City Commission Packet Archive 12-08-2020

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          DECEMBER 8, 2020 @ 5:30 P.M.
                REMOTE MEETING


□      ROLL CALL:
    A. 2016-2021 Vision Update
    A. Approval of Minutes       City Clerk
    B. Gaming License Request from Muskegon Pregnancy Services City Clerk
    C. MERS Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreements Addendum
    D. Non-Union Pay/Benefits City Manager
    E. Body Camera Purchase Public Safety
    F. Beach Warning System Public Works
    G. CZM Grant Application Public Works
    H. DWAM Grant Application          Public Works
    I. Michigan & Franklin Reconstruction     Public Works
    J. Beach Street Expanded Parking          Public Works
    K. Westwood Change Order #002             Public Works
    L. Installment Purchase Agreement Approval – Jackson Hill Infill Housing
       Development Services
    M. NEZ Certificates   Planning

                                          Page 1 of 2
    N. Street/Alley Vacations             Planning
    O. Former Farmers Market Rezoning                      Planning
    P. Parkland Properties Marina Agreement                          City Manager
    Q. Convention Center Naming Rights                     City Manager
    A. Jackson Hill, McLaughlin & Angell Rezoning’s                          Planning
    B. CAPER 2019                Community & Neighborhood Services
    C. Infill Housing Project (2nd Amendment) Brownfield Plan Amendment Public
       Hearing       Economic Development
    A. Community EnCompass Infill Housing Development Agreement and
       Funding   Economic Development
►      Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►      Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►      Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►      Be recognized by the Chair.
►      Step forward to the microphone.
►      State name and address.
►      Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►      (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)


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                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: December 8, 2020          Title: Approval of Minutes

Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC                Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: To approve the minutes of the November 24, 2020 Regular City Commission

Detailed Summary: N/A

Amount Requested: N/A                           Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                      Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: To approve the minutes.

For City Clerk Use Only:

Commission Action:
       NOVEMBER 24, 2020 @ 5:30 P.M.
              REMOTE MEETING


The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held
electronically with the Mayor, Vice Mayor and Commissioners participating via
Zoom – a remote conferencing service, Clerk staff present at 933 Terrace Street,
Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, November 24, 2020.
Present:     Mayor Stephen J. Gawron (Muskegon, MI), Vice Mayor Eric Hood
(Muskegon, MI) Commissioners Ken Johnson (Muskegon, MI), Dan Rinsema-
Sybenga (Bradenton, FL), Willie German, Jr. (Muskegon, MI), Teresa Emory
(Muskegon, MI), and Michael Ramsey (Muskegon, MI), City Manager Frank
Peterson, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann Meisch.
HONORS AND AWARDS: Mayor Steve Gawron announced that the City of
Muskegon’s application was accepted to participate in a 6-week program with
the Mayor’s Institute of City Design. We will present our project and receive
recommendations from the Institute. The project submitted focuses on seeking
greater investment parity city-wide by initially targeting increasing commercial
development opportunities in the historically under-invested, and racially diverse
Jackson Hill neighborhood. We are currently updating the city’s Master Plan and
would like to integrate the 2020 Census data that would support and inform
land use and transportation decisions outlined in the Plan. Our goal is to
understand how this data can be utilized to spur neighborhood-centric
commercial development and create new employment opportunities in that
particular neighborhood at this time, where 44.6% of the residents live at or
below the poverty line. We have an opportunity to do a focused study and
develop some good project parameters that could be utilized there. As we go
beyond, we can see how that experience can help us in all of our
neighborhoods. Planning and Economic Development have done great work to
get this plan and application submitted.
PUBLIC COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM:            Public comments were received.

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   A. Remote Meeting Procedures       City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Public Act 228 of 2020 amended the Open Meetings
Act to allow for electronic meetings. The Act requires that if the City wishes to
conduct electronic meetings, that it adopts electronic meeting procedures.
Public Act 228 of 2020 amended Section 3 of the Open Meeting Act (OMA) and
added Section 3a to the OMA to permit, in certain circumstances, public bodies
to meet electronically and to permit members of those public bodies to
participate in, and vote on, business before the public body remotely.
The Act requires the public body, as defined ins Section 2(a) of the OMA, being
the City Commission, including all boards, commissions, committees,
subcommittees, or authorities of the City of Muskegon, to establish procedures
to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Act related to electronic
meetings. It is recommended that the City Commission establish the presented
electronic meeting procedures for itself and all of the public bodies of the City
to comply with this statutory requirement.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To establish the procedures to permit the City
Commission and all other public bodies of the City of Muskegon to meet
electronically and vote on business before the public body remotely.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
to establish procedures to permit the City Commission and all other public
bodies of the City of Muskegon to meet electronically and vote on business
before the public body remotely.
      Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Rinsema-
      Sybenga to amend Section C of the proposed procedures to require that if
      an agenda exists for an electronic meeting, the agenda for that meeting
      shall be made available to the public at least 12 hours before the
      electronic meeting begins by posting the agenda on the portion of the
      City’s website that is fully accessible to the public.
      ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson,
                 Gawron, and Hood
                   Nays: None
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson,
                 and Gawron
            Nays: None

                                          Page 2 of 7
2020-87      CONSENT AGENDA:
   A. Approval of Minutes        City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the November 9, 2020 Work
Session Meeting, the November 10, 2020 Regular City Commission meeting, and
the November 13, 2020 Special City Commission Meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            To approve the minutes.
   B. 2020-2021 School Resource Officer Agreement            Public Safety
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Review and approve the School Resource Officer
Agreement proposed for employment of one Muskegon Police Department
officer for the 2020-2021 school year. This agreement includes a 3% increase for
a total of $24,190.40 paid to the City of Muskegon between September 2020
and June 2021.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            Approval of the 2020-2021 School Resource
Officer Agreement.
   C. 2020-2021 Winter Parking Ordinance Amendment Public Safety
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Revise LO09 of the effected city ordinance (92-71), staff
received information that the current ordinance was problematic in our
downtown designated area. With the increase of full-time residents living
downtown parking is a premium throughout the day and night. Staff is proposing
a change to the downtown area to accommodate residents and business
patrons that the frequent the designated area.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            Approval of the amended Parking Ordinance as
it pertains to Winter Parking.
   D. Ramos Towing Agreement           Public Safety
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Extension of the current contract with Ramos Towing for
(2) two years. The next renewal date will be January 1st 2023. No changes to the
current service and fee schedule are expected during the 24 (twenty0four
month extension.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:      Approve a 24 (twenty-four) month service
agreement with Ramos Towing.
   E. Social District Permit Recommendation             Economic Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City Commission must recommend approval of the
Michigan Liquor Control Commission permits of participating licensed
establishments in the Downtown Muskegon Social District.
With the establishment of the Downtown Muskegon Social District, participating
licensed establishments must receive a Social District permit from the Michigan
Liquor Control Commission. The MLCC must first receive a recommendation for

                                          Page 3 of 7
approval from the City Commission before granting the permits. You handled
the initial eight such requests at your August 25 and September 8 meetings. The
attached resolution is for Ingalls Business AQ (dba Mike’s Inn) which is also
seeking a Social District permit from the state and seeking City Commission
recommended approval. The Social District Plan identifies 22 potential
participating licensees within the district. Other licensed establishments may file
a Social District permit application in the future.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To approve the resolution recommending
Michigan Liquor Control Commission approval of Social District permits in the
Downtown Muskegon Social District and to direct the City Clerk to certify the
City Commission action with the MLCC.
   F. MERS Defined Benefit Plan Adoption Agreements Addendum Finance
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: MERS of Michigan, our Pension Plan Administrator, is
asking all clients to complete and update plan adoption agreements so they
can ensure the details of our plans are accurately documented. Staff is seeking
our approval of the Defined Benefit Plan Agreement Addendums presented.
MERS of Michigan is asking the City of Muskegon to review and update our
Defined Benefit Plan Adoption Agreements for each of our six divisions, Non-
Union, Clerical, 517 m DPW, Police Patrol, Police Command, and Fire. The Plan
Adoption Agreement Addendums for each division are attached. Please not we
have not changed any of the provision of our plans, this is a MERS request so
they can ensure accuracy. Please note that the Addendums for our Defined
Contribution Plans will be brought to you at our next meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:    To approve the MERS Defined Benefit Plan
Adoption Agreement Addendums as presented.
   G. PRI Document Approval – Jackson Hill Infill Housing Loan
      Development Services
   H. Trinity Village (COGIC Village) PILOT Agreement Termination Treasurer
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To terminate the payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT)
agreement with Trinity Village for the COGIC Village housing project.
We were recently notified by a representative of KMG Prestige, property
manager for COGIC Village, that the property had been sold in August of 2019
to MASH – COGIC Muskegon LDHA Association, LLC. At the time the property
was sold, the qualifying load was paid off. As such, the property no longer
qualifies for PILOT status, and we need to take official action to terminate the
original agreement. After termination, the county’s Equalization Department will
notify the owners of the termination, and determine the proper classification to
return the property to the city’s tax roll.

                                          Page 4 of 7
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:        To approve the resolution to terminate the
Contract for Housing Exemption with Trinity Village Non-Profit Housing
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Ramsey,
to approve the consent agenda as presented.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey,
           and German
             Nays: None
   A. Beach Street Utility Special Assessment            Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Conduct the first Public Hearing for the Beach Street
Aerial Utility Burial Special Assessment to create the special assessment district
inclusive of all properties shown in the attachment, appoint two Commissioners
to the Board of Assessors, and adopt the resolution.
Staff has been petitioned by property owners along Beach Street to have the
aerial communication utilities (Frontier Communications and Comcast Cable)
buried within the above referenced limits. Staff has reviewed the request and
additional documentation/detail is attached along with a preliminary staff
Staff will present the results of the property owner mailers at the Public Hearing
as well as take any public comment on the special assessment. The proposed
special assessment district properties are show in the attachment. Staff is
requesting two Commissioners be appointed to the Board of Assessors along
with the County Assessor’s office to prepare the assessment roll.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To close the public hearing, appoint two
Commissioners to the Board of Assessors, and approve the resolution.
Darryl Bell – 1668 Beach Street – looking for clarification
Kevin Eaton – 1646 Beach Street – opposed as all lines are not included
Reid Heredowich (grandson) at 1650 Beach Street – opposed
Bernadette Thomas – 1790 Beach Street – clarify timing of project – why wasn’t it
done with road work.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to
close the public hearing, appoint Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga and
Commissioner Emory to the Board of Assessors and approve the resolution.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Emory, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, and Rinsema-Sybenga

                                           Page 5 of 7
             Nays: German
2020-89      NEW BUSINESS:
   A. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance - Marihuana              Planning
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff-initiated request to amend the zoning ordinance
to allow for Microbusinesses, Designate Consumption Establishments, Class A
Recreational Grows, (Up to 100 plants), Class B Recreational Grows (Up to 500
plants), Class A Medical Grows (Up to 500 plants) and temporary marihuana
events as a special use permitted in I-1, I-2, MC, B-2, and B-4 zoning districts.
The Planning Commission voted in favor of the ordinance amendment with the
following conditions:
Any adult -use marihuana business shall not be located within a 500-foot radius
of any property occupied by: (1) a public playground, (2) a public park, (3)
public housing, (4) a religious institution, (5) a public or private, vocational
school, college, junior college, or university, (6) a state-licensed child care
center or pre-school, (7) any public swimming pool, public or private youth
activity facility, public outdoor recreation area (except trails) or public
recreation facility, (8) a youth center, (9) a juvenile or adult halfway house, (10)
correction facility or rehab center.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the request to amend the zoning
ordinance to allow for Microbusinesses, Designated Consumption
Establishments, Class A Recreational Grown, Class B Recreational Grows and
temporary marihuana events as a special use permitted in I-1, I-2, MC, B-2, and
B-4 zoning districts.
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to
table the zoning ordinance amendment until the January 27, 2021 Legislative
Policy Committee meeting.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-
           Sybenga, Emory
             Nays: None
   B. Community EnCompass Infill Housing Development Agreement and
      Funding   Economic Development
ANY OTHER BUSINESS:      Commissioner German requested an update from
Chief Lewis regarding crime in the city and how we are resolving issues.
Dave Alexander provided an update from the DDA meeting regarding the

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Lakeshore Art Festival and Taste of Muskegon. Both events are to be
administered by the City Clerk’s Office with Dave Alexander providing regular
updates to the Downtown Development Authority.
PUBLIC COMMENT:          Public Comments received.
   A. Discussion of Pending Litigation
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to go
into closed session to discuss pending litigation, Hilton vs. City of Muskegon and
Ann Meisch.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson,
           and Gawron
            Nays: None
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Emory, to
come out of closed session.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory,
           and Johnson
            Nays: None
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Johnson, to follow
recommendation of counsel discussed in closed session.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood,
           and Ramsey
            Nays: None
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m.

                                      Respectfully Submitted,

                                      Ann Marie Meisch – MMC, City Clerk

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                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 12/8/2020                      Title: Gaming License Request from
                                                        Muskegon Pregnancy Services

Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC                     Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: Muskegon Pregnancy Services is requesting a resolution recognizing them as
non-profit organization operating in the City for the purpose of obtaining a raffle license.

Detailed Summary:

Amount Requested: n/a                                  Amount Budgeted: n/a

Fund(s) or Account(s): n/a                             Fund(s) or Account(s): n/a

Recommended Motion: To approve the request from Muskegon Pregnancy Services to be
recognized as a non-profit operating in the City for the purpose of obtaining a raffle license.

For City Clerk Use Only:

Commission Action:
                                     “Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty Power” Eph 6:10

                       | 231.726.2677 | 1775 Wells Ave. Muskegon MI 49442

2020 Board
Members                     Dear Muskegon Commissioners:
Jeffery Greve
                            I am requesting a gaming license of Muskegon Pregnancy Services to be able to have
Greve Law PLC               raffles to raise funds for the ministry. I understand part of the state’s requirements is to
                            have my governing body recognize our nonprofit organization, and confirm it is
Treasurer                   operating in the community in order to obtain a charitable gaming license. I have
Kathy Hayes
CWD Real Estate
                            submitted all the paperwork necessary.

Secretary                    We were given a beautiful donation of a LeVian 1.3ktw diamond ring from Gold
Ann Davidson                Recyclers to do a raffle to raise funds for our ministry. We had the ring appraised and
Living Water Bible Church
                            the value of it is $4,695. Below is a copy of the flyer we will use.
Dan McKinnon
CEO Owner -                 We would like to start selling raffle tickets as soon as possible as we plan to have a
GH Companies
                            winner drawn on February 11th at 4pm.
Zach Krause
Blue Star Construction      Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do!

                            Deb Null
Sondra Cross
Living Word Church
                            Debra Null
Lisa Lee
Calvary Bible Church
                            Executive Director
                            Muskegon Pregnancy Services
Gin Greenlee                1775 Wells Ave. Muskegon, MI 49442
Board Certified             w. 231.726.2677 f. 231.726.2236 c. 231-206-2471
Naturopathic Doctor

Holly Shmiedeknecht


We are committed
to providing clinical
life-saving services
and empowering
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: December 8, 2020             Title: MERS Defined Contribution Plan
                                                      Adoption Agreements Addendum

Submitted By: Beth Lewis                              Department: Finance

Brief Summary: MERS of Michigan our Pension Plan Administrator is asking all clients to complete
and update plan adoption agreement so they can ensure the details of our plans are accurately
documented. Staff is asking for your approval of the Defined Contribution Plan Agreement
Addendums presented.

Detailed Summary: MERS of Michigan is asking the City of Muskegon to review and update our
Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreements for each of our seven divisions, Non Union,
Clerical, 517m DPW, Police Patrol, Police Command and Fire. I have attached the Plan Adoption
Agreement Addendums for each division. Please note we have not changed any of the
provisions of our plans, this is a MERS request so they can ensure accuracy.

Amount Requested: N/A                                Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the MERS Contribution Benefit Plan Adoption Agreement
Addendums as presented.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan
        Adoption Agreement Addendum
        1134 Municipal Way Lansing, MI 48917 | 800.767.MERS (6377) | Fax 517.703.9711

        The employer, a participating municipality or court within the state of Michigan, hereby agrees to
        adopt and administer the MERS Defned Contribution (DC) Plan provided by the Municipal Employees’
        Retirement System of Michigan, as authorized by 1996 PA 220, in accordance with MERS Plan Document,
        as both may be amended, subject to the terms and conditions herein.

        I. Effective Date

        The effective date shall be the frst day of January, 2021.

        II. Employer name ____________________________________________________________________________
                           Muskegon, City of

          Municipality number _____________

            This is an amendment of the existing MERS Defned Contribution Agreement.
            Any changes to plan provisions apply to employees in the division on the effective date, as well as to
            new hires ongoing. Defnitions will apply for all service accrued after the effective date.

          Division number _____________

          Division name _____________________________________________________________

           Note: This division should refect how you currently defne employees who are eligible to participate,
           for example, All full-time Employees, New hires after 1/1/2019, etc.

        III. Plan Eligibility

            Only those employees eligible for MERS membership may participate in the MERS Defned
            Contribution Plan. If an employee classifcation is included in the plan, then employees that meet this
            defnition are required to participate in the plan and earn time toward vesting. All eligible employees
            must be reported to MERS.
            Using your Division Name above, expand on the employee classifcations that are eligible to
            participate in MERS, such as “Clerical staff working more than 160 hours in a month,” “Elected
            Offcials” or “Admin working >32 hours per week,” etc.:
           Police Command Officers hired after 7/28/2006 working more than 1747 hours per year.


            Employee classifcation contains public safety employees:                    X   Yes       No
                 Public safety employees include: law enforcement, parole and probation offcers, employees
                 responsible for emergency response (911 dispatch, fre service, paramedics, etc.), public works,
                 and other skilled support personnel (equipment operators, etc.).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                Page 1 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                               EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                           DIV: 611601110192

        If you elect to include a special classifcation (chart below), then the employee will be required to
        participate in the employer and employee contributions adopted in your plan. An excluded classifcation
        will require additional information below.

        To further defne eligibility (select all that apply):
         Employee Classifcation                                                           Included Excluded
         Temporary Employees: Those who will work for the municipality fewer than _____
         months in total.
         Part-Time Employees: Those who regularly work fewer than 1747
                                                                  _______ per _______.
                                                                              year                    X
         Seasonal Employees: Those who will work for the municipality
         from __________
              April      to __________
                            October    only.
         Voter-Elected Offcials                                                                       X
         Appointed Offcials: An offcial appointed to a voter-elected offce.                           X
         Contract Employees                                                                           X

        Probationary Periods (select one):
             Contributions will begin after the probationary period has been satisfed. Probationary periods
             are allowed in one-month increments, no longer than 12 months. During this probationary period,
             contributions will not be reported and service toward vesting will begin when probationary period has
             The probationary period will be ______ month(s).

         X   Contributions will begin with the employee’s date of hire (no Probationary Period). Effective with the
             date of hire, wages paid and any associated contributions must be submitted to MERS.

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                              Page 2 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                    DIV: 611601110192

        IV. Provisions
        1. Leaves of Absence
        Regardless of whether an employee is earning a wage while on the following types of leave:
         • Third-party wages are not used in determining contributions for periods of leave.
          •   Vesting under elapsed time continues to accrue even if wages are not earned and contributions
              are zero.
               Note: Employers who determine vesting based on an “hours-reported” method, should report
               actual worked hours for the month where there was a leave.
        Types of leave include:
          •    Short Term and Long Term Disability
          •    Workers Compensation
          •    Unpaid Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
        Leaves of absence due to military service are governed by the federal Uniformed Services Employment and
        Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), IRC 414(u), effective January 1, 2007, IRC 401(a)(37).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                     Page 3 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                            EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                             DIV: 611601110192

        2. Defnition of Compensation
        The Defnition of Compensation is used to determine participant and employer contributions. Wages are
        strongly recommended to be reported with regular wage/contribution reports to MERS. Contributions
        cannot exceed IRS limitations.
          Select your Defnition of Compensation here. If you
          choose to customize your defnition, skip this table
          and proceed to page 5.
                                                                                                Base Wages           Box 1 Wages         Gross Wages
         Types of Compensation
          Regular Wages                                                                         All Regular Wages    All Regular Wages   All Regular Wages
           Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                        included             included            included
           PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)
           On-call pay
          Other Wages                                                                           Excluded             All Other Wages     All Other Wages
           Shift differentials                                                                                       included            included
           Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
          Lump Sum Payments                                                                     Excluded             All Lump Sum        All Lump Sum
           PTO cash-out                                                                                              Payments included   Payments included
           Merit pay
           Job certifcations
           Educational degrees
           Moving expenses
           Sick payouts
           Severance (if issued as lump sum)
          Taxable Payments                                                                      Excluded             All Taxable         All Taxable
           Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)                        Payments included   Payments included
           Prizes, gift cards
           Personal use of a company car
           Car allowance
          Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS)                           Excluded             Excluded            Excluded
           Gun, tools, equipment, uniform
           Mileage reimbursement
           Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)

         Types of Deferrals
          Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions                                 All Elective         Excluded            All Elective Deferrals
           457 employee and employer contributions                                              Deferrals included                       included
           125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs
           IRA contributions

         Types of Benefts
          Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees                                                All Nontaxable       Excluded            All Nontaxable
           Health plan, dental, vision benefts                                                  Fringe Benefts                           Fringe Benefts
           Workers compensation premiums                                                        included                                 included
           Short- or Long-term disability premiums
           Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
          Mandatory Contributions                                                               All Mandatory        Excluded            All Mandatory
                                                                                                Contributions                            Contributions
                                                                                                included                                 included
          Taxable Fringe Benefts                                                                Excluded             Excluded            All Taxable Fringe
           Clothing reimbursement                                                                                                        Benefts included
           Stipends for health insurance opt out payments
           Group term life insurance > $50,000
          Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments                                                     Excluded             Excluded            All Other Lump Sum
           Workers compensation settlement payments                                                                                      Benefts included

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                   Page 4 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

           Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                              EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                                               DIV: 611601110192

           SKIP THIS TABLE if you selected one of the standard defnitions of compensation on page 4.
      X    CUSTOM: If you choose this option, you must select boxes in each section you would like to include in your Defnition of
                   Compensation. You will be responsible for additional reporting details to track custom defnitions.
     Types of Compensation
      Regular Wages
       X Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                                On-call pay
       X PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)              Other: ______________________________________________________
      Other Wages apply: YES X        NO
             Shift differentials                                                                      Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
             Overtime                                                                                      Residency Bonus
                                                                                                  X Other: ______________________________________________________
      Lump Sum Payments apply: YES X           NO
             PTO cash-out                                                                             Educational degrees

             Longevity                                                                            X Moving expenses
             Bonuses                                                                                  Sick payouts

             Merit pay                                                                                Severance (if issued as lump sum)

             Job certifcations                                                                        Other: ______________________________________________________

      Taxable Payments apply: YES          NO X
             Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)
             Prizes, gift cards                                                                       Car allowance
             Personal use of a company car                                                            Other: ______________________________________________________
      Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS) apply: YES             NO X
             Gun, tools, equipment, uniform                                                           Mileage reimbursement
             Phone                                                                                    Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)
             Fitness                                                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Deferrals
      Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions apply: YES X          NO
       X 457 employee and employer contributions                                                      IRA contributions
       X 125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs                                                            Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Benefts
      Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees apply: YES            NO X
             Health plan, dental, vision benefts
             Workers compensation premiums                                                            Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
             Short- or Long-term disability premiums                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
      Mandatory Contributions apply: YES X          NO

      Taxable Fringe Benefts apply: YES X          NO
       X Clothing reimbursement                                                                   X Group term life insurance > $50,000

             Stipends for health insurance opt out payments                                           Other: ______________________________________________________

      Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments apply: YES             NO X
             Workers compensation settlement payments                                                 Other: ______________________________________________________

          MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                                   Page 5 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                       DIV: 611601110192

        3. Forfeiture
        A forfeiture occurs when a participant separates from employment prior to meeting the associated elapsed
        time (or hours reported) to receive vesting. The percentage of his/her employer contribution account
        balance that has not vested as of the date of termination will forfeit after 12 consecutive months following
        the termination date reported by the employer, or earlier, if the System distributes the participant’s vested
        portion. MERS will utilize an available forfeiture balance as an automatic funding source applied to
        reported employer contributions at the time of reporting.

    V. Execution:
        Authorized Designee of Governing Body of Municipality or Chief Judge of Court
        This foregoing Addendum is hereby approved by City of Muskegon
        at a Board Meeting which took place on: __________________

        Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________________________

        Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

        Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________

         Date: __________________

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                        Page 6 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan
        Adoption Agreement Addendum
        1134 Municipal Way Lansing, MI 48917 | 800.767.MERS (6377) | Fax 517.703.9711

        The employer, a participating municipality or court within the state of Michigan, hereby agrees to
        adopt and administer the MERS Defned Contribution (DC) Plan provided by the Municipal Employees’
        Retirement System of Michigan, as authorized by 1996 PA 220, in accordance with MERS Plan Document,
        as both may be amended, subject to the terms and conditions herein.

        I. Effective Date

        The effective date shall be the frst day of January, 2021.

                           Muskegon, City of
        II. Employer name ____________________________________________________________________________
          Municipality number _____________
            This is an amendment of the existing MERS Defned Contribution Agreement.
            Any changes to plan provisions apply to employees in the division on the effective date, as well as to
            new hires ongoing. Defnitions will apply for all service accrued after the effective date.

          Division number _____________

                          City Manager
          Division name _____________________________________________________________
           Note: This division should refect how you currently defne employees who are eligible to participate,
           for example, All full-time Employees, New hires after 1/1/2019, etc.

        III. Plan Eligibility

            Only those employees eligible for MERS membership may participate in the MERS Defned
            Contribution Plan. If an employee classifcation is included in the plan, then employees that meet this
            defnition are required to participate in the plan and earn time toward vesting. All eligible employees
            must be reported to MERS.
            Using your Division Name above, expand on the employee classifcations that are eligible to
            participate in MERS, such as “Clerical staff working more than 160 hours in a month,” “Elected
            Offcials” or “Admin working >32 hours per week,” etc.:
           City Managers hired after 1/1/2006


            Employee classifcation contains public safety employees:                    Yes    X   No
                 Public safety employees include: law enforcement, parole and probation offcers, employees
                 responsible for emergency response (911 dispatch, fre service, paramedics, etc.), public works,
                 and other skilled support personnel (equipment operators, etc.).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                            Page 1 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                               EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                           DIV: 611601110441

        If you elect to include a special classifcation (chart below), then the employee will be required to
        participate in the employer and employee contributions adopted in your plan. An excluded classifcation
        will require additional information below.

        To further defne eligibility (select all that apply):
         Employee Classifcation                                                           Included Excluded
         Temporary Employees: Those who will work for the municipality fewer than _____
         months in total.
         Part-Time Employees: Those who regularly work fewer than 1664
                                                                  _______ per _______.
                                                                              year                    X
         Seasonal Employees: Those who will work for the municipality
         from __________ to __________ only.
         Voter-Elected Offcials                                                                       X
         Appointed Offcials: An offcial appointed to a voter-elected offce.                           X
         Contract Employees                                                                           X

        Probationary Periods (select one):
             Contributions will begin after the probationary period has been satisfed. Probationary periods
             are allowed in one-month increments, no longer than 12 months. During this probationary period,
             contributions will not be reported and service toward vesting will begin when probationary period has
             The probationary period will be ______ month(s).

         X   Contributions will begin with the employee’s date of hire (no Probationary Period). Effective with the
             date of hire, wages paid and any associated contributions must be submitted to MERS.

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                              Page 2 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                    DIV: 611601110441

        IV. Provisions
        1. Leaves of Absence
        Regardless of whether an employee is earning a wage while on the following types of leave:
         • Third-party wages are not used in determining contributions for periods of leave.
          •   Vesting under elapsed time continues to accrue even if wages are not earned and contributions
              are zero.
               Note: Employers who determine vesting based on an “hours-reported” method, should report
               actual worked hours for the month where there was a leave.
        Types of leave include:
          •    Short Term and Long Term Disability
          •    Workers Compensation
          •    Unpaid Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
        Leaves of absence due to military service are governed by the federal Uniformed Services Employment and
        Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), IRC 414(u), effective January 1, 2007, IRC 401(a)(37).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                     Page 3 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                            EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                             DIV: 611601110441

        2. Defnition of Compensation
        The Defnition of Compensation is used to determine participant and employer contributions. Wages are
        strongly recommended to be reported with regular wage/contribution reports to MERS. Contributions
        cannot exceed IRS limitations.
          Select your Defnition of Compensation here. If you
          choose to customize your defnition, skip this table
          and proceed to page 5.
                                                                                                Base Wages           Box 1 Wages         Gross Wages
         Types of Compensation
          Regular Wages                                                                         All Regular Wages    All Regular Wages   All Regular Wages
           Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                        included             included            included
           PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)
           On-call pay
          Other Wages                                                                           Excluded             All Other Wages     All Other Wages
           Shift differentials                                                                                       included            included
           Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
          Lump Sum Payments                                                                     Excluded             All Lump Sum        All Lump Sum
           PTO cash-out                                                                                              Payments included   Payments included
           Merit pay
           Job certifcations
           Educational degrees
           Moving expenses
           Sick payouts
           Severance (if issued as lump sum)
          Taxable Payments                                                                      Excluded             All Taxable         All Taxable
           Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)                        Payments included   Payments included
           Prizes, gift cards
           Personal use of a company car
           Car allowance
          Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS)                           Excluded             Excluded            Excluded
           Gun, tools, equipment, uniform
           Mileage reimbursement
           Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)

         Types of Deferrals
          Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions                                 All Elective         Excluded            All Elective Deferrals
           457 employee and employer contributions                                              Deferrals included                       included
           125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs
           IRA contributions

         Types of Benefts
          Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees                                                All Nontaxable       Excluded            All Nontaxable
           Health plan, dental, vision benefts                                                  Fringe Benefts                           Fringe Benefts
           Workers compensation premiums                                                        included                                 included
           Short- or Long-term disability premiums
           Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
          Mandatory Contributions                                                               All Mandatory        Excluded            All Mandatory
                                                                                                Contributions                            Contributions
                                                                                                included                                 included
          Taxable Fringe Benefts                                                                Excluded             Excluded            All Taxable Fringe
           Clothing reimbursement                                                                                                        Benefts included
           Stipends for health insurance opt out payments
           Group term life insurance > $50,000
          Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments                                                     Excluded             Excluded            All Other Lump Sum
           Workers compensation settlement payments                                                                                      Benefts included

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                   Page 4 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

           Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                              EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                                               DIV: 611601110441

           SKIP THIS TABLE if you selected one of the standard defnitions of compensation on page 4.
      X    CUSTOM: If you choose this option, you must select boxes in each section you would like to include in your Defnition of
                   Compensation. You will be responsible for additional reporting details to track custom defnitions.
     Types of Compensation
      Regular Wages
       X Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                                On-call pay
       X PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)              Other: ______________________________________________________
      Other Wages apply: YES X        NO
             Shift differentials                                                                      Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
             Overtime                                                                                      Residency Bonus
                                                                                                  X Other: ______________________________________________________
      Lump Sum Payments apply: YES X           NO
             PTO cash-out                                                                             Educational degrees

             Longevity                                                                            X Moving expenses

             Bonuses                                                                                  Sick payouts

             Merit pay                                                                                Severance (if issued as lump sum)

             Job certifcations                                                                        Other: ______________________________________________________

      Taxable Payments apply: YES          NO X
             Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)
             Prizes, gift cards                                                                       Car allowance
             Personal use of a company car                                                            Other: ______________________________________________________
      Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS) apply: YES             NO X
             Gun, tools, equipment, uniform                                                           Mileage reimbursement
             Phone                                                                                    Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)
             Fitness                                                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Deferrals
      Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions apply: YES X          NO
             457 employee and employer contributions                                                  IRA contributions
             125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs                                                        Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Benefts
      Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees apply: YES            NO X
             Health plan, dental, vision benefts
             Workers compensation premiums                                                            Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
             Short- or Long-term disability premiums                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
      Mandatory Contributions apply: YES X          NO

      Taxable Fringe Benefts apply: YES X          NO
       X Clothing reimbursement                                                                   X Group term life insurance > $50,000

             Stipends for health insurance opt out payments                                           Other: ______________________________________________________

      Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments apply: YES             NO X
             Workers compensation settlement payments                                                 Other: ______________________________________________________

          MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                                   Page 5 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                       DIV: 611601110441

        3. Forfeiture
        A forfeiture occurs when a participant separates from employment prior to meeting the associated elapsed
        time (or hours reported) to receive vesting. The percentage of his/her employer contribution account
        balance that has not vested as of the date of termination will forfeit after 12 consecutive months following
        the termination date reported by the employer, or earlier, if the System distributes the participant’s vested
        portion. MERS will utilize an available forfeiture balance as an automatic funding source applied to
        reported employer contributions at the time of reporting.

    V. Execution:
        Authorized Designee of Governing Body of Municipality or Chief Judge of Court
        This foregoing Addendum is hereby approved by City of Muskegon

        at a Board Meeting which took place on: __________________

        Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________________________

        Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

        Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________

         Date: __________________

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                        Page 6 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan
        Adoption Agreement Addendum
        1134 Municipal Way Lansing, MI 48917 | 800.767.MERS (6377) | Fax 517.703.9711

        The employer, a participating municipality or court within the state of Michigan, hereby agrees to
        adopt and administer the MERS Defned Contribution (DC) Plan provided by the Municipal Employees’
        Retirement System of Michigan, as authorized by 1996 PA 220, in accordance with MERS Plan Document,
        as both may be amended, subject to the terms and conditions herein.

        I. Effective Date

        The effective date shall be the frst day of January, 2021.

        II. Employer name ____________________________________________________________________________
                           Muskegon, City of

          Municipality number _____________

            This is an amendment of the existing MERS Defned Contribution Agreement.
            Any changes to plan provisions apply to employees in the division on the effective date, as well as to
            new hires ongoing. Defnitions will apply for all service accrued after the effective date.

          Division number _____________

          Division name _____________________________________________________________

           Note: This division should refect how you currently defne employees who are eligible to participate,
           for example, All full-time Employees, New hires after 1/1/2019, etc.

        III. Plan Eligibility

            Only those employees eligible for MERS membership may participate in the MERS Defned
            Contribution Plan. If an employee classifcation is included in the plan, then employees that meet this
            defnition are required to participate in the plan and earn time toward vesting. All eligible employees
            must be reported to MERS.
            Using your Division Name above, expand on the employee classifcations that are eligible to
            participate in MERS, such as “Clerical staff working more than 160 hours in a month,” “Elected
            Offcials” or “Admin working >32 hours per week,” etc.:
           Firefighters and Fire Command Officers hired after 1/1/2005 working more than 4410 hours per

            Employee classifcation contains public safety employees:                    X   Yes       No
                 Public safety employees include: law enforcement, parole and probation offcers, employees
                 responsible for emergency response (911 dispatch, fre service, paramedics, etc.), public works,
                 and other skilled support personnel (equipment operators, etc.).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                Page 1 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                               EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                           DIV: 611601106125

        If you elect to include a special classifcation (chart below), then the employee will be required to
        participate in the employer and employee contributions adopted in your plan. An excluded classifcation
        will require additional information below.

        To further defne eligibility (select all that apply):
         Employee Classifcation                                                           Included Excluded
         Temporary Employees: Those who will work for the municipality fewer than _____
         months in total.
         Part-Time Employees: Those who regularly work fewer than 4410
                                                                  _______ per _______.
                                                                              year                    X
         Seasonal Employees: Those who will work for the municipality
         from __________ to __________ only.
         Voter-Elected Offcials                                                                       X
         Appointed Offcials: An offcial appointed to a voter-elected offce.                           X
         Contract Employees                                                                           X

        Probationary Periods (select one):
             Contributions will begin after the probationary period has been satisfed. Probationary periods
             are allowed in one-month increments, no longer than 12 months. During this probationary period,
             contributions will not be reported and service toward vesting will begin when probationary period has
             The probationary period will be ______ month(s).

         X   Contributions will begin with the employee’s date of hire (no Probationary Period). Effective with the
             date of hire, wages paid and any associated contributions must be submitted to MERS.

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                              Page 2 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                    DIV: 611601106125

        IV. Provisions
        1. Leaves of Absence
        Regardless of whether an employee is earning a wage while on the following types of leave:
         • Third-party wages are not used in determining contributions for periods of leave.
          •   Vesting under elapsed time continues to accrue even if wages are not earned and contributions
              are zero.
               Note: Employers who determine vesting based on an “hours-reported” method, should report
               actual worked hours for the month where there was a leave.
        Types of leave include:
          •    Short Term and Long Term Disability
          •    Workers Compensation
          •    Unpaid Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
        Leaves of absence due to military service are governed by the federal Uniformed Services Employment and
        Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), IRC 414(u), effective January 1, 2007, IRC 401(a)(37).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                     Page 3 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                            EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                             DIV: 611601106125

        2. Defnition of Compensation
        The Defnition of Compensation is used to determine participant and employer contributions. Wages are
        strongly recommended to be reported with regular wage/contribution reports to MERS. Contributions
        cannot exceed IRS limitations.
          Select your Defnition of Compensation here. If you
          choose to customize your defnition, skip this table
          and proceed to page 5.
                                                                                                Base Wages           Box 1 Wages         Gross Wages
         Types of Compensation
          Regular Wages                                                                         All Regular Wages    All Regular Wages   All Regular Wages
           Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                        included             included            included
           PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)
           On-call pay
          Other Wages                                                                           Excluded             All Other Wages     All Other Wages
           Shift differentials                                                                                       included            included
           Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
          Lump Sum Payments                                                                     Excluded             All Lump Sum        All Lump Sum
           PTO cash-out                                                                                              Payments included   Payments included
           Merit pay
           Job certifcations
           Educational degrees
           Moving expenses
           Sick payouts
           Severance (if issued as lump sum)
          Taxable Payments                                                                      Excluded             All Taxable         All Taxable
           Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)                        Payments included   Payments included
           Prizes, gift cards
           Personal use of a company car
           Car allowance
          Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS)                           Excluded             Excluded            Excluded
           Gun, tools, equipment, uniform
           Mileage reimbursement
           Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)

         Types of Deferrals
          Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions                                 All Elective         Excluded            All Elective Deferrals
           457 employee and employer contributions                                              Deferrals included                       included
           125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs
           IRA contributions

         Types of Benefts
          Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees                                                All Nontaxable       Excluded            All Nontaxable
           Health plan, dental, vision benefts                                                  Fringe Benefts                           Fringe Benefts
           Workers compensation premiums                                                        included                                 included
           Short- or Long-term disability premiums
           Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
          Mandatory Contributions                                                               All Mandatory        Excluded            All Mandatory
                                                                                                Contributions                            Contributions
                                                                                                included                                 included
          Taxable Fringe Benefts                                                                Excluded             Excluded            All Taxable Fringe
           Clothing reimbursement                                                                                                        Benefts included
           Stipends for health insurance opt out payments
           Group term life insurance > $50,000
          Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments                                                     Excluded             Excluded            All Other Lump Sum
           Workers compensation settlement payments                                                                                      Benefts included

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                   Page 4 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

           Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                              EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                                               DIV: 611601106125

           SKIP THIS TABLE if you selected one of the standard defnitions of compensation on page 4.
      X    CUSTOM: If you choose this option, you must select boxes in each section you would like to include in your Defnition of
                   Compensation. You will be responsible for additional reporting details to track custom defnitions.
     Types of Compensation
      Regular Wages
       X Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                                On-call pay
       X PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)              Other: ______________________________________________________
      Other Wages apply: YES X        NO
             Shift differentials                                                                      Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
             Overtime                                                                             X          Residency Bonus
                                                                                                      Other: ______________________________________________________

      Lump Sum Payments apply: YES X           NO
             PTO cash-out                                                                             Educational degrees

             Longevity                                                                            X   Moving expenses

             Bonuses                                                                                  Sick payouts

             Merit pay                                                                                Severance (if issued as lump sum)

             Job certifcations                                                                        Other: ______________________________________________________

      Taxable Payments apply: YES          NO X
             Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)
             Prizes, gift cards                                                                       Car allowance
             Personal use of a company car                                                            Other: ______________________________________________________
      Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS) apply: YES             NO X
             Gun, tools, equipment, uniform                                                           Mileage reimbursement
             Phone                                                                                    Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)
             Fitness                                                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Deferrals
      Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions apply: YES X          NO
       X 457 employee and employer contributions                                                      IRA contributions
       X 125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs                                                            Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Benefts
      Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees apply: YES            NO X
             Health plan, dental, vision benefts
             Workers compensation premiums                                                            Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
             Short- or Long-term disability premiums                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
      Mandatory Contributions apply: YES X          NO

      Taxable Fringe Benefts apply: YES X          NO
       X Clothing reimbursement                                                                   X   Group term life insurance > $50,000

             Stipends for health insurance opt out payments                                           Other: ______________________________________________________

      Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments apply: YES             NO X
             Workers compensation settlement payments                                                 Other: ______________________________________________________

          MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                                   Page 5 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                       DIV: 611601106125

        3. Forfeiture
        A forfeiture occurs when a participant separates from employment prior to meeting the associated elapsed
        time (or hours reported) to receive vesting. The percentage of his/her employer contribution account
        balance that has not vested as of the date of termination will forfeit after 12 consecutive months following
        the termination date reported by the employer, or earlier, if the System distributes the participant’s vested
        portion. MERS will utilize an available forfeiture balance as an automatic funding source applied to
        reported employer contributions at the time of reporting.

    V. Execution:
        Authorized Designee of Governing Body of Municipality or Chief Judge of Court
        This foregoing Addendum is hereby approved by City of Muskegon

        at a Board Meeting which took place on: __________________

        Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________________________

        Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

        Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________

         Date: __________________

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                        Page 6 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan
        Adoption Agreement Addendum
        1134 Municipal Way Lansing, MI 48917 | 800.767.MERS (6377) | Fax 517.703.9711

        The employer, a participating municipality or court within the state of Michigan, hereby agrees to
        adopt and administer the MERS Defned Contribution (DC) Plan provided by the Municipal Employees’
        Retirement System of Michigan, as authorized by 1996 PA 220, in accordance with MERS Plan Document,
        as both may be amended, subject to the terms and conditions herein.

        I. Effective Date

        The effective date shall be the frst day of January, 2021.

        II. Employer name ____________________________________________________________________________
                           Muskegon, City of

          Municipality number _____________

            This is an amendment of the existing MERS Defned Contribution Agreement.
            Any changes to plan provisions apply to employees in the division on the effective date, as well as to
            new hires ongoing. Defnitions will apply for all service accrued after the effective date.

          Division number _____________

          Division name _____________________________________________________________
           Note: This division should refect how you currently defne employees who are eligible to participate,
           for example, All full-time Employees, New hires after 1/1/2019, etc.

        III. Plan Eligibility

            Only those employees eligible for MERS membership may participate in the MERS Defned
            Contribution Plan. If an employee classifcation is included in the plan, then employees that meet this
            defnition are required to participate in the plan and earn time toward vesting. All eligible employees
            must be reported to MERS.
            Using your Division Name above, expand on the employee classifcations that are eligible to
            participate in MERS, such as “Clerical staff working more than 160 hours in a month,” “Elected
            Offcials” or “Admin working >32 hours per week,” etc.:
           Surervisors, Department Heads, Administrative Assistants, Information Technology employees
           and any employee not covered until a Union contract hired after 1/1/2006 working more than
           1664 hours per year.

            Employee classifcation contains public safety employees:                    Yes    X   No
                 Public safety employees include: law enforcement, parole and probation offcers, employees
                 responsible for emergency response (911 dispatch, fre service, paramedics, etc.), public works,
                 and other skilled support personnel (equipment operators, etc.).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                            Page 1 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                               EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                           DIV: 611601106126

        If you elect to include a special classifcation (chart below), then the employee will be required to
        participate in the employer and employee contributions adopted in your plan. An excluded classifcation
        will require additional information below.

        To further defne eligibility (select all that apply):
         Employee Classifcation                                                           Included Excluded
         Temporary Employees: Those who will work for the municipality fewer than _____
         months in total.
         Part-Time Employees: Those who regularly work fewer than 1664
                                                                  _______ per _______.
                                                                              year                    X
         Seasonal Employees: Those who will work for the municipality
         from __________
              April      to __________
                            October    only.
         Voter-Elected Offcials                                                                       X
         Appointed Offcials: An offcial appointed to a voter-elected offce.                           X
         Contract Employees                                                                           X

        Probationary Periods (select one):
             Contributions will begin after the probationary period has been satisfed. Probationary periods
             are allowed in one-month increments, no longer than 12 months. During this probationary period,
             contributions will not be reported and service toward vesting will begin when probationary period has
             The probationary period will be ______ month(s).

         X   Contributions will begin with the employee’s date of hire (no Probationary Period). Effective with the
             date of hire, wages paid and any associated contributions must be submitted to MERS.

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                              Page 2 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                    DIV: 611601106126

        IV. Provisions
        1. Leaves of Absence
        Regardless of whether an employee is earning a wage while on the following types of leave:
         • Third-party wages are not used in determining contributions for periods of leave.
          •   Vesting under elapsed time continues to accrue even if wages are not earned and contributions
              are zero.
               Note: Employers who determine vesting based on an “hours-reported” method, should report
               actual worked hours for the month where there was a leave.
        Types of leave include:
          •    Short Term and Long Term Disability
          •    Workers Compensation
          •    Unpaid Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
        Leaves of absence due to military service are governed by the federal Uniformed Services Employment and
        Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), IRC 414(u), effective January 1, 2007, IRC 401(a)(37).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                     Page 3 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                            EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                             DIV: 611601106126

        2. Defnition of Compensation
        The Defnition of Compensation is used to determine participant and employer contributions. Wages are
        strongly recommended to be reported with regular wage/contribution reports to MERS. Contributions
        cannot exceed IRS limitations.
          Select your Defnition of Compensation here. If you
          choose to customize your defnition, skip this table
          and proceed to page 5.
                                                                                                Base Wages           Box 1 Wages         Gross Wages
         Types of Compensation
          Regular Wages                                                                         All Regular Wages    All Regular Wages   All Regular Wages
           Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                        included             included            included
           PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)
           On-call pay
          Other Wages                                                                           Excluded             All Other Wages     All Other Wages
           Shift differentials                                                                                       included            included
           Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
          Lump Sum Payments                                                                     Excluded             All Lump Sum        All Lump Sum
           PTO cash-out                                                                                              Payments included   Payments included
           Merit pay
           Job certifcations
           Educational degrees
           Moving expenses
           Sick payouts
           Severance (if issued as lump sum)
          Taxable Payments                                                                      Excluded             All Taxable         All Taxable
           Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)                        Payments included   Payments included
           Prizes, gift cards
           Personal use of a company car
           Car allowance
          Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS)                           Excluded             Excluded            Excluded
           Gun, tools, equipment, uniform
           Mileage reimbursement
           Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)

         Types of Deferrals
          Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions                                 All Elective         Excluded            All Elective Deferrals
           457 employee and employer contributions                                              Deferrals included                       included
           125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs
           IRA contributions

         Types of Benefts
          Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees                                                All Nontaxable       Excluded            All Nontaxable
           Health plan, dental, vision benefts                                                  Fringe Benefts                           Fringe Benefts
           Workers compensation premiums                                                        included                                 included
           Short- or Long-term disability premiums
           Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
          Mandatory Contributions                                                               All Mandatory        Excluded            All Mandatory
                                                                                                Contributions                            Contributions
                                                                                                included                                 included
          Taxable Fringe Benefts                                                                Excluded             Excluded            All Taxable Fringe
           Clothing reimbursement                                                                                                        Benefts included
           Stipends for health insurance opt out payments
           Group term life insurance > $50,000
          Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments                                                     Excluded             Excluded            All Other Lump Sum
           Workers compensation settlement payments                                                                                      Benefts included

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                   Page 4 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

           Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                              EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                                               DIV: 611601106126

           SKIP THIS TABLE if you selected one of the standard defnitions of compensation on page 4.
      X    CUSTOM: If you choose this option, you must select boxes in each section you would like to include in your Defnition of
                   Compensation. You will be responsible for additional reporting details to track custom defnitions.
     Types of Compensation
      Regular Wages
       X Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                                On-call pay
       X PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)              Other: ______________________________________________________
      Other Wages apply: YES X        NO
             Shift differentials                                                                      Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
       X Overtime                                                                                 X          Residency Bonus
                                                                                                      Other: ______________________________________________________

      Lump Sum Payments apply: YES X           NO
             PTO cash-out                                                                             Educational degrees

             Longevity                                                                            X   Moving expenses

             Bonuses                                                                                  Sick payouts

             Merit pay                                                                                Severance (if issued as lump sum)

             Job certifcations                                                                        Other: ______________________________________________________

      Taxable Payments apply: YES          NO X
             Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)
             Prizes, gift cards                                                                       Car allowance
             Personal use of a company car                                                            Other: ______________________________________________________
      Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS) apply: YES             NO X
             Gun, tools, equipment, uniform                                                           Mileage reimbursement
             Phone                                                                                    Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)
             Fitness                                                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Deferrals
      Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions apply: YES X          NO
       X 457 employee and employer contributions                                                      IRA contributions
       X 125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs                                                            Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Benefts
      Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees apply: YES            NO X
             Health plan, dental, vision benefts
             Workers compensation premiums                                                            Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
             Short- or Long-term disability premiums                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
      Mandatory Contributions apply: YES X          NO

      Taxable Fringe Benefts apply: YES X          NO
       X Clothing reimbursement                                                                   X   Group term life insurance > $50,000

             Stipends for health insurance opt out payments                                           Other: ______________________________________________________

      Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments apply: YES             NO X
             Workers compensation settlement payments                                                 Other: ______________________________________________________

          MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                                   Page 5 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                       DIV: 611601106126

        3. Forfeiture
        A forfeiture occurs when a participant separates from employment prior to meeting the associated elapsed
        time (or hours reported) to receive vesting. The percentage of his/her employer contribution account
        balance that has not vested as of the date of termination will forfeit after 12 consecutive months following
        the termination date reported by the employer, or earlier, if the System distributes the participant’s vested
        portion. MERS will utilize an available forfeiture balance as an automatic funding source applied to
        reported employer contributions at the time of reporting.

    V. Execution:
        Authorized Designee of Governing Body of Municipality or Chief Judge of Court
        This foregoing Addendum is hereby approved by City of Muskegon

        at a Board Meeting which took place on: __________________

        Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________________________

        Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

        Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________

         Date: __________________

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                        Page 6 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan
        Adoption Agreement Addendum
        1134 Municipal Way Lansing, MI 48917 | 800.767.MERS (6377) | Fax 517.703.9711

        The employer, a participating municipality or court within the state of Michigan, hereby agrees to
        adopt and administer the MERS Defned Contribution (DC) Plan provided by the Municipal Employees’
        Retirement System of Michigan, as authorized by 1996 PA 220, in accordance with MERS Plan Document,
        as both may be amended, subject to the terms and conditions herein.

        I. Effective Date

        The effective date shall be the frst day of January, 2021.

        II. Employer name ____________________________________________________________________________
                           Muskegon, City of

          Municipality number _____________

            This is an amendment of the existing MERS Defned Contribution Agreement.
            Any changes to plan provisions apply to employees in the division on the effective date, as well as to
            new hires ongoing. Defnitions will apply for all service accrued after the effective date.

          Division number _____________

          Division name _____________________________________________________________
           Note: This division should refect how you currently defne employees who are eligible to participate,
           for example, All full-time Employees, New hires after 1/1/2019, etc.

        III. Plan Eligibility

            Only those employees eligible for MERS membership may participate in the MERS Defned
            Contribution Plan. If an employee classifcation is included in the plan, then employees that meet this
            defnition are required to participate in the plan and earn time toward vesting. All eligible employees
            must be reported to MERS.
            Using your Division Name above, expand on the employee classifcations that are eligible to
            participate in MERS, such as “Clerical staff working more than 160 hours in a month,” “Elected
            Offcials” or “Admin working >32 hours per week,” etc.:
           Clerical Staff hired after 1/1/2006 working more than 1664 hours per year.


            Employee classifcation contains public safety employees:                    Yes    X   No
                 Public safety employees include: law enforcement, parole and probation offcers, employees
                 responsible for emergency response (911 dispatch, fre service, paramedics, etc.), public works,
                 and other skilled support personnel (equipment operators, etc.).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                            Page 1 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                               EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                           DIV: 611601106185

        If you elect to include a special classifcation (chart below), then the employee will be required to
        participate in the employer and employee contributions adopted in your plan. An excluded classifcation
        will require additional information below.

        To further defne eligibility (select all that apply):
         Employee Classifcation                                                           Included Excluded
         Temporary Employees: Those who will work for the municipality fewer than _____
         months in total.
         Part-Time Employees: Those who regularly work fewer than 1664
                                                                  _______ per _______.
                                                                              year                    X
         Seasonal Employees: Those who will work for the municipality
         from __________
              April      to __________
                            October    only.
         Voter-Elected Offcials                                                                       X
         Appointed Offcials: An offcial appointed to a voter-elected offce.                           X
         Contract Employees                                                                           X

        Probationary Periods (select one):
             Contributions will begin after the probationary period has been satisfed. Probationary periods
             are allowed in one-month increments, no longer than 12 months. During this probationary period,
             contributions will not be reported and service toward vesting will begin when probationary period has
             The probationary period will be ______ month(s).

         X   Contributions will begin with the employee’s date of hire (no Probationary Period). Effective with the
             date of hire, wages paid and any associated contributions must be submitted to MERS.

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                              Page 2 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                    DIV: 611601106185

        IV. Provisions
        1. Leaves of Absence
        Regardless of whether an employee is earning a wage while on the following types of leave:
         • Third-party wages are not used in determining contributions for periods of leave.
          •   Vesting under elapsed time continues to accrue even if wages are not earned and contributions
              are zero.
               Note: Employers who determine vesting based on an “hours-reported” method, should report
               actual worked hours for the month where there was a leave.
        Types of leave include:
          •    Short Term and Long Term Disability
          •    Workers Compensation
          •    Unpaid Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
        Leaves of absence due to military service are governed by the federal Uniformed Services Employment and
        Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), IRC 414(u), effective January 1, 2007, IRC 401(a)(37).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                     Page 3 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                            EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                             DIV: 611601106185

        2. Defnition of Compensation
        The Defnition of Compensation is used to determine participant and employer contributions. Wages are
        strongly recommended to be reported with regular wage/contribution reports to MERS. Contributions
        cannot exceed IRS limitations.
          Select your Defnition of Compensation here. If you
          choose to customize your defnition, skip this table
          and proceed to page 5.
                                                                                                Base Wages           Box 1 Wages         Gross Wages
         Types of Compensation
          Regular Wages                                                                         All Regular Wages    All Regular Wages   All Regular Wages
           Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                        included             included            included
           PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)
           On-call pay
          Other Wages                                                                           Excluded             All Other Wages     All Other Wages
           Shift differentials                                                                                       included            included
           Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
          Lump Sum Payments                                                                     Excluded             All Lump Sum        All Lump Sum
           PTO cash-out                                                                                              Payments included   Payments included
           Merit pay
           Job certifcations
           Educational degrees
           Moving expenses
           Sick payouts
           Severance (if issued as lump sum)
          Taxable Payments                                                                      Excluded             All Taxable         All Taxable
           Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)                        Payments included   Payments included
           Prizes, gift cards
           Personal use of a company car
           Car allowance
          Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS)                           Excluded             Excluded            Excluded
           Gun, tools, equipment, uniform
           Mileage reimbursement
           Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)

         Types of Deferrals
          Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions                                 All Elective         Excluded            All Elective Deferrals
           457 employee and employer contributions                                              Deferrals included                       included
           125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs
           IRA contributions

         Types of Benefts
          Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees                                                All Nontaxable       Excluded            All Nontaxable
           Health plan, dental, vision benefts                                                  Fringe Benefts                           Fringe Benefts
           Workers compensation premiums                                                        included                                 included
           Short- or Long-term disability premiums
           Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
          Mandatory Contributions                                                               All Mandatory        Excluded            All Mandatory
                                                                                                Contributions                            Contributions
                                                                                                included                                 included
          Taxable Fringe Benefts                                                                Excluded             Excluded            All Taxable Fringe
           Clothing reimbursement                                                                                                        Benefts included
           Stipends for health insurance opt out payments
           Group term life insurance > $50,000
          Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments                                                     Excluded             Excluded            All Other Lump Sum
           Workers compensation settlement payments                                                                                      Benefts included

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                   Page 4 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

           Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                               EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                                               DIV: 611601106185

           SKIP THIS TABLE if you selected one of the standard defnitions of compensation on page 4.
      X     CUSTOM: If you choose this option, you must select boxes in each section you would like to include in your Defnition of
                    Compensation. You will be responsible for additional reporting details to track custom defnitions.
     Types of Compensation
      Regular Wages
          X Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                              On-call pay
          X PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)            Other: ______________________________________________________
      Other Wages apply: YES X         NO
              Shift differentials                                                                      Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
          X Overtime                                                                               X          Residency Bonus
                                                                                                       Other: ______________________________________________________

      Lump Sum Payments apply: YES X            NO
              PTO cash-out                                                                             Educational degrees

              Longevity                                                                            X   Moving expenses

              Bonuses                                                                                  Sick payouts

              Merit pay                                                                                Severance (if issued as lump sum)

              Job certifcations                                                                        Other: ______________________________________________________

      Taxable Payments apply: YES           NO X
              Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)
              Prizes, gift cards                                                                       Car allowance
              Personal use of a company car                                                            Other: ______________________________________________________
      Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS) apply: YES              NO X
              Gun, tools, equipment, uniform                                                           Mileage reimbursement
              Phone                                                                                    Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)
              Fitness                                                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Deferrals
      Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions apply: YES X           NO
          X 457 employee and employer contributions                                                    IRA contributions
          X 125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs                                                          Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Benefts
      Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees apply: YES             NO X
              Health plan, dental, vision benefts
              Workers compensation premiums                                                            Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
              Short- or Long-term disability premiums                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
      Mandatory Contributions apply: YES X           NO

      Taxable Fringe Benefts apply: YES X           NO
          X Clothing reimbursement                                                                 X   Group term life insurance > $50,000

              Stipends for health insurance opt out payments                                           Other: ______________________________________________________

      Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments apply: YES              NO X
              Workers compensation settlement payments                                                 Other: ______________________________________________________

          MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                                    Page 5 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                       DIV: 611601106185

        3. Forfeiture
        A forfeiture occurs when a participant separates from employment prior to meeting the associated elapsed
        time (or hours reported) to receive vesting. The percentage of his/her employer contribution account
        balance that has not vested as of the date of termination will forfeit after 12 consecutive months following
        the termination date reported by the employer, or earlier, if the System distributes the participant’s vested
        portion. MERS will utilize an available forfeiture balance as an automatic funding source applied to
        reported employer contributions at the time of reporting.

    V. Execution:
        Authorized Designee of Governing Body of Municipality or Chief Judge of Court
        This foregoing Addendum is hereby approved by City of Muskegon

        at a Board Meeting which took place on: __________________

        Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________________________

        Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

        Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________

         Date: __________________

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                        Page 6 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan
        Adoption Agreement Addendum
        1134 Municipal Way Lansing, MI 48917 | 800.767.MERS (6377) | Fax 517.703.9711

        The employer, a participating municipality or court within the state of Michigan, hereby agrees to
        adopt and administer the MERS Defned Contribution (DC) Plan provided by the Municipal Employees’
        Retirement System of Michigan, as authorized by 1996 PA 220, in accordance with MERS Plan Document,
        as both may be amended, subject to the terms and conditions herein.

        I. Effective Date

        The effective date shall be the frst day of January, 2021.

        II. Employer name ____________________________________________________________________________
                           Muskegon, City of

          Municipality number _____________

            This is an amendment of the existing MERS Defned Contribution Agreement.
            Any changes to plan provisions apply to employees in the division on the effective date, as well as to
            new hires ongoing. Defnitions will apply for all service accrued after the effective date.

          Division number _____________

          Division name _____________________________________________________________
           Note: This division should refect how you currently defne employees who are eligible to participate,
           for example, All full-time Employees, New hires after 1/1/2019, etc.

        III. Plan Eligibility

            Only those employees eligible for MERS membership may participate in the MERS Defned
            Contribution Plan. If an employee classifcation is included in the plan, then employees that meet this
            defnition are required to participate in the plan and earn time toward vesting. All eligible employees
            must be reported to MERS.
            Using your Division Name above, expand on the employee classifcations that are eligible to
            participate in MERS, such as “Clerical staff working more than 160 hours in a month,” “Elected
            Offcials” or “Admin working >32 hours per week,” etc.:
           Department of Public Works employees, Engineering Staff employees, Inspectors, Parking
           Enforcement staff hired after 1/1/2006 working more than 1664 hours per year

            Employee classifcation contains public safety employees:                    Yes    X   No
                 Public safety employees include: law enforcement, parole and probation offcers, employees
                 responsible for emergency response (911 dispatch, fre service, paramedics, etc.), public works,
                 and other skilled support personnel (equipment operators, etc.).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                            Page 1 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                               EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                           DIV: 611601106211

        If you elect to include a special classifcation (chart below), then the employee will be required to
        participate in the employer and employee contributions adopted in your plan. An excluded classifcation
        will require additional information below.

        To further defne eligibility (select all that apply):
         Employee Classifcation                                                           Included Excluded
         Temporary Employees: Those who will work for the municipality fewer than _____
         months in total.
         Part-Time Employees: Those who regularly work fewer than 1664
                                                                  _______ per _______.
                                                                              year                    X
         Seasonal Employees: Those who will work for the municipality
         from __________
              April      to __________
                            October    only.
         Voter-Elected Offcials                                                                       X
         Appointed Offcials: An offcial appointed to a voter-elected offce.                           X
         Contract Employees                                                                           X

        Probationary Periods (select one):
             Contributions will begin after the probationary period has been satisfed. Probationary periods
             are allowed in one-month increments, no longer than 12 months. During this probationary period,
             contributions will not be reported and service toward vesting will begin when probationary period has
             The probationary period will be ______ month(s).

         X   Contributions will begin with the employee’s date of hire (no Probationary Period). Effective with the
             date of hire, wages paid and any associated contributions must be submitted to MERS.

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                              Page 2 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                    DIV: 611601106211

        IV. Provisions
        1. Leaves of Absence
        Regardless of whether an employee is earning a wage while on the following types of leave:
         • Third-party wages are not used in determining contributions for periods of leave.
          •   Vesting under elapsed time continues to accrue even if wages are not earned and contributions
              are zero.
               Note: Employers who determine vesting based on an “hours-reported” method, should report
               actual worked hours for the month where there was a leave.
        Types of leave include:
          •    Short Term and Long Term Disability
          •    Workers Compensation
          •    Unpaid Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
        Leaves of absence due to military service are governed by the federal Uniformed Services Employment and
        Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), IRC 414(u), effective January 1, 2007, IRC 401(a)(37).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                     Page 3 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                            EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                             DIV: 611601106211

        2. Defnition of Compensation
        The Defnition of Compensation is used to determine participant and employer contributions. Wages are
        strongly recommended to be reported with regular wage/contribution reports to MERS. Contributions
        cannot exceed IRS limitations.
          Select your Defnition of Compensation here. If you
          choose to customize your defnition, skip this table
          and proceed to page 5.
                                                                                                Base Wages           Box 1 Wages         Gross Wages
         Types of Compensation
          Regular Wages                                                                         All Regular Wages    All Regular Wages   All Regular Wages
           Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                        included             included            included
           PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)
           On-call pay
          Other Wages                                                                           Excluded             All Other Wages     All Other Wages
           Shift differentials                                                                                       included            included
           Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
          Lump Sum Payments                                                                     Excluded             All Lump Sum        All Lump Sum
           PTO cash-out                                                                                              Payments included   Payments included
           Merit pay
           Job certifcations
           Educational degrees
           Moving expenses
           Sick payouts
           Severance (if issued as lump sum)
          Taxable Payments                                                                      Excluded             All Taxable         All Taxable
           Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)                        Payments included   Payments included
           Prizes, gift cards
           Personal use of a company car
           Car allowance
          Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS)                           Excluded             Excluded            Excluded
           Gun, tools, equipment, uniform
           Mileage reimbursement
           Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)

         Types of Deferrals
          Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions                                 All Elective         Excluded            All Elective Deferrals
           457 employee and employer contributions                                              Deferrals included                       included
           125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs
           IRA contributions

         Types of Benefts
          Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees                                                All Nontaxable       Excluded            All Nontaxable
           Health plan, dental, vision benefts                                                  Fringe Benefts                           Fringe Benefts
           Workers compensation premiums                                                        included                                 included
           Short- or Long-term disability premiums
           Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
          Mandatory Contributions                                                               All Mandatory        Excluded            All Mandatory
                                                                                                Contributions                            Contributions
                                                                                                included                                 included
          Taxable Fringe Benefts                                                                Excluded             Excluded            All Taxable Fringe
           Clothing reimbursement                                                                                                        Benefts included
           Stipends for health insurance opt out payments
           Group term life insurance > $50,000
          Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments                                                     Excluded             Excluded            All Other Lump Sum
           Workers compensation settlement payments                                                                                      Benefts included

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                   Page 4 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

           Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                              EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                                               DIV: 611601106211

           SKIP THIS TABLE if you selected one of the standard defnitions of compensation on page 4.
      X    CUSTOM: If you choose this option, you must select boxes in each section you would like to include in your Defnition of
                   Compensation. You will be responsible for additional reporting details to track custom defnitions.
     Types of Compensation
      Regular Wages
       X     Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                        X   On-call pay
       X     PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)          Other: ______________________________________________________
      Other Wages apply: YES X        NO
             Shift differentials                                                                      Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
             Overtime                                                                             X          Residency Bonus
                                                                                                      Other: ______________________________________________________

      Lump Sum Payments apply: YES X           NO
             PTO cash-out                                                                             Educational degrees

             Longevity                                                                            X   Moving expenses

             Bonuses                                                                                  Sick payouts

             Merit pay                                                                                Severance (if issued as lump sum)

             Job certifcations                                                                        Other: ______________________________________________________

      Taxable Payments apply: YES            NO X
             Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)
             Prizes, gift cards                                                                       Car allowance
             Personal use of a company car                                                            Other: ______________________________________________________
      Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS) apply: YES              NO X
             Gun, tools, equipment, uniform                                                           Mileage reimbursement
             Phone                                                                                    Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)
             Fitness                                                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Deferrals
      Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions apply: YES X           NO
       X     457 employee and employer contributions                                                  IRA contributions
       X     125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs                                                        Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Benefts
      Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees apply: YES            NO X
             Health plan, dental, vision benefts
             Workers compensation premiums                                                            Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
             Short- or Long-term disability premiums                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
      Mandatory Contributions apply: YES X          NO

      Taxable Fringe Benefts apply: YES X           NO
       X                                                                                          X   Group term life insurance > $50,000
             Clothing reimbursement
             Stipends for health insurance opt out payments                                           Other: ______________________________________________________

      Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments apply: YES             NO X
             Workers compensation settlement payments                                                 Other: ______________________________________________________

          MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                                   Page 5 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                       DIV: 611601106211

        3. Forfeiture
        A forfeiture occurs when a participant separates from employment prior to meeting the associated elapsed
        time (or hours reported) to receive vesting. The percentage of his/her employer contribution account
        balance that has not vested as of the date of termination will forfeit after 12 consecutive months following
        the termination date reported by the employer, or earlier, if the System distributes the participant’s vested
        portion. MERS will utilize an available forfeiture balance as an automatic funding source applied to
        reported employer contributions at the time of reporting.

    V. Execution:
        Authorized Designee of Governing Body of Municipality or Chief Judge of Court
        This foregoing Addendum is hereby approved by City of Muskegon

        at a Board Meeting which took place on: __________________

        Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________________________

        Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

        Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________

         Date: __________________

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                        Page 6 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan
        Adoption Agreement Addendum
        1134 Municipal Way Lansing, MI 48917 | 800.767.MERS (6377) | Fax 517.703.9711

        The employer, a participating municipality or court within the state of Michigan, hereby agrees to
        adopt and administer the MERS Defned Contribution (DC) Plan provided by the Municipal Employees’
        Retirement System of Michigan, as authorized by 1996 PA 220, in accordance with MERS Plan Document,
        as both may be amended, subject to the terms and conditions herein.

        I. Effective Date

        The effective date shall be the frst day of January, 2021.

        II. Employer name ____________________________________________________________________________
                           Muskegon, City of

          Municipality number _____________

            This is an amendment of the existing MERS Defned Contribution Agreement.
            Any changes to plan provisions apply to employees in the division on the effective date, as well as to
            new hires ongoing. Defnitions will apply for all service accrued after the effective date.

          Division number _____________

          Division name _____________________________________________________________

           Note: This division should refect how you currently defne employees who are eligible to participate,
           for example, All full-time Employees, New hires after 1/1/2019, etc.

        III. Plan Eligibility

            Only those employees eligible for MERS membership may participate in the MERS Defned
            Contribution Plan. If an employee classifcation is included in the plan, then employees that meet this
            defnition are required to participate in the plan and earn time toward vesting. All eligible employees
            must be reported to MERS.
            Using your Division Name above, expand on the employee classifcations that are eligible to
            participate in MERS, such as “Clerical staff working more than 160 hours in a month,” “Elected
            Offcials” or “Admin working >32 hours per week,” etc.:
           Police Officers hired after 7/28/2006 working more than 1747 hours per year.


            Employee classifcation contains public safety employees:                    X   Yes       No
                 Public safety employees include: law enforcement, parole and probation offcers, employees
                 responsible for emergency response (911 dispatch, fre service, paramedics, etc.), public works,
                 and other skilled support personnel (equipment operators, etc.).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                Page 1 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                               EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                           DIV: 611601106242

        If you elect to include a special classifcation (chart below), then the employee will be required to
        participate in the employer and employee contributions adopted in your plan. An excluded classifcation
        will require additional information below.

        To further defne eligibility (select all that apply):
         Employee Classifcation                                                           Included Excluded
         Temporary Employees: Those who will work for the municipality fewer than _____
         months in total.
         Part-Time Employees: Those who regularly work fewer than 1747
                                                                  _______ per _______.
                                                                              year                    X
         Seasonal Employees: Those who will work for the municipality
         from __________
              April      to __________
                            October    only.
         Voter-Elected Offcials                                                                       X
         Appointed Offcials: An offcial appointed to a voter-elected offce.                           X
         Contract Employees                                                                           X

        Probationary Periods (select one):
             Contributions will begin after the probationary period has been satisfed. Probationary periods
             are allowed in one-month increments, no longer than 12 months. During this probationary period,
             contributions will not be reported and service toward vesting will begin when probationary period has
             The probationary period will be ______ month(s).

         X   Contributions will begin with the employee’s date of hire (no Probationary Period). Effective with the
             date of hire, wages paid and any associated contributions must be submitted to MERS.

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                              Page 2 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                    DIV: 611601106242

        IV. Provisions
        1. Leaves of Absence
        Regardless of whether an employee is earning a wage while on the following types of leave:
         • Third-party wages are not used in determining contributions for periods of leave.
          •   Vesting under elapsed time continues to accrue even if wages are not earned and contributions
              are zero.
               Note: Employers who determine vesting based on an “hours-reported” method, should report
               actual worked hours for the month where there was a leave.
        Types of leave include:
          •    Short Term and Long Term Disability
          •    Workers Compensation
          •    Unpaid Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
        Leaves of absence due to military service are governed by the federal Uniformed Services Employment and
        Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), IRC 414(u), effective January 1, 2007, IRC 401(a)(37).

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                     Page 3 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                            EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                             DIV: 611601106242

        2. Defnition of Compensation
        The Defnition of Compensation is used to determine participant and employer contributions. Wages are
        strongly recommended to be reported with regular wage/contribution reports to MERS. Contributions
        cannot exceed IRS limitations.
          Select your Defnition of Compensation here. If you
          choose to customize your defnition, skip this table
          and proceed to page 5.
                                                                                                Base Wages           Box 1 Wages         Gross Wages
         Types of Compensation
          Regular Wages                                                                         All Regular Wages    All Regular Wages   All Regular Wages
           Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                        included             included            included
           PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)
           On-call pay
          Other Wages                                                                           Excluded             All Other Wages     All Other Wages
           Shift differentials                                                                                       included            included
           Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
          Lump Sum Payments                                                                     Excluded             All Lump Sum        All Lump Sum
           PTO cash-out                                                                                              Payments included   Payments included
           Merit pay
           Job certifcations
           Educational degrees
           Moving expenses
           Sick payouts
           Severance (if issued as lump sum)
          Taxable Payments                                                                      Excluded             All Taxable         All Taxable
           Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)                        Payments included   Payments included
           Prizes, gift cards
           Personal use of a company car
           Car allowance
          Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS)                           Excluded             Excluded            Excluded
           Gun, tools, equipment, uniform
           Mileage reimbursement
           Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)

         Types of Deferrals
          Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions                                 All Elective         Excluded            All Elective Deferrals
           457 employee and employer contributions                                              Deferrals included                       included
           125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs
           IRA contributions

         Types of Benefts
          Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees                                                All Nontaxable       Excluded            All Nontaxable
           Health plan, dental, vision benefts                                                  Fringe Benefts                           Fringe Benefts
           Workers compensation premiums                                                        included                                 included
           Short- or Long-term disability premiums
           Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
          Mandatory Contributions                                                               All Mandatory        Excluded            All Mandatory
                                                                                                Contributions                            Contributions
                                                                                                included                                 included
          Taxable Fringe Benefts                                                                Excluded             Excluded            All Taxable Fringe
           Clothing reimbursement                                                                                                        Benefts included
           Stipends for health insurance opt out payments
           Group term life insurance > $50,000
          Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments                                                     Excluded             Excluded            All Other Lump Sum
           Workers compensation settlement payments                                                                                      Benefts included

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                   Page 4 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

           Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                                              EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                                                               DIV: 611601106242

           SKIP THIS TABLE if you selected one of the standard defnitions of compensation on page 4.
      X    CUSTOM: If you choose this option, you must select boxes in each section you would like to include in your Defnition of
                   Compensation. You will be responsible for additional reporting details to track custom defnitions.
     Types of Compensation
      Regular Wages
       X Salary or hourly wage X hours                                                                On-call pay
       X PTO used (sick, vacation, personal, bereavement, holiday leave, or unclassifed)              Other: ______________________________________________________
      Other Wages apply: YES X        NO
             Shift differentials                                                                      Severance issued over time (weekly/bi-weekly)
             Overtime                                                                             X          Residency Bonus
                                                                                                      Other: ______________________________________________________

      Lump Sum Payments apply: YES X           NO
             PTO cash-out                                                                             Educational degrees

             Longevity                                                                            X   Moving expenses

             Bonuses                                                                                  Sick payouts

             Merit pay                                                                                Severance (if issued as lump sum)

             Job certifcations                                                                        Other: ______________________________________________________

      Taxable Payments apply: YES          NO X
             Travel through a non-accountable plan (i.e. mileage not tracked for reimbursement)
             Prizes, gift cards                                                                       Car allowance
             Personal use of a company car                                                            Other: ______________________________________________________
      Reimbursement of Nontaxable Expenses (as defned by the IRS) apply: YES             NO X
             Gun, tools, equipment, uniform                                                           Mileage reimbursement
             Phone                                                                                    Travel through an accountable plan (i.e. tracking mileage for reimbursement)
             Fitness                                                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Deferrals
      Elective Deferrals of Employee Premiums/Contributions apply: YES X          NO
       X 457 employee and employer contributions                                                      IRA contributions
       X 125 cafeteria plan, FSAs and HSAs                                                            Other: ______________________________________________________
     Types of Benefts
      Nontaxable Fringe Benefts of Employees apply: YES            NO X
             Health plan, dental, vision benefts
             Workers compensation premiums                                                            Group term or whole life insurance < $50,000
             Short- or Long-term disability premiums                                                  Other: ______________________________________________________
      Mandatory Contributions apply: YES X          NO

      Taxable Fringe Benefts apply: YES X          NO
                                                                                                  X   Group term life insurance > $50,000
       X Clothing reimbursement
             Stipends for health insurance opt out payments                                           Other: ______________________________________________________

      Other Benefts / Lump Sum Payments apply: YES             NO X
             Workers compensation settlement payments                                                 Other: ______________________________________________________

          MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                                                                                   Page 5 of 6
DocuSign Envelope ID: 4E3089A1-E9CA-4A5A-A790-D10A9C491302

        Defined Contribution Plan Adoption Agreement Addendum
                                             EMPLOYER NAME: Muskegon, City of                       DIV: 611601106242

        3. Forfeiture
        A forfeiture occurs when a participant separates from employment prior to meeting the associated elapsed
        time (or hours reported) to receive vesting. The percentage of his/her employer contribution account
        balance that has not vested as of the date of termination will forfeit after 12 consecutive months following
        the termination date reported by the employer, or earlier, if the System distributes the participant’s vested
        portion. MERS will utilize an available forfeiture balance as an automatic funding source applied to
        reported employer contributions at the time of reporting.

    V. Execution:
        Authorized Designee of Governing Body of Municipality or Chief Judge of Court
        This foregoing Addendum is hereby approved by City of Muskegon

        at a Board Meeting which took place on: __________________

        Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________________________

        Printed Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

        Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________

         Date: __________________

       MD-070a (version 2020-09-28)                                                                        Page 6 of 6
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: December 8, 2020             Title: Non-Union Pay/Benefits

Submitted By: Frank Peterson                          Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: Staff is seeking approval of the 2021 Non-Union Employee Wage and Benefit
Program as detailed below.

Detailed Summary: The following changes are proposed:
   1. With CPI below 1% and unknown long-term impacts of COVID-19, we are seeking an
      equivalent 0.75% lump sum payment to all non-union staff in lieu of a cost-of-living
      adjustment. The payments would be equalized so all eligible employees received the same
      lump sum amount of $500. Based on 52 eligible employees, the total cost of this benefit is
      estimated at $26,000, plus applicable payroll taxes and benefits equal to $5,200.
   2. Every March, employees are able to cash out a portion of the value of their accrued and
      unused sick time. To receive the full value, the employee is required to deposit the
      proceeds directly into a retirement savings account or a dependent college savings fund.
      We are asking to make an exception this year and remove the requirement to invest those
      funds into either of those savings accounts. This should be cost-neutral to the city. We
      would recommend that this be a one-year benefit change.
No budget amendment will be necessary.

Amount Requested: $31,200                            Amount Budgeted: $31,200

Fund(s) or Account(s): Various                       Fund(s) or Account(s): Various

Recommended Motion: Approve the non-union pay employee wage and benefit program as

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.         Fire Dept.         IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: 12/08/2020                    Title: Beach Warning System

Submitted By: Leo Evans                                Department: Public Works

Brief Summary: Authorize staff to contract with SwimSmart Warning Systems to provide and install
a beach warning system at Pere Marquette Park and to contract with Windemueller Electric to
provide electrician services to assist with the installation.

Detailed Summary:
Staff has been working on the attached proposal with Jacob Soter from SwimSmart Warning Systems
that will include installation of beach hazard warning systems at two locations within Pere Marquette
Park. The locations will be at the bathhouse and at the kite shack building. At each location a wood
pole will be installed with a dome light mounted to the pole, in addition a smaller set of lights will be
mounted on the side of the building facing out towards the parking lot.

The pole mounted light will be a red strobe light that will blink only during high hazard days on the
beach, and we can install a shield if needed to shield the east side of the lights away from the houses
along Beach Street though I would propose to do this later only if it becomes an issue. Based on
preliminary information the two lights will provide a visual que for the area from the Water Filtration
Plant north to the Breakwater arms. No audible warning is included. The building mounted light will be
a smaller three colored light in red/yellow/green that will indicated the NOAA supplied swim conditions
for the day. The building mounted lights are smaller and meant to provide information to beach users
as they move from the parking areas to the beach. Both lights will be wired into the electric service at
each building and will be automatically controlled based on information provided through the NOAA
website. This system will provide immediate updates supported by NOAA on a consistent basis and
eliminate the need for staff to continuously monitor and adjust throughout the day.

If approved the system would be proposed for installation in the Spring of 2021 and operational for
beach season.

Funding is proposed to be drawn from the Parks Department Contractual Services budget that is
currently under budget based on the reduced expenses incurred to date during the current fiscal year.

Amount Requested: $13,600                             Amount Budgeted: $0
$7,600 – SwimSmart Warning Systems
$6,000 – Windemueller Electric

Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-70751-5346                 Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion:
Authorize staff to contract with SwimSmart Beach Warning Systems and Windemueller Electric for
the installation of a beach hazard warning system at Pere Marquette Park.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
         P.O. Box 816, Houghton Michigan, 49931   |   (734)-819-8789   |   S

The proposal is for two SwimSmart warning control “boxes” one on each of the two buildings on
opposite ends of the beach. Each box will connect to a traffic light and a dome light. The length
of wire should not exceed 50 feet for the dome light and ~250 feet for the traffic light. Thus,
there is some required consideration for the location of the box relative to the lights. SwimSmart
provides the lights, the control box, required mounting hardware, as well as specified lengths of
wire for the lights installation. Please inform us on the length of wire needed between each light
and the box.

The control box requires a 120V/240V 60Hz AC power supply on a minimum 15 Amp circuit.
Appropriate wires and conduit feeding from the building connected to the power supply of the
box must be available and wired by a certified electrician. Also, conduit feeding from the box to
each of the lights must be supplied by the customer. SwimSmart will provide the wires of desired
length connecting each of the lights to the box. In other words, we only supply the wires for the

The hardware costs $3,300 and $25 a month per box, assisted installation costs $1,000.
Informative signs explaining the light are $100 each. ​The total is quoted at $7,600 + $50 per
month + $100 x the desired number of signs.​ The monthly payment can be billed yearly if
desired. The cost of the electrician as well as the required conduit/wire should also be taken into
consideration when budgeting.

The hardware is set to be deliverable by the beginning of March. SwimSmart recommends
making plans to install the devices well before the swim season. The phone application
(Android) is expected to be completed prior to the same March deadline. However, the devices
are currently SMS text message compatible and still function without an official phone
application. A follow up email will be sent to the designated point of contact when the phone
application is available for free download.
        P.O. Box 816, Houghton Michigan, 49931   |   (734)-819-8789   |   S

The labor costs associated with changing flags in the flag based warning system is a major
source of the system's cost. Removing this labor cost with an electronic warning system is one of
our main objectives. In the calculations below, the assumption is made that flags wear out after
~3 years of use. Also, this estimate assumes a seasonal swim season ranging May 1st to October
15th. The labor costs use the $9.45 minimum wage of the state of Michigan and assume a single
flag change takes 15 minutes. This estimate neglects any other expenses related to the employee
or transportation. The estimate assumes the flag is changed twice a day. The warning light cost is
an estimate and is temporarily set at this reduced rate for our early partners.

Thank you for your interest in the SwimSmart beach warning system. We appreciate your
willingness to partner with a budding Michigan company and look forward to working together
to make Michigan beaches safer.
                                                                                                                                                  5 YEAR

                                                                                                                                 A&B          B only

  7975 SERIES Pulse®® II	
  LED Class
  SAE BeaconI &- IISevere
                    LED - Vibration
                          Heavy Duty Severe Vibration Applications
	 ECCO’s Heavy Duty 7975 Series LED beacons feature encapsulated electronics and are
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  beacons also feature a robust aluminum base, both models are available with either a 5”
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  PART NO.                     BASE                      LENS COLOR OPTIONS                           LED COLOR
  7975X                     Aluminum                         A       B      C       R      G            C              7975: 4.9 [124]
                                                                                                                       7980: 6.7 [170]
  7980X                     Aluminum                         A       B      C       R      G            C

  Replace “X” in part number with desired color: A = amber, B = blue, C = clear, G = green, R = red

  Design Features
  •  12-24 VDC, 3.6 Amps                                                                                                                               6.5 [165]
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  •  11 flash patterns
  •  Encapsulated electronics provide enhanced protection against dust, moisture and
  •	 Epoxy-filled, reinforced aluminum base, suitable for heavy-duty applications
  •	 Polycarbonate lens                                                                                                   Parts & Accessories
  • Temperature Range: -22°F to +122°F (-30°C to +50°C)
                                                                                                                         • Lenses: 	                         7975 - R6050LX
                                                                                                                         	                                   7980 - R6070LX                                                                                                     WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm – www.P65
  T 800-635-5900 │
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                            Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: 12/08/2020                                  Title: CZM Grant Application

Submitted By: Leo Evans                                              Department: Public Works

Brief Summary: Authorize staff to submit a grant application to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes,
and Energy (MDEGLE) through the Coastal Zone Management Program and provide resolution of support along with a
commitment of matching funds.

Detailed Summary:
The State of Michigan is making available funding through the Coastal Zone Management (CZM) program to assist
communities in supporting Great Lakes Coastal Zones. Staff would like to pursue a grant application within the program
which requires a 50/50 match. The grant application would be focused on Grand Trunk Access Site.

If awarded the grant would be used to fund completion of design plans related to the attached improvements that were
previously submitted for an MDNR Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant which was later retracted. The proposed plan
represents an overall investment of approximately $1.5M dollars into improvements at the site and would be a potential
project for multiple MDNR and USFWS grant opportunities. The estimated cost to prepare design plans is $100,000.

The goal of the grant would be to prepare a further refined and biddable design that could be used to pursue additional grant
funding opportunities related to construction of the proposed improvements for the site.

The earliest grant funding would be available is October 1, 2021 so any match dollars would be required within the 21/22
budget year.

Submission of the grant application requires a commitment of matching funds and resolution of support from the City

Amount Requested: $50,000                                       Amount Budgeted: $50,000 (FY21/22)

Fund(s) or Account(s): 404                                      Fund(s) or Account(s): 404

Recommended Motion:
Approve staff to submit a Coastal Zone Management Grant through the State of Michigan Department of Environment,
Great Lakes, and Energy for improvements at Grand Trunk Access Site and authorize the clerk to sign the attached
resolution providing support and a commitment of matching funds.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.
For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                          City of Muskegon Resolution
                                SUPPORT OF

WHEREAS, Muskegon City Commissioner supports the submission of an application titled,
“Grand Trunk Boating Access Site Improvements” to the Michigan Coastal Management Zone
Grant Program from completion of design engineering to develop conceptual plans for
improvements at the site; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon desires to make improvements on the site to provide
increased access to the shoreline and enhanced recreational activities; and,

WHEREAS, the proposed application is supported by the Community’s 5-year Approved Parks
and Recreation Plan; and,

WHEREAS, funding is available from the U.S. Department of Commerce through the Coastal
Management Program, and

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is hereby making a financial commitment to the project in the
amount of $50,000 matching funds in cash and/or force account should the project be selected;

NOW, THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, that Muskegon City Commissioners hereby authorizes
submission of a Michigan Coastal Zone Grant for $50,000 for completion of design plans to
provide improvements at the Grand Trunk Boating Access Site, and further resolves to make
available its financial obligation amount of $50,000 for a total project cost of $100,000 during
the Cities 2021-2022 fiscal year.


Motion Approved.

Dated this ______ of _______ 20__.

                                                          Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                          Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk

                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: 12/08/2020                      Title: DWAM Grant Application

Submitted By: Leo Evans                                  Department: Public Works

Brief Summary: Authorize staff to submit a grant application to the Michigan Department of
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (MDEGLE) through the Drinking Water Asset Management

Detailed Summary:
The State of Michigan is making available funding through the Drinking Water Asset Management
(DWAM) program to assist communities in supporting the goals of asset management. Staff would like
to pursue a grant application in the first quarter (due by January 1). Staff is still working to finalize the
details of the application but it will likely include some or all of the following items:

   •   Condition verification, and GPS point collection of all hydrants and valves and incorporation
       into city GIS system for improved record keeping and maintenance.

   •   Field verification of lead service lines. Assistance to perform excavation and physical
       verification of questionable areas to guide future investment.

   •   Updates to the water main information in the GIS system. The sanitary sewer and storm
       sewers were nearly fully collected during the previous funding cycle (SAW). This would get our
       water system to at or above the same level of accuracy.

   •   Update to the system wide hydraulic model. Perform routine update to the hydraulic model that
       helps identify solutions to problem areas and guide future investment to maximize efficiency.

   •   Update to the financial analysis and verification of rate study for future years.

The funding for this program comes from the $500M Clean Water investment announced by the state
of Michigan earlier this year. The program offers a total of $36.5M statewide for these efforts. There is
zero match dollars required for this grant application. No formal resolution of support is required,
however we wanted to make you aware of our intention to apply and offer an opportunity for comment.

Amount Requested: $0                                   Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): 591                             Fund(s) or Account(s): 591

Recommended Motion:
Authorize staff to submit for a Drinking Water Asset Management Grant through the State of
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy in the 1st Quarter Application

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                              Finance Division

                                       GRANT OVERVIEW
                                              Section 1001 of 2019 PA 57

Under Section 1001 of Public Act 57 of 2019, the Michigan state legislature appropriated $37.5 million for a
grant program for Asset Management Plan (AMP) creation and/or distribution system materials inventory
(DSMI). From the $37.5 million, $1 million will be awarded for public education efforts to water supply advisory
councils created under Michigan’s Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) through a separate request for proposal
process. This leaves $36.5 million for AMP and DSMI related activities.

The maximum grant award per applicant is $1 million; applicants may apply multiple times until this maximum
amount is awarded. There are no local match requirements.

Applications will be accepted continuously beginning October 15, 2020, until funding is exhausted. Applications
will be scored and processed quarterly as discussed further below. Priority will be given to water supplies with
a lead or copper Action Level Exceedance (ALE), and to systems with a high percentage of unknown service
lines as indicated in their Preliminary DSMIs submitted to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great
Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).

$15 million of the $36.5 million total will be set-aside and made available for small and medium systems
(populations serving 10,000 or less).

If all available program funds have not been allocated after one year, EGLE may re-evaluate system and
program needs.

All grant related activities are expected to be complete within three years of an executed grant agreement.

Total grant award will be based on reasonably estimated costs and documentation provided by the grantee at
the project onset. The grant will function on a reimbursement basis whereas work must occur, and associated
invoices or documentation submitted to EGLE, prior to grant funds being paid to the grantee.

Final grantee deliverables must include a report summarizing the work completed under the grant, significant
lessons learned, and any anticipated needs moving forward.

Type I Community Water Supplies, and Type II Nontransient Noncommunity supplies are eligible to apply.
Applicants must not appear on the federal Debarment and Suspension List (, and must be
in good standing with EGLE programs (i.e., no EGLE grant revoked or terminated and no demonstrated
inability to manage a grant or meet obligations in a project contract with EGLE).

Eligible Activities
Grant funding is restricted to AMP creation/updates and/or DSMI related activities. Eligibility of activities will be
project specific and determined on a case-by-case basis by EGLE. Eligible activities under the grant may
           • Activities related to AMP updates including asset inventory and condition assessment, level of
                service, criticality assessment, revenue structure development, and Capital Improvement
           • Activities related to verification of materials for final DSMI, including potholing/hydrovacing/
                trenching for inventory/planning purposes.

Page 1 of 3                                                                   800-662-9278
                                                                                               EQP1601I (Rev. 10/2020)
                                                                             DRINKING WATER ASSET MANAGEMENT (DWAM) GRANT OVERVIEW

EGLE                                                                                                                  EQP1601I

           •   Equipment purchases with acceptable justification, such as computer hardware or software
               used directly for asset management or materials assessment (i.e., vactor trucks or utility vac air
               knife/air lance truck if used for potholing). Grant reimbursement for purchase of equipment used
               for multiple asset types will be limited to 25 percent of the purchase price. If the applicant can
               provide documentation illustrating the equipment will be shared with a neighboring community,
               EGLE will consider reimbursement up to 50 percent of the equipment purchase price.
           •   Public education efforts related to Lead and Copper Rule implementation.

For application purposes, a quote/estimate for the proposed work is acceptable. A signed contract is needed
for services over $50,000 before reimbursement can be made. Force account may be utilized with justification
documenting the need. Force account fringe benefits are limited to 40 percent and holiday and overtime pay is
not grant eligible. Utility indirect costs (rent, overhead, etc.) are not grant eligible.

Ineligible Activities
Any activities not directly related to AMP creation/updates or DSMI are not grant eligible. Eligibility will be
project specific and determined on a case-by-case basis by EGLE. Tangible, permanent construction is not
eligible under this grant.

Application Funding Priority
Quarterly applicant ranking will be based on the following criteria:

 Criteria                                                      Points Awarded             Comments
 Water supply has had a lead or copper action level                5 points
 exceedance (ALE) in the past 3 years

 Water supply has submitted a Preliminary DSMI to           0-20% = 3 points              (Unknown-likely lead +
 EGLE. Points awarded are based off the estimated           21-40% = 5 points             unknown material +
 percentage of unknown lines in the service area            41-60% = 7 points             unknown-likely not lead) /
 that are required to be validated for the final DSMI.     61-100% = 10 points            water supply total service
                                                                                          lines in Preliminary DSMI
 Water supply has implemented an EGLE-approved                    5 points
 Asset Management Plan

 Water supply has entered into an Administrative                  3 points
 Consent Order with EGLE related to asset
 management plan deficiencies that will be
 addressed as part of the awarded grant

 Tie Breaker – only applied in the event of
 limited funds and where multiple applicants
 have scored the same
 Most recent Sanitary Survey completed with no                    4 points

 Applicant has completed the Michigan                             3 points
 Infrastructure Council’s Asset Maturity Assessment

 Percentage of ‘unknown-likely lead’ service lines in     Use actual percentage           Unknown-likely lead /
 the service area based off Preliminary DSMI data                                         water supply total
                                                                                          service lines

                                                 Page 2 of 3
                                                                               DRINKING WATER ASSET MANAGEMENT (DWAM) GRANT OVERVIEW

EGLE                                                                                                                    EQP1601I

Process, Schedule, and Deadlines

The grant application will be available on EGLE’s website on October 15, 2020. Applications can be submitted
electronically to, and will be accepted continuously until funds are exhausted.

Applications received by close of business January 1, 2021 will be considered for the first round of funding.
Applicants can expect grant awards within 75 days of quarterly application deadlines.

Applications will be accepted continuously until funding is exhausted. Deadlines for quarterly scoring and
award processing are illustrated below. Grant applications must be received by close of business on these
dates to be funded in the applicable quarterly funding cycle.

                          Quarter 1            Quarter 2           Quarter 3                    Quarter 4
    Application           January 1, 2021 April 1, 2021            July 1, 2021                 October 1, 2021
    Anticipated           March 15 2021        June 15, 2021       September 15, 2021           December 15, 2021
    Grant Award
    Date (on or before)

EGLE may request additional information for clarification purposes. EGLE may offer grant amounts other than
those requested and request changes to the proposed work plan. Submitted application information is not
confidential, grant applications are considered public information under the Freedom of Information Act, Public
Act 442 of 1976, as amended. A report including grants awarded and associated dollar amounts will be
submitted annually to the legislature.

Successful applicants will be required to enter into a project contract with EGLE. A project contract consists of,
standard “boilerplate” language, the applicant’s project description, work plan, timeline, and budget information.

For questions about this grant, contact Katie Thrush at 517-647-3482 or email

               For information or assistance on this publication, please contact the program, through EGLE
               Environmental Assistance Center at 800-662-9278. This publication is available in alternative
               formats upon request.

               EGLE does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color,
               marital status, disability, political beliefs, height, weight, genetic information, or sexual
               orientation in the administration of any of its programs or activities, and prohibits
               intimidation and retaliation, as required by applicable laws and regulations.

               This form and its contents are subject to the Freedom of Information Act and may be
               released to the public.

                                                    Page 3 of 3
                                            FINANCE DIVISION
                                               Sec. 1001, 2019 PA 57

Public Act 57 of 2019 was made effective on September 29, 2019. Section 1001 denotes language to provide
grants for asset management plan creation and distribution system materials inventory.

Grants may be awarded for Asset Management Plan (AMP) development or updates, and/or distribution
system materials inventory (DSMI) related activities. The maximum grant amount allowable per applicant is
$1 million. There are no local match requirements. Applications will be accepted continuously until funding is
exhausted. Applications will be awarded on a quarterly funding cycle. The Michigan Department of
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) may reevaluate program and system needs after one year.
Grant applications must be received by close of business on these dates to be funded in the applicable
quarterly funding cycle:

                      Quarter 1               Quarter 2                Quarter 3            Quarter 4
Deadline              January 1, 2021         April 1, 2021            July 1, 2021         October 1, 2021
Anticipated Grant
Award Date (on or
before)               March 15, 2021          June 15, 2021            September 15, 2021   December 15, 2021

Type I Community Water Supplies and Type II Nontransient Noncommunity Water Supplies are eligible to
apply. Applicants must not appear on the federal Debarment and Suspension List and must be in good
standing with EGLE programs (i.e., no EGLE grant revoked or terminated and no demonstrated inability to
manage a grant or meet obligations in a project contract with EGLE).

Application for DWAM Grant

 Applicant Name:                                          Project Name:

 Project Location (City or Village or Township, and       Population Served by System:

 Estimated Project Start Date (month/year):               Estimated Project End Date (month/date/year):

 Project Contact #1 (Authorized Signatory):               Project Contact #2 (Consulting Engineer or other):

 Name:                                                    Name:
 Title:                                                   Title:
 Telephone:                                               Telephone:
 Address:                                                 Address:

 E-mail address:                                          E-mail address:

Page 1 of 3                                                               800-662-9278
                                                                                            EQP1061 (Rev. 10/2020)
                                                                       DRINKING WATER ASSET MANAGEMENT (DWAM) GRANT APPLICATION

Project Summary: Attach project workplan or summary pages; should include project need, what will be
addressed and how, and map(s) illustrating project work areas.

Project Cost Information: Attach documentation of estimated project costs in project workplan/summary (may
include vendor estimates/quotes, contracts, etc.). Grant eligible costs are those that are associated with AMP
creation/update and/or DSMI. This may include asset inventory and condition assessment, level of service,
criticality assessment, revenue structure review/development, and Capital Improvement Planning as part of
AMP creation/update; equipment purchase if needed and used as a direct interface for asset management or
materials assessment; and verification of materials for Final DSMI, including potholing/hydrovacing/trenching
for inventory/planning purposes. Additional eligibility items as related to equipment purchases is discussed
on the DWAM Grant Overview Guidance Document.

Eligibility is project specific and determined on a case-by-case basis by EGLE. Costs not eligible for grant
inclusion include, but are not limited to, tangible permanent construction.

                                      Provide Estimated Project Costs:

      1. AMP Costs

      2. DSMI Costs

      3. Equipment Purchase Costs

      4. Project Cost Subtotal

      5. Requested Grant Amount*

       *Total grant amount cannot exceed $1,000,000.

Ranking/Scoring: Projects will be batched and scored in each quarterly funding cycle. Scores will be
based on the criteria established in the DWAM Grant Overview Guidance Document.

Fill in the appropriate response below:

   1. Has the water supply had a lead or copper Action Level Exceedance (ALE) in the past three years?
      ☐Yes ☐No

   2. Did the water supply submit its Preliminary DSMI to EGLE? ☐Yes            ☐No        If yes:

       Number of service lines that are ‘unknown-likely contains lead’ that need to be verified for Final DSMI:

       Number of service lines that are ‘unknown-likely does not contain lead’ that need to be verified for
       Final DSMI:

                                                Page 2 of 3
                                                                             DRINKING WATER ASSET MANAGEMENT (DWAM) GRANT APPLICATION

       Number of service lines that are ‘material unknown’ that need to be verified for Final DSMI:

       Total number of service lines in the water supply:

   3. Has the water supply implemented an EGLE-approved AMP? ☐Yes                        ☐No

   4. Has the water supply entered into an Administrative Consent Order with EGLE related to AMP
      deficiencies that will be addressed as part of the awarded grant? ☐Yes ☐No

   5. Was the water supply’s most recent Sanitary Survey completed with no deficiencies? ☐Yes                           ☐No

   6. Did the water supply complete the Michigan Infrastructure Council’s Asset Maturity Assessment?
      ☐Yes ☐No

I certify that the information provided in this application is complete, true, and accurate to the best of
my knowledge.

 Printed Name and Title:                            Signature:                                           Date:

Submit completed form and applicable attachments to

Or via U.S. mail to:           Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
                               Finance Division – Water Infrastructure Financing Section
                               525 West Allegan Street
                               P.O. Box 30457
                               Lansing, Michigan 48909-7957

              For information or assistance on this publication, please contact the program, through EGLE
              Environmental Assistance Center at 800-662-9278. This publication is available in alternative
              formats upon request.

              EGLE does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color,
              marital status, disability, political beliefs, height, weight, genetic information, or sexual
              orientation in the administration of any of its programs or activities, and prohibits
              intimidation and retaliation, as required by applicable laws and regulations.

              This form and its contents are subject to the Freedom of Information Act and may be
              released to the public.

                                                   Page 3 of 3
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: 12/08/2020                   Title: Michigan & Franklin Reconstruction

Submitted By: Joel Brookens                           Department: Public Works

Brief Summary: Authorize the award of the Michigan Avenue and Franklin Street reconstruction
project to the low bidder, Wadel Stabilization Inc.

Detailed Summary:
Staff solicited bids for road reconstruction on Michigan Avenue from Lakeshore Drive east to Hudson
Street and on Franklin Street from Michigan Avenue north to West Western Avenue in the Nims

Bids were received are as follows:
   • $829,357.35 – Wadel Stabilization
   • $853,948.06 – Brenner Excavating
   • $857,235.65 – Jackson-Merkey
   • $878,698.68 – West Michigan Dirtworks
   • $889,145.80 – McCormick Sand
   • $950,858.50 – Hallack Contracting
   • $982,508.85 – Diversco Construction
   • $997,868.30 – Kamminga & Roodvoets
   • $1,091,692.90 – Terra Contractors

This project was included in the 20-21 budget with funds being drawn from the Major Street, Water,
and Sewer funds. The collective bids are below the budgeted amounts for the project and no
reforecasting adjustment is anticipated at this time. The project would be constructed during the 2021
construction season.

Amount Requested: $829,357.25                       Amount Budgeted: $900,000

Fund(s) or Account(s):                              Fund(s) or Account(s):
202-92003                                           202-92003 = $800,000
590-92003                                           590-92003 = $50,000
591-92003                                           591-92003 = $50,000

Recommended Motion:
Approve the award of the Michigan Avenue and Franklin Street project to the low bidder, Wadel
Stabilization and authorize staff to sign the contracts.
Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
City of Muskegon                    Project Engineer: FP                                           Date:   11/24/2020
Egineering Department                Project Number: H92003
                                  Project description: Michigan Franklin Reconstruction

        Bid summary

        Engineers Estimate                                                                $   889,802.10

   1    Wadel Stabilization                                                               $   829,357.35

   2    Brenner Excavating                                                                $   853,948.06

   3    Jackson Merkey                                                                    $   857,235.65

   4    West Michigan Dirtworks                                                           $   878,698.68

   5    McCormick Sand                                                                    $   889,145.80

   6    Hallack Contracting                                                               $   950,858.50

   7    Diversco Construction                                                             $   982,508.85

   8    Kamminga & Roodvoets                                                              $   997,868.30

   9    Terra Contractors                                                                 $ 1,091,692.90
                                                BID TABULATION
      City of Muskegon                                        Project Engineer: FP                  Date:    11/24/2020
      Egineering Department                                    Project Number: H92003
                                                            Project description: Michigan Franklin Reconstruction

                                                                                               Engineers Estimate             Wadel Stabilization          Brenner Excavating                Jackson Merkey             West Michigan Dirtworks           McCormick Sand             Hallack Contracting          Diversco Construction        Kamminga & Roodvoets            Terra Contractors
Item Pay Code Description                                               Units   Quantity    Unit Price       Total         Unit Price        Total      Unit Price       Total          Unit Price       Total          Unit Price        Total      Unit Price       Total       Unit Price        Total       Unit Price        Total       Unit Price       Total      Unit Price        Total

 1     1500001 Mobilization_10% Max.                                   LSUM             1    $79,000.00 $ 79,000.00 $82,900.00           $ 82,900.00 $39,045.00      $ 39,045.00       $46,100.00    $ 46,100.00 $76,519.45           $ 76,519.45 $85,000.00      $ 85,000.00 $85,000.00        $ 85,000.00    $90,000.00     $ 90,000.00    $99,000.00    $ 99,000.00 $85,000.00       $   85,000.00

 2     2030015 Sewer, Rem, Less than 24 inch                           Ft            189         $15.00 $    2,835.00        $12.00     $    2,268.00      $7.20     $   1,360.80         $20.00     $   3,780.00         $13.55      $   2,560.95     $12.00     $   2,268.00       $5.50     $    1,039.50      $14.00     $    2,646.00        $7.00    $   1,323.00     $35.00      $    6,615.00

 3     2037050 Dr Structure, Rem, Modified                             Ea              32       $300.00 $    9,600.00      $225.00      $    7,200.00    $270.00     $   8,640.00        $560.00     $ 17,920.00         $303.02      $   9,696.64    $425.00     $ 13,600.00     $385.00       $ 12,320.00      $353.00      $ 11,296.00      $250.00     $   8,000.00    $750.00      $   24,000.00

 4     2040055 Sidewalk, Rem                                           Syd          1285         $10.00 $ 12,850.00           $5.60     $    7,196.00      $3.95     $   5,075.75           $7.00    $   8,995.00             $6.63   $   8,519.55      $6.00     $   7,710.00       $4.00     $    5,140.00        $4.05    $    5,204.25        $8.00    $ 10,280.00       $9.00      $   11,565.00

 5     2047011 Pavt, Rem, Modified                                     Syd         10378          $8.00 $ 83,024.00           $3.00      $ 31,134.00       $2.80     $ 29,058.40            $3.00    $ 31,134.00              $3.56   $ 36,945.68       $2.00     $ 20,756.00        $2.00      $ 20,756.00         $1.45     $ 15,048.10         $6.25    $ 64,862.50       $6.00      $   62,268.00

 6     2057002 Machine Grading, Modified                               Sta           20.1     $2,000.00 $ 40,200.00       $2,000.00      $ 40,200.00    $3,500.00    $ 70,350.00        $3,500.00    $ 70,350.00       $3,203.64      $ 64,393.16    $2,200.00    $ 44,220.00    $3,850.00      $ 77,385.00     $5,400.00     $ 108,540.00    $1,900.00    $ 38,190.00    $1,500.00     $   30,150.00

 7     2080020 Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Fabric Drop          Ea              29       $100.00 $    2,900.00      $100.00      $    2,900.00     $71.30     $   2,067.70        $125.00     $   3,625.00         $91.98      $   2,667.42     $50.00     $   1,450.00     $85.00      $    2,465.00     $120.00     $    3,480.00     $130.00     $   3,770.00    $110.00      $    3,190.00

 8     3020020 Aggregate Base, 8 inch                                  Syd          7545          $7.00 $ 52,815.00           $8.00      $ 60,360.00       $8.80     $ 66,396.00            $9.50    $ 71,677.50              $8.80   $ 66,396.00      $10.00     $ 75,450.00        $6.25      $ 47,156.25       $15.20      $ 114,684.00      $12.50     $ 94,312.50      $11.50      $   86,767.50

 9     3060021 Maintenance Gravel, LM                                  Cyd           200         $15.00 $    3,000.00         $8.00     $    1,600.00      $0.01     $          2.00      $30.00     $   6,000.00             $6.46   $   1,292.00      $1.00     $     200.00     $10.00      $    2,000.00      $23.00     $    4,600.00      $35.00     $   7,000.00     $25.00      $    5,000.00

 10    4020600 Sewer, Cl E, 12 inch, Tr Det B                          Ft            775         $45.00 $ 34,875.00          $60.00      $ 46,500.00      $47.30     $ 36,657.50          $49.50     $ 38,362.50          $34.81      $ 26,977.75      $50.00     $ 38,750.00      $50.00       $ 38,750.00       $53.20      $ 41,230.00       $57.00     $ 44,175.00      $55.00      $   42,625.00

 11    4021201 Sewer Tap, 6 inch                                       Ea               1       $175.00 $      175.00      $190.00       $     190.00    $158.00     $     158.00        $325.00     $        325.00     $402.88      $     402.88    $250.00     $     250.00    $285.00       $     285.00     $215.00      $     215.00     $300.00     $     300.00   $1,200.00     $    1,200.00

 12    4021202 Sewer Tap, 8 inch                                       Ea               1       $200.00 $      200.00      $195.00       $     195.00    $196.50     $     196.50        $360.00     $        360.00     $531.10      $     531.10    $290.00     $     290.00    $300.00       $     300.00     $220.00      $     220.00     $350.00     $     350.00   $1,200.00     $    1,200.00

 13    4021203 Sewer Tap, 10 inch                                      Ea               2       $200.00 $      400.00      $210.00       $     420.00    $201.00     $     402.00        $560.00     $   1,120.00        $619.11      $   1,238.22    $500.00     $   1,000.00    $325.00       $     650.00     $225.00      $     450.00     $425.00     $     850.00   $1,500.00     $    3,000.00

 14    4021230 Sewer Bulkhead, 12 inch                                 Ea               2       $150.00 $      300.00      $300.00       $     600.00    $263.00     $     526.00        $200.00     $        400.00     $222.53      $     445.06    $250.00     $     500.00    $350.00       $     700.00     $155.00      $     310.00     $300.00     $     600.00   $2,500.00     $    5,000.00

 15    4027001 Sewer, PVC SDR 35, 6 inch, TR Det B, Modified           Ft               7        $35.00 $      245.00        $52.00      $     364.00     $66.50     $     465.50        $130.00     $        910.00      $43.54      $     304.78     $46.00     $     322.00     $45.00       $     315.00      $55.95      $     391.65      $50.00     $     350.00    $150.00      $    1,050.00

 16    4027001 Sewer, PVC SDR 35, 8 inch, Tr Det B Modified            Ft              16        $30.00 $      480.00        $52.00      $     832.00     $68.40     $   1,094.40         $85.00     $   1,360.00         $46.15      $     738.40     $48.00     $     768.00     $50.00       $     800.00      $57.95      $     927.20      $53.00     $     848.00    $100.00      $    1,600.00

 17    4027001 Sewer, PVC SDR 35, 10 inch, TR Det B, Modified          Ft            580         $35.00 $ 20,300.00          $70.00      $ 40,600.00      $67.90     $ 39,382.00          $72.00     $ 41,760.00          $55.65      $ 32,277.00      $80.00     $ 46,400.00      $55.00       $ 31,900.00       $93.00      $ 53,940.00      $112.00     $ 64,960.00      $90.00      $   52,200.00

 18    4027001 Sewer, Ductile Iron Class 52, 12 inch, Tr Det B         Ft              31        $65.00 $    2,015.00        $70.00     $    2,170.00     $73.10     $   2,266.10        $125.00     $   3,875.00         $86.84      $   2,692.04     $80.00     $   2,480.00     $75.00      $    2,325.00      $93.00     $    2,883.00      $95.00     $   2,945.00     $95.00      $    2,945.00

 19    4030004 Dr Structure Cover, Adj, Case 1, Modified               Ea              28       $650.00 $ 18,200.00        $590.00       $ 16,520.00     $661.00     $ 18,508.00         $600.00     $ 16,800.00         $377.50      $ 10,570.00     $900.00     $ 25,200.00     $450.00       $ 12,600.00      $700.00      $ 19,600.00      $550.00     $ 15,400.00     $700.00      $   19,600.00
               Dr Structure, Add Depth of 48 inch dia, 8 foot to 15
 20    4030250 foot                                                    Ft               5       $100.00 $      500.00        $95.00      $     475.00    $218.50     $   1,092.50        $310.00     $   1,550.00      $1,104.36      $   5,521.80    $400.00     $   2,000.00    $250.00      $    1,250.00     $404.00     $    2,020.00     $135.00     $     675.00    $250.00      $    1,250.00

 21    4030312 Dr Structure, Tap, 12 inch                              Ea              19       $300.00 $    5,700.00      $300.00      $    5,700.00    $210.50     $   3,999.50        $600.00     $ 11,400.00         $402.88      $   7,654.72    $325.00     $   6,175.00    $285.00      $    5,415.00     $860.00      $ 16,340.00      $350.00     $   6,650.00   $1,200.00     $   22,800.00

 22    4037001 Dr Structure, Adj, Add Depth, Modified                  Ft            14.7       $400.00 $    5,880.00      $430.00      $    6,321.00    $437.00     $   6,423.90        $420.00     $   6,174.00        $371.84      $   5,466.05    $400.00     $   5,880.00    $225.00      $    3,307.50     $360.00     $    5,292.00     $150.00     $   2,205.00    $250.00      $     3,675.00

 23    4037050 Catch Basin Specail Detail                              Ea               8     $1,500.00 $ 12,000.00       $2,000.00      $ 16,000.00    $1,428.00    $ 11,424.00        $1,600.00    $ 12,800.00       $1,528.42      $ 12,227.36    $1,900.00    $ 15,200.00    $1,850.00      $ 14,800.00     $1,431.00     $ 11,448.00     $1,100.00    $   8,800.00   $2,650.00     $   21,200.00

 24    4037050 Dr Structure Cover, Type K, Modified                    Ea              25       $750.00 $ 18,750.00        $525.00       $ 13,125.00     $863.50     $ 21,587.50         $650.00     $ 16,250.00         $867.78      $ 21,694.50     $520.00     $ 13,000.00    $1,125.00      $ 28,125.00      $550.00      $ 13,750.00      $800.00     $ 20,000.00     $750.00      $   18,750.00

 25    4037050 Dr Structure Cover, Type B, Modified                    Ea              37       $500.00 $ 18,500.00        $370.00       $ 13,690.00     $692.50     $ 25,622.50         $480.00     $ 17,760.00         $636.70      $ 23,557.90     $370.00     $ 13,690.00     $925.00       $ 34,225.00      $430.00      $ 15,910.00      $600.00     $ 22,200.00     $750.00      $   27,750.00

 26    4037050 Catch Basin 2 FT ID Special Detail                      Ea              17     $1,100.00 $ 18,700.00       $1,450.00      $ 24,650.00     $808.50     $ 13,744.50         $900.00     $ 15,300.00         $902.66      $ 15,345.22    $1,500.00    $ 25,500.00    $1,500.00      $ 25,500.00      $898.00      $ 15,266.00      $800.00     $ 13,600.00    $1,900.00     $   32,300.00

 27    5010025 Hand Patching                                           Ton             11       $200.00 $    2,200.00      $100.00      $    1,100.00    $302.50     $   3,327.50        $100.00     $   1,100.00        $295.48      $   3,250.28    $300.00     $   3,300.00    $250.00      $    2,750.00     $100.00     $    1,100.00     $272.00     $   2,992.00    $120.00      $    1,320.00

 28    5010051 HMA, 4E3                                                Ton          1735         $95.00 $ 164,825.00         $84.00      $ 145,740.00     $85.90     $ 149,036.50         $81.62     $ 141,610.70         $86.08      $ 149,348.80     $78.00     $ 135,330.00     $85.00       $ 147,475.00      $83.93      $ 145,618.55      $77.26     $ 134,046.10     $89.00      $ 154,415.00

 29    8010005 Driveway, Nonreinf Conc, 6 inch                         Syd           270         $45.00 $ 12,150.00          $32.00     $    8,640.00     $37.50     $ 10,125.00          $30.00     $   8,100.00         $35.78      $   9,660.60     $37.00     $   9,990.00     $40.00       $ 10,800.00       $32.00     $    8,640.00      $36.00     $   9,720.00     $52.00      $   14,040.00

 30    8010007 Driveway, Nonreinf Conc, 8 inch                         Syd             74        $60.00 $    4,440.00        $42.00     $    3,108.00     $48.70     $   3,603.80         $40.00     $   2,960.00         $46.96      $   3,475.04     $47.00     $   3,478.00     $50.00      $    3,700.00      $42.00     $    3,108.00      $45.00     $   3,330.00     $68.00      $    5,032.00

 31    8020038 Curb and Gutter, Conc, Det F4                           Ft           4123         $14.00 $ 57,722.00          $11.55      $ 47,620.65      $13.90     $ 57,309.70          $11.25     $ 46,383.75          $12.92      $ 53,269.16      $12.00     $ 49,476.00      $17.50       $ 72,152.50       $12.15      $ 50,094.45       $18.00     $ 74,214.00      $20.00      $   82,460.00

 32    8020050 Driveway Opening, Conc, Det M                           Ft              90        $23.00 $    2,070.00        $16.00     $    1,440.00     $18.10     $   1,629.00         $15.00     $   1,350.00         $17.89      $   1,610.10     $17.00     $   1,530.00     $20.50      $    1,845.00      $16.00     $    1,440.00      $24.00     $   2,160.00     $35.00      $    3,150.00

 33    8030010 Detectable Warning Surface                              Ft            137         $35.00 $    4,795.00        $33.00     $    4,521.00     $36.70     $   5,027.90         $33.00     $   4,521.00         $36.90      $   5,055.30     $33.00     $   4,521.00     $40.00      $    5,480.00      $33.00     $    4,521.00      $50.00     $   6,850.00     $65.00      $    8,905.00

 34    8030030 Curb Ramp Opening, Conc                                 Ft            181         $25.00 $    4,525.00        $16.00     $    2,896.00     $18.10     $   3,276.10         $15.00     $   2,715.00         $17.89      $   3,238.09     $17.00     $   3,077.00     $20.50      $    3,710.50      $16.00     $    2,896.00      $22.00     $   3,982.00     $25.00      $    4,525.00

 35    8030036 Sidewalk Ramp, Conc, 6 inch                             Sft          1076          $6.00 $    6,456.00         $4.10     $    4,411.60      $4.90     $   5,272.40           $4.00    $   4,304.00             $4.58   $   4,928.08      $5.75     $   6,187.00       $5.50     $    5,918.00        $4.10    $    4,411.60        $5.75    $   6,187.00      $8.00      $     8,608.00

 36    8030044 Sidewalk, Conc, 4 inch                                  Sft         11711          $4.00 $ 46,844.00           $2.65      $ 31,034.15       $3.35     $ 39,231.85            $2.60    $ 30,448.60              $2.96   $ 34,664.56       $3.75     $ 43,916.25        $4.00      $ 46,844.00         $2.65     $ 31,034.15         $3.50    $ 40,988.50       $4.55      $   53,285.05

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 2 of 3
37   8030046 Sidewalk, Conc, 6 inch                                 Sft    1677              $5.00 $   8,385.00      $3.25    $   5,450.25      $4.00    $   6,708.00      $3.20    $   5,366.40          $3.63   $   6,087.51      $4.30    $   7,211.10      $5.50    $   9,223.50      $3.25    $   5,450.25        $5.00   $   8,385.00      $4.55    $    7,630.35

38   8030048 Sidewalk, Conc, 8 inch                                 Sft     286              $6.50 $   1,859.00      $4.20    $   1,201.20      $4.90    $   1,401.40      $4.00    $   1,144.00          $4.70   $   1,344.20      $5.00    $   1,430.00      $6.50    $   1,859.00      $4.20    $   1,201.20        $6.00   $   1,716.00      $4.55    $    1,301.30

39   8110022 Pavt Mrkg, Ovly Cold Plastic, 4 inch, White            Ft       88              $3.00 $    264.00       $2.50    $    220.00       $2.80    $    246.40       $2.50    $    220.00           $2.72   $    239.36       $2.00    $    176.00       $2.50    $    220.00       $6.00    $     528.00        $2.50   $    220.00       $3.00    $      264.00

40   8110024 Pavt Mrkg, Ovly Cold Plastic, 6 inch, Crosswalk        Ft      609              $3.00 $   1,827.00      $2.95    $   1,796.55      $3.30    $   2,009.70      $2.95    $   1,796.55          $3.21   $   1,954.89      $2.50    $   1,522.50      $2.95    $   1,796.55      $6.00    $   3,654.00        $2.95   $   1,796.55      $3.50    $    2,131.50

41   8110044 Pavt Mrkg, Ovly Cold Plastic, 18 inch, Stop Bar        Ft       48              $8.00 $    384.00       $9.95    $    477.60      $11.10    $    532.80       $9.95    $    477.60       $10.82      $    519.36       $7.50    $    360.00       $9.95    $    477.60       $9.00    $    432.00         $9.95   $    477.60      $12.00    $      576.00

42   8110079 Pavt Mrkg, Ovly Cold Plastic, Sharrow Symbol           Ea       14         $200.00 $      2,800.00    $180.00    $   2,520.00    $200.00    $   2,800.00    $180.00    $   2,520.00     $195.68      $   2,739.52    $250.00    $   3,500.00    $180.00    $   2,520.00    $245.00    $   3,430.00     $180.00    $   2,520.00    $225.00    $    3,150.00

43   8110232 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 4 inch, Yellow                  Ft      574              $0.50 $    287.00       $0.65    $    373.10       $0.72    $    413.28       $0.65    $    373.10           $0.71   $    407.54       $1.00    $    574.00       $0.65    $    373.10       $1.00    $    574.00         $0.65   $    373.10       $1.00    $      574.00

44   8110233 Pavt Mrkg, Waterborne, 6 inch, White                   Ft      496              $0.60 $    297.60       $0.75    $    372.00       $0.83    $    411.68       $0.75    $    372.00           $0.82   $    406.72       $1.00    $    496.00       $0.75    $    372.00       $1.00    $    496.00         $0.75   $    372.00       $1.25    $      620.00

45   8120022 Barricade, Type III, High Intensity, Lighted, Furn     Ea        9             $65.00 $    585.00      $75.00    $    675.00      $83.40    $    750.60      $75.00    $    675.00       $88.38      $    795.42      $75.00    $    675.00     $100.00    $    900.00      $75.00    $    675.00       $75.00    $    675.00     $100.00    $      900.00

46   8120023 Barricade, Type III, High Intensity, Lighted, Oper     Ea        9              $5.00 $     45.00       $1.00    $       9.00      $1.10    $       9.90      $9.00    $     81.00           $1.18   $     10.62       $1.00    $       9.00      $1.00    $       9.00      $1.00    $       9.00        $1.00   $       9.00     $20.00    $      180.00

47   8120100 Dust Palliative, Applied                               Ton       5             $50.00 $    250.00      $50.00    $    250.00     $175.00    $    875.00      $50.00    $    250.00    $1,164.79      $   5,823.95      $0.01    $       0.05    $100.00    $    500.00     $300.00    $   1,500.00     $450.00    $   2,250.00    $350.00    $    1,750.00

48   8120170 Minor Traf Devices                                     LSUM      1      $15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $16,900.00        $ 16,900.00 $11,885.00     $ 11,885.00    $5,950.00   $   5,950.00   $6,468.44      $   6,468.44 $20,000.00    $ 20,000.00 $25,000.00     $ 25,000.00    $5,950.00   $   5,950.00   $11,000.00   $ 11,000.00    $7,000.00   $    7,000.00

49   8120250 Plastic Drum, High Intensity, Furn                     Ea       56             $20.00 $   1,120.00     $14.00    $    784.00      $15.60    $    873.60      $14.00    $    784.00       $16.50      $    924.00      $14.00    $    784.00      $15.00    $    840.00      $14.00    $    784.00       $18.00    $   1,008.00     $18.00    $    1,008.00

50   8120251 Plastic Drum, High Intensity, Oper                     Ea       56              $1.00 $     56.00       $1.00    $     56.00       $1.10    $     61.60       $1.00    $     56.00           $6.21   $    347.76       $1.00    $     56.00       $1.00    $     56.00       $1.00    $      56.00        $0.10   $       5.60      $5.00    $      280.00

51   8120330 Sign, Portable, Changeable Message, Furn               Ea        2        $2,300.00 $     4,600.00   $1,850.00   $   3,700.00   $2,058.00   $   4,116.00   $1,850.00   $   3,700.00   $2,180.03      $   4,360.06   $1,850.00   $   3,700.00   $2,500.00   $   5,000.00   $1,850.00   $   3,700.00    $1,500.00   $   3,000.00   $2,000.00   $    4,000.00

52   8120331 Sign, Portable, Changeable Message, Oper               Ea        2         $300.00 $       600.00     $200.00    $    400.00      $22.50    $     45.00     $200.00    $    400.00      $235.68      $    471.36     $200.00    $    400.00     $100.00    $    200.00     $200.00    $    400.00       $50.00    $    100.00     $300.00    $      600.00

53   8120350 Sign, Type B, Temp, Prismatic, Furn                    Sft    433.5             $5.00 $   2,167.50      $3.00    $   1,300.50      $3.35    $   1,452.23      $3.00    $   1,300.50          $3.54   $   1,534.59      $3.00    $   1,300.50      $5.00    $   2,167.50      $3.00    $   1,300.50        $5.00   $   2,167.50      $5.00    $    2,167.50

54   8120351 Sign, Type B, Temp, Prismatic, Oper                    Sft    433.5             $1.00 $    433.50       $1.00    $    433.50       $1.10    $    476.85       $1.00    $    433.50           $6.21   $   2,692.04      $1.00    $    433.50       $1.00    $    433.50       $1.00    $    433.50         $0.10   $     43.35       $5.00    $    2,167.50

55   8120352 Sign, Type B, Temp, Prismatic, Spec, Furn              Sft      80              $8.00 $    640.00       $6.00    $    480.00       $6.65    $    532.00       $6.00    $    480.00           $7.07   $    565.60       $6.00    $    480.00       $5.00    $    400.00       $6.00    $    480.00       $10.00    $    800.00       $8.00    $      640.00

56   8120353 Sign, Type B, Temp, Prismatic, Spec, Oper              Sft      80              $1.00 $     80.00       $1.00    $     80.00       $1.10    $     88.00       $1.00    $     80.00           $6.21   $    496.80       $1.00    $     80.00       $1.00    $     80.00       $1.00    $      80.00        $0.10   $       8.00      $5.00    $      400.00

57   8160062 Topsoil Surface, Furn, 4 inch                          Syd    3211              $4.00 $ 12,844.00       $3.75    $ 12,041.25       $2.85    $   9,151.35      $6.00    $ 19,266.00           $4.19   $ 13,454.09       $4.00    $ 12,844.00       $3.00    $   9,633.00      $6.00    $ 19,266.00         $3.50   $ 11,238.50       $4.00    $   12,844.00

58   8167011 Hydroseeding                                           Syd    3211              $1.50 $   4,816.50      $1.00    $   3,211.00      $0.67    $   2,151.37      $0.95    $   3,050.45          $1.27   $   4,077.97      $0.90    $   2,889.90      $1.00    $   3,211.00      $4.35    $ 13,967.85         $1.50   $   4,816.50      $1.20    $    3,853.20

59   8237001 Water Service, 1 inch, Copper Type K                   Ft      314             $40.00 $ 12,560.00      $22.00    $   6,908.00     $34.00    $ 10,676.00      $26.75    $   8,399.50      $44.95      $ 14,114.30      $30.00    $   9,420.00     $20.00    $   6,280.00     $29.40    $   9,231.60      $34.00    $ 10,676.00      $35.00    $   10,990.00

60   8237001 Water Service, Private Property                        Ft      211             $40.00 $   8,440.00     $24.00    $   5,064.00     $30.00    $   6,330.00     $48.00    $ 10,128.00       $41.68      $   8,794.48     $30.00    $   6,330.00     $12.50    $   2,637.50     $24.00    $   5,064.00      $60.00    $ 12,660.00      $45.00    $    9,495.00

61   8237001 Water Service, 2 inch, Copper Type K                   Ft       30             $60.00 $   1,800.00     $35.00    $   1,050.00     $57.80    $   1,734.00     $42.00    $   1,260.00      $57.24      $   1,717.20     $42.00    $   1,260.00     $35.00    $   1,050.00     $58.70    $   1,761.00      $45.00    $   1,350.00     $55.00    $    1,650.00

62   8237001 Watermain, DI, 6 inch, Tr Det G, Modified              Ft       84             $60.00 $   5,040.00     $72.00    $   6,048.00     $87.00    $   7,308.00     $95.00    $   7,980.00      $90.67      $   7,616.28     $50.00    $   4,200.00     $50.00    $   4,200.00     $77.50    $   6,510.00      $90.00    $   7,560.00     $95.00    $    7,980.00

63   8237050 Water Service, Building Connection                     Ea       12         $300.00 $      3,600.00    $630.00    $   7,560.00   $2,669.00   $ 32,028.00     $445.00    $   5,340.00   $1,467.47      $ 17,609.64     $900.00    $ 10,800.00    $2,250.00   $ 27,000.00    $1,500.00   $ 18,000.00     $1,400.00   $ 16,800.00     $750.00    $    9,000.00

64   8237050 Meter Pit Complete                                     Ea        4         $500.00 $      2,000.00    $800.00    $   3,200.00    $905.00    $   3,620.00    $880.00    $   3,520.00   $1,185.94      $   4,743.76    $800.00    $   3,200.00    $800.00    $   3,200.00   $1,550.00   $   6,200.00    $1,300.00   $   5,200.00    $750.00    $    3,000.00

65   8237050 Abandon Water Service                                  Ea        1        $3,000.00 $     3,000.00    $565.00    $    565.00     $546.00    $    546.00    $1,110.00   $   1,110.00     $465.11      $    465.11     $450.00    $    450.00    $1,250.00   $   1,250.00    $150.00    $     150.00     $250.00    $    250.00     $750.00    $      750.00

66   8237050 Cut and Cap, 6 inch Watermain                          Ea        5        $1,300.00 $     6,500.00    $750.00    $   3,750.00    $769.00    $   3,845.00   $1,725.00   $   8,625.00     $792.73      $   3,963.65    $400.00    $   2,000.00   $1,850.00   $   9,250.00    $773.00    $   3,865.00    $1,100.00   $   5,500.00    $950.00    $    4,750.00

67   8237050 Hydrant, 6 inch, Standard                              Ea        5        $3,000.00 $ 15,000.00      $3,350.00   $ 16,750.00    $4,258.00   $ 21,290.00    $3,600.00   $ 18,000.00    $3,661.38      $ 18,306.90    $3,600.00   $ 18,000.00    $5,000.00   $ 25,000.00    $2,878.00   $ 14,390.00     $3,400.00   $ 17,000.00    $4,700.00   $   23,500.00

68   8237050 Tapping Sleeve and Valve, 12 inch X 6 inch, With Box   Ea        4        $2,800.00 $ 11,200.00      $3,265.00   $ 13,060.00    $2,026.00   $   8,104.00   $4,120.00   $ 16,480.00    $3,532.14      $ 14,128.56    $3,500.00   $ 14,000.00    $3,250.00   $ 13,000.00    $2,769.00   $ 11,076.00     $3,700.00   $ 14,800.00    $3,500.00   $   14,000.00

69   8237050 Tapping Sleeve and Valve, 8 inch x 6 inch, With Box    Ea        1         $500.00 $       500.00    $3,100.00   $   3,100.00   $1,931.00   $   1,931.00   $3,950.00   $   3,950.00   $3,278.62      $   3,278.62   $3,200.00   $   3,200.00   $2,950.00   $   2,950.00   $2,629.00   $   2,629.00    $3,550.00   $   3,550.00   $2,700.00   $    2,700.00

70   8237050 Water Valve Box and Cover, Complete                    Ea       11         $350.00 $      3,850.00    $500.00    $   5,500.00    $443.50    $   4,878.50    $700.00    $   7,700.00     $327.25      $   3,599.75   $1,000.00   $ 11,000.00     $350.00    $   3,850.00    $469.00    $   5,159.00     $600.00    $   6,600.00    $750.00    $    8,250.00

71   8257050 Manhole Special Detail, Storm                          Ea        1        $1,500.00 $     1,500.00   $2,000.00   $   2,000.00   $1,446.00   $   1,446.00   $2,300.00   $   2,300.00   $2,084.99      $   2,084.99   $2,500.00   $   2,500.00   $2,000.00   $   2,000.00   $2,157.00   $   2,157.00    $1,700.00   $   1,700.00   $2,950.00   $    2,950.00

72   8257050 Manhole Special Detail, Sanitary                       Ea        4        $1,500.00 $     6,000.00   $3,165.00   $ 12,660.00    $2,903.00   $ 11,612.00    $3,200.00   $ 12,800.00    $2,511.59      $ 10,046.36    $3,500.00   $ 14,000.00    $3,500.00   $ 14,000.00    $3,471.00   $ 13,884.00     $2,300.00   $   9,200.00   $3,500.00   $   14,000.00

73   8237001 Corporation Stop, 1 inch                               Ea       13                    $        -      $500.00    $   6,500.00    $290.00    $   3,770.00    $450.00    $   5,850.00     $197.79      $   2,571.27    $700.00    $   9,100.00    $550.00    $   7,150.00    $274.00    $   3,562.00     $625.00    $   8,125.00    $600.00    $    7,800.00

74   8237001 Curb Stop and Box, 1 inch                              Ea        9                    $        -      $700.00    $   6,300.00    $360.50    $   3,244.50    $450.00    $   4,050.00     $336.35      $   3,027.15   $1,000.00   $   9,000.00    $650.00    $   5,850.00    $469.00    $   4,221.00     $650.00    $   5,850.00    $600.00    $    5,400.00

75   8237001 Corporation Stop, 2 inch                               Ea        1                    $        -      $970.00    $    970.00     $590.50    $    590.50     $626.00    $    626.00      $906.92      $    906.92    $1,500.00   $   1,500.00    $750.00    $    750.00     $839.00    $    839.00      $975.00    $    975.00    $1,500.00   $    1,500.00

76   8237001 Curb Stop and Box, 2 inch                              Ea        1                    $        -     $1,020.00   $   1,020.00    $617.00    $    617.00     $760.00    $    760.00      $866.30      $    866.30    $1,400.00   $   1,400.00    $985.00    $    985.00     $888.00    $    888.00      $975.00    $    975.00    $1,500.00   $    1,500.00

                                                                                   Total:          $ 889,802.10               $ 829,357.35               $ 853,948.06               $ 857,235.65                  $ 878,698.68               $ 889,145.80               $ 950,858.50               $ 982,508.85                $ 997,868.30               $ 1,091,692.90

                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 3 of 3
                      FROM LAKESHORE DR TO HUDSON ST.,
                         WESTERN AVE TO MICHIGAN AVE

                          TRAFFIC, SAFETY STANDARD PLANS

                                                            CONSTRUCTION INCLUDES 0.40 MILES OF HMA PAVEMENT
                                                            RECONSTRUCTION; INCLUDING HMA REMOVAL, HMA PAVEMENT,
                                                            WATER SERVICES, STORM SEWER, CONCRETE SIDEWALKS, CURB &
                                                            GUTTER, AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS ON MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN IN
                                                            THE CITY OF MUSKEGON, MUSKEGON COUNTY.

                                                                      PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF:

                                                                      LEO EVANS, P.E.
                                                                      CITY ENGINEER                              CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                                                 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT
                                                                                                                 1350 E KEATING AVE
                                                                                   55599                         MUSKEGON MI 49442
                                                                                  REGISTRATION NUMBER

                                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON                               MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN,
                                                           OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER LAKESHORE DR. TO HUDSON, WESTERN AVE TO MICH.
                                                           DRAWN F. PEASE JULY 20 REVISION
                                                           CHECKED                REVISION
                                                                                           SURVEY F.PEASE 2019
                                                                                                    AS-BUILT           PROJECT NO
                                                           APPROVED          REVISION               SCALE   NO SCALESHEET NO        1   OF   10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CATCH BASIN CASTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      EAST JORDAN #7045

                                                                                                                                                                                                           4' MIN
                                                                                             NOTE:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                24"
                                                                                             ADJUSTMENT OF NEW DR STRUCTURES                                                                                                                      DRAINAGE STRUCTURE COVER EAST #1045 OR
                                                                                             WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE COST OF THE NEW                                                                                                              JORDAN EQUAL TYPICAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   6" MIN ADJUSTMENT                                                              min 12"
                                                                                             DR STRUCTURES. ADJUSTMENT OF THE NEW DR
                                                                                             STRUCTURES WILL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH                                                                                                                                                                                                          6"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PLACE 8" THICK PNC SACK CONCRETE AROUND
                                                                                             DRAINAGE STRUCTURE COVER, ADJUST DETAIL.                                                                                                                                                                    PRECAST CONCRETE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 THE ADJUSTED CASTING STRUCK OFF 2"
                                                                                                                                                                             4' MIN                                                              BELOW HMA, 3C LEVELING COURSE. AFTER                    (ASTM C-478)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 24 HRS OF CURE TIME AND BEFORE HMA, 4C                                                                               PROPOSED PIPE                           MIN CORE DIA 2"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TOP COURSE IS PLACED, PLACE 2" OF COMPACTED                                                                                                               GREATER THAN PIPE O.D.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 HMA, 3C OVER THE CONCRETE BASE FLUSH WITH                                          4"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 THE HMA, 3C LEVELING COURSE. THIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 WORK INCLUDED IN THE PAY ITEM "DR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 STRUCTURE COVER, ADJUST, CASE 1, MODIFIED
                                                                                                                                                                  PLACE 2 INCHES OF HMA, 4E3 OVER
                                                                                                                                                                  8 INCH CONCRETE BASE FLUSH
                                                                                                                                                                  WITH HMA, 3C LEVELING COURSE                                                  SAW CUT EDGES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2" HMA, 4E3, TOP COURSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2" HMA, 4E3, LEVELING COURSE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EXISTING 8" GRAVEL BASE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4" PEA GRAVEL BASE REQUIRED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  8" THICK PNC CONCRETE, STRIKE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  OFF 2 INCHES BELOW HMA LEVELING COURSE.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  6" MIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              WHERE CALLED FOR ON PLANS "DRAINAGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              STRUCTURE, ADDITIONAL DEPTH, ADJUST,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MODIFIED" IS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDS 2' THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CONTRACTOR WILL USE PRECAST
                                                                                                                                                                                                  48" TYP.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ECCENTRIC CONE SECTIONS CONFORMING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              TO ASTM C-478.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              LINE UP STEPS                                                                                 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE COVERS (MODIFIED)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            EJ #1045 OR EQUAL-TYPE A SOLID COVER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EXISTING PRECAST CONC                                                                      MORTARED CONC BRICK, CONC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   OR BRICK STRUCTURE                                                                         BLOCK, OR 24" ID CONC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              REINFORCED ADJUSTING RINGS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     24"             12 MIN"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PRE CAST CONCRETE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ECCENTRIC CONE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SECTION (ASTM C-478)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     RUBBER O-RING SEAL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PRE CAST CONCRETE                      15"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (ASTM C-478)                      6"                         PIPE PER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ALL JOINTS INSIDE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AND OUT TO BE MORTARED                48" INSIDE DIAMETER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                FOR MANHOLES ON SANITARY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CONSTRUCT CONCRETE FLOW                                                            SEWER LINES MAKE CONNECTIONS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CHANNEL WITH GRADE P1 CONCRETE                                                     FROM MANHOLE TO NEW PIPE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WITH NEOPRENE BOOTS AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PRE CAST CONCRETE FOOTING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                STAINLESS STEEL CLAMPS.
                                                                                                                                                                       DRAINAGE STRUCTURE COVERS                                                                                                              4" PEA GRAVEL BASE REQUIRED

                                                                                                                                       DETAIL                                                                                                                          UNIT TOTAL
                                                                                                                              QUANTITY TYPE             CASTING DESCRIPTION                                                                                           WEIGHT WEIGHT
                                                                                                                                25 EA    K    CATCH BASIN CASTING EAST JORDAN #7045 OR EQUAL                                                                            490#       12,250#
                                                                                                                                              MANHOLE CASTING EAST JORDAN #1045 OR EQUAL
                                                                                                                                33 EA    B                                                                                                                              330#       10,890#
                                                                                                                                              TYPE A - SOLID COVER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LID SHALL BE SET FLUSH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     WITH EXISTING GRADE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TOP SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          THE MDOT STANDARD PLAN R-1-G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (PRECAST FLAT TOP SECTION

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    10.5 INCH
                                                                                                                               TO CENTER OF YOKE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CONFORMING TO ASTM C-478)
                                                                                                                                18 INCH TO 20 INCH

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CATCH BASIN CASTING EAST
                                                                                                                                                     FORD HOOD STD. W-3                                                                                                                      JORDAN #7045 AS CALLED
                   SUMMARY OF PAVEMENT CORING                                                                                                        W / 11.5 INCH LID
                                                                                                                                                     OR APPROVED EQUAL
                                                                                                                                                                                         FROST LID
                                                                                                                                                                                      STOP FOR 1" COPPER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FOR ON PLANS
                                                                                                                                                                                         TO 3/4" METER
CORE #      STATION #   HMA THICKNESS   GRAVEL THICKNESS   SOIL TYPE TO 6-9.5' BELOW PAVT                                                                                                                             EXPANSION
   B-103   20+80   LT         6"             16"           SAND: SILTY SAND FINE TO COURSE
   B-104   15+30   RT         3"             6.75"         SAND: SILTY SAND FINE TO MEDIUM
                                                                                                                                                                                         METER                                                                                                            ADJUSTMENT

   B-105   8+00    RT         4.5"           16"           SAND: SILTY SAND FINE TO MEDIUM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           GUTTER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    36 INCH
                                                                                                                                                                                       3/4 INCH

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 6" MIN
                                                                                                     5.5 FOOT MINIMUM COVER

                                                                                                                                                     P.V.C. PIT                       YOKE BAR
                                                                                                                                                                                 YOKE "L" W/DRAIN
                                                                                                                                                                                 FOR 1" COPPER
                                                                                                                                                                                 TO 3/4" METER
                                                                                                                                                                                         20" I.D.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CONCRETE                                                                                JOINTS SHALL BE RUBBER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (ASTM C-478)                                                                            O-RING GASKETS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               PIPE PER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PLAN   INVERT
                                                                                                                                  BRICK SUPPORT
                                                                                                                                   4 REQUIRED

                                                                                                                                                       FLOW                                                                                     FLOW                         CONCRETE
                                                                                                                                                                     WATER SERVICE - 1 INCH TYPE "K" COPPER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             GRADE 'B'

                                                                                                                                                WHERE POSSIBLE, EXISTING OUT SIDE METERS SHALL BE
                                                                                                                                                RELOCATED, BY THE CITY, INSIDE THE RESIDENCE OR PLACE OF
                                                                                                                                                BUSINESS. IF METERS HAVE TO REMAIN OUTSIDE, NEW METER PITS
                                                                                                                                                SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE PROPERTY LINE. ALL ABANDONED
                                                                                                                                                METER PITS SHALL BE REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR, THE
                                                                                                                                                REMOVAL TO BE INCLUDED IN THE NEW WATER SERVICE.                                                                                                    4" PEAGRAVEL BASE REQUIRED

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON                      MICHIGAN AVE, FRANKLIN ST.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           3 WORKING DAYS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           EXCLUDING SAT, SUN & HOLIDAYS       OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER LSD TO HUDSON, WESTERN TO MICHIGAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Know what's below.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DRAWN F. PEASE JUL 20 REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               CHECKED               REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SURVEY F.PEASE 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AS-BUILT            PROJECT NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Call before you dig.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               APPROVED             REVISION   SCALE    NO SCALESHEET NO        2   OF   10
                                                                                                                                                                                                QUANTITIES THIS SHEET

                                                                                                                                                               DESCRIPTION                                                              QUANTITIES               UNIT
                                                                                                                                                               AGGREGATE BASE, 8 INCH                                                         1547                SYD

                                                                                                                                                               CATCH BASIN SPECIAL DETAIL                                                       2                 EA
                                                                                                                                                               CATCH BASIN 2 FT ID SPECIAL DETAIL                                               2                 EA
                                                                                                                                                               CURB AND GUTTER, CONC, DET F4                                                  769                  FT
                                                                                                                                                               CURB RAMP OPENING, CONC                                                          16                 FT
                                                                                                                                                               CUT AND CUT, 6 INCH WATERMAIN                                                     1                EA
                                                                                                                                                               DETECTABLE WARNING                                                               10                 FT
                                                                                                                                                               DR STRUCTURE, ADD DEPTH OF 48 INCH DIA, 8 FOOT TO 15 FT                          3                  FT
                                                                                                                                                               DR STRUCTURE, REM, MODIFIED                                                      4                 EA




                                                                                                                                                               DR STRUCTURE COVER, TYPE B, MODIFIED                                             4                 EA

                                                                                                                                                               DR STRUCTURE COVER, TYPE K, MODIFIED                                             4                 EA

                                                                                                                                                               DR STRUCTURE COVER, ADJ, CASE I, MODIFIED                                        2                 EA
                                                                                                                                                               DR STRUCTURE, TAP, 12 INCH                                                       4                 EA
                                                                                                                                                               DRIVEWAY OPENING, CONC, DET M                                                   90                  FT
                                                                                                                                                               DRIVEWAY, NONREINF CONC, 6 INCH                                                 43                 SYD
                                                                                                                                                               EROSION CONTROL, INLET PROTECTION, FABRIC DROP                                   4                 EA
                                                                                                                                                               HAND PATCHING                                                                    11                TON

                                                                                                                                                               HMA, 4E3                                                                       344                 TON
                                                                                                                                                               HYDRANT, 6 INCH, STANDARD                                                         1                EA
                                                      2+                                                                                                       HYDROSEEDING                                                                   737                 SYD
                                                                                                                                                               MACHINE GRADING, MODIFIED                                                       4.2                STA
                                                                                                                                                               MANHOLE SPECIAL DETAIL, SANITARY                                                 2                 EA
                                              84                                                                                                               PAVT, REM, MODIFIED                                                            2144                SYD
                                                  2                                                                                                            SEWER, CL E, 12 INCH, TR DET B                                                  159                 FT
                                                                                                                                                               SEWER, PVC SDR 35, 6 INCH, TR DET B, MODIFIED                                    7                  FT
                                                                                                                                                               SEWER, PVC SDR 35, 10 INCH, TR DET B, MODIFIED                                 404                  FT

                1+00              2+00
                                                                Profile View of Michigan Ave
                                                                              3+00                4+00                5+00                       6+00
                                                                                                                                                               SEWER, REM, LESS THAN 24 INCH
                                                                                                                                                               SEWER TAP, 6 INCH
                                                                                                                                                               SEWER TAP, 10 INCH
                                                                                                                                                               SIDEWALK, CONC, 4 INCH                                                        2937                  SF
                                                                                                                                                               SIDEWALK, CONC, 6 INCH                                                         1250                 SF
                                                                                                                                                               SIDEWALK RAMP, CONC, 6 INCH                                                     60                  SF
                                                                                                                                                               SIDEWALK, REM                                                                  333                 SYD
            620.0                                                                                                                                         620.0
                                                                                                                                                              TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE, 12 INCH X 6 INCH, WITH BOX                               1                EA
                                                                                                                                                               TOPSOIL SURFACE, FURN, 4 INCH                                                  737                 SYD
                                                                                                                                                               WATERMAIN, DI, 6 INCH, TR DET G, MODIFIED                                       14                  FT
                                                                                                                                                               WATER VALVE BOX AND COVER, COMPLETE                                              2                 EA

            615.0                                                                                                                                         615.0

            610.0                                                                                                                                         610.0

            605.0                                                                                                                                         605.0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3 WORKING DAYS
            600.0                                                                                                                                         600.0                                                               EXCLUDING SAT, SUN & HOLIDAYS

            595.0                                                                                                                                         595.0

            590.0                                                                                                                                         590.0

                                                                                                                                                                                                       SCALE: 1"=20'
                                                                                                                                                                                                     VERT. SCALE: 1"=4'
            585.0                                                                                                                                         585.0












                                                                                                                                                                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON                                    MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN,
                                                                                                                                                                                    OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER LAKESHORE DR. TO HUDSON, WESTERN AVE TO MICH.
                                                                                                                                                                                    DRAWN F. PEASE JULY 20 REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                    CHECKED                REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SURVEY F.PEASE 2019
                1+00              2+00                                        3+00                4+00                5+00                       6+00                               APPROVED          REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SCALE    NO SCALESHEET NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PROJECT NO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           3   OF   10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      QUANTITIES THIS SHEET

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DESCRIPTION                                                                           QUANTITIES           UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                AGGREGATE BASE, 8 INCH                                                                       1787           SYD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CATCH BASIN SPECIAL DETAIL                                                                    3              EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CATCH BASIN 2 FT ID SPECIAL DETAIL                                                            3              EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CORPORATION STOP, 1 INCH                                                                      7              EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CURB STOP AND BOX, 1 INCH                                                                     4              EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CURB AND GUTTER, CONC, DET F4                                                                1040            FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CURB RAMP OPENING, CONC                                                                       36             FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CUT AND CUT, 6 INCH WATERMAIN                                                                  1             EA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DETECTABLE WARNING                                                                            25             FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DR STRUCTURE, ADD DEPTH OF 48 INCH DIA, 8 FOOT TO 15 FT                                       2              FT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DR STRUCTURE, REM, MODIFIED                                                                   7              EA
                                                                                                                                                    IV                                                                                          DR STRUCTURE COVER, TYPE B, MODIFIED                                                          10             EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DR STRUCTURE COVER, TYPE K, MODIFIED                                                          6              EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DR STRUCTURE, ADJ, ADD DEPTH, MODIFIED                                                        5              FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DR STRUCTURE COVER, ADJ, CASE I, MODIFIED                                                     8              EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DR STRUCTURE, TAP, 12 INCH                                                                    5              EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DRIVEWAY, NONREINF CONC, 6 INCH                                                               110           SYD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                EROSION CONTROL, INLET PROTECTION, FABRIC DROP                                                6              EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                HMA, 4E3                                                                                     414            TON



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                HYDRANT, 6 INCH, STANDARD                                                                      1             EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                HYDROSEEDING                                                                                 840            SYD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MACHINE GRADING, MODIFIED                                                                     5             STA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MANHOLE SPECIAL DETAIL, SANITARY                                                              2              EA
                                                                              452                                                                                                                297                                            METER PIT COMPLETE                                                                            3              EA
                                                                         MP   596.038                                                                                                       MP   594.320
                                                                              MP                                                                                                                 MP                                             PAVT, REM, MODIFIED                                                                          2543           SYD
                                                         CS             MP                        MP 596.043                          CS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SEWER, CL E, 12 INCH, TR DET B                                                               194             FT
                                                                                                   MP     TREE 25"- 36"       TREE 13"- 24"   TREE 25"- 36" CS                                                        CS
                                                                                                      MP                                                                                                                                        SEWER, PVC SDR 35, 8 INCH, TR DET B, MODIFIED                                                 16             FT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SEWER, PVC SDR 35, 10 INCH, TR DET B, MODIFIED                                               168             FT
                                                                                                                                                                 TREE 13"- 24"                                                                  SEWER, REM, LESS THAN 24 INCH                                                                 90             FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SEWER TAP, 8 INCH                                                                              1             EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SEWER TAP, 10 INCH                                                                             1             EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SIDEWALK, CONC, 4 INCH                                                                       3336            SF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SIDEWALK, CONC, 6 INCH                                                                       150             SF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SIDEWALK RAMP, CONC, 6 INCH                                                                  230             SF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SIDEWALK, REM                                                                                294            SYD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE, 12 INCH X 6 INCH, WITH BOX                                           1             EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TOPSOIL SURFACE, FURN, 4 INCH                                                                840            SYD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WATERMAIN, DI, 6 INCH, TR DET G, MODIFIED                                                     14             FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WATER VALVE BOX AND COVER, COMPLETE                                                           3              EA

                6+00                 7+00
                                                  Profile View of Michigan Ave
                                                              8+00                                                        9+00                                                   10+00                                     11+00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WATER SERVICE, 1 INCH, COPPER TYPE K
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WATER SERVICE, PRIVATE PROPERTY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                WATER SERVICE, BUILDING CONNECTION
            605.0                                                                                                                                                                                                              605.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   WATER SERVICE SCHEDULE, ROW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CORPORATION CURB STOP AND WATER METER WATER SERVICE 1                      PRIVATE PROPERTY          BUILDING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               STATION      STOP, 1 INCH  BOX, 1 INCH PIT COMPLETE INCH, COPPER TYPE K                       (FT)               CONNECTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               7+74    RT      1   EA        1 EA                                  23   FT                     20 FT                   I   EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               8+29    RT      1   EA                     1 EA                     23   FT                     17 FT                   1   EA
            600.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                    600.0     8+66
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EA        1 EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1 EA                     23
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               20 FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               13 FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9+53    RT      1   EA        1 EA                                  24   FT                     13 FT                   1   EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               10+27   RT      1   EA                     1 EA                     24   FT                     21 FT                   1   EA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               10+80   RT      1   EA        1 EA                                  25   FT                     16 FT                   1   EA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3 WORKING DAYS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             EXCLUDING SAT, SUN & HOLIDAYS
            595.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                    595.0

            590.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                    590.0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SCALE: 1"=20'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    VERT. SCALE: 1"=4'
            585.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                    585.0











                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON                                               MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER LAKESHORE DR. TO HUDSON, WESTERN AVE TO MICH.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        DRAWN F. PEASE JULY 20 REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CHECKED                REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SURVEY F.PEASE 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 AS-BUILT                 PROJECT NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        APPROVED                  REVISION                       SCALE       NO SCALESHEET NO              4    OF   10

               6+00                  7+00                     8+00                                                        9+00                                                   10+00                                     11+00


                                                IRRIG     IRRIG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             QUANTITIES THIS SHEET

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DESCRIPTION                                                          QUANTITIES               UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            AGGREGATE BASE, 8 INCH                                                  1976                   SYD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CATCH BASIN SPECIAL DETAIL                                                2                    EA





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CATCH BASIN 2 FT ID SPECIAL DETAIL                                        6                    EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CORPORATION STOP, 1 INCH                                                  6                    EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CURB STOP AND BOX, 1 INCH                                                 5                    EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CURB AND GUTTER, CONC, DET F4                                           1041                    FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CURB RAMP OPENING, CONC                                                  80                     FT
                                                                                                                                          CS      CS                                                                      MP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           MP   595.300CS                                   CUT AND CUT, 6 INCH WATERMAIN                                              1                   EA
                                                                                 18+50                                                                                                                                          MP                                          DETECTABLE WARNING                                                       67                     FT
                            CS             CS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DR STRUCTURE, REM, MODIFIED                                               10                   EA

                                                                                                      TREE 25"- 36"


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DR STRUCTURE COVER, TYPE B, MODIFIED                                      8                    EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DR STRUCTURE COVER, TYPE K, MODIFIED                                      8                    EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DR STRUCTURE, ADJ, ADD DEPTH, MODIFIED                                    3                     FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DR STRUCTURE COVER, ADJ, CASE I, MODIFIED                                 8                    EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DR STRUCTURE, TAP, 12 INCH                                                5                    EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DRIVEWAY, NONREINF CONC, 6 INCH                                          117                   SYD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            EROSION CONTROL, INLET PROTECTION, FABRIC DROP                            8                    EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HMA, 4E3                                                                460                    TON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HYDRANT, 6 INCH, STANDARD                                                  1                   EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HYDROSEEDING                                                             719                   SYD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MACHINE GRADING, MODIFIED                                                 5                    STA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            METER PIT COMPLETE                                                         1                   EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PAVT, REM, MODIFIED                                                     2726                   SYD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SEWER, CL E, 12 INCH, TR DET B                                          269                     FT
                                                                                                                                                                                   WATER SERVICE SCHEDULE, ROW
                                                                                                                                                             CORPORATION CURB STOP AND WATER METER WATER SERVICE 1        PRIVATE PROPERTY    BUILDING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SEWER, REM, LESS THAN 24 INCH                                            106                    FT
                                                                                                                                               STATION       STOP, 1 INCH  BOX, 1 INCH PIT COMPLETE INCH, COPPER TYPE K         (FT)         CONNECTION                     SIDEWALK, CONC, 4 INCH                                                  2450                    SF
                                                                                                                                                11+19   RT      1   EA        1   EA                       25   FT                16 FT         I EA
                                                                                                                                               11+63    RT      1   EA        1   EA                       25   FT                17 FT         1 EA                        SIDEWALK, CONC, 6 INCH                                                   277                    SF
                                                                                                                                                14+10   RT      1   EA        1   EA                       20   FT                           VACANT LOT
                                                                                                                                               14+48    RT      1   EA        1   EA                       20   FT                           VACANT LOT                     SIDEWALK RAMP, CONC, 6 INCH                                             386                     SF
                                                                                                                                               15+39    RT      1   EA                       1 EA          29   FT               39 FT          1 EA                        SIDEWALK, REM                                                            328                   SYD
                                                                                                                                               15+53    RT      1   EA        1 EA                         29   FT               19 FT          1 EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE, 12 INCH X 6 INCH, WITH BOX                       1                   EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TOPSOIL SURFACE, FURN, 4 INCH                                            719                   SYD

                                                                     Profile View of Michigan Ave
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            WATERMAIN, DI, 6 INCH, TR DET G, MODIFIED                                 17                    FT

            Station                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         WATER VALVE BOX AND COVER, COMPLETE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            WATER SERVICE, 1 INCH, COPPER TYPE K
                11+00                           12+00                                       13+00                               14+00                                                  15+00                                                              16+00     WATER SERVICE, PRIVATE PROPERTY                                                   91                    FT
            600.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             600.0 WATER SERVICE, BUILDING CONNECTION                                                4                    EA

            595.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   595.0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SCALE: 1"=20'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          VERT. SCALE: 1"=4'
            590.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   590.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3 WORKING DAYS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  EXCLUDING SAT, SUN & HOLIDAYS

            585.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   585.0













                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CITY OF MUSKEGON                                  MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN,
                11+00                           12+00                                       13+00                               14+00                                                  15+00                                                              16+00                             OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER LAKESHORE DR. TO HUDSON, WESTERN AVE TO MICH.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DRAWN F. PEASE JULY 20 REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CHECKED                REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SURVEY F.PEASE 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AS-BUILT                      PROJECT NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            APPROVED           REVISION            SCALE        NO SCALESHEET NO                  5   OF   10
                                                                                                                                                                                                               QUANTITIES THIS SHEET

                                                                                                                                                                           DESCRIPTION                                                            QUANTITIES           UNIT
                                                                                                                                                                           AGGREGATE BASE, 8 INCH                                                     993              SYD
                                                                                                                                                                           CATCH BASIN SPECIAL DETAIL                                                  1                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           CATCH BASIN 2 FT ID SPECIAL DETAIL                                          2                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           CORPORATION STOP, 2 INCH                                                    1                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           CURB STOP AND BOX, 2 INCH                                                   1                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           CURB AND GUTTER, CONC, DET F4                                              534               FT

                                                                                                                                                                           CURB RAMP OPENING, CONC                                                     41               FT


                                                                                                                                                                           CUT AND CUT, 6 INCH WATERMAIN                                               1                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           DETECTABLE WARNING                                                         30                FT
                                                                                                                                                                           DR STRUCTURE, REM, MODIFIED                                                 4                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           DR STRUCTURE COVER, TYPE B, MODIFIED                                        3                EA
                                                                                                     IRRIG                                                                 DR STRUCTURE COVER, TYPE K, MODIFIED                                        3                EA
                                 806                 CS                                                                                                                    DR STRUCTURE, ADJ, ADD DEPTH, MODIFIED                                     3.1               FT
                            MP   596.438
                                 MP                                                                                                                                        DR STRUCTURE COVER, ADJ, CASE I, MODIFIED                                   2                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           DR STRUCTURE, TAP, 12 INCH                                                  3                EA

                                                                                                                                                                           EROSION CONTROL, INLET PROTECTION, FABRIC DROP                              4                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           HMA, 4E3                                                                   230              TON
                                                                                                                                                                           HYDRANT, 6 INCH, STANDARD                                                   1                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           HYDROSEEDING                                                               230              SYD
                                                                                                                                                                           MACHINE GRADING, MODIFIED                                                  2.4              STA
                                                                                                                                                                           PAVT, REM, MODIFIED                                                       1340              SYD
                                                                                                                                                                           SEWER, CL E, 12 INCH, TR DET B                                             88                FT
                                                                                                                                                                           SIDEWALK, CONC, 4 INCH                                                    1460               SF
                                                                                                                                                                           SIDEWALK RAMP, CONC, 6 INCH                                                357               SF
                                                                                                                                                                           SIDEWALK, REM                                                              245              SYD
                                                                                                                                                                           TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE, 8 INCH X 6 INCH, WITH BOX                         1                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           TOPSOIL SURFACE, FURN, 4 INCH                                              230              SYD
                                                                                                                                                                           WATERMAIN, DI, 6 INCH, TR DET G, MODIFIED                                   16               FT
                                                                                                                                                                           WATER VALVE BOX AND COVER, COMPLETE                                         3                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           WATER SERVICE, 2 INCH, COPPER TYPE K                                       30                FT
                                                                                                                                                                           WATER SERVICE, PRIVATE PROPERTY                                                              FT
                                                                                                                                                                           WATER SERVICE, BUILDING CONNECTION                                          1                EA
                                                                                                                                                                           ABANDON WATER SERVICE                                                       1                EA

                                              Profile View of Michigan Ave
                                                          17+00               18+00                          19+00
            600.0                                                                                                600.0                                                                                  WATER SERVICE SCHEDULE, ROW
                                                                                                                                                                                    CORPORATION CURB STOP AND WATER METER WATER SERVICE 2        PRIVATE PROPERTY        BUILDING
                                                                                                                                                                         STATION    STOP, 2 INCH  BOX, 2 INCH PIT COMPLETE INCH, COPPER TYPE K         (FT)             CONNECTION

                                                                                                                                                                         16+68 RT      1 EA          1 EA                         30 FT                                       I EA

            595.0                                                                                               595.0

            590.0                                                                                               590.0





               16+00                                      17+00               18+00                          19+00

                                                                                                                     603 3 WORKING DAYS
                                                                                                                                         EXCLUDING SAT, SUN & HOLIDAYS

                                                                                          SCALE: 1"=20'

                                                                                        VERT. SCALE: 1"=4'                                                                                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON                                    MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER LAKESHORE DR. TO HUDSON, WESTERN AVE TO MICH.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             DRAWN F. PEASE JULY 20 REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                             CHECKED                REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SURVEY F.PEASE 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            AS-BUILT                 PROJECT NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                             APPROVED              REVISION                 SCALE   NO SCALESHEET NO              6   OF   10

                                                                                                                                                                               QUANTITIES THIS SHEET

                                                                                                                                              DESCRIPTION                                                    QUANTITIES               UNIT




                                                                                                                                              AGGREGATE BASE, 8 INCH                                             1242                 SYD
                                                                                                                                              CATCH BASIN 2 FT ID SPECIAL DETAIL                                    4                  EA
                                                                                                                                              CURB AND GUTTER, CONC, DET F4                                      739                   FT
                                                                                                                                              CURB RAMP OPENING, CONC                                               8                  FT
                                                                                                                                              CUT AND CUT, 6 INCH WATERMAIN                                          1                 EA
                                                                                                                                              DETECTABLE WARNING                                                    5                  FT
                                                                                                                                              DRIVEWAY, NONREINF CONC, 8 INCH                                     74                  SYD

                                                                                                                                              DR STRUCTURE, REM, MODIFIED                                           8                  EA

                                                                                                                                              DR STRUCTURE COVER, TYPE B, MODIFIED                                  8                  EA
                                                                                                                                              DR STRUCTURE COVER, TYPE K, MODIFIED                                  4                  EA
                                                                                                                                              DR STRUCTURE, ADJ, ADD DEPTH, MODIFIED                              3.6                  FT
                                                                                                                                              DR STRUCTURE COVER, ADJ, CASE I, MODIFIED                             8                  EA
                                                                                                                                              DR STRUCTURE, TAP, 12 INCH                                            2                  EA
                                                                                                                                              EROSION CONTROL, INLET PROTECTION, FABRIC DROP                        7                  EA
                                                                                                                                              HMA, 4E3                                                           287                  TON
                                                                                                                                              HYDRANT, 6 INCH, STANDARD                                              1                 EA
                                                                                                                                              HYDROSEEDING                                                       454                  SYD
                                                                                                                                              MACHINE GRADING, MODIFIED                                           3.5                 STA
                                                                                                                                              MANHOLE SPECIAL DETAIL, STORM                                          1                 EA
                                                                                                                                              PAVT, REM, MODIFIED                                                1625                 SYD
                                                                                                                                              SEWER BULKHEAD, 12 INCH                                               2                  EA
                                                                                                                                              SEWER, CL E, 12 INCH, TR DET B                                      65                   FT
                                                                                                                                              SEWER, DUCTILE IRON, CL 52, 12 INCH, TR DET B                        31                  FT
                                                                                                                                              SIDEWALK, CONC, 4 INCH                                             1528                  SF
                                                                                                                                              SIDEWALK, CONC, 8 INCH                                             286                   SF
                                                                                                                                              SIDEWALK RAMP, CONC, 6 INCH                                         43                   SF
                                                                                                                                              SIDEWALK, REM                                                       85                  SYD

                                                Profile View of Franklin St.
                                                                                                                                              TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE, 12 INCH X 6 INCH, WITH BOX                   1                 EA

            Station                                                                                                                           TOPSOIL SURFACE, FURN, 4 INCH
                                                                                                                                              WATERMAIN, DI, 6 INCH, TR DET G, MODIFIED
               19+26                  20+00                   21+00               22+00                             22+96                     WATER VALVE BOX AND COVER, COMPLETE                                    1                 EA
            605.0                                                                                                      605.0                  ABANDON WATER SERVICE                                                                    EA

            600.0                                                                                                         600.0

            595.0                                                                                                         595.0

            590.0                                                                                                         590.0

            585.0                                                                                                         585.0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3 WORKING DAYS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               EXCLUDING SAT, SUN & HOLIDAYS

                                                                                                                                                      SCALE: 1"=20'                                             603

                                                                                                                                                    VERT. SCALE: 1"=4'








               19+26                  20+00                   21+00               22+00                            22+95.83
                                                                                                                                                                                           CITY OF MUSKEGON                                     MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN,
                                                                                                                                                                                          OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER LAKESHORE DR. TO HUDSON, WESTERN AVE TO MICH.
                                                                                                                                                                                          DRAWN F. PEASE JULY 20 REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                          CHECKED                REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SURVEY F.PEASE 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AS-BUILT               PROJECT NO
                                                                                                                                                                                       APPROVED             REVISION                    SCALE     NO SCALESHEET NO          7   OF   10
                                                                    TRAFFIC CONTROL DETAILS                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SIGN          DESCRIPTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ESTIMATED QUANTITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SIGN, TYPE B TEMPORARY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           QUANTITY AREA TOTAL AREA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  G20-2         END ROAD WORK                 2      8 SFT    16 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  M4-8A        DETOUR ENDS                    2      4 SFT    8 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  M4-10 LT     DETOUR ARROW LEFT              1      6 SFT    6 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  M4-9 UP       DETOUR UP                     6      5  SFT   30 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  M4-9 RT       DETOUR RT                     2      5 SFT    10 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  M4-9 LT       DETOUR LT                     1      5 SFT    5 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  M4-10 RT     DETOUR ARROW RIGHT             1     6 SFT     6 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  R5-18C       WORK ZONE BEGINS               2    16  SFT    32 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RII-2        ROAD CLOSED                    5    10 SFT     50 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  RII-4        ROAD CLOSED TO THRU TRAFFIC    5    12.5  SFT 62.5 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  W20-2        DETOUR AHEAD                   2    16 SFT     32 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  W20-3        ROAD CLOSED AHEAD              5    16 SFT     80 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  W21-4        ROAD WORK AHEAD                6    16 SFT     96 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   TOTAL      433.5 SFT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ABLE MESSAGE , OPER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    SIGN, PORTABLE, CHANGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ESTIMATED QUANTITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SIGN, TYPE B TEMPORARY, SPECIAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SIGN          DESCRIPTION                    QUANTITY AREA TOTAL AREA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SS-1          FRANKLIN/ MICHIGAN                9     8 SFT  72 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            R5-18C                                                SS-2          W. WESTERN OPEN                   1     8 SFT  8 SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       TOTAL   80 SFT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ESTIMATED TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES
                                                                                                                                                                        R X1 R
                                                                                                                                                                              EA BARRICADE, TYPE III
                                                                                                                                                                                          1 EA R11-4
                                                                                                                                                                                        1 EA M4-10L
                                                                                                                                                                                 2 EA PLASTIC DRUM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MINOR TRAFFIC DEVICES                                           1      LS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  BARRICADE, TYPE III, HIGH INTENSITY, LIGHTED, FURN              9      EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  BARRICADE, TYPE III, HIGH INTENSITY, LIGHTED, OPER             9       EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     G20-2                                        PLASTIC DRUM, HIGH INTENSITY, FURN                              31     EA
                                                                                                                      1 EA BARRICADE, TYPE III
                                                                                                                                  1 EA M4-10L                                                                                                                                                                     PLASTIC DRUM, HIGH INTENSITY, OPER                              31     EA
                                                                                                                                     1 EA R11-2
                                                                                                                         4 EACH PLASTIC DRUM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SIGN, TYPE B, TEMP, PRISMATIC, FURN                            433.5   SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SIGN, TYPE B, TEMP, PRISMATIC, OPER                            433.5   SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SIGN, TYPE B, TEMP, PRISMATIC, SPECIAL, FURN                    80     SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                         1 EA BARRICADE, TYPE III                                                                                 SIGN, TYPE B TEMP, PRISMATIC, SPECIAL, OPER                     80     SFT
                                                                                                                                                                                                         1 EA R11-2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SIGN, PORTABLE, CHANGEABLE MESSAGE. FURN

                                                                                                                                                                                                          4 EACH PLASTIC DRUM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2       EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SIGN, PORTABLE, CHANGEABLE MESSAGE. OPER                       2       EA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MAINTENANCE GRAVEL, LM                                         200     CYD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DUST PALLIATIVE, APPLIED                                       5       TON
                                                                                                                   1 EA BARRICADE, TYPE III       1 EA BARRICADE, TYPE III
                                                                                                                   1 EA R11-2                     1 EA R11-2
                                                                                        1 EA BARRICADE, TYPE III
                                                                                                                    4 EACH PLASTIC DRUM            4 EACH PLASTIC DRUM
                                                                                        1 EA R11-2
                                                                                        5 EA PLASTIC DRUM                                                                                                1 EA BARRICADE, TYPE III
                                                                                                                                                                                                         1 EA R11-4
                        1 EA BARRICADE, TYPE III
                                      1 EA R11-4                                                                    1 EA BARRICADE, TYPE III      1 EA BARRICADE, TYPE III
                                                                                                                                                                                                         2 EACH PLASTIC DRUM                                                                                TRAFFIC CONTROL NOTES:
                                    1 EA M4-10R                                                                     1 EA R11-4                    1 EA R11-4                                             M4-9UP
                                                                                M4-8A                               2 EACH PLASTIC DRUM           2 EACH PLASTIC DRUM
                             2 EA PLASTIC DRUM
                                                                                                                     M4-9UP                        M4-9UP                                                                                                                                                      1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ACCESS TO BUSINESSES, RESIDENCES, AND CROSS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  STREETS WITH MAINTENANCE GRAVEL AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            M4-9R                                                                 MAY USE THE EXISTING AGGREGATE BASE FOR MAINTENANCE GRAVEL OR HMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MILLINGS. AGGREGATE OR HMA MILLINGS USED TO MAINTAIN TRAFFIC WILL BE PAID
                                                           R5-18C                                                                                                                                      M4-9UP                               M4-9L                                                                 AT THE BID PROPOSAL UNIT PRICE FOR MAINTENANCE GRAVEL.
                                                                                                                     M4-9UP                       M4-9UP

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3. IN ADDITION TO THE 31 PLASTIC BARRELS USED FOR CHANNELING DEVICES AND ROAD
                                                   W20-2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          CLOSURES, THE CONTRACTOR WILL SUPPLY AN ADDITIONAL 25 PLASTIC BARRELS FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                       W20-3                                                                                                      MARKING TEMPORARY DRIVES, BLOCKING EXISTING DRIVES, AND SIDEWALKS, ETC. AS
                                                                                                                    W20-3                         W20-3
                                                                                                                    SS-1                          SS-1
                                                                                                                                                                                                       SS-1                                                                                                       DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.


                                                                                                                                                                                                               W21-4                                W21-4
                                                                                                                                                                                                               SS-1                                 SS-1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SPECIAL SIGNS
                                                                                                                            W21-4                         W21-4
                                                                                                                            SS-1                          SS-1

                               ABLE MESSAGE , OPER



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             W. WESTERN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER                  LSD TO HUDSON, WESTERN TO MICH.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 F. PEASE JULY 20 REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SURVEY F. PEASE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                PROJECT NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       APPROVED                                            NO SCALE             SHEET NO 8 OF 10
                                                                                                   PERMANENT SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKING DETAIL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      STA 3+56 TO 7+75
                                                                                                             STA 1+84 TO 8+00                                                                                         91 FT PAVT MRKG, WATERBORNE, 4 INCH, YELLOW
                                                                                                             8 EA PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC SHARROW SYMBOL                                                         (SKIP YELLOW)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       6 FT PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC, 4 INCH, WHITE


                                                                                                                                                                  MICHIGAN AVE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PROP EDGE METEL








                                                                                                             PROP EDGE METEL


                                                                                                        STA 1+84 TO 6+91
                                                                                                        496 FT PAVT MRKG, WATERBORNE, 6 INCH, WHITE                   STA 4+57 TO 7+47
                              84                                                                                                                                      195 FT PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC, 6 INCH, CROSSWALK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    14 FT PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC, 18 INCH, STOP BAR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  STA 12+74 TO 13+16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  34 FT PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC, 18 INCH, STOP BAR

                                                                                 STA 8+00 TO 12+25
                                                                                 117 FT PAVT MRKG, WATERBORNE, 4 INCH, YELLOW
                                                                                 (SKIP YELLOW)


                                                                                                                                                       MICHIGAN AVE

                                                                      PROP EDGE METEL







                                                                                                                                                                                                    PROP EDGE METEL


     STA 8+30 TO 11+66                                                                                             STA 8+00 TO 13+21
     38 FT PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC, 4 INCH, WHITE                                                             2 EA PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC SHARROW SYMBOL

                                                                                                                                                                                     STA 12+53 TO 13+11
                                                                                                                                                                                     148 FT PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC, 6 INCH, CROSSWALK

                                                                                                                                          PARKING ELL OR TEE

                                                                                                                                      CONC CURB & GUTTER

PARKING ELL AND TEE DETAIL                                                                                   PROPOSED PARKING LAYOUT DETAIL                                                                                                                                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON michigan ave, franklin st.
                      NO SCALE
                                                                                                                                           NO SCALE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         LSD TO HUDSON, WESTERN TO MICHIGAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         F. PEASE 2019 REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  AS-BUILT                     PROJECT NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               APPROVED                 REVISION                  SCALE           NO SCALE       SHEET NO 9 OF 10
                                                                           PERMANENT SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKING DETAIL

                                                    STA 13+21 TO 17+84
                                                    130 FT PAVT MRKG, WATERBORNE, 4 INCH, YELLOW
                                                    (SKIP YELLOW)

                                                                                                                      MICHIGAN AVE
                                                 PROP EDGE METEL







                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PROP EDGE METEL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        STA 17+96 TO 18+42
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        195 FT PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC, 6 INCH, CROSSWALK

STA 19+26 TO 22+22
                                                                                                                                                 STA 19+26 TO 22+79
                                                                                                                                                 91 FT PAVT MRKG, WATERBORNE, 4 INCH, YELLOW
                                                                                                                                                 (SKIP YELLOW)

                                                                                 FRANKLIN ST.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TOTAL PERMANENT PAVEMENT MARKING QUANTITIES
                                                        PROP EDGE METEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PAVT MRKG, WATERBORNE, 4 INCH, YELLOW                                                   574      FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC, 4 INCH, WHITE                                             88       FT



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PAVT MRKG, WATERBORNE, 6 INCH, WHITE                                                    496      FT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC, 18 INCH, STOP BAR                                         48       FT

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC, 6 INCH, CROSSWALK                                         609      FT
                                                                                                                                                            PROP EDGE METEL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC SHARROW SYMBOL                                             14       EA

                                                                                                                   STA 22+54 TO 22+61
                                                                                                                   71 FT PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC, 6 INCH, CROSSWALK

                                                           STA 19+26 TO 22+32
                                                           4 EA PAVT MRKG, OVLY COLD PLASTIC SHARROW SYMBOL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CITY OF MUSKEGON michigan ave, franklin st.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             LSD TO HUDSON, WESTERN TO MICHIGAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               F. PEASE 2019 REVISION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AS-BUILT                      PROJECT NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  APPROVED                   REVISION               SCALE            NO SCALE       SHEET NO 10 OF 10
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: 12/08/2020                  Title: Beach Street Expanded Parking

Submitted By: Leo Evans                              Department: Public Works

Brief Summary: Authorize staff to approve Amendment #001 to the contract with DLZ to provide
the design engineering services related to design and construction oversight of the proposed
expansion of parking and construction of a pedestrian boardwalk along Beach Street within Pere
Marquette Park.

Detailed Summary:
Following up on a topic from earlier in November staff has solicited a proposal to provide engineering
services related to constructing additional parking and a pedestrian boardwalk along Beach Street as a
part of the currently active county water main project.

DLZ provided the original engineering for the project and this amendment includes the design work
necessary to complete a design as shown in the attachment. DPW reviewed the proposal from DLZ
and was unable to provide a matching service in house based on prior commitments for Engineering
Department staff. The proposed amendment was reviewed and deemed reasonable based on the
estimated cost of the project.

If approved DLZ will complete the attached design and work with the current contractor (Hallack
Contracting) to prepare a detailed change order for the additional work.

After design work is completed staff would return to Commission with Amendment #002 to the DLZ
Contract for the Construction Engineering Services ($36,500 as shown in attached proposal) and with
a change order for Hallack Contracting for a TBD amount to amend the existing contract for the Beach
Street construction.

Amount Requested: $31,000.00                        Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): 404-91917-5346               Fund(s) or Account(s): Propose to add 404-
                                                    91917-5346 to a future reforecast. 91917 is
                                                    the designation for the current project on
                                                    Beach Street though only contains funding
                                                    from 202 and 591.

Recommended Motion:
Authorize staff to approve the design engineering portion of the DLZ proposal as Amendment #001
to our existing contract with DLZ to provide design engineering services related to the expanded
beach parking and pedestrian paths within Pere Marquette Park.
Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
December 1, 2020

Mr. Leo Evans, Director
City of Muskegon
1350 Keating Avenue
Muskegon, Michigan 49442

Re:     Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Beach Street Parking and Pedestrian Facilities

Dear Mr. Evans:

DLZ Michigan, Inc. (DLZ) is pleased to submit this proposal for professional engineering and surveying services
to the City of Muskegon (CITY) for proposed parking and pedestrian facility improvements near Pere Marquette
Beach. Appendix A contains a preliminary conceptual layout of proposed parking and pedestrian improvements
for the project.

DLZ’s understanding of the project is based on discussions with CITY staff, County staff and current work in the
area. The scope of the project consists of parking and pedestrian improvements along Beach Street starting at
the south ovals intersection and extending south to a proposed pedestrian crossing near the Water filtration
Plant. The proposed project would be constructed as part of the Muskegon Channel Crossing Contact No. 1 –
Beach Street project that is currently being constructed. It is anticipated construction would commence in mid-
April of 2021 and would be open for traffic by mid-June of 2021. The construction work is planned to be
performed by Hallack Contracting, Inc. through a proposed change order to their current work with the

The parking and pedestrian facility improvements will generally consist of construction of angled parking along
south bound Beach Street, angled parking on both sides of a one-way south bound drive from the south ovals
to the south parking lot, and a non-motorized pedestrian pathway running parallel to Beach Street from the
south ovals to a proposed pedestrian crossing of Beach Street near the Water Filtration Plant.

The following agreement between DLZ and the CITY is separate and distinct from any other agreement
between DLZ and the CITY.

• DLZ will meet with CITY staff to verify the scope of the project and to gather input on the proposed parking
   and pedestrian facility improvements. The sizing and angle of the proposed parking spaces will adhere to
   CITY standards.

            950 W Norton Ave, Suite 207, Muskegon, MI 49441    OFFICE 231.780.3100     ONLINE WWW.DLZ.COM

   Akron Bellefontaine Bridgeville Burns Harbor Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Detroit Flint Fort Wayne Indianapolis Joliet
Kalamazoo Lansing Lexington Louisville Madison Maumee Melvindale Munster Muskegon Pittsburgh Port Huron Saint Joseph South Bend
                                                                                                         City of Muskegon
                                                                          Beach Street Parking and Pedestrian Improvements
                                                                                                        December 1, 2020
                                                                                                               Page 2 of 5

•   DLZ will perform a topographic survey to collect data along the proposed project corridor. Plans will include
    all physical features within the proposed project area as generally required for the construction of parking
    lots and pedestrian facilities. For the purpose of this proposal, topographical survey information from a
    current CITY project (Contract No. 1 Beach Street Roadway and Water Main Improvements) will be utilized
    as much as possible to save time and money.
•   DLZ will prepare the preliminary plans of the major components of the proposed parking and pedestrian
    facility improvements. Once prepared, DLZ will meet with CITY staff to review the design as part of the
    preliminary design phase.
•   DLZ will, upon review with CITY staff, prepare final plans depicting the physical features and the proposed
    parking improvements to industry standards. For purposes of this proposal, the preparation of easements
    is not anticipated.
•   DLZ will identify and develop permit application support documents for the CITY’s use that may be required
    for the construction of the project including Critical Dunes permit, Muskegon County Soil Erosion and
    Sedimentation Control (SESC) as may be required. Application and permit fees will be the responsibility of
    the CITY.
•   DLZ will, based on comments received in review meetings and task items described above, complete the
    plans and specifications, and prepare a bulletin for pricing to the contractor. Upon receipt of the pricing
    bulletin DLZ will assist the CITY in review of submitted pricing and prepare any subsequent contract
    documents as needed.

• DLZ will perform construction engineering services generally consisting of construction staking, contract
   administration, construction inspection, preparation of record drawings and project closeout services.
• DLZ will conduct a preconstruction meeting for the project to include the CITY, contractor, engineer,
   affected utilities and other stakeholders. DLZ will prepare the meeting agenda as well as develop and
   distribute meeting minutes. Meeting topics of discussion will include coordination with CITY and consultant
   engineering project staff, testing, shop drawing submittal requirements and approvals, material
   certifications, hours of work, scheduling, review of the contract, handling of requests for payment,
   interaction with other utilities, review of permits, handling and processing of citizen complaints,
   establishing emergency contacts and questions from the contractor.
• DLZ will perform all necessary surveying and construction staking with stakes generally used for parking
   lots and pedestrian facility construction. Items of work requiring construction staking generally include all
   parking features, pedestrian facilities and drainage improvements. Construction layout will be performed
   using a combination of robotic total station and real time GPS equipment.
• DLZ will provide construction engineering services, including design modifications, as necessary to verify
   to the CITY that the improvements are being constructed in accordance with the contract documents.
• DLZ will provide for full-time inspection, when the contractor is completing major items of work and when
   elements of work will be buried and difficult to verify after the fact. Inspection will include, but not be
   limited to, coordination of construction staking, coordination of material testing, utility coordination,
   completion of detailed daily inspection reports and witness forms, review of soil erosion measures and
                                                                                                           City of Muskegon
                                                                            Beach Street Parking and Pedestrian Improvements
                                                                                                          December 1, 2020
                                                                                                                 Page 3 of 5

    completion of project punch list(s). DLZ inspection staff will collect all data required to generate accurate
    and complete construction record drawings and to document material certifications. For the purposes of
    this proposal, construction inspection has been estimated at 160 hours.
•   DLZ will have positive contact with property owners adjacent to the project as well as other users. Citizen
    complaints will be cataloged and submitted to the contractor for disposition to be resolved in a timely,
    courteous and professional manner.
•   DLZ will perform contract administration activities including review of contractor pay applications as well
    as preparation of bulletins, field orders, contract change orders and construction certifications. DLZ will
    also prepare all contract close-out documents and facilitate contract close-out.
•   DLZ will facilitate the performance of all required soil testing, aggregate testing, concrete testing, and
    asphalt testing necessary to meet CITY requirements. Testing is proposed to be performed by a
    subconsultant, Soils & Structures, Inc. of Norton Shores, Michigan, a local firm with expertise in soil testing.
    DLZ will review submitted invoices and make recommend to the CITY payment of fees. Geotechnical and
    Material Testing fees will be the responsibility of the CITY.
•   DLZ will attend and conduct regular construction progress meetings, as may be agreed upon, with the CITY.
    DLZ will generate minutes of each meeting and distribute to all attendees and other stakeholders as
•   DLZ will provide a complete construction documentation package at completion of the project, which will
    include at a minimum, a complete set of approved shop drawings and catalog cuts, all test results,
    certifications, all daily inspection reports and paper-copy and digital record drawings. In addition to the
    above, DLZ will prepare an electronic copy of all relevant documents including project record drawings and
    correspondence for the CITY. Project record documentation for road reconstruction and other relevant
    utilities will be obtained using real time GPS to facilitate incorporation into the CITY’s GIS.
•   DLZ will coordinate closely with the CITY on all activities related to the planning, design and construction
    of the proposed project and will endeavor to ensure that all decisions are made in the best interest of the

• The CITY will make available any existing studies, reports, record drawings, billing data, address maps,
   zoning maps, future services areas, and system information necessary to complete the project.
• The CITY will attend all necessary meetings and will assist with the coordination of design efforts.
• The CITY will designate an individual as a contact person to facilitate the transfer of information and to be
   the liaison for the project.

• The following services, when requested and authorized by the CITY, will be provided by DLZ:
   o Services due to changes in the scope and complexity of the project or its design, including, but not
       limited to changes in size, alignment, or character of construction.
                                                                                                         City of Muskegon
                                                                          Beach Street Parking and Pedestrian Improvements
                                                                                                        December 1, 2020
                                                                                                               Page 4 of 5

    o   Services due to unforeseen underground conditions such as, but not limited to, the presence of
        petroleum products in the soil or groundwater of the site as may be encountered by excavation or
        dewatering activities.
    o   Services related to dewatering activities and laboratory services that may be required in connection
        with the Project.

The following services are not considered part of this proposal:
• Environmental Assessments;
• Application for permit fees;
• Procurement of Easements;
• Wetland Determinations.

The Standard Terms and Conditions, as set forth as attached Exhibit A, are incorporated here into and made a part
of this Work Order Proposal. The Client referred to in the Standard Terms and Conditions means the City of

For services described above, SCOPE OF SERVICES - DESIGN ENGINEERING SERVICES, DLZ proposes to charge
and the CITY agrees to pay in accordance with the attached Exhibit B Rate Schedule, a not to exceed fee of
$31,000.00 without prior approval of the CITY. Invoices will be rendered monthly based on the actual hours
expended times the rate shown on Exhibit B for the classification of the individual working on the project.

to charge and the CITY agrees to pay in accordance with the attached Exhibit B Rate Schedule, a not to exceed
fee of $36,500.00 without prior approval of the CITY. Invoices will be rendered monthly based on the actual
hours expended times the rate shown on Exhibit B for the classification of the individual working on the project.

For services described in SPECIAL SERVICES, DLZ proposes to charge the CITY agrees to pay in accordance with
the attached Exhibit B Rate Schedule on the actual hours expended times the rate shown on Exhibit B for the
classification of the individual working on the service.

DLZ and its employees comply with all coronavirus protocols and guidelines, including all updates and revisions
thereto, issued by the States in which DLZ provides services and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC). DLZ time and expense for additional safety protocols or training required by the City of
Muskegon or its representatives are not included in this proposal and will be invoiced at DLZ’s standard rates.

Neither Party will be responsible or liable for delays caused by persons, events, or circumstances for which the
Party, its employees, subcontractors, and subconsultants are not responsible including, but not limited to, Acts
of God including delays attributable to the coronavirus pandemic.
                                                                                                         City of Muskegon
                                                                          Beach Street Parking and Pedestrian Improvements
                                                                                                        December 1, 2020
                                                                                                               Page 5 of 5

If you approve and accept this Proposal, please sign, date and return one copy of this Proposal for our records.
Should you prefer to issue a Purchase Order as your official acceptance, we request that you reference this
Proposal in your paperwork.

DLZ appreciates the opportunity to submit this Letter Agreement for professional services. This offer will
remain open for acceptance for 60 days. If for any reason you should have questions, please do not hesitate
to call Randy Parrett at (231) 780-3100.

DLZ MICHIGAN, INC.                                         Approved and Accepted

Terry Biederman, P.E.                                      Printed Name
Vice President

Exhibit A: Standard Terms and Conditions
Exhibit B: Rate Schedule
                                                                    EXHIBIT A
                                                      DLZ’S STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS

1.        INVOICES AND PAYMENT: Unless the parties have agreed                   10.       INSURANCE: During the performance of its services and for two
otherwise, DLZ will submit monthly invoices to CLIENT for services               years thereafter, DLZ will maintain the following minimum insurance
performed in the prior month. Except to the extent CLIENT disputes in            coverage: General Liability- $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general
good faith all or a portion of a DLZ invoice, CLIENT will pay DLZ the invoiced   aggregate, $2,000,000 products/completed operations aggregate,
amount within thirty (30) days from the date of the invoice; and, in default     $1,000,000 personal/advertising injury aggregate; Automobile Liability-
of such payment, agrees to pay all cost of collection, including reasonable      $1,000,000 combined single limit; Workers Compensation and Employers
attorney’s fees, regardless of whether legal action is initiated. Invoiced       Liability- in conformance with statutory requirements, and $1,000,000
amounts not in dispute will accrue interest at eight percent (8%) per annum      employers liability; and Professional Liability- $2,000,000 per claim and in
after they have been outstanding for over thirty (30) days. If an invoiced       the aggregate. Certificates evidencing such coverage will be provided to
amount not in dispute remains unpaid sixty (60) days after the date of the       CLIENT upon request. If DLZ is providing construction phase services,
invoice, DLZ may, upon giving seven (7) days written notice of its intent to     CLIENT agrees to require its contractor to include DLZ as an additional
do so, suspend all project services until all unpaid invoiced amounts not in     insured on the contractor’s General Liability and Automobile Liability
dispute are paid in full. If an invoice remains unpaid ninety (90) days after    insurance policies, and DLZ’s above-listed coverage will be excess over the
the date of the invoice, DLZ may, upon giving seven (7) days written notice      contractor’s coverage, which will be primary.
of its intent to do so, declare CLIENT to be in breach of this agreement.
                                                                                 11.      INDEMNITY: To the fullest extent permitted by law, each of the
2.       CONSTRUCTION SERVICES: If DLZ’s scope of services includes              parties agrees to indemnify and save harmless the other party from and
providing professional services during the project’s construction phase,         against all liability, damages, and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s
DLZ will not have control over or be responsible for contractor means,           fees, sustained by the other party by reason of injury or death to persons
methods, techniques, sequences, procedures, or schedule, or the                  or damage to tangible property, to the proportionate extent caused by the
contractor’s failure to comply with the construction contract documents or       negligent acts or omissions of the indemnifying party or its employees.
applicable laws, ordinances, rules or regulations. If DLZ provides
construction inspection or observation services, DLZ will report to CLIENT       12.     CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: Neither party will be liable to the
all contractor deviations from the construction contact documents that           other for consequential, special, incidental, indirect, liquidated, or punitive
come to DLZ’s attention. However, such services are solely intended to           damages.
enable DLZ to maintain familiarity with, and keep CLIENT informed of, the        13.       LIABILITY: No employee of DLZ or of its parent, subsidiary, or
general progress and quality of the contractor’s work, and not to require        affiliated companies will be personally liable to CLIENT. DLZ’s total liability
DLZ to perform exhaustive inspections of contractor work for its                 to CLIENT, and any coverage of CLIENT as an additional insured under any
compliance with the construction contract documents, which shall remain          of DLZ’s insurance policies, for injuries, claims, losses, expenses or damages
solely contractor’s responsibility.                                              arising out of DLZ’s services or this agreement from any causes including,
3.       CHANGES IN REQUIREMENTS: In the event additional services are           but not limited to, DLZ’s negligence, error, omissions, strict liability, or
required due to a change, after the date of this agreement, in CLIENT’s          breach of contract, will not exceed the total compensation received by DLZ
requirements, or in the applicable law, standards, or governmental               under this agreement.
requirements or policies, DLZ will be entitled to additional compensation        14.       DISPUTES: Any claim or controversy arising out of or relevant to
for such additional services.                                                    this agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by binding
4.       SURVEY STAKING: If DLZ’s scope of services includes survey              arbitration in the state in which the project is located, in accordance with
layout, DLZ will not be responsible for subsequent disturbances of its layout    the rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon any
except to the extent caused by DLZ or persons for whom it is responsible.        award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be rendered in any court having
                                                                                 jurisdiction thereof.
5.       MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: Except to the extent otherwise
provided in this agreement, CLIENT is responsible for all third-party fees       15.      STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS: The parties agree that the time period
and charges including, without limitation, fees and charges for inspections,     for bringing claims regarding DLZ’s Service’s under this agreement expires
zoning or annexation applications, assessments, soils engineering, soils         on the earlier of one year after completion of the project, or two years after
testing, aerial topography, permits, rights-of-entry, bond premiums, title       completion of DLZ’s project services.
company charges, blueprint and reproduction costs, and all other third-          16.     DELAYS: DLZ is not responsible for delays caused by persons or
party fees and charges.                                                          circumstances for which DLZ is not responsible.
6.       CHANGE OF SCOPE: DLZ’s scope of services in this agreement is           17.     SHOP DRAWINGS: If DLZ’s scope of services includes reviewing
based on facts known at the time of execution of this agreement, including,      shop drawings, such reviews are solely with regard to their general
if applicable, information supplied by CLIENT. DLZ will promptly notify          conformance with the design concept, and not for the purpose of reviewing
CLIENT in writing of any perceived changes to its scope of services required     or approving their accuracy, completeness, dimensions, quantities,
by new information or by persons or circumstances beyond DLZ’s control,          constructability, compatibility with other construction components, or
and the parties shall negotiate modifications to this agreement before DLZ       compliance with the requirements of the construction contract
begins performance of the revised scope.                                         documents, all of which remain the contractor’s responsibility. DLZ is not
7.      SAFETY: DLZ will take reasonable steps to protect the safety of its      responsible for reviewing or approving the contractor’s safety precautions
employees, and to perform its services in a safe manner. DLZ is not              or construction means, methods, sequences or procedures.
responsible for project safety other than with regard to its own services.       18.      ACCEPTANCE: Both parties will consider DLZ’s initiation of services
8.       REUSE OF PROJECT DELIVERABLES: CLIENT’s use of any project              prior to execution of this agreement in order to accommodate CLIENT, at
documents or DLZ deliverables, including electronic media, for any purpose       CLIENT’s request, as CLIENT’s formal acceptance of all of the terms and
other than that for which such documents or deliverables were originally         conditions in this agreement.
prepared, or alternation of such documents or deliverables without written       19.      STANDARD OF CARE: DLZ will perform its services with the care
verification or adaption by DLZ for the specific purpose intended, will be at    and skill ordinarily exercised by members of its profession currently
CLIENT’s sole risk.                                                              practicing under similar conditions in the same locale. DLZ does not make,
9.      OPINIONS OF CONSTRUCTION COST: Any opinion of construction               and expressly disclaims, any other warranties, express or implied, relating
costs prepared by DLZ is supplied for the general guidance of the CLIENT         to its services including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability
only. Since DLZ has no control over competitive bidding or market                and fitness for a particular purpose. DLZ shall be entitled to rely on all
conditions, DLZ cannot guarantee the accuracy of such opinions as                CLIENT-provided information except to the extent otherwise stated in the
compared to contractor bids or actual cost to CLIENT.                            agreement.

Revised October 2019                                                                                                                               Document1
                                                                        Exhibit B
2020                                                               Rate Schedule
              CLASSIFICATION                      HOURLY RATE CHARGE
Senior Project Manager                                   $140.00
Project Manager                                          $135.00
Surveyor VI                                              $140.00
Surveyor V                                               $130.00
Engineer IV/Surveyor IV                                  $115.00
Engineer III/Surveyor III                                $105.00
Engineer II/Surveyor II                                  $95.00
Engineer I/Surveyor I                                    $85.00
Senior Architect                                         $140.00
Architect                                                $120.00
Architect Intern                                         $80.00
Landscape Architect                                      $105.00
Senior Geologist/Senior Environmental Scientist          $130.00
Geologist/Environmental Scientist                        $95.00
Senior Environmental Analyst                             $120.00
Environmental Analyst                                    $95.00
Senior Programmer                                        $120.00
Programmer                                               $105.00
Senior GIS Analyst                                       $115.00
GIS Analyst                                              $90.00
GIS Intern                                               $75.00
Senior CAD Operator                                      $100.00
CAD Operator                                             $90.00
CAD Operator Intern                                      $70.00
Designer                                                 $95.00
Construction Project Manager                             $100.00
Senior Construction Inspector                            $95.00
Construction Inspector                                   $80.00
2 Person Survey Crew                                     $175.00
1 Person Survey Crew                                     $120.00
Clerical                                                 $55.00
                                                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                        BEACH STREET
                                                                             PROPOSED ROADWAY AND PARKING IMPROVEMENTS

                                                                                             WOODLAWN CT

                                                                                                                                                            A CH

                                                              BEACH STREET                                                                                                                                                                                   BE
BEACH STREET                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ACH
                                                             SIDEWALK                                       SIDEWALK

                                                                                                                                                                            NON-MOTORIZED PATHWAY
                           ONE WAY STREET                                                                              ONE WAY STREET

                                                                                         NON-MOTORIZED PATHWAY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PERE MARQUETTE PARK
                                       PERE MARQUETTE PARK

                                                                                                                                        PERE MARQUETTE PARK

                                                                                                                                                                                     0'    40'      80'


                                                                                                                                                                                                            INNOVATIVE IDEAS
                                                                                                                                                                                                            EXCEPTIONAL DESIGN
                                                                                                                                                                                                            UNMATCHED CLIENT SERVICE

                                                                                                                                                                                                  NOVEMBER 2020
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: December 08, 2020            Title: Westwood Change Order #002

Submitted By: Leo Evans                               Department: Public Works

Brief Summary:
Staff is seeking authorization to approve Change Order #002 to the sewer project work on
Westwood Street in the Glenside Neighborhood.

Detailed Summary:
Final quantity measurements have been completed for the water and sewer work conducted
primarily on Westwood Street in the Glenside neighborhood and the project has been recommended
for final acceptance and closeout.

Change Order #002 represents an increase to the Contract value of $23,247.87. Combined with the
previously approved Change Order #001 the total change order value for the project stands at
$36,602.20 on an original contract value of $1,245,042.00 for a net final increase of 2.9%. The
approved project budgets contained a contingency of ~6% so this final balancing does not exceed
the budgeted contingency. Future reforecasts will reduce the total budgeted cost of this project.
The change order is a result of additional expenses incurred to reconnect the irrigation at McGraft
Park that were not originally anticipated, and various other small changes throughout the course of
the project.

Amount Requested: $0                                 Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): 590/591-91855                 Fund(s) or Account(s): 590/591-91855

Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to approve Change Order #002 to the Westwood Sewer
Project with Kamminga and Roodvoets in the amount of $23,247.87 for a total net change on the
project of $36,602.20.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.
For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
December 3, 2020

Leo Evans
City of Muskegon
1350 E Keating Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49442

RE:      Wastewater System Improvements – Contract 2: Westwood Sanitary Sewer Replacement

Dear Leo:

Enclosed is Change Order 2 with signatures for the referenced project. This Change Order covers the
4-inch irrigation water service to McGraft Park which was discovered during the project and
reconnected. The remainder of the Change Order balances base quantities. The final eligibility
breakdown is pending EGLE review. SRF Eligible increases are due to increased restoration
quantities due to the extensive impact of the project. Non-Eligible items are related to additional
sanitary services that were replaced originally schedule to go under the Phase 2 and 3 projects.

The preliminary funding source breakdown of Change Order 2 is as follows:

 SRF Eligible:           $13,378.69
 DWRF Eligible:          ($4,561.82)
 Non-Eligible:           $14,431.00
 Total:                  $23,247.87

Please review the Change Order and once approved, return one signed copy to Kamminga &
Roodvoets. Additionally, please return one signed copy to our office. The final payment application
will be completed upon the approval of this final change order.

If you have any questions regarding this recommendation and the project in general, please do not
hesitate to contact me.



Matthew Hulst, P.E.

Enclosures:          Change Order 2

4910 Stariha Drive     Muskegon, MI 49441   t. 231-798-0101   f. 231-798-0337
                                              CHANGE ORDER NO.: 2
Owner:                 City of Muskegon                         Owner’s Project No.:     91855
Engineer:              Prein&Newhof                             Engineer’s Project No.:  2180552
Contractor:            Kamminga & Roodvoets                    Contractor’s Project No.:
Project:               Wastewater System Improvements
Contract Name:         Contract 2: Westwood Sanitary Sewer Replacement
Date Issued:           12/1/2020                     Effective Date of Change Order:     12/1/2020
The Contract is modified as follows upon execution of this Change Order:
      A 4-inch irrigation water service was located at McGraft Park which is within the project limits. 4-inch water main
      and 4-inch water main 45 degree bend items were added to the contract to install a connection to the existing
      irrigation service on Glen Avenue at STA 48+74 LT.

      The remaining item quantities were adjusted accordingly to reflect final quantities at the completion of the project.

      - Contract Modification Summary
      - Change Order 2 Pricing

                 Change in Contract Price                                          Change in Contract Times
Original Contract Price:                                         Original Contract Times:
                                                                  Substantial Completion:
  $       1,245,042.00                                            Ready for final payment:
Increase from previously approved Change Order No. 1             [Increase] [Decrease] from previously approved
                                                                 Change Orders No.1 to No. [Number of previous
                                                                 Change Order]:
                                                                   Substantial Completion:
  $       13,354.33                                                Ready for final payment:
Contract Price prior to this Change Order:                       Contract Times prior to this Change Order:
                                                                  Substantial Completion:
  $       1,258,396.33                                            Ready for final payment:
Increase this Change Order:                                      [Increase] [Decrease] this Change Order:
                                                                   Substantial Completion:
  $       23,247.87                                                Ready for final payment:
Contract Price incorporating this Change Order:                  Contract Times with all approved Change Orders:
                                                                  Substantial Completion:
  $       1,281,644.20                                            Ready for final payment:

         Recommended by Engineer (if required)                                   Accepted by Contractor
By:                                                              By:
Title: Project Manager                                           Title:
Date:                                                            Date:
            Authorized by Owner                                            Approved by Funding Agency (if applicable)
By:                                                              By:
Title: Director of Public Works                                  Title:
Date:                                                            Date:

This document is a Modified version of EJCDC® C 941, Change Order.
Copyright© 2018 NSPE, ACEC and ASCE. All rights reserved.                                                                    Page 1 of 1
  S:\2018\2180552 City of Muskegon\PEC\Contract 02 Westwood\Change Orders\Change Order 2\change order 2 2020-10-15 - 4 inch water service
                                                                                                                           and balancing
                                                   Contract Modification
                                                                                                                             12/1/2020 7:39 PM
                                                                                                                             FieldManager 5.3c

Contract: _2180552.C2, Westwood Sanitary Sewer - C2
  Cont. Mod.           Revision     Cont. Mod.       Electronic            Net Change                      Awarded Contract Amount
   Number              Number         Date          File Created
      2                   1         12/1/2020            No                $23,247.87                           $1,245,042.00
               Route                       Managing Office                          District                      Entered By
                                  PN Muskegon                                          0                       Tyler A DeNooyer
Contract Location
City of Muskegon

Short Description

Description of Changes
A 4-inch irrigation water service was located at McGraft Park which is within the project limits. 4-inch water main and 4-inch
water main 45 degree bend items were added to the contract to install a connection to the existing irrigation service on Glen
Avenue at STA 48+74 LT.

The remaining item quantities were adjusted accordingly to reflect final quantities at the completion of the project.

Increases / Decreases
                         Item     Prop. Proj.                                           Quantity
  Item Description       Code     Line Line       Project       Catg.   Item Type       Change        Unit      Unit Price     Dollar Value

_ Dr Structure, Rem      8507050 0006 0030       2180552.C2      001 Original                  -3.000 Ea        250.00000          $-750.00

_ Sewer Rem, Less        8507001 0007 0035       2180552.C2      001 Original           -1,154.000 Ft             6.00000        $-6,924.00
than 24 inch

_ Sewer, Abandon         8507001 0008 0040       2180552.C2      001 Original             132.000 Ft              6.00000           $792.00

_ Curb and Gutter        8507001 0009 0045       2180552.C2      001 Original              -27.500 Ft             3.50000            $-96.25

_ Pavt, Rem              8507011 0010 0050       2180552.C2      001 Original              -33.600 Syd            7.00000          $-235.20

_ HMA Surface, Rem       8507011 0011 0055       2180552.C2      001 Original            -130.000 Syd             2.50000          $-325.00

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                                                                                                                  FieldManager 5.3c

Increases / Decreases
                        Item   Prop. Proj.                                        Quantity
  Item Description      Code   Line Line      Project       Catg.   Item Type     Change     Unit    Unit Price     Dollar Value

_ Sidewalk, Rem         8507011 0012 0060    2180552.C2      001 Original           -11.800 Syd        8.00000            $-94.40

_ Erosion Control, Inlet 8507050 0013 0065   2180552.C2      001 Original            12.000 Ea       200.00000         $2,400.00
Protection, Fabric

_ Machine Grading,      8507002 0014 0070    2180552.C2      001 Original            -0.300 Sta     1,900.00000         $-570.00

_ Aggregate Base, 8     8507011 0015 0075    2180552.C2      001 Original          -151.760 Syd       11.50000        $-1,745.24
inch, Modified

_ HMA, 13A              8507031 0016 0080    2180552.C2      001 Original            24.080 Ton      105.00000         $2,528.40

_ Driveway, Nonreinf    8507011 0017 0085    2180552.C2      001 Original          145.660 Syd        42.00000         $6,117.72
Conc, 6 inch

_ Curb and Gutter,      8507001 0018 0090    2180552.C2      001 Original           -39.300 Ft        15.00000          $-589.50
Conc. Det F4

_ Sidewalk, Conc, 4     8507010 0019 0095    2180552.C2      001 Original         1,064.960 Sft        3.50000         $3,727.36

_ Turf Restoration      8507002 0020 0100    2180552.C2      001 Original             1.500 Sta     1,000.00000        $1,500.00

_ Sanitary Sewer, 8",   8507001 0022 0110    2180552.C2      001 Original           -10.600 Ft        40.00000          $-424.00
Tr Det B

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                                                                                                                  12/1/2020 7:39 PM
                                                                                                                  FieldManager 5.3c

Increases / Decreases
                        Item   Prop. Proj.                                        Quantity
  Item Description      Code   Line Line      Project       Catg.   Item Type     Change     Unit    Unit Price     Dollar Value

_ Sanitary Sewer, 12", 8507001 0023 0115     2180552.C2      001 Original             5.000 Ft        75.00000           $375.00
Tr Det B

_ Sanitary Manhole, 48 8507050 0024 0120     2180552.C2      001 Original             1.000 Ea      4,000.00000        $4,000.00
inch Dia

_ Sanitary Lateral, 6   8507001 0027 0135    2180552.C2      001 Original           -20.400 Ft        50.00000        $-1,020.00
inch, Public

_ Sanitary Lateral,     8507050 0028 0140    2180552.C2      001 Original             1.000 Ea       150.00000           $150.00
Connect to Ex.

_ Sanitary Sewer,       8507050 0031 0155    2180552.C2      001 Original            -1.000 Ea      1,400.00000       $-1,400.00
Connect to Ex. 18"

_ Sanitary Sewer,       8507001 0033 0165    2180552.C2      001 Original          -133.100 Ft         2.00000          $-266.20

_ Sewer, Cl E, 10 inch, 8507001 0034 0170    2180552.C2      001 Original           -13.000 Ft        38.00000          $-494.00
Tr Det B

_ Sewer, Cl E, 12 inch, 8507001 0035 0175    2180552.C2      001 Original          109.000 Ft         38.00000         $4,142.00
Tr Det B

_ Sewer, Cl E, 15 inch, 8507001 0036 0180    2180552.C2      001 Original            -0.500 Ft        40.00000            $-20.00
Tr Det B

_ Dr Structure, 48 inch 8507050 0039 0195    2180552.C2      001 Original             1.000 Ea      1,600.00000        $1,600.00

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                                                                                                                  FieldManager 5.3c

Increases / Decreases
                        Item   Prop. Proj.                                        Quantity
  Item Description      Code   Line Line      Project       Catg.   Item Type     Change     Unit    Unit Price     Dollar Value

_ Dr Structure Cover,   8507050 0040 0200    2180552.C2      001 Original            -1.000 Ea       800.00000          $-800.00
Type B

_ Dr Structure Cover,   8507050 0041 0205    2180552.C2      001 Original             2.000 Ea       900.00000         $1,800.00
Type K

_ Water Main, DI, 6     8507001 0043 0215    2180552.C2      002 Original             7.300 Ft        70.00000           $511.00
inch, Tr Det G

_ Water Main, DI, 8     8507001 0044 0220    2180552.C2      002 Original            -5.200 Ft        60.00000          $-312.00
inch, Tr Det G

_ Water Main, Bend,     8507050 0045 0225    2180552.C2      002 Original            -2.000 Ea       775.00000        $-1,550.00
45 Degree, 8 inch

_ Water Main, Sleeve, 8507050 0049 0245      2180552.C2      002 Original             1.000 Ea      1,300.00000        $1,300.00
6 inch

_ Water Service,        8507050 0054 0270    2180552.C2      002 Original             3.000 Ea       350.00000         $1,050.00
Corporation Stop, 1

_ Water Service, Curb 8507050 0056 0280      2180552.C2      002 Original             4.000 Ea       500.00000         $2,000.00
Stop and Box, 1 inch

_ Water Service, 1      8507001 0057 0285    2180552.C2      002 Original           -41.000 Ft        45.00000        $-1,845.00

_ Water Service, 2      8507001 0058 0290    2180552.C2      002 Original            -1.000 Ft        60.00000            $-60.00

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                                                                                                                             FieldManager 5.3c

Increases / Decreases
                          Item     Prop. Proj.                                            Quantity
  Item Description        Code     Line Line         Project      Catg.     Item Type     Change       Unit     Unit Price     Dollar Value

_ Water Main,            8507001 0061 0305         2180552.C2      002 Original           -1,965.000 Ft            7.00000      $-13,755.00

_ Water Main, Rem        8507001 0062 0310         2180552.C2      002 Original               6.000 Ft           10.00000             $60.00

_ Sanitary Lateral, 6    8357001 0067 0340         2180552.C2      003 Original             189.000 Ft           79.00000        $14,931.00
inch, Private

_ Sanitary Cleanout      8507050 0068 0335         2180552.C2      003 Original               -6.000 Ea         500.00000        $-3,000.00

_ Sanitary Lateral       8507050 0069 0345         2180552.C2      003 Original               1.000 Ea        2,500.00000         $2,500.00
Restoration, Private

                                                                                                       Total Dollar Value:       $15,208.69

New Items
                        Item     Prop. Proj.                                            Proposed
Item Description        Code     Line Line        Project      Catg. ItemType           Quantity Unit          Unit Price        Dollar Value
_ Water Main,      8507050 0119 0395             2180552.C2     002 Extra                   2.000 Ea          591.75000             $1,183.50
Bend, 45 Degree, 4

    Reason: CO2

_ Water Main, DI, 4 8507001 0124 0400            2180552.C2     002 Extra                 103.000 Ft            66.56000            $6,855.68

    Reason: CO2

                                                                                                     Total Dollar Value:            $8,039.18

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                                                 Contract Modification
                                                                                                                 12/1/2020 7:39 PM
                                                                                                                 FieldManager 5.3c

Project / Category Summary
                        Project/Category          Federal                                  Finance     Control
   Project/Catg           Description             Number            Project Status         System      Section    Dollar Value
 2180552.C2          Westwood Saniatry Sewer -       0                  CNST

               001   SRF Eligible                                                                                     $13,378.69

               002   DWRF Eligible                                                                                    $-4,561.82

               003   Non-Eligible                                                                                     $14,431.00

                                                                                                     Total:           $23,247.87

                                                                                 Total Net Change Amount:             $23,247.87

Contract: _2180552.C2                                    Cont. Mod.: 2, Rev. 1                                          Page 6 of 6
Tyler DeNooyer

From:                               Jeff Talsma 
Sent:                               Friday, September 4, 2020 7:18 AM
To:                                 Matthew R. Hulst; Brad Kreider
Cc:                                 Tyler DeNooyer; Dave Cadena
Subject:                            RE: City of Muskegon Westwood
Attachments:                        Westwood_4inH2O_extras-09-03-2020.pdf

Follow Up Flag:                     Follow up
Flag Status:                        Flagged

Please see the requested pricing and backup information attached.

Water Main, DI, 4 Inch: $66.56/Ft

Water Main, Bend, 45 Degree, 4 Inch: $591.75/Ea.

Please advise if acceptable, Thank you!

               Jeff Talsma
               Kamminga and Roodvoets Inc.
               Phone: (616) 949-0800 Ext. 130
               Fax: (616) 949-1894

From: Matthew R. Hulst 
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 3:25 PM
To: Jeff Talsma ; Brad Kreider 
Cc: Tyler DeNooyer ; Dave Cadena 
Subject: City of Muskegon Westwood


It was discovered that a four inch irrigation service exists on the old 12 inch line that you have abandoned on Glen. This
will need to be reconnected. The plans had a 1 inch service being extended since there was a small diameter vacuum
break at that location but apparently that was not active and the real service is a 4 inch.

I attached a mark up of what we are thinking. The City has already ordered the tapping sleeve and valve. They will get
this completed for you whenever they receive it and you have a hole opened up for them. The alignment was chosen to
avoid the big tree and place the pipe in a previously excavated area. The pipe only needs to be stubbed into the
manhole that is there. The City will be pulling out the stuff inside of it prior to your work.

Let me know I you have any questions. Please provide pricing.

Thank you,

Matthew Hulst, P.E.
t. 231-798-0101 x.1211

      DATE: September 3, 2020                                               105       FT

LABOR & EQUIPMENT                   RATE                  #              HRS               TOTAL
            FOREMAN & PU            $    95.69    X           1   X        6.00   =   $       574.11
            EX-225 OPERATED         $   152.69    X           1   X        6.00   =   $       916.11
            JD-550J OPERATED        $   124.69    X           1   X        6.00   =   $       748.11
            PIPELAYER               $    52.80    X           1   X        6.00   =   $       316.83
            PIPELABORER             $    52.25    X           2   X        6.00   =   $       627.00

                                                      SUBTOTAL LAB & EQUIP    $              3,182.17
                                                               10%   OH&P     $                318.22
                                                      TOTAL LABOR & EQUIPMENT $              3,500.38

MATERIAL                                #                             UNIT PRICE           TOTAL
            CL 52 DI PIPE, 4 INCH           120        FT @            $   25.28 = $         3,033.72

                                                      SUBTOTAL MATERIAL               $      3,033.72
                                                              15%    OH&P             $        455.06
                                                      TOTAL MATERIAL                  $      3,488.78

                                                      GRAND TOTAL                  $         6,989.16
                                                                        UNIT PRICE $            66.56 / FT


      DATE: September 3, 2020                                                 2       EA

LABOR & EQUIPMENT                   RATE                  #              HRS               TOTAL
            FOREMAN & PU            $    95.69    X           1   X        1.50   =   $       143.53
            EX-225 OPERATED         $   152.69    X           1   X        1.50   =   $       229.03
            JD-550J OPERATED        $   124.69    X           1   X        1.50   =   $       187.03
            PIPELAYER               $    52.80    X           1   X        1.50   =   $        79.21
            PIPELABORER             $    52.25    X           2   X        1.50   =   $       156.75

                                                      SUBTOTAL LAB & EQUIP    $               795.54
                                                               10%   OH&P     $                79.55
                                                      TOTAL LABOR & EQUIPMENT $               875.10

MATERIAL                                #                             UNIT PRICE           TOTAL
            BEND, 45 DGR, 4 INCH              2        EA @            $ 134.09 = $           268.18

                                                      SUBTOTAL MATERIAL               $       268.18
                                                              15%    OH&P             $        40.23
                                                      TOTAL MATERIAL                  $       308.41

                                                      GRAND TOTAL                  $         1,183.50
                                                                        UNIT PRICE $           591.75 / EA

                                            Page 1 of 1
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: December 8, 2020             Title: Installment Purchase Agreement
                                                      Approval – Jackson Hill Infill Housing

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                       Department: Development Services

Brief Summary: Staff is seeking approval of the installment purchase agreement between the
Community Foundation for Muskegon County, LRS Enterprises, and the City. The $355,000 loan
will supply a portion of the funds for the Jackson Hill Infill Housing Development.

Detailed Summary: At the September 22, 2020, regular commission meeting, staff received
authorization to work with the Community Foundation for Muskegon County to make a Program
Related Investment of $355,000 to undertake construction of the first two homes in this
multi-year development project. The City agreed to loan $75,000 from its Economic Development
Revolving Loan Fund for the project as well. The CFFMC will be repaid upon sale of the homes, and
the City will be repaid with tax increment financing. Staff worked with our bond counsel from Miller
Canfield to develop documents that follow Act 99 of 1933 which authorizes cities to enter into
installment purchase agreements. The agreement acts as the Note and is a limited tax general
obligation of the City of Muskegon. Attached are the installment purchase agreement documents
associated with the PRI from the CFFMC.

Amount Requested: None at this time                  Amount Budgeted: Payback determined next

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                           Fund(s) or Account(s): Economic
                                                     Development Fund - 493

Recommended Motion: to approve the installment purchase agreement between the Community
Foundation for Muskegon County, LRS Enterprises, and the City, approve the resolution
authorizing the installment purchase agreement, and authorize the mayor and clerk to sign.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

       THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of December __, 2020, by and among the City of Muskegon,
County of Muskegon, State of Michigan (the “City”), LRS Enterprises, Muskegon, Michigan (the
“Builder”), and the Community Foundation for Muskegon County, as assignee of the Builder (the
“Lender”), is as follows:

       1.      Purchase Price, Title and Useful Life. The City agrees to purchase and the Builder
agrees to construct, sell and deliver two single family residences on the property located at 766
Leonard Street (collectively, the “Property”), all as set forth in the Residential Construction
Agreement between the City and the Builder, dated as of ___________, 2020 (the “Construction
Agreement”) as attached hereto as Exhibit A, for the sum of $425,000 (the “Purchase Price”). The
City will finance $355,000 of the Purchase Price by this Agreement (the “Financed Price” or the
“Loan”) and the balance of the Purchase Price will be paid by the City to the Builder from its
available funds.

       The Financed Price will be payable by the City to the Lender as assignee of the Builder in
accordance with Section 3 hereof within three years from the anniversary date of the Loan. Upon
sale of each home, the resulting net proceeds shall be paid to the Lender and applied to the
outstanding Loan balance. If there remains a Loan balance after the sale of both homes, then the
City shall pay equal monthly payments of principal and interest on the first day of each month, at
the then applicable Interest Rate, amortized by the time remaining to three years from the
anniversary date of the Loan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the entire principal balance and
accrued interest shall be due and payable in full on the three (3) year anniversary of the Loan. The
Loan may be prepaid at any time, in whole or in part, without penalty.

        The City shall pay interest on the unpaid balance of the Financed Price to the Lender as the
assignee of the Builder in accordance with Section 3 hereof, at a rate of interest equal to the federal
prime interest rate (currently 3.25%) plus two percent (2.0%) per annum from the date funds are
distributed by the Lender as set forth in Section 3 hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the rate
of interest on the Loan will be adjusted annually to the federal prime interest rate then in effect plus
two percent (2.0%) per annum and readjusted on the yearly anniversary date of the Loan (the
“Interest Rate”).

        Upon receipt by the Builder of the Purchase Price for the Property, title and occupancy to
the Property shall vest in the City. The City agrees that the useful life of the Property is at least equal
to or longer than the date of the final payment hereunder.

        2.      Incorporation by Reference. The Builder and the City agree to all of the instructions,
terms and conditions as may be outlined in the Construction Agreement and any supplements
thereto, which are hereby incorporated by reference in full herein. In the event of a conflict in terms
between this Agreement and the Construction Agreement regarding the financing of the Financed
Price, the specific terms of this Agreement shall govern.

       3.     Assignment to the Lender; Disbursement of Funds. The Builder hereby irrevocably
assigns this Agreement immediately to the Lender in consideration for and effective upon a
payment from the Lender to the Builder of the first draw of funds under this Agreement. The City
shall make a written request for disbursement for each draw of funds of the Loan, with a written
request by the City and submitted to the Lender at least 5 business days in advance of the
disbursement. The request for a disbursement shall specify the amount of the draw. The date of
receipt by the City of the first draw will mark the anniversary date of the Loan. Draws shall not be
made more frequently than once per calendar month. The proceeds of the draw shall only be used
to pay the Builder for the Property in accordance with the terms of the Construction Agreement
with the Builder.

        The City hereby consents to said assignment, except with respect to the warranties and other
obligations of the Builder set forth in Section 2 and 5 of this Agreement, all of which shall remain
the sole responsibility of the Builder and shall not be assignable. With respect to the Lender, the
City hereby waives any defenses based upon warranty, failure or inability of the Builder to perform
its non-assignable obligations or the failure of the Property to perform its intended function. To the
extent that funds are received by the City from the Lender in accordance with this paragraph, the
City’s obligation to the Lender is absolute and unconditional and shall remain in full force and
effect until the amount of the payment to the City by the Lender as specified in this paragraph
together with interest thereon shall have been paid by the City to the Lender, and such obligation
shall not be affected, modified or impaired upon the happening from time to time of any event,
including without limitation any of the following:

               (a)    Any failure of title with respect to the Builder’s or the City’s interest
       in the Property specified herein or the invalidity, enforceability or termination of
       this Agreement;

              (b)     The modification or amendment (whether material or otherwise) of
       any obligation, covenant or agreement set forth in this Agreement;

                (c)     The voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution, sale or other
       disposition of all or substantially all of the assets, marshaling of assets and
       liabilities, receivership, insolvency, bankruptcy, assignment for the benefit of
       creditors, reorganization, arrangement, composition with creditors or readjustment
       or other similar proceedings affecting the Builder or any of its assets or any
       allocation or contest of the validity of this Agreement, or the disaffirmance of this
       Agreement in any such proceeding;

              (d)     To the extent permitted by law, any event or action which would, in
       the absence of this clause, result in release or discharge by operation of law of the
       Builder from the performance or observation of any obligation, covenant or
       agreement contained in this Agreement; or

               (e)     The default or failure of the Builder fully to perform any of its
       obligations set forth in this Agreement.

       The City shall make payments to the Lender when due and shall not withhold any such
payments as a result of any disputes arising between the City and the Builder or any other person,
nor shall the City assert any right of set-off or counterclaim against its obligation to make such

payments or be entitled to any abatement of such payments as a result of accident or unforeseen
circumstances, or the Property being defective.

       It is expressly agreed between the Builder, the City and the Lender, by acceptance of the
assignment of this Agreement, that the City shall make all payments of principal and interest of the
Financed Price directly to the Lender.

       4.      Reporting. The City covenants and agrees that until all payments of principal
and interest under this Agreement have been paid in full, it will:

             (a)       Use the funds strictly in accordance with the terms of this

              (b)    Permit the Lender to review and evaluate the Property funded by the
       Loan, including visits to the Project and discussions with the City’s staff and City

               (c)     Provide the Lender with a quarterly written progress report on the

       5.     Warranty. The Builder warrants its Property as set forth in the Construction
Agreement. Any warranties with respect to the Property shall not be assigned, but shall remain
enforceable by the City.

       The Builder represents and warrants that the assignment to the Lender of this Agreement
does not violate any agreement, contract or loan agreement to which it is a party, and that the
Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the Builder.

        The Lender makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, as to any matter
whatsoever, including, without limitation, as to the merchantability or fitness for any particular
purpose of any of the Property or as to the value, design, condition, use, capacity or durability of
any of the Property. The City agrees that (a) the Lender has no liability for the delivery or
installation of the Property, (b) the Lender assumes no obligation with respect to any
manufacturer’s or Builder’s product warranties or guaranties, (c) neither Builder nor any
manufacturer or any representative of said parties is an agent of the Lender, and (d) any warranty,
representation, guaranty or agreement made by any manufacturer or by the Builder or any
representative of said parties shall not be binding upon the Lender.

       6.     Borrower Representations. The City makes the following representations to induce
       the Lender to make the Loan:

                       (a)      The City is a duly created, validly existing and fully constituted
       political subdivision of the State of Michigan and has the power and authority to enter
       into the Agreement.

                     (b)      The Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of the City
       enforceable against the City in accordance with its terms.

                      (c)     There is no action, suit or proceeding pending or threatened
       against the City in any material respect that could adversely impact its repayment
       of the Loan.

                       (d)     The City agrees that, in the performance of this Agreement,
       it will not unlawfully discriminate in its employment practices, volunteer
       opportunities, or the delivery of programs or services, on the basis of race, religion,
       gender, national origin, age, medical condition, handicap, veteran status, marital
       status, or sexual orientation.

       7.      Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the documents expressly incorporated by
reference herein constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the financing of the
Property. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, and
statements, oral or written, are hereby terminated.

       8.      Amendments. Any attempt to modify the terms of this Agreement or of any
supporting document shall be ineffectual unless in writing, signed by all parties and the City agrees
to secure the consent of the Lender to any such modifications, provided that the consent of the
Builder to the modification of any of the terms of payment by the City to the Lender shall not be

       9.      Security. The obligation of the City to pay principal and interest under this
Agreement is a limited tax general obligation of the City. The City shall include in its budget and
pay each year, until this Agreement is paid in full, as a first budget obligation, such sum as may
be necessary each year to make all payments hereunder, when due. In addition, the City hereby
pledges to levy in each fiscal year ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in the City each year
in an amount necessary to make its debt service payments under this Agreement, subject to
applicable constitutional, statutory and charter tax rate limitations.

       10.     Legislative Authorization; Governing Law. This Agreement is made in accordance
with and pursuant to Act 99, Public Acts of Michigan, 1933, as amended. This Agreement shall
be construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan.

       10. Severability. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or
unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render
unenforceable any other provision hereof.

       11. Binding Effect. The covenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and
advantages shall inure to, the respective successors and permitted assigns of the parties hereto.

        12. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts, which
counterparts shall be considered as one and the same instrument. Facsimile copies of this
Agreement shall have the full force and effect of an original document.

                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                Its:   Mayor

                                                Its:   City Clerk

                                         COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR
                                          MUSKEGON COUNTY
                                         as Lender


                                                Its: _____________________

                                         LRS ENTERPRISES
                                         as Builder

                                                Its:   Authorized Representative

                          EXHIBIT A


                             RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING

                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                            County of Muskegon, State of Michigan

       Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of
Muskegon, State of Michigan, held on the 8th day of December, 2020 at 5:30 p.m., prevailing
Eastern Time.

       PRESENT:        Members____________________________________________________


       ABSENT:         Members____________________________________________________

       The following preamble and resolution were offered by Member ___________________
and supported by Member _________________________:

        WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan (the “City”)
desires to acquire two single family residences on the property located at 766 Leonard Street
(collectively, the “Property”), all as set forth in the Residential Construction Agreement between
the City and LRS Enterprises, Muskegon, Michigan (the “Builder”), dated as of ___________,
2020 (the “Construction Agreement”); and

        WHEREAS, under the provisions of Act No. 99, Public Acts of Michigan, 1933, as
amended (“Act 99”), the City is authorized to enter into any contracts or agreements for the
purchase of the Property to be paid for in installments over a period of not to exceed the useful life
of the Property acquired as determined by resolution of the City; and

       WHEREAS, an Installment Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement”) between the City, the
Builder, and Community Foundation for Muskegon County (the “Lender”), for the installment
purchase of the Property has been prepared; and

        WHEREAS, the City shall acquire the Property for the sum of $425,000 (the “Purchase
Price”) of which amount the total of $355,000 (the “Financed Price”) shall be financed through
the execution of the Agreement; and

        WHEREAS, the outstanding balance of all purchases by the City under Act 99, exclusive
of interest, shall not exceed one and one quarter percent (1-1/4%) of the taxable value of the real
and personal property in the City at the date of such contract or agreement; and

       WHEREAS, purchase of the Property pursuant to an installment purchase agreement will
not result in the outstanding balance of all such purchases in excess of the limitation contained
within Act 99 as set forth above; and
       WHEREAS, the Agreement is to be assigned to the Lender; and

        WHEREAS, it is necessary to approve the Agreement and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute the Agreement and authorize City officials to execute certain other documentation
relative thereto.


        1.       Approval of Agreement; Agreement Terms. The Agreement is hereby approved
substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. The City shall incur the debt described in
the Agreement through execution of the Agreement by the officers authorized below which debt
shall consist of the Financed Price of $355,000 which shall be payable within three years of the
anniversary date of the first draw of the Financed Price, at a rate of interest equal to the federal
prime interest rate (currently 3.25%) plus two percent (2.0%) per annum from the date funds are
distributed by the Lender. The rate of interest on the Loan will be adjusted to the federal prime
interest rate then in effect plus two percent (2.0%) and readjusted on the yearly anniversary date of
the Loan, provided that the rate of interest will be adjusted annually on the yearly anniversary date
of the Loan to the federal prime interest rate then in effect plus (2.0%) percent per annum. The
Mayor, City Clerk and Finance Director are each hereby authorized to adjust the payment dates
and final details set forth herein to the extent necessary or convenient to complete the transaction
authorized herein, and in pursuance of the foregoing are each authorized to make determinations
regarding the principal and interest payment dates.

       2.     Execution and Delivery of Agreement. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby
authorized and directed to execute the Agreement and deliver it to the Builder, substantially in the
form attached hereto with such additions, changes and modifications as shall be approved by the
City’s Bond Counsel.

        3.      Useful Life of Property. The useful life of the Property is hereby determined to be
not less than fifteen (15) years.

        4.     Authorization of Officers. The Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are each
hereby authorized and directed to execute such additional documentation and open such accounts
as shall be necessary to effectuate the closing of the Agreement and the assignment thereof to the
Lender within the parameters set forth in this resolution.

       5.      Assignment of Agreement. The assignment of the Agreement by the Builder to the
Lender is hereby approved.

        6.      Security; Limited Tax Pledge. The City hereby agrees to include in its budget for
each year, commencing with the present fiscal year, a sum which will be sufficient to pay the
principal of and the interest coming due under the Agreement during such fiscal year. In addition,
the City hereby pledges to levy ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in the City each year in
an amount necessary to make its debt service payments under the Agreement, subject to applicable
constitutional, statutory and charter tax rate limitations.

       7.      Rescission. All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the
provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded to the extent of such conflict.

AYES:          Members _________________________________________________________


NAYS:          Members _________________________________________________________


                                                            Ann Marie Meisch
                                                            City Clerk

        I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by
the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, at a
regular meeting held on December 8, 2020, and that said meeting was conducted and public notice
of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open Meetings Act, being
Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, and that the minutes of said meeting were kept and will
be or have been made available as required by said Act.

                                                            Ann Marie Meisch
                                                            City Clerk

                                               Exhibit A

                          [Attach Form of Installment Purchase Agreement here]

                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: December 8, 2020             Title: NEZ Certificates

Submitted By: Mike Franzak                            Department: Planning

Brief Summary: Applications for Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) certificates have been
received for homes at the Terrace Point Landing development. The applications are for the
following addresses: 319, 676, 678, 680, 682, 684 and 686 Terrace Point. All applicants have met
local and state requirements for the issuance of the NEZ certificates.

Detailed Summary:

Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the NEZ certificates at 319, 676, 678, 680, 682, 684 and 686
Terrace Point Dr for a duration of 12 years.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                    Resolution No. ________

                             MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, an application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been filed with
the City Clerk by Thomas and Linda Olson to construct a new home at 319 Terrace Point in the
Terrace Point Condominium neighborhood, and;

WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied both the local and state eligibility criteria for a
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate;

WHEREAS, the local unit of government is allowing the six (6) month grace period after
construction commencement to apply, which is allowed under the law;

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been approved for twelve (12)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for a Neighborhood Enterprise
Zone Certificate for the new construction of a home by Thomas and Linda Olson be approved.

Adopted this 10th day of December, 2020.




                                                     By: __________________________
                                                         Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                     Attest: _________________________
                                                             Ann Meisch
                                                             City Clerk


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular
meeting held on December 10, 2020.

                                                                By: ________________________
                                                                          Ann Meisch
                                                                          City Clerk

                                    Resolution No. ________

                             MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, an application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been filed with
the City Clerk by Terrace Point Landing, LLC to construct a new home at 676 Terrace Point in
the Terrace Point Condominium neighborhood, and;

WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied both the local and state eligibility criteria for a
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate;

WHEREAS, the local unit of government is allowing the six (6) month grace period after
construction commencement to apply, which is allowed under the law;

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been approved for twelve (12)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for a Neighborhood Enterprise
Zone Certificate for the new construction of a home by Terrace Point Landing, LLC be

Adopted this 10th day of December, 2020.




                                                     By: __________________________
                                                         Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                     Attest: _________________________
                                                             Ann Meisch
                                                             City Clerk


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular
meeting held on December 10, 2020.

                                                                By: ________________________
                                                                          Ann Meisch
                                                                          City Clerk

                                    Resolution No. ________

                             MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, an application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been filed with
the City Clerk by Terrace Point Landing, LLC to construct a new home at 678 Terrace Point in
the Terrace Point Condominium neighborhood, and;

WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied both the local and state eligibility criteria for a
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate;

WHEREAS, the local unit of government is allowing the six (6) month grace period after
construction commencement to apply, which is allowed under the law;

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been approved for twelve (12)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for a Neighborhood Enterprise
Zone Certificate for the new construction of a home by Terrace Point Landing, LLC be

Adopted this 10th day of December, 2020.




                                                     By: __________________________
                                                         Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                     Attest: _________________________
                                                             Ann Meisch
                                                             City Clerk


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular
meeting held on December 10, 2020.

                                                                By: ________________________
                                                                          Ann Meisch
                                                                          City Clerk

                                    Resolution No. ________

                             MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, an application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been filed with
the City Clerk by Terrace Point Landing, LLC to construct a new home at 680 Terrace Point in
the Terrace Point Condominium neighborhood, and;

WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied both the local and state eligibility criteria for a
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate;

WHEREAS, the local unit of government is allowing the six (6) month grace period after
construction commencement to apply, which is allowed under the law;

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been approved for twelve (12)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for a Neighborhood Enterprise
Zone Certificate for the new construction of a home by Terrace Point Landing, LLC be

Adopted this 10th day of December, 2020.




                                                     By: __________________________
                                                         Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                     Attest: _________________________
                                                             Ann Meisch
                                                             City Clerk


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular
meeting held on December 10, 2020.

                                                                By: ________________________
                                                                          Ann Meisch
                                                                          City Clerk

                                    Resolution No. ________

                             MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, an application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been filed with
the City Clerk by Terrace Point Landing, LLC to construct a new home at 682 Terrace Point in
the Terrace Point Condominium neighborhood, and;

WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied both the local and state eligibility criteria for a
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate;

WHEREAS, the local unit of government is allowing the six (6) month grace period after
construction commencement to apply, which is allowed under the law;

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been approved for twelve (12)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for a Neighborhood Enterprise
Zone Certificate for the new construction of a home by Terrace Point Landing, LLC be

Adopted this 10th day of December, 2020.




                                                     By: __________________________
                                                         Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                     Attest: _________________________
                                                             Ann Meisch
                                                             City Clerk


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular
meeting held on December 10, 2020.

                                                                By: ________________________
                                                                          Ann Meisch
                                                                          City Clerk

                                    Resolution No. ________

                             MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, an application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been filed with
the City Clerk by Terrace Point Landing, LLC to construct a new home at 684 Terrace Point in
the Terrace Point Condominium neighborhood, and;

WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied both the local and state eligibility criteria for a
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate;

WHEREAS, the local unit of government is allowing the six (6) month grace period after
construction commencement to apply, which is allowed under the law;

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been approved for twelve (12)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for a Neighborhood Enterprise
Zone Certificate for the new construction of a home by Terrace Point Landing, LLC be

Adopted this 10th day of December, 2020.




                                                     By: __________________________
                                                         Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                     Attest: _________________________
                                                             Ann Meisch
                                                             City Clerk


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular
meeting held on December 10, 2020.

                                                                By: ________________________
                                                                          Ann Meisch
                                                                          City Clerk

                                    Resolution No. ________

                             MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION


WHEREAS, an application for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been filed with
the City Clerk by Terrace Point Landing, LLC to construct a new home at 686 Terrace Point in
the Terrace Point Condominium neighborhood, and;

WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied both the local and state eligibility criteria for a
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate;

WHEREAS, the local unit of government is allowing the six (6) month grace period after
construction commencement to apply, which is allowed under the law;

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate has been approved for twelve (12)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application for a Neighborhood Enterprise
Zone Certificate for the new construction of a home by Terrace Point Landing, LLC be

Adopted this 10th day of December, 2020.




                                                     By: __________________________
                                                         Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                     Attest: _________________________
                                                             Ann Meisch
                                                             City Clerk


I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted
by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan at a regular
meeting held on December 10, 2020.

                                                                By: ________________________
                                                                          Ann Meisch
                                                                          City Clerk

                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: December 8, 2020             Title: Street/Alley Vacations

Submitted By: Mike Franzak                            Department: Planning

Brief Summary: Staff initiated request to vacate the following streets and alley: E Muskegon Ave
between Cedar St and Emerald St; Rathborn St between Walton Ave and Eastern Ave; and the
alley east of Cedar St and west of Eastern Ave between Walton Ave and Yuba St.

Detailed Summary: The Planning Commission unanimously recommended vacation of the streets
and alley.
See below

Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To vacate E Muskegon Ave between Cedar St and Emerald St; Rathborn
St between Walton Ave and Eastern Ave; and the alley east of Cedar St and west of Eastern Ave
between Walton Ave and Yuba St.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
E Muskegon Ave between Cedar St and Emerald St, highlighted in red.

         Rathborn St between Walton Ave and Eastern Ave
Alley east of Cedar St and west of Eastern Ave
                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                 RESOLUTION No.______________


WHEREAS, petitions have been received to vacate E Muskegon Ave between Cedar St and Emerald
St; Rathborn St between Walton Ave and Eastern Ave; and the alley east of Cedar St and west of Eastern
Ave between Walton Ave and Yuba St.; and

WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held public hearings on November 12, 2020 to consider the
petitions and subsequently recommended the vacations; and

WHEREAS, due notice had been given of said hearing as well as the December 10, 2020 City
Commission meeting to consider the recommendation of the Planning Commission;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission deems it advisable for the public
interest to vacate and discontinue E Muskegon Ave between Cedar St and Emerald St; Rathborn St
between Walton Ave and Eastern Ave; and the alley east of Cedar St and west of Eastern Ave between
Walton Ave and Yuba St; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Commission does hereby declare the said streets and alley
vacated and discontinued provided, however, that this action on the part of the City Commission shall
not operate so as to conflict with any fire access or the utility rights heretofore acquired by the City or
by any public service utility in the City of Muskegon, operating in, over and upon said portion of street
hereby vacated, and it is hereby expressly declared that any such rights shall remain in full force and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that after any maintenance and repair by the City, the city shall restore
the disturbed area to the grade and paving in existence at the time of vacation. The City shall not be
responsible to replace special planting, landscaping, fences or any structure. No structure shall be
placed in the vacated alley which, in the sole judgment of the City, will interfere with the repair or
maintenance of utilities in the easement, public or private.

Adopted this 8th day of December 2020.



                                                       Stephen J. Gawron, Mayor

                                                           Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

   (Vacate E Muskegon Ave between Cedar St and Emerald St; Rathborn St between Walton Ave and
 Eastern Ave; and the alley east of Cedar St and west of Eastern Ave between Walton Ave and Yuba St.)

I hereby certify that the foregoing constitutes a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the
City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, Michigan, at a regular meeting held
on December 8, 2020.

                                                       Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                       Clerk, City of Muskegon
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: December 8, 2020             Title: Former Farmers Market Rezoning

Submitted By: Mike Franzak                            Department: Planning

Brief Summary: Staff initiated request to rezone the properties at 731 Yuba St, 205 E Muskegon, 225
Eastern Ave, 287 E Muskegon Ave, 185 E Muskegon Ave and 209 E Walton Ave to Form Based Code,
Urban Residential.

Detailed Summary: This is the former Farmers Market site. The property was rezoned to
industrial a couple years ago, but residents eventually pushed back at the food processing
proposal. Staff is currently working with Allen Edwin Home Builders on a residential development
at this site.
The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the rezoning’s at their
November meeting.

Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the rezoning of the former Farmers Market site.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
Planning Commission Excerpt:


   1. Staff has been working with Allen Edwin Home Builders on a potential housing development at
      the former Farmers Market site.
   2. 731 Yuba St, 205 E Muskegon Ave, 255 Eastern Ave and 287 E Muskegon Ave are currently
      zoned I-1, Light Industrial. 185 E Muskegon Ave and 209 E Walton Ave are currently zoned R-
      3, High Density Single-Family Residential.
   3. Staff is seeking a rezoning to FBC, UR to allow for the housing development, which includes a
      majority of single-family homes, with some duplexes mixed in.
   4. Notice was mailed to everyone within 300 feet of the property. At the time of this writing staff
      had not received any comments.

                                            Zoning Map
Aerial Map
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                           Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: December 8, 2020                   Title: Parkland Properties Marina Agreement

Submitted By: Frank Peterson                                Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: Staff is seeking approval of the attached development agreement with Parkland Properties
to construct a dry marina on property mutually encumbered by the City of Muskegon and Parkland

Detailed Summary: Many years ago, as part of the development of the SPX corporate headquarters, a
piece of the land was encumbered for mutual benefit of the property owner and the public. The result of
the agreement is that the land be perpetually used as a parking lot. Overtime, the hotel was developed
and the ownership interests of SPX now belong to Parkland Properties. In an effort to find a higher and
better use for the property, staff has worked with Parkland Properties to create a development agreement
that results in redevelopment of the site to accommodate a dry marina and replace the public parking
spaces along the Terrace point Drive median. The development would also include the construction of
townhomes overlooking Terrace Point Drive and the Shoreline Inn.

The Developer will invest in excess of $4 Million in initial costs to construct the dry marina and improve the
parking along Terrace Point Drive from Shoreline Drive to the Terrace Pointe Traffic Circle. The Developer
will also invest in excess of $5 Million in new residential development on the Parkland-owned property
located at 650 Terrace Point Drive. The project could take as long as 5 years, depending on State and
Federal approval processes.

Amount Requested: $0                                      Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                                Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: To authorize the City Manager to sign the Development Agreement.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.        Fire Dept.        IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                             DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT

       THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made as of
December ____, 2020, by and between the CITY OF MUSKEGON, a Michigan
municipal corporation of 933 Terrace St. (the “City”); and PARKLAND MARINA, LLC,
a Michigan limited liability company of 75 W. Walton, STE A, Muskegon, MI 49440
(“Parkland”) (the City and Parkland are sometimes collectively referred to as “Parties”).


        A.     The City is the owner of property identified as Parcel No. 61-24-205-563-
0010-00 with a street address of 350 Shoreline Drive, in the City of Muskegon, as legally
described and depicted in the attached Exhibit A (the “Property”). The Property is burdened
by certain easement agreements between the Parties dated ____________ and __________
(the “Easements”), which, among other things, obligate parts of the Property to be used as
parking for the benefit of Parkland.

        B.      Subject to approval from the Department of Environmental, Great Lakes
and Energy; and the Army Core of Engineers, Parkland plans to develop the Property to
provide in-and-out boat storage racks within an enclosed warehouse facility (the “Project”)
on the Property. The current site plan for the Project is included in the attached Exhibit B.
The final site plan shall be agreed to by the Parties prior to commencement of construction.

        C.      The Parties believes the Project, and the fulfillment generally of this
Agreement, are in the best interests of the City as a whole and necessary for the purposes
of the creation of jobs and employment opportunities; to drive new tourism; and to improve
the economic welfare of the residents of the City.

         D.     The parties are entering into this Agreement to (i) establish the procedures
for the transferring the Property to Parkland and extinguishing the Easements, (ii) outlining
the development obligations of Parkland, (iii) outlining the development obligations of the
City; and (iv) providing methods to undo the transfer of the Property, in the event the
Project is not completed within the specified timeframe in this Agreement.


        Therefore, in exchange for the consideration in and referred to by this Agreement,
the Parties agree as follows:

       1.      Transfer of Property. Within 30 days of execution of this Agreement, the
City shall transfer ownership of the Property by quit claim deed to Parkland. Except as
provided in paragraph 5, the Easements and the rights under the Easements shall be
considered extinguished upon the date of transfer.

        2.      Project. Within 2 years of the transfer identified in paragraph 1, Parkland

TERRACE POINT DRY MARINA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT                                              1

    a. Apply to the City of Muskegon Planning Commission for site plan approval.
    b. Apply to the City of Muskegon for any other required zoning approvals.
    c. Submit an application for the Project to the necessary State permitting agencies
       including the Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy. This includes,
       but is not limited to, permits for a lift well and a wave attenuator.
    d. Submit an application for the Project to necessary Federal permitting agencies
       including the Army Core of Engineers. This includes, but is not limited to, permits
       for a lift well and a wave attenuator.

        3.      Off-site Improvements. The City will permit Parkland to create additional
parking for the Project, the Shoreline Inn & Conference Center, Terrace Point Marina, and
the Lakehouse Waterfront Grille in the area commonly known as Terrace Point Drive, as
well as the vacant land owned by the City indicated on the attached Exhibit A. Parkland
will undertake or cause to be undertaken the necessary road improvements to Terrace Point
Drive to create parking. Parkland will also undertake or cause to be undertaken the
construction of the parking lot on the triangular-shaped, vacant land between Shoreline
Drive and Terrace Point Drive adjacent to its intersection. The Parties shall also continue
to investigate the potential re-opening of the First Street connection between Shoreline
Drive and Terrace Point Drive.

        4.      Default by Parkland. If within 3 years of obtaining all necessary permits
described in paragraph 2 above, Parkland has not commenced construction of the Project,
commenced construction of an alternative project costing at least $2 million to construct,
or Parkland has not taken reasonable actions to move the Project forward (an “Event of
Default by Parkland”), the City, at its sole discretion, may require that Parkland deed the
Property back to the City and Parkland shall deed the Property back to the City within 30
days of receiving such written notice from the City. In the event the Property is deeded
back to the City, the Parties shall re-enter into identical use rights for the Property as
outlined in the Easements. Parkland shall bear the cost of recording the documents and this
Agreement shall automatically terminate at the time of recording of the documents with
the Muskegon County Register of Deeds. In the event that no written notice is issued by
the City within 1 year of the Event of Default, the reverter rights in this paragraph shall be
automatically extinguished.

        5.     Default by the City. If the City does not transfer ownership of the Property
by quit claim deed to Parkland within 30 days of execution of this Agreement or if the City
does not reasonably work with Parkland to undertake or cause to be undertaken the
necessary road improvements for the Project (an “Event of Default by the City”), Parkland
may refrain from any further performance of its covenants and agreements contained herein
until the Event of Default is cured by the City, seek specific performance of this
Agreement, or terminate this Agreement and seek any legal recourse to which it is entitled.

TERRACE POINT DRY MARINA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT                                               2
                               ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS

        6.     Organization and Powers. The Parties hereby represent that they are duly
organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of Michigan;
and they have the requisite corporate power and authority to enter into this Agreement and
to carry out and perform all of the covenants contained herein.

       7.      Authorization. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement
by the City has been duly authorized by all necessary action, pursuant to resolution passed
by the City Commission.

         8.     No Conflict. The execution, delivery and performance by the City of this
Agreement and consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby do not and will not:
(i) violate any provisions of law applicable to it or its ordinances, or any order, judgment
or decree of any court or other agency of government binding on it; or (ii) conflict with,
result in a breach of or constitute (with due notice or lapse of time or both) a default under
any of its contractual obligation.

       9.      Term. This Agreement shall terminate on the earlier of the date a certificate
of occupancy is issued for the Project; or the date that the Property is deeded to the City
and the Parties re-ratify and re-instate the Easements, pursuant to paragraph 2.

       10.     Limitation of Rights. This Agreement is for the sole and exclusive benefit
of the Parties hereto and nothing expressed in or to be implied from this Agreement is
intended to give any person other than the Parties hereto any legal or equitable right,
remedy or claim under or in respect to this Agreement.

        11.     Notices. All notices or other communications hereunder shall be
sufficiently given and shall be deemed given when dispatched by regular, registered or
certified mail, postage prepaid, or by hand delivery, addressed or delivered as follows:

If to the City:

        City of Muskegon
        933 Terrace St.
        Muskegon, MI 49440
        Attn: City Manager

If to Parkland:

        Parkland Marina Development, LLC
        75 W. Walton, STE A
        Muskegon, MI 49440

TERRACE POINT DRY MARINA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT                                               3
        Attn: Jonathan Rooks

        The parties hereto may, by notice given hereunder, designate any further or
different address to which subsequent notices or other communications may be sent.

        12.      Interpretation. This is the entire agreement of the Parties hereto as to its
subject. It shall not be amended or modified except in writing signed by the Parties. It shall
be affected by any course of dealing and the waiver of any breach shall not constitute a
waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision of this Agreement.

        13.    Assignment and Binding Effect. This Agreement, when executed and
delivered by the parties, will be a legally valid and binding obligation of the Parties,
enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, except as such enforceability may be
limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, moratorium or similar laws
affecting creditors’ rights generally and by general principles of equity. This Agreement
and the rights and obligations under this Agreement shall not be assigned or otherwise
transferred by any party without the consent of the other parties; provided, however,
Parkland may assign or transfer this Agreement to an affiliated entity that it creates to
construct or operate the Project. This Agreement shall be binding upon any successors or
permitted assigns of the Parties.

        14.    Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in all respects in
accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan. The performance by the Parties of their
obligations, covenants, commitments and undertakings pursuant to this Agreement do not,
and will not be, in violation of any law, ordinance, rule, regulation, order, policy, guideline
or other requirement of any domestic or foreign government, or any instrumentality or
agency thereof, having jurisdiction over the Property, Convention Center or the Project.

        15.     Exhibits. All exhibits attached hereto are incorporated herein as though
fully stated herein.

       16.    Survival of Representations, Warranties, Covenants and Agreements.
The representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of the Parties contained in this
Agreement shall survive the closing of the Property.

        17.    Enforcement. The parties hereto are entitled to all remedies authorized by
law to enforce the provisions of this Agreement including, but not limited to, specific
performance. In the event any litigation commences for violation of this Agreement, the
prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs to
pursue the action.

       18.     Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in
counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute the same
instrument. An executed copy of this Agreement may be delivered by either party by

TERRACE POINT DRY MARINA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT                                                4
electronic transmission and such execution and delivery shall be considered valid, binding
and effective for all purposes.

       19.    Captions. The captions and headings in this Agreement are for convenience
only and in no way limit, define or describe the scope or intent of any provision of this

        20.    Further Assurances. The Parties agree to execute such further agreements
or instruments as may be reasonably necessary to implement the terms of this Agreement,
so long as such agreements or instruments do not amend or modify the terms of this
Agreement or either party’s obligations hereunder. The Parties further covenant to work in
good faith to implement the terms of this Agreement, to permit the development of the
Project in accordance with the terms hereof, and to meet as and when reasonably required
in order to address issues of concern to either party in connection with the development of
the Project and the matters contemplated under this Agreement.

        21.    Drafting and Construction. The Parties to this Agreement have
participated fully and equally in the negotiation and preparation hereof. Therefore, this
Agreement shall not be more strictly construed or any ambiguities within this Agreement
resolved against either party hereto.

        22.      Force Majeure. If either party shall be delayed or hindered in or prevented
from the performance of any act required of it hereunder by reason of flood, hurricane,
cyclone, tornado, earthquake or other similar catastrophe, or acts of God, the public enemy,
the government or fires, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, lock-outs, labor trouble,
inability to procure materials, failure of power, restrictive governmental laws or regulations
(provided in the case of the County and City, limited to those of other governmental
entities), riots, insurrection, war, acts or negligence of the other party of their agents or
other reason of like nature not the fault of the party delayed, then the performance of such
act shall be excused for the period of the delay and the period of the performance of any
such act shall be extended for a period equivalent to the period of such delay.

        23.     Effective Date. This Agreement and the provisions hereof shall become
effective on the date and year first identified above.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and Parkland have caused this Agreement to
be signed as of the date and year first identified above.

TERRACE POINT DRY MARINA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT                                                5
                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON

Dated: _________________, 2020                   By:_________________________________
                                                   Stephen Gawron, its Mayor

Dated: _________________, 2020                   By:_________________________________
                                                   Ann Marie Meisch, its Clerk


The foregoing signatories, ________________________ are known to me, respectively, as
the Mayor and Clerk the City of Muskegon, and they acknowledged the foregoing
instrument on behalf of the City this ______ day of __________________, 2020.

                                                 _______________________, Notary Public
                                                 My Commission expires: _______________

TERRACE POINT DRY MARINA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT                                        6
                                                 PARKLAND MARINA, LLC
                                                 a Michigan Limited Liability Company

Dated: _________________, 2020                   By:_________________________________



        The foregoing signatory, Jonathan L. Rooks is known to me, as the Manager of
PARKLAND MARINA, LLC, a Michigan limited liability company, and acknowledged
the foregoing instrument on behalf of the Company this ______ day of _______________,

                                                 _______________________, Notary Public
                                                 My Commission expires: _______________

TERRACE POINT DRY MARINA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT                                           7
                                          EXHIBIT A

                                           EXHIBIT B


                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: December 8, 2020              Title: Convention Center Agreements

Submitted By: Frank Peterson                           Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: Staff is seeking approval of two agreements: authorizing the City to enter into the
Convention Center Naming Rights and Sponsorship Agreement with VanDyk Mortgage
Corporation; and approving corresponding amendment to the Convention Center Management
Agreement with Parkland.

Detailed Summary: In an effort to raise additional capital to ensure the highest quality convention
center without levying additional taxes or fees, on November 26, 2019, staff was authorized to
identify strategic advertising partners within the new convention center. The goal was to raise at
least $1 Million over a period not to exceed 20 years.

Staff is pleased to present a naming-rights agreement with VanDyk Mortgage that will generate
$150,000 annually for the next 10 years. Over that 10-year period, the city will net approximately $1
Million after paying sellers commissions, installing signage, and compensating Parkland $2,000 per
month for convention center operation costs associated with the VanDyk Agreement. The net
income from the initial sponsor commitment has exceeded expectations and will be used to offset
approximately $2 Million in unexpected cost overruns at the facility. Staff intends to seek out other
strategic partners to name/sponsor interior signage.

Amount Requested: $0                                 Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: Approve the Naming Rights and Sponsorship Agreement with VanDyk
Mortgage and approve the corresponding 1st Amendment to the Convention Center Management
Agreement with Parkland, and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreements.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.         Fire Dept.         IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

made and entered into this 8th day of December, 2020 (the “Effective Date”), by and between
VanDyk Mortgage Corporation (“VanDyk”), the City of Muskegon (“City”), and Parkland
Acquisition Two, LLC (“Parkland”) (VanDyk, City and Parkland are sometimes referred to
collectively as the “Parties”).


      A.      City is the owner of the Muskegon Lakeshore Convention Center, a multi-use
convention center located in Muskegon, Michigan ("Convention Center").

        B.     Parkland is the operator and manager of the Convention Center, and the owner of
the attached Delta Hotels by Marriott Muskegon Lakeshore Convention Center (“Hotel”).

        C.     The Convention Center is currently under construction, with a projected completion
date of March 1, 2021 and when open, it will be used for private events, conventions, conferences,
concerts, and other public events.

        D.      The City and Parkland have the right to name the Convention Center and VanDyk
desires to acquire certain naming rights associated with the Convention Center, in accordance with
the terms of this Agreement.

       E.       Contemporaneously with this Agreement, Parkland and VanDyk entered into a
License Agreement (“License Agreement”), and Parkland and the City entered into a First
Amendment to Management Agreement (“First Amendment”), which outlined other obligations
with regard to the Convention Center.

      NOW THEREFORE, for mutual consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged, the Parties mutually agree as follows:

       1.      Term. The term of this Agreement (the “Term”), shall commence on the 1st day
of January, 2021 ("Commencement Date"), and shall continue for a period of ten (10) years,
terminating on the 31st day of December 2031 (the “Termination Date”), unless terminated earlier
in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

       2.      Convention Center Naming and Signage Rights.

              A.     Exclusivity. As of the Commencement Date, the City and Parkland
hereby grant to VanDyk the exclusive right to name the Convention Center the VanDyk
Mortgage Convention Center (the “Approved Name”), in accordance with the terms of this
Agreement. The Approved Name shall be used with all physical, electronic and other references
to the Convention Center by City, Parkland, and their affiliates. The Approved Name may only
be modified by mutual agreement of the Parties.
                B.      Logos. Within twenty (20) days from execution of this Agreement,
VanDyk will furnish the City and Parkland with one or more corporate logos that may be used
with all physical, electronic, and other references to the Convention Center by City, Parkland,
and their affiliates. The Parties may also create an alternative logo to promote the Convention
Center provided the final logo is mutually agreed by the Parties prior to being used in any
physical, electronic, or other Convention Center promotion.

                C.      Exterior Signage Rights. Subject to local zoning requirements, VanDyk
shall have the right to exterior signage as outlined in Exhibit A and described below:

                      i.   a large backlit sign on the Western Avenue side of Convention Center,
                           to be installed at the expense of City, no later than April 1, 2021. The
                           size, design, and location of sign will be mutually agreed upon in
                           advance by the Parties.

                     ii.   a backlit sign on the Shoreline Drive side of Convention Center,
                           incorporated into the existing shared marquee sign between Mercy
                           Health Arena and the Convention Center, to be installed at the
                           expense of City, no later than April 2021. The design of sign will be
                           mutually agreed upon in advance by the Parties.

                    iii.   a large backlit sign on the Shoreline Drive side of Convention Center,
                           to be installed at the expense of City, no later than April 2021. The
                           size, design, and location of sign will be mutually agreed upon in
                           advance by the Parties.

                    iv.    additional exterior Convention Center signage shall be permissible
                           with the written consent of the City and Parkland, which consent shall
                           not be unreasonably withheld.

                     v.    The City and Parkland acknowledge the rights granted herein with
                           respect to exterior signage are exclusive and City and Parkland shall
                           grant no new exterior signage rights to any other third parties without
                           advance written consent from VanDyk, which consent shall not be
                           unreasonably withheld. VanDyk shall not unreasonably withhold its
                           consent to any new third party sponsorships if it remains clear to the
                           general public that convention center is called the VanDyk Mortgage
                           Convention Center.

                 D.     Interior Signage. VanDyk acknowledges the rights granted under this
Agreement are not exclusive with respect to interior signage in the Convention Center. Except as
provided in this paragraph, the City and Parkland have complete discretion to rent or lease interior
signage to third parties and to retain all revenue associated with such rent or lease. This includes,
but is not limited to, doorway, room and hallway signage. Notwithstanding, VanDyk shall have
the right to the following interior signage:
                      i.    In the event interior wayfinding signage is installed in the Convention
                            Center, VanDyk’s logo shall be displayed on each wayfinding sign. The
                            size, design, and location of the logo will be mutually agreed upon in
                            advance by the Parties.

                      ii.   a logo at the lower entry glass doors facing Shoreline Drive near the
                            new VanDyk office. The size, design, and location of logo will be
                            mutually agreed upon in advance by the Parties.

                E.     Cost of Signage. The City shall be responsible, at its expense, for the cost
of the signage and any necessary maintenance/replacement of such signage, except to the extent
any necessary repair or replacement is caused by actions of VanDyk or any VanDyk agents and
representatives, in which event VanDyk shall be responsible at its expense for any necessary repair
or replacement. In addition, the City shall be responsible, at its expense, for the cost of mounting
all signage to the Convention Center, as well as the cost of providing reasonably suitable lighting
for the exterior signage, including, but not limited to the cost of providing power for said lighting.

                 F.      Sign Removal and Substitute Exposure. The City and Parkland reserve
the right (subject to the prior approval of VanDyk, not to be unreasonably withheld), to change the
nature and location of the signage, at City’s own expense, in connection with any renovation,
alteration or repairs of the Convention Center, so long as VanDyk receives equivalent exposure
both before and after any such renovation, alteration or repairs; and the City of Parkland provides
at least thirty (30) days’ prior notice of such change to VanDyk.

                G.      Change of VanDyk Name. In the event that VanDyk changes its name,
VanDyk shall have the right to change the name of the Convention Center, as well as the logos,
with the prior approval of the City and Parkland, which approval shall not be unreasonably
withheld. In the event that the name of the Convention Center is changed under this provision, all
costs of effectuating the name change shall be borne solely and entirely by VanDyk, and any and
all costs and expenses incurred by the City in connection with effectuating such change of the
name or logo shall be paid by VanDyk promptly upon request by the City.

         3.    Naming Ceremonies. The Parties will agree in advance on any press
announcements regarding the naming of the Convention Center, and the timing of the release of
any such announcements. VanDyk shall have the right to have representatives contribute to the
official naming ceremonies for the Convention Center. VanDyk will also have the right to approve
in advance (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) any press announcements, press
releases or other materials to be distributed to the general public by or on behalf of the City and
Parkland relating to the initial naming of the Convention Center under this Agreement.

       4.      Payments and Fees for Naming, Signage and Sponsorship.

                A.    Fee Schedule. In consideration of the naming, signage and sponsorship
rights granted to VanDyk under this Agreement, VanDyk shall pay to the City a naming rights and
sponsorship fee ("Naming Rights Fee") in the total amount of One Million Five Hundred Thousand
($1,500,000.00) Dollars. The Naming Rights Fee will be paid as follows: (i) One Hundred Fifty
Thousand ($150,000) will be paid on or before January 1, 2021, or within 15 days of execution of
this Agreement, whichever is sooner; and (ii) $12,500 will be paid on the first day of every month
beginning January 1, 2021 until the final payment on December 1, 2029, or until terminated in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

               B.          Late Fees and Interest.

                      i.      Any amounts due from VanDyk under this Agreement which are not
                              received by the City within fifteen (15) days of when due shall accrue
                              interest on the amount due and owing at the rate of twelve percent (12%)
                              per annum from the date such amount first became due until paid.

                    ii.       Whenever any payment to be made under this Agreement shall fall on a
                              day which is not a Business Day, the payment shall be made on the next
                              succeeding Business Day. The Term “Business Day,” as used in this
                              Agreement shall mean any day that banks are open for business in the
                              State of Michigan (excluding Saturdays and Sundays).

                C.       Renewal. VanDyk shall have the first right to renew the Term of this
Agreement for successive ten (10) year periods at market rates, but not less than the total amount
specified for the initial Term.

               D.     Non-Renewal. Beginning January 1, 2022, VanDyk shall have the option
to terminate this Agreement with twelve (12) months’ advance written notice to the City and
Parkland. VanDyk shall continue to pay the Naming Rights Fee until the conclusion of this
Agreement and the monthly Naming Rights Fee will be pro-rated to the date of termination.

       5.      Intellectual Property.

               A.       Names, Trademarks and Service Marks.

                      i.      VanDyk acknowledges that the City is the exclusive owner and
                              Parkland is the exclusive manager of the Convention Center, and City
                              and Parkland have the right to license the Convention Center’s name.

                    ii.       The City and Parkland acknowledge that VanDyk is the owner of the
                              name, trademark or service mark of the names or phrases " VanDyk
                              Mortgage," “VanDyk Mortgage Muskegon,” and “VanDyk Mortgage
                              West Michigan," as well as any logos associated therewith or containing
                              such phrases.

                    iii.      Subject to the terms of this Agreement, VanDyk grants to the City and
                              Parkland a non-exclusive, royalty-free license during the Term to use
                              and to grant others the right to use the name “Vandyk Mortgage” and its
                              related logos, including, without limitation, any copyrights, trademarks,
                              service marks, and other intellectual property relating to the same, and
                          any derivatives, modifications or alterations thereof (collectively
                          “Marks”), in connection with the promotion, marketing and operations
                          of the Convention Center and events held at the Convention Center and
                          signage to the Convention Center; provided, however, that any such
                          rights granted by the City and Parkland to third parties to use the
                          VanDyk Marks shall expire within ninety (90) days of conclusion of this
                          Agreement. The City and Parkland may, subject to the prior approval of
                          VanDyk, grant non-exclusive rights to providers of goods and services
                          and advertisers to use the VanDyk Marks for purposes of promoting
                          themselves and the Convention Center; provided, that such uses are
                          consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The grant
                          by VanDyk herein of a license to the City and Parkland shall not convey
                          any right, title or interest in the VanDyk Marks for any use or purpose
                          other than expressly provided herein, or to modify any such Marks or
                          logos except as approved by VanDyk, and VanDyk specifically reserves
                          all such rights for itself. In addition, VanDyk reserves the right to
                          inspect the City and Parkland’s use of the VanDyk Marks at any time
                          during the Term.

                    iv.   Subject to the terms of this Agreement, the City and Parkland grant to
                          VanDyk a non-exclusive, royalty-free license during the Term (and for
                          ninety (90) days thereafter) to use and to grant others the right to use the
                          name “Lakeshore Convention Center” and the related logos, including,
                          without limitation, any copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and other
                          intellectual property relating to the same, and any derivatives,
                          modifications or alterations thereof (collectively “Convention Center
                          Marks”), in connection with the promotion, marketing and operations
                          of the Convention Center and events held at the Convention Center;
                          provided, however, that any such rights granted by VanDyk to third
                          parties to use the Convention Center Marks shall expire
                          contemporaneously with this Agreement. VanDyk may, subject to the
                          prior approval of the City and Parkland, grant non-exclusive rights to
                          providers of goods and services and advertisers to use the Convention
                          Center Marks for purposes of promoting itself and the Convention
                          Center; provided, that such uses are consistent with the terms and
                          conditions of this Agreement. The grant by the City and Parkland herein
                          of a license to VanDyk shall not convey any right, title or interest in the
                          Convention Center Marks for any use or purpose other than expressly
                          provided herein, or to modify any such Marks or logos except as
                          approved by the City and Parkland, and the City and Parkland
                          specifically reserves all such rights for themselves. In addition, the City
                          and Parkland reserves the right to inspect VanDyk’s use of the
                          Convention Center Marks at any time during the Term.

               B.    Marks. Except as provided above, neither party shall use any names,
trademarks, service marks, copyrights, trade names or photographs of the facilities or products of
the other party for any purpose, except as provided for in this Agreement, without the prior written
consent of the other parties, such consent to be required for each proposed use and each use to be
accompanied by the appropriate trademark, service mark, copyright, or other designation required
by the owner of such property. Notwithstanding the above, the Parties acknowledge and agree that
each party shall have the unlimited right to photograph (including, but not limited to motion
picture, still, or video device photography) the Convention Center building and to exhibit and
exploit such photography in any medium presently existing or hereafter developed; provided, the
Parties do not photograph Parkland’s patrons, events, conferences and meetings in the Convention
Center without the explicit prior consent of Parkland.

        6.     Online and Social Media. By January 30, 2021, the City and Parkland shall update
the name of the Convention Center on the website, Google, event planner websites, and online
social media platforms to reflect the new name of VanDyk Mortgage Convention Center.

         7.     Bi-Annual Conference. In accordance with the License Agreement, VanDyk shall
host a three (3) day corporate fly-in conference at the Convention Center during each odd calendar
year (beginning with 2021). In the event VanDyk, its agents and conference attendees purchase a
minimum of one thousand (1,000) total hotel room nights in Muskegon County for the conference,
Parkland will waive the room rental fees in the Convention Center during the conference. VanDyk
agrees that in order to qualify the room nights, VanDyk, its agents and conference attendees must
prioritize hotel room night bookings and filling hotels in the following order: (i) first rooms must
be booked at the attached 200-room, Delta Hotels by Marriott Muskegon Lakeshore Convention
Center; (ii) then rooms must be booked at the 140-room, Shoreline Inn & Conference Center,
across the street; (iii) then rooms must be booked in other hotels within the City of Muskegon; and
(iv) lastly, rooms may be booked in other hotels within the County of Muskegon.

        8.      Preferred Vendor. The City agrees to list VanDyk Mortgage Corporation as its
preferred vendor for mortgage lending. As such, all properties built or renovated for sale as part of
the City’s in-fill housing program shall be co-branded with VanDyk Mortgage. VanDyk agree to
provide competitive pricing, including closing costs, fees, and interest rates, to purchasers of said
properties that elect to utilize the services of VanDyk Mortgage.

       9.     Representations and Warranties of City and Parkland. The City as to the City
and Parkland as to Parkland represent and warrant to VanDyk as follow:

               A. Due Organization and Good Standing. The City and Parkland are duly
                  organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the state of
                  Michigan; and have all the requisite power and authority to execute, deliver and
                  perform their obligations under this Agreement, and no consent of a third party
                  is necessary to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this

               B. Binding Effect. This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and
                  delivered by the City and Parkland and constitutes the legal, valid and binding
                  obligation of it, enforceable against it, in accordance with the term hereof.
             C. No Conflict. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by
                the City and Parkland does not conflict with, nor will it result in, a breach or
                violation of (i) the City’s or Parkland’s organizational documents, or (ii) any
                material agreement to which they are a party.

        10.    Representations and Warranties of VanDyk. VanDyk represents and warrants
to the City and Parkland that:

             A. Due Organization and Good Standing. VanDyk is duly organized, validly
                existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is
                incorporated; and has all the requisite power and authority to execute, deliver
                and perform its obligations under this Agreement, and no consent of a third
                party is necessary to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this

             B. Binding Effect. This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and
                delivered by VanDyk and constitutes the legal, valid and binding obligation of
                it, enforceable against it, in accordance with the term hereof.

             C. No Conflict. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by
                VanDyk does not conflict with, nor will it result in, a breach or violation of (i)
                the VanDyk’s organizational documents, or (ii) any material agreement to
                which it is a party.

      11.    Termination of Agreement.

               A.    VanDyk Default. The occurrence of any one or more of the following
constitutes a “VanDyk Default” under this Agreement:

                   i.   VanDyk’s failure to pay the Naming Rights Fee within fifteen business
                        (15) days of when due and owing hereunder, subject to cure provisions
                        contained in paragraph 8(A)(iii) below;

                  ii.   If at any time during the Term, VanDyk shall file or have filed against
                        it, in any court pursuant to any statute either of the United States or of
                        any state, a petition in bankruptcy, for reorganization, for the
                        appointment of a receiver, or for an arrangement under the Bankruptcy
                        Act or Code or similar type of proceeding, and such petition is not
                        dismissed within sixty (60) days of such initial filing; or

                 iii.   VanDyk’s (and/or its affiliates’) breach of any of the material
                        covenants, agreements, representations or warranties contained in this
                        Agreement, if such breach (i) has not been waived in writing; and (ii) is
                        not cured or remedied by VanDyk within thirty (30) days after delivery
                        of written notice specifying the nature of the breach, or (iii) if such
                        breach is capable of being cured but not within such thirty (30) day
                         period and VanDyk is using diligent efforts to cause such breach to be
                         cured, then the cure period set forth herein shall be extended to ninety
                         (90) days. The ninety (90) day extension shall not apply to failure to pay
                         the Naming Rights Fee.

                   iv.   Upon the occurrence of a VanDyk Default, the City and/or Parkland
                         may upon written notice to VanDyk, terminate this Agreement and any
                         monies already then paid by VanDyk may be retained by the City and/or
                         Parkland. If VanDyk Default occurs before December 31, 2021,
                         VanDyk agrees to pay to the City the cost of removing all signage
                         bearing any VanDyk Marks.

                   v.    In addition, if at any time during the Term, the City and Parkland
                         determine, after giving notice to VanDyk and a reasonable opportunity
                         to respond, but not less than sixty (60) days, that any of the below
                         Unusual and Compelling Circumstances have occurred, and as a result
                         the continuation of the use of VanDyk Mortgage’s name would discredit
                         the Convention Center, the City and Parkland in their sole discretion,
                         may terminate this Agreement. ‘Unusual and Compelling
                         Circumstance’ shall mean:

                            a. Any situation, occurrence or action by VanDyk which subjects
                               VanDyk or the Convention Center to public scandal, disrepute,
                               widespread contempt, or public ridicule, because VanDyk
                               Mortgage has offended, insulted, or denigrated individuals or
                               groups, or insulted or offended the community or public morals
                               or decency.

                            b. Any situation or occurrence where VanDyk makes public
                               comments which degrade or ridicule the City, Parkland or the
                               Convention Center.

                         In the event of the above, the City and/or Parkland may, at their option,
                         upon written notice to VanDyk and after at least sixty (60) days,
                         terminate this Agreement and any monies already then paid by VanDyk
                         may be retained by the City and/or Parkland. If VanDyk actions under
                         this paragraph occurs before December 31, 2021, VanDyk agrees to pay
                         to the City the cost of removing all signage bearing any VanDyk Marks.

              B.       City and/or Parkland Default. The occurrence of any one or more of the
following constitutes a “Default” by City and/or Parkland under this Agreement:

                    i.   The City and Parkland lose the ability to grant naming rights to the
                         Convention Center for any reason;

                   ii.   The Convention Center is shut-down for any reason (including a Force
                           Majeure as defined in Section 12 hereof) for a period of twelve (12)
                           months or more;

                    iii.   City’s or Parkland’s breach of any of the material covenants,
                           agreements, representations or warranties contained in this Agreement,
                           or any other agreement between the parties, if such breach (i) has not
                           been waived in writing; and (ii) is not cured or remedied within thirty
                           (30) days after delivery of written notice specifying the nature of the
                           breach or (iii) if such breach is capable of being cured but not within
                           such thirty (30) day period and City and/or Parkland are using diligent
                           efforts to cause such breach to be cured, then the cure period set forth
                           herein shall be extended to ninety (90) days.

                     iv.   Upon the occurrence of a Default by the City or Parkland, VanDyk may,
                           at its option, upon written notice to both City and Parkland: (i) terminate
                           this Agreement, in which case VanDyk shall not be obligated to make
                           any additional Naming Rights Fee Payments due after such termination;
                           provided, however, that VanDyk shall be obligated to pay any amounts
                           due on or prior to such termination; and/or (ii) enforce the provisions of
                           this Agreement by a suit in equity or at law for the specific performance
                           of any covenant or agreement contained in this Agreement, or for the
                           enforcement of any other legal or equitable remedy available at law.

                C.      No Continued Use of Name. Upon termination of this Agreement, the City
and Parkland shall be free to rename the Convention Center and the Parties shall no longer use the
VanDyk Mortgage Convention Center name or logos, and shall make reasonable efforts to notify
parties contracting with the Parties not to use the names or logos; provided, however, that City
shall have a maximum of ninety (90) days after termination of this Agreement to remove any
references to, or displays of, the name and Logos from the Convention Center. Except as provided
in paragraph 11(A), the costs of the removal shall be borne by the City.

         12.     Litigation concerning Naming Rights. Should individuals or entities whom are
not signatories to this Agreement sue or threaten to sue the City, VanDyk and/or Parkland
concerning this Agreement and/or the substance of this Agreement, the Parties shall meet and
discuss amending this Agreement in order to avoid litigation or the threat of litigation. Any
amendment will require mutual consent of the Parties. In the event that the parties cannot come to
a mutually agreeable amendment to avoid litigation or threatened litigation, either party may
choose to terminate this Agreement and the City and VanDyk would each bear half the cost of
removing the VanDyk signage and logos from the Convention Center. If the parties choose to
defend the litigation or threatened litigation, the Parties shall select legal counsel to represent all
entities and enter into a joint representation agreement and legal fees and expenses in defending
the litigation or threatened litigation shall be split evenly between the City and VanDyk.

         13.   Confidentiality. To the extent possible, each party agrees to treat as confidential
all information regarding the other party furnished, or to be furnished, pursuant to this Agreement,
including the terms and conditions of this Agreement. However, either party may disclose that
portion of the confidential information that is required to be disclosed by law, including the
Freedom of Information Act.

       14.    Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, all
of which together shall constitute one instrument.

        15.    Notice. Each notice, request, demand, consent, approval or other communication
required or permitted under this Agreement (collectively, “notices”) shall be in writing and shall
be deemed to be given if hand-delivered or sent by overnight delivery service at the address set
forth below, or sent electronically (with confirmation of receipt) at the applicable number set forth

       If to City of Muskegon:

                       City Manager
                       City of Muskegon
                       933 Terrace St.
                       Muskegon, MI 49443-0536

       With a copy to:

                       City Attorney
                       Parmenter Law
                       601 Terrace St.
                       Muskegon, MI 49440

       If to Parkland Acquisition Two, LLC

                       Jonathan Rooks
                       75 West Walton, Suite A
                       Muskegon, MI 49440

       With a copy to:

                       Charron Law
                       Dave Charron
                       5020 East Beltline, NE, Suite 201B
                       Grand Rapids, MI 49525

       If to VanDyk Mortgage:

                       Tom VanDyk, President
                       2449 Camelot Court SE
                       Grand Rapids, MI 49546

       With a copy to:
                       Mario Flores
                       5906 Commerce Drive, East Suite
                       Muskegon, MI 49444

       Any such notice shall be deemed given when actually delivered, when delivery is refused,
or upon confirmation of receipt of a facsimile.

         16.     Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on, and shall inure to
the benefit of, the parties hereto and their successors and permitted assigns. This Agreement may
not be assigned by any party hereto without the prior written consent of the other parties; provided,
however, that (i) the City and Parkland may assign this Agreement to any existing or future
affiliate, whose business includes the operation of the Convention Center; (ii) VanDyk may assign
this Agreement to any existing or future affiliate, provided that VanDyk shall continue to be
obligated to the City and Parkland under this Agreement; and (iii) VanDyk may assign this
Agreement in connection with the direct or indirect transfer or sale of all or substantially all of its
assets, or in the event of a merger, consolidation, or similar transaction, provided that (a) the
acquirer or surviving entity has creditworthiness or credit rating at least equal to that of VanDyk
immediately prior to the transaction, (b) the acquirer or surviving entity is another mortgage
provider, and (c) such assignee expressly agrees to assume unconditionally all of the obligations
of VanDyk hereunder for the balance of the Term and agrees to bound hereby.

        17.    Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is judged to be illegal, invalid or
unenforceable, such portion will be given effect to the maximum extent possible by narrowing, or
enforcing in part, such portion to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. Any such
invalidity or unenforceability will not in any way affect the validity or enforceability of the
remainder of this Agreement which will continue in full force and effect.

        18.    Captions. The captions used in this Agreement are for convenience only and will
not define, limit, or otherwise be used in the construction of this Agreement.

        19.     Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the
Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and, except as provided herein, there are no
agreements between them, written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof, other than as set
forth in this Agreement.

      20.    Governing Law. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties shall
be governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of
Michigan. Venue shall lie in Muskegon County, Michigan.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day
and year first above written.

                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON







                                       Exhibit A
                                   Sponsorship Terms

1. Signage. VanDyk Mortgage will have the following permanent signage displays. Final
   size, design, and location will be mutually agreed upon in advance by the Parties. Signage
   to read VanDyk Mortgage Convention Center]
       a. Exterior
               i. Arena/Convention Marquee Sign.

              ii. Exterior Shoreline Drive Signage

              iii. Exterior 4th Street Signage

AGREEMENT (the “First Amendment”) is made and entered into this 8th day of December, 2020
(the “Effective Date”), by and between the City of Muskegon (“City”) and Parkland Acquisition
Two, LLC (“Parkland”) (City and Parkland are sometimes referred to collectively as the “Parties”).


      A.      City is the owner of the Muskegon Lakeshore Convention Center, a multi-use
convention center located in Muskegon, Michigan ("Convention Center").

      B.    Parkland is the operator and manager of the Convention Center pursuant to the
Management Agreement dated December 6, 2018 (“Management Agreement”).

       C.     The Parties have the right to amend the Management Agreement and wish to do so,
in accordance with the terms of this First Amendment.

       D.      Contemporaneously with this Agreement, the Parties and VanDyk Mortgage
Corporation entered into a Naming Rights and Sponsorship Agreement (“Naming Agreement”);
and Parkland and VanDyk entered into a License Agreement (“License Agreement”), which
outlined other obligations with regard to the Convention Center.

      NOW THEREFORE, for mutual consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged, the Parties mutually agree as follows:

        1.      Kiosks and Box Office; Use of W Western Entry. Parkland authorizes the City
to install 5 kiosk machines in in the areas depicted in the attached Exhibit A. These kiosks will
primarily be used to sell tickets for events at the Mercy Health Arena (“Arena”). Parkland also
authorizes the City (and sports organizations authorized by the City) to use the area depicted in
Exhibit A during events at the Arena as a check-in counter/box office and as a point of entry to the
Arena; provided, the event is communicated in advance to Parkland. In the event the City’s (or the
sport organization’s) event at the Arena and Parkland’s event at the Convention Center conflict,
the Parties will work together to ensure no interruption to each other’s event. The City shall
indemnify and hold Parkland harmless against any and all claims relating to the use of the
Convention Center by the public to access the Arena.

        2.       Operating Revenue. The definition of Operating Revenue is amended to provide
that unless agreed otherwise, the City (or sports organizations authorized by the City) may retain
the box office revenue and ticket sale income for events in the Mercy Health Arena, even if the
actual sale is consummated at a kiosk or check-in counter/box office within the Convention Center.

         3.      Operating Expenses. The definition of Operating Expenses is amended to provide
that: (i) the City shall reimburse Parkland on an annual basis for ten percent (10%) of the utility
cost of the Convention Center; (ii) the City shall reimburse Parkland on an annual basis for the
cost of running the Convention Center exterior snowmelt system for events at the Arena; and (iii)
as needed due to use of the W Western Convention Center entry by the general public and patrons
visiting the Arena, or upon conclusion of events at the Arena, the City shall pay to clean and return
the entry and areas used by the City (or sports organizations authorized by the City) to a safe and
clean condition. Parkland shall submit proof of expenses under this paragraph to the City on an
annual basis, and the City shall reimburse Parkland within thirty (30) days of receipt of such proof.

         4.      Naming Sponsorship. Beginning May 1, 2021, and continuing during the term of the
Naming Agreement, the City shall pay Parkland the sum of $2,000 per month to reimburse Parkland for
costs associated with the Naming Agreement. Such amount shall be paid on a monthly basis and will be
pro-rated in any partial month of the sponsorship. Prior to the opening of the Convention Center, the City
shall also construct an alternative coat room of similar size in the Convention Center, so that the original
coat room may be licensed to VanDyk Mortgage Corporation under the terms of the License
Agreement. The City and Parkland shall have the right to sell additional naming sponsorships within the
convention center to offset these costs.

         5.     Assignment. Parkland may assign some or all of its obligations under this
Agreement and the Management Agreement to Muskegon Convention Center, LLC, a company
affiliated with Parkland.

        6.     Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the
Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and, except as provided herein, there are no
agreements between them, written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof, other than as set
forth in this Agreement. All references to the “City” herein shall run with the land and apply to
any future owner of the Arena other than the City.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day
and year first above written.

                                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON



                                                 PARKLAND ACQUISITIONS TWO, LLC


                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 12/8/2020                     Title: Jackson Hill, McLaughlin & Angell

Submitted By: Mike Franzak                             Department: Planning

Brief Summary: Staff-initiated request to rezone all single-family (R-1, R-2, R-3) and duplex (RT)
parcels in the McLaughlin, Angell and Jackson Hill neighborhoods to Form Based Code, Urban
Residential (FBC-UR).

Detailed Summary: The Planning Commission voted 8-1 to recommend approval to the City

The City Commission asked staff to mail notices to all properties affected by the case. Staff mailed
out more than 4,000 notices.

Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the request to rezone all single-family (R-1, R-2, R-3) and
duplex (RT) parcels in the McLaughlin, Angell and Jackson Hill neighborhoods to Form Based
Code, Urban Residential (FBC-UR).

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

Hearing, Case 2020-15: Staff-initiated request to rezone all single-family (R-1, R-2, R-3) and duplex (RT) parcels in
the McLaughlin, Angell and Jackson Hill neighborhoods to Form Based Code, Urban Residential (FBC-UR).

The zoning in McLaughlin, Angell and Jackson Hill doesn’t match reality.
    • Neighborhoods consist of single-family, duplex and small multiplex (3-4
      units) homes.
    • The zoning says only single-family homes are allowed.
    • This makes all homes other than single-family homes “non-
    • “Non- conforming” properties are susceptible to disinvestment.
         o Financing Issues
         o Insurance Issues
         o Rebuilding Issues
         o Unusable Space
    • The proper zoning designation will promote reinvestment within the
    • City staff is proposing to rezone the neighborhood to allow the types of
      homes that already exist here, but are considered non-conforming.
    • New duplexes/small multiplexes will be built on the appropriate lots and
      reduce many of the problems associated with existing multi-family
    • Alleys reduce privacy/noise issues associated with multi-family homes.
      We should only allow small-multiplexes where alleys are present.
    • More housing options = more affordable housing
We know from the rental maps that these neighborhoods are already made up of missing middle housing types.
So why is the zoning map mostly yellow (single-family) in these neighborhoods?
Form Based Code only allows duplexes/small multiplexes on appropriate lot sizes. Note required lot widths.

                                           So you end up with this

                                                   Not this
Proper Zoning

4 unit home (left) on an appropriately sized lot with alley access next to vacant lot and a single-family home (right)

Improper Zoning

3-unit home (below left) on a lot that is too small and without alley access, parking in the yard. And multi-family
homes (below right) with no alley access, using a vacant lot for parking/storage.
Proper Zoning

4-unit homes in McLaughlin on appropriately sized lots with alleys. ADU in the back of parcel on the left.

Improper Zoning

3 unit on small parcel without alley, make-shift parking lot on vacant lot adjacent
Improper Zoning

Former duplex on Isabella. Non-conforming. Sitting vacant. A potential buyer wants to invest, but only if it makes
sense. Not economically feasible to turn back to single-family. Potential ADU in back.

FBC, UR zoning would allow the following home types:

        •   Detached
        •   Rowhouse
        •   Duplex
        •   Small Multi-plex
        •   Live/Work
        •   Carriage House (Accessory Dwelling Unit)
Staff Proposes to Amend the Form Based Code Slightly

   •   In February, the Commission amended the FBC to state that small multi-plexes could only be “4 unit max,
       by right.”

   •   Staff recommends also adding “only when a useable alley is present.”

   This will require all small-multiplexes to be placed on appropriately sized lots with alley access, which will cut
   down on privacy/noise/blight issues that are perceived to be associated with multi-family homes. It will also
   greatly limit the amount of small multi-plexes allowed on existing lots, ensuring a nice mixture of housing
McLaughlin Lots Eligible for Small-Multiplex Homes Under Proposal
Jackson Hill Lots Eligible for Small-Multiplex Homes Under Proposal
Angell Lots Eligible for Small-Multiplex Homes Under Proposal
                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                          MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                           ORDINANCE NO.

 An ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City to provide for a zone change for several properties in the Jackson
                 Hill, McLaughlin and Angell Neighborhoods to Form Based Code, Urban Residential.


The zoning map of the City of Muskegon is hereby amended to change the zoning for several properties in the Jackson
Hill, McLaughlin and Angell Neighborhoods to Form Based Code, Urban Residential.

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                                                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                                  By: __________________________
                                                                                                 Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                                                         City Clerk
   (Rezoning for several properties in the Jackson Hill, McLaughlin and Angell Neighborhoods to FBC, UR)

The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby
certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of
Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 10th day of December 2020, at which meeting a quorum
was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of
Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full
compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept
and will be or have been made available as required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2020       ________________________________
Ann Meisch, MMC
Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish        Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                 NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on December 10, 2020, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance amending the zoning map to provide for the change of zoning for several properties in the Jackson
Hill, McLaughlin and Angell Neighborhoods to FBC, UR.

Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2020                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON

By ___________________________
Ann Meisch, MMC
City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: December 8, 2020              Title: CAPER 2019

Submitted By: Oneata Bailey                            Department: Community & Neighborhood

Brief Summary: Request to conduct a Public Hearing of the Community & Neighborhood Services department
              Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER 2019)

Detailed Summary: To conduct a public hearing of the 2019 CAPER of HUD funded programs through
CDBG and HOME for the City of Muskegon, Community and Neighborhood Services department.

Amount Requested: N/A                                Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                           Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: To submit the 2019 CAPER including any public comments received during the 20
day comment period ending December 22, 2020.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
CR-05 - Goals and Outcomes
Progress the jurisdiction has made in carrying out its strategic plan and its action plan. 91.520(a)
This could be an overview that includes major initiatives and highlights that were proposed and executed throughout the program year.

The city of Muskegon's programs were not interupted because of COVID-19. The projects funded had great success and many households were

Comparison of the proposed versus actual outcomes for each outcome measure submitted with the consolidated plan and
explain, if applicable, why progress was not made toward meeting goals and objectives. 91.520(g)
Categories, priority levels, funding sources and amounts, outcomes/objectives, goal outcome indicators, units of measure, targets, actual
outcomes/outputs, and percentage completed for each of the grantee’s program year goals.

 Goal                          Category       Source   Indicator               Unit of       Expected    Actual –    Percent     Expected   Actual –   Percent
                                              /                                Measure       –           Strategic   Complete    –          Program    Complete
                                              Amount                                         Strategic   Plan                    Program    Year
                                                                                             Plan                                Year
 Acquisition                   Affordable     $/       Homeowner Housing
                                                                               Housing       10          0
 Development Resale            Housing        HOME:    Added                                                         0.00%
                     Community                         Housing Code           Household
 Code Enforcement -                           CDBG:
                     Development                       Enforcement/Foreclosed Housing        275         0
 Inspections                                  $                                                                      0.00%
                     Housing                           Property Care          Unit
 Code Enforcement -  Non-Housing
 Neighborhood Clean- Community                         Other                   Other         10          0
                                              $                                                                      0.00%
 Up                  Development

                                                                     CAPER                                                   1
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
                                                        Public service activities
 Code Enforcement -            Enforcement,
                                                CDBG:   other than                  Persons
 Smoke and CO                  Neighborhood                                                     250   0
                                                $       Low/Moderate Income         Assisted              0.00%
 Detectors                     Safety, Public
                                                        Housing Benefit
                               Community        CDBG:
 Demolition                                             Buildings Demolished        Buildings   35    0               5    0
                               Development      $                                                         0.00%                0.00%
                               Blight Fight
                               Community        CDBG:
 Demolition                                             Other                       Other       0     0               15   0
                               Development      $                                                                              0.00%
                               Blight Fight
                               Enhancement,             Public Facility or
 Exterior Paint/Siding         Code             CDBG:   Infrastructure Activities   Households
                                                                                               55     5
 Housing                       Enforcement,     $       for Low/Moderate            Assisted              9.09%
                               Preserving of            Income Housing Benefit
                               Housing Stock
 Exterior Paint/Siding         Code             CDBG:   Homeowner Housing
                                                                                    Housing     0     0               4    5
 Housing                       Enforcement,     $       Rehabilitated                                                          125.00%
                               Preserving of
                               Housing Stock

                                                                           CAPER                                  2
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
 Exterior Paint/Siding         Code             CDBG:
                                                        Jobs created/retained       Jobs        5     0
 Housing                       Enforcement,     $                                                         0.00%
                               Preserving of
                               Housing Stock
 Fair Housing                  Development              Other                       Other       25    0
                                                $                                                         0.00%
                               Fair Housing
                                                CDBG:   Homeowner Housing
 Home Repairs                  Home Repairs                                         Housing     500   0               24   34
                                                $       Rehabilitated                                     0.00%                 141.67%
 Homebuyer            Affordable                $/      Homeowner Housing
                                                                                    Housing     15    0
 Assistance/Education Housing                   HOME:   Added                                             0.00%
                               Affordable       HOME:   Homeowner Housing
 Housing                                                                            Housing     5     0               3    2
                               Housing          $       Added                                             0.00%                 66.67%
                               Affordable       HOME:
 Housing                                                Jobs created/retained       Jobs        5     0
                               Housing          $                                                         0.00%
                               Non-Housing              Public Facility or
                               Community                Infrastructure Activities
 Improved                                       CDBG:                               Persons
                               Development              other than                              0     0               5    0
 Neighborhoods                                  $                                   Assisted                                    0.00%
                               Economic                 Low/Moderate Income
                               Development              Housing Benefit
                                                                          CAPER                                   3
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
 Improved                                       CDBG:
                               Development              Jobs created/retained    Jobs         5     0
 Neighborhoods                                  $                                                       0.00%
 Improved                                       CDBG:
                               Development              Other                    Other        3     0
 Neighborhoods                                  $                                                       0.00%
 Legal Services                Outreach,                Other                    Other        10    0
                                                $                                                       0.00%
                               Public Service
                                                CDBG:                            Businesses
 Match Funding                 Community                Businesses assisted                   0     0               5     0
                                                $                                Assisted                                     0.00%
 Match Funding                 Community                Other                    Other        10    0
                                                $                                                       0.00%
 Neighborhood                                   CDBG:
                               Community                Other                    Other        25    0
 Policing                                       $                                                       0.00%
 Owner Occupied                                 CDBG:   Homeowner Housing
                               Home Repairs                                      Housing      350   0
 Rehabilitation                                 $       Rehabilitated                                   0.00%
 Public Facilities                              CDBG:
                               Community                Other                    Other        3     0               500   0
 Improvement                                    $                                                       0.00%                 0.00%

                                                                         CAPER                                  4
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
                                                        Public Facility or
                               Non-Housing              Infrastructure Activities
 Public Service                                CDBG:                                Persons
                               Community                other than                              0      0               200   250
 Opportunities                                 $                                    Assisted                                       125.00%
                               Development              Low/Moderate Income
                                                        Housing Benefit
                                                        Public service activities
 Public Service                                CDBG:    other than                  Persons
                               Community                                                        50     0
 Opportunities                                 $        Low/Moderate Income         Assisted               0.00%
                                                        Housing Benefit
                               Non-Housing                                          Household
 Public Service                                CDBG:    Homeowner Housing
                               Community                                            Housing     10     0
 Opportunities                                 $        Rehabilitated                                      0.00%
                               Development                                          Unit
 Rental Rehabilitation         Affordable      $/       Rental units
                                                                                    Housing     15     0               4     0
 Program                       Housing         HOME:    rehabilitated                                      0.00%                   0.00%
                                                        Public service activities
                                               CDBG:    other than                  Persons
 Senior Assistance             Homeless                                                         375    0
                                               $        Low/Moderate Income         Assisted               0.00%
                               Special Needs
                                                        Housing Benefit
                                                        Public Facility or
                               Non-Housing              Infrastructure Activities
                                               CDBG:                                Persons
 Streets                       Community                other than                              500    0
                                               $                                    Assisted               0.00%
                               Development              Low/Moderate Income
                                                        Housing Benefit
                                                        Public service activities
                                               CDBG:    other than                  Persons
 Youth Opportunities           Development                                                      2500   0               200   25
                                               $        Low/Moderate Income         Assisted               0.00%                   12.50%
                                                        Housing Benefit
                                                                           CAPER                                   5
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
 Youth Opportunities           Development               Jobs created/retained       Jobs           4             0               5   0
                                              $                                                                       0.00%                  0.00%
                                              Table 1 - Accomplishments – Program Year & Strategic Plan to Date

Assess how the jurisdiction’s use of funds, particularly CDBG, addresses the priorities and specific objectives identified in the plan,
giving special attention to the highest priority activities identified.

Our CDBG programs addressed priorities of safe housing, youth development and public facilities and services. The plan for the 5 years of
accomplishments is in it's 4th year so collectively we will add to our table the actuals to date. Some of our programs are no longer- Code
Enforcement and Demolitions. Other programming is offered periodically - streets and sidewalks, however some other programs are under-
utilized like our rental rehabilitation program.

                                                                           CAPER                                              6
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
CR-10 - Racial and Ethnic composition of families assisted
Describe the families assisted (including the racial and ethnic status of families assisted).

                                                                  CDBG               HOME
   White                                                                   16                  1
   Black or African American                                               22                  1
   Asian                                                                    0                  0
   American Indian or American Native                                       0                  0
   Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander                                0                  0
   Total                                                                   38                  2
   Hispanic                                                                 0                  0
   Not Hispanic                                                             0                 68

          Table 2 – Table of assistance to racial and ethnic populations by source of funds


The families assisted show that Black/African American households outnumber the other races. This is a
first that minority families received assistance with housing repairs and it is a split percentage for those
that were able to purchase an affordable housing unit. Our stats prove that the programs are working
and the funds are being used to help those in need.

                                                       CAPER                                               7
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
CR-15 - Resources and Investments 91.520(a)
Identify the resources made available
       Source of Funds                         Source                Resources Made         Amount Expended
                                                                        Available          During Program Year
   CDBG                            public - federal                             973,451                 676,858
   HOME                            public - federal                             334,818                  18,168
                                              Table 3 - Resources Made Available


Some of the projects set up for 2019 were not completed and other funds were not allocated in HOME
for affordable housing units.

Identify the geographic distribution and location of investments
          Target Area              Planned Percentage of          Actual Percentage of     Narrative Description
                                        Allocation                     Allocation
   Muskegon                        100                           100                      City Limits
   Muskegon Heights
   Norton Shores
                      Table 4 – Identify the geographic distribution and location of investments


Our programs are designed to assist low-income residents and provide avenues for assistance to
creating a variety of public facilities and services, youth recreation and economic development. As a
participating jurisdiction, the city has committed funds for affordable housing units but very little
movement has been achieved due to COVID-19. We are expecting to rebound within the coming
months to meet our goals.

                                                           CAPER                                               8
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)

Explain how federal funds leveraged additional resources (private, state and local funds),
including a description of how matching requirements were satisfied, as well as how any
publicly owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that were used to address the
needs identified in the plan.

We are pleased to mention that we are using our DTE Program to offset the costs of certain
housing repairs- furnaces, water heaters and some electric and plumbing costs associated with
these types of mechanical replacements and repairs. This allows us to us our CDBG funds on
the most used repair/replacement- roofs. The ability to stretch our funds is accomplished
through our local millage program that offers seniors an opportunity to garner a multitude of
housing issues minor and major to allow for another avenue to cover high costs.

These have all been private properties in our community that could become blighted and
abandoned without this assistance. The needs of our population given the current pandemic
have been met through leveraging funds from other sources. It has been a great resource to
assist more than would be possible with our current funding.

                                     Fiscal Year Summary – HOME Match
   1. Excess match from prior Federal fiscal year                                               0
   2. Match contributed during current Federal fiscal year                                      0
   3. Total match available for current Federal fiscal year (Line 1 plus Line 2)                0
   4. Match liability for current Federal fiscal year                                           0
   5. Excess match carried over to next Federal fiscal year (Line 3 minus Line 4)               0
                                  Table 5 – Fiscal Year Summary - HOME Match Report

                                                       CAPER                                    9
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
                                                              Match Contribution for the Federal Fiscal Year
   Project No. or         Date of                 Cash         Foregone          Appraised         Required              Site             Bond       Total Match
     Other ID           Contribution          (non-Federal    Taxes, Fees,       Land/Real      Infrastructure       Preparation,       Financing
                                                sources)        Charges           Property                           Construction
                                                                                                                    Donated labor

                                                         Table 6 – Match Contribution for the Federal Fiscal Year

   Program Income – Enter the program amounts for the reporting period
      Balance on hand at       Amount received during    Total amount expended                           Amount expended for              Balance on hand at end
    begin-ning of reporting       reporting period        during reporting period                              TBRA                         of reporting period
            period                        $                          $                                           $                                   $
                     496,271                   343,421                     461,471                                                  0                    378,221
                                                                       Table 7 – Program Income

                                                                                 CAPER                                                      10
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
   Minority Business Enterprises and Women Business Enterprises – Indicate the number and dollar
   value of contracts for HOME projects completed during the reporting period
                      Total                  Minority Business Enterprises               White Non-
                                  Alaskan       Asian or      Black Non-      Hispanic    Hispanic
                                 Native or       Pacific       Hispanic
                                 American       Islander
   Amount              261,360             0             0              0              0    261,360
   Number                    3             0             0              0              0           3
   Number                    3             0             0              0              0           3
   Amount               78,425             0             0              0              0     78,425
                      Total       Women           Male
   Amount              261,360             0       261,360
   Number                    3             0             3
   Number                    3             0             3
   Amount               78,425             0        78,425
Table 8 - Minority Business and Women Business Enterprises

   Minority Owners of Rental Property – Indicate the number of HOME assisted rental property owners
   and the total amount of HOME funds in these rental properties assisted
                   Total                   Minority Property Owners                     White Non-
                             Alaskan         Asian or     Black Non-      Hispanic       Hispanic
                            Native or         Pacific      Hispanic
                            American         Islander

   Number                   0                  0                0               0     0           0
   Amount                   0                  0                0               0     0           0
                                       Table 9 – Minority Owners of Rental Property

                                                         CAPER                                   11
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
   Relocation and Real Property Acquisition – Indicate the number of persons displaced, the cost of
   relocation payments, the number of parcels acquired, and the cost of acquisition
   Parcels Acquired                                 0                0
   Businesses Displaced                             0                0
   Nonprofit Organizations
   Displaced                                        0                0
   Households Temporarily
   Relocated, not Displaced                         0                0
    Households      Total                 Minority Property Enterprises                    White Non-
      Displaced                Alaskan         Asian or      Black Non-      Hispanic        Hispanic
                              Native or         Pacific       Hispanic
                              American         Islander

   Number                      0                0                0               0       0          0
   Cost                        0                0                0               0       0          0
                                   Table 10 – Relocation and Real Property Acquisition

                                                         CAPER                                     12
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
CR-20 - Affordable Housing 91.520(b)
Evaluation of the jurisdiction's progress in providing affordable housing, including the
number and types of families served, the number of extremely low-income, low-income,
moderate-income, and middle-income persons served.

                                                                One-Year Goal          Actual
   Number of Homeless households to be
   provided affordable housing units                                               0                0
   Number of Non-Homeless households to be
   provided affordable housing units                                               8                2
   Number of Special-Needs households to be
   provided affordable housing units                                               0                0
   Total                                                                           8                2
                                              Table 11 – Number of Households

                                                                One-Year Goal          Actual
   Number of households supported through
   Rental Assistance                                                               4                0
   Number of households supported through
   The Production of New Units                                                     0                0
   Number of households supported through
   Rehab of Existing Units                                                         3                2
   Number of households supported through
   Acquisition of Existing Units                                                   1                0
   Total                                                                           8                2
                                       Table 12 – Number of Households Supported

Discuss the difference between goals and outcomes and problems encountered in meeting
these goals.

The goals were minimal that will benefit through Affordable housing units. We were able to sell 2
properties through HOME programs.

Discuss how these outcomes will impact future annual action plans.

Through the use of CDBG funds and HOME funds the support to homeowners far outweighed the

                                                          CAPER                                     13
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Include the number of extremely low-income, low-income, and moderate-income persons
served by each activity where information on income by family size is required to determine
the eligibility of the activity.
         Number of Households Served                      CDBG Actual             HOME Actual
   Extremely Low-income                                                 18                      0
   Low-income                                                           11                      0
   Moderate-income                                                       9                      2
   Total                                                                38                      2
                                         Table 13 – Number of Households Served

Narrative Information

We assisted 35 citizens with roofs, foundations, electric, plumbing, mechanical and facade replacements
that were threatening the safety of their homes. The benefit to offering these programs helps to sustain
households and support families that need specific, priority housing repairs/replacements.

                                                         CAPER                                       14
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
CR-25 - Homeless and Other Special Needs 91.220(d, e); 91.320(d, e); 91.520(c)
Evaluate the jurisdiction’s progress in meeting its specific objectives for reducing and ending
homelessness through:

Reaching out to homeless persons (especially unsheltered persons) and assessing their
individual needs

The city has made great progress as a board member of the Continuum of Care (CoC) to help reduce
homelessnes in our community. Regionally, the cities of Muskegon Heights and Norton Shores are
represented as well, and our focus is to meet objectives set by the CoC board to reach this critical

Addressing the emergency shelter and transitional housing needs of homeless persons

The Continuum of Care board has the shelter agency present and informative of the needs of homeless
persons. The Muskegon Area Mission supports females and males who are single or households that
need shelter.

Helping low-income individuals and families avoid becoming homeless, especially extremely
low-income individuals and families and those who are: likely to become homeless after
being discharged from publicly funded institutions and systems of care (such as health care
facilities, mental health facilities, foster care and other youth facilities, and corrections
programs and institutions); and, receiving assistance from public or private agencies that
address housing, health, social services, employment, education, or youth needs

Helping homeless persons (especially chronically homeless individuals and families, families
with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth) make the transition to
permanent housing and independent living, including shortening the period of time that
individuals and families experience homelessness, facilitating access for homeless individuals
and families to affordable housing units, and preventing individuals and families who were
recently homeless from becoming homeless again

The CoC is an organization in pursiut of helping homeless persons find affordable housing in our
community. The City has participated in a board capacity to structure and facilitate housing
opportunities that prevent housed homeless families from experiencing another homeless scenario.

                                                 CAPER                                                 15
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
CR-30 - Public Housing 91.220(h); 91.320(j)
Actions taken to address the needs of public housing

Muskegon Housing Commission has representation of city staff on the Board to assist with the needs of
those that in public housing. As a benefit to the Housing Commission, the city manager appoints board
members as necessary. The needs of public housing and other programming is in consideration of the
city of Muskegon's interest to address potential needs.

Actions taken to encourage public housing residents to become more involved in
management and participate in homeownership

Public housing residents are known to be at a fixed-income status and because of this their likelihood to
become a homeowner is rare. However, the opportunity to use homeownership has not been given in
the past 10 years. Other strategies to encourage management were to include residents in decision
making and changes to the public housing facility. A resident board is again, active and working with
PHA staff to oversee the tenants issues and concerns.

Actions taken to provide assistance to troubled PHAs

Our local Muskegon Housing Commission (PHA) does not have a troubled status.

                                                 CAPER                                                 16
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
CR-35 - Other Actions 91.220(j)-(k); 91.320(i)-(j)
Actions taken to remove or ameliorate the negative effects of public policies that serve as
barriers to affordable housing such as land use controls, tax policies affecting land, zoning
ordinances, building codes, fees and charges, growth limitations, and policies affecting the
return on residential investment. 91.220 (j); 91.320 (i)

Negative effects of policies that can be a barrier to housing is a planning department direction to
address old zoning ordinances. The approach taken to complete an updated view of housing choice for
our community and developers was achieved through rezoning of parcels in our eligible census tracts
and our city is a redevelopment ready community.

Actions taken to address obstacles to meeting underserved needs. 91.220(k); 91.320(j)

The underserved needs of our community required the location of resources. Our office has been able
to remove the obstacle of financing programs through the access of other grants.

Actions taken to reduce lead-based paint hazards. 91.220(k); 91.320(j)

We have a state funded program for Lead Based Paint hazards but mostly, every affordable housing unit
produced is cleared of Lead-based paint hazards through abatement and remediate.

Our HOME funded units through Rental Rehab or Homeonwer programs address lead as a required
feature of renovations. Our programs include this action up front before rehabilitation can take place,
and the properties are cleared to ensure safety of future residents.

Actions taken to reduce the number of poverty-level families. 91.220(k); 91.320(j)

How can we use these funds to offer jobs and other developments that improve the income of our
populations? We offer grants to local businesses to stay open but importantly more than that- to hire
more workers. Another option is to allow business options to increase their labor force through tax
abatement. If we can provide an avenue for new job development, the city is looking for ways to make
it happen.

Actions taken to develop institutional structure. 91.220(k); 91.320(j)

Institutional structure is developed through trial and success of building a stong community. Our
neighborhoods are ways to improve strong living environments one household at time. Through our
Priority Housing Repair program, we go to the homes of citizens requesting help to stabilize thier living
environment. Doing this annually developes the institution of a good place to live and it structures our
city to be appealing to others who choose to live here, play here and work here.

                                                  CAPER                                                 17
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Actions taken to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service
agencies. 91.220(k); 91.320(j)

Our social service agencies in our community have always been a partner to address the needs of our
income challenged families. We work with the Department of Health and Human Services, Community
Foundation and we receive referrals from many organizations that focus on housing, health and public

Identify actions taken to overcome the effects of any impediments identified in the
jurisdictions analysis of impediments to fair housing choice. 91.520(a)

Our response to overcoming impediments identified of our jurisdiction occurred by contracting with the
Fair Housing Center of West Michigan who review the HMDA reporting of the past years to show how
our Banks are helping families. We saw the stats, we meet with local banks and lenders, and we shared
how we can do better in a fair and impartial manner to overcome prejudice and discrimination. Using
the FHCWM to help us survey our community residents, educate our local banks, realtors, rental
owners, and ourselves to overcome hidden or visual disparities in our jurisdiction.

                                                CAPER                                               18
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
CR-40 - Monitoring 91.220 and 91.230
Describe the standards and procedures used to monitor activities carried out in furtherance
of the plan and used to ensure long-term compliance with requirements of the programs
involved, including minority business outreach and the comprehensive planning

Homelessness is an ongoing issue that is being addressed by our Continuum of Care board for which the
city of Muskegon has a seat. The partnership with other local agencies is crutial to set goals and
objectives that monitor the activities of outreach to assist minorities, low-income and no income
households. Working together to review standards set forth to improve the availability of housing and
evaluate the progress.

Citizen Participation Plan 91.105(d); 91.115(d)

Describe the efforts to provide citizens with reasonable notice and an opportunity to
comment on performance reports.

As we update the Citizen Participation Plan to include additional ways to notify the public through
virtual arenas- Facebook, Website, Instagram, and postings. Reasonable notice gives a 10 day heads up
for hearings and for 15, 20 and 30 day comment periods. It has been a big effort form our Information
Technology department and the Clerk's office to assist us in this effort.

                                               CAPER                                               19
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
CR-45 - CDBG 91.520(c)
Specify the nature of, and reasons for, any changes in the jurisdiction’s program objectives
and indications of how the jurisdiction would change its programs as a result of its

No experiences occurred that would cause our city to alter objectives and goals or programs. Even with
the pandemic during the last 3 months of the year, our staff was able to continue providing services to
families in need.

Does this Jurisdiction have any open Brownfields Economic Development Initiative (BEDI)


[BEDI grantees] Describe accomplishments and program outcomes during the last year.

                                                 CAPER                                                20
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
CR-50 - HOME 91.520(d)
Include the results of on-site inspections of affordable rental housing assisted under the
program to determine compliance with housing codes and other applicable regulations

Please list those projects that should have been inspected on-site this program year based upon
the schedule in §92.504(d). Indicate which of these were inspected and a summary of issues
that were detected during the inspection. For those that were not inspected, please indicate
the reason and how you will remedy the situation.

Monitoring HOME assisted rentals happen every 3 years and the next cycle will be 2021. The monitoring
process reviews occupants, rents, and code compliance of the property standards. During the
monitoring process, you may know

Provide an assessment of the jurisdiction's affirmative marketing actions for HOME units.

The city provides opportunity for

Refer to IDIS reports to describe the amount and use of program income for projects,
including the number of projects and owner and tenant characteristics

HOME funds/Program Income provided in 2 different projects -Rental Rehab and Homebuyer Assistance

Describe other actions taken to foster and maintain affordable housing. 91.220(k) (STATES
ONLY: Including the coordination of LIHTC with the development of affordable housing).

Our designed programs utilizing HOME funds are to produce affordable housing units in our city.

                                                CAPER                                             21
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
                          Agenda Item Review Form
                           Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 12-8-2020                               Title: Infill Housing Project (2nd Amendment)
                                                                 Brownfield Plan Amendment public hearing

Submitted By: Pete Wills                                         Department: Economic Development

Brief Summary: To hold a public hearing and approve the resolution to adopt the city’s Infill Housing Project
(2nd Amendment) to the Scattered Site Brownfield Plan. The BRA approved the Plan amendment on 11/24
and recommended approval by the City Commission.

Detailed Summary: The 2nd Amendment adds (12) additional parcels into the Scattered Site Brownfield
Plan. On July 28th, the City Commission approved the 1st Amendment. The redevelopment of 119 total
parcels are primarily located in the Nelson, Jackson Hill and Angell neighborhoods, respectively. Some lots
will be split, creating up to 253 subject parcels. This updated plan incorporates three types of redevelopment
projects; infill housing on vacant City lots (up to 238 units), the rehab of existing homes (11 detached
houses), and two separate mixed-use developments (former Catholic Charities parcels and 880 First St, LLC
projects). Activities include the redevelopment and rehabilitation of subject parcels and construction of new
commercial and residential units. The City is currently marketing these properties with the anticipation that
private developers will acquire the sites and submit plans for productive redevelopment.
Developer’s Reimbursement Costs: Infill Housing - $5,837,000; Mixed-use projects - $1,000,000; Total
reimbursement costs - $6,837,000.
Estimated Total Capital Investment: Infill Housing - $48,600,000; Home rehab - $500,000; Mixed Use
developments: $26,000,000; Total Estimated Capital Investment - $75,100,000
Plan Amendment eligible activities: $4,840,000 cost of sale/seller concessions; $1,200,000 demolition and
abatement; $777,000 public infrastructure; $20,000 Brownfield Plan Preparation and Development;
$1,025,550 contingency fees (15%); $7,862,550 - total eligible activities to be paid under this Plan. End of
2023 for estimated completion date of the Project homes. After all eligible costs incurred by the various
parties are reimbursed, the BRA is authorized to continue to capture local taxes for five more years for
deposit into a Local Site Remediation Revolving Fund.
The additional eligible properties include:
880 First Street (880 First St LLC development) / 216 W. Clay (880 First St LLC development) / 208 W. Clay (880 First St
LLC development) / 1095 Third Street (former Catholic Charities property) / 301 W. Muskegon Ave (former Catholic
Charities parking lot) / 589 McLaughlin (Big Red Developer) / 559 McLaughlin (Big Red Developer) / 441 Isabella (Big
Red Developer) / 438 Isabella (Big Red Developer) / 591 Catherine (Big Red Developer) / 185 E. Muskegon Ave (former
Farmers Market properties) / 209 E. Walton Ave (former Farmers Market properties)

Amount Requested: N/A                                          Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                         Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To close the public hearing and approve the resolution of the Brownfield
Plan Amendment for the city’s Infill Housing Project (2nd Amendment).
Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.
For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:



             November 24, 2020

   Prepared For The City of Muskegon Brownfield
             Redevelopment Authority

        Prepared By City of Muskegon Staff
Infill Housing Project
City of Muskegon, a qualified unit of local government, as defined by Public Act 381 of 1996, as
There are 119 Eligible Properties for this project, most of which are not adjacent to one another. Please
refer to the “Eligible Property Information Chart” and the “Eligible Property Map (Attachment A)” on the
following pages.
The project will focus on the redevelopment of 119 parcels, most of them located in the Nelson and
Jackson Hill Neighborhoods. Some of these lots will be split, creating up to 253 subject parcels. The plan
incorporates three types of redevelopment projects; infill housing on vacant City lots (up to 247 units),
the rehab of existing homes (11 detached houses), and two separate mixed-use developments (former
Catholic charity parcels and 880 First St, LLC projects).

The residential infill units will consist mostly of detached houses and rowhomes, with some duplexes and
small multiplexes mixed in as the market dictates. The infill housing project includes the redevelopment
of the former Farmers Market (infrastructure costs) and the demolition of the former Froebel School
(demo and abatement costs) in order to redevelop the property with a variety residential units.
Cost of Sale, Demo & Abatement, Public Infrastructure, Preparation of Brownfield Plan
Infill Housing - $5,837,000
Mixed-use projects - $1,000,000
Total reimbursable costs - $6,837,000
30 years
Infill Housing - $48,600,000
Home Rehab - $500,000
Mixed Use developments - $26,000,000
Total Estimated Capital Investment - $75,100,000
$0 (City & County Owned)
1. Introduction
   The City of Muskegon, Michigan (the “City”), established the Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment
   Authority (the “Authority”) on July 4, 1997, pursuant to Michigan Public Act 381 of 1996, as amended
   (“Act 381”). The primary purpose of Act 381 is to encourage the redevelopment of eligible property
   by providing economic incentives through tax increment financing for certain eligible activities.
   The main purpose of this Brownfield Plan is to promote the redevelopment of and investment in
   certain “Brownfield” properties within the City. Inclusion of the subject properties within this Plan
   will facilitate the development of infill housing at eligible properties. By facilitating redevelopment of
   underutilized properties, the Plan is intended to promote economic growth for the benefit of the
   residents of the City and all taxing units located within and benefited by the Authority.
   This Plan is intended to be a living document, which can be amended as necessary to achieve the
   purposes of Act 381. It is specifically anticipated that properties will be continually added to the Plan
   as new projects are identified. The Plan contains general provisions applicable to the Plan, as well as
   property-specific information for each project. The applicable Sections of Act 381 are noted
   throughout the Plan for reference purposes.

   This Brownfield Plan contains the information required by Section 13(1) of Act 381, as amended.
   Additional information is available from the Muskegon City Manager or the Planning Director.

   The Infill Housing Project was originally added to this Plan on April 14, 2019. It was amended for the
   1st time on July 14, 2019. This amendment seeks to modify certain aspects of the plan; most notably
   the addition of parcels associated with the Big Red Developer and the mixed-use projects.

2. General Provisions

   A. Costs of the Brownfield Plan (Section 13(1)(a))
   Any site-specific costs of implementing this Plan are described in the site-specific section of the Plan.
   Site-specific sources of funding may include tax increment financing revenue generated from new
   development on eligible brownfield properties, state and federal grant or loan funds, and/or private
   parties. Where private parties finance the costs of eligible activities under the Plan, tax increment
   revenues may be used to reimburse the private parties. The initial costs related to preparation of the
   Brownfield Plan were funded by the City’s general fund. Subsequent amendments to the Plan may
   be funded by the person requesting inclusion of a project in the Plan, and if eligible, may be
   reimbursed through tax increment financing.

   The Authority intends to pay for administrative costs and all of the things necessary or convenient to
   achieve the objectives and purposes of the Authority with fees charged to applicants to be included
   in the Plan, and any eligible tax increment revenues collected pursuant to the Plan, in accordance with
   the provisions of Act 381, including, but not limited to:

   i)      the cost of financial tracking and auditing the funds of the Authority,
   ii)     costs for amending and/or updating this Plan, and
   iii)    costs for Plan implementation
Tax increment revenues that may be generated and captured by this Plan are identified in the site-
specific sections of this Plan.

B. Method for Financing Costs of Plan (Section 13(1)(d) and (e))
The City or Brownfield Authority may incur some debt on a site-specific basis. Please refer to the site-
specific section of this Plan for details on any debt to be incurred by the City or Authority. When a
property proposed for inclusion in the Plan is in an area where tax increment financing is a viable
option, the Authority intends to enter into Development Agreements with the property
owners/developers of properties included in the Plan to reimburse them for the costs of eligible
activities undertaken pursuant to this Plan. Financing arrangements will be specified in a
Development and Reimbursement Agreement, and also identified in the Site Specific section of the

C. Duration of the Brownfield Plan (Section 13(1)(f))

The duration of this Plan is not to exceed 30 years. It is estimated that all of the homes associated
with the Project will be completed by 2023. Since the “cost of sale” will vary for each home, as will
construction costs, it is impossible to know exactly how long it will take to completely recapture
eligible costs through tax increment revenues, although it is anticipated that it will be well within the
30 year time frame. In addition, once all activity costs are reimbursed, funds may be captured for the
local site remediation revolving fund, if available. The duration of capture for the Project already
began in 2020 and will continue until such time that all the eligible activities undertaken in this Plan
are reimbursed, but in no event will the Plan exceed the maximum duration provided for in (MCLA
125.2663(1)(22)). The total costs of eligible activities include the cost of principal and interest on any
note or obligation issued by the Authority to pay for the costs of eligible activities, the cost of principal
and interest otherwise incurred to pay for eligible activities, the reasonable costs of a work plan or
remedial action plan and the costs of preparation of Brownfield Plans and amendments.

D. Displacement/Relocation of Individuals on Eligible Properties (Section 13(1)(i),(j)(k)(l)

Eligible properties identified in this Plan will not require the displacement/relocation of existing
residences, therefore the provisions of Section 13(1)(i-l) are not applicable at this time.

E. Local Site Remediation Revolving Fund (Section 8; Section 13(1)(m))

Whenever this Plan includes a property for which taxes will be captured through the tax increment
financing authority provided by Act 381, it is the Authority's intent to establish and fund a Local Site
Remediation Revolving Fund ("Fund"). The Fund will consist of tax increment revenues that exceed
the costs of eligible activities incurred on an eligible property, as specified in Section 13(5) of Act 381.
Section 13(5) authorizes the capture of tax increment revenue from an eligible property for up to 5
years after the time that capture is required for the purposes of paying the costs of eligible activities
identified in the Plan. It is the intention of the Authority to continue to capture tax increment
revenues for 5 years after eligible activities are funded from those properties identified for tax capture
in the Plan, provided that the time frame allowed by Act 381 for tax capture is sufficient to
              accommodate capture to capitalize a Fund. The amount of school operating taxes captured for the
              Revolving Fund will be limited to the amount of school operating taxes captured for eligible
              environmental response activities under this Plan. It may also include funds appropriated or
              otherwise made available from public or private sources.

              The Revolving Fund may be used to reimburse the Authority, the City, and private parties for the costs
              of eligible activities at eligible properties and other costs as permitted by Act 381. It may also be used
              for eligible activities on an eligible property for which there is no ability to capture tax increment
              revenues. The establishment of this Revolving Fund will provide additional flexibility to the Authority
              in facilitating redevelopment of brownfield properties by providing another source of financing for
              necessary eligible activities.

          3. Site Specific Provisions

              A. Eligibility and Project Description (Sec. 13(1)(h))
              The eligible properties included in Infill Housing Project compromise approximately 41 acres
              of vacant land spread across 119 parcels in Muskegon, Michigan (See Attachment A). Some
              of these lots will be split, which will result in a total of 253 parcels.

              Project Breakdown:
              Parcels = 119
              Parcels after splits = 253
              New homes = 247
              Rehabbed homes = 11
              “Cost of sale” concessions = $4,860,000
              Public Infrastructure = $777,000
              Demo & abatement = $1,200,000
              Reimbursable Costs of Construction (before 15% contingency) = $6,837,000

              The chart below depicts a listing of eligible properties and the basis for their eligibility.

                                             Eligible Property Information Chart
      Address             Tax Identification        Basis of        Investment        Reimbursable        Approxi     Zoning
                               Number             Brownfield           Cost               Cost             mate
                                                   Eligibility                                            Acreage
                                          Dusendang Project (109 Homes)
1246 5th St              24-205-378-0006-00 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000           0.07                    FBC, UR
Legal Description        CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 N 46 FT LOT 6 BLK 378
1252 5th St              24-205-378-0006-10 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000           0.07                    FBC, UR
Legal Description        CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 NLY 44 FT OF SLY 86 FT LOT 6 BLK 378
1245 5th St              24-205-377-0001-00 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000           0.12                    FBC, UR
                    79.5 FT TH'OF BLK 377
1261 5th St         24-205-377-0011-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.1         FBC, UR
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 N 1/4 LOT 11 & N 1/2 OF N 1/2 LOT 12 BLK 377
1342 6th St         24-205-388-0006-20 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.09        FBC, UR
                    6 BLK 388
1349 6th St                               Cost of Sale $200,000       $40,000           0.19        FBC, UR
(2 lots)
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 N 1/2 LOT 12 BLK 389
1352 6th St                            Cost of Sale $400,000         $40,000            0.2         FBC, UR
(2 lots)
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 7 BLK 388
1411 6th St         24-205-390-0011-20 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000          0.1           FBC, UR
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 11 BLK 390 EXC W 92 FT TH'OF

1387 7th St                              Cost of Sale   $400,000        $40,000         0.22        FBC, UR
(2 lots)
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 SELY 74 FT LOT 5 & N 30 FT LOT 8 BLK 375
395 Houston Ave                        Cost of Sale $400,000          $40,000          0.21        FBC, UR
(2 lots)
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 4 BLK 369
275 Mason Ave                          Cost of Sale $400,000         $40,000            0.18        FBC, UR
(2 lots)
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 3 BLK 391
346 Mason Ave                          Cost of Sale $400,000         $40,000            0.09        FBC, UR
(2 lots)
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 30 FT LOT 9 BLK 389
352 Mason Ave       24-205-389-0008-00 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000            0.2         FBC, UR
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 8 BLK 389
219 Merrill Ave     24-205-386-0012-00 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000            0.12        FBC, UR
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 12 BLK 386
271 Merrill Ave                        Cost of Sale $400,000         $40,000            0.19        FBC, UR
(2 lots)
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 5 BLK 387
388 Merrill Ave                        Cost of Sale $400,000         $40,000            0.2         FBC, UR
(2 lots)
235 Monroe Ave      24-205-379-0003-10 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.09         FBC, UR
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 28 FT LOT 3 BLK 379
239 Monroe Ave      24-205-379-0003-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.11         FBC, UR
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 BLK 379 W 38 FT LOT 3
240 Monroe Ave      24-205-367-0010-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.11         FBC, UR
Legal Description   CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 1/2 LOT 10 BLK 367
250 Monroe Ave      24-205-367-0009-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.2          FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 1/2 LOT 9 BLK 367
254 Monroe Ave         24-205-367-0008-10 Cost of Sale $200,000           $20,000          0.06        FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 40 FT LOT 8 BLK 367
398 Monroe Ave         24-205-370-0011-10 Cost of Sale $200,000           $20,000          0.08        FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 27 FT OF LOT 11 BLK 370
1392 Park St           24-205-375-0003-20 Cost of Sale $200,000           $20,000          0.07        FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 PART LOTS 3-4 & 11 BLK 375 COM ON S LN LOT 11 40
                       FT E OF SW COR TH E 84 FT TH NLY 26 FT TH NWLY TO A PT 48.5 FT N OF S LN LOT 11 TH W 62.4
                       FT TH S 48.5 FT TO BEG
382 W Muskegon Ave     24-205-336-0008-00 Cost of Sale $200,000           $20,000          0.24        FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 SLY 24.75 FT LOT 9 & NLY 55 FT LOT 8 BLK 336
487 W Muskegon Ave     24-205-347-0004-00 Cost of Sale $200,000           $20,000          0.19        FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 27 FT OF LOT 11 BLK 370
420 Washington Ave                            Cost of Sale $400,000       $40,000          0.19        FBC, UR
(2 lots)
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 10 BLK 375
459 Washington Ave                        Cost of Sale $600,000         $60,000             0.46        FBC, UR
(3 lots)
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 2 &3 BLK 408
1782 5th St (2 lots)   24-205-463-0004-00 Cost of Sale $400,000         $40,000           0.31          FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOT 4 AND N 22 FT LOT 5 BLK 463
318 W Larch Ave (2                        Cost of Sale $400,000         $40,000           0.27          FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 18 FT LOT 9 & W 20 FT LOT 10 BLK 449
324 W Larch Ave        24-205-449-0009-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.14        FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 9 FT LOT 8 & W 29 FT LOT 9 BLK 449
1686 7th St (2 lots)   24-205-449-0001-00 Cost of Sale $400,000          $40,000           0.31        FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 1 & 2 BLK 449
1660 7th (2 lots)      24-205-440-0004-00 Cost of Sale $400,000          $40,000           0.31        FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOTS 5-6 BLK 440
408 W Dale Ave         24-205-439-0006-10 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.1         FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 45 FT OF E 85 FT OF LOTS 6 & 7 BLK 439
340 W Forest Ave       24-205-428-0007-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.15        FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 7 BLK 428
1639 5th St            24-205-441-0003-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.17        FBC, UR
                       W 44 FT TH'OF BLK 441
1605 Sanford St (2                          Cost of Sale $400,000        $40,000           0.15        FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 S 58 FT OF E 94 FT LOT 7 & S 10.4 FT OF E 94 FT LOT 8
                       BLK 425 (DESC CLARIFICATION 11/30/99)
487 W Southern Ave                           Cost of Sale $400,000       $40,000           0.26         FBC, UR
(2 lots)
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 W 1 1/2 FT LOT 3 & N 115 FT LOTS 4-5 BLK 430
305 W Grand Ave        24-205-419-0019-00 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000           0.17        FBC, UR
Legal Description      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 19 BLK 419
1535 6th St          24-205-419-0013-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.16        FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 13 BLK 419
355 W Grand Ave      24-205-419-0001-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.1         FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 46 FT LOTS 1 & 2 BLK 419
337 W Grand Ave      24-205-419-0001-20 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.1         FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 44 FT OF LOTS 1-2 BLK 419
1458 6th St          24-205-405-0014-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.16        FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 14 BLK 405
1464 6th St          24-205-405-0013-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.17        FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 13 BLK 405
0 Washington Ave     24-205-375-0009-10 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.15        FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 1/2 OF LOT 9 BLK 375
242 Strong Ave       24-205-391-0011-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.08        FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 1/2 LOT 11 BLK 391
1360 7th St          24-205-376-0007-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.09        FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 SLY 47 FT OF NLY 98 FT OF SW 66 FT OF LOT 7 BLK 376
1366 7th St          24-205-376-0007-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.07        FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 SLY 40 FT OF WLY 66 FT LOT 7 BLK 376
1262 6th St          24-205-369-0006-30 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.07        FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 S 40 FT LOT 6 BLK 369
579 W Muskegon Ave   24-205-345-0001-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.09        FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 NLY 1/2 LOT 1 BLK 345
0 W Muskegon Ave     24-205-345-0002-10 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.1         FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 1/2 OF LOT 2 BLK 345
617 W Muskegon Ave   24-205-345-0006-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.24        FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 N 71 FT LOT 6 BLK 345
1047 Ambrosia St                        Cost of Sale $1,400,000        $140,000         0.57        OSR
(7 lots)
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 33 FT LOT 7 BLK 224 ALSO E 33 FT OF N 1/2 VAC
                     DIANA ST LOTS 7 AND 8 BLK 232 ALSO S 1/2 VAC DIANA ST ADJ TO LOT 8 SD BLK
1075 Ambrosia St                          Cost of Sale $1,200,000       $120,000         0.35    OSR
(6 lots)
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOTS 8-9 BLK 236
1155 Ambrosia St                        Cost of Sale $1,200,000       $120,000           0.61       OSR
(6 lots)
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOTS 8-10 BLK 250
1205 Ambrosia St                        Cost of Sale $1,200,000       $120,000           0.41       OSR
(6 lots)
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOTS 8 & 9 BLK 261
1386 Ransom St       24-205-266-0001-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.2        R-3
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 1 BLK 266
1530 Hoyt St         24-205-282-0002-10 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.1        R-3
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 S 35.7 FT LOT 2 BLK 281
292 Mason Ave        24-205-388-0008-10 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.09       FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 1/2 LOT 8 BLK 388
1670 Park St         24-205-439-0007-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.09       FBC, UR
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 80 FT LOT 7 BLK 439
1772 5th St             24-205-463-0003-00 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000        0.23       FBC, UR
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOT 3 BLK 463
1227 Fleming Ave        24-745-000-0033-00 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000        0.11       R-2
1251 8th St (10 lots)   24-205-340-0001-00 Cost of Sale $2,000,000       $200,000       1.14       FBC-UR
                        BLK 340
                                          Rudy Briggs Project (32 Homes)
527 Herrick St                              Cost of Sale $1,800,000      $180,000       1.41       R-1
(9 lots)
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOTS 8-14 BLK 23
530 Herrick St                             Cost of Sale $600,000         $60,000           0.41       R-1
(3 lots)
                        SUMNER AVE BLK 22-0003-20
553 Jackson Ave                            Cost of Sale $600,000        $60,000         0.55       R-1
(3 lots)
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 2 & N 150 FT LOT 3 BLK 22
579 Jackson Ave         24-205-022-0001-00 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000           0.19       R-1
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 1 BLK 22
601 Jackson Ave         24-205-021-0001-00 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000           0.2        R-1
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 66 FT OF N 132 FT LOT 1 BLK 21
621 Jackson Ave         24-205-020-0001-00 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000           0.34       R-1
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 1& 2 BLK 20
677 Jackson Ave         24-205-019-0002-00 Cost of Sale $200,000         $20,000           0.24       R-1
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 2 BLK 19
558 Jackson Ave                            Cost of Sale $400,000         $40,000           0.61       R-1
(2 lots)
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 1/2 LOT 19 & ALL LOTS 20 & 21 BLK 14
608 Jackson Ave         24-205-015-0006-10 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000          0.24      R-1
                        62.32 FT ON E LINE SAID LOT 6 BLK 15
704 Leonard Ave                               Cost of Sale $400,000       $40,000          0.38      R-1
(2 lots)
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON GUNNS SUB DIV OF PART OF BLK 2 LOTS 1-2 & 3 BLK 3
740 Leonard Ave                            Cost of Sale $400,000        $40,000           0.37        R-1
(2 lots)
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON GUNNS SUB DIV OF PART OF BLK 2 LOTS 4-5-6 & W 4 FT LOT 7 BLK 3
754 Leonard Ave                            Cost of Sale $600,000        $60,000          0.37        R-1
(3 lots)
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON GUNNS SUB DIV OF PART OF BLK 2 E 36 FT LOT 7 ALL LOTS 8 & 9 & W 8 FT
                        LOT 10 BLK 3
766 Leonard Ave                            Cost of Sale $600,000       $60,000          0.38        R-1
(3 lots)
Legal Description       CITY OF MUSKEGON GUNNS SUB DIV OF PART OF BLK 2 E 42 FT LOT 10 ALL LOTS 11 & 12 BLK 3
                                         Community Encompass Project (5 Homes)
1259 Sanford St (LB)        24-205-384-0007-20 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.09        FBC, UR
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 S 42 2/3 FT OF E 94 FT LOT 7 BLK 384
1280 Sanford St (LB)        24-205-394-0001-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.15        FBC, UR
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 98 FT LOT 1 BLK 394
1141 Jefferson St           24-205-364-0008-10 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.1         FBC, UR
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 S 68 FT LOT 8 BLK 364
1095 1st                    24-205-352-0008-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.07        FBC, UR
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 8 BLK 352
1338 Arthur St (LB)         24-205-254-0001-00 Cost of Sale $200,000          $20,000           0.13        R-3
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 NLY 84 FT LOT 1 BLK 254
                                             Land Bank Properties (12 Homes)
204 W Dale (LB)                                 Blight        $200,000        $0                0.08        FBC, UR
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 47.6 FT LOT 7 & W 47.6 FT OF S 27 1/7 FT LOT 6 BLK
1514 Park St (LB)                               Blight        $200,000        $0                0.19        FBC, UR
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 3 BLK 418
314 W Grand Ave (LB)                            Blight        $200,000        $0                0.17        FBC, UR
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 18 BLK 406
237 Washington Ave                              Blight        $200,000        $0                0.17        FBC, UR
(LB)                                            Elimination
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 19 BLK 405 & SUBJ TO N 1/2 VAC ALLEY ADJ TH'TO
                            RECOR'D 3711/266
329 Washington Ave                              Blight        $200,000        $0                0.19        FBC, UR
(LB)                                            Elimination
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 7 BLK 406
1456 Park St (LB)                               Blight        $200,000        $0                0.18        FBC, UR
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 4 BLK 407
1468 8th St (LB) (2 lots)                       Blight        $400,000        $0                0.19        FBC, UR
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 7 BLK 408 EXC E 46 FT TH'OF
462 Washington Ave                              Blight        $200,000        $0                0.08        FBC, UR
(LB)                                            Elimination
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 39 1/2 FT LOT 7 BLK 374
507 Houston Ave (LB)                            Blight        $200,000        $0                0.1         FBC, UR
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 E 1/2 LOT 4 BLK 371
1370 Sanford St (LB)                            Blight        $200,000        $0                0.08        FBC, UR
Legal Description           CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 S 32 1/4 FT OF N 63 1/2 FT OF W 106 FT 2 1/2 IN LOT
                            1 BLK 401
1542 7th St (LB)                           Blight        $200,000        $0               0.08       FBC, UR
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 81 FT LOT 7 BLK 419
                                 Former Farmers Market Properties (44 Homes)
731 Yuba St                                Blight        $1,600,000      155,400 (Public 2.71        I-1
(8 lots)                                   Elimination   (homes)         Infrastructure)
                                                         155,400 (Public
                     LINE SAID BLK 44 FT M/L SWLY OF NE COR LOT 5 TH S 24 DEG 39 MIN 59 SEC W 63 FT M/L TH NLY
205 E Muskegon Ave                         Blight        $1,600,000      155,400 (Public 2.55        I-1
(8 lots)                                   Elimination   (homes)         Infrastructure)
                     24-205-192-0001-00                  155,400
287 E Muskegon Ave                         Blight        $1,600,000      155,400 (Public 1.48        I-1
(8 lots)                                   Elimination   (homes)         Infrastructure)
                                                         155,400 (Public
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOTS 4 THRU 10 INC BLK 193
225 Eastern Ave                            Blight        $1,600,000      155,400 (Public 1.59        I-1
(8 lots)                                   Elimination   (homes)         Infrastructure)
                                                         155,400 (Public
650 Yuba St                                Blight        $1,600,000      155,400 (Public 1.61        B-4
(8 lots)                                   Elimination   (homes)         Infrastructure)
                                                         155,400 (Public
185 E Muskegon Ave                         Blight        $200,000        $0               0.29       I-1
(2 lots)                                   Elimination
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOT 1 BLK 191
209 E Walton Ave                           Blight        $200,000        $0               0.49       I-1
(2 lots)                                   Elimination
Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOTS 9 AND 10 BLK 191
                                      Froebel School Property (40 Homes)
417 Jackson Ave                            Demo &        $9,200,000      $2,000,000       7.01       R-1
                                           Abatement                     ($1,200,000
                                           + Cost of                     demo +
                                           Sale                          $800,000 Cost
                                                                         of Sale)

Legal Description    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 ENTIRE BLKS 24 25 26 ALSO BLK 27 EX LOTS 6 & 7
                                        City Rehab Projects (10 Homes)
1078 2 St                                  Blight        $50,000        $0                 0.1       FBC-UR
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 S 1/2 LOT 4 BLK 352
1067 W Grand                               Blight        $50,000        $0                 0.2       R-1
1188 4th St                                Blight        $50,000        $0                 0.13      FBC-UR
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 92 FT LOT 8 BLK 367
1457 7th St           24-205-407-0011-10 Cost of Sale $50,000           $20,000            0.12      FBC-UR
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 S 2/3 LOT 11 BLK 407
580 Catherine Ave     24-205-076-0009-00 Cost of Sale $50,000           $20,000            0.2       R-3
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOT 9 BLK 76
1192 Pine St          24-205-245-0002-00 Cost of Sale $50,000           $20,000            0.1       R-3
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 N 1/2 LOT 2 BLK 245
1194 Pine St          24-205-245-0002-10 Cost of Sale $50,000           $20,000            0.09      R-3
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 S 1/2 LOT 2 BLK 245
254 W Southern Ave    24-205-420-0012-20 Cost of Sale $50,000           $20,000            0.07      FBC-UR
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 W 32 FT OF E 82 FT LOTS 12-13 BLK 420
435 E Isabella        24-205-078-0004-00 Cost of Sale $50,000           $20,000            0.2       R-3
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOT 4 BLK 78
248 Mason Ave         24-205-387-0007-00 Cost of Sale $50,000           $20,000            0.14      FBC-UR
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 N 1/2 LOT 7 & W 26.7 FT OF S 1/2 LOT 7 BLK 387

                                         Big Red Developer (5 Homes)
559 McLaughlin Ave                         Blight       $200,000        $0              0.18       R-1
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOT 4 BLK 92
589 McLaughlin Ave                         Blight       $200,000        $0              0.18       R-1
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOT 1 BLK 92
438 E Isabella Ave                         Blight       $200,000        $0              0.21       R-3
(rehab)                                    Elimination
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 10 BLK 68
441 E Isabella Ave                         Blight       $200,000        $0              0.2        R-3
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOT 3 BLK 78
591 Catherine Ave                          Blight       $200,000        $0              0.11       R-3
Legal Description     CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 E 38.39 FT LOT 1 BLK 81
                                         City Redevelopment Projects
1095 3rd St                                Cost of Sale $3,000,000      $300,000        0.95       FBC-MS
(former Catholic      24-205-350-0009-00
Charities property)
Legal Description          CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 9 EX W 15 FT TH'OF LOT 10 11 12 ALL LOT 13 EX
                           LOT 13 3.85 FT W OF POB TH 3.85 FT TO POB BLK 350
301 W Muskegon Ave                                Cost of Sale $800,000       $200,000         0.21       FBC-MS
(former Catholic           24-205-350-0001-00
Charities property)
Legal Description          CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 1 BLK 350
880 1st St (880 First St                      Cost of Sale $12,000,000      $500,000                  0.21            FBC-MS
LLC development)
Legal Description          CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOTS 12-15 BLK 310 & ELY 1/2 OF VAC FIRST ST ADJ TO
                           SD LOTS & S 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ TO SD PROPERTY SUBJ TO ESMT RECORDED IN L3794/P882
216 W Clay                                      Blight        $5,000,000      $0              0.35       FBC-MS
(880 First St LLC          24-205-310-0016-00   Elimination
Legal Description          CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT 1903 LOTS 16 & 17 BLK 310 SBJT TO UNDERGROUND
                           ELECTRIC LN ESMNT L3815 P885
208 W Clay                                     Blight      $5,000,000       $0               0.28    FBC-MS
(880 First St LLC          24-234-000-0004-00 Elimination

           Eligible Activities, Financing, Cost of Plan (Sec. 13(1) (a) (b) (c) (d) (g))
           Eligible activities include cost of sale, demo & abatement, public infrastructure and brownfield
           plan preparation and development (see chart below).
                                                   Eligible Activities Chart
                               Eligible Activity                                      Cost
                               Cost of Sale                                           $4,840,000
                               Demo & Abatement                                       $1,200,000
                               Public Infrastructure                                  $777,000
                               Brownfield Plan Preparation and Development            $20,000
                                                              Sub-total               $6,837,000
                               Contingency (15%)                                      $1,025,550
                               Total Eligible Activities to be paid under this        $7,862,550

           The eligible activities described above will occur on the Property and are further described as follows:
               1. Cost of Sale: If the sale of a home results in a loss to the developer, the difference between the
                  cost of construction and the sale price is considered the cost of sale or a seller concession. Some
        of these concessions could come from title work, acquisition costs and selling costs. For this Plan,
        it is anticipated that each home may result in the loss of $20,000 per unit.

    2. Demo & Abatement: The cost to demolish the property and return it to a developable state,
       which may include lead and asbestos abatement.

    3. Public Infrastructure: The cost to construct public infrastructure like alleys and water/sewer lines.

    4. Brownfield Plan Preparation and Development: Costs incurred to prepare and develop this
       brownfield plan, as required per Act 381 of 1996, as amended.
It is intended that the above eligible activities will be reimbursed with interest at 5%.

Effective Date if Inclusion in the Brownfield Plan
The amended Infill Housing Project was added to this Plan on ____________, 2020 and will be amended
accordingly upon adoption of this Plan Amendment.

                  City of Muskegon Infill Housing Project, 2nd Amendment

                                        City of Muskegon

                                County of Muskegon, Michigan

                                       2020-December 8th

       Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of
Muskegon, Michigan (the “City”), held in the City Commission Chambers on the 8th day of
December, 2020 at 5:30 p.m., prevailing Eastern Time.



       The following preamble and resolution were offered by Commissioner
___________________ and supported by Commissioner __________________.

       WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Act 381, Public Acts of Michigan, 1996,
as amended (“Act 381”), the City of Muskegon Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (the
“Authority”) has prepared and approved a Brownfield Plan Amendment to include the Infill
Housing Project (2nd Amendment) in the Plan; and

       WHEREAS, the Authority has forwarded the Brownfield Plan Amendment to the City
Commission requesting its approval of the Brownfield Plan Amendment; and

       WHEREAS, the City Commission has provided notice and a reasonable opportunity to
the taxing jurisdictions levying taxes subject to capture to express their views and
recommendations regarding the Brownfield Plan Amendment, as required by Act 381; and

       WHEREAS, not less than 10 days has passed since the City Commission provided
notice of the proposed Brownfield Plan to the taxing units; and

       WHEREAS, the City Commission held a public hearing on the proposed Brownfield Plan
on December 8, 2020.


       1. That the Brownfield Plan constitutes a public purpose under Act 381.
       2. That the Brownfield Plan meets all the requirements of Section 13(1) of Act 381.
       3. That the proposed method of financing the costs of the eligible activities, as identified
          in the Brownfield Plan and defined in Act 381, is feasible and the Authority has the
          authority to arrange the financing.
       4. That the costs of the eligible activities proposed in the Brownfield Plan are
          reasonable and necessary to carry out the purposes of Act 381.
       5. That the amount of captured taxable value estimated to result from the adoption of
          the Brownfield Plan is reasonable.
       6. That the Brownfield Plan in the form presented is approved and is effective
       7. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith shall be and the same
          are hereby rescinded.

       Be it Further Resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute
all documents necessary or appropriate to implement the provisions of the Brownfield Plan.




                                                          Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk

                                                          Stephen J Gawron, Mayor
       I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by
the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, at a
regular meeting held on December 8, 2020 and that said meeting was conducted and public
notice of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open Meetings Act,
being Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, as amended, and that the minutes of said meeting
were kept and will be or have been made available as required by said Act.

                                                          Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 12/08/2020                   Title: Community EnCompass Infill Housing
                                                      Development Agreement and Funding

Submitted By: Jake Eckholm                            Department: Economic Development

Brief Summary: Community Encompass has committed their share of funding for this project
through an approved resolution of their Board of Directors. Staff recommends approving the use of
$250,000 of HOME Funds to couple with $320,000 in contributions from Community Encompass
and retain Community Encompass as the builders and marketers of the homes.

Detailed Summary:
In an attempt to further our Economic Equity efforts and to create diversity of housing price points
as we build infill, we have been working for quite some time with Community EnCompass to try
and construct a deal within the Brownfield TIF and their institutional capacity to construct homes
that would be specifically for buyers at or below 80% AMI. The attached development agreement is
based on other residential construction agreements the City has used and is reflective of the
anticipated costs to construct 3 single family homes on city owned lots at 180 Houston, 1141
Jefferson, and 1259 Sanford. A map is attached with the locations highlighted. Community
Encompass already receives HOME funds each year from the City’s CDBG programming as the
only Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) in the area. This item would increase
their 20/21 allotment as well as allocate existing program income for this development. The total
project would have a not-to-exceed budget of 570,000, with Community Encompass to be repaid
first by proceeds from sales, and the city second. Any losses incurred by the City would be
recouped through Brownfield TIF.

Amount Requested: $250,000                           Amount Budgeted: Consistent with CNS
                                                     Program Development Plan, budget
                                                     amendment required at quarterly reforecast

Fund(s) or Account(s): CDBG HOME Funds               Fund(s) or Account(s):
(Current and previous year carryover/program

Recommended Motion: A motion to accept the development agreement as presented and
authorize the Finance Department to release funds for construction to Community Encompass.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

         This Agreement is effective on __________________, 2020 (“Effective Date”) between
Community encompass, of 19 Hartford Ave, Muskegon, MI 49442_ (“Builder”) and
THE CITY OF MUSKEGON of 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 (“Owner”) with reference to
the following facts:


         Builder and Owner (individually, a “Party” or collectively, “Parties”) agree that Builder shall
construct three (3) single family residences (the “Residences”) for Owner on the terms and conditions set
forth in this Agreement and in the general conditions attached as Exhibit A (“General Conditions”).

        The parties agree as follows:

        1. Building Site. Owner owns the building site located on the real estate located at
    180 Houston Street, 1141 Jefferson Street, and 1259 Sanford Street, and legally described on Exhibit
    B (the “Property”). Owner has agreed to hire Builder to build the Residences on the Property.

        2. The Residences. Builder shall build the Residence in accordance with the plans and
    specifications attached as Exhibit C (the “Plans”).

       3. Price. The price for constructing the Residences shall be Five Hundred-Seventy Thousand
    Dollars ($570,000) (“Price”).

        4. Estimated Completion Date. Builder shall commence construction of the Residence within
    30 days from the Effective Date (“Commencement Date”). Builder shall complete the Residence
    within _20_ weeks of the Commencement Date (“Completion Date”).

         5. General Conditions. Owner and Builder agree to all of the General Conditions attached to
    this Agreement as Exhibit A.

                                                         Builder –______________

                                                         By:      ________________________________
                                                         Name:    ________________________________
                                                         Title:   ________________________________
                                                         Date:    ________________________________

                                                         Owner –THE CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                         By:      ________________________________
                                                         Name:    ________________________________
                                                         Title:   ________________________________
                                                         Date:    ________________________________
                                              EXHIBIT A

                                     GENERAL CONDITIONS

    1. Payment of the Price. The Price shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule
(“Payment Schedule”):

           a.   Foundation installed..............................….... 20% of the Price
           b.   Mechanicals installed..........................….... 40% of the Price
           c.   Certificate of Occupancy..................…....... 30% of the Price
           d.   Completion of Punch List Items………….. 10% of the Price

        2. Costs Included in Price. Unless excluded by Section 3 or adjusted as set forth in
   Sections 4 or 5, the Price is fixed and includes all cost of labor and materials purchased, including
   all sales taxes incurred by Builder, for complete construction of the Residence. Price is not based
   on allowances or estimates of costs for items to be added to the Residence. The Price includes:

           a.   A security system;
           b.   A driveway
           c.   Curb cut (Builder may use existing curb cut unless damaged);
           d.   Sod/seed over the entire front, back and side yards;
           e.   A street tree;
           f.   A small landscape package along each side of the Residence with street frontage;
           g.   Edging and mulch;

       3. Costs Excluded From Price. Owner shall be responsible for each of the following items
   and the cost of each item shall be excluded from the Price and the sole responsibility of Owner:

           a. Lot Lines. Prior to the Commencement Date Owner shall own the Property with new
           lot lines established as depicted on the Site Plan.

           b. Site Preparation. Prior to the Commencement Date, Owner will prepare the Property
           for construction of the Residence, including the removal of the following:

                    i.        existing fences;
                    ii.       community garden;
                    iii.      existing sidewalks; and,
                    iv.       debris.

           c. Water and Sewer Leads. Owner will provide water and sewer leads to the Residence.

           d. Permit and Connection Fees. Owner shall be responsible for any municipal permits,
           connection fees, tap fees or assessments, including sewer and water connection fees.

           e. Site Variance. Any abnormal site conditions discovered during excavation will be
           communicated to Owner along with an estimated cost to proceed with construction.
           Examples include such items as buried debris, bad soils, or rear yard drainage constraints.
           Any additional site work required will be corrected by Owner unless Owner authorizes
           Builder to correct any site variance issues in writing and the appropriate Change Order is
           fully executed.

            f. Damaged Curb Cuts. Any damaged curb cuts will either be approved for use or
            removed by Owner.

            g. Irrigation. Irrigation can be added for $3,000, provided the appropriate Change Order
            is fully executed.

            h. Future Security System Service Fees. Ongoing monitoring service fees will be the
            responsibility of Owner or subsequent owner.

    4. Modifications/Extras. No modifications to the Plans (“Modifications”) or requests for
additional construction (“Extras”), the cost of which exceed $200, shall be binding upon either party,
unless the Modifications or Extras are set forth on a written Change Order that is signed by Builder
and Owner in substantially the form as attached Exhibit E (“Change Order”). The Change Order must
provide a detailed description of the Modifications or Extras and the cost or credit to be charged. In
those instances where a Change Order increases or decreases the Price by more than $200 (“Adjusted
Price”), the Adjusted Price shall be paid according to the remaining portion of the Payment Schedule.

    5. Minor Modifications. Builder and Owner may from time to time agree on minor
modifications, the cost for which is less than $200 (“Minor Modifications”). Minor Modifications
may only be made by agreement between Builder and Owner, provided such agreement need not be
in writing. The cost or credit for Minor Modifications shall be added to or credited against the Price
and paid according to the remaining portion of the Payment Schedule.

     6. Payments, Sworn Statement and Lien Waivers. Payments required by the Payment
Schedule shall be made within 10 days of Builder’s invoice by Owner to Transnation Title Insurance
Company of 570 Seminole, Muskegon, Michigan 49441(the “Title Company”). Builder will deliver
to the Title Company a sworn statement showing all amounts due for labor and materials furnished in
connection with construction of the Residence or other improvements to the Property through the date
of Builder’s invoice together with waivers of lien showing all amounts from any previous draw have
been paid in full. The Title Company shall pay Builder per the Payment Schedule within 2 business
days of approval by the Title Company of the last sworn statement provided proper partial
unconditional waivers of lien from Builder and for each supplier and sub-contractor to whom
payment has been made are received and approved by the Title Company.

     7. Possession. Owner shall be entitled to possession of the Residence upon payment of the Price
in full.

    8. Extension of Dates. Any date may be extended by agreement of the Builder and Owner and
the Commencement Date and the Completion Date may be extended as a result of circumstances
beyond the control of Builder, including, but not limited to, delays caused by suppliers or
subcontractors, delays for utility hook-ups, Acts of God, labor disputes, governmental inspections,
regulations, or permit processes, material back orders, Owner’s requests for Change Orders, fire,
injury or disability to Builder, or weather.

    9. Builder's Warranties. Builder shall complete the Residence and all improvements on the
Property timely and in a first class manner. All building materials used in the construction of the
Residence shall be new. Builder guarantees its workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date
of sale or lease of the Residence to a party other than Owner or 24 months from the date of the
Certificate of Occupancy, whichever first occurs (“Warranty Period”). This warranty is fully
transferable by Owner and may be assigned to a 3rd party. Within the Warranty Period, Builder may
replace, at its option, any materials incorporated into the Residence which are defective. To make a
claim under this warranty, Owner or its successor must give Builder written notice of any such defect

in the workmanship and/or materials promptly upon discovery and not later than expiration of the
Warranty Period. This warranty does not apply to workmanship or materials requiring repair or
replacement because of normal wear and tear, natural settling or mold. Builder shall turn over and
transfer to Owner all manufacturers’ warranties that are delivered directly to Builder by the
manufacturer at the time of final payment by Owner. In addition to this warranty between Builder and
Owner and successors of Owner, Builder shall also provide to Owner and successors of Owner at no
cost to Owner the Ten Year Warranty for New Homes provided by Residential Warranty Company,
LLC attached as Exhibit F (“Long Term Warranty”). Nothing in the Long Term Warranty shall limit
the scope of the warranties provided by Builder to Owner or its successors.

     10. Owner's Warranties. Owner covenants and warrants that Owner owns the Property in fee
simple, free and clear of all liens, except for those encumbrances specifically set forth on Exhibit G.
Owner shall provide evidence satisfactory to Builder, such as a commitment for title insurance issued
by the Title Company, which indicates such ownership. Owner shall locate the exact location of the
Residence on the Property. All corners of the Property and the Residence shall be clearly marked
with surveyor stakes. Owner covenants and agrees that such location is in compliance with all
applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, building
restrictions, set-back requirements and zoning ordinances.

    11. License. Builder is a residential builder and a residential maintenance and alteration
contractor and is required to be licensed under article 24 of Act 299 of the Public Acts of 1980, as
amended, being sections 339.2401 to 399.2412 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. An electrician is
required to be licensed under Act No. 217 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, being sections
338.881 to 338.892 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. A Plumber is required to be licensed under Act
No. 266 of the Public Acts of 1929, as amended, being sections 338.901 to 338.917 of the Michigan
Compiled Laws. Builder is licensed by the State of Michigan as a licensed Michigan Contractor and
maintains its license in good standing. Builder's License number is 2101131848 respectively.

    12. Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. In connection with the construction of the Residence,
Builder shall meet and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations.

    13. Notice of Commencement. Owner shall deliver a Notice of Commencement in accordance
with the Michigan Construction Lien Act within ten days of the Effective Date.

     14. Risk of Loss. Until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the Residence the risk of loss for
the Residence lies solely with Builder. Provided, Owner shall be solely responsible for building
materials on Property and Owner shall reimburse Builder for the cost of building materials vandalized
or stolen from the Property.

    15. Insurance. Builder shall procure and maintain an “all risk” insurance policy and shall name
Owner as an additional named insured. Builder shall maintain a policy of builder's insurance fully
insuring the Residence from the date construction commences until the date of substantial
completion. Owner may also maintain a policy of insurance on their interest in the Residence. Builder
shall also carry public liability insurance with coverage limits not less than $1,000,000 single-limit
coverage and worker's compensation insurance in an amount not less than the statutory minimum.
Such policies shall name Owner as an additional named insured. Builder shall provide Owner with
evidence of such insurance upon request. Owner and Builder waive all rights against each other for
damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by insurance provided under this

    16. Diligent Pursuit. Builder shall diligently pursue its obligations under this Agreement.

     17. Default. If either Party believes that the other Party has failed to comply with this
Agreement (“Default”), the non-defaulting Party shall provide the Defaulting Party not less than 10
days written notice of such non-compliance, a list of the non-defaulting Party’s specific complaints,
and a reasonable time within which the defaulting Party shall cure the Default (“Default Notice”). If
the defaulting Party fails to cure the Default within the period of time specified in the Default Notice,
the non-defaulting Party may pursue any and all remedies available, including specific performance
in that there may not be an adequate remedy at law. In addition, Owner may replace Builder with
another party to complete construction and may deduct from the Price any amount paid by Owner to
such third party to complete construction in accordance with the Plans. In the event either Party takes
any action to enforce this Agreement, the prevailing Party shall reimburse the other Party for all
expenses incurred by the prevailing Party, including attorney fees.

    18. Cross Default. Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, Owner and
Builder are entering into ____similar agreements for the construction of homes similar to the
Residence on each of the ______ lots depicted on the Site Plan (“Other Agreements”). Owner and
Builder agree that a default of this Agreement or any of the Other Agreements shall constitute a
default of all Other Agreements and this Agreement.

    19. Dispute Resolution. Any claim or demand of either party arising out of this Agreement,
including without limitation, claims of fraud, misrepresentation, warranty or negligence and that
exceeds $5,500 in value shall be submitted to binding arbitration. The parties shall attempt to agree
on a mutually agreeable independent arbitrator. If the parties are unable to mutually agree on an
arbitrator, and arbitrator shall be selected in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration
Association. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American
Arbitration Association, Home Construction Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures. A Circuit
Court judgment may render judgment upon the award made pursuant to this Agreement. This
Agreement is specifically made subject to and incorporates the provisions of the Michigan Arbitration
Act, MCL 600.5001 et seq. The cost of such arbitration shall be divided equally between both
parties. Neither Party shall be required to submit to arbitration any claim or demand of a value less
than $5,500.

    20. Miscellaneous.

            a. Authority to Bind Owner. No approval, agreement or consent and no document
    signed in connection with this Agreement shall be binding on Owner unless made, given or
    signed by Frank Peterson or Jake Eckholm.

            b. Applicable Law. This Agreement is executed in, shall be governed by, and construed
    and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan.

            c. Entire Agreement. This writing shall constitute the entire Agreement, and shall
    supersede any other Agreements, written or oral, that may have been made or entered into by the
    parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and shall not be modified or amended, except in
    a subsequent writing signed by the party against whom enforcement thereof is sought.

            d. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and be
    enforceable by the parties and their respective legal representatives, successors, assigns, officers,
    directors, employees, agents, heirs, executors, and administrators.

             e. Full Execution. This Agreement requires the signature of both parties. Until fully
    executed on a single copy or in counterparts, this Agreement is of no binding force or effect, and
    if not fully executed, this Agreement is void.

        f. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed an original as against any party whose signature appears thereon, and all
of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Agreement shall become
binding upon the parties when one or more counterparts, individually or taken together, shall bear
the signatures of all parties.

         g. Non-Waiver. No waiver by any party of any provision of this Agreement shall
constitute a waiver by such party of such provision on any other occasion or a waiver by such
party of any other provision of the Agreement.

        h. Severability. Should any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement be
determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality, and
enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be impaired or affected.

        i. No Discrimination. Discrimination on the basis of religion, race, creed, color,
national origin, age, sex, marital status, or handicapped condition by either party in respect to the
construction of the Residence is prohibited.

        j. Assignment or Delegation. Neither Builder nor Owner may assign all or any part of
this Agreement. Provided, that Builder may delegate all or any part of its obligations to perform
the services under this Agreement, to any persons or entities that Builder, in its sole discretion,
deems appropriate, including sub-contractors. Such delegation shall be at the sole expense of
Builder unless otherwise provided.

         k. Notices. Any notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement must be
in writing and sent to the address shown below (or such subsequent address as may be designated
by either party in writing) by certified mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid, a
recognized courier service (Federal Express, UPS, or DHL), or by email with confirmation of
delivery received. The notice will be effective upon receipt.

To Builder:

                 19 Hartford Ave,
                 Muskegon, MI 49442
                 Attn: Sarah Rinsema-Sybenga
                 Phone: 231-728-3117

To Owner:
                 City of Muskegon
                 933 Terrace Street
                 P.O. Box 536
                 Muskegon, MI 49443-0536
                 Attn: Jake Eckholm
                 Phone: 231-724-6780
                 Fax: 231-722-1214

With a contemporaneous copy to:

                Parmenter O'Toole
                601 Terrace Street
                P.O. Box 786
                Muskegon, Michigan 49443-0786
                Attn: John Schrier
                Phone: 231-722-5401
                Fax: 231-722-5501

          l. Time is of the Essence. Builder and Owner acknowledge and agree that the time
related provisions set forth herein are critical and essential terms of this Agreement and that time
is of the essence with regard to the transactions contemplated in this Agreement. Failure to
strictly comply with the time related provisions of this Agreement will be considered a breach of
the entire Agreement.

        m. Pronouns. For convenience, Owner has been referred to this Agreement sometimes in
the singular and at other times in the plural.

        n. Notice of Sale or Lease. Upon the sale or lease of the Residence by Owner to a third
party, Owner shall provide notice to Builder of such sale or lease and provide builder with all
contact information for the buyer/tenant, including a phone number and an email address.

                                 EXHIBIT B

                             LEGAL DESCRIPTION

PIN: 61-24-205-352-0008-00
Address: 180 HOUSTON AVE


PIN: 61-24-205-364-0008-10
Address: 1141 JEFFERSON ST


PIN: 61-24-205-384-0007-20
Address: 1259 SANFORD ST

                              EXHIBIT C

                      PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS

                              EXHIBIT D

                             SITE PLAN

                                              EXHIBIT E

                                         CHANGE ORDERS

        Owner has requested, and Builder agrees to the following Modifications to the Plans with the
cost/credit set forth below:

  MODIFICATION                       COST                        CREDIT             ADJUSTED PRICE

                                                        Builder -

                                                        By:      ________________________________
                                                        Name:    ________________________________
                                                        Title:   ________________________________
                                                        Date:    ________________________________

                                                        Owner – THE CITYOF MUSKEGON

                                                        By:      ________________________________
                                                        Name:    ________________________________
                                                        Title:   ________________________________
                                                        Date:    ________________________________

       EXHIBIT G






                  Board Resolution of Members for Sale of Property

The Community Development Organization, Bethany Housing Ministries (DBA
Community enCompass), commits $320,000 towards the EACH (enCompass Affordable
Community Housing) Project, contingent on the City of Muskegon contributing $250,000
towards Phase I of the EACH Project and contingent on the agreement that Community
enCompass will recoup the total investment in a unit, upon time of sale of said unit.

Phase I of the EACH Project includes development of the following properties:
   • 1141 Jefferson
   • 1095 1st Street
   • 1259 Sanford

Phase II of the EACH Project includes the development of the following properties:
   • 1280 Sanford
   • 1338 Arthur

The current incorporators/members/directors agree that Sarah Rinsema-Sybenga has the
authority to sign all documents related to the agreements of the subject project/properties
on behalf of the organization.

Dates this 26th day of October, 2020

Sarah Rinsema-Sybenga                     Tara Foreman (Board Chair)
Location                           180 Houston/2BDRM/ADA       1141 Jefferson/3BDRM
Unit Price                          $              96,317.00    $             107,800.00
Excavation                          $                 800.00    $               1,500.00
Backfill and hauling sand           $               2,000.00    $               2,000.00
Foundation                          $               7,200.00    $              15,540.00
Footings(foundation & Porch)        $               5,150.00    $               3,650.00
Heating                             $               7,600.00    $               4,500.00
Plumbing                            $               4,675.00    $               3,125.00
Electrical                          $               3,241.00    $               3,255.00
Flatwork                            $               7,100.00    $               9,730.00
Basement finish Plumbing            $                    -      $                    -
Landscaping                         $               1,850.00    $               2,150.00
Consumers                           $               1,500.00    $               1,500.00
DTE                                 $               1,500.00    $               1,500.00
DPW-water/sewer                     $                    -      $                    -
Siding Materials Only               $               1,500.00    $               1,000.00
General Contracting/Porches, etc    $              15,000.00    $              18,000.00
Building Permit                     $               2,000.00    $               2,000.00
Insulation                          $               1,500.00    $               1,500.00
Tree Removal? City?                 $                    -      $                    -
Architectural                       $               1,500.00    $               1,500.00
Renderings                          $                 130.00    $                 140.00

Hard Cost Total                    $              160,563.00 $               180,390.00
Developer Fee                      $               18,000.00 $                18,000.00

Total per House                    $              178,563.00 $               198,390.00

Total Project Investment           $              569,510.00
1259 Sanford/2BDRM
 $             98,337.00
 $              1,500.00
 $              2,000.00
 $             13,915.00
 $              3,620.00
 $              7,600.00   No AC
 $              6,200.00
 $              3,255.00
 $              8,500.00
 $                   -
 $              2,000.00
 $              1,500.00
 $              1,500.00
 $                   -
 $              1,500.00   Vinyl B&B
 $             18,000.00   Porches, siding, marriage walls, insulation
 $              2,000.00   additions, egress, wall repair
 $              1,500.00
 $                   -
 $              1,500.00
 $                130.00

$            174,557.00
$             18,000.00

$            192,557.00

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