City Commission Packet Archive 09-29-2020

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         SEPTEMBER 29, 2020 @ 7:30 A.M.

1.     150TH Celebration Financials
2.     Farmers Market Deficit
3.     Election Grant Expenditures To-Date
4.     Closed Session – Consider Periodic Personnel Evaluation of City Manager as it Relates
       to the Covid 19 Economic Stimulus Package Launched in March 2020
5.     Public Comment
6.     Adjourment

►      Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►      Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►      Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►      Be recognized by the Chair.
►      Step forward to the microphone.
►      State name and address.
►      Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►      (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)


                                                       Page 1 of 1
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                           Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: September 29, 2020               Title: 150th Celebration Financials

Submitted By: Frank Peterson                              Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: City staff is sharing financial information related to the 150th Celebration. Commission
action to-date has budgeted $250,000 for expenses and $20,000 for revenues associated with the
event. The Commission approved deficit for the event was $230,000. Actual net expenditures for
the event totaled -$120,033. Staff IMPROVED on the Commission-approved budget by $110,000.

Detailed Summary: Commissioner Johnson launched an inquiry into the 150th Celebration after
mistakenly reading the budget. Mr. Johnson inadvertently added columns together that should not
have been added. Attached is a full explanation from the City Manager.

Amount Requested: None at this time                     Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                              Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: Accept the results of the internal audit of the 150th Celebration and end all formal
inquiries into the City’s various Funds.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.        Fire Dept.       IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
Affirmative Action
FAX (231)722-1214

Equalization Co.
FAX (231)724-1129

FAX (231)724-4188

City Manager          September 26, 2020
FAX (231)722-1214
                      Mayor Stephen Gawron
Clerk                 City of Muskegon
FAX (231)724-4178     933 Terrace Street
                      Muskegon, MI 49440                                        via email:
Comm. & Neigh.
(231)724-6717         Mayor Gawron,
FAX (231)726-2501

Computer Info.        As you are aware, Commissioner Kenneth Johnson recently demanded an inquiry into the City’s 150th
                      Celebration. To be clear, Mr. Johnson has not inquired into the finances of the event one time since
FAX (231)722-4301     its completion more than a year ago. Further, as we will demonstrate later in this letter, he combined
                      expense categories that he should have fully-understood would be double-counting expenses, and
(231)724-6707         then presented it to two fiscally unfamiliar Commissioners which may have led them into supporting
FAX (231)727-6904     the inquiry.
(231)724-6713         In this correspondence, I plan to offer a timeline of events, approvals, and communications related to
FAX (231)726-2325
                      the 150th Celebration. I will also provide an accounting of the event’s finances. For all rational
Fire Department       thinkers, this should satisfy concerns that the event went on as planned and approved; for others it
FAX (231)724-6985
                      will never be good enough.

Co. (Civil Service)
FAX (231)724-6840     The Commission authorized City Clerk Ann Meisch and her team to undertake the 150th Celebration at
Income Tax            the January 2019 work session. At that time, Ann was recommending a two-day event with music acts
(231)724-6770         that had a history of successfully attracting large crowds to Muskegon. Every Commission voiced their
FAX (231)724-6768
                      support for the event.
Mayor’s Office
FAX (231)722-1214
                      Commissioners Johnson and Warren insisted on a third day of events that would be free to attendees
                      and would provide a more diverse music selection. At that time, staff members cautioned the City
Planning/Zoning       Commission that this would significantly increase cost, but not likely increase revenue. The decision
FAX (231)724-6790     was ultimately made to proceed with three days. Staff stressed that the bands would be expensive,
                      require confidentiality, and require quick responses to their contract demands, as they cannot “hold”
Police Department
(231)724-6750         potential event days through a prolonged negotiation process. Ann was to begin contacting band
FAX (231)722-5140     representatives immediately.
Public Works
(231)724-4100         Two days later, the City Clerk corresponded with Commissioners via email. The email dated January 9,
FAX (231)722-4188
                      2019 read as follows:
(Inspections)                  Good Morning,
FAX (231)728-4371
                               Yesterday I put an offer in for the three bands that were available. I learned last night after
(231)724-6720                  the Commission meeting that Lonestar is no longer available.
FAX (231)724-6768

Water Billing                  That is not uncommon. I need to grab the bands ASAP or I risk losing them.
FAX (231)724-6768
                       The great news is that we found two really great bands for Friday night. Gretchen Wilson for
                       $75,000 as an opener and Big & Rich for $100,000. Big & Rich played for a crowd of over
                       40,000 recently and have over 7 million views on one of their songs alone.

                       This team could definitely bring us a big turn-out meaning higher ticket sales so that I can
                       actually pay for our 150th celebration including the free day.

       For Thursday (the free night) we are currently working on Ultimate Taste - they have one more band member to
       confirm availability and we should have them. They were at the Cole's event and great. The other is Phil Denny,
       Jazz Musician.

       I need to put an offer in this morning for Gretchen Wilson and Big & Rich. If you have concerns, please email me
       asap. From our conversations on Monday, I believe everyone is supportive and understands the time crunch and
       getting all of the stars to align to get a band here is not easy.

       These are big names. Hopefully they will still be available and we can get them!

After reviewing the City’s email server, I found ONLY the following response from former Commissioner
Byron Turnquist: “You have my support.”

On January 11, 2019, City Clerk Ann Meisch sent the following message to the Mayor and City Manager:

       FYI –

       Ken called me and seems to know people he wants to play. While we are working on local bands, we
       have to be really careful. Big acts like this will come with riders and they have the final say.

Ann continued to work with Commissioner Johnson to try and accommodate his requests for his personal
bands, but ultimately, we were not able to accommodate many of them.

On January 23, 2019, the City Clerk provided the City Commission with an update email:

       Good morning!

       I wanted to give you an update on our 150th. It's difficult to talk about it in public because we want to surprise
       the community.

       Honestly I am about 6 months behind from when this event should have been planned. It was the element of
       surprise, but it's okay and we will get there. It does mean though that decisions are being made quickly. If we
       don't, we will most likely lose those bigger acts, or reserving lighting, sound, etc.

       Budget is on my mind all the time. These events are not inexpensive. I'm trying to plan a quality event but being
       careful that we can't add many add-ons. It adds up quickly. Ticket sales will always remain one of my biggest
       stressors. We are known for being last minute so it's going to be a wait and see.

       This is where I am at:

                     City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536
First, I had to set a price for the tickets. I thought we had more time to do that but I learned that the artists have
a say in it so that decision had to be made quickly. The price for a one-day ticket will be $30 and a two-day pass
will be $50. Thursday's event we did not think would be feasible to be free. I have been able to talk to some of
you and everyone seemed to be okay with a $10 ticket and receiving a $5 coupon back to spend at the event.

On March 23rd Taste of Muskegon is hosting a fund raiser for Taste of Muskegon that will be held at the
Farmers Market. It will be a Blues and BBQ event. Details on that later. On March 23 and 24 ONLY tickets will
be on sale for $25 each or a pass for just $40. The $10 ticket will remain the same and purchased separately.
This has been confirmed with the artists. We will sell tickets at the Blues Event.

Yesterday I signed the contract with Warrant ($25,000) and Brent Michaels ($125,000). I am waiting for their
signature and then we will pay them their deposit. Brent Michaels has in his contract that if we talk about his
act before he signs and paid the deposit, he won't perform and we pay him $125,000. So please don't say
anything. I'm only talking to the key players on my committee that I am developing.

Thursday we have a great Jazz Player, Ultimate Taste, and Bryce Vine. Those of you who may not know Bryce
Vine, he is an up and coming singer who has one hit currently on the radio, Drew Barrymore, that has had 32
million views on youtube.

Our offer is in to Gretchen Wilson ($75,000). They have responded asking for clarification on a few things so
they are reviewing it and I hope to hear back very soon. After, we can officially offer her opener, Sawyer Brown

We are working to add some local acts but know that we also need to receive the approval of the main acts on
any music. I've spoken to my music person and he asked that you email me a list of local acts that you are
interested in and we can choose from that list what works with schedule, what the headliners will accept, etc.
We have room for 1 maybe 2 each night so keep that in mind. Please forward your list!

I have met with Irish Fest, Unity Fest, and Summer Celebration gathering all of the insights I can. I am working
to put together a team of experienced people specifically at this venue. I'm so excited that I have some strong
individuals serving!

The riders for the artists include renting dressing rooms, 15 passenger vans, and approximately 50 hotel rooms
for all the acts over 3 days and other concessions. This is very typical and part of the cost of the festival.

Because of the expense and listening to board members of Summer Celebration, I am really emphasizing that
we cannot give away tickets. There will of course be some that we do, probably radio give-a-ways, etc. to
promote the event, but I've been told one of the biggest contributing factors to the demise of the concerts was
giving away too much as well as the cost of the bands. This goes for our own city employees as well. If people
ask about free tickets, please send them my way and tell them that you hear for a few hours of volunteering at
the festival, they will get in that day for free. Of course we would give tickets for sponsorships or in-kind
services, and similar reasons. I hope this makes sense?

At the moment, we plan to start release concert information approximately March 1st and really talk about it
until the pre-release date of March 23rd & 24th. I'm working with a company who specializes in making these
types of commercials. The artists have final say over any advertising and this company has their clips and the
artists like their work.

We do think it would be a great idea to give a $10 ticket to each person who attends our community
appreciation event in March. This will be a great give-a-way and incentive to get people to attend and learn
more about government. Deb and I are working on those plans.

              City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536
        I'll update you when I hear confirmation of the bands and whatever information I have. We definitely have other
        things going - this is just the bigger component. Sorry for writing a book!

In follow up to this email, Commissioners Johnson and Warren continued to insist on their local bands being added to
the lineup. Ann emailed our talent acquisition contractor and requested that he work to accommodate the
Commissioners’ requests.

The Clerk again sent updates to Commissions on February 16, 2019 and February 18, 2019. In the February 18th email,
the Clerk indicated that she was officially soliciting sponsors. She stated that she sent out 40 sponsor packets and
asked Commissioners to share information on other potential sponsors with her. No Commissioners offered any
sponsorships or sponsorship leads. In that same email, the City Clerk provided the following line up for Commissioners:

        Thursday: Ultimate Taste Band, Phil Denny, and Bryce Vine
        Friday: Kansas and Gretchen Wilson
        Saturday: Warrant and Bret Michaels

This is a quote from that email: “Kansas was at a cost of $75,00, which is a great price for them, and we do agree that
the two could draw a bigger crowd.” Note that no Commissioners responded to this email; certainly, none questioned
the expenses for the band.

Soon after this report, Bryce Vine backed out of the concert. Ann reached out to Commissioners to get ideas. Freddie
Jackson was suggested. Ann arranged to replace Bryce Vine with Freddie Jackson in Thursday’s line up.

March 26, 2019, the City Clerk provided her monthly report to the City Commission. On the third page, she discussed
the many fundraisers she was undertaking to in-part help fund the 150th Celebration. Two pages later, she provided a
more in-depth update on the event.

On July 1, Commissioner German asked if his son could work with the sound crew as a volunteer. Ann made
arrangements for that to happen.

The event took place July 11-13, 2019. The event included the exact same bands that the City Commission expected,
lasted the exact same number of days that the Commission expected, and included the reduced/affordable ticket prices
that the Commission expected. In all likelihood, the City Commission’s insistence that we add a third day and that the
event be highly affordable likely were the biggest factors impacting the event’s net profitability.


From the onset of this event’s initial discussions, City Clerk Ann Meisch shared with Commissioners that the costs
would be great, as has been demonstrated above. The City Commission offered its full confidence in the event as
presented. You can read above and in the attached appendices that the City Clerk communicated regularly with the
City Commission regarding event costs. The following are adopted/approved records of revenues and expenses:

In June of 2019, the City Commission approved the 2019-20 FY Budget and the 2018-19 3rd Quarter Reforecast. In that
action, the City Commission authorized expenses and revenues for the 150th Celebration as follows:

Estimated Revenues:             $20,000
Estimated Expenses:             $250,000

Estimated NET Revenues:         -$230,000

The approved City Commission budget anticipated a net loss of $230,000. This is depicted in the budget excerpts on as
                      City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536


                  City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536
At time of the budget approval, staff believed the expenses related to the event would be accounted for in the 2018-19 fiscal year. The auditors eventually moved
much of the expenses into the 2019-20 fiscal year, even though they were expensed mostly in 2018-19. This was because the expenses were prepaid contracts for
services (music, etc.) that would take place early in the new (2019-20) fiscal year. This was a decision made/recommended by the City’s external auditing firm, and it
took place AFTER the new budget was adopted.

In June of 2020, City staff presented the following for approval. This is the FY 2020-21 budget as well as the proposed FY 2019-20 3rd Quarter Reforecast. The
budget was approved, but the 3rd Quarter Reforecast was not. At this point in the budget year, all of the revenues and expenses of the 150th Celebration were
accounted for and included in either the “2018-19 ACTIVITY” and “MAR 31, 2020 ACTUAL” budget columns. This is depicted below:

Note that Commissioner Johnson’s big concern came after adding the expenses in these two columns, as well as a third column titled “MAR 31, 2019 ACTUAL
EXPENSES.” As was stated earlier, many of the expenses incurred prior to March 31, 2019 were moved into the 2019-20 FY, so they are also included in the “MAR
31, 2020 ACTUAL EXPENSES” column.

                                            City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536
While the City Commission originally approved a net operating loss of $230,000 for the 150th Celebration, the actual
numbers included in the presented line-item budget indicate a net loss of $120,033. Staff improved upon the
Commission’s budgeted number.

In addition to this information, late last week, our auditing firm reached out to the City Clerk’s office after reading of
the inquiry into the 150th celebration. Mr. Van Dop indicated that his records paint an even brighter picture. From
an auditing standpoint, all of the fundraising efforts are netted against all event expenses. His estimate is that the
150th Celebration and related events may have netted as much as $40,000 in the positive, depending on how
fundraising was allocated. This is because so many events last summer were cross-promoted and used the same
sponsors and fundraisers. For example, groups could sponsor both the Taste of Muskegon and the 150th in one
sponsorship commitment (many did that); the same was true for the various food truck rallies that took place. Feel
free to contact him to discuss further.

I am providing the actual revenue/expense tracking data provided by the Clerk’s office. This was done in addition to
the finance department’s customary general ledger tracking. This indicates how each day faired. Note that adding
the additional Thursday resulted in approximately $63,000 less in revenue vs expenses. It also was by-far the lowest
attendance of the weekend.

                  Thursday                    Expense              Revenue/Sponsor                Net Cost
         Hospitality/Committee          $        7,060.00      $                  -       $         7,060.00
         Site Costs                     $        9,314.67      $                  -       $         9,314.67
         Supplies                       $           58.58      $                  -       $             58.58
         Alcohol                        $        2,840.29      $           6,626.00       $        (3,785.71)
         Food %                         $               -      $             656.83       $           (656.83)
         Merchandise                    $               -      $             131.61       $           (131.61)
         Parking                        $               -      $             398.40       $           (398.40)
         Music                          $       31,399.00      $                  -       $        31,399.00
         Production                     $       18,136.37      $                  -       $        18,136.37
         Marketing                      $       13,776.45      $                  -       $        13,776.45
         Photography                    $          600.00      $                  -       $            600.00
         Security                       $        4,907.38      $                  -       $         4,907.38
         Ticketing                      $          353.50      $          14,880.00       $       (14,526.50)
         Fundraising                    $               -      $           2,420.31       $        (2,420.31)
         Total                          $       88,446.23      $          25,113.14       $        63,333.09

                    Friday                    Expense              Revenue/Sponsor                Net Cost
         Hospitality/Committee          $        7,060.00      $                  -       $         7,060.00
         Site Costs                     $        9,314.67      $                  -       $         9,314.67
         Supplies                       $           58.58      $                  -       $             58.58
         Alcohol                        $       14,356.37      $          33,491.40       $       (19,135.03)
         Food %                         $               -      $           3,319.96       $        (3,319.96)
         Merchandise                    $               -      $           1,226.01       $        (1,226.01)
         Music                          $      165,000.00      $                  -       $       165,000.00
         Parking                        $               -      $           1,620.76       $        (1,620.76)
         Production                     $       18,136.37      $                  -       $        18,136.37

                       City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536
Marketing                    $      13,776.45     $                  -      $        13,776.45
Photography                  $          600.00    $                  -      $            600.00
Security                     $       4,907.38     $                  -      $         4,907.38
Ticketing                    $          262.70    $          60,535.00      $       (60,272.30)
Fundraising                  $               -    $           9,846.32      $        (9,846.32)
Arconic                      $               -    $           1,000.00      $        (1,000.00)
Port City Group              $               -    $          25,000.00      $       (25,000.00)
MiCoast Properties           $               -    $          25,000.00      $       (25,000.00)
Mart Dock                    $               -    $          10,000.00      $       (10,000.00)
Tyler Sales                  $               -    $           7,500.00      $        (7,500.00)
Northern Michigan Tool       $               -    $           5,000.00      $        (5,000.00)
Parmenter Law                $               -    $           5,000.00      $        (5,000.00)
Verplank Dock Co.            $               -    $           5,000.00      $        (5,000.00)
Shape                        $               -    $           5,000.00      $        (5,000.00)
Little River Casino Resort   $               -    $           5,000.00      $        (5,000.00)
Total                        $     233,472.52     $         203,539.45      $        29,933.06

          Saturday                Expense            Revenue/Sponsor                Net Cost
Hospitality/Committee        $       7,060.00     $                  -      $         7,060.00
Site Costs                   $       9,314.67     $                  -      $         9,314.67
Supplies                     $           58.58    $                  -      $             58.58
Alcohol                      $      21,127.48     $         49,287.43       $       (28,159.95)
Food %                       $               -    $          4,885.81       $        (4,885.81)
Merchandise                  $               -    $             674.21      $           (674.21)
Parking                      $               -    $          2,040.84       $        (2,040.84)
Music                        $     150,500.00     $                  -      $       150,500.00
Production                   $      18,136.37     $                  -      $        18,136.37
Marketing                    $      13,776.45     $                  -      $        13,776.45
Photography                  $          600.00    $                  -      $            600.00
Security                     $       4,907.38     $                  -      $         4,907.38
Ticketing                    $          343.00    $         76,225.00       $       (75,882.00)
Fundraising                  $               -    $         12,398.38       $       (12,398.38)
Coles                                             $          5,000.00       $        (5,000.00)
Michigrown                                          $          5,000.00     $        (5,000.00)
DTE Energy                                        $          2,500.00       $        (2,500.00)
Consumers Energy                                  $          2,500.00       $        (2,500.00)
Fifth Third Bank                                  $          2,500.00       $        (2,500.00)
Shoreline Agency                                  $          2,500.00       $        (2,500.00)
Eklund Holdings LLC                               $          1,000.00       $        (1,000.00)
Hines Corp                                        $          1,000.00       $        (1,000.00)
ETNA Supply                                       $          1,000.00       $        (1,000.00)
Julie Balgooyen Agency                            $          1,000.00       $        (1,000.00)
Safebuilt                                         $          1,000.00       $        (1,000.00)
Mercy Health                                      $          1,000.00       $        (1,000.00)

             City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536
         Meijer                                             $              500.00     $           (500.00)
         Garland Industries                                 $              500.00     $           (500.00)
         Bishop Heating & Cooling                           $              500.00     $           (500.00)
         West MI International                              $              500.00     $           (500.00)
         Community Shores Bank                              $              500.00     $           (500.00)
         Republic Services                                  $           2,500.00      $         (2,500.00)
         Total                         $     225,823.92     $         176,511.66      $         49,312.26

         Event Total                   $     547,742.67     $         405,164.26      $       142,578.41


It’s clear that the event faired better financially than the City Commission approved. The net improvement is
somewhere between $90,000 and $270,000, depending on how you account for the sponsorships and event

This could have been answered with a simple question from Mr. Johnson to with myself, the City Clerk, or the Finance


Frank Peterson

                       City of Muskegon, 933 Terrace Street, P.O. Box 536, Muskegon, MI 49443-0536
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                           Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: September 29, 2020               Title: Farmers Market Funding

Submitted By: Frank Peterson                              Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: Staff recently learned that the Farmers Market NET position greatly underperformed
City Commission approved budget for FY 2019-20. At the same time, staff learned that the NET
position of the fund was trending to greatly under-perform current budgeted figures for FY 2020-21.
Staff is seeking additional funding to operate the Farmers Market through June 30, 2021.

Detailed Summary: Staff made the decision to begin cutting costs at the Farmers Market immediately upon
receiving a report from the Finance Department that indicated that the fund was grossly underperforming
the Commission-approved budget. In the recent past, as City Manager, I would have used my discretion to
approve the expenses and wait for a Commission meeting to address the shortfall. With this situation
coming on the heels of the Commission calling for the review of funds/expenses from previous fiscal years
to look for unapproved spending, and the previous results of the Coronavirus Economic Relief effort, I felt
that I could follow no other course than to significantly reduce spending at the Market immediately. The
expectation as to address this at a City Commission Meeting.

Amount Requested: $150,000                              Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): General Fund                     Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: Authorize the transfer of $45,000 from the General Fund to offset costs related to
the Farmers Market in FY 2019-20 and an additional $105,000 to offset costs related to the Farmers Market
in FY 2020-21.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.        Fire Dept.        IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
Affirmative Action
FAX (231)722-1214

Equalization Co.
FAX (231)724-1129

FAX (231)724-4188

City Manager          September 28, 2020
FAX (231)722-1214
                      Mayor Stephen Gawron
Clerk                 City of Muskegon
FAX (231)724-4178     933 Terrace Street
                      Muskegon, MI 49440                                       via email:
Comm. & Neigh.
(231)724-6717         Mayor Gawron,
FAX (231)726-2501

Computer Info.        Staff is seeking approval to properly allocate $150,000 in general fund dollars to subsidize the Farmers
                      Market. As you know, the Farmers Market relies heavily on volunteers and fundraising. Staff has been
FAX (231)722-4301     unable to do any such fundraising this year. Additionally, funds generated from the flea market and
                      Kitchen 242 are down from initial projections.
FAX (231)727-6904     For FY 2019-20, the Commission budgeted $239,700 in revenues vs $203,306 in expenses. Staff
Finance               requested an additional $30,000 in the 3rd Quarter Reforecast, but that was never approved by the
(231)724-6713         City Commission. As the audit work is ending, staff revenues were significantly less than anticipated;
FAX (231)726-2325
                      aside from the transfer-in not being approved, the actual market-generated revenues were $105,507
Fire Department       (compared to the $159,000 originally budgeted. Additionally, fundraising came in at $45,382.89 (the
FAX (231)724-6985
                      Commission approved ($80,500). On the expense side, costs came in approximately $2,500 under
                      budget. To balance the Fund for FY 2019-20, we will need to transfer $45,000.
Human Resources
Co. (Civil Service)
(231)724-6442         For FY 2020-21, the Commission budgeted $203,131 in revenues vs $201,703 in expenses. As the 1st
FAX (231)724-6840     quarter is ending, we requested a report from the Finance Department. The report indicates that
Income Tax            revenues were tracking significantly less than anticipated; based on previous performance through the
(231)724-6770         first quarter, staff is now estimating that the market’s total revenue would only reach $150,000. This
FAX (231)724-6768
                      includes $55,000 already allocated from the General Fund. To balance the Fund for FY 2019-20, we
Mayor’s Office        will need to transfer an additional $105,000.
FAX (231)722-1214
                      This fund can be complicated because vendors can pay their fees early in the summer, and be applied
Planning/Zoning       to a previous FY. They could also pay them after July 1, and be applied to the future FY. This year was
FAX (231)724-6790     especially difficult to understand because the season started late due to COVID 19. The result was a
                      significant lag in truly understanding the financial needs of the fund. With an additional allocation of
Police Department
(231)724-6750         $150,000, the Muskegon Farmers Market can function status quo through the end of the fall season,
FAX (231)722-5140     and then resume in the Spring months. We do not anticipate an indoor winter market this year.
Public Works
(231)724-4100         I apologize for the inconveniences this has caused our community. I normally pride myself on my
FAX (231)722-4188
                      ability to make reasonable decision that are in the best interests of the community and organization
SafeBuilt             and would be supported after-the-fact by the City Commission. I am not as confident in that ability
(Inspections)         given the current climate.
FAX (231)728-4371
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                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: September 29,                 Title: Election Purchases Grant -
2020                                                   Expenditures

Submitted By: Ann Meisch                               Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: City Commissioners previously authorized the City Clerk to expend all Election
Grant Funds in the amount of $433,580. Staff wanted to bring Commission up-to-date on
purchases made thus far in the amount of $190,915.60
Several other purchases/marketing expenses are in process and we will update the Commission at
the next meeting.

Detailed Summary: At this time, we have purchased the following:
Hart High Speed Tabulator - $98,335
6 carts for ballots - $719.88
200 voting booths - $25,982
Chair and mechanics to lift desks from Lakeshore Furniture - $2,438.72
16 laptops from Dell $16,768
Marketing Coordinator Carla Flanders $6,000
Lamar Billboards $10,420
Trailer $19,849
Election Worker Shirts $5,080
Replacement Drop Box by Police Department $3,888
Adams Outdoor Billboards $1,435
In addition, we have used many Election Workers the past week to process absentee ballots and
purchased lunches for them as well. We do not have a total on this expenditure yet, but will in the
future – most likely after the Election.

Amount Requested: $190,915.60                        Amount Budgeted: $433,580

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To acknowledge and approve the purchases made in the amount of
$190,915.60 for the November Election as authorized by the Commission on September 22, 2020.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

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