City Commission Packet Archive 11-22-2016

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                    NOVEMBER 22, 2016

□     PRAYER:
□     ROLL CALL:
      A. Recognition of Fall 2016 Citizen’s Academy Graduates Public Safety
      A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
      B. Approval of Revised Citizen Participation Plan, Specifically the Period
         for Citizen Comments        Community & Neighborhood Services
      C. Sale of a Non-Buildable Vacant Lot at 1296 Lakeshore Drive
         Planning & Economic Development
      D. Request to Add Parcels to the City’s Existing Groundwater Ordinance –
         SECOND READING      Planning & Economic Development
      E. Towing Contract Extension (Ramos Towing Services) Public Safety
      F. Wireless Internet at Muskegon Farmers Market City Clerk
      G. Two Entry Level Positions in IT       Information Technology
      A. Public Hearing – Request to Establish an Obsolete Property District –
         1740 E Sherman Boulevard Planning & Economic Development
      B. Public Hearing – Request to Issue an Obsolete Property Certificate –
         Pacifica Muskegon, LLC – 1740 E Sherman Boulevard Planning &
         Economic Development

                                           Page 1 of 2
       A. First Quarter 2016-17 Budget Reforecast Finance Director
       B. Commercial Chemical Spreader/Sprayer                               DPW/Equipment
       C. Transfer of the Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate – 316
          Morris Avenue Planning & Economic Development
       D. Revocation of a portion of the Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption
          Certificate – 316 Morris Avenue  Planning & Economic Development
       E. Approval of a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate – 316 Morris
          Avenue Planning & Economic Development
       F. Adopt a Resolution of Intent Regarding Recreational Authority                                City
►      Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►      Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►      Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►      Be recognized by the Chair.
►      Step forward to the microphone.
►      State name and address.
►      Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►      (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)


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To:    Mayor and Commissioners

From: Frank Peterson

Re:    City Commission Meeting

Date: November 16, 2016

Here is a quick outline of the items on next week’s agenda:

1.     Under the consent agenda, we are asking the Commission for approval of the following:
       a. Last meeting’s minutes.
       b. Approval of the revised citizen participation plan. This revision applies to the
          comment period for citizen input.
       c. The sale of a vacant unbuildable parcel to adjoining property owners along Lakeshore
          Drive. The parcel in question is the hill between the railroad tracks and the houses
          on Lakeshore.
       d. Second Reading of a request to add parcels to the City’s groundwater ordinance. This
          item already came before the commission; however, there were a number of
          mistakes in the address list provided by the consultant. Accordingly, we are asking
          the commission to add this updated list of properties to the ordinance.
       e. One Year extension of the Ramos Towing Services Contract.
       f. Approval of installation of wireless internet connection at the Muskegon Farmers
          Market. The purpose of the wireless internet connection is to provide a more reliable
          connection with city hall to allow staff to access the city’s network (including BS&A
          software and the city’s intranet). This is important for more efficiency and stronger
          management on site. It will also allow us to eliminate the phone service at the
       g. We have a vacancy in our IT Department. We have two employees supporting all
          departments as well as the cities of Montague, Roosevelt Park, and North Muskegon.
          We are going to restructure the position by creating two entry-level positions to
          allow more flexibility within the department.

2.     Under public hearings, we will have two items:
          a. We are creating an obsolete property district at the former Target Department
             Store location on Sherman. The property was recently sold and we expect to see
           $1.5 Million in new investment to accommodate new retail opportunities at the
        b. We are also asking the commission to approve an obsolete property certificate for
           the same site on Sherman.

3.   Under new business, we will be asking the Commission to approve the following:
        a. Approval of the 1st Quarter Budget Forecast to account for a reduction in income
           tax revenue (because of a significant corporate refund) as well as additional
           building permit revenues. We are also seeing some increased expenditures, and
           are now forecasting a small budget deficit of about $150,000. As the year
           progresses, it is likely that this deficit will shrink/disappear.
        b. We are requesting permission to purchase a commercial spreader. The spreader
           will allow us to better-manage our greenspaces throughout the city without
           relying on outside companies.
        c. As part of the incentive package for Terrace Plaza, we have a series of action items,
           starting with the transfer of the current Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption
           Certificate from the “entire building” to floors 1 through 5.
        d. This item will revoke the commercial certificate on floors 6-7.
        e. This item will issue the certificate for the NEZ for floors 6-7.
        f. Adopt a Resolution of Intent Regarding Recreational Authority.
Date:     November 15, 2016
To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:     Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
RE:       Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes of the October 25, 2016
Regular City Commission Meeting and the November 7, 2016 Worksession



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
                     OCTOBER 25, 2016
The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 25, 2016. Pastor
Wally Reames, Central Assembly of God Church, opened the meeting with
prayer, after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag.
Present: Mayor Stephen J. Gawron, Vice Mayor Eric Hood Commissioners Willie
German, Jr., Dan Rinsema-Sybenga, Byron Turnquist, and Ken Johnson, City
Manager Franklin Peterson, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann
Absent: Commissioner Debra Warren
   A. Resolution Recognizing Adopt-A-Lot Sponsors in Nelson Neighborhood
The Mayor issued resolutions of recognition commending local organizations
and citizens that are creating a spirit of community and commitment to
neighborhoods through the Adopt-A-Lot Program.
2016-83     CONSENT AGENDA:
      A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes of the October 10, 2016
Worksession Meeting and the October 11, 2016 Regular City Commission
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Approval of the minutes.
      C. Permanent Traffic Control Order – Remove Traffic Signal at Clay Avenue
         and 3rd Street and Install permanent “Stop” signs at Clay Avenue, per
         Control order #29-(2016). Department of Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize removal of traffic signal at Clay Avenue and
3rd Street and install permanent “Stop” signs at Clay Avenue, per Traffic Control

                                         Page 1 of 9
Order #29-(2016).
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        Cost of removing Traffic Signal, installing signs/posts, if
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Authorize DPW to have contractor remove Traffic
Signal at Clay Avenue and 3rd Street and staff install “Stop” signs at Clay
Avenue, per Traffic Control Order #29-(2016).
      D. Permanent Traffic Control Order – Remove Traffic Signal and Install
         permanent “Stop” Signs at Muskegon Avenue and 1st Street, per Traffic
         Control order #30-(2016). Department of Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize removal of Traffic Signal and installation of
permanent “Stop” signs at Muskegon Avenue and 1st Street/Apple Avenue, per
Traffic Control Order #30-(2016).
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:             Install Permanent Stop Signs on Muskegon
Avenue at First Street per Traffic Control Oder #30-(2016).
      I. Request to Add Parcels to the City’s Existing Groundwater Ordinance
         Planning & Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Commission previously approved the parcels to be
added to the groundwater ordinance regarding the former Mobil Oil Pipeline –
Sisson Avenue at McCracken Street on August 23, 2016 (Ordinance 2355).
However, the applicant listed the wrong parcels on the application, but they did
mail notices to the correct addresses. Staff is requesting to repeal Ordinance
2355 and replace it with a new ordinance with the correct parcels listed.
The ordinance prohibits the use of groundwater wells and secondary water
supplies under certain circumstances and in certain locations, to prevent
exposure to contaminated groundwater, as well as to prevent wells from
influencing the movement of contaminated water. Notice was sent to the
affected addresses prior to this meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Approval of the ordinance amendment to add
the additional 52 parcels.
      J. Quit Claim Five (5) Residential Properties to the Muskegon County Land
         Bank Authority for Demolition Through the Hardest Hit 2 Funds Blight
         Grant    Planning & Economic Development

                                          Page 2 of 9
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to Quit Claim five (5) City of Muskegon
residential properties:
      430 Allen Avenue, 333 Catherine Avenue, 325 Iona Avenue,
      139 Myrtle Avenue, and 862 Stevens

To the Muskegon County Land Bank Authority, to be demolished using “Hardest
Hit 2” funds from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA).
The City obtained these properties through the property tax foreclosure process
at the end of 2015 with the intent to demolish them. The City did not pay for any
of these properties to obtain ownership.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:          By deeding these to the Muskegon County Land Bank
Authority, the City will not incur the demolition fees to demolish each of these
structures (estimated at $70,000 plus).
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve the request and have the Mayor and
City Clerk sign the Quit Claim Deed to the Muskegon County Land Bank
      K. West Michigan Metropolitan Transportation Planning Program
         (WestPlan) Dues FY 2016 (October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017) City
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to pay the City of Muskegon’s portion of
the WestPlan dues annually at a cost not to exceed $20,000 annually payable
to West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission: projects and
distribution of federal transportation funds.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        Not to exceed $20,000 per year.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve this request.
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to approve the
Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of Items B, E, F, G, AND H.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, and
            Nays: None
      B. Permanent Traffic Control Order – Remove Traffic Signal and Install
         permanent “Stop” signs at Western Avenue and 4th Street, per Traffic
         Control order #28-(2016). Department of Public Works

                                        Page 3 of 9
SUMMARY OF REQUEST:           Authorize removal of traffic signal and installation
of permanent “Stop” signs at Western Avenue and 4th Streets, per Traffic Control
Order #28-(2016).
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        Cost of removing Traffic Signal, installing signs/posts, if
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:              Authorize DPW to have contractor remove Traffic
Signal and staff install “Stop” signs at Western Avenue and 4th Street, per Traffic
Control Order #28-(2016).
Motion by Commissioner Turnquist, second by Commissioner Johnson, to
authorize DPW to have contractor remove traffic signal and staff to install “Stop”
signs at Western Avenue and 4th Street, per Traffic Control Order #28-(2016).
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Johnson, Gawron, and Hood
            Nays: Turnquist
      E. Removal of Street Lights on Ottawa Avenue Department of Public
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to enter into an agreement with
Consumer’s Energy to remove 27 street lights on Ottawa Street from Hall Street
to Richards Park for an estimated cost of $9,500.
The estimated annual savings to the City is over $3,900 for an estimated
payback of less than 2.5 years.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        $9,500 from the Street Light cost center
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:         Adjustment to the Street Light cost center when
preparing the 1st quarter reforecast.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To authorize staff to enter into an agreement with
Consumer’s Energy to remove 27 mid-block street lights on Ottawa Street
between Hall & Richards Park.
Motion by Commissioner Turnquist, second by Commissioner Johnson, to
authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Consumer’s Energy to remove 27
mid-block street lights on Ottawa Street between Hall & Richard’s Park.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, and
            Nays: None
      F. Police Cruisers Department of Public Works/Equipment

                                          Page 4 of 9
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to purchase three Chevy Caprice
Cruisers from Berger Chevrolet, the Mi-Deal State contract holder for a price of
$27,109.00 each. These will replace the three oldest cruisers currently in use.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        $81,327.00 or $27,109.00 each.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:         None. Amount is what was budgeted.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Authorize staff to purchase three Chevy Caprice
Cruisers from Berger Chevrolet.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
to authorize staff to purchase 3 Chevy Caprice Cruisers from Berger Chevrolet.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and
            Nays: None
      G. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance             Planning & Economic
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to amend the zoning ordinance to require
“private clubs, lodge halls, social & similar organizations” to obtain a special
land use permit instead of allowing them as a use by right in B-2, Convenience &
Comparison Business districts.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve the zoning ordinance amendment.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:       The Planning Commission unanimously
recommended approval of the request at their October meeting.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga
to approve the zoning ordinance amendment.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to
table this agenda item.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, and
            Nays: None
      H. Authorize Muskegon County to Adopt and Enforce a Storm Water
         Runoff and Post-Construction Ordinance Planning & Economic

                                         Page 5 of 9
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting the approval of the resolution that will
allow Muskegon County to administer and enforce a Storm Water Runoff and
Post-Construction Ordinance on behalf of the City of Muskegon. This ordinance
will require a landowner to obtain a Storm Water Permit from the County Drain
Commissioners office before commencement of a project that includes any of
the following:
1) requires Planning Commission approval
2) creates more than 10,000 square feet of impervious surface
3) disturbs, changes, disrupts, more than 10,000 square feet of existing
impervious surface
4) disturbs more than one acre of land
5) is within 500 feet of the water’s edge of a drainage course, wetland, lake or
The application for a Storm Water Permit is $600 and will be approved or denied
within 30 days, however, most reviews can be completed within one to two
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve the ordinance.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner German,
to approve the ordinance.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, and
            Nays: None
      A. BID Special Assessment – Resolution Confirming Special Assessment
         Roll     Planning & Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City Commission approved the creation of a BID
special assessment district at the September 27, 2016 meeting and the Special
Assessment Roll is now ready to be confirmed. The assessments will go towards
various downtown expenditures, including snow removal on sidewalks, spring/fall
clean up and landscaping, holiday decorating, banners & directional signs,
marketing/advertising and art. The BID assessment includes both a “Class A”
and “Class B” district.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:       The total estimated cost of services within the BID is
$150,000 of which approximate 75% ($111,924) will be paid by the special
assessment to property owners, with the remaining amount to come from the
existing BID fund.

                                        Page 6 of 9
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the resolution approving the
confirmation of the special assessment roll and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to
Public Participation: Bill Noordyk, 103 W. Clay, spoke in opposition of the
confirmation of the special assessment roll for street lighting.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Johnson,
to close the public hearing and approve the resolution approving the
confirmation of the special assessment roll and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron
             Nays: German
      B. Confirmation of Special Assessment Roll – Street Lighting     Treasurer
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Confirm the special assessment roll – street lighting.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:       Total collections over 10 years projected to be
$2,706,860.00 based on 14,360 eligible parcels.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Confirm the roll for special assessment and to
establish the amount to levy on all eligible properties for 10 years and approve
the resolution.
Public Participation:    the following members of the public spoke regarding
the confirmation of the roll for a street light assessment.
In opposition:
      August Panici, 2137 Hudson         David Walthey – 1724 Beidler
                                         1720 Beidler – 640 Catawba
      Duane Little, 1076 Ambrosia        Tom Weatherby, 1747 Edgewater
      Jack Page, 1853 Cherry             Michael Howeisen, 903 Turner
      Marietta Barrett, 1366 Creston     Easter Young, 321 Merrill
      Dennis Mayer, 1687 E. Harbour Towne & 3545 Marina View Pointe
      Hannah Lewis, 885 Marquette        Sena Parks, 307 Ottawa
      Ann Craig, 1387 & 1388 6 th Street Mancela Jimenez, 751 Washington
In Favor:
      Larry Spataro, 1567 6th Street

                                          Page 7 of 9
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
to close the public hearing and confirm the roll for special assessment and to
establish the amount to levy on all eligible properties for 10 years and approve
the resolution.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, and Hood
             Nays: German
2016-86      NEW BUSINESS:
      A. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to
         Demolish Public Safety
          2152 S. Getty Street
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission concur with
the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure is unsafe,
substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days
or infraction tickets may be issued. It is further requested that administration be
directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor
and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition
with the lowest responsible bidder or staff may issue infraction tickets to the
owner, agent or responsible party if they do not demolish the structure.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:         General Funds.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals
decision to demolish.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to
concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, and
             Nays: None
      B. City and Consumer’s Energy Contract for Street Lights Upgrade to LED
         Department of Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to enter into an agreement with
Consumer’s Energy to start the process of engineering and upgrading the City’s
street lights to LED at an estimated cost of over 2.7 million dollars with an initial
payment of $270,000 to start the process.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:         2.7 million

                                           Page 8 of 9
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:          None at this time, however, future budgets will
reflect this additional expense.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To authorize staff to enter into an agreement with
Consumer’s Energy to start the engineering/upgrades of all Consumer’s owned
street lights into LED.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to
authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Consumer’s Energy to start the
engineering/upgrades of all consumer owned street lights into LED.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, and Hood
            Nays: German
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Public comments were received.
ADJOURNMENT:       The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

                                      Respectfully Submitted,

                                      Ann Marie Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

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                                CITY OF MUSKEGON
                          CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                              Monday, November 7, 2016
                         Muskegon City Commission Chambers
                        933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440
                                        5:30 PM

Present:      Commissioners Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, German (left at 6:00 p.m.),
              and Rinsema-Sybenga
Absent:       Commissioners Hood and Warren

Muskegon County “Rec” Authority
Ken Johnson explained that we will be able to pool our resources together and that
individual “Rec” plans will not be necessary. A resolution needs to be approved if the
city is interested in participating. This type of Authority could lead to other funding
mechanisms. Any millage questions would have to be a vote of the people. We can also
withdraw from the Authority by resolution if they decide to ask to levy a millage and the
city does not want to.

Downtown Residential Zoning
Mike Franzak is reviewing current downtown residential zoning. Potential proposal to
change the rule of 66 foot lots will allow for smaller lot sizes if the living space meets the
minimum requirements. Jamie Pesch explained the form-based code. Public comments
were also received.

Moved by Hood, seconded by Johnson, to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 p.m.


                                                      Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk
      Commission Meeting Date:           November 22nd, 2016

Date:      November 10, 2016
To:        Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:      Community and Neighborhood Services
RE:        Approval of Revised Citizen Participation Plan,
           Specifically the Period for Citizen Comments

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve a revision of the Citizen
Participation Plan clarifying the length of time allowed for citizens to
comment. The change would reduce the number of days required for a
formal comment period from 30 days to either 15, 20 or 30 days.

SEE ATTACHED: The proposed amendment is on page three of the
Citizen Participation Plan, under “Period for Citizen Comments,”
paragraph two, highlighted area.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request.

COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Item was approved by the
Citizen’s District Council.
                                        Amendments and/or Modifications

The City will follow 24CFR 91.505 when making amendments or modifications to the Consolidated plan, Action
Plan or Citizen Participation Plan. An amendment to the Consolidated Plan or Action Plan will be necessary when
one of the following occurs.

1. A change occurs in the City's allocation priorities or a change in the method of distribution of funds.

2. It is necessary to change the purpose, scope, location or beneficiaries of an activity.

3. An activity is to be carried out using funds from any program covered by the Consolidated Plan but not
previously describes in the Action Plan

                                        Criteria for Substantial Amendment

The City of Muskegon considers an item to be a substantial amendment that significantly affects the scope of
services, purposes or beneficiaries of a project or in combination with other changes that are greater than 10%
of the year’s fiscal CDBG or HOME entitlement amount in question.

Any amendments to the Consolidated Plan will be advertised in the City's major newspaper "the Muskegon
Chronicle" allowing the citizenry 30 days to comment on the amendment(s). The City will review all comments
concerning the changes written or oral. A summary of the comments and views along with any required replies
will be attached to the amendments of the plan.

                                            Period for Citizen Comments

A formal comment period of 30 days will be provided for all Consolidated Plans, Annual Action Plans, Citizens
Participation Plan. In the case of Environmental Reviews and Request for Release of Funds activities the City will
comply with CFR 24 58.45.

In all circumstances a summary of the plan, performance report, or substantial amendment, or other relevant
documentation will be published at the beginning of the formal comment periods. The summary will clearly
express the period that comments will be accepted (i.e., 15, 20, or 30 days) as well as the procedure for making

Written comments received during the comment period along with oral comments made during Public Hearings
will be considered. A summary of such comments by citizens, public agencies, and other interested parties will
be attached to the relevant Plan, substantial amendment or performance report or related document. In a
situation where it is not favorable incorporated the comments will be included in the summary of comments
along with an explanation of why it was not possible to incorporate the comments.
            Commission Meeting Date: November 22, 2016

Date:                November 15, 2016
To:                  Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:                Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:                  Sale of a Non-Buildable Vacant Lot at 1296
                     Lakeshore Dr

To approve the sale of a vacant, non-buildable lot at 1296 Lakeshore Dr. to five different
adjacent property owners (1487 High St, 1492 High St, 1294 Beach St, 1298 Beach St,
1284 Beach St). The lot is roughly 0.92 acres and is considered unbuildable because of its
location on a steep hill and the general intent of its zoning classification. It is zoned OSC,
Open Space Conservation. These districts are intended to provide for permanent open
spaces in the community, and the protection of sand dunes and other natural features, and
are designed to provide undeveloped recreational areas and to safeguard the health, safety,
and welfare of the citizens of Muskegon and adjacent areas by limiting development in
locations where police and fire protection, protection against flooding by high water table or
storm water, and dangers from excessive erosion are not possible without excessive costs
to the City. The property owners wish to purchase the property to prevent any future
development and to be able to maintain the property. They have offered $8,000 plus the
cost of the survey ($2,147) and all closing costs.

The sale of this lot will generate additional tax revenue for the City and will place the
property back on the City’s tax rolls, thus relieving the City of continued maintenance costs.


To approve the lot sale request.
                                           Resolution No. _______

                                  MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, Robert/Susan Mixer (1487 High St), Charles/Merri Davis (1492 High St), Jeff/Gail Hall (1294
Lakeshore Dr), Mary Price (1298 Lakeshore Dr) and Barbara Barteau (1284 Lakeshore Dr) will be allowed to
purchase the parcel designated as number 24-205-582-0001-00, located at 1260 Lakeshore Dr for $8,000 plus
the cost of the survey and all closing costs; and

WHEREAS, the purchasers will combine this property with their respective properties as outlines in the survey;

WHEREAS, the sale would generate additional tax revenue for the City and relieve the City of further
maintenance costs; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that parcel number 24-205-582-0001-00, located at 1296 Lakeshore
Dr. be sold to Robert/Susan Mixer (1487 High St), Charles/Merri Davis (1492 High St), Jeff/Gail Hall (1294
Lakeshore Dr), Mary Price (1298 Lakeshore Dr) and Barbara Barteau (1284 Lakeshore Dr) for $8,000 plus the
cost of the survey and all closing costs.


Adopted this 22nd day of November, 2016.



                                                                            By: _________________________
                                                                             Stephen J. Gawron

                                                                          Attest: ________________________
                                                                             Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                             City Clerk

I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City
Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular meeting held on November
22, 2016.

By: ________________________
Ann Meisch, MMC
City Clerk

                  Commission Meeting Date: October 25, 2016

Date:         November 17, 2016
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Request to Add Parcels to the City’s Existing Groundwater
              Ordinance – SECOND READING


The Commission previously approved the parcels to be added to the groundwater ordinance
regarding the former Mobil Oil Pipeline – Sission Ave @ McCracken St on August 23, 2016
(ordinance 2355). However, the applicant listed the wrong parcels on the application, but
they did mail notices to the correct addresses. Staff is requesting to repeal ordinance 2355
and replace it with a new ordinance with the correct parcels listed.

The ordinance prohibits the use of groundwater wells and secondary water supplies under
certain circumstances and in certain locations, to prevent exposure to contaminated
groundwater, as well as to prevent wells from influencing the movement of contaminated
water. Notice was sent to the affected addresses prior to this meeting.






Approval of the ordinance amendment to add the addition 52 parcels.



                                      MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


Ordinance number 2355 is hereby repealed and replaced by the following:

An ordinance amending the City Code of Ordinances by adding to Ordinance No. 2039 (Muskegon City Code of
Ordinances Section 34, Article lll) certain identifying “Appendix Maps” and descriptions of properties determined
to be “affected premises” on which groundwater wells are prohibited unless excepted under Section 34-65 due
to the contamination or potential contamination of said groundwater. The said Ordinance No. 2039 is amended
by this Ordinance.


    1. The properties identified in this amending ordinance are determined to be affected premised
       within the meaning of and regulated in accordance with, Ordinance No. 2039 or any successor
       ordinance prohibiting wells on such premises. The said affected premises are included in
       Attachment A.

    2. Attached to this ordinance and incorporated herein are Appendix Maps locating the affected

    3. This ordinance shall be effective ten (10) days after publication. In the event any part of this
       ordinance is finally determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court having jurisdiction, then
       said determination shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

Adopted this 25th Day of October 2016.




                                                    BY: __________________________________
                                                           Stephen J. Gawron

                                              ATTEST: __________________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete a resolution adopted by the Muskegon City
Commission, County of Muskegon, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on August 25, 2016.

                                                            Ann Meisch

                        Attachment A
2326 Greenwood Street
1977 Harding Avenue
1978 Harding Avenue
1984 Harding Avenue
1995 Harding Avenue
1996 Harding Avenue
2003 Harding Avenue
2006 Harding Avenue
1970 Harding Avenue
1987 Harding Avenue
1971 Harding Avenue
2200 McCracken Street
2204 McCracken Street
2218 McCracken Street
2226 McCracken Street
2271 McCracken Street
2272 McCracken Street
2287 McCracken Street
2311 McCracken Street
2320 McCracken Street
2331 McCracken Street
2264 McCracken Street
2001 Miner Avenue
1967 Miner Avenue
1975 Miner Avenue
1996 Miner Avenue
1997 Miner Avenue
2005 Miner Avenue
2011 Miner Avenue
2021 Miner Avenue
2030 Miner Avenue
2031 Miner Avenue
2038 Miner Avenue
2147 Moon Street
2198 Moon Street
2225 Moon Street
2231 Moon Street
2205 Moon Street
2206 Moon Street
2185 Moon Street
1992 Morton Avenue
1995 Morton Avenue
1998 Morton Avenue
2001 Morton Avenue
2006 Morton Avenue
2017 Morton Avenue
2016 Morton Avenue
1983 Morton Avenue
1993 Morton Avenue
2005 Morton Avenue
2026 Morton Avenue
2025 Morton Avenue


Date:         November 15, 2016
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From:         Director of Public Safety Jeffrey Lewis

RE:           Towing Contract Extension (Ramos Towing Services)


The Director of Public Safety requests that the City Commission review and consider
approving a contract extension with our current service provider Ramos Towing. Currently,
Ramos provides towing/impoundment/storage service for the City of Muskegon.

Ramos Towing has been under authorized contract services for towing for the last 3 years
(01/14/14 to 01/14/17).

Ramos Towing is willing extend towing services for one year (01-14-2017 to 01-14-2018) as
allowed in the current contract.


None – current contact language in effect




Staff recommends approval of this extended towing contract agreement for one year.
                          TOWING AGREEMENT ADDENDUM

       This Addendum is being made to The Towing Agreement made on January 14,
2014 between the City of Muskegon, Michigan municipal corporation, with offices at
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49440 (“City”), and Ramos Towing with
offices at 2444 Getty, Muskegon Heights, Michigan 49444, (“Contractor”).

       The January 14, 2014 through January 14, 2017 Agreement allows the City to
have the unilateral option to extend this Agreement for two additional one-year terms
under the same terms and condition of the Agreement if, in City’s sole discretion, the
extension is in the City’s best interest. This extension will be exercised by the City
providing written notice to the Contractor at least 60 days prior to the termination date.

      The City hereby extends the January 14, 2014 Agreement through January 14,
2018 with Ramos Towing.

City of Muskegon, a Michigan Municipal Corporation

                             Its Mayor

Contractor – Ramos Towing

                             Its Owner

Page 1 of 1
Date:         November 22,2016
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Ann Meisch, City Clerk
RE:           Wireless Internet at Muskegon Farmers Market

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Currently, the Farmers Market cannot connect to the
City of Muskegon’s network. Because of this issue, they are unable to have a City of
Muskegon email or use the programs currently available to other employees.
Currently they are using a much slower provider.

Connecting the market to the City’s infrastructure is a specialty service that few can
provide. The IT Department was able to receive a quote from MapleNet Wireless
(attached) to install the wireless link.

With this capability, we will be able to utilize our Cisco phone system and eliminate a
$293.44 monthly bill – a payback of approximately 2.5 years while increasing our
bandwidth tremendously.

This will not provide better wireless internet to the customers at the market but it is a
feature we will be reviewing in the future.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To authorize MapleNet to install a wireless link to
connect the Muskegon Farmers Market to City Hall and to select option two in the
amount of $8,914.29 based on the recommendation of the IT Department.
                                                                      4561 Pine Creek Rd.
                                                                        Elkhart, IN 46516
                                                                  Phone: 574-389-3100
                                                                      Fax: 574-389-3119
                                                                Toll Free: 877.MAPLE-01


Monday, October 24, 2016

Jason Boes

Re:      City of Muskegon: PTP Link Options: FD to Market, FD to Sign


Below are three options for your review (350Mbps, 500Mbps, and 1Gbps to the
market). Each option comes with a ~30Mbps wireless connection to the sign. The
system to the sign assumes power, a data port, and a mounting location at the sign.
This also assumes line of sight and our standard cable runs at all locations. Any non
standard MapleNet Wireless conditions could alter the price.


Michael Hutter
National Sales


cc:      Client file
                                                                               4561 Pine Creek Rd.
                                                                                 Elkhart, IN 46516
                                                                           Phone: 574-389-3100
                                                                               Fax: 574-389-3119
                                                                         Toll Free: 877.MAPLE-01

                            Project Options
      City of Muskegon Fire > Farmers Market: 350Mbps Full Duplex FCC Licensed PTP Option #1
Qty     Description
  1     350Mbps PTP Wireless Link
  1     30Mbps PTP link for sign
  1     Year 1 onsite and hardware support included for Market Link
  1     Installation and Testing, misc mounts
Total                                                                               $   8,271.43

      City of Muskegon Fire > Farmers Market: 500Mbps Full Duplex FCC Licensed PTP Option #2
Qty     Description
  1     500Mbps PTP Wireless Link
  1     30Mbps PTP link for sign
  1     Year 1 onsite and hardware support included for Market Link
  1     Installation and Testing, misc mounts
Total                                                                               $   8,914.29

        City of Muskegon Fire > Farmers Market: 1Gbps Full Duplex FCC Licensed PTP Option #3
Qty     Description
  1     1Gbps PTP Wireless Link
  1     30Mbps PTP link for sign
  1     Year 1 onsite and hardware support included for Market Link
  1     Installation and Testing, misc mounts
Total                                                                               $ 11,557.14
Date:         November 22, 2016
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Jim Maurer, IT Director
RE:           Two Entry Level Positions in IT

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Recently our Database Administrator left for a new
position. Currently there are only two employees supporting over two hundred city
employees including City Hall, Police, Water Filtration, Fire Department, Farmers
Market, etc. as well as external agencies including the cities of North Muskegon,
Roosevelt Park, and City of Montague.

As such, the IT Department finds itself in a position to restructure the department.
The IT Department would like to move from an administrator position to two entry
level technical positions. One of the positions will be full-time and the other part-time.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The current salary of the Database Administrator is $65,000.
The proposed salary for a full-time technical position starts at $45,000 and the part-
time wage will be hourly based on the same wage.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To create two entry-level technical positions in the IT
               Commission Meeting Date: November 22, 2016

Date:         November 14, 2016
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Public Hearing - Request to Establish an Obsolete Property
              District – 1740 E Sherman Blvd


Pursuant to Public Act 146 of the Michigan Public Acts of 2000, Pacifica Muskegon,
LLC, has requested the establishment of an Obsolete Property District for their property
at 1740 E Sherman Blvd. The establishment of the Obsolete Property District would
allow them to apply for an Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate.






Staff recommends approval of the Obsolete Property District



                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                  MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                        RESOLUTION NO. _____

A resolution establishing an Obsolete Property Rehabilitation District.

The City Commission of the City of Muskegon hereby RESOLVES:


A.      The City of Muskegon has been designated as a qualified local government unit for the purpose
        of establishing Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Districts and approving Applications for Obsolete
        Property Rehabilitation Exemption Certificates.

B.      The area located in the land described in this resolution is known to the City Commission and is
        clearly characterized by the presence of obsolete commercial property, and the land and
        improvements are obsolete commercial property.

C.      Notice has been given by certified mail to the owners of all real property within the proposed
        Obsolete Property Rehabilitation District and a hearing has been held offering an opportunity to
        all owners and any other resident or taxpayer of the City to appear and be heard. Said notice
        was given at least ten (10) days before the hearing.


1.      That the property described in this resolution and proposed as an Obsolete Property
        Rehabilitation District is characterized by obsolete commercial property.

2.      That the obsolete commercial property, the subject of this resolution, as is described in
        Attachment A.

3.      That the City Commission hereby establishes an Obsolete Property Rehabilitation District on the
        lands and parcels set forth in the attached description.

This resolution passed.

Ayes    __________________________________________________________________

Nays    __________________________________________________________________

                                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                    BY: __________________________________
                                                           Stephen J. Gawron

                                              ATTEST: __________________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch

        This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on November 22, 2016.
The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan,
Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976.

                                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                          By ___________________________
                                                          Ann Meisch, City Clerk

COM S 89D 34M 26S W 1382.00 FT (AS MEAS ALG S SEC LN & N 00D 46M 26S E
434.72 FT FROM S 1/4 COR SD SEC FOR POB TH S 89D 34M 26S W 139.73 FT TH
S 00D 25M 34S E 251.83 FT TH WLY 256.18 FT ALG NLY ROW LN SHERMAN
W 211.635 FT) TH N 00D 46M 26S E 64 FT TH S 89D 34M 26S W 29 FT TH S 00D
46M 26S W 69.56 FT TH WLY 22.44 FT ALG PREVIOUS ROW LN ON A 3769.72 FT
25M 34S W 90.89 FT TH S 89D 34M 26S W 18 FT TH SWLY 26.13 FT ALG A 42 FT
RAD CURVE TO LT (LC BEARINGS S 71D 45M 13S W 25.707 FT) TH S 53D 56M
00S W 48.01 FT TH S 36D 04M 00S E 30 FT TH S 53D 56M 00S W 56 FT TH N 36D
04M 00S W 30.09 FT TH NELY 1.57 FT ALG A 38.00 FT RAD CURVE TO LT (LC
BEARING N 55D 07M 12S E 1.574 FT) TH N 53D 56M 00S E 45.46 FT TH N 00D
25M 34S W 122.52 FT TH S 89D 34M 26S W 31 FT TH N 00D 25M 34S W 182 FT TH
N 89D 34M 26S E 31 FT TH N 00D 25M 34S W 22.50 FT TH N 89D 34M 26S E 12.39
FT TH N 00D 25M 34SW 396 FT TH N 89D 34M 26S E 483.59 FT ALG N LN OF S
900 FT OF SW 1/4 OF SD SEC TH S 0
                 Commission Meeting Date: November 22, 2016

Date:         November 14, 2016
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Public Hearing - Request to issue an Obsolete Property
              Certificate –Pacifica Muskegon, LLC– 1740 E Sherman Blvd


Pursuant to Public Act 146 of the Michigan Public Acts of 2000, Pacifica Muskegon, LLC,
has requested the issuance of an Obsolete Property Certificate for their property located at
1740 E Sherman Blvd. The estimated cost for rehabilitation of this property will be
$1,500,000. The applicant is eligible for a 12-year abatement because of the amount of


If an Obsolete Property Certificate is issued, the property taxes would be frozen at the pre-
rehabilitated rate for the duration of the certificate.




Staff recommends approval of the Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate


                                        CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                    MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                     RESOLUTION NO. _____

A resolution approving the application for an Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate by
Pacifica Muskegon, LLC.

The City Commission of the City of Muskegon hereby RESOLVES:


A.      The City Commission has received an Application for an Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Exemption
        Certificate from Pacifica Muskegon, LLC, to apply to the improvements located in an Obsolete
        Property Rehabilitation District established by previous resolution.

B.      The City of Muskegon is a qualified local governmental unit as determined by STC Bulletin No. 9 of
        2000, dated July 12, 2000.

C.      An Obsolete Property Rehabilitation District in which the application property is located was
        established after a hearing on November 22, 2016.

D.      The taxable value of the property proposed to be exempt, plus the aggregate taxable value of
        properties already exempted under PA 146 of 2000 and under PA 198 of 1974, does not exceed five
        percent (5%) of the total taxable value of the City of Muskegon.

E.      In the event it is determined that the said taxable values do exceed five percent (5%), the City
        Commission determines further that the said exceedance will not have the effect of substantially
        impeding the operation of the City of Muskegon or impairing the financial soundness of any affected
        taxing units.

F.      This resolution of approval is considered by the City Commission on November 22, 2016, after a
        public hearing as provided in Section 4(2) of PA 146 of 2000. The hearing was held on this date.

G.      The applicant, Pacifica Muskegon, LLC, is not delinquent any taxes related to the facility.

H.      The exemption to be granted by this resolution is for twelve (12) years and there will not be any
        extension available.

I.      All items described under “Instructions” (a) through (f) of the application for Obsolete Property
        Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate have been provided to the City of Muskegon, the Qualified
        Local Government Unit, by the applicant.

J.      The City Commission finds that the property for which the Obsolete Property Rehabilitation
        Exemption Certificate is sought is obsolete property within the meaning of Section 2(h) of Public Act
        146 of 2000 in that the property, which is commercial, is functionally obsolete. The City has received
        from the applicant all the items required by Section 9 of the application form, being the general
        description of the obsolete facility, a general description of the proposed use, a description of the
        general nature and extent of the rehabilitation to be undertaken, a descriptive list of fixed building
        equipment that will be part of the rehabilitated facility, a time schedule for undertaking and complete
        the rehabilitation, and statement of the economic advantages expected from the exemption.

K.      Commencement of the rehabilitation has not occurred before the establishment of the district.
L.      The application relates to a rehabilitation program that when completed will constitute a rehabilitated
        within the meaning of PA 146 of 2000 and will be situated within the Obsolete Property Rehabilitation
        District established by the City under PA 146 of 2000.

M.      Completion of the rehabilitated facility is calculated to and will, at the time of the issuance of the
        Certificate, have the reasonable likelihood to increase commercial activity and create employment; it
        will revitalize an urban area. The rehabilitation will include improvements aggregating more than ten
        percent (10%) of the true cash value of the property at the commencement of the rehabilitation.

N.      The City Commission determines that the applicant shall have twenty-four (24) months to complete
        the rehabilitation. It shall be completed by November 22, 2018, or one year after the Certificate is
        issued, whichever occurs later.

O.      That notice pursuant to statute has been timely given to the applicant, the assessor for the City of
        Muskegon, representatives of the affected taxing units and the general public.


1.      Based upon the statements set forth in, and incorporating the recitals to this resolution, the City
        Commission hereby approves the application filed by Pacifica Muskegon, LLC, for an Obsolete
        Property Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate, to be effective for a period of twelve (12) years;

2.      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution of approval relates to the property set forth in
        Attachment A, the legal description containing the facilities to be improved;

3.      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, as further condition of this approval, the applicant shall comply
        with the representations and conditions set forth in the recitals above and in the application material
        submitted to the City.

This resolution passed.

Ayes:   __________________________________________________________________

Nays:   __________________________________________________________________

                                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                    BY: __________________________________
                                                           Stephen J. Gawron

                                               ATTEST: __________________________________
                                                          Ann Meisch

This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission held on November 22, 2016. The meeting
was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the
Public Acts of 1976.

                                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                         By ___________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch, City Clerk
W 1382.00 FT (AS MEAS ALG S SEC LN & N 00D 46M 26S E 434.72 FT FROM S 1/4 COR SD SEC FOR
POB TH S 89D 34M 26S W 139.73 FT TH S 00D 25M 34S E 251.83 FT TH WLY 256.18 FT ALG NLY ROW
211.635 FT) TH N 00D 46M 26S E 64 FT TH S 89D 34M 26S W 29 FT TH S 00D 46M 26S W 69.56 FT TH
79D 10M 24.7S W 22.439 FT) TH N 00D 25M 34S W 90.89 FT TH S 89D 34M 26S W 18 FT TH SWLY
26.13 FT ALG A 42 FT RAD CURVE TO LT (LC BEARINGS S 71D 45M 13S W 25.707 FT) TH S 53D 56M
00S W 48.01 FT TH S 36D 04M 00S E 30 FT TH S 53D 56M 00S W 56 FT TH N 36D 04M 00S W 30.09 FT
53D 56M 00S E 45.46 FT TH N 00D 25M 34S W 122.52 FT TH S 89D 34M 26S W 31 FT TH N 00D 25M
34S W 182 FT TH N 89D 34M 26S E 31 FT TH N 00D 25M 34S W 22.50 FT TH N 89D 34M 26S E 12.39 FT
TH N 00D 25M 34SW 396 FT TH N 89D 34M 26S E 483.59 FT ALG N LN OF S 900 FT OF SW 1/4 OF SD
                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON

                         CONTRACT FOR TAX ABATEMENT
                             Act 196 Public Acts of 2000

       AGREEMENT between CITY OF MUSKEGON, a municipal corporation of 933
Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49441, (“City”) and Pacifica Muskegon, LLC


A.     The Company has applied to City for the issuance of an Obsolete Property
Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate pursuant to the provisions of Act 196 of the Public
Acts of 2000, as amended.

B.      The City has determined that it is in the best interests of the taxpayers, property
owners and residents of the City that this Agreement be approved and executed prior to
the issuance of the requested certificate, and the City deems this Contract, together with
the conditions set forth in the said Act to constitute a necessary element in the City’s
determination whether or not to issue the certificate.

C.     The Company intends to install the project set forth in its application (“project”)
which it believes qualifies for the issuance of the certificate.

D.      The City, provided this Agreement is executed, will determine whether to issue
the certificate based upon the potential for the production of permanent jobs, the
continuation or increase of economic activity, planning and zoning considerations and the
City’s general plan and intentions regarding economic development. In addition to the
City policy considerations and predictions that the Company’s proposed district and
certificate benefit the community in those ways, the City has further determined that the
contractual commitments made by the Company to thereby assist the community shall be
binding on the Company and necessary to continue the tax exemption made possible by
the certificate.


1.     COMPANY AGREEMENT. The Company irrevocably commits to the
investment, job retention and job creation promises made in its application, a copy of
which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. In particular the Company agrees:

       1.1 That 100% of the jobs shall be filled and in existence with full-time
       employees by a date no later than two (2) years from the date of the granting of
       the certificate by the State Tax Commission.

                                                                                      Page 1
       1.2 The Company, by the end of two (2) years from the date of the grant of the
       certificate by the State Tax Commission shall have completed the investment of
       $1,500,000 in real property improvements as shown in the application.

       1.3 That the improvements to receive the tax abatement treatment shall be
       completed on or before the date two (2) years from the date of granting of the
       certificate by the State Tax Commission.

       1.4 The Company shall pay its specific taxes required by the act in a timely
       manner, and shall not delay payments so as to incur any penalties or interest.

       1.5 The Company shall not appeal the valuation of any real or personal property
       at the facility to the Michigan Tax Tribunal or the State Tax Commission.

       1.6 The Company shall fully cooperate with the City representatives in
       supplying all requested and required documentation regarding jobs, investment,
       the meeting of all goals and the timely installation and utilization of equipment
       and improvements. The City shall be entitled to inspect at reasonable hours the
       Company’s premises where the said improvements and equipment have been
       installed and where the said jobs are performed.

       1.7 The Company shall maintain, during the entire period for which the tax
       abatement is granted, the level of jobs, production and utilization of the
       improvements and equipment at the site where the district has been created and
       for which the tax exemption has been granted.

       1.8 The Company shall not cause or fail to cure the release of any hazardous
       substance, or the violation of any environmental law on its premises in the City.
       It shall report any releases to the appropriate governmental authority in a timely
       and complete manner, and provide copies of said report documentation to the
       City. It shall comply with all orders and actions of any governmental agency
       having authority.

       1.9 The Company shall maintain the improvements so as to minimize physical or
       functional obsolescence.

       1.10 The Company shall continue to operate its business location in the City,
       containing the same number of and type of jobs, for the term of the certificate.

2.      AGREEMENT BY THE CITY. Provided this contract has been executed and
further provided all applications to create the district and achieve the Obsolete Property
Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate have been properly filed, the City shall, in a timely
manner, determine in a public meeting to create the district and receive, process, and
approve thereafter the Company’s application for an Obsolete Property Rehabilitation
Exemption Certificate. The City may consider this contract in a meeting separate from
and prior to the meeting in which the City considers the creation of the district and

                                                                                    Page 2
approval of the application for certificate. Further, the City shall require the submission
of this contract signed by the Company together with its applications, before creating the

3.     EVENTS OF DEFAULT. The following actions or failures to comply shall be
considered events of default by the Company:

       3.1 Failure to meet any of the commitments set forth above.

       3.2 The closing of the Company’s facilities in the City. Closing shall mean for
       purpose of this Agreement, the elimination of substantially all the jobs created or
       retained thereby, which are set forth in the Company’s application.

       3.3 Failure to afford to the City the documentation and reporting required.

       3.4 The failure to create or retain jobs or expend the funds on improvements as
       represented in the application within the times required hereby.

       3.5 The bankruptcy or insolvency of the Company.

       3.6 The failure to pay any and all taxes and assessments levied on the
       Company’s property or any other taxes, local, state or federal, including but not
       limited to City income taxes and the withholding of said City income taxes from
       employees as required by the City Income Tax Ordinance.

       3.7 The performance or omission of any act which would lead to revocation
       under MCLA 207.565, being §15 of the Act.

       3.8 The violation of any provisions, promises, commitments, considerations or
       covenants of this Agreement.

4. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In the event of any of the above defaults the City
shall have the following remedies which it may invoke without notice, except as may be
reasonably required by the Company’s rights to due process:

       4.1 In the event of closing as determined after investigation of the facts and a
       public hearing, the Company shall be immediately liable for penalties to be paid
       forthwith to the city as determined as follows:

               4.1.1 The Company shall pay to the City for prorata distribution to the
               taxing units experiencing the abatement, an amount equal to the difference
               between the obsolete property tax which it has paid, and the total property
               taxes to the relevant taxing units which it would have paid, given its
               installations of improvements and equipment, during the years for which
               the certificate was in effect.

                                                                                     Page 3
            4.1.2 Immediate Revocation. The Company hereby consents to
            revocation to the Obsolete Property Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate
            before the State Tax Commission, without hearing, and the City shall
            submit a copy of this Agreement to the State Tax Commission in
            connection with its revocation procedure, giving notice that the default has
            occurred and immediate revocation should occur.

     4.2 In the event the improvements have not been installed before the two (2)
     year period, in addition to the revocation procedures before the State Tax
     Commission, the abatement should immediately be reduced by the City
     proportionately, and any installations which have not been finished at the end of
     said two (2) year period shall not be eligible for the abatement thereafter and shall
     be placed on the regular tax roll.

     4.3 Job Creation and Retention. In the event the promised number of jobs have
     not been created or retained at the end of the two (2) years after the grant of the
     certificate by the State Tax Commission, the abatement shall be proportionately

     4.4 For other violations of this Agreement or for actions or omissions by the
     Company amounting to grounds for revocation by statue, the City shall
     recommend to the State Tax Commission immediate revocation of the certificate.

     4.5 Special Assessment. For any amount due to be paid to the City, under this
     Section 4, the Company consents that the City shall have a personal action against
     the Company for the said amount, and in addition, cumulatively, and not by
     election, the City shall have a special assessment lien on all the property of the
     Company personal and real, located in the City, for the collection of the amounts
     due as and in the manner of property taxes and in such case the collection of the
     said special assessment shall be accomplished by addition by the City to the
     Company’s property tax statement regularly rendered.

5. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance
with the laws of the State of Michigan applicable to contracts made and to be
performed within the State of Michigan.

6. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts.
Notwithstanding such execution all such counterparts shall constitute one and the same

7. Benefit. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the
respective parties, their successors and personal representatives.

8. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be effective on the date the State of
Michigan Tax Commission grants the company the Obsolete Property Rehabilitation
Exemption Certificate.

                                                                                   Page 4

 By _________________________
     Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

Date _________________________

        Ann Meisch, Clerk

Date _________________________



Date _________________________

                        Page 5
                   Commission Meeting Date: November 22, 2016

Date:          November 15, 2016
To:            Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:          Finance Director
RE:            First Quarter 2016-17 Budget Reforecast

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: At this time staff is transmitting the First Quarter
2016-17 Budget Reforecast which outlines proposed changes to the budget that
have come about as result of changes in revenue projections, policy priorities, labor
contracts, updated economic conditions, or other factors.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: A summary of first quarter proposed adjustments to the
budget are as follows:

   •    General Fund revenues are reforecast to be $115,000 lower than the original
        budget, largely due to lower projected income tax revenues.

   •    General Fund expenditures are reforecast to be $40,000 higher than the
        original budget, primarily due to the addition of $25,000 for street light removal
        and $15,000 in capital for a parks reservation system.

   •    There is some refinement of the capital projects budget resulting in an overall
        net decrease of $14,000 from the original budget.

BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: City commission approval of this reforecast will
formally amend the City’s 2016-17 budget.

1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                 Page 1 of 40

      City of Muskegon
      2016-17 Budget Summary
      Summary of Budgeted Funds

                                                             Projected                                              Projected Ending        Increase
                                                          Beginning Fund                                                  Fund          (Decrease) Fund
                                                          Balance/Working        Projected        Projected         Balance/Working     Balance/Working
      Fund Name                                               Capital            Revenues        Expenditures            Capital             Capital

  1   General                                             $     6,341,657    $    26,037,844     $   26,191,855     $      6,187,646    $      (154,011)

  2   Major Streets                                             2,284,908          5,923,877          6,144,532            2,064,253           (220,655)

  3   Local Streets                                              235,692           1,497,900          1,499,643              233,949             (1,743)

  4   Farmers Market & Kitchen 242                                      -                    -                  -                  -                  -

  5   L C Walker Arena                                           247,028           1,177,500          1,182,000              242,528             (4,500)

  6   Criminal Forfeitures Fund                                  138,810             16,700             18,500               137,010             (1,800)

  7   Budget Stabilization Fund                                 1,700,000                    -                  -          1,700,000                  -

  8   Tree Replacement Fund *                                       1,071                    -                  -              1,071                  -

  9   Brownfield Authority Fund (Betten)                       (1,344,403)          135,000            163,280            (1,372,683)           (28,280)

  10 Brownfield Authority Fund (Former Mall)                      17,967            160,000            160,000                17,967                  -

  11 Tax Increment Finance Authority Fund                            454             34,000             34,000                   454                  -

  12 Downtown Development Authority Debt Fund                    118,840            335,400            335,576               118,664               (176)

  13 Local Development Finance Authority III Fund (SZ)            21,030            445,100            449,425                16,705             (4,325)

  14 Public Improvement                                          294,399           5,261,920          4,591,550              964,769            670,370

  15 State Grants                                                 73,157            203,297            221,990                54,464            (18,693)

  16 Marina & Launch Ramp                                        402,917            610,200            736,747               276,370           (126,547)

  17 Public Service Building                                     614,800           1,051,834          1,138,288              528,346            (86,454)

  18 Engineering Services                                         36,081            313,250            342,630                 6,701            (29,380)

  19 Equipment                                                   699,089           2,424,700          2,915,501              208,288           (490,801)

  20 General Insurance                                          1,702,109          4,934,000          5,283,597            1,352,512           (349,597)

  21 Sewer                                                      1,428,302          8,955,000          9,055,714            1,327,588           (100,714)

  22 Water                                                      3,379,692          7,608,250          7,552,239            3,435,703             56,011

       Total All Budgeted Funds                           $    18,393,600    $    67,125,772     $   68,017,067     $     17,502,305    $      (891,295)

      * Fund to be closed out at the end of FY 2015-16.
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                  Page 2 of 40

                                        CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                          GENERAL FUND

                                       HISTORICAL SUMMARY

                                          Revenues &       Expenditures &    Fund Balance
                  Year                    Transfers In      Transfers Out     at Year-End
                  2003        $           23,328,756 $        23,705,334 $     2,431,418
                  2004                    23,401,793          23,388,019       2,445,192
                  2005                    23,732,641          23,658,227       2,519,606
                  2006                    24,669,210          24,498,776       2,690,040
                  2007                    25,031,403          24,800,810       2,920,633
                  2008                    25,563,632          26,100,539       2,383,726
                  2009                    24,105,019          24,850,082       1,638,663
                  2010*                   16,142,764          11,742,973       6,038,454
                 2010-11                  24,029,686          25,556,758       4,511,382
                 2011-12                  24,126,111          23,617,448       5,020,045
                 2012-13                  23,628,096          22,708,893       5,653,558
                 2013-14                  23,960,758          23,818,219       5,796,097
                 2014-15                  24,921,748          24,614,349       6,103,496
                 2015-16                  25,856,247          25,618,086       6,341,657

                                   Fiscal 2016-17 Budget Summary

              FUND BALANCE AT START OF YEAR                                                 $   6,341,657

              MEANS OF FINANCING:
                              Taxes                                           15,981,000        61.4%
                              Licenses and Permits                             1,458,000        5.6%
                              Federal Grants                                     124,580        0.5%
                              State Grants                                       235,000        0.9%
                              State Shared Revenue                             4,002,925        15.4%
                              Other Charges                                    3,231,339        12.4%
                              Fines and Fees                                     387,000        1.5%
                              Other Revenue                                      452,000        1.7%
                              Other Financing Sources                            166,000        0.6%
                                                                              26,037,844        100.0%

                              Customer Value Added Activities                 20,287,653         77.5%
                              Business Value Added Activities                  4,513,562         17.2%
                              Fixed Budget Items                               1,390,640         5.3%
                                                                              26,191,855        100.0%

              ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR                                         $   6,187,646

                           OPERATING SURPLUS / (DEFICIT)                                    $    (154,011)

              * Six-month transition period to new fiscal year
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 3 of 40

                            City of Muskegon
                            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund

                                                                                                           Original Budget    Actual to Date           Actual to Date           1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                                    Actual FY2015        Actual FY2016    Estimate FY2017        9/30/16                  9/30/15                  FY2017            Original
                            Available Fund Balance - BOY            $    5,796,097   $        6,103,496 $       6,276,642 $        6,103,496 $              6,103,496 $              6,341,657 $          65,015

           101-00000-4100   PROPERTY TAX                                 5,670,845            5,689,608         5,456,000                  -                        -                5,456,000 $               -
           101-00000-4101   CHARGE BACK COLLECTED                                -                    -                                    -                        -                                          -
           101-00000-4102   IN LIEU OF TAX                                  94,117               96,649            94,000                  -                        -                   94,000                 -
           101-00000-4103   IFT/CFT TAX                                    104,247               99,363            95,000                  -                        -                   95,000                 -
           101-00000-4104   PROPERTY TAX SANITATION                      1,686,262            1,691,947         1,636,000                  -                        -                1,636,000                 -
           101-00000-4140   INCOME TAX                                   8,274,666            8,151,902         8,850,000          1,927,547                1,962,784                8,700,000          (150,000)
                                                                    $   15,830,137 $         15,729,469 $      16,131,000 $        1,927,547 $              1,962,784 $             15,981,000 $        (150,000)

                            Licenses and permits
           101-00000-4202   BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS                     62,495               63,182            70,000              9,725                    8,150                   70,000                 -
           101-00000-4203   LIQUOR LICENSES & TAX REBATE                    53,986               43,010            50,000             34,201                   33,079                   50,000                 -
           101-00000-4204   CABLE TV LICENSES OR FEES                      369,965              372,117           350,000                  -                        -                  350,000                 -
           101-00000-4205   HOUSING LICENSES                                (5,065)                 (50)                              (1,141)                     (90)                                         -
           101-00000-4206   INSPECTION FEE                                     126                  162                                    -                        -                                          -
           101-00000-4207   CEMETERY-BURIAL PERMITS                         83,922               81,095            82,000             24,475                   21,580                   82,000                 -
           101-00000-4208   BUILDING PERMITS                               333,370              371,693           351,000            170,282                  102,715                  401,000            50,000
           101-00000-4209   ELECTRICAL PERMITS                              88,524               84,912            78,000             31,573                   22,987                   88,000            10,000
           101-00000-4210   PLUMBING PERMITS                                29,269               34,316            36,000             10,231                   10,820                   36,000                 -
           101-00000-4211   HEATING PERMITS                                 67,929               69,071            66,000             22,540                   18,082                   66,000                 -
           101-00000-4212   POLICE GUN REGISTRATION                             75                    -                                    -                        -                                          -
           101-00000-4213   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION                   150,716              152,268           160,000             36,661                   38,160                  160,000                 -
           101-00000-4221   VACANT BUILDING FEE                            117,258              165,589           150,000             23,580                   45,918                  150,000                 -
           101-00000-4224   TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE                         9,150                5,780             5,000              1,060                    1,975                    5,000                 -
                                                                    $    1,361,720 $          1,443,145 $       1,398,000 $          363,187 $                303,376 $              1,458,000 $          60,000

                            Federal grants
           101-00000-4300   FEDERAL GRANTS                                 84,296                72,521           124,580                      -                        -              124,580                 -
                                                                    $      84,296    $           72,521   $       124,580 $                    -   $                    -   $          124,580 $               -

                            State grants
           101-00000-4400   STATE GRANTS                                   14,546                91,415            15,000             10,628                            -               15,000                 -
           101-00000-4405   STATE REPLACEMENT REV FOR PPT                       -                64,536           220,000                  -                                           220,000                 -
                                                                    $      14,546    $          155,951 $         235,000 $           10,628       $                    -   $          235,000 $               -

                            State shared revenue
           101-00000-4502   STATE SALES TAX CONSTITUTIONAL               2,772,442            2,955,900         2,886,189                      -                        -            2,886,189                 -
           101-00000-4503   STATE CVTRS PAYMENTS                         1,116,736              930,614         1,116,736                      -                        -            1,116,736                 -
                                                                    $    3,889,178   $        3,886,514 $       4,002,925 $                    -   $                    -   $        4,002,925 $               -

                            Other charges for sales and services
           101-00000-4161   STREETLIGHTING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT                   -                     -           270,000                  - $                    -                    270,000                 -
           101-00000-4601   CITY SERVICE FEE FOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS               -               449,292           449,290            112,323                  112,323                  449,290                 -
           101-00000-4603   TAX COLLECTION FEE                            338,718               339,353           290,000             35,917                   36,082                  290,000                 -
           101-00000-4604   GARBAGE COLLECTION                             45,204                43,614            41,000             10,773                    8,623                   41,000                 -
           101-00000-4606   ADMINISTRATION FEES                           250,000               310,000           310,000             77,500                   77,500                  310,000                 -
           101-00000-4607   REIMBURSEMENT ELECTIONS                        14,796                26,703                 -                 94                       25                        -                 -
           101-00000-4608   INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION                      958,040             1,025,618         1,010,456            252,614                  256,404                1,010,456                 -
           101-00000-4609   PROCUREMENT CARD REBATE                        42,505                38,574            38,500                  -                        -                   38,500                 -
           101-00000-4611   SPECIAL EVENTS REIMBURSEMENT                   69,791                30,877            37,000             50,747                   41,026                   37,000                 -
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                        Page 4 of 40

                            City of Muskegon
                            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund

                                                                                                    Original Budget       Actual to Date     Actual to Date     1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                                 Actual FY2015     Actual FY2016   Estimate FY2017           9/30/16            9/30/15            FY2017            Original
           101-00000-4612   CEMETERY SALE OF LOTS                       19,258             25,987           20,000                 3,675              7,625             20,000                 -
           101-00000-4614   REIMBURSEMENT LOT CLEAN UP                  15,447              6,131            5,000                 2,338                627              5,000                 -
           101-00000-4615   POLICE DEPARTMENT INCOME                   103,900             97,936           99,000                18,089             22,984             99,000                 -
           101-00000-4617   FIRE DEPARTMENT INCOME                       2,110              4,413            4,500                 6,560              2,415              4,500                 -
           101-00000-4619   MISC. SALES AND SERVICES                    16,651             17,635            1,500                    25                100              1,500                 -
           101-00000-4620   FIRE PROTECTION-STATE PROP                  80,227             81,250           81,000                     -                  -             81,000                 -
           101-00000-4621   ZONING & ENCROACHMENT FEES                  11,680             11,962           12,000                 5,895              4,662             12,000                 -
           101-00000-4622   MISC. CLERK FEES                             4,219             16,789            3,000                   260             15,081              3,000                 -
           101-00000-4624   TAX ABATEMENT APPLICATION FEES               3,822                600            1,000                   525                325              1,000                 -
           101-00000-4625   MISC. TREAS. FEES                           40,404             55,948           60,000                 6,214              5,988             60,000                 -
           101-00000-4631   REIMBURSEMENT SCHOOL OFFICER                20,259             20,867           21,493                 4,776                  -             21,493                 -
           101-00000-4633   OBSOLETE PROPERTY FEES                           -              1,000                                  1,000                  -                                    -
           101-00000-4634   PASSPORTS                                   12,025             27,199           40,000                10,937              2,765             40,000                 -
           101-00000-4635   START UP CHARGE/REFUSE                       6,765              8,633            7,000                 2,530              2,420              7,000                 -
           101-00000-4636   REFUSE BAG & BULK SALES                     28,452             30,514           25,000                 9,446              8,796             25,000                 -
           101-00000-4637   APPLIANCE STICKER                              100                 79              100                    25                 25                100                 -
           101-00000-4642   LIEN LOOK UPS                               13,915             13,795           12,000                 2,340              2,600             12,000                 -
           101-00000-4648   FALSE ALARM FEES/POLICE                     10,020              6,435           10,000                   285              1,815             10,000                 -
           101-00000-4649   CEMETERY-MISC. INCOME                       15,462             17,128           15,000                 9,216              6,389             15,000                 -
           101-00000-4651   REIMBURSEMENT LOT MOWING                    18,185              9,728            7,000                 1,064              1,749              7,000                 -
           101-00000-4652   MUSKEGON HEIGHTS ZONING                      4,900             11,095            6,000                 1,995                  -              6,000                 -
           101-00000-4654   FIRE RESPONSE FEE                            6,500              7,000            5,000                     -              2,500              5,000                 -
           101-00000-4656   SITE PLAN REVIEW                             4,600              8,300            5,000                 1,900              2,500              5,000                 -
           101-00000-4657   COLUMBARIUM NICHE                            1,850                  -                                      -                  -                                    -
           101-00000-4658   IMPOUND FEES                                43,850             34,005           34,000                 7,850             10,550             34,000                 -
           101-00000-4660   MISC RECREATION INCOME                       4,844              5,201            4,700                   925                625              4,700                 -
           101-00000-4661   LEASE GREAT LAKES NAVAL MEMORIAL            15,000              7,500           15,000                     -              3,750             15,000                 -
           101-00000-4663   FLEA MARKET AT FARMERS MARKET               27,352             25,580           26,000                 9,255             13,222             26,000                 -
           101-00000-4664   FARMERS MARKET INCOME                       75,731             70,814           58,000                34,878             30,713             58,000                 -
           101-00000-4665   LEASE BILLBOARDS                             6,800              6,800            6,800                     -                  -              6,800                 -
           101-00000-4669   SMITH RYERSON                                4,320             15,290           12,000                 3,028              4,400             12,000                 -
           101-00000-4670   PICNIC SHELTER                              26,000             19,212           22,000                 5,434              3,363             22,000                 -
           101-00000-4671   MCGRAFT PARK                                51,051             76,761           45,000                 3,295              1,985             45,000                 -
           101-00000-4672   SAFEBUILT LOT MOWING                        43,369             51,198           45,000                14,651             22,611             45,000                 -
           101-00000-4673   RENTAL - CENTRAL DISPATCH                   46,666             44,695           28,500                 7,131              8,177             28,500                 -
           101-00000-4674   RENTAL - CITY HALL                          25,220             26,870           26,000                 7,205              6,905             26,000                 -
           101-00000-4675   RENTALS - BEACH                                  -                  -                                      -                  -                                    -
           101-00000-4676   SAFEBUILT - TRASH PICKUP                    21,203             26,813           18,000                11,618              5,564             18,000                 -
           101-00000-4677   RENT                                             -              1,000                                    400                  -                                    -
           101-00000-4678   PLANNING DEPT ENFORCEMENT                      100              2,012                                    350                350                                    -
           101-00000-4690   KITCHEN 242 RENTAL                               -                227                                      -                  -                                    -
           101-00000-4693   FARMERS MARKET EVENT RENTAL                  1,000                  -              500                   750                500                500                 -
           101-00000-4694   FARMERS MARKET EBT FEES                        466              3,940            3,000                 1,095              2,194              3,000                 -
                                                                 $   2,552,777 $        3,162,373 $      3,231,339    $          736,928 $          738,258 $        3,231,339   $             -
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 5 of 40

                            City of Muskegon
                            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund

                                                                                                           Original Budget    Actual to Date       Actual to Date       1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                                       Actual FY2015      Actual FY2016   Estimate FY2017        9/30/16              9/30/15              FY2017            Original

                            Fines and fees
           101-00000-4701   INCOME TAX-PENALTY & INTEREST                    198,995            204,792           170,000             31,825               31,380              170,000                 -
           101-00000-4702   DELINQUENT FEES                                   14,570             35,081            25,000                  -                    -               25,000                 -
           101-00000-4703   INTEREST/LATE INVOICES                                 -                  -                                    -                    -                                      -
           101-00000-4704   PENALTIES/INTEREST/FINES                           2,047              1,835             2,000                482                  431                2,000                 -
           101-00000-4706   LATE FEE ON INVOICES OVER 45 DAYS                  1,722              2,417             1,500                358                  230                1,500                 -
           101-00000-4751   CIVIL INFRACTIONS                                  8,900              9,890             8,500              3,828                1,750                8,500                 -
           101-00000-4754   TRAFFIC FINES & FEES                              98,052             73,390            75,000             12,932               15,870               75,000                 -
           101-00000-4755   COURT FEES                                       126,913            129,764           105,000             28,758               24,294              105,000                 -
                                                                       $     451,199 $          457,169 $         387,000 $           78,183 $             73,955 $            387,000 $               -

                            Other revenue
           101-00000-4800   MISC. & SUNDRY                                    10,052             15,184             7,500              8,605                4,135                7,500                 -
           101-00000-4802   REIMB:DEMOS AND BOARD-UPS                          5,270             26,353            25,000              6,535                  175               25,000                 -
           101-00000-4803   CDBG PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENTS                      347,061            396,487           325,000                  -                    -              325,000                 -
           101-00000-4805   CONTRIBUTIONS                                      9,400              7,150             8,000                  -                  400                8,000                 -
           101-00000-4806   BIKE/PROPERTY AUCTIONS-POLICE                      1,676                832             1,500                894                    -                1,500                 -
           101-00000-4808   SALE OF PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT                         -                  -                                    -                    -                                      -
           101-00000-4811   FISHERMANS LANDING REIMBURSEMENT                  13,951             11,320                 -                  -                    -                    -                 -
           101-00000-4814   PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS                               3,822             24,051            20,000              6,916               16,941               20,000                 -
           101-00000-4818   RECOVERY OF BAD DEBT                               1,782              2,934             1,500                 82                  730                1,500                 -
           101-00000-4821   CONTRIBUTIONS/GRANTS                              10,000              4,500            10,000                  -                    -               10,000                 -
           101-00000-4825   CONTRIBUTIONS - VETERAN'S PARK MAINT              19,081             18,504            18,500                  -                    -               18,500                 -
           101-00000-4829   COMMUNITY FOUNDATION GRANT - MCGRAFT PAR           5,369              5,596                                    -                    -                                      -
           101-00000-4832   CONSUMERS ENERGY ESSENTIAL SERVICES              100,000            100,000            50,000             25,000              100,000               25,000           (25,000)
           101-00000-4841   GRANT: COMMUNITY FOUNDATION                       12,600             26,500            10,000                  -                    -               10,000                 -
                                                                       $     540,064 $          639,411 $         477,000 $           48,032 $            122,381 $            452,000 $         (25,000)

                            Interest & Operating Transfers
           101-00000-4902   OP. TRANS FROM SPECIAL REVENUE                   153,274            153,000           120,000                   -                   -              120,000                 -
           101-00000-4903   OP. TRANS FROM DEBT SERVICE                       38,000             36,000            34,000               8,500               9,500               34,000                 -
           101-00000-4904   OP. TRANS FROM CAPITAL PROJECTS                        -             35,132                                     -                   -                                      -
           101-00000-4906   OP. TRANS FROM INTERNAL SERVICE FUND                   -                  -                                     -                   -                                      -
           101-00000-4908   OP. TRANS FROM NONEXPENDABLE                           -                  -                                     -                   -                                      -
           101-00000-4970   INTEREST INCOME                                   19,477             92,890            12,000              30,826               5,887               12,000                 -
           101-00000-4971   UNREALIZED GAIN (LOSS) ON INVESTMENT             (12,892)            (7,428)                              (49,078)              3,540                                      -
           101-00000-4980   SALE OF FIXED ASSETS                                   -                100                                     -                   -                                      -
                                                                       $     197,859 $          309,694 $         166,000 $            (9,752) $           18,927   $          166,000 $               -

                            Total general fund revenues and other
                            sources                                    $   24,921,776 $       25,856,247 $     26,152,844 $        3,154,753 $          3,219,681 $         26,037,844 $        (115,000)
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                              Page 6 of 40

            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
            General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                              Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                        Actual FY2015       Actual FY2016    Estimate FY2017           9/30/16               9/30/15               FY2017             Original
            I. Customer Value Added Activities

    40301 Police Department
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                          7,893,152            7,938,999         8,747,264              1,886,836             1,647,128            8,747,264                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                        90,188               87,679            84,281                 26,125                11,965               84,281                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           881,929              904,920           910,379                243,805               212,243              910,379                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                  14,928               24,675            22,500                  4,395                 7,702               22,500                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 42,347                7,064            15,400                  4,131                 2,959               15,400                 -
                                                        $   8,922,544   $        8,963,337   $     9,779,824    $         2,165,292   $         1,881,997   $        9,779,824   $             -
                                                        $   8,922,544   $        8,963,337   $     9,779,824    $         2,165,292   $         1,881,997   $        9,779,824   $             -

    50336 Fire Department
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                          3,423,126            3,570,031         3,667,932               875,355               744,660             3,667,932                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                       160,968              169,633           150,000                21,077                24,866               150,000                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           156,543              107,645           106,210                19,430                15,849               106,210                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                   6,356                3,426             7,100                 2,771                   684                 7,100                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 66,631               67,990             5,930                   746                 6,786                 5,930                 -
                                                        $   3,813,624   $        3,918,725   $     3,937,172    $          919,379    $          792,845    $        3,937,172   $             -

    50338 New Central Fire Station
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                            -                 3,510                 -                      -                 3,510                    -                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           72,702                64,857            75,000                  5,254                 9,606               75,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                 9,602                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
                                                        $     72,702    $           77,969   $        75,000    $             5,254   $            13,116   $           75,000   $             -

    50387 Fire Safety Inspections
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                  -                1,597                 -                      -                1,597                     -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                        11,117               11,404                 -                  2,176                2,523                     -                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           443,734              465,888           485,000                102,901               90,827               485,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                       -                   18                 -                      -                    -                     -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                      -                    -                 -                      -                    -                     -                 -
                                                        $     454,851   $          478,907   $       485,000    $           105,077   $           94,947    $          485,000   $             -
                                                        $   4,341,177   $        4,475,601   $     4,497,172    $         1,029,710   $          900,908    $        4,497,172   $             -

    60523 General Sanitation
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                             19,530               23,639            25,704                 5,371                 4,605                25,704                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                             -                    -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                         1,570,550            1,581,754         1,795,000               179,932               261,271             1,795,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                       -                    -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                      -                    -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
    5900       OTHER FINANCING USES                                 -                    -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
                                                        $   1,590,080   $        1,605,393   $     1,820,704    $          185,303    $          265,876    $        1,820,704   $             -
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                          Page 7 of 40

            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
            General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                 Original Budget       Actual to Date           Actual to Date           1Q Reforecast       (Decrease) From
                                                        Actual FY2015       Actual FY2016       Estimate FY2017           9/30/16                  9/30/15                  FY2017                Original
    60550 Stormwater Management
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                    -                         -                        -                    -                    -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                            -                     -                    -                         -                        -                    -                    -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           13,365                13,755               10,000                         -                        -               10,000                    -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                    -                         -                        -                    -                    -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                    -                         -                        -                    -                    -
                                                        $     13,365    $           13,755      $        10,000    $                    -   $                    -   $           10,000      $             -

    60448 Streetlighting
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                    -                      -                       -                        -                    -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                            -                12,900                    -                      -                   6,450                        -                    -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          623,463               553,843              575,000                 42,132                 103,929                  600,000               25,000
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                    -                      -                       -                        -                    -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                    -                      -                       -                        -                    -
                                                        $    623,463    $          566,743      $       575,000    $            42,132      $          110,379       $          600,000      $        25,000

    60707 Senior Citizen Transit
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                  -                       -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                             -                       -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                 -                       -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                       -                       -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                      -                       -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
                                                        $           -   $                   -   $             -    $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $             -

    60446 Community Event Support
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                            17,778                15,154               16,536                 12,730                    6,790                  16,536                    -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                          416                   787                1,200                     75                      453                   1,200                    -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                            6,141                 3,483               10,000                  5,000                    2,248                  10,000                    -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                    -                      -                        -                       -                    -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                    -                      -                        -                       -                    -
                                                        $     24,335    $           19,424      $        27,736    $            17,805      $             9,491      $           27,736      $             -

    70751 Parks Maintenance
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                            335,403              427,560              515,509               108,258                   85,017                  515,509                    -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                        59,549               85,098               90,450                25,180                   20,565                   90,450                    -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           606,511              766,449              707,343               257,967                  225,322                  707,343                    -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                     343                   77                1,000                     -                        -                    1,000                    -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                  5,893                4,912                5,000                    30                      588                    5,000                    -
                                                        $   1,007,699   $        1,284,096      $     1,319,302    $          391,435       $          331,492       $        1,319,302      $             -
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                          Page 8 of 40

            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
            General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                 Original Budget       Actual to Date           Actual to Date           1Q Reforecast       (Decrease) From
                                                        Actual FY2015       Actual FY2016       Estimate FY2017           9/30/16                  9/30/15                  FY2017                Original
    70757 Mc Graft Park Maintenance
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                             4,632                19,806               23,510                  1,902                    6,613                  23,510                    -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                       14,818                 6,097                6,500                  1,866                    3,557                   6,500                    -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           24,215                30,716               30,750                  8,579                   11,547                  30,750                    -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                    -                      -                        -                       -                    -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                   310                   350                8,000                      -                        -                   8,000                    -
                                                        $     43,975    $           56,969      $        68,760    $            12,347      $            21,717      $           68,760      $             -

    70756 Municipal Marina
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                        -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                            -                        -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                              214                        -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                        -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                        -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
                                                        $        214    $                   -   $             -    $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $             -

    70771 Forestry
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                        -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                           26                        -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                -                        -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                        -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                        -                 -                         -                        -                       -                 -
                                                        $         26    $                   -   $             -    $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $             -

    70276 Cemeteries Maintenance
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                            89,871                76,375              103,711                19,218                   16,689                  103,711                    -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                        5,387                 9,719                8,800                 3,471                    4,470                    8,800                    -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          301,530               320,285              311,540               101,884                  122,031                  311,540                    -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                    65                    -                     -                        -                        -                    -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 1,841                     -                1,450                    17                        -                    1,450                    -
                                                        $    398,629    $          406,444      $       425,501    $          124,590       $          143,190       $          425,501      $             -

    70585 Parking Operations
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                               905                 2,433                2,555                    158                        -                   2,555                    -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                          521                   225                    -                      -                        -                       -                    -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                            4,409                 2,951                4,000                    223                      702                   4,000                    -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                  6,777                     -                    -                      -                        -                       -                    -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                    -                      -                        -                       -                    -
                                                        $     12,612    $            5,609      $         6,555    $               381      $               702      $            6,555      $             -

    70357 Graffiti Removal
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                             2,284                   815                4,257                         -                   240                   4,257                    -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                        1,332                    15                3,200                         -                    15                   3,200                    -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                              179                   271                    -                         -                   100                       -                    -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                    -                         -                     -                       -                    -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                    -                         -                     -                       -                    -
                                                        $      3,795    $            1,101      $         7,457    $                    -   $               355      $            7,457      $             -
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                       Page 9 of 40

            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
            General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                 Original Budget       Actual to Date           Actual to Date           1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                        Actual FY2015       Actual FY2016       Estimate FY2017           9/30/16                  9/30/15                  FY2017             Original
    70863 Farmers' Market & Flea Market
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                            40,832                49,303               40,000                  7,602                    8,519                  40,000                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                        7,974                 7,501                7,500                    927                      856                   7,500                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           96,354               119,184               85,000                 13,459                   23,803                  85,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                  1,004                     -                2,500                     43                        -                   2,500                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                   225               15,000                    482                        -                  15,000                 -
                                                        $    146,164    $          176,213      $       150,000    $            22,513      $            33,178      $          150,000   $             -

    70865 Farmers' Market EBT Program
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                        -                 -                         -                        -                    -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                          841                        -                 -                         -                        -                    -                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                              180                        -             2,000                         -                        -                2,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                        -                 -                         -                        -                    -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                        -                 -                         -                        -                    -                 -
                                                        $      1,021    $                   -   $         2,000    $                    -   $                    -   $            2,000   $             -

    70867 Farmers' Market USDA Grant
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                  -                  706                    -                 1,105                        -                        -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                             -                2,117                    -                     -                        -                        -                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                                 -                9,178               65,000                   342                        -                   65,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                       -                    -                    -                     -                        -                        -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                      -                    -                    -                     -                        -                        -                 -
                                                        $           -   $           12,001      $        65,000    $            1,447       $                -       $           65,000   $             -
                                                        $   3,865,378   $        4,147,748      $     4,478,015    $          797,953       $          916,380       $        4,503,015   $        25,000
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                            Page 10 of 40

            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
            General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                              Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                        Actual FY2015       Actual FY2016    Estimate FY2017           9/30/16               9/30/15               FY2017             Original
    70775 General Recreation
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                            -                     -               200                      -                     -                  200                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           97,212               126,580           100,300                 41,317                33,065              100,300                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
                                                        $     97,212    $          126,580   $       100,500    $            41,317   $            33,065   $          100,500   $             -

    80387 Environmental Services
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                            129,144              151,364           164,058                38,272                31,540               164,058                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                         5,472                3,444             8,300                   574                   959                 8,300                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           864,793              858,698           975,724                79,278               163,140               975,724                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                     689                  632             1,000                    58                     -                 1,000                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     69                1,922             3,500                    43                 1,150                 3,500                 -
                                                        $   1,000,167   $        1,016,060   $     1,152,582    $          118,225    $          196,789    $        1,152,582   $             -
                                                        $   1,097,379   $        1,142,640   $     1,253,082    $          159,542    $          229,854    $        1,253,082   $             -

    10875 Other - Support to Outside Agencies
             MUSKEGON AREA TRANSIT (MATS)                     78,782                87,074            95,400                      -                20,732               95,400                 -
             NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION GRANTS                  21,436                15,750            21,000                    750                   750               21,000                 -
             MUSKEGON AREA FIRST                              45,566                45,566            45,660                 11,392                11,392               45,660                 -
             VETERANS MEMORIAL DAY COSTS                       5,862                 5,682             7,000                      -                     -                7,000                 -
             COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR SKATE PARK                   -                10,000                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
             DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON NOW                           112,104                90,000            75,000                      -                     -               75,000                 -
             DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT                -                10,000                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
             LAKESIDE BUSINESS DISTRICT                        2,500                 2,500             2,500                      -                     -                2,500                 -
             211 SERVICE                                       2,500                 2,500             2,500                      -                     -                2,500                 -
             MLK DIVERSITY PROGRAM                             1,000                 1,000             2,000                      -                     -                2,000                 -
             MUSKEGON AREA LABOR MANAGEMENT (MALMC)            1,000                 1,000             1,000                      -                 1,000                1,000                 -
             POUND BUDDIES                                         -                 2,500             2,500                  2,500                     -                2,500                 -
            Support To Outside Agencies                 $    270,750    $          273,572   $       254,560    $            14,642   $            33,874   $          254,560   $             -
                                                        $    270,750    $          273,572   $       254,560    $            14,642   $            33,874   $          254,560   $             -

            Total Customer Value Added Activities       $ 18,497,228 $          19,002,898 $      20,262,653 $            4,167,139   $         3,963,013   $       20,287,653 $          25,000
            As a Percent of Total General Fund
            Expenditures                                       75.1%                 74.1%             77.5%                  78.6%                 77.5%                77.5%             62.5%
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                            Page 11 of 40

            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
            General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                              Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                        Actual FY2015       Actual FY2016    Estimate FY2017           9/30/16               9/30/15               FY2017             Original
            II. Business Value Added Activities

    10101 City Commission
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                            69,185                69,531            74,698                 16,234                14,064               74,698                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                           96                 9,165             1,000                      1                     2                1,000                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                            1,035                12,982             2,000                 11,431                    84                2,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                    765                 2,490             2,500                  1,642                   146                2,500                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                   960                   940             1,500                    240                   240                1,500                 -
                                                        $     72,041    $           95,108   $        81,698    $            29,548   $            14,536   $           81,698   $             -

    10102 City Promotions & Public Relations
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                          523                 2,104             4,000                  3,170                   988                4,000                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           39,172                59,380            46,000                  7,263                21,687               46,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                    364                 2,396                 -                      -                   113                    -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                 -                      -                     -                    -                 -
                                                        $     40,059    $           63,880   $        50,000    $            10,433   $            22,788   $           50,000   $             -

    10172 City Manager
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                           218,550               239,362           259,295                 56,901                46,921              259,295                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                        1,698                 3,603             1,400                    219                 1,334                1,400                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                            7,823                26,161            15,000                  8,246                 8,678               15,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                  4,646                10,627             3,000                    545                 5,004                3,000                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                   268                   204             2,000                      -                    45                2,000                 -
                                                        $    232,985    $          279,957   $       280,695    $            65,911   $            61,982   $          280,695   $             -

    10145 City Attorney
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                            -                   880                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          314,957               351,108           350,000                81,403                92,681               350,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
                                                        $    314,957    $          351,988   $       350,000    $           81,403    $           92,681    $          350,000   $             -
                                                        $    660,042    $          790,933   $       762,393    $          187,295    $          191,987    $          762,393   $             -

    20228 Affirmative Action
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                            75,978                90,691            98,892                 19,963                18,847               98,892                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                          185                   247               750                     60                    13                  750                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                            1,264                 1,167             2,027                    189                   157                2,027                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                    456                 2,078               800                    150                   867                  800                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                    59             1,000                      -                    39                1,000                 -
                                                        $     77,883    $           94,242   $       103,469    $            20,362   $            19,923   $          103,469   $             -
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                               Page 12 of 40

            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
            General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                              Original Budget       Actual to Date           Actual to Date        1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                        Actual FY2015       Actual FY2016    Estimate FY2017           9/30/16                  9/30/15               FY2017             Original
    20215 City Clerk & Elections
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                           290,903               302,055           325,256                84,056                    59,222              325,256                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                       38,172                32,917            34,460                13,557                     4,349               34,460                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           43,116                23,564            22,880                 2,225                     5,875               22,880                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                  3,056                 5,864             6,875                 1,357                       937                6,875                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 3,702                 1,594             2,500                 1,300                         -                2,500                 -
                                                        $    378,949    $          365,994   $       391,971    $          102,495       $            70,383   $          391,971   $             -

    20220 Civil Service
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                 -                     -                        -                     -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                          495                     -               500                   424                        -                   500                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           94,970               114,436            98,000                15,203                   22,321                98,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                  2,034                 2,783             2,800                     -                        -                 2,800                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                 -                     -                        -                     -                 -
                                                        $     97,499    $          117,219   $       101,300    $           15,627       $           22,321    $          101,300   $             -
                                                        $    554,331    $          577,455   $       596,740    $          138,484       $          112,627    $          596,740   $             -

    30202 Finance Administration
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                           344,660               375,411           391,274                 92,656                   73,927              391,274                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                        2,726                 2,875             2,625                    297                      315                2,625                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           61,170                66,241            65,562                  5,400                    7,652               65,562                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                    961                   550               850                    378                      175                  850                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 1,171                     -             1,500                    299                        -                1,500                 -
                                                        $    410,688    $          445,077   $       461,811    $            99,030      $            82,069   $          461,811   $             -

    30209 Assessing Services
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                             3,086                 3,245             4,000                    101                      487                4,000                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                            -                     -                 -                      -                        -                    -                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          295,099               291,100           323,000                 80,000                   72,606              323,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                    105                   311                 -                      -                        -                    -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                     -                     -                 -                      -                        -                    -                 -
                                                        $    298,290    $          294,656   $       327,000    $            80,101      $            73,093   $          327,000   $             -

    30805 Arena Administration
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                                 -                     -                 -                         -                     -                    -                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                            -                     -                 -                         -                     -                    -                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          372,198                  (409)          238,000                         -                   120              238,000                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -                 -                         -                     -                    -                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 1,415                 1,353             1,600                         -                     -                1,600                 -
    5900       OTHER FINANCING USES                                -               235,000                 -                         -                     -                    -                 -
                                                        $    373,613    $          235,944 $         239,600    $                    -   $               120   $          239,600   $             -
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                            Page 13 of 40

            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
            General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                              Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                        Actual FY2015       Actual FY2016    Estimate FY2017           9/30/16               9/30/15               FY2017             Original
    30205 Income Tax Administration
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                           225,004               229,730           258,241                 57,739                48,006              258,241                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                       11,870                11,328            10,760                    947                 1,147               10,760                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           76,675                67,953            70,550                  8,065                11,369               70,550                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                    694                   637             1,000                     82                     -                1,000                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 1,148                   170             2,500                    540                     -                2,500                 -
                                                        $    315,391    $          309,818   $       343,051    $            67,373   $            60,522   $          343,051   $             -

    30253 City Treasurer
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                           365,147               364,615           422,005                95,068                77,650               422,005                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                       70,943                71,970            81,200                12,566                12,575                81,200                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          119,966               119,861           108,550                 9,450                27,455               108,550                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                    953                   823             1,000                     -                     -                 1,000                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                   617                 1,071                 -                   557                     -                     -                 -
                                                        $    557,626    $          558,340   $       612,755    $          117,641    $          117,680    $          612,755   $             -

    30248 Information Systems Administration
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                            334,010              356,096           382,942                89,142                70,337               382,942                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                           234                  582             1,513                    68                     -                 1,513                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                            40,213               31,193            49,744                22,010                22,466                49,744                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                   1,062                5,124            16,024                   200                 4,655                16,024                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                 38,699               66,380            22,894                 2,379                 8,459                22,894                 -
                                                        $     414,218   $          459,375   $       473,117    $          113,799    $          105,917    $          473,117   $             -
                                                        $   2,369,826   $        2,303,210   $     2,457,334    $          477,944    $          439,401    $        2,457,334   $             -

    60265 City Hall Maintenance
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                            30,149                33,042            40,275                  7,867                 7,552               40,275                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                       13,128                15,840            17,875                  2,673                 3,183               17,875                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                          183,990               160,963           209,450                 20,075                33,424              209,450                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                      -                     -               500                      -                     -                  500                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                  (562)               11,425            11,900                  2,396                 5,700               11,900                 -
                                                        $    226,705 $             221,270   $       280,000    $            33,011   $            49,859   $          280,000   $             -
                                                        $    226,705 $             221,270   $       280,000    $            33,011   $            49,859   $          280,000   $             -
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                             Page 14 of 40

            Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
            General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                               Original Budget       Actual to Date        Actual to Date        1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                        Actual FY2015       Actual FY2016     Estimate FY2017           9/30/16               9/30/15               FY2017             Original
    80400 Planning, Zoning and Economic Development
    5100       SALARIES & BENEFITS                           317,112               376,323            371,947               101,771                 71,227              371,947                 -
    5200       SUPPLIES                                        3,042                 3,684              3,500                   487                    492                3,500                 -
    5300       CONTRACTUAL SERVICES                           51,125                27,080             34,148                 3,620                  2,940               34,148                 -
    5400       OTHER EXPENSES                                  1,871                 3,022              4,000                   105                    632                4,000                 -
    5700       CAPITAL OUTLAYS                                   508                12,158              3,500                   350                  5,447                3,500                 -
                                                        $    373,658    $          422,267    $       417,095    $          106,333    $            80,738   $          417,095   $             -
                                                        $    373,658    $          422,267    $       417,095    $          106,333    $            80,738   $          417,095   $             -

            Total Business Value Added Activities       $   4,184,562   $        4,315,135    $     4,513,562    $          943,067    $          874,612    $        4,513,562   $             -
            As a Percent of Total General Fund
            Expenditures                                       17.0%                 16.8%              17.3%                  17.8%                 17.1%                17.2%              0.0%

            III. Fixed Budget Items

    30999 Transfers To Other Funds
              MAJOR STREET FUND                               500,000                     -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
              LOCAL STREET FUND                               300,000                     -            50,000                     -                     -                50,000                 -
              L.C. WALKER ARENA FUND                                -               250,000                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
              LDFA DEBT SERVICE FUND (SMARTZONE)              227,000               265,000           275,000                68,750                62,500               275,000                 -
              DDA DEBT SERVICE FUND                            70,000               175,000           175,000                43,750                43,750               175,000                 -
              PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FUND                               -               750,000                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
              COMM DEV BLK GRANT FUND                               -                 8,164                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
              ENGINEERING SERVICES FUND                        75,000                75,000            13,000                     -                     -                13,000                 -
              GENERAL INSURANCE FUND                           14,023                     -                 -                     -                     -                     -                 -
                                                        $   1,186,023   $         1,523,164   $       513,000    $          112,500    $          106,250    $          513,000   $             -
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                      Page 15 of 40

              Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund
              General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function

                                                                                                  Original Budget       Actual to Date           Actual to Date           1Q Reforecast    (Decrease) From
                                                            Actual FY2015       Actual FY2016    Estimate FY2017           9/30/16                  9/30/15                  FY2017             Original
    30851     General Insurance                                  289,370               261,419           270,640                         -                        -              270,640   $             -
    30906     Debt Retirement                                    281,935               277,426           167,000                 81,547                 170,673                  167,000                 -
    10891     Contingency and Bad Debt Expense                    80,038                44,388           100,000                         -                        -              100,000                 -
    90000     Major Capital Improvements                          95,201               203,258           325,000                    600                      900                 340,000
      91302    VETERAN'S PARK UPGRADES                            45,000                     -                 -                      -                        -                       -                 -
      91303    PARKS IMPROVEMENTS: PM & BEUKEMA                        -                     -            20,000                      -                        -                  20,000                 -
      91116    ADA COMPLIANCE PROJECT                                  -                   291            15,000                      -                        -                  15,000                 -
      91120    VOIP PHONE SYSTEM                                  19,400                19,400                 -                      -                        -                       -                 -
      91405    FIRE STATION # 4 ROOF REPLACEMENT                   5,798                     -                 -                      -                        -                       -                 -
      91412    CITY HALL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS                       5,100                 5,400            20,000                    600                      900                  20,000                 -
               STREET LIGHTS CONVERSION TO LED, CONSUMERS              -                     -           270,000                      -                        -                 270,000                 -
      91512    REPAIRS TO BOARDWALK @ KRUSE PARK                       -                22,843                 -                      -                        -                       -                 -
      91505    MARSH FIELD, BLEACHER UPGRADES, ETC.                    -                23,256                 -                      -                        -                       -                 -
      91508    LED CONVERSION DOWNTOWN                                 -               114,705                 -                      -                        -                       -                 -
               PARKS RESERVATION SYSTEM                                -                     -                 -                      -                        -                  15,000            15,000
      99152    DOJ JAG GRANT MUSKEGON HEIGHTS                     19,903                17,363                 -                      -                        -                       -                 -
              Total Fixed-Budget Items                      $   1,932,567   $        2,309,655   $     1,375,640    $          194,647       $          277,823       $        1,390,640   $        15,000
              As a Percent of Total General Fund
              Expenditures                                           7.9%                 9.0%              5.3%                   3.7%                     5.4%                    5.3%             37.5%

               Total General Fund                           $ 24,614,357 $          25,627,688 $      26,151,855 $            5,304,853      $         5,115,448      $       26,191,855 $          40,000

              Recap: Total General Fund By Line Item Expenditure Classification
    5100        Salaries & Benefits                         $ 14,230,441 $          14,717,883 $      15,939,861 $            3,578,305      $         3,041,638      $       15,939,861 $               -
    5200        Operating Supplies                               501,721               555,324           520,014                115,940                  104,587                 520,014                 -
    5300        Contractual Services                           8,026,917             7,818,228         8,408,357              1,390,725                1,639,072               8,433,357            25,000
    5400        Other Expenses                                   127,102               109,986           173,449                 11,726                   20,915                 173,449                 -
    5700        Capital Outlays                                  260,218               381,075           430,174                 14,110                   32,313                 445,174            15,000
    5900        All Other Financing Uses                       1,467,958             2,035,590           680,000                194,047                  276,923                 680,000                 -
               Total General Fund                           $ 24,614,357 $          25,618,086 $      26,151,855 $            5,304,853      $         5,115,448      $       26,191,855 $          40,000
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 16 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                     Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                              Actual 2015           Actual 2016            Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)                Comments
                                                                                                                        9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                          Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

202     Major Streets and State Trunklines Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY      $       1,352,922     $       2,252,721     $         1,615,274        $        2,284,908       $        2,252,721       $        2,284,908      $         669,634

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $          64,171     $          46,603     $             50,000       $                    -   $                    -   $           50,000      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                   3,422,807             2,138,315               1,385,000                             -                        -            1,385,000                        -
         State shared revenue                     2,965,884             3,266,775               2,800,000                   305,419                  310,238                2,800,000                        -   FY16 included state one-time $700K
         Interest income                             16,712                12,827                    9,100                       802                    3,627                   9,100                        -
         Operating transfers in                     500,000                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Bond Proceeds                                      -                     -             1,650,000                             -                                     1,650,000                        -
         Other                                       17,414                76,819                   29,777                    10,216                    5,067                  29,777                        -
                                          $       6,986,988     $       5,541,339     $         5,923,877        $          316,437       $          318,932       $        5,923,877      $                 -

60900   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $         583,140     $         552,920     $           805,532        $          122,719       $          116,066       $          805,532      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                        239,474               232,950                 271,000                     50,135                   56,766                 271,000                        -
5300      Contractual Services                    2,801,480               941,866               1,000,000                   220,874                  244,682                1,000,000                        -
5400      Other Expenses                               2,889                 6,092                   2,000                       150                    3,393                   2,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                      231,884               231,371                 681,000                   214,344                  212,237                  681,000                        -   $450K to Local Streets & $231K debt

                                          $       3,858,867     $       1,965,199     $         2,759,532        $          608,222       $          633,144       $        2,759,532      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                 -   $                 -   $                      -                                                     $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                    2,228,322             3,543,953               3,400,000                     40,458                 759,415                3,385,000                (15,000)

5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

                                          $       2,228,322     $       3,543,953     $         3,400,000        $            40,458      $          759,415       $        3,385,000      $         (15,000)
                                          $       6,087,189     $       5,509,152     $         6,159,532        $          648,680       $        1,392,559       $        6,144,532      $         (15,000)

        Available Fund Balance - EOY      $       2,252,721     $       2,284,908     $         1,379,619        $        1,952,665       $        1,179,094       $        2,064,253      $         684,634
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 17 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                       Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                              Actual 2015           Actual 2016              Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)               Comments
                                                                                                                          9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                            Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

203     Local Streets Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY      $         737,511     $         706,676       $             67,571       $          235,692       $          706,676       $          235,692      $         168,121

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $          31,940     $          25,607       $             22,000       $                    -   $                    -   $           22,000      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                             -                       -                 35,000                            -                        -               35,000                        -   CDBG Funding
         Metro act fees                             121,098               163,341                   120,000                             -                        -              120,000                        -
         State shared revenue                       695,054               714,570                   800,000                     64,699                   69,719                 800,000                        -
         Interest income                               7,684                 7,366                     2,900                       228                      667                   2,900                        -
         Operating transfers in                     300,000                         -               500,000                             -                        -              500,000                        -   (FY2017: $50K GF + $450K MSF)

         Other                                       23,856                18,368                     18,000                     5,313                      434                  18,000                        -

                                          $       1,179,632     $         929,252       $         1,497,900        $            70,240      $            70,820      $        1,497,900      $                 -

60900   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $         411,115     $         545,553       $           578,643        $          128,818       $            83,308      $          578,643      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                        144,064               121,994                   140,000                     19,083                   13,597                 140,000                        -
5300      Contractual Services                      580,530               676,602                   700,000                   182,314                  134,485                  700,000                        -
5400      Other Expenses                               2,597                      661                  1,000                            -                        -                1,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                              -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                          $       1,138,306     $       1,344,810       $         1,419,643        $          330,215       $          231,390       $        1,419,643      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                 -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                       72,161                55,426                   110,000                     14,280                   10,765                  80,000                (30,000)

                                          $          72,161     $          55,426       $           110,000        $            14,280      $            10,765      $           80,000      $         (30,000)

                                          $       1,210,467     $       1,400,236       $         1,529,643        $          344,495       $          242,155       $        1,499,643      $         (30,000)

        Available Fund Balance - EOY      $         706,676     $         235,692       $             35,828       $           (38,563) $              535,341       $          233,949      $         198,121
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 18 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                              Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2015           Actual 2016            Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                 9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                                   Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

257     Budget Stabilization Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $       1,700,000     $       1,700,000     $         1,700,000        $        1,700,000       $        1,700,000       $        1,700,000      $                 -

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                       $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                      -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                             -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                          -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                   $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $       1,700,000     $       1,700,000     $         1,700,000        $        1,700,000       $        1,700,000       $        1,700,000      $                 -
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 19 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                        Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                 Actual 2015           Actual 2016            Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                           9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                             Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

252     Farmers Market & Kitchen 242
        Available Fund Balance - BOY         $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

        Means of Financing
         Kitchen Rental                      $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $             1,358      $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Farmers Market Event Rental                           -                     -                          -                   250                           -                       -                     -
         Farmers Market EBT Fees                               -                     -                          -                 1,067                           -                       -                     -
                                                               -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Funraising Revenue                                    -                     -                          -                16,278                           -                       -                     -
                                                               -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                                 -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                             $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $            18,953      $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

70863   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $             5,283      $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                   -                     -                          -                   627                           -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                 -                     -                          -                 8,268                           -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                      -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                 -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                             $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $            14,178      $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

70867   Operating Expenditures - FDA Grant
5200      Operating Supplies                 $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                 -                     -                          -                   420                           -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                      -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                             $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $               420      $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                 $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                 -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                             $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                             $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $            14,598      $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY         $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $             4,355      $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 20 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                         Actual 2015           Actual 2016            Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                   9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                                     Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

254     L C Walker Arena
        Available Fund Balance - BOY                 $                 -   $                 -   $              5,532       $          247,028       $                    -   $          247,028      $         241,496

        Means of Financing
         Parking Lot Rental                          $                 -   $          17,493     $             22,000       $             3,395      $                    -   $           22,000      $                 -
         Rent                                                          -              53,761                   54,000                    12,650                           -               54,000                        -
         Arena Event Revenue                                           -             170,549                 210,000                     23,970                           -              210,000                        -
         Shop Rental                                                   -                2,400                   3,500                            -                        -                3,500                        -
         Concessions Non Alcoholic                                     -             237,692                 290,000                      8,038                           -              290,000                        -
         Alcoholic Beverage                                            -             136,153                 168,000                     15,825                           -              168,000                        -
         Ice Hockey Rental                                             -             144,978                 185,000                      1,585                           -              185,000                        -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund/Cap                     -             764,832                 235,000                             -                        -              235,000                        -
         Bond Proceeds                                                                       -                          -                        -                                                -                     -
         Other                                                         -             155,048                   10,000                    20,383                           -               10,000                        -
                                                     $                 -   $       1,682,906     $         1,177,500        $            85,846      $                    -   $        1,177,500      $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                        $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                           -             172,306                 170,000                     13,006                           -              170,000                        -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -           1,069,316                 962,000                   154,586                            -              962,000                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                               -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                              -             150,956                   50,000                    34,202                           -               50,000                        -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                         -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                     $                 -   $       1,392,578     $         1,182,000        $          201,794       $                    -   $        1,182,000      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                         $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -              43,300                            -                   547                           -                       -                     -
                                                     $                 -   $          43,300     $                      -   $               547      $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                     $                 -   $       1,435,878     $         1,182,000        $          202,341       $                    -   $        1,182,000      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY                 $                 -   $         247,028     $              1,032       $          130,533       $                    -   $          242,528      $         241,496
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 21 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                Actual to Date            Actual to Date
                                                     Actual 2015             Actual 2016              Original Budget                                                              1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                   9/30/16                   9/30/15
                                                                                                     Estimate FY2017                                                                  FY2017              From Original

264     Criminal Forfeitures Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY             $         189,404       $         158,309       $           154,009        $          138,810        $          158,309       $          138,810      $         (15,199)

        Means of Financing
         Criminal Forfeitures & Contributions    $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Interest income                                           929                     759                    700                            57                   194                     700                        -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                       -                       -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                                     705                       -                 16,000                     9,841                            -               16,000                        -
                                                 $            1,634      $                 759   $             16,700       $             9,898       $               194      $           16,700      $                 -

40333   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                       -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                       -                  5,000                             -                        -                5,000                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                       -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                     1,380                 20,258                     13,500                     8,225                     4,765                  13,500                        -
5900      Other Financing Uses                              31,349                           -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
                                                 $          32,729       $          20,258       $             18,500       $             8,225       $             4,765      $           18,500      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                     $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                       -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
                                                 $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                 $          32,729       $          20,258       $             18,500       $             8,225       $             4,765      $           18,500      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY             $         158,309       $         138,810       $           152,209        $          140,483        $          153,738       $          137,010      $         (15,199)
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 22 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2015             Actual 2016            Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                   9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                                     Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

285     Tree Replacement Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $            1,156      $            1,362    $              1,767       $             1,071      $             1,362      $            1,071      $             (696)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                       $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                        -                1,590                           -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                          -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                          -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                              6                      9                          -                        1                        2                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                         -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                            -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                                       200                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                   $                 206   $            1,599    $                      -   $                    1   $                    2   $                   -   $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                           -                1,890                           -                        -                   254                          -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                               -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                              -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                         -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                   $                   -   $            1,890    $                      -   $                    -   $               254      $                   -   $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                   $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                   $                   -   $            1,890    $                      -   $                    -   $               254      $                   -   $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $            1,362      $            1,071    $              1,767       $             1,072      $             1,110      $            1,071      $             (696)
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 23 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                  Actual to Date            Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2015             Actual 2016              Original Budget                                                               1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                     9/30/16                   9/30/15
                                                                                                       Estimate FY2017                                                                   FY2017              From Original

295     Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (Betten Project)
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $      (1,298,922) $           (1,331,453) $              (1,280,833) $            (1,344,403) $             (1,331,453) $             (1,344,403) $             (63,570)

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $         127,658       $         130,985       $           130,000        $                     -   $                     -   $          130,000      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                        -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                          -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                          -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                             401                     273                    300                            13                        65                  300                        -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                         -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                            -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                       -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Other                                                  4,794                   5,570                     4,700                             -                         -                4,700                        -
                                                   $         132,853       $         136,828       $           135,000        $                    13   $                    65   $          135,000      $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                           -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -               (7,803)                            -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                        7,803                          -                  5,700                             -                         -                5,700                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                              -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                               157,581                 157,581                   157,580                     78,790                    78,790                  157,580                        -
                                                   $         165,384       $         149,778       $           163,280        $            78,790       $            78,790       $          163,280      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
                                                   $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                   $         165,384       $         149,778       $           163,280        $            78,790       $            78,790       $          163,280      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $      (1,331,453) $           (1,344,403) $              (1,309,113) $            (1,423,180) $             (1,410,178) $             (1,372,683) $             (63,570)
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 24 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                  Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2015             Actual 2016              Original Budget                                                              1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                     9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                                       Estimate FY2017                                                                  FY2017              From Original

296     Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (Mall Area Project)
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $                   -   $                 110   $                110       $            17,967      $               110       $           17,967      $          17,857

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $         132,180       $         160,414       $           160,000        $                    -   $                     -   $          160,000      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                        -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                          -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                          -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                             110                     154                          -                        7                        13                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                         -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                            -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                       -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
         Other                                                         -                      34                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
                                                   $         132,290       $         160,602       $           160,000        $                    7   $                    13   $          160,000      $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                           -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -             (10,255)                             -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                               -                       -                  7,000                            -                         -                7,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                              -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                               132,180                 153,000                   153,000                             -                         -              153,000                        -
                                                   $         132,180       $         142,745       $           160,000        $                    -   $                     -   $          160,000      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -                       -                          -                        -                         -                       -                     -
                                                   $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                   $         132,180       $         142,745       $           160,000        $                    -   $                     -   $          160,000      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $                 110   $          17,967       $                110       $            17,974      $               123       $           17,967      $          17,857
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 25 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                               Actual to Date            Actual to Date
                                                     Actual 2015             Actual 2016             Original Budget                                                               1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                  9/30/16                   9/30/15
                                                                                                    Estimate FY2017                                                                   FY2017              From Original

290     Local Development Finance Authority III Fund - Edison Landing (Smartzone)
        Available Fund Balance - BOY             $          42,847       $          33,521      $              5,171       $            21,030       $            33,521       $           21,030      $          15,859

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                          $         102,092       $          95,372      $             95,000       $                     -   $                     -   $           95,000      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                      -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                        -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                        -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                           129                     87                    100                            13                        68                  100                        -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund             227,000                 265,000                  275,000                     68,750                    62,500                  275,000                        -
         Other                                             100,953                  75,000                    75,000                             -                         -               75,000                        -

                                                 $         430,174       $         435,459      $           445,100        $            68,763       $            62,568       $          445,100      $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                    $                   -   $                  -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                         -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                      -                    500                             -                         -                  500                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                             -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                             439,500                 447,950                  448,925                              -                         -              448,925                        -
                                                 $         439,500       $         447,950      $           449,425        $                     -   $                     -   $          449,425      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                     $                   -   $                  -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
                                                 $                   -   $                  -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                 $         439,500       $         447,950      $           449,425        $                     -   $                     -   $          449,425      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY             $          33,521       $          21,030      $                846       $            89,793       $            96,089       $           16,705      $          15,859
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 26 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                  Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2015             Actual 2016              Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                     9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                                       Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

305     Tax Increment Finance Authority Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $                 829   $            2,051      $                 51       $               454      $             2,051      $              454      $              403

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $          39,216       $          34,398       $             34,000       $                    -   $                    -   $           34,000      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                        -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                          -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                          -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                               6                       5                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                         -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund                            -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                       -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                                         -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                   $          39,222       $          34,403       $             34,000       $                    -   $                    -   $           34,000      $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                           -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                               -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                              -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                38,000                  36,000                     34,000                     8,500                    9,500                  34,000                        -

                                                   $          38,000       $          36,000       $             34,000       $             8,500      $             9,500      $           34,000      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                   $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                   $          38,000       $          36,000       $             34,000       $             8,500      $             9,500      $           34,000      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $            2,051      $                 454   $                 51       $            (8,046) $                (7,449) $                  454      $              403
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                           Page 27 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                  Actual to Date            Actual to Date
                                                       Actual 2015             Actual 2016              Original Budget                                                               1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                     9/30/16                   9/30/15
                                                                                                       Estimate FY2017                                                                   FY2017              From Original
394     Downtown Development Authority Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY               $          93,778       $          51,442       $             50,766       $          118,840        $            51,442       $          118,840      $          68,074

        Means of Financing
         Property taxes                            $         167,705       $         227,201       $           160,000        $                     -   $                     -   $          160,000      $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                        -                       -                          -                                                   -                       -                     -
         State proposal A reimbursement revenue                        -                       -                          -                                                   -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                                          -                       -                          -                                                   -                       -                     -
         Interest income                                             565                     522                    400                            53                        83                  400                        -
         Operating transfers in - General Fund                70,000                 175,000                   175,000                     43,750                    43,750                  175,000                        -
         Operating transfers in - PIF                                  -                       -                          -                                                   -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund                       -                       -                          -                                                   -                       -                     -
         Other                                                48,981                           -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
                                                   $         287,251       $         402,723       $           335,400        $            43,803       $            43,833       $          335,400      $                 -

70805   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                      $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                           -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -                       -                    750                             -                         -                  750                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                               -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                              -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                               329,587                 335,325                   334,826                              -                         -              334,826                        -

                                                   $         329,587       $         335,325       $           335,576        $                     -   $                     -   $          335,576      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                       $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                         -                       -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
                                                   $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                   $         329,587       $         335,325       $           335,576        $                     -   $                     -   $          335,576      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY               $          51,442       $         118,840       $             50,590       $          162,643        $            95,275       $          118,664      $          68,074
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 28 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                     Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                              Actual 2015           Actual 2016            Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)               Comments
                                                                                                                        9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                          Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

404     Public Improvement Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY      $         370,268     $       1,066,378     $           (701,422) $               294,399       $        1,066,378       $          294,399      $         995,821

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Property taxes                                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Federal & state grants                             -                     -             1,204,070                             -                        -            1,204,070                        -
         Charges for services                               -              21,780                            -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Sales of property                           14,798                65,971               1,300,000                   145,799                    38,368               1,300,000                        -
         Interest income                               2,837                 5,125                   2,000                       193                    1,420                   2,000                        -
         Operating transfers in                             -             750,000                            -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Bond Proceeds                                      -                     -             2,405,850                             -                                     2,405,850                        -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                MMRMA dividends earmarked for
         Other                                      695,637               510,736                 350,000                             -                        -              350,000                        - economic development and fire
                                                                                                                                                                                                               equipment replacement

                                          $         713,272     $       1,353,612     $         5,261,920        $          145,992       $            39,788      $        5,261,920      $                 -

30936   Operating Expenditures
                                          $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                              -                1,986                   5,000                            -                        -                5,000                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                    -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                                                      92,000                                                                     92,000                        -   Bond Debt Service

                                          $                 -   $            1,986    $             97,000       $                    -   $                    -   $           97,000      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $            4,740    $            2,175    $                      -   $               319      $               212      $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                -                     -                          -                 2,860                           -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                         6,692              114,995                            -                 6,576                      245                          -                     -
5400      Other Expenses                                    -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                              5,730            2,006,435               4,494,550                   151,245                    46,999               4,494,550                        -

                                          $          17,162     $       2,123,605     $         4,494,550        $          161,000       $            47,456      $        4,494,550      $                 -

                                          $          17,162     $       2,125,591     $         4,591,550        $          161,000       $            47,456      $        4,591,550      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY      $       1,066,378     $         294,399     $            (31,052) $               279,391       $        1,058,710       $          964,769      $         995,821
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 29 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                       Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                              Actual 2015             Actual 2016            Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)          Comments
                                                                                                                          9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                            Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

482     State Grants Fund
        Available Fund Balance - BOY      $         107,977       $          89,359     $             55,514       $            73,157      $            89,359      $           73,157      $          17,643

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments              $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                             752             197,523                 201,897                      2,617                           -              201,897                        -
         Sales of Property                                    -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Interest income                               1,475                   1,227                   1,400                            -                        -                1,400                        -
         Operating transfers in                               -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

         Other                                                -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

                                          $            2,227      $         198,750     $           203,297        $             2,617      $                    -   $          203,297      $                 -

30936   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits             $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                  -                     -                          -                        4                        -                       -                     -
5300      Contractual Services                                -             194,859                 201,897                      4,884                           -              201,897                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                      -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                          $                   -   $         194,859     $           201,897        $             4,888      $                    -   $          201,897      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies              $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -

5300      Contractual Services                       20,845                  20,093                   20,093                            -                        -               20,093                        - LOAN REPAYMENT

5700      Capital Outlays                                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

                                          $          20,845       $          20,093     $             20,093       $                    -   $                    -   $           20,093      $                 -

                                          $          20,845       $         214,952     $           221,990        $             4,888      $                    -   $          221,990      $                 -

        Available Fund Balance - EOY      $          89,359       $          73,157     $             36,821       $            70,886      $            89,359      $           54,464      $          17,643
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 30 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                      Actual 2015             Actual 2016             Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                   9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                                     Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

594     Marina & Launch Ramp Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY              $         167,641       $         375,988      $           214,727        $          402,917       $          375,988       $          402,917      $         188,190

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                      $                   -   $                  -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                       -                      -               375,000                             -                        -              375,000                        -
         State shared revenue                                         -                      -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                               247,773                 275,674                  230,000                     38,598                   42,230                 230,000                        -
         Interest income                                       1,168                   1,911                    1,200                       167                      461                   1,200                        -
         Operating transfers in                                       -                      -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

         Other                                                 7,865                 11,874                     4,000                     1,007                    2,667                   4,000                        -

                                                  $         256,806       $         289,459      $           610,200        $            39,772      $            45,358      $          610,200      $                 -

70756   Operating Expenditures - Marina
5100      Salaries & Benefits                     $          26,387       $          29,623      $             31,049       $             6,063      $             5,586      $           31,049      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                 13,013                    9,730                    8,700                     3,316                    3,509                   8,700                        -
5300      Contractual Services                              144,388                 163,262                  161,948                     52,635                   66,426                 161,948                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                              -                     39                    250                            -                        -                  250                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                      2,515                   1,721                   22,300                     4,250                           -               22,300                        -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                        -                      -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
          Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)            (145,003)                   7,189                            -                   (434)                  1,431                          -                     -
                                                  $          41,300       $         211,564      $           224,247        $            65,830      $            76,952      $          224,247      $                 -

70759   Operating Expenditures - Ramps
5100      Salaries & Benefits                     $                   -   $                  -   $              1,000       $                    -   $                    -   $            1,000      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                        467                2,358                    1,000                       897                           -                1,000                        -
5300      Contractual Services                                 6,692                   4,974                   10,500                       415                      712                  10,500                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                              -                      -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                             -                      -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                        -                      -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
          Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)                       -                      -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                  $            7,159      $            7,332     $             12,500       $             1,312      $               712      $           12,500      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200       Operating Supplies                     $                   -   $                  -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                        -              43,634                  500,000                             -                        -              500,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                             -                      -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                  $                   -   $          43,634      $           500,000        $                    -   $                    -   $          500,000      $                 -
                                                  $          48,459       $         262,530      $           736,747        $            67,142      $            77,664      $          736,747      $                 -

        Available Cash Balance - EOY              $         375,988       $         402,917      $             88,180       $          375,547       $          343,682       $          276,370      $         188,190
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 31 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                              Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                      Actual 2015            Actual 2016            Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                 9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                                   Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

661     Equipment Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY              $         802,987      $         617,235     $           801,917        $          699,089       $          617,235       $          699,089      $        (102,828)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                      $                  -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                      -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                             2,224,558              2,368,803               2,368,700                   732,786                  562,885                2,368,700                        -
         Interest income                                     28,025                 17,343                   20,000                     6,923                    8,039                  20,000                        -
         Operating transfers in                                      -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                               64,193                 51,623                   36,000                     3,643                    9,390                  36,000                        -
                                                  $       2,316,776      $       2,437,769     $         2,424,700        $          743,352       $          580,314       $        2,424,700      $                 -

60932   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                     $         429,795      $         534,473     $           516,332        $          114,670       $            96,428      $          516,332      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                901,987                831,413                 848,500                   153,800                  175,567                  848,500                        -
5300      Contractual Services                              808,005                853,847                 733,669                   158,370                  178,888                  733,669                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                            10                     -                  1,500                       209                           -                1,500                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                   466,985                207,978                 771,500                   166,133                    14,703                 815,500                 44,000

5900      Other Financing Uses                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

          Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal)            (104,254)               (71,796)                           -                 8,537                   57,880                          -                     -
                                                  $       2,502,528      $       2,355,915     $         2,871,501        $          601,719       $          523,466       $        2,915,501      $          44,000

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                      $                  -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                       -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                            -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                  $                  -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                  $       2,502,528      $       2,355,915     $         2,871,501        $          601,719       $          523,466       $        2,915,501      $          44,000

        Available Cash Balance - EOY              $         617,235      $         699,089     $           355,116        $          840,722       $          674,083       $          208,288      $        (146,828)
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 32 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                             Actual to Date            Actual to Date
                                                    Actual 2015             Actual 2016            Original Budget                                                              1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)   Comments
                                                                                                                                9/30/16                   9/30/15
                                                                                                  Estimate FY2017                                                                  FY2017              From Original

642     Public Service Building Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY            $         568,069       $         691,971     $           604,153        $          614,800        $          691,971       $          614,800      $          10,647

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                     -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                     -                     -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                       -                     -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                           1,085,289                 976,760               1,049,134                   262,283                   244,190                1,049,134                        -
         Interest income                                     3,073                   3,334                   2,700                       261                       846                   2,700                        -
         Operating transfers in                                     -                     -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
         Other                                            128,970                    5,830                           -                         -                 5,830                          -                     -
                                                $       1,217,332       $         985,924     $         1,051,834        $          262,544        $          250,866       $        1,051,834      $                 -

60442   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $         631,771       $         780,360     $           715,058        $          164,037        $          151,301       $          715,058      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                               29,270                  34,757                   31,000                     3,460                    15,380                  31,000                        -
5300      Contractual Services                            282,295                 288,240                 291,480                     47,339                    74,743                 291,480                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                          264                2,334                     750                            21                 1,789                     750                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                  44,587                  59,872                   50,000                     8,028                     1,251                  50,000                        -
5900      Other Financing Uses                                      -                     -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                          (29,697)               (102,468)                           -                29,588                    35,383                          -                     -
        Debt Principal)

                                                $         958,490       $       1,063,095     $         1,088,288        $          252,473        $          279,847       $        1,088,288      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                    $                   -   $                 -   $                      -   $                     -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                            134,940                         -                 50,000                             -                        -               50,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                           -                     -                          -                         -                        -                       -                     -
                                                $         134,940       $                 -   $             50,000       $                     -   $                    -   $           50,000      $                 -
                                                $       1,093,430       $       1,063,095     $         1,138,288        $          252,473        $          279,847       $        1,138,288      $                 -

        Available Cash Balance - EOY            $         691,971       $         614,800     $           517,699        $          624,871        $          662,990       $          528,346      $          10,647
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Page 33 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                              Actual to Date            Actual to Date
                                                    Actual 2015             Actual 2016             Original Budget                                                               1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)                Comments
                                                                                                                                 9/30/16                   9/30/15
                                                                                                   Estimate FY2017                                                                   FY2017              From Original

643     Engineering Services Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY            $          79,207       $          27,862      $             54,182       $            36,081       $            27,862       $           36,081      $         (18,101)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                   -   $                  -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                     -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                       -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                             236,774                 250,182                  300,000                     25,660                    47,678                  300,000                        -
         Interest income                                          229                     29                    250                            12                        24                  250                        -
         Operating transfers in                            75,000                  75,000                    13,000                             -                         -               13,000                        -   for GF activities/support services
         Other                                                      -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
                                                $         312,003       $         325,211      $           313,250        $            25,672       $            47,702       $          313,250      $                 -

60447   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $         164,873       $         182,571      $           220,000        $            45,456       $            31,564       $          220,000      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                 6,302                   6,443                    9,430                     1,212                       583                    9,430                        -
5300      Contractual Services                            143,907                 110,091                    90,000                    14,909                    28,885                   90,000                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                     1,493                 18,395                     2,000                            54                   699                    2,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                    9,713                   6,326                   11,200                     2,862                     1,241                   11,200                        -
5900       Other Financing Uses                                     -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                           16,172                 (31,232)                            -                17,537                     3,482                           -                     -
        Debt Principal)
                                                $         342,460       $         292,594      $           332,630        $            82,030       $            66,454       $          332,630      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                    $                   -   $                  -   $                      -   $                     -   $                     -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                             20,888                  24,398                    10,000                             -                12,210                   10,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                           -                      -                          -                         -                         -                       -                     -
                                                $          20,888       $          24,398      $             10,000       $                     -   $            12,210       $           10,000      $                 -
                                                $         363,348       $         316,992      $           342,630        $            82,030       $            78,664       $          342,630      $                 -

        Available Cash Balance - EOY            $          27,862       $          36,081      $             24,802       $           (20,277) $                 (3,100) $                 6,701      $         (18,101)
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 34 of 40

        City of Muskegon
        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                               Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                    Actual 2015             Actual 2016              Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)               Comments
                                                                                                                                  9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                                    Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

677     General Insurance Fund
        Available Cash Balance - BOY            $       1,509,014       $       1,694,944       $         1,803,380        $        1,702,109       $        1,694,944       $        1,702,109      $        (101,271)

        Means of Financing
         Special assessments                    $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
         Federal & state grants                                     -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         State shared revenue                                       -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Charges for services                           3,195,930               3,443,861                 3,760,000                   919,759                  803,682                3,760,000                        -
         Interest income                                   22,710                  22,402                     25,000                     7,362                    9,166                  25,000                        -
         Retireee Health Reimbursement                  1,050,787               1,177,563                 1,140,000                   163,568                  129,696                1,140,000                        -
         MMRMA dividend payment                                     -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
         Operating transfers in                            14,023                           -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

         Other                                             12,420                    8,972                     9,000                     1,356                    2,782                   9,000                        -

                                                $       4,295,870       $       4,652,798       $         4,934,000        $        1,092,045       $          945,326       $        4,934,000      $                 -

30851   Operating Expenditures
5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $          88,900       $         283,744       $             43,752       $             9,241      $             7,787      $           43,752      $                 -
5200      Operating Supplies                                        -                     180                    200                            -                        -                  200                        -
5300      Contractual Services                          4,246,717               4,255,839                 4,900,000                   996,457                1,134,350                4,900,000                        -
5400      Other Expenses                                     6,357                 10,433                     10,000                     2,735                      980                  10,000                        -
5700      Capital Outlays                                         425                       -                  2,645                            -                        -                2,645                        -

5900      Other Financing Uses                                      -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                         (232,459)                 95,437                   327,000                   281,869                  258,914                  327,000                        -   Addtl OPEB contribution for FY2017
        Debt Principal)

                                                $       4,109,940       $       4,645,633       $         5,283,597        $        1,290,302       $        1,402,031       $        5,283,597      $                 -

90000   Project Expenditures
5200      Operating Supplies                    $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
5300      Contractual Services                                      -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
5700      Capital Outlays                                           -                       -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                                                $                   -   $                   -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                                                $       4,109,940       $       4,645,633       $         5,283,597        $        1,290,302       $        1,402,031       $        5,283,597      $                 -

        Available Cash Balance - EOY            $       1,694,944       $       1,702,109       $         1,453,783        $        1,503,852       $        1,238,239       $        1,352,512      $        (101,271)
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 35 of 40

             City of Muskegon
             Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                         Actual 2015           Actual 2016            Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)                 Comments
                                                                                                                                   9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                                     Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017               From Original

     590     Sewer Fund
             Available Cash Balance - BOY            $       3,545,607     $       2,339,749     $         1,357,166        $        1,428,302       $        2,339,749       $        1,428,302      $          71,136

             Means of Financing
              Special assessments                    $               -     $               -     $                 -        $                -       $                -       $                -      $                 -
              Federal & state grants                           474,681               765,363               1,000,000                         -                  118,165                1,000,000                        -
              State shared revenue                                   -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
              Charges for services                           6,240,189             6,129,352               7,500,000                 2,026,210                1,459,179                7,500,000                        -   1.49 multiplier x county rate FY17
              Interest income                                   16,106                10,413                  15,000                       495                    2,885                   15,000                        -
              Repayment of DDA advance                               -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
              Operating transfers in                                 -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
              Bond Proceeds                                          -                     -                 300,000                         -                                           300,000                        -
              Other                                            139,834               185,171                 140,000                    45,969                   45,100                  140,000                        -
                                                     $       6,870,810     $       7,090,299     $         8,955,000        $        2,072,674       $        1,625,329       $        8,955,000      $                 -

     30548   Operating Expenditures Administration
     5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $               -     $               -     $                 -        $                 -      $                 -      $                -      $                 -
     5200      Operating Supplies                                    -                     -                       -                          -                        -                       -                        -
     5300      Contractual Services                            297,398               438,534                 437,298                     93,362                   93,747                 437,298                        -

     5400       Other Expenses                                  16,215                  8,969                  12,000                            -                        -               12,000                        -

     5700       Capital Outlays                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
     5900       Other Financing Uses                                   -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
             Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                               (17,927)             (258,944)                           -            1,210,567                   (75,772)                         -                     -
             Debt Principal)

                                                     $         295,686     $         188,559     $           449,298        $        1,303,929       $            17,975      $          449,298      $                 -

     60559   Operating Expenditures Maintenance
     5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $         519,321     $         699,023     $           781,472        $           167,043      $           116,508      $          781,472      $                 -
     5200      Operating Supplies                               45,428                88,129                  55,390                     19,379                    3,470                  55,390                        -
     5300      Contractual Services                            362,351               393,649                 440,654                    134,306                   85,543                 440,654                        -
     5400      Other Expenses                                   31,794                17,960                  23,000                      6,760                        -                  23,000                        -
     5700      Capital Outlays                                   4,770                 4,571                   5,900                        580                    2,337                   5,900                        -
     5900      Other Financing Uses                                  -                     -                       -                          -                        -                       -                        -
                                                     $         963,664     $       1,203,332     $         1,306,416        $           328,068      $           207,858      $        1,306,416      $                 -

     60557   Operating Expenditures Treatment
     5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $               -     $               -     $                 -        $                 -      $                 -      $                -      $                 -
     5200      Operating Supplies                                    -                     -                       -                          -                        -                       -                        -
     5300      Contractual Services                          6,210,557             5,749,839               6,000,000                    947,703                  946,470               6,000,000                        -
     5400      Other Expenses                                        -                     -                       -                          -                        -                       -                        -
     5700      Capital Outlays                                       -                     -                       -                          -                        -                       -                        -
     5900      Other Financing Uses                                  -                     -                       -                          -                        -                       -                        -
                                                     $       6,210,557     $       5,749,839     $         6,000,000        $           947,703      $           946,470      $        6,000,000      $                 -

     90000   Project Expenditures
     5200       Operating Supplies                   $               -     $               -     $                 -        $                 -      $                 -      $                -      $                 -
     5300       Contractual Services                           606,761               860,016               1,300,000                      2,823                  309,423               1,300,000                        -

     5700       Capital Outlays                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -

                                                     $         606,761     $         860,016     $         1,300,000        $             2,823      $           309,423      $        1,300,000      $                 -
                                                     $       8,076,668     $       8,001,746     $         9,055,714        $        2,582,523       $        1,481,726       $        9,055,714      $                 -

             Available Cash Balance - EOY            $       2,339,749     $       1,428,302     $         1,256,452        $           918,453      $        2,483,352       $        1,327,588      $          71,136
1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 36 of 40

                        City of Muskegon
                        Annual Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds
                                                                                                                                           Actual to Date           Actual to Date
                                                                    Actual 2015           Actual 2016            Original Budget                                                             1Q Reforecast       Increase (Decrease)               Comments
                                                                                                                                              9/30/16                  9/30/15
                                                                                                                Estimate FY2017                                                                 FY2017              From Original

                591     Water Fund
                        Available Cash Balance - BOY            $       2,656,611     $       3,146,513     $         3,630,472        $        3,379,692       $        3,146,513       $        3,379,692      $        (250,780)

                        Means of Financing
                         Special assessments                    $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                         Federal & state grants                                   -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                         State shared revenue                                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                         Charges for services - City                    3,565,258             3,271,984               3,499,250                 1,099,904                  872,373                3,499,250                        -
                         Charges for services - Wholesale               2,247,573             3,590,703               3,600,000                 1,379,280                1,115,374                3,600,000                        -
                         Maintenance services - Township                  185,399               119,509                 155,000                     18,323                   11,803                 155,000                        -
                         Interest income                                   12,605                13,363                  11,000                      1,255                    3,199                  11,000                        -
                         Lease of facilities                              165,445               190,370                 173,000                     29,037                   45,109                 173,000                        -
                         Repayment of DDA advance                                 -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                         Operating transfers in                                   -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                         Other                                            222,994               318,427                 170,000                     53,771                   73,360                 170,000                        -
                                                                $       6,399,274     $       7,504,356     $         7,608,250        $        2,581,570       $        2,121,218       $        7,608,250      $                 -

                30548   Operating Expenditures Administration
                5100       Salaries & Benefits                  $                 -   $                 -   $                      -   $                    -   $                    -   $                   -   $                 -
                5200       Operating Supplies                                     -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                5300       Contractual Services                           525,923               897,399                 932,085                   211,108                  202,930                  932,085                        -

                5400       Other Expenses                                  10,800                 5,981                   17,000                            -                        -               17,000                        -

                5700       Capital Outlays                                        -                     -                          -                        -                        -                       -                     -
                5900       Other Financing Uses                           292,087               258,604                 246,500                     78,222                   84,473                 246,500                        -   Water System Bond Interest
                        Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g.
                                                                          977,712             1,731,091               1,405,000                 1,075,096                1,139,319                1,405,000                        -   Water System Bond Principal
                        Debt Principal)

                                                                $       1,806,522     $       2,893,075     $         2,600,585        $        1,364,426       $        1,426,722       $        2,600,585      $                 -

                60559   Operating Expenditures Maintenance
                5100       Salaries & Benefits                  $         978,339     $       1,078,047     $         1,064,918        $          260,122       $          213,090       $        1,064,918      $                 -
                5200       Operating Supplies                             245,340               224,085                 231,500                    70,733                   70,320                  231,500                        -
                5300       Contractual Services                           430,854               375,383                 410,501                   113,863                  104,309                  410,501                        -
                5400       Other Expenses                                  44,867               129,850                 139,500                    16,151                   26,790                  139,500                        -
                5700       Capital Outlays                                 11,542                 7,000                  13,500                     4,706                    3,399                   13,500                        -
                5900       Other Financing Uses                                 -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
                                                                $       1,710,942     $       1,814,365     $         1,859,919        $          465,575       $          417,908       $        1,859,919      $                 -

                60558   Operating Expenditures Filtration
                5100      Salaries & Benefits                   $         671,659     $         780,529 $               825,235        $          179,456       $          141,622 $                825,235      $                 -
                5200      Operating Supplies                              217,774               291,263                 315,000                    88,285                   50,394                  315,000                        -
                5300      Contractual Services                            534,397               648,968                 840,000                    89,108                  133,681                  840,000                        -
                5400      Other Expenses                                    3,603                 4,907                   6,500                       451                      851                    6,500                        -
                5700      Capital Outlays                                  59,027                44,454                  53,000                    12,789                   24,160                   53,000                        -
                5900      Other Financing Uses                                  -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
                          Replacement Reserve - DWRF                            -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                        -
                                                                $       1,486,460     $       1,770,121 $             2,039,735        $          370,089       $          350,708 $              2,039,735      $                 -

                90000   Project Expenditures
                5200       Operating Supplies                   $               -     $               -     $                 -        $                -       $                -       $                -      $               -
                5300       Contractual Services                           905,448               793,616               1,080,000                    31,115                  404,226                1,052,000                (28,000)
                5700       Capital Outlays                                      -                     -                       -                         -                        -                        -                      -
                                                                $         905,448     $         793,616     $         1,080,000        $           31,115       $          404,226       $        1,052,000      $         (28,000)
                                                                $       5,909,372     $       7,271,177     $         7,580,239        $        2,231,205       $        2,599,564       $        7,552,239      $         (28,000)

                        Available Cash Balance - EOY            $       3,146,513     $       3,379,692     $         3,658,483        $        3,730,057       $        2,668,167       $        3,435,703      $        (222,780)
            1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                           Page 37 of 40

City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast FY 2016-17
                                                                               2016-17 Budgeted          2016-17 Budgeted                                 2016-17
                                                                              Projects (Including       Projects (Including                             Estimated
                                                                                                                                     Estimated                             Grant
                                                             Responsibility   Carryover Amounts         Carryover Amounts                              Project Grant                                 Comments
                                                                                                                                   Project Grant                           Year
                                                                                From Prior FY)          From Prior FY) 1Q                              Revenue 1Q
                                                                                                                                  Revenue Original
                                                                                   Original                 Reforecast                                  Reforecast

                                                                              BUDGETED MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS

 101   General Fund

       VOIP Phone System                                         Maurer       $             20,000      $             20,000      $              - $                   -           FY17 is year 5 of 5 annual payments, 0% interest

       ADA Compliance, Various Locations                        Al-Shatel                   15,000                    15,000                                                                      Federal agreement
                                                                                                                                                                                     deposit to convert street lights by C.E.; comm.
       Street Lights Conversion to LED, Consumers               Al-Shatel                  270,000                   270,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Discussed 1/28/16
       Beukema Park, building improvements                      Al-Shatel                   20,000                    20,000                     -                     -

       Parks Reservation System                                 Al-Shatel                           -                 15,000                     -                     -               new system to enhance customer service

                                                                                           325,000                   340,000                     -                     -

 202   Major Streets
                                                                                                                                                                                     payments on various State projects that are
       MDOT Projects                                            Al-Shatel                   40,000                            -                  -                     -
                                                                                                                                                                                              completed but not finaled
                                                                                                                                                                                    US-31 BR, Sherman to Shoreline Dr.-carry over
       US - 31 BR                                               Al-Shatel                   20,000                    20,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                    from 14/15
91208 Latimer, Port City Blvd. to Black Creek                   Al-Shatel                   20,000                            -                  -                     -              Design in FY14/15, construction in FY15/16
                                                                                                                                                                                   moved from state grants fund with additional new
       Musketawa Trail Connection (Keating to Black Creek)      Al-Shatel                  235,000                   235,000               235,000            235,000
                                                                                                                                                                                       money (federal)- carryover from 15/16
       Street Lights Removal                                    Al-Shatel                   25,000                            -                                                    charged cost to GF streetlights cost center (60448)
                                                                                                                                                                                   continuation from 15/16, grant money of $400,000
91413 Laketon Ave. Nevada to Lakeshore Dr.                      Al-Shatel                1,000,000                 1,000,000                     -                     -
                                                                                                                                                                                      accounted for in 15/16…match from bonds
                                                                                                                                                                                   $759,000 STP grant and potential $400,000 from
       Laketon Ave. Getty to Creston                            Al-Shatel                1,800,000                 1,800,000             1,150,000           1,150,000
                                                                                                                                                                                              HPP local match from bonds
       Glenside, Sherman to Glen                                Al-Shatel                  240,000                   240,000                                                                mill and resurfacing using bonds

       Hackley, Seaway to Park; joint project with MHTS         Al-Shatel                                             70,000

       Traffic studies                                          Al-Shatel                   20,000                    20,000                     -                     -

                                                                                         3,400,000                 3,385,000             1,385,000           1,385,000

 203   Local Streets
                                                                                                                                                                                     continuation from 15/16. Street portion of WM
       Monroe, 5th to 4th                                       Al-Shatel                   45,000                    15,000
                                                                                                                                                                                      CDBG funding for FY2016-17; as part of WM
91609 Hartford/Diana/Pine                                       Al-Shatel                   65,000                    65,000                35,000             35,000
                                                                                           110,000                    80,000                35,000             35,000

 264   Criminal Forfeiture Fund

       Tactical Video Investigation, interview equipment        J. Lewis                    13,500                    13,500                     -                     -                         additional equipment
            1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                            Page 38 of 40

City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast FY 2016-17
                                                                                       2016-17 Budgeted       2016-17 Budgeted                            2016-17
                                                                                      Projects (Including    Projects (Including                        Estimated
                                                                                                                                       Estimated                           Grant
                                                                    Responsibility    Carryover Amounts      Carryover Amounts                         Project Grant                                  Comments
                                                                                                                                     Project Grant                         Year
                                                                                        From Prior FY)       From Prior FY) 1Q                         Revenue 1Q
                                                                                                                                    Revenue Original
                                                                                           Original              Reforecast                             Reforecast

                                                                                      BUDGETED MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS
                                                                                                    13,500                 13,500                  -                   -

 404   Public Improvement Fund
                                                                                                                                                                                       If grant is awarded. Decision was made by
       Playground Equipment at P.M.                                    Al-Shatel                   367,800                367,800            220,700          220,700
                                                                                                                                                                                       Commission to hold off and apply for grant
                                                                                                                                                                                           FY17 construction of 5 new houses in
       Neighborhood Housing Program                                    Peterson                    850,000                850,000
       Port security boat                                              J. Lewis                    369,000                369,000            282,000          282,000      FY17                  only if grant is received

       L.C. Walker Arena general work (heating/cooling/structure)      Peterson                  1,400,000              1,400,000                                                      bond financing to be used for project costs

       Arena Annex Capital Improvements                                Peterson                    150,000                150,000                                                      bond financing to be used for project costs

       Parking lot - N.W. corner of Jefferson/Clay                     Al-Shatel                   200,000                200,000                                                      bond financing to be used for project costs

       Fire Department Rescue Truck                                    J. Lewis                    680,000                680,000            618,000          618,000      FY17    only if grant is received, replaces Rescue Truck 71
                                                                                                                                                                                     only if grant is received, Life Pak & standalone
       Fire Department, AFG Equipment                                  J. Lewis                     91,700                 91,700             83,370           83,370      FY17
       Fire Department Equipment                                       J. Lewis                     26,300                 26,300

       Commecial/Industrial Demolitions                             Brubaker-Clarke                300,000                300,000                                                                   Blight fight efforts
                                                                                                                                                                                   Four Season Air Craft, reduced the amount used for
       Fire Department - Gear                                          J. Lewis                     59,750                 59,750                  -                   -
                                                                                                                                                                                             different equipment in 15/16
                                                                                                 4,494,550              4,494,550          1,204,070         1,204,070

 590   Sewer
                                                                                                                                                                                   various sewer major repairs/emergencies, use this
       Sewer Rehabilitation Project (Various Projects)                 Al-Shatel                   300,000                195,000                  -                   -
                                                                                                                                                                                                  fund for S-2 project
91609 Hartford/Diana/Pine                                              Al-Shatel                                           75,000

91413 Laketon Ave. Nevada to Lakeshore Dr.                             Al-Shatel                                           30,000

       SAW Grant                                                       Al-Shatel                 1,000,000              1,000,000          1,000,000         1,000,000                           carry over from 14/15

                                                                                                 1,300,000              1,300,000          1,000,000         1,000,000

 591   Water

       SCAD Migration Project                                          Al-Shatel                   175,000                175,000                  -                   -            instrumentation upgrade, continuation from 15/16

       Harvey Pump Repair, # 2                                         Al-Shatel                    30,000                 30,000                  -                   -                         repair of second pump.

       Repair & add membrane to 2 of 4 clear wells @ plant             Al-Shatel                   250,000                250,000

       Repair switch gear for HSP                                      Al-Shatel                                           30,000                                                    as per Filtration Plant Superintendent's request

       Develop Asset Management plan                                   Al-Shatel                    35,000                 35,000                                                        50-50 between distribution & treatment
              1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                                        Page 39 of 40

 City of Muskegon
 Quarterly Budget Reforecast FY 2016-17
                                                                                              2016-17 Budgeted       2016-17 Budgeted                                2016-17
                                                                                             Projects (Including    Projects (Including                            Estimated
                                                                                                                                              Estimated                                   Grant
                                                                            Responsibility   Carryover Amounts      Carryover Amounts                             Project Grant                                     Comments
                                                                                                                                            Project Grant                                 Year
                                                                                               From Prior FY)       From Prior FY) 1Q                             Revenue 1Q
                                                                                                                                           Revenue Original
                                                                                                  Original              Reforecast                                 Reforecast

                                                                                             BUDGETED MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS
         Replace High Service Valve @ filtration                               Al-Shatel                   70,000                 70,000

         Repair & add membrane to 2 of 4 cells @ Harvey                        Al-Shatel                  120,000                120,000

         Distribution Reliability Study                                        Al-Shatel                   25,000                 25,000                      -                       -                              continuation

         Laketon, Nevada to Lakeshore Dr.                                      Al-Shatel                   50,000                 75,000                      -                       -                        increased allocated WM

         Laketon, Getty to Creston                                             Al-Shatel                   50,000                 50,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Water Main Replacements, Various Locations & 2"
  91609 Hartford/Diana/Pine                                                    Al-Shatel                  150,000                150,000                      -                       -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      & 4"
         Monroe, 5th to 4th                                                    Al-Shatel                  105,000                 22,000                                                               continuation from 16, only $22,000 in 17

         GIS Update and Maintenance                                            Al-Shatel                   20,000                 20,000                  -                       -                     County licensing & map maintenance

                                                                                                        1,080,000              1,052,000                  -                       -

   594    Marina
                                                                                                                                                                                                    contingent upon receiving grant - no grant - no
         Docks & Building Improvements (office, bathroom)                      Al-Shatel                  500,000                500,000            375,000              375,000          FY17
                                                                                                          500,000                500,000            375,000              375,000

   642    PSB

         PSB Improvements, including possible Eng. Evaluation of building      Al-Shatel                   50,000                 50,000                  -                       -

                                                                                                           50,000                 50,000                  -                       -

   643    Engineering Services

         Intergovernmental Engineering Work                                    Al-Shatel                   10,000                 10,000                  -                       -

                                                                                                           10,000                 10,000                  -                       -

   661    Equipment Fund

720/Quant Non-Vehicular Equipment:

    1    Spreader, parks                                                       Al-Shatel                                          15,000                                                              added, will be used for spreading fertlizer

    1    Baech Cleaner                                                         Al-Shatel                   45,000                 44,000                                                                        replaces old machine
                                                                                                                                                                                                  price was much higher than anticipated at original
    1    Leaf Sucker                                                           Al-Shatel                   15,000                 28,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    budget time
                                                                                                                                                                                                  price was much higher than anticipated at original
    1    Fuel System upgrade @ DPW                                             Al-Shatel                   17,000                 25,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    budget time
    2    Salt Boxes                                                            Al-Shatel                   20,000                 38,000                                                                      replaces old Larson boxes
            1Q FY2017 Budget Reforecast                                                                                                                                                  Page 40 of 40

City of Muskegon
Quarterly Budget Reforecast FY 2016-17
                                                                 2016-17 Budgeted       2016-17 Budgeted                                    2016-17
                                                                Projects (Including    Projects (Including                                Estimated
                                                                                                                 Estimated                                       Grant
                                               Responsibility   Carryover Amounts      Carryover Amounts                                 Project Grant                                      Comments
                                                                                                               Project Grant                                     Year
                                                                  From Prior FY)       From Prior FY) 1Q                                 Revenue 1Q
                                                                                                              Revenue Original
                                                                     Original              Reforecast                                     Reforecast

                                                                BUDGETED MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS
       various small equipment                    Al-Shatel                   30,000                 30,000                  -                           -

  1    Riding Mower                               Al-Shatel                    7,500                  7,500                  -                           -                                    Cemetery

                                                                             134,500                187,500                  -                           -

5746   Communications Equipment:

       various items to outfit new cruisers       Al-Shatel                   20,000                 20,000                  -                           -

                                                                              20,000                 20,000                  -                           -

5730   Vehicles:

  3    Police Cruisers                            Al-Shatel                   90,000                 82,000                      -                           -                    Includes police package outfitting

  2    Detective cars                             Al-Shatel                   47,000                 47,000

  2    3/4 ton trucks - fire department- 4x4      Al-Shatel                   64,000                 62,000

  1    3/4 ton truck for DPW- 2x4                 Al-Shatel                   25,000                 25,000

  1    backhoe                                    Al-Shatel                  111,000                112,000                                                                                  carry over
                                                                                                                                                                          one carry over and one for this year, approval by
  2    Plow Truck                                 Al-Shatel                  280,000                280,000                  -                           -
                                                                                                                                                                         commission was issued but truck will not be paid for
                                                                             617,000                608,000                  -                           -

        Total Equipment Fund                                                 771,500                815,500                  -                           -

                                                                $         12,041,050   $         12,027,050   $      3,999,070       $         3,999,070
Date:    11/22/16

To:      Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From: DPW/Equipment
RE:      Commercial Chemical Spreader/Sprayer


Authorize staff to purchase one (1) Z Max Commercial Spreader/Sprayer from SiteOne
Landscape Supply, lowest qualified bidder with a bid price of $11,455.00 (the other bid
was submitted by LT Rich Products for $11,455.77). This request is contingent upon 1st
quarter budget reforecast approval.

None. Amount is what was budgeted.

Authorize staff to purchase one (1) Z Max Commercial Chemical Spreader/Sprayer.

O:\CLERK\Common\Word\Agenda Items for Next Meeting\2016\112216\23_DPW1_agenda item to purchase
Zmaxspreader 11-22-16.doc
                  Commission Meeting Date: November 22, 2016

Date:         November 17, 2016
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Transfer of the Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate
              – 316 Morris Ave.


The Hinman Company was approved for a Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate
in 2013 and the certificate was applied to the entire building. However, the project only
included the rehabilitation of floors one through five and did not include floors six and seven.
The certificate was approved for 10 years and the company did invest the $450,000 in
upgrades as described in the application. The company would like to transfer the
Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate (#C2013-011) from the entire building
(floors 1-7) to floors one through five. This will allow them to apply for a Neighborhood
Enterprise Zone Certificate for floors six and seven for their apartment project. Currently,
they would not be able to apply for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate because
there is already an abatement on floors six and seven and the Michigan Economic
Development Corporation does not allow multiple tax abatements at the same location.


The transfer would allow for the company to apply for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone.




Approval of the Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate transfer.



                                            Resolution No. _______

                                      MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION

                                 Hinman Lake, LLC

WHEREAS, pursuant to P.A. 210 of 2005 as amended, after duly noticed public hearing held on January
     22, 2013, this Commission by resolution established a Commercial Rehabilitation District as
     requested by Hinman Lake, LLC for the building at 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon, Michigan 49442;

WHEREAS, pursuant to P.A. 210 of 2005 as amended, after duly noticed public hearing held on August 27,
     2013, this Commission by resolution approved a Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate as
     requested by Hinman Lake, LLC for the building at 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon, Michigan 49442; and

WHEREAS, the Commercial Rehabilitation Certificate was issued on December 16, 2013, by the Michigan
     State Tax Commission (#C2013-011); and

WHEREAS, the project included the rehabilitation of floors one through five and did not include floors six and
     seven; and

WHEREAS, Hinman Lake, LLC has requested in writing that they would like to transfer the Commercial
     Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate (#C2013-011) from the entire seven-story building located at 316
     Morris Ave, Muskegon, to condo units one through five (i.e. floors 1-5) at 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Muskegon City Commission of the City of Muskegon,
      Michigan that the Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate (#C2013-011) shall be
      transferred from the entire seven-story building located at 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon, to condo
      units one through five (i.e. floors 1-5) at 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon.

Adopted this 22nd Day of November, 2016.




                                                    BY: __________________________________
                                                           Stephen J. Gawron

                                              ATTEST: __________________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Muskegon
City Commission, County of Muskegon, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on November 22, 2016.

                                                            Ann Meisch

                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON

                         CONTRACT FOR TAX ABATEMENT
                             Act 210 Public Acts of 2005

       AGREEMENT between CITY OF MUSKEGON, a municipal corporation of 933
Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49441, (“City”) and Hinman Lake, LLC


A.     The Company has applied to City for the issuance of a Commercial Rehabilitation
Exemption Certificate pursuant to the provisions of Act 210 of the Public Acts of 2005,
as amended.

B.      The City has determined that it is in the best interests of the taxpayers, property
owners and residents of the City that this Agreement be approved and executed prior to
the issuance of the requested certificate, and the City deems this Contract, together with
the conditions set forth in the said Act to constitute a necessary element in the City’s
determination whether or not to issue the certificate.

C.     The Company intends to install the project set forth in its application (“project”)
which it believes qualifies for the issuance of the certificate.

D.      The City, provided this Agreement is executed, will determine whether to issue
the certificate based upon the potential for the production of permanent jobs, the
continuation or increase of economic activity, planning and zoning considerations and the
City’s general plan and intentions regarding economic development. In addition to the
City policy considerations and predictions that the Company’s proposed district and
certificate benefit the community in those ways, the City has further determined that the
contractual commitments made by the Company to thereby assist the community shall be
binding on the Company and necessary to continue the tax exemption made possible by
the certificate.


1.     COMPANY AGREEMENT. The Company irrevocably commits to the
investment, job retention and job creation promises made in its application, a copy of
which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. In particular the Company agrees:

       1.1 That 100% of the jobs shall be filled and in existence with full-time
       employees by a date no later than two (2) years from the date of the granting of
       the certificate by the State Tax Commission.

                                                                                      Page 1
       1.2 The Company, by the end of two (2) years from the date of the grant of the
       certificate by the State Tax Commission shall have completed the investment of
       $450,000 in real property improvements as shown in the application.

       1.3 That the improvements to receive the tax abatement treatment shall be
       completed on or before the date two (2) years from the date of granting of the
       certificate by the State Tax Commission.

       1.4 The Company shall pay its specific taxes required by the act in a timely
       manner, and shall not delay payments so as to incur any penalties or interest.

       1.5 The Company shall not appeal the valuation of any real or personal property
       at the facility to the Michigan Tax Tribunal or the State Tax Commission.

       1.6 The Company shall fully cooperate with the City representatives in
       supplying all requested and required documentation regarding jobs, investment,
       the meeting of all goals and the timely installation and utilization of equipment
       and improvements. The City shall be entitled to inspect at reasonable hours the
       Company’s premises where the said improvements and equipment have been
       installed and where the said jobs are performed.

       1.7 The Company shall maintain, during the entire period for which the tax
       abatement is granted, the level of jobs, production and utilization of the
       improvements and equipment at the site where the district has been created and
       for which the tax exemption has been granted.

       1.8 The Company shall not cause or fail to cure the release of any hazardous
       substance, or the violation of any environmental law on its premises in the City.
       It shall report any releases to the appropriate governmental authority in a timely
       and complete manner, and provide copies of said report documentation to the
       City. It shall comply with all orders and actions of any governmental agency
       having authority.

       1.9 The Company shall maintain the improvements so as to minimize physical or
       functional obsolescence.

       1.10 The Company shall continue to operate its business location in the City,
       containing the same number of and type of jobs, for the term of the certificate.

2.      AGREEMENT BY THE CITY. Provided this contract has been executed and
further provided all applications to create the district and achieve the Commercial
Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate have been properly filed, the City shall, in a timely
manner, determine in a public meeting to create the district and receive, process, and
approve thereafter the Company’s application for a Commercial Rehabilitation
Exemption Certificate. The City may consider this contract in a meeting separate from
and prior to the meeting in which the City considers the creation of the district and

                                                                                    Page 2
approval of the application for certificate. Further, the City shall require the submission
of this contract signed by the Company together with its applications, before creating the

3.     EVENTS OF DEFAULT. The following actions or failures to comply shall be
considered events of default by the Company:

       3.1 Failure to meet any of the commitments set forth above.

       3.2 The closing of the Company’s facilities in the City. Closing shall mean for
       purpose of this Agreement, the elimination of substantially all the jobs created or
       retained thereby, which are set forth in the Company’s application.

       3.3 Failure to afford to the City the documentation and reporting required.

       3.4 The failure to create or retain jobs, or expend the funds on improvements as
       represented in the application within the times required hereby.

       3.5 The bankruptcy or insolvency of the Company.

       3.6 The failure to pay any and all taxes and assessments levied on the
       Company’s property or any other taxes, local, state or federal, including but not
       limited to City income taxes and the withholding of said City income taxes from
       employees as required by the City Income Tax Ordinance.

       3.7 The performance or omission of any act which would lead to revocation
       under MCLA 207.565, being §15 of the Act.

       3.8 The violation of any provisions, promises, commitments, considerations or
       covenants of this Agreement.

4. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In the event of any of the above defaults the City
shall have the following remedies which it may invoke without notice, except as may be
reasonably required by the Company’s rights to due process:

       4.1 In the event of closing as determined after investigation of the facts and a
       public hearing, the Company shall be immediately liable for penalties to be paid
       forthwith to the city as determined as follows:

               4.1.1 The Company shall pay to the City for prorata distribution to the
               taxing units experiencing the abatement, an amount equal to the difference
               between the commercial exemption property tax which it has paid, and the
               total property taxes to the relevant taxing units which it would have paid,
               given its installations of improvements and equipment, during the years
               for which the certificate was in effect.

                                                                                     Page 3
            4.1.2 Immediate Revocation. The Company hereby consents to
            revocation of the Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate before
            the State Tax Commission, without hearing, and the City shall submit a
            copy of this Agreement to the State Tax Commission in connection with
            its revocation procedure, giving notice that the default has occurred and
            immediate revocation should occur.

     4.2 In the event the improvements have not been installed before the two (2)
     year period, in addition to the revocation procedures before the State Tax
     Commission, the abatement should immediately be reduced by the City
     proportionately, and any installations which have not been finished at the end of
     said two (2) year period shall not be eligible for the abatement thereafter and shall
     be placed on the regular tax roll.

     4.3 Job Creation and Retention. In the event the promised number of jobs have
     not been created or retained at the end of the two (2) years after the grant of the
     certificate by the State Tax Commission, the abatement shall be proportionately

     4.4 For other violations of this Agreement or for actions or omissions by the
     Company amounting to grounds for revocation by statue, the City shall
     recommend to the State Tax Commission immediate revocation of the certificate.

     4.5 Special Assessment. For any amount due to be paid to the City, under this
     Section 4, the Company consents that the City shall have a personal action against
     the Company for the said amount, and in addition, cumulatively, and not by
     election, the City shall have a special assessment lien on all the property of the
     Company personal and real, located in the City, for the collection of the amounts
     due as and in the manner of property taxes and in such case the collection of the
     said special assessment shall be accomplished by addition by the City to the
     Company’s property tax statement regularly rendered.

5. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance
with the laws of the State of Michigan applicable to contracts made and to be
performed within the State of Michigan.

6. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts.
Notwithstanding such execution all such counterparts shall constitute one and the same

7. Benefit. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the
respective parties, their successors and personal representatives.

8. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be effective on the date the State of
Michigan Tax Commission grants the company at Commercial Rehabilitation
Exemption Certificate.

                                                                                   Page 4

 By _________________________
     Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

Date _________________________

        Ann Meisch, Clerk

Date _________________________



Date _________________________

                        Page 5
                 Commission Meeting Date: November 22, 2016

Date:         November 17, 2016
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Revocation of a portion of the Commercial Rehabilitation
              Exemption Certificate – 316 Morris Ave.


In order to apply for the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate for floors six and seven,
the Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate must be revoked on these floors.


The revocation would allow for the company to apply for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone.




Approval of the revocation of a portion of the Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption



                                            Resolution No. _______

                                      MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION

                                CERTIFICATE (#C2013-011)
                                    Hinman Lake, LLC

WHEREAS, pursuant to P.A. 210 of 2005 as amended, after duly noticed public hearing held on January
     22, 2013, this Commission by resolution established a Commercial Rehabilitation District as
     requested by Hinman Lake, LLC for the building at 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon, Michigan 49442;

WHEREAS, pursuant to P.A. 210 of 2005 as amended, after duly noticed public hearing held on August 27,
     2013, this Commission by resolution approved a Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate as
     requested by Hinman Lake, LLC for the building at 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon, Michigan 49442; and

WHEREAS, the Commercial Rehabilitation Certificate was issued on December 16, 2013, by the Michigan
     State Tax Commission (#C2013-011); and

WHEREAS, the project included the rehabilitation of floors one through five and did not include floors six and
     seven; and

WHEREAS, on October 24, 2016, Hinman Lake, LLC requested in writing that they would like to transfer the
     Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate (#C2013-011) from the entire seven-story building
     located at 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon, to condo units one through five (i.e. floors 1-5) at 316 Morris
     Ave, Muskegon and to also revoke a portion of the Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate
     (#C2013-011), specifically condo units six and seven (i.e. floors 6-7); and

WHEREAS, on November 22, 2016, this Commission by resolution approved the transfer of the Commercial
     Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate (#C2013-011) from the entire seven-story building located at 316
     Morris Ave, Muskegon, to condo units one through five (i.e. floors 1-5) at 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Muskegon City Commission of the City of Muskegon,
      Michigan that a portion of the Commercial Rehabilitation Exemption Certificate (#C2013-011),
      specifically condo units six and seven (i.e. floors 6-7), at 316 Morris Ave, Muskegon, shall be

Adopted this 22nd Day of November, 2016.




                                                    BY: __________________________________
                                                           Stephen J. Gawron

                                              ATTEST: __________________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Muskegon
City Commission, County of Muskegon, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on November 22, 2016.

                                                            Ann Meisch

                 Commission Meeting Date: November 22, 2016

Date:         November 17, 2016
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Approval of a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate – 316
              Morris Ave


An application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been received from
Hinman Lake, LLC for the conversion of offices to apartments on the sixth and seventh
floors of their building at 316 Morris Ave. The estimated project cost is $1,777,200 and
will include 20 market rate apartments. The property was approved as a Neighborhood
Enterprise Zone District on September 13, 2016. The applicant has met local and state
requirements for the issuance of the NEZ certificate.


The taxes on floors six and seven will be frozen at the pre-rehabilitated rate for 12 years,
with a three year phase out (they will receive 75% of the abatement in year 10, 50% in year
11 and 25% in year 12).




Approval of the NEZ certificate.



                                    Resolution No. ________

                              MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, an application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate for a rehabilitation
facility has been filed with the City Clerk by Hinman Lake, LLC to rehabilitate floors six and
seven in their building from commercial to residential apartments at 316 Morris Ave in the
“Terrace Plaza” Neighborhood Enterprise Zone District, and;

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate will only be applied to floors six and
seven of the building at 316 Morris Ave, and;

WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied both the local and state eligibility criteria for a
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate;

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been approved for twelve (12)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for a Neighborhood Enterprise
Zone Certificate for the rehabilitation facility for apartments on the sixth and seventh floor at 316
Morris Ave by Hinman Lake, LLC be approved.

Adopted this 22nd day of November, 2016.




                                                      By: __________________________
                                                          Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                      Attest: _________________________
                                                              Ann Meisch
                                                              City Clerk


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular
meeting held on November 22, 2016.

                                                                By: ________________________
                                                                          Ann Meisch
                                                                          City Clerk

Date:        November 22, 2016
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Frank Peterson, City Manager
RE:          Adopt a Resolution of Intent Regarding
             Recreational Authority

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To express the intent of the City of Muskegon to
establish a recreational authority within the County of Muskegon and to appoint a
representative of the City of Muskegon to join with the representatives from other
like–minded municipalities to form a steering committee to prepare articles of
incorporation for such a recreational authority, which would include the City of
Muskegon within its territory.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at this time.

BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To adopt the resolution expressing the intent of the
City of Muskegon to establish a recreational authority within the County of Muskegon
and to appoint a representative of the City of Muskegon to join with the steering
                                       RECREATIONAL AUTHORITIES ACT
                                               Act 321 of 2000

   AN ACT to provide for the establishment of recreational authorities; to provide powers and duties of an
authority; to authorize the assessment of a fee, the levy of a property tax, and the issuance of bonds and notes
by an authority; and to provide for the powers and duties of certain government officials.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000.

                                        The People of the State of Michigan enact:

123.1131 Short title.
  Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the “recreational authorities act”.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000.

123.1133.amended *****
123.1133 Definitions.
   Sec. 3. As used in this act:
   (a) “Articles” means the articles of incorporation of an authority.
   (b) “Authority” means a recreational authority established under section 5.
   (c) “Board” means the board of directors of the authority.
   (d) “District” means a portion of a municipality having boundaries coterminous with those of a precinct
used for general elections.
   (e) “Electors of the authority” means the qualified and registered electors of the participating
municipalities who reside within the territory of the authority.
   (f) “Largest county” means, of those counties in which a participating municipality is located, the county
having the greatest population.
   (g) “Municipality” means a city, county, village, or township.
   (h) “Park” means an area of land or water, or both, dedicated to 1 or more of the following uses:
   (i) Recreational purposes, including, but not limited to, landscaped tracts; picnic grounds; playgrounds;
athletic fields; camps; campgrounds; zoological and botanical gardens; living historical farms; boating,
hunting, fishing, and birding areas; swimming areas; and foot, bicycle, and bridle paths.
   (ii) Open or scenic space.
   (iii) Environmental, conservation, nature, or wildlife areas.
   (i) “Participating municipality” means a municipality or district that is named in articles of incorporation or
proposed articles of incorporation as joining in the original establishment of an authority, or a municipality or
district that joins an existing authority and is added to the articles of incorporation, and that has not withdrawn
from the authority.
   (j) “Public historic farm” means a parcel of public land and its buildings that are accessible to the public,
and provides, but is not limited to, agricultural and historical programs, farming activities and animal
husbandry, community recreation activities and events, programs held in common areas, meeting rooms, and
community gardens, and access to surrounding parkland.
   (k) “Swimming pool” includes equipment, structures, areas, and enclosures intended for the use of
individuals using or operating a swimming pool, such as equipment, dressing, locker, shower, and toilet
   (l) “Territory of the authority” means the combined territory of the participating municipalities that is
served by an authority.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000;Am. 2003, Act 135, Imd. Eff. Aug. 1, 2003.

***** 123.1133.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 *****
123.1133.amended Definitions.
  Sec. 3. As used in this act:
  (a) "Articles" means the articles of incorporation of an authority.
  (b) "Authority" means a recreational authority established under section 5.
  (c) "Board" means the board of directors of the authority.
  (d) "District" means a portion of a municipality having boundaries coterminous with those of a precinct
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used for general elections.
   (e) "Electors of the authority" means the qualified and registered electors of the participating municipalities
who reside within the territory of the authority.
   (f) "Largest county" means, of those counties in which a participating municipality is located, the county
having the greatest population.
   (g) "Municipality" means a city, county, village, township, or school district.
   (h) "Park" means an area of land or water, or both, dedicated to 1 or more of the following uses:
   (i) Recreational purposes, including, but not limited to, landscaped tracts; picnic grounds; playgrounds;
athletic fields; camps; campgrounds; zoological and botanical gardens; living historical farms; boating,
hunting, fishing, and birding areas; swimming areas; and foot, bicycle, and bridle paths.
   (ii) Open or scenic space.
   (iii) Environmental, conservation, nature, or wildlife areas.
   (i) "Participating municipality" means a municipality or district that is named in articles of incorporation or
proposed articles of incorporation as joining in the original establishment of an authority, or a municipality or
district that joins an existing authority and is added to the articles of incorporation, and that has not withdrawn
from the authority.
   (j) "Public historic farm" means a parcel of public land and its buildings that are accessible to the public,
and provides, but is not limited to, agricultural and historical programs, farming activities and animal
husbandry, community recreation activities and events, programs held in common areas, meeting rooms, and
community gardens, and access to surrounding parkland.
   (k) "Swimming pool" includes equipment, structures, areas, and enclosures intended for the use of
individuals using or operating a swimming pool, such as equipment, dressing, locker, shower, and toilet
   (l) "Territory of the authority" means the combined territory of the participating municipalities that is
served by an authority.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000;Am. 2003, Act 135, Imd. Eff. Aug. 1, 2003;Am. 2016, Act 174, Eff. Sept. 12, 2016.

123.1135 Recreational authority; establishment; articles of incorporation; adoption;
   applicability of subsection (3); publication; filing copy with secretary of state; effect.
   Sec. 5. (1) Two or more municipalities or districts may establish a recreational authority. A recreational
authority is an authority under section 6 of article IX of the state constitution of 1963.
   (2) To initiate the establishment of an authority, articles of incorporation shall be prepared. The articles of
incorporation shall include all of the following:
   (a) The name of the authority.
   (b) The names of the participating municipalities.
   (c) A description of the territory of the authority.
   (d) The size of the board of the authority, which shall be comprised of an odd number of members; the
qualifications, method of selection, and terms of office of board members; and the filling of vacancies in the
office of board member. If board members are elected in at-large elections by the qualified and registered
electors of the participating municipalities, voting collectively, the election of board members shall be
conducted pursuant to the same procedures that govern an election for a tax under sections 13 to 17.
   (e) The purposes for which the authority is established, which shall be the acquisition, construction,
operation, maintenance, or improvement of 1 or more of the following:
   (i) A public swimming pool.
   (ii) A public recreation center.
   (iii) A public auditorium.
   (iv) A public conference center.
   (v) A public park.
   (vi) A public museum.
   (vii) A public historic farm.
   (f) The procedure and requirements for a municipality or district to become a participating municipality in,
and for a participating municipality to withdraw from, an existing authority or to join in the original formation
of an authority. For a municipality or district to become a participating municipality in an existing authority or
to join in the original formation of an authority, a majority of the electors of the municipality or district
proposed to be included in the territory of the authority and voting on the question shall approve a tax that the
authority has been authorized to levy by a vote of the electors of the authority under section 11. A
municipality or district shall not withdraw from an authority during the period for which the authority has
been authorized to levy a tax by the electors of the authority.
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   (g) Any other matters considered advisable.
   (3) The articles shall be adopted and may be amended by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members
serving on the legislative body of each participating municipality. If a participating municipality is a district,
the articles shall be adopted and may be amended by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members serving
on the legislative body of the entire municipality. Unless the articles provide otherwise, the requirements of
this subsection do not apply to an amendment to the articles to allow a municipality or district to become a
participating municipality in, or to allow a participating municipality to withdraw from, an existing authority.
   (4) Before the articles or amendments to the articles are adopted, the articles or amendments to the articles
shall be published not less than once in a newspaper generally circulated within the participating
municipalities. The adoption of articles or amendments to the articles by a municipality or district shall be
evidenced by an endorsement on the articles or amendments by the clerk of the municipality.
   (5) Upon adoption of the articles or amendments to the articles by each of the participating municipalities,
a printed copy of the articles or the amended articles shall be filed with the secretary of state by the clerk of
the last participating municipality to adopt the articles or amendments.
   (6) The authority's articles of incorporation, or amendments to the articles, take effect upon filing with the
secretary of state.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000;Am. 2003, Act 135, Imd. Eff. Aug. 1, 2003.

123.1137 Board of directors; vacancy; quorum; voting; reimbursement for expenses;
   conduct of public meeting; availability of writing; election of officers; adoption of bylaws.
   Sec. 7. (1) A vacancy occurs on the board on the happening of any of the events set forth in section 3 of
1846 RS 15, MCL 201.3. Appointed members of the board, if any, may be removed by the appointing
authority for good cause after a public hearing. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original
appointment for the unexpired term.
   (2) A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum for the purpose of conducting business
and exercising the powers of an authority. Official action may be taken by an authority upon the vote of a
majority of the board members present, unless the authority adopts bylaws requiring a larger number.
   (3) A member of the board shall not receive compensation for services as a member of the board but is
entitled to reimbursement for reasonable expenses, including expenses for travel previously authorized by the
board, incurred in the discharge of his or her duties.
   (4) The business that an authority may perform shall be conducted at a public meeting of the authority held
in compliance with the open meetings act, 1976 PA 267, MCL 15.261 to 15.275. Public notice of the time,
date, and place of the meeting shall be given in the manner required by the open meetings act, 1976 PA 267,
MCL 15.261 to 15.275.
   (5) A writing prepared, owned, or used by an authority in the performance of an official function shall be
made available in compliance with the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.
   (6) At its first meeting, a board shall elect a chairperson, a secretary, a treasurer, and any other officers it
considers necessary. A board shall meet at least quarterly.
   (7) A board may adopt bylaws to govern its procedures.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000.

123.1139 Powers of authority.
   Sec. 9. An authority may do 1 or more of the following:
   (a) Acquire and hold, by purchase, lease with or without option to purchase, grant, gift, devise, land
contract, installment purchase contract, bequest, or other legal means, real and personal property inside or
outside the territory of the authority. The property may include franchises, easements, or rights of way on,
under, or above any property. The authority may pay for the property from, or pledge for the payment of the
property, revenue of the authority.
   (b) Apply for and accept grants or contributions from individuals, the federal government or any of its
agencies, this state, a municipality, or other public or private agencies to be used for any of the purposes of
the authority.
   (c) Hire full-time or part-time employees and retain professional services.
   (d) Provide for the maintenance of all of the real and personal property of the authority.
   (e) Assess and collect fees for services provided by and expenses incurred by the authority.
   (f) Receive revenue as appropriated by the legislature of this state or a participating municipality.
   (g) Enter into contracts incidental to or necessary for the accomplishment of the purposes of the authority.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000.

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123.1141.amended *****
123.1141 Tax levy; ballot proposal; vote; authorization; number of elections.
    Sec. 11. (1) An authority may levy a tax of not more than 1 mill for a period of not more than 20 years on
all of the taxable property within the territory of the authority for the purposes of acquiring, constructing,
operating, maintaining, and improving a public swimming pool, public recreation center, public auditorium or
conference center, or public park. The authority may levy the tax only upon the approval of a majority of the
electors in each of the participating municipalities of the authority voting on the tax on November 6, 2001 or,
thereafter, at a statewide general or primary election. The proposal for a tax shall be submitted to a vote of the
electors of the authority by resolution of the board.
    (2) A ballot proposal for a tax shall state the amount and duration of the millage and the purposes for
which the millage may be used. A proposal for a tax shall not be placed on the ballot unless the proposal is
adopted by a resolution of the board and certified by the board not later than 60 days before the election to the
county clerk of each county in which all or part of the territory of the authority is located for inclusion on the
ballot. The proposal shall be certified for inclusion on the ballot at the next eligible election, as specified by
the board's resolution.
    (3) If a majority of the electors in each of the participating municipalities of the authority voting on the
question of a tax approve the proposal as provided under subsection (1), the tax levy is authorized. Not more
than 2 elections may be held in a calendar year on a proposal for a tax authorized under this act.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000;Am. 2003, Act 135, Imd. Eff. Aug. 1, 2003.

***** 123.1141.amended THIS AMENDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 *****
123.1141.amended Public swimming pool, public recreation center, public auditorium, or
   conference center, or public park; tax levy; ballot proposal; vote; authorization; number of
   elections; proceeds; use.
    Sec. 11. (1) An authority may levy a tax of not more than 1 mill for a period of not more than 20 years on
all of the taxable property within the territory of the authority for the purposes of acquiring, constructing,
operating, maintaining, and improving a public swimming pool, public recreation center, public auditorium or
conference center, or public park. The authority may levy the tax only upon the approval of a majority of the
electors in each of the participating municipalities of the authority voting on the tax on November 6, 2001 or,
thereafter, at a statewide general or primary election. The proposal for a tax shall be submitted to a vote of the
electors of the authority by resolution of the board.
    (2) A ballot proposal for a tax shall state the amount and duration of the millage and the purposes for
which the millage may be used. A proposal for a tax shall not be placed on the ballot unless the proposal is
adopted by a resolution of the board and certified by the board not later than 60 days before the election to the
county clerk of each county in which all or part of the territory of the authority is located for inclusion on the
ballot. The proposal shall be certified for inclusion on the ballot at the next eligible election, as specified by
the board's resolution.
    (3) If a majority of the electors in each of the participating municipalities of the authority voting on the
question of a tax approve the proposal as provided under subsection (1), the tax levy is authorized. Not more
than 2 elections may be held in a calendar year on a proposal for a tax authorized under this act.
    (4) The proceeds of a tax levied under this section shall only be used by the authority for those purposes
described in this section and shall not be used by the authority for either of the following:
    (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (5), any general fund purposes by any participating
    (b) Any school operating purposes, as that term is defined in section 20 of the state school aid act of 1979,
1979 PA 94, MCL 388.1620, by any participating municipality that is a school district.
    (5) The proceeds of a tax levied under this section may be used for general fund purposes by a
participating municipality if the proceeds used are directly related to managing the operation of the business
of the authority pursuant to a contract between the authority and that participating municipality.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000;Am. 2003, Act 135, Imd. Eff. Aug. 1, 2003;Am. 2016, Act 173, Eff. Sept. 12, 2016.

***** 123.1142.added THIS ADDED SECTION IS EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 *****
123.1142.added Preferences or benefits to be offered to residents.
  Sec. 12. If a majority of electors in each of the participating municipalities of the authority voting on the
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question of a tax as provided in section 11 approve the tax, the authority shall consider offering preferences or
benefits for the residents of the participating municipalities that include, but are not limited to, any of the
   (a) Discounted admission fees.
   (b) Discounted membership fees.
   (c) Discounts for school children.
   (d) Access to educational programs.
   History: Add. 2016, Act 173, Eff. Sept. 12, 2016.

123.1143 Tax election; ballots provided by county election commission; conduct; list of
   qualified electors.
   Sec. 13. (1) The county election commission of each county in which all or part of a participating
municipality is located shall provide ballots for an election for a tax under section 11 for each participating
municipality or part of a participating municipality located within the county.
   (2) An election for a tax shall be conducted by the city and township clerks and election officials of the
municipalities located within the territory of the authority.
   (3) If an election on a proposal for a tax is to be held in conjunction with a general election or state primary
election and if a participating village is located within a nonparticipating township, the township clerk and
election officials shall conduct the election. Not later than 45 days preceding the election, the village clerk
shall provide to the township clerk a list containing the name, address, and birth date of each qualified and
registered elector of the village residing in the territory of the authority. Not later than 15 days before the
election, the village clerk shall provide to the township clerk information updating the list as of the close of
registration. A person appearing on the list as updated is eligible to vote in the election by special ballot.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000.

123.1145 Notices of close of registration and election; publication; certification of election
    Sec. 15. (1) If an election for a tax under section 11 is to be held in conjunction with a general election or a
state primary election, the notices of close of registration and election shall be published as provided for by
the state election laws. Otherwise, the county clerk of the largest county shall publish the notices of close of
registration and election. The notice of close of registration shall include the ballot language of the proposal.
    (2) The results of an election for a tax shall be canvassed by the board of county canvassers of each county
in which a participating municipality is located. The board of county canvassers of a county in which a
participating municipality is located and that is not the largest county shall certify the results of the election to
the board of county canvassers of the largest county. The board of county canvassers of the largest county
shall make the final canvass of an election for a tax based on the returns of the election inspectors of the
participating municipalities in that county and the certified results of the board of county canvassers of every
other county in which a participating municipality is located. The board of county canvassers of the largest
county shall certify the results of the election to the board of the authority.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000.

123.1147 Tax election; costs; reimbursement; basis.
    Sec. 17. (1) A county clerk shall charge the authority and the authority shall reimburse the county for the
actual costs the county incurs in an election for a tax under section 11 that occurs on November 6, 2001.
    (2) If a participating municipality conducts an election for a tax, the clerk of that participating municipality
shall charge the authority and the authority shall reimburse the participating municipality for the actual costs
the participating municipality incurs in conducting the election if the election is not held in conjunction with a
regularly scheduled election in that municipality.
    (3) In addition to costs reimbursed under subsection (1) or (2), a county or municipality shall charge the
authority and the authority shall reimburse the county or municipality for actual costs that the county or
municipality incurs and that are exclusively attributable to an election for a tax authorized under this act.
    (4) The actual costs that a county or municipality incurs shall be based on the number of hours of work
done in conducting the election, the rates of compensation of the workers, and the cost of materials supplied
in the election.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000.

123.1149 Collection and distribution of tax.
  Sec. 19. The tax shall be collected with county taxes and distributed by the local tax collecting unit under
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the provisions of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL 211.1 to 211.157.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000.

123.1151 Borrowing money or issuing bonds or notes.
   Sec. 21. (1) An authority may borrow money and issue bonds or notes to finance the acquisition,
construction, and improvement of a public swimming pool, a public recreation center, a public auditorium, a
public conference center, or a public park, including the acquisition of sites and the acquisition and
installation of furnishings and equipment for these purposes.
   (2) An authority shall not borrow money or issue bonds or notes for a sum that, together with the total
outstanding bonded indebtedness of the authority, exceeds 2 mills of the taxable value of the taxable property
within the district as determined under section 27a of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL
   (3) Bonds or notes issued by an authority are a debt of the authority and not of the participating
   (4) A tax levied to pay a bond or note obligation by a recreational authority under this act shall not exceed
5 years without the approval of a majority of the electors in each of the participating municipalities of the
   (5) All bonds or notes issued by a recreational authority under this act are subject to the revised municipal
finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL 141.2101 to 141.2821.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000;Am. 2002, Act 233, Imd. Eff. Apr. 29, 2002;Am. 2003, Act 135, Imd. Eff. Aug. 1,

123.1153 Issuance of general obligation unlimited tax bonds; submission of proposal for
   vote; ballot language; conduct of election; authorization and levy of tax.
   Sec. 23. (1) An authority may issue general obligation unlimited tax bonds upon approval of a majority of
the electors in each of the participating municipalities of the authority voting on the question of issuing the
bonds. The proposal to issue general obligation unlimited tax bonds shall be submitted to a vote of the
electors of the authority by resolution of the board.
   (2) The language of the ballot proposal shall be in substantially the following form:
   “Shall [name of authority], formed by [names of participating municipalities], borrow the sum of not to
exceed __________ dollars ($ __________) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds for all or a
portion of that amount for the purpose of __________?
   This is expected to result in an increase of _______ in the tax levied on property valued at _______ for a
period of _______ years.
   Yes [ ] No [ ]”.
   (3) The election shall be conducted in the manner provided in sections 11 to 17 for an election for a tax.
Not more than 2 elections on the question of issuing general obligation unlimited tax bonds may be held in a
calendar year.
   (4) If an authority issues general obligation unlimited tax bonds under this section, the board, by
resolution, shall authorize and levy the taxes necessary to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000;Am. 2003, Act 135, Imd. Eff. Aug. 1, 2003.

123.1155 Refunding outstanding debt obligations.
   Sec. 25. (1) An authority may borrow money and issue its negotiable bonds and notes for the purpose of
refunding outstanding debt obligations of the district by resolution of the board, without submitting the
question to the electors of the authority.
   (2) Refunding bonds or the refunding part of a bond issue shall be considered to be within the 2-mill
limitation of section 21(2).
   (3) An authority may borrow money and issue bonds or notes for refunding all or part of existing bonded
or note indebtedness only if the net present value of the principal and interest to be paid on the refunding
bonds or notes, excluding the cost of issuance, will be less than the net present value of the principal and
interest to be paid on the bonds or notes being refunded, as calculated using a method approved by the
department of treasury.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000.

123.1157 Annual audit; preparation of budgets and appropriations acts; powers, duties, and
  immunities; filing financial plan to correct deficit condition; investment or deposit of
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   Sec. 27. (1) A board shall obtain an annual audit of the authority, and report on the audit and auditing
procedures, in the manner provided by sections 6 to 13 of the uniform budgeting and accounting act, 1968 PA
2, MCL 141.426 to 141.433. The audit shall also be in accordance with generally accepted government
auditing standards as promulgated by the United States general accounting office and shall satisfy federal
regulations relating to federal grant compliance audit requirements.
   (2) An authority shall prepare budgets and appropriations acts in the manner provided by sections 14 to 19
of the uniform budgeting and accounting act, 1968 PA 2, MCL 141.434 to 141.439.
   (3) The state treasurer, the attorney general, a prosecuting attorney, bank, certified public accountant,
certified public accounting firm, or other person shall have the same powers, duties, and immunities with
respect to the authority as provided for local units in sections 6 to 20 of the uniform budgeting and accounting
act, 1968 PA 2, MCL 141.426 to 141.440.
   (4) If an authority ends a fiscal year in a deficit condition, the authority shall file a financial plan to correct
the deficit condition in the same manner as provided in section 21(2) of the Glenn Steil state revenue sharing
act of 1971, 1971 PA 140, MCL 141.921.
   (5) The board may authorize funds of the authority to be invested or deposited in any investment or
depository authorized under section 1 of 1943 PA 20, MCL 129.91.
   History: 2000, Act 321, Eff. Dec. 1, 2000.

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          Muskegon County Recreation Steering Committee
          November 2016 Meeting Minutes

             Recreation Steering Committee Minutes from November 9, 2016

      1. Staff Update- Connie Maxim-Sparrow provided the group an update on the current
         status of resolutions completed or in process that she was aware of. Muskegon
         Township successful completed their resolution. The City of Montague did notify staff
         that they were not interested in the effort. Muskegon Heights, Muskegon and
         Oakridge were very interested in the resolution’s being adopted. A variety of
         meetings have been scheduled with requests for staff to attend to answer any
         questions that elected officials may have regarding the resolution.
      2. Member Report Out –
             a. The group did provide a member report out by municipality. There was a
                 general consensus that there are many questions still pending. The group,
                 throughout report out discussed the need for a frequently asked questions
                 document to share with councils across the county. Many had the same or
                 similar questions.
             b. There was a wide array of reports, all generally holding the same statement,
                 the December deadline needed to be extended. A good majority of people
                 were waiting for the local elections to be completed. There were all but two
                 municipalities who had changes in leadership and elected officials. This
                 change in leadership has certainly provided a challenge to the conversation.
                 It was determined that the deadline for the current intent resolution to be
                 adopted would be moved to January 2017.
             c. The group was also provided staff commitment to help support each entity’s
                 meeting to discuss the resolution and help to answer any questions.
                 Committee members were reminded to send meeting support requests to
                 Connie Maxim-Sparrow. City of Muskegon, Fruitport Township/City, City of
                 Roosevelt Park and Laketon Township have all formerly requested to have
                 staff in attendance at local municipality meetings.
      3. Steering Committee Officers – due to the nature of the report out discussion, it was
         determined that all committee officer nominations will take place after the holidays
         when resolutions have been completed and the group is more defined as it moves
      4. Next Meeting Date and Location – the next meeting date was set for January 4th,
         2017 at 6:00 PM at the city of Muskegon, City Hall. The address is 933 Terrace St.,
         Muskegon, Michigan 49442.

Important Dates and Committee Requests for Follow Up

   1. Connie to provide meeting minutes, handouts, state wide list of recreation authorities in
      Michigan and frequently asked questions to the group to help with resolution discussions
      at the local level.
   2. Both staff and committee members are encouraged to attend the City of Muskegon’s
      work session scheduled for November 22, 2016 at 5:30 PM at Muskegon City Hall to
       Muskegon County Recreation Steering Committee
       November 2016 Meeting Minutes
   discuss the resolution and share with the Commission. The address is 933 Terrace St.
   Muskegon, Michigan 49442.
3. Staff requested to attend upcoming work sessions and meetings with Laketon Township,
   Roosevelt Park, Village of Fruitport, Fruitport Township, and City of Muskegon. Those
   dates were mentioned at the meeting, staff is still requesting that each committee
   member please notify staff of specific dates, times and locations.
         Muskegon County Recreation Authority
         Frequently Asked Questions

1. If my community adopts the resolution presented, will the local unit of
   government lose control of its park or recreational amenities?


   The purpose of a Recreational Authority is to allow local operational control and direction
   of all recreational amenities. There is no requirement or expectation that the authority
   will take over local deeded or owned property. The authority is very flexible in handling
   property and recreational improvements to properties not in site control of the authority

2. If my community passes the current resolution, are we locked into forming the
   recreation authority?


   The purpose of the resolution is to show intent by each local unit of government willing to
   craft articles of incorporation and establish a governance structure for the authority.
   There is no formal request to form the authority in front of local units of government. The
   current resolution is to simply state intent to form. A second, formal resolution to form the
   authority will be presented at a later date.

3. If my community agrees to be an organizing or founding entity with the
   recreational authority, is there an ability to leave the authority at any point in the


   Communities currently not interested in forming the authority may join at any time in the
   future. Also, those communities or local units of government that are interested in
   leaving the authority at any time, can certainly leave the authority. The articles of
   incorporation will lay out all steps specific to entering and leaving the formal authority.

4. Are School Districts allowed to join the recreational authority?


   School districts are listed as local units of government that can become part of the

5. Are there other recreational authorities in the State of Michigan?


   A complete list of those authorities that have formed are included with the frequently
   asked questions.
         Muskegon County Recreation Authority
         Frequently Asked Questions

6. Will the recreation authority pursue a mileage to support funding of recreational


   The recreational authority has the ability to pursue a variety of funding strategies. This
   includes grants, fundraising, private donations and many other ways to fund recreational
   development. There is the option to pursue a millage but that would be decided by the
   authority at a future point in time. There are a variety of ways to raise money to support
   comprehensive recreational development. The recreational authority expands the tool
   box or resources available to the county and its partners.

7. Will projects be aimed at county-wide development? How will my local
   municipality know that local projects will be supported?


   Projects will be laid out in a comprehensive recreational plan, similar to master planning
   documents used to determine strategic investment and capital improvement. Those
   projects will be listed accordingly to support funding and capital raised to support
   development. The structure to determine which projects are top priority has not been
   determined and will be written within the bylaws and articles of incorporation that are
   presented at the time of authority formation to local units of government.

8. Who can I contact if I have further questions?

   Connie Maxim-Sparrow, 231-670-5863
               __________________________(municipality name)
                          MUSKEGON COUNTY
                          STATE OF MICHIGAN
                      RESOLUTION NO. ___________

         WHEREAS, the Recreational Authorities Act, Public Act 321 of 2000, MCL 123.1131,
et. seq., as amended (the “Act”), allows two or more municipalities or districts to establish a
recreational authority; and

      WHEREAS, a municipality is defined in the Act as including cities, counties, villages,
townships or school districts; and

        WHEREAS, a recreational authority may have for its purpose the acquisition,
construction, operation, maintenance, or improvement of 1 or more of the following: a public
swimming pool, a public recreation center, a public auditorium, a public conference center, a
public park, a public museum and/or a public historic farm; and

        WHEREAS, a recreational authority may apply for and accept grants or contributions
from individuals, the federal government or any of its agencies, the State of Michigan, a
municipality, or other public or private agencies to be used for any of the purposes of the
authority; and

        WHEREAS, a recreational authority may levy a tax of not more than 1 mill for a period
of not more than 20 years on all taxable property within the territory of the authority for the
purposes of the authority, provided the tax levy be approved by a majority of the electors in each
of the participating municipalities of the authority voting on the tax at a statewide general or
primary election; and

        WHEREAS, the proceeds of a tax levied pursuant to the Act shall only be used by the
authority for the authority’s stated purposes, and only in the manner proscribed by the Act; and

       WHEREAS, a recreational authority may exercise any other power allowed by the Act to
achieve its purposes; and

       WHEREAS, other municipalities in and/or including the County of Muskegon have
expressed their intent to establish a recreational authority pursuant to the Act; and

        WHEREAS, the _________________(council/board) of the
_______________________________ (municipality name) believes that the purposes for which
a recreational authority may be created could benefit the citizens of the
_______________________________ (municipality name);
        NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the _________________(council/board) of
the _______________________________ (municipality name) expresses its intent to establish a
recreational authority within and/or including the County of Muskegon as a participating

        To further that goal, the _________________(council/board) appoints
__________________________(name) to join with representatives from other like-minded
municipalities to form a steering committee to prepare articles of incorporation for such a
recreational authority, which would include the _______________________________
(municipality name) within its territory.

         Motion by ________________________, seconded by ________________________.

         Vote:      ___________ Aye              ___________ Nay

This Resolution declared adopted at a regular meeting of the ___________________________
and open to the public on ____________________, 2016.


O:\CLERK\Common\Word\Agenda Items for Next Meeting\2016\112216\Resolution of Intent - Muskegon County Recreation Authority.docx

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