City Commission Packet Archive 10-24-2017

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        OCTOBER 24, 2017 @ 5:30 P.M.


□     PRAYER:
□     ROLL CALL:
      Announcement of Recipient of Consumer’s Energy Customer Service
      A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
      B. Extending Sub-recipient Agreements         Community & Neighborhood
      A. BID Special Assessment – Resolution Confirming Special Assessment
         Roll     Planning & Economic Development
      A. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to
         Demolish the Following:   Public Safety
         1386 Ransom Street

                                      Page 1 of 2
           312 Jackson Avenue
           1772 5th Street
       B. Local Officers Compensation Committee Recommendation                                         City
       C. Cooling Towers – LC Walker Arena                           City Manager
►      Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►      Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►      Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►      Be recognized by the Chair.
►      Step forward to the microphone.
►      State name and address.
►      Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►      (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)


                                                       Page 2 of 2
To:      Mayor and Commissioners

From: Frank Peterson

Re:      City Commission Meeting

Date: October 18, 2017

Here is a quick outline of the items on our agenda:

      1. Under Presentations we will present Donna Jean’s Sweet Dreams with a Consumers
         Energy Foundation Service Award. Donna Jean’s is a vendor at the Western Market.
      2. Under the Consent Agenda, we are asking the Commission to consider the following:
             a. Approval of meeting minutes from the most-recent City Commission meeting.
             b. Extend the sub-recipient agreements for CNS.
      3. Under Public Hearings we will consider confirming the special assessment roll for the
         Downtown Business Improvement District. We are recommending a three-year BID
         Assessment, but have prepared the assessment roll for adoption as either a one, two, or
         three year assessment.
      4. Under New Business, we will be taking input on the following:
             a. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish three
                structures. Staff is recommending concurrence.
             b. Consideration of the Local Officers Compensation Committee Recommendation.
                The recommendation is automatically accepted unless the commission votes
                affirmatively to reject the recommendation. Commissioner German asked for this
                item to be added to the agenda for discussion among Commissioners. Staff does
                not necessarily have a recommendation, but does ask that the commission
                consider that lower pay does make it difficult for citizens with lower income
                and/or less-flexible jobs (i.e. those with limited or no paid leave time) to effectively
                hold office. For those individuals, a few hundred dollars in salary may help offset
                the need to take un-paid leave from an employer to effectively meet the needs of
                constituents – especially to attend day-time meetings, trainings, etc.
             c. Emergency replacement of the cooling towers at the LC Walker Arena. These
                cooling towers keep the ice frozen – without them, we have no ice. We have
                invested many thousands of dollars in repairs over the past five seasons and now
                have a significant leak requiring extensive repair. The cooling towers are now
             more than 20 years old and have out-lived their life expectancy. Staff is
             recommending we spend $49,260 to replace the cooling towers as soon as

Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns
Date:     October 18, 2017
To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:     Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
RE:       Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes of the October 9, 2017
Worksession Meeting and the October 10, 2017 Regular Meeting.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                         CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                               Monday, October 9, 2017
                                      5:30 p.m.
                              City Commission Chambers



Present:     Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Johnson, and
Absent:      None

Muskegon County Health Project – Presentation regarding events

Laura Fitzpatrick from the Muskegon County Health Project presented a power point
presentation on the Health Project – Coalition for a Drug Free Muskegon. Several
community events, programs, partnerships, and initiatives were listed. After the
presentation, questions and answers were given.

BID Discussion

Mike Franzak, Planning Manager, updated the Commission on their findings from
questions the Commission presented at the last meeting.

Dave Alexander, Downtown Muskegon Now, indicated he forwarded an updated snow
removal map to the Commissioners.

It was questioned if staff would be open to a two-year assessment. The City Manager
indicated that two years would be more acceptable than one-year at this time.

Michigan’s Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Facilities Act

Frank Peterson, City Manager, gave a brief summary of the new State Law. The City
could choose to do nothing, which means the community opts out, or it adopts an
ordinance opting to allow commercial marihuana grows, provisioning centers, etc. with
rules and regulations.

Denise Polli gave a presentation on the positive aspects of opting into the new State
law. She indicated there are 61 pharmacies in Muskegon County and medical
marihuana facilities will offer a safe way for patients to receive their medication. Offering
a commercial grow will dis-incentivize the black market industry in Muskegon County.

DJ Hilson, County Prosecutor, spoke against opting into the commercial growing of
medical marihuana. He asked that the Commission speak to business owners and the
Chamber of Commerce. Ask them what their vision is for the City and if this fits in. Look
at the unintended consequences on the children and teenagers. Speak to the
Superintendent of Muskegon Public Schools.

Comments were received from the public.

Commissioners thanked the audience members for their input and indicated they would
like to do further research on this topic and discuss this at the next Worksession
Meeting in November.

ADJOURNMENT: The Worksession meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m.

                                                  Respectfully Submitted,

                                                  Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk
          OCTOBER 10, 2017 @ 5:30 P.M.


The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 10, 2017. Pastor
Jennifer Wheeler, Crestwood United Methodist Church, opened the meeting
with prayer, after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Present:    Mayor Stephen J. Gawron, Vice Mayor Eric Hood, Commissioners
Ken Johnson, Byron Turnquist, Willie German, Jr., Debra Warren, and Dan
Rinsema-Sybenga, City Manager, Frank Peterson, City Attorney John Schrier,
and City Clerk Ann Meisch.
2017-81     CONSENT AGENDA:
      A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the September 26, 2017
Regular City Commission Meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Approval of the minutes.
      B. Approval of a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate – 309 Terrace
         Point Circle   Planning & Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: An application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone
(NEZ) certificate has been received from Donald and Jennifer Hammond for the
new construction of a home at 309 Terrace Point Circle. This unit is already being
constructed and the State Tax Commission allows applicants to apply for a
certificate up to six months after construction commences. Construction started
in September with an estimated cost of $310,000. The applicant has met local
and state requirements for the issuance of the NEZ certificate.

                                         Page 1 of 4
FINANCIAL IMPACT:       Taxation will be 50% of the State average of new
homes for the next 12 years.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Approval of the NEZ certificate.
      C. Approval of a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate – 317 Terrace
         Point Circle   Planning & Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: An application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone
(NEZ) certificate has been received from Krista Abbott for the new construction
of a home at 317 Terrace Point Circle. This unit is already being constructed and
the State Tax Commission allows applicants to apply for a certificate up to six
months after construction commences. Construction started in September with
an estimated cost of $272,632. The applicant has met local and state
requirements for the issuance of the NEZ certificate.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:       Taxation will be 50% of the State average of new
homes for the next 12 years.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Approval of the NEZ certificate.
      D. Approval of 2017-2018 Procurement Contracts for CNS         Community
         and Neighborhood Services
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the Trades-Services procured through
sealed bid proposals producing the lowest responsible bidder and proved an
extension* to four Trades-Services where no bids were received.
      Appraisal:                            Midwest Real Estate
      Architect:                            Michael Clark
      Asbestos Assessment:                  Environmental Resources Group
      *Building:                            Mike Murphy
      *Electrical:                          Belasco Electric
      House Building Spec Writer:           Hager Consulting
      Property Maintenance:                 Walker Handyman Enterprises
      Lead Assessment & Clearance:          Environmental Resources Group
      Mechanical:                           Jewett Heating
      Painting:                             Pro Cleaners
      *Plumbing:                            Brett Noordhoff Plumbing
      Realtor:                              Greenridge Realty
      *Structural Engineer/Surveyor:        Westshore Consulting
      Title Service:                        Midstate Title
      Vinyl Installer:                      Mark N. Tucker, LLC
      Vinyl Supplier:                       Keene Lumber

                                        Page 2 of 4
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the procured and extended* Trade
Contractors-Service Providers for the Community and Neighborhood Services
through December 31, 2018.
      E. Grant Agreement with MDEQ            DPW – Engineering
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to enter into a grant agreement with
MDEQ to construct a new 8” water main in Madison between Keating &
Holbrook to provide city water to the residents in that area. The grant of
$75,775.22 requires a city match of $48,865 which will need to be incorporated
into the city’s budget during the first quarterly reforecast.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:          $48,865.00
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:           A budget adjustment needs to be made through
the first quarterly reforecast.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Authorize staff to enter into the agreement with
MDEQ to construct a new water main in Madison and incorporate the project
and cost into the 2017/18 budget via the first quarterly reforecast.
      F. Community Relations Committee Recommendations City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To concur with recommendations from the Community
Relations Committee regarding resignations and appointments for the Zoning
Board of Appeals and the Board of Review.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:      To accept the recommendations made by the
Community Relations Committee at their meeting on October 9, 2017.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:            To accept the resignation of Tammy
Halterman from the Zoning Board of Appeals and to appoint Tom Frens to the
Zoning Board of Appeals. Also, to accept the resignation of Tracie Webb from
the Board of Review and to appoint Mary Jamieson to the Board of Review.
Motion by Commissioner Warren, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to approve the
consent agenda as presented.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron,
           Hood, and Warren
             Nays: None

                                          Page 3 of 4
2017-82    NEW BUSINESS:
     A. Proclamation Opposing Racism       Commissioner German
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To adopt a proclamation proposed by Commissioner
German to affirm the City Commission’s position of opposing racism.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Adopt the proclamation.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Johnson, to adopt
the proclamation.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Warren,
           and German
           Nays: None
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Public comments were received.
2017-83    CLOSED SESSION:
     A. Discuss Legal Opinion of Property Transaction City Manager
Motion by Commissioner Warren, second by Commissioner Johnson, to go into
closed session to discuss a legal opinion regarding a property transaction.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, and
           Nays: None
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Johnson
to come out of closed session. ALL AYES.
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:41 p.m.

                                           Respectfully Submitted,

                                           Ann Marie Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

                                       Page 4 of 4
Commission Meeting Date:       October 24, 2017

Date:       October 17, 2017

To:         Honorable Mayor and City Commission

From:       Community & Neighborhood Services Department

Re:         Extending Sub-recipient Agreements

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To extend the 2015 Subrecipient Agreements
with Love INC until December 31, 2017.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: To allow Love INC the opportunity to expend the
remaining dollars from their 2015 grants:

Love INC.                      $4,500 - Wheelchair Ramps
                               $3,500 - Utility Assistance


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To extend the 2015                 Sub-recipient
Agreements with Love INC until December 31, 2017.

          Commission Meeting Date: October 24, 2017

Date:        October 17, 2017
To:          Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:        Planning & Economic Development Department
RE:          BID Special Assessment- Resolution Confirming
             Special Assessment Roll

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City Commission approved the creation of the BID
special assessment district at the September 26, 2017 meeting and the Special
Assessment Roll is now ready to be confirmed. The assessments will go towards
various downtown expenditures, including snow removal, landscaping,
marketing/promotion/events, streetscape and administration.. The BID assessment
includes both a “Class A” and a “Class B” district (see attached list). Staff has
prepared three separate Special Assessment Rolls for the Commission to choose
from with the option of approving it for one, two or three years.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will contribute $25,000 per year towards Downtown
Muskegon Now as an administrative fee.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution approving the
confirmation of the special assessment roll for three years and authorize the Mayor
and Clerk to sign.
                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                      Resolution No. ______

                  Resolution Confirming Special Assessment Roll

                Properties Assessed: See Exhibit A attached to this resolution


1.      The City Commission determined to create a special assessment district covering the
        properties set forth in Exhibit A attached to this resolution on September 26, 2017, at the
        first hearing.

2.      The City has reviewed the special assessment roll which purports to levy a special
        assessment in the said district levying on “Class A” Properties, as defined in the BID
        Bylaws, shall be assessed an annual assessment of $0.08/sf with no assessment to exceed
        $4,000 and “Class B” Properties, as defined in the BID Bylaws, shall be assessed an
        annual assessment of $0.04/sf with no assessment to exceed $2,000.

3.      The City Commission has heard all objections to the roll filed before or at the hearing.


     1. That the special assessment roll submitted by the Board of Assessors is hereby approved.

     2. That the assessments levied will be placed on the Winter 2017, 2018 and 2019 tax bills.

     3. The Clerk is directed to endorse the certificate of this confirmation resolution and the
           Mayor may endorse or attach his warrant bearing the date of this resolution which is
           the date of confirmation.
This resolution adopted.

       Ayes ___________________________________________________________________


       Nays ___________________________________________________________________


                                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                      By _________________________________
                                                         Ann Marie Meisch, Clerk


        This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on October 24,
2017. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the
State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public acts of 1976.

       Further I hereby certify that the special assessment roll referred to in the above resolution
was confirmed on the date being October 24, 2017.

                                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                      By _________________________________
                                                         Ann Marie Meisch, Clerk
    Exhibit A

Properties Assessed
2018 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ASSESSMENT ROLL                                                                               One Year List                                                                                                                                              1

Properties highlighted in gray below were opposed to the BID
                                                                                                                                                                          ASS'MT AMT          %_of_Assessed_       ass'mt based
PARCEL NO.             PROPERTY ADDRESS          OWNER                             NUMBER STREET                    CITY           STATE ZIP          LOT SQ FEET          PER YEAR             Properties          on sq ftage CLASS   NOTES
24-205-186-0009-00     860 PINE ST               E J E PROPERTIES LLC                 14126 GREEN ST                GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417                16045.00           1283.60             0.452857822    0.036228626   A     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-186-0001-00     9 E WEBSTER AVE           EJE PROPERTIES LLC                   14126 GREEN ST                GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417                44866.80           3589.34             1.266331028    0.101306482   A     2018 New-Billboard / rec'd opposition via email
24-205-186-0025-00     805 SPRING ST             EJE PROPERTIES LLC                   14126 GREEN ST                GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417                 6098.40            487.87             0.172122664    0.013769813   A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-332-0008-00     935 JEFFERSON ST          HAIRITAGE PROPERTIES LLC              1768 BAYVIEW DR              MUSKEGON       MI    49441                 4183.00            334.64             0.118061968    0.009444957   A     rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-332-0007-00     156 W MUSKEGON AVE        HAIRITAGE PROPERTIES LLC              1768 BAYVIEW DR              MUSKEGON       MI    49441                 3484.80            278.78             0.098355808    0.007868465   A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-332-0006-00     164 W MUSKEGON AVE        HAIRITAGE PROPERTIES LLC              1768 BAYVIEW DR              MUSKEGON       MI    49441                 8276.40            662.11             0.233595044    0.018687604   A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-176-0015-00     813 PINE ST               NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC            2648 E WHITE LAKE DR         TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                 4554.00            364.32             0.128533158    0.005141326   A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-177-0007-00     820 PINE ST               NW MILL REAL ESTATE LLC                820 PINE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442                26136.00           2090.88             0.737668560    0.029506742   A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-176-0013-00     821 PINE ST               NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC            2648 E WHITE LAKE DR         TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                 1386.00            110.88             0.039118787    0.001564751   A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-177-0004-00     43 W CLAY AVE             NW MILL REAL ESTATE LLC                820 PINE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442                 8712.00            348.48             0.245889520    0.009835581   B     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-176-0012-00     66 W WEBSTER AVE          NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC            2648 E WHITE LAKE DR         TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                 5676.00            454.08             0.160200748    0.006408030   A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-186-0019-00     12 E MUSKEGON AVE         PIGEON CREEK FURNITURE LLC            6460 MIDDLE LAKE RD          TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                 8712.00            696.96             0.245889520    0.019671162   A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-332-0005-00     976 1st ST                GREEN BACS LLC                        4121 OKEMOS RD STE 12        OKEMOS         MI    48864                 9147.60            731.81             0.258183996    0.020654720   A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-555-0001-00     100 W WESTERN AVE         THEBO JOYCE M REV LIVING TRUST       45995 MEADOW CIRCLE E         MACOMB         MI    48044                16103.00           1288.24             0.454494828    0.036359586   A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-321-0012-00     1237 8TH ST               WWG HOLDINGS LLC                       665 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440                13400.00            536.00             0.378204726    0.030256378   B     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-321-0001-00     665 W CLAY AVE            WWG HOLDINGS LLC                       665 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440                27720.00           2217.60             0.782375746    0.062590060   A     contig w/699 W Clay & 1237 8th but cap not met
24-205-321-0004-00     699 W CLAY AVE            WWG HOLDINGS LLC                       665 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49441                27580.00           1103.20             0.778424353    0.062273948   B     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-322-0002-00     611 W CLAY AVE            MOORE BRENDA M                         611 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440                 9147.60            731.81             0.258183996    0.020654720   A     opposed per phone call to M. Franzak
24-205-186-0015-00     866 PINE ST               SMITH ROGER W ET UX                    948 WENDOVER BLVD           MUSKEGON       MI    49441                 7440.00            595.20             0.209988295    0.008399532   A     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-186-0018-00     870 PINE ST               SMITH ROGER W ET UX                    948 WENDOVER BLVD           MUSKEGON       MI    49441                 2480.00            198.40             0.069996098    0.002799844   A     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-354-0001-00     151 W MUSKEGON AVE        BURIS ROSE M TRUST                     151 W MUSKEGON AVE          MUSKEGON       MI    49440                15246.00           1219.68             0.430306660    0.034424533   A     2018 New / Opposed at Commission meeting
                                                                                                                                                       Total assessment
                                                                                                                                                      $ amout opposed
                                                                                                                                                                            $19,323.89                     7.52  PERCENTAGE
24-205-556-0001-00     149 SHORELINE DR          HOT ROD HARLEY DAVIDSON                149 SHORELINE DR            MUSKEGON       MI    49440              296454.83            4000.00             8.367210269  0.669376822     A     CAP / He was in favor IF it was for a ONE year term
24-138-000-0104-00     297 W CLAY AVE 104        JANSKI LLC                                 PO BOX 1225             MUSKEGON       MI    49443                 1261.26            100.90             0.035598096    0.002847848   A
24-204-000-0000-00     333 W WESTERN AVE         NEW TREND INVESTMENTS LLC             8868 WATER ST                MONTAGUE       MI    49437                 9280.54            742.44             0.261936126    0.020954890   A
24-205-174-0004-00     750 PINE ST               BOLEN DAVID L                              PO BOX 113              ROTHBURY       MI    49452-0113           19140.00           1531.20             0.540211824    0.043216946   A
24-205-174-0008-00     772 PINE ST               WITT LEE A TRUST                      1501 RUDDIMAN DR             MUSKEGON       MI    49445                 4224.00            337.92             0.119219161    0.009537533   A
24-205-174-0009-00     28 E CLAY AVE             WITT LEE A TRUST                      1501 RUDDIMAN DR             MUSKEGON       MI    49445                49222.80                 0.00          1.389275788    0.111142063   A     2018 New / Contiguous parcel, cap met on other
24-205-175-0001-00     111 W WESTERN AVE         J E REAL ESTATE CO LLC                 111 W WESTERN AVE           MUSKEGON       MI    49442                27142.00           2171.36             0.766062139    0.061284971   A
24-205-175-0006-00     121 W WESTERN AVE         FIRST GENERAL CREDIT UNION             589 E ELLIS RD              MUSKEGON       MI    49441                16005.00           1280.40             0.451728853    0.036138308   A
24-205-175-0010-00     790 TERRACE ST            DISSELKOEN JACK                       3315 REAL STREET             HOUSTON        TX    77087                13719.00           1097.52             0.387208256    0.030976660   A
24-205-175-0015-00     806 TERRACE ST            RIEGLER PROPERTIES LLC                 808 TERRACE ST              MUSKEGON       MI    49440-1123            3780.00            302.40             0.106687602    0.008535008   A
24-205-175-0016-00     820 TERRACE ST            CZM PROPERTIES LLC                     700 TERRACE POINT RD #400   MUSKEGON       MI    49440                11616.00            929.28             0.327852693    0.026228215   A
24-205-175-0018-00     118 W CLAY AVE            VERIZON INC                            401 MERRITT 7               NORWALK        CT    6851                 17424.00           1393.92             0.491779040    0.039342323   A
24-205-175-0020-00     98 W CLAY AVE             SEARER JAMES M                         907 N SANDALWOOD CIR        MUSKEGON       MI    49441                 1881.00            150.48             0.053089783    0.004247183   A
24-205-175-0021-00     777 PINE ST               ELENBAAS HOLDINGS LLC                  777 PINE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442                15576.00           1246.08             0.439620657    0.035169653   A
24-205-176-0001-00     860 TERRACE ST            FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS                407 MERRITT 7               NORWALK        CT    6851                 82148.22           4000.00             2.318570522    0.185485642   A     CAP
24-205-176-0003-00     103 W CLAY AVE            NOORDYK WILLIAM TRUST                 2700 KENOWA NW               GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49544                 5874.00            469.92             0.165789146    0.013263132   A
24-205-176-0005-00     121 W CLAY AVE            JILLIAN & JORDAN LLC                   675 RICHMOND NW             GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49504                 4884.00            390.72             0.137847155    0.011027772   A
24-205-177-0005-00     794 PINE ST               COREPARK INVESTMENTS LLC              1985 E LAKETON AVE           MUSKEGON       MI    49442                22235.00           1778.80             0.627565826    0.050205266   A
24-205-186-0006-00     830 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                     1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553            1452.00            116.16             0.040981587    0.003278527   A
24-205-186-0007-00     840 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                     1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553            2904.00            232.32             0.081963173    0.006557054   A
                                                 JERVISS-FETHKE INSURANCE AGENCY
24-205-187-0001-00     833 PINE ST                                                       71 W WEBSTER AVE           MUSKEGON       MI    49440                 3960.00            316.80             0.111767964    0.008941437   A

                                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 12
2018 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ASSESSMENT ROLL                                                                           One Year List                                                                                                 2

24-205-187-0003-00   839 PINE ST          GILL EASTER JONES                   1215 SPRING ST                   MUSKEGON       MI       49442-3553     3960.00    316.80   0.111767964   0.008941437   A
24-205-187-0005-00   845 PINE ST          GILL EASTER JONES                   1215 SPRING ST                   MUSKEGON       MI       49442-3553     3168.00    253.44   0.089414371   0.007153150   A
24-205-187-0006-00   849 PINE ST          GILL EASTER JONES                   1215 SPRING ST                   MUSKEGON       MI       49442-3553     2436.00    194.88   0.068754232   0.005500339   A
24-205-187-0007-00   71 W WEBSTER AVE     FETHKE KAREN J TRUST                1201 MILLS AVE                   MUSKEGON       MI       49445         14700.00   1176.00   0.414896229   0.033191698   A
24-205-187-0016-00   908 TERRACE ST       AUTHORITY BASE VALUE                 888 TERRACE ST                  MUSKEGON       MI       49440          1320.00    105.60   0.037255988   0.002980479   A
24-205-188-0004-00   928 TERRACE ST       BK MUSKEGON PROPERTIES LLC          4220 EDISON LAKES PKWY           MISHAWAKA      IN       46545         46264.00   3701.12   1.305765927   0.104461274   A
24-205-188-0011-00   944 TERRACE ST       1ST ASSURED PROPERTIES INC          2081 LETART AVE                  MUSKEGON       MI       49441          4620.00    369.60   0.130395958   0.010431677   A
24-205-188-0012-00   952 TERRACE ST       SWIATEK TRUST                       4778 RUSSELL RD                  MUSKEGON       MI       49445         13860.00   1108.80   0.391187873   0.031295030   A
24-205-188-0013-00   8 W WALTON AVE       8 W WALTON LLC                         8 W WALTON AVE                MUSKEGON       MI       49440          9240.00    739.20   0.260791915   0.020863353   A   ORIGINAL LIST-INCORRECT PARCEL #
24-205-189-0010-00   896 PINE ST          WILSON EUDORA B JR                  8812 62ND AVE                    COLLEGE PARK   MD       20740          3480.00    278.40   0.098220332   0.007857627   A
24-205-313-0005-00   435/441 W WESTERN    PH HOLDING LLC                           PO BOX 388                  MUSKEGON       MI       49443         12904.00   1032.32   0.364205506   0.029136440   A   PARCEL # CHGD F/ ORIGINAL LIST
24-205-313-0006-00   451 W WESTERN AVE    COREPARK INVESTMENTS LLC             111 W WESTERN AVE               MUSKEGON       MI       49442          9240.00    739.20   0.260791915   0.020863353   A
24-205-314-0001-10   477 W WESTERN AVE    475 W WESTERN AVE LLC               1887 HOLTON RD STE D-279         MUSKEGON       MI       49445          1500.00    120.00   0.042336350   0.003386908   A
24-205-315-0001-00   521 W WESTERN AVE    BABBITT E C/P R TRUST               4473 CHERRYWOOD CT               MUSKEGON       MI       49441         13860.00   1108.80   0.391187873   0.031295030   A
24-205-315-0003-00   545 W WESTERN AVE    HERITAGE MEMORIAL GARDEN            4473 CHERRYWOOD COURT            MUSKEGON       MI       49441         13860.00   1108.80   0.391187873   0.031295030   A
24-205-315-0004-00   555 W WESTERN AVE    INGALLS REAL ESTATE ACQ. LLC         555 W WESTERN AVE               MUSKEGON       MI       49440         11823.00    945.84   0.333695110   0.026695609   A
24-205-315-0005-00   561 W WESTERN AVE    MUSKEGON HERITAGE ASSOC              561 W WESTERN AVE               MUSKEGON       MI       49440          5487.00    438.96   0.154866368   0.012389309   A
24-205-315-0005-10   557 W WESTERN AVE    CBT ENTERPRISES LLC                 1003 W MAIN ST                   FREMONT        MI       49412          1185.00     94.80   0.033445716   0.002675657   A
24-205-315-0006-00   563 W WESTERN AVE    3M INVESTMENTS LLC                   565 W WESTERN AVE STE B         MUSKEGON       MI       49440          9235.00    738.80   0.260650794   0.020852064   A
24-205-316-0001-00   587 W WESTERN AVE    EBEE PROPERTIES LLC                 1685 68TH ST SE                  CALEDONIA      MI       49316         12320.00    985.60   0.347722554   0.027817804   A
24-205-316-0004-00   591 W WESTERN AVE    NORTH EAST BUSINESS ASSOC LLC       5691 17 MILE RD                  CEDAR SPRINGS MI        49319          3360.00    268.80   0.094833424   0.007586674   A
24-205-316-0005-00   593 W WESTERN AVE    MUSKEGON LAKEVIEW CONDOS LLC       15877 LAKE AVE                    GRAND HAVEN    MI       49417         10920.00    873.60   0.308208627   0.024656690   A
24-205-316-0007-00   605 W WESTERN AVE    WESTERN AVE LLC                      605 W WESTERN AVE               MUSKEGON       MI       49440          3354.00    268.32   0.094664078   0.007573126   A
24-205-316-0008-00   607 W WESTERN AVE    WESTERN AVE LLC                      605 W WESTERN AVE               MUSKEGON       MI       49440          4486.00    358.88   0.126613910   0.010129113   A
24-205-316-0009-10   609 W WESTERN AVE    EMP LLC                            16149 BAIRD CT                    SPRING LAKE    MI       49456          2744.00    219.52   0.077447296   0.006195784   A
24-205-317-0007-00   1208 8TH ST          JACOBSEN MICHAEL H TRUST              35 RESEARCH DR STE 300         ANN ARBOR      MI       48103         24222.00   1937.76   0.683647378   0.054691790   A
24-205-317-0009-10   600 W CLAY AVE       MILL STREET GROUP LLC                 35 RESEARCH DR STE 300         ANN ARBOR      MI       48103          2464.00    197.12   0.069544511   0.005563561   A
24-205-318-0001-10   683 W WESTERN AVE    GRAND TRUNK LLC                     1007 MOORINGS CT                 N MUSKEGON     MI       49445          2254.00    180.32   0.063617422   0.005089394   A
24-205-318-0003-00   1250 9TH ST          STRONG LEIGH JR/LINDA               2084 MARYLAND                    MUSKEGON       MI       49441         21120.00   1689.60   0.596095806   0.047687664   A
24-205-321-0007-00   1288 9TH ST          RELIABLE TOWING INC                 1288 9TH ST                      MUSKEGON       MI       49441         41758.00   3340.64   1.178587532   0.094287003   A
24-205-322-0003-00   623 W CLAY AVE       REAL EQUITIES LLC                    203 CUTLER ST                   SPRING LAKE    MI       49456         18388.00   1471.04   0.518987201   0.041518976   A
24-205-322-0005-00   639 W CLAY AVE       REAL EQUITIES LLC                    203 CUTLER ST                   SPRING LAKE    MI       49456         17424.00   1393.92   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-323-0006-00   585 W CLAY AVE       J & J CORNER PROPERTIES LLC          585 W CLAY AVE                  MUSKEGON       MI       49440          5247.00    419.76   0.148092552   0.011847404   A
24-205-329-0001-00   885 JEFFERSON ST     HENNESSY HOLDING LLC                1074 JEFFERSON ST                MUSKEGON       MI       49440         17325.60   1386.05   0.489001776   0.039120142   A
24-205-330-0001-00   835 TERRACE ST       CIHAK CHARLES W/LINDA B              835 TERRACE ST                  MUSKEGON       MI       49440          8392.00    671.36   0.236857765   0.018948621   A
24-205-330-0002-00   165 W CLAY AVE       165 CLAY LLC                             PO BOX 809                  MUSKEGON       MI       49443          4997.00    399.76   0.141036494   0.011282919   A
24-205-330-0004-00   173 W CLAY AVE       DOOM INVESTMENTS LLC                2034 LAKESHORE DR                MUSKEGON       MI       49441          6864.00    549.12   0.193731137   0.015498491   A
24-205-330-0008-00   896 JEFFERSON ST     896 JEFFERSON LLC                        PO BOX 809                  MUSKEGON       MI       49443          8976.00    718.08   0.253340718   0.020267257   A
24-205-330-0010-00   136 W WEBSTER AVE    136 WEBSTER LLC                      648 MONROE AVE NW STE 101       GRAND RAPIDS   MI       49503         17424.00   1393.92   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-331-0001-00   122 W MUSKEGON AVE   SQUARE TWO DEVELOPMENT LLC           950 28TH ST SE B-200            GRAND RAPIDS   MI       49508         42125.00   3370.00   1.188945826   0.095115666   A
24-205-331-0001-10   877 TERRACE ST       FIFTH THIRD BANK                      38 FOUNTAIN SQ PLAZA MD 10ATA1 CINCINNATI     OH       45263         58695.00   4000.00   1.656621370   0.132529710   A   CAP
24-205-333-0001-00   221 W WEBSTER AVE    HUNTINGTON BANK                          P O BOX 182334              COLUMBUS       OH       43218-2334    92696.00   4000.00   2.616273525   0.209301882   A   CAP
24-205-351-0005-00   275 W MUSKEGON AVE   SPIRIT SPE PORTFOLIO CA C-STORES    1410 COMMONWEALTH DR STE 202     WILMINGTON     NC       28403         17424.00   1393.92   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-351-0007-00   1100 3RD ST          VENTURE ONE MANAGEMENT LLC          1100 3RD ST                      MUSKEGON       MI       49441          8712.00    696.96   0.245889520   0.019671162   A
24-205-365-0001-00   1144 3RD ST          MARTELL MANAGEMENT LLC               210 HODENPYL RD SE              GRAND RAPIDS   MI       49506        117612.00   4000.00   3.319508521   0.265560682   A   CAP
24-205-367-0001-00   1115 3RD ST          PIONEER RESOURCES INC                601 TERRACE ST #100             MUSKEGON       MI       49440          4356.00    348.48   0.122944760   0.009835581   A
24-205-367-0011-00   1141 3RD ST          AGUILAR LUIS                        8726 S HUSTON                    CHICAGO        IL       60617          2352.00    188.16   0.066383397   0.005310672   A

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2018 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ASSESSMENT ROLL                                                                    One Year List                                                                                                          3

24-205-367-0011-10   1147 3RD ST          1145 3RD STREET LLC                 PO BOX 809                 MUSKEGON       MI   49443          6228.00    498.24   0.175780525   0.014062442   A
24-205-367-0012-00   1137 3RD ST          LEMKE DELORES J/LEMKE KIM A    1137 3RD ST                     MUSKEGON       MI   49441          4536.00    362.88   0.128025122   0.010242010   A
24-205-367-0013-00   1133 3RD ST          NAP DEVELOPMENT LLC             950 28TH ST SE B200            GRAND RAPIDS   MI   49508          4176.00    334.08   0.117864398   0.009429152   A
24-205-367-0014-00   1129 3RD ST          MJ PLACE LLC                   3497 MACARTHUR RD               MUSKEGON       MI   49442          1386.00    110.88   0.039118787   0.003129503   A
24-205-367-0015-00   1125 3RD ST          LINK BRAD D                    1125 3RD ST                     MUSKEGON       MI   49441          5805.00    464.40   0.163841674   0.013107334   A
24-205-367-0016-00   1121 3RD ST          SQUARE TWO DEVELOPMENT          950 28TH ST SE B200            GRAND RAPIDS   MI   49508          1584.00    126.72   0.044707185   0.003576575   A
24-205-379-0001-00   1157 3RD ST          S & R KADO LLC                 2513 VISTA POINT CT NW          GRAND RAPIDS   MI   49534         17424.00   1393.92   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-379-0011-00   1185 3RD ST          INTNATL. AUTO GROUP LLC        1185 3RD ST                     MUSKEGON       MI   49441         17820.00   1425.60   0.502955836   0.040236467   A   LETTER RET'D BY P.O- NOT DELIV AS ADDRESSED
24-205-562-0001-00   715 TERRACE ST       MOKA CORPORATION                715 TERRACE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI   49440         93218.40   4000.00   2.631017864   0.210481429   A   CAP
24-205-563-0006-00   902 3RD ST           HUME PROPERTIES LLC             900 3RD ST STE 302             MUSKEGON       MI   49440         56437.31   4000.00   1.592899801   0.127431984   A   CAP
24-205-563-0008-10   372 MORRIS AVE       MORRIS ST LLC                   425 W WESTERN AVE SUITE 200    MUSKEGON       MI   49440        313632.00   4000.00   8.852022722   0.708161818   A   CAP
24-205-563-0008-11   340 MORRIS AVE       MUSKEGON GSA LLC               6641 WEST BROAD ST STE 101      RICHMOND       VA   23230         47579.91   3806.39   1.342906478   0.107432518   A
24-205-566-0009-00   428 W WESTERN AVE    PARKLAND HUDSONVILLE LLC         75 W WALTON AVE #A            MUSKEGON       MI   49440         11648.00      0.00   0.328755869   0.026300470   A   contiguous parcel w/939 & 955 3rd St
24-205-566-0013-00   442 W WESTERN AVE    G & Z PROPERTIES LLC            442 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49440          2741.20    219.30   0.077368268   0.006189461   A
24-205-566-0014-00   446 W WESTERN AVE    446 W WESTERN AVE LLC           446 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49440          4168.60    333.49   0.117655539   0.009412443   A
24-205-567-0001-10   450 W WESTERN AVE    450 W WESTERN LLC              4880 RAMBLING CREEK DR          MUSKEGON       MI   49441          7858.22    628.66   0.221792234   0.017743379   A
24-205-567-0001-20   490 W WESTERN AVE    PORT CITY CIO BLDG              490 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49440          7195.14    575.61   0.203077310   0.016246185   A
24-205-567-0001-40   500 W WESTERN AVE    500 WEST WESTERN AVE LLC            PO BOX 1051                MATTHEWS       NC   28106          9448.16    755.85   0.266667072   0.021333366   A
24-205-567-0001-50   955 3RD ST           PARKLAND ACQUISITION LLC         75 W WALTON AVE STE 1         MUSKEGON       MI   49440         69696.00      0.00   1.967116160   0.157369293   A   contiguous parcel w/939 3rd
24-233-000-0001-00   387 MORRIS AVE       DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440         24572.00   1965.76   0.693525859   0.055482069   A
24-233-000-0002-00   401 MORRIS AVE       DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440         24571.79   1965.74   0.693519932   0.055481595   A
24-233-000-0004-00   360 W WESTERN AVE    RUSSELL BLOCK DEV LLC               PO BOX 732                 MUSKEGON       MI   49443-0732     7805.11    624.41   0.220293245   0.017623460   A
24-233-000-0005-00   356 W WESTERN AVE    CENTURY CLUB DEV LLC                PO BOX 732                 MUSKEGON       MI   49443-0732     5581.67    446.53   0.157538356   0.012603068   A
24-233-000-0006-00   350 W WESTERN AVE    BLIND PIG PROPERTIES LLC        800 FIRST ST #357              MUSKEGON       MI   49443          4889.49    391.16   0.138002106   0.011040168   A
24-233-000-0007-00   351 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440         21714.00   1737.12   0.612861001   0.049028880   A
24-233-000-0008-00   379 W WESTERN AVE    SIDOCK PROPERTIES LLC         42650 GRAND RIVER AVE            NOVI           MI   48374         22542.00   1803.36   0.636230666   0.050898453   A   LETTER RET'D BY POST OFFICE - NO SUCH NUMBER
24-233-000-0012-00   325 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440          7945.21    635.62   0.224247460   0.017939797   A
24-233-000-0013-00   307 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440         16477.87   1318.23   0.465075246   0.037206020   A
24-233-000-0014-00   299 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440          8223.06    657.84   0.232089563   0.018567165   A
24-233-000-0015-00   295 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440          8213.94    657.12   0.231832158   0.018546573   A
24-233-000-0024-00   292 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440         42503.25   3400.26   1.199621642   0.095969731   A
24-233-000-0025-00   376 W WESTERN AVE    RUSSELL BLOCK DEV LLC               PO BOX 732                 MUSKEGON       MI   49443-0732     3172.95    253.84   0.089554081   0.007164326   A
24-432-000-0001-00   380 W WESTERN AVE    MUSKEGON CHAMBER BLDG LLC       300 WASHINGTON AVE STE 200     GRAND HAVEN    MI   49417         15289.80   1223.18   0.431542881   0.034523431   A
24-485-000-0000-00   878 JEFFERSON ST     JEFFERSON PROF CONDOMINIUM      878 JEFFERSON ST               MUSKEGON       MI   49440         36432.00   2914.56   1.028265266   0.082261221   A
24-605-000-0001-00   939 3RD ST           PARKLAND ACQ. LLC (2/3 INT)      75 W WALTON                   MUSKEGON       MI   49440         67884.00   4000.00   1.915973850   0.153277908   A   CAP / contiguous w/955 3rd St
24-792-000-0001-00   316 MORRIS AVE       HINMAN LAKE LLC                 750 TRADE CENTRE WAY STE 100   PORTAGE        MI   49002        239828.00   4000.00   6.768961411   0.541516913   A   CAP
24-205-174-0002-00   67 W WESTERN AVE     WITT LEE A CREDIT TRUST        1501 RUDDIMAN DR                MUSKEGON       MI   49445        50529.60    4000.00   1.426159216   0.114092737   A   CAP / 2018 New
24-205-189-0005-00   11 E MUSKEGON AVE    ADMIRAL REAL ESTATE LLC         785 W RANDALL ST               COOPERSVILLE   MI   49404        21344.40    1707.55   0.602429324   0.048194346   A   2018 New
24-205-189-0001-00   45 E MUSKEGON AVE    LAKETON PROPERTIES LLC           45 E MUSKEGON AVE             MUSKEGON       MI   49440        34412.40    2752.99   0.971263604   0.077701088   A   2018 New
24-205-354-0007-00   120 W APPLE AVE      REP IPSA                            PO Box 599                 MUSKEGON       MI   49443        19602.00    1568.16   0.553251420   0.044260114   A   2018 New
24-205-354-0002-00   165 W MUSKEGON AVE   SUNRISE PROPERTIES LLC        18505 92ND AVE                   COOPERSVILLE   MI   49404        16988.40    1359.07   0.479484564   0.038358765   A   2018 New
24-205-316-0018-00   546 W CLAY AVE       3M INVESTMENTS                  565 W WESTERN AVE, STE B       MUSKEGON       MI   49440          7840.80    627.26   0.221300568   0.017704045   A   2018 New
24-205-177-0001-00   4 W WEBSTER AVE      COREPARK INVESTMENTS LLC        111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49442        47916.00    3833.28   1.352392360   0.054095694   A
24-205-177-0003-00   39 W CLAY AVE        COTAL SULEYMAN                  390 W MUSKEGON AVE             MUSKEGON       MI   49440          4356.00    348.48   0.122944760   0.004917790   A
24-205-186-0005-00   51 W WEBSTER AVE     GILL EASTER JONES             1215 SPRING ST                   MUSKEGON       MI   49442          2739.00    219.12   0.077306175   0.003092247   A
24-205-314-0001-00   471 W WESTERN AVE    LAKESHORE MUSEUM CENTER         430 W CLAY AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI   49440          2024.00    161.92   0.057125848   0.002285034   A
24-205-314-0002-00   479 W WESTERN AVE    CITIPARC LLC                    111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49442        10420.00     833.60   0.294096510   0.011763860   A

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2018 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ASSESSMENT ROLL                                                                              One Year List                                                                                                                                          4

24-205-314-0003-00     479 W WESTERN AVE   CITIPARC LLC                         111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON          MI      49442            22176.00                 1774.08             0.625900596   0.025036024   A
24-205-314-0005-00     495 W WESTERN AVE   CITIPARC LLC                         111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON          MI      49442             9504.00                  760.32             0.268243113   0.010729725   A
24-205-314-0006-00     495 W WESTERN AVE   CITIPARC LLC                         111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON          MI      49442             9504.00                  760.32             0.268243113   0.010729725   A
24-205-330-0003-00     163 W CLAY AVE      165 CLAY LLC                     1042 TERRACE ST                    MUSKEGON          MI      49442             5109.00                  408.72             0.144197608   0.005767904   A
24-234-000-0001-00     285 W WESTERN AVE   PARKLAND MUSKEGON INC                  75 W WALTON AVE              MUSKEGON          MI      49440            11053.91                  884.31             0.311988134   0.012479525   A
24-234-000-0002-00     255 W WESTERN AVE   CITY OF MUSKEGON                                                                                               16080.98                 1286.48             0.453873330   0.018154933   A
24-234-000-0003-00     255 W WESTERN AVE   CITY OF MUSKEGON                                                                                               13264.14                 1061.13             0.374370181   0.014974807   A
24-792-000-0001-00     316 MORRIS AVE      HINMAN LAKE LLC                      750 TRADE CENTRE WAY STE 100   PORTAGE           MI      49002           239828.00                 4000.00             6.768961411   0.270758456   A   CAP
24-233-000-0016-00     296 W CLAY AVE      HSD II LLC                           272 W CLAY AVE                 MUSKEGON          MI      49440             7564.06                  605.12             0.213489794   0.008539592   A
24-205-318-0001-00     664 W CLAY AVE      MJ DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES LLC       5142 EVANSTON AVE                  MUSKEGON          MI      49442            77614.00                 2000.00             2.190595639   0.087623826   B   CAP
24-205-318-0008-00     650 W CLAY AVE      MJ DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES LLC       5142 EVANSTON AVE                  MUSKEGON          MI      49442-4852        4800.00                  192.00             0.135476320   0.005419053   B
24-205-322-0007-00     1236 8TH ST         CMN ENTERPRISES LLC             18193 YUMA CT                       SPRING LAKE       MI      49456            17424.00                  696.96             0.491779040   0.019671162   B
24-205-316-0013-00     1150 7TH ST         1150 7TH ST LLC                      280 NORTHLAND DR NE            ROCKFORD          MI      49341            14000.00                  560.00             0.395139265   0.015805571   B
                                                                                                                                                                                                     100.000000000   4.000000000
                                                                                                                             Square footage assessed:   3543054.62        $176,636.20
                                                                                                                                                                     Total of assessments per year

                                                                        Assessment amount                                                                    2-year total BID amt:              $353,272.39
                                                                          Class              Amt per s/f           Max cap                                   3-year total BID amt:              $529,908.59
                                                                           A                     0.08          $     4,000.00
                                                                            B                    0.04          $     2,000.00

                            BOARD OF ASSESSORS

Donna B. VanderVries

Debra Warren

Dan Rinsema-Sybenga

Removed 10/18/17 per Mike/Frank
24-205-324-0012-00     446 W WEBSTER AVE   LORING DAVID/LORI                    446 W WEBSTER AVE              MUSKEGON          MI      49440            10018.80                  801.50             0.282772948   0.022621836   A   2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail & letter

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                                                                                                                                       Two Year List

Properties highlighted in gray below were opposed to the BID
                                                                                                                                                                            TOTAL ASSMT AMT     %_of_Assessed_       ass'mt based
PARCEL NO.             PROPERTY ADDRESS          OWNER                                 NUMBER   STREET                  CITY           STATE ZIP          LOT SQ FEET         FOR 2 YEARS         Properties          on sq ftage   CLASS   NOTES
24-205-186-0009-00     860 PINE ST               E J E PROPERTIES LLC                     14126 GREEN ST                GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417               16045.00             2567.20          0.452857822    0.036228626     A     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-186-0001-00     9 E WEBSTER AVE           EJE PROPERTIES LLC                       14126 GREEN ST                GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417               44866.80             7178.69          1.266331028    0.101306482     A     2018 New-Billboard / rec'd opposition via email
24-205-186-0025-00     805 SPRING ST             EJE PROPERTIES LLC                       14126 GREEN ST                GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417                6098.40              975.74          0.172122664    0.013769813     A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-332-0008-00     935 JEFFERSON ST          HAIRITAGE PROPERTIES LLC                  1768 BAYVIEW DR              MUSKEGON       MI    49441                4183.00              669.28          0.118061968    0.009444957     A     rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-332-0007-00     156 W MUSKEGON AVE        HAIRITAGE PROPERTIES LLC                  1768 BAYVIEW DR              MUSKEGON       MI    49441                3484.80              557.57          0.098355808    0.007868465     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-332-0006-00     164 W MUSKEGON AVE        HAIRITAGE PROPERTIES LLC                  1768 BAYVIEW DR              MUSKEGON       MI    49441                8276.40             1324.22          0.233595044    0.018687604     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-176-0015-00     813 PINE ST               NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC                2648 E WHITE LAKE DR         TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                4554.00              728.64          0.128533158    0.005141326     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-177-0007-00     820 PINE ST               NW MILL REAL ESTATE LLC                    820 PINE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442               26136.00             4181.76          0.737668560    0.029506742     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-176-0013-00     821 PINE ST               NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC                2648 E WHITE LAKE DR         TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                1386.00              221.76          0.039118787    0.001564751     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-177-0004-00     43 W CLAY AVE             NW MILL REAL ESTATE LLC                    820 PINE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442                8712.00              696.96          0.245889520    0.009835581     B     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-176-0012-00     66 W WEBSTER AVE          NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC                2648 E WHITE LAKE DR         TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                5676.00              908.16          0.160200748    0.006408030     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-186-0019-00     12 E MUSKEGON AVE         PIGEON CREEK FURNITURE LLC                6460 MIDDLE LAKE RD          TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                8712.00             1393.92          0.245889520    0.019671162     A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-332-0005-00     976 1st ST                GREEN BACS LLC                            4121 OKEMOS RD STE 12        OKEMOS         MI    48864                9147.60             1463.62          0.258183996    0.020654720     A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-555-0001-00     100 W WESTERN AVE         THEBO JOYCE M REV LIVING TRUST           45995 MEADOW CIRCLE E         MACOMB         MI    48044               16103.00             2576.48          0.454494828    0.036359586     A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-321-0012-00     1237 8TH ST               WWG HOLDINGS LLC                           665 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440               13400.00             1072.00          0.378204726    0.030256378     B     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-321-0001-00     665 W CLAY AVE            WWG HOLDINGS LLC                           665 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440               27720.00             4435.20          0.782375746    0.062590060     A     contig w/699 W Clay & 1237 8th but cap not met
24-205-321-0004-00     699 W CLAY AVE            WWG HOLDINGS LLC                           665 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49441               27580.00             2206.40          0.778424353    0.062273948     B     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-322-0002-00     611 W CLAY AVE            MOORE BRENDA M                             611 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440                9147.60             1463.62          0.258183996    0.020654720     A     opposed per phone call to M. Franzak
24-205-186-0015-00     866 PINE ST               SMITH ROGER W ET UX                        948 WENDOVER BLVD           MUSKEGON       MI    49441                7440.00             1190.40          0.209988295    0.008399532     A     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-186-0018-00     870 PINE ST               SMITH ROGER W ET UX                        948 WENDOVER BLVD           MUSKEGON       MI    49441                2480.00              396.80          0.069996098    0.002799844     A     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-354-0001-00     151 W MUSKEGON AVE        BURIS ROSE M TRUST                         151 W MUSKEGON AVE          MUSKEGON       MI    49440               15246.00             2439.36          0.430306660    0.034424533     A     2018 New / Opposed at Commission meeting
24-205-556-0001-00     149 SHORELINE DR          HOT ROD HARLEY DAVIDSON                    149 SHORELINE DR            MUSKEGON       MI    49440              296454.83             8000.00          8.367210269    0.669376822     A     CAP / He was in favor IF it was for a ONE year term
24-138-000-0104-00     297 W CLAY AVE 104        JANSKI LLC                                     PO BOX 1225             MUSKEGON       MI    49443                1261.26              201.80          0.035598096    0.002847848     A
24-204-000-0000-00     333 W WESTERN AVE         NEW TREND INVESTMENTS LLC                 8868 WATER ST                MONTAGUE       MI    49437                9280.54             1484.89          0.261936126    0.020954890     A
24-205-174-0004-00     750 PINE ST               BOLEN DAVID L                                  PO BOX 113              ROTHBURY       MI    49452-0113          19140.00             3062.40          0.540211824    0.043216946     A
24-205-174-0008-00     772 PINE ST               WITT LEE A TRUST                          1501 RUDDIMAN DR             MUSKEGON       MI    49445                4224.00              675.84          0.119219161    0.009537533     A
24-205-174-0009-00     28 E CLAY AVE             WITT LEE A TRUST                          1501 RUDDIMAN DR             MUSKEGON       MI    49445               49222.80                0.00          1.389275788    0.111142063     A     2018 New / Contiguous parcel, cap met on 67 W Western
24-205-174-0002-00     67 W WESTERN AVE          WITT LEE A CREDIT TRUST                   1501 RUDDIMAN DR             MUSKEGON       MI    49445               50529.60             8000.00          1.426159216    0.114092737     A     2018 New / Contiguous parcel w/28 E Clay Ave
24-205-175-0001-00     111 W WESTERN AVE         J E REAL ESTATE CO LLC                     111 W WESTERN AVE           MUSKEGON       MI    49442               27142.00             4342.72          0.766062139    0.061284971     A
24-205-175-0006-00     121 W WESTERN AVE         FIRST GENERAL CREDIT UNION                 589 E ELLIS RD              MUSKEGON       MI    49441               16005.00             2560.80          0.451728853    0.036138308     A
24-205-175-0010-00     790 TERRACE ST            DISSELKOEN JACK                           3315 REAL STREET             HOUSTON        TX    77087               13719.00             2195.04          0.387208256    0.030976660     A
24-205-175-0015-00     806 TERRACE ST            RIEGLER PROPERTIES LLC                     808 TERRACE ST              MUSKEGON       MI    49440-1123           3780.00              604.80          0.106687602    0.008535008     A
24-205-175-0016-00     820 TERRACE ST            CZM PROPERTIES LLC                         700 TERRACE POINT RD #400   MUSKEGON       MI    49440               11616.00             1858.56          0.327852693    0.026228215     A
24-205-175-0018-00     118 W CLAY AVE            VERIZON INC                                401 MERRITT 7               NORWALK        CT    6851                17424.00             2787.84          0.491779040    0.039342323     A
24-205-175-0020-00     98 W CLAY AVE             SEARER JAMES M                             907 N SANDALWOOD CIR        MUSKEGON       MI    49441                1881.00              300.96          0.053089783    0.004247183     A
24-205-175-0021-00     777 PINE ST               ELENBAAS HOLDINGS LLC                      777 PINE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442               15576.00             2492.16          0.439620657    0.035169653     A
24-205-176-0001-00     860 TERRACE ST            FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS                    407 MERRITT 7               NORWALK        CT    6851                82148.22             8000.00          2.318570522    0.185485642     A     CAP
24-205-176-0003-00     103 W CLAY AVE            NOORDYK WILLIAM TRUST                     2700 KENOWA NW               GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49544                5874.00              939.84          0.165789146    0.013263132     A
24-205-176-0005-00     121 W CLAY AVE            JILLIAN & JORDAN LLC                       675 RICHMOND NW             GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49504                4884.00              781.44          0.137847155    0.011027772     A
24-205-177-0005-00     794 PINE ST               COREPARK INVESTMENTS LLC                  1985 E LAKETON AVE           MUSKEGON       MI    49442               22235.00             3557.60          0.627565826    0.050205266     A
24-205-186-0006-00     830 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                         1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553           1452.00              232.32          0.040981587    0.003278527     A
24-205-186-0007-00     840 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                         1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553           2904.00              464.64          0.081963173    0.006557054     A
24-205-187-0001-00     833 PINE ST               JERVISS-FETHKE INSURANCE AGENCY INC         71 W WEBSTER AVE           MUSKEGON       MI    49440                3960.00              633.60          0.111767964    0.008941437     A
24-205-187-0003-00     839 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                         1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553           3960.00              633.60          0.111767964    0.008941437     A
24-205-187-0005-00     845 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                         1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553           3168.00              506.88          0.089414371    0.007153150     A
24-205-187-0006-00     849 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                         1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553           2436.00              389.76          0.068754232    0.005500339     A

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24-205-187-0007-00   71 W WEBSTER AVE     FETHKE KAREN J TRUST                1201 MILLS AVE                     MUSKEGON       MI    49445         14700.00   2352.00   0.414896229   0.033191698   A
24-205-187-0016-00   908 TERRACE ST       AUTHORITY BASE VALUE                 888 TERRACE ST                    MUSKEGON       MI    49440          1320.00    211.20   0.037255988   0.002980479   A
24-205-188-0004-00   928 TERRACE ST       BK MUSKEGON PROPERTIES LLC          4220 EDISON LAKES PKWY             MISHAWAKA      IN    46545         46264.00   7402.24   1.305765927   0.104461274   A
24-205-188-0011-00   944 TERRACE ST       1ST ASSURED PROPERTIES INC          2081 LETART AVE                    MUSKEGON       MI    49441          4620.00    739.20   0.130395958   0.010431677   A
24-205-188-0012-00   952 TERRACE ST       SWIATEK TRUST                       4778 RUSSELL RD                    MUSKEGON       MI    49445         13860.00   2217.60   0.391187873   0.031295030   A
24-205-188-0013-00   8 W WALTON AVE       8 W WALTON LLC                         8 W WALTON AVE                  MUSKEGON       MI    49440          9240.00   1478.40   0.260791915   0.020863353   A   ORIGINAL LIST-INCORRECT PARCEL #
24-205-189-0010-00   896 PINE ST          WILSON EUDORA B JR                  8812 62ND AVE                      COLLEGE PARK   MD    20740          3480.00    556.80   0.098220332   0.007857627   A
24-205-313-0005-00   435/441 W WESTERN    PH HOLDING LLC                           PO BOX 388                    MUSKEGON       MI    49443         12904.00   2064.64   0.364205506   0.029136440   A   PARCEL # CHGD F/ ORIGINAL LIST
24-205-313-0006-00   451 W WESTERN AVE    COREPARK INVESTMENTS LLC             111 W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442          9240.00   1478.40   0.260791915   0.020863353   A
24-205-314-0001-10   477 W WESTERN AVE    475 W WESTERN AVE LLC               1887 HOLTON RD STE D-279           MUSKEGON       MI    49445          1500.00    240.00   0.042336350   0.003386908   A
24-205-315-0001-00   521 W WESTERN AVE    BABBITT E C/P R TRUST               4473 CHERRYWOOD CT                 MUSKEGON       MI    49441         13860.00   2217.60   0.391187873   0.031295030   A
24-205-315-0003-00   545 W WESTERN AVE    HERITAGE MEMORIAL GARDEN            4473 CHERRYWOOD COURT              MUSKEGON       MI    49441         13860.00   2217.60   0.391187873   0.031295030   A
24-205-315-0004-00   555 W WESTERN AVE    INGALLS REAL ESTATE ACQ. LLC         555 W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI    49440         11823.00   1891.68   0.333695110   0.026695609   A
24-205-315-0005-00   561 W WESTERN AVE    MUSKEGON HERITAGE ASSOC              561 W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI    49440          5487.00    877.92   0.154866368   0.012389309   A
24-205-315-0005-10   557 W WESTERN AVE    CBT ENTERPRISES LLC                 1003 W MAIN ST                     FREMONT        MI    49412          1185.00    189.60   0.033445716   0.002675657   A
24-205-315-0006-00   563 W WESTERN AVE    3M INVESTMENTS LLC                   565 W WESTERN AVE STE B           MUSKEGON       MI    49440          9235.00   1477.60   0.260650794   0.020852064   A
24-205-316-0001-00   587 W WESTERN AVE    EBEE PROPERTIES LLC                 1685 68TH ST SE                    CALEDONIA      MI    49316         12320.00   1971.20   0.347722554   0.027817804   A
24-205-316-0004-00   591 W WESTERN AVE    NORTH EAST BUSINESS ASSOC LLC       5691 17 MILE RD                    CEDAR SPRINGS MI     49319          3360.00    537.60   0.094833424   0.007586674   A
24-205-316-0005-00   593 W WESTERN AVE    MUSKEGON LAKEVIEW CONDOS LLC       15877 LAKE AVE                      GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417         10920.00   1747.20   0.308208627   0.024656690   A
24-205-316-0007-00   605 W WESTERN AVE    WESTERN AVE LLC                      605 W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI    49440          3354.00    536.64   0.094664078   0.007573126   A
24-205-316-0008-00   607 W WESTERN AVE    WESTERN AVE LLC                      605 W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI    49440          4486.00    717.76   0.126613910   0.010129113   A
24-205-316-0009-10   609 W WESTERN AVE    EMP LLC                            16149 BAIRD CT                      SPRING LAKE    MI    49456          2744.00    439.04   0.077447296   0.006195784   A
24-205-317-0007-00   1208 8TH ST          JACOBSEN MICHAEL H TRUST              35 RESEARCH DR STE 300           ANN ARBOR      MI    48103         24222.00   3875.52   0.683647378   0.054691790   A
24-205-317-0009-10   600 W CLAY AVE       MILL STREET GROUP LLC                 35 RESEARCH DR STE 300           ANN ARBOR      MI    48103          2464.00    394.24   0.069544511   0.005563561   A
24-205-318-0001-10   683 W WESTERN AVE    GRAND TRUNK LLC                     1007 MOORINGS CT                   N MUSKEGON     MI    49445          2254.00    360.64   0.063617422   0.005089394   A
24-205-318-0003-00   1250 9TH ST          STRONG LEIGH JR/LINDA               2084 MARYLAND                      MUSKEGON       MI    49441         21120.00   3379.20   0.596095806   0.047687664   A
24-205-321-0007-00   1288 9TH ST          RELIABLE TOWING INC                 1288 9TH ST                        MUSKEGON       MI    49441         41758.00   6681.28   1.178587532   0.094287003   A
24-205-322-0003-00   623 W CLAY AVE       REAL EQUITIES LLC                    203 CUTLER ST                     SPRING LAKE    MI    49456         18388.00   2942.08   0.518987201   0.041518976   A
24-205-322-0005-00   639 W CLAY AVE       REAL EQUITIES LLC                    203 CUTLER ST                     SPRING LAKE    MI    49456         17424.00   2787.84   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-323-0006-00   585 W CLAY AVE       J & J CORNER PROPERTIES LLC          585 W CLAY AVE                    MUSKEGON       MI    49440          5247.00    839.52   0.148092552   0.011847404   A
24-205-329-0001-00   885 JEFFERSON ST     HENNESSY HOLDING LLC                1074 JEFFERSON ST                  MUSKEGON       MI    49440         17325.60   2772.10   0.489001776   0.039120142   A
24-205-330-0001-00   835 TERRACE ST       CIHAK CHARLES W/LINDA B              835 TERRACE ST                    MUSKEGON       MI    49440          8392.00   1342.72   0.236857765   0.018948621   A
24-205-330-0002-00   165 W CLAY AVE       165 CLAY LLC                             PO BOX 809                    MUSKEGON       MI    49443          4997.00    799.52   0.141036494   0.011282919   A
24-205-330-0004-00   173 W CLAY AVE       DOOM INVESTMENTS LLC                2034 LAKESHORE DR                  MUSKEGON       MI    49441          6864.00   1098.24   0.193731137   0.015498491   A
24-205-330-0008-00   896 JEFFERSON ST     896 JEFFERSON LLC                        PO BOX 809                    MUSKEGON       MI    49443          8976.00   1436.16   0.253340718   0.020267257   A
24-205-330-0010-00   136 W WEBSTER AVE    136 WEBSTER LLC                      648 MONROE AVE NW STE 101         GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49503         17424.00   2787.84   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-331-0001-00   122 W MUSKEGON AVE   SQUARE TWO DEVELOPMENT LLC           950 28TH ST SE B-200              GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49508         42125.00   6740.00   1.188945826   0.095115666   A
24-205-331-0001-10   877 TERRACE ST       FIFTH THIRD BANK                      38 FOUNTAIN SQ PLAZA MD 10ATA1   CINCINNATI     OH    45263         58695.00   8000.00   1.656621370   0.132529710   A   CAP
24-205-333-0001-00   221 W WEBSTER AVE    HUNTINGTON BANK                          P O BOX 182334                COLUMBUS       OH    43218-2334    92696.00   8000.00   2.616273525   0.209301882   A   CAP
24-205-351-0005-00   275 W MUSKEGON AVE   SPIRIT SPE PORTFOLIO CA C-STORES    1410 COMMONWEALTH DR STE 202       WILMINGTON     NC    28403         17424.00   2787.84   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-351-0007-00   1100 3RD ST          VENTURE ONE MANAGEMENT LLC          1100 3RD ST                        MUSKEGON       MI    49441          8712.00   1393.92   0.245889520   0.019671162   A
24-205-365-0001-00   1144 3RD ST          MARTELL MANAGEMENT LLC               210 HODENPYL RD SE                GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49506        117612.00   8000.00   3.319508521   0.265560682   A   CAP
24-205-367-0001-00   1115 3RD ST          PIONEER RESOURCES INC                601 TERRACE ST #100               MUSKEGON       MI    49440          4356.00    696.96   0.122944760   0.009835581   A
24-205-367-0011-00   1141 3RD ST          AGUILAR LUIS                        8726 S HUSTON                      CHICAGO        IL    60617          2352.00    376.32   0.066383397   0.005310672   A
24-205-367-0011-10   1147 3RD ST          1145 3RD STREET LLC                      PO BOX 809                    MUSKEGON       MI    49443          6228.00    996.48   0.175780525   0.014062442   A
24-205-367-0012-00   1137 3RD ST          LEMKE DELORES J/LEMKE KIM A         1137 3RD ST                        MUSKEGON       MI    49441          4536.00    725.76   0.128025122   0.010242010   A
24-205-367-0013-00   1133 3RD ST          NAP DEVELOPMENT LLC                  950 28TH ST SE B200               GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49508          4176.00    668.16   0.117864398   0.009429152   A
24-205-367-0014-00   1129 3RD ST          MJ PLACE LLC                        3497 MACARTHUR RD                  MUSKEGON       MI    49442          1386.00    221.76   0.039118787   0.003129503   A
24-205-367-0015-00   1125 3RD ST          LINK BRAD D                         1125 3RD ST                        MUSKEGON       MI    49441          5805.00    928.80   0.163841674   0.013107334   A

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24-205-367-0016-00   1121 3RD ST          SQUARE TWO DEVELOPMENT          950 28TH ST SE B200            GRAND RAPIDS   MI   49508          1584.00    253.44   0.044707185   0.003576575   A
24-205-379-0001-00   1157 3RD ST          S & R KADO LLC                 2513 VISTA POINT CT NW          GRAND RAPIDS   MI   49534         17424.00   2787.84   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-379-0011-00   1185 3RD ST          INTNATL. AUTO GROUP LLC        1185 3RD ST                     MUSKEGON       MI   49441         17820.00   2851.20   0.502955836   0.040236467   A
24-205-562-0001-00   715 TERRACE ST       MOKA CORPORATION                715 TERRACE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI   49440         93218.40   8000.00   2.631017864   0.210481429   A   CAP
24-205-563-0006-00   902 3RD ST           HUME PROPERTIES LLC             900 3RD ST STE 302             MUSKEGON       MI   49440         56437.31   8000.00   1.592899801   0.127431984   A   CAP
24-205-563-0008-10   372 MORRIS AVE       MORRIS ST LLC                   425 W WESTERN AVE SUITE 200    MUSKEGON       MI   49440        313632.00   8000.00   8.852022722   0.708161818   A   CAP
24-205-563-0008-11   340 MORRIS AVE       MUSKEGON GSA LLC               6641 WEST BROAD ST STE 101      RICHMOND       VA   23230         47579.91   7612.79   1.342906478   0.107432518   A
24-205-566-0013-00   442 W WESTERN AVE    G & Z PROPERTIES LLC            442 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49440          2741.20    438.59   0.077368268   0.006189461   A
24-205-566-0014-00   446 W WESTERN AVE    446 W WESTERN AVE LLC           446 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49440          4168.60    666.98   0.117655539   0.009412443   A
24-205-567-0001-10   450 W WESTERN AVE    450 W WESTERN LLC              4880 RAMBLING CREEK DR          MUSKEGON       MI   49441          7858.22   1257.32   0.221792234   0.017743379   A
24-205-567-0001-20   490 W WESTERN AVE    PORT CITY CIO BLDG              490 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49440          7195.14   1151.22   0.203077310   0.016246185   A
24-205-567-0001-40   500 W WESTERN AVE    500 WEST WESTERN AVE LLC            PO BOX 1051                MATTHEWS       NC   28106          9448.16   1511.71   0.266667072   0.021333366   A
24-233-000-0001-00   387 MORRIS AVE       DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440         24572.00   3931.52   0.693525859   0.055482069   A
24-233-000-0002-00   401 MORRIS AVE       DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440         24571.79   3931.49   0.693519932   0.055481595   A
24-233-000-0004-00   360 W WESTERN AVE    RUSSELL BLOCK DEV LLC               PO BOX 732                 MUSKEGON       MI   49443-0732     7805.11   1248.82   0.220293245   0.017623460   A
24-233-000-0005-00   356 W WESTERN AVE    CENTURY CLUB DEV LLC                PO BOX 732                 MUSKEGON       MI   49443-0732     5581.67    893.07   0.157538356   0.012603068   A
24-233-000-0006-00   350 W WESTERN AVE    BLIND PIG PROPERTIES LLC        800 FIRST ST #357              MUSKEGON       MI   49443          4889.49    782.32   0.138002106   0.011040168   A
24-233-000-0007-00   351 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440         21714.00   3474.24   0.612861001   0.049028880   A
24-233-000-0008-00   379 W WESTERN AVE    SIDOCK PROPERTIES LLC         42650 GRAND RIVER AVE            NOVI           MI   48374         22542.00   3606.72   0.636230666   0.050898453   A
24-233-000-0012-00   325 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440          7945.21   1271.23   0.224247460   0.017939797   A
24-233-000-0013-00   307 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440         16477.87   2636.46   0.465075246   0.037206020   A
24-233-000-0014-00   299 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440          8223.06   1315.69   0.232089563   0.018567165   A
24-233-000-0015-00   295 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440          8213.94   1314.23   0.231832158   0.018546573   A
24-233-000-0024-00   292 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI   49440         42503.25   6800.52   1.199621642   0.095969731   A
24-233-000-0025-00   376 W WESTERN AVE    RUSSELL BLOCK DEV LLC               PO BOX 732                 MUSKEGON       MI   49443-0732     3172.95    507.67   0.089554081   0.007164326   A
24-432-000-0001-00   380 W WESTERN AVE    MUSKEGON CHAMBER BLDG LLC       300 WASHINGTON AVE STE 200     GRAND HAVEN    MI   49417         15289.80   2446.37   0.431542881   0.034523431   A
24-485-000-0000-00   878 JEFFERSON ST     JEFFERSON PROF CONDOMINIUM      878 JEFFERSON ST               MUSKEGON       MI   49440         36432.00   5829.12   1.028265266   0.082261221   A
24-605-000-0001-00   939 3RD ST           PARKLAND ACQ. LLC (2/3 INT)      75 W WALTON                   MUSKEGON       MI   49440         67884.00   8000.00   1.915973850   0.153277908   A   CAP / contiguous w/955 3rd St & 428 W Western
24-205-567-0001-50   955 3RD ST           PARKLAND ACQUISITION LLC         75 W WALTON AVE STE 1         MUSKEGON       MI   49440         69696.00      0.00   1.967116160   0.157369293   A   contiguous parcel w/939 3rd & 428 W Western
24-205-566-0009-00   428 W WESTERN AVE    PARKLAND HUDSONVILLE LLC         75 W WALTON AVE #A            MUSKEGON       MI   49440         11648.00      0.00   0.328755869   0.026300470   A   contiguous parcel w/939 & 955 3rd St
24-792-000-0001-00   316 MORRIS AVE       HINMAN LAKE LLC                 750 TRADE CENTRE WAY STE 100   PORTAGE        MI   49002        239828.00   8000.00   6.768961411   0.541516913   A   CAP
24-205-189-0005-00   11 E MUSKEGON AVE    ADMIRAL REAL ESTATE LLC         785 W RANDALL ST               COOPERSVILLE   MI   49404         21344.40   3415.10   0.602429324   0.048194346   A   2018 New
24-205-189-0001-00   45 E MUSKEGON AVE    LAKETON PROPERTIES LLC           45 E MUSKEGON AVE             MUSKEGON       MI   49440         34412.40   5505.98   0.971263604   0.077701088   A   2018 New
24-205-354-0007-00   120 W APPLE AVE      REP IPSA                            PO Box 599                 MUSKEGON       MI   49443         19602.00   3136.32   0.553251420   0.044260114   A   2018 New
24-205-354-0002-00   165 W MUSKEGON AVE   SUNRISE PROPERTIES LLC        18505 92ND AVE                   COOPERSVILLE   MI   49404         16988.40   2718.14   0.479484564   0.038358765   A   2018 New
24-205-316-0018-00   546 W CLAY AVE       3M INVESTMENTS                  565 W WESTERN AVE, STE B       MUSKEGON       MI   49440          7840.80   1254.53   0.221300568   0.017704045   A   2018 New
24-205-177-0001-00   4 W WEBSTER AVE      COREPARK INVESTMENTS LLC        111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49442         47916.00   7666.56   1.352392360   0.054095694   A
24-205-177-0003-00   39 W CLAY AVE        COTAL SULEYMAN                  390 W MUSKEGON AVE             MUSKEGON       MI   49440          4356.00    696.96   0.122944760   0.004917790   A
24-205-186-0005-00   51 W WEBSTER AVE     GILL EASTER JONES              1215 SPRING ST                  MUSKEGON       MI   49442          2739.00    438.24   0.077306175   0.003092247   A
24-205-314-0001-00   471 W WESTERN AVE    LAKESHORE MUSEUM CENTER         430 W CLAY AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI   49440          2024.00    323.84   0.057125848   0.002285034   A
24-205-314-0002-00   479 W WESTERN AVE    CITIPARC LLC                    111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49442         10420.00   1667.20   0.294096510   0.011763860   A
24-205-314-0003-00   479 W WESTERN AVE    CITIPARC LLC                    111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49442         22176.00   3548.16   0.625900596   0.025036024   A
24-205-314-0005-00   495 W WESTERN AVE    CITIPARC LLC                    111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49442          9504.00   1520.64   0.268243113   0.010729725   A
24-205-314-0006-00   495 W WESTERN AVE    CITIPARC LLC                    111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI   49442          9504.00   1520.64   0.268243113   0.010729725   A
24-205-330-0003-00   163 W CLAY AVE       165 CLAY LLC                   1042 TERRACE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI   49442          5109.00    817.44   0.144197608   0.005767904   A
24-234-000-0001-00   285 W WESTERN AVE    PARKLAND MUSKEGON INC            75 W WALTON AVE               MUSKEGON       MI   49440         11053.91   1768.63   0.311988134   0.012479525   A
24-234-000-0002-00   255 W WESTERN AVE    CITY OF MUSKEGON                                                                                 16080.98   2572.96   0.453873330   0.018154933   A
24-234-000-0003-00   255 W WESTERN AVE    CITY OF MUSKEGON                                                                                 13264.14   2122.26   0.374370181   0.014974807   A
24-792-000-0001-00   316 MORRIS AVE       HINMAN LAKE LLC                 750 TRADE CENTRE WAY STE 100   PORTAGE        MI   49002        239828.00   8000.00   6.768961411   0.270758456   A   CAP

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                                                                                                                              Two Year List

24-233-000-0016-00     296 W CLAY AVE      HSD II LLC                           272 W CLAY AVE             MUSKEGON           MI     49440             7564.06              1210.25               0.213489794   0.008539592   A
24-205-318-0001-00     664 W CLAY AVE      MJ DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES LLC        5142 EVANSTON AVE             MUSKEGON           MI     49442            77614.00              4000.00               2.190595639   0.087623826   B   CAP
24-205-318-0008-00     650 W CLAY AVE      MJ DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES LLC        5142 EVANSTON AVE             MUSKEGON           MI     49442-4852        4800.00               384.00               0.135476320   0.005419053   B
24-205-322-0007-00     1236 8TH ST         CMN ENTERPRISES LLC             18193 YUMA CT                   SPRING LAKE        MI     49456            17424.00              1393.92               0.491779040   0.019671162   B
24-205-316-0013-00     1150 7TH ST         1150 7TH ST LLC                      280 NORTHLAND DR NE        ROCKFORD           MI     49341            14000.00              1120.00               0.395139265   0.015805571   B
                                                                                                                                                                                             100.000000000      4.000000000
                                                                                                                         Square footage assessed:   3543054.62       $353,272.39
                                                                                                                                                                 TOTAL 2-YEAR ASSESSMENT AMOUNT

                                                                        Assessment amount
                                                                          Class              Amt per s/f       Max cap x2
                                                                            A                    0.08      $       8,000.00
                                                                            B                    0.04      $       4,000.00

                            BOARD OF ASSESSORS

Donna B. VanderVries

Debra Warren

Dan Rinsema-Sybenga

                                                                                                                              Page 8 of 12
                                                                                                                                       Three Year List

Properties highlighted in gray below were opposed to the BID
                                                                                                                                                                            TOTAL ASSMT AMT     %_of_Assessed_       ass'mt based
PARCEL NO.             PROPERTY ADDRESS          OWNER                                 NUMBER   STREET                  CITY           STATE ZIP          LOT SQ FEET         FOR 3 YEARS         Properties          on sq ftage   CLASS   NOTES
24-205-186-0009-00     860 PINE ST               E J E PROPERTIES LLC                     14126 GREEN ST                GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417               16045.00             3850.80          0.452857822    0.036228626     A     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-186-0001-00     9 E WEBSTER AVE           EJE PROPERTIES LLC                       14126 GREEN ST                GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417               44866.80            10768.03          1.266331028    0.101306482     A     2018 New-Billboard / rec'd opposition via email
24-205-186-0025-00     805 SPRING ST             EJE PROPERTIES LLC                       14126 GREEN ST                GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417                6098.40             1463.62          0.172122664    0.013769813     A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-332-0008-00     935 JEFFERSON ST          HAIRITAGE PROPERTIES LLC                  1768 BAYVIEW DR              MUSKEGON       MI    49441                4183.00             1003.92          0.118061968    0.009444957     A     rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-332-0007-00     156 W MUSKEGON AVE        HAIRITAGE PROPERTIES LLC                  1768 BAYVIEW DR              MUSKEGON       MI    49441                3484.80              836.35          0.098355808    0.007868465     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-332-0006-00     164 W MUSKEGON AVE        HAIRITAGE PROPERTIES LLC                  1768 BAYVIEW DR              MUSKEGON       MI    49441                8276.40             1986.34          0.233595044    0.018687604     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-176-0015-00     813 PINE ST               NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC                2648 E WHITE LAKE DR         TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                4554.00             1092.96          0.128533158    0.005141326     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-177-0007-00     820 PINE ST               NW MILL REAL ESTATE LLC                    820 PINE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442               26136.00             6272.64          0.737668560    0.029506742     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-176-0013-00     821 PINE ST               NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC                2648 E WHITE LAKE DR         TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                1386.00              332.64          0.039118787    0.001564751     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-177-0004-00     43 W CLAY AVE             NW MILL REAL ESTATE LLC                    820 PINE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442                8712.00             1045.44          0.245889520    0.009835581     B     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-176-0012-00     66 W WEBSTER AVE          NW AMERICA REAL ESTATE LLC                2648 E WHITE LAKE DR         TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                5676.00             1362.24          0.160200748    0.006408030     A     2018 New      / Rec'd letter stating opposition
24-205-186-0019-00     12 E MUSKEGON AVE         PIGEON CREEK FURNITURE LLC                6460 MIDDLE LAKE RD          TWIN LAKE      MI    49457                8712.00             2090.88          0.245889520    0.019671162     A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-332-0005-00     976 1st ST                GREEN BACS LLC                            4121 OKEMOS RD STE 12        OKEMOS         MI    48864                9147.60             2195.42          0.258183996    0.020654720     A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-555-0001-00     100 W WESTERN AVE         THEBO JOYCE M REV LIVING TRUST           45995 MEADOW CIRCLE E         MACOMB         MI    48044               16103.00             3864.72          0.454494828    0.036359586     A     2018 New / rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-321-0012-00     1237 8TH ST               WWG HOLDINGS LLC                           665 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440               13400.00             1608.00          0.378204726    0.030256378     B     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-321-0001-00     665 W CLAY AVE            WWG HOLDINGS LLC                           665 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440               27720.00             6652.80          0.782375746    0.062590060     A     contig w/699 W Clay & 1237 8th but cap not met
24-205-321-0004-00     699 W CLAY AVE            WWG HOLDINGS LLC                           665 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49441               27580.00             3309.60          0.778424353    0.062273948     B     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-322-0002-00     611 W CLAY AVE            MOORE BRENDA M                             611 W CLAY AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440                9147.60             2195.42          0.258183996    0.020654720     A     opposed per phone call to M. Franzak
24-205-186-0015-00     866 PINE ST               SMITH ROGER W ET UX                        948 WENDOVER BLVD           MUSKEGON       MI    49441                7440.00             1785.60          0.209988295    0.008399532     A     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-186-0018-00     870 PINE ST               SMITH ROGER W ET UX                        948 WENDOVER BLVD           MUSKEGON       MI    49441                2480.00              595.20          0.069996098    0.002799844     A     rec'd opposition via e-mail
24-205-354-0001-00     151 W MUSKEGON AVE        BURIS ROSE M TRUST                         151 W MUSKEGON AVE          MUSKEGON       MI    49440               15246.00             3659.04          0.430306660    0.034424533     A     2018 New / Opposed at Commission meeting
24-205-556-0001-00     149 SHORELINE DR          HOT ROD HARLEY DAVIDSON                    149 SHORELINE DR            MUSKEGON       MI    49440              296454.83            12000.00          8.367210269    0.669376822     A     CAP / He was in favor IF it was for a ONE year term
24-138-000-0104-00     297 W CLAY AVE 104        JANSKI LLC                                     PO BOX 1225             MUSKEGON       MI    49443                1261.26              302.70          0.035598096    0.002847848     A
24-204-000-0000-00     333 W WESTERN AVE         NEW TREND INVESTMENTS LLC                 8868 WATER ST                MONTAGUE       MI    49437                9280.54             2227.33          0.261936126    0.020954890     A
24-205-174-0004-00     750 PINE ST               BOLEN DAVID L                                  PO BOX 113              ROTHBURY       MI    49452-0113          19140.00             4593.60          0.540211824    0.043216946     A
24-205-174-0008-00     772 PINE ST               WITT LEE A TRUST                          1501 RUDDIMAN DR             MUSKEGON       MI    49445                4224.00             1013.76          0.119219161    0.009537533     A
24-205-174-0009-00     28 E CLAY AVE             WITT LEE A TRUST                          1501 RUDDIMAN DR             MUSKEGON       MI    49445               49222.80                0.00          1.389275788    0.111142063     A     2018 New / Contiguous parcel, cap met on 67 W Western
24-205-174-0002-00     67 W WESTERN AVE          WITT LEE A CREDIT TRUST                   1501 RUDDIMAN DR             MUSKEGON       MI    49445               50529.60            12000.00          1.426159216    0.114092737     A     2018 New / Contiguous parcel w/28 E Clay Ave
24-205-175-0001-00     111 W WESTERN AVE         J E REAL ESTATE CO LLC                     111 W WESTERN AVE           MUSKEGON       MI    49442               27142.00             6514.08          0.766062139    0.061284971     A
24-205-175-0006-00     121 W WESTERN AVE         FIRST GENERAL CREDIT UNION                 589 E ELLIS RD              MUSKEGON       MI    49441               16005.00             3841.20          0.451728853    0.036138308     A
24-205-175-0010-00     790 TERRACE ST            DISSELKOEN JACK                           3315 REAL STREET             HOUSTON        TX    77087               13719.00             3292.56          0.387208256    0.030976660     A
24-205-175-0015-00     806 TERRACE ST            RIEGLER PROPERTIES LLC                     808 TERRACE ST              MUSKEGON       MI    49440-1123           3780.00              907.20          0.106687602    0.008535008     A
24-205-175-0016-00     820 TERRACE ST            CZM PROPERTIES LLC                         700 TERRACE POINT RD #400   MUSKEGON       MI    49440               11616.00             2787.84          0.327852693    0.026228215     A
24-205-175-0018-00     118 W CLAY AVE            VERIZON INC                                401 MERRITT 7               NORWALK        CT    6851                17424.00             4181.76          0.491779040    0.039342323     A
24-205-175-0020-00     98 W CLAY AVE             SEARER JAMES M                             907 N SANDALWOOD CIR        MUSKEGON       MI    49441                1881.00              451.44          0.053089783    0.004247183     A
24-205-175-0021-00     777 PINE ST               ELENBAAS HOLDINGS LLC                      777 PINE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442               15576.00             3738.24          0.439620657    0.035169653     A
24-205-176-0001-00     860 TERRACE ST            FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS                    407 MERRITT 7               NORWALK        CT    6851                82148.22            12000.00          2.318570522    0.185485642     A     CAP
24-205-176-0003-00     103 W CLAY AVE            NOORDYK WILLIAM TRUST                     2700 KENOWA NW               GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49544                5874.00             1409.76          0.165789146    0.013263132     A
24-205-176-0005-00     121 W CLAY AVE            JILLIAN & JORDAN LLC                       675 RICHMOND NW             GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49504                4884.00             1172.16          0.137847155    0.011027772     A
24-205-177-0005-00     794 PINE ST               COREPARK INVESTMENTS LLC                  1985 E LAKETON AVE           MUSKEGON       MI    49442               22235.00             5336.40          0.627565826    0.050205266     A
24-205-186-0006-00     830 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                         1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553           1452.00              348.48          0.040981587    0.003278527     A
24-205-186-0007-00     840 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                         1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553           2904.00              696.96          0.081963173    0.006557054     A
24-205-187-0001-00     833 PINE ST               JERVISS-FETHKE INSURANCE AGENCY INC         71 W WEBSTER AVE           MUSKEGON       MI    49440                3960.00              950.40          0.111767964    0.008941437     A
24-205-187-0003-00     839 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                         1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553           3960.00              950.40          0.111767964    0.008941437     A
24-205-187-0005-00     845 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                         1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553           3168.00              760.32          0.089414371    0.007153150     A
24-205-187-0006-00     849 PINE ST               GILL EASTER JONES                         1215 SPRING ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49442-3553           2436.00              584.64          0.068754232    0.005500339     A

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                                                                                                                                Three Year List

24-205-187-0007-00   71 W WEBSTER AVE     FETHKE KAREN J TRUST                1201 MILLS AVE                     MUSKEGON       MI    49445         14700.00    3528.00   0.414896229   0.033191698   A
24-205-187-0016-00   908 TERRACE ST       AUTHORITY BASE VALUE                 888 TERRACE ST                    MUSKEGON       MI    49440          1320.00     316.80   0.037255988   0.002980479   A
24-205-188-0004-00   928 TERRACE ST       BK MUSKEGON PROPERTIES LLC          4220 EDISON LAKES PKWY             MISHAWAKA      IN    46545         46264.00   11103.36   1.305765927   0.104461274   A
24-205-188-0011-00   944 TERRACE ST       1ST ASSURED PROPERTIES INC          2081 LETART AVE                    MUSKEGON       MI    49441          4620.00    1108.80   0.130395958   0.010431677   A
24-205-188-0012-00   952 TERRACE ST       SWIATEK TRUST                       4778 RUSSELL RD                    MUSKEGON       MI    49445         13860.00    3326.40   0.391187873   0.031295030   A
24-205-188-0013-00   8 W WALTON AVE       8 W WALTON LLC                         8 W WALTON AVE                  MUSKEGON       MI    49440          9240.00    2217.60   0.260791915   0.020863353   A   ORIGINAL LIST-INCORRECT PARCEL #
24-205-189-0010-00   896 PINE ST          WILSON EUDORA B JR                  8812 62ND AVE                      COLLEGE PARK   MD    20740          3480.00     835.20   0.098220332   0.007857627   A
24-205-313-0005-00   435/441 W WESTERN    PH HOLDING LLC                           PO BOX 388                    MUSKEGON       MI    49443         12904.00    3096.96   0.364205506   0.029136440   A   PARCEL # CHGD F/ ORIGINAL LIST
24-205-313-0006-00   451 W WESTERN AVE    COREPARK INVESTMENTS LLC             111 W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442          9240.00    2217.60   0.260791915   0.020863353   A
24-205-314-0001-10   477 W WESTERN AVE    475 W WESTERN AVE LLC               1887 HOLTON RD STE D-279           MUSKEGON       MI    49445          1500.00     360.00   0.042336350   0.003386908   A
24-205-315-0001-00   521 W WESTERN AVE    BABBITT E C/P R TRUST               4473 CHERRYWOOD CT                 MUSKEGON       MI    49441         13860.00    3326.40   0.391187873   0.031295030   A
24-205-315-0003-00   545 W WESTERN AVE    HERITAGE MEMORIAL GARDEN            4473 CHERRYWOOD COURT              MUSKEGON       MI    49441         13860.00    3326.40   0.391187873   0.031295030   A
24-205-315-0004-00   555 W WESTERN AVE    INGALLS REAL ESTATE ACQ. LLC         555 W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI    49440         11823.00    2837.52   0.333695110   0.026695609   A
24-205-315-0005-00   561 W WESTERN AVE    MUSKEGON HERITAGE ASSOC              561 W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI    49440          5487.00    1316.88   0.154866368   0.012389309   A
24-205-315-0005-10   557 W WESTERN AVE    CBT ENTERPRISES LLC                 1003 W MAIN ST                     FREMONT        MI    49412          1185.00     284.40   0.033445716   0.002675657   A
24-205-315-0006-00   563 W WESTERN AVE    3M INVESTMENTS LLC                   565 W WESTERN AVE STE B           MUSKEGON       MI    49440          9235.00    2216.40   0.260650794   0.020852064   A
24-205-316-0001-00   587 W WESTERN AVE    EBEE PROPERTIES LLC                 1685 68TH ST SE                    CALEDONIA      MI    49316         12320.00    2956.80   0.347722554   0.027817804   A
24-205-316-0004-00   591 W WESTERN AVE    NORTH EAST BUSINESS ASSOC LLC       5691 17 MILE RD                    CEDAR SPRINGS MI     49319          3360.00     806.40   0.094833424   0.007586674   A
24-205-316-0005-00   593 W WESTERN AVE    MUSKEGON LAKEVIEW CONDOS LLC       15877 LAKE AVE                      GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417         10920.00    2620.80   0.308208627   0.024656690   A
24-205-316-0007-00   605 W WESTERN AVE    WESTERN AVE LLC                      605 W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI    49440          3354.00     804.96   0.094664078   0.007573126   A
24-205-316-0008-00   607 W WESTERN AVE    WESTERN AVE LLC                      605 W WESTERN AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI    49440          4486.00    1076.64   0.126613910   0.010129113   A
24-205-316-0009-10   609 W WESTERN AVE    EMP LLC                            16149 BAIRD CT                      SPRING LAKE    MI    49456          2744.00     658.56   0.077447296   0.006195784   A
24-205-317-0007-00   1208 8TH ST          JACOBSEN MICHAEL H TRUST              35 RESEARCH DR STE 300           ANN ARBOR      MI    48103         24222.00    5813.28   0.683647378   0.054691790   A
24-205-317-0009-10   600 W CLAY AVE       MILL STREET GROUP LLC                 35 RESEARCH DR STE 300           ANN ARBOR      MI    48103          2464.00     591.36   0.069544511   0.005563561   A
24-205-318-0001-10   683 W WESTERN AVE    GRAND TRUNK LLC                     1007 MOORINGS CT                   N MUSKEGON     MI    49445          2254.00     540.96   0.063617422   0.005089394   A
24-205-318-0003-00   1250 9TH ST          STRONG LEIGH JR/LINDA               2084 MARYLAND                      MUSKEGON       MI    49441         21120.00    5068.80   0.596095806   0.047687664   A
24-205-321-0007-00   1288 9TH ST          RELIABLE TOWING INC                 1288 9TH ST                        MUSKEGON       MI    49441         41758.00   10021.92   1.178587532   0.094287003   A
24-205-322-0003-00   623 W CLAY AVE       REAL EQUITIES LLC                    203 CUTLER ST                     SPRING LAKE    MI    49456         18388.00    4413.12   0.518987201   0.041518976   A
24-205-322-0005-00   639 W CLAY AVE       REAL EQUITIES LLC                    203 CUTLER ST                     SPRING LAKE    MI    49456         17424.00    4181.76   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-323-0006-00   585 W CLAY AVE       J & J CORNER PROPERTIES LLC          585 W CLAY AVE                    MUSKEGON       MI    49440          5247.00    1259.28   0.148092552   0.011847404   A
24-205-329-0001-00   885 JEFFERSON ST     HENNESSY HOLDING LLC                1074 JEFFERSON ST                  MUSKEGON       MI    49440         17325.60    4158.14   0.489001776   0.039120142   A
24-205-330-0001-00   835 TERRACE ST       CIHAK CHARLES W/LINDA B              835 TERRACE ST                    MUSKEGON       MI    49440          8392.00    2014.08   0.236857765   0.018948621   A
24-205-330-0002-00   165 W CLAY AVE       165 CLAY LLC                             PO BOX 809                    MUSKEGON       MI    49443          4997.00    1199.28   0.141036494   0.011282919   A
24-205-330-0004-00   173 W CLAY AVE       DOOM INVESTMENTS LLC                2034 LAKESHORE DR                  MUSKEGON       MI    49441          6864.00    1647.36   0.193731137   0.015498491   A
24-205-330-0008-00   896 JEFFERSON ST     896 JEFFERSON LLC                        PO BOX 809                    MUSKEGON       MI    49443          8976.00    2154.24   0.253340718   0.020267257   A
24-205-330-0010-00   136 W WEBSTER AVE    136 WEBSTER LLC                      648 MONROE AVE NW STE 101         GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49503         17424.00    4181.76   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-331-0001-00   122 W MUSKEGON AVE   SQUARE TWO DEVELOPMENT LLC           950 28TH ST SE B-200              GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49508         42125.00   10110.00   1.188945826   0.095115666   A
24-205-331-0001-10   877 TERRACE ST       FIFTH THIRD BANK                      38 FOUNTAIN SQ PLAZA MD 10ATA1   CINCINNATI     OH    45263         58695.00   12000.00   1.656621370   0.132529710   A   CAP
24-205-333-0001-00   221 W WEBSTER AVE    HUNTINGTON BANK                          P O BOX 182334                COLUMBUS       OH    43218-2334    92696.00   12000.00   2.616273525   0.209301882   A   CAP
24-205-351-0005-00   275 W MUSKEGON AVE   SPIRIT SPE PORTFOLIO CA C-STORES    1410 COMMONWEALTH DR STE 202       WILMINGTON     NC    28403         17424.00    4181.76   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-351-0007-00   1100 3RD ST          VENTURE ONE MANAGEMENT LLC          1100 3RD ST                        MUSKEGON       MI    49441          8712.00    2090.88   0.245889520   0.019671162   A
24-205-365-0001-00   1144 3RD ST          MARTELL MANAGEMENT LLC               210 HODENPYL RD SE                GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49506        117612.00   12000.00   3.319508521   0.265560682   A   CAP
24-205-367-0001-00   1115 3RD ST          PIONEER RESOURCES INC                601 TERRACE ST #100               MUSKEGON       MI    49440          4356.00    1045.44   0.122944760   0.009835581   A
24-205-367-0011-00   1141 3RD ST          AGUILAR LUIS                        8726 S HUSTON                      CHICAGO        IL    60617          2352.00     564.48   0.066383397   0.005310672   A
24-205-367-0011-10   1147 3RD ST          1145 3RD STREET LLC                      PO BOX 809                    MUSKEGON       MI    49443          6228.00    1494.72   0.175780525   0.014062442   A
24-205-367-0012-00   1137 3RD ST          LEMKE DELORES J/LEMKE KIM A         1137 3RD ST                        MUSKEGON       MI    49441          4536.00    1088.64   0.128025122   0.010242010   A
24-205-367-0013-00   1133 3RD ST          NAP DEVELOPMENT LLC                  950 28TH ST SE B200               GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49508          4176.00    1002.24   0.117864398   0.009429152   A
24-205-367-0014-00   1129 3RD ST          MJ PLACE LLC                        3497 MACARTHUR RD                  MUSKEGON       MI    49442          1386.00     332.64   0.039118787   0.003129503   A
24-205-367-0015-00   1125 3RD ST          LINK BRAD D                         1125 3RD ST                        MUSKEGON       MI    49441          5805.00    1393.20   0.163841674   0.013107334   A

                                                                                                                                Page 10 of 12
                                                                                                                        Three Year List

24-205-367-0016-00   1121 3RD ST          SQUARE TWO DEVELOPMENT          950 28TH ST SE B200            GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49508          1584.00     380.16   0.044707185   0.003576575   A
24-205-379-0001-00   1157 3RD ST          S & R KADO LLC                 2513 VISTA POINT CT NW          GRAND RAPIDS   MI    49534         17424.00    4181.76   0.491779040   0.039342323   A
24-205-379-0011-00   1185 3RD ST          INTNATL. AUTO GROUP LLC        1185 3RD ST                     MUSKEGON       MI    49441         17820.00    4276.80   0.502955836   0.040236467   A
24-205-562-0001-00   715 TERRACE ST       MOKA CORPORATION                715 TERRACE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI    49440         93218.40   12000.00   2.631017864   0.210481429   A   CAP
24-205-563-0006-00   902 3RD ST           HUME PROPERTIES LLC             900 3RD ST STE 302             MUSKEGON       MI    49440         56437.31   12000.00   1.592899801   0.127431984   A   CAP
24-205-563-0008-10   372 MORRIS AVE       MORRIS ST LLC                   425 W WESTERN AVE SUITE 200    MUSKEGON       MI    49440        313632.00   12000.00   8.852022722   0.708161818   A   CAP
24-205-563-0008-11   340 MORRIS AVE       MUSKEGON GSA LLC               6641 WEST BROAD ST STE 101      RICHMOND       VA    23230         47579.91   11419.18   1.342906478   0.107432518   A
24-205-566-0013-00   442 W WESTERN AVE    G & Z PROPERTIES LLC            442 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440          2741.20     657.89   0.077368268   0.006189461   A
24-205-566-0014-00   446 W WESTERN AVE    446 W WESTERN AVE LLC           446 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440          4168.60    1000.46   0.117655539   0.009412443   A
24-205-567-0001-10   450 W WESTERN AVE    450 W WESTERN LLC              4880 RAMBLING CREEK DR          MUSKEGON       MI    49441          7858.22    1885.97   0.221792234   0.017743379   A
24-205-567-0001-20   490 W WESTERN AVE    PORT CITY CIO BLDG              490 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49440          7195.14    1726.83   0.203077310   0.016246185   A
24-205-567-0001-40   500 W WESTERN AVE    500 WEST WESTERN AVE LLC            PO BOX 1051                MATTHEWS       NC    28106          9448.16    2267.56   0.266667072   0.021333366   A
24-233-000-0001-00   387 MORRIS AVE       DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI    49440         24572.00    5897.28   0.693525859   0.055482069   A
24-233-000-0002-00   401 MORRIS AVE       DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI    49440         24571.79    5897.23   0.693519932   0.055481595   A
24-233-000-0004-00   360 W WESTERN AVE    RUSSELL BLOCK DEV LLC               PO BOX 732                 MUSKEGON       MI    49443-0732     7805.11    1873.23   0.220293245   0.017623460   A
24-233-000-0005-00   356 W WESTERN AVE    CENTURY CLUB DEV LLC                PO BOX 732                 MUSKEGON       MI    49443-0732     5581.67    1339.60   0.157538356   0.012603068   A
24-233-000-0006-00   350 W WESTERN AVE    BLIND PIG PROPERTIES LLC        800 FIRST ST #357              MUSKEGON       MI    49443          4889.49    1173.48   0.138002106   0.011040168   A
24-233-000-0007-00   351 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI    49440         21714.00    5211.36   0.612861001   0.049028880   A
24-233-000-0008-00   379 W WESTERN AVE    SIDOCK PROPERTIES LLC         42650 GRAND RIVER AVE            NOVI           MI    48374         22542.00    5410.08   0.636230666   0.050898453   A
24-233-000-0012-00   325 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI    49440          7945.21    1906.85   0.224247460   0.017939797   A
24-233-000-0013-00   307 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI    49440         16477.87    3954.69   0.465075246   0.037206020   A
24-233-000-0014-00   299 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI    49440          8223.06    1973.53   0.232089563   0.018567165   A
24-233-000-0015-00   295 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI    49440          8213.94    1971.35   0.231832158   0.018546573   A
24-233-000-0024-00   292 W WESTERN AVE    DOWNTOWN MUSKEGON DEV CO        425 W WESTERN AVE STE 200      MUSKEGON       MI    49440         42503.25   10200.78   1.199621642   0.095969731   A
24-233-000-0025-00   376 W WESTERN AVE    RUSSELL BLOCK DEV LLC               PO BOX 732                 MUSKEGON       MI    49443-0732     3172.95     761.51   0.089554081   0.007164326   A
24-432-000-0001-00   380 W WESTERN AVE    MUSKEGON CHAMBER BLDG LLC       300 WASHINGTON AVE STE 200     GRAND HAVEN    MI    49417         15289.80    3669.55   0.431542881   0.034523431   A
24-485-000-0000-00   878 JEFFERSON ST     JEFFERSON PROF CONDOMINIUM      878 JEFFERSON ST               MUSKEGON       MI    49440         36432.00    8743.68   1.028265266   0.082261221   A
24-605-000-0001-00   939 3RD ST           PARKLAND ACQ. LLC (2/3 INT)      75 W WALTON                   MUSKEGON       MI    49440         67884.00   12000.00   1.915973850   0.153277908   A   CAP / contiguous w/955 3rd St & 428 W Western
24-205-567-0001-50   955 3RD ST           PARKLAND ACQUISITION LLC         75 W WALTON AVE STE 1         MUSKEGON       MI    49440         69696.00       0.00   1.967116160   0.157369293   A   contiguous parcel w/939 3rd & 428 W Western
24-205-566-0009-00   428 W WESTERN AVE    PARKLAND HUDSONVILLE LLC         75 W WALTON AVE #A            MUSKEGON       MI    49440         11648.00       0.00   0.328755869   0.026300470   A   contiguous parcel w/939 & 955 3rd St
24-792-000-0001-00   316 MORRIS AVE       HINMAN LAKE LLC                 750 TRADE CENTRE WAY STE 100   PORTAGE        MI    49002        239828.00   12000.00   6.768961411   0.541516913   A   CAP
24-205-189-0005-00   11 E MUSKEGON AVE    ADMIRAL REAL ESTATE LLC         785 W RANDALL ST               COOPERSVILLE   MI    49404         21344.40    5122.66   0.602429324   0.048194346   A   2018 New
24-205-189-0001-00   45 E MUSKEGON AVE    LAKETON PROPERTIES LLC           45 E MUSKEGON AVE             MUSKEGON       MI    49440         34412.40    8258.98   0.971263604   0.077701088   A   2018 New
24-205-354-0007-00   120 W APPLE AVE      REP IPSA                            PO Box 599                 MUSKEGON       MI    49443         19602.00    4704.48   0.553251420   0.044260114   A   2018 New
24-205-354-0002-00   165 W MUSKEGON AVE   SUNRISE PROPERTIES LLC        18505 92ND AVE                   COOPERSVILLE   MI    49404         16988.40    4077.22   0.479484564   0.038358765   A   2018 New
24-205-316-0018-00   546 W CLAY AVE       3M INVESTMENTS                  565 W WESTERN AVE, STE B       MUSKEGON       MI    49440          7840.80    1881.79   0.221300568   0.017704045   A   2018 New
24-205-177-0001-00   4 W WEBSTER AVE      COREPARK INVESTMENTS LLC        111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49442         47916.00   11499.84   1.352392360   0.054095694   A
24-205-177-0003-00   39 W CLAY AVE        COTAL SULEYMAN                  390 W MUSKEGON AVE             MUSKEGON       MI    49440          4356.00    1045.44   0.122944760   0.004917790   A
24-205-186-0005-00   51 W WEBSTER AVE     GILL EASTER JONES              1215 SPRING ST                  MUSKEGON       MI    49442          2739.00     657.36   0.077306175   0.003092247   A
24-205-314-0001-00   471 W WESTERN AVE    LAKESHORE MUSEUM CENTER         430 W CLAY AVE                 MUSKEGON       MI    49440          2024.00     485.76   0.057125848   0.002285034   A
24-205-314-0002-00   479 W WESTERN AVE    CITIPARC LLC                    111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49442         10420.00    2500.80   0.294096510   0.011763860   A
24-205-314-0003-00   479 W WESTERN AVE    CITIPARC LLC                    111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49442         22176.00    5322.24   0.625900596   0.025036024   A
24-205-314-0005-00   495 W WESTERN AVE    CITIPARC LLC                    111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49442          9504.00    2280.96   0.268243113   0.010729725   A
24-205-314-0006-00   495 W WESTERN AVE    CITIPARC LLC                    111 W WESTERN AVE              MUSKEGON       MI    49442          9504.00    2280.96   0.268243113   0.010729725   A
24-205-330-0003-00   163 W CLAY AVE       165 CLAY LLC                   1042 TERRACE ST                 MUSKEGON       MI    49442          5109.00    1226.16   0.144197608   0.005767904   A
24-234-000-0001-00   285 W WESTERN AVE    PARKLAND MUSKEGON INC            75 W WALTON AVE               MUSKEGON       MI    49440         11053.91    2652.94   0.311988134   0.012479525   A
24-234-000-0002-00   255 W WESTERN AVE    CITY OF MUSKEGON                                                                                  16080.98    3859.44   0.453873330   0.018154933   A
24-234-000-0003-00   255 W WESTERN AVE    CITY OF MUSKEGON                                                                                  13264.14    3183.39   0.374370181   0.014974807   A
24-792-000-0001-00   316 MORRIS AVE       HINMAN LAKE LLC                 750 TRADE CENTRE WAY STE 100   PORTAGE        MI    49002        239828.00   12000.00   6.768961411   0.270758456   A   CAP

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                                                                                                                              Three Year List

24-233-000-0016-00     296 W CLAY AVE      HSD II LLC                           272 W CLAY AVE             MUSKEGON           MI     49440             7564.06              1815.37               0.213489794   0.008539592   A
24-205-318-0001-00     664 W CLAY AVE      MJ DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES LLC        5142 EVANSTON AVE             MUSKEGON           MI     49442            77614.00              6000.00               2.190595639   0.087623826   B   CAP
24-205-318-0008-00     650 W CLAY AVE      MJ DOWNTOWN PROPERTIES LLC        5142 EVANSTON AVE             MUSKEGON           MI     49442-4852        4800.00               576.00               0.135476320   0.005419053   B
24-205-322-0007-00     1236 8TH ST         CMN ENTERPRISES LLC             18193 YUMA CT                   SPRING LAKE        MI     49456            17424.00              2090.88               0.491779040   0.019671162   B
24-205-316-0013-00     1150 7TH ST         1150 7TH ST LLC                      280 NORTHLAND DR NE        ROCKFORD           MI     49341            14000.00              1680.00               0.395139265   0.015805571   B
                                                                                                                                                                                             100.000000000      4.000000000
                                                                                                                         Square footage assessed:   3543054.62   $     529,908.59
                                                                                                                                                                 TOTAL 3-YEAR ASSESSMENT AMOUNT

                                                                        Assessment amount
                                                                          Class              Amt per s/f       Max cap x3
                                                                            A                    0.08      $      12,000.00
                                                                            B                    0.04      $       6,000.00

                            BOARD OF ASSESSORS

Donna B. VanderVries

Debra Warren

Dan Rinsema-Sybenga

                                                                                                                              Page 12 of 12

TO:          Honorable Mayor and Commissioners

FROM:        Jeffrey Lewis, Director of Public Safety

RE:          Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to
             Dangerous Building Case #: EN1714839 – 1386 Ransom St

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the
findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 1386 Ransom St
is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30)
days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the
demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed
to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder or staff may issue
infraction tickets to the owner, agent or responsible party if they do not demolish the

Location and ownership: This structure is located on Ransom Street between
McLauglin Ave and Irwin Ave in the McLaughlin Neighborhood. The structure is owned
by Harbour Portfolio VII LP, 8214 Winchester STE 635, Dallas TX 75225.

Staff Correspondence: The “notice & order to repair” was sent on 09/01/2017. A “10
day notice” was sent on 09/22/2017 for the October 5, 2017 HBA hearing. On October
5, 2017 the HBA declared the structure substandard and dangerous.

Financial Impact: General Funds

Budget action required: None

State Equalized value:     $12,700

Estimated cost to repair: $23,900

Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to
demolish all structures on the property
Owner Contact: We received no contact or correspondence from the owner

Permits obtained: None

Enforcement # EN1714839
Property Address: 1386 RANSOM ST
Parcel # 24-205-266-0001-00

Date completed: September 1, 2017

  1. Many entry doors are damaged, missing and boarded
  2. Siding is rotted, missing, has holes, and needs to be stained or painted
  3. Roofing has deteriorated, shingles are missing and there are holes visible in the roof
  4. Foundation under bay window has collapsed
  5. Foundation has holes, uncovered openings and peeling paint
  6. Many windows are rotted, have peeling paint, missing glazing, are cracked or
     missing and boarded
  7. Dryer vents are missing
     Note: This is a two unit rental dwelling and both units are currently vacant.
     This depicts an “exterior only” inspection

Based upon my recent inspection of the above property I determined that the structure meets the
definition of a Dangerous Building and/or Substandard Building as set forth in Section 10-61 of
the Muskegon City Code.

        If you disagree with the decision of the City Commission, you have the right to file a
petition for superintending control in the Circuit Court for the County of Muskegon within 21
days after the City Commission concurs.
PHOTOS OF 1386 Ransom Street

TO:          Honorable Mayor and Commissioners

FROM:        Jeffrey Lewis, Director of Public Safety

RE:          Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to
             Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #: EN1714243 – 312 Jackson Ave

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the
findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 312 Jackson Ave
is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30)
days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the
demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed
to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder or staff may issue
infraction tickets to the owner, agent or responsible party if they do not demolish the

Location and ownership: This structure is located on Jackson Ave between Yuba
Street and Erickson Street in the Jackson Hill Neighborhood. The property is owned by
Henry Burt, 3009 Mona St, Muskegon Hts, MI 49444

Staff Correspondence: A “notice to repair” was sent on 08/04/2017. A “final notice to
repair” was sent on 08/18/2017. The “Notice & Order to repair” was sent on 09/01/2017.
A “10 day notice” was sent on 09/22/2017 for the October 5, 2017 HBA hearing. On
October 5, 2017 the HBA declared the structure substandard and dangerous.

Financial Impact: General Funds

Budget action required: None

State Equalized value:     $23,600

Estimated cost to repair: $17,900

Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to
demolish all structures on the property
Owner Contact: On 08/23/2017, the owner contacted the inspections department and
said he wanted to convert the home into a single family home from a three unit rental
dwelling. The owner was given direction to provide a written plan and time table to
complete the necessary repairs. No further contact from the owner.

Permits obtained: An electrical permit was issued on 10/03/2016 to re-wire the home.
The permit was never cleared or closed.

Enforcement # EN1714243
Property Address: 312 JACKSON AVE
Parcel # 24-205-141-0009-00

Date completed: September 1, 2018

     NOTE: Structure was damaged by fire in September of 2016.
  1. Windows: Many windows are broken, cracked, missing, missing glazing, peeling
     paint, and boarded.
  2. Siding: Vinyl siding is missing or not complete and fire damaged on the
     west side of home.
  3. Foundation: Several areas of the foundation having missing blocks, cracks,
     holes and peeling paint.
  4. Side entry door has been damaged from the fire and must be replaced
  5. Front entry steps: Handrail required on both sides of the steps
  6. Front Deck: Railings are not complete. Opening cannot exceed 4”
  7. Side Entry Steps: Steps are missing, hand railings are not complete &
     loose, fire damaged steps & railings must be replaced
  8. Electrical service has been disconnected and meter is missing
  9. Fireplace chimney in yard must be repaired or removed
     NOTE: This depicts an exterior only inspection

Based upon my recent inspection of the above property I determined that the structure meets the
definition of a Dangerous Building and/or Substandard Building as set forth in Section 10-61 of
the Muskegon City Code.

        If you disagree with the decision of the City Commission, you have the right to file a
petition for superintending control in the Circuit Court for the County of Muskegon within 21
days after the City Commission concurs.
PHOTOS of 312 Jackson Ave

TO:           Honorable Mayor and Commissioners

FROM:         Jeffrey Lewis, Director of Public Safety

RE:           Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to
              Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #: EN1714663 – 1772 5th Street

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the
findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 1772 5th St is
unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days.
It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of
the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a
contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder or staff may issue infraction
tickets to the owner, agent or responsible party if they do not demolish the structure.

Location and ownership: This structure is located on 5th Street between West
Laketon Ave and West Larch Ave in the Nelson Neighborhood. The structure is owned
by Santiago & Marisol Godoy, 2445 Maffett St, Muskegon Hts, MI 49444.

Staff Correspondence: The “notice & order to repair” was sent on 09/05/2017. A “10
day notice” was sent on 09/25/2017 for the October 5, 2017 HBA hearing. On October
5, 2017 the HBA declared the structure substandard and dangerous.

Financial Impact: General Funds

Budget action required: None

State Equalized value:      $18,300

Estimated cost to repair: $14,300

Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to
demolish all structures on the property
Owner Contact: No contact with the owner.

Permits obtained: None

                          DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION

Enforcement # EN1714663
Property Address: 1772 5TH ST
Parcel # 24-205-463-0003-00

Date completed: August 18, 2017

    1) Roof has holes, rotted and collapsed and must be repaired/replaced
    2) Rear porch has collapsed
    3) Many windows are boarded and must be repaired or replaced
    4) Front Porch handrails are rotted and must be replaced
    5) Garage roof is rotted and must be replaced
    6) Foundation blocks are missing and must be replaced. Foundation cracks
    must be filled
    7) Door(s) are rotted, missing or boarded. Repair or replace doors
    8) Fascia & soffits are rotted or missing
    NOTE: Violations depict an exterior only inspection

Based upon my recent inspection of the above property I determined that the structure meets the
definition of a Dangerous Building and/or Substandard Building as set forth in Section 10-61 of
the Muskegon City Code.

        If you disagree with the decision of the City Commission, you have the right to file a
petition for superintending control in the Circuit Court for the County of Muskegon within 21
days after the City Commission concurs.
PHOTOS of 1772 5th St
Date:       October 18, 2017
To:         Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:       Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
RE:         Local Officers Compensation Commission

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City of Muskegon’s Local Officers
Compensation Commission met on October 9, 2017 and are recommending
salary increases and travel budget increases for the Mayor and City


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: No action is required unless City Commission
rejects the Committee Recommendation.

COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:                The Local Officer’s Compensation
Commission recommends increasing the Mayor’s salary by $300 to $8,100
and the City Commission’s salary by $200 to $6,500 in addition to increasing
the Mayor’s Training, Education and Travel budget by $500\4 and the City
Commission’s Training, Education and Travel budget by $250.
                              AGENDA ITEM NO. _______________
                      CITY COMMISSION MEETING _________________________

TO:         Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

FROM:       Frank Peterson, City Manager

DATE:       October 19, 2017

RE:         Cooling Towers – LC Walker Arena


The cooling towers at the LC Walker Arena. Have required significant repairs over the past three
hockey seasons. Additional significant repairs are again required to address a large coolant leak. Staff
would rather replace the system, which is more than 20 years old. Three bids were received, with the
lowest coming from Refrigeration Concepts, Inc. of Comstock Park. RCI is the low bidder and has
serviced these units regularly.


$49,260 expense to the Public Improvement Fund


None at this time.


Authorize City Manager to accept the bid from Refrigeration Concepts, Inc. in the amount of $49,260 to
replace the cooling towers at the LC Walker Arena.


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