second Quarter 2010-11 Budget Reforecast.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Carter, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo,
           and Wisneski
            Nays: None
     B. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to
        Demolish the Following: PUBLIC SAFETY
        455 Amity
        741 S. Getty
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission concur with
the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structures are unsafe,
substandard, a public nuisance and that they be demolished within 30 days. It
is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the
demolition of the structures and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized
and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:        To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals
decision to demolish.
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to concur
with the Housing Board of Appeals notice and order to demolish 455 Amity.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Wierengo, Wisneski, Carter, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, and
           Nays: None
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Vice Mayor Gawron to concur with
the Housing Board of Appeals notice and order to demolish 741 S. Getty.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, Wisneski, Carter,
           and Gawron
           Nays: None
     C. MERS Health Care Saving Program (HCSP) Agreement for Command
        Officers. FINANCE
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: A new contract with Police Command Officers was
recently settled through arbitration. One provision of the new contract (not
arbitrated) calls for implementation of the MERS Healthcare Savings Program.
Several other City employee groups already have this program in place. Since
the contract was arbitrated and is not brought to the Commission for approval,
it is necessary to separately approve the MERS HCSP agreement.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funds placed into the HCSP are employee contributions, so
there is no direct cost to the City. The initial program provides for Command
Officers to mandatorily contribute $5 per pay period. It also provides ability to
allocate accrued sick and comp time payouts to the HCSP.
Longer term, the HCSP is an important component in the City’s plan to move
away from providing city-funded retiree healthcare insurance.
Motion by Vice Mayor Gawron, second by Commissioner Carter to approve the
MERS Health Care Saving Program Agreement for Command Officers.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warmington, Wierengo, Wisneski, Carter, Gawron, Shepherd,
           and Spataro
            Nays: None
ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Commissioner Spataro thanked staff for the materials that
were provided for their Goal Setting Session.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Public comments were received.
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                           City Clerk
                             City Commission Meeting
                               Tuesday February 8, 2011

TO:            Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

FROM:          Anthony L. Kleibecker, Director of Public Safety

DATE:          January 28, 2011

SUBJECT:    Purchase of Police Patrol Bicycles

Summary of Request:

The Director of Public Safety is requesting permission to purchase 12 new police patrol
bicycles. These bicycles will replace 12 Trek Police Bicycles that are currently in use
and were purchased in the late 90’s. Bids were solicited from the following businesses:

   •    The Bicycle Rack-1790 Roberts-Muskegon
   •    Breakaway Bicycle-4741 Harvey-Muskegon
   •    Village Bike & Fitness-450 Baldwin-Jenison

I am recommending the purchase of the Trek Police Bike from Breakaway Bicycle.
Breakaway is the only business who submitted a bid for the Trek. While this is the most
expensive model of those bid ($1000 per bicycle), this bicycle is built specifically for the
rigors of police service. This is evidenced by the length of time that the current bicycles
have been in service. This bicycle is complete and no “extras” need to be purchased.-

Financial Impact:

Total cost for this purchase will be approximately $12,000. This purchase will be funded
by the Criminal Forfeiture Account.

Budget Action Required:


Staff Recommendation:

Staff recommends approval of the request.
         Commission Meeting Date: February 7, 2011

Date:      February 1, 2011
To:        Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:      Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:        City-GVSU Joint Permit- Offshore Buoy Project

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: In order to place a research buoy in Lake
Michigan, GVSU/MAREC has requested that the City of Muskegon
officially apply for a permit with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and
the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Water
Programs. GVSU/MAREC is unable to apply directly since the applicant
must be a riparian owner on the Lake Michigan waterfront. However, all
application costs and staff time needed to submit the permit will be
absorbed by GVSU/MAREC. Since the City of Muskegon and MAREC
have formed a successful partnership, it is requested that this request
be approved.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To authorize staff to participate with
GVSU/MAREC in submitting an application to the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers and the MDEQ Water Programs to allow for an offshore buoy
to conduct wind assessment research on Lake Michigan.

Date:    January 31, 2011

To:      Muskegon City staff / City commissioners

From: Arn Boezaart, Director – GVSU/MAREC

Re:      Request to file joint permit to support GVSU/UofM Offshore Buoy Project


As some of you know, GVSU/MAREC has formed a partnership with the UofM Phoenix Energy Institute
to place a research buoy in Lake Michigan to support a three-year wind assessment study on Lake
Michigan. This project will be supported by both a federal U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) grant as
well as a Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) grant. In addition, the project has been joined by
We Energy of Wisconsin (major utility) and the Great Lakes office of the Sierra Club. A more complete
one-page summary of the project is attached for your review.

We are presently completing an RFP process for the selection and procurement of the buoy while we also
wait for final clearances from DOE as well as completion of a federal environmental review of the project
before we can begin to acquire all of the other approvals and permits needed to move forward with the
project. While the schedule is very tight given all of the permits and requirements that still must be met,
we hope to be “in the water” this coming navigational season with enough time for a trial run of the
research buoy.

One of the first items needed once we receive word from U.S.DOE that we are cleared to proceed, is a
permit issued jointly by the U.S Army Corps of Engineers and the Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Water Programs. The joint permit will authorize the universities to
conduct wind assessment research on Lake Michigan under the oversight of the other permit agencies
including the U.S Coast Guard, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and others.

A unique aspect of this process is that in order to conduct research on the Great Lakes, there must be
riparian owner participation in the initial permit application. Since neither GVSU nor UofM qualify as
riparian property owners on Lake Michigan, we are asking the City of Muskegon to be the co-applicant
with GVSU to seek a research permit in support of this project.

All application costs will be absorbed by GVSU as will the staff time needed to submit the permit
application. Once the application is prepared by GVSU staff it will be reviewed by the GVSU Corporate
Counsel or its representative and shared with the City for review prior to submission to the State of
Michigan and Army Corps of Engineers.

With this memo I am asking for City Council support and approval for GVSU/MAREC to work with City
staff to file a joint permit for the GVSU/UofM Offshore Research Project

I will be available at your February work session to answer any questions you might have.

                                                                               Updated - January 31, 2011

          Lake Michigan Offshore Wind Feasibility Assessment Project
Grand Valley State University and its Michigan Alternative and Renewable Energy Center
(MAREC) working in partnership with the University of Michigan and its Phoenix Energy
Institute are finalizing plans for a Great Lakes Offshore Wind Assessment project that will
feature extended season wind assessment and related environmental studies on Lake Michigan as
part of a comprehensive Great Lakes wind assessment review. The principal objective of the
project is to develop a better understanding of offshore wind resources as well as other physical,
biological and environmental conditions on the Great Lakes as precursor activity to the future
development of offshore wind energy technology.
The project has received $1.4 Million in initial funding support from the U.S. Department of
Energy through a congressional allocation initiated by U.S. Congressman Peter Hoekstra
representing Michigan’s 2nd Congressional District. Required local match funding support was
subsequently obtained from the Michigan Public Service Commission with a $1.33 Million grant
award. Additional project funding is being provided by the University of Michigan. Following
initial funding secured in 2009 and match funding awarded in early 2010, the project has drawn
the interest of state government, environmental organizations, wind development interests and
other renewable energy interests. Most recently the project has been expanded in scope with a
commitment of funding participation by We Energies, a state of Wisconsin utility. Support has
also been offered by the Great Lakes office of the Sierra Club.
The project will deploy an extended season offshore wind assessment research buoy that will
feature the use of LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) laser light pulse technology as an
alternative to traditional cup anemometer wind measurement instrumentation. The project will
conduct correlation studies, in part, by using near-shore MET tower locations in conjunction
with the State of Michigan Tall Towers project. The buoy will be deployed in multiple locations
over the life of the project, including the mid-lake plateau region of Lake Michigan.
The project will follow-up on the work and study results of the Great Lakes Offshore Wind
Council (GLOW) appointed by Governor Jennifer Granholm in January of 2009. The GLOW
Council and other recent Great Lakes studies have identified the need for additional research of
year-round wind conditions and related environmental factors that may be important to future
development of off-shore wind energy technology on the Great Lakes. Identified as a rich and
abundant source of alternative (wind) energy, the Great Lakes are presently being considered as
a potential source for meeting a significant portion of our renewable energy needs in the Great
Lakes region in the decades to come. The Offshore Wind Assessment Project hopes to contribute
to a greater understanding of this significant renewable energy resource.
For additional information please contact Grand Valley State University’s MAREC facility in
Muskegon, MI at 616.331.6900 or visit the MAREC web site at
Commission Meeting Date:      February 8, 2011
Date:      February 1, 2011
To:        Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:      Community and Neighborhood Services Department
RE:        Approval of the Fair Housing Resolution

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Community and Neighborhood
Services Department is requesting that a resolution be adopted for the
City of Muskegon for all MSHDA NSP1, CDBG, LEAD and HOME
Investment Act Program activities.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As an Equal Housing Opportunity
participant jurisdiction, the City of Muskegon supports Fair Housing Law
and Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. We are requesting to
approve the authorizing resolution and direct the Mayor and Clerk to
sign the resolution.
                                 FAIR HOUSING RESOLUTION

WHEREAS, under the Federal Fair Housing Law, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, it is
illegal to deny housing to any person because of race, color, religion, gender, physical or mental
disabilities or national origin; and,

WHEREAS, under the Michigan Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act, PA 453 of 1976, as amended, it
is illegal to deny the opportunity to obtain housing to any person because of religion, race, color,
national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, or marital status;

LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL PERSONS that it is the policy of City of Muskegon to implement
programs to ensure equal opportunity in housing for all persons regardless of religion, race,
color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, familial status, or marital status. Therefore, City
of Muskegon does hereby pass the following Resolution:

       BE IT RESOLVED that City of Muskegon shall not discriminate in the sale, rental,
       leasing, or financing of housing because of religion, race, color, gender, physical or
       mental disabilities, national origin, age, height, weight, familial status, or marital status;

        City of Muskegon will assist all persons who feel they have been discriminated against
       because of religion, race, color, gender, physical or mental disabilities, national origin,
       age, height, weight, familial status, or marital status to seek equity under federal and
       state laws by providing information to said persons on how to file a complaint with the
       Michigan Department of Civil Rights.

       City of Muskegon will at a minimum post this policy or the Fair Housing poster or other
       posters, flyers or other information which will bring to the attention of owners of real
       estate, developers and builders their respective responsibilities and rights under the
       Federal Fair Housing Law and Michigan Elliott Larsen Act.

This Resolution shall take effect as of the date listed below.

_________________________________________                   _____________________________
 Stephen J. Warmington, Mayor                               February 8, 2011
City of Muskegon
Commission Meeting Date: February 8, 2011

Date:        January 27, 2011
To:          Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:        Community and Neighborhood Services Department
RE:        Approval of Sale of City owned property at 1585 Hudson
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the attached resolution and instruct the Community
and Neighborhood Services department to complete the sales transaction between Ms.
Suzanne Hershey for the vacant property at 1585 Hudson, which is part of the City’s
Neighborhood Stabilization Program through the Michigan State Housing Development
Authority Office of Community Development. This is a non-buildable lot. Ms. Hershey is the
adjacent property owner to 1585 Hudson.

As a part of the City’s continuous neighborhood redevelopment efforts, 1585 Hudson was
purchased and demolished with Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds as a blighted

STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and direct the CNS staff to
complete the sale.
                      MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is dedicated to the redevelopment of its
neighborhoods and;

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is dedicated to promoting high quality
affordable single-family housing in the community and;

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is dedicated to promoting homeownership
throughout its neighborhoods;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission hereby
approved the sale of the vacant non-buildable property for $1.00 which is located
at 1585 Hudson to be sold to the adjoining property owner Suzanne Hershey.

Adopted this 8th day of February 2011



                             By ______________________________
                               Stephen J. Warmington, Mayor

                             By ______________________________
                               Ann Marie Becker, MMC, Its Clerk
Date:    February 8, 2011

To:      Honorable Mayor and City Commission

From: Water Filtration Plant

RE:      Control System Annual Software Update/Support


Renewal of the annual customer support for Plant operating system
with Wonderware North.


One time cost of $11,385.00 for 2011.


None. This item is budgeted.


Staff requests authorization to renew the annual customer support
agreement at a budgeted cost of $11,385.00 for 2011.
TO:      Mohammed Al-Shatel, DPW Director

From: K. Herbert, Water Filtration Plant

Re:    Water Plant Control system Software Annual Support

The control system software used at the Water Filtration Plant is a
product by Invensys called Wonderware. This software has been
the heart of the plant control system since 1993. Wonderware
operates as a layer on top of Microsoft Windows and interfaces
seamlessly with MS Excel so we can generate reports in a
spreadsheet format.

The Wonderware software has been continually improved and
features added to enhance plant operation.

In order to take advantage of the improvements to the software
over the years we have subscribed to the annual technical support
offered by Wonderware. The subscription also allows us and our
consultant to obtain solutions to problems as well as guidance in
configuring new applications at no cost. Previous years support
costs are as follows:

  2000    $7200                              2006   $8565
  2001    $6840                              2007   $10186
  2002    $7605                              2008   $8565
  2003    $5036                              2009   $10221
  2004    $6100                              2010   $9946
  2005    $7411                              2011   $11,385
The cost differences throughout the past years are associated
with the level of improvements and changes in the software as it
relates to changes in the Microsoft operating systems. Our
system began with Windows 3.1 and has evolved through
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000 and we are now
planning to upgrade to Windows 7.

The problem faced with not purchasing the annual support is not
only in not being able to address and troubleshoot problems that
arise but also face costs in excess of $35,000 to upgrade without
the annual support.

The City’s IT Director is in agreement with continued support
from Wonderware and indicated changes to the City’s file
server application could occur within the next few years
requiring an expenditure to upgrade the plant operating system.

It is my recommendation that we continue to purchase the
control system annual upgrade for 2011 from Wonderware at a
cost of $11,385.00.
     Wonderware Customer First Support Agreement Proposal                                                                                                  

                                                 City of Muskegon Water
                             Company Name:
                                                 Kevin Herbert
                                                 January 28, 2011
                                                 City of Muskegon
                     Support Agreement ID:
                                                 December 31, 2010
                    Current Expiration Date:
                             Support Level:


     We thank you for your continued participation in the Wonderware Customer First Support Program, and are
     pleased to provide you with this quotation for renewal.

     As you are likely aware by now, Wonderware NorthEast has expanded into Northwest Ohio, Indiana, Michigan,
     Illinois and Eastern Iowa. To more represent our new and expanded geographic focus, we’ve renamed the
     company to Wonderware North. We’re excited to continue introducing Wonderware North to our new customer
     base and for our existing customers, this change brings new capabilities for you to leverage. With our new sales
     and support office and certified training center in Indianapolis, IN, Wonderware North has even more resources at
     our disposal to assist in meeting your daily support needs, and long-term operational goals.

     But we are not the only asset the Customer First Support program makes available to you. As the Wonderware
     Developer Network (available exclusively to Customer First Support subscribers) continues to grow, it is
     becoming an increasingly effective and vital tool for customers to extract the greatest amount of return on their
     software investment by collaborating with other customers, system integrators, developers and architects from
     around the world.

     A crucial well-known benefit of Wonderware Customer First Support is access to Free Version Upgrades.
     However, not only do you get the latest versions for free as a support subscriber, you also have exclusive access
     to Wonderware service packs and patches, which can be vital to keeping your system compatible with your
     Microsoft OS. Microsoft releases many security related updates which can jeopardize the stability of your
     production system. As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Wonderware has visibility into forthcoming security
     related updates and the ability to immediately react and release any necessary patches and updates which are
     available at no cost to Customer First Support subscribers.

     What you should know:
     Customer First Support Agreements will carry no "grace period" beyond a support agreement expiry date. If an
     agreement is allowed to lapse, the customer has the following 30 days to renew with a mandatory 10% penalty
     fee. Beyond 30 days, renewal still requires a 10% penalty AND the agreement loses its license volume-based

     To assist you in every way possible to meet your budgeting demands, this proposal represents the cost to renew
     the Wonderware Customer First Support Agreement for the upcoming year, AND a budgetary estimate for the
     2012 support year.

     There are three tiers of support available to you, and the benefits of each are listed on the following page.
     Additional benefits such as direct access to Wonderware (outside of Wonderware North business hours) or
     access to 24x7 emergency support can be arranged by purchasing the Premium or Elite levels….

         425 Caredean Drive, Horsham, PA 19044
         Tel: 215.675.5800                               Owned and Operated by Q-mation, an Independent Wonderware software distribution partner.

     Wonderware Customer First Support Agreement Proposal                                                                                                      

                                    Wonderware Customer First Program Benefits

                                 Feature                                    Standard*                        Premium                      Elite
                      Software Maintenance and Enhancements
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                                      Software Upgrades and Updates
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                                              Patches, Service Packs
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                                                           Hot Fixes
                                     Automated Communications
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                                            WonderUpdate via E-mail
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                                               Tech Alerts via E-mail
                                                                                                                  √                          √
                Automated Email of Support Usage & Summary Reports
                                                    Online Support
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                                      Wonderware Developer Network
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                       Incident Submission & Tracking via WebSupport
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                Expert System Knowledge Base (Online and CD format)
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                                         Wonderware Security Central
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                                        Incident Submission via E-mail
                                    Enhanced Technical Support
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                  Immediate Telephone Support via Wonderware North
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                                                       Remote Support
                                                                                                                  √                          √
              Wonderware Lake Forest Level 2 Direct/Advanced Support
                                                                                                                  √                          √
                24/7/365 - Emergency Technical Support via Telephone
                                    Critical Incident Response Access
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
                 Online Training with Access to Over 60 Online Courses
                                                                                     √                            √                          √
               Discounts on Training Classes held at Wonderware North

                                                                                                               50%                         50%
                             Discount on Software Audit Services

                                                                                    na                           See below for details
                                               Additional Features

     Additional features are available to Premium members, based on the amount of licenses/size of the agreement - - such as
     Personalized/Dedicated Wonderware Support TEAM, two (2) Complimentary Invitations to Wonderware Premium Support
     Symposium (hosted at WonderWorld), On-Site Technical Reviews, Dedicated Customer Portal for support issues…

     Elite members have expanded discounts on Wonderware Services, formal planning/technical advisement Resources, five (5)
     Complimentary Invitations to Wonderware Premium Support Symposium (hosted at WonderWorld) and options such as a
     Hosted Application Clone at Wonderware…

     See Wonderware North for details.

         425 Caredean Drive, Horsham, PA 19044
         Tel: 215.675.5800                                   Owned and Operated by Q-mation, an Independent Wonderware software distribution partner.

     Wonderware Customer First Support Agreement Proposal                                                                                                   
     Customer First Support Proposal: Current Year
     Support Level: Standard
     Purchase Order Must be Received By: ASAP

     The renewal quotation below was based on the attached list of licenses registered to your site (See License List
     on last page). Review this list for accuracy and alert us of changes, upon which we’ll revise the proposal and
     official License List accordingly. Licenses not on the contract will not be eligible for support /upgrades.

           Part Number                                      Description                                                               Price
           WWCFS-2000        Wonderware Customer First Agreement – Standard Level – One Year                                        $11,385

     Simply call or e-mail me if you have any questions.

     Reference WCF Support Agreement ID 25852 and address your order to:
                                         Wonderware North (Q-mation)
                                               425 Caredean Drive
                                               Horsham, PA 19044
                                                 Attn: Bill Bullotta
                                              (877) 900-4996 phone
                                                (215) 675-9712 fax
                                               Tax ID: 23-2549974

     Best Regards,
                                                                                                   Delivery:             2 weeks
                                                                                                     Terms:              Net 30 Days
     Rhoda Beitzel                                                                                   F.O.B:              Horsham, PA
                                                                                             Transportation:             Prepaid & added
     Wonderware North
                                                                                             Quotation valid:            30 days

         425 Caredean Drive, Horsham, PA 19044
         Tel: 215.675.5800                                Owned and Operated by Q-mation, an Independent Wonderware software distribution partner.

     Wonderware Customer First Support Agreement Proposal                                                                                                  

                               City of Muskegon Water License List
            Software License          Key Serial            Part Number                                  Part Description
                Number                 Number
                440268-11                                    12-10815T                 Upg, Development Studio Unlimited TSE
                                                                                       Unlim / 60000 / 500
                448537-6                                      01-2225T                 InTouch RT 60K Tag with I/O TSE
                448539-6                                     01-2225TP                 InTouch RT 60K Tag with I/O TSE
                448540-7                                     01-2225TP                 InTouch RT 60K Tag with I/O TSE
                448541-6                                     01-2225TP                 InTouch RT 60K Tag with I/O TSE
                448542-7                                     01-2225TP                 InTouch RT 60K Tag with I/O TSE
                448543-7                                      12-10315                 Upg, InTouch Runtime 60000 Tag with
                605928-5                                      12-10718                 Upg, Wonderware Historian Client Per
                                                                                       Named Device
                605929-5                                      12-10718                 Upg, Wonderware Historian Client Per
                                                                                       Named Device
                608118-5                                      12-10718                 Upg, Wonderware Historian Client Per
                                                                                       Named Device
                608119-5                                      12-10718                 Upg, Wonderware Historian Client Per
                                                                                       Named Device
                752316-6                                      12-10315                 Upg, InTouch Runtime 60000 Tag with
                777458-0                                      04-9010                  SCADAlarm 6.0
                976222-1                                      12-10829                 Upg, Wonderware Historian Server
                                                                                       Standard, 500 Tag

         425 Caredean Drive, Horsham, PA 19044
         Tel: 215.675.5800                               Owned and Operated by Q-mation, an Independent Wonderware software distribution partner.

                            City Commission Meeting
                               Tuesday February 8, 2011

TO:            Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

FROM:          Anthony L. Kleibecker, Director of Public Safety

DATE:          January 28, 2011

SUBJECT:    Application for Special License (Liquor Control Commission)

Summary of Request:

The Muskegon Catholic Education Foundation, Inc. has submitted an application for a
Special License for Beer, Wine and Spirits for Consumption on the Premises for April 30,
2011. This license is for an auction and dinner to be held at Muskegon Catholic Central
High School.

The Foundation meets all of the requirements for the special license with the exception of
the request for “spirits”. Commission policy dictates that any special license request
which includes spirits must be considered and approved by the body.

Financial Impact:


Budget Action Required:


Staff Recommendation:

Staff has no recommendation.
Date:             February 8, 2011
To:               Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:             Engineering
                  RE: Consideration of Bids for:
                  ISABELLA AVE., PECK ST. TO TERRACE ST. (S-654 & W-724)

Award the construction contract to replace water and sewer lines in Isabella Ave. from
Peck St. to Terrace St. to McCormick Sand Inc., out of Twin Lake, MI. McCormick Sand is
the lowest responsible bidder for this project with a total bid price of $374,698.20. (*See
attached bid tabulation).

*While completing the Bid Tabulation for this project is was discovered that McCormick
transposed the bid price on two line items. Line items numbered four (4) and five (5) had
their bid prices transposed thus making their Bid Tabulation appear higher than the
amount bid (See attached contractor explanation). Staff and contractor discussed and
corrected the miscalculation, and it was determined that McCormick remained the lowest
responsible bidder.

The construction cost of $374.698.20 plus engineering cost which is estimated at an
additional 15%.

None at this time as this project t appears on the 2010 – 2011 budget.

Award the contract to McCormick Sand Inc.


C:\Documents and Settings\Potter\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK8\CONAWA 2-8-11.doc
                                                                                                          S-654 & W-724 ISABELLA AVE., PECK ST. TO TERRACE ST.
                                                                                                                     BID PROPOSAL JANUARY 25, 2011
                                                CONTRACTOR                                         JACK DYKSTRA EXCAVATING INC.           NAGEL CONSTRUCTION                     WADEL STABILIZATION INC.             THOMPSON BROTHERS INC.                JACKSON-MERKEY CONST.                SCHIPPERS EXCAVATING
                                                   ADDRESS               ENGINEER'S                     3677 3 MILE RD. N.W.                  P.O. BOX 10                          2500 N. OCEANA DR.                   388 W. MCMILLAN RD.                   555 E. WESTERN AVE.                9829 LAKE MICHIGAN DR.
                                                  CITY/ST/ZIP             ESTIMATE                    GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49534                MOLINE, MI 49335                         HART, MI 49420                     MUSKEGON, MI 49445                    MUSKEGON, MI 49442                  WEST OLIVE, MI 49460
                ITEM OF WORK                      QTY   UNIT    UNIT PRICE        TOTAL PRICE      UNIT PRICE     TOTAL PRICE         UNIT PRICE          TOTAL PRICE          UNIT PRICE          TOTAL PRICE     UNIT PRICE        TOTAL PRICE          UNIT PRICE          TOTAL PRICE     UNIT PRICE        TOTAL PRICE
 1   Tree, Rem, 19 inch to 36 inch                Ea        2   $    550.00   $         1,100.00   $    200.00   $       400.00   $          750.00   $         1,500.00   $          950.00   $        1,900.00   $    500.00   $         1,000.00   $          665.00   $        1,330.00   $    750.00   $        1,500.00
 2   Tree, Rem, 6 inch to 18 inch                 Ea        2   $    250.00   $           500.00   $    510.00   $     1,020.00   $          200.00   $           400.00   $          300.00   $          600.00   $    150.00   $           300.00   $          170.00   $          340.00   $    200.00   $          400.00
 3   Sewer, Rem, Less than 24 inch                Ft      374   $      5.50   $         2,057.00   $     10.00   $     3,740.00   $            2.00   $           748.00   $            6.00   $        2,244.00   $      5.00   $         1,870.00   $            3.00   $        1,122.00   $      9.00   $        3,366.00
 4   Dr Structure, Rem, Modified                  Ea       29   $    275.00   $         7,975.00   $    300.00   $     8,700.00   $          150.00   $         4,350.00   $          200.00   $        5,800.00   $    100.00   $         2,900.00   $          145.00   $        4,205.00   $    120.00   $        3,480.00
 5   Sidewalk, Rem                                Syd     450   $      5.00   $         2,250.00   $      5.00   $     2,250.00   $            2.00   $           900.00   $            4.00   $        1,800.00   $      7.50   $         3,375.00   $            2.90   $        1,305.00   $      4.25   $        1,912.50
 6   Pavt, Rem, Modified                          Syd   5118    $      5.50   $        28,149.00   $      5.47   $    27,995.46   $            8.00   $        40,944.00   $            3.25   $       16,633.50   $      1.50   $         7,677.00   $            2.75   $       14,074.50   $      4.85   $       24,822.30
 7   Machine Grading, Modified                    Sta   12.15   $ 1,100.00    $        13,365.00   $    980.00   $    11,907.00   $        1,200.00   $        14,580.00   $          900.00   $       10,935.00   $  3,544.00   $        43,059.60   $          900.00   $       10,935.00   $    870.00   $       10,570.50
 8   Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Fabric DroEa       15   $     85.00   $         1,275.00   $    100.00   $     1,500.00   $          100.00   $         1,500.00   $          110.00   $        1,650.00   $     60.00   $           900.00   $          100.00   $        1,500.00   $    100.00   $        1,500.00
 9   Aggregate Base, 6 inch                       Syd   3819    $      7.00   $        26,733.00   $      4.20   $    16,039.80   $            5.00   $        19,095.00   $            5.25   $       20,049.75   $      4.25   $        16,230.75   $            4.60   $       17,567.40   $      4.80   $       18,331.20
10   Sewer, Cl A, 10 inch, Tr Det B               Ft       55   $     26.00   $         1,430.00   $     19.10   $     1,050.50   $           19.00   $         1,045.00   $           22.00   $        1,210.00   $     15.00   $           825.00   $           28.00   $        1,540.00   $     22.00   $        1,210.00
11   Sewer, Cl E, 12 inch, Tr Det B               Ft      467   $     26.00   $        12,142.00   $     19.10   $     8,919.70   $           20.00   $         9,340.00   $           25.00   $       11,675.00   $     19.00   $         8,873.00   $           29.00   $       13,543.00   $     23.00   $       10,741.00
12   Sewer Tap, 8 inch                            Ea        2   $    135.00   $           270.00   $    120.00   $       240.00   $          220.00   $           440.00   $          250.00   $          500.00   $    100.00   $           200.00   $          130.00   $          260.00   $    200.00   $          400.00
13   Sewer Tap, 10 inch                           Ea        3   $    150.00   $           450.00   $    180.00   $       540.00   $          230.00   $           690.00   $          300.00   $          900.00   $    100.00   $           300.00   $          145.00   $          435.00   $    250.00   $          750.00
14   Sewer Tap, 12 inch                           Ea        1   $    175.00   $           175.00   $    250.00   $       250.00   $          300.00   $           300.00   $          350.00   $          350.00   $    150.00   $           150.00   $          145.00   $          145.00   $    300.00   $          300.00
15   Sanitary Sewer, PVC SDR 35, 10 inch          Ft      522   $     35.00   $        18,270.00   $     31.55   $    16,469.10   $           29.00   $        15,138.00   $           24.00   $       12,528.00   $     18.00   $         9,396.00   $           29.50   $       15,399.00   $     25.00   $       13,050.00
16   Sanitary Sewer, PVC SDR 35, 6 inch           Ft      993   $     25.00   $        24,825.00   $     16.60   $    16,483.80   $           26.00   $        25,818.00   $           20.00   $       19,860.00   $     17.00   $        16,881.00   $           21.00   $       20,853.00   $     18.00   $       17,874.00
17   Sanitary Sewer, PVC SDR 35, 8 inch           Ft      960   $     30.00   $        28,800.00   $     24.90   $    23,904.00   $           30.00   $        28,800.00   $           22.00   $       21,120.00   $     18.00   $        17,280.00   $           25.75   $       24,720.00   $     22.00   $       21,120.00
18   Sanitary Sewer Wye, PVC SDR 35, 8 inch X     Ea       31   $    200.00   $         6,200.00   $    110.00   $     3,410.00   $          125.00   $         3,875.00   $          125.00   $        3,875.00   $     70.00   $         2,170.00   $          205.00   $        6,355.00   $    150.00   $        4,650.00
19   Dr Structure, Tap, 10 inch                   Ea        1   $    200.00   $           200.00   $    550.00   $       550.00   $          300.00   $           300.00   $          250.00   $          250.00   $    300.00   $           300.00   $          200.00   $          200.00   $    275.00   $          275.00
20   Dr Structure, Tap, 12 inch                   Ea        7   $    200.00   $         1,400.00   $    500.00   $     3,500.00   $          350.00   $         2,450.00   $          300.00   $        2,100.00   $    200.00   $         1,400.00   $          200.00   $        1,400.00   $    325.00   $        2,275.00
21   Dr Structure Cover, Modified                 Lb    8770    $      1.00   $         8,770.00   $      1.20   $    10,524.00   $            1.00   $         8,770.00   $            1.40   $       12,278.00   $      1.60   $        14,032.00   $            1.00   $        8,770.00   $      1.35   $       11,839.50
22   Catch Basin Special Detail                   Ea       14   $    800.00   $        11,200.00   $  1,000.00   $    14,000.00   $          760.00   $        10,640.00   $        1,100.00   $       15,400.00   $  1,050.00   $        14,700.00   $        1,100.00   $       15,400.00   $    985.00   $       13,790.00
23   Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified Ea           4   $    350.00   $         1,400.00   $    300.00   $     1,200.00   $          240.00   $           960.00   $          450.00   $        1,800.00   $    200.00   $           800.00   $          245.00   $          980.00   $    325.00   $        1,300.00
24   Manhole Special Detail                       Ea        5   $ 1,300.00    $         6,500.00   $  1,100.00   $     5,500.00   $          870.00   $         4,350.00   $        1,200.00   $        6,000.00   $  1,050.00   $         5,250.00   $        1,530.00   $        7,650.00   $  1,340.00   $        6,700.00
25   HMA, 3C                                      Ton     427   $     65.00   $        27,755.00   $     54.15   $    23,122.05   $           55.00   $        23,485.00   $           54.14   $       23,117.78   $     54.00   $        23,058.00   $           55.00   $       23,485.00   $     57.00   $       24,339.00
26   HMA, 4C                                      Ton     427   $     70.00   $        29,890.00   $     61.65   $    26,324.55   $           62.00   $        26,474.00   $           61.62   $       26,311.74   $     61.00   $        26,047.00   $           62.00   $       26,474.00   $     64.00   $       27,328.00
27   Driveway, Nonreinf Conc, 6 Inch, Modified Syd        635   $     28.00   $        17,780.00   $     24.10   $    15,303.50   $           23.00   $        14,605.00   $           26.10   $       16,573.50   $     23.00   $        14,605.00   $           24.75   $       15,716.25   $     25.75   $       16,351.25
28   Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                Ft    2442    $     10.00   $        24,420.00   $     10.25   $    25,030.50   $            9.00   $        21,978.00   $           10.75   $       26,251.50   $      9.00   $        21,978.00   $           10.70   $       26,129.40   $      9.70   $       23,687.40
29   Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                       Sft   2150    $      2.25   $         4,837.50   $      2.20   $     4,730.00   $            2.50   $         5,375.00   $            2.40   $        5,160.00   $      2.50   $         5,375.00   $            2.25   $        4,837.50   $      2.40   $        5,160.00
30   Sidewalk, Conc, 6 inch                       Sft     580   $      4.00   $         2,320.00   $      2.95   $     1,711.00   $            2.90   $         1,682.00   $            3.10   $        1,798.00   $      2.50   $         1,450.00   $            3.00   $        1,740.00   $      3.10   $        1,798.00
31   Sidewalk Ramp, ADA                           Sft   1225    $      7.50   $         9,187.50   $      5.55   $     6,798.75   $            5.00   $         6,125.00   $            5.70   $        6,982.50   $      5.00   $         6,125.00   $            5.70   $        6,982.50   $      5.95   $        7,288.75
32   Traffic Control, Modified                    LS        1   $ 2,500.00    $         2,500.00   $  3,200.00   $     3,200.00   $        4,925.00   $         4,925.00   $        3,000.00   $        3,000.00   $  2,500.00   $         2,500.00   $        5,200.00   $        5,200.00   $  7,100.00   $        7,100.00
33   Topsoil Surface, Furn, 4 inch                Syd   2425    $      2.00   $         4,850.00   $      3.85   $     9,336.25   $            2.00   $         4,850.00   $            0.01   $           24.25   $      1.50   $         3,637.50   $            2.75   $        6,668.75   $      3.00   $        7,275.00
34   Hydroseeding                                 Syd   2425    $      0.50   $         1,212.50   $      0.50   $     1,212.50   $            1.00   $         2,425.00   $            0.45   $        1,091.25   $      0.80   $         1,940.00   $            0.50   $        1,212.50   $      0.80   $        1,940.00
35   Water Service, 1 Inch, Copper Type K         Ft    1076    $     20.00   $        21,520.00   $     20.55   $    22,111.80   $           17.00   $        18,292.00   $           10.00   $       10,760.00   $     16.00   $        17,216.00   $           15.00   $       16,140.00   $     17.10   $       18,399.60
36   Watermain, DI, 6 Inch, Tr Det G, Modified Ft         104   $     30.00   $         3,120.00   $     28.00   $     2,912.00   $           33.00   $         3,432.00   $           40.00   $        4,160.00   $     25.00   $         2,600.00   $           44.50   $        4,628.00   $     32.00   $        3,328.00
37   Watermain, DI, 8 Inch, Tr Det G, Modified Ft        1315   $     35.00   $        46,025.00   $     33.55   $    44,118.25   $           40.00   $        52,600.00   $           29.00   $       38,135.00   $     30.00   $        39,450.00   $           41.30   $       54,309.50   $     34.00   $       44,710.00
38   Bend, 8 inch, 45 Degree, DI MJ               Ea        9   $    310.00   $         2,790.00   $    250.00   $     2,250.00   $          345.00   $         3,105.00   $          290.00   $        2,610.00   $    260.00   $         2,340.00   $          330.00   $        2,970.00   $    275.00   $        2,475.00
39   Corporation Stop, 1 inch                     Ea       33   $    206.00   $         6,798.00   $    100.00   $     3,300.00   $          120.00   $         3,960.00   $          300.00   $        9,900.00   $    250.00   $         8,250.00   $          195.00   $        6,435.00   $    180.00   $        5,940.00
40   Cross, 8 Inch x 8 Inch, DI MJ                Ea        1   $    600.00   $           600.00   $    440.00   $       440.00   $          600.00   $           600.00   $          500.00   $          500.00   $    560.00   $           560.00   $          615.00   $          615.00   $    560.00   $          560.00
41   Curb Stop & Box, 1 inch                      Ea       25   $    280.00   $         7,000.00   $    200.00   $     5,000.00   $          230.00   $         5,750.00   $          200.00   $        5,000.00   $    270.00   $         6,750.00   $          280.00   $        7,000.00   $    230.00   $        5,750.00
42   Cut and Cap, 6 inch Watermain                Ea        1   $    550.00   $           550.00   $    270.00   $       270.00   $          515.00   $           515.00   $          225.00   $          225.00   $    100.00   $           100.00   $          160.00   $          160.00   $    670.00   $          670.00
43   Hydrant, 6 inch, Standard                    Ea        4   $ 1,400.00    $         5,600.00   $  1,835.00   $     7,340.00   $        2,125.00   $         8,500.00   $        2,100.00   $        8,400.00   $  2,000.00   $         8,000.00   $        2,050.00   $        8,200.00   $  2,020.00   $        8,080.00
44   Meter Pit Complete                           Ea        8   $    700.00   $         5,600.00   $    625.00   $     5,000.00   $          640.00   $         5,120.00   $          630.00   $        5,040.00   $    800.00   $         6,400.00   $          650.00   $        5,200.00   $    850.00   $        6,800.00
45   Reducer, 8 inch X 6 inch, DI MJ              Ea        4   $    250.00   $         1,000.00   $    210.00   $       840.00   $          315.00   $         1,260.00   $          250.00   $        1,000.00   $    250.00   $         1,000.00   $          300.00   $        1,200.00   $    230.00   $          920.00
46   Sleeve, 6 inch, Long, DI MJ                  Ea        3   $    350.00   $         1,050.00   $    430.00   $     1,290.00   $          415.00   $         1,245.00   $          800.00   $        2,400.00   $    250.00   $           750.00   $          475.00   $        1,425.00   $    950.00   $        2,850.00
47   Sleeve, 8 inch, Long, DI MJ                  Ea        2   $    375.00   $           750.00   $    490.00   $       980.00   $          540.00   $         1,080.00   $          750.00   $        1,500.00   $    280.00   $           560.00   $          450.00   $          900.00   $  1,120.00   $        2,240.00
48   Tapping Sleeve & Valve, 6 inch X 6 inch Ea             1   $ 1,000.00    $         1,000.00   $  2,040.00   $     2,040.00   $        1,700.00   $         1,700.00   $        2,300.00   $        2,300.00   $  2,000.00   $         2,000.00   $        1,800.00   $        1,800.00   $  2,700.00   $        2,700.00
49   Tee, 8 inch X 6 inch, DI MJ                  Ea        4   $    400.00   $         1,600.00   $    360.00   $     1,440.00   $          450.00   $         1,800.00   $          430.00   $        1,720.00   $    410.00   $         1,640.00   $          470.00   $        1,880.00   $    410.00   $        1,640.00
50   Tee, 8 Inch x 8 Inch, DI MJ                  Ea        1   $    550.00   $           550.00   $    400.00   $       400.00   $          490.00   $           490.00   $          470.00   $          470.00   $    450.00   $           450.00   $          515.00   $          515.00   $    465.00   $          465.00
51   Valve, 6 inch, Gate, with Box                Ea        1   $    500.00   $           500.00   $    690.00   $       690.00   $          750.00   $           750.00   $        1,150.00   $        1,150.00   $  1,000.00   $         1,000.00   $          845.00   $          845.00   $    700.00   $          700.00
52   Valve, 8 Inch, Gate, With Box                Ea        7   $ 1,100.00    $         7,700.00   $    955.00   $     6,685.00   $          980.00   $         6,860.00   $        1,400.00   $        9,800.00   $  1,100.00   $         7,700.00   $        1,120.00   $        7,840.00   $    990.00   $        6,930.00
53   Water Valve Box and Cover, Complete          Ea        1   $    300.00   $           300.00   $    200.00   $       200.00   $          250.00   $           250.00   $          400.00   $          400.00   $    400.00   $           400.00   $          280.00   $          280.00   $    275.00   $          275.00
                                                                     TOTAL    $       444,241.50                 $   404,169.51                       $       426,166.00                       $      387,238.77                 $       383,750.85                       $      410,817.30                 $      409,857.00
                                                 CONTRACTOR                                           DAN HOE EXCAVATING INC.                    CONNAN INC.                     CL TRUCKING & EXCAVATING             HALLACK CONTRACTING INC.                *MCCORMICK SAND
                                                    ADDRESS           ENGINEERS ESTIMATE                 13664 ROCKYS RD.                    160 W. WASHINGTON                       256 E. PARMETER RD.                  4223 W. POLK RD.                     5430 RUSSELL RD.
                                                   CITY/ST/ZIP                                           HOLLAND, MI 49424                    ZEELAND, MI 49464                         IONIA, MI 48846                    HART, MI 49420                     TWIN LAKE, MI 49457
                ITEM OF WORK                      UNIT   QTY     UNIT PRICE        TOTAL PRICE      UNIT PRICE     TOTAL PRICE         UNIT PRICE          TOTAL PRICE          UNIT PRICE          TOTAL PRICE     UNIT PRICE        TOTAL PRICE        UNIT PRICE        TOTAL PRICE
 1   Tree, Rem, 19 inch to 36 inch                Ea         2   $    550.00   $         1,100.00   $    350.00   $       700.00   $        1,250.00   $         2,500.00   $          831.00   $        1,662.00   $  1,850.00   $         3,700.00   $        850.00   $       1,700.00
 2   Tree, Rem, 6 inch to 18 inch                 Ea         2   $    250.00   $           500.00   $    200.00   $       400.00   $          500.00   $         1,000.00   $          415.00   $          830.00   $    850.00   $         1,700.00   $        350.00   $         700.00
 3   Sewer, Rem, Less than 24 inch                Ft       374   $      5.50   $         2,057.00   $      4.00   $     1,496.00   $           17.00   $         6,358.00   $            7.40   $        2,767.60   $      8.00   $         2,992.00   $         12.00   $       4,488.00
 4   Dr Structure, Rem, Modified                  Ea        29   $    275.00   $         7,975.00   $    150.00   $     4,350.00   $          230.00   $         6,670.00   $          233.00   $        6,757.00   $    300.00   $         8,700.00   $          5.00   $         145.00
 5   Sidewalk, Rem                                Syd      450   $      5.00   $         2,250.00   $      4.00   $     1,800.00   $            6.00   $         2,700.00   $            6.20   $        2,790.00   $      4.00   $         1,800.00   $        150.00   $      67,500.00
 6   Pavt, Rem, Modified                          Syd    5118    $      5.50   $        28,149.00   $      4.25   $    21,751.50   $            5.00   $        25,590.00   $            3.15   $       16,121.70   $      4.00   $        20,472.00   $          2.00   $      10,236.00
 7   Machine Grading, Modified                    Sta    12.15   $ 1,100.00    $        13,365.00   $  1,900.00   $    23,085.00   $        1,350.00   $        16,402.50   $          461.00   $        5,601.15   $  1,400.00   $        17,010.00   $        530.00   $       6,439.50
 8   Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Fabric DroEa        15   $     85.00   $         1,275.00   $    150.00   $     2,250.00   $          120.00   $         1,800.00   $           70.00   $        1,050.00   $     75.00   $         1,125.00   $        100.00   $       1,500.00
 9   Aggregate Base, 6 inch                       Syd    3819    $      7.00   $        26,733.00   $      4.50   $    17,185.50   $            5.00   $        19,095.00   $            3.50   $       13,366.50   $      5.12   $        19,553.28   $          5.00   $      19,095.00
10   Sewer, Cl A, 10 inch, Tr Det B               Ft        55   $     26.00   $         1,430.00   $     15.00   $       825.00   $           24.00   $         1,320.00   $           17.00   $          935.00   $     21.28   $         1,170.40   $         20.00   $       1,100.00
11   Sewer, Cl E, 12 inch, Tr Det B               Ft       467   $     26.00   $        12,142.00   $     22.00   $    10,274.00   $           25.00   $        11,675.00   $           18.00   $        8,406.00   $     17.78   $         8,303.26   $         22.00   $      10,274.00
12   Sewer Tap, 8 inch                            Ea         2   $    135.00   $           270.00   $    100.00   $       200.00   $          200.00   $           400.00   $           73.00   $          146.00   $    150.00   $           300.00   $        250.00   $         500.00
13   Sewer Tap, 10 inch                           Ea         3   $    150.00   $           450.00   $    100.00   $       300.00   $          200.00   $           600.00   $           85.00   $          255.00   $    150.00   $           450.00   $        300.00   $         900.00
14   Sewer Tap, 12 inch                           Ea         1   $    175.00   $           175.00   $    100.00   $       100.00   $          225.00   $           225.00   $           98.00   $           98.00   $    150.00   $           150.00   $        300.00   $         300.00
15   Sanitary Sewer, PVC SDR 35, 10 inch          Ft       522   $     35.00   $        18,270.00   $     25.00   $    13,050.00   $           42.00   $        21,924.00   $           21.00   $       10,962.00   $     26.43   $        13,796.46   $         22.25   $      11,614.50
16   Sanitary Sewer, PVC SDR 35, 6 inch           Ft       993   $     25.00   $        24,825.00   $     18.00   $    17,874.00   $           35.00   $        34,755.00   $           17.00   $       16,881.00   $     22.59   $        22,431.87   $         20.10   $      19,959.30
17   Sanitary Sewer, PVC SDR 35, 8 inch           Ft       960   $     30.00   $        28,800.00   $     12.00   $    11,520.00   $           32.00   $        30,720.00   $           18.00   $       17,280.00   $     23.83   $        22,876.80   $         20.60   $      19,776.00
18   Sanitary Sewer Wye, PVC SDR 35, 8 inch X     Ea        31   $    200.00   $         6,200.00   $    150.00   $     4,650.00   $          200.00   $         6,200.00   $          127.00   $        3,937.00   $    130.39   $         4,042.09   $        143.00   $       4,433.00
19   Dr Structure, Tap, 10 inch                   Ea         1   $    200.00   $           200.00   $    100.00   $       100.00   $          200.00   $           200.00   $          162.00   $          162.00   $    250.00   $           250.00   $        235.00   $         235.00
20   Dr Structure, Tap, 12 inch                   Ea         7   $    200.00   $         1,400.00   $    100.00   $       700.00   $          225.00   $         1,575.00   $          184.00   $        1,288.00   $    250.00   $         1,750.00   $        235.00   $       1,645.00
21   Dr Structure Cover, Modified                 Lb     8770    $      1.00   $         8,770.00   $      1.50   $    13,155.00   $            1.50   $        13,155.00   $            1.20   $       10,524.00   $      1.33   $        11,664.10   $          1.07   $       9,383.90
22   Catch Basin Special Detail                   Ea        14   $    800.00   $        11,200.00   $  1,100.00   $    15,400.00   $          890.00   $        12,460.00   $          932.00   $       13,048.00   $  1,006.50   $        14,091.00   $        920.00   $      12,880.00
23   Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified Ea            4   $    350.00   $         1,400.00   $    350.00   $     1,400.00   $          300.00   $         1,200.00   $          371.00   $        1,484.00   $    200.00   $           800.00   $        300.00   $       1,200.00
24   Manhole Special Detail                       Ea         5   $ 1,300.00    $         6,500.00   $  1,500.00   $     7,500.00   $        1,675.00   $         8,375.00   $        1,348.00   $        6,740.00   $  1,763.54   $         8,817.70   $      1,290.00   $       6,450.00
25   HMA, 3C                                      Ton      427   $     65.00   $        27,755.00   $     55.00   $    23,485.00   $           54.00   $        23,058.00   $           54.14   $       23,117.78   $     54.14   $        23,117.78   $         55.22   $      23,578.94
26   HMA, 4C                                      Ton      427   $     70.00   $        29,890.00   $     62.00   $    26,474.00   $           62.00   $        26,474.00   $           61.62   $       26,311.74   $     61.62   $        26,311.74   $         62.85   $      26,836.95
27   Driveway, Nonreinf Conc, 6 Inch, Modified Syd         635   $     28.00   $        17,780.00   $     18.00   $    11,430.00   $           23.00   $        14,605.00   $           25.90   $       16,446.50   $     21.60   $        13,716.00   $         23.83   $      15,132.05
28   Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                Ft     2442    $     10.00   $        24,420.00   $      9.50   $    23,199.00   $            9.00   $        21,978.00   $           10.30   $       25,152.60   $      8.75   $        21,367.50   $          9.58   $      23,394.36
29   Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                       Sft    2150    $      2.25   $         4,837.50   $      2.50   $     5,375.00   $            2.20   $         4,730.00   $            2.30   $        4,945.00   $      1.90   $         4,085.00   $          2.14   $       4,601.00
30   Sidewalk, Conc, 6 inch                       Sft      580   $      4.00   $         2,320.00   $      2.75   $     1,595.00   $            2.50   $         1,450.00   $            3.05   $        1,769.00   $      2.60   $         1,508.00   $          2.85   $       1,653.00
31   Sidewalk Ramp, ADA                           Sft    1225    $      7.50   $         9,187.50   $     12.00   $    14,700.00   $            4.50   $         5,512.50   $            5.80   $        7,105.00   $      5.17   $         6,333.25   $          5.67   $       6,945.75
32   Traffic Control, Modified                    LS         1   $ 2,500.00    $         2,500.00   $  4,925.00   $     4,925.00   $        5,000.00   $         5,000.00   $       32,595.00   $       32,595.00   $  4,930.00   $         4,930.00   $      2,450.00   $       2,450.00
33   Topsoil Surface, Furn, 4 inch                Syd    2425    $      2.00   $         4,850.00   $      3.75   $     9,093.75   $            4.00   $         9,700.00   $            2.55   $        6,183.75   $      4.00   $         9,700.00   $          2.35   $       5,698.75
34   Hydroseeding                                 Syd    2425    $      0.50   $         1,212.50   $      0.75   $     1,818.75   $            0.80   $         1,940.00   $            0.50   $        1,212.50   $      1.25   $         3,031.25   $          0.55   $       1,333.75
35   Water Service, 1 Inch, Copper Type K         Ft     1076    $     20.00   $        21,520.00   $     12.00   $    12,912.00   $           30.00   $        32,280.00   $           12.50   $       13,450.00   $     20.67   $        22,240.92   $         13.00   $      13,988.00
36   Watermain, DI, 6 Inch, Tr Det G, Modified Ft          104   $     30.00   $         3,120.00   $     25.00   $     2,600.00   $           32.00   $         3,328.00   $           24.00   $        2,496.00   $     24.66   $         2,564.64   $         30.00   $       3,120.00
37   Watermain, DI, 8 Inch, Tr Det G, Modified Ft         1315   $     35.00   $        46,025.00   $     28.00   $    36,820.00   $           40.00   $        52,600.00   $           29.00   $       38,135.00   $     22.79   $        29,968.85   $         31.63   $      41,593.45
38   Bend, 8 inch, 45 Degree, DI MJ               Ea         9   $    310.00   $         2,790.00   $    275.00   $     2,475.00   $          290.00   $         2,610.00   $          223.00   $        2,007.00   $    243.98   $         2,195.82   $        347.00   $       3,123.00
39   Corporation Stop, 1 inch                     Ea        33   $    206.00   $         6,798.00   $    100.00   $     3,300.00   $          150.00   $         4,950.00   $          130.00   $        4,290.00   $    191.34   $         6,314.22   $        230.00   $       7,590.00
40   Cross, 8 Inch x 8 Inch, DI MJ                Ea         1   $    600.00   $           600.00   $    425.00   $       425.00   $          550.00   $           550.00   $          411.00   $          411.00   $    507.22   $           507.22   $        670.00   $         670.00
41   Curb Stop & Box, 1 inch                      Ea        25   $    280.00   $         7,000.00   $    200.00   $     5,000.00   $          200.00   $         5,000.00   $          160.00   $        4,000.00   $    297.34   $         7,433.50   $        335.00   $       8,375.00
42   Cut and Cap, 6 inch Watermain                Ea         1   $    550.00   $           550.00   $    900.00   $       900.00   $          500.00   $           500.00   $          199.00   $          199.00   $    333.20   $           333.20   $        410.00   $         410.00
43   Hydrant, 6 inch, Standard                    Ea         4   $ 1,400.00    $         5,600.00   $  2,000.00   $     8,000.00   $        2,100.00   $         8,400.00   $        2,110.00   $        8,440.00   $  3,420.32   $        13,681.28   $      1,950.00   $       7,800.00
44   Meter Pit Complete                           Ea         8   $    700.00   $         5,600.00   $    650.00   $     5,200.00   $          760.00   $         6,080.00   $          647.00   $        5,176.00   $    692.20   $         5,537.60   $        728.00   $       5,824.00
45   Reducer, 8 inch X 6 inch, DI MJ              Ea         4   $    250.00   $         1,000.00   $    250.00   $     1,000.00   $          265.00   $         1,060.00   $          191.00   $          764.00   $    213.24   $           852.96   $        317.00   $       1,268.00
46   Sleeve, 6 inch, Long, DI MJ                  Ea         3   $    350.00   $         1,050.00   $    230.00   $       690.00   $          500.00   $         1,500.00   $          721.00   $        2,163.00   $    194.16   $           582.48   $        530.00   $       1,590.00
47   Sleeve, 8 inch, Long, DI MJ                  Ea         2   $    375.00   $           750.00   $    275.00   $       550.00   $          600.00   $         1,200.00   $          842.00   $        1,684.00   $    240.80   $           481.60   $        530.00   $       1,060.00
48   Tapping Sleeve & Valve, 6 inch X 6 inch Ea              1   $ 1,000.00    $         1,000.00   $  2,400.00   $     2,400.00   $        3,735.00   $         3,735.00   $        2,242.00   $        2,242.00   $  2,050.00   $         2,050.00   $      1,478.00   $       1,478.00
49   Tee, 8 inch X 6 inch, DI MJ                  Ea         4   $    400.00   $         1,600.00   $    350.00   $     1,400.00   $          380.00   $         1,520.00   $          329.00   $        1,316.00   $    335.14   $         1,340.56   $        529.00   $       2,116.00
50   Tee, 8 Inch x 8 Inch, DI MJ                  Ea         1   $    550.00   $           550.00   $    400.00   $       400.00   $          425.00   $           425.00   $          379.00   $          379.00   $    378.60   $           378.60   $        529.00   $         529.00
51   Valve, 6 inch, Gate, with Box                Ea         1   $    500.00   $           500.00   $    700.00   $       700.00   $          725.00   $           725.00   $          738.00   $          738.00   $    949.24   $           949.24   $      1,337.00   $       1,337.00
52   Valve, 8 Inch, Gate, With Box                Ea         7   $ 1,100.00    $         7,700.00   $    975.00   $     6,825.00   $          970.00   $         6,790.00   $        1,026.00   $        7,182.00   $  1,067.96   $         7,475.72   $      1,337.00   $       9,359.00
53   Water Valve Box and Cover, Complete          Ea         1   $    300.00   $           300.00   $    300.00   $       300.00   $          250.00   $           250.00   $          300.00   $          300.00   $    317.48   $           317.48   $        434.00   $         434.00
                                                                      TOTAL    $       444,241.50                 $   384,058.50                       $       474,850.00                              383,302.82                 $       407,252.37   AMT OF BID        *$374,698.20

     *McCormick Sand is the low bidder for this project.

     Item(s) # 4, and 5 prices were transposed by the contractor.
     Total Bid for the project remains at the amount originally submitted.
     Low Bidder for this project.
     Calculation errors found in submitted bids

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