City Commission Packet Archive 07-12-2005

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                         JULY 12, 2005
    CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS                         @   5:30 P.M.

     A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK
     B. Used Computer Equipment Sale. H.E.A.L.T.H. Committee
     C. Sale of Buildable Vacant Lot at 551 South Getty.       PLANNING &
     D. Policy Change to "Policy for Sale of City owned Residential Property.
     A. Accounting Services Contract. FINANCE
     B. Request to Purchase Two Fire Engines. PUBLIC SAFETY
     C. Fire Truck Lease Purchase. FINANCE
     D. Resolution to Acquire 280 lona.   COMMUNITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD
     E. City - MDNR Memorandum of Understanding for Bike Trail along
        Laketon. ENGINEERING
         F. Fireworks Display Request for the Greek Festival. CITY CLERK
:>   Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
:>   Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
»     Submit the form to the City Clerk.
)>   Be recognized by the Chair.
)>   Step fo!Ward to the microphone.
)>   State name and address.
)>   Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
)>   (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)
Date:    July 12, 2005
To:      Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:    Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk
RE:      Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular
Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, June 28, 2005.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
                           JULY 12, 2005

   The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City
Hall, 933 Terrace Street. Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30p.m., Tuesday, July 12, 2005.
   Mayor Warmington opened the meeting with a prayer from Pastor Sarah
Johnson of the Word of Truth Outreach after which the Commission and public
recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
   Present: Mayor Stephen Warmington, Vice Mayor Bill Larson, Commissioner
Lawrence Spataro, Chris Carter, Kevin Davis, Stephen Gawron, and Clara
Shepherd, City Manager Bryon Mazade, City Attorney John Schrier, and City
Clerk Gail Kundinger.
      A. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular Commission
Meeting that was held on Tuesday, June 28, 2005.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
      C. Sale of Buildable Vacant Lot at 551 South Getty.           PLANNING &
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the sale of a vacant buildable lot at 551 S.
Getty Street to Angela Hawkins, 531 S. Getty Street. Muskegon, MI. The lot is 80 x
111 ft. and is being offered to Angela Hawkins for $3,000. Angela Hawkins will be
combining this property with her existing property and building an addition to
her home. Her home is a two story home and the addition will be in line with the
existing structure. She will be adding just over 1,000 square feet in total to the
home. The True Cash Value for the property listed in the Assessor's Office is
$4,000, and our price is set at $3,000 which is 75% of that amount.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The sale of this lot to the adjacent property owner for the
construction of an addition to her existing home will generate additional tax
revenue for the City and will place the property back on the City's tax rolls thus
relieving the City of continued maintenance costs.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and to authorize both the
Mayor and the Clerk to sign said resolution and deed.
COMMIITEE RECOMMENDATION:              The Land Reutilization Committee
recommends approval of the sale with the condition that the property be
combined with the owner's original parcel and they have 18 months to build the
      D. Policy Change to "Policy for Sale of City owned Residential Property.
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the change to the "Policy for Sale of City-
Owned Residential Property" to include that Closing Costs will be split between
the buyer and the seller.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and to authorize both the
Mayor and the Clerk to sign said resolution.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:           The Land Reutilization Committee
recommended approval of the policy change at their regular meeting of June
Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Gawron to approve
the Consent Agenda as read with the exception of item B.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, and
            Nays: None
      B. Used Computer Equipment Sale. H.E.A.L.T.H. Committee
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City H.E.A.L.T.H. and Fitness Committee seeks City
Commissioners' approval to sell obsolete computer equipment that the
Information Technology Department has in storage in the City Hall basement.
This old equipment is set to be discarded or destroyed by the Information
Technology Department. The proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to
purchase exercise equipment for the fitness area in the City Hall basement this
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request for sale of obsolete
computer equipment and the proceeds from the sale go to the H.E.A.L.T.H.
Exercise Equipment Project for City Hall.
Motion by Commissioner Davis, second by Commissioner Carter to approve the
used computer equipment sale.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes:  Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, and
              Nays: None
        A. Greek Festival Liquor License. (Mayor & Commission)
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Carter to approve
The Big Fat Greek Festival's request to sell ouzo using one ounce serving
containers, with the Fraternal Order of Police being in charge of serving at a
separate location from the beer and wine.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, and
             Nays: None
        A. Accounting Services Contract. FINANCE
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: In 1997, in conjunction with an early retirement initiative,
the Finance Department replaced a full-time finance clerk position with a
contractual accounting services arrangement. This has proven to be a very
successful and efficient arrangement: the number of billable hours has steadily
declined each year while the quality and volume of work has increased. In
2004, the total cost of the contract was $11 ,279 for 262 hours of work. By way of
comparison, the 2005 budgeted cost (wages and benefits) for a position
comparable to the one replaced in 1997 is $60,000.
The contract for accounting services has been with Hoffman, Steensma &
Plamondon (HSP) since the start. The HSP individual assigned to this account
now has several years of valuable experience with city financial procedures and
maintains an excellent working relationship with finance staff. HSP has submitted
a proposal for a three-year renewal of the contract which staff believes is fair
and reasonable.
         Professional Staff % Increase Manager & Partner       % Increase
Current      $42.00                         $50.00
2006         $43.00            2.4%         $51.00               2.0%
2007         $44.00            2.3%         $52.00               2.0%
2008         $45.00            2.3%         $53.00               1. 9%
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: The 2005 budget includes adequate funding for
these services. Future budgets will incorporate the proposed rates.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of a three-year contract extension with
Hoffman, Steensma & Plamondon, PLC for accounting services.
Motion by Vice Mayor Larson, second by Commissioner Gawron to approve a
three-year contract extension with Hoffman, Steensma & Plamondon, PLC for
accounting services.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, and
            Nays: None
      B. Request to Purchase Two Fire Engines. PUBLIC SAFETY
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Fire Department staff is requesting approval by the
Commission to allow for the procurement of two fire engines. The first engine
would be a standard front-line engine, which would be purchased. The second
would be an engine to include a 75' aerial ladder with a water delivery system
which would be leased over a period of ten years. These two engines would
replace two engines that are currently in service. The low bid, which meets all
stated specifications, was submitted by Crimson Fire, 907 7th Ave., Brandon,
South Dakota. Crimson is a subsidiary of Spartan Motors of Charlotte, Michigan.
The bid price submitted by Crimson is $1 ,031 ,390.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funds for this purchase and lease would originate in the
City's Public Improvement Fund. The current balance would provide for the
purchase of the first engine. Part of the future funds would provide the lease
payments for the engine/aerial.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the purchase and lease agreement.
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Davis to approve
the request to purchase two fire engines.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes:    Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, and
             Nays: None
      C. Fire Truck Lease Purchase. FINANCE
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: One of the commitments made in the 1993 income tax
campaign was to set aside $150,000 each year to replace major fire equipment
on a "pay-as-you-go" basis. This commitment has been met each year. As of
12/31/04, there was $470,086 held in this account with an additional $150,000 to
be contributed in 2005. Public Safety staff has determined there is serious need
to replace two trucks at this time at a total projected cost of $1 ,031 ,390. Staff is
proposing to pay cash for the less expensive truck ($425,566) and to finance the
larger truck ($605,824) via an Act 99 installment purchase contract. Staff is
currently soliciting installment purchase quotes from various banks and other
lending sources.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Quotes are being taken for two repayment terms: 7-year
and 10-year. Depending on which term is selected (and on quoted interest
rates), annual installments are estimated to be $70,000-$100,000.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. Each year's budget includes $150,000
allocation for fire equipment replacement. Funding for the installment purchase
contract will come from this allocation.
Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Shepherd to approve
the fire truck lease purchase through National City Bank.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, and
             Nays: None
      D. Resolution to Acquire 280 lona.       COMMUNITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the resolution that instructs the Community
and Neighborhood Services office to obtain 280 lona from the State of
Michigan, which is currently a vacant abandoned home. The structure is
located next door to 284 lona, a recently completed infill home under the
"Operation: At Long Last" project. The department's objective is to obtain 280
lona for the minimum price of $300, rehabilitate it and sell the property to a
qualified family. The obtaining of this property and the total rehabilitation is one
additional piece to the City's continuous neighborhood revitalization efforts.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:       CNS Office will supply $300 from the HOME program
income fund.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and instruct the CNS
Office to send the document to the State of Michigan.
COMMITIEE RECOMMENDATION: The Commission approved this transaction
during the December 7, 2004, meeting.
Motion by Commissioner Shepherd, second by Commissioner Spataro to
approve the resolution to acquire 280 lona from the State of Michigan.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, and
             Nays: None
      E. City - MDNR Memorandum of Understanding for Bike Trail along
         Laketon. ENGINEERING
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approve the memorandum of understanding between
the City and MDNR for the construction of a 10' asphalt trail starting at Getty
and moving east to the extent the available funds of $50,000 permits. The
project will use City man power for the work while the State will pay for the
material and the rental of any other equipment necessary to do the work. It is
expected that the $50,000 from MDNR will be enough to construct a bike path
between Getty & Roberts.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The salaries of those individuals that will be involved in the
work which is estimated at about $10,000 and the use of City owned equipment.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Memorandum of Understanding.
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Gawron to approve
the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Memorandum of Understanding
for the Bike Trail along Laketon Avenue.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, and
            Nays: None
      F. Fireworks Display Request for the Greek Festival. CITY CLERK
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: At the June 28th Commission Meeting you approved the
request from Summit Pyrotechnics for a fireworks display permit for the Big Fat
Greek Festival on July 30th. They are now requesting to set the fireworks off from
land instead of the Barge at Heritage Landing . Fire Marshall Meicalf will inspect
the fireworks on the day of the event.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Approval contingent on site plan inspection and
inspection of the fireworks.
Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Davis to approve the
fireworks display request.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes:  Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, and
            Nays: None
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Gail A. Kundinger, MMC
                                            City Clerk
                 Commission Meeting Date: July 12,2005

Date:                 July 1, 2005
To:                   Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:                 Planning & Economic Development Department Cf6t
RE:                   Sale of Buildable Vacant Lot at 551 S. Getty

To approve the sale of a vacant buildable lot at 551 S. Getty Street (Parcel #24-205-035-
0001-11) to Angela Hawkins, 531 S Getty Street, Muskegon, MI. The lot is 80 x 111 ft. and
is being offered to Angela Hawkins for $3,000. Angela Hawkins will be combining this
property with her existing property and building an addition to her home. Her home is a two
story home and the addition will be in line with the existing structure. She will be adding just
over 1,000 square feet in total to the home. The True Cash Value (TCV) for the property
listed in the Assessor's office is $4,000, and our price is set at $3,000 which is 75% of that

The sale of this lot to the adjacent property owner for the construction of an addition to her
existing home will generate additional tax revenue for the City and will place the property
back on the City's tax rolls thus relieving the City of continued maintenance costs.


To approve the attached resolution and to authorize both the Mayor and the Clerk to sign
said resolution and deed.

The Land Reutilization Committee recommends approval of the sale with the condition that
the property be combined with the owner's original parcel and they have 18 months to build
the addition.

                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON
                               LAND REUTILIZATION COMMITTEE
                                      REGULAR MEETING

                                               June 28, 2005

Chairman M. Ann·hein called the meeting to order at 4:00p.m. and roll was taken.

MEMBERS PRESENT:                    M. Ann·hein, R. Hill, R. Allen, K. Davis

MEMBERS ABSENT:                     C. Shepherd, J. Mmtin Jr., J. McClain

STAFF PRESENT:                      H. Mitchell, D. Leafers, C. Bmbaker-Clarke

OTHERS PRESENT:                     A. Hawkins, 531 S. Getty; C. Miel, 531 S. Getty


A motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 26, 2005 was made by K. Davis,
supported by R. Hill and unanimously approved.


551 S. Getty St. - Request to sell the 80 x Ill buildable Jot at 531 S. Gettv St. to Angela Hawkins of 531
S. Getty St. for $3,000 to combine with her prope1tv, and not require her to build a home on the Jot Ms.
Hawkins would like to purchase the buildable City-owned property that is adjacent to hers. She will be
getting manied and her family will be expanding. She would like to build an addition to her current home
and is asking to purchase the property at the policy requirement price of 75% of the TCV ($3,000). She is
asking that she not be required to build a home on the prope1ty. The City-owned property does have a
slight slope headed toward Sumner Ave. The property at the corner of Sumner and Getty is owned by
Bethesda Baptist Church, and is vacant and unbuildable. Staff does not know what the church intends to do
with their property. With the lot being unbuildable, their options are limited. Staff recommends approval of
this request, or a compromise for the property. This would not go to City Commission until the sale is ready
to proceed. Any past due water bills or property taxes would have to be paid prior to the sale being

M. Amrhein asked if the purchase of this lot would allow the owners to meet the side setback requirements
for the pla1med addition to their home. H. Mitchell stated it would. R. Hill asked about the scope of the
constmction plans. C. Miel stated the addition would be 16 feet across fi·om north to south, and 34 feet
deep. It would cover what is now their side yard, and would be two stories. M. Ann·hein stated they would
be adding over I ,000 square feet to the residence, thus increasing the taxable value. He asked how many
feet existed between the home and the property line. A. Hawkins stated roughly 40 feet. R. Allen asked
about the unbuildable corner lot owned by the church. C. Miel stated that the church uses it for parking. R.
Allen asked if there were plans to fence the yard in. C. Miel stated they would be.

M. Amrhein asked if they could add the condition that the addition is to be built within 18 months. H.
Mitchell stated they could.

A motion to recommend approval to the City Commission to sell the buildable lot at 551 S. Getty St. to
Angela Hawkins for $3,000 to be combined with her prope1ty at 531 S. Getty St., and waive the
requirement to build a home on the lot, provided the planned addition to the home is completed within 18
months, was made by R. Hill, supported by K. Davis and unanimously approved.
                     City-Owned Property to Sell
        :·       ~
                       I                ~                               L_J/ .. 1-D 6~'-·J/~J-
   ~ ·::
   ~ •.• ..
                                                                    ' 1-.
                                                                       Hawl and equipment made the basis of this contract shall meet only the specifications attached hereto and
     m:ulc n part hereof: as if fully and completely set out herein, and no other. This sole and exclusive warranty
     ;lccompanying this sale is contained in the warranty attached hereto, and made a part hereof by reference, as if fully and
     cnrnplctcly set ont herein.

     Third: This contract for tire apparatus confomJs with all Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) rules and
     rl!gulations ill ctTcet at the time of contract signing, and with all National Fire Protection Association (NFPA}
     (luidclincs fOr Automotive Fire Apparatus as published at the time of contract signing, except as modified by Customer
     Spccitlcntions. Any increased cost incurred by first party because of future changes in or additions to said DOT or
     NFPA ~tandurds will be passed along to the customer as an addition to the price set forth below.

    fow1h: The said apparants and equipment shall be ready for delivery from the first party's factory, within about 330
                                      Date                                                         Date

                                 r----..            !J
                         Ily:    ~Q-,                ~   -
                                                    (/ACCEPTED AT Brandon, South Dakota

                                                    ?:.imson Fire, Inc. Officer Signature
                     Print Nnme:      ~cg, D- Sr'-v\.
                     Title:       DII~-Pf' H....o.JQA   2004

                                     Claims Inquiries Notice

Hartford Fire Insurance Company                       Twin City Insurance Company
Hartford Casualty Insurance Company                   Hartford Insurance Company of Illinois
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company               Hartford Insurance Company of the Midwest
Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company               Hartford Insurance Company of the Southwest

Please address inquiries regarding Claims for all surety and fidelity products issued by The
Hartford's underwriting companies to the following:

Phone Number:                  888-266-3488
Fax -Claims                    860-757-5835 or 860-547-8265
E-mail                         claims@ I

Mailing Address                The Hartford
                               BOND, T-4
                               690 Asylum A venue
                               Hartford, CT 06115

Claims Inquiries Notice 2003
          Obligee'sllnsured's Name
See Attached Bond

     Obligee 'sl/nsured's Mailing Address
See Attached Bond

                                                   IMPORTANT NOTICE TO
            Bond/Policy Number                   OBLIGEES/POLICYHOLDERS -
See Attached Bond                                TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE
                                                        ACT OF 2002

You are hereby notified that, under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, effective November
26, 2002, we must make terrorism coverage available in your bond/policy. However, the actual
coverage provided by your bond/policy for acts of terrorism, as is true for all coverages, is limited
by the terms, conditions, exclusions, limits, other provisions of your bond/policy, any
endorsements to the bond/policy and generally applicable rules of law.

Any terrorism coverage provided by this bond/policy is partially reinsured by the United States of
America under a formula established by Federal Law. Under this formula, the United States will
pay 90% of covered terrorism losses exceeding a statutorily-established deductible paid by
sureties/insurers until such time as insured losses under the program reach $100 billion. If that
occurs, Congress will determine the procedures for, and the source of, any payments for losses in
excess of $1 00 billion.

The premium charge that has been established for terrorism coverage under this bond/policy is
either shown on this form or elsewhere in the bond/policy. If there is no premium shown for
terrorism on this form or elsewhere in the bond/policy, there is no premium for the coverage.

                                   I Terrorism premium: I $0

Form B-3333-0                                                                           Page 1 of 1
                                            © 2002, The Hartford
                                                Notary Acknowledgement of Surety
State of Michigan
County of Kent               } ss:

On August 2, 2005                                        , before me, a Notmy Public in and for said County and State, residing
therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Julie Mroz

 known to me to be Attomcy-in-Fact of Ha1iford Fire Insurance Company
the corporation described in and that executed the within and foregoing insb·umen~ and known to me to be the person who executed
the said instrument in behalf of the said corporation, and he duly acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year stated in th;s ccttificate above.

My Commission Expires .:_A~u:'!;gt'u~st'-'1"'9,_,2,. 0:::0cc7_ _ _ _ _ __   -#Jf--l..L'I.A--. ( - ....~

                                             VENDOR- CRIMSON FIRE

                                             By _________________________
                                             Name: -------------------------
                                             Its - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                             Date: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WITNESSES:                                                                CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                          Stephen J. Warmington, Mayor
                                                                          Date: ____________________

                                                                          And _______________________
                                                                          Gail A. Kundinger, MMC, Clerk

                                                                          BANK- NATIONAL CITY
                                                                          COMMERCIAL CAPITAL

                                                                          By ________________________
                                                                          Its ___________________________

                                                                           VENDOR- CRIMSON FIRE

                                                                          By       d:'44~
                                                                          Name:          k'ck1'J         bR<>wi.:R
                                                                          Its               ,     ,
                                                                          Date:        7/bi/p'

C:\Documents and Settings\rsiem\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK824\0705 fire truck ipa.doc
                                     EXHIBIT A

                                              Exhibit A
                             Prinicipal and Interest Payment Schedule

Pa~ment            Date           Pa)'ment               Interest        Principal
          Loan   7/26/2005
             1   10/1/2005        4,318.35               4,318.35             0.00
             2    4/1/2006       61,386.53              11,601.53        49,785.00
            3    10/1/2006       10,648.15              10,648.15             0.00
            4     4/1/2007       62,569.15              10,648.15        51,921.00
            5    10/1/2007        9,653.86               9,653.86             0.00
            6     4/1/2008       63,801.86               9,653.86        54,148.00
            7    10/1/2008        8,616.93               8,616.93             0.00
            8     4/1/2009       65,087.93               8,616.93        56,471.00
            9    10/1/2009        7,535.51               7,535.51             0.00
           10     4/1/2010       66,429.51               7,535.51        58,894.00
           11    10/1/2010        6,407.69               6,407.69             0.00
           12     4/1/2011       67,827.69               6,407.69        61,420.00
           13    10/1/2011        5,231.49               5,231.49             0.00
           14     4/1/2012       69,286.49               5,231.49        64,055.00
           15    10/1/2012        4,004.84               4,004.84             0.00
           16     4/1/2013       70,807.84               4,004.84        66,803.00
           17    10/1/2013        2,725.56               2,725.56             0.00
           18    4/1/2014        72,394.56               2,725.56        69,669.00
           19    10/1/2014        1,391.40               1,391.40             0.00
           20    4/1/2015        74,049.40               1,391.40        72,658.00

Grand Totals                   734,174.74             128,350.74        605,824.00
       Jul         25 05 02:18p         Cit~     oF MuskegonF1nance                                                p. I

  Affirmative Action
  (23 1)724-6703
  FAX (231)722-1214

  (23 1)724-6708
  FAX (231)726-5181

  (231 )724-6783
  FAX (231)726-5617
                                                          West Michigan's Shoreline City
  City Manager                                      
  (231 )724·6724
  r"AX (231)722-1214

  Civil Service
 (231 )724-6716
 FAX (231)724-4405

 FAX (23 I )724-4178
                       Ms Rose Komath
 Comm. & Neigh.
 Services              National City Commercial Capita[
 (231)724-6717         Two Miranova Place
 FAX (23 I )726-2501
                       Suite 1000
 Engineering           Columbus, OH 43215
 FAX (231)727-6904

 (23 I )724-6713
 FAX (231)724-6768
                       Dear Ms Konrath:
 Fire Department
 FAX (231 )724-6985    As discussed, a clerical misunderstanding resulted in the approving resolution (#2005-64c) for
 Income Tax
                       installment purchase of fire trucks referring to ''National City Bank of the Midwest" instead of
(231)724-6770          "National City Commercial Capital." This letter is to clarify that the City of Muskegon understands
FAX (231)724-6768
                       and agrees that the funding institution is National City Commercial Capital.
 Info. Tt:ehnology
(231 )724-4126
fAX (231)722-4301      Please let me know if there is anything else needed.
Inspection Services
(23 1)724-6715         Thanks you.
FAX (23 1)728-4371

Leisure Services
(231 )724-6704
FAX (231)724-1196      Very Trul~s,          /J
Mayor's Office             \ /         ! /          /
FAX (231)722-1214       rf\::-;··
(231 )724-6702
FAX (231)724-6790
                       Director of Finance
Police Department
(231 )724-67 50
FAX (231 )722-5140

Pubtic Works
FAX (23 1)722-4188

{23! )724-6720
FAX (231)724-6768

Water Billing
fAX (23 1)724-6768

Water Filtration
FAX (231)755-5290            City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. !lox 536, Muskegon, ~U 49443-0536
                                                        http://www .shorelinccitv .com
Jul    26 05 02: !Bp                                                                                         p.c

                                                                                                             · ..-·.

                                            City of Muskegon
                                             Purchase Form

-Requested by:     I Mark Kincaid                                               I   Date: 17-26-05
 To be Charged to Account Number:       1404-00000-3454 (Fire Eqpt Reserve)
 Balance of this Account:    $470,085
 For the purpose of:         Two Fire Trucks

 Vendor Name:                Crimson Fire
 Estimated Cost:

!-DJJe:   I Open             Monthly            I Special             I Stock            . I One Time                  X
 Project No:       I                                                                                 .

      Quantity           Cost               Description                                                          Total
 1                                          Pumper                                            $425,566

 1                                          Aerial                                           $605,824




                                                                                             0                         .

                                                            /\,       ./    \                0
                                            Total Aniov&       ..''         )                $1,031,390.00
PO#: 1101-50336-72605           Approved:   I        i\(l ,.--        //
                                                CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                               RESOLUTION# o?oos-- 67' (c)


WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan (the "City")
detennines it to be necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare ofthe city and its residents
to acquire a pumper fire truck and a pumper fire truck with aerial ("Property") for the sum of
One Million Thirty One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Dollars ($1 ,031 ,390.00) ("Purchase
Price"), of which the City will pay Vendor Four Htmdred Twenty Five Thousand Five Hundred
Sixty Six Dollars ($425,566) at or prior to delivery of the trucks and promise to pay an additional
Six Hundred Five Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Four Dollars ($605,824) ("Financed

WHEREAS, under the provisions of Act No. 99, Public Acts of Michigan, 1933, as amended
("Act"), the City is or will be authorized to enter into any contract or agreement for the purchase
of Property to be paid for in installments over a period not to exceed 15 years and not to exceed
the useful life of the Property acquired as detennined by resolution ofthe City;

WHEREAS, the outstanding balance of all purchases by the City under Act 99, exclusive of
interest, shall not exceed one and one-quarter percent (I Y.%) of the taxable value of the real and
personal prope1iy in the City at the date of such contract or agreement;

WHEREAS, purchase of the Property pursuant to an installment purchase agreement will not
result in the outstanding balance of all such purchases in excess of the limitation contained
within Act 99 as set forth above;

WHEREAS, the City has requested and received proposals from various financial institutions
with respect to the financing of the Prope1ty;

WHEREAS, the City has received an offer of funding for the purchase of the Property from
National City Bank ofthe Midwest ("Bank"); and

WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed a form ofinstallment Purchase Agreement
("Agreement") setting forth the tenns and provisions of the sale of the Prope1ty to the City and
the payment by the City thereof, and it is the desire of the City Commission to approve the
purchase of the Prope1ty and to approve the general tenus of the financing thereof as set forth in
the Agreement and the execution thereof, subject to the completion of negotiations with the Bank
on the timing of the sale and purchase.


C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Local Settings\Temporary Tntemet Fi!es\OLK 1O\C98646.DOC
          1.        The Agreement is hereby approved substantially in the form attached as Appendix
                    A, with such additions, changes, and modifications as shall be approved by the
                    City Commission. The Mayor and Clerk of the City are hereby authorized and
                    directed to execute the Agreement, when in final fonn, and deliver it to the Bank.

          2.        The useful life of the Property is hereby determined to be not less than ten (1 0)

          3.        The Mayor and Clerk are directed and authorized to execute such additional
                    documentation as shall be necessary to effectuate the closing contemplated by the

          4.        The City hereby agrees to include in its budget for each year, commencing with
                    the present fiscal year, a sum which will be sufficient to pay the principal of and
                    the interest due under the Agreement during such fiscal year.

          5.        The City hereby designates its obligations under the Agreement as "qualified tax
                    exempt obligations" for purchase of deduction of interest expense by financial
                    institutions pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code").

          6.        The City covenants that, to the extent pennitted by law, it shall take all actions
                    within its control necessary to maintain the exclusion of the interest component of
                    the payments due under the Agreement fi·om adjusted gross income for general
                    federal income tax purposes under the Code including, but not limited to, actions
                    relating to the rebate of arbitrage earnings, if applicable.

          7.        The acquisition of the Property and the approval of the Agreement hereby are
                    found and declared to be for a valid public purpose and in the best interest of the
                    health and welfare of the residents of the City.

          8.        All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions
                    of this resolution are rescinded to the extent of such conflict.

          Effective this       /r:Z 71, day of O?tjy                    ,200~

                                                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON

C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Local Settings\Temporary lnlcmet Files\OLKl 0\C98G46.DOC

              I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution
              authorized by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon,
              Michigan, at a regular meeting held on       Cft1,1;1   /,;{ , 200~;-'

                                                                                     Gail A. Kundinger, MMC
                                                                                     Clerk, City of Muskegon

            PREPARED BY:
            Joh11 C. Schrier, Esq.
            Pannenter O'Toole
            175 W. Apple Avenue
            P.O. Box 786
            Muskegon, MI 49443-0786
            Phone: (231) 722-1621

C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\Local Settings\Temporary lntemet Files\OfJK!O\C98646.DOC

Attached is a true copy of page 4 and 5 of the July 12, 2005, City of Muskegon City
Commission Meeting Minutes approving the purchase of two fire engines and the fire
truck lease purchase. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open
Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976.

                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                    933 Terrace, Muskegon, MI 49440

                                               Gail A. Kundinger, MM
                                               City Clerk
and reasonable.
         Professional Staff % Increase Manager & Partner    % Increase
Current      $42.00                         $50.00
2006         $43.00            2.4%         $51.00               2.0%
2007         $44.00            2.3%         $52.00               2.0%
2008         $45.00            2.3%         $53.00               1.9%
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: The 2005 budget includes adequate funding for
these services. Future budgets will incorporate the proposed rates.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of a three-year contract extension with
Hoffman, Steensma & Plamondon, PLC for accounting services.
Motion by Vice Mayor Larson, second by Commissioner Gawron to approve a
three-year contract extension with Hoffman, Steensma & Plamondon, PLC for
accounting services.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, and
            Nays: None
      B. Request to Purchase Two Fire Engines. PUBLIC SAFETY
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Fire Department staff is requesting approval by the
Commission to allow for the procurement of two fire engines. The first engine
would be a standard front-line engine, which would be purchased. The second
would be an engine to include a 75' aerial ladder with a water delivery system
which would be leased over a period of ten years. These two engines would
replace two engines that are currently in service. The low bid, which meets all
stated specifications, was submitted by Crimson Fire, 907 7th Ave., Brandon,
South Dakota. Crimson is a subsidiary of Spartan Motors of Charlotte, Michigan.
The bid price submitted by Crimson is $1 ,031 ,390.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funds for this purchase and lease would originate in the
City's Public Improvement Fund. The current balance would provide for the
purchase of the first engine. Part of the future funds would provide the lease
payments for the engine/aerial.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the purchase and lease agreement.
Motion by Commissioner Spataro, second by Commissioner Davis to approve
the request to purchase two fire engines.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes:    Larson, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, and
             Nays: None
      C. Fire Truck Lease Purchase. FINANCE
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: One of the commitments made in the 1993 income tax
campaign was to set aside $150,000 each year to replace major fire equipment
on a "pay-as-you-go" basis. This commitment has been met each year. As of
12/31/04, there was $470,086 held in this account with an additional $150,000 to
be contributed in 2005. Public Safety staff has determined there is serious need
to replace two trucks at this time at a total projected cost of $1 ,031 ,390. Staff is
proposing to pay cash for the less expensive truck {$425,566) and to finance the
larger truck {$605,824) via an Act 99 installment purchase contract. Staff is
currently soliciting installment purchase quotes from various banks and other
lending sources.
FINANCIAL IMPACT: Quotes are being taken for two repayment terms: 7-year
and 10-year. Depending on which term is selected {and on quoted interest
rates), annual installments are estimated to be $70,000- $100,000.
BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. Each year's budget includes $150,000
allocation for fire equipment replacement. Funding for the installment purchase
contract will come from this allocation.
Motion by Commissioner Carter, second by Commissioner Shepherd to approve
the fire truck lease purchase through National City Bank.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, and
             Nays: None
      D. Resolution to Acquire 280 lona.      COMMUNITY AND NEIGHBORHOOD
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the resolution that instructs the Community
and Neighborhood Services office to obtain 280 lona from the State of
Michigan, which is currently a vacant abandoned home. The structure is
located next door to 284 lona, a recently completed infill home under the
"Operation: At Long Last" project. The department's objective is to obtain 280
lona for the minimum price of $300, rehabilitate it and sell the property to a
qualified family. The obtaining of this property and the total rehabilitation is one
additional piece to the City's continuous neighborhood revitalization efforts.
FINANCIAL IMPACT:       CNS Office will supply $300 from the HOME program
                                                    ACT 99 CERTIFICATE

           The undersigned, the duly authorized and qualified Finance Director of the City of

Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan (the "Issuer"), in connection with the

execution by the Issuer of a certain Installment Purchase Contract (the "Contract"), by and

between the Issuer and Crimson Fire, hereby certifies as follows:

           I.        The outstanding balance of all purchases of lands, property or equipment for

public purposes, to be paid for in installments, including purchases made pursuant to the

Contract, exclusive of interest, is $605,824.

          2.         The State equalized value of the real and personal property of the Issuer as of the

date of the Contract is $756,635,300.

          3.         The amount set forth in paragraph I hereof does not exceed one and one-quarter

percent (1-114%) of the amount set forth in paragraph 2 hereof.


C:\Documents and Setlings\Paui\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi!es\OLK10\CA7977.DOC
                                         NON-LITIGATION AND
                                 SIGNATURE-IDENTIFICATION CERTIFICATE

                                                                                                                           ·. . """ ''*.
STATE OF MICHIGAN                                                                                    .. · .          ·· · id         ~
                                                                                         , ,   ·.,            .·..    .L~,,.:.:L~;;,  t
         We hereby certify that we are the duly elected or ak£~.!ri~p~,qu~li#'~a:_,!il~.~~l~"ftt~tJ
of the City of Muskegon in the County and State aforesaid {tfie"1'Isimer"), as herein indicated;
that the undersigned Mayor and City Clerk did officially sign, by facsimile signature, the
Installment Purchase Agreement involving the City of Muskegon, National City Commercial
Capital and Crimson Fire, dated July 26, 2005, delivered herewith; that the undersigned Mayor
and City Clerk are on the date hereof the officers having authority to execute and deliver the
Installment Purchase Agreement; that the seal affixed below is the official seal of the Issuer; that
there is no litigation of any nature either pending or threatened for the purpose of restraining or
enjoining the issuance of the Installment Purchase Agreement or the levy and collection of taxes
sufficient to pay the interest and principal thereof, nor directly affecting the proceedings or
authority by which the Installment Purchase Agreement is issued, the legality of the purpose for
which the Installment Purchase Agreement is issued or the validity of the Installment Purchase
Agreement, and that neither the corporate existence nor the boundaries of the Issuer nor the title
of its present officers to their respective offices is being contested; that to the best of our
knowledge there is no litigation pending or threatened indirectly or collaterally affecting any of
the foregoing, and that none of the proceedings heretofore taken to authorize the Installment
Purchase Agreement and to provide security therefor have been repealed, revoked or rescinded.

Dated: July 2-\ , 2005


                                                                          Stephen Wannington, Mayor

                                                                          Gail Kundinger, City Clerk

(City's Seal)

STATE OF MICHIGAN                         )
                                          ) ss.

       On July .dl_, 2005, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County, appeared the
Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan,
personally known to me to be the persons named herein and who executed this Certificate, and I

C:\Documents and Settings\Paui\Local Settings\Temporary Internet FUes\OLK10\CA7951.00C
                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON
                               COUNTY OF MUSKEGON, STATE OF MICHIGAN


        WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan (the "City"),
pursuant to the provisions of Act 99, Public Acts of Michigan, 1933, as amended, and action
taken by the City on July 12, 2005 (the "Resolution"), has authorized an Installment Purchase
Agreement dated July 26, 2005. The Installment Purchase Agreement is being delivered on the
date hereof to provide funds to pay a portion of the cost of the purchase of two fire trucks,
together with all necessary and related appurtenances and attachments therefor (the "Project")
and to pay costs incidental to the Installment Purchase Agreement.

        NOW, THEREFORE, I, the undersigned, being the Treasurer of the City and being in
general charge of and one of the officers responsible for the issuance of the Installment Purchase
Agreement, do hereby certifY that I have made due inquiry with respect to and am fully informed
as to the matters set out in this Certificate, and that the following are the reasonable expectations
of the City with respect to the Installment Purchase Agreement as of the date hereof made in
good faith pursuant to Treas. Reg. § 1.148-2(b)(2):

       1.    The City expects to receive from the original purchaser of the Installment
Purchase Agreement on this date the sum of $605,824.

       2.       The total amount received by the City from the Installment Purchase Agreement,
including all investment earnings thereon, will be used for the purposes set forth above and
below and are not in excess of the amount needed for such purposes.

         3.     The proceeds to be derived by the City from the Installment Purchase Agreement,
i.e, the sum of $605,824 will be deposited into the 2005 Installment Purchase Agreement Fund
established pursuant to the Resolution and will be used, together with investment earnings, to
pay the costs of the Project within three years from the date hereof. Such amount may be
invested at an unrestricted yield until expended for a period of up to three (3) years from the date

               Any proceeds remaining in the Fund at the completion of the Project or the end of
three years, whichever is earlier, will not be invested at a yield in excess of the yield on the
Installment Purchase Agreement (computed with regard to yield reduction payments as provided
in Treas. Reg. §1.148-5(c)).

                Costs of the Project paid from the Installment Purchase Agreement proceeds will
consist only ofland, building, improvements thereon, equipment or other items of a capital
nature and to the extent are in reimbursement for costs paid before the date hereof, will be
reimbursed in conformity with the rules in Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2.

C:\Documents and Settings\Paui\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi!es\OLK10\CA7970.DOC
                  (a)     any amounts received by the City from the original Installment Purchase
           Agreement not held to pay the costs of the Project (including engineering fees,
           contingencies therefor), or to pay the costs of issuing the Installment Purchase
           Agreement; and

                   (b)    any amounts accumulated in the Debt Retirement Funds, or any similar
           fund for the payment of the Installment Purchase Agreement to the extent that the City
           reasonably expects to use such amounts to pay principal of and interest on the Installment
           Purchase Agreement, held for longer than thirteen months after the receipt thereof; and

                    (c)    any amounts held for longer than one year after the receipt by the City as
           interest, dividends or other earnings form the investment of any amount described in
           subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this paragraph 10.

        11.     The proceeds of the Installment Purchase Agreement will not replace any moneys
of the City invested at a yield in excess of the yield on the Installment Purchase Agreement,
since no funds other than those described above are pledged for, or required to be used to pay,
debt service on the Installment Purchase Agreement, and no other funds are restricted to use
solely for the purposes of paying the costs ofthe Project which will not be so used and have
taken into account in determining the size of the Installment Purchase Agreement.

        12.     It is not anticipated that the City, all entities which issue obligations on behalf of
the City, and subordinate governmental units thereto will issue more than $5,000,000 of
obligations, the interest on which is exempt from Federal income taxation under Section 103 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and which are not private activity
bonds as defined in Code§ 141 during calendar year 2005. For this purpose, tax-exempt
obligations issued for the benefit of the City by another entity are also taken into account in
determining whether the $5,000,000 limitation will be exceeded. The Installment Purchase
Agreement is not private activity bonds. Ninety-five percent (95%) or more of the net proceeds
of the Installment Purchase Agreement will be used for local governmental activities of the City.

         13.     The City has designated the Installment Purchase Agreement as "qualified tax-
-exempt obligations" for purposes of the deduction of interest expense by financial institutions.
It is not anticipated that the City, all entities which issue obligations on behalf of the City, and
subordinate governmental units thereto will issue more than $10,000,000 of obligations, the
interest on which is exempt from Federal income taxation under Section 103 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and which are not private activity bonds as
defined in Code§ 141 during calendar year 2005. For this purpose, tax-exempt obligations
issued for the benefit of the City by another entity are also taken into account in determining
whether the $10,000,000 limitation will be exceeded. The City has not issued, and it is not
anticipated that it will issue, tax-exempt obligations on behalf of any other entity, during 2005.

        14.     Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a Tax Certificate executed by the undersigned
detailing certain representations and compliance with certain other provisions relating to the
Installment Purchase Agreement. Execution by the City of this Non-Arbitrage and

C:\Documents and Settings\Paui\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK10\CA7970.DOC
                                                             EXHIBIT A

                                                      TAX CERTIFICATE

        The undersigned, the Treasure of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of
Michigan (the "City"), hereby makes the certification specified below with respect to the
Installment Purchase Agreement for the purpose of enabling National City Commercial Capital,
to render its opinion that interest is excluded from gross income for Federal income tax purposes
and is exempt from State of Michigan income taxation. The proceeds of the Installment
Purchase Agreement will be used as described in the Non-Arbitrage and Tax Compliance
Certificate of the City and all definitions and terms therein are hereby incorporated by reference.

           A.        The undersigned, on behalf of the City, hereby certifies as of the date hereof:

                (1)     All the proceeds from the Installment Purchase Agreement, including
investment earnings thereon, will be expended on the Project (as defined in the Resolution)
except for accrued and capitalized interest and proceeds used for the payment of costs of entering
into the Installment Purchase Agreement which will be spent within 30 days of the date hereof,
all as described in the Non-Arbitrate and Tax Compliance Certificate.

           (2)       Internal Revenue Service From 8038-G is true, accurate and complete.

           (3)       With respect to the Installment Purchase Agreement, the City reasonably expects

                  (a)    85% of the spendable proceeds of the issue will be used to carry out the
          governmental purposes of the issue within the 3-year period beginning on the date the
          Installment Purchase Agreement was executed; and

                  (b)     Not more than 50% of the proceeds of the Installment Purchase
          Agreement will be invested in nonpurpose investments having a substantially guaranteed
          yield for four years or more.

        (4)     There were and are no other obligations sold or to be sold within 15 days of the
date of sale of the Installment Purchase Agreement which (i) were or are to be sold pursuant to a
common plan of financing and (ii) are reasonably expected to be paid from substantially the
same source of funds.

        (5)     Except as is permitted by Code § 149(b), the Installment Purchase Agreement is
not federally guaranteed within these provisions; specifically the payment of principal or interest
with respect to the Installment Purchase Agreement is not guaranteed in whole or in part by the
United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof; the Installment Purchase Agreement is
not issued as part of an issue and five percent (5%) or more of the proceeds of which is to be
used in making loans the payment of principal or interest with respect to which is to be
guaranteed in whole or in part by the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or

C:\Documents and Sett!ngs\Paul\local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK10\CA7970.DOC
 business use tests or the private loan financing test (as described in paragraph B(l) above) to be
 met for the entire term of the Installment Purchase Agreement except if:

           (i) the rules ofTreas. Reg.§ 1.141-12 (as such maybe clarified, modified or superseded
           by Revenue Procedure, Revenue Ruling, Treasury Regulation or statute) are met as
           follows: (a) the City meets the following conditions to taking remedial action described
           in Treas. Reg. § 1.141-12(a)(l )-(5): (1) the City reasonably expects that the Installment
           Purchase Agreement will not meet the private business tests or the private loan financing
           test (as those terms are used in Code § 141) for the term of the Installment Purchase
           Agreement, (2) the weighted average maturity of the Installment Purchase Agreement is
           not greater than 120 percent of the average reasonably expected economic life of the
           property financed with the proceeds of the Installment Purchase Agreement as of the
           date hereof, (3) the terms of any arrangement that results in satisfaction of either the
           private business tests or the private loan financing test are bona fide and arm's-length, and
           the new user pays fair market value for the use of the financed property, (4) the City must
           treat any disposition proceeds as gross proceeds for purposes of Code § 148 and (5) all
           the sale or investment proceeds of the Installment Purchase Agreement must have been
           expended on a governmental purpose before the date of the deliberate action (except with
           respect to such deliberate actions meeting the remedial action of redemption of
           Installment Purchase Agreement described in (b )(1) hereof), and (b) the City takes a
           remedial action described in (1) Treas. Reg. § 1.141-12(d) (redemption or defeasance of
           nonqualified bonds), (2) Treas. Reg.§ 1.141-12(e) (alternative use of disposition
           proceeds), or (3) Treas. Reg.§ 1.141-12(t) (alternative use offacilities), or

           (ii) the rules of Rev. Proc. 97-15 (as such may be clarified, modified or superseded by
           revenue Procedure, Revenue Ruling, Treasury Regulation or statute) are met which
           require that the City make a payment to the Internal Revenue Service of an amount in lieu
           of taxability of the Installment Purchase Agreement pursuant to the terms of a closing
           agreement, or

           (iii) the City obtains a written opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel, to the effect
           that any such deliberate action will not adversely affect the validity of the Installment
           Purchase Agreement or any exemption from federal income taxation to which the interest
           on the Installment Purchase Agreement would otherwise be entitled.

For purposes of (i) above, any redemption of the Installment Purchase Agreement within Treas.
Reg. § 1.141-12(d) must occur within 90 days of the deliberate action, or a defeasance escrow
must be established for the Installment Purchase Agreement within 90 days of the deliberate
action. In such cases, the City must provide written notice to the Internal Revenue Service as to
the establishment of such escrow within 90 days of the date the defeasance escrow is established.
A defeasance escrow is an irrevocable escrow established to pay the Installment Purchase
Agreement on their earliest call date in an amount that, together with investment earnings, is
sufficient to pay all the principal of, and interest and call premium on, Installment Purchase
Agreement from the date the escrow is established to the earliest call date, and may not be
invested in higher yielding investments or in any investment under which the obligor is a user of
the proceeds of the Installment Purchase Agreement. In addition, dispositions of personal

C:\Documents and Settings\Paui\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK10\CA7970.DOC
                                          PARMENTER O'TOOLE
                                                             Attorneys at Law
John M. Briggs, 111
Michael l. Rolf                                                                                            Scott R. Sewick
George W. Johnson                   175 West Apple Avenue • P.O. Box 786 • MUskegon, Michigan 49443-0786   Jeffery A Jacobson
W. Brad Groom                                                                                              Dawn M. Goodwin
Eric R. Gielow                              Phone 231.722.1621 • Fax 231.722.7866 or231.728.2206           Nancy Ann Hornacek
Jotm C. Schrier                                            W'                           Adam G. Zuwerink
Christopher L. Kelly
linda S. Kaare                                                                                             Of Counsel
James R. Scheuerle
                                                                                                           Thomas J. O'Toole
Philip M. Steffan                                                                                          Eric J. Fauri
William J. Meier                                                                                           Michael M. Knowlton
Kei!h L. McEvoy
Anna Urick Duggins                                                                                         George A. Parmenter, 1903-1993
Scott M. Knowlton

      July 26, 2005

      National City Commercial Capital Corporation
      Attention: Rose Konrath
      Two Miranova Place
      Suite 1000
      Columbus, Ohio 43215

                                                                          COUNSEL OPINION (LOCAL)

      Re:           Installment Purchase Contract
                    City of Muskegon/Crimson Fire
                    Assignee: National City Commercial Capital


      We are the City attorneys for the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan. We have
      examined the Installment Purchase Contract (the "Contract") dated July 26, 2005 between the
      City of Muskegon, a municipal corporation (the "Buyer"), and Crimson Fire, (Seller) pursuant to
      which the City is purchasing the property described in the Contract (the "Property").

      In addition, we have examined a certified copy of a Minutes of the City Commission dated July
      12, 2005 authorizing the purchase of the Property under the terms of the Contract and such other
      certificates as we have deemed necessary and appropriate under the circumstances.

      Based upon the foregoing examination, we are of the opinion that (1) the Contract has been duly
      authorized, executed and delivered, is a valid and binding obligation of the City of Muskegon
      and is enforceable against the City of Muskegon in accordance with its terms; (2) the payment
      obligation of the City of Muskegon under the Contract is a limited tax general obligation of the
      City of Muskegon and the City is obligated to make an appropriation of a sufficient amount of
      moneys from its general fund each year to pay principal and interest due that year on the
      Contract and has pledged the general fund moneys from its general fund each year to pay
      principal and interest due that year on the Contract and has pledged the general fund moneys of
      the City of Muskegon for the payment of the Contract, subject to applicable constitutional and
      statutory tax rate limitations; (3) upon the assignment of the Contract by the Seller to the Bank,
      the Bank (and any assignee of the Bank) shall have a valid and enforceable right to receive and

      G:\EDSI\FILES\001 0011254.002\LTRICA7531.DOC
collect from the City of Muskegon all of the payments of principal and interest according to the
terms of the Contract.

We are aware of the necessary certifications by the City in connection with the requirement of
the Installment contract that it is to be designated as a "qualified tax-exempt obligation" for the
purpose of deduction of interest expense by financial institutions under the provisions of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. These include but are not limited to the
representation that the City reasonably anticipates that the amount of "qualified tax-exempt
obligations" (other than private activity bonds as described in Section 141 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended) which will be issued during the current calendar year by the
Obligor and any entities which issue obligations on behalf of the Obligor, will not exceed
$10,000,000. However, it appears that tax-exempt obligations will be issued on behalf of the
Obligor during this calendar year which, when aggregated with the amount of the Contract, are
reasonably expected to exceed $8,000,000.

The undersigned is further familiar with the City's certification that it is not expected that the
proceeds of the note would be used in a manner that would cause the note to be an "arbitrage
bond", under Section 148 of the Code and the regulations prescribed thereunder.

In our opinion the City is capable of and authorized to make said certifications in support of the
qualified tax-exempt nature of the obligation represented by the Installment Purchase Contract.
However, this letter does not constitute an opinion concerning the tax-exempt status of the
obligation or the continued effect of the certifications made by the City.

We express no opinion regarding the perfection of any secmity interest or other lien created
under the Contract or the enforceability of such security interest or other lien in the absence of
such perfection.

The enforceability of the Contract may be subject to the bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization,
moratoriUlll and other similar laws affecting creditors' rights heretofore or hereafter enacted to
the extent constitutionally applicable and its enforcement may be subject to the exercise of
judicial discretion in appropriate cases.


John C. Schrier
Direct: 231.722.5401
Fax: 231.728.2206
E-Mail Address:

G:\EDSI\FILES\001 00\1254.002\LTR\CA7531.DOC
 CityForm     8038·                      Information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental Obligations
 G                                                            .... Under Internal Revenue Code section 149(e)
                                                                                                                                                 OMB NO. 1545-0720
(Rev. November 2000)                                                     .... See separate Instructions
                                                        Caution: If the issue price is under $100,000, use Form 8038-GC.

11             Education___________________________________________________________________                       ___________________ _
12             Health and hospital______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _

13             Transportation...........................................................................................................
14       x     Public safety____________________________________________________________ -------- _________________________________ _
15       D     Environment (including sewage bonds)_______________________________________________________________ ----------------
16       0     Housing _________ ·--·--------·---------------------------···---···-------------------------------------·-··-----------------
17       0     Utilities ..................................•....•...•••................. ·------··-··········--·--···------------·············
18       0

         Issue price of entire issue (enter amount from line 21, column (b))...............•.. , ....... ·-,-·:·.::····· ............. .
24       Proceeds used for bond issuance costs {including underwriters' discount) .......... .
25       Proceeds used for credit enhancement _______________ ··-·······--------------------·
26       Proceeds allocated to reasonably required reserve or replacement fund ....... .
27       Proceeds used to currently refund prior issues ______________________________________ _
28       Proceeds used to advance refund prior issues_ ........................... .
         Total (add line 24 through 28) ................................................................................................

31       Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be currently
32       Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be advance refunded·--------------------------~ f-o-~,-------'-"'_c_;=='--
33       Enter the last date on which the refunded bonds will be called ______________________________________________________ ,... L - ' - " ' - ' - - - - - - - - -
                             the refunded bonds                              N/A

35       Enter the amount of the state volume cap allocated to the issue under section 141 (b)(5) ------------------- ____ _
36a      Enter the amount of gross proceeds Invested or to be Invested in a guaranteed investment contract {see instructions)
     b   Enter the final maturity date of the guaranteed investment contract ..... - - - - - - - - - - - - -
37       Pooled flnancings: a Proceeds of this issue that are to be used to make loans to other governmental units
     b   If this issue is a loan made from the proceeds of another tax-exempt issue, check box ...                                  D
         issuer ...                                          and the date of the issue ...
38       If the issuer has designated the issue under section 265(b)(3)(B)(i)(lll) (small issuer exception), check box ...........•...•.•............... ..._ x
39       If the issuer has elected to pay a penalty in lieu of arbitrage rebate, check box ......................................................... ····-····· ... 0
40       If the issuer has identi    a hed e, check box_                                 ....... ··-·-··        ............                   . .................. D

For Paperwor                                                                                                    Cat. No. 637735
         Commission Meeting Date:              July 12, 2005

Date:       JulyS, 2005
To:         Honorable Mayor & City Commission
from:       Community and Neighborhood Services
R.IE:       Approval resolution to the State of Michigan

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the attached resolution that
instructs the Community and Neighborhood Services office to obtain 280
lona from the State of Michigan, which is currently a vacant abandoned
home. The structure is located next door to 284 lona, a recently
completed infill home under the "Operation: At Long Last" project.

The department's objective is to obtain 280 lona for the minimum price
of $300.00, rehabilitate it and sale the property to a qualified family. The
obtaining of this property and the total rehabilitation is one additional
piece to the City's continuous neighborhood revitalization efforts.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: CNS office will supply $300.00 from the HOME
program income fund.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and instruct
the CNS office to send the document to the state of Michigan

COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Commission approved this
transaction during the December 7, 2004 meeting.
                       MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is dedicated to the redevelopment of its
neighborhoods and;

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is dedicated to promoting high quality
affordable single-family housing in the community and;

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is dedicated to promoting homeownership
throughout its neighborhoods;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission hereby
approves the purchase of the currently state owned for $300, which is located at
280 Iona. After obtained the structure will be rehabilitated and sold to a qualified
buyer, to be used as a single family owner-occupied home.

Adopted this 12th day of July, 2005

Ayes: Spataro, Warmington, Carter, Davis, Gawron, Larson,
      and Shepherd
Nays: None

This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission, held on July
12, 2005. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act
of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976.

                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                 Gail A. Kundinger, MMC
                                                 City Clerk
Date:          July 12, 2005
To:            Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:          Engineering
RE:            City- MDNR Memorandum of Understanding
               ( MOU) for Bike Trail Along Laketon

Approve the attached MOU between the City & MDNR for the construction of a 10'
asphalt trail starting at Getty and moving east to the extent the available funds of
$50,000 permits. The project will use City man power for the work while the state will
pay for the material and the rental of any other equipment necessary to do the work.
It is expected that the $50,000 from MDNR will be enough to construct a bike path
between Getty & Roberts.

The salaries of those individuals that will be involved in the work which is estimated at
about $10,000 and the use of City owned equipment.


Approve the attached MOU

      ~~                             Michigan Department of Natural Resources
    DNRtl!'                            Forest, Mineral and Fire Management
         MEMORANDUM               OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT FOR THE                                                  Grant Agreement Number:
                                  RECREATION TRAILS PROGRAM                                                                     NRT 2004-21-02
     This information is required by authority of Part 711 of Act 451 of 1994, as amended to qualify for reimbursement.
City of Muskegon                                                                                          (It is expressly understood by and
                                                                                                          between the parties hereto that the
Bryon L. Mazade                                                                                             proposal bears the above Grant
                                                                                                         Agreement Number and associated
    933 Terrace                                                                                        documents including all attachments, are
                                                                                                          by this reference made part of this
City                                                    State        ZIP Code
Muskegon,         MI    49443                                                                          understanding. All materials bearing this
                                                                                                              number constitute the entire
Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN):
                                                                                                         understanding between the parties.)

An agreement is made between the MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (hereafter called the
Department; state Trails Coordinator, contracting officer) and the above grantee for funding recreation trail
surface and corridor improvements that will extend the Lakeshore Trail along Laketon Avenue
beginning at the west line of Getty Street in Section 28 TlON, R16W extending to Creston.
Reimbursement of materials and equipment rental necessary to complete trail improvement items
including paved surface improvements, site restoration, and properly designated road crossings.

Conditions:  Plans and specifications are to be submitted to the Department of Natural Resources
for review and approval prior to construction.

The project period shall be from Date State Trails Coordinator signs to 09/30/200S. This understanding shall
convey a sum of money for eligible costs, but which shall not in any event exceed Fifty Thousand $so, ooo dollars.

All projects will comply with the Americans Disabilities Act of 1990.

All work must comply with State and Federal guidelines rules, regulations and laws.

Additional guidelines and specifications for agreement:
•       Project Coordination: The Department contact for this project is Annamarie Bauer, Michigan Department of Natural
        Resources, hereafter referred to as the Coordinator. The Grantee will confer regularly with the Coordinator on the
        progress of this project.
•      Payment: Where applicable, the Department agrees to reimburse the Grantee for authorized expenditures upon
       verification of actual expenditures up to 90% of the grant amount. The Department will pay the final 10% upon project
       completion and final audit. Total payment under this grant is not to exceed the actual costs or $so, oooo, whichever is
       less. Initial request for payment shall be on the form attached (additional forms are available from the address at the
       end of this agreement). All requests for payment must be submitted quarterly and received in the DNR office by the
       151h of the month following the quarters end. A final request must be made by october 151h, 2oos. Requests for
       payment will include copies of invoices and cancelled checks for all expenditures.
•      Fiscal Control and Accounting Procedures: In addition to the summary documentation submitted to the
       Department, the Grantee will keep complete financial records. Basic documents required to be maintained for audit
       include purchase orders, vouchers, authorized payments, and time records for individual employees' charged to this
       program. All financial records for this grant will be retained by the Grantee until audited, or for a minimum of three (3)
       years, whichever is less. Records under audit will be retained until the audit is closed.
•      Procurement: The grantee will use their own procurement procedures provided they reflect applicable State and
       local laws and regulations, to include low bidder competition bid process as applicable.
•      Prevailing Wage and Fringe Benefits: Any sub-contractor performing work under this agreement must comply with
       the requirements of 1965 State of Michigan Public Act 166.

                                                                          Page 1 of 2                                      PR 4165-1 (Rev. 09/08/2004)
•   Insuranc e: The Gran tee will add the State of Michigan, Departmen t of Natural Resources as an additional insured
    party on their liability insurance policy. Proof of this must be supplied to the state Trails Coordinator prior to the
    Department releasing any reimbursements for this grant.
•   Changes: From time to time, changes may be needed in the scope of the project and the grant. All changes must be
    submitted in writing to the Coordinator and approved by the Department prior to being implemented. Changes
    implemented prior to approval by the Department will not be eligible for reimbursement.
•   Audits: The project and related reports are subject to aud it by the Department. This may include both financial
    audits and site visits.
•   Hold Harmless: Each party to this agreement will be responsible for its own negligent acts, including the acts of its
    officers, agents , and employees.
•   Right of Cancellation: This grant agreement may be cancelled by either party upon giving 30 days written notice to
    that effect to the other party.

The individuals or officers signing on behalf of the parties to this Agreement certify by their signatures that they have read,
understand and agree to comply with this Agreement and have the authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the


                                                                              Title:   ?'TATf- 'll2AiL2          CoCJYG-Q/ f'--5~

                                                                              Date:          f:) / 2- { () S"


                                                                              Date:        t"] , aJ-os-


     Printed Name: _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __                               Title:

        Signature: - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -                           Date:

Please sign and return both copies of this sub agreement to:
                                      ATTN: Grants COORDINATOR
                                      Program Services Section
                                      FOREST, MINERAL AND FIRE MANAGEMENT
                                      MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES
                                      PO BOX 30452
                                      LANSING Ml 48909-7952

(a fully executed copy will be returned for your files)

                                                           Page 2 of 2                                     PR 4165-1 (Rev. 09/08/2004)
Date:       July 12, 2005
To:         Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:       Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk
RE:         Fireworks Display Request for the Big Fat Greek

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: At the June 281h Commission Meeting you
approved the request from Summit Pyrotechnics for a fireworks display
permit for the Big Fat Greek Festival on July 3dh. They are now
requesting to set the fireworks off from land instead of the Barge at
Heritage Landing. Fire Marshall Metcalf will inspect the fireworks on the
day of the events.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION:                Approval contingent on site plan
inspection and inspection of the fireworks.

                                                               FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAY
                                                                   Act 358, P.A. 1968
                    This permit is not transferable. Possession of this permit by the herein named person will
                  authorize him to poss~ss, transport and display fireworks in the amounts, for the purpose, and
                                                   at the place listed below only.

    TYPE OF DISPLAY:                                              (X)       PUBLIC DISPLAY                                    ( ) AGRJCULTURAL PEST CONTROL

 ISSUED TO:                       Steve Franklin
                                   Summit Pyrotechnics
ADDRESS                                                                                                        AGE
                                   3500 S. Getty, Muskegon, MI
CJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-.·- '
REPRESENTING                             The Big Fat Greek Festival



           9 -         2.5" cakes                                   100 - 4" shells
           30 - 6"                    shells                           400               3" shells
           30 - 5"                    shells                           2 - 8" shells
DISPLAY:                 Heritage Landing
                                      Furthest point north at Heritage Landing
CITY, VILLAGE, TOWNSHIP                                         (rain date -    DATE
                                                 -July 30, 2005  July 31. 2005)                                                                               10:25 p.m.

BOND OR INSURANCE FILED:                                                     (~       YES              ( ) NO                                          AMOUNT $1,000,000

                                               Issued by action of the tvUJSKEGON CITY COMMISSION
                                                                                                            (CI)Unc il, a>mmiu iol\, - d )
                                               of the               CITY                             of             MUSKEGON
                                                                                                                        (rwne o( ciry, villaac. cownship)

                                  on the                         12th

                                                                                                                     (II!P"&Nce It posa11on of c.ouncil. c.ommiuion or boud}
      F M- 32( 12- 68)           RECE1VETJ
                                     !lll                                           FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT
                                                                                           Act 358, P.A. 1968
                                                                                                                                                              l   DATE OF   APPLICATI O~
                            ....,   ..,   ,....,
                                          ~          ~·
                                                                  /""\"-' '                                                                                        0 ·-3 ·- 0 j
                                                                              ~     Public Disploy                                       D         Agr i cultural Pest Control

      ?jtE OF PERSON                                                                           ADDRESS                                                                      AGE: Mu st be 21 or over
         ~·f.;_: ;l?_,-         Fr -                 ;I.-It ·)                                            -=3. )' 21 /'      ,).   &~· 7/v
      IF A CORPORATI OAName of President

              ~ ---                       1rq
                                                              F'-<- T-            ;;/"{' P..p_t c              J---e ~      1/ v'c<. /

                           r ,/?.
                                                                                               ADDRESS                                                                      AGE: Must be 21 or over

                               -~,, ,~ )-fr-".t'~~~u/cc;
      NAM E
      S/,A?        .-"M                                                                              -~   s·L::YJ        5, 0? ;7(/
     EXPERIENCE :                           T                                                                                                f
     N UMBER OF YEARS                       I   NUMBER               OF DISPLAYS               WHERE
              /.)-                                   fJ·-of> -r                                1~£
                                                                                                 ,            11.. WI. F!_ .I                    _£]C_ LL26(       / 0fr.   :ill A) /. 1    /l;z .
                                                                                                                /            /                      /

     NAME                                                                                      ADDRESS                                                                      AGE

     NAME                                                                                      ADDRESS                                                                      AGE

      NAME                                                                                    ADDRESS

     Name of Mich i gan Attorney or Resident Agent                                            ADDRESS                                                                       TELEPHONE N UMBER


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       r~ /~'', rJ-/ S£. ·                                I
                                                                                  (Subject to Appr oval of Loca l Fi re Authorities)

                                                                                          I   A,   AMOUNT OF BONO OR INSURANCE
                                                                                                   1 to be set by municipality)                     $
     B. BONDING CORPORATI ON OF IN SURANCE COMPANY: NAME                                                            ~ ·ADDRESS

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