City Commission Packet 07-10-2018

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              JULY 10, 2018 @ 5:30 P.M.
□      PRAYER:
□      ROLL CALL:
    A. Approval of Minutes      City Clerk
    B. Transfer to Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund From Economic
       Development Sappi       Finance
    C. Mission Lift Station Monitoring Equipment       Department of Public Works
    D. Procurement of Rapid Mixer     DPW/Water Filtration Plant
    E. 2018 Capital Improvement Projects – Milling and Resurfacing – Forest
       Avenue      Department of Public Works
    F. 2018 Capital Improvement Projects – Milling and Resurfacing – Eight (8)
       Street Segments Department of Public Works
    G. Launch Ramp Tickets and Fees          Department of Public Works
    H. Launch Ramp Ordinance Change          Department of Public Works
    A. Request of the Establishment of an Industrial Development District at 2420
       Remembrance Drive        Planning & Economic Development

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    A. Notice of Intent Resolution Capital Improvement Bonds Convention Center
    B. Houston Avenue Traffic Calming Proposal Department of Public Works
►      Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►      Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►      Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►      Be recognized by the Chair.
►      Step forward to the microphone.
►      State name and address.
►      Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►      (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)


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To:      Mayor and Commissioners

From: Frank Peterson

Re:      City Commission Meeting

Date: July 10, 2018

Here is a quick outline of the items on our agenda(s):


We would like to talk about launch ramps ordinance changes, as well as ticket/fee changes. I
would like to also talk about the second phase of Mid-Town Square; our real estate market is
improving by the day, and we really should be looking at opportunities to push that momentum
forward. We would also like to talk about the Ameribank Development, as well as issuing our
notice of intent to enter into debt for the purpose of building a convention center.


      1. Under the Consent Agenda, we are asking the Commission to consider the following:
            a. Approval of meeting minutes from the most-recent City Commission meeting.
            b. We are seeking approval to close the Sappi Economic Development Fund and
                deposit its fund reserves in the Revolving Loan Fund. This is simply an accounting
            c. We are seeking permission to purchase lift-station monitoring equipment for two
                existing lift stations. The cost is estimated at $22,000.
            d. We are seeking permission to purchase a new mixer at the water filtration plant.
                These units are very difficult to procure because of the 6 month build time. It’s
                important that we get them ordered. The cost is estimated at $22,480.66.
            e. We are seeking permission to resurface Forest Ave from Clinton to Sanford at a
                cost of $21,190.00. The work will be partially funded with CDBG dollars.
            f. We are seeking permission to resurface 8 street segments at a cost of
                $427,363.86. The work will be funded through Major Streets and Local Streets.
            g. We are seeking changes to the launch ramp tickets and fees. This item will be
                covered in depth at the work session.
            h. We are seeking changes to Chapter 58, Section 3 of the code of ordinances. This
                section regulates public boat launch permits. We are adding language that defines
              the valid period of the daily launch ramp permit as the 24-hour period of the date
              the permit is purchased.

   2. Under Public Hearings we will take comments on the creation of an industrial
      development district at 2420 Remembrance Drive.

   3. Under the New Business, we are asking the Commission to consider the following:
         a. We are seeking approval to issue a notice of intent to sell bond for the
             development of the convention center. The notice will give us the flexibility to
             borrow up to $20 Million. The goal is to keep the total costs at $15 Million.
         b. We are seeking permission to fund traffic calming devices at the intersection of
             Houston and 5th. The curbs will be “bumped” out to create a pinch-point where
             pedestrians cross. If this is successful in slowing traffic, we will likely recommend
             installing similar curbs at Houston and 7th.

Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns
Date:     July 3, 2018
To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:     Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
RE:       Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes of the June 26, 2018
Regular Meeting.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
             JUNE 26, 2018 @ 5:30 P.M.

The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Mr.
George Monroe, Evanston Avenue Baptist, opened the meeting with prayer,
after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Present:     Mayor Stephen J. Gawron, Vice Mayor Eric Hood, Commissioners
Ken Johnson, Byron Turnquist, Debra Warren, and Willie German, Jr, and Dan
Rinsema-Sybenga, City Manager Frank Peterson, City Attorney John Schrier, and
City Clerk Ann Meisch.
   A. Recognition of Spring 2018 Citizen’s Academy Graduates       Public Safety
Mayor, Stephen J. Gawron, read the resolution and thanked the 2018 Citizen’s
Police Academy for their faithful attendance, completion, and graduation from
the ten week academy.
2018-46     CONSENT AGENDA:
   A. Approval of Minutes      City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the June 11, 2018
Worksession and June 12, 2018 Regular Meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Approval of the minutes.
   C. Toro Groundsmaster Mower        DPW/Parks Department
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Parks Department is requesting permission to
purchase one Toro 3280 4-wheel drive Groundsmaster mower with 72 inch
recycler mowing deck from Spartan Distributors, the lowest qualified bidder. The

                                        Page 1 of 8
cost for the mower is $22,086.90.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:         $22,086.90
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:          None. The amount was budgeted in the 2018/19
Parks Budget.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:       Authorize staff to purchase one Toro
Groundsmaster 3280 4-wheel drive mower with 72 inch recycler mowing deck
from Spartan Distributors.
   E. Sale of Property for Industrial Development Planning & Economic
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to enter into a Real Estate Purchase
Agreement with 2420 Remembrance Drive, LLC, a Michigan limited liability
company. The company desires to purchase 2420 Remembrance Drive (PPN:
61-24-134-300-0001-00) for $15,000 per acre, to build a 490,000 square-foot
Additionally, staff requests authorization to sell up to 15 acres of land at $9,000
per acre, pending final land surveying. Parcels include:
         •   2539 E. Keating Avenue (Parcel #61-24-134-300-0005-10)
         •   2355 E. Keating Avenue (Parcel #61-24-134-300-0005-00)
         •   2285 Black Creek Road (Parcel #61-24-134-400-0002-00)
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        2420 Remembrance Drive will be sold for $340,000.000
($15,000 per acre). Additional parcels will be sold at $9,000 per acre, pending
final land surveying.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:          Sale proceeds to go into the Public Improvement
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:       Authorize staff to enter into a Real Estate
Purchase Agreement with 2420 Remembrance Drive, LLC.
   F. Evergreen Mausoleum Roof Replacement Department of Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the complete roof replacement of the
Evergreen Cemetery mausoleum by Ostrander Roofing in the 2019 fiscal year.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:         Total Cost $94,500.00
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:          None, budgeted item for 2019 fiscal year.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            To approve the Evergreen mausoleum roof
   G. Roof Replacement – Water Filtration Plant, Sections #5 and #12
      Department of Public Works/WFP
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to enter into a roof replacement

                                          Page 2 of 8
agreement at Water Filtration Plant – Sections #5 and #12 with Bob’s Roofing
since they submitted the lowest responsible bid of $212,885.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        $212,885
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:         The project is included in the FY 2018-19 budget.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Authorize staff to enter into an agreement with
Bob’s Roofing for a cost of $212,885.
   H. Walls and Windows Restoration – Section #5 Department of Public
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to enter into a walls and windows
restoration agreement at Water Filtration Plant – Section #5 with Kent
Companies since they submitted the lowest responsible bid of $29,670.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        $29,670
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:         The project is included in the FY 2018-19 budget.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Authorize staff to enter into an agreement with
Bob’s Roofing for a cost of $29,670
   I. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance – Fences Planning & Economic
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff-initiated request to amend Section 2331 of the
zoning ordinance to allow six foot tall fences in front yards on corner lots in
residential areas, under certain conditions.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve the zoning ordinance amendment.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:           The Planning Commission unanimously
approve the request 5-0 with four members absent.
   J. Amendment to Zoning Ordinance – Accessory Structures            Planning &
      Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff-initiated request to amend Section 2311 of the
zoning ordinance to allow accessory structures in front yards on corner lots,
under certain conditions.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve the zoning ordinance amendment.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:            The Planning Commission unanimously
approved the request 5-0, with four members absent.

                                         Page 3 of 8
   K. Water Rate Increase         Finance
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To adopt the resolution to increase the rate charged to
City water customers for water usage 4% every year for the next five years to
cover the cost of infrastructure improvements to the Water Filtration Plan and
the Water Distribution system. The water rates have not been increased since
FINANCIAL IMPACT:          The increase for FY 2018-19 will generate an estimated
$308,000 annually.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:      None at this time. The rate was incorporated into
the FY 2018-19 budget that was recently approved by the City Commission.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:             Adoption of the resolution.
   L. Sanitation Service Fee Resolution         Finance
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To adopt the resolution to continue charging a
sanitation service fee of $1.20 per month per residential utility bill. This charge will
cover the difference between what is currently being collected through
property taxes and what the City currently pays for residential sanitation.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:          None at this time.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:        None at this time. The proposed rate change was
incorporated into the FY 2018-19 budget that was recently approved by the City
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the resolution.
   M. Sewer Rate Adjustment Finance
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: in 2017 a resolution with a treatment rate for our
customers that is based on a multiplier of 1.68 times the rate the county bills the
city for wastewater was adopted. The 2018/19 budget calls for the multiplier to
be raised to 1.73 to cover the costs of capital improvement needs of our aging
infrastructure over the next ten years.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:          The fees will generate an estimated $198,000.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:      None at this time. The rate was incorporated into
the FY 2018-19 budget that was recently approved by the City Commission.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:             Adoption of the fee adjustment resolution.
   N. Approval of Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate for 337 Terrace Point
      Circle (Unit #7) Planning & Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: An application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone
(NEZ) Certificate has been received from Robert Heminger for the new
construction of a home at 337 Terrace Point Circle. The estimated cost for
construction is $350,000. The applicant has met local and state requirements for

                                            Page 4 of 8
the issuance of the NEZ certificate.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        Taxation will be applied as one-half of the previous
year’s state average principal residence millage rate to the value of the facility.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Approval of the NEZ certificate.
Motion by Commissioner Warren, second by Commissioner German, to approve
the consent agenda as presented, except items B, D, and O.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga,
           and Turnquist
            Nays: None
   B. Kitchen 242 Agreement City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Our Kitchen Manager’s contract is set to expire on June
30th for Kitchen 242. We are requesting to extend Renae Hesselink’s contract
through June 30, 2019 with no changes.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        Continuation of the current agreement.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:         None at this time.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To extend Renae Hesselink’s contract through
June 30, 2019.
Motion by Commissioner Warren, second by Commissioner Johnson, to extend
Renae Hesselink’s contract through June 30, 2019.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga,
           Turnquist, and Johnson
            Nays: None
   D. Ordinance Amendment – Minor in Possession Public Safety
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Recently, state law was amended relating to MIP
offenses and its punishment. The court has asked us to amend our ordinance.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To adopt the amended ordinance.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Warren, to adopt
the amended ordinance.

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ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist,
           Johnson, and Gawron
            Nays: None
   O. Engineering Services – Pilot Drinking Water Community Water Supply Grant
      Agreement Department of Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to enter into an Engineering Agreement
with Prein & Newhof to provide professional services for the recently awarded
Pilot Drinking Water Community Water Supply Grant from The DEQ.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           Authorize staff to enter into an agreement with
Prein & Newhof.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Johnson, to
authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Prein & Newhof.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson,
           Gawron, and Hood
            Nays: None
2018-48     PUBLIC HEARINGS:
   A. Water Collection System Upgrades       Department of Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Public Works staff are proposing improvements to the
wastewater collection system. The purpose of the improvements is to provide a
more reliable and resilient wastewater collection system, replace aging and
structurally deficient sewer infrastructure, reduce stormwater infiltration and
inflow, provide accessibility for operation and maintenance, and improve
system capacity. The project plan is available for review on the city’s website
and in the City Clerk’s office. City staff will be applying for low interest loans
through a program at the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and is
proposing to raise sewer rates approximately 3% per year to cover the project
and interest costs.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:        $24,000,000 over a 5 year period. Year 1 projects are
estimated at $8,000,000.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED:       Amend the 2018/19 budget to include the
approved projects for year one.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:        Approve the wastewater collection system
upgrade plan and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a resolution in

                                         Page 6 of 8
support of the plan.
PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED: No public comments were received.
Motion by Vice Mayor Hood, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga to
close the public hearing and approve the wastewater collection system
upgrade plan and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a resolution in
support of the plan.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron,
           Hood, and Warren
            Nays: None
2018-49     NEW BUSINESS:
   A. Concurrence with Housing Board of Appeal Notice and Order to Demolish
      Public Safety
      554 Oak Street – Garage Structure
      839 Turner Avenue
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission concur with
the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structures are unsafe,
substandard, a public nuisance and that they be demolished within 30 days. It is
further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the
demolition of the structures and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized
and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible
bidder or staff may issue infraction tickets to the owner, agent or responsible
party if they do not demolish the structure.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:         General Funds
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals
decision to demolish.
Motion by Vice Mayor Hood, second by Commissioner German to concur with
the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish 839 Turner.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood,
           Warren, and German
            Nays: None
Motion by Vice Mayor Hood, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga to
concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish 554 Oak Street,
garage structure only.

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ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Turnquist, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, and
           Nays: None
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Public comments were received.
2018-50    CLOSED SESSION:
A.   Discuss City Manager Evaluation
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Johnson
to go into closed session to discuss the city manager’s evaluation.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Warren, German, Rinsema-Sybenga,
           Turnquist, and Johnson
           Nays: None
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

                                           Respectfully Submitted,

                                           Ann Marie Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

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                   Commission Meeting Date: July 10, 2018

Date:       July 2, 2018
To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:       Finance
RE:          Transfer to Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund
             From Economic Development Sappi

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: As fiscal year 2018-19 begins Finance would like to
streamline and reduce funds. As some on the Commission have requested we are
proposing to transfer the balance of funds from Economic Development Sappi to
Economic Development Revolving Loan funds. The Sappi fund was created in 2010
with $500,000 from Sappi as part of the Settlement Agreement for the Closure of
Sappi’s Muskegon Mill. The money is to be used for any economic development
purpose at the discretion of the City.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve transfer of the remaining funds in the
Economic Development Sappi fund to the Economic Development Revolving Loan
Date:       07/10/18
To:         Honorable Mayor and City Commission
From:       Department of Public Works
RE:         Mission Lift Station Monitoring Equipment

Authorize staff to purchase two lift station monitoring units for two of our 21
The 2017/18 Sewer Maintenance Budget includes costs for the purchase and
installation of 2 Mission Monitoring Units, one to be installed at our Edgewater
Street Lift Station and the other at our Harbour Towne Lift Station.
Belasco, Newkirk, and C-N-C Electrics were invited to bid. C-N-C Electric
provided the lowest quote of $11,000 per unit installed, including a service
contract for each unit good for one year. Belasco Electric did not bid.

The estimated cost of materials and installation is $22,000.

None. Expenditures for the purchase would come from the Sewer Budget and
were anticipated during the budgeting process.

Approve purchase.
Date: July 10, 2018

To:      Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From: Department of Public Works - Filtration
RE:      Procurement of Rapid Mixer


Authorize staff to procure new mixer from Fusion Fluid Equipment to replace current
mixer at the Water Filtration Plant.

We have two rapid mixers in service from Mastrrr and we have been replacing them
about every two years due to frequent failure of bearings. The bearings are not
replaceable and the design forces us to replace the whole unit. These mixers are built to
order, take six months to procure and the customer service is also poor. We had
contacted Fusion Fluid, a local firm to provide a custom solution with replaceable parts,
and the pricing is comparable to that from Mastrrr.



Staff be authorized to procure rapid mixer from Fusion Fluid Equipment at a cost of

O:\CLERK\Common\Word\Agenda Items for Next Meeting\2018\071018\06a_Commission approval - Filtration
Plant Mixer.doc
Date:         3/6/2018                                     Quote #:              QMS030618X2
To:         Dubric
                                                           Prepared by: John Morris

Attention: Greg Pott                                       Contact Fusion Fluid Equipment
Phone:     (616)340-3394                                   Phone:          (231) 981 - 7292 x 16
Fax:                                                       Fax:           (231) 292-1027
Email:                                8555 Silver Creek Rd, Whitehall, MI 49461

Model Number: CS-SSB (Custom Solution - High Pressure Stuffing Box)                 $        22,480.66
Motor Drive Specifications
Motor Power (HP)                   5 HP (1750 RPM)
Nominal Input                      208-230/460V/3ph/60hz
Motor Duty                         Inverter & Washdown Duty
Enclosure                          TEFC - (IP54)
High Speed Coupling                Flex-Coupling
Service Factor (min)               1.15
Machine / Mounting
Drive Type                         Custom Bearing Housing
Mixer Shaft                        Hollow Bore Connection
Output Speed                       900 RPM
Mounting                           Pedestal / 6 inch 150# ANSI Flange
Stuffing Box                       High Pressure Stuffing Box
Retraction Spool                   Retraction Spool to Engage Knife Gate
Shaft Specifications
Shaft Diameter (in)                1.5
Shaft Length (in)                  20 inch
Impeller Specifications
Impeller Type/dia (inch)           6 Blade Radial
Impeller Attachment                Set Screw Attachment
Wetted Parts Finish / Material     Mill Finish / 316L SS

Approval Drawings 1.5 Weeks
Shipment 3 Weeks after drawing approval

Terms - within the United States

> FOB Whitehall, MI
                                 QUOTATION VALID FOR 30 DAYS
Date:       July 10th, 2018

To:         Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From:       Department of Public Works

RE:         2018 Capital Improvement Projects – Milling and Resurfacing – Forest Ave


Award the resurfacing contract for Forest Avenue from Sanford Street to Clinton Street
(H-1719) to the low bidder, Asphalt Paving Incorporated. Two contractors submitted
bids for this project as follows:

Asphalt Paving Incorporated ........................................ $21,190.00
Michigan Paving and Materials Company .................... $31,153.00




None. This project is included in the capital project list on the 2018/2019 budget

The resurfacing on Forest Avenue is being funded through a CDBG ($30K budgeted)


Award the project to the low bidder, Asphalt Paving Incorporated.
                                             1.5 BID TABULATION
         City of Muskegon                               Project Engineer: JDB              Date: 6/7/2018
         Egineering Department                           Project Number: H1719
                                                      Project description: 2018 Milling Forest St.
                                              QUANTITY TOTALS
                                                                                                   Engineers Estimate                   Asphalt Paving, Inc.            Michigan Paving& Materials

Line Item Pay Code Description                                  Units          Quantity          Unit Price         Total            Unit Price         Total           Unit Price         Total

   1      1500001 Mobilization, Max                            LSUM                       1 $       10,000.00   $   10,000.00    $      8,000.00    $    8,000.00   $      3,000.00    $    3,000.00

   2      5010002 Cold Milling HMA Surface                      Syd                    765 $             1.25   $       956.25   $           6.00   $    4,590.00   $           7.00   $    5,355.00

   3      5010056 HMA, 5E2                                      Ton                       66 $          75.00 $      4,950.00    $        100.00    $    6,600.00   $        303.00    $   19,998.00

   4      8127170 Traffic Control                              LSUM                       1 $        1,000.00 $      1,000.00    $      2,000.00    $    2,000.00   $      2,800.00    $    2,800.00

                                                                                            BID TOTAL:          $ 16,906.25                         $ 21,190.00                        $   31,153.00

                                                                                     Page 1 of 1
Date:       July 10th, 2018

To:         Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From:       Department of Public Works

      RE:   2018 Capital Improvement Projects – Milling and Resurfacing – Eight (8)
            Street Segments


Award the resurfacing contract (H-1718) for eight (8) street segments to the low bidder,
Michigan Paving and Materials Company. Three contractors submitted bids for this
project as follows:

Michigan Paving and Materials Company .................... $427,363.86
Asphalt Paving Incorporated ........................................ $492,224.71
Rieth-Riley Construction Company .............................. $533,639.00




None. This project is included in the capital project list on the 2018/2019 budget

The resurfacing on eight (8) streets is being funded through Major Streets ($540K
budgeted) and Local Streets ($200K budgeted)


Award the project to the low bidder, Michigan Paving and Materials Company.
                                                                                   Bid T
                                    City Of Muskegon
                                         Bids opened:

                                                        Engineer's Estimate

       Cost Center # 1. Addison St.      $                                     37,022.50

       Cost Center # 2. Creston St.      $                                     53,488.50

*      Cost Center # 3. Edgewater        $                                     14,762.50

       Cost Center # 4. Fifth St.        $                                    118,068.75

*      Cost Center # 5. Mercy Dr         $                                     46,582.25

       Cost Center # 6. Roberts St.      $                                     95,956.00

       Cost Center # 7. Southern Ave.    $                                     21,365.00

       Cost Center # 8. Western Ave.     $                                     72,753.50

                       Bid Amount =      $                                    459,999.00

    * = Minor Street                                                          Minor Street

                                                                              Major Street
                  Project Engineer: JDB                                 Date:
                   Project Number: H-1718
                Project description: 2018 CIP Preventive Maintainance

    Michigan Paving & Materials

$                       34,066.35

$                       53,389.45

$                       10,409.70

$                      111,212.69

$                       43,193.17

$                       82,569.60

$                       17,216.05

$                       75,306.85

$                     427,363.86

$                       53,602.87

$                      373,760.99
                                                              City Of Muskegon
                                                                               Project Engineer: JDB
                                                                                Project Number: H-1718
                                                                             Project description: 2018 CIP Preventive Maintainance
                                                                Cost Center # 1. Addison St.
                                                                                                                          Engineers Estimate               Michigan Paving & Materials

Line Item Pay Code Description                                                      Units           Quantity         Unit Price          Total            Unit Price           Total

   1      1500001 Mobilization, Max                                                 LSUM                       1 $     10,000.00     $    10,000.00   $       3,981.25     $      3,981.25

   2      2040020 Curb and Gutter, Rem,                                               Ft                       0 $            7.50   $           -    $             9.00   $              -

   3      2040055 Sidewalk, Rem                                                      SYD                       0 $          10.00    $           -    $            12.00   $              -

   4      4030004 Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified                           Ea                       2 $         800.00    $     1,600.00   $           635.00   $      1,270.00

   5      4030010 Dr Structure Cover, Type B                                          Ea                       0 $         400.00    $           -    $           358.00   $              -

   6      5010002 Cold Milling HMA Surface                                           Syd                  2,990 $            1.25    $     3,737.50   $             1.07   $      3,199.30

   7      5010057 HMA, 5E3                                                           Ton                    259 $           75.00    $    19,425.00   $            87.45   $     22,649.55

   8      8020023 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                                       Ft                       0 $          20.00    $           -    $            25.35   $              -

   9      8027001 Curb Ramp Opening, Conc                                             Ft                       0 $          20.00    $           -    $            24.95   $              -

  10      8030010 Detectable Warning Surface                                          Ft                       0 $          40.00    $           -    $            32.00   $              -

  11      8030037 Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 7 Inch                                        Sft                       0 $          15.00    $           -    $             5.65   $              -

  12      8030044 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                                             Sft                       0 $            5.00   $           -    $             3.20   $              -

  13      8230431 Gate Box, Adj, Case 1                                               Ea                       0 $         300.00    $           -    $           516.00   $              -

  14      8110231 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, White                                Ft                       0 $            0.70   $           -    $             0.35   $              -

  15      8110232 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, Yellow                               Ft                  2,100 $             0.60   $     1,260.00         0.35           $           735.00

  16      8110197 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 6 inch, Crosswalk                              Ft                       0 $            2.25   $           -          2.95           $              -

  17      8110217 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 18 inch, Stop Bar                              Ft                       0 $            8.50   $           -            7            $              -

  18      8127170 Traffic Control                                                   LSUM                       1 $        1,000.00   $     1,000.00       2231.25          $      2,231.25

  19      8160100 Slope Restoration, Type A                                          SYD                         $           5.00    $           -          21.7           $              -

  20      8200171 Traf Loop, Presence                                                 Ea                       0 $         100.00    $           -          1750           $              -

                                                                                                                Totals:              $    37,022.50                        $    34,066.35

                                                                                     Page 3 of 11
                                                              City Of Muskegon
                                                                               Project Engineer: JDB
                                                                                Project Number: H-1718
                                                                             Project description: 2018 CIP Preventive Maintainance
                                                                Cost Center # 2. Creston St.
                                                                                                                          Engineers Estimate                   Michigan Paving & Materials

Line Item Pay Code Description                                                      Units           Quantity          Unit Price          Total               Unit Price           Total

   1      1500001 Mobilization, Max                                                 LSUM                       1 $      10,000.00     $    10,000.00      $       3,981.25     $      3,981.25

   2      2040020 Curb and Gutter, Rem,                                               Ft                       0 $            7.50    $             -     $             9.00   $              -

   3      2040055 Sidewalk, Rem                                                      SYD                       0 $           10.00    $             -     $            12.00   $              -

   4      4030004 Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified                           Ea                       2 $          800.00    $     1,600.00      $           635.00   $      1,270.00

   5      4030010 Dr Structure Cover, Type B                                          Ea                       1 $          400.00    $        400.00     $           358.00   $           358.00

   6      5010002 Cold Milling HMA Surface                                           Syd                  5,070 $             1.25    $     6,337.50      $             1.07   $      5,424.90

   7      5010057 HMA, 5E3                                                           Ton                    439 $            75.00    $    32,925.00      $            87.45   $     38,390.55

   8      8020023 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                                       Ft                       0 $           20.00    $             -     $            25.35   $              -

   9      8027001 Curb Ramp Opening, Conc                                             Ft                       0 $           20.00    $             -     $            24.95   $              -

  10      8030010 Detectable Warning Surface                                          Ft                       0 $           40.00    $             -     $            32.00   $              -

  11      8030037 Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 7 Inch                                        Sft                       0 $           15.00    $             -     $             5.65   $              -

  12      8030044 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                                             Sft                       0 $             5.00   $             -     $             3.20   $              -

  13      8230431 Gate Box, Adj, Case 1                                               Ea                       3 $          300.00    $        900.00     $           516.00   $      1,548.00

  14      8110231 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, White                                Ft                       80 $           0.70    $           56.00   $             0.35   $            28.00

   15     8110232 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, Yellow                               Ft                    450 $              0.60   $        270.00           0.35           $           157.50

   16     8110197 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 6 inch, Crosswalk                              Ft                       0 $             2.25   $             -           2.95           $              -

   17     8110217 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 18 inch, Stop Bar                              Ft                       0 $             8.50   $             -             7            $              -

   18     8127170 Traffic Control                                                   LSUM                       1 $         1,000.00   $     1,000.00          2231.25          $      2,231.25

  19      8160100 Slope Restoration, Type A                                          SYD                       0 $            5.00    $             -           21.7           $              -

  20      8200171 Traf Loop, Presence                                                 Ea                       0 $          100.00    $             -           1750           $              -

                                                                                                                 Totals:              $    53,488.50                           $    53,389.45

                                                                                     Page 4 of 11
                                                              City Of Muskegon
                                                                               Project Engineer: JDB
                                                                                Project Number: H-1718
                                                                             Project description: 2018 CIP Preventive Maintainance
                                                                Cost Center # 3. Edgewater
                                                                                                                          Engineers Estimate                 Michigan Paving & Materials

Line Item Pay Code Description                                                      Units           Quantity          Unit Price          Total             Unit Price           Total

   1      1500001 Mobilization, Max                                                 LSUM                       1 $      10,000.00     $    10,000.00    $       3,981.25     $      3,981.25

   2      2040020 Curb and Gutter, Rem,                                               Ft                       0 $             7.50   $           -     $             9.00   $              -

   3      2040055 Sidewalk, Rem                                                      SYD                       0 $           10.00    $           -     $            12.00   $              -

   4      4030004 Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified                           Ea                       0 $          800.00    $           -     $           635.00   $              -

   5      4030010 Dr Structure Cover, Type B                                          Ea                       0 $          400.00    $           -     $           358.00   $              -

   6      5010002 Cold Milling HMA Surface                                           Syd                    490 $             1.25    $        612.50   $             1.07   $           524.30

   7      5010057 HMA, 5E3                                                           Ton                       42 $          75.00    $     3,150.00    $            87.45   $      3,672.90

   8      8020023 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                                       Ft                       0 $           20.00    $           -     $            25.35   $              -

   9      8027001 Curb Ramp Opening, Conc                                             Ft                       0 $           20.00    $           -     $            24.95   $              -

  10      8030010 Detectable Warning Surface                                          Ft                       0 $           40.00    $           -     $            32.00   $              -

  11      8030037 Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 7 Inch                                        Sft                       0 $           15.00    $           -     $             5.65   $              -

  12      8030044 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                                             Sft                       0 $             5.00   $           -     $             3.20   $              -

  13      8230431 Gate Box, Adj, Case 1                                               Ea                       0 $          300.00    $           -     $           516.00   $              -

  14      8110231 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, White                                Ft                       0 $             0.70   $           -     $             0.35   $              -

  15      8110232 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, Yellow                               Ft                       0 $             0.60   $           -           0.35           $              -

  16      8110197 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 6 inch, Crosswalk                              Ft                       0 $             2.25   $           -           2.95           $              -

  17      8110217 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 18 inch, Stop Bar                              Ft                       0 $             8.50   $           -             7            $              -

  18      8127170 Traffic Control                                                   LSUM                       1 $         1,000.00   $     1,000.00        2231.25          $      2,231.25

  19      8160100 Slope Restoration, Type A                                          SYD                       0 $            5.00    $           -           21.7           $              -

  20      8200171 Traf Loop, Presence                                                 Ea                       0 $          100.00    $           -           1750           $              -

                                                                                                                 Totals:              $    14,762.50                         $    10,409.70

                                                                                     Page 5 of 11
                                                              City Of Muskegon
                                                                               Project Engineer: JDB
                                                                                Project Number: H-1718
                                                                             Project description: 2018 CIP Preventive Maintainance
                                                                Cost Center # 4. Fifth St.
                                                                                                                          Engineers Estimate                 Michigan Paving & Materials

Line Item Pay Code Description                                                      Units           Quantity          Unit Price          Total             Unit Price           Total

   1      1500001 Mobilization, Max                                                 LSUM                       1 $      10,000.00     $    10,000.00    $       3,981.25     $      3,981.25

   2      2040020 Curb and Gutter, Rem,                                               Ft                    190 $              7.50   $     1,425.00    $             9.00   $      1,710.00

   3      2040055 Sidewalk, Rem                                                      SYD                    159 $            10.00    $     1,590.00    $            12.00   $      1,908.00

   4      4030004 Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified                           Ea                       22 $         800.00    $    17,600.00    $           635.00   $     13,970.00

   5      4030010 Dr Structure Cover, Type B                                          Ea                       10 $         400.00    $     4,000.00    $           358.00   $      3,580.00

   6      5010002 Cold Milling HMA Surface                                           Syd                  7,137 $             1.25    $     8,921.25    $             1.07   $      7,636.59

   7      5010057 HMA, 5E3                                                           Ton                    618 $            75.00    $    46,350.00    $            87.45   $     54,044.10

   8      8020023 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                                       Ft                    100 $            20.00    $     2,000.00    $            25.35   $      2,535.00

   9      8027001 Curb Ramp Opening, Conc                                             Ft                       90 $          20.00    $     1,800.00    $            24.95   $      2,245.50

  10      8030010 Detectable Warning Surface                                          Ft                       90 $          40.00    $     3,600.00    $            32.00   $      2,880.00

  11      8030037 Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 7 Inch                                        Sft                    900 $            15.00    $    13,500.00    $             5.65   $      5,085.00

  12      8030044 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                                             Sft                    450 $              5.00   $     2,250.00    $             3.20   $      1,440.00

   13     8230431 Gate Box, Adj, Case 1                                               Ea                       10 $         300.00    $     3,000.00    $           516.00   $      5,160.00

  14      8110231 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, White                                Ft                       0 $             0.70   $           -     $             0.35   $              -

  15      8110232 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, Yellow                               Ft                       0 $            0.60    $           -           0.35           $              -

  16      8110197 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 6 inch, Crosswalk                              Ft                    180 $             2.25    $        405.00         2.95           $           531.00

  17      8110217 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 18 inch, Stop Bar                              Ft                       15 $            8.50   $        127.50           7            $           105.00

  18      8127170 Traffic Control                                                   LSUM                       1 $         1,000.00   $     1,000.00        2231.25          $      2,231.25

  19      8160100 Slope Restoration, Type A                                          SYD                    100 $             5.00    $        500.00         21.7           $      2,170.00

  20      8200171 Traf Loop, Presence                                                 Ea                       0 $          100.00    $           -           1750           $              -

                                                                                                                 Totals:              $   118,068.75                         $   111,212.69

                                                                                     Page 6 of 11
                                                              City Of Muskegon
                                                                               Project Engineer: JDB
                                                                                Project Number: H-1718
                                                                             Project description: 2018 CIP Preventive Maintainance
                                                                Cost Center # 5. Mercy Dr
                                                                                                                          Engineers Estimate                   Michigan Paving & Materials

Line Item Pay Code Description                                                      Units           Quantity          Unit Price          Total               Unit Price           Total

   1      1500001 Mobilization, Max                                                 LSUM                       1 $      10,000.00     $    10,000.00      $       3,981.25     $      3,981.25

   2      2040020 Curb and Gutter, Rem,                                               Ft                       0 $            7.50    $             -     $             9.00   $              -

   3      2040055 Sidewalk, Rem                                                      SYD                       0 $           10.00    $             -     $            12.00   $              -

   4      4030004 Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified                           Ea                       9 $          800.00    $     7,200.00      $           635.00   $      5,715.00

   5      4030010 Dr Structure Cover, Type B                                          Ea                       0 $          400.00    $             -     $           358.00   $              -

   6      5010002 Cold Milling HMA Surface                                           Syd                  3,531 $             1.25    $     4,413.75      $             1.07   $      3,778.17

   7      5010057 HMA, 5E3                                                           Ton                    306 $            75.00    $    22,950.00      $            87.45   $     26,759.70

   8      8020023 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                                       Ft                       0 $           20.00    $             -     $            25.35   $              -

   9      8027001 Curb Ramp Opening, Conc                                             Ft                       0 $           20.00    $             -     $            24.95   $              -

  10      8030010 Detectable Warning Surface                                          Ft                       0 $           40.00    $             -     $            32.00   $              -

  11      8030037 Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 7 Inch                                        Sft                       0 $           15.00    $             -     $             5.65   $              -

  12      8030044 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                                             Sft                       0 $            5.00    $             -     $             3.20   $              -

  13      8230431 Gate Box, Adj, Case 1                                               Ea                       0 $          300.00    $             -     $           516.00   $              -

  14      8110231 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, White                                Ft                    100 $             0.70    $           70.00   $             0.35   $            35.00

  15      8110232 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, Yellow                               Ft                  1,100 $             0.60    $        660.00           0.35           $           385.00

   16     8110197 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 6 inch, Crosswalk                              Ft                       64 $           2.25    $        144.00           2.95           $           188.80

   17     8110217 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 18 inch, Stop Bar                              Ft                       17 $            8.50   $        144.50             7            $           119.00

   18     8127170 Traffic Control                                                   LSUM                       1 $         1,000.00   $     1,000.00          2231.25          $      2,231.25

   19     8160100 Slope Restoration, Type A                                          SYD                       0 $            5.00    $             -           21.7           $              -

   20     8200171 Traf Loop, Presence                                                 Ea                       0 $          100.00    $             -           1750           $              -

                                                                                                                 Totals:              $    46,582.25                           $    43,193.17

                                                                                     Page 7 of 11
                                                              City Of Muskegon
                                                                               Project Engineer: JDB
                                                                                Project Number: H-1718
                                                                             Project description: 2018 CIP Preventive Maintainance
                                                                Cost Center # 6. Roberts St.
                                                                                                                          Engineers Estimate                 Michigan Paving & Materials

Line Item Pay Code Description                                                      Units           Quantity          Unit Price          Total             Unit Price           Total

   1      1500001 Mobilization, Max                                                 LSUM                       1 $      10,000.00     $    10,000.00    $       3,981.25     $      3,981.25

   2      2040020 Curb and Gutter, Rem,                                               Ft                    270 $              7.50   $     2,025.00    $             9.00   $      2,430.00

   3      2040055 Sidewalk, Rem                                                      SYD                    259 $            10.00    $     2,590.00    $            12.00   $      3,108.00

   4      4030004 Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified                           Ea                       8 $          800.00    $     6,400.00    $           635.00   $      5,080.00

   5      4030010 Dr Structure Cover, Type B                                          Ea                       0 $          400.00    $           -     $           358.00   $              -

   6      5010002 Cold Milling HMA Surface                                           Syd                  4,300 $             1.25    $     5,375.00    $             1.07   $      4,601.00

   7      5010057 HMA, 5E3                                                           Ton                    372 $            75.00    $    27,900.00    $            87.45   $     32,531.40

   8      8020023 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                                       Ft                    120 $            20.00    $     2,400.00    $            25.35   $      3,042.00

   9      8027001 Curb Ramp Opening, Conc                                             Ft                    150 $            20.00    $     3,000.00    $            24.95   $      3,742.50

  10      8030010 Detectable Warning Surface                                          Ft                    150 $            40.00    $     6,000.00    $            32.00   $      4,800.00

  11      8030037 Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 7 Inch                                        Sft                  1,500 $            15.00    $    22,500.00    $             5.65   $      8,475.00

  12      8030044 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                                             Sft                    750 $              5.00   $     3,750.00    $             3.20   $      2,400.00

   13     8230431 Gate Box, Adj, Case 1                                               Ea                       8 $          300.00    $     2,400.00    $           516.00   $      4,128.00

  14      8110231 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, White                                Ft                       0 $             0.70   $           -     $             0.35   $              -

  15      8110232 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, Yellow                               Ft                       0 $             0.60   $           -           0.35           $              -

  16      8110197 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 6 inch, Crosswalk                              Ft                       96 $            2.25   $        216.00         2.95           $           283.20

  17      8110217 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 18 inch, Stop Bar                              Ft                       0 $             8.50   $           -             7            $              -

  18      8127170 Traffic Control                                                   LSUM                       1 $         1,000.00   $     1,000.00        2231.25          $      2,231.25

  19      8160100 Slope Restoration, Type A                                          SYD                       80 $           5.00    $        400.00         21.7           $      1,736.00

  20      8200171 Traf Loop, Presence                                                 Ea                       0 $          100.00    $           -           1750           $              -

                                                                                                                 Totals:              $    95,956.00                         $    82,569.60

                                                                                     Page 8 of 11
                                                              City Of Muskegon
                                                                               Project Engineer: JDB
                                                                                Project Number: H-1718
                                                                             Project description: 2018 CIP Preventive Maintainance
                                                                Cost Center # 7. Southern Ave.
                                                                                                                          Engineers Estimate                   Michigan Paving & Materials

Line Item Pay Code Description                                                      Units           Quantity          Unit Price          Total               Unit Price           Total

   1      1500001 Mobilization, Max                                                 LSUM                       1 $      10,000.00     $    10,000.00      $       3,981.25     $      3,981.25

   2      2040020 Curb and Gutter, Rem,                                               Ft                       0 $             7.50   $             -     $             9.00   $             -

   3      2040055 Sidewalk, Rem                                                      SYD                       0 $           10.00    $             -     $            12.00   $             -

   4      4030004 Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified                           Ea                       2 $          800.00    $     1,600.00      $           635.00   $      1,270.00

   5      4030010 Dr Structure Cover, Type B                                          Ea                       0 $          400.00    $             -     $           358.00   $             -

   6      5010002 Cold Milling HMA Surface                                           Syd                  1,120 $             1.25    $     1,400.00      $             1.07   $      1,198.40

   7      5010057 HMA, 5E3                                                           Ton                       97 $          75.00    $     7,275.00      $            87.45   $      8,482.65

   8      8020023 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                                       Ft                       0 $           20.00    $             -     $            25.35   $             -

   9      8027001 Curb Ramp Opening, Conc                                             Ft                       0 $           20.00    $             -     $            24.95   $             -

  10      8030010 Detectable Warning Surface                                          Ft                       0 $           40.00    $             -     $            32.00   $             -

  11      8030037 Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 7 Inch                                        Sft                       0 $           15.00    $             -     $             5.65   $             -

  12      8030044 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                                             Sft                       0 $             5.00   $             -     $             3.20   $             -

  13      8230431 Gate Box, Adj, Case 1                                               Ea                       0 $          300.00    $             -     $           516.00   $             -

  14      8110231 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, White                                Ft                       0 $             0.70   $             -     $             0.35   $             -

  15      8110232 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, Yellow                               Ft                    150 $              0.60   $           90.00         0.35           $           52.50

  16      8110197 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 6 inch, Crosswalk                              Ft                       0 $             2.25   $             -           2.95           $             -

  17      8110217 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 18 inch, Stop Bar                              Ft                       0 $             8.50   $             -             7            $             -

  18      8127170 Traffic Control                                                   LSUM                       1 $         1,000.00   $     1,000.00          2231.25          $      2,231.25

  19      8160100 Slope Restoration, Type A                                          SYD                       0 $            5.00    $             -           21.7           $             -

  20      8200171 Traf Loop, Presence                                                 Ea                       0 $          100.00    $             -           1750           $             -

                                                                                                                 Totals:              $    21,365.00                           $    17,216.05

                                                                                     Page 9 of 11
                                                              City Of Muskegon
                                                                               Project Engineer: JDB
                                                                                Project Number: H-1718
                                                                             Project description: 2018 CIP Preventive Maintainance
                                                                Cost Center # 8. Western Ave.
                                                                                                                          Engineers Estimate                    Michigan Paving & Materials

Line Item Pay Code Description                                                      Units            Quantity          Unit Price          Total               Unit Price           Total

   1      1500001 Mobilization, Max                                                 LSUM                        1 $      10,000.00     $    10,000.00      $       3,981.25     $      3,981.25

   2      2040020 Curb and Gutter, Rem,                                               Ft                        35 $           7.50    $       262.50      $             9.00   $           315.00

   3      2040055 Sidewalk, Rem                                                      SYD                        34 $          10.00    $       340.00      $            12.00   $           408.00

   4      4030004 Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified                           Ea                        1 $          800.00    $       800.00      $           635.00   $           635.00

   5      4030010 Dr Structure Cover, Type B                                          Ea                        1 $          400.00    $       400.00      $           358.00   $           358.00

   6      5010002 Cold Milling HMA Surface                                           Syd                   6,950 $              1.25   $     8,687.50      $             1.07   $      7,436.50

   7      5010057 HMA, 5E3                                                           Ton                    603 $             75.00    $    45,225.00      $            87.45   $     52,732.35

   8      8020023 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                                       Ft                        15 $          20.00    $       300.00      $            25.35   $           380.25

   9      8027001 Curb Ramp Opening, Conc                                             Ft                        20 $          20.00    $       400.00      $            24.95   $           499.00

   10     8030010 Detectable Warning Surface                                          Ft                        20 $          40.00    $       800.00      $            32.00   $           640.00

   11     8030037 Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 7 Inch                                        Sft                    200 $             15.00    $     3,000.00      $             5.65   $      1,130.00

   12     8030044 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                                             Sft                    100 $              5.00    $       500.00      $             3.20   $           320.00

   13     8230431 Gate Box, Adj, Case 1                                               Ea                        0 $          300.00    $             -     $           516.00   $              -

   14     8110231 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, White                                Ft                    175 $              0.70    $       122.50      $             0.35   $            61.25

   15     8110232 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, Yellow                               Ft                    600 $              0.60    $       360.00            0.35           $           210.00

   16     8110197 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 6 inch, Crosswalk                              Ft                        0 $             2.25   $             -           2.95           $              -

   17     8110217 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 18 inch, Stop Bar                              Ft                        36 $            8.50   $       306.00              7            $           252.00

   18     8127170 Traffic Control                                                   LSUM                        1 $         1,000.00   $     1,000.00          2231.25          $      2,231.25

   19     8160100 Slope Restoration, Type A                                          SYD                        10 $           5.00    $           50.00         21.7           $           217.00

   20     8200171 Traf Loop, Presence                                                 Ea                        2 $          100.00    $       200.00            1750           $      3,500.00

                                                                                                                  Totals:              $    72,753.50                           $    75,306.85

                                                                                     Page 10 of 11
                                                              City Of Muskegon
                                                                            Project Engineer: JDB
                                                                             Project Number: H-1718
                                                                          Project description: 2018 CIP Preventive Maintainance
                                                                  QUANTITY TOTALS
                                                                                                                       Engineers Estimate                 Michigan Paving & Materials                 Asphalt Paving, Inc.         Rieth-Riley Construction

Line Item Pay Code Description                                                     Units          Quantity          Unit Price          Total            Unit Price          Total                Unit Price         Total        Unit Price       Total

   1      1500001 Mobilization, Max                                                LSUM                      8 $      10,000.00     $    80,000.00   $       3,981.25   $      31,850.00      $     7,060.00    $     56,480.00   $ 5,382.00   $ 43,056.00

   2      2040020 Curb and Gutter, Rem,                                              Ft                   495 $             7.50    $     3,712.50   $           9.00   $       4,455.00      $         10.00   $      4,950.00   $     9.00   $   4,455.00

   3      2040055 Sidewalk, Rem                                                     SYD                   452 $            10.00    $     4,520.00   $          12.00   $       5,424.00      $          8.00   $      3,616.00   $    12.00   $   5,424.00

   4      4030004 Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified                          Ea                      46 $         800.00    $    36,800.00   $         635.00   $      29,210.00      $     1,100.00    $     50,600.00   $   635.00   $ 29,210.00

   5      4030010 Dr Structure Cover, Type B                                         Ea                      12 $         400.00    $     4,800.00   $         358.00   $       4,296.00      $       410.00    $      4,920.00   $   358.00   $   4,296.00

   6      5010002 Cold Milling HMA Surface                                          Syd                31,588 $             1.25    $    39,485.00   $           1.07   $      33,799.16      $          1.58   $     49,909.04   $     3.22   $ 101,713.36

   7      5010057 HMA, 5E3                                                          Ton                 2,736 $            75.00    $   205,200.00   $          87.45   $     239,263.20      $         87.22   $   238,633.92    $    97.10   $ 265,665.60

   8      8020023 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                                      Ft                   235 $            20.00    $     4,700.00   $          25.35   $       5,957.25      $         19.50   $      4,582.50   $    21.85   $   5,134.75

   9      8027001 Curb Ramp Opening, Conc                                            Ft                   260 $            20.00    $     5,200.00   $          24.95   $       6,487.00      $         19.50   $      5,070.00   $    21.45   $   5,577.00

   10     8030010 Detectable Warning Surface                                         Ft                   260 $            40.00    $    10,400.00   $          32.00   $       8,320.00      $         32.00   $      8,320.00   $    40.00   $ 10,400.00

  11      8030037 Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 7 Inch                                       Sft                 2,600 $            15.00    $    39,000.00   $           5.65   $      14,690.00      $          4.50   $     11,700.00   $     5.20   $ 13,520.00

   12     8030044 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                                            Sft                 1,300 $             5.00    $     6,500.00   $           3.20   $       4,160.00      $          2.65   $      3,445.00   $     3.65   $   4,745.00

   13     8230431 Gate Box, Adj, Case 1                                              Ea                      21 $         300.00    $     6,300.00   $         516.00   $      10,836.00      $       600.00    $     12,600.00   $   516.00   $ 10,836.00

   14     8110231 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, White                               Ft                   355 $             0.70    $       248.50   $           0.35   $            124.25   $          0.35   $        124.25   $     0.35   $     124.25

   15     8110232 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, Yellow                              Ft                 4,400 $             0.60    $     2,640.00   $           0.35   $       1,540.00      $          0.35   $      1,540.00   $     0.35   $   1,540.00

   16     8110197 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 6 inch, Crosswalk                             Ft                   340 $             2.25    $       765.00   $           2.95   $       1,003.00      $          2.95   $      1,003.00   $     2.95   $   1,003.00

   17     8110217 Pavt Mrkg, Thermopl, 18 inch, Stop Bar                             Ft                      68 $           8.50    $       578.00   $           7.00   $            476.00   $          7.00   $        476.00   $     7.00   $     476.00

   18     8127170 Traffic Control                                                  LSUM                      8 $         1,000.00   $     8,000.00   $       2,231.25   $      17,850.00      $     3,200.00    $     25,600.00   $ 2,355.00   $ 18,840.00

   19     8160100 Slope Restoration, Type A                                         SYD                   190 $              5.00   $       950.00   $          21.70   $       4,123.00      $         24.50   $      4,655.00   $    21.70   $   4,123.00

   20     8200171 Traf Loop, Presence                                                Ea                      2 $          100.00    $       200.00   $       1,750.00   $       3,500.00      $     2,000.00    $      4,000.00   $ 1,750.02   $   3,500.04

                                                                                                               Totals:              $   459,999.00                      $     427,363.86                        $   492,224.71                 $ 533,639.00

                                                                                                                    Page 11 of 11
                                   Agenda Item No.

Date:           July 9, 2018
To:             Honorable Mayor and City Commission
From:           Department of Public Works
RE:       Launch Ramp Tickets and Fees


To increase violation fines for not having a permit as follows:

No Launch Ramp Permit:                $70.00 per incident (currently $55.00)
No Commercial Launch Permit:          $250.00 per incident (currently no fine)
Vessels over thirty-feet or three or more axles launching: $300.00 (currently no fine)

Current Fees:

Resident Launch Permit:               $50.00
Res. Senior Launch Permit:            $30.00
Non-Resident Permit:                  $70.00
Senior, Non-Res. Permit:              $45.00






Approval of the revised fines.
                                   Agenda Item No.

Date:          July 9, 2018
To:            Honorable Mayor and City Commission
From:          Department of Public Works
RE:       Launch Ramp Ordinance Change


To amend Chapter 58 Parks and Recreation ordinance to include the following language:

Section 58-3. Public boat launch permit; violation as a municipal civil infraction.

No person shall launch a vessel at the city launch ramp facilities without a permit from
the city. The annual permit is valid for the calendar year in which it was purchased, for
vessels of less than thirty-feet launched from a trailer with two axles or less (except
pontoons), and only when visible from outside the vehicle and fully adhered to the
windshield of the vehicle registered with the city at the time of purchase(s). Daily permits
are valid for the 24-hour period of the date purchased and must be displayed on the
vehicle dash board with date and permit number visible from outside the vehicle.
Permit(s) are non-transferrable and may not be re-sold. Violation of this section shall be
a municipal civil infraction.

Original: No person shall launch a boat at the city launch facilities without a permit from
the city from March 1 through November 30. Violation of this section shall be a
municipal civil infraction. (Ord. No. 2351, 3-22-2016).

Added to the ordinance:

No private or for-profit business may launch commercial vessel(s) from city launch ramp
facilities without the commercial launch permit from the city. The permit(s) are valid for
the calendar year in which they were purchased, for vessels up to thirty-feet in length
with less than two axles (except pontoons). The permit is transferable only between
vehicles owned by the purchaser for business purposes and must be visible from outside
the vehicle.

The Department of Public Works also requests to increase violation fines for not having
a permit. Those modifications are included in a separate agenda item.





Approve the modified language for the ordinance.
                      Commission Meeting Date: July 10, 2018

Date:         July 5, 2018
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development
RE:           Public Hearing - Request for the establishment of an Industrial
              Development District at 2420 Remembrance Dr


Pursuant to Public Act 198 of 1974, as amended, Grooters Development has requested the
establishment of an Industrial Development District at 2420 Remembrance Dr. The
establishment of the district will allow the company to become eligible for Industrial Facilities
Tax Abatements (IFTs).






Approval of the establishment of the Industrial Development District.



                                      MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION

                               MUSKEGON, MI 49442

WHEREAS, pursuant to PA 198 of 1974, as amended, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon has the
authority to establish an Industrial Development Districts within the City of Muskegon; and

WHEREAS, Robert Grooters Development Co. has petitioned the City Commission of the City of Muskegon to
establish an Industrial Development District on its property located in the City of Muskegon hereinafter
described; and

WHEREAS, construction, acquisition, alteration, or installation of a proposed facility has not commenced at the
time of filing the request to establish this district; and

WHEREAS, written notice has been given by mail to all owners of real property located within the district, and to
the public by newspaper advertisement in the Muskegon Chronicle and public posting of the hearing on the
establishment of the proposed district; and

WHEREAS, on July 10, 2018 a public hearing was held at which all owners of real property within the proposed
Industrial Development District and all residents and taxpayers of the City of Muskegon were afforded an
opportunity to be heard thereon; and

WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon deems it to be in the public interest of the City of
Muskegon to establish the Industrial Development District as proposed.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon that the following
described parcel of land situated in the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, and State of Michigan, to wit:


is established as an Industrial Development District pursuant to the provisions of PA 198 of 1974, as amended,
to be known as Irwin Industrial Development District.

Adopted this 10th Day of July 2018.




                                                    BY: __________________________________
                                                           Stephen J. Gawron

                                              ATTEST: __________________________________
                                                         Ann Meisch


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Muskegon
City Commission, County of Muskegon, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on July 10, 2018.

                                                            Ann Meisch

                     Commission Meeting Date: July 10, 2018

Date:         July 2, 2018
To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Finance
RE:           Notice of Intent Resolution Capital Improvement Bonds
              Convention Center

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Notice of Intent Resolution is the first step in
the bonding process. This resolution authorizes the publication of a Notice of Intent
relating to the City’s bonds issued for the purpose of paying all or part of the cost to
acquire, construct, furnish and equip a new convention center, including site
acquisition, demolition and related site improvements. The notice indicates the City’s
intent to issue its limited tax full faith and credit Capital Improvement Bonds in an
amount not to exceed $20,000,000.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Notice of Intent Resolution for
Capital Improvement Bonds not to exceed $20,000,000 and authorize the City Clerk
to publish a notice of intent to issue the Bonds in the Muskegon Chronicle.
Date:     July 10th, 2018

To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From:     Department of Public Works

RE:       Houston Avenue Traffic Calming Proposal


Construct bump outs along Houston Avenue at the intersection of 5th Street to provide
traffic calming effects along Houston Avenue. Work is proposed to be completed by city
crews from the highway department.




None. Work performed by city crews included within existing budget for salary/benefits
and materials.


Approve construction of the bump outs along Houston Avenue.

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