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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2005 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS@ 5:30P.M. AGENDA o CALL TO ORDER: D PRAYER: o PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: o ROLL CALL: o HONORS AND AWARDS: A. 2005 Employee Service Awards. CIVIL SERVICE B. Recognize Volunteers on the Various City Boards/Committees/ Commissions. MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION o INTRODUCTIONS/PRESENTATION: o CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK B. Policy for Sale of City-Owned Residential Property in the Historic lnfill Area. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT C. Agreement Between Muskegon Police Department and Muskegon Township Police Department. PUBLIC SAFETY D. Nims Street Tank Painting. ENGINEERING E. Liquor License Request to Transfer Co-Licensee- City Cafe. CITY CLERK o PUBLIC HEARINGS: o COMMUNICATIONS: o CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: o UNFINISHED BUSINESS: o NEW BUSINESS: A. 2006 User Fee Update. FINANCE B. 2006 Salary Schedule and Fringe Benefits for Non-Represented Employees and the 2006 Salary Schedule for Part-Time and Limited- Term Employees. CITY MANAGER C. Hartshorn Marina Renovation Project - Re-bid. ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER D. 30" Clearwell Valve Operators and Stems Replacement. WATER FILTRATION PLANT E. Contract with Architect Hooker DeJong and Cole & Russell. PUBLIC SAFETY F. Additional Landscaping Along Shoreline Drive. ENGINEERING o ANY OTHER BUSINESS: o PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: > Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following: )> Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room. J> Submit the form to the City Clerk. )> Be recognized by the Chair. J> Step forward fa the microphone. > State name and address. )> limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission. > (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.) o CLOSED SESSION: To discuss pending litigation. D ADJOURNMENT: ADA POLICY: THE CITY OF MUSKEGON WILL PROVIDE NECESSARY AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES TO INDIVIDUALS WHO WANT TO ATTEND THE MEETING UPON TWENTY FOUR HOUR NOTICE TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGON. PLEASE CONTACT GAIL A. KUNDINGER, CITY CLERK, 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, Ml49440 OR BY CALLING (231) 724-6705 OR TOO: (231) 724-4172. Date: December 13, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Approval of Minutes SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, November 22, 2005. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes. CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2005 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS@ 5:30P.M. MINUTES The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, December 13, 2005. Mayor Warmington opened the meeting with a prayer from Pastor Penny Johnson from Oak-Crest Church of God after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL FOR THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING: Present: Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Bill Larson, Commissioner Lawrence Spataro, Chris Carter, Kevin Davis, Stephen Gawron, and Clara Shepherd, City Manager Bryon Mazade, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Gail Kundinger. 2005-114 HONORS AND AWARDS: A. 2005 Employee Service Awards. CIVIL SERVICE The Civil Service Commission Vice President, Mayor and Commission recognized the employees for their years of service. B. Recognize Volunteers on the Various City Boards/Committees/ Commissions. MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION The Mayor and Commission thanked the volunteers for their time and hard work. 2005-115 CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, November 22, 2005. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes. C. Agreement Between Muskegon Police Department and Muskegon Township Police Department. PUBLIC SAFETY SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Director of Public Safety requests that the City enter into on agreement with Muskegon Township which would allow Muskegon Police armorers to inspect and repair firearms currently used by Muskegon Township officers. This is a one-time request by the Muskegon Township Police Chief. This request involves approximately 15 weapons. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Any needed ports will be paid for by Muskegon Township. As we ore currently involved in our 2005 annual firearms inspection, this request will not hove any adverse effect on our armorers. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the request. D. Nims Street Tank Painting, ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to re-enter into on engineering services agreement with Nelson Tonk Engineering & Consulting out of Lansing for a not- to-exceed cost of $20,330. The scope of services includes revising the contract documents that were prepared in 2004, construction management. and doily inspection should the project be awarded. Nelson Tonk was originally awarded this project bock in April of 2004 and subsequently prepared the bid documents. Unfortunately, the bids were rejected due to limited funds. In 2004, two proposals were evaluated: Nelson's was for $20,175 of which $1.700 was spent bock then to prepare the specifications, and Dixon Engineering out of Lake Odessa who submitted a very similar proposal with a not-to-exceed price of $21,987.50. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost for engineering services (Contract specifications & Inspection) of $20,175. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to re-enter into on engineering services agreement with Nelson Tonk Engineering & Consulting. E. Liquor License Request to Transfer Co-Licensee- City Cafe. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: We hove been notified by the Liquor Control Commission that the resolution that was presented to you on September 27, 2005, was worded incorrectly. PKT Twelve, Inc. is requesting to drop Ashley- Chandler, Ltd. as the co-licensee and odd lordoche holdings, Inc. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the corrected resolution. Motion by Commissioner Gawron, second by Commissioner Shepherd to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of item B, ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, and Warmington Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2005-116 ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: B. Policy for Sale of City-Owned Residential Property in the Historic lnfill Area. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the "Policy for Sale of City-Owned Residential Property in the Historic lnfill Area". This policy is an elaboration of the Resolution to Create an Historic Home lnfill Program that was approved by the City Commission in 2003. This policy is only for the area located on W. Muskegon Avenue between Fourth and Fifth Streets. The City had already sold two of the properties in this area for infill. There has been some interest for new construction. This policy addresses new construction as well as moving a historic home into the district. The only incentive anyone would be able to get in this area would be a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate for the new construction. The policy was designed incorporating our Policy for Sale of City- Owned Residential Property and the Historic District Design Guidelines for New Construction. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and to authorize both the Mayor and the Clerk to sign said resolution. Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Spataro to approve the policy for sale of City-owned residential property in the Historic lnfill Area. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, and Davis Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2005-117 NEW BUSINESS: A. 2006 User Fee Update. FINANCE SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City departments have reviewed and updated their user fees and these have been incorporated into the Master Fee Resolution for your consideration. New fees and fee changes proposed for 2006 include the following: • Restructuring of various cemetery service fees to reflect operational changes and to spark demand for certain services such as columborium niches; • Changes in certain Clerk Office fees to improve consistency; • Increase in senior transit fee; o Changes to cat license fees to make them consistent with County dog license fees; • Increases in certain building permit fee categories; o Slight increases in some Marina fees: o New park fees for sports field preparation and reserved use of tennis courts; o Administrative cleanup of certain obsolete fees FINANCIAL IMPACT: Increased revenue for fee supported activities. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. Adoption of the 2006 Master Fee Resolution will help the City attain its 2006 budgeted revenue estimates. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. Motion by Vice Mayor Larson, second by Commissioner Carter to approve the 2006 user fee update. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, and Larson Nays: None MOTION PASSES B. 2006 Salary Schedule and Fringe Benefits for Non-Represented Employees and the 2006 Salary Schedule for Part-Time and Limited- Term Employees. CITY MANAGER SUMMARY OF REQUEST: l) To establish the 2006 salary ranges for part-time and limited-term employees; 2) To approve and adopt the proposed salary ranges and salary schedules for the non-represented administrative, technical, professional, and supervisory employees for 2006 (2.0% increase); 3) Increase Sunday and Holiday pay from 1.50 to 2 times rate of pay for non- union employees eligible for overtime pay; 4) Adopt a pay policy for non-represented employees. FINANCIAL IMPACT: l) Minimal. There are minor changes to steps and pay grades. 2) The salary increases will cost approximately $52,000 plus approximately $13,000 in added fringe benefit costs. 3) Minimal additional cost. 4) Minimal, if any, additional cost. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: To authorize the necessary 2006 budgetary amendments and transfer of money from the affected City funds (Contingency Account for General Fund) to the appropriate salary and fringe benefit accounts to accommodate the salary increases and fringe benefit adjustments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) To approve the proposed 2006 salary ranges for part-time and limited- term employees; 2) To approve and adopt the proposed 2006 salary ranges, salary schedules, and fringe benefit changes for non-represented employees; 3) To adopt a pay policy for non-represented employees. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to approve the 2006 salary schedule and fringe benefits for non-represented employees and the 2006 salary schedule for part-time and limited-term employees. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, and Warmington Nays: None MOTION PASSES C. Hartshorn Marina Renovation Project - Re-bid. ASSIST ANT CITY MANAGER SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve an agreement with Great Lakes Dock & Material for construction and improvements of Phase Ill marina renovations. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $958,382 with the MDNR providing a 50% match. The project funding source is a $1 Million grant from the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) with an equivalent City of Muskegon match of $1 Million. The remaining money is expected to be used towards other marina related enhancements. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve. Motion by Vice Mayor Larson, second by Commissioner Gawron to award the contract to Great Lakes Dock & Material for the reconstruction of Hartshorn Marina. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, and Spataro Nays: None MOTION PASSES D. 30" Clearwell Valve Operators and Stems Replacement. WATER FILTRATION PLANT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Endorse Contractor replacement of the 30" clearwell valve operators and stems by Franklin-Holwerda Company and Solomon Diving, Inc. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Total cost of $31,460 from the water fund ($21,800 for Franklin-Holwerda Company and $9,660 for Solomon Diving, Inc.). BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: Applied to the 2006 Water Filtration Plant budget and to be reflected in the quarterly budget reforecast. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend the Mayor and Commissioners endorse contracting the valve operator and stem replacement with Franklin-Holwerda Company and Solomon Diving, Inc. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to approve the 30" clearwell valve operators and stems replacement contract and award to Franklin-Holwerda Company and Solomon Diving, Inc. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and Carter Nays: None MOTION PASSES E. Contract with Architect Hooker DeJong and Cole & Russell. PUBLIC SAFETY SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting that you accept the final negotiated fee of 7.5% of construction costs for the design of the new Central Fire Station. This fee now includes not only design preparation but also bidding and construction administration phase work. A draft contract is being finalized by the City Attorney. We also request that you authorize the City Attorney to approve the final contract language. FINANCIAL IMPACT: As stated, the fee will be 7.5% of construction costs. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract when approved by the City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Shepherd, second by Vice Mayor Larson to approve the contract with architect Hooker DeJong and Cole & Russell. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, and Gawron Nays: None MOTION PASSES F. Additional Landscaping Along Shoreline Drive. ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to enter into a contract with Double L Enterprise Inc. out of Montague to install/plant additional landscaping along Shoreline Drive between Western Avenue and Ottawa Street. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost of planting ($112,970.47) plus minor architectural fee to stake the flower beds. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Waive irregularities in the bids resulting from omission and errors on Double L's bid and authorize staff to enter into a contract with Double L since they are willing to honor their bid with the omission of bid item number 9 and the corrected total of item number 23. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to approve the additional landscaping along Shoreline Drive and waive irregularities in the bids resulting from omission and errors on Double L's bid and authorize staff to enter into a contract. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Carter, Davis, and Gawron Nays: Warmington, Larson, and Shepherd MOTION PASSES 2005-118 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Mayor Warmington, on behalf of the City Commission and citizens of Muskegon, thanked Vice Mayor Larson for his four years of service. 2005-119 CLOSED SESSION: To discuss pending litigation. Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to go into Closed Session at 6:13p.m. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, and Davis Nays: None MOTION PASSES Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Spataro to come out of Closed Session at 6:28 p.m. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, and Gawron Nays: None MOTION PASSES Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to concur with the City Attorney's recommendation. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, and Larson Nays: None MOTION PASSES ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ~a . Gail A. Kundinger, MMC City Clerk CITY COMMISSION MEETING December13,2005 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Karen Scholle, Civil Service Personnel Director DATE: November 16, 2005 RE: 2005 Employee Service Awards SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Commission participation in the 2005 Employee Service Awards reception and award presentation. Please see attached memo. · FINANCIAL IMPACT: Included in 2005 Civil Service budget. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. This is a 2005 Civil Service Budget item. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests your presence and participation in the service awards event. Civil Service Department Memo To: Mayor Warmington and City Commissioners From: Karen Scholle, Civil Service Personnel Director CC: S. Wierenga, B. Mazade, L. Slaughter, G. Kundinger, CMI Service Commissioners Date: December 1, 2005 Re:. December 13,2005 City Commission Meeting and 2005 Employee Service Awards At the December 13 City Commission meeting, the "Honors and Awards" portion will include recognition of City employees incurring five-year milestone anniversaries in 2005 and presentation .of longevity awards to them. There are 55 employees eligible for awards this year. Attached is your invitation to ·the reception. If possible, please stop in to congratulate our employees as your acknowledgement is important to them. This is the plan for the 13th: >- You are invited to attend a light reception for the awardees and their significant others, which will take place from 4:00-5:15 p.fT!. in Room 103. >- Service award recipients received invitations for presentation of their award during the "Honors and Awards" portion of the City Commission meeting. RSVP's for this are now in process, with plans to update the Mayor on employee participation on December 13, 2005. When the "Honors and Awards" segment of the C9mmission meeting begins, will the Mayor please announce the recognition of employees receiving longevity awards of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 years of service to the City. > During award presentations, will the Mayor and City Commissioners please stand down in front of the Commission seating and congratulate the employees. >- Staff will be present to take photos. This year there are 55 employees eligible for service awards. While we always hope for increased employee presence, historically a small number of people participate in the reception and presentations. If you have any questions concerning the reception and awards, please contact me at telephone number 724-6719. Thank you, Karen Scholle 1 CITY COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday December 13, 2005 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Anthony L. Kleibecker Director of Public Safety DATE: December 2, 2005 SUBJECT: Agreement between Muskegon Police Department and Muskegon Township Police Department SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Director of Public Safety requests that the City enter into an agreement (attached) with Muskegon Township which would allow Muskegon Police armorers to inspect and repair firearms currently used by Muskegon Township officers. This is a one-time request by the Muskegon Township Police Chief This request involves approximately 15 weapons. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Any needed parts will be paid for by Muskegon Township. As we are currently involved in our 2005 annual firearms inspection, this request will not have any adverse effect on our armorers. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of this request. 2005-115(c) City of Muskegon I Muskegon Township Firearms Inspection Agreement Agreement made and entered into this 13~ day of December 2005 by and between the City of Muskegon, a Michigan municipal corporation ("City"), and Muskegon Charter Township, a Michigan municipal corporation (''Township'), with reference to the following facts: Background A. The Township desires that the City's fireanns range police officers install and inspect the firing mechanisms of the Township's Sig 229 on-duty fireanns. B. The Township shall purchase any needed supplies regarding the fireanns and the City shall be responsible only for the installation and inspection of the firing mechanisms. Therefore, tbe parties agree as follows: 1. Inspection and Installation. The City agrees to inspect the firing mechanisms of the Township's Sig 229 on-duty firearms, and make any necessary installations. 2. Indemnification and Hold Harmless by Township. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Township agrees to defend, pay in behalf of, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, employees and volunteers and others working in behalf of the City against any and all claims, demands, suits, or loss, including all costs connected therewith, and for any damages which may be asserted, claimed or recovered against or from the City, its elected and appointed officials, employees, volunteers, or others working in behalf of the City by reason of personal injury, inclu~ bodily injury and death and/or property damage, including loss of use thereof: which arises out of or is in any way connected or associated with this Agreement. 3. Compensation. The City agrees that it shall not charge Township for providing this service, other than City shall be reimbursed by Township for the cost of any and all supplies and necessary parts. 4. General Provisions. a. Non-Waiver. No waiver by any party of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver by such party of such provision on any other occasion or a waiver by such party of any other provision of this Agreement. b. Severability. Should any provision of this Agreement be determined to be invalid, unlawfu~ or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality, and enforceability ofthe remaining provisions shall not in any way be impaired or affected. c. Assignment or Delegation. The Township may not assign all or any portion of its rights and obligations in this Agreement without the express prior written approval of the City, which approval may be withheld in the City's sole discretion. MUSKEGON CHARTER TOWNSHIP By~ ~ R.n. '-- atriCkiOfdall:Up{S()r Date: December 13,2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Engineering RE: Consideration of Proposal for Nims Street Tank Painting SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to re-enter into an engineering services agreement with Nelson Tank Engineering & Consulting out of Lansing for a not to exceed cost of $20,330. The scope of services includes revising the contract documents that were prepared in 2004, construction management and daily inspection should the project be awarded. Nelson Tank was originally awarded this project back in April of 2004 and subsequently prepared the bid documents. Unfortunately, the bids were rejected due to limited funds. In 2004, two proposals were evaluated; Nelson's was for $20,175 of which $1,700 were spent back then to prepare the specifications and the other one was by Dixon Engineering out of Lake Odessa who submitted a very similar proposal with a not to exceed price of$ 21,987.50. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost for engineering services (Contract specifications & Inspection) of $20,175. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to re-enter into an engineering services agreement with Nelson Tank Engineering & Consulting. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Nelson Tank Engineering & Consulting, Inc. 16240 National Parkway Lansing. Ml 48906 PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT AGREEMENT This agreement between the City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49443 (OWNER) and NELSON TANK ENGINEERING and CONSULTING, INC. (CONSULTANT) for consulting services on the 1,000,000 Gallon Water Storage Tank (PROJECT) at Nims Street is as follows: 1 The OWNER agrees to engage the services of the CONSULTANT for services hereinafter set forth. A. CONSULTANT agrees to perfonn services as detailed in the attached Section I. B. OWNER agrees to pay CONSULTANT, for services rendered, the sum of Twenty One Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Dollars ($20,330). Tenus of Payment shall be detailed in Section II. C. Additional services perfonned by CONSULTANT requested by the OWNER which are not within the proposed scope of services as defined in section I, shall be paid to the CONSULTANT in accordance with time and material fees per Section III plus reimbursable expenses. D. The OWNER and CONSULTANT agree to the conditions as set fm1h in the attached General Provisions of the agreement. This contract format shall include this cover sheet, Sections I, II, III and General Conditions. Any changes in this CONTRACT shall be made by written addendum. //-/7-0f) Date Contract Approved by CONSULT ANT Date Contract Approved by OWNER (Title) Date Cosignature (If Required) (Title) Date Phone: 517-321-1692 • Fax: 517-321-4405 • E-Mail: SECTION I Proposed Services and Responsibilities 1,000,000 Gallon Tank Painting and Repair I Preparation of Specifications and Contract Documents A Scope of Services Performed by the Owner I. Provide a place for the bid opening. 2. Preside over the Bid Opening and open the bids received. 3. Review insurance certificate coverages. 4. Review Payment, Performance and Maintenance Bonds. B Scope of Services Performed by Consultant I. Prepare Contract Documents and Technical Specifications for project to include, but not limited to, the following: a. Advertisement for Bids b. Infonnation for Bidders c. General Conditions d. Detailed Specifications e. Inspection Fmm f. Proposal Format g. Contract Agreement 2. Address all questions, written or verbal response, concerning the project which are submitted. 3. Direct mail Advertisements to Contractors who have been prior approved as capable and conscientious. 4. Send Specifications to selected appropriate Builders Exchanges and Dodge Reports. 5. Review the bids submitted to the Owner and recommend award. 6. Furnish Owner and Contractor Contract Documents to complete. 7. Review Payment and Perfonnance Bonds of selected Contractor and the Insurance Ce1tificates. The Owner's Insurance Consultant and Attomey should also review. 8. Fumish Owner with complete Notice to Proceed to sign and forward to the Contractor. II Project Administration A. Attend and preside over preconstruction meeting. B. Review submittals for: 1) Lead in Construction compliance 2) MSDS 3) Waste Disposal 4) Paint 5) Safety plan 6) Schedule C. Review and provide recommendations for pay requests D. Monitor contractor progress for contract specified deadlines III. Full Time Inspection Services A. Review Contractor's crew size and equipment for ability to meet specification requirements and time constraints. B. Review structural repairs or appurtenance modifications for specification requirements. C. Review abrasive and coating materials for approved manufacturers. D. Inspect compressed air for cleanliness (i.e. oil, moisture). E. Measure surface profile created by abrasive blast cleaning by compressive tape or surface comparator. F. Inspect abrasive blast cleanliness for specification requirement using SSPC Visual Standards. G. Review coating mixing, thinning, induction time and application for manufacturer's requirements. H. Monitor environmental conditions prior to and during coating application (ambient temperature, surface temperature, relative humidity and dew point). I. Inspect applied coating for dry film thickness, coverage, uniformity, holidays and cure. J. Collect appropriate samples for pre-disposal laboratory testing. K. Prepare daily inspection reports detailing above mentioned items and daily progress. ~ All documents produced by the Consultant under this agreement shall remain the pro petty of the Consultant and may not be used by the Owner for any other endeavor without the written consent of the Consultant. ~ Inspection reports shall detail work completed, report progress, provide test results and prepare punch list for incomplete work. ~ Collection of samples will be taken during regularly scheduled visits. If additional sampling is requested that cannot be completed during a regular visit, it shall be considered an additional service. ~ Consultant shall provide review and recommendations for pay requests submitted by Contractor. ~ Consultant shall provide only inspection visits as described above unless otherwise directed by Owner. Consultant shall endeavor to observe Contractor's con·ections of deficiencies or punch list items concurrently with regularly scheduled inspection visits. Additional visits, beyond the final inspection, required to observe Contractor's corrections of deficiencies or punch list items shall be assessed per Section II. Payment to the Contractor shall be reduced to cover the cost of additional inspection services when deemed appropriate. SECTION II Proposed Service Fees 1,000,000 Gallon Tank Painting and Repair 1. Payment for I. Preparation of Specifications and Contract Documents shall be the lump sum fee of$500. 2. Payment for II. Project Administration shall be time and material per Section III. The following is an example and estimate of the anticipated fee schedule: Project Manager 16 hrs @ $80/hr $1,280 3. Payment for III. Full Time Inspection Services shall be time and material per Section III. The following is an example and estimate of the anticipated fee schedule: Inspector Level I 280 hrs @ $55/hr = $15,400 Per Diem 35 days @ $90/day = $ 3,150 Estimated Inspection Fee $18,550 4. Requests for Professional services not included in the original scope of work, Section I, shall be assessed at time and material fees per Section III. 5. Invoices shall include all work performed during the month. The invoice will start on the beginning of each month and will close on the end of each month. Pm1ial payment requests may be allowed if approved by the Owner. Accounts unpaid 60 days after the invoice date may be subject to a monthly service charge of 1.5% (or the legal rate) on the unpaid balance. In the event any portion or all of an account remains unpaid 90 days after billing, the Owner shall pay all costs of collection, including reasonable attorney fees. Section III Additional Service Fees Labor Class PER HOUR Project Manager. ..................................................................................... $ 75. 00 Expert Witness (Office, Travel & Court) ............................................... $150.00 Registered Professional Engineer. .......................................................... $120.00 Project Engineer- Level II ..................................................................... $ 85.00 Project Engineer - Level I.. .....................................................................$ 75.00 Inspector- Level II .................................................................................. $ 65.00 Inspector- Level!.. ................................................................................. $ 55.00 Secretarial Services ................................................................................. $ 50.00 Computer or CAD ................................................................................... $ 90.00 Expenses Mileage ..................................................................................................... $0. 60/mile Meals, Lodging .......................................................................................... $85 per diem Air Travel. ................................................................................................. Business class Car rental. .................................................................................................. Full size Laboratory Testing TCLP (One metal) ..................................................................................... $ 85.00 TCLP (Ten metals) ..................................................................................... $350. 00 Background Soil (Total lead) ..................................................................... $ 45.00 Paint Sample (1 Metal) .............................................................................. $ 50.00 Paint Sample (2 Metal) .............................................................................. $ 60.00 Paint Sample (3 Metal) .............................................................................. $ 70.00 NELSON TANK ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING, INC. AGREEMENT General Conditions (Owner Document) I. BASIC PROVISIOi'\S A) Tile parties agree to deliver all executed documents upon signing of the Services Agreement. B) The Owner agrees to fumish Consultant with sufficient copies of all documentation necessary to contract for the work to be completed according to the Services Agreement. C) All times provided for in the Services Agreement shall commence upon the dates specilicd therein. Consultant shall commence work upon execution of the Services Agreement. D) Consultant shall verify all physical data, measurements and other information prior to the commencement of work and report any ambiguities, errors, conflicts or discrepancies to Owner. Consultant sl1al1 not be liable to the Owner for failure to report any such ambiguities, discrepancies, errors or conflicts unless Consultant knew or should have reasonably known of the same. E) Upon request a1ul within a reasonable time of the execution of the Services Agreement, Consultallt agrees to provide Owner with Certificates of Insurance or any other evidence of insurance as may be required. At this time, a preliminary conference with Owner shall be held if either party has unclarified questions or ambiguities with regard to the discharge of the Services Agreement. F) The parties intend that the Services Agreement along with all collateral documents thereto including this Schedule of General Provisions shall constitute all of the contract documents between the parties for the services to be rendered. It is the intention of the parties to adopt all business practices, trade customs and technical definitions as used in the construction industry pertaining to facilities in the interpretation of the Agreement. All ambiguities raised by either party to the Agreement shall be subject to interpretation in writing agreed to by the parties or as settled by mediation as provided herein. G) The Agreement and all collateral documents may be amended, supplemented, revised or deleted only by written document entered into by the parties which will include change orders as provided herein. II. !\"IATTERS PERTAINING TOT HI': AVAILABILITY OF OWNER'S FACILITIES A) The Owner shall fumish Consultant with unencumbered access to the facility as described in the Services Agreement along with aH documentation deemed reasonably necessary by the Consultant as a condition precedent for the performance of Consultant's services. B) The Consultant may rely upon the technical infOrmation and physical data provided by the Owner with regard to the specifications, characteristics, dimensions and condition of the facility and other assets upon which the Consultant has been retained to work. C) Consultant may rely upon the technical infonnation provided by the Owner in pcrfonning its services and shall not be responsible for errors based upon incomplete or erroneous data supplied by the Owner. If Consultant discovers any defects in the perfbmlance of services contracted for by the Services Agreement, Owner agrees to issue any necessary change orders providing for such additional work as necessary to coucct the defect in question and to authorize paym~:nt for any and a][ additional services or material required by the Consultant to complete Consultant's services. D) Defects undiscovered by Consultant when estimating the work to be doue under the Services Agreement, shall be called to the Owner's notice immediately upon discovery. Owner shall be responsible for the snfety and protection of the Consultant with regard to any such unsafe conditions that exist with regard to the facility. III. INSURANCE A) Consultant shall purchase and maintain such liability and other insurance as is appropriate for the services bciug rc11dered and fumished and wil! provide protection from claims which may arise out of Consultant's performance and fumishing of services aud Consultant's other obligations under the Services Agreement whether to be performed by Consultant, subcontractor, or supplier or by anyone directly or indirectly contracted for or employed by them. B) Owner shaH purchase and maintain such property, liability and other insurance as appropriate for risks attendant to the property upon which Consultant shall perfonn services and Owner shall make available for Consultant's inspection Certificates evidcJJcing such coveruge extending to Consultant, subcoutractors and suppliers and include coverage for the respective officers and employees of such parties. C) All insurance CO\•crages required by tl1cse general conditions shall be for not less than limits of liability required by the Services Agreement or the laws and regulations of the State of Michigan or the federal govcmment. All insurance contracts iden!ifled to this Agreement shall contain provisions or e11dorsemcuts that coverage shall not be canceled, materially changed or renewal refused without at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Owner and Consultant and to any other insured to whom a Ce1tifieate of Insurance has been issued. D) The Owner and Consultant intend that all policies purchased in accordance with this Article Ill wi11 endeavor to protect the Owner, Consultant, subcontractors and suppliers and all other pers011S listed as additional insureds and will provide primary coverage for losses and damages. Any such policy purchased in accordance with this Agreement shall contain provisim1s to the effect that in the event of payment of any loss or damage, the insurers will have no rights of recovery against any of the insureds or additional insureds thereunder. Additionally, the Owner waives all rights against the Consultant, subcontractors, consullants and the officers, Directors, employees and agents of any of them for any loss due to business interruption, loss of use or other consequential loss extending beyond direct physical loss or damage to the Owner's property caused by or arising out of fire or other peril, whether or not insured by Owner, and Joss or damage to the completed proJect or part thereof caused by or arising out of or resulting from fire or other insured peril covered by any property insurance maintai11ed on the project by Owner and any policy issued in accordance with the tcm1s of this Agreement shall contain provisions to the ef!Cct that in the event of payment of any loss, damage or comequential Joss, the insurers wiH have no rights of recovery against any contractor, subcontractor, consultant and the officers, Directors, employees or agents of any of them. IV. CONSULTANT'S RESPONSIBILITIES A) Consultant shall perfom1 the services in a manner consistent with that degree of care and skiH ordinarily exercised by members of the same profession to perfom1 in accordance with the Services Agreement. Consultant shall be solely responsible for the means, methods, techniques, materials used, and procedures applied in fulfilling its services a11d shall be solely responsible for the appointment of individuals responsible for the pcrfom1ance of the services contracted for by the Services Agreement. B) Unless specified elsewhere to the contrary, Consultant shaH furnish, be compe11sated for, and assume a!\ responsibility for all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, equipment and other facilities necessary for the furnishing, performing, testing and completion of the services contracted for by the Services Agreement. C) Consultant shall adhere to the time schedule for completion of the Services Agreement advising Owner of any alterations necessary in the pcrfonmnce of such schedule and procure the Owner's written agreement, which shaH not be umeasonably withheld with regard to any such cl1anges. D) If, during the course of providing services in accordance with this Services Agreement, Consultant determines that other or equal material or procedures will aceomp!ish the work contracted for by this Agreement, Consultant shall notify the Owner or its appropriate representatives IO!!owing established change order procedures, if appropriate, and such substitution shall be approved by the Owner's representative unless clear and convincing evidence is shown that the Consultant's basis for substitution is wrong. In such case, if the Consultant continues to adhere to it's decision with regard to the above mentioned substitution and the Owner's representative refuses to approve a change order lOr the same, if necessary, Consultant may seck altcmative dispute resolution of the issue as provided herein by mediation if the same wiH not substantially protract the time necessary tOr the completion of the rendition of services. E) If, in the performance of Consultant's services, other subcontractors or suppliers must be utilized, Consultant shall provide Owner with the identity of any proposed subcontractor or supplier. Consultant refuses to dcul with any subcontractor or supplier against whom the Owner has made reasonable obJection. lf such subcontractor or supplier is rejected by the Owner and Consultant has m~dc diligent inquiry as to ~,n acceptable substitute but is tUiable to substitute !Or the objected subcontrattor or supplier, Owner agrees to adjust the contract price as necessary for the hiring of replacement subcontractor or supplier. F) Owller with Consultant's assistance, simi! obtain and pay for all permits and licenses, other govemmentill charges and inspection fees necessary for the completion of the services contracted fOr by this Services Agreement. This provision shall not be applied to relieve O\~ ncr of its obligation for the payment of any tosts the Owner has assumed by the Services Agreement. G) Consultant shall give notices and comply with laws and regulations cotJceming the performance of services COlltracted for by this Service Agreement. If Consultant knows the pcr!Onnance of services shall be in violation ofbw or regulation, the Consultant shall bear all claims, costs, losses and damages creement. If Consultant knows the performance of services shall be in violation of law or regulation, the Consultant slmll bear all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by Consultant's actions. Otherwise, Owner shall be responsible for any and all costs, claims, losses or other obligations arising from the inspection, ownership and maintenance of the facility. H) It shall be Consultant's responsibility to confine its activities to the premises on which the inspection services arc rendered. After the rendition of services, Consultant agrees to remove all of its tools, appliances, equipment, machinery ami surplus materials. The site shall be len clean and ready for tL~e by the Owner after tl1c completion of the rendition of services contracted for by the Services Agreement. I) Consultant agrees that if any dispute should arise under the tenns of this Servi(:es Agreement which is submitted to mediation, Consultant shall carry on with the rendition of services and adhere to the time schedule established for the completion of performance of services during all disputes or disagreements with the Owner. No services shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any dispute or disagreement except as otherwise permitted in accordance with these general conditions or as agreed to in writing with the Owner. J) Consultant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Owner and it's officials, officers, Directors and employees to the fullest extent pennitted by Jaw from and against claims, costs, losses and damages (including reasonable legal tCes and charges of other professional and all other dispute resolution costs) caused by or arising out of or resulting from the performance oft he services rendered by Consultant incident to this Services Agreement provided that any such claim, cost, loss or damage is attributable to the negligent act, error or omission of the Consultant, subcontractor or supplier; provided, comparative negligence shall be taken into account in measuring Consultant's liability for damages hereunder. V. OWNER'S RESPONSinJLITIES A) The Owner shall not supervise, direct or have control or authority over nor be responsible for Consultant's means, methods, techniques, or procedures of rendering services or for the satCty precautions and programs incident thereto or for any fb.ilurc of the Consultant to comply with laws and regulations applicable to the fumishing of performance oftl1e services contracted for by this Services Agreeme11t. Owner will not be responsible for Consultant's failure to perfonn or fumish the services in accordance with this Services Agreement. The Owner shall be responsible for providing a safe and hazard-free site upon which Consultant may perfonn its services. B) Owner represents that the authorized governing authorities of Owner have taken all steps necessary to approve the Services Agreement and to furnish Consultant with reasonable evidence of financial responsibility for the satistb.ction of its payment obligation under the Services Agreement and that Consultant shall be paid in full for the rendition of services in accordance with the tenus of the Services Agreement. C) Owner shall take no action to impede Consultant's rendition of services in accordance with this Services Agreement and has taken ull steps necessary to coordinate the services and work pcrfomJed on the site so as to not impair Consultant's ability to render services. To this end, Owner has designated its representative in dealing with Consultant who has full and complete authority to bind and represent the Owner with regard to any and all decisions necessary in the fulfillment of the Services Agreement. If no such representative has been designated, the designated representative of the Owner shall be any of its officers or its chief elected official. VI. CHANGES IN WORK A) Within the parameters of services to be rendered by Consultant, Owner may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions to the services to be rendered by Consultant; provided, Owner and Consultant have agreed to compensation for the same. B) Such additions, deletions or revisions will be authorized by written amendment or change order signed by the Owner's representative and acknowledged in writing by the Consultant. Upon receipt of any such acknowledged change order, Consultant shall promptly proceed with the services involved which will be performed under the applicable conditions of the contract documents except as amended. C) l fthe Owner and Consultant are unable to agree as to the extent, if any, of an adjustment in the contract price or an adjustment of the contmct tenus, allowed as a result of a change order or otherwise, Consultant agrees to continue and the Owner agrees to abide by the terms of the contract provided the parties mutually agree to submit the disagreement to mediation as provided for herein. VII. J>A Yi\'IENTS TO CONSULTANT AND COMPLETION A) Consultant shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of Section II of the Services Agreement provided that if there is a dispute as to the services rendered, Owner shall pay for all services rendered for which objection may not be reasonably made and provide Consultant with an accounting of those services perfonned for which objection is made and the basis therefore. B) Such dispute shall be submitted to arbitmtion as provided herein if the parties cannot otl1crwisc agree to its disposition. C) Consultant acknowledges that title to all materials and equipment covered by lillY payment from Owner to Consultant whether incorporated in the services rendered or not will pass to the Owner no later than the time of payment as specified in Section II of the Services Agreement free and clear of all liens. VIII. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF SERVICES A) The Owner may suspend services by the Consultant at any time and without cause provided Consultant has been paid to date !Or services rendered under the Services Agreement. Any resumption of services authorized by the Owner shall only be in accordance with terms, conditions and contract price as agreeable by Consultant. B) Consultant may cease rendering services under this Services Agreement if, through no act or fault of the Consultant, the performance of services under the Agreement has been materially impaired in which case Consultant may refrain from rendering additional services until satisfactory payment for services rendered and to be rendered has been made by the Owner and the impairment has been corrected. C) If, prior to the rendition of services under the Services Agreement, conditions materially change through the application of force majeure, the Consultant's obligation for the performance of services by the Owner's obligation for the payment for same may be excused. IX. DISPUTE RESOLUTION A) The Owner and Consultant agree that should any dispute arise between them with regard to any term and/or condition ofthe Services Agreement, the parties mutually consent to mediation. X. MISCELLANEOUS A) The Services A~:,>reement sha\ll1e binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors, representatives and assigns of the parties hereto; provided, that due to the personal services nature of the Agreement, it shall not be subject to assignment by the Consul!ant. B) Any 110tice required in accordance with the tcm1s of this Agreement shall be effective and binding if made to the parties at their last business address known to the giver of the notice. C) The duties and obligations imposed by these general conditions and the rights awl remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto, are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of any rights a11d remedies available to any or all of them which arc otherwise imposed or available by law or regulation. Date: December 13, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Request for Transfer of Co-Licensee City Cafe, 413-415 W. Western Avenue SUMMARY OF REQUEST: We have been notified by the Liquor Control Commission that the resolution that was presented to you 01 September 27, 2005, was worded incorrectly. PKT Twelve, Inc. is requesting to drop Ashley-Chandler, Ltd. as the co-licensee and add lordache Holdings, Inc. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the corrected resolution. Req ID #316345 STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & ECONOMIC GROWTH LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2005-115(e) At a ____R-::eo=g....,u_l_ar.,.......,--::-------- meeting of the ___c_it~y=--C--:o-:-mm -=-i-:-s~s:-i:-on=--;;c-~:------ {yes, complete LC-693N, Police Investigation Report: Dance/Entertainment Permit Are gas pumps on the premises or directly adjacent? i {No DYes, explain relationship: I Section 3. Local and State Codes and Ordinances, and General Recommendations Will the applicant's proposed location meet all appropriate state and local building, plumbing, zoning, fire, sanitation and health laws and ordinances, if this license is granted? l)t.Yes D No If you are recommending approval subject to certain conditions, list the conditions: (attach a signed and dated report if more space is needed) I Section 4. Recommendation From your investigation: 1. Is this applicant qualified to conduct this business if licensed? ja Yes D No 2. Is the proposed location satisfactory for this business? ~Yes D No 3. Should the Commission grant this request? d&.Yes D No 4. If any of the above 3 questions were answered no, state your reasons: (Attach a signed and dated report if more space is needed) L _ t~ 12 - 9 - os l:lel'i#-or Chief of Police) Date MUSKEGON POLICE DEPARTMENT LC-1800 Rev. 07/02 STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LABOR & ECONOMIC GROWTH LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION REO ID : 316345 7150 Harris Drive AMENDED 12-02-05:SFS P.O. Box 30005 Lansing, MI 48909-7505 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY REPORT DANCE/ENTERTAINMENT/TOPLESS ACTIVITY PERMIT (Authorized by MCL 436.1916) IORDACHE HOLDINGS, INC. (CO-LICENSEE) PKT TWELVE, INC. (CO-LICENSEE) APPLICANT/LICENSEE PHONE NUMBER 7 STREET ADDRESS CITY TOWNSIITP CoUNTY ZIP X T TOPLES 1. The dance t1oor will not be less than 100 square feet, is clearly marked and well defined when there is dancing by customers . ~ NO N/A 2. Describe the type of entertainment applicant/licensee will provide: N/A /Y1 v .; 1, · 3. Will this entertainment include topless activity? YES N/A T RECOMMENDATIO DANCE PERMIT NO N/A ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT NO N/A TOPLESS ACTIVITY PERMIT NO ~ IL - ~ -C lr DATE SUBMITTED PHONE NUMBER 9to ADDRESS CITY LC·693N REV 5198 4880.0652 Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth ' . LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION (MLCC) 7150 Harris Drive, P.O. Box 30005 - Lansing, Michigan 48909-7505 APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL PERMIT FOR DIFFERENCE IN HOURS OF OPERATION (Authorized b MAC R 436.1437) Applicant or Licensee Name: IORDACHE HOLDINGS, INC. AND PKT TWELVE. IN C. (CO-LICENSEES) Address: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Type of License: _________________________________________________________________ The Commission is requested to grant an after hours permit for: (check boxes that apply) ~ Operating our restaurant for the sale of food D Operating night league bowling, tournaments or Sunday morning bowling D Registering golfers D Registering Skiers D Registering Tennis Players D Other:-- - - - - -- --- During the Hours of: Weekdays 2- >o A.M. to 7 ov A.M. Sundays 2-3tJ A.M. to / Z.f;fJ -IM. It is understood that customers shall not be on the licensed premises for any activity other than the requested activity. ~ Licensee or Applicant Signatures: ______:::::z:6#?0~ ~~======----- ~a~te\a 1_ O\l~Qc.,"e_ LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATION To Law Enforcement Agency: This application is for official permits allowing the after hours operations indicated above. Please enter your recommendations below and return one signed copy to the Commission. Thank you. ~ Recommended. Comments : ----------------------------------------------- D Recommended except for----------------- ------------ permit. D Not Recommended Signature and Title 1 ~ L · I~ Date: 12... - 9 - c~ LC- 1112 Rev. 9/1 7 Req ID #316345/AMENDED 12-02-0S:SFS Affirmative Action (231)724-6703 FAX: (231)722-1214 Asses• or/Equalization (23 I )724-6708 FAX: (231)726-5181 Cemetery Department (231)724-6783 FAX: (231)726-5617 City Manager (23 I )724-6724 \Vc<;t MicWgan's ShorcUne City FAX: (231)722-1214 Civil Service (231)724-6716 FAX: (231)724-4405 Clerk (23 I )724-670.5 FAX: (231)724-4178 December 14, 2005 Community and Neigh. Services (231)724-6717 FAX: (231)726-2501 Computer Info. Liquor Control Commission Systems 7150 Harris (23 I )724-6744 FAX: (231)722-4301 PO Box 30005 Lansing, MI 48909-7505 Engineering Dept. (23 I )724-6707 FAX: (231)72H904 REF: #316345 Finance Dept. Iordache Holdings, Inc. (23 I )724-67 13 FAX: (231)724-(;768 413-415 W. Western Muskegon, MI 49440 Fire Department (23 I )724-6792 FAX: (231)724~985 To Whom It May Concern: Income Tax (23 I )724-6770 FAX: (231)724~768 EnClosed is the Resolution, form LC-1800, Form LC-1112, and the Local Law Enforcement Agency Report for lordache Holdings, Inc. This was recommended Inspection Services (231)724-671.5 for approval at the December 13, 2005, City Commission Meeting. FAX: (231)728-4371 Leisure Services Please do not hesitate to call me at (231) 724-6705 if you have any questions. (23 I )724·6704 FAX: (231)724-1196 Sincerely, Mayor's Office (23 I )724-670 I FAX: (231)722-1214 I SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Planning/Zoning • Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete (23 I )724-6702 FAX: (231)724~790 Linda Potter item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ·• Print your name and address on the reverse Deputy Clerk so that we can return the card to you. Pollee Deptartment • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, (231 )724-6750 or on the front if space permits. FAX: (231)722-5140 enc. D. Is delivery tid es5difftfft£;lt from item 1? 1. Article Addressed to: If YES enter delivery aCfd~ss below: p ' - ~ Public Works Dept. (231)724-4100 FAX: (231)722-4188 /_;6 vor Confro/ Comm/sst'o/7 osroFF NStNG Mtc~ Box ' ICHIGA.N3oo<6 Treasurer's Office 4 8909' (23 1)724-6720 FAX: (231)724-(;768 /0 /Jo>(' 30oos- 3. Service Type 11!1 Certified Mail D E xpress Mail Water Billing Dept. D Registered D Return Receipt for Me:=:z:::= (23 I )724-6718 0 Insured Mail D C .O.D. FAX: (231)724-(;768 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Water Filtration (23 I )724-4 I 06 2. Article Number 70 0 0 0 .s-..:<. 0 001'/ J7'17 '---~~:m~n:s~: er; ~~ r o: m ~s: e~N: k:e: m:b: e O~----------------------~--------------------::~s;.------- FAX: (231)7SS-S290 City of Muskegon, ' _ ----.;;=: PS Form 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102 Commission Meeting Date: December 13,2005 Date: November 23, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission From: Planning & Economic Development Department CJ3C- RE: Policy for Sale of City-Owned Residential Property in the Historic lnfill Area SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the "Policy for Sale of City-Owned Residential Property in the Historic lnfill Area". This policy is an elaboration of the Resolution to Create an Historic Home lnfill Program that was approved by the City Commission in 2003. This policy is only for the area located on W. Muskegon Avenue between Fourth and Fifth Streets. The City had already sold two of the properties in this area for infill. There has been some interest for new construction. This policy addresses new construction as well as moving a historic home into the district. The only incentive anyone would be able to get in this area would be a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate for the new construction. The policy was designed incorporating our Policy for Sale of City-Owned Residential Property and the Historic District Design Guidelines for New Construction. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution and to authorize both the Mayor and the Clerk to sign said resolution. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Historic District Commission recommended approval of the policy at their regular meeting of November 1, 2005. The Land Reutilization Committee recommended approval of the policy change at their regular meeting of November 22, 2005. 11/23/05 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-116(b) MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE "POLICY FOR SALE OF CITY -OWNED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN THE HISTORIC INFILL AREA" WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon has two remaining lots located in the Historic Infill Area on W. Muskegon A venue between Fourth and Fifth Streets and wishes to sell these lots, and; WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon would like to include the possibility of new construction of a "Historic looking home" to the area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission hereby adopts the following policy: (attached) Adopted this 13th day of December, 2005. Ayes: Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, and Davis Nays: Nqne Absent: None Attest -----"~~~~LL.__:_.::...:....--=-.::=:..:.....,r--:= Gail A. Kundinger, MMC City Clerk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular . meeting held on December 13, 2005. j · 1 By: o._J_ ~~ Gail Kundinger, MC City Clerk 10105 City of Muskegon Policy for Sale of City-Owned Residential Property In the Historic Infill Area Objective The City of Muskegon (the City) wishes to expand its residential tax base while simultaneously alleviating itself of the significant cost burden associated with year-round maintenance of vacant lots. The City reserves the right to join and split lots to assist with this process. All property will be sold as is. All sales are subject to City Commission approval. Houston Historic District The Houston Historic District is an important part of Nelson Neighborhood and historic homes are a critical component in the character of the community. The City Commission hereby set aside five vacant, City owned lots with approximately 79 feet of frontage each, in the block bound by Muskegon Avenue, Webster Avenue, Fourth and Fifth Streets for the historic in-fill program. Staff shall administer the historic home in-fill program under certain guidelines. Historic Home Relocation: The lots will be sold for one thousand dollars ($1 ,000) to persons wishing to relocate and rehabilitate a historic home on a lot, provided: I. The home is not being taken from an existing historic district (unless it must be removed for pending development). 2. The removal of the home from its existing site is not a detriment to the area from which it is being moved. 3. The home will be owner-occupied, single-family residence. 4. The home is sound enough to move and it is feasible to rehabilitate it. 5. The person moving the home provides proof of financial ability and a time schedule for the project. 6. The home must be moved and the exterior work completed within 18 months of closing. 7. The plans and the home must be approved by the Historic District Commission prior to the sale of the property. Staff is further directed not to charge for city assistance with tree trimming, traffic control or police escorts when assisting with a house move to this target area. Staff shall also provide information on historic tax credit and Neighborhood Enterprise Zone programs. New Historic Home Construction The lots will be sold for 75% of the True Cash Value as assigned by the Assessor's Office with the following conditions: I. The home will be owner-occupied, single-family residence. 2. The home must be constructed within 18 months of closing. 3. The new construction must follow the Historic District Guidelines tor new construction. 0:\P\anning\COMMON\Prope!ty\Policy and Proccdures\Policy\histOJic infi\1 policy 10-0S.doc 10/05 4. The house plans must receive Historic District Approval prior to purchase. 5. The home must also have the following home design: a. The structure shall have a minimum of2,200 square feet of usable living space (excluding all basement area). b. The structure must be two-stmies. c. The structure must have a full basement. Criteria for Historic Home Relocation and New Historic Home Construction: 1. The home must be positioned on the lot in a manner similar to surrounding homes. 2. At the time the building permit application is submitted, the plot plan and building design will be reviewed to detennine compliance with all requirements of the Historic District Commission and this policy. 3. Removal of existing trees shall be approved by zoning staff prior to lot clearing. Trees shall only be taken to accommodate the structure and d1iveway. A performance guarantee may be required of the owner or contractor for tree protection. 4. At least two (2) shade trees shall be provided on site of at least two and one-half (2.5") inches in diameter, four feet from the ground. Preservation of existing trees may be considered in lieu of this requirement. 5. The lot shall be established with appropriate grass, ground cover or other plantings within one year of occupancy or the city may arrange for such planting and bill the owner. 6. The home shall meet all other requirements of the Zoning Ordinance that are not addressed in this policy. As a condition of sale, structures built on these properties must be owner occupied for a minimum of 5 years. The buyer must 1commence construction within I 8 months of the date of purchase, or the property will revert back to the City's ownership, free and clear of any claim of the buyer. All structures must confonn to all City building and zoning requirements. Recording of the Deed All property sales must be recorded with the Muskegon County Register of Deeds. This is the sole responsibility of the buyer. All sales will be handled as quit claim deeds. Closing Costs All closing costs will be split between the buyer and the seller. Propertv Survey All costs and activities associated with a survey are the sole responsibility of the buyer. 1 "Commence Construction" means that a buyer has been issued a residential building permit by the City of Muskegon and also (in the sole opinion of the City of Muskegon's Building Official) that at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the dwelling has been completed. 2 10105 Environmental Properties will be sold as is. Any environmental analysis is the sole responsibility of the buyer. Financing Financing the acquisition of City-owned property and subsequent construction (if applicable) is the sole responsibility of the buyer. Failure to provide proof of adequate financing may be used as a basis for denial of a sale. 3 Date: December 13, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Finance Director RE: 2006 User Fee Update SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City departments have reviewed and updated their user fees and these have been incorporated into the Master Fee Resolution attached for your consideration. New fees and fee changes proposed for 2006 are highlighted on the spreadsheet included with the resolution and include the following: • Restructuring of various cemetery service fees to reflect operational changes and to spark demand for certain services such as columbarium niches; • Changes in certain Clerk Office fees to improve consistency; • Increase in senior transit fee; • Changes t6 cat license fees to make them consistent with County dog license fees; • Increases in certain building permit fee categories; • Slight increases in some Marina fees; • New park fees for sports field preparation and reserved use of tennis courts; • Administrative cleanup of certain obsolete fees FINANCIAL IMPACT: Increased revenue for fee supported activities. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. Adoption of the 2006 Master Fee Resolution will help the city attain its 2006 budgeted revenue estimates. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. COMMITIEE RECOMMENDATION: None. City of Muskegon RESOLUTION 2005-ll?(a) A resolution adopting fees for services in the City entitled "Master Fee Resolution". The City of Muskegon hereby RESOLVES: I. The City of Muskegon has in the past adopted resolutions from time to time which set fees for various services in the City. 2. That in addition to the specifically adopted resolution fees, there are fees which are charged pursuant to ordinances and codes as well the fees which are charged in the exercise of various other functions of the City which serve the public. 3. That the City Commission has reviewed all of the fees which are charged from time to time pursuant to resolution, ordinance and in the affording of services to and for the public, and has determined to adopt the resolution a comprehensive schedule of fees by this resolution which is hereby called the "Master Fee Resolution". 4. That the City Commission and its committees, with the advice of the staff of the City, have carefully investigated and examined the fees set forth in this Master Resolution and have determined that they are reasonably related to the actual cost of affording the services involved. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION HEREBY RESOLVES: I. That the schedule of fees attached to this resolution is hereby adopted and shall be charged for the services set forth in the schedule and under the conditions set forth therein. 2. That any fees listed which are also listed in specific resolutions, rules or regulations, shall be charged in accordance with those resolutions, rules and regulations, and with the practices of the City in affording the appropriate services. 3. That the adoption of this resolution does not amend or change previous specific resolutions for the charging of fees for services, and does not preclude the existence of previous or future resolutions setting forth fees which are not included herein. This resolution adopted. Ayes Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, and Larson Nays None CITY OF MUSKEGON ----,~ !-=" "'"'-=: . __L -=- =: .: :.-=-=~.=:Jv I•< CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution -Schedule of Fees Effective 11112006) ·z-ooz 2004 zoos 2006 bEPARTMENi 'lo UNE UNIT FEE "" FEE FEE FEE FEE co: CHANGE-- 41 CEMETERIES I cEMETERIES SECOND CREMAINS (OPEN GRAVESITE) EACH so.oo 50.00 55.00 58.00 58.00 FOR ACDJTIONAL ASHES . -- i···--:~--l--~~~-~~~;~ -r~-EMETERIES OPENING -·-- EACH 425.00 425.00 468.00 491.00 491.00 EACH 525.00 525.00 578.00: " CEMETERIES !CEMETERIES OPENING (DEVICE) NR II 607.001 607.001 44 CEMETERIES !cEMETERIES OPENING (SETUP AT GRAVE) EACH 450.00 49S.oo: 520.00 0.00 -100.00% 45 ----~- CEMETERIES !CEMETERIES OPENING (SET UP AT GRAVE) NR -------1 ----- --1 EACH -------~---j 550.00 :::::1 605.00 , 635.00 --1 0.00 -1---~---- I -100.00% 46 CEMETERIES ICEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN IN BABYLAND) EACH 125.00 125.00 138.001 145.00 145.00 ---~----------·------------------j-~--------- ------·--r--------------------- I :::~1 47 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN IN BABYLAND) NR EACH 150.00 150.00! 173.oo: ...... ...................•.•.•......•. ·- .. --··- -·- -·-------------- 48 ~ CEMETERIES ~-----~---· ------ ---- CEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN NOT IN BABYLAND) --·-··--·-·········-· ....... ·-·-··· ·······-· ·····--------------------.,------- EACH 225.0C 225.00; -:::: 0.00 BILLED DIRECT BY PRIVATE CONTRACTOR -100.00% BILlED DIRECT BY PRIVATE 49 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN NOT IN BABYLAND) NR EACH 275.00 275.0< 303.00 318.0( 0.00 CONTRACTOR -100.00% ----- ------------------·-·····-·-· .....•..•.. ··-------------- -.. ------------------------------------· ---- ------ --------------- BILLED DIRECT BY PRIVATE 50 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OPENING (TENT AT GRAVE) EACH 500.00 500.00 550.00 578.00 0.00 CONTRACTOR -100.00% ....................................... ........ ---- --- ----·----- ----- .. ----------------- BILLED DIRECT BY PRIVATE 51 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OPENING (TENT AT GRAVE) NR EACH soo.oc 600.00 660.00 693.00 0.00 CONTRACTOR -100.00% . "'"'"'"'"'"'"'"''''''"'"'"'"''' ...............•........•.•....•..•.. ··--· ·-·-·· ··-·- ---------------------- 52 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OVERTIME (MON-FRI AFTER 2:30PM) EACH 150.00 150.00 165.00 173.00 173.00 --~~~-~---------- 53 CEMETERIES :cEMETERIES OVERTIME (SATURDAYS & HOLIDAYS) EACH 250.00 250.00 275.00 289.001 289.00 :: i :::::::: ::::::::: ::::::~::::.:"" -'"'"'"' :~~------ . -j --- ~;~;l~:-,::::;1--~~--,_:::·;;ll;-~-~-;:;:l-~-~::~~-~------------------------l-- -----------1 ·23.81% 56 CEMETERIES ICEMETERIES NICHES COLUMBARIUM NR EACH 1,525.00 1,200.00' 1,200.00 1,260.00 850.0( ·32.54o/o ~-- ______ '"___ ~--~-------------~--f- --------- ---··--! ------------------------';-----· ·------------------------------ !----· 125.00~~13MO - - - - - 145. 00~~- 57 CEMETERIES ICEMETERIES NICHES (OPEN/CLOSING) EACH 1 _____ ''_5.. 0.0···--- --- -- --- __ 125:00 ___ ---- 1 __ _ ___ __ _ • '-"'' sa CEMETERIES ICEMETERIES NICHES (OPEN/CLOSING) NR EACH 115.oo: 175.oo 19J.oo 2oJ.oo 175.ool -13.79'!. 59 CEMETERIES ICEMETERIES HEADSTONE SERVICE PER SQUARE INCH ---- ;_~~-- 040 - 050 055 055 "'"'"""""'" I ., 60 CEMETERIES ~CEMETERIES SERVICE (GOVERNMENT MARKERS) EACH 7o.ool 7ooo 10.~ so.oo ---600~-~-----~~~~~~-,~ --~ ,_, CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution -Schedule of Fees Effective 1!1!2006) 2002 2003 2'0041 20051 20~~ % IiiifE UNIT FEE; m FEE FEEl FEEl ~o~- CHANGE 61 CEMETERIES ICEMETERIES SERVICE (MAUSOLEUM VASES) EACH 75.ool 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.001 ' 62 CEMETERIES !CEMETERIES SERVICE HEADSTONE PRE-PLACEMENT EACH 10.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 53 CEMETERIES iCEMETERJES SERVICE (SMALL VASES) RESTIAWN EACH 30.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 I 64 I CEMElERIES IENTOMBMENT- EVERGREEN MAUSOLEM EACH i 150.00 150.00 165.00 173.00 173.00 "" ------- 65 CEMETERIES IENTOMBMENT NR- EVERGREEN MAUSOLEUM EACH 200.00 200.00 22o.oo; 231.00 231.00 L ----- -- ··-·----····-·""' 66 CEMETERIES ITRANSFER & AFFIDAVIT FEE PER GRAVE SPACE EACH 10.00 1o.oo! 20.00 25.00~ 50.00 '""" 100.00'k 67 CEMETERIES ICHAPEL FUNERAL SERVICE EACH o.oo: 0.00 50.00 50.00 68 CEMETERIES IFAMILY TREE SEARCH SINGLE SEARCH 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 69 CEMETERIES IFAMILYTREE SEARCH FIVE SEARCHES 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 70 CLERK lAO DRESS LABELS- VOTER REGISTRATION EACH 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 ' 71 CLERK 1 BUSINESS REGISTRATION EACH 25.00 25.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 72 ···r ··---~~~~~ ········~~~-~;~~S TRANSIENT PER DAY 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 73 i CLERK IBUSINESS PEDDLER PER DAY 10.00 10.001 10.001 10.00j 10.00 r--74 CLERK BUSINESS AUCTIONEER (INDIVIDUAL EVENT) PER EVENT 10.00 10.00, 10.00 10.00 ---- -------·-------- ----- ·-··--·-·-·- """"""""····----······-·····················-·----··----···········-··--····""""""""""+--·····-----·1- ·········-' ·······················-··- ··-·-·-·-· r-·-· I 75 CLERK BUSINESS AUCTIONEER (REGULAR) PER YEAR 1oo.ool 100.00 100.001 100.00 ' 76 CLERK __________ ____!_ BUSINESS COMMERCIAL GARBAGE HAULER PER YEAR 100.00 100.001 100.001 100.00 100.00 -- ---- - - --------------·- 77 CLERK ]BUSINESS DANCE HALL (INDIVIDUAl PER EVENT 25.00 0.00 0.00~ 0.00 0.00 ----~-------- ---f-------------·-------·----·--- ------------··· 78 CLERK BUSINESS DANCE HALL (REGULAR) PER YEAR 500.00 o.ool 0.00 0.00 0.00 r·-- ---- i___ I1 79 CLERK BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT OCCUPANCY PER YEAR 0.00 125.001 125.00 125.00 125.00j PENDINGORDINANCEAPPROVAL 80 CLERK CHARITABLE GAMING UCENSE EACH o.oo: o.ooi 5.00 •ooL 5.00; I P•oo• I I I I I I I I CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution ·Schedule of Fees Effective 1!112006 2002 2003 2004 2!105 2006 D PAR M ·~ LINE IE"P UNIT FEE, FEE FEE FEE FEE COMlifEN'fS CHANGE CHARGED TO L.AWFIRMSANO OTHER 81 CLERK CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM RENTAL PER HOUR 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Fo::~~~~A~~L~~~~z:~~:~~~NG I I RELATED BUSINESS ...................... ·····-·T······· ·················· .............................................................................. ·······················································~ .......................................... ........... ......... .......... ·-············ .•................................. 82 ClERK :ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FEE EACH 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ··-··· ······--·--:-···-····················· .................................................... ··············-· ............... ···········--·-· ··- ------r·-···-····· ·····-· ·····- ...................................................... 83 CLERK !ENCROACHMENT PERMIT CERTIFICATE FEE EACH LOCATION 25.00 25.00 25.00j 25.00 50.00 SAME AS RENEWAL. FEE 100.00"/o 84 CLERK ENCROACHMENT/RENTAL FEE (BUS BENCHES) PER BENCHIPERMONTH 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 !····+··········· ········+-· ···--····-···················· ............. ........................ .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ....... ................................................................................····' .................................................................................................... 85 CLERK ENCROACHMENT1·YEARRENEWAL. EACH 0.00 10,00 10.00] 10.00 10.00 !·················· +·····························+ ............................................... ' 86 CLERK ENCROACHMENTS-YEARRENEWAL EACH 0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00! 50.0t ······· ·· ··········- ·--r· ·-·+--· ··············· · ···-···+· ·······-··· ·1··············--···.:..····-·-·······+· ···-··········-e .... 1 ·-········L··-·········-·····-- ..........:.................. 87 CLERK ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO WORK IN R-0-W PER UNIT 0 00 • 0 00 • , 0 00 • o oo ¥•W¥ 10 00 " ' OR ACTUAL GREATER) COSTS (WHICHEVER IS ..'NEW FEE' 88 CLERK FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT PROCESSING FEE (30 OR MORE EACH O OO n M 50 ·OO 50•OO '"'"' DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE) · u.u.. .. u.u• -"''"''''"'''·---·-· -- 89 CLERK FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT PROCESSING FEE (LESS THAN 30 EACH n nn OOO 100 ' OO 100 OO 100 OO DAYSADVANCENOTICE) "'"" ' " ' 90 CLERK GAMING LICENSE REQUEST EACH 0.00 10.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 !·····················································+·································+················ !································ !······························ !·························· I I ·· 91 CLERK LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL EACH 100.00 100.00 100.00! 100.00 100.00 , .......................................... ........................ _, .... ____ .. ____ .,,_,_________ -·-·- ..................... _..................................................................................................................... 92 CLERK !LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OR LOCATION EACH i 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 !---+----+~·-········· ........... ·-··- ····-··-··~-----···-··--·-··f----- ..... -··-··· I· 93 ~ SAME REVI~~:E~;~ss AS FOR 1 CLERK LIQUOR LICENSE DDA EACH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 , .. NEW FEE' -----...-·--·-·--·-·-·-···-· .... "'""' ............................................................... "'"' .... " .. ----·"-----------·----~·-·- -~~------·---·- '"'"'"'"'"-· --·-------·-- ·-·---· ·-·--· -·-·-·-·--·----- .. ... _____________ -·--·-·--· ,. , .... - ............ ·----· ·-·----·--·-·--·-· 94 CLERK LIQUOR LICENSE NEW CLASS C LICENSE EACH 750.00 750.00 750.001 750.00 750.00 IF UCENSE AVAILABLE 95 CLERK LIQUOR LICENSE NEW SOD OR SDM EACH 200.00 200.0C 250.00 250.00 250.0( 96 CLERK LIQUOR LICENSE (SPECIAL EVENl) APPLICATION FEE EACH 100.00 100.0( 100.00 100.00 97 CLERK ORDINANCE BOOK EACH 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 98 CLERK ORDINANCE BOOK ON CD-ROM EACH 250.00: 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 ........................ f---····· ................ ............ ............ ....................................... ........ .......................................... ........ ....... .......... . ········ . ...... . .................................................................. 99 CLERK ~~~~~~~E BOOK SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE {BI-ANNUAL PER YEAR j 50.00 50.00 50.001 50.00 50,00 IN ADDITION TO BASE FEE -:-· ·---~~~~~-----~~~~~~~~-~;~~~~~~~ ~~....................................................... .......................... EACH I 0.00 ........................ -~~~~~ 30.001 30.00· ................... ;~:~~ ...................................................................................... p. . . . CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution ·Schedule of Fees (Effective 11112006 2002 2003 20041 ioiJSI 211116 OEPARi'MElif"f ., UNE "NIT FEE FEE FEE: FEE FEE 01i!MENTS CHANGE 101 CLERK PASSPORT PHOTO FEE 2PHOTOS 0.00 10.00 1o.oo! 10.00 10.00 102 CLERK PRECINCT MAPS EACH 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 103 CLERK PUBLIC NOTARY FEE EACH 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 5.001 CONS ISlE NT WITH COUNTY FEE 150.00'-' ! I I 104 iCLER~~SUREISPEC1AL EVENT PERMIT FEE EACH zs.ool ----~:-~-~-L 25.00 0.00 0.001 SEE "SPECIAL. EVENTS~ SECTION 105 CLERK TAXI CAB COMPANY PER CAB 25.00 25.00! 25.001 25.00 25.00 . .... ---1-· - 106 CLERK TAXI CAB DRIVER LICENSE EACH o.oo; 10.00i 10.00 1o.oo! 10.00. I ---·-··········-····--· .•. ·---------~-----------------------------· ·····-------· """"""""""""""·---· """"": ..•....•.... ---------·-·-······-··· ·················- ....•.•.•.•.( .•. i··----------- 107 CLERK TAXI CAB DRIVER UCENSE PHOTO FEE EACH 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.001 5.00 -- ---- . - -- -------- ----- PER NEW STAlE 108 CLERK TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT NEW PROVIDER FEE EACH o.oo: 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 TELECOMMUNICA 110NS ACT I ---- ---------- ---------------- 109 CLERK VOTER HISTORY- ON DISK EACH 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 ---------------+--·-···--·--------~----·----· 110 CLERK ;VOTER REGISTRATION- HARDCOPY UST EACH 0.01 0.01 O.G1 0.01 - --···---- ·-·-·· 111 CNS MORTGAGE REFINANCE FEE EACH 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 ·-·- ---,...---~~---- ""·-- "-·"·--·· 112 CNS REHAB LOAN APPUCATION FEE EACH 200.00 200.00 200.00! 200.00 113 CNS RENTAL REHAB APPLICATION FEE FEE PER LOAN 100.00 100.00 100.001 100.00 100.00 ---------- 114 OPW ADDITIONAL GARBAGE SERVICE {1 TOTER) PER MONTH 12.00; 12.001 12.00t 12.00 ' I ----- ·---· """"-· """"""""""""""" ·····-·······-·-·-·-· I r ·················· ··········; ' - · · · - ·············· r I EACH 25 ool ~5.00 i 115 OPW 25--~~ I APPLIANCE STICKER 25.001 25.00 __________________ 116 OPW GARBAGE CART REPLACEMENT- DAMAGED BY USER EACH 50.00 ! 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 --·----·--·-·-· ---·-----· 117 I OPW :GARBAGE RECYCUNG BIN EACH 5.00 5.00 5.0< 5.00 5.00 INCLUDES CHURCHES AND NOt.!- 118 OPW PER MONTH 12.00 12.00 15.00. 15.00 15.00 PROFITS 118 OPW GARBAGE SERVICE- UNAUTORIZED USE OF CARTS PER INCIDENT 30.00 30.00 30.001 30.00! 30.00 ' 120 OPW GARBAGE SERVICE- REPLACE LOST!STOLEN CART EACH 25.00 ' 25.0i 25.001 25.ool 50.001 1011.00% ~.... CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution· Schedule of Fees {Effective 1/1/2006) ---- :ioozr--- - 2o03 -20ii4'- 2005 2006 ., ' ~ --- DEPT DEScRWTlO UNIT FEE FEE FEE1 FEE FEE CO!ilililEN S ---+ CHANGE 121 DPW I GARBAGE SERVICE· NEW SERVICE STARTUP EACH 50.00 50.00 5o.oo1 50.00 50.00 122 DPW GARBAGE SERVICE· MIXED REFUSE STICKER EACH 1.501 1,501 2.001 2.001 2.001 BUY 6 FOR $10.00 ·UNIT PRICE $1.67 1 OR ACTUAL COSTS (WHICHEVER IS 123 DPW FEE FOR SPECIAL COLLECTION OF ILLIEGAL MATERIALS EACH 50.001 50.001 50.001 5o.oo! 50.001 GREATER) FEE FOR BULK YARD WASTE DROP OFF (DURING REGULAR ~-~ :;~:- HOURS)· BY APPOINTMENT ONLY EACH o.ool o.ool 25.00 25.oo! 25.00 '''''"'"'"""' ~~- SENIOR TRANSIT PER RJDE 1.00 1.00 1.00; 1.50 50.00% --------- -----· -------·--------- - -------- --- ------' 126 DPW REPLACE EMPLOYEE IDIACCESS TKC CARD PER LOST CARD o.oo! 0.00: 50.00 50.oo: 50.00 NO CHARGE FOR FIRST REPLACEMENT~ ! ------·--··r··· ...................................................... "'"'"'"'"'"'' ................., ................... ·---------· "'"'""' ----·---·-------------· ......................... I 127 I ENGINEERING ICHARGE FOR BLUEPRINTS (PLANS & UTILITY MAPS) EACH 8.00! S.OOj 8.00 a.ooj a.oo: ......., .. ___ ,, ____ , _______ ,__ :-- . _, ____ ------·-" . _____ , ___ ---;~~~-- ,_____ ----·-- 0.00 128 I ENGINEERING ICHARGE FOR BID DOCUMENTS (STANDARD) EACH 0.00 ...ool 40.00 129 I ENGINEERING ICHARGE FOR BID DOCUMENTS (NON-STANDARD) EACH ACTUAL COSTSI ACTUAL COSTS 130 ENGINEERING I SOIL REMOVAL, STRIPPING, & DUMPING INSPECTION FEE PER VISIT 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 NOW COUNTY FUNCTION ·100.00',(, 131 ENGINEERING jSOIL REMOVAL, STRIPPING, & DUMPING PERMIT EACH 275.00 275.00 275.00 275.00 0.00 NOW COUNTY FUNCTION -100.00% 132 I ENGINEERING :STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BILLING FEE PER BILL 5.oo' 5.00 5.00 133 ENGINEERING !~~~.:~~R MANAGEMENT HOOKUP FEE FOR SYSTEM EACH 5,000 GAU.ON PER OAY MAXIMUM 134 ENGINEERING STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FEE EACH 500.00 135 ENGINEERING STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USE FEE PER 1,000 GALLONS 0.20 0.20 0.20 136 ENGINEERING PROPERTY OWNER WORKING IN R-0-W FEE EACH UNIT 15.00 20.00 20.oo; ---~--·------··--- ····-··-··--···--·-"·-·-------- ·-+-- -----~--+---+------ +-- - j- 137 ENGINEERING R-O-W/SIDEWALK CUT PERMIT FEE APPROACH 15.00 20.00 20.oo1 ----- ........................ .................................. ................. . --- 138 ENGINEERING UTILITY ANNUAL PERMIT FEE EACH 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 "'""'""' ___ , _____________ 139 ENGINEERING UTILITY CUT PERMIT APPLICATION FEE so.ool 5o.ool 5o.ool 5o.ool ------ 140 I ENGINEERING ~UTILITY CUT PERMIT FEE 20.001 20.001 20.001 20.001 ._, CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution ·Schedule of Fees (Effective 1/112006) 2002 2004 2005 2006 :l!"PARIM UNE l"'ESC'I{iP' UNIT FEE ""' FEE FEE FEE FEE c-olVflifENTS % CHANGE FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT 141 I ENGINEERING :unuTY CUT(PAVEMENT REMOVAL-PAVEMENT<:4YEARSOLD) SQUARE YARD 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 RESIDUAL VALUE ·······-··· ····-·--····-·- .-- r ·---~-~-"~~-.~ FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT 142 I ENGINEERING ;uTILITY CUT(PAVEMENTREMOVAL·PAVEMENT 4-9YEARSOLD) SQUARE YARD 75.00 75.00 75.001 75.00 75.00 RESIDUAL VALUE ~ I FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT 143 I ENGINEERING UTIUTY CUT(PAVEMENTREMOVAL-PAVEMENT >10YEARSOI.D) SQUARE YARD 50.00 50.00 50.00! 50.00 50.00 RESIDUAL VALUE I 144 ENGINEERING UTILilY CUT (PROJECT DURATION) WEEK 27.50 27.50 27.50: 27.50 27.50 145 ! ENV SERVICES IADMINISTRATIVE FEE EACH OCCURRENCE 50.00 50.00 5o.oo: 60.00 60.00 ___ . ,.,.,. - ---···········I CONSISTENT WITH COUNTY DOG 146 I ENVSERVICES ICATCONTROLUCENSEFEE-NEUTEREDCATS ANNUAL 5.00 10.00i 10.00 1o.oo: 10.001 UCENSEFEE ·---··-··-···-----1-----~--------···-----··-···--············· ..................... ··········}··············· .......... ···--· ·-~ ···- ~~~--~~~-~- " " -- " --~~,---•------i------·---"-~-------~-----"------------ 147 ENV SERVICES ICAT CONTROL LICENSE FEE· UN NEUTERED CATS ANNUAL 10.00 zs.oo: 25.00 40.00j 40.00 CONSISTENT WITH COUNTY DOG UCENSE FEE 148 CITIZEN OWNER) I ENV SERVICES CAT CONTROL LICENSE FEE- UNNEUTERED CATS (SENIOR I AN' UAL 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 CONSISTENT WITH COUNTY DOG UCENSE FEE '"'"'"'"'"'"""'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'' ·-··--···-----~-~--------------·-·--·-·-·---- ................................................ '"'""'"'""' 1491 ENV SERVICES I CAT CONTROL LICENSE FEE- LATE LICENSE {AFTER MARCH 1) EACH OCCURRENCE 35.00 35.00 35.00 80.00 80.00 CONSISTENT WITH COUNTY DOG LICENSE FEE 150 "''" ---~~~--------~---~-~-~------------~~------·--,--------·-·----·-·-·"""' ENV SERVICES tCAT CONTROL LICENSE FEE· IMPOUND EACH OCCURRENCE 25.00 35.00 ---;;;;r 35.00 35.00 i··· 151 I ENV SERVICES !ALERT NOTIFICATION • FAX ANNUAL- LOCAL 0.00 10.00 20.oo! 20.00 20.00 ] :::; 152 I ENV SERVICES jALERT NOTIFICATION • FAX ANNUAL- LONG DISTANCE I 0.00 25.00 75.00 153 FINANCE REPLACEMENT OF LOST PAYROLL CHECK EACH OCCURRENCE 25.001 25.0 ~- -----:--- 25.001 - ---- - -----· _j__~-~ ------------ 154 FINANCE PROCESSING PENSION EDRO FOR DIVORCE CASES EACH 400.001 400.00, 400.00 600.00 600.00, COST SPUT BElWEEN PARTIES ""''"" '"'"'""""''""''"""""""'"'"' ' 155 FINANCE COPIES OF CITY BUDGET OR CAFR (FOIA REQUESTS) 20.00: 20.00! 20.00 2S.ool 25.00' 156 FIRE FIRE REPORT COPY {MAJOR FIRE) 15.00 15.00 15.00 I 15.001 15.001 ! I 157 FIRE FIRE REPORT COPY {REGULAR) 5.oo! 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ------- ·-·-··-·--··----··"' ___ ,_,_,_,_ .-.---.--- ---·-- 158 FIRE iFIRE REPORT PHOTOGRAPHS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ! ····---- --------,-- """""' ""' ------ ------- -------· ·- ------- 15.00~.---~~~~ 159 FIRE ESCROW 15.00 15.00 15.001 PLUS RELATED COURT COSTS 160 1 ARE FIRE INSPECTION ADDITIONAL VISIT 50.00 50.00 50.00 75.00 75.00' I ~••• & I CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution -Schedule of Fees II (Effective 11112006) 2002 2004 2!105 r-- ZOOG OE-PARTMEN o/. -- UNE c 0 UNIT "' ""' "' FEE FEE FEE COIOfl.lEIITS CHANG_5_ 161 FIRE ARSON FIRE RESTITUTION FEE PER HR ON CAll 655.00 655.00 655.00 720.00 720.00 PLUS RELATED COURT COSTS I 162 FIRE FALSE ALARM FEE PER HR ON CALL • 655.00 655.00 655.00 720.00 720.00 AFTER 3RD FALSE ALARM IN ONE YEA I 163 FIRE WILLFUL. NEGLIGENCE FIRE FEE PER HR ON CALL 655.00 655.00 655.0Dj 720.00 720.00 .... 164 ARE CONFINED SPACE RESCUE FEE PER HR ON CALL 655.00 655.00 655.00 720.00 720.00 .... 165 ARE ICE RESCUE CALL PERHRON CALL 100.00 100.00 100.00 110.00 110.00 ···-.-----------·----- - --- 1----·- ...... ........... 166 ARE DOWNED POWER UNE PERHR 170.00 170.00 170.00 185.0< 185.00 AFTER FIRST HOUR ........... ··-· ·-·-· ......•.•. ·--···· .•. ············--·····--· '""" -----~--------------"----------~~-------------,.------ -- ----------- --·-·-·-·--·-· ·-·-· .··-·-·-····-· ............................ 167 FIRE SPECIAL USE PERMITS (PER UFC) EACH PER YEAR 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.0< 100.00 '" ----------------------- ___________ , _______ ""'"'"'"'"" ....................................... "'"'"'"' ""' .. "'" ..... '"'"'""""""""" "' ""' --- ---------- CHARGEO TO HOMEOWNER'S 168 FIRE STRUCTURE FIRE RESPONSE EACH 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.001 500.00 INSURANCE COMPANY -----~ 169 FIRE PI ACCIDENT RESPONSE • EACH 0.0< 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00; CHARGE~i~:JN~AEU;6~:~e:·s AUTOj -·-·---·-·- ........ ·--·-·--·----- FARMERS' ----- ----- --------~-- ----- -· -------·---·[· ·------··-·----··-··. .-- -·+ .. ·-·-· 170 FRONT CORNER 0-2MONTHS 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00! MARKET "-- --- - -------- ___ ____ . , ""'" ·-· ,__ , _____ ---"--- .-·--- _________, ________, FARMERS' 171 iFRONT REGULAR 0-2MONTHS 275.00 275.00 275.00 275.00 275.00 MARKET ----- ---------- -------- ---- ------- -------- - --------------- FARMERS' ·. 172 .BACK CORNER 0-2 MONTHS 175.00 175.00 175.00: 175.00 175.00 MARKET ___________ _____ , ' ""'~;3'""! -·---~~~-~~~~-·--' ~~~-~-~~~~:;------- ---------- ·---·---·---· ·-·-·---· ..................... ·--------------· -~---·- ·-·~----~----------- " -·-- ·-·-----------------... -·-·---- -- - " . . --- " ·--~----------- 0-2MONTHS 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 MARKET .. _____ __ ____ . ---;----- ---- ,. ,. . FARMERS' 174 FRONT CORNER 3 MONTHS 330.00 330.00 330.0C 330.001 330.00 MARKET ----· ------ ----- ---··------·-·t·----- ···-· ·--·- ..., ______________ 1·--·- .. -. ·-·~~---~-- - --· ------- - " " ---,-- FARMERS' 175 FRONT REGULAR 3 MONTHS 303.00 303.00' 303.00 303.00: 303.00: MARKET I 176 FARMERS' BACK CORNER 3 MONTHS 193.00 193.00' r 193.00 193.00' i 193.00! .... MARKET ----· ------------ --------------- ---- ·-------------- ---·---··- ------·--·-·---- ····- ····-- .......... FARMERS' 177 BACK REGULAR 3 MONTHS 165.00 165.00 165.00 165.00 165.00 MARKET FARMERS' 178 4MONTHS 336.00 336.00 336.00 336.00 336.00 MARKET FARMERS' 179 ;FRONT REGULAR 4MONTHS 308.00 308.00 308.00: 308,00 308,00 MARKET _____ ..______ -------- ------------------- FARMERS' 180 BACK CORNER 4MONTHS 196.00 196.00 196.00; 196.00 196.00 MARKET ' ·-· CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution· Schedule of Fees (Effective 1/1/2006 UN< FARMERS' . ARilifEfiil % UNE "E::l UKWI' "' ""' "' FEE 2005 FEE FEE; COlll!MEI\!TS CHANGE 261 INSPECTION IELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 801 TO 1200 AMP) r- -·························································· EACH ------ " 30.00 I I 30.00 30.00 30.00 30~0t ~i= SERVICES 262 ~~~~7~~N I ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES OVER 1200 AMPIGFI ONLY) EACH so.ooi 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.001 ' INSPECTION 15.00 15.00 263 I ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS LETTER) EACH 15.00 15.00 15.00 SERVICES .......... I 264 INSPECTION SERVICES !ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS NEON) I EACH Z5' 2.00 200 2.00 200 200 ···· ······· · I ·····I· · ··---···-··-····· I 265 I INSPECTION 'ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS UNIT) EACH 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 I--+·_SE_R_VICES---~---· ----------- --· --------------- 266 ~~~~~~N ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SPECIAL CONDUIT/GROUNDING) EACH 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 267 INSPECTION IELECTF REVIEW FEE EACH 25.00% 25.00% -- ---r- ------ -- 25.00% 25.00%1 25.00%1 OF APPUCASLE PERMIT FEE SERVICES INSPECTION OF PERMIT FEE FOR ANY SYSTEM 268 FIRE ALARM PLAN REVIEW FEE 0.00 25.00% 25.00%! 25.00%1 25.00%1 OVER 10 OEVlCES SERVICES 269 INSPECTION !GARAGE MOVING FEE EACH 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 SERVICES INSPECTION 270 BUILDING MOVING FEE (EXCEPT GARAGE) EACH 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 SERVICES INSPECTION 271 HOUSING INSPECTION EACH·BASE 60.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 SERVICES ··-·-·+--~.1;~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~ -·-· -·-·-·-· · -· . . . . . . . . . . . . ·-·--·-·-------~--~~~-~~-~-~~-~-~. . . . . . ~.~:~~) ~~:~~~ ·----~~--o-~+------·-----------+---···--·-·-·-----t·----·- ----------·--·-·--···-·- 272 15.00 15.00 I···- INSPECTION 1...................... ..................... ·-·-·-·-·--· i 273 SERVICES FIRST HOUSING RE-INSPECTION EACH·BASE o.oo 50.00 5o.oo 50.00! 50.00 1---1 f- -·-- -- INSPECTION 274 SERVICES FIRST HOUSING RE-INSPECTION (MULTIPLE UNITS) PER UNIT OVER 1 0.00 1o.oo 1 10.00 10.00 10.00 INSPECTION 275 SECOND HOUSING RE·INSPECTION EACH-BASE 60.00 SERVICES ~~~-t ~~~~7~N SECOND HOUSING -~~~~~-~-~~~(MUL~PLE UNITS) PER UNIT OVER 1 - - - ·-·---------~·.--·~--~300- - - - -15.00- INSPECTION 277 SERVICES THIRD HOUSING RE-JNSPECTION EACH-BASE 0.00: 75.00 75.00 276 I ~~~~i~N ITHIRDHOUSINGRE-lNSPECTION(MULTIPLEUNITS) PER UNIT OVER 1 o.oo 20.00 20.00 20.00 . . . li~~~~~ -~~;~~; ~~~~;~·~ ~~~~~~~~·~-~~ ~-~~;;]~~--................. 1~';i.'; '; ~" H~ 279 EACH-BASE I 0.00 15.00 15.00 ---- 2ao jsECOND HOUSING RE·INSPECTJON. EXTERIOR EACH·BASE 30.00· ...... CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution ·Schedule of Fees (Effective 1/1/2006) 2002 2003 2004' 2.00S 2.ll06 DEPARTMEN -oNff.fEfrrs ., UNE UNIT FEE FEE FEE F-EE FEE CHANGE INSPECTION 281 SERVICES HOUSING-RENTAL HOUSING REGISTRATION FEE (1 .. 4 UNITS) 0.00 10.00 1o.oo; 10.00 10.00 I " ----- - -------- --------------- ...... ,. ......-.-.------------------,-·---------------·------- ........................... ...................................................... .............................. ....................... """"""""""""" "" " I"" """". ". "" ----·--- -------- -------- INSPECTION 282 SERVICES HOUSING-RENTAL HOUSING REGISTRATION FEE (5 -10 UNITS) 0.00 20.00 20.00, 20.00 20.00 ! I -- INSPECTION 283 HOUSING-RENTAL HOUSING REGISTRATION FEE (11- 20 UNITS) SERVICES ....... ..... 0.00 30.00 30.00 ' """ 30.00 .......... I··········· INSPECTION ! 284 HOUSING-RENTAL HOUSING REGISTRATION FEE (21 • 30 UNITS) SERVICES 0.00 """'' 40.00 "''"'' 40.00 INSPECTION 285 HOUSING-RENTAL HOUSING REGISTRATION FEE (31 +UNITS) __ , ____ SERVICES ---------·- """ --·-·--·------------ ---~-- ~~·-· -~---··-·---"--- '"" 50.oo: ----------· 50.00 -- ---~ 50.00 ------1 50.00; ----- -------·---------- --•-- INSPECTION 286 LATE FEE FOR RENTAL UNITS NOT REGISTERED BY MARCH 15 SERVICES ---·--· "-·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·"·".."."T""..".""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""·-·-"-"""""-""" --·- --------- ·-·-·-·---·-·-·-···-· EACH VIOLATION '"" 100.00 100.00 100.00 "'"" 287 INSPECTION SERVICES 'HOUSING-WARRANT INSPECTION FEE EACH 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 _________ ------------·--- ---- ................................................................ ·····- ..... ....... ·-·-------------------------- ------ ------ ·-·--· ---------------------· --·-------·-··-----·---""'"' ,_ ""' " "'"'"'"'""'"""'""'"'"'"'"'"' .................... INSPECTION 288 SERVICES !LIQUOR LICENSE INSPECTION FEE EACH 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 ..................................... ........, ___ .................. ·-· .................................... ......- .......................................................... INSPECTION 289 : SERVICES LIQUOR LICENSE RE·INSPECTlON FEE EACH 45.00 45.00 45.00: 45.00 45.00 """""""""""""""""""""""""- ----~------ ---------------- -----~------------------------- .... ---------·----- ---------- ----------------- .. - ----,---- - ----------- INSPECTION 290 SERVICES MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERs-COMMERCIAL HOODS) EACH 15.00 15.00 15.00' 15.00 15.00 ----------- ---------- ---------- - ·---·------·---- L INSPECTION 291 EACH "'"'"'""" SERVICES .............................. MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-OVER 10,000 CFM) 60.00 60.00 60.00 """ 60.00 INSPECTION 292 MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERs-RES BATH & KITCHEN) EACH SERVICES -----· ------------- 5.00 ..................................... '"" 5.00 5.00; '"" INSPECTION 293 EACH 2MO SERVICES MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-UNDER 10,000 CFM) """ 20.00! 20.00 20.oo: INSPECTION 294 MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-CHILLER) EACH 30.00 3MO 30.00 30.00' SERVICES ........... ....................................·····-·--·--------~------~-·-·------·--·--·---- ..----· .......... ·-· ........................................... .................... ''"'' ' INSPECTION 295 SERVICES I MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-COMPRESSOR) EACH 30.001 30.00 30.00 30.00 3MO ......................... ,.... ................ INSPECTION 296 'MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG--COOUNG TOWERS) EACH 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 SERVICES -------- ----------------- '"'""'""" -------~"" " - -"--~ ----~--·- ----· ________ _____ .. -·- -- ·--- , INSPECTION 297 i SERVICES MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-EVAPORATOR COILS) EACH 30.00 30,00 30.00' 30.00 30.00 INSPECTION MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG·REFRIGERA TlON SPLIT 298 SERVICES SYSTEM) EACH 30.00 30.00 """' 30.00 30.00 INSPECTION 299 MECHANICAL PERMIT (BASE PERMIT} EACH 35.00 35.00'' 35.00 SERVICES """ INSPECTION 300 '""I MECHANICAL PERMIT {ARE SUPPRESSION/DUCT) PER FOOT 0.10 0.10 $25.00 MINIMUM FEE SERVICES i i 0.101 0.10: P-11 CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution ·Schedule of Fees (Effective 1!1f2006) 2002 2003 2004 21105 zoos OEPARTiifEl'iiT o/, UNE fESC""RlPTll UNIT FEE FEE FEE FEE FEE COIWiifEI\JT$ CHANGE 301 ~~:~~E~N MECHANICAL PERMIT {FIRE SUPPRESSION/PIPING) PER FOOT 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 $25.00 MINIMUM FEE 302 ~~~~~E~N MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE SUPPRESSION/RESTAURANT HOODS EACH 50.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 f-+---1-----------~-----·-··- ···-······-·· 303 ~~~~~E~N MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE SUPPRESSION/SPRINKLER HEADS) PER HEAD 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 $20.00 MINIMUM FEE ;............ ' ' 304 INSPECTION MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEAT RECOVERY UNITSITHRU·WALL FAN EACH 10.00 1 ~n nn 10' DO 10 00' 10 00 SERVICES COILS) . '"'"" ' ' ' 305 ~~~~7i~N IMECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-BOILER CONTROLS, PUMPS) EACH 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 - - - . , - - - - - - - · - - · · - - - · ····-· ·-·--·--··· ·------··-···- ·---1---------· . --· ........... ---· .......... ·-·· ... . 306 ~~~~ci'E~N !MECHANICALPERMIT(HEATlNG-BOILERS) EACH 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 307 ~~~~ci'E~N MECHANICAL PERMIT{HEATlNG·CHIMNEY, FACTORY BUILT} EACH 25.00 25.00 25.0C 25.00 25.00 308 ~~~~7ci'E~N MECHANICAL.PERMIT{HEATlNG-FL.UEIVENTDAMPER) EACH 8.00 8.00 a.oc 8.00 8.00 .......... ..................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................·······---· ·--·-----+·····-······· ··+······················ . ·I········································································ ···+·········· .............. 309 ~~~~7~N MECHANICALPERMIT{HEATING·GASFIREPLACES) EACH 20.00 20.00·. 20.00 20.00 20.001 .. ....•.•.•.•.....•....•....•.•.•.... ···-····················-·············-···---·-· ...................................... ···----··· ···············-··· ···········--· ···········-··········· ··-··········· .....•.•.•.•.•. ···-·······-········-·· ·-·-·-·-········-·-·- """"""" 310 ~~~~7~~N ~~i~~~~CAL PERMIT (HEAliNG-GAS PIPE TESTING NEW EACH 20 _00 1 2 0.00 20 _00 20.00 20.0C 311 ~~~~ci'~N I PI=RMIT I PIPING EACH OPENING) EACH 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 312 ~~:~ci'E~N MECHANICAL PERMIT {HEATit-JG-GAS/OIL. BURNING EQUIPMENT) EACH 30.00 30.00 30.0( 30.00 30.00 ..••. .. .. ........................ ..••.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.• ·----·-·-·-··--···-··-- ·-------- -------------------· ...................................................................... ·-· ·-·-·-·-·-·--·--·----· ·-·-·····-·--· -·--·---·-·-- 313 ~~:.~7ci'E~t-J MECHANICALPERMIT(HEATlNG·HEATPUMPSCOMMERCIAL) EACH 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 --~------7--···- 314 INSPECTION MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-HEAT PUMPS, COMPLETE EACH 30· OO'I -.n nr 30 DO -.n nn 30 oo SERVICES RESIDENT} ¥¥•¥~ • ¥¥•-- • ···-···----·- -··························-··············· ····················-····· ·-·········+··-············-···-··········1····················· +··························· +·································-·'··········-···-·······--············-·················· INSPECTION MECHANICALPERMIT(HEATING-HEATPUMPS,COMPLETE EACH : -.nnn 3000 1 315 SERVICES RESIDENT} 3000 . I 3000 . 3000 . ~~--- . I·· I +······································ 316 ~~:~~~N :MECHANICALPERMIT(HEATlNG-RESIDENTIALA/C) EACH 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 --·--------· 317 ~~:.';~E~N MECHANICAL.PERMIT(HEATlNG-RESIDENTIALSYSlEM) EACH 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 ...................................................... -------------- ............ -·--· ····--·---· .. ··············- ·-----·----------------- -- -- . 318 ~~~~ici'E~N MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEA TING-SOL.AR, SET OF 3 PANELS) EACH 20.00 20.0( 20.00 20.00: 20.00 319 INSPECTION MECHANICAL.PERMIT(HEATING-SOUD FUEL EQUIPMENT EACH 'tn n~ '>n nn 30 00 30 oo 30 oo SERVICES COMPLETE) I ....... ~ ...,........ . . . "I . . i 320 ~~~~~ci'~N iMECHANICALPERMIT(HEATING--WATERHEAlER) I EACH 10.001 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 ··--·~--·-·-------- --~------- Pooo>6 CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution ·Schedule of Fees (Effective 1/1/2006) 20GZ, ZGGl ZGG4 ZGGS ZG06' C PAR'fili % UNE "' 1:-SCftfPIIO UNIT FEEl FEE· FEE FEE FEE c~Ciliillln;m's CHANGE INSPECTION I 321 SERVICES MECHANICAL PERMIT (HUMIDIFIERS) EACH 10.00 1o.oo! 10.00 10.00] 10.00 .... "--------- _,_ ___ ··-·-------- -----·-- ---------- -----I -······ -- ···············-·-····························· ···········r INSPECTION 322 SERVICES INSPECTION MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-ADDITIONAL) EACH "·"I 35.00 35.00 35.00 ~ 35.00i 323 SERVICES MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-FINAL) EACH 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00' ........... I····· ....... INSPECTION 324 SERVICES 1 ' MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-HOURLY RATE) EACH 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 INSPECTION 325 SERVICES MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-SPECIAUSAFETY) EACH 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 ----------------. -------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --------------- -------- INSPECTION EACH 326 SERVICES MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION· TURN ON GAS) ----------..···-·--·······--·-···--·-..................................... """"""""""""""""""' ............... ....... ·---- ________ j_ _____________ 35.00 __________ 35.00 , 35.00 35,00 35.00 INSPECTION MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS PIPING/HAZARDOUS 1-4 327 SERVICES OUTLETS) EACH 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 INSPECTION MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS PIPING/HAZARDOUS 5+ MORE 328 PER OUTLET 1.00 1.00 1.0[ 1.00 1.00 SERVICES OUTLETS) ........... ............................ ... -------·--·--------·--------·--------------··-------------~----------- ..- _, _____ __ .................................................................. .................... ............ , ........................... ...................................................................... INSPECTION MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS PIPING/NON-HAZARDOUS 1-4 329 SERVICES OUTLETS) EACH 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00, 2.00 --- INSPECTION MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS PIPING/NON-HAZARDOUS 5+ -------------~--------1"-----------------------~' ---- ----------- 330 SERVICES OUTLETS) PER OUTLET 0.50! 0.50 0.50 • INSPECTION 331 SERVICES MECHANICAL PERMIT (ROOFTOP HVAC UNIT) EACH 60.00 60.00 60.00 60,00 60.00' - ----- ___________ ... ______ , ___ --· ..... .............................. .. ... .. .... .... .. ......... ·-· ...... ". . . . .. .. ··-------------------------- ________ ,, ,_________ -------~---- ...........- -- .......- ---------- .......- ........ _, __ __ , ...........------------- • INSPECTION 332 SERVICES MECHANICAL PERMIT (TANKS-ABOVEGROUND) EACH 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.0[ ------·- ----------- ~~~~:::~:~M-~~;:~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~------· INSPECTION ....................... ................ .............. ........................... 333 SERVICES EACH 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 --------- ' 334 INSPECTION SERVICES !MECHANICAL PERMIT (UNIT HEATERS/TERMINAL UNITS) ,· EACH 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 f----- ----- -------i "-------· ---- -------- -- __ _,_________ " " -· - ---------- . - ·------ INSPECTION 335 SERVICES 'MECHANICAL PERMIT (UNIT VENTILATORS) EACH 10.00 10.00 10.00j 10.00 10.00 ..... I INSPECTION 336 I SERVICES REVIEW FEE EACH 25.00% 25.00% 25.00%: 25.00% 25.00% OF APPUCASLE PERMIT FEE r--~----··- ------~----------· • ----- ---------- INSPECTION 337 SERVICES PLUMBING PERMIT (BASE PERMIT) EACH 35.00 35.00 35.oo1 35.00 35.00 ........ ---------------""' ........ ----------------------- ---------- ............................................... ""' .. """ ..................... ............. ................... ........... ............. ..................... INSPECTION PLUMBING PERMIT (CONNECTION BLDG. DRAIN; SEWERS AT 338 SERVICES STREET) EACH 8.00 8.00• 8.00 8.00 8.0! --~- INSPECTION 339 SERVICES PLUMBING PERMIT (FIXTURES, FLOOR DRAINS, LAB DEVICES) EACH 8.00 8.0C 8.00 8.00 8.00 INSPECTION 340 SERVICES PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION ADDITIONAL) EACH 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 Paoo>r i CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution -Schedule of Fees Effective 11112006 )~lf'ifO: '2002! 2003 FEE 20041 2005 2006 Dt:PARTM COl\miEfJTS •. LINE UNIT FEEl "' "' "' CHANGE 341 INSPECTION iPLUMBING PERMIT {INSPECTION FINAL) EACH 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 SERVICES ! '"'"'""'"-- ------"--"'"""--""" __________ ,_ 342 ~~~~~~UMBING P~MIT {INSPEC"TION HOURLY FEE) EACH 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 INSPECTION 343 SERVICES PLUMBING PERMIT {INSPECTION SPECIAUSAFETV) EACH 50.00 50.00 50.oo: 50.00 50.00 INSPECTION i !·················· I 10.~..1.- '" " " " '"- """"~~~-0~ 344 SERVII"I':<:: PLUMBING PERMIT {MANHOLES..CA TCHBASINS) EACH 10.001 10.00 10.00 I. 345 --~~~~;7~E~N PLUMBING PERMIT {MEDICAL GAS INSTALLATION) • PER OUTLET o.oo! 8. to: 8.00 "~--~~----··--·----- INSPECTION PLUMBING PERMIT (REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW 346 SERVICES PREVENTERI EACH 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1o.ooi 347 I ~~~~~~N IPLUMBING PERMIT {SEWAGE SUMPS & EJECTORS) EACH 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 348 INSPECTION SERVICES 'PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWERS-SANITARY OR STORM OVER 6") i EACH 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 ·--- ------.-------·"-t--~---------· --·--··---··- ........... •· '"" INSPECTION ' ''~1---------------- 349 SERVICES PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWERS-sANITARY OR STORM UNDER 6") EACH 8.00; 8.00 8.00 "'"'"'"'"'"'"'" ____ ___ -- """'" '"""'"'"-'"_______ INSPECTION 350 SERVICES PLUMBING PERMIT (STACKS, VENTS, CONDUCTORS) EACH 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00! ----"·-· '"_"__ "'""-""" "'"---------------1 ...... ·-- . INSPECTION 351 SERVICES PLUMBING PERMIT {SUB-SOIL DRAINS) EACH 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.oo: ----.---------- ..................... - "'"""____ I "~~~~~~- .. -·-· 352 I ~~~;7~~N IPLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM-1-1/2") EACH 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 INSPECTION 23.00; 353 SERVICES !PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM-1-1/4") EACH 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 INSPECTION 1 354 SERVICES IPLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM-1") EACH 15.00 15.00; 15.oo 15.oo! 15.00 ·····--·-·--·····-·· !.... 355 1 ~';,".~7~e~N I PLUMBING PERMIT (WAl"ER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM-2") EACH 38.00 JS.oo; ,,,, " " 38.00' 356 ~~~;ECTION -~~~~~-~~~-~~~-~~~-~~~~~-~~~~-~~~; 1~~-~~~-~~;/~'~;.... - ---- r- EACH 8.00 8.ool 8.00 SERVICES 1 l ::--=4f INSPECTION 3571 SERVICES iPLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM-OVER 2") EACH 45.00 :"::1 -.---"--"-""" .:·-~~~~::::::::::=::::::::~.:~::~~2") --~- ~~: INSPECTION 25.00 356 SERVICES '"r·-· 359 INSPECTION SERVICES r 8.00! 8"00' MO~ 8.oo: 360 INSPECTION SERVICES ------ PLUMBING PERMIT {WATER ---~ --ji---- so.ool 50.0~-:~.00 50.00 50.00 P... •a CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution ·Schedule of Fees (Effective 1!1/2006) I 2002 2004 2005 2006 DEPARTMENT % UNE UNIT FEE ""' FEE FEE FEE FEE co~ CHANGE INSPECTION 361 SERVICES 'PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW FEE EACH 25.00% 25.00% 25.00%! 25.00% 25.00% OF APPUCABLE PERMIT FEE INSPECTION 362 SERVICES PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE APPEAL APPLICATION FEE EACH 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 ·-·-~---~·-~ ~Eu.;',~o":i:~u~~~T~ ':E"i"'..t."i.:'~~~~~ INSPECTION APPL.,...ILI! IU>CIPEI..Irl" A!'Puc.liLI! ILOO PERM CI POMIIT """u"""LI!"'-""I'mi"''T:..,.I'UC.Oou:OU><>•""""I !'!!BASEDONVALU!OF; !'!IBMI!DONVALU!OP 0,00!.:'u.o."i::::D CN VA'-"EOP i::'u.o."i:::.EO ON VALUE CF 1~------L----- SQ.UARU SQIIARD ............................................................................................,.... ";Eu.;'.'~c":i:~~, ";E~~c":i:~:~~~ SQUARE& ·-~·---·---·------~-~---·-·····- i SC"""E$ ' ..·-- ··--·- -------..--- ............. ---- ... ---· 366 MARINA 20FOOTSUP EACH 1,300.00. 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,328.001 1,328_00! S"A DI~~~LU~~~~~~ViAN~~ ~.E2~::1D IN -------· ----------- --·--------------· ------· ----·---·-------· --------·--------· ............................................................................................... ......... -------· ------------- ............................ ....... .................... 5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN 367 MARINA 30 FOOT SLIP EACH 1,804.00 1,804.00 1,804.00 1,894.00 1,941.00 FULL BY FEBRUARY 1, 2006 2.4-S'A ............ ......... ... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ·- ...................................................................... _.. __ ---- .. --------------- -------- -~--------------------- ""'""" ------------ --------- ---- ----- ------------------- ------------------ --------- ---- --~~-- - ------- ------- . -~---------~----- .................. 5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAlO IN 368 MARINA ,40 FOOT SLIP EACH 2,784.00 2,784.00 2,784.00! 2,923.00 2,996.00 FULL BY FEBRUARY 1, 2006 2.50'h --~----- -----------L----~---~~----·-- ------~- ........., __ ,_ -- -----~-----------~--- -.............._____ - 5% OISCOUNTIS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN 369 MARINA 60 FOOT SLIP EACH 0.00 0.00 0.00, 0.00 5,344.00 FULL BY FEBRUARY 1, 2006 ...NEW FEE" ................... ------·-------------------- ------------------------ ~~~~~~~ I -------· --------------· I----·----------- ...... 370 MARINA HARD ACCESS {SLIPS 37-46, 69) UNDER 27' ONLY EACH 1,185.00 1,185.00 1,185.00 1,244.00! 1,275.00 ; 2.49% ............ ............................... ... .. .. ..... .. ....... ......... .. . ... ..... . ---·-- -~--------~----------------- ------------------ -- -----------------· 371 MARINA CLASS A MOORING EACH 370.00 370.00 395.00 415.00 425_00, S"A DI;~~LU~~ ~~~~VJAN~~ ~'E2~::1D IN ; 2.41"A ---~---- -----~-------- ---------· -------- ----- ............................................................................................, ...................................................... ..................... ! S"A DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN 372 MARINA CLASS 8 MOORING EACH 315.00 315.00 335.00 352.00 361 .00 : FULL BY FEBRUARY 1, 2005 2.5S'A ~·- ----~- !---~~~--~~·~~~~~· ·~~~~~· ·~~··~··~·········~~·········~······~··· ..................... -------- ......................... ·-- ............. ~--~--~- ------------------------------ ........ 373 MARINA DAILY LAUNCH RAMP EACH 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 I ------·- ·1----- 374 MARINA :PUMP OUT EACH s.oo s.oo 5.001 5.00 s.oo --------------- 375 MARINA SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER RESIDENT 35.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 .... 376 55.00i 55.00 MARINA SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER ------------- ~---------- NON-RESIDENT 50.00 ---------- _____________ _____,_.. 55.00 ____ ------ 55.00 377 MARINA SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER (SENIOR/HANDICAPPED) RESIDENT 1s.oo: zs.ooi 25.00 25.001 25.00 -~--- ----------------- ---------------- ------~~-------~ - 378 MARINA SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER {SENIOR/HANDICAPPED) NON-RESIDENT 35.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 ________ , ___ -----------·--------------------r--· ---------- 379 MARINA is MALL BOAT BASIN EACH 775.00 775.00 775.00; 814.00 834.00 5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAlO IN FULL BY FEBRUARY 1, 2005 2.46% I I I 380 I MARINA lORY STORAGE (RESIDENTS) EACH 110.00 110.00 125.001 131.00, 134.00 2.29% I ·-1' CllY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution ·Schedule of Fees (Effective 111!2006) 2:002 2:003· 211041 LINE fEP· iJ:ScRTPl'f61 UNIT "' FEEl ~ "' 381 MARINA DRY STORAGE (NON-RESIDENTS) EACH 165.00, 165.00 185.00 382 MARINA TRAILER STORAGE EACH 50.00 50.00 55.00 383 PARKS HACKLEY PARK PARTIES IN THE PARK EACH EVENT 500.00, 500.00 800.00 __ ,__ 3S4 PARKS MC GRAFT PARK BLDG. (CHURCH & NON-PROFIT GROUPS) FIRST 4 HOURS 70.00] 70.00 75.00 --!"--. 385 PARKS MC GRAFT PARK BLDG. (CHURCH & NON-PROFIT GROUPS) PER ADDITIONAL HOUR 15.001 15.00 15.00 ,.. f-------1------ - ----------- ---+------+---------1-- --- ----+- ·----1------------ ·I PARKS iMc GRAFT PARK BLDG. (1NS1RUCTIONAL PROGRAMS) PER HOUR 15.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 387 -····-····---·-------~-------·---······ PARKS ..·-·-·-···-·-..··-·····-..·-·-..··-·-·-·-·-·····-··· !Me GRAFT PARK BLDG. (WEEKDAYS NOT REGULAR GROUPS) -~~~~~~~~~~-~~-:-~~___J _______ ------~:~~~r~---·-;:o:r-------~~~~~r 20.00 20.00 ---~------------ ............................................ 388 PARKS MC GRAFT PARK BLDG. (WEEKDAYS NOT REGULAR GROUPS) FIRST 4 HOURS 80.00 80.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 25.00 3-:_i-----:~~~- ·--~-~-~--~-:~.~-~~-~-~--~-~-~-~----~:-~-~~-~-~-~~-~~~-~~~~-~ GR~~~~-~1---~~-~~:~~~:~-~~------------~~~~~~-------~-001-----·-·--· 25.:(. -~---·---~~~4~----· 390 PARKS MC GRAFT PARK BLDG. (WEEKENDS NOT REGULAR GROUPS) FIRST 4 HOURS 100.001 100.001 105.001 105.00; 105.00 ·--::~-~~ .................... ~:;~: 45.00 391 PARKS MC GRAFT PARK MUSIC BOWL HOUR 45.ooi 45.00 392 PARKS MC GRAFT PARK TENNIS COURTS (Reserved Use) HOUR 0.00 0.001 0.001 0.001 UNLESS SEPARATE AGREEMENT •"NEW FEE.. '""""--i-'"'"'"""""""'"'"'"'"'"'""'"'"'"-'"'"' 393 PARKS PARKS (LIGHT COSTS BALL DIAMONDS) EACH 40.001 40.00 40.ool 40.ool 40.00 I I 394 PARKS !PARKS(MOVEBENCHES) EACH I ACTU;LCOSTSI ACTUAL COSTS -.::-CTUALCOSJ ACTUALCOS1 ACTUAL COSTS ' --+-------I .........................t-..--------·----·------------------------~-----·-----·---------------· ............- ...................................................I,..,_..................- .................- ........................... $25 PLU~ $25 PLUS! $25 PLU~ $25 PLUS ~--~-~~-~L COSTS ~=-~~-~-~-~~-~-- -~=~-~-~-=-?-~~:'...~-=~~-~-~-?~----- --~CTUAL C~-~-~~ 395 PARKS iPARKS (MOVE BLEACHERS) EACH PIC~~TABLESJ -----------~ ------~------------------ ---i I $10 PL.US $10 PLUSj $10 PLUS $10 PL.US I 396 PARKS IPARKS (MOVE EACH j ACTUAL cosrs ACTUAL cos"'j ACTU""_"()5Tsi_A(;:'"_AL cosTl>cA_crlJA_L_c()_s_rsl 1 _ 397 PARKS PARKS (MOVE STAGE) EACH rsl $100 PLUS~ $100 PLUSI $100 PLUS! $100 PLUS ACTUAL COS I ACTUAL cosTS ACTUAL COSTS ACTUAL COSTS ACTUAL COSTS ------------------------ --------- -------------- ............ ·-· ·-·-·-· ----'-- ........ ·-· .................... ---- .. ·-· .. ·-· .____ , ........ . . .. ...... ·-·-·-j·---·-·-· ------------- .. ''1"'"'"' • ·-·-·-· --- ---~- -----------------, ! $15 PLUSi $15 PLUS $15 PLUS] 398 PARKS PARKS (SNOW FENCE) EACH ACTUAL COSTS; ACTUAL COSTS! ACTUAL COST ACTUAL COST.c:l 30.00: 399 PARKS PARKS (USE OF GARBAGE CANS) EACH - 400 PARKS :PARKS (PLASTIC BAGS FOR GARBAGE CANS) EACH BAG 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 I ····"' CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution ·Schedule of Fees (g_f!(l_~-j~~-1!11?_~~6) 2.002. 2.003' 2.0041 2.006 -CIOP/iRiiiiE"~ LINE iEP Cl!:WTTC UNIT FEEl FEE FEE 2.:::· FEE; COt.ifl\i!EfJ'TS CHANGE % 401 PARKS SPORTS FIEL.D RENTAL. (EXL.UOES SElUP SERVICES) PER HOUR 0.00 -NEW FEE'' 402 PARKS SPORTS FIEL.D RENTAL. (EXL.UDES SElUP SERVICES) PER EVENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ACTUAL. COSTS ... NEW FEE" 4031 PARKS :WEDDING COORDINATION (MC GRAFT LAGOON AREA) PER EVENT 10.00 25.00 25.00 ~ooi 404 PLANNING MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, L.DFA) • COL.OR EACH 119.;1 119.00 119.00 119.00 119.00 --+-----------,.---- 405 I PLANNING :MASTERPLAN COPY(CITY, DDA, L.DFA) • B & W EACH 25.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 35.00 406 l PLANNING :DOWNTOWN PLAN COPY ..................................__ .. L ·····-·····-·····-·····--···------·-----------.,--------~------------- EACH 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 407 I PLANNING MYLAR COPIES OF AERIALS EACH 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 ·-·-··•·-..- 408 ZONING SPECIAL. MEETING FEE (PLANNING, ZBA) PER REQUEST 400.00 400.00 40o.oo' 400.00 400.00 ---- ---------------- --------·-----·-·-·-·-· 1 OOO DOl OR2% OFABATEDTAXES (WHICHEVER[ 409 PLANNING OBSOLETE PROPERTY REHAB FILING & MONITORING FEE EACH 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 ' . IS LESS) ------ ·-----------·---- --------------------------· --------- ·-·-·---- ·-·-·-·-·-· "'"""'"'"' 410 PLANNING NEZ APPLICATION FEE EACH 0.00 o.oo! 0.00 0.00 25.00i ... NEW FEE"' ---------------r- ···---+ OO: OR Z% OF ABATED TAXES (WHICHEVER; 411 PLANNING IFT/CFT APPLICATION FEE EACH 1,722.00: 1,722.00: 1,722.00 1,722.00, 1722 ' ' : ISLESS) : _,L ____ _ 412 I PLANNING IIFT/CFT APPUCA TION FEE (BASE ADMINISTRATION FEE) EACH 250.00: 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00i I ----------------~---------------------------- 1-· --1--------- 413 PLANNING ;GROUNDWATER ORDINANCE APPLICATION FEE EACH 0.00 0.00 500.00~ 500.001 500.00 ~OO -~ ---;~~~-~~ ------;·~~~~~-~-- ~~;-C-;.-;TURE F~~-;~~~-~-;~ ~-~-~~-~-~-~~~-~ ~-~~-~~~-~-~-~~-~~~-~~~-~~~-~-~-~-~---·-----·----·-··· """'- ;; 414 I PLANNING EACH 2,500.00 2,500.00 2' ' ' ' ' ' ACTUAL COSTS --------~---- .. ·~I POLICE REPORTS- ACCIDENT & OFFENSE (EACH ADDITIONAL. ~-- 415 POUCE 0.25' PAGE) 100b 416 POUCE POUCE REPORTS- ACCIDENT & OFFENSE (FIRST PAGE) 5.50 5.50 5.501 5.50, 5.50 417 POUCE BIKE REGISTRATION (CHANGE OWNERSHIP) H 2.oo; 2.00 200 2.00 2.00 -·----------- ' 418 POUCE BIKE REGISTRATION (OUPUCA TE) EACH 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00, ----~-~~~ I ---- . 419 POUCE BIKE REGISTRATION (ENGRAVING) EACH 3.00 3.00 NO CHARGE 1 -100.00% 420 POUCE EACH I 2.001 200 2.00 2.00 200 liKE REGISTRATION (NEW) j_ Pooo>1 CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution ·Schedule of Fees (Effective 1/1/2006) 2002, 200lj 2004 2005: 2006 Di!OPARTME % LINE ""' SC!'tfPl'fO UNIT FEE, FEE: FEE FEEi FEE """"'""' CHANGE 421 POLICE CITATION COPY EACH 3.00 3.oo1 5.50 5.50 .............. 422 POLICE CONCEALED WEAPON PERMIT (INCL.. FINGERPRIN11 EACH 3o.oo: 30.00 30,00 30.00 0.00,1 -100.00% --~ I 423 POLICE FALSE ALARM FEE (4TH IN YEAR) EACH 25.00! 25.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 -. ....... 424 POLICE fALSE, FEE (5TH IN YEAR) EACH 50.00 50.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 425 POLICE FALSE ALARM FEE (6TH OR MORE IN YEAR) EACH 60.00 60.00 75.00, 75.00 75.00 ------~· ·-·~--- .. ~~-- ---~~- ---~~-~ r---~------ 426 POLICE FINGERPRINTING (NON-CRIMINAUNON-WEAPON) EACH 10.00 10.00 15.oo; 15.00 0.00 NO LONGER A DEPARTMENT FUNCTION -100.00% ·--·- I . --·- . - ----- --~~~~~~~~~~~J~~~:~-~~~~ -·---·-·····---~~ ~-~~-~-- -~~-- ~---·--~---~-- -~--·-- 427 POLICE OUIL COST RECOVERY FEE EACH ACTUAL COST ACTUAL COSTI ACTUAL COST: -·----- 428 POLICE PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (ENLARGED) EACH 15.00 15.oo! 15.00 15.00 15.00 ------ -------------- .............--·-·---··--···------··· •• ........... "" •• •• •• ....... •• •• ••• •• •• """""""""""""""""""""" """"""'""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" --~- 429 POLICE PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (STD SIZE) EACH 10.00' 10.0C 10.00 10.00 10.00 ------ --------------- -- -·--·----·-·--· ·-·-···-· ---------· ...................................... ····- ............................ ·······------·-· ·-·-----·- ···········--· ·--·- 430 POLICE REPRODUCTION (CD-ROM) EACH 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 431 POLICE iVIN INSPECTION EACH 27.00 27.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 ............ .. ............................. ................................. .................................................. 432 POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND FEE (PRIVATE) EACH 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 -------------------- ·-·- ·····----- ·-------- ·--·--·-··· -·----·--·----------- ---------- ·-·------·-···---·---- -·-·--·----- ------------- 433 POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND FEE (COURT-ORDERED) EVERY 30 DAYS 50.00 50.00 5o.ooj 50.00 50.00 I 434 RECREATION BASEBALL (ADUL11 TEAM 950.00 950.0< 985.00 1,015.00j 1,015.00 - ~----~------ ----------·---------------- ------·----·--·-···- ............................................................................................................ ·-·--·- ·····--·-· 435 RECREATION BASEBALL (YOUTH) TEAM 600.00 600.0< 600.00 600.00 ............ 436 RECREATION BASKETBALL (MEN'S CITY LEAGUE MAJOR) TEAM 565.oo! 565.00 565.00 565.00; 565.00 f--- - ----·- ---------~- -------,- 437 RECREATION BASKETBALL (GRADE SCHOOL PLAYER FEE) PLAYER 20.00i 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.001 -·-- -------~ - -----------·---------· ................................................................................................ ........................................... ............. ............................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................... ..................... 438 RECREATION CITY TOURNAMENT (GATE ENTRY FEE) ADULTS 2.00 200 2.00 200 200 ----- ·-- -------·- ---------· ·r ----·---------·----.. ----............................................................................................. .......... -----------··r 439 RECREATION :ciTY TOURNAMENT (GATE ENTRY FEE) STUDENTS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I 440 RECREATION ___ r~~-~-~:~-=-=~~-~~~~- MINOR--(SLOWPITCH) L _____ TEAM _l___ 230.00 245.00 245.001 245.00 245.00 ..,., CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution- Schedule of Fees (Effective 1/1/2006) 20112! 20113 Zll041 2005 2006 •AID'IIf % -~SCII:T~ FEE FEEi FEET ColYlNiEI'JTS LINE "" UNIT FEE FEE CHANGE 441 RECREATION IFALLOPENGYM (YOUTH) PER PERSON 1.oo! 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.oo! ----------------------------------------- ------- ---------------- --------------- " ---··-·----- """""""'"-"""'"'""' 442 RECREATION FALL OPEN GYM (ADULT OR FAMILY) PER PERSON 2-00 2-00 2.00 2-00 3.00 50.00% 443 RECREATION HIGH SCHOOL CITY TOURNAMENT (BASEBALL) TEAM 120.00 120.00 135.00 135.00 135.00 444 RECREATION HIGH SCHOOL CITY TOURNAMENT (SOFTBALL) ------- ----------- TEAM 150.001 150.00! 165.0ob I1 165.00! I 165.00 I --·-- " - ... " ...... "" . ~ .........................................................................................._ ... ---·---·----- ---- ______ , ------- --------------- " --~·~.,r -··5:.,] _______ .~5:·~ ·-- :'~~ -~ - ~;;~~;~ ·:: -- -: --~-=~~:~:_'____ 445 RECREATION JUNIOR SUMMER TENNIS LEAGUE TEAM 75.oo 7S.oo 75.oo 95.oo! 95.oo' 446 1 RECREATION ;ouTDOORsoccERCADULn 1--·-·-·--·r·----·----·-·---·- - - -- . . --- .+ - TEAM . I 447 RECREATION PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL RESIDENT 50.00 50.00 50.00' 100.00 100.00 -- --------------------------·-- " . ---- " · ·· I ·················································I I I · ········I ·· ···················+ I ~~:~~j . . . . . ·-·-·-·---~·oo· 44B RECREATION PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL {200 PERSON SHELTER) RESIDENT 65.00 125.00 125.00 ............................................................- ... ·----L 449 RECREATION rFTEALL CITY TOURNAMENT 1 TEAM 10o.oo! 100.00! 100.00 100.00 1oo.oo! " " " " """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ··············-·-····-·······---···-··-···-········-·· ···---·--·-·------------t--·----· -·-·--··-·-·-·-·--- 450 1 RECREATION ;SOFTBALL FIELD RESERVATIONS EACH 10.oo 1 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 ------· 451 I RECREATION SOFTBALL FIELD TOURNAMENT FEES 50.00 1 EACH 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 452 RECREATION SOFTBALL MASA DISTRICT TOURNAMENT TEAM 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 --· ....................... 453 RECREATION SOFTBALL (MAJOR MEN'S SLOWPITCH) TEAM 715.00 730.00~ 755.00 755.00· 755.00 -- - - - - - - - ··---- - - - · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 454 RECREATION SOFTBALL(SUMMER SLOWPITCH-1 UMPIRE) I TEAM 495 oo, 510.0~1 545.00 545.00! 545.00 455 I RECREATION SWIM (LEARN TO SWIM) 456 RECREATION SWIM (LEARN TO SWIM) -·--+-------·-·----·---------------------------- + I NON-RESIDENT RESIDENT .. :r]__; -~: ~;1---- : f:::::::: " SWIM (OPEN SWIM YOUTH} PER PERSON 1.001 1.oo: 1.001 2.oo 1 oo -50.00% .................................. SWIM (OPEN SWIM AOULTOR FAMILY) ... ---- ------------··---··- +····················.J;··························--------··························;;;11··· 2.oo PER PERSON 2.00 .· · · .· .· · · · ~··:··;;; -- · · - = = + · · 2-00 I ....00% 1 - ------ -- ---- --- .. ---------- ~ ____ ,._, ___ ................................ .......................................... , _____________ ................................................................ .. 459 RECREATION WOMEN'S BASKETBALL TEAM 395.00 395.00 395.00 395.00 395.00 ------ -~--- . SPECIAL o.oo 0.00 50.00 50.00: 50.00 460 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE (FIRST TIME EVENTS ONLY) EACH EVENTS .,., CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution- Schedule of Fees (Effective 1/1/2006) :Z002. ~" :Z004 2.005 2.006 DIOPAR1'Nf~ ., iEJ> FEE FEE FEE, FEE co 5 "" UNIT FEEl CHANGE --r---·- SPECIAL 461 EVENTS ADMINISTRATIVE FEE (AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO EVEN1) EACH 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00' 50.00 462 SPECIAL EVENTS ADMINISTRATIVE FEE {59-45 DAYS PRIOR TO EVEN1) EACH 0.00 0.00 150.00 150.00' 150.00 ·+---- -- 463 SPECIAL EVENTS ,ADMINISTRATIVE FEE {44-30 DAYS PRIOR TO EVEN1) EACH o.ooi 0.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 ' SPECIAL 464 EVENTS ;ADMINISTRATIVE FEE (29 DAYS OR LESS PRIOR TO EVEN1) EACH 0.00 0.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 ----- -------------- ------------------ ------- - --·· . SPECIAL. 465 EVENTS CITY SERVICES (PARK RANGERS) EACH PER HOUR 0.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 ______ , __________ J_ ___ -·------- .--- ..------------------ -- -------------------~--~------- -------------- ·---- ~--~----·---- .... ----- .. -----~----- 466 SPECIAL EVENTS CITY SERVICES (55-GAL. METAL. TRASH CANS) EACH 0,00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ............ ···-· ·-----· ·--------· --..·----------------------------·-----------r------------------ ----------- ----·--------~·--- ----------~--- --------------- ·--·--·--- ......... 467 SPECIAL. EVENTS CITY SERVICES (55-GAL. RUBBERMAID TRASH CANS} EACH 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 ........ SPECIAL. 4SS CITY SERVICES (PL.ASTIC TRASH BAGS) PER CASE 0.0< 0.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 EVENTS ~-~-- ------------·-- 469 SPECIAL EVENTS !CITY SERVICES (SNOWFENCE. WOOD) PER ROLL 0.00 0.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 ......................... -;.......................................................................- r-- --- - ----------------------------- ............................. ............................................................................ 470 ~~; ;CITY SERVICES (SNOWFENCE- PL.ASTIC) PER ROLL. 0.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 ............ --- ....... ------------ - ---______, -------------------------------· ---------- ---------------------------- ----------- ------------- -----------<- ____, ____________ "'"' ----- ·--------· SPECIAL. 471 CITY SERVICES (FENCE POSTS) EACH POST 0.00 0.00 3.00, 3.00 3.00 EVENTS _______ , SPECIAL ----· -~------~~~-i -------..·---~-~~0~ 472 EVENTS CITY SERVICES (PARK BENCHES) EACH 0,00 0.00 10.00 ...... --------·----------· ........ ........ ............. ...... ............................. .......... ................................................... .... ----------------- ----·--- 473 SPECIAL. EVENTS CITY SERVICES (BLEACHERS) EACH 0.00 O.OOt 125.00 125.00·, 125.0< i ---------- .... ----- I 474 SPECIAL EVENTS CITY SERVICES (HANG BANNERS) EACH o.ooi 0.00 50.00 5o.ool 50.0< SPECIAL 475 EVENTS CITY SERVICES (ADJUSTABLE PARK STAGE) EACH 4 x 8 SECTION 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 .......... ........... .. . ... SPECIAL 476 CITY SERVICES (PICNIC TABLES) EACH 0.00 0.00 10.0< 10.00 10,00 EVENTS --·-- ,, ____ . ----~------ ..-· ---·--- ---------·-··---- ...... I SPECIAL i 477 EVENTS CITY SERVICES (TRAILER) PER HOUR 0.00 0.00 25.00i 25.00 25.00 SPECIAL 478 EVENTS CITY SERVICES {PORTABLE PA SYSTEM) EACH 0,00 0.00 25.00 25.00 25.0< ·------- ... ---- ---- ------ ------------------------------ - - ---- ------- ------- ----- ................ __________________________________ ---------- ---------· ...,.. I SPECIAL I 479 CITY SERVICES (TURF 'TRUCK) PER DAY 0.001 0.00 1::.::, ··········· ;:::[ EVENTS 4$0 SPECIAL EVENTS :ciTY SERVICES (L.ABOR PARKS OR DPW STAFF) PER HOUR 0.001 0.00 '""I 50.00 ---1 .. .... ,. CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution -Schedule of Fees {Effective 1/1/2006) .. 21!02 201!4 200!il -PARTMI % UNE iCJUPlli UNIT FEE "" FEE FEE FEE "" FEE C"6MME~i~TS. CHAN~ SPECIAL 481 CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER- STRAIGHT TIME) PER HOUR 0.00 0.00 40.oo! 40.00 40.00 EVENTS ... ...... SPECIAL 482 CITY SERVICES {POLICE OFFICER- 1.5 OVERTIME) PER HOUR o.oo o.oo:' 60.00 60.00 60.00 EVENTS SPECIAL ' 483 CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER- TRIPLE OVERTIME) PER HOUR 0.00 ' 0.001 120.00 120.00 120.00 EVENTS I 10l 100 · · · · · · · ~ :!- 484 TREASURER IDUPLICATE TAX BILL COPY (COMPUTER PRINTOUT} EACH 0.501 1.00i _________ .,.1 485 I TREASURER !DUPLICATE TAX BILl. COPY (TYPED BILl.) EACH 3.ool 3.00 3.00 3.00 -- ---- -~-~ .. _. ___ 486 TREASURER INSF CHECK/NSF ACH HANDLING CHARGE EACH 25.00 25.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 ..•.•.•. ............................... .............. ·--·- ·-----~- 487 i TREASURER ITAX RECEIPT INQUIRY (LESS lHAN 3 YEARS OLD) EACH 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ----- 488 I TREASURER ITAX RECEIPT INQUIRY {MORE THAN 3 YEARS OLD) EACH 12.00 12.00 12.oo: 12.00 TREASURER I TRANSACTION SERVICE FEE (PAYMENTS MADEATWINDOWW/0 ' ----··· ------·- ·······--~~~;i 489 EACH 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 BILL) ' ................ ·····---------·-· --··-·--·--·-- ---------·--·- TREASURER ,PETIY CASH NUISANCE FEE {FAILURE TO RETURN RECEIPTS IN 5.00 5.00 480 EACH 5.00 5.00 5.00 ;TJMELY FASHION) -~-·---- 491 I TREASURER IPROPERTYTAXROLLONCD-ROM EACH 100.00 100.00 100.00!' 100.00 100.00 ···-- - ------------ - 492 I TREASURER IPROPERTY TAX LIEN INQUIRY/LOOKUP EACH 15.00 15.00 15.00! 15.00 r-- ....................... --···--·····----------------..- 493 I WATER-SEWER IDELINQUENT PAYMENT PENALTY PAST DUE BALANCE 10.00%; 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%: 1o.oo% +-· GREATER OF . GREATER OF GREATER OF I GREATER OF ···-L GREATER OFI "l 494 I WATER-SEWER !DELINQUENT PAYMENT PENALTV (TAX LIEN FEE) PAST DUE BALANCE 20% OR $25.ool 20% OR $25.00 20% OR $25.00 20% OR $25.001 20% OR $25.001 495 I WATER-SEWER :HYDRANTSERVICE(MAXIMUM 30 DAY} CONNECTION CHARGE EACH 5o.ool 50.001 50.00 $100.00 REFU~~~ei~EgEPOSIT ALSO 1 I !WATER-SEWER ltNSTALlATION OF STUB LINE TO PROPERTY LINE (SEWER) ""I ::;: --.;~ 496 EACH 600.00 600,00 800.00: soo.ool 800.00 r-- I 497 WATER-SEWER IINSTALlATION OF STUB LINE TO PROPERTY LINE (WATER) EACH .... 80o.ool 8oo.oo; 800.001 ~-ACTUAL cos~-~~~~:~~~~i A~TUAL 498 @ 1 WATER-SEWER 1 METER REPLACEMENT AT owNER'S REQUEST , _ _ , _ _. , _ _ _ _ .:..... EACH ~ ' -1 .. .., cosrs[ ACTUAL cosTS ACTUAL cosTs -~ 500 i WAlER·SEWER I METER TEST EACH I 35.00 35.00 35.001 35.001- P->S CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution· Schedule of Fees (Effective 1/1/2006) ! 2.0112.1 20031 20041 20051 2006 DEPARTMENT % UNE sc iOI UNIT- FEE ffi FEE m-: FEEl CblllMEJJIS CHANGE 25.0~-'1 - ~-:-~-~.1. . 501 I WATER-SEWER I MISSED METER APPOINTMENT EACH zs.oo' ................... 25.00 502 1·":~~~~~~:;1;~~-;~:~~-·;~-~~-;-~~"~--3~-~:~-~;~-;~~- --------------------------------------------~--- EACH 25.00 ' 25.00 25.00 25.00 2s.ooi I ~ :~-~~-~-~-~-~-~-~--~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~--~-~-~~--~-~-~~~-~ 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 503 ... _______ ------------------- _]___ EACH 504 WATER-SEWER ITURN ON CHARGE (REGULAR HOURS) EACH 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 ,--- 505 I WATER-SEWER ITURN ON CHARGE (SEASONAL USE) EACH 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 506 WATER-SEWER UNAUlHORIZED WATER USE OR TAMPERING (MINIMUM CHARGE)i EACH I 200.001 200.00! 200.00 200.00 200.00 ·-·-·····················-····· ··········-··········--·-·····-····-···--·-·····---·-·····----------~--------·-"""""t---·~---~-~~~------·--t---·--------+-·- WATER-SEWER UNAUlHORIZED WATER USE (ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR CONrD ! --···~~~~~-~ 507 PER DAY 20.001 20.00 20.00 20.00 USE) : +---------·-·· +· . ~········- ························r -------····--, SOB I WATER-SEWER IWATER TEST SAMPLE PERTEST 35.00 35.001 35.00 60.00 60.00 COVERS STAFF TIME AND lAB WORK : --------·-·r-··------------------·-·-----·-·------·-····-----·---·-············· ····+ ··-··········-······ ------· --·-··r···------·-------1--------- ------------------ __ .1 509 I WATER-SEWER :BACKFLOW PREVENTER DEVICE REGISTRATION/AUDIT FEE ANNUAL FEE-EACH DEVICE o.oo! 0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 ···········---------------·-----·-···------------· +-----------: -------+----1------·-+--- ---1-- ------- -1--- --- ········ -- ·················· +············· ·········I 511 ! WATER· SEWER IWATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE -1" (NON-SPEC ASSESS) I .::. . -~1~--~-~~~-~-~J~~~~r~~~~-~:.~.~-~.:.~.~-~:.:.~.-~.:.~:.~.~-~--:·~-~· ::~· ~:~.:.-.~.:.:.~l . . . . . . . . . . . ~~-~----···-·· . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . ~.:.~.~-1 . . . . . . . . . . . .~-~~~-1 . . . . . . . . . .~-~-~.:.~ ~- ·-· · · · · · · ·- ~ -~-:~ -~- - EACH 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 800.00 2,000.00 51~-tWATER-SEWER IWATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE-1-1/4" OR 1-112" (NON- I EACH 0.00 0.00 4,000.001 4,000.00 4,000.00 SPEC ASSESS) --- ----- ----·----------·-·----·-···--------·-···--------·---·-·----:--·--- ·······---·--·-- 513 WATER-SEWER WATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE· 2"' (NON-SPEC ASSESS)· EACH 0.00 6,800.00 6,800.001 6,800.00; 514 I WATER-SEWER jWATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE. 2"TURBOIENDURO i (NON-SPEC ASSESS) EACH o.oo. 0.00· 8,000.00 8,000.00 1 8,000.00, ···--·--·--·--·-·····-·······-···· ··T·--·--·--·-··· ------··r·· 515 I WATER-SEWER !wATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE- 3" (NON-5PEC ASSESS) I EACH 0.00 0.00 12,800.001 12,800.00 12,800.001 ------------·- 5 16 I WATER-SEWER :WATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE· J"TURBOIENDURO EACH 0.00 0.00 14,000.00; 14,000.00 14,000.00 (NON-SPEC ASSESS) ------------+------t----+---+-~--'--------- ___,__ i 517 ; WATER-SEWER IWATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE· 4" (NON-SPEC ASSESS) I EACH 0.00 0.00 20,000.001 20,000.00 20,000.00 ............................................................................................. .. ..... ........... I WATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE. 4''TURBOIENDURO o.oo ::: ~::=:::=:: 1 EACH 0,00 1 40,000.00 40,000.00 1 40,000.00 (NON-SPEC ASSESS) ' ......................................................... "'Y" WATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE· 6" (NON-SPEC ASSESS)! EACH 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00· ' i 520 I WATER-SEWER lWATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE. 6"TURBOIENDURO ;!NON-SPEC ASSESS) EACH ~j 0.00 80,000,00 80,000.00 80,000.00 Pooo:M CITY OF MUSKEGON Master Fee Resolution ·Schedule of Fees {Effective 1/1/2006) 2002 2003 20041 zoos 2006 OEPARTiif ., UNE CJW>11< UNIT FEE FEE FEE; FEE FEE CHANGE I WATER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGE· GREATER THAN 6" 521 WATER-SEWER (NON-SPEC ASSESS) I EACH I 0.00 0.00 TBO TBO TBO SASED ON CALCULATED CAPACITY ------- -- ---- --·----------- . ---- 522 523 ZONING ZONING FENCE PERMIT FEE LOT SPLIT REVIEW EACH EACH 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.oo;' 2s.oal 25.00 25.oo: I 30.00 30.00 -'~'"%-1 20.00% 524 ZONING ZONING, GIS MAPS (UP TO 17" x 24'') EACH 10.001 10.00 1o.ool 10.00 15.001 50.00% -----------"------+- -~~~~~~---------------··········--~~:~~r···············--············-~:~~:-··· 525 ZONING lzoNING, GIS MAPS (17" x 24" TO 34" x 44") EACH ______ __ 20.00, 20.00 __, ___________ ______________________ _j_ __________ ---------11---- ZS.OO% -···- ------ i _, ~~;:~~ 526 . ZONING [PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) __________ ,_, __ , ______ .. """"""""""""""""""" __ _,, """""""""" ____ _,,,,.,.,.,.,.,., .........,.,..,.,... EACH 500.00 . ........... ............................. --------· ------------- soo.oor----5oo.-o-o ----------------- ---- 500.00 ~------ """""" """""""""""""""-""""""""""""-"""" -·---.,·----------~-_,_,_,_, ., 527 ZONING SIDEWALK BENCH ENCROACHMENT PER BENCH PER MONTH 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 T 528 ZONING SITE PLAN REVIEW FEE- MINOR EACH 40.00 40.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 --·------------- --·-----·---·--------·--·-----------------·------------.,----- ···········--· ---· .................. 529 ZONING SITE PLAN REVIEW FEE· MAJOR EACH 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00! 200.00 -------·-r· ............ """ " ·------- -- --1 530 ZONING I SPECIAL USE PERMIT EACH 2oo.oo! 200.00 250.00 250.00 25o_ooi . -··---·-- ---- -- ,__ ,_,_ ______ " ------ T : ~!- ·-·-·-·-·- ·-· 2:::: 531 ZONING STREET VACATION EACH 00 25o.oo; .......... .............................. ..!................................................................................................ ................. '":''!·-··········-···· 20': 532 ZONING :zONING COMPLIANCE LETTER EACH 25.00 25.00 25.00 --------·---·-·---·--- ·-----·-----·-------· .. -------------------------------·- -·- ·-t------------ ------·----------·------- 533 534 I ZONING ZONING ZONE CHANGE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION EACH EACH 200.001 20o.ool 200.00 200.00 250.00 ____j 3oo.ool 250.001 300.00j ----- _,. __;___ ____ ... "'"I 300.001 ------· "''] COMMERCIAUINOUSTRIAL ONLY 535LZONING 536 ZONING IZONING~OAROOFAPPEALSAPPLICATION" :zONING ORDINANCE COPY EACH EACH +-- ! 0.00 -~~~~~~ o.oo 25.00 1 1SO.Ol 25.00 15000] 25.00 150.00, 25.00 I RESIOENTIAL ONLY ,_, _________ j _________ ~---- ----------------- ---------------------- ~- ---- 537 I ZONING lzoNJNG ORDINANCE coPY WI MAP EACH 40.001 40.00 40.00! 40.00 45.00 12.50% ' -1 ·-" AGENDA ITEM NO. CITY COMMISSION MEETIN:-:G:c----- TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Bryon L. Mazade, City Manager DATE: December 6, 2005 RE: 2006 Salary Schedule and Fringe Benefits for Non-Represented Employees and the 2006 Salary Schedule for Part-Time and Limited-Term Employees SUMMARY OF REQUEST: 1) To establish the 2006 salary ranges for part-time and limited-term employees; 2) To approve and adopt the proposed salary ranges and salary schedules for the non- represented administrative, technical, professional, and supervisory employees for 2006 (2.0% increase); 3) Increase Sunday and Holiday pay from 1.50 to 2 times rate of pay for non-union employees eligible for overtime pay; 4) Adopt a pay policy for non-represented employees. FINANCIAL IMPACT: 1) Minimal. There are minor changes to steps and pay grades. 2) The salary increases will cost approximately $52,000 plus approximately $13,000 in added fringe benefit costs. 3) Minimal additional cost. 4) Minimal, if any, additional cost. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: To authorize the necessary 2006 budgetary amendments and transfer of money from the affected City funds (Contingency Account for General Fund) to the appropriate salary and fringe benefit accounts to accommodate the salary increases and fringe benefit adjustments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1) To approve the proposed 2006 salary ranges for part-time and limited-term employees; 2) To approve and adopt the proposed 2006 salary ranges, salary schedules, and fringe benefit changes for non-represented employees; 3) To adopt a pay policy for non-represented employees. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None pb/2006 AGENDA SALARIES CIIY OE MUSKEGON 2006 WAGE MATRIX EOR NON-UNION PARI-TIME AND LIMITED-TERM EMPLOYEES JQBJ1TLE GRADE_1 GRADE_2 GRADE_3 GRADE4 GRADE5 GRADE 6 GRADE.? STEP 1 PARKING RAMP ATTENDANT 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 RECREATION AIDE 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 STEP1 BUILDING FACILITY CARETAKER 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 GYMNASIUM SUPERVISOR 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 SENIOR TRANSIT DRIVER 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 STEP3 JULIA E. HACKLEY INTERNS 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 9.50 10.00 STEP4 FACILITY SUPERVISOR I 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 10.00 LIFEGUARD 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 10.00 MARINA AIDE 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 10.00 PARK RANGER 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 10.00 PLAYGROUND LEADER 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 10.00 PROGRAM LEADER 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.25 9.50 10.00 STEPS LIFEGUARD CAPTAIN 9.25 9.65 10.05 10.45 11.05 11.55 12.25 SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS 9.25 9.65 10.05 10.45 11.05 11.55 12.25 ASSISTANT PARK RANGER CAPTAIN 9.25 9.65 10.05 10.45 11.05 11.55 12.25 ASSISTANT PLAYGROUND SUPERVISOR 9.25 9.65 10.05 10.45 11.05 11.55 12.25 STEP6 AQUATICS DIRECTOR 9.80 10.55 11.30 12.05 12.80 13.55 14.30 FACILITY SUPERVIOSR II 9.80 10.55 11.30 12.05 12.80 13.55 14.30 FARMER'S MARKET MASTER 9.80 10.55 11.30 12.05 12.80 13.55 14.30 HARBOR MASTER 9.80 10.55 11.30 12.05 12.80 13.55 14.30 PARK INTERN 9.80 10.55 11.30 12.05 12.80 13.55 14.30 PARK RANGER CAPTAIN 9.80 10.55 11.30 12.05 12.80 13.55 14.30 PLAYGROUND SUPERVISOR 9.80 10.55 11.30 12.05 12.80 13.55 14.30 SOFTBALL SUPERVISOR 9.80 10.55 11.30 12.05 12.80 13.55 14.30 STEP7 BOARD OF CANVASSERS $65.00 per day BOARD OF REVIEW $75.00 per day ELECTION WORKERS (INSPECTORS) $100.00 per day ELECTION WORKER CHAIRPERSON $135.00 per day ELECTION WORKER CO-CHAIRPERSON $115.00 per day ~biExcel/2006 PART-TIME WAGE MATRIX ADMINISTRA TIVEITECHN ICALIPROFESSIONALISUPERYl_SQR'l SALARY RANG_ES EFFECTIVE 11112006 MINIMUM SALARY M.AXIMUM SALARY RANGE I -A $70,021 $93,362 Assistant City Manager Director of Public Safety Finance Director Public Works Director RANGE I· B $65,451 $87,270 Police Chief (Vacant) RANGE II- A $60,444 $80,592 Community/Economic Development Director Fire Chief (Vacant) Leisure Services Director (Vacant) RANGE II- B $57,906 $77,136 City Engineer/Deputy Director of Public Works RANGE Ill $55,370 $73,678 Assistant Chief of Police (Vacant) City Clerk City Treasurer Civil Service/Personnel Director Deputy Director of Public Safety for Fire Services Information Systems Director RANGE IV $47,696 $63,593 Assistant City Engineer (Vacant) Assistant Finance Director Deputy Director of Community/Economic Development (Vacant) Director of Inspections (Vacant) Income Tax Director RANGEV $45,651 $60,871 Affirmative Action Director Community & Neighborhood Services Director Water Filtration Plant Supervisor RANGE VI $42,784 $57,045 Building Official (Vacant) Project Engineer (Vacant) Superintendent of Public Works Superintendent of Public Utilities MINIMUM SALARY MAXIMUM SALARY RANGE VIl-A $39,598 $52,80'1 Business Development Specialist (Vacant) Cemetery/Forestry Supervisor Database Administrator Equipment Supervisor Highway Supervisor Network Technician Parks Supervisor Planner Ill/Zoning Administrator Public Utilities Supervisor Recreation/Marina Supervisor Safety/Services Supervisor (Vacant) Special Operations Supervisor RANGE VII-B $37,162 $49,554 Computer Technician (Vacant) RANGE VIII $35,059 $46,749 Administrative Services Supervisor- DPW Code Coordinator Communications & Public Affairs Administrator (Vacant) Income Tax Auditor Pension & Benefits Coordinator (Part-Time) (Vacant) Personnel Analyst (Vacant) Planner II Police Community Coordinator Police Records Supervisor Resource Recovery Coordinator Revenue Collections Administrator Risk Manager- (Vacant) $30,894 $41,192 Building Maintenance Supervisor Planner I Secretary to the City Manager RANGE X $28,651 $38,203 Administrative Aide- Police (Vacant) Administrative Secretary Deputy City Clerk Finance Clerk Personnel Clerk (Part-Time) (Vacant) Youth Recreation Coordinator (Vacant) RANGE XI $26,090 $34,787 City Hall Building Maintenance Worker pb/Excel/2006 SALARY RANGES- POSITIONS 2!!.0.6 NON-REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES SALARY SCHEDULE SALARY SCHEDULE 11 STEPS ------------------------- CJ,A::LSJEH:;ATION STEP 1 SI~E'_2 ~ STEP4 Sie£'2 liT_EE_~ STEP7 STEPS SLE:!'J! SJ:E.f.j_Q SLE;P._:ll RANGE 1-A 70,021 72,355 74,689 77,023 79,357 81 ,691 84,025 86,359 88,693 91,028 93,362 RANGE 1-B 65,451 67,633 69,815 71,997 74,179 76,361 78,543 80,725 82,906 85,088 87,270 RANGE II-A 60,444 62,459 64,474 66,489 68,503 70,518 72,533 74,548 76,563 78,577 80,592 RANGE 11-B 57,906 59,829 61,752 63,675 65,598 67,521 69,444 71,367 73,290 75,213 77,136 RANGE Ill 55,370 57,200 59,031 60,862 62,693 64,524 66,354 68,185 70,016 71,847 73,678 RANGE IV 47,696 49,286 50,876 52,465 54,055 55,645 57,234 58,824 60,414 62,003 63,593 RANGE V 45,651 47,173 48,695 50,217 51,739 53,261 54,783 56,305 57,827 59,349 60,871 RANGE VI 42,784 44,210 45,636 47,062 48,488 49,914 51,340 52,766 54,192 55,618 57.045 RANGE VIl-A 39,598 40,919 42,239 43,559 44,880 46,200 47,520 48,840 50,161 51,481 52,801 RANGE VII-B 37,162 38,401 39,640 40,879 42,118 43,358 44,597 45,836 47,075 48,314 49,554 RANGE VIII 35,059 36,228 37,397 38,566 39,735 40,904 42,073 43,242 44,411 45,580 46,749 RANGE IX 30,894 31,924 32,953 33,983 35,013 36,043 37,073 38,102 39,132 40,162 41,192 RANGE X 28,651 29,606 30,561 31 ,516 32,472 33,427 34,382 35,337 36,293 37,248 38,203 RANGE XI 26,090 26,959 27,829 28,699 29,569 30,438 31,308 32,178 33,048 33,917 34,787 pb/Excel/2006 Salary Ranges - 11 Steps - 2% Date: December 13,2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Melissa Haug, Recreation/Marina Supervisor RE: Hartshorn Marina Phase Ill Re-bid SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve an agreement with Great Lakes Dock & Material for construction and improvements of Phase III marina renovations. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $958,382 with the MDNR providing a 50% match. The project funding source is a $1 Million grant from the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) with an equivalent City of Muskegon match of $1 Million. The remaining money is expected to be used towards other marina related enhancements. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: THE A80NMARCHE GR()UP ~-•-·-·---,.,-......,""'""'-'~--- ·"-'"""''~"""-•••-•····--··-·----·--·~---~·-··---· •·•~~n~---------.--·--•-·••••-~·-· -~--·-·--.~--"'""_..'-"-~·~·•··-··--•-- Mqnj.~ 1 ~~~:~:~~~------J'·-,--·-----·-----~--------~~~~-Ma~--~~---------~ lJJ--'-' 66_,!_9_Q_.OO______ -----· _§2.§.8.48_~~~QQ_______________ ....L19 58.3§~.00 ·-·---~-~----J ?~\,.~fl))J1';,1~VOO! ~flO~KT"~V-1~-i:i):',l~ \",-i(~TS!\0~~ ~!1.\:H. «:\~ \8gor-t l'!sljom f;~Uflt~C ~ Phq:;._'? Ill- f~e~Bic;J R.~COfT'l 1 '1)1!H'Idt'l1iOI1 tor AV'.'Qid Decernber 13. 2005 rnae 2 cf2 Thr: Gnalysis of 1r11.~ Base Bkl Sl!ows that the low bidder is Greot Lake~ Dock & Material in the amount of ~.:t§..QQO.• This is below l'he Engine"r's Estirnalr3 of $1, 166,900.00. Please see ~;w,closec.1 Bid TobLrloi'ion Report for detoilerJ bid price infrxrnotion. In addition, we hove reviewed the pr€:Nious marino construction experience and references for tile two bidders and find both to be qualified for the Marina Cons'h1Jction proposed r~t Hartshorn lv\orino. Should you hcvo any quest1om or c:ornments, please feel free to contact us \Jt our office. Sincerely, ABONMARCI-I['C COt~SUl.TANTS, INC. Llan VeriottL f' .E. Bmdley 1:(. r-ausnocht, P.E. Project Er.gir1eer Group Diredor, Morina/Woterfroni Development DV/ra Melisso Haug, City of MuskElQ<'n (w/attachments) City Commission Agenda Item To: Mayor Warmington and City Commissioners From: Leisure Services Department Date: November 6, 2005 Re: Hartshorn Marina Renovation Project- Re-bid. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City requested bids for the Hatishom Marina $1.5 Million Renovation Project. Mandatory Pre-bid meeting was held on Tuesday, December 6, 2005. Bids are due and will be opened at I 0:00a.m. on Tuesday, December 13, 2005. Bid results will be tallied and provided at the Commission meeting later that day. FINANCIAL IMP ACT: The project funding source is a $1 Million grant from the State of Michigan Department ofNatural Resources (DNR) with an equivalent City ofMuskegon match of$! Million dollar. The project estimated cost is $1.5 Million. The remaining half million dollar ($500,000) is expected to be used towards other marina related enhancements. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To award the contract to the lowest Base Bid Proposal Sum submitted by a responsive and responsible Bidder in accordance with all the conditions set forth .... COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None. Date: December 6, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Water Filtration Plant RE: 30" Clearwell valve operators and stems replacement SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Endorse Contractor replacement of the 30" clearwell valve operators and stems by Franklin-Holwerda Company and Solomon Diving, Inc. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Total cost of $31, 460.00 from the water fund. ($21 ,800.00 for Franklin-Holwerda Company) ($9,660.00 for Solomon Diving, Inc.) BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: Applied to the 2006 Water Filtration Plant budget and to be reflected in the quarterly budget reforecast. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend the Mayor and Commissioners endorse contracting the valve operator and stem replacement with Franklin-Holwerda Company and Solomon Diving, Inc. MEMORANDUM 12/6/05 TO: M. AL-SHATEL, DEPUTY DPW FROM: R. VENEKLASEN, WATER FILTRATION SUPV. RE: 4- 30" CLEARWELL VALVES BACKGROUND The 1963 portion of the clearwell, or finished water storage tank, has four 30" pipes with butterfly valves to the suction header pipe for the high service pumps. These valves were operated as part of the improvements project in order to isolate a 42" suction line that was to be abandoned and capped. In operating the four valves it was discovered the valves would not close. To avoid pumping down the clearwell, we elected to contract with a diver, experienced in this type of work, to inspect the valves. We selected Solomon diving as they have previously performed intake pipe inspections for the City. This approach allowed us to avoid the rental of the pumps, the man-hours to oversee pumping down the clearwell, and also to retain a more adequate supply of finished water. The diver revealed that the valve stem shafts had deteriorated at the universal joints rendering the valve inoperable from outside the well. The diver, Solomon diving, performed a second dive on the valves to remove the operating stem, clean the valve seats by hydrolazing, and to exercise and close the valves. PROPOSED REMEDY The valve operators located on the clearwell deck require removal and rebuilding as minimum. We solicited a cost from Franklin-Holwerda Company, the mechanical contractor for the plant improvements project, to provide a cost for this work. They determined that they could provide new operators for slightly more than the cost of reworking the existing operators. They would also provide OEM valve stems but of a larger diameter and made of stainless steel. This will be an improvement over the original carbon steel stems and universal joints. These approaches should deter the corrosion problem leading to the initial failures. The diver would make the valve stem terminations on the valves and insure the valves were working properly. He would then vacuum the corroded steel that has fallen to the sump around the suction piping prior to departing the well. RECOMMENDATION It is my recommendation that the Mayor and City Commission endorse Franklin- Holwerda Company to provide the valve operators, stems, and universal joints at a cost of $21,800.00 and Solomon Diving, Inc. for the stem connection and cleaning at a cost of $9,660.00. 11/21/2005 10:19 7342421665 SOLOMON DIVING INC PAGE 02/02 November 21, 2005 Muskegon Water Plant 1900 Beach Street Muskegon, Ml49441 Attn: Bob Veneklasen This is a proposal for the services of Solomon Diving, Inc. to perform the underwater installation of four (4) operating rods and stem guides to the 30" valves as well as floor clean up in the immediate area of the four (4) 30'' suction bells within lht~ clear wells at Muskegon Water Plant. All hardware and work on the operators is to be provided by others. Solomon Diving, Inc, will provide a four (4) member dive crew utilizing surface supplied air systems with voice communications in accordance with OSHA, MIOSHA. AWI/VA standards. . This project ar. proposed is for up to three (3) 10-hour working days. Total Amount as Proposed $ 9,660.00 Thank you. Sincerely, ~/!.~ Brei A Solomon Solomon Diving, Inc. 1571 Beechwood Street Monroe, Ml46162-4101 734-242-4777 734-242-1665 Fax "Prevailing wage rates are not represented in this proposal. "*This proposal is valid for 30 calendar days from this date. C: Dave Reinhout@ FHC ' .·-··· ~ ' ·.. ' ·. . ·· y ... · ' MECHANICAL • SHEET METAL • FIRE PRO'l'ECTION • SERVICE November 17, 2005 Mr. Tom Lambert Muskegon Construction PO Box 477 111 W. Western Ave Muskegon, Ml 49442 Re: Muskegon WTP 30" Clearwell Valve Repair Requote FHC Quote #X-28a Dear Tom: We have reviewed the 30• clearwell valve situation and working with Bret from for your review: Our portion to perform the I\re included new' ... · · · ~:tall!lo:\!1 I have inc.lude~ existing locatil14~~l~ Total Estimated Cost for this work is: $ 21,800 The new stems and accessories will be 1 %• SS rather than match the old style used. We will adapt to the 7 /8" gear shaft at the valve. The material for this is approximately 6 weeks delivery. We may be able to get quicker but with the holidays coming up, we won't know until an order can be placed. This has been discussed with Bret. Bret's quote will follow to Bob Veneklasen first of next week. If you would please submit this, it would be appreciated. ~~E;'J;- David B. Reynhout P.O. Box 9100. 2509 29th Street, S.W. • Wyoming, Michigan 49509 • (616) 538-3231 ·Fax (616) 538-2797 . .. ........ ""'• ,. ... ,. ,.. ,. ...... ....... .......... ... ... ,,., ,.., ... CITY COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, December 13, 205 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Anthony L. Kleibecker Director of Public Safety DATE: December 7, 2005 SUBJECT: Contract with Architect Hooker DeJong and Cole & Russell SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting that you accept the final negotiated fee of 7. 5% of construction costs for the design of the new Central Fire Station. This fee now includes not only design preparation but also bidding and construction administration phase work. A draft contract is being finalized by the City Attorney. We also request that you authorize the City Attorney to approve the final contract language. FINANCIAL IMPACT: As stated the fee will be 7.5% of construction costs. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract when approved by the City Attorney. Date: December 13, 2005 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Engineering RE: Consideration of Bids Additional Landscaping Along Shoreline Dr. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to enter into a contract with Double L Enterprise Inc. out of Montague to install/plant additional landscaping along Shoreline Dr. between Western Ave. & Ottawa Street. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost of planting ($112,970.47) plus minor architectural fee to stake the flower beds. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Waive irregularities in the bids resulting from omission and errors on Double L's bid and authorize staff to enter into a contract with Double L since they are willing to honor their bid with the omission of bid item number 9 and the corrected total of item no. 23. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: MEMORANDUM From: Mohammed AI-Shatel, City Engineer/Deputy DPW To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission Cc: Bryon Mazade, City Manager Bob Kuhn, Director of DPW Date: 12/7/05 Re: Bids for Additional Landscaping along Shoreline Dr. On December 6, 2005, staff received bids from two qualified landscape contractors to perform the plantings outlined on the landscape plans prepared by URS. The two bidders were Earthscapes out of Fruitport and Double Lout of Montague. When the bids were opened and read, Double L was lowest bidder with a bid price of $113,970.47. Upon tabulation of bids, it was discovered that Double L had made two mistakes: 1. Bid item number 9 ($7,338.15) was omitted from the calculated grand total and. 2. Bid item number 23's calculated total of $3,200 for (traffic control) should have been $2,200 since this was a lump sum item of one unit. Those two mistakes led to Double L being read the lowest bidder, however, when corrected, Double L became the highest bidder with a bid price of $120,308.62 not $113,970.47. When informed of those facts, Double L's responded by accepting responsibility for their mistakes and asked that they be awarded the project with the corrected amount for traffic control of $2,200 and omitting any charges for item no. 9 for a total bid price of $112,970.47. Recommendation; staff is recommending that irregularities in the bid, as a result of those mistakes, be waived and request authorization for staff to enter into a contract with Double L to realize a total savings of over $7,000 to the city. Wednesday, December 07, 20051:40 PM Double L Enterprises Inc. 2318948826 p.Ol Attention: Mohammed Date: 12/7/2005 Company: City of Muskegon Number of Pages: I Fax Number: 727-6904 Voice Number: From: Linda Meier Company: Double L Enterprises Inc Fax Number: 231-894-8826 Voice Number: 231-894-5988 Subject: Lakeshore Drive Bid (revise) Comments: ;;::----====-=- Dear Mohammed, ===---· ·-· ·--·- Double L Enterprises acknowledges mistakes made in the calculations on the bid. We will omit line 9 in the amount of $7338.15 and will change line 19 to $2200.00. The total amount of the bid will be $112,970.47. Any questions, please call. Roger DeLong SHORELINE DRIVE SUPPLEMENTAL LANDSCAPING BETWEEN WESTERN AVE. AND WEBSTER AVE. (SB US31 BR) BID PROPOSAL -DECEMBER 6, 2005 EARTHSCAPES DOUBLE L ENTEPRISES 5481 AIRLINE RD 52151NDUSTRIAL PARK ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE FRUITPORT, Ml 49415 MONTAGUE, Ml 49437 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY UNIT COST TOTAL PRICE UNIT COST TOTAL PRICE UNIT COST TOTAL PRICE 1 ACE CAM EACH 4 $ 100.00 $ 400.00 $ 303.60 $ 1,214.40 $ 143.43 $ 573.72 2 ACE RUB EACH 11 $ 140.00 $ 1,540.00 $ 429.00 $ 4,719.00 $ 340.51 $ 3,745.61 3 BETNIG EACH 10 $ 120.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 272.80 $ 2,728.00 $ 347.67 $ 3,476.70 4 CRAPHA EACH 18 $ 100.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 264.00 $ 4,752.00 $ 138.05 $ 2,484.90 5 GLETRI EACH 6 $ 150.00 $ 900.00 $ 352.00 $ 2,112.00 $ 333.36 $ 2,000.16 6 MALSAR EACH 20 $ 140.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 275.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 383.44 $ 7,668.80 7 MYRPEN EACH 12 $ 40.00 $ 480.00 $ 37.29 $ 447.48 $ 311.89 $ 3,742.68 8 PIN NIG EACH 23 $ 150.00 $ 3,450.00 $ 435.60 $ 10,018.80 $ 376.29 $ 8,654.67 9 PIN SYL EACH 23 $ 170.00 $ 3,910.00 $ 435.60 $ 10,018.80 $ 319.05 $ . 10 QUE PAL EACH 10 $ 160.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 369.60 $ 3,696.00 $ 311.89 $ 3,118.90 11 SYRRET EACH 9 $ 120.00 $ 1,080.00 $ 264.00 $ 2,376.00 $ 143.77 $ 1,293.93 12 CORSER EACH 120 $ 14.00 $ 1,680.00 $ 51.70 $ 6,204.00 $ 20.03 $ 2,403.60 13 ECH PUR EACH 620 $ 3.00 $ 1,860.00 $ 12.87 $ 7,979.40 $ 12.05 $ 7,471.00 14 HEM CHI EACH 1500 $ 3.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 9.26 $ 13,890.00 $ 5.05 $ 7,578.75 15 HEM HAP EACH 940 $ 3.00 $ 2,820.00 $ 7.17 $ 6,739.80 $ 4.62 $ 4,340.45 16 PANCLO EACH 170 $ 10.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 13.20 $ 2,244.00 $ 12.00 $ 2,040.00 17 PAN SHE EACH 325 $ 4.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 13.20 $ 4,290.00 $ 12.00 $ 3,900.00 18 SAL PUR EACH 90 $ 40.00 $ 3 600.00 $ 25.15 $ 2,263.50 $ 9.74 $ 876.60 *19 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $ . $ 3,200.00 $ 3,200.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 20 SITE PREPARATION LUMP SUM 1 $ 12,817.00 $ 12,817.00 $ 13,111.00 $ 13,111.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 13,000.00 21 WATERING & CULTIVATING 1ST SEASON LUMP SUM 1 $ 6,225.40 $ 6,225.40 $ 6,370.00 $ 6,370.00 $ 16,800.00 $ 16,800.00 22 WATERING & CULTIVATING 2nd SEASON LUMP SUM 1 $ 5,859.20 $ 5,859.20 $ 5,995.00 $ 5,995.00 $ 15,600.00 $ 15,600.00 *AS NECESSARY TO PERFORM THE WORK OUTLINED IN THE PLANS IN ACCORDANCE WITHMMUTCD TOTAL $ 61,521.60 $ 119,869.18 $ 112,970.47 ·4·
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