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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 28, 2020 @ 5:30 P.M. MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, MI 49440 AGENDA □ CALL TO ORDER: □ PRAYER: □ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: □ ROLL CALL: □ HONORS AND AWARDS: A. Success Story – Home Buyers Assistance Program □ PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS: □ CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk B. Special Event Liquor Licenses – 2020 City Clerk C. 2020 User Fee Update Finance D. Amendment to Wireless Communication Support Facilities Ordinance Planning E. Rezoning of 372 Morris Avenue Planning F. Railroad Crossing Agreement Public Works G. Water Filtration Plant – PM Agreement Public Works □ PUBLIC HEARINGS: □ UNFINISHED BUSINESS: □ NEW BUSINESS: □ ANY OTHER BUSINESS: □ PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: ► Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following: ► Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room. ► Submit the form to the City Clerk. ► Be recognized by the Chair. ► Step forward to the microphone. ► State name and address. ► Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission. Page 1 of 2 ► (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.) □ CLOSED SESSION: □ ADJOURNMENT: ADA POLICY: THE CITY OF MUSKEGON WILL PROVIDE NECESSARY AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES TO INDIVIDUALS WHO WANT TO ATTEND THE MEETING UPON TWENTY-FOUR HOUR NOTICE TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGON. PLEASE CONTACT ANN MARIE MEISCH, CITY CLERK, 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, MI 49440 OR BY CALLING (231) 724- 6705 OR TTY/TDD DIAL 7-1-1-22 TO REQUEST A REPRESENTATIVE TO DIAL (231) 724-6705. Page 2 of 2 City of Muskegon - Community & Neighborhood Services STATS HOMEBUYERS ASSISTANCE GRANT 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY 68 Households Assisted Average Grant Amount $4,061.73 Average Purchase Price $62,085.56 Total Amount of Grants Given $276,197.58 Total Value of Homes Purchased in the City $4,221,818.00 Gender Male 31% Female 69% Male Female NEIGHBORHOODS 6% 7% 10% 15% 6% 4% 7% 16% 6% 5% 9% 6% 3% Angell Campbell East Muskegon Glenside Lakeside Marquette Marsh Field McLaughlin Nelson Nims Oakview Sheldon Park Steele Race/Ethnicity Asiain 0% Hispanic 3% American Indian 0% Black 34% White 63% Black White Hispanic Asiain American Indian Household Types 4% 12% 1% 24% Divorced 12% Elderly Married Single Single Parent Divorced Single Parent 47% Memorandum To: Mayor and Commissioners From: Frank Peterson Re: City Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2020 Here is a quick outline of the items on our agenda: Regular Session: 1. Under Honors/Awards: a. We are going to recognize the amazing success story associated with our homeownership assistance program. Staff from CNS and members from the CDC will be in attendance to speak about this program. 2. Under the Consent Agenda, we are asking the Commission to consider the following: a. Approval of meeting minutes from the most-recent City Commission meetings. b. Approval of various special event liquor licenses for the city special events planned in 2020. This includes events that intend to utilize either park space or outdoor space at the farmers market for alcohol. Other events that intend to limit the alcohol to the interior of the farmers market building do not need a special license. c. Approval of the 2020 user fee schedule. There are a number of changes proposed. Notably, there are no changes proposed for rental inspections or building inspections – which usually generate concern from property owners/managers. We are proposing changes at the marina and with a number of economic development-related incentive program fees. Proposed changes are highlighted in yellow. d. Approval of an amendment to the Wireless Communication Support Facilities ordinance to allow for a new tower to be installed at central fire station to accommodate Muskegon Central Dispatch’s conversion to 800 MHz. e. Approval of the rezoning of 372 Morris Ave to accommodate the Foundry Square Development. Foundry Square is expected to be a mixed-use development that includes a hotel, family fun center, residential opportunities, offices, and retail over multiple phases. For perspective, this property is the large parking lot on Morris Street adjacent to the Social Security Administration building. f. Approval of a railroad crossing agreement with CSX to allow for utilities to cross the rail line and service the Hartshorn Marina Village development. g. Approval of an agreement to hire a project manager to assist in the construction of a cell tower at the water filtration plant. The tower was previously approved (zoning), and staff originally anticipated allowing a third-party to build the tower. After further consideration, staff felt that the better solution was to construct the site ourselves. This will provide better control over the tower (placement, aesthetics, users, etc.). The tower is located in a sensitive part of our community, and we felt it was prudent to maintain that control. Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns Frank Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2020 Title: Approval of Minutes Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC Department: City Clerk Brief Summary: To approve the minutes of the January 13, 2020 Worksession meeting and the January 14, 2020 regular meeting. Detailed Summary: N/A Amount Requested: N/A Amount Budgeted: N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: To approve the minutes. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION Monday, January 13, 2020 5:30 p.m. City Commission Chambers MINUTES Present: Mayor Stephen Gawron and Commissioners Hood, Emory, Johnson, German, and Rinsema-Sybenga. Absent: Commissioner Ramsey. Rescue Mission Development - Development Services The Muskegon Rescue Mission would like to acquire remaining vacant land behind the men’s shelter for expansion of the services they offer in our community. The concept includes a community resource center, a job training facility, and family housing. Staff will investigate easements, etc. on the property and prepare a quit claim deed to transfer the property to the MRM and request your approval at the January 28, 2020 meeting. The Planning Department will continue to work with MRM on the Development of the site plan. Dan Skoglund, of the Muskegon Rescue Mission, presented his vision of the project. This item will be placed on the January 28, 2020 meeting for consideration by the City Commission. Urban Deer Management Staff is forwarding a Cooperative Service Agreement and Work Initiation Document with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for Urban Deer Management within the City of Muskegon. All three items are on the agreement for consideration at the January 14, 2020 Commission meeting. The cost is $12,906.57 for one set-up visit and four to five trips to cull animals. This item will be placed on the January 14, 2020 meeting for consideration by the City Commission. Marilyn Singleton, 1634 Ruddiman Street, is not in favor of this program. Paid Beach Parking - Planning Mike Franzak, Zoning Administrator, has been investigating a system of paid parking at the beach. The estimated cost of services at the beach was estimated to be $475,000 in 2016/17. Three proposals were given for paid parking. All systems include free parking to residents of the City of Muskegon. The proposed systems include: Pay and Display - Pay a kiosk/attendant and display a pass on dashboard/window Pay and Enter - Pay kiosk and enter license plate into kiosk Mobile - Enter license plate into mobile app Commissioners had a lengthy discussion on the process and how free passes are issued to residents. Staff will do further research and bring a proposal before the Commission at the next Worksession meeting. Tax Incentive Policy Revision - Development Services Staff is seeking additional input on a revision of the draft policy to standardize tax incentives for development within the city. Commissioners suggested further changes to the policy. It is hoped staff will have a policy ready for the City Commission consideration at the January 14, 2020 meeting. Commissioner German left at 7:55 Economic Development Services Agreements - Development Services The economic development team has contracted with the City of Roosevelt Park for economic development services, and the agreement was recently approved by their City Council. The team has also contracted with the City of North Muskegon. Approval was made by their City Manager. North Muskegon is paying $5,000 annually and Roosevelt Park is paying $6,500 annually. Suburan Nation Review Book Review by LeighAnn Mikesell. Adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 14, 2020 @ 5:30 P.M. MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, MI 49440 MINUTES The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 14, 2020, Pastor EJ Wood, All Shores Wesleyan Church, opened the meeting with a prayer, after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL FOR THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING: Present: Mayor Stephen J. Gawron, Vice Mayor Eric Hood, Commissioners Ken Johnson, Dan Rinsema-Sybenga, Willie German, Jr., Teresa Emory, and Michael Ramsey, Acting City Manager Elizabeth Lewis, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann Meisch. HONORS AND AWARDS: A. Recognition of Inclusive Leadership Academy Dwana Thompson, City of Muskegon’s EEO & Employment Relations Director, gave an overview of the Inclusive Leadership Academy. 2020-04 CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the December 9, 2019 Worksession Meeting, the December 10, 2019 Regular Meeting, and the January 6, 2020 Organizational Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the minutes. B. Muskegon Fire Department Turnout Gear Public Safety SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Purchase ten (10) sets of turnout gear consisting of the Turnout coats and pants; Gemtor harness and Gemtor harness attachment system. Nine (9) are for the new firefighters and one (1) for Lt. Keith McMillian. McMillan’s turnout gear has worn past its useful state. The total purchase price for one complete set of turnout gear is $2,437.26. Total purchase request is Page 1 of 9 $24,372.60. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the purchase of turnout gear for the Muskegon Fire Department. D. Addendum Lease Agreement for HVAC/Dehumidification Upgrades at Mercy Health Arena Finance SUMMARY OF REQUEST: In May 2019 the Commission approved the lease agreement with Team Financial for the HVAC/Dehumidification Upgrades at the Mercy Health Arena. The work is complete, however some additional mechanical & plumbing work needed to be done and new return lines in the Locker Rooms and North West Concourse Restrooms were needed because the existing lines ruptured. The additional costs were $76,872.39 and staff is seeking authorization to sign an addendum to the lease agreement with Team Financial for $76,872.39. After work began to upgrade the Dehumidification and HVAC systems the original supplier of the Dehumidification Unit backed out. A new supplier had to be secured creating a delay that put strain on our old system that required Hurst to do a lot of troubleshooting and repairs to keep the system going until the new one arrived. This also includes the work done to replace heating lines on an emergency basis after they ruptured. Please note on the backup that they did take the rebates they will get from DTE and Consumers Energy off of the additional amount we are being charged. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To authorize staff to sign an addendum to the Lease Agreement with Team Financial for $76, 872.39 for HVAC/Dehumidification upgrades at Mercy Health Arena. E. Metro Act Permit ACD Extension Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approve the extension of an existing Metro Act permit from to access and use the public right-of-way within the city. KEPS Technologies, Inc dba, currently holds a Metro Act permit with the City of Muskegon. That agreement is set to expire on 2/10/2020. has requested a five year extension, to the date of 2/10/2025. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the extension to the Metro Act permit for F. Metro Act Permit Charter Update Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Approve the modification to an existing Metro Act permit from Charter Communications LLC to access and use the public right-of- way within the city. Charter applied for and was granted a Metro Act permit from the City of Muskegon in 2014 with a term of 15 years. The Metro Act permit was obtained to allow for Charter to provide data services to commercial customers. In keeping Page 2 of 9 with section 2.1 of the Metro Act form, Charter is providing the attached map and description as an update. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the update to the Metro Act permit for Charter Communication. H. Vehicle Charging Stations Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Department of Public Works is requesting approval to purchase and install three (3) Vehicle Charging Stations. The Department of Public Works is requesting to purchase three (3) Charge point car charging stations and have Windemuller install the stations for $28,460.00. Staff is recommending replacement of the existing station at Pere Marquette Park, replacement of the existing station at Western/1st and installation of a new station on Western Avenue near the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB). Staff is recommending we decline the 4th location (Morris/3rd) at this time. Consumers Energy has awarded us $15,000 in grants ($5,000 per unit) and Community Foundation will contribute at least $8,140.00 to help fund the project. With those contributions the net cost to the city is $5,320.00. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to contract with Windemueller Electric for the purchase and installation of three (3) Chargepoint Electric Vehicle Charging Stations for a total cost of $28,460.00 and authorize the City to accept the funding from Consumers Energy and the Community Foundation to partially offset the cost of this project. K. Easement Agreement Planning SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is seeking approval of the easement agreements. These easement agreements will allow for access to the development as well as access to the Hartshorn boat launch. As part of the planned development, the access road that services the Hartshorn boat launch will be replaced with a non-motorized path and green space. A new access point for the boat launch will be installed as part of the development along the western edge of the Fricano Center property. The owners are granting the City a permanent easement to access the boat launch as well as a temporary easement to access the boat launch during Phase 1 construction. In return, the City is providing the developer a permanent easement to access the development along the north side of the railroad tracks. Once these easements are recorded, we should see construction within 60-90 days. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign. Page 3 of 9 L. Termination of Restrictive Covenant Planning SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to terminate the restrictive covenant that states that structures may not be placed within the vacated alleys adjacent to lots 3 & 4 of the Seaway Industrial Park. In 2019, the City Commission approved a purchase agreement for the sale of lots 3 & 4 of Seaway Industrial Park. After performing title work, it was discovered that there is a restrictive covenant on the property relating to the alley vacations that were executed in 2003. The restrictive covenant states: “No structure shall be placed in the easement which, in the sole judgment of the City, will interfere wit the repair or maintenance of utilities in the easement, public or private.” However, there are no active utilities within these vacated alleys. The buyer is requesting that the City sign the “Termination of Restrictive Covenant” document. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Termination of Restriction resolution and authorize staff to sign. M. Termination of Interests Planning SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request for the City Commission to terminate and release all of its easements, rights and interests; which relates to vacated alleys on the property that Grand Rapids Catholic Diocese will be purchasing from the City (former Park St. Storage location). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Termination of Interests document and authorize staff to sign. N. Third Amendment to Shared Use Agreement Finance REMOVED PER STAFF REQUEST O. CRC Resignation, Removal, Appointment and Re-Appointment Recommendations City Clerk SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To accept resignations, removals, appointments, and re-appointments for various community relations committees, boards, authorities, and commissions. To accept removals, appointments, and re-appointments for various community relations committees, boards, authorities, and commissions as follows: • Removals of Carrie Johnson and Eleanor Canter of the Community Development Block Grant/Citizen’s District Council. • Appointments/Reappointments to the following boards: Board of Review Reappoint: Mary Jamieson (Citizen) and Clinton Todd (Citizen) Appoint: Martha Bottomley (Citizen) Page 4 of 9 Citizen Police Review Board Reappoint: David Bukala (Law Enforcement Official), Ruby Clark (Neighborhood Association Rep.), and Josie James (Member of Minority Based Org.) CDBG/CDC Appoint: James Chabot (Citizen Ward 1) and Marie Cisneros (Citizen at Large) Construction Code Board of Appeals Reappoint: Bion Boucher (Architect), Harold Callender (Plumbing), James Fox (Electrical), and Michael McPhall (Fire) Downtown Development Authority Reappoint: Paul Edbrooke (Citizen) and Michael Kleaveland (Interest in the District) Election Commission Reappoint: Casey Allard (Citizen) Equal Opportunity Committee Reappoint: Kimberly Williams (Ward 4) Appoint: Jared Gazarek (Citizen Ward 2), Patsy Petty (Citizen Ward 1), and Ana Zuber (Citizen At Large) Historic District Commission Reappoint: Steven Radtke (Citizen) and Kimi George (Resides or Has Interest in Historic District) Housing Code Board of Appeals Reappoint: Kim Burr (Citizen) and Boyd Arthur (Citizen) Housing Commission Appoint: Jake Eckholm (Citizen) Income Tax Board of Review Appoint: Carrie Frees (Resident) Local Development Finance Authority Reappoint: Andy Wible (Citizen) Appoint: Todd Halterman (Citizen) Local Officers Compensation Commission Reappoint: Dwayne Lang (Citizen) Planning Reappoint: Bryon Mazade (Citizen) and Jill Montgomery-Keast (Citizen) Appoint: Larry Spataro (Citizen) Zoning Board of Appeals Reappoint: Ernest Fordham (Citizen) and Jonathan Witmer (Citizen) Appoint: Terry Puffer (Citizen) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To concur with the recommendations of the Community Relations Committee. Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, Page 5 of 9 to accept the consent agenda as presented, except items C, G, I, and J. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, and Gawron Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2020-05 CONSENT AGENDA: A. Arena Digital Sign Replacement Information Technology SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Currently, the Arena’s digital sign located on Shoreline drive is not functioning. The electronics, manufactured in 1997, are continually breaking down. We have spent months working with multiple vendors on quotes for a new 10mm LED message board with updates to the marquee for the Arena. Four offers were received ranging from $65,888 to $108,117; we are recommending the Vizidef proposal for $65, 888. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Vizidef quote for $65,888. Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to approve the Vizidef quote for $65,888. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Ramsey, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, and Hood Nays: German MOTION PASSES G. Janitorial Services Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting authorization to approve a janitorial contract with Goodwill Industries of West Michigan to provide services at City Hall and the Public Works building. Staff solicited bids for new 3-year janitorial contact (with 4th year option) for City hall and Public Works buildings. There were three bidders for the contract. The three year bid total for the contract was as follows: • Professional Building Services - $142,230.00 • Goodwill Industries of West Michigan - $145,668.32 • Reliant Professional Cleaning - $236,656.00 Staff is recommending the contract be awarded to the second low bidder; Goodwill Industries West Michigan. Goodwill Industries West Michigan bid total for the three (3) year contract is 2.4% ($3,438.32) higher than the low bidder. Goodwill is based within the City of Muskegon and eligible for local preference. In addition, Goodwill provides opportunities that encourage social equity in the community. Being locally based and providing additional social equity Page 6 of 9 programs in the community resulted in staff recommending Goodwill be awarded the contract. Both to the two low bid firms had positive references and either deemed qualified to complete the work as described. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to award the City Hall and Public Service Building janitorial contract to Goodwill Industries West Michigan for three years in the amount of $145,668.32 with an optional 4th Year at $49,000.00. Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to authorize staff to award the City hall and Public Service Building janitorial contract to Goodwill Industries West Michigan for three years in the amount of $145,668.32 with an optional 4th Year at $49,000. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and Ramsey Nays: None MOTION PASSES I. Urban Deer Management Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is bringing forward a Cooperative Services Agreement and Work Initiation Document with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and a Damage and Nuisance Control Permit with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) for Urban Deer Management within the City of Muskegon. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to sign the Cooperative Services Agreement and Work Initiation Document with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and a Damage and Nuisance Control Permit with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR). The USDA Agreement is the culmination of the research and efforts that have been put into this program. If approved the USDA will work with the City and private land owners to set up baiting stations. The USDA will make one trip to set up the bait station which will then in the interim be manned by the city as needed, after the bait stations are active the USDA will provide sharpshooters for 4-5 nights to cull deer at the bait stations. The number of deer to be culled is still pending receipt of the final nuisance permit from MDNR but is anticipated to be in the range of 20-40 with early indications being towards the higher end of that range. The MDNR agreement is still a draft thought we expect very little changes going forward. It still requires review from the statewide whitetail deer supervisors before issuance. The permit outlines the maximum allowable harvest to be set at 30 animals and spells out additional conditions including the allowable timeframes. During the nights of the cull DPW and PD will have staff on hand to ensure public Page 7 of 9 safety and assist with the handling and transporting of any culled animals. USDA will collect samples from the animals for disease testing, and the city will be informed of any tests that are determined positive for disease. The remainder of the animal will be transported to Public Works for temporary storage before being transferred onto a processor. The city will work with the non-profit group Sportsmen Against Hunger to have the animals processed with all meat to be donated to local charity groups. The USDA portion of this work is defined as $12,906.57 for one (1) setup visit and four-five (4-5) trips to cull animals. USDA will cull as many animals as possible up to the maximum allowable under our MDNR nuisance permit. City DPW and PD staff will have additional costs involved with staffing these events and transporting animals. Processing costs are covered by Sportsmen Against Hunger. Total estimated costs for the cull is estimated in the range of $20,000. Motion by Commissioner German, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to authorize staff to sign the Cooperative Services Agreement and Work Initiation Document with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and a Damage and Nuisance Control Permit with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR). ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, and German Nays: None MOTION PASSES J. Rezoning of 190 Wood Street Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to rezone the property at 190 Wood St from RM- 1, Low Density Multi Family Residential to B-4, General Business District, by SYP Leasing, LLC. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the rezoning at their December meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATON: To approve the rezoning of 190 Wood St from RM-1, Low Density Multi-Family Residential to B-4, General Business. Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Johnson, to approve the rezoning of 190 Wood Street from RM-1, Low Density Multi-Family Residential to B-4, General Business. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, and German Nays: None MOTION PASSES Page 8 of 9 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Mayor Gawron mentioned the Expungement Clinic being conducted on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at the Michigan Works Building at 316 Morris Avenue from 2:00 until 8:00. Those interested are encouraged to pre-register. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: Public Comments were received. ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission Meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Ann Marie Meisch, MIC – City Clerk Page 9 of 9 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: 1/28/2020 Title: Special Event Liquor Licenses - 2020 Submitted By: Ann Meisch Department: City Clerk Brief Summary: The Muskegon City Clerk’s Office is organizing several events for 2020 and is seeking commission approval to apply for a special liquor license for beer, wine, and spirit service for the following: June 19 & 20, 2020 – Taste of Muskegon at Hackley Park June 10, July 15, and August 19 – Food Truck Rallies at the Muskegon Farmers Market September 10, 2020 – Farm-to-Table Dinner at the Muskegon Farmers Market Detailed Summary: Amount Requested: $50 for each event Amount Budgeted: Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: To authorize the City Clerk’s Office to apply for a special liquor license for 2020 events. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2020 Title: 2020 User Fee Update Submitted By: Kenneth Grant Department: Finance Brief Summary: City Departments have reviewed and updated their user fees and these have been incorporated into the Master Fee Resolution that is attached for your consideration. Detailed Summary: (See Highlighted Changes on Spreadsheet) • Cemetery fees have been adjusted • Passport fees have been adjusted by the Federal Government • New Wedding Reservation Fees have been added • Engineering has adjusted several fees • Marina (slip fees have been increased) • Treasurer Office has increase NSF fee • Planning has increased the fees for tax incentive applications Amount Requested: Amount Budgeted: Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: Approval of the 2020 Master Fee Resolution. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: City of Muskegon RESOLUTION 2020-____ A resolution adopting fees for services in the City entitled "Master Fee Resolution". The City of Muskegon hereby RESOLVES: 1. The City of Muskegon has in the past adopted resolutions from time to time which set fees for various services in the City. 2. That in addition to the specifically adopted resolution fees, there are fees which are charged pursuant to ordinances and codes as well as the fees which are charged in the exercise of various other functions of the City which serve the public. 3. That the City Commission has reviewed all of the fees which are charged from time to time pursuant to resolution, ordinance and in the affording of services to and for the public, and has determined to adopt the resolution a comprehensive schedule of fees by this resolution which is hereby called the "Master Fee Resolution". 4. That the City Commission and its committees, with the advice of the staff of the City, have carefully investigated and examined the fees set forth in this Master Resolution and have determined that they are reasonably related to the actual cost of affording the services involved. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION HEREBY RESOLVES: 1. That the schedule of fees attached to this resolution is hereby adopted and shall be charged for the services set forth in the schedule and under the conditions set forth therein. 2. That any fees listed which are also listed in specific resolutions, rules or regulations, shall be charged in accordance with those resolutions, rules and regulations, and with the practices of the City in affording the appropriate services. 3. That the adoption of this resolution does not amend or change previous specific resolutions for the charging of fees for services, and does not preclude the existence of previous or future resolutions setting forth fees which are not included herein. This resolution adopted. Ayes: Nays: Absent: CITY OF MUSKEGON ____________________________________________ Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk CERTIFICATE This Resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, held on January, 28, 2020. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976. Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk CITY OF MUSKEGON 2020 USER FEES DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD ON SALES TO 1 ALL TOTAL BALANCE DUE 15.00% -100.00% OUTSIDE PARTIES 2 ALL COPIES FOR PUBLIC (STANDARD SIZES) PER COPY 0.25 -100.00% 3 ALL FAX CHARGE FOR INFORMATION REQUESTS PER PAGE 0.50 -100.00% LATE FEE ON CITY RECEIVABLES (EXCEPT 4 ALL PAST DUE BALANCE 1.00% PER MO./IMPOSED AFTER 30 DAYS -100.00% TAXES) DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) CEMETERIES EVERGREEN MAUSOLEUM 5 CEMETERIES EACH 1,500.00 -100.00% (CRYPTS A-B) CEMETERIES EVERGREEN MAUSOLEUM 6 CEMETERIES EACH 1,900.00 -100.00% (CRYPTS A-B) NR * CEMETERIES EVERGREEN MAUSOLEUM 7 CEMETERIES EACH 1,800.00 -100.00% (CRYPTS C-F) CEMETERIES EVERGREEN MAUSOLEUM 8 CEMETERIES EACH 2,200.00 -100.00% (CRYPTS C-F) NR * 9 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN) ONE GRAVE 830.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% 10 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN) TWO GRAVES 1,500.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN) NR 11 CEMETERIES TWO GRAVES 1,800.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% * CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN) NR 12 CEMETERIES ONE GRAVE 1,000.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% * 13 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE) ONE GRAVE 830.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% 14 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE) TWO GRAVES 1,500.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% 15 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE) NR * ONE GRAVE 1,000.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% 16 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE) NR * TWO GRAVES 1,800.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% 17 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD) ONE GRAVE 830.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% 18 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD) TWO GRAVES 1,500.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% 19 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD) NR * TWO GRAVES 1,800.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% 20 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD) NR * ONE GRAVE 1,000.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN- 21 CEMETERIES ONE GRAVE 800.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% FLUSH MARKER) CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN- 22 CEMETERIES TWO GRAVES 1,435.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% FLUSH MARKER) CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN- 23 CEMETERIES ONE GRAVE 900.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% FLUSH MARKER) NR * CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN- 24 CEMETERIES TWO GRAVES 1,550.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% FLUSH MARKER) NR * CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN- 25 CEMETERIES ONE GRAVE 835.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% UPRIGHT MARKER) CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN- 26 CEMETERIES TWO GRAVES 1,500.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% UPRIGHT MARKER) CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN- 27 CEMETERIES ONE GRAVE 1,000.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% UPRIGHT MARKER) NR * CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (RESTLAWN- 28 CEMETERIES TWO GRAVES 1,800.00 50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE -100.00% UPRIGHT MARKER) NR * CEMETERIES IN-GOUND SPACE FOR 29 CEMETERIES EACH 350.00 -100.00% CREMAINS (RESTLAWN) CEMETERIES IN-GOUND SPACE FOR 30 CEMETERIES EACH 400.00 -100.00% CREMAINS (RESTLAWN) NR* CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (1/2 GRAVE--ALL 31 CEMETERIES EACH 600.00 -100.00% CEMETERIES) CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (1/2 GRAVE--ALL 32 CEMETERIES EACH 650.00 -100.00% CEMETERIES) NR * 33 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OPENING (1/2 GRAVE) EACH 300.00 -100.00% 34 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OPENING (1/2 GRAVE) NR * EACH 350.00 -100.00% 35 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OPENING (CREMATION) EACH 350.00 -100.00% 36 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OPENING (CREMATION) NR * EACH 400.00 -100.00% CEMETERIES SECOND CREMAINS (OPEN 37 CEMETERIES EACH 80.00 FOR ADDITIONAL ASHES -100.00% GRAVESITE) 38 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OPENING EACH 500.00 -100.00% 39 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OPENING NR * EACH 600.00 -100.00% CEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN IN 40 CEMETERIES EACH 175.00 -100.00% BABYLAND) CEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN IN 41 CEMETERIES EACH 200.00 -100.00% BABYLAND) NR * CEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN NOT IN 42 CEMETERIES EACH 300.00 -100.00% BABYLAND) CEMETERIES OPENING (STILLBORN NOT IN 43 CEMETERIES EACH 350.00 -100.00% BABYLAND) NR * CEMETERIES OVERTIME (MON-FRI AFTER 44 CEMETERIES EACH 400.00 -100.00% 2:30PM) 45 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES OVERTIME (SATURDAYS) EACH 500.00 -100.00% CEMETERIES OVERTIME (SUNDAYS AND 46 CEMETERIES EACH 600.00 -100.00% HOLIDAYS) 47 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES WEEKEND/HOLIDAY LATE FEE EACH 400.00 IF MORE THAN 1 HOUR PAST SCHEDULED BURIAL TIME. *NEW FEE* CEMETERIES NICHES COLUMBARIUUM (TOP 2 48 CEMETERIES EACH 900.00 -100.00% ROWS) CEMETERIES NICHES COLUMBARIUM NR (TOP 49 CEMETERIES EACH 950.00 -100.00% 2 ROWS) CEMETERIES NICHES COLUMBARIUUM 50 CEMETERIES EACH 700.00 *NEW FEE* (BOTTOM 2 ROWS) CEMETERIES NICHES COLUMBARIUM NR 51 CEMETERIES EACH 750.00 *NEW FEE* (BOTTOM 2 ROWS) 52 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES NICHES (OPEN/CLOSING) EACH 150.00 -100.00% 53 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES NICHES (OPEN/CLOSING) NR EACH 200.00 -100.00% 54 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES HEADSTONE SERVICE PER SQUARE INCH 0.55 MINIMUM $60.00 -100.00% CEMETERIES SERVICE (GOVERNMENT 55 CEMETERIES EACH 60.00 -100.00% MARKERS) 56 CEMETERIES CEMETERIES SERVICE (MAUSOLEUM VASES) EACH 75.00 -100.00% CEMETERIES SERVICE HEADSTONE PRE- 57 CEMETERIES EACH 25.00 -100.00% PLACEMENT CEMETERIES SERVICE (SMALL VASES) 58 CEMETERIES EACH 50.00 -100.00% RESTLAWN 59 CEMETERIES ENTOMBMENT - EVERGREEN MAUSOLEM EACH 200.00 300.00 50.00% ENTOMBMENT NR - EVERGREEN 60 CEMETERIES EACH 300.00 400.00 33.33% MAUSOLEUM EVERGREEN MAUSOLEUM CRYPT COVER 61 CEMETERIES 200.00 IF ENGRAVING NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ENTOMBMENT *NEW FEE* REMOVAL TRANSFER & AFFIDAVIT FEE PER GRAVE 62 CEMETERIES EACH 50.00 -100.00% SPACE 63 CEMETERIES CHAPEL FUNERAL SERVICE EACH 75.00 -100.00% DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 64 CLERK ADDRESS LABELS - VOTER REGISTRATION EACH 0.05 -100.00% 65 CLERK BUSINESS REGISTRATION EACH 35.00 -100.00% BUSINESS TRANSIENT/PEDDLER - RENEWAL 66 CLERK ANNUAL 150.00 -100.00% MAY 1ST BUSINESS AUCTIONEER LICENSE (INDIVIDUAL 67 CLERK PER DAY 10.00 -100.00% EVENT) 68 CLERK BUSINESS AUCTIONEER LICENSE (REGULAR) PER YEAR 100.00 -100.00% 69 CLERK AUCTION FEE PER DAY 30.00 -100.00% 70 CLERK BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT OCCUPANCY PER YEAR 125.00 -100.00% GAMING LICENSE REQUEST/PERMIT (30 DAYS 71 CLERK EACH 75.00 -100.00% OR MORE ADVANCE NOTICE) GAMING LICENSE REQUEST (LESS THAN 30 72 CLERK EACH 100.00 -100.00% DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE) CHARGED TO LAW FIRMS AND OTHER FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS 73 CLERK CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM RENTAL PER HOUR 25.00 -100.00% WISHING TO USE FACILITIES FOR NON-CITY RELATED BUSINESS 74 CLERK ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FEE EACH 100.00 -100.00% 75 CLERK ENCROACHMENT PERMIT CERTIFICATE FEE EACH LOCATION 50.00 SAME AS RENEWAL FEE -100.00% 76 CLERK ENCROACHMENT/RENTAL FEE (BUS BENCHES) PER BENCH/PERMONTH 5.00 -100.00% 77 CLERK ENCROACHMENT 1-YEAR RENEWAL EACH 25.00 -100.00% ENCROACHMENT 1-YEAR RENEWAL 78 CLERK EACH 50.00 -100.00% (INSPECTION REQ'D) 79 CLERK ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO WORK IN R-O-W PER UNIT 10.00 OR ACTUAL COSTS (WHICHEVER IS GREATER) -100.00% FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT PROCESSING 80 CLERK EACH 75.00 -100.00% FEE (30 OR MORE DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE) FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT PROCESSING 81 CLERK EACH 150.00 -100.00% FEE (LESS THAN 30 DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE) LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL (BEFORE 82 CLERK EACH 100.00 -100.00% FEBRUARY 28) LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWAL (AFTER FEBRUARY 83 CLERK EACH 150.00 -100.00% 28) LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP 84 CLERK EACH 250.00 -100.00% OR LOCATION DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT AREA CLASS-C ON- 85 CLERK PREMISES LIQUOR LICENSE (FORMERLY EACH 2,500.00 SAME REVIEW PROCESS AS FOR RENEWAL -100.00% DOWNTOWN DEV AUTH LICENSE) 86 CLERK NEW LIQUOR LICENSE EACH 1,000.00 REPLACES FEES ABOVE -100.00% 87 CLERK GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE EACH 50.00 UP TO ONE MONTH - RENEWABLE -100.00% LIQUOR LICENSE (EXPANSION OF EXISTING 88 CLERK EACH 25.00 -100.00% LICENSE) 89 CLERK MOBILE FOOD VENDING PERMIT ANNUAL 300.00 APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014 -100.00% MOBILE FOOD VENDING PERMIT (BRICK & 90 CLERK ANNUAL 150.00 APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014 -100.00% MORTAR RESTAURANT IN CITY) MOBILE FOOD VENDING PERMIT (BRICK & 91 CLERK ANNUAL 50.00 APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014 -100.00% MORTAR RESTAURANT IN DDA DISTRICT) 92 CLERK PASSPORT APPLICATION FEE EACH 25.00 35.00 PER FEDERAL LAW 40.00% 93 CLERK PASSPORT PHOTO FEE EACH 15.00 -100.00% 94 CLERK MONEY ORDERS EACH 5.00 NEW SERVICE & FEE -100.00% 95 CLERK PRECINCT MAPS (SMALL) EACH 2.00 -100.00% 96 CLERK PUBLIC NOTARY FEE EACH 5.00 CONSISTENT WITH COUNTY FEE -100.00% SPECIAL EVENT PARKING FEE (UNDER 50 97 CLERK PER EVENT 25.00 APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014 -100.00% PARKING SPOTS) SPECIAL EVENT PARKING FEE (OVER 50 98 CLERK PER EVENT 50.00 APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014 -100.00% PARKING SPOTS) TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT NEW PROVIDER 99 CLERK EACH 500.00 PER NEW STATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT -100.00% FEE 100 CLERK VOTER INFORMATION - ON DISK EACH 25.00 -100.00% 101 CLERK VOTER REGISTRATION - HARDCOPY LIST PER LISTING 0.01 -100.00% 102 CLERK VOTER REGISTRATION - MAILING LABELS PER LABEL 0.05 -100.00% DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 103 CNS MORTGAGE REFINANCE FEE EACH 50.00 -100.00% 104 CNS REHAB LOAN APPLICATION FEE EACH 200.00 -100.00% 105 CNS FAÇADE PROGRAM - 50% AMI AND BELOW EACH 60.00 ELIGIBLITY FEE -100.00% 106 CNS FAÇADE PROGRAM - 51% - 60% AMI EACH 250.00 ELIGIBLITY FEE -100.00% 107 CNS FAÇADE PROGRAM - 61% TO 80% AMI EACH 500.00 ELIGIBLITY FEE -100.00% 108 CNS PRIORITY HOME REPAIR APPLICATION FEE EACH 60.00 -100.00% 109 CNS RENTAL REHAB APPLICATION FEE PER LOAN 100.00 -100.00% DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 110 DPW ADDITIONAL GARBAGE SERVICE (1 TOTER) PER MONTH 13.00 -100.00% 111 DPW APPLIANCE STICKER EACH 25.00 -100.00% GARBAGE CART REPLACEMENT - DAMAGED 112 DPW EACH 55.00 -100.00% BY USER 113 DPW GARBAGE SERVICE - SMALL BUSINESS PER MONTH 16.00 INCLUDES CHURCHES AND NON-PROFITS -100.00% GARBAGE SERVICE - UNAUTORIZED USE OF 114 DPW PER INCIDENT 50.00 -100.00% CARTS GARBAGE SERVICE - REPLACE LOST/STOLEN 115 DPW EACH 55.00 -100.00% CART 116 DPW GARBAGE SERVICE - NEW SERVICE STARTUP EACH 55.00 -100.00% 117 DPW GARBAGE SERVICE - MIXED REFUSE STICKER EACH 2.00 BUY 6 FOR $10.00 - UNIT PRICE $1.67 -100.00% FEE FOR SPECIAL COLLECTION OF ILLIEGAL 118 DPW EACH 50.00 OR ACTUAL COSTS (WHICHEVER IS GREATER) -100.00% MATERIALS FEE FOR BULK YARD WASTE DROP OFF 119 DPW (DURING REGULAR HOURS) - BY EACH 25.00 -100.00% APPOINTMENT ONLY 120 DPW REPLACE EMPLOYEE ID/ACCESS TKC CARD PER LOST CARD 10.00 REACTIVATED FEE -100.00% 121 DPW STORM SEWER CONNECTION FEE EACH 800.00 STUB FEE -100.00% 122 DPW TREE REPLACEMENT PLANTING FEE EACH 200.00 -100.00% TREE REMOVAL FEE (12" AND UNDER 123 DPW EACH 200.00 TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE -100.00% DIAMETER) 124 DPW TREE REMOVAL FEE (12" - 18" DIAMETER) EACH 500.00 TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE -100.00% 125 DPW TREE REMOVAL FEE (18" - 24" DIAMETER) EACH 650.00 TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE -100.00% 126 DPW TREE REMOVAL FEE (24" - 30" DIAMETER) EACH 750.00 TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE -100.00% 127 DPW TREE REMOVAL FEE (30" - 36" DIAMETER) EACH 1,000.00 TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE -100.00% 128 DPW TREE REMOVAL FEE (36" - 42" DIAMETER) EACH 1,700.00 TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE -100.00% TREE REMOVAL FEE (42" AND OVER 129 DPW EACH 1,900.00 TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE -100.00% DIAMETER) 130 DPW HANG AND/OR REMOVE BANNER EACH REQUEST 450.00 EACH ADDITIONAL BANNER: $50.00 -100.00% 131 DPW USE OF BIKE PATH FOR ORGANIZED EVENTS EACH EVENT 200.00 PER EVENT -100.00% EXCLUSIVE USE OF HACKLEY PK FOR SPECIAL 132 DPW (PARKS) PER DAY 125.00 -100.00% EVENTS EXCLUSIVE USE OF PERE MARQUETTE LARGE 133 DPW (PARKS) PER DAY 125.00 -100.00% OVAL FOR SPECIAL EVENTS USE FEE IN ADDITION TO SPECIAL EVENT 134 DPW (PARKS) PER DAY 125.00 -100.00% APPLICLATION FEE CLEANING DEPOSIT FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF 135 DPW (PARKS) HACKLEY, PERE MARQUETTE OR MARGARET EACH 50.00 -100.00% DRAKE ELLIOTT PARKS - SPECIAL EVENT 138 DPW (PARKS) PARK BUILDING USE ) PER SESSION 125.00 All buildings -100.00% PARK BUILDING USE (CLEANING/SECURITY 140 DPW (PARKS) EACH 50.00 All buildings -100.00% DEPOSIT) 141 DPW (PARKS) MC GRAFT PARK MUSIC BOWL HOUR 45.00 -100.00% PARKS (LIGHT COSTS SPORT FIELDS & 142 DPW (PARKS) EACH 40.00 -100.00% COURTS) DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 143 DPW (PARKS) PARKS (WOOD SNOW FENCE RENTAL) EACH 30.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK- -100.00% UP IS REQUIRED DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 144 DPW (PARKS) PARKS (USE OF GARBAGE CANS) EACH 5.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK- -100.00% UP IS REQUIRED SPORTS FIELD & COURT RENTAL (EXLUDES 145 DPW (PARKS) 2 HOUR RENTAL 25.00 -100.00% SETUP SERVICES) 147 DPW (PARKS) CHANNEL SHELTER RENTAL EACH 75.00 -100.00% 148 DPW (PARKS) PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL EACH SESSION 100.00 For Kruse#4, Margaret Drake Elliot and Syerforth Parks -100.00% 149 DPW (PARKS) PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL EACH SESSION 75.00 For Beachwood, Kruse 1, 2 and 3 -100.00% 150 DPW (PARKS) PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL EACH SESSION 50.00 For Campbell and Smith Ryerson -100.00% PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL RESERVATION 151 DPW (PARKS) EACH 15.00 -100.00% CHANGE 153 DPW (PARKS) CLEANING FEE FOR RENTALS EACH 75.00 NOT CHARGED IF FACILITY LEFT CLEAN -100.00% GROUPED TABLES (4) AT DRAKE-ELLIOTT (48 154 DPW (PARKS) EACH 50.00 -100.00% PEOPLE) 155 DPW (PARKS) WEDDING RESERVATIONS-MCGRAFT LAGOON EACH 150.00 -100.00% 156 DPW (PARKS) WEDDING RESERVATIONS-PERE MARQUETTE EACH 175.00 *NEW FEE* WEDDING RESERVATIONS-CHANNEL AREA 157 DPW (PARKS) EACH 225.00 *NEW FEE* (INCLUDES SHELTER) 158 DPW (PARKS) KEY DEPOSIT (RESTROOM) EACH 25.00 -100.00% DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 159 DPW (PARKS) CITY SERVICES (55-GAL METAL TRASH CANS) EACH 5.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK- -100.00% UP IS REQUIRED DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 160 DPW (PARKS) CITY SERVICES RENTAL OF POSTS EACH POST 3.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK- -100.00% UP IS REQUIRED DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 161 DPW (PARKS) CITY SERVICES (PICNIC TABLES) EACH 10.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK- -100.00% UP IS REQUIRED 162 DPW (PARKS) CITY SERVICES (LABOR PARKS OR DPW STAFF) PER HOUR 60.00 -100.00% 163 DPW (PARKS) RENTAL OF PORTABLE STAGE EACH 100.00 -100.00% 164 DPW (PARKS) RENTAL OF BLEACHERS EACH 100.00 -100.00% DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 165 ENGINEERING WIDE LOAD PERMIT EACH 200.00 50.00 -75.00% CHARGE FOR BLUEPRINTS (PLANS & UTILITY 166 ENGINEERING EACH 8.00 -100.00% MAPS) 167 ENGINEERING CHARGE FOR BID DOCUMENTS EACH 40.00 -100.00% 169 ENGINEERING STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BILLING FEE PER BILL 5.00 -100.00% STORM WATER MANAGEMENT HOOKUP FEE 170 ENGINEERING EACH 175.00 5,000 GALLON PER DAY MAXIMUM -100.00% FOR SYSTEM AVAILABILITY STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT 171 ENGINEERING EACH 500.00 -100.00% APPLICATION FEE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USE 172 ENGINEERING PER 1,000 GALLONS 0.20 -100.00% FEE REPLACE/ INSTALL RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY 173 ENGINEERING EACH UNIT 20.00 25.00 SIDEWALK/DRIVE APPROACHES, LANDSCAPING 25.00% IN RIGHT OF WAY 174 ENGINEERING UTILITY ANNUAL PERMIT FEE EACH 1,750.00 -100.00% 176 ENGINEERING UTILITY CUT PERMIT FEE UNIT 20.00 -100.00% UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL- 177 ENGINEERING SQUARE YARD 100.00 FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE -100.00% PAVEMENT <4 YEARSOLD) UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL- 178 ENGINEERING SQUARE YARD 75.00 FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE -100.00% PAVEMENT 4-9 YEARSOLD) UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL- 179 ENGINEERING SQUARE YARD 50.00 FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE -100.00% PAVEMENT >10 YEARSOLD) 181 ENGINEERING ROAD CLOSURE (EXCLUDING SPECIAL EVENTS) EACH 25.00 *NEW FEE* 182 ENGINEERING DUMPSTER IN ROAD OR RIGHT OF WAY EACH 25.00 *NEW FEE* REPLACE/ INSTALL SIDEWALK IN RIGHT OF 183 ENGINEERING EACH UNIT 25.00 *NEW FEE* WAY REPLACE/ INSTALL COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY 184 ENGINEERING EACH UNIT 50.00 *NEW FEE* IN RIGHT OF WAY DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 185 ENV SERVICES ALERT NOTIFICATION - FAX ANNUAL - LOCAL 0.00 SERVICE NOW FREE VIA EMAIL 186 ENV SERVICES ALERT NOTIFICATION - FAX ANNUAL - LONG DISTANCE 0.00 SERVICE NOW FREE VIA EMAIL DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) PUBLIC SAFETY - CODE 187 TERRACE VIOLATIONS ADMINISTRATION FEE FIRST VIOLATION 50.00 PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED. -100.00% ENFORCEMENT PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED. FEE FOR EACH PUBLIC SAFETY - CODE TERRACE VIOLATIONS ADMINISTRATION FEE 188 EACH SUBSEQUENT 10.00 SUBSEQUENT VIOLATIONS INCREMENT $50 (E.G. 2ND VIOLATION = -100.00% ENFORCEMENT (EACH SUBSEQUENT IN YEAR) $60; 3RD = $70, ETC PUBLIC SAFETY - CODE 189 GRASS, TRASH AND LEAF VIOLATIONS FIRST VIOLATION 90.00 PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED. -100.00% ENFORCEMENT PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED. FEE FOR EACH PUBLIC SAFETY - CODE GRASS, TRASH AND LEAF VIOLATIONS (EACH 190 EACH SUBSEQUENT 15.00 SUBSEQUENT VIOLATIONS INCREMENT $90 (E.G. 2ND VIOLATION = -100.00% ENFORCEMENT SUBSEQUENT IN YEAR) $105; 3RD = $120, ETC PUBLIC SAFETY - CODE 191 LATE FEE ON INVOICES OVER 30 DAYS EACH INVOICE 10.00 -100.00% ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 192 CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION VACANT BUILDING 0.00 VACANT LESS THAN ONE YEAR -100.00% VACANT 1 YEAR BUT LESS THAN 2 YEARS. IF THIS MEETS STANDARD, 193 CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION VACANT BUILDING 1,000.00 -100.00% THEN REDUCED TO $500. VACANT 2 YEARS BUT LESS THAN 3 YEARS. IF THIS MEETS STANDARD, 194 CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION VACANT BUILDING 2,000.00 -100.00% THEN REDUCED TO $1,000. VACANT 3 YEARS BUT LESS THAN 5 YEARS. IF THIS MEETS STANDARD, 195 CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION VACANT BUILDING 4,000.00 -100.00% THEN REDUCED TO $2,000. VACANT 5 YEARS BUT LESS THAN 10 YEARS. IF THIS MEETS 196 CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION VACANT BUILDING 7,000.00 -100.00% STANDARD, THEN REDUCED TO $3,500. 197 CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION VACANT BUILDING 7,000.00 VACANT 10 YEARS -100.00% 198 CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION VACANT BUILDING 1,000.00 EACH YEAR VACANT BEYOND 10 YEARS -100.00% VACANT BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL 199 CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE OCCURRENCE 25.00 NON-REFUNDABLE FEE -100.00% FEE (31-60 DAYS LATE) VACANT BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL 200 CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE OCCURRENCE 35.00 NON-REFUNDABLE FEE -100.00% FEE (61-90 DAYS LATE) VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION - FORMAL 201 CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE OCCURRENCE 50.00 NON-REFUNDABLE FEE -100.00% APPEAL FEE DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION PER 202 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL SINGLE UNIT 80.00 INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 4 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE -100.00% PARCEL (ANNUAL) RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION PER 203 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL DUPLEX 90.00 INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 4 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE -100.00% PARCEL (ANNUAL) RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION (ANNUAL - 204 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL 3 UNITS 110.00 INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 4 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE -100.00% BASE) RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION (ANNUAL - 205 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL PER UNIT OVER 3 15.00 INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 4 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE -100.00% PER PARCEL OVER 3) RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION (INSPECTION 206 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL NO-SHOW FIRST TIME OR LATE PER UNIT 70.00 FEE ASSESSED FOR NO-SHOW/LOCK OUT OR LATE CANCELLATION -100.00% CANCELLATION) RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION FEE ASSESSED WHEN A 3RD CANCELLATION IS RECEIVED BY 207 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL OCCURRENCE 70.00 -100.00% CANCELLATION FEE CUSTOMER OR AGENT RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION ADDED TO BASE CANCELLATION FEE; EACH CANCELLATION INSTANCE 208 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL CANCELLATION FEE (STARTING WITH 4TH OCCURRENCE 20.00 -100.00% WILL CAUSE FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $15.00 CANCELLATION) RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION (INSPECTION ADDED TO BASE NO SHOW FEE; EACH NO SHOW INSTANCE WILL 209 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL NO-SHOW EACH ADDT'L TIME OR LATE PER UNIT 25.00 -100.00% CAUSE INSPECTION FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $20.00 CANCELLATION) FEE TO BE ASSESSED TO PROPERTIES NOT BROUGHT INTO 210 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL RENTAL PROPERTY REINSPECTION FEE PER UNIT 50.00 -100.00% COMPLIANCE AFTER THE FIRST INSPECTION ADDED TO BASE NON-COMPLIANCE FEE; EACH REINSPECTION RENTAL PROPERTY REINSPECTION (STARTING 211 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL PER UNIT 20.00 INSTANCE WILL CAUSE NON-COMPLIANCE FEE TO INCREASE BY AN -100.00% WITH 2ND REINSPECTION) ADDITIONAL $15.00 RENTAL PROPERTY EXTERIOR ONLY FEE ASSESSED TO PROPERTIES IN COMPLIANCE INTERIOR 212 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL REINSPECTION FEE (1ST EXTERIOR ONLY PER UNIT 40.00 REQUIREMENTS BUT NOT IN COMPLIANCE WITH EXTERIOR -100.00% REINSPECTION) REQUIREMENTS BY FIRST INSPECTION RENTAL PROPERTY EXTERIOR ONLY ADDED TO BASE EXTERIOR NON-COMPLIANCE FEE; EACH 213 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL REINSPECTION FEE (STARTING WITH 2ND PER UNIT 20.00 REINSPECTION INSTANCE WILL CAUSE EXTERIOR NON-COMPLIANCE -100.00% EXTERIOR ONLY REINSPECTION) FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $15.00 LATE FEE FOR NON-PAYMENT OF RENTAL 214 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL EACH PROPERTY VIOLATION 15.00 FEE CHARGED AFTER 30 DAYS -100.00% REGISTRATION ANNUAL FEE 215 PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL HOUSING-WARRANT INSPECTION FEE EACH 150.00 -100.00% 216 PUBLIC SAFETY - ENV SERVICES BOARD UP'S - FIRST 5 BOARDS PER INSTANCE 40.00 PLUS THE COST OF THE CONTRACTOR TO DO THE BOARD UP -100.00% 217 PUBLIC SAFETY - ENV SERVICES BOARD UP'S - 6 OR MORE BOARDS PER INSTANCE 60.00 PLUS THE COST OF THE CONTRACTOR TO DO THE BOARD UP -100.00% ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD ON 218 PUBLIC SAFETY - ENV SERVICES PER UNIT 20.0% BASED ON THE CONTRACTORS PRICE TO DEMOLISH -100.00% DEMOLITIONS DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 219 FARMERS' MARKET DAILY - SATURDAY DAILY 30.00 SATURDAY ONLY -100.00% 220 FARMERS' MARKET DAILY - WEEKDAY DAILY 15.00 WEEKDAYS WITH NO TIERS -100.00% 221 FARMERS' MARKET TIER 1 - CORNER 0-2 MONTHS 372.00 -100.00% 222 FARMERS' MARKET TIER 1 - REGULAR 0-2 MONTHS 342.00 -100.00% 223 FARMERS' MARKET TIER 2 - REGULAR 0-2 MONTHS 194.00 -100.00% 224 FARMERS' MARKET TIER 1 - CORNER 5 MONTHS 447.00 -100.00% 225 FARMERS' MARKET TIER 1 - REGULAR 5 MONTHS 413.00 -100.00% 226 FARMERS' MARKET TIER 2 - REGULAR 5 MONTHS 242.00 -100.00% 227 FARMERS' MARKET TIER 1 - CORNER 7 MONTHS 480.00 -100.00% 228 FARMERS' MARKET TIER 1 - REGULAR 7 MONTHS 443.00 -100.00% 229 FARMERS' MARKET TIER 2 - REGULAR 7 MONTHS 266.00 -100.00% 230 FARMERS' MARKET WINTER MARKET-GARAGE DOOR DAILY 25.00 -100.00% 231 FARMERS' MARKET WINTER MARKET- SMALL TABLE DAILY 10.00 -100.00% 232 FARMERS' MARKET WINTER MARKET 5 MONTHS 400.00 FEE FOR EXTENDED HOURS AT NEW MARKET -100.00% FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL - 233 FARMERS' MARKET PER SESSION 250.00 9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM -100.00% FACILITY A FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL - 234 FARMERS' MARKET PER SESSION 250.00 9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM -100.00% FACILITY B FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL - 235 FARMERS' MARKET PER SESSION 250.00 9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM -100.00% FACILITY C FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL - 236 FARMERS' MARKET PER SESSION 100.00 9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM -100.00% FACILITY D FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL - 9:00 AM TO 1:00 PM OR 1:30 PM TO 5:30 PM OR 6:00 PM TO 10:00 237 FARMERS' MARKET PER SESSION 50.00 -100.00% MARKET STAGE PM 238 FARMERS' MARKET SNAP/DOUBLE-UP FOOD BUCKS ADMIN FEE 2% OF TRANSACTION 2.0% FEE FOR COST OF TRANSACTION ADMINISTRATION -100.00% KITCHEN USE - PREP/TABLETOP -REGULAR 239 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN PER HOUR 12.00 -100.00% USER 240 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE - BAKING - REGULAR USER PER HOUR 15.00 -100.00% 241 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE - PROCESSING - REGULAR USER PER HOUR 15.00 -100.00% 242 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE - CATERING - REGULAR USER PER HOUR 15.00 -100.00% 243 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN DRY STORAGE CAGE - MONTHLY PER MONTH 20.00 COOLER/FREEZER STORAGE BY THE SHELF PER MONTH -100.00% KITCHEN USE - SECURITY DEPOSIT REGULAR DEPOSIT REFUNDED IF NO DAMAGE, KITCHEN IS CLEANED, 244 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN PER RENTAL 50.00 -100.00% USER EQUIPMENT RETURNED, ETC. KITCHEN USE -APPLICATION FEE FOR 245 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN PER RENTAL 20.00 INCLUDES ONE KEY CARD -100.00% REGULAR USER 246 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE -OCCASIONAL OR ONE TIME USE PER HOUR 25.00 -100.00% KITCHEN USE - SECURITY DEPOSIT DEPOSIT REFUNDED IF NO DAMAGE, KITCHEN IS CLEANED, 247 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN PER RENTAL 100.00 -100.00% OCCASIONAL OR ONE TIME USE EQUIPMENT RETURNED, ETC KITCHEN USE - APPLICATION FEE OCCASIONAL 248 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN PER RENTAL 20.00 -100.00% OR ONE TIME USE KITCHEN USE - KEY CARD FEE OCCASIONAL OR 249 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN PER RENTAL 10.00 -100.00% ONE TIME USE KITCHEN USE - REPLACEMENT OF ISSUED KEY 250 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN PER CARD 25.00 -100.00% CARD 251 FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE - EXTRA KEY PER CARD 10.00 -100.00% CANCELLATION IS WITHOUT CHARGE IF MADE UP TO SEVEN DAYS IN FULL RENTAL 252 FARMERS MARKET KITCHEN CANCELLATION FEE PER OCCURRENCE ADVANCE; LESS THAN 7 DAYS NOTICE CHARGED THE FULL RENTAL #VALUE! RATE RATE DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 253 FINANCE REPLACEMENT OF LOST PAYROLL CHECK EACH OCCURRENCE 25.00 -100.00% 254 FINANCE COPIES OF CITY BUDGET OR CAFR EACH 25.00 -100.00% DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 255 FIRE FIRE REPORT COPY (MAJOR FIRE) EACH 15.00 -100.00% 256 FIRE FIRE REPORT COPY (REGULAR) EACH 5.00 -100.00% 257 FIRE PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (ENLARGED) EACH 12.00 -100.00% 258 FIRE PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (STD SIZE) EACH 15.00 -100.00% 259 FIRE PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (CD-ROM) EACH 15.00 -100.00% 260 FIRE INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION ESCROW EACH INCIDENT 15.00 PLUS RELATED COURT COSTS -100.00% 261 FIRE FIRE INSPECTION ADDITIONAL VISIT EACH INCIDENT 20.00 RE-INSPECTION/REPAIR/COMPLAINT -100.00% 262 FIRE ARSON FIRE RESTITUTION FEE PER HR ON CALL 50.00 PLUS RELATED COURT COSTS -100.00% 263 FIRE FALSE ALARM FEE PER HR ON CALL 20.00 30.00 AFTER 3RD FALSE ALARM IN ONE YEAR 50.00% 264 FIRE WILLFUL NEGLIGENCE FIRE FEE PER HR ON CALL 25.00 -100.00% 265 FIRE CONFINED SPACE RESCUE FEE PER HR ON CALL 100.00 -100.00% 266 FIRE ICE RESCUE CALL PER HR ON CALL 20.00 -100.00% 267 FIRE DOWNED POWER LINE PER HR 10.00 60.00 AFTER FIRST FIFTEEN MINUTES, PER HOUR RATE 500.00% 268 FIRE SPECIAL USE PERMITS (PER UFC) EACH PER YEAR 25.00 -100.00% 269 FIRE STRUCTURE FIRE RESPONSE EACH 10.00 500.00 CHARGED TO OWNER'S INSURANCE (RESIDENTAL / COMMERCIAL) 4900.00% FULL RENTAL 270 FIRE PI ACCIDENT RESPONSE EACH CHARGED TO AT FAULT DRIVER'S AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY #VALUE! RATE DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 271 FLEA MARKET DEALERS SPACE - CORNER COVERED SPACE DAILY 25.00 -100.00% 272 FLEA MARKET DEALERS SPACE - 10 x 15 COVERED SPACE DAILY 25.00 -100.00% 273 FLEA MARKET DEALERS SPACE - 10 x 30 ASHPHALT SPACE DAILY 15.00 -100.00% DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) DELINQUENT PAYMENT AGREEMENT 274 INCOME TAX EACH 5.00 15.00 PLUS RELATED PENALTIES & INTEREST 200.00% ADMINISTRATION FEE DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 275 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING BUILDING CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION FEE EACH 15.00 -100.00% BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT 25% of Value; 276 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH #VALUE! (COMMERCIAL) Min $120.00 277 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT (GARAGE) EACH 60.00 -100.00% BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT 278 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 120.00 -100.00% (RESIDENTIAL) 279 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1-$1,000 VALUE) EACH 55.00 -100.00% BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1,001-$2,000 280 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING BASE 55.00 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1,000-$2,000 281 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH ADDITIONAL $100 3.50 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($2,001-$25,000 282 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING BASE 92.75 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($2,001-$25,000 283 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000 15.38 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($25,001-$50,000 284 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING BASE 463.00 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($25,001-$50,000 285 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000 11.50 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($50,001-$100,000 286 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING BASE 753.00 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($50,001-$100,000 287 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000 8.00 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($100,001-$500,000 288 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING BASE 1,150.00 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($100,001-$500,000 289 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000 6.40 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($500,001-$1,000,000 290 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING BASE 3,731.00 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($500,001-$1,000,000 291 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000 5.45 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES (OVER $1,000,000 292 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING BASE 6,449.00 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT FEES (OVER $1,000,000 293 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000 4.15 -100.00% VALUE) BUILDING PERMIT (INSPECTION-SPECIAL. 294 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PER HOUR 65.00 REMOVED MINIMUM 2 HOURS -100.00% REINSPECTION, ETC.) BUILDING PERMIT (PRE-MANUFACTURED 295 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 50.00% OF REGULAR BUILDING PERMIT FEE -100.00% RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE) BUILDING PLAN REVIEW FEE (INCL FIRE 296 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PERMIT FEE 65.00% OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE -100.00% REVIEW) CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 297 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 500.00 -100.00% APPLICATION FEE 298 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (BASE PERMIT) BASE 65.00 -100.00% ELECTRICAL PERMIT (BASEBOARD HEAT 299 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 9.00 -100.00% UNITS) 300 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (CIRCUITS) EACH 6.00 -100.00% 301 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (DISHWASHER) EACH 9.00 -100.00% ELECTRICAL PERMIT (ENERGY RETROFIT/TEMP 302 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 45.00 -100.00% CONTROL) ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FEEDERS, BUS DUCTS, 303 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 50' 9.00 -100.00% ETC.) ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM 1-10 304 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 75.00 -100.00% DEVICES) ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM 11-20 305 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 150.00 -100.00% DEVICES) ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM EA. 306 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH DEVICE 8.00 -100.00% STATION OVER 20 DEV) 307 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FURNACE-UNIT HEATER) EACH 9.00 -100.00% ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION- 308 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PER HOUR 45.00 MINIMUM 1 HOUR -100.00% ADDITIONAL) 309 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-FINAL) EACH 45.00 -100.00% ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-HOURLY 310 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING HOUR 60.00 MINIMUM 1 HOUR -100.00% FEE) ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION- 311 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING HOUR 50.00 MINIMUM 1 HOUR -100.00% SPECIAL/SAFETY) 312 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA OR HP UP TO 20) EACH 9.00 -100.00% 313 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA & HP 21 TO 50) EACH 15.00 -100.00% 314 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA & HP 50 AND OVER) EACH 18.00 -100.00% ELECTRICAL PERMIT (LIGHTING FIXTURES-PER 315 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 10.00 -100.00% 25) ELECTRICAL PERMIT (METER 316 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 45.00 -100.00% INSPECTION/POWER TURN-ON) 317 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (MOBILE HOME SITE) EACH 9.00 -100.00% ELECTRICAL PERMIT (POWER OUTLETS-INC 318 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 10.00 -100.00% RANGES, DRYERS) ELECTRICAL PERMIT (RECREATIONAL VEHICLE 319 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 8.00 -100.00% SITE) 320 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 0 TO 200 AMP) EACH 15.00 -100.00% ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 201 TO 600 321 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 20.00 -100.00% AMP) ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 601 TO 800 322 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 23.00 -100.00% AMP) ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 801 TO 1200 323 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% AMP) ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES OVER 1200 324 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 50.00 -100.00% AMP/GFI ONLY) 325 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS LETTER) EACH 15.00 -100.00% 326 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS NEON) EACH 25' 2.00 -100.00% 327 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS UNIT) EACH 10.00 -100.00% ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SPECIAL 328 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 45.00 -100.00% CONDUIT/GROUNDING) 329 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW FEE EACH 25.00% OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE -100.00% 330 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING FIRE ALARM PLAN REVIEW FEE EACH 25.00% OF PERMIT FEE FOR ANY SYSTEM OVER 10 DEVICES -100.00% 331 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING GARAGE MOVING FEE EACH 200.00 -100.00% 332 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING BUILDING MOVING FEE (EXCEPT GARAGE) EACH 500.00 -100.00% 333 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING LIQUOR LICENSE INSPECTION FEE EACH 80.00 -100.00% 334 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING LIQUOR LICENSE RE-INSPECTION FEE EACH 50.00 -100.00% MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS- 335 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 20.00 -100.00% COMMERCIAL HOODS) MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-OVER 336 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 60.00 -100.00% 10,000 CFM) MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-RES 337 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 5.00 -100.00% BATH & KITCHEN) MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-UNDER 338 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 20.00 -100.00% 10,000 CFM) MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG- 339 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% CHILLER) MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG- 340 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% COMPRESSOR) MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG- 341 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% COOLING TOWERS) MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG- 342 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% EVAPORATOR COILS) MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG- 343 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% REFRIGERATION SPLIT SYSTEM) 344 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING MECHANICAL PERMIT (BASE PERMIT) EACH 65.00 -100.00% MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE 345 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PER FOOT 0.10 $25.00 MINIMUM FEE -100.00% SUPPRESSION/DUCT) MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE 346 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PER FOOT 0.10 $25.00 MINIMUM FEE -100.00% SUPPRESSION/PIPING) MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE 347 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 150.00 -100.00% SUPPRESSION/RESTAURANT HOODS) MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE 348 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PER HEAD 0.75 $20.00 MINIMUM FEE -100.00% SUPPRESSION/SPRINKLER HEADS) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEAT RECOVERY 349 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 10.00 -100.00% UNITS/THRU-WALL FAN COILS) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-BOILER 350 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 10.00 -100.00% CONTROLS, PUMPS) 351 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-BOILERS) EACH 30.00 -100.00% MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-CHIMNEY, 352 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 25.00 -100.00% FACTORY BUILT) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-FLUE/VENT 353 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 8.00 -100.00% DAMPER) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS FIRE 354 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 20.00 -100.00% PLACES) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS PIPE 355 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 45.00 -100.00% TESTING NEW SERVICE) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS PIPING 356 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 5.00 -100.00% EACH OPENING) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS/OIL 357 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% BURNING EQUIPMENT) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-HEAT PUMPS 358 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% COMMERCIAL) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-HEAT 359 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% PUMPS, COMPLETE RESIDENT) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-HEAT 360 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% PUMPS, COMPLETE RESIDENT) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-RESIDENTIAL 361 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% A/C) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-RESIDENTIAL 362 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 50.00 -100.00% SYSTEM) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-SOLAR, SET 363 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 20.00 -100.00% OF 3 PANELS) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-SOLID FUEL 364 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% EQUIPMENT COMPLETE) MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-WATER 365 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 10.00 -100.00% HEATER) 366 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING MECHANICAL PERMIT (HUMIDIFIERS) EACH 10.00 -100.00% MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION- 367 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 45.00 -100.00% ADDITIONAL) 368 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-FINAL) EACH 45.00 -100.00% MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-HOURLY 369 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 60.00 -100.00% RATE) MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION- 370 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 50.00 -100.00% SPECIAL/SAFETY) MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-TURN ON 371 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 45.00 -100.00% GAS) MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS 372 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 5.00 -100.00% PIPING/HAZARDOUS 1-4 OUTLETS) MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS 373 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PER OUTLET 1.00 -100.00% PIPING/HAZARDOUS 5+ MORE OUTLETS) MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS PIPING/NON- 374 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 2.00 -100.00% HAZARDOUS 1-4 OUTLETS) MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS PIPING/NON- 375 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PER OUTLET 0.50 -100.00% HAZARDOUS 5+ OUTLETS) 376 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING MECHANICAL PERMIT (ROOFTOP HVAC UNIT) EACH 60.00 -100.00% MECHANICAL PERMIT (TANKS- 377 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 20.00 -100.00% ABOVEGROUND) MECHANICAL PERMIT (TANKS- 378 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 25.00 -100.00% UNDERGROUND) MECHANICAL PERMIT (UNIT 379 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 15.00 -100.00% HEATERS/TERMINAL UNITS) 380 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING MECHANICAL PERMIT (UNIT VENTILATORS) EACH 10.00 -100.00% 381 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING MECHANICAL PLAN REVIEW FEE EACH 25.00% OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE -100.00% 382 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PLUMBING PERMIT (BASE PERMIT) EACH 65.00 -100.00% PLUMBING PERMIT (CONNECTION BLDG. 383 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 9.00 -100.00% DRAIN; SEWERS AT STREET) PLUMBING PERMIT (FIXTURES, FLOOR 384 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 9.00 -100.00% DRAINS, LAB DEVICES) PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION 385 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 45.00 -100.00% ADDITIONAL) 386 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION FINAL) EACH 45.00 -100.00% PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION HOURLY 387 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 60.00 MINIMUM TWO HOURS -100.00% FEE) PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION 388 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 50.00 -100.00% SPECIAL/SAFETY) PLUMBING PERMIT (MANHOLES- 389 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 10.00 -100.00% CATCHBASINS) PLUMBING PERMIT (MEDICAL GAS 390 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PER OUTLET 8.00 -100.00% INSTALLATION) PLUMBING PERMIT (REDUCED PRESSURE 391 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 10.00 -100.00% BACKFLOW PREVENTER 1/4" TO 2") PLUMBING PERMIT (REDUCED PRESSURE 392 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 20.00 -100.00% BACKFLOW PREVENTER OVER 2") PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWAGE SUMPS & 393 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 10.00 -100.00% EJECTORS) PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWERS-SANITARY OR 394 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 25.00 -100.00% STORM OVER 6") PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWERS-SANITARY OR 395 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 10.00 -100.00% STORM UNDER 6") PLUMBING PERMIT (STACKS, VENTS, 396 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 6.00 -100.00% CONDUCTORS) 397 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PLUMBING PERMIT (SUB-SOIL DRAINS) EACH 9.00 -100.00% PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 398 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 30.00 -100.00% SYSTEM--1-1/2") PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 399 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 23.00 -100.00% SYSTEM--1-1/4") PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 400 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 15.00 -100.00% SYSTEM--1") PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 401 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 38.00 -100.00% SYSTEM--2") PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 402 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 8.00 -100.00% SYSTEM--3/4") PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION 403 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 45.00 -100.00% SYSTEM--OVER 2") PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE 2" TO 404 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 25.00 -100.00% 6") PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE LESS 405 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 10.00 -100.00% THAN 2") PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE OVER 406 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 50.00 -100.00% 6") 407 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW FEE EACH 25.00% OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE -100.00% PLUMBING PERMIT (GREASE TRAP 408 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 45.00 -100.00% INSPECTION) PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE APPEAL 409 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING EACH 100.00 -100.00% APPLICATION FEE ROOFING PERMIT (RE-ROOF OVER OLD 410 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PER SQUARE 150.00 -100.00% ROOF/1LAYERS MAX) 411 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING ROOFING PERMIT (STRIP THEN RE-ROOF) PER SQUARE 250.00 -100.00% ROOFING PERMIT (STRIP, RE-SHEET, THEN RE- 412 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING PER SQUARE 300.00 -100.00% ROOF) 413 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING Telecommunications Outlets 1 - 10 Outlets 50.00 -100.00% 414 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING Telecommunications Outlets 11 - 20 Outlets 100.00 -100.00% 415 PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING Telecommunications Outlets Over 20 Outlets - Per Outlet 2.00 -100.00% DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 416 MARINA 30 FOOT SLIP EACH 2,130.00 2,310.00 5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST 8.45% 417 MARINA 40 FOOT SLIP EACH 2,849.00 3,080.00 5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST 8.11% 418 MARINA 60 FOOT SLIP EACH 3,569.00 4,080.00 5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST 14.32% HARD ACCESS (SLIPS 37-46, 69) UNDER 27' 420 MARINA EACH 1,704.00 1,800.00 5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST 5.63% ONLY 421 MARINA CLASS A MOORING EACH 583.00 5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST -100.00% 423 MARINA DAILY LAUNCH RAMP EACH 12.00 10.00 -16.67% 424 MARINA SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER RESIDENT 50.00 -100.00% 425 MARINA SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER NON-RESIDENT 70.00 -100.00% SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER 426 MARINA RESIDENT 30.00 -100.00% (SENIOR/HANDICAPPED) SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER 427 MARINA NON-RESIDENT 45.00 -100.00% (SENIOR/HANDICAPPED) 428 MARINA END OF SEASON LAUNCH RAMP PERMIT EACH 30.00 SOLD AFTER SEPTEMBER 15 -100.00% 429 MARINA SMALL BOAT BASIN EACH 995.00 5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST -100.00% DRY STORAGE (RESIDENTS/NON-RESIDENTS - 430 MARINA EACH 400.00 -100.00% CATAMARAN) DRY STORAGE (NON-RESIDENTS - 431 MARINA EACH 0.00 CATAMARAN) 432 MARINA CANOE & KAYAK STORAGE PER SIX MONTHS 75.00 DRY STORAGE BASED ON VEHICLE LENGTH -100.00% 433 MARINA DRY STORAGE PER LINEAL FOOT 14.50 DRY STORAGE BASED ON VEHICLE LENGTH -100.00% 434 MARINA TRAILER STORAGE EACH 80.00 -100.00% 435 MARINA PERSONAL WATERCRAFT STORAGE EACH 65.00 DOCKAGE FEE FOR JET SKI -100.00% MINIMUM - FEE CHARGED BASED ON TRANSIENT VESSEL RATES 436 MARINA END OF SEASON LATE REMOVAL FEE PER DAY MINIMUM 32.00 -100.00% (VESSEL LENGTH) PER STATE DNR 437 MARINA SHOPPERS DOCK EACH 10.00 $10 PER 3 HOURS, 35' DOCKS ONLY -100.00% 438 MARINA COST TO MOVE CATAMARAN POST EACH 60.00 COST TO MOVE EXISTING POST LOCATION -100.00% 439 MARINA CATAMARAN STORAGE EACH 995.00 -100.00% 440 MARINA EXTERNAL ELECTRIC FEE PER MONTH 15.00 NEW FEE -100.00% DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 441 PLANNING PRECINCT MAPS (LARGE) EACH 30.00 -100.00% MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) - 442 PLANNING EACH 130.00 HARD COPY -100.00% COLOR MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) - B & 443 PLANNING EACH 35.00 HARD COPY -100.00% W 444 PLANNING DOWNTOWN PLAN COPY EACH 30.00 HARD COPY -100.00% MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) - 445 PLANNING EACH 15.00 PROVIDED ON CD -100.00% COLOR MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) - B & 446 PLANNING EACH 15.00 PROVIDED ON CD -100.00% W 447 PLANNING DOWNTOWN PLAN COPY EACH 15.00 PROVIDED ON CD -100.00% OPRA, COMMERCIAL REHAB, COMMERCIAL 448 PLANNING EACH 1,000.00 1,200.00 20.00% REDEVELOPMENT 450 PLANNING NEZ APPLICATION FEE EACH 25.00 250.00 900.00% 451 PLANNING IFT/CFT APPLICATION FEE EACH 1,722.00 2,000.00 2% OF ABATED TAXES (WHICHEVER IS LESS - MINIMUM $1,000) 16.14% IFT/CFT/OPRA/COMMERCIAL REHAB 452 PLANNING DISTRICT ESTABLISHMENT IF ON A SEPARATE EACH 500.00 -100.00% MEETING FROM CERTIFICATE GROUNDWATER ORDINANCE APPLICATION 455 PLANNING EACH 750.00 1,000.00 33.33% FEE BROWNFIELD DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 456 PLANNING EACH 2,500.00 5,000.00 IF TAX CAPTURE FEE BASED ON ACTUAL COSTS 100.00% FEE 457 PLANNING LEISURE SERVICES MASTER PLAN EACH 30.00 HARD COPY -100.00% 458 PLANNING LEISURE SERVICES MASTER PLAN EACH 15.00 CD -100.00% DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) POLICE REPORTS - ACCIDENT & OFFENSE 459 POLICE EACH 0.25 -100.00% (EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE) POLICE REPORTS - ACCIDENT & OFFENSE 460 POLICE EACH 5.50 -100.00% (FIRST PAGE) 461 POLICE BIKE REGISTRATION (CHANGE OWNERSHIP) EACH 2.00 -100.00% 462 POLICE BIKE REGISTRATION (DUPLICATE) EACH 1.00 -100.00% 463 POLICE BIKE REGISTRATION (ENGRAVING) EACH 0.00 NO CHARGE 464 POLICE BIKE REGISTRATION (NEW) EACH 2.00 -100.00% 465 POLICE CITATION COPY EACH 5.50 -100.00% 466 POLICE FALSE ALARM FEE (4TH IN YEAR) EACH 30.00 -100.00% 467 POLICE FALSE ALARM FEE (5TH IN YEAR) EACH 60.00 -100.00% 468 POLICE FALSE ALARM FEE (6TH OR MORE IN YEAR) EACH 75.00 -100.00% INCLUDES $1.00 COST TO PROVIDE OWNER COPY OF INFORMATION 469 POLICE LICENSE TO PURCHASE FEE EACH 6.00 -100.00% AND $5.00 NOTARY FEE LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE - NEW EVENT (45 470 POLICE EACH 150.00 -100.00% DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT) LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE - RETURN EVENT, 471 POLICE OUTSIDE CITY RATE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO EACH 125.00 -100.00% EVENT) LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE - RETURN EVENT, 472 POLICE EACH 75.00 -100.00% IN CITY RATE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT) LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE (15 - 44 DAYS 473 POLICE EACH 250.00 -100.00% PRIOR TO EVENT) (ALL) LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE (UNDER 15 DAYS 474 POLICE EACH NOT ISSUED #VALUE! PRIOR TO EVENT) LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING 475 POLICE ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO EACH 40.00 -100.00% EVENT) LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING 476 POLICE ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE (15 - 44 DAYS PRIOR EACH 60.00 -100.00% TO EVENT) LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING 477 POLICE ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE (UNDER 15 DAYS EACH NOT ISSUED #VALUE! PRIOR TO EVENT) LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING CLUB 478 POLICE EACH 40.00 -100.00% LICENSE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT) LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING CLUB 479 POLICE EACH 60.00 -100.00% LICENSE (15 - 44 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT) (ALL) LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING CLUB 480 POLICE EACH NOT ISSUED #VALUE! LICENSE (UNDER 15 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT) 481 POLICE OUIL COST RECOVERY FEE EACH ACTUAL COSTS #VALUE! 482 POLICE PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (ENLARGED) EACH 15.00 -100.00% 483 POLICE PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (STD SIZE) EACH 10.00 -100.00% 484 POLICE PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (CD-ROM) EACH 5.00 -100.00% 485 POLICE PRELIMINARY BREATH TEST EACH 5.00 FOR COURT/PROBATION ORDERED TEST -100.00% 486 POLICE VIN INSPECTION EACH 30.00 -100.00% 487 POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND FEE EACH 55.00 -100.00% 488 POLICE VEHICLE IMPOUND FEE (COURT-ORDERED) EVERY 30 DAYS 55.00 -100.00% BILL OF SALE PAPERWORK FROM AUCTION 489 POLICE EACH 50.00 -100.00% REDO 490 POLICE PAPER DRIVERS LICENSE FOR OUIL ARREST EACH 10.00 -100.00% 491 POLICE TEMPORARY LICENSE PAPER PLATE EACH 10.00 -100.00% DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 492 SPECIAL EVENTS PARKS (WOOD SNOW FENCE RENTAL) EACH 30.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK- -100.00% UP IS REQUIRED DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 493 SPECIAL EVENTS CITY SERVICES (55-GAL METAL TRASH CANS) EACH 5.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK- -100.00% UP IS REQUIRED DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 494 SPECIAL EVENTS CITY SERVICES RENTAL OF POSTS EACH POST 3.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK- -100.00% UP IS REQUIRED DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR 495 SPECIAL EVENTS CITY SERVICES (PICNIC TABLES) EACH 10.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK- -100.00% UP IS REQUIRED 496 SPECIAL EVENTS FILM & MUSIC EVENTS ADMINISTRATION FEE EACH 50.00 -100.00% 497 SPECIAL EVENTS SPEICAL EVENTS HYDRANT USAGE PER HYDRANT 100.00 THIS RATE INCLUDES INSTALLATION/REMOVAL AND TESTING -100.00% SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR PEAK APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APRIL 15 WILL RECEIVE 50% 498 SPECIAL EVENTS SEASON EVENTS (4/15-9/30) SUBMITTED AT EACH 100.00 -100.00% DISCOUNT OFF REGULAR FEE. LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR PEAK APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APRIL 15 WILL RECEIVE 50% 499 SPECIAL EVENTS SEASON EVENTS (4/15-9/30) SUBMITTED 45- EACH 250.00 -100.00% DISCOUNT OFF REGULAR FEE. 59 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR PEAK APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APRIL 15 WILL RECEIVE 50% 500 SPECIAL EVENTS SEASON EVENTS (4/15-9/30) SUBMITTED 30- EACH 400.00 -100.00% DISCOUNT OFF REGULAR FEE. 44 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR OFF SEASON EVENTS (1/1-4/14 & 10/1-12/31) 501 SPECIAL EVENTS EACH 50.00 -100.00% SUBMITTED AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR OFF SEASON EVENTS (1/1-4/14 & 10/1-12/31) 502 SPECIAL EVENTS EACH 200.00 -100.00% SUBMITTED 45-59 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR OFF SEASON EVENTS (1/1-4/14 & 10/1-12/31) 503 SPECIAL EVENTS EACH 300.00 -100.00% SUBMITTED 30-44DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT SPECIAL EVENTS APPLICATION FEE FOR OFF SEASON EVENTS (1/1-4/14 & 10/1-12/31) 504 SPECIAL EVENTS EACH 500.00 -100.00% SUBMITTED LESS THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER - STRAIGHT 505 SPECIAL EVENTS PER HOUR 40.00 -100.00% TIME) CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER - 1.5 506 SPECIAL EVENTS PER HOUR 60.00 -100.00% OVERTIME) CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER - TRIPLE 507 SPECIAL EVENTS PER HOUR 120.00 -100.00% OVERTIME) DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) DUPLICATE TAX BILL COPY (COMPUTER 508 TREASURER EACH 3.00 2.00 -33.33% PRINTOUT) PROPERTY TAX PROJECTION/ESTIMATE 509 TREASURER EACH 20.00 -100.00% LETTER 510 TREASURER NSF CHECK/NSF ACH HANDLING CHARGE EACH 30.00 35.00 16.67% TAX RECEIPT INQUIRY (LESS THAN 3 YEARS 511 TREASURER EACH 5.00 3.00 -40.00% OLD) TAX RECEIPT INQUIRY (MORE THAN 3 YEARS 512 TREASURER EACH 12.00 3.00 -75.00% OLD) TRANSACTION SERVICE FEE (PAYMENTS 513 TREASURER EACH 2.00 -100.00% MADE AT WINDOWW/O BILL) TRANSACTION ADMINISTRATIVE FEE (CREDIT 514 TREASURER EACH 5.00 -100.00% CARD PAYMENTS BY PHONE) PETTY CASH NUISANCE FEE (FAILURE TO 515 TREASURER EACH 5.00 -100.00% RETURN RECEIPTS IN TIMELY FASHION) PROPERTY TAX ROLL ON CD-ROM OR 516 TREASURER EACH 125.00 -100.00% ELECTRONIC FILE PROPERTY TAX LIEN INQUIRY/LOOKUP 517 TREASURER EACH 35.00 PAYMENT IN ADVANCE W/CREDIT CARD REQUIRED -100.00% (PERFORMED BY CITY STAFF) PROPERTY TAX LIEN INQUIRY/LOOKUP (SELF- 518 TREASURER EACH 20.00 -100.00% HELP INTERNET LOOKUP) PENALTY ASSESSMENT ON DELINQUENT 519 TREASURER EACH 3.0% -100.00% TAXES 520 TREASURER PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION FEE (PTAF) EACH 1.0% -100.00% 521 TREASURER LANDLORD'S AFFIDAVIT FILING EACH 300.00 500.00 66.67% 3.0% WITH $2.00 FLAT FEE PER TRANSACTION OF $1.00 TO $65.00 AND 3% FEE 522 TREASURER CREDIT CARD CONVENIENCE FEE EACH $2.00 #VALUE! PER TRANSACTION OF $65.01 AND GREATER MINIMUM DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 523 WATER FILTRATION WATER TEST SAMPLE PER SAMPLE 80.00 COVERS STAFF TIME AND LAB WORK -100.00% 524 WATER-SEWER DELINQUENT PAYMENT PENALTY PAST DUE BALANCE 10.00% -100.00% DELINQUENT PAYMENT PENALTY (TAX LIEN GREATER OF 525 WATER-SEWER PAST DUE BALANCE #VALUE! FEE) 20% OR $25.00 HYDRANT SERVICE (MAXIMUM 30 DAY) 526 WATER-SEWER EACH 50.00 $400.00 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT ALSO REQUIRED -100.00% CONNECTION CHARGE INSTALLATION OF STUB LINE TO PROPERTY 527 WATER-SEWER EACH 1,200.00 INCLUDES REPAIR AND POSSIBLE REPLACEMENT OF SERVICE -100.00% LINE (SEWER PERMIT) 528 WATER-SEWER METER REPLACEMENT AT OWNER'S REQUEST EACH ACTUAL COSTS #VALUE! 529 WATER-SEWER METER RESET AT OWNER'S REQUEST EACH 35.00 -100.00% 530 WATER-SEWER METER TEST EACH 35.00 -100.00% 531 WATER-SEWER MISSED METER APPOINTMENT EACH 25.00 -100.00% 532 WATER-SEWER TEMPORARY (MINIMUM 30 DAY) SERVICE EACH 25.00 -100.00% FIRST VISIT IS FREE - FEE CHARGED PER VISIT AFTER FIRST ONE EACH 533 WATER-SEWER THAWING WATER/SEWER LINE EACH 200.00 -100.00% SEASON 534 WATER-SEWER TURN ON CHARGE (AFTER HOURS) EACH 100.00 CALL IN MINIMUM 3 HOURS -100.00% 535 WATER-SEWER TURN ON CHARGE (REGULAR HOURS) EACH 40.00 -100.00% 536 WATER-SEWER TURN ON CHARGE (SEASONAL USE) EACH 12.50 -100.00% TURN ON CHARGE (MISSED APPOINTMENT - 537 WATER-SEWER EACH 40.00 -100.00% SAME DAY TURN ON) FEE APPLIED TO SEWER PERMIT IF PROBLEM IS IN THE CITY'S 538 WATER-SEWER TV SEWER LATERAL EACH 100.00 -100.00% PORTION OF SYSTEM UNAUTHORIZED WATER USE OR TAMPERING 539 WATER-SEWER EACH 200.00 -100.00% (MINIMUM CHARGE) UNAUTHORIZED WATER USE (ADDITIONAL 540 WATER-SEWER PER DAY 20.00 -100.00% CHARGE FOR CONT'D USE) BACKFLOW PREVENTER DEVICE 541 WATER-SEWER ANNUAL FEE-EACH DEVICE 10.00 -100.00% REGISTRATION/AUDIT FEE WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 5/8" OR 542 WATER-SEWER EACH 1,500.00 -100.00% 3/4" 543 WATER-SEWER WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1" EACH 2,500.00 -100.00% WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1-1/4" OR 1- 544 WATER-SEWER EACH 4,500.00 -100.00% 1/2" 545 WATER-SEWER WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 2" EACH 7,300.00 -100.00% 546 WATER-SEWER WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 3" EACH 12,800.00 -100.00% 547 WATER-SEWER WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 4" EACH 20,000.00 -100.00% 548 WATER-SEWER WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 6" EACH 40,000.00 -100.00% WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - GREATER 549 WATER-SEWER EACH VARIABLE BASED ON CALCULATED CAPACITY VARIABLE THAN 6" 550 WATER-SEWER FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 2" EACH 0.00 TIME & MATERIALS BASIS 551 WATER-SEWER FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 4" EACH 7,300.00 TIME & MATERIALS BASIS -100.00% 552 WATER-SEWER FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 6" EACH 12,800.00 TIME & MATERIALS BASIS -100.00% 553 WATER-SEWER FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 8" EACH 20,000.00 TIME & MATERIALS BASIS -100.00% 554 WATER-SEWER FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 12" EACH 40,000.00 TIME & MATERIALS BASIS -100.00% 555 WATER-SEWER SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 5/8" OR 3/4" EACH 1,500.00 -100.00% 556 WATER-SEWER SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1" EACH 2,500.00 -100.00% SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1-1/4" OR 1- 557 WATER-SEWER EACH 4,500.00 -100.00% 1/2" 558 WATER-SEWER SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 2" EACH 7,300.00 -100.00% 559 WATER-SEWER SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 3" EACH 12,800.00 -100.00% 560 WATER-SEWER SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 4" EACH 20,000.00 -100.00% 561 WATER-SEWER SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 6" EACH 40,000.00 -100.00% SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - GREATER 562 WATER-SEWER EACH VARIABLE BASED ON CALCULATED CAPACITY VARIABLE THAN 6" STORM WATER CROSS CONNECTION SEWER 563 WATER-SEWER PER DAY 0.00 TREATMENT CHARGE 564 WATER-SEWER LARGE WATERMAIN TAPS EACH 300.00 PLUS TIME &MATERIALS -100.00% 565 WATER-SEWER SMALL WATER TAPS EACH 100.00 SMALL TAP FEE UP TO AND INCLUDING 2' WATER SERVICE -100.00% 566 WATER-SEWER RESIDENTIAL FLAT RATE SEWER CHARGE MONTH 39.64 Variable BASED ON 11.66 UNITS/MO OR 35 UNITS/QUARTER BASED ON SEWAGE RATE 567 WATER-SEWER COMMERCIAL FLAT RATE SEWER CHARGE MONTH 49.55 Variable BASED ON 11.66 UNITS/MO OR 35 UNITS/QUARTER BASED ON SEWAGE RATE DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION UNIT 2019 FEES 2020 FEES COMMENTS CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE) 568 ZONING SPECIAL MEETING FEE (PLANNING, ZBA) PER REQUEST 500.00 -100.00% 569 ZONING FENCE PERMIT FEE EACH 30.00 -100.00% 570 ZONING LOT SPLIT REVIEW EACH 30.00 -100.00% 571 ZONING ZONING, GIS MAPS (UP TO 17" x 24" ) EACH 15.00 -100.00% 572 ZONING ZONING, GIS MAPS (17" x 24" TO 34" x 44" ) EACH 25.00 -100.00% 573 ZONING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) EACH 0.00 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) - 574 ZONING EACH 500.00 -100.00% PRELIMINARY 575 ZONING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) - FINAL EACH 500.00 -100.00% PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) - 576 ZONING EACH 500.00 -100.00% AMENDMENT 577 ZONING SIDEWALK BENCH ENCROACHMENT PER BENCH PER MONTH 5.00 -100.00% 578 ZONING SITE PLAN REVIEW FEE - MINOR EACH 200.00 -100.00% 579 ZONING SITE PLAN REVIEW FEE - MAJOR EACH 400.00 -100.00% 580 ZONING PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW EACH 500.00 -100.00% 581 ZONING SPECIAL USE PERMIT EACH 500.00 -100.00% 582 ZONING ALLEY OR STREET VACATION EACH 500.00 -100.00% 583 ZONING ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER EACH 30.00 -100.00% 584 ZONING ZONE CHANGE EACH 500.00 -100.00% ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION / 585 ZONING EACH 400.00 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ONLY -100.00% ORDINANCE INTERPRETAION - COMMERCIAL ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS APPLICATION / 586 ZONING EACH 200.00 RESIDENTIAL ONLY -100.00% ORDINANCE INTERPRETAION - RESIDENTIAL 587 ZONING ZONING - AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE EACH 500.00 -100.00% 588 ZONING ZONING ORDINANCE COPY EACH 25.00 -100.00% 589 ZONING ZONING ORDINANCE COPY W/ MAP EACH 45.00 -100.00% NR * = FEES APPLICABLE TO NON-RESIDENTS OF THE CITY Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2020 Title: Amendment to Wireless Communication Support Facilities ordinance Submitted By: Mike Franzak Department: Planning Brief Summary: Request to amend Section 2321 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow Wireless Communication Support Facilities as a special use permitted in the overlay district at 770 Terrace St. Detailed Summary: The current ordinance only allows for these types of facilities in six locations around the City. The Commission recently amended the ordinance last year to allow for them at Marsh Field and the Filtration Plant. This new location would be behind the Central Fire Station and would only include a monopole for emergency communications. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval at their January 16 meeting. They also voted in favor of the special use permit for the monopole, contingent upon approval of this amendment by the City Commission. Amount Requested: Amount Budgeted: Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: To approve the request to amend Section 2321 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow Wireless Communication Support Facilities as a special use permitted in the overlay district at 770 Terrace St. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO._____ An ordinance to amend Section 2321 of the Zoning Ordinance to the Form Based Code Section of the Zoning Ordinance to allow Wireless Communication Support Facilities as a special use permitted in the overlay district at 770 Terrace St THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON HEREBY ORDAINS: NEW LANGUAGE (additions in bold) Overlay District Established for Wireless Communication Support Facilities [amended 6/06] Intent: An overly zone is hereby created for the siting of wireless communication facilities (WCF) and wireless communication antenna (WCA). The zone is identified as: 1. The Pulaski Lodge, 871 Pulaski Avenue described as: W 589 ft of E 757 ft of N 10 acres of SE ¼ of SE ¼ exc N 25 ft thereof Sec 37 T10N R17W. 2. City of Muskegon That Part of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec 33 T10N R16W Lying S of Consumers Power Co 100 Ft R/W W Of US 31 State Hwy E Of Relocated C & O R R R/W & N Of Little Black Creek 3. City property near the terminus of Yuba Street, described as: Lot 1 Blk 1 & that part of Lot 3 Blk 1 & N ½ of SE ½ Sec 17 T10N R16W lying Sly & Ely of Muskegon River & Nly of US 31 business rte and Lots 1, 2 & 3 Blk 121. 4. A portion of the Muskegon Community College campus, 221 S. Quarterline Road, described as: Commencing at the S ¼ corner of Section 15, T10N, R16W, City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, thence N 01°04’25” E 815.71 feet along the N-S ¼ line of said Section 15 and the centerline of Quarterline Road (66 feet wide); thence N 88°56’41” W 1035.89 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing N 88°56’41” W 60.00 feet; thence N 01°03’19” E 60.00 feet; thence S 88°56’41” E 60.00 feet; thence S 01°03’19” W 60.00 feet along the West face of an existing building to the point of beginning being a part of the SW ¼ of Section 15, T10N, R16W, City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, and containing 0.083 acres or 3600 sq. ft. of land, more or less, subject to easements and restrictions of record, if any. [amended 11/00] 5. Marsh Field 6. Water Filtration Plant 7. Muskegon Central Fire Station This ordinance adopted: Ayes:______________________________________________________________ Nayes:_____________________________________________________________ Adoption Date: Effective Date: First Reading: Second Reading: CITY OF MUSKEGON By: _________________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk CERTIFICATE The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 28th day of January 2020, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. DATED: ___________________, 2020. __________________________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC Clerk, City of Muskegon Publish: Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption. CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF ADOPTION Please take notice that on January 28, 2020, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an ordinance to amend Section 2321 of the Zoning Ordinance to the Form Based Code Section of the Zoning Ordinance to allow Wireless Communication Support Facilities as a special use permitted in the overlay district at 770 Terrace St. Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours. This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication. Published ____________________, 2020. CITY OF MUSKEGON By _________________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC City Clerk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF FINAL PASSAGE. Account No. 101-80400-5354 941 Dillon Way Suite B Lebanon, OH 45036 Office: 513-228-2992 Mobile 513-886-8858 Fax 513-228-1596 December 17, 2019 City of Muskegon Planning and Zoning 933 Terrace St Muskegon, MI 49440 Re: Zoning Request – Muskegon County Emergency Communications Upgrade Muskegon Central Dispatch 770 Terrace Ave Parcel ID 51-24-205-355-0009-00 Director of Planning and Development Pyramid Network Services in conjunction with Motorola Solutions has been tasked by Muskegon County Emergency Services to enhance the existing First Responders RF Communications System. This involves several project sites in and around Muskegon County installing new communication towers to all for greater RF penetration. A project site in Muskegon has been vetted as an excellent location to install a 195’ Monopole. The parcel is identified as the Muskegon Fire Station. Project Scope Approval of the proposed site will allow enhanced penetration of RF signal in the central portion of Muskegon County. This will enable First Responders to have clear communication inside buildings made of dense construction materials. This proposed project location with interact with 3 additional new communication sites throughout the county of Muskegon providing county wide communication. When all sites are operable and optimized they will be included in the Michigan Public Safety Communication System (MPSCS). As a part of the MPSCS network, the county of Muskegon will be connected to the state communication system allowing statewide communication from First Responders. The location of this specific tower was determined based on an RF propagation map showing the weaker locations for RF penetration within the western section of the county. Based on the data a general location for a tower and the height requirement is established. The best location is then vetted. In the instance where the county of other public interest is the owner, efforts are made to determine if any existing property currently owned is available for construction of a communications tower. While every attempt is made to look at collocation on existing towers, generally the cost of the lease and the absence of security on the tower drive the owner into construction of a new tower. In this instance there were no other towers within the required search ring that provided any collocation capabilities. Post construction, the tower will become a part of the state wide MPSCS system. The MPSCS will be responsible for care and maintenance. 1 941 Dillon Way Suite B Lebanon, OH 45036 Office: 513-228-2992 Mobile 513-886-8858 Fax 513-228-1596 December 17, 2019 Muskegon County Emergency Communications Upgrade Muskegon Central Dispatch 770 Terrace Ave Parcel ID 51-24-205-355-0009-00 Parcel Scope The proposed parcel is owned by the City of Muskegon Central Dispatch. The site is an active EMS Dispatch Facility. The parcel is zoned is R1 Single Family. The parcel is ~405’ wide by ~226’ deep. The tower would be constructed ~56’ from the North Boundary, ~75’ from the West Boundary, ~175’ from the South Boundary and ~156’ from the East Boundary. To the West Boundary there are commercial residential structures at ~222’. To the South Boundary there is 1 residential structure at ~52’. To the North Boundary the Fire Station has no structures within 500’ To the East Boundary the Fire Station has no structures within 500’ The proposed tower is a 195’ Monopole. The tower will not be lighted as per FAA Guidelines. A 10’ x 10’ fence will be installed around the Monopole for security. The County of Muskegon is eager to get this project underway with ground disturbance beginning in early spring. This will allow for all project sites to be completed in time for testing in the fall prior to the trees de-leafing. Costs The cost of the tower, shelter and labor to install is projected to be around $145,104.31 Fees Based on the web site fee schedule, a check for $500.00 will be forward under separate cover for Site Plan Review. Please advise if additional funds are required. We would like to be included on your earliest Planning Schedule if possible. If you have any questions regarding the application or the project please contact me at 513-228-2992. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Sincerely Kevin Glardon PMP-MPM Senior Project Manager-A&E Central Region 941 Dillon Way, Suite B Lebanon, OH 45036 (O) 513-228-2992 (F) 513-228-1596 (M) 513-886-8858 Corporate Office 6615 Towpath Rd, E Syracuse, NY 13057 2 941 Dillon Way Suite B Lebanon, OH 45036 Office: 513-228-2992 Mobile 513-886-8858 Fax 513-228-1596 December 17, 2019 Muskegon County Emergency Communications Upgrade Muskegon Central Dispatch 770 Terrace Ave Parcel ID 51-24-205-355-0009-00 Enc: Site Plan Review Application Special Use Application Stamped/Sealed Drawings to scale Tower Drawing Site Overview Aerial CC: Ron Mirka – Motorola Solutions Rod Prodonovich – Director- Pyramid Network Services Don Cottrell- Project Manager Sr., Civil - Pyramid Network Services Everett Ozbat – Project Manager -- Pyramid Network Services File: Michigan/Muskegon/Central Dispatch/A&E/Zoning 3 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2020 Title: Rezoning of 372 Morris Ave Submitted By: Mike Franzak Department: Planning Brief Summary: Staff initiated request to rezone the property at 372 Morris Ave from Form Based Code, Downtown to Form Based Code, Mainstreet. Detailed Summary: The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval at their January 16 meeting. Amount Requested: Amount Budgeted: Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: To approve the request to rezone the property at 372 Morris Ave from Form Based Code, Downtown to Form Based Code, Mainstreet. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action Planning Commission Excerpt SUMMARY 1. The property measures nearly eight acres and is zoned Form Based Code, Downtown. This zoning designation only allows for mixed-use buildings. 2. The property owner has plans to develop this lot, but they would like to offer a different variety of buildings within the development. Preliminary plans include a hotel, parking garage with retail frontage, entertainment center, dining, event space and townhomes. The mainstreet context area would allow for all of these building types. 3. Please see the enclosed preliminary site plan. 4. Please see the enclosed zoning ordinance excerpt on Mainsteet Context Areas. 5. After the successful rezoning, the applicant plans to apply to the Planning Commission for a “Specific Development Plan” as allowed in Section 2002.01D of the Form Based Code. Zoning Map CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City to provide for a zone change for 372 Morris Ave from Form Based Code, Downtown to Form Based Code, Mainstreet THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON HEREBY ORDAINS: The zoning map of the City of Muskegon is hereby amended to change the zoning for 372 Morris Ave from Form Based Code, Downtown to Form Based Code, Mainstreet. CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 THAT PART OF BLK 563 AS RECORDED IN LIBER 3 OF PLATS P 71 DESC AS FOL COM AT S MOST COR OF SAID BLK BEING NELY COR OF MORRIS AVE AND 3RD ST TH N 50D 52M 38S E ALG SELY LN SD BLK 563 ALSO BEING NWLY LN OF MORRIS AVE A DISTANCE OF 150 FT FOR POB TH N 39D 07M 22S W 219.50 FT TH S 50D 52M 38S W 39.70 FT TO SELY LN LOT 8 BLK 563 TH S 32D 41M 25S W ALG SD SELY LN 123.84 FT TO NELY LN 3RD ST SD POINT BEING N 41D 27M 00S W 181.00 FT FROM S MOST COR SD BLK TH N 41D 27M 00S W ALG SD NELY LN 202.70 FT TO SELY LN SHORELINE DR (FORMERLY TERRACE ST EXTENSION) TH N 27D 38M 19S E ALG SD SELY LN 758.92 FT TO A POINT WHICH IS 36 FT MEASURED AT RT ANG SWLY OF SWLY LN BLK 562 OF SD REV PLAT (EXTENDED) ALSO BEING SWLY LN FIRST ST TH S 61D 44M 00S E PAR TO SD SWLY LN OF SD BLK 562 (SD LN ALSO BEING 66 FT SWLY MEASURED AT RT ANG TO S MOST LN TERRACE PLAZA CONDO AS RECORDED IN L 1124 P 179 TO 222 INCL MUSKEGON COUNTY RECORDS WITH A RECORDED BEARING OF N 62D 30M W) A DISTANCE OF 474.43 FT TO A POINT ON NELY LN LOT 1 SD BLK 563 TH S 39D 01M 00S E ALG SD NELY LN 18.26 FT TO A POINT WHICH IS 70 FT NWLY OF SE COR SD LOT 1 TH S 50D 52M 38S This ordinance adopted: Ayes: Nayes: Adoption Date: Effective Date: First Reading: Second Reading: CITY OF MUSKEGON By: __________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC City Clerk 1 CERTIFICATE (Rezoning 372 Morris Ave from FBC, Downtown to FBC, Mainstreet) The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 28th day of January 2020, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. DATED: ___________________, 2020 ________________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC Clerk, City of Muskegon Publish Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption. 2 CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF ADOPTION Please take notice that on January 28, 2020, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an ordinance amending the zoning map to provide for the change of zoning for 372 Morris Ave fom FBC, Downtown to FBC, Mainstreet: CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 THAT PART OF BLK 563 AS RECORDED IN LIBER 3 OF PLATS P 71 DESC AS FOL COM AT S MOST COR OF SAID BLK BEING NELY COR OF MORRIS AVE AND 3RD ST TH N 50D 52M 38S E ALG SELY LN SD BLK 563 ALSO BEING NWLY LN OF MORRIS AVE A DISTANCE OF 150 FT FOR POB TH N 39D 07M 22S W 219.50 FT TH S 50D 52M 38S W 39.70 FT TO SELY LN LOT 8 BLK 563 TH S 32D 41M 25S W ALG SD SELY LN 123.84 FT TO NELY LN 3RD ST SD POINT BEING N 41D 27M 00S W 181.00 FT FROM S MOST COR SD BLK TH N 41D 27M 00S W ALG SD NELY LN 202.70 FT TO SELY LN SHORELINE DR (FORMERLY TERRACE ST EXTENSION) TH N 27D 38M 19S E ALG SD SELY LN 758.92 FT TO A POINT WHICH IS 36 FT MEASURED AT RT ANG SWLY OF SWLY LN BLK 562 OF SD REV PLAT (EXTENDED) ALSO BEING SWLY LN FIRST ST TH S 61D 44M 00S E PAR TO SD SWLY LN OF SD BLK 562 (SD LN ALSO BEING 66 FT SWLY MEASURED AT RT ANG TO S MOST LN TERRACE PLAZA CONDO AS RECORDED IN L 1124 P 179 TO 222 INCL MUSKEGON COUNTY RECORDS WITH A RECORDED BEARING OF N 62D 30M W) A DISTANCE OF 474.43 FT TO A POINT ON NELY LN LOT 1 SD BLK 563 TH S 39D 01M 00S E ALG SD NELY LN 18.26 FT TO A POINT WHICH IS 70 FT NWLY OF SE COR SD LOT 1 TH S 50D 52M 38S Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours. This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication. Published ____________________, 2020 CITY OF MUSKEGON By ___________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC City Clerk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF FINAL PASSAGE. Account No. 101-80400-5354 3 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: January 28, 2020 Title: Railroad Crossing Agreement Submitted By: Leo Evans Department: Public Works Brief Summary: Authorize the DPW Director to sign the agreement with CSX for two (2) new water main crossings and abandoning one (1) water main crossing of the railroad easement to provide service for Hartshorn Village. Detailed Summary: The water main crossings are required to serve the planned Hartshorn Village development along West Western Avenue. The license fees and installation costs will be paid by the developer. City will retain ownership and future responsibility for the water mains. Amount Requested: $0 Amount Budgeted: $0 Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: Authorize the DPW Director to sign the agreement with CSX for the water main crossings at Hartshorn Village. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: 01/28/2020 Title: Water Filtration Plant - PM Agreement Submitted By: Leo Evans / Sanjeev Mungarwadi Department: Public Works Brief Summary: The communication tower is needed to install communications equipment at the Water Filtration Plant. This will improve the existing communications for remote operations via radio, telephone and internet services by having a direct line of sight from the Filtration Plant to the City Hall. Detailed Summary: City of Muskegon would like to enter into an agreement with Maralat Communications LLC to retain the project management services to oversee the construction of communications tower. The services include getting all prerequisite work performed that is necessary for obtaining permits, obtaining services to design and build the tower at the Filtration Plant. The contract has been reviewed by legal counsel. There will be additional contracts provided for the construction costs once bids are obtained. Amount Requested: $44,250 Amount Budgeted: $300,000 Fund(s) or Account(s): 591 Fund(s) or Account(s): 591 Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to sign the agreement with Maralat Communications LLC. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: MARALAT-MUSKEGON PROJECT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT This project management agreement is made this ___ day of January 2020 between Maralat Communications, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the PM); with an address of 15739 Churchill, Southgate, Michigan 48195 and the City of Muskegon; Muskegon, Michigan 49441. The City of Muskegon (the City) hereby agrees to retain the project management services of Maralat Communications, LLC (PM) to oversee the construction of a 300- foot Self-Support Tower to be located at the Muskegon Water Plant. The tower shall be for the purposes of servicing the City communication needs as well as the potential leasing of tower space to future telecommunication tenants. The Project Management Services provided to the city by Maralat Communications, LLC (PM) shall include the oversight of all due diligence required to enable the tower to be licensed for telecommunication carrier use by the FCC and will also include the oversight of the construction of the tower by an approved vendor. For purposes of this agreement due diligence shall mean all studies, reports and/or information listed under PROJECT PM SERVICES DESCRIPTION and numbered 1-12. The costs for all due diligence studies, reports and/or information as well as materials and labor for the tower construction, compound fencing and gravel at the City’s option and any electrical upgrades needed shall be paid by the City. The PM shall review the existing due diligence for the proposed tower site and if applicable to the proposed new tower, use the existing due diligence. All new due diligence required shall be ordered by the PM through his approved vendors after first being approved by the city as to price and timeline. Upon completion of the study the vendor invoice will be delivered along with the completed study to the city for direct payment to the vendor by the City. Once applicable site due diligence and proposed loading is obtained for tower and foundation design the PM will review that data, the current and/or proposed future equipment loading used by the telecom industry and the intended equipment loading from the City. Upon the final approval from the City, the PM will submit this information to the tower design vendor and request the quote for the engineered foundation, tower and lighting design drawings. The city is responsible for any cost or approvals for all planning and zoning permits or approvals and any permitting from local, state or federal agencies necessary (if any) for the approval of the tower construction. The City is also responsible for the direct payment to the vendors for due diligence, engineering and construction services, labor and materials for the tower and compound area and the payment for the PM services as per the fee schedule below. Page 1 of 5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT FEE SCHEDULE Project Mgmt. Cost $38,750.00 Payable $25,000.00 upon contract execution $13,750.00 upon completion of tower (per notice by tower construction vendor) Project Document Cost $05,500.00 upon delivery of a telecom tower lease template (if needed) Total Fees $44,250.00 PROJECT PM SERVICES DESCRIPTION AND ESTIMATED TIMELINES Note: The project services timeline is based on industry standard due diligence timelines. The PM does not warrant or guarantee timeline accuracy but will work with all vendors with expediency and as if “time were of the essence.” 1. Contract execution / payment of initial $25,000.00 to PM. Contemporaneously the PM will order the following due diligence studies: a. Survey work to produce a 1A letter (estimated cost $450.00). Work to define the compound area, ingress and egress path and any applicable easements will be performed at the sole option of the City. Proposed Time: 4 Weeks Estimated Cost: $2,500.00 b. Phase I Study. Proposed Time: 4 Weeks Estimated Cost: $3,500.00 c. Current and future loading criteria will be requested from major carriers. Proposed Time: 2 Weeks d. Proposed loading from the City of Muskegon will be requested. Proposed Time: 2 Weeks 2. Upon receipt of the quotes for the above due diligence, quotes will be reviewed by the PM and presented to the City for recommendations of approval. Upon City approval of the quotes the vendors will be notified by the PM that they are approved to proceed. Once the due diligence studies are received, the PM will review and present to the city with a recommendation of payment. 3. Upon receipt of proposed loading from the City and Telecom Carriers the PM will submit this data to Valmont to request a quote for the tower, foundation and lighting design. Proposed Time: 1 Week Estimated Cost: $2,500.00 4. Upon receipt of the quote for the tower, foundation and lighting design, the quote will be reviewed and presented to the City for recommendations of approval. Upon City approval of the Valmont quote the vendor will be notified that they are approved to proceed. Once the quote is received for the tower, Page 2 of 5 foundation and lighting engineered drawings the PM will review and present to the city with a recommendation of payment. 5. Upon receipt of the 1A letter from the Surveyor the PM will order the following due diligence: a. FAA Determination Letter of no hazard. Proposed Time: 2 to 4 Weeks Estimated Cost: $350.00 b. NEPA/SHPO Study (National Environmental Protection Act and State Historic Preservation Organization Proposed Time: 120 to 150 Days (If an environmental assessment component is required, an additional 45 days should be added). Estimated Cost: $7,500.00 c. Initial FCC registration application will be started and updated throughout the completion of the NEPA/SHPO studies. Proposed Time: 120 to 150 Days Estimated Cost: $750.00 d. State of Michigan Tall Structure Permit. Proposed Time: 4 to 6 Weeks Estimated Cost: $3,500.00 6. Upon receipt of the quotes for the above due diligence, quotes will be reviewed and presented to the City for recommendations of approval. Upon City approval of the quotes the vendors will be notified by the PM that they are approved to proceed. Once the due diligence studies are received the PM will review and present to the city with a recommendation of payment. 7. Upon completion of the survey work and 1A letter the PM will request a quote for the following items: a. Compound fencing (Upon sole option of The City). b. Compound Gravel (Upon sole option of The City). Once quotes are received the PM will present these to the City for recommendations. 8. Upon receipt of the tower, foundation and lighting engineered drawings the PM will prepare and send and RFP to the tower construction vendor. Upon receipt of the quotes for the tower and foundation construction, quotes will be reviewed and presented to the City for recommendations of approval. 9. Upon City approval of a tower construction vendor the PM will coordinate the ordering of the steel and applicable tower components with Valmont along with requesting a proposed construction schedule with the approved tower construction vendor for the tower and foundation. PM will also coordinate and request scheduling from the contractors for compound fencing and gravel if the City decides to enclose the compound. Page 3 of 5 10. Prior to any vendor starting any work the PM will request and submit any required insurance information requested by the City from each vendor, with any applicable Loss Payee information added. 11. The PM will review and coordinate with City and their retained electrical contractors any upgraded power needs at the proposed new tower location and will oversee and coordinate such upgrades as are required. 12. The PM will report directly on all project issues to the City Water Plant Superintendent, Sanjeev Mungarwadi, PE. Requests for approvals on due diligence pricing and any other project issues shall be forwarded to Mr. Mungarwadi via email. An email response from Mr. Mungarwadi conveying approval on any project issues shall be deemed by the PM to be “City Approved.” 13. There is a purposeful overage in the estimation of the due diligence cost as requirements for certain permits through FAA, FCC and the State of Michigan may have changed. TOWER, FOUNDATION AND LIGHTING COSTS / COMPOUND COSTS Based upon prior knowledge and representations made by vendors consulted by the PM, the estimated cost of constructing a 300-foot self-support tower with required lighting together with required meter bank inclusive of labor and materials is: $265,000.00 Project Management Fees (fixed) for the tower construction project are: $038,750.00 Due Diligence required for FCC license (estimated): $030,000.00 Total Estimated Project Cost $333,750.00 Optional Document Charge for telecom tower lease template based upon the sole discretion of the City: $005,500.00 Maralat Communications, LLC does not guarantee the costs of due diligence studies, the estimated cost of the tower, foundation, lighting or any labor or materials associated with the tower installation project. The estimates are based on the PM’s practical experience and on information supplied by outside vendors. Final costs will be determined by the exact loading for the tower and any upgrades in steel and/or ancillary components to enable both the tower and tower foundation to structurally accommodate the communication needs of both the City of Muskegon and/or future telecommunication carrier tower tenants. Page 4 of 5 __________________________ Timothy K. Romanowski Maralat Communications, LLC | Managing Member Project Manager Dated: __________________________ Sanjeev Mungarwadi, PE City of Muskegon | Water Plant Superintendent Dated: Page 5 of 5 TIMOTHY ROMANOWSKI Southgate, MI • 734-787-1100 • PROFILE Senior real estate manager with attorney-level understanding of transactional real estate law and 25 years of expertise in real estate development, land assembly, site selection, and telecommunications site development. Offer in-depth understanding of acquisition, negotiation, planning or zoning hearing representation and approvals, design, construction, and budget management. Results-focused leader with proven success managing people and projects by taking advantage of process improvement opportunities and creating, evaluating, or refining strategies/systems based on market factors, trend analysis, available resources, organizational capacity, and corporate goals. Track record of improving deal structures, curing adversarial negotiations, improving processes or workflows, and completing projects within time and budget guidelines. Licensed real estate broker and residential builder with deep experience in site development, land assembly, and acquisitions with complex real estate and regulatory requirements - navigated 800+ projects through development lifecycle including purchase and redevelopment of more than 30 commercial and residential properties. Full scope of expertise and areas of focus include: Executive Leadership Ground Leasing Construction Coordination Real Estate Management New Site Development 12 years Siterra Experience Market Analysis & Reporting Full Site Entitlement Contract & Lease Negotiations New Market Development Asset Management Adversarial Negotiation Strategy Site Selection & Due Diligence Project & Program Management Vendor & Customer Relations PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE T-Mobile – Connecticut Real Estate Manager April 2019 to September 2019 Managed more than 700 site projects by directing and prioritizing site acquisition activities/vendors as well as project timelines including critical dates that impact development cycle. Develop business cases for agreements that deviate from standard practice and liaise with legal counsel to adjust standard leases as needed. Manage site development finances - including completion review and invoicing. Serve as lead negotiator with landlords to overcome overly restrictive terms and secure favorable deals. • Drove two projects encompassing 500+ sites to achieve regulatory milestones and complete deliverables ahead of forecast • Introduced new weekly data mining and reporting process that improved accuracy of long-range deliverable forecasts Verizon Wireless - Southfield, MI Real Estate Project Manager 2016 to 2018 Advised cross functional teams consisting of RF, regulatory, construction, or budgetary groups; oversaw 10 vendor teams; and managed more than 800 construction-ready real estate projects each year. Oversaw all lifecycle phases from inception through construction handoff. Directed teams in reviewing, processing, and submitted required documents for regulatory approval. Led weekly staff meetings and produced monthly budget reports to share critical information and provide operational transparency. • Led eight site acquisition teams in completing on-time and on-budget client deliverables during three data site transitions • Eliminated information processing congestion for key sites by recommending and enforcing data input requirements Sierra Tower Partners - Southgate, MI Managing Partner 2013 to 2016 Directed all day-to-day activity and long-term strategy for real estate entitlements and leases for private telecommunications towers in Michigan and Louisiana - with AT&T as anchor tenant. Negotiated all land lease issues with respective landowners and navigated proposed sites through planning commission process - including development and delivery of presentations. • Negotiated and obtained $10M line of credit for real estate start-up focused on telecom leasing • Negotiated market high tower lease rate with AT&T that drove multiple years of revenue increase continued on next page TIMOTHY ROMANOWSKI Ericsson - Overland Park, KS Project Manager 2012 to 2014 Managed more than 220 new site builds in New York, Washington DC, and critical Department of Defense sites on behalf of Sprint. Advised stakeholders on forecasts, vendor issues, data protocols, and documentation requirements for projects. • Recognized as senior point of contact and subject matter expert for implementation teams on all real estate issues American Tower Corporation - Woburn, MA Project Manager 2011 to 2013 Managed site development activity and vendor activity for more than 180 T-Mobile 4G upgrade projects in Midwest. Developed and evaluated online colocation applications and full-site entitlement through Notice to Proceed (NTP) handoff to construction. • Leveraged existing relationships with jurisdictions and established new processes to significantly improve speed to market Bechtel Corporation - Columbia, MD Project & Site Acquisition Manager 2010 to 2011 Administered portfolio of nearly 1,000 sites, directed four site acquisition subcontractors, managed RF and CM teams, and facilitated scoping process to identify scope of work for AT&T Gold Standard with LTE additions. • Led war room program that consolidated and expedited critical site implementation - resulting in cost and timeline reductions SMJ Consulting - Novi, MI Site Acquisition Project Manager 2009 to 2010 Directed all site acquisition field services for Clearwire build in Michigan and Ohio - including site photo package field assessments, drawing reviews, and evaluation of permitting requirements by each jurisdiction. Served as primary contact for zoning or permitting issues and represented stakeholders at local commission hearings. • Expedited approvals for 90 projects during 2010 Clearwire network build by leveraging relationships with Ohio jurisdictions Cricket Communications - Philadelphia, PA Zoning & Site Acquisition Manager 2007 to 2009 Provided key leadership in directing team overseeing portfolio of 225 sites in NJ Pinelands District. Directed all due diligence studies, lease negotiations, and engineering reviews, while providing expert testimony during planning commission hearings. • Partnered with in-house counsel to strategize application process for highly environmentally regulated Pinelands District • Managed program that recovered nearly $400K in escrow funds from NJ municipalities - representing 85% rate of recovery MetroPCS - Livonia, MI Special Projects Manager 2005 to 2007 Developed all temporary and permanent raw land telecommunications site for 2006 Detroit market launch. Initiated and supervised all lease negotiations and provided all expert testimony at planning commission hearings. Managed interface between real estate, RF engineering, and construction throughout entire project lifecycle. • Negotiated all real estate land leases for 2006 market launch - obtained all approvals ahead of schedule • Achieved fully executed lease, ZBA approval, and on-air status for COW site within eight days of search ring release Private Equity Group - Novi, MI Land Development Director 1999 to 2006 Initiated and managed land development projects throughout entire lifecycle - including contract negotiations, due diligence investigation, regulatory coordination, environmental mitigation, engineering, design coordination, and entitlement. • Negotiated with multiple landowners to assemble 400-acre parcel adjacent to Arcadia Bluffs Golf Course in Arcadia, MI • Obtained full site plan approval at initial hearing for condo development on Lake Michigan - including dune mitigation plan Self Employed - Southgate, MI Real Estate/Real Development Broker 1984 to 1999 Acquired and renovated or redeveloped 30+ income-producing residential and commercial properties. LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS Licensed Real Estate Broker & Residential Builder - State of Michigan EDUCATION Associate Degree coursework in Electrical Engineering - Henry Ford Community College
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