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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 25, 2010 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS @ 5:30 P.M. AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: PRAYER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ROLL CALL: HONORS AND AWARDS: INTRODUCTIONS/PRESENTATION: CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK B. 2010-2011 Michigan Municipal League Membership Dues. CITY CLERK C. 2010 Water Treatment Chemical Bids. WATER FILTRATION D. Liquor License Request for L. C. Walker Arena, 470 W. Western Avenue. CITY CLERK E. Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance – Community Gardens. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT F. Rezoning Request for a Portion of the Property Located at 1700 Messler Street. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT G. Consideration of Bids for SP-221 Energy Efficiency Upgrades. ENGINEERING H. Partial Payoff of CMI Brownfield Redevelopment Loan. FINANCE PUBLIC HEARINGS: COMMUNICATIONS: CITY MANAGER’S REPORT: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. SECOND READING: Ordinance Setting Fiscal Year and Budget Calendar. FINANCE NEW BUSINESS: A. Transmittal of Proposed 2010-11 Budget. FINANCE B. Sappi Settlement Agreement. CITY MANAGER C. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish the Following: PUBLIC SAFETY 362 E. Forest Avenue 510 White Avenue (Area 11) 1847 5th Street (Garage) ANY OTHER BUSINESS: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following: Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room. Submit the form to the City Clerk. Be recognized by the Chair. Step forward to the microphone. State name and address. Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission. (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.) CLOSED SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: ADA POLICY: The City of Muskegon will provide necessary auxiliary aids and services to individuals who want to attend the meeting upon twenty four hour notice to the City of Muskegon. Please contact Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 or by calling (231) 724-6705 or TDD: (231) 724-4172. Date: May 25, 2010 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk RE: Approval of Minutes SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve minutes for the May 10th Special Commission Meeting, the May 10th Commission Worksession, and the May 11th Regular Commission Meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes. CITY OF MUSKEGON SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 10, 2010 MUSKEGON FIRE DEPARTMENT, 770 TERRACE STREET AT 9:00 A.M. MINUTES The Special City Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at Muskegon Fire Department, 770 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, at 9:00 a.m., Monday, May 10, 2010. Mayor Warmington called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. Present were Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Stephen Gawron, Commissioners Chris Carter, Clara Shepherd, Lawrence Spataro, Sue Wierengo, and Steven Wisneski, and City Manager Bryon Mazade. Mayor Warmington explained the purpose of the meeting, which is to give guidance to city administration as they prepare the 2010-2011 budget. City Commissioners and staff engaged in discussion encompassing potential budget cuts and ways to raise revenues. The Special Commission Meeting adjourned at 2:01 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bryon L. Mazade City Manager pb\COMMISSION\SPCL COMM MTG MNUTS 051010 City of Muskegon City Commission Worksession May 10, 2010 City Commission Chambers 5:30 PM MINUTES 2010-40 Present: Commissioners Warmington, Wisneski, Carter, Wierengo, Shepherd, and Spataro. Absent: Vice Mayor Gawron. Liquor License Request for RND Entertainment, Inc. of 1635 Beidler. RND Entertainment, Inc. is requesting to drop space and add two new direct connection permits to the 2009 Class C & SDM licensed business with dance-entertainment permits. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Commissioner Wisneski to approve the liquor license request from RND Entertainment, Inc. to drop space and add 2 (two) new direct connection permits to the 2009 Class C & SDM licensed business with dance- entertainment permits. The direct connections are to allow access into a smoke shop that will be attached to this building. ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: Wisneski, Carter, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Wierengo. Nays: None. MOTION PASSES Marijuana Facilities Moratorium. A resolution will be presented to the City Commission at its meeting on May 11, 2010 to pass a six month moratorium on medical marijuana facilities so that staff can prepare an ordinance concerning the permitted location and regulation of these facilities. Staff gave an explanation and cited the need for more time to investigate the law. Muskegon 25. Cathy Brubaker-Clarke, Planning and Economic Development Director, presented a proposed incentive package to developers. Businesses that locate in certain industrial parks and create at least twenty-five new full-time jobs will be eligible for a tax free Renaissance Zone and reduced water and sewer utility costs. The Planning Department will be marketing this new venture. Invest in Muskegon Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk, presented a proposal from the Public Relations Committee to create an award titled Invest in Muskegon. This award will acknowledge those individuals who have made visible improvements to a structure within the City. Homes and businesses may be nominated by anyone with final determination by the Public Relations Committee. Veridian Drive Extension. Plans were presented for the proposed Veridian Drive extension. Grand Valley State University will pay for the extension costs and the City will pay for in-house design and construction management as well as the extension of the water main and long-term maintenance of the roadway. Any Other Business. Bryon Mazade, City Manager, presented a letter from the Michigan Department of Transportation regarding the traffic signal at Apple Avenue and Jefferson Street. Estimated costs to maintain the light is $110,000 as well as future maintenance costs of $1,032 and energy costs of $150. Citing costs factors, the Commission reluctantly agreed that the City can not pay for the traffic signal. Stop signs will be placed on Jefferson Street. Adjournment. Motion by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to adjourn at 6:03 p.m. MOTION PASSES ________________________ Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 11, 2010 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS @ 5:30 P.M. MINUTES The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 11, 2010. Mayor Warmington opened the meeting with a prayer from Pastor Tim Cross from the Living Word Church after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL FOR THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING: Present: Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Stephen Gawron, Commissioners Lawrence Spataro, Sue Wierengo, Steve Wisneski, and Chris Carter, City Manager Bryon Mazade, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann Marie Becker. Absent: Commissioner Clara Shepherd (excused). 2010-41 CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, April 27, 2010. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes. B. Ordinance Setting Fiscal Year and Budget Calendar. FINANCE SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Last November, voters approved Charter amendments that gave the City Commission authority to set the City’s fiscal year and change the budget adoption process. The ordinance is intended to implement these changes. The proposed ordinance sets the City’s fiscal year as of July 1 (starting in 2010) and also lays out a budget adoption process that eliminates the requirement we have had in the past of adopting a budget months in advance of the start of the fiscal year. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The change in fiscal years will help stabilize City finances and make the City’s fiscal period consistent with the majority of Michigan’s city governments. The change in budget process will help ensure the City’s budget is prepared with the most current information available and does not become outdated before the fiscal year begins. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the ordinance. C. Memorandum of Understanding-Justice Assistance Grant. PUBLIC SAFETY SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Director of Public Safety requests that the Commission authorize the Director and the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the City of Muskegon Heights and Muskegon County in regards to the disbursement of the 2010 Justice Assistance Grant. The money in this grant is shared by the three entities. The $46,759 in this grant will be utilized for the prosecution of City ordinance cases primarily dealing with neighborhood issues. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of this request. D. Resolution of Support for the Michigan Port Collaborative. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Michigan Port Collaborative is a coalition of Michigan waterfront communities. They are holding a Summit in Muskegon on May 20-21, 2010. The intention of the Collaborative is to speak as one voice on issues affecting Michigan’s ports, such as commercial shipping, tourism, recreation, alternative energy and environmental restoration. The resolution serves as “the membership application for the City of Muskegon”. At this time, the only direct requirements of the community are to provide an inventory of local resources and assets (which the Port of Muskegon volunteer committee is currently completing) and name a community individual as its liaison to the Collaborative. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign. Motion by Vice Mayor Gawron, second by Commissioner Spataro to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, Wisneski, Carter, and Gawron Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2010-42 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish 439 Houston Avenue. PUBLIC SAFETY SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 439 Houston Avenue, Area 10, is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within 30 days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. FINANCIAL IMPACT: CDBG Funds. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Vice Mayor Gawron to concur with the Housing Board of Appeals notice and order to demolish 439 Houston Avenue. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warmington, Wierengo, Wisneski, Carter, Gawron, and Spataro Nays: None MOTION PASSES B. Machine Vending Contract for Pere Marquette Park. PUBLIC WORKS Item withdrawn by applicant. 2010-43 NEW BUSINESS: A. Approval of Sale of City-Owned Home at 214 Myrtle. COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the resolution and instruct the Community and Neighborhood Services department to complete the sales transaction between Mr. Forest McPherson and wife for the totally rehabilitated home at 214 Myrtle, which is part of the City’s neighborhood redevelopment plan under Operation Market View. Mr. and Mrs. McPherson’s purchase price is $105,000 with a subsidy of $32,500. Overlooking our lovely Farmer’s Market, this beautiful four bedroom, three full-bath home that the McPherson family is purchasing, was previously a blighted eyesore of a structure. As a part of the City’s continuous neighborhood redevelopment efforts, the house was purchased by the CNS office on the open market and totally rehabilitated with HOME funds. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The proceeds from the funding will be used to lower the current Home Program deficit and to be added to the CNS office program income fund. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and direct the CNS staff to complete the sale. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Vice Mayor Gawron to approve the sale of the City-owned home at 214 Myrtle. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Wierengo, Wisneski, Carter, Gawron, Spataro, and Warmington Nays: None MOTION PASSES B. Medical Marijuana Facilities Moratorium. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: For the City Commission to pass a six-month moratorium on medical marijuana facilities so that staff can prepare an ordinance concerning the permitted location and regulation of these facilities. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the six-month moratorium. Motion by Vice Mayor Gawron, second by Commissioner Wierengo to adopt the six-month moratorium pursuant to the medical marijuana facilities. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Wisneski, Carter, Gawron, Spataro, Warmington, and Wierengo Nays: None MOTION PASSES C. Acceptance of Bid for Marquette Avenue Fire Station. PUBLIC SAFETY SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City has accepted bids to modify the entrances to Fire Station #5 on Marquette Avenue. This work is being undertaken to enlarge the bay doors in order to accommodate the newest fire truck in our fleet. The truck is expected to be delivered in early July. The work will include enlarging the entrances by two feet and installing new doors. The following companies bid on the project: Clifford Buck Construction, 800 Irwin, Muskegon - $24,278.00 Muskegon Construction Company, 111 W. Western, Muskegon - $36,975.00 Tridonn Construction Company, 1461 Evanston, Muskegon - $20,760.00 Staff recommends that the Commission accept the bid from Tridonn Construction. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of this request. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Vice Mayor Gawron to approve the request to modify the Fire Station on Marquette Avenue and award the bid to Tridonn Construction. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Carter, Gawron, Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, and Wisneski Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2010-44 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: City Manager Bryon Mazade stated approval was requested for the fee of the next year of auditing services. Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Wierengo to approve the contract for the modified audit for the year 2010. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Spataro, Warmington, Wierengo, Wisneski, and Carter Nays: None MOTION PASSES Commissioner Spataro stated that on May 5th the Michigan Community Services Commission held a meeting in Muskegon, any questions please contact him. Mayor Warmington announced he will be running for the Michigan State House of Representatives, 92nd District seat. ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk Date: May 25, 2010 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Ann Becker, City Clerk RE: 2010-2011 Michigan Municipal League Membership Dues SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approval to pay the 2010-2011 MML dues in the amount of $8,886. The MML is continuing the freeze on the membership dues, and in addition, will no longer levy the Environmental Affairs Assessment. These changes represent a 12% reduction in the overall dues payment. FINANCIAL IMPACT: MML Dues $8,078 Legal Defense Fund $ 808 Total $8,886 BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Date: May 25, 2010 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: Water Filtration Plant RE: 2010 Water Treatment Chemical Bids SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Recommend endorsement of contract extension for the previous lowest responsible bidders to supply aluminum sulfate and fluoride for the water filtration plant as allowed by contract. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Annual cost of $141,200.00 (based on average annual water pumped to mains). BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. These chemicals are budgeted annually. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Mayor and City Commission endorse the bid extensions received and allow staff to enter into contract with US Aluminate Co. (USALCO) for aluminum sulfate and Lucier Chemical Industries Ltd. for fluoride. MEMORANDUM 5/11/10 TO: M. AL-SHATEL, DPW DIRECTOR FROM: R. VENEKLASEN, WATER FILTRATION RE: ANNUAL FLUORIDE AND ALUMINUM SULFATE BIDS PURPOSE Aluminum sulfate, or alum, is the coagulant used to remove the material suspended in the raw, Lake Michigan, water being treated. The suspended particles are attracted to the alum molecules, the particles and the molecules agglomerate, then settle by gravity. Fluoride (hydrofluorosilicic acid) is applied to the water being treated to enhance the prevention of dental caries (cavities). HISTORY We have been bidding aluminum sulfate and fluoride in conjunction with the cities of Holland, Wyoming, Grand Rapids, Grand Haven and recently Muskegon Heights. The City of Grand Rapids Purchasing Department performs the bidding process on behalf of the other municipalities. The contracts include the opportunity for contract renewal upon justification for any price increase. This approach has been advantageous on a number of occasions over the years. BIDS The current vendors for both chemicals, aluminum sulfate and fluoride, has expressed interest in extending the current bids with a price decrease for fluoride and an equal price for aluminum sulfate. 2009 2010 Aluminum Sulfate $449.82 $449.82 Fluoride $700.00 $660.00 These proposals have been approved by the City of Grand Rapids and are in similar process with the other participating municipalities. Attached are the supporting documents from the City of Grand Rapids. RECOMMEMDATION It is my recommendation that the Mayor and City Commission endorse extension of the current bids with the increases indicated and direct staff to enter in agreement with the current vendors for one more year. Date: May 25, 2010 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk RE: Liquor License Request L. C. Walker Arena 470 W. Western Avenue SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor Control Commission is seeking local recommendation on a request from the City of Muskegon to drop JS Hockey Enterprises, Inc. as Co-Licensee and Add Logger Hockey, LLC as Co-Licensee in the 2009 Class C Licensed Business issued under MCL 436.1509 with Dance Permit, 9 Bars, and Official Permit (Food) and Outdoor Service (2 Areas) located at 470 W. Western. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: All departments are recommending approval. Date: May 25, 2010 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Engineering RE: Consideration of Bids for: SP-221 Energy Efficiency Upgrades SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Award the Energy Efficiency Upgrades project to Tridonn Construction Co. out of Muskegon, MI using the base bid since they were the lowest responsible bidder with a total bid price of $93,500.00, see attached bid tabulation and recommendation from Rhoades Engineering. Also, authorize staff to add as many of the alternate bid items to this contract as the budget/grant allow for. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The construction cost of $93,500.00. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract to Tridonn Construction Co. and authorize staff to add alternate bid items. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: C:\Documents and Settings\Potter\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK8\CONAWA 05-25-10 (2).doc Rhoades Engineering I May 19, 2010 Mr. Mohammed Al-Shatel, P,E. City Engineer The City of Muskegon 933 Terrace Street P.O. Box 536 Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 Re: City of Muskegon Energy Efficiency Upgrades Letter of Recommendation Dear Mr. Al-Shatel, Please find attached a tabulation of the bids received on May 18,2010 for the Energy Efficiency Upgrade project. Tridonn Construction Company is the apparent low bidder at $93,500.00 Base Bid. The $93,500,00 is more than 1% lower than Buck Construction the lone contractor located in the City of Muskegon. The $93,500.00 Base Bid is within the project's budget. Mr. David Mayville of BMA Architects and I have reviewed Tridonn Construction Company's bid and their subcontractors and are satisfied with their bid and subcontractors. Rhoades Engineering Company recommends the City of Muskegon award Tridonn Construction Company's bid for the contract. Rhoades Engineering Company recommends keeping the Performance Bond of $625.00. We arso recommend Alternate #1S and #2S be accepted for a total of $'15,162.00, since the total project will still be under budget. BMA Architects and Rhoades Engineering Company, LLC do not recommend the acceptahce of the deductive Alternate #3S for $3,400.00 or the deductive Alternate #4S for $500.00. We do recommend a 10% contingency fund be available for unforeseen cost that may sudace since we are dealing with existing buildings. The 10% contingency does include the $2.75lsq, ft. unit price to reprace damaged roof decking. Please feel free to call if you have any questions or require any additional information. ,C/ Randall J. Rhoades, P.E. Attachment St. 480 | Henry | 75 | Barlow St. Muskegon,lll 49441 Traverse Citn l4l 49686 Consulting Engineers T 731 798 4328 r nt 947 t707 Mechanical Electrical F23r 798 298t t23t947 t7t0 www. rh oad ese ngi n eeri ng. com BID TABULATION FORM PROJECT: CITY OF MUSKEGON - Energy Efficiency Upgrades - SP-221 Rhoades Engineering Company, LLC 4801 Henry Street Muskegon, MI 49441 PH: (231) 798-4328 Project No.: 3555A FX: (231) 798-2981 Bid Due Date/Time: May 18, 2010; 2:00 p.m. BID ALTERNATIVES BID BOND BASE BID CONTRACTOR AMOUNT Unit Price Total (Incl. Alt's) Y N #1S #2S #3S #4S #1S Mossy Oak Builders; Muskegon Township X $126,940.00 $4,200 $10,000 -$3,400 -$500 $2/sq. ft. Tridonn Construction; Muskegon Township X $93,500.00 $4,532 $10,630 -$3,400 -$500 $2.75/sq. ft Vanderven Construction; North Muskegon X $96,360.00 $4,749 $11,141 -$2,500 -$800 $30/sq. ft. Clifford Buck Constr.; City of Muskegon X $105,343.00 $4,715 $11,077 -$3,400 -$500 Date: May 11, 2010 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Finance Director RE: Partial Payoff of CMI Brownfield Redevelopment Loan SUMMARY OF REQUEST: In 2007-08, the City borrowed $500,000 from MDEQ for Brownfield cleanup and redevelopment. Under terms of the loan, no interest was charged until 3/18/10 at which time interest began to accrue at rate of 2%. To date the City has re-loaned (or committed to re-loan) approximately $270,000 for projects on Henry Street (Betten) and in the Smartzone. Developers of these projects have committed to repaying the City at the same 2% rate as we are being charged. There are no other current prospects for use of the remaining loan proceeds. Therefore staff recommends repaying the unused funds to the state. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Interest costs on the unused loan proceeds exceed our earnings rate. Repaying part of the loan will reduce these negative arbitrage costs. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to repay to the State of Michigan the unspent CMI Brownfield Loan proceeds. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None. 9/18/97 1 Date: May 11, 2010 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Finance Director RE: Ordinance Setting Fiscal Year and Budget Calendar SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Last November, voters approved charter amendments that gave the City Commission authority to set the City’s fiscal year and change the budget adoption process. The attached ordinance is intended to implement these changes. The proposed ordinance sets the City’s fiscal year as of July 1 (starting in 2010) and also lays out a budget adoption process that eliminates the requirement we have had in the past of adopting a budget months in advance of the start of the fiscal year. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The change in fiscal years will help stabilize city finances and make the City’s fiscal period consistent with the majority of Michigan’s city governments. The change in budget process will help ensure the City’s budget is prepared with the most current information available and does not become outdated before the fiscal year begins. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the attached ordinance. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None. CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO. ____ THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON HEREBY ORDAINS: 1. Chapter 2, Article VI of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Muskegon, Michigan is amended by adding sections to read as follows: Division 3. Budget Procedure Sec. 2-290. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the city shall begin on July 1. Sec. 2-291. Budget Procedures. The city manager shall submit to the commission, on or before the second regular meeting in May, a recommended budget covering the next fiscal year. The recommended budget shall include the following: (a) Detailed estimates, with supporting explanations, of all proposed expenditures, including the corresponding expenditures for the last preceding fiscal year and estimated expenditures for the balance of the current fiscal year. (b) Statements of the bonded and other indebtedness of the city, showing debt redemption and interest requirements. (c) Detailed estimates of all anticipated revenues of the city from sources other than taxes, with a comparative statement of revenues received by the city from each of the same or similar sources for the last preceding fiscal year and estimated revenues for the balance of the current fiscal year. (d) An estimate of the fund equity or deficit for the current fiscal year. (e) An estimate of the amount of money to be raised from current and delinquent taxes and the amount to be raised from bond issues which, together with any available unappropriated surplus and any revenues from other sources, will be available to meet proposed expenditures. (f) Such additional information as the commission may request or as required by law. 2 Sec. 2-292. Hearing. A public hearing on the budget shall be held before its final adoption at the time and place established by the commission. Notice of the public hearing and that the proposed budget is on file with the city shall be published at least ten days in advance of the hearing. The proposed budget shall be kept on file for public inspection during regular business hours at the city clerk's office for a period of not less than ten days prior to the hearing. Sec. 2-293. Adoption of Budget. After the public hearing, and not later than the last regular meeting in June, the commission shall, by resolution, adopt a budget for the next fiscal year and provide for a levy of the amount necessary to be raised by taxes, as required by law. 2. This Ordinance is to become effective ten (10) days after adoption. Ayes: Nays: First Reading: Second Reading: CERTIFICATE The undersigned, being the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the ____ day of May, 2010, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. Date:_______________________, 2010 ________________________________ Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk Publish: Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption. 3 Date: May 25, 2010 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Finance Director RE: Transmittal of Proposed 2010-11 Budget SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Transmittal of 2010-11 budget per new ordinance that has been presented to you for adoption. This budget implements the change to a July 1 fiscal year start. FINANCIAL IMPACT: See budget document. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: The budget must be approved on or before the second city commission meeting in June. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The budget will be discussed in detail at the June 7th Commission worksession. City of Muskegon, Michigan 2010-11 Proposed Budget & Quarterly Budget Reforecast For The Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2010 Page 1 of 76 Affirmative Action (231)724-6703 FAX (231)722-1214 Assessor (231)724-6708 FAX (231)726-5181 Cemetery (231)724-6783 FAX (231)726-5617 City Manager (231)724-6724 FAX (231)722-1214 Civil Service (231)724-6716 FAX (231)724-4405 May 21, 2010 Clerk (231)724-6705 FAX (231)724-4178 Comm. & Neigh. Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners: Services (231)724-6717 FAX (231)726-2501 Enclosed is the proposed 2010-11 Budget for the City of Muskegon. It also includes the Engineering shortened 2010 budget as the City changes the fiscal year to July 1st to June 30th. Our (231)724-6707 FAX (231)727-6904 focus has been an attempt to minimize service reduction, given the current economic Finance conditions and rising personnel and operational costs. (231)724-6713 FAX (231)724-6768 The City’s total proposed 2010 spending plan (including all budgeted funds) is Fire Department $53,914,830 as compared to $53,134,750 originally proposed for 2010. (231)724-6792 FAX (231)724-6985 It is important to note that the proposed spending plan includes a 1-mill property tax Income Tax (231)724-6770 increase based on the consensus of the City Commission at the budget work session in FAX (231)724-6768 May. The proposed allocation of millages between general operating and sanitation is as Info. Technology follows: (231)724-4126 FAX (231)722-4301 Tax Levy 2010 2010-11 Inspection Services (231)724-6715 General Operating 8.9 9.5 FAX (231)728-4371 Sanitation 2.1 2.5 Leisure Services Total 11.0 12.0 (231)724-6704 FAX (231)724-1196 Mayor’s Office (231)724-6701 The City’s budget is made up of several individual funds that are reviewed below. FAX (231)722-1214 Planning/Zoning General Fund (231)724-6702 FAX (231)724-6790 Police Department Proposed general fund expenditures are $23,473,354, down 1.8% from the 2010 original (231)724-6750 budget of $23,924,587. Revenues for 2010-11 are estimated at $23,477,192, down similar FAX (231)722-5140 amount (1.9%) from the 2010 original budget of $23,946,788. Public Works (231)724-4100 FAX (231)722-4188 State shared revenues are extremely uncertain for 2010-11 due to the financial condition of Treasurer the State of Michigan. We are projecting state shared revenues at approximately $300,000 (231)724-6720 less than the original 2010 budget. This is the estimate published on the Michigan FAX (231)724-6768 Department of Treasury website. Water Billing (231)724-6718 FAX (231)724-6768 Water Filtration (231)724-4106 FAX (231)755-5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Page 2 of 76 City income taxes for 2010-11 at $6 million, which is $200,000 less than the 2010 original budget. This is also nearly $1.7 million less than actual 2008 collections. Property taxes will increase due to the proposed millage increase. Otherwise they would have declined for the first time in several years, due largely to the depressed housing market. Overall, the City’s general fund revenue picture is bleak and there are few indications that things will improve anytime soon. As a result, the City has been required to make significant program cuts for 2010-11 in order to avoid an operating budget deficit. Worthy of note, is that total budgeted revenues for 2010-11 are less than actual revenues received in 2000. This is even after a previous property tax increase and the one proposed for 2010-11. Expenses for wages, health insurance, other employee benefits, fuel, utilities, etc. have obviously increased at much steeper rates during the same period. We have struggled to maintain City services while waiting for an economic upturn, which has yet to occur. Staff has responded by improving efficiencies in operations, wherever possible and cutting back non-essential staff and services. The 2010-11 budget is a continuation of these efforts. The following are changes to the general fund budget proposed for 2010-11 for consideration: • Because personnel costs represent such a large portion of the City’s General Fund, it is necessary to critically review the personnel complement each year. The 2010-11 budget incorporates a proposed net reduction of 13 positions from the original 2010 budget, including several position reductions made during the first quarter 2010 budget re- forecast. • Eliminate a total of three firefighter positions if a contractual arrangement cannot be achieved to significantly modify the fire services delivery model. • Eliminate the Recreation Supervisor position in Leisure Services. • Eliminate a Customer Service Representative II position in Leisure Services. • Eliminate one Administrative Secretary position in Civil Service. • Eliminate one Housing Inspector position as a part of a consolidation of housing and environmental inspections. • Eliminate the vacant Deputy Director of Public Works position. • Eliminate a vacant Leisure Services Horticulturist position. • Eliminate a vacant Planner II position. City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Page 3 of 76 • Eliminated one vacant Finance Clerk position. • Eliminated a vacant Building Maintenance Worker position. • Eliminated one vacant Mechanic position in the Equipment Fund. • The Parks Department will significantly reduce the use of seasonal workers. This will result in public spaces getting mowed less frequently. The use of park rangers will also be eliminated beginning with the 2010 summer season.. • The Cemeteries Department will reduce the use of seasonal employees, resulting in the grass getting cut less often. • The Leisure Services Department will eliminate most of their programming and instead move toward contracting with agencies for recreation services. The elimination of the lifeguard program (including at Pere Marquette Park) will begin with the 2010 summer season. • The City Commission budget will see a reduction in travel expenses and the elimination of the membership in the National League of Cities. • The General Fund will get some relief from a five percent reduction in equipment rental costs from the Equipment Fund. • The General Fund will be required to transfer $100,000 for Smartzone debt service because that development is not yet generating enough tax increments to pay all of the debt service for the MAREC building. A $75,000 contribution from the Community Foundation for Muskegon County is also budgeted for this purpose. • We will continue to identify and eliminate certain mid-block streetlights in an attempt to reduce the Streetlight budget. The goal is to reduce the budget by $25,000. • Contributions to Outside Agencies budget has been changed slightly. I have reinstated the full contribution to Muskegon Area First. We will also explore alternative ways to fund these agencies in the future, including use of CDBG funds. As noted earlier, the City does have authorized millage capacity and an increase of one mill is included in the proposed budget. However, staff believes the Commission should consider seeking a special (1-mill) voted millage for street improvements in lieu of the general millage increase. This would free up $480,000 currently being transferred from the general fund to the City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Page 4 of 76 street funds for other uses. It would also help stabilize street funding while preserving the City’s general millage capacity. Other Budgeted Funds In addition to the general fund, the City’s budget is made up of various other funds, which, as a group, account for over one-half of the City’s total 2010 budget. A summary of budget highlights for these funds follows: • Major and Local Street Funds – These budgets continue at current service levels, but only limited funds are available for capital improvements. The 2010-11 budget provides for $3.620 million of major street capital improvements, most of which is paid for by federal and state grants. Local street capital improvements are budgeted at $169,000, which includes a $120,000 grant. The General Fund transfer to the local street fund is $480,000. An additional $145,000 of METRO Act funds is allocated to the local street fund. Even with these low capital improvement levels it will be necessary to sell bonds in order to meet current and anticipated match requirements for the street improvement grants. • Sidewalk Improvement Fund – The ten-year sidewalk replacement program was completed in 2005. This fund is now used to collect assessments and pay debt service on bonds issued to finance the completed sidewalk work. The last sidewalk bonds are retired in 2016. • Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Fund – This budget was created for the Brownfield Redevelopment Authority. This fund receives and disburses tax increment collections from the Henry Street Betten Auto project currently underway. • Public Improvement Fund – Funds are allocated for repayment of the Urban Land Assembly (ULA) loan debt service payment and fire truck installment purchase payments on the trucks delivered in 2006. • State Grants Fund – We will continue the site assessment program using the Clean Michigan Initiative (CMI) grant from the State of Michigan and a new EPA grant. The fund includes a grant from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment (MDNRE) to make the link from the City’s trail to the Musketawa Trail. The final improvements will be made to Smith-Ryerson Park utilizing a MDNRE Trust Fund grant. This fund also includes two federal energy stimulus grants for City Hall, McGraft Park, the L.C. Walker Arena and Smith-Ryerson Park. • Marina & Launch Ramp Fund – Adjustments to the operations of the marina and launch ramps have made this fund self-supporting. At some point it may be in a position to re-pay the General Fund for money transferred to it in previous years. • Equipment Fund – No significant operational changes are planned. Providing maintenance services to additional municipalities will continue. Scheduled vehicle and equipment purchases totaling $1.126 million are planned for 2010-11. City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Page 5 of 76 • Public Service Building – This fund recoups operating costs through rental charges to user departments. Improvements to the easterly parking lot for $75,000 are planned in 2010-11. • Water Fund – A water rate increase is not planned for 2010-11. Much will depend on the actual operating results for 2010. Most of the water capital improvements for 2010- 11 are tied to street projects, but some funds are included for projects at the water filtration plant and to upgrade small water mains. The water fund total for capital improvements is proposed at $771,000. • Sewer Fund - No significant changes are planned for the sewer fund operations. We are uncertain if rates will need to be increased in 2010-11. This will depend on what the County does to wholesale rates. We will also continue to focus on the wastewater meter issue as new meters are installed in order to determine the accuracy of the methodology in the City’s flow and how we might gain some relief. Capital improvements, many of which are tied to street projects, total $704,000. • Arena Improvement Fund – Revenue from a ticket surcharge is placed in this fund to provide funding for improvements to the facility. We have budgeted $15,000 for facility improvements. Future Outlook The proposed 2010-11 budget provides a sound-financing plan for the City. However, as noted, it includes significant cuts and does not address many City needs. It should also be noted that there are several unknown factors that could affect this spending plan. • Healthcare and Other Benefit Costs – Higher healthcare costs will likely continue to be a major issue faced by the City in 2010-11. A wellness program has been implemented, but it will take some time before it’s full benefit will be achieved. Pension costs have also risen dramatically in light of the recent poor market conditions and it is expected to continue to be the case for several years. • General Obligation Bonds – The City has pledged its general revenues as a secondary source of repayment on three outstanding bond issues for which the primary intended sources of repayment are at risk: • Edison Landing Smartzone – As previously noted, the General Fund budget includes a $100,000 transfer to help pay the required debt service in 2010-11. Starting in 2012, annual debt service requirements ramp up from the current $280,000 to $400,000 and higher. Taxable development of the site is needed to keep debt service requirements from becoming a bigger drain on the General Fund. • DDA – Annual debt service on outstanding DDA bonds is approximately $340,000 annually. Estimates are that 2010-11 tax increment collections in the DDA district will be sufficient to cover this obligation. However, the coverage margin is slim and further tax appeals or other tax increment losses could cause these bonds to also City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Page 6 of 76 become a drain on the General Fund. • Sidewalk Bonds – The City has issued bonds at various times to finance construction of sidewalks. The bonds are to be repaid from special assessment levied on benefitting properties. The last of these bonds is not retired until 2016. Available cash on hand together with future anticipated special assessment collections appear adequate to meet the bond obligations. However, the sharp spike in foreclosure activity in recent years raises the possibility that some special assessments may become uncollectible. If this occurs to a significant degree, these bonds could also burden the City’s General Fund. • State Shared Revenue – In recent years the City’s annual share of these revenues has been cut by over $1.5 million. In 2010-11 Revenue Sharing is projected at approximately $300,000 less than the original 2010 budget. Because the State’s budget situation remains tenuous, further cuts in Revenue Sharing are a very real possibility. • Property Tax Revenues - The City’s property tax base has grown only modestly in recent years. However, with the most recent valuation, the taxable value has actually decreased for the first time in many years. That, coupled with the fact that most of the City’s economic development initiatives are in areas where any property tax growth has been already allocated to spur the development (e.g. tax increment districts, Renaissance Zones, etc.) means that there is less potential for tax base growth that will benefit general operations. • City Income Tax – The City income tax was one of the few bright revenue spots until late 2009. Since then, income tax collections have dropped dramatically. If the trend continues more reductions in expenditures will be necessary. • Employee Contracts – Contract with the police command union is headed to arbitration this summer. The fire union contract expires at the end of 2010 and we have begun negotiations with this unit. The outcome of these negotiations will have a significant impact on the City’s financial situation. • Tax Appeals – The trend of a large number of property tax appeals, including several from major property owners, has continued during 2010. The outcome of these appeals will have a significant affect on future property taxes. Unfortunately, it may be several years before final resolution is reached due to economic conditions and the high number of tax appeals being filed throughout the state. • Foreclosures – We are uncertain as to what impact the large number of foreclosures will have on City revenues. We have been fortunate to date, but at some point we anticipate some negative fallout. We will monitor these issues closely in the coming months and keep you informed. Also, we will continue the quarterly reforecast of the budget in order to make adjustments as changing conditions and/or Commission policies dictate. The 2010 reforecast and update is incorporated into this budget document. City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Page 7 of 76 Budget Process and Detail The proposed 2010-11 City Budget was prepared and presented in a manner intended to focus attention on overall resource allocation priorities and policies rather than line item expenditure detail. Staff believes that the “top-down” resource allocation budget process that has now been used for ten consecutive budget cycles is a more efficient and effective method of making resource allocation decisions than building budgets “up” from detailed line-item expenditure estimates. Also, central to the City’s budget process is the belief that responsibility and accountability for budgeted funds should rest largely with department heads and that these managers should be permitted considerable flexibility in managing their operations within the overall limits of their budgets. As presented herein, proposed departmental expenditures are shown at the expenditure category level of detail (e.g. 5100 “Salaries and Benefits”, 5200 “Operating Supplies”). To further explain by example, “Contractual Services” (5300 level accounts) are budgeted in total rather than listing detail for each of the 50 individual line-item accounts that make up this category. Following are descriptions intended to help the reader understand the makeup of the expense categories as presented in the budget. Salaries and Benefits (5100 level accounts) – This category comprises 23 separate line-item accounts for all wage and benefit costs paid to City employees. Examples include accounts for regular full-time salaries, temporary salaries, FICA, retirement, health insurance, etc. Operating Supplies (5200 level accounts) - This category comprises 34 separate line-item accounts for supplies purchased by City departments. Examples include accounts for office supplies, computer supplies, irrigation supplies, road maintenance supplies, etc. Contractual Services (5300 level accounts) - This category comprises 50 separate line-item accounts for various services purchased from outside service providers. Examples include audit fees, electricity, gas, and other utilities, printing, vehicle rental, insurance, etc. Other Expenses (5400 level accounts) - This category comprises 6 line-item accounts, the primary one being expenditures for conferences, training and travel. Capital Outlays (5700 level accounts) - This category comprises 17 separate accounts for capital equipment purchased by City departments. Examples include land purchases, vehicles, and office furniture and equipment. City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Page 8 of 76 Other Financing Uses (5900 level accounts) - This category comprises 19 separate line-item accounts for uses not technically categorized as “expenditures”. Examples include principal and interest payments on debt, operating transfers between funds, and depreciation. The above is intended to provide you with highlights of the proposed 2010-11 Budget and prepare you for a detailed review of the same. This review is scheduled for a special City Commission meeting on June 7, 2010. A public hearing on the budget is scheduled for the regular City Commission meeting to be held on June 8, 2010. The budget could be adopted at that same meeting. Regardless, City Ordinance requires that the budget be adopted no later than the second meeting in June (June 22, 2010). Finally, I would like to thank Tim Paul, Finance Director, Beth Lewis, Assistant Finance Director, and the other members of the Finance Department for their efforts in preparing the financial information and the proposed document. Respectfully, /s/ Bryon L. Mazade City Manager City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Page 9 of 76 SUMMARY CHARTS AND GRAPHS Page 10 of 76 City of Muskegon 2010‐11 Budgeted Expenditures $53,914,830 STATE GRANTS 1% SEWER 10% TIFA 0% INSURANCE 8% WATER 12% EQUIPMENT 6% EQUIPMENT 6% PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 2% LOCAL STREETS 3% MAJOR STREETS 11% Other 7% ENGINEERING SERVICES 1% CRIMINAL FORFEITURES 0% DDA 1% TREE REPLACEMENT 0% GENERAL FUND 44% LDFA III (Smartzone) 1% PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT 0% FARMERS MKT IMP 0% BRA 0% SIDEWALK 0% ARENA IMPROVEMENT 0% MARINA & LAUNCH RAMP 0% Page 11 of 76 2010‐11 GENERAL FUND REVENUES $23,477,192 All Other Sources 21% State Shared Revenue Taxes 16% 63% 2010‐11 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES $23,473,354 Fixed Budget Items Business 5% Value Added Activities 18% Customer Value Added Activities 77% 2010‐11 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES $23,473,354 Supplies Other Uses Other 2% 4% Expenses 0% Contractual Services 29% Salaries & Capital Benefits 1% 64% Page 12 of 76 GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES LAST 10 YEARS 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 $‐ $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $20,000,000 $25,000,000 $30,000,000 EXPENDITURES REVENUES ACTUAL FUND BALANCE VS TARGET ‐ LAST 10 YEARS $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $‐ 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 FUND BALANCE TARGET FUND BALANCE Page 13 of 76 City of Muskegon 2010-11 Proposed Budget Summary of Budgeted Funds Projected Projected Ending Increase Beginning Fund Fund (Decrease) Fund Balance/Working Projected Projected Balance/Working Balance/Working Fund Name Capital Revenues Expenditures Capital Capital 1 General $ 3,460,030 $ 23,477,192 $ 23,473,354 $ 3,463,868 $ 3,838 2 Major Streets 209,791 7,543,841 6,186,057 1,567,575 1,357,784 3 Local Streets 61,169 1,859,181 1,678,056 242,293 181,125 4 Criminal Forfeitures Fund 123,390 10,500 45,000 88,890 (34,500) 5 Budget Stabilization Fund 1,500,000 - - 1,500,000 - 6 Farmers Market Improvement Fund 12,825 100 12,925 - (12,825) 7 Tree Replacement Fund 6,810 3,500 3,900 6,410 (400) 8 Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Fund 5,703 74,483 75,000 5,186 (517) 9 Tax Increment Finance Authority Fund 37,523 62,291 75,000 24,814 (12,709) 10 Downtown Development Authority Debt Fund 349,256 371,084 346,328 374,012 24,756 11 Local Development Finance Authority III Fund (SZ) 37,001 259,958 275,798 21,161 (15,840) 12 Arena Improvement 80,624 35,600 15,000 101,224 20,600 13 Sidewalk Improvement 629,837 100,000 151,905 577,932 (51,905) 14 Public Improvement 694,224 50,000 213,778 530,446 (163,778) 15 State Grants 599,175 335,000 759,000 175,175 (424,000) 16 Marina & Launch Ramp 225,965 260,000 181,604 304,361 78,396 17 Public Service Building 609,563 975,340 959,282 625,621 16,058 18 Engineering Services (18,342) 560,000 506,100 35,558 53,900 19 Equipment 3,212,049 2,560,000 3,106,325 2,665,724 (546,325) 20 General Insurance 1,356,699 4,250,589 4,213,056 1,394,232 37,533 21 Sewer 230,782 5,570,000 5,393,413 407,369 176,587 22 Water 2,364,834 6,310,537 6,243,949 2,431,422 66,588 Total All Budgeted Funds $ 15,788,908 $ 54,669,195 $ 53,914,830 $ 16,543,274 $ 754,365 Page 14 of 76 GENERAL FUND The general fund is used to account for all revenues and expenditures applicable to the general operations of City government except those required to be accounted for in another fund. General fund revenues are derived primarily from the municipal income tax, property taxes and intergovernmental revenues. Page 15 of 76 CITY OF MUSKEGON GENERAL FUND HISTORICAL SUMMARY Revenues & Expenditures & Fund Balance Year Transfers In Transfers Out at Year-End 2000 $ 23,685,516 $ 22,232,657 $ 2,951,734 2001 23,446,611 23,235,978 3,162,367 2002 23,617,163 23,971,534 2,807,996 2003 23,328,756 23,705,334 2,431,418 2004 23,401,793 23,388,019 2,445,192 2005 23,732,641 23,658,227 2,519,606 2006 24,669,210 24,498,776 2,690,040 2007 25,031,403 24,800,810 2,920,633 2008 25,563,632 26,100,539 2,383,726 2009 24,105,019 24,850,082 1,638,663 2010 15,258,222 13,436,854 3,460,030 Fiscal 2010-11 Budget Summary FUND BALANCE AT START OF YEAR $ 3,460,030 MEANS OF FINANCING: Taxes 14,720,879 62.7% Licenses and Permits 1,031,500 4.4% Federal Grants 77,713 0.3% State Grants 28,000 0.1% State Shared Revenue 3,774,813 16.1% Other Charges 2,442,492 10.4% Interest & Rentals 295,761 1.3% Fines and Fees 512,000 2.2% Other Revenue 469,034 2.0% Other Financing Sources 125,000 0.5% 23,477,192 100.0% ESTIMATED REQUIREMENTS: Customer Value Added Activities 18,028,305 76.8% Business Value Added Activities 4,193,058 17.9% Fixed Budget Items 1,251,991 5.3% 23,473,354 100.0% ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR $ 3,463,868 OPERATING DEFICIT (USE OF FUND BALANCE) $ 3,838 Page 16 of 76 DETAILED REVENUE SUMMARY BY REVENUE CLASSIFICATION Page 17 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Year) Estimate 2010-11 Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 2,690,039 $ 2,920,633 $ 2,383,726 $ 2,047,903 $ 1,638,663 $ 1,638,663 $ 3,460,030 Taxes City income tax $ 7,618,461 $ 7,694,780 $ 6,482,290 $ 6,200,000 $ 2,218,836 $ 3,000,000 $ 6,000,000 Property taxes - general 5,686,706 5,935,022 6,095,132 6,504,184 5,525,484 6,400,000 6,598,476 Property taxes - sanitation 1,658,845 1,731,623 1,787,193 1,530,760 1,275,354 1,500,000 1,736,443 Industrial facilities taxes 364,628 276,203 216,962 183,072 186,322 186,322 89,960 Industrial facilities tax termination - - - - - - 200,000 Payments in lieu of taxes 91,392 91,225 91,435 91,000 - 91,000 91,000 Delinquent chargeback collected - 6 - 5,000 - 5,000 5,000 $ 15,420,032 $ 15,728,859 $ 14,673,012 $ 14,514,016 $ 9,205,996 $ 11,182,322 $ 14,720,879 Licenses and permits Business licenses $ 32,025 $ 32,314 $ 31,573 $ 32,500 $ 17,469 $ 32,500 $ 32,500 Liquor licenses 37,000 38,957 54,235 59,000 9,445 10,000 37,000 Temporary Liquor licenses - - - - 5,244 8,000 10,000 Cable TV franchise fees 296,701 304,812 321,852 310,000 - 155,000 320,000 Rental property registration 695 61,600 112,110 100,000 10,910 15,000 100,000 Property Maintenance Inspection Fees 81,640 - - - - - - Burial permits 117,703 86,515 105,616 110,000 25,118 55,000 110,000 Building permits 348,349 353,042 232,797 225,000 89,854 150,000 225,000 Electrical permits 106,607 98,914 73,940 85,000 28,871 40,000 85,000 Plumbing permits 34,540 41,711 28,966 35,000 13,797 20,000 35,000 Mechanical permits 56,016 68,002 45,452 50,000 18,507 30,000 50,000 Franchise fees 500 - - - - - - Cat licenses 3,740 3,315 2,390 - - - - Vacant building - - 23,750 25,000 25,520 27,000 27,000 Police gun registration 2 5 - - - - - $ 1,115,518 $ 1,089,187 $ 1,032,681 $ 1,031,500 $ 244,735 $ 542,500 $ 1,031,500 Federal grants Federal operational grant $ 84,162 $ 40,622 $ 64,613 $ 40,000 $ 41,642 $ 91,465 $ 77,713 Federal grant - energy project - - - - - - - $ 84,162 $ 40,622 $ 64,613 $ 40,000 $ 41,642 $ 91,465 $ 77,713 State grants Act 302 police training grant $ 18,373 $ 17,702 $ 16,363 $ 18,000 $ - $ - $ 18,000 State operational grant - 10,000 - 10,000 - - 10,000 $ 18,373 $ 27,702 $ 16,363 $ 28,000 $ - $ - $ 28,000 State shared revenue State sales tax - Constitutional $ 2,625,970 $ 2,641,035 $ 2,372,443 $ 2,429,653 $ 359,649 $ 1,102,389 $ 2,323,733 State sales tax - Statutory 1,849,492 1,846,663 1,469,479 1,641,740 175,197 657,632 1,451,080 $ 4,475,462 $ 4,487,698 $ 3,841,922 $ 4,071,393 $ 534,846 $ 1,760,021 $ 3,774,813 Page 18 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Year) Estimate 2010-11 Other charges for sales and services Tax administration fees $ 212,530 $ 315,261 $ 301,784 $ 306,400 $ - $ 192,744 $ 298,300 Utility administration fees 180,000 180,000 200,000 225,000 73,333 112,500 225,000 Reimbursement for elections 22,042 12,006 14,409 - 27 - - Reimbursement for school police officer - 16,012 20,456 19,000 6,119 13,000 19,000 Indirect cost reimbursement 1,024,932 1,021,500 1,140,720 1,171,979 388,056 585,990 1,152,992 Site-plan review fee 5,870 4,245 3,400 4,000 600 1,000 4,000 Sale of cemetery lots 34,982 20,307 24,095 25,000 6,339 12,000 25,000 Sale of columbarium niches 3,200 927 800 2,400 - - 2,400 Police miscellaneous 120,470 81,243 82,882 80,000 9,661 40,000 80,000 Police impound fees 43,234 39,375 43,629 40,000 14,200 20,000 40,000 Landlord's alert fee 220 290 175 300 80 150 300 Fire protection-state property 87,601 127,590 110,079 80,000 - - 80,000 Zoning fees 10,362 8,360 5,697 8,000 2,010 4,000 8,000 Clerk fees 3,115 5,550 1,098 3,500 58 1,500 3,500 Clerk - passport fees 8,240 7,830 3,827 5,000 2,715 3,000 5,000 Tax abatement application fees 16,411 11,711 2,211 10,000 - - 10,000 Lien Look-ups - - - - 7,395 15,000 40,000 Treasurer fees 61,277 43,279 61,033 60,000 3,667 10,000 50,000 False alarm fees 12,525 10,415 10,500 10,000 2,645 4,000 10,000 Miscellaneous cemetery income 20,536 19,282 18,108 22,000 2,324 11,000 22,000 Senior transit program fees 9,254 10,149 9,572 9,000 3,446 4,500 9,000 Fire miscellaneous 3,494 14,700 1,889 3,000 335 1,000 3,000 Sanitation stickers 84,735 81,702 83,254 80,000 23,961 40,000 80,000 Lot cleanup fees (trash) 70,987 63,733 42,244 70,000 12,453 25,000 70,000 Reimbursements for mowing and demolitions 55,484 85,905 59,447 70,000 16,637 25,000 70,000 Special events reimbursements 92,041 15,278 164,966 100,000 800 25,000 100,000 Recreation program fees 41,457 42,959 50,642 45,000 12,141 20,000 35,000 $ 2,224,999 $ 2,239,609 $ 2,456,917 $ 2,449,579 $ 589,002 $ 1,166,384 $ 2,442,492 Interest and rental income Interest $ 456,224 $ 374,525 $ 47,180 $ 50,000 $ - $ 15,000 $ 50,000 Procurement Card Rebate - 35,043 34,883 34,000 - - 34,000 Fire Station Lease - Central Dispatch 6,180 45,450 44,166 42,000 11,465 21,000 42,000 Naval Musem Property Rental - - 4,958 15,000 - 7,500 15,000 Flea market 22,064 27,880 27,262 29,000 - 10,000 29,000 Farmers market 40,325 39,519 41,629 35,000 1,521 12,000 35,000 City hall rental - - - - 600 1,200 7,200 City right of way rental 4,400 6,800 6,881 6,800 6,800 6,800 8,561 Advertising revenue - 123 250 - - - - Parking rentals 2,800 2,800 1,400 - - - - McGraft park rentals 42,114 39,043 61,585 45,000 12,569 10,000 45,000 Other park rentals 30,920 33,795 35,330 30,000 13,924 20,000 30,000 $ 605,027 $ 604,978 $ 305,524 $ 286,800 $ 46,879 $ 103,500 $ 295,761 Page 19 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Year) Estimate 2010-11 Fines and fees Income tax - penalty and interest $ 240,315 $ 284,629 $ 219,490 $ 225,000 $ 76,141 $ 90,000 $ 200,000 Late fees on current taxes 38,931 28,158 36,585 40,000 16,698 30,000 40,000 Interest on late invoices 2,151 1,774 1,717 2,000 48 1,000 2,000 Parking fines 113,354 90,360 111,022 100,000 58,933 50,000 100,000 Court fines 190,651 154,765 154,801 170,000 43,275 75,000 170,000 $ 585,402 $ 559,686 $ 523,615 $ 537,000 $ 195,095 $ 246,000 $ 512,000 Other revenue Sale of land and assets $ - $ 14,488 $ - $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Police sale and auction proceeds - 277 503 - - - - CDBG program reimbursements 225,149 329,756 386,164 335,000 8,512 50,000 393,534 Sanitation reimbursements - - - - 43,030 43,030 - Contributions 50,499 50,224 21,561 11,000 10,990 11,000 11,000 Contributions - Veteran's Park Maintenance 18,328 15,399 15,757 18,500 - - 18,500 Fisherman's Landing Repayment - 15,066 - 14,500 - - 14,500 Darl & Kathleen Staley Trust - - - 3,000 - - 3,000 Muskegon County Community Foundation 3,000 37,543 7,920 1,500 - 500 1,500 Miscellaneous reimbursements - - - 1,000 - 500 1,000 Miscellaneous and sundry 53,794 28,635 65,352 25,000 3,718 10,000 25,000 $ 350,770 $ 491,388 $ 497,257 $ 410,500 $ 66,750 $ 116,030 $ 469,034 Other financing sources Operating transfers in Cemetery Perpetual Care $ 80,185 $ 57,631 $ 55,024 $ 50,000 $ 2,187 $ 25,000 $ 50,000 PIF (PY Fisherman's Landing Payments) - 50,000 - - - - General Insurance Fund - 136,272 77,744 - - - - LDFA Fund - - 347 - - - - Budget Stabilization Fund - - 500,000 500,000 - - - State Grants Fund 11,473 - - - - - - TIFA Fund (Arena Operations) 60,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 16,667 25,000 75,000 $ 151,658 $ 293,903 $ 693,115 $ 600,000 $ 18,854 $ 50,000 $ 125,000 Total general fund revenues and other sources $ 25,031,403 $ 25,563,632 $ 24,105,019 $ 23,968,788 $ 10,943,799 $ 15,258,222 $ 23,477,192 Page 20 of 76 DETAILED EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY VALUED ADDED CLASSIFICATION AND BY FUNCTION Page 21 of 76 Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date % oG (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Revised Year) Estimate 2010-11 I. Customer Value Added Activities 40301 Police Department 5100 Salaries & BeneGits $ 7,141,759 $ 7,633,448 $ 7,703,295 $ 7,411,021 $ 2,248,891 55% $ 4,076,062 $ 8,072,306 5200 Operating Supplies 108,679 95,149 121,778 115,024 14,007 20% 69,014 115,024 5300 Contractual Services 942,510 1,025,211 978,073 901,000 265,304 49% 540,600 791,000 5400 Other Expenses 24,877 25,580 21,617 20,000 4,367 36% 12,000 20,000 5700 Capital Outlays 17,947 26,233 10,539 15,000 7,198 80% 9,000 15,000 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 8,235,772 $ 8,805,621 $ 8,835,302 $ 8,462,045 $ 2,539,767 54% $ 4,706,676 $ 9,013,330 $ 8,235,772 $ 8,805,621 $ 8,835,302 $ 8,462,045 $ 2,539,767 54% $ 4,706,676 $ 9,013,330 50336 Fire Department 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 3,285,855 $ 3,406,826 $ 3,463,760 $ 3,278,088 $ 1,044,255 58% $ 1,802,948 $ 3,137,567 5200 Operating Supplies 90,479 139,937 72,590 96,500 14,867 26% 57,900 96,500 5300 Contractual Services 216,418 225,014 192,142 175,000 57,060 54% 105,000 175,000 5400 Other Expenses 4,757 7,622 4,274 8,500 730 14% 5,100 8,500 5700 Capital Outlays 55,014 57,206 61,563 50,361 43,255 87% 50,000 50,361 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 3,652,523 $ 3,836,605 $ 3,794,329 $ 3,608,449 $ 1,160,167 57% $ 2,020,948 $ 3,467,928 50387 Fire Safety Inspections 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 830,275 $ 890,135 $ 783,088 $ 617,136 $ 191,832 57% $ 339,425 $ 574,975 5200 Operating Supplies 12,157 15,448 12,410 13,000 1,309 10% 13,000 13,000 5300 Contractual Services 107,713 107,928 131,033 114,949 30,415 43% 70,000 105,040 5400 Other Expenses 11,328 24,243 6,122 10,000 1,009 20% 5,000 10,000 5700 Capital Outlays 4,663 3,753 314 2,000 - 0% 1,000 2,000 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 966,136 $ 1,041,507 $ 932,967 $ 757,085 $ 224,565 52% $ 428,425 $ 705,015 $ 4,618,659 $ 4,878,112 $ 4,727,296 $ 4,365,534 $ 1,384,732 57% $ 2,449,373 $ 4,172,943 60523 General Sanitation 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 70,782 $ 74,638 $ 79,617 $ - $ 8,023 27% $ 30,000 $ 26,931 5200 Operating Supplies 1,425 74 - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 1,551,132 1,554,230 1,545,222 1,603,347 128,301 16% 814,174 1,603,347 5400 Other Expenses - 10 60 - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays 26,149 - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - 0% 100,000 200,000 $ 1,649,488 $ 1,628,952 $ 1,624,899 $ 1,603,347 $ 136,324 14% $ 944,174 $ 1,830,278 60528 Recycling 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies 9 - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 163,699 164,568 92,775 - - N/A - - 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 163,699 $ 164,568 $ 92,784 $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - Page 22 of 76 Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date % oG (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Revised Year) Estimate 2010-11 60550 Stormwater Management 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - 327 - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 16,991 17,427 16,991 17,786 4,000 40% 10,000 17,786 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 16,991 $ 17,754 $ 16,991 $ 17,786 $ 4,000 40% $ 10,000 $ 17,786 60448 Streetlighting 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 593,486 643,477 735,479 625,000 70,339 18% 390,000 775,000 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - 10,000 - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 593,486 $ 643,477 $ 735,479 $ 635,000 $ 70,339 18% $ 390,000 $ 775,000 60707 Senior Citizen Transit 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 50,164 $ 50,001 $ 53,745 $ 56,816 $ 16,102 52% $ 31,249 $ 57,000 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 9,660 9,620 9,158 11,287 3,200 53% 6,000 11,287 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 59,824 $ 59,621 $ 62,903 $ 68,103 $ 19,302 52% $ 37,249 $ 68,287 60446 Community Event Support 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 13,848 $ 19,636 $ 17,893 $ 17,714 $ 1,988 11% $ 17,714 $ 3,866 5200 Operating Supplies 1,069 1,130 1,083 1,100 190 17% 1,100 1,100 5300 Contractual Services 13,920 11,579 21,620 12,500 692 12% 6,000 12,500 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 28,837 $ 32,345 $ 40,596 $ 31,314 $ 2,870 12% $ 24,814 $ 17,466 70751 Parks Maintenance 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 389,710 $ 423,774 $ 398,357 $ 429,254 $ 112,493 48% $ 236,090 $ 380,685 5200 Operating Supplies 117,237 146,487 109,813 128,900 6,000 9% 70,000 128,900 5300 Contractual Services 822,713 871,920 734,209 745,867 120,861 30% 400,000 555,867 5400 Other Expenses 138 283 1,010 - 175 44% 400 - 5700 Capital Outlays 11,027 12,575 21,043 11,000 - 0% 5,000 11,000 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 1,340,825 $ 1,455,039 $ 1,264,432 $ 1,315,021 $ 239,529 34% $ 711,490 $ 1,076,452 Page 23 of 76 Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date % oG (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Revised Year) Estimate 2010-11 70757 Mc Graft Park Maintenance 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 4,928 $ 5,770 $ 7,073 $ 6,441 $ 3,283 66% $ 5,000 $ 6,692 5200 Operating Supplies 1,760 2,407 1,922 1,600 476 30% 1,600 1,600 5300 Contractual Services 39,688 49,956 56,527 45,905 3,766 15% 25,000 45,905 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 46,376 $ 58,133 $ 65,522 $ 53,946 $ 7,525 24% $ 31,600 $ 54,197 70276 Cemeteries Maintenance 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 187,185 $ 204,063 $ 194,944 $ 178,208 $ 58,239 59% $ 98,014 $ 156,229 5200 Operating Supplies 6,839 5,126 8,113 6,750 - 0% 3,500 6,750 5300 Contractual Services 340,379 279,623 270,468 260,736 36,157 28% 130,000 210,736 5400 Other Expenses 50 23 - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays 11,522 9,515 8,827 10,500 - 0% 5,000 10,500 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 545,975 $ 498,350 $ 482,352 $ 456,194 $ 94,396 40% $ 236,514 $ 384,215 70585 Parking Operations 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 2,637 $ 1,564 $ 759 $ 54 $ 501 50% $ 1,000 $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - 109 - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 3,968 3,758 4,357 3,000 694 46% 1,500 3,000 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 6,605 $ 5,431 $ 5,116 $ 3,054 $ 1,195 48% $ 2,500 $ 3,000 70357 Graffiti Removal 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ 357 $ - $ 195 39% $ 500 $ - 5200 Operating Supplies 823 2,143 178 1,000 36 7% 500 1,000 5300 Contractual Services 2,390 1,797 - 3,861 - 0% 1,000 3,861 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 3,213 $ 3,940 $ 535 $ 4,861 $ 231 12% $ 2,000 $ 4,861 70863 Farmers' Market & Flea Market 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 17,993 $ 17,337 $ 19,680 $ 22,047 $ 4,424 36% $ 12,126 $ 22,292 5200 Operating Supplies 970 2,904 2,802 1,200 67 8% 800 1,200 5300 Contractual Services 24,615 23,569 26,923 25,600 4,370 34% 13,000 25,600 5400 Other Expenses - 75 35 150 50 33% 150 150 5700 Capital Outlays - - 546 3,000 - 0% 3,000 3,000 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 43,578 $ 43,885 $ 49,986 $ 51,997 $ 8,911 31% $ 29,076 $ 52,242 $ 4,498,897 $ 4,611,495 $ 4,441,595 $ 4,240,623 $ 584,622 24% $ 2,419,416 $ 4,283,784 Page 24 of 76 Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date % oG (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Revised Year) Estimate 2010-11 70775 General Recreation 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 88,539 $ 126,835 $ 132,485 $ 131,728 $ 38,660 53% $ 72,450 $ - 5200 Operating Supplies 24,170 29,715 12,989 12,500 4,589 61% 7,500 - 5300 Contractual Services 150,924 153,665 177,912 104,527 12,402 31% 40,000 75,000 5400 Other Expenses 889 1,479 1,730 4,000 708 35% 2,000 - 5700 Capital Outlays - 2,348 - 3,000 - 0% 1,500 - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 264,522 $ 314,042 $ 325,116 $ 255,755 $ 56,359 46% $ 123,450 $ 75,000 80387 Environmental Services 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 123,848 $ 132,228 $ 138,594 $ 149,049 $ 41,216 50% $ 81,977 $ 150,114 5200 Operating Supplies 7,047 9,998 7,008 7,200 762 19% 4,000 7,200 5300 Contractual Services 199,019 260,853 157,577 156,610 12,597 15% 85,000 156,610 5400 Other Expenses - 40 - 500 - 0% 300 500 5700 Capital Outlays 2,852 267 2,904 3,000 177 12% 1,500 3,000 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 332,766 $ 403,386 $ 306,083 $ 316,359 $ 54,752 32% $ 172,777 $ 317,424 $ 597,288 $ 717,428 $ 631,199 $ 572,114 $ 111,111 38% $ 296,227 $ 392,424 10875 Other - Contributions to Outside Agencies Muskegon Area Transit (MATS) $ 80,163 $ 80,164 $ 80,164 $ 80,164 $ 20,041 50% $ 40,082 $ 80,164 Neighborhood Association Grants 22,000 19,252 20,966 21,000 20,803 99% 21,000 21,000 Muskegon Area First 45,566 45,660 45,568 35,660 17,784 91% 19,613 45,660 Veterans Memorial Day Costs - 6,827 6,886 7,000 - 0% 7,000 7,000 Great Lakes Water - - - - - N/A - - Mainstreet - - 10,000 5,000 5,000 100% 5,000 5,000 Lakeside Business District 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 100% 2,500 2,500 211 Service 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 100% 2,500 2,500 Gypsy Moth Program - - 15,250 - - N/A - - MLK Diversity Program - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 100% 1,000 1,000 Muskegon Area Labor Management (MALMC) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 0% 1,000 1,000 Muskegon County and Humane Society - Feral Cats 27,151 27,250 27,647 - - N/A - - Other - - - - N/A - - Contributions To Outside Agencies $ 180,880 $ 186,153 $ 213,481 $ 155,824 $ 69,628 70% $ 99,695 $ 165,824 $ 180,880 $ 186,153 $ 213,481 $ 155,824 $ 69,628 70% $ 99,695 $ 165,824 Total Customer Value Added Activities $ 18,131,496 $ 19,198,809 $ 18,848,873 $ 17,796,140 $ 4,689,860 47% $ 9,971,388 $ 18,028,305 As a Percent of Total General Fund Expenditures 73.1% 73.6% 75.9% 74.4% 71.2% 74.2% 76.8% Page 25 of 76 Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date % oG (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Revised Year) Estimate 2010-11 II. Business Value Added Activities 10101 City Commission 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 62,251 $ 66,313 $ 64,304 $ 67,213 $ 20,750 56% $ 36,967 $ 66,239 5200 Operating Supplies 11,824 15,037 15,483 12,500 67 1% 6,000 8,500 5300 Contractual Services 2,335 1,741 1,654 1,800 465 52% 900 1,800 5400 Other Expenses 3,064 2,604 1,785 3,500 460 23% 2,000 2,000 5700 Capital Outlays 988 1,082 1,200 1,200 400 67% 600 1,200 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 80,462 $ 86,777 $ 84,426 $ 86,213 $ 22,142 48% $ 46,467 $ 79,739 10102 City Promotions & Public Relations 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies 985 455 594 200 69 35% 200 200 5300 Contractual Services 10,708 7,727 10,513 11,150 383 8% 5,000 11,150 5400 Other Expenses 2 - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 11,695 $ 8,182 $ 11,107 $ 11,350 $ 452 9% $ 5,200 $ 11,350 10172 City Manager 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 208,363 $ 221,512 $ 257,523 $ 252,364 $ 85,224 61% $ 138,800 $ 262,195 5200 Operating Supplies 1,613 1,478 1,566 2,500 25 2% 1,500 2,500 5300 Contractual Services 2,446 1,463 6,304 7,500 4,040 90% 4,500 7,500 5400 Other Expenses 1,153 638 630 1,750 84 8% 1,050 1,750 5700 Capital Outlays 272 473 - 1,000 - 0% 600 1,000 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 213,847 $ 225,564 $ 266,023 $ 265,114 $ 89,373 61% $ 146,450 $ 274,945 10145 City Attorney 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies 790 808 808 2,000 - 0% 2,000 2,000 5300 Contractual Services 439,644 479,745 348,078 350,508 78,104 45% 175,254 320,508 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 440,434 $ 480,553 $ 348,886 $ 352,508 $ 78,104 44% $ 177,254 $ 322,508 $ 746,438 $ 801,076 $ 710,442 $ 715,185 $ 190,071 51% $ 375,371 $ 688,542 20173 Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 117,263 $ 31,721 $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies 1,083 36 - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 7,782 6,329 - - - N/A - - 5400 Other Expenses 109 70 - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays 206 516 - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 126,443 $ 38,672 $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - Page 26 of 76 Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date % oG (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Revised Year) Estimate 2010-11 20228 Affirmative Action 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 68,661 $ 75,308 $ 78,069 $ 78,451 $ 23,320 54% $ 43,148 $ 80,207 5200 Operating Supplies 512 588 446 750 41 9% 450 750 5300 Contractual Services 1,533 1,705 1,279 2,027 261 21% 1,216 2,027 5400 Other Expenses 856 707 1,336 1,000 - 0% 600 1,000 5700 Capital Outlays 163 1,625 - 500 - 0% 300 500 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 71,725 $ 79,933 $ 81,130 $ 82,728 $ 23,622 52% $ 45,714 $ 84,484 20744 Julia Hackley Internships 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 5,374 $ 7,988 $ 2,797 $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - 5400 Other Expenses - - 64 - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 5,374 $ 7,988 $ 2,861 $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 20215 City Clerk & Elections 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 241,725 $ 272,252 $ 234,233 $ 254,721 $ 61,310 44% $ 140,097 $ 256,175 5200 Operating Supplies 21,443 22,953 18,880 30,622 2,255 12% 18,373 30,622 5300 Contractual Services 11,670 19,741 21,333 15,750 6,835 72% 9,450 15,750 5400 Other Expenses 1,383 3,580 283 1,500 228 25% 900 1,500 5700 Capital Outlays 1,388 1,022 1,009 1,200 - 0% 720 1,200 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 277,609 $ 319,548 $ 275,738 $ 303,793 $ 70,628 42% $ 169,540 $ 305,247 20220 Civil Service 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 131,159 $ 153,656 $ 164,928 $ 162,684 $ 50,842 57% $ 89,476 $ 60,000 5200 Operating Supplies 5,621 5,554 7,461 5,900 498 14% 3,540 5,900 5300 Contractual Services 22,713 22,246 14,258 16,223 1,814 19% 9,734 16,223 5400 Other Expenses 3,651 4,029 3,457 4,000 311 13% 2,400 4,000 5700 Capital Outlays 617 888 - 1,000 549 92% 600 1,000 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 163,761 $ 186,373 $ 190,104 $ 189,807 $ 54,014 51% $ 105,750 $ 87,123 $ 644,912 $ 632,514 $ 549,833 $ 576,328 $ 148,264 46% $ 321,004 $ 476,854 30202 Finance Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 331,273 $ 352,627 $ 359,141 $ 361,519 $ 104,695 62% $ 168,585 $ 324,630 5200 Operating Supplies 5,488 5,009 3,792 4,700 500 18% 2,820 4,700 5300 Contractual Services 78,509 83,921 88,098 66,275 47,965 80% 60,000 66,275 5400 Other Expenses 413 2,442 393 1,000 11 2% 600 1,000 5700 Capital Outlays 7,829 1,661 342 3,000 51 3% 1,800 3,000 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 423,512 $ 445,660 $ 451,766 $ 436,494 $ 153,222 66% $ 233,805 $ 399,605 Page 27 of 76 Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date % oG (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Revised Year) Estimate 2010-11 30209 Assessing Services 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 6,703 $ 6,345 $ 6,044 $ 6,365 $ 2,423 76% $ 3,183 $ 6,423 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 453,134 463,935 461,810 459,300 115,620 50% 229,650 459,300 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 459,837 $ 470,280 $ 467,854 $ 465,665 $ 118,043 51% $ 232,833 $ 465,723 30805 Arena Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 267,883 239,815 252,540 235,000 78,546 75% 105,000 235,000 5400 Other Expenses 129 3 - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays 1,422 1,784 1,722 - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 269,434 $ 241,602 $ 254,262 $ 235,000 $ 78,546 75% $ 105,000 $ 235,000 30205 Income Tax Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 287,511 $ 306,084 $ 324,128 $ 333,331 $ 102,023 56% $ 183,332 $ 339,048 5200 Operating Supplies 18,228 17,997 13,145 17,260 6,786 66% 10,356 17,260 5300 Contractual Services 66,375 77,878 67,536 66,636 30,650 77% 39,982 66,636 5400 Other Expenses 960 743 373 800 - 0% 480 800 5700 Capital Outlays 360 1,606 - 1,500 - 0% 900 1,500 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 373,434 $ 404,308 $ 405,182 $ 419,527 $ 139,459 59% $ 235,050 $ 425,244 30253 City Treasurer 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 245,360 $ 279,040 $ 310,062 $ 312,773 $ 96,758 56% $ 172,025 $ 321,707 5200 Operating Supplies 28,725 35,237 44,604 50,000 13,050 44% 30,000 50,000 5300 Contractual Services 66,420 72,557 91,798 85,000 27,792 54% 51,000 85,000 5400 Other Expenses 553 368 239 1,500 39 4% 900 1,500 5700 Capital Outlays - 2,016 157 2,921 - 0% 1,753 2,921 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 341,058 $ 389,218 $ 446,860 $ 452,194 $ 137,639 54% $ 255,678 $ 461,128 30248 Information Systems Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 250,554 $ 269,070 $ 283,469 $ 282,869 $ 92,620 60% $ 155,578 $ 290,915 5200 Operating Supplies 170 500 647 6,302 - 0% 3,781 6,302 5300 Contractual Services 50,392 54,730 54,143 67,093 31,145 77% 40,256 67,093 5400 Other Expenses 328 8,976 3,160 3,000 - 0% 1,800 3,000 5700 Capital Outlays 62,801 14,486 39,280 27,040 1,885 12% 16,224 27,040 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 364,245 $ 347,762 $ 380,699 $ 386,304 $ 125,650 58% $ 217,639 $ 394,350 $ 2,231,520 $ 2,298,830 $ 2,406,623 $ 2,395,184 $ 752,559 59% $ 1,280,004 $ 2,381,050 Page 28 of 76 Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date % oG (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Revised Year) Estimate 2010-11 60265 City Hall Maintenance 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 67,232 $ 73,368 $ 74,228 $ 69,971 $ 22,520 38% $ 59,971 $ 28,732 5200 Operating Supplies 10,883 19,138 12,899 15,000 1,671 19% 9,000 15,000 5300 Contractual Services 177,747 187,421 199,731 226,115 29,007 21% 135,669 226,115 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays 719 4,532 - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 256,581 $ 284,459 $ 286,858 $ 311,086 $ 53,198 26% $ 204,640 $ 269,847 $ 256,581 $ 284,459 $ 286,858 $ 311,086 $ 53,198 26% $ 204,640 $ 269,847 80400 Planning, Zoning and Economic Development 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 403,843 $ 455,659 $ 480,298 $ 418,229 $ 116,081 61% $ 188,776 $ 345,865 5200 Operating Supplies 4,821 6,062 3,931 4,600 365 13% 2,760 4,600 5300 Contractual Services 44,965 57,353 27,692 20,300 4,278 35% 12,180 20,300 5400 Other Expenses 3,391 2,767 1,891 4,000 87 4% 2,400 4,000 5700 Capital Outlays 5,093 2,086 - 2,000 - 0% 1,200 2,000 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 462,113 $ 523,927 $ 513,812 $ 449,129 $ 120,811 58% $ 207,316 $ 376,765 $ 462,113 $ 523,927 $ 513,812 $ 449,129 $ 120,811 58% $ 207,316 $ 376,765 Total Business Value Added Activities $ 4,341,564 $ 4,540,806 $ 4,467,568 $ 4,446,912 $ 1,264,903 53% $ 2,388,336 $ 4,193,058 As a Percent of Total General Fund Expenditures 17.5% 17.4% 18.0% 18.6% 19.2% 17.8% 17.9% Page 29 of 76 Quarterly Budget Reforecast - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Revised 2010 Original Budget Actual to Date % oG (6/30/10 Stub Original Budget Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Estimate 2010 2010 Revised Year) Estimate 2010-11 III. Fixed Budget Items 30999 Transfers To Other Funds Major Street Fund $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - Local Street Fund 480,000 480,000 510,000 480,000 160,000 114% 140,000 280,000 Budget Stabilization Fund 250,000 250,000 - - - N/A - - Tax Appeal Reserve - - - 158,502 - N/A - - Public Improvement Fund (Fire Equipment Reserve) 150,000 150,000 - - - N/A - - State Grants Fund (Grant Matches) 154,880 - - - - N/A - - Marina 40,000 40,000 - - - N/A - - Sidewalk 300,000 150,000 - - - N/A - - LDFA Debt Service Fund (Smartzone) 100,000 150,000 120,000 100,000 33,333 67% 50,000 100,000 General Insurance 28,046 28,046 28,046 28,046 9,349 67% 14,023 28,046 $ 1,702,926 $ 1,448,046 $ 658,046 $ 766,548 $ 202,682 99% $ 204,023 $ 408,046 30851 General Insurance $ 350,385 $ 386,191 $ 311,636 $ 309,642 $ 286,934 100% $ 286,934 $ 300,000 30906 Debt Retirement 208,859 275,833 270,064 285,345 109,174 100% 109,174 293,945 10891 Contingency and Bad Debt Expense - 76,100 126,656 300,000 - 0% 400,000 250,000 90000 Major Capital Improvements 65,580 174,754 167,239 20,000 34,211 44% 77,000 - Total Fixed-Budget Items $ 2,327,750 $ 2,360,924 $ 1,533,641 $ 1,681,535 $ 633,001 59% $ 1,077,131 $ 1,251,991 As a Percent of Total General Fund Expenditures 9.4% 9.0% 6.2% 7.0% 9.6% 8.0% 5.3% Total General Fund $ 24,800,810 $ 26,100,539 $ 24,850,082 $ 23,924,587 $ 6,587,764 49% $ 13,436,854 $ 23,473,354 Recap: Total General Fund By Expenditure Object 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 14,634,795 $ 15,557,198 $ 15,632,871 $ 14,898,046 $ 4,548,668 56% $ 8,184,493 $ 14,970,793 5200 Operating Supplies 484,841 581,806 474,951 537,108 67,630 21% 319,695 520,608 5300 Contractual Services 7,434,746 7,830,946 7,449,006 7,203,118 1,563,625 36% 4,303,693 6,884,040 5400 Other Expenses 58,031 86,282 48,459 65,200 8,259 22% 38,080 59,700 5700 Capital Outlays 276,612 320,428 316,685 169,222 87,726 49% 177,697 136,222 5900 All Other Financing Uses 1,911,785 1,723,879 928,110 1,051,893 311,856 75% 413,197 901,991 Total General Fund $ 24,800,810 $ 26,100,539 $ 24,850,082 $ 23,924,587 $ 6,587,764 49% $ 13,436,854 $ 23,473,354 Page 30 of 76 NON-GENERAL FUND BUDGETS Major Streets and State Trunklines Fund Local Streets Fund Budget Stabilization Fund Farmers Market Improvement Budget Criminal Forfeitures Budget Tree Replacement Budget Brownfield Redevelopment Authority Budget Local Development Finance Authority Budget Tax Increment Finance Authority Budget Downtown Development Authority Budget Arena Improvement Fund Sidewalk Improvement Fund Public Improvement Fund State Grants Fund Marina & Launch Ramp Fund Equipment Fund Public Service Building Fund Engineering Services Fund General Insurance Fund Sewer Fund Water Fund Page 31 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 202 Major Streets and State Trunklines Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 708,102 $ 1,169,135 $ 284,912 $ 238,512 $ 272,846 $ 272,846 $ 209,791 Means of Financing Special assessments $ 272,291 $ 248,582 $ 233,007 $ 200,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ 200,000 Federal & state grants 2,303,829 2,100,723 1,593,425 866,000 - 150,250 2,592,000 State shared revenue 2,629,710 2,564,204 2,558,600 2,686,841 449,283 1,343,420 2,686,841 Interest income 116,227 70,691 50,177 25,000 151 5,000 25,000 Operating transfers in 200,000 200,000 200,000 - - - - LDFA II and Public Improvement Fund Other 370,376 87,620 45,384 75,000 1,792 30,000 2,040,000 MTF Bond Issue for Grant Matches $ 5,892,433 $ 5,271,820 $ 4,680,593 $ 3,852,841 $ 451,226 $ 1,553,670 $ 7,543,841 60900 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 663,738 $ 742,133 $ 629,511 $ 837,116 $ 180,995 39% $ 460,414 $ 818,088 5200 Operating Supplies 284,582 208,422 225,883 235,600 69,752 49% 141,360 235,600 5300 Contractual Services 1,093,974 1,184,346 946,059 1,111,369 327,223 49% 666,821 1,111,369 5400 Other Expenses 1,803 8,339 3,354 1,000 274 46% 600 1,000 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses 968,638 399,907 - 200,000 - 0% 100,000 400,000 TRANSFER TO LOCAL STREET FUND $ 3,012,735 $ 2,543,147 $ 1,804,807 $ 2,385,085 $ 578,244 42% $ 1,369,195 $ 2,566,057 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL 5300 Contractual Services 2,418,665 3,612,896 2,887,852 1,390,000 81,200 33% 247,530 3,620,000 IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - $ 2,418,665 $ 3,612,896 $ 2,887,852 $ 1,390,000 $ 81,200 33% $ 247,530 $ 3,620,000 $ 5,431,400 $ 6,156,043 $ 4,692,659 $ 3,775,085 $ 659,444 41% $ 1,616,725 $ 6,186,057 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 1,169,135 $ 284,912 $ 272,846 $ 316,268 $ 64,628 $ 209,791 $ 1,567,575 Page 32 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 203 Local Streets Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 648,231 $ 1,389,910 $ 396,406 $ 251,450 $ 134,437 $ 134,437 $ 61,169 Means of Financing Special assessments $ 705,740 $ 56,669 $ 92,657 $ 70,000 $ - $ 7,000 $ 70,000 Federal & state grants 240,000 934,909 215,000 130,000 - 91,000 120,000 Metro act fees 140,010 142,692 145,169 145,000 - 145,000 145,000 State shared revenue 658,387 635,728 619,263 619,181 107,225 309,590 619,181 Interest income 243,947 43,178 20,955 10,000 253 2,000 10,000 Operating transfers in 780,000 480,000 512,624 680,000 160,000 340,000 880,000 FROM GENERAL FUND & MAJOR Other 15,747 25,878 2,667 15,000 - 2,500 15,000 $ 2,783,831 $ 2,319,054 $ 1,608,335 $ 1,669,181 $ 267,478 $ 897,090 $ 1,859,181 60900 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 607,155 $ 642,207 $ 661,735 $ 488,179 $ 204,674 76% $ 268,498 $ 490,956 5200 Operating Supplies 110,130 235,172 135,883 118,000 29,894 42% 70,800 118,000 5300 Contractual Services 863,047 905,676 773,321 900,000 256,247 47% 540,000 900,000 5400 Other Expenses 384 499 242 100 53 88% 60 100 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 1,580,716 $ 1,783,554 $ 1,571,181 $ 1,506,279 $ 490,868 56% $ 879,358 $ 1,509,056 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL 5300 Contractual Services 461,436 1,529,004 299,123 285,000 17,512 19% 91,000 169,000 IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL $ 461,436 $ 1,529,004 $ 299,123 $ 285,000 $ 17,512 19% $ 91,000 $ 169,000 $ 2,042,152 $ 3,312,558 $ 1,870,304 $ 1,791,279 $ 508,380 52% $ 970,358 $ 1,678,056 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 1,389,910 $ 396,406 $ 134,437 $ 129,352 $ (106,465) $ 61,169 $ 242,293 Page 33 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 257 Budget Stabilization Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 1,500,000 $ 1,750,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services - - - - - - - Interest income - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - General Fund 250,000 250,000 - - - - - Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 70805 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - 500,000 500,000 - N/A - - TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND $ - $ - $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ - N/A $ - $ - 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ - N/A $ - $ - Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 1,750,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 Page 34 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 260 Farmers' Market Improvement Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 25,465 $ 26,755 $ 17,565 $ 17,765 $ 17,725 $ 17,725 $ 12,825 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services - - - - - - - Interest income 1,290 710 160 100 68 100 100 Operating transfers in - General Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - $ 1,290 $ 710 $ 160 $ 100 $ 68 $ 100 $ 100 70805 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services - 9,900 - - - N/A - - 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ 9,900 $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ 5,000 $ 12,925 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 0% $ 5,000 $ 12,925 $ - $ 9,900 $ - $ - $ - 0% $ 5,000 $ 12,925 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 26,755 $ 17,565 $ 17,725 $ 17,865 $ 17,793 $ 12,825 $ - Page 35 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 264 Criminal Forfeitures Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 157,835 $ 138,160 $ 81,856 $ 47,856 $ 140,640 $ 140,640 $ 123,390 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services - - - - - - - Interest income 7,566 3,518 881 500 441 250 500 Operating transfers in - General Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund - - - - - - - Other 21,143 10,840 62,406 10,000 - 5,000 10,000 $ 28,709 $ 14,358 $ 63,287 $ 10,500 $ 441 $ 5,250 $ 10,500 70805 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 949 - - 45,000 - 0% 22,500 45,000 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays 47,435 70,662 4,503 - 3,701 N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 48,384 $ 70,662 $ 4,503 $ 45,000 $ 3,701 16% $ 22,500 $ 45,000 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ 48,384 $ 70,662 $ 4,503 $ 45,000 $ 3,701 16% $ 22,500 $ 45,000 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 138,160 $ 81,856 $ 140,640 $ 13,356 $ 137,380 $ 123,390 $ 88,890 Page 36 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 285 Tree Replacement Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 10,210 $ 9,108 $ 10,043 $ 6,543 $ 8,590 $ 8,590 $ 6,810 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - 5,000 - 3,000 - - 3,000 State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services - - - 400 - 20 400 Interest income 522 249 73 100 37 50 100 Operating transfers in - General Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund - - - - - - - Other 1,400 1,045 1,600 - 1,600 - - $ 1,922 $ 6,294 $ 1,673 $ 3,500 $ 1,637 $ 70 $ 3,500 70805 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies 3,024 5,359 3,126 3,900 3,200 173% 1,850 3,900 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 3,024 $ 5,359 $ 3,126 $ 3,900 $ 3,200 173% $ 1,850 $ 3,900 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ 3,024 $ 5,359 $ 3,126 $ 3,900 $ 3,200 173% $ 1,850 $ 3,900 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 9,108 $ 10,043 $ 8,590 $ 6,143 $ 7,027 $ 6,810 $ 6,410 Page 37 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 295 Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (Betten Project) Available Fund Balance - BOY $ - $ - $ (17,862) $ (10,362) $ (10,214) $ (10,214) $ 5,703 Means of Financing Property taxes $ - $ - $ 9,951 $ 21,847 $ 15,917 $ 15,917 $ 74,483 Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services - - - - - - - Interest income - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - General Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - $ - $ - $ 9,951 $ 21,847 $ 15,917 $ 15,917 $ 74,483 70805 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services - 17,862 2,303 11,000 - N/A - 75,000 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ 17,862 $ 2,303 $ 11,000 $ - N/A $ - $ 75,000 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ - $ 17,862 $ 2,303 $ 11,000 $ - N/A $ - $ 75,000 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ - $ (17,862) $ (10,214) $ 485 $ 5,703 $ 5,703 $ 5,186 Page 38 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 290 Local Development Finance Authority III Fund - Edison Landing (Smartzone) Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 104,991 $ 27,275 $ 8,752 $ 18,194 $ 13,765 $ 13,765 $ 37,001 Means of Financing Property taxes $ 28,901 $ 38,249 $ 91,281 $ 94,183 $ 71,360 $ 71,360 $ 84,658 Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services - - - - - - - Interest income 4,881 1,126 180 300 106 300 300 Operating transfers in - General Fund 100,000 150,000 120,000 100,000 33,333 50,000 100,000 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Other 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 - - 75,000 CONTRIBUTION $ 208,782 $ 264,375 $ 286,461 $ 269,483 $ 104,799 $ 121,660 $ 259,958 70805 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 1,000 350 1,700 500 - N/A - 500 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses 285,498 282,548 279,748 276,847 - 0% 98,424 275,298 $ 286,498 $ 282,898 $ 281,448 $ 277,347 $ - 0% $ 98,424 $ 275,798 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ 286,498 $ 282,898 $ 281,448 $ 277,347 $ - 0% $ 98,424 $ 275,798 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 27,275 $ 8,752 $ 13,765 $ 10,330 $ 118,564 $ 37,001 $ 21,161 Page 39 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 305 Tax Increment Finance Authority Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 8,758 $ 6,352 $ 13,983 $ 20,862 $ 21,789 $ 21,789 $ 37,523 Means of Financing Property taxes $ 56,835 $ 57,458 $ 67,664 $ 54,526 $ 40,634 $ 40,634 $ 62,091 Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services - - - - - - - Interest income 759 173 142 200 71 100 200 Operating transfers in - General Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - $ 57,594 $ 57,631 $ 67,806 $ 54,726 $ 40,705 $ 40,734 $ 62,291 70805 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses 60,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 16,667 67% 25,000 75,000 TO GENERAL FUND FOR ARENA $ 60,000 $ 50,000 $ 60,000 $ 50,000 $ 16,667 67% $ 25,000 $ 75,000 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ 60,000 $ 50,000 $ 60,000 $ 50,000 $ 16,667 67% $ 25,000 $ 75,000 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 6,352 $ 13,983 $ 21,789 $ 25,588 $ 45,827 $ 37,523 $ 24,814 Page 40 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 394 Downtown Development Authority Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ (103,996) $ (58,608) $ 14,618 $ 303,209 $ 289,526 $ 289,526 $ 349,256 Means of Financing Property taxes $ 476,460 $ 505,697 $ 614,632 $ 520,480 $ 347,107 $ 347,107 $ 370,584 Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State proposal A reimbursement revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services - - - - - - - Interest income - 926 999 500 757 800 500 Operating transfers in - General Fund - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - PIF - 100,000 - - - - - Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund - 284,787 - - - - - Other - - - - - - - $ 476,460 $ 891,410 $ 615,631 $ 520,980 $ 347,864 $ 347,907 $ 371,084 70805 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 83,330 10,250 - - - 0% 250 250 5400 Other Expenses - 468,641 - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses 347,742 339,293 340,723 340,964 - 0% 287,927 346,078 DEBT SERVICE $ 431,072 $ 818,184 $ 340,723 $ 340,964 $ - 0% $ 288,177 $ 346,328 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ 431,072 $ 818,184 $ 340,723 $ 340,964 $ - 0% $ 288,177 $ 346,328 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ (58,608) $ 14,618 $ 289,526 $ 483,225 $ 637,390 $ 349,256 $ 374,012 Page 41 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 408 Arena Improvement Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 79,386 $ 76,724 $ 103,279 $ 79,279 $ 71,024 $ 71,024 $ 80,624 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services 37,363 35,309 37,686 35,000 21,525 24,000 35,000 Interest income 3,603 2,457 734 600 351 600 600 Operating transfers in - - - - - - - Other - - - - - - - $ 40,966 $ 37,766 $ 38,420 $ 35,600 $ 21,876 $ 24,600 $ 35,600 30906 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - 0% 5300 Contractual Services 43,628 11,211 70,675 25,000 11,894 N/A 15,000 15,000 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 43,628 $ 11,211 $ 70,675 $ 25,000 $ 11,894 79% $ 15,000 $ 15,000 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ 43,628 $ 11,211 $ 70,675 $ 25,000 $ 11,894 79% $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 76,724 $ 103,279 $ 71,024 $ 89,879 $ 81,006 $ 80,624 $ 101,224 Page 42 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 403 Sidewalk Improvement Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 902,104 $ 1,017,584 $ 989,494 $ 880,809 $ 819,083 $ 819,083 $ 629,837 Means of Financing Special assessments $ 142,505 $ 120,301 $ 109,431 $ 75,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ 75,000 Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services - - - - - - - Interest income 69,753 50,225 27,514 25,000 3,095 10,000 25,000 Operating transfers in 300,000 150,000 - - - - - Other - - - - - - - $ 512,258 $ 320,526 $ 136,945 $ 100,000 $ 3,095 $ 20,000 $ 100,000 30906 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 950 - 2,275 - - 0% 1,000 1,000 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - 3,381 - - - N/A - - DEBT SERVICE ON SIDEWALK 5900 Other Financing Uses 395,828 345,235 303,684 224,751 71,750 34% 208,246 150,905 ASSESSMENT BONDS $ 396,778 $ 348,616 $ 305,959 $ 224,751 $ 71,750 34% $ 209,246 $ 151,905 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - 1,397 - - N/A - - 5400 Other Expenses - - - - N/A - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ 1,397 $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ 396,778 $ 348,616 $ 307,356 $ 224,751 $ 71,750 34% $ 209,246 $ 151,905 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 1,017,584 $ 989,494 $ 819,083 $ 756,058 $ 750,428 $ 629,837 $ 577,932 Page 43 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 404 Public Improvement Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 4,842,311 $ 2,151,037 $ 1,985,126 $ 1,050,045 $ 1,319,726 $ 1,319,726 $ 694,224 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Property taxes - - - - - - - Federal & state grants - - - - - - - Charges for services - - 100,075 - - - - Sales of Property 126,736 280,031 13,201 25,000 675 2,000 25,000 Interest income 198,398 76,446 16,140 20,000 6,828 10,000 20,000 Operating transfers in 154,047 150,000 14,216 - - - - Other 40,592 80,087 486 - - 1,000 5,000 $ 519,773 $ 586,564 $ 144,118 $ 45,000 $ 7,503 $ 13,000 $ 50,000 30936 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services - - - 5,000 - 0% 2,500 5,000 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - DEBT SERVICE (ULA LOAN; FIRE TRUCK 5900 Other Financing Uses 292,223 442,419 569,523 152,838 121,001 100% 121,002 208,778 INSTALLMENT PURCHASE); ENERGY GRANT MATCH $ 292,223 $ 442,419 $ 569,523 $ 157,838 $ 121,001 98% $ 123,502 $ 213,778 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays 2,918,824 310,056 239,995 465,000 9,637 2% 515,000 - $ 2,918,824 $ 310,056 $ 239,995 $ 465,000 $ 9,637 2% $ 515,000 $ - $ 3,211,047 $ 752,475 $ 809,518 $ 622,838 $ 130,638 20% $ 638,502 $ 213,778 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 2,151,037 $ 1,985,126 $ 1,319,726 $ 472,207 $ 1,196,591 $ 694,224 $ 530,446 Page 44 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 482 State Grants Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 77,048 $ 150,102 $ 649,547 $ 104,447 $ 599,175 $ 599,175 $ 599,175 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants 386,535 28,888 175,689 1,221,000 307 486,700 275,000 Sales of Property - - - - - - - Interest income - - - - - - - FROM PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FUND Operating transfers in 150,833 3,813 - 60,000 - - 60,000 FOR ENERGY GRANT MATCHES Other 10,000 550,000 6,307 - - - - $ 547,368 $ 582,701 $ 181,996 $ 1,281,000 $ 307 $ 486,700 $ 335,000 30936 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - - - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses 11,473 - 16,840 - - N/A - - $ 11,473 $ - $ 16,840 $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL 5700 Capital Outlays 462,841 83,256 215,528 1,281,000 11,967 2% 486,700 759,000 IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL $ 462,841 $ 83,256 $ 215,528 $ 1,281,000 $ 11,967 2% $ 486,700 $ 759,000 $ 474,314 $ 83,256 $ 232,368 $ 1,281,000 $ 11,967 2% $ 486,700 $ 759,000 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 150,102 $ 649,547 $ 599,175 $ 104,447 $ 587,515 $ 599,175 $ 175,175 Page 45 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 594 Marina & Launch Ramp Fund Available Cash Balance - BOY $ (39,617) $ 20,509 $ 85,238 $ 125,720 $ 149,996 $ 149,996 $ 225,965 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services 281,679 250,265 246,565 260,000 85,581 200,000 260,000 Interest income 38 1,055 763 - 521 500 - Operating transfers in 40,000 40,000 - - - - - Other - - 669 - - - - $ 321,717 $ 291,320 $ 247,997 $ 260,000 $ 86,102 $ 200,500 $ 260,000 70756 Operating Expenditures - Marina 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 121,489 $ 96,295 $ 80,164 $ 83,011 $ 11,097 24% $ 45,656 $ 57,513 5200 Operating Supplies 10,338 12,791 5,992 11,000 1,549 14% 11,000 11,000 5300 Contractual Services 130,462 94,291 80,619 99,011 21,987 37% 60,000 99,011 5400 Other Expenses 510 315 - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays 1,641 2,995 12,217 1,500 - 0% 1,000 1,500 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal) (2,849) 8,637 (5,820) - - N/A - - $ 261,591 $ 215,324 $ 173,172 $ 194,522 $ 34,633 29% $ 117,656 $ 169,024 70759 Operating Expenditures - Ramps 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ 4,737 $ 1,303 $ 2,500 $ 180 13% $ 1,375 $ 2,500 5200 Operating Supplies - 449 420 500 26 5% 500 500 5300 Contractual Services - 6,081 8,344 9,580 1,590 32% 5,000 9,580 5400 Other Expenses - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal) - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ 11,267 $ 10,067 $ 12,580 $ 1,796 26% $ 6,875 $ 12,580 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ 261,591 $ 226,591 $ 183,239 $ 207,102 $ 36,429 29% $ 124,531 $ 181,604 Available Cash Balance - EOY $ 20,509 $ 85,238 $ 149,996 $ 178,618 $ 199,669 $ 225,965 $ 304,361 Page 46 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 661 Equipment Fund Available Cash Balance - BOY $ 1,614,451 $ 2,004,577 $ 2,472,676 $ 2,344,598 $ 2,519,442 $ 2,519,442 $ 3,212,049 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services 2,520,803 2,703,727 2,178,851 2,400,000 716,514 1,200,000 2,400,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES Interest income 85,618 57,757 19,495 60,000 9,888 30,000 60,000 Operating transfers in - - - - - - - Other 80,000 110,608 151,690 100,000 63,346 50,000 100,000 $ 2,686,421 $ 2,872,092 $ 2,350,036 $ 2,560,000 $ 789,748 $ 1,280,000 $ 2,560,000 60932 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 515,579 $ 561,112 $ 591,154 $ 472,576 $ 136,688 53% $ 259,917 $ 418,667 5200 Operating Supplies 844,914 1,016,218 746,316 805,000 176,701 167% 106,021 805,000 5300 Contractual Services 494,272 468,258 474,054 755,658 303,034 167% 181,820 755,658 5400 Other Expenses 1,351 2,210 1,013 1,000 14 167% 8 1,000 SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL 5700 Capital Outlays 445,596 294,151 446,354 910,000 2,115 5% 39,627 1,126,000 IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal) (5,417) 62,044 44,379 - - N/A - - $ 2,296,295 $ 2,403,993 $ 2,303,270 $ 2,944,234 $ 618,552 105% $ 587,393 $ 3,106,325 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ 2,296,295 $ 2,403,993 $ 2,303,270 $ 2,944,234 $ 618,552 105% $ 587,393 $ 3,106,325 Available Cash Balance - EOY $ 2,004,577 $ 2,472,676 $ 2,519,442 $ 1,960,364 $ 2,690,638 $ 3,212,049 $ 2,665,724 Page 47 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 642 Public Service Building Fund Available Cash Balance - BOY $ 270,889 $ 375,313 $ 474,631 $ 481,954 $ 513,578 $ 513,578 $ 609,563 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services 581,270 581,270 610,873 969,340 323,113 484,670 969,340 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES Interest income 14,061 10,896 3,804 6,000 1,947 3,000 6,000 Operating transfers in - - - - - - - Other 100 7,316 - - - - - $ 595,431 $ 599,482 $ 614,677 $ 975,340 $ 325,060 $ 487,670 $ 975,340 60442 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 214,017 $ 222,113 $ 266,246 $ 622,841 $ 231,687 68% $ 342,563 $ 537,782 5200 Operating Supplies 18,609 31,194 28,229 30,000 3,553 167% 2,132 30,000 5300 Contractual Services 241,077 240,602 243,486 293,500 63,252 167% 37,951 293,500 5400 Other Expenses 2,056 (32) 8,200 500 - N/A - 500 5700 Capital Outlays 23,229 8,973 6,907 22,500 66 167% 40 22,500 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g. (7,981) (2,686) 22,662 - - N/A - - Debt Principal) $ 491,007 $ 500,164 $ 575,730 $ 969,341 $ 298,558 78% $ 382,685 $ 884,282 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - 75,000 - 0% 9,000 75,000 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ 75,000 $ - 0% $ 9,000 $ 75,000 $ 491,007 $ 500,164 $ 575,730 $ 1,044,341 $ 298,558 76% $ 391,685 $ 959,282 Available Cash Balance - EOY $ 375,313 $ 474,631 $ 513,578 $ 412,953 $ 540,080 $ 609,563 $ 625,621 Page 48 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 643 Engineering Services Fund Available Cash Balance - BOY $ 149,528 $ 96,427 $ 132,074 $ 2,574 $ (48,336) $ (48,336) $ (18,342) Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services 513,556 460,560 451,132 530,000 96,856 265,000 530,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES Interest income 6,361 3,692 606 5,000 103 2,500 5,000 Operating transfers in - - - - - - - Other - - 23,312 25,000 26 1,000 25,000 $ 519,917 $ 464,252 $ 475,050 $ 560,000 $ 96,985 $ 268,500 $ 560,000 60447 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 321,641 $ 332,078 $ 450,038 $ 353,194 $ 88,307 45% $ 194,257 $ 303,400 5200 Operating Supplies 16,894 17,223 8,918 15,000 4,143 167% 2,486 15,000 5300 Contractual Services 126,832 137,047 135,994 145,000 44,584 167% 26,750 145,000 5400 Other Expenses 532 1,122 286 2,500 1,985 167% 1,191 2,500 5700 Capital Outlays 17,093 12,114 7,973 20,200 2,204 167% 1,322 20,200 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g. 82,557 (74,863) 16,159 - - N/A - - Debt Principal) $ 565,549 $ 424,721 $ 619,368 $ 535,894 $ 141,223 62% $ 226,006 $ 486,100 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services 7,469 3,884 36,092 25,000 - 0% 12,500 20,000 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - $ 7,469 $ 3,884 $ 36,092 $ 25,000 $ - 0% $ 12,500 $ 20,000 $ 573,018 $ 428,605 $ 655,460 $ 560,894 $ 141,223 59% $ 238,506 $ 506,100 Available Cash Balance - EOY $ 96,427 $ 132,074 $ (48,336) $ 1,680 $ (92,574) $ (18,342) $ 35,558 Page 49 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 677 General Insurance Fund Available Cash Balance - BOY $ 841,326 $ 1,206,249 $ 1,236,014 $ 1,279,363 $ 1,339,236 $ 1,339,236 $ 1,356,699 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - - - - - - - State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services 4,551,973 4,346,235 4,260,731 2,977,543 953,542 1,488,772 2,977,543 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES Interest income 39,250 30,784 5,257 10,000 3,081 5,000 10,000 MERS Retireee Health Reimbursement - - - 1,200,000 - 600,000 1,200,000 Medicare Part D Rx Reimbursement - - - 35,000 - 17,500 35,000 Repayment of DDA Advance - - - - - - - LOAN REPAYMENT - ARENA Operating transfers in 28,045 28,045 28,046 28,046 9,349 14,023 28,046 IMPROVEMENTS Other - - 4,863 - 4,549 - - $ 4,619,268 $ 4,405,064 $ 4,298,897 $ 4,250,589 $ 970,521 $ 2,125,295 $ 4,250,589 30851 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ 28,622 $ 43,957 $ 31,473 $ - 0% $ 17,310 $ 32,013 5200 Operating Supplies - 67 1,154 - - N/A - - 5300 Contractual Services 4,062,168 3,924,027 4,215,551 4,177,543 1,095,041 52% 2,088,772 4,177,543 5400 Other Expenses - 1,144 1,141 1,500 - 0% 750 1,500 5700 Capital Outlays 250 380 1,915 2,000 - 0% 1,000 2,000 5900 Other Financing Uses 31,189 421,059 77,744 - - N/A - - TRANSFERS TO DDA & GENERAL FUND Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g. 160,738 - (145,787) - - N/A - - Debt Principal) $ 4,254,345 $ 4,375,299 $ 4,195,675 $ 4,212,516 $ 1,095,041 52% $ 2,107,832 $ 4,213,056 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5300 Contractual Services - - - - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - $ 4,254,345 $ 4,375,299 $ 4,195,675 $ 4,212,516 $ 1,095,041 52% $ 2,107,832 $ 4,213,056 Available Cash Balance - EOY $ 1,206,249 $ 1,236,014 $ 1,339,236 $ 1,317,436 $ 1,214,716 $ 1,356,699 $ 1,394,232 Page 50 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 590 Sewer Fund Available Cash Balance - BOY $ 895,306 $ 767,541 $ (249,387) $ 411,030 $ 521,480 $ 521,480 $ 230,782 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - - - 100,000 - 70,000 10,000 State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services 5,033,881 5,193,218 5,584,293 5,450,000 1,663,413 2,452,500 5,450,000 Interest income 34,046 11,860 597 30,000 826 5,000 30,000 Repayment of DDA advance - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - - - - - - - Other 145,213 173,630 481,114 80,000 11,071 25,000 80,000 $ 5,213,140 $ 5,378,708 $ 6,066,004 $ 5,660,000 $ 1,675,310 $ 2,552,500 $ 5,570,000 30548 Operating Expenditures Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies 8 8 - - - N/A - - INSURANCE/INDIRECT 5300 Contractual Services 296,385 330,080 363,113 377,850 177,476 94% 188,925 377,850 COSTS/ADMINISTRATION FEE 5400 Other Expenses (70) 2,214 5,087 - - N/A - - 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses 25,221 12,550 - - - N/A - - Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g. 598,586 799,246 - - - N/A - - $ 920,130 $ 1,144,098 $ 368,200 $ 377,850 $ 177,476 94% $ 188,925 $ 377,850 60559 Operating Expenditures Maintenance 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 881,660 $ 900,396 $ 728,753 $ 656,012 $ 156,695 43% $ 360,807 $ 672,453 5200 Operating Supplies 57,366 43,413 37,583 183,950 2,754 2% 110,370 183,950 5300 Contractual Services 3,192,714 3,698,604 3,863,907 3,442,960 630,720 31% 2,065,776 3,442,960 5400 Other Expenses 222 1,112 - 1,000 600 100% 600 1,000 5700 Capital Outlays 6,925 517 18,960 11,200 1,169 17% 6,720 11,200 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 4,138,887 $ 4,644,042 $ 4,649,203 $ 4,295,122 $ 791,938 31% $ 2,544,273 $ 4,311,563 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL 5300 Contractual Services 281,888 607,496 277,734 445,000 4,868 4% 110,000 704,000 IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - $ 281,888 $ 607,496 $ 277,734 $ 445,000 $ 4,868 4% $ 110,000 $ 704,000 $ 5,340,905 $ 6,395,636 $ 5,295,137 $ 5,117,972 $ 974,282 34% $ 2,843,198 $ 5,393,413 Available Cash Balance - EOY $ 767,541 $ (249,387) $ 521,480 $ 953,058 $ 1,222,508 $ 230,782 $ 407,369 Page 51 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - Other Funds Revised 2010 Original Budget Original Budget Actual to Date Actual As % of Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 (6/30/10 Stub Estimate 2010- Comments 2010 2010 Revised Year) 11 591 Water Fund Available Cash Balance - BOY $ 3,481,833 $ 4,652,332 $ 3,232,652 $ 1,809,677 $ 2,301,294 $ 2,301,294 $ 2,364,834 Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Federal & state grants - - - 70,000 - 49,000 70,000 State shared revenue - - - - - - - Charges for services - City 3,866,032 3,478,847 2,967,961 3,900,000 679,360 1,755,000 3,900,000 Charges for services - Wholesale 2,158,975 2,244,638 2,281,977 2,100,000 412,593 945,000 2,100,000 Maintenance services - Township 249,752 169,165 162,300 100,000 52,049 90,000 100,000 Interest income 136,511 96,075 22,483 60,000 10,915 27,000 60,000 Lease of facilities 81,747 87,122 127,027 80,537 47,467 60,000 80,537 LEASE OF SPACE ON WATER TOWERS Repayment of DDA advance - - - - - - - Operating transfers in - - - - - - - Other 212,720 246,691 327,378 - 79,426 100,000 - $ 6,705,737 $ 6,322,538 $ 5,889,126 $ 6,310,537 $ 1,281,810 $ 3,026,000 $ 6,310,537 30548 Operating Expenditures Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - 5200 Operating Supplies - - 4,155 - 1,085 N/A - - INSURANCE/INDIRECT 5300 Contractual Services 495,303 492,164 512,150 510,192 245,535 96% 255,096 510,192 COSTS/ADMINISTRATION FEE 5400 Other Expenses - 1,808 5,295 2,000 - 0% 1,000 2,000 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - 5900 Other Financing Uses 648,666 622,551 567,463 533,023 - 0% 272,130 451,323 INTEREST ON WATER BONDS Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g. 819,125 1,706,765 1,110,000 1,150,000 - 0% 535,000 1,195,000 PRINCIPAL ON WATER BONDS Debt Principal) $ 1,963,094 $ 2,823,288 $ 2,199,063 $ 2,195,215 $ 246,620 23% $ 1,063,226 $ 2,158,515 60559 Operating Expenditures Maintenance - City 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 838,538 $ 789,743 $ 972,743 $ 801,874 $ 236,771 54% $ 441,031 $ 815,966 5200 Operating Supplies 208,682 293,935 1,361,098 244,000 11,750 8% 146,400 244,000 5300 Contractual Services 409,756 377,064 368,258 382,217 76,763 33% 229,330 382,217 5400 Other Expenses 29,998 34,634 35,364 28,230 16,374 97% 16,938 28,230 5700 Capital Outlays 4,362 16,491 8,490 16,500 733 7% 9,900 16,500 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - $ 1,491,336 $ 1,511,867 $ 2,745,953 $ 1,472,821 $ 342,391 41% $ 843,599 $ 1,486,913 60558 Operating Expenditures Filtration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 596,606 $ 608,545 $ 601,170 $ 670,154 $ 176,125 48% $ 368,585 $ 670,771 5200 Operating Supplies 184,826 219,890 238,676 248,900 46,932 31% 149,340 248,900 5300 Contractual Services 537,439 517,062 490,099 570,450 75,951 22% 342,270 570,450 5400 Other Expenses 1,619 1,968 1,384 2,600 750 48% 1,560 2,600 5700 Capital Outlays 97,519 293,097 126,309 44,800 19,580 73% 26,880 44,800 5900 Other Financing Uses - - - - - N/A - - Replacement Reserve - DWRF - - - 290,000 - N/A - 290,000 $ 1,418,009 $ 1,640,562 $ 1,457,638 $ 1,826,904 $ 319,338 36% $ 888,635 $ 1,827,521 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - N/A $ - $ - SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL 5300 Contractual Services 662,799 1,766,501 417,830 680,000 60,245 36% 167,000 771,000 IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL 5700 Capital Outlays - - - - - N/A - - $ 662,799 $ 1,766,501 $ 417,830 $ 680,000 $ 60,245 36% $ 167,000 $ 771,000 $ 5,535,238 $ 7,742,218 $ 6,820,484 $ 6,174,940 $ 968,594 33% $ 2,962,460 $ 6,243,949 Available Cash Balance - EOY $ 4,652,332 $ 3,232,652 $ 2,301,294 $ 1,945,274 $ 2,614,510 $ 2,364,834 $ 2,431,422 Page 52 of 76 DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS Page 53 of 76 City of Muskegon 2010-11 Proposed Budget - Debt Service Requirements Original Outstanding Year Amount Balance Principal Interest Total Final Bond Issue Fund Issued of Issue 06/30/10 Due FY 2011 Due FY 2011 Due FY 2011 Maturity Existing Debt Issues: DDA G.O. Refunding Bonds DDA Debt Service 2001 $ 4,005,000 $ 2,245,000 $ 240,000 $ 106,078 $ 346,078 2018 DDA Promissory Note with Muskegon County DDA Debt Service 1989 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 2019 LDFA Tax Increment Bonds (Smartzone) LDFA III 2002 4,725,000 4,485,000 80,000 195,298 275,298 2025 Fire Equipment Installment Purchase Public Improvement 2005 605,824 334,605 61,420 12,816 74,236 2015 State of Michigan Environmental Loan Public Improvement 2005 500,000 445,428 45,633 8,909 54,542 2015 State of Michigan Urban Land Assembly Loan Public Improvement 2005 700,000 620,000 20,000 - 20,000 2015 Bond for Fire Station & Rec Project Matches General 2006 5,400,000 5,305,000 70,000 213,945 283,945 2032 Capital Improvement Bonds (Sidewalks) Sidewalk 2003 1,575,000 805,000 120,000 30,905 150,905 2016 Water Filtration Improvement DWRF Loan Water 2004 13,900,000 11,570,000 615,000 239,328 854,328 2025 Water Supply System Revenue Bonds Water 2010 5,995,000 5,995,000 580,000 211,995 791,995 2019 38,405,824 32,805,033 1,832,053 1,019,274 2,851,327 Anticipated Debt Issues: MTF Major & Local Streets Bond 2,000,000 - - 40,000 40,000 2025 $ 40,405,824 $ 32,805,033 $ 1,832,053 $ 1,059,274 $ 2,891,327 Recap By Fund: Total General $ 283,945 Major Street 40,000 Sidewalk Improvement 150,905 Public Improvement 148,778 Water 1,646,323 DDA 346,078 LDFA III (Smartzone) 275,298 $ 2,891,327 Page 54 of 76 2010 BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Page 55 of 76 C ty of us ego City o Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2010-11 Proposed Budget Revised 2010 2010 Original Associated Responsibility (6/30/10 Stub Comments Budget Grant Year) 2010 PROJECTS 101 General Fund 99120 Streetlight Removal, Terrace & Western Al-Shatel - 37,000 - 99120 ADA Projects Thompson 20,000 16,000 - Approved by Commission 5/11/10 to enlarge the Fire Station # 5 improvements Kleibecker - 24,000 - doors for new engine 20,000 77,000 - 202 Major Streets 99127 Laketon, Barclay to Henry Al-Shatel 590,000 70,000 70,000 STP Grant Laketon-Henry Intersection Al-Shatel - 28,000 28,000 Business US 31 (South Branch River Bridge) Al-Shatel - 19,600 - 99128 Getty Street, Apple to Marquette (STP) Al-Shatel 450,000 45,000 45,000 STP Grant 90105 Traffic Signal replacement/Upgrade at Getty & Evanston Al-Shatel 145,000 7,250 7,250 CMAQ Grant 90123 Walton, Pine to Terrace Al-Shatel 145,000 - - 99130 Laketon, Peck to Wood Al-Shatel - 25,000 - 98128 Park, Park Southern to Houston Al-Shatel Al Shatel - 12,500 12 500 - 98132 Getty, Marquette to Access Al-Shatel - 40,000 - 90124 Fourth Street, Houston to Muskegon Al-Shatel 60,000 - - 1,390,000 247,350 150,250 203 Local Streets 99136 White/Scott from Wood to Oak Street Al-Shatel 130,000 91,000 91,000 New construction replacing gravel road 99110 Bourdon, Lakeshore Dr. to Fair (Rec.) Al-Shatel 155,000 - - Reconstruct 285,000 91,000 91,000 260 Farmers' Market Improvement Fund Farmers market upgrades - - 5,000 Signage, ADA & building improvements Page 56 of 76 C ty of us ego City o Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2010-11 Proposed Budget Revised 2010 2010 Original Associated Responsibility (6/30/10 Stub Comments Budget Grant Year) 2010 PROJECTS 404 Public Improvement Fund 99111 Heritage Landing, Bike Path from YFCA to 7th street Al-Shatel 50,000 50,000 - 96051 Fire Truck Kleibecker 465,000 465,000 - Cost Partially Offset By 2008 Truck Sale Proceeds 515,000 515,000 - 482 State Grants Fund $150,000 Local Match from Public Improvement 90101 EPA Site Assessment Brubaker-Clarke 200,000 - - Fund (2007) Energy projects at Smith-Ryerson, McGraft, LC 99137 Energy Grant: Cooling/heating regulator at City Hall Al-Shatel 231,000 46,200 46,200 Walker, Streetlights 99137 Energy Grant: Cooling/heating regulator at City Hall Al-Shatel 310,000 - - Smith-Ryerson Al-Shatel - 426,000 426,000 95010 CMI Brownfield Brubaker-Clarke 250,000 - - No Match 99118 Musketawa Trail Connection Al-Shatel 290,000 14,500 14,500 Phase IB (Keating to Black Creek) 1,281,000 486,700 486,700 590 Sewer 99110 Bourdon, Bourdon Lakeshore Dr. to Fair (Rec ) Dr (Rec.) Al Shatel Al-Shatel 10,000 10 000 - - 99114 Fisherman's Village Lift Station Rehab Al-Shatel 65,000 13,000 - 99127 Laketon, Barclay to Henry Al-Shatel 20,000 2,000 - 90107 Sewer Rehabilitation Project (sewer lining in Clay Hill area & various projects) Al-Shatel 250,000 25,000 - 99136 White/Scott from Wood to Oak Street Al-Shatel 100,000 70,000 70,000 CNS grant 445,000 110,000 70,000 591 Water 99117 1937 Headworks roof replacement Al-Shatel 25,000 25,000 - 99110 Bourdon, Lakeshore Dr. to Fair (Rec.) Al-Shatel 70,000 - - 99116 Engineering & Design - Fluoride Storage and Pump Room Al-Shatel 10,000 10,000 - 90108 Inspections, plans, & specs. - 3 elev. tanks, Plant clearwell, and Harvey reserv Al-Shatel 35,000 - - 99127 Laketon, Barclay to Henry Al-Shatel 30,000 3,000 - 90109 MDS radio replacement upgrade Al-Shatel 45,000 - - Page 57 of 76 C ty of us ego City o Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2010-11 Proposed Budget Revised 2010 2010 Original Associated Responsibility (6/30/10 Stub Comments Budget Grant Year) 2010 PROJECTS 99115 Perimeter fence replacement Al-Shatel 85,000 - - 90113 Unisex locker/restroom (egr/design and const.) Al-Shatel 50,000 - - 90110 Update Vulnerability Assessment & Emergency Response Plan Al-Shatel 10,000 5,000 - 90112 Water Main Replacement Project, various locations & 2" & 4" Mains replacem Al-Shatel 250,000 50,000 - 99130 Laketon Peck to Wood Laketon, Al Shatel Al-Shatel - 25 000 25,000 - 99136 White/Scott from Wood to Oak Street Al-Shatel 70,000 49,000 49,000 CNS grant 680,000 167,000 49,000 642 PSB 90113 DPW's easterly parking lot, resurfacing Al-Shatel 50,000 9,000 - 90114 Salt shed, roof replacement Al-Shatel 25,000 - - 75,000 9,000 - 643 Engineering Services 99012 GIS Update and Maintenance Al-Shatel 25,000 12,500 - 661 Equipment Fund 5720 Non-Vehicular Non Vehicular Equipment: 1 Sewer Truck Kuhn 175,000 - - Replacing 1999 (50159 to be sold/trade-in) 1 Asphalt Hot Box Kuhn 20,000 - - Replace 1999 Saw 1 Concrete Saw Kuhn 25,000 - - 1 Loader Kuhn 120,000 - - Replace 50164 2000 Cat Loader 2 Mowers Kuhn 34,000 35,127 - Replace 1995 Equipment 3 Turf Trucks Kuhn 18,000 - - Replace 1996 Wagon 1 Misc.parks & cemetery equip Kuhn 15,000 4,500 - Page 58 of 76 C ty of us ego City o Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2010-11 Proposed Budget Revised 2010 2010 Original Associated Responsibility (6/30/10 Stub Comments Budget Grant Year) 2010 PROJECTS 5746 Communications Equipment 1 Video system Kuhn 8,000 - - Spare 5 Cruiser radios Kuhn 10,000 - - For New Cruisers 6 In car radios In-car Kuhn 15 000 15,000 - - For New Equipment 2 Light Bars Kuhn 5,000 - - 5730 Vehicles: 5 Police Patrol Cars Kuhn 115,000 - - Replacing 2005 Cruisers 6 Small Pickup Kuhn 80,000 - - Replacing 2002 Trucks (Inspection & DPW) 2 - Carry Over From 2009 (Filtration, Water & 4 3/4 ton Pickup Kuhn 100,000 - - Parks) 2 I ton dump 140,141 Kuhn 70,000 - - Replacing 1997 Trucks (Highway) 1 Plow Truck Kuhn 85,000 - - 1 Sedan Kuhn 15,000 - - Replacing 1999 Malibu (P.D.) 910,000 39,627 - $ 5,626,000 $ 1,755,177 $ 851,950 Page 59 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2010-11 Proposed Budget Responsibility Original Budget Associated Grant Comments 2010-11 PROJECTS 101 General Fund No Budgeted Projects - - - - 202 Major Streets 99127 Laketon, Barclay to Henry Al-Shatel 520,000 494,000 Carryover from 2010 Budget 90125 Laketon-Henry Intersection Al-Shatel 250,000 216,000 Carryover from 2010 Budget Laketon Traffic Signals: Hoyt Getty Roberts Hoyt, Getty, Al-Shatel Al Shatel 260,000 260 000 211,000 211 000 Carryover from 2010 Budget 90105 Traffic Signal replacement/Upgrade at Sherman & Lincoln Al-Shatel 138,000 125,000 94020 Business US 31 (South Branch River Bridge) Al-Shatel 79,000 - 99130 Laketon, Peck to Wood Al-Shatel 25,000 Carryover from 2009 Budget 98132 Getty, Marquette to Access Al-Shatel 10,000 Carryover from 2009 Budget 98128 Park, Southern to Houston Al-Shatel 13,000 Carryover from 2009 Budget 99128 Getty Street, Apple to Marquette (STP) Al-Shatel 475,000 311,000 Bids Came in Higher in May 99132 Laketon, Henry to Park Al-Shatel 750,000 560,000 STP Funds 99133 Getty Street, Keating to Laketon (STP) Al-Shatel 500,000 300,000 STP Funds Getty St., Laketon to Evanston Al-Shatel 600,000 375,000 TEDF-F 3,620,000 2,592,000 203 Local Streets 99136 White/Scott from Wood to Oak Street Al-Shatel 39,000 - Page 60 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2010-11 Proposed Budget Responsibility Original Budget Associated Grant Comments 2010-11 PROJECTS Viridian Drive/Terrace Point Dr. Al-Shatel 130,000 120,000 Reimbursed by GVSU 169,000 120,000 260 Farmers' Market Improvement Fund Signage, ADA & building improvements 12,925 - 12,925 - 404 Public Improvement Fund No Budgeted Projects - - - - 482 State Grants Fund 99137 Energy Grant: Smith Ryerson/McGraft Park Al-Shatel 184,000 - 98114 Smith-Ryerson Al-Shatel 300,000 Carryover from 2010 Budget 99118 Musketawa Trail Connection-phase IB (Keating to Black Creek) Al-Shatel 275,000 275,000 759,000 275,000 590 Sewer 99132 Laketon, Henry to Park Al-Shatel 60,000 99133 Getty Street, Keating to Laketon (STP) Al-Shatel 50,000 99114 Fisherman's Village Lift Station Rehab Al-Shatel 85,000 - Carryover from 2010 Budget 99127 Laketon, Barclay to Henry Al-Shatel 250,000 - Sewer Rehabilitation Project (various projects) Al-Shatel 100,000 - Isabella, Peck to Terrace Al-Shatel 100,000 Viridian Drive/Terrace Point Dr. Al-Shatel 15,000 10000 Reimbursed by GVSU 90123 Walton, Pine to Terrace Al-Shatel 14,000 - Page 61 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2010-11 Proposed Budget Responsibility Original Budget Associated Grant Comments 2010-11 PROJECTS 99136 White/Scott from Wood to Oak Street Al-Shatel 30,000 - 704,000 10,000 591 Water 90108 Inspections, plans, & specs. - 3 elev. tanks, Plant clearwell, and Harvey reser Al-Shatel 40,000 - 99127 Laketon, Barclay to Henry Al-Shatel 30,000 - Water Main Replacement Project, various locations & 2" & 4" Mains replacem Al-Shatel 150,000 - 99132 Laketon, Henry to Park Al-Shatel 25,000 99133 Getty Street, Keating to Laketon (STP) Al-Shatel 120,000 Main and Services Replacement Getty St., Laketon to Evanston Al-Shatel 250,000 Main and Services Replacement Isabella, Peck to Terrace Al-Shatel 95,000 Main and Services Replacement Viridian Drive/Terrace Point Dr. water looping Al-Shatel 40,000 99136 White/Scott from Wood to Oak Street Al-Shatel 21,000 - 771,000 - 642 PSB 90113 DPW's easterly parking lot, resurfacing Al-Shatel 75,000 - 75,000 - 643 Engineering Services 99012 GIS Update and Maintenance Al-Shatel 20,000 - Licenses and Training 20,000 - Page 62 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2010-11 Proposed Budget Responsibility Original Budget Associated Grant Comments 2010-11 PROJECTS 661 Equipment Fund 5720/QuantityNon-Vehicular Equipment: 1 Sewer Truck/Vactor Al-Shatel 275,000 - 1 Asphalt Hot Box Al-Shatel 20,000 - 1 Concrete Saw Al-Shatel 25,000 - 1 Loader Al-Shatel 120,000 - 4 Turf Trucks Al-Shatel 20,000 - 460,000 - 5746 Communications Equipment 1 Video system Al-Shatel 8,000 - 5 Cruiser radios Al-Shatel 10,000 - 6 In-car radios Al-Shatel 15,000 - 2 Light Bars Al-Shatel 5,000 - 38,000 - Page 63 of 76 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast and 2010-11 Proposed Budget Responsibility Original Budget Associated Grant Comments 2010-11 PROJECTS 5730 Vehicles: 6 Police Patrol Cars Al-Shatel 138,000 - 5 Small Pickup Al-Shatel 75,000 - For Inspectors & 1 Supervisor 7 3/4 ton Pickup Al-Shatel 175,000 - Replace Old Construction Trucks 2 I ton dump 140,141 Al-Shatel 70,000 - Replace 1996 Trucks 1 Plow Truck Al-Shatel 140,000 - Replace 1992 Truck 2 Sedan Al-Shatel 30,000 - 628,000 - 1,126,000 - $ 7,256,925 $ 2,997,000 Page 64 of 76 BUDGETED FULL-TIME PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT Page 65 of 76 CITY OF MUSKEGON BUDGETED PERMANENT FULL-TIME PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT - 2010-11 2010 2010-11 BUDGETED BUDGETED AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY NET BUDGETARY ACCOUNT POSITION TITLE FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND CHANGE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION (101-20228) Affirmative Action Director 101 0.60 0.60 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION (101-20228) Administrative Secretary 101 0.50 1.10 0.50 1.10 0.00 CEMETERIES (101-70276) Leisure Services Maintenance Worker III 101 1.00 1.00 CEMETERIES (101-70276) Cemetery/Forestry Supervisor 101 1.00 0.70 CEMETERIES (101-70276) Customer Service Rep II 101 0.50 2.50 0.50 2.20 -0.30 CITY CLERK & ELECTIONS (101-20215) City Clerk 101 1.00 1.00 CITY CLERK & ELECTIONS (101-20215) Customer Service Rep II 101 1.00 1.00 CITY CLERK & ELECTIONS (101-20215) Deputy City Clerk 101 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 CITY COMMISSION (101-10101) Secretary to City Manager 101 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.00 CITY HALL MAINTENANCE (101-60265) Building Maintenance Supervisor 101 0.75 0.50 CITY HALL MAINTENANCE (101-60265) Customer Service Rep II 101 0.05 0.05 CITY HALL MAINTENANCE (101-60265) Deputy Public Works Director 101 0.05 0.00 CITY HALL MAINTENANCE (101-60265) Building Maintenance Worker 101 0.15 1.00 0.00 0.55 -0.45 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE (101-10172) City Manager 101 1.00 1.00 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE (101-10172) Administrative Secretary 101 0.50 0.50 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE (101-10172) Secretary to City Manager 101 0.75 2.25 0.75 2.25 0.00 CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE (101-30253) Customer Service Rep II 101 4.00 4.00 CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE (101-30253) City Treasurer 101 1.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 0.00 CIVIL SERVICE (101-20220) Administrative Secretary 101 1.00 0.00 Page 66 of 76 CITY OF MUSKEGON BUDGETED PERMANENT FULL-TIME PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT - 2010-11 2010 2010-11 BUDGETED BUDGETED AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY NET BUDGETARY ACCOUNT POSITION TITLE FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND CHANGE CIVIL SERVICE (101-20220) Civil Service Director 101 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 -1.00 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES (101-80387) Environmental Inspector 101 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 FARMERS MARKET (101-70863) Superintendent of Public Utilities 101 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.00 FINANCE ADMINISTRATION (101-30202) Finance Clerk 101 2.00 0.00 FINANCE ADMINISTRATION (101-30202) Management Assistant 101 0.00 1.00 FINANCE ADMINISTRATION (101-30202) Assistant Finance Director 101 1.00 1.00 FINANCE ADMINISTRATION (101-30202) Director of Finance 101 1.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 -1.00 FIRE (101-50336) Firefighter 101 25.00 19.00 FIRE (101-50336) Fire Lieutenant 101 3.00 6.00 FIRE (101-50336) Fire Battalion Chief 101 3.00 3.00 FIRE (101-50336) Fire Captain 101 3.00 3.00 FIRE (101-50336) Fire Mechanic (Assistant) 101 2.00 36.00 2.00 33.00 -3.00 FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS (101-50387) Electrical Inspector 101 1.00 1.00 FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS (101-50387) Housing Inspector 101 2.00 1.00 FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS (101-50387) Fire Marshal 101 1.00 1.00 FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS (101-50387) Building Inspector 101 1.00 1.00 FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS (101-50387) Customer Service Rep I 101 1.00 1.00 FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS (101-50387) Customer Service Rep II 101 1.00 1.00 FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS (101-50387) Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector 101 1.00 1.00 FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS (101-50387) Permit Technician 101 1.00 9.00 1.00 8.00 -1.00 GENERAL RECREATION (101-70775) Recreation/Marina Supervisor 101 1.00 0.00 Page 67 of 76 CITY OF MUSKEGON BUDGETED PERMANENT FULL-TIME PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT - 2010-11 2010 2010-11 BUDGETED BUDGETED AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY NET BUDGETARY ACCOUNT POSITION TITLE FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND CHANGE GENERAL RECREATION (101-70775) Customer Service Rep II 101 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 INCOME TAX ADMINISTRATION (101-30205) Customer Service Rep II 101 3.00 3.00 INCOME TAX ADMINISTRATION (101-30205) Income Tax Administrator 101 1.00 1.00 INCOME TAX ADMINISTRATION (101-30205) Income Tax Auditor 101 1.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 0.00 INFORMATION SYSTEMS (101-30248) Information Systems Director 101 1.00 1.00 INFORMATION SYSTEMS (101-30248) Database Administrator 101 1.00 1.00 INFORMATION SYSTEMS (101-30248) Network Technician 101 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 PARKS (101-70751) Leisure Services Maintenance Worker II 101 4.00 4.00 PARKS (101-70751) Horticulturalist 101 1.00 0.00 PARKS (101-70751) Leisure Services Maintenance Worker I 101 1.00 1.00 PARKS (101-70751) Parks Supervisor 101 1.00 1.00 PARKS (101-70751) Building Maintenance Worker 101 0.15 7.15 0.00 6.00 -1.15 PLANNING (101-80400) Planner II 101 1.00 0.00 PLANNING (101-80400) Planner III 101 1.00 1.00 PLANNING (101-80400) Code Coordinator 101 1.00 1.00 PLANNING (101-80400) Director of Community & Economic Development 101 1.00 1.00 PLANNING (101-80400) Administrative Secretary 101 1.00 5.00 1.00 4.00 -1.00 POLICE (101-40301) Police Officer 101 63.00 63.00 POLICE (101-40301) Police Sergeant 101 9.00 9.00 POLICE (101-40301) Customer Service Rep II 101 5.00 5.00 POLICE (101-40301) Police Lieutenant 101 4.00 4.00 POLICE (101-40301) Police Captain 101 2.00 2.00 Page 68 of 76 CITY OF MUSKEGON BUDGETED PERMANENT FULL-TIME PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT - 2010-11 2010 2010-11 BUDGETED BUDGETED AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY NET BUDGETARY ACCOUNT POSITION TITLE FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND CHANGE POLICE (101-40301) Police Records Supervisor 101 1.00 1.00 POLICE (101-40301) Administrative Aide/Office Manager 101 1.00 1.00 POLICE (101-40301) Parking Officer 101 1.00 1.00 POLICE (101-40301) Director of Public Safety 101 1.00 1.00 POLICE (101-40301) Police Community Coordinator 101 1.00 88.00 1.00 88.00 0.00 SANITATION (101-60523) Cemetery/Forestry Supervisor 101 0.00 0.00 178.30 0.30 0.30 167.70 10.60 MVH-MAJOR STREETS (202-60440) Equipment Operator 202 7.50 7.50 MVH-MAJOR STREETS (202-60440) Superintendent of Public Works 202 0.50 0.50 MVH-MAJOR STREETS (202-60440) Leisure Services Maintenance Worker III 202 1.00 1.00 MVH-MAJOR STREETS (202-60440) Traffic Sign Fabricator 202 1.00 1.00 MVH-MAJOR STREETS (202-60440) Traffic Sign Maintenance Worker 202 1.00 1.00 MVH-MAJOR STREETS (202-60440) Highway Supervisor 202 1.00 12.00 12.00 1.00 12.00 12.00 0.00 MVH-LOCAL STREETS (203-60440) Equipment Operator 203 4.50 4.50 MVH-LOCAL STREETS (203-60440) Highway Supervisor 203 1.00 1.00 MVH-LOCAL STREETS (203-60440) Superintendent of Public Works 203 0.50 0.50 MVH-LOCAL STREETS (203-60440) Leisure Services Maintenance Worker III 203 1.00 7.00 7.00 1.00 7.00 7.00 0.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (472-80691) Customer Service Rep II 472 1.00 1.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (472-80691) Finance Clerk 472 1.00 1.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (472-80691) Housing Rehab Counselor 472 1.00 1.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (472-80691) Community Services Director 472 1.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 HOME PROGRAM (473-80691) Rehabilitation Loan Specialist 473 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.00 Page 69 of 76 CITY OF MUSKEGON BUDGETED PERMANENT FULL-TIME PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT - 2010-11 2010 2010-11 BUDGETED BUDGETED AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY NET BUDGETARY ACCOUNT POSITION TITLE FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND CHANGE LEAD PROGRAM (467-80691) Rehabilitation Loan Specialist 467 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.00 SEWER MAINTENANCE (590-60559) Water/Sewer Maintenance Worker 590 8.00 8.00 SEWER MAINTENANCE (590-60559) Public Utilities Supervisor 590 1.00 1.00 SEWER MAINTENANCE (590-60559) Superintendent of Public Utilities 590 0.40 0.40 SEWER MAINTENANCE (590-60559) Equipment Operator 590 0.80 10.20 10.20 0.80 10.20 10.20 0.00 WATER FILTRATION (591-60558) Water Plant Operator 591 7.00 7.00 WATER FILTRATION (591-60558) Chief Operator 591 1.00 1.00 WATER FILTRATION (591-60558) Water Filtration Maintenance Operator 591 1.00 1.00 WATER FILTRATION (591-60558) Water Filtration Plant Supervisor 591 1.00 10.00 1.00 10.00 0.00 WATER MAINTENANCE - CITY (591-60559) Water/Sewer Maintenance Worker 591 9.00 9.00 WATER MAINTENANCE - CITY (591-60559) Superintendent of Public Utilities 591 0.40 0.40 WATER MAINTENANCE - CITY (591-60559) Equipment Operator 591 2.00 2.00 WATER MAINTENANCE - TWP (591-60660) Water/Sewer Supervisor 591 1.00 12.40 22.40 1.00 12.40 22.40 0.00 HARTSHORN MARINA FUND (594-70756) Superintendent of Public Utilities 594 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.00 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING (642-60442) Inventory/Stock Clerk 642 1.00 1.00 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING (642-60442) Director of Public Works 642 1.00 1.00 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING (642-60442) Administrative Services Supervisor 642 1.00 1.00 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING (642-60442) Customer Service Rep II 642 4.50 4.50 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING (642-60442) Deputy Public Works Director 642 0.45 0.00 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING (642-60442) Superintendent of Public Utilities 642 0.05 0.05 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING (642-60442) Building Maintenance Supervisor 642 0.25 0.50 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING (642-60442) Building Maintenance Worker 642 0.70 8.95 8.95 0.00 8.05 8.05 -0.90 Page 70 of 76 CITY OF MUSKEGON BUDGETED PERMANENT FULL-TIME PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT - 2010-11 2010 2010-11 BUDGETED BUDGETED AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY NET BUDGETARY ACCOUNT POSITION TITLE FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND CHANGE ENGINEERING (643-60447) Civil Engineer 643 3.00 3.00 ENGINEERING (643-60447) Engineering Aide I 643 1.00 1.00 ENGINEERING (643-60447) Customer Service Rep II 643 0.95 0.95 ENGINEERING (643-60447) Deputy Public Works Director 643 0.50 5.45 5.45 0.00 4.95 4.95 -0.50 EQUIPMENT (661-60932) Mechanic 661 5.00 4.00 EQUIPMENT (661-60932) Electronics Technician 661 1.00 1.00 EQUIPMENT (661-60932) Equipment Operator 661 0.20 0.20 EQUIPMENT (661-60932) Equipment Supervisor 661 1.00 1.00 EQUIPMENT (661-60932) Superintendent of Public Utilities 661 0.05 7.25 7.25 0.05 6.25 6.25 -1.00 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION (677-30851) Affirmative Action Director 677 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.00 GRAND TOTALS 257.00 257.00 257.00 244.00 244.00 244.00 -13.00 Page 71 of 76 CITY OF MUSKEGON BUDGETED PERMANENT FULL-TIME PERSONNEL COMPLEMENT - 2010-11 2010 2010-11 BUDGETED BUDGETED AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY AUTHORIZED TOTAL BY TOTAL BY NET BUDGETARY ACCOUNT POSITION TITLE FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND POSITIONS DEPARTMENT FUND CHANGE SUMMARY OF YEAR-TO-YEAR CHANGES ADDITIONS: FINANCE ADMINISTRATION (101-30202) Management Assistant 101 1.00 FIRE (101-50336) Fire Lieutenant 101 3.00 DELETIONS: CIVIL SERVICE (101-20220) Administrative Secretary 101 -1.00 CITY HALL MAINTENANCE (101-60265) Building Maintenance Worker 101 -0.15 PARKS (101-70751) Building Maintenance Worker 101 -0.15 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING (642-60442) Building Maintenance Worker 101 -0.70 GENERAL RECREATION (101-70775) Customer Service Rep II 101 -1.00 ENGINEERING (643-60447) Deputy Public Works Director 643 -0.50 CITY HALL MAINTENANCE (101-60265) Deputy Public Works Director 101 -0.05 PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING (642-60442) Deputy Public Works Director 642 -0.45 FINANCE ADMINISTRATION (101-30202) Finance Clerk 101 -2.00 FIRE (101-50336) Firefighter 101 -3.00 FIRE (101-50336) Firefighter 101 -3.00 PARKS (101-70751) Horticulturalist 101 -1.00 FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS (101-50387) Housing Inspector 101 -1.00 EQUIPMENT (661-60932) Mechanic 661 -1.00 PLANNING (101-80400) Planner II 101 -1.00 GENERAL RECREATION (101-70775) Recreation/Marina Supervisor 101 -1.00 NET CHANGE -13.00 Page 72 of 76 BUDGET RESOLUTION Page 73 of 76 CITY OF MUSKEGON RESOLUTION OF APPROPRIATION 2010-11 BUDGET WHEREAS, the City Manager has submitted a proposed Budget for 2010-11 in accordance with the City Charter and Michigan Public Act 621 of 1978 known as the "Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act"; and, WHEREAS, the 2010-11 proposed Budget has been reviewed by the City Commission following a public hearing for which due notice was given; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Budget for the City of Muskegon for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 is hereby determined and adopted as follows: GENERAL FUND FUND ACTIVITY NUMBER FUND/ACTIVITY NAME AMOUNT 101-10101 City Commission 79,739 101-10102 City Promotions & Public Relations 11,350 101-10145 City Attorney 322,508 101-10172 City Manager 274,945 101-10875 Contributions to Outside Agencies 165,824 101-10891 Contingency and Bad Debt Expense 250,000 101-20215 City Clerk & Elections 305,247 101-20220 Civil Service 87,123 101-20228 Affirmative Action 84,484 101-30202 Finance Administration 399,605 101-30205 Income Tax Administration 425,244 101-30209 Assessing Services 465,723 101-30805 Arena Administration 235,000 101-30248 Information Systems Administration 394,350 101-30253 City Treasurer 461,128 101-30851 Insurance Premiums 300,000 101-30906 Debt Retirement 293,945 101-30999 Transfers to Other Funds 408,046 101-40301 Police 9,013,330 101-50336 Fire 3,467,928 101-50387 Fire Safety Inspections 705,015 101-60265 City Hall Maintenance 269,847 101-60446 Community Event Support 17,466 101-60448 Streetlighting 775,000 101-60523 Sanitation 1,830,278 101-60550 Stormwater Management 17,786 101-60770 Senior Citizen Transit 68,287 101-70276 Cemeteries Maintenance 384,215 101-70585 Parking Operations 3,000 101-70751 Parks Maintenance 1,076,452 101-70357 Graffiti Removal 4,861 101-70757 McGraft Park Maintenance 54,197 101-70775 General Recreation 75,000 101-70863 Farmers' Market and Flea Market 52,242 101-80387 Environmental Services 317,424 101-80400 Planning, Zoning and Economic Development 376,765 101-90000 Major Capital Improvements 0 Grand Total General Fund Appropriations $23,473,354 Page 74 of 76 OTHER BUDGETED FUNDS FUND ACTIVITY NUMBER FUND/ACTIVITY NAME AMOUNT 202,204 Major Streets and State Trunklines 6,186,057 203 Local Streets 1,678,056 264 Criminal Forfeitures 45,000 260 Farmers’ Market Improvement 12,925 285 Tree Replacement 3,900 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the revenues and other financing sources (including use of prior year balances) for Fiscal Year 2010-11 are estimated as follows: GENERAL FUND FUND/ACTIVITY NAME AMOUNT Taxes $ 14,720,879 Licenses and Permits 1,031,500 Federal Grants 77,713 State Grants 28,000 State Shared Revenue 3,774,813 Charges for Sales & Services 2,442,492 Interest & Rentals 295,761 Fines & Fees 512,000 Other Revenue 469,034 Other Financing Sources 125,000 Total General Fund Revenue Appropriations $23,477,192 OTHER BUDGETED FUNDS FUND ACTIVITY NUMBER FUND/ACTIVITY NAME AMOUNT 202,204 Major Streets and State Trunklines 6,186,057 203 Local Streets 1,678,056 264 Criminal Forfeitures 45,000 260 Farmers’ Market Improvement 12,925 285 Tree Replacement 3,900 Page 75 of 76 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the operating expense projections for the following non-budget funds are hereby approved: FUND ACTIVITY NUMBER FUND/ACTIVITY NAME AMOUNT 305 TIFA Debt Service $75,000 394 Downtown Development Authority Debt 346,328 290 Local Finance Development Authority Debt 275,798 295 Brownfield Redevelopment Authority 75,000 402 Arena Improvement Fund 25,000 403 Sidewalk Improvement Fund 151,905 404 Public Improvement Fund 213,778 482 State Grants Fund 759,000 590 Sewer 5,393,413 591 Water 6,243,949 594 Marina/Launch Ramp 181,604 661 Equipment 3,106,325 642 Public Service Building 959,282 643 Engineering Services Fund 506,100 677 General Insurance Fund 4,213,056 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated for said fiscal year the several amounts set forth above which, pursuant to the "Uniform Budget and Accounting Act", define the City of Muskegon's appropriation centers, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager is hereby empowered to transfer appropriations within appropriation centers, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby levied a general tax as herein fixed on each dollar of taxable valuation for the purposes herein outlined, said levy to be applied on all taxable real and personal property in the City of Muskegon as set forth in the assessment roll dated May 2010: PURPOSE MILLAGE (MILLS) General Operating 9.5000 Sanitation Service 2.5000 Promotion .0680 Total 12.0680 At a meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, on the _____________________ Day of June 2010, the foregoing resolution was moved for adoption by Commissioner __________________________. Commissioner________________________ supported the motion. Resolution declared adopted. _________________________________ __________________________________ Mayor City Clerk Page 76 of 76 AGENDA ITEM NO. ___________________ CITY COMMISSION MEETING __________________________ TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Bryon L. Mazade, City Manager DATE: May 12, 2010 RE: Sappi Settlement Agreement SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve a settlement agreement between the City of Muskegon and Sappi Fine Paper North America to resolve any tax-related claims between the parties. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Approximately $700,000 to the City. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached agreement and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute it. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None. pb\AGENDA\SAPPI SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 051210 DATE: 05/18/2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and Commissioners FROM: Anthony Kleibecker, Director of Public Safety RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #: EN090056 SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 362 E FOREST AVE is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. Case# & Project Address: # EN090056 - 362 E FOREST AVE Location and ownership: This structure is located on E. Forest Ave between Wood and Smith Streets and is owned by JOHNSON, DAVID. Staff Correspondence: A dangerous building inspection was conducted on 03/03/09. The Notice and Order to Repair was issued on 03/06/09. On 05/07/09 the HBA declared the structure substandard and dangerous. Owner Contact: No one was present for the HBA meeting dated 05/07/09. The structure was sold at tax auction 10/16/09 to Terees Williams. All notices and correspondence was sent to new owner. On 02/02/10 a letter was received from Mrs. Williams stating property had been quit claimed to a relative David Johnson. Copies of all notices and inspection reports were sent to new owner 04/26/10. Owner met with Inspection Department 05/17/10. No permits were issued or timeline submitted for repairs. Financial Impact: CDBG Funds Budget action required: None State Equalized value: $10,900 (Entire property) Estimated cost to repair: $25,000 Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish. SUMMARY FOR: 362 E FOREST AVE This is a single story wood framed single family dwelling. This property is currently vacant. Repairs to this structure to make return it to a condition that will make it habitable are extensive, including, structural, plumbing and electrical work. This property suffered a fire in 2008 and has not been substantially repaired. A new owner has acquired the property as of February 22, 2010. The new owner as of May 18, 2010 did not have a comprehensive plan for the restoration of this property. This property will most likely continue to be a blighting influence on this nieborhood as it has been for the past few years. CITY OF MUSKEGON 933 Terrace St., P.O. Box 537, Muskegon, MI 49443 (231) 724-6715 DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT Wednesday, March 4, 2009 Enforcement # EN090056 Property Address 362 E FOREST AVE Parcel #24-205-284-0009-00 Owner PALMER CLELL Inspector: Henry Faltinowski Date completed: 03/04/2009 DEFICENCIES: Uncorrected See fire report below for Dangerous Building information. Uncorrected 1. Provide rafter and floor joist inspection when items blocking access are removed. 2. Replace all damaged drywall on ceiling and walls. 3. Encapsulate all smoke damage. 4. Replace or sister cut ceiling joist at back porch entry. 5. Replace all broken out windows and screens. 6. Replace all damaged siding. 7. House to rewired to code. 8. Smoke alarms to be installed to code. 9. Electric service to be replaced to code. 10. Inspect & repair all plumbing in house and bathroom as needed. 11. Need bath vent fan. 12. Need scald free faucet for tub shower. 13. Inspect & repair or replace kitchen sink. 14. Inspect water heater - provide clearances for water heater venting. 15. Pressure test gas line - need dirt leg at water heater & repair piping at water heater. 16. Inspect & certify furnace & chimney - hose spigot to have vac breakers. Request interior inspection by all trades, electrical, mechanical and plumbing. Please contact Inspection Services with any questions or to schedule an inspection at 933 Terrace St., Muskegon, MI 49440 (231) 724 6758. Based upon my recent inspection of the above property I determined that the structure meets the definition of a Dangerous Building and/or Substandard Building as set forth in Section 10-61 of the Muskegon City Code. _____________________________ _______________ Henry Faltinowski, Building Inspector Date DATE: 05/18/2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and Commissioners FROM: Anthony Kleibecker, Director of Public Safety RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #: EN090255 SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 510 WHITE AVE Area 11 is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. Case# & Project Address: # EN090255 - 510 WHITE AVE Location and ownership: This structure is located on White St between Williams and Scott Streets and is owned by OWENS TRUST. Staff Correspondence: A dangerous building inspection was conducted on 10/28/09. The Notice and Order to Repair was issued on 10/30/09. On 01/07/10 the HBA declared the structure substandard and dangerous. Home had to be secured 04/01/10 all windows broken. Owner Contact: No one was present for the HBA meeting dated 01/07/10. No permits have been issued and no inspections scheduled. Financial Impact: CDBG Funds Budget action required: None State Equalized value: $15,200 (Entire property) Estimated cost to repair: $10,000 Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish. SUMMARY FOR: 510 WHITE AVE This is a single story wood framed single family dwelling. This property is currently vacant. Repairs to this structure to make return it to a condition that will make it habitable are extensive, including, structural. This property was unsecured at the time of the last inspection and it appears that the building has been vandalized. CITY OF MUSKEGON 933 Terrace St., P.O. Box 537, Muskegon, MI 49443 (231) 724-6715 DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT Friday, October 30, 2009 Enforcement # EN090255 Property Address 510 WHITE AVE Parcel #24-205-042-0009-00 Owner OWENS TRUST Inspector: Henry Faltinowski Date completed: 10/28/2009 DEFICENCIES: Uncorrected 1. Numerous broken out windows. 2. Repair front steps, remove ramp. 3. Interior walls, kicked in large holes in drywall. 4. Replace roof covering. Request interior inspection by all trades, electrical, mechanical and plumbing. Please contact Inspection Services with any questions or to schedule an inspection at 933 Terrace St., Muskegon, MI 49440 (231) 724 6758. Based upon my recent inspection of the above property I determined that the structure meets the definition of a Dangerous Building and/or Substandard Building as set forth in Section 10-61 of the Muskegon City Code. _____________________________ _______________ Henry Faltinowski, Building Inspector Date DATE: 05/18/2010 TO: Honorable Mayor and Commissioners FROM: Anthony Kleibecker, Director of Public Safety RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #: EN090149 SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 1847 5TH ST (Garage) is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. Case# & Project Address: # EN090149 - 1847 5TH ST(Garage) Location and ownership: This structure is located on Fifth St between Alpha and W. Laketon Streets and is owned by GLOVER LATONJA. Current record shows property foreclosed by Muskegon Country Treasurer. Staff Correspondence: A dangerous building inspection was conducted on 05/07/09. The Notice and Order to Repair was issued on 05/29/09. On 08/06/09 the HBA declared the structure substandard and dangerous. Owner Contact: No one was present for the HBA meeting dated 0806/09. Owner called 06/03/09 stating home in foreclosure. The Muskegon County Treasurer records show tax foreclosure for 2007 tax non payment. Financial Impact: CDBG Funds Budget action required: None State Equalized value: $28,800 (Entire property) Estimated cost to repair: $5,000 (Garage Only) Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish. SUMMARY FOR: 1847 5TH ST This structure is a single story wood framed one stall detached garage. This garage is an accessory structure to a dwelling. This building is currently in structural failure and is leaning about 20 degrees out of plumb. The roof system is also rotted and no longed keeps the weather out of the building, and also sows evidence of rotting structural framing.. If this building is not demolished, it will likely collapse. This building currently poses a danger to anyone who might enter the property. CITY OF MUSKEGON 933 Terrace St., P.O. Box 537, Muskegon, MI 49443 (231) 724-6715 DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT Thursday, May 28, 2009 Enforcement # EN090149 Property Address 1847 5TH ST (Garage) Parcel #24-232-012-0006-00 Owner GLOVER LATONJA Inspector: Henry Faltinowski Date completed: 05/07/2009 DEFICENCIES: Uncorrected 1. Garage is in state of collapse - remove or rebuild to MRC 2006 code. 2. Severe leaning of structure call for interior if repair is to take place. 3. Replace roof covering. Request interior inspection by all trades, electrical, mechanical and plumbing. Please contact Inspection Services with any questions or to schedule an inspection at 933 Terrace St., Muskegon, MI 49440 (231) 724 6758. Based upon my recent inspection of the above property I determined that the structure meets the definition of a Dangerous Building and/or Substandard Building as set forth in Section 10-61 of the Muskegon City Code. _____________________________ _______________ Henry Faltinowski, Building Inspector Date
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