City Commission Packet Archive 04-11-2000

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                              APRIL 11, 2000

       CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS                             @   5:30 P.M.


                 a. Recognize Child Abuse Council's CASA Program.
o CONSENT AGENDA:          Items listed under the Consent Agenda have been
  considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion. No
  separate discussion will be held on these items. If discussion of an item is required,
  it will be removed from the Consent Agenda and be considered separately.
                 a. Approval of Minutes CITY CLERK
                 b. Liquor License Request - Transfer ownership at 2546 Henry Street.
                    CITY CLERK
                 c. Annual Taxi Cab License Renewal. Port City Cab Company &
                    Yellow Cab Company. - CITY CLERK
                 d. SECOND READING - Utility Franchise Ordinance. - CITY CLERK
                 e. SECOND READING - Zoning Ordinance Amendments to add Port
                    District Language. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
                 f.   SECOND READING - Zoning Ordinance Amendments to Table I and
                      District Language. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
                 g. SECOND READING - Rezoning request for property located at the
                    corner of Laketon Ave. & Park St. - PLANNING & ECONOMIC
                 h. SECOND READING - Rezoning request for property located on
                    Holbrook Ave., between Sixth & Commerce Streets. PLANNING &
                    ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
                       i.   Purchase of Police Vehicle Radar Units with 1998 Block Grant
                            Money. - POLICE
                       j.   Appointments & Resolution. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE
                       k. Aggregates. Highway Maintenance Materials and Concrete.                            -
                            PUBLIC WORKS
                       I.   Public Service Building Roof Repair Project. - PUBLIC WORKS
                       m. Reimbursement Resolution for Sidewalks & PSB Improvements.                         -
                            FINANCE DIRECTOR
                       n. Dangerous Building 603 Catherine. - CITY ATTORNEY
                       o. 2000-2001 Action Plan. - COMMUNITY NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES
                       p. Concurrence with Housing Board of Appeals Findings and Orders
                          for the following: - INSPECTIONS SERVICES
                                                                         1)    323 W. Grand Ave.
                                                                        2)     1844 Getty Street
                                                                        3)     1479 Jiroch
                                                                        4)     611 Leonard
                                                                        5)     1721 Pine
                      a. Resolution of Support for the Relocation of the USS Silversides.                    -
                         PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
                      b. Approval for the City to sign agreements with Community Housing
                         Development Organizations for funding from 1998-99 fiscal year. -
                            COMMUNITY NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES
                      c. 2000-2004 Consolidated Plan.                         - COMMUNITY NEIGHBORHOOD
•   Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
•   Be recognized by the Chair.
•   Step forward to the microphone.
•   State name and address.
•   Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
•   (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 1Ominutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)
CITY CLERK, 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, Ml 49440 OR BY CALLING (616) 724-6705 OR TDD: (616) 724-4172.
                                  AGENDA ITEM

                  CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 11, 2000


FROM:         Community Relations Col11111ittee

DATE:         April 4, 2000



A resolution was requested to recognize the Child Abuse Council's CASA program.
Presentation will take place on April 11, 2000.







Approval -- The vote was not unanimous, however, due to the excused absence of
Commissioner Aslakson. The resolution has been prepared both ways, in the event that
Commissioner Aslakson wishes to support the resolution.

   . 'f·

•· j

                '''   ·•,:,-,,,,- Mayor
                                  . ·. .
                                              Clara Shepherd, Commissioner ... , ,

           Scott Sierii&,ki, Vice Mayor
                       \ . ·-.
                                              Lawrence,. 0. Spataro,,• Corrunissioli'ef
                                                                       ,.. ,i·,·, - .,,

                                              Jone Wortelboer Benedict, Commissioner
                                                                          ',        •'   ',',-"',

                                              Robert Schweifler, Commissioner
    '   I
            \.   _-. 2000.~flQ (.a)
                  ,_,--,•--.··::\_,;_'__:,, ,' !, ,,,' ','· ' ,;
                  ". "_•,•,<···

Date:     April 11, 2000
To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:     Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk
RE:      Approval of Minutes

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular
Commission Meeting that was held on Tuesday, March 28, 2000.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.

                         ··APRIL 11, 2000


   The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 11, 2000.
   Mayor Nielsen opened the meeting with a prayer after which members of the City
Commission and the members of the public joined in reciting the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
   Present: Mayor Fred J. Nielsen; Vice Mayor Scott Sieradzki; Commissioner John
            Aslakson, Jone Wortelboer Benedict, Robert Schweifler, Clara Shepherd,
            Lawrence Spataro
   Absent: None
   a. Recognize Child Abuse Council's CASA Program ...
  SUMMARY OF REQUEST: A resolution was requested to recognize the Child Abuse
Council's CASA program.
   COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:         Approval.   The vote was not unanimous,
however, due to the excused absence of Commissioner Aslakson. The resolution has
been prepared both ways, in the event that Commissioner Aslakson wishes to support
the resolution.
   Commissioner Benedict read the resolution at 6:03 p.m.
   a. Approval of Minutes CITY CLERK
  SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the Regular Commission
Meeting that was held on Tuesday, March 28, 2000.
  .· -{lUDGET
       . .    ACTION REQUIRED:   None
    STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the minutes.
    b. Liquor License Request -Transfer ownership at 2546 Henry Street. CITY CLERK
     SUMMARY OF REQUEST:             The Liquor Control Commission seeks local
  recommendation on a request from Small Perch Inc. to transfer ownership of the
. existing 1999 Class C-SDM license with dance permit and official food permit from
  Top Spin, Inc. All fees have been paid.       .                              ,
    STAFF RECOMMENDATION:· All departments are recommending approval.
    c. Annual TaxiCab License Renewal. Port City Cab Company & Yellow Cab
       Company. - CITY CLERK
    SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This request is from Thomas Wakefield, owner of Wakefield
 Leasing, whose office is located at 770 W. Sherman Blvd., Muskegon, Ml. Mr.
 Wakefield is requesting approval of a license to operate 14 taxicabs for both Port City
 Cab Company and Yellow Cab Company. The Muskegon Police Department has
 inspected the taxicabs and approves this request.
    STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the request.
    d. SECOND READING - Utility Franchise Ordinance. - CITY CLERK
    SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To adopt the ordinance granting a non-exclusive
 franchise to DTE Energy to use local public ways and do local electrical business.
    STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the reque§t.
    e. SECOND READING - Zoning Ordinance Amendments to add Port District
     SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Text contains minor changes suggested by our attorney.
 Request to amend Article XV of the Zoning Ordinance to create sections 1504
 through 1507, to add the language only for a new Waterfront Industrial Planned Unit
 Development (WI-PUD) Zoning District. Also, to amend Section 2334 (Signs) of Article
 XXIII to add "# 11, Permitted Signs in the WI-PUD District', and to amend Article II
 (Definitions) to add definitions related to the new WI-PUD District.
  STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Staff recommends amendment of the Zoning
Ordinance to include the proposed language in the articles and sections described
 , .~OMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:            The Planning Commission recommende_d
a·pproval of the request.
   f.   SECOND READING - Zoning Ordinance Amendments to Table I and District
    SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Text contains minor changes suggested by our attorney.
Request to repeal and reserve Section 2308 (Zero Lot Line) and Section 2310 (Method
for Determining Setbacks, Yards and Density) of Article XXIII of the Zoning Ordinance;
to amend Table I ''District Regulations; Bulk and Setback Requirements" and provide
table notes and a preamble ond; to add bulk and setback requirements to each
zoning district (Articles IV through XX, excepting Article V).
  STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Staff recommends amendment of the Zoning
Ordinance to _include the proposed language ion the articles and sections described
  COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:             The Planning Commission recommended
approval of the request.
   g. SECOND READING - Rezoning request for property located at the corner of
      Laketon Ave. & Park St. - PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
   SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to rezone property located at the corner of
Laketon Ave. and Park St., from 1-2. General Industrial to B-4. General Business.
  STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request due to
compliance with the future land use map and Master Land Use Plan.
  COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:             The Planning Commission recommended
approval of the request on 3/15/00.
   h. SECOND READING - Rezoning request for property located on Holbrook Ave.,
      between Sixth & Commerce Streets. PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
   SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to rezone property located on Holbrook Ave ..
between Sixth and Commerce Streets, from 1-2. General Industrial to B-2,
Convenience and Comparison Business.
  STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request due to
compliance with the future land use map and Master Land Use Plan.
  COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION:             The Planning Commission recommended
approval of the request on 3/15/00.
  j.    Appointments & Resolution. COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE
  SUMMARY OF REQUEST:        To concur with the action of the Community Relation
  ~ . .      and approve the appointments.
       k. Aggregates. Highway Maintenance Materials and Concrete. - PUBLIC WORKS
   . SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Award bid to supply Calcium Chloride 38% (road brine)
and 32% (winter salting) to Liquid Dustlayer, Inc. Award bid to supply 20AA and 31A
bituminous asphalt to Asphalt Paving, Inc:. Award bid to supply polymer modified
anionic asphalt emulsion to Koch Materials Company. Award bid to supply sylvax-
patching material to Rieth-Riley Construction Company. Award bid to supply
limestone chip blend to Stoneco Muskegon Dock. Award bid to supply road slag to
Verplank Trucking Company. Award bid to supply concrete to Consumers Concrete.
      FINANCIAL IMPACT: $106,776 based on 1999 usage at 2000 quotes.
      BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None, monies appropriated in several budgets.
   STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            To award the various materials to the vendors as
      I.   Public Service Building Roof Repair Project. - PUBLIC WORKS
     SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This project is to repair a portion of the Public Service
Building roof that has deteriorated due to corrosion of the steel deck. Repairs will
involve an initial area of known deterioration in the vehicle garage and expand to
adjacent areas should additional deterioration be found during construction. The
initial area was bid as a base price with unit pricing for additional materials if needed.
Bids were taken on March 14, 2000 for this project and the low bid of three submitted
was $274,350 from Gale Roofing Co. Our architect, Hooker/DeJong, has reviewed
the bid submittals and recommends that we accept the bid from Gale Roofing Co.
      FINANCIAL IMPACT: The current budget allocation for roof repair is $319,000.
   BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None, this project is included under planned capital
improvements in the Public Service Building Fund.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Award the roof repair contract to Gale Roofing, Co.
      m. Reimbursement Resolution for Sidewalks & PSB Improvements.          - FINANCE
   SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Later this year it is expected the City will sell bonds to
finance sidewalks and improvements at the Public Service Building. Contracts for the
work will be let prior to the issuance of bonds so it is necessary to adopt the
"reimbursement resolution". This will allow the City to reimburse itself from bond
proceeds for project costs incurred prior to the time bonds are sold.
   FINANCIAL IMPACT: Adoption will permit the City to move ahead with the
planned projects and reimburse itself from proceeds from bonds issued at a later
      BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time.
      STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the resolution.
 , -0_. Dangerous Building 603 Catherine. - CITY ATTORNEY
   SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the Consent Judgement for 603 Catherine as
submitted by the City Attorney. This is required before the judgement will oe
presented to the court for entry.
   STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the request.
   Mc;tion by Commissioner Schweifler, second by Commissioner Spataro to approve
the Consent Agenda with the exception of item i, o, and p.
   ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd,
                 Nays: None
   i.   Purchase of Police Vehicle Radar Units with 1998 Block Grant Money. - POLICE
   SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Purchase twenty-five Pro 1000 radar units with video
camera interface. This would allow us to install the new model radars in all regularly
assigned Patrol, Community, Traffic, and K-9 police vehicles. We would purchase the
radars on the State of Michigan/Kus/om Signal contract 071 B9000672. These prices
are good through May 1, 2000. Cost will likely increase after that date. The cost per
radar system is $1,044.00. Total cost for twenty-five systems is $26,100.00.
   FINANCIAL IMPACT: Expend $26,100.00 of the money awarded under the 1998
Local Law Enforcement Block Grant #98LBVX3225 and local 10% match money.
   STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the request.
   Motion by Commissioner Shepherd, second by Vice Mayor Sieradzki to approve
the request.                                   "
   ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen,
                Nays: None
   o. 2000-2001 Action Plan. - COMMUNITY NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES
   SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City Commission has received the City of Muskegon's
2000-2001 Action Plan. It is the hope of our department that after the Action Plan is
reviewed by the Commission, it will be approved for its 30-day comment period. The
Action Plan is the document that assures the release of the City's 2000-2001 CDBG
and HOME funding after it is approved by the US Department of Housing and Urban
   Motion by Commissioner Benedict, second by Commissioner Spataro to approve
the 2000-2001 action plan with the stipulation that the housing rehab emergency
r~p~ir program location be changed to city wide.·
      ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler,
                 Nays: None
      p. Concurrence with Housing Board of Appeals Findings and Orders for the
  .      following: - INSPECTIONS SERVICES
                                                  1}   323 W. Grand Ave.
                                                  2}   1844 Getty Street
                                                  3}   1479 Jiroch
                                                  4}   611 Leonard
                                                  5}   1721 Pine
    SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request City Commission Concurrence with the
findings of the Housing Board of Appeals that the structures are unsafe, substandard
and a public nuisance and that they be demolished within thirty (30) days. It is further
requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for the demolition of the
structures and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute
a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder.
   FINANCIAL IMPACT: Demolition will be paid for with CDBG funds with the
exception of 1844 Getty which will be paid with general funds.
   STAFF RECOMMENDATION: (323 W. Grand) A dangerous building inspection was
conducted on 11/9/99. The owner is Pamela Warren. A notice and order was sent
out 12/10/99. Finding of facts was sent out 2/7/00. Property taxes for winter of 1999
are delinquent. Copies of the housing board of appeals finding of facts and order
dated 2/7 /00; notice and order dated 12/10/99; dangerous building inspection
dated 11 /9 /99 are available.
   STAFF RECOMMENDATION: (1844 Getty) A dangerous building inspection was
conducted on 11 /30/99. The owner is Edward Houghtaling. A notice and order was
sent out 1/25/00. Finding of facts was sent out 3/7 /00. Property taxes for winter of
1999 are delinquent. Copies of the Housing Board of Appeals finding of fact and
order dated 3/7/00; notice and order dated 1/25/00; dangerous building inspection
dated 1/24/00 are available.
   STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ( 1479 Jiroch) A dangerous building inspection was
conducted on 12/01 /99. A notice and order was mailed 1/21 /00. The owner of the
structure is Roger Balcom. Property taxes for winter of 1999 are delinquent. Copies of
the Housing Board of Appeals findings of fact and order of the board dated March 7,
2000; inspection 12/1 /99; and minutes from the March 2, 2000, meeting are available.
    STAFF RECOMMENDATION: (611 Leonard) A dangerous building inspection was
conducted on 1/24/00. A notice and order was mailed 1/27 /00. The owner of the
structure is William Howell. Property taxes for winter of 1999 are delinquent. Copies of
the Housing Board of Appeals findings of fact and order of the board dated March 3,
 290Q; letter of complaint from neighbors dated March 1, 2000, February 19, 1999, Mc:ty
 20, 1999, October 6, 1999, and November 4, 1999; and the minutes of the March 2,
 2000, meeting are available.                    -
    STAFF RECOMMENDATION: A dangerous building inspection was conducted
 October 15, 1999. The owner of the property is Joseph Ferrier. A notice and order
 was mailed out 11 /3/99. At the January 6, 2000, meeting of the Housing Board of
 Appeals the structure was found to be unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and
 that the case be sent to the City Commission for concurrence. The house was
 previously owned by Shelline White. According to our records, taxes for this property
 are delinquent in the amount of $842.06.
   Motion by Vice Mayor Sieradzki, second by Commissioner Aslakson to accept the
recommendation of the Housing Board of Appeals.
   ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd,
                Nays: None
   a. Resolution of Support for the Relocation of the USS Silversides. - PLANNING &
   SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the resolution supporting the relocation of the
USS Silversides to downtown Muskegon.
     FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact, although the Silversides
Board has asked the City staff to investigate the potential for relevant grants. They
will also be fundraising.
  STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution and authorize the Mayor
and City Clerk to sign.
   Motion by Vice Mayor Sieradzki, second by Commissioner Shepherd to approve
the resolution supporting the relocation of the USS Silversides to downtown Muskegon.
   ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki,
               Nays: None
   b. Approval for the City to sign agreements with Community Housing
      Development Organizations for funding from 1998-99 fiscal year.
    SUMMARY OF REQUEST: On February 29, 2000, the Citizen's District Council
approved the City's administration recommendation for CHDO funding in the
following manner:
   l. Muskegon County Habitat for Humanity
      Staff Recommendation:                                   $33,500
   of.: Muskegon Family Service Center
        Staff Recommendation:                                 $68,600
   3. Neighborhood Investment Corp. (NIC)
      Staff Recommendation:                                   $62,000
   4. Nelson Neighborhood Improvement
      Staff Recommendation:                                   $87,090
   5. Trinity Village Non-Profit Housing Corp.
     . Staff Recommendation:                                  $117,500
    Our department is requesting approval of the CDC recommendations and
instruction to prepare the subreciepient contracts between the City and the CHDO's.
    Motion by Vice Mayor Sieradzki, second by Commissioner Aslakson to accept the
Citizen District Council's recommendation for CHOO funding for 1998-99 fiscal year.
   ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro,
             • Aslakson
               Nays: None
   c. 2000-2004 Consolidated Plan. - COMMUNITY NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES
    SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City Commission received a copy of the 2000-2004
Consolidated Plan last week. The City of Muskegon is in its final stage of the process
since approval of the document for public comment on March 14, 2000. The
Consolidated Plan is mandated by the US Department of Housing and Urban
Development for all communities that receive Community Development Block
Grant/HOME funding and other federal funding through HUD. The last step in this
process is for the Commission to approve the document and direct our department
to submit the CP to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for their
final approval.
   Motion by Commissioner Aslakson, second by Commissioner Spataro to approve
the 2000-2004 Consolidated Plan with the understa~ding that amendments can be
made later if necessary.
   ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki, Spataro, Aslakson,
               Nays: None
   Vice Mayor Sieradzki asked about the orange stakes in the terrace on Creston
Street between Evanston and Apple. City Engineer responded. Commented about
the Dfiesco Property, the berm adjacent to the street, are they required to do any
plantings there? City Manager responded. Stated that North Muskegon is proposing
a tattoo parlor ordinance, would like the City to check into an adult entertainment
  Commissioner Shepherd asked about the memo to the Commission reference
goal setting. City Manager responded early May there will be a meeting.
  Pat Montney, 925 Irwin, stated that a barricade is needed on the sidewalk before
Summer Celebration.
   James Searer, 1375 Fifth, stated the drug problem has not improved on Spring and
McLaughlin.    Commissioner Spataro recommended contacting the County
Prosecutor about "Project Cornerstone".
   Mark Anderson, 2140 McCracken, asked about the handicap walkway to Pere
Marquette. He offered his help, 40 hours of his time, and challenged any other
contractors io do the same.
  The Regular Commission Meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                         Gail A. Kundinger, CMC/ AAE
                                         City Clerk
Date:      April 11, 2000
To:        Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:      Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk
RE:        Liquor License Request
           2546 Henry Street, Muskegon, Ml

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Liquor Control Commission seeks
local recommendation on a request from Small Perch Inc. to transfer
ownership of the existing 1999 Class C-SDM license with dance permit
and official food permit from Top Spin, Inc. All fees have been paid.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           All Departments are recommending
.\llirmatin• .-\dion
23 1/724-67113
FA\/722-12 14

.-\.SSl.'SSu r
23 I /72 4-<, 711S
F.-\ \172<,-5 18 1

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23 1/7 2H,783
F,\ \/726-%17

Ci\'il Scr\'in•
23 1/724-67 1(,
F.\ \/724-HOS
                                                                   West Michigan's Shol'ellne Cit)'

Cler k
23 I /72 4-<, 7115
F.\\/7H-41 7H

('0111111.     & 1~ cigh.         March 20, 2000
23 11724-/, 7 17
F.\ \/726-2511 1

E11gi11n·ri11~                    To:                                    through the City Manager
2J 1/724-/,7117

 Fi r e 0l' )H.                   Re:            Transfer of ownership for liquor license at 2546 Henry St., Muskegon, MI
 23 I /7H -<, 792

 l 11CO!lll' · 1 :n
 231/724-/,7711                   The Muskegon Police Depmtment has received a request from the Michigan Liquor
                                  Control Commission for an investigation on a transfer of ownership of the exi sting
 l11fo. Sy~kms                    license located at 2546 Henry Street.
 2J 1/7H-6744
 F..\\/722-4311 I
                                  Small Perch Inc. is requesting transfer of ownership of the existing 1999 C-SDM licensed
 l .ci-.11n • S cr\'il'l'
 231/724-67114                    business with dance permit and official permit (food) from Top Spin, Inc. The
 FA\/724- 1196
                                  establishment does not have a designated area for dance at this time but wishes to retain
 ,\ l:1 11 a g_l' l''S   Oflitc   this permit.
 2.l I /724-67H
 F,\\/722- 1214
                                  Our department has talked with Christopher Anderson, 3304 Micka, Muskegon MI, and
 ,\l ;1yo r '-. Offifr
 2J 1/724-6711 1                  David Biesiada, 4582 Henry St, Muskegon MI. Both are the proprietors for Small Perch,
 F.-\ \/722- 12 14
                                  Inc. They have requested for transfer of ownership of the license.

 l Jl /72 4-/,715
                                  We have searched our records and conducted a Criminal History Check for both parties
 F.-\ \/72/,-2511 I               and find no reason to deny this transfer.
 23 1/724-6702
 Polii:c Dc p l.
  2J I/724-6 7511
  F.-\\1722-5 1411

  Puhlii.: \\lu rks
  23 I /7H-,I 11111

 T rca~un·r
 23 I /724-67211
 L \X/72H,76H

  \\'atrr Uilling Dept.
  23 1/7H-<,7 18

  \\':ikr Filtration
  23 1/724-,1106

                                           City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536
To:    Chief Ed Griffin

CC:    Det. Sgt. Dean Roesler

From: Det. Kurt Dykman

Date: 2-29-00

Re:    Transfer of ownership for liquor license at 2546 Henry St., Muskegon, MI
                                                                  (Sardine Room)

Chief Griffin,

The Muskegon Police Department has received a request from the Michigan Liquor
Control Commission for an investigation from applicant Small Perch, Inc.

Small Perch Inc. is requesting to transfer ownership of the existing 1999 C-SDM licensed
business with dance permit and official permit (food) from Top Spin, Inc. The
establishment does not have a designated area for dance at this time but wishes to retain
this permit.

I have talked with Christopher Anderson, 3304 Micka, Muskegon MI, and David
Biesiada, 4582 Henry St, Muskegon MI. Both are the proprietors for Small Perch, Inc.
They, together, have requested for transfer of ownership of license.

I have searched MPD records and conducted a Criminal History Check and find no
reason to deny this transfer.

Respectfully submitted,

Det. Kurt Dykman

data/common/small perch
             Michigan Department of Conswner & Industry Services
                          LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION
                              7150 Harris Drive
                                P,0, Box 30005
                        Lansing, Michigan 48909-7505

To:   Muskegon Police Department                Date:   March 1, 2000
      Chief of Police                           REF#:
      980 Jefferson Street, PO Box 536          REQ ID#:59910
      Muskegon, MI 49443-0536

Chief Law Enforcement Officer


SMALL PERCH, INC. requests to transfer ownership of 1999 Class C-SDM licensed
business with Dance Permit and Official Permit {Food), located at 2546 Henry,
Muskegon, MI 49441, Muskegon County, from TOP SPIN, INC.

Please make an investigation of the application.  If you do not believe that
the applicants are qualified for licensing, give your reasons in detail.
Complete the Police Inspection Report on Liquor License Request, LC-1800, or
for Detroit police, the Detroit Police Investigation of License Request, LC-
1802.  If there is not enough room on the front of the form, you may use the

Forward your report and recommendations of the applicant to the Licensing

Please include fingerprint cards and $15.00 for each card, and mail to the
Michigan Liquor Control Commission.

If you have any questions, contact the Licensing Division at (517)   322-1400,
after 10:00 a.m.

LC-1972 Rev. 6/92

                    LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORM_

Business Name: ---"'-'-' 11 p· --"c'-'h    -!..J..--"'I-'-'n..._c.,_
                                                                 . _   _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

AKA Business Name (if applicable): _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Operator/Manager's Name:                              Christopher J. Anderson & David A. Biesiada, Jr.

Business Address:                         2546 Henry, Muskegon, MI
                                          (·Sardine Room)

Reason for Review:

New License               D               Transfer of Ownership 18:K]              Dance Permit D
Drop/Add Name on License                               D                      Transfer Location D

Drop/Add Stockholder Name                              D               New Entertainment Permit D
Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Deadline for receipt of all information:                                     Apr i 1 3, 2000

Police Department Approved ienied                                        D   No Action Needed D

Income Tax ·                       Approved            D       Owing D       Amount: - -- - -

Treasurer                          Approved            D       Owing D       Amount: _ _ _ __

Zoning                             Approved            D       Denied D Pending ZBA            D
Fire/Inspection                 C~mpliance             D       Remaining Defects _ _ _ _ __

Department Signature_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

                                                                       Gail A. Kundinger, City aerk
                                                                                  Liquor License Coordinator
                                         STATE OF MICIBGAN
                                    LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION
                                                    7 150 Harris Drive
                                                     P.O. Box 30005
                                                 Lansing, MI 48909-7505                           MAR 1 4 2000
                                  LOCAL APPROVAL NOTICE                                        City Clerks Office
                                   (Authorized by MCL 436.1501(2) and MAC l 105(2)(d))

                                                                                         Reg ID#59910
Date: March 1, 2000

To: Muskegon City Commission
   933 Terrace Street
   PO Box 536
   Muskegon, MI 49443-0536

Applicant: SMALL PERCH, INC.
Christopher J. Anderson, 3304 Micka, Muskegon, MI 49444 H(231)773-7470/B(231)755-5008
David A Biesiada, Jr., 4582 Henry St., Muskegon, MJ 49441 H(231)798-1080/B(231 )755-5008

Local Legislative approval is required for new and transferring On-Premises licenses by MCL 436. 1501 of
the M ichigan Liquor Control Code of 1998.             Local approval is also required for DANCE,
MCL 436.1916.

For your convenience a resolution form is enclosed that includes a description of the licensing transaction
requiring approval. The clerk should complete the resolution certifying that your decision of approval or
disapproval of the application was made at an official meeting. Please return the completed resolution
to the Liquor Control Commission as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact the On-Premise Section of the Licensing Division as ( 517) -3 22-


LC-1305 REV 6/98
                                                                   STATE OF MICIIlGAN

        ,.J /J.
                                                       DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER & INDUSTRY SERVICES
                                                              LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION
                     I     ,      0
         J/lv                                                                       RESOLUTION                                                  REQ ID #                     59910

        Re~g,,__u_l-,,a_r-,-----=-..,...,,-------- meeting of the ____c_,=-·t_, _y-:-:---,C,-om_m.. ,.,·_s_s,.,,.i-,--o_n_-c,--_ _ _ _
 At a _ _
                               (Regular or Special)                                                                 (fownsltip Board, City or Village Cow,cil)

 called to order by _;, . y--=-o-'----r_N'--'---1-----'e=--l· c. : sc..: e.:. . n_ _ _ on   Apr i l 11 , 2000                   at_---'-5_:...:..._30_ _ P.M.

 The following resolution was offered:

 Movedby                   Commissioner Schweifler                                        andsupportedby       Commissioner Spataro

 That the request from SMALL PERCH, INC. to transfer ownership of 1999 Class c licensed
 business with Dance Permit, located at 2546 Henry, Muskegon, MI 49441, Muskegon County,
 from TOP SPIN, INC.

                          A rova l _ _ _ _ _(A-pp-,o-,val-or_Di,_ap-pro-val)
 be considered for --~c:_:_::...;_;;;_:__                                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

                                              APPROVAL                                                         DISAPPROVAL

                     Yeas:           7                                                                Yeas:
                                   --- --------                                                               -----------
                             0_____ __ _
                     Nays: ___                                                                        Nays: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

                     Absent: - ~
                               0 --------                                                             Absent: - - - - - - - - - -

 It is the consensus of this legislative body that the application be:

 ___ _____....:....:....::....:....::.:..:..::.:..:=.:..::..::...:=-------------------- for issuance
                    (Recon unended or not Reoommended)

 State of Michigan _ _ _ ___,
 County of Muskegon                                              )

 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution offered and

 adopted by the ___c_,_·t~y'---C_o_m...,..m_is_s_i_o_n_ _ __ _                                      at a _ _ _R_e_,,g_u_l_a_
                                                                                                                           r __ _ _ _ _ __
                                             (fownship Board, City or Village Cow,c,l)                                       (Reg,tlar or Special)

· meeting held on April 11, 2000


                                                                                                         (Signed)   tk,             aL ~
                                                                                                                     Gail A. KuiZaiW~~i~~rve~•f1yklerk
                                                                                                                     933 Terrace, PO Box 536
                                                                                                                             (Moiling address ofTownship, Cily of Village)
                                                                                                                     Muskegon, MI                      49443-0536
     Req ID #5991 O                                                                                             i   •:-higan Department of Consumer & Industry Services
                                                                                                                            LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION
     POLICE INSPECTION REPOh, ON LIQUOR LICENSE REQUESl                                                                             7150 Harris Drive
                                           (Authorized by MCL 436.?a)
                                                                                                                                     PO Box 30005
                                                                                                                              Lansing, M1ch1gan 4890i9-7505           +l ,
  Important:         Please conduct your investigation as soon as possible and complete all four sections of this report.
                     Return the completed report and fingerprint cards to the Commission.
                                                                                                                                                               ,.1 ·(f
                                                                                                                                                               __ f

     BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS: (include zip code)
     SMALL PERCH, INC., 2546 Henry, Muskegon, MI 49441, Muskegon County
     REQUESTFOR: Transfer ownership of 1999 Class C-SDM licensed business with Dance Permit and
     Official Permit (Food), from TOP SPIN, INC.

 I   Section 1.                                                   APPLICANT INFORMATION                                                                                  I
     APPLICANT #1:                                                             APPLICANT #2:

     Christopher          J.     Anderson -          Stockholder                    David A. Biesiada, Jr. - Stockholder
     3304 Micka                                                                    4582 Henry St.
     Muskegon, MI 49444                                                            Muskegon, MI 49441
     H(o,11771 .?1.?n/R(o11,)755 5008                                              Hf231)798-1080/B(231)755-5008
     DATE OF BIRTH:       C/-    I?.-{,   •J                                       DATE OF BIRTH: / V - 30 ·-& _,;
     If the applicant is not a U.S. Citizen:                                        If the applicant is not a U.S. Citizen:
        o Does the applicant have permanent Resident Alien status?                    o Does the applicant have permanent Resident Alien status?
              DYes         No•
      o Does the applicant have a Visa? Enter status:
                                                                                          D Yes        D No
                                                                                      o Does the applicant have a Visa? Enter status:

  Date fingerprinted:        '3 ·-/ 7-0o                                            Date fingerprinted:         :?-/7-0 0
 I           _               Attach the fingerprint card and $15.00 for each card and the Liquor Control Commission.                                             I
  ARREST RECORD:         0 Felony O Misdemeanor                                     ARREST RECORD: 0 Felony             O Misdemeanor
  Enter record of all arrests & convictions (attach a signed and                    Enter record of all arrests & convictions (attach a signed and
  dated report if more space is needed)                                             dated report if more space is needed)

 I Section 2.                                         Investigation of Business and Address to be Licensed                                                               I
     Can living quarters be reached from the inside of the establishment without going outside?                      D   Yes      ;(l   No
     Does applicant intend to have dancing or entertainment?
     D No        ~ Yes, complete LC-693N, Police Investigation Report: Dance/Entertainment Permit
     Are gas pumps on the premises or directly adjacent?              ~ No        D    Yes, explain relationship:

 I Section 3.                             Local and State Codes arid Ordinances, and General Recommendations
     Will the applicant's proposed location meet all appropriate state and local building, plumbing, zoning, fire, sanitation and health laws and
     ordinances, if this license is granted?   iji.:] Yes        No D
     If you are recommending approval subject to certain conditions, list the conditions: (Attach a signed and dated report ii more space is needed)

  I Section 4.                                                            Recommendation
     From    your investigation:
        1.   Is this applicant qualified to conduct this business if licensed?  0 Yes          D No
        2.   Is the. proposed location satisfactory for this business?          ~ Yes              No  D
        3.   Should this request be granted by the Commission?                  12{1 Yes           No  D
        4.   If any of the above 3 questions were answered no, state your reasons: (Altach a signed and da!ed report ii more space is needed)


LC-1800 Rev. 06/97                             (Mail white copy to the Commission, Keep yellow copy for your file)
                                                      STATE OF MICHIGAN
                                          JEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER & INDUSTRY SERVICno
                                                     LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION                             Pl NUMBER:59910
                                   .J .-- {p ~- Q   O
                                                             7150 Harris Drive
                                                              P.O. Box 30005
                                                          Lansing, MI 48909•7505

                             LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY REPORT
                                          DANCE/ENTERTAINMENTrTOPLESS ACTIVITY PERMIT
                                                    (Authorized by MCL 436.1916)

APPLICANT/LICENSEE                                                                                                          PHONE NUMBER

     2546 Henry                    Muskegon                                                           Muskegon            49441
STREET ADDRESS                          CITY                                 TOWNSHIP                                COUNTY            ZIP

I.        The dance floor will not be less than I 00 square feet, is clearly marked and well defined when there is dancing by
          customers. YES D NOD N/A ))!(                No dance floor available at this time.

2.        Describe the type of entertainment applicant/licensee will provide: NIA • Live/recorded music

3.        Will this entertainment include topless activity? YES              D         NO       -~·        N/A       o

                       DANCE PERMIT                            YES      31        NO        D             NIA    •
                       ENTERTAINMENT PERMIT                    YES      D         NO        D             N/A    D
                       TOPLESS ACTIVITY PERMIT                 YES      D         NO        •             NIA    •

                                                                   ~             --.                  .

          DATE SUBMITI'ED                                         OFFICER'S S I ~

                                                                     Muskegon Police Dept.                               231-724-6750
                                                                             DEPARTMENT NAME                                PHONE NUMBER

                                                                     980 Jefferson                                       Muskegon
                                                                             ADDRESS                                                  CITY

LC-693N REV 5/98
                        ',;\,I          •                0                                                0
                                 -I . I I          MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
                               ✓        o/"-4 .
                        3/ j) ,,,DD
                                    C               LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION
                                                                  7150 Harris Dr.                                   Req ID #59910
                                                                 P .0. Box 30005
                                                             Lansing, Michigan 48909
                     APPLICAT.ION FOR O_
                                       FFICIAL PERMIT FOR DIFFERENCE IN HOURS OF OPERATION
                                                                (A.uthorized by MAC Rule 436.1437)
                                        SMALL PERCH, INC.

          TYPE OF LICENSE:

          The Commission is requested to grant an after hours permit for:                                          (check boxes that apply)

     ~t   ,...., •         ·   ~ ·-Operating our .restau r.-ant.for~the -sale of,.food   ..., ,.,,..   , ~,

                               I I Operating night league bowling, tournaments or Sunday morning bowling
                               0    Registering golfers

                               0    Registering Skiers

                               D    Registering Tennis Players

                               D    Other: (Not listed above)
iI '
!                                                                                  '   '
!                    During the Hours of:
                                                       (." 'OD
                                             Weekdays _.)
                                                      =--.  __ A.M. to          / ' ,0 0 A.M.
                                             Sundays     s;,, 0 D A.M. to       /,). •
                                                                                      · oof'-~
                                                                                           - A, M,:--

           It is understood that customers shall not be on the licensed premises for any activity other than the
           requested activity.
                     Licensee or Applicant Signatures:

                                                  LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT RECOMMENDATION

          To: Law Enforcement Agency:

          This Application is for official permits allowing the after hours operations indicated above. Will you
          please enter your ·recommendations below and return orie ~igi:,ed copy to the Comm ission.

                     IX!·. Recommended:           Comments: _ ___;__ _ ::.__ _ _ ____;__ __ _ ..,:___ _, - - - - - - - - - - - - , - -

                     D    Recommended e~cept for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                        c . , __ _   ·permit
                     0    Not Recommended

                                                                                                               3 -))- cO
          LC- 1112 4/87

Business Name: -....:::.:.:~.:......:...:::.:...::~--=-:.""-'--------------
                   Small Perch Inc.

AKA Business Name (if appli~able): _ __ __ _ _ __ __ __

Operator/Manager'sName:         Christopher J. Anderson & David A. Biesiada, Jr .

Business Address:       2546 Henry, Muskegon, MI
                         (Sardine Room)

Reason for Review:
New License    D        Transfer of Ownership       gg]             D
                                                           Dance Permit

Drop/Add Name on License        D                 Transfer Location D

Drop/Add Stockholder Name       D          New Entertainment Permit D
Other _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __

Deadline for receipt of all information: __A_,__pr_i_l_3_,_,_2_0_00_ _ __

Police Department Approved      D   Denied      D   No Action Needed D

Income Tax           Approved ~        D Amount:

Treasurer            Approved D Owing D Amount:

Zoning               Approved D Denied O Pending ZBA D

Fire/Inspection     Compliance O Remaining Defects _ _ _ _ __

Department Signature__• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

                                           Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk
                                                          Liquor License Coordinator
                     LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORM .

 Business Name: _                   s 11 p·=er'"'""c"'h-!..1---"-'I-'-n.,.._c.,____ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ __

 AKA Business Name (if applkable): _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _

 Operator/Manager'sName:                               Christopher J. Anderson & David A. Biesiada, Jr.

 Business Address:                         25~     Henry, Muskegon, MI
                                           (Sardine Room)

 Reason for Review:
New License                D               Transfer of Ownership 18K]                            D
                                                                                                Dance Permit

Drop/Add Name on License                                0                      Transfer Location D

Drop/Add Stockholder Name                               D               New Entertainment Permit D
Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Deadline for receipt of all information: __A..._p_ri;._1_3'-"--2;;;..;.0..;..oo.;..___                            _   _

Police Department Approved                              D     Denied D               No Action Needed             D
Income Tax                          Approved           •       Owing D               Amount:

Treasurer                           Approved
                                                        ~      Owing         D      Amount:

Zoning                             Approved            •       Denied 0             PendingZBA                •
Fire/Inspection                  Compliance            0       Remaining Defects

Department Signature._"--
                       d -i..,l-,.:;;..
                                            I (
                                        ~.=    ,. . .,~
                                                                           . .· g
                                                                                _~__..,..J)_ 1_7,~1/l._517_
                                                                                           I      I
                                                                                                              _   _   _

                                                                         Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk
                                                                                               Liquor License Coordinator
                     LIQUOR LICENSE REVIEW FORM .

Business Name: _....:a:.:.,.,_,,,__,_.:......:....>'-'-'-'-..........
                            Sma 71 Perch Inc.                                    ~ - -- --   - - - - - --            -

AKA Business Name (if applicable): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____

Operator/Manager'sName:                                  Christopher J. Anderson & David A. Biesiada, Jr.

Business Address:                           2546 Henry, Muskegon, MI
                                            (Sardine Room)

Reason for Review:
New License                D                Transfer of Ownership ~                                 D
                                                                                               Dance Permit

Drop/Add Name on License                                  •                       Transfer Location D

Drop/Add Stockholder Name                                 D                New Entertainment Permit 0
Other _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

Deadline for receipt of all information: __A..__pr_i_l_3_,_,_2_0_00_ _ __

Police Department Approved                                D Denied D                    No Action Needed D

Income Tax                           Approved             D       Owing         D       Amount:

Treasurer                            Approved             D       Owing         D       Amount: _ _ _ __

Zoning                               Approved            J~l. Denied D                  Pending ZBA        D
Fire/Inspection                 · C~mpliance              D       Remaining Defects _ _ _ _ __

Department Signature@                             ;t       ~~

                                                                            Gail A. Kundinger, City cierk
                                                                                              Liquor License Coordinator

Business Name: --=""'--'-.:-.:....""-'--""--'--'--"-'-'-=-=--------------
                  Sma 11 Perch Inc.

AKA Business Name (if applicable): _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _

Operator/Manager'sName:            Christopher J. Anderson & David A. Biesiada , Jr.

Business Address:         2546 Henry, Muskegon, MI
                          (·Sardine Room)

Reason for Review:
New License       0       Transfer of Ownership      !ill·              D
                                                              Dance Permit

Drop/Add Name on License           •                  Transfer Location D

Drop/Add Stockholder Name          D         New Entertainment Permit              D
Other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

Deadline for receipt of all information: __A_,_p_ri_l_3---'--2_o_oo_ _ __

Police Department Approved         D Denied D        No Action Needed D

Income Tax             Approved    • Owing D         Amount:

Treasurer              Approved
                                •        Owing   0   Amount:

Zoning                 Approved •        Denied D PendingZBA              •
Fire/Inspection       C~mpliance   lXJ   Remaining Defects

                                              Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk
                                                             Liquor License Coordinator
          CHRISTOPHER J ANDERSON A 536·115·379·709
          DIANA L ANDERSON A 536·143·564·588
          3304 MICKA (231) 773-7470
     1:   MUSKEGON, Ml 49444

 Affirmative Action
 616/724-6703    '



 Civil Service
 FAX/724-4055                                         West Michigan's Shoreline City
- FAX/724-4178

 Comm. & Neigh.
 FAX/726-250 I          April 12, '.WOO

 6 16/124-6713
                        Liquor Control Commission
 FAX/724-6768           7150 Harris
 Fire Dept.
                        PO Box 30005
 616/724-6792           Lansing, MI 48909-7505

 Income Tax             REF: #59910
 FAX/724-6768                2546 Henry
 Info. Systems
                             Muskegon,MI 49441
                        To Whom It May Concern:
 Leisure Service
                       Enclosed is the resolution, print cards and check, police inspection repo1t (LC-
                       1800), application for official permit for difference in hours of operation, and the
 Manager's Office
 616/724-6724          local law enforcement agency report. This is for the request from Small Perch,
 FAX/722-1214          Inc., to transfer ownership of 1999 Class C-SDM licensed business with dance
 Mayor's Office        permit from Top Spin, Inc.
 616/724-670 I
                       Please do not hesitate to call me at (231) 724-6705 if you have any questions.
 Neigh. & Cons t.
 616/724-6715          Sincerely,
 616/724-6702          df/l&!i        71/;i-C,U!/?-
                       Linda Potter
 Police Dept.
 616/724-6750          Deputy Clerk

 Public WorlTs/3-.         1    /J            1,,.   A
Name of Company (d,b,a.)                          1,~15&PI'                  t::   l°dM:;:;Jr;
Address of Office
Name & Residence of
each person interested
                                            /~~                                        Age~,
in or connected with the ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                     Age._ _ __
above, individual, firm,or) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                      Age_ __
corporation.               )
                             ___________________                                       Age._ __
                                     _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Age._ __

 Present Business of each person
 connected with the above application,

 Give experience of applicant in taxicab
 business in this City or elsewhere.

Number of cabs applicant proposes to use,_____                   ..J..-''-------------
Are there any unpaid or unbonded judgments                       ~
of record against the applicant           ---------....1.~4-=-------------
 Have any of the persons connected with the above as individual, firm or
 corporation been charged with or convicted ~ < r i m e or misdemeanor,
 if so, state date and Court.

Name of insurance company with which
applicant is insured and amount of coverage.

Name of local agent or representative. ___...,!ti)_~~~e:::t==~•::,.._~,/3'..,,,_~~"'-'====---
Is the above applicant the s~owner of all the automobiles
proposed to be used? ____.c;~!i:::::!L_______________________

. State liens, mortgage~ or otere?~rances including conditional sales
contracts on such taxicabs. ---~'::L,'9-1:..,~~~-:...C."-'::..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Attached hereto is a list 0£ the automobiles with name 0£ make, body-style,
year, serial and engine number, state license plate number, seating
capacity, weight of car which is considered a part of this application.
The applicant's annual financial and profit and loss statements covering
his operations during the last preceding fiscal year shall be attached to
this application.

Subscribed and sworn to bef9re me
County, Michigan, this .3rd day
My commission expires
 Application Approved
                                                            Chief of Police
           ...                ...
  ACORD~                            (JI. >        · .:t~.1:11,t,p;!UIMUDifllllMR,:glilf
                                                     . .   ..
                                                                ,.• ·•,'   ..,_   .:   '
                                                                    . THl8 CER11r,>,A,E IS
                                                                                           ::        .
                                                                                                            ;· "";~;;:~
                                                                                                             '    .·,
                                                                                           AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION
                                                                                                                        .,.•   ••   -:,;".:.''·,·· .... ;'   :•.•)"••.- .. ::         -'!t·...
                                                                                                                                                                                                 .,             -.,,.._     ...
PMIDUCER                                                                                                                              OHLV AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                                                      HOLDER. THIS Cl!IITIFICATE OOES NOT AMEND, &XTEND OR
MI Suainaas In11uranc• Sarrv.                                                                                                         ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES IIELOW.
32107 W, Lindooro Cyn. Rd. #126
We•tlake Village CA Pl36l                                                                                                                          COMPANIES AFFORDINCil CDVl:HAGE
Denni• J. Byrne                                                                                                                           A              Ralia~ea National Indemnity Co
                                               F·~ "-'• ~"    e,i ••   ag!)-91!1- A 7
            Wakafield Laa• ing Co,rp                                                                                                      C
            J . . _,I        OCCUR                                                                                                                                               li'i.RIONAI. e,. ADV ltWJAY            I
             0WNiR't t. (;~TllACTOR'S PROT                                                                                                                                                    EAOff ~IJRRENCI                        I
                                                                                                                                                                                              FlRE DAMAGI! (Any Mt flrt)
                                                                                                                                                                                              MIU> 1)(1' {MV 11n1 pm,;rn)
      t]     AH'tAUTO
                                                                                                                                                                                              CCMIINID et NG LE LIMIT
      ~ ALL 0WNE.P AUTOS.                                                                                                                                                                     BOPILY INJUM'
                                                                                                                                                                                              ,,w51w.Orl)                            1100,000
        X . SCHEOULEDAt.rroa
                 ttlflleO AlJTOS. )
                                                      Nllll.1200203                                                                 07/01/99                    07/01/00
                                                                                                                                                                                              Wtr 101:ldtnU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1300 ,000
                 NON.OWNED AUTOS
       -X                                                                                                                                                                                     PRCP&Rf't CIAMAGi                      150,000
 A               PIP
       ~RACHI L.IAIJLllY
                          - STATUTORY                                                                                                                                                         AUTO OHI.Y • IA ACCIDENt               I
                 ANVAUTO                                                                                                                                                                      OTHER THAN AUTO ONLT:
      REXC:E&a UAB!l.lTV
                 UMBRELLA fl0RM
                                                                                                                                                                                              l!ACH CJCCUM:fNC?

                                                                                                                                                                                              AOGREGATI                              l

       IMPLOYIUUI,' LWm.rrv
                                                                                                                                                                                                 l\",l'i,fl\'/llis I       fUJ~•     '..
                                                                                                                                                                                              EL iACH ACCIDENT                       I
       THE PROl'RIET0R/
       PARTNEFISliXECUTtvfi.          RINCL                                                                                                                                                   EL DIIWI • POLIC't' LIMIT              I
       Ol'f'ICIMAftll1                   OXOL                                                                                                                                                 !L DIS!AII. • IAEMPLO'('l!e            I

DESCRIPTION ()F' 0                             N- EH!CLESISP£CIA.L ITl!iMS
SO.$ •tta,.;:ihad vehiala a0hQd1,1Le.
 •10 day• notiae of canc•llation in the avant 0£ non payment                                                                                                                of P"-i\1111.
Cl!ltflFICA'll!i KO~IIEII                                                                                                       ·.· ;"Af!!(lfi~l#tidlf .                                         >
                                                                                                         MUS!Gl--                       &HOUl.l} ANY Of TNE MOVI!! Dl!!SCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED HF'ORS:nns
                                                                                                                                        EX~IRA'TION OJ.Te Tt--l!Rli¢F, THI:; 13SUJNB CCMP'ANVWILL l!ltl\l%f:Q ner-RESCNfAf(VE

                                                                                                                                                       J. Syrne                               , ~. ~ ..
                                                                                                                                                                                              4                        '.,,/.~~~
                                                                                                                                                              '                          ..      ,     : ., .W:Mlil!tQ~ 1986
                                  AGENDA ITEM

                    CITY COMMISSION MEETING
                          March 28, 2000

TO:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

FROM:        Gail Kundinger, City Clerk   f
DATE:        March 22,_2000

SUBJECT:     Utility Franchise Ordnance

SUMMARY OF REQUEST:           To adopt the ordinance granting a non-exclusive
franchise to DTE Energy to use local public ways and do local electrical business .



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the request.



         WHEREAS, DTE Energy Marketing, Inc., its successors and assigns, seeks a public
utility franchise to use the highways, streets, alleys, bridges, and other public places for the
transmission of electricity, and to do local electric business in the City of Muskegon, and

        WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, is empowered,
pursuant to the Michigan Constitution of 1963, and Chapter XIV of its own City Charter, to grant
public utility franchises by Ordinance,

        NOW, THEREFORE, the City of Muskegon, Michigan Ordains:

Section!.       Grant of Non-Exclusive Rights

        A.      Term; Revocable at Will. City of Muskegon (City) grants to DTE Energy
Marketing, Inc., its successors and assigns (Grantee), subject to the terms and conditions set forth
below, the nonexclusive right, power and authority to construct, maintain and use electric lines
consisting of towers, masts, poles, cross-arms, guys, braces, feeders, transmission and
distribution wires, transformers and other electrical appliances (hereinafter "Electric System") on,
along, across and under the highways, streets, alleys, and bridges (hereafter "Public Ways") as
identified in Exhibit A to this Ordinance and to do local electric business in the City of
Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, for a period of five years. Notwithstanding the term of
this agreement, it is revocable at will in accordance with the Michigan State Constitution,
Article 7 Section 25.

         B.      Location in Public Ways. To the maximum extent possible, Grantee shall place
its electrical system on, within, and along existing utility facilities in the Public Ways.

        C.      Lease. Grantee shall not lease or sublease any portion of its electrical system
within the city to a person who by law is required to obtain the City's permission or consent to
transaction business in the City and who lacks such permission or consent. Grantee shall not
allow the property of a third party or non-electrical system wires or any other facilities to be over
lashed, affixed or attached to any portion of its electrical system or allow other actions with a
similar result without the written consent of the City Manager or that person's designee.

Section 2.     Use of Public Rights-of-Way by Grantee

        A.     No Burden on Public Ways. Grantee and its contractors, subcontractors and the
Grantee's Electric System shall not unduly burden or interfere with the present or future use of
any of the Public Ways within the City. Grantee shall erect and maintain its Electric System so as

to cause minimum interference with the use of the Public Ways and with the rights or reasonable
convenience of property owners. No Public Way shall be obstructed longer than necessary during
the work of construction or repair to the Electric System. Grantee's cable, wires, structures and
equipment shall be suspended or buried so as to not endanger or injure persons or property in the
Public Ways. If the City in its reasonable judgment determines that any portion of the Electric
System constitutes an undue burden or interference, Grantee at its expense shall modify its
Electric System or take such other actions as the City may determine is in the public interest to
remove or alleviate the burden, and the Grantee shall do so within the time period established by
the City.

         B.    Restoration of Public Ways. Grantee and its contractors and subcontractors shall
immediately restore, at Grantee's sole cost and expense and in a manner approved by the City,
any portion of the Public Ways that is in any way disturbed, damaged, or injured by the
construction, operation, maintenance or removal of the Electric System to as good or better
condition than that which existed prior to the disturbance. In the event that Grantee, its contractor
or subcontractors fail to make such repair within the time specified by the City, the City shall be
entitle to complete the repair and Grantee shall pay the costs of the City for such repair.

        C.      Easements. Any easements required for installation or maintenance of an Electric
System or part thereof by Grantee over or under private property shall be arranged and paid for
by Grantee. Any use or intrusion on private property without an easement or other instrument
evidencing permission of the property owner shall constitute a trespass by Grantee and a
violation of this Agreement. Any easements over or under property owned by the City other than
the Public Ways shall be separately negotiated with the City.

        D.     Tree Trimming. Grantee may trim trees upon and overhanging the Public Ways
so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming into contact with the Electric System.
Grantee shall minimize the trimming of trees to trimming only those that are essential to
maintain the integrity of its Electric System. No trimming shall be done in the Public Ways
without previously informing the City.

         E.     Pavement Cut Coordination/Additional Fees. Grantee shall coordinate its
construction program and all other work in the Public Ways with the City's program for street
construction, rebuilding, resurfacing and repair (collectively, "Street Resurfacing"). Grantee shall
meet with the official of the City primarily responsible for the Public Ways at least twice per year
to this end.

                The goals of such coordination shall be to require Grantee to conduct all known
work in the Public Ways in conjunction with or immediately prior to any Street Resurfacing
planned by the City, and to prevent the Public Ways from being disturbed by Grantee for a period
of years after such Street Resurfacing.

               Grantee shall pay to the City the sum of $1,250 for each fifty feet (50') cut into or
excavation of any Public Way, or portion thereof, which was subject to Street Resurfacing within

 18 months prior to such cut or excavation. This fee is in addition to and not in lieu of the
 obligation to restore the Public Ways.

         F.     Marking. Grantee shall mark its Electric System as follows: Aerial portions of
the Electric System shall be marked with a marker on its lines on alternate poles which shall state
Grantees name and provide a toll-free number to call for assistance. Direct buried underground
portions of the Electric System shall have: (1) a conducting wire placed in the ground at least
several inches above the Grantee's cable or wire (if such cable or wire is non-conductive); (2) at
least several inches above that a continuous colored tape with Grantee's name and a toll-free
number and a statement to the effect that there is buried cable beneath; and, (3) stakes or other
appropriate above-ground markers with Grantee's name and a toll-free number and indicating that
there is buried cable below.

        G.      Compliance with Laws. Grantee shall comply with all laws, statutes, ordinances,
mies and regulations regarding the installation, constrnction, ownership or use of its Electric
System, whether federal, state or local, now in force or which hereafter may be promulgated
(including, without limitation, any ordinance requiring the installation of additional conduit when
Grantee installs underground conduit for its Electric System). Before any installation is
commenced, Grantee shall secure all necessary permits, licenses and approvals from all
appropriate departments, agencies, boards or commissions of the City or other governmental
entity as may be required by law, including, without limitation, all utility line permits and
highway permits. Grantee shall comply in all respects with applicable codes and industry
standards, including but not limited to the National Electrical Safety Code (latest edition) and the
National Electric Code (latest edition). Grantee shall comply with all zoning and land use
ordinances and historic preservation ordinances as may exist or may hereafter be amended.

         H.       Street Vacation. If City vacates or consents to the vacation of a street or alley
within its jurisdiction, and such vacation necessitates the removal and relocation of Grantee's
facilities in the vacated Public Way, Grantee agrees, as a condition of this Agreement, to consent
to the vacation and to move its facilities at its sole cost and expense when asked to do so by the
City or a court of competent jurisdiction. Grantee shall relocate its facilities to such alternative
route as the City, acting reasonably and in good faith, shall designate.

       I.       Relocation. If the City requests Grantee to relocate, protect, support, disconnect,
or remove its facilities because of street or utility work, Grantee shall relocate, protect, support,
disconnect, or remove its facilities, at its sole expense, to such alternate route as City, acting
reasonably and in good faith, shall designate.

       J.      Public Emergency. The City shall have the right to sever, disrnpt, dig up or
otherwise destroy facilities of Grantee, without any prior notice, if such action is deemed
necessary by the Mayor, City Manager, Police Chief or Fire Chief because of a public
emergency. Public emergency shall be any condition which, in the opinion of any of the officials
named, poses an immediate threat to the lives or property of the citizens of the City, caused by
any natural or man-made disaster, including, but not limited to, storms, floods, fire, accidents,

explosions, major water main breaks, hazardous material spills, etc. Grantee shall be responsible
for repair at its sole expense of any of its facilities damaged pursuant to any such action taken by
the City.

       K.      Miss Dig. If eligible to join, Grantee shall subscribe to and be a member of "MISS
DIG," the association of utilities formed pursuant to Act 53 of the Public Acts of 1974, as
amended, MCL 460.701, et seq, and shall conduct its business in conformance with the statutory
provisions and regulations promulgated thereunder.

        L.       Use of Existing Facilities: Compensation to City. Grantee shall utilize existing
poles, conduits, and other facilities wherever practicable, and shall not construct or install any
new, different, or additional poles, or other facilities unless expressly authorized by the City.
Where existing utility wiring is located underground, either at the time of initial construction or
subsequent thereto, Grantee's Electric System shall also be located underground unless otherwise
expressly authorized by the City. In the event Grantee desires to utilize existing poles, conduits
or other facilities owned by the City, Grantee shall be obligated to pay the existing standard
charge for attachment to, placement in, or other use of those facilities.

                To the extent that Grantee chooses to construct its own utility wiring or other new
facilities, Grantee agrees to compensate the City for use of the public rights of way. Unless
otherwise agreed by the City and Grantee, the compensation shall be paid at the rate of$0.30 per
lineal foot of wiring or other facilities installed.

        M.     Underground Relocation. If Grantee has its facilities on Consumers Energy
Company's or any other public utility company's above ground utility poles and the owner of said
poles relocates its facilities to an underground conduit, Grantee shall relocate its facilities
underground in the same location.

         N.      Pole/Conduit License Agreement Notification. If Grantee forfeits or otherwise
loses its rights under a pole/conduit license agreement with Consumers Energy Company or other
entity, then Grantee shall notify the City Manager in writing within 14 days.

Section 3.     No City Liability: Indemnification; Insurance.

        A.      City Not Liable. The City, and its agents, employees, and contractors, shall not
be liable to Grantee or Grantee's customers for any interference with or disruption in the
operation of Grantee's Electric System, or the provision of service over or through the Electric
System, or for any damages arising out of Grantee's use of the Public Ways.

        B.      Indemnification. As part of the consideration for of this Agreement. Grantee
shall defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless City, its officers, agents, employees,
departments, boards, and commissions from any and all claims, losses, liabilities, causes of
action, demands, judgments, decrees, proceedings, and expenses of any nature (including,
without limitation, actual fees and expenses of attorneys, expert witnesses and consultants),

arising out of or resulting from the acts or omissions of Grantee, its officers, agents, employees,
contractors, successors, or assigns, but only to the extent of the fault of the Grantee, its officers,
agents, employees, contractors, successors, or assigns.

        C.      Assumption of Risk. Grantee undertakes and assumes for its officers, agents,
contractors and subcontractors and employees, all risk of dangerous conditions, if any, on or
about any City-owned or controlled property, including Public Ways, and Grantee hereby agrees
to indemnify and hold harmless the City against and from any claim asserted or liability imposed
upon the City for personal injury or property damage to any person arising out of the installation,
operation, maintenance or condition of the electric system or Grantee's failure to comply with any
federal, state or local statute, ordinance or regulation.

       D.      Notice. Cooperation and Expenses. City shall give Grantee prompt notice of the
making of any claim or the commencement of any action, suit or other proceeding covered by the
provisions of this Section. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent City from cooperating with
Grantee and participating in the defense of any litigation by City's own counsel.

                Grantee shall pay all reasonable expenses incurred by City in defending itself with
regard to any such actions, suits or proceedings. These expenses shall include all out-of-pocket
expenses such as attorney fees and shall also include the reasonable value of any services
rendered by or on behalf of the City Attorney, and the actual expenses of City's agents,
employees or expert witnesses, and disbursements and liability assumed by City in connection
with such suits, actions or proceedings.

        E.      Insurance. If Grantee installs or constructs any physical facilities, except for
meters in the City separately from those facilities of Consumers Energy Company or it
successor, thereafter the Grantee shall maintain in force during the remaining period of its
franchise, an insurance policy issued by a reputable insurer licensed in the State of Michigan and
acceptable to the City for comprehensive general liability coverage, including all risks
thereunder, together with any special electric liability endorsements, insuring the City as an
additional insured, and covering liability for injuries to any person or property, having liability
limits of $5,000,000. A certificate evidencing the issuance of the said policy shall be placed with
the City, and the insurance shall be renewed during the entire remaining franchise period as a
condition of the continuance of this franchise. A failure to renew or cancellation of the policy
shall constitute cancellation of the franchise. The declaration of coverage or any other document
from the insurance company regarding notice, shall guarantee that the City shall receive 30 days
written notice of cancellation or modification before the policy may be canceled or changed.

Section 4.     Franchise Not Exclusive

               The rights, power and authority granted herein are not exclusive.

 Section 5.              Rates

                Grantee shall be entitled to charge the inhabitants of the City for electricity
furnished at the rates approved by the Michigan Public Service Commission, to the extent it, or
its successors, have authority and jurisdiction to fix and regulate electrical rates and promulgate
rules regulating such service in the City. Such rates and rules shall be subject to review and
change any time upon petition being made by either the City acting through the City Commission
or by Grantee.

Section 6.               City Jurisdiction

                Grantee shall be and remain subject to all Ordinances, rules and regulations of the
City now in effect or which might subsequently be adopted for the regulation of land uses or for
the protection of the health, safety and general welfare of the public; provided, however, that
nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by Grantee of any of its existing or future rights
under Michigan or Federal law or a limitation upon the existing or future powers of the City
pursuant to its Charter or Michigan or Federal law.

Section 7.               Michigan Public Service Commission

        A.      Jurisdiction. Grantee shall, as to all other conditions and elements of service not
addressed or fixed by this Ordinance, remain subject to the rules and regulations applicable to
electric service by the Michigan Public Service Commission, or its successor bodies.

        B.     Filing. Grantee shall provide the City with copies of all documents which Grantee
sends to the Michigan Public Service Commission and copies of all orders, decisions, or
correspondence Grantee receives from the Public Service Commission. generally affecting its
service or business, and in particular the City of Muskegon. Grantee shall permit City inspection
and examination of all records it is required to maintain or file under Michigan Public Service
Commission rules and regulations.

Section 8.              Effective Date.

                This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after adoption by the City Commission,
provided, however, it shall cease and be ofno affect after 30 days from its adoption unless and
until within said period Grantee files an acceptance in writing with the City Clerk.

This ordinance adopted:

            Ayes:        Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen. Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki
            Nays:        None

Adoption Date: _ ___,A:,;p'-'-r__,i_,_l___,__1_,__1,._____;2"'0'-"'0, _0_ __

Effective Date:. ___M_a~y_1_1~,~2_00_0_ _ __
First Reading: ___M_a_r_c_h_28~,_2_0_0_0_ __
Second Reading: _ __:._:.Ap=r---'i:.....:1_1_1.z...,. . :2:. . :0c.:;0. : .0_ __

                                                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                             By:     ~ Q-              ~   ....c.___
                                                                                                              ~     __..____
                                                                                   Gail A. Kundinger
                                                                                   City Clerk


      The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon; Muskegon
County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an
ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the
City Commission on the J.l1h_ day of April                , 2000, at which meeting a quorum was
present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records
of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was
given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as
amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required
thereby.                                                             /

                                                                           ~ l. 0· ~                       9,:,__,

Dated:          Apr iJ 11                 , 2000                                •
                                                                     GaiA.Kundinger, CMC/ AAE
                                                                     Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:              Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.

                                  EXHIBIT "A"



        Pursuant to Section 1, A, o the above referenced Ordinance, the City of
Muskegon (City) grant to DTE Energy Marketing, Inc., it successors and assigns
(Grantee), subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the above-referenced
Ordinance, the non-exclusive right, power, and authority to construct, maintain,
and use electric lines consisting as towers, masts, poles cross-arms, guys, braces,
feeders, transmission and distribution wires, transformers, and other electrical
appliances (Electric System) on, along, across, and under the highways, streets,
alleys, and bridges (Public Waysfidentified as follows:

                                                                      FAX COVER SHEET
   PO BOX536
   MUSKEGON Ml 49443

   (,!}31) 724--6705
   (.Q.31) 724-4178

 Company name


 Office location                                    Office.location

 Fax number                                         Phone number

0 Urgent            •   Reply ASAP .       D Plea~~-comment O Please review O For   your information

Total pages, including cover:     3
                                                                         · ·····
                                                                      . ..

                                1u~;w-1v·                                                     .. ..•. ··: •
                                       . _tj;, It~ //o.
                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
                            NOTICE OF ADOPTION


       Please take notice that the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance at it's meeting on Apr i l 11 , 2000,    granting a non-exclusive franchise to
   DTE Energy               for the furnishing of electric service from the City of
Muskegon. In summary, the ordinance provides as follows:

       I.     Grant of non-exclusive rights. The ordinance grants a non-exclusive
              right to offer electric service in the City. The grant is revocable at will and
              has a term of five years. The electrical utility is to be located in public
       2.     Use of public rights of way by franchise. The ordinance provides for the
              use of public right of way, prevents burdens on the right of way, requires
              restoration in the case of damage or disturbance, allows tree trimming, and
              provides for additional fees for pavement cuts. Marking is required on
              facilities built by the franchisee.

              The franchisee must comply with all laws. In the event of street vacation
              or relocation requests, the franchisee must accomplish the relocation of its
              facilities at its sole expense.

              Public emergencies will justify the right of the City to disrupt lines. The
              franchisee is required to register with "Miss Dig". Erection of additional
              poles and wires must be authorized by the City.

              Facilities are to be located underground in the event the host public utility
              company's facilities are so placed. Any agreement with the host utility
              company must be copied to the City.

      3.      No City liability; indemnification; insurance. Section 3 provides for the
              protection of the City to indemnification provisions and the requirement of
              insurance in the event the franchisee installs or constructs any physical
              facilities, except for meters.
      4.      Franchise not exclusive. The ordinance specifically states that the grant
              is not exclusive.
      5.      Rates. The franchisee is to charge rates authorized by the Michigan
              Public Service Commission.
      6.      City Jurisdiction. The City retains jurisdiction allowed under state law,
              charter or federal law.
7.     Michigan Public Service Commission. The ordinance recognizes the
       jurisdiction of the MPSC, and requires the franchisee to supply the City
       with copies of all material documents on file with the MPSC which relate
       to this City.
8.     Effective Date. The ordinance takes effect 30 days after adoption by the
       City Commission, except that it shall not take effect unless the franchisee
       files an acceptance in writing to the City Cleric

Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the
office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 93 3 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan,
during regular business hours.

This ordinance is effective ten days from the date of this publication, subject to
the conditions of paragraph 8, above.

Published    Apri 1 19, 2000

                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                             By _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                Gail A. Kundinger, CMC/AAE
                                                  City Clerk

                                                  101 Norlh Main SL., Suite 300
                                                  Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
                                                  Tel: 734.887.2000 Fax: 734.887.2114

                                                                       DTE Energy

March 17, 2000

Bryon Mazade, City Manager
City of Muskegon
                                                             lviAn   ~~ G t:iJOO
                                                                                                 ~,?     ~~
                                                                                                          -<~- ~/'\
                                                               MU S l(l!GMl
933 Tenace Street
Muskegon,MI49440                                           cirv. r,,.':\NJ-'.GEn's              c~. ,..,f'5' 
As part of Electric Deregulation in the State of Michigan, electric suppliers are required to apply for a
Utility Franchise in the communities they anticipate doing business. In order for businesses within your
community to participate in the first phase, applications must be filed by November 30, 1999 and a
franchise must be obtained by March 30, 2000.

Please accept this letter as formal application for a Utility Franchise to supply electricity in your
community. This request is respectfully submitted by DTE Energy Marketing Inc., which is incorporated
in the State of Michigan and located at 101 N. Main Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Our parent
company is DTE Energy, which is incorporated in Michigan and headquartered at 2000 2 A venue,
Detroit, Michigan 48226.

I will contact you in the near future to obtain information regarding your franchise agreement process.
Expeditious completion of the process will be necessary to provide your community with the opportunity
to participate in electric deregulation from its inception.

We would also like to request your assistance in providing verification of application to the Michigan
Public Service Commission (MPSC), Detroit Edison and DTE Energy Marketing. To expedite this
process and reduce your time in its completion, we have enclosed a response letter suitable for all parties.
Others have found the easiest way to complete this process is by utilizing the following steps:

•   Photocopy the Jetter to your letterhead.

•   Have it signed by an official in your Governing body.

•   Place in the enclosed addressed and stamped envelope and mail. Upon receipt of the response letter,
    we will forward copies to the local utility and the MPSC.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated and will assist in providing savings in your community. Please feel
free to call me at 734-887-2014 with any questions or concerns.

~            \l()Wl~ I~
John Van Tilburg

March 17, 2000

Mr. Mark Brown
Director of Marketing
DTE Energy Marketing
101 N. Main Street, Suite 300
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Dear Mr. Brown:

This letter is being provided to notify DTE Energy Marketing that we have received your application for a
Utility Franchise in our community. We understand that DTE Energy Marketing Inc. is located at 101 N.
Main Street, Suite 300, Ann Arbor, Michigan and is an incorporated organization in the State of
Michigan. This letter serves only as notification of receipt and request from DTE Energy Marketing and
does not obligate or bind our community to consider or grant a Utility Franchise to DTE Energy





cc:      Detroit Edison
         T\,1ichigan Public Service Commission
Comerica Incorporated                                                          P. 0. Box 75000
                                                                               Detroit. Michigan 48275

March 6, 2000

Dear City Manager,

I am writing this letter asking for your assistance in granting DTE Energy Marketing,
Inc. a cost only franchise to operate as a Power Marketer within your municipal limits.
Comerica has signed a statewide agreement with DTE Energy Marketing to provide
power to all of our banking facilities. In order for Comerica to gain ma."erage
       height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the
       ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
       groundfor each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

       6. Front Setbacks
                      Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 30 feet
                      Collector Street: 20 feet
                      Minor Street: IO feet
                      Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 50 feet
                      Collector Street: 40 feet
                      Minor Street: 30 feet

       7. Rear setback: IO feet

       8. Setback from the ordinmy high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

      9. Side setbacks:
               I -story: 8 feet and 12 feet

               2-story: 10 feet and 14 feet

       Note, setback measurement: The required front yard shall be measured from the right-of-way
       line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required rear
       yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearest foundation or building wall ofthe
       building or structure. Side yard setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the
       determined drip line ofbuildings.

       10. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or
       one side yard line provided:

                    a. The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
                       the building code.
                    b. The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code
                    c. The zero lot line side is not adjacent to a street.
                    d A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner
                       and recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
                       administrator with the site plan or plot plan.
                    e. It is not adjacent to wetlands, or waterfront.

       11. All required setbacks shall be landscaped buffer zones.

Section 1103: Area and Bulk Requirements
(Article XI - B-2, Convenience and Comparison Business)

       1. Minimum lot size 10,890 sq. feet

       2. Maximum lot coverage
              Buildings: 70 %
              Pavement: 25 %

       3. Lot width: 100 feet (shall be measured at roadfrontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured
       from setback):

       4. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)
       times longer its width.

       5. Height:

              a. Maximum: 2 stories or 35 feet.

              b. Minimum height - 2 stories or 35 feet. Minimum heights are in the form ofan
                 "overlay district" on the following street corridors:

                    1) Western Avenue; from Ninth Street to Pine Street.

            2) Clay Avenue;frorn Seventh Street to Fourth Street.
            3) Pine Street; from Western Avenue to Apple Avenue.

Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line
abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average
height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the
ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
groundfor each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

6. Front Setbacks
               Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: JO.feet
               Collector Street: 20 feet
               Minor Street: 10 feet
               Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 5 0 feet
               Collector Street: 40 feet
               Minor Street: 30 feet

7. Rear setback: 10 feet

8. Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

9. Side setbacks:
         I-story: 8 feet and 12 feet
        2-story 10 feet and 14 feet

Note. setback measurement: The required fi:ont yard shall be measuredfrom the right-of-way
line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required rear
yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the
building or structure. Side yard setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the
determined drip line of buildings.

10. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or
one side yard line provided:

            a. The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
               the building code.
            b. The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code
            c. The zero lot line side is not adjacent to a street.
            d A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner
               and recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
               administrator with the site plan or plot plan.
            e. It is not adjacent to wetlands, or waterfront.

       11. All required setbacks shall be landscaped buffer zones.

Section 1203: Area and Bulk Requirements
(Article XII - B-3, Central Business)

       1. Minimum lot size 4,000 sq.feet

       2. Maximum lot coverage
              Buildings: 100 %
              Pavement: 25%

      3. Lot width: 30 feet (shall be measured at road frontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured
      from setback):

      4. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)
      times longer its width.                                  ··

       5. Height:

              a. Maximum height - 6 stories or 90 feet

              c. Minimum height - 2 stories or 35 feet. Minimum heights are in the form ofan
                 "overlay district" on the following street corridors:

                    1) Western Avenue from Ninth Street to Pine Street.
                    2) Clay Avenue from Seventh Street to Fourth Street
                    3) PineStreet;from WesternAve. toAppleAvenue.

      Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
      the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line
      abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average
      height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). lf the
      ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
      groundfor each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

      6. Front Setbacks
                     Expressway, Arterial Street or 1vfajor Street: 30 feet
                     Collector Street: 20.feet
                     Minor Street: 10 feet
                     Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 50 feet
                     Collector Street: 40 feet
                     Minor Street: 30.feet
       Note: For minimum front setbacks new principal structures on minor streets may align with
       existing principal structures in the immediate area even if the setback is below the minimum

       7. Rear setback: 10 feet

       8. Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

       9. Side setbacks: no requirement

       Note. setback measurement: The required front yard shall be measuredfrom the right-of-way
       line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required rear
       yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearest foundation or building wall ofthe
       building or structure.

       10. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear yard line
                 a. The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
                      the building code.
                 b. The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code
                 c. The zero lot line side is not adjacent to a street.
                 d. A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner
                      and recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
                      administrator with the site plan or plot plan.
                 e. It is not adjacent to wetlands, or wate,front.

       11. All required setbacks shall be landscaped buffer zones.

Section 1303: Area and Bulk Requirements
(Article Xlll - B-4, General Business)

       1. Minimum lot size 10,890 sq. feet

       2. Maximum lot coverage
              Buildings: 70 %
              Pavement: 25 %

       3. Lot width: 100 feet (shall be measured at roadfrontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured
      from setback).

       4. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)
       times longer it~ width.

       5. Height:

        a. Maximum height - 2 stories or 35.feet

        b. Minimum height - 2 stories or 35 feet. Heights are in the form ofan "overlay
        district" on the following street corridors:

    I) Western Avenue;from Ninth Street to Pine Street
    2) Clay Avenue; from Seventh Street to Fourth Street.
          3) Pine Street; from Western Ave. to Apple Avenue.

Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line
abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard rooft, and the average
height between eaves and the ridge ofgable, hip, and gambrel rooft (see Figure 2-2). If the
ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
groundfor each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

6. Front Setbacks
               Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 30 feet
               Collector Street: 20 feet
               Minor Street: IO feet
               Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 50 feet
               Collector Street: 40 feet
               Minor Street: 30 feet

7. Rear setback: IO feet

8. Setbackfrom the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

9. Side setbacks:
         I-story: 8 feet and 12 feet
         2-story IO feet and 14 feet

Note, setback measurement: The required p-ont yard shall be measuredfi·om the right-of-way
line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required rear
yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearest foundation or building wall ofthe
building or structure. Side yard setbacks shall be measured from the property line to .the
determined drip line of buildings.

I 0. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or
one side yard line provided:

            a. The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
               the building code.
            b. The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code
                    c. The zero lot line side is not ac{jacent to a street.
                    d A maintenance access easement is granted by the ac{jacent property owner
                       and recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
                       administrator with the site plan or plot plan.
                    e. It is not adjacent to wetlands, or wate,jront.

       11. All required setbacks shall be landscaped buffer zones.

Section 1309: Area and Bulk Requirements
(Article XIII - B-5, Governmental Service)

       1. Minimum lot size 10,890 sq. feet

       2. Maximum lot coverage
              Buildings: 80 %
              Pavement: 25 %

        3. Lot width: 40 feet (shall be measured at road frontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured
       from setback):

       4. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)
       times longer its width.

       5. Height:

               a. Maximum height - 4 stories or 60 feet

               b. Minimum height - 2 stories or 35 feet. Minimum heights are in the form ofan
               "overlay district" on the following street corridors:

                    1) Western Avenue fi·om Ninth Street to Pine Street
                    2) Clay Avenue from Seventh Street to Fourth Street.
                    3) Pine Street;from Western Ave. to Apple Avenue.

       Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
       the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line
       abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average
       height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofe (see Figure 2-2). Jfthe
       ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
       groundfor each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

       6. Front Setbacks
                      Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 30 feet
                      Collector Street: 20 feet

                     Minor Street: 10 feet
                     Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 50 feet
                     Collector Street: 40 feet
                     Minor Street: 30 feet

       7. Rear setback: 10 feet

       8. Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

       9. Side setbacks:
                I-story: 8 feet   and   12 feet
                2-story 10 feet   and   14 feet
                3-story 12 feet   and   16feet
                4-story 16 feet   and   20 feet

       Note. setback measurement: The required front yard shall be measured from the right-of-way
       line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required rear
       yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearest foundation or building wall ofthe
       building or structure. Side yard setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the
       determined drip line ofbuildings.

       10. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or
       one side yard line provided:

                   a. The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
                      the building code.
                   b. The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code
                   c. The zero lot line side is not aqjacent to a street.
                   d A maintenance access easement is granted by the aqjacent property owner
                      and recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
                      administrator with the site plan or plot plan.
                   e. It is not aqjacent to wetlands, or waterfront

       11. All required setbacks shall be landscaped biiffer zones.

Section 1403: Area and Bulk Requirements
(Article XIV-I-I, Light Industrial)

       1. Minimum lot size 21,780 sq. feet

       2. Maximum lot coverage
              Buildings: 85 %
              Pavement: 25 %

4. Lot width: 100 feet      (shall be measured at road frontage unless a cul-de-sac, then
measuredfrom setback):

5. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(5) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)
times longer its width.

6. Height limit:        3 stories or 50 feet

Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof su,jace where the building line
abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofo, and the average
height between eaves and the ridge ofgable, hip, and gambrel roofo (see Figure 2-2). If the
ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
groundfor each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

7. Front Setbacks
              Expressway, Arterial Street or Mqjor Street: 30 feet
              Collector Street: 20 feet
              Minor Street: 10 feet

8. Rear setback: 10 feet

9. Setbackfi'Om the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

10. Side setbacks:
        I-story: 10 feet and 20 feet
        2-story 15 feet and 25 feet
        3-story 20 feet and 30 feet

Note, setback measurement: The required front yard shall be measured.from the right-of-way
line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required rear
yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearest foundation or building wall ofthe
building or structure. Side yard setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the
determined drip.line ofbuildings.

11. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or
one side yard line provided:
           a. The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
                the building code.
            b. The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code
           c. The zero lot line side is not adjacent to a street.
           d A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner
                and recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
                administrator with the site plan or plot plan.

                    e.    It is not aqjacent to wetlands, or waterfront.

       12. All required setbacks shall be landscaped buffer zones.

Section 1503: Area and Bulk Requirements
(Article XV - 1-2, General IndustriaV

Section 1503, Area and Bulk Requirements:
        1-2, General Industrial

       1. Minimum lot size 43,560 sq.feet

       2. Maximum lot coverage
              Buildings: 85 %
              Pavement: 25 %

       4. Lot width: 150 feet         (shall be measured at road frontage unless a cul-de-sac, then
       measuredfrom setback):

       5. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)
       times longer its width.

       6. Height limit:          3 stories or 50 feet

       Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
       the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line
       abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average
       height between eaves and the ridge ofgable, hip, and gambrel roofe (see Figure 2-2). If the
       ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
       groundfor each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

       7. Front Setbacks
                     Expressway, Arterial Street or lvfajor Street: 30 feet
                     Collector Street: 20 feet
                     Minor Street: 10 feet

       8. Rear setback: 10 feet

       9. Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

       10. Side setbacks:
               ]-story: 10 feet and 20 feet
               2-story 15 feet and 25 feet
               3-story 20 feet and 30 feet

       Note. setback measurement: The required front yard shall be measuredfi·om the right-ofway
       line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required rear
       yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearest foundation or building wall ofthe
       building or structure. Side yard setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the
       determined drip line of buildings.

       11. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or
       one side yard line provided:
                   a. The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
                       the building code.
                   b. The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code
                  c. The zero lot line side is not adjacent to a street
                  d A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner
                       and recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
                       administrator with the site plan or plot plan.
                  e. It is not adjacent to wetlands, or waterfront.

       12. All required setbacks shall be landscaped buffer zones.

Section 1603: Area and Bulk Requirements
(Article XVI - OSC, Open Space Conservation)

       1. Minimum lot size 21,780 sq. feet

       2. Maximum lot coverage
              Buildings: 20 %
              Pavement: 15 %

        3. Lot width: 100 feet (shall be measured at roadfrontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured
       from setback).

       4. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)
       times longer its width.

       5. Height limit: 2 stories or 35 feet.

       Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
       the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line
       abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average
       height between eaves and the ridge ofgable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the
       ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
       ground for each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

       6. Front Setbacks

                        Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 30 feet
                        Collector Street: 20 feet
                        Minor Street: 10 feet

        7. Rear setback: 10 feet

        8. Setback.from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

        9. Side setbacks:
                 I-story: 6 feet and 10 feet
                 2-story 8 feet and 12 feet

       Note, setback measurement: The required fi:ont yard shall be measured.from the right-of-way
       line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required rear
       yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the
       building or structure. Side yard setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the
       determined drip line of buildings.

       10. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or
       one side yard line provided:

                   a. The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
                      the building code.
                   b. The building has adequate fire . access preserved pursuant to fire code
                   c. The zero lot line side is not adjacent to a street.
                   d A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner
                      and recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
                      administrator with the site plan or plot plan.
                   e. It is not adjacent to wetlands, or wate,jront.

       11. All required setbacks shall be landscaped bl{ffer zones.

Section 1703: Area and Bulk Requirements
(Article XVII - OSR, Open Space Recreation)

       1. Minimum lot size 21,780 sq.feet

       2. Maximum lot coverage
              Buildings: 20 %
              Pavement: 15 %

        3. Lot width: 100 feet (shall be measured at roadji-ontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured
       from setback).

       4. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)

times longer its width.

5. Height limit: 2 stories or 35 feet.

Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line
abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard rooft, and the average
height between eaves and the ridge ofgable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the
ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
groundfor each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

6. Front Setbacks
               Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 30 feet
               Collector Street: 20 feet
               Minor Street: 10 feet

7. Rear setback: 10 feet

8. Setbackfrom the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

9. Side setbacks:
         ] -story: 6 feet and 10 feet
         2-story 8 feet and 12 feet

Note, setback measurement: The required front yard shall be measured from the right-of-way
line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required IT!!£
yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearestfoundation or building wall ofthe
building or structure. Side yard setbacks shall be measured Ji-om the property line to the
determined drip line of buildings.

10. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or
one side yard line provided:

            a. The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
               the building code.
            b. The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code
            c. The zero lot line side is not ac/jacent to a street.
            d A maintenance access easement is granted by the ac/jacent property owner
               and recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
               administrator with the site plan or plot plan.
            e. It is not adjacent to wetlands, or wateifront.

11. All required setbacks shall be landscaped buffer zones.

Section I 803: Area and Bulk Requirements
(Article XVIII - LR, Lakefront Recreation)

       1. Minimum lot size 21,780 sq.feet

       2. Dedicated open space requirement: 15%

       3. Maximum lot coverage
              Buildings: 60 %
              Pavement: I 5 %

      4. Lot width: 150 feet (shall be measured at roadfrontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured
      from setback):

       5. Maximum building width:        50 % (as a portion ofthe lot width)

       6. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)
       times longer its width.

       7. Height limit: 4 stories or 60 feet.

      Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
      the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line
      abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the average
      height between eaves and the ridge ofgable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the
      ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
      groundfor each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

      8. Front Setbacks
                     Expressway, Arterial Street or lvfajor Street: 30 feet
                     Collector Street: 20 feet
                     Minor Street: IO feet

      9. Rear setback: IO feet

       I 0. Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

      11. Side setbacks:

              1-story: 8 feet   and   12 feet
              2-story IO feet   and   14 feet
              3-story 12 feet   and   16feet
              4-story 16feet    and   20 feet

      Note. setback measurement: The required front yard shall be measuredfrom the right-ofway

       line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required rear
       yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearest foundation or building wall ofthe
       building or structure. Side yard setbacks shall be measured from the property line to the
       determined drip line ofbuildings.

       12. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or
       one side yard line provided:

                    a.The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
                      the building code.
                   b. The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code
                   c. The zero lot line side is not aqjacent to a street.
                   d A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner
                      and recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
                      administrator with the site plan or plot plan.
                   e. It is not aqjacent to wetlands, or waterfront.

       13. All required setbacks shall be landscaped buffer zones.

Section 1903: Area and Bulk Requirements
(Article XIX- WM, Waterfront Marine)

       1. Minimum lot size 21,780 sq.feet

       2. Density {see definition Article ID: 24 dwelling units per buildable acre.

       3. Dedicated open space requirement: 15%

       4. Maximum lot coverage
              Buildings: 60%
              Pavement: 25%

       5. Lot width: 150 feet (shall be measured at roadfrontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured
      from setback):

       6. Maximum building width: 50% (as a portion ofthe lot width)

       7. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)
       times longer its width.

       8. Height limit:        4 stories or 60 feet

       Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
       the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line
       abuts the ji·ont yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofe, and the average

       height between eaves and the ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs (see Figure 2-2). If the
       ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
       groundfor each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

       9. Front Setbacks
                      Expressway, Arterial Street or Major Street: 30 feet
                      Collector Street: 20 feet
                      Minor Street: 10 feet

       10. Rear setback: 10 feet

       11. Setback from the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

       12. Side setbacks:
               I -story: 8 feet   and 12 feet
               2-story 10 feet    and 14 feet
               3-story 12 feet    and 16feet
               4-story 16 feet    and 20 feet

       Note, setback measurement: The required -front yard shall be measured from the right-of-way
       line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required rear
       yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearest foundation or building wall ofthe
       building or structure. Side yard setbacks shall be measured Ji-om the property line to the
       determined drip line ofbuildings.

       13. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear lot line and/or
       one side yard line provided:

                   a. The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
                      the building code.
                   b. The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code
                   c. The zero lot line side is not ac{jacent to a street.
                   d A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner
                      and recorded with the County Register of Deeds and provided to the zoning
                      administrator with the site plan or plot plan.
                   e. It is not adjacent to wetlands, or waterfront.

       14. All required setbacks shall be landscaped buffer zones.

Section 2003: Area and Bulk Requirements
(Article XY - H, Heritage)

       1. Minimum lot size 4,000 sq. feet

2. Maximum lot coverage
       Buildings: I 00 %
       Pavement: 25%

 3. Lot width: 30 feet (shall be measured at road frontage unless a cul-de-sac, then measured
from setback):

4. Width to depth ratios: The depth of any lot(s) or parcel(s) shall not be more than three (3)
times longer its width.

5. Height:

        a. Maximum height - 6 stories or 90 feet

        b. Minimum height - 2 stories or 35 feet. Minimum heights are in the form ofan
        "overlay district" on the following street corridors:

        I) Western Avenue; Ji-om Ninth Street to Pine Street.
        2) Clay Avenue; .from Seventh Street to Fourth Street.
           3) Pine Street; from Western Avenue to Apple Avenue.

Height measurement: In the case of a principal building, the vertical distance measured from
the average finished grade to the highest point of the roof surface where the building line
abuts the front yard, except as follows: to the deck line of mansard roofa, and the average
height between eaves and the ridge ofgable, hip, and gambrel roofa (see Figure 2-2). ff the
ground is not entirely level, the grade shall be determined by averaging the elevation of the
groundfor each face ofthe building (see Figure 2-4).

6. Front Setbacks
               Expressway, Arterial Street or Mqjor Street: 30 feet
               Collector Street: 20 feet
               lvfinor Street: IO feet

Note: For minimum front setbacks new principal structures on minor streets may align with
existing principal structures in the immediate area even if the setback is below the minimum

7. Rear setback: IO feet

8. Setbackfi·om the ordinary high water mark or wetland: 75 feet (principal structures only).

9. Side setbacks: no requirement

Note, setback measurement: The required ftont yard shall be measured from the right-of-way
line to the nearest foundation or building wall of the building or structure. The required rf!Jl:.

        yard shall be measuredfrom the property line to the nearestfoundation or building wall ofthe
        building or structure.

       10. Zero lot line option: New principal buildings may be erected on the rear yard line
                 a. The building has an approved fire rating for zero-lot line development under
                      the building code.
                 b. The building has adequate fire access preserved pursuant to fire code
                 c. The zero lot line side is not adjacent to a street.
                 d A maintenance access easement is granted by the adjacent property owner
                      and recorded with the County Register ofDeeds and provided to the zoning
                      administrator with the site plan or plot plan.
                 e. It is not acfjacent to wetlands, or waterfront.

        11. All required setbacks shall be landscaped buffer zones.

This ordinance adopted:

       Ayes: Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd.
       Nayes:_N_o_n_e_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

Adoption Date:      Apr i 1 11 , 2000

Effective Date:     Apr i 1 29, 2000

First Reading:      March 28     2000

Second Reading:     Apr i 1 11 , 2000

                                                       CITY OF MUSKEGO~ /

                                                       By    ~o-~ r
                                                              Gail A. Kundinger, City Clk


         The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
 Michigan, does hereby ce1tify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted
 by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the
 11 th day of April , 2000, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that
·the original of said ordinance is on file in the records ofthe City of Muskegon. I fi.uther certify that
 the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act
 No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as an1ended, and that minutes were kept and will be or
 have been made available as required thereby.          ~ _ ~~

DATED:         April 11            ,2000.            kJo_)_ - -~                  ~   1

                                                Gail Kundinger, CMC/AAE
                                                Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:        Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.

                                                                      FAX COVER SHEET
   PO BOX536
   MUSKEGON Ml 49443

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0 Urgent            •   Reply ASAP .    D Pleas--; comment O Please review O For your Information
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                                         .·:- f-1 f-         ·(7)_.       I
                                       CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                      NOTICE OF ADOPTION


        Please take notice that on April 11, 2000, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon
adopted an ordinance amending Article XXIII of the zoning ordinance concerning district bulk
height, setback coverage, mass density, and open space regulations. The ordinance is
summarized as follows:

         General. The ordinance provides for the following dimensional matters in all zoning
districts in the city. The dimensions, which are covered by an amended table and the
amendments to the text of the zoning ordinance, are as follows:

                1.       Minimum lot size
                2.       Density
                3.       Maximum lot coverage
                4.       Lot width
                5.       Width to depth ratios oflots
                6.       Height limits
                7.       Front setbacks
                8.       Rear setbacks
                9.       Setbacks from ordinary high water marks or wetlands
                10.      Side setbacks
                11.      Zero lot line options in certain districts
                12.      Maximum height limits in certain overlay districts
                 13.     Maximum setbacks in certain overlay districts

        The full ordinance should be consulted for the specific dimensional requirements or
limitations in each specific district.

        Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of
the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business

        This ordinance amendment is effective ten (10) days from the date of this publication.

                                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON

Published     Apr i l 19        , 2000            By_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                    Gail A. Kundinger, Its Clerk

                 Commission Meeting Date: March 28, 2000

Date:         March 17, 2000

To:           Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:         Planning & Economic Development           .(;J)
RE:           Rezoning request for property located at the comer of
              Laketon Ave. and Park St.


Request to rezone property located at the corner of Laketon Ave. and Park St., from 1-
2, General Industrial to B-4, General Business.






Staff recommends approval of the request due to compliance with the future land use
map and Master Land Use Plan.


The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request on 3/15/00.

                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON
          ..     ..
                                      -MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                         ORDINANCE NO.- 2018

  An ordinance to-amend the zoning map of the City to provide for azone chanie for certain property
                            from I-2 "General Industrial." to B-4 "General Business"
                                  .                    .

The zoning map of City of Muskegon is hereby amended to change the zoning ofthe following
described property from I-2 "General Industrial," to B-4 "General Business":

          LOT 4 OF BLOq( 460 OF Tiffi REVISED PLAT OF 1903 OF TI:lE CITY OF MUS~GON,

'This ordinance adopted:      .

          Ayes: Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler , Shepherd, Si eradzki

Adoption Date:         April 11 2 2000

Effective Date:        April 29, 2000

First Reading:         March 28 2000

Second Reading:        April 11 , 2000

                                                        CITY OF MUSKEGON / -

                                                       By:    tk:L-         ~,~~
                                                              Gail A. Kundinger, City Cler

3/17/00                                                                                      2

           The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
 Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a hue and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the
 City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 11th day of
  /lpri 1, 2000, at which meeting a quomm was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said
 ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted
 and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan


 DATED:        April 11            , 2000.

                                                             .   L 7.
 of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required

                                                Gail Kundinger, CMC/AAE
                                                Clerk, City of Muskegon

· Publish:      Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.

 3/17/00                                                                                       3
City of Muskegon
Planning Conmission
Case #2000-5

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                                                                      FAX COVER SHEET
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    (1;31} 724-6705
    (;i.3/) 724-4178

 Company name

Attention    /)
             l,(,-101                                             '/-/J-ocY
 Office location                                   Office_ location

Fax number                                         Phone number

0   Urgent          •    Reply ASAP      0 Plea~~- comment OPlease review OFor your informa'lion
Total pages, including cover:

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                                              t;- /;-         V/cJ.
                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                   MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICIIlGAN

                                      ORDINANCE NO. 2018

  An ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City to provide for a zone change for certain property
                      from I-2 "General Industrial," to B-4 "General Business"


The zoning map of the City of Muskegon is hereby amended to change the zoning of the following
described property from I-2 "General Industrial," to B-4 "General Business":


This ordinance adopted:

          Ayes: Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki

          Nayes:~N~o""n_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Adoption Date:      April 11   1   2000

Effective Date:     April 29, 2000

First Reading:      March 28       2000

Second Reading:     April 11 , 2000

                                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                          Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk


3117100                                                                                2
                                  Staff Report [EXCERPT)
                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                 PLANNING COMMISSION
                                    REGULAR MEETING

                                        March 15,2000

Hearing; Case 2000-5: Request to rezone City-owned property located at the corner of
Park St. and Laketon Ave. from 1-2, General Industrial to B-4, General Business.

Applicant: City of Muskegon
Address/Location of Subject Property: Northeast corner of Laketon Ave. and Park St.
Use: Vacant
Current Zoning: 1-2, General Indush·ial
Proposed Zoning: B-4, General Business

I. This triangle-shaped lot was part of the purchase of property by the City from Railtex for
   the bike trail. Although this lot is not needed for the trail, it was part of the deal when the
   trail property was purchased. The subject lot is located directly adjacent to the Muskegon
   Rescue Mission Men's Shelter on Laketon Ave. and Seventh St.
2. The City Commission has approved a lease agreement to lease the subject lot to the
   Rescue Mission. The Rescue Mission wishes to use the lot for additional parking when
   they move their retail store (now located at Remy/Sherman) to their Laketon Ave.
   location. Since the City's purchase of the lot was pmi of the golf course conversion for
   trail property, the City is prohibited from selling it.
3. The Future Land Use Map shows the subject prope1iy as industrial as pmi of a larger m·ea
   of industrial lands to the N 01ih.
4. The City has initiated the rezoning of this property since staff feels that an industrial
   zoning is no longer appropriate for the site. The lot is not large enough to locate an
   industry on, but is large enough to provide parking for the adjacent business use.
5. The Master Land Use Plan states:
   • The southerly portion of the (sub)area is devoted to industrial development ... The
      industrial area possesses several former industrial sites.
    •   Laketon Avenue suffers as a result o_fseveral business and properly owners who fail
        lo maintain the appearance of their buildings and/orjrontage sites
    •   The area's major streets lack a cohesive streetscape program.
6. The Master Plan recommends for this sub-area:
   •  Complete the proposed bicycle pathway along Laketon Avenue.
     •   Implement comprehensive streetscape programs along the sub-area's major
     •   Work with Laketon Avenue businesses to encourage site enhancements and, where
         necessary, buildingfar;ade improvements.
     • Focus "brownfield" redevelopment efforts on the former industrial land.
7. The addition and improvements to the proposed parking area will be subject to staff site
   plan review, where some of the design issues brought up in the Master Plan can be


                         ARTICLE XV - 1-2 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS


The 1-2 General Industrial Districts are established primarily for manufacturing, assembling, and fabrication
activities including large scale or specialized industrial operations whose external physical effects may be felt to
some degree by surrounding districts. The 1-2 District is so strnctured as to permit, in addition to 1-1 Light
Industrial District uses, the manufacturing, processing and compounding of semifmished or finished products
from raw materials.


In an 1-2 General Industrial District, buildings and land may be used for one (I) or more of the following
specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this Article.

I.       Any Principal Use Permitted in the l-1 District, subject to the requirements of this District.

2.       Primary metal industries, including foundries, smelting and refining of metal or alloys, rolling and
         extruding plants.

3.       Chemical plants whose manufacturing process produce products which are not hazardous materials as
         defined in the Fire Code.

4.       Paper and pulp manufacturing.

5.       Power generating plants.

6.       Junk yards and scrap metal processing.

7.       Rubber manufacturing or the remanufacturing of rubber products.

8.       Uses similar to the above principal uses.

9.       Non-accessory signs provided that the signs conform to Section 2308(1) of this Code.


The following uses, and their accessory buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted as a special land use if
it is found to meet the standards outlined in Section 2332 of this Ordinance, subject to applicable conditions
imposed by Ordinance or other reasonable conditions imposed by the Planning Commission:

1.           Any use with outside storage of aggregate, sand or other soil, or raw materials used in a manufacturing
             process such as brick, tile manufacturing plants, asphalt and cement batch plants.

2.           Gasoline storage facilities.

3.           Bulk storage or the production of acelylene, natural gas, and oxygen or other highly explosive or toxic
             gases. The storage of such gases for use in a production process or of an industry, business, or health
             care facility shall not be considered bulk storage.

4.           Chemical plants whose manufacturing process produce products which are hazardous materials as
             defined in the Fire Code.

5.           Uses similar to the above Special Land uses.


Planned developments may be allowed by the Planning Commission under the procedural guidelines of Section
2101. The intent of Planned Unit Developments in the 1-2 General Industrial District is to allow mixed land
uses, which are compatible to each other.


See Article XXI, "Schedule of Regulations", limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot
permitted by land use and maximum density permitted.

                              ARTICLE XIII - B-4 GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICTS


The B-4 General Business District is designed to provide for a wide variety of business activities including
automotive services and goods, and is generally incompatible with the uses in the B-1, B-2, and B-3 Business
Districts.     Placement along presently developed major traffic mteries prevents the conflict of traffic and
pedestrian movement since the General Business District is characterized by a minimum of pedestrian flow.
The B-4 General Business Districts have been located in areas designated on the adopted Land Use Plan.


In the B-4 General Business District, no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected,
structurally altered, or occupied except for one (I) or more of the following specified uses, unless otherwise
providing in this Ordinance:

I.           Veterinarian clinics, without outdoor kennels.

2.           Bus passenger stations.

3.           Stores selling second hand merchandise.

4.           Funeral homes.

5.       Automobile car wash, when completely enclosed in a building.

6.       Auto service stations for the sale of gasoline, oil, and accessories, subject to the following:

         a.       The curb for ingress and egress to a service station shall not be permitted at such location that
                  will tend to create traffic hazards in the streets immediately adjacent thereto. Entrances shall
                  be no less than twenty-five (25) feet from a street intersection (measured from the road right-
                  of-way) or from adjacent residential districts.

         b.       The minimum lot area shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet, and so arranged that ample
                  space is available for motor vehicles which are required to wait.

         c.       Major automobile repair, engine and body repair, steam cleaning and undercoating may be
                  allowed when conducted on the site, and said uses shall be within a completely enclosed
                  building. The storage of wrecked automobiles on the site shall be obscured from public view.
                   No automobile or vehicle of any kind shall be stored in the open for a period exceeding one
                  (1) week.

        d.        All rest rooms doors shall be shielded from adjacent streets and residential districts.

        e.        Dispensing pumps shall be set back twenty (20) feet from the right-of-way line.

7.      Self service laundry and dry cleaning establishments.

8.      Amusement, entertainment, and recreational, including bowling alleys and skating rinks.

9.      Storage of non-hazardous and non-toxic materials or goods provided such storage is within a building
        or is enclosed as not to be visible to the public from any abutting residential district or public street.
10.     Theaters, when completely enclosed.

11.     Banks, with or without drive-in facilities.

12.     Restaurants and cocktails lounges.

13.     Motels and hotels.

14.     Residential uses as part of a building in this business zone shall be allowed upon issuance of a
        Ce11ificate of Occupancy from the Department of Inspections, but provided that the minimum lot area
        requirements of the RM-3 District are met.

15.     Assembly of small parts provided that there shall be no machining, painting, cutting, grinding, or
        welding of parts.

I 6.     Principal Use as permitted in B-2 Dish·icts.

17.      Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to the above Principal Uses Permitted.

18.      Uses similar to the above Principal Uses Permitted.


The following uses, and their accessory buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted under the purview of
Section 2332 after review and approval of the use (and a site plan, if required) by the Planning Commission,
after Public Hearing, subject to the applicable conditions, and any other reasonable conditions imposed by the

Planning Commission. A site plan shall not be required when there is no change to buildings or existing

I.            Sales space for the sale of new and used automobiles, house trailers, travel trailers, and recreational
              vehicles, subject to the following.

              a.       Ingress and egress to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty (60) feet from the
                       intersection of any two (2) streets:

              b.       No major repair or major refinishing shall be done on the lot, such use of land being only
                       permitted in the I-1 or I-2 Industrial Districts.

2.        Flea markets and auctions.

3.            Business in the character ofa drive-in restaurant or open front store, subject to the following:

          a.           A setback of at least sixty (60) feet from the street right-of-way line of any existing or
                       proposed major thoroughfare shall be maintained.

          b.           Ingress and egress points shall be located at least sixty ( 60) feet from the intersection of any
                       two (2) streets.

4.        Outdoor recreational space for amusement parks, miniature golf courses, and other outdoor recreation
          activities subject to the following:

          a.           Amusement parks or amusement facilities must be fenced on all sides with a four foot six
                       inch (4'-6") high wall or fence.

          b.           Adequate parking shall be provided off the road right-of-way and shall be fenced with a four
                       foot six inch (4'-6") high wall or fence where adjacent to the use.

5.        Outdoor theaters subject to the following conditions:

          a.           Points of ingress and egress for the outdoor theater shall be on major thoroughfares and shall
                       not be accessible from any residential street.

          b.           All vehicles waiting or standing to enter the facility shall be provided off-street waiting space.
                       No vehicle shall be permitted to wait or stand within a dedicated road right-of way.

6.        Private clubs, lodges, social and similar facilities.

7.        Churches and other facilities normally incidental thereto subject to the following conditions:

          a.           The site shall be so located as to provide for ingress and egress from said site directly onto a
                       major or secondary thoroughfare.

          b.           The principal buildings on the site shall be set back from abutting properties zoned for
                       residential use not less than thirty (30) feet.

          c.           Buildings of greater than the maximum height allowed in Section 2100 may be allowed
                       provided front, side, and rear yards are increased above the minimum requirements by one (1)
                       foot for each foot of building that exceeds the maximum height allowed.

8.        Commercial Kennels.

9.       Mini Storage (warehouse facilities); (amended I 0/98)

                  a.      The parcel shall have direct access to a major thoroughfare.

                  b.      One (I) parking space shall be provided for each twenty (20) rental units within the
                          buildings, and one (I) parking space shall be provided for each employee on site.

                  c.      Between warehouses, there shall be a minimum of twenty five (25') feet for internal
                          access drives. Traffic direction and parking shall be designated by signaling or

                 d.       The lot area used for parking and access shall be provided with a pennanent,
                          durable, dustless surface and shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all
                          surface water.

                 e.       All lighting shall conform to section 2319 of this ordinance.

                 f.       A ten foot landscaped berm shall be required in the front setback of areas adjacent to
                          any residential zone or use.

                 g.       Retail, wholesale, fabrication) manufacturing, or service activities may not be
                          conducted from the storage units by the lessees.

                 h.       Storage of goods shall be limited to personal property with no commercial
                          distribution allowed and no operation which requires the regular delivery or pick-up
                          of goods in truck in excess of one and one-half ( 1.5) ton rated capacity shall be

                  i.      All storage shall be within the enclosed building area. There shall be no outside
                          storage or stockpiling.

                 j.       No storage of hazardous, toxic, or explosive materials shall be permitted at the
                          facility. Signs shall be posted at the facility describing such limitations.

I0.     Accessory uses and accessory buildings customarily incidental to the above Special Land Uses

11.     Uses similar to the above Special Land Uses Permitted.
12.     Non-accessory signs provided that the signs conform to Section 2308 (I) (f) of this code.


Planned Developments may be allowed by the Planning Commission under the procedural guidelines of Section
210 I. The intent of Planned Unit Developments in the B-4 General Business Districts is to allow mixed land
uses, which are compatible to each other, while prohibiting nonresidential uses which would not be compatible
or harmonious with residential dwellings or permitted commercial uses.


See A1ticle XXI, "Schedule of Regulations", limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot
permitted by land use, and maximum density permitted.

Criteria-based questions typically asked during a rezoning include:

1. What, if any, identifiable conditions related to the petition have changed which justify
   the petitioned change in zoning.

2. What are the precedents and the possible effects of precedent which might result from
   the approval or denial of the petition.
3. What is the impact of the amendment on the ability of the city to provide adequate
   public services and facilities and/or programs that might reasonably be required in the
   future if the petition is approved.

4. Does the petitioned zoning change adversely affect the environmental conditions or value
   of the surrounding property.

5. Does the petitioned zoning change generally comply with the adopted Future Land
   Use Plan of the City.
6. Are there any significant negative environmental impacts which would reasonably
   occur if the petitioned zoning change and resulting allowed structures were built such as:

       a.     Surface water drainage problems
       b.     Waste water disposal problems
       c.     Adverse effect on surface or subsurface water quality
       d.     The loss of valuable natural resources such as forest, wetland, historic
              sites, or wildlife areas.

                Commission Meeting Date: March 28, 2000

Date:        March 17, 2000

To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
From:        Planning & Economic Developme~
RE:          Rezoning request for property located on Holbrook Ave.,
             between Sixth and Commerce Streets


Request to rezone property located on Holbrook Ave., between Sixth and Commerce
Streets, from 1-2, General Industrial to B-2, Convenience and Comparison Business.






Staff recommends approval of the request due to compliance with the future land use
map and Master Land Use Plan.


The Planning Commission recommended approval of the request on 3/15/00.

City of Muskegon
Planning Conmission
Case #2000-9

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                                                                    City of Muskegon Heights

        200            0             200   400                600                     800 Feet
                                                        CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                              MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                                   ORDINANCE NO. 2019

 An ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City to provide for a zone change for certain property
               from 1-2 "General Industrial," to B-2 "Convenience and Comparison Business"


The zoning map of the City of Muskegon is hereby amended to change the zoning of the following
described property from 1-2 "General Industrial," to B-2 "Convenience and Comparison Business":


This ordinance adopted:

          Ayes: Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd , Sieradzki

          Nayes:_N_o_n_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Adoption Date:.___A_,p_r_i_l_1_1,___2_0_00_ __

Effective Date:     ___Apr i__
                            1 29,
                               ,_               ____

First Reading: _ _---'-M-'a-"'-r-'-c-'-"-h_2=8'--'-----=2-"-00-'--0'------

Second Reading:_ _A_,p_r_i_l_11_,___2_0_00_ _ _ __

                                                                         CITY OF ~SK.EGON. )                 ,

                                                                        By:   ~ Q_L~]sw
                                                                              Gail A Kundinger, City Clerk

3/17/00                                                                                                  2

         The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County,
Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the
City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 11 'th day of
 April , 2000, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said
ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted
and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan
of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required
thereby.                                                            /

DATED:          April 11           2000.         ~    o..J__, --k,,_._._.k,.... ~
                                               Gail Kundinger, CMC/AAE
                                               Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:       Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.

3/17/00                                                                                      3
                                                                     FAX COVER SHEET
   MUSKEGON Ml 49443

   (,(13/) 724-6705
   (6<31) 724-4178

 Company name

 Office /ocaffon                                  Office. location

Fax number                                        Phone number

0 Urgent            •    Reply ASAP.   0 Plea;~ comment O P/~ase review O For your informa"tion
Total pages, including cover.·

                                  ,IJ fl . ;vJJ'J

                                                  ~ I

                                                              CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                   MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                                         ORDINANCE NO. 2019

 An ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City to provide for a zone change for certain property
          from 1-2 "General Industrial," to B-2 "Convenience and Comparison Business"


The zoning map of the City of Muskegon is hereby amended to change the zoning of the following
desc1ibed property from I-2 "General Industrial," to B-2 "Convenience and Comparison Business":


This ordinance adopted:

           Ayes: Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sieradzki

           Nayes:_N_o_n_e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Adoption Date: ___A~p_r_i_l_1_1~•_2_0_0_0_ _

Effective Date: _ _ _Apc._r_i'---l----=2-'--9-'--,---'2=--'0'---0-"0_ _

First Reading: _ _ _M~a_r_c~h_2_8~_2_0_00_ _ _ __

Second Reading: _ _A~p_r_i_l_11_,~2_0_0_0_ _ _ __

                                                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                          By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                                                                Gail A. Kundinger, City Clerk

3/17/00                                                                                                  2
                                  Staff Report [EXCERPT]
                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                 PLANNING COMMISSION
                                   REGULAR MEETING

                                        March 15, 2000

Hearing; Case 2000-9: Reqnest to rezone property located on Holbrook Ave. (between
Sixth and Commerce Streets) from 1-2, General lndnstrial to B-2, Convenience and
Comparison Business, by the Muskegon Housing Commission.

Applicant: Muskegon Housing Commission (McKinley Copeland)
Address/Location of Subject Property: Holbrook Ave., between Sixth & Commerce Streets
Use: Vacant
Current Zoning: I-2, General Indush·ial
Proposed Zoning: B-2, Convenience and Comparison Business

I. This case was before the Planning Commission for a B-4 designation and was denied
   with the staff suggestion it come through again with a B-2 rezoning request.
2. The current Muskegon Housing Commission property, to the north of the subject
   property, was rezoned to B-4 in 1995. The Housing Commission believed that all of the
   property associated with their purchase of the Muskegon Piston Ring property was
   included in the rezoning, but staff research showed that only the block nmih of Alpha
   Ave. was included. Therefore, the subject property remains zoned as I-2.
3. The Muskegon Housing Commission wishes to construct a 4-stall garage on the property,
   which is not allowed under the current I-2 zoning, since it would be an accessory use to a
   business use and should be similarly zoned.
4. A downzoning of the property seems appropriate. The B-2 zoning district would also
   allow the intended use, but allows less intensive uses in general than the B-4 district
   would allow.
5. The Future Land Use Map shows the subject property, as well as the current Muskegon
   Housing Commission property, as residential. This downzoning gets the prope1iy closer
   to what the plan suggests we should move toward.
6. The Master Land Use Plan states:
   • The southerly portion of the (sub)area is devoted to industrial development ... The
      industrial area possesses several former industrial sites.
    •   Buffers between residential and industrial development are virtually non-existent.
     •   The small enclave o_fhousing within the vicinity ofEast Hackley Avenue and Park
         Street is isolated by industrial and commercial development. The suitability, and
         long term survival, ofresidential development in this location is questionable.
7. The Master Plan recommends for this sub-area:
   • Redevelop that portion of the sub-area located south and east o_f the industrial sector
      from residential to industrial.
     •   Implement, through zoning, buffer requirements to mitigate compatibility impacts
         between residential and non-residential uses.
     •   Focus "brownfield" redevelopment efforts on the former industrial land


                         ARTICLE XV - 1-2 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS


The 1-2 General Industrial Districts are established primarily for manufacturing, assembling, and fabrication
activities including large scale or specialized industrial operations whose external physical effects may be felt to
some degree by surrounding districts. The 1-2 District is so structured as to permit, in addition to I-1 Light
Industrial District uses, the manufacturing, processing and compounding of semifinished or finished products
from raw materials.


In an 1-2 General Industrial District, buildings and land may be used for one (I) or more of the following
specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this Article.

I.       Any Principal Use Permitted in the 1-1 District, subject to the requirements of this District.

2.       Primary metal industries, including foundries, smelting and refining of metal or alloys, rolling and
         extruding plants.

3.       Chemical plants whose manufacturing process produce products which are not hazardous materials as
         defined in the Fire Code.

4.       Paper and pulp manufacturing.

5.       Power generating plants.

6.       Junk yards and scrap metal processing.

7.       Rubber manufacturing or the remanufacturing of rubber products.

8.       Uses similar to the above principal uses.

9.       Non-accessory signs provided that the signs conform to Section 2308(1) of this Code.


The following uses, and their accessory buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted as a special land use if
it is found to meet the standards outlined in Section 2332 of this Ordinance, subject to applicable conditions
imposed by Ordinance or other reasonable conditions imposed by the Planning Commission:

 1.      Any use with outside storage of aggregate, sand or other soil, or raw materials used in a manufacturing
         process such as brick, tile manufacturing plants, asphalt and cement batch plants.

2.       Gasoline storage facilities.

3.       Bulk storage or the production of acelylene, natural gas, and oxygen or other highly explosive or toxic
         gases. The storage of such gases for use in a production process or of an industry, business, or health
         care facility shall not be considered bulk storage.

4.       Chemical plants whose manufactming process produce products which are hazardous materials as
         defined in the Fire Code.

5.       Uses similar to the above Special Land uses.


Platmed developments may be allowed by the Planning Commission under the procedural guidelines of Section
2101. The intent of Planned Unit Developments in the 1-2 General Industrial Disa·ict is to allow mixed land
uses, which are compatible to each other.


See Article XXI, "Schedule of Regulations", limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot
permitted by land use and maximum density permitted.



The B-2 Convenience and Comparison Business Districts are designed for the convenience and community
shopping needs of residents in the Muskegon Area, and they are intended to be located in planned groups near
the intersection of major thoroughfares. All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments
dealing directly with consumers, and all goods produced on the premises shall be sold at retail on the premises
where produced. All business, servicing or processing, except off-street parking or loading, shall be conducted
within a completely enclosed building, unless otherwise provided by this Ordinance and specifically approved
by the City.


In a 8-2 Convenience and Comparison Business District no building or land shall be used and no building shall
be erected, structurally altered, or occupied except for one (1) or more of the following specified uses, unless
otherwise provided for in this Ordinance:

1.      Any generally recognized retail business which supplies commodities such as: groceries, meats, dairy
        products, baked goods or other foods, drugs, drygoods, and notions or hardware.

2.      Personal service establishments such as: shoe repair, dry cleaning shops, tailor shops, beauty parlors,
        barber shops, banks and savings and loan offices, pharmacist and laboratories, or any service
        establishment of an office-showroom or workshop nature of an electrician, decorator, dressmaker,

         tailor, shoemaker, baker, printer, upholsterer, appliance repair, photographic reproduction, and similar
         establishments that require a retail character no more objectionable than the aforementioned.

3.       Restaurants, or other places serving food.

4.       Professional offices of doctors, lawyers, dentists, chiropractors, architects, engineers, accountants, and
         similar or allied professions. Offices may be permitted for similar or allied professions. Offices may
         be permitted for applied technology, light technological research, research and development facilities
         with laboratories, but no industrially oriented production facilities shall be permitted.
5.       Office buildings for any of the following types of occupations: executive, administrative and

6.       Post offices and other governmental office buildings.

7.       Newspaper offices and printing offices.

8.       Private clubs, lodge halls, social, and similar organizations, including assembly or rental halls.

9.      Residential uses as part of a building in this business zone shall be allowed upon issuance of a
        Certificate of Occupancy from the Department of Inspections, but provided that the minimum lot area
        requirements of the RM-2 District are met.

I 0.    Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to the above Principal Uses Permitted.

11.     Uses similar to the above Principal Uses Permitted.


The following uses, and their accessory buildings and accessory uses, shall be permitted under the purview of
Section 2332 after review and approval of the use (and a site plan, if required) by the Planning Commission,
after Public Hearing, subject to the applicable conditions, and any other reasonable conditions imposed by the
Planning Commission. A site plan shall not be required when no external changes are made to the buildings or

I.      Automobile service stations for the sale of gasoline, oil) tires, muffler tune up, not including major
        repair such as engine rebuilding, undercoating, and similar industrially oriented activities, and subject
        further to the following:

        a.        The curb cuts for ingress and egress to a service station shall not be permitted at such
                  locations that will tend to create traffic hazards in the streets immediately adjacent thereto.
                  Entrances shall be no less than twenty-five (25) feet from a street intersection (measured from
                  the roadway) or from adjacent residential property, and subject to other ordinances of the

        b.        The minimum lot area shall be ten thousand (10,000) square feet, and so arranged that ample
                  space is available for motor vehicles which are required to wait.

        c.        There shall be provided, on those sides abutting or adjacent to a residential district, a four foot
                  (4') completely obscuring wall or fence. The height of the wall or fence shall be measured
                  from the surface of the ground.

        d.        All lighting shall be shielded from adjacent residential districts and from abutting streets.

        e.        All rest rooms doors shall be shielded from adjoining residential property.

2.    Banks with drive-in facilities, when said drive-in facilities are incidental to the principal function.

3.    Business in the character of a drive-in restaurant, or open front store, subject to the following:

      a.       A setback of at least sixty (60) feet shall be provided from the street right-of-way line of any
               existing or proposed major thoroughfare.

      b.       Ingress and egress points shall be located at least sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any
               two (2) streets

4.    Churches and other facilities normally incidental thereto subject to the following conditions:
      a.      The site shall be so located as to provide for ingress and egress from said site directly onto a
              major or secondary thoroughfare.

      b.       The principal buildings on the site shall be set back from abutting properties zoned for
               residential use not less than thi1ty (30) feet.

      c.       Buildings of greater than the maximum height allowed in Section 2100 may be allowed
               provided front) side, and rear yards are increased above the minimum requirements by one ( l)
               foot for each foot of buildings that exceeds the maximum height allowed.

5.    Hotels, motels, sleeping inns and other facilities normally incidental thereto subject to the following

      a.       The maximum length of stay at the facility shall not be greater than fourteen (I 4) consecutive

      b.       Kitchen facilities may be allowed for some or all of the guest units, at the discretion of the
               Planning Commission, provided that not more than fifty percent (50%) of the units have such

      c.       The minimum floor area of each guest unit shall contain not less than two-hundred (200)
               square feet. Each guest unit shall contain a private rest room.

      d.      The minimum lot area shall be one-half (1/2) acre with a minimum width of seventy-five (75)
              feet. For any new development containing less than one (I) acre there shall be at least sixteen
              hundred (I 600) square feet of lot for each guest rental unit. In no case is a development to
              exceed 24 total units.

      e.      Parking shall be provided on-site.

      f.      The Planning Commission may require a common open space area of one hundred (100)
              square feet per unit with tables and seating. This area may be located in the required setback.

6.    Accessory buildings and accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above Special Land Uses

7.    Uses similar to the above Special Land Uses Permitted.

8.    Self-serve, coin operated, automobile car wash, enclosed in a building.


Planned developments may be allowed by the Planning Commission under the procedural guidelines of Section
2101. The intent of Planned Unit Developments in the B-2 Convenience and Comparison Business Districts is
to allow mixed land uses which are compatible to each other, while prohibiting nonresidential uses which
would not be compatible or harmonious with residential dwellings.


See Article XXI, "Schedule of Regulations", limiting the height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot
permitted by land use, and maximum density permitted.

Criteria-based questions typically asked during a rezoning include:

1. What, if any, identifiable conditions related to the petition have changed which justify
   the petitioned change in zoning.

2. What are the precedents and the possible effects of precedent which might result from
   the approval or denial of the petition.

3. What is the impact of the amendment on the ability of the city to provide adequate
   public services and facilities and/or programs that might reasonably be required in the
   future if the petition is approved.

4. Does the petitioned zoning change adversely affect the environmental conditions or value
   of the surrounding prope1iy.

5. Does the petitioned zoning change generally comply with the adopted Future Land
   Use Plan of the City.
6. Are there any significant negative environmental impacts which would reasonably
   occur if the petitioned zoning change and resulting allowed structures were built such as:

                 a.       Surface water drainage problems
                 b.       Waste water disposal problems
                 c.       Adverse effect on surface or subsurface water quality
                 d.       The loss of valuable natural resources such as forest,                   wetland,
                          historic sites, or wildlife areas.

                          Commission meeting 3/28/00

Date:        March 22, 2000

To:          Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From:        Community Relation Committee
             Ken James

Re:          Appointments & Resolutions

Summary ofRequest:
      To concur with the action of the Community Relation Committee and
approve the following appointments.

Financial Impact:

Budget Action Required:

Staff Recommendation:

Accept the resignation of Bruce Bytwerk
Appoint Michael Balzic to the vacancy created by Bruce Bytwerk

The Community Relation Committee Approved to honor Mr. John Noling of
Muskegon High School with a Resolution (Date of presentation to be determined)
                               AGENDA ITEM NO. _ _ __

                    CITY COMMISSION MEETING _ _ _ _ __

TO:            Honorable Mayor and City Connnission

FROM:          Department of Public Works

DATE:          April 5, 2000

SUBJECT:       Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials and Concrete

Award bid to supply Calcium Chloride 38% (road brine) and 32% (winter salting) to Liquid
Dustlayer, Inc.

Award bid to supply 20AA and 31 A bituminous asphalt to Asphalt Paving, Inc.

Award bid to supply polymer modified anionic asphalt emulsion to Koch Materials Company.

Award bid to supply sylvax-patching material to Rieth-Riley Constrnction Company.

Award bid to supply limestone chip blend to Stoneco Muskegon Dock.

Award bid to supply road slag to Verplank Trucking Company.

Award bid to supply concrete to Consumers Concrete.

$106,776 based on 1999 usage at 2000 quotes.

None; monies appropriated in several budgets.

To award the various materials to the vendors as requested.

 Affinnati\'c Actio n
 23 1/724-6703
 FAX/722- 12 14

 Assl'Sso r
 23 I /724-670R
 FA X/726-518 1

 23 1/724-6783
 FAX/726-56 I 7

 ( ' ivil Sl!r ricr
 23 1/724-67 1(,
 FAX/724-4055                                            West Michigan's Shm'Cllne City
 C ieri,
 2J I /724-67115
 FAX/724-41 78
                           To:            The City Commission Through The City Manager
                           From:          Robe1i H. Kuhn, Public Works Director
 C omm. & Neig h.
     Scr \'icts            Date:          April 5, 2000
 23 1/724- 67 17           Subject:       Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials, and Concrete

 23 I /724- 6707
 F...\X/727-6904           The following bids were received as the result of adve1iisement in The Chronicle and
 Fi l lil U Cl'
                           solicitation from vendors. It is recommended that the vendor denoted by bold print
 23 1/724-6713             supply the Depaiiment of Public Works with product as needed in 2000. Moneys have
 Fi\ X/724-6768
                           been appropriated for these purchases.
Fi1·c Dc1H.
23 1/724-6792
F1\ X/724-/,985            32,500 gallons Calcium Chloride 38% (road brine) ($0.31 in 1999)
l ncunu.• Tax
                                  Liquid Dustlayer, Inc.      $0.34 per gallon, spread
FA X/724-6768
                           5,000 gallons Calcium Chloride 32% (winter salting) ($0.25 in 1999)
Info. Sys tr111s
2J 1/724-6744
                                  Liquid Dustlayer Inc.      $0.28 per gallon, stored
FAX/722-4311 I

Ll'i~Llrl' Sl'n 'icc
                           200 ton Bituminous Asphalt 4:12, 20AA MDOT spec ($26.50 in 1999)
23 1/724-6704                     Asphalt Paving, Inc.        $33.65 per ton
F,\X/724- 11 %

l\ l a11agc r 1s O ffice   1,000 ton Bituminous Asphalt 4:12. 31A MDOT spec ($27.50 in 1999)
23 1/72 4-6724
FAX/722- 12 14                    Asphalt Paving, Inc.         $33.65 per ton
~ la yor's Office
23 1/72 4-6701             7,500 gallons Polymer Modified Anionic Asphalt Emulsion (HFST Emulsion)
FAX/722- 12 14
                           8.16.04 MDOT spec ($0.870 in 1999)
Neigh. 1..'v. C onst.             Koch                        $0.99 per gallon, pick up Grand Rapids
23 1/724-67 15
                           500 ton Sylvax Patching Material, ASTM spec C-136-#9 ($59.00 in 1999)
l' l;tn11i11g/Z1t11i11g           Rieth-Riley Construction Co. $59.00 per ton, delivered
2J 1/724-6702
FAX/72 4-6790                     Asphalt Paving, Inc.          $60.55 per ton, delivered
Po lin.~Dept.
23 1/724-6750              500 ton Hl & H2 Limestone Chip Blend ($11 .40 in 1999)
FA X/722-5 I 40
                                  Stoneco Muskegon Dock     $9.65 per ton, delivered
Puhlic \\lu r ks
23 I /724-4100
FAX/722-41 RR              9,000 ton Road Slag 22-A Natural ($8.50 in 1999)
                                  Verplank Trucking Co.       $8.15 per ton, delivered
·1·r l',1s urc r
23 I /724-6 720                   Stoneco Muskegon Dock       $8.45 per ton, delivered
                                  Meekhofs Lakeside Dock $8.95 per ton, delivered
Water Billing Dept.
23 1/7H-67 1R
                           Concrete mix as needed (7 Sack Mix $69.35 in 1999)
                                 Consumers Concrete         $71.73 per cubic yard, 7 Sack Mix, delivered
\\l ate r fillra lio n
23 1/724-4 106                   P01i City Redi-Mix         $73.50 per cubic yard, 7 Sack Mix, delivered
FAX/755-5290                     High Grade Concrete Prod. $82.20 per cubic yard, 7 Sack Mix, delivered
                                      Department of Public Works, 1350 E. Keat in g, M uskegon, Ml 49442
Purchases on 1999 Bid - Aggregates, Highway Maintenance Materials and Concrete

Calcium Chloride 38% (road brine)
      47,805 gal X $0.31 = $14,820

Calcium Chloride 32% (winter salting)
      0 gal X $0.25

Bituminous Asphalt 4: 12, 20AA MDOT spec
      200 ton X $26.50 = $5,300

Bituminous Asphalt 4: 12, 3 lA MDOT spec
       1175 ton X $27.50 = $32,313

Polymer Modified Anionic Asphalt Emulsion (HFST Emulsion) 8.16.04 MDOT spec
      5614.29 gal x $0.870 = $4,884

Sylvax Patching Material, ASTM spec C-136-#9
       52.06 ton X $59.00 = $3,072

HI & H2 Limestone Chip Blend
      194.1 ton X $11.40 = $2,213

Road Slag 22-A Natural
      4106.75 ton X $8.50 = $34,907

Concrete Mix (various densities utilized; 7 Sack Mix predominate)
      289 cubic yards X $69.35 = $20,042

                                       AGENDA Item No. _ _ __

                           CITY COMMISSION MEETING - April 11, 2000

TO:               Honorable Mayor and City Commission

FROM:             Robert Kuhn, DPW Director

DATE:             April 3, 2000

SUBJECT:          Public Service Building Roof Repair Project


This project is to repair a portion of the Public Service Building roof that has deteriorated due to
corrosion of the steel deck. Repairs will involve an initial area of known deterioration in the
vehicle garage and expand to adjacent areas should additional deterioration be found during
construction. The initial area was bid as a base price with unit pricing for additional materials if

Bids were taken on March 14, 2000 for this project and the low bid of three submitted was
$274,350 from Gale Roofing Co. The complete bid tabulation is attached. Our architect,
Hooker/Delong, has reviewed the bid submittals and recommends that we accept the bid from
Gale Roofing Co.


The current budget allocation for roofrepair is $319,000.


None, this project is included under planned capital improvements in the Public Service Building


Award the roof repair contract to Gale Roofing, Co.

C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\PSB Roof Repair Agenda Item.doc
                                      City of Muskegon DPW
                             Roof Repair and Renovation Bid Tabulation
                                           March 14, 2000

Bidder Name                             Base Price   Decking Unit   Decking Unit    Purlin Unit
                                                     Price/sa.ft.   Credit/sa.ft.   Price/each
Gale Roofing Co.                        $274,350     1.78           1.78            140.00
East Muskegon Roofing &                 $299,235     1.70           1.35            158.00
Sheet Metal
Ostrander Siding & Roofing              $388,343     4.00           3.00            260.00

C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\PSB RoofRcpair Agenda Item.doc

March 28, 2000

To:               Robert Kuhn, DPW Director

From:             Bob Fountain, Special Operations Supervisor

Subject:          Public Service Building Repairs

I have enclosed an agenda item for the repair of the Public Service Building. As you recall we
have developed a capital improvement plan with the assistance of Hooker/DeJong Architects for
renovation of the Public Service Building this year. The roof repair is a major part of this project.

                            Brief History of the Public Service Building (PSB)

The PSB was built in 1970 and has about 100,000 square feet of vehicle parking, shops and
offices. It is a standard steel building that still uses a 1970-era radiant heating system for the
parking garage. Over the years the steel roof deck has rusted in the area where plow trucks are
parked. In 1984-6 the building was re-roofed and at that time small patches were made on the
roof deck where co1Toded deck areas collapsed.

In 1995 we commissioned Hooker/DeJong Architects to evaluate the PSB for repairs and capital
improvements that would extend the life span and increase the efficient use of the building. Their
report listed a number ofrenovations that should be made. Among these was repair of the roof
deck. In 1997 we bid out this project but found that we did not have sufficient funding at the time
to commission the project. However, we were able to carry out two other projects, re-painting the
exterior of the building (1998) and re-paving the parking lot (1997). This year we also plan to
modernize office areas in the building to increase efficiency and to install energy-efficient
heating in the parking garage.

C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\PSB Roof Repair Agenda Item.doc
Date: April    11, 2000

To:       Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From:       Finance Director

RE:       Reimbursement Resolution for Sidewalks and PSB Improvements

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Later this year it is expected the City will sell bonds to
finance sidewalks and improvements at the Public Service Building. Contracts for the work
will be let prior to the issuance of bonds so it is necessary to adopt the attached
"reimbursement resolution". This will allow the City to reimburse itself from bond proceeds for
project costs incurred prior to the time bonds are sold.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: Adoption will permit the City to move ahead with the planned
projects and reimburse itself from proceeds from bonds issued at a later date.

BUDGET ACTION REQUIRED: None at this time.

STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the attached resolution.

Founded in 1852                                                                                           MIC IIIGAN : Ann Arbor
by Sidney Davy Miller

Sidney T. Miller ( 1864-1940)
                                          MILLER                                                         Detroit• Grand Rapids
                                                                                                           Howell • Kalamazoo
                                                                                                        Lansing• Monroe• Troy
George L. Canfield ( 1866-1928)
Lewis H. Paddock (1866-1935)
Ferris D. Stone ( 1882-1945)
                                          CANFIELD                                                             New York, N.Y .
                                                                                                             Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                               !'OLAND: Gdynia
                                          MILLER, CANl'IELD, PADDOCK AND STONE, P.L.C.
                                                                                                            Katowice • Warsaw

                                               150 West Jefferson, Suite 2500                                AFflLIA TED OFFICE:

JOELL. PIELL                                     Detroit, Michigan 48226                                          Pensacola, FL
TEL: (313) 496-7518                                TEL: (313) 963-6420
FAX: (313) 496-8450                                FAX: (3 13) 496-7500

                                                     March 28, 2000
         Timothy J. Paul                                                             RECE~VE~D
         Finance Director                                                            CITY OF MUSKEGON
         City of Muskegon
         933 Terrace St.                                                                 MAR 3 0 2000
         PO Box 536
         Muskegon, MI 49443-0536                                                    FINANCE DEPT.
         Dear Tim:

                Please find herewith enclosed a form of reimbursement resolution which should
         serve for both of the City's proposed projects. I would ask you to review same and if it
         meets with your approval, submit same to the City Commission for its consideration.
         After adoption, I would ask that you return a certified copy of the resolution to me.

                Should you have any questions concerning this or if I may be of other assistance,
         please advise.


         cc:       Mr. Warren M. Creamer, III

         DELIB:2143433.1 \099999-20 I00
                                   REIMBURSEMENT RESOLUTION
                                            City of Muskegon
                                  County of Muskegon, State of Michigan

            Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County
     of Muskegon, State of Michigan held on the 11th day of April , 2000, at 5:30 o'clock p.m.
     Eastern Daylight Savings Time.

     PRESENT:      Members      Nielsen, Sieradzki, Aslakson, Benedict, Schweifler,

                        Shepherd, and Spataro

     ABSENT:       Members - -

           The following preamble and resolution were offered by Member --'S~c~hw~e~1~·f~l~er~-~
~-   and supported by Member __S~p~a~t~ar~o~-----
            WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan (the "City")
     intends to issue or and sell bonds or cause to be issued and sold bonds, in one or more series, in
     amounts not to exceed Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) for the purpose of paying part of the
~    cost of acquiring and constructing various street and building improvements (the "Projects");
!    and

            WHEREAS, the City intends, at this time to state its intentions to be reimbursed from
     proceeds of the bonds for any expenditures undertaken by the City for the Projects prior to
     issuance of the bonds.


           1.    The City makes the following declarations for the purpose of complying with the
     reimbursement rules of Treas. Reg.§ 1.150-2 pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

                 (a)    As of the date hereof, the City reasonably expects to reimburse itself for the
           expenditures described in (b) below with proceeds of debt to be incurred by the City.

                  (b)     The expenditures described in this paragraph (b) are for the costs of
           acquiring and constructing the Projects together with appurtenances and attachments
           thereto to serve the City which were or will be paid subsequent to six months prior to the
           date hereof.
               (c)    The maximum principal amount of debt expected to be issued for the
        Project, including issuance costs, is $3,000,000.

               (d)     A reimbursement allocation of the expenditures described in (b) above with
        the proceeds of the borrowing described herein will occur not later than 18 months after
        the later of (i) the date on which the expenditure is paid, or (ii) the date the Project is
        placed in service or abandoned, but in no event more than three (3) years after the
        original expenditure is paid. A reimbursement allocation is an allocation in writing that
        evidences the City's use of the proceeds of the debt to be issued for the Project to
        reimburse the City for a capital expenditure made pursuant to this Resolution.

               (e)    The expenditures described in (b) above are "capital expenditures" as
        defined in Treas. Reg. § 1.150-l(b), which are any costs of a type which are properly
        chargeable to a capital account (or would be so chargeable with a proper election or with
        the application of the definition of placed in service under Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2(c))
        under general Federal income tax principles (as determined at the time the expenditure is

               (f)    No proceeds of the borrowing paid to the City in reimbursement pursuant to
        this Resolution will be used in a manner described in Treas. Reg. § 1. l 50-2(b) with
        respect to abusive uses of such proceeds, including, but not limited to, using funds
        corresponding to the proceeds of the borrowing in a manner that results in the creation of
        replacement proceeds (within Treas. Reg. § 1.148-1) within one year of the
        reimbursement allocation described in (d) above.

              (g)    Expenditures for the Project to be reimbursed for the proceeds of the
       borrowing for purposes of this Resolution do not include costs for the issuance of the
       debt or an amount not in excess of the lesser of $100,000 or 5 percent of the proceeds of
       the borrowing, or preliminary expenditure not exceeding twenty (20) percent of the issue
       price of the borrowing, within the meaning of Treas. Reg. § l.150-2(f) (such preliminary
       expenditures include architectural, engineering, surveying, soil testing and similar costs
       incurred prior to construction of the Project, but do not include land acquisition, site
       preparation, and similar costs incident to commencement of construction).

        2.     All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions
of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded.

AYES:         Members      Spataro, Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler,

                 Shepherd, Sieradzki

NAYS:        ·Members         None

      RESOLUTION DECLARED ADOPTED.                      /        .

                                     City Clerk
                                                   ~ 4 ,A)

             I hereby certify that the foregoing is a hue and complete copy of a resolution adopted by
      the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, at a
      regular meeting held on Apri J u_, 2000, and that said meeting was conducted and public
      notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open Meetings
      Act, being Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, and that the minutes of said meeting were
      kept and will be or have been made available as required by said Act.




Affirmative Action



Civil Service
FAX/724-4055                                   West Michigan's Shoreline City

Comm. & Neigh.
   Services           April 13, 2000

FAX/727-6904          Mr. Joel Piell
Finance               Miller, Canfield, Paddock and
616/724-6713             Stone, P.L.C.
                      150 W. Jefferson, Suite 2500
Fire Dept.
                      Detroit, MI 48226

Income Tax
                      Dear Mr. Piell:
                      Enclosed is the resolution that the City Commission adopted at their April 11,
Info. Systems         2000, meeting. If you have any questions, please call me at (231) 724-6705.
                      Thank you,
Leisure Service

Manager's Office
                      Linda Potter
                      Deputy City Clerk
Mayor's Office
FAX/722-1214          Enc.
Neigh. & Const.


Police DeJ)t.

Public Works

F AX/724-6768

Water Billing Dept,

Water Filtration
FAX/755-5290           City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, 11'.0. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536
Founded in 1852                                                                                MICHIGAN: Ann Arbor
by Sidney Davy Miller

Sidney T. Miller ( 1864-1940)
                                           MILLER                                             Detroit • Grand Rapids
                                                                                                Howell• Kalamazoo
                                                                                            Lansing • Monroe • Troy
George L. Canfield ( 1866-1928)
Lewis H. Paddock ( 1866-1935)
Ferris D. Stone (1882-1945)
                                           CANFIELD                                                 New York, N.Y.
                                                                                                  Washington, D.C.
                                                                                                    POLAN D: Gdynia
                                            MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE,   P.L.C.
                                                                                                 Katowice • Warsaw

                                                 150 West Jefferson, Suite 2500                   Al'FILIATED OFFICE:

JOELL. PIELL                                       Detroit, Michigan 48226                            Pensacola, FL
TEL: (313) 496-7518                                  TEL: (313) 963-6420
FAX: (313) 496-8450                                  FAX: (313) 496-7500

                                                       April 18, 2000
         Ms. Linda Potter
         Deputy Clerk
         City of Muskegon
         933 Tenace St
         PO Box 536
         Muskegon, MI 49443-0536

         Dear Ms. Potter:
               Thank you for your mailing of the City Commission resolution of April 11
         concerning reimbursement of bond proceeds.

                                           Very truly yours,

                                           MILLER, C          FIE D, PADDOCK AND STONE, P.L.C.

         cc:       Mr. Timothy J. Paul

         DELLB:2 148522. 1\099999-20 100
Date:       April 5, 2000
To:         Honorable Mayor and City Commission
From:       City Attorney
RE:         Consent Judgement - Dangerous Building
            603 Catherine

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the Consent Judgement for 603
Catherine as submitted by the City Attorney. This is required before the
judgement will be presented to the court for entry.



STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the request.

                                                          law offices of          PARMENTER O'TOO L E
                                                     17 5 W. Apple Avenue • P.O. Box 786 • Muskegon, Michigan • 49443-0786
                                                            Phone 231.722.1 621 • Fox 231.722.7866 or 728.2206

                    April 3, 2000

                    Ms. Gail Kundinger
                    City Clerk
                    City of Muskegon                                   Re: Agenda item for 4/ 11
                                                                           Dangerous Building 603 Catherine

                    Dear Gail,

                    I am enclosing a proposed consent judgment to end the appeal by Atlantic Mortgage Co. of the
                    Commission's order to tear down this building. Bob Grabinski has reviewed, and we believe this
                    to be a proper disposition of this case. It gives them time to file a demolition check, take out
                    permits, and complete the rehab, and if they do not, gives us the power to tear down without any
                    further court involvement.

                      G. Thomas Johnson     John C. Schrier         Jomes R. Scheuerle    OJC01111se/         Retiml               Paul T. Sorensen
                      George D. Von Epps    Christopher L. Kelly    Keith L. McEvoy                                                1920-1966
                                                                                          Thomas J. O'Toole   Robert L. Forsythe
                      John M. Briggs, 111   Lindo S. Koare          Anna K. Urick         Eric J. Fouri       Arthur M. Rude       George A Parmenter
                      Michael L. Rolf       Philip M. Steffan       Scott R. Sewick                                                1903-1993
                                                                                                              Harold M. Street     Cyrus M. Poppen
                      George W. Johnson     William J. Meier        Jennifer L. Hylland
                      W. Brod Groom                                 Jeffery A Jacobson

                                   STATE OF MICHIGAN

                        MUSKEGON COUNTY - 14TH CIRCUIT COURT

     Plaintiff,                                               Case No. 00 -39226-CH
                                                              Hon. Timothy G. Hicks



Jeffrey Raff(P55761)
Attorney for Plaintiff
30150 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 100
Bingham Farms, MI 48025
Phone: (248) 642-2515

G. Thomas Johnson (P15523)
Attorneys for Defendant
175 W. Apple Ave., P.O. Box 786
Muskegon, MI 4943-0786
Phone: (231) 722-1621

                                          CONSENT JUDGMENT

                At a session of said Court held in the City of Muskegon, Muskegon
                County, Michigan, on the _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ __, 2000.


        The parties, having consented to this judgment representing the parties' agreement for

rehabilitation of the house on the premises; and, further, providing for said rehabilitation to occur

in the event the city commission of the City of Muskegon agrees to allow same; and, this Court

H:\LIB\EDSl\00100\144614\PLDG\CONST.JDG           1
having further been notified that the City Commission has agreed to allow the rehabilitation; and,

the parties having in said order agreed to the entry of this Consent Judgment; and the Court being

fully advised in the premises;

        IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED, that the City of Muskegon may

demolish the improvements on the property in this case in the event Plaintiff, or persons in

concert with the Plaintiff, fail to rehabilitate the property in accordance with this judgment.


demolition of the improvements, Plaintiff shall perform as follows:

         I.      Plaintiff shall complete all needed repairs and demolitions, more specifically


("Permit Date")
                Da•'l All ncc~~'Y                  shall be u,krn o.Sl'S~or

      6 I 6i72-t-6783

      CMI Service                                                  West Mlcblflan's SboreUne City
                                                      MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS

      6 \6/72-1-6705           DATE:            February 7, 2000
                               CASE:            00-13 - 323 W. Grand

      C. N. Services
      616/72-1-6717            Pamela Warren
                               485 W. Carr Road
                               Muskegon,Mi. 49442
                               FINDING OF FACTS AND ORDER
• •   Finance
      6\61724-6713             The following action was taken at a session of the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals
                               held at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace, Muskegon, Michigan on the February 3, 2000
      Fire Dept.               The Neighborhood and Construction Services Department of the City of Muskegon, having
                               inspected the building structure located upon the property described as Lot 21, Block 419
                               also known as 323 W. Grand found the conditions listed on the attached pages exist and
      Income Tax
                               that these conditions are hazardous as defined in Section 4-23 of the Code of Ordinances.

                               The Board further found that these conditions exist to the extent of endangering life, safety
                               and the general welfare of the public.

                               Therefore, in accordance with Section 4-25 of the Code of Ordinances, the structure is
      l.t'i:-ure St.'rrin'
      6 IG.'724-670--1         declared to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance.

      \(;111;1gt•(s Orrice
                               It is, therefore, ordered that the owners or other interested parties take such action to repair
      (i 1li, 72-Hi72--I       or remove said structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order.

      \l•1~nr"s   ornce        It is further ordered that if the owners or other interested parties fail to repair or remove said
                               structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order, the Building
                               Official shall take bids and remove said structure.

      Police Dept.

      Public Works


      \\att'r Dept

                                       City of \luskegon. 933 Terrace Street. P.O. Box 536. \luskegon. \lichigan -19-1-130536
                          If you wish to appeal this order you must do so within twenty days. You may obtain the
                          appeal form at the City's Inspection Services Department, City Hall, 933 Terrace Street.

                                                    BOARD OF APPEALS

. ··• .   ·-(   ,   , ~
      ..\ffirmative Action



     Civil Seneice
                                                             West Michigan's Sborellne Oty
     6t6nu-61os                                                 NOTICE AND ORDER

     Comm, & Neigh.          December 10, 1999

                             Pamela Warren
                             485 W. Carr Road
     616/724-6713            Muskegon,Mi.49442
•                            Dear Property Owner:
     Fire Dept.
     F AX/724-6985
                             Subject:       323 W. Grand
     Income Tax
                                            Lot 21 Block 419

     Info. Systems
                             The City of Muskegon Building Official has recently inspected the subject property and has
     6t6n2-1-6975            found the buildings to be dangerous as defined under Section 4-23 of the Muskegon City
    FAX/7:U-6790             As a result of this finding, you are hereby ordered to REP AIR or DEMOLISH the
    \tanager's Office
                             structures within thirty (30) days.
                             If you elect to repair the structures, you must secure all required permits and physically
    :\layor's Office         commence the work within thirty (30) days from the date of this order.
    616/724-6 70 I
                             Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact our
    J\eigh. & Const.
       Ser.ices              Building Official, Jerry McIntyre at 724-6715.
    F AX/726-250 I
                             Sincerely yours,


    Police Dept.
                             Fire Marshal/Inspection Services
    Public Works


    Water Dept.

    Water Fillration
    6161724-4\06 , .
    FA\1755-5290                    City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, Ml 49443-0536
                              DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION

        1.   Foundation walls are in need of repair - open gaps.
        2.   Rotting sills and rim joists.
        3.   Electrical wiring not installed to code.
        4.   Cracked roof rafters.
        5.   Roofing installed incorrectly, need new roof covering.
        6.   Open wall sections on interior walls.
        7.   Supports removed from roof rafters.
        8.   Broken windows - window frames need maintenance and repair.
        9.   Rotting fascia and soffit repair needed.


        Ah~    qdaJt_uq .~·
        HENRY ~ALTINOWSKI, BUILDG INSPECTOR                           (DA"rE

                                                                ld-te -99
                 RRENCE: MC TYRE, BUILDING OFFICIAL '                      DATE


\   \
                  !                                   CI TY OF MUSKEuUN     1N;;,r,._w, • - · ·

                              November 9,   1999   AT 8:33 a.m,       FOR      W. GRAND 323

                              No Cat                              Violation
                              ===  === ==================================================-========~
                                         NOTE: Effective June 15, 1997 no certificates of complian
                                         will be issued until all fees and debts to the City for th
                                         property have been paid in full,
                                         NOTE: Code requires owners to notify City in writing withi
                                         10 days of transfering ownership, Notice must include name
                                         address and phone number of new owner.                     II
                                         NOTE:  Non owner-occupants must use licensed contractors./
                                         most electrical, plumbing or mechanical repair work. Cal ·I
                                         724-6758 for more information.                            //


• • •   ...
                                         NOTE:  If present tenant(s) move,  unit(sl may not be
                                         reoccupied until certificate of compliance is issued.
                               5                                                                    I
                                         NOTE:  Code defects marked with an asterisk l*I have been/
                                         added because the repair is incorrect or created another
                               6   B   *BATH
                                         Floor covering has holes, rips or is missing or is nots,
                                         on edges.
                               7       *EXTERIOR - REAR LOWER ROOF
                                         Has no flashing.
                               B   B   *EXTERIOR - UPPER REAR
                                         Siding has holes in it or is rotted or missing.
                               9   A   tEXTERIOR - W. SIDE
                                       ·~window sash is broken, rotted or missing.

                              10   B   P,TTIC
                                        Has wires that are not stapled up.
                              11   A  ATTIC
                                        Handrai 1 is missing.
                               12     ATTIC
                                        Roof supports missing.
                               13   B ATTIC - SEVERAL
                                        Has an open splice - must be in covered junction box.
                               14   B BATH
                                        Wall covering is incomplete.
                               15 B BATH
                                        Trim is broken, missing or incomplete.
                               16 B' BATH
                                        Ceiling water stained.
                               17 ·   BATH
                                        Toilet seat cover missing.
                               18 B BATH - TUB AREA
                                        Wall or walls has a hole or holes or large cracks in i
                               19 A CELLAR
                                        Furnace needs an inspection by a mechanical contractor
                                        must be certified safe.
                               2(1  A CELLAR
                                        Water heater· pressure and temperature valve is not pif
                Movember 9,           1979    AT 8:33 a.m.       FOR     W, GRAND 323

                No          Cat                              Violation
                === ===           ------=====-----------=======~=~=J=-------=--=-------=aaa•aa.
                                size to within 6" of the floor.
                 21         B CELLAR
                                Doesn't have a smoke detector as required by code.
                22            CELLAR
                                NOTE: Portions of the structure could not be inspected
                                completely because of the presence of personal belonging s.
                23          B CELLAR
                                Foundation walls have missing mortar or open cracks.
                24          A CELLAR
                                Remove combustibles away from furnace.
                25          B CELLAR
                                Support water lines and heat ducts.
                26            CELLAR

    . . .. •.
     ,,   ,•                    Check ground wire center east of HWH cannot be spliced, i
                27            CELLAR - AT REAR
                                Floor joists are not supported.
                28          B ENTRY TO ATTIC
                                Wall or walls has a hole or holes or large cracks in it.
                29          A ENTRY TO ATTIC
                                Window has broken or cracked glass.
                30          B EXTERIOR
                                Where repairs to existing roof are made, materials and c
                                must blend with balance of roof.
                31            EXTERIOR
                                Service walk is not in good repair.
                32          B EXTERIOR
                                Window screen is torn or damaged .
                .2, ..::,   8     EXTERIOR
                                    Window has glazing that is missing or deteriorated.
                34          h     EXTEF:IOR
                                    House numbers are the same color as the house and are
                                    legible. Numbers must be at least 2" in height.
                35          B     EXTERIOR
                                    Has eave boards that are rotted or missing.
                36          8     ~~GR - FRONT E. BEDROOM
                                    Ceiling tile are missing or falling down.
                37          A     E • Mi! C:R - FRONT E. BEDROOM
                                    Wiring to light improperly done.
                38                EXTERIOR - REAR
                                    Need permit for roofing.
                39          8     EXTERIOR - REAR
                                    Screen door screen is ripped or missing.
                 4(>              EXTERIOR - REAR LOWER ROOF
                                    Roofing is improperly installed.
                 41         8     EXTERIOR - SOME E, SASH & EAVES
                                    Has peeling paint and is not protected from weather b~
                                    properly applied water-resistant paint or waterproof·
                 42         B     EXTERIOR - W. SIDE
                                    Opening in the wall has been closed off with material
                                    does not blend with the rest of the structure.
                                                    L, 1 I T   ur   nu.;;n·-.'"-_._,,   T   _

                    November 9,         1999    AT 8:33 a.m.                      FOR           W. GRAND 323   PAc

                    No Cat                                              Violation
                    === ===        ======================================================m===••=
                      43           EXTERIOR NOTE:
                                        Shingle installation should be started at the bottom edge.
                      44       B    GENERAL
                                        Dwelling or unit is infested with mice.
                      45            GENERAL
                                        NOTE:    Water must be turned on so it can be tested prior
                                        i ssL1ance of cert if i i::ate of compliance.
                      46            GENERAL
                                        NOTE:    Gas must be turned on so it can be tested prior to
                                        issuance of certificate of compliance.
                      47      A     GENERAL
                                        Check above all drop ceilings for wiring to fixture.
                      48      B     f:tur·e is. b!'-ok9r·, o,,_   1oo .. 2• -6.,SJ
 F\\.. "22-4188

 616 . .,24-6716
 F.u.:.1724-6790                                              West ~Hchlgan's ShoreHne City
                                                  MUSKEGON HOUSING BOARD OF APPEALS

 Comm. & '.',cigh.
                            DATE:           January 11, 2000
        Scr.·ices           CASE:           300-10 1721 Pine
                            Shelline White
 6161724-6707               1712 Pine
 FAX/724-6790               Muskegon, Mi. 49442
                            FINDING OF FACTS AND ORDER
Fire Dept.
                            The following action was taken at a session of the Muskegon Housing Board of Appeals
F.-\X/724-6985              held at the Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace, Muskegon, Michigan on the January 6, 2000
Income Tax                  The Neighborhood and Construction Services Department of the City of Muskegon, having
6161724-6770                inspected the building structure located upon the property described as North lOFt of Lot
                            17 and all of Lot 18 Blk 298 found the conditions listed on the attached pages exist and that
Info. Systems               these conditions are hazardous as defined in Section 4-23 of the Code of Ordinances.

Leisure Ser.·ice
                            The Board further found that these conditions exist to the extent of endangering life, safety
6\61724-6704                and the general welfare of the public.

\tanager's Office           Therefore, in accordance with Section 4-25 of the Code of Ordinances, the structure is
F.--\\"1724-6790            declared to be unsafe, substandard and a public nuisance.
616172 • -6701              It is, therefore, ordered that the owners or other interested parties take such action to repair
                            or remove said structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order.
_'\eigh. & Const.

                            It is further ordered that if the owners or other interested parties fail to repair or remove said
F-\.\1724-6790              structure, or appeal this order within 20 days of the receipt of this order, the Building
Planning/Zoning             Official shall take bids and remove said structure.

Poli..:e Dept.

Publi..: \\."orks


\\ aler Dept.
F.-\ \.'72-1-6 768

\\ .11,•r Filtration
j,] (\ -: •   -4 ltlO
r , , ·s~s:'}u                      Cit) of .\luskegon. 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI -19-l-13-0536
      If you wish to appeal this order you must do so within twenty days. You may obtain the
      appeal form at the City's Inspection Services Department, City Hall, 933 Terrace Street.

                                BOARD OF APPEALS

      CC:   Jo   Fe rier 1/27/00

• •
                                     DANGEROUS BUILDING INSPECTION



               1.   Foundation wall in need of tuck-pointing.
               2.   Open holes in home block wall.
               3.   Soffit and fascia repair needed.
               4.   Roof repair on eaves needed.
               5.   Improper entry steps and landing.
               6.   Home in need of paint.
               7.   Window frames need repair or replacement.
               8.   Large amounts of trash in back yard.
"'· "'·   •.
               4-23 OF THE MUSKEGON CITY CODE.


               CONCURRED IN: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=---c--
                               JERRY MCINTYRE, BUILDING OFFICIAL

     _ Robert Johnson, supported by William Anderson,       e a motion to accept staff
       r       endation to issue Civil Infraction ticke n 1129 Peck Street seeking injunctive
       relief. Ar ~ s taken:

       YES:                    NA                    EXCUSED:              ABSENT:

       Greg Borgman
       Robert Johnson
       Fred Nielsen
       William Anders
       Randy Mac ·

       The    otion carried.

       #00-10-1721 PINE- SHELLINE WHITE, 1712 PINE, MUSKEGON

       No one attended the meeting. Bob Grabinski said that there has been no contact with the
       owner. Staff recommendation is to declare the building to be substandard, unsafe, a
       public nuisance and forward to the City Commission for concurrence. A motion was by
       Robert Johnson, supported by Greg Borgman to declare the building substandard, unsafe,
       a public nuisance and forward to the City Commission for concurrence. A roll call vote        :    \,
       was taken:                                                                                    , d

       YES:                    NAYS:                EXCUSED:               ABSENT:                   , :1

       Greg Borgman                                  Clint Todd                                      I i,,1·'
       Robert Johnson
       Fred Nielsen
       William Anderson
       Randy Mackie
       John Warner

       The motion carried.

       #0lhl.lJl.'\.-151 W. SOUTHERN -EDWARD HOUGHTALIN                     '75twlLSON

       Ed Houghtaling attende          eeting and also_JJ:at that his address was 2345 Dowd.
       He said that he had the upstairs o            fa tenant had trashed the downstairs. Bob
       Grabinski said that we had a co      mt an        the housing inspector felt that it should
       be declared a dangerous        mg. There is no Cert1        of Compliance. It has been
       revoked and the h~"•"""·as been posted. Mr. Houghtaling asKel:1-\!icllat he has to do. He
       said that t    undation is his concern because he said it was approve             he bought
       the         Staff recommendation is that,the building be declared substandard, unsa , a--

Date:       April 11, 2000
To:         Honorable Mayor & City Commission
From:       Planning & Economic Development Department Cflf2~
RE:         Resolution of Support for the Relocation of the
            USS Silversides

SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the attached resolution
supporting the relocation of the USS Silversides to downtown

FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact, although the
Silversides Board has asked the City staff to investigate the potential for
relevant grants. They will also be fundraising.


STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the attached resolution and
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign.

                                   ResolutionNo. 2000-43(a)

                            MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION

                     SUBMARINE DOWNTOWN

WHEREAS, the Silversides Board would like to move the vessel to a downtown location
from their existing location at the Muskegon Channel; and,

WHEREAS, the Silversides Board also has an agreement with the McKee's to purchase
the L.S.T. and rehabilitate the vessel for tours and overnight events; and,

WHEREAS, the Silversides Board has an agreement with the McKees to lease space on
their property for the location of the Silversides vessel, and the rehabilitation of the
L.S.T. to the bay between the McKees prope1ty and the Grand Valley State Property, on
Muskegon Lake; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon would like to have the Silversides relocated to the
downtown area to increase the number of visitors to the site, to potentially add the L.S.T.
as another site for visitors, and to increase the general activities in the downtown area
which will have a positive effect on tourism and commerce for Muskegon;

NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved that the City Commission of the City of Muskegon
supports the relocation of the Silversides and the rehabilitation of the L.S.T., to be located
in the bay between the McKee prope1ty and the Grand Valley State University property,
on Muskegon Lake,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Commission approves, in general, of the
plan designed by Richard.Borgeson, architect, Revision dated 2/6/2000; on the condition
that the requirements outlined by Bob Grabinski, Fire Marshall, in his letter dated 3/16/00
be adhered to; that the proper State and Local permits are obtained, and that an agreement
is reached with Grand Valley State University regarding design details.

Resolution Adopted this 11th day of April 2000.

Ayes:     Aslakson, Benedict, Nielsen, Schweifler, Shepherd, Sier adz ki, Spataro

Nays:     None

Absent:     None

This resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission, held on April
11, 2000. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act
of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976.

                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON
    March 16, 2000

    Mr. Bob Morin
    Silversides Museum
    1346 Bluff Street
    Muskegon Ml 49441

    Dear Mr. Morin:

    After reviewing your request and proposal for new dockage, the following list of
    requirements was formed.

    1. All ships must maintain USCG status as Marine Vessels.

    2. A standpipe system will be required along all docks.

    3. Exiting from the vessels must be reviewed and approved by this office.

    4. Railings must be provided along the docks.

    5. Plans and specification must be approved by the zoning administrator prior to
       submittal for our approval.

    6. A fire hydrant must be located within 500 feet of fire apparatus access to the
       vessels. This must be usable without crossing the railroad tracks.

    7. Work with Muskegon Fire Department Personnel to establish an emergency
       operations policy and procedure.

    8. Fire extinguishers must be located throughout the vessels and area in
       compliance with applicable codes.

    9. The fire suppression system on the LST must be operational.

    10. Exit and emergency lights must be located throughout all vessels.
    It is the intent of these requirements to maintain a reasonable amount of safety
    for all persons visiting this fine attraction. If you have any questions or wish to
    discuss these items, please call me at (231) 724-6765.


    Robert B. Grabinski
    Fire Marshal

To:      Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners

From:    Wilmern G. Griffin

Date:    04/04/00

Re:      Approval for the City to sign subreciepent agreements (contracts) with Community Housing

         Development Organizations (CHDO's) for funding from 1998-99 fiscal year.

On February 29, 2000, the Citizen's District Council approved the City's administration
recommendation for CHOO funding in the following manner.

I.      Muskegon County Habitat for Humanity
        Staff recommendation:                       $33,500

2.      Muskegon Family Service Center
        Staff Recommendations:                      @ l ~ Q ~ -- (08 ,Co" 0

3.      Neighborhood Investment Corp (NIC)   ;;-}
        Staff Recommendation:              \~

4.      Nelson Neighborhood Improvement ~
        Staff Recommendations:            $62,000

5.      Trinity Village Non-Profit Housing Corp     ">°° ~ o
                                            ~<5:,j'\ ,,..i:,1> C, o
                                                                     ~.,,     ,.....""
Our department is requesting approval of the CDC recommendations and ins ruct10n from your body
to prepare the subreciepient conn·acts between the City and the CHDO's. (see attachment)

3.     Neighborhood Investment Corporation (NIC)

Amounted requested: $75,000

Description of proposed project:
       The Neighborhood Investment Corporation requested $75,000 for their Homeownership
       program. The program includes assisting first-time buyers with down payment
       assistance, new construction infill, homeownership education and neighborhood

Staff Recommendation:
       The City of Muskegon's Neighborhood and Services Department recommends $62,000
       for fiscal year 98-99 funding. We are also requesting and recommending that if any
       funding is awarded to NIC by the CDC and/or the City Commission, that the CHDO
       supply the City with a project budget before any funding is released.

4.     Nelson Neighborhood Improvement Association

AmountRequested: $171,650

Description of proposed project:
       The Nelson Neighborhood Improvement Association requested $171,650 for
       rehabilitation, home purchased assistance and maintenance repair for housing located in
       the central core Nelson Neighborhood in Muskegon.

The Nelson Neighborhood requested $83,650 in administration cost. Under 24CFR 92.208, no
more than 5% of a pmiicipating jurisdiction fiscal year HOME funding for CHDO administrative

The Nelson Neighborhood has developed partnerships with the Michigan State Housing
Development Authority, Muskegon County Habitat for Humanity and the Neighborhood
Investment Corporation (NIC).

Staff Recommendation:
       The City of Muskegon's Community and Neighborhood Services Department
       recommends $87,090.
                           Operating/Administration         $ 4,500
                           Single Family Rehabilitation     $33,000
                           Rental Property Rehabilitation   $49,590
                           Total                            $87,090
5.     Trinity Village Non-Profit Housing Corporation

Amount Requested:

Homebnyer Club                       $60,337.50
Single-family Rehabilitation         $72,000

Description of proposed projects:
       The Trinity Village Non-Profit Housing Corporation requested dollars for two programs.
       The first request is for the Homebuyer Club program. The Homebuyer Club assists
       potential homeowners with an array of educational workshops that covers the areas of
       money management, credit restoration, home maintenance, and real estate selection.
       After completion of the workshop, down payment mortgage assistance for those
       applicants that quality.

Staff Recommendation:
       The City of Muskegon's Community and Neighborhood Services Dept recommends
              Down payment Assistance $50,000
              Administration            $ 3,750
              Total Recommended         $53,750

        The second request if for the Single-family rehabilitation program. The program consists
of acquisition m1d the rehabilitation of four distressed properties within the City of Muskegon.
After total rehabilitation of the properties, the renovated homes will be sold to the low-income
graduates of the Homebuyers Club.

Staff Recommendation:
The City of Muskegon's Community and Neighborhood Services Department recommends
              Acquisition and Rehabilitation  $60,000
             Administration                   $ 3 750
             Total Recommended                $63,750
                              INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM




DATE:       04/05/00

    All of you received a copy of the 2000-2004 Consolidated Plan last week. As you know the City
of Muskegon is in its final stage of the process since your body approved the document for public
comment on March 14, 2000.

    The Consolidated Plan is mandated by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development
for all communities that receive Community Development Block Grant/HOME funding and other
federal funding through HUD.

     The last step in this process is for the commission to approve the document and direct our
department to submit the CP to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for their
final approval.

          Submit to HUD

          April 2000

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