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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 2021 @ 5:30 P.M. MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, MI 49440 REMOTE MEETING AGENDA □ CALL TO ORDER: □ ROLL CALL: □ HONORS/AWARDS/PRESENTATIONS: □ PUBLIC COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM: □ CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk B. Election Grant Update City Clerk C. Informational Portal City Clerk D. Special Event Parking at Pere Marquette City Clerk REMOVED PER STAFF REQUEST E. Equipment Replacement DPW/Equipment F. Filtration Plant Communications Tower Public Works G. 2nd Quarter Budget Reforecast Finance H. Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – Marihuana Planning I. Public Hearing Process Development Services J. PILOT Policy Development Services K. PILOT Ordinance Amendment Development Services □ PUBLIC HEARINGS: □ UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Amendment to the Marihuana Facilities Overlay District – 885 E Apple Avenue Planning □ NEW BUSINESS: Page 1 of 2 □ ANY OTHER BUSINESS: □ PUBLIC COMMENT: ► Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following: ► Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room. ► Submit the form to the City Clerk. ► Be recognized by the Chair. ► Step forward to the microphone. ► State name and address. ► Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission. ► (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.) □ CLOSED SESSION: □ ADJOURNMENT: ADA POLICY: THE CITY OF MUSKEGON WILL PROVIDE NECESSARY AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES TO INDIVIDUALS WHO WANT TO ATTEND THE MEETING UPON TWENTY-FOUR HOUR NOTICE TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGON. PLEASE CONTACT ANN MARIE MEISCH, CITY CLERK, 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, MI 49440 OR BY CALLING (231) 724- 6705 OR TTY/TDD DIAL 7-1-1-22 TO REQUEST A REPRESENTATIVE TO DIAL (231) 724-6705. Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: February 9, 2021 Title: Approval of Minutes Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC Department: City Clerk Brief Summary: To approve the minutes of the January 26, 2021 Regular City Commission Meeting. Detailed Summary: N/A Amount Requested: N/A Amount Budgeted: N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: To approve the minutes. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING JANUARY 26, 2021 @ 5:30 P.M. MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, MI 49440 REMOTE MEETING MINUTES The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held electronically with the Vice Mayor and Commissioners participating via Zoom – a remote conferencing service, Clerk staff present at 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 26, 2021. ROLL CALL FOR THE REGUAR COMMISSION MEETING: Present: Mayor Stephen J. Gawron (Muskegon, MI), Vice Mayor Eric Hood (Muskegon, MI), Commissioners Ken Johnson (Muskegon, MI), Dan Rinsema- Sybenga (Muskegon, MI), Willie German, Jr. (Muskegon, MI), Teresa Emory (Muskegon, MI), and Michael Ramsey (Muskegon, MI), City Manager Frank Peterson, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann Meisch. PUBLIC COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM: Public comments were received. 2021-07 CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the January 11, 2021 Worksession and January 12, 2021 Regular City Commission Meetings. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the minutes. B. Deficit Elimination Plan – Public Improvement Fund Finance SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the resolution and direct staff to submit the Deficit Elimination Plan for the Public Improvement Fund to the State of Michigan. On June 30, 2020 the Public Improvement Fund was in a deficit of $1,601.331. Act 275 of the Public Acts of 1980 requires the City to formulate a deficit elimination plan and file it with the Michigan Department of Treasury. The deficit elimination plan and resolution for the Public Improvement Fund is attached. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the deficit elimination resolution for the Public Improvement Fund. Page 1 of 9 C. Deficit Elimination Plan – Sewer Fund Finance SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the Deficit Elimination plan and resolution for the Sewer Fund and direct staff to submit plan to the State of Michigan. On June 30, 2020 the Sewer Fund had a $3,595,965 deficit unrestricted net position. Act 275 of Public Acts of 1980 requires the City to formulate a deficit elimination plan and submit it to the Michigan Department of Treasury. The deficit elimination plan and resolution for the Sewer Fund are attached. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the deficit elimination resolution for the Sewer Fund. E. Annex Lease Extension – Mercy Health City Manager SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City staff is seeking authorization to extend the lease agreement with Mercy Health at the Arena Annex Building for one additional year. Mercy Health currently leases space for a sports rehabilitation and physical therapy office. Mercy Health has occupied the space for five years. The city assumed the lease in 2018 when Ima Jam, Inc. terminated their master lease with the City. Mercy is seeking to extend their lease for an additional year. The lease agreement, in combination with a licensing agreement allowing Mercy staff to train patients in the facility, generates between $50,000 and $75,000 annually for the facility. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the lease extension and authorize the City Manager to sign. H. City Hall Building HVAC Controls Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Authorize staff to approve a contract with Smart Building Services (SBS) to replace and upgrade the failing City Hall HVAC control system. The existing heating and cooling control system for City Hall is old, obsolete, and becoming unreliable. Pars are no longer readily available for it and it does not allow newer technologies to be utilized, like texting and emailing alarms. Three proposals were collected by staff for a budgeted upgrade to the system. The proposal from SBS though not the low bidder is being recommended by staff as the best value system. The proposal from SBS includes open source software, and a non-proprietary control system, which is preferred by staff. In addition, the SBS proposal includes the work to apply for and work on the City’s behalf for rebates from DTE and Consumers Energy. The SBS proposal also includes training and warranty allocations not mentioned in the other proposals. In addition, SBS included Alternate #1, which includes a Smart Energy Management System (EMS) Server. This server could be used in the future as a central location for monitoring and controlling other city owned buildings allowing for further improvements. Staff is also recommending acceptance of Page 2 of 9 the Alternate bid item. Base Bid Quotes were received as follows: Smart Building Services: $39,764.00 – REBATE ($21,482) = NET $18,282 Johnson Controls: $32,379.00 – REBATE ($17,610) = NET $14,769 Control Resource: $84,400 – REBATE ($21,400) = NET $63,000 AMOUNT REQUESTED: $42,264 AMOUNT BUDGETED: $60,000 FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101-92019-5346 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to approve the proposal from SBS inclusive of Alternate #001 for removal, purchase and installation of new HVAC Control System for City Hall Building, provided that no contract will be signed or paid until SBS has secured applicable rebates from Consumers Energy and DTE Energy on behalf of the City. I. Social District Permit Recommendation Economic Development SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City Commission must recommend approval of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission permits of participating licensed establishments in the Downtown Muskegon Social District. With the establishment of the Downtown Muskegon Social District, participating licensed establishments must receive a Social District permit from the Michigan Liquor Control Commission. The MLCC must first receive a recommendation for approval from the City Commission before granting the permits. You handled the initial eight such request at your August 25 and September 8, 2020 meetings and added others since. The attached resolution is for the City’s Muskegon Farmers Market and Mercy Health Arena which are also seeking a Social District permit from the state and seeking City Commission recommended approval. The Social District plan identifies 22 potential participating licensees within the district. Other licensed establishments may file a Social District permit application in the future. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the resolution recommending Michigan Liquor Control Commission approval of Social District permits in the Downtown Muskegon Social District and to direct the City Clerk to certify the City Commission action with the MLCC. Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Ramsey, to approve the consent agenda as presented, minus items D, F, and G. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and Ramsey Nays: None MOTION PASSES Page 3 of 9 2021-08 REMOVED FROM CONSENT AGENDA: D. Sale – 275 Mason Avenue City Manager SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City staff is seeking authorization to sell the city-owned home at 275 Mason to Chad Huisman and Alyssa Hamelin. The city constructed this house as part of the phase two of our infill housing program. Our contract to construct the home was $197,464. We also anticipated $11,844 in sales commissions. The accepted purchase price is $189,900, and the incurred sales commissions are $10,800. The City will contribute $5,000 toward closing costs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to complete the sale of 275 Mason Avenue, as described in the purchase agreement. Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to authorize the City Manager to complete the sale of 275 Mason Avenue, as described in the purchase agreement. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and Ramsey Nays: None MOTION PASSES F. Environmental Work – Former Farmers Market Site City Manager SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is seeking approval to hire Soils and Structures to provide geotechnical investigation services at the former farmers markets site. This site was originally included in a city pilot program to build a mix of housing types to attract residents at various income levels. The original plan called for 53+ rental units – some single-family structures and some multi-family structures. In an effort to meet the community’s goal of focusing on single family houses in lieu of duplexes and multiplexes, the proposed program has been scaled back to include a total of 21 single family houses and no duplexes or multiplexes. As part of this change, we are focusing greater attention on the soil quality of the remaining building sites before moving forward with the project. Staff has received pricing from two well-qualified environmental service providers that have significant history working on the site. The lowest responsible bidder was Soils and Structures at $15,890.00. The work will be qualified for reimbursement in the scattered site brownfield program. AMOUNT REQUESTED: $15,890.00 AMOUNT BUDGETED: $0 FUND OR ACCOUNT: Brownfield STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the expense of $15,890 to complete geotechnical investigation services at the former farmers market site. Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, Page 4 of 9 to approve the expense of $15,890 to complete geotechnical investigation services at the former farmers market site. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, and Rinsema- Sybenga Nays: Emory MOTION PASSES G. Management Agreement – Watermark City Manager SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City Staff is proposing the attached development agreement with the developers of the Watermark Center. The developer is seeking to add additional marijuana-related uses to the three- parcel development site. The goal of addition of the marijuana uses is to attract an anchor tenant for the industrial components of the building and leverage funding for the renovation of the mixed-use residential portions of the property. Staff feels that this is the best opportunity to ensure redevelopment of the site. The proposed development agreement sets timelines for redevelopment of the site, standards for job creation, and minimums for investment value. The project is expected to generate a $40 Million investment and save the structures from further decline. The City will have the ability to impose a consent special assessment on the property in the event that the develop fails to meet the terms of the agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to sign the development agreement. Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to authorize the City Manager to sign the development agreement. Amendment: Motion to amend the development agreement to remove recitals from 1330 Division. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, and Johnson Nays: None MOTION PASSES VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, Rinsema-Sybenga, and Emory Nays: German MOTION PASSES Page 5 of 9 2021-09 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Amendment to the Marihuana Facilities Overlay District – 965 W Western, 920 Washington Ave, and 1330 Division St Planning – 2nd Reading SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for Growing, Processing and Provisioning/Retail license types at 965 W Western Avenue, 920 Washington Avenue and 1330 Division Street by P & G Holdings, LLC After discussing at the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant agreed that they did not need to include 1330 Division Street as part of the request. A motion to request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for Growing, Processing and Provisioning/Retail license types at 965 W Western Avenue and 920 Washington Avenue be recommended to the City Commission for approval. The motion was amended to include a recommendation that the approval be reviewed in 24 months to allow staff or the Planning Commission to consider revocation of the zoning approval if the condo development had not proceeded as stated. The motion was approved by a 6-3 vote. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for Growing, Processing and Provisioning/Retail license types at 965 W Western Avenue and 920 Washington Avenue by P & G Holdings, LLC. Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Emory, to approve the request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for Growing, Processing and Provisioning/Retail license types at 965 W Western and 920 Washington Avenue by P & G Holdings, LLC. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Ramsey, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, and Gawron Nays: German MOTION PASSES B. Amendment to the Marihuana Facilities Overlay District – 420 Harvey Street (2) Planning – 2nd Reading SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to include 420 Harvey Street in the marihuana facilities overlay district and allow class B grower, processor, retailer, designated consumption establishment and marihuana special events license types, by Michigan CannaHouse, LLC. While the applicant’s first case was tabled by the Planning Commission, they decided to apply for another amendment that would allow them additional Page 6 of 9 license types (Class B Grower, Processor, Retailer) instead of microbusiness. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to include 420 Harvey Street in the marihuana facilities overlay district and allow class B grower, processor, retailer, designated consumption establishment and marihuana special events license types, by Michigan CannaHouse, LLC. Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Ramsey, to approve the request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to include 420 Harvey Street in the marihuana facilities overlay district and allow class B grower, processor, retailer, designated consumption establishment and marihuana special events license types, by Michigan CannaHouse, LLC. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: None Nays: Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, and Hood MOTION FAILS C. Housing Commission Ordinance Amendment Development Services – 2nd Reading SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff are seeking approval of an amendment to Chapter 18, Article IV of the Code of Ordinances in coordination with the Hartford Terrace development agreement. The Muskegon Housing Commission proposes to rehabilitate Hartford Terrace Apartments through HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration program. This program allows private capital to be raised for rehabilitation of low-income housing projects. The calculation of Payments In Lieu Of Taxes for this program differs from the typical public housing program, and changes to the city’s ordinance for housing commission owned properties requires a change to accommodate the development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To amend and adopt Chapter 18, Article IV, Section 83 Muskegon Housing Commission. Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to amend and adopt Chapter 18, Article IV, Section 83 for Muskegon Housing Commission. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and Ramsey Nays: None MOTION PASSES Page 7 of 9 2021-10 NEW BUSINESS: A. Amendment to the Marihuana Facilities Overlay District – 885 E Apple Avenue Planning SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to amend section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to include 885 E Apple Avenue in the marihuana facilities overly district, by Khi Guy. A motion was made that the request to amend section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for Retail license types at 885 E Apple Avenue be recommended to the City Commission for approval. The motion passed by a 5-1 vote. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for retail provisioning license types at 885 E. Apple Avenue. Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to approve the request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for retail and provisioning license types at 885 E Apple Avenue. 2nd Motion: Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Ramsey, to table this item until the next regular City Commission meeting, February 9, 2021. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, and Rinsema-Sybenga Nays: None MOTION PASSES B. Harris Option – Ovals City Manager – REMOVED PER STAFF REQUEST C. Community Relations Committee – Planning Commission Appointment City Clerk SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To select and appoint a new member to the Planning Commission. Those interested in serving on the Planning Commission included: Michael Haueisen, Bryan Pereira, William Snyder, Corey Bickford, Michael Hughes, Christopher Carskadon, David Medendorp, Jane Clingman Scott, Roberta King, Destinee Keener. Willing to serve on any board: Brianna MacPherson, Deondrea Cooper, Faye Redmond, Johna Willis, Shundrice Brown STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To make an appointment to the Planning Commission. Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to appoint Destinee Keener to the Planning Commission. Page 8 of 9 ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema- Sybenga, and Emory Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2021-11 ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Commissioner Johnson raised the issue of the Harris Option at the Ovals which was removed from tonight’s agenda and was to be placed on a Worksession agenda for discussion and consideration. Discussion took place as to whether this proposal should be considered at the Worksession and it was suggested that the Commission review the Imagine Muskegon Lake Plan before considering any proposals. Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Emory, to reject the Harris Option at the Ovals. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and Ramsey Nays: None MOTION PASSES PUBLIC COMMENT: Public comments were received. ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk Page 9 of 9 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: February 9, 2021 Title: Election Grant Update Submitted By: Ann Meisch Department: City Clerk Brief Summary: Earlier this year, the City Commission approved to spend the 2020 Election Grant in the amount of $433,580 along with an additional $30,000 from the HAVA grant for Election equipment. Several items have been purchased and acknowledged by the City Commission. We have spent a total of $401,137.31 to-date and have received permission for a 6 month extension to purchase a truck to pull the Muskegon Votes trailer with the remaining amount of $32,442.69. This amount includes permission to spend $22,735 to purchase a second verity central client software work station for absentee ballots. Detailed Summary: To-date we spent: drop boxes $5,725.75; Drive Thru Voting $26,858.49; PPE Equipment $11,803.75; Poll Worker Recruitment funds, hazard pay, and training expenses $69,130.14; temporary staffing $66,242.27; Vote by mail/absentee voting equipment $95,925.94; Election Administration Equipment $60,176.58; Non-Partisan Voter Education $65,274.41. Amount Requested: $0 Amount Budgeted: Grant Fund Fund(s) or Account(s): General Fund Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: To acknowledge the expenditures in the amount of $401,137.31 as listed above and give permission to purchase a verity central client software work station for $22,735. Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: February 9, 2021 Title: Informational Portal Submitted By: Ann Meisch Department: City Clerk Brief Summary: Bang the Table is an informational portal that will allow staff to put out surveys, create newsletters, and create individual project sites to assist staff in organizing notifications, seek feedback, and keep citizens updated and provide feedback. Detailed Summary: Bang the Table offers a platform where all updates on a project are gathered in one location in an easy to read format. Citizens can provide feedback in a variety of ways including a mapping system, surveys, comments, etc. This will be a useful tool for departments for projects such as the master plan update, CDBG projects, NAM programs, etc. The system offers more flexibility and tools to provide information in a quick format and allow us to better communicate with our citizens and gather information. The cost is $15,000 per year with a $1,900 onboarding cost. Staff did review other software including Accela Government Software, Granicus, and Bloomz. We found this software is geared towards government and offers many features not provided by the other companies. Amount Requested: $16,900 Amount Budgeted: Grant Fund Fund(s) or Account(s): General Fund Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to sign an agreement with Bang the Table to utilize the informational portal to better communicate with our citizens. Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: 2/9/2021 Title: Equipment Replacement Submitted By: Joe Buckingham Department: DPW/Equipment Brief Summary: The Equipment Division is requesting permission to purchase one (1) Cab and Chassis International Heavy Duty Plow Truck from West Michigan International off of the Sourcewell Contract. The build of this truck will be done by Truck and Trailer Specialties. Detailed Summary: The cab and chassis of this truck will be coming from West Michigan International at a cost of $89,216.72, while the actual build of the box and underbody blade (scraper blade) will be done by Truck and Trailer Specialties of Dutton, MI. for a price of $62,575.00. Total price $151,791.72. Amount Requested: $151,791.72 Amount Budgeted: $165,000.00 Fund(s) or Account(s): Equipment CIP fund Fund(s) or Account(s): 661-60932-5730 Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to move forward with purchase. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: February 9th, 2021 Title: Filtration Plant Communications Tower Submitted By: Leo Evans Department: Public Works Brief Summary: Authorize staff to award contracts for the procurement and installation of the communications tower at the water filtration plant. Detailed Summary: Staff worked with our project manager (Maralat Communications) to develop a proposed design for the communications tower and to procure bids where possible for the foundation construction and the tower installation. At this time staff is requesting approval to purchase the tower materials from Valmont Industries and permission to award a contract for the foundation construction and tower installation to the second low bidder, Great Lakes Tower & Antenna Company. Two bids were received for the foundation and installation item of work and both are attached. Staff is recommending the second low bidder on the basis that the bids are only separated by $190. Staff has no prior experience with either firm, however our Project Manager recommended Great Lakes Tower in the situation and we are deferring to his recommendation based on the extremely small difference in pricing. There will be additional expenses related to the attachment of the city communication equipment to the tower and transfer of the county 911 equipment from the existing tower as well as demolition of the existing tower. These will be pursued as a change order with Great Lakes (should their contract be approved) and brought back to commission at a later date if needed. It is expected that shipping and material prices will fluctuate slightly from the quoted amounts due to the timing between the bids and the award and as such staff is requesting flexibility in the prices of each up to 10% of the quoted amounts for a total request at this time of $160,179.80 ($67,100.00 Foundation & Installation + $93,079.80 Tower Materials). Additionally progress has been made towards securing a cellular lease for the site. Preliminary agreement has been reached on a lease that is expected to generate $1,800/month in revenue on a 10 year term, with a 3% escalator, and with the option for four renewals of 5-years each. The revenue will offset the cost of the tower within the lifetime of the renewals or sooner, and will hopefully spur additional interest as there will still be sufficient room for additional carriers. Amount Requested: $159,970.80 Amount Budgeted: $300,000.00 Fund(s) or Account(s): 591-92034-5346 Fund(s) or Account(s): 591-92034-5346 Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to approve the contract with Valmont Industries for the tower procurement in the amount of $84,618.00 +/- 10% and authorize staff to approve the contract with Great Lakes Tower & Antenna Company for the foundation construction and tower erection in the amount of $61,000.00 +/- 10%. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: QUOTATION Quote Number: 433083-06 Valmont Industries, Inc. Created: 11/16/2020 9:23:54 PM 28800 Ida Street Revised: 11/16/2020 9:24:11 PM Valley, NE 68064 Prepared for: City of Muskegon Attention: Tim Romanowski Address1: Address2: City: State: Zip: Phone: (734) 787-1100 Email: Budgetary: No RFQ: Project: City of Muskegon- Water Filtration Plant - Muskegon, MI - 195' Monopole (stamped design) NOTICE Quoted prices will be held firm for 15 days. Prices are subject to change if product is not shipped within 2 months of Purchase Order receipt. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 195' MONOPOLE - 194' POLE WITH 1' ESTIMATED 1 $78,623 FOUNDATION PROJECTION Price Includes: - Steel templates and anchor bolts. - Pole sections and accessories to be hot dipped galvanized. - Transmission line entry ports at the base of the pole. - Transmission line exit ports at each specified antenna level. - Pole assembly hardware. - Removable climbing steps with galvanized Tuf-Tug cable type safety climb system (less harness). - Includes TIA-G standard grounding provisions welded to pole. - Includes 4'-7' adjustable lightning rod 1 $78,623 NOTES FINISH SYSTEM Galvanized (GV) Base Coat: Hot-Dip Galvanized to ASTM A123 Spec: F-1. GENERAL It is the customers responsibility to inform Valmont Structures if this project is federally funded and if the "Buy America Act" or "Buy American Act" applies. Valmont reserves the right to re-quote if either of these "Acts" are applicable. Products may be foreign built - if this is not acceptable please request a revised quote. Foundation design and formal pole calculations not included. Available upon request. MONOPOLE For pole weight, base reactions and design/antenna loads, please refer to Valmont Permit Drawing File ID 433083-P1R1. Pole sizes are preliminary only and may change slightly at time of order entry. Foundation build and tower erection are by others. Page 1 of 2 QUOTATION Quote Number: 433083-06 Valmont Industries, Inc. Created: 11/16/2020 9:23:54 PM 28800 Ida Street Revised: 11/16/2020 9:24:11 PM Valley, NE 68064 FREIGHT Estimated Cost, with unloading of truck by others to Muskegon, MI nearest access point to the $5,495 site, via flat bed tractor trailer. Any special handling by other. (3 truck(s) required) Estimated anchor steel freight shipped direct from our supplier. Average anchor steel lead time $500 is 4 to 6 weeks. DELIVERY Estimated lead time is 8 to 10 weeks. Please note that lead times are estimated and can fluctuate due to production capacity. Please contact customer service to verify current lead times or if a better delivery date is possible when placing an order. A complete soil report and plot plan (for guyed towers) must be received by Valmont prior to manufacturing. MATERIAL PRICE Due to material price fluctuations, Valmont reserves the right to review all material pricing prior to accepting any order. Any order placed on hold is subject to a price review at the time of its release. Valmont may be required by state law to collect Sales/Use Tax at the time of shipment. If required, this tax will appear as a separate item on the invoice. If you have a tax exempt certificate, submit it at the time of order. GENERAL NOTES Please send orders to Lisa Taylor ( * Valmont reserves the right to apply storage charges of three-hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00) per month for structures kept in our yard beginning the 1st of the month following the original ship date. * Quote is subject to Valmont's standard terms and conditions. See attached copy. * All quotations subject to acceptance by Valmont at time of order placement. * F.O.B Valmont Factory * Terms: NET 30 Days (upon approved credit) * Prepared by McKynna Kelly Associate Project Administrator Valmont Industries Inc. Page 2 of 2 COMMUNICATIONS STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE AGREEMENT: This document (“Document”) contains the standard terms and conditions of sale by Valmont Industries, Inc. (“Supplier”), to Purchaser, of products, materials, other goods, equipment, operations, or services (“Product”). If this Document is a quotation, then the offer contained herein shall remain open for thirty (30) days from the date it was issued, unless otherwise specified, and Purchaser shall be deemed to have accepted the offer and terms and conditions contained herein upon the earlier of: (1) Purchaser’s signature and return of this Document to Supplier by fax or any other means; (2) Supplier’s receipt of any order or any other writing from Purchaser indicating Purchaser’s acceptance and agreement to the terms hereof; or (3) Purchaser’s acceptance of any shipment of Product. Whether this Document is a quote, an invoice, or otherwise, the terms and conditions of the parties’ agreement shall consist solely of the terms and conditions contained in this Document, together with any separate written agreement previously executed by both Purchaser and Supplier, any invoices generated in connection herewith, and any written addenda to the foregoing that are signed by Purchaser and Supplier (all of which are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Agreement”). Any additional or different terms contained in any order or other document submitted by Purchaser to Supplier shall be deemed rejected, unless expressly accepted in writing by Supplier. In no event shall Supplier’s silence or failure to respond to any such additional or different terms be deemed to constitute acceptance or approval thereof. If this Document is a quotation, then failure of the Purchaser to reject these terms and conditions in writing upon the first to occur of the receipt of this or any other document from or on behalf of the Supplier containing these terms and conditions or the delivery of Product pursuant to the Agreement shall constitute final acceptance of the terms and conditions hereof. To the extent this invoice is in any way deemed to be an acceptance of an offer of the Purchaser, any such acceptance of the Supplier is expressly conditioned upon the consent of the Purchaser to the terms and conditions of the Agreement. MODIFICATIONS, RESCISSION & CANCELLATION: The Agreement may be modified or rescinded only in writing signed by duly authorized representatives of the parties. For any changes requested by Purchaser to the specification, style, or quantity of the Product, Purchaser shall pay the Supplier a charge equal to the actual additional cost incurred by the Supplier as a result of such change plus a reasonable percentage of such actual cost for overhead and profit. Orders may be canceled only with Supplier’s written consent and upon terms which will save Supplier from loss, including all out-of-pocket costs and lost profits. LIMITED WARRANTY: Supplier warrants the Product to be free of material and workmanship defects for a period of two years from the date of shipment, but said warranty is limited to material and workmanship of Product designed and manufactured by the Supplier. For any product manufactured using items supplied by Purchaser or Purchaser’s designee, Supplier makes no warranty concerning the design, fabrication, or manufacture of the items supplied. Such items shall carry only the respective designer’s, fabricator’s, or manufacturer’s warranty, if any. For product manufactured or fabricated by Supplier according to specifications or designs provided by Purchaser or Purchaser’s designee, Supplier makes no warranty concerning the adequacy or sufficiency of the specifications or designs themselves. All warranty claims alleging defects of materials or workmanship must be submitted in writing within seven (7) days after the discovery of the defect or such claim shall be considered waived. Supplier will not accept Product returned to it for repair or replacement, unless Supplier is previously notified of the defect in writing and the return or correction is authorized by Supplier in writing. Any Product deemed by Supplier, in its sole discretion, to be defective in material or workmanship will be repaired or replaced, at Supplier’s option, F.O.B. Supplier’s plant. Supplier’s obligation to repair or replace any defective Product shall not include any obligation to reimburse the Purchaser for transportation, installation, removal, unauthorized repairs, or any other expenses that may be incurred by the Purchaser or others in relation to any Product defect. THIS WARRANTY EXCLUDES (I) FATIGUE FAILURE OR SIMILAR PHENOMENA RESULTING FROM INDUCED VIBRATION, HARMONIC OSCILLATION OR RESONANCE ASSOCIATED WITH MOVEMENT OF AIR CURRENTS AROUND THE PRODUCT. FURTHER, LABOR REQUIRED TO REMOVE AND/OR REINSTALL ORIGINAL OR REPLACEMENT PARTS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CUSTOMER; (II) DAMAGE CAUSED BY IMPROPER INSTALLATION, OVERLOADING, MISUSE, ABUSE, ACCIDENT OR NEGLECT. In addition, this warranty does not cover alterations, modifications, or additions unless the change is acknowledged and accepted, in advance in writing, by Valmont; and (iii) if the products are to be used on an existing foundation or on other structures, the customer assumes all responsibility for the structural integrity of the existing foundation, anchorage or structures and all the consequences arising therefrom. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE THE ONLY WARRANTIES GIVEN BY SUPPLIER, AND SUPPLIER HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WHETHER ARISING FROM STATUTE, COMMON LAW, CUSTOM, COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OF TRADE, OR OTHERWISE. THE REMEDY OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE DEFECTIVE PRODUCT SET FORTH IN THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES SHALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AVAILABLE TO ANY PERSON. SUPPLIER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, INJURY, EXPENSE, OR DAMAGE, WHETHER DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR OTHERWISE (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF CONSTRUCTION BONUS OR INCENTIVES), RESULTING FROM THE POSSESSION, INSTALLATION, ERECTION, START-UP, USE, MAINTENANCE, OPERATION, REMOVAL, OR RESALE OF SUPPLIER’S PRODUCT OR CAUSED BY ANY DEFECT, FAILURE, OR MALFUNCTION OF ANY PRODUCT, WHETHER A CLAIM FOR SUCH DAMAGES IS BASED UPON WARRANTY, CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE. NO PERSON HAS THE AUTHORITY TO BIND THE SUPPLIER TO ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OTHER THAN THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTIES AS DISCLAIMED. DELIVERY, FREIGHT & RISK OF LOSS: All products are sold F.O.B. factory, full freight allowed within the continental United States, consisting of the lower 48 contiguous states, unless otherwise specified in writing. For shipment destinations outside the continental U.S., freight charges will be prepaid to the nearest port of exit with all other applicable charges from said point of delivery being the responsibility of the customer, unless otherwise noted. The method of shipment will be solely determined by Valmont, using a common carrier of Valmont’s choice and delivered to the nearest destination. The customer assumes and will pay all charges for special services such as cartage, airfreight, express deliveries, parcel post and multiple deliveries on one order. For orders less than $1,500, freight may not be included and may be prepaid and charged to the customer. Orders below $500 may incur a processing fee. Freight charges for anchor bolts or accessories shipped independent of the structures (at the customer’s request) may be billed separately and paid by the customer, unless otherwise specified in writing. Risk of Loss, including transportation delays and losses, shall pass to Purchaser upon the earlier of (i) completion of the Product’s manufacture, if shipment is delayed by Purchaser, (ii) delivery of the Product to the Purchaser in cases where shipment is F.O.B. destination, or (iii) delivery of the Product to the carrier in cases where shipment is collect or is F.O.B. point of shipment. PRICING: All prices and discounts are subject to change without advance notice except those shown on a specific quotation indicating the prices to be firm for thirty (30) days from the date of the quotation. For quotations accepted by Purchaser, Purchaser agrees that if the contract documents or designs or the prices of raw materials change from that contained in the quotation, Supplier has a right to charge additional compensation for increased costs, including, without limitation, costs related to freight and raw materials, as well as for increased margin associated therewith. Orders delayed or put on customer hold may not be price protected beyond the date of a general price increase announcement. RETURNS & CLAIMS FOR SHORTAGES: Supplier will not accept returns for custom-made Product for any reason, provided that Supplier will accept returns made solely for repair or replacement under the foregoing express warranties, but only if Supplier has previously authorized said returns in writing. Standard (non-custom) Product may not be returned without the written consent of Supplier obtained within thirty (30) days after shipment, and only upon the following conditions: (i) all returned Product must be in excellent and merchantable condition and in the original packaging; (ii) the outbound and return freight must be pre-paid; and (iv) the return is subject to certain charges depending on current pricing and product. All claims for shortages must be made in writing within 30 days of receipt of shipment at destination. PRODUCT SHIPPED WITH PROTECTIVE COVERING: Product received at the point of destination with protective covering should be unwrapped immediately and inspected. Any exposure to moisture during transportation or storage may cause the wrapping materials to stain the Product. Product is wrapped for protection during shipment. INSTALLATION: Purchaser shall be solely responsible at its cost for the installation and erection of the Product purchased. Although Supplier may, in some cases, provide data, manuals, instructions, designs, drawings or specifications to aid Purchaser with installation or start-up, SUPPLIER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROPER INSTALLATION OR SUPPORT OF THE PRODUCT WHEN ERECTED AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO SUCH INSTALLATION OR SUPPORT, WHETHER OR NOT DATA, MANUALS, INSTRUCTIONS, DESIGNS, DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS ARE PROVIDED. DELAYS: Supplier will deliver or ship with reasonable promptness, but shall not be liable for delays for any reason beyond the Supplier’s reasonable control, including, but not limited to, delays caused by acts of God, war, riot, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fires, floods, accidents, quarantine restrictions, mill conditions, strikes, differences with workmen, delays in transportation, shortages of cars, fuel, labor or materials. IN ANY SUCH EVENT, SUPPLIER SHALL HAVE SUCH ADDITIONAL TIME WITHIN WHICH TO PERFORM AS MAY BE REASONABLE AND NECESSARY UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES, AND SUPPLIER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO PURCHASER FOR ANY DAMAGES ARISING FROM SUCH DELAYS, LOSS OF USE OR FOR OTHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. IN NO EVENT SHALL SUPPLIER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR CLAIMS FOR LABOR RESULTING FROM FAILURE OR DELAY IN DELIVERY. Lighting, Traffic and Communication Structures Valmont Industries, Inc. 1545 Pidco Drive Plymouth, Indiana 46563-1354 USA 574-936-4221 877-467-4763 Fax 574-936-6796 CREDIT APPROVAL & SECURITY FOR PAYMENT: Acceptance of any offer of Supplier is subject to Supplier’s approval of Purchaser’s credit, and Supplier may at any time decline to make any shipment or delivery, or to perform any services, except upon receipt of payment or security, or upon such other terms as may be satisfactory to Supplier. To secure the payment of any and all amounts due Supplier under this Agreement or any other contract between the parties, Supplier retains and the Purchaser grants to Supplier a security interest in the Product purchased hereunder and agrees to execute and deliver to Supplier such financing statements or to take any other action necessary to perfect Supplier’s security interest as Supplier may reasonably request. TERMS, INVOICES, PAYMENT, LATE CHARGE & TAXES: Payment terms are NET thirty (30) days from the date of Supplier’s invoice, unless otherwise specified and approved in advance in writing from the Valmont Credit Department. Invoices will be rendered upon delivery of each order to Purchaser. All payments shall be made to the “remit to” location as stated on the Supplier’s invoice. Supplier reserves the right to invoice, and Purchaser agrees to pay for, any or all Product ready for shipment, together with expenses, costs, and losses associated therewith, whenever shipment is delayed pursuant to Purchaser's written instructions or for other reasons beyond Supplier’s control. Invoices for anchor bolts shipped in advance of the structures may be billed at the time of such anchor bolt shipment. A monthly late charge of 1.5% of the invoice amount or $50, whichever is greater, will be assessed on all past-due amounts. Any tax or other charge imposed by law on the sale of goods or the performance of services shall be paid by the Purchaser, unless the law specifically provides that such payment must be absorbed by Supplier. Purchaser shall inform the Supplier, in advance in writing, of such taxes or other charges imposed by state, municipal, or other law that are to be paid by the Supplier. DEFAULT OF PURCHASER: In the event that (i) Purchaser fails to pay any invoice when due; (ii) Purchaser breaches this Agreement or any other contract with Supplier or any of its affiliated companies; or (iii) Purchaser’s financial strength becomes unsatisfactory, Purchaser shall thereby be in default, and Supplier reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to do any one or more of the following: (i) cancel this Agreement and any work in progress, shipments, and pending orders without further notice; (ii) declare all sums owing from Purchaser to Supplier to be due and payable; (iii) require payment in advance of performance, in certified funds; (iv) foreclose any security interest; (v) require other security satisfactory to Supplier. Purchaser shall be liable to Supplier for any and all damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential, special or any other kind of damages, caused by or arising out of any breach of this agreement, provided that the exercise of any rights under this contract shall not bar Supplier from exercising its rights under the UCC or any other applicable law. The Purchaser waives any applicable statutory exemptions and shall pay all expenses incurred by Supplier in the collection of the amounts due under the Agreement, including attorneys' fees. INDEMNIFICATION & GOVERNING LAW: Purchaser shall indemnify and hold Supplier harmless from all expenses (including attorneys’ fees), claims, demands, suits, judgments, actions, costs, and liabilities (including without limitation those alleging Supplier‘s own negligence) which may arise from, relate to, or be connected with the Purchaser’s possession, installation, erection, start-up, use, maintenance, operation, removal, or resale of the Product described herein and any manuals, instructions, designs, drawings or specifications related thereto. All disputes relating to the execution, interpretation, construction or enforcement of the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed by the laws of, and resolved in the State and Federal courts in the State of Nebraska, and the parties hereby consent to venue in Omaha, Nebraska. THE PURCHASER AND SUPPLIER EACH HEREBY WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY ON ANY CLAIM (INCLUDING COUNTERCLAIMS) ARISING WITH RESPECT TO THE GOODS PURCHASED HEREUNDER. Any lawsuit based on or related in any way to the Agreement or the Product described therein must be commenced within two (2) years after delivery of the Product or other goods to the Purchaser or it shall be barred. Lighting, Traffic and Communication Structures Valmont Industries, Inc. 1545 Pidco Drive Plymouth, Indiana 46563-1354 USA 574-936-4221 877-467-4763 Fax 574-936-6796 Digitally signed by Nathan A Ross Date: 2020-11-10 00:13-08:00 GENERAL NOTES: DRILLED PIER 1.Prior to excavation, check the area for underground facilities. 8' Ø 2.All reinforcing shall be deformed bars conforming to ASTM A615 Grade 60 (60,000 psi min. yield) and shall be provided by the foundation contractor. 8' Ø 1.5 3.All concrete shall have a minimum compressive strength of 4500 1.0 psi @ 28 days. The requirement for the concrete shall be as given in the ACI "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete", ACI 318, the 0.5 latest edition. CAP = 0.5' 4.Trowel top of pedestal smooth. -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 5.Steel reinforcement and concrete should be placed immediately upon completion of the pier excavations. Contractor shall not allow a cold joint -0.5 to form in the pier. Portion above grade should be formed. Temporary casing may be required to prevent caving prior to -1.0 12" 20-1.75" DIAMETER X 84" LONG concrete placement. Bottom ANCHOR BOLTS ON A 73.25" BOLT 6.The ground water was encountered at 32' below grade during boring. Template -1.5 CIRCLE MATCHING PROVIDED TEMPLATES 7.Concrete is assumed to weigh 150 pcf. 8.Estimated concrete volume = 58.7 cubic yards total. 9.Design Based on the following loads from installation drawing for order No: 433083-P1A. 31.5' FOUNDATION & ANCHOR BOLT LAYOUT PLAN Factored Moment = 62854 in-kips (NO SCALE) Factored Shear = 39.9 kips Factored Download = 68.57 kips 10. Reference: G2 Consulting, Project No. 180679,09/24/2018 11. Concrete shall be placed using a tremie to the depth indicated on the foundation drawing. 34 #5 BAR TIES, 12" OC, 2 ON TOP, 1 ON BOTTOM 12. Anchor bolts to be ASTM A615, Gr. 75 ksi. 13. Ref Soils Report for installation recommendations. 38 EQUAL SPACED #11 VERTICAL BARS 14.Foundation designed to approx. 87% capacity to match tower rating. SECTION B-B 1.5 31' 25' 1.0 31' PIER ELEVATION 0.5 (NO SCALE) Reinforcement Steel Schedule Total Total -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 VERTICAL REBAR GEOMETRY Rebar Rebar Bar Weight Weight BAR VERTICAL REBAR GEOMETRY VERTICAL - Type size Spacing lb/ft (lb) Qty -0.5 9.00" Anchor Bolt Projection 1 Vertical #11 EQUAL 5.31 6255 38 -1.0 2 Ties #5 12" 1.04 868 34 ANCHOR BOLT LOCATION TEMPLATE #11 TOTAL STEEL WEIGHT FOR COMPLETE FOUNDATION INSTALLATION = 7123# -1.5 #11 #11 CHAMFER 1" #5 REBAR LAP SPLICE TABLE Ref. ACI 318 SECTION C-C #5 #5 Rebar Rebar CONCRETE REBAR PIER REBAR LAYOUT 7'- 4" Size Grade STRENGTH OVERLAP (NO SCALE) 7'- 7'- 4" 4" PSI INCHES Special Inspection N/A #11 60 4500 50 1. Inspection of reinforcing steel and placement (periodic). #5 60 4500 18 2. Inspection of anchor bolts cast in concrete (periodic). NOTES: Where vertical bars are to be spliced, splices should be staggered. 3. Verifying use of required mix design (periodic). 4. At the time fresh concrete is sampled to fabricate specimens for strength tests; perform slump and air SECTION A-A TYP content tests and determine temperature of concrete GRADE 60 REBAR TIES HOOK GEOMETRY*** N/A ANCHOR BOLT ELEVATION (continuous). Rebar ASK # 6db* ** 4db* (NO SCALE) 5. Inspection of concrete placement for proper application Size Min Length Nominal Diameter techniques (continuous). Note: EX EXTREME CARE SHOULD BE TAKEN TO ENSURE THAT ALL 6. Verify excavations are extended to proper depth and have #5 Seismic Hook Not Reqd N/A N/A BO BOLTS ARE LEVEL WITH RESPECT TO EACH OTHER reached proper material (periodic). REBAR TIE GEOMETRY * db = Bar Diameter TO ENSURE ADEQUATE NUT ENGAGEMENT 7. Observe drilling operations and maintain complete and REBAR REBAR TIE T GEOMETRY ** Refers to ACI Stirrup hook detail 6db 3in min. accurate records for each element (continuous). *** Lap Splice may be used when Seismic Hook not required 8. Verify placement locations and plumbness, confirm element diameters, lengths, and adequate end-bearing strata capacity; record concrete volume (continuous). 9. Inspect formwork for shape, location, and dimensions of the concrete member being formed (periodic). Rev Description Date By/Ck 3575 25TH STREET SE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SALEM, OR 97302 MAIN (503) 363-9267 Digitally signed by Nathan A Ross DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES TOLERANCES ARE: (800) 547-2151 Date: 2020-11-10 00:14-08:00 Check: By: AM NAR DRILLED PIER FOUNDATION LAYOUT Customer: City of Muskegon Date: 11-09-20 Site: Water Filtration Plant - Muskegon,MI ANALYSIS Version: 2.1 S.O.#433083-P1A SIZE - B Drawing No.MI433083FP Sheet 1 of 1 13885 Telegraph Rd. Flat Rock, MI 48134 Phone: 734-782-3249 Fax: 734-782-3867 Bid Number: 16746 REV 1 Contact: Scott Cooley/Project Manager Larry Johnson/President Mobile: 734-777-4490 Mobile: 734-732-1169 Date: February 3, 2021 Customer: MapleNet Wireless Attn: Tim Romanowski Jobsite Muskegon Tower - 1900 Beach Street Labor Labor to stack 195' monopole tower $ 4,800.00 Crane to stack 195' monopole tower $ 7,800.00 Caisson installation per geotech provided $ 48,400.00 Note: All spoils to be removed by others Labor Subtotal $ 61,000.00 Materials: Note: $ - Material Subtotal $ - Total $ 61,000.00 QUOTE DATE November 30, 2020 3424 Corwin Road Prepared by: Brad Bertsch Williamston, MI 48895 517-482-1750 Customer: City of Muskegon Location: Water Filtration Plant Muskegon, MI Description AMOUNT Crane Rental-1 day $ 5,390.00 $ 4,000.00 Boom Truck $ 44,800.00 Foundation drilling only $ 6,620.00 Tower offloading and stacking-2 days Above does not incude any equipment being attached to tower and does not include any OT that may be incurred by crane. The OT rate for the crane is $675.00 per hour. Does not include any permitting or concrete testing as of now. TOTAL $ 60,810.00 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: February 9, 2021 Title:2nd Quarter Budget Reforecast Submitted By: Beth Lewis Department: Finance Brief Summary: At this time staff is presenting the 2nd Quarter Budget Reforecast for FY2020-21. Detailed Summary: Please see the Finance Director’s 2nd Quarter Budget Reforecast Highlights attached. Amount Requested: Amount Budgeted: Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: To approve the 2nd Quarter FY2020-21 Budget Reforecast as presented. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: Memo To: City Commission From: Finance Director Date: 2/3/21 Re: 2nd Quarter Budget Reforecast FY2020-21 - Highlights General Fund Revenues: Decrease in Building Permits by $270,000. Expenses: Increase in Fire Department Equipment and Repairs by $69,200. MAJOR STREET FUND Several capital projects have been moved to the Local Street Funds. Monroe Street 4th to 3rd for $25,000 and the Frauenthal Alley for $80,000. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FUND Reduction of Federal Grants by $150,000. Expenditures adjusted accordingly Increased projected revenue for the sale of city owned houses to $3,250,000 from Midtown Square II and other homes. Updated the construction cost to $370,000 for 1192 Pine all three units. WATER AND SEWER FUNDS The sewer fund metered sales have increased to reflect the 20% increase as approved by the City Commission. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Increase in revenues from the Taste of Muskegon and the Art Fair. Page 1 MERCY HEALTH AREA The Arena’s revenue has been negatively impacted by the State’s COVID restrictions in several key areas such as concessions, ticket sales, and other items. We expect to receive a $40,000 State Grant to offset some of our lost revenue. Page 2 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON GENERAL FUND 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 101-00000-4100 PROPERTY TAX 5,264,060 5,460,339 5,668,983 5,660,071 461,214 318,889 5,660,071 101-00000-4102 IN LIEU OF TAX 133,642 132,023 84,587 84,587 - - 84,587 101-00000-4103 IFT/CFT TAX 106,297 128,212 76,468 76,468 - - 76,468 101-00000-4104 PROPERTY TAX SANITATION 1,564,050 1,618,369 1,686,077 1,678,946 137,229 94,845 1,678,946 101-00000-4140 INCOME TAX 8,691,673 9,137,714 7,750,000 7,750,000 4,335,605 4,391,094 7,750,000 101-00000-4161 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 340,016 294,908 211,000 211,000 38,529 43,713 211,000 101-00000-4202 BUSINESS LICENSES & PERMITS 52,345 42,520 75,000 75,000 7,300 31,405 75,000 101-00000-4203 LIQUOR LICENSES & TAX REBATE 49,877 46,412 45,000 45,000 35,823 37,862 45,000 101-00000-4204 CABLE TV LICENSES OR FEES 380,343 361,405 370,000 370,000 92,885 90,090 370,000 101-00000-4205 HOUSING LICENSES (840) - - - (325) - - 101-00000-4206 INSPECTION FEE - 1,759 - - 8 853 - 101-00000-4207 CEMETERY-BURIAL PERMITS 68,275 76,615 80,000 80,000 39,980 40,935 80,000 101-00000-4208 BUILDING PERMITS 933,745 911,057 1,100,000 975,000 352,384 556,696 705,000 101-00000-4209 ELECTRICAL PERMITS 169,690 172,531 196,000 196,000 85,003 85,588 196,000 101-00000-4210 PLUMBING PERMITS 102,101 103,139 95,000 95,000 47,258 58,341 95,000 101-00000-4211 HEATING PERMITS 137,826 144,730 143,500 143,500 72,580 62,030 143,500 101-00000-4213 RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION 350,760 335,448 381,000 335,000 163,330 183,784 335,000 101-00000-4215 CNS INSPECTIONS 735 350 - 350 101-00000-4217 SHORT TERM RENTALS - 4,390 9,000 9,000 15,030 - 9,000 101-00000-4221 VACANT BUILDING FEE 72,665 60,570 40,000 6,000 2,600 52,135 6,000 101-00000-4224 TEMPORARY LIQUOR LICENSE 5,590 3,145 5,000 5,000 75 1,795 5,000 101-00000-4230 MARIHUANA FACILITIES LICENSE 115,700 143,300 90,000 160,000 57,000 37,800 160,000 101-00000-4300 FEDERAL GRANTS 57,894 147,191 40,000 1,704,281 1,264,281 37,765 1,704,281 101-00000-4400 STATE GRANTS 31,675 16,174 26,000 26,000 26,818 11,074 26,000 101-00000-4405 STATE REPLACEMENT REV FOR PPT 831,164 897,416 750,000 750,000 - - 750,000 101-00000-4502 STATE SALES TAX CONSTITUTIONAL 2,844,903 3,336,275 2,929,011 3,146,075 639,694 566,487 3,146,075 101-00000-4503 STATE CVTRS/EVIP PAYMENTS 1,426,535 781,660 1,201,807 1,201,807 195,415 195,415 1,201,807 101-00000-4601 CITY SERVICE FOR ENTERPRISE FUNDS 482,292 482,292 482,290 482,290 241,146 241,146 482,290 101-00000-4603 TAX COLLECTION FEE 340,217 350,742 327,000 327,000 34,868 34,875 327,000 101-00000-4604 GARBAGE COLLECTION 49,671 49,763 41,000 41,000 6,216 6,299 41,000 101-00000-4606 ADMINISTRATION FEES 310,000 310,000 310,000 310,000 155,000 155,000 310,000 101-00000-4607 REIMBURSEMENT ELECTIONS 13,455 50,142 - - 50 50 - 101-00000-4608 INDIRECT COST ALLOCATION 1,114,735 1,066,967 1,302,797 1,302,797 639,295 533,483 1,302,797 101-00000-4609 PROCUREMENT CARD REBATE 50,381 57,361 48,000 48,000 - - 48,000 101-00000-4611 SPECIAL EVENTS REIMBURSEMENT 26,505 61,625 15,000 5,000 584 16,753 5,000 101-00000-4612 CEMETERY SALE OF LOTS 30,259 28,440 25,000 1,500 22,635 13,295 1,500 101-00000-4613 HARBOR TOWN DOCKOMINIUMS - - - - - - - 101-00000-4614 REIMBURSEMENT LOT CLEAN UP 461 - 2,000 2,000 - - 2,000 101-00000-4615 POLICE DEPARTMENT INCOME 113,244 98,926 105,500 105,500 33,652 51,403 105,500 101-00000-4617 FIRE DEPARTMENT INCOME 3,006 811 3,500 6,500 7,230 59 6,500 101-00000-4619 MISC. SALES AND SERVICES 17,436 21,286 22,000 22,000 5,750 14,436 22,000 101-00000-4620 FIRE PROTECTION-STATE PROP 81,766 173,718 173,718 173,718 119,574 173,718 173,718 101-00000-4621 ZONING & ENCROACHMENT FEES 13,970 12,155 15,000 20,000 9,790 7,765 20,000 101-00000-4622 MISC. CLERK FEES 5,432 1,329 5,000 5,000 253 955 5,000 101-00000-4623 TOWNSHIP ELECCTRICAL INSPECTIONS - - - - 101-00000-4624 TAX ABATEMENT APPLICATION FEES 3,802 8,890 6,000 5,000 855 3,650 5,000 101-00000-4625 MISC. TREAS. FEES 69,964 49,722 55,000 30,000 6,365 16,046 30,000 101-00000-4631 REIMBURSEMENT SCHOOL OFFICER 22,802 16,962 23,500 23,500 - 7,829 23,500 101-00000-4633 OBSOLETE PROPERTY FEES 4,000 2,000 - - - 1,000 - 101-00000-4634 PASSPORTS 82,662 63,520 40,000 40,000 - 37,180 40,000 101-00000-4635 START UP CHARGE/REFUSE 6,771 6,327 7,000 7,000 4,785 2,915 7,000 101-00000-4636 REFUSE BAG & BULK SALES 33,516 23,497 30,000 30,000 15,553 17,628 30,000 101-00000-4637 APPLIANCE STICKER 75 75 100 100 25 75 100 101-00000-4638 MISC. SALES CHARGE/REFUSE 159,010 257,044 318,000 318,000 161,894 123,893 318,000 101-00000-4642 LIEN LOOK UPS 14,325 17,455 12,000 12,000 8,880 7,235 12,000 101-00000-4643 SOCCER 200 - - - - - - 101-00000-4644 DOWNTOWN PARKING - 1,650 - - 50 1,400 - 101-00000-4648 FALSE ALARM FEES/POLICE 10,365 6,780 7,000 7,000 4,230 4,125 7,000 101-00000-4649 CEMETERY-MISC. INCOME 14,547 16,383 16,000 16,000 16,518 8,593 16,000 101-00000-4650 DOWNTOWN SOCIAL DISTRICT - - - - 1,303 - - 101-00000-4651 REIMBURSEMENT LOT MOWING 1,067 124 5,000 5,000 - - 5,000 101-00000-4652 MUSK HEIGHTS ZONING 10,465 5,670 11,000 11,000 6,055 3,185 11,000 101-00000-4654 FIRE RESPONSE FEE 11,500 870 6,000 6,000 - 870 6,000 101-00000-4655 PAID BEACH PARKING 146,821 200,000 480,000 315,111 - 480,000 101-00000-4656 SITE PLAN REVIEW 6,900 7,600 6,500 6,500 2,500 6,700 5,000 101-00000-4657 COLUMBARIUM NICHE 900 - - - 900 - - 101-00000-4658 IMPOUND FEES 39,470 38,293 37,000 37,000 23,222 23,913 37,000 101-00000-4659 CODE ENFORCEMENT LABOR 30,323 25,990 30,000 30,000 16,077 17,725 30,000 101-00000-4660 MISC RECREATION INCOME 10,829 6,984 4,500 4,500 4,440 4,489 4,500 101-00000-4661 LEASE GREAT LAKES NAVAL MEMORIAL - - 15,000 15,000 - - 15,000 101-00000-4665 LEASE BILLBOARDS 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 - - 6,800 101-00000-4666 SNOW PLOWING -DOWNTOWN BID 68,500 48,500 68,750 68,750 24,050 - 68,750 101-00000-4669 SMITH RYERSON 13,643 5,302 12,000 12,000 811 5,544 12,000 101-00000-4670 PICNIC SHELTER 19,322 4,877 22,000 22,000 817 8,508 22,000 101-00000-4671 MCGRAFT PARK 96,084 44,637 97,000 97,000 (84) 45,071 97,000 101-00000-4672 SAFEBUILT LOT MOWING 5,108 1,685 5,000 5,000 3,604 1,162 5,000 101-00000-4673 RENTAL - CENTRAL DISPATCH 45,292 56,772 54,000 54,000 48,129 14,262 54,000 101-00000-4674 RENTAL - CITY HALL 15,000 24,783 15,000 15,000 14,056 9,115 15,000 101-00000-4676 SAFEBUILT - TRASH PICKUP 3,938 2,702 2,500 2,500 1,798 1,479 2,500 101-00000-4677 RENT - - 6,000 6,000 - - 6,000 101-00000-4678 PLANNING DEPT ENFORCEMENT 100 - 1,000 1,000 - - 1,000 101-00000-4679 CODE ENFORCEMENT ADMIN 26,191 27,179 30,000 30,000 15,676 20,779 30,000 101-00000-4690 KITCHEN 242 RENTAL - 400 - - - 400 - 101-00000-4701 INCOME TAX-PENALTY & INTEREST 207,424 201,614 200,000 200,000 140,803 95,578 200,000 101-00000-4702 DELINQUENT FEES 16,790 18,123 20,000 20,000 - - 20,000 101-00000-4704 PENALTIES/INTEREST/FINES 7,681 7,991 5,000 5,000 5,383 5,181 5,000 101-00000-4706 LATE FEE ON INVOICES OVER 45 DAYS 3,835 3,015 6,000 6,000 2,106 1,545 6,000 101-00000-4708 LATE FEE ON RENTAL REGISTRATION 13,995 13,233 7,500 7,500 3,775 8,843 7,500 101-00000-4751 CIVIL INFRACTIONS 30,776 21,978 15,000 15,000 8,307 16,585 15,000 101-00000-4754 TRAFFIC FINES & FEES 57,782 76,543 55,000 135,000 99,810 28,686 135,000 101-00000-4755 COURT FEES 137,732 83,061 120,000 120,000 40,464 37,030 120,000 101-00000-4758 CRITICAL DUNE FEES 1,100 15,700 - 1,500 15,700 3,000 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON GENERAL FUND 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST 101-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY 26,751 6,284 12,000 12,000 5,255 1,261 12,000 101-00000-4802 REIMB:DEMOS AND BOARD-UPS 79,956 6,941 45,000 45,000 930 495 45,000 101-00000-4803 CDBG PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENTS 252,901 475,892 503,967 577,000 - - 577,000 101-00000-4805 CONTRIBUTIONS 2,046 4,075 20,000 20,000 29,199 1,500 20,000 101-00000-4806 BIKE/PROPERTY AUCTIONS-POLICE - 28,818 1,000 1,000 385 - 1,000 101-00000-4811 FISHERMANS LANDING REIMBURSEMENT - 24,842 17,500 17,500 - - 17,500 101-00000-4814 PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS 3,856 219 14,500 14,500 10 221 14,500 101-00000-4818 RECOVERY OF BAD DEBT 5,829 4,555 1,000 1,000 1,695 3,328 1,000 101-00000-4821 CONTRIBUTIONS/GRANTS - 17,327 - 433,580 433,580 17,327 433,580 101-00000-4823 CONTRIBUTIONS - DISC GOLF COURSE IMPROVE - 825 - - 2,300 - - 101-00000-4825 CONTRIBUTIONS - VETERAN'S PARK MAINT - 16,811 18,500 18,500 - - 18,500 101-00000-4828 DONATION - POLICE DEPT 3,420 - - - - - - 101-00000-4829 COMMUNITY FOUNDATION GRANT - MCGRAFT PAR 9,892 9,982 10,000 10,000 - - 10,000 101-00000-4832 CONSUMERS ENERGY ESSENTIAL SERVICES - - - - - - - 101-00000-4841 GRANT: COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 15,000 - - 25,534 - - 25,534 101-00000-4902 OP. TRANS FROM SPECIAL REVENUE 162,000 180,000 175,000 175,000 - - 175,000 101-00000-4903 OP. TRANS FROM DEBT SERVICE 40,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 20,000 50,000 101-00000-4904 OP. TRANS FROM CAPITAL PROJECTS 5,989 - - - - - - 101-00000-4961 BOND PROCEEDS - - - - 7,068,674 - - 101-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 108,155 153,092 100,000 100,000 42,840 67,016 100,000 101-00000-4971 GAIN ON INVESTMENT 344,122 193,005 - - (51,449) 71,434 - 101-00000-4980 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS - - - - - - - Totals for dept 00000 - 28,754,049 29,653,430 28,477,855 31,048,804 17,903,947 8,934,681 30,780,304 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 28,754,049 29,653,430 28,477,855 31,048,804 17,903,947 8,934,681 30,780,304 EXPENDITURES Dept 10101 - CITY COMMISSION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 72,017 76,738 77,042 76,188 37,936 35,086 76,188 5200 SUPPLIES 434 9,539 600 600 - 85 600 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,216 416 1,000 1,000 139 163 1,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 3,561 3,580 4,000 4,000 4,078 2,285 4,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 5,665 3,626 3,000 3,000 348 2,884 3,000 Totals for dept 10101 - CITY COMMISSION 88,892 93,898 85,642 84,788 42,500 40,504 84,788 Dept 10102 - CITY PROMOTIONS & PUBLIC RELATIONS 5200 SUPPLIES 9,113 8,393 8,000 8,000 3,100 4,283 8,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 72,473 83,916 50,000 50,000 14,076 72,905 50,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 304 100 - - 55 - - Totals for dept 10102 - CITY PROMOTIONS & PUBLIC RELATIONS 81,890 92,409 58,000 58,000 17,231 77,188 58,000 Dept 10145 - CITY ATTORNEY 5200 SUPPLIES - 945 - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 345,538 372,974 380,000 380,000 197,457 197,917 380,000 Totals for dept 10145 - CITY ATTORNEY 345,538 373,919 380,000 380,000 197,457 197,917 380,000 Dept 10172 - CITY MANAGER 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 353,450 402,026 412,310 403,539 183,297 168,345 403,539 5200 SUPPLIES 4,452 5,256 4,500 4,500 3,200 3,657 4,500 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 16,336 13,455 15,000 15,000 5,574 6,698 15,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 5,581 8,952 9,000 9,000 2,332 6,521 9,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 2,850 1,200 1,200 2,504 2,850 1,200 Totals for dept 10172 - CITY MANAGER 379,819 432,538 442,010 433,239 196,908 188,070 433,239 Dept 10875 - CONTRIBUTIONS 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS - 84,897 - - - 84,897 - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 384,968 301,882 425,363 437,863 286,016 199,759 441,863 5400 OTHER EXPENSES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 10875 - CONTRIBUTIONS 384,968 386,779 425,363 437,863 286,016 284,656 441,863 Dept 10891 - CONTINGENCY 5400 OTHER EXPENSES (10,326) 31,272 100,000 100,000 - - 100,000 Totals for dept 10891 - CONTINGENCY (10,326) 31,272 100,000 100,000 - - 100,000 Dept 20215 - CITY CLERK 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 437,884 513,996 532,396 526,708 275,337 241,417 526,708 5200 SUPPLIES 46,571 70,665 55,410 55,410 38,589 21,285 55,410 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 45,716 30,395 22,321 22,321 3,081 21,537 22,321 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 6,638 3,401 10,175 10,175 1,421 3,066 10,175 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 5,439 3,282 2,500 2,500 473 1,116 2,500 Totals for dept 20215 - CITY CLERK 542,248 621,739 622,802 617,114 318,900 288,421 617,114 Dept 20220 - EMPLOYEE RELATIONS (formerly CIVIL SERVICE) 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 58,350 78,045 83,437 82,575 37,913 36,843 82,575 5200 SUPPLIES 2,253 366 1,000 1,000 94 119 1,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 118,895 133,652 130,000 130,000 46,310 53,761 130,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 15,778 10,582 10,000 10,000 4,725 10,582 10,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - - Totals for dept 20220 - EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 195,275 222,645 224,437 223,575 89,042 101,304 223,575 Dept 20228 - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS - - - - - - - 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 1,750 22 - - - 22 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 28 - - - - - - Totals for dept 20228 - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION 1,778 22 - - - 22 - Dept 30202 - FINANCE ADMINSTRATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 471,394 497,850 554,541 525,641 245,816 227,997 525,641 5200 SUPPLIES 2,570 7,033 4,000 4,000 783 5,833 4,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 95,770 77,157 76,294 76,294 70,877 62,250 76,294 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 930 121 706 706 - 79 706 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 141 5,601 5,000 5,000 80 4,808 5,000 Totals for dept 30202 - FINANCE ADMINSTRATION 570,805 587,761 640,541 611,641 317,557 300,968 611,641 Dept 30203 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 2,267,000 1,065,333 - 2,267,000 Totals for dept 30205 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION 2,267,000 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON GENERAL FUND 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Dept 30205 - INCOME TAX 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 262,850 243,103 289,720 282,886 136,509 118,704 282,886 5200 SUPPLIES 11,650 14,160 13,500 13,500 5,495 5,353 13,500 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 84,372 103,250 91,000 91,000 45,981 29,779 91,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 512 513 1,000 1,000 45 499 1,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 3,210 2,948 5,000 5,000 - 2,948 5,000 Totals for dept 30205 - INCOME TAX 362,595 363,974 400,220 393,386 188,029 157,284 393,386 Dept 30209 - CITY ASSESSOR 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 1,988 2,520 4,000 4,000 436 260 4,000 5200 SUPPLIES - 226 - - 39 - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 333,771 255,412 345,000 345,000 173,190 - 345,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 219 80 - - - - - Totals for dept 30209 - CITY ASSESSOR 335,977 258,238 349,000 349,000 173,664 260 349,000 Dept 30248 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 376,186 422,268 423,926 404,920 189,401 178,322 404,920 5200 SUPPLIES 133 1,248 1,000 1,000 739 694 1,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 32,422 44,128 34,000 34,000 25,488 25,583 34,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 2,789 868 12,000 12,000 784 744 12,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 138,987 67,441 60,000 60,000 17,108 21,491 60,000 Totals for dept 30248 - INFORMATION SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION 550,516 535,954 530,926 511,920 233,522 226,834 511,920 Dept 30253 - CITY TREASURER 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 391,308 417,573 441,223 440,101 226,249 195,556 440,101 5200 SUPPLIES 71,090 69,755 80,000 80,000 31,003 34,410 80,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 97,390 99,666 100,000 100,000 56,384 48,111 100,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 1,326 550 2,000 2,000 98 - 2,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 348 1,634 2,600 2,600 17 1,634 2,600 Totals for dept 30253 - CITY TREASURER 561,463 589,178 625,823 624,701 313,751 279,711 624,701 Dept 30805 - L C WALKER ADMINISTRATION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,510 23,654 - - 3,039 6,583 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - - 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 30805 - L C WALKER ADMINISTRATION 13,510 23,654 - - 3,039 6,583 - Dept 30851 - INSURANCE SERVICES 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 292,037 340,189 360,000 360,000 3,943 - 360,000 Totals for dept 30851 - INSURANCE SERVICES 292,037 340,189 360,000 360,000 3,943 - 360,000 Dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 750 750 - - - - - 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 230,101 450,061 445,100 445,100 376,914 372,068 445,100 Totals for dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 230,851 450,811 445,100 445,100 376,914 372,068 445,100 Dept 30999 - TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 1,121,486 1,492,500 740,000 990,000 222,550 180,000 1,105,000 Totals for dept 30999 - TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 1,121,486 1,492,500 740,000 990,000 222,550 180,000 1,105,000 Dept 40301 - POLICE DEPARTMENT 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 8,773,682 9,234,308 9,612,485 8,176,350 4,417,305 4,291,385 8,176,350 5200 SUPPLIES 87,822 122,765 95,000 95,000 84,840 52,024 95,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 956,037 988,267 1,001,205 1,001,205 538,589 505,699 1,001,205 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 37,764 19,583 24,000 24,000 4,065 14,063 24,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 10,501 80,737 34,000 34,000 21,379 24,733 34,000 Totals for dept 40301 - POLICE DEPARTMENT 9,865,805 10,445,659 10,766,690 9,330,555 5,066,177 4,887,903 9,330,555 Dept 50336 - FIRE DEPARTMENT 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 3,516,367 3,805,443 2,862,645 2,752,324 1,228,215 1,557,189 2,752,324 5200 SUPPLIES 220,595 277,979 164,200 164,200 82,591 127,166 164,200 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 141,520 133,856 205,715 205,715 44,401 895,126 205,715 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 15,264 5,599 22,400 22,400 2,158 4,932 22,400 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 22,039 63,472 30,800 30,800 88,521 28,238 100,000 Totals for dept 50336 - FIRE DEPARTMENT 3,915,785 4,286,349 3,285,760 3,175,439 1,445,885 2,612,650 3,244,639 Dept 50338 - NEW CENTRAL FIRE STATION 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 73,263 67,524 75,000 75,000 28,452 29,642 75,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - - Totals for dept 50338 - NEW CENTRAL FIRE STATION 73,263 67,524 75,000 75,000 28,452 29,642 75,000 Dept 50387 - BUILDING CODE INSPECTIONS AND ENFORCEMENT 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 167,963 168,764 178,210 176,128 85,813 88,714 176,128 5200 SUPPLIES 14,874 19,137 20,000 20,000 3,976 10,638 20,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,041,765 1,808,797 2,151,050 2,151,050 605,751 780,079 2,151,050 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 145 22 100 100 - - 100 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - - Totals for dept 50387 - CODE INSPECTIONS AND ENFORCEMENT 2,224,747 1,996,720 2,349,360 2,347,278 695,540 879,431 2,347,278 Dept 60265 - CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 50,431 79,304 78,652 77,655 41,388 34,951 77,655 5200 SUPPLIES 18,705 26,582 29,700 29,700 11,611 19,802 29,700 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 187,145 157,936 165,550 165,550 81,734 74,893 165,550 5400 OTHER EXPENSES - 142 500 500 - 142 500 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 60,587 45,424 21,000 21,000 19,035 29,815 40,000 Totals for dept 60265 - CITY HALL MAINTENANCE 316,868 309,388 295,402 294,405 153,768 159,602 313,405 Dept 60446 - HIGHWAY NONCHARGEABLE 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 35,053 25,321 37,939 37,542 13,593 13,051 37,542 5200 SUPPLIES 13,422 15,599 8,600 8,600 2,327 3,342 8,600 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 24,741 40,129 45,000 45,000 14,164 23,246 45,000 Totals for dept 60446 - HIGHWAY NONCHARGEABLE 73,216 81,049 91,539 91,142 30,084 39,639 91,142 Dept 60448 - STREET LIGHTING 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 551,818 390,116 350,000 350,000 197,258 224,563 350,000 Totals for dept 60448 - STREET LIGHTING 551,818 390,116 350,000 350,000 197,258 224,563 350,000 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON GENERAL FUND 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Dept 60523 - SANITATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 43,718 43,066 37,799 37,262 15,319 16,375 37,262 5200 SUPPLIES 307 - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,063,521 2,172,962 2,230,000 2,230,000 668,994 770,426 2,230,000 Totals for dept 60523 - SANITATION 2,107,545 2,216,029 2,267,799 2,267,262 684,313 786,801 2,267,262 Dept 60550 - STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,000 13,340 14,000 14,000 - 9,340 14,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES - - - - - Totals for dept 60550 - STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 4,000 13,340 14,000 14,000 - 9,340 14,000 Dept 60707 - SENIOR CITIZEN TRANSIT 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS - - - - 955 - - Totals for dept 60707 - SENIOR CITIZEN TRANSIT - - - - 955 - - Dept 70276 - CEMETERIES 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 85,902 127,486 192,964 188,170 95,543 48,185 188,170 5200 SUPPLIES 9,999 11,603 11,550 11,550 6,418 4,172 11,550 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 323,226 248,546 274,883 274,883 102,783 200,666 274,883 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 229 481 500 500 - 481 500 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 20,775 41,751 19,000 19,000 2,558 30,845 19,000 Totals for dept 70276 - CEMETERIES 440,130 429,867 498,897 494,103 207,302 284,350 494,103 Dept 70357 - GRAFFITI REMOVAL 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS - - - - - - - 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 70357 - GRAFFITI REMOVAL - - - - - - - Dept 70585 - PARKING OPERATIONS 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS - 12,141 - - 6,444 18 - 5200 SUPPLIES - 244 - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,393 17,532 - - 50,099 1,263 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 606 - - 17 - - Totals for dept 70585 - PARKING OPERATIONS 2,393 30,524 - - 56,561 1,282 - Dept 70751 - PARKS MAINTENANCE 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 606,774 723,674 712,937 695,835 330,568 350,874 695,835 5200 SUPPLIES 161,874 139,958 162,515 162,515 44,998 102,997 162,515 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 866,264 859,656 867,148 837,148 366,046 586,669 837,148 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 672 1,192 1,400 1,400 - 1,192 1,400 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 40,639 148,963 88,600 88,600 15,242 53,874 88,600 Totals for dept 70751 - PARKS MAINTENANCE 1,676,222 1,873,443 1,832,600 1,785,498 756,854 1,095,605 1,785,498 Dept 70757 - MC GRAFT PARK 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 52,478 3,599 23,075 23,075 2,454 1,762 23,075 5200 SUPPLIES 8,821 131 2,900 2,900 3,986 - 5,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 72,274 14,558 47,000 47,000 20,338 8,395 47,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - 50,000 50,000 12,408 - 50,000 Totals for dept 70757 - MC GRAFT PARK 133,573 18,288 122,975 122,975 39,187 10,157 125,075 Dept 70771 - FORESTRY 5200 SUPPLIES 92 656 - 5,000 334 479 5,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - 50,000 320 - 50,000 Totals for dept 70771 - FORESTRY 92 656 - 55,000 654 479 55,000 Dept 70775 - GENERAL RECREATION 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,050 1,928 - - - 102,500 - Totals for dept 70775 - GENERAL RECREATION 12,050 1,928 - - - 102,500 - Dept 70805 - L C WALKER ARENA 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 396 - - 1,797 - - 5700 BUILDING REPAIR - - - - - - - Totals for dept 70805 - L C WALKER ARENA - 396 - - 1,797 - - Dept 70863 -FAMERS & FLEA MARKET 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 139 170 - - 248 - - 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 72 34 - - 342 - - 5400 OTHER EXPENSES - - - - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - - Totals for dept 70863 - FARMERS AND FLEA MARKET 210 204 - - 591 - - Dept 80387 - NEIGHBORHOOD & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS - - - - - - - 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - 146 - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 7,226 - - 9,107 11,002 - 5400 OTHER EXPENSES - 187 - - - 22 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - 48 - - Totals for dept 80387 - NEIGHBORHOOD & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - 7,413 - - 9,155 11,170 - Dept 80400 - PLANNING 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 293,098 330,621 318,682 313,025 162,160 146,272 313,025 5200 SUPPLIES 3,796 8,267 4,525 10,354 5,624 2,247 10,354 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 55,665 29,593 74,050 77,990 24,933 15,994 77,990 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 6,426 16,843 23,000 13,740 7,904 13,653 13,740 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 17,693 19,643 21,000 21,000 9,163 18,301 21,000 Totals for dept 80400 - PLANNING 376,679 404,968 441,257 436,109 209,783 196,469 436,109 Dept 80699 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 720 - - - 720 - Totals for dept 80699 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 720 - - - 720 - Dept 91116 - ADA PROJECT 2011-2012 5200 SUPPLIES 3,796 - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,394 - 50,000 50,000 - - 50,000 Totals for dept 91116 - ADA PROJECT 2011-2012 6,190 - 50,000 50,000 - - 50,000 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON GENERAL FUND 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Dept 91508 - LED CONVERSION DOWNTOWN 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 514,089 636,001 - - - - - Totals for dept 91508 - LED CONVERSION DOWNTOWN 514,089 636,001 - - - - - Dept 91805 - CITY HALL ROOF REPAIR 2018 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 25,518 - - - - - - Totals for dept 91805 - CITY HALL ROOF REPAIR 2018 25,518 - - - - - - Dept 91814 - MCGRAFT PARK - RESURFACING PARKING LOT A 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 128,389 - - - - - - Totals for dept 91814 - MCGRAFT PARK - RESURFACING PARKING LOT A 128,389 - - - - - - Dept 91816 - IRRIGATION SYSTEMS , CITY HALL AND OTHER 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21,248 - - - - - - Totals for dept 91816 - IRRIGATION SYSTEMS , CITY HALL AND OTHER 21,248 - - - - - - Dept 91827 - IMPROVEMENT AT SMITH RYERSON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,284 117,123 - - - 101,259 - Totals for dept 91818 - GIS FOR LAKESIDE 7,284 117,123 - - - 101,259 - Dept 91829 - ROOF REPLACEMENT MAUSOLEUM 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 102,561 - - - - - - Totals for dept 91829- ROOF REPLACEMENT MAUSOLEUM 102,561 - - - - - - Dept 91921 - CITY HALL BOILERS, LED LIGHTING & BATHROOM UPGRADES 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 6,420 - - - - - Dept 91921 - CITY HALL BOILERS, LED LIGHTING & BATHROOM UPGRADES - 6,420 - - - - - Dept 92012 - LAKESHORE TRAIL REPAIRS 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 11,195 - - - - Totals for dept 92012 - LAKESHORE TRAIL REPAIRS - 11,195 - - - - - 0.. 5700 CAPITOL OUTLAYS - 11,660 - 60,000 - 2,033 60,000 Totals for dept 92019 - CITY HALL LED, BOILER, AND MISC - 11,660 - 60,000 - 2,033 60,000 Dept 92025 - MENTAL HEALTH GRANT 2019 5700 CAPITOL OUTLAYS - 3,966 - - - - - Totals for dept 92025 - MENTAL HEALTH GRANT 2019 Dept 92038 - NEW DOOR SYSTEM AT CITY HALL 5700 CAPITOL OUTLAYS - - - 8,600 13,824 - 14,000 Totals for dept 92038 - NEW DOOR SYSTEM AT CITY HALL 8,600 13,824 14,000 Dept 92041 - BEACHWOOD/BLUFFTON BIKE RACK 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - 25,534 1,810 - 25,534 Totals for dept 92042 - CTCL ELECTION GRANT 25,534 1,810 25,534 Dept 92042 - CTCL ELECTION GRANT 5100 52,784 - - 5200 5,665 - - 5300 104,062 - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - 433,580 88,763 - 433,580 Totals for dept 92042 - CTCL ELECTION GRANT 433,580 251,273 - 433,580 Dept 92043 - AAMODT PARK PLAYGROUND/PAVILLON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - 130,000 34,762 - 130,000 Totals for dept 92043 - AAMODT PARK 130,000 34,762 130,000 Dept 92045 - MAUSOLEUM 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - 30,258 28,793 - 30,258 Totals for dept 92045 - MAUSOLEUM 30,258 28,793 - 30,258 Dept 92047 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 55,026 - - Totals for dept 92047 Dept 92048 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - 1,729 - - Totals for dept 92048 Dept 92049 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 2,073,373 - - Totals for dept 92049 Dept 92051 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - 1,579 - - Totals for dept 92051 Dept 94027 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 360 - - 3,227 - - Totals for dept 94027 Dept 99152 - DOJ JAG GRANT MUSKEGON HEIGHTS 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 14,929 - - - 12,290 - - Totals for dept 99152 - DOJ JAG GRANT MUSKEGON HEIGHTS 14,929 - - - 12,290 - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 28,643,929.83 30,258,785.74 28,871,143.00 30,464,065.00 16,108,359.38 14,137,381.86 30,678,765.00 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 101 110,119 (605,356) (393,288) 584,739 1,795,588 (5,202,701) 101,539 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 6,687,516 6,797,635 6,192,279 5,798,992 6,192,279 6,797,635 5,798,992 ENDING FUND BALANCE 6,797,635 6,192,279 5,798,992 6,383,731 7,987,867 1,594,934 5,900,531 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON ADDITIONAL DETAIL GENERAL FUND Original Budget 2nd Quarter Agency Actual FY2018-19 Actual 2019 FY2020-21 Actual 12/31/20 Reforecast Muskegon Area Transit (MATS) 99,512 99,512 99,513 60,245 99,513 Neighborhood Association Grants 125,947 66,684 150,000 127,840 150,000 YMCA - - - - Boys & Girls Club 30,000 80,000 100,000 77,681 100,000 Muskegon Public Schools Youth Recreation 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 20,000 Port City Football 5,000 5,000 5,000 - 5,000 Muskegon Area First 45,660 10,000 - - - Veterans Memorial Day Costs 10,163 5,335 7,000 - 7,000 Downtown Muskegon Now 37,500 - - - - West Michigan Lake Hawks 5,400 4,500 4,500 - 4,500 Lakeside Business District 2,500 - 2,500 3,750 5,000 Latinos Working for the Future 1,000 1,000 - 1,000 community Encompass 3rd Street Mural 6,000 6,000 - 6,000 Cogic Community Center 250 250 - 250 211 Service 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Harmony Park - Rotary 10,000 10,000 Muskegon Museum of Art Expansion 25,000 25,000 MLK Diversity Program 1,100 1,100 - 1,100 Muskegon Area Loabor Management (MALMC) - 1,000 - 1,000 Steelhead Scuplture - 4,000 4,000 Support to Outside Agencies 384,182 301,881 425,363 286,016 441,863 Original Budget Actual Thru 1st Quarter Fund Actual 2018-19 Actual 2019-20 2020-21 12/31/2020 Reforecast Major Street Fund 250,000 - Local Street Fund - 250,000 100,000 100,000 Farmers Market Fund 35,000 45,000 55,000 105,000 L.C. Walker Arena Fund 475,000 800,000 235,000 550,000 LDFA Debt Service Fund ( Smartzone) 360,000 360,000 350,000 111,275 350,000 DDA Debt Service Fund - - - - Public Improvement Fund Tree Replacement Fund 7,500 State Grants Fund 10,000 Community Development Block Grant Fund Engineering Services Fund - 20,000 - General Insurance Fund 1,120,000 1,492,500 740,000 111,275 1,105,000 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON STREET FUNDS 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 DEC 31, 2020 DEC 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 202 - MAJOR STREETS Estimated Revenues Dept 00000 202-00000-4161 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 2,848 - - - 202-00000-4300 FEDERAL GRANTS 627,218 1,049,653 385,824 400,586 - - 400,586 202-00000-4400 STATE GRANTS - 715,586 315,000 315,000 202-00000-4501 STATE RECEIPTS - 3,924,117 - - - - - 202-00000-4531 STATE RECEIPT MAJORS 4,312,885 - 4,280,000 4,280,000 1,543,229 1,421,108 4,280,000 202-00000-4532 STATE RECEIPT TRUNKLINE - 80,056 196,000 196,000 - - 196,000 202-00000-4535 LRP LOCAL ROADS PROGRAM 79,927 - - 19,991 26,686 - 202-00000-4651 REIMBURSEMENT - - - - 202-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY 89,821 55,016 - - 19,822 44,995 - 202-00000-4802 REIMB:SERVICES RENDERED 21,582 18,001 - - - - - 202-00000-4805 CONTRIBUTIONS - - - - 202-00000-4901 OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND - - - - 202-00000-4904 OP. TRANS FROM CAPITAL FUND 715,222 - - 715,222 202-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 15,485 9,664 10,000 10,000 2,781 5,953 10,000 202-00000-4973 INTEREST ON ASSESSMENTS 142 - - - Total Dept 00000 5,149,908 5,136,508 5,587,410 5,916,808 1,585,822 1,498,742 5,916,808 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 5,149,908 5,136,508 5,587,410 5,916,808 1,585,822 1,498,742 5,916,808 Estimated Expenditures EXPENDITURES 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 527,751 544,513 645,735 645,735 235,819 219,879 645,735 5200 SUPPLIES 235,291 256,372 271,000 271,000 62,844 73,689 271,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 621,160 685,946 954,180 954,180 238,301 331,268 954,180 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 755 1,592 2,000 2,000 95 1,317 2,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 233,273 231,873 - - 226,854 225,129 - Totals for all 60000's Departments 1,618,230 1,720,295 1,872,915 1,872,915 763,913 851,282 1,872,915 Dept 90000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - 243,021 175,000 - - 175,000 Total Dept 90011 - - 243,021 175,000 - - 175,000 Dept 91013 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 858 - - - 858 - Total Dept 91013 - 858 - - - 858 - Dept 91411 - US31BR. W SHERMAN TO SHORELINE DR 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 620 - - - 620 - Total Dept 91411 - US31BR. W SHERMAN TO SHORELINE DR - 620 - - - 620 - Dept 91509 - LAKETON AVE, GETTY ST TO CRESTON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 972,558 - - - - - - Total Dept 91509 - LAKETON AVE, GETTY ST TO CRESTON 715,222 972,558 - - - - - - Dept 91605 - TRAFFIC STUDIES 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 92,768 2,787 - - - 2,787 - Total Dept 91605 - TRAFFIC STUDIES 92,768 2,787 - - - 2,787 - Dept 91702 - BLACK CREEK - SHERMAN TO LATIMER 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 665,926 - - - - - - Total Dept 91702 - BLACK CREEK - SHERMAN TO LATIMER 665,926 - - - - - - Dept 91711 - LAKESHORE DR, MCCRACKEN TO LAKETON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,289,057 3,194,193 - 405,807 8,249 1,632,526 405,807 Total Dept 91711 - LAKESHORE DR, MCCRACKEN TO LAKETON 1,289,057 3,194,193 - 405,807 8,249 1,632,526 405,807 Dept 91724 - FRANKLIN, WESTERN MI FRANKLIN TO LSD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 14,486 - - - 11,826 - Total Dept 91724 - FRANKLIN, WESTERN MI FRANKLIN TO LSD - 14,486 - - - 11,826 - Dept 91725 - LAKESHORE, BEACH WILCOX TO WATERWORKS 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 19,240 346,031 - 50,000 39,876 7,731 50,000 Total Dept 91725 - LAKESHORE, BEACH WILCOX TO WATERWORKS 19,240 346,031 - 50,000 39,876 7,731 50,000 Dept 91821 - 2018 CIP PREVENTIVE MAINT, MILLING & RES 5200 SUPPLIES 493 - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 362,193 - - - - - - Total Dept 91821 - 2018 CIP PREVENTIVE MAINT, MILLING & RES 362,685 - - - - - - Dept 91831 - REMEMBRANCE DR EXTENSION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 413,720 - - - - - - Total Dept 91831 - REMEMBRANCE DR EXTENSION 413,720 - - - - - - Dept 91842 - SHERIDAN & OTLHOFF 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 40,773 10,178 - 715,222 715,222 2,630 715,222 Total Dept 91842 - SHERIDAN & OTLHOFF 40,773 10,178 - 715,222 715,222 2,630 715,222 Dept 91843 - THIRD ST, MUSKEGON TO MERRILL 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 96,302 - - - - - - Total Dept 91843 - THIRD ST, MUSKEGON TO MERRILL 96,302 - - - - - - Dept 91844 - 1ST STREET, SOUTH END BETWEEN CLAY & WES 5200 SUPPLIES - 990 - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,161 480,560 - - - 446,711 - Total Dept 91844 - 1ST STREET, SOUTH END BETWEEN CLAY & WES 1,161 481,550 - - - 446,711 - Dept 91851 - SPRING STREET TRUNK SEWER 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - 123,021 - - 123,021 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON STREET FUNDS 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 DEC 31, 2020 DEC 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Totals for dept 91852 - 9TH STREET SEWER REROUTE - - - 123,021 - - 123,021 Dept 91852 - 9TH STREET SEWER REROUTE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - 2,110 2,110 - - 2,110 Totals for dept 91852 - 9TH STREET SEWER REROUTE - - 2,110 2,110 - - 2,110 Dept 91858 - MUSKEGON & WEBSTER RESTRIPING 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 24,827 - - - Total Dept 91858 - MUSKEGON & WEBSTER RESTRIPING 24,827 - - - - - - Dept 91859 - PECK & SANFORD 2 WAY CONVERSION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 48,435 215,775 - - - 198,574 - Total Dept 91859 - PECK & SANFORD 2 WAY CONVERSION 48,435 215,775 - - - 198,574 - Dept 91905 - LAKETON/LAKESHORE TRAIL CONNECTOR 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 14,673 1,606 - - - 1,606 - Total Dept 91905 - LAKETON/LAKESHORE TRAIL CONNECTOR 14,673 1,606 - - - 1,606 - Dept 91914 - SEAWAY RR BRIDGE PAINTING 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 61 - 790 948 - 948 Total Dept 91914 - SEAWAY RR BRIDGE PAINTING - 61 - 790 948 - 948 Dept 91917 - BEACH ST. - WILCOX TO SIMSPON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 49,577 400,000 400,000 60,946 40,467 400,000 Total Dept 91917 - BEACH ST. - WILCOX TO SIMSPON - 49,577 400,000 400,000 60,946 40,467 400,000 Dept 92002 - PECK ST. - APPLE TO STRONG 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 19,448 800,000 25,000 19,116 7,505 25,000 Total Dept 92002 - PECK ST. - APPLE TO STRONG - 19,448 800,000 25,000 19,116 7,505 25,000 Dept 92003 - MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN FROM WESTERN TO LSD 5300 ENGINEERING SERVICES 761 18,590 600,000 800,000 40,811 3,196 800,000 Total Dept 92003 -MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN FROM WESTERN TO LSD 761 18,590 600,000 800,000 40,811 3,196 800,000 Dept 92004 - TERRACE; APPLE TO SEAWAY 5300 ENGINEERING SERVICES - - - 35,000 3,708 - 35,000 Total Dept 92004 -TERRACE; APPLE TO SEAWAY - - - 35,000 3,708 - 35,000 Dept 92012 - LAKESHORE TRAIL EROSION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - 250,000 300,000 10,574 - 300,000 Total Dept 92012 -LAKESHORE TRAIL EROSION - - 250,000 300,000 10,574 - 300,000 Dept 92014 - ADA SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 1,350 - - - - - Total Dept 92014 - ADA SIDEWALK REPLACEMENT - 1,350 - - - - - Dept 92032 - ROBERTS; BARNEY TO LAKETON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - 1,623 1,623 - 1,623 Total Dept 92032 - ROBERTS; BARNEY TO LAKETON - - - 1,623 1,623 - 1,623 Dept 92033 - TERRACE; APPLE TO MUSKEGON REPAINT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - 14,434 14,434 - 14,434 Total Dept 92033 - TERRACE; APPLE TO MUSKEGON REPAINT - - - 14,434 14,434 - 14,434 Dept 92036 - HOUSTON 9TH TO 3RD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - 35,000 19,203 - 35,000 Total Dept 92036 - HOUSTON 9TH TO 3RD - - - 35,000 19,203 - 35,000 Dept 92037 - MONROE, 4TH TO 3RD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - 25,000 - - Total Dept 92037 - MONROE, 4TH TO 3RD - - - 25,000 - - - Dept 92046 - FRAUENTAL ALLEY 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - Total Dept 92046 - FRAUENTUAL ALLEY - - - - - - - Dept 96021 - BRIDGE INSPECTION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 270 - - 1,175 - 2,000 Total Dept 96021 - BRIDGE INSPECTION - 270 - - 1,175 - 2,000 Dept 99012 - GIS TRAINING 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 566 - - - - - Total Dept 99012 - GIS TRAINING - 566 - - - - - Dept 99118 - MUSKETAWA TRAIL CONNECTOR 1B (KEATING TO 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 46,932 800,000 800,000 19,094 5,374 800,000 Total Dept 99118 - MUSKETAWA TRAIL CONNECTOR 1B (KEATING TO - 46,932 800,000 800,000 19,094 5,374 800,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,661,115 6,125,173 4,968,046 5,780,922 1,718,891 3,213,692 5,758,080 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 202 (511,207) (988,665) 619,364 135,886 (133,069) (1,714,950) 158,729 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 3,793,456 3,282,249 2,293,584 2,912,948 2,293,584 3,282,249 2,912,948 ENDING FUND BALANCE 3,282,249 2,293,584 2,912,948 3,048,834 2,160,515 1,567,299 3,071,677 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON STREET FUNDS 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 DEC 31, 2020 DEC 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 203 - LOCAL STREETS Revenues Dept 00000 203-00000-4161 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 207,275 - - - 203-00000-4216 TELECOM FRANCHISE FEES 161,076 178,153 160,000 160,000 - - 160,000 203-00000-4300 FEDERAL GRANTS - - - - 203-00000-4533 STATE RECEIPT LOCAL 1,028,963 1,075,616 1,190,000 1,190,000 409,467 378,126 1,190,000 203-00000-4535 LRP LOCAL ROADS PROGRAM 22,310 22,308 20,000 20,000 14,071 7,436 20,000 203-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY 834 380 1,000 60,000 40,869 315 60,000 203-00000-4802 REIMB:SERVICES RENDERED 18,863 5,298 15,000 15,000 - 5,298 15,000 203-00000-4803 CDBG PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENTS 22,467 - - - 203-00000-4900 OPERATING TRANSFERS IN - - 100,000 100,000 - - 100,000 203-00000-4901 OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND 250,000 250,000 - - - - - 203-00000-4902 OP. TRANS FROM SPECIAL REVENUE - - - - 203-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 3,925 3,287 3,500 3,500 1,584 1,826 3,500 203-00000-4973 INTEREST ON ASSESSMENTS 290 - - - Total Dept 00000 1,716,002 1,535,042 1,489,500 1,548,500 465,991 393,001 1,548,500 TOTAL REVENUES 1,716,002 1,535,042 1,489,500 1,548,500 465,991 393,001 1,548,500 EXPENDITURES 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 658,212 641,595 752,397 752,397 275,061 309,771 752,397 5200 SUPPLIES 112,915 123,392 138,000 138,000 18,729 35,012 138,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 632,185 577,533 720,000 720,000 205,909 325,336 720,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 150 860 2,500 2,500 - 120 2,500 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - 704 - - 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - - Total Expenditures 1,403,462 1,343,380 1,612,897 1,612,897 500,403 670,239 1,612,897 Dept 91819 - FIRST STREET RECONSTRUCTION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,110 - - - - - - Total Dept 91819 - FIRST STREET RECONSTRUCTION 1,110 - - - - - - Dept 91821 - 2018 CIP PREVENTIVE MAINT, MILLING & RES 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 53,480 - - - - - - Total Dept 91821 - 2018 CIP PREVENTIVE MAINT, MILLING & RES 53,480 - - - - - - Dept 91822 - FOREST AVE, PECK STREET TO CLINTON STREE 5200 SUPPLIES 482 - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 23,683 - - - - - - Total Dept 91822 - FOREST AVE, PECK STREET TO CLINTON STREE 24,165 - - - - - - Dept 91841 - MARSH & WALTON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 209,328 4,074 - - - 4,074 - Total Dept 91841 - MARSH & WALTON 209,328 4,074 - - - 4,074 - Dept 91854 - BEIDLER TRUNK SEWER 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 57,503 42,061 57,449 73,366 - 57,449 Totals for dept 91854 - BEIDLER TRUNK SEWER - 57,503 42,061 57,449 73,366 - 57,449 Dept 92037 - MONROE, 4TH TO 3RD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 11,350 - 20,000 Totals for dept 92037-MONROE, 4TH TO 3RD - - - - 11,350 - 20,000 Dept 92046-3RD/4TH ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 5,522 - 80,000 Totals for dept 92046-3RD/4TH ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION - - - - 5,522 - 80,000 Dept 99012 - GIS TRAINING 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 209,328 913 - - - - - Total Dept 99012 - GIS TRAINING 209,328 913 - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,900,872 1,405,870 1,654,958 1,670,346 590,641 674,313 1,670,346 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 203 (184,870) 129,172 (165,458) (121,846) (124,650) (281,312) (121,846) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 914,487 729,617 858,789 693,331 858,789 729,617 693,331 ENDING FUND BALANCE 729,617 858,789 693,331 571,485 734,139 448,305 571,485 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2020-21 BUDGET 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2nd QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST 252 - FARMERS MARKET AND KITCHEN 242 ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 252-00000-4300 FEDERAL GRANTS - - - - - - - 252-00000-4400 STATE GRANTS - - - - - - - 252-00000-4663 FLEA MARKET AT FARMERS MARKET 21,986 15,826 21,931 14,000 7,656 13,799 14,000 252-00000-4664 FARMERS MARKET INCOME 88,385 66,353 93,000 80,000 39,408 38,601 80,000 252-00000-4680 ADVERTISING REVENUE - - - - - - - 252-00000-4690 KITCHEN 242 RENTAL 19,535 13,695 10,000 15,000 9,731 10,307 15,000 252-00000-4693 FARMERS MARKET EVENT RENTAL 4,226 2,716 2,000 - 1,500 1,854 - 252-00000-4694 FARMERS MARKET EBT FEES 3,498 3,476 5,000 5,000 3,934 2,328 5,000 252-00000-4696 RETRO MARKET RENTAL FEES 1,608 888 1,500 1,500 - 888 1,500 252-00000-4699 FOOD HUB 10,233 2,554 - - - 2,554 - 252-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY - - - - - - - 252-00000-4805 CONTRIBUTIONS 5,268 1,500 3,500 1,500 - 1,500 1,500 252-00000-4814 PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS (2,204) 348 - - 209 110 - 252-00000-4840 FRIENDS OF THE MARKET 5,746 5,285 6,000 5,000 345 1,950 5,000 252-00000-4845 FUNDRAISING REVENUE 53,378 38,250 5,000 - - 33,885 - 252-00000-4901 OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND 35,000 45,000 55,000 105,000 - - 105,000 252-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 207 280 200 170 136 198 170 Totals for dept 00000 - 246,866 196,170 203,131 227,170 62,918 107,973 227,170 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 246,866 196,170 203,131 227,170 62,918 107,973 227,170 EXPENDITURES Dept 70863 - FARMERS & FLEA MARKET 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 57,323 58,765 75,522 66,522 25,125 26,447 66,522 5200 SUPPLIES 30,234 26,971 12,400 12,400 1,340 19,548 12,400 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 160,099 102,900 105,781 101,031 42,744 64,223 101,031 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 915 1,632 2,000 - - 808 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 16,733 7,454 6,000 32,000 11,145 2,855 32,000 Totals for dept 70863 - FARMERS & FLEA MARKET 265,303 197,723 201,703 211,953 80,355 113,881 211,953 Dept 70867 - FDA GRANT FARMERS MARKET 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS - - - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 70867 - FDA GRANT FARMERS MARKET - - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 265,303 197,723 201,703 211,953 80,355 113,881 211,953 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 252 (18,437) (1,553) 1,428 15,217 (17,437) (5,908) 15,217 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 24,663 6,226 4,672 6,100 4,672 6,226 6,100 ENDING FUND BALANCE 6,226 4,672 6,100 21,317 (12,765) 318 21,317 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2020-21 BUDGET 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2nd QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 254 - MERCY HEALTH ARENA ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 254-00000-4400 STATE GRANT - - - - - - 40,000 254-00000-4610 ANNEX REVENUE 69,620 69,552 70,000 70,000 (13,545) 11,079 60,000 254-00000-4619 MISC. SALES AND SERVICES 38,608 10,949 10,000 10,000 141 2,056 1,000 254-00000-4639 RAD DADS 89,808 142,683 50,000 100,000 - - 100,000 254-00000-4640 TICKET SURCHARGE - 31,589 35,000 35,000 - 8,273 7,500 254-00000-4643 VIP COMPENSATION 10,054 7,500 7,500 - - 1,500 254-00000-4646 CONCESSIONS FOOD 90 74,207 85,000 85,000 2,067 25,015 25,000 254-00000-4647 MERCHANDISE - ARENA 40,197 22,945 42,000 42,000 - 8,890 4,000 254-00000-4651 REIMBURSEMENT 330 3,112 - - - 3,112 - 254-00000-4665 ADVERTISING REVENUE 62,000 106,000 124,000 124,000 - 6,000 124,000 254-00000-4666 PARKING LOT RENTAL - WESTERN AVENUE 21,360 24,103 24,000 24,000 - 11,428 4,000 254-00000-4667 PARKING LOT RENTAL 17,663 10,902 12,000 12,000 - 5,692 12,000 254-00000-4677 RENT 259,325 143,976 215,000 167,750 10,800 47,250 202,278 254-00000-4691 ARENA EVENT REVENUE 104,660 179,191 230,000 130,000 - 117,452 25,000 254-00000-4692 ARENA MAINTENANCE CHARGE - 762 - - - 142 - 254-00000-4695 SHOP RENTAL 702 - 1,000 1,000 - - - 254-00000-4696 CONCESSION NON ALCHOLIC 220,197 49,138 60,000 60,000 27 20,581 22,000 254-00000-4697 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE 204,799 119,539 180,000 180,000 3,045 42,500 30,000 254-00000-4698 FLOOR/ICE HOCKEY RENTAL 175,797 190,825 170,000 190,000 92,197 67,266 190,000 254-00000-4699 THIRD PARTY SALES/FOOD HUB - 40,010 45,000 45,000 - 16,173 3,000 254-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY 3,305 5,978 4,000 4,000 1,635 1,961 4,000 254-00000-4801 CASH OVER/SHORT 9 - - - 254-00000-4802 REIMB: SERVICES RENDERED 1,500 10,665 - 15,000 11,900 9,750 15,000 254-00000-4805 CONTRIBUTIONS 4,100 6,250 - - 4,868 6,250 - 254-00000-4808 SALE OF PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT - - - - 254-00000-4901 OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND 476,486 800,000 235,000 435,000 - - 550,000 254-00000-4904 OP. TRANS FROM CAPITAL PROJECTS - - - - 254-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME - - - - Totals for dept 00000 - 1,790,556 2,052,428 1,599,500 1,737,250 113,134 410,870 1,420,278 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 1,790,556 2,052,428 1,599,500 1,737,250 113,134 410,870 1,420,278 EXPENDITURES Dept 70805 - MERCY HEALTH ARENA 5100 SALARIES AND BENEFITS 66,081 164,833 196,843 385,881 121,477 80,505 385,881 5200 SUPPLIES 354,884 301,725 225,000 250,000 54,328 157,089 225,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,310,152 1,322,263 1,090,000 990,000 285,535 741,423 670,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES - 9,420 - - 20,734 1,144 20,750 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 74,579 246,686 50,000 100,000 90,130 96,600 100,000 Totals for dept 70805 - L C WALKER ARENA 1,805,697 2,044,927 1,561,843 1,725,881 572,203 1,076,761 1,401,631 Dept 90135 - ANNEX REPAIR 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - Totals for dept 90135 - ANNEX REPAIR - - - - - - - Dept 92039 - LOCKER ROOM IMPROVEMENTS ARENA 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - 10,930 - 10,930 Totals for dept 92039 - LOCKER ROOM IMPROVEMENTS ARENA - - - - 10,930 - 10,930 Dept 93015 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 2,595 - - Totals for dept 93015 - 2,595 - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,805,697 2,047,522 1,561,843 1,725,881 583,133 1,076,761 1,412,561 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 254 (15,141) 4,906 37,657 11,369 (469,998) (665,891) 7,717 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 43,252 28,112 33,018 70,314 33,018 28,112 33,018 ENDING FUND BALANCE 28,112 33,018 70,675 81,683 (436,981) (637,780) 40,735 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2020-21 BUDGET 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2nd QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 264 - CRIMINAL FORFEITURES ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 264-00000-4804 CRIMINAL FORFEITURES/POLICE 26,458 1,000 1,000 1,000 264-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 200 60 400 400 17 34 400 Totals for dept 00000 - 26,658 60 1,400 1,400 17 34 1,400 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 26,658 60 1,400 1,400 17 34 1,400 EXPENDITURES Dept 40333 - POLICE DRUG FORFEITURES 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 36,665 24,809 - - - 24,809 - Totals for dept 40333 - POLICE DRUG FORFEITURES 36,665 24,809 - - - 24,809 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 36,665 24,809 - - - 24,809 - NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 264 (10,007) (24,749) 1,400 1,400 17 (24,775) 1,400 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 45,146 35,139 10,390 11,790 10,390 35,139 11,790 ENDING FUND BALANCE 35,139 10,390 11,790 13,190 10,407 10,364 13,190 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2020-21 BUDGET 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2nd QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 285 - TREE REPLACEMENT ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 285-00000-4400 STATE GRANTS - - - 3,000 - 285-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY - 2,500 - - 14,300 2,500 - 285-00000-4802 REIMB:SERVICES RENDERED - - - - 285-00000-4805 CONTRIBUTIONS 10,000 4,803 5,000 14,800 - - 14,800 285-00000-4901 OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND 7,500 - - 285-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 5 2 - - 2 2 - Totals for dept 00000 - 10,005 14,805 5,000 14,800 17,302 2,502 14,800 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 10,005 14,805 5,000 14,800 17,302 2,502 14,800 EXPENDITURES Dept 70771 - FORESTRY 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS - - - - 5200 SUPPLIES 9,437 15,707 5,000 14,800 6,113 12,339 14,800 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - Totals for dept 70771 - FORESTRY 9,437 15,707 5,000 14,800 6,113 12,339 14,800 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,437 15,707 5,000 14,800 6,113 12,339 14,800 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 285 568 (901) - - 11,190 (9,837) - BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,351 1,919 1,017 1,017 1,017 1,919 1,017 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,919 1,017 1,017 1,017 12,207 (7,918) 1,017 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2020-21 BUDGET 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2nd QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 290 - LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FIN AUTH 3 ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 290-00000-4100 PROPERTY TAX 97,583 98,643 99,624 99,624 - - 99,624 290-00000-4809 REIMBURSEMENT STATE 2,871 3,311 3,000 3,000 3,348 3,311 3,000 290-00000-4841 GRANT: COMMUNITY FOUNDATION - - - - 290-00000-4901 OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND 360,000 360,000 350,000 350,000 222,550 180,000 350,000 290-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 55 96 100 100 110 89 100 Totals for dept 00000 - 460,509 462,049 452,724 452,724 226,008 183,399 452,724 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 460,509 462,049 452,724 452,724 226,008 183,399 452,724 EXPENDITURES Dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 230,341 218,806 445,100 445,100 22,436 114,603 445,100 Totals for dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 230,341 218,806 445,100 445,100 22,436 114,603 445,100 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 230,341 218,806 445,100 445,100 22,436 114,603 445,100 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 290 230,168 243,244 7,624 7,624 203,572 68,796 7,624 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (876,114) (645,946) (402,702) (395,078) (402,702) (645,946) (395,078) ENDING FUND BALANCE (645,946) (402,702) (395,078) (387,454) (199,130) (577,150) (387,454) BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2020-21 BUDGET 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2nd QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 295 - BROWNFIELD AUTHORITY (BETTEN) ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 295-00000-4100 PROPERTY TAX 134,828 138,401 140,094 140,094 - - 140,094 295-00000-4809 REIMBURSEMENT STATE 4,362 6,822 6,500 6,500 7,442 6,822 6,500 295-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 30 44 100 100 1 - 100 Totals for dept 00000 - 139,220 145,267 146,694 146,694 7,443 6,822 146,694 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 139,220 145,267 146,694 146,694 7,443 6,822 146,694 EXPENDITURES Dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 30,813 26,659 30,813 30,813 11,730 13,857 30,813 Totals for dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 30,813 26,659 30,813 30,813 11,730 13,857 30,813 Dept 70808 - MAREC BUILDING 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 70808 - MAREC BUILDING - - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 30,813 26,659 30,813 30,813 11,730 13,857 30,813 - NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 295 108,408 118,608 115,881 115,881 (4,287) (7,035) 115,881 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (945,395) (836,988) (718,380) (602,499) (718,380) (836,988) (602,499) ENDING FUND BALANCE (836,988) (718,380) (602,499) (486,618) (722,666) (844,023) (486,618) BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2020-21 BUDGET 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2nd QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 296 - BROWNFIELD AUTHORITY (FORMER MALL SITE) ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 296-00000-4100 PROPERTY TAX 163,340 168,248 167,041 167,041 - - 167,041 296-00000-4809 REIMBURSEMENT STATE 5,022 8,418 8,400 8,400 8,824 8,418 8,400 296-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 261 382 70 70 24 42 70 Totals for dept 00000 - 168,623 177,048 175,511 175,511 8,848 8,460 175,511 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 168,623 177,048 175,511 175,511 8,848 8,460 175,511 EXPENDITURES Dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE - - - - - - - Dept 30999 - TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 162,000 180,000 175,000 175,000 - - 175,000 Totals for dept 30999 - TRANSFERS TO OTHER FUNDS 162,000 180,000 175,000 175,000 - - 175,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 162,000 180,000 175,000 175,000 - - 175,000 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 296 6,623 (2,952) 511 511 8,848 8,460 511 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 9,444 16,066 13,114 13,625 13,114 16,066 13,625 ENDING FUND BALANCE 16,066 13,114 13,625 14,136 21,962 24,527 14,136 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2020-21 BUDGET 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2nd QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 298 - BROWNFIELD AUTHORITY TERRACE POINT ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 298-00000-4100 PROPERTY TAX 209,676 281,642 394,135 394,135 - - 394,135 298-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 541 391 - - 38 20 - Totals for dept 00000 - 210,217 282,033 394,135 394,135 38 20 394,135 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 210,217 282,033 394,135 394,135 38 20 394,135 EXPENDITURES Dept 70809 - TERRACE POINT LANDING 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 205,552 274,776 225,000 225,000 20,239 13,373 225,000 Totals for dept 70809 - TERRACE POINT LANDING 205,552 274,776 225,000 225,000 20,239 13,373 225,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 205,552 274,776 225,000 225,000 20,239 13,373 225,000 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 298 4,665 7,257 169,135 169,135 (20,201) (13,353) 169,135 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 11,050 15,715 22,972 192,107 22,972 15,715 192,107 ENDING FUND BALANCE 15,715 22,972 192,107 361,242 2,771 2,362 361,242 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 2020-21 BUDGET 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2nd QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 257 - BUDGET STABILIZATION ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 257-00000-4901 OP TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND - - - - - - - 257-00000-4902 OP TRANSFER TO SPECIAL REVENUE - - - - - - - Totals for dept 00000 - - - - - - - - TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES - - - - - - - EXPENDITURES Dept 70001-BUDGET STABILIZATION 5900 OTHER FINANCING - - - - - - - Totals for dept 40333 - POLICE DRUG FORFEITURES - - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - - - - - - NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 257 - - - - - - - BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,700,000 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON FINANCING AUTHORITIES 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST 394 - DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 394-00000-4100 PROPERTY TAX 1,085,354 924,457 489,958 489,958 - - 490,931 394-00000-4161 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - - 110,000 110,000 - - 112,653 394-00000-4691 EVENT REVENUE 161,750 394-00000-4809 REIMBURSEMENT STATE - - - - 394-00000-4845 FUNDRAISING REVENUE 2,000 5,000 - 5,000 394-00000-4846 SPONSORSHIP REVENUE 82,000 394-00000-4902 OP. TRANS FROM SERVICE REVENUE 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 394-00000-4903 OP. TRANS FROM DEBT SERVICE - - - - 394-00000-4904 OP. TRANS FROM CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - 134,072 - - - 394-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 549 280 100 100 1 62 100 Totals for dept 00000 - 1,085,903 1,060,809 600,058 650,058 55,001 62 902,434 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 1,085,903 1,060,809 600,058 650,058 55,001 62 902,434 EXPENDITURES Dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 14,050 - - 3,812 2,336 - 5400 CONFERENCE, TRAINING, ETC. 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 5,077 - 349,073 208,051 - 600,000 208,051 Totals for dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 5,077 14,050 349,073 208,051 3,812 602,336 208,051 Dept 30999 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 1,000,000 - - - Totals for dept 30999 - TRANSFER TO OTHER FUNDS 1,000,000 - - - - - - Dept 70778 - LAKESHORE ART FESTIVAL 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 8,488 - 159,279 Totals for dept 70778 - LAKESHORE ART FESTIVAL - - - - 8,488 - 159,279 Dept 70803 -DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT 5100 SALARIES AND BENEFITS - 92,930 98,800 98,800 49,725 41,247 98,800 5200 SUPPLIES 853 3,683 1,500 1,500 814 1,070 1,500 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 24,216 150,000 150,000 2,375 24,123 152,238 5400 OTHER EXPENSES - 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - Totals for dept 70803 - DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT 853 120,830 250,300 250,300 52,914 66,439 252,538 Dept 70870- TASTE OF MUSKEGON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 39 - - - 39 65,375 Totals for dept 70870 - TASTE OF MUSKEGON - 39 - - - 39 65,375 Dept 80699 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 5,000 - - - 5,493 - - Totals for dept 80699 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 5,000 - - - 5,493 - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,010,930 134,919 599,373 458,351 70,706 668,814 685,243 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 394 74,973 925,890 685 191,707 (15,705) (668,752) 217,191 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (994,516) (919,543) 6,347 7,032 6,347 (919,543) 6,347 ENDING FUND BALANCE (919,543) 6,347 7,032 198,739 (9,358) (1,588,295) 223,538 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON FINANCING AUTHORITIES 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST 305 - TAX INCREMENT FINANCE AUTHORITY ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 305-00000-4100 PROPERTY TAX 37,658 35,383 42,206 42,206 - - 42,206 305-00000-4809 REIMBURSEMENT STATE 7,170 7,270 7,000 7,000 9,744 7,270 7,000 305-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 40 54 - - 15 11 - Totals for dept 00000 - 44,868 42,707 49,206 49,206 9,759 7,281 49,206 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 44,868 42,707 49,206 49,206 9,759 7,281 49,206 EXPENDITURES Dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 40,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 20,000 50,000 Totals for dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 40,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 20,000 50,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 40,000 40,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 20,000 50,000 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 305 4,868 2,707 (794) (794) (15,241) (12,719) (794) BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 8,313 13,181 15,888 15,094 15,888 13,181 15,094 ENDING FUND BALANCE 13,181 15,888 15,094 14,300 647 462 14,300 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON CAPITAL FUNDS 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST FUND 404 - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 404-00000-4300 FEDERAL GRANTS - 150,000 172,000 - - 22,000 MDNR Grant and FEMA ($22,000) 404-00000-4400 STATE GRANTS 220,700 - 404-00000-4651 REIMBURSEMENT 348,104 404,424 1,900,000 400,000 14,345 - 400,000 MMRMA 404-00000-4652 SALES & SERVICES 14,428 - - 404-00000-4656 SALES PROCEEDS - 316 - 25,000 25,357 316 25,000 404-00000-4677 RENT 33,154 7,996 20,000 20,000 2,172 2,883 20,000 404-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY - 39 - - - 39 - 404-00000-4805 CONTRIBUTIONS 14,500 294,300 100,000 100,000 89,453 158,500 100,000 404-00000-4808 SALE OF LAND 1,205,887 447,902 750,000 2,750,000 1,172,582 151,752 3,250,000 404-00000-4845 FUNDRAISING REVENUE 86,933 22,229 - - 2,000 14,598 - 404-00000-4846 SPONSORSHIP REVENUE 11,250 101,747 - 10,000 - 24,391 10,000 404-00000-4847 150TH ANNIVERSARY REVENUE 26,999 262,055 - - - 262,055 - 404-00000-4904 OP. TRANS FROM CAPITAL FUND - 881,860 - - - 2,023,864 - 404-00000-4903 OP. TRANS FROM DEBT SERVICE FUNDS 1,000,000 - 215,000 218,051 - - 218,051 From DDA, $10,000 from GF Election Grant 404-00000-4961 BOND PROCEEDS 2,417,390 - 488 404-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 2,776 569 500 500 - - 500 404-00000-4971 GAIN ON INVESTMENT 3,213 8,968 - - - - Totals for dept 00000 - 2,732,816 5,084,920 3,135,500 3,695,551 1,305,909 2,638,886 4,045,551 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 2,732,816 5,084,920 3,135,500 3,695,551 1,305,909 2,638,886 4,045,551 EXPENDITURES Dept 00000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,006 149 226,000 606,385 - 149 456,385 Totals for dept 00000 - 1,006 149 226,000 606,385 - 149 456,385 Dept 30906 - DEBT SERVICE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES - - - 2,227 - Totals for dept 30906-DEBT SERVICE - - - - 2,227 - - Dept 30936 - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ADMINISTRATION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - Totals for dept 30936 - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ADMINISTRATION - - - - - - - Dept 70856 - WESTERN AVENUE CHALETS 5200 SUPPLIES - 210 - - - 210 - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17,305 13,024 - - 7,877 9,202 - Totals for dept 70856 - WESTERN AVENUE CHALETS 17,305 13,234 - - 7,877 9,412 - Dept 80699 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 28,705 - - - 103,508 - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 42,900 - - - - Totals for dept 80699 - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 71,605 - - - 103,508 - - Dept 91501 - NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING PROJECT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,361 - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 127 - - - - Totals for dept 91501 - NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING PROJECT 2,488 - - - - - - Dept 91504 - CLAY AVE, JEFFERSON TO 1ST 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 378 445 - - 121 253 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - Totals for dept 91504 - CLAY AVE, JEFFERSON TO 1ST 378 445 - - 121 253 - Dept 91602 - ARENA ANNEX CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 15,000 - - 9,000 15,000 - Totals for dept 91602 - ARENA ANNEX CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT - 15,000 - - 9,000 15,000 - Dept 91608 - IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DONE BY DPW 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 221 549 - - 1,753 - - 5200 SUPPLIES - 7,671 - - 6,856 7,124 - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 1,916 - - 183 - - Totals for dept 91608 - IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS DONE BY DPW 221 10,136 - - 8,792 7,124 - Dept 91612 - POP UP SHOPS 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,290 240 - - 300 240 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 3,084 3,463 - - 109 850 - Totals for dept 91612 - POP UP SHOPS 4,374 3,703 - - 409 1,090 - Dept 91701 - PARKING LOT@JEFFERSON/WESTERN 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 30,841 - - - - Totals for dept 91701 - PARKING LOT@JEFFERSON/WESTERN 30,841 - - - - - - Dept 91712 - IMPROVEMENTS AT LC WALKER INCLUDING RAD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 181,166 - - - 450 - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - 13,351 - - Totals for dept 91712 - IMPROVEMENTS AT LC WALKER INCLUDING RAD 181,166 - - - 13,801 - - Dept 91713 - LC WALKER POS SYSTEM 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - Totals for dept 91713 - LC WALKER POS SYSTEM - - - - - - - Dept 91720 - TASTE OF MUSKEGON 5200 SUPPLIES 18,849 2,308 - - 259 330 - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 79,352 14,707 - - 1,550 8,578 - 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 3,411 1,009 - - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - Totals for dept 91720 - TASTE OF MUSKEGON 101,611 18,025 - - 1,809 8,909 - Dept 91726 - CITY HALL UPGRADES 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 509 - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 61,151 16,283 200,000 288,875 294,737 5,004 295,246 Totals for dept 91726 - CITY HALL UPGRADES 61,151 16,283 200,000 288,875 295,246 5,004 295,246 Dept 91801 - CONVENTION CENTER 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 817,567 - - - - 1,142,004 - Totals for dept 91801 - CONVENTION CENTER 817,567 - - - - 1,142,004 - Dept 91802 - REHAB 1078 SECOND STREET 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 58,126 8,717 - - - 700 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 45,098 3,311 - - - - - Totals for dept 91802 - REHAB 1078 SECOND STREET 103,224 12,028 - - - 700 - Dept 91804 - MIDTOWN SQUARE PHASE II 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - Totals for dept 91804 - MIDTOWN SQUARE PHASE II - - - - - - - Dept 91808 - LC WALKER GENERAL WORK (HEATING/COOLING/ 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 296,814 46,525 - - - 46,525 - Totals for dept 91808 - LC WALKER GENERAL WORK (HEATING/COOLING/ 296,814 46,525 - - - 46,525 - Dept 91810 - REHAB 1531 BEIDLER BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON CAPITAL FUNDS 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 124 - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - Totals for dept 91810 - REHAB 1531 BEIDLER 124 - - - - - - Dept 91811 - 1639 FIFTH STREET 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 666 105 - - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 351 - - - - - Totals for dept 91811 - 1639 FIFTH STREET 666 456 - - - - - Dept 91812 - REHAB 1067 GRAND 5200 SUPPLIES 3,480 - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 85,368 52,485 - - - 52,485 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 49,388 22,870 - - - 22,870 - Totals for dept 91812 - REHAB 1067 GRAND 138,236 75,355 - - - 75,355 - Dept 91813 - REHAB 1290 WOOD 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,325 904 - - 115 134 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 3,244 440 - - 170 252 - Totals for dept 91813 - REHAB 1290 WOOD 5,569 1,345 - - 285 386 - Dept 91815 - REHAB 248 MASON 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,892 280 - - 112 127 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1,192 - - - - Totals for dept 91815 - REHAB 248 MASON 4,084 280 - - 112 127 - Dept 91820 - PM PARK RECRESTIONAL IMPROVEMENTS 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 489,552 32 - - - - - Totals for dept 91820 - PM PARK RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS 489,552 32 - - - - - Dept 91823 - REHAB 1188 4TH 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 65,347 84,232 - 800 992 52,249 800 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 102,189 52,239 - - (1,014) 32,504 - Totals for dept 91823 - REHAB 1188 4TH 167,535 136,470 - 800 (22) 84,754 800 Dept 91824 - 880 1ST STREET 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 38,542 7,584 - - 3,650 3,124 - Totals for dept 91824 - 880 1ST STREET 38,542 7,584 - - 3,650 3,124 - Dept 91832 - COMMERICAL DEMO 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 186,924 - - - - Totals for dept 91832 - COMMERICAL DEMO 186,924 - - - - - - Dept 91839 - LC WALKER IMPROVEMENTS (DDA) 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 793,558 957,487 - - - 356,878 - Totals for dept 91839- LC WALKER IMPROVEMENTS (DDA) 793,558 957,487 - - - 356,878 - Dept 91840- PUBLIC RELATIONS 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,677 4,260 - - - 4,260 - Totals for dept 91840- PUBLIC RELATIONS 4,677 4,260 - - - 4,260 - Dept 91901 - SESQUICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 5200 SUPPLIES - 29,269 - - 62 29,269 - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 39,720 482,620 - - - 482,620 - Totals for dept 91901 - SESQUICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 39,720 511,889 - - 62 511,889 - Dept 91902 - LC WALKER ROOF,HVAC,DEHUMIDIFICATION SYS 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 70,830 2,409,751 381,324 208,051 3,610 - 208,051 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 391,972 207,651 - Total for dept 91902 - LC WALKER ROOF,HVAC,DEHUMIDIFICATION SYS 70,830 2,801,723 381,324 208,051 211,261 - 208,051 Dept 91904 - 1457 7TH REHAB 5200 SUPPLIES 2,167 - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,555 30,997 20,000 40,000 31,829 5,119 55,153 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 2,343 14,200 - - 23,323 3,697 - Total Dept 91904 - 1457 7TH REHAB 9,898 47,364 20,000 40,000 55,153 8,816 55,153 Dept 91906 - SKATE PARK RELOCATION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,548 176 - - - - - Total Dept 91906 - SKATE PARK RELOCATION 1,548 176 - - - - - Dept 91907 - BARK PARK IMPROVEMENTS 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,861 4,670 - - - - - Total Dept 91907 - BARK PARK IMPROVEMENTS 3,861 4,670 - - - - - Dept 91909 - REHAB 1192 PINE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,172 35,161 100,000 100,000 71,025 4,097 370,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 2,005 37,488 - Total Dept 91909 - REHAB 1192 PINE 7,172 37,166 100,000 100,000 108,513 4,097 370,000 Dept 91914 - SEAWAY RR BRIDGE PAINTING 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 68,385 - 68,385 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - - Total Dept 91914 SEAWAY RR BRIDGE PAINTING - - - - 68,385 - 68,385 Dept 91915 - MCLAUGHLIN PARK 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 6,885 - - - 6,885 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 405 - - - 405 - Total Dept 91915 - MCLAUGHLIN PARK - 7,290 - - - 7,290 - Dept 91919 - 1713 7TH STREET 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 18,050 - - 500 17,896 - Total Dept 91919 - 1713 7TH STREET - 18,050 - - 500 17,896 - Dept 91920 - CITY HALL ELEVATOR 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 79,711 - - - 79,711 - Total Dept 91920 - CITY HALL ELEVATOR - 79,711 - - - 79,711 - Dept 91923 - SCATTERED HOUSING PROJECT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 1,475,547 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,154,893 302,007 1,500,000 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 6,590 - Totals for dept 91923 - SCATTERED HOUSING PROJECT - 1,482,137 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,154,893 302,007 1,500,000 Dept 91924 - REHAB 580 CATHERINE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 63,562 - 10,000 9,796 26,811 10,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 24,074 - - 1,836 5,921 - Totals for dept 91924 - REHAB 580 CATHERINE - 87,635 - 10,000 11,632 32,732 10,000 Dept 92011 - REHAB 1095 3RD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 3,222 250,000 - - - - Totals for dept 92011 - REHAB 1095 3RD - 3,222 250,000 - - - - Dept 92016 - ST MARY'S PARKING LOT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 16,524 - - - - - Totals for dept 92016 - ST MARY'S PARKING LOT - 16,524 - - - - - BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON CAPITAL FUNDS 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Dept 92017 - MERCY HEALTH ARENA SIGN 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 32,946 - 52,359 53,791 - 52,359 Totals for dept 92017 - MERCY HEALTH ARENA SIGN - 32,946 - 52,359 53,791 - 52,359 Dept 92021- MERCY HEALTH ARENA PROJECTS 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 78,929 - - - - - Totals for dept 92021- MERCY HEALTH ARENA PROJECTS - 78,929 - - - - - . Dept 92022- CORONAVIRUS ECONOMIC RELIEF 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 865 - - 1,005 - - 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 33,360 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - Totals for dept 92022- CORONAVIRUS ECONOMIC RELIEF - 34,225 - - 1,005 - - Dept 92024- MARSH FIELD GARAGE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 22,749 37,000 37,000 32,125 - 58,346 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 1,439 - - 26,221 - - Totals for dept 92024- MARSH FIELD GARAGE - 24,188 37,000 37,000 58,346 - 58,346 Dept 92026 - PAID PARKING KIOSK & COIN MACHINE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 153,870 21,848 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 4,967 - Totals for dept 92026 - PAID PARKING KIOSK & COIN MACHINE - 158,837 - - 21,848 - - Dept 92028 - CLERKS OFFICE REDESIGN 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,060 - 22,000 11,726 - 22,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 2,358 717 - Totals for dept 92028 - CLERKS OFFICE REDESIGN - 4,417 - 22,000 12,443 - 22,000 Dept 92029 - PM BATHHOUSE DISPLAY 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,607 4,607 - 4,607 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Totals for dept 92029 - PM BATHHOUSE DISPLAY - 4,607 - - 4,607 - 4,607 Dept 92030 - FEMA ELIGIBLE COVID19 EXPENSES 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 22,000 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Totals for dept 92030 - FEMA ELIGIBLE COVID19 EXPENSES - 22,000 - - - - - Dept 92031 - ELECTRIC CHARGING STATION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37,960 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Totals for dept 92031 - ELECTRIC CHARGING STATION - 37,960 - - - - - Dept 96040 - PERE MARQUETTE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 23,625 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Totals for dept 96040 PERE MARQUETTE - - - - 23,625 - - Dept 96051 - FIRE EQUIPMENT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - Totals for dept 96051 - FIRE EQUIPMENT - - - - - - - Dept 96053 5400 OTHER EXPENSES - - - - - - - 404-96053-5471 BAD DEBTS - - - - - Totals for dept 96053 - - - - - - - - Dept 96054 - PROPERTY ACQUISITION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 247 5,235 - - 3,994 3,797 - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,182 6,367 - - 4,300 4,542 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 13,572 18,780 - - 1,805 682 - Totals for dept 96054 - PROPERTY ACQUISITION 20,001 30,381 - - 10,099 9,021 - Dept 96059 - SIDEWALK PROGRAM 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - Total for dept 96059 - SIDEWALK PROGRAM - - - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,672,248 6,844,844 2,714,324 2,865,470 2,242,977 2,734,510 3,101,332 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 404 (939,432) (1,759,924) 421,176 830,081 (937,068) (95,624) 944,219 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 1,098,023 158,591 (1,601,332) (1,180,156) (1,601,332) 158,591 (1,180,156) ENDING FUND BALANCE 158,591 (1,601,332) (1,180,156) (350,075) (2,538,401) 62,967 (235,937) BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON CAPITAL FUNDS 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 482 - STATE GRANTS ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 482-00000-4300 FEDERAL GRANTS 77,287 - - - - 482-00000-4400 STATE GRANTS 2,032,776 2,092,084 - 1,819,847 815,394 573,657 1,819,847 482-00000-4805 CONTRIBUTIONS - - - - - 482-00000-4901 OP. TRANS FROM GENERAL FUND 10,000 - 482-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME - - 1,200 1,200 - - 1,200 Totals for dept 00000 - 2,110,063 2,102,084 1,200 1,821,047 815,394 573,657 1,821,047 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 2,110,063 2,102,084 1,200 1,821,047 815,394 573,657 1,821,047 Dept 91507 - EPA GRANT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 77,287 - - - - Totals for dept 91507 - EPA GRANT 77,287 - - - - - - Dept 91514 - PLACEMAKING GRANT 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - - 482-91514-5231 MICELLANEOUS MATERIALS & SUPPLIES - - - - - Totals for dept 91514 - PLACEMAKING GRANT - - - - - - - Dept 91714 - DEMO SMOKE STACKS WINDWARD PT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - Totals for dept 91714 - DEMO SMOKE STACKS WINDWARD PT - - - - - - - Dept 91803 - MSHDA BLIGHT GRANT 2018 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 129,559 - - - - Totals for dept 91803 - MSHDA BLIGHT GRANT 2018 129,559 - - - - - - Dept 91808 - LC WALKER GENERAL WORK (HEATING/COOLING/ 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 24 19 6 Totals for dept 91808 - LC WALKER GENERAL WORK (HEATING/COOLING/ - 24 - - 19 6 - Dept 91908 - MDOC PROPERTY 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,727 466,564 - 150,000 152,441 466,564 150,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1,734,869 - - - - 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 5,989 - 1,669,847 - 1,669,847 Total Dept 91908 - MDOC PROPERTY 1,766,585 466,564 - 1,819,847 152,441 466,564 1,819,847 Dept 91913 - WINDWARD POINTE GRANT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 136,632 1,523,337 - - 814,404 510,183 - Total Dept 91913 - WINDWARD POINTE GRANT 136,632 1,523,337 - - 814,404 510,183 - Dept 91925 - RENEW MICHIGAN GRANT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 38,685 - - 4,733 38,685 - Total Dept 91925 - RENEW MICHIGAN GRANT - 38,685 - - 4,733 38,685 - Dept 92044 - EGLE GRANT 122 W MUSKEGON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 195 - - Total Dept 92044 - EGLE GRANT 122 W MUSKEGON - - - - 195 - - Dept 98140 - ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION BETTEN 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES - - - - - 482-98140-5952 INTEREST EXPENSE - LOAN 780 394 - - - - - 482-98140-5962 PRINCIPAL EXP - LOAN 19,313 19,699 - - - - - Totals for dept 98140 - ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION BETTEN 20,093 20,093 - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,130,156 2,048,703 - 1,819,847 971,792 1,015,439 1,819,847 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 482 (20,093) 53,380 1,200 1,200 (156,398) (441,782) 1,200 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 50,400 30,307 83,687 84,887 83,687 30,307 84,887 ENDING FUND BALANCE 30,307 83,687 84,887 86,087 (72,711) (411,475) 86,087 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2020-21 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST 590 - SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 590-00000-4400 STATE GRANTS - - - - 590-00000-4605 METERED SALES 7,876,584 8,121,564 9,205,875 8,905,875 3,716,086 3,613,365 9,432,670 590-00000-4619 MISC. SALES AND SERVICES 51,250 134,393 120,000 120,000 21,900 62,293 120,000 590-00000-4704 PENALTIES/INTEREST/FINES 160,576 125,199 160,000 160,000 74,040 87,300 145,000 590-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY 2,173 - 2,000 2,000 330 - 2,000 590-00000-4802 REIMB:SERVICES RENDERED 8,246 9,445 7,000 7,000 6,605 4,488 7,000 590-00000-4818 RECOVERY OF BAD DEBT - - - - 590-00000-4961 BOND PROCEEDS - - 5,675,000 5,675,000 - - 5,675,000 590-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 6,865 1,209 6,800 6,800 - 987 1,200 Totals for dept 00000 - 8,105,694 8,391,810 15,176,675 14,876,675 3,818,961 3,768,434 15,382,870 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 8,105,694 8,391,810 15,176,675 14,876,675 3,818,961 3,768,434 15,382,870 Dept 30203 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 74,609 35,062 - 74,609 Totals for dept 30205 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION 74,609 35,062 - 74,609 EXPENDITURES Dept 30548 - BOND INTEREST, INSURANCE & OTHER 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 495,523 476,958 508,522 508,522 231,671 199,021 508,522 5400 OTHER EXPENSES - - 7,500 7,500 - - 7,500 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 459,110 526,670 57,500 57,500 943 234,767 57,500 Totals for dept 30548 - BOND INTEREST, INSURANCE & OTHER 954,633 1,003,628 573,522 573,522 232,614 433,788 573,522 Dept 60550 - STORM WATER MANAGEMENT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 4,137 - - - 4,137 - Totals for dept 60550 - STORM WATER MANAGEMENT - 4,137 - - - 4,137 - Dept 60557 - MUSKEGON CO. WASTEWATER TREATMENT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,587,735 6,978,294 6,600,000 6,600,000 1,998,598 2,117,581 6,600,000 Totals for dept 60557 - MUSKEGON CO. WASTEWATER TREATMENT 6,587,735 6,978,294 6,600,000 6,600,000 1,998,598 2,117,581 6,600,000 Dept 60559 - WATER & SEWER MAINTENANCE 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 839,559 1,038,763 838,519 828,385 414,997 413,895 828,385 5200 SUPPLIES 100,237 110,572 116,450 116,450 58,626 63,040 116,450 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 566,138 676,611 555,815 555,815 237,705 305,294 555,815 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 36,245 12,543 33,000 33,000 22,280 2,843 33,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 30 3,548 18,100 46,100 32,257 1,189 46,100 Totals for dept 60559 - WATER & SEWER MAINTENANCE 1,542,209 1,842,037 1,561,884 1,579,750 765,864 786,260 1,579,750 Dept 91325 - STORM & WASTE WATER ASSET MGMT - SAW GRA 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - Totals for dept 91325 - STORM & WASTE WATER ASSET MGMT - SAW GRA - - - - - - - Dept 91509 - LAKETON AVE, GETTY ST TO CRESTON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 492 - - - Totals for dept 91509 - LAKETON AVE, GETTY ST TO CRESTON 492 - - - - - - Dept 91609 - HARTFORD, PINE & DIANA WATER MAIN UPGRAD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - Totals for dept 91609 - HARTFORD, PINE & DIANA WATER MAIN UPGRAD - - - - - - - Dept 91806 - BEIDLER & MADISON S2 PROJECTS 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 112,147 - - - Totals for dept 91806 - BEIDLER & MADISON S2 PROJECT 112,147 - - - - - - Dept 91826 - SRF SEWER UPGRADES 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 5,971 - 2,500 1,352 - 2,500 Totals for dept 91826 - SRF SEWER UPGRADES - 5,971 - 2,500 1,352 - 2,500 Dept 91828 -LIFT STATION REPAIRS/UPGRADES 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 30,443 - - - - - Totals for dept 91828 - LIFT STATION REPAIRS/UPGRADES - 30,443 - - - - - Dept 91830 -SRF PROJECT 2018 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,005 39,847 - - - 83,347 - Totals for dept 91830 - SRF PROJECT 2018 2,005 39,847 - - - 83,347 - Dept 91831 -REMEMBRANCE DRIV EXTENSION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 152,964 - - - Totals for dept 91831 - REMEMBRANCE DR EXTENSION 152,964 - - - - - - Dept 91849 - LIFT STATION REPAIRS/ UPGRADES 18-19 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17,126 - - - Totals for dept 91849 - LIFT STATIONI REPAIRS/ UPGRADES 18-19 17,126 - - - - - - Dept 91850 - BOURDON & ADDISON ALLEY SEWER 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,895 599 99,000 99,000 46,624 343 99,000 Totals for dept 91850 - BOURDON & ADDISON ALLEY SEWER 8,895 599 99,000 99,000 46,624 343 99,000 Dept 91851 - SPRING STREET TRUCK SEWER 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 84,148 25,532 2,257,288 2,251,756 356,915 5,106 2,251,756 Totals for dept 91851 - SPRING STREET TRUCK SEWER 84,148 25,532 2,257,288 2,251,756 356,915 5,106 2,251,756 Dept 91852 - 9TH STREET SEWER REROUTE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 115,078 1,228,865 212,753 1,266,643 964,518 30,078 1,266,643 Totals for dept 91852 - 9TH STREET SEWER REROUTE 115,078 1,228,865 212,753 1,266,643 964,518 30,078 1,266,643 Dept 91853 - GETTY LIFT STATION FORCEMAIN BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2020-21 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,869 736 9,000 89,264 70,999 727 89,264 Totals for dept 91853 - GETTY LIFT STATION FORCEMAIN 9,869 736 9,000 89,264 70,999 727 89,264 Dept 91854 - BEIDLER TRUNK SEWER 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 246,033 2,235,601 2,088,116 2,971,563 2,477,644 24,155 2,971,563 Totals for dept 91854 - BEIDLER TRUNK SEWER 246,033 2,235,601 2,088,116 2,971,563 2,477,644 24,155 2,971,563 Dept 91855 - GLENSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 61,010 47,704 1,010,260 968,556 934,055 1,313 968,556 Totals for dept 91855 - GLENSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD 61,010 47,704 1,010,260 968,556 934,055 1,313 968,556 Dept 91856 - PECK & SANDFORD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 99,402 338,067 670,449 1,002,832 862,000 2,000 1,002,832 Totals for dept 91856 - PECK & SANDFORD 99,402 338,067 670,449 1,002,832 862,000 2,000 1,002,832 Dept 91857 - INDUSTRIAL PARK/ MERCY SANITARY SEWER STU 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 9,809 - - - Totals for dept 91857 - INDUSTRIAL PARK/ MERCY SANITARY SEWER STU 9,809 - - - - - - Dept 92003 - MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 50,000 50,000 50,000 Totals for dept 92003 - MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN - - 50,000 50,000 - - 50,000 Dept 92009 -AMITY ST - FORK TO GETTY 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 177,151 1,500,000 1,500,000 29,935 - 1,500,000 Totals for dept 92009 - AMITY ST - FORK TO GETTY - 177,151 1,500,000 1,500,000 29,935 - 1,500,000 Dept 92010 - PECK ST - LAKETON TO MERRILL 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 110,609 800,000 800,000 6,072 - 800,000 Totals for dept 92010 - PECK ST - LAKETON TO MERRILL - 110,609 800,000 800,000 6,072 - 800,000 Dept 92018 - LIFT REPAIRS APPLE/HARBOURTOWNE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 40,608 - 16,333 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - Totals Dept 92018 - LIFT REPAIRS APPLE/HARBOURTOWNE - 40,608 - - - 16,333 - Dept 92027 - 2020-21 DWRF AND SRF 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,149 53,526 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - Totals Dept 92027 - 2020-21 DWRF AND SRF - 1,149 - - 53,526 - - Dept 92046 - 3RD/4TH ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,000 - - 25,000 Totals Dept 92046 - 3RD/4TH ALLEY RECONSTRUCTION - - - 25,000 - - 25,000 Dept 99012 - GIS TRAINING 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 256 - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - Totals Dept 99012 - GIS TRAINING - 256 - - - - - Dept SANFORD (APPLE TO LAKETON) UNASSIGNED 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - - Totals for SANFORD (APPLE TO LAKETON) UNASSIGNED - - - - - - - Dept - GLENSIDE SRF PHASE 2 UNASSIGNED 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - - Totals for GLENSIDE SRF PHASE 2 UNASSIGNED - - - - - - - Dept 99999 - FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS - 5,971 - - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (919,684) (4,283,137) - - - (16,333) - Totals for dept 99999 - FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION (919,684) (4,277,166) - - - (16,333) - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9,083,871 9,834,067 17,432,272 19,854,995 8,835,778 3,488,834 19,854,995 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 590 (978,177) (1,442,257) (2,255,597) (4,978,320) (5,016,817) 279,600 (4,472,125) BEGINNING NET POSITION 12,771,208 11,793,031 10,350,774 8,095,177 10,350,774 11,793,031 8,095,177 ENDING NET POSITION 11,793,031 10,350,774 8,095,177 3,116,857 5,333,958 12,072,631 3,623,052 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2020-21 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 591 - WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 591-00000-4400 STATE GRANTS 510,533 94,462 - - - - - 591-00000-4605 METERED SALES 3,189,084 3,177,356 3,521,000 3,521,000 2,005,553 1,575,460 3,521,000 591-00000-4616 WHOLESALE WATER 4,123,236 4,624,428 5,244,400 5,244,400 2,506,623 2,461,944 5,244,400 591-00000-4618 LEAD REPLACEMENT FEE - 780,000 750,000 - - 750,000 591-00000-4619 MISC. SALES AND SERVICES 101,881 181,004 170,000 170,000 41,017 95,987 170,000 591-00000-4652 TOWNSHIP MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 233,934 69,627 200,000 200,000 26,087 (8,640) 200,000 591-00000-4661 LEASE/RENTAL 191,609 175,251 180,000 180,000 87,890 40,352 180,000 591-00000-4704 PENALTIES/INTEREST/FINES 62,884 47,954 64,000 64,000 38,130 34,537 64,000 591-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY 12,511 10,000 10,000 6,277 6,082 10,000 591-00000-4802 REIMB:SERVICES RENDERED 31,844 8,335 30,000 30,000 11,901 17,067 30,000 591-00000-4805 CONTRIBUTIONS - 29,385 - - - - - 591-00000-4818 RECOVERY OF BAD DEBT - - - - 591-00000-4961 LOAN PROCEEDS - - - - 591-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 14,897 6,757 15,000 15,000 2,762 3,174 15,000 Totals for dept 00000 - 8,472,413 8,414,562 10,214,400 10,184,400 4,726,240 4,225,963 10,184,400 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 8,472,413 8,414,562 10,214,400 10,184,400 4,726,240 4,225,963 10,184,400 Dept 30203 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 147,769 69,443 - 147,769 Totals for dept 30205 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION 147,769 69,443 - 147,769 EXPENDITURES Dept 30548 - BOND INTEREST, INSURANCE & OTHER 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,007,771 989,718 1,027,845 1,027,845 512,151 444,600 1,027,845 5400 OTHER EXPENSES - (263) 10,000 10,000 - - 10,000 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 2,001,768 2,006,516 885,925 885,925 51,845 998,041 885,925 Totals for dept 30548 - BOND INTEREST, INSURANCE & OTHER 3,009,539 2,995,971 1,923,770 1,923,770 563,996 1,442,641 1,923,770 Dept 60555 - LEAD SERVICE LINE 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 150,000 83,581 - 150,000 5200 SUPPLIES 50,000 42,588 - 50,000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 550,000 138,862 - 550,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS Totals for dept 60555 - LEAD SERVICE LINE - - - 750,000 265,030 - 750,000 Dept 60558 - WATER SUPPLY & FILTRATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 1,117,180 1,399,837 1,093,151 1,079,629 582,718 521,088 1,079,629 5200 SUPPLIES 365,837 324,098 367,900 367,900 123,354 141,077 367,900 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 794,683 750,614 1,001,383 1,001,383 420,953 400,550 1,001,383 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 3,138 11,396 6,500 6,500 6,215 1,024 6,500 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 68,862 173,297 170,500 170,500 118,743 74,529 170,500 Totals for dept 60558 - WATER SUPPLY & FILTRATION 2,349,699 2,659,242 2,639,434 2,625,912 1,251,983 1,138,269 2,625,912 Dept 60559 - WATER & SEWER MAINTENANCE 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 1,314,957 1,684,366 1,407,449 1,390,812 687,074 688,808 1,390,812 5200 SUPPLIES 267,622 290,082 295,450 295,450 148,762 146,876 295,450 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 507,751 549,329 615,744 615,744 216,300 303,246 615,744 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 107,987 136,314 150,000 150,000 70,530 68,830 150,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 8,767 16,843 18,000 18,000 31,081 4,695 18,000 Totals for dept 60559 - WATER & SEWER MAINTENANCE 2,207,084 2,676,935 2,486,643 2,470,006 1,153,747 1,212,455 2,470,006 Dept 60660 - WATER & SEWER MAINTENANCE-TWP 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 46,455 33,801 48,630 48,165 8,761 15,151 48,165 5200 SUPPLIES 7,317 2,074 1,624 2,074 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 50,408 41,898 43,000 43,000 19,229 20,912 43,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES - Totals for dept 60660 - WATER & SEWER MAINTENANCE-TWP 104,181 77,774 91,630 91,165 29,614 38,138 91,165 Dept 90000 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 90000 - - - - - - - - Dept 91509 - LAKETON AVE, GETTY ST TO CRESTON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 23,073 - - - Totals for dept 91509 - LAKETON AVE, GETTY ST TO CRESTON 23,073 - - - - - - Dept 91609 - HARTFORD, PINE & DIANA WATER MAIN UPGRAD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 91609 - HARTFORD, PINE & DIANA WATER MAIN UPGRAD - - - - - - - Dept 91706 - ALLEY BLOCK 616 WATERMAIN UPGRADE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 91706 - ALLEY BLOCK 616 WATERMAIN UPGRADE - - - - - - - Dept 91708 - MADISON, KEATING TO HOLBROOK WATERMAIN U 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 91708 - MADISON, KEATING TO HOLBROOK WATERMAIN U - - - - - - - Dept 91710 - WATER ASSET MANAGEMENT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 585 - - - Totals for dept 91710 - WATER ASSET MANAGEMENT 585 - - - - - - Dept 91711 - LAKESHORE DR, MCCRACKEN TO LAKETON 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,235,433 880,313 - 19,687 1,851 744,425 19,687 Totals for dept 91711 - LAKESHORE DR, MCCRACKEN TO LAKETON 1,235,433 880,313 - 19,687 1,851 744,425 19,687 Dept 91718 - VEHICLE BASE READING UNIT 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - - BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2020-21 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Totals for dept 91718 - VEHICLE BASE READING UNIT - - - - - - - Dept 91722 - DEVELOP ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 91722 - DEVELOP ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN - - - - - - - Dept 91813 - REHAB 1290 WOOD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,633 - - - Totals for dept 91813 - REHAB 1290 WOOD 8,633 - - - - - - Dept 91825 - PLC UPGRADES AT FILTRATION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 145,444 13,680 - - - 13,680 - Totals for dept 91825 - PLC UPGRADES AT FILTRATION 145,444 13,680 - - - 13,680 - Dept 91831 - REMEMBRANCE DR EXTENSION 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 105,480 - - - Totals for dept 91831 - REMEMBRANCE DR EXTENSION 105,480 - - - - - - Dept 91838 - POLIT GRANT - WATER SYSTEM INVENTORY 5200 SUPPLIES - - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 517,223 61,495 - - - 54,515 - Totals for dept 91838 - PILOT GRANT WATER SYSTEM INVENTORY 517,223 61,495 - - - 54,515 - Dept 91843 - 3RD ST. 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 331,691 - - - 318,120 - Totals for dept 91843 - 3RD ST. - 331,691 - - - 318,120 - Dept 91845 - SCAD MIGRATION PROJECT 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 8,135 - - - 2,794 - Totals for dept 91845 - SCAD MIGRATION PROJECT - 8,135 - - - 2,794 - Dept 91846 - FILTRATION PLANT WELLS 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 664,930 - - - Totals for dept 91846 - FILTRATION PLANT WELLS 664,930 - - - - - - Dept 91847 - FRUITPORT GENERATOR TIE-IN 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 6,461 71,149 - - - - - Totals for dept 91847 - FRUITPORT GENERATOR TIE-IN 6,461 71,149 - - - - - Dept 91848 - OLD FILTER GALLERY ROOF 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 239,687 - - - Totals for dept 91848 - OLD FILTER GALLERY ROOF 239,687 - - - - - - Dept 91851 - SPRING STREET TRUNK SEWER REROUTE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 8,248 1,001,020 1,001,020 551,778 - 1,001,020 Totals for dept 91851 - SPRING STREET TRUNK SEWER REROUTE 8,248 - 1,001,020 1,001,020 551,778 - 1,001,020 Dept 91854 - BEIDLER TRUNK SEWER 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 415,664 409,650 608,462 446,430 - 608,462 Totals for dept 91854 - BEIDLER TRUNK SEWER - 415,664 409,650 608,462 446,430 - 608,462 Dept 91855 - WESTWOOD/GLENSIDE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - 443,758 438,105 327,281 - 438,105 Totals for dept 91854 -WESTWOOD/GLENSIDE - - 443,758 438,105 327,281 - 438,105 Dept 91856 - JEFFERSON/STRONG 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 4,068 37,297 70,527 21,858 - 70,527 Totals for dept 91856 - JEFFERSON/STRONG - 4,068 37,297 70,527 21,858 - 70,527 Dept 91903 - DWRF PROJECT PLANS SECOND CHANCE 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,059 19,528 - - - 49,153 - Totals for dept 91903 - DWRF PROJECT PLANS SECOND CHANCE 25,059 19,528 - - - 49,153 - Dept 91910 - RAPID MIXER 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 22,865 - - - Totals for dept 91910 - RAPID MIXER 22,865 - - - - - - Dept 91911 - MARSH & WALTON PROJECT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 33,865 - - - Totals for dept 91911 -MARSH & WALTON PROJECT 33,865 - - - - - - Dept 91912 - BUBBLER PANELS 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 62,239 - - - Totals for dept 91912 - BUBBLER PANELS 62,239 - - - - - - Dept 91916 - FENCE REPLACEMENT WATER TANKS 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 62,948 - - - Totals for dept 91916 - FENCE REPLACEMENT WATER TANKS 62,948 - - - - - - Dept 91917 - BEACH ST. 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 25,472 600,000 700,000 132,222 16,445 700,000 Totals for dept 91917 - BEACH ST. - 25,472 600,000 700,000 132,222 16,445 700,000 Dept 91918 - ELECTRICAL UPGRADE FILTRATION 19 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 4,236 - 5,000 - 4,236 5,000 Totals for dept 91918 - ELECTRICAL UPGRADE FILTRATION 19 - 4,236 - 5,000 - 4,236 5,000 Dept 92002 - PECK STREET - APPLE TO STRONG 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 4,146 300,000 300,000 2,454 - 300,000 Totals for dept 92002 - PECK STREET - APPLE TO STRONG - 4,146 300,000 300,000 2,454 - 300,000 Dept 92003 - MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - 50,000 50,000 - - 50,000 Totals for dept 92003 - MICHIGAN & FRANKLIN - - 50,000 50,000 - - 50,000 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2020-21 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Dept 92005- COMMUNICATIONS TOWERS 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 61,969 - - - - - Totals for dept 92005 - COMMUNICATIONS TOWERS - 61,969 - - - - - Dept 92007- HARVEY RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 23,894 1,040,000 1,040,000 - - 1,040,000 Totals for dept 92007- HARVEY RESERVOIR IMPROVEMENTS - 23,894 1,040,000 1,040,000 - - 1,040,000 Dept 92008- FILTRATION PLANT ROOFING & WINDOWS 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - 11,651 960,000 960,000 - - 960,000 Totals for dept 92008- FILTRATION PLANT ROOFING & WINDOWS - 11,651 960,000 960,000 - - 960,000 Dept 92009- AMITY ST-FORK TO GETTY 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,653 21,172 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - 1,250,000 1,250,000 - - 1,250,000 Totals for dept 92009- AMITY ST-FORK TO GETTY - 5,653 1,250,000 1,250,000 21,172 - 1,250,000 Dept 92010- PECK STREET (MERRILL TO LAKETON) 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 39,348 - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - 700,000 700,000 - - 700,000 Totals for dept 92009- AMITY ST-FORK TO GETTY - 39,348 700,000 700,000 - - 700,000 Dept 92027 - 2020-21 DWRF AND SRF 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,103 49,925 - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - Totals for dept 92027 - 2020-21 DWRF AND SRF - 1,103 - - 49,925 - - Dept 92037- MONROE, 4TH TO 3RD 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 100,000.00 1,208 - 100,000.00 - - - Totals for dept 92037 - MONROE, 4TH TO 3RD - - - 100,000 1,208 - 100,000 Dept - (APPLE TO LAKESHORE)UNASSIGNED 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 Totals for dept - APPLE TO LAKESORE - - 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 Dept - HOUSTON(9TH TO 3RD)UNASSIGNED 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 Totals for dept - HOUSTON (9TH TO 3RD) - - 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 Dept - GLENSIDE SRF PHASE 2 UNASSIGNED 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - - - - Totals for dept - GLENSIDE SRF PHASE 2 - - - - - - - Dept - WATER SERVICE REPLACEMENT UNASSIGNED 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - 750,000 60,555 - - 60,555 Totals for dept - WATER SERVICE REPLACEMENT UNASSIGNED - - 750,000 60,555 - - 60,555 Dept 92034 - WATER FILTRATION-WMRWA UNASSIGN 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - 30,072 - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - 500,000 500,000 10,002 - 500,000 Totals for dept 92034 - WATER FILTRATION-WMRWA UNASSIGN - - 500,000 500,000 40,074 - 500,000 Dept - WATER FILTRATION-WMRWA INELIGIBLE 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - 405,000 405,000 11,374 - 405,000 Totals for dept - WATER FILTRATION-WMRWA UNASSIGN - - 405,000 405,000 11,374 - 405,000 Dept 96060 - RECORD MAINTENANCE AND UPDATING 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - - - Totals for dept 96060 - RECORD MAINTENANCE AND UPDATING - - - - - - - Dept 98125 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS - - - - 49 - - Totals for dept 98125 - - - - 49 - - Dept 99012 - GIS TRAINING 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,202 9,959 - 10,000 6,982 4,600 10,000 Totals for dept 99012 - GIS TRAINING 3,202 9,959 - 10,000 6,982 4,600 10,000 Dept 99999 - FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS - - - - 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (3,161,588) (2,022,777) - - - - - Totals for dept 99999 - FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION (3,161,588) (2,022,777) - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 7,674,290 8,380,297 15,638,202 16,276,978 4,948,469 5,039,470 16,276,978 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 591 798,123 34,265 (5,423,802) (6,092,578) (222,229) (813,507) (6,092,578) BEGINNING NET POSITION 30,049,056 30,847,179 30,881,444 25,457,642 30,881,444 30,847,179 25,457,642 ENDING ENDING NET POSITION 30,847,179 30,881,444 25,457,642 19,365,064 30,659,215 30,033,672 19,365,064 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST 642- PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 642-00000-4677 RENT 1,049,134 1,049,134 1,105,619 1,105,619 552,809 524,567 1,105,619 642-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY 520 - - - 642-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 3,046 2,788 - - 638 1,506 - Totals for dept 00000 - 1,052,700 1,051,922 1,105,619 1,105,619 553,447 526,073 1,105,619 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 1,052,700 1,051,922 1,105,619 1,105,619 553,447 526,073 1,105,619 Dept 30203 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 147,769 148,701 - 147,769 Totals for dept 30205 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION 147,769 148,701 - 147,769 EXPENDITURES Dept 60442 - PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 787,599 1,049,688 695,422 687,379 314,241 338,345 687,379 5200 SUPPLIES 26,780 58,406 38,900 38,900 27,268 22,399 38,900 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 300,762 304,014 309,883 309,883 132,624 118,944 309,883 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 229 65 3,000 3,000 - 65 3,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 52,998 38,624 54,000 54,000 17,967 10,562 54,000 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 45,139 43,170 - - - 21,624 - Totals for dept 60442 - PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 1,213,507 1,493,967 1,101,205 1,093,162 492,100 511,938 1,093,162 Dept 60895 - INVENTORY 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 290 - - - 290 - 5400 OTHER EXPENSES (9,981) (6,608) - - (29,665) (3,147) - Totals for dept 60895 - INVENTORY (9,981) (6,318) - - (29,665) (2,858) - Dept 90113 - PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ROOF 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 108,881 - - - 48,000 - Totals for dept 90113 - PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING PARKING LOT - 108,881 - - - 48,000 - Dept 97019 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,060 - - - Totals for dept 97019 4,060 - - - - - - Dept 99999 - FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (108,881) - - Totals for dept 99999 - FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION - (108,881) - - - - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,207,586 1,487,648 1,101,205 1,240,931 611,136 557,081 1,240,931 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 642 (154,886) (435,727) 4,414 (135,312) (57,689) (31,008) (135,312) BEGINNING NET POSITION 778,114 623,228 187,501 191,915 187,501 623,228 191,915 ENDING NET POSITION 623,228 187,501 191,915 56,603 129,812 592,220 56,603 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 643 - ENGINEERING SERVICES ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 643-00000-4200 LICENSE AND PERMIT MISC. 3,728 315 - - 215 265 - 643-00000-4653 ENGINEERING FEES 25,279 30,138 35,000 35,000 9,799 17,848 35,000 643-00000-4680 INTERDEPT.ENGINEERING FEES 403,437 276,605 450,000 450,000 197,909 94,520 450,000 643-00000-4901 OPERATING TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND - 20,000 - - - - - 643-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 212 125 50 50 3 121 50 Totals for dept 00000 - 432,655 327,183 485,050 485,050 207,925 112,754 485,050 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 432,655 327,183 485,050 485,050 207,925 112,754 485,050 Dept 30203 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 43,442 20,415 43,442 Totals for dept 30205 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION 43,442 20,415 - 43,442 EXPENDITURES Dept 60447 - ENGINEERING 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 298,170 301,415 335,055 332,333 157,558 115,995 332,333 5200 SUPPLIES 8,121 7,929 5,350 5,350 252 890 5,350 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 64,829 81,396 129,461 129,461 63,940 35,724 129,461 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 1,212 533 5,000 5,000 2,242 288 5,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 19,889 43,413 17,000 17,000 13,498 41,644 17,000 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 2,291 - 1,041 Totals for dept 60447 - ENGINEERING 392,221 436,977 491,866 489,144 237,489 195,582 489,144 Dept 91607 - RP DAWES, GREENWICH TO BROADWAY 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - Totals for dept 91607 - RP DAWES, GREENWICH TO BROADWAY - - - - - - - Dept 91611 - RP WESTLAND, BROADWAY TO SUMMIT 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - - - - - Totals for dept 91611 - RP WESTLAND, BROADWAY TO SUMMIT - - - - - - - Dept 99999 - FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (24,991) - (24,991) Totals for dept 99999 - FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION - (24,991) - - - (24,991) - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 392,221 411,986 491,866 532,586 257,904 170,591 532,586 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 643 40,434 (84,803) (6,816) (47,536) (49,979) (57,836) (47,536) BEGINNING NET POSITION 30,513 70,947 (13,856) (20,672) (13,856) 70,947 (20,672) ENDING NET POSITION 70,947 (13,856) (20,672) (68,208) (63,835) 13,111 (68,208) BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 661 - EQUIPMENT ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 661-00000-4652 SALES & SERVICE - - - - 661-00000-4654 METERED SALES-FUEL 15,276 15,684 13,500 13,500 5,460 8,876 13,500 661-00000-4662 EQUIPMENT RENTAL BY DEPTS. 2,665,596 2,364,948 2,800,000 2,800,000 1,095,742 1,291,584 2,800,000 661-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY 17,642 58,245 45,000 45,000 9,872 71,399 45,000 661-00000-4802 REIMB:SERVICES RENDERED 18,233 10,790 17,000 17,000 1,818 5,350 17,000 661-00000-4902 OP. TRANS FROM SPECIAL REVENUE - - - - 661-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 14,793 13,180 16,500 16,500 5,349 6,694 16,500 661-00000-4980 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 163,012 - 15,000 15,000 - - 15,000 661-00000-4990 GAIN ON SALE OF FIXED ASSETS (35,486) (8,161) - - - - - Totals for dept 00000 - 2,859,065 2,454,686 2,907,000 2,907,000 1,118,241 1,383,903 2,907,000 Dept 60932 661-60932-4990 GAIN ON SALE OF FIXED ASSETS - - - - - - - Totals for dept 00000 - - - - - - - - TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 2,859,065 2,454,686 2,907,000 2,907,000 1,118,241 1,383,903 2,907,000 Dept 30203 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 52,837 24,830 - 52,837 Totals for dept 30205 - PENSION ADMINISTRATION - - - 52,837 24,830 - 52,837 EXPENDITURES Dept 60932 - EQUIPMENT SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 606,794 708,229 565,749 559,359 235,681 255,556 559,359 5200 SUPPLIES 885,626 674,460 889,500 889,500 205,301 364,260 889,500 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 711,235 710,303 824,045 824,045 353,898 304,122 824,045 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 1,392 1,649 3,000 3,000 165 1,369 3,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1,103,472 400,428 903,000 854,000 61,681 221,792 854,000 5900 OTHER FINANCING USES 404,483 478,465 - - - 233,863 - Totals for dept 60932 - EQUIPMENT SERVICES 3,713,002 2,973,534 3,185,294 3,129,904 856,725 1,380,962 3,129,904 Dept 97026 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 6,181 - - - Totals for dept 97026 6,181 - - - - - - Dept 99999 - FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (941,398) (408,839) - - - (229,729) - Totals for dept 99999 - FIXED ASSETS CAPITALIZATION (941,398) (408,839) - - - (229,729) - TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,777,784 2,564,695 3,185,294 3,182,741 881,556 1,151,233 3,182,741 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 661 81,281 (110,009) (278,294) (275,741) 236,685 232,670 (275,741) BEGINNING NET POSITION 2,667,132 2,748,413 2,638,404 2,360,110 2,638,404 2,748,413 2,360,110 ENDING NET POSITION 2,748,413 2,638,404 2,360,110 2,084,369 2,875,090 2,981,083 2,084,369 BUDGET REPORT FOR CITY OF MUSKEGON INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 2ND QUARTER REFORECAST AND 2020-21 BUDGET GL NUMBER 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 Dec 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019 2020-21 AND ACTIVITY ACTIVITY ORIGINAL AMENDED ACTUAL ACTUAL 2ND QUARTER BUDGET CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET EXPENSES EXPENSE REFORECAST Fund 677 - GENERAL INSURANCE ESTIMATED REVENUES Dept 00000 677-00000-4600 INTERDEPT. CHARGES - - 3,300,000 3,300,000 - - 3,300,000 677-00000-4651 REIMBURSEMENT 12,967 24,777 - - 6,381 22,216 - 677-00000-4652 REIMBURSEMENT RETIREE HEALTHCARE 1,314,785 2,058,692 1,200,000 1,200,000 8,076 563,633 1,200,000 677-00000-4681 INTERDEPT.CHARGES:HEALTH INS. 2,476,551 2,455,176 - - 1,261,001 1,242,674 - 677-00000-4682 INTERDEPT.CHARGES:DENTAL INS. 198,504 207,612 - - 110,412 102,816 - 677-00000-4683 INTERDEPT.CHARGES:LIFE INS. 41,339 43,996 - - 24,389 21,661 - 677-00000-4685 INTERDEPT.CHARGES:VISION - - - - 677-00000-4686 INTERDEPT.CHARGES:DISABILITY 42,210 44,597 - - 23,945 21,934 - 677-00000-4687 INTERDEPT.CHGS:WORKMEN'S COMP. 446,937 437,088 - - 234,938 219,133 - 677-00000-4688 INTERDEPT.CHGS:UNEMPLOYMENT 1,390 1,422 - - 137 121 - 677-00000-4800 MISC. & SUNDRY - - - - 677-00000-4805 CONTRIBUTIONS - - - - 677-00000-4807 COBRA RECEIPTS 2,892 - - - 677-00000-4827 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM EMPLOYEE - HEALTHCARE 403,268 398,277 409,000 409,000 211,505 204,088 409,000 677-00000-4970 INTEREST INCOME 12,030 10,980 20,000 20,000 5,564 5,815 20,000 Totals for dept 00000 - 4,952,872 5,682,617 4,929,000 4,929,000 1,886,348 2,404,092 4,929,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 4,952,872 5,682,617 4,929,000 4,929,000 1,886,348 2,404,092 4,929,000 EXPENDITURES Dept 30851 - INSURANCE SERVICES 5100 SALARIES & BENEFITS 238,609 252,968 51,448 50,873 24,325 21,625 50,873 5200 SUPPLIES 53 - - - 5300 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,015,816 5,303,242 4,800,000 4,800,000 689,553 2,736,320 4,800,000 5400 OTHER EXPENSES 24,501 17,157 25,000 25,000 4,041 8,712 25,000 5700 CAPITAL OUTLAYS 38 1,000 1,000 1,000 Totals for dept 30851 - INSURANCE SERVICES 5,279,016 5,573,368 4,877,448 4,876,873 717,918 2,766,657 4,876,873 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5,279,016 5,573,368 4,877,448 4,876,873 717,918 2,766,657 4,876,873 NET OF REVENUES/EXPENDITURES - FUND 677 (326,144) 109,250 51,552 52,127 1,168,430 (362,566) 52,127 BEGINNING NET POSITION 2,039,779 1,713,635 1,822,885 1,874,437 1,822,885 1,713,635 1,874,437 ENDING NET POSITION 1,713,635 1,822,885 1,874,437 1,926,564 2,991,315 1,351,070 1,926,564 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: February 9, 2021 Title: Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance – Marihuana Submitted By: Mike Franzak Department: Planning Brief Summary: Staff-initiated request to amend the zoning ordinance to allow for Microbusinesses, Designated Consumption Establishments, Class A Recreational Grows (Up to 100 plants), Class B Recreational Grows (Up to 500 plants), Class A Medical Grows (Up to 500 plants) and temporary marihuana events as a special use permitted in I-1, I-2, MC, B-2 and B-4 zoning districts. Detailed Summary: At the Legislative Policy meeting, Commission discussed how this marihuana ordinance should have the same type of conditions associated with businesses in the overlay district. For the proposed motion, staff has created new conditions based on the existing overlay district. Staff has also removed Class B Recreational Grows and Class A Medical Grows due to odor concerns. Amount Requested: Amount Budgeted: Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: To approve the request to amend the zoning ordinance to allow for Microbusinesses, Designated Consumption Establishments, Class B Recreational Grows, and temporary marihuana events as a special use permitted in I-1, I-2, MC, B-2 and B-4 zoning districts with the following conditions. 1. Microbusinesses and Designated Consumption Establishments may only be open between the hours of 8 am – 12 am. 2. Waste Disposal Plan. A plan must be approved for the disposal of waste, chemicals and unused plant material. 3. Security. There must be a security presence in place on the property at all times, either by licensed security guard(s) and/or security cameras. A floor plan with security details is required. CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO._____ An ordinance to amend Sections 905, 1101, 1301, 1401 and 1501 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for Microbusinesses, Designated Consumption Establishments, Class A Recreational Grows (Up to 100 plants) and temporary marihuana events as a special use permitted in I-1, I-2, MC, B-2 and B-4 zoning districts. THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON HEREBY ORDAINS: NEW LANGUAGE (additions in bold) Sections 905 (MC), 1101 (B-2), 1301 (B-4), 1401 (I-1) and 1501 (I-2) to add as a special use permitted: Microbusinesses, Designated Consumption Establishments, Class A Recreational Grows (Up to 100 plants) and temporary marihuana events. This ordinance adopted: Ayes:______________________________________________________________ Nayes:_____________________________________________________________ Adoption Date: Effective Date: First Reading: Second Reading: CITY OF MUSKEGON By: _________________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk CERTIFICATE The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 9th day of February 2021, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. DATED: ___________________, 2021. __________________________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC Clerk, City of Muskegon Publish: Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption. CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF ADOPTION Please take notice that on February 9, 2021, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an ordinance to amend Sections 905, 1101, 1301, 1401 and 1501 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for Microbusinesses, Designated Consumption Establishments, Class A Recreational Grows (Up to 100 plants) and temporary marihuana events as a special use permitted in I-1, I-2, MC, B-2 and B-4 zoning districts. Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours. This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication. Published ____________________, 2020. CITY OF MUSKEGON By _________________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC City Clerk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF FINAL PASSAGE. Account No. 101-80400-5354 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: January 27, 2021 Title: Public Hearing Process Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell Department: Development Services Brief Summary: Staff is seeking approval to modify the process for holding public hearings at city commission meetings. Detailed Summary: Staff would like to be able to address comments received from the public so that commissioners have a full picture of the topic before voting. The proposal is to modify the process as follows. Clerk reads brief summary of agenda item Staff presents details on the item Public hearing is opened, and comments are received from the public Staff addresses questions/comments received during the public hearing Commissioners close the public hearing and deliberate Commissioners vote on the agenda item Amount Requested: N/A Amount Budgeted: N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: To approve the new process for holding public hearings at city commission meetings as proposed. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: 2/9/2021 Title: PILOT Policy Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell Department: Development Services Brief Summary: Staff are seeking approval of a revised policy to standardize tax incentives for Payment In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOT) developments within the city. Detailed Summary: At the request of the City Manager, the Tax Incentive Committee has continued to review and make recommendations for standardizing our tax incentive policies in the City of Muskegon. Our most recent effort is specifically dedicated to PILOT developments. As with the previous revisions shared with the commission, the attached document outlines a more standardized method for determining payments with lower rates given to developments that meet more of the city’s goals. Also in line with the previous revision, the proposal is for these developments to be reviewed by the tax incentive committee with a recommendation provided to the City Commission. Amount Requested: None Amount Budgeted: N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: To approve the revised Payment In Lieu Of Taxes policy. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: PILOT POLICY INFORMATION PACKET AND GUIDELINES OVERVIEW: A developer that is in the planning phase of a low income housing project financed with a federally-aided or authority-aided mortgage or grant through the State Housing Development Authority Act of 1966 may be eligible for a Payment In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOT). These exemptions from ad valorem property taxes are governed by Section 82 of the Muskegon City Code. The City of Muskegon strives to apply these fees with maximum return on investment for the developer and community. The process for requesting and receiving a Payment In Lieu Of Taxes for a new development or a rehabilitation and extension has been simplified in the following policy guidelines and forms. The City of Muskegon maintains this policy with the objectives of: • increasing affordable housing opportunities for our residents, • stabilizing the tax base of the community, • reducing functional obsolescence of existing facilities, buildings, etc., • encouraging expansion of our population, • providing for improved housing amenities for the community, • encouraging attractive, viable building sites and • enhancing our economic development tools to attract and retain affordable housing development POLICY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: 1. A Payment In Lieu Of Taxes shall only be granted to low income housing projects owned by a nonprofit housing corporation, consumer housing cooperative, limited dividend housing corporation, mobile home park corporation, or mobile home park association financed with a federally-aided or authority-aided mortgage or grant through the State Housing Development Authority Act of 1966 and meet the requirements of the City of Muskegon Ordinance Chapter 82; and 2. A Payment In Lieu Of Taxes shall be issued at a percentage of rents based on the rating criteria in the City’s scoring matrix; and 3. A Payment In Lieu Of Taxes shall not be issued unless an Applicant completes the attached application form and provides all necessary documents to ensure accurate scoring by the Tax Incentive Review Committee. REVIEW AND APPROVAL PROCESS: Once a developer has determined that it meets the minimum criteria for consideration of a Payment In Lieu Of Taxes, then a developer may begin the process of formally applying. The process is as follows: 1. Letter of Intent submitted on applicant’s letterhead to the Economic Development Director. 2. Include details relating to the location of the development, length of term, income mix, proposed construction and/or amenities, and any restrictions on age limits for residents. 3. Tax Incentive Review Committee verifies completion and eligibility of Applicant’s documents for submission and makes recommendation to the City Commission regarding approval and rate for Payment In Lieu of Taxes. 4. The city staff or attorney will draft the contract with details given by applicant. 5. City Commission votes on approval of the associated contract (City Commission may also vote to modify or reject any contract). 6. City staff provide signed documents to applicant. PILOT RATE: The City Commission has approved the use of the following guides to calculate the percent of rents paid. The criteria are tied to community goals endorsed by elected officials and staff, thereby rewarding developments which meet the city’s goals with lower fees. New PILOT Developments The committee recommends setting the base PILOT rate at 7% of annual rents with potential to reduce the fee if certain goals are met and developing a PILOT application that features the following cognates: Cognate Reduction Serving Families 1% Minimum 15% of Units offered at Market Rate 1% Located outside DDA Boundary 1% Average AMI greater than 70% 1% TOTAL POSSIBLE REDUCTION 4% In addition to the PILOT rate, local governments are able to collect municipal service fees that fund essential services to the development such as police and fire. The committee recommends setting the municipal services fee at 3% for all developments. Extension To Existing PILOT Development Extensions to existing PILOT agreements need to be considered on a case by case basis due to the limitations on the programs available for rehabilitation. As with all other tax incentive programs, the committee will consider the merits of each proposal following certain guidelines and make a recommendation to the City Commission. In these instances, a less stringent method will be used in the review process. However, an extension will only be granted where the annual income to the city is increased. The committee recommends setting the following objectives and developing a PILOT application that features them: Objectives • Investment in Building and Units • Investment in Outdoor Site Amenities • Term Extension less than 20 Years • Upgrade to Visitability ADA Standards • Increase to Average AMI by minimum of 10% In addition to the PILOT rate, local governments are able to collect municipal service fees that fund essential services to the development such as police and fire. The committee recommends setting the municipal services fee at 2% for any existing development that does not currently pay a municipal services fee and increasing the fee to 3% for all developments that currently pay less than 3%. TAX ABATEMENT APPLICATION FEE: The City Commission has authorized the implementation of a non-refundable application fee for Payment In Lieu Of Taxes applications. The fee is published in the city’s fee schedule. REQUIREMENTS AFTER PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES IS APPROVED: Annual statements of contract rents must be filed with the City Treasurer per Section 82-55 of the Muskegon City Code. Exemptions will be revoked for violating the Muskegon City Code. For assistance with your business attraction and retention needs or with the associated process and application, please contact the City Economic Development Office at 231-724-6870. Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: 2/9/2021 Title: PILOT Ordinance Amendment Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell Department: Development Services Brief Summary: Staff are seeking approval of an amendment to Chapter 82, Article II of the Code of Ordinances in coordination with the revised Payment In Lieu Of Taxes Policy. Detailed Summary: The newly adopted PILOT Policy includes guidelines for determining the PILOT rate. These guidelines match the rate with specific city goals, and as those goals change over time, the policy can be amended to reflect current goals. Staff are seeking a change to the PILOT ordinance to remove the standards for determining the amount of the payment in lieu of taxes and allow the PILOT policy to set the standard. Amount Requested: None Amount Budgeted: N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: To amend and adopt Chapter 82, Article II, Section 51 for Payment In Lieu Of Taxes. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: February 9, 2021 Title: Amendment to the Marihuana Tabled on 1/26/2021 to this date Facilities Overlay District – 885 E Apple Ave Submitted By: Mike Franzak Department: Planning Brief Summary: Request to amend section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to include 885 E Apple Ave in the marihuana facilities overlay district, by Khi Guy. Detailed Summary: A motion was made that that request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for Retail license types at 885 E Apple Ave be recommended to the City Commission for approval. The motion passed by a 5-1 vote. Amount Requested: Amount Budgeted: Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: To approve the request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for retail and provisioning license types at 885 E Apple Ave. Planning Commission Excerpt Hearing, Case 2021-02: Request to amend section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to include 885 E Apple Ave in the marihuana facilities overlay district, by Khi Guy. SUMMARY 1. The applicant is requesting to amend the Marihuana Facilities ordinance to be included into the overlay district. They are seeking approval to be allowed to have a retail license type. 2. This property was recently denied inclusion into the overlay district as a staff requested initiative. This request is from the property owner and potential business partner. 3. Please see the maps below depicting the current overlay districts. 4. Notice was sent to everyone within 300 feet of this property. Original Overlay District Expanded Overlay Districts Zoning Map Aerial Map CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO._____ An ordinance to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for Provisioning/Retail license types at 885 E Apple Ave. THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON HEREBY ORDAINS: 885 E Apple Ave will be added to the Marihuana Facilities Overlay District as a location allowed for Provisioning/Retail license types. CITY OF MUSKEGON EASTGATE ADD LOTS 39-42 INCLUSIVE This ordinance adopted: Ayes:______________________________________________________________ Nayes:_____________________________________________________________ Adoption Date: Effective Date: First Reading: Second Reading: CITY OF MUSKEGON By: _________________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk CERTIFICATE The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 9th day of February 2021, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. DATED: ___________________, 2020. __________________________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC Clerk, City of Muskegon Publish: Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption. CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF ADOPTION Please take notice that on February 9, 2021, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an ordinance to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for Provisioning/Retail license types at 885 E Apple Ave. Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours. This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication. Published ____________________, 2021. CITY OF MUSKEGON By _________________________________ Ann Meisch, MMC City Clerk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF FINAL PASSAGE. Account No. 101-80400-5354
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