City Commission Packet Archive 03-28-2017

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         MARCH 28, 2017 @ 5:30 P.M.
□    PRAYER:
     A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
     B. Muskegon YMCA Summer Recreation Program Planning & Economic
     C. Permanent Traffic Control Order – Removal of “STOP” and “YIELD” signs
        at Harvey Street and install permanent “STOP” signs at Keating Avenue,
        per Traffic Control Order #31-(2017).   DPW
     D. Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials and Concrete          DPW
     E. Jay-Boards Rental/Lessons Business Contract for City of Muskegon
        Parks   DPW
     F. Replace High Service Pump Load Center at Water Filtration Plant Water
        Filtration – DPW
     G. Emergency Response Plan (updated)           Public Safety
     H. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – R-1, Single Family Districts
        Planning & Economic Development
     I. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – R-2 and R-3 Districts
        Planning & Economic Development

                                      Page 1 of 2
       J. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – Preamble & Sections 400 & 404
          Planning & Economic Development
       K. 245, 255, and 285 West Western Avenue City Manager
       L. Brownfield Development Agreement Between Pure Muskegon , LLC
          and the City of Muskegon for Windward Pointe MDEQ Grant (Stack
          Demo) Planning & Economic Development
       M. MDEQ Grant Administration Proposal – Lakeshore Environmental, Inc.
          for Windward Pointe MDEQ Grant (Stack Demo)       Planning &
          Economic Development
       A. Public Hearing for Brownfield Plan Amendment and Development and
           Reimbursement Agreement for Windward Pointe Redevelopment
           Project Planning & Economic Development
       A. Request to add Parcels to the City’s Existing Groundwater Ordinance –
           Burgess-Norton     Planning & Economic Development
       B.   Request to add Parcels to the City’s Existing Groundwater Ordinance –
            Ambrosia Street    Planning & Economic Development
       C. Request to Create a New Neighborhood Enterprise Zone District at 285
          W Western Avenue Planning & Economic Development
►      Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►      Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►      Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►      Be recognized by the Chair.
►      Step forward to the microphone.
►      State name and address.
►      Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►      (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)


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To:    Mayor and Commissioners

From: Frank Peterson

Re:    City Commission Meeting

Date: March 23, 2017

Here is a quick outline of the items on our agenda:

1.     Under the consent agenda, we are asking the Commission to for approval of the following:
       a. Last meeting’s minutes.
       b. The Muskegon YMCA Summer Recreation Program
       c. A traffic control order to remove the stop signs and yield signs at Keating and Harvey
          and install new stop signs at the same intersection, but regulating the traffic
          differently. Currently, the traffic on Harvey is controlled via a stop sign, but after
          reviewing traffic counts, we feel stopping Keating is more appropriate. Accordingly,
          the new configuration will allow Harvey Street to flow naturally, while stopping
          traffic on Keating Avenue.
       d. The purchase of aggregates, highway maintenance materials, and concrete for the
          2017-18 maintenance season. This is a purchase that happens annually.
       e. A business contract for Jay-Boards to operate at Pere Marquette Park during the
          2017 summer season. This business has been active at Pere Marquette Park for a
          number of seasons.
       f. Replace the high service pump load center at the water filtration plant.
       g. An update to the city’s emergency response plan, which outlines the chain of
          command, official duties, etc. during times of emergency.
       h. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance (R-1) to allow for smaller building lots. The
          goal, as recommended by the planning commission, is to create more buildable lots
          in our neighborhoods. This change will add hundreds of buildable lots in our
       i. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance (R-2 and R-3) to allow for smaller building lots.
          This is related to item h above.
       j. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance (Preamble and Sections 400 and 404) to allow
          for smaller building lots. This is related to items h and i above.
      k. 4th and final amendment to the Development Agreement for Highpoint Flats. This
         amendment will provide the developer with two additional months to complete the
         project. Parkland Properties has hired Visser Brothers Construction, and we have
         met with them; they understand our expectations from a timing standpoint, and
         seem ready to complete the project.
      l. Development Agreement for the Windward Pointe Site – related specifically to the
         stack demolition. The city received the grant on behalf of Pure Muskegon, but Pure
         Muskegon will actually undertake the stack demolition. This agreement outlines the
         requirements of Pure Muskegon related to the demolition of the stacks. This is a
         necessary step to officially demolish the stacks and prepare the site for
         redevelopment. Staff recommends approval.
      m. MDEQ Grant Administration Proposal from Lakeshore Environmental. This
         agreement is for the administrative grant management of the stack demolition at the
         former Sappi site. Again, this is a necessary step to officially demolish the stacks and
         prepare the site for redevelopment. Staff recommends approval.

2.    Under Public Hearings:
         a. We will take comments on the Brownfield Plan Amendment, as well as the
            Development and Reimbursement Agreement for the Windward Pointe
            development. This is a substantial and complicated brownfield site, requiring
            significant amounts of eligible expenses (abatement, demolition, public
            infrastructure, etc.). The development and reimbursement agreement, which has
            already been approved by our Brownfield Redevelopment Authority, is a
            necessary tool to get that property redevelopment. Staff recommends approval.

3.    Under new business, we will be asking the Commission to approve the following:
         a. The addition of certain parcels to the groundwater ordinance related to the
            Burgess-Norton groundwater contamination.
         b. The addition of certain parcels to the groundwater ordinance related to an
            unknown source of groundwater contamination.
         c. Creation of an NEZ District 285 West Western Avenue to support the Highpoint
            Flats Development.

Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns
Date:      March 21, 2017
To:        Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:      Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
RE:        Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes of the March 2, 2017 Goal
Setting Meeting, the March 13, 2017 Worksession Meeting, and the March 14,
2017 Regular City Commission Meeting.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
                                         Goal Setting Meeting
                                            March 2, 2017
                                               9:10 a.m.
                                          Central Fire Station

Present: Mayor Gawron, Commissioners Warren, German, Turnquist, Johnson, Rinsema-Sybenga, Eric
Hood (arrived at 10:15 a.m.) Staff Members, Ken Grant, Beth Lewis, Dwana Thompson, Mo Al-Shatel
(arrived at 9:33 a.m.), Mike Franzak, Cathy Brubaker-Clarke, Derrick Smith, Kirk Briggs, Oneata Bailey,
Frank Peterson, and Ann Meisch.

Commissioners and staff discussed their expectations from this goal setting meeting.

Reviewed 2016 Goals

City Manager, Frank Peterson, reviewed the 2016 goals and what steps have been taken throughout the

Review 2016-17 Budget and Financial Status

We are waiting for actuarial numbers from MERS. Currently the Police Department appears to be $1
million under budget through retirements and filling current positions. It is unknown how the fiscal year
will end until the MERS numbers are received.

Presentation by City Manager

A document entitled, Quality of Life, was given to those present. The City Manager briefly went through
the document and encouraged the group to review it later.

Proposed goals

The City Manager was tasked with taking the input from the Commissioners and developing action steps
that continue to work towards the vision established at the 2016 goal setting session, with continued
work on housing, image, quality of life improvements, and identifying replacement industrial properties.

Adjourn 1:25 p.m.


                                                                         Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
                             CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                                    Monday, March 13, 2017
                                           5:30 p.m.
                             Muskegon City Commission Chambers
                            933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440

     Present:     German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and
     Absent:      None

     Designation of Pine Street From Apple to Muskegon Avenue
     The section of Pine Street between Apple Avenue and Muskegon Avenue will be
     designated as Bill Gill Way in recognition of his years of dedicated service on the
     Muskegon County Board of Commissioners and in the community. The sign designation
     will be placed on top of existing street name signs, not impacting any addresses. A
     presentation will be made and a Resolution will be adopted at the March 14, 2017
     Regular Commission Meeting.

     Unit 7 – Loan
     A six story mixed-use building is being proposed at 351 W. Western Avenue. There
     would be retail space, office space, and living space in the building. Staff has been
     working with 351 W. Western LLC on a potential loan from the revolving loan fund for
     their project at 351 W. Western Avenue, also known as Unit 7. This item will be placed
     on the March 14, 2017 Regular Meeting Agenda.

     PILOT – Amazon Building
     Muskegon Redevelopment Limited Housing Authority purchased the Amazon property
     in 2016. There is currently no PILOT for the property, although it is a Low Income
     Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) project. In order to obtain the financing necessary to make
     additional capital improvements to the Amazon, a PILOT is required. Since the property
     is within the City’s Downtown Development Authority (DDA), the PILOT will result in a
     decrease of taxes being paid into the DDA. An amendment t the current PILOT
     Ordinance is being recommended for Section 82-51 (1), changing the service charge for
     the PILOT from 4 percent minimum to 3 percent minimum. The City is able to capture
     an additional percentage for the City service fee.

     Mr. Back of Muskegon Redevelopment Limited Dividend Housing Authority is
     requesting a Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) for the Amazon property (550 W.
     Western). The property is currently a MSHDA LIHTC (Low Income Housing Tax Credit)

i.                                              Page 1 of 3
     project. Normally, LIHTC properties also have PILOT Agreements, which allow them to
     make improvements over time, despite restricted rents. Since the Amazon was
     originally in a Renaissance Zone, a PILOT was not initially received. The property is no
     longer in a Renaissance Zone. Muskegon Redevelopment Limited Dividend Housing
     Authority purchased the building out of bankruptcy in 2016 and they have put a
     significant amount of investment into the property. However, additional major capital
     improvements are necessary, and the only way the funds will be available is through a
     PILOT designation. Fortunately, Muskegon Redevelopment Limited Dividend Housing
     Authority is only requesting a five year PILOT for the Amazon. This will enable the
     owner to make the necessary improvements, while providing additional market-rate
     units in the facility. The long-term goal is to increase the number of these market-rate
     units. Currently, the development includes 49 units (60% Area Median Income), 61 units
     (50% Area Median Income) and 12 units (Market-Rate); as well as five commercial units
     (with plans to convert some of these to market-rate apartments). The Amazon
     Apartments contain 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom units, common area, a community room, and
     outdoor courtyard. The minimum service charge of 3% will be imposed (assuming the
     PILOT Ordinance Amendment is first approved by City Commission) as well as an
     essential service fee to the City of 3%.
     This item will be on the March 14, 2017 Regular Meeting Agenda.

     Walker Arena Lease
     City Staff has been working with a group of local business owners interested in creating
     a restaurant and bar to service the LC Walker Arena and also provide more daily
     food/beverage options to the downtown community. Rad Dad’s Taco and Tequila Bar
     is proposing to lease approximately 3,500 square feet of concourse space in the arena
     and 500 square feet of outdoor space to provide outdoor dining space at the corner of
     Western Avenue and 4th Street. In addition to operating Rad Dad’s Taco and Tequila
     Bar, the ownership group is interested in entering into a management agreement to
     operate the arena’s numerous concession stands during event days.
     The owners would like to open by June 1, 2017. Staff would like to begin
     implementation of the concession management contract in August, with the expectation
     that full implementation will take place prior to the beginning of the Lumberjacks’ 2017-
     18 hockey season. This could create approximately 20 jobs. This item will be on the
     March 14, 2017 Regular Meeting Agenda.

     Election Polling Locations
     The City Clerk explained the obstacles the Clerk’s office has been running into while
     attempting to make several polling place changes. The Clerk explained some of the
     options that are currently being considered for moving certain polling places. This is
     something that the Clerk will continue working on.

     Farmer’s Market Update
     The City Clerk discussed several suggestions for fee structure changes and for rule
     changes. The market is currently operating at a loss and the goal is to get closer to a
     break-even position. Some rules for the Farmer’s Market also need to be modified.

i.                                                Page 2 of 3
     Any Other Business

           CDBG Funds
           There was discussion about the use of Community Development Block Grant
           Funds and how they should be used. It is being suggested that neigborhoods
           choose what projects should be funded.

     Moved by Hood, second by Johnson, to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.

                                           Respectfully Submitted,

                                           Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                           City Clerk

i.                                            Page 3 of 3
           MARCH 14, 2017 @ 5:30 P.M.
The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 14, 2017. George
Monroe, Evanston Avenue Baptist Church, opened the meeting with prayer,
after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Present: Mayor Stephen J. Gawron, Vice Mayor Hood, Commissioners Ken
Johnson, Debra Warren (arrived at 5:32 p.m.), Willie German, Jr., Dan Rinsema-
Sybenga, and Byron Turnquist, City Manager Franklin Peterson, City Attorney
John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann Meisch.
   A. Designation of Pine Street from Apple Avenue to Webster Avenue
The section of Pine Street between Apple Avenue and Muskegon Avenue will
be designated as Bill Gill Way in recognition of his years of dedicated service on
the Muskegon County Board of Commissioners and in the community. The sign
designation will be placed on top of existing street name signs, not impacting
any addresses. The designated Street Sign was presented.

2017-19     CONSENT AGENDA:

      A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the February 28, 2017
Regular City Commission Meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Approval of the minutes.
      B. Audit Contract Extension      Finance
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City recently completed its contract for audit
services with Brickley DeLong. The firm has approached the City with a proposal

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to extend the contract for five years. This proposal includes fees at the same
rate for the 2017 audit as was charged for the 2016 audit. There is a 2% increase
each year for the 2018 and 2019 audits, followed by an increase of 3% each
year for the 2020 and 2021 audits.
The City has had a successful relationship with Brickley for a number of years and
has enjoyed a smooth and efficient annual audit process. With current staff
levels and increased demands on staff time, we believe it is prudent to continue
this relationship. Additionally, Brickley is a major downtown employer and the
only CPA firm located in the City qualified to perform our audit with a significant
presence in the governmental auditing field.

BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:        Future budgets will include the amounts shown
      C. Development and Reimbursement Agreement for Construction of Dock
         at Fisherman’s Landing  Finance
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve a development and reimbursement
agreement between the City and Fisherman’s Landing, Inc. The agreement will
enable construction of a new dock at Fisherman’s Landing and provides for
Fisherman’s Landing, Inc. to reimburse the City for $100,000 of the construction
costs as a loan.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        $100,000 loan from the City’s Revolving Loan Fund to
Fisherman’s Landing, Inc.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the agreement.
      E. Source Water Protection Plan Agreements; Grant & Engineering       Water
         Filtration Plant
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize Staff to enter into agreements with MDEQ for
a $15,000 grant which requires a 100% City match, and an engineering
agreement with Tetra Tech to prepare a Source Water Protection Plan as
recommended by MDEQ.

                                          Page 2 of 10
Tetra Tech is being recommended since they were the engineer who prepared
the grant application and their familiarity with the City’s filtration plant. The
engineering cost is “not to exceed” $30,000.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:         The total cost of this purchase is $30,000 for engineering
of which $15,000 is grant money and the other $15,000 from the City’s water
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:       Authorize Staff to sign both agreements;
accepting the grant with MDEQ and the engineering agreement with Tetra
      F. PILOT – Ordinance Amendment – Amazon             Planning & Economic
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Muskegon Redevelopment Limited Housing Authority
purchased the Amazon property in 2016. There is currently no PILOT for the
property, although it is a Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) project. In order
to obtain the financing necessary to make additional capital improvements to
the Amazon, a Pilot is required. Since the Property is within the City’s Downtown
Development Authority (DDA), the PILOT will result in a decrease of taxes being
paid into the DDA. An amendment to the current PILOT Ordinance (#2303) is
being recommended for Section 82-51(1), changing the service charge for the
PILOT from 4 percent minimum to 3 percent minimum. The City is able to capture
an additional percentage for the City service fee.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:      The Ordinance amendment would allow for a lower
minimum percent of service charge.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            If the City Commission agrees that the PILOT is
necessary for this property, staff recommends that the Ordinance amendment
be approved and the Clerk be authorized to sign the necessary documents.
      G. PILOT – Muskegon Redevelopment Limited Dividend Housing Authority
         (Amazon)      Planning & Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Mr. Back of Muskegon Redevelopment Limited
Dividend Housing Authority is requesting a Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) for
the Amazon property (550 W. Western). The property is currently a MSHDA LIHTC
(Low Income Housing Tax Credit) project. Normally, LIHTC properties also have
PILOT Agreements, which allow them to make improvements over time, despite
restricted rents. Since the Amazon was originally in a Renaissance Zone, a PILOT
was not initially received. The property is no longer in a Renaissance Zone.
Muskegon Redevelopment Limited Dividend Housing Authority purchased the
building out of bankruptcy in 2016 and they have put a significant amount of

                                          Page 3 of 10
investment into the property. However, additional major capital improvements
are necessary, and the only way the funds will be available is through a PILOT
designation. Fortunately, Muskegon Redevelopment Limited Dividend Housing
Authority is only requesting a five year PILOT for the Amazon. This will enable the
owner to make the necessary improvements, while providing additional market-
rate units in the facility. The long-term goal is to increase the number of these
market-rate units. Currently, the development includes 49 units (60% Area
Median Income), 61 units (50% Area Median Income) and 12 units (Market-
Rate); as well as five commercial units (with plans to convert some of these to
market-rate apartments). The Amazon Apartments contain 1-, 2-, and 3-
bedroom units, common area, a community room, and outdoor courtyard. The
minimum service charge of 3% will be imposed (assuming the PILOT Ordinance
Amendment is first approved by City Commission) as well as an essential service
fee to the City of 3%.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:         The loss of the taxes to the DDA will be substantial.
However, the taxing jurisdictions will benefit from the 3% PILOT and the City will
benefit from the 3% essential service fee. In addition, the PILOT is only approved
for five years. Meanwhile, Muskegon Redevelopment Limited Dividend Housing
Authority partners are involved in several other projects downtown which have,
and will, increase the tax base for the DDA.
BUDGET ACTION RECOMMENDED:            None at this time.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the “Contract for Housing Exemption”
and “Development Agreement” and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Johnson, to
approve the consent agenda as presented, minus item D.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson,
           Gawron, and Hood
            Nays: None
      D. Summer Youth Park Program Recreation Program Contract – Boys and
         Girls Club of Muskegon   Planning & Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City of Muskegon is recommending approval of the
Contract with the Boys and Girls Club of Muskegon for the management of the
2017 Summer Youth Park Recreation Program. For the past several years, the City
of Muskegon has provided the majority of the Leisure Services funds for the
Summer Park Youth Recreation Program. The YMCA managed the program for
several summers, and the Boys and Girls Club took over management for the
summer of 2016. This Contract is consistent with the memo sent to the City

                                         Page 4 of 10
Commission by the Director of Community & Economic Development in
December 2016. For 2017, the Boys and Girls Club of Muskegon will operate in
four sites in the City, three of which are funded by the City of Muskegon (Smith
Ryerson Park, Reese Park, and Seyferth Park). The anticipated total cost of the
program for 2017 in the City of Muskegon is $96,381. It is proposed that the City
provide $45,000 towards the program’s management for 2017 and 2018. The
Contract is for two years. However, if funding is no longer available in the future,
the Contract can be cancelled.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:     It is anticipated that the funding will be disbursed from
future Community Development Block Grant Leisure Services Fund.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:          None at this time.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To approve the Summer Youth Park Program
Proposal and Contract and authorize staff to enter into an agreement with the
Boys and Girls Club of Muskegon.
Motion by Commissioner Warren, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
to approve the Summer Youth Park Program Proposal and Contract and
authorize staff to enter into an agreement with the Boys and Girls Club of
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron,
           Hood, and Warren
             Nays: None
2017-21      PUBLIC HEARINGS:
      A. Recommendation for Annual Renewal of Liquor Licenses          City Clerk
SUMMRY OF REQUEST: To adopt a resolution recommending the non-renewal
of those liquor license establishments who are in violation of Section 50-146 and
50-147 of the Code of Ordinance for the City of Muskegon. These establishments
have been found to be in non-compliance with the City Code of Ordinances
and renewal of their liquor licenses should not be recommended by the City
Commission. If any of these establishments come into compliance by March 14,
2017, they will be removed from this resolution, and recommendation for their
renewal will be forwarded to the Liquor Control Commission.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            Adoption of the resolution.
PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED:               No public comments were received.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Warren,

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to close the public hearing and adopt the resolution recommending state
withhold renewal of liquor license for code violations. (NONE)
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood,
           Warren, and German
            Nays: None
      B. Public Hearing – Establishment of a Commercial Redevelopment
          District – 1205 Peck Street Planning & Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 255 of 1978, as amended, 1205
Peck LLC has requested the establishment of a Commercial Redevelopment
District. The creation of the district will allow the building owner to apply for a
Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate, which will freeze the taxable value
of the building and exempt the new real property investment from local taxes.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Establishment of the Commercial
Redevelopment District.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Adoption of the resolution.
PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED:              Al Green asked if the business has any
disabled employees.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to
close the public hearing and establish the Commercial Redevelopment District
at 1205 Peck Street.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, and
            Nays: None
      C. Public Hearing – Issuance of a Commercial Facilities Exemption
         Certificate – 1205 Peck LLC Planning & Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 255 of 1978, as amended, 1205
Peck LLC has requested the issuance of a Commercial Facilities Exemption
Certificate. The certificate will freeze the taxable value of the building and
exempt the new real property investment from local taxes. The company will be
investing $70,000 in the building and will create 12 new jobs, which qualifies
them for an abatement of 10 years.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:         The real property taxes would be frozen at their pre-
rehabilitated rate for the duration of the certificate.

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STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Issuance of the Commercial Facilities Exemption
PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED:               No public comments were received.
Motion by Commissioner Warren, second by Commissioner Johnson, to close
the public hearing and issue the Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate for
1205 Peck LLC
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga,
           and Turnquist
             Nays: None
2017-22      NEW BUSINESS:
      A. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to
         Demolish     Public Safety
          1153 Pine
          1451 Park
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission concur with
the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structures are unsafe,
substandard, a public nuisance and that they be demolished within thirty (30)
days or infraction tickets may be issued. It is further requested that administration
be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structures and that the
Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute contracts for
demolition with the lowest responsible bidder or staff may issue infraction tickets
to the owner, agent, or responsible party if they do not demolish the structure.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:         General Funds
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals
decision to demolish.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Turnquist,
to concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish 1153 Pine and
1451 Park Street.
Motion to Amend Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by
Commissioner Turnquist, to amend the motion to remove 1451 Park Street from
the motion to demolish.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist,
           Johnson, and Gawron

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             Nays: None
Motion to Table  Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice
Mayor Hood, to table the motion to demolish 1451 Park Street until the second
meeting in May 2017 – work to be completed by May 12.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson,
           Gawron, and Hood
             Nays: None
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga,
           Turnquist, and Johnson
             Nays: None
      B.   Arena Proposal – Rad Dad’s        City Manager
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City Staff has been working with a group of local
business owners interested in creating a restaurant and bar to service the LC
Walker Arena and also provide more daily food/beverage options to the
downtown community. Rad Dad’s Taco and Tequila Bar is proposing to lease
approximately 3,500 square feet of concourse space in the arena and 500
square feet of outdoor space to provide outdoor dining space at the corner of
Western Avenue and 4th Street. In addition to operating Rad Dad’s Taco and
Tequila Bar, the ownership group is interested in entering into a management
agreement to operate the arena’s numerous concession stands during event
The owners would like to open by June 1, 2017. Staff would like to begin
implementation of the concession management contract in August, with the
expectation that full implementation will take place prior to the beginning of the
Lumberjacks’ 2017-18 hockey season.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:          Build-out costs are expected to be less than $350,000. If
build out costs are at $350,000, the tenant’s initial lease rate will be $43,750
annually for both interior and outdoor space. In the event that costs fall below
or exceed $350,000, any amount over or under $350,000 will be added to or
subtracted from the tenant’s lease rate as follows: for every dollar of variance,
the tenant’s annual rent will increase/decrease by 12.5 cents. Regardless of
savings, rent will be no less than $35,000 annually.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:        $350,000 Capital Improvement is expected; the
budget will be included as part of the 3rd Quarter Budget Reforecast.

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STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To approve the request and authorize the City
Manager to negotiate final lease and management terms.
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner German, to
approve the request and authorize the City Manager to negotiate final lease
and management terms.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron,
           Hood, and Warren
            Nays: None
          C. Letter of Intent for Loan
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the request from 351 W Western LLC to
have staff draft a Letter of Intent to fund a portion of the project through the
city’s Revolving Loan Fund and to commit to preleasing 10 residential units. Staff
would draft the letter for the mayor to sign.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval to draft the Letter of Intent.
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Warren, to approve
the drafting of a letter of intent.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood,
           Warren, and German
            Nays: None
To formalize the designation of the portion of Pine Street between Apple
Avenue and Muskegon Avenue a resolution has been prepared designating
same in recognition of the years of service of Bill Gill on the Muskegon County
Board of Commissioners and in the community in general.

Motion by Vice Mayor Hood, second by Commissioner German, to adopt the
resolution recognizing the dedicated service of Bill Gill to the Muskegon County
Board of Commissioners and to the community.

ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga,
           Turnquist, and Johnson
            Nays: None

                                         Page 9 of 10
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Public Comments were received
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
                                 Respectfully Submitted,

                                 Ann Marie Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

                                    Page 10 of 10
Commission Meeting Date:         March 28, 2017

Date:      March 21, 2017

To:        Honorable Mayor and City Commission

From:      Planning and Economic Development Department

Re:      Muskegon YMCA Summer Recreation Program

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City of Muskegon (“City”) is recommending
approval of the attached Agreement with the Muskegon YMCA for the
management of the 2017 “Summer in the City” Recreation Program. For 6 years
the program has provided “a structured environment of activities promoting
health, confidence, respect, and responsibility for over 600 kids in an
environment where they can feel safe and secure.”

This Agreement is consistent with the memo sent to City Commission by the
Director of Community & Economic Development in December 2016 (see
attached.” The anticipated total cost of the program for 2017 in the City of
Muskegon is $154,553. It is proposed that the City provide $20,000 towards the
program’s management for 2017.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The funding will be disbursed from the 2017-2018
Community Development Block Grant/Leisure Services fund.

BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Muskegon YMCA Summer
Recreation Program request.
                                                   Youth Recreation Grant Agreement
                                                           City of Muskegon
                                                           Muskegon YMCA

Muskegon Young Men’s Christian Association
Attn: Carla Eenigenburg
PO BOX 1667
Muskegon, MI 49443

231.722.9622 x240

The City of Muskegon has approved a grant to the Muskegon YMCA, in the amount of $20,000 for the purpose of
managing the “Muskegon YMCA Summer Recreation Program”, as stated in the grant request. The following terms
are agreed upon as conditions of this grant:

1. The funds will be used only by the Grantee solely for the purpose described. No change in the purpose of the
grant may be made without prior written approval from the city of Muskegon. Please notify the City of Muskegon
of changes in key staff, volunteer, or board composition.

2. A financial repot and final evaluation of the outcome of the program will be submitted to the City of Muskegon
by September 15, 2017.

3. The grant funds will be distributed directly after this Agreement is signed and returned.

4. A copy of the organization’s Internal Revenue Service form 990 is available upon request, and on the
organization’s website.

5. Organization’s CEO and Program Coordinator have attended Muskegon Chamber “Star” Program.

6. The Grantee will keep and maintain records of expenditures adequate to check readily the use of the grant. The
City of Muskegon reserves the right to audit, or to engage an independent auditor and/or evaluator to audit the
grant funds paid to the YMCA. A final budget for the Muskegon YMCA Summer Recreation Program, including
revenues and expenditures, will be submitted with the final report.

7. Significant adjustments to the expenditures in any budget line must be pre-approved by City of Muskegon staff.
Any unused funds from this grant must be returned to the City of Muskegon within 90 days of the end of the
program unless otherwise approved by the City.

8. Local vendors/contractors will be utilized whenever possible by the Grantee.

Please indicate acceptance of this grant and the terms under which it is awarded on the lines below.

The terms of this contract are accepted on behalf of the YMCA and the City of Muskegon by:

______________________________________________________                                _________________
Bruce Spoelman, CEO, Muskegon YMCA                                                    Date

______________________________________________________                                _________________
City of Muskegon                                                                      Date
Muskegon YMCA Summer Recreation Program

Purpose of Grant:
Where do kids go when there’s nowhere to go? What do kids do when there’s nothing to do?
Idle hands will get busy one way or another. We provide a safe place to go where they learn to
eat healthy foods, practice being active and gain the skills to be Safe Around Water. The
Muskegon YMCA’s access to nationally acclaimed programs and a nurturing environment
enables kids to do amazing things.

There's never been a better time to build a healthy Muskegon. At the Y, we are committed to
strengthening our community. Together, we can shape Muskegon’s future by Building a Healthy
Future, -for all our kids. We help kids every day with safe spaces and the knowledge to make
healthy choices. YMCA core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility are woven
into every policy and program.

Project Description:
In its 6th year, our signature Summer Recreation program engages kids 8-18 years in activities
and classes that promote physical fitness, nutrition education, swimming safety, reading
proficiency, and life skills with proven curriculum. Kids get the chance to participate in hands-on
learning experiences they don’t otherwise get. We will register nearly 700 kids at our YMCA
Summer Recreation Program.

We employ standards developed at the national level to provide a healthy environment for our
kids. These include Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) standards and YMCA Healthy
Out of School Time (HOST) program. The standards are based on years of research,
collaborations with the Harvard School of Public Health, University of Massachusetts at Boston
and the National Institute for Out-of-School Time. Through these collaborations, as well as the
experience of Ys across the country, the Y has learned the most effective ways to create
healthy environments in out-of-school time settings.

We engage kids in structured, measured activities working with the Social Justice Commission
and the Muskegon Police Department to determine the impact on the kids and in the
neighborhood. We will double our efforts in Water Safety instruction and structured CATCH
(Coordinated Approach to Child Health) instruction. We also will partner with READ Muskegon
to double our efforts in the reading program, reaching 85 children.

This program has proven to promote safety for participants as well as the community. We know
from Chief Lewis at the Muskegon Police Department that our impact is felt not only inside the
walls of the Rec program but in the neighborhoods from which kids come. Chief Lewis reported
a 46% decrease in incidents in the community surrounding the Y Summer Recreation site.

To ensure success we will collaborate with other community-focused organizations including
Muskegon Public Schools, Muskegon Police Department, Read Muskegon, Chartwells and

Project Goals & Objectives- List the goals of your project as well as up to three
Provide Muskegon area kids with safe spaces and the knowledge to make healthy choices.
YMCA core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility are woven into every policy
and program. Specifically we will:
   1. Provide a structured environment of activities promoting health, confidence, respect, and
      responsibility for over 600 kids in an environment where they can feel safe and secure.
   2. Combat childhood obesity, diabetes, and other diseases related to inactivity and poor
      nutrition due to low socio-economic status by using evidence-based C.A.T.C.H.
      curriculum with 100 students and Nutrition in Action with 50 students
   3. Equip 60 students with the knowledge and skills to enjoy water activities safely and
      provide safe supervised access to swimming for 100 students every single night.
   4. Increase reading proficiency among 85 students through summer reading programs and
      furnish supplies for future advancement in the coming school year.

Need - What need will your project address and how was that need determined?
Kids need to feel safe to thrive. The Summer Recreation Program not only provides the physical
space for that safety but equips this population with the necessary components to succeed
beyond those walls.

Continued high levels of youth violence, chronic disease and rampant poverty underscore a
need within our community. The YMCA works to bridge the gap by providing a safe and
structured environment between school letting out in June and resuming again in August
focused specifically on child health and water safety.

Children living in low-income neighborhoods are 20 percent to 60 percent more likely to be
obese or overweight than children living in high socioeconomic status neighborhoods and
healthier built environments.

Specifically in Muskegon, over 40% of students surveyed county wide stated they were trying to
lose weight. Yet, less than 25% of those same students acknowledge getting less than five
servings of fruits or vegetables in a week and just over 50% claim to be engaging in at least one
hour or physical activity. Over 25% of those students share they have three or more hours of
screen time each day.

Specifically for our community, there is great need for water safety in Muskegon. Drowning is
the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4. It is the second leading cause of death for
children ages 5 to 14. As an organization dedicated to creating safe spaces for all, the Y has an
opportunity to make a difference. A black child is 10 times more likely to drown than a white
child according to the Center for Disease Control.

Programs Components and Activities -Describe the services you will provide, how often
you will provide them, and where you will provide these services.
Monday through Thursday evenings from June 19 - August 17 the YMCA will provide activities
that promote Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility at Muskegon Public
High School.

This includes:
-Structured indoor and outdoor physical activity using C.A.T.C.H. curriculum
-Supervised open gym and basketball
-Safety Around Water class: two sessions of 5 lessons each session
-Nutrition in Action hands-on nutrition and cooking classes for kids
-Access to supervised open swim
-Champion Book Club reading program
-Dinner provided as a summer feeding site
Achieving your Goal - Why do you think these activities will result in achieving your state

The scope and scale of YMCA of the USA gives us access to nationally acclaimed evidence-
based or informed programs. These include:
CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) - Over 120 peer reviewed scientific publications
support the effectiveness of CATCH in increasing physical activity and healthy eating reducing
obesity in kids.
YMCA Nutrition in Action educators improve health by presenting simple, engaging, and
interactive nutrition instruction. Lessons geared for students in K-12th grade.
YMCA Safety Around Water - YMCA of the USA developed the Safety Around Water curriculum
based on over 100 years of swimming instruction and safety lessons. The programs have been
upgraded and refined over the years and are adapted at the local level to address Muskegon-
specific issues such as ice caves and Lake Michigan rip currents.
Champion’s Book Club Reading Program - YMCA of the USA Achievement Gap Summer
Learning Loss prevention tools help prevent summer “brain drain”.

Program Timeline:
MHS Site
   ● Marketing/recruiting at schools: May 15-26
   ● Staff training and retraining on key curriculum and safety: June 12-16.
   ● Program - June 19 through August 17 -a total of eight weeks, the week of July 3 - 6 is
      taken off.. Each evening, Monday through Thursday from 6:00 – 10:00 pm, the program
      meets at Muskegon High School.

Lakeshore Museum Site: Thursday mornings every week of the summer Jun 15 - August 17
   ● Planning and marketing: April 15 - June 15
   ● Reporting - finalized by September 15th

Community Initiatives:

Our program goals are completely aligned with both 1 in 21 and Read Early. Read Often. We
are focused on addressing the root causes of childhood obesity through physical activity and
nutrition education. And we are using YMCA of the USA tools to promote summer reading.

Leadership Goals:

We provide open and equal access to supervised and healthy activities, promoting healthy
interactions with staff and community role models including law enforcement personnel.
Additionally, our food programs encourage attendance and minimize the distraction of hunger to
learning new skills and maturing in social responsibility. Emphasis on physical activity and
nutrition education goes beyond simple goals to combat obesity and helps build a healthy future
for participants.

Collaboration - Describe how you are collaborating with other organizations and what
role they play in the proposed project:

READ Muskegon (programming & staff), City of Muskegon (financial & police access),
Muskegon Public Schools (building access, funding), Chartwells (food), County Family Court
(financial), area clergy (support and supervision), Social Justice Committee (support),
Pathfinders (staffing).

Community Impact - Please share the measurable outputs and outcomes of your project.

This program provides safety, activity, and awareness for hundreds of children and young adults
in our community. Students learn what foods are good to load up on, which ones to eat in
moderation, and which ones to avoid completely. Similarly, in a water rescue scenario they are
re-directed from impulsively going to a person in trouble to assisting the victim with a reach or
throwing a floating object.

Finally, positive social behavior is reinforced through intentional staff training which includes
modeling vigorous physical activity. Additionally, we employ strict controls and procedures and
interactive engagement. Neighborhoods adjoining the site have experienced nearly a 50%
decrease in incidence reporting over the past five years.

Evaluation- 1) How will you measure the impact of your project as described above? 2)
How will evaluation results be used by your organization?

Nightly attendance
CATCH program: minutes of moderate/vigorous physical activity
Safety Around Water, Nutrition in Action: Pre and/or post surveys
Reading program: time reading, number of books finished
Incident and police logs to determine safety is being maintained.
The program is the largest of its kind in MIchigan and is being observed to be replicated in other
communities. Constant evaluation is necessary to improve and redevelop the program to meet
the needs of the students.

30 staff including:
CATCH instructors
Nutrition educators
Water safety instructors
Open gym/basketball supervision
Registration and entry point staff
Program monitors
Reading program leaders
Summer meal plan administrator
Two off duty police officers
Clergy and others volunteers
To:      Honorable Mayor & City Commission
Cc:      Frank Peterson, City Manager
From: Cathy Brubaker-Clarke, Director of Community & Economic Development
Date: 3/23/2017
Re:      Proposed Changes to Leisure Services Grant Funds- 2017

For the past several years, the City of Muskegon has provided the majority of the Leisure Services
funds directly to the Boys & Girls Club or the YMCA for the Summer Parks Youth Program
(approximately $48,100, which includes $10,000 from the Community Foundation Seyferth Park
Fund), the YMCA for the Summer Evening Recreation Program at the Muskegon High School
($20,000) and the Muskegon Public Schools for the Youth Basketball League and Open Gym
Program ($18,500). With the remaining Leisure Services funds ($19,100), the City has provided
small grants ($3,000 maximum) to several youth recreation programs on a competitive basis. As the
City is moving toward reorganization in several areas, it makes sense, from a financial and staff time
perspective, to conclude the small grant program.

Staff has been in conversation with both the Boys & Girls Club and Muskegon Public Schools (MPS)
to manage certain aspects of the City leisure services program. I expect to have formal management
contracts to present to the City Commission early in 2017. The Boys & Girls Club is interested in
managing the Summer Parks Recreation Program in the future, although the cost is more than they
had originally anticipated. I have had meetings with the Boys & Girls Club Director, Dakota Crow, as
well as Janelle Mair from the Community Foundation. I believe we will have a viable contract to
present which will take much less oversight from City staff. In addition, I anticipate that we will have
an agreement with MPS, where they may be able to manage funds for several existing programs, such
as the Youth Basketball League & Open Gym, the Summer Evening Recreation Program and other
programs related to the schools (e.g., Port City Youth Football/Cheerleading Club, Growing Goods,
Winter Sports Program). The oversight for management agreements, particularly if they span two or
more years, is much less staff intensive than management of the small grant process has been (which
includes preparing applications, establishing a mailing list, reviewing applications, preparing them
for the grant committee to review, notifying those who applied and following up with them to ensure
they are doing what they included in their applications, preparing checks to mail, etc.) That has taken
hours and hours of staff time for a significantly small amount of grant dollars.

I plan to notify the existing small grant recipients of this change in the near future. In the past, I have
sent out applications in January and I want to notify them prior to that time. As we have consistently
had to cut back on the amounts we grant to the youth organizations, I do not believe the loss of this
program will greatly affect them. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Date:    March 28, 2017

To:      Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From: DPW
RE:      Permanent Traffic Control Order-Removal of “Stop” and “Yield” signs at
         Harvey Street and install permanent “Stop” signs at Keating Avenue, per
         Traffic Control Order #31-(2017).


Authorize removal of “Stop” and “Yield” signs at Harvey Street and install permanent
“Stop” signs at Keating Avenue, per Traffic Control Order # 31-(2017)

Cost of removing signs, installing signs/posts, if approved.


Authorize DPW staff to remove “Stop” and “Yield” signs at Harvey Street and install “Stop”
signs at Keating Avenue, per Traffic Control Order #31-(2017).

                               AGENDA ITEM NO. __________

                             CITY COMMISSION MEETING __

TO:           Honorable Mayor and City Commission
FROM:         Department of Public Works
DATE:         March 28, 2017
SUBJECT:      Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials and Concrete


Award supply of Calcium Chloride 38% (road brine) and 32% (winter salting) to Great Lakes

Award bid to supply bituminous products (Base and Top) to Asphalt Paving, Inc.

Award bid to supply Sylvax patching material to Unique Paving Materials

Award bid to supply AE-90 Asphalt Emulsions to Bit-Mat Products

Award bid for crack sealant to Sherwin Industries.

Award bid to supply H1/32FA limestone chip blend to Verplank Trucking Company

Award bid to supply road slag to Verplank Trucking Company

Award bid to supply road gravel to Verplank Trucking Company

Award bid to supply 2NS sand to Yellow Rose Transport

Award bid to supply screened top soil to Accurate Excavators

Award bid to supply Fill Sand to Accurate Excavators

Award bid to supply 7-sack mix concrete to Port City Redi-Mix




None; funds appropriated in several budgets.


Recommend approval of bids as outlined in Summary of Request.
To:            The City Commission
From:          Mohammed Al-Shatel Director of Public Works
Date:          March 28, 2017
Subject:       2017 Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials, and Concrete

Purchases will be made from recommended bidder (in bold), contingent upon product availability, timely
deliveries, and prices as quoted.

85,000 gallons Calcium Chloride 38% (road brine) ($47,600.00)

Great Lakes Chloride          P.O. Box 634, Grand Haven, MI 49417          $0.56 per gallon, spread

15,000 gallons Calcium Chloride 32% (winter salting) ($7,200.00)

Great Lakes Chloride          P.O. Box 634, Grand Haven, MI 49417          $0.48 per gallon, storage

200 ton Bituminous Asphalt Base ($12,700.00)

Asphalt Paving, Inc. 1000 E. Sherman Boulevard, Muskegon MI 49444-0190     $63.50 per ton, picked up

1,000 ton Bituminous Asphalt Top ($64,500.00)

Asphalt Paving, Inc. 1000 E. Sherman Boulevard, Muskegon MI 49444-0190     $64.50 per ton, picked up

500 tons Sylvax Patching Materials – UPM-CP-7, or ASTM Specification C-136 #9 or Statite CP-6,
or similar product ($53,925.00)

Unique Paving Materials 3993 E. 93rd Street, Cleveland, OH 44105           $107.85 per ton, delivered
Asphalt Paving, Inc. 1000 E. Sherman Boulevard, Muskegon MI 49444-0190     $110.00 per ton, picked up

30,000 gallons AE-90 Asphalt Emulsions ($57,000.00)

Bit-Mat Products              401 Tiernan Rd, Bay City, MI 48706           $1.90 per gallon, delivered

50,000 pounds Crack Sealant (block form) ($18,000.00)

Sherwin Industries, Inc       2129 West Morgan Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53221   $0.36 per pound, delivered
Surface Coatings, Co.         2280 Auburn Rd, Auburn Hills, MI 48326       $0.42 per pound, delivered

500 ton H1/32FA Limestone Chip Blend ($10,125.00)

Verplank Trucking Co.         PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, MI 49409               $20.25 per ton, delivered
Yellow Rose Transport         3531 Busch Dr., Grandville, MI 49418         $21.05 per ton, delivered
2017 Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials, and Concrete
March 28, 2017
Page 2

5,000 ton Road Slag 22-A Natural ($65,000.00)

Verplank Trucking Co.         PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, MI 49409                $13.00 per ton, delivered
Yellow Rose Transport         3531 Busch Dr., Grandville, MI 49418          $13.00 per ton, delivered

500 ton Road Gravel 22-A ($5,875.00)

Verplank Trucking Co.         PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, MI 49409                $11.75 per ton, delivered
Yellow Rose Transport         3531 Busch Dr., Grandville, MI 49418          $12.05per ton, delivered

500 ton 2NS Sand ($4,500.00)

Yellow Rose Transport         3531 Busch Dr., Grandville, MI 49418          $9.00 per ton, delivered
Verplank Trucking Co.         PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, MI 49409                $9.30 per ton, delivered

500 yards Screened Top Soil ($3,995.00)

Accurate Excavators         2821 Central Rd, Muskegon, MI 49445      $7.99 per cubic yard, delivered
Verplank            P.O. Box 8, Ferrysburg, Muskegon, MI 49409       $8.00 per cubic yard, delivered
Yellow Rose Transport       3531 Busch Dr., Grandville, MI 49418     $13.00 per ton, delivered

500 ton Fill Sand ($3,000.00)

Accurate Excavators           2821 Central Rd, Muskegon, MI 49445    $6.00 per cubic yard, delivered
Verplank Trucking Co.         PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, MI 49409         $6.00 per ton, delivered
Yellow Rose Transport         3531 Busch Dr., Grandville, MI 49418   $6.75 per ton, delivered

Concrete mix as needed ($97,909.00 using 2016 quantities)

Port City Redi-Mix                                    $107.00 per cubic yard, 7 Sack Mix, delivered*
1780 Sheridan Road, Muskegon, MI 49442

Consumers Concrete                                    $106.25 per cubic yard, 7 Sack Mix, delivered
4400 E. Evanston Avenue, Muskegon MI 49442

*The 7-sack mix is the most commonly used product. Low bid based on inclusion of other charges for
“multiple drop locations” and “small load charges”. It should also be noted that concrete purchases may
include several miscellaneous charges, including, but not limited to, hot water, chloride, winter price, and
extra unload time.
                            AGENDA ITEM NO._____________

                 CITY COMMISSION MEETING ___________________

TO:           Honorable Mayor and City Commission

FROM:         Department of Public Works

DATE:         March 28, 2017

SUBJECT:      Jay-Boards Rental/Lessons Business Contract for City of Muskegon Parks.

Staff is asking permission to enter into 3-year contractual agreement with Jason Gorski of Jay-
Boards, per attached proposal, at Pere Marquette Beach and Harbor Towne Beach, located within
the City of Muskegon, for Stand-up Paddleboard Rentals/Lessons.

Contract revenue will be 10% of gross receipts, per Contract Agreement.


Authorize DPW staff to enter into a 3-year contractual agreement with Jason Gorski of Jay
Boards for 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Date:        March 28, 2017
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commission
From:        Water Filtration - DPW
RE:          Replace High Service Pump Load Center at Water
             Filtration Plant

Authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Newkirk Electric, Inc. to
replace the High Service Pump Load Center Switch that powers the
pumps providing water to the City. Newkirk Electric has performed all
recent repairs to this equipment including the recent failure repairs over
the past couple of year. Newkirk will provide the necessary labor,
material and equipment to perform the necessary replacement as well
as proper disposal of old equipment.
Newkirk is being recommend due to their locality (city of Muskegon),
familiarity with the plant and experience in high voltage.
This item is budgeted in 2017.
Authorize staff to hire Newkirk Electric out of Muskegon to replace the
Load Center Switch for the HSP for $27188.

Date:        March 28th, 2017

To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From:        Jeffrey A. Lewis, Director of Public Safety

Re:          Emergency Response Plan (updated)

The City of Muskegon has elected to be incorporated into the Muskegon County
Emergency Management Program. By becoming part of the county emergency
management program, the City of Muskegon and the County of Muskegon have certain
responsibilities to each other. This Support Emergency Operations Plan has been
developed to identify the responsibilities between the City of Muskegon and the County
of Muskegon in regards to pre-disaster emergency management activities.


To approve this resolution as presented.
                  Commission Meeting Date: March 28, 2017

Date:         March 23, 2017
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – R-1, Single Family


Staff-initiated request to amend Article IV (R-1, Single Family Residential Districts) to
rename it R-1, Single Family Low Density Residential Districts.






To approve the zoning ordinance amendment.


The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the ordinance
amendment, with two members absent.
                                       Staff Report (EXCERPT)
                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                       PLANNING COMMISSION
                                          REGULAR MEETING

Hearing, Case 2017-03: Staff initiated request to amend Article IV (R-1, Single Family Residential
Districts) to rename it R-1, Single Family Low Density Residential Districts.
Hearing, Case 2017-04: Staff initiated request to amend Article IV (R-1, Single Family Residential
Districts) to create two new categories for single family districts. These will include R-2, Single Family
Medium Density Residential Districts and R-3, Single Family High Density Residential Districts.
Hearing, Case 2017-05: Staff initiated request to amend Article IV (R-1, Single Family Residential
Districts) to amend the preamble to reflect the changes made by adding the new residential districts; to
amend Sections 400 (Principal Uses Permitted) and Section 401 (Special Land Uses Permitted) to create the
allowed and special uses permitted in the new residential districts; and to amend Section 404 (Area and Bulk
Requirements) to create the development standards for the new residential districts.


   1. Staff held two public workshops regarding the small lot zoning and the downtown multi-family
      zoning proposals. The small lot zoning proposal was very well received; however, there are still
      some concerns over the multi-family zoning, so staff is working on some revisions and plans to
      request the amendments at the April 13 Planning Commission meeting.

   2. The reason for these three amendments is to allow each specific residential block to be developed in
      the same manner in which it was created. Many homes in the downtown area are built on 33’ wide
      lots, but the ordinance currently requires lots be 50’ wide to be buildable. This limits development
      and creates a lot of non-conforming lots. Many lots in the Nims and Beachwood-Bluffton
      neighborhoods are just over 40’ wide, but development is again limited because of non-conformities.

   3. The first request is to rename R-1, Single-Family Residential Districts to R-1, Single Family Low
      Density Residential Districts. This will just change the name of the zoning district and will not
      change any of the regulations on parcels with this designation.

   4. The second request is to create two new zoning districts to go in Article IV along with R-1 districts.
      These will be R-2, Single Family Medium Density Residential Districts and R-3, Single Family High
      Density Residential Districts. The uses for all three districts will be the same. The only thing that
      will be different is the area and bulk requirements.

   5. The third request is to modify the wording in Article IV to reflect the new zoning regulations. This
      will include changes to Sections 400, 401 and 404.

   6. None of these requests will result in a rezoning for any property. Staff will request the rezoning of
      certain properties to R-2, R-3 and Urban Residential in April. All of these property owners will be
      properly notified before the meeting.
   7. Please see the enclosed workshop handouts related to the residential amendments.

Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold:

                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                   MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                         ORDINANCE NO._____

An ordinance to amend Article IV of the zoning ordinance to rename R-1, Single Family Residential
District to R-1, Single Family Low Density Residential District.


Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold. Numbers will be reordered accordingly:


This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                   By: _________________________________
                                                          Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

        The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the
28th day of March, 2017, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that
the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that
the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the
Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept
and will be or have been made available as required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2017.               __________________________________________
                                                Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:        Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                             NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on March 28, 2017, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon
adopted an ordinance to amend Article IV of the zoning ordinance to rename R-1, Single Family
Residential Districts to R-1, Single Family Low Density Residential Districts. Copies of the
ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the
City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2017.                              CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                   By _________________________________
                                                                         Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                         City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354

                 Commission Meeting Date: March 28, 2017

Date:         March 23, 2017
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – R-2 and R-3 Districts


Staff initiated request to amend Article IV (R-1, Single Family Residential Districts)
to create two new categories for single family districts. These will include R-2,
Single Family Medium Density Residential Districts and R-3, Single Family High
Density Residential Districts.






To approve the zoning ordinance amendment.


The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the ordinance
amendment, with two members absent.
Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold:


                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                   MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                         ORDINANCE NO._____

An ordinance to amend Article IV of the zoning ordinance to include R-2, Single Family Medium
Density Residential District and R-3 Single Family High Density Residential District.


Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold. Numbers will be reordered accordingly:



This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                   By: _________________________________
                                                          Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

        The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the
28th day of March, 2017, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that
the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that
the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the
Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept
and will be or have been made available as required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2017.               __________________________________________
                                                Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:        Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                             NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on March 28, 2017, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon
adopted an ordinance to amend Article IV of the zoning ordinance to create two new categories
for single family districts. These will include R-2, Single Family Medium Density Residential
Districts and R-3, Single Family High Density Residential Districts. Copies of the ordinance
may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2017.                              CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                   By _________________________________
                                                                         Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                         City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354

                 Commission Meeting Date: March 28, 2017

Date:         March 23, 2017
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – Preamble & Sections
              400 & 404


Staff initiated request to amend Article IV (R-1, Single Family Residential Districts) to
amend the preamble to reflect the changes made by adding the new residential
districts; to amend Sections 400 (Principal Uses Permitted) to create the allowed and
special uses permitted in the new residential districts; and to amend Section 404 (Area
and Bulk Requirements) to create the development standards for the new residential






To approve the zoning ordinance amendment.


The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the ordinance
amendment, with two members absent.
Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold:


These districts are designed to be compromised of low density single family residential development allow
for low, medium and high density single-family residential development in the proper blocks. The
regulations are intended to stabilize, protect, and encourage the residential character of the district and
prohibit activities not compatible with a residential neighborhood. Development is limited to single family
dwellings and such other uses as schools, parks, churches, and certain public facilities which serve residents
of the district. It is the intent of these districts to recognize that the City of Muskegon has been developed
and platted with some lots that are smaller than those found in recently urbanized communities, and the
standards in Section 2100 reflect residential development standards that the citizens of Muskegon find to be
compatible this Article to recognize that blocks throughout the City of Muskegon have been platted
and developed in different sizes and road frontages and that development standards should reflect
each specific block type. All single family residential districts all allow the same permitted uses, only
the area & bulk requirements differ. All homes in these districts must meet the residential design
criteria established in Section 2319.


In R, One Family Residential, Districts all Single-Family Residential Districts no building or land shall be
used and no building shall be erected, structurally altered, or occupied except for one or more of the
following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance;…..


   1.      Minimum lot size: 6,000 sq. feet

   2.      Density (see definition in Article II): 7 dwelling units per buildable acre.

   3.      Maximum lot coverage:
             Buildings: 50%
             Pavement: 10%

   4.       Lot width: 50 feet (shall be measured at road frontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured from

   5.      Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3) times
        longer its width.
6.       Height limit: 2 stories or 35 feet. Exception: Homes located in an established Historic District
      may be up to 3 stories or 45 feet, if found to be compatible with other homes within 600 feet.
      [amended 9/08]

      Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from the
      average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line abuts the front
      yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average height between eaves and
      the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the ground is not entirely level, the
      grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the ground for each face of the building (see
      Figure 2-3).

7.         Front Setbacks: [amended 1/05]
                      Expressway or Arterial Street: 30 feet
                      Collector or Major Street: 25 feet
                      Minor Street: 15 feet

      Note: For minimum front setbacks new principal structures on minor streets may align with existing
      principal structures in the immediate area even if the front setback is below the minimum required.

8.         Rear setback: 30 feet

9.         Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 30 feet (principal structures only).

10.        Side setbacks:
              1-story: 6 feet and 10 feet
              2-story: 8 feet and 12 feet

      Note, setback measurement: All required setbacks shall be measured from the right-of-way line to
      the nearest point of the determined drip line of buildings. [amended 10/02]

11.        Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or one side
      lot line provided: [amended 10/02]

      a.      The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under the building

      b.      The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code requirements.

      c.      The zero lot line side is not adjacent to a street.

      d.      A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner and recorded with
              the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning administrator with the site plan or
              plot plan.

      e.      It is not adjacent to wetlands, or waterfront.

                   R-1                           R-2                        R-3
Minimum Lot        6,000 sf                      4,00 sf                    3,000 sf
Minimum Lot        50 ft                         40 ft                      30 ft
Maximum Lot        Buildings: 50%                Buildings: 60%             Buildings: 70%
Coverage           Pavement: 10%                 Pavement: 15%              Pavement: 20%
Height Limit*      2 stories or 35 feet**        2 stories or 35 feet**     2 stories or 35 feet**
Front              Expressway/Arterial           Expressway/Arterial        Expressway/Arterial
Setbacks***        Street: 30 ft                 Street: 30 ft              Street: 30 ft
                   Collector/Major Street:       Collector/Major Street:    Collector/Major
                   25 ft                         25 ft                      Street: 25 ft
                   Minor Street: 15 feet         Minor Street: 10 feet      Minor Street: 10
Rear Setback       30 ft                         20 ft ^                    15 ft^
Side               1 story: 6 feet and 10 feet   1 story: 6                 1 story: 5
Setbacks#:         6                             2 story: 7                 2 story: 5
                   2 story: 8 feet and 12 feet
Ordinary High       30 ft                        30 ft                      30 ft
Water Mark

* Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from the average
finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line abuts the front yard, except as
follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip,
and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by
averaging the elevation of the ground for each face of the building (see Figure 2-3).

** Homes located in an established Historic District may be up to 3 stories or 45 feet, if found to be
compatible with other homes within 600 feet.

*** For minimum front setbacks, new principal structures on minor streets may align with existing principal
structures in the immediate area even if the front setback is below the minimum required.

^Parcels with at least 100 ft in length must have at least a 30 ft rear setback.

#All required setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the nearest point of the determined drip
line of buildings.
                                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                   MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                          ORDINANCE NO._____

An ordinance to amend Article IV (R-1, Single Family Residential Districts) to amend the
preamble to reflect the changes made by adding the new residential districts; to amend
Sections 400 (Principal Uses Permitted) to create the allowed and special uses permitted in the
new residential districts; and to amend Section 404 (Area and Bulk Requirements) to create the
development standards for the new residential districts.


Deletions are crossed out and additions are in bold. Numbers will be reordered accordingly:


These districts are designed to be compromised of low density single family residential development allow
for low, medium and high density single-family residential development in the proper blocks. The
regulations are intended to stabilize, protect, and encourage the residential character of the district and
prohibit activities not compatible with a residential neighborhood. Development is limited to single family
dwellings and such other uses as schools, parks, churches, and certain public facilities which serve residents
of the district. It is the intent of these districts to recognize that the City of Muskegon has been developed
and platted with some lots that are smaller than those found in recently urbanized communities, and the
standards in Section 2100 reflect residential development standards that the citizens of Muskegon find to be
compatible this Article to recognize that blocks throughout the City of Muskegon have been platted
and developed in different sizes and road frontages and that development standards should reflect
each specific block type. All single family residential districts all allow the same permitted uses, only
the area & bulk requirements differ. All homes in these districts must meet the residential design
criteria established in Section 2319.


In R, One Family Residential, Districts all Single-Family Residential Districts no building or land shall be
used and no building shall be erected, structurally altered, or occupied except for one or more of the
following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance;…..


   12.     Minimum lot size: 6,000 sq. feet
13.      Density (see definition in Article II): 7 dwelling units per buildable acre.

14.      Maximum lot coverage:
           Buildings: 50%
           Pavement: 10%

15.       Lot width: 50 feet (shall be measured at road frontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured from

16.      Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3) times
      longer its width.

17.      Height limit: 2 stories or 35 feet. Exception: Homes located in an established Historic District
      may be up to 3 stories or 45 feet, if found to be compatible with other homes within 600 feet.
      [amended 9/08]

      Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from the
      average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line abuts the front
      yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average height between eaves and
      the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the ground is not entirely level, the
      grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the ground for each face of the building (see
      Figure 2-3).

18.      Front Setbacks: [amended 1/05]
                    Expressway or Arterial Street: 30 feet
                    Collector or Major Street: 25 feet
                    Minor Street: 15 feet

      Note: For minimum front setbacks new principal structures on minor streets may align with existing
      principal structures in the immediate area even if the front setback is below the minimum required.

19.      Rear setback: 30 feet

20.      Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 30 feet (principal structures only).

21.      Side setbacks:
            1-story: 6 feet and 10 feet
            2-story: 8 feet and 12 feet

      Note, setback measurement: All required setbacks shall be measured from the right-of-way line to
      the nearest point of the determined drip line of buildings. [amended 10/02]

22.        Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or one side
      lot line provided: [amended 10/02]
       f.      The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under the building

       g.      The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code requirements.

       h.      The zero lot line side is not adjacent to a street.

       i.      A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner and recorded with
               the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning administrator with the site plan or
               plot plan.

       j.      It is not adjacent to wetlands, or waterfront.


                   R-1                           R-2                        R-3
Minimum Lot        6,000 sf                      4,00 sf                    3,000 sf
Minimum Lot        50 ft                         40 ft                      30 ft
Maximum Lot        Buildings: 50%                Buildings: 60%             Buildings: 70%
Coverage           Pavement: 10%                 Pavement: 15%              Pavement: 20%
Height Limit*      2 stories or 35 feet**        2 stories or 35 feet**     2 stories or 35 feet**
Front              Expressway/Arterial           Expressway/Arterial        Expressway/Arterial
Setbacks***        Street: 30 ft                 Street: 30 ft              Street: 30 ft
                   Collector/Major Street:       Collector/Major Street:    Collector/Major
                   25 ft                         25 ft                      Street: 25 ft
                   Minor Street: 15 feet         Minor Street: 10 feet      Minor Street: 10
Rear Setback       30 ft                         20 ft ^                    15 ft^
Side               1 story: 6 feet and 10 feet   1 story: 6                 1 story: 5
Setbacks#:         6                             2 story: 7                 2 story: 5
                   2 story: 8 feet and 12 feet
Ordinary High       30 ft                        30 ft                      30 ft
Water Mark

* Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from the average
finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line abuts the front yard, except as
follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip,
and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by
averaging the elevation of the ground for each face of the building (see Figure 2-3).
** Homes located in an established Historic District may be up to 3 stories or 45 feet, if found to be
compatible with other homes within 600 feet.

*** For minimum front setbacks, new principal structures on minor streets may align with existing principal
structures in the immediate area even if the front setback is below the minimum required.

^Parcels with at least 100 ft in length must have at least a 30 ft rear setback.

#All required setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the nearest point of the determined drip
line of buildings.

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                     By: _________________________________
                                                            Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

        The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the
28th day of March, 2017, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that
the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that
the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the
Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept
and will be or have been made available as required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2017.               __________________________________________
                                                Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:        Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                             NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on March 28, 2017, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance to amend Article IV (R-1, Single Family Residential Districts) to amend the preamble to
reflect the changes made by adding the new residential districts; to amend Sections 400 (Principal
Uses Permitted) to create the allowed and special uses permitted in the new residential districts; and to
amend Section 404 (Area and Bulk Requirements) to create the development standards for the new
residential districts.

Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City
Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2017.                              CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                   By _________________________________
                                                                         Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                         City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354


                                       (Current Ordinance Before Amendments)



These districts are designed to be composed of low density residential development. The
regulations are intended to stabilize, protect, and encourage the residential character of the
district and prohibit activities not compatible with a residential neighborhood. Development is
limited to single family dwellings and such other uses as schools, parks, churches, and certain
public facilities which serve residents of the district. It is the intent of these districts to recognize
that the City of Muskegon has been developed and platted with some lots that are smaller than
those found in recently urbanized communities, and the standards in Section 2100 reflect
residential development standards that the citizens of Muskegon find to be compatible.


In R, One Family Residential, Districts no building or land shall be used and no building shall be
erected, structurally altered, or occupied except for one or more of the following specified uses,
unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance;

1.        One Family detached dwellings.

2.        Multiple family dwellings under the following conditions:

                     a. The home has already been altered with prior approval to allow for multiple
                        dwellings. One family dwellings may not be altered to allow for multiple
                        dwellings, nor may new homes be built for multiple dwellings.

                     b. Homes that have already been altered for multiple dwellings may add
                        additional dwellings as long they meet the living area standards listed in
                        Section 2319.

3.        Home occupations of a non-industrial nature may be permitted. Permissible home
          occupations include, but are not limited to the following: [amended 11/02]

          a.         Art and craft studios, lessons may be given to one client at a time

          b.         Hair and nail salons, limited to one client at a time

          c.         Dressmaking and tailoring

          d.         Tutoring, limited to one student at a time

          e.         Typing or clerical services

          f.         Teaching of music or dancing or similar instruction, limited to one client at a time

s:\planning\common\zoning\ordinance\excerpts\r-1.doc                                            1

          g.         Offices located within the dwelling for a writer, consultant, member of the clergy,
                     lawyer, physician, architect, engineer or accountant, limited to one client/family at
                     a time.

          h.         All home occupations are subject to the following:

                     i. The businessperson operating the home occupation shall reside in the
                     dwelling and only members of the immediate family residing on the
                     premises may be employed.

                     ii. The business shall have a local business license and any other appropriate
                     licensing or registrations required by local, state or federal law.

                     iii. No equipment or process shall be used in home occupations which creates
                     noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odor, or electrical interference detectable to the
                     normal senses of persons off the lot. In the case of electrical interference, no
                     equipment or process shall be used which creates visual or audible interference
                     with any radio or television receivers off the premises or causes fluctuations in the
                     line voltage off the premises.

                     iv. Explosives, flammable liquids or combustible liquids shall only be used in
                     compliance with the applicable fire and building codes.

                     v. Activities involving kilns or welding equipment shall comply with the
                     applicable fire and building codes.

                     vi. The outside appearance of the premises shall have no visible evidence of the
                     conduct of a home occupation.

                     vii. Home occupations may not serve as headquarters or dispatch centers where
                     employees come to the site and are dispatched to other locations.

                     viii. All activity must be conducted within a preexisting structure. The home
                     occupation shall not require internal or external alterations or involve construction
                     features not customarily found in dwellings.

                     ix. There shall be no exterior display or signage other than that signage allowed
                     for home occupations under the sign requirements of this ordinance. [amended

                     x. No goods shall be kept, or sold which are made or assembled off-site, except
                     as incidental to services rendered.

                     xi. The primary function of the premises shall be that of the residence of the
                     family, and the occupation shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the
                     principal building.

                     xii. There shall be no outside storage or processing.

s:\planning\common\zoning\ordinance\excerpts\r-1.doc                                             2

                     xiii. The home occupation shall not involve the routine use of commercial
                     vehicles for delivery of materials to and from the premises. There shall be no
                     commercial vehicles associated with the home occupation, nor parking of more
                     than one (1) business car, pickup truck or small van on the premises.

                     xiv. Activities specifically prohibited (but not limited to) include:

                               (1) A service or repair of motor vehicles, appliances and other large

                               (2) A service or manufacturing process which would normally require
                               industrial zoning

                               (3) A commercial food service requiring a license

                               (4) A limousine service

                               (5) A lodging service including but not limited to, a tourist home, motel
                               or hotel

                               (6) A tattoo parlor

                               (7) An animal hospital or kennel

                               (8) A lawn service

                     xv. No activity legally excluded by any deed restriction or other tenant or owner
                     restrictions shall be permitted.

4.        Adult Foster Care Family Homes, provided that such facilities shall be at least one
          thousand five hundred (1,500) feet from any other similar facility. [amended 11/02]

5.        Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above
          Principal Uses Permitted.

6.        Uses similar to the above Principal Uses Permitted.


The following uses, and their accessory buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted under
the purview of Section 2332 after review and approval of the use (and a site plan, if required) by
the Planning Commission, after Public Hearing, subject to the applicable conditions, and any
other reasonable conditions imposed by the Planning Commission:

1.           Private recreational areas, and institutional recreational centers when not operated for
          profit, and nonprofit swimming pool clubs, all subject to the following conditions:
          [amended 2/02]

s:\planning\common\zoning\ordinance\excerpts\r-1.doc                                              3

          a.         In those instances where the proposed site is not to be situated on a lot or lots of
                     record, the proposed site shall have one property line abutting a major
                     thoroughfare and the site shall be so planned as to provide ingress and egress
                     directly onto said major thoroughfare.

          b.         Front, side, and, rear yards shall be at least fifty (50) feet wide, except on those
                     sides adjacent to nonresidential districts, and shall be landscaped in trees, shrubs,
                     grass, and terrace areas. All such landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy
                     condition. There shall be no parking or structures permitted in these yards, except
                     for required entrance drives and those walls and/or fences used to obscure the use
                     from abutting residential districts.

          c.         Buildings erected on the premises shall not exceed one (1) story or fourteen (14)
                     feet in height.

          d.         Whenever a swimming pool is constructed under this Ordinance, said pool area
                     shall be provided with a protective fence six (6) feet in height, and entry shall be
                     protected by means of a controlled gate or turnstile.

          e.         The off-street parking and general site layout and its relationship to all adjacent
                     lot lines shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission who may impose
                     reasonable restrictions or requirements so as to insure that contiguous residential
                     areas will be adequately protected.

2.            Colleges, universities, and other such institutions of higher learning, public and
          private, offering courses in general, technical, or religious education not operated for
          profit, all subject to the following conditions:

          a.         Any use permitted herein shall be developed only on sites of at least five (5) acres
                     in area.

          b.         All ingress to and egress from said site shall be directly onto a major

          c.         No building other than a structure for residential purposes shall be closer than
                     seventy-five (75) feet to any property line.

3.           Churches and other facilities normally incidental thereto subject to the following

          a.         The site shall be so located as to provide for ingress and egress from said site
                     directly onto a major or secondary thoroughfare.

          b.         The principal buildings on the site shall be set back from abutting properties
                     zoned for residential use not less than thirty (30) feet.

          c.         Buildings of greater than the maximum height allowed in Section 2100, may be
                     allowed provided front, side, and rear yards are increased above the minimum

s:\planning\common\zoning\ordinance\excerpts\r-1.doc                                            4

                     requirements by one (1) foot for each foot of building that exceeds the maximum
                     height allowed.

4.           Elementary, intermediate, and/or secondary schools offering courses in general
          education, provided such uses are set back thirty (30) feet from any lot in a residential

5.             Cemeteries.

6.           Previously existing or established commercial uses not already converted to a
          residential use may be authorized under Special Use Permit for the following [amended

          a. Retail and/or service establishments meeting the intent of the neighborhood Limited
                Business Zone (B-1) dealing directly with consumers including:
                   i. Any generally recognized retail business which supplies new commodities
                        on the premises for persons residing in adjacent residential areas such as:
                        groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry
                        goods, and notions or hardware.

                       ii.     Any personal service establishment which performs services on the
                               premises for persons residing in adjacent residential areas, such as: shoe
                               repair, drop-off dry cleaning shops, tailor shops, beauty parlors, barber
                               shops, dressmaker, tailor, pharmacist, or an establishment doing radio,
                               television, or home appliance repair, and similar establishments that
                               require a retail character no more objectionable than the aforementioned,
                               subject to the provision that no more than five (5) persons shall be
                               employed at any time in the sale, repair, or other processing of goods.

                      iii.     Professional offices of doctors, lawyers, dentists, chiropractors,
                               osteopaths, architects, engineers, accountants, and similar or allied

                      iv.      Restaurants, or other places serving food, except drive-in or drive-through

          b.         Prohibited uses: Activities specifically prohibited include repair or service of
                     motor vehicles and other large equipment; manufacturing processes which would
                     normally require industrial zoning; any activity which may become a nuisance
                     due to noise, unsightliness or odor; and any activity which may adversely affect
                     surrounding property.

          c. Conditions: [amended 8/04]

                        i.     Outdoor storage is prohibited.

                       ii.     The area devoted to approved uses shall not exceed 2,500 square feet.

                      iii.     All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises
s:\planning\common\zoning\ordinance\excerpts\r-1.doc                                             5

                               where produced.

                      iv.      All business, servicing, or processing shall be conducted within a
                               completely enclosed building, or in an area specifically approved by the
                               Planning Commission.

                       v.      Parking shall be accommodated on site or with limited street parking.

                      vi.      Hours of operation may be limited by the Planning Commission.

                     vii.      Signs must comply with those set forth for the residential zoning district.

                    viii.      The Planning Commission may allow a use to sell alcohol, however the
                               Commission may limit the type of license applied for or obtained for the
                               sale of alcohol to an SDM, hours of operation, and any other restrictions
                               intended to stabilize, protect, and encourage the residential character of the
                               area. The use must gain approval from the Michigan Liquor Control
                               Commission before alcohol can be or sold.

7.        Bed & Breakfast facilities, under the following conditions:

          a.         The home must be located in the Clay-Western or National Register Historic
                     District, as identified by the City of Muskegon Historic District Commission map.

          b.         The owner or operator of the tourist home shall live full-time on the premises.

          c.         No structural additions or enlargements shall be made to accommodate the tourist
                     home use and no exterior alterations to the structure shall be made which will
                     change the residential appearance of the structure.

          d.         Breakfast may be served on the premises, only for guests of the facility, and no
                     other meals shall be provided to guests.

          e.         No long-term rental of rooms for more than fourteen (14) consecutive days shall
                     be permitted. No guest may stay for more than twenty-eight (28) nights in any
                     given year.

          f.         There shall be a maximum of five (5) guestrooms. No more than two (2) adults
                     are permitted to stay in any guestroom.

          g.         Signage shall conform to that which is permitted for home occupation businesses

          h.         Rental of the tourist home for special gatherings such as wedding receptions and
                     parties shall be prohibited.

          i.         The property shall meet all local and state code requirements regarding bed and
                     breakfast facilities.

s:\planning\common\zoning\ordinance\excerpts\r-1.doc                                               6

8.        Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above
          Special Land Uses Permitted.

9.        Uses similar to the above Special Land Uses Permitted.

SECTION 402: [RESERVED] [amended 8/01]


Planned unit developments (PUDs) may be allowed by the Planning Commission under the
procedural guidelines of Section 2101. The intent of Planned Unit Developments in the single
family residential district is to allow for flexibility in the design of housing developments,
including but not limited to condominium developments and cluster subdivisions, to allow for
the preservation of open space; allow for economies in the provision of utilities and public
services; provide recreational opportunities; and protect important natural features from the
adverse impacts of development.

1.        Determination: The Planning Commission, in reviewing and approving a proposed PUD
          may allow lots within the PUD to be reduced in area and width and setbacks below the
          minimum normally required by this ordinance in return for common open space where it
          is determined that the benefits of the cluster approach will decrease development costs,
          increase recreational opportunities, or prevent the loss of natural features. The Planning
          Commission, in its determination, shall consider the densities permitted in the Zoning
          Ordinance and, if applicable, the land’s capability to bear the higher density.

2.        Basic Requirements:

          a.         The net residential acreage including improvements and occupied land shall be
                     calculated by taking the total area of the tract and subtracting, in order, the

                        i.     Portions of the parcel(s) shown to be in a floodplain.

                       ii.     Portions of the parcel(s) which are unsuitable for development in their
                               natural state due to topographical, drainage or subsoil conditions such as,
                               but not limited to; slopes greater than 15%; organic, poorly drained soils,
                               and wetlands.

                      iii.     Portions of the parcel(s) covered by surface waters.

                      iv.      Portions of the tract utilized for storm water management facilities.

          b.         Undevelopable areas may be used for common open and recreational areas.

          c.         No building shall be sited on slopes steeper than 15%, within 100 feet of any
                     ordinary high water mark, wetland, or on soil classified as being very poorly

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3. Density determination: To determine the maximum number of dwelling units permitted on
   the parcel(s) of land, the net residential acreage shall be divided by the minimum lot size
   required by the zoning ordinance.

4. Open space requirement: At least 15% of the site shall be set aside as dedicated common
   open space. At least one third (1/3) of the common open space shall be usable open space.
   The open space and access to it shall be permanently marked and designed so individuals in
   the development are not forced to trespass to reach such recreational or common open

5. Spacing: The distance between buildings shall not be less than 10 feet and front setbacks
   shall not be less than 10 feet. In no case shall an individual dwelling lot be less than 4,000
   square feet.

6. Waterfront: Where a cluster development abuts a body of water, at least 50% of the
   shoreline, as well as reasonable access to it, shall be a part of the common open space land.

7. Utility of common open space: Common open space in any one residential cluster shall be
   laid out, to the maximum extent feasible, to connect with other open space existing or

8. Size: Minimum parent parcel size is 21,780 square feet (one-half acre).

9. Bonus units: Where the developer provides additional open space or amenities within the
   development, additional density may be granted. A maximum of a 10% unit bonus may be
   granted to the development for additional amenities such as: public trail easements,
   additional open space, additional common waterfront area, and additional landscaping.


     1. Minimum lot size: 6,000 sq. feet

     2. Density (see definition in Article II): 7 dwelling units per buildable acre.

     3. Maximum lot coverage:
             Buildings: 50%
             Pavement: 10%

     4. Lot width: 50 feet (shall be measured at road frontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured
        from setback).

     5. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three
        (3) times longer its width.

     6. Height limit: 2 stories or 35 feet. Exception: Homes located in an established Historic
        District may be up to 3 stories or 45 feet, if found to be compatible with other homes
        within 600 feet. [amended 9/08]

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          Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured
          from the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the
          building line abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs,
          and the average height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see
          Figure 2-2). If the ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by
          averaging the elevation of the ground for each face of the building (see Figure 2-3).

     7. Front Setbacks: [amended 1/05]
                      Expressway or Arterial Street: 30 feet
                      Collector or Major Street: 25 feet
                      Minor Street: 15 feet

          Note: For minimum front setbacks new principal structures on minor streets may align
          with existing principal structures in the immediate area even if the front setback is below
          the minimum required.

     8. Rear setback: 30 feet

     9. Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 30 feet (principal structures

     10. Side setbacks:
                 1-story: 6 feet and 10 feet
                 2-story: 8 feet and 12 feet

          Note, setback measurement: All required setbacks shall be measured from the right-of-
          way line to the nearest point of the determined drip line of buildings. [amended 10/02]

     11. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or
         one side lot line provided: [amended 10/02]

          a.         The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under the
                     building code.

          b.         The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code

          c.         The zero lot line side is not adjacent to a street.

          d.         A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner and
                     recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
                     administrator with the site plan or plot plan.

          e.         It is not adjacent to wetlands, or waterfront.

s:\planning\common\zoning\ordinance\excerpts\r-1.doc                                        9

                                   (Proposed Ordinance After All 3 Amendments)




These districts are designed to allow for low, medium and high density single-family residential
development in the proper blocks. The regulations are intended to stabilize, protect, and
encourage the residential character of the districts and prohibit activities not compatible with a
residential neighborhood. Development is limited to single family dwellings and such other uses
as schools, parks, churches, and certain public facilities which serve residents of the district. It is
the intent of this Article to recognize that blocks throughout the City of Muskegon have been
platted and developed in different sizes and road frontages and that development standards
should reflect each specific block type. All single family residential districts all allow the same
permitted uses, only the area & bulk requirements differ. All homes in these districts must meet
the residential design criteria established in Section 2319.


In all Single-Family Residential Districts, no building or land shall be used and no building shall
be erected, structurally altered, or occupied except for one or more of the following specified
uses, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance;

1.        One Family detached dwellings.

2.        Multiple family dwellings under the following conditions:

                     a. The home has already been altered with prior approval to allow for multiple
                        dwellings. One family dwellings may not be altered to allow for multiple
                        dwellings, nor may new homes be built for multiple dwellings.

                     b. Homes that have already been altered for multiple dwellings may add
                        additional dwellings as long they meet the living area standards listed in
                        Section 2319.

3.        Home occupations of a non-industrial nature may be permitted. Permissible home
          occupations include, but are not limited to the following: [amended 11/02]

          a.         Art and craft studios, lessons may be given to one client at a time

          b.         Hair and nail salons, limited to one client at a time

          c.         Dressmaking and tailoring
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          d.         Tutoring, limited to one student at a time

          e.         Typing or clerical services

          f.         Teaching of music or dancing or similar instruction, limited to one client at a time

          g.         Offices located within the dwelling for a writer, consultant, member of the clergy,
                     lawyer, physician, architect, engineer or accountant, limited to one client/family at
                     a time.

          h.         All home occupations are subject to the following:

                     i. The businessperson operating the home occupation shall reside in the
                     dwelling and only members of the immediate family residing on the
                     premises may be employed.

                     ii. The business shall have a local business license and any other appropriate
                     licensing or registrations required by local, state or federal law.

                     iii. No equipment or process shall be used in home occupations which creates
                     noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odor, or electrical interference detectable to the
                     normal senses of persons off the lot. In the case of electrical interference, no
                     equipment or process shall be used which creates visual or audible interference
                     with any radio or television receivers off the premises or causes fluctuations in the
                     line voltage off the premises.

                     iv. Explosives, flammable liquids or combustible liquids shall only be used in
                     compliance with the applicable fire and building codes.

                     v. Activities involving kilns or welding equipment shall comply with the
                     applicable fire and building codes.

                     vi. The outside appearance of the premises shall have no visible evidence of the
                     conduct of a home occupation.

                     vii. Home occupations may not serve as headquarters or dispatch centers where
                     employees come to the site and are dispatched to other locations.

                     viii. All activity must be conducted within a preexisting structure. The home
                     occupation shall not require internal or external alterations or involve construction
                     features not customarily found in dwellings.

                     ix. There shall be no exterior display or signage other than that signage allowed
                     for home occupations under the sign requirements of this ordinance. [amended

                     x. No goods shall be kept, or sold which are made or assembled off-site, except
                     as incidental to services rendered.
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                     xi. The primary function of the premises shall be that of the residence of the
                     family, and the occupation shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the
                     principal building.

                     xii. There shall be no outside storage or processing.

                     xiii. The home occupation shall not involve the routine use of commercial
                     vehicles for delivery of materials to and from the premises. There shall be no
                     commercial vehicles associated with the home occupation, nor parking of more
                     than one (1) business car, pickup truck or small van on the premises.

                     xiv. Activities specifically prohibited (but not limited to) include:

                               (1) A service or repair of motor vehicles, appliances and other large

                               (2) A service or manufacturing process which would normally require
                               industrial zoning

                               (3) A commercial food service requiring a license

                               (4) A limousine service

                               (5) A lodging service including but not limited to, a tourist home, motel
                               or hotel

                               (6) A tattoo parlor

                               (7) An animal hospital or kennel

                               (8) A lawn service

                     xv. No activity legally excluded by any deed restriction or other tenant or owner
                     restrictions shall be permitted.

4.        Adult Foster Care Family Homes, provided that such facilities shall be at least one
          thousand five hundred (1,500) feet from any other similar facility. [amended 11/02]

5.        Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above
          Principal Uses Permitted.

6.        Uses similar to the above Principal Uses Permitted.


The following uses, and their accessory buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted under
the purview of Section 2332 after review and approval of the use (and a site plan, if required) by

s:\planning\common\zoning\ordinance\excerpts\r-1.doc                                              3

the Planning Commission, after Public Hearing, subject to the applicable conditions, and any
other reasonable conditions imposed by the Planning Commission:

1.           Private recreational areas, and institutional recreational centers when not operated for
          profit, and nonprofit swimming pool clubs, all subject to the following conditions:
          [amended 2/02]

          a.         In those instances where the proposed site is not to be situated on a lot or lots of
                     record, the proposed site shall have one property line abutting a major
                     thoroughfare and the site shall be so planned as to provide ingress and egress
                     directly onto said major thoroughfare.

          b.         Front, side, and, rear yards shall be at least fifty (50) feet wide, except on those
                     sides adjacent to nonresidential districts, and shall be landscaped in trees, shrubs,
                     grass, and terrace areas. All such landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy
                     condition. There shall be no parking or structures permitted in these yards, except
                     for required entrance drives and those walls and/or fences used to obscure the use
                     from abutting residential districts.

          c.         Buildings erected on the premises shall not exceed one (1) story or fourteen (14)
                     feet in height.

          d.         Whenever a swimming pool is constructed under this Ordinance, said pool area
                     shall be provided with a protective fence six (6) feet in height, and entry shall be
                     protected by means of a controlled gate or turnstile.

          e.         The off-street parking and general site layout and its relationship to all adjacent
                     lot lines shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission who may impose
                     reasonable restrictions or requirements so as to insure that contiguous residential
                     areas will be adequately protected.

2.            Colleges, universities, and other such institutions of higher learning, public and
          private, offering courses in general, technical, or religious education not operated for
          profit, all subject to the following conditions:

          a.         Any use permitted herein shall be developed only on sites of at least five (5) acres
                     in area.

          b.         All ingress to and egress from said site shall be directly onto a major

          c.         No building other than a structure for residential purposes shall be closer than
                     seventy-five (75) feet to any property line.

3.           Churches and other facilities normally incidental thereto subject to the following

          a.         The site shall be so located as to provide for ingress and egress from said site
                     directly onto a major or secondary thoroughfare.
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          b.         The principal buildings on the site shall be set back from abutting properties
                     zoned for residential use not less than thirty (30) feet.

          c.         Buildings of greater than the maximum height allowed in Section 2100, may be
                     allowed provided front, side, and rear yards are increased above the minimum
                     requirements by one (1) foot for each foot of building that exceeds the maximum
                     height allowed.

4.           Elementary, intermediate, and/or secondary schools offering courses in general
          education, provided such uses are set back thirty (30) feet from any lot in a residential

5.             Cemeteries.

6.           Previously existing or established commercial uses not already converted to a
          residential use may be authorized under Special Use Permit for the following [amended

          a. Retail and/or service establishments meeting the intent of the neighborhood Limited
                Business Zone (B-1) dealing directly with consumers including:
                   i.   Any generally recognized retail business which supplies new commodities
                        on the premises for persons residing in adjacent residential areas such as:
                        groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, dry
                        goods, and notions or hardware.

                       ii.     Any personal service establishment which performs services on the
                               premises for persons residing in adjacent residential areas, such as: shoe
                               repair, drop-off dry cleaning shops, tailor shops, beauty parlors, barber
                               shops, dressmaker, tailor, pharmacist, or an establishment doing radio,
                               television, or home appliance repair, and similar establishments that
                               require a retail character no more objectionable than the aforementioned,
                               subject to the provision that no more than five (5) persons shall be
                               employed at any time in the sale, repair, or other processing of goods.

                      iii.     Professional offices of doctors, lawyers, dentists, chiropractors,
                               osteopaths, architects, engineers, accountants, and similar or allied

                      iv.      Restaurants, or other places serving food, except drive-in or drive-through

          b.         Prohibited uses: Activities specifically prohibited include repair or service of
                     motor vehicles and other large equipment; manufacturing processes which would
                     normally require industrial zoning; any activity which may become a nuisance
                     due to noise, unsightliness or odor; and any activity which may adversely affect
                     surrounding property.

          c. Conditions: [amended 8/04]
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                        i.     Outdoor storage is prohibited.

                       ii.     The area devoted to approved uses shall not exceed 2,500 square feet.

                      iii.     All goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises
                               where produced.

                      iv.      All business, servicing, or processing shall be conducted within a
                               completely enclosed building, or in an area specifically approved by the
                               Planning Commission.

                       v.      Parking shall be accommodated on site or with limited street parking.

                      vi.      Hours of operation may be limited by the Planning Commission.

                     vii.      Signs must comply with those set forth for the residential zoning district.

                    viii.      The Planning Commission may allow a use to sell alcohol, however the
                               Commission may limit the type of license applied for or obtained for the
                               sale of alcohol to an SDM, hours of operation, and any other restrictions
                               intended to stabilize, protect, and encourage the residential character of the
                               area. The use must gain approval from the Michigan Liquor Control
                               Commission before alcohol can be or sold.

7.        Bed & Breakfast facilities, under the following conditions:

          a.         The home must be located in the Clay-Western or National Register Historic
                     District, as identified by the City of Muskegon Historic District Commission map.

          b.         The owner or operator of the tourist home shall live full-time on the premises.

          c.         No structural additions or enlargements shall be made to accommodate the tourist
                     home use and no exterior alterations to the structure shall be made which will
                     change the residential appearance of the structure.

          d.         Breakfast may be served on the premises, only for guests of the facility, and no
                     other meals shall be provided to guests.

          e.         No long-term rental of rooms for more than fourteen (14) consecutive days shall
                     be permitted. No guest may stay for more than twenty-eight (28) nights in any
                     given year.

          f.         There shall be a maximum of five (5) guestrooms. No more than two (2) adults
                     are permitted to stay in any guestroom.

          g.         Signage shall conform to that which is permitted for home occupation businesses

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          h.         Rental of the tourist home for special gatherings such as wedding receptions and
                     parties shall be prohibited.

          i.         The property shall meet all local and state code requirements regarding bed and
                     breakfast facilities.

8.        Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above
          Special Land Uses Permitted.

9.        Uses similar to the above Special Land Uses Permitted.

SECTION 402: [RESERVED] [amended 8/01]


Planned unit developments (PUDs) may be allowed by the Planning Commission under the
procedural guidelines of Section 2101. The intent of Planned Unit Developments in the single
family residential district is to allow for flexibility in the design of housing developments,
including but not limited to condominium developments and cluster subdivisions, to allow for
the preservation of open space; allow for economies in the provision of utilities and public
services; provide recreational opportunities; and protect important natural features from the
adverse impacts of development.

1.        Determination: The Planning Commission, in reviewing and approving a proposed PUD
          may allow lots within the PUD to be reduced in area and width and setbacks below the
          minimum normally required by this ordinance in return for common open space where it
          is determined that the benefits of the cluster approach will decrease development costs,
          increase recreational opportunities, or prevent the loss of natural features. The Planning
          Commission, in its determination, shall consider the densities permitted in the Zoning
          Ordinance and, if applicable, the land’s capability to bear the higher density.

2.        Basic Requirements:

          a.         The net residential acreage including improvements and occupied land shall be
                     calculated by taking the total area of the tract and subtracting, in order, the

                        i.     Portions of the parcel(s) shown to be in a floodplain.

                       ii.     Portions of the parcel(s) which are unsuitable for development in their
                               natural state due to topographical, drainage or subsoil conditions such as,
                               but not limited to; slopes greater than 15%; organic, poorly drained soils,
                               and wetlands.

                      iii.     Portions of the parcel(s) covered by surface waters.

                      iv.      Portions of the tract utilized for storm water management facilities.

          b.         Undevelopable areas may be used for common open and recreational areas.
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          c.         No building shall be sited on slopes steeper than 15%, within 100 feet of any
                     ordinary high water mark, wetland, or on soil classified as being very poorly

3. Density determination: To determine the maximum number of dwelling units permitted on
   the parcel(s) of land, the net residential acreage shall be divided by the minimum lot size
   required by the zoning ordinance.

4. Open space requirement: At least 15% of the site shall be set aside as dedicated common
   open space. At least one third (1/3) of the common open space shall be usable open space.
   The open space and access to it shall be permanently marked and designed so individuals in
   the development are not forced to trespass to reach such recreational or common open

5. Spacing: The distance between buildings shall not be less than 10 feet and front setbacks
   shall not be less than 10 feet.

6. Waterfront: Where a cluster development abuts a body of water, at least 50% of the
   shoreline, as well as reasonable access to it, shall be a part of the common open space land.

7. Utility of common open space: Common open space in any one residential cluster shall be
   laid out, to the maximum extent feasible, to connect with other open space existing or

8. Size: Minimum parent parcel size is 21,780 square feet (one-half acre).

9. Bonus units: Where the developer provides additional open space or amenities within the
   development, additional density may be granted. A maximum of a 10% unit bonus may be
   granted to the development for additional amenities such as: public trail easements,
   additional open space, additional common waterfront area, and additional landscaping.

s:\planning\common\zoning\ordinance\excerpts\r-1.doc                                     8


                          R-1                          R-2                       R-3
Minimum Lot               6,000 sf                     4,00 sf                   3,000 sf
Minimum Lot               50 ft                        40 ft                     30 ft
Maximum Lot               Buildings: 50%               Buildings: 60%            Buildings: 70%
Coverage                  Pavement: 10%                Pavement: 15%             Pavement: 20%
Height Limit*             2 stories or 35 feet**       2 stories or 35 feet**    2 stories or 35 feet**
Front                     Expressway/Arterial          Expressway/Arterial       Expressway/Arterial
Setbacks***               Street: 30 ft                Street: 30 ft             Street: 30 ft
                          Collector/Major Street:      Collector/Major Street:   Collector/Major
                          25 ft                        25 ft                     Street: 25 ft
                          Minor Street: 15 feet        Minor Street: 10 feet     Minor Street: 10 feet
Rear Setback              30 ft                        20 ft ^                   15 ft^
Side Setbacks#:           1 story: 6                   1 story: 6                1 story: 5
                          2 story: 8                   2 story: 7                2 story: 5
Ordinary High              30 ft                       30 ft                     30 ft
Water Mark

* Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line abuts
the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average height
between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the ground is
not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the ground for
each face of the building (see Figure 2-3).

** Homes located in an established Historic District may be up to 3 stories or 45 feet, if found to
be compatible with other homes within 600 feet.

*** For minimum front setbacks, new principal structures on minor streets may align with
existing principal structures in the immediate area even if the front setback is below the
minimum required.

^Parcels with at least 100 ft in length must have at least a 30 ft rear setback.

#All required setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the nearest point of the
determined drip line of buildings.

s:\planning\common\zoning\ordinance\excerpts\r-1.doc                                           9
                               AGENDA ITEM NO. _______________
                       CITY COMMISSION MEETING __________________________

TO:        Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

FROM:      Frank Peterson, City Manager

DATE:      March 21, 2017

RE:        245, 255, and 285 West Western Avenue

This 4th Amendment to the Development Agreement is requested by Parkland Properties. The purpose
of the agreement is to provide an additional 2 months of time to finish the project.



To approve the amendment and authorize the Mayor to sign.

                Commission Meeting Date: March 28, 2017

Date:              March 21, 2017
To:                Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:              Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:                Brownfield Development Agreement between
                   Pure Muskegon, LLC and the City of Muskegon for
                   Windward Pointe MDEQ Grant (Stack Demo)

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City, to encourage Pure Muskegon, LLC to proceed with the purchase of the
former Sappi property (Windward Pointe), applied for and received a Brownfield Grant in the amount of $1 million to
offset the eligible Stack Demolitions costs on the site. The costs for the stack demolition are expected to be
between $1.3 Million and $1.6 Million. The Development Agreement includes the terms of grant implementation.
The Brownfield Grant Funds will be available to reimburse the Property Owner (Pure Muskegon, LLC) for the stack
demolition costs, in accordance with the terms, conditions and limitations of the grant agreement. The City will
disburse the Brownfield Grant Funds and will contract with a separate Grant Manager for Grant oversight (including
preparation of reports to MDEQ).

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will receive the MDEQ Grant in the amount of $1 Million, on a reimbursement basis
and the funds will be distributed to the Property Owner as Grant eligible activities are undertaken.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the “Brownfield Development Agreement” (attached) and authorize the
Mayor to sign.

                       MDEQ CMI Brownfield Grant — Stack Demolition
                                 WINDWARD POINTE

         This BROWNFIELD DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT, which is limited to the sole
purpose of removal of two smoke stacks ("Agreement") is entered into as of March 28, 2017 by
and between the CITY OF MUSKEGON, a Michigan public body corporate, of 933 Terrace
Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 (the "City") and PURE MUSKEGON, LLC, a Michigan limited
liability company of 1218 E. Pontaluna, Suite B, Spring Lake, MI 49466 (together with its
successors and assigns, the "Property Owner").


A. Pure Muskegon LLC, a Michigan limited liability corporation ("Property Owner"), recently
   purchased certain industrial property located at 2400 Lakeshore Drive in Muskegon,
   Michigan which is legally described on the attached Exhibit A (the "Property ").

B. Environmental investigations of the Property have identified concentrations of hazardous
   substances that exceed Generic Residential Cleanup Criteria as promulgated by the
   Michigan Department of Environmental Quality ("MDEQ"); accordingly, the Property
   constitutes a "facility" as defined by Part 201 of the Natural Resources and Environmental
   Protection Act ("NREPA"), Act 451 of 1994, as amended.

C. The Property Owner desires to facilitate the redevelopment of the Property for mixed uses,
   including residential, senior housing, and certain commercial uses ("Development").

D. The Property Owner and its immediate predecessor have and continue to invest substantial
   funds conducting activities necessary to prepare the Property for redevelopment. Those
   activities include private party expenditures of over $3 million in environmental response
   activities, $8.5 million for demolition, including subsurface demolition, and site preparation
   activities. These expenditures have already resulted in substantial economic, environmental
   and social benefits for the Muskegon community. Based on preliminary conceptual plans,
   the City of Muskegon Brownfield Plan Amendment for the Property makes a very
   conservative estimate of a total investment of $200 million over a 10 year period, with
   upwards of 50 permanent full time jobs and thousands of temporary construction/tradesman
   jobs as a result of the redevelopment of the Property.

E. The Development is poised to be a regional transformational project, and is expected to
   create substantial measurable economic benefit in the form of construction, direct and
   indirect jobs, and significantly increased taxable property values for the applicable taxing
   jurisdictions, as well as health and safety benefits to the community by addressing potential
   health risks posed by the current environmental condition of the Property.

F.   Since the Property is classified as a "facility," certain eligible costs incurred in remediation
     and redevelopment of the Property may be reimbursed with the proceeds of one or more

                                            Page 1 of 10
     CMI Brownfield Redevelopment Grants obtained by the City from the State of Michigan in
     accordance with Part 196 of NREPA, MCL §324.19601 et seq., ("Brownfield Grants").

G. Among the remediation and redevelopment costs that are eligible for reimbursement from
   Brownfield Grants is an estimated $1.3 Million to $1.6 Million cost of conducting asbestos
   abatement on two chimney stacks located on the Property, and demolition of the stacks (the
   "Stack Demolition").

H. To encourage the Property Owner to acquire the Property and proceed with the
   Development, the City applied for a Brownfield Grant in the amount of $1 Million to offset
   the eligible Stack Demolition costs, and thereby achieve the economic, health and safety
   benefits generated by the Development.

I.   Property Owner acquired the Property from Melching, Inc., a Michigan corporation
     ("Melching") on July 29, 2016 imder the terms and conditions of a Sale and Purchase of
     Real Estate Agreement dated June 27, 2013, as amended {"Purchase Agreement").
     Pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, if the Stack Demolition costs exceed $1 Million,
     Melching will pay the next $250,000 of such costs, and Melching and Property Owner will
     share equally in any additional Stack Demolition costs.

J.   Accordingly, the purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate remediation and demolition
     activities on the Property, and to encourage the proposed Development.

      NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the recitals set forth above and in consideration of the
mutual terms and conditions set forth below, the Property Owner and the City agree as follows:

1.     Description of Development: The Property Owner will conduct the Stack Demolition,
       and retain potential developers or transfer ownership of all or a portion of the Property to
       others for development. The Property is envisioned as a mixed use project comprised
       primarily of residential and commercial uses. Based on preliminary conceptual plans, the
       City of Muskegon Brownfield Plan Amendment for the Property makes a very
       conservative estimate of a total investment of $200 Million over a 10-year period, with
       upwards of 50 permanent full time jobs and thousands of temporary
       construction/tradesman jobs as a result of the Development.

2.     Application for and Disbursement of Brownfield Grant. The City has, with the
       cooperation of Property Owner, been awarded an Michigan Department of Environmental
       Qualify ("MDEQ") Brownfield Redevelopment Grant in the amount of One Million
       Dollars ($1,000,000) for the purposes of financing a portion of the Stack Demohtion
       ("Brownfield Grant").

       2.1. Proceeds of the Brownfield Grant shall be made available to reimburse Property
            Owner for eligible Stack Demolition Costs (as defined below) in accordance with the
            terms, conditions and limitations of the grant agreement between the City and the
            MDEQ executed and delivered in connection with the Brownfield Grant (the "Grant

                                           Page 2 of 10
     2.2 For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Stack Demolition Costs" means (a) the
         actual costs incurred in removing coatings containing asbestos covering the two
         stacks in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, (b) properly disposing
         of all asbestos debris, demolish and remove the two stacks, (c) paying for the
         services of all necessary consultants (including the fees of consultants retained by the
         City to administer the Grant provided that such fees shall not exceed $30,000), and
         (d) actual costs of developing work plans (the cost of which shall not exceed $2,500
         without approval of the MDEQ), budgets, bid solicitations, technical specifications,
         and such other administrative tasks approved by the MDEQ, but shall not include
         any inehgible expenses as defined in the Grant Agreement.

     2.3 The City agrees to apply for additional Brownfield Grants in subsequent years, as
         requested by Property Owner, to assist in paying other eligible costs associated with
         the redevelopment of the Property.

     2.4. The City's obligation to disburse the Brownfield Grant is subject to the cancellation
          provisions in the Grant Agreement, which allows the Brownfield Grant to be
          cancelled by the State of Michigan upon 30 days' written notice due to Executive
          Order, budgetary reduction, other lack of funding, or upon mutual agreement of the
          State and the City.

     2.5 If the Stack Demohtion costs exceed $1 Million, Property Owner guarantees payment
          of those excess costs.

3.   Conditions to Disbursement of Brownfield Grant. In addition to any other conditions
     or limitations set forth in the Grant Agreement, disbursement of the Brownfield Grant to
     reimburse Stack Demolition Costs is conditioned upon the receiving of Grant fimds from
     the DEQ and the following:

     3.1. Deliver to the City documentation showing that at least $1 Million in response
          activity costs, not including Stack Demolition Costs to be reimbursed with Grant
          funds or asbestos removal costs, has been or will be incurred by Property Owner or
          any other person at the Property.

     3.2. Prior to commencing any activities which are eligible for reimbursement imder the
          Brownfield Grant, Property Owner shall provide to the City all of the following:

             (a) Access agreement allowing the City access to the Property.

             (b) A work plan describing all tasks necessary to complete the Stack Demolition
                 (the "WorkPlan").

             (c) Bid specifications, form of request for bids, and a request for bids from at
                 least three (3) qualified contractors with respect to any contract in excess of
                 $20,000 (except for professional services) for performing tasks required by
                 the Work Plan.

                                         Page 3 of 10
            (d) Evidence that any contractor performing asbestos abatement work pursuant to
                the Work Plan is properly licensed and qualified to perform such work.

            (e) A list of all consultants, contractors, associates and other personnel which
                Property Owner has hired or proposes to hire to perform the Stack Demolition
                (the "Contractor List").

     3.3. The City shall submit the Work Plan and the Contractor List to the MDEQ for
          approval. Such approval is required before commencing performance of the Work
           Plan. Property Owner shall commence performance of the Stack Demolition after
           MDEQ approves the Work Plan and continue in accordance with the schedule set
          forth in the Grant Agreement.

     3.4. The Property Owner shall pay and submit an affidavit of payment for the reasonable
           and necessary costs of the eligible activities that have been approved by the MDEQ,
           before requesting any reimbursement.

     3.5. The Property Owner shall submit requests for reimbursement of eligible Stack
          Demolition costs that have been incurred by Property Owner along with all
          supporting documents required by the Grant Agreement to the City. Such requests
          shall not exceed the limits set forth in the Grant Agreement. Requests for
          reimbursement shall not include the cost of ineligible activities as described in the
          Grant Agreement.

4.   Reporting Requirements. Property Owner shall coordinate with the City's consultant to
     prepare quarterly progress reports and a final project report to the City in accordance with
     the schedule set forth in the Grant Agreement.

5.   Compliance with Applicable Laws, Property Owner shall comply with all local state
     and federal laws, rules, ordinances and regulations applicable to the Stack Demolition,
     and the construction of the Development including, without limitation, the following:

     5.1. Obtaining all required local, state and federal permits;

     5.2. Payment of all applicable taxes and fees; and

     5.3. Compliance with the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act, 1976 P.A. 453, as amended
          (MCL §37.2101 et seq.); the Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act, 1976 P.A.
          220, as amended (MCL §37.1101 et. seq.), the Employers Engaging in Unfair Labor
          Practices Act, 1980 P.A. 278, as amended (MCL §423.321 et seq.).

6.   Tnfjf^mnity. Property Owner hereby assumes all of the responsibilities of "Grantee" under
     the Brownfield Grant, and hereby agrees to indemnify and hold City, its officials, agents
     and employees, harmless from and against all claims or causes of action arising out of the
     performance of the Stack Demolition, Property Owner's breach of any of its
     representations or warranties set forth in this Agreement, or Property Owner's failure to

                                         Page 4 of10
     comply with its obligations under this Agreement. In this regard, Property Owner shall be
     responsible for reimbursing the City for grant funds that disbursed to Property Owner for
     eligible costs that have been paid from other funding sources provided by the State, grant
     funds that have been disbursed in excess of eligible costs, and grant funds that must be
     refunded upon termination of the Grant Agreement (other than Grant Funds in the
     possession of the City at the time of termination of the Grant Agreement).

7.   Access and Inspection / Audit.        Property Owner shall allow the City and the State of
     Michigan access to the Property and Property Owner's records concerning the Project for
     inspection and copying upon completion of the Stack Demolition. Prior to commencing
     activities under the Work Plan, Property Owner shall enter into a voluntary access
     agreement with the City with respect to the Property containing terms reasonably
     acceptable to the City and the Property Owner.

8.   Representations and Warranties of Property Owner. Property Owner represents and
     warrants to the City that neither Property Owner nor any of its agents or subcontractors:

     8.1 Is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or
          voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or the
          State of Michigan;

     8.2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this Contract,

             a) been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for
                commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining,
                attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction
                or contract under a public transaction, as defined in 45 CRF 1185;

             b) violated any federal or state antitrust statutes;

             c) committed any embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or
                destruction of records; or

             d) made false statements or received stolen property;

     8.3. Are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a
          government entity (federal, state or local) with commission of any of the offenses
          enumerated in Section 8.2 above;

     8.4. Have not within a three (3) year period preceding the date of the Grant Agreement,
          had one or more public transaction (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or

     8.5. Is not an "Iran-linked business" as defined in MCL §129.312.

                                          Page 5 of 10
9.    Amendment of Work Plan. Changes or additions to the Work Plan must be submitted in
      writing to the City for consideration, and are subject to the approval of the MDEQ.
      Changes in, or additions to, the eligible activities not approved by the City and MDEQ
      shall result in the Property Owner being responsible for the payment of non-approved
      eligible activities.

10.   Default bv Property Owner, Property Owner's non-compliance with this Agreement, the
      breach of any representation or warranty by Property Owner under this Agreement, or
      discovery of material irregularities in the performance of the Stack Demolition at any time
      are regarded as material breaches of this Agreement ("Default"). Upon the occurrence of
      a Default, the City, in addition to any other remedy provided by law, may do one or more
      of the following; (a) withhold future payments, (b) recover reimbursement payments
      already disbursed, or (c) terminate this Agreement.

11.   Force Majeure. Whenever either party to this Agreement shall be required to perform any
      contract, act, work, labor or service, or to comply with this Agreement, or any other laws,
      rules, orders, ordinances, regulations or zoning regulations, such party shall not be deemed
      to be in default under this Agreement and the other party shall not enforce or exercise any
      of its rights under this Agreement with regard to such other party's default if and for so
      long as such non-performance or default shall be caused by Force Majeure (hereinafter
      defined); provided, however, that such party shall commence such performance and
      continue the same with diligence and continuity immediately after the removal of any of
      the causes hereinafter specified. The provisions of this section shall not excuse any failure
      or delay in the payment of any monetary amount required to be paid in accordance with
      this Agreement, nor shall it excuse the City from performing if the City has direct or
      indirect control over any such Force Majeure event, nor shall it excuse the Property Owner
      from performing if the Property Owner has direct or indirect control over any such Force
      Majeure event. "Force Majeure" shall mean acts of God; acts of public enemies; fire or
      other casualties; acts, failure to act, orders, restraints or delays of any government or any
      governmental agency, department, committee, council or other entity; explosions;
      insurrections; failure or delay in obtaining permits or other approvals required under
      applicable law; civic disturbances; riots; delays of any contractor, subcontractor or
      supplier; litigation; strikes; landslides; earthquakes; storms; winds in excess of 75 m.p.h.;
      hurricanes; tornadoes and floods; and other conditions beyond the reasonable control of
      the party whose obligations are excused.

12.    Tftrminatinn.   This Agreement shall terminate automatically upon cancellation or
       termination of the Grant Agreement.

13.   Notices. All notices, requests, demands and other communications that are required or
      permitted to be given under this Agreement will be in writing and will be deemed to have
      been sufficiently given for all purposes hereunder if (a) delivered personally to the party
      to whom the same is directed, or (b) sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt
      requested, at the addresses identified above; or to such other party at such other address
      as shall been given in writing in accordance with this paragraph 12.

                                          Page 6 of 10
   Miscellaneous Provisions.

14.1. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and
       their respective successors and assigns; however, the Property Owner shall not assign
       this Agreement without the prior written consent of the City. No person not a party
       hereto is intended to be a beneficiary of or to have the right to enforce this

14.2. This Agreement represents the entire agreement as it exists at the time of the signing of
       this Agreement between the parties. This Agreement may not be amended, altered or
       modified unless the party against whom enforcement of any waiver, modification or
       discharge is sought does so in writing.

14.3. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the
       State of Michigan. The parties acknowledge that the proper venue of any court action
       is in Muskegon County, Michigan.

14.4. The invalidation of one or more of the terms of this Agreement shall not affect the
       validity of the remaining terms.

14.5. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all representations, warranties,
      covenants and agreements of the parties contained or made pursuant to this
      Agreement shall survive the execution of this Agreement.

14.6. This Agreement shall become effective when approved and executed by the City and
       the Property Owner.

14.7. The recitals set forth above are incorporated by reference into this Agreement as if
      fully set forth therein.

14.8. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, all consents and
      approvals required under this Agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld or
      delayed. To the extent permitted by law, either party shall be entitled to conclusively
      rely on the consent or approval of the other provided the same is executed by those
      persons holding the offices or authorized to perform the duties of such offices
      specified herein.

                       (Signatures appear on the following page)

                                      Page 7 of 10
                   (Signature Page to Brownfield Development Agreement)

WHEREFORE, this Agreement has been executed as of the date first written above.

                                          PURE MUSKEGON, LLC^_,

                                                 Charles Johnson, Manager


                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                 Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                 Ann Marie Meisch, Clerk


                                        Page 8 of 10
                                          EXHIBIT A

                           LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY

Property in the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, to wit:

Parcel A:

That part of Blocks 598, 599, 601 and 602 of the Revised Plat of 1903 of the City of Muskegon
as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71, part of the Southwest V4, Section 35, Town 10 North,
Range 17 West, being described as: Commencing at the West 1/4 comer of said Section 35;
thence North 00 degrees 49 minutes 57 seconds East 347.09 feet along the West line of said
Section; thence South 89 degrees 11 minutes 37 seconds East 488.51 feet along the North right-
of-way line of Lake Shore Drive (a 66.00 foot wide public right-of-way) to the Place of
Beginning; thence North 00 degrees 48 minutes 23 seconds East 310.18 feet perpendicular to
said right-of-way line; thence South 88 degrees 56 minutes 12 seconds East 686.80 feet; thence
South 05 degrees 19 minutes 28 second East 50.00 feet; thence South 10 degrees 02 minutes 06
seconds East 238.18 feet; thence Westerly 253.57 feet along aforesaid North right-of-way line of
Lake Shore Drive on a 1367.00 foot radius curve to the right, the chord of which bears South 85
degrees 29 minutes 33 seconds West 253.20 feet; thence North 89 degrees 11 minutes 37
seconds West 484.81 feet along said right-of-way line to the Place of Beginning. Also subject to
railroad right-of-way across subject property.

Parcel B:

That part of Blocks 598, 599, 600, 601 and 602 of the Revised Plat of 1903 of the City of
Muskegon (as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71) part of the Southwest 1/4, Section 35, Town
10 North, Range 17 West, being described as: Commencing at the West 1/4 comer of said
Section 35; thence North 00 degrees 49 minutes 57 seconds East 347.09 feet along the West line
of said Section; thence South 89 degrees 11 minutes 37 seconds East 973.32 feet along the North
right of way line of Lake Shore Drive (a 66.00 foot wide public right of way); thence Easterly
253.57 feet along said right of way line on a 1367.00 foot radius curve to the left, the chord of
which bears North 85 degrees 29 minutes 33 seconds East 253.20 feet to the Place of Beginning;
thence North 10 degrees 02 minutes 06 seconds West 238.18 feet; thence North 05 degrees 19
minutes 26 seconds West 50.00 feet; thence North 88 degrees 56 minutes 12 seconds West
591.89 feet; thence North 01 degrees 03 minutes 48 seconds East 1302.28 feet; thence South 85
degrees 18 minutes 57 seconds East 175.31 feet along an intermediate traverse line to the shore
of Muskegon Lake; thence South 87 degrees 13 minutes 08 seconds East 497.19 feet along said
traverse line; thence South 82 degrees 07 minutes 10 seconds East 151.35 feet along said traverse
line to the East line of Block 598; thence South 01 degrees 03 minutes 48 seconds West 1307.84

                                          Page 9 of 10
feet along said East block line; thence South 31 degrees 14 minutes 58 seconds West 74.61 feet;
thence South 26 degrees 33 minutes 42 seconds West 44.65 feet; thence South 21 degrees 45
minutes 52 seconds East 119.75 feet; thence Westerly 174.32 feet along aforesaid North right of
way line of Lake Shore Drive on a 1367.00 foot radius curve to the right, the chord of which
bears South 76 degrees 31 minutes 31 seconds West 174.20 feet to the Place of Beginning. All
lands herein described extend to the water's edge of Muskegon Lake. Also subject to railroad
right of way across subject property.

Parcel C:

That part of Blocks 601, 602, 603 and 604, of the Revised Plat of 1903 of the City of Muskegon
(as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71), Sections 34 and 35, Town 10 North, Range 17 West,
being described as: Commencing at the West 1/4 comer of said Section 35; thence North 00
degrees 49 minutes 57 seconds East 347.09 feet along the West line of said Section to the
Northerly right of way line of Lake Shore Drive (a 66.00 foot wide public right of way) to the
Place of Beginning; thence North 89 degrees 11 minutes 37 seconds West 19.36 feet along said
North right of way line; thence North 89 degrees 00 minutes 09 seconds West 536.05 feet;
thence North 89 degrees 13 minutes 46 seconds West 768.17 feet along said North right of way
line; thence North 85 degrees 25 minutes 57 seconds West 388.49 feet along said North right of
way line; thence North 82 degrees 34 minutes 08 seconds West 448.42 feet along said North
right of way line; thence North 85 degrees 52 minutes 47 seconds West 149.07 feet along said
North right of way line; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 08 seconds West 87.96 feet along
said North right of way line; thence North 01 degrees 00 minutes 26 seconds East 53.65 feet to
an intermediate traverse line of Muskegon Lake; thence North 02 degrees 04 minutes 37 seconds
East 809.35 feet along said traverse line; thence North 72 degrees 15 minutes 37 seconds East
315.95 feet along said traverse line; thence North 69 degrees 10 minutes 35 seconds East 559.46
feet along said traverse line; thence South 06 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds East 477.00 feet
along said traverse line; thence North 77 degrees 43 minutes 53 seconds East 242.00 feet along
said traverse line; thence North 07 degrees 47 minutes 31 seconds West 513.00 feet along said
traverse line; thence North 72 degrees 30 minutes 24 seconds East 571.33 feet along said traverse
line; thence South 71 degrees 00 minutes 41 seconds East 343.90 feet along said traverse line;
thence North 80 degrees 16 minutes 18 seconds East 1074.06 feet along said traverse line; thence
South 01 degrees 03 minutes 48 seconds West 1302.28 feet; thence North 88 degrees 56 minutes
12 seconds West 94.91 feet; thence South 00 degrees 48 minutes 23 seconds West 310.18 feet;
thence North 89 degrees 11 minutes 37 seconds West 488.51 feet along the aforesaid North right
of way line to the Place of Beginning. All lands herein described extend to the waters edge of
Muskegon Lake. Also subject to railroad right of way across subject property.

                                         Page 10 of 10

MJ DMS28400088vl0
                Commission Meeting Date: March 28, 2017

Date:              March 21, 2017
To:                Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:              Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:                MDEQ Grant Administration Proposal- Lakeshore
                   Environmental, Inc. for Windward Pointe MDEQ
                   Grant (Stack Demo)

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is recommending that Lakeshore Environmental, Inc. be retained to provide
MDEQ Grant Administration services for the MDEQ Brownfield Grant. As part of the Brownfield Development
Agreement between the City of Muskegon and Pure Muskegon, LLC, MDEQ grant funds may be paid for
consultants to administer the grant (with fees not to exceed $30,000). Since Lakeshore Environmental, Inc. has
been involved with the Windward Pointe site for several years (as well as other brownfield sites), they are qualified
to conduct the Grant Administration activities. These activities include completion of quarterly reports, submittal of
contractor invoices for reimbursement, monthly progress meetings, communications with MDEQ staff, project team
and contractors and completion and submittal of a final project summary to the MDEQ. Lakeshore Environmental,
Inc. will coordinate with City staff to ensure all the requirements of the MDEQ Grant are met.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will pay Lakeshore Environmental, Inc. up to $30,000 for these administrative
activities, through the MDEQ Grant funds.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the “MDEQ Grant Administration Proposal” (attached) and authorize
the Mayor to sign.

March 16, 2017 
City of Muskegon 
c/o Ms. Cathy Brubaker‐Clarke 
933 Terrace Street 
Muskegon, MI 49443 
Re:  MDEQ Grant Administration Proposal                    
        Windward Pointe Redevelopment 
        2400 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon, Michigan 
Dear Ms. Brubaker‐Clarke: 
Lakeshore  Environmental,  Inc.  (LEI)  is  pleased  to  provide  the  City  of  Muskegon  (the  City)  this 
proposal to conduct eligible Grant Administrative services on behalf of the City related to the 
$1,000,000 MDEQ Brownfield Grant for asbestos abatement and stack demolition.  
LEIs Background 
LEI  has  managed  five  similar  grants  in  West  Michigan  over  the  past  six  years  for  the 
communities of Muskegon Heights, Grand Haven, and Ravenna.   
In particular, LEI has been retained by the City of Grand Haven to supervise and conduct similar 
Brownfield  redevelopment  projects  in  the  City  utilizing  similar  MDEQ  Brownfield  incentives.  
These  projects  have  included  the  redevelopment  of  a  contaminated  former  gasoline  service 
station, a property impacted with historical urban fill and an industrial manufacturing building, 
the  Lemon Creek  Winery,  Gazillion  &  1  and  the  former  Challenge  Machinery  facilities..    All  of 
these projects involved the use of MDEQ Brownfield redevelopment funds.  The Lemon Creek 
Winery and Gazillion & 1 were successfully completed below budget and the former Challenge 
Machinery is in progress and on budget.   
In  addition  to  our  successful  history,  LEI  has  completed  or  is  in  the  process  of  completing 
numerous projects in Michigan involving Brownfield redevelopment incentives.   Some of the 
communities  LEI  has  worked  with  in  the  past  seven  years  include:  Grand  Rapids,  Muskegon, 
Grand Haven Township, Blendon Township, Ottawa County, Norton Shores, Cadillac, Ravenna, 
Muskegon  Heights,  Spring  Lake,  Spring  Lake  Township,  Holland,  Holland  Township,  Wright 
Township (Coopersville), Zeeland, and Mason County.   
Our success with Brownfield redevelopment is attributed to the skillset of our staff, our strong 
relationships  with  the  MDEQ,  the  efficiency  of  our  operations,  our  knowledge  of  Michigan’s 
Brownfield  program,  our  experience  with  the  MDEQ  Grant  Coordinator  and  Project  Manager 
for the Windward Pointe project, and our passion for revitalizing communities. 
Ms. Brubaker‐Clarke 
March 16, 2017 
Page 2 of 3 
LEI  will  provide  project  documents  to  the  City  and  the  MDEQ  for  approval.  Documents  to  be 
delivered to the MDEQ will be provided to the City of Muskegon for review and approval prior 
to  delivery  to  MDEQ.    It  is  further  understood  that  the  City  will  be  copied  on  all  relevant 
correspondence between the MDEQ and LEI. 
Grant Administrative services include the following: 
      completion and submittal of all required Quarterly Reports  
      submittal  of  all  contractor  invoices  for  reimbursement  under  the  MDEQ  Grant,  with 
           appropriate documentation 
      monthly progress meetings 
      communications with MDEQ staff, project team, and contractors 
      completion and submittal of a final project summary to the MDEQ 
LEI will perform additional administrative tasks as needed within the budget for this work, such 
as attending public meetings or communicating with City of Muskegon staff. 
Project Team 
The LEI project manager will be Kirk W. Perschbacher.  Mr. Perschbacher has over 10 years of 
experience  in  the  environmental  consulting  industry.    Mr.  Perschbacher  is  a  Brownfield 
Specialist  with  LEI  and  has  extensive  experience  working  with  and  administering  the  MDEQ 
Brownfield  Grant/Loans.    Mr.  Perschbacher  has  been  working  on  the  former  Sappi  site  since 
2011 and is thoroughly familiar with site conditions.   Mr. Perschbacher worked on the MDEQ 
Brownfield  Grant  Application  and  authored  the  Brownfield  Plan  Amendment  for  Windward 
Pointe.  Mr. Perschbacher will be assisted as needed by Kurt Koella, LEI President, and Donald 
Penniman, Senior Hydrogeologist.  Mr. Koella and Mr. Penniman also have experience on the 
former Sappi site and broad experience in site remediation, construction and demolition, and 
brownfield redevelopment. 
The MDEQ Grant allows for a maximum use of 3% of the total Grant for administrative activities 
(total of $30,000).  LEI will prepare monthly invoices to the City on a time/materials basis (with 
a  total  cost  not  to  exceed  $30,000)  related  to  costs  associated  with  the  Grant  Administrative 
tasks.    The  estimated  billing  rate  for  abovementioned  tasks  will  be  $120/hr  for  LEI  Project 
LEI  appreciates  the  opportunity  to  prepare  this  proposal.    We  are  confident  in  our  ability  to 
complete the work outlined above.  At your request, LEI can provide a list of references, case 
study examples, our Statement of Qualifications, and any other relevant information.     
                                                                          Lakeshore Environmental, Inc. 
Ms. Brubbaker‐Clarke
March 16 6, 2017 
Page 3 off 3 
Should you have any             regarding this proposal,  feel free to  contact me.  If you desire to 
                    y questions r
move for rward with  any of thesee services, p
                                             please sign bbelow and r return a cop
                                                                                 py to me.  T Thank 
you for considering o
                    our services.. 
Kirk W. P
Project M
        Manager | Brownfield Planner 
Attachment:  Terms & Condition  ns 
                                                     City of Muskego  on                              
                                                     ____ __________  ___________ __________  _____ 
                                                     ____ __________  ___________ __________  _____ 
                                                     ____ __________  ___________ __________  _____ 

                                                                      akeshore Environmental, Inc. 
                            LAKESHORE ENVIRONMENTAL, INC.
                                    FEE SCHEDULE
                                STANDARD RATES ‐ 2017

                TITLE                                           STANDARD BILLING RATE*
Principal/Senior Hydrogeologist                                         $150
Brownfield Specialist                                                   $120
Senior Project Manager                                                  $120
Environmental Engineer                                                  $85
Project Manager                                                         $100
Wetland Specialist/Biologist                                            $90
Project Geologist                                                       $80
R.L.A./Environmental Planner                                            $100
Assessment and Compliance Specialist                                    $100
Project Engineer                                                        $100
CAD Graphics Specialist                                                 $80
Senior Field Technician                                                 $80
Project Scientist                                                       $80
Drilling Operator                                                       $80
Engineering Technician                                                  $65
Intern                                                                  $50
Administrative Associate                                                $50
 (*Emergency response activity necessitates 15‐25% surcharge)

General         $0.60
Geoprobe        $0.75

Subcontractors, Aerials, Express Mail
Drafting Sheets, etc. 

Less than     $1,000 Cost Plus                            15%

Over          $1,000 Cost Plus                            10%
                                                                 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 
1.  METHOD OF PAYMENT:  Monthly, Lakeshore Environmental, Inc. (LEI) will invoice Client for all Services rendered during the previous 
month.  Invoices  will  be due within 30 days after receipt. Any unpaid charges will draw interest at 1.5% per month commencing 30 days 
after the date of invoice (not date received). Client shall notify LEI, in writing of any disputed amount within 5 days after date of invoice, 
otherwise all invoice charges are agreed to be acceptable. Should it be necessary for LEI to initiate collection procedures for unpaid charges, 
the cost of such procedures will be added to the amount due from Client.   
2.  PERMIT ASSISTANCE:  Client shall assist LEI in obtaining all necessary permits.  LEI obligations are subject to the issuance of permits. 
3.    STANDARDS  OF  CARE:    The  Services  will  be  performed  for  the  exclusive  benefit  of  Client.    The  Services  shall  be  conducted  by  LEI 
consistent  with  that  level  of  care  and  skill  ordinarily  exercised  by  the  consulting  professions  in  the  same  locale  acting  under  similar 
circumstances and conditions. 
4.  DELIVERABLES:  All deliverables, including, but not limited to, any and all reports, drawings, plans, designs and specifications prepared by 
LEI shall become Client’s property upon final payment for LEI’s Services.  LEI shall be allowed to retain copies that will not be used without 
written consent. 
5.  LIMITATION ON THE SCOPE OF SERVICES:  Client acknowledges that LEI has not had any role in generating, treating, storing, or disposing 
of  hazardous  or  toxic  substances,  pollutants  and  contaminants,  or  other  waste  materials  which  may  be  present  at  the  Site.    Any  waste 
materials  connected  with  the  Services  shall  at  no  time  become  the  property  of  LEI.    Any  arrangements  or  assistance  provided  by  LEI  to 
Client is made solely for Client’s benefit and, except in of the case of LEI’s negligence or willful misconduct, Client shall indemnify and hold 
harmless LEI against all claims, damages, losses, fines, liability and expenses, including attorney’s fees, which arise therefrom. 
6.  REQUIRED DISCLOSURES BY CLIENT:  Client shall provide LEI all information that is known or readily accessible to Client, which may be 
reasonable and/or necessary for completion of the Services by LEI. 
7.  FORCE MAJEURE:  Neither party shall be responsible for damages or delays caused by Force Majeure or other events beyond the control 
of the other party and which could not reasonably have been anticipated or prevented. 
8.  TERMINATION:  This Contract may be terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice to the other party.  Irrespective of which 
party  terminates or the cause therefore, Client shall, within 30 days of termination, compensate LEI for costs incurred up to the time of 
termination, as well as post‐termination activities, required to demobilize and suspend services. 
9.  ENTIRE CONTRACT:  This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any and all prior written or oral 
agreements existing between the parties.  This Contract may be amended only by written instrument signed by each party. 
10.    PRECEDENCE:    This  Contract  shall  take  precedence  over  any  inconsistent  or  contradictory  provisions  contained  in  any  Client  issued 
purchase order, requisition, notice to proceed, or like document regarding the Services. 
11.  SURVIVAL:  All obligations arising prior to the termination of this Contract and all provisions of this Contract allocating responsibility or 
liability between Client and LEI shall survive the completion of Services hereunder and the termination of this Contract. 
12.  EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY:  If Client is required by law to obtain a pledge of compliance from LEI in its performance of the 
Services  under  this  Contract,  LEI  agrees  to  comply  with  the  Equal  Employment  Opportunity  and  Affirmative  Action  requirements  of 
Executive Order 11246, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and/or the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Act of 1974. 
13.    GOVERNING  LAW:    This  Contract  shall  be  governed  by,  construed,  and  interpreted  in  accordance  with  the  laws  of  the  State  of 
Michigan, excluding any choice of law rules, which may direct the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction. 

                                                                                                                 Lakeshore Environmental, Inc. 
                Commission Meeting Date: March 28, 2017

Date:              March 21, 2017
To:                Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:              Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:                Public Hearing for Brownfield Plan Amendment
                   and Development and Reimbursement Agreement
                   for Windward Pointe Redevelopment Project

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To hold a public hearing and approve the resolution approving and adopting the
amendment to the Brownfield Plan and to approve the Development and Reimbursement Agreement. The
amendments are for property owned by Pure Muskegon, LLC.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: Brownfield Tax Increment Financing will be used to reimburse the developer for “eligible
expenses” incurred in association with development of the Windward Pointe project. Pure Muskegon, LLC cost for
the development of the property is approximately $200 million in private investment, resulting in a substantial
increase in the local and school taxes generated by the property.

“Eligible Expenses” would be reimbursed starting in 2019. The estimated tax capture and payment schedule is
included as Table 2 in the proposed Brownfield Plan Amendment.

After all eligible costs incurred by the various parties are reimbursed (estimated to be in 2040), the BRA is
authorized to continue to capture local taxes for five more years for deposit into a Local Site Remediation Revolving

The Development and Reimbursement Agreement provides the structure for the capture of taxes and the
reimbursement to Pure Muskegon for eligible expenses.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To hold a public hearing for approval of the Brownfield Plan Amendment for the
Pure Muskegon Redevelopment Project and approve the attached resolution and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to
sign the resolution, and to approve the Development and Reimbursement Agreement between Pure Muskegon,
LLC, the City of Muskegon and the City of Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment Authority.

COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Muskegon City Commission set the public hearing for March 28, 2017 at
their February 28, 2017 meeting. Since that time, a notice of the public hearing has been sent to taxing
jurisdictions. In addition, the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority approved the Plan amendment and the
Development and Reimbursement Agreement on February 16, 2017 and recommends that the Muskegon City
Commission approve the Plan amendment and Development and Reimbursement Agreement.


                   Windward Pointe Redevelopment Project

                               City of Muskegon

                        County of Muskegon, Michigan

      Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of

Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan (the "City"), held in the City Commission

Chambers, on the 28th day of March 2017, at 5:30 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time.

PRESENT:     Members



ABSENT:      Members


      The following preamble and resolution were offered by Commissioner

_________________ and supported by Commissioner _________________:

      WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Act 381, Public Acts of

Michigan, 1996, as amended ("Act 381"), the City of Muskegon Brownfield

Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority") has prepared and approved a

Brownfield Plan Amendment to add Windward Pointe Redevelopment Project;

       WHEREAS, the Authority has forwarded the Brownfield Plan Amendment to

the City Commission requesting its approval of the Brownfield Plan Amendment;


       WHEREAS,       the   Authority   has   forwarded     the   Development     and

Reimbursement Agreement to the City Commission requesting its approval of the

Development and Reimbursement Agreement; and

       WHEREAS, the City Commission has provided notice and a reasonable

opportunity to the taxing jurisdictions levying taxes subject to capture to express

their views and recommendations regarding the Brownfield Plan Amendment, as

required by Act 381; and

       WHEREAS, not less than 10 days has passed since the City Commission

provided notice of the proposed Brownfield Plan to the taxing units; and

       WHEREAS, the City Commission held a public hearing on the proposed

Brownfield Plan on March 28, 2017.


       1. That the Brownfield Plan constitutes a public purpose under Act 381.

       2. That the Brownfield Plan meets all the requirements of Section 13(1) of

Act 381.

       3. That the proposed method of financing the costs of the eligible

activities, as identified in the Brownfield Plan and defined in Act 381, is feasible

and the Authority has the authority to arrange the financing.

       4. That the costs of the eligible activities proposed in the Brownfield Plan

are reasonable and necessary to carry out the purposes of Act 381.
        5. That the amount of captured taxable value estimated to result from the

adoption of the Brownfield Plan is reasonable.

        6. That the Brownfield Plan in the form presented is approved and is

effective immediately.

        7. That the Development and Reimbursement Agreement is approved
           and is effective immediately.

        8. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith shall be

hereby rescinded.

        Be It Further Resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby

authorized to execute all documents necessary or appropriate to implement the

provisions of the Brownfield Plan.

AYES:          Members








                                            Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk

                                            Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution

adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon,

State of Michigan, at a regular meeting held on March 28, 2017, and that said

meeting was conducted and public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to

and in full compliance with the Open Meetings Act, being Act 267, Public Acts of

Michigan, 1976, as amended, and that the minutes of said meeting were kept and

will be or have been made available as required by said Act.

                                         Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk


                       TO CONDUCT 
                  2400 LAKESHORE DRIVE 
               MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN 49441 
                    CITY OF MUSKEGON 
                 Revision Date: February 8, 2017 
                           Prepared by: 
                   Lakeshore Environmental, Inc. 
                800 Monroe Street NW, Suite 120 
                  Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503 
              Contact Person: Kirk W. Perschbacher 
                       Phone: 616‐844‐5050 
                      Project #: 15‐3147‐01 

                                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS 
1.0  Introduction and Purpose ............................................................................................... 1 
  1.1  Proposed Redevelopment and Future Use ......................................................................... 1 
    1.2  Eligible Property Information ............................................................................................. 2 
    1.2.1 Property Eligibility and Location ......................................................................................... 2 
    1.2.2 Current Ownership ............................................................................................................. 2 
    1.2.3 Proposed Future Ownership ............................................................................................... 3 
    1.2.4 Delinquent Taxes, Interest, and Penalties .......................................................................... 3 
    1.2.5 Existing and Proposed Future Zoning ................................................................................. 3 
    1.3  Historical and Previous Use and Owner of the Eligible Property ....................................... 3 
    1.3.1 Historical Use ...................................................................................................................... 3 
    1.3.2 Previous Ownership ............................................................................................................ 3 
    1.4  Current Use of the Eligible Property ................................................................................... 3 
    1.5  Site Conditions and Known Environmental Contamination Summary ............................... 4 
    1.6  Functionally Obsolete, Blighted and/or Historic Conditions .............................................. 4 
2.0  Scope of Work and Costs  ................................................................................................ 5 
  2.1  DEQ Eligible Activities ......................................................................................................... 5 
    2.1.1 BEA Activities ...................................................................................................................... 5 
    2.1.2 Due Care Activities .............................................................................................................. 5 
    2.1.3 Interest ................................................................................................................................ 7 
    2.1.4 Develop/Prepare Act 381 Brownfield Plan Amendment .................................................... 7 
    2.2  MSF Eligible Activities ......................................................................................................... 7 
    2.3  Local Only Eligible Activities  ............................................................................................... 7 
    2.4  Eligible Activities Costs and Schedules ............................................................................... 7 
    2.4.1 Schedule of MDEQ & MSF Eligible Activities ...................................................................... 8 
3.0  Tax Increment Revenue Analysis ................................................................................... 10 
  3.1  Captured Taxable Value and Tax Increment Revenues Estimates ................................... 10 
    3.2  Combined Plan Financing Method .................................................................................... 10 
    3.3  Note or Bonded Indebtedness .......................................................................................... 10 
    3.4  Tax Increment Revenues Capture Period ......................................................................... 10 
    3.5  Impact of Tax Increment Financing .................................................................................. 11 
    3.6  LSRRF Proposed Use ......................................................................................................... 11 

4.0  Relocation ..................................................................................................................... 12 
  4.1  Current Residents and Displacement ............................................................................... 12 
    4.2  Displaced Persons Relocation Plan ................................................................................... 12 
    4.3  Relocation Cost Provisions ................................................................................................ 12 
    4.4  Compliance with Michigan’s Relocation Assistance Law ................................................. 12 
Figure 1                 Scaled Property Location Map 
Figure 2                 Eligible Property Map 
Figure 3                 Preliminary Concept Rendering 
Figure 4                 Known Contamination Maps 
Figure 5                 Historical Aerial Photographs 
Table 1                  MDEQ & MSF Eligible Activities 
Table 2                  Tax Increment Financing Estimates and Schedule 
Attachment A             Resolution Approving Brownfield Plan Amendment 
Attachment B             Development and Reimbursement Agreement 

The City of Muskegon, Michigan (the “City”) has established the City of Muskegon Brownfield 
Redevelopment  Authority  (the  “MBRA”)  pursuant  to  Michigan  Public  Act  381  of  1996,  as 
amended  (“Act  381”).    Formation  of  the  MBRA  allows  the  City,  MBRA,  and  Owners  the 
opportunity  to  take  advantage  of  the  incentives  and  tools  available  under  Act  381  for  the 
purpose of encouraging the redevelopment of eligible property.       
As  such,  this  Brownfield  Plan  Amendment  (the  “Plan”)  has  been  prepared  to  satisfy  the 
requirements  of  Act  381  for  including  the  eligible  property  described  in  Section  1.2.1  and 
designated  as  2400  Lakeshore  Drive,  City  of  Muskegon,  Muskegon  County,  Michigan  (the 
“Property”  or  “Eligible  Property”),  into  a  Plan,  to  be  implemented  by  the  City,  that  facilitates 
the  use  of  tax  increment  revenues  for  reimbursement  of  eligible  activities  under  Act  381.  
Implementation of this Plan will enable Pure Muskegon (PM), the new owner (“the Owner”), to 
invest  significant  private  funds  in  safely  revitalizing  this  Property,  commonly  referred  to  as  a 
“Brownfield.”  Redevelopment of the Property will spur economic growth and job creation for 
the  benefit  of  the  residents  of  the  City  and  associated  taxing  units,  and  will  improve  the 
environmental and aesthetic conditions of the Property.     
This Plan is intended to apply to the Eligible Property identified in this Plan and, if tax increment 
revenues are proposed to be captured from that Eligible Property, to identify and authorize the 
eligible  activities  to  be  funded  by  such  tax  increment  revenues.    Any  change  in  the  owner  or 
future developer, or proposed use of the Eligible Property shall not necessitate an amendment 
to  this  Plan,  affect  the  application  of  this  Plan  to  the  Eligible  Property,  or  impair  the  rights 
available to the MBRA under the Plan. 
This  Plan  is  intended  to  be  a  living  document,  which  may  be  modified  or  amended  in 
accordance with the requirements of Act 381, as necessary to achieve the purposes of Act 381.  
The applicable sections of Act 381 are noted throughout the Plan for reference purposes. 
This Plan contains information required by Section 13(1) and 15(25) of Act 381. 
       1.1 Proposed Redevelopment and Future Use 
        PM and the City of Muskegon desire a mix of uses for the Property, which could include, 
        but are not limited to the following: 
             Residential  –  ranging  from  single  family  living  to  continuing  care  retirement 
               facilities  (potentially  including  independent  living,  assisted  living,  and  nursing 
               home  care);  types  of  living  areas  may  consist  of  exclusive  waterfront, 
               detached/attached, mixed density, and rental/ownership 
             Commercial ‐ offices, retail, restaurants,  marinas, and marina related businesses  

           Recreational ‐ park and open greenspace, and boating opportunities 
      Private  investment  in  the  completed  project  is  projected  at  approximately 
      $200,000,000, and upwards of 50 permanent full time jobs and countless construction 
      jobs will be generated.     
      A scaled Property Location Map and Eligible Property Map are provided as Figures 1 and 
      2, respectively.  A Preliminary Concept Rendering is provided as Figure 3.     
    1.2 Eligible Property Information 
     The following sections provide details on the Eligible Property location, ownership and 
     1.2.1 Property Eligibility and Location 
           Under Section 2(q) of Act 381, the Property meets the definition of a facility and 
           is  considered  an  “Eligible  Property”  (as  defined  by  Act  381,  Section 2(o)).    The 
           Property is not comprised of adjacent or contiguous parcels.   
           The  Eligible  Property  is  located  at  2400  Lakeshore  Drive,  City  of  Muskegon, 
           Muskegon  County,  Michigan  (Sections  26  &  27,  Township  10  N,  Range  17  W).  
           More specifically, the Property consists of approximately 119 acres of contiguous 
           industrial land with nearly 1.0 mile of frontage along Muskegon Lake.  The parcel 
           number for the Eligible Property is 24‐205‐598‐0001‐00 (see Figures 1 and 2). 
           The legal description of the Property is provided below: 
           CITY  OF  MUSKEGON  REVISED  PLAT  OF  1903  BLKS  598  599  600  601  602  603  & 
           604  EXC  WLY  260  FT  ALSO  RICHARDS  ST  VAC  FROM  N  LN  LAKESHORE  DR  TO 
           UTILITY ESMT 2251/228  
     1.2.2 Current Ownership  
             The  Property  is  owned  by  Pure  Muskegon,  LLC.    PM  have  owned  the  Property 
             since July 2016.  Contact information is provided below. 

           Pure Muskegon, LLC 
           1218 East Pontaluna Road Suite B 
           Norton Shores, MI 49456 
     1.2.3 Proposed Future Ownership 
           PM may be transferring all or portions of the Property to prospective developers. 
     1.2.4 Delinquent Taxes, Interest, and Penalties 
           There are no known delinquent taxes, interest or penalties associated with the 
     1.2.5 Existing and Proposed Future Zoning 
             The Property is currently zoned industrial.  Future property use will be approved 
             by the City of Muskegon prior to any specific proposed development.   
    1.3 Historical Use and Previous Use Ownership of the Eligible Property 
     1.3.1 Historical Use 
     The  Property  was  developed  in  1874  as  Rogers  Sawmill.    Central  Paper  Company  began 
     paper  production  in  1899.    S.D.  Warren  purchased  the  Property  from  Central  Paper 
     Company in 1953, and Sappi Fine Paper (Sappi) purchased the Property from S.D. Warren in 
     1994.    Sappi  shut  down  the  pulp  mill  in  2005,  and  discontinued  all  operations  in  2009.  
     Melching, the most recent former Property owner, purchased the Sappi facility on August 
     25, 2011.  Since the date of purchase, Melching has been conducting demolition activities. 
     1.3.2 Previous Ownership 
                         Owner                                        Approximate Dates 
      Rogers Sawmill                                     1874‐1899 
      Central Paper Company                              1899‐1953 
      S.D. Warren                                        1953‐1994 
      Sappi Fine Paper                                   1994‐2011 
      Melching, Inc.                                     2011‐2016 
      Pure Muskegon, LLC                                 2016‐present 
    1.4 Current Use of the Eligible Property  
     Current  Property  activities  include  finishing  the  demolition  of  the  former  buildings, 
     footing  and  foundations  by  Melching,  Inc.,  and  is  scheduled  to  be  completed  in  July 

      2016.    Site  preparation  activities,  including  due  care  investigation,  are  also  being 
      undertaken at the current time. 
    1.5 Site Conditions and Known Environmental Contamination Summary 
      Between April 2012 and September 2014, numerous environmental investigations have 
      occurred on the Property to further evaluate the 19 known items of concern, the lime 
      storage  pile  (LSP),  and  the  coal  storage  areas.    These  investigations  have  included 
      sampling  and  analysis  of  soil,  groundwater,  surface  water,  and  sediments.  
      Investigations at the Property have focused on the area encompassing all of the known 
      releases, which were located in the central portion of the Property.  However, additional 
      data has been collected outside of the area of known releases as part of on‐going due 
      care  activities  at  the  Property.    A  minimum  of  15  reports  have  been  submitted  to  the 
      DEQ to summarize environmental activities at the Property, including a Closure Report, 
      which  was  submitted  in  draft  form  in  November  2014.    Data  provided  in  the  Closure 
      Report  demonstrated  that  no  chemicals  of  concern  (COC)  are  leaving  the  Property 
      above  applicable  criteria,  with  one  exception,  the  hydronium  ion  (pH).    High  pH 
      groundwater  caused  by  lime  in  the  LSP  is  present  below  the  LSP  and  migrates  in  a 
      northwest  direction  off‐Property  into  the  sediments  of  Muskegon  Lake.    The  high  pH 
      groundwater  does  not  have  a  measurable  effect  on  the  actual  surface  water  in 
      Muskegon Lake.  The high pH groundwater at the LSP is being addressed through source 
      removal,  neutralization,  cover  of  the  LSP,  natural  attenuation,  and  a  groundwater 
      treatment system.  It is anticipated that closure of the LSP will achieved by the end of 
    1.6 Functionally Obsolete, Blighted and/or Historic Conditions 
      The  Property  is  a  facility  and  has  not  been  designated  by  the  City  as  functionally 
      obsolete, blighted, or a Property of significant historical significance. 

2.1   DEQ Eligible Activities 
      As  a  result  of  the  investigation  work  and  considering  the  Owner’s  desire  to  properly 
      redevelop  the  Property,  due  care  and  response  activities  are  necessary  to  prevent 
      exacerbation  and  unacceptable  exposure  to  materials  hazardous  to  human  health, 
      safety, and the environment.  New school and local tax increment revenues generated 
      from the increase in taxable value following redevelopment will be captured to pay back 
      the eligible activity costs incurred by the Owner. 
      School tax capture proposed for purposes of Owner reimbursement will be to the extent 
      permitted under Act 381.   The MBRA intends to capture the full school operating and 
      state  education  taxes  (SET);  however,  three  mills  of  the  SET  will  be  transferred  to  the 
      Michigan Department of Treasury for deposit into the State Brownfield Redevelopment 
      Fund  and  will  not  be  utilized  for  reimbursement  relating  to  eligible  activity  costs 
      associated with this project. 
      Specific details related to the eligible activities in this Plan are discussed in the following 
      2.1.1  BEA Activities 
              Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA & Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA) 
              The Owner completed an AAI ASTM E1527‐13 Phase I ESA, a Phase II ESA and a 
              BEA related to the known soil/groundwater contamination at the Property. 
            The  cost  to  complete  current  and  future  BEA  Activities  are  detailed  in  Table 
      2.1.2 Due Care/ Additional Response Activities 
              Additional Due Care Sampling/Investigation 
              Additional  soil  and  groundwater  sampling  will  be  necessary  to:  (1)  properly 
              manage  unforeseen  environmental  conditions  encountered  during 
              redevelopment of the Property, (2) address soil/groundwater contamination as it 
              relates  to  ongoing  due  care,  and  (3)  assess  soil  and  groundwater  in 
              redevelopment areas where limited data exists. 

            Sheeting and Shoring 
            Due  to  unstable  fill  material  (both  shallow  subsurface  and  at  depth)  and  the 
            shallow depth of groundwater across the Property, sheeting and shoring will be 
            required to safely conduct response activities during redevelopment. 
            Contaminated Soil Removal 
            In accordance with Section 20107a of Part 201, it may be necessary to excavate 
            and properly dispose (at a Type II landfill) impacted soils that are unable to be 
            utilized at the Property.  The contaminated soil will need to be transported to a 
            Type  II  landfill  for  disposal  (i.e.  Muskegon  County  Landfill,  Muskegon  MI  or 
            Ottawa  County  Farms  Landfill,  Coopersville,  Michigan).    Although  the  cost  of 
            excavating soil is a planned development cost (not an MDEQ eligible activity), the 
            need to transport and dispose of the contaminated soil to a Type II landfill is an 
            extra Owner incurred cost that is eligible for reimbursement. 
            To  prevent  exacerbation  and  unacceptable  exposures,  clean  material  will  be 
            used  to  replace  the  impacted  soils  in  the  areas  where  contaminated  soil  is 
            To prevent exacerbation and unacceptable exposures from occurring as a result 
            of dewatering required for redevelopment, all construction derived groundwater 
            from  dewatering  exercises  will  be  sent  to  the  local  sanitary  sewer  system  for 
            treatment,  which  has  been  determined  to  be  the  most  cost  effective  means  of 
            While  the  actual  dewatering  costs  are  not  an  eligible  activity,  the  need  to 
            transport  and  dispose  the  contaminated  groundwater  to  the  sanitary  sewer 
            system are eligible MDEQ activities. 
            Stormwater Best Management Practices 
            As  the  Property  is  located  along  Muskegon  Lake  and  due  to  impacted 
            soils/groundwater  the  Property,  additional  costs  for  stormwater  best 
            management  practices  will  be  incurred  in  order  to  prevent  exacerbation  and 
            negative effects on Muskegon Lake. 
            Exposure Barriers 
            Due  to  the  presence  of  impacted  soils/groundwater  across  the  Property, 
            exposure  barriers  may  be  required  in  redevelopment  areas  to  prevent 
            unacceptable  exposure  to  contamination.    The  exposure  barriers  will  also 
            prevent exacerbation of the contamination. 

      2.1.3 Interest 
            Interest  capture  by  the  Owner  is  based  on  a  rate  not  to  exceed  5%  per  year 
            on unreimbursed MDEQ eligible activities. 
      2.1.4 Develop/Prepare Act 381 Brownfield Plan Amendment  
             To capture local and school tax increment revenue generated from the proposed 
             redevelopment  for  MBRA  and  Owner  reimbursement  of  MDEQ  eligible  activity 
             costs,  it  was  necessary  to  develop/prepare  this  Plan  pursuant  to  Act  381 
2.2    Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF) Eligible Activities 
       2.2.1 Demolition  
             The  City  of  Muskegon  is  considered  a  Qualified  Local  Governmental  Unit 
             (QLUG).    Therefore,  demolition  that  is  not  a  response  activity  is  an  eligible 
             activity  for  reimbursement.    Though  not  currently  identified,  there  may  be 
             demolition activities of the Property. 
       2.2.2 Infrastructure Improvements  
             Infrastructure  improvements  for  the  Property  are  eligible  for  reimbursement. 
             Due  to  the  large  scale  development  of  Windward  Pointe,  significant  new 
             infrastructure  improvements  will  be  required.  All  existing  obsoleted  industrial 
             infrastructure at the Property will be removed. 
       2.2.3 Site Preparation  
             Site Preparation improvements for the Property are eligible for reimbursement. 
             Due  to  the  extent  of  fill  material  at  the  Property,  and  the  topographic 
             variations across the Property, significant Site Preparation costs are and will be 
             incurred for the new development. 
       2.2.4 Interest  
             Interest capture by the Owner is based on a rate not to exceed 5% per year on 
             unreimbursed MSF non‐environmental eligible activities. 
2.3   Local Only Eligible Activities  
      Activities utilizing local taxes only are limited to the MBRA Administration Fees. 
2.4   Eligible Activities Costs and Schedules 
      The following subsections present the proposed schedule to complete the Project and 
      the associated costs. 

           2.4.1 Schedule of MDEQ & MSF Eligible Activities 
                        Eligible  BEA  and  Due  Care  activities  started  in  2016  and  are  continuing. 
                        Additional  Response  Activities  and  Site  preparation  activities  will  be  ongoing 
                        with Site buildout and with applicable City and State approvals.  
                                                      MDEQ Eligible Activities 
                                           MDEQ Eligible Activity 
                     BEA Activities                                                                         $300,000 
                     Due Care /Additional Activities                                                       $10,100,000
                                                  MDEQ Eligible Activities Sub‐Total                       $10,400,000
                     Contingency (15%)1                                                                    $1,560,000 
                     Interest2                                                                             $7,565,240 
                     Brownfield Plan Amendment and Act 381 Work Plan 
                                         MDEQ ELIGIBILE ACTIVITIES TOTAL COST                              $19,555,240
                ‐ The contingency only pertains to the BEA and Due Care/Additional Response Activities. 
                – Interest captured at a rate not to exceed 5% per year. 
                                                        MSF Eligible Activities 
                                                Eligible Activity 
                     Demolition                                                                             $750,000 
                     Infrastructure Improvements                                                           $5,000,000 
                     Site Preparation                                                                      $6,950,000 
                                                     MSF Eligible Activities Sub‐Total                     $12,700,000
                     Contingency (15%)1                                                                    $1,905,000 
                     Interest2                                                                             $10,703,523
                                             MSF ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES TOTAL COST                            $25,308,523
                ‐ The contingency only pertains to the Demolition, Infrastructure Improvements and Site Preparation. 
                – Interest captured at a rate of 5% per year. 

        The  cost  of  the  MDEQ  eligible  activities  described  above  is  estimated  at 
        $19,555,240 and cost of the MSF non‐environmental eligible activities described 
        above  is  estimated  at  $25,308,523.   Reimbursement  of  previously  incurred 
        eligible  activity  costs  will  only  occur  if  a  Development  and  Reimbursement 
        Agreement is executed.    
        A  breakdown  of  the  eligible  activities  and  the  estimated  cost  of  each  eligible 
        activity intended to be paid for with tax increment revenues from the Property is 
        provided in Table 1.  Table 2 details the planned tax increment revenue capture 
        associated with the Plan that is consistent with Act 381. 

3.1     Captured Taxable Value and Tax Increment Revenues Estimates 
        Based on the total projected Owner investment of approximately $200,000,000 (divided 
        over an approximately 10 year period), it is anticipated that approximately $70,000,000 
        of new taxable value (which also includes personal property taxes) will be available for 
        tax  increment  revenue  capture.    The  tax  increment  revenue  captured  will  be  used  to 
        reimburse  the  Owner  for  eligible  activity  costs  and  the  MBRA  for  administrative 
        expenses.  The estimated MDEQ and MSF Eligible Activity costs for purposes of this Plan, 
        and in accordance with Act 381 are $44,863,763.   
        Owner  reimbursement  under  this  Plan  will  be  in  accordance  with  a  Development  and 
        Reimbursement  Agreement  established  between  the  Owner  and  the  MBRA.    It  is 
        anticipated that tax increment revenue capture will commence in 2019 and end in 2040, 
        which  includes  an  additional  full  five  years  of  capture  for  the  MBRA  Local  Site 
        Remediation  Revolving  Fund  (LSRRF).    Table  2  summarizes  the  tax  increment  capture 
        The  actual  tax  increment  captured  will  be  based  on  taxable  value  set  through  the 
        Property  assessment  process  by  the  local  unit  of  government  and  equalized  by  the 
        County and millage rates set each year by the various taxing jurisdictions. 
3.2     Brownfield Plan Amendment Financing Method 
        The  costs  of  the  Plan  will  be  financed  by  the  Owner  or  future  owners/developers.  
        Additional grants, loans or bonding may be considered to address eligible activities.    
3.3     Note or Bonded Indebtedness  
        Additional grants, loans or bonding may be considered to address eligible activities.   
3.4     Tax Increment Revenues Capture Period  
        Act  381  provides  that  a  Plan  Amendment  shall  not  exceed  a  maximum  of  35  years 
        following  the  date  of  the  resolution  approving  the  Plan  Amendment,  nor  shall  the 
        duration of the tax capture exceed the lesser of the period authorized under subsection 
        (4)  and  (5)  of  Section  13  of  Act  381  or  30  years  from  the  beginning  date  of  capture.  
        Furthermore, the beginning date of the capture of tax increment revenues shall be no 
        later than five years after the date of the resolution approving the Plan Amendment. 
        Given the estimated costs of eligible activities and projected private investment for this 
        project, it is estimated that tax capture will occur for a period of approximately 19 years 
        with the potential to extend the tax capture period an additional 5 years for the MBRA 

          LSRRF. As permitted under Act 381, the base year for the Plan Amendment will be 2017. 
          The capture will extend until all eligible activities are paid in full or 30 years, whichever 
          is earlier. The MBRA will continue tax revenue capture for the LSRRF a full 5 years after 
          eligible activity payoff. 
3.5       Impact of Tax Increment Financing  
          It  is  the  intent  of  the  MBRA  to  collect  only  so  much  tax  increment  revenues  as  are 
          required to: (i) reimburse the approved costs for eligible activities incurred by the MBRA 
          and  the  Owner  pursuant  to  this  Plan  and  any  Development  and  Reimbursement 
          Agreement, and (ii) pay into the State Brownfield Redevelopment Fund as described in 
          Act  381.    This  Plan  may  be  amended  in  accordance  with  Act  381,  as  necessary.  
          Estimated  eligible  activity  costs  are  provided  in  Table  1.    Estimates  of  the  captured 
          taxable values and tax increment revenues are provided in Table 2. 
3.6       LSRRF Proposed Use  
         The  MBRA  will  capture  a  full  five  years  of  tax  increment  revenue  generated  from  this 
         Project for deposit in the MBRA’s LSRRF.  The LSRRF capture by the MBRA will be used 
         to fund eligible activities at eligible properties throughout the County.  


4.1    Current Residents and Displacement 
       There are no current residents to be displaced.    
4.2    Displaced Persons Relocation Plan  
       Not applicable. 
4.3    Relocation Cost Provisions  
       Not applicable. 
4.4    Compliance with Michigan’s Relocation Assistance Law  
       Not applicable. 

USGS TOPO 30x60 QUAD                     0              5,280'          10,560'

                                                  SCALE: 1" = 1 MILE

                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON,
                                             MUSKEGON COUNTY,
                       PROPERTY LOCATION MAP
                                        2400 LAKESHORE DRIVE
                                         MUSKEGON, MI 49441
                       JOB 15-3147-01        JANUARY 2017         FIGURE 1
                                               MUSKEGON LAKE


                                    LAKESHORE DRIVE


                                                 0           300'         600'                   ELIGIBLE PROPERTY MAP
                                                                                 N                             2400 LAKESHORE DRIVE
                                                       SCALE: 1" = 300'                                        MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN
                                                                                                 JOB 17-3147      JANUARY 2017        FIGURE 2
                                               MUSKEGON LAKE


                                                                            19                   8
                                                                           12 14
                                                                                                 3 1
                  LIME PILE                                           15
                                                                              5                         PROPERTY
                                                                             7 11
                                                                              18                       BOUNDARY,
                                                                             17 10

                                                                             4 9 13

                                    LAKESHORE DRIVE



                                                 0           300'            600'
                                                                                                                   KNOWN CONTAMINATION MAP
                                                                                             N                                   2400 LAKESHORE DRIVE
                                                       SCALE: 1" = 300'                                                          MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN
                                                                                                                   JOB 17-3147      JANUARY 2017        FIGURE 4
Aerial Looking East
Aerial Looking West

      Country Club
Table 1‐     MDEQ & MSF Eligible Activities 
Table 2‐     Tax Increment Financing Estimates and Schedule 
                                                                                                                               Table 1
                                                                                                               TIF Eligible Reimbursement Activities
                                                                                                      2400 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon, Muskegon County, MI 
                                                                                                                Windward Pointe Redevelopment

                                                                                                                                     Total Reimbursable School/Local Tax Capture
                                                                                                      Developer Incurred Costs                                                                Total Local Only Tax Capture        Total TIF Capture
                                                                                                                                  Environmental Activity     Non‐Environmental Activity 
                                                                                                                                          Costs                        Costs

                                                                                                                                   MDEQ Act 381 Eligible 
 Eligible Activity                                                                                                                     Activities            MSF Act 381 Eligible Activities Local Act 381 Eligible  Activities   Total TIF Capture
 Preparation of Brownfield Plan Amendment and Act 381 Workplan
 Preparation of Brownfield Plan Amendment and Act 381 Workplan                                                $30,000                    $30,000                                                                                      $30,000
 Baseline Environmental Assessment Activities
 Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA, BEA                                                                               $300,000                   $300,000                                                                                     $300,000
 Due Care/Additional Response Activities
 Due Care Investigation (additional costs related to contamination)                                          $1,000,000                 $1,000,000                                                                                   $1,000,000
 Sheeting and Shoring                                                                                        $3,500,000                 $3,500,000                                                                                   $3,500,000
 Contaminated Soil Management (transport, disposal and backfill)                                             $1,500,000                 $1,500,000                                                                                   $1,500,000
 Dewatering (treatment and discharge)                                                                        $1,750,000                 $1,750,000                                                                                   $1,750,000
 Stormwater Management Practices (additional costs related to contamination)                                 $1,250,000                 $1,250,000                                                                                   $1,250,000
 Exposure Barriers                                                                                           $1,100,000                 $1,100,000                                                                                   $1,100,000
 Non‐Environmental Activities
 Demolition                                                                                                    $750,000                                                 $750,000                                                      $750,000
 Infrastructure Improvements                                                                                 $5,000,000                                                $5,000,000                                                    $5,000,000
 Site Preparation                                                                                            $6,950,000                                                $6,950,000                                                    $6,950,000
                                                                                  Project Sub‐Total          $23,130,000               $10,430,000                    $12,700,000                                                   $23,130,000
 Interest (rate not to exceed 5% per year for MDEQ eligible activities)                                       $7,565,240                $7,565,240                                                                                   $7,565,240
 Interest (rate not to exceed 5% per year for MSFeligible activities)                                        $10,703,523                                              $10,703,523                                                   $10,703,523
 Contingency 15% (MDEQ Eligible Activities)                                                                   $1,560,000                $1,560,000                                                                                   $1,560,000
 Contingency 15% (MSF Eligible Activities)                                                                    $1,905,000                                              $1,905,000                                                     $1,905,000
 MBRA Administrative Fees                                                                                                                                                                                $240,000                     $240,000
                                                                                        Total Costs          $44,863,763               $19,555,240                    $25,308,523                        $240,000                   $45,103,763
                                   Department of Treasury‐ State Brownfield Redevelopment Fund                                                                                                                                       $3,934,734
                                                                                      MBRA LSRRF                                                                                                                                    $21,091,972
                                                                          Total ACT 381 TIF Capture          $44,863,763               $19,555,240                    $25,308,523                        $240,000                   $70,130,469
 MDEQ: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
 MSF: Michigan Strategic Fund
 MBRA: City of Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment Authority
 LSRRF: Local Site Remediation Revolving Loan Fund
 TIF: Tax Increment Financing

Lakeshore Environmental, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Table 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Estimates and Schedule
                                                                                                                                                                                              2400 Lakeshore Drive, City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan 
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Windward Pointe Redevelopment

                                                                                                  2016         2017         2018         2019          2020          2021          2022           2023          2024          2025          2026          2027          2028          2029          2030          2031          2032          2033          2034          2035          2036          2037          2038          2039          2040                                   Description of MDEQ Act 381 Environmental Eligible Activities ‐ State and Local Taxes
Land and Real Property Taxable Value                                                            $1,584,900   $1,584,900   $1,584,900   $1,584,900   $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900      $1,584,900   $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900    $1,584,900                     1. Due Care/Additional Response Activities                                                       $10,100,000
Commercial Tax Increment Value (increase of 1.5% per year)                                                      $0           $0        $7,000,000   $14,000,000   $21,000,000   $28,000,000    $35,000,000   $42,000,000   $49,000,000   $56,000,000   $63,000,000   $70,000,000   $71,050,000   $72,115,750   $73,197,486   $74,295,449   $75,409,880   $76,541,028   $77,689,144   $78,854,481   $80,037,298   $81,237,858   $82,456,426   $83,693,272                    2. Preparation of  Brownfield Plan Amendment & Act 381 Work Plan                                    $30,000
Estimated New Taxable Value (increase of 1.5% per year)                                                      $1,584,900   $1,584,900   $8,584,900   $15,584,900   $22,584,900   $29,584,900    $36,584,900   $43,584,900   $50,584,900   $57,584,900   $64,584,900   $71,584,900   $72,634,900   $73,700,650   $74,782,386   $75,880,349   $76,994,780   $78,125,928   $79,274,044   $80,439,381   $81,622,198   $82,822,758   $84,041,326   $85,278,172                    3. Baseline Environmental Assessment Activities                                                    $300,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Total MDEQ ACT 381  Environmental Eligible Activities                                            $10,430,000
Local Taxes‐ Millages (mills)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Total   Contingency @ 15%  1                                                                              $1,560,000
County Operating                                                        5.6984                                  $0           $0         $39,889      $79,778       $119,666      $159,555       $199,444      $239,333      $279,222      $319,110      $358,999      $398,888      $404,871      $410,944      $417,109      $423,365      $429,716      $436,161      $442,704      $449,344      $456,085      $462,926      $469,870      $476,918         $7,473,896   Interest (5%) 2                                                                                   $7,565,240
County Museum                                                           0.3221                                  $0           $0         $2,255        $4,509        $6,764        $9,019         $11,274      $13,528       $15,783       $18,038       $20,292       $22,547       $22,885       $23,228       $23,577       $23,931       $24,290       $24,654       $25,024       $25,399       $25,780       $26,167       $26,559       $26,958           $422,459                                                            Total                                    $19,555,240
County Veterans                                                         0.0752                                  $0           $0          $526         $1,053        $1,579        $2,106         $2,632        $3,158        $3,685        $4,211        $4,738        $5,264        $5,343        $5,423        $5,504        $5,587        $5,671        $5,756        $5,842        $5,930        $6,019        $6,109        $6,201        $6,294            $98,631      Contingency relates only to Additional Response Activities
County Quality of Life                                                  0.2600                                  $0           $0         $1,820        $3,640        $5,460        $7,280         $9,100       $10,920       $12,740       $14,560       $16,380       $18,200       $18,473       $18,750       $19,031       $19,317       $19,607       $19,901       $20,199       $20,502       $20,810       $21,122       $21,439       $21,760           $341,010      Interest captured at a rate not to exceed 5% per year
Community College                                                       2.2037                                  $0           $0         $15,426      $30,852       $46,278       $61,704         $77,130      $92,555       $107,981      $123,407      $138,833      $154,259      $156,573      $158,921      $161,305      $163,725      $166,181      $168,673      $171,204      $173,772      $176,378      $179,024      $181,709      $184,435         $2,890,325
Central Dispatch                                                        0.3000                                  $0           $0         $2,100        $4,200        $6,300        $8,400         $10,500      $12,600       $14,700       $16,800       $18,900       $21,000       $21,315       $21,635       $21,959       $22,289       $22,623       $22,962       $23,307       $23,656       $24,011       $24,371       $24,737       $25,108           $393,473
MAISD                                                                   4.7580                                  $0           $0         $33,306      $66,612       $99,918       $133,224       $166,530      $199,836      $233,142      $266,448      $299,754      $333,060      $338,056      $343,127      $348,274      $353,498      $358,800      $364,182      $369,645      $375,190      $380,817      $386,530      $392,328      $398,213         $6,240,488            Description of MSF Act 381 Non‐Environmental Eligible Activities ‐ State and Local Taxes
City Operating                                                         10.0875                                  $0           $0         $70,613      $141,225      $211,838      $282,450       $353,063      $423,675      $494,288      $564,900      $635,513      $706,125      $716,717      $727,468      $738,380      $749,455      $760,697      $772,108      $783,689      $795,445      $807,376      $819,487      $831,779      $844,256        $13,230,544   1. Demolition                                                                                      $750,000
City Sanitation                                                         3.0000                                  $0           $0         $21,000      $42,000       $63,000       $84,000        $105,000      $126,000      $147,000      $168,000      $189,000      $210,000      $213,150      $216,347      $219,592      $222,886      $226,230      $229,623      $233,067      $236,563      $240,112      $243,714      $247,369      $251,080         $3,934,734   2. Infrastructure Improvements                                                                    $5,000,000
Hackley Library                                                         2.4000                                  $0           $0         $16,800      $33,600       $50,400       $67,200         $84,000      $100,800      $117,600      $134,400      $151,200      $168,000      $170,520      $173,078      $175,674      $178,309      $180,984      $183,698      $186,454      $189,251      $192,090      $194,971      $197,895      $200,864         $3,147,787   3. Site Preparation                                                                               $6,950,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Total MSF ACT 381  Eligible Activities                                                           $12,700,000
Sub Total‐ Local                                                      29.1049                                   $0           $0        $203,734      $407,469      $611,203      $814,937       $1,018,672   $1,222,406    $1,426,140    $1,629,874    $1,833,609    $2,037,343    $2,067,903    $2,098,922    $2,130,406    $2,162,362    $2,194,797    $2,227,719    $2,261,135    $2,295,052    $2,329,478    $2,364,420    $2,399,886    $2,435,884       $38,173,349   Contingency @ 15%                                                                                 $1,905,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Interest (5%)                                                                                    $10,703,523
School Taxes‐ Millages (mills)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Total                                    $25,308,523
School Operating                                                       18.0000                                  $0           $0        $126,000      $252,000      $378,000      $504,000       $630,000      $756,000      $882,000     $1,008,000    $1,134,000    $1,260,000    $1,278,900    $1,298,084    $1,317,555    $1,337,318    $1,357,378    $1,377,739    $1,398,405    $1,419,381    $1,440,671    $1,462,281    $1,484,216    $1,506,479       $23,608,405        Contingency relates only to Demolition, Infrastructure Improvements and Site Preparation 
State Education Tax*                                                    6.0000                                  $0           $0         $42,000      $84,000       $126,000      $168,000       $210,000      $252,000      $294,000      $336,000      $378,000      $420,000      $426,300      $432,695      $439,185      $445,773      $452,459      $459,246      $466,135      $473,127      $480,224      $487,427      $494,739      $502,160         $7,869,468     Interest captured at a rate not to exceed 5% per year

Sub Total‐ School                                                     24.0000                                   $0           $0        $168,000      $336,000      $504,000      $672,000       $840,000     $1,008,000    $1,176,000    $1,344,000    $1,512,000    $1,680,000    $1,705,200    $1,730,778    $1,756,740    $1,783,091    $1,809,837    $1,836,985    $1,864,539    $1,892,508    $1,920,895    $1,949,709    $1,978,954    $2,008,639       $31,477,874
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Description of Act 381 Eligible Activities ‐ Local Taxes Only (MBRA)
Millages not collected**                                                7.9400                                  $0           $0         $55,580      $111,160      $166,740      $222,320       $277,900      $333,480      $389,060      $444,640      $500,220      $555,800      $564,137      $572,599      $581,188      $589,906      $598,754      $607,736      $616,852      $626,105      $635,496      $645,029      $654,704      $664,525        $10,413,930   Total TIF Mgmt Admin Fee (captured by MBRA)                                                        $240,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Total ACT 381 Eligible Activities to be Local Funded by TIF                                        $240,000
Combined Total                                                        53.1049                                   $0           $0        $371,734      $743,469     $1,115,203    $1,486,937      $1,858,672   $2,230,406    $2,602,140    $2,973,874    $3,345,609    $3,717,343    $3,773,103    $3,829,700    $3,887,145    $3,945,452    $4,004,634    $4,064,704    $4,125,674    $4,187,559    $4,250,373    $4,314,128    $4,378,840    $4,444,523       $69,651,222                                                           Total                                      $240,000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 State Brownfield Redevelopment Fund
Reimbursement/Payback Schedule                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Total TIF Capture for Dept. of Treasury ‐ BRF (3 mils of SET)                                     $3,934,734
TIF Management Administrative Fee (captured by MBRA)
Local Taxes                                                                          $20,000                  10,000       10,000       10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000         10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000        10,000            240,000                                                       MBRA LSRRF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Total TIF Capture                                                                                $21,091,972
MDEQ/Act 381 Environmental  Eligible Activities 
Local Taxes                                                                                                      0            0         96,867       198,734       300,601       402,469         504,336      606,203       708,070       809,937       911,804       1,013,672     1,028,952     1,044,461     1,060,203     1,076,181     1,092,399     447,773                                                                                              11,302,660                                                                       TOTAL TIF CAPTURE            $70,130,469
State Taxes                                                                                                      0            0         73,500       147,000       220,500       294,000         367,500      441,000       514,500       588,000       661,500       735,000       746,025       757,215       768,574       780,102       791,804       366,359                                                                                               8,252,579
Un‐reimbursed Environmental Activities                                            $11,990,000                11,990,000   12,541,540   12,948,084   13,197,961    13,283,966    13,198,560      12,933,858   12,481,612    11,833,197    10,979,586     9,911,343     8,618,593     7,240,072     5,771,439     4,208,149     2,545,441     778,329          0

Interest (5% of unreimbursed activities)                                           $7,565,240                 551,540      576,911      595,612      607,106       611,062       607,134         594,957      574,154       544,327       505,061       455,922       396,455       333,043       265,486       193,575       117,090        35,803                                                                                                                                                                            TABLE 2
                                              Total                               $19,555,240                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  19,555,240

MSF Act 381 Non‐Environmental  Eligible Activities 
Local Taxes                                                                                                      0            0         96,867       198,734       300,601       402,469         504,336      606,203       708,070       809,937       911,804       1,013,672     1,028,952     1,044,461     1,060,203     1,076,181     1,092,399     1,769,946     1,703,471                                                                              14,328,305
State Taxes                                                                                                      0            0         73,500       147,000       220,500       294,000         367,500      441,000       514,500       588,000       661,500       735,000       746,025       757,215       768,574       780,102       791,804       1,700,248     1,393,749                                                                              10,980,217
Un‐reimbursed Environmental Activities                                            $14,605,000                14,605,000   15,276,830   15,809,197   16,190,686    16,414,356    16,472,948      16,358,868   16,064,173    15,580,554    14,899,323    14,011,387    12,907,240    11,725,996    10,463,716     9,116,270     7,679,336     6,148,383     2,961,013        0
Interest (5%)                                                                     $10,703,523                 671,830      702,734      727,223      744,772       755,060       757,756         752,508      738,952       716,706       685,369       644,524       593,733       539,396       481,331       419,348       353,249       282,826       136,207
                                              Total                               $25,308,523                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  25,308,523

Dept. of Treasury ‐ State Brownfield Redvelopment Fund (3 mills of SET capture)
School Education Tax                                                               $3,934,734                    0            0         21,000        42,000        63,000        84,000         105,000      126,000       147,000       168,000       189,000       210,000       213,150       216,347       219,592       222,886       226,230       229,623       233,067       236,563       240,112       243,714       247,369       251,080           3,934,734

MBRA Local Site Remediation Revolving Loan Fund (LSRRF)
Local Taxes                                                                       $12,322,383                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           $547,664     $2,285,052    $2,319,478    $2,354,420    $2,389,886    $2,425,884        12,322,383
State Taxes                                                                        $8,769,589                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           $237,723     $1,655,944    $1,680,783    $1,705,995    $1,731,585    $1,757,559         8,769,589
                                              Total                               $21,091,972                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  21,091,972

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Total TIF Capture                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        $70,130,469
1) TIF estimates assume a total taxable value increase of $70,000,000 based on $200,000,000 private investment.  The total investment of $200,000,000 is estimated to occur between 2019 and 2029.
2) Taxing jurisdictions will continue to receive taxes during the duration of this Plan, base on the initial taxable value prior to the redevelopment.  New tax increment revenues generated will be used for this TIF Plan.  Once the TIF Plan is complete, taxing jurisdictions will receive full taxes. 
3) Personal property taxes will not be captured as part of this Plan.
*‐ While the Muskegon County will capture the full 6 mills under the School Education Tax, 3 mills will need to be dispersed to the MIchigan Dept. of Treasury for the State Brownfield Redevelopment Fund per the 2012 Act 381 Amendments.
**‐Millages not collected as part of the Brownfield Plan per Act 381 include: Muskegon Public Schools Debt (1995 & 2009) and Community College Debt
MDEQ: Michigan Department of Environmental Quaility
MBRA: City of Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment Authority
MSF: Michigan Strategic Fund
Attachment A‐ Resolutions Approving Brownfield Amendment  
Attachment B‐ Development and Reimbursement Agreement 
                   Commission Meeting Date: March 28, 2017

Date:        March 23, 2017
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Planning & Economic Development
RE:          Request to add parcels to the City’s existing groundwater
             ordinance – Burgess-Norton


The City has received a petition from Burgess-Norton Mfg. Co., Inc to designate 711 parcels
under the water supplies ordinance. These parcels are associated with the former Standard
Automotive Parts Company at 660 Nims St. The ordinance prohibits the use of groundwater
wells and secondary water supplies under certain circumstances and in certain locations, to
prevent exposure to contaminated groundwater, as well as to prevent wells from influencing
the movement of contaminated water. Notice was sent to the affected addresses prior to
this meeting.






Approval of the ordinance amendment to include the additional 711 parcels.



                                           Resolution No. _______

                                       MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION

An ordinance amending the City Code of Ordinances by adding to Ordinance No. 2039 (Muskegon City Code of
Ordinances Section 34, Article lll) certain identifying “Appendix Maps” and descriptions of properties determined
to be “affected premises” on which groundwater wells are prohibited unless excepted under Section 34-65 due
to the contamination or potential contamination of said groundwater. The said Ordinance No. 2039 is amended
by this Ordinance.


    1. The properties identified in this amending ordinance are determined to be affected premised
       within the meaning of and regulated in accordance with, Ordinance No. 2039 or any successor
       ordinance prohibiting wells on such premises. The said affected premises are included in
       Attachment A.

    2. Attached to this ordinance and incorporated herein are Appendix Maps locating the affected
       premises and their legal descriptions.

    3. This ordinance shall be effective ten (10) days after publication. In the event any part of this
       ordinance is finally determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court having jurisdiction, then
       said determination shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

Adopted this 28th Day of March 2017.




                                                    BY: __________________________________
                                                           Stephen J. Gawron

                                              ATTEST: __________________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete a resolution adopted by the Muskegon City
Commission, County of Muskegon, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on March 28, 2017.

                                                            Ann Meisch

List of Addresses and Parcel ID Numbers for all Affected Premises

                             PIN                                                   Address
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0004‐00                            419 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0003‐00                            437 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0003‐10                            445 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐067‐0008‐00                            446 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0002‐00                            451 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0001‐00                            459 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0005‐00                            489 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0008‐00                            492 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0004‐00                            499 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0009‐00                            500 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0003‐00                            507 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0010‐00                            510 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0002‐00                            517 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0007‐00                            601 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0007‐00                            602 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0006‐00                            611 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0008‐00                            612 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0009‐00                            620 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0005‐00                            621 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0010‐00                            628 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0004‐00                            631 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0011‐00                            634 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0003‐00                            641 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0012‐00                            644 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0001‐00                            655 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0004‐20                            684 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0004‐10                            685 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0004‐30                            693 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0004‐40                            696 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0003‐20                            701 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0001‐30                            704 ADA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0004‐00                           419 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0010‐10                           420 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0011‐00                           430 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0003‐00                           431 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0002‐00                           441 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0013‐00                           448 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0001‐00                           451 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0001‐10                           459 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0014‐00                           460 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0005‐10                           489 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0008‐20                           490 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0004‐00                           497 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0003‐00                           507 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0009‐00                           510 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0011‐00                           516 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0002‐00                           517 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0011‐10                           520 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0001‐00                           525 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0012‐00                           526 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0012‐10                           534 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0001‐10                           539 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0006‐00                           553 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0005‐20                           560 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0005‐00                           563 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0005‐30                           568 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0004‐00                           571 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0005‐40                           580 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0002‐00                           585 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0005‐50                           586 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0001‐00                           595 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐059‐0006‐00                           603 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐052‐0006‐00                           604 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐059‐0005‐00                           611 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐052‐0006‐10                           612 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐059‐0004‐00                           619 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442

                                                                    1 of 11
List of Addresses and Parcel ID Numbers for all Affected Premises

                             PIN                                                  Address
                    61‐24‐205‐052‐0008‐00                           620 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐052‐0008‐10                           624 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐059‐0003‐00                           629 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐052‐0008‐20                           632 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐059‐0002‐00                           637 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐052‐0009‐00                           638 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐059‐0001‐00                           643 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐052‐0011‐00                           650 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0012‐00                           654 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐060‐0009‐00                           657 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0013‐00                           662 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐060‐0008‐00                           665 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0014‐00                           668 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0014‐10                           676 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0008‐20                           690 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐060‐0006‐00                           695 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0008‐30                           700 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐060‐0004‐00                           703 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0005‐00                           708 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0005‐10                           716 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0004‐30                           722 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐060‐0002‐00                           725 ALLEN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0005‐10                             AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0006‐10                           423 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0005‐00                           431 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0004‐00                           435 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0003‐00                           441 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0011‐10                           444 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0012‐00                           452 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0001‐00                           461 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0014‐00                           462 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0006‐00                           481 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0010‐00                           482 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0005‐00                           485 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0010‐10                           492 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0004‐00                           499 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0011‐00                           500 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0012‐00                           508 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0003‐00                           509 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0002‐00                           515 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0013‐00                           516 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0002‐10                           521 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0013‐10                           522 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0014‐00                           528 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0001‐00                           531 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0001‐10                           539 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0015‐10                           540 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0017‐00                           554 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0004‐00                           555 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0003‐00                           563 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0018‐00                           564 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0019‐80                           570 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0003‐10                           571 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0019‐90                           576 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0003‐20                           577 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0002‐00                           581 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0019‐95                           582 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0002‐10                           589 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0020‐00                           590 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0001‐00                           595 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0020‐10                           598 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐052‐0005‐00                           601 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0008‐00                           606 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0009‐00                           616 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐052‐0003‐00                           619 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0010‐00                           628 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442

                                                                    2 of 11
List of Addresses and Parcel ID Numbers for all Affected Premises

                             PIN                                                     Address
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0011‐00                              636 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐052‐0002‐00                              637 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐052‐0001‐00                              645 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0012‐00                              646 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0011‐00                              655 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0013‐00                              656 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0014‐00                              668 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0010‐00                              669 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0009‐00                              675 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0014‐00                              678 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0008‐00                              685 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0015‐00                              694 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0008‐10                              695 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0016‐00                              698 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0007‐00                              703 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0016‐10                              704 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0006‐00                              711 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0017‐00                              712 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐051‐0006‐10                              717 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0018‐30                              720 AMITY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0020‐00                              CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0007‐00                            480 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0008‐00                            494 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0009‐00                            500 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0010‐00                            510 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0011‐00                            520 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0012‐00                            524 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐092‐0006‐00                            550 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐092‐0007‐00                            560 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐092‐0008‐00                            570 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐092‐0009‐00                            580 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐092‐0010‐00                            590 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0014‐00                            618 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0015‐00                            628 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0016‐00                            634 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0017‐00                            640 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0018‐00                            654 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0021‐00                            668 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0022‐00                            674 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0023‐00                            680 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0014‐00                            698 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0015‐00                           704 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0016‐00                           710 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0017‐00                           716 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0018‐00                           722 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0019‐00                           728 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0020‐00                           742 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐001‐0001‐00                           745 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐001‐0002‐00                           751 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0022‐00                           752 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0023‐00                           754 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐001‐0003‐00                           755 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0024‐00                           760 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐001‐0004‐00                           763 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0025‐00                           766 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐001‐0005‐00                           769 CATAWBA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0007‐10                             CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0008‐10                           412 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0009‐00                           428 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0010‐00                           432 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0011‐00                           438 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0011‐10                           442 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0012‐00                           448 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0012‐10                           456 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0008‐10                           480 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0009‐00                           488 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442

                                                                     3 of 11
List of Addresses and Parcel ID Numbers for all Affected Premises

                             PIN                                                    Address
                    61‐24‐205‐080‐0005‐00                           493 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0009‐10                           494 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐080‐0004‐00                           497 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0010‐00                           502 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0011‐00                           508 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0012‐00                           520 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐080‐0002‐00                           523 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐080‐0001‐00                           529 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0013‐10                           530 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐081‐0004‐00                           561 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0008‐00                           568 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐081‐0002‐00                           569 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0008‐10                           572 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0009‐00                           580 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐081‐0001‐00                           585 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0010‐00                           590 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐081‐0001‐10                           591 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0006‐00                           603 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0005‐00                           615 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0008‐00                           616 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0004‐00                           623 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0009‐00                           624 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0004‐10                           629 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0010‐00                           632 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0010‐10                           636 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0003‐00                           637 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0011‐00                           644 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0002‐00                           645 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0001‐00                           653 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0012‐00                           654 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0007‐00                           676 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0008‐00                           684 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐083‐0005‐00                           685 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0008‐10                           686 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0009‐00                           692 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐083‐0004‐00                           693 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0009‐10                           700 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐083‐0003‐00                           703 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0010‐00                           704 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐083‐0003‐10                           709 CATHERINE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0011‐00                              CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0012‐00                           1035 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0012‐10                           1043 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0001‐10                           1075 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0012‐00                           1083 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0011‐00                           1093 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0005‐00                           1114 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0001‐00                           1115 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0002‐00                           1123 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0005‐10                           1126 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0013‐00                           1135 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0006‐00                           1136 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0007‐00                           1148 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐080‐0012‐00                           1189 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0001‐10                           1231 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐092‐0005‐00                           1232 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0012‐10                           1255 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐771‐000‐0010‐00                           1292 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐771‐000‐0011‐00                           1304 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐771‐000‐0013‐00                           1312 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐771‐000‐0014‐00                           1318 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐771‐000‐0015‐00                           1326 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐771‐000‐0016‐00                           1332 CHESTNUT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐067‐0005‐00                            405 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0008‐00                            410 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0007‐00                            422 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442

                                                                     4 of 11
List of Addresses and Parcel ID Numbers for all Affected Premises

                             PIN                                                     Address
                    61‐24‐205‐067‐0004‐00                            429 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0009‐00                            432 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐067‐0003‐00                            433 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0010‐00                            440 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0011‐00                            450 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐067‐0002‐00                            451 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐067‐0001‐00                            461 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0012‐00                            464 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0006‐00                            477 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0008‐00                            480 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0005‐00                            485 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0009‐00                            486 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0005‐10                            491 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0009‐10                            492 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0010‐00                            500 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0004‐00                            501 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0010‐10                            506 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0003‐00                            507 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0011‐00                            512 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0003‐10                            513 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0012‐00                            520 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0002‐00                            521 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0001‐00                            527 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0013‐00                            530 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0014‐00                            544 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0007‐00                            558 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0007‐10                            564 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐065‐0001‐00                            571 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0008‐00                            574 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0009‐00                            582 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0009‐10                            588 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0009‐20                            594 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0006‐00                            603 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐059‐0007‐00                            604 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0005‐00                            611 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐059‐0008‐00                            616 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0004‐00                            621 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐059‐0009‐00                            626 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0004‐10                            627 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0003‐00                            633 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐059‐0010‐00                            640 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0002‐00                            643 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐059‐0011‐00                            646 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐060‐0010‐00                            654 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0001‐00                            655 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0005‐00                            671 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0004‐00                            683 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0003‐00                            701 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐060‐0015‐00                            704 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐060‐0016‐00                            714 E APPLE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0008‐00                           420 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0005‐00                           423 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0009‐00                           424 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0009‐10                           432 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0004‐00                           435 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0010‐00                           438 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0003‐00                           441 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0011‐00                           448 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0002‐00                           451 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0011‐10                           452 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0012‐10                           460 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0006‐00                           489 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0005‐00                           497 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0009‐00                           502 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0010‐00                           510 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0003‐00                           511 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442

                                                                     5 of 11
List of Addresses and Parcel ID Numbers for all Affected Premises

                             PIN                                                     Address
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0004‐00                           557 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0003‐00                           567 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0002‐00                           581 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0001‐00                           589 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0008‐10                           602 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0005‐00                           613 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0009‐00                           614 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0010‐00                           620 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0004‐00                           621 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0004‐10                           627 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0010‐10                           632 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0003‐00                           633 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0011‐00                           636 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0012‐00                           644 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0002‐00                           645 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0013‐00                           654 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0001‐00                           655 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0009‐00                           672 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0006‐00                           673 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0004‐50                           684 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0004‐60                           688 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0005‐00                           691 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0004‐70                           692 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0003‐30                           694 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0004‐00                           695 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0003‐00                           701 E ISABELLA AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0011‐00                           643 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0010‐00                           655 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0008‐00                           661 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0006‐00                           679 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐086‐0005‐00                           682 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0006‐10                           687 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐086‐0004‐00                           690 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0005‐00                           693 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0004‐00                           701 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐086‐0003‐00                           702 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0003‐00                           709 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0002‐00                           715 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0001‐00                           723 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐088‐0009‐00                           741 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐088‐0008‐00                           749 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐088‐0007‐00                           755 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐088‐0006‐00                           761 EVANSTON AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐001‐0024‐00                            1380 HARNAU ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0014‐00                              640 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0009‐00                              645 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0015‐00                              646 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0008‐00                              651 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0016‐00                              652 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0007‐00                              659 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0017‐00                              660 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0005‐00                              673 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0019‐00                              674 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0004‐00                              679 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0020‐00                              682 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0003‐00                              687 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0020‐10                              688 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0022‐00                              696 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0001‐00                              701 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0023‐00                              704 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐088‐0010‐00                              720 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0013‐00                              721 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0012‐00                              727 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐088‐0011‐00                              730 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0011‐00                              731 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐088‐0012‐00                              734 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442

                                                                     6 of 11
List of Addresses and Parcel ID Numbers for all Affected Premises

                             PIN                                                     Address
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0010‐00                              739 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐088‐0013‐00                              740 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0009‐00                              747 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0008‐00                              753 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0007‐00                              761 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0006‐00                              767 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0005‐00                              773 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐089‐0003‐00                              777 HILL AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0001‐10                              1265 HOLT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0010‐20                            843 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0001‐00                            847 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0011‐00                            850 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0011‐10                            864 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0001‐10                            865 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0005‐10                           1022 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0006‐00                           1030 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0013‐00                           1033 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0006‐10                           1044 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0013‐10                           1045 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0007‐00                           1062 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0007‐10                           1072 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0001‐10                           1077 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0007‐20                           1080 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0014‐00                           1085 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐063‐0008‐00                           1088 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐074‐0006‐10                           1126 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0001‐10                           1127 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0001‐10                           1177 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐083‐0006‐00                           1178 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0013‐00                           1187 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐083‐0007‐00                           1190 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐086‐0006‐00                           1218 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐087‐0013‐00                           1232 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐091‐0004‐00                           1237 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0010‐00                           1244 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐091‐0005‐00                           1245 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐091‐0006‐00                           1251 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0012‐00                           1252 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐090‐0013‐00                           1260 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐771‐000‐0001‐00                           1275 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐771‐000‐0008‐00                           1295 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐771‐000‐0009‐00                           1305 KENNETH ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0001‐00                             723 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐001‐0023‐00                             728 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0002‐00                             729 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0003‐00                             731 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0004‐00                             733 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐001‐0021‐00                             738 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐001‐0020‐00                             744 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0005‐00                             745 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0006‐00                             747 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐001‐0019‐00                             748 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0007‐00                             755 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0008‐00                             757 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0009‐00                             765 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0010‐00                             775 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0012‐00                             777 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0013‐00                             783 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐620‐002‐0014‐00                             791 LOUIS AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐064‐0006‐10                            1022 MAPLE ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0006‐10                            1074 MAPLE ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐071‐0008‐00                            1084 MAPLE ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0006‐00                            1112 MAPLE ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐076‐0001‐10                            1125 MAPLE ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0006‐10                            1126 MAPLE ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐075‐0007‐00                            1142 MAPLE ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442

                                                                    7 of 11
List of Addresses and Parcel ID Numbers for all Affected Premises

                             PIN                                                     Address
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0007‐00                              1186 MAPLE ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0008‐00                              1192 MAPLE ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0006‐00                           477 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐080‐0007‐00                           484 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0005‐00                           489 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0004‐00                           497 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐080‐0009‐00                           498 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0003‐00                           509 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐080‐0010‐00                           510 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0002‐00                           519 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐080‐0011‐00                           522 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐080‐0012‐10                           530 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐093‐0001‐00                           531 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐092‐0004‐00                           559 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐081‐0006‐00                           560 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐081‐0008‐00                           568 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐092‐0003‐00                           569 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐092‐0002‐00                           579 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐081‐0009‐00                           580 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐092‐0001‐00                           589 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐081‐0010‐00                           590 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0009‐00                           604 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐091‐0002‐00                           609 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐091‐0001‐00                           617 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0010‐00                           624 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0011‐00                           632 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0012‐00                           642 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐082‐0013‐10                           656 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐083‐0007‐10                           672 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐083‐0008‐00                           682 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐083‐0009‐00                           692 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐083‐0010‐00                           704 MCLAUGHLIN AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐034‐0001‐00                              655 MULDER ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐034‐0001‐10                              667 MULDER ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐097‐0001‐00                               600 NIMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐098‐0001‐00                               656 NIMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐098‐0001‐10                               660 NIMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0008‐00                               420 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0008‐00                               427 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0009‐00                               428 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0007‐00                               433 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0010‐00                               434 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0011‐00                               444 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0005‐00                               447 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0012‐00                               452 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0003‐00                               453 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0002‐00                               457 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0013‐00                               460 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0005‐00                               479 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0008‐10                               480 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0009‐00                               492 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0004‐00                               501 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0010‐00                               502 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0002‐00                               513 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0011‐00                               514 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0012‐00                               518 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0013‐00                               528 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0001‐00                               531 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0014‐00                               536 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0001‐10                               539 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0015‐00                               542 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0015‐00                               553 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0011‐30                               554 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0014‐00                               561 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0011‐40                               562 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0013‐00                               569 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442

                                                                      8 of 11
List of Addresses and Parcel ID Numbers for all Affected Premises

                             PIN                                                    Address
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0010‐00                              574 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0009‐00                              576 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0009‐10                              576 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0011‐00                              585 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0008‐10                              590 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0008‐20                              594 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0011‐10                              595 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0006‐10                              604 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0009‐00                              605 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0001‐00                              616 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0007‐00                              617 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0006‐00                              625 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0004‐10                              630 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0005‐00                              635 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0004‐20                              638 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0004‐00                              645 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0003‐30                              652 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0003‐00                              655 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0002‐00                              660 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0002‐00                              663 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0001‐10                              670 OAK AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0001‐10                            671 OAK AVENUE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0001‐00                             ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0013‐00                           418 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0014‐00                           424 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0015‐00                           428 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0004‐10                           431 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0015‐10                           432 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0016‐00                           440 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0003‐00                           443 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0002‐00                           449 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0017‐00                           450 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0001‐00                           457 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0018‐00                           460 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0007‐00                           477 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0006‐00                           489 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0010‐00                           498 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0005‐00                           503 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0010‐10                           504 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0011‐00                           510 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0004‐00                           513 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0011‐10                           516 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0012‐00                           522 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0013‐00                           530 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0002‐00                           531 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0001‐00                           539 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0014‐00                           540 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0016‐00                           556 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0019‐00                           557 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0016‐10                           566 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0019‐10                           567 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0019‐20                           573 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0016‐20                           576 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0019‐30                           581 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0016‐30                           586 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0019‐40                           589 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0016‐40                           594 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0019‐50                           597 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0007‐00                           603 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0022‐00                           612 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0006‐00                           613 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0006‐10                           617 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0021‐00                           620 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0005‐00                           625 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0020‐00                           626 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0004‐00                           633 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442

                                                                    9 of 11
List of Addresses and Parcel ID Numbers for all Affected Premises

                             PIN                                                      Address
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0019‐00                            636 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0003‐00                            639 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0018‐00                            646 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0003‐10                            647 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0002‐00                            653 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0002‐10                           653.5 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0017‐00                            654 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0016‐00                            664 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐769‐000‐0015‐00                            672 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0012‐00                            693 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0008‐20                            697 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0013‐00                            701 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0013‐10                            709 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0013‐20                            713 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0018‐00                            719 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐050‐0018‐10                            725 ORCHARD AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐098‐0001‐30                             1485 S GETTY ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0005‐00                               552 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0011‐10                               760 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐040‐0011‐20                               768 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0019‐60                               866 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0016‐00                               867 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐049‐0019‐70                               874 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0015‐00                               881 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐053‐0004‐10                               914 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0014‐00                               919 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0016‐00                               965 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐058‐0006‐10                               972 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0015‐00                               979 SCOTT ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐027‐0006‐00                            419 SUMNER AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐022‐0004‐00                            575 SUMNER AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐033‐0001‐20                             645 WESLEY AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0004‐10                              423 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐043‐0008‐00                              424 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐043‐0009‐00                              430 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0003‐00                              431 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0002‐00                              441 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐043‐0010‐00                              442 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐043‐0011‐00                              450 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0001‐00                              451 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0001‐10                              461 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐043‐0012‐00                              462 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐042‐0007‐00                              478 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0006‐00                              479 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0004‐00                              491 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐042‐0007‐10                              492 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐042‐0009‐00                              510 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐042‐0010‐00                              514 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0002‐00                              529 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐042‐0001‐00                              530 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0001‐00                              539 WHITE AVE, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐043‐0001‐00                             716 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐043‐0013‐00                             719 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0007‐00                             762 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐041‐0008‐00                             770 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0006‐00                             810 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0019‐00                             821 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐048‐0007‐00                            822 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49441
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0016‐00                            861 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0007‐10                            862 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0015‐00                            867 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0008‐00                            868 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐047‐0009‐00                            880 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0006‐10                            914 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0001‐10                            919 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0006‐20                            920 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442

                                                                    10 of 11
List of Addresses and Parcel ID Numbers for all Affected Premises

                             PIN                                                    Address
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0007‐00                            926 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐054‐0008‐00                            944 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0005‐00                            960 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0006‐00                            970 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐057‐0007‐00                            980 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0006‐10                           1022 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0007‐00                           1032 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐066‐0007‐10                           1038 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0006‐00                           1060 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0001‐10                           1073 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0007‐00                           1082 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0012‐00                           1083 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐069‐0007‐10                           1094 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0007‐00                           1112 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0001‐00                           1113 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0007‐10                           1124 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0001‐10                           1125 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0013‐00                           1135 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐077‐0008‐00                           1136 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐080‐0006‐00                           1162 WILLIAMS ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐028‐0001‐00                              650 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐043‐0006‐00                              712 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐043‐0007‐00                              732 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0004‐00                              750 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0004‐20                              754 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0005‐00                              762 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0006‐00                              770 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐044‐0007‐00                              780 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0009‐00                              802 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐045‐0011‐00                              818 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0005‐00                              850 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0006‐00                              864 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0007‐00                              868 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐046‐0008‐00                              886 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0006‐00                              918 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0007‐00                              922 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0008‐00                              926 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0009‐00                              932 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐055‐0010‐00                              940 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0005‐00                              958 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0005‐10                              964 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐056‐0006‐00                              970 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐067‐0006‐00                             1032 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐067‐0007‐00                             1040 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐067‐0007‐10                             1044 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0006‐00                             1064 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0006‐10                             1074 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐068‐0007‐00                             1096 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0006‐00                             1114 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0007‐00                             1128 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442
                    61‐24‐205‐078‐0008‐00                             1136 WOOD ST, MUSKEGON, MI, 49442

                                                                    11 of 11
A clear statement of the nature and extent of contamination, identifying the
types and concentrations of contaminants, the likely or anticipated path of
migration of the contaminants if not remediated (as well as a detailed
statement of any plan to remediate, correct, and/or contain the contamination);
and information equivalent to Completed Summary Table

The nature and extent of contamination, and all other relevant characteristics of
the groundwater and contaminants, are fully described in the document titled
Burgess-Norton Mfg., Co., Inc. Remedial Investigation Report dated October 1, 2015
and revised April 22, 2016, prepared by Arcadis of Michigan, LLC, 28550 Cabot
Drive, Suite 500, Novi, Michigan 48377 (“RI Report”). The RI Report is available
in hard copy at the Hackley Library in Muskegon, and online at Details of remediation are also provided in additional
reports available in hard copy at the Hackley Library in Muskegon, and online at

Following is a summary of the relevant portions of the RI Report, describing the
groundwater and contamination. That summary is followed by a summary
regarding remediation.

RI Report Summary Regarding Groundwater and Contamination

• Petitioner’s groundwater investigation leading to this Petition included taking
  more than 1,755 groundwater samples that were analyzed to determine whether
  hazardous substances were present and, if so, their concentrations. The
  investigation also involved measuring the physical properties of soil and
  groundwater at numerous locations, including determining the direction of
  groundwater flow.

• The investigation was overseen by the Michigan Department of Environmental
  Quality and conducted through significant cooperation with the City of
  Muskegon. The results of each phase of the investigation were reviewed with
  MDEQ staff and City of Muskegon personnel. The written report of each phase
  of the investigation was placed in the Hackley Library and, beginning in 2013,
  provide online at

• The nature and extent of groundwater contamination are well understood in

• The investigation targeted one groundwater contamination plume that
   apparently traces to Petitioner’s property at 660 Nims Street, however, the
   investigation also found three other plumes of groundwater contamination in
   the area that apparently do not trace to Petitioner’s property at 660 Nims Street.
   The four plumes are distinguished from each other by data showing key
   differences in their vertical/horizontal locations and orientations, and their
   chemical composition. Because the three other plumes of groundwater
   contamination do not originate from Petitioner’s property, the MDEQ has taken
   lead responsibility for further investigation and response to them.
The following information pertains to the groundwater contamination apparently
originating from Petitioner’s property at 660 Nims Street, which is referred to as
“Plume 1.”

• In the area of Plume 1, the soil consists of a layer of sandy soil from the ground
  surface reaching downward and becoming more clayey and less permeable at a
  depth of 75-85 feet. Beneath that is a layer of clay.

• The groundwater in the area of Plume 1 generally flows from south to north,
  that is, flowing northward through the investigation area. The groundwater
  surface (water table) lies 15-20 feet below the ground surface near the southern
  part of Plume 1 and, to the north, it lies about 30 feet below the ground surface
  near the bluff overlooking Ryerson Creek.

• The primary contaminant in Plume 1 is the compound trichloroethene (TCE).
  Other compounds are present; however, among the compounds found, TCE has
  the highest concentration and is the most widespread. The following
  description of Plume 1 is generally based on locations and depths where TCE
  was found and its concentrations. Generally, it describes locations and depths of
  TCE concentrations that are at or higher than Michigan’s criterion for TCE in
  groundwater used for human consumption, which is 5 micrograms per liter (5
• Similarly, the accompanying exhibits are based on locations and depths of TCE
  concentrations that are at or higher than Michigan’s criterion for TCE in
  groundwater used for human consumption. Exhibit 1 is a map view of TCE
  concentrations in the investigation area, identifying all four plumes of
  groundwater contamination. Exhibit 2 is a vertical cross-section from south of
  the 660 Nims Street property ranging northward to beyond Ryerson Creek. The
  cross-section includes TCE concentrations found at various places and depths
  along the length of Plume 1, as well as “clean” findings both vertically above
  Plume 1 and horizontally beyond the northern and southern ends of Plume 1.

  In addition, Exhibit 3 provides the scaled map showing the boundary lines of all
  affected premises covered by this petition and also showing building/structure
  outlines, groundwater well locations, parking lots, roads, estimated direction of
  groundwater flow, and estimated location and extent of the contaminant

• See Exhibit 1 in conjunction with the following points:

    • Plume 1 apparently originated at the 660 Nims Street property, flowed
      northward, and terminates at Ryerson Creek, approximately 4,800 feet north
      of the 660 Nims Street property.

    • The TCE concentration increases as one proceeds from the sides toward the
      center of Plume 1. There is a “core” that is approximately 900 feet wide
      where TCE concentrations are 1,000 µg/L or higher. Within that, there is an
      area that is approximately 300 feet wide where the highest TCE
      concentrations in Plume 1 are located (10,000 µg/L or higher). Again, both
      the core and the lower-concentration areas surrounding it lie at the depths
      described in the preceding points. Indeed, the highest TCE concentrations
      are approximately 73 to 74 feet below ground surface.

    • Plume 1 does not reach the northern side of the Ryerson Creek floodplain, as
      no TCE or associated byproducts are present in groundwater there.
• See Exhibit 2 in conjunction with the following points:

    • In the area of Plume 1 that is beneath the 660 Nims Street property and
      McCrea Playfield, TCE is present from the groundwater table extending
      down to approximately 85 feet below the ground surface (“bgs”).

    • In the area of Plume 1 that is between McCrea Playfield and the Ryerson
      Creek floodplain, the TCE lies deeper, i.e., at the base of the sand in the low-
      permeability soils located approximately 75-85 feet bgs. Thus, along much
      of its length, Plume 1 is less than 10 feet thick vertically and is overlain by
      clean groundwater and, above the groundwater, soil. Specifically, between
      McCrea Playfield and Ryerson Creek, the shallowest portion of the aquifer
      (the upper 30 feet) contains no TCE.

    • As Plume 1 approaches Ryerson Creek, it becomes shallower, and enters a
      zone of highly organic sediments associated with the Ryerson Creek
      floodplain. There, natural biogeochemical processes are degrading the
      organic compounds (TCE and associated byproducts) by over 90%.

Exhibit 1: Map view of the TCE distribution in groundwater showing plumes 1 through 4, based on
measurements and estimates derived from them. (The 660 Nims Street property is outlined in red.)
Exhibit 2: South to north cross-section including significant areas along Plume 1. (Vertical
distances are exaggerated compared to horizontal distances.) (General groundwater flow is south
to north, i.e., right to left in this cross-section.)

Summary of remediation relating to Plume 1:

• Methods of wastewater disposal at 660 Nims Street that led to soil
  contamination there, and to leaching of the soil contaminants giving rise
  to the groundwater contamination, ceased in the mid-1970s. At the time,
  there was some removal of contaminated soil.

• Removal of known remaining relevant soil contamination occurred, in
  part, during demolition and removal of aboveground structures at 660
  Nims Street in 2007-2008, and was completed via excavation and disposal
  in 2015 - 2016.

• The contamination is degrading via natural attenuation, which has been
  well-documented at the down-gradient end of the plume in the Ryerson
 Creek floodplain, and additional protection there will be provided by a
 restrictive covenant.

• Potential human exposure to contaminated groundwater will be
  controlled by an institutional control consisting of an amendment to the
  Muskegon groundwater use restriction ordinance covered by this Petition,
  as well as by a restrictive covenant applying to the 660 Nims Street

 (With respect to the groundwater use restriction ordinance, note that four
 plumes of groundwater contamination were found in the area covered by
 the investigation described in the RI Report and, of these, only Plume 1
 apparently originated at the Petitioner’s property and is being responded
 to by the Petitioner. However, as a result of using city streets to delineate
 the ordinance’s groundwater restriction zone for this plume, the
 boundary line of the groundwater restriction zone includes additional
 affected premises where underlying groundwater contamination does not
 trace to Petitioner’s property.)
                                 Exhibit 3

Scaled map showing the boundary lines of all affected premises covered by
this petition and also showing building/structure outlines, groundwater well
locations, parking lots, roads, estimated direction of groundwater flow, and
estimated location and extent of the contaminant plumes(s).

(on following page)
                                                                                                                                        Service Layer Credits: Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe,
                                                                                                                                        GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,

                                                                                                                                        USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User




D:\GIS\Project Files\Amsted\Muskegon\Documents_NimsStreet\GW_Ordinance_Boundary.mxd PLOTTED: 12/1/2016 2:44:50 PM BY: TYarbrough


                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Private Wells

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Groundwater Flow Direction

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nims Street Groundwater Ordinance Boundary

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  City of Muskegon Parcels within Nims Street
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Groundwater Ordinance Boundary selection

                                                                                                                                                                                                             2    Plume Identification Number

                                                                                                                                                                                                         INFERRED MAXIMUM TRICHLOROETHENE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5 µg\L

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  100 µg\L

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1,000 µg\L

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10,000 µg\L

                                                                                                                                                                                                         NOTE: ORDINANCE BOUNDARY IS ADMINISTRATIVE IN
                                                                                                                                                                                                         FUNCTION AND DOES NOT IMPLY LIABILITY.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         0                 250              500

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SCALE IN FEET


       A description of the current status, and usage characteristics of all
    existing groundwater wells known to the Petitioner within all proposed
                               affected premises

      Known Private Well Details within the Groundwater Ordinance Amendment Boundary

      Parcel Number                Address            Well Use       Status of Well      Depth (feet bgs)

 61-24-205-097-0001-00       600 Nims              Irrigation      Not in Service      Unknown
 61-24-771-000-0001-00       1275 Kenneth          Irrigation      Unknown             ~35 feet
 61-24-205-093-0008-00       494 Catawba           Irrigation      Unknown             Unknown
 61-24-205-093-0009-00       500 Catawba           Irrigation      Unknown             Unknown

bgs - below ground surface

On behalf of Burgess-Norton Mfg. Co., Inc., Arcadis completed a survey of potential wells which
evaluated the presence of private wells in the investigation area. The well survey consisted of a search of
the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Well Logic database, a search of
Muskegon County records, review of water bill records for parcels in the area, a physical visual survey
of the area, and responses to notice of migration letters to property owners. As a result of this survey,
four private wells were found in the area of the plume associated with the Petitioner’s property at 660
Nims Street. The above table depicts the known and available details obtained during the survey
activities for these wells.
                   Commission Meeting Date: March 28, 2017

Date:        March 23, 2017
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Planning & Economic Development
RE:          Request to add parcels to the City’s existing groundwater
             ordinance – Ambrosia St


The City has received a petition from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to
designate 511 parcels under the water supplies ordinance. The Ambrosia St area
groundwater contamination was discovered by sampling conducted by the environmental
consultant Arcadis of Michigan, LLC for the Burgess-Norton site in 2013. During that work
Arcadis not only defined the extent of the contamination plume coming from the Burgess-
Norton site, but also identified three other plumes of chlorinated contamination. The
ordinance prohibits the use of groundwater wells and secondary water supplies under
certain circumstances and in certain locations, to prevent exposure to contaminated
groundwater, as well as to prevent wells from influencing the movement of contaminated
water. Notice was sent to the affected addresses prior to this meeting.






Approval of the ordinance amendment to include the additional 511 parcels.



                                           Resolution No. _______

                                       MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION

An ordinance amending the City Code of Ordinances by adding to Ordinance No. 2039 (Muskegon City Code of
Ordinances Section 34, Article lll) certain identifying “Appendix Maps” and descriptions of properties determined
to be “affected premises” on which groundwater wells are prohibited unless excepted under Section 34-65 due
to the contamination or potential contamination of said groundwater. The said Ordinance No. 2039 is amended
by this Ordinance.


    1. The properties identified in this amending ordinance are determined to be affected premised
       within the meaning of and regulated in accordance with, Ordinance No. 2039 or any successor
       ordinance prohibiting wells on such premises. The said affected premises are included in
       Attachment A.

    2. Attached to this ordinance and incorporated herein are Appendix Maps locating the affected
       premises and their legal descriptions.

    3. This ordinance shall be effective ten (10) days after publication. In the event any part of this
       ordinance is finally determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court having jurisdiction, then
       said determination shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.

Adopted this 28th Day of March 2017.




                                                    BY: __________________________________
                                                           Stephen J. Gawron

                                              ATTEST: __________________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete a resolution adopted by the Muskegon City
Commission, County of Muskegon, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on March 28, 2017.

                                                            Ann Meisch

Attachment A

          PIN                 Address                   Owner 1 Last                  Owner 1 First           Owner Address                 Owner City   State    Zip

61-24-205-209-0008-00   216 Allen Ave      Guerra                                   Daniel O          2982 S. Lakeview Drive            Hesperia          MI     49421
61-24-205-209-0009-00   228 Allen Ave      York                                     Jessie            228 Allen Ave                     Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-209-0010-00   234 Allen Ave      Ingersoll Financial Midwest Land Trust                     1101 Lake Destiny Rd Suite 450    Maitland          FL     32751
61-24-205-209-0011-00   240 Allen Ave      Coleman                                  Harold            1560 N Roberts Rd                 Muskegon          MI     49445
61-24-205-209-0012-00   252 Allen Ave      Pace                                     William           1560 N Roberts Rd                 Muskegon          MI     49445
61-24-205-210-0007-10   268 Allen Ave      Brooks                                   Dawson            218 Catherine Ave                 Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-213-0006-00   269 Allen Ave      Muskegon County Building Authority                         990 Terrace Street 4th Floor      Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-305-210-0008-00   274 Allen Ave      Daymark Master Trust                                       11737 Central Parkway Suite 100   Jacksonville      FL     32224
61-24-205-210-0009-00   280 Allen Ave      Marshall                                 Melanie A         440 Mitzi Apt #10                 Muskegon          MI     49445
61-24-205-210-0010-00   298 Allen Ave      City of Muskegon                                           933 Terrace St                    Muskegon          MI     49443
61-24-205-210-0011-00   306 Allen Ave      City of Muskegon                                           933 Terrace St                    Muskegon          MI     49443
61-24-205-211-0008-00   350 Allen Ave      Muskegon County Land Bank Authority                        173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-211-0009-00   360 Allen Ave      Fenanders                                Deborah           360 Allen Ave                     Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-211-0010-00   370 Allen Ave      City of Muskegon                                           933 Terrace St                    Muskegon          MI     49443
61-24-205-211-0011-00   380 Allen Ave      Yonker                                   Bruce D           380 Allen Ave                     Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-211-0011-10   386 Allen Ave      Stegall                                  Halbert           861 South Getty St                Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-232-0007-00   1047 Ambrosia St   State of Michigan                                          PO Box 30722                      Lansing           MI     48909
61-24-205-236-0008-00   1075 Ambrosia St   State of Michigan                                          PO Box 30722                      Lansing           MI     48909
61-24-205-235-0002-00   1076 Ambrosia St   Little                                   Duane             1076 Ambrosia St                  Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-235-0002-10   1080 Ambrosia St   Goodwill Industries                                        271 E Apple Ave                   Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-247-0001-00   1112 Ambrosia St   D Wilkinson Insurance Agency Inc                           1477 E Apple Ave                  Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-247-0002-00   1116 Ambrosia St   Hibbs                                    Darlene           1116 Ambrosia St                  Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-247-0003-00   1124 Ambrosia St   Hunter                                   Erica             1124 Ambrosia St                  Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-246-0009-00   1125 Ambrosia St   State of Michigan                                          PO Box 30722                      Lansing           MI     48909
61-24-205-247-0003-10   1128 Ambrosia St   Cook                                     Kenneth           2520 6th St                       Muskegon          MI     49444
61-24-205-249-0001-00   1150 Ambrosia St   McCoy                                    Jessie Lee        1150 Ambrosia St                  Muskegon          MI     49442
61-24-205-250-0008-00   1155 Ambrosia St   State of Michigan                                          PO Box 30722                      Lansing           MI     48909
61-24-205-249-0002-00   1160 Ambrosia St   Strouse                                  Bonnie            PO Box 1133                       Muskegon          MI     49443
61-24-205-249-0003-10   1168 Ambrosia St   Jones                                    Candy             4537 NE 82nd Ave                  Portland          OR     97220
61-24-205-262-0001-00   1192 Ambrosia St   Eldenbrady                        Joshua      1136 Spring St                    Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-262-0002-00   1200 Ambrosia St   City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-261-0008-00   1205 Ambrosia St   State of Michigan                             PO Box 30722                      Lansing        MI   48909
61-24-205-262-0003-00   1206 Ambrosia St   Mitchell                          James       1206 Ambrosia St                  Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-263-0008-00   1253 Ambrosia St   State of Michigan                             PO Box 30722                      Lansing        MI   48909
61-24-205-205-0006-00   204 Amity Ave      Brown                             Shirley     204 Amity Ave                     Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-209-0007-00   205 Amity Ave      City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-205-0007-00   210 Amity Ave      Patino                            Charles     450 West St                       Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-209-0005-00   213 Amity Ave      Brownlow                          Vivian      889 Emory Ave                     Akron          OH   44310
61-24-205-205-0008-00   218 Amity Ave      Quest IRA Inc                                 17171 Park Row Suite 100          Houston        TX   77084
61-24-205-205-0008-10   222 Amity Ave      Duncan                            James       309 E Hackley Ave                 Muskegon       MI   49444
61-24-205-209-0004-00   223 Amity Ave      McLaurin                          Calvin      223 Amity Ave                     Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-205-0009-00   230 Amity Ave      A-1 Investments of Muskegon LLC               PO Box 21                         Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-209-0003-00   231 Amity Ave      Berry                             James       1828 S 52nd Ave PO Box 398        Shelby         MI   49455
61-24-205-205-0010-00   244 Amity Ave      Brewster                          Marilyn     347 Shonat St Apt 5               Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-209-0001-10   253 Amity Ave      Garcia Galvez                     Tomas       253 Amity Ave                     Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-205-0011-10   254 Amity Ave      Brewster                          Marilyn     347 Shonat St Apt 5               Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-204-0010-00   272 Amity Ave      Nielson                           Roger       420 Carmen Drive                  Spring Lake    MI   49456
61-24-205-210-0006-00   273 Amity Ave      Vanholstyn                        Matt        4900 Fruit Ridge Ave              Grand Rapids   MI   49544
61-24-205-210-0005-00   283 Amity Ave      County of Muskegon Treasurer                  173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-204-0012-00   288 Amity Ave      Hewelett                          Dareese     288 Amity Ave                     Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-210-0004-00   289 Amity Ave      Hakeem                            Muhammad    289 Amity Ave                     Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-210-0004-10   293 Amity Ave      Craner                            William A   106 Smith St                      Herperia       MI   49421
61-24-205-204-0013-00   304 Amity Ave      City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-210-0003-00   305 Amity Ave      City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-204-0013-20   306 Amity Ave      County of Muskegon Treasurer                  173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-204-0014-00   310 Amity Ave      Berry                             James       5835 W Shelby Rd                  Shelby         MI   49455
61-24-205-210-0002-00   311 Amity Ave      Kitchen                           Sharon R    1713 Yale Place                   Rockville      MD   20850
61-24-205-204-0015-00   318 Amity Ave      First National Bank of America                PO Box 52                         Fruitport      MI   49415
61-24-205-204-0015-20   322 Amity Ave      Levelston                         Idella      322 Amity Ave                     Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-211-0006-00   339 Amity Ave      Crews                             Karla       339 Amity Ave                     Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0007-10   340 Amity Ave      Larson                            Mary        340 Amity Ave                     Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0007-20   344 Amity Ave      Leveleston                        Janice      3319 Lemuel Street                Muskegon       MI   49444
61-24-205-211-0006-10   345 Amity Ave      Plotts                            Durwin      345 Amity Ave                     Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0008-00   348 Amity Ave        FWC Muskegon LLC                                  1478 East Ellis Road            Muskegon           MI   49444
61-24-205-203-0008-10   352 Amity Ave        Vempire LC                                        PO Box 44008                    Muskegon Heights   MI   49444
61-24-205-211-0005-00   353 Amity Ave        Walker                               Pearlie M    353 Amity Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0009-00   358 Amity Ave        Caviness                             Christee     2720 Bellevue Rd                Muskegon           MI   49441
61-24-205-211-0004-00   361 Amity Ave        Quest Ira Inc                                     17171 Park Row #100             Houston            TX   77084
61-24-205-203-0009-10   364 Amity Ave        Roberson                             Marvin       731 Orchard Ave                 Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-211-0003-00   371 Amity Ave        Carey                                Stephen      1411 Russell Rd                 Alexandria         VA   22301
61-24-205-203-0010-00   372 Amity Ave        FWC Muskegon LLC                                  1478 East Ellis Road            Muskegon           MI   49444
61-24-205-211-0002-00   381 Amity Ave        Taylor                               Aleen        381 Amity Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0011-00   382 Amity Ave        Smith                                Leticia      382 Amity Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0012-00   390 Amity Ave        Wright                               Douglas      390 Amity Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-211-0001-10   391 Amity Ave        Williams                             Nell         391 Amity Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-211-0001-00   393 Amity Ave        Bailey                               Tameka       547 Erickson St                 Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-223-0001-00   97 East Apple Ave    County of Muskegon                                990 Terrace Street              Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-214-0008-00   200 East Apple Ave   Nielson                              Roger        420 Carmen Drive                Spring Lake        MI   49456
61-24-205-214-0009-00   212 E Apple Ave      Clanton                              Roberta      14870 Swan Ln                   Spring Lake        MI   49456
61-24-205-214-0009-10   218 East Apple Ave   Nielson                              Roger        420 Carmen Drive                Spring Lake        MI   49456
61-24-205-214-9991-00   222 East Apple Ave   State of Michigan                                 PO Box 30722                    Lansing            MI   48909
61-24-205-233-0001-00   271 E Apple Ave      Goodwill Industries                               271 E Apple Ave                 Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-213-0001-00   318 East Apple Ave   Muskegon County Building Authority                990 Terrace Street 4th Floor    Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-234-0001-00   341 East Apple Ave   Harakas Trust                        Donald       1417 Ruddiman Drive             Muskegon           MI   49445
61-24-205-212-0001-00   376 East Apple Ave   County of Muskegon                                990 Terrace Street              Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-234-0008-00   389 East Apple Ave   Host Industries Inc                               29 Del Oro Lagoon               Novato             CA   94949
61-24-205-268-0004-10   342 Bauer Ave        Hegwood                              Urious       342 Bauer Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-268-0005-00   350 Bauer Ave        Muskegon Monument and Stone                       1396 Pine St                    Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-270-0009-00   353 Bauer Ave        Muskegon Monument and Stone                       1396 Pine St                    Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-268-0006-00   358 Bauer Ave        Anderson                             Mark         358 Bauer Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-268-0007-00   364 Bauer Ave        Harris                               Eleanor      2517 Wood St                    Muskegon           MI   49444
61-24-771-000-0041-00   482 Benton Ave       Muskegon Construction Co                          75 West Walton Avenue Suite A   Muskegon           MI   49440
61-24-771-000-0039-00   494 Benton Ave       Walton                               Willie Mae   935 Marquette Avenue Apt D      Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0048-00   503 Benton Ave       Ross                                 Charles      505 Benton Avenue               Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0037-00   504 Benton Ave       Hicks                                James        504 Benton Avenue               Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0047-00   505 Benton Ave       Ross                                 Charles      505 Benton Avenue               Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0046-00   511 Benton Ave       Edwards                              Viola        511 Benton Avenue               Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-264-0005-00   320 Catawba Ave     Harton                               Rennee        320 Catawba Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-268-0011-00   329 Catawba Ave     Droughn                              Ramon         2012 Jarman St                    Muskegon Heights   MI   49444
61-24-205-264-0006-00   330 Catawba Ave     Bowen                                Randy         330 Catawba Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-264-0007-00   336 Catawba Ave     City of Muskegon                                   933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49443
61-24-205-268-0010-00   337 Catawba Ave     County of Muskegon Treasurer                       173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-269-0001-10   373 Catawba Ave     City of Muskegon                                   933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-263-0004-10   374 Catawba Ave     Bergren                              Rena          374 Catawba Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-269-0007-00   379 Catawba Ave     Perez                                Rosanna       379 Catawba Avenue                Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-263-0005-00   380 Catawba Ave     Bass                                 Joe           380 Catawba Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-263-0007-00   398 Catawba Ave     Gordon Painting & Pressure Washing                 398 Catawba Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0059-00   425 Catawba Ave     Urban League of Greater Muskegon                   PO Box 4272                       Muskegon           MI   49444
61-24-205-094-0009-00   428 Catawba Ave     Odie                                 Grivers       428 Catawba Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-094-0009-10   436 Catawba Ave     Johnson                              Charles       436 Catawba Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-094-0010-00   442 Catawba Ave     Sharps                               Erica         442 Catawaba Ave                  Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-094-0011-00   450 Catawba Ave     Beasley                              Amenia        450 Catawba Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-094-0011-10   460 Catawba Ave     Pruitt                               Brenda        460 Catawba Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-094-0012-00   462 Catawba Ave     Greinke                              Naomi         1189 S Getty St                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0057-00   463 Catawba Ave     RJW Mission Properties LLC                         16406 Lannin Lane                 Spring Lake        MI   49456
61-24-771-000-0025-00   479 Catawba Ave     Sherman                              Frederick     1239 Peck Street                  Muskegon           MI   49441
61-24-771-000-0024-00   485 Catawba Ave     Sherman                              Frederick     1239 Peck Street                  Muskegon           MI   49441
61-24-771-000-0023-00   493 Catawba Ave     Jackson                              Theopolis     493 Catawba Avenue                Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0022-00   497 Catawba Ave     Loera                                Guadalupe     497 Catawba Avenue                Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0021-00   505 Catawba Ave     Exit Strategy October 13 LLC                       24100 Southfield Road Suite 101   Southfield         MI   48075
61-24-771-000-0019-00   517 Catawba Ave     Johnson                              Cynthia       517 Catawba Avenue                Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0018-00   525 Catawba Ave     Worley                               Christopher   9980 Baumhoff Avenue NW           Sparta             MI   49345
61-24-205-251-0003-00   246 Catherine Ave   Dowson                               Robert        246 Catherine Ave                 Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-260-0001-10   257 Catherine Ave   N & N Associates LLC                               420 Carmen Dr                     Spring Lake        MI   49456
61-24-205-251-0004-00   260 Catherine Ave   Mallory                              Diann         260 Catherine Ave                 Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-251-0005-00   266 Catherine Ave   Brown                                Napoleon      940 Stevens St                    Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-260-0016-00   269 Catherine Ave   City of Muskegon                                   933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49443
61-24-205-260-0014-00   273 Catherine Ave   Salazar                              Stephen       273 Catherine Ave                 Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-251-0006-00   276 Catherine Ave   Pendelton                            Galen         10330 S Calumet                   Chicago            IL   60628
61-24-205-251-0007-00   280 Catherine Ave   Newman                               Elizabeth     280 Catherine Ave                 Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-250-0004-10   318 Catherine Ave   Salacina                             Amalia        318 Catherine Ave                 Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-261-0012-00   323 Catherine Ave   Meeks                          Kevin             635 School St                     Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-250-0005-00   324 Catherine Ave   Kamp                           Roger             324 Catherine Ave                 Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-261-0012-10   327 Catherine Ave   Jaimes                         Maria             1242 Spring St                    Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-250-0005-10   328 Catherine Ave   Brooks                         Elaine            12603 Van Wagoner                 Grant                 MI   49327
61-24-205-261-0011-00   333 Catherine Ave   County of Muskegon Treasurer                     173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-250-0006-00   334 Catherine Ave   City of Muskegon                                 933 Terrace St                    Muskegon              MI   49443
61-24-205-250-0007-00   342 Catherine Ave   Powell                         Mike              342 Catherine Ave                 Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-249-0004-00   370 Catherine Ave   City of Muskegon                                 933 Terrace St                    Muskegon              MI   49443
61-24-205-249-0004-10   376 Catherine Ave   Kakish                         Yacoub            14729 182nd St                    Springfield Gardens   NY   11413
61-24-205-262-0001-10   381 Catherine Ave   Eldenbrady                     Joshua            1336 Spring St                    Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-262-0005-00   383 Catherine Ave   Eldenbrady                     Joshua            1336 Spring St                    Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-249-0005-00   384 Catherine Ave   City of Muskegon                                 933 Terrace St                    Muskegon              MI   49443
61-24-205-249-0006-00   390 Catherine Ave   Muskegon County Treasurer                        173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-079-0005-00   421 Catherine Ave   Arias                          Roberto Gutierrez 421 Catherine Ave                 Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-079-0004-00   427 Catherine Ave   Smith                          Monique           1458 Leahy St                     Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-079-0004-10   433 Catherine Ave   Humphrey                       Zebara            433 Catherine Ave                 Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-079-0002-00   449 Catherine Ave   Avengers Inc                                     1775 S Champion Ave               Columbus              OH   43207
61-24-205-079-0001-00   457 Catherine Ave   City of Muskegon                                 933 Terrace St                    Muskegon              MI   49443
61-24-205-191-0006-00   824 Cedar Street    City of Muskegon                                 933 Terrace St                    Muskegon              MI   49443
61-24-205-206-0005-00   858 Cedar St        Napieralski                    Brian             858 Cedar St                      Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-206-0009-00   876 Cedar St        Gomex                          Carmen            2575 Sams Ln                      Twin Lake             MI   49457
61-24-771-000-0026-00   1291 Chestnut St    Hunter                         Comelia           1291 Chestnut Street              Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0027-00   1301 Chestnut St    Sandoval                       Christina         1301 Chestnut Street              Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0029-00   1307 Chestnut St    King                           John              1307 Chestnut Street              Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0034-00   1321 Chestnut St    Brooks                         Floyd             3685 Harris Drive                 Norton Shores         MI   49441
61-24-771-000-0034-10   1331 Chestnut St    Wilson                         John              505 Yuba Street                   Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0043-00   1345 Chestnut St    Carey                          Sandra            1345 Chestnut Street              Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0043-10   1351 Chestnut St    Chiaverini                     Alyssa            4057 Leclare Street               Muskegon              MI   49444
61-24-771-000-0043-20   1357 Chestnut St    Duo Sisters LLC                                  13650 172nd Avenue                Grand Haven           MI   49417
61-24-205-237-0001-10   175 Delaware Ave    Earth and Air Properties LLC                     202 W Exchange                    Spring Lake           MI   49456
61-24-205-237-0012-00   179 Delaware Ave    County of Muskegon                               173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-237-0011-00   187 Delaware Ave    County of Muskegon Treasurer                     173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0001-10   233 Delaware Ave    FWC Muskegon LLC                                 1478 East Ellis Road              Muskegon              MI   49444
61-24-205-236-0013-00   241 Delaware Ave    Gray                           Robert            241 Delaware Ave                  Muskegon              MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0012-00   247 Delaware Ave   White                              Claudia     247 Delaware Ave                  Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-232-0005-00   248 Delaware Ave   Anthony                            Luegean     248 Delaware Ave                  Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0012-10   253 Delaware Ave   Busman                             Daniel      3845 Forest Edge                  Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-232-0005-10   254 Delaware Ave   Denson                             Jim         254 Delaware Ave                  Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0010-00   259 Delaware Ave   Lewis                              Michael     259 Delaware Ave                  Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-181-0001-00   185 Eastern Ave    City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                    Muskegon      MI   49443
61-24-205-182-0001-00   225 Eastern Ave    City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                    Muskegon      MI   49443
61-24-205-199-0001-00   735 Emerald St     Harris                             Susie       271 Orchard Ave                   Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-199-0001-10   747 Emerald St     Watts                              Aminie      291 E Walton Ave                  Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-199-0012-10   751 Emerald St     Nielson                            Roger       420 Carmen Drive                  Spring Lake   MI   49456
61-24-205-197-0001-00   756 Emerald St     Cogic Village-Muskegon LDHALP                  2140 Valley St                    Muskegon      MI   49444
61-24-205-199-0012-20   759 Emerald St     Wayne                              Tommie      759 Emerald St                    Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-202-0006-10   808 Emerald St     D Wilkinson Insurance Agency Inc               4265 Grand Haven Rd Suite 100     Muskegon      MI   49441
61-24-205-201-0001-10   813 Emerald St     Overton                            Patsy       756 S Quarterline Rd              Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-202-0007-00   818 Emerald St     Goods                              Gordon      818 Emerald St                    Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-201-0012-00   821 Emerald St     City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                    Muskegon      MI   49443
61-24-205-201-0011-00   827 Emerald St     Vines                              Dwight      2100 Manz                         Muskegon      MI   49444
61-24-205-203-0004-00   848 Emerald St     Childers                           Gregory     848 Emerald St                    Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0005-00   856 Emerald St     City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                    Muskegon      MI   49443
61-24-205-203-0006-00   864 Emerald St     Roberts                            Ben         864 Emerald St                    Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-204-0016-00   869 Emerald St     McLaurin                           Stanley     PO Box 1201                       Muskegon      MI   49443
61-24-205-204-0015-10   877 Emerald St     Evans                              Henry       877 Emerald St                    Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0007-00   878 Emerald St     Leveleston                         Janice      3319 Lemuel Street                Muskegon      MI   49444
61-24-205-211-0006-20   922 Emerald St     Anderson                           William T   845 Catherine St                  Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-210-0001-00   923 Emerald St     City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                    Muskegon      MI   49443
61-24-205-210-0012-00   937 Emerald St     Dunbar                             David       8441 Chuckanut D                  Montague      MI   49437
61-24-205-211-0007-00   940 Emerald St     County of Muskegon                             173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-204-0008-00   856 Fork St        Robinson                           Linda       856 Fork St                       Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-204-0009-00   870 Fork St        FWC Muskegon LLC                               1478 East Ellis Road              Muskegon      MI   49444
61-24-205-205-0011-00   881 Fork St        Gregory                            Clarence    881 Fork St                       Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-210-0006-10   922 Fork St        Munroe                             William H   2029 9th St                       Muskegon      MI   49444
61-24-205-210-0007-00   928 Fork St        Davis                              Susie       928 Fork St                       Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-209-0001-20   929 Fork St        Castillo                           Monica      929 Forks St                      Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-214-0001-00   965 Fork St        Professional Med Team Inc                      965 Fork St                       Muskegon      MI   49442
61-24-205-098-0001-20   1537 S Getty St   Fastenal Co - Mimus                          2001 Theurer Blvd                 Winona         MN   55987
61-24-205-098-0001-40   1577 S Getty St   Ferguson Enterprises Inc                     125000 Jefferson Ave              Newport News   VA   23602
61-24-205-166-0001-00   285 Hall Ave      City of Muskegon                             933 Terrace St                    Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-245-0001-10   203 Iona Ave      Kenniston                      David         2041 E Broadway Ave               Muskegon       MI   49444
61-24-205-237-0004-10   204 Iona Ave      FWC Muskegon LLC                             1478 East Ellis Road              Muskegon       MI   49444
61-24-205-245-0012-00   209 Iona Ave      Kroesing                       Edward        9198 Mariposa Ave                 Roseville      CA   95661
61-24-205-237-0005-00   212 Iona Ave      Stone                          Merle         212 Iona Ave                      Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-237-0006-00   216 Iona Ave      Madison                        Edward        222 Iona Ave                      Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-245-0011-00   219 Iona Ave      C Bots 4 LLC                                 6348 North Milwaukee Ave #311     Chicago        IL   60646
61-24-205-237-0006-10   222 Iona Ave      Madison                        Edward        222 Iona Ave                      Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-245-0010-00   225 Iona Ave      Rone                           Jackie        225 Iona Ave                      Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-237-0007-00   226 Iona Ave      Riley                          Samone        1123 Spring St                    Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0004-00   252 Iona Ave      Kinney                         Bruce         252 Iona Ave                      Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0004-10   256 Iona Ave      City of Muskegon                             933 Terrace St                    Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-246-0001-10   261 Iona Ave      Chavez                         Antonio       261 Iona Ave                      Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0004-20   262 Iona Ave      Adams                          Gerald        262 Iona Ave                      Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-246-0012-00   267 Iona Ave      Bookers                        Cherylle      1125 Calvin Ave                   Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0005-00   270 Iona Ave      Milliron                       Amy           260 N Bear Lake Rd                Muskegon       MI   49445
61-24-205-246-0011-00   277 Iona Ave      Buckley                        CW            283 Iona St                       Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0006-00   280 Iona Ave      Gager                          Cassandra     280 Iona Ave                      Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-246-0010-00   283 Iona Ave      Buckley                        Mandy         283 Iona St                       Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0007-00   284 Iona Ave      Keenan                         Donates       284 Iona Ave                      Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-235-0004-00   310 Iona Ave      Goodwill Industries                          271 E Apple Ave                   Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-235-0003-00   316 Iona Ave      Minor                          Gloria Bell   1341 Eastwood Dr                  Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-247-0001-10   319 Iona Ave      Inglot                         Patrick       599 Grandwoods Ct NE              Grand Rapids   MI   49525
61-24-205-247-0012-00   325 Iona Ave      County of Muskegon Treasurer                 173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-247-0012-10   329 Iona Ave      N & N Associates LLC                         420 Carmen Dr                     Spring Lake    MI   49456
61-24-205-247-0011-00   333 Iona Ave      Shabazz                        Kareem        333 Iona Ave                      Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-247-0011-10   337 Iona Ave      City of Muskegon                             933 Terrace St                    Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-247-0010-00   341 Iona Ave      McDonald                       Mame          341 Iona Ave                      Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-234-0005-00   370 Iona Ave      Carballo                       Adrian        370 Iona Avenue                   Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-234-0005-10   378 Iona Ave      River City Housing LLC                       599 Grand Woods Court NE          Grand Rapids   MI   49525
61-24-205-234-0006-00   384 Iona Ave      Maxlow                         Kenneth       384 Iona Avenue                   Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-234-0006-10   388 Iona Ave      Critchett                      Jerry         3050 McDermott Street             Muskegon       MI   49444
61-24-129-300-0001-00   355 Irwin Ave        City of Muskegon                                 933 Terrace St                    Muskegon        MI   49443
61-24-205-270-0003-10   388 Irwin Ave        McNeil                               Maire       1938 Sanford St                   Muskegon        MI   49441
61-24-205-270-0003-20   392 Irwin Ave        Zukiewicz                            George      3190 Dalson Rd                    Twin Lake       MI   49457
61-24-205-096-0001-50   444 Irwin Ave        Foundation Real Estate Development               444 Irwin Ave                     Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-129-400-0001-00   445 Irwin Ave        City of Muskegon                                 933 Terrace St                    Muskegon        MI   49443
61-24-205-095-0001-65   500 Irwin Ave        Clifford Buck Construction Inc                   500 Irwin Ave                     Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-251-0001-10   231 E Isabella Ave   Long                                 Leon        240 E Isabella Ave                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-251-0013-00   235 E Isabella Ave   Salacina                             Roger       239 E Isabella Ave                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-251-0013-10   239 E Isabella Ave   Navarro                              Connie      239 E Isabella Ave                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-245-0005-00   240 E Isabella Ave   Speech                               Marzella    240 E Isabella Ave                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-251-0012-00   243 E Isabella Ave   Harris                               Eleanore    2948 Woodcliffe Dr                Muskegon        MI   49444
61-24-205-245-0006-00   246 E Isabella Ave   Miller                               Keith       1030 Dorchester SW                Grand Rapids    MI   49503
61-24-205-245-0007-00   252 E Isabella Ave   Palmer                               Bryant      1785 Dyson St                     Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-251-0011-00   253 E Isabella Ave   Tucker                               Theotis     PO Box 4173                       Muskegon        MI   49444
61-24-205-246-0003-00   288 E Isabella Ave   United States of America-HUD                     2401 NW 23rd St Suite 1D          Oklahoma City   OK   73107
61-24-205-250-0001-00   291 E Isabella Ave   MSI Consulting Inc                               654 N 800 E                       Spanish Fork    UT   84660
61-24-205-250-0012-00   295 E Isabella Ave   Potts                                Geraldine   861 S Wolf Lake Rd                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-246-0005-00   298 E Isabella Ave   Gerth                                Amber       298 E Isabella Ave                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-250-0012-10   299 E Isabella Ave   Potts                                Geraldine   295 E Isabella Ave                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-250-0011-00   303 E Isabella Ave   Vargas                               Guadalupe   303 E Isabella Ave                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-246-0006-00   304 E Isabella Ave   Spencer                              Carol       304 E Isabella Ave                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-246-0007-00   308 E Isabella Ave   Foster                               Charles     308 E Isabella Ave                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-247-0004-10   348 E Isabella Ave   Dover                                Bertha      415 S Densmore St                 Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-249-0012-00   353 E Isabella Ave   Walker                               Lance       1536 Park St                      Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-247-0005-00   356 E Isabella Ave   Stewart                              Virginia    1505 Albert Ave                   Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-249-0012-10   357 E Isabella Ave   County of Muskegon                               173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-249-0011-00   361 E Isabella Ave   Brooks                               Alisa       361 E Isabella Ave                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-249-0010-00   369 E Isabella Ave   Westbrook Builders LLC                           1818 S Citrus Grove               Mesa            AZ   85204
61-24-205-247-0007-00   370 E Isabella Ave   Jackson                              Bobby       14722 Lemoli Ave Unit 207         Gardena         CA   90249
61-24-205-214-0005-00   201 Jay Street       City of Muskegon                                 933 Terrace ST                    Muskegon        MI   49443
61-24-205-209-9991-00   930 Jay Street       State of Michigan                                PO Box 30722                      Lansing         MI   48909
61-24-205-214-0006-00   970 Jay Street       Nielson                              Roger       420 Carmen Drive                  Spring Lake     MI   49456
61-24-205-214-0007-00   974 Jay St           Cisneros                             Gabriel     630 Columbus Ave                  Grand Haven     MI   49417
61-24-771-000-0052-00   1373 Kenneth St      Stille                               Allen       1088 Calvin Avenue                Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0054-00   1381 Kenneth St      Deephouse                          Dustin      7260 Evanston Avenue            Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0049-00   1389 Kenneth St      Workman                            John        2044 Westlake Road              Twin Lake      MI   49457
61-24-205-162-0001-00   655 Marion Street    City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                  Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-264-0001-00   287 McLaughlin Ave   Tate                               Shawn       287 McLaughlin Ave              Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-260-0004-10   288 McLaughlin Ave   Herbert                            Edna        288 McLaughlin Ave              Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-264-0012-00   291 McLaughlin Ave   City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                  Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-260-0005-00   292 McLaughlin Ave   Page                               D'Anthony   292 McLaughlin Ave              Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-260-0006-00   298 McLaughlin Ave   Groenhout                          Blake       664 Hendrick Rd                 Muskegon       MI   49441
61-24-205-264-0011-00   301 McLaughlin Ave   Roosevelt                          George      8848 Bradford St                Philadelphia   PA   19115
61-24-205-260-0007-00   304 McLaughlin Ave   City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                  Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-264-0010-00   307 McLaughlin Ave   Skadeland                          Jamie       2123 Lakeshore Dr               Muskegon       MI   49441
61-24-205-260-0008-00   312 McLaughlin Ave   Ortiz                              Karina      2328 6th St                     Muskegon       MI   49444
61-24-205-261-0004-10   346 McLaughlin Ave   Brooks Rental Properties VI LLC                12603 Van Wagoner               Grant          MI   49327
61-24-205-263-0012-00   351 McLaughlin Ave   Meeks                              Ricky       441 Amity Ave                   Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-261-0005-00   354 McLaughlin Ave   Jaimes                             Maria       1242 Spring St                  Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-263-0012-10   355 McLaughlin Ave   Adams                              John        355 McLaughlin Ave              Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-261-0006-00   360 McLaughlin Ave   Alsobrooks                         Ross        1745 Madison                    Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-263-0011-00   363 McLaughlin Ave   City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                  Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-261-0007-00   370 McLaughlin Ave   Eldenbrady                         Joshua      1336 Spring St                  Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-262-0004-00   396 McLaughlin Ave   Laban                              Sue         94 Serra Ct                     Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-094-0005-00   415 McLaughlin Ave   City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                  Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-079-0008-00   422 McLaughlin Ave   Wishart                            Charles     1210 Amity Ave                  Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-079-0009-00   428 McLaughlin Ave   Abdalla                            Essam       54 Phillip Ave                  Elmwood Park   NJ   07407
61-24-205-094-0004-00   429 McLaughlin Ave   Villarreal                         Ofelia      429 McLaughlin Ave              Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-094-0003-00   435 McLaughlin Ave   City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                  Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-079-0010-00   438 McLaughlin Ave   Saucedo                            Brenda      438 McLaughlin Ave              Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-094-0002-00   449 McLaughlin Ave   City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                  Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-079-0011-00   456 McLaughlin Ave   Eldenbrady                         Joshua      1336 Spring St                  Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-094-0001-00   457 McLaughlin Ave   Stille                             Allen       1620 S Quarterline Rd           Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-094-0001-00   461 McLaughlin Ave   Urbina                             Doris       1109 E Larch Ave                Muskegon       MI   49442
61-24-205-184-9991-00   805 Murphy Street    State of Michigan                              PO Box 30722                    Lansing        MI   48909
61-24-205-184-0012-00   825 Murphy Street    City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                  Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-200-0008-00   832 Murphy St        D Wilkinson Insurance Agency Inc               4265 Grand Haven Rd Suite 100   Muskegon       MI   49441
61-24-205-191-0001-00   185 E Muskegon Ave   City of Muskegon                               933 Terrace St                  Muskegon       MI   49443
61-24-205-192-0001-00   205 E Muskegon Ave   City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon            MI   49443
61-24-205-193-0004-00   287 E Muskegon Ave   City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon            MI   49443
61-24-205-193-0011-00   306 E Muskegon Ave   Westbrook Builders LLC                        1818 S Citrus Grove               Mesa                AZ   85204
61-24-205-193-0001-00   307 E Muskegon Ave   City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon            MI   49443
61-24-205-194-0001-00   325 E Muskegon Ave   City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon            MI   49443
61-24-205-208-0012-00   148 Myrtle Ave       Green                               Darlene   1250 McLaughlin                   Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-000-0001-00   175 Myrtle Ave       State of Michigan                             PO Box 30722                      Lansing             MI   48909
61-24-205-206-0011-00   186 Myrtle Ave       City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon            MI   49443
61-24-205-205-0005-00   203 Myrtle Ave       Patino                              Charles   450 West St                       Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-205-0004-00   213 Myrtle Ave       City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon            MI   49443
61-24-205-209-0014-00   214 Myrtle Ave       Munsee                              Michael   214 Myrtle Ave                    Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-205-0003-00   223 Myrtle Ave       Callaway                            Travis    16225 E Benbow ST                 Covina              CA   91722
61-24-205-200-0007-00   230 Myrtle Ave       County of Muskegon                            173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-200-0009-00   246 Myrtle Ave       Sweet                               Neil      3307 Tyler Rd                     Twin Lake           MI   49457
61-24-205-200-0010-00   256 Myrtle Ave       Roundtree                           Tanya     256 Myrtle Ave                    Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-200-0011-00   260 Myrtle Ave       Chandler                            Eugene    350 Houston Ave Apt 119           Muskegon            MI   49441
61-24-205-200-0011-10   266 Myrtle Ave       Ruelas                              Raul      266 Myrtle Ave                    Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-201-0007-00   267 Myrtle Ave       Tea Properties LLC                            16393 Taft Rd                     Spring Lake         MI   49456
61-24-205-200-0012-10   272 Myrlte Ave       Sims                                James     272 Myrtle Ave                    Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-201-0005-00   275 Myrtle Ave       Robinson                            Kattie    275 Myrtle Ave                    Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-199-0007-10   278 Myrtle Ave       Watts                               Monroe    794 Rathborne St                  Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-199-0008-00   286 Myrtle Ave       City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon            MI   49443
61-24-205-201-0004-00   295 Myrtle Ave       Cornelisse                          Charles   295 Myrtle Ave                    Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-201-0002-00   301 Myrtle Ave       Steward                             William   39121 Prentiss St Apartment 205   Harrison Township   MI   48045
61-24-205-199-0009-00   304 Myrtle Ave       Long                                Arlegia   304 Myrtle Ave                    Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-201-0001-00   313 Myrtle Ave       City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon            MI   49443
61-24-205-199-0010-00   316 Myrtle Ave       Dwayne Lang Rental Properties LLC             856 Ada Ave                       Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-199-0011-00   320 Myrtle Ave       Snyder                              Jill      7253 Manitoba Ct                  Hudsonville         MI   49426
61-24-205-199-0011-10   324 Myrtle Ave       Knight                              Marva     430 E Hackley Ave                 Muskegon            MI   49444
61-24-205-199-0012-00   328 Myrtle Ave       Knight                              Marva     430 E Hackley Ave                 Muskegon            MI   49444
61-24-205-199-0012-30   332 Myrtle Ave       Wallace                             Tracy     472 Marquette Ave                 Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-198-0002-00   385 Myrtle Ave       Fox                                 Annie     763 Wood St                       Muskegon            MI   49442
61-24-205-097-0001-00   600 Nims St          City of Muskegon                              933 Terrace St                    Muskegon            MI   49443
61-24-205-098-0001-00   656 Nims St          Simons Development LLC                        8298 E Garfield Rd                Hesperia            MI   49421
61-24-129-400-9991-00   764 Nims St       State of Michigan                        PO Box 30722           Lansing         MI   48909
61-24-205-095-0001-00   1280 Nims St      State of Michigan                        PO Box 30722           Lansing         MI   48909
61-24-205-202-0006-00   341 Oak Ave       Torres                    Enrique        341 Oak Ave            Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-198-0004-00   344 Oak Ave       Booker                    Shirley        344 Oak Ave            Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-202-0005-00   351 Oak Ave       Woodfork                  Patrick        351 Oak Ave            Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-198-0004-10   356 Oak Ave       Love                      Viola          356 Oak Ave            Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-202-0004-00   361 Oak Ave       Fox                       Lisa           361 Oak Ave            Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-198-0003-00   368 Oak Ave       L L Property Management                  356 Oak Ave            Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-202-0003-00   371 Oak Ave       Hough                     Jeffery        1064 Wood St           Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-198-0006-00   380 Oak Ave       Blohm                     Autumn         1322 Peck St           Muskegon        MI   49441
61-24-205-202-0002-00   381 Oak Ave       Rodriguez                 Antonio        630 Leonard Ave        Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-205-0001-00   249 Orchard Ave   R&D Venture LLC                          385 Moonraker Dr       Slidell         LA   70458
61-24-205-204-0007-00   271 Orchard Ave   Harris                    Susie          271 Orchard Ave        Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-204-0005-00   291 Orchard Ave   Frazier Alvernis Estate                  1342 Kingsley          Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-201-0008-00   292 Orchard Ave   Verkade                   Bryant         12931 Apple Dr         Nunica          MI   49448
61-24-205-204-0004-00   297 Orchard Ave   Beck                      Thomas         PO Box 132             Cedar Springs   MI   49319
61-24-205-204-0003-00   301 Orchard Ave   Beck                      Thomas         PO Box 132             Cedar Springs   MI   49319
61-24-205-201-0009-00   302 Orchard Ave   City of Muskegon                         933 Terrace St         Muskegon        MI   49443
61-24-205-204-0002-00   307 Orchard Ave   Nielsen                   Roger          420 Carmen Drive       Spring Lake     MI   49456
61-24-205-201-0010-00   308 Orchard Ave   Brown                     Mary           308 Orhcard Ave        Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-204-0001-00   313 Orchard Ave   City of Muskegon                         933 Terrace St         Muskegon        MI   49443
61-24-205-202-0008-00   348 Orchard Ave   Ruff                      Arrie          PO Box 1686            Muskegon        MI   49443
61-24-205-202-0009-00   352 Orchard Ave   Burr                      Steven         352 Orchard Ave        Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0003-00   361 Orchard Ave   Spears                    David          PO Box 47              East Lansing    MI   48826
61-24-205-202-0010-00   368 Orchard Ave   Campbell                  Evelyn         368 Orchard Ave        Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0002-00   371 Orchard Ave   Szot                      Clementine     861 Wood St            Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-202-0010-10   372 Orchard Ave   Cowling                   Robert         372 Orchard Ave        Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0009-30   373 Orchard Ave   City of Muskegon                         933 Terrace St         Muskegon        MI   49443
61-24-205-202-0011-00   376 Orchard Ave   Masar                     John           1450 N Peterson Rd     Muskegon        MI   49445
61-24-205-203-0001-00   379 Orchard Ave   FWC Muskegon LLC                         1478 East Ellis Road   Muskegon        MI   49444
61-24-205-202-0011-10   382 Orchard Ave   Solis                     Celso Mendes   150 Patterson Rd       Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-237-0001-00   1144 Pine St      Chapman                   Rhonda         1144 Pine St           Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-237-0002-00   1150 Pine St      Jackson                   Josephine      1150 Pine St           Muskegon        MI   49442
61-24-205-237-0003-10   1162 Pine St      Pendelton                 Galen          10330 S Calumet        Chicago         IL   61628
61-24-205-245-0001-00   1184 Pine St         JM Diamond LLC                             13721 W 59th Ave                  Arvada            CO    80004
61-24-205-245-0002-00   1192 Pine St         Bank of America                            1661 Worthington Suite 100        West Palm Beach    FL   33409
61-24-205-245-0002-10   1194 Pine St         Starcorp LLC                               119 Sims Ave Unit N               Panama City        FL   32404
61-24-205-245-0003-00   1200 Pine St         Dagen                           Thomas     1200 Pine St                      Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-245-0004-00   1206 Pine St         Speech                          Marzella   240 E Isabella Ave                Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-251-0001-00   1226 Pine St         JM Diamond LLC                             13721 W 59th Ave                  Arvada            CO    80004
61-24-205-251-0002-00   1232 Pine St         City of Muskegon                           933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49443
61-24-205-260-0001-30   1270 Pine St         City of Muskegon                           933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49443
61-24-205-260-0002-00   1278 Pine St         Muckey                          Robert     1273 Pine St                      Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-260-0003-00   1284 Pine St         Muckey                          Robert     1273 Pine St                      Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-264-0002-00   1318 Pine St         City of Muskegon                           933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49443
61-24-205-264-0003-00   1324 Pine St         County of Muskegon Treasurer               173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-264-0004-00   1334 Pine St         City of Muskegon                           933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49443
61-24-205-268-0002-00   1350 Pine St         Day                             Harriet    1350 Pine St                      Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-268-0003-00   1362 Pine St         Longmire                        Johnnie    1362 Pine St                      Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-268-0004-00   1374 Pine St         Consolidated Properties Trust              201 Everglade Dr                  Madison           WI    53717
61-24-205-270-0001-00   1396 Pine St         Muskegon Monument and Stone                1396 Pine St                      Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-199-0007-00   794 Rathborne St     Bell Properties                            794 Rathborne St                  Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-200-0012-00   795 Rathborne St     FWC Muskegon LLC                           1478 East Ellis Road              Muskegon           MI   49444
61-24-205-234-0002-10   1030 Sophia Street   Newell                          Leon       1030 Sophia Street                Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-235-0010-00   1037 Sophia St       Goodwill Industries                        271 E Apple Ave                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-234-0003-00   1038 Sophia Street   Ellis                           Irene      1038 Sophia Street                Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-234-0004-00   1048 Sophia Street   Gutierrez                       Janet      1639 6th Street                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-248-0001-00   1070 Sophia Street   MSI Consulting Inc                         654 North 800 E                   Spanish Fork     Utah   84660
61-24-205-247-0009-00   1077 Sophia St       Armenta                         Mario      1710 S Talbott St                 Indianapolis       IN   46225
61-24-205-248-0002-00   1082 Sophia Street   Williams                        Percy      2933 8th Street                   Muskegon Heights MI     49444
61-24-205-248-0002-10   1082 Sophia Street   Williams                        Percy      2933 8th Street                   Muskegon Heights MI     49444
61-24-205-247-0008-00   1085 Sophia St       Black                           Helen      1085 Sophia St                    Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-248-0003-00   1088 Sophia St       City of Muskegon                           933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49443
61-24-205-247-0006-00   1089 Sophia St       May Property Management LLC                3947 Norton Hills Road            Muskegon           MI   49441
61-24-205-247-0007-10   1095 Sophia St       Gause                           Clifton    1095 Sophia St                    Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-249-0010-10   1113 Sophia St       Community Investment LLC                   35700 Kensington                  Sterling Heights   MI   48312
61-24-205-249-0009-00   1119 Sophia St       Community Investment LLC                   35700 Kensington                  Sterling Heights   MI   48312
61-24-205-237-0010-00   1101 Spring St       Resurrection Properties LLC                722 W River St                    Otsego             MI   49078
61-24-205-237-0009-00   1109 Spring St   Carpenter          Christopher   1109 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0002-00   1112 Spring St   Rottier            James         1584 S Dickinson              Fremont          MI   49412
61-24-205-236-0002-10   1116 Spring St   Littell            Mark          1116 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-237-0008-00   1119 Spring St   Brown              Casonda       1119 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-236-0003-00   1122 Spring St   Crenshaw           Georgia       1122 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-237-0008-10   1123 Spring St   Thomas             Beatrice      1123 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-237-0007-10   1129 Spring St   Riley              Samone        1123 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-246-0001-00   1146 Spring St   FWC Muskegon LLC                 1478 East Ellis Road          Muskegon         MI   49444
61-24-205-246-0002-00   1152 Spring St   Rice               Elnora        1152 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-245-0009-00   1153 Spring St   Rone               Jackie        225 Iona Ave                  Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-245-0009-10   1157 Spring St   Guillen            Reina         1157 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-245-0008-00   1163 Spring St   Meeks              Clarence      1163 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-245-0007-10   1171 Spring St   Long               Leon          240 Isabella Ave              Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-251-0009-00   1187 Spring St   Pierce             Sherrie       1187 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-250-0002-00   1188 Spring St   Cunningham         Stanley       1223 Morgan Ave               Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-251-0008-00   1205 Spring St   Holt               NJ            PO Box 972981                 Ypsilanti        MI   48197
61-24-205-250-0003-00   1206 Spring St   Bank of America                  7105 Corporate Dr #PTX-B-32   Plano            TX   75024
61-24-205-250-0004-00   1214 Spring St   Vega               Alma          PO Box 44013                  Muskegon         MI   49444
61-24-205-251-0007-20   1215 Spring St   Gill               William       1215 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-260-0013-00   1229 Spring St   Sompolinsky        Meguel        1229 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-261-0001-00   1230 Spring St   Avala              Zachary       1230 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-261-0002-00   1236 Spring St   Farrior            Maggie        226 E Hackley Ave             Muskegon         MI   49444
61-24-205-260-0012-00   1237 Spring St   Pringle            Robert        1237 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-261-0002-10   1242 Spring St   Jaimes             Maria         1242 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-260-0011-00   1245 Spring St   Sovory             Rosalyn       5995 Hudson Ave               San Bernardino   CA   92404
61-24-205-260-0010-00   1247 Spring St   Young              Gladys        1247 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-261-0003-00   1248 Spring St   Gause              Henrietta     718 S Stephenson Hwy          Royal Oak        MI   48067
61-24-205-260-0009-00   1251 Spring St   Villada            Adolfo        1251 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-261-0004-00   1254 Spring St   Zimmer             Mark          PO Box 575                    Grant            MI   49327
61-24-205-263-0001-00   1272 Spring St   Eldenbrady         Joshua        1336 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-264-0009-00   1281 Spring St   JM Diamond LLC                   13721 W 59th Ave              Arvada           CO   80004
61-24-205-264-0008-00   1287 Spring St   Lutker             Monica        1287 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-264-0007-10   1293 Spring St   Lutker             Monica        1287 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-264-0007-20   1297 Spring St   Jones              Lucy          1297 Spring St                Muskegon         MI   49442
61-24-205-263-0004-00   1298 Spring St     Garcia                         Juanquin      1298 Spring St                    Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-268-0010-10   1311 Spring St     Thomas                         Betty         1311 Spring St                    Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-269-0001-00   1312 Spring St     Brown                          Michael       1312 Spring Street                Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-269-0002-00   1320 Spring St     City of Muskegon                             933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI      49443
61-24-205-268-0009-00   1321 Spring St     Waller                         Conradalita   1321 Spring St                    Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-268-0008-00   1327 Spring St     Sander                         Lakisha       1327 Spring St                    Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-269-0003-00   1328 Spring St     County of Muskegon Treasurer                 173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-269-0003-10   1330 Spring St     Cummings                       Dwight        1330 Spring Street                Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-268-0007-10   1333 Spring St     Adams                          Miyako        18 Willow Wood Dr                 Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-269-0004-10   1336 Spring St     Eldenbrady                     Joshua        1336 Spring Street                Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-268-0007-20   1337 Spring St     Harris                         Eleanor       2517 Wood St                      Muskegon           MI      49444
61-24-205-269-0005-00   1346 Spring St     Cummings Estate                Gwendolyn     1346 Spring Street                Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-269-0005-10   1352 Spring St     Kaznecki                       Jan           963 Clark Lane                    Des Plaines     Illinois   60016
61-24-205-270-0006-00   1355 Spring St     Ford                           Roy           PO Box 1802                       Muskegon           MI      49443
61-24-205-191-0008-00   155 E Walton Ave   Marchido                       Gary          779 Yuba St                       Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-206-0004-00   165 E Walton Ave   State of Michigan                            PO Box 30722                      Lansing            MI      48909
61-24-205-206-0003-00   171 E Walton Ave   Muskegon County Treasurer                    173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-206-0002-00   175 E Walton Ave   Bell                           Mildred       175 E Walton Ave                  Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-206-0002-10   179 E Walton Ave   Bell                           Mildred       175 E Walton Ave                  Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-200-0005-00   207 E Walton Ave   City of Muskegon                             933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI      49443
61-24-205-191-0009-00   209 E Walton Ave   City of Muskegon                             933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI      49443
61-24-205-200-0005-10   215 E Walton Ave   Wright                         Lenore        1369 Calvin                       Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-200-0006-00   221 E Walton Ave   Robertson                      Daphne        221 E Walton Ave                  Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-200-0006-40   237 E Walton Ave   McCrary                        Camp          237 E Walton Ave                  Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-200-0006-30   247 E Walton Ave   Harris                         Doris         1456 Oak Ave                      Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-200-0006-20   253 E Walton Ave   Spann                          Edward        253 E Walton Ave                  Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-200-0006-10   259 E Walton Ave   Marshall                       Tyrone        259 E Walton Ave                  Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-199-0006-00   265 E Walton Ave   Tanner                         Johnnie       265 E Walton Ave                  Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-199-0005-00   271 E Walton Ave   LWN Investments LLC                          695 E Summit Ave                  Muskegon Heights MI        49444
61-24-205-199-0004-00   277 E Walton Ave   Nelson                         Lorraine      133 Berkwick Dr                   West Chester        PA     19382
61-24-205-199-0003-00   283 E Walton Ave   City of Muskegon                             933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI      49443
61-24-205-199-0002-00   291 E Walton Ave   Watts                          Aminie        291 E Walton Ave                  Muskegon           MI      49442
61-24-205-194-0005-00   316 E Walton Ave   Meyers                         Jason         PO Box 52                         Fruitport          MI      49415
61-24-205-194-0006-00   324 E Walton Ave   City of Muskegon                             933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI      49443
61-24-205-194-0007-00   332 E Walton Ave   Singleton                       James           3925 E Apple                      Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-194-0007-10   336 E Walton Ave   FWC Muskegon LLC                                1478 East Ellis Road              Muskegon           MI   49444
61-24-205-194-0009-00   346 E Walton Ave   City of Muskegon                                933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49443
61-24-771-000-0024-10   1282 Williams St   Erickson                        Ruthanne        1282 Williams Street              Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0030-00   1294 Williams St   City of Muskegon                                933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0032-00   1302 Williams St   Jewett                          Neva            1302 Williams Street              Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-771-000-0033-00   1308 Williams St   Chapman                         Edgar           PO Box 1121                       Muskegon           MI   49443
61-24-771-000-0064-00   1311 Williams St   Parkland Muskegon Inc                           75 West Walton Avenue Suite A     Muskegon           MI   49440
61-24-205-196-0001-00   703 Wood St        Smith                           Julia           703 Wood St                       Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-198-0001-00   763 Wood St        Fox                             Annie           763 Wood St                       Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-198-0008-00   771 Wood Street    City of Muskegon                                933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49443
61-24-205-198-0007-00   773 Wood St        Meyers                          Jason           PO Box 52                         Fruitport          MI   49415
61-24-205-202-0001-00   807 Wood St        Shah                            Sheliah         807 Wood St                       Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0014-00   861 Wood St        Szot                            Clementine      861 Wood St                       Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0001-10   0 Wood St          Szot                            Clementine      861 Wood St                       Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0013-00   865 Wood St        Larson                          Mary            340 Amity Ave                     Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-203-0013-10   871 Wood St        Exit Strategy December 12 LLC                   24100 Southfiled Rd Suite 101     Southfield         MI   48075
61-24-205-211-0012-00   925 Wood Street    Prior                           Phillip H       4271 Orchard Rd                   Norton Shores      MI   49444
61-24-205-211-0012-10   939 Wood Street    Trust Critchett                 Pamela J        3050 McDermott St                 Muskegon           MI   49444
61-24-205-234-0007-00   1029 Wood Street   Critchett                       Jerry           3050 McDermott Street             Muskegon           MI   49444
61-24-205-248-0002-20   1061 Wood St       City of Muskegon                                933 Terrace St                    Muskegon           MI   49443
61-24-205-248-0001-30   1047 Wood Street   In Seven LLC                                    16 Berryhill Road Suite 200       Columbia           SC   29210
61-24-205-249-0007-00   1149 Wood St       Community Investment LLC                        35700 Kensington                  Sterling Heights   MI   48312
61-24-205-079-0006-00   1174 Wood St       Aubrey                          Karen           15928 Hunsaker Ave Unit 8         Paramount          CA   90723
61-24-205-262-0005-10   1175 Wood Street   County of Muskegon Treasurer                    173 East Apple Avenue Suite 104   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-262-0005-20   1185 Wood St       Jacobs                          Brandon         1185 Wood St                      Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-262-0003-10   1191 Wood St       Mendez                          Emelia Vargas   1191 Wood St                      Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-079-0007-00   1192 Wood St       Eldenbrady                      Joshua          1336 Spring St                    Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-079-0007-20   1202 Wood St       Hood                            Erica           1410 Creston St                   Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-094-0007-00   1244 Wood St       Williams                        Donald          140 Ruddiman Dr                   Muskegon           MI   49445
61-24-129-100-9991-00   1255 Wood Street   State of Michigan                               PO Box 30722                      Lansing            MI   48909
61-24-205-269-0007-10   1289 Wood Street   Trombley                        Shawn           1289 Wood Street                  Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-095-0001-50   1290 Wood St       Hope Lighthouse Church                          2731 Peck St                      Muskegon           MI   49444
61-24-205-269-0006-00   1299 Wood Street   Perez                           Ermila          379 Catawba Avenue                Muskegon           MI   49442
61-24-205-264-0007-10   1293 Spring St    Lutker                 Monica   1287 Spring St    Muskegon   MI   49442
61-24-205-096-0001-00   1338 Wood St      Prelude Holdings LLC            1720 Brandel Dr   Muskegon   MI   49445
61-24-205-167-0001-00   650 Yuba Street   City of Muskegon                933 Terrace St    Muskegon   MI   49443
61-24-205-183-0001-00   731 Yuba Street   City of Muskegon                933 Terrace St    Muskegon   MI   49443
61-24-205-191-0004-00   779 Yuba St       Marchido               Gary     779 Yuba St       Muskegon   MI   49442
61-24-205-184-0001-00   783 Yuba St       Marchido               Gary     779 Yuba St       Muskegon   MI   49442
                                                                                                                                                                                 Williams St
                                                                                                                                                      Wood St
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                                                                               y                                                                        Orchard Ave

                               r     St

                                                                                                                  Emerald St

                                                                                                                                                     Amity Ave
                                                                                   Fork St

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Apple Ave
                                                                                                                                                    Apple Ave

                                                                                                                                                                   Williams St

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                                                                                                                                                                                                      Isabella Ave


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                                                                                                                                                                                               .       Catawba Ave
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                                                                                                         E Grand Ave
                                                                                                                                       Wood St

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  S Getty St

                                                                                                                                                                                   E Forest Ave

                                                                                                                                   0                            0.125                                       0.25                             0.5 Miles
            Ambrosia Restricted Zone
            5 ug/L                                                                                                                                                                                                              Initial - Date:

                                                                                                                  Groundwater Contamination Plume                                                                                      RJ - 1/25/17
            100 ug/L

            1000 ug/L                                                                                          Ambrosia St Groundwater Contamination
                                                                                                                        Muskegon, Michigan
The Ambrosia St. Area Groundwater Contamination was discovered by sampling conducted by the
environmental consultant Arcadis of Michigan, LLC for the Burgess-Norton (660 Nims St.) site in 2013.
During that work Arcadis not only defined the extent of the contamination plume coming from the
Burgess-Norton site, but also identified 3 other plumes of chlorinated contamination. Various borings
were conducted in the road right-of-ways of Delaware, Isabella, Catawba, and Bauer Avenues, all south
of Apple Avenue. Sampling was also conducted by Arcadis north of Apple Avenue in the road right-of-
ways of Allen, Oak, and Walton Avenues. This work helped define the extent of the contamination we
call the Ambrosia St. Groundwater Contamination site which consists of 2 co-mingled plumes of
contamination. Additional discussion of the work conducted and all plumes found during the Burgess-
Norton investigation can be found in the Burgess-Norton Mfg. Co., Inc. Remedial Investigation Report
dated October 1, 2015 and revised April 22, 2016 prepared by Arcadis, which is located at the Hackley
Library, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Grand Rapids District Office, and online

The Ambrosia St. Area Groundwater Contamination includes 2 co-mingled plumes of chlorinated
contamination, one of which appears to start near the former Westshore Pavilion property at 716 Nims
Street east of the Burgess-Norton site. The other plume, which consists of similar contaminants, has an
unknown origin. In the fall of 2015, DEQ conducted investigation activities along Irwin and Bauer
Avenues near Wood Street to pinpoint a source. Chlorinated contaminants were detected in the
groundwater at depth and upgradient of this area, however we were unable to identify a specific source.
Upgradient of this area are two cemeteries – Evergreen and Oakwood which have been in existence for
well over 100 years.

The chemicals of concern found in the Ambrosia St. Groundwater Contamination plume are
trichloroethylene (TCE), tetrachloroethylene (PCE), cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cisDCE), 1,1-dichloroethylene
(1,1DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC). Also a compound associated with gasoline was found in the
groundwater and it is methyl-tert-butyl-ether (MTBE). All these compounds were found at
concentrations greater than the residential drinking water criteria. The highest concentration was
1100 ug/L for TCE found at 60 feet below ground level (bgl) at VAP-17-13. (See the attached map for
location.) The groundwater at this location also had 2.4 ug/L of TCE at 35 feet bgl. The residential
drinking water criteria for TCE is 5 ug/L. Groundwater was found to start at approximately 16 feet bgl in
this location. This means there is approximately 20 feet of clean groundwater above the plume.
Groundwater in the area south of Apple Avenue appears to begin about 15 feet bgl on average. The
shallowest groundwater was in a boring at Walton Avenue and Murphy Street where it was about 10
feet bgl and no contamination was detected in the groundwater at this location. Groundwater wasn’t
detected until about 30 feet bgl at Walton Avenue and Marsh Street.

The majority of the groundwater contamination was found between Catawba and Iona Avenues , just
west of Wood Street and along Ambrosia Street. This area is identified on the map in yellow. The
other plume of contamination from the orphan Westshore Pavilion site has the highest PCE (67 ug/L)
concentration at VAP-19-13 at 84-87 feet bgl. The highest TCE concentration in this former Westshore
Pavilion plume is under the Burgess-Norton site at 1430 ug/L of TCE found at 78-80 feet bgl.

Groundwater in the Ambrosia Street area generally flows from south to the north towards Ryerson
Creek. Near Restlawn Cemetery and McCrea Playfield groundwater flows northwesterly. Low levels of
contaminants were found at 52 feet bgl at the Walton Avenue and Marsh Street sample location
nearest the creek. The TCE concentration detected at this location was well below the criteria that is
protective of surface water (Ryerson Creek).

The main risk to this contamination would be from drinking the groundwater. Reliance on the
municipal supply system and elimination of all wells in the area will provide the necessary level of
protection to prevent health exposures. Since the contamination is found at depth within the aquifer,
the risks associated with potential vapor intrusion are very low. Restricting wells within the area will
provide an additional layer of protection to prevent exposure to the groundwater.
       Address                       Name                    Well on Prop         Status
280 Allen Ave         Melanie Marshall                    irrigation        not functional
360 Allen Ave         Deborah Fernanders                  irrigation        not functional
380 Allen Ave         314 S Catherine LLC                 irrigation        unknown
175 E. Apple Ave      County Register of Deeds Bldg       irrigation?       not functional
271 E. Apple Ave      Guy Bailey (Goodwill)               irrigation        operational
341 E. Apple Ave      Eric Anderson (Apparel Masters)     production        operational
380 Catawba           Joe Bass                            irrigation        operational
493 Catawba           Theopolis & Vestoria Jackson        irrigation?       unknown
219 Iona Ave          C Bots 4 LLC                        irrigation        unknown
444 Irwin Ave         Candy Crane (Graphics House)        irrigation        operational
240 E. Isabella Ave   Marzella Speech                     irrigation        operational
295 E. Isabella Ave   Geraldyne Potts                     irrigation ?      unknown
303 E. Isabella Ave   Guadalupe Vargas                    irrigation ?      unknown
297 Orchard Ave       Thomas & Robert Beck - vacant lot   irrigation ?      not functional
1038 Sophia           Irene Ellis                         irrigation        operational
1123 Spring St.       Samone Riley                        irrigation ?      unknown
1336 Spring St.       Joshua Eldenbrady                   household ?       unknown
865 Wood St.          Mary Larson (lives @ 340 Amity)     irrigation?       not functional

Proper abandonment will be arranged for the operational wells within 90 days of adoption of
the groundwater ordinace amendment. Wells that are found to be not functional will be
properly abandoned within 150 days of adoption of the groundwater ordinance amendment.
                    Commission Meeting Date: March 28, 2017

Date:         March 22, 2017
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Request to Create a New Neighborhood Enterprise Zone District
              at 285 W Western Ave


Pursuant to Public Act 147 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1992, Parkland Muskegon, LLC
has requested to create a new Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) district for the parcel at
285 W Western Ave. Properties located in this NEZ district will be eligible to apply for NEZ
certificates, which will freeze the taxable value for residential construction. A public hearing
was held on this matter at the City Commission meeting on June 28, 2016. This project will
include 47 apartments and two floors of commercial space. The NEZ will only affect the
residential component of the project.


No financial impact at this point. However, being in a district will allow them to apply for a
rehab NEZ certificate, which will freeze the residential taxable value at its pre-rehabilitated
rate for 1 to 15 years.




Staff recommends approval of the mew NEZ district.


                                  Resolution No. ________

                            MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon currently has established Neighborhood Enterprise Zone
districts within the City, and;

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon would like to create a new Neighborhood Enterprise Zone
district to a new location within the City, and;

WHEREAS, notices were sent to the local taxing jurisdictions on June 20, 2016, and;

WHEREAS, a public hearing was held regarding the creation of this new district on June 28,
2016; and

WHEREAS, the new district boundaries will include the property known as “Highpoint Flats
(285 W Western Ave, property # 24-234-000-0001-00),” as shown in Attachment A, and;

WHEREAS, the total square footage of Neighborhood Enterprise Zone districts in Muskegon
will not exceed 15% of the total square footage of the City;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the new Neighborhood Enterprise Zone district in
the City of Muskegon have been approved.

Adopted this 28th day of March, 2017.




                                                   By: __________________________
                                                       Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                   Attest: _________________________
                                                           Ann Meisch
                                                           City Clerk

I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular
meeting held on March 28, 2017.

                                                                By: ________________________
                                                                    Ann Meisch
                                                                    City Clerk
Attachment A

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