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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING JULY 23, 2002 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS@ 5:30 P.M. AGENDA □ CALL TO ORDER: □ PRAYER: □ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: □ ROLL CALL: □ HONORS AND AWARDS: □ PRESENTATIONS: □ CONSENT AGENDA: a. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK b. Liquor License Request - Lakeview Mart, 1930 Lakeshore Drive. CITY CLERK c. Sale of Buildable Vacant Lot on Yuba Street. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT d. Sale of Non-buildable Lot at 300.5 Jackson Avenue. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT e. Sale of Non-buildable Lot at 213 Amity Avenue. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT f. Sale of Non-buildable Lot at 644 Leonard Avenue. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT g. Request for a Planned Unit Development for 808 Oak Avenue PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT h. Vacation of a Portion of Bluff Street. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT i. Rezoning Request for the West Village Mall. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT j. FIRST READING: Zoning Ordianance Amendment to Change the Floodplain Requirements to Reflect Recent Changes in the Building Code. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTES □ PUBLIC HEARINGS: □ COMMUNICATIONS: □ CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: The City Manager requested that Commission Consider going into closed session at the end of meeting to discuss Property Acquisition. □ UNFINISHED BUSINESS: □ NEW BUSINESS: a. Request for Amendment to Planned Unit Development for Harbour Towne. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT b. Second Quarter 2002 Budget Reforecast. Fl NANCE c. Reimbursement Resolution for Smartzone Costs. FINANCE d. Renaissance Zone Proposals. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT e. Local Law Enforcement block Grant - Joint Spending Agreement ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER f. Concurrence With the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish the Following: 1. 1969 Hoyt 2. 1708 Pine 3. 1226 Pine (Garage Only) 4. 246 Laketon (Garage Only) □ ANY OTHER BUSINESS: □ PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: □ CLOSED SESSION: To discuss pending litigation ► Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following: ► Be recognized by the Chair. ► Step forward to the microphone. ► State name and address. ► Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission. ► (Speaker represenling a group may be allowed l O minules if previously registered with City Clerk.) □ ADJOURNMENT: ADA POLICY: THE CITY OF MUSl,~, -"'"'-· r ..., •a G: \EDS I\F!LES\00100\181 O\RP A_RES I\AC6205.0 QC --_- ---=--------,- l·- "C "6 en ! Commission Meeting Date: July 23, 2002 Date: July 8, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Planning & Economic Development cbC RE: Sale of Non-buildable Lot at 300.5 Jackson Avenue SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the sale of a vacant non-buildable lot (Parcel #24-205-141-0008-10) at 300.5 Jackson Avenue to Doris Hooper, of 300 Jackson Avenue, Muskegon, Ml 49442 Approval of this sale will allow the adjacent property owner to expand her current yard (see attached map). Since this vacant lot is located directly behind Ms. Hooper's property and has no street frontage, the sale of the entire lot to her makes the most sense. As is required by City policy, the subject parcel is being offered for $100 to Ms. Hooper. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The sale of this lot will allow the property to be placed back on the City's tax rolls thus relieving the City of continued maintenance costs. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution and to authorize both the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the resolution. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: 7/8/2002 1 CITY OF MUSKEGON RESOLUTION #2002-86(ct ) RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SALE OF A CITY-OWNED NON-BUILDABLE LOT WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon has received $100 from Doris Hooper, 300 Jackson Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442 for the purchase of a vacant, City-owned lot located adjacent to his property at 300.5 Jackson Avenue (parcel #24-205-141-0008- 10); WHEREAS, this lot is not considered buildable under the City's Zoning Ordinance, WHEREAS, the sale would enable the City to place this property back on the tax rolls, and would relieve the City of further maintenance; WHEREAS, the sale of this property would be in accordance with property disposition goals and policies of the City; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 N ½ OF LOT 7 AND N ½ OF W ½ LOT 8 BLK 141 be sold to Doris Hooper for $100. Resolution adopted this 23rd day of July, 2002. Ayes: Warmington, Buie, Gawron, Larson, Schweifl er, Sheph~rd, Spataro Nays: None Absent: None CERTIFICATION This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission, held on July 23, 2002. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. CITY OF MUSKEGON . By Gail A. Kundinger, Clerk QUIT-CLAIM DEED 2002-86 (d) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the CITY OF MUSKEGON, a municipal corporation, whose address is 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440, QUIT CLAIMS TO: DORIS HOOPER, of300 Jackson Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442, the following described premises situated in the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, to wit: CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 North 1/2 of Lot 7 and North l/2 of West l/2 of Lot 8, Block 141 for the sum of One Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($ 100.00). STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF MUSKEGON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J./..sJ: day of Ju ~ - ,2002, by Steve Warmington and Gail A. Kundinger, Mayor and Clerk, respectively, of the CITY OF SKEGON, a municipal corporation, on behalf of the City. PREPARED BY: John C. Schrier Parmenter O'Toole 175 W. Apple Ave., P. 0. Box 786 Muskegon,MI49443-0786 Telephone: 616/722-1621 SEND SUBSEQUENT TAX BILLS TO: Grantee WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Grantee C:\DOCUME~1languilm\LOCALS~1 \Temp\AC5960.DOC I___ L__ l_J ___ J I; I I/j !!1 I I; I/; I/ I I /! I I Commission Meeting Date: July 23, 2002 Date: July 8, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Planning & Economic Development<'.'/::,L RE: Sale of Non-buildable Lot at 213 Amity Avenue SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the sale of a vacant non-buildable lot (Parcel #24-205-209-0005-00) at 213 Amity Avenue to Floyd L. Cook, Jr., 223 Amity Anenue, Muskegon, Ml 49442 Approval of this sale will allow the adjacent property owner to expand his current yard (see attached map). As is required by City policy, the subject parcel is being offered for $100 to Mr. Cook. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The sale of this lot will allow the property to be placed back on the City's tax rolls thus relieving the City of continued maintenance costs. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution and to authorize both the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the resolution. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: 7/8/2002 CITY OF MUSKEGON RESOLUTION #2002- 86 (e l RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SALE OF A CITY-OWNED NON-BUILDABLE LOT WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon has received $100 from Floyd L. Cook, Jr., 223 Amity Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442 for the purchase of a vacant, City-owned lot located adjacent to his property at 213 Amity Avenue (parcel #24-205-209-0005-00); WHEREAS, this lot is not considered buildable under the City's Zoning Ordinance, WHEREAS, the sale would enable the City to place this property back on the tax rolls, and would relieve the City of further maintenance; WHEREAS, the sale of this property would be in accordance with property disposition goals and policies of the City; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOT 5 BLK 209 be sold to Floyd L. Cook, Jr. for $100. Resolution adopted this 23rd day of July, 2002. Ayes: W armington, Buie , Gawron, Larson, Schwei fler, Shepher d , Spat ar o Nays: None CERTIFICATION This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission, held on July 23, 2002. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. CITY OF MUSKEGON By QUIT-CLAIM DEED 2002-86(e) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the CITY OF MUSKEGON, a municipal corporation, whose address is 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440, QUIT CLAIMS TO: FLOYD L. COOK, JR., a single man, of223 Amity Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442, the following described premises situated in the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, to wit: CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903, Lot 5, Block 209 for the sum of One Hundred and no/ 100 Dollars ($100.00) This deed is exempt from real estate transfer tax pursuant to the provisions ofMCLA 207.505(h)(i) and ~CLA 20J;f"Sec. --11-- 6(h)~- Dated thi__ day o f ~ ' 2002. STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF MUSKEGON ,'. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Jh,1-day of J:., {y , 2002, by Ste_ye Warmington and Gail A. Kundinger, Mayor and Clerk, respectively, of the CIT.Y OF MUSKEGON, a municipal corporation, on behalf of the City. ~ s,d) &1if!u Notary Public, Muskegon County, MI My Comm. Expires: 9-tv.S-- O,)._ PREPARED BY: John C. Schrier Parmenter O'Toole 175 W. Apple A've., P. 0. Box 786 Muskegon, MI 49443-0786 Telephone: 616/722-1621 SEND SUBSEQUENT TAX BILLS TO: Grantee WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Grantee C:IDOCUME~1\anguilm\LOCALS~1 \Temp\AC5783.DOC \_/ L_J __ L ___ J l_ll__ J}__=-J f==r_t~~J /_____[_-j I\ \I 07\IH3V"3 '_JJ:u~-T~~- ! -~~-J-[l}-==~ -~-- ._I ·. · c g-_-_--~f!'_-~~ ~ 1 ==== ----_- i I] r: - ~~ -~1:- :1c L 1S)R!Od -----1~-J_~- ~ ~~~:~=~· -==- _i___ ~_ ic -- =--~-~-; 1-- • ----- -J~~-~ i ~= ' = /- ~LJ_ f- ;;! .· ~- L_ 1S A\/r \ \ i\/ ~~~~-_._-------=---=---=--=--==- - Commission Meeting Date: July 23, 2002 Date: July 16, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Planning & Economic Development cJL,, RE: Sale of Non-buildable Lot at 644 Leonard Avenue SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the sale of a vacant non-buildable lot (Parcel #24-765-003-0033-00) at 644 Leoonard Avenue to Roshelia Winters, 634 Leonard Avenue, Muskegon, Ml 49442 Approval of this sale will allow the adjacent property owner to expand her current yard (see attached map). As is required by City policy, the subject parcel is being offered for $100 to Ms. Winters. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The sale of this lot will allow the property to be placed back on the City's tax rolls thus relieving the City of continued maintenance costs. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution and to authorize both the Mayor and the Clerk to sign the resolution. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: 7/16/2002 CITY OF MUSKEGON RESOLUTION #2002- 86 ( r) RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SALE OF A CITY-OWNED NON-BUILDABLE LOT WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon has received $100 from Roshelia Winters, 634 Leonard Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442 for the purchase of a vacant, City-owned lot located adjacent to her property at 644 Leonard Avenue (parcel #24-765-003-0033-00); WHEREAS, this lot is not considered buildable under the City's Zoning Ordinance, WHEREAS, the sale would enable the City to place this property back on the tax rolls, and would relieve the City of further maintenance; WHEREAS, the sale of this property would be in accordance with property disposition goals and policies of the City; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that THE CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903, SUB DIV OF BLK 3 LOT 33 BLK 3 ALSO S ½ VAC ADJ ALLEY be sold to Roshelia Winters for $100. Resolution adopted this 23rd day of July, 2002. Ayes: Warmington, Buie, Gawron, Larson, Schweifler, Shepherd, Spa taro Nays: None CERTIFICATION This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission, held on July 23, 2002. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. CITY OF MUSKEGON By QUIT-CLAIM DEED 2002-86(f) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the CITY O.F MUSKEGON, a municipal corporation, whose address is 933 Te1rnce Street, Muskegon, MI 49440, QUIT CLAIMS TO: ROSHELIA WINTERS, of 634 Leonard A venue, Muskegon, MI 49442, the following described premises situated in the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, to wit: CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 Subdivision of Block 3, Lot 33, Block 3, also South 1/2 of vacated adjacent alley for the sum of One Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($100.00) Dollars. This deed is exempt from real estate transfer tax pursuant to the provisions ofMCLA 207.505(h)(i) and MCLA 201:_j§- Sec. 6Ch),51- {}- Dated thi ,;If fJJ#.--_, 2002. day of STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF MUSKEGON Theforegoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3 /J.rday of J u/¥:. , 2002, by Stephen J. Warmington and Gail A. Kundinger, Mayor and Clerk, respectively, of the CITVOF MUSKEGON, a municipal corporation, on behalf of the City. PREPARED BY: John C. Schrier Notary Public, Muskegon County, Michigan Parmenter O'Toole My commission expires: 2-w.S--0~ 175 W. Apple Ave., P. 0 . Box 786 Muskegon, MI 49443-0786 Telephone: 616/722-1621 SEND SUBSEQUENT TAX BILLS TO: Grantee WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Grantee C:IDOCUME-1\anguilm\LOCALS-1\Temp\AC8676.0OC w _A_- zyw ;: -·--·_·-~.- -------1 ----i---- . - - i::-;MPBELL ST _:__:__ - f3t_~ _::-:_1_::- : = = ~~= If 1_:-_:- i -_-: ::rT:_:[---=_ ---ff-- ~ ---- LANGLEYST ---~Ll (I) --- ::, C ~~ ~---]=~- ---- Ii jg~ ~_J C -- - gi;;i; -- ll'.'. ( 0 ' - - ------- r_ Commission Meeting Date: July 25, 2000 Date: July 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Planning & Economic Development ~ RE: Request for a Planned Unit Development for 808 Oak Ave. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request for preliminary approval for a Planned Unit Development for a portion of the property at 808 Oak Ave., for a mini-storage development. The request is from Tim Vanderstelt. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the request. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommended denial of the request for a preliminary PUD at their 7/11 meeting. The vote was unanimous with P. Veltkamp, B. Mazade and M. Kleaveland absent. 7/1212002 ____ __ L 1-----~~j l ~- i~.-~i------~ - - ~ ·--- - -~~ --= - --- -- - f-_::- - - -~ _}_- ___ ====n~c_- _ J_]_J__-_-_--_-_-jw:;I_.--<•·-_-•/•-----_., ,~-~ ~_/_J___ ---------- _J_-;~ . -~l]-/,_::]J > -_ ------ ---- ~r -lJJ~[ -------------j I~-~~-==-,,-- - - ;1II~ _11~ - li3lS I-DTITl____ __ =r- IDJ~r----- f_-J--__1J ____ _ Lfr1i [t8~j ,_- -,- ~#~~ r'-·• '---ll 7 s·- r~l~;- liS ~p-=~t:;::=:--+'--#..........~~~ 0 ~ !9 o·~! ~le g C>N L1--:1_rJ-=-=_--:-7 l[~ ___ J ] _ - t 01 -.- - - - - -- 1--- - 1=t ... .:: -=-=/ F_-::- -::t----- -,~_]_1~---1- o~-= - _ - _ - -~ Ii [ - - - o a: a ti) I - L _ _ __ __ - - - - - - - Staff Report [EXCERPT) CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 11, 2002 Hearing; Case 2002-28: Request for a Planned Unit Development to allow a portion of the property at 808 Oak Ave. to be used for mini-storage, by Tim Vanderstelt. BACKGROUND Applicant: Tim Vanderstelt Request: To permit allow a portion of the property at 808 Oak Ave. to be used for mini-storage. Present Land Use: Residential and greenhouses Zoning: R-1, Single-Family Residential and OSC, Open Space Conservation STAFF OBSERVATIONS I. In July of 2000, the applicant applied to have the subject property rezoned from R-1 and OSC to B-4 (General Business) in order to allow a mini-storage use on the property. The rezoning was denied by the City Commission (see enclosed PC minutes). 2. In October of 2000, the applicant applied for a use variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) in order to allow the mini-storage use on the property. The use variance was denied by the ZBA (see enclosed ZBA minutes). 3. The subject property is located within two different zoning districts, R-1 and OSC. The property has frontage along Getty St., as well as Oak Ave., and contains a pmtion of the Ryerson Creek ravine in the rear pmtion, and along the Getty St. frontage. 4. There is currently one business located on the R-1 portion of the subject property, Vanderstelt Greenhouses. This existing use is non-conforming. The R-1 portion of the property also contains a residence. 5. The subject property is located several blocks nmth of the more commercialized Apple Avenue corridor, and is almost completely sunounded by residential uses with some vacant, open space behind. The Master Plan recommends that the focus of the area stay residential. 6. Although Getty St. is mostly a commercial corridor south of Apple Ave., the section north of Apple Ave. mostly contains lower intensity uses such as homes and churches. There are some existing commercial uses scattered along this section of Getty St. as well, although the zoning is B-1 (Limited Business). 7. The Getty Street Corridor Study (adopted by the City Commission in February 2001), shows the subject property as being located along Segment A, which it calls 'predominantly residential'. The study also states: a. Segment A (Skyline to Apple Ave.) is principally zoned single-family residential with a small pmtion near the US3 l Bypass zoned as light industrial and commercial. Several City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 1 commercial uses are currently non-conforming. Between Oak and Marquette Aves., there are more vacant lots than built structures. b. Segment A can be classified as a "suburban" arterial street serving residential neighborhoods, in contrast to Segment B which can be classified as an "urban" arterial street gradually transitioning to an "intermediate" mierial at the Sherman Boulevard intersection (Segment C). c. Strategy #2 - "Restore Commercial Vibrancy and Promote Business Competitiveness through Aesthetic Elements" recommends for Segment A: i) Preserve residential character of the neighborhood and prohibit future commercial or industrial development within the segment. ii) Preserve open spaces for future park re-development. iii) Phase out non-conforming uses. d. Strategy #4 - "Transform the Conidor into a Commercial Destination" recommends for Segment A: i) This segment should retain its residential character and further commercial development in the area should not be allowed. 8. Staff feels that this area should remain residential in nature, as recommended by the Master Land Use Plan and the Getty Street Corridor Study. Staff has previously spoken to Mr. Vanderstelt about other options for the property, such as rezoning to a multi-family district which would permit duplexes or a small, low-density multi-family development. Due to the residential character of the area, along with the natural character of the rear portion of the prope1iy, staff is hesitant to see a commercial or business use on the propetiy, other than the existing greenhouse use, which is already non-conforming. 9. The use of a PUD is traditionally for mixed-use developments. There is no mixed-use proposed for this site. Staff feels that PUDs can undermine zoning if used incorrectly as a 'de-facto' rezoning. Other PUDs which have been approved recently include Balcom's Cove, which is an allowed use within the WM district through the use of a PUD. The PUD for the former Norge building included retail and industrial uses many of which were already permitted in the WM district as well. Mini-storage is only permitted in the B-4 zoning district, and as such is a very intensive commercial use with increased traffic and noise, which staff does not feel is an appropriate type of use for an area zoned for either single-family residential or open space conservation. 10. Staff has received one phone call on this case. The caller did not leave a nmne or address but lives close by and is in opposition to the request. He stated that mini-storage won't improve the neighborhood and will bring a lot of additional foot traffic to the area, giving him concerns about security. He believes the use would bring added traffic and had concerns with where the entrance to the site would be. If off of Getty at the bottom of the hill, he stated that there will be accidents as cars travel too fast already down the hill. He is also worried about pest and garbage problems with the storage units. City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 2 PHOTOS City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 3 DELIBERATION Standards for discretionary uses: (emphasis provided) 1. Give due regard to the nature of all adjacent uses and structures and the consistency with the adjacent use and development. 2. Find that the proposed use or activity would not be offensive, or a nuisance, by reason of increased traffic, noise, vibration, or light. 3. Adequate water and sewer infrastructure exists or will be constructed to service the activity. 4. The proposed site plan complies with section 2313 (4) of the ordinance and has: a. proper ingress and egress b. sufficient parking areas, streets, roads and alleys c. screening walls and/or fences d. adequate fire and police protection e. provisions for disposal of surface water run-off, sanitary sewage f. adequate traffic control and maintenance services g. preserves property values to related or adjoining properties. City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 4 CITY OF MUSKEGON RESOLUTION#2002- 86 (g ) RESOLUTION TO DENY A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR A PORTION OF THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 808 OAK AVE. WHEREAS, a petition for a preliminary planned unit development was received from Tim Vanderstelt to allow mini-storage on a portion of his property; and, WHEREAS, proper notice was given by mail and publication and public hearings were held by the City Planning Commission and by the City Commission to consider said petition, during which all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard in accordance with provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and State Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and staff have recommended denial of the preliminary Planned Unit Development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the recommendation by staff and the City Planning Commission be accepted and the preliminary planned unit development is hereby denied. Adopted this 23 rd day of July, 2002 Ayes: War mi ngton , Bui e , Gawron, Lar son , Schwei f l er , Shepher d , Spatar o Nays: None Absent: None Attest: • Gail A. Kundinger, Clerk 2002- 86(g ) CERTIFICATE (Preliminary PUD for 808 Oak Ave.) The undersigned, being the duly qualilied clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 23rd day of July, 2002, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records ofthe City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. / DATED: ~ , 2000. ~ a.J_ ~cL.,.,,___Q,L.J Gail Kundinger, CMC/AAE Q Clerk, City of Muskegon Commission Meeting Date: July 23, 2002 Date: July 15, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Planning & Economic Development RE: Vacation of a portion of Bluff St. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request for the vacation of Bluff St., south of Fulton St. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends vacation of the portion of Bluff St., with the condition that any City easement rights be retained. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommended the vacation, with the condition as listed above. The vote was unanimous with P. Veltkamp, B. Mazade and M. Kleaveland absent. 7/15/2002 Staff Report [EXCERPT] CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 11, 2002 Hearing; Case 2002-27: Request for vacation of a portion of Bluff St., lying adjacent to Block 747 and Block 749 (near Fulton Ave.), by John Darien Homes, Inc. BACKGROUND This request was made along with the previous request in order to allow the development of the proposed condominium units at the north end of the Harbour Towne development. There is a small (approx. 80 feet long) existing portion of Bluff St. right-of-way off of the south side of Fulton St., adjacent to the intersection of Fulton St., and W. Harbour Towne Circle. This portion of Bluff St. does not physically exist and does not appear to serve any practical pmpose. There are no buildings or other structures currently located along this portion of Bluff St. The Department of Public Works has no objections to vacating this portion of street, as there are no City utilities located in the right-of-way. City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 1 CITY OF MUSKEGON RESOLUTION #2002-86(hl RESOLUTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF A PUBLIC STREET WHEREAS, a petition has been received to vacate Bluff St., south of Fulton St.; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 11, 2002 to consider the petition and subsequently recommended the vacation; and WHEREAS, due notice had been given of said hearing as well as the July 23, 2002 City Commission · meeting to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission deems it advisable for the public interest to vacate and discontinue Bluff St., south of Fulton St., as described in the attached legal description; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Commission does hereby declare the said portion of street vacated and discontinued provided, however, that this action on the part of the City Commission shall not operate so as to conflict with any fire access or the utility rights heretofore acquired by the City or by any public service utility in the City of Muskegon, operating in, over and upon said portion of street hereby vacated, and it is hereby expressly declared that any such rights shall remain in full force and effect; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that after any maintenance and repair by the City, the city shall restore the disturbed area to the grade and paving in existence at the time of vacation. The City shall not be responsible to replace special planting, landscaping, fences or any structure. No structure shall be placed in the easement which, in the sole judgment of the City, will interfere with the repair or · maintenance of utilities in the easement, public or private. Adopted this 23 rd day of July, 2002. Ayes: Warmingt on, Bui e , Gawr on, Larson, Schweifler, Shephe rd , Spata ro Nays: None Absent: None CERTIFICAIB (Vacation ofBluffSt.) I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan, at a regular meeting held on July 23, 2002. Gail Kundinger, CMC/AAE Clerk, City of Muskegon VACATED PORTION OF BLUFF STREET THAT PART OF VACATED BLUFF STREET LYING ADJACENT TO BLOCK 747 AND BLOCK 749 OF THE 1902 REVISED PLAT OF' THE CITY OF MUSKEGON, MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN, DESCRIBED AS F'OLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 4 OF BLOCK 747 FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE SOUTH 33 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 25 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE WESTERLY SIDE OF SAID BLOCK 747, A DISTANCE OF' 84.98 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 5 OF BLOCK747; THENCE SOUTH 84 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 58 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE EXTENDED NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 5, A DISTANCE OF 49.65 FEET; THENCE NORTH 33 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 25 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF BLUF'F STREET, AS PLATTEO, A DISTANCE OF 84.98 F'EET: THENCE NORTH 84 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 58 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE EXTENDED SOUTHERLY LINE OF F'ULTON STREET, A DISTANCE OF 49.65 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; 3160-3/jrm 1 0 wc z~~ ~ --· -----====-==_-:__::_~ ;: 0 Commission Meeting Date: July 23, 2002 Date: July 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Planning & Economic Developme~ RE: Rezoning request for the West Village Mall SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to rezone property owned by West Village Mall, LLC, located at 2500 Henry St. (West Village Mall), from B-2, Convenience and Comparison Business to B-4, General Business. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request at their 7/11 meeting. The vote was unanimous with P. Veltkamp, B. Mazade and M. Kleaveland absent. 7/1212002 N City of Muskegon Planning Commission W~EI Case# 2002-30 s _i : i i I 171 i i~I I ! ~ ,L..______j II I l_____j ! I ii'.._______j, c---------ALi;ERJ:My-------, I _! I ! ~ ~ I I r-----j .~ II I I I I I I °' I"' I ! i I I~ I ~----i I f n I I 1,1 I ~i 7 ~ - 1I_ _Iic_J____J ..J l___j ! I &4 I j! L___J ~ I I1 - , I ' I ::o i ' "' I i-, is 1-1 I • = Subject Property(ies) 0 = Notice Nea R-1 = Single-Family Residential B-2 = Convenience and Comparison Business B-4 = General Business B-2 1-1 = Light Industrial PUD = Planned Unit Development Overlay " 0 i I ' ' B-2 I r--" : "' ! I I OtydN-&=, 600 0 600 1200 Feet Staff Report [EXCERPT] CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 11, 2002 Hearing; Case 2002-30: Request to rezone the West Village Mall (NE corner of Sherman Blvd. & Henry St.) from B-2, Convenience and Comparison Business to B-4, General Business, by West Village Mall, LLC. BACKGROUND Applicant: West Village Mall, LLC Address/Location of Subject Property: 1500 Henry St. Current Zoning: B-2, Convenience and Comparison Business Proposed Zoning: B-4, General Business STAFF OBSERVATIONS 1. The subject prope1ty is located at 1500 Henry St., and fronts on both Henry St. and Sherman Blvd. The subject property contains the West Village Mall strip commercial development as well as several separate buildings. These include the Sardine Room, the former New York Carpet World building (now vacant), and the former Professional Center which has since been demolished. 2. The West Village Mall is currently zoned B-2. The B-2 district allows retail uses such as are found on the property, but the intent of the dish·ict is to prohibit 'strip' commercial development. As the mall is situated on one of the busiest corners in Muskegon, and already contains a strip commercial development, staff feels that B-4 is a more appropriate zoning designation. 3. All of the existing uses within the prope1ty will conform with the B-4 district if the rezoning is approved. The West Michigan Children's Museum is looking to occupy the former New York Carpet World building and that use is also permitted in the B-4 district. 4. The Future Land Use Map shows the subject property to be "Commercial". 5. The Master Land Use Plan states: • Henry Street is one of the metro areas most popular commercial corridors. Henry St. links the sub-area to the nearby cities of Roosevelt Park and Norton Shores. Commercial development is generally found throughout the length of Henry Street, with the largest concentration at the southern end near Sherman Boulevard. At this location, one finds retail strip centers lying east and west of Henry. Historically, these centers have served a regional population base offering grocery, pharmacy, clothing, automotive, restaurant, and general retail goods. 6. Sub-Area Stability: City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 I • Although commercial development along Henry St. is undergoing some change, the sub-area as a whole is relatively stable. • Due to competition from new commercial development occmTing in outlying locations, Henry Street's position as the region's premier commercial sector has declined. Notwithstanding that fact, however, Henry Street's central position to a large population base should ultimately counter any declining trend. 7. The Master Plan recommends for this sub-area: • Complete the full commercial development of that area lying between Henry Street, Laketon Avenue, Seaway Drive and Sherman Boulevard. 8. Staff has not received any phone calls or letters regarding this case. PHOTOS City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 2 ORDINANCE EXCERPTS ARTICLE XI - B-2 CONVENIENCE AND COMPARISON BUSINESS DISTRICTS PREAMBLE The B-2 Convenience and Comparison Business Districts are designed for the convenience and community shopping needs of residents in the Muskegon Area, and they are intended to be located in planned groups near the intersection of major thoroughfares. All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers, and all goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises where produced. All business, servicing or processing, except off-street parking or loading, shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building, unless otherwise provided by this Ordinance and specifically approved by the City. SECTION 1100: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED In a B-2 Convenience and Comparison Business District no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected, structurally altered, or occupied except for one (I) or more of the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided for in this Ordinance: I. Any generally recognized retail business which supplies commodities such as: groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, drygoods, and notions or hardware. 2. Personal service establishments such as: shoe repair, dry cleaning shops, tailor shops, beauty parlors, barber shops, banks and savings and loan offices, pharmacist and laboratories, or any service establishment of an office-showroom or workshop nature of an electrician, decorator, dressmaker, tailor, shoemaker, baker, printer, upholsterer, appliance repair, photographic reproduction, and similar establishments that require a retail character no more objectionable than the aforementioned. 3. Restaurants, or other places serving food. 4. Professional offices of doctors, lawyers, dentists, chiropractors, architects, engineers, accountants, and similar or allied professions. Offices may be permitted for similar or allied professions. Offices may be permitted for applied technology, light technological research, research and development facilities with laboratories, but no industrially oriented production facilities shall be permitted. 5. Office buildings for any of the following types of occupations: executive, administrative and professional. 6. Post offices and other governmental office buildings. 7. Newspaper offices and printing offices. 8. Private clubs, lodge halls, social, and similar organizations, including assembly or rental halls. 9. Residential uses as part of a building in this business zone shall be allowed upon issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy from the Department of Inspections, but provided that the minimum lot area requirements of the RM-2 District are met. 10. Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to the above Principal Uses Permitted. 11. Uses similar to the above Principal Uses Permitted. SECTION 1101: SPECIAL LAND USES PERMITTED The following uses, and their access01y buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted under the purview of Section 2332 after review and approval of the use (and a site plan, if required) by the Planning Commission, after Public City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 3 Hearing, subject to the applicable conditions, and any other reasonable conditions imposed by the Planning Commission. A site plan shall not be required when no external changes are made to the buildings or properties. 1. Automobile service stations for the sa]e of gasoline, oil, tires, muffler tune up, not including major repair such as engine rebuilding, undercoating, and similar industrially oriented activities, and subject further to the following: 2. Banks with drive-in facilities, when said drive-in facilities are incidental to the principal function. 3. Business in the character of a drive-in restaurant, or open front store, subject to the following: 4. Churches and other facilities normally incidental thereto subject to the following conditions: .. 5. Hotels, motels, sleeping inns and other facilities normally incidental thereto subject to the following conditions: ... 6. Stores selling second hand merchandise, subject to the following: [amended 12/01] ... 7. Business schools, or private schools operated for profit. Examples of private schools permitted herein include, but are not limited to, the following: dance schools, music and voice schools, and art studios: [amended 5/02] ... 8. Accessmy buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above Special Land Uses Permitted. 9. Uses similar to the above Special Land Uses Permitted. 10. Self-serve, coin operated, automobile car wash, enclosed in a building. SECTION 1102: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS SECTION 1103: AREA AND BULK REQUIREMENTS [amended 4/00] ARTICLE XIII - B-4 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS PREAMBLE The B-4 General Business District is designed to provide for a wide variety of business activities including automotive services and goods, and is generally incompatible with the uses in the B-1, B-2, and B-3 Business Districts. Placement along presently developed major traffic arteries prevents the conflict of traffic and pedestrian movement since the General Business District is characterized by a minimum of pedestrian flow. The B-4 General Business Districts have been located in areas designated on the adopted Land Use Plan. SECTION 1300: PRINCIPAL USES PERMITTED In the B-4 General Business District, no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected, structurally altered, or occupied except for one (I) or more of the following specified uses, unless otherwise providing in this Ordinance: 1. Veterinarian clinics, without outdoor kennels. 2. Bus passenger stations. City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7111/02 4 3. Stores selling second hand merchandise. 4. Funeral homes. 5. Automobile car wash, when completely enclosed in a building. 6. Auto service stations for the sale of gasoline, oil, and accessories, subject to the following: ... 7. Self service laundry and dry cleaning establishments. 8. Amusement, ente1tainment, and recreational, including bowling alleys and skating rinks. 9. Storage of non-hazardous and non-toxic materials or goods provided such storage is within a building or is enclosed as not to be visible to the public from any abutting residential district or public street. I 0. Theaters, when completely enclosed. 11. Banks, with or without drive-in facilities. 12. Restaurants and cocktails lounges. 13. Motels and hotels. 14. Residential uses as part of a building in this business zone shall be allowed upon issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy from the Department of Inspections, but provided that the minimum lot area requirements of the RM-3 District are met. 15. Assembly of small parts provided that there shall be no machining, painting, cutting, grinding, or welding of parts. 16. Principal Use as permitted in B-2 Districts. 17. Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to the above Principal Uses Permitted. 18. Uses similar to the above Principal Uses Permitted. SECTION 130 I: SPECIAL LAND USES PERMITTED The following uses, and their accessory buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted under the purview of Section 2332 after review and approval of the use (and a site plan, ifrequired) by the Planning Commission, after Public Hearing, subject to the applicable conditions, and any other reasonable conditions imposed by the Planning Commission. A site plan shall not be required when there is no change to buildings or existing facilities. 1. Sales space for the sale of new and used automobiles, house trailers, travel trailers, and recreational vehicles, subject to the following ... 2. Flea markets and auctions. 3. Business in the character of a drive-in restaurant or open front store, subject to the following: .. 4. Outdoor recreational space for amusement parks, miniature golf courses) and other outdoor recreation activities subject to the following: .. 5. Outdoor theaters subject to the following conditions: ... City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/l I /02 5 6. Private clubs, lodges, social and similar facilities. 7. Churches and other facilities normally incidental thereto subject to the following conditions: ... 8. Commercial Kennels [amended 5/96] 9. Mini Storage (warehouse facilities) [amended 10/98] ... 10. Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above Special Land Uses Permitted. 11. Uses similar to the above Special Land Uses Permitted. 12. Non-accessory signs provided that the signs conform to Section 2308 (l) (f) of this code. SECTION 1302: PLANNED UNlT DEVELOPMENTS [amended 10/98] SECTION 1303: AREA AND BULK REQUIREMENTS [amended 4/00] DELIBERATION Criteria-based questions typically asked during a rezoning include: I. What, if any, identifiable conditions related to the petition have changed which justify the petitioned change in zoning. 2. What are the precedents and the possible effects of precedent which might result from the approval or denial of the petition. 3. What is the impact of the amendment on the ability of the city to provide adequate public services and facilities and/or programs that might reasonably be required in the future if the petition is approved. 4. Does the petitioned zoning change adversely affect the environmental conditions or value of the surrounding property. 5. Does the petitioned zoning change generally comply with the adopted Future Land Use Plan of the City. 6. Are there any significant negative environmental impacts which would reasonably occur if the petitioned zoning change and resulting allowed structures were built such as: a. Surface water drainage problems b. Waste water disposal problems c. Adverse effect on surface or subsurface water quality d. The loss of valuable natural 1·esources such as forest, wetland, historic sites, or wildlife areas. 7. Is the proposed zoning change a "Spot Zone"? City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/I 1/02 6 a. Is the parcel small in size relative to its surroundings? b. Would the zoning change allow uses that are inconsistent with those allowed in the vicinity? c. Would the zoning change confer a benefit to the property owner that is not generally available to other properties in the area? d. A spot zone is appropriate if it complies with the Master Plan. City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 7 CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO. 2083 An ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City to provide for a zone change for certain property from B-2 "Convenience and Comparison Business" to B-4 "General Business" THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON HEREBY ORDAINS: The zoning map of the City of Muskegon is hereby amended to change the zoning of the following described property from B-2 "Convenience and Comparison Business" to B-4 "General Business": COMMENCING ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 31, TOWN 10 NORTH, RANGE 16 WEST, 264 FEET SOUTH 88 DEGREES, 30 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 31 , THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION, 480.08 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE NORTON GLADE EXPRESSWAY, THENCE NORTH 1 DEGREE 06 MINUTES 50 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTON GLADE EXPRESSWAY 707 FEET, THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST 740.34 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 31, THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREE 26 MINUES 50 SECONDS WEST 542 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 31, THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST 264 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREE 26 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST 165 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. This ordinance adopted: Ayes: Warmington, Buie , Gawron , Larson , Schwe i fler , Shepherd, Spatar o Nayes: None Adoption Date: July 23 , 2002 Effective Date: August 1 1 , 2002 First Reading: J uly 23, 2002 Second Reading: N/ A - ~~-- ------- CERTIFICAIB (Rezoning of West Village Mall from B-2 to B-4) The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 23 rd day of July, 2002, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. DATED: ____ 'l - 2-. 9 ___, 2002. .,__ Gail Kundinger, CMC/AAE Clerk, City of Muskegon Publish: Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption. CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF ADOPTION Please take notice that on July 23, 2002, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an ordioance amending the zoning map to provide for the change of zoning of the following property from B-2 "Convenience and Comparison Business" to B-4 "General Business" 2500 Henry St. (West Village Mall): COMMENCING ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 31, TOWN 10 NORTH, RANGE 16 WEST, 264 FEET SOUTH 88 DEGREES, 30 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 31, THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 10SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SECTION, 480.08 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE NORTON GLADE EXPRESSWAY, THENCE NORTH 1 DEGREE 06 MINUTES 50 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTON GLADE EXPRESSWAY 707 FEET, THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST 740.34 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 31, THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREE 26 MINUES 50 SECONDS WEST 542 FEET ALONG THE WEST .LINE OF SAID SECTION 31, THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST 264 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 1 DEGREE 26 MINUTES 50 SECONDS WEST 165 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. Copies of the ordioance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours. This ordioance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication. !' Published (,f ry, i4 _,; af / , 2002 CITY OF MUSKEGON By _ __,,,-----,,-------- Gail A. Kundioger Its Clerk PUBLISH ONCE WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF FINAL PASSAGE. Account No. 10l-80400-5354 7/12102 4 Commission Meeting Date: July 23, 2002 Date: July 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Planning & Economic Development ~ RE: Zoning Ordinance Amendment to cha~he Floodplain Requirements to reflect recent changes in the building code. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to amend Section 2323 (Flood Hazard Areas) of Article XXIII (General Provisions) of the City's Zoning Ordinance to require that the lowest floor of a structure be compliant with the State of Michigan code. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends amendment of the Zoning Ordinance to change the proposed language in the article and section described above. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request at their 7/11 meeting, with P. Veltkamp, B. Mazade and M. Kleaveland absent. 7/12/2002 1 Staff Report [EXCERPT] CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 11, 2002 Hearing; Case 2002-31: Staff-initiated request to amend the floodplain regulations of the zoning ordinance to reflect recent changes in the building code. BACKGROUND In January, staff met with the District Floodplain Engineer from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). One recommendation which was made to staff during that meeting was that Muskegon's Zoning Ordinance should be amended to reflect the July 2001 change in the building code. The exact comment from the DEQ was stated as below: Our review indicates that the city's floodplain ordinance meets the minimum standards of the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program). However, with the new building code, there exists much potential for confusion. When referring to the elevation of the lowest floor related to the I 00-year floodplain elevation, the Muskegon Ordinance uses the "at or above" language and the building code requires at least one foot above. The more restrictive standard would apply. In order to avoid confusion, we suggest the .floodplain ordinance be amended to require the lowest floor be one foot above the I 00-year floodplain elevation or require compliance with Section 327 of the Michigan Residential Code or Section 1612 of the Michigan Building Code for non-residential buildings. Therefore staff is asking to make the amendment proposed in the language below (new language in italics, deleted language in gkiJ..@ thP1). ORDINANCE EXCERPT SECTION 2323: FLOOD HAZARD AREAS The intent of the regulations in this Section is to promote public health, safety, and general welfare and minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions. 1. Flood hazard areas shall be treated as overlay districts, which shall: a. Restrict or prohibit uses which are dangerous to health, safety, and property due to water or erosion, or in flood heights or velocities. b. Require that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction. c. Control the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels, and natural protective barriers, which are involved in the accommodation of flood waters. City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 1 d. Control filling, grading, dredging, and other development which may increase erosion or flood damage. e. Prevent or regulate the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert flood waters or which may increase flood hazards to other lands. 2. This Section shall apply to all land which is depicted on the Flood Hazard Boundary Map/Flood Insurance Rate Map 260161B dated June I, 1977 as determined by the Federal Insurance Administration. Any map amendments are hereby adopted by reference, and Flood Hazard Districts are overlay Districts. 3. All new construction and substantial improvement to structures shall be constructed so that the lowest floor, including basements shall be at least one foot"'-"" above the base flood elevation. As an alternate, residential structures must comply with Section 327 of the Michigan Residential Code or non-residential buildings with Section 1612 of the Michigan Building Code. aonr@siElantial stmct:Yrns, togathar with attamlaat ntilitfas and s:;u:iitary facilitias may l?a B@sigRGEl se that B@low t.R@ Ei.=u;G -Aood ehwation t1u; stmstlua is wat@l:tight with malls s11Bstantially imf)Gff.R@abhi to ER@ f)assag@ of ,,,at@r aBB •••itR stP1ct11ral somf)DRGnti; h:i!Jrig_g th@ sapabllffi)• of r@sisting hydrostatic :!ind h5,drac:lynamie loaEls aad Gi2facts ef Buoya1-1cy Any new and replacement water systems and sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to mm1m1ze or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the system and discharge from the system into flood waters. On-site waste disposal systems are to be located to avoid impairment to them, or contamination from them during flooding. 4. The degree of flood protection required by this Section is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and engineering considerations. Larger floods can and will occur on rare occasions. Flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This Section shall not create liability on the pmt of the City of Muskegon or by any officer or employee thereof for any flood damages that result from reliance of this Section or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. 5. When base flood elevation data has not been provided in accordance with Item 3, above, then the Zoning Administrator, shall obtain, review, and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation date available from a Federal, State, or other source. 6. Responsibilities of the Zoning Administrator shall be as follows: a. Notify adjacent communities and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources prior to any alteration or relocation of watercourse, and submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Insurance Administration. b. Obtain necessary engineering analysis to assure that the flood-can-ying capacity with the altered or relocated portion of said watercourse is maintained. c. The Zoning Administrator shall review the proposed development to assure that all necessary permits have been received from those governmental agencies from which approval is required by Federal or State Law, including Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, 33 u.s.c. 1334. d. For the purpose of the determination of applicable flood insurance risk premium rate, the Zoning Administrator shall: 1) Obtain the elevation (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest habitable floor (including basement) of all new or substantially improved structures, and determine whether or not such structures contain a basement. City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 2 2) Obtain from a Registered Professional Engineer or Architect, certification that the flood- proofing methods are adequate to withstand the flood depths, pressures, velocities, impact and uplift forces and other factors associated with the base flood so that the structure is watertight to the base flood level. 3) Maintain a record of all such information. 7. Where interpretation is needed as to the exact location of the boundaries of the areas of special flood hazards (for example, where there appears to be a conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field conditions) the Zoning Administrator shall make the necessary interpretation. The person contesting the location of the boundary shall be given reasonable opportunity to appeal the interpretation as provided in this Ordinance. No new construction, substantial improvements or other development (including fill) shall be permitted within the zones Al-30 of the City's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), unless it is demonstrated to the City Commission and/or Zoning Administrator that the cumulative effect of the proposed development will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one (I) foot at any point within the City. City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 3 CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICIDGAN ORDINANCE NO. 2084 An ordinance to amend Section 2323 (Flood Hazard Areas), of Article XXIII (General Provisions) of the City's Zoning Ordinance to amend the language for structures constructed in floodplain areas. THE CITY COI\t1MISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 2323 (Flood Hazard Areas), of Article XXIII (General Provisions) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Muskegon is hereby amended as follows: 3. All new construction and substantial improveinent to structures shall be constructed so that the lowest floor, including basements, for residential structures shall comply with Section 327 of the Michigan Residential Code or for non-residential buildings shall comply with Section 1612 of the Michigan Building Code. This ordinance adopted: Ayes: Warmington, Buie, Gawron, Larson, Schweifler, Shepherd, Spataro Nayes: None Adoption Date: July 23 , 2002 Effective Date: August 11, 2002 First Reading: July 23 , 2002 Second Reading: N/ A -~ ~--------------- CITY OF ~SKEG~N I - By: tki, Q.~ ~ Gail A. Kundinger, CityCl Commission Meeting Date: July 23, 2002 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Floodplain Regulations CERTIFICATE The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby ce1tify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the rd 23 day of July, 2002, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. f1 . / 1 , ~ DATED: July 23 , 2002. ~ ~F Gail Kundinger, CMC/AAE Clerk, City of Muskegon Publish: Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption. CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF ADOPTION Please take notice that on July 23, 2002, the City Commission of the City ofMuskegon adopted an ordinance to amend Section 2323 (Flood Hazard Areas), of Article XXIII (General Provisions) of the City's Zoning Ordinance as follows: 3. All new construction and substantial improvement to structures shall be constructed so that the lowest floor, including basements, for residential structures shall comply with Section 327 of the Michigan Residential Code or for non-residential buildings shall comply with Section 1612 of the Michigan Building Code. Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon; Michigan, during regular business hours. This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication. Published Al;J1 u _, f- / , 2002 CITY OF MUSKEGON By _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Gail A. Kundinger Its Clerk PUBLISH ONCE WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF FINAL PASSAGE. Account No. I 01-80400-5354 Commission Meeting Date: July 23, 2002 Date: July 12, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Planning & Economic Development~ RE: Request for amendment to P l a n ~ Development for Harbour Towne SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to amend the Planned Unit Development for Harbour Towne near the intersection of Fulton St. and W. Harbour Towne Circle to include three two-unit condominium buildings and twenty 'Carriage House' (garage) units. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the PUD amendment provided that the conditions listed in the attached resolution are met. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommended approval of a portion of the PUD amendment, with the conditions listed on the attached resolution. That vote was unanimous. The motion to recommend approval of the 'Carriage House' portion of the request failed on a 3-3 vote, with L. Spataro, S. Warmington, and B. Smith voting yes and J. Aslakson, P. Sartorius, and J. Stewart voting nay. P. Veltkamp, B. Mazade and M. Kleaveland were absent. 7/12/2002 CITY OF MUSKEGON RESOLUTION #2002- 88(al RESOLUTION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO TIIB PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR HARBOUR TOWNE WHEREAS, a petition for a planned unit development amendment was received from John Darien Homes, Inc.; and WHEREAS, a planned unit development amendment will allow a change in the condominium unit density and style planned for the area near the intersection of Fulton St. and W. Harbour Towne Circle; and WHEREAS, proper notice was given by mail and publication and public hearings were held by the City Planning Commission and by the City Commission to consider said petition, during which all interested persons were given an oppmtunity to be heard in accordance with provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and State Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and staff have recommended approval of a po1tion of the of the Planned Unit Development amendment with conditions as follows: 1. The proposed three 'Sandocker' buildings are approved as proposed. 2. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted showing: a. The sizes and species of proposed landscape materials as well as a cross-section of the proposed berm. Areas to be preserved shall be marked as such. 3. The original agreement for sidewalks for this Planned Unit Development is retained. 4. The applicant will work with the Fire Marshal for the required flow test. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the recommendation by the City Planning Commission be accepted and the planned unit development amendment is hereby approved with conditions. Adopted this 23 rd day of July, 2002 Ayes: Gawron , Larson, Schweifler, Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Buie Nays: None Absent None Attest:._....c::=.:__::_::.::::..=--::::::::..:_.:._....:_:~ ~ ~ ~ ¥ ~ Gail A. Kundinger, Clerk CERTIFICATE (Harbour Towne Pl.JD Amendment) The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 23 rd day of July, 2002, at which meeting a quorwn was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required ::;:D: 2002. ~ ~d'k,/ Gail Kundinger, CMC/AAE Clerk, City of Muskegon Staff Report [EXCERPT] CITY OF MUSKEGON PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 11, 2002 Hearing; Case 2002-26: Request to amend the Planned Unit Development for Harbour Towne to permit construction of additional condominium and separate garage units, by John Darien Homes, Inc. BACKGROUND Applicant: John Darien Homes, Inc. Request: To permit construction of additional condominium and separate garage units in the planned unit development. Present Land Use: Residential condominiums and vacant land. Zoning: LR, Lakefront Recreation STAFF OBSERVATIONS 1. Harbour Towne is located in the Bluffton peninsula and contains several different styles of condominium units as well as a marina and Docker's restaurant. Much of the development has already been completed, although there are several units currently under construction. 2. The development is zoned LR, Lakefront Recreation, and is under a plarmed unit development for a mixed-use residential, marina and commercial development. 3. The applicant is asking to amend the plans for a portion of the development at the northern edge near where W. Harbour Towne Circle intersects with Fulton St., just north of the Docker's parking area. The previously approved plan included two 'Baysider' 6-plex units and associated landscaping in this location. The area cunently proposed for the 'Carriage House' units was indicated to be vacant on the previously approved plan. 4. The applicant is proposing to change the units to three 'Revised Sandocker' 2-unit buildings, which would reduce the total amount of units by half for the area. As a frame of reference, the proposed buildings would be the same design as the end units of the following existing structures: 3435 Pigeon Hill Ct., 3432 Sand Dock Ct., 1575 East Harbor Circle, and 1581 East Harbor Circle. 5. The plan also calls for six 'Carriage House' buildings containing a total of 19 garage stalls, to be located between W. Harbour Towne Cir. and the Docker's parking lot. The units would consist of 2, 3, and 4-unit 'garages' intended as extra storage space for Harbour Towne residents. The buildings are shown to be 8 feet apart, with a 25-foot to 33-foot maneuvering lane in between them and two-way access to the private driveway and Marina View Point at each end. 6. All of the proposed 'Sandocker' units would take access from a drive which would be constructed off ofW. Harbour Towne Cir., with no access onto Fulton St., or into the Docker's parking lot. Individual drives for each unit would access off of the proposed new drive. City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 1 7. Staff has reviewed the submitted site plan and has the following comments: a. The site plan shows a 25-foot setback for all structnres off of both Fulton St. and W. Harbour Towne Circle. This meets setback requirements. b. The three duplex buildings are shown to be 33.39 feet apart from each other. This distance is greater than what the side setback requirement would be if each duplex were to be built on a separate lot. c. Each proposed duplex unit contains an attached garage and paved driveway, which meets the 2 space per unit requirement of the zoning ordinance. d. The proposed elevations for the 'Sandocker' units reflect 2-½ story buildings with offset rooflines, gables, decorative windows and decks off of the second story. The 'front' elevation would be visible from Fulton St., with the 'entry level' elevation visible from the access driveway interior to Harbour Towne (see enclosed elevation drawings). The majority of the buildings' windows and patio doors are on the 'front' elevation sides of the buildings. e. The height of the proposed 'Sandocker' units about the same as than the units currently under construction on the opposite corner of W. Harbour Towne Circle and Fulton St. Since the proposed buildings are a design already used in the development and single family homes are not immediately adjacent to the proposed structures, staff feels they will blend well with the area. f. The proposed 'Carriage House' units would be located on the south side of the proposed access drive, between W. Harbour Towne Cir., and the Dockers' parking lot, at the corner of W. Harbour Towne Cir. and Marina View Point. The units would be accessed both from the proposed access drive and from Marina View Point. g. The proposed setbacks from the Docker's parking area need to be provided for the 'Carriage House' units. h. The proposed elevations for the 'Carriage House' units show garage doors on the interior sides of the buildings with gabled rooflines and windows facing out toward both W. Harbour Towne Circle and the Dockers' parking lot. The street elevation shows a different style window for each unit within a building. This helps to break up the long expanse of wall and mimics the design of the condominium units already present within the Harbour Town development. The garage door side of the buildings also shows gabled rooflines and decorative windows which helps keep the stalls from looking like a commercial "mini- storage". 1. Additional landscaping should be added to both the west and east setbacks of the carriage houses to make them blend with the rest of the development. J. The 'Carriage House' units are staggered so that each unit is slightly offset from others within the same building. This will also help soften the appearance oflong continuos wall of storage along the street. k. The proposed landscape plan for the area is similar to the rest of the development and shows natural dune grass areas interspersed with lawn areas and proposed landscape elements such as shade trees, evergreen trees, small flowering trees and ornamental trees. Landscaping is provided both along the W. Harbour Towne Circle frontage, near the drive entrance, and interior to the units as well. The landscape plan shows areas of existing trees/natural area City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7/11/02 2 along the Fulton St. frontage. I. A berm is shown between the Sandocker units and the existing parking area to the south. A cross-section should be given for the berm, indicating the height of the proposed berm. The berm and evergreen trees shown will act as screening for the adjacent parking area. m. The landscape plan should indicate the sizes and species of all proposed trees. Existing trees should be protected during construction with snow fencing or other measures. n. The Fire Marshal has reviewed the site plan and has the following comment: A flow test will be required for water supply and hydrants that are currently available (Comments received 6/24). o. The City Engineer has reviewed the site plan and has no issues or concerns (Comments received 7/1 ). 8. The proposed amendment to the PUD would decrease the residential unit density in this area, but would add the garage or 'Carriage House' units, which were not previously shown on the plan. Staff sees the necessity of having extra vehicular storage available, especially in an area where many property owners will have boats or other recreational vehicles, which may otherwise be stored in more visible areas. The proposed 'Carriage House' units are well- designed, and should easily blend into the development. 9. In previous plan amendments the issue of pedestrian walkways has come up. The original PUD required that walkways (sidewalks) be provided when the PUD became more fully developed. This issue needs to be resolved. Cement sidewalks may not be practical in the development. A boardwalk may be cost prohibitive. An option may be that a pedestrian/bike lane be painted on the existing street demarking a pedestrian area that will prompt motorists to be mindful of pedestrians and cyclists. The existing swath of pavement is fairly wide and open, which can actually promote speeding in the development. PHOTOS City of Muskegon Planning Commission - 7 /11/02 3 DELIBERATION Standards for discretionary uses: (emphasis provided) I. Give due regard to thi: nature of all adjacent uses and structures and the consistency with the adjacent use and development. 2. Find that the proposed use or activity would not be offensive, or a nuisance, by reason of increased traffic, noise, vibration, or light. 3. Adequate water and sewer infrastructure exists or will be constructed to service the activity. 4. The proposed site plan complies with section 2313 (4) of the ordinance and has: a. proper ingress and egress b. sufficient parking areas, streets, roads and alleys c. screening walls and/or fences d. adequate fire and police protection e. provisions for disposal of surface water run-off, sanitary sewage f. adequate traffic control and maintenance services g. preserves property values to related or adjoining properties. City of Muskegon Planning Commission- 7/11/02 4 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION REQUEST FORM /"" Name of Speaker c:::r-e.:,~e ~/ / .C-.(7.rl-?e/4,.- ~7 Phone :? ' 7.5 CO -c,::.- / / Address/5"'&.,_Z 1,v,,;;;,,:[,-~ '" C~'v-,/!Signature / 4 ~ , A / ~ ~~I Are you representing a group ? 14:.;- If you what groupiff-,k.,,,,.. /2tY •1-<' L!o.-ve✓<'-f,•:,; <.< - d-.rc, / Agenda item you want to speak on -,"" €-e 6 ~.;::ir-- i ll - ., l1 _ /) . ... ? :::----,- ~(.:Jl<__.. / - ~~~~LA'~ Mr. ld Mrs. John B. Whitlock ·• _____,/ July 20, 2002 City Commission c/o City Clerk,City of Muskegon 933 Terrace St. P.O. Box 536 Muskegon, Mi. 49443-0536 Dear Commissioners, We have lived at 3547 Sand Bar Ct. in Harbour Towne for 31/2 years. It is a great place to live and we are enjoying it immensely. We recently received the letter from Deborah Steenhagen regarding the hearing to discuss the developer's request to approve a zoning change to his originally approved plan. The revision to the condo units is totally acceptable to us as is the addition of the "Carriage House" garages at the proposed location based upon the plans we have subsequently received from the developer. Since receiving the letter from Deborah Steenhagen and subsequent to the Planing Commission hearing , we have received letters from the developer and the Harbour Towne board regarding this proposal. It appears to us that this entire proposal could have been accomplished much faster and with much less debate and confusion if the developer had brought his proposal to the Harbour Town Board for discussion and agreement prior to the date of the Planning Commission hearing. The comments and objections we have heard from fellow owners is primarily due to lack of information which we feel resulted from poor or lack of communication between the developer and the Harbour Town Board and subsequently to the owners. A major question among the owners is who will own and maintain the garage units and will they meet the current standards and color scheme of the development. Also, with regard to the subject of adding sidewalks to the development, we walk frequently and ride bikes on the streets with no problems whatsoever. We feel the addition of sidewalks would greatly detract from the character of the development and would not be worth the added cost to install as well as the costDo · taiZ'n the . Sincerely, ~, _--::__, , tt;;· ' 2K6~L~ J - ~ Jim and Kay DeVries 3553 Marina View Point Muskegon,MI49441 July 18, 2002 City Commission City of Muskegon 933 Terrace Street P.O. Box 536 Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Re: Carriage House units at Harbour Towne Dear Members of the City Commission, As you consider the proposal before you, that of the Harbour Towne Carriage House garage/storage units, please regard the need for such units, the tastefol design of the units (which are in keeping with the integrity of the Harbour Towne Condominium development) and the appropriate location of those units. The developer, John Darien Homes, has carefully scrutinized the location (best-use-of land), and skillfully created a most attractive and workable unit plan. There are many here in Harbour Towne who would like to have an extra garage but cannot because of the configuration of our own buildings. We are among that number and we ask that you vote to approve. July 19,2002 City Commission % City Clerk City of Muskegon 933 Terrace Street PO Box 536 Muskegon MI 49443-0536 I have just purchased a condominium at 1337 West Harbour Towne Circle that is directly across the street from the proposed "Carriage House,, units in Harbour Towne. I am totally in support of the Developer's plan. I feel the design of the buildings and the availability of additional garage or storage units will add to the value ofmy condominium. Sincerely, Richard Stutzman & Terry Jager ~~/? ~~ [)/J 117U July 22, 2002 City Commission City of Muskegon 933 Terrace Street Muskegon MI 49441 As a resident in Harbour Towne and the owner of Dockers Restaurant I wish to go on record in favor of the Developer's proposal to add some storage space in the fonn of Carriage Houses near the entrance to Dockers parking lot. My residence, adjoining the parking lot, is only a few feet from the planned storage units. In the seven years I have been in operation many of my Harbour Towne customers have commented on the need for this type of facility. During this past week a number have expressed support for the plan. The units will be attractive and will form a nice barrier between Harbour Towne Circle and the parking lot. Sincerely, 0 17 "7 ~ Gary thrasher 3633 Marina View Point Muskegon MI 49441 ROBERT L. WHEATON 1446 EAST HARBOUR TOWNE CIRCLE MUSKEGON , MICH I GAN 49441 ,Tuly 19 , 2002 Muskegon City ~ommissidm , My wife and I have been residents of Harbou r Towne for nine years. ~ e llve in one of the first units that were built . we have watched it grow to its present size, and would l ike to t hink tha t it is , as a r ecen t Ghroninle arti cl e described it , an ''up-sc a l e 11 residenti ol co,nmllni t y. we feel that the construc t jon of two rows of coach-houses , orgar ug es , or whatever the develope r chooses to call his sto rage sheds is anything but 11 up-scale", and would '1/#t J.fJIOlol ~ - ~, /",,_ r;" (ir7 UJ~K / M<--1'1a(.,,.~ ;.Afa11;' ffi 'i..f ------ ,$rlJ,J /I, 2 17> ,w- .z?~ T::__rA'-_!Y' !M1,sJ.rr J.-t;,(l'ff'/L ( V()l-/.,ti y If .f 714.f'C/1, 1.Z NJ I ;v y'Ot/~ W 77/,rl6/) C>F I r/1-s fl rl/AJ?tJN AJa,c.l'~;t. ( ;{,(I 7lt;J ,-.1 'T {j-,/ VL pf ./4 fl•~ v;~ rfo 71/1 /Cl;C , r tJ V.4-e. • '!'-'fr/Un_ I r:Icu~!::. ~ "J,J;;../ ;--0/'6'. /iM.. f rs JII' t, f(JlJJl /;~ I , R~o/212 I \ ~ lJ-A.-- '(! ' '~f . P-c, if 1 P o.n.l:rtw.}1_~u_./ 71., /,o • 1 (Gn,.. 1~--1 - J j) ''t?11, r j floa 0' /_.,, ·· 1 ,- If JJ~✓ <: I z~q,) Jko;_ ~ -a/, ,~_;3? PETITION We the undersigned as resident owners of the community of Harbour Towne and members of the Harbour Towne Condominium Association hereby petition to be in favor of the placement of sidewalks on the far right side of Harbor Towne Circle Drive as one travels from either entrance toward Pigeon Hill Court. SIGNATURE NAME (PRINT) ADDRESS DATE '\ - ~- 1 PETITION We the undersigned as resident owners of the community of Harbour Towne and members of the Harbour Towne Condominium Association hereby petition to be in favor of the placement of sidewalks on the far right side of Harbor Towne Circle Drive as one travels from either entrance toward Pigeon Hill Court. SIGNATURE NAME (PRINT) ADDRESS DATE PETITION We the undersigned as resident owners of the community of Harbour Towne and members of the Harbour Towne Condominium Association hereby petition to be in favor of the placement of sidewalks on the far right side of Harbor Towne Circle Drive as one travels from either entrance toward Pigeon Hill Court. SIGNATURE NAME (PRINT) ADDRESS DATE PETITION We the undersigned as resident owners of the community of Harbour Towne and members of the Harbour Towne Condominium Association hereby petition to be in favor of the placement of sidewalks on the far right side of Harbor Towne Circle Drive as one travels from either entrance toward Pigeon Hill Court. SIGNATURE NAME (PRINT) ADDRESS DATE Date: July 23, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Finance Director RE: Second Quarter 2002 Budget Reforecast SUMMARY OF REQUEST: At this time staff is transmitting the Second Quarter 2002 Budget Reforecast which outlines proposed changes to the original budget that have come about as result of changes in policy priorities, labor contracts, updated information, or other factors. For the next meeting, an action item will be placed on the agenda for adoption of the proposed budget reforecast together with any additional changes deemed necessary by Commissioners. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The second quarter 2002 Budget Reforecast reflects continued falloff in general fund revenues due to the economy. Significant downward adjustments have been made in the areas of city income tax, state shared revenues and interest income. Also, budgets for some areas (particularly City Attorney, Fire Safety Inspections and Environmental Services) have had to be increased due to unforeseen service demands and/or labor contract issues. Accordingly, the following budget adjustments are proposed: 1) postponement of the scheduled renovation of the Reese Playfield restrooms ($150,000), 2) postponement of purchase of an alternate power supply for City Hall ($100,000), 3) reduction and reallocation of $50,000 originally earmarked for fire station property acquisition to instead be used for a fire station location and operations study. At this time we also forecast the need for a year- end transfer of $300,000 from the city's budget stabilization (i.e. "rainy day'') fund to the general fund. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: Self-explanatory. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Commission should review the Reforecast to ensure it reflects their policy initiatives. At the next City Commission meeting, staff will request formal approval of the Reforecast and related budget amendments. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: There is no committee recommendation at this time. 9/18/97 1 Date: July 23, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Finance Director RE: Reimbursement Resolution for Smartzone Costs SUMMARY OF REQUEST: In conjunction with the Smartzone development, the City may issue bonds at a later date to construct the GVSU Research/Incubator building. Contracts for the work may be let prior to the issuance of bonds so it is prudent to adopt the attached "reimbursement resolution". This action will allow the City to reimburse itself from bond proceeds for project costs incurred prior to the time bonds are sold. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Costs of adopting the resolution are minimal. Taking care of this preliminary step will permit the City to move ahead with the planned project and reimburse itself from proceeds from bonds issued at a later date. Formal project approval will require several additional commission actions at late dates for contract award, bond authorization, etc. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the attached resolution. 9/18/97 Founded in 1852 MICHIGAN: Ann Arbor by Sidney Davy Miller Detroit• Grand Rapids MILLER Howell • Kalamazoo Lansing• Monroe• Troy CANFIELD MILLER, CANFIEW, PADDOCK AND STONE, P.LC. New York, N.Y. Washington, D.C. CANADA; Windsor, ON 1852-2002 POLAND: Gdynia Katowice • Warsaw 150 West Jefferson, Suite 2500 AFFILIATED OFFICE: DONALD D. NYSTROM Detroit, Michigan 48226 Pensacola, FL TEL: (313) 496-8421 TEL: (313) 963-6420 FAX: (313) 496-8450 FAX: (313) 496-7500 E-MAIL: July 17, 2002 via email a11d 1st class mail Mr. Timothy J. Paul, Finance Director City of Muskegon 933 Terrace St PO Box 536 Muskegon,MI 49443-0536 Re: City of Muskegon LDFA Financing Dear Tim: Enclosed please find a Notice of Intent to Reimburse Resolution (the "Resolution") drafted in anticipation of the regular City Commission meeting on July 23, 2002. This Resolution authorizes various City officials to file the necessary applications and documents to the Michigan Department of Treasury to facilitate the Local Development Finance Authority of the City of Muskegon's ability issue bonds for the technology center and business incubator. Additionally, this Resolution declares the City's intent to be reimbursed from the future bond proceeds for any expenditures undertaken on behalf of the Authority to complete the project. Once adopted by the City Commission, please return three (3) executed copies of the Resolution to Pat McGow or me, for our records. Thank you in advance, and if you have questions, please feel free to give Pat or me a call. cc: Patrick F. McGow, Esq. (w/out enclosure) DELIB:2336747.1 \063684-00031 CITY OF MUSKEGON COUNTY OF MUSKEGON, STATE OF MICHIGAN NOTICE OF INTENT TO REIMBURSE RESOLUTION 2002-SS(c) Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan (the "City") held on the 23rd day of July, 2002, at 5:30 o'clock p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. PRESENT: Members Spataro, Warmington, Buie, Gawron. Larson. Schweifler, and She herd ABSENT: Members _-'N"'o"'n,.,,e~--------------------- The following preamble and resolution were offered by Member ~S""c""h"'w,.,e,,i'-'-f-"'l"'e'-r___ and supported by Member ---"B"'u"'i"'e_ _ _ __ f WHEREAS, the Local Development Finance Authority of the City of Muskegon (the !! "Authority") intends to issue and sell its tax increment revenue bonds supported by the City's limited tax • general obligation pledge, pursuant to Act 281. Public Acts of Michigan, 1986, as amended, in an I o amount not to exceed Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000) for the purpose of paying part of the cost of acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping a technology center and business incubator and I infrastructure and other site improvements and appurtenances related thereto witmn the Authority's district (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the City intends, at this time to state its intention to be reimbursed from proceeds of the bonds for any expenditures undertaken by the City on behalf of the Authority for the Project prior to issuance of the bonds; and WHEREAS, the Authority and the City must either be granted qualified status within the meaning of Act 34, Public Act of Michigan, 2001, as amended, or receive prior approval of the bonds from the Michigan Department of Treasury (the "Department"). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: I. The Mayor, City Manager, City Finance Director and City Clerk each is authorized to file the Application for State Treasurer's Approval to Issue Long-Term Securities for prior approval of the bonds from the Department and to pay the fees relating thereto, and are further authorized to apply for any waivers or other orders from the Department as may be necessary or advisable to issue, sell and deliver the bonds as contemplated herein and to pay any filing fees related thereto. 2. , The City makes the following declarations for the purpose of complying with the reimbursement rules of Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2 pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended: (a) As of the date hereof, the City reasonably expects to reimburse the City for the expenditures described in (b) below with proceeds of debt to be incurred by the City. (b) The expenditures described in this paragraph (b) are for the costs of acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping the Project which were or will be paid subsequent to sixty (60) days prior to the date hereof. (c) The maximum principal amount of debt expected to be issued for the Project, including issuance costs, is $6,000,000. (d) A reimbursement allocation of the expenditures described in (b) above with the proceeds of the borrowing described herein will occur not later than 18 months after the later of (i) the date on whic}l the expenditure is paid, or (ii) the date the Project is placed in service or abandoned, but in no event more than three (3) years after the original expenditure is paid. A reimbursement allocation is an allocation in writing that evidences the City's use of the proceeds of the debt to be issued for the Project to reimburse the City for a capital expenditure made pursuant to this resolution. (e) The expenditures described in (b) above are "capital expenditures" as defined in Treas. Reg. § 1.150-1 (b), which are any costs of a type which are properly chargeable to a capital account (or would be so chargeable with a proper election or with the application of the definition of placed in service under Treas. Reg. § l .150-2(c)) under general Federal income tax principles (as determined at the time the expenditure is paid). (f) No proceeds of the borrowing paid to the City in reimbursement pursuant to this resolution will be used in a manner described in Treas. Reg. § l.150-2(h) with respect to abusive uses of such proceeds, including, but not limited to, using funds corresponding to the proceeds of the borrowing in a manner that results in the creation of replacement proceeds (within Treas. Reg.§ 1.148-1) within one year of the reimbursement allocation described in (d) above. 3. All resolutions and parts ofresolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded. AYES: Members Shepherd, Spataro, Warmington, Buie, Gawron, Larson, and Schweifler NAYS: Members None -==---------------------- -2- RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a ·true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, at a regular meeting held on July 23, 2002, and that said meeting was c0nducted and public notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open Meetings Act, being Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, and that the minutes of said meeting were kept and will be or have been made available as required by said Act. DELIB:2336533.11063684-00031 -3- Affirmative Action (231)724-6703 FAX: (231)722-1214 A11sessor/Equallzatlon (231)724-6708 lFAX: (231)726-5181 Cemetery Deparhnent (231)724-6783 FAX: (231)726-5617 Clty Manager (231)724-6724 FAX: (231)722-1214 West Mlcllllgan's Shorefllmle rc;ty Civil Service (231)724-6716 FAX: (231)724-4405 Clerk (231)724-6705 FAX: (231)724-4178 Community and August 2, 2002 Neigh. Services (231)724-6717 FAX: (231)726-2501 Computer Info. Systems (231)724-6744 Mr. Donald D. Nystrom FAX: (231)722-4301 Miller, Canfield, Paddock Engineering Dept. & Stone, P.L.C. (231)724-6707 150 West Jefferson, Suite 2500 FAX: (231)727-6904 Detroit, MI 48226 Finance Dept, (231)724-6713 FAX: (231)724-6768 Dear Mr. Nystrom: Fire Department (231)724-6792 Enclosed are three notice of intent to reimburse resolutions that were adopted at FAX: (231)724-6985 the July 23, 2002, City Commission Meeting. Income Tax (231)724-6770 FAX: (231)724-6768 Thank you, Inspection Services (231)724-6715 FAX: (231)728-4371 Leisure Services Linda Potter (231)724-6704 FAX: (231)724-1196 Deputy City Clerk Mayor's Office (231)724-6701 Enc. FAX: (231)722-1214 Phmnlng/Zonlng (231)724-6702 FAX: (231)724--6790 Police Deptartment (231)724-6750 FAX: (231)722-5140 Public Works Dept. (231 )724-4100 FAX: (231)722-4188 Treasurer's Office (231)724-6720 FAX: (231)724-6768 Water BIiling Dept. (231)724-6718 FAX: (231)724-6768 Water Filtration (231)724-4106 FAX: (231)755-5290 Cnty of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, il'.O. !lllo,: 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Commission Meeting Date: July 23, 2002 Date: July 17, 2002 To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission From: Planning & Economic Development Department C,/3C. RE: Renaissance Zone Proposals SUMMARY OF REQUEST: There were six Renaissance Zone Proposals received on July 14. Staff has reviewed them and prepared a spreadsheet outlining their conformity to the City's Renaissance Zone Policy and the requirements of the RFP (see attached). Staff is recommending that we proceed with discussions on the following proposals: Shaw Walker, the Mall, Seaway/Grooters, Cordova and Mart Dock. A final recommendation will be brought to the City Commission at a later date. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None, at this time. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To authorize staff to proceed with discussions on the five proposals listed above, and to bring back a final recommendation in the future. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None. Staff report on Renaissance Zone Proposals - July 17, 2002 Six proposals were received related to the RFP. These included proposals requesting Renaissance Zones for: I 1. The Shaw Walker building 2. West Michigan Steel 3. Cordova Chemical Site in Dalton Township 4. The Muskegon Mall property 5. The Mart Dock property 6. Grooters At this time staff is recommending that we proceed with discussions on the Shaw Walker building, Cordova Chemical Site, the Muskegon Mall property, the Mart Dock prope1ty, Grooters. Recent meetings with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation have identified additional criteria to consider when analyzing new Renaissance Zone applications. These include whether or not the proposal is speculative, and if it is speculative if the property is publicly owned or controlled. Outlined below are summaries of the proposals along with some of the critical issues that need to be negotiated. Shaw-Walker Building The proposed use for this property is for a mixed-use development with market rate housing being the main focus. First phase of development would include investment of $3 million. The project would retain jobs and possibly create more in the future. The project reutilizes an underutilized piece of property with a use that the city would like to see on that site. Critical issues that need to be discussed include whether or not the Knoll portion should be pait of the Zone, and what guarantee the owners will agree to (pe1formance bond, etc.) Other items that need to be identified are the amount of taxes given up both with and without Knoll included. Grooters Development Co. Grooters proposes to construct a new industrial facility in the Seaway Industrial Park. Investment will be over $3 million. This project is not speculative. The project will create 80 jobs. It is expected that this project would be a catalyst for other projects in the Seaway Industrial Parle Critical issues to be examined are whether the City should designate just certain parcels or the entire park, also whether or not this is the best place for a Renaissance Zone. There is a possibility that this could be an extension of an existing Renaissance Zone and not a new zone. Again the amount of tax loss needs to be examined closer. Grooters has expressed a willingness to put up a performance bond. Cordova Chemical Site The County and Muskegon Area First submitted the proposal for the Cordova Chemical Site. This proposal compliments the SmartZone project. Currently the City lacks significant amounts of industrial space. This project would make 200 acres available for development. Designation of this site would require that the City enter into a P. A. 425 agreement with Dalton Township. There are a number of critical issues that would need to be negotiated prior to designation of a renaissance Zone. These include: provision of utilities to the site, tax-sharing arrangements, and restrictions on companies locating in the park. Muskegon Mall This proposal was submitted by the Muskegon Downtown Development Cmporation. It is anticipated that the Mall would be redeveloped to include a mixture of housing, retail, and office space. Property is vacant and the project would be a catalyst for redevelopment. There are a number of critical issues associated with this project. These include mall ownership/control and timing. At this time the issue of who will own the mall is still up in the air. The City would probably not want to designate the area as a Renaissance Zone until this issue is clearer. Also, the timing of this may hurt the project, as there is a September 30 th deadline for designating the remaining zones. Mart Dock The Mart Dock submitted the only proposal for expansion of an existing Renaissance Zone. This proposal outlines a number of potential uses. Included in the proposal are Great Lakes Memorial And Museum, Cross Lake Ferry, Farmers Market, Convention Center, Public Access, Marina, Lakefront Residential Community. The site could be considered underutilized and the projects outlined in the proposal could be a catalyst for further development. However, most of these projects are speculative and outside the control of the owners of the Mart Dock property. Critical issues which would need to be negotiated is a commitment to specific projects and a performance bond for those projects. Also, the impact of tax loss needs to be examined further. West Michigan Steel Foundry Staff is recommending that we not proceed with negotiations with West Michigan Steel. While the property is underutilized no specific project is identified to remedy the situation. No new use is expected. Proposals for New Renaissance Zones, Page 1 4. Provide development incentives in conjunction 3. Revitalize and with building 5. Use Can project reutilize and site remaining work in Identify the Consistent with policy? 2. Encourage private vacanUunderutili devel. zones existing Ren parcels being Describe the Amount of New Ren Zone Proposal 1. Create new jobs? investment, zed properties, requirements strategically Zone proposed proposed use investment Market rate Retain 75 jobs, anticipate Shaw Walker housing, Mixed Shaw Walker Building future job creation $3 million+ Yes Yes No building use First phase: $3 million Part or all of Seaway industrial Grooters/Seaway Ind.Park Create 80 jobs $3 million Yes Yes No park Industrial $3 million Cordova Chemical Estimate: up to 2000 over Estimate:$60 million site in Dalton Estimate:$60 million in Cordova Chemical Site life of project in private investment Yes Yes No Township Industrial private investment Mixed use: Housing, office, Muskegon Mall yes Yes Yes Yes No Muskegon Mall retail Unknown Continuation of existing use. Proposal does Purchase price of not address Purchase price of $2.4 $2.4 million, $500,000 Use would any site West Michigan million, $500,000 Makary And Associates Retain 150 jobs annual expenditures remain the same changes No Steel Property Industrial annual expenditures Proposals for New Renaissance Zones, Page 2 Detailed Full commitment Evidence the project Number ofjobs preliminary from owner meets the threshold Public ownership New Ren Zone Proposal created/ retained Timing site plan /developer criteria Speculative ? or control Critical issues Taxes Vacant, (..;ata1yst ror development, functionally obsolete, property is underutilized, results in No. Commitment to Include Knoll Group 75 if Knoll is kept Start within 3 Site plan is market rate housing in investment/perform or not. Difference in Shaw Walker Building in months included Yes CBD ance bond No. taxes Designate some or all of Seaway vacant , catalyst for Dependent on Industrial Park. Can Site plan is investment, property is whether whole we extend an Grooters/Seaway Ind.Park 80 created Unknown included Yes underutilized No park is a Ren Zone existing zone? Tax Sharing? Provision of services? Estimate: up to County is vacant , catalyst for Restrictions on who 2000 over life of Site plan is committed to investment, property is Yes, but publicly can locate in the Cordova Chemical Site project Unknown included developing underutilized owned Yes park. Vacant, Catalyst for development, functionally obsolete, property is underutilized, results in market rate housing in Yes, but could be Anticipate public Control/ Ownership Muskegon Mall Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown CBD publicly owned control in the future of property. Timing. No specific Map is Property is more than project is included, but Unknown; no 50% vacant but no Makary And Associates/West listed, no no changes to specific project is plans for remedying the No specific project Amount of taxes Michigan Steel 150 jobs retained time!ine site are given listed situation are given is listed No abated. Projects? Expansion of Existing Renaissance Zone, Page 1 4. Provide development incentives in 3. Revitalize and conjunction with 5. Use reutilize building and site remaining Can project work Expand Existing Ren Consistent with policy? 2. Encourage private vacanUunderutili deveL zones in existing Ren Identify the parcels Describe the Zone Proposal 1. Create new jobs? investment, zed properties, requirements strategically Zone being proposed proposed use Great lakes Memorial and Museum, Cross Lake Ferry, Farmers Market, Convention Center, Public Proposal suggests 114+ Estimates of $30 Property could Proposal does Expansion of Access, Marina, jobs but most projects are million: Mostly be considered not make any existing zone would Lakefront Residential Mart Dock speculative speculative underutilized commitments Yes be necessary Mart Dock property Community Expansion of Existing Renaissance Zone, Page 2 Detailed Full commitment Evidence the project Expand Existing Ren Zone Amount of Number of jobs preliminary site from owner meets the threshold Public ownership Proposal investment created/ retained Timing plan /developer criteria Speculative ? or control Taxes Project could result in market rate housing, Proposal says that Property could be Proposal suggests property owners considered Estimates of $30 114+ jobs but most are committed, but underutilized, project million: Mostly projects are Site plan has been most projects are could be a catalyst for Mart Dock speculative speculative Unknown included speculative major development Yes No AGENDA ITEM NO. - - - - - - - - CITY COMMISSION MEETING 7/22/02 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Lee J. Slaughter, Assistant City Manager DATE: July 16, 2002 RE: Local Law Enforcement Block Grant - Joint Spending Agreement SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve a joint spending agreement with the County for the City's Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG). This is required because the U.S. Department of Justice has determined that disparate funding exists. FINANCIAL IMP ACT: City of Muskegon $62,710 Muskegon County $24,146 (use is for jail security services) $86,856 BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the above distribution. DATE: July 16, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and Commissioners FROM: Robert B. Grabinski, Director of Inspection Services RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #:99-36 Address: 1969 Hoyt. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 1969 Hoyt, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. Case# & Project Address: #99-36, 1969 Hoyt. Location and ownership: This structure is located on Hoyt Street between Reynolds and Leahy in the Marsh Neighborhood. It is owned by David VanKammen who lives at 2086 Estes. Staff Correspondence: A dangerous building inspection was conducted 8/5/96. It was declared unsafe by the HBA on 6/5/97. The City Commission concurred with the HBA on 7/22/97 and ordered it demolished. A TRO was issued 9/17/97. The deadline for the TRO was 1/31/98 and repairs were not completed. On 11/4/99, 8/17/00, and 6/6/02 the HBA again declared the structure unsafe. Owner Contact: Mr.VanKammen has been in contact with Bob Grabinski and has promised to complete repairs, but does not follow through. An electrical permit was issued 7/3/02. Financial Impact: General Funds Budget action required: None State Equalized value: $16,300 Estimated cost to repair: $10,000 Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish. City Commission Recommendation: The commission will consider this item at it's meeting Tuesday, July 23, 2002. F:\lnspections\Grabinski_[ ,orrainc\ Word\CC MEETJNGS\Agenda - 1969 Hoyt.doc page 1 of! \ - - - _J l __ - - - - - _j I_ - - - - i ____ _i \_ rr ':- ~ 0 - - _jBL_ i---- ---- -.•:: - I 1 -----7 ~\ - - --= _.--_--=- - --:_ - -- ~\ ----- - ~\------ ~ a ------ - ~-~- l--- (J)K- - -- I ' i 1 - - - :.A}~~---= =- I- -- I __ ---·'\-- - 1 - _j_ - - J"~ 180 ;r- I --- - 0 ----- " 1------- r_m[-'"-~r I -------- ,1, I- - --- -1-·'""- [ -""_'-_ L ---} f[::: -~~ -~~-L-~Y 1 9"' - ~ ~,i:JI- --~=-~ ;~r~=- ~-_-tllLl ~1~~-:_i-=-~\ _-_-_-- ;~" ---- -- ---(!),, § J l "1----- 'il! l- _______ JI § ~D----- '., fl1- - _/r---1\;, §I .1----- 1• ,, 1------~ ' i------ - £~~ _ gD-l _ J_ \ ' ~ J-- :~ 1------- ~L ~ ~-==--tf!t: ~~=~=-f i ]l: - - •------- / 5 }~-~J -=-~ ------,: i---- - 1 }- - - l =- = \ 1- 7'."-- C --------- ____ 0 J __ - \ ':£ 1 1------- ~- - - - - j - ------- ~ " I I I oi 1-------- ' - - - - - -- __L --- - --- _i __ j \ ( ( For The Inspection Dept. 195275 City of Muskegon FROM CITY ASSESSOR'S RECORDS OWNER David A. VanKammen, 2086 Estes st. PROPERTY 1969 Hoyt PLATE# 00-11299 DESCRIPTION Plat A Muskegon Heights, Lot 9, Block 26 FROM RECORDS OF TRANSNATION TITLE COMPANY LIBER: 1648 PAGE: 438 DATE OF DEED: July 1, 1987 GRANTOR: Department of Natural Resources for the State of Michigan GRANTEE: David A. VanKammen LIENS OR MORTGAGES: Liber 1359, Page 896 DATE: August 8, 1996 at 8:00 AM ABSTRACTED BY, TRANSNATION TITL t,,,,:u,,, L ~j'C ~,1~21~ Affirmatin Action 616nl4--670J FAxn22-1214 i .\SS6SOr 616n24-6708 FAxn24-4178 Cemetery 616n2u1BJ FAxn26-S617 Civil Service 6I6n24-6716 FAxn24-6790 West Mlcblgan's Sborellne Oty Clerk 616n24-670S FAxn24-4178 Comm. & Neigh. Services MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS 6t6n24-6717 FAxn26-2S0I DATE: November 10, 1999 Engineering 6t6n24-6707 FAxn27-6904 CASE: #99-36 - 1969 Hoyt Finance 6I6n24-671J David VanKammen FAX/724-6768 2086 Estes Fire Dept. Muskegon, Ml 49441 616n24-6792 FAxnlU98S FINDING OF FACTS AND ORDER Income Tax 616n2u110 FAxn24-6768 The following action was taken at a session of the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals th Info. Systems held at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace, Muskegon, Michigan on the 4 of November 616n24-6975 FAxn24-6768 1999. Leisure Service 6t6n24-6704 The Inspection Services Department of the City of Muskegon, having inspected the building FAX/724-6790 structure located upon the property described as Plat A Muskegon Heights Lot 9 Blk 26 also !\tanager's Office known as 1969 Hoyt found the conditions listed on the attached pages exist and that these 6t6n24-6724 conditions are hazardous as defined in Section 4-23 of the Code of Ordinances. FAX/722-1214 Mayor's Office The Board further found that these conditions exist to the extent of endangering life, safety 616/724-6701 FAX/722-1214 and the general welfare of the public. Neigh. & Const. Services Therefore, in accordance with Section 4-25 of the Code of Ordinances, the structure is 616/724-6715 FAX/726-2501 declared to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance. Planning/Zoning 616/724-6702 It is, therefore, ordered that the owners or other interested parties take such action to repair FAX/724-6790 or remove said structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order. Police Dept. 6t6n24-6750 It is further ordered that if the owners or other interested parties fail to repair or remove said FAX/722-5140 structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order, the Building Public Works 616/724-4I00 Official shall take bids and remove said structure. FAXflll-4188 Treasurer 616/724-6720 FAxn24-6768 Water Dept. 616/724-6718 FAxn24-6768 Waler Fillra.tion 616/7U-4106 FAxnSS-5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 ( Inspection for 1969 Hoyt St. 9-30-99 1. Chimney on re-roof is not flashed properly. 2. Re-roof is not capped properly. 3. Shed roof to gabled roof is not flashed properly. 4. Trim moulding is missing on West Side of roof. 5. West End of gable is not properly weather protected. 6. Roofing is blocking ventilation stack. 7. Debris on front egress landing. 8. Trim painting not complete. 9. Foundation tuckpointing not complete. 10. Window broken. 11. Rear egress landing not built to code. 12. Debris stored on property. 13. House full of debris. (Fire Hazard) 1. Graffiti on garage walls. 2. Garage is full of debris. (Fire hazard) ~/Jtr ~qh~-7 Jerry McIntyre, Building Official LAW OFFICES OF 0. 11{0MAS IOHNSON GEORGED. VANEPPS PARMENTER O'TooLE OF COUNSEL TIIOMAS J. O'TOOLE JOHN M. BRIGGS, III A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ERICJ. FAURI MICHAEL L ROLF 175 WEST APPLE AVENUE GEORGE W. JOHNSON RETIRED W. BRAD GROOM MAILING ADDRESS ROBERT L FORSYTHE JOHN C. SCHRIER P.O. BOX786 ARTHURM.RUDE CHRISTOPHER L. KELLY HAROLD M. STREET LINDA S. KAARE MUSKEGON, Ml 49443-0786 TELEPHONE: 616,722,1621 FAX 616•722°7866 or 616°728°2206 PAUL T. SORENSEN 1920-1966 WILLIAM J. MEIER GEORGE A. PARMENTER 1903-1993 KEirn L. McEVOY CYRUS M. POPPEN 1903-1996 JEANE. CHARBONEAU MYRA DUITON-JOHNSON JAMES R. SCHEUERLE ANNA K. URICK February 3, 1998 Mr. Ed Wasiura Fax 722 7399/Mail Knudsen and Wasiura, Attorneys 301 Ameribank Bldg. Muskegon, MI 49440 Re: Van Kammen Dangerous Bldg Case Circuit Ct. File 97-3-37615 CH .. Dear Ed, Mr. VanKammen has not completed the work required by the judgment, and the deadline, January 31, 1998, is past. He has drawn down all but 2400.00, but he has not completed anything except correcting the roof sag. In accordance with the judgment, the city is documenting the conditions involved, and going out for bids to demolish the house. If there are any questions, please call. Schmelzinger 0 / G:ICOMMON\5\GTJ\C-VKAM2.LTR Neighborhood and Construction Services Department Memo To: Dan Schmelzin'1 From: George Dood 1/ CC: Jerry McIntyre Date: 2/2/1998 Re: 1969 Hoyt follow-up inspection 1. ROOF DETERIORATED WITH OPEN HOLES. INCOMPLETE 2. ROOF BOWED. CORRECTED 3. PAINT PEELING AND BLISTERING ON HOUSE. INCOMPLETE 4. ELECTRIC WIRES RUBBING ON ROOF. CORRECTED 5. REAR PORCH FOUNDATION SETTLING AND ROTTED WOOD. INCOMPLETE 6. REAR STEPS DETERIORATED. INCOMPLETE 7. REAR PORCH ROOF ROTTED. INCOMPLETE 8. NO HANDLE ON FRONT DOOR. CORRECTED GARAGE: 1. ROTTED WOOD. INCOMPLETE 2. UNSAFE EGRESS ROUTES. GARAGE FULL OF DEBRIS Page 1 BillLDING INSPECTION REQIDRED REPAIRS 1969HOYT SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 Structural 1. Properly size, support, and fasten floor joist in basement. 2. Repair/replace approximately eight split floor joists. 3. Repair foundation wall, including tuckpointing, patching holes, and anchoring loose block. 4. Properly size roofrafters on rear of house. 5. Smoke detectors required per 1995 CABO I & II Family Building Code. 6. Tear off old roof and rotted boards and replace. 7. Repair rotted eaves. 8. Replace rotted boards on front porch. 9. Plumb pillar and repair foundation on NE corner of front porch. 10. Repair broken windows, including glass, glazing, and rotted wood. 11. Repair rear porch landing and steps. 12. Rear porch must have proper sill plate. 13. Doors and windows must work properly. 14. Repair chimney and cap. 15. Garage - Roof, rotted boards, rotted studs and rotted and missing siding must be replaced. Electrical I. Upgrade service to I 00 amps (service undersized, circuits doubled up, circuits overfused). 2. Add at least I basement outlet (must be GFI protected). 3. Install adequate lighting in basement. 4. Smoke detector required in basement, in each sleeping room and adjacent to the entryway to each sleeping room. 5. Add circuit for laundry facilities. 6. Rear entryway had improperly tenninated and exposed knob and tube wiring that must be removed. 7. Exposed non-metallic sheathed cable for garage light must be protected by raceway. 8. Rear entry way must be served by light and switch. 9. Rear exterior door must be served by light and switch. 10. Non-metallic sheathed cable in pantry damaged and must be replaced. 11. Switch box in pantry too small and not grounded. 12. Bathroom is not served by a receptacle (must be on 20 amp circuit and.GFI protected). 13. Rear bedroom is missing switch for light in room. 14. Light fixture must be replaced in rear bedroom. 15. Rear bedroom only served by one outlet. ( 16. Outlet for _refrigerator in kitchen missing: 17. Replace light over kitchen sink. 18. Light over kitchen sink must be switched. 19. Recommend rewiring kitchen outlets to comply with 1996 National Electrical Code. 20. Add at least 2 new receptacles in dining room (all new receptacles to be on 20 amp circuit). 21. Middle bedroom is missing switch for light in room . . 22. Light fixture must be replaced in middle bedroom. 23. Light fixture must be replaced in front bedroom. 24. Front exterior door must be served by light and switch. Plumbing/Mechanical I. Furnace needs to be certified safe for operation by licensed mechanical contractor. 2. Water piping not complete to water heater; water piping is undersized 1/2" and not to code. 3. Bathtub trap and sink waste lines are old lead and not to code. 4. Vent for kitchen sink waste terminates inside of house, must go through roof. 5. Bathroom sink waste line is taped together, no shut off valves to fixture. 6. Kitchen sink has no shut off valves to fixture. 7. Toilet and bathtub have no shut off valves. 8. Chimney needs to be inspected by licensed mechanical contractor and certified safe for operation. 9. Note: Plumbing system could not be checked due to no water. ;/lt/y 7 -~00D, DATE BUILDING INSPECTOR D~, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ~M~ ::ING/MECHANICAL INSPECTOR ( 1969HOYT 9/16/1997 REQUIRED REPAIRS 1. PROPERLY SIZE , SUPPORT , AND FASTEN FLOOR JOIST IN BASEMENT. 2. REP AIR/ REPLACE APPROXIMATELY EIGHT SPLIT FLOOR JOIST. 3. REPAIR FOUNDATION WALL INCLUDING TUCK POINTING, PATCHING HOLES, AND ANCHORING LOOSE BLOCK. 4. PROPERLY SIZE ROOF RAFTERS ON REAR OF HOUSE. 5. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED PER 1995 CABO I AND II BUILDING CODE. 6. TEAR OFF OLD ROOF AND ROTTED BOARDS AND REPLACE. 7. REP AIR ROTTED EVES. 8. REPLACE ROTTED BOARDS ON FRONT PORCH. 9. PLUMB PILLARANDREPAIRFOUNDATIONONN. E. CORNER OF FRONT PORCH. 10. REPAIR BROKEN WINDOWS INCLUDING GLASS, GLAZING, AND ROTTED WOOD. 11. REP AIR REAR PORCH LANDING AND STEPS. 12. REAR PORCH MUST HAVE PROPER SILL PLATE. 13. DOORS AND WINDOWS MUST WORK PROPERLY. 14. REPAIR CHIMNEY AND CAP. 15. REPAIR HOLES IN SIDING. 16. GARAGE: ROOF, ROTTED ROOF BOARDS, ROTTED STUDS AND ROTTED AND MISSING SIDING MUST BE REPLACED. .\fflrmative :\ct!on 616172-4•6703 Assessor 6161724·6708 Ccmelerv 6 \6172-4:678:l Clvll SerYlce West Michigan's Shoreline City 616172-4•6716 Clerk 616/72+6705 Aug~st 27, 1997 C. ~. Services 616/724-6717 Mr. David VanKammen 2086 Estes Engineering Muskegon, MI 49441 616172-4-6707 Dear Mr. VanKammen: Finance 616!72-4-6713 SUBJECT: 1969 Hoyt At its regularly scheduled meeting last evening, the Muskegon City Commission decided to no longer Fire Dept. 6161724•6792 accept appeals of the demolition orders it has issued under Section 4-25 of the City Code. Therefore, since the Commission did concur in the determination made by the Housing Board of Appeals and order the subject property demolished in action taken on July 29, 1997, your appeal of August 26, 1997 will not be Income Tax 6161724•6770 heard. Please note that you do have the right to appeal the Commission's order to circuit court within twenty-one lnsperUons days of this notice. Failure to file will result in the City's demolition of the structure and the filing ofa lien 61t:ii72-4·H715 against the property for the cost of the demolition. Leisure SerYice Sincerely yours, 616,724-6704 ~ - - - - """"'' s llffire \ . ?'":-....,.K,M~½;~.-v~:it,--:><-t G\6172•-Hi72--t Dan Schmelzinger Director, Neighborhood and C \faHir"s Office 6161724-6701 l'larminwZoning Hlfi/72+6702 Pollce Dept. lil6172+6750 Public Works 616/726-4786 Treosurer 6161724-6720 Walt!r Dept. 6161724-6718 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon. Michigan 49443-0536 -.~ ! f-i4 61 ~7 ~ t, ---1_-fJf.1'11L__ _ _ __ I ' I I --✓. i - ~ -l ~--~~::12----:-kd-?-~-~-,~--~ if ~_..:_----,,-~~, U ~ ,- ~ .• ~6=-'~14-----~ ~ l~'.£,~47"/9bZry ----~~ 0() )D~~4--~~~~~ r:·~ ..... ~~~ ... ~)~~---~-~~ . jf)~ -- --- --/1-,44.~~-2~~ _ _ _..\..L'-'cJ~~~ ~ --~---····- --~- :.. l_ ~--kst,~ 4 ~ ~/41--:/5/4. ~ -----e,-e'.'.~- _ _ ; ; F f ~ ~ fs:tJoa ~~_,,,_r_,,______ . - ; ~ Office fi161724-6i0I declared to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance. It is, therefore, ordered that the owners or other interested parties· take such action to repair l'lanniniu'/.onm~ 6!6172-H:i702 or remove said structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order. PoJlce Oepl. It is further ordered that if the owners or other interested parties fail to repair or remove said 0161724•6750 structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order, the Building Official shall take bids and remove said structure. Publlc Worts ti 16/726-Hfl6 Treasurer til6172-t.fi720 Water l~pl. Ii I ti/724-6718 Qty of "1uskegon. 933 Terrace Street. P.O. Box 536, "1uskegon. "1Jchlgan 49443-0536 ; If you wish to appeal this ordd, . ou must do so within twenty days. \ inay obtain the J. appeal form at the City's Neighborhood and Coastruction Services Department (Inspections), City Hall, 933 Terrace ~treet. OARD OF APPEALS , ( CONDEMNA.nON INSPECTION. · ... 1969HOYT AUG~ST 5, 1996 APPROXIMATELY 30' X 40' SINGLE STORY WOOD FRAME HOUSE. 1. ROOF DETERIORATED WI1H OPEN HOLE AT EAVES. 2. ROOF ·BOWED. 3. PAINT PEET ING AND BLISTERED ON HOUSE.. 4. ELECTRIC WIRES RUBBING ON ROOF. 5. REAR PORCH FOUNDATION SETTLING AND RO l IED WOOD. 6. REAR STEPS DETERIORATED. 7. REAR PORCH ROOF RO I !ED. 8. NO HANDLE ON FRONT DOOR. GARAGE: 1. HAS RO I !ED WOOD. 2. UNSAFE EGRESS ROUTES. BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HAVE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE MEE 1S THE DEFINrnON OF A DANGEROUS BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE. ~ Q( RGEDOOE), BUILDING INSPECTOR J-F-fi. DATE ... DATE: July 16, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and Commissioners FROM: Robert B. Grabinski, Director of Inspection Services RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #(X)-l/&, Address: l,oi f (Ne". SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 1708 Pine , substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. Case# & Project Address: #00-46, 1708 Pine St. Location and ownership: This structure is located on Pine Street between E. Dale and E. Larch in the McLaughlin Neighborhood. It is owned by James Bauer. Staff Correspondence: A dangerous building inspection was written 8/9/96 and a Notice and Order to repair or demolish was issued 8/15/96. It was heard before the HBA on 5/1/97 declared unsafe and forwarded to commission. The City Commission determined to monitor progress on the structure until April 1998. On 6/24/98 CC concurred with the HBA and declared it unsafe. Another order to repair or demolish was issued 5/12/00. On 8/17/00 the HBA declared it unsafe and commission concurred 10/10/00. An interior inspection was conducted on 9/10/01. On 5/2/02 the HBA ordered an opportunity to repair to the owners and an inspection to be called for. An inspection was conducted, but did the work was not approved. Owner Contact: Mr. Bauer contacted the Inspection office and stated the repairs are all completed and he didn't understand what was needed. He was told he needed to talk to Rick Clark, the plumbing and mechanical inspector because some of the work was not correctly done. He has not contacted the inspector as of this date. Financial Impact: CDBG Funds Budget action required: None State Equalized value: $12,800 Estimated cost to repair: $2,500 F.' l1ispcetions'Gr,1D1n~k1_Ll1rrai11-:1\\'l1rJ' CC ~ IEET1:---;GS\.-\ge11Ja - 1969 Ho~ !.tfoc page I of:2 Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish. City Commission Recommendation: The commission will consider this item at it's meeting Tuesday, July 23, 2002. F:\lnspcctions\Grabinski_l"nrraine\ Word\CC MEETINGS\Agenda - 1969 Hoyt.doc page 2 of2 ~I N r N ld1 ,::I ,-,------- ~ _____ J_____ --~-- - - - 1731 173 0 112s 171s ~1711 1722 - - , 1714 -- 1703 1706 - - 1--- - - - 1ss7---~9116"i3-s 1696 1688 --1---7 1679 1676 1671 1663 1657 1660 , 1647 1643 R§.;2._·r6..42 1633 1621 1609 3.6-.______1620_ ____1§..Q..Q.____ _ _ _ 1591 1586 , - - - - ----,,---T--- rESRR~1580 1574 1564 --,-- 155 ~ - - ---:- ' i I \ I 1 ' ' i ' \ I I I I I I \ I I ' I : I ! 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For The Inspection Dept. 410853 City of Muskegon FROM CITY ASSESSOR'S RECORDS OWNER Jason/Mandy Coffell PROPERTY 1708 Pine PLATE# 04587 DESCRIPTION Lot 8 Blk 297 Revised Plat (of 1903) of the City of Muskegon as recorded in Liber 3, Page 71. FROM RECORDS OF TRANSNATION TITLE COMPANY LIBER: 1237 PAGE: 488 DATE OF DEED: May 21, 1982 GRANTOR: Marion B. Jones GRANTEE: Marion B. Jones and James Bauer, as joint tenants with full rights of survivorship NOTICE: 2118-361 DATE: April 20, 2000 at 8:00 AM ABSTI 7 V 0 Building O Ei.ctrlc.1 ?Mechanical ~umblog 0 Zoning '0 ---- ' S..vlc4o FC>Olfng ---- ' ---- ' O O Undo<17°'-'Xl O Uodo<17ound 0 Rough In O Rough In O Aouot, In O Rough In 0 Fina! 0 Fl,..i O Flf\41 0 Final a ____ a____ o ___ a _ _ __ lnspoc1or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dato _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Approved O yea D no Corr oct prior lo and C-811 for reinspect ion. NOTICE OF RESOLtTTION DAl"\/GEROUS BUILDING PROCEEDING TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES: T-AKE NOTICE that the City Commission for the City of Muskegon has adopted a resolution finding that the building located on the following described property constitutes a dangerous building and shall be demolished. The resolution was adopted by the City Commission on 6 I z3 , 19.....J.J The property is described as follows: Lot 8, Block 297, al~o known ai 1108 P~ne St4eet, ~~ty 06 Mu.~kegon Any person interested in the property should consult with the Office of the City Clerk for the City of Muskegon, for further information. WI1NESSES: CITY OF MUSK.EGON . 5,,~ Y\ \'\Jk ,y;t:"..o -- Sc,.. ,c-v---. i;::,,_ \t> 'c.__N:J€1 BY~,lg.i..!!.:,,.J..:_~~~~~ d~4d!zit L/nclt1 s. ~I-rt'/' Gail A. Kundinger Its Clerk STATE OF MICIDGAN COUNTY OF MUSK.EGON The foregoing instrument .was acknowledged before me thiso r1 ~) I ~~.H1-n,1 FAX. 711-1114 ..\HCSSOf D 1,714-6-:'08 F-\.X. 716-5181 Cemetery 2311724-6 783 FAX1726-5617 Civil Sen-Ice 23ln24---67l6 F AX/724-4405 West Michigan's Shoreline City October 2, 2000 Clerk 23 l/724-6705 FAX.1724-4178 Comm. & ~,tgh. Jason & Mandy Coffell Jason & Mandy Coffell Smlm 2311724-6717 PO Box 1144, 77 Hartford , Apt # 2 FAxm6-2So1 Muskegon MI 49443 Muskegon MI 49443 Engineering 23tn24-6707 FAX/727-6904 Jason & Mandy Coffell 1708 Pine Street Finance 231/724-6 713 1vluskegon MI 49443 F AX/724-6768 Fire Dept. 231/724-6792 FAX/724-6985 Dear Property Owner: Income Ta:i: 231/724-6770 SUBJECT: 1708 Pine Street FAX/724-6768 Muskegon Ml Info. Systems 231/724-6744 FAX/722-4301 On 8/17 /00 the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals made a determination that the subject property is unsafe, a public nuisance and a dangerous building under City Code Leisure Sen·lce 231/724-6704 and ordered that it be demolished or repaired by September 17, 2000. FAX/724-1196 Mmge,•,om" Because such action was not taken by that date, the findings of the Board will now be 231 m<-• 724 sent to the City Commission as part of a request for concurrence in the Board's FAX/722-1214 determination. The Commission will consider this request at its regularly scheduled ~~;;;;;~~~" legislative meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be FAXJm-1214 held in the Commission chambers on the first floor of City Hall, 933 Terrace Street. Inspection Services mm<-6 715 At this meeting, you or your representative will be given the opportunity to show cause 2 2 1 FAX/7 '- '' why the building should not be demolished. Planning/Zoning 231/724-()702 FAX/724-6790 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me Police Dept. at (231) 724-6715. 231/724-6750 FAX/722-5140 Sincerely yours, PubUc Works 231/724-4100 FAX/722-4188 Treasurer 23In24-6720 F AXn24-6768 Water-BUllng Dept. 231nl4-6718 FAX/724-6768 Water Filtration 231n24-4106 F AX/755-5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, ~luskegon, MI 49443-0536 Date: September 27, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Inspections Dept. RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Finding of Facts and Order for 1708 Pine Street. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request City Commission concurrence with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 1708 Pine Street is unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost of the demolition will be paid with CDBG funds. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This single-family rental unit is located on Pine Street near E. Larch Ave. The owner of the property is Jason & Mandy Coffell. A dangerous building inspection was conducted on 5/10/00. A Notice & Order was sent to three different locations in Muskegon to the owners on 5/12/00. HBA declared the property to be unsafe on 8/17/00. Copies are attached. The estimated cost of repairs is: $ (lyOC)O CITY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Commission will consider this item at it's meeting on 10/10/00. MUSKEGON Affirmatln A.:tlon 2Jli724-670J FA '\,'7:?2-1214 Assessor 1J 1172-t-6 708 fAX/726-S181 Cemetery 2)1/724-6783 FAX1726-5617 Clvll Sen·lce 231/724..f,716 F AX/724-440S West Michigan's Shoreline City Clerk MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS 231/724-670S FAX1124-4178 Comm. & Neigh, DATE: August 24, 2000 Sen·lce5 CASE: #00-46 - 1708 Pine St., Muskegon MI 231/724-6717 FAX/726-2S01 Jason & Mandy Coffell Jason & Mandy Coffell Engineering 231/724..(,707 PO Box 1144 77 Hartford, Apt # 2 FAX/727.-6904 Muskegon MI 49443 Muskegon MI 49443 Finance 231/724-6713 FAX/724-6768 Jason & Mandy Coffell 1708 Pine St. Fire Dept. 231/724..(,792 Muskegon MI 49443 FAX/724.-698S Income Tax FINDING OF FACTS AND ORDER 231/724--6770 F AX/724-6768 The following action was taken at a session of the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals Info. Systems 231/724-6744 held at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace, Muskegon, Michigan on, August 17, 2000 FAX/722-4301 The Inspections Services Department of the City of Muskegon, having inspected the Leisure service building structure located upon the property described as Lot 8 Blk 297,also know as, 1708 231/724--6704 Pine St., found the conditions listed on the attached pages exist and that these conditions are FAX/724-1196 hazardous as defined in Section 4-23 of the Code of Ordinances. Manager's Office 231/724-6724 FAX/722-1214 The Board further found that these conditions exist to the extent of endangering life, safety Mayor's Office and the general welfare of the endangering life, safety and the general welfare of the public. 231/724..(,701 FAX/722-1214 Therefore, in accordance with Section 4-25 of the Code of Ordinances, the structure is Inspection Services 231/724-6715 declared to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance. F AX/726-2501 Planning/Zoning It is, further ordered that if the owners or other interested parties fail to repair ofremove said 231/724-6702 structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order, the Building F AX/724-6790 Official shall take bids and remove said structure. Police Dept. 231/724..f,750 FAX/722-5140 Public Work.J 231/724-4100 FAX1722-4188 Treasurer 131/724-6720 F AX/724-6768 Water Billing Dept. 131/724-6718 F AX/724-6768 Water Filtration 231/724-4106 F AX/7S5-5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, ~luskegon, i\11 49443-0536 '\ If you wish to appeal this order you must do so within twenty days. You may obtain the appeal form at the City's Inspection Services Department, City Hall, 933 Terrace Street. Greg MUS BOARD OF APPEALS .-\ffirru;1ti\t Action hl6._:'24-6703 F.-\\/71-H790 ...\ssessor MUSKEGON 6 I 61724--6708 F...\\/724-6768 Cemetery 6t6nH-6783 FAX1722-4188 Civil Sen·ice 616n24-67I6 FAX/724-6790 West Michigan's Shoreline Oty Clerk 616/724-6705 FAX/724-6768 CITY OF MUSKEGON Comm. & Neigh. Services NOTICE OF HEARING ON 616/724-6717 F AX/724-6790 DANGEROUS AND UNSAFE CONDITIONS Engineering 616/724-6707 F AX/724-6790 Finance August 4, 2000 616/724-6713 FAX/724-6768 Jason & Mandy Coffell Jason & Mandy Coffell Jason & Mandy Coffell Firr Dept. 616/724-6792 PO Box 1144 77 Hartford, Apt #2 1708 Pine St FAX/724-6985 Muskegon MI 49443 Muskegon MI 49443 Muskegon MI 49443 Income Tax 616/724-6770 FAX/724--6768 SUBJECT: Dangerous Building Case #: 00-46 - 1708 Pine St., Muskegon MI Info. Systems 616/724--6975 FAX/72-1:6768 Dear Property Owner: Leisure Service 616/724-6704 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a hearing before the Housing Board of Appeals for the City FAxn24-6790 of Muskegon will be held on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 5:30 P.M. in the Muskegon Manager's Office City Hall Commission Chambers on the first floor. Said hearing will be for the purpose of 616/724-6724 FAxn24-6790 determining whether the structure should be demolished or otherwise made safe. Mayor's Office 616/724-6701 Officials from the Inspection Services Department have inspected the structure and it is FA.\'.n24-6790 alleged that it has defects as listed on the attached page( s). Neigh. & Const. Services The defects are violations of Section 4-23 of the Muskegon City Code, which defines 616/724-6715 FAX/724-6790 dangerous buildings. Planning/Zoning 616/724-6702 At the hearing, the Inspection Services Department will present testimony regarding the FAX/724-6790 alleged defects. You are advised that you or your representative may cross examine the Police Dept. City's witnesses and you may present testimony in your own behalf and call witnesses in 616/724--6750 FAX/722-5140 your own behalf We encourage you to attend the meeting since it is always better if someone is available to answer any questions the Board may have. Public Works 616/724-4100 FAX!722-4188 Inspection Services Treasurer City of Muskegon 6l6/7H-67l0 FAX!724-6768 Water Dept. 616/724-6718 FAX/724-6768 W.aler Fil!ration 6t6m-1--4106 FAX1155-5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Affirm3tl··e Action ~\},724-6703 FAX1722-1214 Assessor 231/724--6708 FAxn26-5181 Cemetery 231/724-6783 F AX/726-5617 Civil Sen-lee 231/724-6716 F AX/724-4405 West Michigan's Shoreline City Clerk 2311724-6705 NOTICE AND ORDER FAX/724-4178 Comm. & Neigh. May 12, 2000 Sen·lces 231/724.-6717 FAX.1726-2501 Engineering 231/724.-6707 F AX/727-6904 Jason & Mandy Coffell Jason & Mandy Coffell PO Box 1144 77 Hartford , Apt # 2 Finance 231/724-0713 Muskegon MI 49443 Muskegon MI 49443 FAX/724-6768 Fire Dept. Jason & Mandy Coffell 231/724-6792 F AX/724-6985 1708 Pine Street Muskegon MI 49443 lnc-ome Tax 231/724-6770 FAX1724-6768 Info. Systems Dear Property Owner: 23ln24-6744 FAX1722-4301 Subject: 1708 Pine Street Leisure Sen·ice 231/724-6704 LOT 8BLK297 FAX/724-1196 :\tanager's Office The City of Muskegon Building Official has recently inspected the subject property and has 231/724-6 724 found the buildings to be dangerous as defined under Section 4-23 of the Muskegon City FAX/722-1214 Code. Mayor's Office 231/724-6701 FAX1722-1214 As a result of this finding, you are hereby ordered to REP AIR or DEMOLISH the lmpectlon Services structures within thirty (30) days. 2]1/724-6715 FAX/726-2501 If you elect to repair the structures, you must secure all required permits and physically Planning/Zoning commence the work within thirty (30) days from the date of this order. 231/724-6702 F AX/724-6790 Pollce Dept. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our 231/724-6750 Building Official, Jerry McIntyre at 724-6715. FAX/722-5140 Public Works Sincerely yours, 231/724-4!00 i~~~ FAX1722-4188 Treasurer 231/724-6720 FA.xn24-6768 Water Billing Dept. Fire Marshal/Inspection Services 231/724-6718 F A..X/724-<1768 W11ter FIitration 231/724-4106 FAxnSS--5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, '1uskegon, :\II 49443-0536 I ( CITY OF MUSKEGON DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT 1708 Pine St. (INTERIOR INSPECTION) C\ - IO -o I Inspection noted: I. Fixtures incomplete. 2. Smoke detectors missing. 3. Open junction boxes. 4. Basement outlets not GFI. 5. Switch/outlet covers missing. 6. Water heater inoperable. 7. Waste and vent in need ofrepair. 8. Water piping in need of support. 9. Replace back upper window - it is currently covered with OSB particle board. I 0. Guardrail required on back steps. 11. Repair - replace smoke detectors. J BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HAVE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A DANGEROUS AND/OR SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE. F:\Inspections\Grabinski_Lorraine\WordlDANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORTSII 708 Pine ~ Interior.doc ,n1rTTiar1u \,rton '!.'· :;..i-. .... JJ ,:\\.".'l!-1'!1~ ,,i<\,ur !JLiH--O·os F'.\X.."72tr5l81 Cemrltr}' lJl;"?l"'-'78J n . .X,'72~5617 Civil Service UlnU--6716 FAX/724-4405 Orrk 1Jlnl4-670S FAXnl4--4178 Comm. & Nel&h, DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT Services 23tnl4-6717 FA.."(f71~2SOI 1708 PINE STREET En&lnrerln& 5/10/00 lllnl'-6707 FAXn27--6904 Finance lJtnU-6713 Inspection Noted: FAX/714--6768 Fire Dept. 1. Handrails repaired to code. 1311724-6792 2. Broken out, boarded windows. FA..'(!124-6985 3. Fascia, soffit, & siding repair needed. Income Tu. 2Jlnl4-6770 4. Roofing needs repair. FAX/724--6768 Info. Sy1tem1 2JL'7l+-6744 BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I FA.X/722-4301 HAVE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A Ldsure Service DANGEROUS BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE 2JlnH-~704 FA...'<1714--1196 MUSKEGON CITY CODE. .\tanager's Office !, 23l!7l+-67U FA.'(f'7ll-tll4 altinowski, Building Inspector .\layor's Office 231l72+-670l F..\...X/712-1214 lnspeclton Srrvlcn 23tn2-l--671S FA"X./72~1501 CONCURREO IN ~..HaJiJ.Jl, bert 8. Grabinski Fire Marshal/Inspection Services P\annln&fZonlnz 231172-1--6702 F..\...X/714-6790 Police Dept. 1Jtnl4--67S0 r A..'<1711-5140 PubUc Works lJtnl-4--4100 FA."(1712-4188 Treasurer lJtnl+-6710 F..\..X/724-6768 \\'a1er Blllln& Drpl, lJtnl-1--6718 FA..X/72-4--6768 \\ a1er FU1r1tlon 23 t:124--4106 f.-\X...'155--5290 City of ~luskegon, 933 Terrace Street. P.O. Box 536, '1uskegon, Ml 49443-0536 NOTICE OF RESOLUTION DANGEROUS BUILDING PROCEEDING TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES: TAKE NOTICE that the City Commission for the City of Muskegon has adopted a resolution finding that the building located on the following described property constitutes a dangerous building and shall be demolished. If demolished, the cost incurred by the City of Muskegon for demolition shall become a lien on this property. The resolution was adopted by the City Commission on October 10, 2000. The property is described as follows: * Lot 8 Blk 297 Also known as: 1708 Pine St. Any person interested in the property should consult with the Office of the City Clerk for the City of Muskegon for further information. Witnesses: ~ U_ STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF MUSKEGON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this olZ day of //1/.fo , 2001 by Gail A. Kundinger, Clerk respectively, for and on behalf of the City of Muskegon. Cf¼iJ4 gQ. t./,,Ja &tu S. ?oflrr, Notary Public Muskegon County, Michigan My commission expires: 9-c?-S--o,;i,_ Prepared By & Upon Recording Return To: John C. Schrier, Parmenter O'Toole 175 W. Apple Ave., P.O. Box 786 Muskegon, Ml 49443-0786 LIBER 2118PAG£ 361 ,-, I , --r:.r,' ·. ,_ '~,' -.. , .. ,~. C"'i , .. l ;_;, - 1__ -- {_:_J:,'.,- --- -- NOTICE OF RESOLUTION DANGEROUS BUILDING PROCEEDING TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES: TAKE NOTICE that the City Commission for the City of Muskegon has adopted a resolution finding that the building located on the following described property constitutes a dangerous building and shall be demolished. The resolution was adopted by the City Commission on 6 I 2 3 , 19___J_J The property is described as follows: Lot 8, Block 297, al-00 known ai 1708 Pine St4eet, ½Ity on Mu-0kegon Any person interested in the property should consult with the Office of the City Clerk for the City of Muskegon, for further information. WITNESSES: CITY OF MUSKEGON 6c:s.::,._"'.c, \r\ c,_ """ ~& IYD" ,____ i;:,._'"' I'- u._N:} t' r BY~,L9.~.,,t...:_~~~:9µv ~~&dz S. L/iu/(1 ~;1-:/rr Gail A. Kundinger Its Clerk STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF MUSKEGON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thisddday of J«o e_ , 1998, by Gail A. Kundinger as City Clerk on behalf of the City of Muskegon. ~~-&6a h;,c/q S. /i;tfr ,,--- Notary Public Muskegon County, Michigan My Commission Expires: .9-e('S:: ?? This document prepared by and return to: City of Muskegon, Neighborhood and Const. Services 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536 Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Afflnnatlve Acllon 6161724•6703 Assessor 616/724-6708 Cemetery G16/724-6783 C!vll Service October 16, 1998 West MlcltJsan's Shoreline City 616/724-6716 Clerk 6161724-6705 Jason Coffell 1708 Pine C. '.'-l. Services 6161724-6717 Muskegon Ml 49442 Ref: 1708 Pine Engineerin~ 6161724-6707 Dear Mr. Coffell: Finance 6161724-6713 At the last inspection that was made on your house, a temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued; this department would now like to do a follow up inspection Fire Dept to see if the remaining items that needed to be corrected have been completed. 616172--1•6792 We have scheduled a time of 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21, 1998 for this Income Tax 616/724-6770 inspection; please make arrangements to be present so the inspection can be made and a final Certificate of Occupancy issued. Inspections 616/724-6715 If you have any questions regarding this inspection, please feel free to contact this office at 724-6715. Leisure Service 6\6/72--1-6704 Sincerely, \fonager"s Office 6161724-672--1 Daniel Schmelzinger, \1ayor·s Office Director, Neighborhood and Construction Services 6161724-6701 DS/lh PlanningJZonlng 6 l 61724-6702 C James Bauer Police Depl. 616/724-6750 Public Works 6161726-4786 Treasurer 6161724-6720 Water Uept. 6161724-6718 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon. Michigan 49443-0536 •\fflrmallve Acllon 6161724-6703 MUSKEGON Assessor 6161724-6708 Cemetery 6 l 61724-6783 Civil Service West Mlcblgan's Shoreline City G161724-67 ! 6 Clerk 616/724•6705 June 2 4, 19 9 8 C. '.'i. Services 6161724·6717 Mr. James Bauer Engineering 616/724·6707 1396 Pine Muskegon, MI 49442 finance 6161724-6713 Dear Mr. Bauer: SUBJECT: 1708 Pine Fire Dept. Muskegon, Michigan 6 J 61724-6792 On June 24, 1998, the Muskegon City Commission concurred in Income Tax 616/724-6770 the determination previously made by the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals that the subject property is unsafe, a public nuisance and a dangerous building under the City inspt•n!ons Code. As a result, the Commission ordered that the building li\bl72Hi715 be demolished within thirty (30) days. Leisure Service 6161724-6704 If this building is not demolished by July 24, 1998, the City will proceed to cause it to be demolished and the costs associated therewith will be filed as a lien against the \lanager·s Office 616/724-6724 property. Please note that you have the right to appeal this order to \1ayor's Office the circuit court for the County of Muskegon by filing a 6161724-6701 petition within twenty days from the date of the Commission's action. Planning/Zoning 6161724·6702 Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 724-6715. Police Oepl. 6161724-6750 Sincerely yours, Publlc Works fi 161726-4 786 Daniel Schmelzinger Treasurer Director, Neighborhood and Construction Services H16/724-6720 Water 0epl. Hl61724•6718 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Michigan 49443-0536 Date: June 11, 1998 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Neighborhood and Construction Services Department RE: Concurrence with Housing Board of Appeals Findings and Order for 1708 Pine SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request City Commission concurrence with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 1708 Pine is unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost of demolition will be paid with budgeted CDBG funds. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION The housing inspector for this case referred the property for a dangerous building inspection in August 1996. Based upon the condition of the structure, a notice and order to repair or demolish was issued on August 15. The case was scheduled for the Housing Board of Appeals on May 1, 1997 because no progress had been made in correcting the violations stated in the order. The department was then notified that the property had been sold on land contract on April 24, 1997. No one appeared at the HBA meeting on behalf of the owner; however, the Board was advised of the recent change in ownership and the purchaser's stated intent to repair the house. Nevertheless, the Board found the property to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance and ordered it demolished. On February 24, 1998 the City Commission was requested to concur in the decision of the Housing Board of Appeals but the Commission took no action. An electrical permit was issued in June 1997 and some work was begun. Mechanical and plumbing permits were issued in November but no building permit has been obtained. Inspections performed on February 16 and 17, 1998 revealed that much of the repair work has been done incorrectly and additional work is still needed before utilities can be provided. A progress inspection performed on May 22, 1998 revealed that some of the defects included in the original notice and order from 1996 have yet to be satisfactorily corrected. Attached are copies of the minutes of the May 1, 1997 meeting of the Housing Board of Appeals, the findings of fact and order of the Board dated May 5, 1997 and the findings from May 16, 1997 an May 22, 1998 inspections of the property. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Committee of the Whole will consider this item at its meeting on June 22, 1998. -\Hlrmauve .\ct1on G1Oli24•6703 MUSKEGON \sst'ssor 61 !iii2+6708 t:l'ffi('H'ry 1i 1!>1724•078:l Ci\il St'rl'iCl' West Michigan's Shoreline City 1il0/724•!-i71H Clerk Ii [6172Hi705 1:..\. Serrices ,; 161724-ffi 17 June 10, 1998 r:n.!!inet'rin~ 1116ii2•1-(i707 Mr. Jason Coffell 77 Hartford, Apt. 2 Muskegon, MI 49442 ~·inanfe 1) 16/724-til !3 Dear Mr. Coffell: Fire DrpL SUBJECT: 1708 Pine ti 16, 724•67!:l2 Muskegon, Michigan On May 1, 1997 the '1uskegon ~ousing Board of Appeals ~ade a incuml' ra.\ determination that the subject property is unsafe, a public nuisance and i)l6i72Hi770 a dangerous building under City Code and ordered that it be demolished or repaired by June 1, 1997. ':~,i,·•·[1,,11-. i ;, 7~ !-n7 3ecause .such 'ic:::.:.on ·,,;as ::ct t:.3..s;;:en :)y --::1at date, :::e :'.:indings ,'.)f --.:::e Board will now be senc :::o '::1e City Commission as part of a reques;: :or concurrence in the Board's determination. The Commission will consider i.t•istirr ~ernce this request at its regularly scheduled legislative meeting on Tuesday, ,; 16172+6704 June 23, .1998, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Commission chambers on the first floor of City Hall, 933 Terrace Street. The Commission, acting as a Committee of the Whole, will also meet at 5:00 '-l ECTION SHEEi' F0< /7cJf3 r: - ' ,,,JC: 5-7- INSPECTict-1 DEPARTMENT (616) 724-6715 INSPECTION SHEEt For ,. __, ,c' 1/ C:, u _r7 II ;v e _ s-:- ~ • n Bulldlng a Electrlcal l!ulldlng O El.ctrlcal ' - - - •--- • Pfumbfno D Zoning , D Mechanlcal , ~ D Zoning l Foo f)f'l't:on:,; •, lfi,i'.:: l-hi !3 Because such action ·.-1as :1ot: t:aken by that data, -:::le :findings of t:he Board will now be sent to the City Commission as part of a request for concurrence in the Board's determination. The Commission will consider Leisure Service this request at its regularly scheduled legislative meeting on Tuesday, l:i 16/724-6704 February 24, 1998, at 5:30 p.m. A workshop session of the Commission to review agenda items will also be held on February 23, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. Both meetings will be held in the Commission chambers on the first floor \lanager's Office of City Hall, 933 Terrace Street. 616/724-6724 At either of these meetings, you or your representative will be given \1ayor·s omce the opportunity to show cause why the building should not be demolished. fl 161724-ll701 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 724-6715. Plannlng/Zonini:i fi 161724-6702 Sincerely yours, Pollce Depl. ~~ -c:::-~-~~SL, 6161724-6750 Daniel Schmelzinger Director, Neighborhood Public Works 6 l 61726-4786 Treasurer 6161724-6720 Water Depl. 616/724-6718 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street. P.O. Box 536, Muskegon. :vllchigan 49443·0536 \ \ 1708 Pine 5/16/1997 2/17/1998 1. Windows broken. INCOMPLETE 2. Eaves rotted with holes. HOLES FILLED 3. Rear steps tipped and cracked. INCOMPLETE 4. House needs paint. INCOMPLETE 5. Hand rail required on basement stairs. INCOMPLETE 6. Fire stop under stairs in basement. INCOMPLETE 7. Second floor may not be used as a habitable space. WIRING HAS BEEN ADDED IN THIS AREA 8. Smoke detectors required per CABO I+ II 1995. NOT APPROVED APPLICATION FOR A BUILDING PERMIT HAS NOT BEEN MADE. GRD I 1708 Pine May 22,1998 Progress inspection l. Windows broken. INCOMPLETE 2. Eaves rotted with holes. HOLES FILLED WITH SPRAY FOAM, STILL ROTTED 3. Rear Steps tipped and cracked. COMPLETED 4. House needs paint. STARTED 65% DONE 5. Hand rail required on basement stairs. INCOMPLETE 6. Fire stop under stairs in basement. INCOMPLETE 7. Second floor may not be used as habitable space. WIRING HAS BEEN ADDED IN THIS AREA 8. Smoke Detectors required per 1995 CABO One & Two Family Dwelling Code. INCOMPLETE NOTE: APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT HAS NOT BEEN MADE. \ 1 Ill Yi / ~~t'"Jj I I ;t'( / ;,,, ' BUILDING INSPECTION 1708 PINE MAY 16, 1997 STRUCTURAL 1. Windows broken. 2. Eaves rotted with holes. 3. Rear steps tipped and cracked. 4. House needs paint. 5. Handrail required on basement stairs. 6. Fire stop under stairs in basement. 7. Second floor may not be used as a habitable space. 8. Smoke detectors required per CABO I & II Family Code, 1995, requirements. PLUMBING/MECHANICAL 1. Furnace must be certified safe for operation by licensed mechanical contractor. 2. All water lines must be replaced - undersized. 3. Chimney needs liner. 4. Fuel oil tanks in basement must be removed. 5. Must have gas lines tested for turn on. DATE_ _ _ _ _ __ 4orgeDood, Building Inspector -~.....,..._c,._ _ Johll E. Smith, Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector \f[lrmal11'l' ,\rllon li1W72-Hi703 \ssei;i;or lil6172H}701l Ct·mett,/'\' ll161724:6783 Cil"ll&rvkc li16/724·6711i Clerk 616/724•6705 c. :-1. :>enices fi 161724•67 ! 7 December 2, 1997 En~lneerln~ 6161724,6707 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Coffell PO Box 1144 ~1i~~;~.67J:l Muskegon, MI 49443 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Coffell: Fire Dept. tl 16172+€,7!12 SUBJECT: 1708 Pine The City's property maintenance code limits the length of time that a property can be left in a temporarily lneomr Tax !ii61?2+6770 boarded-up condition to 180 days. An inspection of the subject property on May 16, 1997 indicated that the subject property was in a boarded-up condition. A reinspection today revealed that the house is still boarded in violation of our ordinance. 'ISl)("o"iil>IIS .. i,;,~:,: ,.,;7 !! In lirder to comply with this ordinance. Jil bonrds over windows. doors and other openings must be removed by December 20, !997, and the openings made intact and capable of being lucked. l.eiSUf{' &rl'ICC fi161724•!!704 Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the issuance of civil infraction notices which carry an initial fine of$l00 and increase to $500 for repeat offenses. ~1:~;~~~;t ~~!ce Please note that you have the right to appeal this notice by filing an appeal with the Housing Board of 7 Appeals. Claim fonns may be obtained from the Neighborhood and Construction Services department. ,111)or·~ omce If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us at 724-6715. fil6172-H>i01 Sincerely yours, l'la11nlng1i'.on!11gg·- . 6!61724•6702 CV-- Dan Schmelzinger :;~~f~2~~~~5o Director, Neighborhood and Cons ices l'ub11c Wor~s (i)6/716•4786 Treasurer fil6172H720 Water llcpt. 6l6172Hi71fl City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536. \1uskegon. \11chlgan 49443·0536 BUILDING INSPECTION 1708 PINE MAY 16, 1997 STRUCTURAL I. Windows broken. 2. Eaves rotted with holes. 3. Rear steps tipped and cracked. 4. House needs paint. 5. Handrail required on basement stairs. 6. Fire stop under stairs in basement. 7. Second floor may not be used as a habitable space. 8. Smoke detectors required per CABO I & II Family Code, 1995, requirements. PLUMBING/MECHANICAL I. Furnace must be certified safe for operation by licensed mechanical contractor. 2. All water lines must be replaced - undersized. 3. Chimney needs liner. 4. Fuel oil tanks in basement must be removed. 5. Must have gas lines tested for turn on. DATE_ _ _ _ _ __ 4orgeDood, Building Inspector J....,,..._c-- - Johll E. Smith, Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector MUSKEGON HOUSrNG BOARD OF APPEALS MAY I, 1997 PAGE 8 #97-40 -1708 PINE - JAl'\1ES BAUER, 1396 PINE ST., MUSKEGON JASON A.~D MANDY COFFELL, P. 0. BOX 1144 The owners were not in attendance. Jason and Mandy Coffell became the new owners on a land contract this week. He intends to repair the structure. Our building inspector has talked to him about obtaining permits. He was advised that the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals may take action. Dan Schmelzinger said that in many cases progress occurs when the case is placed on the agenda. Robert Johnson made a motion, supported by John Warner, to declare the house to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance and forward to the City Commission for concurrence. A roll call vote was taken: AYES: NAYS: EXCUSED: Greg Borgman Randy Mackie Bob Johnson Fred Nielsen John Warner Boyd Arthur Clint Todd The motion carried. - 1541 TERRACE - COR.i~ELIUS SMITH, 1395 GLEN, MUSKEGON not in attendance. Dan Schmelzinger explained that Beth urch was going to renovate thl cture with funds from the State but the Zoning D ould not allow it to be 3 units instead of _ · The owner has said he is selling it so Greg Borgman made a motio , to declare the house to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance A roll call vote was taken: AYES: Greg Borgman Bob Johnson John Warner ,mrnwtlve .-\ctlon fi 16172-1•6703 .\ssessor 616/724•6708 Cemetery 6161724•6783 Civil Service West Mlchlgan's Shoreline City 6 I61724•67 I6 Clerk 616172•.J.6705 C. 'I. Services 6161724-6717 En~int•rring NOTICE OF MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS HEARING 6161724•6707 DATE: April 21, 1997 Finance 616/724-6713 TO: James Bauer. 1396 Pine Street, Muskegon, Mi. 49442 Fire Dept. 6161724·6792 SUBJECT: DANGEROUS BUILDING CASE #97-40- 1708 Pine Income l;i.< On Thursday. May 1, 1997, Dangerous Building Case #97-40 - 1708 Pine Street - w'ill be 6161724·6770 heard at the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals meeting. The meeting will take place at 6:00 p.m. in the first floor commission chambers at Muskegon City Hallo We Inspections 6161724·6715 encourage you to attend the meeting since it is always better if someone is available to answer any questions the board may have. Leisure Service 616/724·6704 Neighborhood and Construction Services ~tanager's Office City of Muskegon 6 I61724-6724 :\iayor"s ornce 616/724•6701 Plannlng/Zoning 616/724-6702 Police Dept. 6161724•6750 Public Works fil617264786 Treasurer 6 16/724·6720 Water Dept. 6161724•6718 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Michigan 49443-0536 ma1ive Action '24-6703 ./724•6790 ssor 724-6708 1724·6768 etcr)' 724.1,i83 /722---ill!S I Service 724-6716 West Michigan's Shoreline aty 1724-6790 August 29, 1996 k 724-6705 /724-6768 Mr. James Bauer 1396 Pine Sen·ices Muskegon, MI 49442 124-6717 /724-6790 Dear Mr. Bauer: neering '24-6707 Subject: 1708 Pine /724-6790 The Muskegon City Commission recently passed an amendment to "" the City's property maintenance code which limits the length 724.(,713 ,/724-6768 of time that a property can be left in a temporarily boarded- up condition to 180 days. An inspection of the subject Dl'pt. property on August 26, 1996, revealed that this property is 724.6792 vacant and temporarily boarded. J724-6790 In order to comply with this ordinance, all boards over me Tax 724-6770 windows, doors and other openings must be removed by March 1, J724-6768 1997, and the openings made intact and capable of being locked. ,ections 72.J..6715 {/724-6790 Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the issuance of civil infraction notices which carry an initial ,ure Service fine of $100.00. Fines for a repeat of the same offense can 724-6704 increase to $500.00. \/724-6790 Please note that this notice does not grant you additional rnger's Office 724-6724 time to correct other violations of the code for which you may \/724-6790 have already been cited. Civil infraction notices will also be issued if these corrections are not made by the required 1·or's Office time. 724-6701 '\1724-6790 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do 1ning/Zoning not hesitate to contact us at 724-6715. 724-6702 \/724-6790 Sincerely yours, .ce Dept. '724-6750 \/722-5140 ~ Daniel Schmelzinger lie \'forks Director, Neighborhoo onstruction Services 726--4786 0722---i 188 Jsurer 724.t,7:!(I \./724-07(,8 1cr Dq>t. 724-h7J/j \/724-67(,!I City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml ~9443-0536 ··e Action 1 724-6703 J724-6790 .MUSKEGON ssor 724-6708 /724-6768 etcry 724-(, 7113 .!722-4l88 l Sen·ice 724-6716 West Michigan's Shorellne City /724-6790 NOTICE AND ORDER k 72-t-6705 1724-6768 August 15, 1996 Sen·ices 724-6717 J724-6790 neerini: 12.f.6707 James Bauer .1724-6790 13 96 Pine Street Muskegon, Mi. 49442 "" 72-1-6713 ,/724-6768 Subject: 1708 Pine Dept, Lot 8 Blk 297 724-6792 J724-6790 Dear Property Owner: me Tax 724-6770 v1724-6768 The City of Muskegon Building Official has recently inspected the subject property and has found the building to be dangerous as defined under Section 4-23 of the Muskegon ,ections City Code. 72-l-<,715 '1724-6790 As a result of this finding, you are hereby ordered to REPAIR the structure or DEMOLISH ,ure Sen·ice 724-6704 it within thirty (30) days. 0724-6790 If you elect to repair the structure, you must secure all required permits and physically 'lager's Office 724-672-1 commence the work within thirty (30) days from the date of this order. \../724-6790 vor's Office Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our 724-6701 Building Official, Jerry McIntyre, at 724-6715. 0724-6790 nning/Zoning Sincerely yours, 724-6702 \/72-1-6790 Cl'Dept. 72-1-6750 \/722-51-10 Daniel Schmelzinger Director, Neighborhood and Construction Services lie Works "'26----l786 \/722--l \X8 .1sun·r 714-t,i~I) \/11-1-lo~f,X er Dl'JII. 724-h71/I i./72-1-(,7611 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI ~9443-0536 CONDEMNATION INSPECTION 1708 PINE AUGUST 9, 1996 APPROXIMATELY 30' X 40' 1 1/2 TWO STORY WOOD FRAME HOUSE. 1. REAR FOUNDATION MISSING BLOCK. 2. ANIMALS LIVING IN CRAWL SPACE. 3. WINDOWS BROKEN. 4. EAVES ROTTED WITH HOLES. 5. REAR STEPS TIPPED AND CRACKED. 6. HOUSE NEEDS PAINT. BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HAVE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A DANGEROUS BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE. r:fi![JlOD, BUILDING Il'ISPECTOR DATE CONCURRED I N : ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~UIL GO ICIAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this January 31, 2006 by and between: Press's LLC. (a corporation organized and existing under the law of the State of Michigan); (partnership consisting of _ _ _ _ _ _ __;; (an individual trading as _ __ ________ ); hereinafter called the "Contractor," and the City of Muskegon, Michigan, hereinafter called the "City". WITNESSTH, that the Contractor and the City, for the consideration stated herein, mutually agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. Statement of Work. The Contractor shall furnish all supervision, technical personnel, labor, materials, machinery, tools, equipment, and services, including utility and transportation services, and perform and complete all work required for the demolition and clearance of 1708 Pine as well as required supplemental work for the completion of this project, all in strict accordance with the Contract, including all Addenda. ARTICLE 2. Contract Price. The City will pay the Contractor for the performance of this Contract and the completion of the work covered therein an amount not to exceed $3450.00. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT: The executed contract shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following: Invitation for Bids Instructions to Bidders Bid Proposal Agreement General Specifications for Project Performance Equal Opportunity and Employment Specifications Demolition and Site Clearance Specifications This Agreement, together with other documents listed in Article 3, which said other documents are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached hereto or repeated herein, form the contract between the parties hereto. In the event any provision in any component part of this Contract conflicts with any provision of any other component part, the Contractor shall contact the City immediately in writing for a determination, interpretation, and/or classification of conflicting parts and priority of same. Said determination from the City shall be in writing and shall become an Addendum to this Contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this AGREEMENT to be executed on the day and year first written above. ATTEST: CONTRACTOR: BY: d/4o CkJ ((p ( - f},,ao. Printed nam'-e and title ATTEST: City Clerk (SEAL) CERTIFICATION (IF APPLICABLE) I, J!J,tn th t,Ir ;fail e,( <) , certify that I am the -[-"Yd! """.,L'--- - - - of the Corporation named as contractor herein; That A/IJ() , who signed this Agreement on beha lf of the Contractor, was then_,__,2,,,,..1,bl!e~4L..>,_ _ _ _ _ _ of said Corporation: That said Agreement was duly signed for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body, and is within the scope of its corporate powers. Signed: (J;~0p~ (CORPORATE SEAL) ·/4 ~1.ur; S.qer~JC- Printed Name and Title DATE: July 16, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and Commissioners FROM: Robert B. Grabinski, Director of Inspection Services RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #:02-014, 1226 Pine St. (Garage only) SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 1226 Pine (G), substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. Case# & Project Address: #02-014, 1226 Pine St. (G) Location and ownership: This structure is located on Pine Street between Catherine and Isabella in the McLaughlin Neighborhood. It is owned by Equicredit Corporation in Florida. Staff Correspondence: A dangerous building inspection was conducted 4/4/02 and a Notice and Order to repair or demolish was issued 4/15/02. On 6/11/02 the HBA declared it unsafe. Owner Contact: On 6/21/02 a real estate agent contact the Inspection office about a potential sale. She was faxed copies of all documents and instructed on what needed to be done. On 6/16/02 a message was left for her updating where the case was at with the office and requesting her to call back. As of 6/17/02 there has been no further contact. Financial Impact: CDBG Funds Budget action required: None State Equalized value: $22,000 (House and garage) Estimated cost to repair: $4,000 Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish. City Commission Recommendation: The commission will consider this item at it's meeting Tuesday, July 23, 2002. 1::\l11spections\Grabinski_l .orrainc\ Word\CC MEETINUS\Agenda - 1969 l loyt.doc page I of 1 ,;. "'v //% ,;. f, ,, // / 7 '&<5' "'v ')}-" / / " 'b ,,~ ,;.jJ// > " 0, ci'" / / 0 " / ~•V // / // / //\ / / \ \ 0 0 / \J..2G, __..__ .. For The Inspection Department File#: 419614 City of Muskegon FROM CITY ASSESSOR'S RECORDS OWNER: Equicredt Corp. PROPERTY: 1226 Pine St. PARCEL NO: 24-205-251-0001-00 DESCRIPTION: N 62 offl ½ Lot 1 Block 251 FROM RECORDS OF TRANSNATION TITLE LIBER: 3024 y· t:;Y ~l PAGE: 624 ✓ t,,\q~ s".:, DATE OF DEED: March 1, 2000 GRANTOR NAME & ADDRESS: Gerald E. Singer and Helen Singer, husband ,°' and wife 1132 Forest Park Rd Muskegon MI 49441 GRANTEE NAME & ADDRESS: Eura Jordan F/K/A Eura L. Piggee and Elnora Wyrick 1226 Pine St Muskegon MI 49442 LIENS OR MORTGAGES: 3024/625; 3113/228; 3325/117 TODAY'S DATE: April 17,2002 EFFECTIVE DATE: March 20, 2002 at 8:00 AM Abstracted by: JiQ~o, +;. TRANSNATION TITLE IN URANCE COMP ANY Q~ The above information is to be used for reference purposes only and not to be relied upon as evidence of title and/or encumbrances. Accordingly, said information is furnished at a reduced rate, and the Company's liability shall in no event exceed the amount paid for said information, should evidence of title and/or encumbrances be desired, application for title insurance should be placed with Transnation Title Insurance Company. ·-·; '1(•·.,. .I'-~•>L.) I ' ,. ; SfA1.E OF MIC1ilG,\N ~OUNl y OF Mus,rnw ncCE/VED FOR RECOP.D 2000 IMR I 6 1'11 /?.: 119 WARRANTY DEED Indenture, Dated this day of: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: MARCH!, 2000 GERALD E, SINGER AND HELEN SINGER, HUSBAND AND WIFE 1132 FOREST PARK RD MUSKEGON, MI 49441 Convcy(s) and Warrnnt(s) To: EURA JORDAN FORMERLY KNOWN AS EURA L. PIGGEE, A MARRIED WOMAN OF 1226 PINE ST, MUSKEGON, MI 49442 AND ELNORA WYRICK, A SINGLE WOMAN OF 1226 PINE STREET, MUSKEGON, Ml 49442 for the sum of TWENTY NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND 00/100 DOLLARS---($2tJ,70U.0oJ the following described premises situated in THE CITY OF MUSKEGON, COUNTY OF MUSKEGON AND STATE OF MICHIGAN TO WIT: THE NORTH 62 FEET OF THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 1 BLOCK 251 OF THE REVISED PLAT OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON (OF 1903) AS RECORDED IN UBER 3 OF PLATS, PAGE 71, MUSKEGON COUNTY RECORDS, / Pnrce\#61-' · -_j_W..L---- ./..-·· ,,,- '-k _J P.P. #61-24-205-251-0001-00 / 'Y·/-;J).r•r I °1 THIS DEED IS OJ VEN PURSUANT TO A LAND CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES DATED OCTOBER 11, 1993. GRANTORS DO NOT WARRANT ANY ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF GRANTEES SINCE THE DATE OF SAID LAND CONTRACT. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF RECORD, IF ANY. Witnesses: Signed und Scaled ~~t;Jy~~.,d,"..L.-1..:'.(4£«2!,/J ~~k GER~ HELEN SINGER STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF MUSKEGON The foregoing Instrument was ucknowlcdgcd before m MICIHGAN REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX ON MARCH I, 2000 BY GERALD E, SINGER AND DEPT of TAXAT!OO $ 33, 00 HELEN SINGER, HUSBAND AND WIFE , ' MUS)<1!GllN Eiillt!Y, Ml ~bt:J}.~0 0> 33.00 C • 00169485 $ ,00 S PREPARED DY: GERALD E. SINGER 1132 FOREST PARK RD MUSKEGON, Ml 49441 J/2«1@ JI~&~~ "Shoron G. Bylund ASSISTED BY: NOTARY PUBLIC MUSKEG COUNTY, MICHIGAN CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE CO, MY COMMISSION EXPIR 8/2712002 493 WEST NORTON MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN 49441 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO l,1uckGg • •··1.~ ;.,1 4 '"' "l,IJ 1226 PINE ST. .rt• ,c · · ::.. 1 .J.. , ... · •. ;,:.\ ,: -' ·,, . , • ,. •· · ·,;t IVSKEC<:N, MI 49442 \ . , ._.,, .,.,::,w Jp, .,'"I . 1i:o ya1,!. , , ' I ./J l l•I 11 \;1,; :;l!Ulll~,,1. r,: ,1~1-' :f~ ~y Ul3 r ~ ~11,0.•·z__ _ No. L u ~ ~ ~~:c_;~~~/( ~INFO, IIDT Al)lJLA 8LE,,r;il;:; ,.,'!1£ 610032214A SGB 61 NOTICE OF HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION DATE: July 16, 2002 1226 Pine St. (Garage) (Address of Property) TO: All owners and interested parties: Equicredit Corp. P.O. Box 53077, Jacksonville, FL 32201 (Name of Owner) Eura Jordan & Elnora Wyrick, 1226 Pine St., Muskegon, Ml 49442 (Other interested parties) Gerald & Helen Singer, 1953 Forest Glen Court, Muskegon, Ml 49441 On June 6, 2002, the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals made a determination that the subject property is sub-standard, a public nuisance and a dangerous building under the City Code and ordered that it be repaired or demolished. The City Commission will hold a hearing on ,Julv 23, 2002, to consider the above decision of the Housing Board of Appeals. You may appear at this hearing at 5:30 p.111. on Julv ?3. 2007, at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, with counsel, if you desire, to present any revelent evidence and arguments concerning the decision to demolish the above structures. Robe B. Grabinski, Director oflnspections F:IINSPECTIONSIGRABINSKI_LORRAINEIWORD\CC MEETINGS\STANDARO FORMSINOTICE OF CITY COMMISSION HEARING.DOC ( INSPECTION SERVICES DEPT FAX P"" Ll OJ£l 933 TERRACE ST, PO BOX 536 rl '--'- 6 -- - MUSKEGON, Ml 49443 TX: (231) 724-6715 FAX: (231) 728-4371 TO: ltuilb q ~ ~G ;;L ( FR OM: d'.rull o, ~ DATE: Cs, -Ll -o "L SUBJECT: l J--½ P~ L~a ye-) r0c 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COMMENTS: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4fJ (>_,, ~ ,,YN-* 1'o (iLu,llid ¼--o ~0 !IBA Minutes 6/02 comm1ss1on. Mr. Grabinski stated if she gets help and gets her name on the title, the inspection office would work with her to repair the property. Staff Recommendation:. Declare this building substand , a public nuisance, and uo,,_,erous building and forward to city commis · for their concurrence. Motion made by recommendation. A roll cal vote was taken: AYES ABSENT: Greg Borgman Randy Mackie Jerry Bever John Warne[ Clara Shepherd Jon Role Nick Case #02-014-1226 Pine St. (Garage) - Equicredit Corp. P.O. Box 53077, Jacksonville, FL No one was present to represent this case. Pictures of the garage were passed to board members. Staff Recommendation:. Declare this building substandard, a public nuisance, and dangerous building and forward to city commission for their concurrence. Motion made by Jon Rolewicz, seconded by John Warner, to support staff's recommendation. A roll cal vote was taken: AYES: NAYES: EXCUSED: ABSENT: Greg Borgman Randy Mackie Jerry Bever John Warner Clara Shepherd Jon Rolewicz Nick Kroes The motion carried. Old Business: Bob Grabinski gave an update on d 1129 Peck Street. The did not c appeal was filed with the state 7 of9 / \ L CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY OF MUSKEGON HOUSING (BUILDING) BOARD OF APPEALS Date: June 11, 2002 To: Equicredit Corp. P.O. Box 53077, Jacksonville, FL 32201 Owners Name & Address Eura Jordan & Elnora Wyrick, 1226 Pine St. Muskegon, Ml 49442 Names & Addresses of Other Interested Parties Gerald & Helen Singer, 1953 Forest Glen Court, Muskegon, Ml 49441 Other interested party ORDER TO DEMOLISH STRUCTURE The Hou~i!ilg Board of Appeals, having received evidence at a scheduled and noticed meeting held on Thursday, June 6, 2002 does hereby order that the following structure(s) located at 1226 Pine St. (Garage), Muskegon, Michigan, shall be demolished for the reason that the said structure or structures are found, based upon the evidence before the Board of Appeals, to be dangerous, substandard and a public nuisance. The owners or persons interested shall apply for the required permits to demolish the structure(s) within 30 days from the final determination to concur and demolish, if it is made by the City Commission. Demolition shall be accomplished no later than 60 days after a concurrence by the City Commission. The director of inspections is ordered to place before the Muskegon City ' Commission this order and the record in this case to seek concurrence by the City Commission with the decision of this board, and further to give notice to the owner and interested parties of the date and time when this matter shall be considered by the City Commission. This order is not final until concurred with by the City Commission. F:UNSPECTIONSIGRABINSKI_LORRAINEIWOROIHBA MEETINGSISTANDARD FORMSIORDER TO DEMOLISH.DOC NOTICE TO OWNER AND INTERESTED PARTIES Please take notice that this decision of the Housing Board of Appeals will be presented to the City Commission of the City of Muskegon on the date and at a time to be noticed to you by the Director of Inspections. You are hereby notified that you will have an opportunity to appear before the said City Commission at that time and to present any and all evidence·or matters relevant to the issue of demolition or repair of the said structures. This order of the Housing Board of Appeals is not final, but will become final if and when the City Commission has considered the record and this order, and has concurred . ., The City Commission may concur with this order, or disapprove or modify the order. ., FOR THE HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS: ~ert B. Grabinski, Director of Inspections F:\JNSPECTIONS\GRABINSKI LORRAINE\WORO\HRA M~~INn~\~TANnA~n • r"lo~,1<- 1nonco Tn neur-1, •<:"u ,...,,....,.... ' i CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY OF MUSKEGON HOUSING (BUILDING) BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF HEARING Date: May 23, 2002 Address of the Property: 1226 Pine St. (Garage) TO: Eguicredit Corp. P.O. Box 53077, Jacksonville, FL 32201 [Name & Address of Owner] Eura Jordan & Elnora Wyrick, 1226 Pine St. Muskegon, MI 49442 Names & Addresses of Other Interested Parties] Gerald & Helen Singer, 1953 Forest Glen Court, Muskegon, MI 49441 Please take notice that on Thursday, June 6, 2002 , the City of Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals will hold a hearing at 933 Terrace, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 o'clock p.m., . and at the said hearing consider whether or not the following structure should be determined to ' be dangerous, substandard and a nuisance, and demolished, or repaired. . The reason for this hearing is that you have not complied with the Notice and Order to Repair or Remove issued 4/ 15/02. At the hearing on Thursday, June 6, 2002 , at 5:30 o'clock p.m., at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, you may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Housing Board of Appeals and have counsel of your choice present, if you desire, to show cause why the structure should not be allowed or ordered demolished. rt B. Grabinski, Director of Inspections F:IINSPECTIONSIGRABINSKI_LORRAINEIWORDIHBA MEETINGS\STANDARD FORMSINOTICE OF HBA HEARING.DOC CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE AND ORDER TO REPAIR OR REMOVE (DEMOLISH) A STRUCTURE DATE: April 15, 2002 Address of the Property: 1226 Pine (Garage), Muskegon, Michigan TO: Eguicredit Corp. P.O. Box 53077, Jacksonville, FL 32201 [Name & Address of Owner] None (Interested Parties) The Building Inspection Department of the City of Muskegon has determined that the structures above described are dangerous, substandard, and constitute a nuisance in violation of the Dangerous Buildings Ordinance of the City. You are hereby notified that the City will proceed to demolish or cause the demolition and removal of the said structure unless you accomplish the actions indicated below within the time limits indicated (only one to be checked): 1. X- -~ Obtain the issuance of all permits required to accomplish the repair of the structure defects listed in the attached schedule within 30 days of this notice. All repairs shall be accomplished within the times set forth in the permits. All work must be physically commenced within 30 days of the date of this notice. 2. _ __ Obtain the issuance of the appropriate permit for the demolition of structures within 30 days, and accomplish the demolition thereof within 60 days of this notice. The conditions which cause the said structures to be dangerous, substandard and a nuisance are listed in the attached schedule. ( FAILURE TO COMPLY After 30 days from mailing this notice, if you have not complied with this notice, a hearing will be scheduled before the City of Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals for the purpose of enforcing this notice and order and instituting City action to remove the structure. You will receive notice of that hearing. You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Housing Board of Appeals and have counsel of your choice present, if you desire. You will have the opportunity to show cause why the structure shall not be ordered demolished. SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS The following conditions are present at the structure at 1226 Pine Muskegon, Michigan, and cause said structure to be a dangerous or substandard building and a public nuisance. Please see the attached inspection report ~ O F MUSK-EGON INSPECTION DEPARTMENT !M~ IL. ~,Z· Ro er! B. Grabinski, Director of Inspections ( CITY OF MUSKEGON DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT 1226 Pine St. (Garage) 4/4/02 Inspection noted: I. Garage leans to side - potential collapse. 2. Replace roofing - deteriorated and moss covered. 3. Repair fascia. 4. No foundation - broken and displaced. 5. Siding unprotected: needs to be painted. BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HA VE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A DANGEROUS AND/OR SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE. C: crtB. Grabinski, Director of Inspections DA: E 7 F:\Inspections\Grabinski_Lorraine\Word\DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORTS\1226 Pine (Garage).doc DATE: July 16, 2002 TO: Honorable Mayor and Commissioners FROM: Robert B. Grabinski, Director of Inspection Services RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #:01-032, 246 Laketon (Garage only) SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 246 Laketon (G), substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. Case# & Project Address: #246 Laketon (G). Location and ownership: This structure is located on Laketon Avenue between Terrace and Hoyt in the McLaughlin Neighborhood. It is owned by John Markavitch who lives at this address. Staff Correspondence: A dangerous building inspection was conducted 6/15/01 and a Notice and Order to repair or demolish was issued 7/5/01. A permit to repair was issued on 8/1/01, but the work has not been done. On 11/1/01 the HBA issued an opportunity to repair. Mr. Markovitch contacted the office on the date of the HBA meeting (2/7/02) and stated he could finish the repairs within 30 days. On 2/7 /02 the HBA declared the garage unsafe because the work has not been completed. As of this date the roof is not repaired. Owner Contact: There has been no contact since 2/7 /02. Financial Impact: CDBG Funds Budget action required: None State Equalized value: $14,600 (House and garage) Estimated cost to repair: $2,000 Staff Recommendation: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish. City Commission Recommendation: The commission will consider this item at it's meeting Tuesday, July 23, 2002. F:\l11spet:11L111s\Grahinski_L1mainc\ \\'orJ\CC MEETINGS\Agenda - 1969 Ho~ t.d11c page I of I 1c 'l r -- -- -1I" I I 1~ ~1 i" ~- -=-:i§ -- I --iI f- - - l i xi ---- -- I~ I t------ - _[_ 3;[6 1" 32G I- 1 --- --- ; r- - - (1) "J- ~ - -1.§ r-·· --1 it ------ ;f=-~~ 7 I, ._, ~---1~,. >- ! ! >-r--- --- r--:1 ~- i ______ --- 1; le IT O ~ rr: ,_ --- -- I J- - - - ' ;'°. J------ ____ /; ~----- :( -,i J--- -- '1' J- u 1 _ ')--- ----- - 8/. -- J----- 1----- c/ J iI - ~-= -i----- I C ~ _J L ,rn-- - ~ - -- ;! J-~ i~=-J:.~ .[:~ 1_--1-_-_ 32D 328 ----- 3:;2 I _!Sol_ -r ----1 IG7 -mT '""]"''-I 1 f _I_ I , I I "I-,- __I --1 i ~II I~ 1- - - - ~i ~~~- - :'.c ol i ' J r- ,- _..!59_ r_____lfill __ _ r- __ 1iiL - -l -==~=1, 'i - - l. ti ·1------ I - Is !----- I' l___ - I -- ~·: - - -- - I=--=-: f: _: __::__: ~-- - ~ [--,----- - i ~ I _j_ fil _, rno ,------, --- -- ~arbor Title 955 West Broadway Muskegon, MI49441 Title Search Case No.: 100120670 June 28, 2001 I. Beginning Date: 1/23/81, at 8:00 A.M. Please See Attached Liber 1209, Page 815, Muskegon County Records, for Legal Description: 2. We have searched the records in the office of the Register of Deeds for Muskegon County, Michigan covering the subject property, and find the following conveyances and undischarged encumbrances, from said beginning date to 5/8/2001, at 8:00 A.M. Documents Deeds: Mortgages: Liber 1209, Page 815 Liber 3157, Page 38 n/a Liber 1485, Page 917 Taxes: Delinquent water & sewer usage bill in the amount of $15.00, payable to the City of Muskegon, if paid by July 31, 2001. 1998 Taxes SOLD AT TAX SALE. Amount necessary to redeem in July 2001 is $710.46. Payment of the 1999 delinquent taxes, due and payable to the Muskegon County Treasurer in the amount of$1,178.12, if paid by July 31, 2001. Paymentof the 2000 delinquent taxes, due and payable to the Muskegon County Treasurer in the amount of$87l.72, if paid by July 31, 2001. (Base amount of 2000 Winter tax bill is $510.32) * NOTE: Delinquent water & sewer usage bill in the amount of$289.42 was included in the 2000 Winter tax bill. Note: No 2000 Summer taxes were assessed. Permanent Parcel No.: 61-24-205-305-0005-60. 2001 State Equalized Value: $12,300.00. 2001 Taxable Value: $9,719.00. Non-Homestead Property. 3 We find no United States Internal Revenue Liens recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Muskegon County, Michigan, against: John Markavitch NOTICE OF HEARING BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION DATE: July 16, 2002 246 Laketon (Garage) (Address of Property) TO: All owners and interested parties: John Markovitch, 246 Laketon, Muskegon, Ml 49442 (Name of Owner) Muskegon County Treasurer, P.O. Box 177, Muskegon, Ml 49443 (Other interested parties) On February 7, 2002, the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals made a determination that the subject property is sub-standard, a public nuisance and a dangerous building under the City Code and ordered that it be repaired or demolished. The City Commission will hold a hearing on Julv 23, 2002, to consider the above decision of the Housing Board of Appeals. You may appear at this hearing at 5:30 p.m. on Julv 73. 200?. at the Muskegon City Hall. 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon. Michigan, with counsel. if you desire. to present any revelent evidence and arguments concerning the decision to demolish the above structures. C[TY OF MUSKEGON lNSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT. 7'[;;:l~TI:I.ALS By--A'----------------- Rob rt B. Grabinski, Director oflnspections F:IINSPECTIONSIGRABINSKI_LORRAINEIWORO\CC MEETINGSISTANDARD FORMSINOTICE OF CITY COMMISSION HEARING.DOC HBA Minutes 2/02 Case #01-032 - 246 Laketon (Garage) - John Markovitch, Muskegon No one was present to represent this case. The owner did call the office late this afternoon. He said he cannot attend the meeting and he can finish repairs in 30 days. Mr. Grabinski stated that the case was previously brought before the board and an extension was granted for him to repair the garage. When Mr. Markovitch called today he stated the rafters and roof are repaired. Mr. Grabinski stated that when driving by today they do not appear to be repaired. Mr. Markovitch was told at the last meeting to call the office if there is a problem getting repairs done. He has not called until today. Staff Recommendation:. Declare substandard, a public nuisance, and a dangerous building, and forward to City Commission for their concurrence. Motion made by Randy Mackie and seconded by Jerry Bever to support staff's recommendation. A roll cal vote was taken: AYES: NAYES: EXCUSED: ABSENT: Greg Borgman Randy Mackie Nick Kroes John Warner Jerry Bever Jon Rolewicz Clara Shepherd The motion carried. Case #00 9 - 228 Washington - David Eskew, 228 Washington, Muskegon No one was pres to represent this case. Mr. Grabinski istory and stated there isn't that""'uch work to go, the owner jus t finish. He hasn't called the office since the la · Ms.~~merd stated she has talked to the owner and it is really a beauti u1'1' on Labrenz stated that he thinks it is a funding issue, due to the fact th e difficult time getting $50 for an electrical permit. Mr. Grabins ted he hopes · will be a wake up for the owner to get done. Staff Recomme lion:. Declare substandard, a public nuisance, and a 1 ding, and forward to City Commission for their concurrence. S of 12 ~ 4 lo LC\ '(sittllt'\ C(:::, 0 , °' er(.) February 7, 2002 At 4:10 p.m. John Markovitch called to say he has a family crisis and cannot attend the HBA meeting. He was not working full time recently and didn't have the money to do remaining repairs. He has the roof and rafters repaired and can finish in about 30 days. He was told to call in the morning 2/8 to find out what the board's decision was. lg CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY OF MUSKEGON HOUSING (BUILDING) BOARD OF APPEALS Date: February 11, 2002 To: John & Virginia Markovitch, 246 Laketon, Muskegon, Ml Owners Name & Address Muskegon County Treasurer, P.O. Box 177, Muskegon, Ml 49443 Names & Addresses of Other Interested Parties ORDER TO DEMOLISH STRUCTURE The Housing Board of Appeals, having received evidence at a scheduled and noticed meeting held on Thursday, February 7, 2002 does hereby order that the following structure(s) located at 246 Laketon (Garage), Muskegon, Michigan, shall be demolished for the reason that the said structure or structures are found, based upon the evidence before the Board of Appeals, to be dangerous, substandard and a public nuisance. The owners or persons interested shall apply for the required permits to demolish the structure(s) within 30 days from the final determination to concur and demolish, if it is made by the City Commission. Demolition shall be accomplished no later than 60 days after a concurrence by the City Commission. The director of inspections is ordered to place before the Muskegon City Commission this order and the record in this case to seek concurrence by the City Commission with the decision of this board, and further to give notice to the owner and interested parties of the date and time when this matter shall be considered by the City Commission. This order is not final until concurred with by the City Commission. F:IINSPECTIONSIGRABINSKI_LORRAINEIWORD\HBA MEETINGS\STANDARD FORMS\ORDER TO DEMOLISH.DOC NOTICE TO OWNER AND INTERESTED PARTIES Please take notice that this decision of the Housing Board of Appeals will be presented to the City Commission of the City of Muskegon on the date and at a time to be noticed to you by the Director of Inspections. You are hereby notified that you will have an opportunity to appear before the said City Commission at that time and to present any and all evidence or matters relevant to the issue of demolition or repair of the said structures. This order of the Housing Board of Appeals is not final, but will become final if and when the City Commissio_n has considered the record and this order, and has concurred. · The City Commission may concur with this order, or disapprove or modify the order. Rob rt B. Grabinski, Director of Inspections F:\INSPECTIONS\GRABINSKI_LORRAINE\WORDIHBA MEETINGS\STANDARD FORMS\ORDER TO DEMOLISH.DOC CITY OF !VIUSKEGON CITY OF MUSKEGON HOUSING (BUILDING) BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF HEARING Date: January 28, 2002 Address of the Prope1ty: 246 Laketon {Garage), Muskegon MI Description of the Stmcture: E 40 ft. ofW 340 ft. Lot 5 Blk 305 TO: John & Virginia Markovitch, 246 Laketon, Muskegon, MI 49442 [Name & Address of Owner] · Muskegon County Treasurer, P.O. Box 177, Muskegon, MI 49443 Names & Addresses of Other Interested Parties] Please take notice that on Thursday, February 7, 2002, the City of Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals will hold a hearing at 933 Tenace, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 o'clock p.m, and at the said hearing consider whether or not the following stmcture should be determined to be dangerous, substandard and a nuisance, and demolished, or repaired. The reason for this hearing is that you have not complied with the notice and order to repair issued 7/5/0 I. At the hearing on Thursday, February 7, 2002 , at 5:30 o'clock p.111., at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Tenace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, you may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Housing Board of Appeals and have counsel of your choice present, if you desire, to show cause why the strncture should not be allowed or ordered demolished. F:IINSPECTIONSIGRABINSKI_LORRAINEIWORD\HBA MEETINGSISTANDARD FORMSINOTICE OF HBA HEARING.DOC CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY OF MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS ORDER TO REPAIR OR DEMOLISH Date of Order: November 5, 2001 Address of the property: 246 Laketon (Garage Only) Description of the structure: E 40 ft. of W 340 Ft. Lot 5 Blk 305 To: John & Virginia Markovitch, 246 Laketon, Muskegon. Ml 49442 (Name & Address of Owner) Muskegon County Treasurer, P.O. Box 177, Muskegon, Ml 49443 (Names and Addresses of Other Interested Parties) OPPORTUNITY TO REPAIR The Housing Board of Appeals of the City of Muskegon has found that the above structures are dangerous or substandard buildings and a public nuisance. However, it is determined that the buildings are repairable, provided that permits are applied for and repairs performed in a timely fashion. Therefore, it is ordered that the owner or interested parties shall, apply for all permits required and commence the repairs of the conditions found in the inspection report attached to this order within 30 days" All saia repairs shall be accomplished in the time limited by the permits issued relevant to the said repairs, and physical repair must be commenced within the said 30 days of obtaining those permits. 2 FAILURE TO COMPLY - DEMOLITION ORDER TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION In the event the owners or interested parties fail to apply for all permits required to effectuate the said repairs or fail to commence physical repair within 30 days, then the above order of the Housing Board of Appeals shall constitute an order to demolish the said structures. In such case, the Director of Inspections is ordered to place before the Muskegon City Commission this order and the record in this case to seek concurrence by the City Commission with the decision of this board for demolition, and further, to give notice to the owner and interested parties of the date and time when this matter shall be considered by the City Commission. CITY OF MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF A EALS ' Grabinski, Director of Inspections 3 CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY OF MUSKEGON HOUSING (BUILDING) BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF HEARING Date: October 18, 2001 Address of the Property: 246 Laketon (Garage), Muskegon MI Description of the Structure: E 40 ft. ofW 340 Ft. Lot 5 Blk 305 TO: John & Virginia Markovitch. 246 E. Laketon. Muskegon. MI 49442 [Name & Address of Owner] Muskegon County Treasurer. P.O. Box 177. Muskegon. MI 49443 Names & Addresses of Other Interested Parties) Please take notice that on Thursday, November 1, 2001 , the City of Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals will hold a hearing at 933 Ten-ace. Muskegon. MI at 5:30 o'clock p.m, and at the said hearing consider whether or not the following structure should be determined to be dangerous, substandard and a nuisance, and demolished, or repaired. The reason for this hearing is that you have not complied with the Notice and Order to Repair or Demolish a Structure issued by the City of Muskegon Building Inspection Department on 7/5/01. At the hearing on Thursday. November 1 , 2001 , at 5:30 o'clock p.m., at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, you may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Housing Board of Appeals and have counsel of your choice present, if you desire, to show cause why the structure should not be allowed or ordered demolished. C'R¥-OF MUSKEGON INSPECTION DEPARTMENT, ON B~~~~ OF APPEALS BY-----1------------------- R bert B. Grabinski, Fire Marshal/Inspection Services F:IINSPECTIONSIGRABINSKI_LORRAINEIWORDIHBA MEETINGS\STANDARD FORMSINOTICE OF HBA HEARING.DOC BUILnlNG f RMIT APPLl<'4\TION F MUSKEGON JOB ADDRESS J.--_ LI le l,\___,, 1 LoJl( " LOT _ _ _ BU< _ _ _ TRACT _ _ __ OWNE~h,n f'iJ Q Li:c 01.,Ll~('.W ADORE~ -1--"~""-"'•c.J:..J..-'-L~------ PHONE _ _ _ _ __ CON. NkJ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MAIL ADDREf ~ PHONE _ _ _ _ __ ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER _ _ _ _ _ __ ESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PH _ _ _ LIC I EXP _ __ LICENSE NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE FEDERAL EMPLOYER ID# OR REASON FOR EXEMPTION ---------------------,,-- WORKERS COMP. INSURANCE CARRIER OR REASON FOR EXEMPTION _ _ _ _ _~ - - - - - - - - - - - - MESC EMPLOYER I OR REASON FOR EXEMPTION _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ALL CONTRACTOF: ll•IFOHM/fflON n::c1STEAED Wini "111[: CriY OF MUSKEGON YES O NO 0 CLASS OF WORI( NEW ADDITION O ALTERATION O REPAIR 0 : SPECIAL CONDITIONS --F>r---'----------=:.L..-i..J_~_l_/L.::._/-"v'..../_,,-~._,~·c'e;:.::"t:..:/C='"-c:0-,:.::::'::c·__:·'-':.c~"---"(..'-. s..'.!...'-"·z..,--cao.e'·:,cCc::.··.:::'--::!....:......_ _ _ _ __ USE OF BUILDING, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CHANGE USE TO _ _ _ _- ' : f - - - - - - - - - STARTING DATE _ _ _ __ DATE READY _ _ _ _ "'V-:-A:-:L--,U.,..,A'""T"'IO=,N-==-rr=-=R...K , - - - - - - - - - - , INSPECTION REPORTS DATE REMARKS INSP. PE MITFEE d,_:,.Su .l APPROVED BY PLANS CK BY PRlD FOR ISS. BY 'i?J·~ ~ , ' NOTICE ( ,i SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR PLUMB! G, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 30 DAYS OR If CONSTRUCTION OR~.RK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD Of 30 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE Of WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF TOTAL PERMIT FEE IS DOUBLED IF WORK IS ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE Of CONSTRUCTION. STARTED BEFORE PERMIT IS APPLIED FOR ' SECTION 23a OF THE STATE CONSTRUCTION CODE ACT OF 1972, ACT NO. 230 OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF 1972, BEING SECTION 125.1523a OF THE MICHIGAN COMPLIED LAWS, PROHIBITS A PERSON FROM CONSPIRING TO CIRCUMVENT THE LICENSING REQUIREMENTS OF THIS STATE RELATING TO PERSONS WHO ARE ABLE TO PERFORM WORK ON A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING OR A RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE. VIOLATORS OF SECTION 23a ARE SUBJECT TO CIVIL ANES. NOTE TO HOMEOWNERS (WHEN NO OTHER CONTRACTOR ASSISTANCE IS BEING USED), UNDER REASON FOR EXEMPTION STATE THAT YOU ARE THE HOMEOWNER AND WILL BE DOING E WO K. '7-, /. :.t SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ~ 'V'v" /1/J(:C>t_,r4,,{/{,,(/4/.__, DATE X: / i i/ 6 j WHITE - INSPECTOR YELLOW - APPLICANT PINK - ASSESSOR GOLD-AUDIT CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE AND ORDER TO REPAIR OR REMOVE (DEMOLISH) A STRUCTURE DATE: July 5, 2001 Address of the Property: 246 Laketon (Garage Only) Muskegon, Michigan Description of the Structure: E40 Ft. ofW340 Ft. Lot 5 Blk 305 TO: John and Virginia Markovitch, 246 E. Laketon, Muskegon, Ml 49442 [Name & Address of Owner] Jan A. Koens, P.O. Box 177, Muskegon, MI 49443 [Names & Addresses of Other Interested Parties] The Building Inspection Department of the City of Muskegon has determined that the structures above described are dangerous, substandard, and constitute a nuisance in violation of the Dangerous Buildings Ordinance of the City. You are hereby notified that the City will proceed to demolish or cause the demolition and removal of the said structure unless you accomplish the actions indicated below within the time limits indicated (only one to be checked): 1. X Obtain the issuance of all permits required to accomplish the repair of the structure defects listed in the attached schedule within 30 days of this notice. All repairs shall be accomplished within the times set fmih in the permits. All work must be physically commenced within 30 days of the date of this notice. 2. - - - Obtain the issuance of the appropriate permit for the demolition of structures within 30 days, and accomplish the demolition thereof within 60 days of this notice. The conditions which cause the said structures to be dangerous, substandard and a nuisance are listed in the attached schedule. F:\Inspections\Grabinski_Lonaine\Word\STANDARD FORMS\Inspections Department Notice and Order.doc Page 1 of3 FAILURE TO COMPLY After 30 days from mailing this notice, if you have not complied with this notice, a hearing will be scheduled before the City of Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals for the purpose of enforcing this notice and order and instituting City action to remove the structure. You will receive notice of that hearing. You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Housing Board of Appeals and have counsel of your choice present, if you desire. You will have the opportunity to show cause why the structure shall not be ordered demolished. SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS The following conditions are present at the structure at 246 E. Laketon (Garage Only), Muskegon, Michigan, and cause said structure to be a dangerous or substandard building and a public nuisance. Please see the attached inspection report CITY OF MUSKEGON INSPECTION DEPARTMENT B8f~±K3 rt,~ ~,Wn.' Robert B. Grabinski, Fire Marshal CITY OF MUSKEGON DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT 246 Laketon (Garage only) 6/15101 Inspection noted: l. An interior inspection is required by all trade inspectors (plumbing, mechanical, electrical and building). 2. Roof collapse on garage - structural dimage to rafters, decking. 3. Siding on garage rotting, needs replaced, painted. BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HAVE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A DANGEROUS AND/OR SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE. FALTINOWSKI, BUILDING INSPECTOR F:llnspections\Grabinski_Lonaine\Word\DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORTSISTANDARD FORMSIDB INSPECTION REPORT FORM.doc RECEIVED JUL 2 3 2002 July 22,2002 City Clerks Office We the residents of Hartford Terrace, 1080 Terrace, Muskegon, Michigan: do respectfully request the Department of Urban Affairs, t~ conduct a federal investigation into the policies, procedures and practices of the Muskegon Housing Commission and the Housing Office of Hart- ford Terrace. These entities are headed respectively by Mr. Ed Home, Chairman of the Muskegon Housing Commission, and Ms. Yvonne Morrisey, Ass't Directorand acting Director ofHartforq Terrace. Some of the reasons are as follows: I. Residents are allowed to address the commisssion board concerning our questions and complaints, but they refuse to address these prob- lems in the same meeting. We are told that they will get back to us, ·but they never contact the residents with their answers. A. A deceased resident's family asked the board to investigate the fight involving the resident, the then Resident Housing Commis- sioner and another resident. We were lead to believe that they would do this. When asked about it 3 months later, we were told that they only discussed it, but didn't actually vote on it. B Several residents came forword several different times to tell the board that the resident janitor was illegally hooking up cable and telephone service without official authorisation. They actually saw him do this! Nothing was done and to this day he is still doing it. C. Residents are not allowed to appeal to the board for any de- cisions made by Ms. Morrisey. We have no currant director, so we have to go through a lengthy appeal process that .includes schedualing a hearing and a lot of red tape. D. We believe that since we have had the same Ass't. Director under 2 different directors and we continue to have problems with the administration o'f this building, then maybe it's time to replace that position also! E. We believe that the commission should seriously consider the on- sider the on-going problems with the security staff before renewing I their contract. The problems residents are having with them are listed later under the heading of complaints for Ms. Morrisey item J., 1 through 6. ·, F. This writer believes that there is a conspiracy going on to change Ii the HUD rulesso that what made Tommie Dennie ineligable, eligable. This is why Muskegon City Mgr. Brian Mazade, !-; I is reluctant to appoint a new commissioner. He and the i" ;_· Housing Board want Tom to continue to represent the residents when THE RESIDENTS DON'T WANT TOMMIE DENNIE! .I Mr. Dennie chose to get in a fight with a resident of his own volition. That is why he had to move out and honor the ONE STRIKE rules that President Clinton made. The Housing Commission and Brian Mazade should be made to follow the rules ....just like everybody else. So move on Tom, let some- one else step in where you failed, someone who the PEOPLE want to represent them. [ •. 2. Complaints against Ms.Morrisey; A. Yvonne effectively fixed the Resident Council Election on 7/2/02. ,.1;· ' She knew ahead of time that the now elected Vice-President wasn't ' '· qualified to run for that office since she refused to accept his rent. He later recieved and eviction notice from a process server less that 2 weeks later. She also allowed that same person bring residents in one at a time and allowed him to show the person where to vote on the ballot. When called on about it, she laughed and said not to worry about it since all council offices were up for re-election in September of 2002. Evidently Ms. Morrisey doesnn't want a real fighting and even just threatening people, but these two people get off scott free! C. Residents are discouraged from filing complaints etc, by charging them a 15 cents a page for all paperwork, no exceptions. D. Residents are evicted by Yvonne for anything she wants and uses false charges to do it. Example: Two residents are being evicted for being friends with someone she doesn't like. [They are being charged with having unreported tenants living with them. They have hired a lawyer to address these false charges.] Yet another resident actually did have a live-in and they weren't evicited. E. One resident is in the eviction process for fighting and the other resident involved in it isn't. That same resident was in a fight with a visitor this past weekend. F. One resident resident was caught on camera stealing,[the council officer] and didn't even get wrote up! This same resident was in- volved in a fight over a female and the other resident is in trouble but he isn't. G. Resident janitor is able to steal cable and phone services because he talked Yvonne into telling the guards not to let the AT&T people intothe building after business hours. He was seen this week turning on someone's cable. This same janitor was taking air conditioners out of the apartments that weren't paying the excess utility charge as ordered. But, he turned around and sold them to other residents and pocketed the money for him- self. He didn't own them, they were the building's property! J. Security guards are not doing their jobs! 1. Supervisor doesn't watch out for people on the BARRED FROM THE PROPERTY LIST. His guards weren't looking out for them either. The only guards that do are Lester and John. Both of these guards pay attention to the posted rules, Lester even does rounds. 2. Vem and Germaine spend too much time trying to stick RESIDENT PETITION SIGNATURE LIST NAME APARTMENT# 1.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____:__c_ _ _ _ _ __ 9.:-------------------- 10._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 11._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;,___ _ __ 12._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 13._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 14._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 15. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 16. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 17. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 18._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-"-- 19.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 20._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 21._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 22.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 23.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 24._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 25._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 26._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 27._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 28. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 29. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 30. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 31 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 32 •._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 33._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 34._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 35·--------------~---
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