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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 8, 2005 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS@ 5:30 P.M. AGENDA Q CALL TO ORDER: Q PRAYER: Q PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Q ROLL CALL: Q HONORS AND AWARDS: Q INTRODUCTIONS/PRESENTATION: Q CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK B. Polling Place Change. CITY CLERK C. Request to Fly the Irish Flag. CITY CLERK D. SECOND READING: Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Residential Design Criteria. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT E. SECOND READING: Rezoning Request for Property Located at 1282 Arthur Street. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT F. Additional Taxicabs. CITY CLERK G. 2005 Bryne Memorial Grant (JAG) Program. PUBLIC SAFETY H. Amend the Long Range Plan Submittal to Include the Downtown Development Project. ENGINEERING I. Public Service Building Modifications. PUBLIC WORKS J. 2005 - 2006 City Commission Goals. CITY MANAGER Q PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Request for the Establishment of an Industrial Development District - Port City Industrial Finishing. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT B. Request for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate - Port City Industrial Finishing. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT C. Create a Special Assessment District for Pine Street. Laketon to Dale. ENGINEERING D. Create a Special Assessment District for Fifth Street Campus to Merrill. ENGINEERING E. Taxicab Rates. CITY CLERK F. Recommendation for Annual Renewal of Liquor Licenses. CITY CLERK o COMMUNICATIONS: o CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: o UNFINISHED BUSINESS: o NEW BUSINESS: A. User Fee Adjustment - Daily Launch Ramp Fees. FINANCE B. Amendment to the Wastewater System's Access Rights Agreement. CITY MANAGER C. Consideration of Bids - Walton Ave .. Murphy to Emerald. ENGINEERING D. Liquor License Request- GFB. L.L.C .. 1920 Lakeshore. CITY CLERK E. Approval of Sale of Property: Citv of Muskegon Assessors Plat of Stevens Sub Division Lot 7 & East 10 Feet Lot 6. COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES F. 2005-2006 CDBG/HOME Preliminary Funding Allocations. COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES G. Consideration of Proposals for Construction Engineering Services on Shoreline drive Phase II (first to Webster). ENGINEERING o ANY OTHER BUSINESS: o PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: > Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following: > Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room. > Submit the form to the City Clerk. > Be recognized by the Chair. > Step forward to the microphone. > State name and address. > limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission. > {Speaker representing a group may be allowed l 0 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.) o CLOSED SESSION: o ADJOURNMENT: ADA POLICY: THE CITY OF MUSKEGON WILL PROVIDE NECESSARY AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES TO INDIVIDUALS WHO WANT TO AlTEND THE MEETING UPON TWENTY FOUR HOUR NOTICE TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGON. PLEASE CONTACT GAIL A. KUNDINGER, CllY CLERK, 933 TERRACE STREET. MUSKEGON, Ml 49440 OR BY CALLING (23 1) 724-6705 OR TOO: (231) 724-4172. Date: March 8, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Approval of Minutes SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, February 22, 2005. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes. CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 8, 2005 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS@ 5:30P.M. MINUTES The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 8, 2005. Mayor Warmington opened the meeting with a prayer from Pastor Sarah Johnson of the Word of Truth Outreach after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL FOR THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING: Present: Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Bill Larson, Commissioner Chris Carter, Kevin Davis, Stephen Gawron, Clara Shepherd, and Lawrence Spataro, City Manager Bryon Mazade, City Attorney John Schrier,. and City Clerk Gail Kundinger. HONORS AND AWARDS: Mayor Warmington announced that City Manager Bryon Mazade was awarded a Certificate of Special Recognition by the Michigan Local Government Management Association. 2005-23 CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, February 22, 2005. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes. B. Polling Place Change. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the request to modify the polling places as follows: Precinct# 2 change to Steele School, 1150 Amity Avenue. Oakview School use to house both precinct 2 and 3 in their gym. Turnout at the elections last year showed us that the location is too small for both precincts. Precinct # 3 will stay at Oakview School and we are recommending the use of Steele School for Precinct # 2. Precinct# 8 change location to Nelson School, 550 W. Grand. This precinct used to be at Craig School. Last year school officials informed us that because of the type of student that attends the school, the election process would be too distracting to students. We investigated other locations, but Nelson has a large gym for our use with a door adjacent to the gym. There is parking available close to the entrance to the polling place. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None FINANCIAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the changes as recommended. C. Request to Fly the Irish Flag. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Muskegon Irish American Society is requesting permission to fly the Irish Flag outside City Hall on Thursday, March 17th through Wednesday, March 23rd to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval D. SECOND READING: Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Residential Design Criteria. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to amend Section 2319 of Article XXIII (General Provisions) to amend the Residential Design Criteria language regarding minimum storage space in multi-family dwelling units decreasing the minimum required storage space from 15% to 10% in each multi-family dwelling unit. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to amend language regarding residential design criteria language. COMMITIEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request at their 2/10/05 meeting. B. Mazade, T. Johnson, S. Warmington, T. Michalski, B. Turnquist, J. Aslakson, and L. Spataro voted in favor of the change. B. Smith and T. Harryman were absent. E. SECOND READING: Rezoning Request for Property Located at 1282 Arthur Street. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to rezone property owned by the City of Muskegon, located at 1282 Arthur Street. from RM-1, Low Density Multiple Family Residential to R-1, Single Family Residential. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request at their 2/10/05 meeting. The vote was unanimous with T. Harryman and B. Smith absent. F. Additional Taxicabs. CITY CLERK Withdrawn per request of applicant. G. 2005 Brvne Memorial Grant (JAG} Program. PUBLIC SAFETY SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request that the City Manager and Director of Public Safety be authorized to sign the lnterlocal Agreement between the City of Muskegon, City of Muskegon Heights and the County of Muskegon for a (Justice Assistance Grant} Bryne Memorial Grant Application Number 2005-F1706-MI-DJ. The City of Muskegon has not been designated a direct single award under the (JAG} Bryne Memorial Grant for the 2005 Fiscal Year. However, an allocation has been made for a Joint Application between the County of Muskegon, City of Muskegon and the City of Muskegon Heights in the amount of $92,167. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City of Muskegon will not be responsible for any match funds or outlays for this program. The Grant will provide $92,167 to fund an assistant prosecutor position with the County Prosecutor's Office and to reinstate Project Cornerstone under the title of Project Cornerstone II. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends entering into the lnterlocal Agreement with the County of Muskegon and the City of Muskegon Heights. Project Cornerstone has had a positive impact in a number of our higher crime areas in the past. It allows for prosecutor's office participation in curfew sweeps and direct involvement with the neighborhoods and neighborhood associations. I. Public Service Building Modifications. PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Phase one consists of one room being modified to make two offices to accommodate a supervisor who is now working in a temporary area. Phase two consists of constructing a new office to accommodate the consolidation of the forestry department into the Public Service Building. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $17,052. $70,000 has been earmarked for capital needs at the Public Service Building in 2005. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend approval. J. 2005 - 2006 City Commission Goals. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To adopt the 2005-2006 City Commission goals. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Vision, Value and Mission statements and the 2005-2006 goals. COMMITIEE RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission determined these goals at their annual goal setting session on January 28, 2005. K. Accept Resignations and Make Appointments to Various Boards and CommiHees. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To accept the resignation of Lynn Alrich Spearing from the Equal Opportunity Committee and Eileen Allen from the Land Reutilization Committee. To appoint Sue Thompson to the Historic District Commission; Rebecca Flowers to the Leisure Services Board; Jodi McClain to the Land Reutilization Committee; Trent Lidke to the Equal Opportunity Committee; and David Wotli to the Local Development Finance Authority. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To accept resignations and make appointments. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Community Relations Committee recommended the acceptance of the resignations and appointments at their March 7th meeting. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of item H. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Carter Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2005-24 ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: H. Amend the Long Range Plan SubmiHal to Include the Downtown Development Project. ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorization to submit the streets within the downtown development project (Former Mall Area) to the West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development Commission for inclusion in the Long Range Plan to ensure eligibility for possible federal funding. The streets that were identified by staff for inclusion are: • Western Ave. between Terrace & Third • Second St. between Morris & Clay • First St. between Morris & Clay • Jefferson/Market St. between Terrace & Clay The resolution is required as part of the submittal to commit the local match if project funding is granted. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the project submittal and resolution. Motion by Commissioner Davis, second by Vice Mayor Larson to amend the Long Range Plan Submittal to include the Downtown Development Project and to amend the plan year to 2030 instead of 2025. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, and Davis Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2005-25 PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Request for the Establishment of an Industrial Development District - Port City Industrial Finishing. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 198 of 1974. as amended. Port City Industrial Finishing. 1867 Huizenga Avenue, Muskegon. Michigan, has requested the establishment of an Industrial Development District for property located at 1867 Huizenga, Muskegon, Michigan. The project will result in $250,000 in private investment. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Certain property taxes will be collected. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the resolution establishing the Industrial Development District for Port City Industrial Finishing. The Public Hearing opened at 5:42 p.m. to hear and consider any comments from the public. No comments were heard. Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Vice Mayor Larson to close the Public Hearing at 5:43 p.m. and approve the resolution establishing the Industrial Development District for Port City Industrial Finishing. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, and Gawron Nays: None MOTION PASSES B. Request for an Industrial facilities Exemption Certificate - Port City Industrial Finishing. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 198 of 1974, as amended, Port City Industrial Finishing, 1867 Huizenga Avenue, has requested the issuance of an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for the property located at 1867 Huizenga Street Muskegon. The total capital investment is approximately $250,000 in personal property. This request qualifies Port City Industrial Finishing for a 6-year exemption for personal property. Port City Industrial Finishing's current workforce is 55. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will capture certain additional property taxes generated by the expansion. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the resolution granting an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for a term of six (6) years for personal property. The Public Hearing opened at 5:44 p.m. to hear and consider any comments from the public. No comments were heard. Motion by Vice Mayor Larson, second by Commissioner Davis to close the Public Hearing at 5:46 p.m. and approve the Industrial facilities Exemption Certificate for Port City Industrial Finishing. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, and Larson Nays: None MOTION PASSES C. Create a Special Assessment District for Pine Street. Laketon to Dale. ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To hold a public hearing on the proposed special assessment for Pine Street Laketon to Dale, and to create the special assessment district and appoint two City Commissioners to the Board of Assessors if it is determined to proceed with the project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at this time. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To create the special assessment district and assign two City Commissioners to the Board of Assessors by adopting the resolution. The Public Hearing opened at 5:46 p.m. to hear and consider any comments from the public. No comments were heard. Motion by Commissioner Gawron, second by Commissioner Spataro to close the Public Hearing at 5:49 p.m. and approve the Special Assessment District for Pine Street. Laketon to Dale. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, and Shepherd Nays: None MOTION PASSES Mayor Warmington and Commissioner Spataro were assigned to the Board of Assessors. D. Create a Special Assessment District for Fifth Street. Campus to Merrill. ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To hold a public hearing on the proposed special assessment for Fifth Street Campus to MerrilL and to create the special assessment district and appoint two City Commissioners to the Board of Assessors if it is determined to proceed with the project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None at this time. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To create the special assessment district and assign two City Commissioners to the Board of Assessors by adopting the resolution. The Public Hearing opened at 5:50 p.m. to hear and consider any comments from the public. No comments were heard. Motion by Vice Mayor Larson, second by Commissioner Carter to close the Public Hearing at 5:53 p.m. and create the Special Assessment District for Fifth Street. Campus to Merrill. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, and Spataro Nays: None MOTION PASSES Commissioner Shepherd and Commissioner Gawron were assigned to the Board of Assessors. E. Taxicab Rates. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: We have received a request from Port City Cab and Yellow Cab for an increase in Taxicab fares. The last time there was a change in rates was November 10, 1998. The requested changes are as follows: Current rates Flag Drop: $1.65 (first 1/10 mile) Each 1/10 Mile $ .15 ($1.50 per full mile) Wait Time $12.00 per hour Proposed rates Flag Drop: $2.00 (first 1/7 mile) Each 1/7 Mile $ .25 ($1.75 per full mile) Wait Time $18.00 per hour Out of town trips $2.00 per mile FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval The Public Hearing opened at 5:54 p.m. to hear and consider any comments from the public. Comments for approval were heard from Craig Hall, 177 6 Division and Nell Williams, 391 Amity. Motion by Vice Mayor Larson, second by Commissioner Shepherd to close the Public Hearing at 5:57 p.m. and grant approval of the increase in taxicab fares. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, and Warmington Nays: None MOTION PASSES F. Recommendation for Annual Renewal of Liquor Licenses. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To adopt a resolution recommending non-renewal of those liquor license establishments who are in violation of Section 50-146 and 50- 147 of the Code of Ordinance for the City of Muskegon. These establishments have been found to be in non-compliance with the City Code of Ordinances and renewal of their liquor licenses should not be recommended by the City Commission. If any of these establishments come into compliance by March 23, 2005, they will be removed from this resolution, and recommendation for their renewal will be forwarded to the Liquor Control Commission. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the resolution. The Public Hearing opened at 5:58 p.m. to hear and consider any comments from the public. Comments were heard from Sue Payne, 753 Ruddiman; and Steve Seng, 3701 E. Broadway. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Vice Mayor larson to close the Public Hearing at 6:05 p.m. and recommend the annual renewal of liquor licenses with the exception of those listed. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Davis, Gawron, larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Carter Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2005-26 NEW BUSINESS: A. User Fee AdJustment - Daily launch Ramp Fees. FINANCE SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is recommending the following adjustment to the 2005 User Fee Schedule: Creation of a new "Fishing Tournament Launch Ramp Fee" - 2005 user fees approved last year included an increase in daily launch ramp fees from $5 to $10. Interested parties have expressed concern that the increase may harm sponsored fishing tournaments which bring substantial economic benefit to the community. Staff concurs with this and recommends that a special tournament fee category be established at $5 per day. Staff recommends keeping the regular daily launch ramp fee at the $10 level. This will help cover operating costs for the Marina and Launch Ramp fund. Also, we are trying to incentivize boaters to purchase seasonal permits in lieu of daily permits because of the enforcement problems that daily permits pose. Seasonal permit fees were not increased for 2005. We have prepared a schedule showing how Muskegon's launch ramp fees compare with other communities. Although our fees are higher than many other communities, staff believes the pricing is appropriate due to the very high-quality of our facilities and boating opportunities. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The impact of this adjustment on City revenues will be minor and is offset by the overall local economic benefit that fishing tournaments provide. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Motion by Vice Mayor larson, second by Commissioner Davis to approve the user fee adjustment to the daily launch ramp fees. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, and Davis Nays: None MOTION PASSES B. Amendment to the Wastewater System's Access Rights Agreement. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the first amendment to the wastewater system's Access Rights Agreement. This amendment would eliminate the "buy- in" requirements of the Access Rights Agreement. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None anticipated. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the amendment. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Gawron to approve the amendment to the wastewater system's Access Rights Agreement. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, and Gawron Nays: None MOTION PASSES C. Consideration of Bids - Walton Ave., Murphy to Emerald. ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The paving as well as underground utility upgrade contract (H-1603) on Walton Avenue between Murphy St. & Emerald St. be awarded to Schultz Excavating, Inc. out of Ludington, MI. Schultz Excavating, Inc. was the lowest responsible bidder with a bid price of $141 ,571 .45. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The construction cost $141,571.45 plus engineering cost which is estimated at an additional 15%. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract to Schultz Excavating, Inc. Motion by Vice Mayor Larson, second by Commissioner Carter to award the bid to the second lowest bidder which is Jackson-Merkey. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Shepherd, Warmington, Carter, and Larson Nays: Spataro, Davis, and Gawron MOTION PASSES D. Liquor License Request- GFB. L.L.C .. 1920 Lakeshore. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The liquor license transfer request was approved by the City Commission on June 22, 2004, pending final inspection. The Liquor Control Commission is requiring an "unconditional" resolution in order for this to go forward. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: All departments are recommending approval. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Gawron to approve the liquor license request for GFB, L.L.C., 1920 Lakeshore. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, and Shepherd Nays: None MOTION PASSES E. Aooroval of Sale of Property: City of Muskegon Assessors Plat of Stevens Sub Division Lot 7 & East 10 Feet Lot 6. COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the sale of the parcel described as City of Muskegon Assessors Plat of Stevens Sub Division Lot 7 & East 10 Feet Lot 6 to Trinity Nonprofit Housing Development for one dollar ($1.00). Two years ago CNS office obtained the tax reverted home from the State of Michigan. CNS demolished the blighted structure that was on the site. The City intends to quit claim the parcel to Trinity in order to assist the nonprofit in building a single family home on the site that will eliminate a financial liability of Trinity's to the City of Muskegon. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the quit claim of the property to Trinity Housing. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to approve the sale of property City of Muskegon Assessors Plat of Stevens Sub Division Lot 7 and East 10 Feet Lot 6 to Trinity Housing Development. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, and Spataro Nays: None MOTION PASSES F. 2005-2006 CDBG/HOME Preliminary Funding Allocations. COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To accept the allocation recommendation of the City's administration and the Citizen's District Council for the 2005-2006 fiscal year. After accepting the recommended allocations, the Commission is requested to make its preliminary allocation recommendation in order so the CNS office can continue the Consolidated Plan process. The CNS office will conduct a public hearing on April 12, 2005. At that time the Commission will be asked to make their final allocations decision and to direct staff to submit the required information to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Will determine the CDBG/HOME allocation for the 2005- 2006 fiscal year. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To accept the recommendation of the City of Muskegon Administration and the Citizen's District Council and then make the Commissions preliminary allocation decision. Motion by Commissioner Gawron, second by Commissioner Carter to approve the CDBG preliminary funding allocations submitted by the Muskegon administration less the funds for the Community Based Organizations and to not go above the mandated 15% of the fund and for the remainder to be split proportionately between the two CHDOS. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, and Warmington Nays: None MOTION PASSES G. Consideration of Proposals for Construction Engineering Services on Shoreline Drive Phase II (First to Webster). ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to enter into an engineering services agreement with a consulting firm to provide complete construction engineering services on the second phase of Shoreline Drive between First & Webster Ave. A recommendation along with backup information will be presented at or before the work session of March 7, 2005. This request is being presented to you in this fashion due to lack of available time since construction is scheduled to begin later this month and approval from MDOT to hire a consulting firm was not granted until February 25, 2005. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost for the engineering services would be from the MDOT grant. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation will be presented at or before the work session meeting of March 7th. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Gawron to approve the consideration of proposals for construction engineering services on Shoreline Drive Phase II (First to Webster) as recommended by staff. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Carter Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2005-27 CLOSED SESSION: To discuss pending litigation. Motion by Commissioner Gawron, second by Commissioner Shepherd to go into Closed Session at 7:25p.m. to discuss pending litigation. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, and Davis Nays: None MOTION PASSES Motion by Commissioner Shepherd, second by Commissioner Carter to come out of Closed Session at 7:56 p.m. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, and Gawron Nays: None MOTION PASSES Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Shepherd to concur with the City Attorney's recommendation. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, and Larson Nays: None MOTION PASSES ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission adjourned at 7:58p.m. Respectfully submitted, Gail A. Kundinger, MMC City Clerk Date: March 8, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commission from: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Polling Place Changes SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the request to modify the polling places as follows: Precinct# 2 change to Steele School, 1150 Amity Avenue. Oakview School use to house both precinct 2 and 3 in their gym. Tumout at the elections last year showed us that the location is to small for both precincts. Precinct# 3 will stay at Oakview School and we are recommending the use of Steele School for Precinct # 2. Precinct# 8 change location to Nelson School, 550 W. Grand. This precinct used to be at Craig School. Last year school officials informed us that because of the type of student that attends the school, the election process would be to distracting to students. We investigated other locations, but Nelson has a large gym for our use with a door adjacent to the gym. There is parking available close to the entrance to the polling place. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None FINANCIAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the changes as recommended. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None. CITY OF MUSKEGON Stephen J. Warmington Mayor Bill Larson (At Large) (Vice Mayor) Stephen J. Gawron (At Large) 1524 Lakeshore Dr. 1555 Randolph 1362 Palmer 755·5057 755-5358 755-3425 Ward I Ward II Ward Ill Ward IV Precincts 1,2 & 3 Precincts 4,5 & 6 Precincts 7,8 & 9 Precincts 10, 11, 12,& 13 Chris Carter Clara Shepherd Lawrence 0. Spataro Kevin Davis 943 Ada (Zip 49442) 408 Monroe (Zip 49441) 1567 Sixth (Zip 49441 3162 Boltwood (Zip 49441) 777-4784 725·8130 725-9384 755-3978 POLLING PLACES Precinct 1 Precinct 4 Precinct 7 Precinct 10 Marquette School Smith·Ryerson Moon School Glenside School 480 Bennett 650Wood 1826 Hoyt 1213 W. Hackley Muskegon, 49442 Muskegon, 49442 Muskegon, 49442 Muskegon, 49441 720-2600 728-5395 720-2700 720-2500 Precinct 2 PrecinctS PrecinctS Precinct 11 Steele School Mclaughlin School Nelson School McGraft Park 1150 Amity 125 Catherine 550 W. Grand Community Bldg. Muskegon, 49442 Muskegon, 49442 Muskegon, 49441 Muskegon, 49441 720-3000 720-2750 720-2200 755-3170 Precinct 3 Precinct6 Precinct 9 Precinct 12 Oakview School Hackley Administration Fire Statlon #4 Bunker School 1420 Madison 349 W. Webster I 836 Robinson 2312 Denmark Muskegon, 49442 Muskegon, 49440 Muskegon, 49441 Muskegon, 49441 720-2450 720-2000 724-3200 720-2300 Precinct 13 Bluffton School 18 75 Waterworks Muskegon, 49441 720-2170 Date: March 8, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Request to Fly the Irish Flag SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Muskegon Irish American Society is requesting permission to fly the Irish Flag outside City Hall on Thursday, March 17th through Wednesday, March 23rd to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval FF.S-21-2005 05:OOPM FROM-MUSKEGON CONSTRUCT I ON CO 2317283547 T-221 p 001/001 F-261 t musk~ou fRfsb _ amer<.1can sOdecy February 14, 2004 Linda Potter, Deputy City Clerk City of Muskegon 933 Terrace Street Muskegon MI 49443 Dear Ms. Potter, The Muskegon Irish American Society is submitting its request to fly the Irish Flag beginning on Thursday, March 17, 2005 to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. The Irish population of Muskegon enjoys seeing the flag displayed at such a prominent location during this time of year. The flag measures 3' X 5' and consists of3 stripes, green, white and orange. The officers of the Muskegon Irish American Society are: President- Kevin Donovan, I 086 Ireland, Muskegon MI 49441 Vice President- Kathleen Marek, 2504 Letart, Muskegon MI 49441 Treasurer- Kevin Donovan, 1086 Ireland, Muskegon MI 49441 Secretary- Jeanne O'Brien, 8985 Lakeshore, West Olive MI 49460 Program Chairperson- Mary Anne Gorman, 3475 Lake Dunes Drive, Muskegon MI 49456 We request that the flag be flown from Thursday, March 1i 11 through Wednesday March 23ro in front of City Hall. As in the past, I can collect the flag from the Engineering Dept. Our organization is a non-profit social organization. I am the contact person who will be responsible for the flag's condition and presentation. We would like to gather at approximately 5:30PM on March 17th to raise the flag. The entire activity takes approximately I 0 to 15 minutes. Please inform me if the above request is granted. We appreciate the past cooperation of the City of Muskegon. Kevin Donovan, President Muskegon Irish American Society Phone; 231-722-423 7 I 086 Ireland Muskegon MI 49441 Affirmatl\'t Action (231 J124-6703 FAX: (231)711-1214 Asse51or/Equallzation (231 )724-6708 FAX: (231)716-5181 Cemetery Department (231)7Z4-6783 FAX: (231)726-5617 City Manager {231 )724-6724 West Michigan's Shoreline Clty FAX: (231)722-1214 Civil Sen1ce (231)714-6716 February 22, 2005 FAX: (231)724-4465 Clerk (231 )724-6705 FAX: (231)714-4178 Community and Kevin Donovan, President Neigh. Service~ Muskegon Irish American Society {231)724-6717 FAX: (231)726-2501 1086 Ireland Muskegon, MI 49441 Computer Info. System• 1 (231)724-6744 Thank you for your request to fly the Irish Flag March 17 h through March 23'd in FAX: (231)722-4301 front of City HalL This request will be presented to the City Commission at their Engineering Dept. (231)724-6707 March gth meeting. FAX: (231}727-6904 Ftnance Dept. If you have any questions, please call me at (231) 724-6915. (231 )724-671 3 FAX: (231)724-6768 Thank you, !lltk Ftre Department ~;J?q (231)724-6792 FAX: (231}724-6985 Income Tax (231 )724-6770 Linda Potter FAX: (231)714-6768 Deputy Clerk Inspection Services (231)724-6715 FAX: (231)718-4371 Leisure Services (231 )724-6704 FAX: (231)724-1196 Mayor's Office (231 )724-6701 FAX: (231)7ll-1214 Planning/Zoning (231)724-6702 FAX: (231)724-6790 Pollee Deptartment (231 )724-6750 FAX: (231)721-5140 Public Work5 Dept. {231 )714-41 00 FAX: {231)722-4188 Treasurer's Office (231 )724-6720 FAX: {231)724-6768 Water Billing Dept. (231)714-6718 FAX: (Z31)724-6768 Water Filtration (231 )724-41 06 FAX: (231)755-5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Commission Meeting Date: February 22, 2005 Date: February 14,2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Planning & Economic Development ~ RE: Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Residential Design Criteria SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to amend Section 2319 of Article XXIII (General Provisions) to amend the Residential Design Criteria language regarding minimwn storage space in multi-family dwelling units decreasing the minimum required storage space from 15% to 10% in each multi-family dwelling unit. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to amend language regarding residential design criteria language. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Conunission recommended approval of the request at their 2/10 meeting. B. Mazade, T. Johnson, S. Wannington, T. Michalski, B. Turnquist, J. Aslakson, and L. Spataro voted in favor of the change. B. Smith and T. Harryman were absent. 2/14/2005 1 Staff Report (EXCERPT) CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 10, 2005 Hearing, Case 2005-02- Staff initiated request to amend Section 2319 of Article XXIII (General Provisions) to amend the Residential Design Criteria language regarding minimum storage space in multi-family dwelling units BACKGROUND The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) recently granted a variance allowing only 10% storage space for a multi-family development at 860 Marquette Avenue, whereas 15% is required by ordinance. Staff feels that the minimum 15% storage requirement may be unreasonable for multi-family units due to the fact that most multi-family units do not have basements, thus making it more difficult to provide the required 15% minimum storage for each of the units than if they did have basements. Staff feels that in a multi-family apartment-type setting, adequate storage can be provided for at 10% of interior living space of each unit of the dwelling. The following is an excerpt from the minutes of the November 9, 2004 ZBA minutes that helps explain the reasoning behind the approval of the variance: The following findings of fact were offered: There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applying to the property in question or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to other properties or class of uses in the same zoning district because the homes that are being built are on a concrete slab. The dimensional variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other properties in the same zoning district and in the vicinity because other homes have basements which allow them to meet the zoning ordinance in regards to storage. These homes will be built on a concrete slab, which creates limited space to work with for storage. Authorizing of such dimensional variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and will not materially impair the purposes of this chapter or the public interest because this would allow for the project to proceed as is and allow for the garages to remain the size they are proposed to be. The alleged difficulty is caused by the Ordinance and has not been created by any person presently having an interest in the property, or by any previous owner because this project will have ample storage, but it isn't what the ordinance requires. The alleged difficulty is not founded solely upon the opportunity to make the property more profitable or to reduce expense to the owner because it would make the construction of the project more reasonable. The requested variance is the minimum action required to eliminate the difficulty because the proposed project has storage of 10% as opposed to the 15% the zoning ordinance requires. 2 NEW INFORMATION As requested, staff has contacted several surrounding connnunities to inquire as to any minimum storage requirements as part of their zouing ordinances. We contacted the following connnunities and their responses were as follows: Muskegon Heights- No requirements North Muskegon- No requirements Norton Shores- No requirements Roosevelt Park- No response Muskegon Township- No requirements Whitehall Township- No response Fruitport Township- No requirements Dalton Township- No requirements Aun Arbor- No requirements Detroit- No requirements Staff was also asked to investigate a couple of other issues regarding this request. 1. Where did the original IS% number come from? Previous zoning staff tells me that the original intent of this language was to incorporate it into the single-family zoning requirements as a way of keeping the number of low-end houses built in the City of Muskegon to a minimum. It somehow was applied to other residential uses as well 2. How often have we had requests for a variance to these standards? It appears that most multi-family developments in the past several years have utilized the PUD option, and these standards weren 't applied RECOMMENDATION Staff reconnnends approval of the request, based on the fact that this amendment is to be applied to multi-family structures only. NEW LANGUAGE Deletions are erossea ell! and additions are in bold. (Reference to #9. onder multi-family standards only): 9. Storage space of at least fifteen percent~ (10%) of the interior living space of the dwelling unit, exclusive of auto storage or attic storage, shall be provided within the structure. 3 DELIBERATION I move that the amendment to Section 2319 of Article X:Xill (General Provisions) of the Zoning Ordinance for Residential Design Criteria language regarding minimum storage space in multi-family dwelling units be recommended to the City Commission for (approvaVdenial). 4 CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO. 2145 An ordinance to amend Section 2331 of Article XXIII (General Provisions) to amend Section 2319 of Article XXIII (General Provisions) to amend the Residential Design Criteria language regarding minimum storage space in multi-family dwelling units. THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 2319 of Article XXIII (General Provisions) to amend the Residential Design Criteria language regarding minimum storage space in multi-family dwelling units are hereby amended to decrease the minimum storage requirement from 15% to 10% for each multi-family dwelling unit: 9. Storage space of at least ten percent (10%) ofthe interior living space ofthe dwelling unit, exclusive of auto storage or attic storage, shall be provided within the structure. This ordinance adopted: Ayes: Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Carter Nayes: None Adoption Date: March 8, 2005 Effective Date: March 22, 2005 First Reading: February 22, 2005 Second Reading: March 8, 2005 CITY OF MUSKEGON By: ~ L=-.: : D~ ._=-.:. . L ~d ~ Gail A. Kundinger, MMC City Clerk CERTIFICATE Ordinance #2145 The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the gth day of March, 2005, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given purs\lant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. DATED: March 8, 2005. Gail A. Kundinger, MMC City Clerk CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF ADOPTION Please take notice that on March 8, 2005, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an ordinance to amend Section 2319 of Article XXIII (General Provisions) to amend the Residential Design Criteria language to allow I 0% minimum storage space in multi-family dwelling units . Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours. This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication. Published: March 12, 2005 CITY OF MUSKEGON By__~-------------------- Gail A. Kundinger, MMC City Clerk Commission Meeting Date: February 22, 2005 Date: February 11, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Planning & Economic Development e.6C... RE: Rezoning request for property located at 1282 Arthur Street SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to rezone property owned by the City of Muskegon, located at 1282 Arthur Street, from RM-1, Low Density Multiple Family Residential to R-1, Single Family Residential. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request at their 2/10 meeting. The vote was unanimous with T. Harryman and B. Smith absent. 0:\Planning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission Items\rezone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 1 City of Muskegon ' Planning Commission Case# 2005-09 -~· • = SubjeotPE~perty(lu) 0 = NoticeAru R·1 = Single·f amity R e.;idential RT = Two-F am~v Re>ldenl!al M·1 " Low Density Mulliple·f amity R uidential 6·1 = L!mltedeuslness "' "" 800 feel 0:\Planning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission Items\rezone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 2 Staff Report [EXCERPT] CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 10, 2005 Hearing; Case 2005- 09: Staff initiated request to rezone the property located at 1282 Arthur Street from RM-1, Low Density Multiple-Family Residential to R-1, Single Family Residential. BACKGROUND Applicant: City Planning Department Property Address/Location: 1282 Arthur Street Present Land Use: Vacant Current Zoning: RM-1, Low Density Multiple Family Residential Proposed Zoning: R-1, Single Family Residential STAFF OBSERVATIONS 1. The subject property is located at the northeasterly corner of Peck and Arthur and is currently City-owned. I. Other properties along the easterly side of Peck Street is zoned RM-1, across Arthur is zoned RT, and to the east the zoning is R-1. 2. The properties across Peck Street are zoned RM-1. 3. There are several multi-family units located along Peck Street, and one across Arthur Street. There is a large vacant parcel located to the north of the subject property that also zoned RM -1. The property that is zoned R -1 located to the east, contains a single-family residence. 5. The property is unbuildable in either RM-1 or R-1 zoning because it contains only 5,775 sq. ft. 6. The adjacent property owner located at 32 Iona (zoned R-1) has given a deposit to the City of Muskegon for the purchase of this lot so he may join the two parcels together in order to expand his yard and construct a garage. His present property is only 44.5 x 66 ft., totaling 2,937 sq. ft. ORDINANCE EXCERPTS 0:\Planning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission ltems\rczone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 3 ARTICLE IV- R ONE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS PREAMBLE These districts are designed to be composed of low density residential development. The regulations are intended to stabilize, protect, and encourage the residential character of the district and prohibit activities not compatible with a residential neighborhood. Development is limited to single family dwellings and such other uses as schools, parks, churches, and certain public facilities which serve residents of the district. It is the intent of these districts to recognize that the City of Muskegon has been developed and platted with some lots that are smaller than those found in recently urbanized communities, and the standards in Section 2100 reflect residential development standards that the citizens of Muskegon find to be compatible. SECTION 400: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED In R, One Family Residential, Districts no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected, structurally altered, or occupied except for one or more of the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance; One Family detached dwellings. 2. Home occupations of a non-industrial nature may be permitted. Permissible home occupations include, but are not limited to the following: [amended 11/02] 3. Adult Foster Care Family Homes, provided that such facilities shall be at least one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet from any other similar facility. [amended 11/02] 4. Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above Principal Uses Permitted. 5. Uses similar to the above Principal Uses Permitted. SECTION 401: SPECIAL LAND USES PERMITTED [amended 2/02] The following uses, and their accessory buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted under the purview of Section 2332 after review and approval of the use (and a site plan, if required) by the Plarming Commission, after Public Hearing, subject to the applicable conditions, and any other reasonable conditions imposed by the Planning Commission: 1. Private recreational areas, and institutional recreational centers when not operated for profit, and nonprofit swimming pool clubs, all subject to the following conditions: [amended 2/02] 2. Colleges, universities, and other such institutions of higher learning, public and private, offering courses in general, technical, or religious education not operated for profit, all subject to the following conditions: 3. Churches and other facilities normally incidental thereto subject to the following conditions: 4. Elementary, intermediate, and/or secondary schools offering courses in general education, provided such uses are set back thirty (30) feet from any lot in a residential zone. 0:\Planning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission ltems\rezone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 4 5. Cemeteries. 6. Previously existing or established commercial uses not already converted to a residential use may be authorized under Special Use Permit for the following [amended 12/99]: 7. Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above Special Land Uses Permitted. 8. Uses similar to the above Special Land Uses Permitted. SECTION 402: [RESERVED] [amended 8/01] SECTION 403: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OPTION [amended 12/97] Planned unit developments (PUDs) may be allowed by the Planning Commission under the procedural guidelines of Section 2101. The intent of Plauned Unit Developments in the single family residential district is to allow for flexibility in the design of housing developments, including but not limited to condominium developments and cluster subdivisions, to allow for the preservation of open space; allow for economies in the provision of utilities and public services; provide recreational opportunities; and protect important natural features from the adverse impacts of development. 1.- 9.... SECTION 404: AREA AND BULK REQUIREMENTS [amended 4/00] 1. Minimum lot size: 6,000 sq. feet 2. Density (see definition in Article II): 7 dwelling units per buildable acre. 3. Maximum lot coverage: Buildings: 50% Pavement: 10% 4. Lot width: 50 feet (shall be measured at road frontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured from setback). 5. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3) times longer its width. 6. Height limit: 2 stories or 35 feet. Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the ground for each face of the building (see Figure 2-3). 7. Front Setbacks: Minimum: 0:\Pianning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission Items\rezone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 5 Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 30 feet Collector Street: 25 feet Minor Street: 15 feet Note: For minimum front setbacks new principal structures on minor streets may align with existing principal structures in the immediate area even if the front setback is below the minimum required. 8. Rear setback: 30 feet 9. Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 30 feet (principal structures only). 10. Side setbacks: 1-story: 6 feet and 10 feet 2-story: 8 feet and 12 feet Note, setback measurement: All required setbacks shall be measured from the right- of-way line to the nearest point of the determined drip line of buildings. [amended 10/02] 11. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or one side lot line provided: [amended 10/02] 0:\Planning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission Items\rezone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 6 ARTICLE VII- RM-1 LOW DENSITY MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS PREAMBLE The RM-1 Low Density Multiple Family Residential Districts are designed to provide sites for multiple family dwelling structures, and related uses, which will generally serve as zones of transition between the nonresidential districts and the lower density One Family and Two Family Residential Districts, and MHP Mobile Home Park Districts. SECTION 700: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED In an RM-1 Low Density Multiple Family Residential District no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected, st:ructru·ally altered, or occupied except for one (1) or more of the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided for in this Ordinance: 1. All Principal Uses Permitted in the R One Family and RT Two Family Residential Districts with the lot area, yard, and floor area requirements for one (1) and two (2) family dwellings equal to at least the requirements of the immediately abutting residential district. 2. Multiple dwellings and row houses for any number of families. 3. Accredited fraternity and sorority houses when located not less than twenty (20) feet from any other lot in any residential district. 4. Bed & Breakfast facilities, under the following conditions: [amended 7/03] 5. Rooming houses with a capacity of not more than three (3) roomers. 6. Churches and other facilities normally incidental hereto subject to the following conditions: 7. Home occupations of a non-industrial nature may be permitted. Permissible home occupations include, but are not limited to the following: [amended 11102] 8. Foster Care Small Group Homes. [amended 11/02] 9. Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to the above Principal Permitted Uses. 10. Uses similar to the above Principal Permitted Uses. SECTION 701: SPECIAL LAND USES PERMITTED [amended 2/02] [amended 2/03] The following uses, and their accessory buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted under the purview of Section 2332 after review and approval of the use (and a site plan, if required) by the Planning Commission, after Public Hearing, subject to the applicable conditions, and any other reasonable conditions imposed by the Planning Commission: 0:\Planning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission Items\rezone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 7 Offices and clinics of physicians, dentists, architects, engineers, attorneys, accountants, real estate appraisers, or other professional persons; real estate, insurance, credit service (other than loan) offices and similar businesses supplying services instead of products when determined by the Planning Commission upon application to it, to be consistent with the nature and condition of neighboring uses and structures. Buildings to be used exclusively to house the offices of c1v1c, religious or charitable organizations, the activities of which are conducted by mail, and which are not displaying or handling merchandise or rendering service on the premises. Schools and colleges not involving the use of mechanical equipment except such as is customarily found in dwellings or professional offices provided that any such building shall be located not less than thirty (30) feet from any other lot in any residential district. Adult Foster Care Large Group Homes, provided that such facility shall be at least one thousand five hundred (I ,500) feet from any other similar facility. [amended 11/02] Previously existing or established commercial uses not already converted to a residential use may be authorized under Special Use Permit for the following [amended 12/99]: Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to the above Special Land Uses Permitted. Uses similar to the above Special Land Uses Permitted. SECTION 702: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT [amended 10/98) Planned developments may be allowed by the Planning Commission under the procedural guidelines of Section 2101. The intent of Planned Unit Development in the RM-1 Low Density Multiple Family Residential District is to allow mixed land uses, which are compatible to each other, while prohibiting nonresidential uses which would not be compatible or harmonious with residential dwellings. SECTION 703: AREA AND BULK REQUIREMENTS [amended 4/00) 1. Minimum lot size: 10,890 sq. feet. 2. Density (see definition in Article II): 16 dwelling units per buildable acre. 3. Dedicated open space requirement: 15% 4. Maximum lot coverage: Buildings: 60 % Pavement: 20 % 5. Lot width: 100 feet (shall be measured at road frontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured from setback). 6. Maximum building width: 50% (as a portion of the lot width). 0:\Planning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission Items\rezone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 8 7. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3) times longer its width. 8. Height limit: 3 stories or 50 feet. Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the ground for each face of the building (see Figure 2-3). 9. Front Setbacks: Minimum: Expressway or Arterial Street: 30 feet Collector or Major Street: 25 feet Minor Street: 20 feet I 0. Rear setback: 30 feet 11. Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 50 feet (principal structures only). 12. Side setbacks: 1-story: 8 feet and 12 feet 2-story: 10 feet and 14 feet 3-story: 12 feet and 16 feet Note, setback measurement: All required setbacks shall be measured from the right-of-way line to the nearest point of the determined drip line of buildings. [amended 10/02] 13. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or one side lot line provided: [amended 10/02] All required side and rear setbacks shall be landscaped, greenbelt buffers, unless zero-lot-line is employed for a structure or fire access. At least fifty percent of all required front setbacks shall be landscaped and adjacent to the road right-of-way. An average minimum greenbelt of 10 feet shall be maintained along each street frontage. [amended 12/01, amended 10/02] 0:\Planning\COMMON\Zoning\Cily Commission Itcms\rczone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 9 0:\P\anning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission ltems\rczonc\Approvc\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 10 0:\Planning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission Items\rezone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 11 RECOMMENDATION The intent of the RM-1 zone district is to provide sites for multiple family dwellings that will generally serve as zones of transition between the nonresidential districts and lower density one and two family residential districts. Some of the primary differences between the R -1 and RM-1 zone districts are: principal uses permitted in the RM-1 zone are more intensive than those in the R-1 zone; greater allowable density; and greater flexibility with the PUD option in the RM-1 zone. Based on the plans reflected in the Future Land Use Map included in the Master Plan, the area in question is recommended for single family development. The area went through a major down zoning effort in 2003, however this parcel wasn't changed from it's RM-1 status, probably because of its property line on Peck Street. Since this property is slated to be sold to the property owner at 32 Iona, and would subsequently be joined as one parcel, it would be desirable to for the entire parcel to have the same zoning designation. There are several large trees on the site. They are located on the perimeter of the lot and will not interfere with any plans for a garage. They should be retained by the new owner. Based upon the above analysis, staff is recommending approval of the request to rezone the subject property from RM-1 to R-1 because the request conforms to the goals and recommendations of the 1997 Master Plan, including the Future Land Use Map. DELIBERATION Criteria-based questions typically asked during a rezoning include: 1. What, if any, identifiable conditions related to the petition have changed which justify the petitioned change in zoning. 2. What are the precedents and the possible effects of precedent that might result from the approval or denial of the petition? 3. What is the impact ofthe amendment on the ability of the city to provide adequate public services and facilities and/or programs that might reasonably be required in the future if the petition is approved? 4. Does the petitioned zoning change adversely affect the environmental conditions or value ofthe surrounding property? 5. Does the petitioned zoning change generally comply with the adopted Future Land Use Plan of the City? 6. Are there any significant negative environmental impacts which would reasonably occur if the petitioned zoning change and resulting allowed structures were built such as: a. Surface water drainage problems b. Waste water disposal problems c. Adverse effect on surface or subsurface water quality d. The loss of valuable natural resources such as forest, wetland, historic sites, or wildlife areas. 7. Is the proposed zoning change a "Spot Zone"? 0:\Planning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission Items\rezone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 12 a. Is the parcel small in size relative to its surroundings? b. Would the zoning change allow uses that are inconsistent with those allowed in the vicinity? c. Would the zoning change confer a benefit to the property owner that is not generally available to other properties in the area? d. A spot zone is appropriate if it complies with the Master Plan. DETERMINATION The following motion is offered for consideration: I move that the request to rezone the property located at 1282 Arthur Street, from RM-1 Low Density Multiple-Family Residential to R-1 Single-Family Residential district, as described in the public notice, be recommended for (approval/denial) to the City Commission pursuant to the City of Muskegon Zoning Ordinance, and the determination of (compliance/lack of compliance) with the intent of the City Master Land Use Plan and zoning district intent. 0:\P\anning\COMMON\Zoning\City Commission Itcms\rezone\Approve\2005 Approvals\1282 Arthur.doc 13 CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO. 21 4 6 An ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City to provide for a zone change for certain property from RM-1 "Low Density Multiple-Family Residential" to R-1 "Single Family Residential" THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON HEREBY ORDAINS: The zoning map of the City of Muskegon is hereby amended to change the zoning of the following described property from RM-1 "Low Density Multiple-Family Residential" toR- 1 "Single Family Residential": CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAN OF 1903 W 87-112 FT LOT 4 BLK 240 This ordinance adopted: Ayes : Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Carter Nayes: None Adoption Date:__M_a_r_c_h_8_:_,_2_0_0_5_ _ _ __ Effective Date: March 22, 2005 -------------- First Reading: _ _F_e_b_r_u_a_r_y_2_2_,_2_o_o_s_ __ Second Reading:_M_a_r_c_h_a_,_ 2_0_0_5_ _ _ __ CITY OF MUSKEG~b By: i:Lt D, Gail A. Kundinger, MMC . Clerk CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF ADOPTION Please take notice that on March 8 , 2005, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an ordinance amending the zoning map to provide for the change of zoning of the following property from RM-1 "Low Density Multi-Family Residential" to R-1 "Single Family Residential": CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAN OF 1903 W 87-112 FT LOT 4 BLK240 Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours. This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date ofthis publication. Published /l!arclf /~ '2005 CITY OF MUSKEGON By __~~~~~----~------- Gail A. Kundinger, MMC City Clerk PUBLISH ONCE WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF FINAL PASSAGE. Account No. 101-80400-5354 Date: March 8, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners \ From: Gail Kundinger, City Clerk \}) RE: Additional Taxicabs SUMMARY OF REQUEST: We have received a request f10m Port City Cab and Yellow Cab to add two more taxicabs to their license. This will change their total cabs from 12 to 14. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve this request contingent upon approval from the Police Department CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 8, 2005 Date: February 24, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: Anthony L. Kleibecker, Director of Public Safety Re: 2005 Bryne Memorial Grant (JAG) Program Joint Agreement- Muskegon County, City of Muskegon, City of Muskegon Heights SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request that the City Manager and Director of Public Safety be authorized to sign the Interlocal Agreement Between the City ofMuskegon, City ofMuskegon Heights and the County ofMuskegon for a (Justice Assistance Grant) Bryne Memorial Grant Application Number 2005-Fl706-MI-DJ. The City of Muskegon has not been designated a direct single award under the (JAG) Byrne Memorial Grant for the 2005 Fiscal Year, However an allocation has been made for a Joint Application between the County ofMuskegon, City ofMuskegon and the City ofMuskegon Heights in the amount of$ 92, 167. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City of Muskegon will not be responsible for any match funds or outlays for this program. The Grant will provide $ 92, 167 to fund an assistant prosecutor position with the County Prosecutor's Office and to reinstate Project Cornerstone under the title of Project Cornerstone II. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: StaffRecommends entering into the Interlocal Agreement with the County ofMuskegon and the City ofMuskegon Heights. Project Cornerstone has had a positive impact in a number of our higher crime areas in the past. It allows for prosecutor's office participation in curfew sweeps and direct involvement with the neighborhoods and neighborhood associations. GMS Application Number: 2005-F1706-MI -OJ 2005 BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM AWARD INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MUSKEGON AND CITY OF MUSKEGON HEIGHTS AND COUNTY OF MUSKEGON The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program, through the Office of Justice Programs, has awarded Muskegon County, City of Muskegon and City of Muskegon Heights a joint award in the amount of $92,167 to be utilized for law enforcement and justice initiatives targeting specific geographic areas within the City of Muskegon and the City of Muskegon Heights, Muskegon County, Michigan for a period not to exceed 48 months from October 1, 2004. The Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office will subrnit an on-line application for the total joint award for implementation of a community prosecution program entitled Project Cornerstone II. The Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office will act as fiduciary for the coalition. Interest/Intent Regarding JAG award: 1/we, the undersigned, hereby agree to direct our JAG allocation and be part of a coalition and request that these funds be awarded and expended for our benefit by the fiscal agent listed below: Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office This Agreement is made and entered into this /C) 1~ay of Wo.A.A'.-It , 2005, by and between the County of Muskegon, City of Muskegon, City of Muskegon Heights, and Muskegon County, Michigan. For the City of Muskegon: ----T" I~ Ton/i~J;ibecker, Chief of Police Melvin Burns, Ill, City Manager REQUEST FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION-COUNTY OF MUSKEGON COMMITTEE Courts and Public Safely IBU~GETED NON-BUDGETED PARTIALLY BUDGETED ..--. - D 0 -7 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT PROSECUTOR REQUEST DATE 02/24/05 REQU~ SIG~~ <. - ~-r- SUMMARY OF REQUEST (GENERAL DESCRIPTION, FINANCING, OTHER OPERATIONAL IMPACT, POSSIBLE ALT.f'RNATIVEV The Prosecutor's Office is requesting approval to submit an application for a Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) from the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice in the amount of $92,167 with no local match requirement. Muskegon County, the City of Muskegon and the City of Muskegon Heights are joint recipients of the JAG award which is federal funding for law enforcement and justice initiatives. The City of Muskegon and the City of Muskegon Heights have agreed to direct their portion of the JAG allocation to Muskegon County and be part of a coalition and request that these funds be awarded and expended for their benefit by the Prosecutor's Office. The Prosecutor's Office is proposing to expand its community prosecution program and submit Project Cornerstone II which expands the current program into Muskegon Heights. The JAG grant application includes a funding request for a full-time Assistant Prosecutor I, equipment, printing and supplies. The grant period is October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006. Application is due at the Office of Justice Programs no later than March 31, 2005. SUGGESTED MOTION (STATE EXACTLY AS IT SHOULD APPEAR IN THE MINUTES) Move to authorize Prosecutor to apply for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) from the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, for the purpose of continuing and expanding a community prosecution program, in the amount of $92,167 with no local match obligation and no effect on the County general fund, which will require the establishment of an Assistant Prosecutor I position. ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYSIS (AS APPLICABLE) HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYSIS: FINANCE & MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS: CORPORATE COUNSEL ANALYSIS: ADMINISTRATOR RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA DATE: IAGENDA NO.: BOARD DATE: I PAGE NO: U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant JAG FY 2005 Local Solicitation Eligibility Units of local government appearing on the FY 2005 Units of Local Government List are eligible to apply for JAG funds. To view this list, go to GMS Application Deadline All JAG applications are due on or before 8:00 p.m. EST on March 31, 2005. For assistance with the JAG solicitation, contact: T1mothy S W1ght, Associate Deputy Director, Programs Off1ce, at~ or Matthew D Hanson, Director's Spec1al Assistant for Adm1n1stralion, at~~ ----------- -~------ f-Single Application I Joint Application §~ ~urisdiction Name _ Award Amount ------------ Award Amount ·······- Ml BAY COUNTY ---- ---~------- $23,710 - · Ml BAY CITY -----··. Ml BERRIEN COUNTY ------· --- $47,665 Ml BENTON HABOR CITY Ml BENTON CHARTER TOWNSHIP ----- $19,765 Ml CALHOUN COUNTY ----------- -- Ml ALBION CITY -~------~---- $122,656 Ml BATTLE CREEK CITY -- 1-· Ml EATON COUNTY ··-·---- $16,560 Ml GENESEE COUNTY ·······-- . -- Ml FLINT CITY ----- •. · · · - - - - - Ml BURTON CITY - ----- $313,853 Ml FLINT CHARTER TOWNSHIP- - - - --·- Ml GENESEE CHARTER TOWNSHIP ----···-· Ml MOUNT MORRIS CHARTER TOWNSHIP ··--- Ml GRAND TRAVERSE COUNTY- _____ ________ , ----- $11,053 --· Ml INGHAM COUNTY ----- --- $175,459 Ml LANSING CITY ··- Ml EAST LANSING CITY $21,860 ···--·----- Ml JACKSON COUNTY --·- $66,896 Ml JACKSON CITY ---------- ----- Ml KALAMAZOO COUNTY ---~------ ··- $123,026 Ml KALAMAZOO CITY -------- Ml PORTAGE -- CITY ______ _____ , $12,615 -- · · · · · · · - - - Ml KALAMAZOO CHARTER TOWNSHIP ....... $11,423 ----- f--- Ml KENT COUNTY --·------ -------- $299,430 - - - - - - Ml GRAND RAPIDS CITY .. ---- Ml WYOMING CITY $38,338 ---·------- - - - - Ml KENTWOOD CITY --~---- $15,245 Ml LENAWEE COUNTY ---- . -·-· ·-·--- $12,779 - - - - - Ml ADRIAN CITY - - -------· -------~- --- Ml EASTPOINTE CITY . ---- $20,874 ~-- ----- .... ·-- $14,669 -·----·-- Ml MOU-NT CLEMEN§c~- ----- - - - - - - - - - - ------- .• •. Ml ROSEVILLE CITY . $20,135 ···--------~~ ------ ------------- - - Ml STC-LAIR SHORES CITY . -- ___$20,094 --- ------- ------- ~- WARREN CITY. MACOMB COUNTY ~- STERLING HEIGHTS CITY - ------- ---·------ $219,426 Ml Ml CLINTON CHARTER TOWNSHIP ------- -- .. ----- ·-------- - Ml MONROE COUNTY $30,284 -------· Ml MONROE CITY $10,232 -- J41_. MUSKEGON COUNTY .. -------------· Ml MUSKEGON CITY $92,167 Ml MUSKEGON HEIGHTS CITY Ml Ml . OAKLAND COUNTY PONTIAC CITY . I= . ------- ··--·-- $307,854 - - - - ------- --- J41_ SOUTHFIELD CITY . -f-·-·· ·- Ml FERNDALE CITY ________ j_1Q,2n -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -------·· ~-- Ml HAZECPARK cTfy·------------------- $13,026 Ml Ml ROYAL OAK CITY fR6Ycl~- - ------···-·---- $15,286 - $11,8'75 ---·--- ------~~+----·---~ Ml FARMINGTON HILLS cffY_______________$2@ ---~~----1--~~- MI WATERFORD CHARTER TOWNSHIP- ~--- $16,683 - -----+-----~~---~----1 Ml OTTAWA COUNTY _______________ $32,133 -------·--+----- Ml ~- HOLLAND CITY ~~,~~"'·'=-;--~----- SAGINAWCOUNTY ______ $15,163 - ..... ----~~----r----------~--+~-·-·- $178746f-~---- MI SAGINAW CITY ' -M\-- BUENA VISTA CHARTER TOWNSHIP - - - - - $13,067 _ - ~--+---·--- MI SAGINAW CHARTER TOWNSHIP ___ $10,519 ----------+~~---+ Ml STCLAIR COUNTY _ $21,902 -·----j-----j Ml PORT HURON CITY $21,902 Ml WASHTENAW COUNTY _ ___ $45,200 ·····-··------+--···- Ml ANN ARBOR CITY $39,283 Ml Ml YPSILANTICITY WAYNE COUNTY ···----=::--·· ___ ·--$25,148 _____________ - ---+--- - Mi DEARBORN CITY ~~~~- ··-· -----~----·-- ~~2:--+E::O:D~~~""~""~""~~geil'rv~TY.;-_·-==--=----~~~-~-=-=---+__-_-_-_-_-_-_-_· ------ ----- ~--- Ml =-==----------- HAMTRAMCK CITY -------------~ -·-··----- Ml -HIGHLAN""D~PA~R"'K'7-C'-o"'ITY~~------- ----- ---------·· 'MJ. INKSTER CITY ----------- ·------------ ------··- fi"ii--j~~~;-~.iu-;-.'-=-~~-------- ----- .. ---~--- MI LINCOLN PARK CITY .- $3,035,392 ~--- ----~~~-- ------~--~ Ml LIVONIA -· CITY . -· ------- ~- ~~g~~Hi:~TS ~: _ ~~~~:~~,-$1TY CJ!1__ =-_ __ ~:t~~ ~~=:= $____ _______ w- ROMULUS Crfy -~- ----- --·------ . ·- ·-- MI CANTON CHARTER TOWNSHIP - - ···-·· - -- ~~--~~f;~~~~~A~~~~TOWNSHIP --T-=--~1 ·2~!.;~;~--___ -~-- -d--- _-:_ ~--=-~- ---=~ __ ·:=~-=-- _ =~-j~ncl~d~IE)!;S th:n~:0,000!llo~~~~~amount===--= ___ t~~~o}~~~~-~--- _ --1-- _$16,817,0~; . ______ j--------- GMS Application Number: 2005-F1706-MI- DJ 2005 BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT (JAG) PROGRAM AWARD INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MUSKEGON AND CITY OF MUSKEGON HEIGHTS AND COUNTY OF MUSKEGON The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program, through the Office of Justice Programs, has awarded Muskegon County, City of Muskegon and City of Muskegon Heights a joint award in the amount of $92,167 to be utilized for law enforcement and justice initiatives targeting specific geographic areas within the City of Muskegon and the City of Muskegon Heights, Muskegon County, Michigan for a period not to exceed 48 months from October 1, 2004. The Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office will submit an on-line application for the total joint award for implementation of a community prosecution program entitled Project Cornerstone II. The Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office will act as fiduciary for the coalition. Interest/Intent Regarding JAG award: 1/we, the undersigned, hereby agree to direct our JAG allocation and be part of a coalition and request that these funds be awarded and expended for our benefit by the fiscal agent listed below: Muskegon County Prosecutor's Office This Agreement is made and entered into this day of , 2005, by and between the County of Muskegon, City of Muskegon, City of Muskegon Heights, and Muskegon County, Michigan. For the City of Muskegon: Tony Kleibecker, Chief of Police Bryon Mazade, City Manager Melvin Burns, Ill, City Manager Paul Baade, Chairman of the Board Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Page I of I 2005-F1706·MI-DJ [~1 Application Correspondence Switch to ... Application Handbook Project Information *Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project Project Cornerstone II - A community prosecution approach 8RPJL@nt to create a collaboration of private and public agencies, Information law enforcement and citizens to work together to prevent *Areas Affected by Project Project Information City of Muskegon and City of Muskegon Heights Budget and Program Attachments Proposed Project *Start 01 Assurances and October 2005 Date Certifications *End Date September. 30 2006 Review SF 424 *Congressional Districts of Project 1zo•1~t[essional District 01, Ml .U:J¥11.U€11•$nt;i•,.41®11 Congressional District 03, Ml Help/Frequentli' Congressional District 04, Ml Aske'·~gnature Address l] ))" Y11\\ f' ":J\ Address Thank you for taking the time to vote on this important issue. 9 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARING RESPONSE CARD NO RESPONSE COUNTS AS "IN FAVOR" OF PROJECT-To have your vote count, please Return This Card By: MARCH 8, 2005 Project Title: PINE ST., LAKETON AVE. TO DALE AVE. Project Description: MILL & RESURFACE INSTRUCTIONS If you wish to have your written vote included as part of the tabulation of votes forwarded to the City Commission for the scheduled public hearing, please return this card by the date indicated above. To use this response card please indicate whether you Oppose or Favor this special assessment project, sign the form and return it to the City Clerk's Office. To return this card by mail, simply told on the dotted lines so the address on the reverse side is showing. Be sure to seal the form with a small piece of tape or staple prior to mailing. IF YOU DO NOT SEND IN THIS FORM YOUR VOTE COUNTS AS "IN FAVOR" OF PROJECT. Assessment Information Property Address: 1766 PINE ST Parcel Number 24-205-307-0003-00 Assessable Frontage: $60.00 Feet Estimated Front Foot Cost: $17.50 per Foot ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $1,050.00 Property Description CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 3 & 4 BLK 307 I' '· Your vote COUNTS! ·~-~--- Please vote either in favor or opposed to the Special Assessment Street Paving Project. I AM IN FAVOR D I AM OPPOSED ~ owner /:J_UJit 7llt!alt/d:ilv coowner/Spouse - - - - - - - - - - - Signature1:J..~ (~ Signature Address ;qqkJ;b_d(z/h~);JJ}; Address Thank you for taking the time to vote on this important issue. 21 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARING RESPONSE CARD NO RESPONSE COUNTS AS "IN FAVOR" OF PROJECT-To have your vote count, please Return This Card By: MARCH 8, 2005 Project Title: PINE ST., LAKETON AVE. TO DALE AVE. Project Description: MILL & RESURFACE INSTRUCTIONS If you wish to have your written vote included as part of the tabulation of votes forwarded to the City Commission for the scheduled public hearing, please return this card by the date indicated above. To use this response card please indicate whether you Oppose or Favor this special assessment project, sign the form and return it to the City Clerk's Office. To return this card by mail, simply fold on the dotted lines so ihe address on the reverse side is showing. Be sure to seal the form with a small piece of tape or staple prior to mailing. IF YOU DO NOT SEND IN THIS FORM YOUR VOTE COUNTS AS "IN FAVOR" OF PROJECT. Assessment Information -- Property Address: 1726 PINE ST /'; ·. .. ----------~~-. ,•. Parcel Number 24-205-297-0011-00 Assessable Frontage: $60.00 Feet ('' Estimated Front Foot Cost: $17.50 per Foot ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $1,050.00 Property Description CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOTS 11 & 12 BLK 297 Your vote t;OUNTSi Please vote either in favor or opposed to the Special Assessment Street Paving Project. I AM IN FAVOR D I AM OPPOSED f> ? ·Assessment Information ' 2 ; t)=lfop~rty Address: 1291 5TH ST . Parcel Number 24-205-388-0001-10 Assessable Frontage: $44.00 Feet .'Estimated Front Foot Cqst: $32:oo ·per Foot ·.·ESTIMATED TOTAL COST . $1,408.00 · · Property Description CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 NELY 92FT OF SE 44FT OF NW 88FT OF LOTS 1-2 BLK 388 Your vote COUNTS! .. Please 'vote either in favor or opposed to the Special Assessment Street Paving Project. I AM IN FAVOR D I AM OPPOSED IX I ·'·' ,' Owner pJ_ J; e. A .. ._Te,..,4.coowner/Spouse ·~'t;,.;..(:lfU:..;;.;;;;.~+-·__,::;~:;.._;;;;:;___,;.__ ..:L'·. ~ig~ature ~ ~ Signature i• . Address j'2..I1 1 F/f/L Address· 16 Thank you for taking the time to vote on this important issue. H-1599 FIFTH ST., CAMPUS AVE. TO MERRILL AVE. PROPERTY OWNER SPECIAL ASSESSMENT RESPONSE TABULATION FEET r:EBJ::;ENTAYE TOTAL NUMBE~ OF PARCELS- 27 FOR OPPOSE LETTER# ST# STNAME PARCEL# FEET LETTER# ST# ST NAME PARCEL# FEET TOTAL ASSESSABLE FRONT FOOT AGE 1542.00 ... ~ 2 1296 FIFTH 24·205·387-0006-10 66.00 16 1291 FIFTH 24·205-388-000 1· 10 44.00 20 1335 FIFTH 24·205-391-000 1·10 66.00 17 1297 FIFTH 24-205-388-000 1·20 44.00 FRONT FEET OPPOSED 359.67 23.32% 6 1336 FIFTH 24-205·392-0006-1 0 66.00 24 1375 FIFTH 24-205·398-0001-1 0 70.00 RESPONDING FRONT FEET IN FAVOR 132.00 8.56% 14 1392 FIFTH 24·205-397-0009-20 47.67 27 1403 FIFTH 24-205-398-00 13·00 53.00 NOT RESPONDING- FRONT FEET IN FAVOR 1050.33 68.11% 23 223 STRONG 24·205·398·000 1·00 35.00 TOTAL FRONT FEET IN FAVOR 1182.33 76.68% TOTALS 132.00 359.67 TABULATED AS OF: 05:16PM l/8/2005 5:16PM TABULATION OF THE RESPONSES TO THE SP. ASS. HEARING ON FIFTH ST.-CAMPUS ST. THE FARES AND CHARGES FOR TAXICABS IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGON WERE ESTABLISHED BY THE MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION ON MARCH 8, 2005 TAXICAB RATES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: FLAG DROP $2.00 (FIRST 1/7 MILE) EACH 1/7 MILE $ .25 ($1. 75 PER FULL MILE) WAIT TIME $18.00 PER HOUR OUT OF TOWN TFUPS $2.00 PER MILE Date: March 8, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Taxicab Rates SUMMARY OF REQUEST: We have received a request from Port City Cab and Yellow Cab for an increase in Taxicab fares. The iast time there was a change in rates was November 10, 1998. The requested changes are as follows: Current rates Flag Drop: $1.65 (first 1/10 mile) Each 1/10 Mile $ .15 ($1.50 per full mile) Wait Time $12.00 per hour Proposed rates Flag Drop: $2.00 (first 1!7 mile) Each 1!7 Mile $ .25 ($1.75 per full mile) Wait Time $18.00 per hour Out of town trips $2.00 per mile Attached are rates for Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, and Lansing. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval 4 J~W KEFIELD LEASING CORP. P~RT C;;Y C~B co. YELLOW CAB co. TAXICAB RATES Muskegon - Current Muskegon - Proposed Grand Rapids Kalamazoo Lansing Flag Drop $1.65 (first 1/10 mile) $2.00 (first 1/7 mile) $2.50 (first 1/7 mile) $1.85 (first 1/10 mile) $2.25 (first 1/10 mile) Each Mile $1.50 ($.15 each 1/1 0) $1.75 ($.25 each 1/7) $1.75 ($.25 each 1/7) $1.70 ($.17 each 1/10) $1.80 ($.20 each 1/9) Wait Time $12.00 per hour $18.00 per hour $18.00 per hour $19.80 per hour $18.00 per hour TAXICAB RATES Grand Rapids Flag Drop: $2.50 (first 1/7 mile) Each 1/7 mile $ .25 ($1.75 per full mile) Wait Time $ .30 (each minute) (effective 1-1-05) Kalamazoo Flag Drop: $1.85 (first 1/10 mile) Each 1110 Mile $ .17 ($1.70 per full mile) Wait Time $ .33 (each minute) (effective 6-18-0 I) Lansing Flag Drop: $2.25 (first 1/10 mile) Each 119 mile $ .20 ($1.80 per full mile) Wait Time $ .30 (each minute) (effective 5-11-04) GR CIT\ CLERK lii'J00!/002 F GRjAND RA IDS CITY CLERK 30(1 MON.l{O NW '~~J:; -.-..m'"-" .··-c~· ':'"'":;4'"-·J!~'l' ~---. ,,,,,., ''*"'''lli'''!!11';~ GIV\ND RA IDS MI 49503 •ms•w'-c¥·--- .;!W"- '""'--~ - ,!!l!C .•'i\1llf'< ,..., -..... '•i!f_·-,.,, ,_,_,_ --"" ,,, PHONE: (6 6) 456-3010 Port Citv Taxi F~: (61 ) 456-4607 ~;~-~-·&t·.itt'·•-fl•-f'f~·s~··:~\~t~::''l\\1!_--'+·\1-#. 4 · JB?Jl}~J37~·2?_l6 ,_ l•." ~- : · .. • .• --·""-~"''ll_- - .lou;;· ·-'·-'•· . '"•- -=--.-...,.,, . _ -:'i~. "-~t:~·;•il~-~i-·:_,;,!1~.\'l,· -,-._'i7!3!.l~ ·,,, ~··~- •.,~,..,.-::··-ff_·:r~::-~lf@'~ ,,'"' .::/0:...-.·----·.--·,. ~ .. ~-'"•'",lJi--~--- 1;J.J.,, ~-'''·•:o>'-·• Dawn Kulak ~-~~~~i-.:;,f;i~VI'-.:~•·;~r·~':ii;)!ii~;;··_;,~r••N;'·;;t._·;~t 2 ~~~~-~<;::~~~ NOTES: Fi>l\m"lng Is eqpy of the resolution that the Grand Rapids City Commission passed on December 14, 2004 r~garding th TaJ vD~t'""";:::'ep 02/24/28 5 89:48 "" ' CITIES OF' LA.NSlNG & EAST LANSING oJ(l ,fr01-b Taxicab RATE CHART ~tll/04 FIRST ONE-TENTH MILE OR FRACTION THEREOF, ONE TO FOUR PASSENGERS EACH ADDITIONAL ONE-NINTH MilE OR FRACTION THEREOF, ONE TO FOUR PASSENGERS EACH ONE MINUTE WAITING TIME OR CONOESTEO TRAFFIC DEI..AYS (,1&.00 PER HOUR) ----~-¥~~~~~~ . GGA , R , Y, E FIRST 50 LaS AND EACH 50 LBS ii-IEREAFTER X $ 0.50 DELIVERIES OR ERRANDS WITHOUT PASSENGER T $ 0.25 EACH MILE OR FRACTION BEYOND CITY liMITS R UP TO 10 MILES A $ 0 50 EACH Pi>.SSENQER OVER FOUR ETSR CLEARED AFTER EACH PAID FARE OUT SlOE TRIPS BEYOND T!N MIL!I- ONE AND ON~i<·NINTH TER AATI! FOR ONE WAY OR STRAIGHT METER ROUND TRIP Date: March 8, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Recommendation for Annual Renewal of Liquor Licenses SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To adopt a resolution recommending non- renewal of those liquor license estallishments who are in violation of Section 50-146 and 50-147 of the Code of Ordinance for the City of Muskegon. These establishments have been found to be in non- compliance with the City Code of Ordinances and renewal of their liquor licenses should not be recommended by the City Commission. If any of these establishments come into compliance by March 23, 2005, they will be removed from this resolution, and recommendation for their renewal will be forwarded to the Liquor Control Commission. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the resolution. RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING STATE WITHHOLD RENEWAL OF LIQUOR LICENSES FOR CODE VIOLATIONS Resolution No. 2005-25(f) THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON DO RESOLVE, that whereas, the following business establishments in the City of Muskegon have liquor licenses and are found to be in violation of Article V, Section 50-146 and 50-147 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Muskegon: SEE ATTACHED LIST OF VIOLATIONS AND WHEREAS, a hearing was held on March 8, 2005, before the City Commission to allow such licensees an opportunity to refute the determination of the City Commission that such establishments are in non-compliance with the City Code of Ordinances and renewal of their liquor licenses should not be recommended by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, an affidavit of mailing of Notices of Hearing and Notification of Non- Compliance to City Standards to the licensees has been filed; .NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Commission of the City of Muskegon hereby recommends that these liquor licenses not be approved for renewal, and a copy of this Resolution be sent to the State Liquor Control Commission. If any of these establishments come into compliance before March 23, 2005, they will be removed from this Resolution. Approved and adopted this 81h day ofMarch, 2005. A YES: Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Carter NAYS: None ABSENT: None Gail A. Kundinger, MMC City Clerk 2005 VIOLATIONS BUSINESS BUSINESS OCCUPENCY MONEY INCOME NAME ADDRESS PERMIT/FIRE OWED TAX Captain Jack's Bar & Grill 1601 Beach X Brewer's Brews & Cues 817 Forest X Pat's Roadhouse 157 S. Getty X Pop-A-Top Tavern 2185 Henry X Lakeshore Tavern 1963 Lakeshore X Ghezzi's Market 2017 Lakeshore X Docker's Waterfront Cafe 3505 Marina View X H & J Party Store 939 E Laketon X Kwik-Way Food Mart 45 E Muskegon X Super Stop 2390 W Sherman X Frontier Liquor Shoppe 631 W Southern X Muskegon Family Foods 1157 Third X Wood Street Market 1149 Wood X X represents in violation CERTIFICATION 2005-25(f) This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission, held on March 8, 2005. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. CITY OF MUSKEGON Date: March 8, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Finance Director RIE: User Fee Adjustment- Daily Launch Ramp Fees SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is recommending the following adjustment to the 2005 User Fee Schedule: Creation of a new "Fishing Tournament Launch Ramp Fee"- 2005 user fees approved last year included an increase in daily launch ramp fees from $5.00 to $10.00. Interested parties have expressed concern that the increase may harm sponsored fishing tournaments which bring substantial economic benefit to the community. staff concurs with this and recommends that a special tournament fee category be established at $5.00 per day. staff recommends keeping the regular daily launch ramp fee at the $10.00 level. This will help cover operating costs for the Marina and Launch Ramp fund. Also, we are trying to icentivize boaters to purchase seasonal permtts in lieu of daily permtts because of the enforcement problems that daily permits pose. Seasonal permit fees were not increase for 2005. Attached is a schedule showing how Muskegon's launch ramp fees compare with other communtties. Atthough our fees are higher than many other communities, staff believes the pricing is appropriate due to the very high-quality of our facilities and boating opportunities. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The impact of this adjustment on city revenues will minor and is offset by the overall local economic benefit that fishing tournaments provide. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None. 9/18/97 Local Municipal Marina Boat Launch Fees Daily Launch Permits Seasonal Permits Senior Permits Resident Non-Resident Resident Non-Resident Resident Non-Resident Grand Haven, Ml $7.00 $7.00 $50.00 $60.00 $35.00 $50.00 Holland, Ml $5.00 $8.00 $25.00 $40.00 $18.00 $25.00 Ludington, Ml $7.00 $7.00 $23.00 $35.00 N/A N/A Manistee, Ml $5.00 $5.00 $25.00 $35.00 N/A N/A Montague, Ml $10.00 $10.00 $50.00 $50.00 N/A N/A Muskegon, Ml $10.00 $10.00 $40.00 $55.00 $25.00 $40.00 Muskeogn Heights, Ml $6.00 $6.00 $15.00 $20.00 $6.00 N/A State Park $6.00 $6.00 $24.00 $29.00 $6.00 N/A Average $7.00 $7.38 $31.50 $40.50 $18.00 $38.33 Highest $10.00 $10.00 $50.00 $60.00 $35.00 $50.00 Lowest $5.00 $5.00 $15.00 $20.00 $6.00 $25.00 Local Municipalities Boat Launch Fee Stat e Park _, 0 Senior Perrni1s Non- Resident Muskeogn Heights, Ml =I • Senior Perrni1s Resident t:::=::::::~ I Muskegon, Ml 0 Seasonal Permits Non-Resident I ! Montague, Ml D Seasonal Penn its I Resident Manistee, Ml Ludington, Ml t:::=:::i I 0 Daily Launch Permi1s Non- I Resident Holland, Ml D Daily Launch 1--' I Permi1s Resident Grand Haven, Ml l I $0.00 $10.00 $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $50.00 $60.00 $70.00 LEWIS REED & ALLEN P.C. Attorneys W. Fred Allen, Jr. 136 East Michigan Avenue, Suite 800 Of Counsel Stephen M. Denenfeld Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007-3975 Willy Nordwind, Jr. Robert C. Engels Anne M. Fries Telephone 269-388-7600 Gould Fox David A. Lewis Dean S. Lewis Fox 269-349-3831 R EC E I VE 0 (1905-2002) Winfield]. Hotlander James M. Marquardt (1906-1996) Michael B. Onega MAR 1. 8 2005 William A. Redmond Richard D. Reed March 16, 2005 . MUSKEGON Thmnas C. Richardson Cl1 y MANAGER'S OFFICE Michael A. Shields Gregory G. St. Arnauld TO: MUSKEGON MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Re: First Addendum to Amended Service Agreement (Sappi Agreement) ·· DearMembers:-- Enclosed for your files is a fully executed copy of the First Addendum to Amended Service Agreement, incorporating the Sappi Wastewater rate reduction. A few minor points. First, I realized that I had not included Montague Township in the first paragraph of the Addendum, and that has now been added. All parties, including Montague Township, have signed. Second, at page 4 of the Addendum, the Agreement has no specified effective date. I had anticipated that the County would date the Agreement, as the County was the last signatory. However, I don't think this is important, and I simply refer to this as the "2004 First Addendum to Amended Service Agreement." The First Addendum is no less binding. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, LEWIS REED & ALLEN P.C. Michael B. Ortega MBO:der Enclosure cc: Thoa Du (w/enclosure) Dave Kendrick (w/enclosure) AGENDA ITEM NO. CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 8, 2005 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: City Manager Bryon Mazade DATE: February 17, 2005 RE: Amendment to the Wastewater System's Access Rights Agreement SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the first amendment to the wastewater system's Access Rights Agreement. This amendment would eliminate the "buy-in" requirements of the Access Rights Agreement. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None anticipated. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached amendment. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission will consider this amendment at their work session on 3/7/05. O:pmb (Wastewater System Access Rights Agreement Amendment 030805) LEWIS REED & ALLEN P.C. Attorneys \V. Fred Allen, Jr. 136 East Michigan Avenue, Suite 800 OfCounsd Stephen M. Denenfeld Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007-3975 Willy :..:ordwind, Jr. Robert C. Engels Anne M. Fries Telephone 269-388-7600 Gould Fox David A. Lewis Fax 269-349-3831 (1905-2002) DeanS. Lewis Winfield). Hollander James :VL :Vlarqmudt (! 906-1996) Michael B. Ortega January 25, 2005 William A. Redmond Richard D. Reed Thomas C. Richardson :V1ichae! A. Shields Gregory G. Sr. Arnauld TO: MUSKEGON MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS Re: Proposed First Amendment to Access Rights Agreement Dear Members: Enclosed for consideration by your Boards is a proposed First Amendment to the 1970 Access Rights Agreement This document would amend the Agreement to eliminate all of the "buy-in" requirements contained in the original document. The actual mechanism is to delete the current paragraph 2 in its entirety, and replace it with a new provision that repeats the initial language in that paragraph, but excludes all of the language addressing "buy-in". You will recall that the 1970 Agreement called for essentially three "buy-in" components, described in Subparagraphs (i), (ii) and (iii) within Paragraph 2. In recent years, by general agreement and practice (as opposed to a formal amendment), the (iii) component has not been applied as part of the "buy-in" calculations_ Please also note that, the separate but related "buy-in" components in the 1989 Capacity Allocation Contract will be unaffected by this first amendment. Any changes to the "buy-in" requirements under the Capacity Allocation Contract must be addressed by amending that contract. Please also recall that legal amendment of any contract requires the written agreement of all parties to the subject contract. Please let me know if you or your board members have any questions regarding this proposed first amendment, or if you would like me to attend a board meeting to answer questions and offer additional information. Sincerely, LEWIS REED & ALLEN P.C- /) 'd...,_v; ;1 Orkr~1 Jt...., Michael B. Ortega RECEIVED MBO:kjn JAN 2 8 2005 Enclosure cc: Dave Kendrick w/enclosure MUSKEGON Thoa Du w/enclosure CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE TOWNSHIP OF DALTON TOWNSHIP OF FRUITPORT By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ By: __________________ Its: Its: ----------------- ---------------- Dated: - - - - - - - - - - - Dated:--------------- CITY OF MU.'S. KEG~ CITY OF NORTON SHORES _ By: ______________ By: &/i! 714-dvt.J Bill Larson Its: Its: Vice Mayor -------------------- Dated: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dated: - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOWNSHIP OF WHITEHALL CITY OF ROOSEVELT PARK By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Its: ______________ Its: ------------- Dated: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Dated: ___________ '· CITY OF WHITEHALL CITY OF MUSKEGON HEIGHTS By: _________________ By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Its: Its: ------------------- --------------- Dated:------------- Dated: - - - - - - - - - - - MUSKEGON CHARTER TOWNSHIP CITY OF NORTH MUSKEGON By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Its: Its:- - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------- Dated: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dated: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2 TOWNSHIP OF MONTAGUE By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Its: ----------------------- Dated: G:\MBO\M M W M C\First Amendment to Access Rights Agreement.wpd 3 FIRST AMENDMENT TO ACCESS RIGHTS AGREEMENT The December 4, 1970 Access Rights Agreement by and between the COUNTY OF MUSKEGON and the following municipalities: Cities of Montague, Muskegon, Muskegon Heights, North Muskegon, Norton Shores, Roosevelt Park, Whitehall and the Townships of Dalton, Egelston, Fruitport, Laketon, Muskegon, Whitehall and Montague is amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the Access Rights Agreement is deleted in its entirety, and replaced with the following: "2. Said System may hereafter be expanded, with the approval of the Board and the County Board of Commissioners, to serve areas outside of the Service Area. Any area so added shall bear the cost of connecting to the System." All remaining terms and provisions of the December 4, 1970 Access Rights Agreement shall remain unchanged by this First Amendment. COUNTY OF Muskegon County TOWNSHIP OF LAKETON By its Board of Public Words By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Its: Its: ------------------------- -------------- Dated: --------------------- Dated: --------------------- CITY OF MONTAGUE TOWNSHIP OF EGELSTON By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Its: Its: -------------------------- --------------------------- Dated: --------------------- Dated: ----------------------- FIRST ADDENDUM TO AMENDED SERVICE AGREEMENT This Addendwn. is entered into by and between the County of Muskegon. Michigan, by and through its Department of Public Works [hereinafter referred to as the "County], and Laketon Township. City of Montague. Dalton Township. City of Norton Shores. Whitehall Township, City of Whitehall, Muskegon Charter Township, City of North Muskegon, Egelston Township, Fruitport Charter Township. City of Muskegon, City of Roosevelt Park, City of Muskegon Heights, and Montague Township, [hereinafter referred to as the "Local Units"]. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on July 7, 1998. a Consent Judgment was entered in the case of United States of America. et al v Countv of Muskegon. et al, Civil Action Number 1:97 CV 486 (WD Michigan), which Consent Judgment incorporated by reference an "Amended Service Agreement" between County and Local Units; and WHEREAS, the purpose of both the Consent Judgment. and incorporated Amended Service Agreement, was to clarity rights and responsibilities of both the County and Local Units with respect to the management and operation of the Muskegon County Wastewater Management System Number 1 [hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "System"]; and, WHEREAS, the parties are desirous of executing a "First Addendum" to said Amended Service Agreement in order to provide financial relief to the County's major customer, Sappi Fine Paper, and, WHEREAS, both the County and Local Units deem it to be in the public interest, and in the interest of the customers of the Muskegon County Wastewater System Number, that financial relief be afforded to Sappi. G:\MBO\M M W M C\F!RST ADDENDUJ',·I TO Ai\'IENDED SERVICE AGREEMENT-tinal.doc NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: I. Effect Upon Existing Amended Service Agreement. Except as specifically modified or amended below, all terms and conditions as set forth in Amended Service Agreement shall remain unaltered, and in full force and effect. II. Provision for Financial Relief to Sappi Fine Paper. By execution of this "First Addendum", the County and Local Units acknowledge that they have individually, and collectively, made a determination that it is in the best interest of the System that the System's primary customer, Sappi Fine Paper, which historically has accounted for approximately fifty percent (50%) of all flow to System, be afforded financial relief in accordance with the more specific terms and conditions hereinafter set forth in order to assist Sappi in maintaining marketplace competitiveness and financial viability. To such end, the parties more specifically agree as follows: A. Debt obligation associated with existing S 17 million bond. Effective October 1, 2003, any industrial User that discharges an annual average flow of 10 million gallons per day shall be accorded a forty percent (40%) "volume discount". This translates into a payment factor of .6 on service/debt charge imposed in connection with the retirement of the S 17 million bond. Any such industry satisfying such requirement shall, as appropriate, be entitled to a rebate consistent therewith within sixty (60) days of execution of this First Addendum by the County and all Local Units. This is in reference to the existing $17 million bond issue. B. Debt Obligation Associated with Existing $23 and 52.3 million Bond Issues Effective October 1, 2003, any industrial User that discharges an annual average flow of 10 million gallons per day shall be entitled to a forty percent (40%) C:\WIN9X\TEMP\FIRST ADDENDUM TO AMENDED SERVICE AGREEMENT-finaLdoc 2 "volume discount" on payments which otherwise would be required to be made pursuant to the Muskegon County Wastewater Management System-No. I Capacity Allocation Contract, July 27, 1989 version. This translates into a factor payment of .6 of service/debt imposed in connection with the retirement of such debt, which would otherwise be payable by any customer. Rebate, as appropriate, shall be provided within sixty (60) days of execution ofthis First Addendum by the County and all Local Units. This is in reference to the $23 million and 52.3 million bond issues referenced in Capacity Allocation Contract. C. Debt Obligation on Future Bond Pavments Effective upon execution of this First Addendum by the County and all Local Units, industrial Users discharging an annual average flow of 10 million gallons per day shall be entitled to a forty percent (40%) "volume discount" in connection with the service/debt charge associated with any future bond payment. This translates into a factor payment of .6 of service/debt charge customarily charged. D. Calculation and Financing of Rebate · ·-----~---The parties stipulate that Sappi Fine Paper has satisfied the miniiimrri ihieshold flow requirements for being afforded relief under Sections II A and B of this Agreement for the period of October l, 2003 through September 30,2004 and that the rebate for such period is 5549,000. The parties agree that the financing of such rebate payment shall be as follows: The rebate amount of 5549,000 shall be paid by the County to Sappi from System reserves presently existing in the "Equipment Replacement" Fund. County and Local Units agree that the Equipment Replacement Fund shall be repaid such C:\WIN9X\TE\ifP\FIRST ADDENDUM TO AMENDED SERVICE AGREEME;.JT-tinal.doc 3 amount, together with interest calculated at the rate of 4% per annum prior to the expiration of this Agreement. III. Effectiveness and Duration of Agreement A. Effectiveness This Agreement shall be deemed to be in full force and effect following execution of same by the County and all of the aforementioned Local Units. In the event any provision of this Addendum Agreement shall be determined to be unlawful, or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. B. Duration This Agreement shall run concurrent with the Amended Service Agreement previously entered into between the County and Local Units. Provided, however, the provisions of Article II of this Agreement, provided for financial relief for Sappi Fine Paper and/or other large users, shall be deemed to continue through September 30, 2008 or, upon such date as Sappi Fine Paper annual average - discharge is reduced below the level of I 0 million gallons per day,-calculated on---- ----- an average aruma! basis, whichever occurs first. The net effect, insofar as Sappi is concerned is that Sappi shall be eligible for up to five (5) annual reductions and/or rebates on debt. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, by and through their respective boards and commissions, have executed this Agreement, effective·as of the _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ __, 2004. CIWIN9X\TEMP\F!RST ,,DDENDUM TO .-\ME:-JDED SERVICE .-\GREEMENT-tinal.doc ·• FIRST AMENDMENT TO ACCESS RIGHTS AGREEMENT The December 4, 1970 Access Rights Agreement by and between the COUNTY OF MUSKEGON and the following municipalities: Cities of Montague, Muskegon, Muskegon Heights, North Muskegon, Norton Shores, Roosevelt Park, Whitehall and the Townships of Dalton, Egelston, Fruitport, Laketon, Muskegon, Whitehall and Montague is amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the AccessRights Agreement is deleted in its entirety, and replaced with the following: "2. Said System may hereafter be expanded, with the approval of the Board and the County Board of Commissioners, to serve areas outside of the Service Area. Any area so added shall bear the cost of connecting to the System." All remaining terms and provisions of the December 4, 1970 Access Rights Agreement shall remain unchanged by this First Amendment. COUNTY OF Muskegon County TOWNSHIP OF LAKETON By its Board of Public WORKS ~~~\:...::...~fv~\~~:1.--- By:.:..._.· Lou · c:A•gMcMurray . By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Its:· Chairman Its: ·--------------- Dated: {'A#( j 1 1 ,Z:.CQ $" Dated: - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - .CITY OF. MONTAGUE TOWNSHIP OF EGELSTON BY.~: ____________________ By:. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Its: Its: ·---~---------------- ·--------------------- Dated: - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - Dated:------------- FIRST AMENDMENT TO ACCESS RIGHTS AGREEMENT The December 4, 1970- Access Rights Agreement by and between the COUNTY OF MUSKEGON and the followinQ-municipalities: Cities of Montague, Muskegon, Muskegon Heights, North Muskegon, Norton Shores, Roosevelt Park, Whitehall and the Townships of Dalton, Egelston, Fruitport, Laketon, Muskegon, Whitehall and Montague is amended as follows: Paragraph 2 of the Access Rights Agreement is deleted in its entirety, and replaced with the following: "2. Said System may hereafter be expanded, with the approval of the Board and the County Board of Commissioners, to serve areas outside of the Service Area. Any area so added shall bear the cost of connecting to the System." All remaining terms and provisions of the December 4, 1970 Access Rights Agreement shall remain unchanged by this First Amendment. COUNTY OF Muskegon County TOWNSHIP OF LAKETON By its Board of Public woRKs By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Its: Its: ---------------------- --------------------------- Dated: Dated: ----------------------- CITY OF MONTAGUE TOWNSHIP OF EGELSTON By: -11~, r;_ A.'"Cdl'-f- By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ lts: ·Jo"'-'k>-e. Its: ----------------- v Dated: ']-}/--o :::::..~=-'~k~- Its: Its: City Manager ------------------- -~~-~------------ Dated: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - zl_?_l_os____________ Dated: __ 2 r. UJ TOWNSHIP OF MONTAGUE By:~ Its: -egp --~~~--------~---- Dated: ~-j I '3- ~S' G:\MBO\M M W M C\Fi"'t Amendm•nt tc Access Rights Agraamant.wpd 3 LEWIS REED & ALLEN P.C. Attorne)'S W. Fred Allen, Jr. IJ6 East Michigan Avenue, Suite 800 Of Counsel Stephen M. Denenfeld Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007-3975 Willy Nord wind, Jr. Robert C. Engels Anne M. Fries Telephone 269~388-7600 Gould Fox David A Lewis (1905-2002) Fax 269-349-3831 Dean S. Lewis Winfield J. Hollander James M. Marquardt (I 906-!996) Michael B. Ortega William A Redmond Richard D. Reed May 19, 2005 Thomas C. Richardson Michael A. Shields Gregory G. St. Arnauld TO: MUSKEGON MUNICIPAL WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES Dear Management Committee Members and Alternates: I have received a copy of the County's signature on the First Amendment to Access Rights Agreement. All of the Local Units have already executed this Amendment. With the County's signature, the First Amendment is now complete. A fully executed copy of the Amendment is enclosed with this letter. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, LEWIS REED & ALLEN P.C. /lt'c/n, 1 K (\ ·lc'; n I )I_. Michael B. Ortega MBO:kjn Enclosure Date: March 8, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Engineering RE: Consideration of Bids Walton Ave., Murphy St. to Emerald St. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The paving as well as underground utility upgrade contract (H-1603) on Walton Ave. between Murphy St. & Emerald St. be awarded to Schultz Excavating, Inc. out of Ludington, MI. Schultz Excavating, Inc. was the lowest, see attached bid tabulation, responsible bidder with a bid price of $141,571.45 FINANCIAL IMPACT: The construction cost $141,571.45 plus engineering cost which is estimated at an additional15%. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract to Schultz Excavating, Inc. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: H-1 t:iU3, ::1-t:iUt:i, W-t:i:>3 WAL I UN AVJ::.. MUKHt'Y I U t:.Mt:.KALU BID TABULATION DAN HOE EXCAVATING BRENNER EXCAVATING MCCORMICK SAND WEICK BROS., INC 13654 ROCKY'S RD 2B41132ND AVE. 998 S.102ND AVE. 3029 WEICK DR PAGE1 OF2 H-loU;s, ::S-tiUti, VV·b:>;s VVAL I UN AVt:. MUKHt"'Y I U t:Mt:KALU BID TABULATION 02/22/05 JACKSON-MERKEY WADEL STABILIZATION PAGE20F2 CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING MARCH 8, 2005 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS@ 5:30P.M. Request to Speak CITIZEN'S CONCERN FORM This request must be returned to the City Clerk first before concern(s) can be brought in front of the Commission. Please state name and address at the microphone for the record. Name: fJ. I ,.,?. j_(/;; ;···- .(':/?!1/lv ..:;, i 1 c I./ Z.. I Phone: Z 3' - ~eft>~ '7 I ()S_. Address: :;-s&.s- c;:t-h . . /}f. !- f./,o ft/; Signature: /l?f /CA<~/ ( Description of Concern: tJ&~£ ~-LAc h; t!:iL,t, a/~7-Ar 7?f.t ?t/u_;--tt/w:l 1 Staff person who you have already contacted: Request amount of Time 3 minutes t~ 10 minutes _ _ (for representing a group) Request for special equipment (specify): ***Please make sure that all cell phones are turned off during meeting. Date: March 8, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Liquor License Request GFB, L. L. C. 1920 Lakeshore SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor License transfer request was approved by the City Commission on June 22, 2004, pending final inspection. The Liquor Control Commission is requiring an ~~unconditional" resolution in order for this to go forward . FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: All departments are recommending approval. Date: March 8, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Liquor License Request GFB, L. L. C. 1920 Lakeshore SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor License transfer request was approved by the City Commission on June 22, 2004, pending final inspection. The Liquor Control Commission is requiring an "unconditional" resolution in order for this to go forward. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: All departments are recommending approval with the exception of the Treasurer because morey ($125.08) is owed to the City. -~~ ~(}J PARMENTER o-TOOLE Attorneys at Law 175 West Apple Avenue • P.O. Box 786 • Muskegon, Michigan 49443-0786 Phone 231.722.1621 • Fax 231.722.7866or231.728.2206 February 10, 2005 Ms. Linda Potter Muskegon City Hall 933 Terrace Street Muskegon,MI49442 Re: GFB, L.L.C.: Liquor License Transfer Dear Ms. Potter: Enclosed please find the following: 1) Copy of correspondence from Tom Thornhill, with attachment, dated October 29, 2004; 2) Copy of correspondence from Tom Thornhill dated February 2, 2005; and 3) Proposed Resolution. If you would process the request and notify Mr. Thomhill of the intended date the City Commission would review such, I would appreciate it. Very truly yours, John C. Schrier Direct: 231.722.5401 Fax: 231.728.2206 E-Mail Address: Enclosure C: Bryon Mazade G:\EDSI\FILES\00100\ 1937\LTR\C06354.DOC LAGUE, NEWMAN & IRISH A Professional Corporation Attorneys at Law 300 Terrace Plaza P.O. Box 389 Muskegon, Michigan 49443 231•725•8148 Fax231•726•3404 David P. Covell William M. Newman Charyn K. Hain Thomas H. Thornhill Todd L. Helle, M.D. Karen L. Kayes* Of Counsel Richard C. Lague October 29, 2004 Alvin D. Treado Craig L. Monette Michael W. Irish-1995 • Also Admincd in Florid:. Mr. John C. Schrier Muskegon City Attorney Parmenter, O'Toole 175 W. Apple Avenue P. 0. Box 786 Muskegon, MI 49440 Re: Liquor License Transfer/GFB, L.L.C. Our File 7597-001 Dear John: I have a somewhat knotty problem with the Michigan Liquor Control Commission that, hopefully, the City of Muskegon can help us resolve. I represent George Bailey in a limited liability company we formed on his behalf, GFB, L.L.C. Earlier this year, GFB, L.L.C. entered into a contract to purchase a Class C liquor license from Jimmy R. Benson, who formerly operated a bar on Sixth Street in Muskegon Heights. The license was to be transferred to 1920 Lakeshore Drive (Great Lakes Dock & Marina), where a new facility was to be established. Transfer of the license was approved on September 21, as noted by a copy of the Commission's Order of that date, which I am enclosing. Normally, under the circumstances, an applicant has a period of one year from the date the Commission approves the transfer to actually have the license issued. In this case, GFB contemplates construction of a bar on the Marina premises and the plans and specifications for the building have not yet been prepared. I am also informed that some DEQ permits will be required, which have not yet been obtained. It was therefore GFB's intention to not actually have the license issued until sometime next year after the new facility was built and ready for final inspection. Unbeknownst to us, however, the former owner, Mr. Benson, had violations outstanding and the Commission had entered an Order to the effect that the license would be revoked if the Mithigan Department of Commerce Liquor Control Commission October 29, 2004 Page 2 transfer had not been completed by November 1 of this year. This was supposed to have been noted on the September 21 approval but, because of a Commission error, the notation was omitted. GFB therefore went ahead and closed with Mr. Benson and paid him for the license under the belief that it had until September 21, 2005 to actually have the license issued. I have worked out interim measures with the Commission to prevent the license from being terminated on November 1. However, on a longer term basis, I have been told by the Commission that the solution to the situation is for us to apply to actuaJJy have the license issued but placed into escrow until GFB's facility is completed. For this to happen, the Commission requires a resolution from the City of Muskegon requesting issuance of the license. I am told by the supervisor of the Liquor Control Commission Department I have been dealing with that this resolution needs to be unconditional, but the City can include a cover Jetter to the Commission making it clear that the approval is still subject to final inspection when the facility is completed. I am hoping that the City will assist us with having the license transferred. I am going to be on vacation next week, but will be back in the office on November 8. In the meantime, however, I wanted to alert you to the nature of the problem so you would be familiar with it when I contacted you. I will plan on getting in touch with you shortly after my return. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Very truly yo ~ ILII!.lJ'ffW!/V Thomas H. Thornhill Enclosure T:\7597_I I.Lel/ers\Schr/er-1 02904sg LAGUE, NEWMAN & IRJSH I-4 MicL.,;an Department of Labor & Economic l. . .:;wth . .' Liquor Control Commission ORDER Page 1 Lice!J:NifERtOFFICE CORRESPONDENCE Licensing & Enforcement Division September 21, 2004 Administrative Commissioners DATE TO Authorization of Alcoholic Beverages FROM IT IS THE ORDER OF THE COMMISSION THAT THE FOLLOWING SUBJECT: APPLICATION BE APPROVED AS INDICATED: GFB, LLC., 1920 Lakeshore, Muskegon, Muskegon County. Request transfer ownership of escrowed 2004 Class C and Specially Designated Merchant licenses with Dance Permit and Sunday Sales Permit from Jimmy R. Benson; transfer location (governmental tmit)(MCL 436.1531 (I) from 2805 Sixth, Muskegon Heights, Muskegon County and request authorization for the outdoor sale, service and consumption of alcoholic beverages in a 25' x 35' area, enclosed by wooden rail, immediately adjacent to licensed premises. APPROVED SUBJECT TO FINAL INSPECTION BY THE MUSKEGON CITY COUNCIL; SUBJECT TO FINAL INSPECTION BY ENFORCEMENT TO DETERMINE THE TOTAL COST AND METHOD OF FINANCING; TO DETERMINE THAT DANCE FLOOR MEASURES A MINIMUM OF 100 SQUARE FEET, IS WELL MARKED AND CLEARLY DEFINED; TO DETERMINE ACTUAL SEATING CAPACITY; TO DETERMINE THE CORRECT STREET ADDRESS; TO DETERMINE THAT A SIGN HAS BEEN POSTED INFORMING OF CAPACITY LIMIT; TO DETERMINE THAT OUTDOOR SERVICE AREA HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED AS PROPOSED AND THAT THE ESTABLISHMENT MEETS ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MICHIGAN LIQUOR CONTROL CODE AND ADMINISTRATIVE RULES; SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF EXHIBIT TO OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR LANDLORD TO REFLECT MEMBERSHIP INTEREST OF ITS MEMBERS; SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF ACCEPTABLE, ASSIGNMENT OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT FROM APPLICANT MEMBER TO APPLICANT LLC, EXECUTED BY BOTH PARTIES; SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION THAT APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED A $65,000.00 LOAN FROM LANDLORD; SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF LETTER OF EXTENSION FROM FIFTH THIRD BANK TO GREAT LAKES MARINA & STORAGE, L.L.C. RENEWING OR EXTENDING THE "MATURITY DATE" OF THE NOTE; SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF ACCEPTABLE, EXECUTED LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN GREAT LAKES MARINA & STORAGE, L.L.C. AND GFB, LLC; SUBJECT TO RECEIPT OF ACCEPTABLE, EXECUTED LC-52A; APPROVED WITH THE PROVISO THAT THE LICENSEE WILL NOT PERMIT THE SALE, SERVICE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR OUTDOORS, EXCEPT IN THE DEFINED AREAS; AND APPROVED WITH THE PROVISO THAT WITHIN 180 DAYS FROM THE ISSUANCE OF THE LICENSE TO GFB, LLC DOCUMENTARY PROOF IS PROVIDED TO THE COMMISSION TO DEMONSTRATE THAT, AT A MINIMUM, SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON EACH SHIFT AND DURING ALL HOURS IN WHICH ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR IS LC.?ll*L Rev. 1/04 4880-1040 LAGUE, NEWMAN & IRISH A Professional Corporation Attorneys at Law 300 Terrace Plaza P.O. Box 389 Muskegon, Michigan 49443 231 • 725 • 8148 F"' 231 • 726 • 3404 David P. Covell William M. Newman Charyn K. Hain Thomas H. Thornhill Todd L. Helle, M.D. Karen L. Kayes* Of Counsel Richard C. Lague February 2, 2005 Alvin 0. Treado Craig L Monette Michael W lrish-1995 'Also Admitted ill Florida Mr. John C. Schrier Muskegon City Attorney Parmenter, O'Toole P. 0. Box 786 Muskegon, MI 49443-0786 RE: Liquor License Transfer/GFB, LLC Dear John: This letter is a follow-up to my earlier correspondence to you regarding this matter of October 29, 2004. I am enclosing a proposed Certificate of Resolution to be signed by the City Clerk evidencing the · City ofMuskegon' s consent and approval to the transfer of a Class C and specially designated merChant license from Jimmy R. Benson of 2805 Sixth Street, Muskegon Heights, Michigan to GFB, LLC (George Bailey) of 1920 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon, Michigan. As I indicated in my earlier letter, we are requesting this action because the premises in which the licensed business will operate are not yet complete and Mr. Benson has outstanding violations on the license with the license being subject to revocation if a transfer is not promptly completed. As a result of all of this, the Liquor Control Commission has suggested that we request issuance of the license but that the license be held in escrow until the licensed premises are completed. I am told that while the resolution needs to be unconditional (as I have made it), the Liquor Control Commission has no objection if a cover letter be included by the City indicating that the transfer is still subject to final approval by the City upon final inspection when the facility has been completed. Thank you for your assistance with this matter and please let me know when it will be brought to the attention of the Commission so someone can plan on being in attendance. 0 /1. . fM. ~~~ Thomas H. Thornhill Enclosure T:\7597_1 \Letters\Schrier020205,jmn CERTIFICATE OF RESOLUTION 2005-26(d) The undersigned hereby certifies that the following resolution was duly adopted by the 111 Muskegon City Commission at a Regular Meeting held on the 8 day of March, 2005 at which time a quorum was present. RESOLVED, that the City of Muskegon hereby approves transfer of ownership of 2004 Class C and specially designated merchant license with dance permit and Sunday sales permit from Jimmy R. Benson of 2805 Sixth Street, Muskegon Heights, Michigan to GFB, LLC of 1920 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon, Michigan. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City of Muskegon hereby requests that the Michigan Liquor Control Commission issue the aforesaid license to GFB, LLC. RESOLVED FURTHER, that this resolution may be specifically relied upon by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. Dated: March 8, 2005 By: L a l~r Gall A. Kundmger, MMC City Clerk CERTIFICATION This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission, held on March 8, 2005. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 ofthe Public Acts of 1976. CITY OF MUSKEGON Gail A. Kundinger, MMC City Clerk );J au,; I f~!r l?l!fL JENNIFER M. GRANHOLM NIDA R.SAMONA GOVERNOR CHAIRPERSON STATE OF MICHIGAN LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & ECONOMIC GROWTH DAVID C. HOLLISTER, DIRECTOR RECEIVED DATE: March 14, 2005 REQ # 238248 Muskegon City Commission MAR I 6 2005 933 Terrace Street MUSKEGON PO Box 536 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Muskegon Ml 49443-0536 Local Governing Body: This is with reference to GFB, LLC's request to transfer ownership of 2004 Class C licensed business with Dance Permit, located in escrow at 2805 Sixth, Muskegon Heights Ml 49444, Muskegon County, from Jimmy R. Benson; transfer location (governmental unit) (MCL 436.1531 (1) to 1920 Lakeshore, Muskegon Ml 49441, Muskegon County. Please be advised that we have received Certificate of Resolution dated March 8, 2005. However, the Certificate of Resolution is not acceptable as it does not contain the Yeas and Nays. We request that you complete and sign the enclosed resolution and return them to this office as soon as possible. Mail your response to: MICHIGAN LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION LICENSING DIVISION P.O. BOX 30005 LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-7505 If you have any questions, please call the Licensing Division, ON-Premise Section at, (517) 322-1400. ljt Enclosure Michigan Liquor Control Commission 7150 Harris Drive • P.O. Box 30005 • Lansing, Michigan 48909-7505 • (517) 322-1345 Lansing Office STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER & INDUSTRY SERVICES LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 7150 Harris Drive P.O. Box 30005 Lansing, MI 48909-7505 LOCAL APPROVAL NOTICE (Authorized byMCL436.\50\(2)md MAC \\05(2)(d)) REQ ID#: 238248 March 14, 2005 Muskegon City Connnission 933 Terrace Street POBox 536 Muskegon MI 49443-0536 Applicant: GFB, LLC HOME ADDRESS AND PHONE NO: Local Legislative approval is required for new and transferring On-Premises licenses by MCL 436. 150 I of the Michigan Liquor Control Code of 1998. Local approval is also required for DANCE, ENTERTAINMENT, DANCE-ENTERTAINMENT OR TOPLESS ACTIVITY permits by authority of MCL436.1916. For your convenience a resolution form is enclosed that includes a description of the licensing transaction requiring approval. The clerk should complete the resolution certifying that your decision of approval or disapproval of the application was made at an official meeting. Please return the completed resolution to the Liquor Control Commission as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact the On-Premise Section of the Licensing Division as (517) 322- 1400. PLEASE COMPLETE ENCLOSED RESOLUTION AND RETURN TO THE LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION AT ABOVE ADDRESS ljt LC-1305 REV 6/98 4880-1234 STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER & INDUSTRY SERVICES LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION REQ ID# 238248 RESOLUTION At a __R_e_g:::.. -u---, l ::- a-:r-:--:--::--- - - -- - meeting of the _ _ _c_i_t-::::y:._____,:C -:-o -=-- m-:- rn::::-i_s-:s-:::ci:-o--::n:--:::------ .."I ""11"'< 1~1.: .. "-'kl~t'~"!•J.i;i>>!.HI '"~'"'·'!.'Uw.(/O'nliC. ·lri'rt"'ll;v.ot'Jio,r"""'"''-"'" Commission Meeting Date: March 8, 2005 Date: March 2, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission From: Community and Neighborhood Services Department RE: 2005-2006 CDBG/HOME Preliminary Funding Allocations SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To accept the allocation recommendation of the City's administration and the Citizen's District Council for the 2005 - 2006 fiscal year. After accepting the recommended allocations the Commission is requested to make its preliminary allocation recommendation in order so the CNS office can continue the Consolidated Plan process. The CNS office will conduct a public hearing on April 12, 2005. At the time the Commission will be asked to make their final allocations decision and to direct staff to submit the required information to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development FINANCIAL IMPACT: Will determine the CDBG/HOME allocation for the 2005-2006 fiscal year. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To accept the recommendation of the City of Muskegon Administration and the Citizen's District Council and then make the Commissions preliminary allocation decision. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None 2005 - 2006 CDBG I HOME ACTIVITY Community Development Block Grant City Commission Administration Citizen District Council Preliminary City Commissl ... n Organization Name/Program Title Amount Requested Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation Final Decision Muskegon Community Heallh Project 5,000 0 0 "Mites for Smile Dental Services"* 2 West Michigan Veterans 5,000 0 5,000 Veterans Assistance* 3 Pioneer Resources 2,500 0 0 Rec for People w/disabilities* 4 HealthCare 6,418 0 5,000 Health screening to low-income* 5 American Red Cross 5,000 0 5,000 Senior Transportation* 6 Legal Aid of Western Michigan 15,000 0 0 Counseling/Legal Education* 7 Neighborhood Invest Corp 9,000 0 0 5th Street Landscape* 8 Child Abuse Council 6,000 0 0 Renovation* 9 Sacred Suds 10,000 0 0 Laundry&Shower Service* Community Development Block Grant City Commission Administration Citizen District Council Preliminary City Commission Organization Name/Program Title Amount Requested Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation Final Decision 10 Community and Neighborhood Services 225,000 171,000 171,000 Siding Program 11 Fire/Inspection 100,000 50,000 50,000 Dangerous Building/Demolition 12 Community and Neighborhood Services 230,000 171,000 171,000 Emergency Rehabilitation 13 Community and Economic Development 20,000 10,000 0 Faqade Improvement 14 Community and Neighborhood Services 197,500 180,000 180,000 CDBG Administration 15 Community and Neighborhood Services 100,000 69,500 69,500 Rehab Service Delivery 16 Engineering I CNS 80,000 55,000 55,000 Street Assessment Relief 17 Leisure Services 92,243 75,000 75,000 Youth recreation* 18 Finance Dept 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 245,000 Repayment of Shoreline Dr. Bond 19 City Planning 50,000 30,000 25,000 Lot Clean-up 20 City Planning 45,000 40,000 40,000 Code Enforcement 21 DPW 56,901 40,000 40,000 Senior Transit* Total CDBG Request 1,505,562 1,136,500 1'136,500 Total CDBG Allocated+ PI (0) 1'137,000 1,137,000 1,137,000 Allocated/Request Difference $ (368,562) $ 500 $ 500 Total Amt of Public Service* 213,062 149,144 149,144 Public Service mandated Amt < or= to 15% 170,550 170,550 170,550 Difference $ (42,512) $ 21,406 $ 21,406 Total Amt of City Administration Request** 197,500 180,000 180,000 Administrative mandated Amt < 20% 227,400 227,400 227,400 Difference $ 29,900 $ 47,400 $ 47,400 HOME City Commission Administration Citizen District Council Preliminary City Commission Organization Name/Program Title Amount Requested Recommendation Recommendation Recommendation Final Decision 1 Community and Neighborhood Services 125,000 100,000 100,000 Tax-Reverted Rehabilitation 2 Community and Neighborhood Services 75,000 65,000 65,000 HOME lnfi/1 Program 3 Community and Neighborhood Services 33,700 33,700 33;700 HOME Administration 4 Community and Neighborhood Services 50,000 20,000 20,000 Rental Rehabilitation 5 Neighborhood Investment Corp 95,000 70,000 70,000 Housing Rehab, Neighborhood Imp. - 6 Habitat For Humanity 50,000 35,000 35,000 Acquisition/Rehab Total Amt of HOME Request 428,700 323,700 323,700 HOME Allocation 337,000 337,000 337,000 Reprogram Funds Total Amt Home Available 337,000 337,000 337,000 Total Amt Difference $ (91 ,700) $ 13,300 $ 13,300 Total Amt of HOME Administration~ 33,700 33,700 33,700 Total Amt mandated= 10% 33,700 33,700 33,700 Difference $ $ $ Total amt of HOME CHDO request·- 145,000 105,000 105,000 Total Amt mandated 15% 50 550 50,550 50,550 Difference $ (94,450) (54,450) (54,450) NOTE *Public Service, **City CDBG Administration, ***HOME Administration, ****CHDO Request Q:CNS\Common\Excei\05.06_Act Date: March 8, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Engineering RE: Consideration of Proposals for Construction Engineering Services on: Shoreline Dr. Phase II (First to Webster) SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to enter into an engineering services agreement with a consulting firm to provide complete construction engineering services on the second phase of Shoreline Drive between First & Webster Ave. A recommendation along with backup information will be presented at or before the work session of March yth_ 2005. this request is being presented to you in this fashion due to lack available time since construction is scheduled to begin later this month and approval from MOOT to hire a consulting firm was not granted until February 25th, 2005. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost for the engineering services would be from the MOOT grant BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation will be presented at or before the work session meeting of March 7th. COMMITIEE RECOMMENDATION: URS RECEIVED _C ITY OF MUSKEGON March 29, 2005 L MAR 30 2005 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mohammed S. AI-Shatel, PE City of Muskegon Engineering Department 933 Terrace Street Muskegon, Michigan 49440 Re: Full Construction Engineering Services Shoreline Drive from Webster Avenue to First Street Dear Mr. AI-Shatel: Enclosed is your copy of the executed Professional Services Agreement for the above referenced project between the City of Muskegon and URS Corporation Great Lakes. I can be reached at 616.574.8352 if you need additional information. Sincerely, URS Corporation :D~Cl/JL Diana Coughlin 1 Administrative Assistant Surface Transportation Enclosure Cc: Mike Guter, URS Corporation URS Corporation 3950 Sparks Drive, SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49546 Tel: 616.574.8500 Fax: 616.57 4.8542 URS GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ("Agreement") This Agreement between City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49440, (231) 724- 6705, ("Client") and URS Corporation Great Lakes ("URS"), a Michigan corporation; 3950 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 (616) 574-8500 is effective as of March 17, 2005. The parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I - Services. URS agrees to perform for Client the professional services ("Services") described in URS proposal dated March 3, 2005 ("Proposal"), attached and incorporated herein. Because of the uncertainties inherent in the Services contemplated, time schedules are only estimated schedules and are subject to revision unless otherwise specifically described in the Proposal. As full consideration for the performance of Services, Client shall pay to URS the compensation provided for in the Proposal. ARTICLE II - Payment. Unless otherwise stated in a Work Order, payment shall be on a time and materials basis under the Schedule of Fees and Charges in effect when the Services are performed. Client shall pay undisputed portions of each progress invoice within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice. If payment is not maintained on a thirty (30) day current basis, URS may suspend further performance until payments are current. Client shall notify URS of any disputed amou nt within fifteen (15) days from date of the invoice, give reasons for the objection, and promptly pay the undisputed amount. Client shall pay an additional charge of one and one-half percent (1 Yz%) per month or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is the lesser, for any past due amount. In the event of a legal action for invoice amounts not paid, attorneys' fees, court costs, and other related expenses sha ll be paid to the prevailing party. ARTICLE Ill - Professional Responsibility. URS is obligated to comply w ith applicable standards of professional care in the performance of the Services. Client recognizes th at opin ions relating to environmental, geologic, and geotechnical conditions are based on limited data and that actual conditions may vary from those encountered at the times and locations where the data are obtained, despite the use of due professional care. URS is not responsible for designing or advising on or otherwise taking measures to prevent or mitigate the effect of any act of terrorism or any action that may be taken in controlling , preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to an act of terrorism . ARTICLE IV - Responsibility for Others. URS shall be responsible to Client for URS S ervices and the services of URS subcontractors. URS shall not be responsible for the acts or omissions of other parties engaged by Client nor for their construction means, methods, techniques, sequences , or procedures, or their health and safety precautions and programs. ARTICLE V - Risk Allocation. The liability of URS, its employees , agents and subcontractors (referred to collectively in this Article as "URS"), for Client's claims of loss, injury, death , damage, or expense, including, without limitation, Client's claims of contribution and indemnification, express or implied, w ith respect to third party claims relating to services rendered or obligations imposed under this Agreement, including all Work Orders, shall not exceed in the aggregate: (1) The total sum of $100,000 for claims arising out of professional negligence, including errors, omissions, or other professional acts, and including unintentional breach of contract; or (2 ) The total sum of $1,000,000 for claims arising out of negligence, breach of contract, or other causes for which URS has any legal liability, other than as limited by (1) above. ARTICLE VI - Consequential Damages. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for consequen tial damages, including, without limitation, loss of use or loss of profits, incurred by one another or their subsidiaries or successors, regardless of whether such damages are caused by breach of contract, willful misconduct, negligent act or omission, or other wrongful act of either of them . PSA-2 (Rev. 1).DOC 30-Aug-04 1 - ARTICLE VII - Client Responsibility. Client shall: (1) provide URS, in writing, all information relating to Client's requirements for the project; (2) correctly identify to URS, the location of subsurface structures, such as pipes, tanks , cables and utilities; (3) notify URS of any potential hazardous substances or other health and safety hazard or condition known to Client existing on or near the project site; (4) give URS prompt written notice of any suspected deficiency in the Services; and (5) wi th reasonable promptness , provide required approvals and decisions. In the event that URS is requested by Client or is required by subpoena to produce documents or give testimony in any action or proceeding to which Client is a party and URS is not a party, Client shall pay URS for any time and expenses required in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney's fees. ARTICLE VIII - Force Majeure. An event of "Force Majeure" occurs when an event beyond the control of the Party claiming Force Majeure prevents such Party from fulfill ing its obligations. An event of Force Majeure includes, without limitation, acts of God (including floods, hurricanes and other adverse weather), war, riot, civil disorder, acts of terrorism, disease, epidemic, strikes and labor disputes, actions or inactions of government or other authorities, law enforcement actions, curfews, closure of transportation systems or other unusual travel difficulties, or inability to provide a safe working environment for employees. In the event of Force Majeure, the obligations of URS to perform the Services shall be suspended for the duration of the event of Force Majeure. In such event, URS shall be equ itably compensated for time expended and expenses incurred during the event of Force Majeure and the schedule shall be extended by a like number of days as the event of Force Majeure. If Services are suspended for thirty (30) days or more, URS may, in its sole discretion, upon 5 days prior written notice, terminate this Agreement or the affected Work Order, or both. In the case of such termination, in addition to the compensation and time extension set forth above, URS shall be compensated for all reasonable termin ation expenses . ARTICLE IX - No Third Party Rights. This Agreement shall not create any rights or benefits to parties other than Client and URS. No third party shall have the right to rely on URS opinions rendered in connection with the Services without URS written consent and the third party's agreement to be bound to the same conditions and limitations as Client. THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE that there has been an opportunity to negotiate the terms and conditions of this Agreement and agree to be bound accordingly. City of Muskegon ·~ J?t,~H/ 3 ~ 2 2-ll)- Signature Mohammed AI-Shatel, PE Theresa S. Petko, AICPNP/Surface Transportation Mgr. Typed Name/Title Typed Name/Title J -22 .oc OS/St:Jit1~ Date of Signature Date of Signature f ~\IV\., Y"'" ss \o" f\c.. tr a,, 5- ~ -D-f,. PSA-2 (Rev. 1).DOC 30-Aug-04 2 - •• URS March 3, 2005 Mohammed S. AI-Shatel, PE City of Muskegon Engineering Department 933 Terrace Street Muskegon, Michigan 49440 RE: Proposal Full Construction Engineering Services Shoreline Drive from Webster Avenue to First Street Dear Mr. AI-Shatel: We are pleased to present the enclosed Proposal (three copies) for your consideration and are excited to have this opportunity to help you deliver a quality transportation improvement for the City of Muskegon. Our team will communicate and coordinate all issues of concem directly with you throughout the construction season. Communication is the cornerstone of our services and will be vitally important in making sure you are getting the services that you expect. We understand the importance of the Shoreline Drive project to the City of Muskegon. The corridor must be complete for the very important Muskegon Summer Celebration beginning on June 30. We will work with the City and Jackson- Merkey Contractors to complete this project prior to the completion date of June 24. Some of the notable qualities of our team include: • A very experienced senior technician that will be fully dedicated to your project. • Extensive experience working with road and bridge plans and MOOT specifications. • Experience working on projects with expedited schedules. • Efficient teamwork and low overhead rate that provide a great value for construction engineering services. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please feel free to contact me at 616-574-8356. We appreciate your time to review our proposal and thank you for considering our team for these services. Sincerely, URS Corporation· Great Lakes Theresa Petko, Vice President Surface Transportation Division Manager URS Corporation 3950 Sparks Drive, SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49546 Tel: 616.574.8500 Fax: 616.57 4.8542 ' . PROPOSAL for City of Muskegon PROJECT LOCATION: Shoreline Drive Webster Avenue to First Street March 3, 2005 1JRS 3950 Sparks Drive SE • Grand Rilpids. i\fichig;m • 616.57~.8500 . )) 7 URS March 3, 2005 Mohammed S. AI-Shatel, PE City of Muskegon Engineering Department 933 Terrace Street Muskegon, Michigan 49440 RE: Proposal Full Construction Engineering Services Shoreline Drive from Webster Avenue to First Street Dear Mr. AI-Shatel: We are pleased to present the enclosed Proposal (three copies) for your consideration and are excited to have this opportunity to help you deliver a quality transportation improvement for the City of Muskegon. Our team will communicate and coordinate all issues of concern directly with you throughout the construction season. Communication is the cornerstone of our services and will be vitally important in making sure you are getting the services that you expect. We understand the importance of the Shoreline Drive project to the City of Muskegon. The corridor must be complete for the very important Muskegon Summer Celebration beginning on June 30. We will work with the City and Jackson- Merkey Contractors to complete this project prior to the completion date of June 24. Some of the notable qualities of our team include: • A very experienced senior technician that will be fully dedicated to your project. • Extensive experience working with road and bridge plans and MDOT specifications. • Experience working on projects with expedited schedules. • Efficient teamwork and low overhead rate that provide a great value for construction engineering services. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please feel free to contact me at 616-574-8356. We appreciate your time to review our proposal and thank you for considering our team for these services. Sincerely, URS Corporation· Great Lakes Theresa Petko, Vice President Surface Transportation Division Manager URS Corporation 3950 Sparks Drive, SE Grand Rapids, Ml 49546 Tel: 6t6.574.8500 Fax: 616.574.8542 Table of Contents Page Number Organizational Chart 2 Structure of Project Team 3-4 Rate Table 5 Estimated Cost 6 Resumes 7-20 Construction Engineering Project Experience 21-24 SME Proposal 25-30 • ORGANIZATION CHART City of Muskegon Proposed Shoreline Drive URS Corporation Brian Seykora Phil Yartey Ins ection I Office Team Contact Person: Mike Guter, PE (Project Manager) 3950 Sparks Dr., S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 616-574-8500 616-57 4-854 2 Fax Email: 2 STRUCTURE OF PROJECT TEAM Our team consists of experienced professionals who are ready to help the City of Muskegon obtain its goals for this project. The role of each key staff member that will be assigned to the project is as follows: Mike Guier, PE will serve as the project manager. He will insure that the proper resources are dedicated to the project and that communication between the project stakeholders is maintained. Mr. Guier will be responsible for coordinating our service delivery, provide oversight for the project engineering, monitor the overall progress of the project and provide quality assurance. Mr. Guier will pay particular attention to the project progress as it compares to the project schedule and proactively work with Jackson-Merkey Contractors to make sure the completion date is met. Mr. Guier will be the primary contract for Mr. AI- Shatel, will directly communicate with him regards contractual and project issues and will carbon copy all project correspondence to him. Mr. Guier is an experienced negotiator and will lead cost, schedule or other negotiations as they are required with Jackson-Merkey. Nate VanDrunen, PE will serve as the project engineer. Mr. VanDrunenwill proactively work with the City of Muskegon, Jackson-Merkey Contractors and the inspectors to ensure that the Shoreline Drive improvement project minimizes impacts to the motoring public, plans and specifications are followed, and the project stays on schedule and within budget. Mr. VanDrunen will: • Assist Mike Guter in leading the bi-weekly progress meetings and distributing meeting minutes. • Be intimately involved with the project at the field level. • Set up the contract in Field Manager and operate FieldManager. • Submit pay estimates to the City of Muskegon. • Process contract changes and prepare contract modifications. • Monitor material testing and requirements. • Provide technical support for the inspection staff. • Coordinate with Bob Van Sickle .on addressing and resolving project issues. • Responsible for keeping an updated set of "as-built" plans. Mr. Guter and Mr. VanDrunen will review the proposed schedule and discuss with the Contractor. Drainage, aggregate base protection, sand base protection and traffic maintenance issues will be considered, specifically for the period of time between removal of existing pavement and it's replacement. The schedule as it pertains to maintaining traffic on a hard surface along Th'lrd and Fourth Streets will also be reviewed. Material removal, specifically excavation, will be closely monitored to insure that proper testing and handling of contaminated material is perfomed if it is determined to be required. As project issues arise, Mr. Guier and Mr. VanDrunen will investigate and determine the cause of the problem and the impacts to the construction schedule and budget. We will coordinate with Jackson-Merkey to formulate resolutions for each problem. The possible resolutions will be presented to Mr. AI-Shatel with a recommendation prior to taking action. We will understand the project issues, the potential resolutions and schedule and cost ramifications so that well-informed decisions can be made. Bob Van Sickle will serve as the senior inspector. Mr. Van Sickle has over 38 years of experience on MOOT construction projects. He is an expert in all aspects of road construction and has completed several projects similar to this one. He has the knowledge and experience to handle all of the issues that will come up on this Shoreline Drive project. He will • Be on the project full-time from the beginning to the end. • Be the primary UPS contact on-site. -'" URS • Document the contractor's daily activities (lOR's). • Perform inspection and documentation during all phases of the project. • Perform as the NPDES and stormwater operator inspector. • Maintain and submit weekly NPDES reports and after significant rainfall events. • Perform density testing on embankment, existing material and drainage course if he is available. • Coordinate and schedule the material testing and verification survey. In addition to the construction activities, Mr. Van Sickle will focus on traffic controls and the detour routes so that motorists will continue to have safe travel around and through lhe project site throughout the construction period. This project will be on a fast pace schedule and we expect that Jackson-Merkey will work long days and weeks. Brian Seykora will serve as an inspector. He will be available to assist Bob Van Sickle when an additional inspector is required and in the evenings and on weekends when the days and weeks are long. He has over 13 years of experience in construction inspection and material testing. Mr Seykora will perform all necessary inspection, documentation, density testing and concrete testing that is required to fully support Mr. Van Sickle. Philip Yartey will serve as a junior engineer. He may assist with inspection, maintaining the project files and performing Field Manager duties as needed throughout the course of this project. Hank Mulder, PS will serve as our surveyor on this project. He is prepared to provide horizontal and vertical control staking that is necessary to get the contractor staker underway. He will also provide survey verification per the contract specifications and determined by Mr. Van Sickle during the construction process. Soils & Materials Engineers, Inc. (SME) will serve as a subconsultant and perform all necessary aggregate testing and concrete cylinder breaks. They will assist with concrete and density testing on this project. We anticipate needing help when Bob Van Sickle and/or Brian Seykora cannot perform their inspection responsibilities and the material testing because of multiple construction activities happening at once. SME will have technicians in the Muskegon area on a daily basis while this construction project is ongoing, therefore, their inspection and testing services will be coordinated to maximize the efficiency of our service. Lou Northouse, PE will serve as the subconsultant project manager and will provide quality assurance. A copy of the SME Fee Schedule Personnel and Expenses is attached. URS URS Corporation Rate Table for Construction Engineering Services For January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 Classification Hourly Rate Project Manager $ 90.00 Senior Engineer $ 90.00 Engineer $ 68.00 Junior Engineer $ 52.00 Survey Crew $ 120.00 Senior Inspector $ 65.00 Inspector $ 52.00 Inspector OT $ 62.00 Administrative I Clerical $ 45.00 Direct Expenses Rate Transportation Charge ... per mile $ 0.405 Nuclear Density Gauge ... per day $ 50.00 Express Mailing ... per mailing $ 20.00 5 Estimated Cost Proposal for City of Muskegon Project Description: Plan & Profile of Proposed Shoreline Drive, Webster Ave. to First St. Prime Consultant. URS Corporation Great Lakes Classification Person Hours X Hourly Rate = Labor Costs Project Manager 80 $ 90.00 $ 7,200.00 Project Engineer 305 $ 68.00 $ 20,740.00 Junior Engineer 150 $ 52.00 $ 7,800.00 Survey Crew 56 $ 120.00 $ 6,720.00 Senior Inspector 720 $ 65.00 $ 46,800.00 Inspector 452 $ 52.00 $ 23,504.00 Total $ 112,764.00 Direct Expenses Rate = Costs Transportation Charge (150 roundtrips from GR to Muskegon + jobsite} 18,000 mi. $ 0.405 $ 7,290.00 Nuclear Density Gauge 35 days $ 50.00 $ 1,750.00 Express Mailing 6 ea. $ 20.00 $ 120.00 Total $ 9,160.00 SubConsultant Rate = Costs Soils & Materials Engineers $ 8,000.00 Total Estimate Construction Engineering Cost $ 129,924.00 * • for estimating purposes only 6 URS Michael S. Guter, PE Project Manager Overview Surface transportation engineering including construction engineering and design and plan production for structures and roads. Project Specific Experience Surface Transportation Areas of Expertise M-6 from 1-96 to 1-196, Kent County, Michigan Transportation Engineering Assistant Project Engineer responsible for assisting the l:v1DOT Grand Years of Experience Rapids TSC Project Engineer and supervising URS inspection staff The \\'ith URS: 6 Years project .involves concrete paving and restoration, drainage, guardrail, \X1ith Other Finns: 7 Years permanent signs, ITS, and pavement markings along 20 miles of new Education freeway. BS/ 199 3/Civil Engineering/ Calvin M-6 at US-131 Interchange, Kent County, Michigan College Project Engineer responsible for managing the project and supervising Registration/Certification and coordinating client relationship, UR..c; staff and subconsultant staff. 1997 /Professional URS was selected by ivillOT to provide full constmction engineering Enginecr/l'vlichigan N oA 3131 services for this $140 million, four-year construction project 1he project 2000/Profession~lEngineer/New involves building a new M-6 South Beltline freeway cloverleaf interchange Mexico No, 14854 with the US-131 freeway, located south of Grand Rapids. The services include road, bridge, electrical and ITS inspection, QA surveying/testing and project documentation for building 2.5 miles of new freeway, reconstructing 4 miles of existing freeway, 28 new bridges, 18 retaining walls, sound walls, and placement and g1:ading of more than 5 million cubic meters of earthwork. This is a high impact project effecting thousands of motorists each day, as well as the many businesses within the construction influence area. US-131 S-Curve, City of Grand Rapids, Michigan Staff Coordinator responsible for assigning, managing, and providing direct oversight of constmction inspectors and surveyors. The consttuction inspectors performed inspection for the removal and replacement of 5 bridge structures totaling 850 meters in lengcl1 and the construction of 790 meters of MSE walls, The surveyors provided quality assurance of the contractor staking. The US-131 S-Curve includes two directions of 4 to 5 lanes and full interior and exterior shoulders. The project construction cost was approximately $115 million and was open to NB and SB traffic within 10 months of beginning work. Assistance was 7 URS also provided throughout the project to the lv1ichigan Department of Transportation in identi~ring and solving construction issues and problems. M-3 at Quinn and Masonic, Macomb County, Mlchigan Project Manager responsible for providing and managing construction inspection and testing for this cold milling and resurfacing project. 111e project improved safety at the Quinn and lvfasonic intersections with 1{-3, also known as Gratiot Avenue. 1-196 in Kent County, Michigan Project 1'vfanagcr responsible for the inspection and testing of permanent sign installations along I-196 in Kent County. The project was 13.9 miles in length, included 1,100 permanent signs with 25 overhead sign structures and had a construction cost of $1.6 million. Structures over I-96 Bridge Scoping, Detroit, Michigan Project Engineer. Performed detailed onsite .inspections to evaluate the condition of nine existing steel girder structures. A report was generated recommending economical rehabilitation strategies based upon the field investigation and life cycle cost analyses. I-375 East Riverfront Area Access Improvement, Detroit, MI Value Engineering Team Member for this $60 million project to provide I-375 traffic with direct access to the Detroit Riverfront Area through a gateway corridor which includes aesthetic clements to enhance the downtown architecture. Included in project are 8 new or reconstructed bridges, over 2000 feet of retaining wall, a couple mile;s of roadway reconstruction, and multiple soil and utilit)' issues. I-96 Interchange at Beck Road, Oaldand County, Michigan Quality Assurance Reviewer responsible for plan review of a Single Point Urban Interchange (SPUI). The project is a interchange expansion project that included road, bridge, maintaining traffic, pavement markings, signing, and side street improvements. M-37 over Muskegon River, Newaygo County, Michigan Project Engineer responsible for the design and preparation of specifications for the rehabilitation of an existing 169m, five span steel girder br1dge. TI1e project includes the design of a concrete deck replacement, approach improvements, and utility conflict resolution. 8 URS US-31 B R from Montague to US-31, Muskegon County, Michigan Structural Engineer responsible for the design and preparation of specifications for a retaining wall along 150 meters of roadway. A soldier pile wall was designed alongside a cemetery in a "cut" section. Scotten Avenue over US-12, City of Detroit, Michigan Project Engineer responsible for the design and preparation of specifications for the rehabilitation of an existing 42 meter, two-span steel girder bridge. The project included the design of concrete deck replacement, placement of an aesthetic facade on the existing substmcturc, removal of existing stairwells, replacement of the bridge railings, and approach improvements. US-31BR from Montague to US-31, Muskegon County, Michigan Structural Engineer responsible for the design and preparation of specifications for retaining walls along 180 meters of roadway. The project included the design of a retaining wall alongside a cemetery in a cut section and a retaining wall alongside a ravine in a fill section. I-196 Westbound from Chicago Drive to M-11, Grandville, Michigan Project Engineer responsible for designing and preparation of specifications for the addition of a 1200-meter merge/\veave lane. The project included design for widening of the l-196 Westbound structure over Buck Creek that required both a hydraulic analysis and a scour analysis. Also, floodplain and wetland associated with the Grand River was impacted. This required a hydraulic analysis and preparation of impact information for lv!DEQ and 1\rmy Corps of Engineers permits. Curtis Road over Tittabawassee River, Midland County, Michigan Constmct:ion Engineer responsible for the inspection of the replacement of an existing 92 meter five span bridge with a proposed 97 meter three span bridge. Also prepared the project documentation and performed required project management, including coordination with materials testing consultant. 120th Street over the Black River, Ottawa County, Michigan Construction Engineer responsible for the inspection of the substmcture ·widening and superstructure replacement of an existing 38 meter three span bridge. Also prepared the project documentation and performed required project management, including coordination with materials testing consultant and the Ottawa Countyr Road Commission, who perfo11ned the roadway inspection. 9 URS Leonard Street over Deer Creek, Ottawa County, Michigan Construction Engineer responsible for the inspection of the replacement of an existing 18m steel stringer bridge with a proposed 27m concrete bridge and the improvement of 0.5 km of approach roadway. Also prepared the project documentation and performed required project management, including coordination with materials te::;ting consultant. Jordan Lake Road, Ionia County, Michigan Construction Engineer responsible for the inspection and the rehabilitation of 10 km of county roadway. The project included pavement reconstruction, culvert replacements, and geotextile support treatment on poor soils. Prepared the required project documentation and coordinated with the Ionia County Road Commission, who performed the QA/QC of over 45,000 metric tons of bituminous mixtures. Tuttle Hill Road over Paint Creek, Washtenaw County, Michigan Construction Engineer responsible for the inspection of the replacement of an existing 18 meter truss bridge with a proposed 27 meter concrete bridge. Also prepared the project documentation and performed required project management, including coordination -with materials testing consultant. Professional Societies/Affiliates American Society of Civil Engineers American Concrete Institute Continuing Education Project Management Certification, URS, 2004 Construction l:Vfanagcment, American Institute for Professional Training and Development, 2000 Project Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1999 Practical Concrete I\1aterials, American Concrete Institute, 1999 Troubleshoo6ng Concrete Construction, American Concrete Institute, 1998 Slabs on Grade, American Concrete Institute, 1997 Bridge Inspection Workshop, Michigan Department Of Transportation, 1995 10 URS Nathan M. VanDrunen, PE Senior Civil/ Highway Engineer Project Specific Experience D Avenue over the Kalamazoo River, Kalamazoo County, MI, 2004 Project Engineer responsible for managing the project in coordination with the K.alamazoo County Engineer. Duties included supervising the inspection staff and sub-consultants, supervising and performing the Areas of Expertise construction staking, NPDES reports and FieldManager. This $2.8 ·rransporrat.ion Engineenng million project involved the removal of the old four span steel structure Years of Experience and t\vin culvert, construction of a 3-span concrete I -beam structure, and With URS: 8 Years the construction of a 24' x 11' pre-cast box culvert. 1l1e project also \\-'ith Other Firms: n Years included I-HviA paving, stonn sewer installation, guardrail improvements, Education non-hazardous contaminated material testing, dewatering and bridge BS/ 1998/Engineering/ approach construction. Cakin College Registration/Certification State Street Crush & Shape, Fife Lake, Michigan, 2004 2002/Registcred Professional Assistant Project Engineer. Responsibilities included supervising and Engineer/Mil 6201049258 training the inspection staff, initial project set-up, supervising traffic 2004/ATTSA. Cerritied Traffic control and detour set-up and determining removal limits for curb & Control Supervisor gutter removal and H1v[A_ crush & shape operations. This project 2000/Certified Storm water included 2 miles of HlvfA crush and shape, box culvert replacement and :t\Ianagemcnt Operator stonn sewer improvements. 1999 /Certified Railroad Worker Safety M-6 South Beltline & US-131 Interchange, Wyoming, MI, 2001-2004 Professional Societies Assistant Project Engineer. Responsibilities included supervising American Society of Civil inspection staff, sub-consultant coordination, project work orders, Engineers (;\SCE) contract modifications and field documentation. Responsibility for Specialized Training specific items of work included expansion joint replacements, backwall Construction .i\dministration for repairs, deck patching, substructure and superstructure concrete patching Engineers/ ,\SCE and bridge approach constniCtion. The services for this $140 million Concrete Paving lnspcelion/ project included QA surveying, material testing and project MDOT documentation for 2.5 miles of new concrete freeway ,·vith Hlv{A CPM Training /1\UJOT shoulders, reconstructing 4 miles of existing concrete freeway, 28 new bridges, 18 retaining walls, sound walls, and placement and grading of more than 5 million cubic meters of earthwork. II URS US-131 "S-Curve" Bridges, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2000-2001 Inspector. Project involved the total reconstruction of 7 bridges and the partial reconstruction of 2 other bridges in downtown Grand Rapids. 1bis is a fast track project, which included the demolition of all existing structures and the construction of new structures, four lanes in each direction . .t\hin duties included \Vriting Inspector Daily Reports (IDR), making field measurements, recording quantities, and making sure the job is built according to the design plan and follows I'viDOT specifications. M-44 (Plainfield Avenue) over 1-96, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1999 Inspector. Project involved the part-width reconstruction of a S-lane bridge over I-96 and the resurfacing of 5 miles of Plainfield Avenue. Duties included inspection and documentation of bridge reconstruction~ traffic signal replacement, coldrnilling, pavement joint repair, and fUv1A resurfacing to ensure the job was completed according to plan and \vithin MDOT specifications. BS-196 Chicago Drive Reconstruction, Wyoming, Michigan, 1998 Inspector. Project involved the total reconstruction of a four-lane highway facility through an industrial area. Primary duties included inspection, measurement and documentation of aggregate base, HtvfA pavement, HI\·1A drive\vays, concrete curb & gutter and restoration. M-21 Main Street Repaving, Lowell, Michigan, 1998 Inspector. The surface of the old composite pavement of :t\:f-21 through Lmvell was milled off and then overlaid with new bituminous. Duties included inspection, measurement and documentation of milling operations, Hl:viA pavement, concrete curb & gutter repairs. Pedestrian Bridge over 1-355, Lombard, Illinois, 1996 Inspector. The project included the construction of a two span bridge over I-355 carrying pedestrian walkway/ bike path and the consttuction of two 30-foot tall MSE retaining walls. Duties included surveying path cross-sections, field measurements, inspection, and \vriting Inspector Daily Reports for various stages of construction. 12 URS Robert E. Van Sickle Senior Road I Bridge Construction Inspector Overview Over 38 years of experience as a construction inspector and as a survey tech. Senred one year as an office technician checking reports and posting all project documentation, and 17 \vinters working with the Grand Rapids Design Sguad. Project Specific Experience Areas of Expertise Surface Transportation/ Quality M-6 (1-196 to M-37), Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2004 Control Senior Inspector on 2 restoration projects for iviDOT. Primary responsibilities included all pay items for the topsoil, seeding and mulch Years of Experience operations, guardrail items and soil erosion items. NPDES inspector With URS: 7 Years filing a tninimum of one report a week, more during significant periods of w·id1 MDOT: 32 Years rainfall. Assisted !\{DOT's Senior Technician with project oversight as Education was necessary. Specialized Training/Part 91. Soil Erosion & Sedimentation US-131 & M-6 Interchange, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2001- 2004 Control (Exp. 8.21.08)/MDEQ Senior Inspector. Provided project oversight on the largest job let to Specialized Training/ Certified date in the State of l'vfichigan (three years~ $144 million). It \Vas a joint Water Operator (Exp. 7.1.11)/ venture between two consultants, URS Corporation & FTCH. There DNR were as many as 24 inspectors working all phases of this job, earthwor~ Specialized Training/Surveying I 28 bridges, retaining walls, drainage, and retention / detention ponds. and II/MOOT Assisted the PE with damage claims, complaints and personnel Specialized Training/Driven Pile coordination. Also, collected accident reports from the policing agencies Foundations - Construction for the project files. Helped preside over bi-weekly progress meetings lv!onitoring/N HI between the three prime contractors, :tvlDOT and che consultants. Certiticate/Michigan .-\ggrega le Provided QA / QC checking of the !DR's as needed and was d1e NPDES Technician (Exp. 5.31.05)/ inspector filing a minimum of one report a week. MDOT M-45, Allendale, Michigan, 2004 Senior Inspector. Provided project inspection and oversight for an enhancement project on M-45 in the City of Allendale. The project involved landscaping with sprinklers and light poles placed along M-45, as well as in the median. Sidewalk locations were staked as well as the new pedestrian bridges. 13 URS M-44 (Plainfield Ave.) Bridge Over I-96, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999 Senior Inspector/Lead Worker responsible for collecting and checking daily reports and supporting documentation from the inspectors on the project. Filed NPDES reports, bi-weekly progress reports, daily concrete reports, and made sure the sub-consultants filed all testing reports on the project. Provided project oversight for all paperwork and inspection phases, including the coldmilling, joint repair, and resurfacing of 5 miles of Plainfield 1\ve. Helped maintain the project files, wrote work orders, generated contract modifications, and checked bi-weekly pay estimates for our field manager program. US-131 "S-Curve", Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2000 Senior Inspector/Lead Worker responsible for as many as 12 bridge inspectors working on five different bridges. Collected all daily reports (!DR's) and supporting documentation for QA/QC checks before subrnitting it to l'viDOT for their field manager processing. Provided project oversight and helped to train the younger inspectors. Chicago Drive, BS I-196, Wyoming, Michigan, 1998 Senior Inspector/Lead \Vorker on this project \vith as many as five Inspectors. Responsible for collecting all daily reports, including testing reports, and keeping track of all pay items. Also worked very closely \\rith the city of\'s Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Inspectors. Acted as liaison between the contractors, City of\\fyoming Engineering Department and the property owners and business people on the project. Completely reconstructed 1.74 miles of Chicago Drive, upgrading the storm sewer, sanitary sewer and watermain. Placed concrete curb and gutter the entire length of the job. The project was done in several stages, which required the maintaining and upgrading of all drives and intersections. A new traffic sig-nal was also added at Burlingame Avenue. M-45 Resurfacing, US-31 to Eastmam~lle, Michigan Senior Inspector on joint repair and resurfacing o[ 6 miles of M-45. Also, shoulder work and guardrail upgrading. M-120 (Muskegon Causeway), Muskegon, Michigan Bituminous Paving Inspector on one mile of dual lane roadway. Also, did bituminous paving density. 14 URS I-96 (US-131 to Marne), Michigan Bituminous Paving Inspector on eight miles of"fast-u·ack'' project. Also, resurfaced the Marne rest area. Provided oversight on super corrections on this project. l-96 Cold Mill Resurfacing and Yellowbook Work, Muskegon to Fruitport, !Yfichigan Senior Inspector on 8 bridge deck overlays from I\{uskegon to Fruitport, including all testing, steel replacement, yield checks and texturizing. This project also included cold milling and resurfacing five miles of I-96, several ramp widenings and extension and guardrail upgrading. M-46 (Apple Avenue), Muskegon, Michigan Inspector on one mile of reconstruction of Apple Avenue. Responsible for sanitary sewer, water main, density on backfill, curb and gutter and bituminous paving. Broadmoor Avenue (M-37), Grand Rapids, Michigan Senior Survey Technician on M-37 from 29th Street to 60th Street. Responsible for all grade books, slope stake notes, row staking; subgrade, sand grade and finish grade stakes; locating, staking and grading undercuts; staking and grading retention ponds; staking and grading a wetland; all water main, sanitary sewer and curb -and gutter stakes. Provided oversight on all final measurements, drawings and earthwork computations. US-31, Montague and Whitehall, Michigan Paint Inspector on six bridges on US-31. Inspected sandblasting, checked different paint thickness and inspected all traffic control devices. US-31 Construction, Ludington, Michigan Sur·vey Technician in charge of survey crew staking subgtade, sand, gravel and paving stakes on 10 miles of US-31 freeway south of Ludington. Lakewood Boulevard at US-31, HoUand, Michigan Inspector on the grade of four ramps at the new interchange. Also, density inspector, curb and gutter, concrete paving, bit1m1inous shoulders and bitunllnous street on Lakewood Boulevard. Responsible for concrete testing (air, slump, etc). 15 URS I-96 7" Concrete Overlay, Portland to Ionia, Michigan Inspector on r concrete overlay over existing roadway. Laid out new 41 1 joint spacing so no new joint was constructed directly above an existing one, oversaw the 111 bituminous bond breaker over existing road and inspected all new drainage along shoulders of roadway. Took all guality control concrete checks, monitored steel placement and collected tickets for peld checks. M-21, Saranac, to Ionia, to Pewamo, Michigan Inspector on Bituminous overlay and yellowbook upgrading of 12 miles of !vf-21. Extended all drajnage to newly cleaned out ditche.s, widened shoulders and upgraded guardraiL US-131, Wyoming, Michigan Inspector on bridge widenings at 36th and 44th Streets mrer US-131. Responsible for concrete quality control testing on bridge footings, columns, piercaps and bridge decks. Also, chained in all anchor bolts and inspected the placement of bridge beams (Red Iron). US-31, Grand Haven, Michigan Inspector on the upgrading of the approach to the Bascule Bridge on US-31. Included widening to six lanes, all grading, fast set joint patching, new curb and gutter, and bit paving. Also, bridge deck overlays and replacement of the NB Bridge deck over the sough channel of the Grand River. US-31, Saugatuck, Michigan Inspector on rest area site. Responsible for grade and density inspection on ramps entering and leaving new rest area as well as the parking lots. Served as bituminous Paving Inspector as well. Also, Inspector on rest area building checking plans, shop drawings and inspection of all side\valks, curb and gutter, plumbing, electrical, water testing, and picnic tables. M-120 Bridge Replacement, North Muskegon, Michigan Inspector on br1dge over railroad at the old Zephyr Oil Company site. Removed bridge and constructed a new one. Responsible for line and grade on bridge, aU concrete testing, measure in anchor bolts, check steel placement, setting steel beams and placing of bridge deck. Also, constructed approaches. Responsible for density testing, sand and gravel staking, and bituminous paving inspection. 16 URS Brian D. Seykora Senior Inspector I Material Testing Project Specific Experience M-3 (Gratiot Avenue)@ Masonic Road Resurfacing, Macornb County, Michigan, 2004 Sc;;nior Inspector responsible for all project inspection. This $350,000 project involved HI\L\ coldmilling, joint repairs, resurfacing, curb and Areas of Expertise gutter removal and replacement, drainage improvements and intersection Inspection / T('sting improvements. Years of Experience Permanent Signing Inspection & Testing, I-196, Kent County, 2004 \\'ith L' RS: 4 Ycars Senior Inspector. Responsibilities included inspection and \\'ith Other Finl1s: 10 '(ears documentation of 25 overhead sign structures, maintenance of traffic, Education restoration and concrete testing. 1l1is $1.6 million project also involved B,V1990/Biologr/Univcrsity of 1100 permanent signs over a length of 13_9 miles, Chicago Pre-Med/1985-1986/r<:alamazoo US-31 Overhead Sign Trusses and Cantilever Replacement, College Muskegon, Mason and Ottawa Counties, Michigan (2 projects) Continuing Education Senior Inspector. Duties included concrete foundation inspection, 1991- Present/Grand Valley State concrete testing, removal and replacement of overhead sign trusses and University, ,\llcndale, MI cantilevers, traffic control inspection, excavation and backfill .inspection, Registration/Certification and restoration. These projects totaled a combined $2.0 million. Certified Concrete Technician/ J\lichigan Concrete Association/ M-6/US-131 Interchange, Kent County, Michigan Level 1 Inspector. Primary responsibilities included concrete pavement Certified Radiological Safety and inspection, Hlv1A inspection, earthwork inspection, and various bridge Nuclear Gauge Operation inspection. This $140 million project involves building a new M-6 South Bdtline freeway cloverleaf interchange with the US-131 freeway, located south of Grand Rapids. The services include road and bridge inspection, QA surveying/testing and project documentation for building 25 miles of new freeway, reconstmcting 4 miles of existing freeway, 28 new bridges, 18 retaining walls, sound walls, and placement and grading o[ more than five million cubic meters of earthwork. 17 URS US-131 S-Curve, City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2000 Inspector working for STS. Performed inspection for the structural steel installation, structural steel painting, concrete surface sealer and lvfSE wall constmction. The project included removal and replacement of five bridge structures totaling 850 meters in length and the construction of 790 meters of MSE walls. The surveyors provided quality assurance o[ the con tractor staking. The project construction cost was approximately $115 million and \Vas open to northbound and southbound traffic within ten months of beginning worlc Chicago Drive, BS 1-196, Wyoming, Michigan, 1998 Senior Field Technician for Hopper/Sheeran/Frank. Responsibilities included all density testing on the project. Completely reconsllucted 1.8 miles of Chicago Drive, upgrading the storm sewer, sanitary se\ver and watermain. Placed concrete curb and gutter the entire length of the job. The project was done in several stages, which required the maintaining and upgrading of all drives and intersections. Hopper/Sheeran/Frank, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan Senior Field Technician responsible for concrete inspection and testing, and soils inspection and testing on various construction projects, including schools, commercial and industrial buildings. Amway Corporation, Ada, Michigan Lab Technician- evaluated the quality of finished products with organic and general chemical techniques within the Liquids Quality Assurance Department. Frequently utilized IR spectroscopy, gas chromatography, titration, specific gravity, and reactive index to analyze products. 18 URS Philip Tetteh Yartey Construction Inspector I Office Engineer Project Specific Experience D Avenue Bridge over the Kalamazoo River, Kalamazoo, MI, 2004 Inspector. Responsibilities included inspection and documentaLion of guardrail installation, I LMA paving, fence installation and restoration. This $2.8 million project also includeJ storm sewer installation, non- Areas of Expertise hazardous contaminated material testing, dewatering and bridge approach C:onstrucunn Inspection construction. Years of Experience Permanent Signing Inspection & Testing, I-196, Kent County, 2004 With URS: 1 Y car \\fith Other Firms: I Year Inspector. Responsibilities included inspection and documentation of 25 overhead sign structures, maintenance of traffic, and restoration. _Also Education recorded contractoes progress and pay items for the As~ Built records. BS/2004/Engineering/Cakin College, Grand Rapids, Ml Tills $1.6 million project also involved 1100 pennanent signs over a length of 13.9 miles. Professional Societies ,-\merican SocietY of Ci,,il US-31 Overhead Sign Trusses and Cantilever Replacement, Engineers (_-\SCE) Muskegon, Mason and Ottawa Counties, Michigan (2 projects) Inspector. Duties included conctete foundation inspection, concrete testing, removal and replacement of overhead sign trusses and cantilevers, traffic control inspection, excavation and backfill inspection, and restoration. These projects totaled a combined $2.0 million. M-6/US-131 Interchange, Kent County, Michigan, 2004 Inspector. Primary duties included assisting \vith Fieldh1anager work and project documentation, inspection of pavement markings, and assisting with fmal project punchlist work. This $140 million project involves building a new lvl-6 South Beltline freeway cloverleaf interchange with the US-131 freeway, located south of Grand Rapids. The services included road and bridge inspection, QA surveying/testing and project documentation for building 2.5 miles of new freeway, reconstructing 4 miles of existing freeway, 28 new bridges, 18 retaining \valls, sound walls, and placement and grading of more than 5 million cubic meters of earthwork. 19 • URS Soil and Materials Engineers, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2003 Intem. Duties included inspecting and surveying concrete and H:Ni.A pavements. Rated the pavements based on their condition and classified distresses. Soil and Materials Engineers, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2002 Intem. Duties included inspecting and smYeying concrete and HJ\1A pavements. Rated the pavements based on their condition and classified distresses. ~-\ssisted in perfom1ing concrete testing. 20 • Construction Engineering Project Experience D Avenue over the Kalamazoo River, Construction Engineering Location: Kalamazoo County, Ml Reference: Tom Hohm, PE 269-381-3171 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $2.8 million Construction Start: February 16, 2004 Construction Completion: August4, 2004 URS was selected by the Kalamazoo County Road Commission to provide full design and construction engineering services for this $2.8 million construction project. The project involved the removal of the old four span steel structure and twin culvert, construction of a 3-span concrete I-beam structure, and the construction of a 24' x 11' pre-cast box culvert. The project also included HMA paving, storm sewer installation, guardrail improvements, non-hazardous contaminated material testing, dewatering and bridge approach construction .. The services included road construction inspection, bridge construction inspection, construction staking, material testing and project documentation. M·44, East of Belding, Construction Engineering Location: Ionia County, Ml Reference: Kevin McReynolds, PE 231-937-7780 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $1.8 million Construction Start: August 2003 Construction Completion: November 2003 URS was selected by MDOT to provide full construction engineering services for this $1.8 million construction project. The project involved 5 miles of HMA crushing and shaping and resurfacing on M-44 east of Belding to M-66. The services included road construction inspection, OA surveying-testing and project documentation. M-50, Bridge Replacement, Construction Engineering Location: Ionia County, Ml Reference: Kevin McReynolds, PE 231-937-7780 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $640,000 Construction Start: April2003 Construction Completion: Substantial Completion July 2003 URS was selected by MDOT to provide full construction engineering services for this $640,000 expedited construction project. The project consisted of the removal and replacement of 1 bridge structure. The existing structure was replaced with a precast Hy-Span culvert. The project included 200 feet of concrete and HMA approach work on each side of the structure and a 12- mile detour route. The services included bridge and road construction inspection, OA surveying-testing and project documentation. 21 Construction Engineering Project Experience Riley Street Pedestrian Underpass, Construction Engineering Location: Zeeland, Ml Reference: Tom Palarz, PE, Ottawa County Road Commission 616-850-7221 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $835,000 Construction Start: June 2002 Construction Completion: September 2003 URS provided full construction engineering services for the Ottawa County Road Commission on this $840,000 construction project. A Con Span Precast Arch Culvert was installed to act as a pedestrian underpass beneath Riley Street in the City of Zeeland. The project also consisted of the total reconstruction and profile change of 0.33 miles of Riley Street to accommodate the Culvert. Permanent Signing Inspection & Testing on 1-196 Location: Kent County, Ml Reference: Erick Kind 616-451-3091 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $1.6 million Construction Start: April2004 Construction Completion: November 2004 URS was selected by MOOT to provide "as needed" construction engineering services for this $1.6 million construction project The project involved the removal and replacement of 25 overhead sign structures and 1100 permanent signs over a length of 13.9 miles. The services included inspection, testing, OA survey and project documentation. US-31 Overhead Sign Trusses and Cantilever Replacement (2 projects) Location: Muskegon County & Mason County, Ml Reference: Chris Swenski 231-777-3451 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $2.0 million Construction Start: September 2003 Construction Completion: May 2004 URS was selected by MOOT to provide full construction engineering services for these 2 projects totaling $2.0 million. The services included inspection, testing, OA survey and project documentation. 22 Construction Engineering Project Experience M·6/US·131 Interchange Construction Engineering Location: Kent County, Ml Reference: Erick Kind, PE 616-451-3091 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $140 million Construction Start: February 2001 Construction Completion: Substantial Completion: November 2003, & Final Completion: June 1, 2004 URS was selected by MDOT to provide full construction engineering services for this $140 million, four-year construction project. The project involves building a new M-6 South Beltline freeway cloverleaf interchange with the US-131 freeway, located south of Grand Rapids. The services include road and bridge construction inspection, QA surveying-testing and project documentation for building 2.5 miles of new freeway, reconstructing 4 miles of existing freeway, 28 new bridges, ·18 retaining walls, sound walls, and placement and grading of more than 5 million cubic meters of earthwork. This is a high impact project effecting thousands of motorists each day, as well as the many businesses within the construction influence area. US-131 S·Curve Construction Inspection Location: Grand Rapids, Ml Reference: Suzette Peplinski, PE 616-451-3091 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $115 million Construction Start: January 2000 Construction Completion: Substantial Completion: November 2000 URS was selected by MDOT to provide bridge and wall construction inspection for this $115 million, one-year expedited construction project. The project consisted of the removal and replacement of 5 bridge structures totaling 850 meters in length and the construction of 790 meters of MSE walls. The US-131 S-Curve includes two directions of 4 to 5 lanes and full interior and exterior shoulders. The project was open to NB traffic within 7 months and SB traffic within 10 months of beginning work. Assistance was also provided throughout the project to the Michigan Department of Transportation in identifying and solving construction issues and problems. Plainfield Ave. over 1·96, Construction Engineering Location: Grand Rapids, Ml Reference: Suzette Peplinski, PE 616-451-3091 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $3 Million Construction Start: April 1999 Construction Completion: September 2000 URS was selected by MDOT to provide full construction engineering services for this $3 million construction project. The project consisted of the removal and replacement of a 4 span bridge over the freeway. The project also included 5 miles of coldmilling and resurfacing. The services included bridge and road construction inspection, QA surveying-testing and project documentation. 23 • • Construction Engineering Project Experience M-66 Construction Engineering Location: Ionia, Ml Reference: Karl Koivisto, PE 231-937-7780 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $1 Million Construction Start: April1999 Construction Completion: September 1999 URS was selected by MOOT to provide full construction engineering services for this $1 million construction project. The project consisted of 3 miles of HMA road reconstruction and drainage improvements on M-66 through the city of Ionia. The services included road construction inspection, OA surveying-testing and project documentation. BL-196 Chicago Drive Construction Engineering Location: Grand Rapids, Ml Reference: Suzette Peplinski, PE 616-451-3091 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $2 Million Construction Start: April1999 Construction Completion: December 1999 URS was selected by MDOT to provide full construction engineering services for this $2 million construction project. The project consisted of 3 miles of HMA road reconstruction and drainage improvements on a section of Chicago Drive that runs through an industrial area of Grand Rapids. The services included road construction inspection, QA surveying-testing and project documentation. M-21 Construction Engineering Location: Lowell, Ml Reference: Karl Koivisto, PE 231-937-7780 Role: Prime Construction Cost: $1 Million Construction Start: May 1999 Construction Completion: September 1999 URS was selected by MDOT to provide full construction engineering services for this $1 million construction project. The project consisted of 3 miles of HMA road coldmilling, resurfacing and curb and gutter improvements on M-21 through the city of Lowell. The services included road construction inspection, QA surveying-testing and project documentation. 24 • March 2, 2005 Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc. 88 54th Street SW, Suite 102 Grand Rapids, M! 49548-5683 tet (616)406-1756 fax (616) 406-1749 Mr. Mike Guter, PE URS Corporation 3950 Sparks Drive SE Kenneth W. Kramer, PE Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 Chairman Emeritus Mark K. Kramer, PE Frank A. Henderson, PG Timothy H. Bedenis, PE RE: Proposal for Construction Materials Setvices Gerald M. Belian, PE Shoreline Drive 1"' Street to Seaway Drive Larry P. Jedele, PE Muskegon, Michigan Starr D. Kohn, PhD, PE EdwardS. Lindow, PE Gerard P. Madej, PE Robert C. Rabeler, PE Dear Mike: J. William Coberly, CET Sheryl K. Fountain Chuck A. Gemayel, PE Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc. (SME) would be pleased to team with Davie J. Hurlburt, PE you on this project As we discussed, we have already provided a significant Cheryl Kehres-Dietrich, CGWP Jeffery M. Krusinga, PE, GE amount of services for this project We have performed three geotechnical James M. Less, CIH evaluations for both the design engineer (Earthtech) and MDOT and also Michael S. Meddock, PE provided constmction materials services as a subconsultant for Fleis and Timothy J. Mitchell, PE Daniel 0. Roeser, PG Vandenbrink Engineering on a previous phase of this project Therefore, we John C. Zarzecki, CWI, COT are well suited to continue our services for this project We understand this phase of the project extends from !"' Street to Seaway Drive. The portion between 1'' Street and 4th Street will be a total reconstmction with Portland cement concrete pavement The other portion of the project will be constmcted with Asphalt concrete pavement We understand URS will perform some of the constmction materials services and we will be requested to perform gradation analyses and test the compressive strength of the concrete cylinder specimens. As we discussed, we currently have two projects in the Muskegon area and would strive to efficiently make delivety of samples to our office. We understand MDOT will provide the bituminous plant inspection services. If requested, we would be pleased to provide field density and concrete testing services with certified personneL Plymouth Bay City Gr3nd Rapids Kalamazoo Lansing © 2005 soil and materials engineers, inc. Shelby Township Toledo consultants in the geosciences materials, and the envimnment • Proposal for Construction Materials Se!Vices Shoreline Drive 1" Street to Seaway Drive, Muskegon, Michigan March 2, 2005 -Page 2 INVESTMENT Services will be provided on a unit fee basis, using the schedule of fees attached. If you need a budget established for these services, we would be pleased to discuss the scope of services with you to develop this budget. AUTHORIZATION AND TERMS We are prepared to serve you following authorization to proceed. A copy of our General Conditions, which govern our services, is attached. Please sign in the space indicated, including billing address, and return for our records. SCHEDULING Regarding scheduling, please contact Mr. Lou Northouse by 3:00p.m. to schedule services for the following day. We look forward to the oppottunity to serve you. Please call if you have questions or concerns regarding this proposal. · Very truly yours, Project Engineer Regional Manager Attachments: Fee Schedule FS:O (1/04) Fee Schedule FS:4 (1/04) General Conditions (1/04) Enclosure: 1 PC T:\Proposals\2005 © 2005 soil and materials engineers, inc. • Soil/Aggregates (Continued) Organic Impurities.. ................ . ..Each ...................... 50.00 Organic Content ............................ . ..... Each ..... .45.00 Unit Weight of Fine or Coarse Aggregate .. Each.............. ................ 50.00 Soundness of Aggregate (5 cycle) .. Each........ ................... 200.00 Crushed Content .............. . ...... Each.......................... ... 50.00 Deleterious Pick ... Each .............. 50.00 Atterberg Limits (LL + PL) .............. . ...... Each....... ..... 100.00 Hydrometer Analysis ....................... . ..Each......... .................. 100.00 Permeability Test of Liner Sample .... . ........ Each.. ..250.00 Pem1eability Test of Compacted Sample .. ..... Each ................................. 275.00 Bituminous Bituminous J\1ix Design-3 Point lVIarshall Method ............................ . ..... Each .. ................ 650.00 One~ Point Mix Verification ...... . ........ Each .................................... 320.00 Marshall Stability and Flow Test (molded samples) ................. . ....... Per Sample . .... 80.00 MOOT Submittal for Marshall Design.. ........................... . ........ Each .. . .. 1.950.00 Density of Compacted Asphalt Sample............. ............................................ Per Sample ................. 40.00 Extraction/Gradation ofBHuminous Concrete ................. ... Each .................. . ..150.00 Asphalt Cement Content Only ....................................................... . ....... Each. .................. 75.00 Penetration of Bituminous Material........ ................ . ..... Each .. ........ 75.00 Abson Recovered Penetration with exh·action!gradation. ........ Each ... 275.00 Abson Recovered Penetration without extraction/gradation ....... Each ... 200.00 Concrete Masonry Units Compressive Strength- Gross Area/Net .. 3 Block Set .. .. 200.00 Absorption ... ........ 3 Block Set ..... 150.00 Dimensional Re·view .. ........ 3 Block Set ... .......... 125.00 Linear Shrinkage.. ............................................................... . ....... 3 Block Set. .. ............. .400.00 Compressive Strength of Prism- Hollow.. ........ Each prism .. . ..200.00 -Solid (Grouted) ............................................... Each prism ... . .275.00 Compressive Strength ................ " ....... .. ........ 5 Brick Set .. . ............... 225.00 Modulus of Rupture for Paving Brick .. ....... 5 Brick Set... ................. 250.00 Absorption- Basic .............................. . ....... 5 Brick Set.. .......... 100.00 -Saturation Coefficient ...... . ....... 5 Brick Set. ......... 100.00 -Initial Rate (Lab method) ... 5 Brick Set .. ..100.00 Efflorescence ............ .. .. 5 Brick Set. .......... 200.00 Dimensional Review ... ..... 10 Brick Set. . .... 150.00 Gront/l'rlortar Compressive Strength- 2" x 2" Cubes. .... Each .. . .. 30.00 - 3" x 3" x 6" Specimen ...... Each .. ..40.00 Splitting Tensile- 3" x 6" Cylinders .. ...... Each .. . .. .40.00 Roofing Built-up RooC!'est Cut Analysis (ASTM D-2829) with aggregate .. ... Each ................. . ..... 275.00 Built-up Roof Test Cut Analysis (ASTM D-3617) without aggregate .. ........ Each .. . .... 200.00 Them1allnsulation Compressive Strength (ASTM D-1621) ...... Each .. ................. 75.00 Thennallnsulation Density (ASTM D-1622) .. ................. . ....... Each ....... 60.00 FS:4 (01/04) Page 2 of3 Effective Datelanua1y l, 2004 through December 3!, 2004 consultants in the ~wosciences, materials, and the environment -. • Roofing (Continued) Softening Point of Bitumen- Ring and Ball (ASTM D-36) ................................ Each .................................... 120.00 Measuring Voids in Roofing Membrane (ASTM D-5076).. .... Each .................................... 120.00 Fireproofing Adhesion/Cohesion Bond Equipment ............ Per Test ....................... . .... 30.00 Density Laboratory Test ....... . .......................... Each ...................... . ..60.00 FS:4 (01/04) Page 3 of3 Effective Date January!, 2004 through December 31,2004 consultants in the geosciences, materials, and the environment SMEPROJECTNAME: ____________________________ • '• SME PROJECT N U M B E R : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SME GENERAL CONDITIONS I. In this Agreement, the party agreeing to have the services performed is governing SME's services and the relationship between the parties. the "Client." The Client's client shall be refen·ed to as the "Owner". Such acceptance based on other-than-written authorization is effective Unless expressly stated otherwise, Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc., its except for those provisions that Client objects to in writing within 7 employees, agents, subconsultants and subcontractors, are collectively days following the other-than-written authorization. refened to as "SME." 11. SME and its staff are protected by worker's compensation insurance and 2. SME will submit invoices to Client monthly and a final bill upon SME has coverage under General Liability and Professional Liability completion of services. insurance policies. SME will provide Client with evidence of such policies upon written request. SME is not responsible for any loss, 3. Payment is due upon presentation of invoice to the Client and is past damage or liability arising from acts of Client, its agents, staff, and due 30 days from date of the invoice. Client agrees to pay a scn'ice other consultants employed by Client. charge of 1-1/2% per month, or the maximum rate allowed by law, whichever is greater, on past due accounts. 12. In consideration for Sl\'IE's undertaking to perform .~ervices at the rates set forth on the Fee Schedule attached to SME's proposal or 4. All reports, field data, field notes, laboratory test data, ca!culations, the lump sum fee provided, Client agrees to limit all potential estimates, and other documents prepared by SME in connection with liability of SME to Client, its employees, agents, successors and this Project shall be considered instruments of service, and shall remain assigns, for any and all claims, losses, breaches, damages or the property of SME. SME grants Client and Owner a limited license to expenses arising from, or relating to SME's performance of use such instruments of service for the purpose of designing, services on this Project, such that SME's total aggregate liability to constructing, maintaining or repairing work that is part of this Project. Client, its employees, agents, successors and assigns shall not exceed Any reuse of SME's instruments of service for any purpose other than $50,000 or SME's total fee for the services rendered on the project, the limited license granted herein is prohibited and SME shall have no whichever is greater. The Client understands that it may negotiate responsibility to Client, Owner or third parties for unauthorized usc of a higher limit of liability in exchange for an appropriate increase in it's instruments of services. SME's fee. 5. Client agrees that all reports and other work furnished to the Client or its a) Client further agrees that it will require all of its contractors and agents, which arc not paid for, will be retumcd upon demand and will consultants on this project and their respective subcontractors and not be used by the Client for any purpose whatsoever. subconsultants, be bound by an identical limitation of SME's aggregate liability in their agreements for work on this project. 6. SME will retain pertinent records relating to the services perfom1ed for b) Client further agrees that it will require all of its contractors and Client for a period of time consistent with SME's File Management subcontractors defend and indemnify Client and SME from any Plan, a copy of which will be provided to Client upon request. During and all loss or damage, including bodily injury or death, arising that period, the records will be made available to the Client at from contractor or subcontractors perfonnance of work on this reasonable times. At the end of the retention period indicated in SME's project, regardless of whether or not such claim, damage, loss or File Management Plan, SME may, in its sole discretion, dispose of a11 expense is caused in part by SME; provided however, that this such records obligation shall not apply to claims, damage, loss or expense 7. SME MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH caused by the sole negligence or fault ofSME. REGARDS TO ITS SERVICES. 13. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Client shall detCnd and 8. Either party may tenninate this Agreement upon at least 7 days \\1itten indemnify SME from and against all claims, damages, losses and notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party to perform in expense, including reasonable attomey fees, arising out of the work or accordance with the tenns hereof. Such temtination will not be materials of any contractor, subcontractor, supplier or consultant, or effective if that substantial failure is remedied before expiration of the anyone employed by them, relating to the Project regardless of whether period specified in the written notice. Tltis Agreement shall also be or not such claim, damage, loss or expense is caused in part by SME; automatically terminated upon a suspension of the project for more than provided however, that this obligation sha11 not apply to claims, 3 months. In the event oftem1ination, Client will pay SME for services damage, loss or expense to the extent caused by the negligence of SME. performed to the termination notice date plus reasonable termination expenses. In the event of tennination, or suspension, prior to 14. lf SME provides services at the request of Client, in addition to those completion of a11 reports contemplated by this Agreement, SME may described in the scope of work contained in SME's proposal, Client complete such analyses and records as are necessary to complete the agrees that these general conditions including the general notes on the files and may also complete a report on the services performed to the fee schedules shall apply to all such additional services. date of notice of termination or suspension. The expenses of 15. In the event any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or tem1ination or suspension include all direct costs of completing such unenforceable, the other provisions \viii remain in full force and effect, analyses, records, and reports. and binding upon the parties. All obligations arising prior to the 9. If any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or its breach, termination of this Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement is not settled through direct discussions, the parties agree that as a allocating responsibility or liability between Client and SME will condition precedent to litigation, they will endeavor for 30 days survive the completion of the services and the tennination of this follo\ving written notice by one party to the other of a dispute or breach, Agreement. 1l1is Agreement cannot be assigned by either party without to settle the dispute by mediation with the assistance of a neutral the written consent of the other party. This Agreement includes SME's mediator. In any litigation or arbitration, if applicable, the parties agree Fee Schedulc(s), and any notes thereon, these General Conditions and that the prevailing party is entitled to recover all reasonable costs other documents incorporated herein. This Agreement constitutes the incurred in defense or prosecution of the claim, including its staff time, entire Agreement between the parties and cannot be changed except by a court costs, attomey's fees, and other claim-related expenses. written instrument signed by both parties. All preprinted Terms and Notwithstanding, SME has no obligation to mediate with Client prior to Conditions on Client's Purchase Order(s) or acknowledgement forms litigation when collecting fees 1ega11y owed by Client. arc inapplicable to this Agreement. The parties agree that this Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the Jaws of the State of 10. If Client gives SME other-than-written authorization to proceed with Michigan. services after receiving SME's written proposal, Client agrees to accept the proposal, including these Genera! Conditions, as the A~:,rreement PROPOSAL ACCEPTED BY: BILLING ADDRESS Signature Date Street Printed Name Title City I State Company Zio-Codc SME General Conditions (1/04) consultants in the geosciences, materials, and the environment
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