City Commission Packet Archive 05-24-2011

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                       MAY 24, 2011

  A. 2010 Outstanding Citizenship Awards.
  A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK
  B. CDBG Program Administration Agreement – City of Muskegon/City of
  C. 2011-2012 Michigan Municipal League Membership Dues. CITY CLERK
  D. Gaming License Request from Muskegon Charter Boat Association.
  E. Resolution Approving Energy Efficiency Grant Application. PLANNING
  A. Summer Recreation Evening Activities Program (Justice Assistance
  B. Resolution of Support for Lake Effect Boat Week – August 15-21, 2011.
   Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
   Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
    Submit the form to the City Clerk.
   Be recognized by the Chair.
   Step forward to the microphone.
   State name and address.
   Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
   (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)

ADA POLICY: The City of Muskegon will provide necessary auxiliary aids and services to individuals who
want to attend the meeting upon twenty four hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Please contact Ann
Marie Becker, City Clerk, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or TDD:
(231) 724-4172.
Date:    May 24, 2011
To:      Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:    Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk
RE:      Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes of the May 10th City
Commission Meeting.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
                          MAY 10, 2011
The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 10, 2011.
Mayor Warmington opened the meeting with a prayer from Pastor Tim Cross
from the Living Word Church after which the Commission and public recited the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present: Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Stephen Gawron,
Commissioners Sue Wierengo, Steve Wisneski, Chris Carter, Clara Shepherd, and
Lawrence Spataro, City Manager Bryon Mazade, City Attorney John Schrier, and
City Clerk Ann Marie Becker.
Public Works Director MoHammed Al-Shatel introduced Kevin Santos, Highway
Supervisor; Joe Buckingham, Equipment and Sanitation Supervisor; and Vern
Berndt, Highway Supervisor. Commission congratulated them on their new job
      A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes of the City Commission Meeting
that was held on Tuesday, April 26, 2011.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
      B. Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials and Concrete. PUBLIC
Award bid to supply H1 and H2 limestone chip blend to Verplank Trucking
Award bid to supply road slag to Verplank Trucking Company
Award bid to supply Sylvax patching material to Superior Asphalt
Award bid for crack sealant to Surface Coatings Co.
Award bid to supply bituminous asphalt product to Asphalt Paving, Inc.
Award bid to supply screened top soil to Yellow Rose Transport
Award bid to supply 2NS sand to Jackson-Merkey Contractors, Inc.
Award bid to supply 7-sack mix concrete to Port City Redi-Mix
Award supply of Calcium Chloride 38% (road brine) and 32% (winter salting) to
Great Lakes Chloride
FINANCIAL IMPACT: $361,114.50 based on quantities requested in bid at 2011
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None, funds appropriated in several budgets.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of bids as outlined in Summary of Request.
      C. City – MDOT Agreement for the Reconstruction of Laketon, Beidler to
         Park. ENGINEERING
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approve the contract with MDOT for the reconstruction
of Laketon Avenue from Beidler to Park, and approve the resolution authorizing
the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: MDOT’s participation is limited to the approved federal
funds of $537,100. The estimated total construction cost is $700,000.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: Due to the short fall of street funds, the City will use
bond money for the match.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the contract and resolution authorizing the
Mayor and Clerk to sign both.
      E. Watermain Purchase. PUBLIC WORKS
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize Staff to purchase 8” and 12” watermain and
appurtenances from ETNA Supply. The watermain will be used to construct two
budgeted watermain projects using in-house work force and equipment. The
projects are:
      •   Leahy Street between Laketon and Larch
      •   McGraft Street between Palmer and Montgomery
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Total cost $17,453.02.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None, included in 2010-2011 Budget.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve purchase from ETNA Supply.
Motion by Vice Mayor Gawron, second by Commissioner Shepherd to approve
the Consent Agenda as read minus item D.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Wisneski, Carter, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington,
            and Wierengo
            Nays: None
      D. Request to Submit Grant Application for the Reconstruction of Laketon
         between Park and Peck. ENGINEERING
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to submit a request for grant application
to MDOT for TEDF-F funds to reconstruct Laketon Avenue from Park to Peck. The
request is for $375,000 and will require a match of up to $150,000; which, if
approved, will be budgeted for in 2013, since the request is for the 2013 funding
FINANCIAL IMPACT: A local share of $150,000 match plus engineering costs is
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time but will have to be budgeted for
in 2013.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to submit the application.
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Vice Mayor Gawron to approve
the request to submit the grant application for the reconstruction of Laketon
between Park and Peck.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Carter, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo,
           and Wisneski
            Nays: None
      A. Civil Service Agreement. CITY MANAGER
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve an agreement for the County of Muskegon
to provide human resource services to the City and the Civil Service
FINANCIAL IMPACT:      The annual contract is for $75,000 and will provide for
savings to the City.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor
and Clerk to sign the agreement.
Motion by Vice Mayor Gawron, second by Commissioner Wierengo to approve
the agreement for the County of Muskegon to provide human resource services
to the City and the Civil Service Commission and authorize the Mayor and Clerk
to sign the agreement.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes:     Gawron, Shepherd,     Spataro,   Warmington,   Wierengo,
           Wisneski, and Carter
            Nays: None
Commissioner Spataro mentioned that a letter was received from the District
Library Board stating that Dr. Doris Rucks term expires June 30, 2011, and she
would like to continue serving on the board.
Motion by Mayor Warmington, second by Commissioner Carter to reappoint Dr.
Doris Rucks to the District Library Board.
VOTE:    All Ayes
2011-34 CLOSED SESSION: Attorney-Client Privileged Information.
Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Spataro to go into
Closed Session to discuss attorney-client privileged information.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, Wisneski, Carter, Gawron,
           and Shepherd
            Nays: None
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to come out
of Closed Session.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warmington, Wierengo, Wisneski, Carter, Gawron, Shepherd,
           and Spataro
            Nays: None
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                         Ann Marie Becker, MMC
                                         City Clerk
           Commission Meeting Date: May 24, 2011

Date:       May 4, 2011
To:         Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:       Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:         CDBG Program Administration Agreement- City of
            Muskegon/City of Norton Shores

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City of Muskegon has contracted with
the City of Norton Shores to administer their Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) program since 2006. The current Agreement
concludes on June 30, 2011. Staff has negotiated a new Agreement
that extends for two years (through June 30, 2013). In addition, Norton
Shores agrees to provide the maximum allowable CDBG costs per
program year to the City of Muskegon, minus $1,000. This more
accurately reflects the true administrative costs of the City of Muskegon.
The only other significant change is that the City of Muskegon staff will
do the IDIS reporting for Norton Shores. We currently do the IDIS
reporting for the City of Muskegon and adding the City of Norton Shores
will save time in staff communication between the two cities in regards to
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City of Norton Shores will pay the maximum
allowable CDBG costs per program year to the City of Muskegon, minus
$1,000 to administer their CDBG program.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached Agreement and
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign.
                               CDBG Program Administration Agreement
                                            Between the
                                       City of Norton Shores
                                         City of Muskegon

An agreement made and entered into this __________ day of __________, 2011, by and between the City
of Muskegon; a Michigan municipal corporation (“Muskegon”), and the City of Norton Shores, a
Michigan municipal corporation (“Norton Shores”), with reference to the following facts;


        Norton Shores desires that Muskegon assume responsibilities for the administration of the Norton
Shores’ Community Development and Block Grant (“CDBG”) Program.

        Therefore, the parties agree as follows:

        1. Administration of CDBG Program. Muskegon agrees to assume responsibility for the
           preparation and submission of the following CDBG documents on behalf of Norton Shores:
               a. Federal Application 424, narratives, project tables, certifications, Environmental
                   Summary, Combined Notice of no Significant Findings and Intent to Release Funds.
               b. Five-Year Consolidated Plan, Annual Plans, Consolidated Annual Performance and
                   Evaluation Report, publish hearing notice narratives, reports including performance
                   measures criteria (using CPMP format).
               c. Semi-Annual Labor Standard Enforcement Report (form 4710).
               d. Contract and Subcontract Activity Report (form 2516).
               e. CDBG liens for projects, in accordance with HUD guidelines and regulations, as well
                   as any other applicable Norton Shores requirements.
               f. Preparation of quarterly reports to comply with CAPER, maintaining sub-recipient
                   contract format for the City of Norton Shores’ contract with the American Red Cross
                   and CALL 211.
               g. IDIS reporting will be done by the City of Muskegon. Norton Shores will continue
                   to do its own draw-downs.

        Norton Shores shall provide Muskegon with a copy of all forms previously used by Norton
Shores, and Muskegon shall provide a copy of the above reports to Norton Shores upon completion.
Norton Shores will continue to publish its own public notices.

        2. Terms of CDBG Fund Payments. Muskegon shall submit payment request for release of
           CDBG funds to Norton Shores’ Finance Department, and Norton Shores shall remit payment
           within 10 days of a payment request by Muskegon.
        3. Administration Fee. Norton Shores shall pay Muskegon the maximum CDBG allowable
           costs minus $1,000 (for legal work, etc) per program year for administration of CDBG
           program. Payment shall be made by way of quarterly payments beginning on July 1, 2011.
       4. Terms of the Contract. The parties agree that this contract shall be effective July 1, 2011
          through June 30, 2013. In addition, either party may terminate this Agreement at any time,
          and for any reason, upon 45 days written notice to the other party. Upon termination of the
          contract, Muskegon shall owe Norton Shores a pro rata return of the unearned Administration
          Fee paid to date.
       5. Building Inspection. Norton Shores’ Building Inspection Department will perform all
          inspections for CDBG projects and submit the inspection reports to Muskegon for inclusion
          in the relevant project file.
       6. Purchasing Guidelines. Muskegon and Norton Shores agree to evaluate the current CDBG
          program purchasing guidelines used by Norton Shores and establish a written quotation and
          sealed project bid system acceptable to both parties.
       7. General Provision.
               a. Non-Waiver. No waiver by any party of any provision of this Agreement shall
                   constitute a waiver by such party of such provision on any other occasion or a waiver
                   by such party of any other provision of this Agreement.
               b. Severability. Should any provision of this Agreement be determined to be invalid,
                   unlawful, or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality, and enforceability of
                   the remaining provisions shall not in any way be impaired or affected.
               c. Assignment or Delegation. Neither party may assign all or any portion of its rights
                   and obligations in this Agreement without the express prior written approval of the
                   other party which approval may be withheld for any reason.

City of Muskegon                                         City of Norton Shores

By _____________________________                         By _____________________________
Stephen J. Warmington, Mayor                             Gary Nelund, Mayor

By _____________________________                         By _____________________________
Ann Marie Becker, Clerk                                  Lynne A. Fuller, Clerk
Date:     May 24, 2011
To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:     Ann Becker, City Clerk
RE:       2011-2012 Michigan Municipal League
          Membership Dues

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approval to pay the 2011-2012 MML dues
in the amount of $8,886. The MML is continuing the freeze on the
membership dues, and the elimination of the Environmental Affairs

MML Dues                   $8,078
Legal Defense Fund         $ 808
Total                      $8,886


Date:       May 24, 2011
To:         Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:       Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk
RE:         Gaming License Request from Muskegon Charter
            Boat Association

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Muskegon Charter Boat Association,
3040 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon, is requesting a resolution recognizing
them as a non-profit organization operating in the City for the purpose of
obtaining a Gaming License. They have been recognized as a 501(c)(3)
organization by the State.



             Commission Meeting Date: May 24, 2011

Date:        May 4, 2011
To:          Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:        Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:          Summer Recreation Evening Activities Program
             (Justice Assistance Grant)- YMCA

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City of Muskegon received a Justice Assistance
Grant (JAG) in 2009. A portion of the funds were to be used for evening recreation
for youth over the course of two summers. The program was implemented last year
and staffed by the Leisure Services and Police Departments. It was a successful
program with youth between the ages of 13 and 25 engaged in basketball, volleyball,
dance, movies and other activities. The program will be hosted at the Muskegon
High School, again, this summer. Since the Leisure Services staff is no longer
available to oversee the program, staff has been working with the YMCA in an effort
to transition the oversight of the program to them. Fortunately, they have agreed to
manage the program and have submitted the attached proposal. In addition, they will
be able to offer swimming this summer (not available last year as improvements
were being made to the pool).

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proposal from the YMCA totals $60,003.47, which is the
amount remaining in the JAG funds for this program.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the proposal from the YMCA for the
“Summer Recreation Evening Activities Program” and authorize staff to enter into a
formal agreement with the YMCA.
Summer Recreation Evening Activities Program 



Recreation program hours:  three nights a week, Tuesday‐Thursday, 6:00 pm‐10:00 pm 

Location:  Muskegon High School 


The purpose of the program will be to provide recreational programs for children ages 6 years – 18 
years.  The activities will focus on physical education and how fitness can be fun.  Skill building 
activities will includebasketball, volleyball, soccer, hybrid ball, badminton, and soccer.  Healthy eating 
choices will be reviewed.  We will also provide arts and crafts and mentoring activities.  Educational 
opportunities will be provided by guest speakers for teens and preteens building positive self esteem 
through group activities.  Open swim, as well as, instructor lead pool games will be provided. 


The intention will be to encourage and teach children about the importance of daily physical activity 
and fun fitness options, as well as, healthy eating choices.   


Summer Recreation Evening Activities Program
JAG Grant
8 weeks      June 21-August 18, 2011 (No activities the week of July 4)
Tues., Wed., and Thurs.   (6 pm 10 pm)
Staff Salaries
  2 Police Officers      $60 an hr. x 2 officers x 13 hrs. a week x 8 wks. = $12,480.00      $12,480.00

  1 Recreation Supervisor     $13.50 hrly. X 15 hrs. a week x 8 wks. =          1,620.00
  5 program leaders           $11.50 hrly. X 5 x 14.25 hrs. a week x 8 wks. = 6,555.00
  1 custodian @ 1.5           $30 hrly. X 16 hrs. a week x 8 wks. =             3,840.00
  Guest Speakers              $25 hrly. X 9 hrs. wkly. x 8 wks. =               1,800.00
  Weight Room Trainer         $15 hrly. X 12 hrs. wkly. x 8 wks. =              1,440.00
  Fitness Instructor          $15 hrly. X 5 hrs. wkly. x 8 wks. =                600.00
  Arts & Crafts Instructor    $15 hrly. X 9 hrs. wkly. x 8 wks. =               1,080.00
  2 Lifeguards                $15 hrly. X 2 X 12 hrs. wkly. x 8 wks. =          2,880.00
  Swimming pool games instructor          $15 hrly. X 10.5 hrs. wkly. x 8 wks. = 1,260.00
  Pool safety instructor for lifeguards
    (emergency procedures, etc.)              $18 hrly. X 20 hrs.                360.00
                                                                               21,435.00     21,435.00

                                                            Payroll taxes .15 x 21,435.00=    3,215.25

Pool Equipment                                                                                1,942.00
(Various pool toys and Pool games, kickboards, noodles and storage cart, dive rings, lifejackets and
various floatation devices)

Sports/Instructional Equipment and games                                                      5,835.00
(various sports skill building games, various sports balls and sports related equipment)

Physical Fitness Equipment                                                                    2,503.00
(Various Endurance/Agility/strengthening equipment and related games)

Group Games Equipment                                                                         4,000.00
Educational material for positive self=esteem building for teens                            390.00

Supplies                                                                                   3,096.00

 Staff Shirts and shirt screen set up/printing, 2 way radios, Heavy duty ball pump,
first aid supplies, Equipment carriers and racks, Movies, Board Games, Radio/Cd players,
Whistles and Lanyards

Art supplies                                                                               2,000.00

Prizes/Incentives                                                                           657.22

Advertising                                                                                 250.00

Shipping Costs                                                                             2,200.00

          Commission Meeting Date: May 24, 2011

Date:      May 4, 2010
To:        Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:      Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:        Resolution of Support for Lake Effect Boat Week-
           August 15-21, 2011

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Roger Zuidema of Lake Effect Boating has
requested that the City of Muskegon support Lake Effect Boat Week by
approving a resolution. Lake Effect Boat Week will include many
activities, highlighting Muskegon Lake (see attached memo).



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution
declaring August 15-21, 2011 as Lake Effect Boat Week and authorize
the Mayor and Clerk to sign.
To:     Honorable Mayor and City Commission
From: Roger Zuidema
Date: 5/18/2011
Re:     Lake Effect Boating Week Resolution\

Thanks for taking time to review this resolution. My name is Roger Zuidema, organizer of
Lake Effect Boating. Lake Effect Boating is a community outreach aimed at providing fun,
development, education and preservation on Muskegon Lake. We have been busy
discussing ways to improve the Muskegon Lake area. One of the goals is to create a Boat
Time, where the maritime community can showcase the Lake.

I am requesting that the Muskegon City Commission pass a resolution helping Muskegon
Lake’s maritime businesses and organizations show-off. This resolution will help create a
buzz, with people choosing to vacation and boat in Muskegon. The bottom line, the more
boats and people, means more business and development. With this resolution the city is
not hosting an event, but stamping approval for the boating community, supporting
businesses and organizations to invite / entice boaters to experience the great outdoor
natural theater called Muskegon Lake.

A healthy Muskegon needs a multi-faced approach to development. Tourism development
needs to be one of these faces. Recreational boating can play a major role in drawing
tourism. We need to brand Muskegon Lake as a great place to spend the day.

What is the Muskegon Lake Effect? All seasons provide Lake Effect uniqueness. In the
summer, the sun is shining and breezes call you to action. It’s time head to the lake for fun,
relaxation and enjoyment. We call this the Muskegon Lake Effect, the relaxed feeling of
being in a moment of beauty. It's calming yet powerful and unstable, wild and spontaneous.
 It comes on quickly, picks up momentum and speed, and enjoyment is the key.

Resolution Purpose: To encourage visitors to experience the “Lake Effect” on Muskegon
Lake by declaring the 2nd full week of August as “Lake Effect Boat Time.”

“Our goal is to make the Lake Effect Boating and Muskegon Lake, the best destination port
on the Great Lakes.” comments Muskegon Lake Effect Boating organizer Roger Zuidema.
 “The Muskegon area boast some of the greatest sailors and fishers in the world. With
events, tournaments, regattas, races, raft-ups, fireworks, music, throughout the summer we
invite you to join the fun and be effected! Tune up the boat, invite your friends and join us
                                                                                   May 18, 2011

at the 1st annual Muskegon Lake Effect Boat Time, August 15-21, 2011. A time of fun and
sun will be held, on the Lake and off, as the Muskegon area welcomes boaters.” Boater
friendly restaurants like Dockers Fish House and Lounge, Bear Lake Tavern and The Lake
House Water Front Grille will make your boating experience special. Muskegon is home to
the some of the finest freshwater fishing in America. On the big lake salmon and lake trout
are king while smaller Muskegon Lake offers superb walleye and pike fishing.

Along with planned events, informal and spontaneous activities take place all the time.
 Come raft-up at the Muskegon State Park Dune Area or the Breakwater Cove. Head out the
channel and anchor at one of the most beautiful beaches in the world Pere Marquette Beach.
The sugar sand beach has become one of the most popular windsport venues in the
Midwest. The Bear Lake Channel leads to enjoyable tubing or wake-boarding on North
Muskegon’s Bear Lake. Be “Effected” and come experience the Muskegon Lake Effect
during the summer of 2011. For more information on activities and special events visit On facebook search Lake Effect Boat Time or twitter
@LKeffect. Don’t miss out!”

                                              Resolution No. ______

                                        Muskegon City Commission


  WHEREAS, Muskegon is located in the heart of the beautiful Lake Michigan Shoreline and Muskegon
Lake is accessible from any direction via 8 boat ramps and/or a deep-water channel that connects Lake
Michigan to Muskegon Lake giving boaters the option of big lake or small lake boating; and

WHEREAS, the 4,150-acre in-land Muskegon Lake is known for it’s yacht clubs and marinas and
opportunities for cruising, sailing, sunning, paddling, swimming, picnicking, fishing, tubing, skiing and
wake-boarding, as well as socializing with friends new and old; and

WHEREAS, Muskegon Lake has a natural powerful positive effect on all who experience it’s beauty;

WHEREAS, residents of the Muskegon Lake area are proud to have a fantastic maritime community,
that supports the effect the lake has on residents and visitors; and

WHEREAS, Muskegon Lake is home to three historical maritime ships, World War II Silversides
Submarine, LST 393 and the Milwaukee Clipper, as well as home to the Great Lakes Naval Memorial
and Museum, NOAA’s Muskegon Field Station, and GVSU Annis Water Research Station.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Muskegon City Commission invites boaters to enjoy
the Lake Effect on Muskegon Lake as well as the connected waters of Lake Michigan, Bear Lake and
Muskegon River; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Commission encourages visitors to enjoy the marinas,
experience area attractions and beaches and eat at great restaurants in a safe, refreshing and
enjoyable fashion; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Commission supports the outreach by the maritime
community to promote lake fun, development, education and preservation on and around Muskegon
Lake; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Muskegon City Commission declare August 15- 21, 2011 as
“Lake Effect Boat Time Week”. During this week the maritime community will showcase what is special
about Muskegon Lake. In addition to the planned events, the Lake Effect is full of informal and
spontaneous activities that take place on the water during all times of the year. Come Experience the
Lake Effect!

Adopted this _____ of _______________, 2011.




                                                                         Stephen J. Warmington, Mayor

                                                                            Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk

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