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CITY OF MUSKE N CITY COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 10, 2007 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS@ 5:30 P.M. AGENDA o CALL TO ORDER: o PRAYER: o PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: o ROLL CALL: o HONORS AND AWARDS: o INTRODUCTIONS/PRESENTATION: o CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK B. Resolution for Charitable Gaming License. CITY CLERK C. Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials and Concrete. PUBLIC WORKS D. Approval of the Use and Maintenance of City Owned Property at 1264 & 1270 Terrace Street and 177 & 185 E. Isabella Avenue for a Garden by Mclaughlin Neighborhood Association. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT o PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Spreading of the Special Assessment Roll for Fifth Street, Merrill to Muskegon. ENGINEERING B. Spreading of the Special Assessment Roll for Fifth Street, Muskegon to Western. ENGINEERING o COMMUNICATIONS: o CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: o UNFINISHED BUSINESS: o NEW BUSINESS: A. 2007-2008 Community Development Block Grant/HOME Partnership Program Allocations. COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES B. Approval of the 2007-2008 Action Plan. COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES C. First Quarter 2007 Budget Reforecast. FINANCE D. Muskegon Summer Celebration. ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER E. Special Events - Pop-A-Top Request to be Grandfathered. ASSIST ANT CITY MANAGER F. Special Event Liquor License Request - The Muskegon Yacht Club. ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER G. Special Event Liquor License Request - Mike's Inn, June 28 th thru July 8 th , 2007. ASSIST ANT CITY MANAGER H. Special Event Liquor License Request - The Muskegon Chronicle. ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER I. Muskegon Bike Time Events, Inc., July 20th thru July 22 nd , 2007. ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER • ANY OTHER BUSINESS: • PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: • Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following: • Fill out a request to speak form attached to 1he agenda or located in the back of the room. • Submit the form to the City Clerk. • Be recognized by the Chair. • Step forward to the microphone. • State name and address. • Umll of 3 minutes to address the Commission. • {Speaker representing a group may be allowed l Ominutes if previously registered wi1h City Clerk.} • ADJOURNMENT: ADA POLICY: THE CITY OF MUSl{ \_,.: 'o::-,., Hobo's Music by Ryke's Bakery Cafe Ouortet Ad lib and Kent Beverage Andrea Lochniet, pianist \/ Hackley Visiting Nurse Services and Hospice invites you to experience the fine talents of local chefs and photographers Thursday, April 19, 2007 from 6:00-8 :OOpm Hackley Health at the Lakes 6401 Prairie Street (off Harvey between Pontoluna and Sternberg Road,) $35 per person Attendance limited to first 250 people RSVP no later than Friday, April 6, 2007 "Taste and See' will benefit lhe Hockley VNS Good Samarilan Fund dedicated lo providing hospice core for those whose resources hove been depletsd. VISITING NURSE SEI\\IJCES AND HOSPICE~ 04/02/2007 10:29 1-231-728-4958 VISITING NURSES HCS PAGE 03/03 lnblrnal Rewnue Service Dapartrftent nf the rreaeury Data: January 25, 2005 P. 0, Box 2508 Cineinrwatt, OH 453.01 HACKLEY VISITING NURSE SERVICES INC Person to COllblct: 888 TERRACE ST Branda Fox 31-07209 MUSKE'GON Ml 49440-1220 ·· Custpmer Service Reproeentatlve Toll Pnqa Telephone Number: 8:00ia..m. to 6:30 p.m. EST . en-a21HSsoo Fu Nu.,.ber: 513•26)--3756 F•deraJ ldentttlcatlon Number: 38-1859598 Dear Sit or Madam: This Is In response to your request of January 25, 2006, reg~rdlng your organization's tax· exempt status. · . In January 1946 we Issued II determination leltllr that recogoimd your organlzalton as exempt from federal Income tax. Our records Indicate that ~ur orgonl::rallon l:11 currently exempt under section 501 (c)(3) of the. Internal ReVt'lnu11 Code, . . Our mconls indlcala that yoor organization Is also classfflad b a public charity under Gections 509(a)(1) and 17O(b)(1 )(A)(vl) bf the lntemal Revenue Code. I Our records indicate !hat contrlbut1om1 to your organlmtlon eredeductible under section 170 of Iha Code, and that you are quallfltd to receive !aX deductJple bequests, devises, transfers or gifts utidor section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the lntemal Re1fl!nue Code. If you have any questions, ple11S11 call us al the telephone number shown in the heading of this latter, . . Sincerely, ~·~4 Jenna K. Skufca, oirector, TE/OE Cutrtoroor Account SaJVices 04/02/2007 10:29 1-231-728-4958 VISITING NURSES HCS PAGE 01/03 m111m' VISITING NURSE SERVICES AND HOSPICE i FAX TRANSMISSION SHEET FROM:,1 f\ . /Vo._h_c_,.__ FAX: 231 722-4992 PHONE: PHONE: PAGES (including cover sheet): DATE: ./ 231 726-5025 ' r - ;'.2__ -- o, 3 D Urgent D For Review D Please Comment D Please Reply D Please Recycle CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE _THE DOCUMENTS ACCOMPANYING THIS FAX TRANSMISSION CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION BELONGING TO THE SENDER THAT IS LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. THIS INFORMATIOIN IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. THE AUTHORIZED RECIPIENT OF THIS INFORMATION IS PROHIBITED FROM DISCLOSING THIS INFORMATION TO ANY OTHER PARTY AND IS REQUIRED TO DESTROY THE INFORMATION AFTER ITS STATED NEED HAS BEEN FULFILLED, UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUIRED BY STATE LAW. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS FAX IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDIATELY OR CONTACT OUR CORPORATE COMPLIANCE OFFICE AT (231) 726-5025. MEETING YOUR NEEDS AND EXCEEDING YOUR EXPECTATIONS 888 Tem1ce Street, Muskegon, Ml 49440-1220 Phono: (231) 726·50W Toll Freo: 1-600-499-5025 Fax: (231) 728-4058 U!\FrnQu~nlly .:,r;c~~•dlFAX Cov"r 6heei (3ECONO FLOOR}.doc (705) AGENDA ITEM NO. - - - - CITY COMMISSION MEETING _ _ _ _ __ TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Department of Public Works DATE: April 10, 2007 SUBJECT: Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials and Concrete SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Award bid to supply Hl and H2 limestone chip blend to Verplank Trucking Company, PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, MI 49409 Award bid to supply road slag to Verplank Trucking Company, PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, Ml 49409 Award bid to supply Sylvax patching material (CP-6 alternative) to Rieth-Riley Construction Co., PO Box 278, Ada, Ml 4930 I Award bid for crack sealant to Lakeshore PLM Services, 6818 Harvey St., Spring Lake, MI 49456 Award bid to supply bituminous asphalt product to Asphalt Paving, Inc., 1000 E. Sherman Boulevard, Muskegon MI 49444-0190 Award bid to supply Calcium Chloride 38% (road brine) and 32% (winter salting) to Liquid Dustlayer, Inc., P.O. Box 188, Manistee, Ml 49660 Award bid to supply screened top soil to Verplank Trucking Company, PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, MI 49409 Award bid to supply 2NS sand to Verplank Trucking Company, PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, Ml 49409 Award bid to supply 7-sack mix concrete to Port City Redi-Mix Company, 1780 Sheridan Road Muskegon, Ml 49442; contingent upon product availability, timely deliveries, and prices as quoted. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $167,700 based on 2006 quantities at 2007 quotes. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None; funds appropriated in several budgets. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To: The City Commission Through The City Manager From: Robert H. Kuhn, Director of Public Works Date: March 26, 2007 Subject: 2007 Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials, and Concrete Requests for bids to provide road maintenance materials were solicited in The Chronicle and from vendors on file. It is recommended that the vendor in bold print supply Public Works with product as needed in 2007. Funds have been appropriated for these purchases. 500 ton Hl & H2 Limestone Chip Blend ($16.75 in 2006; $3,295.00) Verplank Trucking Co. PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, MI 49409 $20.00 per ton, delivered Meekhofs Lakeside Dock I 686 I 120th Ave., Nunica, MI 49448 $23. 00 per ton, delivered 9,000 ton Road Slag 22-A Natural ($9.65 in 2006; $31,940.53) Verplank Trucking Co. PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, MI 49409 $10.15 per ton, delivered th Meekhofs Lakeside Dock 16861 120 Ave., Nunica, MI 49448 $10.50 per ton, delivered 500 tons Sylvax Patching Materials- UPM-CP-7, or ASTM Specification C-136 #9 or Statite CP-6, or similar product ($61.00 in 2006; $14,080.12) Rieth-Riley Construction Co. 867 Egypt Valley, Ada MI 49301 $83.00 per ton, delivered Asphalt Paving, Inc. 1000 E. Sherman Boulevard, Muskegon MI 49444-0190 $85.00 per ton, delivered 50,000 pounds Crack Sealant (block form) (no bid in 2006; $ I 7,000) Lakeshore PLM Services 6818 Harvey St., Spring Lake, MI 49456 $0.35 per pound, delivered AS! Manufacturing, LLC 1805 Industrial Park Dr., Grand Haven, MI 49417 $0.37 per pound, delivered NHMS Ltd, LLC P.O. Box 5315, Akron, OH 44334 $0.43 per pound, delivered 200 ton Bituminous Asphalt 4:12, Base ($45.00 in 2006; $593.88) Asphalt Paving, Inc. 1000 E. Shem1an Boulevard, Muskegon MI 49444-0190 $49.00 per ton, picked up Rieth-Riley Construction Co. 867 Egypt Valley, Ada MI 49301 $42.00 per ton, picked up Note: Bid award based upon location. Requires approximately 2 hours travel time, keeping one/two employees unavailable during this time. Also do not have the equipment needed to keep the asphalt hot from Ada to Muskegon. 1,000 ton Bituminous Asphalt 4:12, Top ($45.00 in 2006; $24,108.00) Asphalt Paving, Inc. I 000 E. Sherman Boulevard, Muskegon MI 49444-0190 $50.00 per ton, picked up Rieth-Riley Construction Co. 867 Egypt Valley, Ada MI 49301 $43.00 per ton, picked up 2007 Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials, and Concrete Page 2 March 26, 2007 85,000 gallons Calcium Chloride 38% (road hriue) ($0.43 in 2006; $26,585.16) Liquid Dustlayer, Inc. P.O. Box 188, Manistee, MI 49660 $0.42 per gallon, spread Great Lakes Chloride P.O. Box 86, Jones, MI 49061 $0.44 per gallon, spread 15,000 gallons Calcium Chloride 32% (winter salting) ($0.36 in 2006; $1086.84) Liquid Dustlayer Inc. P.O. Box 188, Manistee, MI 49660 $0.35 per gallon, stored Great Lakes Chloride P.O. Box 86, Jones, MI 49061 $0.37 per gallon, stored Screened Top Soil ($10.00 in 2006; $6,312.00) Verplank Trucking Co. PO Box 8, Ferrysburg, MI 49409 $12.00 per cubic yard, delivered Meekhofs Lakeside Dock 16861 120'" Ave., Nunica, Ml 49448 $12.60 per cubic yard, delivered 2NS Sand (no bid in 2006; $550.00) Verplank Trucking Co. PO Box 8, Fen-ysburg, MI 49409 $5.50 per ton, delivered Meekhofs Lakeside Dock 16861 120th Ave., Nunica, MI 49448 $5.50 per ton, delivered Asphalt Paving, Inc. 1000 E. Sherman Boulevard, Muskegon MI 49444-0190 $13.00 per ton, delivered Concrete mix as needed (7 Sack Mix $80.00* in 2006, $41,141.50) Port City Redi-Mix $83.00 per cubic yard, 7 Sack Mix, delivered* 1780 Sheridan Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 Consumers Concrete $85.00 per cubic yard, 7 Sack Mix, delivered 4400 E. Evanston Avenue, Muskegon MI 49442 *The 7-sack mix is the most commonly used product. It should be noted that concrete purchases may include several miscellaneous charges, including, but not limited to, hot water, chloride, small loads, second drops, winter price, extra unload time. Purchases will be made from recommended bidder, contingent upon product availability, timely deliveries, and prices as quoted. LAA (L/Docs/Bids/2007 Agg ... Comm Ltr) Commission Meeting Date: April 1 0, 2007 Date: March 29, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission From: Planning & Economic Development Department RE: Approval of the Use & Maintenance of City Owned Property at 1264 & 1270 Terrace St. & 177 & 185 E. Isabella Ave. for a garden by McLaughlin Neighborhood Association. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the use and maintenance of the City owned property located at 1264 & 1270 Terrace Street & 177 & 185 E. Isabella Avenue for a community garden. The properties are contiguous and together create two buildable lots. The City would retain the right to sell the property with the McLaughlin Neighborhood Association having time to remove the garden prior to any sales. McLaughlin Neighborhood Association has proposed a vegetable garden with flowers. The neighborhood residents will be involved in the garden and the maintenance. All gardening tools will be stored off site. There will be no permanent structures on the site. The Neighborhood Association has committed to maintaining the garden. The McLaughlin Neighborhood Association President resides across the street at 1291 Terrace Street. · FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. By having the maintenance agreement with the McLaughlin Neighborhood Association, the City would not need to maintain the property while the garden is at the location. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution and to authorize both the Mayor and the Clerk to sign said resolution and maintenance agreement. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None. Resolution No. 2007-31 ( d) MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION APPROVING THE USE AND MAINTENANCE OF TWO BUILD ABLE LOTS AT 1264 & 1270 TERRACE STREET & 177 & 188 E. ISABELLA AVENUE IN THE MCLAUGHLIN NEIGHBORHOOD. WHEREAS, The McLaughlin Neighborhood Association be allowed to use and maintain the parcels designated as parcel numbers 24-205-252-0001-00; 24-205-252-0002-00; 24-205-252- 0001-10; and 24-205-252-0012-00, located at 1264 & 1270 Terrace Street & 177 & 185 E Isabella; and WHEREAS, the City would reserve the right to sell the property and give McLaughlin Neighborhood Association time to remove the garden prior to any sale; and WHEREAS, the maintenance would relieve the City from having to maintain the property and the maintenance costs while the garden is there; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that parcel numbers 24-205-252-0001-00; 24-205- 252-0002-00; 24-205-252-0001-10; and 24-205-252-0012-00, located at 1264 & 1270 Terrace Street & 177 & 185 E Isabella be maintained for a community garden by the McLaughlin Neighborhood Association. CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 N 40 FT LOT 2 & LOT 1 BLK 252 CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 N 40 FT LOT 2 BLK 252 CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 ELY 40 FT LOT 1 BLK 252 CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 12 BLK 252 Adopted this lOt~ day of April, 2007. Ayes: Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Wierenga, Carter, and Davis Nays: None Absent None CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular meeting held on April 10, 2007. \ ·.• '\, .. C I By>,~~'~\\ ~\J\;~:, \~}., \A" Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk 2007-3l(d) Maintenance Agreement This Agreement is made April I, 2007 ("Effective Date"), by and between the City of Muskegon ("City"), of 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49440, and McLaughlin Neighborhood Association, P.O. Box 244, Muskegon, Michigan, 49443. Background A "City" is the owner of the vacant lots located at 177 & 185 E Isabella and 1264 & 1270 Terrace ("Properties"). B. The parties wish to enter into an agreement regarding the installation and maintenance of a flower garden located at the Property. C. Individual has agreed to petform the installation and physical maintenance of the garden at the Property pursuant to the terms set forth in this maintenance agreement. Therefore, the parties agree as follows: I. General Agreement. Individual agrees, at the sole cost of the Individual, to perform the installation and physical maintenance of a flower garden at the Property. 2. Site Design. Individual shall submit a garden design for the Property, and receive design approval from the City, prior to installation. City agrees not to unreasonably withhold its approval of the garden design. Any necessary permits or variances (fencing, lighting, electrical, plumbing, etc.) are the responsibility of the Individual and not the City and must be obtained prior to performing any work. 3. Maintenance. Individual shall be responsible for the physical installation of the flower garden and continuing maintenance of the Property, including i) mowing, trimming, fertilizing, weed control and any other routine maintenance of the grass, trees, shrubs and plantings at the Property, and ii) trash and litter removal from the Property. 4. Buildable Lot. City retains the right to sell the property at any time without prior notice to the Individual. In the event the property is sold, City shall notify the Individual, who shall have 30 days to remove any plantings and other items installed by the Individual. 5. Term. This maintenance agreement shall continue in effect until terminated by either party. Upon termination, Individual waives any claim against City for installation or maintenance of any item on the Property. 6. Insurance. Should the Individual place any items (picnic tables, grills, etc.) that are to remain on the property for an extended period of time, the Individual must purchase liability insurance and provide proof of the insurance to the City. 7. Hold Harmless. Individual shall indemnify, defend and save City harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, liability and expense in connection with the loss of life, personal injury or damage to property arising from any occurrence in or about the Property or from the occupancy or use by Individual of the Property or any part thereof or resulting in whole or part from any act or omission of Individual, its employees, invitees, licensees, contractors or agents. City shall not be liable for any injury to the person or prope1ty of Individual or any other persons on the Property resulting from the criminal or negligent acts of third persons occurring on or nearby the Property. [signatures appear on following page) 0:\P!anning\COMMON\Property\garden properties\Mclaughlin-terrace-isabella\maintenance agreement.DOC By: Name: Title: Date: \.. - I ) · C1 -- _ \>"'~ ;__\\ '-'-·,' ' ' [')\ , By '-., ;}' L>,U:::::-:,\ ~/\J>, /,....,,.,-\ ~· )·'- .,/J1[ ,-·\ /" \ Name: Ann Marie Becker, MMC Title: Clerk Date: Lj- )-07 a Pastoor, President of McLaughlin Neighborhoo Association Date: &./7,,,;:.J, / , ;:J--"-',J7 ( I O:\Planning\COMMON\Property\garden properties\Mclaughlin-terrace-isabella\maintenance agreement.DOC McLaughlin Neighborhood Buildable/Unbuildable Lots BuMdeble CJ Unbuildable TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Engineering DATE: April 10, 2007 RE: Public Hearing Spreading of the Special Assessment Roll Fifth St., Merrill Ave. to Muskegon Ave. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To hold a public hearing on the spreading of the special assessment for Fifth St. from Merrill Ave. to Muskegon Ave., and to adopt the attached resolution confirming the special assessment roll. FINANCIAL IMPACT: A total of$46,432.00 would be spread against the twenty - (20) parcels abutting the project. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the special assessment roll and adopt the attached resolution. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: CITY OF MUSKEGON Resolution No. 2007-32 (a) Resolution Confirming Special Assessment Roll For Fifth St. from Merrill Ave. to Muskegon Ave. Properties Assessed: See Exhibit A attached to this resolution. RECITALS: I. The City Commission determined to create a special assessment district covering the Properties set forth in Exhibit A attached to this resolution on April 11, 2006, at the first hearing. 2. The City has reviewed the special assessment roll which purports to levy a special assessment in the said district, levying on each property a portion of the cost which has been determined to be appropriate, considering the improvements, the benefit to the assessed properties, and the policies of the City. 3. The City Conunission has received final bids for the construction and/or installation of the improvements and determines it to be fair and reasonable. 4. The City Commission has heard alJ objections to the roll filed before or at the hearing. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: I. That the special assessment roll submitted by the Board of Assessors is hereby approved. 2. That the assessments levied may be made in instaJJments as folJows: annual instalJments over ten (JO) years. Any assessment that is paid in installments shall carry interest at the rate of five (5) percent per annum to be paid in addition to the principal payments on the special assessment. RESOLUTION CONFIRMING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR Fifth St., Merrill Ave. to Muskegon Ave. Continued ... 3. The Clerk is directed to endorse the certificate of this confirmation resolution and the Mayor may endorse or attach his warrant bearing the date of this resolution which is the date of confirmation. This resolution passed. Ayes: Carter, Davis, Gawron, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Wierenga Nays: None City of Muskegon By \,'vy~\,~-~,\, :2:, ~.- VL;, Ann Marie Beclcer, MMC City Clerk CERTIFICATE This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on April 10, 2007. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. Fmther, I hereby ce1tify that the special assessment roll referred to in this resolution was confirmed on this date, being April 10, 2007. City of Muskegon \. ;\\ "-~Ll'-''\.),1.··), By \, j,,i''----''·--. 2):.. ;/ v\.....A·\ Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerlc EXHIBIT A FIFTH ST., MERRILL AVE. TO MUSKEGON AVE. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT All properties abutting that section of Fifth St. from Merrill Ave. to Muskegon Ave. 0., ·e n. .; ten z C/) .c in I FIFTH ST., MERRILL AVE. TO MUSKEGON AVE. MAYOR'S ENDORSEMENT AND WARRANT I, STEPHEN J. WARMINGTON, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON, HEREBY ENDORSE THE ABOVE CONFIRMATION RESOLUTION AND HEREBY WARRANT TO THE CITY TREASURER THIS DATE THAT HE SHALL PROCEED TO COLLECT THE ASSESSMENTS AT THE TIME AND IN THE MANNER SET FORTH ABOVE. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) ss COUNTY OF MUSKEGON ) TO CONFIRM THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE FOLLOWING: H-1615, Fifth St., Merrill St. To Muskegon Ave. THE DEPONENT SAYS THAT THE NOTICE OF HEARING WAS SERVED UPON EACH OWNER OF OR PARTY IN INTEREST IN PROPERTY TO BE ASSESSED IN THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT WHOSE NAME APPEARS UPON THE LAST TAX ASSESSMENT RECORDS OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON BY MAILING SUCH NOTICE IN A SEALED ENVELOPE BY FIRST CLASS UNITED STATES MAIL, WITH POSTAGE PREPAID, ADDRESSED TO EACH SUCH OWNER OR PARTY IN INTEREST AT THE ADDRESS SHOWN ON SAID LAST TAX ASSESSMENT RECORDS BY DEPOSITING THEM IN AN OFFICIAL UNITED STATES MAIL RECEPTACLE ON THE 30th DAY OFMARCH2007 ~\}-"'r-'. \ ~ ~½~CU\ ANN MARIE BECKER, CITY CLERK SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS dncl DAY OF d;zo I 2007. , ~ ~ NOTARY PUBLIC, MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 9-cJ.s-- d0/2 CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONFIRMATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLLS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS: FIFTH ST., MERRILL A VE. TO MUSKEGON AVE. and FIFTH ST., MUSKEGON AVE. TO WESTERN A VE. The location of the special assessment districts and the properties proposed to be assessed are: All parcels abutting Fifth St. from Merrill Ave. to Muskegon Ave. and All parcels abutting Fifth St. from Muskegon Ave. to Western Ave. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a hearing to confirm the special assessment rolls will be held at the City of Muskegon Commission Chambers on April 10, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. At the time set for the hearing the City Commission will examine and determine whether to approve the special assessment rolls that has been prepared and submitted for the purpose of said hearing and for examination by those persons to be assessed. The special assessment rolls are on file and may be examined during regular business hours at the City Engineer's office between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, except holidays. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PROTEST YOUR ASSESSMENT EITHER IN WRITING OR IN PERSON AT THE HEARING. IF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLLS IS CONFIRMED, YOU WILL HAVE THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF CONFIRMATION OF THE ROLLS TO FILE A WRITTEN APPEAL WITH THE MICHIGAN STATE TAX TRIBUNAL. HOWEVER, UNLESS YOU PROTEST AT THIS HEARING OR DID SO AT THE PREVIOUS HEARING ON THIS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS EITHER IN PERSON OR BY AGENT, OR IN WRITING BEFORE OR AT THE HEARING, YOUR RIGHT TO APPEAL TO THE MICHIGAN TAX TRIBUNAL WILL BE LOST. You are further notified that at the first hearing the City Commission determined that the special assessment districts should be created, the improvements made, and the assessments levied. The purpose of this hearing is to hear objections to the assessment rolls and to approve, reject, or correct the said rolls. Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk Publish: MARCH 31, 2007 ADA POLICY The City will provide necessary appropriate auxiliary aids and services, for example, signers for the hearing impaired, audiotapes for the visually impaired, etc., for disabled persons who want to attend the meeting, upon twenty-four hours notice to the City. Contact: Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 (231) 724-6705 ofTDD (231) 724-6773 Acct# 643-60447-5267 H 1615 HEARING DATE APRIL 10. 2007 FIFTH ST.,MERRIL ST. TO MUSKEGON AVE. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL DR APP PARCEL @ OWNER MAILING ADDRESS PAVING /SW TOTAL 24-205-377-0012-3 1275 5TH ST ANDREE MICHAEL L/C 765 ANDREE RD MUSKEGON Ml 49445 $1,056.00 $0.00 $1,056.00 24-205-377-0012-2 1269 5TH ST MCMILLAN DONALD C 838 W GRAND AVE MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $1,056.00 $0.00 $1,056.00 24-205-377-0012-1 1267 5TH ST ROBERTS BEN JR 864 EMERALD ST MUSKEGON Ml 49442 $1,056.00 $0.00 $1,056.00 24-205-377-0012-0 1261 5TH ST CITY OF MUSKEGON 933 TERRACE ST MUSKEGON Ml 49443-0 $1,056.00 $0.00 $1,056.00 24-205-377-0001-2 1257 5TH ST JAMES SALLY E 1257 5TH ST MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $1,120.00 $0.00 $1,120.00 24-205-377-0001-1 1251 5TH ST HUNTINGTON NATION 2361 MORSE RD NC2 COLUMBUS OH 43229-5 $1,424.00 $0.00 $1,424.00 24-205-377-0001-0 1245 5TH ST FLES CHARLES B/DEB 1245 5TH ST MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $1,680.00 $0.00 $1,680.00 24-205-369-0012-0 1231 5TH ST SINGLETON JAMES L 3925 E APPLE AVE MUSKEGON Ml 49442 $1,312.00 $0.00 $1,312.00 24-205-369-0011-1 1225 5TH ST GOSSE CAROL 1225 5TH MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $1,600.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 24-205-369-0001-1 371 HOUSTON AV JAZDZYK CHESTER J 1519 CLINTON ST MUSKEGON Ml 49442 $2,112.00 $0.00 $2,112.00 24-205-348-0012-0 372 HOUSTON AV FLOWERS NORMAN/R 372 HOUSTON AVE MUSKEGON Ml 49441-1 $2,112.00 $0.00 $2,112.00 24-205-348-0001-0 407 MUSKEGON A KUYT PAUL D/RANDI 32 RIVER ST COOPERSVILL Ml 49404 $2,112.00 $0.00 $2,112.00 24-205-378-0007 -1 1270 5TH ST MONEY JACKIE R/SHI PO BOX 943 HERNANDO MS 38632-0 $2,496.00 $0.00 $2,496.00 24-205-378-0007-0 1264 5TH ST REDDER MARSHALL 3960 30TH ST SW GRANDVILLE Ml 49418 $1,728.00 $0.00 $1,728.00 24-205-378-0006-2 1258 5TH ST JAZDZYK CHESTER J 1519 CLINTON ST MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $1,344.00 $0.00 $1,344.00 24-205-378-0006-1 1252 5TH ST HSBC MORTGAGE SE 636 GRAND REGENC BRANDON FL 33510-3 $1,408.00 $0.00 $1,408.00 24-205-378-0006-0 1246 5TH ST 10TH ST PARTNERSHI PO BOX 826 GRANITE FALL NC 28630 $1,472.00 $0.00 $1,472.00 24-205-368-0005-0 1224 5TH ST ST JOSEPH PARRISH 1115 3RD ST MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $9,088.00 $0.00 $9,088.00 4/11/2007 Page 1 of 2 H 1615 HEARING DATE APRIL10.2007 FIFTH ST.,MERRIL ST. TO MUSKEGON AVE. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL DR APP PARCEL @ OWNER MAILING ADDRESS PAVING /SW TOTAL 24-205-349-0001 -0 350 HOUSTON AV NELSON PLACE LTD D 834 KING HWY KALAMAZOO Ml 49001 $9,088.00 $0.00 $9,088.00 24-205-348-0013-0 1177 5TH ST RU P LLC 420 CARMEN DR SPRING LAKE Ml 49456 $2,112.00 $0.00 $2,112.00 TOTALS --- -- --- ---- ------ ----- ------ ------- --- ------------------ ---- ---··------- ----------------- ........ --- --·-·-·. --·----·-........... ··-- $46,432.00 $0.00 $46,432.00 PLEASE NOTE: PARCELS SHOWING $0.00 IN THE TOTAL COLUMN ARE EXEMPT BOARD OF ASSESSORS r 7r, r1::P R , DIRECTOR,COUNTY EQUALIZATIO DATE ~%7 ~ Q p~ LAWRENCE SPATARO CITY COMMISSIONER '-f-dL7 . DATE c¼t/UV~M- CLARA SHEPHERD CITY COMMISSIONER DATE 4/-11/2007 Page 2 of 2 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Engineering DATE: April 10, 2007 RE: Public Hearing Spreading of the Special Assessment Roll Fifth St., Muskegon Ave. to Western Ave. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To hold a public hearing on the spreading of the special assessment for Fifth St. from Muskegon Ave. to Western Ave., and to adopt the attached resolution confirming the special assessment roll. FINANCIAL IMP ACT: A total of$33,440.00 would be spread against the seventeen - (17) parcels abutting the project. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the special assessment roll and adopt the attached resolution. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: CITY OF MUSKEGON ResolutionNo. 2007-32(b) Resolution Confirming Special Assessment Roll For Fifth St. from Muskegon Ave. to Western Ave. Properties Assessed: See Exhibit A attached to this resolution. RECITALS: I. The City Commission determined to create a special assessment district covering the Properties set forth in Exhibit A attached to this resolution on February 28, 2006, at the first hearing. 2. The City has reviewed the special assessment roll which purports to levy a special assessment in the said district, levying on each property a portion of the cost which has been determined to be appropriate, considering the improvements, the benefit to the assessed properties, and the policies of the City. 3. The City Commission has received final bids for the construction and/or installation of the improvements and determines it to be fair and reasonable. 4. The City Commission has heard all objections to the roll filed before or at the hearing. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the special assessment roll submitted by the Board of Assessors is hereby approved. 2. That the assessments levied may be made in installments as fo Hows: annual installments over ten (10) years. Any assessment that is paid in installments shall carry interest at the rate of five (5) percent per annum to be paid in addition to the principal payments on the special assessment. RESOLUTION CONFIRMING SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR Fifth St., Muskegon Ave. to Western Ave. Continued... 3. The Clerk is directed to endorse the certificate of this confirmation resolution and the Mayor may endorse or attach his wan-ant bearing the date of this resolution which is the date of confirmation. This resolution passed. Ayes: Warmington, Wierenga, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Shepherd, and Spataro Nays: - ~ N c c o c c n ~ e ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - City of Muskegon B~'::,~"','-.J'/~\ '"\1'0\__~ Q.)'- Jl1,,~ Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk CERTIFICATE This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on April 10, 2007. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. Further, I hereby certify that the special assessment roll refen-ed to in this resolution was confirmed on this date, being April 10, 2007. City of Muskegon 1 By\~\V"Jr~ \r~\)\J~ ~~,\L(j'--'.l_J\ Ann Marie Becker, MMC City Clerk EXHIBIT A FIFTH ST., MUSKEGON AVE. TO WESTERN AVE. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT All properties abutting that section of FIFTH ST., MUSKEGON AVE. TO WESTERN AVE. //L~<:~~y . ; ~ ·~~ ~ ~ ~' \_/ " - ~ ) / \\ / •,,~'i'<'iffi / "'o' ¼ ¾ -~ )/ ~ ~ ~ ' ~~ 0/0~ - ~ ~~ , ~~ 1/ ~@ ~ ~ en »~~~'zy ~-e~~Y~ ~ - ~ S I~cj I~ I ~~ F-'Nl ~ 0 !'ITT · ::J z I FIFTH ST., MUSKEGON AVE. TO WESTERN AVE. MAYOR'S ENDORSEMENT AND WARRANT I, STEPHEN J. WARMINGTON, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON, HEREBY ENDORSE THE ABOVE CONFIRMATION RESOLUTION AND HEREBY WARRANT TO THE CITY TREASURER THIS DATE THAT HE SHALL PROCEED TO COLLECT THE ASSESSMENTS AT THE TIME AND IN THE MANNER SET FORTH ABOVE. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) ss COUNTY OF MUSKEGON) TO CONFIRM THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR THE FOLLOWING: H-1604, Fifth St., Muskegon Ave. To Western Ave. THE DEPONENT SAYS THAT THE NOTICE OF HEARING WAS SERVED UPON EACH OWNER OF OR PARTY IN INTEREST IN PROPERTY TO BE ASSESSED IN THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT WHOSE NAME APPEARS UPON THE LAST TAX ASSESSMENT RECORDS OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON BY MAILING SUCH NOTICE IN A SEALED ENVELOPE BY FIRST CLASS UNITED STATES MAIL, WITH POSTAGE PREP AID, ADDRESSED TO EACH SUCH OWNER OR PARTY IN INTEREST AT THE ADDRESS SHOWN ON SAID LAST TAX ASSESSMENT RECORDS BY DEPOSITING THEM IN AN OFFICIAL UNITED STATES MAIL RECEPTACLE ONT, E 30th DAY OF MARCH 2007 \ / . '2 ~\"-.JY',\ \ ~N ~~;:___. (l ANN MARIE BECKER, CITY CLERK SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS d" d DAY OF -92c1 / 2007. , ~ l!atvz, NOTARY PUBLIC, MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN MYCOMMISSIONEXPIRES 9-dS-ol.0/,}_ CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONFIRMATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLLS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS: FIFTH ST., MERRILL AVE. TO MUSKEGON A VE. and FIFTH ST., MUSKEGON A VE. TO WESTERN A VE. The location of the special assessment districts and the properties proposed to be assessed are: All pa1·cels abutting Fifth St. from Merrill Ave. to Muskegon Ave. and All parcels abutting Fifth St. from Muskegon Ave. to Western Ave. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a hearing to confirm the special assessment rolls will be held at the City of Muskegon Commission Chambers on April 10, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. At the time set for the hearing the City Commission will examine and determine whether to approve the special assessment rolls that has been prepared and submitted for the purpose of said hearing and for examination by those persons to be assessed. The special assessment rolls are on file and may be examined during regular business hours at the City Engineer's office between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays, except holidays. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PROTEST YOUR ASSESSMENT EITHER IN WRITING OR IN PERSON AT THE HEARING. IF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLLS IS CONFIRMED, YOU WILL HAVE THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF CONFIRMATION OF THE ROLLS TO FILE A WRITTEN APPEAL WITH THE MICHIGAN STATE TAX TRIBUNAL. HOWEVER, UNLESS YOU PROTEST AT THIS HEARING OR DID SO AT THE PREVIOUS HEARING ON THIS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS EITHER IN PERSON OR BY AGENT, OR IN WRITING BEFORE OR AT THE HEARING, YOUR RIGHT TO APPEAL TO THE MICHIGAN TAX TRIBUNAL WILL BE LOST. You are further notified that at the first hearing the City Commission determined that the special assessment districts should be created, the improvements made, and the assessments levied. The purpose of this hearing is to hear objections to the assessment rolls and to approve, reject, or correct the said rolls. Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk Publish: MARCH 31, 2007 ADA POLICY The City will provide necessary appropriate auxiliary aids and services, for example, signers for the hearing impaired, audiotapes for the visually impaired, etc., for disabled persons who want to attend the meeting, upon twenty-four hours notice to the City. Contact: Ann Marie Becker, City Clerk 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 (231} 724-6705 of TDD (231} 724-6773 Acct# 643-60447-5267 H 1604 HEARING DATE APRIL 10, 2007 FIFTH ST.,MUSKEGON AVE. TO WESTERN AVE. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL DR APP PARCEL @ OWNER MAILING ADDRESS PAVING /SW TOTAL 24-205-314-0006-0 505 WESTERN AVE CITY OF MUSKEGON 933 TERRACE ST MUSKEGON Ml 49443 $2,304.00 $0.00 $2,304.00 24-205-314-0007-0 1060 5TH ST CAUGHEY NATONIA G 1868 SPENCER DR MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $864.00 $0.00 $864.00 24-205-314-0007 -1 1064 5TH ST ELLIS SHIRLEY 640 LAKE FOREST LN MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $1,280.00 $0.00 $1,280.00 24-205-314-0007-2 470 CLAY AVE CITY OF MUSKEGON 933 TERRACE ST MUSKEGON Ml 49443 $1,168.00 $0.00 $1,168.00 24-205-325-0001-0 445 CLAY AVE BOOTH NEWSPAPER I 981 THIRD ST MUSKEGON Ml 49440 $4,480.00 $0.00 $4,480.00 24-205-325-0007 -0 424 WEBSTER AVE LEBEDNICK PHILIP M 424 W WEBSTER AVE MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $2,240.00 $0.00 $2,240.00 24-205-336-0006-0 421 WEBSTER AVE ROLEWICZ JONATHA 421 WWEBSTERAVE MUSKEGON Ml 49440 $2,112.00 $0.00 $2,112.00 24-205-336-0007 -0 390 MUSKEGON A COTAL SULEYMAN 390 W MUSKEGON A MUSKEGON Ml 49440 $2,112.00 $0.00 $2,112.00 24-205-315-0001-0 521 WESTERN AVE BABBITT E C/P R TRU 4473 CHERRYWOOD MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $2,240.00 $0.00 $2,240.00 24-205-315-0012-0 1063 5TH ST ACHENBACH FREDRI 1063 5TH ST MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $2,240.00 $0.00 $2,240.00 24-205-315-0012-1 486 CLAY AVE FIELDS BOBBIE ET AL 486 W CLAY AVE MUSKEGON Ml 49440 $1,120.00 $0.00 $1,120.00 24-205-324-0001-0 487 CLAY AVE SIERADZKI VICTOR J 487 W CLAY AVE MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $2,248.00 $0.00 $2,248.00 24-205-324-0012-0 446 WEBSTER AVE FRAME WILLIAM D 446 W. WEBSTER AV MUSKEGON Ml 49440 $2,248.00 $0.00 $2,248.00 24-205-337-0002-0 453 WEBSTER AVE VANLUE GARY P/DEB 453 W WEBSTER AVE MUSKEGON Ml 49440 $2,272.00 $0.00 $2,272.00 24-205-337-0001-0 1135 5TH ST HANSON WENDY NC 1135 5TH ST MUSKEGON Ml 49440 $1,952.00 $0.00 $1,952.00 24-205-337-0012-0 1141 5TH ST HAWKINS DIANE K 1141 5TH ST MUSKEGON Ml 49441 $896.00 $0.00 $896.00 24-205-337-0012-1 408 MUSKEGON A FLUKER ADNWALTER 7736 PRARIE DETROIT Ml 48210-0 $1,664.00 $0.00 $1,664.00 4/11/2007 Page 1 of 2 H 1604 HEARING DATE APRIL 10, 2007 FIFTH ST.,MUSKEGON AVE. TO WESTERN AVE. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL DR APP PARCEL @ OWNER MAILING ADDRESS PAVING /SW TOTAL $33,440.00 $0.00 $33,440.00 TOTALS PLEASE NOTE: PARCELS SHOWING $0.00 IN THE TOTAL COLUMN ARE EXEMPT BOARD ~SSORS LA,{g7M~~R,COUNTY EQUAL~~? ·7 ? fl _L__/ . if-I ( ,()7 ~AVR~OMMISSIONER DATE ~ ~ 0~:50 q - {2_ -C 7 SUE WIERENGO CITY COMMISSIONER DATE 4/11/2007 Page 2 of 2 Commission Meeting Date: April 10, 2007 Date: April 3, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission From: Community and Neighborhood Services Department RE: 2007-2008 Community Development Block Grant/HOME Partnership Program Allocations SUMMARY OF REQUEST: For the City Commission to make their final allocation decision concerning the 2007-2008 Community Development Block Grant/HOME Partnership Program allocation for this coming fiscal year. The Commission has received the recommendation from ~he Citizen's District Council and the city Administration. The Commission made their preliminary recommendations during the March 13, 2007 City Commission meeting. After receiving the Commission's final allocation decision, the Community & Neighborhood Services office will amend the City's 2007-2008 Action Plan if needed and continue the comment period until April 17, 2007. At that time the Community and Neighborhood Services staff will request the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Release of Funds for the 2007-2008 fiscal year to begin June 1, 2007. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The decision will determine how the Community Development Block Grant/HOME Partnership Program funding will be allocated for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: The Commission's action will establish the fiscal year's budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Commission previously received the administration recommendations. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Commission also received the Citizen District Council recommendations. Community Development Block Grant Amount Administration CDC City Commission City Comm Organization/Agency Activity Requested Recommendation Rec Prelimiary Rec. Final Determination Love INC Handicap Ramps $5,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,000 American Red Cross Senior Transit $5,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,000 West Michigan Veterans Food Bank/Transportation $2,500 $2,500 $3,000 $3,000 Sacred Suds Laundry/Shower $6,000 $1,000 $3,000 $3,000 DPW Senior Transit $67,645 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 CDBG Code Enforcement Code Enforcement $47,500 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 Community Economic Development Fayade $10,000 $7,500 $6,500 $6,500 CDBG Service Delivery Delivery Service $120,000 $75,000 $75,000 $75,000 Finance Bond Repayment Bond $245,000 $245,000 $245,000 $245,000 HealthCare Health Outreach $7,378 $2,500 $3,000 $3,000 Legal Aid Legal Services $5,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,000 Muskegon Community Health Project Lead Safe Now! Muskegon $7,500 $2,500 $3,000 $3,000 CDBG Administration Adrnin $215,000 $195,000 $195,000 $195,000 Street Construction Street $60,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 Leisure Services Recreation $94,875 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 CDBG Siding Siding $225,000 $185,000 $185,000 $185,000 CDBG Emergency Repair Emergency Repair $225,000 $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 Dangerous Buildings Demolition $41,400 $50,000 $47,500 $47,500 Total CDBG Request $1,389,798 $1,138,500 $1,140,000 $1,140,000 Total CDBG Allocated+ PI $1,060,000 $1,060,000 $1,060,000 $1,060,000 (+) Program Income $88,000 $88,000 $88,000 $88,000 $1,148,000 $1,148,000 $1,148,000 $1,148,000 Allocated/Request Difference $241,798 $9,500 $8,000 $8,000 Total Amt of Public Senrice* $200,898 $121,000 $126,000 $126,000 Public Service mandated Amt= to 15% $159,000 $159,000 $159,000 $159,000 Difference $41,898 $38,000 $33,000 $33,000 Total Amt of City Administration Request** $215,000 $195,000 $195,000 $195,000 Administrative mandated Amt< 20% $212,000 $212,000 $212,000 $212,000 Difference -$3,000 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 HOME Amount Administration CDC City Commission City Comm Organization/Agency Activity Requested Recommei,.dation Rec Prelimiary Rec. Final Determination Bethany Housing Ministries Housing Transition Asst $45,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 Community & Neighborhood Servicesc HOME Administration $30,l 76 $30,176 $30,176 $30,176 Community & Neighborhood Servicesc HOME Tax Reverted Rehabilitation $110,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 Commnnity & Neighborhood Servicesc HOME Rental Rehabiliation $70,000 $20,000 $30,000 $30,000 Community & Neighborhood Servicesc HOME Infill[ New Construction $110,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Muskegon County Habitat for Humanity Infrastructure/construction (5 homes) $84,000 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 Neighborhood Investment Corporation Home purchase rehab loans $100,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 Total HOME Request $549,176 $395,176 $405,176 $405,176 Total HOME Allocated $301,760 $301,760 $301,760 $301,760 (+) Program Income $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $426,760 $426,760 $426,760 $426,760 Allocated/Request Difference $122,416 $31,584 $21,584 $21,584 Total Amt of HOME Administration*** $30,176 $30,176 $30,176 $30,176 ... ~~, 176 •10 $30,176 $30,176 $30,176 Total Amt mandated Amt= 10% Difference - $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Amt of HOME CHDO request**** $229,000 $116,250 $116,250 $116,250 Total Amt mandated 15% ·~• .,n..,,164 $45,264 $45,264 $45,264 Difference )lSj,736 = 4 ~- $70,986 $70,986 $70,986 NOTE: * Pulic Service ** City CDBG Administration ***Home Administration ****CHDO Request O,CNS/COMMON\EXCEL\2007-2008 CDBG ( SHEETcCDBG-HOME ACT) Commission Meeting Date: April 10, 2007 Date: April 3, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission From: Community and Neighborhood Services Department RE: Approval of the 2007-2008 Action Plan SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the 2007-2008 Action Plan for the City of Muskegon Community Development Block Grant/HOME Partnership Program activity. If the Action Plan is approved, the Community & Neighborhood Services office will continue the comment period of the Action Plan as amended- if needed until April 17, 2007. On or after April 17, 2007, the Community and Neighborhood Services office will deliver the Action Plan to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development as required in order to request the Release of Funds for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Action Plan establishes the 2007-2008 Community Development and HOME budgets. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time budget established by Action Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Action Plan as is or as amended. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Commission received both the Citizen District Council and the Administration recommendations. Action Plan COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT June 1, 2007 thru May 31, 2008 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2007-2008 fiscal year will be the third year of the City of Muskegon activity under the approved 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan. The City is attempting to continue what we consider our program of multi-faucet community revitalization, which targets five specific areas; new construction, housing rehabilitation, infrastructure replacement, blight fight, and public service support. Although, within the last five years, the City has experienced a significant amount of success and satisfaction in its Community Development Block Grant and HOME programs, at the sam.e time like most other older core communities the City is experiencing a continuous decrease in funding. Muskegon Entitlement FunllJng (01-07) The City is working diligently to meet its goals and objectives established in the Consolidated Plan. This past year the City of Muskegon planned, and implemented its first single family development. During the 2007-2008 fiscal year the City of Muskegon anticipate completing two Infill new constructions and four total rehabilitated projects, which are located in the Angell, Marquette, Nims and McLaughlin neighborhoods. The City obtained three of the four future rehabilitated structures from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's "Good Neighbor" program. Because of the decrease in funding it is anticipated that the number ofresidents assisted through the City's Emergency Repair and Vinyl Siding program will be less than previous years. Which is unfortunate because Muskegon like many other Michigan communities has seen significant increase in the number of families who were a short time ago middle and higher income. But now due to factors like industrial downsizing, plant closures and the overall readjustment of the economy, those families now find themselves eligible and in need of assistance. The Consolidated Planning process this year was somewhat obstreperous, as the need in the community is constantly increasing while the funding decreases. In fact, all the activities that were funded saw a significant drop in their allocation. It is the hope of the Community & Neighborhood Services office to research for additional available funding to assist not only some of the City activities, but also to aid the very important Public Service Community. The Community & Neighborhood Services office also finds itself having to look at it's current programs in order to come up with creative ways of producing program income in our Emergency Repair and Vinyl Siding program in an effort to assist more households, or at least to attempt to remain consistent. The Community and Neighborhood Services office also plans to apply for lead base abatement assistance from HUD and also plans on applying for a Youth Build grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. Although the 2007-2008 fiscal year is expected to be somewhat difficult because of the decreasing staff and funding, the Community & Neighborhood Services office looks forward to the challenge. MISSION STATEMENT & NARRATIVE SUMMARIES To provide its residents with the ability to live in safe, decent, sanitary and attractive housing and to assure the preservation and enhancement of the City's neighborhoods, public facilities and infrastructure as well as to assist local nonprofits and social agencies in delivering their services to low/moderate income residents are examples of annual activities undertaken by the City of Muskegon to promote the overall well-being of this community. This section of the Consolidated Housing & Community Development Plan will describe eligible programs, projects and activities to be undertaken with funds expected to be made available during the above program year and their relationship to housing and non-housing community development needs outlined in previous sections. PURPOSE & INTENT In accordance with the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, the City of Muskegon must submit an Annual Action Plan to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development pursuant to its approved Consolidated Plan 2005-2010, which identifies proposed actions toward meeting housing and non-housing priorities. Affected programs include, but are not limited to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), Homeless Assistance, Youth Build, and the Housing Opportunities for Persons Living with AIDS (HOPWA) Programs. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ANNUAL STATEMENT OF PRIORITIES & PROPOSED PROJECTS The City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is annually funded to address the City's short and long-term goals, needs and priorities. These goals, needs and priorities are translated into the City's Annual Action Plan and Statement of Priorities and Proposed Projects for each program year period. If a determination is made not to implement an activity, to carry out an activity not previously described, or to substantially change the purpose, scope, location, or beneficiaries of an activity, an Amendment to the active program year Action Plan will be enacted. The City's Statement of Priorities and Proposed Projects for this period follows the Summary of Resources below: Projected Resources & Activity Summary $1,018,704 FY 2007 HUD/CDBG Entitlement $ 129,296 Program Income/Carry over $ 1,148,000 Total CDBG Funding Expected Other Federal Funding for 2006-2007 fiscal year $ 36,825 WEMET $ 3,000 Bullet Proof Vest $ 48,500 Weed and Seed 2 Summary of Priorities and Proposed Projects The City of Muskegon proposes to undertake activities during the 2007 - 2008 program year described as follows: The Funding is based on entitlement amount of $1,018,704. Housing Priorities & Proposed Projects Proposed projects will aid in the elimination of blight throughout the City, which is detrimental to life, health, and safety. $180,000 Housing Rehab - Emergency Repair Program. Continued assistance to very low-income homeowners for the repair of single- purpose housing deficiencies that pose a serious threat to life, health, or safety. Locations: City/Community Wide Targeted Outcome: 40 Housing Units $185,000 Housing Rehab - Siding Program. Continued assistance to provide vinyl siding to low-income owner-occupants of single-family housing units. Locations: City/Community Wide Targeted Outcome: 30 Housing Units $75,000 Housing Rehab - Service Delivery Costs. Funding for the administration of housing rehab programs and incidental costs associated with the housing rehab activities such as credit reports and recording fees. Location: City/Community Wide Targeted Outcome: 150 Household $50,000 Residential Clearance. Continued funding for the board-up and demolition of vacant, substandard structures that are not suitable for rehabilitation. Locations: Census Tract I-Marquette 2 - Jackson Hill; 3 - Angell; 5 - McLaughlin; and 6.02 Nelson Neighborhood Parts ofNims Parts of Lakeside Targeted Outcome: 10 Housing Units $40,000 Code Enforcement. Funding for the enforcement of City ordinances with respect to property maintenance and neighborhood blighting influences. Funding will be used to pay one Code enforcement officer. Locations: Census Tract 3 -Angell Neighborhood, Census Tract 5 - McLaughlin, Census Tract 2 - Jackson Hill, Census Tract 1 - Marquette, Census Tract 6.02 Nelson Neighborhood Targeted Outcome: 1000 Households Non-Housing Priorities & Proposed Projects Proposed projects will encourage commercial and retail development by taking maximum advantage of a variety of resources, to promote business expansion and investment in order to create a balanced recreational, commercial, residential, educational and industrial economic climate as follows: $245,000 Shoreline Drive Bond Repayment. Funding for payment of bond authority funds 3 Summary of Priorities and Proposed Projects The City of Muskegon proposes to undertake activities during the 2007 - 2008 program year described as follows: The Funding is based on entitlement amount of $1,018,704. Housing Priorities & Proposed Projects Proposed projects will aid in the elimination of blight throughout the City, which is detrimental to life, health, and safety. $180,000 Housing Rehab - Emergency Repair Program. Continued assistance to very low-income homeowners for the repair of single- purpose housing deficiencies that pose a serious threat to life, health, or safety. Locations: City/Community Wide Targeted Outcome: 40 Housing Units $185,000 Housing Rehab - Siding Program. Continued assistance to provide vinyl siding to low-income owner-occupants of single-family housing units. Locations: City/Community Wide Targeted Outcome: 30 Housing Units $75,000 Housing Rehab - Service Delivery Costs. Funding for the administration of housing rehab programs and incidental costs associated with the housing rehab activities such as credit reports and recording fees. Location: City/Community Wide Targeted Outcome: 150 Household $50,000 Residential Clearance. Continued funding for the board-up and demolition of vacant, substandard structures that are not suitable for rehabilitation. Locations: Census Tract 1-Marquette 2 - Jackson Hill; 3 - Angell; 5 McLaughlin; and 6.02 Nelson Neighborhood Parts of Nims Parts of Lakeside Targeted Outcome: 10 Housing Units $40,000 Code Enforcement. Funding for the enforcement of City ordinances with respect to property maintenance and neighborhood blighting influences. Funding will be used to pay one Code enforcement officer. Locations: Census Tract 3 - Angell Neighborhood, Census Tract 5 - McLaughlin, Census Tract 2 - Jackson Hill, Census Tract 1 - Marquette, Census Tract 6.02 Nelson Neighborhood Targeted Outcome: 1000 Households Non-Housing Priorities & Proposed Proiects Proposed projects will encourage commercial and retail development by taking maximum advantage of a variety of resources, to promote business expansion and investment in order to create a balanced recreational, commercial, residential, educational and industrial economic climate as follows: $245,000 Shoreline Drive Bond Repayment. Funding for payment of bond authority funds 3 CDBG PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES - 2007 2007 - 2008 ACTIVITIES - By RANKING REHABILITATION - HOUSING 440,000 37% Emergency Repair Vinyl Siding Service Delivery BOND REPAYMENT 245,000 22% Shoreline Drive PUB. FACILITIES - ASSESSMENTS 47,500 5% Street Commercial Fa9ade Improvement GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 195,000 17% General Admin. Affirm. Action PUBLIC SERVICES 121,000 11% Recreation Programs Sr. Transit CBO Grants Program CODE ENFORCEMENT - HOUSING 90,000 8% Code Inspections Residential Clearance 5 2007 HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM ANNUAL STATEMENT OF PRIORITIES & PROPOSED PROJECTS The HOME Investment Partnerships Program was created by the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, and the City of Muskegon is a designated "Participating Jurisdiction," which allows direct allocations of funds from the HUD. Portions of these funds may be awarded to non-profit organizations to assist with the provision of affordable housing and support services; other eligible activities include acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, investor/rental rehabilitation, down- payment assistance and assistance to first-time home buyers. The City's Statement of Priorities and Proposed Projects for this period follows the Summary of Resources and Proposed Amendments below: Project Resources: $298,923 Program Income $ 45,000 (estimated) Housing Priorities and Proposed Projects Proposed projects will aid in the prevention of further loss of viable housing units, increase affordable homeownership opportunities, encourage new development of affordable housing, and provide continued support for shelter and service programs for the homeless and persons at-risk of homelessness as follows: $165,000 Community Housing Development Organizations. Continued assistance to support non-profit organizations providing housing and housing related activities, and activities for the needs of the homeless and those at risk of homelessness, and technical assistance to emerging non-profit housing organizations. 10 Households/Citywide $30,176 Program Administration. General management, oversight and coordination of HOME program activities. Funding includes staff salaries, fringe benefits, office supplies and equipment. $20,000 Rental Rehabilitation. Assistance to residential rental property owners to offer a 50% match on their rehabilitation activities in their housing units. $100,000 Tax-Reverted Infill Program. Assistance to construct single-family dwelling on tax-reverted properties not neighborhood specified. 1 family/targeted neighborhood. $80,000 Tax-Reverted Rehabilitation Program. Assistance to rehabilitate tax-reverted single-family structures and sell to low/moderate-income resident after rehab. 1 family/targeted neighborhood. 6 $298,923 - HOME PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES - 2007 2007 HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM CITY OF MUSKEGON COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 2007 ALLOCATION OF FUNDS $298,923 Program Income (estimated) 45,000 HOME Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO's) $165,000 As a participating jurisdiction, the City of Muskegon is required to provide opportunities for Connnunity Housing Development Organizations to utilize HOME funds to produce affordable housing within the City of Muskegon. Funding will include the provision of technical assistance to assist in building the capacity of CHDO's to produce affordable housing and for administrative support of the organizations within the regulatory guidelines. Eligible activities include the acquisition of vacant land or existing structures, the construction or rehabilitation of these properties for occupancy by low to moderate-income individuals. Tax-Reverted Infill: $100,000 The City of Muskegon will use the allocated HOME funding to construct a single-family home on a designated tax-reverted lot not neighborhood specifically to be located in one of the city's low/moderate-income eligible neighborhoods. The home is to be sold to a low/moderate family whose income is at or near 80% of the city's median income. The potential owners will be recruited with the assistance of one of the city's CHDO's. Down-payment assistance may be available through the CHDO. The length of the affordability period will be determined by the amount of HOME funds used as a subsidy in the project. Program Requirements Properties must be purchased/ occupied by low to very-low income tenants those with incomes at or below 80% of area median income. Recapture provisions The City elects to adopt the recapture of the homebuyer subsidy. The homebuyer subsidy will be forgiven by the City at a rate of 1/180 per month throughout the term of the affordability period. Upon sale of the property by the homeowner within the affordability period, the homeowner will be required to repay a prorated portion of the HOME funds used to subsidize the purchase of the home. The property owner's return on investment at the point of sale will include: The amount of the homebuyer's down payment made from their own resources The amount of mortgage principle repaid at the time ofresale The appreciated value of the property (Appraised value at resale less the appraised value of the property at the time of purchase by the homeowner). The homeowner will receive the full amount of the fair return only if sufficient sale proceeds remain after all outstanding debt (including repayable HOME subsidy amounts) and closing costs are paid. Any proceeds remaining after payment of the outstanding debt, closing costs, fair return, and any HOME subsidy repayment will be shared 50/50 between the homeowner and the City. Any funds repaid to the City will be returned to the HOME trust fund. Repayment of the HOME 7 $298,923 - HOME PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES - 2007 2007 HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM CITY OF MUSKEGON COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 2007 ALLOCATION OF FUNDS $298,923 Program Income (estimated) 45,000 HOME Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO's) $165,000 As a participating jurisdiction, the City of Muskegon is required to provide opportunities for Community Housing Development Organizations to utilize HOME funds to produce affordable housing within the City of Muskegon. Funding will include the provision of technical assistance to assist in building the capacity of CHDO's to produce affordable housing and for administrative support of the organizations within the regulatory guidelines. Eligible activities include the acquisition of vacant land or existing structures, the construction or rehabilitation of these properties for occupancy by low to moderate-income individuals. Tax-Reverted Infill: $100,000 The City of Muskegon will use the allocated HOME funding to construct a single-family home on a designated tax-reverted lot not neighborhood specifically to be located in one of the city's low/moderate-income eligible neighborhoods. The home is to be sold to a low/moderate family whose income is at or near 80% of the city's median income. The potential owners will be recruited with the assistance of one of the city's CHDO's. Down-payment assistance may be available through the CHDO. The length of the affordability period will be determined by the amount of HOME funds used as a subsidy in the project. Program Requirements Properties must be purchased/ occupied by low to very-low income tenants those with incomes at or below 80% of area median income. Recapture provisions The City elects to adopt the recapture of the homebuyer subsidy. The homebuyer subsidy will be forgiven by the City at a rate of 1/180 per month throughout the term of the affordability period. Upon sale of the property by the homeowner within the affordability period, the homeowner will be required to repay a prorated portion of the HOME funds used to subsidize the purchase of the home. The property owner's return on investment at the point of sale will include: The amount of the homebuyer's down payment made from their own resources The amount of mortgage principle repaid at the time of resale The appreciated value of the property (Appraised value at resale less the appraised value of the property at the time of purchase by the homeowner). The homeowner will receive the full amount of the fair return only if sufficient sale proceeds remain after all outstanding debt (including repayable HOME subsidy amounts) and closing costs are paid. Any proceeds remaining after payment of the outstanding debt, closing costs, fair return, and any HOME subsidy repayment will be shared 50/50 between the homeowner and the City. Any funds repaid to the City will be returned to the HOME trust fund. Repayment of the HOME The City of Muskegon Community and Neighborhood Services also physically monitors all Subreciepients and CHDO's at their sites once a year which includes reviewing policies, procedures as well as activities and accomplishments. Current Projects that have received Payment in Lieu of Taxes (Pilot) 1. Currently there are eleven projects in the City of Muskegon 2. Barclay Senior Village 3. Nelson Place Senior Apartments 4. Bay View Towers 5. Muskegon Housing Commission 6. Village at Park TetTace 7. Park Terrace Family Apartments 8. Trinity Village Phase I 9. Trinity Village Phase II 10. COGIC Village 11. Royale Glen Apartments The following complexes currently have tax-credits in the City of Muskegon 1. Art Works 2. COGIC Village 3. Nelson Place 4. Royale Glen 5. Village at Jackson Hill 6. Village at Park Terrace 7. Amazon Apartments 8. Harbor Pointe 9. M.A. Houston 10. Trinity Village Phase I 11. Trinity Village Phase II Public owned land used to address needs For the 2007-2008 fiscal year the City plans to rehabilitate three homes that the City owns Address How obtained 627 E. Apple Purchased for $1.00 from HUD through "Good Neighbor" program 1080 E. Laketon Purchased for $1.00 from HUD through "Good Neighbor" program 461 Marquette Purchased from private market 1581 Division Purchased for $1.00 from HUD through "Good Neighbor" program The City also plans to construct one Infill home on City owned land Address How obtained 539 Orchard Property obtain from the State through Tax-reversion process 207-209 Merrill Property obtain from the State through Tax-reversion process Amount of Section 8 funding distributed in the City According to the Muskegon Housing Commission approximate $58,000 of Section 8 funding is distributed on a monthly basis. Section 8 funds are also distributed through a private contractor. No information was available from contractor 9 Efforts to Broaden Citizen Participation The Community & Neighborhood Services office has worked hard to get information to the public about our programming. We have sponsored information meetings, workshops, open houses and required Public hearing. We have advertised our program through brochures, on the radio, and in Neighborhood Associations newsletters. We also have had members of our staff take beginning Spanish lessons in order to assist the growing Hispanic community. RELEVANT NARRATIVE STATEMENTS Issue: Continuum of Care Strategy for the Homeless Muskegon County's Continuum of Carel can be viewed as four interconnected phases. Phase One is an outreach and entry phase. The homeless, near homeless and the working poor at risk of homelessness are identified by organizations that provide life-sustaining assistance ... shelter, food and financial support. These entities include the Salvation Army, City Rescue Mission, Red Cross, Community Action Against Poverty, Every Woman's Place, Catholic Human Development Outreach and the COGIC Center of Trinity Village. Their obligation to this strategic plan is to identify and perform an initial assessment. This process allows referral to safe shelter for the homeless and to case management services for the near homeless to prevent the loss of home. Phase Two is a barrier identification and case management phase. During this phase, client issues are explored more intensely, and individual, client-driven case management plans are designed. Additional services from the community are then "wrapped around" the client that addresses the barriers to safe housing and economic stability. These may include employment assessment and training, substance abuse treatment, support services education, health and dental care provisions, legal support, individual and family counseling and movement into a transitional living situation. The near homeless continue to be monitored and supported to prevent their loss of home. Organizations involved at this time include Family Centers, Legal Aid, Treatment Centers, County Employment and Training sites, Health Care providers, and mental health specialists. It should be noted that even with expensive services in this Phase, a lack of transitional housing can result in a "revolving door" situation, with clients returning into Phase One. Phase Three continues the case management plan, with additional emphasis on self- supporting skills such as gaining and retaining a life sustaining wage, budgeting, parenting, permanent housing education and nutrition. Clients in this phase are moved toward permanent housing, if previously homeless, or toward greater stability if identified originally as near homeless. Housing education stresses home ownership as a preferred strategy over renting. In this phase, Housing Commissions, financial institutions, neighborhood associates and the faith-based community are included. Clients in Phase Four are supported in their efforts to gain and maintain a permanent residence, both physically and financially. Section 8 housing vouchers, city renovation project grants, and low or no-cost reclamation loans are sought for this purpose. Support services are offered as required to continue the development and stability of the family toward self-sufficiency and economic sustainability. Case management services taper off, as clients become more self- reliant. Priorities in Muskegon County include support for emergency shelters, additional transition housing units, and a computerized case management system for data collection and analysis. Issue: Fair Housing Needs Impediments The City of Muskegon continuously works to assure that any impediments to fair housing opportunities are removed. It is the City of Muskegon administration position that the 2000 10 Census shows that the City of Muskegon has seen a shift in housing patterns in the last 10 to 15 years where minorities are residing in areas of the city formerly only occupied by white residents. Some of the credit for this shift can be attributed to the work of the nonprofit community promotion of homeownership and also the local realtor community, which has been promoting homeownership throughout the City. The City of Muskegon has also increased the availability of quality housing within the city in a number of ways. The City's Infill programs have given the opportunity to low and moderate-income residents to purchase home they would not be able to afford with out the subsidy. In the last decade the City of Muskegon has also experienced a significant increase in the availability of quality rental housing. Several complexes have been built by the private market offering quality-housing opportunities for low and moderate-income residents, which includes rental assistance. Even with the increase in available rental housing there still appears to be a need for addition rental assistance. During the period of March 18, 2002 thru March 22 2002, the Muskegon Housing Commission advertised open enrollment for its Section 8 vouchers/certificates a total of approximately 1257 applications were received by the Housing Commission from the public hoping to obtain rental assistance. January 9, 2003, Muskegon Heights had an open enrollment for their Section 8 program. A total of 1,000 applications were accepted at that time. The City of Muskegon Inspection department has aggressively implemented a policy that targets substandard housing in the City, requiring that the housing is brought up to code in a quality manner by the owner or the housing is demolished which eliminates the substandard housing from the City's housing stock and also eliminates the possibility of the substandard housing being rented and or sold to someone not in a quality condition. Anyone wishing to make a complaint concerning housing related issues is directed to the City of Muskegon Affirmative Action office. Issue: Welfare Reform Impact The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 represents significant changes in perceptions of 'welfare reform'. The challenges represented are critical to all segments of a given community, and the City of Muskegon is no exception. The Dept. of HUD is promoting a three-pronged response to begin addressing this issue, and the City of Muskegon will make every attempt to expand its partnerships with HUD, the State of Michigan, and community organizations to provide viable services to its residents affected by the legislation by promoting the following endeavors: * Support for the creation of job opportunity through economic development activities; * Support and monitoring of innovative uses of tenant-based rental assistance linking welfare recipients to jobs; * Support and continued promotion of the family self-sufficiency concept; * Provide supportive technical assistance when needed, to help welfare recipients make the transition from dependency to work through expansion initiatives, funding for supportive services and encourage initiatives that provide access to education and job training. The City acknowledges several area agencies that provide assistance and supportive services with these common goals, and will continue to expand its role and partnerships, as debate on this issue 11 Census shows that the City of Muskegon has seen a shift in housing patterns in the last IO to 15 years where minorities are residing in areas of the city formerly only occupied by white residents. Some of the credit for this shift can be attributed to the work of the nonprofit community promotion of homeownership and also the local realtor community, which has been promoting homeownership throughout the City. The City of Muskegon has also increased the availability of quality housing within the city in a number of ways. The City's Infill programs have given the opportunity to low and moderate-income residents to purchase home they would not be able to afford with out the subsidy. In the last decade the City of Muskegon has also experienced a significant increase in the availability of quality rental housing. Several complexes have been built by the private market offering quality-housing opportunities for low and moderate-income residents, which includes rental assistance. Even with the increase in available rental housing there still appears to be a need for addition rental assistance. During the period of March 18, 2002 thru March 22 2002, the Muskegon Housing Commission advertised open enrollment for its Section 8 vouchers/certificates a total of approximately 1257 applications were received by the Housing Commission from the public hoping to obtain rental assistance. January 9, 2003, Muskegon Heights had an open enrollment for their Section 8 program. A total of 1,000 applications were accepted at that time. The City of Muskegon Inspection department has aggressively implemented a policy that targets substandard housing in the City, requiring that the housing is brought up to code in a quality manner by the owner or the housing is demolished which eliminates the substandard housing from the City's housing stock and also eliminates the possibility of the substandard housing being rented and or sold to someone not in a quality condition. Anyone wishing to make a complaint concerning housing related issues is directed to the City of Muskegon Affirmative Action office. Issue: Welfare Reform Impact The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 represents significant changes in perceptions of 'welfare reform'. The challenges represented are critical to all segments of a given community, and the City of Muskegon is no exception. The Dept. of HUD is promoting a three-pronged response to begin addressing this issue, and the City of Muskegon will make every attempt to expand its partnerships with HUD, the State of Michigan, and community organizations to provide viable services to its residents affected by the legislation by promoting the following endeavors: * Support for the creation of job opportunity through economic development activities; * Support and monitoring of innovative uses of tenant-based rental assistance linking welfare recipients to jobs; * Support and continued promotion of the family self-sufficiency concept; * Provide supportive technical assistance when needed, to help welfare recipients make the transition from dependency to work through expansion initiatives, funding for supportive services and encourage initiatives that provide access to education and job training. The City acknowledges several area agencies that provide assistance and supportive services with these common goals, and will continue to expand its role and partnerships, as debate on this issue 11 Public Housing The Muskegon Housing Commission an independent agency from the City of Muskegon is not eligible for the Comprehensive Grant because of the number of housing units in its inventory. During this fiscal year the City of Muskegon Community and Neighborhood Services Office assisted the Muskegon Housing Commission by conducting the Environmental Review assessment for the Commission Capital Fund grant. According to the Muskegon Housing Commission's Annual Public Housing Plan the Commission has nine goals for this fiscal year. 1. Manage the Commission's public housing program in an efficient and effective manner to achieve minimum status as a standard performer. 2. Continue to provide a safe and secure environment in the Muskegon Housing Commission's public housing development known as Hartford Terrace. 3. Close out Turnkey III program 4. Expand Section 8 Housing Voucher program opportunities for low income families 5. Close out 5(h) Homeownership program 6. Expand Family self-sufficiency, Community and Supportive Services Opportunities. 7. Expand activities for residents at Hartford Terrace 8. Seek to improve Resident Assessment Satisfaction Survey results 9. Continue to modernize Hartford Terrace Apartment Complex HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NEEDS Conditions The overall condition of housing units in Muskegon is good. Much of the City's substandard housing stock has been eliminated over the past 20 years through Urban Renewal and the City's ongoing demolition program. On the other hand the number of the city's housing units continue to need repairs. Reinvestment in the City's housing stock is highly correlated with the strength of the local economy, and the availability of state and federal funds to assist the low and moderate income residents in the community. Housing Needs The greatest housing problem occurs in non-elderly renter households. In 1980, fifty-five percent of the city's low-income households were homeowners and 45% were renters. By 1990, the ratio had reversed with only 345 of the City's very low-income households being homeowners and 66% were renters, the 21 % increase in the very low income rental population resulted in increased demand for rental units that are affordable to the very low-income families, most of whom need some form of income or rental subsidy to meet housing needs. 1.364 or 17% of the city's total owner-occupied households have incomes between 51 % and 80% of the area median. This is interesting because it is 5% lower than the percentage of homeowners who fall below 50% of median income. The higher percentage of very low-income homeowners can be explained by the large numbers of elderly homeowners on fixed incomes that fall into the very low-income category. Most of these elderly families purchased their homes when they were employed and now are on fixed incomes and therefore now lack sufficient funds to maintain the homes. Housing Market Conditions According to the 2000 U.S. Census the City of Muskegon had 15,999 housing units; 8,284 owner occupied, 6,285 renter and 1,430 vacant. A loss of 20 units occurred since 1990, but the loss was higher than the City's population loss. Overall city vacancy rates have remained relatively stable. However, among the subsidized rental properties that are designed to remain affordable to the city's low-income residents, there are few vacancies other than normal turnover. 13 Affordable Housing Needs Owner-occupied housing units and rental units are all in great need of maintenance and repair. There is a need for additional rental subsidies for renter household. The Muskegon Housing Commission is the designated Pub lie Housing agency for the City. The Housing Commission has had a major impact in the last few years creating affordable housing units. There is an extremely high demand for Section 8 Rental Assistance. The Section 8 waiting list was recently open from March 18 thru March 22,2002. During the period the Muskegon Housing Commission received a total 1257 applications for Section 8 rental assistance. Which illustrates the continuous need for additional rental assistance for the low and moderate-income residents of Muskegon Homeless Needs The homeless exist in Muskegon County but are nearly invisible. A larger number of households are at-risk of homelessness. These households use area food pantries, soup kitchens, and short term rent assistance. Precise data did not exist for the homeless and at-risk populations at the beginning of the City's five-year plan; however changing economic trends and household demographics, have begun to formulate a statistical database which identifies an increasing population. These trends are readily referred to in the Muskegon Area Homeless Coalition Continuum of Care Plan finalized during early, 2003 and updated yearly This public policy approach and strategy for meeting the needs of the homeless and those populations at risk of becoming homeless demonstrates that homelessness is not caused merely by a lack of shelter, but involves a variety of underlying, unmet needs ---- physical, economic, and social, and refines a stronger focus toward developing strategies to address these needs. The result has enacted a specialized care system to move homeless persons to permanent housing with associated support services to provide outreach, intake and assessment to be coordinated with a centralized tracking system to define services, broad access to emergency shelters, transitional housing and record demographic data of persons served. The expected outcome will guide the allocation of resources addressed by the Consolidated Plan, with a broad-based approach, including focussed discussion among surrounding municipalities, and area wide service providers to establish a balanced system which includes emergency shelter, transitional housing, and associated supportive assistance. Public and Assisted Housing Needs Name of Local Housing (LHA): Muskegon Housing Commission. The Commission operates Hartford Terrace Apartments, a 160-unit elderly/disabled housing complex; Section 8 Tenant Assistance vouchers/certificates. Conditions of LHA units: There has been an effort in the last 3 years to conduct major rehabilitation at the Housing Authority although money has been limited. Barriers to Affordable Housing There are no current or outstanding court orders, consent decrees or formal U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development sanctions which act as barriers to affordable housing within the City of Muskegon. However in order to facilitate the City's efforts, the City has requested waivers through the Enterprise Community project, as described below: 1. Waiver Request - Public Assistance Programs The use of public assistance grants to offset employers' salary costs for newly hired public assistance recipients in order to help recipients get jobs and to expand jobs. 14 Pilot projects which mandates job search for ADC applicants. Extension of Medicaid coverage to ADC clients entering the work force beyond the 12-month period currently provided. Exemption for one vehicle regardless of value from the current asset limitations. 2. Waiver Requests - Public Housing Facilities Waiver to keep elderly families only in housing for elderly and not disabled residents of any age. EVALUATION OF PAST ACTIVITY Goal 1: Ten new single family houses completed by May 31,2010 Current accomplishments - Nine completed by the City of Muskegon and five by Habitat for Humanity with assistance from the City of Muskegon. The City of Muskegon also completed one duplex. Goal 2: Ten totally rehabilitated single family homes completed by May 31, 2010 Current Accomplishments - Two totally rehabilitated homes by the City of Muskegon Goal 3: 250 homes assisted either through the Emergency Repair or Vinyl Siding Program by May 31, 2010 Current Accomplishments - Twenty-six vinyl siding and Thirty-eight emergencies completed. Goal 4: To assist sixteen rehabilitated rental unit by May 31, 2010. Current Accomplishments - Five rental units were assisted with HOME funds through the City's Rental Rehabilitation program. Goal 5: To demolish 20 dangerous structures, to remove rubbish an blight from 250 sites y May 31, 2010 Current Accomplishments - Ten dangerous structures were demolished and 16 board ups. Goal 6: To assist 10,000 persons through the Public Service Community by May 31, 2010. Current Accomplishments - At least 1,100 persons served Goal 7: To upgrade communities infrastructure as required. Current Accomplishments - 21,400 ·feet of street has been repaired. The City of Muskegon Water Filtration Plant recently completed a $16.2 million dollar improvements project. This project was funded through the Enviromnental Protection Agency's, "Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund", as administered by the State of Michigan Department of Enviromnental Quality. This is essentially a fund providing low interest loans to qualifying municipalities for improvements to their water supplies and systems. The Improvements included upgrades to the treatment process beginning with the rapid- mix chemical introduction, installation of plate settlers in the pre-treatment process, upgraded filtration process including air/water backwash, installation of new pumps - both low and high service, improved underground electrical distribution system, NPDES permitted discharge elimination, recycle and return of all waste flows, solids drying beds, and ending with a treatment capacity increase from 28 million gallons per day to 40 million gallons per day. This work was completed within the existing footprint and confines of the plant without construction of additional tanks or buildings. All of this work compliments the previous improvements to chemical storage and application and auxiliary power 15 improvements of recent past projects. Goal 8: To complete the redevelopment ofhe City's downtown area and attract 400 new jobs by May 31, 2010. Current Accomplishments - Currently the City is building an entirely new infrastructure system in the designated downtown area. It has been decided to save 3 of the existing buildings on site for rehabilitation. The only jobs being produced by the site are construction jobs at this time. A review of the established goals from the 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan disclose that the City is making good progress at meeting the established goals and objectives. In fact if the City's funding can remain consistent the City should surpass its goal in the majority of categories before the 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan expires. Lead-Based Paint Strategy The Muskegon County Health Department is the primary agency involved in the identification of lead poisoning cases in the community and as such the lead agency for hazard identification and treatment of persons with elevated blood levels of lead. Youth in Muskegon are at high risk for lead poisoning for a number of reasons: 97% of the City's housing units were built before 1979 12% of the City's housing units are estimated in substandard condition 26% of the City's households are below the poverty level 41 % of the City's housing units are rental with many concentrated in the inner city Since September 2001 the City of Muskegon has tested all structures by a lead based risk assessor in its rehabilitation programs excluding emergency repair and vinyl siding project. Anti-Poverty Strategy The City of Muskegon makes concerted efforts to enhance the quality of life for all of its citizens, including families and individuals living at or below federally established poverty standards. The standards are defined by household income levels, tenure and makeup, extent of overcrowding and substandard conditions, unemployment, human service needs, and homelessness. In order to assist residents with breaking the cycle of poverty, the City has embarked on several projects, to break the poverty cycle by implementation of several centrally focussed strategies: • Encourage the improvement of existing housing conditions by continuing support of City-administered housing programs, i.e. code enforcement, low-cost comprehensive grant/loan repair assistance; continued encouragement and support for initiatives aimed at first-time homebuyers, and mortgage financing which fosters affordable housing opportunities, such as those currently provided by the Neighborhood Investment Corporation. • To create viable employment options by supporting area wide economic development activities, including training and re-training of displaced workers, the development of projects which target economic opportunity for designated poverty-level segments, and to assist new and retain/expand existing businesses. 16 * By supplying funding when available to a number of public services that work diligently to assist low income resident break the cycle of poverty. These public services include areas of assistance that focus on health especially in the minority community, legal services, childcare, transportation and education, parent support. 17 Leveraging Other Funds The City of Muskegon is working assiduously to leverage additional funding to the community to assist with the redevelopment of our City. The City has received grants from the Michigan Economic Development office, Michigan State Housing Authority, along with several federal agencies other than the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Community and Neighborhood Services office completed a 6 unit Single Family development, where it partnered with one of the local financial institutions and one of our CHDO's. The bank is supplied 40 - 50% of the construction cost for the project. The City was able to use the bank's contribution to construct a new street in the area. The area where the street was constructed was previously unpaved. The Community and Neighborhood Services office is currently partnering with Trinity Housing Nonprofit to complete an affordable house at 1013 Amity. The Community and Neighborhood Services office donated the site and assisted with the water/sewer connection. As mentioned earlier the Community and Neighborhood Services office is also working with a local consortium to bring additional funding to the community to attack the lead issues in the City's housing stock. Also, the City of Muskegon is working to obtain a YouthBuild grant from the Department of Labor; to attack the youth unemployment rate and delinquency problem Coordination As part of the community-based partnership organizations and agencies participating in the development of the Consolidated Plan, over 100 local service providers were consulted. Overwhelming support was provided, with many agencies offering additional programs and resources, such as: The Muskegon Housing Commission, Muskegon Department of Social Services (State of Michigan), Muskegon County Department of Community Mental Health, Muskegon County Health Department, Michigan State Housing Development Authority and Michigan Region 14 Area Agency on Aging. The 2007-2008 CDBG/HOME activities are significantly consistent with the priorities as developed in the 2005 - 2010 Consolidated Plan. The City is meeting all its stated housing priorities through its partnership with the CHDO's and its in-house Infill, emergency repair programs and vinyl siding program. PRIORITY 1. To allocate at least the required amount of HOME funding to area CHDO's to assist low-income with down-payment assistance, increase their ability to obtain mortgages and other related housing needs. PRIORITY 2. By working through the City's Infill project to increase the number of new homes constructed within the targeted areas. PRIORITY 3. Rehabilitate owner-occupied and rental structures through the community. The non-housing priorities are consistent with those established in the Consolidated Plan because the 2006 - 2007 activities in this category promote small business development and overall community economic development. PRIORITY 1. To work collaboratively to increase new employers and the availability of skilled workforce. PRIORITY 2. Increase developable land in the areas of commercial, industrial and residential. 18 PRIORITY 3. Increase number of small businesses. The City of Muskegon public service is highly correlated with the established Consolidated Plan that was under the category of Neighborhood Objectives. The 2006-2007 activities consist of infrastructure improvements, recreation activities, senior programs, veteran programs, education support neighborhood improvement programming, and health outreach The neighborhood priorities as developed in the Consolidated Plan are: PRIORITY 1. Increase Leisure Services activities/facilities. PRIORITY 2. Improve quality oflife in low/moderate income neighborhoods. PRIORITY 3. Increase neighborhood retail opportunities PRIORITY 4. Improve and upgrade city public safety equipment PRIORITY 5. To continue to work with and when possible supply financial assistance to subrecipients in the health field. As in the past the City of Muskegon will periodically during the fiscal year review its activities to assure that the performances of its programs are meeting its goals and objectives. This will be accomplished by reviewing subrecipients and CHDO's quarterly reports as well as conducting on- site monitoring visits. As well as reviewing the department's performance on a monthly / quarterly basis. All subrecipients and CHDO's are informed in their agreements that they have one year to complete their projects (June 1 through May 31) unless an extension is granted by the City of Muskegon Community and Neighborhood Services 19 PRIORITY 3. Increase number of small businesses. The City of Muskegon public service is highly cotTelated with the established Consolidated Plan that was under the category of Neighborhood Objectives. The 2006-2007 activities consist of infrastructure improvements, recreation activities, senior programs, veteran programs, education support neighborhood improvement programming, and health outreach The neighborhood priorities as developed in the Consolidated Plan are: PRIORITY 1. Increase Leisure Services activities/facilities. PRIORITY 2. Improve quality of life in low/moderate income neighborhoods. PRIORITY 3. Increase neighborhood retail opportunities PRIORITY 4. Improve and upgrade city public safety equipment PRIORITY 5. To continue to work with and when possible supply financial assistance to subrecipients in the health field. As in the past the City of Muskegon will periodically during the fiscal year review its activities to assure that the perfom1ances of its programs are meeting its goals and objectives. This will be accomplished by reviewing subrecipients and CHDO's quarterly reports as well as conducting on- site monitoring visits. As well as reviewing the department's performance on a monthly / quarterly basis. All subrecipients and CHDO's are informed in their agreements that they have one year to complete their projects (June l through May 31) unless an extension is granted by the City of Muskegon Community and Neighborhood Services 19 ACTION PLAN - YEAR 30 6/01/06 thru 5/31/07 Community Development Block Grant Program Description of Key Proposed Projects AMOUNT PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION $195,000 SHORELINE DRIVE - Bond Repayment $245,000 HOUSING REHABILITATION $440,000 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS $47,500 CODE ENFORCEMENT $40,000 RESIDENTIAL CLEARANCE $50,000 PUBLIC SERVICES $121,000 TOTAL-CDBG $1,138,500 HOME Investment Partnerships Program Description of Key Proposed Projects DEVELOPMENT Tax-Reverted Infill $100,000 SUPPORT SERVICES Certified Community Housing Development Organizations $165,000 HOUSING Tax-Reverted Rehabilitation $80,000 Rental Rehabilitation $20,000 ADMINISTRATION $30,176 TOTAL-HOME $395,176 21 Date: April 10, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Finance Director RE: First Quarter 2007 Budget Reforecast SUMMARY OF REQUEST: At this time staff is transmitting the First Quarter 2007 Budget Reforecast which outlines proposed changes to the original budget that have come about as result of changes in policy priorities, labor contracts, updated economic condftions, or other factors. For the next meeting, an action ftem will be placed on the agenda for adoption of the budget reforecast together with any additional changes deemed necessary by Commissioners. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The most significant change is an anticipated 10% reduction in state shared revenues. Although the Governor's original budget package held revenue sharing funds at present levels, ft now appears likely that some significant cut will be made. The impact to the general fund will be about $462,000. At this time staff believes other positive factors may help offset much of the state-shared revenue loss and recommends delaying specific action until more information is known in the second quarter. These factors include: 1) continued stronger than expected income tax collections which may allow us to raise this revenue estimate, 2) lower than budgeted pension contributions as result of completing the move to MERS and, 3) continued effective internal control of position vacancies and overtime. Aside from state revenue sharing, the other significant changes to the 2007 budget included in the first quarter reforecast are in the area of capital improvements. Most of these changes reflect reallocation of costs between years for multi-year projects (e.g. fire station, Western Avenue enhancements) or new projects spurred by the availabilfty of grant funding (Major Street traffic signal work on Laketon and at Marquette/Harvey). BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: Self-explanatory. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission should review the Reforecast to ensure it reflects their policy initiatives. At the next City Commission meeting, staff will request formal approval of the Reforecast and related budget amendments. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: There is no committee recommendation at this time. CITY OF MUSKEGON GENERAL FUND HISTORICAL SUMMARY Revenues & Expenditures & Fund Balance Year Transfers In Transfers Out at Year-End 1996 $ 17,666,214 $ 18,018,159 $ 1,970,362 1997 20,437,646 20,358,321 2,049,687 1998 21,643,855 21,634,467 2,059,075 1999 21,451,681 22,011,881 1,498,875 2000 23,685,516 22,232,657 2,951,734 2001 23,446,611 23,235,978 3,162,367 2002 23,617,163 23,971,534 2,807,996 2003 23,328,756 23,705,334 2,431,418 2004 23,401,793 23,388,019 2,445,192 2005 23,732,641 23,658,227 2,519,606 2006 24,669,210 24,498,776 2,690,040 Fiscal 2007 Budget Summary FUND BALANCE AT START OF YEAR $ 2 690 040 MEANS OF FINANCING: Taxes 14,786,349 62.0% Licenses and Permits 1,015,300 4.3% Federal Grants 88,325 0.4% State Grants 18,000 0.1% State Shared Revenue 4,165,754 17.5% Other Charges 2,210,441 9.3% Interest & Rentals 468,900 2.0% Fines and Fees 592,000 2.5% Other Revenue 234,750 1.0% Other Financing Sources 255,000 1.1% 23,834,819 100.0% ESTIMATED REQUIREMENTS Customer Value Added Activities 18,462,183 74.9% Business Value Added Activities 4,314,059 17.5% Fixed Budget Items 1 876 644 7.6% 24,652,886 100.0% ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE AT END OF YEAR $ 1 871 973 OPERA TING DEFICIT (USE OF FUND BALANCE) $ (818,067) TARGET FUND BALANCE {10% PRIOR YEAR EXPENDITURES) $ 2,449,878 ESTIMATED EXCESS (SHORTFALL) vs. TARGET $ (577,905) City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From 2007 Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 Original Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 2,445,191 $ 2,519,606 $ 2,784,051 $ 2,690,040 $ 2,690,040 $ (94,011 I Taxes City income tax $ 7,083,023 $ 7,425,173 s 6,980,000 $ 1,771,335 $ 6,980,000 $ Property taxes - general 5,393,230 5,526,271 5,699,774 4,950,869 5,693,309 (6,465) Property taxes - sanitation 1,572,029 1,616,027 1,661,698 1,443,711 1,660,212 (1,486) Industrial facilities taxes 378,744 396,366 351,828 351,828 Payments in lieu of taxes 88,467 88,871 89,000 89,000 Oelinguent chargeback collected 6,275 2,112 12,000 12,000 $ 14,521,768 $ 15,054,820 $ 14,794,300 $ 8,165,915 $ 14,786,349 $ (7,951) Licenses and permits Business licenses $ 32,020 $ 33,656 $ 33,000 $ 1,180 $ 33,000 $ Liquor licenses 35,551 36,452 35,000 6,800 35,000 Cable TV franchise fees 286,265 285,124 285,000 285,000 Rental property registration 12,010 12,980 12,000 210 12,000 Property Maintenance Inspection Fees 54,194 55,623 120,000 13,340 120,000 Burial permits 116,339 118,399 120,000 35,076 120,000 Building permits 313,392 306,791 225,000 52,975 225,000 Electrical permits 99,112 76,536 90,000 17,580 90,000 Plumbing permits 39,713 34,367 40,000 6,951 40,000 Mechanical permits 57,452 45,978 52,500 9,510 52,500 Cat licenses 1,905 3,115 2,500 2,680 2,800 300 Police un re istration 28 3 $ 1,047,981 $ 1,009,024 $ 1,015,000 $ 146,302 $ 1,015,300 $ ~00 Federal grants Federal oeerational grant $ 155,648 $ 172,881 $ 88,325 $ $ 88,325 $ $ 155,648 $ 172,881 $ 88,325 $ $ 88,~25 $ State grants Act 302 police training grant $ 18,228 $ 18,302 $ 18,000 $ $ 18,000 $ State a erational rant $ 18,228 $ 18,302 $ 18,000 $ $ 18,000 _$ State shared revenue State sales tax $ 4,592,852 $ 4,556,801 $ 4,628,616 $ 2 $ 4,165,754 $ {462,862} $ 4,592,852 $ 4,556,801 $ 4,628,616 $ 2 $ 4,165,754 $ (462,8621 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From 2007 Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 Original Other charges for sales and services Tax administration fees $ 231,639 $ 219,172 $ 216,541 $ $ 213,609 $ (2,932) Utility administration fees 180,000 180,000 45,000 180,000 Reimbursement for elections 14,229 13,762 27,000 100 27,000 Reimbursement for school police officer 20,000 30,000 30,000 Indirect cost reimbursement 1,035,612 1,045,539 1,024,932 256,233 1,024,932 Site~plan review fee (1,400) 5,650 2,500 1,250 2,500 Sale of cemetery lots 19,327 26,390 25,000 8,353 25,000 Sale of columbarium niches 800 1,600 800 1,600 Police miscellaneous 100,101 77,093 75,000 9,014 75,000 Police impound fees 43,469 49,206 45,000 11,986 45,000 Landlord's alert fee 290 355 300 20 300 Fire protection-state property 85,483 121,131 80,000 80,000 Zoning fees 18,944 13,050 15,000 1,820 15,000 Clerk fees 3,802 3,330 3,500 1,610 3,500 Clerk - passport fees 2,280 2,520 2,000 1,200 2,000 Tax abatement application fees 10,382 1,000 4,513 7,000 6,000 Treasurer fees 95,549 76,030 90,000 3,954 90,000 False alarm fees 12,410 14,130 12,000 330 12,000 Miscellaneous cemetery income 18,536 22,772 22,000 1,624 22,000 Senior transit program fees 6,867 10,131 9,000 2,022 9,000 Township electrical services Fire miscellaneous 44,821 3,763 25,000 739 25,000 Sanitation stickers 82,006 87,263 75,000 9,667 75,000 Lot cleanup fees 34,813 50,000 50,000 Reimbursements for mowing and demolitions 34,810 140,575 50,000 23,311 50,000 Special events reimbursements 97,454 96,691 115,000 2,021 115,000 Recreation erogram fees 77,414 78,878 30,000 6,319 30,000 $ 2,058,456 $ 2,318,613 $ 2,207,373 $ 391,886 $ 2,210,441 $ 3,068 Interest and rental income Interest $ 187,376 $ 416,599 $ 275,000 $ 35,973 $ 275,000 $ Flea market 24,497 20,736 29,000 29,000 Farmers market 31,982 34,719 32,000 32,000 City right of way rental 4,400 4,400 4,400 2,400 4,400 Arena Revenue 137,977 50,000 50,000 Advertising Revenue 1,407 2,000 2,000 Parking rentals 2,800 2,800 2,500 700 2,500 McGraft park rentals 44,904 44,008 45,000 1,382 45,000 Other park rentals 37,159 30,403 29,000 7 300 29,000 $_ _l:34,525 $ 691,642 $ 468,900 $ 47,755 $ 468,900 $ City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From 2007 Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 Original Fines and fees Income tax - penalty and interest $ 284,136 $ 192,822 $ 200,000 $ 58,114 $ 200,000 $ Late fees on current taxes 111,393 35.701 110,000 338 110,000 Interest on \ate invoices 1,769 258 2,000 2,000 Parking fines 97,566 87,060 110,000 42,388 110,000 Cou_rt fin1?s 151,885 208,061 170,000 41,657 170,000 $ 646,749 $_ _ _ _____§_?:3,902 $ 592,000 $ 142,497 $ 592,000 $ Other revenue Sate of land and assets 5 2,512 $ $ 1,000 $ $ 1,000 $ Police sale and auction proceeds 1,664 1,500 1,500 CDBG program reimbursements 206,917 233,091 188,000 188,000 Contributions 12,538 17,992 11,000 725 11,000 Contributions - Veteran's Park Maintenance 15,230 17,977 17,250 17,250 Muskegon County Community Foundation 55,000 11,675 Miscellaneous reimbursements 7,051 1,000 1,000 Mis_cell§!_neo~s an_9 su_Q_d 14,206 9,469 15,000 1,307 15,000 -'-- 308,067 $ 297,255 $ 234,750 $ 2,032 $ 234,750 $ Other financing sources Operating transfers in Cemetery Perpetual Care $ 24,163 $ 20,970 $ 45,000 $ 16,173 $ 45,000 $ Criminal Forfeitures Fund Police Training Fund DOA for Administration 10,000 5,000 Reese Playfield Fund RLF for Administration 833 Budget Stabilization Fund 150,000 150,000 Special Assessment Fund 13,371 TIFA Fund (Arena Operations) 60,000 60,000 Hackle Park Memorial Fund $ 48,367 $ 25,970 $ 255,000 $ 16,173 $ 255,000 $ Total general fund revenues and other sources $ 23,732,641 $ 24,669,210 $ 24,302,264 $ 8,912,562 $ 23,834,819 $ 1~67,445) Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Original Budget Actual Through % of Revised Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised Estimate 2007 20Q7 q~ginal /. Customer Value Added Activities 40301 Police Department 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 6,941,518 $ 7,170,304 $ 7,419,620 $ 1,602,461 22% $ 7,419,620 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 87,175 115,453 91,552 13,276 15% 91,552 5300 Contractual Services 916,278 911,044 929,000 147,554 16% 929,000 5400 Other Expenses 27,011 21,177 18,000 7,211 40% 18,000 5700 Capital Outlays 17,365 14,514 12,000 4,828 40% 12,000 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 7,989,347 $ 8,232,492 $ 8,470,172 $ 1,775,330 21% $ 8,470,172 $ ----- $ 7,989,347 $ 8,232,492 $ 8.470,172 $ 1,775,330 21% $ 8,470,172 $ 50336 Fire Department 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 3,192,331 $ 3,310,959 $ 3,411,863 $ 838,108 25% $ 3,411,863 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 121,440 138,151 105,000 10,063 10% 105,000 5300 Contractual Services 208,357 186,344 200,000 13,121 7% 200,000 5400 Other Expenses 9,185 9,400 12,500 1,434 11% 12,500 5700 Capital Outlays 121,892 74,550 30,000 7,672 26% 30,000 5900 other Financin Uses NIA $ 3,653,205 $ 3,719,404 $ 3,759,363 $ 870,398 23% $ 3,759,363 $ 50387 Fire Safety Inspections 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 780,561 $ 834,011 $ 846,158 $ 215,427 25% $ 846,158 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 11,262 12,165 20,000 1,387 7% 20,000 5300 Contractual Services 140,000 136,785 136,590 15,261 11% 136,590 5400 other Expenses 9,093 8,358 8,000 1,860 23% 8,000 5700 Capital Outlays 4,462 3,254 3,500 0% 3,500 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 945,378 $ 994,573 $ 1,014,248 $ 233,935 23% $ 1,014,248 $ $ 4,598,583 $ 4,713,977 $ 4,773,611 $ 1,104,333 23% $ 4,773,611_ $ -- - - - - 60523 General Sanitation 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 67,243 $ 67,856 $ 69,181 $ 16,146 23% $ 69,181 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 845 NIA 5300 Contractual Services 1,470,268 1,556,349 1,567,725 241,767 15% 1,567,725 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capita\ Outlays 22,632 26,149 27,600 0% 27,600 5900 Other Flnancin Uses NIA $ 1,560,988 $ 1,650,354 $ 1,664,506 $ 257,913 15% $ 1,664,5_® _! 60528 Recycling 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ $ N/A $ $ 5200 Operating Supplies NIA 5300 Contractual Services 158.213 159,751 163,368 26,385 16% 163,368 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 - Q!_hi;;:!...financin Uses NIA _$ 1_§_8L213 $ 159,751 $ 163,368 $ 26,385 16% $ 163,368 $ Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Original Budget Actual Through % of Revised Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised Estimate 2007 2007 Original 60550 Stormwater Management 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ $ NIA$ $ 5200 Operating Supplies NIA 5300 Contractual Services 16,270 16,384 16,991 4,000 24% 16,991 5400 Other Expenses 50 NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 16,320 $ 16,384 $ 16,991 $ 4,000 24% $ 16,991 $ 60448 Streetlighting 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 390 $ $ $ NIA $ $ 5200 Operating Supplies NIA 5300 Contractual Services 556,278 563,184 544,325 53,085 10% 544,325 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays 28,000 0% 28,000 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 556,668 $ 563,184 $ 572,325 $ 53,085 9% $ 572,325 $ 60707 Senior Citizen Transit 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 41,242 $ 40,899 $ 44,404 $ 12,007 27% $ 44,404 $ 5200 Operating Supplies NIA 5300 Contractual Services 10,530 10,140 9,902 1,520 15% 9,902 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 51,772 $ 51,039 $ 54,306 $ 13,527 25% $ 54,306 _j 60446 Community Event Support 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 16,863 $ 16,543 $ 20,500 $ 256 1% $ 20,500 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 557 816 1,750 0% 1,750 5300 Contractual Services 10,591 8,096 12,500 81 1% 12,500 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 other Financin Uses NIA $ 28,011 $ 25,455 $ 34,750 $ 337 1% $ 34,750 $ $ 2,371,972 $ 2,466,167 $ 2,506,246 $ 355,247 14% $ 2,506,246 $ 70751 Parks Maintenance 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 434,402 $ 422,817 $ 469,912 $ 82,681 18% $ 469,912 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 123,061 103,127 106,125 4,182 4% 106,125 5300 Contractual Services 649,184 687,148 633,882 55,034 9% 633,882 5400 other Expenses 1,421 107 NIA 5700 Capital Outlays 20,375 18,652 23,000 0% 23,000 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 1,228,443 $ 1,231,851 $ 1,232,919 $ 141,897 12% $ 1,232_,_919 $ Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Original Budget Actual Through % of Revised Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised Estimate 2007 2007 Original 70757 Mc Graft Park Maintenance 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 5,721 $ 6,287 $ 16,575 $ 1,020 6% $ 16,575 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 1,841 5,102 4,000 70 2% 4,000 5300 Contractual Services 42,846 58,010 33,731 1,347 4% 33,731 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA $ 50,408 $ 69,399 $ 54,306 $ 2.437 4% $ 54,306 $ 70775 General Recreation 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 186,564 $ 86,047 $ 93,744 $ 19,968 21% $ 93,744 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 19,624 24,263 36,000 2,850 8% 36,000 5300 Contractual Services 82,777 186,107 163,159 12,686 8% 163,159 5400 Other Expenses 1,991 1,861 3,800 68 2% 3,800 5700 Capital Outlays 1,182 NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA $ 290,956 $ 299,460 $ 296,703 $ 35,572 12% $ 296,703 $ 70276 Cemeteries Maintenance 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 193,182 $ 187,287 $ 215,051 $ 46,839 22% $ 215,051 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 13,491 8,627 6,825 276 4% 6,825 5300 Contractual Services 342,492 318,730 322,187 15,507 5% 322,087 (100) 5400 other Expenses 413 50 50% 100 100 5700 Capital Outlays 26,705 13,801 3,500 291 8% 3,500 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 576,283 $ 528,445 $ 547,563 $ 62,963 11% $ 547,563 $ 70585 Parking Operations 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 1,904 $ 730 $ $ 1,657 75% $ 2,200 $ 2,200 5200 Operating Supplies 128 223 1,000 393 39% 1,000 5300 Contractual Services 12,865 12,569 6,500 0% 4,300 (2,200) 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 14,897 $ 13,522 $ 7,500 $ 2,050 27% $ 7,500 $ 70357 Graffiti Removal 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ $ N/A $ $ 5200 Operating Supplies 58 233 NIA 5300 Contractual Services 2,485 2,502 4,792 0% 4,792 5400 Other Expenses 16 NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 2,543 $ 2,751 $ 4,792 $ 0% $ 4,792 $ 70863 Farmers' Market & Flea Market 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 16,018 $ 20,093 $ 21,826 $ 480 2% $ 21,826 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 298 1,137 1,000 434 43% 1,000 5300 Contractual Services 17,430 24,176 15,000 0% 15,000 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $_ 33,746_$_ _ _ 45,406 $ 37,826 $ 914 2% $ 37~8~ $ Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Original Budget Actual Through % of Revised Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised Estimate 2007 2007 Original ----- -- $ 2,197,276 $ 2,190,834 $ 2,181,609 $ 245,833 11¾ $ 2,1?1.,§09 _$ 80387 Environmental Services 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 103,814 $ 116,175 $ 128,898 $ 31,313 24% $ 128,898 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 5,183 6,520 5,300 218 4% 5,300 5300 Contractual Services 182,217 202,397 215,553 3,827 2% 215,553 5400 other Expenses 500 0% 500 5700 Capital Outlays 5,586 404 3,000 0% 3,000 5900 Other Financin Uses N/A $ 296,800 $ 325,496 $ 353,251 $ 35,358 10% $ 353,251 $ $ 296,800 $ 325,496 $ 353,251 $ 35,358 10%_$_ -~53,251 $ 10875 Other - Contributions to Outside Agencies Muskegon Area Transit (MATS) $ 80,164 $ 80,164 $ 80,500 $ 20,041 25% $ 80,500 Neighborhood Association Grants 16,914 19,450 21,634 19,500 90% 21,634 Muskegon Area First 45,660 45,568 45,660 11,392 25% 45,660 Veterans Memorial Day Costs 12,400 2,044 3,000 0% 3,000 Neighborhoods of Choice 2,500 0% 2,500 Mainstreet Program N/A Lakeside Business Dlstrict 2,500 2,500 2,500 100% 2,500 211 Service 2,500 2,500 100% 2,500 Institute for Healing Racism 1,000 1,000 0% 1,000 MLK Diversity Program 1,000 0% 1,000 Muskegon Area Labor Management (MALMC) 1,000 1,000 1,000 0% 1,000 Muskegon County and Humane Society - Feral Cat Control 22,149 25,287 16,000 750 5% 16,000 Other N/A Contributions To Outside Agencies $ 179,287 $ 176,013 $ 177,294 $ 56,683 32% $ 177,294 $ $ 179,287 $ 176,013 $ 177,294 $ 56,683 32% $ 177,291._____j_ Total Customer Value Added Activities $ 17,633,265 $ 18,104,979 $ 18,462,183 $ 3,572,784 19% $ 18,462,183 $ As a Percent of Total General Fund Expenditures 74.5% 73.9% 75.1% 76.3% 74.9% Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Original Budget Actual Through % of Revised Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised Estimate 2007 2007 Original II. Business Value Added Activities 10101 City Commission 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 62,810 $ 62,186 $ 65,223 $ 14,471 22% $ 65,223 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 11,015 12,925 13,000 1 0% 13,000 5300 Contractual Services 1,760 3,023 3,000 175 6% 3,000 5400 Other Expenses 2,162 1,811 4,500 263 6% 4,500 5700 Capital Outlays 233 8,724 433 180 42% 433 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 77,980 $ 88,669 $ 86,156 $ 15,090 18% $ 86,156 $ 10102 City Promotions & Public Relations 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ $ NIA $ $ 5200 Operating Supplies 177 168 300 471 94% 500 200 5300 Contractual Services 12,100 5,235 8,729 406 5% 8,529 (200) 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 12,277 $ 5,403 $ 9,029 $ 877 10% $ 9,029 $ 10172 City Manager 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 202,695 $ 204,228 $ 211,899 $ 55,673 26% $ 211,899 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 1,496 1,790 1,750 80 5% 1,750 5300 Contractual Services 2,680 3,035 2,750 430 16% 2,750 5400 Other Expenses 712 639 1,750 240 14% 1,750 5700 Capital Outlays 1,020 468 0% 468 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 208,603 $ 209,692 $ 218,617 $ 56,423 26% $ 218,617 $ 10145 City Attorney 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ $ NIA $ $ 5200 Operating Supplies 737 1,000 0% 1,000 5300 Contractual Services 407,832 424,117 401,695 72,367 18% 401,695 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 408,569 $ 424,117 $ 402,695 $ 72,367 18% $ 402,695 $ $ 707,429 $ 727,881 $ 716,497 $ 144,757 20% $ 716, 4__§_Z___ $ 20173 Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 152,114 $ 150,764 $ 157,358 $ 41,643 26% $ 157,358 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 986 1,511 1,300 74 6% 1,300 5300 Contractual Services 6,888 6,767 13,034 3,207 25% 13,034 5400 Other Expenses 424 235 1,000 12 1% 1,000 5700 Capital Outlays 564 NIA 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA 1_ 160,412 $ 159,841 $ 172,692 $ 44,936 26% $ 172,692 $ Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Original Budget Actual Through % of Revised Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised Estimate 2007 2007 Original 20228 Affirmative Action 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 76,842 $ 30,393 $ 94,092 $ 15,170 16% $ 94,092 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 278 219 519 111 21% 519 5300 Contractual Services 2,818 1,544 3,270 187 6% 3,270 5400 Other Expenses 1,092 800 286 36% 800 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses _ NIA $ 81,030 $ 32,156 $ 98,681 $ 15,754 16% $ 98,681 $ 20744 Julia Hackley Internships 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 7,630 $ 4,350 $ $ NIA $ $ 520D Operating Supplies NIA 5300 Contractual Services NIA 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 7,630 $ 4,350 $ $ NIA $ $ 20215 City Clerk & Elections 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 263,837 $ 241,766 $ 282,007 $ 56,834 20% $ 282,007 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 28,566 31,892 30,000 1,790 6% 30,000 5300 Contractual Services 20,883 21,830 21,000 1,203 6% 21,000 5400 Other Expenses 3,981 1,778 2,000 119 6% 2,000 5700 Capital Outlays 335 275 NIA 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 317,602 $ 297,541 $ 335,007 $ 59,946 18% $ 335,007 $ 20220 Civil Service 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 148,647 $ 145,934 $ 152,734 $ 23,196 15% $ 152,734 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 5,302 8,594 7,700 703 9% 7,700 5300 Contractual Services 20,785 18,071 18,559 4,955 27% 18,559 5400 Other Expenses 5,086 3,300 4,575 161 4% 4,575 5700 Capital Outlays 2,095 500 0% 500 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 181,915 $ 175,899 $ 184,068 $ 29,015 16% $ 184,068 $ $ 748,589 $ 669,787 $ 790,448 $ 149,651 19% $ 790,448 $ 30202 Finance Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 341,340 $ 325,506 $ 332,122 $ 88,994 27% $ 332,122 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 5,524 6,627 6,100 681 11% 6,100 5300 Contractual Services 75,056 93,703 81,470 31,513 39% 81,470 5400 Other Expenses 104 303 100 0% 100 5700 Capital Outlays 2,897 4,176 1,500 0% 1,500 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 424,921 $ 430,315 $ 421,292 $ 121,188 29% $ 421,292 $ Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Original Budget Actual Through % of Revised Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised Estimate 2007 2007 Original 30209 Assessing Services 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ 6,343 $ 6,440 $ 5,571 87% $ 6,440 $ 5200 Operating Supplies N/A 5300 Contractual Services 410,601 436,274 421,050 1,969 0% 421,050 5400 Other Expenses N/A 5700 Capital Outlays N/A 5900 Other Financing Uses N/A $ 410,601 $ 442,617 $ 427,490 $ 7,540 2% $ 427.490 $ 30805 Arena Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ $ N/A $ $ 5200 Operating Supplies N/A 5300 Contractual Services 141,030 175,000 10,483 6% 175,000 5400 Other Expenses 2 300 22 7% 300 5700 Capital Outlays N/A 5900 other Financin Uses N/A $ $ 141,032 $ 175,300 $ 10,505 6% $ 175,300 $ 30205 Income Tax Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 258,397 $ 248,514 $ 286,438 $ 73,822 26% $ 286,438 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 23,121 16,853 19,460 3,600 18% 19,460 5300 Contractual Services 51,185 66,912 50,670 12,278 24% 50,670 5400 Other Expenses 1,293 629 600 0% 600 5700 Capital Outlays 8,694 2,867 1,500 27 2% 1,500 5900 Other Financin Uses N/A $ 342,690 $ 335,775 $ 358,668 $ 89,72_7_ _ 2~o/~ _ 358,668 $ 30253 City Treasurer 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 295,568 $ 273,532 $ 249,184 $ 61,947 25% $ 249,184 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 30,248 29,099 32,000 2,849 9% 32,000 5300 Contractual Services 68,759 79,985 60,838 12,545 21% 60,838 5400 Other Expenses 1,118 568 2,000 0% 2,000 5700 Capital Outlays 6,995 8,591 2,500 0% 2,500 5900 other Financin Uses N/A $ 402,688 $ 391,775 $ 346,522 $ 77,341 22% $ 346,522 .1 30248 Information Systems Administration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 234,549 $ 241,116 $ 249,754 $ 66,147 26% $ 249,754 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 1,461 81 5,500 50 1% 5,500 5300 Contractual Services 49,227 28,103 63,835 30,668 48% 63,835 5400 Other Expenses 4,130 6,765 11,000 27 0% 11,000 5700 Capital Outlays 35,447 39,001 19,900 133 1% 19,900 5900 Other Financin Uses N/A $ 324,814 $ 315,066 $ 349,989 $ 97,025 28% $ 349,989 $ $ 1,905,714 $ 2,056,580 $ 2,079,261 $ 403,326 19% $ 2,079,261 . .1 Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Original Budget Actual Through % of Revised Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised Estimate 2007 2007 Original 60265 City Hall Maintenance 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 65,449 $ 63,507 $ 64,101 $ 17,869 28% $ 64,101 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 11,331 13,764 11,000 1,211 11% 11,000 5300 Contractual Services 212,314 186,976 175,000 18,792 11% 175,000 5400 Other Expenses 500 0% 500 5700 Capital Outlays 6,387 0% 6,387 5900 Other Financin Uses NIA $ 289,094 $ 264,247 $ 256,988 $ 37,872 15% $ 256,988 $ $ 289,094 $ 264,247 $ 256,988 $ 37,872 15% $ 256,988 _j_ 80400 Planning, Zoning and Economic Development 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 391,161 $ 397,226 $ 415,765 $ 94,270 23% $ 415,765 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 8,435 6,381 6,600 268 4% 6,600 5300 Contractual Services 42,807 28,840 33,500 7,509 17% 43,500 10,000 5400 other Expenses 2,196 2,776 3,000 580 19% 3,000 5700 Capital Outlays 4,395 2,492 2,000 148 7% 2,000 5900 other Financin Uses NIA $ 448,994 $ 437,715 $ 460 865 $ 102,775 22% $ 470,865 $ 10,000 $ 448,994 $ 437,715 $ 460,865 $ 102,775 22% $ 470,865 $ 10,000 Total Business Value Added Activities $ 4,099,820 $ 4,156,210 $ 4,304,059 $ 838,381 19% $ 4,314,059 $ 10,000 As a Percent of Total General Fund Expenditures 17.3% 17.0% 17.5% 17.9% 17.5% Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - General Fund General Fund Expenditure Summary By Function Actual As Original Budget Actual Through % of Revised Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised Estimate 2007 2007 Original Ill. Fixed Budget Items 30999 Transfers To Other Funds Major Street Fund $ $ 300,000 $ $ N/A $ $ Local Street Fund 600,000 480,000 480,000 120,000 25% 480,000 Budget Stabilization Fund 100,000 150,000 N/A l.C. Walker Arena Fund (Operating Subsidy) 310,000 310,000 N/A Arena Improvement Fund 60,000 N/A Public Improvement Fund (Fire Equipment Reserve) 150,000 150,000 150,000 37,500 25% 150,000 State Grants Fund (Grant Matches) 10,000 0% 10,000 Marina 80,000 40,000 40,000 0% 40,000 Sidewalk 125,000 150,000 N/A MOD State Rehab Loan Fund 4,281 N/A LDFA Debt Service Fund (Srnartzone) 31,262 100,000 0% 100,000 General Insurance 28,046 7,012 25% 28,046 $ 1,369,281 $ 1,671,262 $ 808,046 $ 164,512_ _ ?_Q% $ 808,046 $ 30851 General Insurance $ 338,825 $ 334,748 $ 347,304 $ 0% $ 347,304 $ 30906 Debt Retirement 3,280 3,336 261,194 98,798 38% 261,194 10891 Contingency and Bad Debt Expense 160,243 222,802 400,000 (100) 0% 400,000 90000 Major Capital Improvements 53,513 5,439 6,597 11% 60,100 60,100 Total Fixed-Budget Items $ 1,925,142 $ 2,237,587 $ 1,816,544 $ 269,807 14% $ 1,876,644 $ 60,100 As a Percent of Total General Fund Expenditures 8.1% 9.1% 7.4% 5.8% 7.6% Total General Fund $ 23,658,227 $ 24,498,776 $ 24,582,786 $ 4,680,972 19% $ 24,652,886 $ 70,100 Recap: Total General Fund By Expenditure Object 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 14,482,792 $ 14,675,373 $ 15,324,849 $ 3,483,970 23% $ 15,327,049 $ 2,200 5200 Operating Supplies 513,640 545,721 514,781 45,038 9% 514,981 200 5300 Contractual Services 6,883,131 7,318,724 7,433,203 856,445 12% 7,440,703 7,500 5400 Other Expenses 71,462 59,725 74,925 12,333 16% 75,025 100 5700 Capital Outlays 334,641 224,635 165,788 19,876 9% 225,888 60,100 5900 All other Financing Uses 1,372,561 1,674,598 1,069,240 263,310 25% 1,069,240 Total General Fund $ 23,658,227 $ 24,498,776 $ 24,582,786 $ 4,680,972 19% $ 24,652,886 $ 70,100 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 202 Major Streets and State Trunklines Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 966,165 $ 847,149 s 251,697 $ 708,102 $ 708,102 $ 456,405 Means of Financing Special assessments s 275,847 $ 254,840 $ 250,000 s s 250,000 s Federal & stale grants 3,725,330 1,290,725 1,364,700 622 1,776,700 412,000 State shared revenue 2,651.689 2,634,633 3,043,269 229,525 3,043,269 Interest income 178,066 123,726 70,000 11,593 70,000 OperaUng transfers in 200,000 Other 296,652 272,589 300,000 3,005 300,000 MOSTLYCDSG $ 7,127,584 $ 4,776,513 S 5,027,969 $ 244,745 $ 5,439,969 $ 412,000 60900 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 767,585 $ 693,692 $ 1,079.554 S 220,029 20% $ 1,079,554 s 5200 Operating SuppU'es 205,108 196,458 227,900 133,430 59% 227,900 5300 Contractual Services 1,051,647 935,335 930,000 253,440 27% 930,000 5400 Other Expenses 5,753 3,740 5,000 320 6% 5,000 5700 Capital OuUays N/A 5900 Other Financing Uses 953,338 663,710 668,137 0% 668,137 - DEBT SERVICE ($668,137); NO TRANSFER TO LOCAL STREET IN 2007 s 2,983,431 $ 2,692,935 $ 2,910,591 $ 607,219 21% s 2,910,591 $ 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ s $ $ N/A $ s 5300 Contractual Services 4,263,169 2,222,625 2,090,000 154,387 5% 2,930,000 840,000 SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL 5700 Capital Outlays N/A s 154,387 s 2,930,000 840,000 $ 4,263,169 7,246,600 $ s 2,222,625 4,915,560 ' $ 2,090,000 5,000,591 $ $ 761,606 5% 13% $ 5,840,591 $ Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 847,149 s 708,102 $ 279,075 s 191,241 $ 307,480 s 26,405 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget- Other Funds Actual P-s Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised 2007 2007 Original 203 Local Streets Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY 265,129 561,833 44,420 $ 648,231 $ 648,231 s ' $ ' 603,811 Means of Financing Special assessments 86,160 $ 182,841 $ Federal & state grants ' 469,618 1,981,524 $ 150,000 $ 1,300,000 150,000 1,515,000 215,000 MALL PROJECT GRANTS Metro act fees 152,198 140,645 140,000 140,000 State shared revenue 667,442 662,550 704,797 55,990 704,797 Interest income 22,849 59,856 15,000 105 15,000 Operating transfers in 1,074,012 783,219 480,000 120,000 480,000 - FROM GENERAL FUND ($480,000) Other 1,085,791 247,453 5,000 1,619 5,000 $ 3,558,070 $ 4,058,088 $ 2,794.797 $ 177,714 $ 3,009.797 ' 215,000 60900 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 627,955 $ 561,113 $ 466,437 $ 178,163 38% $ 468.437 5200 Operating Supplies 166,036 93.783 110,000 18,149 16% 110,000 5300 Contractual Services 769.422 791,783 762,000 211,171 28% 762.000 5400 Other Expenses 1,931 195 1,000 65 7% 1,000 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses 23,652 NIA s 1,466,874 $ 1,341,437 407,548 1,341,437 s ' 1,588,996 $ 30% $ 90000 Project Expenditures NIA 5200 5300 Operating Supplies Contractual Services $ 1,672,370 ' 2,504,815 $ 1,425,000 $ 94,655 6% $ 1,642,000 217,000 SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL $ 1,572,370 $ 2,504,816 $ 1,425,000 $ 94,655 6% $ 1,642,000 $ 217,000 $ 3,261,365 $ 3,971,690 $ 2.766,437 $ 502,203 17% $ 2,983,437 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 561,833 $ 648,231 $ 72,780 $ 323,742 $ 674,591 $ 601,811 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast • 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds Actual~ Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From ActuaI2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised 2007 2007 Original 257 Budget Stabilization Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 1,250.000 $ 1,350,000 $ 1,350,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 150,000 Means of Financing Special assessments Federal & state grants $ $ - ' $ ' - $ State shared revenue Charges for services Interest income Operating transfers in - General Fund 100,000 150,000 Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund Operating transfers in • Insurance Fund Other s 100,000 $ 150.000 $ - s $ - s 70805 Operating Expenditures Salaries & Benefits s NIA ' 5100 $ $ $ - $ 5200 Operating Supplies NIA 5300 Contractual Services NIA 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses 150,000 0% 150,000 s 150,000 $ 150,000 $ $ ' 0% $ 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 5300 Operating Supplies Contractual Services $ - ' s $ NIA NIA $ s $ NIA ' $ $ $ 150,000 $ 0% $ $ 150,000 Available Fund Balance" EOY $ 1,350,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,350,000 $ 150,000 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds Act1.lal As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Acb.ial 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 260 Farmers' Market Improvement Fund Available Fund Balance • BOY $ 23,675 $ 24,483 $ 24,833 $ 25,465 $ 25,465 $ "' Means of Financing Special assessments $ . $ • $ $ $ Federal & state grants State shared revenue Charges for services Interest income 608 982 700 207 700 Operating transfers in • General Fund Operating transfers in - T!FA Fund Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund Other 300 300 $ 608 $ 982 $ 1,000 $ 207 $ 1,000 $ 70805 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Be11efits $ $ $ $ NIA $ • $ 5200 Operating Supplies NIA 5300 Contractual Services 10,000 0% 10,000 - PAINTING AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 5400 other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ $ ' 0% $ 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ $ $ $ NIA $ 5300 Contractual Services NIA $ $ $ $ NIA $ $ $ $ $ 10.000 $ 0% $ 10,000 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 24,483 $ 25,465 $ 15,833 $ 25,672 $ 16,465 $ 632 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast. 2007 Proposed Budget• Other Funds On'ginal Budget Actual Af. Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 264 Criminal Forfeitures Fund 133,244 137,744 $ Available Fund Balance• BOY $ 164,298 $ ' 157,835 $ 157,835 $ 20,091 Meam; of Financing Special assessments $ - s - $ - $ $ - $ Federal & state grants State shared revenue Charges for services Interest income 3,996 6,023 3,000 1,266 3,000 Operating transfers in • General Fund Operatirg transfers in - TIFA Fund Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund Other 1,551 74,331 9,000 14,599 16,000 7,000 $ 5,547 s 80,354 $ 12,000 $ 15,865 $ 19,000 $ 7,000 70805 Operating Expenditures s s NIA s 5100 5200 S.ilaries & Benefits Operating SupPlies $ ' NIA - $ 5300 Contractual Services 4,030 1,644 45,000 949 2% 45,000 - BULLET-PROOF VESTS (2006): RIOT GEAR (2007) 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays 32,571 54,119 18,000 995 6% 18,000 - VIDEOANALYSISSOFTWARE 5900 other financing Uses NIA 36,601 s 55,763 $ 63,000 $ 1,944 3% $ 63,000 $ ' 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ $ $ $ NIA $ - s 5300 Contractual Services NIA NIA $ $ 36,601 $ $ 55,763 $ s 63,000 ' $ 1,944 3% $ s 63,000 ' Available Fund Balance - EOY s 133,244 $ 157,835 $ 86,744 s 171,756 s 113,835 s 27,091 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 285 Tree Reelacement Fund s 12,293 s 13.761 s 10,210 Available Fund Balance - BOY 13,561 ' $ 10,210 $ (3.551) Means of Financing Special assessments Federal & state grants ' $ ' 3,000 ' ' 3,000 Stale shared revenue Charges for services 4,100 400 400 400 Interest income 314 488 200 99 200 Operating transfers in - General Fund Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund Other s s s 4,414 ' 488 3,200 ' 499 3,600 ' 400 70805 Operating Expenditures s s NIA - s 5100 5200 Salaries & Benefits Operating Supplies ' 3,839 ' NIA ' 5300 Contractual Services 3,146 3,200 0% 3,200 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA s s 3,200 3,146 ' 3,839 ' 3,200 ' 0% ' 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 5300 Operating Supplies Contractual Services $ s ' ' NIA NIA ' - ' s NIA s s' $ $ 's 3,146 3,839 3,200 0% s 3,200 ' ' s 13,561 10,210 $ 13,761 s 10,709 $ 10,610 s (3,151) Available Fund Balance - EOY ' City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 289 Local Development Finance Authority I Fund • Port City Industrial Park Available Fund Balance • BOY $ 301 $ 312 $ 322 $ 323 $ 323 $ Means of Financing Property ta)(es $ - s $ $ $ - $ Federal & state grants State shared revenue Charges for services Interest income 11 11 10 2 10 Operating transfers in • General Fund Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund Operating transfers in • Insurance Fund Other $ 11 $ 11 $ 10 $ 2 $ 10 $ 70805 Operating E;,:;penditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ - s NIA $ - $ 5200 Operating Supplies NIA 5300 Contractual Services NIA 5400 other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA $ $ - $ $ NIA $ 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ $ $ $ NIA $ - $ 5300 Contractual Services NIA $ $ $ $ NIA $ - $ $ $ NIA $ ' $ Available Fund Balance • EOY $ 312 $ 323 $ 332 $ 325 $ 333 $ City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast 2007 Proposed Budget Other Funds M M Actual As Original Budget Actual Torough Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 ¾of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised -- 288 Local Development Finance Authority II Fund - Medendorp Industrial Park Available Fund Balance - BOY $ 21,795 $ 22,321 s 22,971 $ 23,216 $ 23,216 $ 245 Means of Financing Property taxes s - $ - $ - s $ - s Federal & state grants State shared revenue Charges for services Interest income 526 895 600 189 600 Operating transfers in - General Fund Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund Other 895 s 189 $ 600 $ ' 526 $ 600 $ 70805 Operating Expenditures 5100 5200 Salaries & Benefits OperaUng Supplies s $ - ' s NIA NIA ' - s 5300 Contractual SeNices NIA 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA $ s ' ' NIA $ - ' 90000 Project Expenditures s - s NIA - s 5200 5300 Operating Supplies Contractual Serv1ct:s ' $ NIA ' 's s $ $ NIA NIA 's - ' $ ' ' 23,405 23,816 $ 245 Available Fund Balance. EOY ' 22,321 $ 23,216 $ 23,571 $ ' City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast • 2007 Proposed Budget• Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 ¾of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 290 Local Develo[Jment Finance Authorit}' Ill Fund. Edison Landing {Smartzone) Available Fund Balance. BOY ' 465,160 $ 282,397 ' 102,458 ' 104,991 ' 104,991 ' 2,533 Means of Financing 11,620 S 28,900 ' Property taxes 17,908 Federal & state grants ' 28,900 $ ' ' State shared revenue Charges for seivices Interest income 11,114 10,183 1,000 1,609 3,000 2,000 Operating transfers in - General Fund 100,000 100,000 Other 75,000 75,000 MCCF CONTRIBUTION FOR DEBT SERVICE 22,734 S 28,091 $ 204,900 $ 1,609 $ 206,900 $ 2,000 70805 Operating Expenditures NIA 5100 5200 Salaries & Benefits Operating Supplies $ $ ' $ NIA $ - $ 5300 Contractual Services 350 350 700 0% 700 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses 205,147 205.147 285,147 0% 285,147 ' $ 205,497 $ 205,497 $ 285,847 $ 0% $ 285,847 90000 Project Expenditures NIA 5200 5300 Operating Supplies Contractual Services $ ' $ $ NIA $ NIA $ 205,497 $ ' 285,847 $ $ $ 285,847 $ $ ' 205.497 $ 0% $ Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 282,397 $ 104,991 $ 21,511 $ 106,600 $ 26,044 $ 4,533 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - other Funds Actual As Original Budget ActuaJ Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 305 Tax Increment Finance Authority Fund Available Fund Balance• BOY $ 3,141 s 3,355 $ 2,399 S 8,758 $ 8,758 s 6,359 Means of Financing Property taxes $ 59,706 $ 58,740 $ 57,500 $ s 56,835 $ (665) Federal & state grants State shared revenue Charges for seNices Interest income 508 663 300 50 300 Operating transfers in General Fund Operao·ng transfers in - TIFA Fund Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund Other $ 60.214 $ 59,403 $ 57,800 $ 50 $ 57,135 $ (665) 70805 Operating E,:penditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ $ NIA $ $ 5200 Operating Supplies NIA 5300 Contractual Services NIA 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital OuUays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses 60.000 54,000 60,000 0% 60,000 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND FOR ARENA $ 60,000 $ 54,000 $ 60,000 s 0% $ 60,000 $ 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ $ $ $ NIA $ $ 5300 Contractual Se,vices NIA $ $ $ $ NIA $ s $ 60,000 $ 54,000 $ 60,000 $ 0% $ 60,000 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ 3,355 $ 8,758 $ 199 $ 8,808 $ 5,893 $ 5,694 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estlma!e Change From Comments Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 394 Downtown Development Authority Fund s (103,996) $ (103,996) $ (270,753) Available Fund Balance. BOY ' 64,822 ' 50,072 166,757 ' Means of Financing ' 476,460 (5,240) Property taxes Federal & state grants ' 726,397 $ 350,401 $ 481.700 ' ' State proposal A reimbursement revenue 499,537 Charges for services Interest income 13,962 3,664 1,500 1,500 Operating transfers in - General Fund Operating transfers in - TIFA Fund Operating transfers in - Insurance Fund Other (5,240) 740,359 $ 853,602 S 483,200 ' $ 477,960 ' 70805 Operating Expenditures s NIA $ 5100 5200 Salaries & Benefits Operating Supplies ' $ ' NIA 5300 Contractual Services 661,927 NIA 416,666 10,000 0% 10,000 - MAIN STREET PROGRAM 5400 Other Expenses 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 338,443 345,743 575,183 0% 337,492 (237,691) DEBT SERVICE ($337,492 BONDS} 5900 Other financing Uses 1,007,670 $ 585,183 s 0% $ 347,492 $ (237,691) $ 755,109 ' 90000 Project Expenditures s NIA - $ 5200 5300 Operating Supplies Contractual Seivices $ ' $ NIA ' s $ ' $ ' NIA 347,492 ' 755,109 $ 1,007,670 ' 585,183 $ 0% ' $ 50,072 S (103,996) $ 64,774 $ (103,996) $ 26,472 $ (38,302) Available Fund Balance. EOY City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast ~ 2007 Proposed Budget. Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 408 Arena Improvement Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY - $ $ - $ 75.500 $ 79,386 ' 79,386 $ 3,886 Means of Financing Special assessments Federal & state grants $ $ - $ $ $ - ' State shared revenue Charges for services 11,978 35,000 16,135 35,000 Interest income 39$ 2,000 330 2,000 Operating transfers in 74,743 Other $ 87,116 $ 16,465 - $ 37.000 ' $ 37,000 $ 30906 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ N/A $ 5200 Operating Supplies $ 20,000 0% ' 20,000 5300 Contractual Services 7,730 N/A 5400 Other Expenses N/A 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses N/A 0 7,730 20,000 0% $ ' $ $ ' ' 20,000 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 5300 OperaUng Supplies Contractual Services $ - ' - ' $ N/A N/A ' 0 5400 Other Expenses N/A 5900 Other Financing Uses N/A $ NIA $ $ $ $ $ 7,730 ' $ 20,000 $ 0% $ 20,000 Available Fund Balance - EOY $ - $ 79,386 $ 92,500 $ 95,851 $ 96,386 $ 3,886 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 ¾of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 403 Sidewalk Improvement Fund Available Fund Balance - BOY 1,024,303 s 919,113 $ 845,938 S 902,104 $ 902,104 s 56,166 ' Means of Financing Special assessments s 302,381 $ 196,684 s 300,000 $ s 300,000 $ Federal & state grants State shared revenue Charges for services Interest income 76,140 77,177 60,000 6,369 60,000 Opera~ng transfers in 149,517 150,000 Other $ 528,038 $ 423,861 $ 360,000 s 6,369 $ 360,000 s 30906 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits s $ $ $ NIA s - $ 5200 Operating Supplies NIA 5300 Contractual Services 950 NIA 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses 471,865 433,175 395,828 233,688 59% 395,828 - DEBT SERVICE ON S\DEWALK ASSESSMENT BONDS $ 395,828 233,688 $ 395,828 ' 471,865 ' 434,125 ' 59% 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ $ $ $ NIA $ $ 5300 Contractual Services 161,363 6,745 NIA SIDEWALK PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 2005 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA $ 161,363 $ 6,745 $ $ NIA $ $ 633,228 $ 440,870 $ 395,828 $ 233,688 59% $ 395,828 Available Fund Balance• EDY $ 919,113 $ 902,104 s 810,110 $ 674,785 s 866,276 $ 56,166 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget Other Funds M Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 ¾of Comments EsLimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 404 Public lmerovement Fund Available Fund Ba!ance • BOY $ 926,621 $ 1,755,346 $ 3,237,715 $ 4,842,311 $ 4,842,311 $ 1,604,596 Means of Financing Special assessments s - $ - $ - s $ - s Property taxes Federal & state grants Contributions 51,986 Fisherman's Landing Repayment 10,000 10,000 Sales of Property 141,385 557,066 150,000 93,885 150,000 TERRACE ST LOTS AND OTHER LAND SALES Interest income 26,876 97,956 10,000 26,539 60,000 50,000 GENERAL FUND TRANSFER - FIRE EQUIPMENT RESERVE Operating transfers in 356,022 262,965 287,348 37,500 287,348 ($150,000); FROM ODA FOR ULA REPAYMENT ($137,348) Other 605,824 5,463,335 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS FOR CENTRAL FlRE STATION $ 1,182,093 $ 6,381,322 $ 457,348 s 157,924 $ 507,348 s 50,000 30936 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ $ NIA s $ 5200 Operating Supplies NIA 5300 Contractual Services 5,000 0% 5,000 5400 other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA URBAN lJl.,NO ASSEMBLY (UlJI.,) LOAN PAYMENT; FIRE EQPT 5900 other Financing Uses 154,318 1,360,797 292,223 0% 292,223 INSTALLMENT PURCHASE PAYMENTS: MARINA/TRAIL MATCHES $ 154,318 $ 1,360.797 $ 297,223 $ 0% s 297,223 $ 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ $ $ $ NIA $ 5300 Contractual Services 1,933,560 NIA 5400 other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays 199,050 2,000,000 717,436 24% 3,000,000 1,000,000 FIRE TRUCK PURCHASE (06), CENTRAL FlRE STATION (06, 07) 199.050 $ 1,933,560 $ 2,000,000 $ 717.436 24% $ 3,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 353,368 s 3,294,357 $ 2,297,223 $ 717,436 22% $ 3,297,223 Available Fund Balance• EDY $ 1,755.346 $ 4,842,311 $ 1,397,840 $ 4,282,799 $ 2,052,436 s 654,596 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast. 2007 Proposed Budget• Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estlmate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised 2007 2007 Original 482 State Grants Fund Available Fund Balance • BOY $ 1,607 $ 102 $ 1,350,102 $ 77,048 $ 77,048 $ (1,273,054) Means of Financing Special assessments Federal & state grants $ 379,442 $ 1,538.744 ' 1,495,000 $ 25,000 ' 1,495,000 $ Sales of Property Interest income Operating transfers in 500,673 10,000 10,000 Other 50,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 429,442 S 1,505,000 $ 1,515,000 $ 10,000 $ 2,044,417 ' 35,000 ' 30936 Operating Expenditures 5100 5200 Salaries & Benefits Operating Supplies ' ' $ ' NIA NIA $ $ 5300 Contractual Services NIA 5400 Other Experises NIA 5700 Capital OuUays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses 13,371 9,276 NIA s 13,371 9,276 $ NIA $ ' $ - $ 90000 Project Expenditures NIA 5200 5300 Opera~ng Supplies Contractual Services $ $ ' ' NIA ' - $ 5700 Capital Outlo1ys 417,576 1,958,195 1,505,000 64,114 4% 1,505,000 - SEE "BUDGETED CAP\TAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL $ 417,576 1,958,195 $ 1,505,000 $ 64,114 4% 1,505,000 s 430,947 $ ' 1,967,471 1,505,000 $ 64,114 4% $ 1,505,000 ' $ ' 102 $ 77,048 1,350,102 $ 47,934 87,048 $ (1,263,054) Available Fund Balance - EOY ' ' ' City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast ~ 2007 Proposed Budget~ Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Onginal Revised 594 Marina & Launch Ram[>_Fund Available Cash Balance • BOY $ (24,263) $ (13,384) $ 345.886 $ (39,617) $ (39,617) S (385,503) Means of Financing Special assessments $ $ $ $ $ $ Federal & state grants 42,753 534,220 357,500 357,500 State shared revenue Charges for services 248,461 267,104 260,000 81,607 260,000 Interest income OperaUng transfers in 80,000 540,000 40,000 540,000 500,000 $1 MILLION FROM PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FUND (BONDS) FOR other (10,061) 307 GRANT MATCH $ 361,153 $ 1,341,631 $ 657,500 $ 81,607 $ 1,157,500 $ 500,000 70756 Operatrng Expenditures • Marina 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 111,107 $ 109,507 $ 98.426 $ 14,390 15% $ 98.426 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 13,737 6,838 9,900 22 0% 9,900 5300 Contractual Services 139,581 135,350 135,000 12,951 10% 135,000 5400 Other Expenses 179 100 NIA 5700 Capital Outlays 164 3,836 NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal) NIA $ 264,768 $ 255,631 $ 243,326 $ 27,363 11% $ 243,326 70759 Operating Expenditures• Ramps 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ $ 15,000 $ 0% $ 15,000 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 2,000 0% 2,000 5300 Contractual Services 5,000 0% 5,000 5400 Other Expenses NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA Other Cash Uses (e.g. Debt Principal) 43.794 NIA $ 43,794 $ 22,000 $ 0% $ 22,000 $ ' 90000 Project Expenditures NIA ' 5200 Operating Supplies $ $ $ $ $ 5300 Contractual Services NIA SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETA\L 5700 Capital Outlays 85,506 1,068,439 790,000 0% 790,000 $ 85,506 $ 1,068,439 $ 790,000 $ 0% $ 790.000 $ $ 350,274 $ 1,367,864 $ 1,055,326 $ 27,363 3% $ 1,055,326 Available Cash Balance• EOY $ (13,384) $ (39,617) $ (51,940) $ 14,627 $ 62,557 $ 114,497 City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 Revised 2007 2007 Original 661 Eguiement Fund 1,493,873 $ ' Available Cash Balance -BOY 1,496,543 1,570,259 $ 1,614.451 1,614,451 ' $ $ 44,192 Means of Financing Special assessments Federal & state grants ' . ' • $ ' $ ' State shared revenue Charges for services 2,325,057 2,190.015 2,300,000 517,729 2,300,000 - INTERDEPARTMENTAL RENTAL CHARGES Interest income 36,340 59,520 20,000 13,121 20,000 Operating transfers in Other 200,144 136,297 100,000 10,265 100,000 OUTSIDE SALES OF FUEL, ETC. 2,561,541 2,385,832 $ 2,420,000 s 541,115 2,420,000 $ $ ' $ 609:32 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 494,641 $ 501,358 $ 547,302 $ 146,557 27% $ 547,302 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 697,594 817,482 690,500 123,964 18% 690,500 5300 Contractual Services 504,317 487,678 522,913 77,767 15% 522,913 5400 Other Expenses 2,839 4,129 4,000 200 5% 4,000 5700 Capital Outlays 927,206 595,851 671,900 9,375 1% 671,900 - SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA Other Cash Uses (e g. Debi Principal) (62,386) (141,244) NIA 2,436,615 $ ' 2,265,254 2,436,615 $ 357,863 ' 2,564,211 $ 15% ' 90000 Project Expenditures • $ 5200 5300 Operating Supplies Contractual Services ' $ ' $ NIA NIA ' 5700 Capital Outlays NIA NIA 's ' ' $ ' $ 2,564,211 ' 2,265,254 ' 2,436,615 ' 357,863 15% $ 2,436,615 ' 1,493,873 1,614,451 1,553,644 $ 1,797,703 1,597,836 $ 44,192 Available Cash Balance - EOY ' ' ' City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast ~ 2007 Proposed Budget~ Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 642 Public Service Building Fund 176,596 221,088 $ 270,889 270,889 $ Available Cash Balance - BOY $ 80,971 $ ' $ 49,801 Means of Financing Special assessments s - $ - $ - s $ - s Federal & state grants State shared revenue Charges far services 569,873 581,270 581,270 145,318 581,270 INTERDEPARTMENTAL RENTAL CHARGES lntere:,l income 2,729 7,755 1,000 1,851 3,000 2,000 Operating transfers in Other 20 $ 572,622 S 589,025 $ 582,270 $ 147,169 $ 584,270 $ 2,000 60442 Operating Expenditures 205,194 5100 5200 S.ilaries & Benefits Oper;;1ting Supplies $ 205.435 $ 21,912 209,305 $ 26,685 31,400 ' 54,609 1,872 27% 6% ' 205,194 31,400 ' 5300 Contractual Services 216,038 245,699 258,922 35,185 14% 258,922 5400 Other Expenses (6,138) 5,334 1,000 300 30% 1,000 5700 Capital OuUays 35,293 11,514 69,000 387 1% 69,000 - SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR DETAIL 5900 Other Financing Uses N/A Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g. 4.457 (3,805) N/A Debt Prmcipal) $ 476,997 $ 494,732 $ 565.516 $ 92,353 16% $ 565,516 s 90000 Project Expenditures $ s $ N/A s $ 5200 5300 Opera~·ng Supplies Contractual Services ' NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA $ $ $ s NIA $ $ $ 476,997 $ 494.732 S 565,516 $ 92,353 16% $ 565,516 s 270,889 $ 237,842 325,705 289,643 $ 51,801 ' Available Cash Balance - EOY 176,596 $ $ City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds Actual As Revised Estimate Change From Original Budget Actual Through Comments Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of 2007 Original Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 Revised 643 Engineering Services Fund 149,528 21,852 Available Cash Balance • BOY ' 74,410 $ 145,183 $ 127,676 $ 149,528 $ ' Means of Financing - $ - $ - $ $ - $ Special assessments Federal & state grants ' State shared revenue 680,366 514,467 640,000 77,835 640,000 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES Charges for services 2,164 4,878 1,500 1,117 1,500 Interest income Operating trallsfers in 25,000 25,000 Other s 682,530 $ 519,345 $ 666,500 $ 78,952 s 666,500 s 60447 Operating Expenditures 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 409,887 s 398,181 $ 455.702 $ 85,563 19% $ 455,702 $ 16,425 16,090 19,180 4,424 23% 19,180 5200 Operating Supplies Contractual Services 130,488 121,761 127,915 25,957 20% 127,915 5300 511 1,158 2,500 71 3% 2,500 5400 Other Expenses 13,711 7,377 42,000 2,044 5% 42,000 5700 Capital Outlays Other Financing Uses 332 NIA 5900 Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g. 32.098 (36,401) NIA Debt Principal) 647,297 $ $ 603,452 $ 508,166 ' 647,297 $ 118,059 18% ' 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ s $ $ NIA $ $ 8,305 6,834 25,000 2,204 9% 25,000 5300 Contractual Services NIA 5700 Capital Outlays s 25,000 $ $ 8,305 $ 611,757 $ 6,834 515,000 $ 25,000 672,297 $ s 2,204 120,263 9% 18% ' $ 672,297 108,217 $ 143,731 $ 21,852 Available Cash Balance - EOY s 145,183 $ 149,528 $ 121,879 $ City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 677 General Insurance Fund 654,597 $ 745,060 $ 883,556 $ 841,326 $ 841,326 $ (42,230) Available Cash Balance - BOY ' Means of Financing Special assessments $ - $ - $ $ $ $ Federal & state grants State shared revenue Charges for seNices 2,743,722 2,945,466 2,896,023 799,968 2,896,023 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CHARGES Interest income 11,776 20,374 20,000 6,332 20,000 Medicare Part D Rx Reimbursement 20,000 20,000 Repayment of DOA Advance 41,933 41,933 Operating transfers in 1,175,004 1,157,522 1,200,000 7,011 1,200,000 - TRANSFER IN FOR RETIREE HEALTH COSTS Other 35,063 3,248 20,000 20,000 3,965,565 $ 4,126,610 $ 4,197,956 $ 813,311 $ 4,197,956 $ 4,177,956 30851 Operating Expenditures $ 5,248 24% $ 22,000 $ 22,000 5100 5200 Salaries & Be11efits Operati11g Supplies $ - $ ' NIA Contractual Services 3,661,410 4,014,747 4,096,023 853,825 21% 4,096,023 5300 5400 other Expenses 1,500 0% 1,500 5700 Capital Outlays 250 956 1,500 0% 1,500 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e g, 213,442 14,641 NIA Debi Principal) $ 3,875,102 $ 4,030,344 $ 4,099,023 $ 859,073 21% $ 4,121,023 $ 4,121,023 90000 Project Expenditures $ NIA $ 5200 5300 Operating Supplies Contractual Services $ $ ' NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA NIA $ $ $ ' ' $ 4,121,023 $ 3,875,102 $ 4,030,344 $ 4,099,023 $ 859,073 21% ' $ 745,060 $ 841,326 $ 982,489 $ 795,564 $ 918,259 Available Cash Balance• EOY City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast - 2007 Proposed Budget - Other Funds Actual Af. Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change From Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 March 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 591 Water Fund ____ Available Cash Balance - BOY 4,468,122 s 3,538,818 3,862,712 S Means of Financing ' ' 3,481,833 ' 3,461,833 ' (380,879) s -' Special assessments - $ - $ - $ $ Federal & state grants State shared revenue Charges for services - City 4,165,652 3,863,362 4,129,473 74,391 4,129,473 Charges for services - Vl/nolesale 2,219,960 2,048,104 2,000,000 212,165 2,000,000 Maintenance services - Township 224,740 174,936 200,000 55,280 200,000 Billing services - Township 61,750 Interest income 105,125 82,861 50,000 22,334 50.000 lease of facilities 56,200 59,438 60,000 14,965 60,000 LEASE OF SPACE ON WATER TOWERS Repayment of DOA advance 24,421 24,421 Operating transfers in 69,065 Other 5,600,651 196,270 33,033 13"'~4~z.a s 6,494,036_$_ _6,463,894 $ 412,168 ··--- $ 6,463,894 30548 Operating Expenditures Administration s ' 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ $ NIA $ $ 5200 Operating Swppl1es NIA 5300 Contractual Services 445,543 521,102 500,672 95,793 19% soo,sn - INSURANCE/!NOIRECT COSTS/ADMINISTRATION FEE 5400 Other Expenses 3,679 2,735 2,000 0% 2,000 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 Other Financing Uses 369,222 680,832 632,037 0% 632,037 INTEREST ON WATER BONDS Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g 780,283 1,567,699 1,045,000 0% 1,045,000 PRINCIPAL ON WATER BONDS Debt Pnnci al s \~~~,!_3_7 $ 2,772,.368 s 2,179.709 _$_ _95,793 4% $ 2,179,709 $ 60559 Operating Expenditures Maintenance - City 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 892,667 s 741,646 $ 742,342 $ 188,349 25% $ 742,342 $ 5200 Operating Supplies 227,890 183,824 151,300 10,897 7% 151,300 5300 Contractual Services 495,824 359,076 403,077 62,492 16% 403,077 5400 Other Expenses 23.463 (26,425} 32,680 1,092 3% 32,680 5700 Capital Outlays 5,755 10,201 17,700 485 3% 17,700 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA ' $ 1,645,599 S 1,268,322 $ 1,347,099 $ 263,315 20% 1,347,099 $ 60558 Operating Expenditures Filtration 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 543,652 s 578,568 $ 605,518 $ 144,722 24% $ 605,518 $ 5200 OperaHng Supplies 160,234 164,320 144,450 27,418 19% 144,450 5300 Contractual Services 352,870 505,737 499,800 50,026 10% 499,800 5'00 Other E;,,:penses 1,240 3,415 6,750 379 6% 6,750 5700 Capital Outlays 44.414 122,341 57,500 1,322 2% 57,500 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA ~eplacemen_t ..Reserve - DWRF 290,000 0% 290,000 1,102,410 1,374,381 $ 1.sOX,'61s $ 223,867 14% $ 1,604,018 ' $ 90000 Project Expenditures 5200 Operating Supplies $ $ s $ NIA $ $ 5300 Contractual Services 9,016,646 1,135,950 1,040,000 34,420 4% 980,000 (60,000) 5700 Capital Outlays NIA $ 9,016,646 $ 1,135,950 $ 1,040,000 $ 34,420 4% $ 980,000 $ (60,000) 13,363,382 s 6,551.021 $ 6,170,826 s 617,395 10% $ 6,110,826 Available Cash Balance - EOY $ 3,538,818 $ 3,481,833 s 4,155,780 $ 3,276,606 $ 3,834,901 $ (320,879) City of Muskegon Quarterly Budget Reforecast 2007 Proposed Budget Other Funds M M Actual As Original Budget Actual Through Revised Estimate Change Fram Actual 2005 Actual 2006 %of Comments Estimate 2007 Maret, 2007 2007 2007 Original Revised 590 Sewer Fund Available Cash Balance. BOY ' 1,397,154 ' 1,270,352 $ 1,195,734 ' 895,306 $ 895,306 ' (300,426) Means of Financing Special assessments Federal & state grants ' . $ • $ . ' $ State shared revenue Charges for servir;;es 4,097,008 4,739,774 4,917,440 222,191 4,917,440 Interest income 32,928 39,199 20,000 7,725 20,000 Repayment of DOA advance 37,960 37,960 OperaLing transfers in 35,063 107,356 Other 52,178 63,928 80,000 9,460 80,000 4,950,257 $ 4,217,177 $ $ 5,055,400 ' 239,376 $ 5,055,400 ' 30548 Operating Expenditures Administration • $ NIA ' $ 5100 5200 Salaries & Benefits Operating Supplies $ ' NIA 5300 Contractual Services 294,000 393,064 288,789 56,349 20% 268,789 • INSURANCE/IND\RECT COSTS/ADMINISTRATION FEE 5400 other Expenses 4,715 5,939 NIA 5700 Capital Outlays NIA 5900 other Financing Uses 114,388 63,233 37,771 0% 37,771 INTEREST ON SEWER BONDS Other Cash Uses and Adjustments (e.g. 270,605 645,041 544,593 0% 544,593 PRINCIPAL ON SEWER BONDS Q~_iPnn~.leal ' 683,708 S 1,107,277 ' 871,153 S 56,349 6% $ 871,153 $ 60559 Operating Expenditures Maintenance ' ' 5100 Salaries & Benefits $ 654,925 $ 767,901 1.011,863 $ 220,410 22% $ 1,011,863 5200 Operating Supplies 66,093 7'1.508 66,050 3,620 5% 66,050 5300 Contractual Services 2,104.411 3,024,363 2,584,067 289,302 11% 2,584,067 5400 Other Expenses 869 717 1,850 0% 1,850 5700 Capital Outlays 3,106 6,804 11,500 0% 11,500 5900 Other Financing Uses NIA s $ ' $ $ 513,332 3,675,330 ' 2,829,404 3,871,293 3,675,330 14% 90000 Project Expenditures s 5200 5300 Operating Supplies Contractual Services ' 830,867 $ 346,733 801,000 ' 15,882 NIA 2% $ 846,000 ' 45,000 SEE "BUDGETED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS" FOR OETAtL 5700 Capital Outlays NIA $ 830,867 ' 346,733 $ 801,000 ' 15,882 2% $ 846.000 ' 45,000 ' $ 5,347,483 $ 585,563 5,392,483 $ 4,343,979 ' 5,325,303 11% Available Cash Balance - EOY s 1,270,352 $ 895,306 $ 903,651 $ 549,119 s 558,223 i: ••~::.'::~",';"•"' ,., ~~;:.::::,'•" ~- ---- 2007 PROJECTS 1Q1. 'General ' Fund -~ ' IP<>\Qal.o 11. la>""'" IO O,an,ton 365,0l)O l '' 219,000 ! J<5,QOO I __ M"'1g """ Ro,w!ac"'!I • SfP G Keat~(MOOTfutKledl 720,000 i I -~~~:~I A!-SMlot )-------- 91100 ,Mos~oo&W•o.i«Conv.= I N-SMtol -{ 5i~.7~+------ 260,ooo;1 --··1··- 260.000i ' ---- I ----i 1-- , - ---~~-~o[ 971QJ ;P"'11Sl«ot,Hac>, N-SMtot i 2,s.000 I 200000 ! 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"'" ---~------------·-·-·- _____ \ ---~~·:;.... ____ --\-------~ ----~-:~"-®~6-~ ll~P=-~10~ __ _ --~••== ----~ -~-"""== 1 I i 071,900 ·1 ' I -1 --- I - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - · - · - . - - - - ' : 5 ----·--+·---~- 103'1900"$ Date: March 29, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Lee Slaughter, Assistant City Manager RE: Muskegon Summer Celebration SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Please see letter/request froin the Muskegon Summer Celebration. 2007's request is consistent with 2006's. There are no significant changes. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Request that rental fees be waived for any equipment used. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Leisure Services Board approved this event at their March 19th meeting. Muskegon Summer Celebration 6/28/2007 Page I of l Muskegon Summer Celebration web format Event Information event date 6/28/2007 to 7/8/2007 length 11 days app date 3/14/2007 location Heritage start 11:00 crowd Landing/Downtown time am size description work 11 day family concerts with special events order comments annual event Organization Information name Muskegon Summer Joe Liberty contact insurance Celebration Austin Group address 587 W. Western Ave. phone Day:231-722-6520 Home:231- Muskegon, MI 49440 720-6520 Event Details alcohol: yes id checked: by trained staff/volunteers services required: Please see info. packet Approvals engineering - $0.00 inspegions - $0.00 zoning - $0.00 treasurer - $0.00 fire - $0.oo clerk - $0.oo parks - $0.00 dpw - $0.00 traffic - $0.00 manager - $0.oo (!Olice • $0.00 leisure services board r,/ $0.oo final approval - $0.00 estimated total cost $0.00 http://intranet/specialEvents/viewevent.asp?ID=281 &print= 1 4/3/2007 Fl IV D MAR l 4 2007 MUSK:=:GON CITY MANi\GCR'S OFFICE March 14, 2007 Lee Slaughter Assistant City Manager City of Muskegon PO Box 536 Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Dear Ms. Slaughter: The Muskegon Summer Celebration Committees are preparing for the 2007 festival to be held Thursday, June 28 through Sunday, July 8. We are humbly requesting the following from City of Muskegon for the 2007 festival: • Fireworks permits for July 4 and July 8. Both shows will be shot from barges over Muskegon Lake. The July 4 show will be the bigger of the two shoes and therefore anticipate the July 4 show to attract the larger of the two crowds. • Permission for exclusive use of Hackley Park from June 25 through July 8. Use of the park on June 26, 27, & 28 would be to store picnic tables for use for Art in the Park. • Permission for the exclusive use of Clay Avenue between Third and Sixth Streets, and Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Streets between Webster and Western and the city parking lot along Western Avenue across from the LC Walker Arena for Art in the Park/Village Craft Market on June 29 and 30, July 1. In addition we would request the use of Clay Avenue between Third and Fifth streets on Thursday, June 28 for set up for the weekend's activities. As part of this weekend, we will be creating a Bistro on Clay Avenue between Third and Fourth Street. This will be a fenced in area approximately 80 by 30 with umbrella tables and chairs. Wine by the glass and bottled beer will be available in this area. There may also be a single jazz performer playing throughout the weekend. • Grant exclusive peddling and selling rights of any article from a stand, stall, vehicle, pack or basket, or in any other manner, on any of the following streets in the City in downtown Muskegon during the festival: Webster, Muskegon, Pine, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Clay, Western, Shoreline Drive, Morris, Terrace, Thayer, Jefferson, and Division. In addition we would request exclusive peddling and selling rights for all City-owned property in the downtown area. • That the City notify the Summer Celebration of any request for use of City facilities during the time of the Summer Celebration before granting permission for its use. • Permission for the exclusive use of Western Avenue beginning at Terrace and ending at Seventh Street on Saturday, July 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for the parade route. The starting point of the parade is pending completion of the new downtown. In addition we would like to use Clay from Third to Fourth on Saturday, July 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for bus and vehicle parking for parade disbanding. Parade route is yet to be finalized • Permission to use Western Avenue between Seventh and Eighth Streets and the adjacent grassy area June 27 - July 9 for the Depot Expo activities. • Permission for the use of a portion of Pere Marquette Beach on July 6 and 7 for a Beach Party. Our plan will be to sell alcoholic beverages during the party which is currently scheduled from 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM on July 7 (July 6 would be used for set up). • Permission to sell liquor as part of our liquor license. The liquor would be served at our Tiki Bar area on the point in the concert area. This is the ONLY location where these drinks would be available for purchase. The contracted vendor would again control the percentage of alcohol per drink as they did the last years. • Permission to use the equipment listed on the attached application. While we understand the need to reimburse the City for all labor costs, we would ask that the rental fee be waived for any equipment we borrow. In exchange we will provide an equal monetary value of the rental costs in Summer Celebration concert tickets. This exchange would be coordinated through the City Manager. • Summer Celebration be able to use its own labor pool rather than City employees whenever possible for many tasks previously done by City employees. • The City provide a complete, detailed accounting of every hour charged back to Muskegon Summer Celebration. • Any additional labor or equipment use not outlined on this application be cleared through Summer Celebration first, unless of course, it is an emergency or matter of public safety. • The executive director and the appropriate staff members meet prior to the event to evaluate and review staffing levels for any and all city personnel whose time is to be reimbursed by the festival. On behalf of the Summer Celebration Committee, 1 want to thank you and the City for your continued support of the festival. Without that help it would not enjoy the success it does. We look forward to working with you again in 2007. Sincerely, L Pb Joe Austin, Executive Director Cc: Bryon Mazade, Chairperson, Board of Trustees Anthony L. Kleiboeker MUil\l:60i-i. 980 Jefferson Street VOLICI: Muskegon,MI 49443-0536 Ul:VAVTMl:!'la (231) 724-6955 • Fax (231)725-2043 E-mail: Office of the l)ir-ect.or- • For your information D Per your request D Let's review • Please follow through A . I~ Date: March 29, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Lee Slaughter, Assistant City Manager RE: Special Events- Pop-A-Top Request to be Grandfathered SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pop-A-Top, a local tavern, is requesting to be grandfathered into the Special Events/Special Alcohol License Policy. Their "My Cops/Make A Wish" fundraiser has been hosted annually for nine (9) years on the third (3) weekend of July. There are currently six (6) grandfathered events, with one being inactive over the past few years, Steak N' Blues Fest. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This request was approved by the Leisure th Services Board at their March 19 meeting. Pop-A-Top Tavern 2185 Henry Street Muskegon, MI. 49441 Pop-A-Top Tavern February 12, 2007 Dear City Commissioners, We would like to request for the commissioner to consider Pop-A-Top's annual fundraiser to be grandfathered. We have done this event for eight years now. It is always the third weekend in July. This has been a great thing for us and the charity that we choose for that year. We have done My Cops, Every Women's Place and Make a Wish Foundation, we have had area businesses donate and help every year. We feel that this event has been very successful through the years. We would really appreciate the time for everyone to consider this as an annual event in the city of Muskegon. Sincerely, j) ~ ~~-\_,,,,~ ~t,-a:; Chuck and Tammy Slater / Owners . ..... . . ... .. . ... . . ... ... . . . Date: March 29, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Lee Slaughter, Assistant City Manager RE: Special Event Liquor License Request- The Muskegon Yacht Club SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Muskegon Yacht Club is requesting an extension of their current liquor license to be able to host the Queens Cup Sailing Regatta on June 30, 2007. (Summer Celebration holds the first license) FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Leisure Services Board approved this th event at their March 19 meeting. Queens Cup Regatta 6/30/2007 Page I of I Queens Cup Regatta web format Event Information event date 6/30/2007 to 6/30/2007 length 1 days app date 3/13/2007 location 3198 Muskegon Yacht start 7:00 crowd size time 250 Club am description work Finish Party of the Queens Cup sailing regatta order comments annual event Organization Information name Susan New Hampshire Muskegon Yacht Club contact insurance Peters Insurance Co. address 3198 Edgewater phone Day:231-755-1414 Home:231-855-1106 Muskegon, MI 49441 Event Details alcohol: yes id checked: by certified bartenders services required: None-approval of liquor license Approvals /2 engineering CY' $0.00 inspections ,,,l $0.oo zoning ~;""$0.00 treasurer $0,00 fire i];f' $0.oo clerk al $0.oo Rarks - $0.00 dRW ,;y·"$0.oo traffic i];f' $0.00 (l manager ·f':- $0.00 RO!.i,t;e $0.00 leisure services board ,yl $0.00 final aRRrDVal - $0.oo estimated total cost $0.00 http://intranet/specia1Events/viewevent.asp?ID=272&print=1 4/3/2007 Mu s/(e on Yet(' tif (!(ah (yt,W..n1 Cap Sa,(l..flc( Anthony L. Kleiboeker ( /> /\-0 V ~ L ~ A / r : , ' A/ C: /'lt.::vt c.=u 0 ,-<- L, q vo,..._ L(t:!__6-,-./.$ C /+ . I {:,,,R_, o· Q - .3 -~o- c $0.00 treasurer $0,00 fire (¥1}' $0.00 clerk ~ft" $O.oo parks 'I/ $O.oo dpw !//$0.00 traffic 'I/ $0.00 manager ,':I $0.00 police - $0.00 leisure services board 'i:7' $O.oo final approval - $0.00 estimated total cost $0.00 http://intranet/specia1Events/viewevent.asp?ID=292&print= I 4/3/2007 Mll · A . t~ 3 -3 " - .., , Date: March 29, 2007 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Lee Slaughter, Assistant City Manager RE: Special Event Liquor License Request • The Muskegon Chronicle SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Muskegon Chronicle is requesting a temporary th liquor license to be able to serve spirits at their 150 anniversary celebration. Spirits will only be served on Friday, May 18, 2007. (Fiesta! Sabor Latino event is on May 18th and 19th at Hackley Park.) FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Leisure Services Board approved this event at their March 19th meeting. Chronicle 150th Anniversary 5/18/2007 Page 1 of 1 Chronicle 150th Anniversary web format Event Information event date 5/18/2007 to 5/19/2007 length 2 days app date 3/19/2007 location Chronicle & 4th St. parking start 4:00 crowd time size 400 lot pm description work 150th anniversary party order comments first time event Organization Information name The Muskegon Chronicle contact Chris Zahrt Iinsurance I address 981 Third St. Muskegon, MI phone Day: 231-725-6333 Home: 231-670- 49440 2233 Event Details alcohol: yes id checked: by trained volunteers/staff services required: blocking of 4th st. between Chronicle & Museum. Approvals engineering rtf' $0.00 inspections $0,00 zoning '# $0.00 treasurer $0,00 fire w' $0.00 clerk
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