City Commission Packet Archive 07-25-2017

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            JULY 25, 2017 @ 5:30 P.M.

□    PRAYER:

     A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
     B. Farmers Market Liquor License       City Clerk
     C. Appointment of Treasurer Position Finance
     D. Beach Tractor DPW/Equipment
     E. Tahoe Police Cruisers DPW/Equipment
     F. LC Walker Arena Locker Room Plumbing             City Manager
     G. Rebid the Demolition of 1290 Wood Street         Public Safety
     H. Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant Development Project
        Agreement for Pere Marquette Park Recreational Improvements and
        Defined Match Amount      Planning & Economic Development &
        Public Works
     I. Adopt the revised WaterMain Standard Construction Specifications –
        Division 13    DPW – Engineering
     J. Rezoning Request for the Property at 1361 S. Getty Street    Planning
        and Economic Development

                                        Page 1 of 2
       K. Rezoning Request for Several Properties to R-2, Single Family Medium
          Density Residential District Planning & Economic Development
       L. Rezoning Request for Several Properties to R-3, Single Family High
          Density Residential District Planning & Economic Development
       M. Revocation of a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate – 896
          Jefferson, LLC Planning & Economic Development
       N. Revocation of a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate – 165
          Clay, LLC      Planning & Economic Development
       A. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to
          Demolish the Following:
           407 Monroe Avenue – Garage Only
           338 Mason Avenue – Garage Only
►      Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►      Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►      Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►      Be recognized by the Chair.
►      Step forward to the microphone.
►      State name and address.
►      Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►      (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)


                                                       Page 2 of 2
To:    Mayor and Commissioners

From: Frank Peterson

Re:    City Commission Meeting

Date: July 25, 2017

Here is a quick outline of the items on our agenda(s):


1.     Under the consent agenda, we are asking the Commission for approval of the following:
       a. Last meeting’s minutes.
       b. As we work toward the official issuance of the liquor license for the Farmers Market, we
          have a number of approvals that the LCC is requesting. The approvals are related to
          outdoor seating and Sunday sales.
       c. After an exhaustive search that yielded many great candidates, we have offered the
          position of Treasurer to Sarah Petersen. Sarah current serves as the Treasurer of
          Roosevelt Park. She will be a great addition to our team, and we are looking forward to
          her joining us at city hall. The City Commission appoints this position.
       d. We are replacing the current beach tractor with a new unit from J&J Farm Sales.
       e. We ae adding three Tahoe Police Cruisers to our fleet. The purchase is being made via
          the Mi Deal State Contract. The total cost for the three units is $105,738.
       f. As we continue to work through our list of deferred maintenance at the LC Walker
          Arena, we uncovered a need to replace the plumbing in the shower units in in locker
          rooms A-F. These locker room service all transient users – Junior Jacks, many visiting
          teams, the Risers, the Ironmen, etc. These locker rooms do not service the Reese
          Puffer of Lumberjack teams. In addition to these repairs, our facilities crew will be
          replacing tile in most of the shower areas over the summer.
       g. We are rebidding the demolition at 1290 Wood Street. The Commission previously
          voted to remove all structures from the site. Upon further review, we are asking to
          save one of the garages, which we expect to use for city purposes.
       h. We will be accepting and signing the MDNR Grant agreement for Pere Marquette
          Park. These funds are to be utilized for upgrades to the existing bathhouse and play
          structure. The City’s match for the project is $147,100.
      i. We are asking that the Commission approve an update to the City’s watermain
         specifications. These were last updated in 2010. The changes will allow us to
         incorporate new materials and construction methods that have changed since 2010.
      j.  Rezoning 1361 S Getty from B-1 to B-4. The owner has requested a special use
         permit to operate a car sales lot at this site.
      k. Rezoning of certain parcels to R-2 single family medium density as part of the smaller lot
         zoning changes.
      l. Rezoning of certain parcels to R-3 single family high density as part of the smaller lot
         zoning changes.
      m. Revocation of Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate for 986 Jefferson. The
         property owner has agreed to reapply in the event his projects begins to move forward
      n. Revocation of Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate for 165 Clay. The property
         owner has agreed to reapply in the event his projects begins to move forward again.

      Under new business, we will be asking the Commission to approve the following:

       a.     Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals to demolish two houses: 407
              Monroe and 338 Mason.

Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns
Date:     July 19, 2017
To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:     Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
RE:       Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes of the July 10, 2017
Worksession Meeting and the July 11, 2017 Regular Meeting.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
                              CITY OF MUSKEGON
                        CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                               Monday, July 10, 2017
                                     5:30 p.m.
                       Muskegon City Commission Chambers
                      933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440

Present:     Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Johnson, and
Absent:      None

Chase Hackley Piano Factory
Joe Weber, 1685 Garrett, representing a group, addressed the Commission with a
request to make 2245 Lakeshore Drive a Historic District (Chase Hackley Piano
Factory). Mike Franzak gave an overview of how to create a Historic District. Amanda
Rhages, from the Michigan Historic Preservation Network, reviewed procedures to
become a Historic District. Wes Eklund, a Pure Muskegon investor, addressed the
Commission regarding the state of disrepair and the estimated amount required to
restore the building which has not been used/occupied for several years.

Motion by Commissioner Turnquist, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
to not appoint a Historic Study Committee for this project.

ROLL VOTE:          Ayes: Gawron, Hood, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist
                    Nays: Johnson and Warren


Any Other Business

   Don __________, Lakeshore Environmental described how the stacks will be taken
   down on the Sappi Property.

   The Commission was apprised of a procedural error that occurred at the June 27,
   2017 meeting – there was an affirmation vote but no motion to approve the budget.
   This will be addressed at the regular meeting.
   Frank Peterson, City Manager, explained the request for replacement of the dasher
   boards at the LC Walker Arena.

   New Psalmtrees Mobile Botique is requesting Commission approval to sell various
   items from a mobile concession. Commission discussion took place and the
   concensus is that the best place for a mobile boutique is the Flea Market which is
   open each Wednesday. Pere Marquette vendors are geared more toward food and
   beach items.

Adjournment – Moved by Vice Mayor Hood, second by Commissioner Johnson, to
adjourn the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

                                              Respectfully Submitted,

                                              Ann Marie Meisch, MMC
                                              City Clerk
             JULY 11, 2017 @ 5:30 P.M.

The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 11, 2017.
Commissioner Willie German opened the meeting with prayer, after which the
Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present:  Mayor Stephen J. Gawron, Commissioners Ken Johnson, Debra
Warren, Dan Rinsema-Sybenga, Byron Turnquist, and Willie German, Jr., City
Manager Franklin Peterson, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann
Absent:    Vice Mayor Eric Hood
     A. Procedural Correction       City Manager, City Clerk, City Attorney
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: At the meeting held on June 27, 2017 there was an
affirmation roll call but no motion made to approve the 2017-18 budget.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:        To make a motion to approve the 2017-18
Proposed Budget.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Warren, to approve
the 2017-18 Proposed Budget.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Warren, and
           Nays: None
2017-57    CONSENT AGENDA:
     A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held

                                       Page 1 of 7
Monday, June 26, 2017 and the Regular City Commission Meeting held Tuesday,
June 27, 2017.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Approval of the minutes.
      B. Lakeshore Museum Loan Agreement               Public Safety
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Director of Public Safety requests that the City
Commission review and authorize the Lakeshore Museum Center Loan
Agreement relating to the 1923 American LaFrance Fire Truck with attached
equipment. Currently, the LaFrance is on display at the Fire House Museum (Clay
Avenue). Part of this agreement includes for the museum to try to get the fire
truck in working condition, at their own expense, as their budget allows.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Staff recommends approval of this loan
      C. D.D. MacGee’s Grill LLC Concession/Business Contract for City of
         Muskegon Parks        DPW
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is asking permission to enter into a 1-year
contractual agreement with Bryan Toth of D.D. MacGee’s Grill LLC, at Pere
Marquette Park, located within the City of Muskegon, to sell various items, as
stated in their proposal, from a mobile concession.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        Concession revenue is 10% of gross receipts.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Authorize DPW staff to enter into concession
agreement with Bryan Toth of D.D. MacGee’s Grill, LLC.
      D. Approval of Building Contract for 1350 Eastwood Drive         CNS
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To award the Building Contract for the rehabilitation of
1350 Eastwood Drive to Nassau Construction for the City of Muskegon’s
Homebuyers Program through CNS.
CNS received 2 bids, the cost estimate from our spec writer was $79,000
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        The funding for this project has been secured with 2016
HOME funds
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To award Nassau Construction the rehabilitation
contract for 1350 Eastwood Drive in the amount of $95,500, for the Community

                                         Page 2 of 7
and Neighborhood Services Office.
      E. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – Signage           Planning &
         Economic Development – SECOND READING
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff initiated request to amend Section 2334 of the
zoning ordinance to amend the rules on electronic message board signs and to
allow them in B-1, Limited Business Districts and WM, Waterfront Marine Districts,
as well as at churches in all zoning districts and all businesses that have been
granted a special use permit in residential districts.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve the zoning ordinance amendment.
      F. Rezoning Request for Several Properties to R-2, Single Family Medium
         Density Residential District Planning & Economic Development –
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff initiated request to rezone several properties from
R-1, Single Family Low Density Residential District to R-2, Single Family Medium
Density Residential District.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Staff recommends approval of the rezoning.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:       The Planning Commission unanimously
recommended approval of the request at their June 15 meeting, with one
member absent.
      G. Rezoning Request for Several Properties to R-3, Single Family High
         Density Residential District Planning & Economic Development –
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff initiated request to rezone several properties from
R-1, Single Family Low Density Residential District to R-3, Single Family High
Density Residential District.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Staff recommends approval of the rezoning.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:       The Planning Commission unanimously
recommended approval of the request at their June 15 meeting, with one
member absent.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Turnquist,

                                         Page 3 of 7
to approve the consent agenda as presented.
ROLL VOTE:    Ayes: Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Warren, German, and Rinsema-
             Nays: None
      A. Public Hearing for Brownfield Plan Amendment and Development and
         Reimbursement Agreement for Liberty Building (formerly Ameribank)
         Redevelopment Project        Planning & Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To hold a public hearing and approve the resolution
approving and adopting the amendment to the Brownfield Plan and to
approve the Development and Reimbursement Agreement. The amendments
are for property to be purchased by Liberty Development, LLC.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:           Brownfield Tax Increment Financing will be used to
reimburse the developer and the City for “eligible expenses” incurred in
association with development of the Liberty Building Project. Liberty
Development, LLC cost for the development of the property is approximately
$6.88 million in private investment, resulting in a substantial increase in the local
and school taxes generated by the property.
“Eligible Expenses” would be reimbursed starting in 2019. The estimated tax
capture and payment schedule is included as Table 2 in the proposed
Brownfield Plan Amendment.
During the last five years of the plan (estimated to be 2043-2048), the BRA is
authorized to capture local taxes for five years for deposit into a Local
Brownfield Revolving Fund
The Development and Reimbursement Agreement provides the structure for the
capture of taxes and the reimbursement to Liberty Development, LLC and the
City of Muskegon for eligible expenses.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To hold a public hearing for approval of the
Brownfield Plan Amendment for the Liberty Building Redevelopment Project and
approve the resolution and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the resolution,
and to approve the Development and Reimbursement Agreement between
Liberty Development, LLC, the City of Muskegon and the City of Muskegon
Brownfield Redevelopment Authority.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:              The Muskegon City Commission set the
public hearing for July 11, 2017 at their June 27, 2017 meeting. Since that time, a
notice of the public hearing has been sent to taxing jurisdictions. In addition, the

                                           Page 4 of 7
Brownfield Redevelopment Authority approved the Plan Amendment and the
Development and Reimbursement Agreement on June 15, 2017 and
recommends that the Muskegon city Commission approve the Plan
Amendment and Development and Reimbursement Agreement.
PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED:             Gary Post, Developer, addressed the
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Warren, to close
the public hearing and approve the Brownfield Amendment Plan for the Liberty
Building Redevelopment Project and approve the resolution and authorize the
Mayor and Clerk to sign the resolution, and to approve the Development and
Reimbursement Agreement between Liberty Development, LLC, the City of
Muskegon, and the City of Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment Authority.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, and
            Nays: None
2017-59     NEW BUSINESS:
      A. Arena Lease – Rad Dad’s      City Manager
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City Staff has been working with a group of local
business owners interested in creating a restaurant and bar to service the LC
Walker Arena and also provide more daily food/beverage options to the
downtown community. Rad Dad’s Taco and Tequila Bar is originally proposed to
lease approximately 3,500 square feet of concourse space in the arena and 500
square feet of outdoor space to provide outdoor dining space at the corner of
Western Avenue and 4th Street. The group is now proposing to lease
approximately 5,300 square feet. The owners would like to open by September
1, 2017.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:         Build-out costs are expected to be less than $350,000. If
build out costs are at $350,000, the tenant’s initial lease rate will be $12.50/sf
($66,250 annually for both interior and outdoor space. In the event that costs fall
below or exceed $350,000, any amount over or under $350,000, will be added to
or subtracted from the tenant’s lease rate as follows: for every dollar of
variance, the tenant’s annual rent will increase/decrease by 12.5 cents per
year. Regardless of savings, rent will be no less than $53,000 annually.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:        $350,000 Capital Improvement is expected; a
budget adjustment will be included as part of the 1st quarter budget reforecast,
with the proceeds coming from the Public Improvement Fund.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the request and authorize the city
Manager to sign the lease.

                                         Page 5 of 7
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner German, to
approve approve the request and authorize the City Manager to sign the lease.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, and
            Nays: None
      B. Arena Rink Alterations       City Manager
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: There are a number of repairs needed to the dasher
boards at the LC Walker Arena. Rather than simply repairing and replacing the
boards, arena management is proposing to upgrade the dasher boards behind
both goalie areas to accommodate indoor soccer goals. The new boards will
allow for an imbedded 14x18 soccer goal. These goals will accommodate the
Muskegon Risers indoor soccer club, as well as a number of exhibition games
planned in 2017 – 18. The goals will also make it possible to add indoor soccer
tournaments and leagues during the hockey offseason.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:         The new dasherboards are provided and installed by
Rink Systems at a cost of $24,250. The concrete work will be provided by RW
Concrete Sawing, Inc. at a cost of $4,155. Additional costs may arise as arena
staff explores seating options for the area directly adjacent to the soccer goals.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:        A budget adjustment will be included as part of
the 1st quarter budget reforecast, with the proceeds coming from the Public

Improvement Fund.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve the request and authorize the
installation of the new dasher board system at a cost not to exceed $30,000.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Warren, to approve
the request and authorize the installation of the new dasher board system at a
cost not to exceed $30,000.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, and
            Nays: None
      C. Authorization to Repair/Refurbish 1999 Olympia        City Manager
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City owns and operates a 1999 Olympia Ice
Resurfacing machine (often referred to as a Zamboni). The Olympia has
required significant repairs over the past three hockey seasons, and almost in
the inability to finish a Lumberjack’s playoff game earlier this year. A
replacement Olympia would likely cost between $75,000 and $125,000,
depending on the age of the unit. Staff is seeking permission to send the current

                                         Page 6 of 7
Olympia to be refurbished. The cost of the project is dependent upon the
components that are ultimately replaced. Arena management expect this cost
to be between $30,000 and $35,000, as a number of major components have
already been replaced in the past year.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        Not to exceed $35,000
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:        A budget adjustment will be included as part of
the 1st quarter budget reforecast, with the proceeds coming from the Arena

STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the request and authorize the
refurbishing of the 1999 Olympia at a cost not to exceed $35,000.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Warren, to approve
the request and authorize the refurbishing of the 1999 Olympia at a cost not to
exceed $35,000.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, and
            Nays: None

   ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission meeting adjourned at 6:27 p.m.

                                           Respectfully Submitted,

                                           Ann Marie Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

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Date:       July 19, 2017
To:         Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:       Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
RE:         Farmers Market Liquor License

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To finalize the application process for our
permanent liquor license by authorizing signors, approving the use of the
outdoor seating area, cancelling our request for a specific purpose permit, and
approving a new Sunday Sales (AM) permit.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor
to sign the letter to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission on behalf of the
City Commission.
               City of Muskegon
                       State of Michigan


WHEREAS; the City of Muskegon has applied for a permanent
           liquor license at the Muskegon Farmers Market; and

WHEREAS; City Commission wishes to give approval to the use of
           an outdoor seating area and approving a new Sunday
           Sales (AM) permit; and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Commission
           authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to the Liquor
           Control Commission requesting the use of an outdoor
           seating area, cancelling our request for a specific
           purpose permit, and approving a new Sunday Sales
           (AM) Permit.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and cause
           the seal of the City of Muskegon to be affixed this 25th
           day of July 2017.

                                      Stephen J. Gawron
Affirmative Action
FAX (231)722-1214

Equalization Co.
FAX (231)724-1129

FAX (231)724-4188

City Manager
FAX (231)722-1214

FAX (231)724-4178

Comm. & Neigh.
(231)724-6717         July 25, 2017
FAX (231)726-2501

Computer Info.
(231)724-4126         Michigan Liquor Control Commission
FAX (231)722-4301     C/O Amanda Nye, Investigator
Engineering           Grand Rapids District Office
FAX (231)727-6904     Enforcement Division
                      Cell: 231-429-6907
(231)724-6713         Fax: 517-763-0052
FAX (231)726-2325

Fire Department       RE: Request ID #903487 – City of Muskegon
FAX (231)724-6985
                      Dear Ms. Nye,
Human Resources
Co. (Civil Service)
(231)724-6442         On behalf of the City of Muskegon, the Board of Commissioners makes the following
FAX (231)724-6840
                      resolutions and requests with regard to the above referenced application:
Income Tax
FAX (231)724-6768        1. John Schrier and Brian Leibrandt of Parmenter O’Toole, PC are approved as
Mayor’s Office
                            authorized signors;
(231)724-6701            2. The City of Muskegon is approved to use the outdoor seating area as requested at the
FAX (231)722-1214
                            meeting between yourself, Ms. Meisch, and Mr. Leibrandt;
Planning/Zoning          3. The specific purpose permit originally requested is no longer needed, and can be
FAX (231)724-6790           cancelled from the application;
Police Department
                         4. A new Sunday Sales (AM) permit is requested.
FAX (231)722-5140
                      If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Brian Leibrandt or Ann Meisch.
Public Works
FAX (231)722-4188     Sincerely,
FAX (231)728-4371
(231)724-6720         Name: Stephen J. Gawron
FAX (231)724-6768     Title: Mayor
Water Billing
FAX (231)724-6768

Water Filtration
FAX (231)755-5290            City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536
                CITY COMMISSION MEETING: July 25, 2017


FROM:             Kenneth D. Grant, Assistant Finance Director

DATE:             July 18, 2017

RE:               Appointment of Treasurer Position

To appoint Sarah Petersen as the new City Treasurer effective August 7, 2017



After interviewing nine candidates the City Manager, Finance Director, and the Assistant
Finance Director agree to offer the Treasurer’s position to Sarah Peterson.

Date:    7/25/17

To:      Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From: DPW/Equipment
RE:      Beach Tractor


The Equipment Division is requesting permission to purchase a Beach Tractor from J&J
Farm Sales, the lowest qualified bidder with a price of $59,915.00. This price includes a
trade in of our current tractor for $12,000.00.

None. Amount is what was budgeted.

Authorize staff to purchase one Beach Tractor form J&J Farm sales for the price of

O:\CLERK\Common\Word\Agenda Items for Next Meeting\2017\072517\06A_2017BeachTractor.doc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 P Series
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           P7010C / P7040 / P7040CPS
Specifications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Heavy Duty Utility Tractors
CATegory                                       P7010C                         P7040                 P7040 CPS              Front end Loader                              LL7100          LL7101
ENGINE                                                                                                                                                                                   P7040
                                                                                                                           Tractor Application                           P7010C
Type                                                    4 - Cylinder, Direct - injection, Water - cooled                                                                                7040CPS
Model(Tier 4 Interim)                      Iveco FPT F5C                                 Iveco FPT NEF                     Maximum Lift height, in.                        135            136.4
Engine HP(Gross)                                  72                                         97                            Clearance with Attachment Dump, in.            100.6           101.6
PTO HP                                            63                                         85                            Reach at Maximum Height, in.                     23             20
Rated speed, RPM                                                              2300                                         Maximum Dump Angle, deg.                         47             47
Displacement-cu, in.                         195.3 + TC                                  273.4 + TCA                       Maximum Rollback Angle, deg.                     50             50
Fuel tank capacity(gal)                                                        26.4                                        Digging Depth, in.                               6.1             5
Alternator(V-A)                           12V - 120 Amps                              12V - 90 Amps                        Overall Height in Carry Position, in.           69.7           70.8
DRIVE TRAIN                                                                                                                Lift Capacity(@ Pivot pin), lbs.               3,500           3,500
Transmission                                              Synchro shuttle                     Power Shuttle with hi-low    Breakout Force(@ Pivot pin), lbs.              5,088           5,088
No. of Speed with creeper                                    20F x 20R                                 40F x 40R           Approx. Weight (Loader w/o Bucket), lbs.       1,892           1,984
Brakes                                                                 Wet, Multi - disc
Steering                                                         Hydrostatic Power Steering
Type                                                            Fully Independent or Manual
Rear(rpm)                                                     Standard(540 / 750 / 1,000 rpm)
PTO Function                                                    Shiftable ground speed PTO
Implement pump, gpm                              12.0                                       15.9
Steering pump, gpm                                7.0                                        7.0
Total flow, gpm                                  19.0                                       22.9
Category, 3pt hitch                                                           CAT 2
Hitch Lift capacity, lbs(Hitch end)                                           6,173
Lift control type                                                       Position / Draft
Overall length with 3pt, in.                    157.1                                       160.5
Min. overall width with Ag tires, in.            77.8                                       78.7
Wheelbase, in.                                   86.6                                        90
Ht to top of Cab with Ag tires, in.             102.3                         104.8                      103.9
Ag Front                                      11.2 - 24                      12.4 - 24                 13.6 - 24
Ag Rear                                       16.9 - 30                      18.4 - 30                 18.4 - 34
Total weight without ballast, lbs.              6,675                         6,660                      7,143
Note Specifications and design are subject to change without prior notice.

get More Standard Features
•Power & tilt steering                                               •Deluxe adjustable seat                                        •Hand & foot accelerator control
• witch operated Independent PTO with 540, 750 & 1000
 S                                                                   •Remote control valves (3 pair)                                •Safety flashers & turn signals
 RPM                                                                 •Rear work light                                               • uel, coolant temperature, tachometer & hour meter gauges
                                                                                                                                     F                                                                 • 72HP and 97HP, 4-cylinder low fuel consumption engine
• ront loader valve and fender mounted joystick
 F                                                                                                                                  • ifferential lock, parking brake, battery charging, engine oil
• eluxe cabin with A/C, heating & air recirculation
                                                                     •7 pin electrical connector                                     pressure, fuel filter, hydraulic oil filter pressure, 4WD, PTO
                                                                                                                                                                                                       • 5 year warranty*
•Interior lighting                                                   • xtendable lower links and telescopic stabilizers
                                                                      E                                                              operation, electro-hydraulic lift and high beam operation/        • 20 x 20 synchro shuttle or 40 x 40 power shuttle
•Front & rear wipers & washers                                       •Draw bar                                                       warning lights
•Premium stereo with AM/FM/CD                                        • ydraulic draft & position control with auto lift
                                                                      H                                                                                                                                • Creeper gear
•Clock                                                               •Pre-heat starting aid
                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Front wheel mechanical assist 4WD
                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Selectable 540, 750 & 1000 RPM rear PTO
                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Flat operator platform with rubber mat
                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Ag tires
                                                                                                                                            Dealer Imprint Zone
                                                                                                                                                                                                       • Available quick attach, self-leveling front end loader with skid steer compatible bucket
LS Tractor USA | 6900 Corporation Parkway, Battleboro, NC                                                                                                                                                & grill guard
P: 252.984.0700 | F: 252.984.0701 |
                                                                                                                                                                                       39000937-1311                                                                          *5-year limited warranty. See dealer for details
P Series                              Heavy Duty Utility Tractors

                                                                               PTO Selections
                                                                               Adds functionality and improves ease of use
                                                                               with selectable manual or independent mode,
                                                                               your choice of 540, 750, 1000 RPM or shiftable
                                                                               ground speed PTO mode

                                                                               3 sets of remotes standard
                                                                               Adds functionality and improves ease of use by
                                                                               allowing attachment of hydraulically controlled
                                                                               implements without the high, additional costs
                                                                               like others in its class to add the remotes as

Iveco Tier 4 Interim Engine                        Power Shuttle Models                                       Position and draft control with Automatic lift    Flat platform open station models              Comfort Cabin (CABIN model only)                      Rear work light
4 cyl low vibration, fuel efficient yet powerful   Maximizes ease of use with effortless, clutch-             Increases ease of use across a wider variety of   With rubber mat and side mounted gear lever,   Offers unobstructed view in AC/heated comfort         Never be in the dark with this hands-free
                                                   less directional changes with the 40 forward /             implements                                        maximizes space, improves operator comfort,    and includes interior lighting, front & rear wiper/   functional feature that allows light to be directed
                                                   40 reverse speeds with hi/Low mode                                                                           and makes getting on/off tractor easier        washer, side mounted mirrors deluxe AM/FM/            where you need it
                                                                                                                                                                                                               CD Stereo
Date:    7/25/17

To:      Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From: DPW/Equipment
RE:      Tahoe Police Cruisers


The Equipment Division is requesting permission to purchase Three (3) Tahoe Police
Cruisers from Berger Chevrolet, the Mi-Deal State Contract holder for a purchase price
of $35,246.00 each.

$35,246.00 each for a total of $105,738.00
None. Amount is what was budgeted.

Authorize staff to purchase Three (3) Chevy Tahoe Police Cruisers from Berger Chevrolet.

O:\CLERK\Common\Word\Agenda Items for Next Meeting\2017\072517\07A_2017ChevyTahoeCruiser.doc
                               AGENDA ITEM NO. _______________
                       CITY COMMISSION MEETING _________________________

TO:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

FROM:        Frank Peterson, City Manager

DATE:        July 19, 2017

RE:          LC Walker Arena Locker Room Plumbing


The locker rooms A-F are in need of plumbing repairs/upgrades in the shower areas. In total, 16
shower assemblies will be replaced at a cost of $1,007.68 each. The total cost of the 16 assemblies is






Authorize Arena Management to accept the $16,123.00 proposal from Lascko Plumbing and Mechanical,

July 7, 2017

Phone: 616-566-3577

Re: LC Walker Arena Shower Replacements – Proposal#070717-1B
Dear Tim,
We offer the following proposal for your consideration:

       Shower work is for locker rooms A (3), B (3), C (3), D (3), E (3) & F (1) per walk through
        with Neil.
       Replace Acorn shower valve assemblies inside the existing stainless cabinets and shower
       Minor piping revisions inside the existing boxes.
       Clean up the existing boxes as best as possible.
       Shower valves are special order.
       Required permit.
       Work is to be done during our normal working hours.
Not Included:
     Overtime.
     Any other repairs.

                                   Your Investment: $16,123.00
Note: If an item is not specifically mentioned in our scope of work listed above, it is not included.
This proposal is valid for 30 days. Down payment 50%. Final payment is due at our completion of
the work. A finance charge of 1.5% per month will be added to all late invoices.
Thank you for the opportunity to prepare this proposal for you. Please call any time if there is
anything you would like to discuss.

Brett Lascko


Authorization to Proceed: ___________________________ Date: ____________________

                          375 Bayou Ave Muskegon, MI 49442
            Phone 231-725-2777 Fax 231-725-8377

TO:          Honorable Mayor and Commissioners

FROM:        Jeffrey Lewis, Director of Public Safety

RE:          To Rebid the Demolition of 1290 Wood St. Dangerous Building Case #:

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission direct staff to
rebid the demolition of 1290 Wood Street and to award all or part of the demolition to
the lowest responsible bidder. The City Commission had concurred with the Housing
Board of Appeals that the structure(s) at 1290 Wood were unsafe, substandard, a public
nuisance and that the structure(s) be demolished at the meeting of January 10, 2017.

Case# & Project Address: # EN11607738 – 1290 Wood

Location and ownership: This structure is located on Wood St. which is abutting Wood
St., Irwin Ave. and Kenneth St. and is owned by the Muskegon County Treasurer’s
Office, the Foreclosing Government Unit (FGU).

Financial Impact:          General Funds

Budget action required: None

State Equalized value:     $ 24,800 for the entire property.

Estimated cost to repair: $ 60,000+

Staff Recommendation: To have staff rebid the demolition reflecting the changes from
the original bid and to award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder.
1290 Wood (front building):

Rear Building:
                Commission Meeting Date: July 25, 2017

Date:               July 18, 2017
To:                 Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:               Planning & Economic Development & Public
RE:                 Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant
                    Development Project Agreement for Pere
                    Marquette Park Recreational Improvements and
                    Defined Match Amount.

The City had received the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant Development
Project Agreement for the Pere Marquette Park Project Improvements. The State has
requested that the development agreement and the defined contribution agreement be
signed. Work may begin on the project once the State approved the agreements.

There is no impact for the 2017 to 2019 budget years have this budgeted.


To approve the resolution approving the Development Project Agreement for the Pere
Marquette Park Recreational Improvements and to guarantee the defined match funds, and
to have the Mayor and Clerk sign the attached Development Project Agreement and

                        RESOLUTION NO.___________________
                           MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon, Michigan, does hereby accept the terms of the
Agreement as received from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and that
the City of Muskegon does hereby specifically agree, but not by way of limitation;

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon has appropriate funds necessary to complete the
project during the project period and to provide One Hundred Forty-Seven Thousand
One Hundred ($147,100.00) dollars (Thirty-Nine (39%) percent) to match the grant
authorized by the DEPARTMENT;

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon will maintain satisfactory financial accounts,
documents, and records to make them available to the DEPARTMENT for auditing at
reasonable times.

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon will construct the project and provide such funds,
services, and materials as may be necessary to satisfy the terms of said Agreement;

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon will regulate the use of the facility constructed and
reserved under this Agreement to assure the use thereof by the public on equal and
reasonable terms;

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon will comply with any and all terms of said Agreement
including all terms not specifically set forth in the foregoing portions of this Resolution;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Muskegon City Commission of the City of
Muskegon, Michigan that the City Commission is approving the submittal of the
Development Project Agreement for Pere Marquette Park Recreational Improvements,
Project Number TF16-0114 and for the Grant Match of One Hundred Forty-Seven
Thousand One Hundred ($147,100.00) dollars (Thirty-Nine (39%) percent).

Adopted this 25th day of July, 2017




                                                  Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor
                                                  Ann Marie Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and original copy of a resolution adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon at a regular meeting thereof held on
July 25, 2017.

                                                 Ann Marie Meisch, MMC, City Clerk
                                                     July 25, 2017

    regular                       City of Muskegon, City Commission

              Stephen J. Gawron


         July, 25, 2017

Date:            July 25, 2017
To:              Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:            DPW-Engineering
Subject:         Adopt the revised WaterMain Standard Construction Specifications –
                 Division 13

Adopt the attached watermain specification revising the currently used standards for
watermain construction effective immediately. The proposed revisions (highlighted on the
attached file) are necessary to incorporate new materials and construction methods.

The City’s standard construction specifications, including the watermain section, were last
revised in 2010.



Adopt the revision and authorize engineer to sign and seal revised specifications.


O:\CLERK\Common\Word\Agenda Items for Next Meeting\2017\072517\11_agenda item revising the watermain specifications 7-
                                     DIVISION 13


13.01       WATERMAIN

13.01.01   General

                      As used herein, watermains shall be considered to mean all pipes,
           conduits, and all necessary appurtenances to transport water, lying within
           public rights-of way or easements. All materials outlined in this Division shall
           be manufactured in the United States or be otherwise approved by the City

13.01.02   Scope

                      The Contractor shall, unless otherwise noted, furnish all materials,
           equipment, tools and labor necessary to accomplish the work required under
           this contract in a safe and reliable manner, and all contract items are to be
           placed in proper operating conditions in full conformity with the contract and
           proposal, detail drawings, specifications, engineering data, instructions, and
           recommendations of the equipment manufacturer and materials as approved
           by the engineer.

13.01.03   Location

                     The location, grade and the approximate depth of the proposed
           watermain is shown on the plans with line and grade to be provided by the
           City of Muskegon unless otherwise noted. The Engineer reserves the right to
           make minor changes in alignment, grade and location of appurtenances, when
           such changes deemed necessary or advantageous. Major changes will be
           accomplished as described in Part 3, Section 1 Item 39 page 45 of the City of
           Muskegon Standard Contract.

13.01.04   Clean-Up

                      Surplus materials and appurtenances furnished by the City shall be
           delivered by the Contractor to the Public Service Building. Confirmation
           and/or receipts should be obtained from the Stockroom Manager and reported
           to the Project Inspector. All other surplus construction material shall be
           removed from the site by the Contractor. Trench backfill and surface
           replacement shall follow pipe laying operations so that the extent of open
           trench shall not exceed 500 feet, unless specific authorization is obtained from
           the Engineer. The finished site shall be free of debris and neat appearance.

13.01.05   Contractors “Notice to Proceed”

                      After receiving the “Notice to Proceed” the contractor shall give the
           City Engineer a minimum of 48 hours notice of start to allow for survey
           layout and assignment of inspection personnel. Whenever work is to be done
           by City forces or co-ordination with City forces, the contractor shall provide a
                                   DIVISION 13

         minimum of 48 hours advance notice to the department from which the work
         is requested.

13.02    MATERIALS

13.02.01 General

                    All materials furnished by the Contractor must conform in all
         respects to the following standards. (Where reference specifications are used,
         they shall be considered as referring to the latest revised issue).

                     The Contractor shall be responsible for all material furnished and
         shall replace, at his own expense, all such material found defective during the
         life of the contract. For material furnished by the City of Muskegon, the
         Contractor shall become responsible from the time of delivery, and shall reject
         any defective materials within three calendar days of delivery, and such
         materials shall be replaced by the City. Any defective material furnished by
         the City and installed by the Contractor without discovery of such defect will,
         if found defective prior to final acceptance, be replaced with sound material
         by the owner. The Contractor, however, shall at his own expense, furnish all
         labor, equipment and supplies necessary to facilitate the above replacement.

                     The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a manufacturer’s
         certification that all materials meet minimum requirements as detailed in the
         material specifications references (refer to paragraph 13.02.02). The
         Contractor’s unit prices will be assumed to include an allowance for this

                   All pipe and related items shall be stored as recommended by the
         manufacturer, on suitable timber skids free from contact with the ground.
         Gaskets shall be stored in as cool, clean and shaded a place as practicable.

                   Unloading shall be made so as to avoid damage to the castings or
         pipe. Under no circumstances shall materials be dropped. All special handling
         equipment and temporary supports shall be furnished by the Contractor.

                       No damaged or broken pipe shall be used, no damaged or broken
         cement lining in pipe or fittings shall be used, In the event coatings are
         damaged, the damaged area shall be recoated with an approved coating, at the
         Contractors expense, in a manner approved by the Engineer.
                    The watermain pipe shall be handled by means of slings. No hooks
         or loader forks shall be permitted to come in contact with joint rings or be
         inserted in the ends of the pipe and fittings for any reason.

                    Any material found defective or flawed during the progress of work
         will be rejected and removed from the site. No attempt will be made to repair
         defective materials without written consent of the Engineer.

                                     DIVISION 13


13.02.02 Watermain Specification Reference

           (a) Ductile Iron, Push-On Joint Pipe, 3”– 64” ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51-09

           (b) Push-On Joint Detail, ANSI / AWWA C111 / A21.11-12

           (c) Ductile Iron, Mechanical Joint Pipe, 3”– 24” ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51-09

           (d) Mechanical Joint Detail, ANSI / AWWA C111 / A21.11-12

           (e) Cement Lining, ANSI / AWWA C104 / A21.4-13 (Standard Thickness)

           (f) Ductile Iron Pipe Wall Thickness Determination, ANSI/AWWA C150/

           (g) Ductile Iron, Flanged Joint Pipe, 3”– 64” ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11-12
           and ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51-09

           (h) Mechanical Joint Fittings, ANSI / AWWA C153 / A21.53-11 and ANSI/
           AWWA C111/A21.11-12

           (i) Push-On Joint Fittings, ANSI / AWWA C110 / A21.10-12 and ANSI/
           AWWA C111/A21.11-12

           (j) Flanged Fittings, ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10-12

           (k) Flanges, ASA-B16.1 Standard Class 125

           (l) Copper Pipe, ASTM Spec B88-55 “Type K”

           (m) Retainer Glands EBAA MEGALUG 1100 Series or Equal

           (n) Fire Hydrants, ANSI/AWWA C502-14

13.02.03   Provisions for Electrical Thawing

           (a) Serrated Silicon Bronze Wedges

                    Two per joint for 3” through 12” pipe, four for larger pipe. Each
           wedge is to be driven into the opening between the plain end and the bell until
           snug. When four wedges are used, they are inserted side by side, in pairs.
           Wedges can be used with push-on joints only.

                                     DIVISION 13


(b)   Copper Cable Bond Conductor

                    Installation of copper cable bond conductor across the joints of push-
           on and mechanical joint pipe and fittings. The copper cable shall be a
           minimum AGW size #4 copper cable, The copper cable shall be welded to the
           pipe on push-on joints and have cable ends that fit standard watermain bolts
           for mechanical joints. The copper cable shall be of sufficient flexibility to
           withstand ground and pipe movement after installation.

           (c)   Copper Strap Bond Conductor

                     Installation of copper strap bond conductor across the joints of push-
           on joint pipe. The copper jumper strips shall be 1/16” x 3.4”, 48 ounce soft
           copper, bolts shall be 5/16” x ¾” silicon bronze hex head bolt and nut. The
           copper strap shall be welded to the pipe and be of sufficient flexibility to
           withstand ground and pipe movement after installation.

           (d)   Conductive Push-On Gaskets

                    These gaskets may be used in lieu of wedges, cable or strap bond
           conductors. Metal contact strips which are molded or inserted into the gasket
           must insure positive electrical contact between pipes. A thorough cleaning of
           gasket seating surface should be preformed prior to assembly.

           (e)   Payment

                     The payment for provisions for electrical thawing shall be included
           in the cost of the new watermain. No other payment shall be made.

13.02.04   Fire Hydrant

                      A 5 ¼” M.V.O. East Jordan (5BR 250) hydrant shall be furnished
           and installed in the locations shown on the drawings and should be placed in a
           plumbed vertical position. Hydrants shall be of the non-compression type, and
           shall conform to ANSI / AWWA C502-14 as last adopted, and any
           Underwriter Laboratories requirements. Hydrants shall have two 2-1/2” hose
           connections and one 5” “STORZ” fitting; their barrels shall be 8-1/2 inches in
           diameter (minimum) with 5-14” valve openings and shall open to the left
           utilizing a 1” nut (measured flat to flat). All hydrants shall be painted red.
           Threaded connections shall conform to the City of Muskegon Standard Big
           Six (six threads per inch). Hydrant inlets shall have 6” diameter mechanical
           joint connections unless otherwise specified on the plans or in the special
           provisions. The hydrant assembly shall have all mechanical joints restrained
           with ductile iron MEGALUG glands. The hydrant shall be so designed so that
           the direction of the nozzles can be reoriented without digging up the
           assembly, and so that height extensions may be added at a later date. Hydrants
           shall have bronze interior parts including operating stems. Bronze to bronze
                                      DIVISION 13


           main valve seats shall be required if seat removal is necessary for removing
           the valve assembly. All hydrants shall have a minimum bury of 6-1/2 feet. If
           the operating screw is located on the top it shall be bronze. Hydrants shall
           come with duel drain outlets conforming to AWWA C502-14, Section 4.8.2.
           When hydrants are installed below the water table, or in soils that are not
           permeable, the brass drain hole bushing shall be removed and a threaded brass
           plug inserted into the drain hole (weep hole) as directed by the engineer.

13.02.05   Gate Valves

                      All valves shall be iron body, bronze mounted, double disc. Parallel
           seat or compression resilient seated, with a 2” operating nut open to the right,
           with the direction indicated by an arrow cast on to the valve or the operating
           nut. Generally, end connectors shall be mechanical joint for all exterior
           ground-buried valves, unless otherwise specified. All valves shall have bronze
           stem, o-ring stem seal, non-rising stem, the stem shall have continuity with the
           body, and shall have a clean waterway equivalent in area, when open, equal to
           that of the connecting pipe. All valves shall be of new construction and
           complete with operating equipment and other appurtenances necessary for
           operation. All valves shall be designed to maintain a minimum 150 pound
           working pressure, tested at 300 pounds for sizes 14” through 48” or minimum
           200 pound working pressure and tested at 400 pounds for sizes 2” through 12”
           and manufactured as per ANSI / AWWA C500 and C509. The valves shall be
           shipped as fully assembled as practicable. The exposed flanges and mounting
           pads shall be protected by wooden pieces bolted to them. All necessary skids
           and lifting devices shall be provided. Non-attached items shall be packed in
           boxes and properly labeled for assembly. The contractor may be required to
           furnish the services of a competent factory-trained serviceman to check final
           installation and supervise original start-up and operation of the equipment
           specified. Such services shall be included in the cost of the valve.

13.02.06   Butterfly Valves

                      Butterfly valves shall be manufactured to conform in all respects to
           the latest revisions of ANSI / AWWA, designation C-504, and coated inside
           and outside with standard bitumastic coating for water mains. The body, disc,
           shaft, seats, bearings and operators shall be designed based on Class 150B and
           may be the short or long body type. All butterfly valves shall have a working
           pressure of 150 psi, hydrostatically tested at 300 psi, and bubble-tight tested at
           150 psi. The seat-ring shall be made of rubber body or disc mounted, and shall
           be adjustable and field replaceable in sizes 16” and larger. The shaft may be
           of the through type or stub type and shall be marked on the end to indicate the
           position of the valve disc with respect to the shaft and the shaft shall have
           continuity with the body. The shaft seals shall be of the “split-V” or
           “Chevron” type. The valve disc shall be of corrosion-resistant alloy cast iron.
           The valve disc shall be offset so as to prevent valve flutter in the full open

                                    DIVISION 13

         position. The valves shall be equipped with a stainless steel stop in the
         operator to prevent the disk from rotating through the closed position. The
         valve operator shall be permanently lubricated and sealed for buried service
         and shall be equipped with a two-inch square operating nut. The operator shall
         be constructed such that the valve will open when the nut is turned to the right
         or in a clockwise direction, with the direction indicated by an arrow cast onto
         the operating nut. Operators for valves 16” and 20” in size may be of the
         traveling-nut or worn gear type. Operators for 24” and larger shall be of the
         worn gear type. Generally, end connectors shall be mechanical joint, unless
         otherwise specified. All valves shall be of new construction and be complete
         with all operating equipment and other appurtenances necessary for operation.
         The contractor may be required to furnish the services of a competent factory-
         trained serviceman to check final installation and supervise original start-up
         and operation of the equipment specified. Such services shall be included in
         the cost of the valve.

13.02.07 Tapping Sleeve and Valve

                 Tapping Sleeves shall be full stainless steel sleeve as manufactured by
         Romac Style SST or approved equal, meeting the requirements of ANSI
         B16.1 Class 125 and in accordance with MSS-SP60, the sleeve will be
         required when tapping into existing watermains. The valve shall conform to
         City of Muskegon Standard Specifications 13.02.05. The joint between the
         sleeve and valve will be flanged. The Contractor shall present for approval
         detailed shop drawings of the assembly. Payment shall be at the unit price as
         described in the proposal and shall represent payment in full for the sleeve,
         valve and box completely installed.

13.02.08 Valve Boxes

                  Valve boxes shall be of ductile cast iron, adjustable, and furnished
         complete including cover, top section, center section and base. Valve boxes
         shall be not less than five inches in diameter with a minimum adjustment of
         24 inches above and below proposed grade. The covers shall have the
         appropriate name cast on it (“WATER”). All parts of valve boxes, base and
         covers shall be coated by dipping in hot bituminous varnish. The valve box
         shall be placed centered on the valve nut and be placed in a plum vertical
         position. Payment for the materials and labor to install this item shall be
         included in the cost of the valve, unless otherwise specified.

13.02.09 Adjusting Water Valve Boxes

                  The water box materials shall be placed centered on the valve nut and
         be placed in a plumb vertical position. Pavement placement shall be the same
         as for adjusting manholes, (Section 14.04) unless otherwise specified. No
         payment will be allowed for adjusting water valve boxes either existing or
         new unless stipulated in the proposal.

                                     DIVISION 13


13.02.10 Fitting Restraints

                   All plugs, caps, tees and bends which deflect 11-1/4 degrees or more,
          shall be provided with suitable restraints to prevent movement, in a manner
          acceptable to the Engineer. The restraint shall be applied to joints in each
          direction from the fitting according to the pipe restraint schedule or as shown
          on the construction plans in order to resist the thrust of the test pressure.
          Details of all restraints, unless specified, are to be submitted to the Engineer
          for approval. All joint restraints shall be considered incidental to this section
          of work, and included in the cost of the fitting. When specified as being
          necessary MEGALUG retainer glands shall be used for all ductile iron
          mechanical joint pipe and fittings through 24” and fast-grip gaskets for push-
          on pipe. For sizes larger than those maximums, self-restraining joints such as
          Superlock, or Lockfast pipe shall be used, or as specified by the Engineer.

13.02.11 Retainer Glands

                  Retainer Glands shall conform to 2.04.05 specification for watermain
          joints. Payment for this item shall be included with the new pipe and fittings.
          No additional payment will be allowed.

13.02.12 Flanged Joints

                Where specified. Flanged joints shall be drilled using the Standard 125
          pound Template.

13.02.13 Plugs and Caps

                  The caps (Tyler 5-155, or approved equal) plugs (Tyler 5-152, or
          approved equal) shall be ductile cast iron, and be 2” taped with plug. Payment
          for caps and plugs in place shall be bid price as found in the proposal, or
          otherwise specified. No payment will be made for temporary caps and plugs
          used for testing purposes.


13.03.01 General Excavation

                  On any contract where the Engineer will supply grades, the Contractor
          will notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance. The trench shall be
          excavated true to line and grade and shall be of sufficient width to provide
          adequate working space for making joints, compacting back fill, sheeting,
          pumping and of sufficient depth so that the top of pipe will have a minimum
          cover of 5-1/2 feet as measured from the established or proposed gutter grade,
          or as measured from the proposed or existing ground elevation (six feet from
          the top of curb).
                                    DIVISION 13


                 The Contractor shall take adequate precautions to protect all grade
         stakes. The Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of replacement of
         stakes which are damaged or lost through his negligence.

                 There shall be a minimum of six inches of clearance on each side of
         the barrel of the pipe and a maximum width of the trench at the level of the
         top of the pipe of not more than a distance equal to the O.D. of the pipe plus
         24 inches. On paved streets, the pavement shall be cut by means of concrete

         saws to a neat and straight line along the top edge of the intended trench
         opening, and all sawing shall be included in the cost of trench repair.

                 All material in excess of that needed or which is unusable shall be
         disposed of at such locations as the Engineer may direct. If the disposal site
         has been specified in the special provisions, the cost of disposal shall be
         included in the lineal foot cost of the pipe. If no disposal site has been
         specified, all excess material becomes the property of the Contractor.

                 The Contractor shall call Miss Dig 3 working days (Excluding Sat.
         Sun. and Holidays) before digging (1-800-482-7171) for the location of
         existing under ground systems. The Contractor is liable for all damages to
         existing under ground systems.

13.03.02 Sheeting and Bracing

                  When the depth of the trench or soil conditions require, or to prevent
         damage to adjacent structures and property, or to protect workmen, the sides
         of the trench shall be sheeted, shored and braced adequately to prevent sliding
         or caving. All underground utilities crossing the trench or running parallel to
         the proposed pipe, shall be supported and braced in an approved manner. All
         materials and labor for sheeting, shoring and/or bracing shall be furnished by
         the Contractor and will be considered incidental to the work. The Contractor
         is fully responsible for the sufficiency of such supports and for the integrity of
         his work. In the removing of the sheeting or bracing, special care shall be
         taken to prevent any caving of the sides of the excavation and to prevent
         damage to the completed work or to adjacent property, and to prevent loss of
         density in the pipe bedding material.

13.03.03 Obstructions

                 Wherever obstructions, not shown on the plans, are encountered and
         interfere to such an extent that an alteration to the plan is required, the
         Engineer shall be notified at once and shall make such changes in the plans as
         he deems necessary. If such a change results in a significant increase in the
         amount of work required of the Contractor, such a change shall be paid by

                                      DIVISION 13


           change order to the contract, only to the extent that his change in work is not
           covered by contract unit prices.

13.03.04 Deflections

                   Deflections for obstructions or other purposes shall be governed by
           these allowable limits in the table presented below, unless further deflection is
           allowed by written communication from the Engineer.

                                 DEFLECTION TABLE

                              Unrestrained Connections only

                    Pipe Size                 Deflection in inches
                                               Per 20 foot length
                         3                           27”
                         4                           27”
                         6                           22”
                         8                           17”
                        10                           17”
                        12                           17”
                        14                           11”
                        16                           11”
                        18                            9”
                        20                            9”
                        24                            7”

13.03.05   Laying Condition

                  Laying Conditions Unless Specified Otherwise, Shall conform to the
           most Current Michigan Department of Transportation Standard Specifications
           for Construction, Standard Plan for Utility Trenches, R-83-C, or subsequent
           revision thereof for the trench detail specified.

13.03.06 Unsuitable Conditions

                  Where unstable soil is encountered at pipe grade, Trench undercut and
           backfill will be done and Unless Specified Otherwise, Shall conform to the
           most Current Michigan Department of Transportation Standard Specifications
           or subsequent revision thereof.

13.03.07 Pipe Care

                  Care shall be taken to keep the interior of the pipe clean and free from
           dirt and other foreign materials. Bulkheads shall be used at open ends of the
           pipe to insure cleanliness, especially at the end of each day’s work. If there is

                                    DIVISION 13

         water in the trench, a water-tight plug will be utilized, and the seal must
         remain in place until the trench is pumped completely dry. The end shall also

         be plugged whenever the pipe is left unattended. The pipe shall be laid with
         the bell ends facing in the direction of laying, unless otherwise directed by the

13.03.08 Dewatering

                When dewatering is encountered, Unless Specified Otherwise, Shall
         conform to the most Current Michigan Department of Transportation Standard
         Specifications or subsequent revision thereof.

13.03.09 Push-On Joint Assembly

                 It is essential that the gasket groove be clean and free of foreign matter
         prior to lubrication and gasket installation. Wire brushing, wiping or flushing
         may be required. The cleaned gasket groove shall be lubricated to make
         gasket installation easier and to assist in proper positioning of the gasket. The
         gasket must be correctly positioned within the groove. Check with fingers to
         be sure of correct placement. Lubricate the gasket over its entire inner surface;
         as well as to the bevel of the plain end. The joint should be assembled with
         both pipes reasonably straight alignment. Any deflection should be made after
         the joint is assembled. On any field cut pipe, the outside edge must be beveled
         and smoothed as any sharp corner may cause gasket damage. Straight
         alignment is especially important when assembling field cut pipe. Field
         inspection by the Engineer must be accomplished before a field cut pipe may
         be joined. During cold weather installations, keep gaskets warm prior to
         placement within the bell, to reduce their stiffness.

13.03.10 Mechanical Joint Assembly

                 The inside of the bell and the plain end of the pipe must be thoroughly
         cleaned of foreign matter and wire brushed if necessary. All surfaces and
         gaskets should be brushed over with soapy water. A rubbed gasket and
         follower gland should be placed on the plain end “seated” in the mechanical
         flanged bell; and then the gasket firmly and evenly pressed into the bell. After
         the gland is in position for bolting, insert all bolts and make all nuts finger-
         tight. Keeping the plain end centrally located within the bell, begin tightening
         bolts, bringing all bolts up evenly at all points around the bell flange.
         Alternate bolts from side to side until all bolts are uniformly tight within the
         correct range of torque of 75 to 90 foot pounds (4” thru 24” sizes). If effective
         sealing is not attained at the maximum torque level, the joint should be
         disassembled and reassembled after thorough cleaning. Megalug style retainer
         glands shall be used on all mechanical joints, after all gland bolts are tight,
         bring all retainer bolts hp evenly around the pipe, tighten all retainer bolts by

                                     DIVISION 13

          alternating tightening on opposite sides of the pipe until the twist-off nuts snap

13.03.11 Existing Water Main Connections

                  Existing water main connections may be oversized. The Contractor
          shall confirm the size of the existing water main prior to the connections. No
          additional payment shall be made if over sized fittings are required.

13.03.12 Cut and Cap __ Inch Watermain

                  The existing __ inch watermain as shown on the construction plans,
          shall be cut and capped with a ductile iron, mechanical joint cap and
          restrained with retaining glands. The existing watermain will be thrust
          blocked in a manner to prevent movement of the existing watermain.
          Engineer will determine if the contractor’s method of thrust blocking is

                 The completed work, Cut and Cap, __ inch Watermain as shown on
          the construction plans and in the proposal, shall including all materials, labor
          and equipment, as measured and will be paid for at the contract unit price for
          Cut and Cap, __ inch Watermain. No other payment will be allowed.

13.03.13 Compaction Tests

                  All soil compaction tests shall be preformed by the City with full
          cooperation and labor and equipment assistance from the contractor. The
          Contractor shall be allowed one re-test. All costs for any additional testing due
          to failure of the Contractor to meet density requirements shall be borne by the
          Contractor. These costs shall include all labor and equipment and supervision
          needed to re-test failed areas.

13.03.14 Field Cutting Pipe

                 The spigot ends of pipe which have been field cut, shall be ground to a
          smooth surface and painted with two coats of asphaltum metal protective


13.04.01 Definition

                  As used herein, water services shall be considered to include all pipe,
          corporation cocks, curb stops, curb boxes and all necessary appurtenances to
          transport water from the watermain to private property. For larger services
          requiring valves instead of corporation cocks, specifications will be covered in
          the Special Provisions.
                                    DIVISION 13


13.04.02 Scope

                 The Contractor shall, unless otherwise noted, furnish all materials,
         equipment, tools and labor necessary to accomplish the installation of all
         water services at the locations shown on the plans or as located by the
         Engineer. The Contractor shall conduct his work as to minimize traffic

13.04.03 Corporation Cocks

                 The unit price of this item shall include all labor and materials for
         tapping the existing watermain and installing the corporation cocks, utilizing a
         Mueller # P25008, Ford # FB1000-X pack joint or approved equal. On
         services 1 ¼” to 2” a ductile cast iron saddle Ford # FS101 or approved equal
         shall be used and will be included with the corporation cock payment.
         Payment will be for installation complete.

13.04.04 Water Service Line

                 The unit price of this item shall include all labor and materials for
         laying copper service pipe, type K, at the location specified and of the size
         indicated on the plans; in the proposal, or as specified by the Engineer. The
         service shall be connected to the corporation cock and “goose-necked” for
         expansion purposes, with a minimum of 5 ½ feet of bury below the proposed
         grade. Payment for water service shall be by the lineal foot as measured
         horizontally from the centerline of the main to the centerline of the curb stop
         or meter pit and from the centerline of the curb stop to the connection point of
         the existing water service, from the connection point of the meter pit to the
         connection point of the existing water service shall be lineal foot of pipe used,
         the connection fitting shall be included in the new water service line and shall
         have continuity between the old and new service.

13.04.05 Curb Stop and Box

                  The unit price of this item shall include all labor and materials to
         install a working and useable curb stop and box., utilizing a Mueller #
         P25155, Ford # B44-444M pack joint or approved equal with 2 inch
         Minneapolis thread, bushed for 1 ½ inches. Connections shall be copper pipe
         to copper pipe. Payment will be for installation complete.

                                    DIVISION 13


13.04.06 Meter Pit

                  The unit price of this item shall include all labor and materials to
         install a working and useable meter pit, utilizing a Ford # W3-T Cover with
         Locking lid, Ford # AV94-324W pack joint Angle Yoke Key Valve, Ford #
         L94-24D pack joint Yoke Ell, Ford # EC-23 Expansion Connection, Ford #
         Y503 Series Yoke Bar, Sono-Loc 20 inch diameter 36 inch high Meter Box,
         or approved equal on all items, the City of Muskegon will provide the meter.
         The Contractor will install to finish grade at locations specified on the plans;
         in the proposal, or as specified by the Engineer. Payment will be for
         installation complete.


                  Connecting to Existing Water Mains Prior to Pressure Testing
         Will Not Be Allowed. Preliminary testing of mains shall be done by the
         Contractor to ascertain if there are any major leaks. Final pressure tests shall
         be made in presence of the Engineer, who shall receive 24 hours notice prior
         to testing. The Contractor shall pressure test each 5000 foot section of water
         main as it is constructed or as directed by the Engineer. Pressure testing of
         each 5000 foot section shall be made in increments of 1500 feet or less.

                  Before applying the specified test pressure, all air shall be expelled
         from the pipe. If hydrants for blow off are not available at high points, the
         Contractor shall make the necessary taps to release the air and insert plugs
         after the test has been completed, or install corporation cocks and leave them
         in place after testing. The Engineer shall notify the Municipal Water
         Department prior to making connections to any existing watermains, filling of
         mains with water and flushing of any watermains. Reasonable use of water
         from City mains for purposes of testing will be available at no cost to the

                  The Contractor shall furnish proper appliances and facilities for
         testing and draining the main without injury to the work and surrounding
         territory. The Contractor shall test by filling the main with clean water under
         minimum hydrostatic pressure of 150 lbs per square inch. In no case shall the
         leakage in any stretch of pipe being tested exceed the following amounts in a
         2-hour period: All pipe installed on the project shall be tested in accordance
         with the requirements of ANSI / AWWA C600-10.

         L= SD √P

                                    DIVISION 13


        L = testing allowance (makeup water), in gallons per hour
        S = Length of Pipe tested, in feet
        D = Nominal Diameter of Pipe Tested, in Inches
        P = Average Test Pressure during the hydrostatic test, in pounds per square
        inch (gauge)

        For 6” pipe – 1.00 gallons per 1000 lineal feet per two hour period
        For 8” pipe – 1.32 gallons per 1000 lineal feet per two hour period
        For 10” pipe – 1.66 gallons per 1000 lineal feet per two hour period
        For 12” pipe – 1.98 gallons per 1000 lineal feet per two hour period
        For 14” pipe – 2.32 gallons per 1000 lineal feet per two hour period
        For 16” pipe – 2.64 gallons per 1000 lineal feet per two hour period
        For 18” pipe – 2.98 gallons per 1000 lineal feet per two hour period
        For 20” pipe – 3.32 gallons per 1000 lineal feet per two hour period
        For 24” pipe – 3.98 gallons per 1000 lineal feet per two hour period
        For 30” pipe – 4.96 gallons per 1000 lineal feet per two hour period
        For 36” pipe – 5.96 gallons per 1000 lineal feet per two hour period

               In the event that a leak is detected and located, the Contractor shall
        review the method of repair with the engineer for concurrence before
        proceeding with the repair. After repairs are made the main will be retested.
        The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of his intent to retest at least 24 hours
        in advance. However, the Contractor shall not begin the retest until all
        attempts have been made to correct all defects, and approval for retesting has
        been given by the Engineer.

                The City shall be responsible for all inspection costs for the first two
        hydrostatic tests of any section. If a section requires a third hydrostatic retest,
        the Contractor may be held liable for such inspection costs incurred by the
        City of Muskegon personnel.


                 All ductile iron pipe and fittings furnished and installed under this
        contract shall be provided with electrical conductivity connections. Electrical
        conductivity connections shall be brass wedges, copper cable bond, copper
        strap bond, conductive push-on gaskets and megalug retainer glands as
        specified. After installation of the mains, backfilling and the hydrostatic
        pressure tests are completed, the system (pipe line and hydrants) shall be
        tested for electrical continuity and current capacity. It is imperative that all
        lines and appurtenances be filled with water prior to conductivity testing. The
        line will be tested in sections between hydrants and or stand pipes. The
        hydrants and hydrant valves will be opened to bleed off any air in the lead.
        The hydrant will then be closed and the hydrant valve left open. Adjacent
                                    DIVISION 13

         hydrants or stand pipes will serve as test section termini. The Contractor will
         provide electric current of 100 to 150 amperes for the test. Direct current of
         150 amperes, shall be passed through the pipe line for a period of five
         minutes. Current flow through the pipe shall be measured continuously on a
         suitable ammeter and shall remain steady without interruption or excessive
         fluctuation throughout the five minute test. Insufficient current or intermit ten
         current or arcing, indicated by large fluctuations of the ammeter needle, shall
         be evidence of defective electrical contact in the pipe line. The cause shall be
         isolated and corrected. Thereafter, the section in which the defective test
         occurred shall be retested as a unit and shall meet the test requirements to the
         satisfaction of the Engineer. All electrical connections shall be capable of
         carrying 60 amps. Any pipe cut and repaired with couplings shall have
         electrical connections. In addition to the above work the Contractor at the time
         the joint is made shall test each joint for contact effectiveness. The payment
         for electrical conductivity shall be included in the cost of the new watermain.
         No other payment shall be made.

13.07    Tapping Existing Water Mains 4 Inch and Larger

                    All work relative to tapping existing watermains shall be under the
         supervision of the Water Department Superintendent. The Contractor, after
         proper notice and coordination, shall have at the site adequate personnel,
         equipment and materials to properly install the tapping sleeve and valve. The
         existing watermain shall be exposed and the pipe cleaned to accept the tapping
         sleeve. The sleeve shall then be installed and valve attached. The Contractor
         shall then perform the pressure test at (150#) for five (5) minutes in the
         presence of the project Inspector. After testing, personnel from the Water
         Department will make the tap using City equipment. The Contractor will
         assist as necessary. No charges shall be made to the Contractor by the City for
         such described work.

13.08    Permeation

                  Every effort will be made to identify any contaminated areas before
             any work proceeds, but should the contractor encounter any contaminated
             area, work shall cease and the specialized gaskets for use in contaminated
             areas will be used. Refer to AWWA C600 section 4.1 (Permeation), for
             instructions about how to proceed in contaminated work areas.



13.09.01 Flushing

                  After the hydrostatic tests have been satisfactorily completed, the pipe
         lines shall be cleaned and flushed by introducing water from the city water-
                                      DIVISION 13

           mains into the completed line and the water allowed to flow from the far end
           of the section and flushed until it runs clear. Before the main is chlorinated, it
           shall be flushed with potable water to remove air pockets and particulates.
           The flushing velocity in the main shall not be less than 3.0 ft/sec in
           accordance with AWWA C651-14, Section 4.4.2. Each section tested shall be
           flushed separately. All disinfecting shall be done in accordance with AWWA
           Standard C651-14.

13.09.02   Disinfecting

                     Disinfect the pipe lines with chlorine. The preferable point of
           application of the chlorinating agent is at the beginning of the new pipe line,
           or any valve section of it, and through the stand pipe or a corporation cock
           inserted in the horizontal axis of the newly laid pipe. Water from existing
           watermains should be controlled to flow very slowly into the newly laid pipe
           during application of chlorine. Partially open the end-most hydrant or valve on
           the section of pipe line under treatment to permit the flow of water through the
           pipe line. Continue treatment until the water flowing from the far end of the
           main contains a chlorine residual of at least 25 parts per million. Stop the flow
           of water and chlorine by closing appropriate openings. (See Sections 13.09.05
           and 13.09.06 for information on chlorine products and methods of application)
           A field test shall be done for determining that the proper amount of chlorine
           residual is in the new pipe line, the test shall be done by the Contractor with
           testing equipment approved by the Engineer.

13.09.03   Disinfecting Duration

                     Permit the treated water to remain in the pipe line for at least 24
           hours, after which, there should be a free chlorine residual of not less than 10
           ppm. A field test shall be done for determining that the proper amount of
           chlorine residual is in the new pipe line, the test shall be done by the
           contractor with testing equipment approved by the Engineer. The main shall
           then be thoroughly flushed until all of the heavily chlorinated water is
           removed to the point of a residual chlorine content not to exceed 2 ppm, or a
           residual acceptable to the City of Muskegon Department of Public Works. The
           Contractor will test the water to see that this has been accomplished. (See
           AWWA C651-14, Section 4.9)

13.09.04   Sampling

                     The Engineer will schedule with the water filtration plant for sample
           pick-ups. (First sample pick-ups shall be done Monday through Thursday, no
           first sampling will be done Friday through Sunday) An initial set of samples
           will be taken after 16 hours without any water use. Then collect, using the
           sampling site procedures outlined and without flushing the main, two sets of
           samples a minimum of 15 min apart while the sampling taps are left running.
           Both sets of samples must pass for the main to be approved for release. A 48
           hour test is required for each sample. If the results of the samples are unsafe, a
                                      DIVISION 13

           repeat of the chlorine treatment and sampling is necessary. A set of samples
           includes all samples collected along the length of the pipeline. For new
           mains, sets of samples shall be collected every 1200 feet of the new
           watermain, plus one set from the end of the line, and at least one from each
           branch greater than one pipe length. Sampling should never be collected from
           hoses or fire hydrants, Sampling shall be from stand pipes or a corporation tap
           with a copper pipe extension. Sampling points shall have a valve and a copper
           gooseneck assembly. Cost of collecting samples and laboratory analysis shall
           be paid for by the City of Muskegon, up to a maximum of two tests per
           section. Any additional testing will be at the Contractors expense. All
           materials, labor, equipment and tools for conducting the cleaning and
           disinfecting treatment shall be furnished by
           the Contractor without cost to the City. All sampling shall be done in
           accordance with AWWA C651-14, section 5.1, Bacteriological Tests.

13.09.05   Chlorine Products

                    Chlorine products for disinfecting watermains are available in several
           forms. Refer to AWWA C651-14, Sec. 4.1 for the forms of chlorine which
           may be used in the watermain disinfection operation, and the proper methods
           of handling and feeding different types of chlorine into the watermain. The
           most convenient forms are as follows:

                     A. Liquid Chlorine (gas) conforming to ANSI/AWWA B301
           contains 100 percent available chlorine and is packaged in steel containers
           usually of 100-lb, 150-lb, or 1-ton net chlorine weight. The pressure of the
           chlorine in the cylinder varies with the outside temperature and will usually be
           found to vary between 40 and 140 lbs. per square inch.

                     B. Calcium hypochlorite conforming to ANSI/AWWA B300 is
           available in granular form or in 5-g tablets and must contain approximately 65
           percent chlorine by weight. The material should be stored in a cool, dry, and
           dark place to minimize its deterioration.

           CAUTION: Tablets dissolve in approximately 7 hr and must be given
           adequate contact time. Do not use calcium hypochlorite intended for
           swimming pool disinfection, as this material has been sequestered and is
           extremely difficult to eliminate from the pipe after the desired contact time
           has been achieved.


13.09.06   Calcium hypochlorite Application

                       A solution of water and approved chlorine should be applied to
           watermains by means of solution feed chlorinating device with a power
           operated booster pump. High test calcium hypochlorite must be prepared as a
           water mixture for introduction into the watermains. The powder should be
                                       DIVISION 13

           made into a paste and then thinned to about a 1% chlorine solution (10,000
           parts per million). The preparation of a 1% chlorine solution requires the
           following proportions of powder to water.

                                           Amount of        Gals. Of
                 Product                   Compound         Water

           High test calcium
           Hypochlorite 65% to 70%           1 lb            8.0

                     Prepare the 1% chlorine solution in a container and permit solids to
           settle. Apply the clear supernatant solution to the main by pumping through a
           power operated chemical feeder. The following table indicates the amount of
           chlorine required for each one hundred feet of various pipes.

           Size of     Vol. gals. In      Amounts of chlorine or chlorine solution
           Pipe        100 ft. pipe       per 100 ft of main for 25 p.p.m.

                                          Chlorine 100%        1% Chlorine Water Solution
           4”           65.3              .013 lbs.           .16 gal.
           6”          146.9              .030 lbs.           .36 gal.
           8”          261.1              .054 lbs.           .65 gal.
           10”         408.0              .085 lbs.           1.02gal.
           12”         587.5              .120 lbs.           1.44 gal.
           16”         1044.5             .217 lbs.           2.60 gal.


13.10.01   Watermain Pipe

                     Watermain Pipe shall be measured by lineal feet of pipe in place,
           including the lengths of fittings and valves, as measured along the center line
           of the pipe. At hydrant leads, watermain pipe shall be measured by lineal foot
           from the centerline of the main to the centerline of the hydrant including
           fittings and valves.

                                       DIVISION 13


13.10.02   Valves and Fittings

                     Valves and Fittings shall be paid for as “each”, and the unit price
           shall include the cost of all materials and accessories, testing installation,
           restraining devices and labor necessary for proper operation.

13.10.03   Restraining Devices

                     Restraining devices, thrust blocks, retainer glands, tie rods, etc., shall
           be incidental to the piping costs and the cost of which shall be included in the
           unit price for watermains and / or valves, fittings, etc.

13.10.04   Hydrants

                    Hydrants shall be paid for as “each”, and shall include all materials,
           accessories and labor to install this item in the proper manner. Hydrant valves
           shall be paid for separately as an “each” item but the cost of all the restraining
           devices is incidental and should be included in the cost of the pipe in place.

        Commission Meeting Date: July 25, 2017

Date:        July 20, 2017
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Planning & Economic Development
RE:          Rezoning request for the property at 1361 S Getty St


Request to rezone the property at 1361 S Getty St from B-1, Limited Business District to B-4,
General Business District by, General Business by Laquan Robinson.






Staff recommends approval of the rezoning.


The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the request at their July 13
meeting. They also unanimously voted to approve a Special Use Permit to allow for a car
sales lot, contingent upon the rezoning of the property to B-4.

Planning Commission packet excerpt:

           1. The property is located on the corner of Getty St and Catawba St and is roughly a
              quarter acre in size. A 1,250 sf office building is located on site. The building has
              been vacant since 2010.
           2. The property is zoned B-1, Limited Business District. The properties to the north are
              zoned B-4. General Business District. The properties to the south are zoned R-2,
              Single Family Medium Density Residential. The B-1 District in this area serve as a
              buffer between the residential neighborhoods and the more intense businesses in the
              B-4, General Business District. However, many of the properties in these B-1
              Districts are actually homes with the ability to operate limited businesses. The
              property at 1361 S Getty fits the characteristics of B-4 zoning because of the
              commercial building on site. The B-1 zoning designation limits the usage of the
              property, which is evident from its long vacancy.
           3. The applicant would like to operate a car sales lot at this location, which requires a
              B-4, General Business District designation and a Special Use Permit.
           4. Written notice was mailed to all property owners and tenants within 300 feet. At the
              time of this writing, staff had not received any input on the request.
           5. Please see the zoning ordinance excerpts for B-1 and B-4 Districts.

                                             1361 S Getty St

Site Plan

                    Commission Meeting Date: July 25, 2017

Date:        July 20, 2017
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Planning & Economic Development
RE:          Rezoning request for several properties to R-2, Single Family
             Medium Density Residential District


Staff initiated request to rezone several properties from R-1, Single Family Low Density
Residential District to R-2, Single Family Medium Density Residential District.






Staff recommends approval of the rezoning.


The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the request at their July 13

                                CITY OF MUSKEGON

                             MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                 ORDINANCE NO.

 An ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City to provide for a zone change for several
          properties to R-2, Single Family Medium Density Residential District.


The zoning map of the City of Muskegon is hereby amended to change the zoning for several
properties (see map) to R-2, Single Family Medium Density Residential District.

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                  By: __________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                         City Clerk

    (Rezoning of several properties to R-2, Single Family Medium Density Residential District)

The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance
adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City
Commission on the 25th day of July, 2017, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained
throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon.
I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full
compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and
that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2017              ________________________________
                                              Ann Meisch, MMC
                                              Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:       Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.

                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                            NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on July 25, 2017, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance amending the zoning map to provide for the change of zoning for several properties (see
map) to R-2, Single Family Medium Density Residential District.

Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City
Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

         This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2017                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                               By ___________________________
                                                                     Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                     City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354

                    Commission Meeting Date: July 25, 2017

Date:        July 20, 2017
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Planning & Economic Development
RE:          Rezoning request for several properties to R-3, Single Family High
             Density Residential District


Staff initiated request to rezone several properties from R-1, Single Family Low Density
Residential District to R-3, Single Family High Density Residential District.






Staff recommends approval of the rezoning.


The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the request at their July 13

                                CITY OF MUSKEGON

                             MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                 ORDINANCE NO.

 An ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City to provide for a zone change for several
            properties to R-3, Single Family High Density Residential District.


The zoning map of the City of Muskegon is hereby amended to change the zoning for several
properties (see map) to R-3, Single Family High Density Residential District.

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                  By: __________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                         City Clerk

      (Rezoning of several properties to R-3, Single Family High Density Residential District)

The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance
adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City
Commission on the 25th day of July, 2017, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained
throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon.
I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full
compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and
that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2017              ________________________________
                                              Ann Meisch, MMC
                                              Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:       Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.

                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                            NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on July 25, 2017, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance amending the zoning map to provide for the change of zoning for several properties (see
map) to R-3, Single Family High Density Residential District .

Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City
Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

         This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2017                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                               By ___________________________
                                                                     Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                     City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354

                     Commission Meeting Date: July 25, 2017

Date:         July 20, 2017
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Revocation of a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate –
              896 Jefferson, LLC


Pursuant to Public Act 255 of 1978, as amended, staff is recommending the revocation of
the Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate granted to 896 Jefferson, LLC for failure to
complete the project. On May 12, 2015, a 12-year certificate was granted for a project that
was to include $70,000 in renovations at 896 Jefferson St. The property owner is agreeable
to the revocation.


The real property will be taxed at the normal rate and will no longer be frozen.




Revocation of the Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate



                                           Resolution No. _______

                                       MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION

                                    896 Jefferson, LLC

WHEREAS, pursuant to P.A. 255 of 1978, as amended, after a duly noticed public hearing held on May 12,
2015, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon by resolution established a Commercial Redevelopment
District at 896 Jefferson St; and

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon approved a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate application for 896
Jefferson, LLC, number 4-15-007 for property located at 896 Jefferson in the amount of $70,000; and

WHEREAS, 896 Jefferson, LLC has failed to proceed in good faith with the completion of the facility within the
two-year construction period allowed; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Commission of the City of Muskegon:

           The City Commission of the City of Muskegon hereby revokes Commercial Facilities Exemption
           Certificate number 4-15-007 for 896 Jefferson, LLC for property located at 896 Jefferson St.

Adopted this 25th Day of July, 2017.




                                                   BY: __________________________________
                                                          Stephen J. Gawron

                                              ATTEST: __________________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Muskegon
City Commission, County of Muskegon, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on July 25, 2017.


          Ann Meisch

                     Commission Meeting Date: July 25, 2017

Date:         July 20, 2017
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Revocation of a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate –
              165 Clay, LLC


Pursuant to Public Act 255 of 1978, as amended, staff is recommending the revocation of
the Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate granted to 165 Clay, LLC for failure to
complete the project. On May 12, 2015, a 12-year certificate was granted for a project that
was to include $336,000 in renovations at 165 W Clay Ave. The property owner is agreeable
to the revocation.


The real property will be taxed at the normal rate and will no longer be frozen.




Revocation of the Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate



                                           Resolution No. _______

                                       MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION

                                      165 Clay, LLC

WHEREAS, pursuant to P.A. 255 of 1978, as amended, after a duly noticed public hearing held on May 12,
2015, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon by resolution established a Commercial Redevelopment
District at 165 W Clay Ave; and

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon approved a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate application for 165
Clay, LLC, number 4-15-006 for property located at 165 W Clay in the amount of $336,000; and

WHEREAS, 165 Clay, LLC has failed to proceed in good faith with the completion of the facility within the two-
year construction period allowed; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Commission of the City of Muskegon:

           The City Commission of the City of Muskegon hereby revokes Commercial Facilities Exemption
           Certificate number 4-15-006 for 165 Clay, LLC for property located at 165 W Clay Ave.

Adopted this 25th Day of July, 2017.




                                                   BY: __________________________________
                                                          Stephen J. Gawron

                                              ATTEST: __________________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Muskegon
City Commission, County of Muskegon, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on July 25, 2017.


          Ann Meisch


TO:          Honorable Mayor and Commissioners

FROM:        Jeffrey Lewis, Director of Public Safety

RE:          Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order
             to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #: EN1603188

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur
with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the Garage structure
located at 407 Monroe Ave is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it
be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration
be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor
and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition
with the lowest responsible bidder or staff may issue infraction tickets to the
owner, agent or responsible party if they do not demolish the structure.

Location and ownership: This structure is located on Monroe Ave between 6th
Street and 7th Street in the Nelson Neighborhood and is owned by Stacey Kelly
407 Monroe Ave, Muskegon.

Staff Correspondence: A property maintenance notice to repair was sent on 6-
24-16. Three (3) extensions were given to repair or remove the garage in 2016,
with no results. The Notice and Order to Repair or Remove was issued on
06/05/17. On 07/06/17 the HBA declared the garage structure substandard and

Financial Impact: General Funds

Budget action required: None

State Equalized value:     $15,800

Garage Valve: $6,025

Estimated cost to repair garage: $4,500

Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision
to demolish the garage structure only on the property
Owner Contact: Owner stated she did not have the money to repair or remove
the garage. In the spring of 2017, the case was sent to “dangerous building
dept.” for enforcement. The home owner was contacted and she was informed
she would qualify for certain home repair programs. Owner did obtain the
application for assistance but never return the paper work to the Community
Neighborhood Services (CNS) office. No further contact with the owner.
Owner(s) did not attend the HBA meeting.

Permits obtained: None


Enforcement # EN1603188 (GARAGE ONLY)
Property Address: 407 MONROE AVE
Parcel # 24-205-376-0003-00

Date completed: June 24, 2016

1. Garage roof is missing most of the roof covering
2. Garage roof has holes
3. Garage roof structure is collapsing
4. Garage is no longer plumb and is leaning.
5. Large old tree is leaning within 12 inches of garage. The tree trunk
diameter is approx. 24 inches and is substantially hollow.

         If you disagree with the decision of the City Commission, you have the right to
file a petition for superintending control in the Circuit Court for the County of Muskegon
within 21 days after the City Commission concurs.
PHOTOS of the Garage of 338 Mason Ave

TO:          Honorable Mayor and Commissioners

FROM:        Jeffrey Lewis, Director of Public Safety

RE:          Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order
             to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #: EN1709273

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur
with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the Garage structure
located at 338 Mason Ave is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it
be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration
be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor
and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition
with the lowest responsible bidder or staff may issue infraction tickets to the
owner, agent or responsible party if they do not demolish the structure.

Location and ownership: This structure is located on Mason Ave between 6th
Street and 7th Street in the Nelson Neighborhood and is owned by Rebia Jackson
and Rickey Farmer of 338 Mason Ave, Muskegon.

Staff Correspondence: A dangerous building inspection was conducted on 3-27-
17. A notice to repair was sent on 3-23-17. A second notice was sent on 5-15-17.
The Notice and Order to Repair was issued on 06/06/17. On 07/06/17 the HBA
declared the structure substandard and dangerous.

Financial Impact: General Funds

Budget action required: None

State Equalized value:     $17,600

Garage Valve: $9,143

Estimated cost to repair garage: $6,100

Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision
to demolish the garage structure only on the property
Owner Contact: The owner called on 04/10/2017 and stated he wanted to keep
the garage and is getting estimates to complete the repairs. The owner
requested an additional week to review the estimates. No further contact with the
owner. Owner(s) did not attend the HBA meeting.

Permits obtained: None


Enforcement # EN1709273
Parcel # 24-205-389-0010-00

Date completed: March 27, 2017

   1.   Must of the roof covering and roof decking is missing.
   2.   Any weather exposed and rotted roof joists must be replaced
   3.   Sections of the vinyl siding are missing or not attached
   4.   The garage overhead door is missing. The OSB construction
        materials covering the opening have not been painted with an
        exterior grade paint (as required under City Ordinance)

         If you disagree with the decision of the City Commission, you have the right to
file a petition for superintending control in the Circuit Court for the County of Muskegon
within 21 days after the City Commission concurs.
PHOTOS of the Garage of 338 Mason Ave

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