City Commission Packet Archive 09-27-2016

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                   SEPTEMBER 27, 2016

□     PRAYER:
□     ROLL CALL:
      A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
      B. Demolition of 1812 Lakeshore Drive – City “Grant” to Share in Costs
         Planning & Economic Development Department
      C. Fire Department Pickup Trucks       DPW/Equipment
      D. Approval of Sale of City-owned home at 2324 Park Drive     Community
         and Neighborhood Services
      E. Rezoning request for the properties located at 307 & 313 W Laketon
         Avenue Planning & Economic Development
      F. Adopt a Resolution to Approve a Small Distillery, Thew’s Beverage
         Company, LLC at 930 W. Sherman City Clerk
      A. Request to Conduct a Public Hearing of the Community &
         Neighborhood Services Department Consolidated Annual Performance
         Evaluation Report (CAPER 2015) Community and Neighborhood
         Services Department
      B. BID Special Assessment – Resolution Approving District     Planning &
         Economic Development Department

                                         Page 1 of 2
►      Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►      Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►      Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►      Be recognized by the Chair.
►      Step forward to the microphone.
►      State name and address.
►      Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►      (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)


                                                       Page 2 of 2
Date:     September 21, 2016
To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:     Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
RE:       Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes of the September 12, 2016
Worksession and September 13, 2016 Regular City Commission Meeting.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
                                       City of Muskegon
                                 City Commission Worksession
                                       September 12, 2016
                                   Muskegon City Chambers
                               933 Terrace, Muskegon, MI 49440
                                            5:30 PM


Present: Commissioners Hood, Gawron (left at 6:15 p.m.), Johnson, Rinsema-Sybenga, German
(6:45 p.m.), and Warren.
Absent: Turnquist.

Presentation on Downtown BID.
Dave Alexander of Muskegon Downtown Now requested the City Commission consider a
special assessment to extend the Business Improvement District assessment one year. A public
hearing will be held in September. If the BID assessment passes, the assessment will be placed
on the winter tax bill.

Boys & Girls Club Presentation.
Dakota Crow of Muskegon Boys & Girls Club gave an update of the club. The Boys & Girls
Club took over the summer programs previously ran by the YMCA. They had a very successful
summer and look forward to continuing the relationship with the city.

Special Projects Coordinator.
The City Manager is requesting the Commission consider creating a position for a Special
Projects Coordinator. The position would be for a licensed builder at a cost of $60,000 - $70,000
to work on various projects throughout the city.

The Commission will consider this request at its September 13, 2016 Commission Meeting.

NEZ at 965 W Western & 920 W Western – Watermark
Sara Sass, President of Watermark, and her attorney requested the Commission consider an NEZ
at 920 and 965 W. Western.

Commissioners questioned them about the corner building that some residents have complained
about being an eyesore to the community. Their attorney indicated a decision about the building
should be made by the end of the year if all approvals have been received.

The Commission will consider the request for an NEZ at its meeting on September 13, 2016.

Street Lights
The Commission discussed the possibility of a streetlight assessment to replace current lights for
a more cost-effective light. The cost would be under $20 annually per household. The
Commission will hold a public hearing to consider the request.
Moved by Hood, seconded by Johnson to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

                                                           MOTION PASSES.

                                                      Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                                              City Clerk
                    SEPTEMBER 13, 2016

The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 13, 2016.
Pastor Wally Reames, Central Assembly of God, opened the meeting with
prayer, after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag.
Present: Mayor Stephen J. Gawron, Vice Mayor Eric Hood, Commissioners Dan
Rinsema-Sybenga, Ken Johnson, Debra Warren, and Willie German, Jr., City
Manager Franklin Peterson, City Attorney John Schrier, and Deputy City Clerk
Kimberly Grimm.
Absent: Commissioner Byron Turnquist
Ron Jenkins from the Muskegon Lake Hawks updated the City Commission and
the audience on the team’s achievements and the upcoming season.
2016-69     CONSENT AGENDA:
      A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the August 23, 2016 Regular
City Commission Meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Approval of the minutes.
      B. Request to Fly Breast Cancer Ribbon Flags        City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: As they have done in the past, Tempting Tables is
requesting the use of City flag poles at the Farmer’s Market, Hackley Park, City
Hall, Shoreline Drive, Root Park, Hartshorn Marina, and the Fire Station for the
month of October to bring greater awareness of breast cancer to our
                                        Page 1 of 6
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Approval of the request.
      D. Transfers to Engineering, Public Improvement and Arena Funds
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: During the close out of fiscal year 2015-16 and based
on the financial results for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016, staff transferred
$50,000 from the general fund to the engineering services fund to eliminate a
fund balance deficit in that fund. In addition, staff transferred $750,000 from the
general fund to the public improvement fund to eliminate a fund balance
deficit in that fund and $250,000 to support the arena fund.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:      $50,000 from the general fund to engineering services
fund, $750,000 from the general fund to the public improvement fund, and
$250,000 from the general fund to the arena fund.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Formal approval of the transfers from the general
fund to the engineering services fund, public improvement fund, and arena
fund, effective June 30, 2016.
      E. Bid Tabulation for HVAC Condenser Replacement at L.C. Walker Arena
         Annex City Manager and Finance Director
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Two bids were received from contractors to perform
work to replace the HVAC condenser at the arena annex building. Northside
Heating, Cooling, and Refrigeration, Inc. was the lowest cost from the bids
received. Therefore, based on cost and quality of work, staff requests the
approval of Northside Heating, Cooling & Refrigeration, Inc. for the replacement
of the HVAC condenser at the L.C. Walker Arena Annex.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:      Total proposed cost of $40,020 to replace the HVAC
condenser at the arena annex building.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:      Fiscal year 2016-17 budget to be adjusted to
reflect the need to replace the HVAC condenser at the L.C. Walker Arena
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To approve the bid received from Northside
Heating, Cooling, & Refrigeration, Inc. for the replacement of the HVAC
condenser at the L.C. Walker Arena Annex.
      H. Community Relations Committee Recommendations for Various City
         Boards and Committees  City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Accept the recommendations from the Community
Relations Committee to accept the resignation of Rosalind Ford from the
Citizen’s District Council and appoint Lisa Judge to the Citizen’s District Council.

                                         Page 2 of 6
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Approval
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Approval
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:               Approval
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Warren, to approve
the Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of Items C, F, & G.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes:    Johnson,        Gawron,       Hood,   Warren,   German,    and
            Nays: None
      C. Supplemental MERS Contribution Finance
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: One of the most significant financial challenges facing
the city and many other governments across the nation is the issue of pension
funding. Relative to many other cities, Muskegon’s pension plans have
historically been considered well-funded. However, in recent years, due in part
to lower than expected investment returns and changes in actuarial
assumptions, the funding levels of the city’s pension plans have decreased.
Paying down the city’s existing pension legacy costs will present budget
challenges for years to come.
For the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2016, staff conservatively budgeted for
an increase in pension costs. During the course of fiscal year 2015-16, an
additional $206,831.82 was expensed and accumulated for payment towards
the city’s pension costs. At this time staff believes it is appropriate to take this
opportunity to make a $206,831.82 supplemental payment (above the actuarial
computed amount) to MERS. This is money that the city would be required to
pay to MERS eventually. Paying early, while the city is in a position to do so,
makes time an ally (instead of an enemy) and may help to ease some pressure
on future city budgets.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        $206,831.82   supplemental     payment      to   MERS.
$201,831.82 will be paid from monies already set aside for MERS in the collector
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:        Authorize staff to make a               supplemental
$206,831.82 payment to MERS no later than October 31, 2016.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Johnson, to
authorize staff to make a supplemental $206,831.82 payment to MERS no later

                                           Page 3 of 6
than October 31, 2016
ROLL VOTE: Ayes:    Johnson,         Gawron,     Hood,    Warren,    German,     and
             Nays: None
      F. Request to Create a New Neighborhood Enterprise Zone District at 316
         Morris Street Planning & Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 147 of the Michigan Public Acts
of 1992, Hinman Lake, LLC has requested to create a new Neighborhood
Enterprise Zone district for the parcel at 316 Morris Street. Properties located in
this NEZ district will be eligible to apply for NEZ certificates, which will lower the
residential property taxes for rehab construction. Notice letters were sent to the
taxing jurisdictions on July 1 and a public hearing was held on July 12. State law
requires that the resolution must be adopted at least 60 days after the notice
letters were sent. This project will include 19 condo units that will be located on
the 6th and 7th floors of the current building.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:          No financial impact at this point. However, being in a
district will allow them to apply for a rehab NEZ certificate, which will freeze the
building at its pre-rehabilitated rate for 1 to 15 years.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            Staff recommends approval of the new NEZ
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to
approve the new Neighborhood Enterprise Zone District at 316 Morris Street.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, and
             Nays: None
      G. Special Projects Coordinator         City Manager
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To create the position of Special Project Coordinator
and authorize staff to begin the process of filling the position.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        The position will be advertised at Range VII-B with a
salary range of $43154 to $57,110.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To create the position of Special Project
Coordinator and authorize staff to begin the process of filling the position.

                                          Page 4 of 6
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Warren, to create
the position of Special Project Coordinator and authorize staff to begin the
process of filling the position.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Johnson, and
            Nays: None
      A. Request to Add Parcels to the City’s Existing Groundwater Ordinance
         Planning & Economic Development – SECOND READING
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City has received an application to designate 52
parcels under the water supplies ordinance. These parcels are associated with
the former Mobil Oil Pipeline – Sisson Avenue at McCracken Street. The
ordinance prohibits the use of groundwater wells and secondary water supplies
under certain circumstances and in certain locations, to prevent exposure to
contaminated groundwater, as well as to prevent wells from influencing the
movement of contaminated water. Notice was sent to the affected addresses
prior to this meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Approval of the ordinance amendment to add
the additional 52 parcels.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner German,
approve the ordinance amendment to add the additional 52 parcels.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Johnson, Gawron, and
            Nays: None
2016-72     NEW BUSINESS:
      A. Request to Create a New Neighborhood Enterprise Zone District at 965
         W Western Avenue & 920 Washington Avenue Planning & Economic
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 147 of the Michigan Public Acts
of 1992, P & G Holdings NY, LLC has requested to create a new Neighborhood
Enterprise Zone (NEZ) district for the parcels at 965 West Western Avenue and
920 Washington Avenue. Properties located in this NEZ district will be eligible to
apply for NEZ certificates which will lower the residential property taxes for rehab

                                         Page 5 of 6
construction. Notice letters were sent to the taxing jurisdictions on July 1 and a
public hearing was held on July 12. State Law requires that the resolution must
be adopted at least 60 days after the notice letters were sent. This project will
include 120 new market rate apartment units.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:          No financial impact at this point. However, being in a
district will allow them to apply for a rehab NEZ certificate, which will freeze the
building at its pre-rehabilitated rate for 1 to 15 years.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Staff recommends approval of the new NEZ
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to
approve the new Neighborhood Enterprise Zone District at 965 West Western and
920 Washington Street.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Gawron, Hood, and Warren
            Nays: German and Johnson
      B. LED Street Light Assessment City Manager
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To set a public hearing for October 11, 2016 for the
creation of a proposed city-wide streetlight assessment district.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To set the public hearing for October 11, 2016.
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Warren, to set a
public hearing for October 11, 2016 for the creation of a proposed city-wide
streetlight assessment district.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and Warren
            Nays: German
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Public Comments were received.
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission adjourned at 7:11 p.m.
                                       Respectfully Submitted,

                                       Kimberly Grimm, Deputy City Clerk

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        Commission Meeting Date: September 27, 2016

Date:         September 14, 2016
To:           Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:         Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:           Demolition of 1812 Lakeshore Drive- City “Grant”
              to Share in Costs

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Dick Ghezzi recently purchased the property at 1812
Lakeshore Drive. This building has been a blight in the Lakeside Business District for
several years. Mr. Ghezzi is requesting “grant” assistance from the City in
demolishing the building (similar to the request approved for 1785 Beidler last year).
It is located along a critical commercial corridor, as well as adjacent to the Lake
Express Ferry Terminal. Mr. Ghezzi intends to demolish part of the building for a
parking lot and will improve the remainder (see attached memo).

FINANCIAL IMPACT: Mr. Ghezzi received two quotes (see attached). The lowest
quote if for $14,200. It is recommended that the City pay $7,100, or half the amount
of the lowest quoted price, which will be paid from the City’s current budget for
building demolitions.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To accept the cost share with Mr. Ghezzi for half the
amount of the lowest quote, which is $7,100.00. The payment will be made after the
demolition and parking improvements are completed.

To:    Honorable Mayor and City Commission
CC:    Frank Peterson, City Manager
From: Cathy Brubaker-Clarke, Director of Community & Economic Dev.
Date: 9/21/2016
Re:    Demolition of 1812 Lakeshore Drive- City “Grant” to Share in Costs

Staff has been in conversation with Dick Ghezzi over the last several months as
he considered the purchase of 1812 Lakeshore Drive. His recent purchase of
the building is an exciting event, as Mr. Ghezzi has a history of converting
problem properties into attractive businesses and residences. Improvements
have already started on the property. Overall plans for the building include
converting the 52’ x 95’ building on the corner of Lakeshore and Estes into retail
on the first floor, while adding a second floor for residential apartments (or
possibly a boutique hotel). The majority of the building to the west will be
demolished. A portion of this area may be built on, with the remaining being
parking. He estimates a total project cost of $500,000+.

Mr. Ghezzi has two bids (attached), with the lowest bid being for $14,200. Staff
recommends sharing the cost of the demolition, with a cost not to exceed
$7,100. This amount will be paid to Mr. Ghezzi when he completes both the
demolition and parking improvement. He expects to complete the demolition
this fall, with the parking improvements and landscaping being made in the
spring of 2017.


Date:    9/27/16

To:      Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From: DPW/Equipment
RE:      Fire Department Pickup Trucks


Authorize staff to purchase two 2017 Ford F 250 4x4 Pickup trucks from Gorno Ford,
the Mi-Deal State contract holder, for a purchase price of $30,645.00 each.

$61,290.00 or $30,645.00 each
None. The amount is accounted for in the 2016/17 budget.

Authorize staff to purchase 2 Ford F 250 4x4 pickups from Gorno Ford.

O:\CLERK\Common\Word\Agenda Items for Next Meeting\2016\092716\07_2016 Firepickups.doc
      Commission Meeting Date:          September 27th, 2016

Date:      September 20, 2016
To:        Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:      Community and Neighborhood Services Department
RE:        Approval of Sale of City-owned home at 2324 Park Dr

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the attached resolution and instruct
the Community and Neighborhood Services department to complete the sales
transaction with Muhamer Nijaziu for the totally rehabilitated home at 2324
Park Drive: purchase price $105,000.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proceeds from the sale will be used to continue the
rehabilitation of affordable homes through the HOME program and provide
funding for our Homebuyer’s Assistance Program.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and direct the CNS
staff to complete the sale.

                 HUD PROPERTY AT 2324 PARK DRIVE

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is dedicated to the redevelopment of its
neighborhoods and;

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is dedicated to promoting high quality
affordable single-family housing in the community and;

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is dedicated                to   promoting
homeownership throughout its neighborhoods;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission hereby
approves the sale of the property at 2324 Park Drive by Muhamer Nijaziu.
This home has been renovated by Community and Neighborhood
Services Department through the Home-Buyer Program.

Adopted this 27th of September, 2016.



                          By ______________________________
                             Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                          By ______________________________
                             Ann Marie Meisch, MMC, City Clerk
        Commission Meeting Date: September 27, 2016

Date:        September 21, 2016
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Planning & Economic Development
RE:          Rezoning request for the properties located at 307 & 313 W
             Laketon Ave


Request to rezone the properties at 307 & 313 W Laketon Ave from I-2, General Industrial to
B-4, General Business by Juan Avreola Villa.






Staff recommends approval of the rezoning.


The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the request at their 9/15/16

Planning Commission packet excerpt:

                                             STAFF REPORT
                                            September 15, 2016

       Hearing, Case 2016-12: Request to rezone the properties at 307 & 313 W Laketon Ave
       from I-2, General Industrial to B-4, General Business.


           1. The properties are currently zoned I-2, General Industrial. They were previously the
              location of the former bar, Time Out Lounge, which went out of business several
              years ago. The properties have been zoned industrial even prior to 1986 (major year
              for rezonings) and the bar operated as a legal non-conforming use.
           2. The new owner would like to operate a banquet/rental hall. This type of use is
              allowed in B-2, Convenience & Comparison Business districts and B-4, General
              Business districts. These properties are better fitted as a B-4 district rather than a B-
              2 district because of its location on a major street and also because of the proximity
              to other B-4 districts adjacent to these properties. Please see the enclosed ordinance
              excerpt for allowed uses in B-4 districts.
           3. The properties to the north and the west are zoned B-4, General Business and the
              properties to the south and the east are zoned I-2, General Industrial.
           4. Given the historical use of the property and the functionality of the current building
              on site, staff recommends rezoning of the properties regardless of the request for a
              banquet/rental hall. Since the building has been vacant for more than two years, it
              has lost its legal non-conforming status to operate as a bar again. Also, any
              conversion to retail would also require a rezoning to a business district. Staff also
              feels this is a good location from a banquet hall, since it has several buffers between
              it and residential districts. This request follows the guidelines of the master plan to
              provide buffer zones between industrial, commercial and residential zones.           The
              property also has more than adequate parking for uses allowed in B-4 districts, with
              about 40 spaces on site.
           5. B-4, General Business districts have a minimum lot requirement of 10,890 sf and
              must have at least 100’ of road frontage. The property at 313 W Laketon Ave
              measures 76’ x 104’ for a total of 7,904 sf. and has 76’ of road frontage. The
              property at 307 W Laketon Ave is an L shaped lot with 57’ of frontage on Laketon
              Ave and has a total of 12,196 sf. Separately, neither meet the requirements for a B-
              4 lot, but together they do. Combined, the properties measure 133’(on Laketon Ave)
              x 152, for a total of 20,216 sf (0.48 acres). Staff recommends that any approval of
              rezoning is contingent upon the lots being combined.
           6. Notice letters were sent to properties within 300 ft of this property. At the time of
              this writing, staff has not received any comments from the public.

307 & 313 W Laketon Ave looking south from Laketon Ave

           Looking north from back of the lot

Zoning Map

Aerial Map

Date:      September 21, 2016
To:        Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:      Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
RE:        Adopt a Resolution to Approve a Small Distillery
           Thew’s Beverage Company, LLC
           930 W. Sherman

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor Control Commission is seeking
local recommendation on a request from Thew’s Beverage Company,
LLC, for a Small Distillery License to be located at 930 W. Sherman.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To adopt the resolution approving
Thew’s Beverage Company, LLC at 930 W. Sherman as a small
      Commission Meeting Date:      September 27th, 2016

Date:      September 20, 2016
To:        Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:      Community and Neighborhood Services
RE:        Request to Conduct a Public Hearing of the
           Community & Neighborhood Services Department
           Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation
           Report (CAPER 2015)

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To conduct a public hearing of the 2015-
2016 CAPER projects funded through CDBG and HOME allocations to
the City of Muskegon Community and Neighborhood Services


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To submit the 2015-2016 CAPER,
including any public comments received during the 30 day comment
period ending September 27, 2016.
                 City of Muskegon
Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report
                      2015 Grant
                                 2015 Program Year CAPER

      This is the last Annual Action Plan accomplishment of strategic goals for the 2011 Consolidated Plan.
Some programs were typical of previous years’ expectations.

        Highlights that are easily calculated are the number of households assisted through our Vinyl Siding
program are 10 vinyl siding projects (2 more than last year) and with Priority home repairs for 40 (same as 2014
) residents were assisted. However, a significant project to stabilizing neighborhoods is Board-ups. The city is
trying to rid our community of unsightly, blighted buildings that can be unsafe to adjacent neighbors and
potentially to curious children. Making sure these structures are secured is vital to the ongoing, and sometimes
lengthy process of demolition. When our focus is to create a more positive image that better represents our
strengths and services, addressing blighted neighborhoods is just one initial step to reaching this goal. There
were 54 board-ups and 8 clearances (demolitions) that occurred this year. Census tract neighborhoods include:
3, 4.01, 4.02, 5, 6.01, 8, 21, and 42.

        The Target neighborhood continues to grow to include all of Nelson neighborhood census tracts 6.01
and 6.02. The completion of Monroe Street was a benefit to the Midtown Square development sponsored by the
city of Muskegon for market-rate, single family housing. The park received a new fence courtesy of the
Neighborhood Association and this program. This area has been revitalized and now the 1st buyer is occupying
1 of the 9 newly built homes in the target area. The Million dollar investment by the city produced an
aesthetical, emotional and secure reaction from the public at large, as well because it was a visual investment of
funds that was otherwise unknown to this neighborhood 3 years ago. Our concentration in this area offered
citizens and youth an opportunity to work alongside a very active neighborhood association. There have been 3
rental rehabilitation projects started, 5 housing repair assistance activities and 2 vinyl siding constructions

       Assisting citizens with Priority Housing Repairs - specifically roofs, which made up over half the repairs
provided when a huge windstorm damaged several homes in our community. Many households sought help to
make the necessary repairs that would keep them safe in their homes, and many received help with their
furnaces through our partnership with DTE. Other services requested were for electric and plumbing defects.
Below is a snapshot of the programs utilizing CDBG funds:
                                              5 YEAR                   2015              ACTUAL 5 YEAR
                                              OBJECTIVE                OUTCOME           ACCOMPLISHMENT
   HOUSING             HOUSING REPAIR                    250 UNITS            40 UNITS               234 UNITS
                       VINYL SIDING                         50 UNITS          10 UNITS                36 UNITS

                       RAMPS                       10 HOUSEHOLDS       0 HOUSEHOLDS            13 HOUSEHOLDS
   NON-HOUSING         DEMOLITION                       10 HOUSING         8 HOUSING                  27 UNITS
                                                             UNITS             UNITS
   PRIORITIES                                           DEMOLISHED        DEMOLISHED

                       BOARD-UPS                   30 HOUSING UNITS 54HOUSING UNITS                  221 UNITS
                                                            BOARDED           BOARDED
   OTHER               SUMMER                          2-3 INTERNS        3 INTERNS                  9 INTERNS

Fair Housing

        Each year Muskegon County and our sister cities, Muskegon Heights and Norton Shores, partner
through an inter-agency agreement to use resources from the Fair Housing Agency of West Michigan (FHA).
The agreement enlists surveys, testing, training, reports, and if necessary, investigations into complaints from
our Muskegon area citizenry. We feel that our contract with the FHCWM is beneficial to uncovering fair
housing behaviors and tendencies that create barriers to affordable housing. This was the final year of a 2-year
contract to monitoring our area housing complexes and to connect with our citizens who report possible housing
discriminatory actions. This collaboration offers a critical opportunity to reduce unjust practices as well as
strengthen our individual communities. In light of the reports provided, we can alter Action Plan programs and
projects to address any discriminatory actions that limit choice, and inhibit our assistance to provide affordable
housing that is safe, and decent.

Affordable Housing

        HOME funds support activities for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs), Rental
Housing projects and our Homebuyer Programs which have impacted our community in a positive way. This
year our CHDO reserve dollars were held until our CHDOs were able to complete their 2014 affordable housing
projects: 1 homebuyer unit and 2 rental units were produced. Our collaboration with the County Lead Grant
helped to carry Lead Abatement costs for our Rental Rehabilitation projects. We were able to rehabilitate and
create 4 affordable units (4 single-family projects) where lead hazard components were removed or remediated
that once threatened the health of children under 6 years of age.

                                              RENTAL REHAB

 PROGRAM YEAR                     NUMBER OF UNITS                  COST
 2011-2012                        1                                $7670.00
 2012-2013                        5                                $20,853.47
 2013-2014                        5                                $36,525.67
 2014-2015                        3                                $18,812.12
 2015-2016                        4                                $35,065.94
 TOTALS                           18                               $118,927.20

        The 2009 Building Code standards is our rehabilitation/new construction standard. All housing projects
within the City of Muskegon CDBG and HOME funding conform to our local codes of enforcement.
Successfully, staff monitors the progress of each project and inspections are required and important safeguards
throughout the building process. Annually, safer housing units are being produced successfully through our
Homebuyer Programs.

       Since the inception of the Homebuyer Assistance program, we have helped with closing costs and pre-
paid expenses incurred by homebuyers who choose to purchase homes in our city limits. HOME program
income is our funding source and by this program we have 10 new homeowners in our neighborhoods.

                       HOUSEHOLD INCOME < 80% AMI

 GENDER         RACE        FAMILY SIZE            PURCHASE              NEIGHBORHOOD
     M             W                                $82,750.00                 Glenside
     M             W                                $61,000.00                 Lakeside
     M             W                                $55,000.00                   Nims
     F             B                                $32,860.00              East Muskegon
     M             W                                $79,000.00                 Glenside
     F             W                                $26,000.00                Marquette
     F             W                                $50,000.00                  Nelson
     M             H                                $34,900.00               Marsh Field
     M             M                                $39,000.00               Sheldon Park
     F             B                                $77,000.00                  Nelson

W-white, B-black, H-hispanic

        We continue to work together on the promotion of qualified contractors that provide quality work. In
addition, our commitment to support and enlist minority and women owned contractors is a commitment that
comes with challenges. Most recent collaborations with the county of Muskegon and a local CHDO agency
provide evidence that we must reach minority and female individuals interesting in construction services.
Contact has been made to include West Michigan WORKS to present opportunities to grow Lead Abatement
contractors in our area. The 1st training is expected to happen in 2016 funding year from which we can
anticipate a list of Section 3 contractors will be created.

       Internally, our Affirmative Action department updates policies to include local minority-owned
businesses in our selection process. Concurrently, the number of minority contractors hired through the city is
being tracked and reported. Having local contractors is vital to our process. Without this service trade, we have
delays in our activity operations, waiting lists and various barriers of service to low income families.

General Questions

       Any obstacles we faced in meeting the underserved needs could be linked to our funding resources. We
do not have a match requirement in our community, so the biggest challenge was met head on by the reduction
of Muskegon’s 2011 grant allocation. As a result of dropping below 1 million in CDBG money, we were forced
to make policy changes to offset less funding. We continued to serve low income households and ultimately,
we could only fund one sub-recipient agency to help us carry out our goals. 2014 remained constant with just
the one agency, LOVE Inc. We continue to offer grants from our entitlement funds to provide youth with after-
school activities - open gym, and a number of summer programs and activities geared to engage children and
offered specific character building programs.

                                                     THE PROCESS


       Staff from Community and Neighborhood Services is working with local departments, outside agencies
and commissioners to move forward on our plans to provide services to our low to moderate income citizens.
Our efforts to assist a local unit of government have gone well for 7 years. Increasing our partnerships has
enhanced the community’s perception of us working together. It is clear that we have the staff capacity to
continue this level of service work as well as performing contractual duties in another municipality.

        For all of our housing programs, we did not displace any homeowner. It is necessary to state that our
CDBG funded programs were limited to our entitlement allocation and any additional resources were covered
by (PI) Program Income received from the CDBG programming.

                                              HOUSING NEEDS

                                                                 Ethnic                          Income
                                                                                            51- 31-
 R    F E P/S O           Description                       B   W H A AI                            30%
                                                                                           60% 50%
         1                                   $6,500.00      1                                             1
                    1   Water Heater           $935.00          1                                   1
 1                                           $4,612.00          1                   1        1
 1                                           $3,858.00          1                                   1
 1                                           $7,563.00      1                                             1
 1                                           $8,529.00      1                                       1
 1                                           $7,019.00      1                                       1
 1                                           $4,945.00      1                                1
 1                                           $8,490.00          1                                   1
 1                                           $6,452.50          1                            1
 1                                           $9,863.00      1                       1               1
                    1    Water Heater          $935.00          1                   1               1
                    1    Water Heater        $1,345.00
                    1    Water Heater        $1,287.00      1                       1        1
                    1     Foundation         $2,950.00          1                   1               1
                  1      Foundation        $9,950.00     1                                               1
 1                                         $4,860.00              1                                      1
 1                                         $8,214.00              1                       1              1
              1                            $2,375.00     1                                1        1
              1                            $2,150.00              1                       1              1
      1                                    $2,718.50     1                                1              1
          1                                $9,400.00              1                                      1
              1                            $1,100.00              1                                              1
      1                                    $5,023.00              1                                1
 1                                         $3,048.00              1                                      1
      1                                    $1,550.00     1                                1        1
 1                                         $4,988.00     F                                               1
 1                                         $9,148.03              1
      1                                    $2,695.00     1                                         1
      1                                    $1,367.00              1                                              1
          1                                $1,403.00     1                                1        1
              1                            $1,330.00
 1                                         $2,595.00              1                       1                      1
 1                                         $4,218.00     1                                1                      1
 1                                         $5,836.00              1                                      1
 1                                         $5,878.00              1                                              1
      1                                    $1,950.00              1                                      1
 1                                         $5,720.00     1                                                       1
          1                                $5,950.00              1                                              1
 1                                         $6,178.00     1                                1                      1

 20   6   4   4   6                    $184,928.03       16     21        0   0   0       14       9    18       10

Vinyl Siding Program
                      Supply       Total               Ethnic                     Income           Senior?   FHH      HH
 Install Total
                       Total      Amount       B W H A AI 20% 50% 60%                              Y    N    Y N Y N
          $0.00       $6,000.00    $6,000.00   1                                      1            1         1        1
          $0.00           $0.00        $0.00             1                    1                         1    1            1
      $3,587.75       $2,843.29    $6,431.04       1                          1                         1    1        1
      $5,437.75       $1,233.57    $6,671.32                                          1
      $3,498.75       $2,600.30    $6,099.05                                  1
      $3,805.75       $2,980.37    $6,786.12   1                              1                         1         1       1
      $1,587.00       $1,354.34    $2,941.34   1                              1                         1         1   1
      $2,840.75       $2,345.85    $5,186.60       1                          1                         1         1       1
      $3,405.75       $2,252.51    $5,658.26   1                                      1            1         1            1
      $3,814.75       $1,736.65    $5,551.40   1                                      1                 1    1            1
                                  $51,325.13   5   2     1    0       0       6       4        0   2    6    5    3   3   5

*R=Repair F=Furnace E=Electric P/S=Plumbing/Sewer O=Other
FHH- Female Head of Household
HH- Handicap


         Affordable, decent and safe housing is critical to goals and objectives of the 2011 Consolidated Plan

                 ACTIVITIES               5 YR                 PREVIOUS               2015
                                       PROJECTION              PROGRESS             PROGRESS
              Acquisition                   2                      2                    2
              New Construction              5                      5*                   0
              Rehabilitation               10                      8                    1
              Rental                       10                     13*                   0
                  *CHDO Assisted

Barriers to Affordable Housing

         It has become increasingly difficult to get responsible contractors. Given this dilemma, a task group was
formed to solicit, mentor, and grow contractors. Our focus was to reach out first, to local abatement
contractors, then general building contractors, and lastly, approach youth/adults/females in our unemployment
system called West Michigan WORKS! The team of organizers consists of the County of Muskegon, an active
CHDO agency, and the City of Muskegon prepared to offer training for lead abatement certificates and building
licenses for interested individuals. The ground work has been laid and we are working to have the 1st training in
the fall of 2016.

Homeless Needs

         In our community, the City of Muskegon is an active board member of the Continuum of Care
Coalition. Local agencies have a vested interest in working with the CoC. It appears that adjustments are
working. There is tracking of clients and housing vouchers for households at risk of becoming homeless
including support case management. Certain interest in the Veteran Population is now a major focus of local
agencies. Special resources are set aside to end homelessness for our Veterans in 2017. Limited funding may
restrict this goal but these agencies are doing their best to push toward this challenge.

Actions taken to deter homelessness
       - Staff training
       - Recruitment of landlords
       - Multi-agent programs for at risk families
       - Support groups
       - Improved housing opportunity facilities

Non-Homeless Special Needs

        Special consideration for low-income families is important to our City Commission. With a local sub-
recipient, Love Inc., families who are in need of additional dollars to help with utilities and rent are screened
before they are allowed to receive assistance. Below are the figures of how many were assisted with a small
amount of funding. What is not shown are the households assisted with Ramps- no applications were approved
and this funding will roll over into the 2016 year,

Love INC

       13 residents of the City of Muskegon were assisted with Rent/Utility Assistance.

   ETHNIC GROUP                  # ASSISTED           INCOME LEVEL                   # ASSISTED
   Black                              9               Extremely Low                       8
   Latino                             1               Low                                 7
   White                              3               Moderate                            0
   American Indian                    2               TOTALS                             15

                 * Moderate: 60 – 80%     Low: 30 – 50% Extremely Low 20% >

There were no ramps installed this year, however the funds will be used in the 2016 year.


             Commission Meeting Date: September 27, 2016

Date:         September 22, 2016
To:           Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:         Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:           BID Special Assessment- Resolution Approving District

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Downtown Business Improvement District (BID)
Board is requesting that the special assessment district for downtown properties be
renewed. The previous BID district was only approved for one year. Since the BID
assessment is still very new, it is proposed that it be extended for another one-year
term to allow us to gauge its impact before committing to a longer term. The
assessments will continue to go towards various downtown expenditures, including
snow removal on sidewalks, spring/fall cleanup and landscaping, events, directional
signs, and marketing/advertising. The BID assessment includes both a “Class A” and
a “Class B” district (see attached list).

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total estimated cost of services within the BID is $150,000
of which approximately 75% ($111,924) will be paid by the special assessment to
property owners.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution approving the
special assessment district and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign.
To our Downtown Muskegon neighbors,

The City of Muskegon, in partnership with Downtown Muskegon Now, is proposing to
renew the Business Improvement District (BID) assessment for another year, starting in
January of 2017. Because the previous BID district assessment was approved for a one-
year period only, we must repeat the notification process for next year’s request, which
is the purpose of the enclosed letter. Since the BID assessment is still very new, we are
proposing another one-year term to allow us to gauge its impact before committing to a
longer term.

Funds from the 2016 BID assessment have enabled us to pay for several items which
improved our downtown business district: snow removal from downtown sidewalks
(starting February 1); downtown landscaping and maintenance including plantings in 27
planters; the printing of 20,000 downtown map brochures; the launch of the popular
“First Friday” events, including the street performers and the September “touch the
trucks” event; the purchase and installation of new downtown map signs at the Johnson
Traffic Circle, Muskegon Farmer’s Market, and the Union Depot/CVB; and the overall
marketing and development of Muskegon’s ever-improving downtown. We are asking
you to help keep this momentum going by approving the BID district for 2017.

Please review the enclosed letter for details, including your proposed assessment
amount. The 2017 BID documents, including the Benefit Analysis Summary, can be
viewed in the Planning Department (room 203) at City Hall, or on the City’s website at


Cathy Brubaker-Clarke
Director of Community & Economic Development
City of Muskegon

Dave Alexander
Executive Director
Downtown Muskegon Now
                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                    Resolution No. _____

             Resolution At First Hearing Creating Special Assessment District
             For Downtown Muskegon Business Improvement District (BID)
                  Location and Description of Properties to be assessed:
                         See Exhibit A attached to this resolution


1.   By resolution of the City Commission, a hearing has been held on September 27, 2016, at
     5:30 p.m. at the City Commission Chambers. Notice was given by mail and publication
     as required by law.

2.   That estimates of costs of the project, a feasibility report and valuation and benefit
     information are on file with the City and have been reviewed for this hearing.

3.   At the hearing held on September 27, 2016, there were _____________ objections by the
     owners of the property in the city registered at the hearing either in writing received
     before or at the hearing or by owners or agents present at the hearing, and the
     Commission has considered the advisability of proceeding with the project.


1.   The City Commission has examined the estimates of cost, including all assessable
     expenses, and determines them to be reasonable.

2.   The City Commission has considered the value of the property to be assessed and the
     value of the benefit to be received by each property to be assessed in the district for
     downtown improvements and services. The City Commission determines that the
     assessments of costs of the City project will enhance the value of the property to be
     assessed in an amount at least equivalent to the assessment and that the improvement
     thereby constitutes a benefit and remove a burden from the property associated with the
     services and improvements to the property.


1.   The City Commission hereby declares a special assessment district to include all of the
     property included in Exhibit A.

2.   The City Commission determines to proceed with the special assessment.
3.     The City Commission hereby appoints a Board of Assessors consisting of City
       Commissioners _______________________________ and ______________________
       and the City Assessor who are hereby directed to prepare an assessment roll. Assessments
       shall be made upon a benefit basis.

4.     It is hereby determined that, based on the estimates of cost for services and improvements
       downtown, the City will levy a special assessment in the said district on “Class A”
       Properties, as defined in the BID Bylaws, for an annual assessment of $0.08/sf with no
       assessment to exceed $3,000 and “Class B” Properties, as defined in the BID Bylaws, for
       an annual assessment of $0.02/sf with no assessment to exceed $750 commencing with
       the Winter 2016 tax bill.

5.     Upon submission of the special assessment roll, the City staff is hereby directed to notify
       all owners and persons interested in properties to be assessed of the hearing at which the
       City Commission will consider confirmation of the special assessment roll.

This resolution adopted.

       Ayes ___________________________________________________________________


       Nays ___________________________________________________________________


                                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                    By _________________________________
                                                       Ann Marie Meisch, Clerk


      This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on
_______________, 2016. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open
Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public acts of 1976.

                                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                    By _________________________________
                                                       Ann Marie Meisch, Clerk
                     Exhibit A

Location and Description of Properties to be Assessed
PARCEL NO.           PROPERTY ADDRESS       OWNER                              Number       Street                        City           State   ZIP                SF_of_Lot        ASSESSMENT AMT CLASS
24-205-367-0011-10   1147 3rd St            1145 3RD STREET LLC                             PO BOX 809                    MUSKEGON       MI                49443             6228             $498.24   A
24-205-330-0010-00   136 W Webster Ave      136 WEBSTER LLC                         648     MONROE AVE NW STE 101         GRAND RAPIDS   MI                49503            17424           $1,393.92   A
24-205-330-0002-00   165 W Clay Ave         165 CLAY LLC                                    PO BOX 809                    MUSKEGON       MI                49443             4997             $399.76   A
24-205-315-0006-00   563 W Western Ave      3M INVESTMENTS LLC                      565     W WESTERN AVE STE B           MUSKEGON       MI                49440             9235             $738.80   A
24-205-566-0014-00   446 W Western Ave      446 W WESTERN AVE LLC                   446     W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI                49440            4168.6            $333.49   A
24-205-567-0001-10   450 W Western Ave      450 W WESTERN LLC                      4880     RAMBLING CREEK DR             MUSKEGON       MI                49441           7858.22            $628.66   A
24-205-314-0001-10   477 W Western Ave      475 W WESTERN AVE LLC                  1887     HOLTON RD STE D-279           MUSKEGON       MI                49445             1500             $120.00   A
24-205-567-0001-40   500 W Western Ave      500 W WESTERN AVE LLC                           PO BOX 1051                   MATTHEWS       NC                28106           9448.16            $755.85   A
24-205-188-0013-00   8 W Walton St          8 W WALTON LLC                              8   W WALTON                      MUSKEGON       MI                49440             9240             $739.20   A
24-205-330-0008-00   896 Jefferson St       896 JEFFERSON LLC                               PO BOX 809                    MUSKEGON       MI                49443             8976             $718.08   A
24-205-367-0011-00   1141 3rd St            AGUILAR LUIS                           8726     S HUSTON                      CHICAGO        IL                60617             2352             $188.16   A
24-205-187-0016-00   908 Terrace St         AUTHORITY BASE VALUE                    888     TERRACE ST                    MUSKEGON       MI                49440             1320             $105.60   A
24-205-315-0001-00   521 W Western Ave      BABBITT E C/P R TRUST                  4473     CHERRYWOOD CT                 MUSKEGON       MI                49441            13860           $1,108.80   A
24-205-315-0003-00   545 W Western Ave      BABBITT E C/P R TRUST                  4473     CHERRYWOOD CT                 MUSKEGON       MI                49441            13860           $1,108.80   A
24-205-365-0001-00   1144 3rd St            BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING LLC             4425     PONCE DELEON BLVD             MIAMI          FL                33146           117612           $3,000.00   A
24-205-188-0004-00   928 Terrace St         BK MUSKEGON PROPERTIES LLC             4220     EDISON LAKES PKWY             MISHAWAKA      IN                46545            46264           $3,000.00   A
24-233-000-0006-00   350 W. Western Ave     BLIND PIG PROPERTIES LLC                800     FIRST ST #357                 MUSKEGON       MI                49440           4889.49            $391.16   A
24-205-174-0004-00   750 Pine St            BOLEN DAVID L                                   PO BOX 113                    ROTHBURY       MI            49452-0113           19140           $1,531.20   A
24-205-367-0014-00   1129 3rd St            BURLING MICHAEL A/MARY J               3497     MACARTHUR RD                  MUSKEGON       MI                49442             1386             $110.88   A
24-205-315-0005-10   557 W Western Ave      CBT ENTERPRISES LLC                    1003     W MAIN ST                     FREMONT        MI                49412             1185              $94.80   A
24-233-000-0005-00   356 W Western Ave      CENTURY CLUB DEVELOPMENT LLC                    PO BOX 732                    MUSKEGON       MI                49443           5581.67            $446.53   A
24-205-330-0001-00   835 Terrace St         CIHAK CHARLES W/LINDA B                 835     TERRACE ST                    MUSKEGON       MI                49440             8392             $671.36   A
24-205-322-0007-00   1236 8th St            CMN ENTERPRISES LLC                   18193     YUMA CT                       SPRING LAKE    MI                49456            17424             $348.48   B
24-205-177-0005-00   794 Pine St            COREPARK INVESTMENTS LLC               1985     E LAKETON AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI                49442            22235           $1,778.80   A
24-205-313-0006-00   451 W Western Ave      COREPARK INVESTMENTS LLC                111     W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI                49442             9240             $739.20   A
24-138-000-0101-00   297 W. Clay Ave #101   CORWIN STEPHEN C/LINDA C               2049     CARTER DR                     MUSKEGON       MI                49441           1018.98             $81.52   A
24-205-175-0016-00   820 Terrace St         CZM PRPERTIES LLC                       700      TERRACE POINT RD #400        MUSKEGON       MI                49440            11616             $929.28   A
24-205-175-0010-00   790 Terrace St         DISSELKOEN JACK                        3315     REAL                          HOUSTON        TX                77087            13719           $1,097.52   A
24-205-330-0004-00   173 W Clay Ave         DOOM INVESTMENTS LLC                   2034     LAKESHORE DR                  MUSKEGON       MI                49441             6864             $549.12   A
24-205-188-0011-00   944 Terrace St         DOOM JEFFREY W                         2034     LAKESHORE DR                  MUSKEGON       MI                49441             4620             $369.60   A
24-233-000-0001-00   387 Morris Ave         DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEVELOPMENT CO        425     W WESTERN AVE STE 200         MUSKEGON       MI                49440            24572           $1,965.76   A
24-233-000-0002-00   401 Morris Ave         DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEVELOPMENT CO        425     W WESTERN AVE STE 200         MUSKEGON       MI                49440          24571.79          $1,965.74   A
24-233-000-0007-00   351 W. Western Ave     DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEVELOPMENT CO        425     W WESTERN AVE STE 200         MUSKEGON       MI                49440            21714           $1,737.12   A
24-233-000-0012-00   325 W Western Ave      DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEVELOPMENT CO        425     W WESTERN AVE STE 200         MUSKEGON       MI                49440           7945.21            $635.62   A
24-233-000-0013-00   307 W Western Ave      DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEVELOPMENT CO        425     W WESTERN AVE STE 200         MUSKEGON       MI                49440          16477.87          $1,318.23   A
24-233-000-0014-00   299 W Western Ave      DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEVELOPMENT CO        425     W WESTERN AVE STE 200         MUSKEGON       MI                49440           8223.06            $657.84   A
24-233-000-0015-00   295 W Western Ave      DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEVELOPMENT CO        425     W WESTERN AVE STE 200         MUSKEGON       MI                49440           8213.94            $657.12   A
24-233-000-0024-00   292 W Western Ave      DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEVELOPMENT CO        425     W WESTERN AVE STE 200         MUSKEGON       MI                49440          42503.25          $3,000.00   A
24-205-316-0001-00   587 W Western Ave      EBEE PROPERTIES LLC                    1685     68TH ST SE                    CALEDONIA      MI                49316            12320             $985.60   A
24-205-316-0009-10   609 W Western Ave      EMP LLC                               16149     BAIRD CT                      SPRING LAKE    MI                49456             2744             $219.52   A
24-205-187-0007-00   71 W Webster Ave       FETHKE KAREN J TRUST                   1201     MILLS AVE                     MUSKEGON       MI                49445            14700           $1,176.00   A
24-205-331-0001-10   877 Terrace St         FIFTH THIRD BANK                         38     FOUNTAIN SQ PLAZA MD 10ATA1   CINCINNATI     OH                45263            58695           $3,000.00   A
24-205-175-0006-00   121 W Western Ave      FIRST GENERAL CREDIT UNION              589     E ELLIS RD                    MUSKEGON       MI                49441            16005           $1,280.40   A
24-205-176-0001-00   860 Terrace St         FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS                 401     MERRITT 7                     NORWALK        CT                  6851         82148.22          $3,000.00   A
24-205-566-0013-00   442 W Western Ave      G & Z PROPERTIES LLC                    442     W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI                49440            2741.2            $219.30   A
24-205-186-0006-00   830 Pine St            GILL EASTER JONES                      1215     SPRING ST                     MUSKEGON       MI                49442             1452             $116.16   A
24-205-186-0007-00   840 Pine St            GILL EASTER JONES                      1215   SPRING ST                  MUSKEGON        MI       49442        2904     $232.32    A
24-205-187-0003-00   839 Pine St            GILL EASTER JONES                      1215   SPRING ST                  MUSKEGON        MI       49442        3960     $316.80    A
24-205-187-0005-00   845 Pine St            GILL EASTER JONES                      1215   SPRING ST                  MUSKEGON        MI       49442        3168     $253.44    A
24-205-187-0006-00   849 Pine St            GILL EASTER JONES                      1215   SPRING ST                  MUSKEGON        MI       49442        2436     $194.88    A
24-205-318-0001-10   683 W Western Ave      GRAND TRUNK LLC                        1007   MOORINGS CT                N. MUSKEGON     MI       49445        2254     $180.32    A
24-205-332-0008-00   935 Jefferson St       HAIRITAGE PROPERTIES LLC               1768   BAYVIEW DR                 MUSKEGON        MI       49441        4183     $334.64    A
24-205-329-0001-00   885 Jefferson St       HENNESSY HOLDING LLC                   1074   JEFFERSON ST               MUSKEGON        MI       49440      17325.6   $1,386.05   A
24-792-000-0001-00   316 Morris St          HINMAN LAKE LLC                         750   TRADE CENTER WAY STE 100   PORTGAGE        MI       49002      239828    $3,000.00   A
24-205-556-0001-00   149 Shoreline Dr       HOT ROD HARLEY DAVIDSON                 149   SHORELINE DR               MUSKEGON        MI       49440    296454.83    $750.00    B
24-205-563-0006-00   902 3rd St             HUME PROPERTIES LLC                     900   3RD ST STE 302             MUSKEGON        MI       49440     56437.31   $3,000.00   A
24-205-333-0001-00   221 W Webster Ave      HUNTINGTON BANK                               PO BOX 182334              COLUMBUS        OH   43218-2334      92696    $3,000.00   A
24-205-315-0004-00   555 W Western Ave      INGALLS REAL ESTATE ACQUISITION LLC   3736    S BAKER ST                 MUSKEGON        MI       49444       11823     $945.84    A
24-205-379-0011-00   1185 3rd St            INTERNATIONAL AUTO GROUP LLC          1185    3RD ST                     MUSKEGON        MI       49441       17820    $1,425.60   A
24-205-323-0006-00   585 W Clay Ave         J & J CORNER PROPERTIES LLC            585    W CLAY AVE                 MUSKEGON        MI       49440        5247     $419.76    A
24-205-186-0009-00   860 Pine St            J & K PROPERTIES OF W MI INC                  PO BOX 439                 TWIN LAKE       MI       49457       16045     $320.90    B
24-205-175-0001-00   111 W Western Ave      J E REAL ESTATE CO LLC                  111   W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON        MI       49442       27142    $2,171.36   A
24-205-367-0013-00   1133 3rd St            J&J PLACE LLC                          1133   3RD ST                     MUSKEGON        MI       49441        4176     $334.08    A
24-205-317-0007-00   1208 8th St            JACOBSEN MICHAEL H TRUST                 35   RESEARCH DR STE 300        ANN ARBOR       MI       48103       24222     $484.44    B
24-138-000-0104-00   297 W. Clay Ave #104   JANSKI LLC                                    PO BOX 1225                MUSKEGON        MI       49443      1261.26    $100.90    A
24-485-000-0000-00   878 Jefferson St       JEFFERSON PROFESSIONAL CONDOMINIUM      878   JEFFERSON ST               MUSKEGON        MI       49440       36432    $2,914.56   A
24-205-187-0001-00   833 Pine St            JERVISS-FETHKE INSURANCE AGENCY INC      71   W WEBSTER                  MUSKEGON        MI       49440        3960     $316.80    A
24-205-176-0005-00   121 W Clay Ave         JILLIAN & JORDAN LLC                    675   RICHMOND NW                GRAND RAPIDS    MI       49504        4884     $390.72    A
24-205-322-0003-00   623 W Clay Ave         L & K COMPANY LLC                      2964   LAKESHORE DR W201          MUSKEGON        MI       49441       18388    $1,471.04   A
24-205-322-0005-00   639 W Clay Ave         L & K COMPANY LLC                      2964   LAKESHORE DR W201          MUSKEGON        MI       49441       17424    $1,393.92   A
24-205-367-0012-00   1137 3rd St            LEMKE DELORES J/LEMKE KIM A            1137   3RD ST                     MUSKEGON        MI       49441        4536     $362.88    A
24-205-351-0005-00   275 W Muskegon Ave     LEMMEN PONTIAC & FM EQ                   13   RANDALL                    COOPERSVILLE    MI       49404       17424    $1,393.92   A
24-205-367-0015-00   1125 3rd St            LINK BRAD D                            1125   3RD ST                     MUSKEGON        MI       49441        5805     $464.40    A
24-205-175-0021-00   777 Pine St            MCDERMOTT WILLIAM/DENISE                777   PINE ST                    MUSKEGON        MI       49442       15576     $311.52    B
24-205-331-0001-00   122 W Muskegon Ave     MCDONALDS CORP                                PO BOX 182571              COLUMBUS        OH       49503       42125    $3,000.00   A
24-205-317-0009-10   600 W Clay Ave         MILL STREET GROUP LLC                    35   RESEARCH DR STE 300        AN ARBOR        MI       48103        2464     $197.12    A
24-205-318-0001-00   664 W Clay Ave         MJ DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES LLC             5142   EVANSTON AVE               MUSKEGON        MI       49442       77614     $750.00    B
24-205-318-0008-00   650 W Clay Ave         MJ DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES LLC             5142   EVANSTON AVE               MUSKEGON        MI       49442        4800       $96.00   B
24-205-562-0001-00   715 Terrace St         MOKA CORPORATION                        715   TERRACE ST                 MUSKEGON        MI       49440      93218.4   $3,000.00   A
24-205-322-0002-00   611 W Clay Ave         MOORE BRENDA M                          611   W CLAY AVE                 MUSKEGON        MI       49440       9147.6    $731.81    A
24-205-332-0007-20   943 Jefferson St       MORALES MANUEL                         2737   SHARON CT SW               WYOMING         MI   49519-2317       4841     $387.28    A
24-205-563-0008-10   372 Morris St          MORRIS ST LLC                           425   W WESTERN AVE SUITE 200    MUSKEGON        MI       49440      313632    $3,000.00   A
24-432-000-0000-00   380 W Western Ave      MUSKEGON CHAMBER BUILDING LLC           300   WASHINGTON AVE STE 200     GRAND HAVEN     MI       49417      15289.9   $1,223.19   A
24-205-563-0008-11   340 Morris St          MUSKEGON GSA LLC                       6641   WEST BROAD ST STE 101      RICHMOND        VA       23230     47579.91   $3,000.00   A
24-205-315-0005-00   561 W Western Ave      MUSKEGON HERITAGE ASSOC                 561   W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON        MI       49440        5487     $438.96    A
24-205-316-0005-00   593 W Western Ave      MUSKEGON LAKEVIEW CONDOS LLC          15877   LAKE AVE                   GRAND HAVEN     MI       49417       10920     $873.60    A
24-204-000-0000-00   333 W Western Ave      NEW TREND INVESTMENTS LLC              8868   WATER ST                   MONTAGUE        MI       49437      9280.54    $742.44    A
24-205-176-0003-00   103 W Clay Ave         NOORDYK WILLIAM TRUST                  2700   KENOWA NW                  GRAND RAPIDS    MI       49544        5874     $469.92    A
24-205-316-0004-00   591 W Western Ave      NORTH EAST BUSINESS ASSOC LLC          5691   17 MILE RD                 CEDAR SPRINGS   MI       49319        3360     $268.80    A
24-205-176-0012-00   66 W Webster Ave       NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC             2648   E WHITE LAKE DR            TWIN LAKE       MI       49457        5676     $113.52    B
24-205-176-0013-00   821 Pine St            NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC             2648   E WHITE LAKE DR            TWIN LAKE       MI       49457        1386       $27.72   B
24-205-176-0015-00   813 Pine St            NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC             2648   E WHITE LAKE DR            TWIN LAKE       MI       49457        4554       $91.08   B
24-205-177-0007-00   820 Pine St            NW MILL REAL ESTATE LLC                 820   PINE ST                    MUSKEGON        MI       49442       26136     $522.72    B
24-205-567-0001-50     955 3rd St                      PARKLAND ACQUISITION LLC                 75 W WALTON AVE STE 1                MUSKEGON       MI           49440         69696                 0.00*   A
24-605-000-0001-00     939 3rd St                      PARKLAND ACQUISITION LLC (2/3 INT)       75 W WALTON                          MUSKEGON       MI           49440         67884            $3,000.00    A
24-205-566-0009-00     428 W Western Ave               PARKLAND HUDSONVILLE LLC                 75 W WALTON AVE #A                   MUSKEGON       MI           49440         11648             $931.84     A
24-205-313-0005-00     441 W Western Ave               PH HOLDING LLC                              PO BOX 388                        MUSKEGON       MI           49443         12904            $1,032.32    A
24-205-367-0001-00     1115 3rd St                     PIONEER RESOURCES INC                   601 TERRACE ST #100                   MUSKEGON       MI           49440          4356             $348.48     A
24-205-567-0001-20     490 W Western Ave               PORT CITY CIO BLDG                      490 W WESTERN AVE                     MUSKEGON       MI           49440        7195.14            $575.61     A
24-205-328-0001-00     275 W Clay Ave                  PRESS' DEVELOPMENT LLC                 8081 HOLTON DUCK LAKE RD               HOLTON         MI           49425         59400            $3,000.00    A
24-205-321-0007-00     1288 9th St                     RELIABLE TOWING INC                    1288 9TH ST                            MUSKEGON       MI           49441         41758             $750.00     B
24-205-175-0015-00     806 Terrace St                  RIEGLER PROPERTIES LLC                  808 TERRACE ST                        MUSKEGON       MI           49440          3780             $302.40     A
                                                                                                   *adjacent parcel w/939; cap has been met
24-233-000-0004-00     360 W Western Ave               RUSSELL BLOCK DEVELOPMENT LLC               PO BOX 732                        MUSKEGON       MI             49443      7805.11             $624.41    A
24-233-000-0025-00     376 W Western Ave               RUSSELL BLOCK DEVELOPMENT LLC               PO BOX 732                        MUSKEGON       MI             49443      3172.95             $253.84    A
24-205-379-0001-00     1157 3rd St                     S & R KADO LLC                         2513 VISTA POINT CT NW                 GRAND RAPIDS   MI             49534        17424           $1,393.92    A
24-205-175-0020-00     98 W Clay Ave                   SEARER JAMES                            908 N SANDALWOOD CIR                  MUSKEGON       MI             49441         1881             $150.48    A
24-233-000-0008-00     379 W Western Ave               SIDOCK PROPERTIES LLC                 45650 GRAND RIVER AVE                   NOVI           MI             48374        22542           $1,803.36    A
24-205-318-0003-00     1250 9th St                     STRONG LEIGH JR/LINDA                  2084 MARYLAND                          MUSKEGON       MI             49441        21120             $422.40    B
24-205-188-0012-00     952 Terrace St                  SWIATEK TRUST                          4778 RUSSELL RD                        MUSKEGON       MI             49445        13860             $277.20    B
24-205-555-0001-00     100 W Western Ave               THEBO JOYCE M REVOCBLE LIVING TRUST   45995 MEADOW CIRCLE E                   MACOMB         MI             48044        16103           $1,288.24    A
24-205-351-0007-00     1100 3rd St                     VENTURE ONE MANAGEMENT LLC             1100 3RD ST                            MUSKEGON       MI             49441         8712             $696.96    A
24-205-175-0018-00     118 W Clay Ave                  VERIZON INC                             401 MERRITT 7                         NORWALK        CT             06851        17424             $348.48    B
24-205-316-0007-00     605 W Western Ave               WESTERN AVE LLC                         605 W WESTERN AVE                     MUSKEGON       MI             49440         3354             $268.32    A
24-205-316-0008-00     607 W Western Ave               WESTERN AVE LLC                         605 W WESTERN AVE                     MUSKEGON       MI             49440         4486             $358.88    A
24-205-189-0010-00     896 Pine St                     WILSON EUDORA B JR                     8812 62ND AVE                          COLLEGE PARK   MD             20740         3480             $278.40    A
24-205-174-0008-00     772 Pine St                     WITT LEE A TRUST                       1501 RUDDIMAN DR                       MUSKEGON       MI             49445         4224              $84.48    B
24-205-321-0001-00     665 W Clay Ave                  WWG HOLDINGS LLC                        665 W CLAY AVE                        MUSKEGON       MI             49440        27720             $554.40    B
24-205-321-0004-00     699 W Clay Ave                  WWG HOLDINGS LLC                        665 W CLAY AVE                        MUSKEGON       MI             49440        27580             $195.60    B
24-205-321-0012-00     1237 8th St                     WWG HOLDINGS LLC                        665 W CLAY AVE                        MUSKEGON       MI             49440        13400             $268.00    B
                                                                                                                                                                 TOTALS:   2876787.21        $111,924.48
(contigious property = 1 assessment)                                                                                                                     Assessment Rate                TOTAL ASSESSMENT
                                                                                                                                                         Class A                 0.08
                                                                                                                                                         Class B                 0.02

                       Total to be paid by assessments: $111,924.48
                                           Percentage = 74.62%

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