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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS @ 5:30 P.M. AGENDA o CALL TO ORDER: o PRAYER: o PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: o ROLL CALL: o HONORS AND AWARDS: o INTRODUCTIONS/PRESENTATION: o CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK B. Liquor License Transfer of Location Request - Port City Cruise Line, Inc. CITY CLERK C. Liquor License Transfer of Ownership Request - Ruby Tuesday. CITY CLERK D. Resolution for Charitable Gaming License. CITY CLERK E. Request to Purchase Tax-Reverted Properties. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT F. County Wastewater Easements. CITY MANAGER G. Approval of Contractor for Completion of Rehabilitation of Structure at 458-460 Mulder. COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES H. City-County Agreement for Community Development Block Grant Funds (Neighborhoods of Choice). PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I. Request for an Encroachment Agreement (Laketon & Henry. Northwest Corner). ENGINEERING o PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. 2006 Budget Adoption. FINANCE o COMMUNICATIONS: o CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: o UNFINISHED BUSINESS: o NEW BUSINESS: A. Tool & Die Recovery Zone Status for Northern Machine Tool. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT B. Filter Turbidimeter Replacement. WATER FILTRATION C. Seyferth Park Skate Ramp. CITY MANAGER o ANY OTHER BUSINESS: o PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: .> Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following: )> fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room. );> Submit the torm to the Cily Clerk. :> Be recognized by the Chair. :> Step forward to the microphone. )> State name and address. )> Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission. > (Speaker representing a group may be allowed l 0 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.) o ADJOURNMENT: ADA POLICY: THE CITY OF MUS!<:EGON WILL PROVIDE NECESSARY AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES TO INDIVIDUALS WHO WANT TO ATTEND THE MEETING UPON TWENTY FOUR HOUR NOTICE TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGON. PLEASE CONTACT GAlLA KUNDINGER, CITY CLERK, 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, Ml 49440 OR BY CALLING (231) 724-6705 OR TOO: (231) 724·4172. Date: September 13, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Approval of Minutes SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, August 23, 2005. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes. CITY Of MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS@ 5:30P.M. MINUTES The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City HaiL 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 13, 2005. Mayor Warmington opened the meeting with a prayer from Pastor D. L. Rogers from Zion Baptist Church after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL FOR THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING: Present: Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Bill Larson, Commissioner Lawrence Spataro, Chris Carter, Kevin Davis, Stephen Gawron, and Clara Shepherd, City Manager Bryon Mazade, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Gail Kundinger. 2005-82 CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, August 23, 2005. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes. C. Liquor License Transfer of Ownership Request - Ruby Tuesday. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor Control Commission is seeking local recommendation on a request from RT Michiana Franchise, LLC, to transfer interest in the 2005 12-months Resort Class C licensed business by dropping Jerry Smith as a member thru transfer of his 99% interest to existing member, Ruby Tuesday, Inc., and by adding RT One Percent Holdings, Inc., as a new member thru transfer of 1% interest from existing member, Ruby Tuesday, Inc. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval contingent upon final inspection. D. Resolution for Charitable Gaming License. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Deaf/Hard of Hearing Connection, 3391 Merriam Street, is requesting a resolution recognizing them as a non-profit organization operating in the City for the purpose of obtaining a gaming license. The event will be at Heritage Landing. Due to time constraints, they are coming to us after the event (permission has been given by the State). They have been recognized as a 501 (c)(3) organization by the State. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. E. Request to Purchase Tax-Reverted Properties. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The State of Michigan is offering the City a number of tax-reverted properties acquired prior to 2002 and available to us under the "old program" for the bargain price of $300 for the first five properties and $20 for each additional property after that. Since the City continues to mow and maintain these lots, even though they are State-owned, it would be advantageous to the City to take ownership of them. We can then attempt to sell them and get them back on the tax rolls. The Community and Neighborhood Services Department will be obtaining seven of the properties from the list for their program, one of which is a home to rehabilitate. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Total cost of the 32 properties is $840. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: Expend the additional $840 necessary to purchase these parcels. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and to authorize both the Mayor and the Clerk to sign said resolution and deed. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Land Reutilization Committee recommended approval at their regular meeting of August 23, 2005. F. County Wastewater Easements. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve two agreements with Muskegon County which grants easements to the County across City property for the purpose of the County constructing and maintaining water lines. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $1,600 in revenue to the City. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the two easement agreements. G. Approval of Contractor for Completion of Rehabilitation of Structure at 458-460 Mulder. COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the contract with Nobles Incorporated, 210 East Broadway, Muskegon, Ml for the completion of the rehabilitation of the City-owned home at 458-460 Mulder for $68,439. Operation: Two will be made into one. This present two-unit structure will be converted into a single family home in order to be more conforming to the immediate neighborhood. After the rehabilitation is completed, the home will be marketed to qualified eligible first-time homebuyers. Two other bids were received for this project: Top Notch Design 4740 Jenson, Fruitport $96,995 Lewis Johnson Builders 1607 Bonita Court, Grand Haven $82,800 FINANCIAL IMPACT: The funding for this project will be taken from the City's HOME funds from fiscal year 2004 and program income. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Community and Neighborhood Services request. H. City-County Agreement for Community Development Block Grant Funds (Neighborhoods of Choice). PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the agreement between the City and the County for the expenditure of Community Development Block Grant funds for the Neighborhoods of Choice project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will receive $500,000 in grant funds from the State of Michigan, through the County of Muskegon for the project. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign. I. Request for an Encroachment Agreement (Laketon & Henry, Northwest Corner). ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: BLDI Environmental who is working with Ken's Super Service Station at the northwest corner of Laketon and Henry has submitted an encroachment agreement form requesting your permission to install five (5) monitoring wells in the area surrounding the aforementioned station. The wells would be installed in the public right of ways of Hudson, Laketon, Henry, and Division. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the encroachment agreement subject to the supplemental conditions and compliance with the necessary insurance requirements. J. Fireworks Display - Blue Corner Boxing. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Blue Corner Boxing is requesting approval of a fireworks display permit for their boxing event at the L. C. Walker Arena on September 24, 2005. Fire Marshall Metcalf will inspect the fireworks on the day of the event. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval contingent on inspection of the fireworks and approval of the insurance. K. Accept Resignation and Make Appointment to Various Boards and Committees. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To accept the resignation from J. D. Wallace from the Zoning Board of Appeals, and appoint Carol Lynne Nash to the Loan Fund Advisory Committee. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval L. Approve Resolution Requests. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve resolution requests for Muskegon Community Youth Group, Pioneer Resources, Stepfamily Association of America, and Babbitt Memorial Garden. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Vice Mayor Larson to approve the Consent Agenda as read with the exception of item B. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, and Warmington Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2005-83 ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: B. Liquor License Transfer of location Request - Port City Cruise lin_gJnc. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor Control Commission is seeking local recommendation on a request from Port City Cruise Line, Inc. to transfer location of the 2005 Watercraft licensed business with dance-entertainment permit and 250 passengers from 1133 W. Western. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: All departments are recommending approval. Motion by Commissioner Davis, second by Commissioner Carter to approve the liquor license transfer of location request for Port City Cruise Line, Inc. ROLL CALL: Ayes: Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, and Davis Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2005-84 PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. 2006 Budget Adoption. FINANCE SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is the time set for a public hearing on the City's proposed budget for the year 2006. The proposed budget has been made available for public inspection at City Hall, Hackley Public Library and the City's website since September 1st. After hearing public comments, the City Commission may take action to adopt the 2006 budget with whatever changes or adjustments it deems necessary. In any event. City Charter requires the budget be adopted no later than September 25, 2005. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The budget sets forth the priorities and overall financial plan for operations in the year 2006. As proposed, the budget includes no property tax increases. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: Adoption of the budget resolution provides the legal appropriation authority necessary for City departments to conduct operations in 2006. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: After receiving comments, close the public hearing and approve the proposed 2006 City of Muskegon Budget resolution. Also, approval of the 3rd Quarter 2005 Budget Reforecast as shown in the Budget Book is recommended at this time. The Public Hearing opened at 5:43 p.m. to hear and consider any comments from the public. City Manager Bryon Mazade gave an overview. No public comments were made. Motion by Commissioner Gawron, second by Commissioner Spataro to close the Public Hearing at 5:48 p.m. and approve !he proposed 2006 Budget adoption and the 3rd Quarter 2005 Budget Reforecast. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, and Larson Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2005-85 NEW BUSINESS: A. Tool & Die Recovery Zone Status for Northern Machine Tool. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the development agreement and resolution establishing a Tool & Die Recovery Zone for Northern Machine Tool. 761 Alberta. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will forego approximately $7.300 per year for a total of approximately $109,545 in taxes for the 15-year period of the zone. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Development Agreement and the resolution establishing a Tool and Die Recovery Zone, and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign. Motion by Vice Mayor Larson, second by Commissioner Spataro to approve the Development Agreement and resolution establishing a Tool and Die Recovery Zone for Northern Machine Tool. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, and Spataro Nays: None MOTION PASSES B. Filter Turbidimeter Replacement. WATER FILTRATION SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To replace the existing ten filter turbidimeters at the Water Filtration Plan!. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $19,500 plus shipping and handling. Installation will be made by staff. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: This planned purchase is budgeted. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To purchase the ten filter turbidimeters from HACH Company at a cost of $19,500 plus shipping and handling. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to authorize the purchase of ten filter turbidimeters. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Carter Nays: None MOTION PASSES C. Seyferth Park Skate Ramp. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To purchase a new ramp for the Seyferth Park Skate Park from Sphon Ranch, Inc. from the City of Industry, CA in the amount of $39,000 installed. Funds for the purchase will come from the Seyferth Fund w ithin the Community Foundation for Muskegon County. · FINANCIAL IMPACT: $39,000 BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: Authorize necessary budget adjustments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the purchase of a 6' x 16' Mini Half Pipe Ramp (HD Series) from Sphon Ranch, Inc. which includes installation. Motion by Commissioner Gawron, second by Commissioner Spataro to approve the purchase of a new ramp for the Seyferth Park Skate Park from Sphon Ranch, Inc. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, and Gawron Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2005-86 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Request for flags and markers for St. Mary's and Sunrise Memorial Gardens Cemeteries. Motion by Vice Mayor Larson, second by Commissioner Spataro to authorize staff to pay the total amount of $6,599.74 one final time for Sunrise and St. Mary's Cemeteries with the understanding that in the future we will be responsible for cemeteries owned by the City only. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, and Shepherd Nays: None MOTION PASSES ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted, tLLO. ~· Gail A. Kundinger, MMC ~ City Clerk Date: September 13, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Liquor License Transfer Request Ruby Tuesday 1710 E. Sherman SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor Control Commission is seeking local recommendation on a request from RT Michiana Franchise, LLC b transfer interest in the 2005 12 Months Resort Class C licensed business by dropping Jerry Smith as member thru transfer of his 99% interest to existing member, Ruby Tuesday, Inc. and by adding RT One Percent Holdings, Inc. as a new member thru transfer of 1% interest from existing member, Ruby Tuesday, Inc. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval contingent upon final inspection. Req ID # 313944 STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & ECONOMIC GROWTH LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2005-82(c) Ata Regular meeting of the _ _c_i_t"-:y:::---'-c...,..,o:-:m,--m--,i-::s::-s_i...,.,o,.,..n----o::----:-::------ (Regular or Special).., - Please return to the City Clerk's Office Gail A. Kundinger, Liquor License Coordinator LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORl\1 Business Name: 0 AKA Business Name (if applicable): - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - Operator/Manager's Name: - - - -- - - -- -- - - -- -- - - Business Address: I 7 10 E S/;ecm o t; Reason for Review: New License D Transfer of Ownership D Dance Permit D Drop/Add Name on License D Transfer Location D Drop/Add Stockholder Name ,:g.( New Entertainment Permit D Other - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- Deadline for receipt of all information: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Public Safety Approved D Denied D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved D Owing D Amount: Treasurer Approved D Owing D Amount: Zoning Approved ~ Denied D Pending ZBA 0 Clerk's · Approved Owing D Amount: Fire/Inspections Approved D Denied D Remaining Defects D Please return to the City Clerk' s Office Gail A. Kundinger, Liquor License Coordinator LIQUOR LI CENSE REVIEW FORM Business Name: ----------~~7 C/ tfu bst. hc:sbt. 7----~~~~~t7=--------------- AKA Business Narne (if applicable): ----------------------------- Operator/Manager's Name: ---------------------------------- Business Address: I 710 Reason for Review: New License D Transfer of Ownership D Dance Permit D Drop/Add Name on License D Transfer Location D Drop/Add Stockholder Name _:gf New Entertainment Permit D Other ______________________________________________________ Deadline for receipt of all information: --------------------------- Public Safety Approved D Denied D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved D Owing D Amount: Treasurer Approved D Owing D Amount: Zoning Approved D Denied D Pending ZBA 0 Clerk's Approved D Owing D Amount: Fire/Inspections Approved~ Denied D Remaining Defects D DepartmentSignature~~~~~~-L---~~-------------------- Please return to the City Clerk's Office Gail A. Kundinger, Liquor License Coordinator PLUNKETT II I 38505 Woodward Avenue (248) 901 -4000 COONEY oil , I ' II I I S uite 2000 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 Fax (248) 90 1-4040 August 17, 2005 VIA OVERNIGHT MAIL City of Muskegon Clerk 's Office Attn: Linda 933 Terrace Muskegon, M I 49440 RE: Licensee: RT Michiana Franchise, LLC Location: 1710 East Sherman Ave., Muskegon, MI 49440 Dear Linda: Pursuant to our telephone conversation of Tuesday, August 16, 2005, enclosed please find a check payable to the City of Muskegon in the amount of$250 in payment of the required local application fee. When you have received the police and all other needed reports, please have the matter placed on your agenda for approval and contact me and let me know ifthe matter needs to be attended by a representative ofRT M ichiana Franchise, LLC/R uby Tuesday. [f you have any questions or require additional information, please feel fi·ee to contact me. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, PLUNKETT & COONEY, P.C. .) (" c Scott D. Edwards Direct Dial: (248) 901-4045 E-Mai I: sedwards@ plun EncloslU'e 131mtlcld.l 1220.51899.676696- 1 Blmfreld .11220.51899.676696-1 Bloomfield Hills Columbus D e troit East Lansing Flint Gaylord Grand Rapids Kala mazoo Marque tte Ml. Clemens Petoskey Pillsbu rg h Affirmative ,Action (231)724-6703 F.P.X: (231)722-1214 Ass esso r/Equa lb:a tlon (231)724-6708 FAX: (231)726-5181 Cemetery Department (231)724-6783 FAX: (231)726-5617 City Manager (231)724-6724 West Michigan's Shoreline Cit,y FAX: (231)722-1214 Civil Service (231)724-6716 FAX: (231)724-4405 Clerk (231 )724-6705 FAX: (231)724-4178 September 8, 2005 Community and Neigh. Services (231)724-6717 FAX: (231)726-2501 Computer Info. Mr. Scott D. Edwards Systems Plunkett & Cooney, P.C. (231)724-6744 FAX: (231)722-4301 38505 Woodward Avenue, Suite 2000 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 Engineering Dept. (231 )724-6707 FAX: (231)717-6904 Dear Mr. Edwards: Finance Dept, (231)724-6713 FAX: (231)724-6768 This letter is to inform you that the request to transfer interest in the 2005 12- months Resort Class C licensed business located at 1710 E. Sherman, Muskegon, Flre Department (231)724-6792 MI will be presented to the City Commission on September 13, 2005. This FAX: (231)724-6985 meeting begins at 5:30p.m. and is located in the City Commission Chambers, 933 Income Till Terrace, Muskegon, MI. (231)724-6770 FAX: (231)724-6768 Sincerely, Inspection Services (231)724-6715 FAX: (231)728-4371 Leisure Services (231 )724-6704 Linda Potter FAX: (231)724-1196 Deputy Clerk Mayor's Office (231)724-6701 FAX: (231)722-1214 Planning/Zoning (231)724-6702 FAX: (231)724-6790 Pollee Deptartment (231)724-6750 FAX: (231)722-5140 Public Works Dept. (23 1 )724-41 00 FAX: (231)722-4188 Treasurer's Office (231 )724-6720 FAX: (231)724-6768 Water Billing Dept. (231)724-6718 FAX: (231)724-6768 Water Filtration (231 )724-41 06 FAX: (231)755-5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P .0. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 www.shorelinecit .com Affirmath·e Action (23 J )724-6763 FAX: (231)722-1214 Ass essor/Equ nltzatlon (231 )724-6708 FAX: (231)726-5181 Cemetery Department (231)724-6783 FAX: (231)726-5617 City ManBger (231)724-6724 West Michigan's Shoreline Gty FAX: (231)722-1214 Civil Service (231 )724-6716 FAX: (231)724-4405 Clerk (231)724-6705 FAX: (231)724-4178 October 12, 2005 Community and Neigh. Services (231)724-6717 FAX: (231)726-2501 Computer Info, Liquor Control Commission Systems 7150 Harris (231)724-6744 FAX: (231)722-4301 POBox 30005 Lansing, MI 48909-7505 Engineering Dept. (231)724-6707 FAX: (231)727-6904 REF': #313944 Finance Dept. RT Michiana Franchise, LLC (231)724-6713 1710 E. Sherman FAX: (231}724-6768 Muskegon, MI 49444 Fire Department (231)724-6792 FAX: (231)724-6985 To Whom It May Concern: Income Tax (231 )724-6770 Enclosed is the Resolution for RT Michiana Franchise, LLC. This was FAX: {231)724-6768 recommended for approval at the September 13, 2005, City Commission Meeting. Inspection Services (231)724-6715 FAX: {231)728-4371 Please do not hesitate to call me at (231) 724-6705 if you have any questions. Lelsure Services (231)724-6704 Sincerely, FAX: (231)724-1196 Mayor's Office (231 )724-6701 FAX: (231)722-1214 Planning/Zoning Linda Potter {231 )724-6702 Deputy Clerk FAX: (231)724-6790 Police Deptartment enc. (231 )724-6750 FAX: (231)722-5140 Public Works Dept. (231 )724-41 00 FAX: {231)72l-4188 Treasurer's Office (231)724-6720 FAX: (231)724-6768 Water Billing Dept. (231 )724-6718 FAX: (231)724-6768 Water Filtration (231)724-4106 FAX: (231)755-5290 City ofMuskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 \ Date: September 13, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Resolution for Charitable Gaming License "Silent Celebration" for Texas Holdem SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Deaf/Hard of Hearing Connection, 3391 Merriam Street, is requesting a resolution recognizing them as a non- profit organization operating in the City for the purpose of obtaining a gaming license. The event will be at Heritage Landing. Due to time constraints they are coming to us after the event (permission has been given by the State). They have been recognized as a 501 (c)(3) organization by the State. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval )a t et 9 / 26 / 2005 Time. 1~32 PM To t @ 9,1·231·737-446 3 Lottery Pa qe; 002-010 ~~~t~IG~o\- Charitable Gaming Division . ~ .. ~ :.:. : .. Box 30023, lansing, Ml46909 ::·:::: :C·: ·. ! OVERNIGHT DELIVERY: = ..;.....::;._.: 101 E. Hillsdale, lansing M 148933 (517)335-5780 lOJllR'i l' LOCAL GOVERNING BODY RESOLUTION FOR CHARITABLE GAMING LICENSES (Required by MCL.432.103(9)) 2005-82(d) At a Regu 1 a r meeting of the City Cornrn iss ion _ ___;:..:...::......_=::': RE~G::-:,UL-:-A.,-RO ~R'""'S"" PE"'C""'IAc-L----- TOWNSHIP. CllY. OR Vll LAGE COUNaL/BOARD called to order by Mayor Warrni ngton on September 13, 200 5 DATE at 5 : 30 a.fYYYp.m. the following resolution was offered: liME Moved by C ornrn iss ion e r Carter and supported by _v_1_·c_e_M_a_y;;;_.o_r_L_a_r_s_o_n_ __ MOKA (dba Deaf/Hard of that therequestfrom Hearing Connection) of Muskegon NAME OF ORGANIZATION Cl fY county of ___M_u_s_k_e-=g:....o_n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, asking that they be recognized as a COUNTY NAME nonprofit organization operating in the community for the purpose of obtaining a charitable gaming license, be considered for Approva 1 -~~~AF=P= RO~V~ ~~D= ISA~F= PR=o~ ~~L--- APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Yeas: __7_ _ __ Yeas: Nays: __o___ Nays: Absent: 0 Absent: ------ I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution offered and adopted by the CitY Cornrn iss ion Regular TOI"INSHIP. CITY. OR Vll LAGE COUNCIUBOAPD at a __....;;;.._=.,..,...,.,....,.,....,..,.,~--- REGuLAR OR SPECIAL meetingheldon September 13, 2005 . SIGNED ~ Q":' ~~~'~ Gail A. Kundinger, MMC, City Clerk PRINlED NAME AND liTLE 933 Terrace, Mus~egon, MI 49440 ADDRESS cO"i;"tPi."Erio~R-equtr~d~~- ---~ PENALTY. Possible demal of appltc•Uon. : BSL-CG-1153(R7/02) 2317374463 p.2 DEAF HARD OF HEARING CONN Sep 07 2 oos 11:57AM Internal Revenue Service Department of t:he Treasury Dlstcict: P.O. Box 2508 f!iroct:or Cincinnst:i, OH 45201 Person to Contact::. Lois Psrcott: HOKA NonProfit Services Telephone Number: Garporat:.fon 513-684-3957 ···-'"•• Refer Reply to: EP/EO 425 WEST WESTERN AVENUE Dat:e: SUITE 304 June 28 , 1989 MUSKEGON Ml49440 ~Loyer IdentlElcat:Ion Number: 38-2227805 Dear Sir or Hadsm: This ill in respo11$e t:o your request for a copy of your det:el:flli.nat:lon letter. Our records indicate that: by a detenubtat:J.on lett:er da.t:ed April 10, 1979 your __.,r$anir;s.t1on vas recognized _s.s exempt fcoa Federal income-··· to.x under llectlon 50l(c)(3) of the Int:emal ReV"ffUe Code of 1954. Tflat let:t:er is still in effect:. Based on lnforms.tlon &Ubsequently sublllit:ted, "" classified your organlzat:Lon as one chat J.r;•not a pclvate foundat:Lon within the meaning of sect:J.on 509 (a) of t:h<> Code b6.oause you. are an organ!zs.t:lon descrJ.bed in sect: ion S09(a) (1) and 170(b) (1) (A)(v!). The cle.sslfleatlon vas based on the. e.SsWJJpt:ion that your operations would continue as sts.t:ed J.n /;he!on, If your sources of support:., or your purposes, ch.srsct:er, or method of opez:a.t:Lons hs.\o""e changed, please let:. us kn.w &0' ve can consider the effect: of t:he change on your exempt st:atus and foundation status. As of JanrJ-ary I, 1984, you liCe liable for taxes tmder Federal Insurance Contributions Act (social security t:axes)· on remuneration of $100 or 1110re you pay to of your employees during a calendar year. You are not 1Le.ble for t:/te ta:x: J.mposed under the Federal Unemployment T8X Act (FUTA). Orgen!zat:Lons tl1at: are not prJ.vat:e foundations not subject co /;he excise ttu:es under Chapter 42 of tho Code. Nov ever, you not s.ut:orno.t:Lcally exempt from ot;her Federal excise t:axes. It you Itave any quesc!ons about: exo!se, employment, or ot;her Federal tsxes, please let us la:Jow. Donors II!D-y deduct contributions to you as provided 1n soctlon _170 of the Code. Bequest:s, legacies,, transfers, or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for Federal estate snd g!ft t:s.x purposes lf they-meet t:he applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of t:he Code. CITY OF MUSKEGON City Clerk's Office 933 Terrace Street Muskegon, Ml 49440 (231) 724-6705 INVOICE 9-7-05 To: DHH Connection W. Scott Peyton 3391 Merriam Street, Suite 101 Muskegon, MI 49444 Gaming license fee: $5.00 Please detach and return this portion with your payment. Dllli Connection Gaming license fee INVOICE AMOUNT: $5.00 PLEASE REMIT TO: City of Muskegon Clerk's Office 93 3 Terrace Street Muskegon,MI 49440 September 15, 2005 Mr. W. Scott Peyton Executive Director DHH Connection 3391 Merriam Street, Suite 101 Muskegon,MI 49444 Dear Mr. Peyton: Enclosed is the local governing body resolution for charitable gaming licenses that was approved by the City Commission at their September 13th meeting. If you have any questions, please call me at 724-6705. Thank you, Linda Potter Deputy Clerk enc. Commission Meeting Date: September 13, 2005 Date: August 24, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission From: Planning & Economic Development Departmente£t, RE: Request to Purchase Tax-Reverted Properties SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The State of Michigan is offering the City a number of tax-reverted properties acquired prior to 2002 and available to us under the "old program" for the bargain price of $300 for the first five properties and $20 for each additional property after that. Since the City continues to mow and maintain these lots, even though they are State-owned, it would be advantageous to the City to take ownership of them. We can then attempt to sell them and get them back on the tax rolls. The Community and Neighborhood Services Department will be obtaining seven of the properties from the list for their program, one of which is a home to rehabilitate. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Total cost of the 32 properties is $840. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: Expend the additional $840 necessary to purchase these parcels. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution and to authorize both the Mayor and the Clerk to sign said resolution and deed. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Land Reutilization Committee recommended approval at their regular meeting of August 23, 2005. 8/24/05 Resolution No. 2005-8 2 (e) MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION TO PURCHASE STATE-OWNED TAX REVERTED PROPERTY. WHEREAS, Act 451, P.A. 1994, as amended, provides for the conveyance of State-owned tax- reverted lands to municipal units for public purposes, and; WHEREAS, such lands are under the jurisdiction of the State of Michigan, Department of Natural Resources and are available for acquisition under the provisions of the above mentioned act; WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon desires to acquire such lands for purposes of selling the property; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City ofMuskegon shall set up necessary procedures and controls to provide for the property distribution of funds arising from the subsequent sale of the acquired property in conformity with the above mentioned acts. Legal Descriptions for 32 Properties are Attached. Adopted this 1 3th day of September, 2005 Ayes: Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, and Warmington Nays: None Absent: None Gail A. Kundinger, MMC Clerk The City of Muskegon is interested in acquiring the following parcels: 1) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 W Y, of Lot 8 Block 80 Parcel # 61-24-205-080-0008-00 Parcel ID # 1040874 488 McLaughlin 2) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 N y, of Lot 6 Block 83 Parcel # 61-24-205-083-0006-00 Parcel ID # 1130446 1164 Kenneth 3) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 That Part of Lot 3 Lying NW'ly of St hwy r/w Block 146 Parcel# 61-24-205-146-0003-00 Parcel ID # 1130458 411 Seaway 4) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 SE 62 Feet of Lot 3 Block 236 Parcel # 61-24-205-236-0003-00 Parcel ID # 1130467 1122 Spring 5) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 S Y, of theN Y, Lots 11-12 Block 339 Parcel # 61-24-205-339-0011-10 Parcel ID # 1130477 1237 71h 6) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 NY, of Lot I Block 382 Parcel# 61-24-205-382-0001-00 Parcel ID # 1130488 1163 Sanford 7) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 E Y, of Lots 7 & 8 Block 42 Parcel# 61-24-205-042-0007-10 Parcel ID # 2020067 492 White 8) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 W 44 feet ofN 165 Feet of Lot 4 Block 51 Parcel # 61-24-205-051-0004-00 Parcel ID # 2020071 723 Amity 9) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 Lot 6 Ex S 50 feet Block 66 Parcel # 61-24-205-066-0006-00 Parcel ID # 2020072 477 E Apple 10) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 Lot I 0 Block 69 Parcel# 61-24-205-069-0010-00 Parcel ID # 2020073 510 E Isabella 11) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 N \'2 Lot 8 S y, Lot 9 Block 149 Parcel # 61-24-205-149-0008-00 Parcel ID # 202007 5 509 Octavius 12) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 E y, Lot 1 Block 203 Parcel# 61-24-205-203-0001-10 Parcel ID # 2020076 391 Orchard 13)City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 S \'2 of Lot 1 Block 210 Parcel# 61-24-205-210-0001-00 Parcel ID # 2020077 923 Emerald 14) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 Lot 3 Block 210 Parcel # 61-24-205-210-0003-00 Parcel ID # 2020078 305 Amity 15) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 Lot 6 Block 250 Parcel # 61-24-205-250-0006-00 Parcel ID # 2020082 334 Catherine 16) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 Lot 5 Block 261 Parcel# 61-24-205-261-0005-00 Parcel ID # 2020083 354 McLaughlin 17) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 W 70 Feet of Lot 1 Block 264 Parcel# 61-24-205-264-0001-00 Parcel ID # 2020084 1310 Pine 18) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 Part of Lot 10 Block 275 Desc as Comm@ SECor of SD Block for POB th S 89 Deg 38 Min W 81 feet theN 60 feet th N 89 Deg 3 8 Min E 81 feet the S 60 ft to POB Parcel# 61-24-205-275-0010-20 Parcel ID # 2020085 1479 Jiroch 19) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 N 40 feet of Lot 4 Block 294 Parcel # 61-24-205-294-0004-00 Parcel ID # 2020086 1636 Pine 20) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 E Yz Lot 10 Block 339 Parcel# 61-24-205-339-0010-10 Parcel ID # 2020090 536 W Muskegon 21) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 N 91.5 Feet of Lot 5 Block 364 Parcel # 61-24-205-364-0005-00 Parcel ID # 2020093 1130 1' 1 22)City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 E Y, of Lot II Block 391 Parcel# 61-24-205-391-0011-10 Parcel ID # 2020096 238 Strong 23) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 Lot I Block 449 Parcel# 61-24-205-449-0001-00 Parcel ID # 2020098 1686 71h 24) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 Lot 2 Block 449 Parcel# 61-24-205-449-0002-00 Parcel ID # 2020099 1698 71h 25) City of Muskegon Erwin and Keating's Addition Lot 5 & N 5 Feet Lot 6 Block I Parcel# 61-24-290-001-0005-00 Parcel ID # 2020105 1974 Park 26)City of Muskegon Wharncliffe Grove Part of Block 2 R P Eastons 2nd Sub Div Part of Sec 32 Lot 53 Parcel# 61-24-890-000-0053-00 Parcel ID # 2020110 1979 Mcllwraitb 27) City of Muskegon Eastlawn Subdn. Of Blocks 3, 4, and 5 R.P. Eastons 2nd Subdn. Lots 25 & 26 Block 10 Parcel# 61-24-255-010-0025-00 Parcel ID # 1003402 1974 S Getty 28) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 S Y2 Lot 12 Block 389 Parcel# 61-24-205-389-0012-10 Parcel ID # 1102279 1359 6 1h 29) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 Block 435 Lot 6 Parcel # 61-24-205-435-0006-00 Parcel ID # 411669 753 W Forest 30) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 Lot 9 Block 406 Parcel # 61-24-205-406-0009-00 Parcel ID # 411612 1434 7th 31) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 SLY 40 feet ofWLY 66 feet Lot 7 Block 376 Parcel# 61-24-205-376-0007-15 Parcel ID # 411574 1366 7th 32) City of Muskegon Revised Plat 1903 ELY 44 feet ofWLY 88 Feet Lots 8, 9, 10 Block 152 Parcel # 61-24-205-152-0008-10 Parcel ID # 411149 361 Sumner CERTIFICATION I hearby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted meeting held on September 13,2005. ~ .j by the City Commission of the City ofMuskegon, County of Muskegon, M ichigan at a regular By: 0 _:p;.~~~L:.~ .~~~~~ Gail A. Kundinger, MM Clerk AGENDA ITEM NO. _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY COMMISSION MEETING September 13, 2005 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Bryon L. Mazade, City Manager DATE: August 31, 2005 RE: County Wastewater Easements SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve two agreements with Muskegon County which grants easements to the County across City property for the purpose of the County constructing and maintaining water lines. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $1,600 in revenue to the City. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the two attached easement agreements. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None EASEMENT 2005-82(f 1 ) Indenture made this 13th day of September A.D., 2005, between the City of Muskegon, whose address is 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon MI 49440, as Grantor, and the County of Muskegon, a municipal corporation, by and through its Board of Public Works, whose address is 990 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, 49442, as Grantee, hereinafter referred to as the "County" or "Grantee", Grantor is the owner of certain property, hereinafter described, and the County of Muskegon is desirous of obtaining an easement over and upon a portion of said premises for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and using certain waste water lines. Grantor is willing to grant and convey to the County an easement for said purposes upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, upon the premises described in Exhibit "A: attached to and made part hereof. RECITALS Witnesseth, that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand One Hundred and No/!00 Dollars ($1,100.00), lawful money of the United States, to them in hand paid by the County, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents grant, and convey unto the County of Muskegon and its successors and assigns, permanent easement over, across and under strips of land situated in the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, which said strips of land are described on the easement drawing that is attached hereto and made part hereof, for the purpose of clearing, trenching for, laying, constructing, maintaining, repairing and using sewers or pipe lines necessary or convenient to the County general plan for the Muskegon County Wastewater Management System. Grantor grants and conveys to the County herewith, the right and privilege to use the temporary easement for the initial construction of said sewer lines, pipes and mains, which shall expire after same are constructed, but not after the calendar year 2009, whichever shall first occur. PROVIDED HOWEVER, that: 1. The County shall restore the premises to the same condition they were in prior to such construction, maintenance, repair or alteration, except for tree removal. 2. County shall provide Grantor with a temporary roadway for pedestrian and vehicular traffic when such construction, maintenance, alterations, and repairs interfere with the Grantor's ordinary pedestrian and vehicular access to the premises. 3. County shall cooperate with Grantor to cause the least inconvenience to Grantor during such construction, maintenance, alteration and repairs and complete such work as soon as reasonably possible. 4. County in excavating for, constructing, laying, maintaining and repairing said sewer line, shall do as little damage as possible to the premises of Grantor, and it shall make good all of such damage to Grantor. E124 Page 1 of2 5. County shall so construct and maintain the sewer lines within such easement to prevent the escape or discharge of noxious odors or sewage upon the premises of Grantor. 6. All work performed by the County, its agents and employees will require an inspection by City personal prior to the completion of the restoration of said easement area. 7. It is understood and agreed that all futures crossings for utilities shall be allowed in the easement area. 8. The above special provisions form a part of the consideration for this conveyance in addition to the monetary consideration above set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Agreement on the year and day shall be performed in accordance with good engineering practice with the lease possible inconvenience to the Grantor and pursuant to all governmental laws, regulation and ordinances. Print Name Mayor Title STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ) ss. COUNTY OF MUSKEGON) S ty? I ember , A.D., 200 .J, before me personally appeared Sten/zen LT. /l a r to me known to be the pers6n described in and who executed the forego in mstrument and acknowledged that Ae.. executed the same as ~ 1 s free act and deed. Notary Public L;n/a. S /o flt'r County of ,/JZA.s kc:J"oo My Commission Expires: 9-,JS-{) 6 EI24 Page 2 of2 EASEMENT 2005-82(f 2 ) Indenture made this 13th day of September A.D., 2005, between the City of Muskegon, whose address is 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon MI 49440, as Grantor, and the County of Muskegon, a municipal corporation, by and through its Board of Public Works, whose address is 990 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, 49442, as Grantee, hereinafter referred to as the "County" or "Grantee", Grantor is the owner of certain property, hereinafter described, and the County of Muskegon is desirous of obtaining an easement over and upon a portion of said premises for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and using certain waste water lines. Grantor is willing to grant and convey to the County an easement for said purposes upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, upon the premises described in Exhibit "A: attached to and made part hereof. RECITALS Witnesseth, that the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Five Hundred And Noll 00 Dollars ($500.00), lawful money of the United States, to them in hand paid by the County, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents grant, and convey unto the County of Muskegon and its successors and assigns, permanent easement over, across and under strips of land situated in the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, which said strips of land are described on the easement drawing that is attached hereto and made part hereof, for the purpose of clearing, trenching for, laying, constructing, maintaining, repairing and using sewers or pipe lines necessary or convenient to the County general plan for the Muskegon County Wastewater Management System. Grantor grants and conveys to the County herewith, the right and privilege to use the temporary easement for the initial construction of said sewer Jines, pipes and mains, which shall expire after same are constructed, but not after the calendar year 2009, whichever shall first occur. PROVIDED HOWEVER, that: I. The County shall restore the premises to the same condition they were in prior to such construction, maintenance, repair or alteration, except for tree removal. 2. County shall provide Grantor with a temporary roadway for pedestrian and vehicular traffic when such construction, maintenance, alterations, and repairs interfere with the Grantor's ordinary pedestrian and vehicular access to the premises. 3. County shall cooperate with Grantor to cause the least inconvenience to Grantor during such construction, maintenance, alteration and repairs and complete such work as soon as reasonably possible. 4. County in excavating for, constructing, laying, maintaining and repairing said sewer line, shall do as little damage as possible to the premises of Grantor, and it shall make good all of such damage to Grantor. El25 Page I of2 5. County shall so construct and maintain the sewer lines within such easement to prevent the escape or discharge of noxious odors or sewage upon the premises of Grantor. 6. All work performed by the County, its agents and employees will require an inspection by City personal prior to the completion of the restoration of said easement area. 7. It is understood and agreed that all futures crossings for utilities shall be allowed in the easement area. 8. The above special provisions form a part of the consideration for this conveyance in addition to the monetary consideration above set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Agreement on the year and day shall be performed in accordance with good engineering practice with the lease p inconvenience to the Grantor and pursuant to all governmental laws, regulation and ordinances. Stephen J . Wa rmington Print Name Mayor Title STATEOF MICHIGAN ) ) -ss. COUNTY OF MUSKEGON) ___:::::::..!:<'-#-!-.JLL.:~._L2_,._ _, A.D., 200 ~ before me personally appeared 5 t(.olz e r"J J. o/ to me known to be the persbn described in and who ex cuted t e foregoing instrument and acknowledged that oc executed the same as A/.s free act and deed. Notary Public L/ncla s. / 'c> J"Tt"'.r County of /l/us ~e /l My Commission Expires: [- ;zs--0 b E125 Page 2 of2 .· Commission Meeting Date: September 13, 2005 Date: September 6, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission From: Community and Neighborhood Services Department GJ,c; . RE: Approval of contractor for completion of Rehabilitation of structure at 458-460 Mulder SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the contract with Nobles Incorporated 210 East Broadway Muskegon, MI. for the completion of the rehabilitation of the city owned home at 458-460 Mulder for Sixty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Thirty Nine dollars ($68,439) Operation: Two will be made into one. This present two-unit structure will be converted into a single family home in order to be more conforming to the immediate neighborhood. After the rehabilitation is completed the home will be marketed to qualified eligible first time homebuyers The CNS office received two other bids for this project Top Notch Design 4740 Jenson Fruitport, ($96,995) Lewis Johnson Builders 1607 Bonita Court of Grand Haven ($82,800) FINANCIAL IMPACT: The funding for this project will be taken from the City's HOME funds from fiscal year 2004 and program income. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None required STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Community and Neighborhood Services request. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: 24-205-018-0005-10 458 MULDER ST STREET VIEW 11-2000 Commission Meeting Date: September 13, 2005 Date: September 6, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission From: Planning & Economic Development Cf6c... Department RE: City-County Agreement for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the Agreement between the City and the County for the expenditure of CDBG funds for the Neighborhoods of Choice project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will receive $500,000 in grant funds from the State of Michigan, through the County of Muskegon for the project. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Agreement and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None. AGREEMENT This Agreement is made as of 5 ¥: feJader L3 , 2005, between the County ofMuskegon ("County"), and the City of Muskegon(" ity"). RECITALS A. The City intends to make improvements to streets, walkways, and landscaping in the North Nelson Neighborhood, located in the City ofMuskegon, ("Neighborhoods of Choice Infrastructure Project"). B. The City requested the County to apply for a Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000), for the Neighborhoods of Choice Infrastructure Project. C. The County applied for the grant and was approved for CDBG funding in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500;000) by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation ("MEDC"). TERMS AND CONDITIONS Therefore, in exchange for the consideration referred to by this Agreement, and effective beginning on the date the County accepts and executes the CDBG Agreement with the MEDC, the parties agree as follows: 1. The County shall be responsible for all administrative matters to obtain reimbmsement on behalf of the City under the terms of the CDBG program for the expenses incurred by the City and shall forward monies received to the City. 2. The City shall be subject to all requirements contained in the attached CDBG Agreement between the County and MEDC (See Exhibit 1). The City shall provide the County, within a reasonable time, any information and cooperate in any other reasonable manner to assure compliance with the CDBG Agreement. 3. City agrees to exonerate, save harmless, protect and indemnify County, its departments, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all loss, damages, claims, suits, actions, judgments and costs, which may arise or grow out of any actions or omissions caused by City's officers, employees, or agents tmder this Agreement. Provided, however, City may defend instead of indemnify County in the event County is sued for City's actions, if it would be reasonable due to the nature of the case. 4. County agrees to exonerate, save harmless, protect and indemnify City, its departments, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all loss, damages, claims, suits, actions, judgments and costs, which may arise or grow out of any actions or omissions caused by County's officers, employees, or agents under this Agreement. Provided, however, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary lntcmet Files\OLK2S\GDBGAgmt-neighborhood· 8·1 6·054.DOC County may defend instead of indemnify City in the event City is sued for County's actions, if it would be reasonable due to the nature of the case. 5. This is the entire agreement between the pmties as to its subject, and is binding upon any successors or permitted assigns of the parties. It shall not be amended or modified except in writing signed by the pa1ties. 6. This Agreement shall be interpreted and constmed in accordance with Michigan law and the parties agree to jurisdiction and venue within the comts for the County of Muskegon. 7. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same agreement. This Agreement has been executed as ofthe first date written above. Attest: By: ~Q , Gail A. Kundinger, MMC, Cle County of Muskegon B~&itJ Bill Gill, Chairman Attest: ~om\J. &ill Ka .n Bme, Clerk C:\Docwnenls and Sellings\Administralor\Local Scttings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK251G DI3GAgmt-neighborhood-8-16-054.DOC Date: September 13, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Engineering RE: Request for an Encroachment Agreement SUMMARY OF REQUEST: BLDI environmental who is working with Ken's Super Service Station at the north west corner of Laketon & Henry has submitted the enclosed encroachment agreement form requesting your permission to install five (5) monitoring wells in the area surrounding the aforementioned station. The wells would be installed in the public right of ways of Hudson, Laketon, Henry & Division. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the encroachment agreement subjects to the supplemental conditions and compliance with the necessary insurance requirements. COMMITIEE RECOMMENDATION: None flu,~.25 05 03:57p Cit~ Of Musk•~on En~ine~r 2317276804 p.c' CITY OF MUSKRGON ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT AND PERMIT THIS AGREEMENT is madu and entered into this /3 ~ day of S5.t>lemh 20 O.S:by and between the CITY OF MUSKEGON, a municipal corporation (hercinaHcr called CITY), and 1?t:DI; :{he· (hereinafter called LICENSEE). RECITALS I. LICENSEE propo~es to install, repair or maintain improvements or facilities ("the encroachment"), in or abutting a street, alley, sidewalk, park, terrace or other property controlled or owned by the City of Muskegon, the encroacllment being described as -tk w~):"{{"11<5;J of trJori ~~r;j w:lfs f)[ purplliRS of rr1w.sdJ~K> Jn:·f 2. The City-owned or controlled property (herein "property") subject to the encroachment is descri ~ed as: [please insert a general deSc1iption, and if required by the CITY, an accurate legal description] 3. The CITY is willing to grant such privilege upon the terms and conditions herein. This u~;:reem.ent shall coJlStitute a pem1it under section 18-19 of the Code of Ordinances, but shall apply to any encroachment on public ways or property. THEREFORE, I. CITY docs hereby grant unto LICENSEE the privilege or X constructing, -~installin1;, _ ___c>< _ _ maintaining, __X__ repairing and pcrfom1ing all necessary functions relating to the cncrouchmcnt, and for that purpose to enter the property, for the tcm1 herein stated. \\Mtr~ktlatOI\L);IIi!\L::NCiJSF.ERJNGI("QMMt)N\Illii{MlT I'()RMS\F.rii'IWI.)hmt•nl Agrcci11CIII illHlf'l.:nnil.doc Av~·25 05 03:58p p . ..:) 111is privilege shall be effective upon the issuance of an encroachment pe1mit, which shall be issued only aller npproval of this ngreemcnt by the City Commission and delivery to the CITY of the required evidence of insurance coverages. This grant is ~ubject to the following ~pecial condition~: _ _!l'-'--t'-'-t:"'a'-'c"'h'-'-'e'-'Jl~--- 2. That LICENSEE shall pay to the CITY for the privilege hereby t,;rantcd the sum of One //4JrcrR fu/<'oj;,v-/.yc.- Dollars (S /~ ). such payment to be made upon the signing of this agreement to be dated as of the /Jr-1 day of , '>')aleazJ'ec 20 o,;-; to the City Treasurer of the City ofMuskcyon, and the privilege hereby granted shall continue for a period to terminate the first day ofMay, fQLQ_ unless sooner tenninated as hereinafter provided. 3. INDEMN1FICATION. The LICENSEE shall indemnify and save hannless said GRANTOR of and from any liability for claims, damages, costs, expenses, or fees, including any atlom~y fees, or fmes or awards brought against or charged to the CITY by any person, fmn or corporation on account of or arising from the privilege hereby granted to LICENSEE or the activities of the LICENSEE related to the encroachment or this privilege. This indemnification obligation shall include all liabilities for environmental damage or releases of hazardous substances subject to any governmental or third party action. "Hazardous substancw 5 500.000 OTHER Pollvllon 10/01/2004 10/01/2005 t: l.IJrSf:AS~ ·POLICY LM!I ' Each 2.00?.00 A Pmffnlonal FEC5103245 Each OccvrnHlCfl 2,000,00 DESCRIPTION Of Of'ERAliONS/ LOCA liONS I VEHICLES/ EXCLUSIONS AOOEOBY ENDOMSEMENll SPECIAl PROVISIONS The City of Muskegon is named as an Additional Insured as their interest may appear with respect to Project at Ken's Super Serve Site CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELlED BEfORE THf f)(P!RAl!ON DATE THEREOf, lHE ISSUING INSURfR WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL _1Q_ OA'fS WRinEN City of Muskegon NOliCE TO THE CERllfJCATE HOLOERNAMEO 10 lHE LEfl. BUT fAILURE TO DO SO SHAll 933 Terrace Street IMPOSE NO OBUGATION OR LIA6fUTY Of AN'!' KINO UPON lHE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR Muskegon M/49441 REPRESENl AliVES. ~,cg..... ~- ~ AUTHOR/lEO REPRESENT AliVE \.U... I ACORD 25 (2001/08) ©ACORD CORPORATION 1988 SEP 06 2005 3:39PM BLDI 616-459-5357 p.2 MANAGING ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY VIA FACSIMILE Soptember 6, 2005 Mr. Muhammad Al-Shatel, PE City of Musbson, EnpeoriDg Departmellt 933 Terrace Muskegon, MJ 49440 Re: lneroaclament for IDit.lllq Mollltonq WeDa Dear Sir: The purposc of this letter is to provide you with baclcaround on the encroachment application mbmilted fur purposes of allowing BLDI to inBtall monitoring wells in the area of the Henry and Laketon intersection in the City of Muskegon. The need fur the wells i1 due to a confirmed releate of gesoline from the underground atorage taakl (USTa) serving Ken's Super Serve station, located 011 the northwest comer of Hemy 1nd Laketon. The releue of paoli= was diiCOvcred in April of 2003 and is ~ked by the Michigan Department ofEnviromnental Quality (MDEQ) u releuc number C-0154-03. Some invmiptioll work hu been perfomled to date, but m:ently the MDEQ demanded more prompt aotion in completing the work necessary to fully delineate the soil and l!'oundwllll:r impact at the lite. The monitorine wells serve to determine the lateral spread of dissolved eoncenlrlltions of gaaoline in the aroundwater . .BLDI intends to drill these monitoring wells using either direct push (cores of soil are removed to open a hole in the ground) or via our traditioDBl hollow stem auger drill rig. In either case, the soil telli!J8& will be collected and colllllinerized fur disposal. The ftnilhcd well exposes ollly a fllllh mo1111led, small dilllliCter manhole cover to the public. These mllllhole covers are boiled in place 11Dd are not ~K:Ceasible without tools. All wells will be installed in lllldsuped are& of the riahtl of way, with the surface restored to current conditioll.l followi!J8 installation. Once inatalled. BLDI anllcipatea accessing and sampling the monitoring wells on a quarterly basis for approximately 3 to S years. The frequency and duration of the groundwater samplilliJ entirely depends on MDEQ rcquiremenll for site closure, but typically closure will not oecUI in less than 3 years time. Once closure bas been achieved, tho MDEQ requires that the monitoring wells be ab11Dd01lcd in ac:cordanlle with ASTM standards. Typic:ally, Ibis includes aroutin& tho well closed and removing the upper portions of the well/manhole wcmbly. I S O - SUcct Nl! Gnnd 1\op!dJ, MI 49503 Pbone 616.ol59.3737 fox 616.469.5357 E-mail Weboio:c...., SEP OG 2005 3:39PM llLDI 616--459-5357 p.3 Mr. Muhammad Al-Shat11l, PB September 6, 2005 Pago2 of2 The grolVI.dwater ~ the vicinity of Laketon and Henry is at a depth of approxima!ely 26 feet below the surfilce. No public GXJ'O:IIIlll ooncema are present due to the diaaolved concentrationa ofgaaollne in the groundwater. Additionally, BLDI's inSiallation and sampling of the groundwater wells will not pose any public exposure COJICCI'JlJ. Please telephone me with any questioas or concerns regardiDg the mollitoring well installation or I!IIC1'08Chment application. Richard N. Spehar, P.E. Senior Project Manager BLDI ISO Fountain SUUI NE Grand lopidl, Ml4960a Phooc616.4S9.37a7 Fu 616.459.5357 Date: September 13, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Fireworks Display- Blue Corner Boxing SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Blue Corner Boxing is requesting approval of a fireworks display permit for their boxing event at the L C Walker Arena on September 24, 2005. Fire Marshall Metcalf will inspect the fireworks on the day of the event FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval contingent on inspection of the fireworks and approval of the insurance. 2005-82(j) PERMIT FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAY Act 358, P.A. 1968 This permit is not transferable. Possession of this permit by the herein named person will authorize him to possess, transport and display fireworlcs in the amounts, for the purpose, and at the place listed below only. TYPE OF DISPLAY: QC) PUBLIC DISPLAY ( ) AGRICULTURAL PEST CONTROL ISSUED TO: West Michigan Burnerz NAME 17355 Spring Hill ADDRESS AGE Spring Lake, MI 49456 REPRESEN11NG Blue Corner Boxing NA,'.IE OF ORGANIZATION, GROUP, FJR.\1 OR CORPORATION ADDRESS 143 w. Sherman Blvd. NUMBER & TYPES OF FIREWORKS: small baton wands with fire DISPLAY: L. c. Walker Arena, Muskegon, MI EXACT LOCATION September 24, 2005 9:30 p.m. CITY, VILLAGE, TOWNSHIP DATE TIME BOND OR INSURANCE FILED: ()NO AMOUNT $1 , 000, 000. ISSUED BY· Issued by action of the tvUISKEGON CITY COMMISSION (council, a~mmiuion, board.} of the CITY (1•!9l•l'llrc &:. posttlon of Goon~il. oommiuion Qf baud represmu.civc} J-lc2-osJ FM- 32( 12- 68) APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT Act 358, P.A. 1968 I DATE, (F A7~CATION '1 /2 !J) 0 I. TYPE OF DISPLAY' 94- Public Display Agricultural Pest Control 2. APPLICANT \)iAAE ( ·,\t?>~~m /J,n><,J{, N1{E OF PE~N I Aomss ~J AGE: Must be 21 or over A-vi l ~l.lltA E.. (1.- )l-lf)~W.ftrl 6L41) zs- IF A CORPORATION: Name of President ADDRESS 3. PYROTECHNIC OPERATOR NAME ADDRESS AGE: Must be 21 or over IN{?)( /UICi-1 l&\?J bUtW!;l'Z'C EXPERIENCE: NUMBER OF YEARS I NUMBER ~F DISPLAYS WHERE NAMES OF ASSISTANTS: NAME ADDRESS AGE NAME ADDRESS AGE 4. NON-RESIDENT APPLICANT NAME ADDRESS Name of Michigan Attorney or Resident Agent ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER 5, EXACT LOCATION OF PROPOSED DISPLAY LC wAt-!l£2 ~.ff' DATE ITIME CJ I ztf /o - (Subject to Approval of Local Fire Authorities) A, AMOUNT OF BOND OR INSURANCE 7. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY {to be set by municipality) $ B. BONDING CORPORATION OF INSURANCE COMPANY: NAME I ADDRESS (See other s1de for mstruct1ons) ~eP.I2. 2005 I I :08AM WALKER ARENA-MUSK No.9829 P. 2 COMM&ROIAL LINES POLICY· COMMON POLICY DECLARATIONS NAUTILUS INSURANCE COMPANY Scottsdale, Arizona Transaction Type: Renewal F'ollcy No. NC432992 Flenawal of Pelley 11 NC339542 Inspection Orderad: Rewrite of Polley# - - - - - - 0 Yes l 1J No THJ:: WHITE AGENCY Cross Ref, Polley# ----~- . FREMONT, MIC.HIGAN Named Insured and Mailing Address (No., Stroot, Town or City, County, Stato, Zip Coda) NOTICE W. M, SIJRNERZ The coverage afforded by this 17355 SPRING HILL policy is restricted. Please SPRING LAKE MI 49456- read your policy carefully, No Flat Cancellati<:>ns Agent and Mailing Address Agency No. onoo- oo (No., Stroot, Town ot City, County, State, Zip Codo) J,M, Wilson Corporation . THIS INSURANCE IS WITH AN INSURER 8036 Moorebridge Road NOT LICENSED IN MICHIGAN. IN CASE Portage, MI 49024 OF INSOLVENCY, PAYMENT OF CLAIMS MAY NOT BE GUARANTEED. NO FLAT CANCELLATION ~~Hg~: From OS/12/20P5 to 05/12/2006 at12:01A.M.StandardTimeat'yourmalllngaddressshownabove. BUsiness Description: ENTERTAINllfl.S Tax State MI Form of Business: D Individual D Partnership D Joint Ventura D Trust D Limited Liability Company (LLC) · · ~ Organization, Including a Corporation (but not Including a Partnership, Joint Venture or LLC) IN RETURN FOR IHE PAYMENT OF THE PI3 Req ID # 3099 53 {Authorized by MCL 436.1217) P.o. Box 3ooo5 g..- jtp-cr> Lansing, Michigan 48909-7505 VZr111 Important: Please conduct your investigation as soon as possible and complete all four sections of this report. Return the completed report and fingerprint cards to the Commission. BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS: (include zip code) PORT CITY CRUISE LINE, INC. (PORT CITY CRUISE LINE), 560 MART, MUSKEGON, Ml 49440, MUSKEGON COUNTY REQUEST FOR: REQUEST TO TRANSFER LOCATION OF 2005 WATERCRAFT LICENSED BUSINESS WITH DANCE-ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT AND 250 PASENGERS FROM 1133 W. WESTERN, NORTH MUSKEGON, Ml 49442, MUSKEGON COUNTY. j Section 1. APPLICANT INFORMATION I APPLICANT #1: NO FINGERPRINTS REQUIRED APPLICANT #2: }CONTACT: SYLVIA PRECIOUS, PRESIDENT .J 231 )728-8387/(800)853-6311 HOME ADDRESS AND AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER: HOME ADDRESS AND AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER: DATE OF BIRTH: t/-/6 .. 31 DATE OF BIRTH: If the applicant is not a U.S. Citizen: If the applicant is not a U.S. Citizen: 0 0 Does the applicant have permanent Resident Alien status? Does the applicant have permanent Resident Alien status? DYes D No DYes D No 0 0 Does the applicant have a Visa? Enter status: Does the applicant have a Visa? Enter status: Date fingerprinted: ""'/,4- Date fingerprinted: [ Attach the fingerprint card and $30.00 for each card and mail to the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. I ARREST RECORD: D Felony 0 Misdemeanor ARREST RECORD: 0 Felony 0 Misdemeanor Enter record of all arrests & convictions {attach a signed and dated Enter record of all arrests & convictions {attach a signed and dated 1·eport if more space is needed) report if more space is needed) l' ~~ection 2. Investigation of Business and Address to be Licensed I ;·L)oes applicant intend to have dancing or entertainment? No p..~Yes, complete LC-693N, Police Investigation Report: Dance/Entertainment Permit ' ·A re gas pumps on the premises or directly adjacent? 0 No :MOYes, explain rel~tion ship: S' e v er-c..L /, vJ?d ,.:.,f >-'o....,v{<; 1/~ t"cl' /-<.,.... co;r-1} f?;~ ,tOv";fP&-Sf"s/ /?, u>. / .,(!.J-'5: //?? c..ri}T~.? O.."'Ce , Ee....cJ, ,Pv . - / IS' L c .:.U 3 Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth 8"-16 r(}S LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 7150 Harris Drive fl~t'! P.O. Box 30005 Lansing, Michigan 48909-7505 POLICE INVESTIGATION REQUEST [Authorized by MCL 436.1201 (4 )] To: MUSKEGON POLICE DEPARTMENT Date: August 2, 2005 CHIEF OF POLICE REF#: 309953 980 JEFERSON STREET, PO BOX 536 MUSKEGON, Ml 49443-0536 Chief Law Enforcement Officer Applicant: PORT CITY CRUISE LINE, INC. (PORT CITY CRUISE LINE) REQUESTS TO TRANSFER LOCATION OF 2005 WATERCRAFT LICENSED BUSINESS WITH DANCE-ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT AND 250 PASENGERS FROM 1133 W. WESTERN, NORTH MUSKEGON, Ml49442, MUSKEGON COUNTY TO 560 MART, MUSKEGON, Ml 49440, MUSKEGON COUNTY. Please make an investigation of the application. If you do not believe that the applicants are qualified for licensing, give your reasons in detail. Complete the Police Inspection Report on Liquor License Request, LC-1800, or for Detroit police, the Detroit Police Investigation of License Request, LC-1802. If there is not enough room on the front of the form, you may use the back. Forward your report and recommendations of the applicant to the Licensing Division. If you have any questions, contact the Licensing Division at (517) 322-1400, after 10:00 a.m. LC-1972 Rev. 9/17 4880-1658 sfs LIQUOR LICENSE REVIE\V FORM llu f {}; / zt /)ru/s e Business Name: --~~~---=~~~--~~~~~~--~~~~-------- L>; '( AKA Business Name (if applicable): ------------------------------ Operator/Manager's Name: ------------------------------------- Business Address: .$"{; 0 11/o.c t Reason for Review: New License D Transfer of Ownership D Dance Permit D Drop/Add Name on License D Transfer Location ~ Drop/Add Stockholder Name D New Entertainment Permit D Other _____________________________________________________ Deadline for receipt of all information: ---------------------------- Public Safety Approved D Denied D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved ~ Owing D Amount: Treasurer Approved D Owing D Amount: Zoning Approved D Denied D Pending ZBA 0 Clerk's Approved D Owing D Amount: Fire/Inspections Approved D Denied D Remaining Defects D Department Signatnre ~::-- Please return to the City Clerk's Office Gail A. Kundinger, Liquor License Coordinator I.JIQUOR LICENSE llliVIEVv F,ORM /2rf {!;/ 't /)('U/s e r Business Name: ----~~--~~~~--~~~~~~--~~~~-------- L>7 AKA Business Name (if applicable): - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Operator/Manager's Name: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Business Address: Reason for Review: New License D Transfer of Ownership D Dance Permit D Drop/Add Name on License D Transfer Location )81 Drop/Add Stockholder Name D New Entertainment Permit D Other ------------------------------ Deadline for receipt of all information: - - - -- - - - - -- -- - Public Safety Approved D Denied D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved D Owing D Amount: / Treasurer Approved ,~ Owing D Amount: Zoning Approved D Denied D Pending ZBA 0 Clerk's Approved D Owing D Amount: Fire/Inspections Approved D Denied D Remaining Defects D Signatnr~ o.:li S;: Department Please return to the City Gail A. Kundinger, Liquor License Coordinator LIQUOR LICENSE REVIE W FORM Business Name: idrf eli --~~~---=~ 'f C rv/s e ~~--~~~~~--~~~~-------- L>7 r AKA Business Name (if applicable): - - - - - - ---------- ----------- Operator/Manager's Name: ----------------------------------- Business Address: 5"0 0 1!/o..c I Reason for Review: New License D Transfer of Ownership D Dance Permit D Drop/Add Name on License D Transfer Location JZf Drop/Add Stockholder Name D New Entertainment Permit D Other ----------------------------------------------- Deadline for receipt of all information: ------------------ -- - Public Safety Approved D Denied D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved D Owing D Amount: Treasurer Approved D Owing D Amount: Zoning Approved }Ri Denied D Pending ZBA 0 Clerk's Approved D Owing D Amount: Fire/Inspections Approved D Denied D Remaining Defects D Department Signature 0 ;;;2;~;{, ~ ~~ Please return to the City Clerk's Office Gail A. Kundinger, Liquor License Coordinator 7-;t-os-' LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORM t£r f {}; / r- /)r v/s e Business Name: ----~~--~~~~--~~~~~~--~~~~-------- L·n~ AKA Business Narne (if applicable): ----------------------------- Operator/Manager's Name: --------------------------------- Business Address: Reason for Review: New License 0 Transfer of Ownership 0 Dance Permit 0 Drop/Add Name on License 0 Transfer Location JZI Drop/Add Stockholder Name D New Entertainment Permit D Other ---------------------------------------------------- Deadline for receipt of all information: - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - Public Safety Approved D Denied D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved D Owing D Amount: Treasurer Approved D Owing 0 Amount: Zoning Approved ~Denied 0 Pending ZBA 0 Clerk's Approved Owing 0 Amount: Fire/Inspections Approved 0 Denied 0 Remaining Defects 0 Department Signature_________________________________ ___ _ Please return to the City Clerk's Office Gail A. Kundinger, Liquor License Coordinator / 7 -;J-o.s-' LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORM /2r f C/1 tt e e Business Name: ----~~--~~~~--~~~~~--~~~~-------- · Crv/s /;"~ AKA Business Name (if applicable): ------------------------------ Operator/Manager's N arne: - ---------------------------------- Business Address: Reason for Review: New License D Transfer of Ownership D Dance Permit D Drop/Add Name on License D Transfer Location J8l Drop/Add Stockholder Name D New Entertainment Permit D Other ------------------------------------------------------- Deadline for receipt of all information: Public Safety Approved D Denied D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved D Owing D Amount: Treasurer Approved D Owing D Amount: Zoning Approved D Denied D Pending ZBA 0 Clerk's Approved D ~wing D Amount: Fire/Inspections Approved ~ Denied D Remaining Defects D !/,. / paY u,vot< / Please return to the City Clerk's Offi e Gail A. Kundinger, Liquor License Coordinator LIQUOR LICENSE REVIE\V FORlVI Business Name: !?u f (}; i y Crv/s e ----~~--~~~~--~~~~~.--~~~~-------- //·/7 -e AKA Business Name (if applicable): __________________ Operator/Manager's Narne: ------------------------------- Business Address: Reason for Review: New License D Transfer of Ownership D Dance Permit D Drop/Add Name on License D Transfer Location ,JZl Drop/Add Stockholder Name D New Entertainment Permit D Other ______________________________________________ Deadline for receipt of all information: Public Safety Approved D Denied D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved D Owing D Amount: Treasurer Approved D Owing D Amount: Zoning Approved D Denied D Pending ZBA 0 Clerk's Approved D Owing D Amount: Fire/Inspections ' Approved~ Denied D Remaining Defects D Please return to the City Clerk's Office Gail A. Kundinger, Liquor License Coordinator .Jo'1155 STATE OF MICHIGAN t-J{;·-05 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & ECONOMIC GROWTH r(Z1'b(j LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 7150 Harris Drive P.O. Box 30005 Lansing, MI 48909-7505 LOCAL APPROVAL NOTICE (Authorized by MCL 436.1501(2) and MAC 1105(2)(d)) Req ID: 309953 Date: August 2, 2005 To: MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION 933 TERRACE STREET PO BOX 536 MUSKEGON, MI 49443-0536 Applicant: PORT CITY CRUISE LINE, INC. Home Address And Phone No: CONTACT: SYLVIA PRECIOUS, PRESIDENT (231)728-8387/(800)853-6311 Local Legislative approval is required for new and transferring On-Premises licenses by MCL 436. 1501 of the Michigan Liquor Control Code of 1998. Local approval is also required for DANCE, ENTERTAINMENT, DANCE-ENTERTAINMENT OR TOPLESS ACTIVITY permits by authority of MCL 436.1916. For your convenience a resolution form is enclosed that includes a description of the licensing transaction requiring approval. The clerk should complete the resolution certifying that your decision of approval or disapproval of the application was made at an official meeting. Please return the completed resolution to the Liquor Control Commission as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact the On-Premise Section of the Licensing Division as (517) -322- 1400. PLEASE COMPLETE ENCLOSED RESOLUTION AND RETURN TO THE LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION AT ABOVE ADDRESS sfs RECEIVED LC-1305 REV 9/17 4880-1234 AUG 1 6 2005 \ MUSKEGON . CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Affirmath·e ACUon (231)724-6703 FAX: (231)722~1214 Assessor /Eq uallzatlon (231)724-6708 FAX: (231)72~5181 Cemetery Department (231)724-6783 FAX: (231)726-5617 City Manager (231 )724-6724 FAX: (231)722-1214 Civil Service (231)724-6716 FAX: (231)724-4405 Clerk (231)724-6705 September 8, 2005 FAX: (231)724-4178 Community and Nelgb. Services (231)724-6717 FAX: (231)726-2501 Ms. Sylvia Precious Computer Info. Port City Cruise Line, Inc. Systems 560 Mart Street (231)714-6744 FAX: (231}722-4301 Muskegon,MI 49440 Engineering Dept. (231)724-6707 Dear Ms. Precious: FAX: (231)727-6904 Finance Dept. This letter is to inform you that your request to transfer location of the 2005 (231}724-6713 FAX: (231)724-6768 Watercraft licensed business with Dance Entertainment and 250 passengers from 1133 W. Western to 560 Mart Street will be presented to the City Commission on Fire Department (231)724-6792 September 13, 2005. This meeting begins at 5:30p.m. and is located in the City FAX: (231)724-6985 Commission Chambers, 933 Terrace, Muskegon, MI. Income Tax {231)724-6770 FAX: (231)724-6768 This request has also been sent to the Nelson Neighborhood Association for their comments. It is Commission practice to let the Neighborhood Association know Inspection Services (231)724-6715 of any liquor license requests that are located within their boundaries. This allows FAX: (231)728-4371 for comments from the people who live there and not just from the owners of the Leisure Services business' who are located there. (231)724-6704 FAX: (231)724-1196 Sincerely, Mayor's Office (231)724-6701 FAX: {231)722-1214 Planning/Zoning (231)724-6702 Linda Potter FAX: (231)724-6790 Deputy Clerk Pollee Deptartment (231}724-6750 FAX: (231}712-5140 Public Works Dept. (231)724-4100 FAX: (231)712-4188 Treasurer's Office (231)724-6720 FAX: (231)724-6768 Water Billing Dept. (231)724-6718 FAX: (231}724-6768 Water FUtratlon (231)724-4106 FAX: (231)755-5290 City ofMuskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Affirmath·e ACtion (23J.)724-6703 fAX: (231)72:2-1214 Assessor/Equalization (231)724-6708 FAX: (231)726-5181 Cemetery Department (231)724-6783 FAX: (231)726-5617 City Manager (231)724-6724 FAX: (231)722-1214 Civil Service (231)724-6716 September 8, 2005 FAX: (231)724-4405 Clerk (231)724-6705 FAX: (231)7244178 Community and Commissioner Spataro, President Neigh. Services Nelson Neighborhood Association (231)724-6717 FAX: (231)726-2501 1567 Sixth Street Computer Info. 11uskegon,11I 49441 Systems (231)724-6744 FAX: (231)722-4301 Dear Larry: Engineering Dept, (231)724-6707 We have received a letter from the Liquor Control Commission reference a FAX: (231)727-6904 request from Port City Cruise Line, Inc., to transfer location oftheir 2005 Ftnance Dept. Watercraft Licensed Business with Dance-entertainment Permit and 250 (231)724-6713 FAX: (231)724-6768 passengers from 1133 W. Western Avenue. On Tuesday, September 13, 2005, the City Commission will review this request and determine whether or not it Fire Department (231)724-6792 should be recommended for approval. FAX: (231)724-6985 Income Tax You are being sent this notice because the City Commission would like to know (231 )724-6770 how the Neighborhood Association feels and would appreciate any comments that FAX: (231)724-6768 they may have. You may send these comments to 933 Terrace, 11uskegon, 11I Inspection Services (231 )724-6715 49440 or attend the City Commission 11eeting on September 13, 2005, at 5:30 FAX: (231)728-4371 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Leisure Services (231)724-6704 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 724-6705. FAX: (231)724-1196 Mayor's Office (231)724-6701 Sincerely, FAX: (231)722-1214 Planning/Zoning (231 )724-6702 FAX: (231)724-6790 Linda Potter Police Deptartment Deputy Clerk (231)724-6750 FAX: (231)722-5140 Public Works Dept. (231)724-4100 FAX: (231)721-4188 Treasurer's Office (231)724-6720 FAX: (231)724-6768 Water Billing Dept. (231)724-6718 FAX: (231)724-6768 Water FUttatlon (231 )724-41 06 FAX: (231)755-5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Affirmative Ac~lon (231)724-6703 FAX: (231)722~1114 Asseuor/Equallzatlon (231)714-6708 FAX: (231)726-.5181 Cemetery Department (23 1)724-6783 FAX: (231)726-.5617 City Manager (231 )724-6724 FAX: (231)712-1214 Civil Service (231)724-6716 FAX: (231)7244405 Clerk (231)724-6705 FAX: (231)7244178 September 19,2005 Community and Neigh. Services (231)724-6717 FAX: (231)726-2501 Computer Info. Liquor Control Commission Systems 7150 Harris (231 )724-6744 FAX: (231)722-4301 PO Box30005 Lansing, MI 48909-7505 Engineering Dept. (231)724-6707 FAX: (231)727-6904 REF: #309953 Finance Dept. Port City Cruise Line (231)724-6713 FAX: (231)724-6768 560 Mart Muskegon, MI 49440 Ftre Department (231)724-6792 FAX: (231)724-6985 To Whom It May Concern: Income Tal: (231)724-6770 FAX: (231)724-6768 Enclosed is the Resolution, form LC- I 800, and the Local Law Enforcement Agency Report for Port City Cruise Line. This was recommended for approval at Inspection Services (231)724-6715 the September 13, 2005, City Commission Meeting. FAX: (231)728-4371 Leisure Services Please do not hesitate to call me at (23 I) 724-6705 if you have any questions. (231 )724-6704 FAX: (231)724-1196 Sincerely, ~~ Mayor's Office (231)724-6701 FAX: (231)722-1214 PlannlngfZonlng (231)724-6702 Linda Potter FAX: (231)724-6790 Deputy Clerk Pollee Deptartment (231 )724-6750 FAX: (231)722-5140 enc. Public Works Dept. (231)724-4100 FAX: (231)722-4188 Treasurer's Office (231 )724-6720 FAX: (231)724-6768 Water Billing Dept, (231)724-6718 FAX: (231)724-6768 Water Filtration (231 )724-41 06 FAX: (231)755-5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 www.shorelinecity .com City of Muskegon State of Michigan Certificate of Recognition WHEREAS; It gives us a great deal of pleasure to recognize the Muskegon Community Youth Club. The accomplishments and achievements of these young citizens deserve recognition and praise, and WHEREAS; their vision is to promote interaction between the community and area youth leading to a better relationship for all; to teach young adults leadership skills and introduce them to some of the tools and information needed to move out into the world, and WHEREAS; their desire to teach positive values by doing volunteer work such as the Grand Trunk Dock spring clean-up, monthly clean-up of trash along Lakeshore Drive, planting of a herb garden and flowers, cleaning up of the corner of Lincoln & Harding after a fire, coontributing to food pantry for area people, supplying lunches for Habitat for Humanity workers and helping paint one of the houses. SO, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that I Mayor Warmington speaking on behalf of the City Commission and our entire community deem it an honor and pleasure to recognize the dedication made by the Muskegon Community Youth Club towards the well being of our community and extend our appreciation for the contributions they make. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and cause the seal of the City of Muskegon to be affixed this 151h day of September, 2005. ----------------------- Stephen J. Warmington, Mayor CITY OF MUSKEGON RESOLUTION Whereas: Pioneer Resources, a non profit organization serving individuals with disabilities celebrates their 50'h year of service to the community during 2005; and Whereas: Parents formed the Pioneer Association in 1949, and initiated the first school for children with disabilities who were not yet welcomed in public schools, called Pioneer School; and Whereas: In 1955 the Pioneer Association incorporated and changed its name to Western Michigan Center for Handicapped Children, Inc. to provide a renewed emphasis on services for children with developmental disabilities; and Whereas: In 1964 Western Michigan Center for Handicapped Children built the first modern school in Muskegon for special education, providing education, therapy, and transportation for children with disabilities, and Whereas: The organization emerged as a leader in the deinstitutionalization movement in 1980, opening the Pioneer House with United Cerebral Palsy Association, and Whereas: Responding to need and promoting collaboration the organization built Western Michigan Center in 1983 to house programs for the Muskegon Area Intermediate School District, Community Mental Health, Goodwill Industries, and Arc/Muskegon, and Whereas: Evolving further Western Michigan Center for the Handicapped in 1990 changed it's name to Pioneer Resources and expanded services to include transportation, housing, employment and training, as well as camping and recreation, and Whereas: Pioneer Resources continues its endeavor to assist persons with disabilities to attain independence and dignity by creating opportunities for participation in the community, I Therefore: Be it resolved that I, Stephen J. Warmington, speaking on behalf of the entire I City Commission and the City of Muskegon citizens do hereby pay tribute to Pioneer Resources, its board of directors, employees, volunteers and people they serve, and i i: I Be it further resolved that the City of Muskegon hereby recognizes Pioneer Resources for . I I its constitution to the community and to the quality of life for all citizens. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this 13th day of September, 2005. I Stephen J. Warmington, Mayor ~:lb~~~d~~~~®~ 1 ~ CITY OF MUSKEGON Stat, ofMi,higan . ~~ Certificate of Proclamation WHEREAS, Stepfamily Association of America; the nation's largest Stepfamily organization requests that September 16, 2005 be designated as "Stepfamily Day"; and WHEREAS, The City of Muskegon Stepfamily day is enhanced by our strong dedication to support the stepfamilies of our nation in their mission to raise their children, create strong family structures to support the individual members of the family, instill in them a sense of responsibility to all extended family members; and WHEREAS, Approximately half of all Americans are currently involved in some form of stepfamily relationship and it is the vision of the Stepfamily Association of America that all stepfamilies in the United States be accepted, supported and successful; and WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon, and our nation has been blessed by thousands upon thousands of loving stepparents and stepchildren who are da!ly reminders of the joy, trials, and triumphs of the stepfamily experience and of the boundless love contained in the bond between all types of ~~. parents and children; and ~ WHEREAS, Stepfamily Day is a day to celebrate the many invaluable contributions stepfamilies have made to enriching the lives and life experience of the children and parents of America and to strengthening the fabric of American families and society . .NOW THEREFORE, I Stephen J. Warmington, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor and speaking on behalf of the entire City Commission and all our citizens recognize the increasing value of stepfamily relationships, and hereby proclaim September 16, 2005 to be "Stepfamily Day" and encourage everyone in our city and nation to participate in honoring the this day. CITY OF MUSKEGON State of Michigan PROClAMATION WHEREAS, The City of Muskegon wishes to recognize Mrs. Pamela Babbitt for her development of the Heritage Memorial Garden, located on Western Avenue in downtown Muskegon as a tribute for her husband, Edward C. Babbitt, owner of Babbitt's Sports Center. The garden will be a reflection of Edward C. Babbitt's love of nature, flowers, bushes, and trees; and WHEREAS, Pamela Babbitt has generously donated the plot of land for the garden and provided the residents of the city and it's visitors a lovely place to reflect on the memories of the their loved ones; and WHEREAS, Pamela and the late Edward C. Babbitt have earned and justly deserve this public recognition for their many contributions to the Muskegon area, and ' WHEREAS, The City of Muskegon would like to offer Pamela Babbitt our gratitude and appreciation for this wonderful contribution dedicated to her late husband. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; THAT I Stephen J. Warmington, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor and speaking on behalf of the Muskegon City Commission and its citizens hereby issue this Proclamation recognizing Edward C. Babbitt for the contribution of such a lovely garden in the City of Muskegon Michigan. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and cause the seal of the City of Muskegon to be this September 18, 2005. Stephen J. Warmington, Mayor OF MUSKEGON l"'~uu:: of Michigan PROCLAMATION this year marks the 70'h Anniversary of the Lakeside Veterans Club of Muskegon, Michigan, and; the Club was founded in May of 1935 to provide socialization for Veterans. The present commander is Max Anderson, and the oldest member is Ray Carlson, the current number of members is 362, and; we give honor and praise this day to this organization for supporting the local Sheriffs Association and the Fraternal Order of Police. The Lakeside Veterans Club of Muskegon also sets up College scholarships for member's children grandchildren. They also co·sponsor a Charity Soft Ball Tournament with oth4erflfj organizations to provide Christmas Food Baskets for those in need who reside in the Lakeside area. They also chair the Memorial Day Parade and, place American Flag on Veterans graves in area cemeteries and; this organization has donated $1000.00 to the WWII Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. and; NOW THEREFORE. I Stephen J. Warmington, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor and speaking on behalf of the Muskegon City Commission and its citizens hereby issue this Proclamation recognizing the commitment and dedication of the Lakeside Veterans Club and offer our best wishes to the members of this organization on their 70th Anniversary. WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand and cause the seal of the City of Muskegon to be affixed this September 24, 2005. Stephen J. Warmington, Mayor Date: September 13, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Finance Director RE: 2006 Budget Adoption SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is the time set for a public hearing on the City's proposed budget for the year 2006. The proposed budget has been made available for public inspection at City Hall, Hackley Public Library and the City's website ( since September 1st. After hearing public comments, the City Commission may take action to adopt the 2006 budget with whatever changes or adjustments it deems necessary. In any event, City Charter requires the budget be adopted no later than September 25, 2005. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The budget sets forth the priorities and overall financial plan for operations in the year 2006. As proposed, the budget includes no property tax increase. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: Adoption of the attached budget resolution provides the legal appropriation authority necessary for City departments to conduct operations in 2006. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: After receiving comments, close the public hearing and approve the proposed 2006 City of Muskegon Budget resolution that is attached. Also, approval of the 3rd Quarter 2005 Budget Reforecast as shown in the Budget Book is recommended at this time. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Committee of the Whole will review the budget at their September 12'h work session. 9/18/97 2005-84(a) CITY OF MUSKEGON RESOLUTION OF APPROPRIATION 2006 BUDGET WHEREAS, the City Manager has submitted a proposed Budget for 2006 in accordance with the City Charter and Michigan Public Act 621 of 1978 known as the "Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Act"; and, WHEREAS, the 2006 proposed Budget has been reviewed by the City Commission following a public hearing for which due notice was given; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Budget for the City of Muskegon for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2006 is hereby determined and adopted as follows: GENERAL FUND FUND ACTIVITY NUMBER FUND/ACTIVITY NAME AMOUNT 101-10101 City Commission 87,412 101-10102 City Promotions & Public Relations 12,750 101-10145 City Attorney 406,152 101-10172 City Manager 208,396 101-10875 Contributions to Outside Agencies 177,660 101-10891 Contingency and Bad Debt Expense 400,000 101-20173 Administration 172,638 101-20215 City Clerk & Elections 347,353 101-20220 Civil Service 181,541 101-20228 Affirmative Action 82,511 101-20744 Julia Hackley Internships 8,103 101-30202 Finance Administration 428,669 101-30205 Income Tax Administration 350,174 101-30209 Assessing Services 414,562 101-30248 Information Systems Administration 338,129 101-30253 City Treasurer 393,189 101-30851 Insurance Premiums 359,689 101-30906 Debt Retirement 50,000 101-30999 Transfers to Other Funds 930,000 101-40301 Police 8,413,775 101-50336 Fire 3,488,313 101-50387 Fire Safety Inspections 999,117 101-60265 City Hall Maintenance 251,861 101-60446 Community Event Support 65,720 101-60448 Streetlighting 538,936 101-60523 Sanitation 1,572,279 101-60528 Recycling 163,527 101-60550 Stormwater Management 16,384 101-60770 Senior Citizen Transit 58,296 101-70276 Cemeteries Maintenance 464,285 101-70585 Parking Operations 25,000 101-70751 Parks Maintenance 1,244,281 101-70357 Graffiti Removal 4,500 101-70757 McGraft Park Maintenance 57,419 101-70775 General Recreation 365,821 101-70863 Farmers' Market and Flea Market 35,891 101-80387 Environmental Services 307,412 101-80400 Planning, Zoning and Economic Development 460,994 101-90000 Major Capital Improvements 84.585 Grand Total General Fund Appropriations $23.927 324 OTHER BUDGETED FUNDS FUND ACTIVITY NUMBER FUND/ACTIVITY NAME AMOUNT 202,204 Major Streets and State Trunklines 6,844,748 203 Local Streets 1,714,649 254 L.C. Walker Arena 1,515,066 264 Criminal Forfeitures 63,000 260 Land Reutilization 1,000 285 Tree Replacement 3,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the revenues and other financing sources (including use of prior year balances) for Fiscal Year 2006 are estimated as follows: GENERAL FUND FUND/ACTIVITY NAME AMOUNT Taxes $ 14,452,170 Licenses and Permits 1,003,000 Federal Grants 149,220 State Grants 18,000 State Shared Revenue 4,680,217 Charges for Sales & Services 2,191,959 Interest & Rentals 234,400 Fines & Fees 517,000 Other Revenue 304,750 Other Financing Sources 70,000 Use of Fund Balance 306.608 Total General Fund Revenue Appropriations $23 927 324 OTHER BUDGETED FUNDS FUND ACTIVITY NUMBER FUND/ACTIVITY NAME AMOUNT 202,204 Major Streets and State Trunklines 6,844,748 203 Local Streets 1,714,649 254 l.C. Walker Arena 1,515,066 264 Criminal Forfeitures 63,000 260 Land Reutilization 1,000 285 Tree Replacement 3,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the operating expense projections for the following non- budget funds are hereby approved: FUND ACTIVITY NUMBER FUND/ACTIVITY NAME AMOUNT 305 TIFA Debt Service $60,000 394 Downtown Development Authority Debt 564,095 290 Local Finance Development Authority Debt 205,847 403 Sidewalk Improvement Fund 433,175 404 Public Improvement Fund 3,047,035 482 State Grants Fund 3,770.000 590 Sewer 5,655,997 591 Water 6,427,684 594 Marina/Launch Ramp 1,749,718 661 Equipment 2,596,570 642 Public Service Building 578,378 643 Engineering Services Fund 613,804 677 General Insurance Fund 4,012,994 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated for said fiscal year the several amounts set forth above which, pursuant to the "Uniform Budget and Accounting Act", define the City of Muskegon's appropriation centers, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Manager is hereby empowered to transfer appropriations within appropriation centers, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby levied a general tax as herein fixed on each dollar of taxable valuation for the purposes herein outlined, said levy to be applied on all taxable real and personal property in the City of Muskegon as set forth in the assessment roll dated May 2005: PURPOSE MILLAGE (MILLS) General Operating 8.5000 Sanitation Service 2.5000 Promotion .0755 Total 11.0755 At a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, on the thirteenth Day of September 2005, the foregoing resolution was moved for adoption by Commissioner Gawron Commissioner Spataro supported the motion. Resolution declared adopted. ~Q. L~~ CityCierk CERTIFICATION 2005-84(a) This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission, held on September 13, 2005. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act ofthe State ofMichigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. CITY OF MUSKEGON By: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gail A. Kundinger, MMC City Clerk NOTICE OF HEARING CITY OF MUSKEGON 2006BUDGET Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon on the proposed 2006 Budget of the City of Muskegon at 5:30p.m., September 13, 2005, at the Muskegon City Hall Commission Chambers, located at 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan. THE PROPERTY TAX MILLAGE RATE PROPOSED TO BE LEVIED TO SUPPORT THE PROPOSED BUDGET WILL BE A SUBJECT OF THIS HEARING. A copy of the proposed budget is available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk, and the Hackley Public Library during regular business hours and through our web site at All interested citizens will have the opportunity to give written and oral comments. AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT POLICY FOR ACCESS TO OPEN MEETINGS OF THE CITY COMMISSION AND ANY OF ITS COMMITTEES OR SUBCOMMITTEES The City of Muskegon will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities who want to attend the meeting, upon twenty-four (24) hours notice to the City of Muskegon. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the City of Muskegon by writing or calling the following: GAIL A. KUNDINGER, MMC City Clerk 93 3 Terrace Street Muskegon,MI 49440 (231) 724-6705 TDD: (231)724-4172 Publish: September 3, 2005 NOTE: Must be 11 pt. Bold Face type. I City of Muskegon, I Michigan I I Proposed Budget and Quarterly B u d g e t - 1 For The Year Beginning January 1, 2006 I West Mlcblgan's ShoreUne Oty Commission Meeting Date: September 13, 2005 Date: September 6, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission from: Planning & Economic Development Department RE: Tool & Die Recovery Zone Status for Northern Machine Tool SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the attached development agreement and Resolution establishing a Tool & Die Recovery Zone for Northern Machine Tool, 761 Alberta. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City will forego approximately $7,300.00 per year for a total of approximately $109,545 in taxes for the 15 year period of the zone. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Development Agreement, approve the resolution establishing a Tool and Die Recovery Zone, and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None. Resolution to Request a Renaissance Recovery Zone 2005-85( a) WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon desires to promote economic activity and maintain/ increase the number of jobs available to residents of the area, and; WHEREAS, certain industries in the state are facing difficult times and the tool and die industry, in particular, has·sustained losses due to foreign competition and increased productivity; WHEREAS, the designation of a Renaissance Recovery Zone will temporarily reduce the tax burden paid by the business enabling it to reposition itself to compete globally, and; WHEREAS, the business have entered into a collaborative agreement with other business entities having the appropriate North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes, and; WHEREAS, the qualified tool and die business property is property leased or owned by a tool and die business and used primarily for tool and die operations; WHEREAS, should the area be designated a Renaissance Recovery Zone, property within that zone will be exempt from taxes levied by the city, county, and other units of government as provided under this Act, and; WHEREAS, we estimate that the tax revenue lost, which is estimated on the attached schedule, would be a small fraction of the benefits the designation of a Renaissance Recovery Zone will bring the community. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City requests that the State of Michigan designate Northern Machine Tool, Property ID number, 61 -24-400- 000-0034-00, 61 -24-400-000-0041 -00, 61 -24-400-000-0026-00, 61-24-400-000- 0028-00 61-24-400-000-0030-00 61 -24-400-000-0032-001 61-24-400-000- I I 0045-00 identified by the resolution a Renaissance Recovery Zone under Public Act 376 of 1996 for a duration of up to 15 years. Adopted. Date: September 13 , 2005 Ayes : Warmington, Car ter , Davi s , Gawron , Lar s on , Shepherd, and Spataro Nays : None Abated taxes- Northern Machine Tool Personal Yearly #of Property Real Property Total years TOTAL $4,293 $3,010 $7,303 15 $109,545 CERTIFICATION 2005-85(a) This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission, held on September 13, 2005. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. CITY OF MUSKEGON Gail A. Kundinger, MMC City Clerk RECEIVED NORTHERN 761 Alberta Ave. MACHINE Muskegon, Ml 49441 SEP 0 6 2005 TOOL 231-755-1603 COMPANY Fax 231-759-7917 MUSKEGON PROGRESSIVE DIES HORIZONTAL BORING BLANCHARD GRINDING SPECIAL MACHINES WIRE ED M . CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE August 31 , 2005 Mr. Bryon L. Mazade City Manager City of Muskegon 933 Terrace Street P.O. Box 536 Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 Ref: Northern Machine Tool Company- Tool & Die Renaissance Recovery Zone Dear Brian: Northern Machine Tool Company is applying for a Tool and Die Renaissance Recovery Zone as allowed by the Michigan Strategic Fund (MSF). A critical step of the application process requires our local government to approve the request prior to the State of Michigan reviewing. It is our hope that the City of Muskegon will adopt a resolution granting a 15-year duration for Northern Machine. In 2006 Northern Machine will celebrate its 60'" anniversary. We look forward to another 60 years of doing business in the City of Muskegon. The City of Muskegon approval of this request will assist us in our attempt to survive in the economically difficult tool and die business. Low cost countries like China and Korea continue to take a greater percentage of the specialty work done by our skilled employees. Northern Machine is one of the eight tooling companies in the Whitehall Township Tooling Coalition applying for the Recovery Zone. It is Northern Machines' hope that approval of this designation will assist us in growing our business in Muskegon and develop additional customers through our Coalition Partners. Two years ago Northern Machine developed plans for a building addition that would lead to additional equipment and several added jobs. Unfortunately, the weak manufacturing economy hit us hard in our business sector and delayed our expansion plans. We hope that getting the Recovery Zone approval will assist us in moving forward with our Coalition Partners. This should assist us in stabilizing our business and hopes for long term growth in Muskegon. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support. Very truly yours, , ·-:::d u/t~~ Steve Olsen · President nc DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT CITY OF MUSKEGON TOOL AND DIE RENAISSANCE RECOVERY ZONE THIS IS AN AGREEMENT between the CITY OF MUSKEGON, a municipal corporation, of933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49443 ("City") and Northern Machine Tool Companyof761 Alberta Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49441 ("Company"). Recitals: A. The City has received a request from the Company and intends to consider the location designation of a Tool and Die Renaissance Recovery Zone, and as a condition thereof this Agreement must be approved and executed by the Company prior to the establishment of the Tool and Die Renaissance Recovery Zone. Upon approval of Tool and Die Renaissance Recovery Zone status for the Property, the City will sign this Agreement. The City deems this Agreement to constitute a necessary element in the City's determination regarding the location of Company in the Tool and Die Renaissance Recovery Zone, and the City relies upon the undertakings of Company in the Agreement to allow and to continue the Tool and Die Renaissance Recovery Zone status ofthe Company. B. The Company intends to install the projects previously set forth in its Application for Industrial Facility Tax abatement application which was approved by the City of Muskegon on July 13, 2004 (attached). The Company understands that the City relies upon the undertakings of the Company in the Agreement to establish and to continue the Company's status as a Tool And Die Renaissance Recovery Zone Company. NOW THEREFORE THAT PARTIES AGREE: I. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED. Included in this Agreement are the following documents which have been collected and relied upon by the parties: 1.1 The Application for Industrial Facility Tax Abatement approved by the City of Muskegon on July 13, 2004. 1.2 The Contract for Tax Abatement between the City and the Company. 1.3 Copy of the Michigan Renaissance Zone Act, as amended to date. 2. COMPANY AGREEMENT. The Company agrees to the following commitments which it shall perform in a timely and reasonably acceptable manner. 2.1 Addition of three employees. 2.2 Maintain the current level of employment at the same level (43 employees) as when the Company applied for the Industrial Facility Tax Abatement. 2.3 The Company shall improve the properties in the amount of $450,000 in real property and $250,000 in personal property, in accordance with the Application for Industrial Facility Tax Abatement application approved by the City of Muskegon on July 13,2004. 3. AGREEMENT BY THE CITY. Provided this Agreement has been executed and further provided all applications concerning Tool and Die Renaissance Recovery Zone status have been properly filed, the City shall, in a timely manner, proceed with the appropriate meetings or applications including as necessary with the State of Michigan and with all local review entities by law. The City may consider this agreement in a meeting separate from and prior to the meeting in which the City or any entity considers the approval of the applicant for Tool and Die Renaissance Recovery Zone status. 4. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. The following actions or failures to comply shall be considered events of default by the Company. 4.1 Failure to meet any of the commitments set forth above. 4.2 Failure to afford to the City the documentation and reporting required. 4.3 The failure to pay any taxes other than those exempted by the Michigan Renaissance Zone Act, and the failure to pay any special assessments levied on the Company's property timely after levy or final appeal. 4.4 The violation of any provisions, promises, commitments, considerations or covenants of this Agreement. 4.5 Relocation of the Company to a location outside of the City limits of the City of Muskegon. 5. REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. In the event of any of the above defaults the City shall have the following remedies which it may invoke without notice, except as may be reasonably required by the Company's rights to due process. 5.1 Failure to Install Improvements. In the event the improvements, renovations and the equipment have not been completed or installed by the time set forth in the attachments, the City will petition the State to revoke the Tool and Die Renaissance Zone status from the Company. 5.2 Failure to Expend the Funds Represented. Whether or not the installations have been completed, if the Company has not expended the funds it has represented on its application that it would invest, the City will petition the State to revoke the Tool and Die Renaissance Recovery Zone status from the Company. 5.3 Failure to Maintain the Current level of employment. Whether or not the installations have been completed, if the Company has not maintained the number of employees at the same level as when the application for Industrial Facility Tax Abatement was submitted, the City will petition the State to revoke the Tool and Die Renaissance Recovery Zone status from the Company 5.4 Relocation of the Company to a location outside of the City limits of the City of Muskegon. In the event the Company relocates outside of the City of Muskegon, the City will petition the State to revoke the Tool and Die Renaissance Zone status from the Company. 5.5 Other Violations. For any material violations of this Agreement, the City reserves the right to seek declaration by a court or entity with authority. 5.6 City Considerations for Determination in Matters of Default. The City shall not unreasonably take any action which may result in invocation of the remedies above. It shall take the following factors into consideration: 5.6.1 The economic conditions, if any, reasonably known to the City, which are found to be directly related to the default or circumstance causing the proposed action by the City. 5.6.2 The performance of the Company in meeting the commitments and requirements of the Application, the submitted materials, and the provisions of the Certificate and this Agreement. 5.6.3 Whether the effect on the City's finances of the Company's actions is material and substantial. 5.6.4 Whether the circumstances affecting the status of the company was created by occurrences beyond the control of the Company or could have been avoided, and, in particular, whether the Company could economically and feasibly continue to perform as required by this Agreement. 6. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan applicable to contracts made and to be performed within the State of Michigan, and in particular the Michigan Renaissance Zone Act of the State, as amended. 7. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts. Notwithstanding such execution all such counterparts shall constitute one and the same Agreement. 8. Benefits. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the respective parties, their successors assigns and personal representatives. 9. Effective Date. This Agreement shall be effective on the date the State of Michigan grants the Tool and Die Renaissance Recovery Zone designation. 10. Invalidity. In the event any provision of this agreement is declared invalid by a court or tribunal having competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full force and effect. CITY OF MUSKEGON, a municipal corpo t'e,,~--._ Dated: _ _9 _.__-_.:.1~3"'-----• 2005 Dated: /l-..3o , 2005 Date: September 12,2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: Water Filtration Plant RE: Filter Turbidimeter Replacement SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To replace the existing ten filter turbidimeters at the water filtration plant. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $19,500.00 plus shipping and handling. Installation will be made by Staff. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: This planned purchase is budgeted. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend purchasing the ten filter turbidimeters from HACH Company at a cost of $19,500.00 plus shipping and handling. MEMORANDUM 8/29/05 TO: M. AL-SHATEL, DEPUTY DPW FROM: R. VENEKLASEN, WATER FILTRATION RE: REPLACEMENT FILTER TURBIDIMETERS BACKGROUND The Water Filtration Plant budgeted for the replacement of the ten on-line filter turbidimeters. These turbidimeters are required by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to ensure compliance with the finished water turbidity limit reporting. These units provide a snapshot data reading every fifteen minutes a filter is in use. Turbidity is a measure of material (particles) suspended in the water column. The measure is without units but us classified as Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU's). The existing Great Lakes brand turbidimeters have served the Plant well since their installation in 1993 as part of the Instrumentation and Control project. Since their installation the company has been sold and spare or replacement parts have become difficult to acquire. BIDS Company Bid GFS Chemicals $16,092.00 + S&H PO Box 245 Powell OH 43065 800-858-9682 HACH Co. $19,500.00 + S&H PO Box 608 Loveland CO 80539-0608 800-227-4224 Russell Supply Ltd. $18,400.00 + S&H INC Technical Incorporated 9435 WaterStone Blvd. Suite 140 Cincinnatti, OH 45249 RECOMMENDATION Due to the age of these units, the stringent application and the scarcity of parts it was determined they required replacement. The Plant Chief Operator, Kevin Herbert, solicited price quotation for replacement turbidimeters. I concur with his recommendation that we replace our current turbidimeters with the 1720E model offered by HACH Company at a cost of $19,500.00 plus shipping and handling. 8/22/2005 To: Bob Veneklasen From: Kevin Herbert Re: Budgeted Turbidimeter Replacement Purchase In our continuing efforts to remain in compliance with DEQ and our efforts in optimizing plant performance I have solicited bids for the purchase of I 0 replacement turbidimeters. I have researched the available turbidimeter brands on the market and have reached the conclusion that the 1720E manufactured and supported by the Hach Company is the best value and will meet our needs for accuracy and reliability for at least 10 years. The 1720E is considered the industry standard and is the most widely used unit currently being manufactured. The quote fi·om Hach included ten SC I 00 controllers that will provide redundancy as one SC can control two turbidimeters. We are currently using this brand on 5 of our finished water sites without any instance of failure speaks to the quality ofthis product. Ease of calibration is another important factor in Hach's favor. The total cost quoted for 10 units including a calibration cube is $19,500.00 I also requested a quote from Great Lakes Instruments. We have used this brand for over ten years to monitor our finished water turbidity. This company was recently purchased by Hach Company and it appears they are phasing this line out. We have not been able to purchase replacement parts and these units are beginning to require more maintenance and continuing calibration. We were quoted a price of 17,750.00 which also includes a calibration cube. The third and foutth quotes was solicited from GFS Chemicals and Russell Mainstream Supply. These model are new on the market and although promising is unproven at this point. The measurement range is not as accurate as the Hach's although the accuracy is the same at plus or minus 2% of reading. In conclusion, it is my reconunendation we purchase the I 0 turbidimeter 1720E from the Hach Co. Hach's continued support and technical service have proven invaluable in ensuring our success with instruments and supplies we have purchased in the past. ~13/05 13:46:20 970-669-2932-> Page 002 QUOTATION ATTN: KEVIN HERBERT DATE: 7/13/05 MUSKEGON WATER PLANT Be Right 1900 BEACH ST HACH COMPANY MUSKEGON MI 49441 P.O. Box 608, Loveland, CO 80539-0608 Phone 800-227-4224, FAX: 970-669-2932 E-Mail: Web: Order Bid Referenc:e Number: Q3395 290 Pfo)sct Ref. No.: QUOTE 1720E 'S (USE QUOTATION Bid refe~11ce number to ensure you receive p~ quoted) JOHN INGLERIGHT REGIONAL SALES MANAGER (800)227-4224 Customer Phone: 2317244105 Customer Fax: 2317555290 We are pleased to quore on your Inquiry. CATALOG · UNIT · EXTENDED NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUANTITY PRICE PRICE 6010100 1720E TURBIDMETER w/sc!OO CONT 10 1,950,00000 19,500,00 · ONE OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE MANUAL IS SHIPPED WITH EACH OF THE ABOVE INSTRUMENTS. THERE IS A CHARGE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL MANUALS ORDERED, ONLY STANDARD OEM MANUALS PROVIDED. ~~~===================== ========================= THIS QUOTATION DOES NOT INCLUDE FREIGHT CHARGES, PLEASE REFER TO THE ENCLOSED FREIGHT SCHEDULE WHICH IS BASED ON THE TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT PER SHIPMENT. CERTAIN LARGE AND/OR HEAVY ITEMS MAY HAVE ADDITIONAL CHARGES, ========================= ================ PRICES QUOTED ARE VALID ONLY FOR ORDERS BILLING- SHIPPING WITHIN THE USA, NOT FOR ULTIMATE EXPORT. ================ SHIPPING FROM: PAYMENT TERMS ARS SUBJECT TO CREDIT REVIEW, AMES I IOWA, USA REfER TO CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. SALES/USE Prices firm for orders received by SEPTEMBER 11, 2005 TAXES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN QUOTATION. Taxes will Shipment within 60 days after the receipt of 1>11 added to invoice unless valid retale/exemplioo certificate firm order, Is provided. Fmighl dlar!)'l schedule anadled. Send ·-··;-y;wror- conflnnlng purchase order tor Qrder$ $25,000 01 more 1o PAYMENT TERMS: NET 60 DAYS FROM INVOICE DATE 9'!..., HACH COMPANY ONLINE TURBIDIMETER Leading edge Microelectronic Technology combined with 30 years of optical measurement expertise has allowed HF Scientific to become the leader In regulatory reporting turbldlmeters. The HF Mlc:roiOL On-line Turbidimeter has been specifically designed to meet regulations of the EPA and ISO 7027. Features include fast and easy calibration, verification In seconds, low maintenance, fall safe design which ensures your Instrument is always reading accurately, bubble rejection system, optional automatic continuous ultrasonic optical cleaning system, and a data acquisition software system that allows logging and data storage for multiple turbldimeters. STANDARD FEATURES: Fast and Easy Calibration: Verification In seconds while a complete primary calibration can be completed In less than 5 minutes. Low Volume Sample Chamber: low volume sample chamber (30m!} reduces calibration costs and provides quick response times. Low Maintenance Fall Safe Design: Simple Modular Design. Easy to Use and Service. Bubble Rejection System: Eliminates Bubbles without delaying the response time. Affordable: Modular microprocessor based technology ensures high quality at the industry's lowest price. Optional Features: Autoclean: Automatic Continuous Ultrasonic cleaning allows for the first EPA Accepted Automatic Cleaning Online Turbidimeter. RS-485 with Modbus: Digitally connect with high speed Modbus communications. The Mlr.miOLis delivered fully calibrated Online Software: and includes 4-20ma, backlight display, Allows logging, comparisons, graphs and data acquisition RS-485/Modbus, desiccant, inllne pressure for up to 256 on1lne turbidlmeters Into a PC. regulator, pow~ly and quick start Remote Display: guide. The M!CrfiTO[ 2 also includes a Allows remote monitoring up to 500 feet away. spare measuring cuvette with light shield. SPECIFICATIONS Range: 0- 1000 tmJ Measurement Nephelometry (90) Principle: 2% of reading or ±0.015 below 40 NTU Accuracy: 5% of reading above 40 NTU Resolution: 0.0001 Selectable Response Adjustable (5 to 500 seconds) Tlme: 0 to 1000 NTU Standard 4-20 ma Galvanic Isolated or RS~485 Outputs: RS-485 Modbus, HF Simplebus, HF Online Interface Protocols: User Alarms: 2 User selectable high/low Alarms light Source: White Light or Infrared (850nm LED) Operating Temperature: Input 1 - 200psl (built In regulator set at 15psi) Pressure: Enclosure: Nema 4X, IP66 Display: Multiline Custom LCD (backlight option) Certifications: USEPA, ISO 7027, CE Approved, ffi Listed to UL 3111~1 and ETL Certified to CSA 22.0 No. 1010~1-92 ( / ( ( I Pagel ot '1. ../ Herbert, Kevin From: Sent: Friday, July 15, 200512:19 PM To: Herbert, Kevin Subject: GFS Quote# 30621 Dear Kevin: Thank you for yonr interest in GFS Chemicals. The following is the quote you have requested. Please refer to the quote number provided when placing your order. GFS Chemicals is a manufactnrer of analytical lab reagents and research chemicals. We offer over 3000 chemical products ranging from gram to metric ton quantities. It would be our pleasnre to assist you. Kindest Regards, Cindy Marquez Accow1t Executive ~;.indy@gf:>.chem.icals,g_Q!1J wwyv.gfschellliC PLEASE ALLOW 2-3 WEEKS LEAD TIME ==> ON THESE INSTRUMENTS 1. 00 85005 8000 TURB STD, 0.0 NTU 1 L 56.00 56.00 1. DO 85D63 8D14 TURB STD, 1D NTU 1 L 56.00 56.00 1. DO 85092 8021 TURB STD, 1DO NTU 1 L 56.00 56.DO 1. 00 85122 8030 TURB STD, 100D NTU 1 L 56.00 56.00 1. OD 85180 8DOD TURB STD, D.O NTU ss HF 42.0D 42.DO 1. 00 86112 8014 TURB STD, 1D NTU ss HF 42.00 42.00 1. 00 8 6171 8021 TURB STD, 100 NTU ss HF 42.00 42.00 1. DO 86113 8030 TURB STD, 1DOO NTU ss HF 42.DD 42.DO '7/1 .C::/')('1(\.c;: ~~> MSDS & C/A FOR ALL W/SHIPMENT ==> *********************************** 1. 00 85905 85905 SOFTWARE, HF ONLINE UNITS 3200. DO 3200.00 ~~> **NOT REQUIRED** TOTAL: 16092.00 Expiration Date: 8/30/05 All orders FOB Columbus, OH -- Our plant. In U.S. dollars which must be drawn on a U.S. bank. All returns subject to a 25% restocking fee. 7/15/2005 AGENDA ITEM NO. _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY COMMISSION MEETING September 13, 2005 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Bryon L. Mazade, City Manager DATE: August 26, 2005 RE: Seyferth Park Skate Ramp SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To purchase a new ramp for the Seyferth Park Skate Park from Spohn Ranch, Inc. from the City of Industry, CAin the amount of $39,000 installed. Funds for the purchase will come from the Seyferth Fund within the Community Foundation for Muskegon County. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $39,000 BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: Authorize necessary budget adjustments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the purchase of a 6' x 16' Mini Half Pipe Ramp (HD Series) from Spohn Ranch, Inc. which includes installation. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None HD Series - HD Series Features - Using similar fabrication techniques to our P2 Classic Line, the HD Series is the first of its kind on the market today. The result of years of R & D, the HD Series features a hot-dip galvanized steel structure for superior corrosion protection, finished off with a Spohn Ranch exclusive super-thick monolithic phenolic surface. This surface is water-resistant, UV-resistant, and withstands extreme temperature and high impact. It was designed to provide the ultimate balance between smoothness for safety and proper texture to grip urethane skate wheels. As a result, it is the first choice of athletes who ride ramps professionally, and is used in pro skateboard and BMX competitions worldwide. The single-layer surface features a bolt-through attachment for increased durability. This equipment has been designed for a more competitive price point through decreased manufacturing costs associated with only one surface material. Additionally, working with phenolic material only will facilitate easy maintenance. All hot-dip galvanized steel structure Adjustable feet for easy leveling on uneven surfaces Spohn Ranch exclusive super-thick phenolic riding surface Ventilated ramp enclosures to prevent access under the equipment Low Maintenance Durable Graffiti-resistant riding surface Separate steel threshold to create a smooth transition to the ground Tamper-resistant galvanized steel fasteners Custom configurations available 20-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY RECEIVED community foundation SEP 0 9 2005 _ _ .,. ·-· -·-···- Muskegon County MUSKEGON CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 425 W. Western Ave. September 1, 2005 Suite 200 Muskegon, Ml 49440.Jl01 Mr. Bryon Mazade, City Manager City of Muskegon Ph. 231.722.4538 933 Terrace Street Fax 231.722.4616 PO Box 536 Muskegon,MI 49443-0536 Dear Bryon: Board of Trustees We are very pleased to inform the City of Muskegon that it has been awarded a Michael H. Bozym, Ph.D. grant of $39,000 from the Thomas and Geraldine Seyferth Fund of the Chair Community Foundation for Muskegon County to support the purchase and Peter M. Turner installation of new equipment at Seyferth Skatepark. This will be paid in two \'fee Chair installments of$19,500 each. Patricia B. Johnson l'ice Chair We encourage you to publicize this grant to recognize the fund which made this Scott A. Musselman award possible. Please refer to the publication guidelines for communicating Treasurer your grant. Chris A. McGuigan Presideni/Secreta1y Enclosed are two copies of your Grant Agreement. Please sign and return one Tim Achterhoff copy to our office noting any Special Conditions and the Public Relations B. Dennis Albrechtsen requirements of the Grant Agreement. Also enclosed is a logo sheet for use in Nancy L. Crandall any printed material. The first installment of $19,500 will be forwarded within Lowel! B. Dana 30 days of receiving the signed grant agreement. The second installment of $19,500 will be paid in February, 2006. Barbara L DeBruyn Holly). Hughes The Thomas and Geraldine Seyferth Fund of the Community Foundation for Dr. John L. Mixer Muskegon County is pleased to be a partner with the City of Muskegon. We wish you success with your program. Stephen G. Ol~n Michael A. Pepper Sincerely, Hon. Gregory C. Pittman ReY. Charles W. Poole Bruce C. Rice Chris A. McGuigan Arthur V. Scott President John \X'. Swanson II Sue Wierenga k:\grant committees\seyferth\grants\2005\seyferth park\cng-city.doc Judith L. Wilcox John \X'orkman For good. For ever.·· (\ I ,/ L-I~IL Purpose: To insure all veteran graves are properly marked with flags for Memorial Day. Who we are: Greater Muskegon Memorial Day Committee Made up of volunteer representatives of veteran groups in Muskegon County: American Legion Disabled American Veterans Veterans of Foreign War Marine Corp League Catholic War Veterans Lakeside Veterans Club Vietnam Veterans of America What services we have provided: I. Publicize Muskegon County Memorial Day events 2. Organize and direct the Greater Muskegon Memorial Day Parade 3. Purchase and distribute flags and markers for veterans graves, for municipalities who want that service. 4. Oversee placing flags and markers on veterans graves. 5. Provide wreaths and programs for Memorial Day activities. History of Committee: For many years Doug Lawton, headed the committee. Procedures were developed where the City of Muskegon, as well as other municipalities with cemeteries, was provided with flags for all veterans graves. Municipalities without cemeteries made donations to help pay for flags and markers. Upon Doug's death Milt Mockerman became the chairman. Present chairman is Roger Knopf Background of Laws: I. The original Act 63 of 1915 required (upon the petition of 5 eligible voters) that the City pay for flags and markers for veteran graves in cemeteries owned by the city, and for cemeteries 'generally used by the population of the city'. 2. The Act has since been amended, first to eliminate payment for non-city owned cemeteries, and then to make payment optional ('may procure') for those cemeteries. (see 35.831 on the attached sheet). 3. Private cemeteries are required to provide a flag on lL veteran's grave of the request of a family member. (see 35.832a) Concern: In the past, the City of Muskegon has paid for flags and markers for all the cemeteries within the city limits. This year a decision was made, as relayed by the Cemetery Department, to pay for only flags and markers used in 'city owned' cemeteries. Payment was denied forSt Mary's Cemetery and Sunrise Memorial Gardens. Veterans buried in St Mary's and Sunrise Memorial Gardens are primarily former citizens of Muskegon. Their service should be honored just as citizen veterans buried in city owned cemeteries. The requirements in 35.832a would not insure that those veterans would be properly honored for their service. F.eguest: The City of Muskegon continue paying the cost of flags and markers for veteran graves in StMary's Cemetery and Sunrise Memorial Gardens. MARKERS FOR VETERANS' GRAVES Act 63 of 1915 AN ACT to provide for the furnishing of suitable flag holders and United States flags for the graves of veterans who served in the armed forces of the United States for the marking and designation of the graves for memorial purposes; and to provide a penalty for the removal or destruction of the flag holders and United States flags when placed. History: 1915, Act 63, lmd. Eff. Apr. 20, 1915;-Am. 1979, Act 142, Imd. Eff. Nov. 8, 1979;-Am. 1988, Act 263, Imd. Eff. July 15, 1988. The People of the State of Michigan enact: 35.831 Flag holders and United States flags for veterans' graves in cemetery belonging to city, village, or township; petition; expense; purpose. Sec. I. (I) The legislative body of a city, village, or township in this state, upon the petition of 5 eligible voters of the city, village, or township, shall procure for and furnish to the petitioners, at the expense of the city, village, or township, a suitable flag holder and United States flag for the grave of each veteran who served in the armed forces of the United States and who is buried within the limits of a cemetery belonging to the city, village, or township. (2) The legislative body of a city, village, or township in this state, upon petition of 5 eligible voters of the city, village, or township, may procure for and furnish to the petitioners, at the expense of the city, village, or township, a suitable flag holder and United States flag for the grave of each veteran who served in the armed forces of the United States and who is buried in any cemetery located within the limits of the city, village, or township that does not belong to that city, village, or township. (3) A flag holder and United States flag shall be placed on the grave of a veteran for the purpose of marking and designating the grave for memorial purposes. History: 1915, Act 63, lmd. Eff. Apr. 20, 1915;---CL 1915, 1062;---CL 1929, 936;---CL 1948, 35.831;-Am. 1979, Act 142, Irnd. Eff. Nov. 8, 1979;-Am. 1988, Act 263, lmd. Eff. July 15, 1988;-Am. 2005, Act26, Imd. Eff. May 23,2005. 35.831a Flag holder and United States flag; procurement by county; expense. Sec. Ia. (l) The legislative body of a county in this state, upon petition of 5 eligible voters of the county, may procure for and furnish to the petitioners, at the expense of the county, a suitable flag holder and United States flag for the grave of each veteran who served in the armed forces of the United States and who is buried in any cemetery located within the limits of the county that does not belong to that county. (2) A flag holder and United States flag shall be placed on the grave of a veteran for the purpose of marking and designating the grave for memorial purposes. History: Add. 2005, Act 27, Imd. Eff. May 23,2005. 35.832 Contents of petition. Sec. 2. In a petition to the legislative body of a city, village, or township, the petitioners shall set forth the name of the airman, soldier, sailor, and marine whose grave has not been appropriately marked as contemplated in this act, together with the number of the graves at the time of petitioning, and the cemetery where the graves are located. History: 1915, Act 63, lmd. Elf. Apr. 20, 1915;--{:L 1915, 1063;--{:L 1929, 937;--{:L 1948, 35.832;-Am. 1979, Act 142, lmd. EfT. Nov. 8, 1979. 35.832a United States flags for veterans' graves in privately owned cemetery; request; expense. Sec. 2a. (l) A privately owned cemetery, upon the request of a family member of a veteran of the armed forces of the United States who is buried within the cemetery, shall provide a suitable United States flag not larger than 12 inches by 18 inches, at the cemetery's expense, for the grave of the veteran. The cemetery shall be responsible for the cost and maintenance of the United States flag. (2) A privately owned cemetery shall provide the United States flags required under subsection (I) for placement during Memorial day, the fourth of July, and Veterans day, and may, but shall not be required to, provide the United States flags during any other times of the year. (3) A request to a privately owned cemetery under this section shall include the location of the grave of the veteran for whom a United States flag is to be provided. The family member who makes the request is responsible for placing the United States flag on the grave of the veteran, and may supply and use, at his or Rendered Tuesday, August 09, 2005 Page 1 Michigan Compiled Laws Complete Through PA 103 of 2005 © Legislative Council, State of Michigan Courtesy of www.legitJiature.mlgov Greater Muskegon Memorial Day Committee Muskegon, Michigan June I 0, 2005 Gail Kindinger, Clerk City of Muskegon P.O. Box 536 Muskegon,MI49443 The following is the list of American Flags and markers provided for marking Veterans graves in cemeteries in the City of Muskegon this May, in accordance with the Act 63 of 1915 as amended by Acts 142 of 1979 and 263 of 1988: Cemeterv Number of Flags No. of Markers Evergreen 360 0 Lakeside 1056 15 Oakwood 612 6 Restlawn 360 0 StMary's 1946- 25 Sunrise 3600- _Q Total 7934 46 Total for flags= 7934 x $0.80 = $6347.20 Total for markers= 46 x $5.49= 252.54 Total Due $6599.74 Please make your remittance payable to: The Greater Muskegon Memorial Day Committee and send to: The Greater Muskegon Memorial Day Committee c/o Roger Knopf, Chairman 6116 Ridgeview Drive Muskegon, MI 49441-6146 Thank you for your support of Veterans. Roger A Knopf (231 )798-4123 :\flir.cnatl\'t~ ,\ctioP Ulb70:l :\ssrssor 72·1·!i70B CenH'll'rr 72-1 G7B3 Wt'St Mlrhlgan's Shoreline City ClvllSenil'l' /2.1(171[) August 8. 2005 Ckrk J:l.J-fi70:-i En~IIH't'nng Mr. Roger A. Knopf 72--1-1)7(17 The Great~r Muskegon Memoria! Day Committee 6116 Ridgeview Dr. Muskegon. MI 49441-6146 Finance 72-1()71:1 Dear M. Knopf. Fh'f'lkpL 72--lll7\lL We have received your request for payment of flags and markers for Veterans graves on Memorial Day. We have been informed by the City Attorney that we are only responsible for the flags and flag holders of Veterans buried within the Cemeteries owned C \. S!'rrit't•s n-1 mn by the City. The "Markers for Veterans Graves Act" (MCL 38.831) has been amended. for any Cemeteries located with in the City limits that are not owned by the City. the act now places the requirement on the owner of the private cemetery to provide the flags. lm;peninns 72-1 !i7[i Finally. the Act does give the option to the City or the County to provide flags for Veterans who are buried in the Cemeteries not owned by the city but which are within l.l'isun· Sl'n ice City limits. The City of Muskegon chooses to only pay for the flags and the flag holders 72-167(J.I for Veterans in the City owned Cemeteries. (Evergreen, Lakeside. Oakwood and Restlawn Cemeteries). I submit that the City of Muskegon's amount due is $2025. 69. \lanagt>r's fl!lh·r 72·1-()72--1 Sincerely. \laynr·s Orrin· L cv"'(S O_Q C-v. 72-1-()701 Larry DeCou City of Muskegon PlanningjZnning 72-1 {)702 Cemetery Supervisor l'olire Dept. 72-1 !17;10 l'uhlil' \\orb l:!h .J71\I) T:'I'Ol"lln'l' 7:!1 1172(! \\;lin i)('pt. City or .\luskcgon. 1'.0. llo.\ ~:lG. n:n Tt'ITdCl' Slit'l'l. \luskl'(;Oll. \lirltig~Jll l!ll·l:l O:i:lll ,., lli'lll\
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