City Commission Packet Archive 04-13-2021

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             APRIL 13, 2021 @ 5:30 P.M.
                REMOTE MEETING


□      ROLL CALL:
    A. Approval of Minutes      City Clerk
    B. Fireworks Display Permit for Muskegon Country Club            City Clerk
    C. Muskegon Park Place Provisionary         City Clerk
    D. Lakeshore Creative Services Agreement Extension               City Clerk
    E. 2021 User Fee Update     Finance
    F. Social District Permit Recommendation              Economic Development
    G. Muskegon Public Schools Recreation Grant Agreement CNS
    H. Municipal Senior Millage Funding         CNS
    I. Sale of 602 Ada Avenue            CNS
    J. Sale – 240 Monroe Avenue          City Manager
    K. Sale – 250 Monroe Avenue          City Manager
    L. Lot Sales Hudson/Dowd Planning
    M. 2021 Goal Adoption       Development Services
    N. Software Subscription          Economic Development
    O. Purchasing Policy Development Services
    P. Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite        Public Works – Filtration

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    Q. Sodium Hypochlorite Feed System                     Public Works – Filtration
    R. Highway Aggregates, Materials, and Concrete                           Public Works
    S. G & L Chili Dogs Concession Agreement – Various City Parks                             Public
    T. Prein & Newhof Amendment                   Public Works
    U. Pere Marquette Swing Bench                 Commission
    V. Park Safety Surfacing              Public Works
    W. Traffic Control Order              Traffic/Engineering
    X. 425 Agreement Business Park North Removal/Acquisition of 902 Pine Street
    A. Motion to Reconsider Amendment to Zoning Ordinance for 885 E. Apple
       Commissioner Emory
    A. Special Event Fee Waiver – Cheers Community Crawl                              City Clerk
    B. Special Event Fee Waiver – Footlights Fun Camp City Clerk
    C. Special Event Fee Waiver – Senior Community Day                                City Clerk
    D. Special Event Fee Waiver – Relay for Life                     City Clerk
►      Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►      Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►      Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►      Be recognized by the Chair.
►      Step forward to the microphone.
►      State name and address.
►      Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►      (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)


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                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021              Title: Approval of Minutes

Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC                  Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: To approve the minutes of the March 23, 2021 Regular Meeting and the April 1,
2021 Special Meeting.

Detailed Summary: N/A

Amount Requested: N/A                             Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                        Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: To approve the minutes.

For City Clerk Use Only:

Commission Action:
          MARCH 23, 2021 @ 5:30 P.M.
              REMOTE MEETING

The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held
electronically with the Mayor, Vice Mayor, and Commissioners participating via
Zoom – a remote conferencing service, Clerk staff present at 933 Terrace Street,
Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 23, 2021.
Present:     Mayor Stephen J. Gawron (Muskegon, MI), Vice Mayor Eric Hood
(Muskegon, MI), Commissioners Ken Johnson (Muskegon, MI), Dan Rinsema-
Sybenga (Muskegon, MI), Willie German, Jr. (Muskegon, MI), Teresa Emory
(Muskegon, MI), and Michael Ramsey (Muskegon, MI), City Manager Frank
Peterson, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann Meisch.
HONORS/AWARDS/PRESENTATIONS: Presentation    City Commissioners were provided information
regarding software by Jim Walsh and Adam Peacock of This
product, a data analysis platform, can be used to help us answer some larger
socioeconomic questions regarding our population and workforce and would
allow departments to use anonymized GPS data from cell phones to determine
critical information to better understand our local economy.
PUBLIC COMMENT ON AN AGENDA ITEM:           Public comments were received.
2021-26     CONSENT AGENDA:
   A. Approval of Minutes      City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the January 29, 2021 Goal
Setting Meeting, March 8, 2021 Worksession, and March 9, 2021 Regular
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the minutes.
   B. Fireworks   City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is recommending the city produce fireworks on
July 3rd in downtown Muskegon. Rock Stock announced they are unable to

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have an event this year and there will be no fireworks. With safety precautions in
place and the roll-out of the vaccine, we believe we can have a safe Fourth of
July fireworks. We are recommending July 3rd because July 4th falls on a Sunday.
The decision to have fireworks needs to be made quickly as some deadlines
have passed and/or are quickly upon us. We would like to have a large display
for the community to enjoy. We will be attempting to offset the costs with
sponsorship and event revenue.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:        $60,000 - Parks Department
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To authorize staff to expend up to $60,000 for a
fireworks show.
   C. Request for Camping – Burning Foot City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The organizers of Burning Foot are requesting to allow
camping at their event on August 28th and authorize staff to charge a fee equal
to 10% of their camping revenue. Burning Foot typically offers camping at their
event each year and has been authorized in the past to pay 10% of their
camping revenue as a fee. Currently the policy indicates the Commission may
choose to charge 10% of the camping revenue or $20 per campsite.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To authorize Burning Foot to provide camping at
Pere Marquette Park on August 28, 2021 and pay a fee of 10% of their camping
revenue as a fee to the City.
   D. Muskegon Park Place Provisionary      City Clerk – REMOVED PER
   E. Extension of Temporary Modification to MERS Benefit Provisions
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City Finance department is requesting an extension
of the Temporary Modification to the MERS Benefit Provisions for the Defined
Benefit employees which was adopted on May 12, 2020. This provision would
temporarily lower the number of hours an employee would have to work during
the month to earn service credit to accommodate those employees taking part
in the Work Share furloughs. Currently employees need to work 150 hours per
month to receive service credit for their defined benefit pension. This
modification would allow an employee to work 126 hours and still receive
service credit for the month. The extension of the temporary provision would be
in effect through 2021.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            To approve the Extension of the Temporary
Modifications to Benefit Provision as presented.
   F. Credit Card Processor Change Treasurer
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: We received notice that our software provider, BS&A
will no longer be compatible with Official Payments, the provider we are

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currently using for online utility and tax payments as of 7/6/2021. BS&A has two
payment providers they will integrate with: Point and Pay or Invoice Cloud
Solutions. We have chosen to partner with Point and Pay for our credit card
We have many customers that utilize the online payment system, particularly for
utility bills. Since we were notified that BS&A would no longer work with Official
Payments, our current credit card provider, we have looked into the two credit
card processing options BS&A will partner with. A majority of the municipalities in
Michigan have chosen to use Point and Pay based on feedback from
municipalities that have utilized Invoice Cloud Solutions, it did not seem to be a
good fit for us.
Point and Pay presents significant benefits over the old system. Their payment
system is fully integrated with our software; when a customer makes a payment
online or at the counter, their account is immediately updated. We will no
longer need to import payments into our system the day after they are made
online. Point and Pay offers additional online payment options, including e-
checks at a lower cost than credit card transactions. There is no implementation
fee or support costs charged to the city in order to accept payment through
Point and Pay, and the processing fees charged to the city and residents are
lower than our current processor.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the treasurer to sign the agreement
with Point and Pay to provide credit card processing services for the city.
   G. Marina Parking Ordinance/Increase Launch Ramp Fines             Public
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To amend the current Marina Parking ordinance 92-
74(1)(a) to include parking restrictions and enforcements form marina parking.
Adding (1)(a) no parking on grass/unimproved area in city parking launch ramp
area and fines that go along with that addition.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Approval to amend Parking Ordinance 92-
74(1)(a) and Chapter 58-3a for fines associated with this ordinance.
   J. Parking Kiosk Purchase Planning
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff recommends the purchase of three new parking
kiosks at the beach along with another kiosk for the boat launch at Hartshorn
Staff is proposing to install two kiosks in the new parking addition and an
additional kiosk south of the water filtration plant. The three beach kiosks would
accept coins and credit cards. The boat launch kiosk would only accept credit
cards. The total for the three beach kiosks after installation fees would be
$23,793. The total for the boat launch kiosk after installation would be $6,545.

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STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To direct staff to purchase three parking kiosks for
the beach and one kiosk for the launch ramp.
Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner German, to
approve the consent agenda as presented, minus item H, I, K, L, and M.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory,
           and Johnson
            Nays: None
   H. MATS Micro-transit Funding      Development Services
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is seeking approval to assist the Muskegon Area
Transit System in funding micro-transit services for our residents.
As part of the route study and comprehensive operational analysis conducted
by Muskegon County, one key recommendation was to offer a new type of
service often called micro-transit. This type of service uses smaller vehicles and
new technologies for efficient same-day rides on demand. It is an accessible
general public shared-ride transportation service supported and overseen by
MATS and delivered through a qualified contractor. The service more effectively
serves certain geographic areas and times of the day, offering a new option
where fixed-route and GoBus services are reduced or eliminated.
Muskegon County conducted an RFP process to choose a micro transit vendor.
The process took many months, and City manager Peterson participated in the
recommendation committee. A vendor was selected based on rankings in six
criteria described in the original RFP. Micro-transit is important to residents that
do not live within reasonable walking distance to a fixed bus route. The program
works similarly to ride share companies like Uber and Lyft. Residents can request
transportation via a mobile application, a computer, or telephone. Local
communities are expected to cover their prorated share of the total contract.
Based on our population, Muskegon’s share in year-one would be $6,009 per
month through March 2022, then $5,889 through June 2022. Residents of the City
of Muskegon are expected to utilize 49% of the service’s capacity – accordingly,
our payment represents 49% of the anticipated monthly costs.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:        $71,748      Will be included with FY2021/22 Budget
FUND OR ACCOUT: 101-10875-5371
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:              Approve the financial support for the MATS
micro-transit starting in fiscal year 2021-22 with an estimated expenditure of
Motion by Vice Mayor Hood, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to

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approve the financial support for the MATS micro-transit starting in fiscal year
2021-22 with an estimated expenditure of $71,748.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Ramsey, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, and Gawron
             Nays: Hood and German
   I. Beach Street Expanded Parking           Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting authorization to approve the pricing
on Bulletin #3 with Hallack Contracting to the existing Muskegon County/City of
Muskegon contract for water main and street reconstruction on Beach Street
between Wilcox and Simpson.
Bulletin #3 includes the updated project design and contract pricing related to
our previous discussion on expanded parking at Pere Marquette Park.
The proposed design matches very closely with the previously reviewed
iterations a few items of note are as follows:
   •   We were unable to save the existing trees. During final layout the trees
       were found located in a position relative to the parking that did not allow
       for them to be saved by simply gapping parking spaces. We further
       consulted with our staff horticulturist who advised that the trees were in a
       state of decline given the harsh environment which they have lived. Our
       staff horticulturist recommended replacement of the trees with a variety
       of plantings along the beach side of the board walk and within the small
       sand areas that serve as pedestrian crossings. If approved we intend to
       partner with Muskegon Conservation District and our staff horticulturist to
       develop a replanting strategy for the area that includes plantings along
       the boardwalk and within the pedestrian crossing islands. These are not
       included in the plans before you and are intended to be completed by
       staff in the fall of 2021 or spring of 2022 as nursery availability provides.
   •   We retained the angled parking along Beach Street. Staff has reviewed
       and believes that angle parking is the best option for this area. Parallel
       parking would have a lower capacity and is generally an equal or greater
       impediment to thru traffic. As an alternative and a short-term cost saving
       measure all of the angled parking along Beach Street could be removed
       from the project and have that area remain as a sand buffer between
       Beach Street and the Parking area. This would eliminate 68 parking spaces
       from the plans as drawn and reduce the construction cost pricing by and
       estimated $50,000. We could add the angled parking along Beach Street
       at a later date if there was sufficient demand.
Staff anticipates being able to utilize funding from the City of Muskegon ARP Act
allocation in addition to beach parking revenue to be able to support this

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If approved staff will need to present an amendment to the engineering
services agreement with DLZ to cover the additional engineering and
construction administration costs. This is estimated at approximately $35K and
would be brought back for consideration at one of the April meetings,
presuming this request is approved.
If approved staff would need to immediately begin procuring the necessary
permits for this work to ensure the schedule could remain intact and allow for
completion of this project prior to the 2021 Beach Season.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:        $798,070.71           AMOUNT BUDGETED:      $0
FUND OR ACCOUNT:          101-91917-5346 – Parks Capital Improvements – ARPA
Funds will be used to offset the cost.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Authorize staff to approve Bulletin #3 with Hallack
Contracting in the amount of $789,070.71 and proceed with the construction of
the expanded parking lot at Pere Marquette Park.
Motion by Commissioner Emory, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to
authorize staff to approve Bulletin #3 with Hallack Contacting in the amount of
$798,070.71 and proceed with the construction of the expanded parking lot at
Pere Marquette Park.
      Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner
      Ramsey to modify the motion to approve without the 3rd row of angled
      ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron,
                 Hood, and Ramsey
                   Nays: None
ROLL VOTE ON UNDERLYING MOTION: Ayes: Ramsey, German, Rinsema-
           Sybenga, Gawron, and Hood
            Nays: Emory and Johnson
   K. Amity Avenue Bridge       Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting authorization to apply for State of
Michigan FY2024 local bridge funds for a project to remove the Amity Avenue
Bridge and rebuild an at-grade road through the area. A resolution of support is
required to include with the application.
Staff applied for this same project during the last two cycles and have both
times been just outside the fundable range. Staff feels that resubmitting the

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project for consideration is still our best option within this program. Staff plans to
take an extra step and lobby directly at the selection meeting to have this
project considered.
Costs are estimated at approximately $444,000 for the project, with the city
requesting to provide matching funds of $90,000 towards the construction costs
and also an estimated $100,000 in engineering costs for a total city commitment
of $190,000. The costs for this project would be borne in future fiscal years and
only if the project is selected for funding.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:          $190,000     AMOUNT BUDGETED:           $190,000
FUND OR ACCOUNT:           203-TBD-5346/5355
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            Approve the resolution of support and authorize
the Mayor and Clerk to sign and commit to funding the required match and
engineering costs in future fiscal years if the project is selected.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
to approve the resolution of support and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign
and commit to funding the require match and engineering costs in future fiscal
years if the project is selected.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey,
           and German
             Nays: None
   L. Concession Agreement with Lake Effect Sport           Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting permission to enter into a 1-year
contractual business/concession agreement with Andrea Chambers of Lake
Effect Sport, Bike Rentals at Pere Marquette Park for the 2021 season.
The business will be renting out various bikes per their proposal. Commission is
$1,000 and 5% gross receipts annually.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Authorize staff to enter into a 1-year contractual
business/concession agreement with Andrea Chambers of Lake Effect Sport Bike
Rentals at Pere Marquette Park for the 2021 season.
Motion by Commissioner Emory, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to
authorize staff to enter into a 1-year contractual business/concession
agreement with Andrea Chambers of Lake Effect Sport Bike Rentals at Pere
Marquette Park for the 2021 season.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, and
             Nays: None

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   M. Chalet Lease with Mac Kites     Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting permission to enter into a 1-year
contractual lease agreement with Steve Negen of MacKite for Pere Marquette
Park Chalet for the 2021 season. The business will be giving lessons on Wing Foil
and Efoil equipment per their proposal. MacKite is proposing for retail of the
chalet, $2,000 and 5% gross receipts annually.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:        Authorize staff to enter into a 1-year contractual
lease agreement with Steve Negen of MacKite for the PM Park Chalet for 2021.
Motion by Commissioner Emory, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to
authorize staff to enter into a 1-year contractual lease agreement with Steve
Negen of MacKite for the Pere Marquette Park Chalet for 2021.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-
           Sybenga, and Emory
            Nays: None
2021-28     PUBLIC HEARINGS:
   A. Recommendation for Annual Renewal of Liquor Licenses            City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To adopt a resolution recommending the State
withhold renewal of those liquor license establishments who are in violation of
Section 50-146 and 50-147 of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Muskegon.
These establishments have been found to be in non-compliance with the City
Code of Ordinances and renewal of their liquor licenses should not be
recommended by the City Commission. If any of these establishments come into
compliance by March 23, 2021, they will be removed from this resolution.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To adopt the resolution.
PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED:             No public comments were received.
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
close the public hearing and approve the resolution.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory,
           and Johnson
            Nays: None
   A. Amendment to the Marihuana Facilities Overlay District – 885 E Apple
      Avenue   Planning – TABLED FROM 1/26/2021 TO 2/9/2021 AND FROM

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      2/9/2021 TO 3/23/2021
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to amend section 2331 of the zoning
ordinance to include 885 E Apple Avenue in the marihuana facilities overlay
district by Khi Guy.
A motion was made that the request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning
ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for Retail
license types at 885 E Apple Avenue be recommended to the City Commission
for approval. The motion passed with a 5-1 vote.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            To approve the request to amend Section 2331
of the zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to
allow for retail and provisioning license types at 885 E. Apple Avenue.
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to table this
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German
            Nays: Hood, Ramsey, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, and
2nd Motion: Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner
Ramsey, to approve the request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance
to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for retail and
provisioning license types at 885 E Apple Avenue.
      3rd Motion: Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner
      Rinsema-Sybenga, to call the question.
      ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood,
            and Ramsey
            Nays: German
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Johnson, and Gawron
            Nays: Ramsey, German, Emory, and Hood
2021-30     NEW BUSINESS:
   A. Rezoning of 420 S Harvey Street       Planning
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning
ordinance to allow the following marihuana related license types at 420 S
Harvey Street, by Corey Roberts: Recreational Class B growing, processing, retail,

                                         Page 9 of 11
designated consumption establishments and special events.
The Planning Commission will make a recommendation on this agenda item at
their special meeting on Thursday, March 18.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To (approve/deny) the request to amend Section
2331 of the zoning ordinance to allow the following marihuana related license
types at 420 S Harvey Street, by Corey Roberts: Recreational Class B growing,
processing, retail, designated consumption establishments and special events.
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga,
to approve the request to amend Section 2331 of zoning ordinance to allow the
following marihuana related license types at 420 S Harvey Street, by Corey
Roberts: Recreational Class B Growing, Processing, retail, designated
consumption establishments and special events.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey,
           and German
            Nays: None
   B. Rezoning Requests – Dowd/Hudson      Planning
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to rezone 2172 Dowd Street, 2184 Dowd Street,
2157 Hudson Street, 2169 Hudson Street and 2171 Hudson Street from R-1, Low
Density Single Family Residential to Form Based Code, Urban Residential by
Stephen Benedict.
The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to this request at their
special meeting on Thursday, March 17.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the request to rezone 2172 Dowd
Street, 2184 Dowd Street, 2157 Hudson Street, 2169 Hudson Street and 2171
Hudson Street from R-1, Low Density Single Family Residential to Form Based
Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to
approve the request to rezone 2172 Dowd Street, 2184 Dowd Street, 2169 Hudson
Street and 2171 Hudson Street from R-1, Low Density Single Family Residential to
Form Based Code.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Ramsey, German, and Rinsema-
            Nays: Emory
Commissioner Ramsey raised the question of curbside service at marihuana

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shops in the City. City Manager, Frank Peterson, explained that the Planning
Department has been in contact with all of the affected businesses and they
have been advised to bring in site-plans for approval for this temporary
alternative to inside service during the pandemic.
PUBLIC COMMENT:         Public comments were received.
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission meeting adjourned at 10:02 p.m.

                                          Respectfully Submitted,

                                          Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

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                                 CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                Muskegon City Hall
                                 933 Terrace Street
                               Muskegon, MI 49440
                               Commission Chambers

Present: Mayor Gawron, Commissioners German, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, and Ramsey
Absent: Vice Mayor Hood and Commissioner Johnson

Resolution Declaring Local State of Emergency
Motion by Commissioner German, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga to adopt the
Resolution Declaring a Local State of Emergency for the Purpose of Permitting the City
Commission and Other Public Bodies of the City to Meet by Electronic and Telephonic Means.
ROLL VOTE:    AYES: Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Gawron, Ramsey, and German
              NAYS: None
The Special Meeting adjourned at 2:02 p.m.

                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 4/13/2021                    Title: Fireworks Display Permit for Muskegon
                                                      Country Club

Submitted By: Ann Meisch                              Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc. is requesting approval of a fireworks display permit for
July 2, 2021 at the Muskegon Country Club, 2801 lakeshore Drive. The fire Marshall will inspect
the fireworks on the day of the event.

Detailed Summary:

Amount Requested: n/a                               Amount Budgeted: n/a

Fund(s) or Account(s):                              Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the fireworks permit contingent on inspection of the fireworks
and approval of insurance.

For City Clerk Use Only:

Commission Action:
Muskegon Country Club                                    Melrose Pyrotechnics Inc.
2801 Lakeshore Dr., Muskegon, MI                         12/13/2018 Michael Falk

     Rope line for
     Spectator setback

                                                                 Spectators around
                                                                 Clubhouse and on Hillside

                                          95’ north
                                          Of sand trap

                                                                No Spectators
                                                                On Golf Course

Launch Location            Setup area: 40’ X 40’         Radius from setup area: 350’
                                    CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE
                                                                                                                                                                    DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)

  IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to
  the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the
  certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s).
PRODUCER                                                                                    CONTACT
Britton Gallagher                                                                           PHONE                                                     FAX
One Cleveland Center, Floor 30                                                              (A/C, No, Ext):   216-658-7100                            (A/C, No):
1375 East 9th Street                                                                        ADDRESS:
Cleveland OH 44114                                                                                                 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE                                 NAIC #

                                                                                            INSURER A : Everest Indemnity Insurance Co.                                          10851
INSURED                                                                                     INSURER B : Travelers Indemnity Co                                                   25658
Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc.
Kingsbury Industrial Parkway                                                                INSURER C :   Everest Denali Insurance Company                                       16044
Heinold Complex                                                                             INSURER D :   Arch Specialty Insurance Company
Kingsbury IN 46345                                                                          INSURER E :

                                                                                            INSURER F :
COVERAGES                                   CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 683553347                                                           REVISION NUMBER:
INSR                                             ADDL SUBR                                            POLICY EFF   POLICY EXP
 LTR             TYPE OF INSURANCE               INSR WVD           POLICY NUMBER                    (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)                             LIMITS
 A     GENERAL LIABILITY                           Y       SI8ML00042-211                              1/15/2021        1/15/2022   EACH OCCURRENCE                $ 1,000,000
                                                                                                                                    DAMAGE TO RENTED
       X   COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY                                                                                             PREMISES (Ea occurrence)       $ 500,000
               CLAIMS-MADE     X   OCCUR                                                                                            MED EXP (Any one person)       $
                                                                                                                                    PERSONAL & ADV INJURY          $ 1,000,000
                                                                                                                                    GENERAL AGGREGATE              $ 2,000,000
       GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER:                                                                                           PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG         $ 2,000,000
           POLICY X JECT            LOC                                                                                                                            $
 C     AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY                                   SI8CA00025-211                           1/15/2021        1/15/2022   COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT
                                                                                                                                    (Ea accident)                  $ 1,000,000
       X   ANY AUTO                                                                                                                 BODILY INJURY (Per person)     $
           ALL OWNED            SCHEDULED                                                                                           BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $
           AUTOS                AUTOS
       X                   X    NON-OWNED                                                                                           PROPERTY DAMAGE                $
           HIRED AUTOS          AUTOS                                                                                               (Per accident)
 D         UMBRELLA LIAB       X   OCCUR                      UXP1035209-01                            1/15/2021        1/15/2022   EACH OCCURRENCE                $ 4,000,000
       X   EXCESS LIAB             CLAIMS-MADE                                                                                      AGGREGATE                      $ 4,000,000

             DED           RETENTION $                                                                                                                             $
 B     WORKERS COMPENSATION                                   0323N491 (MI)                             4/1/2021        4/1/2022    X    WC STATU-        OTH-
       AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY                                                                                                         TORY LIMITS        ER
       ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE                                                                                             E.L. EACH ACCIDENT             $ 1,000,000
       OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED?             N/A
       (Mandatory in NH)                                                                                                            E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000
       If yes, describe under
       DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below                                                                                              E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT    $ 1,000,000

DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required)
Additional Insured extension of coverage is provided by above referenced General Liability policy where required by written agreement.
DISPLAY DATE: July 2, 2021
LOCATION: Muskegon Country Club - Muskegon, Michigan
ADDITIONAL INSURED: Muskegon Country Club; City of Muskegon, all elected & appointed officials, all employees & volunteers, all boards, commissions,
and/or authorities & board members, including employees and volunteers thereof

CERTIFICATE HOLDER                                                                          CANCELLATION

                                                                                              SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE
                                                                                              THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN
                                                                                              ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS.
               Muskegon Country Club
               2801 Lakeshore Drive                                                         AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE
               Muskegon MI 49441

                                                                                           © 1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
ACORD 25 (2010/05)                                  The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD
                                    CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE
                                                                                                                                                                    DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)

  IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to
  the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the
  certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s).
PRODUCER                                                                                    CONTACT
Britton Gallagher                                                                           PHONE                                                     FAX
One Cleveland Center, Floor 30                                                              (A/C, No, Ext):   216-658-7100                            (A/C, No):
1375 East 9th Street                                                                        ADDRESS:
Cleveland OH 44114                                                                                                 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE                                 NAIC #

                                                                                            INSURER A : Everest Indemnity Insurance Co.                                          10851
INSURED                                                                                     INSURER B : Travelers Indemnity Co                                                   25658
Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc.
Kingsbury Industrial Parkway                                                                INSURER C :   Everest Denali Insurance Company                                       16044
Heinold Complex                                                                             INSURER D :   Arch Specialty Insurance Company
Kingsbury IN 46345                                                                          INSURER E :

                                                                                            INSURER F :
COVERAGES                                   CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 110442040                                                           REVISION NUMBER:
INSR                                             ADDL SUBR                                            POLICY EFF   POLICY EXP
 LTR             TYPE OF INSURANCE               INSR WVD           POLICY NUMBER                    (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY)                             LIMITS
 A     GENERAL LIABILITY                           Y       SI8ML00042-211                              1/15/2021        1/15/2022   EACH OCCURRENCE                $ 1,000,000
                                                                                                                                    DAMAGE TO RENTED
       X   COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY                                                                                             PREMISES (Ea occurrence)       $ 500,000
               CLAIMS-MADE     X   OCCUR                                                                                            MED EXP (Any one person)       $
                                                                                                                                    PERSONAL & ADV INJURY          $ 1,000,000
                                                                                                                                    GENERAL AGGREGATE              $ 2,000,000
       GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER:                                                                                           PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG         $ 2,000,000
           POLICY X JECT            LOC                                                                                                                            $
 C     AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY                                   SI8CA00025-211                           1/15/2021        1/15/2022   COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT
                                                                                                                                    (Ea accident)                  $ 1,000,000
       X   ANY AUTO                                                                                                                 BODILY INJURY (Per person)     $
           ALL OWNED            SCHEDULED                                                                                           BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $
           AUTOS                AUTOS
       X                   X    NON-OWNED                                                                                           PROPERTY DAMAGE                $
           HIRED AUTOS          AUTOS                                                                                               (Per accident)
 D         UMBRELLA LIAB       X   OCCUR                      UXP1035209-01                            1/15/2021        1/15/2022   EACH OCCURRENCE                $ 4,000,000
       X   EXCESS LIAB             CLAIMS-MADE                                                                                      AGGREGATE                      $ 4,000,000

             DED           RETENTION $                                                                                                                             $
 B     WORKERS COMPENSATION                                   0323N491 (MI)                             4/1/2021        4/1/2022    X    WC STATU-        OTH-
       AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY                                                                                                         TORY LIMITS        ER
       ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE                                                                                             E.L. EACH ACCIDENT             $ 1,000,000
       OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED?             N/A
       (Mandatory in NH)                                                                                                            E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000
       If yes, describe under
       DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below                                                                                              E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT    $ 1,000,000

DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required)
Additional Insured extension of coverage is provided by above referenced General Liability policy where required by written agreement.
DISPLAY DATE: July 2, 2021
LOCATION: Muskegon Country Club, Muskegon, Michigan
ADDITIONAL INSURED: Muskegon Country Club; City of Muskegon, all elected and appointed officials, all employees and volunteers, all boards, commissions,
and/or authorities and board members, including employees and volunteers thereof

CERTIFICATE HOLDER                                                                          CANCELLATION

                                                                                              SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE
                                                                                              THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN
                                                                                              ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS.
               City of Muskegon
               933 Terrace Street                                                           AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE
               Muskegon MI 49440

                                                                                           © 1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
ACORD 25 (2010/05)                                  The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD
                                            APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT
                                         Michigan Department of Energy, Labor, & Economic Growth
                                                         Bureau of Fire Services
                                                             P.O. Box 30700
                                                           Lansing, MI 48909
                                                             (517) 241-8847

Authority:  1988 PA 358                         The Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth will not discriminate against any individual or group because or
Compliance: Voluntary                           race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, material status, disability, or political beliefs. If you need assistance with
Penalty:    Permit will not be issued           reading, writing, hearing, etc., under the American with Disabilities Ace, you may make your needs known to this agency.

            PUBLIC DISPLAY                                   AGRICULTURAL PEST CONTROL                                                     Date of Application 3/17/2021

Name of Applicant                                        Address                                                                          Age (18 or over)
Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc.                               PO Box 302, Kingsbury, IN 46345

If a Corporation, Name of President                     Address
Michael Cartolano                                       PO Box 302, Kingsbury, IN 46345

If a Non-resident Applicant: Name of MI                 Address                                                                          Phone No.
Attorney or Resident Agent                              4369 E Summit Woods Dr NE, Rockford MI 49341                                     (616) 427-0377
Michael Falk

Name of Pyrotechnic Operator                            Address                                                                          Age (18 or over)
Randy Loveland                                          4369 E Summit Woods Dr NE, Rockford MI 49341                                     66

No. Years Experience / No. Displays                     Where
20 years / 300+                                         Michigan

Name of Assistant:                                      Address                                                                          Age
Brian Loper                                             4369 E Summit Woods Dr NE, Rockford MI 49341                                     54

Name of Other Assistant:                                Address                                                                          Age
Dave Enbody                                             4369 E Summit Woods Dr NE, Rockford MI 49341                                     45

Exact Location of Proposed Display
Muskegon Country Club, 2801 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon MI 49441

Date of Proposed Display July 2, 2021                  Time of Proposed Display Dusk

No. Of Fireworks                            Kind of Fireworks to be Displayed

Approximately 600                           Aerial display shells ranging in size from 1 ¼ inches to 5 inches in diameter.

Manner & Place of Storage Prior to Display (Subject to Approval of Local Fire Authorities)

No storage necessary, delivered on date of display

Amount of Bond of Insurance (to be set by local gov’t)                                  Name of Bonding Corporation or Insurance Company
$5,000,000.00                                                                           Britton-Gallagher & Associates
Address of Bonding Corporation or Insurance Company
One Cleveland Center, Floor 30; 1375 East 9th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Signature of Applicant

                                                                                                                      For Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc.
                                                     FIREWORKS DISPLAY PERMIT
                                         Michigan Department of Energy, Labor, & Economic Growth
                                                         Bureau of Fire Services
                                                             P.O. Box 30700
                                                           Lansing, MI 48909
                                                             (517) 241-8847

Authority:  1988 PA 358                         The Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth will not discriminate against any individual or group because or
Compliance: Voluntary                           race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, material status, disability, or political beliefs. If you need assistance with
Penalty:    Permit will not be issued           reading, writing, hearing, etc., under the American with Disabilities Ace, you may make your needs known to this agency.

This permit is not transferable. It authorizes the resident wholesale dealer or jobber named below to have in his or her
possession fireworks of any type, for sale only to holders of permits for public display or agriculture control.

                            PUBLIC DISPLAY                                                  AGRICULTURAL PEST CONTROL

Issued To                                                                                                                          Age (18 or over)
Melrose Pyrotechnics, Inc.
4369 E Summit Woods Dr NE, Rockford, MI 49341
Name of Organization, Group, Firm, or Corporation
Muskegon Country Club
2801 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon MI 49441
Number and Types of Fireworks
Approximately 600 aerial display shells ranging in size from 1 ¼ inches to 5 inches in diameter.

Exact Location of Display
2801 Lakeshore Drive, Muskegon MI 49441
City, Village, Township                                                                          Date                                       Time
Muskegon, MI                                                                                     July 2, 2021                               Dusk
Bond or Insurance Filed?                                                                                                                    Amount
                                    Yes                                     No                                                              $5,000,000.00

Issued by action of :                       council                 commission                      board of the

    city              village                township of ____________________________________________
                                                                      (Name of City, Village, Township)
on the __________________ day of ________________________________, _______________

                                         (Signature and Title of Council/Commission/Board Representative)
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021                 Title: Muskegon Park Place Provisionary

Submitted By: Ann Meisch                                Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: Park Place Provisionary is proposing an event, Smoke on the Water, at 1922 Park
Street on July 24, 2021 from noon to 8 pm that will include live music.

Detailed Summary: A detailed outline of the event is attached. This is an on-site cannabis
consumption event. This is the first time this neighborhood has had live music so staff is asking for
approval of the live bands as well as permission for the Clerk to sign the required attestation for the
State. Staff met with the organizers to discuss logistics and is satisfied with the plan as outlined.

Amount Requested: none.                               Amount Budgeted: none

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To authorize the Clerk to sign the attached attestation and approve live
music at 1922 Park Street on July 24, 2021.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
April 2, 2021

Dear Muskegon City Commissioners,

As Muskegon’s only licensed Marijuana Event Organizer I bring to you today a marijuana
consumption event request for Saturday, July 24 at Park Place Provisionary. We require a City
Clerk signature on an attestation for our State Temporary Marijuana Event permit filing.

The details are as follows:

Location: 1922 Park Street, Muskegon Park Place Provisionary’s east parking lot, on the map
as Parcels 1 and 2.

Date: July 24, 2021

Time: noon to 8 PM

Event name: Smoke on the Water

Tickets: $42 to $75, pre-sold via a third party and in our stores

Who: People 21 and older, no kids, no animals, no bikes, blades or boards. IDs are checked at
the gate and patrons will be issued wristbands.

What: Live music from three or four bands throughout the day, no alcohol sales, we will have
food trucks or vendors, on-site cannabis sales from Agri-Med (Park Place Provisionary) only.
This sales area will be on the south side of the building.

COVID: We will scale this event to Michigan’s regulations on crowd size and provide hand
cleaning stands and sinks with soap and water at the portajohns.

Responsible parties: This is a joint venture between Roberta F. King, AU licensed Marijuana
Event Organizer and Agri-Med AU licensee and property owner—DBA Park Place Provisionary.

Marijuana consumption: This is an on-site cannabis consumption event and while there’s no
program like TIPS for budtenders, Public Health Muskegon County is working on developing
some helpful information for security and budtenders. People will be smoking marijuana
on-premise. Ashtrays will be provided. There will be fire extinguishers and a faucet with a hose
is on site.

Insured: We are insured for a million dollars in liability.

Overconsumption: We’ll have several chaise lounges under a four-pole canopy for people who
need to lay down and chill. We’ll ask Muskegon Fire will staff this area from 2 to 8 PM.
Parking: On the north side of the building (handicapped and special tickets) and surrounding

Neighbors: Shelby Avenue residents will receive written notice of the event one month in
advance and will be offered complimentary admission to the event.
As Shelby Avenue is the only public-facing area (which according to state rules must be blocked
from view, we’re planning to move two on-site semi-trailers to that area to block the view. It will
also muffle the sound.

Security: We working with Umbrella Security and will have seven security personnel on-site at
all times, two each at the entrances and two walking the premises and one watching the egress

Seating: We’re providing at least 100 folding chairs, but urging people to bring their own.

Stage and power: There will be a temporary rented stage on the east side of the building and
power will come from sources there.

Tents: The only tents on site will be small four-pole “vendor” canopy tents.

Other: We’ll be providing lawn games like cornhole for people to play, hula hoops and there
may be a Puff and Paint class, yoga or an infused cooking demonstration too.

Marketing will be handled by Canna Communication and Agri-Med.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Roberta F. King
Marijuana Event Organizer

3393 Fulton Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49441
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021               Title: Lakeshore Creative Services
                                                      Agreement Extension

Submitted By: Ann Meisch                              Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: The agreement with Lakeshore Creative Services is set to expire in April. Because
meetings have been held virtually for over a year, we have not been able to take full advantage of
these services. Staff is recommending that we extend the agreement for one year and continue
with Lakeshore Creative Services.

Detailed Summary:

Amount Requested: none.                              Amount Budgeted: none

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: Approve the extension of the agreement with Lakeshore Creative Services
for one year.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021             Title: 2021 User Fee Update

Submitted By: Kenneth Grant                         Department: Finance

Brief Summary: City Departments have reviewed and updated their user fees and these have been
incorporated into the Master Fee Resolution that is attached for your consideration.

Key Updates : (See Highlighted Items on the Spreadsheet for all of the changes )
   •   DPW Parks- Park Building Use(New Fees)
   •   DPW Parks- Highlighted Channel & Picnic fees have been lowered
   •   DPW Parks- Beach Parking Fees updated (previously approved by Commission)
   •   Farmers Market Corner Stall fees have been increase
   •   Special Events has added 5 new fees
   •   Ice Rescue Call increased to $60.00
   •   Western Market Fess added to the schedule for the first time
   •   City Code Compliance-Vacant Building Fees have been reduced
   •   Public Safety-Added a new fees for Short Term Rental Inspections
   •   Zoning has increased 8 fees

Amount Requested:                                  Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                             Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: Approval of the 2021 Master Fee Resolution

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                                                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                     2021 USER FEES
     DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                2020 FEES       2021 FEES                          COMMENTS                            CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
1        ALL                                                  TOTAL BALANCE DUE               15.00%          15.00%
                   OUTSIDE PARTIES
2        ALL       COPIES FOR PUBLIC (STANDARD SIZES)             PER COPY                      0.25            0.25
3        ALL       FAX CHARGE FOR INFORMATION REQUESTS            PER PAGE                      0.50            0.50

4        ALL                                                  PAST DUE BALANCE                 1.00%           1.00%              PER MO./IMPOSED AFTER 30 DAYS

     DEPARTMENT                 DESCRIPTION                         UNIT                2020 FEES       2021 FEES                          COMMENTS                            CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
5     CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                     1,500.00        1,500.00
                   (CRYPTS A-B)
6     CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                     1,900.00        1,900.00
                   (CRYPTS A-B) NR *
7     CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                     1,800.00        1,800.00
                   (CRYPTS C-F)
8     CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                     2,200.00        2,200.00
                   (CRYPTS C-F) NR *
 9    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN)            ONE GRAVE                    830.00          830.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
10    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (EVERGREEN)           TWO GRAVES                  1,500.00        1,500.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
11    CEMETERIES                                                 TWO GRAVES                  1,800.00        1,800.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
12    CEMETERIES                                                 ONE GRAVE                   1,000.00        1,000.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
13    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE)             ONE GRAVE                    830.00          830.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
14    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE)            TWO GRAVES                  1,500.00        1,500.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
15    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE) NR *       ONE GRAVE                   1,000.00        1,000.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE

16    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (LAKESIDE) NR *       TWO GRAVES                  1,800.00        1,800.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
17    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD)              ONE GRAVE                    830.00          830.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
18    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD)             TWO GRAVES                  1,500.00        1,500.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
19    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD) NR *        TWO GRAVES                  1,800.00        1,800.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE

20    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (OAKWOOD) NR *        ONE GRAVE                   1,000.00        1,000.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
21    CEMETERIES                                                 ONE GRAVE                    800.00          800.00                50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   FLUSH MARKER)
22    CEMETERIES                                                 TWO GRAVES                  1,435.00        1,435.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   FLUSH MARKER)
23    CEMETERIES                                                 ONE GRAVE                    900.00          900.00                50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   FLUSH MARKER) NR *
24    CEMETERIES                                                 TWO GRAVES                  1,550.00        1,550.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   FLUSH MARKER) NR *
25    CEMETERIES                                                 ONE GRAVE                    835.00          835.00                50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   UPRIGHT MARKER)
26    CEMETERIES                                                 TWO GRAVES                  1,500.00        1,500.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   UPRIGHT MARKER)
27    CEMETERIES                                                 ONE GRAVE                   1,000.00        1,000.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   UPRIGHT MARKER) NR *
28    CEMETERIES                                                 TWO GRAVES                  1,800.00        1,800.00               50% GOES TO PERPETUAL CARE
                   UPRIGHT MARKER) NR *
29    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      350.00          350.00
30    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      400.00          400.00
                   (RESTLAWN) NR*
                   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (1/2 GRAVE--ALL
31    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      600.00          600.00
                   CEMETERIES GRAVE PRICES (1/2 GRAVE--ALL
32    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      650.00          650.00
                   CEMETERIES) NR *
33    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (1/2 GRAVE)                   EACH                      300.00          300.00
34    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (1/2 GRAVE) NR *              EACH                      350.00          350.00
35    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (CREMATION)                   EACH                      350.00          350.00
36    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING (CREMATION) NR *              EACH                      400.00          400.00

37    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                       80.00           80.00                   FOR ADDITIONAL ASHES
38    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING                               EACH                      500.00          500.00
39    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OPENING NR *                          EACH                      600.00          600.00
40    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      175.00          175.00
41    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      200.00          200.00
                   BABYLAND) NR *
42    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      300.00          300.00
43    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      350.00          350.00
                   BABYLAND) NR *
44    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      400.00          400.00
45    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES OVERTIME (SATURDAYS)                  EACH                      500.00          500.00
46    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      600.00          600.00
47    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES WEEKEND/HOLIDAY LATE FEE              EACH                      400.00          400.00      IF MORE THAN 1 HOUR PAST SCHEDULED BURIAL TIME.

48    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      900.00          900.00
49    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      950.00          950.00
                   2 ROWS)
50    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      700.00          700.00
                   (BOTTOM 2 ROWS)
51    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      750.00          750.00
                   (BOTTOM 2 ROWS)
52    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES NICHES (OPEN/CLOSING)                  EACH                     150.00          150.00
53    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES NICHES (OPEN/CLOSING) NR               EACH                     200.00          200.00
54    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES HEADSTONE SERVICE                PER SQUARE INCH                  0.55            0.55                     MINIMUM $60.00
55    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                       60.00           60.00
56    CEMETERIES   CEMETERIES SERVICE (MAUSOLEUM VASES)             EACH                       75.00           75.00

57    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                       25.00           25.00
58    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                       50.00           50.00
59    CEMETERIES   ENTOMBMENT - EVERGREEN MAUSOLEM                  EACH                      300.00          300.00
                   ENTOMBMENT NR - EVERGREEN
60    CEMETERIES                                                    EACH                      400.00          400.00
61    CEMETERIES                                                                              200.00          200.00 IF ENGRAVING NOT COMPLETED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ENTOMBMENT
62    CEMETERIES   TRANSFER & AFFIDAVIT FEE PER GRAVE SPACE         EACH                      200.00          200.00

63    CEMETERIES   CHAPEL FUNERAL SERVICE                           EACH                      200.00          200.00
      DEPARTMENT                DESCRIPTION                        UNIT           2020 FEES       2021 FEES                             COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
64       CLERK     ADDRESS LABELS - VOTER REGISTRATION              EACH                  0.05            0.05
65       CLERK     BUSINESS REGISTRATION                            EACH                 35.00           35.00
66       CLERK                                                    ANNUAL                150.00          150.00
                   MAY 1ST
67       CLERK                                                    PER DAY                10.00           10.00
68       CLERK     BUSINESS AUCTIONEER LICENSE (REGULAR)          PER YEAR              100.00          100.00

69       CLERK     AUCTION FEE                                    PER DAY                30.00           30.00
70       CLERK     BUSINESS ENTERTAINMENT OCCUPANCY               PER YEAR              125.00          125.00
71       CLERK                                                      EACH                 75.00           75.00
                   OR MORE ADVANCE NOTICE)
72       CLERK                                                      EACH                100.00          100.00
                   DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE)

                                                                                                                  CHARGED TO LAW FIRMS AND OTHER FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS
73       CLERK     CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM RENTAL               PER HOUR               25.00           25.00
                                                                                                                    WISHING TO USE FACILITIES FOR NON-CITY RELATED BUSINESS

74       CLERK     ENCROACHMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FEE              EACH                100.00          100.00

75       CLERK     ENCROACHMENT PERMIT CERTIFICATE FEE         EACH LOCATION             50.00           50.00                      SAME AS RENEWAL FEE

76       CLERK     ENCROACHMENT/RENTAL FEE (BUS BENCHES)     PER BENCH/PERMONTH           5.00            5.00

77       CLERK     ENCROACHMENT 1-YEAR RENEWAL                      EACH                 25.00           25.00
                   ENCROACHMENT 1-YEAR RENEWAL
78       CLERK                                                      EACH                 50.00           50.00
                   (INSPECTION REQ'D)
79       CLERK     ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO WORK IN R-O-W           PER UNIT               10.00           10.00             OR ACTUAL COSTS (WHICHEVER IS GREATER)

80       CLERK                                                      EACH                 75.00           75.00
                   (30 OR MORE DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE)

81       CLERK                                                      EACH                150.00          150.00
                   (LESS THAN 30 DAYS ADVANCE NOTICE)
82       CLERK                                                      EACH                100.00          100.00
                   FEBRUARY 28)
83       CLERK                                                      EACH                150.00          150.00
84       CLERK                                                      EACH                250.00          250.00
                   OR LOCATION
85       CLERK     PREMISES LIQUOR LICENSE (FORMERLY                EACH               2,500.00        2,500.00             SAME REVIEW PROCESS AS FOR RENEWAL
                   DOWNTOWN DEV AUTH LICENSE)
86       CLERK     NEW LIQUOR LICENSE                               EACH               1,000.00        1,000.00                      REPLACES FEES ABOVE
87       CLERK     GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE                       EACH                  50.00           50.00                 UP TO ONE MONTH - RENEWABLE
88       CLERK                                                      EACH                 25.00           25.00
89       CLERK     MOBILE FOOD VENDING PERMIT                     ANNUAL                300.00          300.00                 APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014
90       CLERK                                                    ANNUAL                150.00          150.00                 APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014
                   MORTAR RESTAURANT IN CITY)
91       CLERK                                                    ANNUAL                 50.00           50.00                 APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014
92       CLERK     PASSPORT APPLICATION FEE                         EACH                 35.00           35.00                        PER FEDERAL LAW
93       CLERK     PASSPORT PHOTO FEE                               EACH                 15.00           15.00
94       CLERK     MONEY ORDERS                                     EACH                  5.00            5.00                        NEW SERVICE & FEE
95       CLERK     PRECINCT MAPS (SMALL)                            EACH                  2.00            2.00
96       CLERK     PUBLIC NOTARY FEE                                EACH                  5.00            5.00                   CONSISTENT WITH COUNTY FEE
                   SPECIAL EVENT PARKING FEE (UNDER 50
97       CLERK                                                   PER EVENT               25.00           25.00                 APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014
                   PARKING SPOTS)
                   SPECIAL EVENT PARKING FEE (OVER 50
98       CLERK                                                   PER EVENT               50.00           50.00                 APPROVED BY COMMISSION IN 2014
                   PARKING SPOTS)
99       CLERK                                                      EACH                500.00          500.00             PER NEW STATE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT
100      CLERK     VOTER INFORMATION - ON DISK                      EACH                 25.00           25.00
101      CLERK     VOTER REGISTRATION - HARDCOPY LIST            PER LISTING              0.01            0.01
102      CLERK     VOTER REGISTRATION - MAILING LABELS            PER LABEL               0.05            0.05

      DEPARTMENT                DESCRIPTION                        UNIT           2020 FEES       2021 FEES                             COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
103      CNS       MORTGAGE REFINANCE FEE                           EACH                 50.00           50.00
104      CNS       REHAB LOAN APPLICATION FEE                       EACH                200.00          200.00
105      CNS       FAÇADE PROGRAM - 50% AMI AND BELOW               EACH                 60.00           60.00                          ELIGIBLITY FEE
106      CNS       FAÇADE PROGRAM - 51% - 60% AMI                   EACH                250.00          250.00                          ELIGIBLITY FEE
107      CNS       FAÇADE PROGRAM - 61% TO 80% AMI                  EACH                500.00          500.00                          ELIGIBLITY FEE
108      CNS       PRIORITY HOME REPAIR APPLICATION FEE             EACH                 60.00           60.00

109      CNS       RENTAL REHAB APPLICATION FEE                   PER LOAN              100.00          100.00

      DEPARTMENT                DESCRIPTION                        UNIT           2020 FEES       2021 FEES                             COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
110      DPW       ADDITIONAL GARBAGE SERVICE (1 TOTER)          PER MONTH               13.00           13.00

111      DPW       APPLIANCE STICKER                                EACH                 25.00           25.00
112      DPW                                                        EACH                 55.00           55.00
113      DPW       GARBAGE SERVICE - SMALL BUSINESS              PER MONTH               16.00           16.00               INCLUDES CHURCHES AND NON-PROFITS
114      DPW                                                    PER INCIDENT             50.00           50.00
115      DPW                                                        EACH                 55.00           55.00
116      DPW       GARBAGE SERVICE - NEW SERVICE STARTUP            EACH                 55.00           55.00

117      DPW       GARBAGE SERVICE - MIXED REFUSE STICKER           EACH                  2.00            2.00                BUY 6 FOR $10.00 - UNIT PRICE $1.67
118      DPW                                                        EACH                 50.00           50.00             OR ACTUAL COSTS (WHICHEVER IS GREATER)
119      DPW       (DURING REGULAR HOURS) - BY                      EACH                 25.00           25.00
                   APPOINTMENT ONLY
120      DPW       REPLACE EMPLOYEE ID/ACCESS TKC CARD          PER LOST CARD            10.00           10.00                        REACTIVATED FEE
121      DPW       STORM SEWER CONNECTION FEE                        EACH               800.00          800.00                           STUB FEE
122      DPW       TREE REPLACEMENT PLANTING FEE                     EACH               200.00          200.00
                   TREE REMOVAL FEE (12" AND UNDER
123      DPW                                                        EACH                200.00          200.00                TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
124      DPW       TREE REMOVAL FEE (12" - 18" DIAMETER)            EACH                 500.00          500.00               TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
125      DPW       TREE REMOVAL FEE (18" - 24" DIAMETER)            EACH                 650.00          650.00               TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
126      DPW       TREE REMOVAL FEE (24" - 30" DIAMETER)            EACH                 750.00          750.00               TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
127      DPW       TREE REMOVAL FEE (30" - 36" DIAMETER)            EACH               1,000.00        1,000.00               TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
128      DPW       TREE REMOVAL FEE (36" - 42" DIAMETER)            EACH               1,700.00        1,700.00               TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
                             TREE REMOVAL FEE (42" AND OVER
129          DPW                                                               EACH               1,900.00        1,900.00                TREE MEASURED AT 4' ABOVE GRADE
130          DPW             HANG AND/OR REMOVE BANNER                    EACH REQUEST             450.00          450.00                  EACH ADDITIONAL BANNER: $50.00
131          DPW             USE OF BIKE PATH FOR ORGANIZED EVENTS          EACH EVENT             200.00          200.00                              PER EVENT
                             EXCLUSIVE USE OF HACKLEY PK FOR SPECIAL
132      DPW (PARKS)                                                         PER DAY               125.00          125.00
133      DPW (PARKS)         PARK BUILDING USE                             PER SESSION                             175.00     11AM-7PM RENTAL ($50 REFUNDABLE FOR CLEANING DEPOSIT)                     *NEW FEE*

                             USE FEE IN ADDITION TO SPECIAL EVENT
134      DPW (PARKS)                                                         PER DAY               125.00          250.00                                                                               100.00%
                             APPLICLATION FEE
                             CLEANING DEPOSIT FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF
135      DPW (PARKS)         HACKLEY, PERE MARQUETTE OR MARGARET               EACH                 50.00           50.00
                             DRAKE ELLIOTT PARKS - SPECIAL EVENT

136      DPW (PARKS)         PARK BUILDING USE                             PER SESSION                             225.00     11AM-7PM RENTAL ($50 REFUNDABLE FOR CLEANING DEPOSIT)                     *NEW FEE*

137      DPW (PARKS)         PARK BUILDING USE                               PER DAY                               225.00     9AM-11PM RENTAL ($50 REFUNDABLE FOR CLEANING DEPOSIT)                     *NEW FEE*

138      DPW (PARKS)         PARK BUILDING USE )                           PER SESSION             125.00            0.00                         9-3 or 4-11 SESSIONS.                                -100.00%
                             PARK BUILDING USE (CLEANING/SECURITY
140      DPW (PARKS)                                                           EACH                 50.00           50.00                              All buildings
141      DPW (PARKS)         MC GRAFT PARK MUSIC BOWL                         HOUR                  45.00           45.00
142      DPW (PARKS)         PARKS (LIGHT COSTS SPORT FIELDS & COURTS)         EACH                 40.00           40.00

                                                                                                                          DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
143      DPW (PARKS)         PARKS (WOOD SNOW FENCE RENTAL)                    EACH                 30.00           30.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                                 UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                          DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
144      DPW (PARKS)         PARKS (USE OF GARBAGE CANS)                       EACH                   5.00           5.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                                 UP IS REQUIRED
                             SPORTS FIELD & COURT RENTAL (EXLUDES
145      DPW (PARKS)                                                      2 HOUR RENTAL             25.00           25.00
                             SETUP SERVICES)
146      DPW (PARKS)         CHANNEL SHELTER RENTAL                          PER DAY               150.00          125.00                              9am-11pm                                         -16.67%
147      DPW (PARKS)         CHANNEL SHELTER RENTAL                           EACH                  75.00           75.00
148      DPW (PARKS)         PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                         EACH SESSION            100.00          100.00          For Kruse#4, Margaret Drake Elliot and Syerforth Parks
                                                                                                                             For Kruse#4, Margaret Drake Elliot and Syerforth Parks from 9am-
149      DPW (PARKS)         PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                           PER DAY               200.00          175.00                                                                               -12.50%
149      DPW (PARKS)         PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                         EACH SESSION             75.00           75.00            For Beachwood, Kruse 1, 2 and 3 from 9am-11pm
150      DPW (PARKS)         PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                         EACH SESSION             50.00           50.00                    For Campbell and Smith Ryerson
151      DPW (PARKS)         PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL                           PER DAY               150.00          125.00            For Beachwood, Kruse 1, 2 and 3 from 9am-11pm                      -16.67%
                             PICNIC SHELTER RENTAL RESERVATION
152      DPW (PARKS)                                                           EACH                 15.00           15.00
154      DPW (PARKS)         CLEANING FEE FOR RENTALS                          EACH                 75.00           75.00                 NOT CHARGED IF FACILITY LEFT CLEAN
                             GROUPED TABLES (4) AT DRAKE-ELLIOTT (48
155      DPW (PARKS)                                                       EACH SESSION             50.00           50.00
                             GROUPED TABLES (4) AT DRAKE-ELLIOTT (48
156      DPW (PARKS)                                                         PER DAY               100.00           75.00                              9am-11pm                                         -25.00%
156      DPW (PARKS)         WEDDING RESERVATIONS-MCGRAFT LAGOON               EACH                150.00          150.00

157      DPW (PARKS)         WEDDING RESERVATIONS-PERE MARQUETTE               EACH                175.00          175.00

                             WEDDING RESERVATIONS-CHANNEL AREA
158      DPW (PARKS)                                                           EACH                225.00          225.00
                             (INCLUDES SHELTER)
159      DPW (PARKS)         KEY DEPOSIT (RESTROOM)                            EACH                 25.00           25.00
                                                                                                                          DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
160      DPW (PARKS)         CITY SERVICES (55-GAL METAL TRASH CANS)          EACH                   5.00            5.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                                 UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                          DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
161      DPW (PARKS)         CITY SERVICES RENTAL OF POSTS                  EACH POST                3.00            3.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                                 UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                          DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
162      DPW (PARKS)         CITY SERVICES (PICNIC TABLES)                     EACH                 10.00           10.00 ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                                 UP IS REQUIRED
163      DPW (PARKS)         CITY SERVICES (LABOR PARKS OR DPW STAFF)        PER HOUR               60.00           60.00

164      DPW (PARKS)         RENTAL OF PORTABLE STAGE                          EACH                100.00          100.00
165      DPW (PARKS)         RENTAL OF BLEACHERS                               EACH                100.00          100.00
166      DPW (PARKS)         BEACH PARKING DAILY RATE MON-THURS                EACH                  5.00            7.00                                                                               40.00%

167      DPW (PARKS)         BEACH PARKING DAILY RATE WEEKENDS                 EACH                  7.00           10.00                                                                               42.86%
168      DPW (PARKS)         BEACH PARKING ANNUAL PASS                         EACH                 20.00           20.00

        DEPARTMENT                         DESCRIPTION                        UNIT           2020 FEES       2021 FEES                               COMMENTS                                   CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
169      ENGINEERING         WIDE LOAD PERMIT                                  EACH                 50.00           50.00
                             CHARGE FOR BLUEPRINTS (PLANS & UTILITY
170      ENGINEERING                                                           EACH                  8.00            8.00
171      ENGINEERING         CHARGE FOR BID DOCUMENTS                          EACH                 40.00           40.00
173      ENGINEERING         STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BILLING FEE              PER BILL                5.00            5.00

                             STORM WATER MANAGEMENT HOOKUP FEE
174      ENGINEERING                                                           EACH                175.00          175.00                  5,000 GALLON PER DAY MAXIMUM
                             FOR SYSTEM AVAILABILITY
                             STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT
175      ENGINEERING                                                           EACH                500.00          500.00
                             APPLICATION FEE
                             STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USE
176      ENGINEERING                                                     PER 1,000 GALLONS           0.20            0.20
177      ENGINEERING                                                        EACH UNIT               25.00           25.00             SIDEWALK/DRIVE APPROACHES, LANDSCAPING
                             RIGHT OF WAY
178      ENGINEERING         UTILITY ANNUAL PERMIT FEE                         EACH               1,750.00        1,750.00
180      ENGINEERING         UTILITY CUT PERMIT FEE                            UNIT                  20.00           20.00
                             UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL-
181      ENGINEERING                                                       SQUARE YARD             100.00          100.00             FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE
                             PAVEMENT <4 YEARSOLD)
                             UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL-
182      ENGINEERING                                                       SQUARE YARD              75.00           75.00             FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE
                             PAVEMENT 4-9 YEARSOLD)
                             UTILITY CUT (PAVEMENT REMOVAL-
183      ENGINEERING                                                       SQUARE YARD              50.00           50.00             FEES ADJUSTED TO REFLECT RESIDUAL VALUE
                             PAVEMENT >10 YEARSOLD)
185      ENGINEERING         ROAD CLOSURE (EXCLUDING SPECIAL EVENTS)           EACH                 25.00           25.00

186      ENGINEERING         DUMPSTER IN ROAD OR RIGHT OF WAY                  EACH                 25.00           25.00
                             REPLACE/ INSTALL SIDEWALK IN RIGHT OF
187      ENGINEERING                                                        EACH UNIT               25.00           25.00
                             REPLACE/ INSTALL COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY
188      ENGINEERING                                                        EACH UNIT               50.00           50.00
                             IN RIGHT OF WAY

        DEPARTMENT                         DESCRIPTION                        UNIT           2020 FEES       2021 FEES                               COMMENTS                                   CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
191                          TERRACE VIOLATIONS ADMINISTRATION FEE        FIRST VIOLATION           50.00           50.00             PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED.
                                                                                                                                PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED. FEE FOR EACH
192                                                                      EACH SUBSEQUENT            10.00           10.00    SUBSEQUENT VIOLATIONS INCREMENT $50 (E.G. 2ND VIOLATION =
                                                                                                                                                 $60; 3RD = $70, ETC
193                                GRASS, TRASH AND LEAF VIOLATIONS             FIRST VIOLATION              90.00           90.00             PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED.
                                                                                                                                        PLUS HOURLY COST FOR WORK PERFORMED. FEE FOR EACH
194                                                                            EACH SUBSEQUENT               15.00           15.00   SUBSEQUENT VIOLATIONS INCREMENT $90 (E.G. 2ND VIOLATION =
          ENFORCEMENT              SUBSEQUENT IN YEAR)
                                                                                                                                                        $105; 3RD = $120, ETC
195                                LATE FEE ON INVOICES OVER 30 DAYS             EACH INVOICE                10.00           10.00

           DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                          UNIT             2020 FEES       2021 FEES                             COMMENTS                                 CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
196    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE        VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                 VACANT BUILDING                0.00           0.00                   VACANT LESS THAN ONE YEAR
197    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE        VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                 VACANT BUILDING            1,000.00         100.00              VACANT 1 YEAR OR MORE (RESIDENTIAL)                          -90.00%
198    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE        VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                 VACANT BUILDING            2,000.00         500.00              VACANT 1 YEAR OR MORE (COMMERCIAL)                           -75.00%
199    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE        VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION                 VACANT BUILDING            4,000.00         500.00               VACANT 1 YEAR OR MORE (INDUSTRIAL)                          -87.50%
                                   VACANT BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL
203    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE                                                       OCCURRENCE                 25.00           25.00                       NON-REFUNDABLE FEE
                                   FEE (31-60 DAYS LATE)
                                   VACANT BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL
204    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE                                                       OCCURRENCE                 35.00           35.00                       NON-REFUNDABLE FEE
                                   FEE (61-90 DAYS LATE)
                                   VACANT BUILDING REGISTRATION - FORMAL
205    CITY-CODE COMPLIANCE                                                       OCCURRENCE                 50.00           50.00                       NON-REFUNDABLE FEE
                                   APPEAL FEE

           DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                          UNIT             2020 FEES       2021 FEES                             COMMENTS                                 CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION PER
206    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                     SINGLE UNIT                80.00          100.00     INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 4 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE                  25.00%
                                   PARCEL (LONG TERM)
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION PER
207    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                     SINGLE UNIT                               100.00               INSPECTIONS FOR SHORT TERM RENTALS                          *NEW FEE*
                                   PARCEL (SHORT TERM)
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION PER
208    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                       DUPLEX                   90.00           90.00     INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 4 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE
                                   PARCEL (ANNUAL)
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION (ANNUAL -
209    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                       3 UNITS                 110.00          110.00     INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 4 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REGISTRATION (ANNUAL -
210    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                   PER UNIT OVER 3              15.00           15.00     INCLUDES ONE INSPECTION EVERY 4 YEARS FOR COMPLIANCE
                                   PER PARCEL OVER 3)
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION (INSPECTION
211    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL      NO-SHOW FIRST TIME OR LATE                      PER UNIT                  70.00           70.00    FEE ASSESSED FOR NO-SHOW/LOCK OUT OR LATE CANCELLATION
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION                                                                            FEE ASSESSED WHEN A 3RD CANCELLATION IS RECEIVED BY
212    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                     OCCURRENCE                 70.00           70.00
                                   CANCELLATION FEE                                                                                                     CUSTOMER OR AGENT
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION
                                                                                                                                     ADDED TO BASE CANCELLATION FEE; EACH CANCELLATION INSTANCE
213    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL      CANCELLATION FEE (STARTING WITH 4TH            OCCURRENCE                 20.00           20.00
                                                                                                                                         WILL CAUSE FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $15.00
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY INSPECTION (INSPECTION
                                                                                                                                       ADDED TO BASE NO SHOW FEE; EACH NO SHOW INSTANCE WILL
214    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL      NO-SHOW EACH ADDT'L TIME OR LATE                PER UNIT                  25.00           25.00
                                                                                                                                       CAUSE INSPECTION FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $20.00
                                                                                                                                       FEE TO BE ASSESSED TO PROPERTIES NOT BROUGHT INTO
215    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL      RENTAL PROPERTY REINSPECTION FEE                PER UNIT                  50.00           50.00
                                                                                                                                              COMPLIANCE AFTER THE FIRST INSPECTION
                                                                                                                                      ADDED TO BASE NON-COMPLIANCE FEE; EACH REINSPECTION
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY REINSPECTION (STARTING
216    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                                      PER UNIT                  20.00           20.00 INSTANCE WILL CAUSE NON-COMPLIANCE FEE TO INCREASE BY AN
                                   WITH 2ND REINSPECTION)
                                                                                                                                                         ADDITIONAL $15.00
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY EXTERIOR ONLY                                                                        FEE ASSESSED TO PROPERTIES IN COMPLIANCE INTERIOR
                                   REINSPECTION)                                                                                                 REQUIREMENTS BY FIRST INSPECTION
                                   RENTAL PROPERTY EXTERIOR ONLY                                                                        ADDED TO BASE EXTERIOR NON-COMPLIANCE FEE; EACH
                                   EXTERIOR ONLY REINSPECTION)                                                                                FEE TO INCREASE BY AN ADDITIONAL $15.00
                                   LATE FEE FOR NON-PAYMENT OF RENTAL
219    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL                                               EACH PROPERTY VIOLATION          15.00           15.00                    FEE CHARGED AFTER 30 DAYS
                                   REGISTRATION ANNUAL FEE
220    PUBLIC SAFETY - RENTAL      HOUSING-WARRANT INSPECTION FEE                    EACH                   150.00          150.00
221 PUBLIC SAFETY - ENV SERVICES BOARD UP'S - FIRST 5 BOARDS                     PER INSTANCE                40.00           40.00      PLUS THE COST OF THE CONTRACTOR TO DO THE BOARD UP


                                   ADMINISTRATIVE OVERHEAD ON
223 PUBLIC SAFETY - ENV SERVICES                                                   PER UNIT                  20.0%           20.0%          BASED ON THE CONTRACTORS PRICE TO DEMOLISH

           DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                          UNIT             2020 FEES       2021 FEES                             COMMENTS                                 CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
224       FARMERS' MARKET          DAILY - SATURDAY                                  DAILY                   30.00           30.00                        SATURDAY ONLY
225       FARMERS' MARKET          DAILY - WEEKDAY                                   DAILY                   15.00           15.00                     WEEKDAYS WITH NO TIERS
226       FARMERS' MARKET          CORNER STALL-OUTDOOR                            MAY-JUNE                 372.00          550.00                                                                            47.85%
227       FARMERS' MARKET          TIER 1 - REGULAR                                MAY-JUNE                 342.00          500.00                                                                            46.20%
228       FARMERS' MARKET          REGULAR NO PARKING                              MAY-JUNE                 194.00          400.00                                                                           106.19%
235       FARMERS' MARKET          WINTER MARKET-GARAGE DOOR                         DAILY                   25.00           30.00                                                                            20.00%
236       FARMERS' MARKET          WINTER MARKET- SMALL TABLE                        DAILY                   10.00           20.00                                                                           100.00%
237       FARMERS' MARKET          WINTER MARKET                                   5 MONTHS                 400.00          400.00             FEE FOR EXTENDED HOURS AT NEW MARKET
                                   FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL -
238       FARMERS' MARKET                                                         PER SESSION               250.00          250.00            9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM
                                   FACILITY A
                                   FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL -
239       FARMERS' MARKET                                                         PER SESSION               250.00          250.00            9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM
                                   FACILITY B
                                   FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL -
240       FARMERS' MARKET                                                         PER SESSION               250.00          250.00            9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM
                                   FACILITY C
                                   FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL -
241       FARMERS' MARKET                                                         PER SESSION               100.00          100.00            9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM OR 4:00 PM TO 10:00 PM
                                   FACILITY D
                                   FARMERS' MARKET FACILITIES RENTAL -
242       FARMERS' MARKET                                                         PER SESSION                50.00           50.00 9:00 AM TO 1:00 PM OR 1:30 PM TO 5:30 PM OR 6:00 PM TO 10:00 PM
                                   MARKET STAGE
                                   KITCHEN USE - PREP/TABLETOP -REGULAR
244   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                      PER HOUR                  12.00           12.00
245   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE - BAKING - REGULAR USER                  PER HOUR                  15.00           15.00

246   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE - PROCESSING - REGULAR USER              PER HOUR                  15.00           15.00

247   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE - CATERING - REGULAR USER                PER HOUR                  15.00           15.00

                              KITCHEN USE - SECURITY DEPOSIT REGULAR                                                                     DEPOSIT REFUNDED IF NO DAMAGE, KITCHEN IS CLEANED,
249   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                     PER RENTAL                 50.00           50.00
                              USER                                                                                                                   EQUIPMENT RETURNED, ETC.
                              KITCHEN USE -APPLICATION FEE FOR REGULAR
250   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                     PER RENTAL                 20.00           20.00                     INCLUDES ONE KEY CARD
251   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE -OCCASIONAL OR ONE TIME USE              PER HOUR                  25.00           25.00

                              KITCHEN USE - SECURITY DEPOSIT                                                                             DEPOSIT REFUNDED IF NO DAMAGE, KITCHEN IS CLEANED,
252   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                     PER RENTAL                100.00          100.00
                              OCCASIONAL OR ONE TIME USE                                                                                             EQUIPMENT RETURNED, ETC
                              KITCHEN USE - APPLICATION FEE OCCASIONAL
253   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                     PER RENTAL                 20.00           20.00
                              OR ONE TIME USE
                              KITCHEN USE - KEY CARD FEE OCCASIONAL OR
254   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                     PER RENTAL                 10.00           10.00
                              ONE TIME USE
                              KITCHEN USE - REPLACEMENT OF ISSUED KEY
255   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN                                                      PER CARD                  25.00           25.00
256   FARMERS' MARKET KITCHEN KITCHEN USE - EXTRA KEY                              PER CARD                  10.00           10.00

                              DEALERS $50/PER YEAR INCREMENTAL MAX
                                                                                                                                                 CANCELLATION IS WITHOUT CHARGE IF MADE UP TO SEVEN DAYS IN

          DEPARTMENT                          DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                2020 FEES           2021 FEES                                COMMENTS                               CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
259           FINANCE            REPLACEMENT OF LOST PAYROLL CHECK              EACH OCCURRENCE                    25.00                 25.00
260           FINANCE            COPIES OF CITY BUDGET OR CAFR                        EACH                         25.00                 25.00

          DEPARTMENT                          DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                2020 FEES           2021 FEES                                COMMENTS                               CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
261             FIRE             FIRE REPORT COPY (MAJOR FIRE)                        EACH                         15.00                 15.00
262             FIRE             FIRE REPORT COPY (REGULAR)                           EACH                          5.00                  5.00
263             FIRE             PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (ENLARGED)                   EACH                         12.00                 12.00

264             FIRE             PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (STD SIZE)                   EACH                         15.00                 15.00
265             FIRE             PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (CD-ROM)                     EACH                         15.00                 15.00

266             FIRE             INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION ESCROW                  EACH INCIDENT                    15.00                 15.00                    PLUS RELATED COURT COSTS
267             FIRE             FIRE INSPECTION ADDITIONAL VISIT                 EACH INCIDENT                    20.00                 20.00                RE-INSPECTION/REPAIR/COMPLAINT
268             FIRE             ARSON FIRE RESTITUTION FEE                       PER HR ON CALL                   50.00                 50.00                    PLUS RELATED COURT COSTS
269             FIRE             FALSE ALARM FEE                                  PER HR ON CALL                   30.00                 30.00               AFTER 3RD FALSE ALARM IN ONE YEAR
270             FIRE             WILLFUL NEGLIGENCE FIRE FEE                      PER HR ON CALL                   25.00                 25.00
271             FIRE             CONFINED SPACE RESCUE FEE                        PER HR ON CALL                  100.00                100.00
272             FIRE             ICE RESCUE CALL                                  PER HR ON CALL                   20.00                 60.00                                                                        200.00%
273             FIRE             DOWNED POWER LINE                                    PER HR                       60.00                 60.00           AFTER FIRST FIFTEEN MINUTES, PER HOUR RATE
274             FIRE             SPECIAL USE PERMITS (PER UFC)                    EACH PER YEAR                    25.00                 25.00
275             FIRE             STRUCTURE FIRE RESPONSE                              EACH                        500.00                500.00    CHARGED TO OWNER'S INSURANCE (RESIDENTAL / COMMERCIAL)

276             FIRE             PI ACCIDENT RESPONSE                                PER HR            FULL RENTAL RATE         60.00              CHARGED TO AT FAULT DRIVER'S AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY

          DEPARTMENT                          DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                2020 FEES           2021 FEES                                COMMENTS                               CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
277        FLEA MARKET           DEALERS SPACE - CORNER COVERED SPACE                 DAILY                        25.00                 25.00

278        FLEA MARKET           DEALERS SPACE - 10 x 15 COVERED SPACE                DAILY                        25.00                 25.00
279        FLEA MARKET           DEALERS SPACE - 10 x 30 ASHPHALT SPACE               DAILY                        15.00                 15.00

          DEPARTMENT                          DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                2020 FEES           2021 FEES                                COMMENTS                               CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                                 DELINQUENT PAYMENT AGREEMENT
280         INCOME TAX                                                                EACH                         15.00                 15.00               PLUS RELATED PENALTIES & INTEREST
                                 ADMINISTRATION FEE

          DEPARTMENT                          DESCRIPTION                             UNIT                2020 FEES           2021 FEES                                COMMENTS                               CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
281   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   BUILDING CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION FEE                 EACH                         15.00                 15.00

                                 BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT                                            25% of Value; Min   25% of Value; Min
282   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        EACH
                                 (COMMERCIAL)                                                              $120.00             $120.00
283   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT (GARAGE)                  EACH                         60.00                 60.00

                                 BUILDING DEMOLITION PERMIT
284   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        EACH                        120.00                120.00
285   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1-$1,000 VALUE)               EACH                         55.00                 55.00

286   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1,001-$2,000 VALUE)           BASE                         55.00                 55.00

287   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($1,000-$2,000 VALUE)   EACH ADDITIONAL $100                  3.50                  3.50

                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($2,001-$25,000
288   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        BASE                         92.75                 92.75
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($2,001-$25,000
289   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000               15.38                 15.38
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($25,001-$50,000
290   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        BASE                        463.00                463.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($25,001-$50,000
291   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000               11.50                 11.50
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($50,001-$100,000
292   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        BASE                        753.00                753.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($50,001-$100,000
293   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000                8.00                  8.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($100,001-$500,000
294   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        BASE                      1,150.00            1,150.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($100,001-$500,000
295   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000                6.40                  6.40
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($500,001-$1,000,000
296   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        BASE                      3,731.00            3,731.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES ($500,001-$1,000,000
297   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000                5.45                  5.45
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES (OVER $1,000,000
298   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        BASE                      6,449.00            6,449.00
                                 BUILDING PERMIT FEES (OVER $1,000,000
299   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000                4.15                  4.15
                                 BUILDING PERMIT (INSPECTION-SPECIAL.
300   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                      PER HOUR                       65.00                 65.00                  REMOVED MINIMUM 2 HOURS
                                 REINSPECTION, ETC.)
                                 BUILDING PERMIT (PRE-MANUFACTURED
301   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        EACH                        50.00%             50.00%                   OF REGULAR BUILDING PERMIT FEE
                                 RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE)
                                 BUILDING PLAN REVIEW FEE (INCL FIRE
302   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     PERMIT FEE                     65.00%             65.00%                       OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE
                                 CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS
303   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        EACH                        500.00                500.00
                                 APPLICATION FEE
304   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (BASE PERMIT)                      BASE                         65.00                 65.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (BASEBOARD HEAT
305   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        EACH                          9.00                  9.00
306   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (CIRCUITS)                         EACH                          6.00                  6.00
307   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (DISHWASHER)                       EACH                          9.00                  9.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (ENERGY RETROFIT/TEMP
308   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        EACH                         45.00                 45.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FEEDERS, BUS DUCTS,
309   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       EACH 50'                       9.00                  9.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM 1-10
310   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        EACH                         75.00                 75.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM 11-20
311   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                        EACH                        150.00                150.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FIRE ALARM EA.
312   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                     EACH DEVICE                      8.00                  8.00
                                 STATION OVER 20 DEV)
313   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (FURNACE-UNIT HEATER)              EACH                          9.00                  9.00

                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-
314   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                      PER HOUR                       45.00                 45.00                       MINIMUM 1 HOUR
315   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-FINAL)                 EACH                         45.00                 45.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-HOURLY
316   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 HOUR        60.00    60.00                MINIMUM 1 HOUR
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-
317   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 HOUR        50.00    50.00                MINIMUM 1 HOUR
318   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA OR HP UP TO 20)        EACH         9.00     9.00

319   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA & HP 21 TO 50)         EACH        15.00    15.00
320   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (KVA & HP 50 AND OVER)      EACH        18.00    18.00

                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (LIGHTING FIXTURES-PER
321   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        10.00    10.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (METER
322   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        45.00    45.00
                                 INSPECTION/POWER TURN-ON)
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (POWER OUTLETS-INC
324   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        10.00    10.00
                                 RANGES, DRYERS)
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (RECREATIONAL VEHICLE
325   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH         8.00     8.00

                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 201 TO 600
327   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        20.00    20.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 601 TO 800
328   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        23.00    23.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES 801 TO 1200
329   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        30.00    30.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SERVICES OVER 1200
330   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        50.00    50.00
                                 AMP/GFI ONLY)
331   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS LETTER)              EACH        15.00    15.00
332   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS NEON)               EACH 25'      2.00     2.00
333   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SIGNS UNIT)                EACH        10.00    10.00
                                 ELECTRICAL PERMIT (SPECIAL
334   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        45.00    45.00
335   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW FEE                    EACH       25.00%   25.00%             OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE
337   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   GARAGE MOVING FEE                             EACH       200.00   200.00

339   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   LIQUOR LICENSE INSPECTION FEE                 EACH        80.00    80.00
340   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   LIQUOR LICENSE RE-INSPECTION FEE              EACH        50.00    50.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-
341   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        20.00    20.00
                                 COMMERCIAL HOODS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-OVER
342   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        60.00    60.00
                                 10,000 CFM)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-RES
343   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH         5.00     5.00
                                 BATH & KITCHEN)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (AIR HANDLERS-UNDER
344   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        20.00    20.00
                                 10,000 CFM)

                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-
346   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        30.00    30.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-
347   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        30.00    30.00
                                 COOLING TOWERS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-
348   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        30.00    30.00
                                 EVAPORATOR COILS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (A/C & REFRIG-
349   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        30.00    30.00
                                 REFRIGERATION SPLIT SYSTEM)
350   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (BASE PERMIT)               EACH        65.00    65.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE
351   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                               PER FOOT       0.10     0.10               $25.00 MINIMUM FEE
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE
352   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                               PER FOOT       0.10     0.10               $25.00 MINIMUM FEE
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE
353   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH       150.00   150.00
                                 SUPPRESSION/RESTAURANT HOODS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (FIRE
354   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                               PER HEAD       0.75     0.75               $20.00 MINIMUM FEE
                                 SUPPRESSION/SPRINKLER HEADS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEAT RECOVERY
355   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        10.00    10.00
                                 UNITS/THRU-WALL FAN COILS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-BOILER
356   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        10.00    10.00
                                 CONTROLS, PUMPS)

                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-CHIMNEY,
358   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        25.00    25.00
                                 FACTORY BUILT)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-FLUE/VENT
359   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH         8.00     8.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS FIRE
360   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        20.00    20.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS PIPE
361   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        45.00    45.00
                                 TESTING NEW SERVICE)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS PIPING
362   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH         5.00     5.00
                                 EACH OPENING)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-GAS/OIL
363   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        30.00    30.00
                                 BURNING EQUIPMENT)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-HEAT PUMPS
364   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        30.00    30.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-HEAT
365   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        30.00    30.00
                                 PUMPS, COMPLETE RESIDENT)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-HEAT
366   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        30.00    30.00
                                 PUMPS, COMPLETE RESIDENT)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-RESIDENTIAL
367   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        30.00    30.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-RESIDENTIAL
368   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        50.00    50.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-SOLAR, SET
369   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        20.00    20.00
                                 OF 3 PANELS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-SOLID FUEL
370   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        30.00    30.00
                                 EQUIPMENT COMPLETE)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (HEATING-WATER
371   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        10.00    10.00
372   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (HUMIDIFIERS)               EACH        10.00    10.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-
373   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        45.00    45.00

                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-HOURLY
375   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        60.00    60.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-
376   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        50.00    50.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (INSPECTION-TURN ON
377   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH        45.00    45.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS
378   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH         5.00     5.00
                                 PIPING/HAZARDOUS 1-4 OUTLETS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS
379   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                               PER OUTLET     1.00     1.00
                                 PIPING/HAZARDOUS 5+ MORE OUTLETS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS PIPING/NON-
380   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                 EACH         2.00     2.00
                                 HAZARDOUS 1-4 OUTLETS)
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (PROCESS PIPING/NON-
381   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       PER OUTLET                      0.50            0.50
                                 HAZARDOUS 5+ OUTLETS)
382   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (ROOFTOP HVAC UNIT)                   EACH                       60.00           60.00

                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (TANKS-
383   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       20.00           20.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (TANKS-
384   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       25.00           25.00
                                 MECHANICAL PERMIT (UNIT
385   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       15.00           15.00
                                 HEATERS/TERMINAL UNITS)
386   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PERMIT (UNIT VENTILATORS)                    EACH                       10.00           10.00

387   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   MECHANICAL PLAN REVIEW FEE                              EACH                      25.00%          25.00%                   OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE
388   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (BASE PERMIT)                           EACH                       65.00           65.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (CONNECTION BLDG.
389   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                        9.00            9.00
                                 DRAIN; SEWERS AT STREET)
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (FIXTURES, FLOOR
390   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                        9.00            9.00
                                 DRAINS, LAB DEVICES)
391   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION ADDITIONAL)                 EACH                       45.00           45.00

392   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION FINAL)                      EACH                       45.00           45.00
393   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION HOURLY FEE)                 EACH                       60.00           60.00                     MINIMUM TWO HOURS
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (INSPECTION
394   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       50.00           50.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (MANHOLES-
395   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       10.00           10.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (MEDICAL GAS
396   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       PER OUTLET                      8.00            8.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (REDUCED PRESSURE
397   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       10.00           10.00
                                 BACKFLOW PREVENTER 1/4" TO 2")
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (REDUCED PRESSURE
398   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       20.00           20.00
                                 BACKFLOW PREVENTER OVER 2")
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWAGE SUMPS &
399   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       10.00           10.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWERS-SANITARY OR
400   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       25.00           25.00
                                 STORM OVER 6")
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (SEWERS-SANITARY OR
401   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       10.00           10.00
                                 STORM UNDER 6")
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (STACKS, VENTS,
402   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                        6.00            6.00
403   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (SUB-SOIL DRAINS)                       EACH                        9.00            9.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
404   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       30.00           30.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
405   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       23.00           23.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
406   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       15.00           15.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
407   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       38.00           38.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
408   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                        8.00            8.00
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER DISTRIBUTION
409   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       45.00           45.00
                                 SYSTEM--OVER 2")
410   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE 2" TO 6")                EACH                       25.00           25.00

                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE LESS
411   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       10.00           10.00
                                 THAN 2")
412   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PERMIT (WATER SERVICE OVER 6")                 EACH                       50.00           50.00

413   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW FEE                                EACH                      25.00%          25.00%                   OF APPLICABLE PERMIT FEE
                                 PLUMBING PERMIT (GREASE TRAP
414   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                       45.00           45.00
                                 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE APPEAL
415   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                           EACH                      100.00          100.00
                                 APPLICATION FEE
                                 ROOFING PERMIT (RE-ROOF OVER OLD
416   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       PER SQUARE                    150.00          150.00
                                 ROOF/1LAYERS MAX)
417   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   ROOFING PERMIT (STRIP THEN RE-ROOF)                 PER SQUARE                    250.00          250.00
                                 ROOFING PERMIT (STRIP, RE-SHEET, THEN RE-
418   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING                                                       PER SQUARE                    300.00          300.00
419   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   Telecommunications Outlets                          1 - 10 Outlets                 50.00           50.00
420   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   Telecommunications Outlets                         11 - 20 Outlets                100.00          100.00
421   PUBLIC SAFETY - BUILDING   Telecommunications Outlets                   Over 20 Outlets - Per Outlet           2.00            2.00

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                              UNIT                 2020 FEES       2021 FEES                            COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
422           MARINA             30 FOOT SLIP                                            EACH                     2,310.00        2,310.00   5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST
423           MARINA             40 FOOT SLIP                                            EACH                     3,080.00        3,080.00   5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST
424           MARINA             60 FOOT SLIP                                            EACH                     4,080.00        4,080.00   5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST
                                 HARD ACCESS (SLIPS 37-46, 69) UNDER 27'
426           MARINA                                                                     EACH                     1,800.00        1,800.00
427           MARINA             CLASS A MOORING                                        EACH                       583.00          583.00    5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST
429           MARINA             DAILY LAUNCH RAMP                                      EACH                        10.00           10.00
430           MARINA             SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER                         RESIDENT                      50.00           50.00
431           MARINA             SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER                       NON-RESIDENT                    70.00           70.00
                                 SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER
432           MARINA                                                                   RESIDENT                     30.00           30.00
                                 SEASONAL LAUNCH RAMP STICKER
433           MARINA                                                                NON-RESIDENT                    45.00           45.00
434           MARINA             END OF SEASON LAUNCH RAMP PERMIT                        EACH                       30.00           30.00                   SOLD AFTER SEPTEMBER 15
435           MARINA             SMALL BOAT BASIN                                        EACH                      995.00          995.00    5% DISCOUNT IS GIVEN IF FEE PAID IN FULL BY JANUARY 31ST
440           MARINA             TRAILER STORAGE                                         EACH                       80.00           80.00
                                                                                                                                             MINIMUM - FEE CHARGED BASED ON TRANSIENT VESSEL RATES
442           MARINA             END OF SEASON LATE REMOVAL FEE                  PER DAY MINIMUM                    32.00           32.00
                                                                                                                                                          (VESSEL LENGTH) PER STATE DNR
443           MARINA             SHOPPERS DOCK                                           EACH                       10.00           10.00                $10 PER 3 HOURS, 35' DOCKS ONLY

          DEPARTMENT                           DESCRIPTION                              UNIT                 2020 FEES       2021 FEES                            COMMENTS                              CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
447          PLANNING            PRECINCT MAPS (LARGE)                                   EACH                       30.00           30.00
                                 MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) -
448          PLANNING                                                                    EACH                      130.00          130.00                          HARD COPY
449          PLANNING            MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) - B & W              EACH                       35.00           35.00                          HARD COPY
450          PLANNING            DOWNTOWN PLAN COPY                                      EACH                       30.00           30.00                          HARD COPY
                                 MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) -
451          PLANNING                                                                    EACH                       15.00           15.00                       PROVIDED ON CD
452          PLANNING            MASTER PLAN COPY (CITY, DDA, LDFA) - B & W              EACH                       15.00           15.00                       PROVIDED ON CD
453          PLANNING            DOWNTOWN PLAN COPY                                      EACH                       15.00           15.00                       PROVIDED ON CD
                                 OPRA, COMMERCIAL REHAB, COMMERCIAL
454          PLANNING                                                                    EACH                     1,200.00        1,200.00
456          PLANNING            NEZ APPLICATION FEE                                     EACH                        50.00           50.00
457          PLANNING            IFT/CFT APPLICATION FEE                                 EACH                     2,000.00        2,000.00                        FLAT FEE ONLY
                                 IFT/CFT/OPRA/COMMERCIAL REHAB DISTRICT
458          PLANNING            ESTABLISHMENT IF ON A SEPARATE MEETING                  EACH                      500.00          500.00
                                 FROM CERTIFICATE
461     PLANNING                                                       EACH             1,000.00        1,000.00
462     PLANNING                                                       EACH             5,000.00        5,000.00            IF TAX CAPTURE FEE BASED ON ACTUAL COSTS
463     PLANNING       PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN                       EACH               30.00           30.00                             HARD COPY
464     PLANNING       DOWNTOWN RESIDENTIAL PARKING PASS               EACH                               50.00                                                                            *NEW FEE*

465     PLANNING       PARKS AND RECREATION PLAN                       EACH               15.00           15.00                                 CD

      DEPARTMENT                     DESCRIPTION                      UNIT         2020 FEES       2021 FEES                              COMMENTS                                 CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                       POLICE REPORTS - ACCIDENT & OFFENSE
466      POLICE                                                        EACH                0.25            0.25
                       (EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE)
                       POLICE REPORTS - ACCIDENT & OFFENSE
467      POLICE                                                        EACH                5.50            5.50
                       (FIRST PAGE)
468      POLICE        BIKE REGISTRATION (CHANGE OWNERSHIP)            EACH                2.00            2.00

469      POLICE        BIKE REGISTRATION (DUPLICATE)                   EACH                1.00            1.00
470      POLICE        BIKE REGISTRATION (ENGRAVING)                   EACH                0.00            0.00                             NO CHARGE
471      POLICE        BIKE REGISTRATION (NEW)                         EACH                2.00            2.00
472      POLICE        CITATION COPY                                   EACH                5.50            5.50
473      POLICE        FALSE ALARM FEE (4TH IN YEAR)                   EACH               30.00           30.00
474      POLICE        FALSE ALARM FEE (5TH IN YEAR)                   EACH               60.00           60.00
475      POLICE        FALSE ALARM FEE (6TH OR MORE IN YEAR)           EACH               75.00           75.00

                                                                                                                   INCLUDES $1.00 COST TO PROVIDE OWNER COPY OF INFORMATION
476      POLICE        LICENSE TO PURCHASE FEE                         EACH                6.00            6.00
                                                                                                                                       AND $5.00 NOTARY FEE
                       LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE - NEW EVENT (45
477      POLICE                                                        EACH              150.00          150.00
                       DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)
                       LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE - RETURN EVENT,
478      POLICE        OUTSIDE CITY RATE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO             EACH              125.00          125.00

                       LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE - RETURN EVENT,
479      POLICE                                                        EACH               75.00           75.00
                       IN CITY RATE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)

                       LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE (15 - 44 DAYS
480      POLICE                                                        EACH              250.00          250.00
                       PRIOR TO EVENT) (ALL)
                       LIQUOR - SPECIAL LICENSE (UNDER 15 DAYS
481      POLICE                                                        EACH          NOT ISSUED      NOT ISSUED
                       PRIOR TO EVENT)
                       LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING
482      POLICE        ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE (45 DAYS PRIOR TO         EACH               40.00           40.00
                       LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING
483      POLICE        ESTABLISHMENT LICENSE (15 - 44 DAYS PRIOR       EACH               60.00           60.00
                       TO EVENT)
                       LIQUOR - TEMPORARY EXISTING
                       PRIOR TO EVENT)
485      POLICE                                                        EACH               40.00           40.00
                       (45 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)
486      POLICE                                                        EACH               60.00           60.00
                       (15 - 44 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT) (ALL)

487      POLICE                                                        EACH          NOT ISSUED      NOT ISSUED
                       (UNDER 15 DAYS PRIOR TO EVENT)
488      POLICE        OUIL COST RECOVERY FEE                          EACH        ACTUAL COSTS    ACTUAL COSTS
489      POLICE        PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (ENLARGED)              EACH               15.00           15.00

490      POLICE        PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (STD SIZE)              EACH               10.00           10.00
491      POLICE        PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTION (CD-ROM)                EACH                5.00            5.00

492      POLICE        PRELIMINARY BREATH TEST                         EACH                5.00            5.00                FOR COURT/PROBATION ORDERED TEST
493      POLICE        VIN INSPECTION                                  EACH               30.00           30.00
494      POLICE        VEHICLE IMPOUND FEE                             EACH               55.00           55.00
495      POLICE        VEHICLE IMPOUND FEE (COURT-ORDERED)         EVERY 30 DAYS          55.00           55.00

496      POLICE                                                        EACH               50.00           50.00
497      POLICE        PAPER DRIVERS LICENSE FOR OUIL ARREST           EACH               10.00           10.00
498      POLICE        TEMPORARY LICENSE PAPER PLATE                   EACH               10.00           10.00

      DEPARTMENT                     DESCRIPTION                      UNIT         2020 FEES       2021 FEES                              COMMENTS                                 CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                                                                                                                   DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
499   SPECIAL EVENTS   PARKS (WOOD SNOW FENCE RENTAL)                  EACH               30.00           30.00    ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                          UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                   DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
                                                                                                                                          UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                   DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
                                                                                                                                          UP IS REQUIRED
                                                                                                                   DELIVERY/PICK-UP NOT INCLUDED. ADDITIONAL COSTS FOR LABOR
502   SPECIAL EVENTS   CITY SERVICES (PICNIC TABLES)                   EACH               10.00           10.00    ($60.00/HR)AND VEHICLE RENTAL WILL APPLY IF DELEVERY OR PICK-
                                                                                                                                          UP IS REQUIRED
503   SPECIAL EVENTS   FILM & MUSIC EVENTS ADMINISTRATION FEE          EACH               50.00           50.00


                                                                                                                    APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APRIL 15 WILL RECEIVE 50%
505   SPECIAL EVENTS   SEASON EVENTS (4/15-9/30) SUBMITTED AT          EACH              100.00          100.00
                                                                                                                                   DISCOUNT OFF REGULAR FEE.
                       LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT

                                                                                                                    APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APRIL 15 WILL RECEIVE 50%
506   SPECIAL EVENTS   SEASON EVENTS (4/15-9/30) SUBMITTED 45-         EACH              250.00          250.00
                                                                                                                                   DISCOUNT OFF REGULAR FEE.
                       59 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT

                                                                                                                    APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APRIL 15 WILL RECEIVE 50%
507   SPECIAL EVENTS   SEASON EVENTS (4/15-9/30) SUBMITTED 30-         EACH              400.00          400.00
                                                                                                                                   DISCOUNT OFF REGULAR FEE.
                       44 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF EVENT

                       SEASON EVENTS (1/1-4/14 & 10/1-12/31)
508   SPECIAL EVENTS                                                   EACH               50.00          100.00                                                                            100.00%
                       SUBMITTED AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE
                       OF EVENT
                       SEASON EVENTS (1/1-4/14 & 10/1-12/31)
509   SPECIAL EVENTS                                                   EACH              200.00          200.00
                       SUBMITTED 45-59 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF
                       SEASON EVENTS (1/1-4/14 & 10/1-12/31)
510   SPECIAL EVENTS                                                   EACH              300.00          300.00
                       SUBMITTED 30-44DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF
                         SEASON EVENTS (1/1-4/14 & 10/1-12/31)
511    SPECIAL EVENTS                                                            EACH                        500.00            400.00                                                                               -20.00%
                         SUBMITTED LESS THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO
                         DATE OF EVENT
512    SPECIAL EVENTS                                                          PER HOUR                        40.00             40.00
                         CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER - 1.5
513    SPECIAL EVENTS                                                          PER HOUR                        60.00             60.00
                         CITY SERVICES (POLICE OFFICER - TRIPLE
514    SPECIAL EVENTS                                                          PER HOUR                      120.00            120.00
515    SPECIAL EVENTS    PLASTIC TRASH BAGS (1 CASE)                             EACH                                            40.00                                                                              *NEW FEE*

516    SPECIAL EVENTS    HACKLEY PARK USE FEE                        VARIABLE $100/HR $500/DAY MAX

517    SPECIAL EVENTS    BE CHARGED TRANSPORTATION OF                          PER HOUR                                          60.00                                                                              *NEW FEE*
                         BARRICADES, CONES, TABLES & ETC
                         HACKLEY PARK STAGE FEE-IF ONLY USING
518    SPECIAL EVENTS                                                            EACH                                            50.00                                                                              *NEW FEE*
                         STAGE AREA
519    SPECIAL EVENTS    HARBOUR TOWNE BEACH USER FEE                          PER EVENT                                      1,500.00                                                                              *NEW FEE*

520    SPECIAL EVENTS    TRAIL BICYCLE/WALKING PATHS                           PER EVENT                                       200.00                                                                               *NEW FEE*

       DEPARTMENT                      DESCRIPTION                               UNIT                 2020 FEES         2021 FEES                                 COMMENTS                                  CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
                         DUPLICATE TAX BILL COPY (COMPUTER
521      TREASURER                                                               EACH                           2.00              2.00
522      TREASURER                                                               EACH                          20.00             20.00
523      TREASURER       NSF CHECK/NSF ACH HANDLING CHARGE                       EACH                          35.00             35.00
                         TAX RECEIPT INQUIRY (LESS THAN 3 YEARS
524      TREASURER                                                               EACH                           3.00              3.00
                         TAX RECEIPT INQUIRY (MORE THAN 3 YEARS
525      TREASURER                                                               EACH                           3.00              3.00
526      TREASURER                                                               EACH                           2.00              2.00
                         AT WINDOWW/O BILL)
527      TREASURER                                                               EACH                           5.00              5.00
                         CARD PAYMENTS BY PHONE)
                         PETTY CASH NUISANCE FEE (FAILURE TO
528      TREASURER                                                               EACH                           5.00              5.00
                         RETURN RECEIPTS IN TIMELY FASHION)
                         PROPERTY TAX ROLL ON CD-ROM OR
529      TREASURER                                                               EACH                        125.00            125.00
                         ELECTRONIC FILE
                         PROPERTY TAX LIEN INQUIRY/LOOKUP
530      TREASURER                                                               EACH                          35.00             35.00          PAYMENT IN ADVANCE W/CREDIT CARD REQUIRED
                         (PERFORMED BY CITY STAFF)
                         PROPERTY TAX LIEN INQUIRY/LOOKUP (SELF-
531      TREASURER                                                               EACH                          20.00             20.00
                         HELP INTERNET LOOKUP)
532      TREASURER                                                               EACH                          3.0%              3.0%
533      TREASURER       PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION FEE (PTAF)                  EACH                          1.0%              1.0%
534      TREASURER       LANDLORD'S AFFIDAVIT FILING                             EACH                        500.00            500.00
                                                                                                     3.0% WITH $2.00   3.0% WITH $2.00   $2.00 FLAT FEE PER TRANSACTION OF $1.00 TO $65.00 AND 3% FEE
535      TREASURER       CREDIT CARD CONVENIENCE FEE                             EACH
                                                                                                          MINIMUM           MINIMUM                 PER TRANSACTION OF $65.01 AND GREATER

       DEPARTMENT                      DESCRIPTION                               UNIT                 2020 FEES         2021 FEES                                 COMMENTS                                  CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
536   WATER FILTRATION   WATER TEST SAMPLE                                    PER SAMPLE                      80.00             80.00                  COVERS STAFF TIME AND LAB WORK
537    WATER-SEWER       DELINQUENT PAYMENT PENALTY                        PAST DUE BALANCE                  10.00%            10.00%
                         DELINQUENT PAYMENT PENALTY (TAX LIEN                                        GREATER OF 20%    GREATER OF 20%
538    WATER-SEWER                                                         PAST DUE BALANCE
                         FEE)                                                                             OR $25.00         OR $25.00
                         HYDRANT SERVICE (MAXIMUM 30 DAY)
539    WATER-SEWER                                                               EACH                          50.00             50.00            $400.00 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT ALSO REQUIRED
                         CONNECTION CHARGE
540    WATER-SEWER                                                               EACH                       1,200.00          1,200.00      INCLUDES REPAIR AND POSSIBLE REPLACEMENT OF SERVICE
                         LINE (SEWER PERMIT)
542    WATER-SEWER       METER RESET AT OWNER'S REQUEST                          EACH                          35.00             35.00
543    WATER-SEWER       METER TEST                                              EACH                          35.00             35.00
544    WATER-SEWER       MISSED METER APPOINTMENT                                EACH                          25.00             25.00
545    WATER-SEWER       TEMPORARY (MINIMUM 30 DAY) SERVICE                      EACH                          25.00             25.00

                                                                                                                                         FIRST VISIT IS FREE - FEE CHARGED PER VISIT AFTER FIRST ONE EACH
546    WATER-SEWER       THAWING WATER/SEWER LINE                                EACH                        200.00            200.00
547    WATER-SEWER       TURN ON CHARGE (AFTER HOURS)                            EACH                        100.00            100.00                         CALL IN MINIMUM 3 HOURS
548    WATER-SEWER       TURN ON CHARGE (REGULAR HOURS)                          EACH                         40.00             40.00
549    WATER-SEWER       TURN ON CHARGE (SEASONAL USE)                           EACH                         12.50             12.50
                         TURN ON CHARGE (MISSED APPOINTMENT -
550    WATER-SEWER                                                               EACH                          40.00             40.00
                         SAME DAY TURN ON)
                                                                                                                                            FEE APPLIED TO SEWER PERMIT IF PROBLEM IS IN THE CITY'S
551    WATER-SEWER       TV SEWER LATERAL                                        EACH                        100.00            100.00
                                                                                                                                                              PORTION OF SYSTEM
552    WATER-SEWER                                                               EACH                        200.00            200.00
                         (MINIMUM CHARGE)
553    WATER-SEWER                                                             PER DAY                         20.00             20.00
                         CHARGE FOR CONT'D USE)
                         BACKFLOW PREVENTER DEVICE
554    WATER-SEWER                                                      ANNUAL FEE-EACH DEVICE                 10.00             10.00
                         REGISTRATION/AUDIT FEE
                         WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 5/8" OR
555    WATER-SEWER                                                               EACH                       1,500.00          1,500.00
556    WATER-SEWER       WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1"                         EACH                       2,500.00          2,500.00
                         WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1-1/4" OR 1-
557    WATER-SEWER                                                               EACH                       4,500.00          4,500.00
558    WATER-SEWER       WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 2"                         EACH                       7,300.00          7,300.00
559    WATER-SEWER       WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 3"                         EACH                      12,800.00         12,800.00
560    WATER-SEWER       WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 4"                         EACH                      20,000.00         20,000.00
561    WATER-SEWER       WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 6"                         EACH                      40,000.00         40,000.00
                         WATER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - GREATER
562    WATER-SEWER                                                               EACH                      VARIABLE          VARIABLE                   BASED ON CALCULATED CAPACITY                               VARIABLE
                         THAN 6"
563    WATER-SEWER       FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 2"                        EACH                           0.00              0.00                      TIME & MATERIALS BASIS
564    WATER-SEWER       FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 4"                        EACH                       7,300.00          7,300.00                      TIME & MATERIALS BASIS
565    WATER-SEWER       FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 6"                        EACH                      12,800.00         12,800.00                      TIME & MATERIALS BASIS
566    WATER-SEWER       FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 8"                        EACH                      20,000.00         20,000.00                      TIME & MATERIALS BASIS
567    WATER-SEWER       FIRELINE SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE 12"                       EACH                      40,000.00         40,000.00                      TIME & MATERIALS BASIS
568    WATER-SEWER       SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 5/8" OR 3/4"               EACH                       1,500.00          1,500.00
569    WATER-SEWER       SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1"                         EACH                       2,500.00          2,500.00
                         SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 1-1/4" OR 1-
570    WATER-SEWER                                                               EACH                       4,500.00          4,500.00
571    WATER-SEWER       SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 2"                         EACH                       7,300.00          7,300.00
572    WATER-SEWER       SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 3"                         EACH                      12,800.00         12,800.00
573    WATER-SEWER       SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 4"                         EACH                      20,000.00         20,000.00
574    WATER-SEWER       SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - 6"                         EACH                      40,000.00         40,000.00
                         SEWER SERVICE TRUNKAGE FEE - GREATER
575    WATER-SEWER                                                               EACH                      VARIABLE          VARIABLE                   BASED ON CALCULATED CAPACITY                               VARIABLE
                         THAN 6"
576    WATER-SEWER                                                             PER DAY                          0.00              0.00
                         TREATMENT CHARGE
577    WATER-SEWER       LARGE WATERMAIN TAPS                                    EACH                        300.00            300.00                        PLUS TIME &MATERIALS
578    WATER-SEWER     SMALL WATER TAPS                                    EACH                 100.00          100.00    SMALL TAP FEE UP TO AND INCLUDING 2' WATER SERVICE
579    WATER-SEWER     RESIDENTIAL FLAT RATE SEWER CHARGE                 MONTH                  39.64         Variable     BASED ON 11.66 UNITS/MO OR 35 UNITS/QUARTER          BASED ON SEWAGE RATE
580    WATER-SEWER     COMMERCIAL FLAT RATE SEWER CHARGE                  MONTH                  49.55         Variable     BASED ON 11.66 UNITS/MO OR 35 UNITS/QUARTER          BASED ON SEWAGE RATE

      DEPARTMENT                     DESCRIPTION                           UNIT           2020 FEES       2021 FEES                         COMMENTS                           CHANGE (IN PERCENTAGE)
581       ZONING       SPECIAL MEETING FEE (PLANNING, ZBA)              PER REQUEST             500.00          500.00
582       ZONING       FENCE PERMIT FEE                                     EACH                 30.00           30.00
583       ZONING       LOT SPLIT REVIEW                                     EACH                 30.00           30.00
584       ZONING       ZONING, GIS MAPS (UP TO 17" x 24" )                  EACH                 15.00           15.00
585       ZONING       ZONING, GIS MAPS (17" x 24" TO 34" x 44" )          EACH                  25.00           25.00

586       ZONING       PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD)                      EACH                   0.00            0.00
                       PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) -
587       ZONING                                                           EACH                 500.00          600.00                                                                  20.00%
588       ZONING       PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) - FINAL              EACH                 500.00          600.00                                                                  20.00%

                       PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) -
589       ZONING                                                           EACH                 500.00          500.00
590       ZONING       SIDEWALK BENCH ENCROACHMENT                  PER BENCH PER MONTH           5.00            5.00
591       ZONING       SITE PLAN REVIEW FEE - MINOR                         EACH                200.00          200.00
592       ZONING       SITE PLAN REVIEW FEE - MAJOR                         EACH                400.00          400.00
593       ZONING       PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW                           EACH                500.00          600.00                                                                  20.00%
594       ZONING       SPECIAL USE PERMIT                                   EACH                500.00          600.00                                                                  20.00%
595       ZONING       ALLEY OR STREET VACATION                             EACH                500.00          600.00                                                                  20.00%
596       ZONING       ZONING COMPLIANCE LETTER                             EACH                 30.00           30.00
597       ZONING       ZONE CHANGE                                          EACH                500.00          600.00                                                                  20.00%

598       ZONING                                                           EACH                 400.00          400.00              COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ONLY

599       ZONING                                                           EACH                 200.00          300.00                    RESIDENTIAL ONLY                              50.00%

600       ZONING       ZONING - AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCE                 EACH                 500.00          600.00                                                                  20.00%
601       ZONING       ZONING ORDINANCE COPY                               EACH                  25.00           25.00
602       ZONING       ZONING ORDINANCE COPY W/ MAP                        EACH                  45.00           45.00

603   WESTERN MARKET   APPLICATION FEE                                    EACH                    25.00           25.00
596   WESTERN MARKET   DEPOSIT-REFUNDABLE                                 EACH                   150.00          150.00
597   WESTERN MARKET   EXTRA ELECTRICITY                                EACH UNIT                 50.00           50.00
598   WESTERN MARKET   USER FEE 90 SQUARE FEET                         EACH SEASON             1,325.00        1,325.00
599   WESTERN MARKET   USER FEE 90 SQUARE FEET                         EACH SEASON             1,750.00        1,750.00
600   WESTERN MARKET   USER FEE 90 SQUARE FEET                         EACH SEASON             2,125.00        2,125.00

                       NR * = FEES APPLICABLE TO NON-RESIDENTS
                       OF THE CITY
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 4-13-2021                     Title: Social District Permit recommendation

Submitted By: Dave Alexander                           Department: Economic Development

Brief Summary: The City Commission must recommend approval of the Michigan Liquor Control
Commission permits of participating licensed establishments in the Downtown Muskegon Social

Detailed Summary: With the establishment of the Downtown Muskegon Social District,
participating licensed establishments must receive a Social District permit from the Michigan Liquor
Control Commission. The MLCC must first receive a recommendation for approval from the City
Commission before granting the permits. The attached resolution is for PKT Twelve, Inc. dba
Smash Wine Bar & Bistro which is also seeking a Social District permit from the state and seeking
City Commission recommended approval. The Social District plan identifies 22 potential
participating licensees within the district. Other licensed establishments may file a Social District
permit application in the future.

Amount Requested: None                               Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the resolution recommending Michigan Liquor Control
Commission approval of Social District permits in the Downtown Muskegon Social District and to
direct the City Clerk to certify the City Commission action with the MLCC.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

                               PERMIT APPLICATON APPROVAL

                                        City of Muskegon

                                 County of Muskegon, Michigan

       Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of
Muskegon, Michigan (the “City”), held at Muskegon City Hall, 933 Terrace, Muskegon, MI 49440
and virtually online on the city’s Facebook page on the 13th day of April, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.,
prevailing Eastern Time.



       The following preamble and resolution were offered by Commissioner ___________ and
supported by Commissioner ___________.

       WHEREAS, in accordance with Public Act 124 of 2020 on the establishment of Social
Districts within a Michigan city; and
       WHEREAS, COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented economic disruption
worldwide and within our local business community; and

       WHEREAS, restaurants and bars, which have been key contributors to the historic
redevelopment of Downtown Muskegon, have been and will continue to be hard hit by the
economic impact of the pandemic; and

       WHEREAS, increasing availability of outdoor spaces for dining and drinking will help
downtown and its businesses recover; and

       WHEREAS, Public Act 124 of 2020 empowers local governments like the City of
Muskegon to enhance its downtowns with Social Districts and accompanying Common Areas
where purchasers may consume and possess alcoholic beverages sold by multiple qualified
Michigan Liquor Commission licensees who obtain Social District Permits; and

       WHEREAS, the City Commission has designated a Downtown Muskegon Social District
and Common Area, and
       WHEREAS, the city has received requests from multiple qualified licensees to
recommend approval of their Social District Permit applications by the Michigan Liquor Control
Commission, and

       WHEREAS, the licensed establishments are contiguous to the Common Area within the
Social District, and

       WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to recommend approval of the Social District
Permit applications,


       1. The Social District Permit Applications from the following licensees are
           recommended by the City Commission to consideration and approval by the
           Michigan Liquor Control Commission:
           a. PKT Twelve, Inc dba Smash Wine Bar & Bistro.

       2. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to provide each applicant with a certification
of this action in the form specified by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.




                                                          Stephen J Gawron, Mayor

                                                          Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
       I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by
the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, at a
regular meeting held on April 13, 2021 and that said meeting was conducted and public notice
of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open Meetings Act, being
Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976 and that the minutes of said meeting were kept and will
be or have been made available as required by said Act.

                                                          Ann Marie Meisch, City Clerk
Allocation of Muskegon County Senior Millage Funds approve 12/10/2019

The Power of Produce for Senior Citizens on Tuesdays at the Farmers Market. The
Fruitport Lions and the Shoreline Branch of the Lions manage the program to reimburse
Farmer’s through a token-reimbursement system. The Clerk’s Office is asking for funds
to extend the program period into the fall season.

Department of Public Works has been replacing water lines in the city. For every
replacement ($6000), these allocated dollars will cover ½ the cost of a Senior Citizen,
age 60 or above. The Water Department will use these funds to offset their annual cost
of water lines replaced in our city.

Muskegon County Senior Millage Major Home Repair program through the
Community and Neighborhood Services department is currently closed. This Major
repair program will allow for us to serve our citizens who live in housing that is
substandard – a threat to safety, health and life. The need has been greater than our
We will utilize these funds to stretch our CDBG funding of Priority Housing repairs to
cover us until we receive our 2020 allocations from HUD.

Muskegon Senior Housing Assistance is a newly framed program to offer Seniors
(60 or older) rental deposits if moving into any of our 4 Senior high-rise locations:
Jefferson Tower, Hartford Terrace, Bayview Towers, or Berkshire. These deposits are
to be kept in-house for other seniors who do not have an adequate deposit to move in.
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                           Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021                   Title: Sale – 240 Monroe Ave

Submitted By: Frank Peterson                              Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: City staff is seeking authorization to sell the city-owned home at 240 Monroe to Daniel
and Angela VanderKooi.

Detailed Summary: The city constructed this townhouse as part of the phase two of our infill housing
program. Our contract to construct the home was $164,470. We also anticipated $11,512 in sales
commissions. The accepted purchase price is $182,500, and the incurred sales commissions are $12,775.
The City will contribute $2,500 toward closing costs.

Amount Requested: None at this time                     Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                              Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: Authorize the City Manager to complete the sale of 240 Monroe Ave, as described
in the purchase agreement.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.        Fire Dept.       IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
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                                                         WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                        #      DAV#1
         DATE:                         03/08/2021                   ,                       (time)                                           MLS #                 21002540

         SELLING OFFICE:                             Nexes Realty               BROKER LIC.#:        6505 196782          REALTOR® PHONE:                         231 206-3345

         LISTING OFFICE:                        West Urban Realty              REALTOR® PHONE:                  616-874-7085

        1. Effective Date: This Agreement is effective on the date of Seller's acceptance of Buyer's offer or Buyer's acceptance of any
            counteroffer, as the case may be, and this date shall hereafter be referred to as the "Effective Date". Further, any reference to "days"
            in this Agreement refers to calendar days. The first calendar day begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the Effective Date. Any reference
            to "time" refers to local time.
         2. Agency Disclosure: The Undersigned Buyer and Seller each acknowledge that they have read and signed the Disclosure Regarding
             Real Estate Agency Relationships. The selling licensee is acting as (check one):
                  Agent/Subagent of Seller             Buyer’s Agent          Dual Agent (with written, informed consent of both Buyer and Seller)
                  Transaction Coordinator
              Primary Selling Agent Name:                                eric shedd                   Email:                 Lic.#:           6501 219692

             Alternate Selling Agent Name:                                             Email:                                   Lic.#:
         3. Seller’s Disclosure Statement: (This paragraph applies to sales of one-to-four family residential units.)
                 Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, dated                              . Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property
                 is currently in the same condition as Seller previously disclosed in that statement. Seller agrees to inform Buyer in writing of any
                 changes in the content of the disclosure statement.
                 Buyer has not received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, in writing, any time prior to receipt
                 of the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Once Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, Buyer may terminate this
                 Agreement, in writing, within 72 hours of receipt if the disclosure was received in person, or within 120 hours if received by
                 registered mail. Exceptions:
                 Seller is exempt from the requirements of the Seller Disclosure Act.
        4. Lead-Based Paint Addendum: Transactions involving homes built prior to 1978 require a written disclosure which is hereby attached
            and will be an integral part of this Agreement.
        5. Property Description: Buyer offers to buy the property located in the        City    Village Township of                Muskegon           ,
            County of               Muskegon County            , Michigan, commonly known as (insert mailing address: street/city/state/zip code)
                                                                        240 Monroe Avenue, 250, Muskegon, MI 49441
             with the following legal description and tax parcel ID numbers:
                 Unit 240, Midtown 2 Condominium, a Condominium according to the Master Deed recorded in Liber 4242, Page 355, as
                 amended, in the Office of the Muskegon County Register of Deeds, and designated as Muskegon County Condominium
              Subdivision Plan No. 214, together with rights in general common elements and limited common elements as set forth in sa
             PP#                                                                                                                       .
           The following paragraph applies only if the Premises include unplatted land:
           Seller agrees to grant Buyer at closing the right to make (insert number)                     division(s) under Section 108(2), (3), and
           (4) of the Michigan Land Division Act. (If no number is inserted, the right to make divisions under the sections referenced above stays
           with any remainder of the parent parcel retained by Seller. If a number is inserted, Seller retains all available divisions in excess of the
           number stated; however, Seller and/or REALTOR® do not warrant that the number of divisions stated is actually available.) If this sale
           will create a new division, Seller’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent on Seller’s receipt of municipal approval on or
           before                                  , of the proposed division to create the Premises.
        6. Purchase Price: Buyer offers to buy the Property for the sum of $                182,500.00
                                                   one hundred eighty-two thousand five hundred                                            U.S. Dollars
        7. Seller Concessions, if any:                                                                     $2,500.00

        8. Terms: The Terms of Purchase will be as indicated by “X” below: (Other unmarked terms of purchase do not apply.)
           SOURCE OF FUNDS TO CLOSE: Buyer represents that the funds necessary to close this transaction on the terms specified below
           are currently available to Buyer in cash or an equally liquid equivalent.
             If the Property’s value stated in an appraisal obtained by Buyer or Buyer’s lender is less than the Purchase Price, Buyer shall within
             three (3) days after receipt of the appraisal: 1) renegotiate with the Seller, 2) terminate the transaction, in which case Buyer shall
             receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or 3) proceed to close the transaction at the agreed Purchase Price.
                   CASH. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed. Buyer Agrees to provide Buyer Agent/Dual Agent
                   verification of funds within five (5) days after the Effective Date, and consents to the disclosure of such information to Seller and/or
                   Seller’s Agent. If verification of funds is not received within 5 days after the Effective Date, Seller may terminate this Agreement
                   at any time before verification of funds is received by giving written notice to Buyer. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be
                   arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement.
                   NEW MORTGAGE. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed, contingent upon Buyer’s ability to
                   obtain a              conv              type                 (year) mortgage in the amount of       90     % of the Purchase Price
                   bearing interest at a rate not to exceed        tbd     % per annum (rate at time of loan application), on or before the date the sale is
                   to be closed. Buyer agrees to apply for a mortgage loan, and pay all fees and costs customarily charged by Buyer’s lender to
                   process the application, within                    days after the Effective Date, not to impair Buyers’ credit after the date such loan if
                   offered.      Seller    Buyer will agree to pay an amount not to exceed $                         representing repairs required as a
                   condition of financing. Buyer         agrees      does not agree to authorize Buyer’s Agent/Dual Agent to obtain information from
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                                  DV        AVK                                    FP
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                                                                                                          West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement              Page 2 of 6
                   Buyer’s lender regarding Buyer’s financing, and consents to the disclosure of this information to Seller and/or Seller’s Agent.

                   SELLER FINANCING (check one of the following):                CONTRACT or                PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE
                   In the case of Seller financing, Buyer agrees to provide Seller with a credit report within 72 hours after the Effective Date. If the
                   credit report is unacceptable to Seller, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer within 48 hours of Seller’s receipt, or if
                   Buyer fails to provide said credit report to Seller within the time frame allotted, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer
                   within 48 hours. Seller is advised to seek professional advice regarding the credit report.
                   $                           upon execution and delivery of a
                   form (name or type of form and revision date), a copy of which is attached, wherein the balance of $
                   will be payable in monthly installments of $                            or more including interest at                    % per annum,
                   interest to start on date of closing, and first payment to become due thirty (30) days after date of closing. The entire unpaid balance
                   will become due and payable                            months after closing. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and
                   paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:

                   EQUITY (check one of the following):        Formal Assumption or        Informal Assumption
                   Upon execution and delivery of:       Warranty Deed subject to existing mortgage OR             Assignment of Vendee Interest
                   in Land Contract, Buyer to pay the difference (approximately $                             ) between the Purchase Price above
                   provided and the unpaid balance (approximately $                             ) upon said mortgage or land contract, which Buyer
                   agrees to assume and pay. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for accumulated funds held in escrow, if any, for payment of future
                   taxes and insurance premiums, etc. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten
                   (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:


         9. Contingencies: Buyer’s obligation to consummate this transaction (check one):
                   IS NOT CONTINGENT - is not contingent upon the sale or exchange of any other property by Buyer.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON CLOSING - is contingent upon closing of an existing sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at:

                   A copy of Buyer’s agreement to sell or exchange that property is being delivered to Seller along with this offer. If the existing sale
                   or exchange terminates for any reason, Buyer will immediately notify Seller, and either party may terminate this Agreement in
                   writing, within 3 days of Buyer’s notice to Seller. If either party terminates, Buyer shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest
                   Money Deposit.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON THE SALE AND CLOSING - is contingent upon the execution of a binding agreement and the closing
                   of a sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at
                                                         on or before                                      . Seller will have the right to continue to
                   market Seller’s Property until Buyer enters into a binding agreement to sell or exchange Buyer’s property and delivers a copy
                   thereof to Seller. During such marketing period, Seller may enter into a binding contract for sale to another purchaser on such
                   price and terms as the Seller deems appropriate. In such event, this Agreement will automatically terminate, Buyer will be notified
                   promptly, and Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded. Exceptions:

         10. Fixtures & Improvements: The following is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of items included with the Property. All
             improvements and appurtenances are included in the Purchase Price, if now in or on the Property, unless rented, including the
             following: all buildings; landscaping; attached smart home devices; attached security systems; lighting fixtures and their shades and
             bulbs; ceiling fans; hardware for draperies and curtains; window shades and blinds; built-in kitchen appliances, including garbage
             disposal and drop-in ranges; wall to wall carpeting, if attached; all attached mirrors; all attached TV mounting brackets; all attached
             shelving; attached work benches; stationary laundry tubs; water softener; water heater; incinerator; sump pump; water pump and
             pressure tank; heating and air conditioning equipment (window units excluded); attached humidifiers; heating units, including add-on
             heating stoves and heating stoves connected by flue pipe; fireplace screens, inserts, and grates; fireplace doors, if attached; liquid
             heating and cooking fuel tanks; TV antenna and complete rotor equipment; satellite dish and necessary accessories and complete
             rotor equipment; all support equipment for inground pools; screens and storm windows and doors; awnings; installed basketball
             backboard, pole and goal; mailbox; flagpole(s); fencing, invisible inground fencing and all related equipment, including collars;
             detached storage buildings; underground sprinkling, including the pump; installed outdoor grills; all plantings and bulbs; garage door
             opener and control(s); and any and all items and fixtures permanently affixed to the Property; and also includes:
                                                                          Appliances currently in home

              but does not include:

                                                              240 Monroe                                                                  03/08/2021
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                       Date                 Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                          DV          AVK                                FP
         Revision Date 1/2021                                                                  03/08/21     03/08/21
                                                                                                                       Buyer’s Initials       03/09/21
                                                                                                                                                              Seller’s Initials
                                                                                             10:44 PM EST10:37 PM EST                       11:05 AM EST
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                                                                                                        West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement              Page 3 of 6

         11. Heating and Cooking Fuels: Liquid heating and cooking fuels in tanks are included in the sale and will transfer to Buyer at time of
             possession unless usage is metered (in which case it is not included in the sale). Sellers are responsible for maintaining heating and
             cooking liquid fuels at an operational level and shall not permit fuels to fall below 10% in the tank(s) at the time of possession, except
             that the tank(s) may be empty only if now empty. Further, Seller is precluded from removing fuel from tank(s) other than what is
             expended through normal use. Exceptions:

         12. Assessments (choose one):
             If the Property is subject to any assessments,
                  Seller shall pay the entire balance of any such assessments that are due and payable on or before the day of closing (regardless
                  of any installment arrangements), except for any fees that are required to connect to public utilities.
                  Seller shall pay all installments of such assessments that become due and payable on or before day of closing. Buyer shall assume
                  and pay all other installments of such assessments.
         13. Property Taxes: Seller will be responsible for any taxes billed prior to those addressed below. Buyer will be responsible for all
             taxes billed after those addressed below.
              Buyer is also advised that the state equalized value of the Property, principal residence exemption information and other real property
              tax information is available from the appropriate local assessor’s office. Buyer should not assume that Buyer’s future tax bills on the
              Property will be the same as Seller’s present tax bills. Under Michigan law, real property tax obligations can change significantly when
              property is transferred.
                  No proration.           (Choose one):
                         Buyer                Seller    will pay taxes billed summer                 (year);
                         Buyer                Seller    will pay taxes billed winter                 (year);
                  Calendar Year Proration (all taxes billed or to be billed in the year of the closing). Calendar year tax levies will be estimated, if
                  necessary, using the taxable value and the millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken down to a per diem tax payment
                  and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying for January 1 through the day before closing.
                  Fiscal Year Proration - Taxes will be prorated as though they are paid in (choose one):         advance.          arrears.
                  Fiscal Year will be assumed to cover a 12-month period from date billed, and taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Fiscal
                  year tax levies will be estimated, if necessary, using the taxable value and millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken
                  down to a per diem tax payment and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying through the day before closing. Exceptions:

         14. Well/Septic: Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, Seller will arrange for, at Seller’s expense, an inspection of the primary well
             used for human consumption (including a water quality test for coliform bacteria and nitrates) and septic systems in use on the
             Property. The inspection will be performed by a qualified inspector in a manner that meets county (or other local governmental
             authority, if applicable) protocol. Seller will also follow any governmental rules regarding pumping of tanks.
             Where no county or government protocol is in place, Seller will arrange for, at Seller’s expense, well and septic inspections (as
             referenced above) by a qualified inspector, Seller will have tanks pumped, unless a qualified inspector determines, in writing, that
             pumping is not necessary.
              If any report discloses a condition unsatisfactory to Buyer, or doesn’t meet county standards that are a condition of sale, Buyer may,
              within three (3) days after Buyer has received the report, by written notice to Seller, either terminate this Agreement and receive a
              refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails
              to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be deemed to have accepted the well/septic as-
              is. Seller will respond in writing within three (3) days to Buyer’s request. If Seller fails to respond or to arrive at a mutually agreeable
              resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer will have three (3) days to provide written notice of
              termination of this Agreement and receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate the contract,
              Buyer will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Exceptions:

         15. Inspections & Investigations:
              Inspections: Buyer, or someone selected by Buyer, has the right to inspect the buildings, premises, components and systems, at
              Buyer’s expense. Any damage, misuse, abuse, or neglect of any portion of the Property or premises as a result of inspections will be
              Buyer’s responsibility and expense. In the event of VA financing, Seller will pay for the inspection for termites and other wood
              destroying insects.
              Investigations: It is Buyer’s responsibility to investigate (i) whether the Property complies with applicable codes and local ordinances
              and whether the Property is zoned for Buyer’s intended use; (ii) whether Buyer can obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy for the
              Property at price and terms acceptable to Buyer; (iii) and whether or not the Property is in a flood zone.
              All inspections and investigations will be completed within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. If the results of Buyer’s inspections
              and investigations are not acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may, within the above referenced period, by written notice to Seller, either
              terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct
              those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be
                                                         240 Monroe, Muskegon, MI 49441                                                 03/08/2021
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                     Date                 Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                        DV          AVK                                FP
         Revision Date 1/2021                                                                03/08/21     03/08/21
                                                                                                                     Buyer’s Initials       03/09/21
                                                                                                                                                            Seller’s Initials
                                                                                           10:44 PM EST10:37 PM EST                       11:05 AM EST
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                                                                                                       West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement              Page 4 of 6

            deemed to have accepted the Property as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s proposal
            or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s
            receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and receive a
            refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day period, Buyer will
            be deemed to accept the Inspections & Investigations and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this
                Buyer has waived all rights under this Inspections & Investigations paragraph.
        16. Municipal Compliances: Seller will arrange and pay for current certificates of occupancy, sidewalk compliance, and smoke detector
            ordinances, if applicable.
        17. Title Insurance: Seller agrees to convey marketable title to the Property subject to conditions, limitations, reservation of oil, gas and
            other mineral rights, existing zoning ordinances, and building and use restrictions and easements of record. An expanded coverage
            ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price shall be ordered by Seller and furnished to Buyer at
            Seller’s expense, and a commitment to issue a policy insuring marketable title vested in Buyer, including a real estate tax status
            report, will be made available to Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. If Buyer so chooses, or if an expanded policy is
            not applicable, then a standard ALTA Owners’ Policy of Title Insurance shall be provided.
             If Buyer objects to any conditions, Buyer may, within three (3) days of receipt of the Title Commitment, by written notice to Seller,
             either terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct
             those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be
             deemed to have accepted the Title Commitment as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s
             proposal or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days
             after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and
             shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day
             period, Buyer will be deemed to accept the Title Commitment as-is and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions
             of this Agreement. Exceptions:

        18. Property Survey: Broker advises that Buyer should have a survey performed to satisfy Buyer as to the boundaries of the Property
            and the location of improvements thereon.
                 Buyer or     Seller (check one) shall within ten (10) days of the Effective Date, order, at their expense, a boundary survey with iron
              corner stakes showing the location of the boundaries, improvements and easements in connection with the Property. Upon receipt of
              the survey, Buyer will have three (3) days to review the survey. If the survey shows any condition, in Buyer’s sole discretion, which
              would interfere with Buyer’s intended use of the Property, the marketability of the title, or zoning non-compliance, then Buyer may,
              within said three (3) day period, terminate this Agreement, in writing, and Buyer will receive a full refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money
                 No survey. Buyer has waived all rights under this paragraph.
              When closing occurs, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the boundaries of the Property and the location of such improvements
              thereon. Exceptions:

        19. Home Protection Plan: Buyer and Seller have been informed that home protection plans may be available. Such plans may provide
            additional protection and benefit to the parties. Exceptions:

        20. Prorations: Rent; association dues/fees, if any; insurance, if assigned; interest on any existing land contract, mortgage or lien
            assumed by Buyer; will all be adjusted to the date of closing.
        21. Closing: If agreeable to Buyer and Seller, the sale will be closed as soon as closing documents are ready, but not later than
                       04/14/2021           . An additional period of fifteen (15) days will be allowed for closing to accommodate the
            correction of title defects or survey problems which can be readily corrected, or for delays in obtaining any lender required
            inspections/repairs. During this additional period, the closing will be held within 5 days after all parties have been notified that all
            necessary documents have been prepared. Buyer and Seller will each pay their title company closing fee, if applicable, except in the
            case of VA financing where Seller will pay the entire closing fee. Exceptions:

        22. Possession: Seller will maintain the Property in its present condition until the completion of the closing of the sale. Possession to be
            delivered to Buyer, subject to rights of present tenants, if any.
                 At the completion of the closing of the sale.
                 At                   a.m.   p.m. on the                    day after completion of the closing of the sale, during which time Seller
            will have the privilege to occupy the Property and hereby agrees to pay Buyer $                                          as an occupancy
            fee for this period payable at closing, WITHOUT PRORATION. Payment shall be made in the form of cash or certified funds.
            If Seller fails to deliver possession to Buyer on the agreed date, Seller shall become a tenant at sufferance and shall pay to Buyer as
            liquidated damages $                     per day plus all of the Buyer’s actual reasonable attorney's fees incurred in removing the Seller
            from the Property.

                                                         240 Monroe Muskegon, MI 49441                                                 03/08/2021
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                    Date                 Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                       DV          AVK                              FP
         Revision Date 1/2021                                                               03/08/21     03/08/21   Buyer’s Initials       03/09/21        Seller’s Initials
                                                                                          10:44 PM EST10:37 PM EST                       11:05 AM EST
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                                                                                                        West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement              Page 5 of 6
              If Seller occupies the Property after closing, Seller will pay all utilities during such occupancy. Buyer will maintain the structure and
              mechanical systems at the Property. However, any repairs or replacements necessitated by Seller’s misuse, abuse, or neglect of any
              portion of the Property will be Seller’s responsibility and expense.
              On the agreed delivery date, Seller shall deliver the Property free of trash and debris and in broom-clean condition, shall remove all
              personal property (unless otherwise stated in this or an additional written agreement), shall make arrangements for final payment on
              all utilities, and shall deliver all keys to Buyer. Exceptions:

        23. Earnest Money Deposit: For valuable consideration, Buyer gives Seller until                            8:00 pm                      (time) on
                         03/09/2021             (date), to deliver the written acceptance of this offer and agrees that this offer, when accepted by
            Seller, will constitute a binding Agreement between Buyer and Seller. An Earnest Money Deposit in the amount of $                1,000.00
            shall be submitted to                               Nexes Realty * upon acceptance*                            (insert name of broker, title
            company, other) within 72 hours of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall be applied against the Purchase Price. If the Earnest
            Money Deposit is not received within 72 hours of the Effective Date or is returned for insufficient funds, Seller may terminate this
            Agreement until such time as the Earnest Money Deposit is received. If Seller terminates this Agreement under this provision, Seller
            waives any claim to the Earnest Money Deposit. If the sale is not closed due to a failure to satisfy a contingency for a reason other
            than the fault of Buyer, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be refunded to Buyer. If the sale is not closed as provided in this Agreement
            and Buyer and Seller do not agree to the disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit, then Buyer and Seller agree that the Broker holding
            the Earnest Money Deposit may notify Buyer and Seller, in writing, of Broker’s intended disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit. If
            Buyer and Seller do not object to such disposition in writing within fifteen (15) days after the date of Broker’s notice, they will be deemed
            to have agreed to Broker’s proposed disposition; if either Buyer or Seller object and no mutually agreeable disposition can be
            negotiated, Broker may deposit the funds by interpleader with a court of proper jurisdiction or await further actions by Buyer and Seller.
            In the event of litigation involving the deposit, in whole or in part, either the Seller or the Buyer that is not the prevailing party, as
            determined by the court, will reimburse the other for reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with the litigation,
            and will reimburse the Broker for any reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with any interpleader action
            instituted. If the entity holding the Earnest Money Deposit is not the Broker, then to the extent that the terms of any escrow agreement
            conflict with this paragraph, then the terms and conditions of the escrow agreement shall control.
        24. Professional Advice: Broker hereby advises Buyer and Seller to seek legal, tax, environmental and other appropriate professional
            advice relating to this transaction. Broker does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the advisability of, or the
            legal effect of this transaction. Buyer further acknowledges that REALTOR® above named in the Agreement hereby recommends to
            Buyer that an attorney be retained by Buyer to pass upon the marketability of the title and to ascertain that the required details of the
            sale are adhered to before the transaction is consummated. Buyer agrees that Buyer is not relying on any representation or statement
            made by Seller or any real estate salesperson (whether intentionally or negligently) regarding any aspect of the Property or this sale
            transaction, except as may be expressly set forth in this Agreement, a written amendment to this Agreement, or a disclosure statement
            separately signed by Seller.
        25. Disclosure of Information: Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that the Purchase Price, terms, and other details with respect
            to this transaction (when closed) are not confidential, will be disclosed to REALTORS® who participate in the applicable Multiple Listing
            Service, and may otherwise be used and/or published by that Multiple Listing Service in the ordinary course of its business.
        26. Other Provisions:

             buyer may request seller to finish basement at a cost to be determined

        27. Mergers and Integrations: This Agreement is the final expression of the complete agreement of Buyer and Seller, and there are no
            oral agreements existing between Buyer and Seller relating to this transaction. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed
            by Buyer and Seller and attached to this Agreement.
        28. Fax/Electronic Distribution and Electronic Signatures: Buyer and Seller agree that any signed copy of this Agreement, and any
            amendments or addendums related to this transaction, transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means shall be competent evidence
            of its contents to the same effect as an original signed copy. Buyer and Seller further agree that an electronic signature is the legal
            equivalent of a manual or handwritten signature, and consent to use of electronic signatures. Buyer and Seller agree that any notice(s)
            required or permitted under this Agreement may also be transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means.
        29. Wire Fraud: Seller and Buyer are advised that wire fraud is an increasingly common problem. If you receive any electronic
            communication directing you to transfer funds or provide nonpublic personal information (such as social security numbers, drivers’
            license numbers, wire instructions, bank account numbers, etc.), even if that electronic communication appears to be from the
            Broker, Title Company, or Lender, DO NOT reply until you have verified the authenticity of the email by direct communication with
            Broker, Title Company, or Lender. DO NOT use telephone numbers provided in the email. Such requests may be part of a scheme
            to steal funds or use your identity.

                                                         240 Monroe, Muskegon, MI 49441                                                 03/08/2021
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                     Date                 Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                        DV          AVK                                FP
         Revision Date 1/2021                                                                03/08/21     03/08/21   Buyer’s Initials       03/09/21        Seller’s Initials
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                                                                                                                West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement                      Page 6 of 6

        30. Buyer’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Buyer approves the terms of this offer and acknowledges receipt of a copy of this offer.
                                                                                                                                                            dotloop verified
                                                                                                             Daniel VanderKooi
              Buyer 1 Address                                                                            X                                                  03/08/21 10:44 PM EST
                                                                                                                                                            4ZYY-XM8T-7PRS-5MTR      Buyer
              Buyer 1 Phone: (Res.)                                (Bus.)                                                           Daniel VanderKooi
                                                                                                                      Print name as you want it to appear on documents.
                                                                                                                                                             dotloop verified
              Buyer 2 Address                                                                            X Angela VanderKooi                                 03/08/21 10:37 PM EST
                                                                                                                                                             EQ91-ZSIK-D2VS-F3UQ     Buyer
              Buyer 2 Phone: (Res.)                                (Bus.)                                                           Angela VanderKooi
                                                                                                                      Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

        31. Seller’s Response: The above offer is approved:                    As written.       As written except:
              If buyer request basement to be finished to any degree, seller is not responsible for any of the costs.

             Counteroffer, if any, expires              03/10/2021               , at        5pm          (time). Seller has the right to withdraw this
             counteroffer and to accept other offers until Seller or Seller’s Agent has received notice of Buyer’s acceptance.
        32. Certification of Previous Disclosure Statement: Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property is currently in the same condition as
            disclosed in the Seller’s Disclosure Statement dated                            (check one): Yes No. Seller agrees to inform Buyer
            in writing of any changes in the content of the disclosure statement prior to closing.
        33. Notice to Seller: Seller understands that consummation of the sale or transfer of the Property described in this Agreement will not
            relieve Seller of any liability that Seller may have under the mortgages to which the Property is subject, unless otherwise agreed to by
            the lender or required by law or regulation. Buyer and Seller are advised that a Notice to Seller & Buyer of Underlying Mortgage form
            is available from the respective agents via the West Michigan REALTOR® Boards.
       34. Listing Office Address:                                                                                  Listing Broker License #
             Listing Agent Name:                             Mariana Murillo VanDam                                  Listing Agent License #

        35. Seller’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Seller approves the terms of this Agreement and acknowledges receipt of a copy. If Seller’s
            response occurs after Buyer’s offer expires, then Seller’s response is considered a counteroffer and Buyer’s acceptance is required
            below.                                                                                                             dotloop verified

            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                Frank Peterson                                                                 03/09/21 11:05 AM

                                                                                                                 Is Seller a U.S. Citizen?       Yes         No*
                                Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                                                                                 Is Seller a U.S. Citizen?       Yes         No*
                                 Print name as you want it to appear on documents.
             Seller’s Address:                                                          Seller’s Phone (Res.)                                     (Bus)
                            * If Seller(s) is not a U.S. Citizen, there may be tax implications and Buyer and Seller are advised to seek professional advice.

        36. Buyer’s Receipt/Acceptance: Buyer acknowledges receipt of Seller’s response to Buyer’s offer. In the event Seller’s response
            constitutes a counteroffer, Buyer accepts said counteroffer. All other terms and conditions in the offer remain unchanged.
             X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

             X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

        37. Seller’s Receipt: Seller acknowledges receipt of Buyer’s acceptance of counter offer.
                                                                                                                                                                     dotloop verified
             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time): Frank Peterson                                                                                                      03/09/21 11:05 AM EST

             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

                                                         240 Monroe, Muskegon, MI 49441                                                         03/08/2021
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                             Date                          Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                                DV          AVK                                FP
         Revision Date 1/2021                                                                        03/08/21     03/08/21
                                                                                                                             Buyer’s Initials       03/09/21
                                                                                                                                                                            Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                   10:44 PM EST10:37 PM EST                       11:05 AM EST
                                                                                                  dotloop verified
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                           Agenda Item Review Form
                           Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021                   Title: Sale – 250 Monroe Ave

Submitted By: Frank Peterson                              Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: City staff is seeking authorization to sell the city-owned home at 250 Monroe to Jeanne

Detailed Summary: The city constructed this townhouse as part of the phase two of our infill housing
program. Our contract to construct the home was $164,470. We also anticipated $11,512 in sales
commissions. The accepted purchase price is $179,900, and the incurred sales commissions are $12,593.
The City will not contribute funds toward closing costs.

Amount Requested: None at this time                     Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                              Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: Authorize the City Manager to complete the sale of 250 Monroe Ave, as described
in the purchase agreement.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.        Fire Dept.       IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
dotloop signature verification:

                                                         WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT
         DATE:                        03/08/2021                ,                           (time)                                        MLS #                 21002540

         SELLING OFFICE:                   Keller Williams Lakeshore          BROKER LIC.#:          6505353908             REALTOR® PHONE:                    616-566-4619

         LISTING OFFICE:                                                     REALTOR® PHONE:                      616-874-7085

        1. Effective Date: This Agreement is effective on the date of Seller's acceptance of Buyer's offer or Buyer's acceptance of any
            counteroffer, as the case may be, and this date shall hereafter be referred to as the "Effective Date". Further, any reference to "days"
            in this Agreement refers to calendar days. The first calendar day begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the Effective Date. Any reference
            to "time" refers to local time.
         2. Agency Disclosure: The Undersigned Buyer and Seller each acknowledge that they have read and signed the Disclosure Regarding
             Real Estate Agency Relationships. The selling licensee is acting as (check one):
                  Agent/Subagent of Seller             Buyer’s Agent          Dual Agent (with written, informed consent of both Buyer and Seller)
                  Transaction Coordinator
              Primary Selling Agent Name:                           Nick Schweihofer                  Email:           Lic.#:           6501385792

             Alternate Selling Agent Name:                                             Email:                                   Lic.#:
         3. Seller’s Disclosure Statement: (This paragraph applies to sales of one-to-four family residential units.)
                 Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, dated                              . Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property
                 is currently in the same condition as Seller previously disclosed in that statement. Seller agrees to inform Buyer in writing of any
                 changes in the content of the disclosure statement.
                 Buyer has not received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, in writing, any time prior to receipt
                 of the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Once Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, Buyer may terminate this
                 Agreement, in writing, within 72 hours of receipt if the disclosure was received in person, or within 120 hours if received by
                 registered mail. Exceptions:
                 Seller is exempt from the requirements of the Seller Disclosure Act.
        4. Lead-Based Paint Addendum: Transactions involving homes built prior to 1978 require a written disclosure which is hereby attached
            and will be an integral part of this Agreement.
        5. Property Description: Buyer offers to buy the property located in the        City    Village Township of                Muskegon           ,
            County of               Muskegon County            , Michigan, commonly known as (insert mailing address: street/city/state/zip code)
                                                                      250 Monroe Avenue, 250, Muskegon, MI 49441
             with the following legal description and tax parcel ID numbers:
             Unit 250, Midtown 2 Condominium, a Condominium according to the Master Deed recorded in Liber 4242, Page 355, as amended, in the Office
             of the Muskegon County Register of Deeds, and designated as Muskegon County Condominium Subdivision Plan No. 214, together with rights
                in general common elements and limited common elements as set forth in said Master Deed, and amendments thereto and as described
            PP#                                                                        24-205-367-0009-00                                                                                 .
           The following paragraph applies only if the Premises include unplatted land:
           Seller agrees to grant Buyer at closing the right to make (insert number)                     division(s) under Section 108(2), (3), and
           (4) of the Michigan Land Division Act. (If no number is inserted, the right to make divisions under the sections referenced above stays
           with any remainder of the parent parcel retained by Seller. If a number is inserted, Seller retains all available divisions in excess of the
           number stated; however, Seller and/or REALTOR® do not warrant that the number of divisions stated is actually available.) If this sale
           will create a new division, Seller’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent on Seller’s receipt of municipal approval on or
           before                                  , of the proposed division to create the Premises.
        6. Purchase Price: Buyer offers to buy the Property for the sum of $                 179,900
                                                 one hundred seventy-nine thousand nine hundred                                            U.S. Dollars
        7. Seller Concessions, if any:                                                                          None

        8. Terms: The Terms of Purchase will be as indicated by “X” below: (Other unmarked terms of purchase do not apply.)
           SOURCE OF FUNDS TO CLOSE: Buyer represents that the funds necessary to close this transaction on the terms specified below
           are currently available to Buyer in cash or an equally liquid equivalent.
            If the Property’s value stated in an appraisal obtained by Buyer or Buyer’s lender is less than the Purchase Price, Buyer shall within
            three (3) days after receipt of the appraisal: 1) renegotiate with the Seller, 2) terminate the transaction, in which case Buyer shall
            receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or 3) proceed to close the transaction at the agreed Purchase Price.
                  CASH. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed. Buyer Agrees to provide Buyer Agent/Dual Agent
                  verification of funds within five (5) days after the Effective Date, and consents to the disclosure of such information to Seller and/or
                  Seller’s Agent. If verification of funds is not received within 5 days after the Effective Date, Seller may terminate this Agreement
                  at any time before verification of funds is received by giving written notice to Buyer. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be
                  arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement.
                  NEW MORTGAGE. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed, contingent upon Buyer’s ability to
                  obtain a          Conventional          type        30       (year) mortgage in the amount of       50     % of the Purchase Price
                  bearing interest at a rate not to exceed Market % per annum (rate at time of loan application), on or before the date the sale is
                  to be closed. Buyer agrees to apply for a mortgage loan, and pay all fees and costs customarily charged by Buyer’s lender to
                  process the application, within          10        days after the Effective Date, not to impair Buyers’ credit after the date such loan if
                  offered.      Seller    Buyer will agree to pay an amount not to exceed $              0.00       representing repairs required as a
                  condition of financing. Buyer         agrees      does not agree to authorize Buyer’s Agent/Dual Agent to obtain information from
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                                   JS                                           FP
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                                                                                                      1:08 PM EST                                  2:10 PM EST
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                                                                                                              West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement          Page 2 of 6
                   Buyer’s lender regarding Buyer’s financing, and consents to the disclosure of this information to Seller and/or Seller’s Agent.

                   SELLER FINANCING (check one of the following):                  CONTRACT or                     PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE
                   In the case of Seller financing, Buyer agrees to provide Seller with a credit report within 72 hours after the Effective Date. If the
                   credit report is unacceptable to Seller, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer within 48 hours of Seller’s receipt, or if
                   Buyer fails to provide said credit report to Seller within the time frame allotted, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer
                   within 48 hours. Seller is advised to seek professional advice regarding the credit report.
                   $                           upon execution and delivery of a
                   form (name or type of form and revision date), a copy of which is attached, wherein the balance of $
                   will be payable in monthly installments of $                            or more including interest at                    % per annum,
                   interest to start on date of closing, and first payment to become due thirty (30) days after date of closing. The entire unpaid balance
                   will become due and payable                            months after closing. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and
                   paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:

                   EQUITY (check one of the following):        Formal Assumption or        Informal Assumption
                   Upon execution and delivery of:       Warranty Deed subject to existing mortgage OR             Assignment of Vendee Interest
                   in Land Contract, Buyer to pay the difference (approximately $                             ) between the Purchase Price above
                   provided and the unpaid balance (approximately $                             ) upon said mortgage or land contract, which Buyer
                   agrees to assume and pay. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for accumulated funds held in escrow, if any, for payment of future
                   taxes and insurance premiums, etc. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten
                   (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:


         9. Contingencies: Buyer’s obligation to consummate this transaction (check one):
                   IS NOT CONTINGENT - is not contingent upon the sale or exchange of any other property by Buyer.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON CLOSING - is contingent upon closing of an existing sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at:

                   A copy of Buyer’s agreement to sell or exchange that property is being delivered to Seller along with this offer. If the existing sale
                   or exchange terminates for any reason, Buyer will immediately notify Seller, and either party may terminate this Agreement in
                   writing, within 3 days of Buyer’s notice to Seller. If either party terminates, Buyer shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest
                   Money Deposit.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON THE SALE AND CLOSING - is contingent upon the execution of a binding agreement and the closing
                   of a sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at
                                                         on or before                                      . Seller will have the right to continue to
                   market Seller’s Property until Buyer enters into a binding agreement to sell or exchange Buyer’s property and delivers a copy
                   thereof to Seller. During such marketing period, Seller may enter into a binding contract for sale to another purchaser on such
                   price and terms as the Seller deems appropriate. In such event, this Agreement will automatically terminate, Buyer will be notified
                   promptly, and Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded. Exceptions:

         10. Fixtures & Improvements: The following is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of items included with the Property. All
             improvements and appurtenances are included in the Purchase Price, if now in or on the Property, unless rented, including the
             following: all buildings; landscaping; attached smart home devices; attached security systems; lighting fixtures and their shades and
             bulbs; ceiling fans; hardware for draperies and curtains; window shades and blinds; built-in kitchen appliances, including garbage
             disposal and drop-in ranges; wall to wall carpeting, if attached; all attached mirrors; all attached TV mounting brackets; all attached
             shelving; attached work benches; stationary laundry tubs; water softener; water heater; incinerator; sump pump; water pump and
             pressure tank; heating and air conditioning equipment (window units excluded); attached humidifiers; heating units, including add-on
             heating stoves and heating stoves connected by flue pipe; fireplace screens, inserts, and grates; fireplace doors, if attached; liquid
             heating and cooking fuel tanks; TV antenna and complete rotor equipment; satellite dish and necessary accessories and complete
             rotor equipment; all support equipment for inground pools; screens and storm windows and doors; awnings; installed basketball
             backboard, pole and goal; mailbox; flagpole(s); fencing, invisible inground fencing and all related equipment, including collars;
             detached storage buildings; underground sprinkling, including the pump; installed outdoor grills; all plantings and bulbs; garage door
             opener and control(s); and any and all items and fixtures permanently affixed to the Property; and also includes:
                                                          Garbage Disposal; Microwave; Range; Refrigerator, Garage Door opener

              but does not include:

                                                   250 Monroe Avenue, 250, Muskegon, MI 49441                                             03/08/2021
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                       Date                 Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                              JS                                         FP
         Revision Date 1/2021                                                                      03/08/21
                                                                                                                       Buyer’s Initials       03/08/21
                                                                                                                                                              Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                 1:08 PM EST                                2:10 PM EST
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                                                                                                             West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement         Page 3 of 6

         11. Heating and Cooking Fuels: Liquid heating and cooking fuels in tanks are included in the sale and will transfer to Buyer at time of
             possession unless usage is metered (in which case it is not included in the sale). Sellers are responsible for maintaining heating and
             cooking liquid fuels at an operational level and shall not permit fuels to fall below 10% in the tank(s) at the time of possession, except
             that the tank(s) may be empty only if now empty. Further, Seller is precluded from removing fuel from tank(s) other than what is
             expended through normal use. Exceptions:

         12. Assessments (choose one):
             If the Property is subject to any assessments,
                  Seller shall pay the entire balance of any such assessments that are due and payable on or before the day of closing (regardless
                  of any installment arrangements), except for any fees that are required to connect to public utilities.
                  Seller shall pay all installments of such assessments that become due and payable on or before day of closing. Buyer shall assume
                  and pay all other installments of such assessments.
         13. Property Taxes: Seller will be responsible for any taxes billed prior to those addressed below. Buyer will be responsible for all
             taxes billed after those addressed below.
              Buyer is also advised that the state equalized value of the Property, principal residence exemption information and other real property
              tax information is available from the appropriate local assessor’s office. Buyer should not assume that Buyer’s future tax bills on the
              Property will be the same as Seller’s present tax bills. Under Michigan law, real property tax obligations can change significantly when
              property is transferred.
                  No proration.          (Choose one):
                         Buyer               Seller    will pay taxes billed summer                       (year);
                         Buyer               Seller    will pay taxes billed winter                       (year);
                  Calendar Year Proration (all taxes billed or to be billed in the year of the closing). Calendar year tax levies will be estimated, if
                  necessary, using the taxable value and the millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken down to a per diem tax payment
                  and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying for January 1 through the day before closing.
                  Fiscal Year Proration - Taxes will be prorated as though they are paid in (choose one):         advance.          arrears.
                  Fiscal Year will be assumed to cover a 12-month period from date billed, and taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Fiscal
                  year tax levies will be estimated, if necessary, using the taxable value and millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken
                  down to a per diem tax payment and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying through the day before closing. Exceptions:

         14. Well/Septic: Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, Seller will arrange for, at Seller’s expense, an inspection of the primary well
             used for human consumption (including a water quality test for coliform bacteria and nitrates) and septic systems in use on the
             Property. The inspection will be performed by a qualified inspector in a manner that meets county (or other local governmental
             authority, if applicable) protocol. Seller will also follow any governmental rules regarding pumping of tanks.
             Where no county or government protocol is in place, Seller will arrange for, at Seller’s expense, well and septic inspections (as
             referenced above) by a qualified inspector, Seller will have tanks pumped, unless a qualified inspector determines, in writing, that
             pumping is not necessary.
              If any report discloses a condition unsatisfactory to Buyer, or doesn’t meet county standards that are a condition of sale, Buyer may,
              within three (3) days after Buyer has received the report, by written notice to Seller, either terminate this Agreement and receive a
              refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails
              to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be deemed to have accepted the well/septic as-
              is. Seller will respond in writing within three (3) days to Buyer’s request. If Seller fails to respond or to arrive at a mutually agreeable
              resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer will have three (3) days to provide written notice of
              termination of this Agreement and receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate the contract,
              Buyer will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Exceptions:

         15. Inspections & Investigations:
              Inspections: Buyer, or someone selected by Buyer, has the right to inspect the buildings, premises, components and systems, at
              Buyer’s expense. Any damage, misuse, abuse, or neglect of any portion of the Property or premises as a result of inspections will be
              Buyer’s responsibility and expense. In the event of VA financing, Seller will pay for the inspection for termites and other wood
              destroying insects.
              Investigations: It is Buyer’s responsibility to investigate (i) whether the Property complies with applicable codes and local ordinances
              and whether the Property is zoned for Buyer’s intended use; (ii) whether Buyer can obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy for the
              Property at price and terms acceptable to Buyer; (iii) and whether or not the Property is in a flood zone.
              All inspections and investigations will be completed within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. If the results of Buyer’s inspections
              and investigations are not acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may, within the above referenced period, by written notice to Seller, either
              terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct
              those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be
                                                  250 Monroe Avenue, 250, Muskegon, MI 49441                                            03/08/2021
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                     Date                 Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                             JS                                        FP
         Revision Date 1/2021                                                                     03/08/21
                                                                                                                     Buyer’s Initials       03/08/21
                                                                                                                                                            Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                1:08 PM EST                               2:10 PM EST
                                                                                               dotloop verified                          dotloop verified
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                                                                                                             West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement         Page 4 of 6

            deemed to have accepted the Property as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s proposal
            or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s
            receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and receive a
            refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day period, Buyer will
            be deemed to accept the Inspections & Investigations and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this
                Buyer has waived all rights under this Inspections & Investigations paragraph.
        16. Municipal Compliances: Seller will arrange and pay for current certificates of occupancy, sidewalk compliance, and smoke detector
            ordinances, if applicable.
        17. Title Insurance: Seller agrees to convey marketable title to the Property subject to conditions, limitations, reservation of oil, gas and
            other mineral rights, existing zoning ordinances, and building and use restrictions and easements of record. An expanded coverage
            ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price shall be ordered by Seller and furnished to Buyer at
            Seller’s expense, and a commitment to issue a policy insuring marketable title vested in Buyer, including a real estate tax status
            report, will be made available to Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. If Buyer so chooses, or if an expanded policy is
            not applicable, then a standard ALTA Owners’ Policy of Title Insurance shall be provided.
             If Buyer objects to any conditions, Buyer may, within three (3) days of receipt of the Title Commitment, by written notice to Seller,
             either terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct
             those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be
             deemed to have accepted the Title Commitment as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s
             proposal or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days
             after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and
             shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day
             period, Buyer will be deemed to accept the Title Commitment as-is and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions
             of this Agreement. Exceptions:

        18. Property Survey: Broker advises that Buyer should have a survey performed to satisfy Buyer as to the boundaries of the Property
            and the location of improvements thereon.
                 Buyer or     Seller (check one) shall within ten (10) days of the Effective Date, order, at their expense, a boundary survey with iron
              corner stakes showing the location of the boundaries, improvements and easements in connection with the Property. Upon receipt of
              the survey, Buyer will have three (3) days to review the survey. If the survey shows any condition, in Buyer’s sole discretion, which
              would interfere with Buyer’s intended use of the Property, the marketability of the title, or zoning non-compliance, then Buyer may,
              within said three (3) day period, terminate this Agreement, in writing, and Buyer will receive a full refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money
                No survey. Buyer has waived all rights under this paragraph.
             When closing occurs, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the boundaries of the Property and the location of such improvements
             thereon. Exceptions:

        19. Home Protection Plan: Buyer and Seller have been informed that home protection plans may be available. Such plans may provide
            additional protection and benefit to the parties. Exceptions:

        20. Prorations: Rent; association dues/fees, if any; insurance, if assigned; interest on any existing land contract, mortgage or lien
            assumed by Buyer; will all be adjusted to the date of closing.
        21. Closing: If agreeable to Buyer and Seller, the sale will be closed as soon as closing documents are ready, but not later than
                       04/12/2021           . An additional period of fifteen (15) days will be allowed for closing to accommodate the
            correction of title defects or survey problems which can be readily corrected, or for delays in obtaining any lender required
            inspections/repairs. During this additional period, the closing will be held within 5 days after all parties have been notified that all
            necessary documents have been prepared. Buyer and Seller will each pay their title company closing fee, if applicable, except in the
            case of VA financing where Seller will pay the entire closing fee. Exceptions:

        22. Possession: Seller will maintain the Property in its present condition until the completion of the closing of the sale. Possession to be
            delivered to Buyer, subject to rights of present tenants, if any.
                 At the completion of the closing of the sale.
                 At                   a.m.   p.m. on the                    day after completion of the closing of the sale, during which time Seller
            will have the privilege to occupy the Property and hereby agrees to pay Buyer $                                          as an occupancy
            fee for this period payable at closing, WITHOUT PRORATION. Payment shall be made in the form of cash or certified funds.
            If Seller fails to deliver possession to Buyer on the agreed date, Seller shall become a tenant at sufferance and shall pay to Buyer as
            liquidated damages $                     per day plus all of the Buyer’s actual reasonable attorney's fees incurred in removing the Seller
            from the Property.

                                                  250 Monroe Avenue, 250, Muskegon, MI 49441                                            03/08/2021
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                     Date                 Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                             JS                                      FP
         Revision Date 1/2021                                                                     03/08/21           Buyer’s Initials       03/08/21        Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                1:08 PM EST                               2:10 PM EST
                                                                                               dotloop verified                          dotloop verified
dotloop signature verification:

                                                                                                             West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement         Page 5 of 6
             If Seller occupies the Property after closing, Seller will pay all utilities during such occupancy. Buyer will maintain the structure and
             mechanical systems at the Property. However, any repairs or replacements necessitated by Seller’s misuse, abuse, or neglect of any
             portion of the Property will be Seller’s responsibility and expense.
             On the agreed delivery date, Seller shall deliver the Property free of trash and debris and in broom-clean condition, shall remove all
             personal property (unless otherwise stated in this or an additional written agreement), shall make arrangements for final payment on
             all utilities, and shall deliver all keys to Buyer. Exceptions:

        23. Earnest Money Deposit: For valuable consideration, Buyer gives Seller until                             9:00am                      (time) on
                         03/09/2021             (date), to deliver the written acceptance of this offer and agrees that this offer, when accepted by
            Seller, will constitute a binding Agreement between Buyer and Seller. An Earnest Money Deposit in the amount of $                1,000.00
            shall be submitted to                                  Keller Williams Lakeshore                               (insert name of broker, title
            company, other) within 72 hours of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall be applied against the Purchase Price. If the Earnest
            Money Deposit is not received within 72 hours of the Effective Date or is returned for insufficient funds, Seller may terminate this
            Agreement until such time as the Earnest Money Deposit is received. If Seller terminates this Agreement under this provision, Seller
            waives any claim to the Earnest Money Deposit. If the sale is not closed due to a failure to satisfy a contingency for a reason other
            than the fault of Buyer, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be refunded to Buyer. If the sale is not closed as provided in this Agreement
            and Buyer and Seller do not agree to the disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit, then Buyer and Seller agree that the Broker holding
            the Earnest Money Deposit may notify Buyer and Seller, in writing, of Broker’s intended disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit. If
            Buyer and Seller do not object to such disposition in writing within fifteen (15) days after the date of Broker’s notice, they will be deemed
            to have agreed to Broker’s proposed disposition; if either Buyer or Seller object and no mutually agreeable disposition can be
            negotiated, Broker may deposit the funds by interpleader with a court of proper jurisdiction or await further actions by Buyer and Seller.
            In the event of litigation involving the deposit, in whole or in part, either the Seller or the Buyer that is not the prevailing party, as
            determined by the court, will reimburse the other for reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with the litigation,
            and will reimburse the Broker for any reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with any interpleader action
            instituted. If the entity holding the Earnest Money Deposit is not the Broker, then to the extent that the terms of any escrow agreement
            conflict with this paragraph, then the terms and conditions of the escrow agreement shall control.
        24. Professional Advice: Broker hereby advises Buyer and Seller to seek legal, tax, environmental and other appropriate professional
            advice relating to this transaction. Broker does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the advisability of, or the
            legal effect of this transaction. Buyer further acknowledges that REALTOR® above named in the Agreement hereby recommends to
            Buyer that an attorney be retained by Buyer to pass upon the marketability of the title and to ascertain that the required details of the
            sale are adhered to before the transaction is consummated. Buyer agrees that Buyer is not relying on any representation or statement
            made by Seller or any real estate salesperson (whether intentionally or negligently) regarding any aspect of the Property or this sale
            transaction, except as may be expressly set forth in this Agreement, a written amendment to this Agreement, or a disclosure statement
            separately signed by Seller.
        25. Disclosure of Information: Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that the Purchase Price, terms, and other details with respect
            to this transaction (when closed) are not confidential, will be disclosed to REALTORS® who participate in the applicable Multiple Listing
            Service, and may otherwise be used and/or published by that Multiple Listing Service in the ordinary course of its business.
        26. Other Provisions:

        27. Mergers and Integrations: This Agreement is the final expression of the complete agreement of Buyer and Seller, and there are no
            oral agreements existing between Buyer and Seller relating to this transaction. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed
            by Buyer and Seller and attached to this Agreement.
        28. Fax/Electronic Distribution and Electronic Signatures: Buyer and Seller agree that any signed copy of this Agreement, and any
            amendments or addendums related to this transaction, transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means shall be competent evidence
            of its contents to the same effect as an original signed copy. Buyer and Seller further agree that an electronic signature is the legal
            equivalent of a manual or handwritten signature, and consent to use of electronic signatures. Buyer and Seller agree that any notice(s)
            required or permitted under this Agreement may also be transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means.
        29. Wire Fraud: Seller and Buyer are advised that wire fraud is an increasingly common problem. If you receive any electronic
            communication directing you to transfer funds or provide nonpublic personal information (such as social security numbers, drivers’
            license numbers, wire instructions, bank account numbers, etc.), even if that electronic communication appears to be from the
            Broker, Title Company, or Lender, DO NOT reply until you have verified the authenticity of the email by direct communication with
            Broker, Title Company, or Lender. DO NOT use telephone numbers provided in the email. Such requests may be part of a scheme
            to steal funds or use your identity.

                                                  250 Monroe Avenue, 250, Muskegon, MI 49441                                            03/08/2021
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                     Date                 Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                             JS                                        FP
         Revision Date 1/2021                                                                     03/08/21           Buyer’s Initials       03/08/21        Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                1:08 PM EST                               2:10 PM EST
                                                                                               dotloop verified                          dotloop verified
dotloop signature verification:

                                                                                                                West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement                     Page 6 of 6

        30. Buyer’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Buyer approves the terms of this offer and acknowledges receipt of a copy of this offer.
                                                                                                                                                           dotloop verified
                                                                                                              Jeanne Smith
             Buyer 1 Address                                                                             X                                                 03/08/21 1:08 PM EST
                                                                                                                                                           NCFD-XM4Y-JULL-AGM6    Buyer
             Buyer 1 Phone: (Res.)                                 (Bus.)                                                                Jeanne Smith
                                                                                                                        Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

             Buyer 2 Address                                                                             X                                                                        Buyer
             Buyer 2 Phone: (Res.)                                 (Bus.)
                                                                                                                        Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

        31. Seller’s Response: The above offer is approved:                    As written.       As written except:

            Counteroffer, if any, expires                                       , at                     (time). Seller has the right to withdraw this
            counteroffer and to accept other offers until Seller or Seller’s Agent has received notice of Buyer’s acceptance.
        32. Certification of Previous Disclosure Statement: Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property is currently in the same condition as
            disclosed in the Seller’s Disclosure Statement dated                            (check one): Yes No. Seller agrees to inform Buyer
            in writing of any changes in the content of the disclosure statement prior to closing.
        33. Notice to Seller: Seller understands that consummation of the sale or transfer of the Property described in this Agreement will not
            relieve Seller of any liability that Seller may have under the mortgages to which the Property is subject, unless otherwise agreed to by
            the lender or required by law or regulation. Buyer and Seller are advised that a Notice to Seller & Buyer of Underlying Mortgage form
            is available from the respective agents via the West Michigan REALTOR® Boards.
       34. Listing Office Address:                                                                                     Listing Broker License #
            Listing Agent Name:                              Mariana Murillo VanDam                                    Listing Agent License #

        35. Seller’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Seller approves the terms of this Agreement and acknowledges receipt of a copy. If Seller’s
            response occurs after Buyer’s offer expires, then Seller’s response is considered a counteroffer and Buyer’s acceptance is required
            below.                                                                                                             dotloop verified

            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                Frank Peterson                                                                 03/08/21 2:10 PM EST

                                                                                                                     Is Seller a U.S. Citizen?    Yes        No*
                               Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                                                                                     Is Seller a U.S. Citizen?    Yes        No*
                                Print name as you want it to appear on documents.
            Seller’s Address:                                                           Seller’s Phone (Res.)                                      (Bus)
                            * If Seller(s) is not a U.S. Citizen, there may be tax implications and Buyer and Seller are advised to seek professional advice.

        36. Buyer’s Receipt/Acceptance: Buyer acknowledges receipt of Seller’s response to Buyer’s offer. In the event Seller’s response
            constitutes a counteroffer, Buyer accepts said counteroffer. All other terms and conditions in the offer remain unchanged.
            X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

            X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

        37. Seller’s Receipt: Seller acknowledges receipt of Buyer’s acceptance of counter offer.
                                                                                                                                                                     dotloop verified
            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time): Frank Peterson                                                                                                       03/08/21 2:10 PM EST

            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

                                                   250 Monroe Avenue, 250, Muskegon, MI 49441                                                    03/08/2021
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                              Date                       Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations                                                JS                                              FP
         Revision Date 1/2021                                                                        03/08/21
                                                                                                                             Buyer’s Initials        03/08/21
                                                                                                                                                                          Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                   1:08 PM EST                                     2:10 PM EST
                                                                                                  dotloop verified                                dotloop verified
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 4/13/21                       Title: Lot sales Hudson/Dowd

Submitted By: Mike Franzak                             Department: Planning

Brief Summary: Request to sell the properties at 2172 Dowd St, 2182 Dowd St, 2169 Hudson St
and 2171 Hudson St to Urban Ventures of West Michigan, LLC for the construction of eight (8)

Detailed Summary: The City-owned lot sale policy states that the buyer is to pay 75% of the true
cash value of the lots ($22,950), but that it will be reimbursed upon issuance of certificate of
occupancy for all eight units.

The policy also states that since they are building more than 3 units within 18 months, 100% of the
water/sewer hook-up fees may be waived.

The water/sewer lines in this area need to be extended 230 ft to provide service to these lots. Staff
estimates these costs to be around $10,000. Staff recommends charging the buyer half of this

Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the request to sell the properties at 2172 Dowd St, 2182
Dowd St, 2169 Hudson St and 2171 Hudson St to Urban Ventures of West Michigan, LLC

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.
For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                         QUIT CLAIM DEED
Corporation, of 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49440,
Limited Liability Company, of 875 Oak Ridge Rd., Muskegon, MI 49441,
the following described premises situated in the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State
of Michigan, to wit:
                                       **See Attached**
for the sum of: Twenty-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty and no/100 Dollars ($22,950.00)
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, Grantee, or its assigns, shall complete construction of eight duplexes on the
premises herein conveyed within two (2) years after the date of closing. In default of such
construction, title to the premises shall revert to the City of Muskegon free and clear of any claim
of Grantee or its assigns. In addition, the City of Muskegon may retain the consideration for this
conveyance free and clear of any claim of Grantee or its assigns. "Complete construction"
means: (1) issuance of all residential building permits by the City of Muskegon; and (2) in the
sole opinion of the City of Muskegon's Director of Inspections, substantial completion of the
residential development described in the said building permits. In the event of reversion of title
of the above-described premises, improvements made thereon shall become the property of
Grantor, without any compensation or credit to the Buyer. These covenants and conditions shall
run with the land.

Subject to any easements or use restrictions of record.

This deed is exempt from real estate transfer tax pursuant to the provisions of MCLA
207.505(h)(i) and MCLA 207.526 Sec. 6(h)(i).
Dated this 13th day of April 2021.
Signed in the presence of:                                CITY OF MUSKEGON

______________________________                            By_________________________________
                                                          Stephen Gawron, Its Mayor

______________________________                            and________________________________
                                                          Ann Marie Meisch, MMC, Its Clerk

        The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 13th day of April 2021, by
STEPHEN GAWRON and ANN MARIE MEISCH, MMC, the Mayor and Clerk, respectively,
of the CITY OF MUSKEGON, a municipal corporation, on behalf of the City.

PREPARED BY: Hope Griffith                                _______________________, Notary Public
City of Muskegon                                          Acting in the County of Muskegon, MI
933 Terrace St Room 202                                   Muskegon County, MI
Muskegon, MI 49440                                        My Comm. Expires: ___________________
Telephone: (231) 724-6702
GRANTEE                                           GRANTEE
                         LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS:

2172 Dowd St. Parcel # 61-24-365-000-0001-00:

2184 Dowd St. Parcel # 61-24-365-000-0001-20:

2169 Hudson St. Parcel # 61-24-365-000-0001-10:

2171 Hudson St. Parcel # 61-24-365-000-0001-30:
                         REAL ESTATE PURCHASE AGREEMENT

        THIS AGREEMENT is made April 13, 2021, by and between the CITY OF
MUSKEGON, a Municipal Corporation, of 933 Terrace St., Muskegon, Michigan 49440
("Seller"), and URBAN VENTURES OF WEST MICHIGAN LLC, a Michigan Limited
Liability Company, of 875 Oak Ridge Rd., Muskegon, MI 49441 ("Buyer").

        1.      General Agreement and Description of Premises. Seller agrees to sell, and
Buyer agrees to buy, marketable record title of real estate, and all improvements thereon, with all
beneficial easements, and with all of Seller's right, title and interest in all adjoining public ways,
the real property located in the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan ("Premises"),
and specifically described as:

   1) 2172 Dowd St. Parcel # 61-24-365-000-0001-00:

   2) 2184 Dowd St. Parcel # 61-24-365-000-0001-20:

   3) 2169 Hudson St. Parcel # 61-24-365-000-0001-10:

   4) 2171 Hudson St. Parcel # 61-24-365-000-0001-30:

Subject to the reservations, restrictions, and easements of record, provided said reservations,
restrictions and easements of record are acceptable to Buyer upon disclosure and review of the
same, and subject to any governmental inspections required by law.

        2.      Purchase Price and Manner of Payment. The purchase price for the Premises
shall be Twenty-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty no/100 Dollars ($22,950.00), payable in
cash or wire transfer to Transnation Title Insurance Company.

       3.      Taxes and Assessments. All taxes and assessments that are due and payable at
the time of Closing shall be paid by Seller prior to or at Closing. All taxes and special
assessments that become due and payable after Closing shall be the responsibility of Buyer.

       4.      Title Insurance. Seller agrees to deliver to the Buyer, ten (10) days prior to
closing, a commitment for title insurance, issued by Transnation Title Insurance Company, for an
amount not less than the purchase price stated in this Agreement, guaranteeing title on the
conditions required herein. In the event the reservations, restrictions or easements of record
disclosed by said title commitment is, in the sole discretion of Buyer, deemed unreasonable,
Seller shall have forty-five (45) days from the date Seller is notified in writing of such
unreasonableness of restriction and such unmarketability of title, to remedy such objections. If
Seller resolves such restrictions and remedies the title (by obtaining satisfactory title insurance or
otherwise) within the time specified, Buyer agrees to complete this sale as herein provided,
within ten (10) days of written notification thereof. If Seller fails to resolve such restrictions or
remedy the title within the time above specified or fails to obtain satisfactory title insurance, this
Agreement will be terminated at Buyer's option. The premium for the owner's title policy shall
be paid by Seller.

        5.      Covenant to Construct Improvements and Use. Buyer acknowledges that, as
part of the consideration inuring to the City, Buyer covenants and agrees to construct eight (8)
duplexes on the premises herein conveyed within two (2) years after the date of closing. In
default of such construction, title to the premises shall revert to the City of Muskegon free and
clear of any claim of Grantee or its assigns. In addition, the City of Muskegon may retain the
consideration for this conveyance free and clear of any claim of Grantee or its assigns.
"Complete construction" means: (1) issuance of all residential building permits by the City of
Muskegon; and, (2) in the sole opinion of the City of Muskegon's Director of Inspections,
substantial completion of the residential development described in the said building permits. In
the event of reversion of title of the above-described premises, improvements made thereon shall
become the property of Grantor, without any compensation or credit to the Buyer. These
covenants and conditions shall run with the land.

      The Buyer will be responsible for the removal of the tower, fence, etc. that is located at
2172 Dowd St.

       Due to the development of eight (8) duplexes; the Buyer is to pay $5,000 toward the
extension of the water/sewer lines for the development but is offered a One Hundred Percent
(100%) reduction for the water/sewer connection fees and the Buyer will receive One Hundred
Percent (100%) of the purchase price reimbursed for the land once a Certificate of Occupancy
has been received for all eight (8) duplexes.

        6.      Survey. Buyer at its own expense may obtain a survey of the Premises, and
Buyer or its surveyor or other agents may enter the Premises for that purpose prior to Closing. If
no survey is obtained, Buyer agrees that Buyer is relying solely upon Buyer's own judgment as to
the location, boundaries and area of the Premises and improvements thereon without regard to
any representations that may have been made by Seller or any other person. In the event that a
survey by a registered land surveyor made prior to closing discloses an encroachment or
substantial variation from the presumed land boundaries or area, Seller shall have the option of
effecting a remedy within thirty (30) days after disclosure, or tendering Buyer's deposit in full
termination of this Purchase Agreement and paying the cost of such survey. Buyer may elect to
purchase the Premises subject to said encroachment or variation.

     7.   Condition of Premises and Examination by Buyer. NO IMPLIED

       8.      Closing. The closing date of this sale shall be held 90 days from City
Commission approval of the sale, more specifically on or before July 13, 2021 ("Closing"). The
Closing shall be conducted at Transnation Title Insurance Company, 570 Seminole Rd. Ste 102,
Muskegon, Michigan 49444. If necessary, the parties shall execute an IRS closing report at the

       9.      Delivery of Deed. Seller shall execute and deliver a quit claim deed to Buyer at
Closing for the Premises.

       10.     Affidavit of Title. At the Closing, Seller shall deliver to Buyer an executed
Affidavit of Title.

        11.    Date of Possession. Possession of Premises is to be delivered to Buyer by Seller
on the date of Closing.

       12.     Costs. Seller shall be responsible to pay the Michigan transfer tax, if any, in the
amount required by law. In addition, Seller shall be responsible to pay for the recording of any
instrument that must be recorded to clear title to the Premises, to the extent required by this

               Buyer shall pay for the cost of recording the deed to be delivered at Closing.

               Seller and Buyer shall split the closing costs.

       13.     General Provisions.

             a.     Paragraph Headings. The paragraph headings are inserted in this
       Agreement only for convenience.

                b.    Pronouns. When applicable, pronouns and relative words shall be read as
       plural, feminine or neuter.
              c.     Merger. It is understood and agreed that all understandings and
       agreements previously made between Buyer and Seller are merged into this Agreement,
       which alone fully and completely expresses the agreement of the parties.

              d.      Governing Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced
       pursuant to the laws of the State of Michigan.

              e.      Successors. All terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be binding
       upon the parties, their successors and assigns.

               f.      Severability. In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this
       Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any
       respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision
       of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or
       unenforceable provision(s) had never been contained herein.

              g.      Survival of Representations and Warranties. The representations,
       warranties, covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement and in any instrument
       provided for herein shall survive the Closing and continue in full force and effect after
       the consummation of this purchase and sale.

              h.      Modification of the Agreement. This Agreement shall not be amended
       except by a writing signed by Seller and Buyer.

       The parties have executed this Real Estate Purchase Agreement the day and year first
above written.
WITNESSES:                        SELLER: CITY OF MUSKEGON

_______________________________   By_____________________________________
                                  Stephen Gawron, Its Mayor

_______________________________   By ____________________________________
                                  Ann Marie Meisch, MMC, Its Clerk


_______________________________   By_____________________________________
                                  Stephen Benedict, Its Member

_______________________________   By ____________________________________
                                  Thomas A Serio, Its Member
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 4/13/2021                      Title: 2021 Goal Adoption

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                         Department: Development Services

Brief Summary:
Staff is seeking adoption of additional action items to the original goals set in 2016.

Detailed Summary:
Staff and commissioners worked together over a 7 month time period to develop focus areas,
gather input from stakeholder groups, and create additional action items to be added to the goals
established in 2016. In August 2020, staff and commissioners started the goal development
process by determining focus areas and identifying stakeholder groups within those focus areas.
The next several months were spent gathering information from staff, stakeholder groups, and the
general public. At the January 2021 meeting, staff and commissioners used the information
gathered to develop priorities and define a vision of success. Action items for each of the focus
areas were developed and shared at the March 2021 Legislative Policy Committee meeting, and
the final draft is submitted for adoption.
In 2016, the four goals set were Housing, Image, Quality of Life, and Revitalizing Revenues. Since
Housing impacts all three of the other goals, it was included as a focus area along with Social
Equity, and Youth/Education. Action items for each focus area and goal are outlined in the

Amount Requested: None                                 Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                             Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: To adopt the 2021 action items.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.
For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                             CITY COMMISSION GOALS
                         AN OUTLINE FOR FINALIZING GOALS
                                                April 2021

Since housing impacts image, quality of life, and revenues and it was determined to be a key focus area
in the August session, staff suggests reducing the overall goals to these three: Image, Quality of Life,
Revitalize Revenues. Social Equity, Youth/Education, and Housing remain focus areas within each of the
goals, and particular action items were developed for each focus area based on discussions at the
January goal setting.


        Action Item 2021-1      Support and Collaborate in Efforts to Save and Rehabilitate the Hackley
        Administration Building and Nelson School

        Social Equity Focus Area
        Action Item 2021-2       Develop a Diverse Workforce for All City Positions
        Intentional early focus on Public Works and Public Safety

        Housing Focus Area
        Action Item 2021-3     Identify Developer for Froebel School Site for Redevelopment
        Developer will determine the viability of saving the school building

        Action Item 2021-4      Substantial Completion of Watermark Redevelopment Project


        Social Equity Focus Area
        Action Item 2021-5      Collaborate on Workforce Development Programs
        Consider options that encourage business owners and managers to hire a diverse workforce,
        especially in the downtown area

        Youth/Education Focus Area
        Action Item 2021-6      Partner with School Districts to Expose Students to Public Service Career

        Action Item 2021-7      Work with Youth and Education Stakeholders to Foster Connections
        between Youth and Opportunities
        Hold a joint board meeting with the Muskegon Public School Board and the City Commission
     Housing Focus Area
     Action Item 2021-8      Expand Housing Options
     Including type of house, price range, locations, rent or own, etc.

     Action Item 2021-9    Balance Market Driven Options with Housing Options Attainable for Low
     and Middle Income Earners


     Social Equity Focus Area
     Action Item 2021-10     Increase Minority Owned Businesses and Properties in Downtown

     Action Item 2021-11     Increase Opportunities for Minorities to Partner in Economic

     Action Item 2021-12     Increase Minority Owned Businesses and Properties in Lakeside and
     other Commercial Districts

     Housing Focus Area
     Action Item2021- 13     Increase Property Values in the Urban Core and Eastside Neighborhoods

     Action Item 2021-14     Increase Number of Existing Homes being Rehabilitated by Private

     Action Item 2021-15 Partner with other Agencies to Encourage Home Ownership, especially
     among Minority Communities
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 4/13/2021                      Title: Software Subscription

Submitted By: Jake Eckholm                              Department: Economic Development

Brief Summary: The Economic Development Department has been researching various data
analysis platforms to help us answer some larger socioeconomic questions regarding our
population and workforce. would allow the department to use anonymized GPS data from
cell phones to determine critical information to better understand our local economy.

Detailed Summary:
The software proposed will allow our department to conduct research related to economic
development such as commuter trends, retail activity tracking, shopper demographics, and
commercial/industrial attraction projects. It will also allow us to assist the city with other research,
such as attendance information at city festivals, the Muskegon Farmers Market, and to track
location data for our tourism industry. Another major benefit of this software will be oriented around
equity. For instance, we will be able to source who is shopping where, and illustrate retail trends in
all of our commercial corridors. This will allow us to see who is benefiting economically in the city
from various businesses, and where we need to improve our programming and efforts. All of this
data is anonymized, and as part of the subscription agreement we receive unlimited technical
support from staff. We have included some sample reports and presentations that
illustrate the benefits of this program in your packet. This would be an unbudgeted expenditure that
would be reflected in a reforecast or budget amendment.

Amount Requested: $16,000                              Amount Budgeted: 0 (not included in this
                                                       year’s budget)

Fund(s) or Account(s): Planning and                    Fund(s) or Account(s): Planning and
Economic Development: Contracted Services              Economic Development: Contracted Services
(101-80400-5346)                                       (101-80400-5346)

Recommended Motion: A motion to approve the subscription agreement with for the term
of one year as presented.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                               PLACER LABS, INC.

                                                  ORDER FORM

 City of Muskegon (“Customer”)                                 Placer Labs, Inc. (“Placer”)
 Address:                    933 Terrace Street                Address:                  340 S Lemon Ave #1277,
                             Muskegon, MI 49443                                          Walnut, CA 91789
                                                               Contact Person            Adam Peacock
 Contact Person:             Jake Eckholm                      Billing Contact Person: Ethan Low
 Email:                      jake.eckholm@shorelinecity.       Billing Email*: 

 Phone:                      (231) 724-6780              Billing Phone*:             415-228-2444
 Billing Contact Email:      Jake.eckholm@shorelinecity. *Not for use for official notices.

1. Services.

   The services provided under this Order Form (the “Services”) include:

   ● Access, via Placer Venue Analytics Platform (“Placer’s Platform”), to all major venues within the United States
   ●   Access, via Placer’s Platform, to Placer Venue Analytics reports, including, Visits, Trade Areas, Customer
       Journey, Customer Insights, Dwell Times, and Visitation by Hour/Day
   ●   Actionable insights include:
           o Accurate foot traffic counts and dwell time
           o True Trade Areas displaying frequent-visitors-density by home and work locations
           o Customers’ demographics, interests, and time spent at relevant locations
           o Where customers are coming-from/going-to? Along which routes?
           o Benchmarking of Foot Traffic, Market Share, Audiences, and other key metrics
           o Competitive insights
   ●   Custom reports per ad-hoc needs/requests; in Excel, KML, Tableau, and other formats
   ●   Ad-hoc property visitor time lapse video generation upon request
   ●   Premier Customer Support
           o Regular meeting with Placer Customer Success Team
           o Live, Virtual Training support as reasonably needed

2. Permitted Uses

   The data, information and materials accessible via the Services are referred to as “Placer Data”. Customer may use
   Placer Data solely for the following purposes (“Permitted Uses”): (a) Customer may use Placer Data for Customer’s
   internal business purposes; and (b) Customer may incorporate Placer Data into Research Data, as described and
   subject to the restrictions below. Under no circumstances may Customer provide any part of any Placer Data in raw
   form to any third party.

   “Research Data” means datasets and other materials created by Customer that result in any part from Customer’s
   use of Placer Data. Research Data must not include any Placer Data in raw form or any other form through which the
   raw form is readily identifiable by the recipient of Research Data (e.g., through common or basic methods of reverse-

   engineering, etc.). The Customer may share Research Data with current and potential customers, and in marketing
   materials; provided that the Customer shall cite Placer as a provider of such information.

3. Term and Termination.

   Initial Term: The initial term of this Order Form will begin as of the last signature date set forth below, and will
   continue for 12 consecutive months thereafter (the “Initial Term”). Each renewal or additional term, if any, is
   referred to as “Additional Term”, and the Initial Term and any Additional Terms are referred to collectively as the

   Additional Term:

   Following expiration of the Initial Term, this Order Form shall be automatically renewed for additional periods of
   the same duration as the Initial Term, unless either party provides written notice of non-renewal at least thirty (30)
   days prior to the expiration of the then-current term


   Either party may terminate this Order Form upon thirty (30) days’ notice if the other party materially breaches any
   of the terms or conditions of this Order Form or the Agreement (as defined below), and the breach remains uncured
   during such thirty (30) days. In addition, Placer may immediately suspend Customer’s access to the Services, or
   terminate the Order Form, in the event of non-payment by the Customer or breach by Customer of any restrictions
   regarding usage of the Services.

4. Fees.

   US $16,000/year invoiced: in full upon signing this Order Form

   Fees billed via

   Customer shall pay the fees set forth in this Order Form as set forth above.

   Unpaid amounts are subject to a finance charge of 1.5% per month on any outstanding balance, or the maximum
   permitted by law, whichever is lower, plus all expenses of collection.

   Customer shall be responsible for all taxes associated with the Services other than U.S. taxes based on Placer’s net

   If Customer believes that Placer has billed Customer incorrectly, Customer must contact Placer no later than sixty
   (60) days after the closing date on the first billing statement in which the error or problem appeared in order to receive
   an adjustment or credit. Inquiries should be directed to Placer’s customer support department at

   In the event of any termination, Customer will pay in full for the Services up to and including the last day on which
   the Services are available to Customer.

   All billings will be sent via electronic invoice to the Customer contact indicated above. Customer shall pay all fees
   within thirty (30) days of the invoice date.

5. Support.

     Placer will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide customer service and technical support in connection with
     the Services on weekdays during the hours of 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. California time, with the exclusion of
     federal holidays. For any such support, please contact us at

 6. Mutual NDA.

     Each party (the “Receiving Party”) understands that the other party (the “Disclosing Party”) has disclosed or may
     disclose business, technical or financial information relating to the Disclosing Party’s business (hereinafter referred
     to as “Proprietary Information” of the Disclosing Party). Proprietary Information of Placer includes, without
     limitation, non-public information regarding features, functionalities and performance of, and pricing for, the
     Services. The Receiving Party agrees: (i) to take reasonable precautions to protect such Proprietary Information, and
     (ii) not to use (except in performance of the Services or as otherwise permitted by the Agreement) or disclose to any
     third party any Proprietary Information. The foregoing shall not apply with respect to any information that the
     Receiving Party can document (a) is or becomes generally available to the public, (b) was in the possession of or
     known to the Receiving Party, prior to disclosure thereof by the Disclosing Party, without any restrictions or
     confidentiality obligations, (c) was rightfully disclosed to it, without any restrictions or confidentiality obligations,
     by a third party, (d) was independently developed without use of any Proprietary Information of the Disclosing Party,
     or (e) is required to be disclosed by law, provided that the Receiving Party provides the Disclosing Party with prompt
     written notice of such requirement and reasonably cooperates with the Disclosing Party to limit or challenge such
     requirement. These provisions regarding Proprietary Information shall apply in perpetuity and shall survive any
     termination of the Order Form or the Agreement.

 7. Miscellaneous.

     All notices under the Order Form and the Agreement will be in writing and will be deemed to have been duly given
     (a) upon delivery by a recognized delivery service (e.g., FedEx) with delivery confirmation, (b) upon receipt, if sent
     by U.S. certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or (c) when sent via email, if sent during normal business
     hours of the recipient, and on the next business day if sent after normal business hours of the recipient. Notices shall
     be sent to the addresses set forth in the Order Form, which addresses may be subsequently modified by written notice
     given in accordance with these provisions.

     Customer grants Placer the right to use Customer’s company name and company logo, for Placer’s promotional

This Order Form is entered into by and between Customer and Placer effective as of the date of the last signature below.
This Order Form and use of the Services are governed by, and Customer and Placer agree to, the License Agreement
located at (the “Agreement”); provided, however, that in the event of any
conflict between this Order Form and the Agreement, this Order Form shall control. Unless otherwise defined in this
Order Form, capitalized terms herein have the same meaning as in the Agreement.

“Customer”                                                          “Placer”

City of Muskegon                                                    Placer Labs, Inc.

By:                                                                 By:
Name:                                                               Name: Noam Ben Zvi
Title:                                                              Title: CEO & Co-Founder
Date:                                                               Date:

                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 4/13/2021                       Title: Purchasing Policy

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                          Department: Development Services

Brief Summary:
The Purchasing Policy Work Group is seeking approval of a revised purchasing policy.

Detailed Summary:
At the request of the Mayor, the Purchasing Policy Work Group has reviewed the existing policy,
talked with various departments throughout the city, and presents a revised policy. Changes of
note include:
The purchasing authority has been increased based on review of recent purchases.
The process for correcting a bid was modified to limit liability.
The local preference has been modified.
Goals have been included for disadvantaged contractors.
Provisions to select vendors based on qualifications have been further outlined.
The use of prevailing wages has been modified.
Staff approval of change orders has been changed based on contingency included in the budget.
Provisions for handling violations of the policy have been added.

Amount Requested: None                                  Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                              Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: To approve the revised Purchasing Policy.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.
For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:


      OF THE


               EFFECTIVE: December 10, 1991
                          THE PURCHASING POLICIES
                          OF THE.CITY OF MUSKEGON

SECTION I     PURPOSE••                                                                                1

SECTION II    PURCHASING GOALS                                                                         1

SECTION III   PURCHASING AUTHORITY                                                                     1

              A.   CITY COMMISSION.                                                                2
              B.   CITY MANAGER ••                                                                 2
              C.   ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER                                                          2
              D.   CITY ATTORNEY•••••                                                              2
              E.   FINANCE DEPARTMENT • •                                                          2
              F.   CITY DEPARTMENT HEADS.                                                          2

SECTION IV    GENERAL PURCHASING POLICIES.                                                             3

              A.   DEFINITION AND SCOPE OF PURCHASING. • • •                                       3
              B.   SUBDIVISION PROHIBITION. • • • • • • • • •                                      3
              C.   PURCHASES UNDER $500. • • • • • • • • • •                                       3
              D.   PURCHASES OF $500 OR MORE BUT LESS THAN
                   $2,000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •                                      3
              E.   PURCHASES OF $2,000 OR MORE BUT LESS THAN
                   $8,000 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    4
              F.   PURCHASES OF $8,000 OR MORE. • • • • • • •                                      4
              G.   AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. • • • • • • • • • • •                                       7
              H.   RECYCLED PRODUCTS. . • • • • • • • • • • •                                      7
              I.   COOPERATIVE PURCHASING. . • • • • • • • •                                       7
              J.   PROCUREMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. . •                                       8
              K.   PURCHASES IN CASES OF EMERGENCY. • • • • •                                      8
              L.   CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. • • . • • . • • ••                                       8
              M.   INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS • . • • . • . • • •                                      9
              N.   POLICY EXCEPTIONS. • • . • • • • • • • • •                                      9
              0.   AUDITING AND MONITORING. • • • • • • • • •                                     10
              P.   WAGE RATES • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • •                                     10
              Q.   LEASES AND LEASE-PURCHASES • • • • . • • •                                     10

SECTION V     STANDARDS OF CONDUCT •.                                                             10

SECTION VI    AMENDMENTS TO PURCHASING POLICY.                                                    11

SECTION VII   ADOPTION OF PURCHASING PROCEDURES.                                                  11
                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

                           PURCHASING POLICY


This policy is established to provide parameters by which purchases
will be made by the City of Muskegon. It is the goal of the City,
through this policy, to purchase all equipment, supplies, and
services required by the City of Muskegon's operation at the lowest
possible cost, consistent with the proper quantity, quality, and


The City Commission hereby establishes the goals of the City of
Muskegon for all purchases of goods and services made by the city,
its agencies, and funds over which it has control as follows:

        A.   Establish a level of specifications for goods or
             services which adequately identifies the quality of the
             product or a service necessary to meet city objectives.
             city objectives shall be identified either implicitly or
             explicitly in the specifications, RFP's, and RFQ's.

        B.   Provide within the policies and procedures for a
             mechanism for participation by the Commission and
             Administration in setting goals and objectives for
             purchasing products and services.

        C.   Provide for the greatest competition among potential
             suppliers while limiting cost to meet the quality of the
             product or service specified.

        D.   Award where possible to local bidders who meet
             specifications within the context of "lowest responsible

        E.   Provide for a policy document which identifies those
             individuals responsible and further permits adequate
             monitoring and reporting of purchasing.

       F.    Establish policies and procedures which are
             comprehensive, yet flexible; efficient, yet provide
             adequate control.


The City Manager's Office shall be responsible for the
administration of the purchasing system of the City. Purchasing
authority and responsibility shall be delegated as follows:

A.   City Commission

     1)   Adopts purchasing policy
     2)   Approves all purchases for goods and services of
          $8,000 or more
     3)   Approves change orders to contracts exceeding 20%
          of original contract or over $30,000
B.   city Manager

     1)   Recommends purchasing policy
     2)   Establishes purchasing procedures
     3)   Responsible for all purchasing action taken by the
          City consistent with the City Charter and Commission
     4)   Approves Change Orders between 10% and 20% of the
          original contract, but not to exceed $30,000

c.   Assistant City Manager

     1)   Provides for the monitoring to be conducted and
          reports to the City Manager and City Commission on
          compliance. Responsible for such other procedures
          as established by the City Manager.

D.   city Attorney

     1)   Prepares and/or reviews all contract documents for
          purchase of goods and services as to legal form.

E.   Finance Department

     1)   Reviews all documents as to Risk
          Management/Insurance requirements.

     2)   Recommends to the City Manager and Department Heads
          alternative sources of financing available for
          purchase of goods or services.

     3)   Monitors purchases for budget compliance.

F.   city Department Head

     1)   Purchases all supplies, equipment, materials,
          commodities, and services as may be required by
          his/her department in accordance with the purchasing
          policy and procedures.

     2)   Provides for efficiency, economy, and accountability
          in the purchasing for his/her department.

     3)   Develops specifications and obtains bids or
          quotations for purchases in accordance with the
          purchasing policy and procedures.

     4)   Evaluates bids, and when appropriate, makes
          recommendations to the Assistant City Manager/City
          Manager/City Commissioners for purchases.
             5)   Executes requisitions and purchase orders in
                  accordance with purchasing procedures.
             6)   Maintains adequate inventories of materials and

             7)   Receives and inspects all materials and supplies

             8)   Approves change orders up to 10% of the original
                  contract but not to exceed $30,000.


        A.   Definition and Scope of Purchasing

       Purchasing activity, as herein used, shall mean any action
       taken by the City acting as Buyer for the purpose of
       obtaining goods and services from a Vender, whether by
       purchase, rent, lease, lease-purchase or other similar
       methods of acquisition as may be used by the city.
       B.    Subdivision.Prohibition

       No purchase shall be subdivided for the purpose of
       circumventing the dollar value limitations imposed by
       Charter, this Policy or any procedures established by the
       city Manager.

       C.    Purchases Under $500

       For purchases of items which will cost under $500 within one
       year, departments shall seek bids or quotations whenever
       possible to allow for competition. Local firms shall be
       solicited unless valid reasons determine this is not in the
       best interest of the City. Local shall mean the city of

       D.    Purchases of $500 or More but Less than $2,000

       Any expenditure for goods and services in the amount of $500
       or more but less than $2,000 within one year shall be based
       upon the solicitation of no less than three (3) verbal or
       telephonic price quotations when practical and feasible to
       do so; and shall be made from the lowest cost vendor unless
       good cause exists not to do so. Factors including but not
       limited to product quality, serviceability, delivery,
       emergencies and other considerations of a similar kind
       normally relevant to the exercise of good business judgement
       shall constitute sufficient and good cause on which to base
       such decisions. Local firms shall be solicited unless valid
       reasons determine this not to be in the best interest of the

E.   Purchases or contracts of $2.000 or More but Less than

Any expenditure for goods and services, the cost of which is
$2,000 or more but less than $8,000 within one year, shall
be made based upon the solicitation of no less than three
(3) written price quotations, subject to the same guidelines
specified in Section IV-D. In addition, such purchases
shall also be preapproved by the Assistant City Manager.

F.   Purchases or Contracts of $8,000 or More

Any expenditure for goods, equipment, materials,
commodities, supplies or services, for the cost of $8,000 or
more within one fiscal year shall be made by the Department
Head only after notification of the Finance Director, the
endorsement by the City Manager, and approval of the City
Commission has first been secured. Formal bids shall be
required subject to the following regulations:

     1)   Definition - A formal bid or proposal shall be
          defined as the submission of a written, sealed price
          quotation by a Vendor to the city pursuant to the
          issuance of public notice thereof or solicitation of
          qualified vendors by the City. It is based on
          written specifications and standard conditions
          stipulated by the city for the purpose of procuring
          goods and services for the city.
          Professional/technical services may be secured
          through selective competitive proposals of qualified
          firms (local firms shall be considered to determine
          if sufficient qualified competition exists prior to
          advertisement for professional/technical services).

     2)   Scope - The $8,000 bid requirement shall apply to
          all goods and services that can be purchased through
          this process within one fiscal year. This limit
          shall apply to recurring commodities in addition to
          one time purchases, unless specifically authorized
          otherwise by the City Manager for good reasons
          submitted by the Department Head and Assistant city

     3)   Invitation for Bids - An Invitation for Bids shall
          be issued and shall include a purchase description
          and/or specifications and all contractual terms and
          conditions applicable to the procurement. The
          Invitation for Bids shall be mailed or otherwise
          distributed by the requisitioning department to at
          least three reliable vendors if available to ensure
          and maintain the integrity and competitiveness of
          the bid process.

4)   Public Notice and Advertising - Adequate public
     notice of the Invitation for Bids when required
     shall be given prior to the date set forth therein
     for the opening of the bids. A minimum of ten (10)
     days notice must be given prior to bid opening with
     the advertisement for bids having been published at
     least once in a newspaper of general circulation in
     the city (exception to the ten (10) day notice must
     be approved by the City Manager).
     Professional/technical services need not be publicly
     advertised; however, must ensure competition based
     upon proposals secured from qualified firms.

5)   Bid Opening - Bids shall be opened publicly in the
     presence of one or more witnesses at the time and
     place designated in the Invitation for Bids. The
     amount of each bid and other relevant information
     together with the name of each bidder shall be
     recorded by the city Clerk or designee; the record
     and each bid shall be open to public inspection.

6)   Bid Acceptance and Evaluation - Bids shall be
     accepted (with the exception of late bids, which
     shall not be accepted) without alteration or
     correction, except as otherwise authorized by these
     Policies, the Purchasing Procedures adopted by the
     city Manager, or the factors stipulated in the
     Invitation for Bids. Bids shall be evaluated based
     on the requirements set forth in the Invitation for
     Bids and Bid Documents, which may include criteria
     to determine acceptability such as cost, quality,
     serviceability,workmanship, delivery, inspection,
     testing and suitability for a particular purpose.
     Those criteria that will affect the bid price and be
     considered in evaluation for award shall be
     objectively measurable, such as discounts,
     transportation costs, maintenance costs, and total
     or life cycle costs. The Invitation for Bids may
     set forth the evaluation criteria to be used.

7)   Bid Prices - Bid prices should be valid for one year
     unless identified at the time of purchase to be
     multi-year; in which case must be specified.

8)   Correction or Withdrawal of Bids - Correction or
     withdrawal of inadvertently erroneous bids before or
     after award, or cancellation of awards or contracts
     based on such bid mistakes, shall be permitted in
     accordance with the Purchasing Procedures
     established by the Manager. After bid opening, no
     changes in bid prices or other provisions of bids
     prejudicial to the interest of the City or fair
     competition shall be permitted. Except as otherwise

     provided, all decisions to permit the correction or
     withdrawal of bids, or to cancel awards or contracts
     based on bid mistakes, shall be supported by a
     written determination made by the Department Head
     and endorsed by the City Manager and approved by
     the city Commission.
9)   Award - Only the City Commission shall award a
     public contract. The Commission shall retain the
     right to take any of the following actions:

     a)   Award a contract to the lowest responsible and
          responsive bidder who has submitted a bid most
          advantageous to the city.

          1)   Definition of Responsible Bidder: A
               responsible bidder is herein defined to mean
               a person or firm who has the capability in
               all respects to perform fully the contract
               requirements, and the integrity and
               reliability which will assure good faith

          2)   Definition of a Responsive Bidder: A
               responsive bidder is herein defined to mean
               a person or firm who has submitted a bid
               which conforms in all material respects to
               the descriptions, specifications, terms,
               conditions, and other factors called for in
               the Invitation for Bids.

     b)   Accept or reject in part or in whole any or all

     c)   Waive any informality or irregularity in the

     d)   Authorize city staff to negotiate any viable
          modifications in prices, terms, conditions, or
          specifications with the low bidder that would be
          advantageous to the City.

     e)   Award a contract to other than the low bidder
          should the Commission determine such action to
          be in the best public interest.

     f)   Award a contract by division among two or more
          vendors if such alternatives are duly indicated
          in the original Invitation for Bids.

     g)   Authorize a negotiated contract for goods or
          services should no bids be received.

     10)   Waiver of Bid Requirement - The City Commission
           shall retain the right to waive bid requirements
           subject to the following conditions:

           a)   Such action is found to be to the advantage and
                in the best interests of the City.

           b)   Sole Source Purchases - A contract may be
                awarded by Commission for supply, service,
                equipment, or construction item without
                competition when the department making the
                purchase has advised the city Manager in writing
                and certified that there is only one source
                vendor available.

           c)   Lower prices can be obtained without soliciting
                competitive bids.

           d)   The City Department has been engaged in
                cooperative procurement bids of goods and/or
                services in conjunction with another
                governmental agency where bids have been taken.

           e)   The purchase is through an intergovernmental
                agreement or non-profit agency.

G.   Affirmative Action

The City of Muskegon encourages all vendors to establish and
maintain an affirmative action program. In addition, all
vendors awarded a construction, professional, or service
contract with the City in the amount of $8,000 or more must
submit to the City an affirmative action plan consistent
with the City's plan.

H.   Recycled Products

The City shall make every effort to purchase recycled
products whenever possible. A ten percent (10%) cost
preference may be given to recycled products, reusable
products offered as alternatives to disposable products, and
products designed to be recycled where they are offered as
alternatives to non-recyclable products. Analysis and
recommendation of percentage of recycled materials in
products will be submitted with any preference bid.

I.   Cooperative Purchasing

Each department shall endeavor to participate with other
local and state governmental agencies in cooperative bids
for the procurement of goods or supplies subject also to
Commission approval of contract and waiver of bids as

indicated in Section IV-F-9-d of these po1icies. It sha11
be the po1icy of this city to engage in those joint
purchasing efforts whenever such activity is fea$ib1e and
economica11y advantageous to the City.

J.   Procurement of Professiona1 Services

The procurement of certain services where
technica1/professiona1 expertise or know1edge of a
specia1ized fie1d are critica1 to the performance of that
service inc1uding but not 1imited to physicians, engineers,
p1anning consu1tants, architects, accountants, and other
simi1ar professiona1s, are at times necessary. The same
regu1ations of Section IV-C,D,E, and F sha11 app1y for the
procurement of these professiona1 services. In addition to
the aforementioned regu1ations, an attempt sha11 be made to
procure these services from vendors 1ocated in the City. If
enough qua1ified 1oca1 vendors are avai1ab1e to meet the
provisions of the purchasing po1icies, then the services
must be obtained 1oca11y.
K.   Purchases iJLCases of Emergency

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Po1icy, the
City Manager or a designee may make or authorize others to
make emergency purchases when there exists a threat to
pub1ic hea1th, we1fare, safety conditions, or a hardship to
the performance of City business as defined in regu1ations
or procedures promu1gated by the City Manager, provided such
emergency purchases sha11 be made with such competition as
is practicab1e under the circumstances. An after-the-fact
written determination of the basis for the emergency and for
the se1ection of the particu1ar vendor sha11 be inc1uded
with the purchase order.

L.   Construction Projects

Construction projects are a1so subject to the provisions of
this purchasing po1icy. Additiona11y, the fo11owing wi11
app1y to the procurement for construction projects:

     1)   Prevai1ing Wage Rates - The City wi11 require the
          use of the most recent Federa1 Prevai1ing (Davis­
          Bacon) Wage Rates for city construction projects.
          The commercia1 wage rates wi11 be used for a11
          projects except residentia1 construction which wi11
          use the residentia1 wage rates. The fo11owing
          construction is exempted from the Federa1 Prevai1ing
          Wage Rate provision:

          a)   The Residentia1 Rehabi1itation Program
               administered by the city in accordance with
               regu1ations from the U.S. Department of Housing
               and Urban Deve1opment.

          b)   Construction where the source of revenue makes
               determinations regarding the use of prevailing
               wage rates.

     2)   Change Orders - The Department Head in charge of the
          construction project shall have the authority to
          approve individual change orders up to 10% of the
          cost of the construction but not more than $30,000.
          The City Manager is authorized to approve change
          orders and contract expenditures between 10% and 20%
          but not more than $30,000. The City commission must
          approve (retroactively if urgent) any change order
          or combination exceeding 20% of the contract or more
          than $30,000. All final payments of construction
          projects shall require the Department Head's, the
          Finance Director's, and Assistant city Manager's

     3)   Bid Bond - All construction projects shall require a
          bid bond from each bidder in the amount of five
          percent (5%) of their bid. The bond will secure the
          bid. The bond will be released upon award of the
          contract by the City Commission for unsuccessful
          bidders and upon execution of the contractor for the
          successful bidder. (Lesser amounts than 5% may be
          permitted by exception for good cause upon approval
          by the city Commission.)

     4)   Performance Bond - All construction projects shall
          require a performance bond from the successful
          bidder for the full amount of the contract or as
          specified by bid document. This bond will be
          written in such a manner to ensure satisfactory
          completion of the project. The bond shall be in
          effect for one full year after completion of the
          project. The bond will be released only after the
          department head in charge of the project and the
          Assistant city Manager is satisfied that the project
          was properly completed and one year has elapsed.

M.   Insurance Requirements

Vendors and contractors will be required to carry adequate
insurance coverage in accordance with the Purchasing
Procedure established by the City Manager.

N.   Policy Exceptions

Any exceptions to the policy, as approved by the City
Commission, shall be noted in the recommendations submitted.

        0.   Auditing and Monitoring

        It shall be the policy of the City Commission to provide a
        mechansim on an annual audit basis which tests, on a random
        sample basis, the application of purchasing procedures.
        This shall be in addition to internal monitoring and
        controls. This shall be performed by the City's auditors
        during conduct of the City's audit of funds.

        P.   Wage Rates

        The purchasing of goods and services shall comply with the
        wage rate policies established either by the federal, state,
        or local government where applicable.

        Q.   Leases and Lease-Purchases

        Leases and Lease-Purchases will be governed by the same
        provisions of other purchases for the same amount of money.


Recognizing that city purchases involve the use of public funds, the
following standards shall apply to all purchases made by the City:

        A.   All vendors, current and prospective, shall be treated
             equitably. Purchasing decisions shall be based upon
             price, quality, delivery, written standards, previous
             service, and other relevant factors promoting the best
             interest of the city.

        B.   Employees shall be prohibited from furnishing to any
             prospective bidder information that would give any
             vendor an unfair advantage over other prospective

       c.    Purchasing records shall be retained by the purchasing
             department for public review.

       D.    Employees shall not utilize the city's purchasing system
             to purchase items for personal use.

       E.    Employees shall be prohibited from accepting rebates,
             gifts, gratuities, or favors from vendors extended for
             the purpose of influencing a favorable award. Any extra
             option or alternative providing benefit to the City
             shall be explained in the bid.

       F.    Employees shall have no financial or beneficial interest
             in any contract or purchase order for goods and services
             used by the city. Any potential conflict of interest
             shall be reported to the city Manager prior to bidding.

       G.    Vendors must be businesses in good standings with the


    Any amendments to this Purchasing Policy will be submitted to the
    city Commission by the city Manager and shall require Commission
    approval by resolution.


    Consistent with this Purchasing Policy and the City Charter, the
    City Manager is hereby authorized to adopt and amend as necessary
    Purchasing Procedures which are consistent with this policy for the
    administration of the City's purchasing functions.

                                      APPROVED BY COMMISSION RESOLUTION

                                           91-121 (a)

                                      Date of Approval:

                                     December 10. 1991



                  PURCHASING POLICY


This policy is established to ensure purchasing activities that are fair and equitable, maximize
purchasing value for public funds, and to maintain a procurement system of quality and integrity
throughout the procurement process. These policies and procedures are intended to ensure that
all city funds are expended in accordance with sound business practices, recorded in compliance
with acceptable accounting procedures, and meet the requirements of federal and state agencies
that may assist in the financing activities of the City of Muskegon.


The City of Muskegon maintains this policy with the goals of:
   • Establishing clear specifications that meet city objectives.
   • Providing for the greatest competition among potential suppliers while limiting cost to
        meet the quality of the product or service specified.
   • Awarding where possible to local bidders who meet specifications within the context of
        lowest qualified bidder.
   • Ensuring adequate monitoring and reporting of purchasing.


   •    This policy applies to the procurement of supplies, goods, equipment, and services by the City of
   •    The purchasing policy applies to all city departments and to other agencies, authorities,
        commissions, boards, and joint-ventures.
   •    All purchases over $25,000 require approval by the City Commission. Purchases over $25,000
        must be established either through the annual budget or City Commission approval of additional
        appropriations. It is the sole responsibility of the Division/Department Head to maintain control
        of their individual budgets.
   •    Some purchases are unique in nature and do not require the process of competitive bidding.
        These items are excluded from the bidding and purchase order requirements. Examples include
        but are not limited to debt service payments and ongoing expenses for utilities or services.
   •    The city will not be responsible or liable for any expenditure or agreement for expenditure made
        by a city employee or city official who fails to follow this purchasing policy and its procedures.
        Contracts negotiated outside of this policy will be considered invalid and non-binding. Any
        breaches of this policy shall be reported directly to the Finance Director and City Manager.
   •    Contracts or purchases shall not be artificially divided to circumvent the purchasing
        procedures in the policy. Aggregate, recurring purchases such as gasoline, paper products,
        cleaning supplies, ammunition, etc. must be determined on an annual basis.


The City Commission may give preference to local vendors as follows.
    • Vendors located in the City of Muskegon may be awarded purchases or contracts when the
        lowest qualified local bid/price is within 2% or less of the lowest qualified non-local bid.
    • An additional 0.5% difference in bid amount (for a total of 2.5%) will be considered for those
        qualified vendors located in the City of Muskegon which are not-for-profit and provide social
        services to City of Muskegon residents.
    • Vendors located in Muskegon County may be awarded purchases or contracts when the lowest
        qualified local bid/price is within 1% or less of the lowest non-local bid.
    • For purchases under $1,000, local vendors shall be solicited unless valid reasons determine
        this is not in the best interest of the City.


The City Commission establishes goals for disadvantaged contractor participation in each trade as
     • 14% minority owned businesses
     • 7% female owned businesses
A Disadvantaged Contractor Affidavit listing all disadvantaged contractors that were contacted to
participate on the project as sub-contractors must be submitted by each bidder. The affidavit must
clearly state why each potential subcontractor was not considered for inclusion in the project. A
disadvantaged contractor refers to businesses that are owned and controlled by minorities,
women, and other socially and economically disadvantaged persons.


The City Manager's Office shall be responsible for the administration of the purchasing system of
the city. The procurement procedure to be used is determined by the dollar amount of the
procurement. Contracts or purchases shall not be artificially divided to circumvent the purchasing
procedures in the policy. Aggregate, recurring purchases such as gasoline, paper products, cleaning
supplies, ammunition, etc. must be determined on an annual basis. The requirements for each level
of spending are outlined below.

 Amount                                            Requirements
 Below $2,000                                      Purchases are made by the
                                                   Department/Division Head and do not have to
                                                   be competitively bid. Vendor selection and
                                                   pricing should be reviewed annually for
                                                   adequate and reasonable competition.
 $2,000 to $4,999.99                               A minimum of three written quotes are
                                                   required. Award shall be made to the qualified
                                                   vendor offering the best value in the opinion of
                                                   the Department/Division Head.
 $5,000 to $24,999.99                              A minimum of three written quotes are
                                                   required. Award shall be made to the qualified
                                                   vendor offering the best value in the opinion of
                                                   the Division Head and City Manager.
 $25,000 and above                                 Formal competitive bids shall be solicited
                                                   through Competitive Sealed Bid or Request for
                                                   Proposals and are subject to negotiation after
                                                   bid award.

With City Manager or Division Head approval, any products and services that are available only
through a single source can be procured without bidding. Where possible, a state or regional bid
contract (such as MiDeal) will be used for single source procurement. In the event no bids were
received, the City Manager or Division Head can approve the purchase of products or services
through a single source.
Division Heads may set purchasing thresholds for their staff as long as the threshold does not
exceed that for the Division Head.


Competitive Sealed Bidding
   1. An invitation for bids shall be issued and shall include specifications and all contractual terms
      and conditions applicable to the procurement.
   2. Public notice of the invitation for bids shall be made available two weeks in advance of the bid
      submission date set forth. Notices may include publication in a newspaper of general circulation
      and/or online media. Professional/technical services need not be publicly advertised, but
      competition must be ensured.
   3. Bids shall be opened publicly by the City Clerk’s office in the presence of one or more witnesses
      following the deadline set for the submission of bids at the time and place designated in the
      invitation for bids. The amount of each bid and such other relevant information as the Division
      Head deems appropriate, together with the name of each bidder, shall be recorded; the record
      and each bid shall be open to public inspection.
   4. Bids will be evaluated based on the requirements determined in the invitation for bids. These
      requirements may include inspection, testing, quality, workmanship, experience, delivery,
      warranty, and suitability for a particular purpose. Bids that do not comply with all criteria set
      forth in the invitation to bid may be subject to disqualification by City Commission.
   5. Withdrawal of inadvertently erroneous bids before or after award, or cancellation of awards or
      contracts based on such bid mistakes, shall be permitted. After bid opening, no changes in bid
      prices or other provisions of bids prejudicial to the interest of the city or fair competition shall
      be permitted. Except as otherwise provided, all decisions to permit the withdrawal of bids, or
      to cancel awards or contracts based on bid mistakes, shall be supported by a written
      determination made by the Division Head, endorsed by the City Manager and approved by the
      City Commission.
   6. Award shall be made to the qualified bidder whose bid is determined to be the most
      advantageous to the city, taking into consideration price and the evaluation criteria set forth in
      the invitation for bids, as determined by City Commission.

Request for Proposals (RFP)
   1. When a Division Head determines that the use of competitive sealed bidding is not practical, not
       advantageous to the city, and/or when a selection should be based on the most qualified
       vendor, a contract may be entered by use of competitive sealed request for proposals.
   2. Public notice shall be the same as for the competitive sealed bidding process.
   3. The identity of each vendor and the content of any competing vendors shall not be disclosed
       until the time of the public opening of proposals.
   4. Proposals shall be opened publicly by the City Clerk’s office in the presence of one or more
       witnesses following the deadline set for the submission of proposals at the time and place
       designated in the request for proposals. A register of the proposals shall be prepared containing
       the name of each vendor, the number of modifications received, if any, and a description
       sufficient to identify the item offered.
   5. As provided in the RFP, discussions may be conducted with qualified vendors to assure
       understanding of and conformance to the solicitation requirements. Qualified vendors shall be
       accorded fair and equal treatment with respect to any opportunity for discussion to clarify
       information in the proposal which impacts city staff’s ability to make fair comparisons between

    6. Award shall be made to the qualified vendor whose proposal is determined to be the most
       advantageous to the city, taking into consideration the evaluation criteria set forth in the
       request for proposals, by the City Commission.

Cancelation of Bids or Requests for Proposals
A bid, request for proposal, or other solicitation may be canceled, and any or all bids or proposals may
be rejected in whole or in part when it is in the best interest of the city, as determined by the Division
Head and supported by the City Manager. Each solicitation issued by the city shall include this

Cooperative Purchasing
The city may join in cooperative purchasing arrangements with the State of Michigan or any other
government units or non-profit agencies. Any cooperative agreements set forth by the City of
Muskegon must follow the guidelines of this policy.

Emergency Procurements
When there is an immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare of the city or its citizens, the
Mayor, or the City Manager in his/her absence, may authorize the award of a contract utilizing
competition as may be practical and reasonable under the circumstances, for the emergency purchase
of supplies, materials, equipment, services or construction. Such purchase must be reported to the City
Commissioners as soon as possible.

Recycled Products
The city shall make every effort to purchase recycled products whenever possible.

Insurance Requirements
Vendors and contractors will be required to carry adequate insurance coverage.


Construction projects are subject to the provisions of this policy and the requirements that follow.
   • Prevailing Wages – The City will continue to comply with any local, state, or federal policies as
       required by the funding source for a particular project. For example, Public Works projects
       which include federal transportation, drinking water, or sanitary sewer funding require
       prevailing wages be paid to contractors. The City Commission may also give preference to
       vendors paying Davis Bacon wages on other projects by awarding contracts when the lowest
       qualified prevailing wage bid/price is within 1% or less of the lowest qualified non-prevailing
       wage bid.
   • Change Orders – The Department Head in charge of the construction project shall have the
       authority to approve individual change orders up to 10% of the cost of the construction but not
       more than $30,000, unless the approved budget includes a contingency amount that covers the
       amount of the change order. The City Manager is authorized to approve change orders and
       contract expenditures between 10% and 20% but not more than $30,000, unless the approved
       budget includes a contingency amount that covers the amount of the change order. The City
       Commission must approve (retroactively if urgent) any change order or combination exceeding
       the above parameters. All final payments of construction projects shall require signatures from
       the Department Head, the Finance Director, and the Division Head.
   • Bid Bond – All construction projects shall require a bid bond from each bidder in the amount of
       five percent (5%) of their bid. The bond will secure the bid. The bond will be released upon
       award of the contract by the City Commission for unsuccessful bidders and upon execution of
       the contractor for the successful bidder. (Lesser amounts than 5% may be permitted by
       exception for good cause upon approval by the City Commission.)
   • Performance Bond – All construction projects shall require a performance bond from the
       successful bidder for the full amount of the contract or as specified by bid document. This bond
       will be written in such a manner to ensure satisfactory completion of the project. The bond
       shall be in effect for one full year after completion of the project. The bond will be released only
       after the Department Head in charge of the project and the Division Head are satisfied that the
       project was properly completed and one year has elapsed.


Recognizing that city purchases involve the use of public funds, the following standards shall apply to all
purchases made.
    • All vendors, current and prospective, shall be treated equitably. Purchasing decisions shall be
       based upon price, quality, delivery, written standards, previous service, and other relevant
       factors promoting the best interest of the city.
    • Employees shall be prohibited from furnishing to any prospective bidder information that would
       give any vendor an unfair advantage over other prospective vendors.
    • Purchasing records shall be retained by the Finance Division for public review.
    • Employees shall not utilize the city's purchasing system to purchase items for personal use.
    • Employees shall be prohibited from accepting rebates, gifts, gratuities, or favors from
       vendors. Any extra option or alternative providing benefit to the city shall be explained in
       the bid.
    • Employees shall have no financial or beneficial interest in any contract or purchase order for

        goods and services used by the city. The city’s charter shall govern conflicts of interest.
    •   Vendors must be businesses in good standings with the city.


In the event that staff do not follow the purchasing policy, decisions will be made per the following

For any single expenditure under $25,000, the City Manager and Finance Director review the purchase.
For any single expenditure of or over $25,000, the City Manager and Finance Director review the
purchase with the City Commission.
For any single expenditure of or over $25,000, where the City Manager or Finance Director have not
followed the policy, the Division Head who most recently served as interim City Manager reviews the
purchase with the City Commission.


Any amendments to this Purchasing Policy will be submitted to the City Commission by the City
Manager and shall require City Commission approval by resolution.

                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: 04/13/2021                 Title: Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite

Submitted By: Joe Buthker                           Department: Public Works - Filtration

Brief Summary: Staff is requesting authorization to purchase liquid sodium hypochlorite from
Alexander Chemical.

Detailed Summary:
The Water Filtration Plant uses sodium hypochlorite in the production of drinking water. The
application of sodium hypochlorite is one of several crucial processes used to inactivate or remove
pathogens from the water. Since 1996, the Water Filtration Plant has solicited competitive bids for
water treatment chemicals jointly with the cities of Grand Haven, Grand Rapids, Holland,
Muskegon Heights, and Wyoming.

Bids were solicited for a one-year contract with the option to renew for two additional one-year
terms. Alexander Chemical’s bid has no price increases for the duration of the contract and is
overall the cheapest bidder for the three years. Alexander Chemical has supplied the cooperative
with liquid sodium hypochlorite for many of the past several years. Both their product and their
service have been excellent, and staff recommends we continue with them as our supplier.

                                       Year 1 ($/ton)     Year 2 ($/ton)     Year 3 ($/ton)
Alexander Chemical                     156.67             156.67             156.67
JCI Jones Chemicals                    151.89             159.44             167.40
Olin Chlor Alkali Products & Vinyls    158.69             158.69             At renewal

The Water Filtration Plant has used an average of 456 tons of liquid sodium hypochlorite the
previous two fiscal years. Under the new contract this amount would cost $71,441.52 annually.
Liquid sodium hypochlorite is included in the budget, but the actual amount spent will depend on
water demand and source water quality.

Amount Requested: $71,441.52 (estimate)              Amount Budgeted: $72,864.00

Fund(s) or Account(s): 591-60558-5219                Fund(s) or Account(s): 591-60558-5219

Recommended Motion:
Authorize staff to participate in the treatment plant purchase cooperative and purchase liquid
sodium hypochlorite from Alexander Chemical.
Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                                                            Bid Tabulation   Page 1 of 1

Bid File #885-40-49                                           ITEM 1
Bid Opening Date: March 16, 2021
For: Bulk Chemicals, Liquid Sodium Hypochlorite            Liquid Sodium   Liquid Sodium
# Bidders Solicited: 18                                     Hypochlorite    Hypochlorite
Buyer: Kelly Criner
Dept: ESD, Water                                               $/Ton         $/Gallon

                                                  Year 1

                                                  Year 2

                                                  Year 3

                                                              $156.67         $0.7849
    Alexander Chemical Corporation
    7593 S First Road                                         $156.67         $0.7849
    LaPorte, IN 46356
                                                              $156.67         $0.7849

                                                              $151.89         $0.7640
    JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc.
    18000 Payne Street                                        $159.44         $0.8020
    Riverview, MI 48193
                                                              $167.40         $0.8420

                                                              $158.69         $0.7934
    Olin Chlor Alkali Products & Vinyls
    1001 31st Street Suite 200                                $158.69         $0.7934
    Downers Grove, IL 60515
                                                            At Renewal      At Renewal
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: 04/13/2021                  Title: Sodium Hypochlorite Feed System

Submitted By: Joe Buthker                            Department: Public Works - Filtration

Brief Summary: Staff is requesting authorization to contract with Pressures & Pipes for complete
replacement of the Water Filtration Plant’s sodium hypochlorite plumbing.

Detailed Summary:
The Water Filtration Plant uses sodium hypochlorite in the production of drinking water. The
application of sodium hypochlorite is one of several crucial processes used to inactivate or remove
pathogens from the water.

The current sodium hypochlorite feed system was installed in 1997. Staff has spent many hours
over the last few years keeping this system running by repairing leaks, replacing fittings, and
clearing blockages. Most of the previous repairs performed by staff were on redundant sections
that were easily isolated and repaired without affecting water production. Recently, leaks have
developed at an increasing rate. Problems have begun to develop in pipelines that cannot be
easily isolated and fixed. This feed system must be repaired for continued water supply reliability.

The scope of the project includes replacing all existing PVC pipelines and fittings used at the
Water Filtration Plant for the application of sodium hypochlorite. Pipes will be replaced throughout
six buildings. This includes all plumbing to the storage tanks, within the sodium hypochlorite room,
and to five application points throughout the plant.

Proposals were solicited from four qualified mechanical contractors with experience in chemical
pipelines. The proposal requires the selected contractor to purchase, install, and test all materials.
Alternate Bid #001 will not be authorized for this project. Four proposals were received. Staff
recommends this project be awarded to the lowest bidder, Pressures & Pipes.

Pressures & Pipes                     $134,500.00
Northern Boiler                       $149,750.00
Hurst Mechanical                      $186,306.00
Franklin Holwerda Company             $349,000.00
This project was budgeted as part of the planned WMRWA-eligible capital improvements at the
Water Filtration Plant.

Amount Requested: $134,500.00                         Amount Budgeted: $500,000.00

Fund(s) or Account(s): 591-92034-5346                 Fund(s) or Account(s): 591-92034-5346
Recommended Motion:
Authorize staff to contract with Pressures & Pipes to perform the replacement of the sodium
hypochlorite chemical lines at the Water Filtration Plant.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021               Title: Highway Aggregates, Materials, and Concrete

Submitted By: Doug Sayles                             Department: Public Works

Brief Summary:
Award supply of aggregates, highway maintenance materials and concrete for 2021 to selected

Detailed Summary:
Bids were solicited for aggregates, highway maintenance materials and concrete for purchase in
2021. Purchases will be made from recommended bidders listed in yellow on attached
spreadsheets. Purchases are contingent upon product availability, timely deliveries, and prices as

Amount Requested: Varies by fund                     Amount Budgeted: Varies by fund

Fund(s) or Account(s): 101, 202, 203, 590,           Fund(s) or Account(s): 101, 202, 203, 590,
591                                                  591

Recommended Motion:
Award bids for aggregates, highway maintenance materials and concrete purchases for 2021 as

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                                                      BID TABULATION
                                                                       March 23, 2021

       *Bid selection based on 7-sack mix which is the most commonly used product, inclusion of other charges for “multiple drop locations” and “small load
   It should also be noted that concrete purchases may include several miscellaneous charges, including, but not limited to, hot water, chloride, winter price, and
                                                                        extra unload time.

                                                                                 Contractor        Port City Redi Mix
                                                                                  Address          1780 Sheridan Rd
                                                                                    City/St          Muskegon, MI
                                                                                    Phone            888-424-9800

                      DESCRIPTION                                     UNIT                            UNIT PRICE

1 5 Sack Mix                                                        CU.YD.                                         $110.00

2 6 Sack Mix                                                        CU.YD.                                         $115.00

3 7 Sack Mix*                                                       CU.YD.                                         $120.00

4 9 Sack Mix                                                        CU.YD.                                         $130.00

5 Minimum Load                                                     # CU YD
                                                                                                                    2 cu yd

                                                                    CU.YD.          4-5                              $80.00

                                                                    CU.YD.          3-4                              $80.00
6 Small Load charge, add
                                                                    CU.YD.          2-3                            $110.00

                                                                    CU.YD.          1-2                                 N/A

7 Separate location drop charge                                    per drop                                           $0.00

  Winter Price - Hot Water                                            CY        Dec-March                             $9.00

  Winter Price - Hot Water                                            CY        Nov & April                           $5.00

  Chloride - 1%                                                     CU.YD.                                            $2.25

  Chloride - 2%                                                     CU.YD.                                            $4.50

  Other charges                                                                                                         N/A
                                                              BID TABULATION
                                                               March 23, 2021

                                                    Contractor              Verplank Trucking           Yellow Rose Transport        McCormick Sand
                                                     Address                   P.O. Box 8                   3531 Busch Dr.           5430 Russell Rd.
                                                       City/St               Ferrysburg, MI                  Grandville, MI           Twin Lake, MI
                                                       Phone                  616-935-9025                   616-534-0077              231-766-0466
                                                              Deliver     UNIT                           UNIT                      UNIT
                    DESCRIPTION            QUANTITY     UNIT or Pickup   PRICE      TOTAL PRICE         PRICE     TOTAL PRICE     PRICE     TOTAL PRICE

                                                                 DEL       $23.55      $11,775.00        $22.75      $11,375.00                         $0.00
1 32FA/H1 (course stonesand)                 500        TON

                                                                  PU       $21.35      $10,675.00                         $0.00                         $0.00

2 Road Slag, 22A                            5,000       TON      DEL       $14.50      $72,500.00        $14.40      $72,000.00                         $0.00

                                                                 DEL       $13.00       $6,500.00        $13.00       $6,500.00                         $0.00
3 22A, 23A Road Gravel-Natural               500        TON

                                                                  PU                            $0.00                     $0.00                         $0.00

                                                                 DEL       $11.70       $5,850.00        $11.50       $5,750.00                         $0.00
4 2NS Sand/Torpedo Sand or equal product     500        TON

                                                                  PU                            $0.00                     $0.00                         $0.00

                                                                 DEL       $12.00       $6,000.00        $14.25       $7,125.00    $15.45        $7,725.00
5 Screened Top Soil                          500      CU.YD.

                                                                  PU                            $0.00                     $0.00    $12.50        $6,250.00

                                                                 DEL        $8.00      $16,000.00         $7.50      $15,000.00     $6.15       $12,300.00
6 Fill Sand (beach sand not equal)          2,000     CU.YD.

                                                                  PU                            $0.00                     $0.00     $3.20        $6,400.00
                                                                                  Highway Maintenance Materials
                                                                                        BID TABULATION
                                                                                         March 23, 2021

                                        Contractor                Asphalt Paving, Inc.       Michigan Paving Mat       Great Lakes Chloride, Inc.    Sherwin Industries, Inc.      P&T Products, Inc           Bit-Mat Products           Michigan Paving & Materials    Lakeland Asphalt Corp       Unique Paving Materials
                                          Address                1000 E. Sherman Blvd            1600 N. Elm                  PO Box 634              2129 W. Morgan Ave          472 Industrial Pkwy           401 Tiernan Rd                 1950 Williams St              548 Avenue A                3993 E. 93rd St
                                           City/St                  Muskegon, MI                 Jackson, MI               Grand Haven, MI               Milwaukee, WI              Sandusky, OH                 Bay City, MI                      Alma, MI                 Battle Creek, MI             Cleveland, OH
                                           Phone                     231-733-109                517-740-4960                 574-527-0287                414-281-6400                231-833-3030                989-684-0341                    989-402-5932                269-964-1720                 231-883-3030
                                                    Deliver     UNIT                        UNIT                        UNIT                   UNIT                              UNIT                        UNIT                          UNIT                          UNIT                        UNIT
          DESCRIPTION                 QTY     UNIT or Pickup   PRICE     TOTAL PRICE       PRICE     TOTAL PRICE       PRICE      TOTAL PRICE PRICE          TOTAL PRICE        PRICE     TOTAL PRICE       PRICE     TOTAL PRICE         PRICE       TOTAL PRICE       PRICE     TOTAL PRICE       PRICE      TOTAL PRICE
  38% Liquid Calcium Chloride (road
1 brine) spread                     85,000    GAL     DEL                          $0.00                       $0.00      $0.59        $50,150.00                       $0.00                       $0.00                         $0.00                         $0.00                       $0.00                        $0.00
  32% Liquid Calcium Chloride
2 (winter salting) to storage        15,000   GAL     DEL                          $0.00                       $0.00      $0.56         $8,430.00                       $0.00                       $0.00                         $0.00                         $0.00                       $0.00                        $0.00

3 Bituminous Asphalt 4:12, 3C-Base    200     TON     PU        $68.50       $13,700.00     $72.00       $14,400.00                          $0.00                      $0.00                       $0.00                         $0.00                         $0.00                       $0.00                        $0.00

4 Bituminous Asphalt 4:12, 4C-Top    1000     TON     PU        $69.50       $69,500.00     $72.00       $72,000.00                          $0.00                      $0.00                       $0.00                         $0.00                         $0.00                       $0.00                        $0.00

5 Sylvax Patching Materials           500     TON     DEL                          $0.00                       $0.00                         $0.00                      $0.00                       $0.00                         $0.00                         $0.00    $96.00       $48,000.00    $109.15        $54,575.00

                                                      PU       $110.00       $55,000.00                        $0.00                         $0.00                      $0.00                       $0.00                         $0.00                         $0.00                       $0.00    $89.00        $44,500.00

6 AE90 Asphalt Emulsion              30,000   GAL     DEL                          $0.00                       $0.00                         $0.00                      $0.00                       $0.00     $2.18       $65,400.00         $2.60        $78,000.00                        $0.00                        $0.00

7 Crack Sealant                      50,000   LBS     DEL                          $0.00                       $0.00                         $0.00   $0.46        $23,125.00      $0.50       $25,000.00                          $0.00                         $0.00                       $0.00                        $0.00

                                                      PU                           $0.00                       $0.00                         $0.00   $0.42        $21,000.00                        $0.00                         $0.00                         $0.00                       $0.00                        $0.00
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13th, 2021              Title: G & L Chili Dogs Concession
                                                       Agreement-various City Parks

Submitted By: Doug Sayles/Leo Evans                    Department: Public Works

Brief Summary:

Staff is requesting permission to enter into a 1-year Contractual Concession Agreement, with William
Silvey of G & L Chili Dogs, at various City Parks, for the 2021 season.

Detailed Summary:
The Department of Public Works is requesting permission to enter into a 1-year Contractual
Concession Agreement, for 2021, with William Silvey of G & L Chili Dogs, for a Concession at
various City Parks, as outline in their proposal. The business will be operating a mobile food truck,
per their proposal. Commission is $1,000.00 and 5% gross receipts annually.

Amount Requested                                      Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to enter into a 1-year Contractual Concession Agreement
with William Silvey of G & L Chili Dogs, at various City Parks for the 2021 season.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
William Silvey
G&L Chili Dogs
771 W Sherman Blvd
Muskegon, MI 49442

Dear Doug Sayles and committee,

The intent of this proposal is to request access to park properties owned by the City of Muskegon
during the 2021 calendar year for food vending and concession purposes. Our Original Greek
Chili Dog has been prepared the same way since 1926 and has created a large following of loyal
customers. Paired with a modern twist on other American classics, we believe that we can
provide a unique food experience to tourists and locals at City of Muskegon properties this year
that benefits both the City of Muskegon’s tourist efforts and our business marketing.

We agree to pay the $1,000 as well as 5% of all gross receipts while serving on a City of
Muskegon parks property.
We agree to use our social media and website resources to promote our location to attract
attention to the City of Muskegon parks.
We agree to include your insurance phrasing exactly as written on our insurance certificate.
We agree to be fully licensed by the Michigan Secretary of State and Michigan Department of
Health and possess all necessary permits to operate our special transitory food unit.
We agree to follow all regulations and rules provided by the City of Muskegon while operating
on their properties.

Special Transitory Food Unit (Mobile Food Truck)

We have interest in operating at several parks maintained by the City of Muskegon that have the
ability to host our mobile food truck as described in this proposal. Specifically we would like to
operate at: Pere Marquette Beach, Hackley Park, Seyferth Park, Kruse Park, Harbour Towne
Beach and McGraft Park if opportunity presents itself.
Hours of Operation:
Being a fully mobile food unit, our schedule of locations and private events changes weekly. We
are seeking the opportunity to vend on these properties 3-4 times a week during the summer. We
are willing to work with the City to figure out what exact dates/days of the week will work best
for us. We have special interest in Wednesdays - Saturdays. When at the parks, our hours of
operation will be:

Wednesday & Thursday 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday & Saturday 11:00 am - 9:00 pm

We sell a variety of classic American foods that spotlight our Original Greek Chili Dogs! Our
famous recipe has been prepared the exact same way since 1926 and has created a strong fanbase
all across the shoreline. We have online ordering, phone ordering and in-person ordering
capabilities with our food truck. Our full food truck menu consists of the following items that
may rotate based on demand and location.
        Hot Dogs                      Chili Dogs                             Chili Cheese Dogs
        Cheeseburgers                 Bratwurst (Natural Casing & Jalapeno Cheddar)
        Chicken Strips                Corn Dogs                              Onion Rings
        French Fries                  Potato Chips                           Pickles on a Stick
        Dog Ears                      Buffalo Fries                          Greek Fries

Truck Specifications:
Make/Model: Ford E-350 Econoline Cutaway with Custom Box
External Dimensions: Bumper to Bumper: 24’ X 8’ 3” / Kitchen: 18’ X 8’
The external of our truck is an aluminum-based body. The truck will be professionally vinyl
wrapped to promote our brand in a pleasing, eye-catching way (photo included in proposal) to
patrons of the parks. The two-sided service window will be 60” and will house a 60” awning
above it. As part of the arrangement, we will have a fold-out table in front of the truck that
houses extra condiments and topping for customers. Our truck is equipped with external speakers
if music is acceptable at locations as well as external 360 lighting for service/clean-up around
dusk to promote safety of workers and customers. Our truck has been equipped and inspected
with proper hood exhaust and fire suppression systems. We bring with us all the “clean” water
required to operate and we bring back with us all of the “waste” water and dispose of it
according to the Health Department’s guidelines at our Holton G & L location.
No electricity connection is required for our mobile truck, we use a noiseless, gasoline powered
generator stored underneath the box of the truck.
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021                 Title: Prein & Newhof Amendment

Submitted By: Leo Evans                                 Department: Public Works

Brief Summary:
Staff is requesting approval to finalize and approve amendments to the Engineering Services
Agreements with Prein & Newhof related to the work completed on three (3) separate water and
sewer construction projects in 2020.

Detailed Summary:
Prein & Newhof is requesting an amendment to the Engineering Services Agreements from 2018
that covered the water/sewer projects completed during 2020. There were a couple of minor design
revisions requested by Staff, however the bulk of the request is related to changes in the construction
engineering and administration portion of their work.

The original estimate of the time, equipment, and cost required to provide construction oversight to
the projects was completed at the time of the original proposal in October of 2018. Due to various
factors beyond the control of Prein & Newhof the final cost to provide construction oversight for these
projects in 2020 exceeded the original estimates completed in 2018.

The requested change falls within the 6% budgeted contingency for these projects and as such does
not require any revision to the already approved budgetary amounts for the projects. All three
projects are completed except for final payments and were done so on time and on budget.

As a heads up a similar request to amend the Engineering Service Agreements will likely be needed
for the other two water/sewer projects (9th Street & Spring/Yuba) that were started last year. 9th
Street work is completed pending final payment and was also completed on time and on budget.
Spring Street work will be wrapping up in the next 2 months and is also tracking to complete on
budget, though slightly later than originally anticipated.

Staff recommends approval of the amendment request as presented.
Amount Requested: $100,500.00                        Amount Budgeted: $504,051.86
(Combined Request from all 3 projects)               (Combined Contingency from all 3 projects)

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):
590/591-91854 ($66,500)                              590/591-91854 ($349,653.33)
590/591-91855 ($16,100)                              590/591-91855 ($74,276.22)
590/591-91856 ($17,900)                              590/591-91856 ($80,122.31)

Recommended Motion:
Authorize staff to finalize and approve Amendments to the Engineering Services Agreements with
Prein and Newhof for the three (3) water/sewer projects outlined in the attached letter.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
March 25, 2021

Mr. Leo Evans, P.E.
City of Muskegon
Department of Public Works
1350 Keating Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49442

RE:    Professional Engineering Fees, FY 2019 SRF/DWRF
       Beidler, Glenside, and Peck & Sanford Phase I Projects

Dear Mr. Evans:

We are respectfully requesting an increase in engineering fees related to the above referenced
projects. The increases occurred due to changes in additional work requested by the City and the
amount of time required to cover the construction activities.

Our original estimate for professional engineering services was prepared in October 2018. This was
prior to any of the design. The projects, especially the Beidler project, turned out to be more
complex than anticipated. Our original proposal indicated an assumed number of weeks that
construction would take and an assumed number of hours that we anticipated for construction
engineering phase. It also indicated that an adjustment might be required depending on the actual
time construction took. All three projects took longer to construct than the number of weeks
assumed in our estimate, and in some cases, multiple crews were working at once on a project,
requiring additional construction observers to be present to document construction activities.

The additional costs incurred are described below.
Design Phase
The following design changes were requested by the City.
       Contract 1 – Beidler Trunk Sewer Replacement - Force main revisions were needed due to a
       conflict with Frontier Communications Utilities. Redesign required additional drafting time,
       engineer design time and additional hydraulic modeling associated with the force main to
       determine a revised basis of design. Total fee increase: $2,500
       Contract 2 – Westwood Reconstruction - Revisions included relocating storm sewer
       manholes to remove from front yard of residence and redesign of sanitary sewer discharge
       into County system due to existing conditions being different than expected. Total fee
       increase: $4,600.

4910 Stariha Drive Muskegon, MI 49441   t. 231-798-0101      f. 231-798-0337    

                                                          \\grfileserver\shared\2018\2180552 city of muskegon\prm\ltr 2021-03-25 evans.docx
Mr. Leo Evans
March 25, 2021
Page 2

Construction Phase
The following provides information on each project.
       Contract 1 – Beidler Trunk Sewer Replacement
       Construction observation hours originally estimated: 1,554
       Construction observation hours spent:                  2,172
       The primary reason for the additional time was due to K&R, the construction contractor,
       having multiple crews working at all times during the summer, requiring more than one
       Construction Observer during June, July, and August. At times, three construction observers
       were onsite due to the significant amount of work being completed. This project was
       extremely spread out with multiple sites under construction at a time, so one person could not
       cover it all.

       Contract 2 – Westwood Reconstruction
       Construction observation hours originally estimated: 583
       Construction observation hours spent:                  723
       We originally estimated 11 weeks at 50 hours per week for construction. This project was
       completed in 98 days or 14 weeks. Three additional weeks were required with a total of 140
       hours of additional construction observation time.

       Contract 3 – Jefferson/Strong Sanitary Sewer Replacement
       Construction observation hours originally estimated: 630
       Construction observation hours spent:                  800
       We originally estimated 10 weeks at 60 hours per week assuming some additional help would
       be required at times. This project actually took 15 weeks, partially due to additional paving
       work added by the City and partially due to slower construction progress than expected.
       Additional time was 170 hours which consisted of some full-time weeks and some partial
The following summarizes the additional fees requested.
       Contract 1:             $66,500
       Contract 2:             $16,100
       Contract 3:             $17,900
       Total Additional:      $100,500

This contract amendment would adjust our fee from $817,500 to $917,900. This is approximately
11% of the construction cost.
Mr. Leo Evans
March 25, 2021
Page 3

Thank you for consideration of this request. If you would like to review this further or need
additional detail, please let us know.


Barbara E. Marczak P.E.

                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13th, 2021              Title: Pere Marquette Swing Bench

Submitted By: Mayor Gawron                             Department: Commission

Brief Summary:
Mayor Gawron is requesting Commission support to allocate Park Funds towards the purchase and
installation of a Swing Bench and Plaque at Pere Marquette Park.

Detailed Summary:
In following up with Landon on the swing set request for Pere Marquette Park staff has determined the
only available option for installation of a swing set is to install a swing set and an accessible safety
surface. The cost for this work is estimated $40K. As an immediate alternative, and while other
options are explored, I am suggesting that we authorize the purchase and installation of a swing bench
along with a plaque to be installed in one of the new bench pads along Pere Marquette Park.

Amount Requested: $2,127.69                           Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-70751-5346                 Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-70751-5346

Recommended Motion:
Authorize staff to purchase and install a Swing Bench and Plaque at Pere Marquette Park in honor of Landon
de la Rosa.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.
For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                           GameTime c/o Sinclair Recreation                                            03/26/2021
                                           PO Box 1409                                                        Quote #101254-01-01
                                           Holland, MI 49422-1409
                                           Ph: 800-444-4954
                                           Fax: 616-392-8634

                                                     Sway Bench
City of Muskegon                                                                                                Ship to Zip     49440
Attn: Doug Sayles
1350 E. Keating Avenue
Muskegon, MI 49442

Quantity                    Part #   Description                                                 Unit Price                   Amount
1                           28028    GT-Site - Sway Bench                                        $1,591.00               $1,591.00

Contract: OMNIA                                                                                  Sub Total               $1,591.00
                                                                                                  Discount                    ($47.73)
                                                                                        Material Surcharge                     $74.38
                                                                                                   Freight                    $510.04
                                                                                                      Total              $2,127.69

Quote is for supply only.
This quotation is subject to policies in the current GameTime Playground Catalog and the following terms and conditions. Our
quotation is based on shipment of all items at one time to a single destination, unless noted, and changes are subject to price
adjustment. Purchases to be supported by your written purchase order made out to GAMETIME C/O SINCLAIR


Pricing: f.o.b. factory, firm for 30 days from date of quotation unless otherwise noted on quotation. Sales tax will be added at
time of invoicing unless a tax exemption certificate is provided at time of order entry.

Payment terms: Net 30 days for tax supported governmental agencies. A 1.5% per month finance charge will be imposed on
all past due accounts. Equipment shall be invoiced separately from other services and shall be payable in advance of those
services and project completion. Retainage not accepted.

Exclusions: Unless specifically included, this quotation excludes all site work and landscaping; removal of existing equipment;
acceptance of equipment and off-loading; storage of goods prior to installation; equipment assembly and installation; safety
surfacing; borders and drainage provisions.

                                                            Page 1 of 2
                                          GameTime c/o Sinclair Recreation                                                    03/26/2021
                                          PO Box 1409                                                                Quote #101254-01-01
                                          Holland, MI 49422-1409
                                          Ph: 800-444-4954
                                          Fax: 616-392-8634

                                                     Sway Bench
Acceptance of quotation:

Accepted By (printed): ______________________________              P.O. No: ______________________________________
                                                                Please make P.O.s out to GameT ime C/O Sinclair Recreation
Signature: ___________________________________________

Title: ________________________________________________              Date: ________________________________________

Facsimile: ____________________________________________             Phone: _______________________________________

Email: _______________________________________________              Purchase Amount: $2,127.69


Bill To: _______________________________________________             Ship To: ____________________________________

Contact: _____________________________________________              Contact: _____________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________              Address: _____________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________              Address: _____________________________________

City, State, Zip: _______________________________________       City, State, Zip: ___________________________________

Tel: ___________________________________________________              Tel: ________________________________________
    (For Accounts Payable)                                                     (To call before delivery)

Email: ________________________________________________             Email: _______________________________________

COLOR SELECTIONS: _______________________________________________________________________________________



Quote prepared by: Jeremy Bosman

                                                            Page 2 of 2
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021               Title: Park Safety Surfacing

Submitted By: Milo Root/Leo Evans                     Department: Public Works

Brief Summary:
Staff is seeking authorization to approve the purchase of engineered wood fiber for playground
safety surfacing at eight of our parks.

Detailed Summary:
Many of our city parks currently utilize engineered wood fiber (EWF) to meet safety surfacing
requirements. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s standards set minimum depth
requirements for EWF based on the height of the structures in the park. City records indicate that
our parks have not been resupplied with EWF since the fall of 2017 and a recent walk through
conducted by city staff identified the need to refill the safety surfacing in many of our parks as
some areas are nearly five inches below minimum requirements.
In an effort to replenish our EWF surfacing and comply with safety standards, the city is requesting
permission to refill our playground safety surfing for the following parks; Marsh, Smith/Ryerson,
Joe Clifford, Beachwood, Kruse, St. Joseph, Reese, and Seyferth.
Staff proposes to engage with Superior Groundcover to refill the aforementioned park safety
surfacing areas to meet industry standards. Superior Groundcover has supplied the city with EWF
for years and is the preferred vendor for this product. The cost for this is $18,917.50.

Amount Requested:$18,917.5                           Amount Budgeted:$20,000

Fund(s) or Account(s):101-70751-5215                 Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-70751-5215

Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to approve the quote from Superior Groundcover to provide
EWF for our park playgrounds in the amount of $18,917.50

For City Clerk Use Only:

Commission Action:
Blower Truck Applications – Hardwood Bark, Mulch, Playground Mulch, Compost
      Slinger/Conveyor Applications - Stone, Sand, Soil, Compost, Mulch

City of Muskegon Beechwood Park
March 12, 2021

Attention: Milo Root

2021 Playground EWF Resurface Proposal

Below is the proposal for the playground EWF to be installed at
Beechwood Park. This proposal is based on bringing the playground up
to the proper depth level to become compliant.

Total Cost: $1,880.00

The price includes material, delivery, installation and cleanup. There are
no additional fuel or delivery charges.

Thank you for the opportunity to present you this proposal.

Casey Baas
Superior Groundcover Inc.
Cell – 616.844.8259
Email –

10588 Linden Dr. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49534 P 616-669-7479 F 616-643-8077
          30954 Industrial Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 P 734-744-6534
Blower Truck Applications – Hardwood Bark, Mulch, Playground Mulch, Compost
      Slinger/Conveyor Applications - Stone, Sand, Soil, Compost, Mulch

City of Muskegon Joe Clifford Park
March 12, 2021

Attention: Milo Root

2021 Playground EWF Resurface Proposal

Below is the proposal for the playground EWF to be installed at Joe
Clifford Park. This proposal is based on bringing the playground up to the
proper depth level to become compliant.

Total Cost: $1,410.00

The price includes material, delivery, installation and cleanup. There are
no additional fuel or delivery charges.

Thank you for the opportunity to present you this proposal.

Casey Baas
Superior Groundcover Inc.
Cell – 616.844.8259
Email –

10588 Linden Dr. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49534 P 616-669-7479 F 616-643-8077
          30954 Industrial Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 P 734-744-6534
Blower Truck Applications – Hardwood Bark, Mulch, Playground Mulch, Compost
      Slinger/Conveyor Applications - Stone, Sand, Soil, Compost, Mulch

City of Muskegon Kruse Park
March 12, 2021

Attention: Milo Root

2021 Playground EWF Resurface Proposal

Below is the proposal for the playground EWF to be installed at Kruse
Park. This proposal is based on bringing the playground up to the proper
depth level to become compliant.

Total Cost: $2,350.00

The price includes material, delivery, installation and cleanup. There are
no additional fuel or delivery charges.

Thank you for the opportunity to present you this proposal.

Casey Baas
Superior Groundcover Inc.
Cell – 616.844.8259
Email –

10588 Linden Dr. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49534 P 616-669-7479 F 616-643-8077
          30954 Industrial Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 P 734-744-6534
Blower Truck Applications – Hardwood Bark, Mulch, Playground Mulch, Compost
      Slinger/Conveyor Applications - Stone, Sand, Soil, Compost, Mulch

City of Muskegon Marsh Field Park
March 12, 2021

Attention: Milo Root

2021 Playground EWF Resurface Proposal

Below is the proposal for the playground EWF to be installed at Marsh
Field Park. This proposal is based on bringing the playground up to the
proper depth level to become compliant.

Total Cost: $1,057.50

The price includes material, delivery, installation and cleanup. There are
no additional fuel or delivery charges.

Thank you for the opportunity to present you this proposal.

Casey Baas
Superior Groundcover Inc.
Cell – 616.844.8259
Email –

10588 Linden Dr. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49534 P 616-669-7479 F 616-643-8077
          30954 Industrial Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 P 734-744-6534
Blower Truck Applications – Hardwood Bark, Mulch, Playground Mulch, Compost
      Slinger/Conveyor Applications - Stone, Sand, Soil, Compost, Mulch

City of Muskegon Seyferth Park
March 12, 2021

Attention: Milo Root

2021 Playground EWF Resurface Proposal

Below is the proposal for the playground EWF to be installed at Seyferth
Park. This proposal is based on bringing the playground up to the proper
depth level to become compliant.

This playground is extremely low on safety mulch.

Total Cost: $6,110.00

The price includes material, delivery, installation and cleanup. There are
no additional fuel or delivery charges.

Thank you for the opportunity to present you this proposal.

Casey Baas
Superior Groundcover Inc.
Cell – 616.844.8259
Email –

10588 Linden Dr. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49534 P 616-669-7479 F 616-643-8077
          30954 Industrial Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 P 734-744-6534
Blower Truck Applications – Hardwood Bark, Mulch, Playground Mulch, Compost
      Slinger/Conveyor Applications - Stone, Sand, Soil, Compost, Mulch

City of Muskegon Smith – Ryerson Park

March 12, 2021

Attention: Milo Root

2021 Playground EWF Resurface Proposal

Below is the proposal for the playground EWF to be installed at Smith –
Ryerson Park. This proposal is based on bringing the playground up to
the proper level to become compliant.

Total Cost: $1,175.00

The price includes material, delivery, installation and cleanup. There are
no additional fuel or delivery charges.

Thank you for the opportunity to present you this proposal.

Casey Baas
Superior Groundcover Inc.
Cell – 616.844.8259
Email –

10588 Linden Dr. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49534 P 616-669-7479 F 616-643-8077
          30954 Industrial Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 P 734-744-6534
Blower Truck Applications – Hardwood Bark, Mulch, Playground Mulch, Compost
      Slinger/Conveyor Applications - Stone, Sand, Soil, Compost, Mulch

City of Muskegon Reese Park
March 12, 2021

Attention: Milo Root

2021 Playground EWF Resurface Proposal

Below is the proposal for the playground EWF to be installed at Reese
Park. This proposal is based on bringing the playground up to the proper
depth level to become compliant.

Total Cost: $2,585.00

The price includes material, delivery, installation and cleanup. There are
no additional fuel or delivery charges.

Thank you for the opportunity to present you this proposal.

Casey Baas
Superior Groundcover Inc.
Cell – 616.844.8259
Email –

10588 Linden Dr. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49534 P 616-669-7479 F 616-643-8077
          30954 Industrial Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 P 734-744-6534
Blower Truck Applications – Hardwood Bark, Mulch, Playground Mulch, Compost
      Slinger/Conveyor Applications - Stone, Sand, Soil, Compost, Mulch

City of Muskegon, St. Joseph Park
March 12, 2021

Attention: Milo Root

2021 Playground EWF Resurface Proposal

Below is the proposal for the playground EWF to be installed at St. Joseph
Park. This proposal is based on bringing the playground up to the proper
level to become compliant.

Total Cost: $2,350.00

The price includes material, delivery, installation and cleanup. There are
no additional fuel or delivery charges.

Thank you for the opportunity to present you this proposal.

Casey Baas
Superior Groundcover Inc.
Cell – 616.844.8259
Email –

10588 Linden Dr. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49534 P 616-669-7479 F 616-643-8077
          30954 Industrial Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 P 734-744-6534
                         Agenda Item Review Form
                          Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13th, 2021             Title: Traffic Control Order

Submitted By: Doug Sayles/Leo Evans                   Department: Traffic/Engineering

Brief Summary: Approval of Traffic Control Order #66 for removal of existing Traffic Signals and
installation of “Stop” signs on Wickham Drive at Sherman Blvd.

Detailed Summary: To approve the submitted Traffic Control Order, #66-(2021) and authorize staff
to remove the existing Traffic Signals at Wickham Drive at Sherman Blvd., and install “Stop” signs
on the Northwest/Northeast and Southwest/Southeast corners of Wickham Drive.

This topic was previously discussed at the September 2019 Work Session meeting with support
given towards removal of several unwarranted traffic signals throughout the city limits.

Amount Requested: None                               Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve removal/installation of various Traffic Control Devices as
outlined in the submitted Traffic Control Order #66-(2021).

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                               City of Muskegon
                             Traffic Control Order
                                 No. 66-(2021)

The following regulatory sign(s) shall be Installed/Removed at/from the location(s) specified
below under location in accordance with the Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic Control.

Device/Regulatory Sign(s) to be Installed/Removed: Remove existing Traffic Signals and
Install “Stop” signs on the Northwest/Northeast and Southwest/Southeast corners of Wickham
Drive at Sherman Blvd.

Location: Wickham Drive @ Sherman Blvd.

            ________________________________ Date: ______/______/______
                 Director of Public Works

               ________________________________ Date: ______/______/______
                     Police Chief

              ________________________________ Date: ______/______/______
                     City Manager

Commission Approval (required for Permanent TCO only):

              ______                 __________ Date:       _____/_____/___ __
                         Commission Action #


       Date assigned:   _____/_____/_____          By: ___________________________
                                                              Traffic Supervisor

       Date completed: _____/_____/_____           By: ___________________________
                                                         Traffic Department Employee
Temporary; does not require Commission Action, good for 90-days from
Installation/Removal Date.

Permanent; requires Commission Action
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 4/13/2021                       Title: 425 Agreement Business Park North
                                                         Removal/Acquisition of 902 Pine Street

Submitted By: Jake Eckholm                               Department: Economic Development

Brief Summary: The department has been working with Muskegon County for some time now as to
their requested disposition of the 425 Shared Jurisdiction Agreement at Business Park North. We
have come to terms that have been agreed upon by the County Commission and are for your

Detailed Summary:
Effectively, the City of Muskegon would remove the existing 425 agreement between the City,
County, and Dalton Township. This would forego claims to future income tax revenues sourced
from any jobs created at this site for the city, and so we determined that it was not in the best
interest of the community to simply agree to dispense of the agreement. We requested that the
County relinquish to us a roughly 1/3rd acre parcel at 902 Pine, which the county acquired in 2013
for a parking lot they never built. This site was the former location of a longstanding furniture store,
then Pine Street Antiques which was demolished by Muskegon County when they took possession
of the lot. City staff feel this lot would make a quality candidate for further workforce housing
options in the community, and potentially some mixed use commercial as well. The County would
not trade the lot for free in exchange for removal of the 425, so agreed to sell it for half of it’s
appraised value, $24,000. The City countered by requesting that they invest some or all of that
revenue from the sale into the paving of another gravel lot located across Pine street from this lot
which is currently used by the County Sheriff’s Department for parking. The County Administrator
agreed to these terms. This will increase the curb appeal and value for resale and development of
the lot we wish to trade.
There are two excavation companies that have conditional purchase agreements on much of the
site at Business Park North. Accurate Excavation and Ryerson Excavation have both requested to
purchase acreage there in order to build storage facilities for vehicles and potentially to store
excess materials and fill. As of now the County has informed us these are the only development
prospects they have for the sites. Staff has included the relevant documents and records on the lot
in your packet. Staff proposes to utilize the Economic Development Fund (493) to acquire this lot,
file the necessary Baseline Environmental Assessments with EGLE, and then immediately outlay a
Request For Proposals to see the lot redeveloped. The expectation is that we would achieve
market value for the lot, which should be in the $50,000 range in the event it is selected for a
potential LIHTC development.

Amount Requested: $24,000                              Amount Budgeted: N/A (Capital Fund)
  Fund(s) or Account(s): Economic                     Fund(s) or Account(s): Economic
  Development Fund 493 (Current Balance               Development Fund

  Recommended Motion: A motion to direct staff and legal counsel to prepare necessary documents
  to remove the City of Muskegon from the 425 Shared Jurisdiction Agreement at Business Park
  North, and to approve the purchase of 902 Pine Street as presented.

  For City Clerk Use Only:
  Commission Action:

Link to Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for 902 Pine Street

                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 4/13/2021                 Title: Motion to Reconsider amendment to
                                                   zoning ordinance for 885 E. Apple

Submitted By: Commissioner Emory                   Department:

Brief Summary: Commissioner Emory is requesting possible reconsideration of the motion to
amend the zoning ordinance for 885 E. Apple.

Detailed Summary: At the March 23, 2021 meeting there was a “Motion by Commissioner
Johnson, second by Commissioner Ramsey, to approve the request to amend Section 2331 of the
zoning ordinance to expand the marihuana facilities overlay district to allow for retail and
provisioning license types at 885 E. Apple.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Johnson, and Gawron
             Nays: Ramsey, German, Emory, and Hood

Amount Requested:                                 Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                            Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion:

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021               Title: Special Event Fee Waiver-Cheers
                                                      Community Crawl

Submitted By: Ann Meisch                              Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: Every Woman’s Place is seeking a Special Event Fee Waiver for their fundraising
event on April 24, 2021.

Detailed Summary: Every Woman’s Place holds and annual fundraiser that has been impacted by
COVID. Their event has moved to the Olthoff Stage and is asking to utilize Third St between
Western and Clay. They are asking their City fees be waived for 2021. Based on the needs of
their event, we do not forsee any further costs for their event. At this time, they have paid a $250
application fee.

Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: Approve/approve in part/deny the request from Every Woman’s Place to
waive the $250 in special event fees for the Cheers Community Crawl event in 2021.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021               Title: Special Event Fee Waiver-Footlights
                                                      Fun Camp

Submitted By: Ann Meisch                              Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: Muskegon Civic Theatre is seeking a Special Event Fee Waiver for their theatre
arts camps on July 19-23, July 26-30, and August 9-13, 2021.

Detailed Summary: Muskegon Civic Theatre is looking to hold their theatre arts camp outdoors
this year due to COVID. This camp is a large revenue source for them and had to cancel in 2020.
They are asking their City fees be waived for 2021. Based on the needs of their event, the
estimated cost of their event is $2980 ($750 Hackley Park stage use fee for 15 days, $30 2 trash
cans for 3 weeks, $300 10 picnic tables for 3 weeks, up to $1800 in DPW personnel labor costs for
moving 10 picnic tables 6 times and $100 application fee.)

Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: Approve/approve in part/deny the request from Muskegon Civic Theatre to
waive up to $2980 in special event fees the Footlights Fun Camp in 2021.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                                                                   CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                                                                   SPECIAL EVENT
                                                                                   FEE WAIVER

                  City Clerk’s Office ● 933 Terrace St ● Muskegon, MI 49440 ● 231-724-6705
     This form must be submitted at least 30 days before your event date. In rare cases the City Commission may
                           consider an application up to 30 days after the invoice is sent.
EVENT TITLE:         Muskegon Civic Theatre Footlights Fun Camp
Applicant Name:       Lauren Mixter

Organization Name:          Muskegon Civic Theatre
Non-Profit I.D. or Tax Exempt #:
Address:     425 W. Western Ave, Suite 401 Muskegon,
             MI 49440
                                  City                                     State                        Zip
Phone:     ( 231) 722-3852                                            Cell:      ( 231) 670-6393
Email Address:                                    Fax:   (    )
Event Type (please select all that apply):
            □    Race (run, walk, bike, etc.)             □   Tournament   Type:
            □    Parade                                   □   Pass-Through
            □    Street Fair/Festival                     □   Fundraiser   Benefitting:
            □X   Concert                                  □   Other

Event Location: Hackley Park
Why are you requesting to waive the Special Event Fee?
We are a non-profit organization who is looking to hold our theatre summer camp in a creative and safe way
during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. We had to cancel last year, and would love to be able to bring this back
to the community. Our organization depends on the funds from this educational camp, and this would help us
immensely. This serves the greater Muskegon Community, and the students in it.

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Please identify the hardship incurred (please attach additional pages, if necessary):

As I stated above, we had to cancel our camp last year. This was a loss of over 20,000+ for us as a theatre. The
revenue from our camp helps to keep us afloat during a good portion of the year, and without it we had to close our
doors. The layoff was tough for our staff, and for our theatre students in the community. We are normally able to connect
with many students across our county, but lost the ability to reach out to our students in the greater Muskegon
community. We lost a lot of time with our students who look forward to attending this camp each summer. We also
missed out on bringing in new students to join us as well.

Please identify how your organization benefits the community as outlined in the criteria below.
Please be specific (attach additional pages, if necessary):

We are the only theatre company in the area that serves the whole of Muskegon County. We make a point to
be inclusive to all students who are interested in theatre and want to become involved in the arts. We offer
theatre classes from ages 5-18 and we also were the first in the area to offer a week-long summer theatre
camp. Kids do not have to have any training or skills to join! We also partner with schools to keep students
involved who many not have the opportunity there. We have scholarships that we offer families and we are
flexible with payment plans. Our biggest goal in our Education department is to keep as many students, from
as many places as possible in our community, involved in the theatre arts.


The City will consider the following when reviewing a special event fee waiver request:

   •    Raises funds to supplement City budgeted services.
   •    Raises funds for programs normally funded by the City.
   •    Raises funds for Non-Profit groups, which have contributed substantially to the community.
   •    Raises funds for elderly citizens or youth organizations.

Lauren Mixter
 Event Representative (signature)                                                              Date

                                                                      Page 2 of 2
                                                                      Rev. 03-19
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021               Title: Special Event Fee Waiver-Senior
                                                      Community Day

Submitted By: Ann Meisch                              Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: Senior Market Group of Muskegon is seeking a Special Event Fee Waiver for their
free Senior Community Day on either August 5th or 6th, 2021.

Detailed Summary: The Senior Market Group of Muskegon holds a free community day for
seniors every year. In recent years they have held their event at a local high school but due to
COVID, they want to hold the event outdoors. They are asking their City fees be waived for 2021.
Based on the needs of their event, the estimated cost of their event is $800 ($500 Hackley Park
user fee, $100 20 trash cans, $100 2 cases of trash bags, and $100 application fee.)

Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: Approve/approve in part/deny the request from Senior Marketing Group of
Muskegon to waive $800 in special event fees for the Senior Community event in 2021.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: April 13, 2021               Title: Special Event Fee Waiver- Relay for

Submitted By: Ann Meisch                              Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: The American Cancer Society is seeking a Special Event Fee Waiver for their
Relay for Life Luminaria Memorial Event on June 5th, 2021.

Detailed Summary: The American Cancer Society holds a luminaria events as a memorial to
those who have lose their battle to cancer. Their revenue has ben significant decreased during the
pandemic and reducing their costs would help with their mission. They are asking their City fees be
waived for their 2021 event. Based on the needs of their event, the estimated cost of their event is
$150 ($50 Hackley Park Stage Use fee, $100 application fee.)

Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: Approve/approve in part/deny the request from the American Cancer
Society to waive up to $150 in special event fees the Relay for Life Luminaria Event.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

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