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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 10, 2001 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS@ 5:30 P.M. AGENDA • CALL TO ORDER: • PRAYER: • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: • ROLL CALL: • HONORS AND AWARDS: • PRESENTATIONS: • CONSENT AGENDA: a. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK b. Liquor License Transfer Request - 1301 E. Apple. CITY CLERK c. Liquor License Transfer Request - 1601 Beach. CITY CLERK d. Sheldon Charter Park. LEISURE SERVICES e. Intake Inspection Project. WATER FILTRATION f. Dumpbox/Underbody and Tap System Purchase. PUBLIC WORKS g. Aggregates Highway Maintenance Materials and Concrete. PUBLIC WORKS h. McGraft Park Caretaker Pay Range. LEISURE SERVICES i. City - MDOT Agreement for M - 120 Over the Muskegon River. ENGINEERING j. Request for an Encroachment Agreement in the Area of Sherman and McCracken. ENGINEERING k. Consideration of Bids, Windsor Henry to Barclay. ENGINEERING I. MDOT Agreement for Barclay Street, Sherman to Hackley. ENGINEERING • PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Continuation of Public Hearing - Millard Avenue. ENGINEERING • COMMUNICATIONS: • CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: □ UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. SECOND READING: Rezoning Request for property at 2575 McCracken. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT □ NEW BUSINESS: a. TallShips Festival Request. LEISURE SERVICE b. Transmittal of 2000 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. FINANCE c. Approving Cutting Edge Construction as one of the three Contractors for the City's Vinyl siding Program. COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES d. High Service Pump #2 Rebuild. WATER FILRATION e. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish the Following: INSPECTION SERVICES 1. 1712PineSt. 2. 1750 Pine 3. 15 E. Muskegon 4. 273 Merrill 5. 1309 Sixth St. □ ANY OTHER BUSINESS: □ PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: □ CLOSED SESSION: ► Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following: ► Be recognized by the Chair. ► Step forward to the microphone. ► State name and address. ► Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission. ► (Speaker representing a group may be allowed l O minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.) □ ADJOURNMENT: ADA POLICY: THE CITY OF MUSKEGON WILL PROVIDE NECESSARY AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES TO INDIVIDUALS WHO WANT TO ATTEND THE MEETING UPON TWENTY FOUR HOUR NOTICE TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGON. PLEASE CONTACT GAIL A. KUNDINGER, CITY CLERK. 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSMI 49440 OR BY CALLING (231) 724-6705 OR TDD: (231) 724-4172. Date: April10,2001 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Approval of Minutes SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, March 27, 2001. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes. CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 10,2001 CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS @ 5:30 P.M. MINUTES The regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30pm, Tuesday, April l 0, 2001. Mayor Fred J. Nielsen opened the meeting by offering the prayer after which the members of the City Commission and the members of the public joined in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL FOR THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING: Present: Mayor Fred J. Nielsen; Vice Mayor Scott Sieradzki; Commissioner John Aslakson; Jone Wortelboer Benedict; Robert Schweifler; Clara Shepherd; Lawrence Spataro. 2001-36 CONSENT AGENDA: a. Approval of Minutes. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, March 27, 2001. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes. b. Liquor License Transfer Request - 1301 E. Apple. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor Control Commission seeks local recommen- dation on a request to transfer ownership of the existing 2000 SDM license at 1301 E Apple Ave. from Gurmett Singh and Jaswinder Singh solely to Jaswinder Singh. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: All departments recommend approval. c. Liquor License Transfer Request - 1601 Beach. CITY CLERK SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor Control Commission seeks local recommen- dation on a request to transfer ownership of the existing 2000 Class C-SDM li- cense with Dance-Entertainment Permit, Official Permit (food), Outdoor Service (2 areas), and two bars from Marquette, Inc., to Beach Street Inn, Inc. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: All departments recommend approval. e. Intake Inspection Project. WATER FILTRATION SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To award a contract to Sea Brex Marine, Inc. of Ste- vensville, Ml to perform a complete inspection of the Water Filtration Plant Intake including complete penetration of the pipeline. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The low bid received is for $24,000.00. This project is budg- eted at 24,000.00. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Endorse the lowest responsible bidder, Sea Brex Ma- rine, Inc., and enter into contract for the inspection of the Water Filtration Plant Intake. f. Dumpbox/Underbody and Tarp System purchase. PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approval to purchase one Dumpbox, Underbody scraper and Tarp System for 2001 Plow Truck (installed), from Truck and Trailer Specialists for $18,258.00 FINANCIAL IMPACT: Total Cost $18,258.00. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None, Total for Truck and Equipment 64,240.25, $70,000.00 is budgeted. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval to purchase Plow Truck Dump Box, Under- body Scraper and Tarp System from Truck and Trailer Specialties for $18,258.00. g. Aggregates Highway Maintenance Materials and Concrete. PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Award bid to supply Calcium Chloride 38% (road brine) and 32% (winter salting) to Liquid Dustlayer, Inc. Award bid to supply 20AA and 31A bituminous asphalt to Asphalt Paving, Inc. Award bid to supply polymer modified anionic asphalt emulsion to Koch Materi- als Company. Award bid to supply sylvax-patching material to either bidder based on avail- ability. There are no bids to supply limestone ship blend to DPW. We will purchase based on cost and availability. Award bid to supply road slag to Verplank Trucking Company. Award bid to supply concrete to Consumers Concrete. High Grade Concrete does have the lowest bid, but due to extra unloading charges, Consumers will be cheaper. FINANCIAL IMPACT: $100,972 based on 2000 usage at 2001 quotes. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None, monies appropriated in several budgets. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To award the various materials to the vendors as re- quested. i, City - MDOT Agreement for M-120 Over the Muskegon River ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the contract with Michigan Department of Transportation to replace the M-120 Structure over the Muskegon River; together with the necessary related work. And to approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract. FINANCIAL IMPACT: While this is an MDOT project, we are required to participate at the rate of 11.25% as stipulated by Act-51 since the project falls within the City's limits. The City's share is estimated at $98,700 but not more that 11.25% of eligible cost. The total cost of the project is $4,407,900.00 BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution. k. Consideration of Bids. Windsor. Henry to Barclay, ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To award the contract for the construction of Windsor, including the watermain, from Henry to Barclay to Grant Tower since they were the lowest responsible bidder with a bid price of $257,704.00. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The construction cost of $257,704.00 plus related engineer- ing expenses. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None, this project is in the 2001 budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award the contract to Grant Tower. Moved by Commissioner Benedict, seconded by Vice Mayor Sieradzki to ap- prove the consent agenda as read with the exception of items d,h,j,I, which were removed. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED PRESENTATION: "This is your City of Muskegon" brochure. Brenda Moore, Planning, presented a brochure on the City of Muskegon services and facts to the Citizens of the Community. 2001-37 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA: d. Sheldon Charter Park. LEISURE SERVICES SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To accept the Quit Claim Deed from Muskegon Public School and to name Sheldon Park as a Charter Park. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval Moved by Vice Mayor Sieradzki, seconded by Commissioner Spataro to accept the Quit Claim Deed from Muskegon Public Schools and to name Sheldon Park as a Charter Park. ROLL VOTE: AYES; Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED h. McGraft Park Caretaker Pay Range. LEISURE SERVICES SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To create a pay scale for the newly created Building Facility Caretaker position, which is an upgrade from the McGraft Caretaker po- sition. FINANCIAL IMPACT: New rate to be Step 2 Pay Scale - $7 to $8.50/hr. Old rate was $5.50 to $7 /hr. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval Moved by Vice Mayor Sieradzki, seconded by Commissioner Schweifler to ap- prove the request to create a pay scale for the newly created Facility Caretaker position. ROLL VOTE: AYES; Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED j. Request for an Encroachment Agreement in the Area of Sherman and McCracken. ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Kaydon Corporation has filed an encroachment agreement form requesting your approval to install three monitoring Wells within the following right-of-ways; l. McCracken between Sherman and Letarte 2. Letarte between McCracken and Torrent 3. Torrent between Letarte and Sherman This agreement would permit Kaydon's representative {Dell Engineering at this time) to sample underground water. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the encroachment agreement subject to the supplemental conditions and compliance with the necessary insurance requirements. Moved by Commissioner Aslakson seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to ap- prove the encroachment agreement with the Kaydon Corp. to install 3 monitor- ing wells at 1. McCracken between Sherman and Letarte, 2. Letarte between McCracken and Torrent, 3. Torrent between Letarte and Sherman. ROLL VOTE: AYES; Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED I. MDOT Agreement for Barclay Street. Sherman to Hackley. ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the contract with Michigan Department of Transportation for the reconstruction of Barclay Street from Sherman to Hackley and to approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract. FINANCIAL IMPACT: MDOT participation is about $366,628.00 but not to exceed 81.85% of eligible cost. The estimated total (including engineering) cost of the project is $600,000.00. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. The City's share of the cost will come out of the Major Street Fund as was budgeted. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the attached agreement and resolution be approved Moved by Commissioner Benedict, to set public hearing in 2 weeks at next commission meeting. No second, therefore motion failed for lack of support. Moved by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Commissioner Aslakson to ap- prove the MDOT agreement for Barclay, Sherman & Henry Streets and to author- ize the Clerk and Mayor to sign the contract. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Aslakson, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro NAYS; Benedict, Nielsen MOTION ADOPTED 2001-38 PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Continuation of Public Hearing - Millard Avenue. ENGINEERING SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To continue the public hearing on the proposed spe- cial assessment of the Millard from Lake Dunes to West End project, and to cre- ate the special assessment district and appoint two City Commissioners to the Board of Assessors if it is determined to proceed with the project. Per your in- struction on March 27th, we have revised the design of the proposed road to reflect a width of 22' back to back. The property owners affected by the pro- posed assessment have been notified and a drawing showing the revisions was mailed. Furthermore, it is respectfully requested that if the district is created to award the contract to Jackson Merkey who was the lowest responsible bidder with a bid price of $129,888.70. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Construction cost plus related engineering cost. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To create the special assessment district and assign two City Commissioners to the Board of Assessors by adopting the resolution. The Public Hearing opened at 6:23pm to hear and consider any comments from the public. City Engineer, Mohammed AI-Shatel, explained the item. Com- ments were heard from Ronald Pesch, 3351 Millard; Susan Line, 3340 Millard. Both Citizens were opposed. Moved by Vice Mayor Sieradzki, seconded by Commissioner Spataro to close the public hearing at 6:33pm and to create a special assessment district and appoint two Commissioners to the Board of Assessors. ROLL VOTE: A YES; None NAYS; Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson MOTION FAILED COMMUNICATIONS: CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: 2001-39 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a, SECOND READING: Rezoning Request for property at 2572 McCracken. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to rezone property located at 2572 McCracken St. (between Sherman Blvd. And Letarte Ave.} from R-1, Single- Family Residential and B-1, Limited Business to entirely B-2, Convenience and Comparison Business, or to entirely B-1, Limited Business. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends rezoning the entire parcel to B-1, due to compliance with the future land use map and Master Land Use Plan, and to make the zoning consistent for the entire parcel. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommended re- zoning the entire parcel to B-1 at their 3/15/2001 meeting. The vote was unani- mous. Moved by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Commissioner Aslakson to adopt ordinance to rezone the entire parcel to B- 1. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Schweifler, Shepherd, Spataro, Aslakson NAYS; Nielsen, Sieradzki, Benedict MOTION ADOPTED 2001-40 NEW BUSINESS: a. Tall Ships Festival Request. LEISURE SERVICES SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To waive all City service fees in conjunction with the Tall Ships event at Heritage Landing in August. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Estimated at $20,000.00. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Leisure Services Board recommends approval. Moved by Vice Mayor Sieradzki, seconded by Commissioner Schweifler to waive the City service fees for the Tall Ships event. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED b. Transmittal of 2000 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. FINANCE SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City's 2000 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) has previously been distributed to City Commissioners. At this time the CAFR is being formally transmitted to the Commission in accordance with state law. Should the Commission wish to do so, staff and the independent auditors are prepared to conduct a special work session to focus on the CAFR as well as City finances in general. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. The CAFR report summarizes the City's financial ac- tivities for 2000 and includes the independent auditor's unqualified opinion on the City's financial statements. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Acceptance of the 2000 CAFR. Moved by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Commissioner Schweifler to ac- cept the 2000 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report as written. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED c. Approving Cutting Edge Construction as one of the three contractors for the City's Vinyl Siding Program. COMMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve for Community and Neighborhood Services to add Cutting Edge Construction of Muskegon as one of the City's contractors to install siding through its housing rehabilitation program. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The contract with Cutting Edge will be the same as with the other two contractors $75.00 a square and will be taken from CDBG budget. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None required STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve CNS request. Moved by Commissioner Benedict, seconded by Commissioner Spataro to ap- prove the addition of Cutting Edge as one of the City's contractors to install sid- ing through its housing rehabilitation program. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Shepherd, (Schweifler, out of the room) NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED d. High Service Pump #2 Rebuild. WATER FILTRATION SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To rebuild High Service Pump #2 (12 million gallon per day) prior to the summer season peak water demand. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Cost of the pump rebuild is $20,100.00. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: This is an unplanned expense and will require an in- ternal budget transfer from another line item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To endorse Peerless-Midwest, Inc. as the contractor to rebuild high service pump #2 at a cost of $20,100.00. Moved by Commissioner Benedict, seconded by Commissioner Aslakson to ap- prove the rebuild of pump #2 by Peerless-Midwest at a cost of $20,100.00. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED e. Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish the following: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structures listed below are unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that they be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolitions of these structures and that the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute contracts for demolition with the lowest responsible bidders. FINANCIAL IMPACT: CDBG BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Concur with Housing Board of Appeals to demolish. Moved by Commissioner Aslakson, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to concur with Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish the structure at 1712 Pine St. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Aslakson, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Spataro NAYS; Benedict, Sieradzki, MOTION ADOPTED Moved by Commissioner Aslakson, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to concur with Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish the following struc- tures at 1750 Pine (Garage Only), 247 Amity, 462 White. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED Moved by Commissioner Benedict, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to postpone decision on the demolition of 15 E Muskegon Ave. until the next meeting in 2 weeks. ROLL VOTE: AYES; Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED Moved by Commissioner Shepherd, seconded by Commissioner Spataro to concur with Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish the structure at 273 Merrill. ROLL VOTE: AYES; Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED Moved by Commissioner Spataro, seconded by Commissioner Shepherd to concur with Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish house and garage at 1309 Sixth Sf. ROLL VOTE: AYES; Shepherd, Spataro, Aslakson, Nielsen, Schweifler NAYS; Sieradzki, Benedict MOTION ADOPTED 2001-41 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: a. Notification Process for Special Assessments, (Commissioner Benedict) Moved by Commissioner Spataro to refer to staff for a report on the potential ex- pense of mailing options. No support, therefore, motion withdrawn. Moved by Commissioner Aslakson, seconded by Commissioner Benedict to re- fer to staff to study costs to convert the Special Assessment mailings to certified mail, return receipt requested and report back to Commission in two weeks. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED b. Investigation into Price of Gasoline in West Michigan, (Mayor Nielsen) Moved by Commissioner Aslakson, seconded by Commissioner Spataro to re- quest that staff draft a resolution to send to the County in support of their investi- gation of the gasoline prices. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED 2001-42 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Various comments were heard from the general public. 2001-43 CLOSED SESSION: To discuss Pending Litigation. Moved by Commissioner Aslakson, seconded by Commissioner Schweifler to go to closed session at 8:52pm. ROLL VOTE: AYES; Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED Moved by Commissioner Aslakson, seconded by Commissioner Spataro to re- turn from closed session at 9:22pm. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict NAYS; None MOTION ADOPTED Moved by Commissioner Aslakson, seconded by Commissioner Spataro to re- lease the retainer and allow Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority to settle. ROLL VOTE: A YES; Schweifler, Shepherd, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, (Vice Mayor Sieradzki absent) NAYS; None EXCUSED; Sieradzki MOTION ADOPTED ADJOURNMENT: The Regular Commission Meeting for the City of Muskegon was adjourned at 9:23pm. Respectfully submitted; Gail Kundinger, CMC/AAE City Clerk GK/do Date: April 10, 2001 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk RE: Liquor License Transfer Request 1301 E. Apple, Muskegon, Ml SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor Control Commission seeks local recommendation on a request to transfer ownership of the existing 2000 SOM license at 1301 E. Apple from Gurmett Singh and Jaswinder Singh solely to Jaswinder Singh. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: All Departments are recommending approval. A flirmat in• Action 23 1/724-6 703 ' FA\/722- 12 14 :\SSl'SSOI' 23 1/724-6 708 F,1\/72 6-5 I 8 I ( \ ~IH L'll' l"Y 23 1/724-(,783 F.-\\/726 -56 17 Ci\' il Scr \'in~ 23 1/724-67 16 l-'..1\ 17H -440 5 West Michigan's ShOl'Cllnc City C le rk 231/724-6711:'i FA\/7H- 4 178 Co mm. & ~fr il,!h, March 13 , 2001 23 1/714-(,7 17 F.-\ X/7l/,-2Stl I E11 J;!in c c1·in~ To: The City Commission through the City Manager 231 1724-6707 F.I X/727-6904 From: ~ L . l ~ a Q, . L Fi uan i.:t• 23 1/724-(,7 13 ntHny L. Kleibecker, Chief of Police F..1\ /724-<,768 Fin· Dt•pt. Re: Transfer of Ownership of Liquor License at 1301 E. Apple Avenue 23 1/724-6792 F. IX/72 4-6985 ln i.: oml' T a \ 23 1/724-6770 The Muskegon Police Department has received a request from the Liquor Control F.1 \172 4-6768 Commission for an investigation concerning the transfer of the current 2000 SOM license Info. Sys fl• ms located at 1301 E . Apple. The applicants involved are Gurmeet Singh and Jaswinder 23 11724-6 744 F. \.\/722-Htl I Singh. Ll•is u n • Sl'r \'in · 23 I 1724-6704 The request is to transfer of ownership of the license solely to Jaswinder Singh. Mr. FA \ /724- 11 % Singh resides at 549 Marlane Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49442. He currently works at .\la 11a~c r \ Offiet· the establishment which is retail business . 23 1/724- 6724 F,\ \/722- 12 14 We have searched our records and conducted a Michigan Criminal History Check and 1\ la yo r's Offii.:c 23 I /724-/,70 I find no reason to deny this request. F..\\/722- 1214 Scrvi1.:cs 2J 11724-67 15 TK/cmw f-.-1.\/72 6 -250 I Pla1111i11g/Zo ui11g 23 1/724-6702 Fr\.\/724 -67911 Po lil:c Dept. 2.l 11724-<,750 F,1 X/722-51411 P11 hli r \ Vurlmmendatihris ..·· Will the applicant's proposed location meet all appropriate state and local building, plumbing, zoning, fire, sanitation and health laws and ordinances, if this license is granted? ~ Yes D No If you are recommending approval subject to certain conditions, list the conditions: (Allach a signed and daled report If more space Is needed) I Sectiorf4~ Recommendation From your investigation: 1. Is this applicant qualified to conduct this business if licensed? [Kl Yes No • 2. Is the. proposed location satisfactory for this business? 1RJ Yes No • 3. 4. Should this request be granted by the Commission? @ Yes No • If any of the above 3 questions were answered no, state your reasons: (Allach a signed and daled report If more space Is needed) Sig~re (Sherill or Chief of Police) Dale LC· 1800 Rev. 06/97 (Mail white copy to the Commission, Keep yellow copy for your file) MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER & INDUSTRY SERVICES / or LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 7150 Harris Drive P.O. Box 30005 Lansing, Michigan 48909 - 7505 POLICE INVESTIGATION REQUEST (Authorized by MCL 436.1(4)) DATE:March 1, 2001 REQUEST ID# 103266 Chief of Police Muskegon Police Department 980 Jefferson Street Muskegon Mi 49440 Chief of Law Enforcement Office Applicant: Bunty, Inc. request to transfer ownership of 2000 SDM licensed business from Gurmeet Singh & Jaswinder Singh located at 1301 E. Apple, Muskegon, MI 49442, Muskegon County . Please make an investigation of the application. If you do not believe that the applicants are qualified for licensing , give your reasons in detail. Complete the Police Inspection Report on Liquor License Request, LC-1800, or for Detroit police, the Detroit Police Investigation of License Request, LC- 1802. If there is not enough room on the front of the form, you may use the back. Forward your report and recommendations of the applicant to the Licensing Division. NO FINGER PRINT NECESSARY If you ha ve any questions, contact the Licensing Division at (517) 322 - 1400, after 10:00 a . m. LC-1972 Rev. 6/92 4880-1658 nll MEMO To: Chief Tony Kleibecker From: Det. Kurt Dykman Date: 3-13-00 Re: Transfer ownership of 1301 E. Apple, Muskegon, ML Chief Kleibecker, The Muskegon Police Department has received a request from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission for an investigation from applicant Bunty, Inc. for transfer of ownership of2000SDM licensed business from Gurmeet Singh & Jaswinder Singh located at 1301 E. Apple, Muskegon MI 49442. This transfer of license is solely to Jaswinder Singh. Mr. Singh resides at 549 Marlane St, Muskegon MI 49442. He currently works at the establishment that is a retail business. I have searched MPD records and conducted a Michigan Criminal History Check and find no reason to deny this request. Respectfully submitted, data/common/Jsingh MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER & INDUSTRY SERVICES LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 7150 Harris Drive P . O. Box 30005 Lansing, Michigan 48909 - 7505 LOCAL GOVERNMENT 15- DAY NOTICE (Authorized by MAC 436.1105 (2d} (3}] Muskegon City Commission March 1, 2001 933 Terrance st REQUEST ID# 103266 P . o. Box 536 Muskegon, MI 49443 - 0536 The Liquor Control Commission has received an application from: Bunty, Inc. request to transfer ownership of 2000 SDM licensed business from Gurmeet Singh & Jaswinder Singh located at 1301 E. Apple, Muskegon, MI 49442, Muskegon County. Stockholder Jaswinder Singh 549 Marline st, Muskegon, MI 49442 231 777 1250 Specially Designated Merchant (SDM} licenses permit the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the premises only . Specially Designated Distributor (SDD) licenses permit the sale of alcoholic liquor, other than beer and wine under 21 per cent alcohol by volume, for consumption off the premises only . For your information, part of the investigation of the application is conducted by the local law enforcement agency and investigative forms will be released to them either in person or by mail. Although local governing body approval is not required by the Michigan Liquor Control Act for off- premise licenses, the local governing body, or its designee, may notify the commission within 15 days of receipt of this letter if the applicant location will not be in compliance with all appropriate state and local building, plumbing, zoning, fire, sanitation and health laws and ordinances, or if the applicant is considered ineligible due to other factors . All conditions of non-compliance must be outlined in detail, indicating the laws and ordinances applicable in this case, with a copy of the law and/or ordinance submitted with notification. PLEASE RETURN YOUR RESPONSE TO: Michigan Liquor Control Commission Licensing Division P.O. Box 30005 Lansing, Michigan 48909 - 7505 LC- 3104 Rev . 6/90 4880- 2068 nll RECEIVED MAR 5 2001 MUSKEQ ON CITY MANAG~r..•s --------·-- OFFICE - LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORM · Business Name: Bunty, Inc. ------------,----------- AKABusinessName{ifapplicable): currently Dasmesh Mart (Sunny Mart) Operator/Manager's Name: Jq..s w/lJ cle /' ~Ph Business Address: 1301 E. Apple Reason for Review: New License D Transfer of Ownership W · Dance Permit D Drop/Add Name on License • Trannsfer Location D Drop/Add Stockholder Name D New Entertainment Permit D Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Deadiilllle for receipt of all. information: Apri 1 2, 200-1 Police Depa.rtmernt Approved D Denied D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved ~ ingO Amount: Treasurer Approved! • Owing D Amount: Zoning Approved • Denied D Pending ZBA • C!erk.9 s Approved • Owii:ngD Amount: Fire/Inspection Compliance D Remaining Defects Services Department Slignature ~~ Ga.ii A. Kundinger, City Clerk Liquor License Coordinator LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORM Business Name: ___Bunty, _______________ Inc. ___;_:_ _ AKA Business Name (Jif applicable): currently Dasmesh Mart (S unny Mart) . Operato.r/Ma-nager's Name: Jqs w/lJ Jf /' .>1gt'h Business Address: 1301 E. Apple Reason for Review: New License D 'fransfer of Ownership D @ · 'JIJJance Permit Drop/Add Name on Lkel!Dse •· Trannsfeir Location D Drop/Adld Stockholdeir Name 0 New JEnteirtainment Permit D Other _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JD>ea«:ltKine for receipt of all nnformmtion.: Apri 1 2, 2001 Police Depa.ll"tment Approved D Denied D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved. ~wingO Amount: Treasurer Approved wing D Amoullllt: Zoning Appll"oved! • Denied D Pending Z:BA • Cleirk.9 s Approved. • Ownng • Amount: Fiire/][nspection Compllfance D Remaining Defods Services Department Signature ) ~ .3/xJlo J ' 7 T' Gail A. Kum.dingew, Clity Cleirk Liquor License Coordinator LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORM · Business Name: Bunty, . Inc . -------'- -- - ---------,--- - -- - - - - - AKA Busi.ness Name (if applicable): currently Dasmesh Mart ( Sunny Mart) OperatoR"/Manager's Name: (}g.s w/lJ Jf /' Or>/pb Business Address: 1301 E. App l e Reason for Review: New License D 1'.ransfeir of Ownerslhuip @ · Dance Permit D Drop/Addi Name on License Transfer Location. D Dr-op/Add Stock!noldeir Name 0 New JEimtertainment Permit D Other _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ ID>eadilJi.JIRe for irecelipt of an iinfoirmatnon: Apr i 1 2, 200·1 Police Department Approved 0 Denned! 0 No Adlion Needed 0 Income Tax Approved! • Owing • Amount: Treasmurer Approved • Owing 0 Amount: Zonim.g Approved ~l Denied! D Pending ZBA '-- • Clerk.9s Approved • Ownng • Amount: JFfre/Jfnspection Com.pllnance D Remaining Defects Services Department Signatllred ~ ✓ Gain A. Kundinger9 City Cleirk Liquor License Coordinator LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORM · Business Name: Bunty, Inc. - -----'--------,----------- AKA Business Name (ff appiicable): current l Y Dasmesh Mart ( Sunny Mart) Operator/Manager's Name: Business Address: 1301 E. Apple Reason for Review: New License D l'rairnsfeir of Ownership @ · Dance Permit D Drop/Add Name on Liiceimse D· D l'raimsfer Locatnon Drop/Add Stockholder Name D New Entertainment Peirmit D Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DeadRiillle for receipt of all mformatlion: Apri 1 2, 2001 Police Department Approved D Denied! D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved. • Owillllg D Amm111rnt: Treasurer Approved • Ownng D Amouumt: Zoning Approved! • Demied D Pendnllllg ZBA • Clerk' s Approved ~ Owing • Amouumt: Fire/Inspection:n. CompHnance D Remaining Defects Services Gail A. Kuimcllinger, City Clerk Liquor License Coordinator LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORM Business Name: Bunty, Inc . -------------,----------- AKA Business Name (if applicable): currently Dasmesh Mart (Sunny Mart) Operator/Ma-n ager's Name: S:,1g,toL Business Address: 1301 E. Apple Reason for Review: New License D 1'raH11sfe1r of Ownerslhuip [iii · IDance Permit D Dirop/Add l\fame on LiceH11se D· D Transfer Locatfon Drop/Add Stockh.oldeir Name D New lEimteirtainment Permit D Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DeadHiRD.e fmr receipt of all. illlfoirmation: Apri 1 2, 2001 Pollice Depairtmemt Approved D Denied! D No Adion Needed • Income 1':ax Approved • Ow1hmg D Amount: 1'ireasuue:r Approved • Owing D Amount: Zolllilllg Approved • Denied D Pending ZBA • Clerk's Approved D Ownng • Amount: Fire/[nspection Services Compliance i Remaining Defects Department' Gail A. Kundinger, City Cleirk Liquor License Coordinator Affirmative Action 616/724-6703 FAXn22-i214 Assessor 616/724-6708 FAX/724-.il78 Cemetery 616/724-6783 FAX/726-5617 Civil Service 616/724-6716 FAX/724-4055 Clerk 616/724-6705 FAX/724-4178 Comm, & Neigh, Services April 3, 2001 616/724-6717 FAX/726-2501 Engineering 616/724-6707 FAX/727-6904 Mr. Gordon Peterman, President Finance Sheldon Park Neighborhood Association 616/724-6713 1132 Oakgrove FAX/724-6768 Muskegon,MI 49442 Fire Dept. 616/724-6792 FAX/724-6985 Dear Mr. Peterman: Income Tax 616/724-6770 A request has been received from the Liquor Control Commission to transfer f< ci E D Comm. & Neigh. D ti a: Services D 616/724-6717 FAX/726-2501 April 17, 2001 I"'- I 0 0 Engineering 616/724-6707 FAX/727-6904 Finance Liquor Control Commission 616/724-6713 FAX/72<1-6768 7150 Harris PO Box 30005 Fire Dept. 616/724-6792 Lansing, MI 48909-7505 FAX/724-6985 Income Tax REF: #103266 616/724-6770 FAX/724-6768 1301 E. Apple Muskegon,MI 49442 Info. Systems 616/724-6706 FAX/722-430! To Whom It May Concern: Leisure Service 616/7H-6704 Enclosed is the resolution and police inspection report (LC-1800) for the liquor FAX/724-1196 license transfer request mentioned above. Manager's Office 616/724-6724 FAX/722-1214 Please do not hesitate to call me at (231) 724-6705 if you have any questions. Mayor's Office 6 I 6/724-6701 Sincerely, FAX/722-1214 Neigh. & Const. Services 616/724-6715 FAX/726-2501 Linda Potter Planning/Zoning Deputy Clerk 616/724-6702 FAX/724-6790 Enc. Police Dept. 616/724-6750 FAX/722-5140 Public Works 616/124-41_00 FAX/722-4138 Treasurer 616/724-6720 FAX/724-6768 Water Billing Dept. 616/724-6718 F AX/724-6763 Water Filtration 616/724-4106 F AX/755-5190 Ciiy of 1½!11l§kegon, 933 1ferrnce §!reel, IP'.O. l!llox 536, l½[i,sll,egon, Ml 49II 2.l iH-6703 F,\.\/722- 12 H .-\ss\'sso r 23 I /724-(,708 F.-\ .\/726-5 18 1 (_\ •nu•l l'I} ' 23 I /724 -(,783 F.-\.\/726-56 17 Ch·il Scn ·in• 231/724-67 16 F..\X/72 • -• • os West Mlch.lgan's Shoreline City Cll-rl, 23 1/7H-67115 F.\ :\/72• -4 178 April 2, 2001 Sl'r\'in.•s 23 I /724-(, 7 17 F.-\:\ /72/,-2511 I En!!,incl'rin g To: The City Commission through the City Manager 23 1/72 4-6707 F,-\.\/727-69114 From: ~ L _/ ~ - Fi11a11n• 23 1/724-/, 713 kirtony L. Kleibecker, Chief of Police F.-\.\ /7 24-67/,8 Fi n · lkpl. Re: Transfer of Ownership of Liquor License at 1601 Beach Street 2J 1/724-6792 F.\:\/7H-(,9X5 l 11cu111L· Ta~ 2J I /724-6 770 The Muskegon Police Department has received a request from the Liquor Control F.-\:\ /72 • -67(,8 Commission for an investigation concerning the transfer of the current license at 1601 In fo. Systems Beach St, Pavilion Building, Muskegon MI. 49441 from applicant Beach Street Inn, Inc. 23 l /724-67H F. \.\/72 2-4311I Beach Street Inn is requesting to transfer ownership of the current 2000 Class C-SDM LL·i ~urc St' t-Vin· 23 I /724-6 704 licensed business (in escrow) with Dance-Ente1iainment Permit, Official Permit (food), Fr\.\/72• - 1I% Outdoor Service (2 area"), and two bars from Marquette, Inc. ;\ lana~l'r's Orfin~ 13 1/724-(, 724 Our department has met with the applicant, Steve M. Schenck of 11517 Windsor Dr, F,\X/722-1214 Spring Lake, MI. , 49345. Mr. Schenck plans to keep the entertainment permit and have 1\l:1yor's Officl' music from both bands and pre-recorded background type music. 2.l I /724-6 7111 F.-\X/722- 12 14 We have searched our records and conducted a Michigan Criminal History Check and St.·n ·in·:-. find no reason to deny this request. 23 1/ 724-67 I 5 F.-\X/726-2511 1 Plan11i11~/Zon i 11g 23 1/724-c.702 TK/cmw Fr\:\/724-67911 Po lin.· l>l'pt. 2.l 1/724-/, 7511 F.-\X/722-51411 Puhlir \Vorl,s 2J 1/724-411111 F,\.\/722 -4 IXX Tn·:1s 11n~r 23 I /724-6 7211 F,\X/724-6768 \l'alcr Billing D,•pl. 2J 1/7H-(,7 IR FAX/724-/,76R \\'atL•r F iltrat ion 2J 11724-4 I06 F.-\:\/755-5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 MEMO To: Chief Tony Kleibecker From: Det. Kurt Dykman Date: 3-30-00 Re: Transfer of ownership/ liquor license ChiefKleibecker, The Muskegon Police Department has received a request from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission for an investigation from applicant Beach Street Inn, Inc., Pere Marquette Park, 1601 Beach St, Pavilion Bldg., Muskegon MI. 49441. Beach Street Inn is requesting to transfer ownership of2000 Class C-SDM licensed business (in escrow) with Dance-Entertainment Permit, Official Permit (food), Outdoor Service (2 area"), and 2 bars from Marquette, Inc. I have met with the applicant, Steve M. Schenck of 11517 Windsor Dr, Spring Lake, MI., 49345. Mr. Schenck plans to keep the entertainment permit and have music from both bands and pre-recorded background type music. I have searched MPD records and conducted a Michigan Criminal History Check and find no reason to deny this request. Respectfully submitted, ,//£'.'.~~ ... ··••. - - Det. Kurt Dykman data/common/schenck LIQUOR LICENSE,REVIEW FORM . 'i . Business Name: Beach Street Inn, Inc. AKA Business Name (if applicable): -=Ja:::..:l~a=pe::.:.n:.::.o....:'s=---------- Operator/Manager's Name: Steven M. Schenck ---'---'---------------- Business Address: 1601 Beach Street Reason for Review: New License D Transfer of Ownership ~ Dance PermitD Drop/Add. Name on License D· Transfer Location D Drop/Add Stockholder Name D New Entertainment Permit D Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ for ireceipt of all information: April 2 2001 Police Department Approved Bnenied D No Action Needed D Income Tax Approved • Owing D Amount: Treasurer Approved • Owing D Amount: Zoning Approved • Denied D Pending ZBA • Clerk's Approved • Owing • Amount: Fire/Inspection Compliance D Remaining Defects Services Department Signatu:re_ ____.;/1 :.......;.; " """'--t _ 1_.Z=jb - ~_.o_,,.._. . _JL.,_,... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk Liquor License Coordinator STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER & INDUSTRY SERVICES LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 7150 Harris Drive P.O. Box 30005 Lansing, Ml 48909-1505 LOCAL APPROVAL NOTICE (Authorized by MCL 436.1501(2) and MAC 1105(2)(d)) Ref# Req ID#l03560 Date: March 9, 2001 To: Muskegon City Commission 933 Terrace Street PO Box 536 Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 Applicant: BEACH STREET INN, INC. HOME ADDRESS AND PHONE NO: Steven M. Schenck, 1601 Beach Street, Muskegon, MI 49441 H&B(616)485-1293 Local Legislative approval is required for new and transferring On-Premises licenses by MCL 436. 1501 of the Michigan Liquor Control Code of 1998. Local approval is also required for DANCE, ENTERTAINMENT, DANCE-ENTERTAINMENT OR TOPLESS ACTIVITY permits by authority of MCL 436.1916. For your convenience a resolution form is enclosed that includes a description of the licensing transaction requiring approval. The clerk should complete the resolution certifying that your decision of approval or disapproval of the application was made at an official meeting. Please return the completed resolution to the Liquor Control Commission as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact the On-Premise Section of the Licensing Division as (517) -322- 1400. PLEASE COMPLETE ENCLOSED RESOLUTION AND RETURN TO THE LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION AT ABOVE ADDRESS sfs LC·1305 REV 8/98 4880-1234 STEVEN 1\11. SCHENCK 7.95 9-32/720 11 7 5 UC. S520777603177 275000529170 / 11517 WINDSOR OR. SPARTA, Ml 49345 DATE ?&I~~/ 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n n 1 1 S , , w , STEVEN 1\11. SCHIEI\ICK 7.95 9-32/720 UC. S520777603177 275000529170 1176 J&/4,/ 11517 WINDSOR DR. SPARTA, Ml 49345 DATE PAYTOTHE ORDER OF _,;r4 7a ,-_,,,:: d?'J "TL I/Z L' )hi, I$ /5 .,,.,:, / ) ,F ~J.A!,7 ~-=-~ DOLLARS lcrli!,,;!f;:- = !BJjj!JI/I!}[= :=@/!!/IE. Bank Ona """ Detroit, Michlgari 48226 £"' IJ. •,_ MEMO ~ v ('4 >,;I} ;, I n:o 7 2000 :3 2 bu: LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORM Business Name: Beach Street Inn, Inc . AKA Business Name (if applicable): _..;_Ja"--l-"-a._pe'--n-'-0_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 Operator/Manager's Name: -Steven ' - -M.- Schenck ------------ Business Address: 1601 Beach Street Reason for Review: New License D Transfeir of Ownership @] D Dance Permit Drop/Add Name on License • Transfer Location D Di'op/Add Stockholder Name D New Entertainment Permit D Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Deadline for :receipt of all information: __Ap,__r_i_l_2-'-2_00_1_ _ __ Police Department Approved D Denied D No Action Needed D rv(~ 1--Y~~ ~AA u l\ A--rl1 r'11-Y\ Approved A - - - - - - - (l'owmblp Boord, City or Villago Council) calledtoorderby Mayor Nielsen on April 10 l 2001 at 5:30 P.M. The following resolution was offered: Moved by Comm i ssioner Benedi ct and supported by Vice Mayor Sieradzk i That the request from BEACH STREET INN, INC. to transfer ownership of 2000 Class c licensed business with Dance-Entertain.~ent Per~it; located in escrow at Pere Marquette Park, 1601 Beach, Pavilion Bldg., Muskegon, MI 49441, Muskeg.on County, from MARQUETTE, INC . be considered for A rova l (Approval or Diupproval) APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Yeas: 7 Yeas: Nays: 0 Nays: Absent: 0 Absent: It is the consensus of this legislative body that the application be: Recommended for issuance - - - - - - -- - --(R.:eomm,---icndod-or_ no_tRc< -- , m-me_ndcd_)- - - - - - - - - - - - -- State of Michigan _ _ __ _, § County of Muskegon ) I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution offered and c t~y'-C__o_m_m_is--s__i._ao__n_ _ _ _ _ _ at a __R_e_.g_u_la_ r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ adopted by the ___ ,=· (l'own.,hip Boord, City or VU!ag,, Council) (11<,gular or Spe,,ial) meeting held on Apr i 1 10, 2001 • ((late) SEAL (Signed) ~ (Mailing llddlUS ofTowo.,hip, City of Village) Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 CITY OF lvIBSKJEGON lv1USKJEGON COUNTY, lVi!ICffiGAN Resol1.1tio11 No. 2001-36 ( c) A Resoiution approving lease of the business and buiiding subject to the Ground Lease at 1601 Beach Street. Recitals 1. The City of Muskegon has entered into a Ground Lease for certain land located at 1601 Beach St. with Pavilion Properties, L.L.C., upon which is located a building and other improvements owned by Pavilion Properties L.L.C. and used for a restaurant and bar business, a use which is required to be carried on by the said lessee under the Ground lease. 2. The ground lessee, Pavilion Properties, L.L.C., wishes to operate its business in the building through a subsidiary entity, known as Beach Street Inn, Inc., which would be a lessee of the building owned by the ground lessee. 3. T'nat there has beeu uo requesi by the ground lessee to assign or otherwise alienate its responsibilities under the ground lease, and all the responsibilities of the ground lessee to the City, (ground lessor), remain unchanged. 4. That the purpose of the request relates solely to the responsibilities of the ground lessee under the ground lease. NOW, TIEIEREFORE, the City Commission of tlile City of Muskegon, relyil!lg upo11 am.D incorporatilllg tile above recitals, hereby resolves: That the lease arrangement for the building between Pavilion Properties, L.L.C. and Beach Street Inn, Inc., is approved, PROVIDED that Pavilion Properties, L.L.C. shall remain fully responsible to the City for all requirements of the Ground Lease, and PROVIDED any act or omission by Beach Street Inn, Inc. shall be fully chargeable to, and shall be the responsibility of, Pavilion Properties, L.L.C. The City recognizes no separate right of Beach Street Inn, Inc., in the ground lease or the land which is the subject of that ground lease. Beach Street Inn, Inc. shall be entirely subject to all requirements and responsibilities of Pavilion Properties, L.L.C., and shall not be entitled to any separate notices or any separate rights. In the event the lease provides anything contrary to the contents of this resolution, this resolution shall be void and the consent to the lease to Beach Street Inn, Inc. shall not exist. r:-rP.kt\rP.~nh1tion l'l.nnrovino<::P. 2001-36(c) THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED AYES Aslakson, Benedict , Niel sen, Schweifl er, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Sp atar o NAYS None · CERTIFICATE STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF MUSKEGON I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting of the City Commissioners of the City of Muskegon, Ivlichigan, held on the 10th day of Apr i 1 , 2001 , and that the minutes of the meeting are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available to the public. Public notice of the meeting was given pursuant to and in compliance with Act 267, Public Acts ofMic~ 6. - -'---"--=-=c-=-.,,'----'~ - -- - - --1'"--- - Gail A Kundinger, City Clerk Req ID #103560 Michigan Department of Consumer & Industry Services LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION a, , IP'OUCiE !NSIP'IEClr!ON RIEIP'O, .• ON UQI.JOR llJCrENSIE FllEQllilES"i 7 i 50 Harris Drive P.O. Box 30005 • (Authorized by MCL 436. 7a) Lansing, Michigan 48909-750 ; . Important: Please conduct your inves!igalion "• soon as possible and complete ,ill lour sections of !his report. / j /S .,()/ Return lhe completed report and lingerprini cards lo !he Commission. / 1 3/ BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS: (include zip code) Muskegon. ounty BEACH STREET INN, INC., Pere Merquette Park, 1601 Beach, Pavilion Bldg., Muskegon, MI 49441, REQUEST FOR: Transfer ownership of 2000 Class C-SD'l licensed business (in escrow) with Tunce-Entert:airurent Permit, Official Permit (Food), Outdoor Service (2 areas), mid 2 bars, from MARQUETIE, INC. Section ·1. APPLICANT #1: APPLICANT #2: Steve M. Schenck - Stockholder HOME ADDRESS AND AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER: HOME ADDRESS AND AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER: 1601 Beach Street Muskegon, MI 49441 DATE OF BIRTH: "°> .g-. i./7 DATE OF BIRTH: If the applicant is not a U.S. Citizen: If the applicant is not a U.S. Citizen: o Does the applicant have permanent Resident Alien status? o Does the applicant have permanent Resident Alien status? 0 Yes ONo D Yes D No o Does the applicant have a Visa? Enter status: o Does the applicant have a Visa? Enter status: Date fingerprinted: Date fingerprinted: ARREST RECORD: 0 Felony D Misdemeanor ARREST RECORD: 0 Felony D Misdemeanor Enter record of all arrests & convictions (attach a signed and Enter record of all arrests & convictions (attach a signed and dated report if more space is needed) dated report if more space is needed) Can living quarters be reached from the inside of the establishment without going outside? D Yes Ji;l' No Does applicant)ntend to have dancing or entertainment? D No 1K] Yes, complete LC-693N, Police Investigation Report: Dance/Entertainment Permit Are gas pumps on the premises or directly adjacent? ~ No D Yes, e"plain relationship: Will the applicant's proposed location meeMII appropriate state and local building, plumbing, zoning, fire, sanitation and health laws and ordinances, if this license is granted? ~ Yes No D If you are recommending approval subject to certain conditions, list the conditions: {Attach a signed and dated report if more space Is needed) I Section 4. f'!eeoinmendaiion From your investigation: 1. Is this applicant qualified to conduct this business if licensed? ~ Yes O No 2. Is the. proposed location satisfactory for this business? 0Yes O No 3. Should this request be granted by the Commission? 13'.J.Yes O No 4. If any of the above 3 questions were answered no, state your reasons: (Attach a signed and dated report if more space is needed) Signature<(sheriff or Chief of Police) Date LC-1800 Rev. 06/97 (Mail white copy to the Commission, Keep yellow copy for your file) STATE OF MICHIGAN JPARTMENT OF CONSUMER & INDUSTRY SER LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 7150 Harris Drive P.O. Box 30005 Lansing, Ml 48909-7505 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY REPORT DANCE/BNTERTAINMENTfl'OPLESS ACTIVITY PERMIT (Authorized by MCL 436.1916) BEACH STREET INN INC. APPLICANT/LICENSEE PHONE NUMBER 1601 Beach St Muskegon Mus~egon 49441 STREET ADDRESS CITY TOWNSHIP COUNTY ZIP 1. The dance floor will not be less than 100 square feet, is clearly marked and well defined when there is dancing by customers. YES "Jll.._ NO • NI A • 2. Describe the type of entertainment applicant/licensee will provide: N/A D Music- band & pre-recorded 3. Will this entertainment include topless activity? YES D NO Ji._ NIA • DANCE PERMIT YES '¢_ NO • NIA • ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT YES ~ NO • NIA • TOPLESS ACTIVITY PERMIT YES • NO )ia' NIA • ~ '- · / ~· 'Y - 13 - 0 ( DATE SUBMfITED OFFICER'S SIGNATURE Muskegon Police Department 231.724.6750 DEPARTMENT NAME PHONE NUMBER 980 Jefferson Ave. Mus 1 Ho res i • \ '·. --._!UDDIMAN CRf:EK ~~---------·-··· A &: C MACHINE &: TOOL CO. OW-9 ;------ ,, ',rh_€{)W-2 O~T / / / ,::P,-ow-s 'l"" POW-31 .f'.>,/~ DW-1A I IEGEND _ r;J____..Y -$-ow-8A,a,c I / EX -$-~w-2 0W-4A,8,C / I KNOLL GROUP (FORMER SHAW~WAU jb..Se.,/ I Cl I "'"'--1 \S _ PROP~RTY :O~NDARY y-;,4iL-- ~.OW-l- . __ ! ·KAYOON CORPOR CADD I w ;:i~ber 2860 McCRACKEN · -~--"----' ERMGroupl=--~------NO_R_T_ON_S_HO_R_E_S,_M_l_CH_IG_At Dotei~;;~y:a•v'd ERM!!) Dell Engineering, Inc. [~t~r,ti~~ Commerr:e .f!!!!IJ --62-101 / 311 023484 CHECK DATE REFERENCE NUMBER rri.M•.",.,·: £l'2'" ,....... :<031/.02/01 0023484 ,' ' :.i,'.11 :·. ''':-·. 1 '&!',, ·:AMOUNT ,.: ' $~".;;;**100:00 PAY: , ,.,·"'",/.',"i;'• , •·"·',',',,'",11,,,u" ,_ ;',",:":•;,;;,, .., .. ,; ,"':"·"\,,,·;:: •"'""' One Hund:i;ed '": &,,,;,,;,0,0"~::,!J!o o.::::::,:::n:i:J'.I?r:ars 11 :i!I!I:ili :I:;:::;, Ii!/iiiii:: ,i,:Jf1iil il~lili1I ::,:: TO: CITY OF"MOSKEGON 9},,~,, TE~,s;Jj; §TRE,~7 MGSKEGQN.:' l<',';,:M-1,: .i':4 9 4;4'.'3- ,.......,.... ii.: :;:;' 1 , 11 ,',: :I;:::: ·••·· •· ·••·· ,:',i',:::::, . ,,\',',:':,::',',':!.:',',','. ':ii!iiiii//" \'i}l~lr~•-.. ~E 11•0 2 31.,81.,11' ,:o 3 I, 1,0 1,0 I, 71: 'l 5 0000b 5 311• Date: April 1 O, 2001 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Engineering RE: City- MOOT Agreement for: Barclay Street, Sherman to Hackley SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the attached contract with MOOT for the reconstruction of Barclay Street from Sherman to Hackley and to approve the attached resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the contract. FINANCIAL IMPACT: MOOT participation is about $366,628 but not to exceed 81.85% of eligible cost. The estimated total (including engineering) cost of the project is $600,000. 8UDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. The City's share of the cost will come out of the Major Street Fund as was budgeted. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the attached agreement and resolution be approved. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: RESOLUTION 2001-37 ( l) RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF MUSKEGON FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION (BITUMINOUS SURFACE, C & G, GRADING, SIDEWALK AND ALL NECESSARY RELATED WORK) ON BARCLAY STREET FROM SHERMAN TO HACKLEY AVE. AND AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR, FRED J. NIELSEN, AND CITY CLERK, GAIL A KUNDINGER, TO EXECUTE SAID CONTRACT Moved by Cammi s s i oner Spataro and supported by Commissioner As l ak son that the following Resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, entry by the City of Muskegon into Contract no. 01-5108 between the Michigan Department of Transportation and the City of Muskegon for the RECONSTRUCTION OF BARCLAY Street between Sherman And Hackley within the City is in the best interests of the City of Muskegon. RESOLVED, that entry by the City into Contract Agreement Number 01-5108 be and the same is hereby authorized and approved and the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to execute said contract for and on behalf of the City of Muskegon. Adopted this 10th day of April , 2001. BY ~ -~ Fred J. Nielsen, Mayor ATTEST Jk0. ~W Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk 2001-37 ( l ) CERTIFICATION This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on Apr i 1 ·10 , 2001. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. FMUSKEGON STP DIR Project STP 0161(213) ,cCEIVtu Job Number 50054 CITY OF MUSKEGON Control Section STUL 61407 Fed Item# HH2787 I HIR· '"' l 0 d 0 "(.;)11 01 Contract No. 01-5108 PART I THIS CONTRACT, consisting of PART I and PART II (Standard Agreement Provisions), is made and entered into this date of_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , by and between the MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter referred to as the "DEPARTMENT"; and the CITY OF MUSKEGON, a Michigan municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "REQUESTING PARTY"; for the purpose of fixing the rights and obligations of the parties in agreeing to the following improvements, in the City of Muskegon, Michigan, hereinafter referred to as the "PROJE_CT" and estimated in detail on EXHIBIT "I", dated March 22, 2001, attached hereto and made a part hereof: Bituminous pavement work along Barclay Street from Sherman Boulevard to Hackley Avenue; including earthwork, drainage structures, and curb and gutter work; and all together with necessary related work. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, ;ursuant to Federal law, monies have been provided for the performance of certain improvements on public roads; and WHEREAS, the reference "FHWA" in PART I and PART II refers to the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration; and WHEREAS, the PROJECT, or portions of the, PROJECT at the request of the REQUESTING PARTY, are being programmed with the FHWA, for implementation with the use of Federal Funds under the following Federal program(s) or funding: SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached an understanding with each other regarding the performance of the PROJECT work and desire to set forth this understanding in the form ofa written contract. 09/06/90 STP.FOR 3/22/01 I NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual undertakings of the parties and in conformity with applicable law, it is agreed: 1. The parties hereto shall undertake and complete the PROJECT in accordance with the terms of this contract. 2. The term "PROJECT COST", as herein used, is hereby defined as the cost of the physical constmction necessary for the completion of the PROJECT. Costs for construction engineering and inspection incurred by the DEPARTMENT will be charged 100 percent to the REQUESTING PARTY. Any other costs incurred by the DEPARTMENT as a result of this contract will be at PROJECT COST. The costs incurred by the REQUESTING PARTY for preliminary engineering, constmction engineering and inspection, and right-of-way are excluded from the PROJECT COST as defined by this contract. 3. The DEPARTMENT is authorized by the REQUESTING PARTY to administer on behalf of the REQUESTING PARTY all phases of the PROJECT including advertising and awarding the construction contract for the PROJECT or portions of the PROJECT. Such administration shall be in accordance with PART II, Section II of this contract. Any items of the PROJECT COST incurred by the DEPARTMENT may be charged to the PROJECT. 4. The REQUESTING PARTY, at no cost to the PROJECT or to the DEPARTMENT, shall: A. Design or cause to be designed the plans for the PROJECT. B. Appoint a project engineer who shall be in responsible charge of the PROJECT and ensure that the plans and specifications are followed. C-. Perform or cause to be performed the construction engineering and inspection services necessary for the completion of the PROJECT. The REQUESTING PARTY will furnish the DEPARTMENT proposed timing sequences for trunkline signals that, if any, are being made part of the improvement. No timing adjustments shall be made by the REQUESTING PARTY at any tmnkline intersection, without prior issuances by the DEPARTMENT of Standard Traffic Signal Timing Permits. 5. The PROJECT COST shall be met in part by contributions by the Federal Government. Under the terms of this contract, Federal Surface Transportation Funds shall be applied 09/06/90 STP.FOR 3/22/01 2 to the eligible items of the PROJECT COST at the established Federal participation ratio equal to 81.85 percent up to an amount not to exceed $366,628. The balance of the PROJECT COST, after deduction of Federal Funds, shall be charged to and paid by the REQUESTING PARTY in the manner and at the times hereinafter set forth. Any items of PROJECT COST not reimbursed by Federal Funds shall be the sole responsibility of the REQUESTING PARTY. 6. No working capital deposit will be required for this PROJECT. In order to fulfill the obligations assumed by the REQUESTING PARTY under the provisions of this contract, the REQUESTING PARTY shall make prompt payments of its share of the PROJECT COST upon receipt of progress billings from the DEPARTMENT as herein provided. All payments will be made within 30 days of receipt of billings from the DEPARTMENT. Billings to the REQUESTING PARTY will be based upon the REQUESTING PARTY'S share of the actual costs incurred less Federal Funds earned as the PROJECT progresses. In the event of any discrepancies between PART I and PART II, the provisions of PART I shall prevail. · 7. Upon completion of construction of the PROJECT, the REQUESTING PARTY will promptly cause to be enacted and enforced such ordinances or regulations as may be necessary to prohibit parking in the roadway right-of-way throughout the limits of the PROJECT. 8. The performance of the entire PROJECT under this contract, whether Federally funded or not, will be subject to the provisions and requirements of PART II that are applicable to a Federally funded project. ' 9. The REQUESTING PARTY certifies that a) it is a person under 1995 PA 71 and is not aware of and has no reason to believe that the property is a facility as defined in MSA 13A.20101(1)(1); b) the REQUESTING PARTY further certifies that it has completed the tasks required by MCL 324.20126 (3)(h); MSA 13A.20126(3)(h); c) it conducted a visual inspection of property within the existing right of way on which construction is to be performed to determine if any hazardous substances were present; and at sites on which historically were located businesses that involved hazardous substances, it performed a reasonable investigation to determine whether hazardous substances exist. This reasonable investigation should include, at a minimum, contact with local, state and federal environmental agencies to determine if the site has been identified as, or potentially as, a site containing hazardous substances; d) it did not cause or contribute to the release or threat of release of any hazardous substance found within the PROJECT limits. The REQUESTING PARTY also certifies that, in addition to reporting the presence of any hazardous substances to the Department of Environmental Quality, it has advised the DEPARTMENT of the presence of any and all hazardous substances which the REQUESTING 09/06/90 STP .FOR 3/22/01 3 PARTY found within the PROJECT limits, as a result of performing the investigation and visual inspection required herein. The REQUESTING PARTY also certifies that it has been unable to identify any entity who may be liable for the cost of remediation. As a result, the REQUESTING PARTY has included all estimated costs of remediation of such hazardous substances in its estimated cost of construction of the PROJECT. 10. If, subsequent to execution of this contract, previously unknown hazardous substances are discovered within the PROJECT limits, which require environmental remediation pursuant to either state or federal law, the REQUESTING PARTY, in addition to reporting that fact to the Department ofEnvironmental Quality, shall immediately notify the DEPARTMENT, both orally and in writing of such discovery. The DEPARTMENT shall consult with the REQUESTING PARTY to determine if it is willing to pay for the cost of remediation and, with the FHWA, to determine the eligibility, for reimbursement, of the remediation costs. The REQUESTING PARTY shall be charged for and shall pay all costs associated with such remediation, including all delay costs of the contractor for the PROJECT, in the event that remediation and delay costs are not deemed eligible by the FHWA. If the REQUESTING PARTY refuses to participate in the cost of remediation, the DEPARTMENT shall terminate the PROJECT. The parties agree that any costs or damages that the DEPARTMENT incurs as a result of such termination shall be considered a PROJECT COST. 11. If federal and/or state funds administered by the DEPARTMENT are used to pay the cost of remediating any hazardous substances discovered after the execution of this contract and if there is a reasonable likelihood of recovery, the REQUESTING PARTY, in cooperation with the Department of Environmental Quality and the DEPARTMENT, shall make a diligent effort to recover such costs from all other possible entities. If recovery is made, the DEPARTMENT shall be reimbursed from such recovery for the proportionate share of the amount paid by the FHWA and/or the DEPARTMENT and the DEPARTMENT shall credit such sums to the appropriate funding source. ' 12. The DEPARTMENT'S sole reason for entering into this contract is to enable the REQUESTING PARTY to obtain and use funds provided by the Federal Highway Administration pursuant to Title 23 of the United States Code. Any and all approvals of, reviews of, and recommendations regarding contracts, agreements, permits, plans, specifications, or documents, of any nature, or any inspections of work by the DEPARTMENT or its agents pursuant to the terms of this contract are done to assist the REQUESTING PARTY in meeting program guidelines in order to qualify for available funds. Such approvals, reviews, inspections and recommendations by the DEPARTMENT or its agents shall not relieve the REQUESTING PARTY and the local agencies, as applicable, of their ultimate control and shall not be construed as a warranty of their propriety or that the DEPARTMENT or its agents is assuming any liability, control or jurisdiction. 09/06/90 SIP.FOR 3/22/01 4 The providing of recommendations or advice by the DEPARTMENT or its agents does not relieve the REQUESTING PARTY and the local agencies, as applicable of their exclusive jurisdiction of the highway and responsibility under MCL 691.1402, MSA 3.996(102). · When providing approvals, reviews and recommendations under this contract, the DEPARTMENT or its agents is performing a governmental function, as that term is defined in MCL 691.1401; MSA 3.996(101), which is incidental to the completion of the PROJECT. 13. The DEPARTMENT, by executing this contract, and rendering services pursuant to this contract, has not and does not assume jurisdiction of the highway, described as the PROJECT for purposes of MCL 691.1402; MSA 3 .996(102). Exclusive jurisdiction of such highway for the purposes ofMCL 691.1402; MSA 3.996(102) rest with the REQUESTING PARTY and other local agencies having respective jurisdiction. 14. The REQUESTING PARTY shall approve all of the plans and specifications to be used on the PROJECT and shall be deemed to have approved all changes to the plans and specifications when put into effect. It is agreed that ultimate responsibility and control over the PROJECT rests with the REQUESTING PARTY and local agencies, as applicable. 15. The parties shall promptly provide comprehensive assistance and cooperation in defending and resolving any claims brought against the DEPARTMENT by the contractor, vendors or suppliers as a result of the DEPARTMENT'S award of the construction contract for the PROJECT. Costs incurred by the DEPARTMENT in defending or resolving such claims shall be considered PROJECT COSTS. 16. The DEPARTMENT shall require the contractor who is awarded the contract for the construction of the PROJECT to provide insurance in the amounts specified and in accordance with the DEPARTMENT'S current standard specifications for construction, and to: A. Maintain bodily injury and property damage insurance for the duration of the PROJECT. B. Provide owner's protective liability insurance naming as insureds the State of Michigan, the Michigan State Transportation Commission, the DEPARTMENT and its officials, agents and employees, the REQUESTING PARTY and any other party with jurisdiction for the roadway being constructed as the PROJECT, and their employees, for the duration of the PROJECT and to provide copies of certificates of insurance to the insureds. It is understood that the DEPARTMENT does not assume jurisdiction of the highway described as the PROJECT as a result of being named as an insured on the owners protective liability insurance policy. 09/06/90 STP.FOR 3/22/01 5 C. Comply with the requirements of notice of cancellation and reduction of insurance set forth in the current standard specifications for construction and to provide copies of notices and reports prepared to those insured. · 17. This contract shall become binding on the parties hereto and of full force and effect upon the signing thereof by the duly authorized officials for the parties hereto and upon the adoption of the necessary resolutions approving said contract and authorizing the signatures thereto of the respective officials of the REQUESTING PARTY, a certified copy of which resolution shall be . attached to this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF MUSKEGON MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Title: Fred J·. Nie 1sen o Mayo · , / By ~ ·.c!<~LJ Title: Gai 1 A. Kundinger d City Clerk ' 09/06/90 SIP.FOR 3/22/01 6 March 22, 2001 EXHIBIT I PROJECT SIP 0161(213) JOB NUMBER 50054 CONTROL SECTION STUL 61407 ESTIMATED COST CONTRACTED WORK Estimated Cost $549,200 COST PARTICIPATION GRAND TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $549,200 Less Federal Funds* $366.628 BALAL"\ICE (REQUESTING PARTY'S SHARE) $182,572 *Federal Funds shall be applied to the eligible items of the PROJECT COST at a participation ratio equal to 81.85 percent up to an amount not to exceed $366,628. NO DEPOSIT 09/06/90 SIP.FOR 3/22/01 7 DOT TYPEB BUREAU OF HIGHWAYS 03:15-93 PART II STANDARD AGREEMENT PROVISIONS SECTION I COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS AND DIRECTIVES SECTION II PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION SECTION III ACCOUNTING AND BILLING SECTION IV MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION SECTION V _SPECIAL PROGRAM AND PROJECT CONDITIONS 1 SECTION I COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATIONS AND DIRECTIVES A. To qualify for eligible cost, all work shall be documented in accordance with the require- ments and procedures of the DEPARTMENT. B. All work on projects for which reimbursement with Federal funds is requested shall be performed in accordance with the requirements and guidelines set forth in the following Directives of the Federal-Aid Policy Guide (FAPG) of the FHWA, as applicable, and as referenced in pertinent sections of Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and all supplements and amendments thereto. 1. Engineering a. F APG (23 CFR 140G): Payroll & Related Expense of Public Employees; General Administration and Other Overhead; and Cost Accumulation Centers and Distribution Methods b. FAPG (6012.1): Preliminary Engineering c. F APG (23 CFR 172): Administration of Engineering and Design Related Service Contracts d. F APG (23 CFR 635A): Contract Procedures 2. Construction , a. F APG (23 CFR 140E): Administrative Settlement Costs-Contract Claims b. F APG (23 CFR 140B): Construction Engineering Costs C. FAPG (23 CFR 140G): Reimbursement for Employment of PublJc Employees on Federal-Aid Projects · d. F APG (23 CFR 17): Recordkeeping and Retention Requirements for Federal-Aid Highway Records of State Highway Agencies e. FAPG (23 CFR 635A): Contract Procedures f. FAPG (23 CFR 635B): Force Account Construction g. F APG (23 CFR 645A): Utility Relocations, Adjustments and 03-15-93 2 Reimbursement h. FAPO (23 CFR 645B): Accommodation ofUtilities (PPM 30-4.1) 1. F APO (23 CFR 655F): Traffic Control Devices on Federal-Aid and other Streets and Highways 3. Modification Or Construction Of Railroad Facilities a. FAPO (23 CFR 1401): Reimbursement for Railroad Work b. F APO (23 CFR 646B): Railroad Highway Projects C. In conformance with FAPG (23 CFR 630C) Project Agreements, the political subdivisions party to this contract, on those Federally funded projects which exceed a total cost of $100,000.00 stipulate the following with respect to their specific jurisdictions: 1. That any facility to be utilized in performance under or to benefit from this contract is not listed on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) List of Violating Facilities issued pursuant to the requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act, as amended, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended. 2. That they each agree to comply with all of the requirements of Section 114 of the Federal Clean Act and Section 308 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, and all regulations and guidelines issued thereunder. , 3. That as a condition of Federal aid pursuant to this contract they shall notify the DEPARTMENT of the receipt of any advice indicating that a facility to be utilized in performance under or to benefit from this contract is under consideration to be listed on the EPA List of Violating Facilities. ,. ',. ' ~ '.' D. Ensure that the PROJECT is constructed in accordance with and incorporates_all committed environmental impact mitigation measures listed in approved environmental documents unless modified or deleted by approval of the FHWA. E. All the requirements, guidelines, conditions and restrictions noted in all other pertinent Directives and Instructional Memoranda of the FHWA will apply to this contract and will be adhered to, as applicable, by the parties hereto. 03-15-93 3 SECTION II PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION A. The DEPARTMENT shall provide such administrative guidance as it detennines is required by the PROJECT in order to facilitate the obtaining of available federal and/or state funds. B. The DEPARTMENT will advertise and award all contracted portions of the PROJECT work. Prior to advertising of the PROJECT for receipt of bids, the REQUESTING PARTY may delete any portion or all of the PROJECT work. After receipt of bids for the PROJECT, the REQUESTING PARTY shall have the right to reject the amount bid for the PROJECT prior to the award of the contract for the PROJECT only if such amount exceeds by twenty percent (20%) the final engineer's estimate therefor. If such rejection of the bids is not received in writing within two (2) weeks after letting, the DEPARTMENT will assume concurrence. The DEPARTMENT may, upon request, readvertise the PROJECT. Should the REQUESTING PARTY so request in writing within the aforesaid two (2) week period after letting, the PROJECT will be cancelled and the DEPARTMENT will refund the unused balance of the deposit less all costs incurred by the DEPARTMENT. C. The DEPARTMENT will perfonn such inspection services on PROJECT work perfonned by the REQUESTING PARTY with its own forces as is required to ensure compliance with the approved plans & specifications. P. On those projects funded with Federal monies, the DEPARTMENT shall as may be required secure from the FHWA approval of plans and specifications, and such cost estimates for FHWA participation in the PROJECT COST. E. All work in connection with the PROJECT shall be perfonned in confonnance with the Michigan Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Constructicin, and the supplemental specifications, Special Provisions and plans pertaining to the PROJECT and all materials furnished and used in the construction of the PROJECT shall confonn to the aforesaid specifications. No extra work shall be perfonned nor changes in plans and specifications made until said work or changes are approved by the project engineer and authorized by the DEPARTMENT. 03-15-93 4 F. Should it be necessary or desirable that portions of the work covered by this contract be accomplished by a consulting firm, a railway company, or governmental agency, firm, person, or corporation, under a subcontract with the REQUESTING PARTY at PROJECT expense, such subcontracted arrangements will be covered by formal written agreement between the REQUESTING PARTY and that party. This formal written agreement shall: include a reference to the specific prime contract to which it pertains; include provisions which clearly set forth the maximum reimbursable and the basis of payment; provide for the maintenance of accounting records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, which clearly document the actual cost of the services provided; provide that costs eligible for reimbursement shall be in accordance with clearly defined cost criteria such as 49 CFR Part 18, 48 CFR Part 3 I, 23 CFR Part 140, 0MB Circular A-87, etc. as applicable; provide for access to the department or its representatives to inspect and audit all data and records related to the agreement for a minimum of three years after the department's final payment to the local unit. All such agreements will be submitted for approval by the DEPARTMENT and, if applicable, by the FHW A prior to execution thereof, except for agreements for amounts less than $25,000 for preliminary engineering and testing services executed under and in accordance with the provisions of the "Small Purchase Procedures" F APG (23 CFR 172), which do not require prior approval of the DEPARTMENT or the FHWA. Any such approval by the DEPARTMENT shall in no way be construed as a warranty of the subcontractor's qualifications, financial integrity, or ability to perform the work being subcontracted. G. The REQUES[ING PARTY, at no cost to the PROJECT or the DEPARTMENT, shall make such arrangements with railway companies, utilities, etc., as may be necessary for the performance of work required for the PROJECT but for which Federal or other reimbursement will not be requested. H. The REQUESTING PARTY, at no cost to the PROJECT, or the DEPARTMENT, shall secure, as.necessary, all agreements and approvals of the PROJECT with railway companies, the Railroad Safety & Tariffs Division of the DEPARTMENT and other concerned governmental agencies other than the FHWA, and will forward same to the DEPARTMENT for such reviews and approvals as may be required. I. No PROJECT work for which reimbursement will be requested by the REQUESTING PARTY is to be subcontracted or performed until the DEPARTMENT gives written notification that such work may commence. 03-15-93 5 J. The REQUESTING PARTY shall be responsible for the payment of all costs and expenses incurred in the performance of the work it agrees to undertake and perform. K. The REQUESTING PARTY shall pay directly to the party performing the work all billings for the services performed on the PROJECT which are authorized by or through the REQUESTING PARTY. L. The REQUESTING PARTY shall the DEPARTMENT all paid billings for which reimbursement is desired in accordance with DEPARTMENT procedures. M. All work by a consulting firm will be performed in compliance with the applicable provisions of 1980 PA 299, Subsection 2001, MCL 339.2001; MSA 18.425(2001), as well as in accordance with the provisions of all previously cited Directives of the FHWA. N. The project engineer shall be subject to such administrative guidance as may be deemed necessary to ensure compliance with program requirement and, in those instances where a consultant firm is retained to provide engineering and inspection services, the personnel performing those services shall be subject to the same conditions. · 0. The DEPARTMENT, in administering the PROJECT in accordance with applicable Federal and State requirements and regulations, neither assumes nor becomes liable for any obligations undertaken or arising between the REQUESTING PARTY and any other party with respect to the PROJECT. P. In the event it is determined by the DEPARTMENT that there will be either insufficient Federal funds or insufficient time to properly administer such funds for the entire PROJECT or portions thereof, the DEPARTMENT, prior to advertising or issuing authorization for work performance, may cancel the PROJECT, or any portion thereof, and upon written notice to the parties this contract shall be void and of no effect with respect to that cancelled portion of the PROJECT. Any PROJECT deposits previously made by the parties on the cancelled portions of the PROJECT will be promptly refunded. Q. Those projects funded with Federal monies will be subject to inspection at all t4nes by the DEPARTMENT and the FHWA. 03-15-93 6 SECTION III ACCOUNTING AND BILLING A. Procedures for billing for work undertaken by the REQUESTING PARTY: 1. . The REQUESTING PARTY shall establish and maintain accurate records, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, of all expenses incurred for which payment is sought or made under this contract, said records to be hereinafter referred to as the "RECORDS". Separate accounts shall be established and maintained for all costs incurred under this contract. The REQUESTING PARTY shall maintain the RECORDS for at least three (3) years from the date of final payment of Federal Aid made by the DEPARTMENT under this contract. In the event of a dispute with regard to the allowable expenses or any other issue under this contract, the REQUESTING PARTY shall thereafter continue to maintain the RECORDS at least until that dispute has been finally decided and the time for all available challenges or appeals of that decision ha~·expired. The DEPARTMENT, or its representative, may inspect, copy, or audit the RECORDS at any reasonable time after giving reasonable notice. If any part of the work is subcontracted, the REQUESTING PARTY shall assure compliance with the above for all subcontracted work. In the event that an audit performed by or on behalf of the DEPARTMENT indicates an adjustment to the costs reported under this contract, or questions the allowability of an item of expense, the DEPARTMENT shall promptly submit to the REQUESTING PARTY, a Notice of Audit Results and a copy of the audit report which may supplement or modify any tentative findings verbally · communicated to the REQUESTING PARTY at the completion of an audit. Within sixty (60) days after the date of the Notice of Audit Results, the REQUESTING PARTY shall: (a) respond in writing to the responsible Bureau or the DEPARTMENTindicatingwhether or not it concurs with the audit report, (b) clearly explain the nature and basis for any disagreement as to a disallowed item of expense and, (c) submit to the DEPARTMENT a written explanation as to any questioned or no opinion expressed item of expense, hereinafter referred to as the "RESPONSE". The RESPONSE shall be clearly stated and provide any supporting documentation necessary to resolve any disagreement or questioned or no opinion expressed item of expense. Where the documentation is voluminous, the REQUESTING PARTY may 03-15-93 7 supply appropriate excerpts and make alternate arrangements to conveniently and reasonably make that documentation available for review by the DEPARTMENT. The RESPONSE shall refer to and apply the language of the contract. . The ·REQUESTING PARTY agrees that failure to submit a RESPONSE within the sixty (60) day period constitutes agreement with any disallowance of an item of expense and authorizes the DEPARTMENT to finally disallow any items of questioned or no opinion expressed cost. The DEPARTMENT shall make its decision with regard to any Notice of Audit Results and RESPONSE within one hundred twenty (120) days after the date of the Notice of Audit Results. Ifthe DEPARTMENT determines that an overpayment has been made to the REQUESTING PARTY, the REQUESTING PARTY shall repay that amount to the DEPARTMENT or reach agreement with the DEPARTMENT on a repayment schedule within thirty (30) days after the date of an invoice from the DEPARTMENT. If the REQUESTING PARTY fails to repay the overpayment or reach agreement with the DEPARTMENT on a repayment schedule within the thirty (30) day period, the REQUESTING PARTY agrees that the DEPARTMENT shall deduct all or a portion of the overpayment from any funds then or thereafter payable by the DEPARTMENT to the REQUESTING PARTY under this contract or any other agreement, or payable to the REQUESTING PARTY under the terms of! 95 I PA 51, as applicable. Interest will be assessed on any partial payments or repayment schedules based on the unpaid balance at the end of each month until the balance is paid in full. The assessment of interest will begin thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice. The rate of interest will be based on the Michigan Department of Treasury common cash funds interest earnings. The rate of interest will be reviewed annually by the DEPARTMENT and adjusted as necessary based on the Michigan Department of Treasury common cash funds interest earnings. The REQUESTING PART¥ expressli consents to this withholding or offsetting of funds under those circumstances, reserving the right to file a lawsuit in the Court of Claims to contest the DEPARTMENT'S decision only as to any item of expense the disallowance of which was disputed by the REQUESTING PARTY in a timely filed RESPONSE. The REQUESTING PARTY shall comply with the Single Audit Act of,1984, P.L. 9&-502. The REQUESTING PARTY shall adhere to the following requirements associated with audits of accounts and records: a. Agencies expending a total of $300,000 or more in federal funds, from one or more funding sources in its fiscal year, shall comply with the requirements of the federal Office of Management and Budget (0MB) Circular A-133, as revised or amended. 03-15-93 8 The agency shall submit two copies of: The Reporting Package The Data Collection Form The management letter to the agency, if one issued by the audit firm The 0MB Circular A-133 audit must be submitted to the address below m accordance with the time frame established in the circular, as revised or amended. b. Agencies expending less than $300,000 in federal funds must submit a letter to the Department advising that a circular audit was not required. The letter shall indicate the applicable fiscal year, the amount of federal funds spent, the name(s) of the Department federal programs, and the CFDA grant numbers(s ). This information must also be submitted to the address below. c. Address: Michigan Department of Transportation Bureau of Highways Technical Services 425 W. Ottawa, P.O. Box 30050 Lansing, MI 48909 d. Agencies must also comply with applicable State laws and regulations relative to audit requirements. e. Agencies shall not charge audit costs to Department's federal programs which are not in accordance with the 0MB Circular A-133 reqirements. f. All'agencies are subject to the federally required monitoring activities, which may include limited scope reviews and other on-site monitoring. 2. Agreed Unit Prices Work-All billings for work undertaken by the REQUESTING PARTY on an agreed unit price basis will be submitted in accordance with the Michigan Department ofTransportation Standard Specifications for Construction and pertinent FAPG Directives and Guidelines of the FHWA. "J. Force Account Work and Subcontracted Work - All billings submitted to the DEPARTMENT for Federal reimbursement for items of work performed on a force account basis or by any subcontract with a consulting firm, railway company, governmental agency or other party, under the terms of this contract, shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the pertinent FHPM Directives and the procedures of the DEPARTMENT. Progress billings may be submitted monthly during the time work is being performed provided, however, that no bill of a lesser amount than $1,000.00 shall be submitted unless it is a final or end of fiscal year 03-15-93 9 billing. All billings shall be labeled either "Progress Bill Number _ _ _ ", or "Final Billing". 4. . Final billing under this contract shall be submitted in a timely manner but not later than six months after completion of the work. Billings for work submitted later than six months after completion of the work will not be paid. 5. Upon receipt of billings for reimbursement for work undertaken by the REQUESTING PARTY on projects funded with Federal monies, the DEPARTMENT will act as billing agent for the REQUESTING PARTY, consolidating said billings with those for its own force account work and presenting these consolidated billings to the FHWA for payment. Upon receipt of reimbursement from the FHWA, the DEPARTMENT will promptly forward to the REQUESTING PARTY its share of said reimbursement. 6. Upon receipt of billings for reimbursement for work undertaken by the REQUESTING PARTY on projects funded with non-Federal monies, the DEPARTMENT will promptly forward to the REQUESTING PARTY reimbursement of eligible costs. B. Payment of Contracted and DEPARTMENT Costs: 1. As work on the PROJECT commences, the initial payments for contracted work and/or costs incurred by the DEPARTMENT will be made from the working capital deposit. Receipt of progress payments ofFederal funds, and where applicable, State Critical Bridge. funds, will be used to replenish the working capital deposit. The REQUESTING PARTY shall make prompt payments of its share of the contracted and/or DEPARTMENT incurred portion of the PROJECT COST upon receipt of progress billings from the DEPARTMENT. Progress billings will be based upon the REQUESTING PARTY'S share of the actual costs incurred as work on the PROJECT progresses and will be submitted, as required, until it is determined by the DEPARTMENT that there is sufficient available working capital to meet the remaining anticipated PROJECT COSTS. All progress payments w!U·be made within thirty (30) days ofreceipt of billings. No monthly billing of a lesser amount than $1,000.00 will be made unless it is a final or end of fiscal year billing. Should the DEPARTMENT determine that the available working capital exceeds the remaining anticipated PROJECT COSTS, the DEPARTMENT may reimburse the REQUESTING PARTY such excess. Upon completion of the PROJECT, payment of all PROJECT COSTS, receipt of all applicable monies from the FHWA, and completion of necessary audits, the REQUESTING PARTY will be reimbursed the balance of its deposit. 03-15-93 10 2. In the event that the bid, plus contingencies, for the contracted, and/or the DEPARTMENT incurred portion of the PROJECT work exceeds the estimated cost therefor as established by this contract, the REQUESTING PARTY may be adyised and billed for the additional amount of its share. C. General Conditions: 1. The DEPARTMENT, in accordance with its procedures in existence and covering the time period involved, shall make payment for interest earned on the balance of working capital deposits for all projects on account with the DEPARTMENT. The REQUESTING PARTY in accordance with DEPARTMENT procedures in existence and covering the time period involved, shall make payment for interest owed on any deficit balance of working capital deposits for all projects on account with the DEPARTMENT. This payment or billing is processed on an annual basis corresponding to the State of Michigan fiscal year. Upon receipt of billing for interest incurred, the REQUESTING PARTY promises and shall promptly pay the DEPARTMENT said amount. 2. Pursuant to the authority granted by law, the REQUESTING PARTY hereby irrevocably pledges a sufficient amount of funds received by it from the Michigan Transportation Fund to meet its obligations as specified in PART I and PART IL If the REQUESTING PARTY shall fail to make any of its required payments when due, as specified herein, the DEPARTMENT shall immediately notify the REQUESTING PARTY and the State Treasurer of the State of Michigan or such other state officer or agency having charge and control over disbursement of the Michigan Transportation Fund, pursuant to law, of the fact of such default and the amount thereof, and, if such default is not cured by payment within ten (10) days, said Stllte Treasurer or other state officer or agency is then authorized and directed to withhold from the first of such monies thereafter allocated by law to the REQUESTING PARTY from the Michigan Transportation Fund sufficient monies to remove the default, and to credit the REQUESTING PARTY with payment thereof, and to notify the REQUESTING PARTY in writing of such fact. f ,, ,·,. 3. Upon completion of all work under this contract and final audit by the DEPARTMENT or the FHWA, the REQUESTING PARTY promises to promptly repay the DEPARTMENT for any disallowed items ofcosts previously disbursed by the DEPARTMENT. The REQUESTING PARTY pledges its future receipts from the Michigan Transportation Fund for repayment of all disallowed items and, upon failure to make repayment for any disallowed items within ninety (90) days of demand made by the DEPARTMENT, the DEPARTMENT is hereby authorized to withhold an equal amount from the REQUESTING PARTY'S share of any future distribution of Michigan Transportation Funds in settlement of said claim. 03-15-93 11 4. The DEPARTMENT shall maintain and keep accurate records and accounts relative to the cost of the PROJECT and upon completion of the PROJECT, payment of all items of PROJECT COST, receipt of all Federal Aid, if any, and completion . audit by the DEPARTMENT and if applicable, by the FHWA, shall make final accounting to the REQUESTING PARTY. The final PROJECT accounting will not include interest earned or charged on working capital deposited for the PROJECT which will be accounted for separately at the close of the State of Michigan fiscal year and as set forth in Section C(l). 5. The costs of engineering and other services performed on those projects involving specific program funds and one hundred percent (100%) local funds will be appor- tioned to the respective portions of that project in the same ratio as the actual direct construction costs unless otherwise specified in PART I. ' , ·. ':,'.'" 03-15-93 12 SECTION IV MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION A. Upon completion of construction of each part of the PROJECT, at no cost to the DEPARTMENT or the PROJECT, each of the parties hereto, within their respective jurisdictions, will make the following provisions for the maintenance and operation of the completed PROJECT: 1. All Projects: Properly maintain and operate each part of the project, making ample provisions each year for the performance of such maintenance work as may be required, except as qualified in paragraph 2b of this section. 2. Projects Financed in Part with Federal Monies: a.· Sign and mark each part of the PROJECT, in accordance with the current Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic control Devices, and will not install, or permit to be installed, any signs, signals or markings not in conformance with the standards approved by the FHWA, pursuant to 23 USC 109( d). b. Remove, prior to completion of the PROJECT, all encroachments from the roadway right-of-way within the limits of each part of the PROJECT. With respect to new or existing utility installations within the right-of-way •of Federal Aid projects and pursuant to FAPG (23 CFR 645B): Occupancy ofnon-limited access right-of-way may be allowed based on consideration for traffic safety and necessary preservation of roadside space and aesthetic quality. Longitudinal occupancy of non-limited access right-of-way by private lines will require a finding of significant economic hardship, the unavailability of practicable alternatives or other extenuating circiimstances. C. Cause to be enacted, maintained and enforced, ordinances and regulations for proper traffic operations in accordance with the plans of the PROJECT. d. Make no changes to ordinances or regulations enacted, or traffic controls installed in conjunction with the PROJECT work without prior review by the DEPARTMENT and approval of the FHWA, if required. 03-15-93 13 B. On projects for the removal of roadside obstacles, the parties, upon completion of construction of each part of the PROJECT, at no cost to the PROJECT or the DEPARTMENT, will, within theirrespective jurisdictions, take such action as is necessary to assure that the roadway right-of-way, cleared as the PROJECT, will be maintained free of such obstacles. C. On projects for the construction of bikeways, the parties will enact no ordinances or regulations prohibiting the use of bicycles on the facility hereinbefore described as the PROJECT, and will amend any existing restrictive ordinances in this regard so as to allow use of this facility by bicycles. No motorized vehicles shall be permitted on such bikeways or wallcways constructed as the PROJECT except those for maintenance purposes. D. Failure of the parties hereto to fulfill theirrespective responsibilities as outlined herein may disqualify that party from future Federal-aid participation in projects on roads or streets for which it has maintenance responsibility. Federal Aid may be withheld until such time as deficiencies in regulations have been corrected, and the improvements constructed as the PROJECT are brought to a satisfactory condition of maintenance. ' ,' (...- 03-15-93 14 SECTIONV SPECIAL PROGRAM AND PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Those projects for which the REQUESTING PARTY has been reimbursed with Federal monies for the acquisition of right-of-way must be under construction by the close of the twentieth (20th) fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the FHWA and the DEPARTMENT projects agreement covering that work is executed, or the REQUESTING PARTY maybe required to repay to the DEPARTMENT, for forwarding to the FHWA, all monies distributed as the FHWA'S contribution to that right-of-way. B. Those projects for which the REQUESTING PARTY has been reimbursed with Federal monies for the performance of preliminary engineering must be under construction by the close of the tenth (I 0th) fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the FHWA and the DEPARTMENT projects agreement covering that work is executed, or the REQUESTING PARTY maybe required to repay to the DEPARTMENT, for forwarding to the FHWA, all monies distributed as the FHWA'S contribution to that preliminary engineering. C. On those projects funded with Federal monies, the REQUESTING PARTY, atno cost to the PROJECTortheDEPARTMENT, will provide such accident information as is available and such other'information as may be required under the program in order to make the proper assessment of the safety benefits derived from the work performed as the PROJECT. The REQUESTING PARTY will cooperate with the DEPARTMENT in the development of reports and such analysis as may be required and will, when requested by the DEPARTMENT, forward to theDEPARTMENT, in such form as is necessary, the required information. D. In connection with the performance of PROJECT work under this contract the parties hereto (hereinafter in Appendix "A" referred to as the "contractor") agree to comply with the State of Michigan provisions for "Prohibition of Discrimination in State Contracts", as set forth in Appendix A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. The parties further covenant that they will comply with the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, being P.L. 88-352, 78 Stat. 241, as amended, being Title 42 U.S.C. Sections 1971, 1975a-1975d, and 2000a-2000ri"-6 and the Regulations of the United States Department of Transportation (49 C.F.R. Part 21) issued pursuant to said Act, including Appendix "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, and will require similar covenants on the part of any contractor or subcontractor employed in the performance of this contract. E. The parties will carry out the applicable requirements of the DEPARTMENT'S Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program and 49 CFR, Part 26, including, but not limited to, those requirements set forth in Appendix C. 03-15-93 15 APPENDIX A 'PROHIBITION OF DISCRIMINATION IN STATE CONTRACTS In connection with the performance of work under this contract; the contractor agrees as follows: t. In accordance with Act No. 453, Public Acts of 1976, the contractor hereby agrees not to discriminate against an employee or applicant for employment with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or as a matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, or marital status. Further, in accordance with Act No. 220, Public Acts of 1976 as amended by Act No. 478, Public Acts of 1980 the contractor hereby agrees not to discriminate against an employee or applicant for employment with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, or a matter directly or indirectly related to employment, because of a disability that is unrelated to the individual's ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position. A breach of the above covenants shall be regarded as a material breach of this contract. 2. The contractor hereby agrees that any and all subcontracts to this contract, whereby a portion of the work set forth in this contract is to be performed, shall contain a covenant the same as hereinabove set forth in Section 1 of this Appendix. 3. The contractor will take affirmative action to insure that applicants for employment and employees are treated without regard to their race, color, religion, national origin, age,sex, height, weight, marital status or a disability that is unrelated to the individual's ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. 4. The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, marital status or disability that is unrelated to the individual's ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position. 5, The contractor or his collective bargaining representative will send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice advising the said labor union or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under this appendix. 6. The contractor will comply with all relevant published rules, regulations, directives, and orders of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission which may be in effect prior to the taking of bids for any individual state project. . 7. The contractor will furnish and file compliance reports within such time and upon such forms as provided by the 1\ilichigan Civil Rights Commission, said forms may also elici~ information as to the practices, policies, program, and employment statistics of each subcontractor as well as the contractor himself, and said contractor ,Yill permit access to his books, records, and accounts by the Michigan Civil Rights Commission and/or its agent, for purposes ofinvestigation to ascertain compliance with this contract and relevant with rules, regulations, and orders of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission. 8. In the event that the Civil Rights Commission finds, after a hearing held pursuant to its rules, that'a contractor has not complied with the contractual obligations under this agreement, the Civil Rights Commission niay, as part of its order based upon such findings, certify said findings to the Administrative Board of the State of Michigan, which Administrative Board may order the cancellation of the contract found to have been violated and/or declare the contractor ineligible for future contracts with the state and its political and civil subdivisions, departments, and officers, and including the governing boards of institutions of higher education, until the contractor complies with said order of the Civil Rights Commission. Notice of said declaration of future ineligibility may be given to any or all of the persons with whom the contractor is declared ineligible to contract as a contracting party in future contracts, In any case before the Civil Rights Commission in which cancellation of an existing contract is a possibility, the contracting agency shall be notified of such possible remedy and shall be given the option by the Civil Rights Commission to participate in such proceedings. 9. The contractor will include, or incorporate by reference, the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs (1) through (8) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by the rules, regulations or orders of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, and will provide in every subcontract or purchase order that said provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or seller. March, 1998 (Rev. 03/92) APPENDIXB During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor") agrees as follows: 1. Compliance with Regulations: The contractor shall comply with the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination in Federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 27, as they may be amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. 2. Nondiscrimination: The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it during the contract, shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, or natural origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The contractor shall not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. 3. Solicitations for Subcontracts.Including Procurements ofMaterials and Equipment: In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligations under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin. 4. Information and Reports: The contractor shall provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Michigan Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliai1ce with such Regulations or directives. ,vhere any information required of a contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the contractor shall so certify to the Michigan Department of Transportation, or the Federal Highway Administration as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. ' 5. Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this contract, the Michigan Department of Transportation shall impose such contract sanctions as it or the Federal Highway Administration may determine to be appropriate, including, hut not limited to: (a) Withholding of payments to the contractor under the contract until the contra:tbr complies, and/or (b) Cancellation, termination, or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. 6. Incorporation of Provisions: The contractor shall include the provisions of paragraphs 1 through 6 of every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto. The contractor shall take such action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Michigan Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway Administration may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for non-compliance; provided, however, that in the event a contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the contractor may request the 1"1ichigan Department of Transportation to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the State, and, in addition, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. APPENDIXC TO BE INCLUDED IN ALL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENTS WITH LOCAL AGENCIES Assurance that Recipients and Contractors Must Make (Excerpts from US DOT Regulation 49 CFR 26.13) A. Each financial assistance agreement signed with a DOT operating administration (or a primary recipient) must include the following assurance: The recipient shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of any US DOT-assisted contract or in the administration of its DBE program or the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26. The recipient shall take all necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of·US DOT-assisted contracts. The recipient's DBE program, as required by 49 CFR Part 26 and as approved by US DOT, is incorporated by reference in this agreement. Implementation of this program is a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this agreement. Upon notification to the recipient ofits failure to carry out its approved program, the department may impose sanctions as provided for under Part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 (31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.). B. Each contract MDOT signs with a contractor (and each subcontract the prime contractor signs with a subcontractor) must include the following assurance: The contractor, sub recipient or subcontractor shall not i'.' discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of US DOT-assisted CJJntracts. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate. C/4>F rL~t,c,__) ,j"' Co~--' @~ --- !; t t~- ~- '--- (' lie,"' Date: April 10, 2001 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Engineering RE: Continuation of Public Hearing Create Special Assessment District for: MILLARD AVE., LAKE DUNES DRIVE WEST END SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To continue the public hearing on the proposed special assessment of the Millard from Laked Dunes to West End project, and to create the special assessment district and appoint two City Commissioners to the Board of Assessors if it is determined to proceed with the project. Per your instruction on March 2ih, we have revised the design of the proposed road to reflect a width of 22' back to back. The property owners affected by the proposed assessment have been notified and a drawing showing the revisions was mailed. Furthermore, It is respectfully requested that if the district is created to award the a contract to Jackson Mekery who was the lowest responsible bidder with a bid price of $129,888.70 FINANCIAL IMPACT: Constriction cost plus related engineering cost. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To create the special assessment and assign two City Commissioners to the Board of Assessors by adopting the attached resolution COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: CITY OF MUSKEGON Resolution No.- - - - - Resolution At First Hearing Creating Special Assessment District For Millard from Laked Dunes to West End Location and Description of Properties to be Assessed: See Exhibit A attached to this resolution RECITALS: I. A hearing has been held on March 27, 2001 at 5 :30 o'clock p.m. at the City Commission Chambers. Notice was given by mail and publication as required by law. 2. That estimates of costs of the project, a feasibility repmt and valuation and benefit information are on file with the City and have been reviewed for this hearing. 3. At the hearing held March 27, 2001, there were _ _ _% objections by the owners of the prope1ty in the district registered at the hearing either in writing received before or at the hearing or by owners or agents present at the hearing, and the Commission has considered the advisability of proceeding with the project. FINDINGS: 1. The City Commission has examined the estimates of cost to construct the project including all assessable expenses and determines them to be reasonable. 2. The City Commission has considered the value of the prope1ty to be assessed and the value of the benefit to be received by each property proposed to be assessed in the district after the improvements have been made. The City Commission determines that the assessments of costs of the City project will enhance the value of the properties to be assessed in an amount at least equivalent to the assessment and that the improvement thereby constitutes a benefit to the property. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. The City Commission hereby declares a special assessment district to include the prope1ty set forth in Exhibit A attached to this resolution. 2. The City Commission determines to proceed with the improvements as set forth in the feasibility study and estimates of costs, and directs the City Engineer to proceed with project design, preparation of specifications and the bidding process. If appropriate and if bonds are to be sold for the purposes of financing the improvements, the Finance Department shall prepare plans for financing including submission of application to the Michigan Department of Treasury and the beginning of bond proceedings. 3. The City Commission hereby appoints a Board of Assessors consisting of City Commissioners - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ a n d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ and the City Assessor who are hereby directed to prepare an assessment roll. Assessments shall be made upon front foot basis. 4. Based on the City's Special Assessment policy and preliminary estimates it is expected that approximately 44.85% of the cost of the street improvement will be paid by special assessments. 5. Upon submission of the special assessment roll, the City staff is hereby directed to notify all owners and persons interested in properties to be assessed of the hearing at which the City Commission will consider confirmation of the special assessment roll. This resolution adopted. Ayes- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY OF MUSKEGON By _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Gail A. Kundinger, Clerk ACKNOWLEDGMENT This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on March 27, 2001. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. CITY OF MUSKEGON By _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Gail A. Kundinger, Clerk EXHIBIT A MILLARD FROM LAKED DUNES TO WEST END SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT All properties abutting that section of All properties abutting Millard from Lake Dunes to West End ----~_-) ,--- -- 1 0/'. Q) -- --j .-\rlirmati, c .-\ction 2:1172H,7U3 F.\:\1722-121-t MUSKEGON .\,.,L''SUI" 23ll72H,70S F\:\1726-:'irnl March 30, 2001 ( ·1.·m1·1cr~ 231;724-67/iJ F.\\.,726-% Ii ( 'h ii Sn1 ice 231/72.H,716 l-"\\,724-4405 West Michigan's Shorellne aty ( IL·rh 23l/i24-(,705 F.\\,'.'24--117/i 2.111724-(,"17 I·\ \:'121,-2:'ilfl ~.11):1111.TriUg 2J 11724-(,707 F. \\i7 2 7-(,'J04 Dear Property Owner Fi11a11n• 231<'24-(,713 You are cordially invited to attend the City Commission meeting scheduled for April 10, F \\,'':2-t-(,i(,S 2001 at 5:30 in the Commission Chambers to express your opinion on the proposed 1-tn· l>cpl. !J l,'724-(,7')2 creation of the special assessment district on Millard from Lake Dunes/Millard to the F. \\.17 24-6'JS5 West End. This meeting is the result of the City Commission action to continue the lnc1Hlll' l':n hearing on the aforementioned date and time. 231/724-(,770 F.\\/724-67(,/i The continuation of the hearing was to allow staff the time to share with you a revised Info. -,~,tcms proposal in an effort to address many of the concerns that you expressed. Therefore, we 2.111724-(,744 I· \\.722-HUI are proposing the following; Ld,urc Ser, ic,.. 23l!i24-6ill.J 1. Pavement Width; F.-\\/724-11% \l:111ag1.•r', Oflin• Unlike our original proposal of 24' and 27' back to back pavement, we are revising our !Jl/72-1-1,724 I· \\1722-121-1 plans to reflect a total width of22' (including a 2' -rolled curb & gutter) for the entire \la~or\ ()ffit:,.. length of the project. This proposal will have minimal impact on exiting lawns since the !Jl/724-(,701 existing pavement width is about 20'. F.\\1722-1214 2. Location of the proposed pavement; 231/i24-C,il5 I· \\l"2(,-!5U1 Again, unlike our original proposal where we attempted to center the proposed pavement l'lan11ingi'/.n11i11g on the centerline of the right of way to give both sides an equal frontage, we revised the 2.\1/724-(,702 F. \ \172 -t-/1 7'111 plans and instead we are centering the proposed pavement on the centerline of the existing pavement. The proposed pavement will, to extent possible, follow the alignment l'ulin· lk11t. 2.11;7!-t-(,7:'il) of the existing pavement. F.\\1722-5140 J>uhlk \\ orks To assist your understanding of this latest proposal, I am enclosing a copy of that section :?Jl/724-4100 F \\li22-41S/i of the proposed plans that relates to your property (ies). The enclosed drawing depicts the existing pavement (red), the proposed edge of curb (black), the right of way lines ·1·n•a,un•r 231/724-(,720 (skip black lines) and the measurement between the existing edge of pavement and that of F.-\\1724-(,7M the proposed back of curb. \\ ,1t1."r Billing lkpt. 231/724-6718 F,\\1724-67(,8 \\ ,1i...r Filtralion 231/724-410(, F,\\/755-52'>0 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 Since the action that the City Commissioners took last Tuesday was to continue the hearing at their April 10th , 2001 meeting, please be advised that your previously submitted response will be counted as marked unless you change your vote. Furthermore, if you would like to change your vote, we have enclosed a new response card that reflects the revised assessment cost, which is based on a 22' street width. Please use the aforementioned card to express your vote on the revised proposal. Should you have any questions regarding this project please call me at 724-6707 or stop by our office to review the revised proposal. Sincerely, /)7/c-Aa~~ J Mohammed S. Al-Shatel, P.E. City Engineer Encl. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REVISED HEARING RESPONSE CARD To have your vote count, please Return This Card By: April 10, 2001 Project Title: Millard Avenue, Lake Dunes Drive to end. Project Description: All parcels abutting Millard Avenue from centerline of Lake Dunes Drive to the west end of Millard Avenue. INSTRUCTIONS If you wish to have your written vote included as part of the tabulation of votes forwarded to the City Commission for the scheduled public hearing, please return this card by the date indicated above. To use this response card please indicate whether you Oppose or Favor this special assessment project, sign the form and return it to the City Clerk's Office. To return this card by mail, simply fold on the dotted lines so the address on the reverse side is showing. Be sure to seal the form with a small piece of tape or staple prior to mailing. Assessment Information Property Address: Parcel Number MAP Number: Assessable Frontage: Estimated Front Foot Cost: $29.62 per Foot. based upon a 22' width ESTIMATED TOTAL COST Property Description CITY OF MUSKEGON BLUFFTON BAY ESTATES CONDOS MUSKEGON COUNTY CONDOMINIUM PLAN #61 UNIT 31 Your vote COUNTS! Please vote either in favor or opposed to the Special Assessment Street Paving Project. 1AM IN FAVOR • I AM OPPOSED • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CoOwner/Spouse _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Owner Signature Signature - - - - - - - - - - - - Address Address Thank you for taking your time to vote on this important issue. REVISED ASSESSMENT LIST H-1520 Millard Avenue, Lake Dunes Drive to end. 24-156-000-0031-00 MORGAN DANIEL K/ANN E ASSESSABLE FEET: 56.14 24-30-34-156-031 3401 LAKE DUNES DR COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3401 LAKE DUNE MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $1,662.87 # 1 24-592-000-0006-00 BARKEL JOHN/BARBARA ASSESSABLE FEET: 91 24-30-33-234-033 3224 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3224 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441-1602 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,695.42 # 2 24-592-000-0007-00 OLSEN JOHN B ASSESSABLE FEET: 80 24-30-33-234-034 3236 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3236 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,369.60 # 3 24-156-000-0032-00 BLUFFTON BAY ESTATES LLC ASSESSABLE FEET: 89 24-30-34-156-032 500 TERRACE PLAZA COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3241 MILLARDAV MUSKEGON Ml 49440 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,636.18 # 4 24-592-000-0008-00 MORGAN DANIEL K ASSESSABLE FEET: 80 24-30-33-234-035 3246 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3246 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,369.60 # 5 24-156-000-0033-00 MILLER BRUCE R/JUDITH A ASSESSABLE FEET: 85 24-30-34-156-033 3230 ROOSEVELT RD COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3251 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441-3963 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,517.70 # 6 24-592-000-0009-00 LANGLOIS ROBERT/KATHLEEN ASSESSABLE FEET: 80 24-30-33-234-036 3258 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3258 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,369.60 # 7 03/30/2001 9:08:20 AM Page 1 of 4 REVISED ASSESSMENT LIST H-1520 Millard Avenue, Lake Dunes Drive to end. 24-156-000-0034-00 DUTKIEWICZ PATRICK/JANICE ASSESSABLE FEET: 85 24-30-34-156-034 960 W SHERMAN BLVD COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3261 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,517.70 # 8 24-156-000-0035-00 BLUFFTON BAY ESTATES LLC ASSESSABLE FEET: 90 24-30-34-156-035 500 TERRACE PLAZA COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3271 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49440 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,665.80 # 9 24-506-002-0032-00 ISLEY NOBLE JR ASSESSABLE FEET: 100.34 24-30-33-234-026 3280 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3280 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,972.07 # 10 24-506-004-0001-00 HORTON DORIS J TRUST ASSESSABLE FEET: 158.46 24-30-33-200-029 3291 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3291 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $4,693.59 # 11 24-506-002-0030-00 LOCKE THOMAS A ASSESSABLE FEET: 102.1 24-30-33-234-025 3292 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3292 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $3,024.20 # 12 24-506-002-0034-00 SCHNOTALA RICHARD J ASSESSABLE FEET: 75 24-30-33-234-027 3303 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3303 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,221.50 # 13 24-506-004-0003-00 WELLISE JAMES ASSESSABLE FEET: 100 24-30-33-200-028 3307 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3307 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441-0000 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,962.00 # 14 03/30/2001 9:08:20 AM Page 2 of 4 REVISED ASSESSMENT LIST H-1520 Millard Avenue, Lake Dunes Drive to end. 24-506-002-0028-00 MARS RICHARD A ASSESSABLE FEET: 100 24-30-33-234-024 3308 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3308 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,962.00 # 15 24-506-002-0026-00 CRANSTON EARL E ASSESSABLE FEET: 110 24-30-33-234-023 3336 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3334 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $3,258.20 # 16 24-506-004-0005-00 YOUNG BRADLEY/CINDY ASSESSABLE FEET: 110 24-30-33-200-027 3335 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3335 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441-0000 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $3,258.20 # 17 24-506-002-0025-00 CRANSTON EARL J ASSESSABLE FEET: 72.15 24-30-33-234-022 3336 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3336 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,137.08 # 18 24-506-002-0024-00 LINE SUSAN ASSESSABLE FEET: 70.45 24-30-33-234-021 3340 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3340 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,086.73 # 19 24-506-004-0007-00 PESCH RONALD ET AL ASSESSABLE FEET: 60 24-30-33-200-026 3351 MILLARD COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3343 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $1,777.20 # 20 24-506-004-0008-00 PESCH RONALD D ASSESSABLE FEET: 46.05 24-30-33-200-025 3351 MILLARD COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3351 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $1,364.00 # 21 03/30/2001 9:08:20 AM Page 3 of 4 REVISED ASSESSMENT LIST H-1520 Millard Avenue, Lake Dunes Drive to end. 24-506-002-0023-00 ASSELMEIER RICHARD D ASSESSABLE FEET: 76 24-30-33-234-020 3358 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3358 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,251.12 # 22 24-506-004-0009-00 BURCH JOHN H ASSESSABLE FEET: 88.87 24-30-33-200-024 3359 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3359 MILLARDAV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $2,632.33 # 23 24-506-002-0022-00 HANNAHS MICHAEL/NANCY ASSESSABLE FEET: 50.78 24-30-33-234-019 20 N WARNER COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3372 MILLARD AV FREMONT Ml 49412 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $1,504.10 # 24 24-506-004-0011-00 KOCH CAROLE M ASSESSABLE FEET: 50.72 24-30-33-200-023 3373 MILLARD AVE COST PER FOOT: $29.62 @ 3373 MILLARD AV MUSKEGON Ml 49441 ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $1,502.33 # 25 SUM OF ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE: 2107.06 SUM OF ESTIMATED P.O. COST: $62,411.12 % OF TOTAL PROJECT: 39.00694825 03/30/2001 9:08:20 AM Page 4 of4 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT '\ I: CEI V I: u REVISED HEARING RESPONSE CARl£iTY OF MUSKEGON To have your vote count, please 0 , '.PR 1 0 2001 Return This Card By: April 10, 2001 Project Title: Millard Avenue, Lake Dunes Drive to end. Project Description: Ali parcels abutting Millard Avenue from centerline of Lake Dunes Drive to the west end of Millard Avenue. INSTRUCTIONS If you wish to have your written vote included as part of the tabulation of votes forwarded to the City Commission for the scheduled public hearing, please return this card by the date indicated above. To use this response card please indicate whether you Oppose or Favor this special assessment project, sign the form and return it to the City Clerk's Office. To return this card by mail, simply fold on the dotted lines so the address on the reverse side is showing. Be sure to seal the form with a small piece of tape or staple prior to mailing. Assessment Information Property Address: 3372 MILLARD AVE Parcel Number 24-506-002-0022-00 MAP Number: 24-30-33-234-019 Assessable Frontage: 50.78 Feet Estimated Front Foot Cost: $29.62 per Foot, based upon a 22' width !ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $1,504.10 Property Description LAKE M!GHIGAN P..:\RK SUB DIV# 1 LOT 22 B!..K 2 Your vote COUNTS! Please vote either in favor or opposed to the Special Assessment Street Paving Project. 1AM IN FAVOR • I AM OPPOSED H,i_NN,\HS :-.'.!\.~;_;;. ':: ~-:, :, . ' 24 Thank you for taking your time to vote on this important issue. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REv1sEo HEARING REsPoNsE c~,t\~c EI v1: u To have your vote count, please CITY OF MUSKEGON Return This Card By: April 10, 2001 ,i\PR 1 0 2001 Project Title: Millard Avenue, Lake Dunes Drive to end. Project Description: AU parcels abutting Millard Avenue from cent~~,r~~~JJm. Drive to the west end of Millard Avenue. INSTRUCTIONS If you wish to have your written vote included as part of the tabulation of votes forwarded to the City Commission for the scheduled public hearing, please return this card by the date indicated above. To use this response card please indicate whether you Oppose or Favor this special assessment project, sign the form and return it to the City Clerk's Office. To return this card by mail, simply fold on the dotted lines so the address on the reverse side is showing. Be sure to seal the form with a small piece of tape or staple prior to mailing. Assessment Information Property Address: 3373 MILLARD AVE Parcel Number 24-506-004-0011-00 MAP Number: 24-30-33-200-023 Assessable Frontage: 50.72 Feet Estimated Front Foot Cost: $29.62 per Foot. based upon a 22' width ESTIMATED TOTAl COST $1,502.33 Property Description L,!,:<.E r--.1!CH!•3,4,M PARK SUB DIV# 1 COl\.1 OM N UNE !.OT _10 10 FT E 0F NW COR I_OT 10 TH W TO NW COR LOT 11 TH S TO SW COR LOT 11 THE ON S LINE LOT 11 TOA PT 10 FTWOF SECOR LOT 11 TH NLY 122.4 FTTO BEG BLK4 Your vote COUNTS! Please vote either in favor or opposed to the Special Assessment Street Paving Project. 1AM OPPOSED • I U{ (':Yr-, ~-- / / , \<(:('1._/CoOwner/Spouse Owner (.• J· /'"' • ·>o.l - t~' -, ·f);., 1 ""='t_.f • !<,.•"· • ------------ . .,_ :...r. ,- 11,Lt1 ~- 1 \:i . ~ rtJr>T Ii / Signature· , , . , /!, .J,..-f" ··'\ Signature - - - - - - - - - - - - ,'....,lf)t t \; t,--. ,' / ;/ ~,,,: _ .• /i Address ~I!, ~ 1 -I 'j nJ..-~-r~,-' "-""~' ,,,, ,_ ••. ~--,-~ Address <' ' ./ 25 Thank you for takif}g ydur time to vote on _this important issue. ·-fit :,~,;~;7 ~\ ,:} h:. Li {z :1_ "£ · ""L . SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REVISED HEARING RESPONSE CARD ~ ~ Y i . ·~,- To have your vote count, please Return This Card By: April 10, 2001 Project Title: Millard Avenue, Lake Dunes Drive to end. Project Description: All parcels abutting Millard Avenue from centerline of Lake Dunes Drive to the west end of Millard Avenue. J!"-JSTRUCT!OMS If you wish to have your written vote included as part of the tabulation of votes forwarded to the City Commission for the scheduled public hearing, please return this card by the date indicated above. To use this response card please indicate whether you Oppose or Favor this special assessment project, sign the form and return it to the City Clerk's Office. To return this card by mail, simply fold on the dotted lines so the address on the reverse side is showing. Be sure to seal the form with a small piece of tape or staple prior to mailing. Assessment Information Property Address: 3351 MILLARD AVE Parcel Number 24-506-004-0008-00 MAP Number: 24-30-33-200-025 Assessable Frontage: 46.05 Feet Estimated Front Foot Cost: $29.62, fl.SI!" Foot. !based upon a 22' width ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $1,364.00 Property Description TH SLY TO S LINE LOT 9 7 FT W OF SECOR SAID iDT TH,, TO SE COR LOT 8 Tli NLY TO BEG BLK 4 Your vote COUNTS! Please vote either in favor or opposed to the Special Assessment Street Paving Project. I AM IN FAVOR~ I AM OPPOSED , : ~ ' X ~ ~ ~ Signature ·~·,·· -~-- ,·;ti.· / /,· , Signature - - - - ( ~ - , - - - - - - - - Address (' < } ,J,! J <, ✓ 111 ;''<.J,____ / ., / ,I/;' J 1', i Address " "- '- ,. . ,i_ 21 Thank you for taking your time to vote on this important issue. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REVISED HEARING RESPONSE CARD To have your vote count, please Return This Card By: April 10, 2001 Project Title: Millard Avenue, Lake Dunes Drive to end. Project Description: All parcels abutting Millard Avenue from centerline of Lake Dunes Drive to the west end of Millard Avenue. INSTRUCTIONS If you wish to have your written vote inciudeci as part of the tabulation of votes foiWarded to the City Commission for the scheduled public hearing, please return this card by the date indicated above. To use this response card please indicate whether you Oppose or Favor this special assessment project, sign the form and return it to the City Clerk's Office. To return this card by mail, simply fold on the dotted lines so the address on the reverse side is showing. Be sure to seal the form with a small piece of tape or staple prior to mailing. Assessment Information Property Address: 3343 MILLARD AVE Parcel Number 24-506-004-0007-00 MAP Number: 24-30-33-200-026 Assessable Frontage: 60 Feet Estimated Front Foot Cost: $29.62 · fPHer Foot, !based upon a 22' widtlhl ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $1,777.20 Property Description LAKE MICHIGAN PARK SUB DIV# 1 LOT 7 BLK 4 Your vote COUNTS! Please vote either in favor or opposed to the Special Assessment Street Paving Project. 1AM IN FAVOR I AM OPPOSED • Signature ~ ,I, I/,,, _ ... - ,I. '~·/ /-,_--<:...,. r 1 / . - .. ,,xi) "_', _ -r- . -- Signature - - - - - - - - - - - - Address j ,, ' ' .• ( I ' ' c',"- ,.., Address 20 Thank you for taking your time to vote on this important issue. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REVISED HEARING RESPONSE CARD To have your vote count, please . Return This Card By: April 10, 2001 Project Title: Millard Avenue, Lake Dunes Drive to end. Project Description: All parcels abutting Millard Avenue from centerline of Lake Dunes Drive to the west end of Millard Avenue. INSTRUCTIONS If you wish to have your written vote included as part of the tabulation of votes forwarded to the City Commission for the scheduled public hearing, please return this card by the date indicated above. To use this response card please indicate whether you Oppose or Favor this special assessment project, sign the furn and return it to the City Clerk's Office. To return this card by mail, simply fold on the dotted lines so the address on the reverse side is showing. Be sure to seal the form with a small piece of tape or staple prior to mailing. Assessment Information Property Address: 3359 MILLARD AVE Parcel Number 24-506-004-0009-00 MAP Number: 24-30-33-200-024 Assessable Frontage: 88.87 Feet Estimated Front Foot Cost: $29.62 per Foot. based upon a 22' width ESTIMATED TOTAL COST $2,632.33 Property Description 1 :::}~!=-~~'.C!~. 1::'/:S-,!\] P.-A.~i.,;' SUB G!\/ # ·1 p_~qT QJ:;" L(ffS P-9-1(1.R, 11 r-r,?,l n~-~ \.I! 1~-T r n-r fl,, i:; :=T ~! V ;i!:' !'.!1.M ~C'lR S/'!n ! OT TH WLY ON N LINE LOTS 8-9 & 10 T - i , I I I1 II I II I :~-:-t---iTI I ..... ' I ' I 1' I n , I R ; .1 ; . I ) _ Q = Notice Area --rW~•~ I I ~'"::.:'. i 1.---JI' ~; I I II 'k,1 . I I! I I ' • I I X-; I \J I K-,,I I I I ia O I j • I I I I I i I 1 ' ' --1'/" R-1 = Single-Family Residential ! . I I I I I I I I RM-1 = Low Density Multiple-Family Residenfial B-1 = Limited Business B-2 = Convenience and Comparison Business LETART AV , I I B4 = General Business I I I I 1-1 = Light Industrial --j [ 1 1 I I 1 I I I I 1' I I I R-1 , r-R=-1- 1 R~1 1 I I _I I ; I I I I I I ~1;' R-1 1 1 1 1 * ~ 1 ~ i7711 1 11 I Ri~ RM-~ ' '"L! ; i I R..d "" 1 I I I i I 1 If ____ ·,:- __ ',. I ===;==~;=,=c,=;,==;'I=;=='=;= 'z -==l------i-1-- r I I I I I 1 B-2 F, i I I I I I I I I I ~--JI r='-J I R'111111 R-1I I ii''!' I I I I II II - I I I I I I I I I is I I RM,i1 I 1 W SHERMAN BL VD I , I I- I i I I I ·~ "\ aty of Norton Shores __,-, ~11uY :'. ' i '> _, ,I ,_,, O'lyofNortonSh ·(i (LJ:iµJ L ''V Commission Meeting Date: November 28, 2000 Ci;~, Date: November 20, 2000 To: Honorable Mayor & City Commission From: Community and Neighborhood Services Department RE: Selection of contractors for Vinyl Siding Installation for 2001 Program Year SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve contractors for the City's vinyl siding program. The City of Muskegon solicited bids from area vinyl siding installer for proposals for installation through the City's rehabilitation program. The City received proposals from area contractors. The lowest bid came from Cotton Builders. The next two lowest bids were from Top Notch Builders and Gawlick Constructions. Because of changes in federal guidelines concerning lead-based paint abatement, the number of properties to be painted by the City of Muskegon is predicted to decrease significantly while the number structure receiving vinyl siding is expected to increase significantly. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the following contractors: Cotton Builders, Gawlick Construction and Top Notch Builders as the contractors for vinyl siding installation for 2001 program at a price of $75.00 a square/$7,706 (see attached) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: None Date: April 3, 2001 To: Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: Water Filtration Plant Re: High Service Pump #2 Rebuild SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To rebuild High Service Pump #2 (12 million gallon per day) prior to the summer season peak water demand. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Cost of the pump rebuild is $20,100.00. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: This is an unplanned expense and will require an internal budget transfer from another line item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To endorse Peerless-Midwest, Inc. as the contractor to rebuild high service pump #2 at a cost of $20,100.00. MEMORANDUM 4/2/01 TO: R. KUHN, DPW FROM: R. VENEKLASEN, WFP RE: HIGH SERVICE PUMP #2 -- 12 MILLION GALLON PER DAY (12 MGD) The High Service Pumps; 2-6 MGD and 2-12 MGD, in the 1972 Pumphouse are the primary pumps used to move water into the distribution system and elevated storage tanks. The upper bearing oil on High Service pump #4 (6 MGD) started to show discoloration (blackened). Kevin Herbert, Chief Operator, had the oil tested by Chevron (oil mfg.). The test results showed high iron content. Additionally this pump started to show elevated vibration levels. While waiting for the oil test results the pump was balanced & the oil flushed and changed. Kevin began researching what would cause the iron content in the oil. Indications were that it wasn't a bearing problem (no chromium or nickel) so he asked Hall/Jones Elec. to look further into the problem & re-check the balance. This revealed that the bearings were rotating in the casting (unacceptable) and causing the iron particles. Subsequently, the shaft hub has been machined to specs. and the bearings replaced. The remaining three pumps were examined for the same condition. None displayed signs of this condition but Pump #2 (12 MGD) did not rotate freely like the other pumps. Kevin contacted Peerless-Midwest and asked them to take a look at this and make recommendation. Peerless adjusted the shaft throw and everything else they could think would relieve the condition; only to loosen the binding slightly (the other pumps can be rotated by hand - this one cannot). They spent over three hours working on the pump, not including travel from Ionia at no charge to us. We have taken pump #2 out of service but have not "locked" it out. This allows the Plant Operator to use it only if absolutely necessary until such time as it can be repaired. You may recall that Peerless-Midwest rebuilt High Service pumps #1 & 3 in late 1995 and early 1996. We were quite pleased with their performance. Subsequent to that work, they recently rebuilt the booster pump #2 located at the Keating St. station. We solicited a cost for a re-build of pump #2 from Peerless Midwest because we are approaching the summer season and a repair of this sort may take as much as 6 to 8 weeks. This time frame is further compounded by spring weight restrictions on the roadways. The pricing estimate submitted by Peerless-Midwest, Inc. to perform a pump rebuild similar to that performed in 1996 is $20,100.00. This is an unplanned, but necessary, expenditure that will require a budget transfer. Apr-O3-O1 11:49A Peerless M;dwest Incionia 1 P.O2 Peerless-Midwest, Inc. Pricing Estimate 505 Apple Tree Dr. CityofNmlepn Mt. Kie¥in Herbert, Plant Fon,man Ionia. Michigan 48846 l,OOle.uhSt. 616 5270050 "' 5:t'ISSG8 N111kegan, Michigan 4114<11 4-3-01- Revised Gerry lurrows, DisL Mgr. Pul and 0....luwl HS Pump # 2 1-231 7244I04 500 HP llnit 1-.231 7590192 Fax 1231 7555290 Intl..... Two NIii C.-, Setwl Senke Truck wL Driver , Sub-contra<:t 150 ton Cnne, Accessory tqur,,i-,t I Tool•• Job Delalpdon Nollllho cnws and Crane to•~- UIOleCI bols to overflead 1-beiim, Exhaust bn I Hatches Lock out l'ull1p powr and control&, dlsc:ollllld all Flange bolts, matar bolts, adfustfntl nuts I motor clutch lffotonnect wlrlnr, conduit I powr connections (City has opted in put to have dtls dllfle b), local electrical con1nctor due t,o high vakap)- City option Set up mne I c,11,nte, ~•!silts - rig slqs ( 901Dn unit with 60' +reach)·...,._ l-leua in Hat t of lilltallotionf startup Nair. l'liMp Is bellmld to hoe a seized paddng balJt bearing . ....,, may .eq,,n now head shalt.-SS APR-03-2001 12:02 1 P.03 DATE: April 2, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert Grabinski, Fire Marshal RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #:00-47; Address: 1712 Pine Street, Muskegon Ml. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 1712 Pine Street is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. Case# & Project Address: 00-47-1712 Pine Street, Muskegon Ml Location and ownership: This single family home is located on Pine Street in the McLaughlin Neighborhood, HUD census# 5. The owner is Shelline White of Muskegon Ml. Staff Correspondence to Owner attachments: Dangerous Building Inspection Report dated 5/10/00. Notice and Order dated 5/12/00. Notice of Hearing for HBA dated 8/4/00. Finding of Facts and Order dated 8/24/00. Minutes dated 8/17 /00. Owner Contact: Ms White's Lawyer, Ms. Enrika McGahan contacted the office and attended the meeting requesting a 60 day extension. Repairs remain incomplete. Financial Impact: CDBG Budget action required: None State Equalized value: $11,000.00 Estimated cost to repair: $5, 000.00 F:\lnspcctions\Everett\WORD\CC MEET!NGS\AGENDA - 1712 pine.doc page I of2 Staff Recommendation: To Concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to Demolish. City Commission Recommendation: The Commission will consider this item at it's meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2001. r:\lnspcctions\Everett\ WORD\CC MEETINGS\J\GENDA - 1712 pine.doc page 2 of2 /7/J. J/-,S-o/ ,j ·,.-. I • ~ • '' i 3/\'v N013>i'vl ~-=· - ""CJ z -·- . Cl l m (J) ---l I '' 1----------------" I 7 I- , ~i::rmatln A~tlon 13 l-i24-6"'0J f.-\y;,122.121.i \s~essor HL724--o708 F.\X./7:?6-S181 Cemetery 2J1n2-4-6783 FAX/716-S6J7 Cl•;U Senrfce 231nl4-6716 F A..'Xnl.J-W0S West Mlchlgan's Shorellne aty Clerk 131nl4-670S F A.'Xn24-4178 Comm. & Neigh. DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT Services 231/714-6717 FAxn26-lS0I 1712 PINE Engineering 5/10/00 231n24-6101 FAxn27-6904 Inspection Noted: Finance 1Jtn24-671J F AX/714-6768 1. Front porch steps, decking, ceiling in need of repair. Fire Dept. 2. Foundation wall in need of repair. 231/714-6792 F AX/714-6985 3. Rotted basement window sills and frames. 4. Back door threshold and poor frame cracked. Income Tu 231n24-6770 5. Broken out windows. F Axn24-6768 6. Soffit and fascia repair needed. Info, Systems 2Jln24-6744 FAX/722-4301 BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HAVE DETERMINEO THAT THE STRUCTURE MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A Leisure Service 23 I /724-6704 DANGEROUS BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE FAX/724-1196 MUSKEGON CITY CODE. Manager's Office 23In24-6724 FAX/722-1214 ~ . Lo & -(:, LL:,,,..,y._,½'.' _ Henry F'iltinowski, Building Inspector Mayor's Office 231 /724-6701 FAX/722-1214 Inspection Services CONCURRED IN: 231/724-6715 bert B. Grabinski Date" FAxn26-1S0 I Fire Marshal/Inspection Services Planning/Zoning 23 I /724-6702 F AXJ724-6790 Police Dep1. 2Jl/714-67S0 FA.X/722-5140 Public WorkJ 2Jtnl4-4100 FAX1711-4188 Treuurer 2Jtnl4-6720 FAX/724-6768 Water DUiing Dept. 2Jtnl4-6718 F AX/724-6768 Water FU!ratlon 2Jln24-4106 F A..'XnSS-5190 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 Afflrma.llH A,tlon 1J! 714-.{i-;'QJ F-\\.:722-111-t -\HtHC·r 2J\,'72-t--6'.'08 f.\X. "T26-5181 Cemetery 2311724-6783 FAXl726-Sli t 7 Ch·U Service 231!724-6716 FAxn24-4405 West Mldllgan's Sborellne (Jty Clerk 231/724--6705 FAX/724-4178 NO'ricE AND ORDER Comm. & Neigh. Services May 12, 2000 231/724-6717 FAX1726-2501 Engineering 231/724-6707 FAX/727~904 Shelline K White Finance 1712 Pine Street 231/724-6713 Muskegon MI 49442 FAX/724-6768 fire Dept 131/724~792 FAX/724-6985 Dear Property Owner: Income Tu 231/724-0770 Subject: 1712 Pine Street FAX/714-6768 LOT9BLK297 Info. Systems 231/714-6744 FAX/722-4301 The City of Muskegon Building Official has recently inspected the subject property and has Leisure Service found the buildings to be dangerous as defined under Section 4-23 of the Muskegon City 231/724-6704 Code. FAX/724-1196 Manager's Office As a result of this finding, you are hereby ordered to REPAIR or DEMOLISH the BlnH-6724 FAX/722-1214 structures within thirty (30) days. Mayor's Office ?Jln24-6701 If you elect to repair the structures, you must secure all required permits and physically FAX/721-1214 commence the work within thirty (30) days from the date of this order. Inspection Services 23 l/724-6715 FAxn16-2501 Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our Building Official, Jerry McIntyre at 724-67 I 5. Planning/Zoning 231/724~702 F AX/724-6790 Sincerely yours, 1~;~· Police Dept. 231/724~750 F AX/722-5140 Publlc Work! 231/714-4100 FAX/722-4188 Fire Marshal/Inspection Services Treasurer 231/724--6720 FAX/724-6768 Water Bllllng Depl. 231/724-6718 F A..XJ724-6768 Water Filtration 231/724-4106 FA.X/755,.5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 \flirm.1ti\ e .-\c1iun (~2-H7UJ FAXfiM,-6790 .-\ssessor 616ni.t-61os FAxnU-6768 Cemetery 6t6n24--6783 FAxn22-4188 Civil Service 6l6n24-6716 FAXnl4-6790 West Mlchlgan's Shorellne City Clerk 616nl4-670S FAxnl4-4_768 CITY OF MUSKEGON Contm. & Neigh. Services NOTICE OF HEARING ON 6L6nl4-6717 FAXfll4-6790 DANGEROUS AND UNSAFE CONDITIONS Engineering 616nl4-6707 FAX/714-6790 Finance August 4, 2000 616n24-671J FAxnl4-6768 Shelline K White The Money Store Contimortgage Corp Fire Dept. 616nl4-6792 1712 Pine St PO BOX 13309 OP Box 900 Ste. 32 FAXfll4-6985 Muskegon MI 49442 Sacramento CA 95813-3309 Hatboro, PA 19040-0900 Income Tax 6I6n24--6770 Trott & Trott FAxn24-6768 30150 Telegraph Road, Ste. 100 Info. Systems Bingham Farms, MI 48025 616n24-697S FAX/724-6768 Leisure Service 616nl4-6704 SUBJECT: Dangerous Building Case#: 00-47 - 1712 Pine St., Muskegon MI FAxnl4-6790 Manager's Office Dear Property Owner: 6t6n24--6724 FAX/714-6790 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a hearing before the Housing Board of Appeals for the City Mayor's Office 616n24-670l of Muskegon will be held on Thursday, August 17. 2000 at 5:30 P.M. in the Muskegon FAX/724-6790 City Hall Commission Chambers on the first floor. Said hearing will be for the purpose of Neigh. & Const. determining whether the structure should be demolished or otherwise made safe. Services 616/724-6715 FAXfl24-6790 Officials from the Inspection Services Department have inspected the structure and it is alleged that it has defects as listed on the attached page(s). Planning/Zoning 6I6n24-6702 F Axn24-6790 The defects are violations of Section 4-23 of the Muskegon City Code, which defines Police Dept. dangerous buildings. 616nl4-67S0 FAXflll-5140 At the hearing, the Inspection Services Department will present testimony regarding the Public Works 616nl4-4100 alleged defects. You are advised that you or your representative may cross examine the FAXnll-4188 City's witnesses and you may present testimony in your own behalf and call witnesses in Treasurer your own behal£ We encourage you to attend the meeting since it is always better if 616nl4-6720 someone is available to answer any questions the Board may have. FAX/724-6768 Water Dept. 6t6n24-67t8 INSPECTION SERVICES FA: r I )> r m s:: EMERALD AV z -I I -< ~ ' l__ I ' \\ ,./] I - I I n m ITT ORCHARD 1- l ·••··••··• ········~ - .. ~~~ File Number - 405210 TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY TAX REPORT Affecting land in Muskegon County, Michigan described as follows: The West 31 feet of the North 80 feet- of Lot 1, Block 209, Revised Plat (of 1903) of the City of Muskegon, as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71. Muskegon County Records. Permanent Property No. 31-20-382-008 An examination of the records for the period of fifteen years prior to the date hereof shows no Taxes or Special IIJl)rovernent Assessments unpaid, sold, subject to rederrption or deeded, except as specified below. This report includes information obtained from the records in the office of the Treasurers of Muskegon County and of the City of Muskegon after said information has been received by the Treasurer in the form of an assessment roll. This report also includes, but without any representation by Transnation Title Insurance COITf)any as to the accuracy thereof, information obtained from Village and Township Treasurers, and from Treasurers of Cities other than the City of Muskegon, Inheritance or Estate Taxes and Federal Tax Liens, if any, are not included in this report. CITY OR VILLAGE TAXES No 1999 City taxes. STATE AND COUNTY TAXES 1998 County tax due in the amount of $365.57, plus penalties and interest. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Water usage due in the amount of $79.33, plus penalties and interest. TAX SALES State Equalized Value $7,200.00. Taxable Value $6,728.00. Tax Code No. 24-0003182. NOTE: No Homestead filed. By,. C""'on"'n"'1"ec-rc-.-J-r.o"'h""n"'s""o"'n__________ Date - June 4, 1999 at 8:00 AM MEMBER OF MICHIGAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION Form No. M867.6 (Previous No. T814) DANGEROUS BUILDING REPORT 247 AMITY 2/05199 1. Foundation has loose block and sags near the front of the building on the west side. 2. Windows are broken. 3. Front steps are not secured to the front of the building. 4. Roofing is missing on the rear of the building. 5. Eaves are rotted. 6. Siding needs paint and is broken in places. 7. Graffiti on house. 8. Entire roof is deteriorated. 9. Rear porch roofis deteriorated and falling in. BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HAVE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE DOES MEET THE DEFINITION OF A DANGEROUS AND/OR SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE. DATE \ffirrnatlw :\ction 616,72+6703 -\ssessor 6 \6172-1-6708 Ccmetel) 6\6i72-l-6783 Cl\'11 Service West Mldd!!an's Shorellne Oty 6\6172-1-6716 NOTICE AND ORDER Clerk 616172-1-6705 February 8, 1999 C. :"1. Seniccs State of Michigan 6161724-6717 Real Estate Division P. 0. Box 30448 Engineering Lansing, Mi. 48909 6161724-6707 Dear Property Owner: Finance 6161724-6713 Subject: 247 Amity W 31 Ft ofN 80 Ft Lot 1, Blk 209 Fire Dept 6 l 61724-6792 The City of Muskegon Building Official has recently inspected the subject property and has Income Tax found the buildings to be dangerous as defined under Section 4-23 of the Muskegon City 6 l61724-6770 Code. Inspections As a result of this finding, you are hereby ordered to REPAIR or DEMOLISH the 616172-1-6715 structures within thirty (30) days. Leisure Service If you elect to repair the structures, you must secure all required permits and physically 6 \6172-1-6704 commence the work within thirty (30) days from the date of this order. .\lanager's om.·e Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our 6161724-6724 Building Official, Jerry McIntyre at 724-6715. Mayor's omc.:e 616172-1-670 I Sincerely yours, Planning/Zoning 6161724-6702 Daniel Schmelzinger Police Depl. Director, Neighborhood and Construction Services 6 ! 61724-6750 Public Works 6161726-4786 Treasurer 616/724-6720 Water Dept. 6!6172-1-6718 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Michigan 49443-0536 ru111u,•u•" ,...,,.v., 6\6n24-670J FAxn22-l2U ASles.sor "416nH-6708 FAxn24--U78 Cemetery 6l6n2 ..... 67&3 FAxnl6-5617 Civil Sen-ice 6t6n24-67l6 FAxn24-6790 West Mldllgan's Sbordlne aty Clerk MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS 616n24-61os FAX1724-4178 DATE: April S, 1999 Comm. & Nei&h. Service5 6t6n2+6717 #99-10-247 Amity FAXfl26-2501 CASE: Engineering 616n24-6101 Chong Thomas . Scott Flaska FAxn27-6904 272 Amity P. 0. Box 81 Finance Muskegon,Mi.49442 Cedar, Mi. 49621 616n24-671J FAxnl4-6768 FINDING OF FACTS AND ORDER Fire Dept. 616nl4-6792 FAXfl24-6985 The following action was taken at a session of the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals Income Tax held at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace, Muskegon, Michigan on the 1st of April 1999. 616nl4-6770 FAXfl24-6768 The Neighborhood and Construction Services Department of the City of Muskegon, having Info. Systems inspected the building structure located upon the property described as W 31 Ft of n 80 Ft, &16n24-6975 FAxn24-6768 Lot 1, Block 209 also known as 247 Amity found the conditions listed on the attached pages exist and that these conditions are hazardous as defined in Section 4-23 of the Code of Leisure Service 6t6n2+6704 Ordinances. FAX/724-6790 !\tanager's Office The Board further found that these conditions exist to the extent of endangering life, safety 6t6n24-6724 FAxnll-1214 and the general welfare of the public. Mayor's Office 616/724-6701 Therefore, in accordance with Section 4-25 of the Code of Ordinances, the structure is FAX/722-1214 declared to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance. Neigh. & Const. Services It is, therefore, ordered that the owners or other interested parties take such action to repair 616/724-6715 FAX1726-2501 or remove said structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order. Planning/Zoning 6t6n24-6702 It is further ordered that if the owners or other interested parties fail to repair or remove said, FAXfl24-6790 structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order, the Building Police Dept. Official shall take bids and remove said structure. 616n24-6750 FAX/722-5140 Public Works 6t6n24-4100 FAxnll-4188 Treuurer 6l6nl4-6720 FAxnl4-6768 Water Dept. 616n24-67t8 FAxn24-6768 Water Filtration 6t6nl4-4106 FAxnS~5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 If you wish to appeal this order, you must do sq within twenty days. You i:oay obtain the appeal foan _at the City's Neighbodwod and Construction Services Department (Inspections), City Hall. 933 Temce Stieet. . . OARD OF APPEALS .\fTirmathe Action 0 l '724-6703 F.\X;722-1214 \ssessor MUSKEGON 016,724-6708 FAX/724-.i I 78 Ceme1ery 616nU-6783 FAxn26-56 I 7 Civil Service 616n2+6116 FAxn24-6790 West Mldtlf!an's Shorellne aty Clerk 616n2+670S MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS FAxn24-4178 Comm. & Neigh. DATE: December 9, 1999 Services 616/724--6717 FAxn26-2501 CASE: #99-10-247 AMITY Engineering 6t6n2+6101 FAxn27-6904 Chong Thomas Linda Smith Finance 272 Amity 6535 Bach 616/724-6713 FAXn24-6768 Muskegon,Mi.49442 Gagetown, Michigan 48735 Fire Dept. 616/724-6792 FAX1724-6985 Income Tax FINDING OF FACTS AND ORDER 6l6n24--6770 FAX/724-6768 The following action was taken at a session of the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals Info. Systems 616n24-6975 held at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace, Muskegon, Michigan on the December 2, FAX/724-6768 1999 Leisure Service 616/724-6704 The Neighborhood and Construction Services Department of the City of Muskegon, having FAX/724-6790 West 31 Feet of the North 80 Feet of Lot 1, Block 209 also known as 247 Amity \lanager's Office inspected the building structure located upon the property described as found the conditions 616/724-6724 FAX/722-1214 listed on the attached pages exist and that these conditions are hazardous as defined in Section 4-23 of the Code of Ordinances. Mayor's Office 616/72.i-6701 FAX/722-1214 The Board further found that these conditions exist to the extent of endangering life, safety Neigh. & Const. and the general welfare of the public. Services 616/724-6715 FAX/726-2501 Therefore, in accordance with Section 4-25 of the Code of Ordinances, the structure is Planning/Zoning declared to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance. 616/724-6702 FAxnH-6790 It is, therefore, ordered that the owners or other interested parties take such action to repair Police Dept. or remove said structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order. 616/72.J-.6750 FAX1722-5140 It is further ordered that if the owners or other interested parties fail to repair or remove said Public Works 616/724-4100 structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order, the Building FAX/722-4188 Official shall take bids and remove said structure. Treasurer 616/724-6720 FAX/724-6768 Water Depl. 6l6nH-6718 FAX1124-6768 Water Filtration 616n24-4l06 FA\/755--5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536 If you wish to appeal. this order, you must do SQ. within twenty days. You may oo= ..... eomuw:uon appeal. fum1 at the City's Neighborhood and. Services~ (ID.spec:doos), City Hall. 9'33 TmaceSti:eet. V\_. OARD OF APPEALS· DANGEROUS BUILDING REPORT 247 AMITY 2/05/99 1. Foundation has loose block and sags near the front of the building on the west side. 2. Windows are broken. 3. Front steps are not secured to the front of the building. 4. Roofing is missing on the rear of the building. 5. Eaves are rotted. 6. Siding needs paint and is broken in places. 7. Graffiti on house. 8. Entire roof is deteriorated. 9. Rear porch roof is deteriorated and falling in. BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HAVE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE DOES MEET THE DEFINITION OF A DANGEROUS AND/OR SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE. Clint Todd Fred Nielsen The motion carried. #99-10- 247 AMITY - SCOTT FLASKA, P.O. BOX 81, CEDAR, MI Linda Smith and Chong Thomas were in. attendance because there was some conflict as who owns property. Linda Smith called the office in Oct. of 99 and stated that she was buying on land contract and ended up with house and is suing for miss representation. Chong Thomas had basically the same situation, \mt actually has no ties to the house. Motion made by Johnson, supported by Nielsen to support staff recommendation to declare structure at 24 7 Amity unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and forward to the City Commission for concurrence. A roll call vote was taken: AYES NAYS ABSENT EXCUSED ·• Robert Johnson None William Anderson Greg Borgman Randy Mackie John Warner Clint Todd Fred Nielsen The motion carried. -14 - 573 ORCHARD - CHONG THOMAS, 272 AMITY, MUSKEG Chong T as was present at meeting, stating that she's workin ouse. Robert Grabinski stated that this use came to us as a result of a drug raid. cers along with the fire marshal removed occupan cause house was substandard. . Grabinski stated that Ms. Thomas has been in the office and tried to pull permits electrical was denied due to the number of violations that are uncorre , he reco s that we table for 60 days to give Ms. Thomas cha,1ce to pull necessary perm1 lo 1th a timetable of completion. Johnson made motion, supported by Nielsen to table for A roll call vote was taken: EXCUSED Robert Johnson Greg Borgman Randy Mackie John Warner Clint Tod CITY OF MUSKEGON DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT FIRE - INTERIOR/EXTERIOR 247 AMITY 2/19/01 Inspection noted: FIRE AREA: I. Structural ceiling, wall, floor, rafter damage back bedroom, main floor. 2. Entire roof in need of structural repair - rafters, sheathing, covering, fascia, soffit 3. Siding replacement needed. 4. Foundation wall in basement bowed, needs tuck-pointing, water proofed, sill damage. 5. Roof caving in other areas of home not affected by fire. BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HAVE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A DANGEROUS AND/OR SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE. ' FALTINOWSKI, BUILDING INSPECTOR F:\lnspections\Everett\WORD\STANDARD FORMS\DB INSPECTION REPORT FORM.doc DATE: April 2, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert Grabinski, Fire Marshal RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #:00-99; Address: 462 White Ave, Muskegon Ml. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 462 White Ave, Muskegon Ml is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. Case# & Project Address: 00-99 - 462 White Ave, Muskegon Ml. Location and ownership: This single family home is located on White Ave near Wood Street in Angel neighborhood, HUD Census Tracking #3. The owner is Ricki & Sheila Davis of Muskegon Ml. Staff Correspondence attachments: Dangerous building inspection report conducted on 11/28/00. Notice and Order to Repair was sent on 1/03/01. Notice of Hearing for HBA was sent on 2/13/01. HBA Order to demolish was sent on 3/7/01. Meeting minutes for 3/01/01. Owner Contact: Ricki and Sheila Davis contacted the office on January 19, 2001. They requested not to receive any mail regarding the property at 462 White. They submitted a poor legible copy of a land contract they had with a Mr. Daniel Brown. According to City Records, the Davis's are still the deed holders therefore; this department acknowledges the Davis's as responsible for the property and will continue to send notices to them as well as Mr. Brown. Copy of Land Contract is attached. Financial Impact: CDBG Budget action required: None State Equalized value: $10, 100.00 Estimated cost to repair: $20, 000.00 plus cost of required interior repairs. F:\lnspections\Everett\WORD\CC MEETINGS\AGENDA - 15 E MUSKEGON.doc page 1 of2 Staff Recommendation: To Concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to Demolish. City Commission Recommendation: The Commission will consider this item at it's meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2001. F:\lnspectlons\Everctt\WORD\CC MEETINGS\AGENDA -15 E MUSKEGON.doc page 2 of2 ANGEL NEIGHBORHOOD CENSUS# 3 462 WHITE 11/28/00 [ ----- ~ I ~ ! r:lJIVlf,Jf--':1{ /\\/ II I I F:-J I ? (/) r::i ) ) t·:/\,'31 l?_i:\f\J /\\/ • '----- 1/J. \_J[_[f· f\ \/ ', hl -- f-- - - -- ' J - I~ ,- t II - (i ~ I ~- - I i' U) -;) I I ~ I 1, I \, _;} ) ) ) -- ~ ' T I ' I / -\Ii, '\ 1 u ' ll ~ - ~ ~ I -~ LJ T I ' H - -- CITY OF MUSKEGON DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT 462 WHITE 11/28/00 Inspection Noted: 1. Front porch guard rail and hand rail is missing. 2. Foundation is failing. 3. Windows are broken out. 4. Window sashes are rotted. 5. Chimney's need tuck pointing. 6. Siding Deteriorated. 7. Roof needs replacing. 8. Soffit and facia rotted. 9. Garage wall is bowed out. 10. Garage roof is failing. 11. Garage is rotted at the grade. 12. Garage doors are missing and damaged. 13. Roof on the house is bowed. 14. Interior inspection is required by the electrical, plumbing, mechanical and building im,pectors before any permits or certificate of occupancy will be issued. BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HAVE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A DANGEROUS BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE. JI Don LaBrenz II, Electric uilding Inspector CITY OF MUSKEGO:\' NOTICE ANO ORDER TO REPAIR OR REMOVE (DEMOLISH) A STRUCTURE DATE: 0 l/03/0 l Address of the Property: 46? White Ave., Muskegon, Michigan Description of the Structure: Lot 12, Blk 43 TO: Shelia Davis, 914 Fleming St.. Muskegon MI 49442 [Name and address of Owner] None known at this time. [Names and Addresses of Other Interested Parties] The Building Inspection Department of the City of Muskegon has detem1ined that the structures above described are dangerous, substandard, and constitute a nuisance in violation of the Dangerous Buildings Ordinance of the City. You are hereby notified that the City will proceed to demolish or cause the demolition and removal of the said structure unless you accomplish the actions indicated below within the time limits indicated (only one to be checked): I. X Obtain the issuance of all permits required to accomplish the repair of the structure defects listed in the attached schedule within 30 days of this notice. All repairs shall be accomplished within the times set forth in the permits. All work must be physically commenced within 30 days of the date of this notice. 2. Obtain the issuance of the appropriate permit for the demolition of structures within 30 days, and accomplish the demolition thereof within 60 days of this notice. The conditions which cause the said structures to be dangerous, substandard and a nuisance are listed in the attached schedule. F:\Inspections\Everett'STANDARD FORMS\462 white.doc Page 1 of3 FAILURE TO COMPLY After 30 days from mailing this notice, if you have not complied with this notice, a hearing will be scheduled before the City of Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals for the purpose of enforcing this notice and order and instituting City action to remove the structure. You will receive notice of that hearing. You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Housing Board of Appeals and have counsel of your choice present, if you desire. You will have the opportunity to show cause why the structure shall not be ordered demolished. · SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS The following conditions are present at the structure at 462 White Ave., Muskegon, Michigan, and cause said structure to be a dangerous or substandard building and a public nuisance. Please see the attached dangerous building inspection report. CITY OF MUSKEGON INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 1., Dated: January 10, 2001 CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY OF MUSKEGON HOUSING (BUILDING) BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF HEARING Address of the Property: 462 White, Muskegon, Michigan Description of the Structure: Lot 12, Block 43 TO: Rickie & Shelia Davis, 914 Fleming St., Muskegon MI 49442 [Name & Address of Owner] Daniel Brown, 462 White Street, Muskegon MI 49442 [Names & Address of Other Interested Parties] Please take notice that on Thursday, March 1. 2001, the City of Muskegon Housing . Board of Appeals will hold a hearing at 5:30 p.m. and at the said hearing consider whether or not " the following structure should be determined to be dangerous, substandard and a nuisance, and demolished, or repaired. The reason for this hearing is that you have not complied with the Notice and Order to Repair or Demolish a Structure issued by the City of Muskegon Building Inspection Department on 1/03/01 . At the hearing on Thursday, March 1, 2001 at 5:30 p.m., at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, you may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Housing Board of Appeals and have counsel of your choice present, if you desire, to show cause why the structure should not be allowed or ordered demolished. • . Grabinski, Fire Marshal/Inspection Services F:\INSPECTIONS\EVEREIBWORDIHBA MEETINGS\NOTICE OF HBA HEARING.DOC CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY OF MUSKEGON HOUSING (BUILDING) BOARD OF APPEALS Date: March 7, 2001 To: Rickie & Shelia Davis, 914 Fleming Street, Muskegon MI 49442 Owners Name & Address · Daniel Brown, 462 White Street, Musekgon MI 49442 Name & Address of other interested parties ORDER TO DEMOLISH STRUCTURE The Housing Board of Appeals, having received evidence at a scheduled and noticed meeting held on Thursday March I , 20 00, does hereby order that the following structure(s) located at 462 White , Muskegon, Michigan, shall be demolished for the reason that the said structure or structures are found, based upon the evidence before the Board of Appeals, to be dangerous, substandard and a public nuisance. All structures located on Lot 12, Block 43 The owners or persons interested shall apply for the required permits to demolish the structure(s) within 30 days from the final determination to concur and demolish, if it is made, by the City Commission. Demolition shall be accomp1ished no later than 60 days after a concurrence by the City Commission. The director of inspections is ordered to delay for 30 days placing before the Muskegon City Commission this order and the record in this case to seek concurrence by the City Commission with the decision of this board, and further to give notice to the owner and interested parties of the date and time when this matter shall be considered by the City Commission. This order is not final until concurred with by the City Commission. F:IINSPECTIONSIEVEREIBWOROIHBA MEETINGSISTANDARD FORMSIORDER TO DEMOLISH.DOC NOTICE TO OWNER AND INTERESTED PARTIES Please take notice that this decision of the Housing Board of Appeals will be presented to the City Commission of the City of Muskegon on the date and at a time to be noticed to you by the Director oflnspections. You are hereby notified that you will have an opportunity to appear before the said City Commission at that time and to present any and all evidence or matters relevant to the issue of demolition or repair. of.the said structures. This order of the Housing . ' Board of Appeals is not final, but will become final if and when the City Commission has considered the record and this order, and has concurred. Robert . Grabinski, Fire Marshal/Inspections Dept F:IINSPECTIONSIEVEREIBWORD\HBA MEETINGSISTANOARO FORMSIORDER TO DEMOLISH.DOC !-!BA Minutes 3/0 I Case# 00-99 - 462 White, Ricki & Shelia Davis, 914 Fleming Street, Muskegon Ml 49442 History: Grabinski informed the board that upon receiving the notice and order to repair or remove the structure, the owner's called the office and requested not to receive any more mail concerning the property. They claimed that they were not the owners. They faxed a poor legible copy of a land contract with a Daniel Brown. It was the decision of staff that a land contract does not release the Davis's of ownership and until our office receives a quit claim or warranty deed naming Mr. Brown the owner, staff will still consider the Davis's responsible for the property. There has been no further contact from the owner. Staff's Recommendation: To declare the structure dangerous, substandard, unsafe, a public nuisance and forward to the city commission for concurrence. Motion: Jerry Bever, supported by Randy Mackie, made a motion to accept staff's recommendation and declare the structure at 462 White as dangerous, substandard, unsafe, a public nuisance and forward the case to the City Commission for concurrence in demolition of the structure. Discussion: Nick Kroes informed Staff that he drove by the structure and it was wide open. He requested that staff have it boarded up. Staff said that they are aware that the porch door was open and explained that there is another door inside that lead into the home and that that door is secured. A roll call vote was taken: NAYE: ABSENT: EXCUSED: Greg Borgman Clint Todd Fred Nielsen John Warner Randy Mackie Jerry Bever Nick Kroes The motion carried. There was no new or old business and the meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM. 8 of 8 !TRAC'!' --en 914 Fleming st. Daniel Brown (a single man) 462 White st. Muskegon, Michigan 49442 WI T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, Buyer and Seller have entered into a Land Contract of even date herewith; and, WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Memorandum of Land Contract to give record _notice. of ~xistence of said ~arid Contract. NOW THEREFORE, in consid3ration of the Premises and for other good and valuable consideration Seller. acknowledges and agrees that they have sold to Buyer on the Land Contract dated April 5th , 19~, the following described prem- ises situated in the city of Muskegon County of Muskegon and State of Michigan, to-wit: Lot12, Block 43, Revised Plat (of 1903) of the city of Muskegon, As Recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71, Muskegon County Records. -•. ., ' "STATE OF- MICHIGAN COUNTY. OF 'MUSKEGON The foregoing instn,ment was ac:knowledged before me this ___;:S_t_h ________c ~arbor Title 955 West Broadway Muskegon,Ml49441 Title Search Case No.: 100019087 December 22, 2000 I. Beginning Date: December 14, 1983, at 8:00 A.M. Please See Attached Liber 1274, Page 374, Muskegon County Records, for Legal Description: 2. We have searched the records in the office ofthe Register of Deeds for Muskegon County, Michigan covering the subject property, and find the following conveyances and undischarged encumbrances, from said beginning date to November 17, 2000, at 8:00 A.M. Documents Deeds: Mortgages: 1274-374 None Taxes: Civil Infractions are unavailable at this time. Invoice Charges in the amount of$274.00, due and payable to the City ofMuskegon.(Invoice #'s 9812639, 9815632 and 9817013) Payment of the delinquent Water usage bill, due and payable to the City of Muskegon Treasurer in the amount of $2.04. Payment of the Sidewalk Assessment, due and payable to the City of Muskegon Treasurer in the amount of $421.00, if paid by December 31, 2000. Payment of the 1996 delinquent taxes, due and payable to the Muskegon County Treasurer in the amount of $917.87, if paid by December 31, 2000, or in the amount of $917.87, if paid by January 31, 2001. Payment of the 1997 delinquent taxes, due and payable to the Muskegon County Treasurer in the amount of $743 .26, if paid by December 31, 2000, or in the amount of $751. 71, if paid by January 31, 2001. Payment of the 1998 delinquent taxes, due and payable to the Muskegon County Treasurer in the amount of$677.93, if paid by December 31, 2000, or in the amount of$683.24, if paid by January 31, 2001. Payment of the 1999 delinquent taxes, due and payable to the Muskegon County Treasurer in the amount of $622.35, if paid by December 31, 2000, or in the amount of $627 .67, if paid by January 31, 2001. Payment of the 2000 Winter Taxes, due and payable to the City of Muskegon Treasurer in the amount of$698.59*, if paid by February 14, 2001. Note: No 2000 Summer Taxes were assessed. New Pemrnnent Parcel No.: 61-24-205-043-0012-00. 2000 State Equalized Value; $10,100.00. 2000 Taxable Value: $8,185.00. Non-Homestead Property. *Note: Delinquent Water/Sewer Usage in the amount of $161.52 was included in the 2000 Winter tax bill, and a Sidewalk Assessment Installment in the amount of $93.56. 3 We find no United States Internal Revenue Liens recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Muskegon County, Michigan, against: Rickie Davis 4. No search has been made for any instrument, however designated, which has been filed as a financing statement pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code. · 5. No search has been made of the records of the Circuit, Probate or other Courts, or of any record other than those in the office of the Register of Deeds. 6. Under this form of search this company is not an insurer.of above title, nor does it guarantee the title or any evidence of title thereto. 7. Note: In consideration of the fact that the above information is to be used for reference purposes only and not relied upon as evidence of title, it is furnished at a reduced rate and this Company's liability is limited to the amount paid for this information. DATE: April 2, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert Grabinski, Fire Marshal RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #:00-100; Address: 15 E. Muskegon, Muskegon Ml. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 15 E Muskegon, Muskegon Ml is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. Case# & Project Address: 00-100 - 15 E Muskegon, Muskegon Ml Location and ownership: This single-family rental unit is located on E. Muskegon in the Jackson Hill Neighborhood, HUD census tracking number 2. The owner is Alfonzo Farmer and Jerri Oakes of Muskegon Ml. Staff Correspondence attachments: A dangerous building inspection was conducted on 12/4/00. A Notice and Order to repair was issued on 1/10/01. A Notice of HBA Hearing was sent on February 13, 2001. The Board's issued an Order to Demolish on March 7, 2001. Letter to Mr. Farmer dated 3/21/01. Owner Contact: Mr. Alfonzo Farmer came to the inspection department with copies of quit claim deeds that were not in the title search. It appears that he is part owner with Jerri Oakes . Mr. Farmer was given until April 4, 2001 to comply with the letter dated 3/21/01 . There has been no contact from th e owner since then . Financial Impact: CDBG Budget action required: None State Equalized value: $10, 800.00 Estimated cost to repair: $7, 500.00 plus cost of required interior repairs . F:\lnspcctions\ Evcrcll\WORD\CC MEETINGS\AGENDA - 15 E MUSKEGON.doc page I of2 Staff Recommendation: To Concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to Demolish. City Commission Recommendation: The Commission will consider this item at it's meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2001. F:\lnspections\Everett\WORD\CC MEETINGS\AGENDA - 15 E MUSKEGON.doc page 2 of2 DATE: March 30, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert B. Grabinski, Fire Marshal/Inspection Services Dept. Re: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Finding of Facts and Order for 273 Merrill. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request City Commission concurrence with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 273 Merrill is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost of demolition will be paid with CDBG funds. BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: NONE th LOCATION & OWNER: This single family home is located on Merrill between 4 and 5th Street the structure sits behind the dwelling addressed as 271 Merrill. The owner is Dawn Delapas of Muskegon Ml. HISTORY: This property was reffered as a dangerous building by Roxi Wever, housing inspector after conducting a rental inspection on September 20, 2000. A list of defects is attached. On November 7, 2000 a dangerous building inspection was conducted. A Notice and Order to Repair was sent on 1/10/01. On 1/30/01 the police department requested the structure be boarded.(please see attached report). There was no response from the owner and a notice of hearing was sent on 2/13/01. On 3/1 /01, the Housing Board of Appeals declared the structure unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals order to demolish and declare the dwelling at 273 Merrill unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance. STATE EQUALIZED VALUE: $18,900.00 ESTIMATED COST OF REPAIRS:$ $15,000.00 CITY COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Commission will consider this item at it's meeting on April 10, 2001. I _J / BICTJ L HOUSTON A' ' - ' - -- - W-- I , , 'ITif1 ' µ_ , ,urn ,~- µ_ J i_l_- r--- - _j_~ File# 412809 TRANSNATION TITLE INSURANCE COMP ANY TAX REPORT Affecting land in Muskegon County, Michigan Described as follows: Lot 5, Block 387, Revised Plat (of 1903) of the City of Muskegon, according to the recorded plat thereof in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 71, Muskegon County Records Permanent Property No.: 6 l-24-205-387-0005-00 An examination of the records for the period of fifteen years prior to the date hereof shows no Taxes or Special Improvement Assessments unpaid, sold, subject to redemption or deeded, except as specified below, This report includes information obtained from the records in the office of the Treasurers of Muskegon County and of the City of Muskegon after said the Treasurer in the fonn of an assessment roll has received information. This report a1so includes, but without any representation by Transnation Title Insurance Company as to the accuracy thereof, information obtained from Village and Township Treasurers, and from Treasurer of Cities other that the City of Muskegon, Inheritance or Estate Taxes and Federal Tax Liens, if any, are not included in this report. CITY OR VILLAGE TAXES No 2000 City Tax STATE OR COUNTY TAXES 1999 Winter tax due in the amount of $930.33 if paid by 11-30-00 State Equalized Value $18,900.00 Taxable Value $15,216.00 NOTE:Homestead filed NOTE: Invoices, Infractions, Special Assessments and Water bills have not been checked. Contact the City Treasurer for this information. DATE: November 10, 2000 MEMBER OF MICHIGAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION CITY OF MUSKEGON INSPECTION REPORT November 8, 2000 AT 4:34 p.m. FOR MERRILL 273 PAGE 1 No Cat Violation --- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------= 1 NOTE: Effective June 15, 1997 no certificates of compliance will be issued until all fees and debts to the City for that property have been paid in full. 2 NOTE: Code requires owners to notify City in writing within 10 days of transfering ownership. Notice must include name, address and phone number of new owner. 3 NOTE: Non owner-occupants must use licensed contractors for most electrical, plumbing or mechanical repair work. Call 724-6758 for more information. 4 A BATHROOM Lavatory is missing. 5 B BATHROOM - TOILET Toilet is tilted. 6 B BATHROOM - TUB Tub surround is loose. 7 B BATHROOM - TUB Floor covering has holes, rips or is missing or is not sealed on edges. 8 B BATHROOM - TUB Tub surround needs caulking. 9 B BATHROOM - TUB Anti-siphon hallcock is short--needs to be tall enough to give l" between bottom of ballcock and overflow tube. 10 B BATHROOM - TUB Wall or walls has a hole or holes or large cracks in it. 11 CELLAR No entry: Will inspect at reinspection 12 A CELLAR Furnace needs an inspection by a mechanical contractor and must be certified safe. 13 CELLAR No entry to crawl space. 14 A CRAWL SPACE OVER KITCHEN Roof rafters are split and need additional support. 15 B DINING ROOM Floor covering has holes, rips or is missing or is not sealed on edges. 16 A DINING ROOM Window has broken or cracked glass. 17 B DINING ROOM Warm air register(s) is/are broken or missing. 18 EXTERIOR Roof is totally deteriorated - must be replaced. 19 A EXTERIOR - CELLAR Window has broken or cracked glass. 20 A EXTERIOR - FRONT Window has broken or cracked glass. 21 A EXTERIOR - FRONT CITY OF MUSKEGON INSPECTION REPORT November 8, 2000 AT 4:34 p.m. FOR MERRILL 273 PAGE 2 No Cat Violation --- -=-----==========-=============================================== Window sash is broken, rotted or missing. 22 B EXTERIOR - FRONT DOOR GLASS MISSING 23 B EXTERIOR - REAR Light fixture is broken or loose. 24 B EXTERIOR - REAR DOOR KICKED IN -JAMB BROKEN 25 A EXTERIOR - WEST SIDE STEPS Risers are broken. 26 A FRONT BEDROOM Window has broken or cracked glass. 27 B FRONT BEDROOM Ceiling is water damaged. 28 B FRONT BEDROOM Paneling has holes. 29 B FRONT BEDROOM No backer behind the paneling. 30 A FRONT BEDROOM No power. 31 B FRONT PORCH Door is improperly repaired and needs to be replaced. 32 B FRONT PORCH Door hardware is broken, missing or incomplete. 33 B FRONT PORCH Floor covering has holes, rips or is missing or is not sealed on edges. 34 B GENERAL - ALL ROOMS Window is not weathertight and in good repair. 35 B KITCHEN Floor covering has holes, rips or is missing or is not sealed on edges. 36 B KITCHEN Roof leaks. 37 B KITCHEN Ceiling is water damaged. 38 B KITCHEN Window lock(s) is/are missing or inoperative. 39 B KITCHEN Sink cabinet or floor is rotted or rusting away. 40 B KITCHEN GFIC is painted shut. 41 B KITCHEN Trim is broken, missing or incomplete. 42 B KITCHEN Cabinets are not in good repair. 43 B KITCHEN Countertop is chipped, broken or damaged causing the countertop to be unsanitary. 44 B KITCHEN - WEST SIDE Outlet is broken, loose or not working. 45 A LIVING ROOM CITY OF MUSKEGON INSPECTION REPORT November 8, 2000 AT 4:34 p.m. FOR MERRILL 273 PAGE 3 No Cat Violation Window has broken or cracked glass. 46 A LIVING ROOM Smoke detector is missing or inoperative near the bedrooms. 47 B LIVING ROOM Floor covering has holes, rips or is missing or is not sealed on edges. 48 B LIVING ROOM Paneling has holes. 49 B LIVING ROOM Ceiling tile are missing or falling down. 50 B LIVING ROOM No backer behind the paneling. 51 B REAR BEDROOM Wall or walls has a hole or holes or large cracks in it. 52 B REAR BEDROOM Does not have privacy door. 53 B REAR BEDROOM Ceiling tile are missing or falling down. 54 A REAR BEDROOM Fuse panel cover is not installed. 55 A UPPER BEDROOM Window sash is broken, rotted or missing. 56 B UPPER BEDROOM Wall or walls has a hole or holes or large cracks in it. 57 B UPPER BEDROOM Floor covering has holes, rips or is missing or is not sealed on edges. 58 B UPPER BEDROOM Ceiling has peeling paint. 59 B UPPER BEDROOM Wall covering is incomplete. 60 A UPSTAIRS Step is broken or rotted. 61 B UPSTAIRS Has a weak step. 62 A UPSTAIRS Handrail is missing. 63 B UPSTAIRS Ceiling cover is incomplete: 64 B UPSTAIRS Wall covering is incomplete. 65 A UPSTAIRS Smoke detector is missing or inoperative near the bedrooms. 66 B UPSTAIRS Ceiling cover is incomplete. 67 B UPSTAIRS Trim is broken, missing or incomplete. 68 B UPSTAIRS Ceiling has a hole or holes or large cracks in it. 69 B UTILITY ROOM Wall or walls has a hole or holes or large cracks in it. CITY OF MUSKEGON INSPECTION REPORT November 8, 2000 AT 4:34 p.m. FOR MERRILL 273 PAGE 4 No Cat Violation --- --- ===============================================================-= 70 B UTILITY ROOM Ceiling is water damaged. 71 A UTILITY ROOM Smoke detector is missing or inoperative near the bedrooms. 72 B UTILITY ROOM Thermostat cover is missing. 73 A WATER HEATER Water heater cannot be located in a bedroom. 74 A WATER HEATER CLOSET Water heater pressure and temperature valve is not piped full size to within 6" of the floor. 75 A WATER HEATER CLOSET Water heater pressure and temperature relief valve must be 3/4'' and piped (steel or copper) within 6'' of the floor. END OF LIST DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT 273 Merrill (Part of 271 Merrill) 11/7100 Inspection noted: I. Roof system on home severely deteriorated. Roof covering, sheathing, fascia, soffit damaged. 2. Chimneystack deteriorated. 3. Numerous broke out windows. 4. Rotted siding, window frames. 5. Graffiti on home. 6. Front porch structurally unstable. 7. Cracked door jams, casing. 8. Foundation failing. 9. Interior inspection required on electrical, plumbing, mechanical and building before any permits or occupancy will be allowed. BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HA VE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A DANGEROUS AND/OR SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE. F:\Inspections\Everett\DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION REPORTS\273 Merrill.doc CITY OF MUSKEGO'.\ 1'OTICE AND ORDER TO REPAIR OR REMOVE (DEMOLISH) A STRUCTURE DATE: 01/10/0l Address of the Property: 273 Merrill (Located behind 27 l Merrill), Muskegon, Michigan Description of the Structure: Lot 5 Blk 387 TO: Roecelio/Dawn Delapaz Jr.. 271 Merrill. Muskegon MI 49441 [Name and address of Owner] Delta Funding Corporation. l 000 Woodbury Rd. Woodbury NY l l 797 Old Kent Bank of Grand Haven. 4300 Grand Haven Rd. Muskegon MI 49441 Debra Doremire. 1442 Barnes Rd .• Muskegon MI 49442 Debra Doremire. 157 Mill Brook. Muskegon MI 49442 [Names and Addresses of Other Interested Parties] The Building Inspection Department of the City of Muskegon has detem1ined that the structures above described are dangerous, substandard, and constitute a nuisance in violation of the Dangerous Buildings Ordinance of the City. You are hereby notified that the City will proceed to demolish or cause the demolition and removal of the said structure unless you accomplish the actions indicated below within the time limits indicated (only one to be checked): I. X Obtain the issuance of all permits required to accomplish the repair of the structure defects listed in the attached schedule within 30 days of this notice. All repairs §hall be accomplished within the times set forth in the pe1111its. All work must be physically commenced within 30 days of the date of this notice. 2. Obtain the issuance of the appropriate pem1it for the demolition of structures within 30 days, and accomplish the demolition thereof within 60 days of this notice. The conditions which cause the said structures to be dangerous, substandard and a nuisance are listed in the attached schedule. F:\Inspections\Everett\ST ANDARD FORMS\273 Merrill.doc Page 1 of3 FAILURE TO COMPLY After 30 days from mailing this notice, if you have not complied with this notice, a hearing will be scheduled before the City of Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals for the purpose of enforcing this notice and order and instituting City action to remove the structure. You will receive notice of that hearing. You may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Housing Board of Appeals and have counsel of your choice presert, if you desire. You will have the opportunity to show cause why the structure shall not be ordered de1_nor-ished. SCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS The following conditions are present at the structure at 273 Merrill, Muskegon, Michigan, and cause said stmcture to be a dangerous or substandard building and a public nuisance. Please see the attached dangerous building inspection report. CITY OF MUSKEGON INSPECTION DEPARTMENT 7- Dated: January 10, 2001 Incident Renort MUSKEGON POLICE DEPARTMENT 2001-002208-I Incident No j Date & Time Rept Offense: 98007 2001-002208-I 01/30/2001 00:02 SUSPICIOUS SITUATIONS 11 Occurred From: Occurred Until: Incident Location 01/30/2001 00:02 01/30/2001 00:02 273 MERRILL . Current Disp Disposed To Municipality District CLOSED CLOSED LORD MUSKEGON I 111 Disposition Date Juveniles Only? TTY Sent? I Cancelled? I TTY number 01/30/2001 Photos? NO 1 Consent? NO NO Affidavit? NO NO Optional Date/Time I I : Officer Assigned Investigating Officer 10507 FENWICK, LEAH C N Copy to Inspections 0 T Buildina check Name/Address/Phone Description p FRAZIER, NAPOLEON Born 02/21/1981 MALE E 378 W GRAND Hgt. 0' 0" R MUSKEGON MI 49441 Wgt. 0 s (231) 728-4299 0 N OTHER 01/30/2001 198007 Hair SUSPICIOUS SITUATIONS Eves Descrintion/Name/Comments IMake/Model/Statl Serial No./Qtv/Value NO PROPERTY Status/Plate Tvoe/VIN I Rea/Evid/Valuel Descrintion NO VEHICLES Catecrorv 7 Descrintion NO M.O. INFORMATION lt ~- \i~ t-L' ~ r3. ~ J~ ~ e, ~ ~l, \l>< 0\ e;, it'~ . rpt_revt.c 1.41 Date Printed: 01/30/2001 Page 1 Continued MUSKEGON POLICE DEPARTMENT 2001-002208-I Incident No I Date & Time Rept I Offense: 98007 2001-002208-I 01/30/2001 00:02 SUSPICIOUS SITUATIONS N TAKEN FROM WORDPERFECT DOCUMENT 2001002208.001 A The house at 273 Merrill is currently vacant and I found both R doors ajar. R We checked the interior and no one was inside. There didn't A appear to be any signs of current forced entry. The locks on the T doors don't secure. I Bressar's last contact for that address is for Napoleon V Frazier. The house has been vacant for some time. E Please notify Inspections as the house is unsecured. Cleared. L. Fenwick 507 rpt_revt.c 1.41 Date Printed: 01/30/2001 Page 2 CITY OF MUSKEGO,\ CITY OF MUSKEGON HOUSING (BUILDING) BOARD OF APPEALS NOTICE OF HEARING Address of the Property: 273 Merrill, Muskegon, Michigan Description of the Structure: Lot 5. Block 387 TO: Roecelio/Dawn Delapaz Jr., 271 Men-ill. Muskegon MI a49441 [Name & Address of Owner] Delta Funding Corp, 1000 Woodbury Rd, Woodbury NY 11797 Old Kent Bank of Grand Haven. 4300 Grand Haven Rd., Muskegon MI 49441 [Names & Address of Other Interested Parties] Please take notice that on Thursdav, March I, 2001, the City of Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals will hold a hearing at 5:30 p.m. and at the said hearing consider whether or not the following structure should be detem1ined to be dangerous, substandard and a nuisance, and demolished, or repaired. The reason for this hearing is that you have not complied with the Notice and Order to Repair of Demolish a structure issued by the City of Muskegon Inspection Services Department . 011 Iii 0101. At the hearing on Thursday, March l, 2001 at 5:30 p.m., at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Ten-ace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, you may appear and present any relevant evidence to the Housing Board of Appeals and have counsel of your choice present, if you desire, to show cause why the structure should not be allowed or ordered demolished. CITY OF MUSKEGON INSPECTION DEPARTMENT, ON BE.Hi~ 0 THE HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS F:IINSPECTIONSIEVERETT\WORD\HBA MEETINGSINOTICE OF HBA HEARING.DOC CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY OF MUSKEGON HOUSING (BUILDING) BOARD OF APPEALS Date: March 7, 2001 To: Roecelio/Dawn Delapaz Jr.. 271 Merrill, Muskegon Ml 49441 Owners Name & Address Delta Funding Corp .• I 000 Woodbury Rd, Woodbury NY 11797 Old Kent Bank. 4300 Old Grand Haven Rd. Muskegon MI 49441 Name & Address of other interested parties ORDER TO DEMOLISH STRUCTURE The Housing Board of Appeals, having received evidence at a scheduled and noticed meeting held on Thursday March 1 , 20 00, does hereby order that the following structure(s) located at 273 Merrill , Muskegon, Michigan, shall be demolished for the reason that the said structure or structures are found, based upon the evidence before the Board of Appeals, to be dangerous, substandard and a public nuisance. The Structure located behind 271 Merrill on Lot 5 Block 387 The owners or persons interested shall apply for the required permits to demolish the structure(s) within 30 days from the final determination to concur and demolish, ifit is made, by the City Commission. Demolition shall be accomplished no later than 60 days after a concurrence by the City Commission. The director of inspections is ordered to delay for 30 days placing before the Muskegon City Commission this order and the record in this case to seek concurrence by the City Commission with the decision of this board, and further to give notice to the owner and interested parties of the date and time when this matter shall be considered by the City Commission. This order is not final until concurred with by the City Commission. F:IINSPECTIONSIEVERETT\WORD\HBA MEETINGSISTANDARD FDRMSIORDER TO DEMOLISH.DOC NOTICE TO OWNER AND INTERESTED PARTIES Please take notice that this decision of the Housing Board of Appeals will be presented to the City Commission of the City of Muskegon on the date and at a time to be noticed to you by the Director ofinspections. You are hereby notified that you will have an opportunity to appear before the said City Commission at that time and to present any and all evidence or matters relevant to the issue of demolition or repair of_the said structures. This order of the Housing Board of Appeals is not final, but will become final if and when the City Commission has considered the record and this order, and has concurred. The City Commission may concur with this order, or disapprove or modify the order. F Robert . Grabinski, Fire Marshal/Inspections Dept F:IINSPECTIONSIEVERETnWORD\HBA MEETINGSISTANDARD FORMS\ORDER TO DEMOLISH.DOC Case #00-85 - 273 Merrill - Dawn Delapaz, 271 Merrill, Muskegon Ml 49441 No one came to the meeting to represent this property. A Notice and Order to Repair was sent on 2/10/01. Staff hasn't heard from the lending institutions or the owner. Lending institutions did receive letter the owner did not claim the letter. There has been no change in the condition of the home and the City had the structure boarded recently. Discussion: John Warner was concerned with the structure at 271 Merrill and asked if the case included that structure. Grabinski clarified that 273 Merrill is the dwelling being discussed but that 271 Merrill will be looked at as a dangerous building as well. Recommendation: To declare the structure unsafe, substandard and forward to the City Commission for concurrance. A roll call vote was taken: NAYE: ABSENT: EXCUSED: Greg Borgman Clint Todd Fred Nielsen John Warner Randy Mackie Jerry Bever Nick Kroes The motion carried. se # 00-100 -15 E Muskegon, Pamela Fields, 1817 Jefferson, 49 .... --.. History: This appears to have been a case ba 1995. Grabinski said he reviewed the file b hen and it went in a re · of timetable and then got dropped. A notice an 0/01. There has been no contact with the owner. Staff Recommendation: ructure substandard, unsafe, a public nuisance and forward t e city commissio kie, supported by John Warner, staffs reco ndation and declared the structure at 1 uskegon dangerous, substan cl, unsafe, a public nuisance and to forward the c com · sion for concurrence in demolition of the structure. 6 of9 DATE: April 2, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert Grabinski, Fire Marshal RE: Concurrence with the Housing Board of Appeals Notice and Order to Demolish. Dangerous Building Case #:99-34; Address: 1309 Sixth Street, Muskegon Ml. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission Concur with the findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structure located at 1309 Sixth Street. Muskegon Ml is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder. Case# & Project Address: 99-34 - 1309 Sixth Street, Muskegon Ml Location and ownership: This single-family unit is located on Sixth Street in Nelson Neighborhood, HUD census #6.02. Previously owned by Sterling Bank and Trust(Bob Parker), The new owner is Guadelupe Loera of Muskegon Ml. Staff Correspondence with Owner: Dangerous building inspection report dated 6/23/99. Plumbing/Mechanical inspection report dated 5/3/00. Notice and Order dated 6/28/99. Notice of Hearing dated 9/27/99. Owner's schedule of repairs dated 10/7/99. Finding of facts dated 11/10/99. Notice of hearing 9/25/00. Finding of facts dated 10/10/00. Owner Contact: Schedule of repairs dated 10/7/99. Financial Impact: CDBG Budget action required: None State Equalized value: $9, 500.00 Estimated cost to repair: $2, 500.00 F:\!nspections\Evere!t\WORD\CC MEETlNGS\AGENDA - 1309 SIXT! I.doc page I of2 Staff Recommendation: To Concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to Demolish. City Commission Recommendation: The Commission will consider this item at it's meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2001. F:\lnspections\Everett\WORD\CC MEETINGS\AGENDA - 1309 SIXT] I.doc page 2 of2 ( NELSON NEIGHBORHOOD CENSUS # 6.02 1309 SIXTH STREET 6/23/99 DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECflON 1309SIXTH 6/23/99 1. Broken out windows. 2. Back door and jam damaged. 3. Home in need of protection of exposure from weather and needs paint. 4. Grafitti on garage and home. BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HAVE DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A DANGEROUS AND/OR SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 4-23 OF THE MUSK.EGON CITY CODE. CONCURRED~;?%~ ~INTYRE, ~INGOFFICIAL \ffirnutln Action 111 ~14-670J F-\:\. 72?-1214 \H~Hor !J1·724-6708 FA.'t 126-5181 Ceme1ery 231/724--6783 FAxnl6-5617 Ch·USenice n1n24--67t6 F AX/724--4405 West Mk:blf!an's ShorellDe (]ty Clerk 23tn24-6705 INSPECTION REPORT FAX/724-4178 PLUMBING/MECHANICAL Comm. & Neigh. Sen1ces 231n2+6717 1309 SIXTH FAX/726-250 I Engineering 5/3/00 23ln24-6707 FAxn27-6904 Finance Inspection noted: 2Jln24--671J FAX/724-6768 1. Repair and certify HAVC. Fire Dept, 2. Must be done by a licensed contractor. 2Jtnl4-6792 FAxn24-6985 Income Tc-x 231/724-6770 BASED UPON MY RECENT INSPECTION OF THE ABOVE PROPERTY, I HAVE F AX/724-6768 DETERMINED THAT THE STRUCTURE MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A Info. Systems DANGEROUS AND/OR SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 23ln24--67-44 FAX/712-4301 4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE. Leisure Service ntn24-6704 FAX/724--1196 :\tanager's Office 2311724--6724 FAX/722-1214 Rick Clark, Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector Mayor's Office 23 l/724-6701 FAX.1722-1214 lnspecth•n Services 231/724,-t,7.i:'i FAX.1726-2:S0I Planning/Zoning 231/724-6702 FAX/724--6790 Police Dept. 231/724-6750 FAX/722-5140 Public Works 231/724-4100 FAX1722-4188 Treasurer 2Jtn24-6720 F Axn24-6768 Water Bllllng Dept. 231/724-6718 F Axn24-6768 W 1ter Filtration 2311714-1106 F.-\X,'75.5--5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 ,\ffirmative .-\clion 6 I61724-6703 Assessor 6161724-6708 Cemetery 6161724-6783 CIVIi Service West Mlddgan's Shoreline Oty 616/724-6716 NOTICE AND ORDER Clerk' 6161724-6705 June 28, 1999 C. N. Services 616/724-6717 A & E Investments, LLC 1050 W. Western Engineering Muskegon, Mi. 49440 616/724-6707 Sterling Bank and Trust Finance 616/724-6713 One Towne Square, 1ih Floor Southfield, Mi. 48076 Fire Dept. 6161724-6792 Dear Property Owner: Income Tax Subject: 1309 Sixth 6161724-6770 SELY 33 FT ofNWLY 53 FT ofNEL Y 100 FT, LOT 7, BLOCK 376 lnspecllons The City of Muskegon Building Official has recently inspected the subject property and has 6 J6/724-6715 found the buildings to be dangerous as defined under Section 4-23 of the Muskegon City Code. Leisure Service 6161724-670.J As a result of this finding, you are hereby ordered to REP AIR or DEMOLISH the structures within thirty (30) days. Manager's Office 616/724-672--t If you elect to repair the structures, you must secure all required permits and physically commence the work within thirty (30) days from the date of this order. Mayor's Office 616/724-6701 Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our _ Planning/Zoning Building Official, Jerry McIntyre at 724-6715. 6161724-6702 Sincerely yours, Pollce Dept. 616/724-6750 , --: ---- , , n ~ Public Works Daniel Schrnelzinger 6161726-4786 Director, Neighborhood and Construction Services Treasurer 6161724-6720 C: Robe.11.;to Loe.11.a., S11.., 2010 W., Ne.w E11.a., M-l. 49446 8/9/99 \\-'ater Dept. 616/724-67 18 City of Muskegon. 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536. Muskegon. Michigan 49443-0536 CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF HEARING ON DANGEROUS AND UNSAFE CONDITIONS • DATE: September 27, 1999 TO: Bob Parker SUBJECT: Dangerous Building Case #99-34 - 1309 Sixth PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a hearing before the Housing Board of Appeals for the City of Muskegon will be held on October 7, 1999 at 5 :30 p.m. at the Muskegon City Hall Commission Chambers on the first floor. Said hearing will be for the purpose of determining whether the structure should be demolished or otherwise made safe. Officials from the Inspection Services Department have inspected the structure and it is alleged that it has defects as listed on the attached page(s). The defects are violations of Section 4-23 of the Muskegon City Code, which defines dangerous buildings. At the hearing, the Inspection Services Department will present testimony regarding the alleged defects. - You are advised that you or your representative may cross examine the City's witnesses and you may present testimony in your own behalf and call witnesses in your own behalf. We encourage you to attend the meeting since it is always better if someone is available to answer any questions the Board may have. Inspection Services City of Muskegon ': 1309 6th St, 1. 10/31 2. Secured Not completed j, 10/31 4, Completed ";ork on Non conipleted portion vd 11 be ready for inspection on 11/1/99, ilobert .Parker 10/7/99 Affilmative Action 616n:U-670J FAxnl~-1214 , .\.sses.sor 616n24-6708 FAxn24-4178 Cemetery 6l6nl4--678J FAxn2f~56l7 Civil Service 6l6n24-6716 FAxn24--6790 West Mldilgan's Sborellne Oty Clerk 616n2u1os FAXn24-.4178 Comm. & Neigh. Services MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS 6t6n24-6717 FAxn26-2501 DATE: November 10, 1999 Engineering 616n2u101 " . FAxn27-6904 CASE: #99-34 - 1309 Sixth Finance 616n24-671J Sterling Bank and Trust FAxnl4-6768 th One Towne Square 17 FL Fire Dq,t. 6l6nl4-6792 Southfield, MI 48076 FAxm4-698S Income Tax FINDING OF FACTS AND ORDER 616n24-6110 FAxnl+-6768 The following action was taken at a session of the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals Info. Systems held at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace, Muskegon, Michigan on the 4th of November 6l6nl4-6975 FAXnl4-6768 1999. Lei.sure Service 616n24-6704 The Inspection Services Department of the City of Muskegon, having inspected the building FAKn24-6790 structure located upon the property described as ~outheasterly 33 feet of the Northwesterly !\tanager's Office 53 feet ofth_e Northeasterly 100 feet of Lot 7 Blk 376 also known as 1309 Sixth found the 6t6nl4-6724 FAxnll-1214 conditions listed on the attached pages exist and that these conditions are hazardous as defined in Section 4-23 of the Code of Ordinances. Mayor's Office 616nl4-6701 FAX/722-1214 The Board further found that these conditions exist to the extent of endangering life, safety Neigh. & Const. and the general welfare of the public. Services 6I6nl4-6715 FAXn26-250t Therefore, in accordance with Section 4-25 of the Code of Ordinances, the structure is Pia nning/Zoning declared to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance. 6t6n2-1-6102 FAxn24-6790 It is, therefore, ordered that the owners or other interested parties take such action to repair Police Dept or remove said structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order. 6t6n24-6750 FAxnll-S140 It is further ordered that if the owners or other interested parties fail to repair or remove said Public Works 616n24-4100 structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order, the Building FAxn22-4188 Official shall take bids and remove said structure. Tre.asurer 6t6n24-6720 F Axnl4-6768 Water Dept. 6I6n24-6718 FAxn24-6768 Water Filtration 61&nu-4106 FAxnSS-.5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 \ldrm,lme \.:t\on 2)! "'!4-6~0J F\_'( "'.'!2-1214 MUSKEGON -\ S\('srnr ZJI 7~4--0708 F.\.X. 7:!6-5181 Cemeter)' lJJ,"124-6783 F AX/716-S6 t 7 Ch·U Strvlce 2Jtn2+-6716 FAX17244405 West Michigan's Shoreline City Clerk 23tnl4-670S FA.xn24--4 t 78 CITY OF MUSKEGON Comm. & Neigh. Sen-·lcu 231/724-6717 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FAX/726--2501 DANGEROUS AND UNSAFE CONDITIONS Engineering HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS 23In24-6707 FAX1727-6904 Finance 13tnl4-6713 FAX1724-6768 September 25, 2000 Fire Dept, 2J1n24-6192 F AX/724-6985 Sterling Bank & Trust Income Tai: One Town Square, 17th Floor 2J1n24-6770 F Axn24-6768 Southfield MI 48076 Info. Systems Btn24-6744 Dear Property Owner: FAX17224301 Leisure Service SUBJECT: Dangerous Building Case 99-34 - 1309 Sixth St., Muskegon MI 231/724--6704 FAX/724-1196 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a hearing before the Housing Board of Appeals for the City Manager's Office 2J1n24-6724 of Muskegon will be held on Thursday, October 5, 2000 at 5:30 P.M. in the Muskegon FAX1722-1214 City Hall Commission Chambers on the first floor. Said hearing will be for the purpose of Mayor's Office determining whether the structure should be demolished or otherwise made safe. 23In24-670I FAxnll-1214 Officials from the Inspection Services Department have inspected the structure and it is Inspection Services alleged that it has defects as listed on the attached page(s). n1n24-611s FAxn26-2501 Planning/Zoning The defects are violations of Section 4-23 of the Muskegon City Code, which defines 231n24-6102 dangerous buildings. F Axn24-6790 Police Dept, At the hearing, the Inspection Services Department will present testimony regarding the n1n24-67so FAXnll-5140 alleged defects. You are advised that you or your representative may cross examine the PubUc Works City's witnesses and you may present testimony in your own behalf and call witnesses in 2J1n24-4too your own behalf. We encourage you to attend the meeting since it is always better if FAX17224188 someone is available to answer any questions the Board may have. Treasurer 2J1n2u120 FAX/724-6768 Inspection Services City of Muskegon Water Bllllni Dept. 2J1nu-611a FAX/724-6768 Water Filtration n1n24--4t06 FAX/75~5290 City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536 \,n•,,,,~ :Yi -;~-h-1lil f"\\ -!11-.5181 c,,111..i~r~ !Jl ':~.l--6"'8J F.\.\ "'16-5617 Chil Sen·lce 231.'724-6716 F.-\XJ724-4405 Clerk 2311724-6705 MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS FAX/724---1178 Comm. & ~elgh. October 10, 2000 Services 231/724-6717 Case #99-34 - 1309 Sixth St., Muskegon MI FAX/726-2501 Engineering Sterling Bank & Trust 231/724-6707 One Towne Square, 17th Floor FAX/727-6904 Southfield MI 48076 Finance 231/724-6713 FAX/724-6768 FINDING OF FACTS AND ORDER Fire Dept. 231/724--6792 The following action was taken at a session of the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals FAX/724--6985 held at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace, Muskegon, Michigan on October 5, 2000 Income Tu The Inspections Services Department of the City of Muskegon, having inspected the 231/724-6770 F Axn2-t-6768 building structure located upon the property described as Southeasternly 33 ft. of the Info. Systems Northwesternly 53 Feet of the Northeasterly 100 feet of Lot 7 Blk 376, also known as, 2311124-6744 1309 Sixth St, found the conditions listed on the attached pages exist and that these FAX/112-4301 conditions are hazardous as defined in Section 4-23 of the Code of Ordinances. Leisure SerYlce 2311124-6704 FA.X/724--1196 The Board further found that these conditions exist to the extent of endangering life, safety and the general welfare of the endangering life, safety and the general welfare of the public. Manager's Office 2311124-6724 FAX/722.1214 Therefore, in accordance with Section 4-25 of the Code of Ordinances, the structure is Mayor's Office declared to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance. 231/724--6701 FAX/722•1214 It is, further ordered that if the owners or other interested parties fail to repair of remove said Inspecllon Services 231/724--6715 structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order, the Building FAxn26-250 I Official shall take bids and remove said structure. Planning/Zoning 231/724--6702 FAxn24--6790 Police Dept, 2311124-6750 FAX/722.S140 Public Works 231/724-4100 FAX1722-4188 Treasurer 2311124--6720 FAX/724--6768 Water Billing Dept, 2311124-6718 F. J\:."
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