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CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 28, 2021 @ 5:30 P.M. MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, MI 49440 AGENDA □ CALL TO ORDER: □ PRAYER: □ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: □ ROLL CALL: □ HONORS, AWARDS, AND PRESENTATIONS: A. Senior Power of Produce Volunteer Recognition □ PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS: □ CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk B. Solid Waste Ordinance Amendment City Manager C. Aquarium Feasibility Study Economic Development D. Reassignment of Building Contracts for 769 Catawba Avenue and 548 E Dale Avenue CNS E. Alley Paving Policy Public Works F. Deer Hunting Ordinance Amendment Public Works G. Traffic Control Order #71 Public Works H. Water Filtration Plant Fencing – Change Order #001 Public Works I. Administrative Vehicle Replacement Public Works J. Temporary Art Installation, 1095 Third Economic Development K. West Urban ARP Development Agreement City Manager L. Holiday Lights on Western Avenue City Clerk M. Shoreline Tram Transfer City Clerk □ PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Final PUD Approval at Adelaide Point Planning Page 1 of 2 □ UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Amendment to the Floodplain Management Ordinance – SECOND READING Planning B. Rezoning of 1128 Roberts – TABLED on August 24, 2021 Planning □ NEW BUSINESS: A. DDA Liquor License – 1208 8th Street Planning □ ANY OTHER BUSINESS: □ PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: ► Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following: ► Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room. ► Submit the form to the City Clerk. ► Be recognized by the Chair. ► Step forward to the microphone. ► State name and address. ► Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission. ► (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.) □ CLOSED SESSION: □ ADJOURNMENT: ADA POLICY: THE CITY OF MUSKEGON WILL PROVIDE NECESSARY AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES TO INDIVIDUALS WHO WANT TO ATTEND THE MEETING UPON TWENTY-FOUR HOUR NOTICE TO THE CITY OF MUSKEGON. PLEASE CONTACT ANN MARIE MEISCH, CITY CLERK, 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, MI 49440 OR BY CALLING (231) 724- 6705 OR TTY/TDD DIAL 7-1-1-22 TO REQUEST A REPRESENTATIVE TO DIAL (231) 724-6705. Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: September 28, 2021 Title: Approval of Minutes Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC Department: City Clerk Brief Summary: To approve the minutes of the September 13, 2021 Worksession and September 14, 2021 Regular Meeting. Detailed Summary: N/A Amount Requested: N/A Amount Budgeted: N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: To approve the minutes. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION Monday, September 13, 2021 5:30 p.m. City Commission Chambers Minutes 2021-73 Present: Mayor Gawron, Vice Mayor Hood, Commissioners Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, and German Absent: Commissioner Ramsey Alley Paving Policy The Department of Public Works Director, Leo Evans, presented an Alley Paving Policy for City Commission consideration. An overview of the process is as follows: Citizens organize amongst their block and complete a (3) three-page application to petition the city to have their alley paved. Application requires designation of a Block Captain to serve as the single point of contact, information on the specific alley, and a roll for the parcels with alley frontage. The city staff will review all applications and create a shortlist of alleys to be paved on an annual basis. Alleys will be reviewed and prioritized based on access, ownership, utility conditions, use types/frequency, DPW availability for the work, and neighbor support. Not all alleys are candidates for paving. City staff will communicate with the Block Captain on the findings and recommendations. Unanimous support is not necessary to proceed, however majority support is necessary, and the higher the support the higher the priority. Once an alley is selected the Block Captain is responsible to collect the fees associated with the paving request and deliver them to the City. Once paid the City will schedule the work during the available paving season (May – October) based on staff availability. Work will take approximately 1 week to complete and residents are asked to minimize their use of the alley during the work. Alley paving will consist of a singe 12 FT wide late at approximately 2 inches thickness asphalt. No flare outs or widening will be constructed. Any additional work to extend existing paved driveways to meet the paved alley is the homeowners responsibility. City will maintain the alley for its useful life, when full replacement is warranted the process must be restarted. Discussion took place regarding the proposed policy. This item will be considered at a regular meeting in the future. Draft Deer Hunting Ordinance Department of Public Works Director, Leo Evans, presented a draft deer hunting ordinance for City Commission Consideration. An overview of the process is as follows: Parcels would apply for status as a designated Deer Management Area (DMA). Staff would review applications and present a recommendation to the Commission for approval. Staff would review the following in determining their recommendation: • Size of parcel (Minimum 5 Acres between maximum of 2 parcels) • Appropriate areas within the parcel • Number of hunters • Shooting Direction • Duration of DMA designation Public and/or Private parcels could be considered for DMA status; combined public and private parcels, to meet the 5-acre minimum, would not be considered. Hunters are required to meet all MDNR rules and regulations, only archery hunting is allowed and only during MDNR approved archery seasons. A legal MDNR harvest tag must be possessed by the hunter and used if a deer is harvested. Hunting within a public land DMA requires issuance of a permit from the City. A city issued permit is not required for private land. 150 FT setback required from any public building, street, and DMA perimeter is required. Hunters may not trespass for any reason. Discussion took place regarding the proposed ordinance. This item will be considered at a regular meeting in the future. ARP Infill Housing Program City staff has developed and released a Request for Qualifications for homebuilders to participate in our ARP Infill Housing Program. We received a total of four responses. Staff is recommending that all four builders be selected to submit formal proposals to construct homes as part of the ARP Infill Housing Program. LRS Enterprises submitted to construct five homes; Williams Construction submitted to construct six homes; Kramer Builders submitted to construct three homes, and West Urban Properties submitted to construct the full $5 Million program. We are using a rough estimate of $250,000 per home, the actual costs will be determined as the builders bid their specific projects with their subcontractors. The breakdown will look something like this: Builder/Developer City ARPA Funds Developer Funds LRS Enterprises $750,000 $750,000 Williams Construction $750,000 $750,000 Kramer Builders $250,000 $250,000 West Urban Properties $3,250,000 $3,250,000 Discussion took place regarding the ARP Infill Housing Program. This item will be considered at the September 14, 2021 regular City Commission meeting. Arena Buildout – Carlisle’s Carlisle’s restaurant is officially moving forward at Mercy Health Arena. Staff is seeking approval to perform the construction activities. After more then two years of planning, we have started demolition of the front entryway at the arena to accommodate the facility’s newest restaurant. There are a number of logistics related to the construction timing that is resulting in a logical path forward that includes the City managing the construction project and timeline. There are a number of key milestones that we must hit, including the two greatest issues: moving doors for the opening of the hockey season in October, and building in compliance with our liquor license. Our lease with Carlisle’s calls for them to begin construction after the DDA liquor license is secured – that may take much of October and is not acceptable to the Lumberjacks. To expedite the process, the Arena is seeking to undertake and manage the construction efforts. We would enter into the construction contract with Platinum Construction (Carlisle’s contractor). Carlisle’s ownership group would then pay us in full once construction is complete. Not that we have their bank approval letter, and their financing is already set. The buildout will take 8-10 weeks at an estimated cost of $647,202.49. Discussion took place regarding the Arena Buildout for Carlisle’s. This item will be considered at the September 14, 2021 regular City Commission meeting. Marihuana Facilities Update Jill Montgomery-Keast from Public Health Muskegon County updated the City Commission on how funding is being used to provide education, communication, and outreach related to the use of marihuana. The education is harm-reduction focused. Discussion took place about partnering with the Health Department on the education campaign. Mike Franzak, Planning Manager, updated the City Commission on Social Equity grants that have been awarded. Two have been awarded. Mr. Franzak also provided some suggested amendments to the Social Equity grant program. The Planning Department is also working the County Clerk to hold an expungement clinic. Mike went on to provide the Commission with some suggested Zoning changes that will be discussed at an upcoming Planning Commission meeting. The suggestion includes some rezoning in the Lakeside area to allow for certain marihuana license types. The current zoning in that area does not allow for most of these types of businesses. Public Comment – No public comments were received. Adjournment – The Worksession meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk CITY OF MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 @ 5:30 P.M. MUSKEGON CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 933 TERRACE STREET, MUSKEGON, MI 49440 MINUTES The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 14, 2021, Mr. George Munroe, Evanston Avenue Baptist Church, opened the meeting with a prayer, after which the Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL FOR THE REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING: Present: Mayor Stephen J. Gawron, Vice Mayor Eric Hood (arrived at 5:36), Commissioners Ken Johnson, Dan Rinsema-Sybenga, and Teresa Emory, City Manager – Frank Peterson, City Attorney John Schrier, and City Clerk Ann Meisch. Absent: Commissioners Willie German and Michael Ramsey PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS: Public comments were received. 2021-84 CONSENT AGENDA: A. Approval of Minutes City Clerk SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the August 24, 2021 Regular Meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the minutes. B. Financing 100-Foot Mid Mount Tower Ladder Truck Finance SUMMARY OF REQUEST: At this time, we are seeking authorization to enter into a lease agreement with Team Financial for the purchase of a 100-foot Mid Mount Tower Ladder Truck. At the August 10, 2021 City Commission meeting the Commission voted to purchase two Fire Trucks. By the end of September, the 100-foot Mid Mount Tower Ladder Truck will be ready to purchase for $1,370,873. At this time, we are seeking authorization to enter into a lease agreement with Team Financial. The Page 1 of 15 proposed terms are for a five -year lease at 1.78% interest rate with the City purchasing the truck at the end of the lease for $1. There is a one-time $500.00 processing fee. AMOUNT REQUESTED: $1,370,873.00 AMOUNT BUDGETED: $286,740.00 for 5 years FUND OR ACCOUT: General – 101-50336-5700 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the lease agreement with Team Financial. C. Increase in General Fund Transfer to Mercy Health Arena and the Public Service Building Finance SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Mercy Health Arena fund and the Public Service Building fund require a larger transfer from the General fund then what was budgeted to prevent a deficit. Mercy Health Arena needs an additional $25,000 transferred from the General Fund and the Public Service Building needs an additional $425,000 transferred from the General Fund. Based on financial results for the fiscal year end June 30, 2021 the Mercy Health Arena and the Public Service Building fund required a larger transfer from the General Fund then what was budgeted in the 4th quarter reforecast, to prevent a fund deficit. The Mercy Health Arena fund needs to be increased from $700,000 to $725,000 and the Public Service Building fund needs to be increased from $200,000 to $625,000. AMOUNT REQUESTED: $1,350,000 AMOUNT BUDGETED: $900,000 FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101, 254, 642 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the increase to the General Fund transfers for the Mercy Health Arena to $725,000 and the Public Service Building to $625,000. D. Western Avenue ADA Work Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting authorization to partner on several projects along Western Avenue to improve the ADA Access throughout the corridor. The City Commission allocated $200,000 towards ADA work in the FY 21/22 budget as shown in line 101-91116. City staff is proposing a series of partnerships Page 2 of 15 along Western Avenue to enhance the accessibility and pedestrian experience along the corridor. Frauenthal The Frauenthal is underway installing a snow melt system on the sidewalk in front of the Frauenthal and the Hilt Building as a part of their capital project which also includes replacing the ceiling of the Hilt Building basement which is under the sidewalk. The snowmelt system will be installed, operated and maintained by the Frauenthal at no cost to the City. Staff is seeking permission to allocate $120,000 towards the cost of removing and replacing the existing sidewalk in partnership on the project. Staff is seeking to utilize the remaining $80,000 towards two projects along Western Avenue and possibly supplement with additional Major Street dollars if necessary. An exact split between these two is yet to be determined. 3rd – 4th Block (West Half) This project will involve removal of several parallel parking spaces along Western Avenue and widening the sidewalk. Instead of a barrier curb a gutter will be placed along the edge of the roadway allowing for the area formerly used by the parallel parking spaces to be either used as additional pedestrian space and/or parallel parking spaces. This is a half-block long model similar to what the City of Detroit completed on Bagley Street - detroit-shared-street The goal is to create a barrier free interface from building face to building face that can be used as the situation dictates. This would be a trial concept to prove the notion for later use on a large scale. 1st – 2nd Block (West Half / North Side) This project would be a partnership with the Leonard to eliminate several angle parking spaces on Western in front of the Leonard, and several parallel spaces along 2nd Street adjacent to The Leonard. The goal of this project would be to offer increased pedestrian and plaza space for use as social district space, and/or in conjunction with a future restaurant type operation located on the ground floor of The Leonard. In all of these projects the split of this $200,000 may not fully fund the project and additional funds may be required. This proposal is just the first step in funding each of these projects. AMOUNT REQUESTED: $200,000 AMOUNT BUDGETED: $200,000 Page 3 of 15 FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101-91116 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to utilize the $200,000 allocation for ADA Projects in partnership with multiple projects along Western Avenue. E. Extension of CHOP Contract Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting authorization to extend an existing contract with CHOP Tree Service during Fiscal Year 21/22 in the amount of $75,000 for As-Needed Forestry Services. The City Commission allocated $75,000 towards Contractual Forestry Work under line 101-70771-5300 in the 21/22 Fiscal Year. Staff is requesting authorization to extend our existing contract with CHOP, Inc. who was the low bidder selected for the same work during the 20/21 Fiscal Year. CHOP, Inc. has been a great contractor and helped partner with us successfully complete several forestry projects during the previous fiscal year. Staff has previously utilized CHOP for work outside of the road right-of-way when performing tree work on development projects, and for large scale projects where CHOP can provide increased resources to address large projects (Lakeside Cemetery & Musketawa Trail). Staff is requesting to award the $75,000 budgeted to CHOP as an extension for the 21/22 Fiscal Year and not repost the work for competitive bids. During the previous bidding cycle CHOP was the only bid accepted. A copy of the bid sheet submitted during the 20/21 open competitive bidding is provided for reference. AMOUNT REQUESTED: $75,000 AMOUNT BUDGETED: $75,000 FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101-70771-5300 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to extend the existing contract with CHOP Tree Service in the amount of $75,000 for completion during the 21/22 Fiscal Year. F. Laketon Trail Lighting Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting authorization to award a contract to J&J Electrical LLC for the construction of lights along a portion of the Laketon Trail. Staff solicited bids for a project to install trail lighting on a portion of the Laketon Trail between Peck and 7th Street. This area is located within the marihuana district and the existing street lights along Laketon Avenue are all on the south Page 4 of 15 side of the street, across from the path leading to less than desirable lighting levels along the pathway in particular at the street crossings. Bids were received on August 24, 2021 with the low bid coming from J&J in the amount of $94,037.00. Staff has not worked with J&J previously and conducted a meeting with them on August 30, 2021 to assess their understanding of the project and gauge their ability to complete the work. It is the opinion of staff that J&J fully understands the project and is appropriately positioned to complete the work as outlined. The original bid did not include the installation of receptacles on the poles. As such staff requested a price to add this into the project which wat quoted at $7,379.00. Adding this amount to the original bid creates a proposed contract cost of $101,416 which is still below the 2nd lowest bidder. The funding for this project is derived from the Marihuana Business Fees collected. Business are required to install decorative lighting on their site or make a donation to the city to install lighting elsewhere. In 20/21 the City collected $66,965 from this fee with anticipation of collecting an additional $30,000 during the current fiscal year. Staff felt that the use of the lighting on the path in the marijuana district improved an existing problem and also focused those dollars back to the primary area that generated the revenue. The project will need to be included in a future reforecast of the budget if approved. J&J Electrical LLC is located within the City of Muskegon. AMOUNT REQUESTED: $101,416.00 AMOUNT BUDGETED: $0 FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to approve a contract with J&J Electrical LLC in the amount of $101,416.00 for the construction of a pedestrian lighting system along the Laketon Avenue Trail between Peck and 7th. G. Police Cruiser Replacement Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Equipment Division is requesting permission to purchase three (3) Chevy Tahoes to replace existing vehicles in the Police Department fleet. Tahoes will be purchased from Berger Chevrolet, the Mi-Deal contract holder. The price of this vehicle is $38,836.00 each for a total price of $116,508.00 coming from the Equipment budget. These vehicles were budgeted for replacement in the 21/22 budget. AMOUNT REQUESTED: $116,508 AMOUNT BUDGETED: $117,000 Page 5 of 15 FUND OR ACCOUNT: Equipment STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to purchase three (3) Chevy Tahoes replacement vehicles for Police Department. H. Special Event Fee Waiver Form Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To amend the current Special Event Fee Waiver Form to allow some fees to be waived at the staff level. This is the same application that was presented at the July Work Session. Event fees under $2,500 would be eligible to be waived at various percentages based on the answers to the questions on the form. Fees over $2,500 will still go before the Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the revisions to the Special Event Fee Waiver Application for events scheduled in 2022 and authorize staff to waive fees for events scheduled in 2022 and authorize staff to waive fees per the stated requirements when less than $2,500. I. Sanford Street and Glenside Phase 2 Engineering Assistance Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting authorization to approve the Professional Services Agreement with Prein & Newhof to provide comprehensive engineering services for the design of water and sewer projects schedule for construction in 2023 and planned for financing within the state revolving loan fund programs during state fiscal year 2022. Staff is planning to pursue two (2) primary water/sewer projects as a part of the State of Michigan Revolving Loan programs (DWRF/SRF) during the State 2022 Fiscal Year. These projects would be constructed during 2023. Sanford Street This is the last phase of a three-phase project of which Prein & Newhof has completed the prior two phases. The first was completed in 2020 and included work on several alleys in additional to work on Jefferson and Strong. The second was completed in 2021 and included work on Peck Street. This project will include complete water/sewer upgrades on Sanford from Merrill south to Laketon. In addition, staff is proposing to fund the remainder of Sanford Street north to Apple as ineligible (SRF/DWRF) expense. The project will include a substantial reduction in the width of Sanford Street (40 Ft – 27 Ft) and is proposed to replace one of the sidewalks with a bike path that will connect from the Laketon to Lakeshore Trails. Page 6 of 15 Glenside Phase 2 The first phase of this project was completed in 2020 and included work on Westwood Street. This project will be focused on Hadden Street which will allow for the eventual abandonment of the utilities in the non-existent alley between Westwood and Hadden. Both projects are budgeted in the 21/22 budgets and will also have allocations included in the future 22/23 and 23/24 fiscal years. The two projects represent an approximately $8.5M Investment of which nearly $2.5M will be forgiven through the loan program based on our qualification as a disadvantaged community. AMOUNT REQUESTED: $862,300 (FY 21/22, 22/23, & 23/24) AMOUNT BUDGETED: $400,000 (FY 21/22) FUND OR ACCOUNT: 202/590/591 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to sign the professional services agreement with Prein & Newhof to provide Engineering Services for the water, sewer, road, and bike path projects on Sanford Avenue and Glenside Phase 2. J. Bulk Sticker Fee Adjustment Public Works SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting Commission approval to adjust the user fee for Bulk Item stickers from the current rate of $2/EA or 6 for $10 to a new proposed rate of $3/EA and 4 for $10. Staff is planning to increase the user fee for bulk item stickers and begin to offer free bags with the purchase of a sticker. Residents purchasing a sticker would be able to take one bag per sticker. Two bag options would be provided; a heavy duty 60-gallon bag for miscellaneous items; or a larger thin bag for wrapping a mattress. The hope is this program will save someone from having to make separate stop to purchase bags and stickers and make it into a single stop operation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a change to the Bulk Item Sticker pricing in the user fee schedule to $3 per each or 4 each for $10. K. Amendment to the Floodplain Management Ordinance Planning SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff-initiated request to amend Sections 26-401 through 26-405 of the City Code of Ordinances to adopt the new Flood Insurance Rate Map panels from the National Flood Insurance Program. Page 7 of 15 The only change is to the Flood Insurance Rate Map panels listed in Section 26-403. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request to amend Sections 26- 401 through 26-405 of the City Code of Ordinances to adopt the new Flood Insurance Rate Map panels from the National Flood Insurance Program. L. Sale – 239 Monroe Avenue Planning SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City staff is seeking authorization to sell the City-owned home at 239 Monroe Ave. to Dakota J. Crow and Annah Crow. The city constructed this house as part of the phase two of our infill housing program. Our contract to construct the home was $164,470. We also anticipated $11,512 in sales commissions. There are additional costs $7,286.12 (switching the range from electric to gas, changing laminate counter tops in the kitchen from solid to surface, discount kitchen sink, hook up new single-bowl undermount sink & permits, fees, dumpster.) The accepted purchase price is $177,900. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Code Coordinator to complete the sale of 239 Monroe Ave, as described in the attached purchase agreement and to have the Mayor and Clerk sign the deed. M. ARP Infill Housing Program City Manager SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City staff has developed and released a Request for Qualifications for homebuilders to participate in our ARP Infill Housing Program. We received a total of four responses. Staff is recommending that all four builders be selected to submit formal proposals to construct homes as part of the ARP Infill Housing Program. LRS Enterprises submitted to construct five homes; William Construction submitted to construct six homes; Kramer Builders submitted to construct three homes, and West Urban Properties submitted to construct the full $5Million program. We are using a rough estimate of $250,000 per home, but the actual costs will be determined as the builders bid their specific projects with their subcontractors. The breakdown will look something like this: Builder/Developer City ARP Funds Developer Funds LRS Enterprises $750,000 $750,000 Williams Construction $750,000 $750,000 Kramer Builders $250,000 $250,000 Page 8 of 15 West Urban Properties $3,250,000 $3,250,000 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to work directly with the following qualified builders: LRS Enterprises, Williams Construction, Kramer Builders, and West Urban Properties to submit formal construction proposals to build a minimum of 40 new single-family homes as part of the ARP Infill Housing Program at a cost not to exceed $5 Million. N. Arena Buildout – Carlisle’s City Manager SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Carlisle’s restaurant is officially moving forward at Mercy Health Arena. Staff is seeking approval to perform the construction activities. After more than two years of planning, we have started demolition of the front entryway at the arena to accommodate the facility’s newest restaurant. There are a number of logistics related to the construction timing that is resulting in a logical path forward that includes the City managing the construction project and timeline. There are a number of key milestones that we must hit, including the two greatest issues: Moving doors for the opening of the hockey season in October, and building in compliance with our liquor license. Our lease with Carlisle’s calls for them to begin construction after the DDA liquor license is secured – that may take much of October and is not acceptable to the Lumberjacks. To expedite the process, the Arena is seeking to undertake and manage the construction efforts. We would enter into the construction contract with Platinum Construction (Carlisle’s contractor). Carlisle’s ownership group would then pay us in full once construction is complete. Note that we have their bank approval letter, and their financing is already set. The buildout will take 8-10 weeks at an estimated cost of $647,202.49. AMOUNT REQUESTED: $647,202.49 AMOUNT BUDGETED: $0 FUND OR ACCOUNT: Arena Fund STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the expenditure of $647,202.49 for the construction of Carlisle’s and amend the budget accordingly to account for both the expenditure and the reimbursement in the Arena Fund. O. Sale – 766 Leonard Economic Development SUMMARY OF REQUEST: City staff is seeking authorization to sell the city-owned home at 766 Leonard in Jackson Hill to Brittany Dlynn Brown. Page 9 of 15 The City is constructing this single family detached home as part of our infill housing program. Our contract to construct two homes was for $425,000, and the estimated finished costs of this home will be $215,000. We also anticipated $12,900 in sales commissions. The accepted purchase price is $200,000, and the incurred sales commissions are $10,000. The City will not contribute funds toward closing costs outside of the seller’s agent commission. The proceeds of this home will repay a portion of the Priority Related Investment made by the Community Foundation for Muskegon County. The sale of the second home in this project should repay the remainder, and any additional funds will reimburse the Economic Development Fund for the $75,000 in the project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to complete the sale of 766 Leonard Street, as described in the purchase agreement. P. Community Relations Committee Recommendations City Clerk SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To appoint Emilio Trejo to the Historic District Commission. The CRC recommends appointing Emilio Trejo to the vacant position on the Historic District Commission – Term expiring 01/31/2022. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To concur with the recommendation of the CRC on the appointment. Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Johnson, to accept the consent agenda as presented. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, and Johnson Nays: None MOTION PASSES 2021-85 PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. 2020 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) Hearing Community and Neighborhood Services SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The CAPER is available on our website for citizen review and comment period of 20 days from September 5 -25, 2021. A public Hearing is another opportunity to comment about the Federal CDBG and HOME program activities performed during the fiscal year 2020 (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021). Citizen input is a necessary process of program activities for the CDBG/HOME annual allocations. The 2020 CAPER is another opportunity to comment on the performance achievements of the annual projects during the Hearing. Page 10 of 15 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To conduct a Public Hearing for the 2020 CAPER review. Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Johnson, to close the public hearing. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, and Gawron Nays: None MOTION PASSES B. Issuance of a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate – 441 W. Western Avenue Planning SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 255 of 1978, as amended, PH Holdings LLC (Pigeon Hill Brewing) has requested the issuance of a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate. The certificate will freeze the taxable value of the building and exempt the new real property investment from local taxes. The company will be investing $650,000 in upgrades to the building and will create up to 30 new jobs, which qualifies them for an abatement of four (4) years. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To (approve/deny) the request for a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate for a period of four (4) years. PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED: Joel Kamp, owner, spoke about the project. Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Vice Mayor Hood, to close the public hearing and approve the request for a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate for eight (8) years. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, and Gawron Nays: Hood MOTION PASSES C. Issuance of a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate (New Facility) – 639 W Clay Avenue Planning SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 255 of 1978, as amended, Indigrow LLC has requested the issuance of a New Facility Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate. The certificate will reduce the taxable value of the building. The company will be investing $1,133,351 into the new building addition and will create up to 30 new jobs, which qualifies them for an abatement of 8 years. Page 11 of 15 This will be an addition to the current building at 639 W Clay Avenue. The new building will receive its own tax abatement and the rehab to the existing building will receive its own tax abatement. This will decrease the amount of tax revenue abated than it would by granting one abatement on the entire project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To (approve/deny) the request for a New Facility Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate for a period of eight years. PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED: No public comments were received. Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to close the public hearing and approve the request for a New Facility Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate for a period of eight years. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, Gawron, and Hood Nays: None MOTION PASSES D. Issuance of a Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate (Restored Facility) – 639 W Clay Avenue Planning SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 255 of 1978, as amended, Indigrow LLC has requested the issuance of a Restored Facility Commercial facilities Exemption Certificate. The certificate will freeze the taxable value of the building and exempt the new real property investment from local taxes. The company will be investing $1,218,561 into restoring the existing building and will create up to 30 new jobs, which qualifies them for an abatement of 8 years. This will be for the restoration of the existing building at 639 W Clay Avenue. The new building will receive its own tax abatement and the rehab to the existing building will receive its own tax abatement. This will decrease the amount of tax revenue abated than it would by granting one abatement on the entire project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To (approve/deny) the request for a Restored Facility Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate for a period of eight years. PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED: No public comments were received. Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Emory, to close the public hearing and approve the request for a Restored Facility Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate for a period of eight years. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Emory, Johnson, Gawron, Hood, and Rinsema-Sybenga Nays: None Page 12 of 15 MOTION PASSES E. Camcar Plastics IFT Public Hearing Economic Development SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Camcar Plastics has requested an Industrial Facilities Tax Abatement for a small new construction addition to their shipping and receiving department at their Glade Street location. The Tax Incentive Committee has utilized the new Tax Incentive Policy approved by the City Commission to score and make recommendations on several incentive applications recently. Camcar has been working with the division to apply for a Public Act 198 Industrial Facilities Exemption for an 800 square foot expansion to their current facility at 1732 Glade Street. The incentive allowed an eligible entity to apply for a 50% cut in their real property tax liability for up to 12 years, as approved by the local unit of government. The applicant has applied for the full 12-year abatement. Based on the new policy, due to the taxable value being created ($72,000), the number of permanent jobs created (3), the Tax Incentive Committee’s scoring system dictates a recommendation of 9 years of abatement as opposed to the maximum of 12. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To close the Public Hearing and approve the Industrial Facilities Exemption application for Camcar Plastics for a term of nine (9) years. PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED: No public comments were received. Motion by Commissioner Johnson, second by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, to close the public hearing and approve the Industrial Facilities Exemption application for Camcar Plastics for a term of nine (9) years. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Gawron, Hood, Rinsema-Sybenga, and Emory Nays: None MOTION PASSES F. Sun Dolphin Drive Industrial Space IFT Transfer Public Hearing Economic Development SUMMARY OF REQUEST: InSite Real Estate LLC has requested the transfer of an existing Industrial Facilities Tax Abatement for industrial real property they have acquired at 1790 Sun Dolphin Drive. The new owners of these facilities are leasing them back to the new operators of KL Outdoor, and the facilities onsite are one of several operated locally in the Page 13 of 15 injection molding company’s portfolio. InSite is currently not listed the listed owner of the building on the existing Industrial Facilities Exemption and so they must request a transfer of termination of the incentive. Naturally, they opted for a request to transfer the real property exemption, which is scheduled to terminate December 30, 2026. The new ownership has recently paid some back property taxes and is eligible to request said transfer. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: A motion to close the Public Hearing and approve the Industrial Facilities Exemption Transfer for IIP Muskegon, MI (1790 and 1880 Sun Dolphin) LLC as presented. PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED: No public comments were received. Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Johnson, to close the public hearing and approve the Industrial Facilities Exemption Transfer for IIP Muskegon, MI (1790 and 1880 Sun Dolphin) LLC as presented. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gawron, Hood, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, and Johnson Nays: None MOTION PASSES G. Trace Analytical IFT Public Hearing Economic Development SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Trace Analytical has requested an Industrial Facilities Tax Abatement for an 8,000 square foot addition to their location at 2241 Black Creek Road, which would support 18 new employees over the next several years. The Tax Incentive Committee has utilized the new Tax Incentive Policy approved by the City Commission to score and make recommendations on several incentive applications recently. Trace Analytical Labs has been working with the division to apply for a Public Act 198 Industrial Facilities Exemption for an 8000 square foot expansion to their current facility at 2241 Black Creek Road. The incentive allows an eligible entity to apply for a 50% cut in their real property tax liability for up to 12 years, as approve by the local unit of government. The applicant has applied for the full 12-year abatement. Based on the new policy, due the taxable value being created ($600,000), the number of permanent jobs created (18), the Tax Incentive Committee’s scoring system dictates a recommendation of 9 years of abatement as opposed to the maximum of 12. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: A motion to close the Public Hearing and Page 14 of 15 approve the Industrial Facilities Exemption application for Trace Analytical Labs for a term of nine (9) years. PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED: Brad Hilleary, from Trace Analytical Labs, spoke. Motion by Commissioner Rinsema-Sybenga, second by Commissioner Emory, to close the public hearing and approve the Industrial Facilities Exemption Application for Trace Analytical Labs for a term of nine (9) years. ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Rinsema-Sybenga, Emory, Johnson, and Gawron Nays: None MOTION PASSES PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: Public comments were received. ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk Page 15 of 15 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: 9/28/2021 Title: Solid Waste Ordinance Amendment Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell Department: Manager’s Office Brief Summary: Staff is seeking approval of an amendment to Chapter 70, Article II of the Code of Ordinances in coordination with the revised Sanitation Policy. Detailed Summary: The newly adopted Sanitation Policy includes revised times when refuse collection carts can be placed at the curb and restricts where the carts can be stored. Staff is seeking a change to the Solid Waste ordinance to match the new standards. Amount Requested: None Amount Budgeted: N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: To amend and adopt Chapter 70, Article II, Section 31(a) of the Code of Ordinances for Solid Waste. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO. ____ THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON HEREBY ORDAINS: 1. Chapter 70 Article II of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Muskegon, Michigan, Section 70-31(a) is amended to read as follows: Sec. 70-31. City refuse collection. (a) Placement of refuse. Unless authorized by section 70-4(b), every owner and occupant of a residential unit for which city refuse collection service is afforded under this chapter shall place all accumulated and acceptable refuse for collection in a mixed refuse collection cart supplied by the city or its contractor which cart shall be tightly sealed, with excess mixed refuse in additional mixed refuse bags with authorized stickers attached. Mixed refuse collection carts and additional refuse bags intended for collection with stickers attached shall be placed by the owner and occupant of the residential unit at the curb in front of the residence not earlier than 4:00 p.m. of the day preceding the collection day and not later than 6:00 a.m. of the day of collection. Mixed refuse collection carts shall be removed by the owner and occupant of the residential unit not later than 7:00 a.m. of the day after the collection day and stored in a discrete location 10 feet behind the front face of the residence or in a screened location. Additional refuse bags intended for collection shall not be broken nor weigh more than 30 pounds when filled. The owner and occupant shall not place or cause to be placed by unacceptable items in any additional refuse bag or mixed refuse collection cart intended for collection. No person shall place refuse materials of any kind of the premises of or in front of a residence for city collection service, except refuse originating in that residence. 2. This Ordinance is to become effective ten (10) days after adoption. Ayes: Nays: First Reading: Second Reading: O:\CLERK\COMMON\WORD\AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING\2021\092821\02B_1435764.DOCX CERTIFICATE The undersigned, being the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the ____ day of _______________, 2021, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. Date:_______________________, 2021 ________________________________ Ann Marie Meisch, MMC City Clerk Publish: Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption. O:\CLERK\COMMON\WORD\AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING\2021\092821\02B_1435764.DOCX CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF ADOPTION TO: ALL PERSONS INTERESTED Please take notice that on ___________________, 2021, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon amended subsection (a) of Chapter 70, Article II, Section 70-31 of the Muskegon City Code, summarized as follows: 1. Section 70-31(a) is amended to require removal of mixed use refusal carts by 7:00 a.m. on the day after the collection day and specify locations for storage of the cartsmixed refuse collection carts and refuse bags to be placed in front of the residence after 4:00 p.m. on the day preceding the collection day. Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at a reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours. This ordinance amendment is effective ten (10) days from the date of this publication. Published: _________________, 2021 CITY OF MUSKEGON By________________________ Ann Marie Meisch, MMC City Clerk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLISH ONCE WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF FINAL PASSAGE O:\CLERK\COMMON\WORD\AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING\2021\092821\02B_1435764.DOCX Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: 9-28-2021 Title: Aquarium Feasibility Study Submitted By: Peter Wills Department: Economic Development Brief Summary: Staff is requesting authorization to commit funds for the City to be included in a Feasibility Study as one of two potential locations for the construction of an aquarium facility in the west Michigan region. The Feasibility Study would be coordinated by the John Ball Zoo (JBZ) in Grand Rapids and conducted by Zoo Advisors, Inc. Detailed Summary: The JBZ is currently exploring the viability of building a large scale aquarium in the West Michigan area to compete with similar major marine attractions across the United States. Staff initiated contact with JBZ officials earlier this Spring to assess the impact of locating this pivotal tourist destination within the City. The City is an established tourism and cultural destination throughout the region and is supported by area educational and Great Lakes environmental research institutions. Exploring the potential of adding a conservation, research and community education aquatic asset to our lakeshore community could realize greater social resiliency and further catapult our local and regional economy’s as a premier national tourism destination. The City continues to reclaim its former industrial waterfront for a mix of uses designed to enhance public waterfront access and further connect to our vibrant downtown and other recreational activities. Four phases of the 9-12 month Feasibility Study process would include Concept Development (2- 3mo), Preliminary Research Study (3-4mo), Project Modeling (2-3mo), and Economic Impact (2mo). Results of the Study would further develop the aquarium concept, assess the operational feasibility of locations in the City of Muskegon and Kent County, establish attendance estimates, project preliminary capital investment of construction, and develop economic impacts associated with construction and operation of the facility in both potential locations. JBZ has proposed a cost- sharing arrangement for the total cost of the $227,585 Study. One-third of the fee would be paid by the City of Muskegon, one-third by Kent County, and the remainder by JBZ. Based on estimates of a 2018 JBZ Feasibility Study, a $150M aquarium investment would, at minimum, result in a $100M impact on the regional economies. According to their website, Zoo Advisors is a full-service planning and consulting firm focused on helping zoos, aquariums, and conservation organizations advance their missions, increase impact, and grow sustainably. The expense will need to be included in a future reforecast of the budget if approved. Amount Requested: $75,000 Amount Budgeted: $0 Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: To authorize the commitment of funds to include the City of Muskegon in a Feasibility Study as a potential location for the construction of an aquarium facility in the west Michigan region. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH September 9, 2021 Mr. Peter D’Arienzo CEO John Ball Zoo 1300 W. Fulton Street Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Dear Peter: Thank you for the opportunity to discuss your vision for a new aquarium in the West Michigan region. We value our long-standing relationship with the John Ball Zoo team, and appreciate the chance to discuss this exciting JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH project with you. In this document, we have laid out a roadmap for how Zoo Advisors can help your organization take the crucial first steps towards turning your vision for the aquarium into a reality. As the conversation surrounding the potential aquarium has evolved, we understand that there are currently two locations under consideration: Kent County and Muskegon. Throughout our discussions with you, we have begun to explore the pros and cons of each location. This engagement would represent a more formal exploration of that topic (as well as many others) pursuant to the creation and operation of the facility. As we have spoken about, we believe the appropriate next step along this journey is to conduct combined feasibility and economic impact studies. By assessing the feasibility and impact of the project as envisioned in each location, your organization will be equipped with credible, expert assessments that appeal to donors and give them confidence that you have done the proper due diligence, as well as demonstrate the long-term financial sustainability of the organization. The work will also define the advantages and disadvantages of each location, and how the composition of the aquarium’s operational funding could be different in one or the other. Our firm is uniquely positioned to provide you with these services. We are not attractions generalists: we are laser-focused on this profession. We have completed numerous feasibility and economic impact assessments for zoos and aquariums all over the world, and there is simply no other firm so specifically equipped to provide these services to you. For this work, we would team with three long-time Zoo Advisors partners to complete the project: (1) Studio Hansen | Roberts (Seattle, WA); (2) H2R Market Research (Springfield, MO); and (3) Oxford Economics (Oxford, UK). We have worked with these partners on numerous comparable projects in the recent past, and have detailed their roles below. On the pages that follow, we have provided background on our team, expertise, experience, and philosophy, as well as a high-level description of how we would approach the engagements in question, as well as fee estimates. Zoo Advisors’ reputation and success is built on forging long-term partnerships, and we hope to continue our partneship with your team now and into the future. Again, we appreciate this opportunity and would be privileged to reengage with you. Please reach out at any time if you have questions. Sincerely, 2 Zachary Winfield Vice President Zoo Advisors WHY ZOO ADVISORS? JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH CONSERVATION WE UNDERSTAND BUSINESS DATA PEOPLE PROCESS WE CONNECT ACTION DIVERSITY WE PROMOTE LISTENING INNOVATION 3 FIRM PROFILE: ZOO ADVISORS Zoo Advisors, LLC is a full-service planning and consulting firm with a laser focus on advancing the missions of zoo and aquariums, particularly AZA accredited institutions. We do this by providing a comprehensive suite of services connecting mission, margin, and impact. We are proud of our more JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH than a century of collective experience in the industry. David Walsh, ZA’s Founder and Principal, is a respected industry leader who works collaboratively to offer visionary ideas for growth while accommodating the day-to-day needs of his clients. We balance mission and margin. Zoo Advisors’ philosophy is to create an optimized balance between the client’s mission and its need for fiscal sustainability. We have helped many of your colleagues create high performing organizations and can leverage that expertise for you. Our team has extensive experience in working with zoos of all sizes across the country. We have helped develop innovative and ground-breaking plans for more than 100 AZA accredited institutions. We regularly provide expert counsel to zoo and aquarium leaders across the country. We value data-driven decisions and are experts in data and analytics. Zoo Advisors was built on the principle of strengthening zoos’ missions and impacts by maximizing their financial margins. We have an innate ability to assess financials, numbers, and metrics; analyze trends; and uncover opportunities that can help the Zoo realize its vision. This expertise will lend itself to conducting a project for the Zoo that encompasses all aspects of the operation. We bring people together and build bridges. One of Zoo Advisors’ strengths is our ability to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders, unite them behind a common vision, and develop an actionable plan to achieve success. Many of our projects involve multiple boards; city, state and county governments; and wide-ranging stakeholders. Our extensive expertise with assessing and analyzing a broad array of data, inputs, and feedback and then identifying key and useful findings demonstrates our ability to listen to many voices, yet come up with focused solutions that work for everyone. Our work is based in understanding, not assumptions. In short, Zoo Advisors offers you: • Decades of experience representing more than 125 zoo and aquarium related projects • Expertise in multiple disciplines • Hands-on operational experience • Insider knowledge with an outsider viewpoint • Innovative and creative thinking • A commitment to conservation 4 CONSERVATION PHILOSOPHY At Zoo Advisors, we’ve thought a lot about conservation and how we can best help JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH our clients influence change and create a brighter future for the environment and the wild things and wild places we cherish. We’ve brought together a team with not only an abiding commitment to conservation, but also experience and knowledge in the practice. We’ve helped our clients develop thoughtful goals, we’ve supported AZA in its mission, and we’ve been there ourselves, designing and implementing conservation initiatives as employees and board members. Here’s what we believe: Conservation doesn’t stand alone. It’s not only at the heart of an organization, but should be integrated throughout its culture, its business, and its people. • We need to be bold advocates, to get out in front with our knowledge, our passion, our experience, and our resources. It’s not enough to be the “experts,” or “trusted resources”; we need to be the champions. • We should lead the way and demonstrate a path to a brighter future for wildlife by our actions, creating opportunities for citizen involvement and measuring our impact. We must “walk the walk,” not just “talk the talk.” • Our organizations need a vision and a plan for conservation that is firmly grounded in sound fiscal practices and a sustainable business plan. Our “mission” and our “margin” go hand in hand. Zoo Advisors supports our clients in their mission of wildlife conservation and encourages a bolder and more sustainable approach to conservation. Our team brings incomparable experience and commitment to conservation and we are proud to continue our clients’ work on behalf of the wild world and the increasingly important role of zoos and aquariums in its future. 5 FIRM PROFILE: STUDIO HANSEN | ROBERTS Studio Hanson | Roberts is a 10-person, high-expertise, hands-on design firm with a singular focus specializing only in zoos and aquariums. The principals - Becca Hanson, David Roberts, Keith McClintock and Jason Hill - are involved in every aspect of design in collaboration with one JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH another, our staff and consultants, and the zoo’s staff. Our experience is both broad and deep with projects that span North America and around the world. We are innovators by nature and, while our principals have over 140 years of combined zoo design experience to rely on, we take nothing for granted as we seek new ways to enable animals to lead rich and fulfilling lives; operational and construction strategies that stand the test of time; and engagement strategies that make visitors feel that their lives have been blessed and enriched by the experience. SH|R principals have worked on the concept development of the National Aquarium of Peru, the Aquarium at Kansas City Zoo, exhibits at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo, and the “first-of-its-kind” Galapagos Exhibit at the Houston Zoo including Sea Lions, Penguins, and a Shark and Sea Turtle Reef. We work worldwide looking for new ways to help institutions improve the care of their animals, connect with their visitors, economically house their animals, drive down recurring utilities costs, and walk the walk of a conservation organization. In our minds, there is nothing like a world class aquarium to achieve these goals. 6 FIRM PROFILE: H2R MARKET RESEARCH H2R Market Research is an international award-winning research firm that specializes in providing market research measurements in all areas impacting consumer quality of life. The company is jointly owned by Jerry Henry (CEO) and Jill Mowris (President). Together, their combined expertise JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH in the research industry spans more than 40 years and includes a full menu of qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The H2R Market Research team is comprised of nearly 20 employees including consumer insight analysts, focus group moderators, programmers and statisticians from a variety of marketing and research backgrounds. We are proud to serve several world-class and internationally recognized clients and business partners in industries ranging from travel and tourism, to healthcare, hospitality and financial institutions. Our collective areas of expertise include quantitative analysis, focus group moderation, advanced statistical analysis, questionnaire development, fieldwork services across various methodologies and more. At H2R Market Research we have embraced changes in our market space and use a holistic approach to ensure the customer’s voice is heard across multiple touch points as applicable. We believe that innovation and our commitment to best-in-class customer service make us a unique vendor in the field of research. 7 FIRM PROFILE: OXFORD ECONOMICS Oxford Economics is one of the world’s foremost independent global advisory firms, providing reports, forecasts and analytical tools on 200 countries, 100 industrial sectors and over 3,000 cities. Our best-of-class global economic and industry models and analytical tools give us an unparalleled JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH ability to forecast external market trends and assess their economic, social and business impact. Headquartered in Oxford, England, with regional centers in London, New York, and Singapore, Oxford Economics has offices across the globe in Belfast, Chicago, Dubai, Miami, Milan, Paris, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Washington DC, we employ over 250 full-time staff, including 150 professional economists, industry experts and business editors—one of the largest teams of macroeconomists and thought leadership specialists. Tourism Economics is an Oxford Economics company with a singular objective: combine an understanding of the travel sector with proven economic tools to answer the most important questions facing our clients. More than 500 companies, associations, and destination work with Tourism Economics every year as a research partner. We bring decades of experience to every engagement to help our clients make better marketing, investment, and policy decisions. Tourism Economics operates out of regional headquarters in Philadelphia and Oxford, with offices in Belfast, Dubai, Frankfurt, and Ontario. 8 SELECT CLIENT LIST Our team has provided services to over 100 clients worldwide, including the following: AQUARIUMS • Albuquerque BioPark Aquarium • National Zoological Park • Aquarium of Niagara • NEW Zoo JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH • Branson Aquarium at the Boardwalk • Oakland Zoo • Brevard Aquarium • Palm Beach Zoo • Kansas City Aquarium • Phoenix Zoo • Lubbock Aquarium • Point Defiance Zoo • Maria Mitchell Association Aquarium • Potawatomi Zoo • National Aquarium of Peru • Pueblo Zoo • Monterray Bay Aquarium • Racine Zoo • North Carolina Aquariums • Red River Zoo • OdySea Aquarium • Reid Park Zoological Society • Oman Aquarium • Roger Williams Park Zoo • Oregon Coast Aquarium • Rosamond Gifford Zoo • Saint Louis Zoo ZOOS • • San Diego Wildlife Alliance San Francisco Zoological Society • Abilene Zoo • Santa Ana Zoo • Akron Zoo • Sedgwick County Zoo • Alexandria Zoo • Sunset Zoo • Brevard Zoo • Tampa’s Lowry Park Zoo • Buffalo Zoo • The Living Desert • Buttonwood Park Zoo • Topeka Zoo • Cameron Park Zoo • Toronto Zoo • Central Florida Zoo • Tulsa Zoo • Chattanooga Zoo • Turtle Back Zoo • Cleveland Zoological Society • Woodland Park Zoo • Como Park Zoo • Zoo Knoxville • Dallas Zoological Society • Zoo Miami • Denver Zoo • Zoological Society of Milwaukee • El Paso Zoological Society • • Elmwood Park Zoo Fresno Zoo OTHER ORGS. • Gladys Porter Zoo • Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum • Great Plains Zoo & Delbridge Museum • Bonita Wonder Gardens • Happy Hollow Park & Zoo • Butterfly Pavilion • Honolulu Zoological Society • Chicago Botanic Garden • Hutchinson Zoo • Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund • Indianapolis Zoo • DuMond Conservancy • John Ball Zoo • Environmental Learning Center • Kansas City Zoo • Garden Conservancy • Little Rock Zoo • Maria Mitchell Association 9 • Los Angeles Zoo • Maymont • Magnetic Hill Zoo • Millenium Park Grand Rapids • Miller Park Zoo • Tracy Aviary • Naples Zoo • Yukon Wildlife Preserve • Nashville Zoo OUR APPROACH JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH As we have discussed, in this document we have detailed a phased approach with results that will provide you: • The opportunity and space to further develop the aquarium concept with facilitation from some of the brightest minds in attractions design; • A credible and realistic assessment of the feasibility of operating an aquarium in both Kent County and Muskegon; • Long-term projections of visitation, cost to operation, and revenues; • An analysis of how operational funding composition would be required to change in one location versus the other; • A high-level assessment of the likely capital investment required to construct the facility; and, • In-depth assessment of economic impacts associated with the construction and operation of the facility in both potential locations. 10 METHODOLOGY This project will ultimately demonstrate not only the feasibility of constructing and operating a top-tier aquarium in Muskegon or Kent County, but the massive positive impact on the regional economies that the project would lead to. We understand that there are numerous projects under consideration, but this work will conclusively show that the aquarium concept stands above the pack in terms of economic impact, positive impacts on the operations of partner organizations in the region, quality of life benefits, JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH and the effect on elevating West Michigan into the top tier of United States tourism destinations. The methodology that we are proposing leverages the unique expertise of each of our partner firms. The roles of each firm are summarized here: Zoo Advisors would oversee and manage all aspects of the work from start to finish, take the lead role in creating the final pro forma projection models for the aquarium, and be responsible for making the assessment of the project’s feasibility and all reporting. We would act as the primary project manager, liaison between between the client and all other parties, and facilitator of each phase of the process. Studio Hansen|Roberts would be the project’s design lead, co-facilitating the concept development and design charrette process with Zoo Advisors, developing design imagery and narratives, and determining the capital cost estimates for construction. H2R Market Research would co-facilitate the design, development, deployment, and analysis of the primary market research study. Oxford Economics would develop the economic impact study, using the projections developed by Zoo Advisors as inputs. Ultimately, the process of assessing the feasibility and economic impact of the proposed aquarium would take place in four phases, each utilizing deliverables from the prior phase as inputs: concept development is an input for primary market research; market research is an input for projection modeling; projection modeling is an input for economic impact analysis. Thus, by engaging our team to conduct this work, the John Ball Zoo organization will capture not only an economy of scale, but the benefit of seamless transition from one required step to the next. 11 PHASE I: CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT While there have been initial discussions around the issue of what the exact vision for the proposed aquarium is, the first step in our proposed process is to invest time and energey to develop that vision into a workable concept for testing. At this time, the vision is purely conceptual and without much detail or consideration to such areas as physical space, guest experience, and collections plans. While these considerations (among many others) will go through numerous iterations before a shovel ever breaks ground, our goal JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH for this first phase will be to develop a succint, workable concept that stakeholders can rally around as a “starting place” for future discussions. Not only will this phase provide space and time to explore creative concepts from various perspectives, but it will result in a cohesive sketch of a concept that can then be tested with potential constituents in the next phase. This clarity of concept is critical: the idea for this attraction is not a small, “strip-mall” style aquarium. Rather, it is a visionary concept on par with the best aquarium experiences in the world. In short, at the end of this phase, the stakeholder team will be able to describe in scope and character the visitor experience and operative foundation at the proposed aquarium. To accomplish this, Zoo Advisors and Studio Hansen | Roberts will will work with the stakeholders to define the major components and key experiences of the potential aquarium over the course of several workshops. There are mutliple sites currently under consideration for the proposed aquarium, and these discussions are still evolving. We have reviewed the sites and offered our preliminary perspective on the pros and cons of each. For the purposes of this early- phase work, the selection of a specific site is not required, and we will moved forward under the assumption that the ultimate site will be either immediately proximate to an urban core in either Kent County or Muskegon, or accessible by means of transportation infrastructure. We propose the use of three design workshops to help visualize the John Ball Zoo’s goals for this new facility. The effort would begin with a 3-hour design charrette facilitated by Studio Hansen|Robert’s senior staff. We will spend that time with the project’s stakeholders to discuss goals and aspirations for the project, review imagery and ideas from comparable facilities around the world, generate new ideas based on natural ecosystems, and discuss key guest experiences of the proposed facility. After this workshop, SH|R will take the generated ideas and develop a range of 12 solutions with several experience concepts to review with the stakeholders. In a second design charrette, we will present those ideas to the stakeholder group for discussion and feedback that will ultimately lead to a preferred option. With this concept defined, the team will generate a list of the major components, including suggested sizes, an experience diagram map that shows how a visitor might move through these components, and a written narrative to describe the experience. Lastly, concepts will be turned into a final experience map and narratives, and a high- level assessment of the cost to construct the aquarium as envisioned, which will all be presented in the third and final workshop. SH|R will also develop two hand- drawn concept diagrams and two photo-realistic renderings for future use, such as in JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH fundraising or other materials. If required, additional renderings/concept drawings could be produced for an added fee. Hand-drawn concept diagram Photo-realistic rendering Final deliverables for this first phase would include: • Aquarium diagram map • Experience narrative • Major component list • High-level capital construction estimate • Two hand-drawings and two photo-realistic design renderings 13 PHASE II: PRIMARY RESEARCH STUDY In this second phase, we would take the concepts developed during Phase I and put them to work. Using the concepts as a basis to design and deploy a professionally managed survey panel, we would test the concepts with a scientifically valid and demographically aligned sample of potential visitors to the aquarium to determine their intent to visit, and identify a preliminary pricing schema for admission. We would survey respondents from the general population marketplaces of both Kent County and Muskegon, as well as from primary tourism feeder markets (e.g. Chicago, JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH Cincinnati, Detroit, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Pittsburgh, etc.). We envision a panel reaching at least 900 respondents in each location (1,800 in total), which would be large enough to achieve a high level of confidence in the findings. Consumer responses would be used to fuel the testing and evaluation, attendance potential, pricing evaluation, competitive set comparison analysis, and top-box adjustment factors, as well as an overarching summary analysis. The key analysis method for this would be the Gabor-Granger Price Demand Exercise. This exercise utilizes three diffferent price points to guage price elasticity. The evaluation examines the degree wo which demand is expected to be impacted as price changes. Concurrently, we would conduct a benchmark analysis of comparable aquarium facilities around the United States, assessing their respective market penetrations within the context of their market regions, and testing our findings against this group as a check on our findings. The key deliverables of this phase would be represented by a quantitative analysis of and presentation on: • Likely attendance by location; • Price elasticity and demand by location; • Competitive set comparisons (local and regional); and, • Benchmark results. This findings are absolutely critical in the third phase of this engagement, when we would use these quantitative outputs as inputs in projection modeling. 14 PHASE III: PRO FORMA MODELING During the third phase, our team would work to create two discrete 10-year pro forma models for the aquarium as envisioned—one each for Kent County and Muskegon. As attendance is the lifeblood of any visitor facility, this model would lean heavily on the primary research from the prior phase, especially in area of attendance and admissions pricing. The model would include detailed annual projections for operating areas such as: • Attendance quantities and composition JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH • Membership/annual pass program • On-site spending (e.g. per capita spend on retail, food service, programming, etc.) • Secondary revenue modeling (e.g. boat rides, diving with sharks, touch tanks, etc.) • Expense categories (e.g. personnel, administration, animal care, maintenance, utilities, etc.) These detailed models will demonstrate the capacity of the aquarium operation to financially support itself in each location, showing to what extent revenues could be generated to support operations, and how much (if any) on-going public support would be required in each location to ensure sustainability over time. The results of this modeling will give a clear indication of whether and how the project as envisioned is operationally feasible in each location. For example, our work may indicate that a higher level of public support may be necessary in one location or the other, which will inform important decisions and discussions, particularly in the context of the economic impact study that will be generated in the next phase. The deliverables from this phase would include: • A detailed report summarizing all work to date, including concept development, primary market research, and projection modeling; • Our assessment of the feasibility of the aquarium as envisioned; • The capital estimates to build the aquarium; • Recommendations on next steps; and, • A final presentation of findings (either virtually or in-person) to any interested parties Where applicable, sections of the final report would be divided by location. 15 PHASE IV: ECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT During the last phase of this engagement, our team would quantify the full economic impact of the aquarium in both locations, beginning with construction impacts. The analysis would be extended over a 10-year horizon and will separately evaluate the impacts of each revenue and expense source, including, for example, visitor programs, retail activity, membership programs, etc. We will individually evaluate the spending of local visitors as well as out-of-town guests in both Muskegon and Kent County, and measure the effects of their spending on site and in the surrounding communities. JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH This process will utilize several key data sources as inputs— Operations Data: Using the projection models developed in the prior phase, we will combine and collate key operations and financial activity, including attendance data; capital expenditure plans; direct expenditures; and all revenue sources. Tourism Economics: Oxford Economics will draw from its own analysis of visitor spending to the region. This includes survey data from Longwoods International on the spending patterns of visitors and their work for Travel Michigan. From these datasets, Oxford will analyze the spending of the aquarium visitors in other parts of the economy. This will include transportation, hospitality, restaurants, retail, recreation, entertainment, and other services. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Bureau of Economic Analysis: Data on employment and personal income by industry will enable our team to compare the impacts of the aquarium to other industries and quantify its share of the local economy and contribution to the museum and broader attractions industry. Census Bureau: Data on revenue, establishments, payroll, employment and capital expenditures by industry will provide further benchmark comparisons. STR: STR is the standard bearer of US hotel industry data. STR will provide data on local demand and room revenue as a measure of overall hotel visitor demand over time. Drawing on our analysis, our team will utilize an Input-Output (I-O) model for both Kent County and Muskegon geographies as developed by IMPLAN to trace the full extent of industry impacts. IMPLAN is recognized as an industry standard in I-O models. An I-O model represents a profile of an economy by measuring the relationships among industries and consumers. For example, an I-O model tracks the flow of revenue to wages, profits, capital, taxes and suppliers. The supplier chain is also traced to food 16 wholesalers, to farmers, and so on. In this way, the I-O model allows for the measurement of the direct and indirect sales generated by, for example, an aquarium visit or hotel stay. The model also calculates the induced impacts of spending. Induced impacts represent benefits to the economy as incomes earned as a result of the aquarium-driven spending are spent in the local economy, generating additional sales, jobs, taxes, and income. IMPLAN calculates three levels of impact – direct, indirect, and induced – for a broad set of indicators including: (1) business sales (also called gross output); (2) personal income; (3) employment; and (4) federal, state, and local taxes by type. The team will develop a clear and graphical report of the results with narrative explaining JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH key concepts and their importance. The report will be accessible to the layperson with a view towards a diverse set of audiences including legislators, the media, and other stakeholders. A single final report (with corresponding sections for each of Kent County and Muskegon) will be developed to present not only the figures but their meaning in relevant ways. These findings will include the following: • Impact type (sales, income, employment, tax detail) • Impact level (direct, indirect, induced) • Growth and cumulative impacts over 10 years • Share of total and visitor economy employment and income over time • Contribution to taxes over time • Economic benefits accruing to other industries because of the aquarium (e.g. aviation, hotel, restaurant, auto rental) • Impacts by major activity • Description of community and halo impacts. This will include the potential benefits to conferences & conventions, demand for partner attractions, real estate, and general economic development. Ultimately, the outcome of this process will provide to the team a credible estimate of what is sure to be a massive economic benefit to the communities that the aquarium will serve, and establish the project as not only a wise investment, but one that has the potential to contribute to the elevation of either Kent County or Muskegon into a premier destination for tourists. 17 TIMELINE & FEE ESTIMATE We estimate this complete engagement could be completed in to 9 to 12 months. As requested, we have provided a breakdown by phase below: • Phase I: Concept Development 2-3 Months • Phase II: Primary Research Study 3-4 Months • Phase III: Projection Modeling 2-3 Months • Phase IV: Economic Impact 2 Months JOHN BALL ZOO // AQUARIUM FEASIBILITY & ECONOMIC IMPACT RESEARCH Estimated fees by phase are: PHASE I $37,110 PHASE II $55,000 PHASE III $68,595 PHASE IV $66,880 TOTAL: $227,585 In order to ensure an equitable distribution of expense between all stakeholders in the outcomes of this assessment, a cost-sharing arrangement has been discussed. One-third of the fee will be paid by representatives of the City of Muskegon, one-third by representatives of Kent County, and the remainder by John Ball Zoo. The arrangement will ensure that no work product specific to one party will be subsidized or influenced by payment from the other, and that no party will be the beneficiary of favor or preference. Deliverables pertaining specifically to either Kent County or the City of Muskegon will be clearly delineated in the final report. 18 Thank you again for the opportunity to discuss our services with you. We would be extremely pleased to partner with you on this worthy endeavor. We look forward to continued conversations. Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: Title: Re-assignment of Building Contracts for September 28, 2021 769 Catawba Avenue and 548 E Dale Avenue Submitted By: Oneata Bailey Department: CNS Brief Summary: To award the Building Contracts of the rehabilitation of 769 Catawba Avenue and 548 E. Dale Avenue to Nassau Construction for the City of Muskegon’s Homebuyers Program. Detailed Summary: Both contracts were previously awarded to Mike Murphy, Custom Exteriors, LLC. Unfortunately, Mr. Murphy is not able to fulfill his contract to rehabilitate 769 Catawba Avenue. and 548 E Dale Avenue. CNS is requesting that the 2 rehabilitation projects be awarded to the second bidder- Nassau Construction (See bids); Nassau Construction is a MBE (Minority Business Enterprise) and WBE (Woman-owned Business Enterprise) with a history of working with the city since 2018 for our Homebuyers, Lead Safe Muskegon and Muskegon County Senior Millage programs. Amount Requested: Amount Budgeted: $220,000.00 $ 91,910- Catawba Avenue $81,231- Dale Avenue Fund(s) or Account(s): HOME Program Fund(s) or Account(s): HOME 2020 Recommended Motion: To award Nassau Construction the rehabilitation contracts for 769 Catawba Avenue and 548 E Dale Avenue Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: Sept 28th, 2021 Title: Alley Paving Policy Submitted By: Leo Evans Department: Public Works Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of the attached Alley Paving Policy effective for the 2022 Calendar Year. Detailed Summary: The draft Alley Paving policy was discussed at the September 13th, 2022 Work Session meeting. Minor adjustments to the draft policy were made to clarify the difference between “Residential” and “Non-Residential” parcels. Amount Requested: N/A Amount Budgeted: N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: Approve the Alley Paving Policy. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: ALLEY PAVING POLICY EFFECTIVE: January 1, 2022 PURPOSE The City of Muskegon maintains alleys within every neighborhood of the city. A majority of the existing alleys are gravel, with very few having been improved to a paved surface. To facilitate improved access in the alleys and to reduce maintenance expenses on the gravel alleys the city is adopting the below policy to facilitate paving of alleys where it is in the best interest of all parties. GOALS The City of Muskegon maintains this policy with the goals of: • Improving access to and use of the existing network of alleys • Optimizing the use of a traditionally underutilized public space • Fostering relationships amongst block neighbors towards a common goal • Reducing maintenance cost and expense of gravel alleys • Reduction of blight associated with underutilized alleys APPLICATION PROCESSING & FEES Applications will be accepted year round on the attached form. Each application shall be prepared and submitted by a designated Block Captain whom shall be the single point of contact relative to the paving request. Staff will review all applications and annually make a recommendation on alleys to be targeted for paving in a given year. The number and location of alleys selected for paving will be based on staff availability and staff concurrence that the alley is a good candidate for paving. Staff will review the alley for access issues, ownership, utility conditions, use types/frequency, neighbor support for the paving, and other features. Once an alley has been determined eligible for paving the City will contact the designated Block Captain and inform them of the decision. The Block Captain is then responsible to collect fees from the block and provide payment to the DPW offices before paving can be scheduled. Fees for Alley Paving will be as follows: • $300 / Residential Parcel • $1,000 / Non-Residential Parcel For the purposes of this policy “Residential Parcel” shall be defined as any parcel with a Zoning Code that includes the term “Residential” in the Zoning Code and/or Description. Non-Residential Parcel shall refer to any other parcel not captured by the above definition of a Residential Parcel. Municipally owned parcels are exempt from payment, all other parcels including non-profit and religiously operated are subject to the fee requirements. 2 Fees for alley paving are designed to offset a portion of the cost for the asphalt material used to pave the alley. This figure is competitively bid on an annual basis with the current (2021) price being $69.50/Ton. A typical 400 FT long alley requires approximately 60 Tons of asphalt to pave ($4,170 – Material Costs). Fee collection and submittal shall be the sole responsibility of the Block Captain. No special assessments will be executed by the City to support fee collection. ALLEY PAVING PROCESS The City will schedule paving throughout the traditional paving season depending on when fees are paid and when staff is available. Alley paving carries less priority than repairs to roadways, and schedule will be subject to change throughout the typical paving season (May 1 – October 31). City staff will communicate with the Block Captain approximately one (1) week ahead of the paving to inform them of the planned schedule. The Block Captain shall be responsible to inform the neighbors of the schedule. From start to finish paving will take approximately 3-5 days to complete depending upon the complexity. To the greatest extent possible the City requests that residents arrange for alternative access to minimize their need to use the alley. Residents of the block will need to park on adjacent streets whenever possible to ensure the alley is free and clear for work to proceed. Alley paving will include paving of a single twelve (12) foot wide lane. No flare out or widening of the pavement will be made to meet adjacent driveways or provide additional space for parking, storage of trash cans, or any other use. Any additional paving requested shall be the responsibility of the requesting property owner. The alley will be graded and paved with an approximately two (2) inch thick layer of asphalt. Any utility manhole covers will be adjusted flush with the surface of the alley pavement. The pavement will be maintained by the City of Muskegon for its useful life. When the useful life of the pavement has expired and full replacement is required a new application shall be submitted and payment due. 3 Return completed application to the following: City of Muskegon Public Works Department 1350 East Keating Avenue Muskegon, MI 49442 ►ALLEY PAVING FEES RESIDENTIAL PARCEL $300 Per Parcel NON-RESIDENTIAL PARCEL $1,000 Per Parcel ► I. DESIGNATED BLOCK CAPTAIN NAME ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL ► II. ALLEY INFORMATION CROSS STREETS PARALLEL STREETS EXISTING ALLEY MATERIAL SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS 4 ► III. NEIGHBOR / PARCEL INFORMATION RESIDENTIAL / SUPPORT NON-RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS (YES / NO) 5 ► IV. LIABILITY WAIVER APPLICANT(S) voluntarily agree, understand and recognize that participants will have no right to make a claim or file a lawsuit against the City in relation to the alley paving operations. ► V. REQUIREMENTS OF ALLEY PAVING 1. Applicant shall comply with all rules and regulations of the City of Muskegon Alley Paving policy. 2. Applicant shall comply with all City of Muskegon Ordinances. 3. Applicant shall save the City of Muskegon harmless from all claims. 4. The appointed fees must be collected by the Block Captain and paid in full to the City prior to any work being scheduled. 5. Block Captain shall be the sole point of contact for the project and shall be responsible to coordinate and communicate with other alley users on the project details. 6. The City reserves the right to make final determination on which alleys are suitable for paving and to prioritize the paving schedule. 7. Alley paving shall include a single twelve (12) foot wide lane at two (2) inches thickness from cross street to cross street. No additional paving requests will be considered. Residents are responsible to separately arrange for any additional paving requests. With my signature, I certify that I have read and agree to the City of Muskegon Alley Paving Policy and all items listed on this application. I further certify that I have contacted all parcels on the affected block with alley frontage and have indicated their address and noted their support/opposition to the alley paving as outlined in the form. I agree to abide by all applicable ordinances & regulations. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Block Captain Date CITY STAFF USE ONLY: APPROVED / DENIED NAME/TITLE:_________________________________________________________ DATE:_____________ FEE:_________________ NOTES:______________________________________________________________ 6 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: Sept 28th, 2021 Title: Deer Hunting Ordinance Amendment Submitted By: Leo Evans Department: Public Works Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of an amendment to Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances to incorporate the new Section 6-19 which provides for limited archery hunting options within the City of Muskegon. Detailed Summary: The draft Archery Hunting ordinance was discussed at the September 13th, 2021 Commission Work Session meeting. No revisions have been made to the draft ordinance that was presented at that meeting. Amount Requested: N/A Amount Budgeted: N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: To amend Chapter 6 of the City Code of Ordinances with the addition of Section 19. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: CITY OF MUSKEGON MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO. ____ THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON HEREBY ORDAINS: 1. Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Muskegon, Michigan, Section 6-19 is adopted to read as follows: Sec. 6-19. Archery Hunting. The City may allow limited archery hunting within the boundaries of the City for the purposes of limiting the urban deer population that may cause or threaten the safety of vehicular travel, damage to public and private landscaping, negative effects on local ecology and the regeneration of native vegetation, decrease in the overall health of the deer herd, and an increase in the risk of cervid disease transmission. 1. Area. Hunting may only occur in Deer Management Areas (“DMAs”) designated and approved by the City Commission under this Section. City Staff is authorized to create an application process for potential DMAs and shall make recommendations to City Council regarding other conditions, including but not limited to, the appropriate areas, number of hunters, hunt locations, shooting direction/ shooting lanes, and on- site inspections related to the use of the DMAs. The City Commission has final authority to approve, deny, or set conditions for all authorized DMAs. a. Private Land. Landowners may apply to have their property designated as a DMA provided the area is at least five (5) contiguous acres. Two landowners may jointly apply for a DMA where two or more adjoining parcels combined meet the five (5) contiguous acre requirement. Landowners’ DMA application shall include the requested number of hunters and other information as required by the DMA application. b. Public Land. City staff shall recommend appropriate public property as DMAs. 2. Licensed Hunting. Archery hunters meeting the requirements established by the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources (“DNR”) may hunt deer within those areas designated as DMAs by the City, subject to all of the following conditions: a. Permit. Hunters must obtain a permit issued by the City to hunt within a public land DMA. City Staff is authorized to establish an application process and procedures for obtaining a hunting permit, which may include the submission of fees, applicable personal information, consent to a background check and other requirements as established by the City. City Staff shall make a final recommendation to the City Commission regarding each issuance of O:\CLERK\COMMON\WORD\AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING\2021\092821\06B_ATTACHMENT #001 - DEER HUNTING ORDINANCE.DOCX such permits. The City Manager, shall at all times have the right to amend, revoke, or set conditions on the permits issued under this subsection. b. Time. Hunting may only occur on the dates and times designated by the DNR where use of bow or cross-bow to harvest deer is permitted or duration of the DMA, whichever is shorter. c. DNR Rules and Regulations. All hunters must observe all DNR hunting regulations and requirements, including all safety considerations. d. Setback. No hunter shall hunt within or attempt to take a deer within a distance of one hundred and fifty (150) feet from any public building, public street, or perimeter of any DMA. No hunter shall hunt within or attempt to take a deer within a distance of one hundred and fifty (150) feet from any private building without the written approval from the applicable property owner. e. Bows/ Cross-Bows. Hunters shall not carry an uncased bow or cross-bow within one hundred (100) feet of any residence, public street, or public building. A hunter’s use of a bow or cross-bow under this Section is not a violation of Section 54-61 of the Code of Ordinances of the City. f. Post-Hunt Information. Upon the completion of the hunting season or duration of the DMA, each hunter shall submit to the City the total number of deer harvested, dates hunted, estimated number and gender of deer observed, and other information as required by the City. 3. Other Requirements. The City reserves the right to establish further and different criteria for the authorization of DMAs and hunter permits, including but not limited to, pre-hunt safety courses, liability waivers, hunter’s safety course/ hunting license confirmation, or other criteria as determined to be in the City’s best interest. 4. Proviso. The City reserves the right to amend the hunter permit and DMA application and selection process at any time, including but not limited to, the number of hunters per DMA, residency, hunter competency, random selection, or other criteria as determined to be in the City’s best interest. 2. This Ordinance is to become effective ten (10) days after adoption. O:\CLERK\COMMON\WORD\AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING\2021\092821\06B_ATTACHMENT #001 - DEER HUNTING ORDINANCE.DOCX Ayes: Nays: First Reading: Second Reading: CERTIFICATE The undersigned, being the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the ____ day of _______________, 2021, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. Date:_______________________, 2021 ________________________________ Ann Marie Meisch, MMC City Clerk Publish: Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption. O:\CLERK\COMMON\WORD\AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING\2021\092821\06B_ATTACHMENT #001 - DEER HUNTING ORDINANCE.DOCX CITY OF MUSKEGON NOTICE OF ADOPTION TO: ALL PERSONS INTERESTED Please take notice that on ___________________, 2021, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon amended Chapter 6 of the Muskegon City Code, summarized as follows: 1. Section 6-19 is adopted relating to the establishment of a limited archery deer hunt within the City. Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours. This ordinance amendment is effective ten (10) days from the date of this publication. Published: _________________, 2021 CITY OF MUSKEGON By________________________ Ann Marie Meisch, MMC City Clerk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLISH ONCE WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF FINAL PASSAGE O:\CLERK\COMMON\WORD\AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING\2021\092821\06B_ATTACHMENT #001 - DEER HUNTING ORDINANCE.DOCX Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: Sept 28, 2021 Title: Traffic Control Order #71 Submitted By: Doug Sayles/Leo Evans Department: Traffic/Engineering Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of Traffic Control Order #71-(2021). Detailed Summary: To approve the submitted Traffic Control Order, #71-(2021) for the installation of “Yield Signs” at East and West bound Ada Avenue @ Williams Street.. Amount Requested: N/A Amount Budgeted: N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Recommended Motion: Approve Traffic Control Order #71-(2021). Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: City of Muskegon Traffic Control Order No. 71-(2021) The following regulatory sign(s) shall be Installed/Removed at/from the location(s) specified below under location in accordance with the Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic Control. Device/Regulatory Sign(s) to be Installed/Removed: Installation of “Yield Signs” on East and West bound Ada Avenue @ Williams Street. Location: Ada Avenue @ Williams Street. Recommendation: ________________________________ Date: ______/______/______ Director of Public Works ________________________________ Date: ______/______/______ Police Chief ________________________________ Date: ______/______/______ City Manager Commission Approval (required for Permanent TCO only): ______ __________ Date: _____/_____/___ __ Commission Action # Installation/removal Date assigned: _____/_____/_____ By: ___________________________ Traffic Supervisor Date completed: _____/_____/_____ By: ___________________________ Traffic Department Employee Temporary; does not require Commission Action, good for 90-days from Installation/Removal Date. Permanent; requires Commission Action Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: September 28, 2021 Title: Water Filtration Plant Fencing – Change Order #001 Submitted By: Joe Buthker Department: Public Works - Filtration Brief Summary: Staff is seeking approval of a change order with Fence Consultants for $23,260.35 for the fencing project at the Water Filtration Plant. This change order includes the use of Ultra Aluminum fencing in place of the originally proposed black vinyl coated chain link fencing. Detailed Summary: The City Commission previously approved a proposal from Fence Consultants to replace the Water Filtration Plant fencing on the east side of the plant property. The project included the replacement of the existing chain link fencing with black vinyl coated chain link fencing. Upon further discussion with city staff, it was decided to investigate the cost of using decorative aluminum fencing that would match the existing fencing on the west side of the Water Filtration Plant. City staff is now recommending that Ultra Aluminum fencing be used instead of the originally proposed black vinyl coated chain link fencing. This upgrade will improve the appearance along the east side of the plant and provide continuity with the existing fencing that was upgraded in 2018. Fence Consultants issued a change order for an additional $23,260.35 for the Ultra Aluminum fencing. The $38,545.86 proposal that was previously approved included $4,040.91 to upgrade from aluminized chain link to black vinyl coated chain link. This option will not be utilized with the approval of the Ultra Aluminum fencing, making the additional cost to this project $19,219.44. The cost of the change order will be covered from savings in other budgeted projects and addressed in a future budget reforecast if needed. Amount Requested: Amount Budgeted: $19,219.44 $0 Fund(s) or Account(s): 591-92034-5346 Fund(s) or Account(s): 591-92034-5346 Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to approve the change order from Fence Consultants for $23,260.35 for the replacement of the fencing and gate on the east side of the Water Filtration Plant property with Ultra Aluminum fencing. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: Fence Consultants Change Order Proposal Project Name: Muskegon Water Filtration Plant Change Order #: 1 Location: 1900 Beach Street Initiation Date: 9/21/2021 Customer PO/Contract #: N/A Sold to: CITY OF MUSKEGON PO/Contract for: CITY OF MUSKEGON and FENCE CONSULTANTS agree to make the following changes in the PO/Contract: Qty. Item Per Unit Total 1 Change Approximatly 544' Galvanized Chain Link Fence $ 23,260.35 $ 23,260.35 Addition to Ultra Aluminum Industrial UAS 100 Spear Top 6’ Tall $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Qty. Item Per Unit Total 1 $ - $ - Deduction $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Comments: 25' of panels and 1 - 25' Gate to have tight picket spacing per UL 325 The original PO/Contract sum was: $ 34,504.95 Net change by previous authorized change orders: The PO/Contract sum prior to this change order was: $ 34,504.95 The PO/Contract sum will be increased by this change order: $ 23,260.35 The PO/Contract sum will be decreased by this change order: $ - The new PO/Contract sum including this change order will be: $ 57,765.30 The PO/Contract time will be changed by this number of days: Change order requested by: Project Administrator James Gutman Date: 9/21/2021 Signed: James Gutman Date: 9/21/2021 Fence Consultants of West MI Address: 615 11th St NW, Grand Rapids MI 49504 Not valid until signed by Sold To. Signature of Sold To indicates agreement herewith, including any adjustment in the PO/Contract sum or PO/Contract time. CITY OF MUSKEGON signature below validates this request as official change to contract. No further documentation needed. CITY OF MUSKEGON signature below authorizes Fence Consultants to proceed based on this proposal. CITY OF MUSKEGON will issue official change order. Signature Date The Ultra Aluminum Industrial UAS 100 Spear Top fencing that will match the existing fencing on the west side of the Water Filtration Plant. Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: 9/28/2021 Title: Administrative Vehicle Replacement Submitted By: Joe Buckingham Department: Equipment Brief Summary: The Equipment Division is requesting permission to purchase two Chevy Blazer’s from Berger Chevrolet the State Mi-Deal contract holder. The price of this vehicle is $32,936.00 each for a total price of $64,872.00 coming from the Equipment budget. Detailed Summary: Amount Requested: $64,872.00 Amount Budgeted: $85,000.00 Fund(s) or Account(s): Equipment Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to move forward with purchase. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: 9-28-2021 Title: Temporary art installation, 1095 Third Submitted By: Dave Alexander Department: Economic Development Brief Summary: The City Commission is asked to approve the use of the exterior of the city-owned, former Catholic Social Services building for a temporary photo exhibit through the end of the year. Detailed Summary: Local photographer Patrick Thompson of Pat ApPaul Photography has requested to use the exterior of the city-owned, former Catholic Social Services building at 1095 Third to present The Stand photo exhibition through the end of the year. The city is seeking a new owner to redevelop the office building in Midtown. The current exterior will be removed. The exhibit will be taken down if a new owner needs the exterior before the end of the year. The Lemonade Stand of Muskegon is a residential home in the heart of downtown and Nelson Neighborhood supporting those with mental health and addiction issues. Thompson visually captured The Stand in a work that has been published in a book and in a multi-media presentation. The Stand images would be temporarily attached to the outside of the building along Third Street for public viewing. Amount Requested: None Amount Budgeted: Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: To authorize Patrick Thompson of Pat ApPaul Photography in Muskegon to use the exterior of the 1095 Third for The Stand Photo Exhibition through the end of 2021 or the building is needed by a new owner for redevelopment. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: Please Consider The Stand for exhibition. The Lemonade Stand of Muskegon is a member-run, mental health day center, in the heart of Nelson. The center has run for over 20 years, and I have been documenting it and its members since 2018. This documentation has led to a Multimedia Exhibition and Book called The Stand. A portion of The Stand was recently published by Second Wave Media, you can find the story at I wish to exhibit The Stand on the external walls of the former Catholic Charities building, facing 3rd street. By partnering with the city and exhibiting The Stand in the center of the community we will connect neighbors to the wider conversation around Mental health and addiction. The Stand shows how mental health and addiction affect our immediate neighbors and the exhibition will generate conversation moving Muskegon towards being a more inclusive city. The Stand exhibition will run from the end of September to January, weather permitting. I will then move the exhibition to a covered public space for the community to interact with through the winter. I have printed The Stand on heavy-duty vinyl, a lightweight material. I will anchor the 10 5x3.5 foot prints to the exterior walls via 2-inch screws, around 6 screws per image. The images will be placed one each between the windows facing 3rd street. THE STAND - "When they take away our responsibility, its like they take our soul" On a slow quiet street in the Nelson neighborhood of downtown Muskegon, MI, sits a small unassuming craftsman house. Like many of the houses around it, built during the economic booms of this boom and bust midwestern town, this house has seen its share of love and neglect. But unlike the houses around it, and unknown to many in the community, for the last 20 years, this house has been home to hundreds of neighbors needing family and support. With nothing out of the ordinary setting this house aside from the others, apart from a small, letter-sized sign nailed above the porch that reads “The Lemonade Stand of Muskegon”, this house is nothing but ordinary, it is an oasis for many in the community who struggle with mental health and/or addiction issues, who not only are looking for support but who also wish to be the support that others may need. As Judie, founder and president of the Lemonade Stand shared “When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, and that's where the name came from”. THE STAND can be viewed in its entirety in book form only. Pat ApPaul, Is a Welsh Documentary Photographer based in Michigan USA. He has worked in both Palestine and Iraqi Kurdistan, documenting life as well as working with Non Governmental Organisations. You can contact Pat ApPaul at: Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: September 28, 2021 Title: West Urban ARP Development Agreement Submitted By: Frank Peterson Department: City Manager Brief Summary: City staff is seeking authorization to execute a development agreement to contract West Urban Properties for the construction of 28 homes in the McLaughlin Neighborhood, consistent with their approved response to the ARP Funds Infill Housing RFQ. Detailed Summary: West Urban Properties is interested in pouring the necessary foundations for all 25 units to be located on the addresses listed in the Development Agreement exhibits before winter weather sets in. The attached agreement reflects the terms laid out in the Request for Qualifications that was issued to seek builders for our infill housing program, including the terms related to potential down payment assistance and the requirement for half of the home sales to be to households at or below 120% of AMI as defined by MSHDA. The agreement also lays out terms for the establishment of a construction fund with ARPA dollars as approved by the City Commission, and the provisions for sales that fall below construction costs. Due to the large number of home builds reflected in the contract, there are not specific bids per property. Rather, the development agreement establishes a not-to-exceed price per unit of $225,000 as well as a not- to-exceed price per square foot of $165. These price points are conservative and higher than the likely costs, but due to volatility in the material and labor markets related to residential construction they are the figures staff recommends to prevent significant change orders or returns to the commission to amend the agreement language. The agreement allows 365 days from execution to complete all 28 units, and sets a 60 day start time requirement from time of permitting. The Developer may purchase a unit from the city within 30 days of completion of the unit by remitting 110% of the unit’s cost of construction. The agreement also gives wide latitude to city staff to dictate materials, unit floor plans, changes to design, and other cost-impacting details in order to maximize efficiency in the project. Amount Requested: 3,125,000 Amount Budgeted: $0 (ARPA Dollars) Fund(s) or Account(s): Federal and State Grant Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A Funds (to be transferred to new construction fund) Recommended Motion: Motion to approve the Development Agreement and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign as presented. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: WEST URBAN PROPERTIES ARP INFILL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS ARP INFILL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made on the _____ day of _______, 2021, by and between the CITY OF MUSKEGON, a Michigan municipal corporation, whose address is 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49440 (the “City”) and West Urban Properties, LLC, a Michigan limited liability company, whose address is 3265 Walker Avenue, Suite D, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 49544 (the “Developer”). RECITALS A. The City of Muskegon has title ownership of numerous vacant properties throughout the city limits, as specified on attached Exhibit A (the “Property”). B. The City of Muskegon intends to assist the Developer in constructing owner- occupied homes on the Property by investing 50% of the construction costs as specified on attached Exhibit B (the “Construction Cost”). C. The Developer intends to develop 27 lots with 28 owner-occupied housing units on the Property, where no less than 50% of the units are allocated to buyers with income levels under 120% of the Area Median Income (AMI) for Muskegon County, as defined by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (the “Project”). NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Project Completion. a. Developer agrees that the City will maintain ownership of the properties described in attached Exhibit A during the construction and marketing period, and until the properties are sold. i. The Developer will be responsible for all survey work associated with lot line adjustments, except that City shall be responsible for all costs associated with creating tax parcels. ii. City will waive or pay for all water and sewer connection fees, including suspending or waiving any existing moratoriums against providing such fee waivers. Developer shall be responsible for all other fees, specifically including mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and any other construction and building permit fees. 2. Income Restrictions. The City shall be responsible for verifying buyer income to ensure his/her qualifications for any income-restricted units. 3. Shared Sales Benefit. a. As an incentive to assist moderate income buyers, the City may from time to time agree to provide down payment assistance to income-qualified residents. In the event any units are sold to income-qualified residents with down payment assistance, resulting in the net sales revenue being less than the cost of construction, the City and the Developer agree to share the costs and benefits as follows: If collective net sales income of the approved houses is less than 100% of the contractual construction cost, minus all sales commissions, closing costs, and down 2 payment assistance, the City shall reimburse the developer 100% of the difference between the net sales income and the construction cost; and b. As an incentive to attract qualified market rate buyers, the City and the Developer may from time to time mutually agree to sell a unit for more than the cost of construction. If collective net sales income of the approved houses is more than 100% of the contractual construction cost, minus all sales commissions and closing costs, the City and the Developer shall share the difference between the net sales income and the construction cost, with 60% distributed to the Developer and 40% distributed to the City. c. City shall establish the “ARP Infill Housing Fund”. The City shall deposit $3,125,000 from the State and Federal Grant’s Fund, which was created in part by stimulus funding from the Federal Government as part of the American Rescue Plan Act. All monies owed to the Developer by City pursuant to Recital B and Paragraph 3(a) shall be paid from the ARP Infill Housing Fund and all monies owed by the Developer to the City pursuant to Paragraph 3(a) shall be credited to the ARP Infill Housing Fund. On a monthly basis, Developer shall provide documentation, to City’s satisfaction, as to the amount City owes Developer and/or Developer owes City pursuant to Paragraph 3(a). Upon termination of this Development Agreement, all monies left in the ARP Infill Housing Fund shall revert to the City of Muskegon, and any amounts owed to the Developer for incomplete work on unfinished units shall be waived. City shall have no obligation to reimburse Developer for any reason from any other City fund. 3 4. Vacancy Assistance. The Developer agrees to list the property on the MLS immediately following a unit being granted a certificate of occupancy. After the 45-day holding period following approved certificate of occupancy the City shall reimburse the Developer for 100% of the Developer’s approved construction costs. Any monies owed by City shall be taken from the Fund established in Paragraph 3(b) and from no other source of City monies. If the provisions of this Paragraph are not exercised by Developer, then City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement as to any building not under construction at the time the City provided notice of its intent to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Paragraph. Both parties agree that a building will be considered under construction only after the foundation and/or building slab is in place. 5. Developer Opportunity to Purchase. With a 30-day written notice from the Developer, Developer shall have the option to purchase any unit from the city by reimbursing the City with 110% of its original investment in the unit. 6. Term of Agreement. a. The Developer’s and City’s obligations under this Agreement for any individual parcel shall terminate 60 days from the issuance of the original certificate of occupancy or upon a sale of the parcel (the “Term”). b. The construction of the housing units shall be completed within 365 days of the signing of this Development Agreement. c. If Developer is not constructing units on all 27 lots constituting the Property within 60 days of the receipt of building permits on each unit, as evidenced by the failure to pull permits and complete preliminary construction in a timely manner, the Development Agreement shall 4 terminate, after Notice as required by Paragraph 8, as to Parcels where Developer is not pursuing construction. d. Should any court of competent jurisdiction find any portion of the Development Agreement void and/or prohibits City from funding any obligation provided in this Pilot Development Agreement, either City or Developer may terminate this Development Agreement with no consequences from the other party. 8. Notices. All notices, payments, demands or requests required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been properly given or served effective on the second (2nd) business day after being deposited in the United States mail, postpaid and registered or certified with return receipt requested; or when sent by private courier service for same-day delivery or one day after being sent by private courier service for next-day delivery. Notices shall also be sent by registered or certified mail addressed to the parties at their respective addresses as shown above. Any party may change the address by written notice sent by registered or certified mail to the other party. 9. Assignment. Developer and City shall have the right to assign all of its rights and delegate all of its obligations under this Agreement to either an existing or a newly created entity, provided 5 however, that no assignment shall operate as a release of that party without the written consent of the other, where consent may be withheld in such other party’s sole discretion. 10. Arbitration. Any and all disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of, or in connection with or relating to this Agreement, or any breach or alleged breach thereof, shall, on the request of either party, be submitted to and settled by arbitration in the State of Michigan pursuant to the rules, then in effect, of the American Arbitration Association (or at any other place or under any other form of arbitration mutually acceptable to the parties involved). This Agreement to arbitrate shall be specifically enforceable under the prevailing arbitration law. Notice of the demand for arbitration shall be filed, in writing, within a reasonable time after the claim, dispute, or other matter in question that arose where the party asserting the claim should have been reasonably aware of it, but in no event later than the applicable Michigan statute of limitations. Cost of arbitration shall be shared equally by the parties, provided that each party shall pay for and bear the cost of his or her own experts, evidence, and attorney fees. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction to do so. 11. Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all agreements previously made between the parties relating to the subject matter. There are no other understandings or agreements between them. 12. Non-Waiver. No delay or failure by any party to exercise any right under this Agreement, and no partial or single exercise of that right, constitutes a waiver of that or any other right, unless otherwise expressly provided herein. 13. Headings. 6 Headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be used to interpret or construe its provisions. 14. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Michigan. 15. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 16. Binding Effect. The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of all the parties and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. The parties have executed this Agreement on the date set forth above. CITY OF MUSKEGON By:_____________________________ Its:_____________________________ DEVELOPER By:_____________________________ Its:_____________________________ 7 EXHIBIT A PROPERTIES Addresses Parcel # 1 373 Catawba Ave 61-24-205-264-0007-00 2 269 Catherine Ave 61-24-205-260-0016-00 3 334 Catherine Ave 61-24-205-250-0006-00 4 58 E. Grand Ave 61-24-205-275-0009-00 5 1431 Hoyt St 61-24-205-273-0016-00 6 1441 Hoyt St 61-24-205-273-0015-00 7 1499 Hoyt St 61-24-205-280-0012-00 8 1527 Hoyt St 61-24-205-280-0009-00 9 206 Irwin Ave 61-24-205-266-0005-00 10 1440 Jiroch St 61-24-205-274-0006-00 11 1518 Jiroch St 61-24-205-279-0003-00 12 1408 Leahy St 61-24-205-273-0004-00 13 1451 Leahy St 61-24-205-274-0014-00 14 291 Mclaughlin Ave 61-24-205-264-0012-00 15 301 Mclaughlin Ave 61-24-205-264-0011-00 16 304 Mclaughlin Ave 61-24-205-260-0007-00 17 307 Mclaughlin Ave 61-24-205-264-0010-00 18 363 Mclaughlin Ave 61-24-205-263-0011-00 19 1227 Pine St 61-24-205-252-0010-10 20 1270 Pine St 61-24-205-260-0001-30 21 1318 Pine St 61-24-205-264-0002-00 22 1334 Pine St 61-24-205-264-0004-00 23 1373 Pine St 61-24-205-267-0008-00 24 1320 Spring St 61-24-205-269-0002-00 25 1325 Terrace St 61-24-205-258-0010-00 26 1647 Terrace St 61-24-205-292-0025-10 27 355 Mclaughlin Ave 61-24-205-263-0012-10 8 EXHIBIT B CONSTRUCTION COSTS Each unit shall be constructed at a cost not to exceed $225,000. Additionally, all units shall be constructed at an average per square foot cost not to exceed $165 per square foot. Developer will work with City staff to mutually agree on each site plan and each unit design. City staff shall have the authority to negotiate changes in housing size, housing type, housing materials, and any other housing amenity or characteristic that may impact the construction cost. Each individual housing unit shall be bid by the Developer to its subcontractors, and the Developer shall provide a bid tabulation to the City for each individual housing unit. 9 Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: September 28,2021 Title: Holiday Lights on Western Avenue Submitted By: Ann Meisch Department: City Clerk Brief Summary: Terry Puffer has approached the City with a commitment to raise $30,000 to decorate the downtown with colorful lights. It’s a program he would like to add to each year. We have reached out to Lakeshore Aquascape who can do the decorating. They need to start in two weeks and require half down. Detailed Summary: Terry Puffer is working to secure $15,000 in sponsors to get the project going. Once he does, we are asking permission to sign an agreement with Lakeshore Aquascape in the amount of $30,000. If Mr. Puffer is not able to secure the additional $15,000, the city will need to pay that amount from its PR fund. Amount Requested: Up to $15,000 Amount Budgeted: Fund(s) or Account(s): Public Relations Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: To authorize the Clerk to sign an agreement for $30,000 in holiday lighting with Lakeshore Aquascape once the $15,000 in donations are secured. Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: 9/28/2021 Title: Shoreline Tram Transfer Submitted By: Ann Meisch Department: City Clerk Brief Summary: We are seeking approval to accept the gift of an 18-seat Tram, being gifted by Ramos Towing. Acceptance of the gift will allow the City to add the vehicle to the City’s insurance. Ramos Towing donates hundred of hours paying their staff to run the Shoreline Tram for City events at no charge while paying $1,000 per month in insurance costs. Detailed Summary: Amount Requested: Amount Budgeted: Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: To authorize the City Clerk to sign the Gift Agreement for Shoreline Tram gifted by Ramos Towing. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action: GIFT AGREEMENT FOR SHORELINE TRAM This Agreement is made by and between Ramos Enterprises, L.L.C., a Michigan limited liability company, of 2462 S. Getty, Muskegon, Michigan 49444 (“Grantor”), and the City of Muskegon, a Michigan municipal corporation, of 933 Terrace St., Muskegon, Michigan 49440-1397 (“Grantee”), with reference to the following: Background Grantor owns an 18-seat tram vehicle commonly known as the “Shoreline Tram” (VIN: GHTKJ 40 7248 291) (the “Tram”). Grantor desires to gift the Tram to Grantee, and Grantee desires to accept the Tram from Grantor, on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement. Agreement 1. Gift and Transfer. Grantor agrees to transfer, and Grantee agrees to accept, the Tram on the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. The gift and transfer of the Tram may be referred to herein as the “Transfer” and shall be closed on the date of Closing (defined below). 2. Grantor’s Representations. Grantor represents and warrants that it is the sole owner of the Tram. Further, to the best of Grantor’s knowledge, Grantor represents and warrants that the Tram is free and clear of any liens and that there are no outstanding disputes or claims in connection with the Tram. 3. Inspections by Grantee and Condition of Tram. Grantor makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the Tram except as specifically stated in this Agreement. Grantee is familiar with the condition of the Tram, and therefore agrees to purchase it in its present “AS-IS” condition. Grantee waives Grantee’s right and opportunity to any further inspections of the Tram before Closing. 4. Closing. The closing (“Closing”) of this Transfer shall be at a time and location mutually acceptable to the parties, but in no event later than December 31, 2021. At Closing, Grantor shall deliver a bill of sale and certificate of title to the Tram conveying title of the Tram to Grantee. The parties shall also execute and deliver such other documents as may be reasonably required to close this transaction. 5. Storage of the Tram. The parties acknowledge and agree that the Tram is currently located and stored at Grantor’s real property located at 2462 S. Getty Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49444 (the “Premises”). Following Closing, the parties agree that the Tram shall continue to be located at the Premises at no additional charge to Grantee. 6. Use of the Tram. Following Closing, the parties acknowledge and agree that Grantor and Grantor’s designated employees and agents shall have the right to continue using the Tram for certain events. Grantor agrees to provide Grantee with reasonable prior notice before such use. Grantor shall also be permitted to lease the Tram to third parties for certain events in Grantor’s reasonable discretion; provided, however, the driver of the Tram for such events must either (i) be an employee or agent of Grantor and properly licensed and insured to drive the Tram, or (ii) must be an individual mutually agreed upon in writing by Grantor and Grantee who is properly licensed and insured to drive the Tram. Grantor shall be permitted to retain all proceeds from its own use of the Tram or its permitted rental of the Tram following Closing. 7. Insurance. Immediately following Closing of the Transfer, Grantee shall be responsible for procuring and maintaining all necessary insurance associated with Grantee’s ownership and use of the Tram. To the extent permitted by Grantee’s insurance carrier, Grantee shall name Grantor as an additional insured on such policy and provide Grantor with a copy of the insurance policy. To the extent Grantor uses the Tram after Closing or permits an authorized third party’s use of the Tram after Closing (as provided in Section 6 of this Agreement), Grantor agrees to ensure Grantee is listed as an additional insured party on such policy of Grantor or such policy of the authorized third party, as the case may be, prior to such use of the Tram. 8. Indemnification. Grantor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantee, its directors, managers, officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all damages, loss, theft, or destruction of the Tram, and against all losses, liabilities, damages, injuries, claims, demands, proceedings, costs, and expenses of every kind and nature, including reasonable attorney fees arising out of and in connection with Grantor’s use and operation of the Tram. 9. Notice. All notices, approvals, consents and other communications required under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given: (i) when delivered in person; (ii) when sent by fax or email: (iii) when sent by a nationally-recognized receipted overnight delivery service with delivery fees prepaid; or (iv) when sent by United States first-class, registered, or certified mail, postage prepaid. The notice shall be effective immediately upon personal delivery or upon transmission of the fax or email; one day after depositing with a nationally recognized overnight delivery service; and five days after sending by first class, registered, or certified mail. Notices shall be sent to the parties as follows: To Grantor: Ramos Enterprises, L.L.C. Attn: Mary Beth Ramos 2462 S. Getty Muskegon, MI 49444 Email: To Grantee: City of Muskegon Attn: Ann Marie Meisch 933 Terrace St. Muskegon, MI 49440 Email: 10. Miscellaneous. a. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the law of the state of Michigan. b. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes any other agreements, written or oral, that may have been made by and between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. All contemporaneous or prior negotiations and representations have been merged into this Agreement. c. Amendment. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except in a subsequent writing signed by all parties. d. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and enforceable by the parties and their respective legal representatives, permitted successors, and assigns. e. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and each set of duly delivered identical counterparts which includes all signatories, shall be deemed to be one original document. f. Full Execution. This Agreement requires the signature of all parties. Until fully executed, on a single copy or in counterparts, this Agreement is of no binding force or effect and if not fully executed, this Agreement is void. The parties have executed this Agreement to be effective as of the last date set forth below. Grantor – Ramos Enterprises, L.L.C. Grantee – City of Muskegon By: ______________________________ By: __________________________________ Name: Mary Beth Ramos Name: Ann Marie Meisch Title: Member Title: City Clerk Date: ______________________ Date: __________________________ BILL OF SALE Ramos Enterprises, L.L.C., a Michigan limited liability company (“Grantor”), for the consideration provided in that certain Gift Agreement for Shoreline Tram of even date between Grantor and the City of Muskegon, a Michigan municipal corporation (“Grantee”), the receipt of which is acknowledged, transfers and conveys to the following vehicle commonly known as the “Shoreline Tram”: VIN: GHTKJ 40 7248 291 Make: Harlan Model: Tug Year: 1985 In “AS IS” condition, no warranties or representations regarding the vehicle’s condition is given. Grantor agrees to sign the vehicle title over to Grantee who will immediately obtain a new title at the Secretary of State Office. Grantor – By: ____________________________ Name: Mary Beth Ramos Title: Member Date: _____________________ Agenda Item Review Form Muskegon City Commission Commission Meeting Date: September 28, Title: Final PUD Approval at Adelaide Point 2021 Submitted By: Mike Franzak Department: Planning Brief Summary: Request for final Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval for a mixed-use development at 920/1148/1204 W Western Ave. Detailed Summary: The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval (5-0, 4 members absent) at their September 15 meeting, with the following conditions: 1. A stormwater permit is obtained from the Muskegon County Drain Commissioners Office. 2. Staff approves an amended site plan that addresses the comments from the Public Works, Fire and Planning Departments. Amount Requested: Amount Budgeted: Fund(s) or Account(s): Fund(s) or Account(s): Recommended Motion: To approve the request for final Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval for a mixed-use development at 920/1148/1204 W Western Ave with the following conditions: 1) A revised site plan that addresses narrower streets and water main and fire hydrants locations is approved by staff 2) The site plan receives a stormwater permit from Muskegon County Drain Commissioners Office 3) A development agreement that establishes public accesses requirements is approved by the City Commission Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first: Police Dept. Fire Dept. IT Dept. For City Clerk Use Only: Commission Action Planning Commission Staff Report Excerpt SUMMARY 1. The proposed PUD consists of two privately-owned parcels (1148 & 1204 W Western) and a portion of the charter park at Hartshorn Marina (920 W Western). The usage of the charter park would be done through a shared access agreement. The size of the entire project is 37.3 acres. 2. There are three underlying zoning designations within the proposed PUD; Lakefront Recreation, Heavy Industrial and Form Based Code, Neighborhood Edge. 3. The land uses associated with the PUD include light industrial, boat storage, multi-family residential, retail and a new marina and boat launch. 4. The new streets (Adelaide Ave, Adelaide Dr, Adelaide Circle) will be publicly owned and maintained. 5. Public access to the site will increase significantly, especially to the lakeshore. The bike path would be repositioned slightly, moving it closer to the water. The three peninsulas will be publicly accessible and a fishing pier will be constructed at the end of the peninsula on the charter park property. That peninsula is currently gated and only accessible to those utilizing the small boat basin. The gate will be removed to allow for public access to all. The 30 slips at the former small boat basin would be removed, but 70 transient slips would be available at the new marina. The former small boat basin would be used as another boat launch with a lift that can launch boats up to 100 feet, an amenity the City currently does not possess. The launch would be operated by the developer but would remain open for public use. 6. A detailed site plan (C-1.00) and illustrative map (V-2.00) can be found inside of the PUD Submittal. Within the site plan map, you will also see a chart that depicts the building heights/sizes, unit counts and parking information. A larger copy of this document has been separately included in your packet. Staff agrees that parking needs can be met through shared parking by different uses and elimination of some required spaces due to certain reductions. 7. Any approvals will be contingent upon issuance of a storwmwater permit from the Muskegon County Drain Commissioners Office. The stormwater management plan is currently under review at that office. 8. The Public Works and Fire Department offices are still working with the applicant on the location of fire hydrants and water main at the northern end of the site. Public Works desires to see all of the public water main located within the public right-of-way. All approvals should be contingent up staff approving these measures. 9. The Planning Department would like to see buildings C5 and C6 contribute more to the public realm and pedestrian experience on Western Ave. This is the area that has the underlying form based code zoning, which was intended to create more walkable, pedestrian oriented developments. Regarding this development, its obvious that the waterfront is the key feature. However, staff believes that some modifications to these buildings could help draw people into the development and other future developments on the south side of Western Ave. Staff would recommend that these buildings be located closer to Western Ave and incorporate pedestrian-scaled elements such as transparent windows and adequate entrances along the front façade. 10. The Planning Department would also encourage the proposed parallel parking spaces on Adelaide Circle be reduced from 10 feet to 7 feet, which could reduce the size of the ROW by up to 6 feet. 11. Staff is currently working with the developer on these staff comments and they are preparing to present new materials at the meeting that will address these issues. 12. The developer is currently finalizing the phasing plan and will present it at the meeting. Aerial Map Zoning Map STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the plan with the inclusion of the staff comments. The Imagine Muskegon Lake Plan discusses 12 important “metric and measureable” goals for public amenity features that residents identified along Muskegon Lake. This development will help address nine of these goals. Increased boat slips, including transient slips. An additional boat launch, which includes a boat lift that can accommodate 100’ long boats. A new fishing pier on the Hartshorn Peninsula Much more of the site will be publicly accessible, including increased public access to two of the peninsulas. The bike path will remain along the water (will actually get closer to the water) An increase in access to the waterfront. New sidewalks within the development accessible to the public. A new bike path “cut through” that will allow pedestrians the ability to bypass the waterfront bike path for a more direct route along Western Ave. New parking spaces at the end of Western Ave for pedestrians that would like to park and bike. Addition of high density housing and mixed-use buildings. Ideas and Vision Plan from Imagine Muskegon Lake CITY OF MUSKEGON RESOLUTION #2021- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE FINAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR 920/1148/1204 W WESTERN AVE (ADELAIDE POINT) WHEREAS, a petition for final Planned Unit Development at 920/1148/1204 W Western Ave has been received; and, WHEREAS, proper notice was given by mail and publication and public hearings were held by the City Planning Commission and by the City Commission to consider said petition, during which all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard in accordance with provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and State Law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and staff have recommended approval of the Final Planned Unit Development and associated site plan with the following conditions 1) A revised site plan that addresses narrower streets and water main and fire hydrants locations is approved by staff 2) The site plan receives a stormwater permit from Muskegon County Drain Commissioners Office; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the recommendation by staff and the Planning Commission be accepted and the amendment to the final Planned Unit Development is hereby approved with the conditions listed above. Adopted this 28th day of September, 2021 Ayes: Nays: Absent: By: Stephen J. Gawron Mayor Attest: Ann Meisch Clerk, City of Muskegon CERTIFICATE (Final PUD at 920/1148/1204) The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 28th day of September, 2021, at which meeting a quorum was present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full compliance with Act No. 267, Public Acts of Michigan of 1976, as amended, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as required thereby. DATED: ___________________, 2021. _______________________________________ Ann Meisch Clerk, City of Muskegon Sheet List Table C-5.03 GRADING PLAN ADELAIDE POINTE Sheet Number Sheet Title C-5.04 GRADING PLAN V-0.01 COVER SHEET C-7.00 SIGNAGE PLAN V-1.00 SITE SURVEY C-7.01 SIGNAGE PLAN C-7.02 SIGNAGE PLAN PERMIT INFORMATION 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE V-1.11 V-1.12 SITE SURVEY - PARCEL 1 SITE SURVEY - PARCEL 2 C-7.03 C-7.04 SIGNAGE PLAN SIGNAGE PLAN MUSKEGON, MI 49441 DATE AGENCY PERMIT NO AUTHORIZED EXPIRATION DATE C-7.10 SIGNAGE DETAILS V-1.20 EXISTING CONDITIONS MDEQ C-8.00 LIGHTING PLAN V-1.11 EXISTING ZONING P: (855) MKG-LAKE C-8.01 LIGHTING PLAN USACE V-1.12 PROPOSED ZONING C-8.02 LIGHTING PLAN EXISTING IMPERVIOUS V-2.10 C-8.03 LIGHTING PLAN CONDITIONS V-1.30 SHEET LAYOUT C-8.04 LIGHTING PLAN V-2.00 ILLUSTRATIVE MP C-8.21 LIGHTING DETAILS V-3.00 SPACE PLAN L-2.00 LANDSCAPE PLAN L-2.01 LANDSCAPE PLAN PUD SUBMITTAL C-1.00 SITE PLAN C-1.01 SITE PLAN L-2.02 LANDSCAPE PLAN C-1.02 SITE PLAN L-2.03 LANDSCAPE PLAN C-1.03 SITE PLAN L-2.04 LANDSCAPE PLAN C-1.04 SITE PLAN L-3.10 LANDSCAPE SECTIONS C-2.00 HARDSCAPE PLAN L-3.20 LANDSCAPE SECTIONS MUSKEGON CITY CONTACTS C-3.00 LAYOUT PLAN L-5.10 LANDSCAPE DETAILS C-3.01 LAYOUT PLAN L-5.20 LANDSCAPE DETAILS TITLE NAME CONTACT C-3.02 LAYOUT PLAN A-2.01 1ST FLOOR PLAN MAYOR STEPHEN GAWRON (231) 724-6701 C-3.03 LAYOUT PLAN A-2.02 2ND FLOOR PLAN C-3.04 LAYOUT PLAN A-2.03 3RD FLOOR PLAN CITY MANAGER FRANK PETERSON (231) 724-6724 C-4.00 UTILITY PLAN A-3.01 ELEVATIONS PLANNING AND ECONOMIC LEIGHANN MIKESELL (231) 724-6702 C-4.01 UTILITY PLAN A-3.02 ELEVATIONS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR C-4.02 UTILITY PLAN A-3.03 3D VIEWS COUNTY WATER BRENDA MOORE (231) 724-6219 GROUND & TYPICAL COMMISSIONER C-4.03 UTILITY PLAN A100 FLOOR PLANS FIRE MARSHALL MAJOR METCALF (231) 724-6702 C-4.04 UTILITY PLAN A200 ELEVATIONS COMMISSIONER TERESA EMORY (231) 724-6701 C-5.00 GRADING PLAN COMMISSIONER WILLIE GERMAN JR. (231) 724-6701 C-5.01 GRADING PLAN COMMISSIONER MICHAEL RAMSEY (231) 724-6701 C-5.02 GRADING PLAN COMMISSIONER ERIC HOOD (231) 724-6701 COMMISSIONER DAN RINSEMA-SYBENGA (231) 724-6701 COMMISSIONER KEN JOHNSON (231) 724-6701 EDGEWATER RESOURCES ADELAIDE POINTE 21-004 EDGEWATER RESOURCES, LLC ARCHITEKTURA PLC KORB AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 518 BROAD ST. 1609 PINERIDGE DRIVE 648 PLANKINTON AVE. ST. JOSEPH, MI 49085 GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 PUD SUBMITTAL - 8/12/2021 CONTACT: ADELAIDE POINT QOZB,LLC RYAN LEESTMA 1204 W. WESTERN, MUSKEGON, MI 49441 MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN (616) 633-6020 DARYL J. VELDMAN MICHAEL H MEYERS EN# 39582 LA# 3331001540 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\V-SHEETS\V-0.01 COVER SHEET.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: PARCEL #1 PARCEL #2 Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: SITE SURVEY Sheet Number: V-1.00 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\V-SHEETS\V-1.00 SITE SURVEY.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: SITE SURVEY - PARCEL 1 Sheet Number: V-1.11 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\V-SHEETS\V-1.00 SITE SURVEY.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: SITE SURVEY - PARCEL 2 Sheet Number: V-1.12 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\V-SHEETS\V-1.00 SITE SURVEY.DWG Project : Legend: S SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE D STORMWATER MANHOLE W WELL UTILITY POLE WATER HYDRANT SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ADELAIDE POINTE WATER METER 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE CATCH BASIN MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 EXISTING BOAT LAUNCH P: (616) 843-1002 EXISTING BIKE PATH 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 EXISTING DOCKS SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 EXISTING ADELAIDE Project No: 21-004 POINTE BOAT STORAGE (80,000 sq.ft.) NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' EXISTING ADELAIDE POINTE BOAT STORAGE (136,000 sq.ft.) Seal: ABANDONED RAILWAY GAS Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL EXISTING CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS / FLOOR SLABS PROPERTY LINE Sheet Title: EXISTING CONDITIONS WEST WESTERN AVE Sheet Number: LIMIT OF WORK V-1.20 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\V-SHEETS\V-1.10 EXISTING CONDITIONS.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 PROJECT LOCATION 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=500'-0" @ 24x36 0 500' 1000' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: EXISTING ZONING Sheet Number: V-1.11 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\V-SHEETS\V-1.11 ZONING.DWG Project : PROPOSED PUD ZONING DISTRICT “R-2” - Single Family Medium Density Residential · Permitted Uses: Multiple Family Dwellings “B-4” - General Business · Applicable Permitted Uses: Storage of non-hazardous and non-toxic materials or goods provided such storage is within a building or is enclosed as not to be visible to the public from any abutting residential district or public street, Restaurants, cocktail lounges and brewpubs, microbreweries, small wineries and small distilleries, Residential uses as part of a building in this business zone shall be allowed upon issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. “I-1” - Light Industrial · Applicable Permitted Uses: Retail uses which have an industrial character in terms of either their outdoor storage requirements or activities such as: lumber yards or motor vehicle, boat, or implement sales, Storage Yards, Warehousing of materials not highly hazardous as defined in the Fire Code, Microbreweries, breweries, small wineries, wineries, small distilleries and distilleries, Accessory buildings ADELAIDE POINTE “I-2” - General Industrial 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE · Permitted Uses: Light Industrial Uses, Primary metal industries, Chemical Plants, Paper and Pulp Manufacturing, Power Generating plants, Junk yards, Scrap Metal processing, Rubber manufacturing and Medical Marijuana caregiver MUSKEGON, MI 49441 facilities P: (855) MKG-LAKE “LR” - Lakefront Recreation PUD · Proposed Uses: Marinas, Restaurants, Cocktail Lounges, Hotels, Motels and Accessory Buildings “WM” - Waterfront Marine · Proposed Uses: Marinas including the out of water seasonal storage of boats, Commissary facilities for the provision of food, beverages, and the like to be stores aboard boats, Municipal or private beaches, Retail businesses which Consultants: supply commodities for persons using the facilities of the District, such as the sale of boats, engines and accessories, fishing equipment, and other similar items, Restaurants and cocktail lounges, Hotels and motels, Accessory buildings. 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: GAS Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: PROPOSED ZONING Sheet Number: V-1.12 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\V-SHEETS\V-1.11 ZONING.DWG Project : Legend: EXISTING HARDSCAPE ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE EXISTING STRUCTURE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE CITY PARCEL (4.16 ACRES) Consultants: PRIVATE PARCEL (32.88 ACRES) 518 BROAD STREET EXISTING HARDSCAPE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: 360,770 SF SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 EXISTING STRUCTURE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: 215,540 SF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: 576,310 SF EXISTING HARDSCAPE ON PUBLIC PROPERTY: 65,617 SF EXISTING STRUCTURE ON PUBLIC PROPERTY: 605 SF 1609 PINERIDGE DR IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ON PUBLIC PROPERTY: 66,222 SF GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: GAS Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: EXISTING IMPERVIOUS CONDITIONS Sheet Number: V-2.10 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\V-SHEETS\V-1.10 EXISTING CONDITIONS.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE X-0.01 X-0.02 Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 7/20/2021 Project No: 21-004 X-0.03 X-0.04 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: GAS WW W Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL W Sheet Title: SHEET LAYOUT Sheet Number: V-1.30 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\V-SHEETS\V-1.30 SHEET LAYOUT.DWG Project : SHEET NOTES: C COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS C1 ADELAIDE POINTE OFFICES M4 C2 LIGHT INDUSTRY C3 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE C4 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 A3 C5 RETAIL /BOAT SERVICE / BOAT STORAGE P: (855) MKG-LAKE C6 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE A7 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE C7 Consultants: C8 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE M2 A1 C9 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE A5 518 BROAD STREET R RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 R1 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING R2 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL R3 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL B2 M2 B5 R4 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING M1 A1 R5 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING 1609 PINERIDGE DR M3 GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 M4 M6 P: (616) 843-1002 R6 APARTMENT BUILDING B1 M3 B MIXED USE BUILDING / AMENITIES A4 B1 SALES / RETAIL / RESTAURANT A7 M3 R3 A1 B2 BAR / GRILL 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. BOATER SERVICES SUITE 240 B3 AD A2 M3 A10 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 R4 EL A9 B4 RESTROOMS / PAVILION P: (414) 273-8230 AID A1 R2 E EC POOL CL B5 IR IRC B2 E C A11 SITE LOCATION: AID LE A10 B3 E L M MARINA / MARINA SERVICES A8 AD M1 WET SLIP MARINA B5 R5 M5 B4 M2 TRANSIENT SLIPS R6 M3 SLIP ACCESS POINT AD A9 EL M4 ROCK GROINS AID M5 SLIP WELL / RAMPS EC A9 R1 IRC M6 FUEL DOCKS Date: 8/11/2021 A1 LE Project No: 21-004 C8 A PUBLIC AMENITIES C9 A1 BIKE & PEDESTRIAN TRAILS NORTH C4 A2 WEST POINT PARK Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 A3 0 100' 200' ADELAIDE AVE LINEAR PARKS ADELAIDE DR C2 A4 EAST BASIN PARK Seal: A5 FISHING PIER C7 A6 PAVILIONS A7 BIKE RACKS C3 A8 EVENT LAWN Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL A9 ON STREET PARKING C6 Sheet Title: C5 A10 OFF STREET PARKING C1 A11 RESTROOMS ILLUSTRATIVE MP A12 PARKING GARAGE ACCESS Sheet Number: V-2.00 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\V-SHEETS\V-2.00 ILLUSTRATIVE MASTER PLAN.DWG Project : LEGEND: PRIVATE OWNERSHIP (1,027,560sq.ft.) PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY (200,759 sq.ft.) ADELAIDE POINTE PUBLIC EASEMENT (91,258 sq.ft.) 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE PUBLIC PARK (138,204 sq.ft.) Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: SPACE PLAN Sheet Number: V-3.00 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\V-SHEETS\V-3.00 SPACE PLAN.DWG Project : M4 ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE A3 A7 Consultants: M2 A1 A5 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 M2 B2 B5 M1 1609 PINERIDGE DR M3 GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 M4 A1 P: (616) 843-1002 M6 B1 4 L-3.10 M3 A4 A7 M3 A1 R3 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. A2 SUITE 240 SHEET NOTES: AD M3 A10 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 R4 EL 3 A9 P: (414) 273-8230 AID L-3.10 A1 EC C COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS M MARINA / MARINA SERVICES R2 IRC E A11 SITE LOCATION: B2 IR CL C1 ADELAIDE POINTE OFFICES M1 WET SLIP MARINA LE A8 B3 E C A10 00 ID 0+ C2 LIGHT INDUSTRY M2 TRANSIENT SLIPS LA A DE BP 0 B5 R5 M5 1+0 C3 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE M3 SLIP ACCESS POINT :0 B4 1+ +0 33 0.0 +90 0 C4 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE M4 ROCK GROINS .10 R6 1 2 0 2+ AD A9 C5 RETAIL /BOAT SERVICE / BOAT STORAGE M5 SLIP WELL / RAMPS EL EP A :2 IDE C6 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE M6 FUEL DOCKS 2 +1 9.4 CIR L-3.10 A9 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE 3 C7 A1 CL A PUBLIC AMENITIES Date: 8/11/2021 E R1 C8 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE A1 Project No: 21-004 BIKE & PEDESTRIAN TRAILS C8 C9 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE C9 A2 WEST POINT PARK NORTH C4 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS A3 LINEAR PARKS R Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 R1 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING A4 EAST BASIN PARK 0 100' 200' ADELAIDE DR R2 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL A5 FISHING PIER ADELAIDE AVE C2 R3 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL A6 PAVILIONS Seal: R4 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING A7 BIKE RACKS C7 R5 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING A8 EVENT LAWN R6 APARTMENT BUILDING A9 ON STREET PARKING C3 Project Phase: MIXED USE BUILDING / AMENITIES A10 OFF STREET PARKING PUD SUBMITTAL B A11 RESTROOMS 1 C6 B1 SALES / RETAIL / RESTAURANT Sheet Title: L-3.10 C5 A12 PARKING GARAGE ACCESS C1 B2 BAR / GRILL SITE PLAN B3 BOATER SERVICES Sheet Number: WEST WESTERN C-1.00 B4 RESTROOMS / PAVILION B5 POOL P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-1.00 SITE PLAN.DWG Project : SHEET NOTES: C COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS C1 ADELAIDE POINTE OFFICES C2 LIGHT INDUSTRY C3 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE C4 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 C5 RETAIL /BOAT SERVICE / BOAT STORAGE P: (855) MKG-LAKE M4 C6 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE C7 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE Consultants: C8 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE C9 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE 518 BROAD STREET R RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 R1 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING A3 R2 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL R3 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL M4 R4 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING 1609 PINERIDGE DR R5 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 R6 APARTMENT BUILDING A6 B MIXED USE BUILDING / AMENITIES B1 SALES / RETAIL / RESTAURANT SEE SHEET X-0.02 B2 BAR / GRILL M2 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. BOATER SERVICES SUITE 240 B3 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 RESTROOMS / PAVILION P: (414) 273-8230 B4 B5 POOL SITE LOCATION: M MARINA / MARINA SERVICES M1 WET SLIP MARINA M2 TRANSIENT SLIPS M3 SLIP ACCESS POINT M4 ROCK GROINS M1 M5 SLIP WELL / RAMPS M6 FUEL DOCKS 8/11/2021 Date: B5 Project No: 21-004 B2 A PUBLIC AMENITIES A1 BIKE & PEDESTRIAN TRAILS NORTH M2 A2 WEST POINT PARK M4 Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 M3 A3 LINEAR PARKS 0 50' 100' B1 A4 EAST BASIN PARK 4 Seal: L-3.10 A5 FISHING PIER A6 PAVILIONS A7 BIKE RACKS M3 A8 EVENT LAWN Project Phase: A9 ON STREET PARKING PUD SUBMITTAL A6 A12 A10 OFF STREET PARKING Sheet Title: R3 M3 A7 A11 RESTROOMS SITE PLAN A12 PARKING GARAGE ACCESS Sheet Number: SEE SHEET X-0.03 M3 R2 C-1.01 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-1.00 SITE PLAN.DWG Project : SHEET NOTES: C COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS C1 ADELAIDE POINTE OFFICES C2 LIGHT INDUSTRY C3 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE C4 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 C5 RETAIL /BOAT SERVICE / BOAT STORAGE P: (855) MKG-LAKE C6 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE C7 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE Consultants: C8 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE C9 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE 518 BROAD STREET R RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 R1 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING R2 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL R3 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL R4 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING 1609 PINERIDGE DR R5 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 R6 APARTMENT BUILDING B MIXED USE BUILDING / AMENITIES B1 SALES / RETAIL / RESTAURANT SEE SHEET X-0.01 B2 BAR / GRILL 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. BOATER SERVICES SUITE 240 A5 B3 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 RESTROOMS / PAVILION P: (414) 273-8230 B4 B5 POOL SITE LOCATION: M MARINA / MARINA SERVICES M1 WET SLIP MARINA M2 TRANSIENT SLIPS A7 M3 SLIP ACCESS POINT M4 ROCK GROINS M5 SLIP WELL / RAMPS A4 M6 FUEL DOCKS 8/11/2021 Date: B2 Project No: 21-004 A PUBLIC AMENITIES A1 BIKE & PEDESTRIAN TRAILS NORTH A2 WEST POINT PARK Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 M6 A3 LINEAR PARKS 0 50' 100' B1 A4 EAST BASIN PARK A7 Seal: A5 FISHING PIER A6 PAVILIONS A4 A7 BIKE RACKS A7 A8 EVENT LAWN Project Phase: A9 ON STREET PARKING PUD SUBMITTAL A7 A10 OFF STREET PARKING Sheet Title: A11 RESTROOMS SITE PLAN A12 PARKING GARAGE ACCESS R4 Sheet Number: C-1.02 A9 A10 A10 A9 SEE SHEET X-0.04 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-1.00 SITE PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.01 Project : 3 A1 SHEET NOTES: A1 L-3.10 R2 C COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS C1 ADELAIDE POINTE OFFICES B2 B3 C2 LIGHT INDUSTRY A9 A12 C3 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE ADELAIDE POINTE A8 A12 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE A10 C4 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 B5 A9 C5 RETAIL /BOAT SERVICE / BOAT STORAGE P: (855) MKG-LAKE C6 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE B4 C7 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE A12 Consultants: C8 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE R6 A9 C9 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE A7 518 BROAD STREET R RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 A7 R1 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING 2 A9 L-3.10 R2 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL R1 R3 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL R4 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING 1609 PINERIDGE DR R5 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING A1 GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 R6 APARTMENT BUILDING A12 B MIXED USE BUILDING / AMENITIES B1 SALES / RETAIL / RESTAURANT SEE SHEET X-0.04 C3 B2 BAR / GRILL 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. BOATER SERVICES SUITE 240 B3 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 RESTROOMS / PAVILION P: (414) 273-8230 B4 B5 POOL SITE LOCATION: M MARINA / MARINA SERVICES C2 M1 WET SLIP MARINA M2 TRANSIENT SLIPS M3 SLIP ACCESS POINT M4 ROCK GROINS M5 SLIP WELL / RAMPS M6 FUEL DOCKS 8/11/2021 Date: A1 Project No: 21-004 A PUBLIC AMENITIES A1 BIKE & PEDESTRIAN TRAILS NORTH A2 WEST POINT PARK Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 A3 LINEAR PARKS 0 50' 100' A4 EAST BASIN PARK Seal: A5 FISHING PIER A10 A6 PAVILIONS C1 A7 BIKE RACKS A8 EVENT LAWN Project Phase: A9 ON STREET PARKING PUD SUBMITTAL A1 A10 OFF STREET PARKING Sheet Title: A11 RESTROOMS SITE PLAN A12 PARKING GARAGE ACCESS Sheet Number: A1 C-1.03 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-1.00 SITE PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.02 Project : A10 R4 A4 SHEET NOTES: A10 A9 COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS B4 C A12 A1 C1 ADELAIDE POINTE OFFICES 00 C2 0+ LIGHT INDUSTRY A12 BP C3 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE ADELAIDE POINTE :0 +0 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE C4 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE 0.0 00 MUSKEGON, MI 49441 1+ 0 M5 C5 RETAIL /BOAT SERVICE / BOAT STORAGE P: (855) MKG-LAKE R5 1+ 33 C6 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE .10 0 2+0 19 C7 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE 2+ Consultants: C8 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE EP :2 WAREHOUSING / BOAT STORAGE +1 C9 9.4 3 518 BROAD STREET A9 R RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 R1 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING A1 R2 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL R3 CONDOMINIUM / COMMERCIAL R4 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING 1609 PINERIDGE DR R5 CONDOMINIUM BUILDING GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 R6 APARTMENT BUILDING C8 C9 MIXED USE BUILDING / AMENITIES B B1 SALES / RETAIL / RESTAURANT SEE SHEET X-0.03 B2 BAR / GRILL 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. BOATER SERVICES SUITE 240 B3 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 RESTROOMS / PAVILION P: (414) 273-8230 B4 B5 POOL SITE LOCATION: M MARINA / MARINA SERVICES M1 WET SLIP MARINA M2 TRANSIENT SLIPS M3 SLIP ACCESS POINT M4 ROCK GROINS C7 SLIP WELL / RAMPS M5 M6 FUEL DOCKS 8/11/2021 Date: Project No: 21-004 A PUBLIC AMENITIES A1 BIKE & PEDESTRIAN TRAILS NORTH A2 WEST POINT PARK Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 A3 LINEAR PARKS 0 50' 100' A4 EAST BASIN PARK Seal: A5 FISHING PIER 1 C6 L-3.10 C5 A6 PAVILIONS A7 BIKE RACKS A8 EVENT LAWN Project Phase: A9 ON STREET PARKING PUD SUBMITTAL A1 A10 OFF STREET PARKING Sheet Title: A11 RESTROOMS SITE PLAN A12 PARKING GARAGE ACCESS Sheet Number: C-1.04 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-1.00 SITE PLAN.DWG Project : Legend: EXISTING HARDSCAPE ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE EXISTING STRUCTURE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE CITY PARCEL (4.16 ACRES) Consultants: PRIVATE PARCEL (32.88 ACRES) 518 BROAD STREET EXISTING HARDSCAPE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: 585,961 SF SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 EXISTING STRUCTURE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: 445,020 SF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY: 1,030,981 SF EXISTING HARDSCAPE ON PUBLIC PROPERTY: 65,273 SF EXISTING STRUCTURE ON PUBLIC PROPERTY: 499 SF 1609 PINERIDGE DR IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ON PUBLIC PROPERTY: 65,772 SF GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/5/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: HARDSCAPE PLAN Sheet Number: C-2.00 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-2.00 HARDSCAPE PLAN.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 26.00' 26.00' 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 83.98' P: (616) 843-1002 140.46' . 00' 227 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. 80. SUITE 240 67' 310 20. MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 .83 00' P: (414) 273-8230 ' ' 5' .00 .1 359 .00' 2 2 7 554 5 .71 2 67' ' 80. SITE LOCATION: 80. 17' 67' 80. 40. 00' ' .00 25 170 R42. R1 00' .33 107.37' ' 463 .60 178 ' . 0' 00' 33' .0 79. 195 184.57' ' .00 R1 198 25 50. R1 .23 00' ' R150.00' R260.00' .64' Date: 8/12/2021 141 310 Project No: 21-004 181.67' .83 R42.00' ' 0 .00' R20 357.42' NORTH 22' 3 40. Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 665.25' 0 100' 200' Seal: 120.00' 493 325.00' . 51' 467.78' Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL 80.00' Sheet Title: 385.00' 80.00' 200.00' LAYOUT PLAN 110.68' 523.26' Sheet Number: C-3.00 287.68' P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-3.00 LAYOUT PLAN.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE 0' 20.0 Consultants: 20 .00 ' .00' 518 BROAD STREET R15 SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 20 .00' 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 ' .00 15 P: (616) 843-1002 ' .00 10 SEE SHEET X-0.02 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: 62.00' 30.00' 84.00' 60.00' Date: 8/12/2021 Project No: 21-004 57.52' NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: 23' 48. 67 .88 ' 10. R2 2.0 00' ' .00 0 ' 20 20 Project Phase: .00 PUD SUBMITTAL ' ' 16.00 24.00' 00' ' 16. Sheet Title: 0 R37.00' 6.0 33' LAYOUT PLAN 1 18. 30 .00 ' 20. 00' 25. 00' 0' 10.0 65. 12. 0' Sheet Number: 6.0 0 02' 40. C-3.01 00' 6.0 8.0 0' 18. 0' 0 12. ' 23. 00' 54. 00' 0' 00' 00' 9.0 SEE SHEET X-0.03 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-3.00 LAYOUT PLAN.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.01 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. 12 SUITE 240 .00 ' MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: 0' 8.0 Date: 8/12/2021 ' 1.34 2 Project No: 21-004 8.00' NORTH 2' 16.2 Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: 48.42' 14' 00' . 10. .00' 21 R22 Project Phase: 24. 00' . 55' PUD SUBMITTAL 4 3 Sheet Title: 5 4 . 00' 62. 00' LAYOUT PLAN 0 0' 0' 12. 6.0 00' 00' 20. 9.0 12. Sheet Number: 00' 0' C-3.02 18. 25. 9.0 50' 00' 0' 0' 26. 0' 1 2 .0 8.0 SEE SHEET X-0.04 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-3.00 LAYOUT PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.01 Project : 0' 10.0 10 62. .00 0' 9.0 ' 60' 19. R3 18. 00' 0.0 00' 0' ' ' 24. 57 .00 30 .00 0' 00' .0 8.0 R15 18. R30.00' 23. 00' 0' 3' 00' 18. 18. 3 00' 54. R15.0 00' 00' 0' 0' 65. 5.0 6.0 2 60. 78. 0' 0' 00' ADELAIDE POINTE 50' 0 16. 00 ' 20. 24. 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE 00' R15.00' . 00' 3 0 MUSKEGON, MI 49441 0' 12.00 R34 60. 0 0' P: (855) MKG-LAKE 82. 10. 0 ' 20. 00' 00' 20. 00' .0 106 54. 0' 00' 24.00' .0 0 35. 00' ' 00' R30.0 R15. 0' 00' 20. R15 .00' 0' 00' 17.2 24. Consultants: R15.00' 25. 24. 12. 00' 00' 0 0' 8 5' R30 59. 0' .00' 0.0 ' 18. .00 518 BROAD STREET R3 54 6.00 67' 0' SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 6.0 ' P: (269) 932.4502 14. 0 0' .00' 54. 00' 20. 8. 00' 00' R30 25. 8.0 89' 8.0 R5 0.0 0' 0' 0' 12. 00' 0' 30.00' 24. 6.0 00' 00 ' 24. 24. 24. 1609 PINERIDGE DR 0' 95' 89' 6.0 ' 95' 17.84 44. GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 R5 0.0 P: (616) 843-1002 0' 47' 46. 10.00' 20. 00' SEE SHEET X-0.04 ' 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. 00 40. SUITE 240 6.0 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 0' P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: 60' 80. Date: 8/12/2021 R50.00 Project No: 21-004 ' NORTH 66.20' Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 R50 .00' 0 50' 100' Seal: 6.0 ' .98 0' 56 0' 9.0 18 .00' R72.0 0' 24.00' Project Phase: 10.00 PUD SUBMITTAL 52.70' ' 00' 10. R2 Sheet Title: R3 5.0 5.0 0' 18.00' 0' LAYOUT PLAN ' .00 ' 10.00 20 Sheet Number: C-3.03 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-3.00 LAYOUT PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.02 Project : 0' 8.0 0' 0 8.0 0' 18. 0 0' 24. 25. 0 ' 6.0 00' 50' .00' 26. 2 4 R31.00' 20. 00' ADELAIDE POINTE 42' 33' 26. 21. 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE 0 ' 8.0 58' MUSKEGON, MI 49441 82. 25. P: (855) MKG-LAKE 00' 100 00' 0 . 00' 98. .00 1 ' 0' 6.0 Consultants: R50.0 0' 16.92' ' 0.00 1 6.00' 76.94' R20 518 BROAD STREET R30.00' 25.00' 0. SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 40.00' 00' 48.00' 24.00' P: (269) 932.4502 10.00' R4 15.11' 5.0 24.55' R50 ' 0 .00 R3 ' 0.0 0' 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.03 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. ' 0.00 SUITE 240 R3 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: R3 0.0 0' 50.24' 6.00' 6.00' Date: 8/12/2021 40.00' 97.70' Project No: 21-004 24.00' ' .00 NORTH R15 90.00' Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' R 24.00' 15.0 0' 19.33' Seal: 40.00' 15.00' 42.00' 51.00' 00' 54.77' 20.00' Project Phase: 0. R3 PUD SUBMITTAL 50.00' 10.00' R3 ' .0 00 0.0 0' R3 Sheet Title: LAYOUT PLAN 24.00' Sheet Number: C-3.04 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-3.00 LAYOUT PLAN.DWG Project : LEGEND STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER GAS LINE ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE WATER LINE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER WATER VAULT Consultants: FIRE HYDRANT STORM WATER QUALITY UNIT 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: UTILITY PLAN WEST WESTERN AVE Sheet Number: C-4.00 FRANKLIN ST P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-4.00 UTILITY PLAN.DWG Project : LEGEND STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER GAS LINE ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE WATER LINE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER WATER VAULT Consultants: FIRE HYDRANT STORM WATER QUALITY UNIT 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.02 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: UTILITY PLAN Sheet Number: SEE SHEET X-0.03 C-4.01 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-4.00 UTILITY PLAN.DWG Project : LEGEND STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER GAS LINE ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE WATER LINE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER WATER VAULT Consultants: FIRE HYDRANT STORM WATER QUALITY UNIT 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.01 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: UTILITY PLAN Sheet Number: SEE SHEET X-0.04 C-4.02 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-4.00 UTILITY PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.01 Project : LEGEND STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER GAS LINE ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE WATER LINE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER WATER VAULT Consultants: FIRE HYDRANT STORM WATER QUALITY UNIT 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.04 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: UTILITY PLAN Sheet Number: C-4.03 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-4.00 UTILITY PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.02 Project : LEGEND STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER GAS LINE ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE WATER LINE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER WATER VAULT Consultants: FIRE HYDRANT STORM WATER QUALITY UNIT 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.03 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: UTILITY PLAN WEST WESTERN AVE Sheet Number: C-4.04 RANKLIN ST P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-4.00 UTILITY PLAN.DWG Project : LEGEND 584 PROPOSED CONTOUR / ELEVATION FFE + 590 PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 58 2 58 58 58 6 6 2 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 58 58 2 6 58 6 58 2 586 7 58 589 1609 PINERIDGE DR 588 GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 589 FFE P: (616) 843-1002 58 6 +590 589 58 7 590 588 58 58 8 9 590 58 6 2 58 86 5 87 FFE 5 58 8 0 +590 59 FFE 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. 58 58 6 +590 SUITE 240 9 58 7 58 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 8 P: (414) 273-8230 1 58 6 FFE 59 2 58 7 58 8 +590 59 9 58 FFE 59 3 SITE LOCATION: +590 58 2 3 58 59 58 3 58 7 2 FFE 58 59 6 4 0 58 58 58 59 8 6 5 59 1 +591 58 6 7 58 58 6 0 59 1 59 FFE 589 0 59 588 +591 58 589 58 2 8 58 589 589 590 3 590 584 586 585 58 589 2 585 4 584 58 585 58 0 586 59 583 7 58 8 58 9 Date: 8/11/2021 58 6 FFE Project No: 21-004 58 7 +590 FFE +590 587 NORTH 58 8 58 Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 7 58 586 588 590 589 7 588 0 100' 200' FFE +587 590 588 Seal: 589 589 FFE +591 590 GAS WW W 591 591 Project Phase: 592 PUD SUBMITTAL 7 58 58 8 FFE +592 593 Sheet Title: FFE +594 W GRADING PLAN 1 9 59 58 9 58 591 595 594 59 592 593 0 Sheet Number: C-5.00 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-5.00 GRADING PLAN.DWG Project : LEGEND 584 PROPOSED CONTOUR / ELEVATION FFE + 590 PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.02 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 58 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 2 P: (414) 273-8230 58 58 58 6 6 2 SITE LOCATION: 586 Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 7 58 NORTH 588 Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 589 FFE 0 50' 100' 58 6 +590 589 7 58 Seal: 590 588 590 Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL 2 58 86 5 87 FFE Sheet Title: 5 58 8 0 +590 GRADING PLAN 59 Sheet Number: SEE SHEET X-0.03 C-5.01 1 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-5.00 GRADING PLAN.DWG FFE 59 Project : LEGEND 584 PROPOSED CONTOUR / ELEVATION FFE + 590 PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.01 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: 58 58 2 6 58 6 58 2 Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 589 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 FFE 0 50' 100' +590 Seal: 590 58 58 8 9 590 58 Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL 6 Sheet Title: GRADING PLAN FFE 58 58 6 +590 9 Sheet Number: C-5.02 58 7 58 8 SEE SHEET X-0.04 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-5.00 GRADING PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.01 Project : 1 58 6 FFE 59 LEGEND 92 58 7 58 8 +590 5 584 PROPOSED CONTOUR / ELEVATION 5 89 3 FFE 59 FFE + 590 PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION +590 3 ADELAIDE POINTE 59 2 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE 90 59 MUSKEGON, MI 49441 5 1 59 P: (855) MKG-LAKE 1 59 FFE 0 Consultants: 59 +591 589 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 58 2 585 4 58 58 0 59 583 7 58 8 9 58 58 1609 PINERIDGE DR 6 FFE GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 58 P: (616) 843-1002 7 +590 SEE SHEET X-0.04 58 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. 8 SUITE 240 58 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 7 P: (414) 273-8230 586 588 FFE +587 SITE LOCATION: GAS Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 GAS WW W NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: 7 58 8 W 58 1 9 59 58 Project Phase: 5 89 PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: GRADING PLAN Sheet Number: C-5.03 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-5.00 GRADING PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.02 Project : LEGEND 584 PROPOSED CONTOUR / ELEVATION FFE + 590 PROPOSED FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 58 2 58 ADELAIDE POINTE 58 3 58 7 FFE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE 58 6 4 58 58 58 8 MUSKEGON, MI 49441 6 5 59 1 +591 P: (855) MKG-LAKE 58 6 7 58 58 6 0 59 Consultants: 589 588 58 58 2 8 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 58 589 589 590 3 590 P: (269) 932.4502 584 586 585 589 584 585 586 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 FFE +590 587 SEE SHEET X-0.03 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 58 588 590 589 7 588 SITE LOCATION: 590 588 589 589 FFE +591 590 Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH 591 591 Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' 592 Seal: FFE +592 593 FFE +594 Project Phase: 9 58 591 595 PUD SUBMITTAL 594 59 592 593 0 Sheet Title: GRADING PLAN Sheet Number: C-5.04 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-5.00 GRADING PLAN.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 DECORATIVE ARRIVAL SIGNAGE 1609 PINERIDGE DR SCULPTURE ART GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 GENERAL WAYFINDING RESERVED PARKING ONLY (ADA) R7-8 (12"X18") 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. 1 EA. - 3 LB. POST (15 FT) SUITE 240 EXACT QUANTITY AND MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 LOCATION TO BE P: (414) 273-8230 DETERMINED WITH FINAL DESIGN SITE LOCATION: STOP R1-1 (36"X36") 9.0 SFT SIGN. TYPE IIIA 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30') STOP R1-1 (36"X36") 9.0 SFT SIGN. TYPE IIIA Date: 8/11/2021 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30') Project No: 21-004 CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP W4-4P (24"X12") NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' SPEED LIMIT 20 Seal: R2-1 (24"X30") 5.0 SFT SIGN 1 EA. - 3 LB. POST (15 FT) GAS Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL YIELD HERE TO PEDESTRIANS R1-5A (26"X48") 12.0 SFT SIGN Sheet Title: 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30 FT) SIGNAGE PLAN Sheet Number: C-7.00 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-7.00 SIGNAGE PLAN.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 DECORATIVE ARRIVAL SIGNAGE 1609 PINERIDGE DR SCULPTURE ART GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 GENERAL WAYFINDING RESERVED PARKING ONLY (ADA) SEE SHEET X-0.02 R7-8 (12"X18") 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. 1 EA. - 3 LB. POST (15 FT) SUITE 240 EXACT QUANTITY AND MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 LOCATION TO BE P: (414) 273-8230 DETERMINED WITH FINAL DESIGN SITE LOCATION: STOP R1-1 (36"X36") 9.0 SFT SIGN. TYPE IIIA 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30') STOP R1-1 (36"X36") 9.0 SFT SIGN. TYPE IIIA Date: 8/11/2021 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30') Project No: 21-004 CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP W4-4P (24"X12") NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' SPEED LIMIT 20 Seal: R2-1 (24"X30") 5.0 SFT SIGN 1 EA. - 3 LB. POST (15 FT) Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL YIELD HERE TO PEDESTRIANS R1-5A (26"X48") 12.0 SFT SIGN Sheet Title: 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30 FT) SIGNAGE PLAN Sheet Number: SEE SHEET X-0.03 C-7.01 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-7.00 SIGNAGE PLAN.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 DECORATIVE ARRIVAL SIGNAGE 1609 PINERIDGE DR SCULPTURE ART GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 GENERAL WAYFINDING RESERVED PARKING ONLY (ADA) SEE SHEET X-0.01 R7-8 (12"X18") 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. 1 EA. - 3 LB. POST (15 FT) SUITE 240 EXACT QUANTITY AND MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 LOCATION TO BE P: (414) 273-8230 DETERMINED WITH FINAL DESIGN SITE LOCATION: STOP R1-1 (36"X36") 9.0 SFT SIGN. TYPE IIIA 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30') STOP R1-1 (36"X36") 9.0 SFT SIGN. TYPE IIIA Date: 8/11/2021 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30') Project No: 21-004 CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP W4-4P (24"X12") NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' SPEED LIMIT 20 Seal: R2-1 (24"X30") 5.0 SFT SIGN 1 EA. - 3 LB. POST (15 FT) Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL YIELD HERE TO PEDESTRIANS R1-5A (26"X48") 12.0 SFT SIGN Sheet Title: 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30 FT) SIGNAGE PLAN Sheet Number: SEE SHEET X-0.04 C-7.02 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-7.00 SIGNAGE PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.01 Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 DECORATIVE ARRIVAL SIGNAGE 1609 PINERIDGE DR SCULPTURE ART GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 GENERAL WAYFINDING RESERVED PARKING ONLY (ADA) SEE SHEET X-0.04 R7-8 (12"X18") 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. 1 EA. - 3 LB. POST (15 FT) SUITE 240 EXACT QUANTITY AND MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 LOCATION TO BE P: (414) 273-8230 DETERMINED WITH FINAL DESIGN SITE LOCATION: STOP R1-1 (36"X36") 9.0 SFT SIGN. TYPE IIIA 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30') STOP GAS R1-1 (36"X36") 9.0 SFT SIGN. TYPE IIIA Date: 8/11/2021 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30') Project No: 21-004 CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP GAS WW W W4-4P (24"X12") NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' SPEED LIMIT 20 Seal: R2-1 (24"X30") 5.0 SFT SIGN 1 EA. - 3 LB. POST (15 FT) W Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL YIELD HERE TO PEDESTRIANS R1-5A (26"X48") 12.0 SFT SIGN Sheet Title: 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30 FT) SIGNAGE PLAN Sheet Number: C-7.03 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-7.00 SIGNAGE PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.02 Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 DECORATIVE ARRIVAL SIGNAGE 1609 PINERIDGE DR SCULPTURE ART GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 GENERAL WAYFINDING RESERVED PARKING ONLY (ADA) SEE SHEET X-0.03 R7-8 (12"X18") 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. 1 EA. - 3 LB. POST (15 FT) SUITE 240 EXACT QUANTITY AND MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 LOCATION TO BE P: (414) 273-8230 DETERMINED WITH FINAL DESIGN SITE LOCATION: STOP R1-1 (36"X36") 9.0 SFT SIGN. TYPE IIIA 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30') STOP R1-1 (36"X36") 9.0 SFT SIGN. TYPE IIIA Date: 8/11/2021 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30') Project No: 21-004 CROSS TRAFFIC DOES NOT STOP W4-4P (24"X12") NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' SPEED LIMIT 20 Seal: R2-1 (24"X30") 5.0 SFT SIGN 1 EA. - 3 LB. POST (15 FT) Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL YIELD HERE TO PEDESTRIANS R1-5A (26"X48") 12.0 SFT SIGN Sheet Title: 2 EA. - 3 LB. POST (30 FT) SIGNAGE PLAN Sheet Number: C-7.04 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-7.00 SIGNAGE PLAN.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 7/21/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: SIGNAGE DETAILS Sheet Number: C-7.10 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-7.10 SIGNAGE DETAILS.DWG Project : Legend: STRUCTURA BEAM STREET LIGHT SEE DETAIL 1 | C-8.21 STRUCTURA SPAR LED PEDESTRIAN LIGHT SEE DETAIL 2 | C-8.21 ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE STRUCTURA REVERSE TILT BOLLARD SEE DETAIL 3 | C-8.21 MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LIGHTING PLAN Sheet Number: C-8.00 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-8.00 LIGHTING PLAN.DWG Project : Legend: STRUCTURA BEAM STREET LIGHT SEE DETAIL 1 | C-8.21 STRUCTURA SPAR LED PEDESTRIAN LIGHT SEE DETAIL 2 | C-8.21 ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE STRUCTURA REVERSE TILT BOLLARD SEE DETAIL 3 | C-8.21 MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.02 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LIGHTING PLAN Sheet Number: SEE SHEET X-0.03 C-8.01 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-8.00 LIGHTING PLAN.DWG Project : Legend: STRUCTURA BEAM STREET LIGHT SEE DETAIL 1 | C-8.21 STRUCTURA SPAR LED PEDESTRIAN LIGHT SEE DETAIL 2 | C-8.21 ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE STRUCTURA REVERSE TILT BOLLARD SEE DETAIL 3 | C-8.21 MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.01 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LIGHTING PLAN Sheet Number: SEE SHEET X-0.04 C-8.02 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-8.00 LIGHTING PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.01 Project : Legend: STRUCTURA BEAM STREET LIGHT SEE DETAIL 1 | C-8.21 STRUCTURA SPAR LED PEDESTRIAN LIGHT SEE DETAIL 2 | C-8.21 ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE STRUCTURA REVERSE TILT BOLLARD SEE DETAIL 3 | C-8.21 MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.04 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LIGHTING PLAN Sheet Number: C-8.03 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-8.00 LIGHTING PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.02 Project : Legend: STRUCTURA BEAM STREET LIGHT SEE DETAIL 1 | C-8.21 STRUCTURA SPAR LED PEDESTRIAN LIGHT SEE DETAIL 2 | C-8.21 ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE STRUCTURA REVERSE TILT BOLLARD SEE DETAIL 3 | C-8.21 MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.03 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LIGHTING PLAN Sheet Number: C-8.04 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-8.00 LIGHTING PLAN.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/9/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LIGHTING DETAILS Sheet Number: 1 STRUCTURA BEAM STREET LIGHT SCALE: NTS 2 STRUCTURA SPAR LED PEDESTRIAN LIGHT SCALE: NTS 3 STRUCTURA REVERSE TILT BOLLARD SCALE: NTS C-8.21 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\C-SHEETS\C-8.20 LIGHTING DETAILS.DWG Project : LANDSCAPE LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION DETAIL TREES STREET LARGE TREE ADELAIDE POINTE STREET TREE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE SMALL MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE EVERGREEN TREE ORNAMENTAL TREE SHRUBS AND GRASSES Consultants: SCREENING SHURB MIX BIOSWALE SHRUB MIX 518 BROAD STREET TURF GRASS SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 EP :8 +8 7.6 2 88 8+ 00 8+ 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 00 P: (616) 843-1002 7+ 00 6+ 00 5+ 00 4+ 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. 00 SUITE 240 3+ MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 00 P: (414) 273-8230 2+ BP :0 00 +0 1+ 0.0 SITE LOCATION: 0 00 0+ Date: 8/12/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LANDSCAPE PLAN Sheet Number: L-2.00 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\L-SHEETS\L-2.00 LANDSCAPE PLAN.DWG Project : LANDSCAPE LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION DETAIL TREES STREET LARGE TREE ADELAIDE POINTE STREET TREE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE SMALL MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE EVERGREEN TREE ORNAMENTAL TREE SHRUBS AND GRASSES Consultants: SCREENING SHURB MIX BIOSWALE SHRUB MIX 518 BROAD STREET TURF GRASS SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.02 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/12/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' 00 7+ Seal: 00 6+ 00 Project Phase: 5+ PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: 00 4 + LANDSCAPE PLAN Sheet Number: L-2.01 00 3+ SEE SHEET X-0.03 00 2+ P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\L-SHEETS\L-2.00 LANDSCAPE PLAN.DWG Project : LANDSCAPE LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION DETAIL TREES STREET LARGE TREE ADELAIDE POINTE STREET TREE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE SMALL MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE EVERGREEN TREE ORNAMENTAL TREE SHRUBS AND GRASSES Consultants: SCREENING SHURB MIX BIOSWALE SHRUB MIX 518 BROAD STREET TURF GRASS SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.01 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: EP :8 +8 7.6 Date: 8/12/2021 2 88 Project No: 21-004 8+ NORTH 00 8+ Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LANDSCAPE PLAN Sheet Number: SEE SHEET X-0.04 L-2.02 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\L-SHEETS\L-2.00 LANDSCAPE PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.01 Project : 00 2+ LANDSCAPE LEGEND 00 1+ BP SYMBOL DESCRIPTION DETAIL 0+: 00 TREES .0 0 + 00 STREET LARGE 0 TREE ADELAIDE POINTE STREET TREE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE SMALL MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE EVERGREEN TREE ORNAMENTAL TREE SHRUBS AND GRASSES Consultants: SCREENING SHURB MIX BIOSWALE SHRUB MIX 518 BROAD STREET TURF GRASS SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.04 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/12/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LANDSCAPE PLAN Sheet Number: L-2.03 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\L-SHEETS\L-2.00 LANDSCAPE PLAN.DWG SEE SHEET X-0.02 Project : LANDSCAPE LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION DETAIL TREES STREET LARGE TREE ADELAIDE POINTE STREET TREE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE SMALL MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE EVERGREEN TREE ORNAMENTAL TREE SHRUBS AND GRASSES Consultants: SCREENING SHURB MIX BIOSWALE SHRUB MIX 518 BROAD STREET TURF GRASS SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 SEE SHEET X-0.03 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/12/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=50'-0" @ 24x36 0 50' 100' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LANDSCAPE PLAN Sheet Number: L-2.04 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\L-SHEETS\L-2.00 LANDSCAPE PLAN.DWG Project : RESIDENTIAL PARKING ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE RESIDENTIAL PARKING R.O.W. R.O.W. R.O.W. R.O.W. Consultants: RESIDENTIAL PARKING 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 RESIDENTIAL PARKING PARKING PARKING 54'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 20'-11" 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 35'-4" 6'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 6'-0" 20'-4" P: (616) 843-1002 GREENSPACE PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL TRAVEL GREENSPACE PATH LANE LANE GREENSPACE PEDESTRIAN PARALLEL TRAVEL TRAVEL PARALLEL PEDESTRIAN GREENSPACE PATHWAY PARKING LANE LANE PARKING PATHWAY SECTION: WEST WESTERN STREET SECTION: ADELAIDE CIRCLE 1 SCALE: 1"=10'-0" 2 SCALE: 1"=10'-0" 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 RESIDENTIAL SITE LOCATION: RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL Date: 8/11/2021 RESIDENTIAL Project No: 21-004 NORTH GYM Scale: 1"=10'-0" @ 24x36 0 10' 20' Seal: 25'-11" 10'-0" 15'-0" 27'-0" 40'-0" 8'-6" 11'-0" 12'-0" 82'-0" 11'-0" 8'-6" 14'-0" 6'-0" 6'-0" AMENITY OUTDOOR PEDESTRIAN PLANTING POOL DECK POOL POOL DECK PLANTING LAWN PEDESTRIAN PLANTING MARINA BOARDWALK GREENSPACE DECK BAR PATH BUFFER BUFFER PATHWAY BUFFER BASIN Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: SECTION: WATERFRONT TO WEST CONDO 3 SCALE: 1"=10'-0" LANDSCAPE SECTIONS Sheet Number: L-3.10 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\L-SHEETS\L-3.00 LANDSCAPE SECTIONS.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 RESIDENTIAL SITE LOCATION: RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 PARKING NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' 10.00' 16.00' Seal: NATURALIZED SHORELINE PEDESTRIAN PATH LANDSCAPE PEDESTRIAN PATH LANDSCAPE Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: SECTION: WATERFRONT EDGE (TYP.) LANDSCAPE SECTIONS 4 SCALE: 1"=10'-0" Sheet Number: L-3.20 P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\L-SHEETS\L-3.00 LANDSCAPE SECTIONS.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LANDSCAPE DETAILS STORMWATER QUALITY UNIT NATURALIZED SHORELINE BIOSWALE GREEN ROOF 1 2 3 4 Sheet Number: L-5.10 SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\L-SHEETS\L-5.00 LANDSCAPE DETAILS.DWG Project : ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: (855) MKG-LAKE Consultants: 518 BROAD STREET SAINT JOSEPH, MI 49085 P: (269) 932.4502 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (414) 273-8230 SITE LOCATION: Date: 8/11/2021 Project No: 21-004 NORTH Scale: 1"=100'-0" @ 24x36 0 100' 200' Seal: Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL Sheet Title: LANDSCAPE DETAILS LANDSCAPE SCHEDULE LANDSCAPE PALETTE 1 2 Sheet Number: L-5.20 SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS P:\2021\21-004 AP\CAD\SHEETS\PUD\L-SHEETS\L-5.00 LANDSCAPE DETAILS.DWG Project : 1 2 3 4 5 6 E E ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: ( 8 5 5 ) M K G - L A K E Consultants: 149' - 6" D D 5 1 8 B RO A D ST R E E T SAINT JOSEPH , MI 490 85 P: (269) 932.4502 www.edgewaterresources .c om 5' - 0" UP TOILET 7' - 6" 48 51 SF OFFICE/STORE 12' - 0" 9 23' - 0" UP JC 1021 SF 27' - 6" 1609 PINERIDGE DR TOILET GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 7' - 6" 49 ww w . a r c h i t e k t u r a p l c . c o m / 51 SF A A EXIT STAIR J/C TOILET 4 15 16 C 163 SF 57 SF 66 SF C 20' - 0" 648 N. PLANKINTON EMPLOYEE 9' - 8" AVE. LOUNGE SUITE 240 TOILET 18 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 17 275 SF P: (4 1 4 ) 2 7 3 - 8 2 3 0 83' - 0" 75 SF B B SITE LOCATION: RETAIL SHOWROOM HALLWAY 4489 SF 60' - 0" RECEPTI ON 55' - 6" OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE MANAGER 22 21 20 19 130 SF 123 SF 123 SF 179 SF 40' - 0" C C ELEV FREIGHT 7 8 MAIN ENTRY B 77 SF 77 SF LOADING DOCK B Date: 10 AUGUST 2021 23 5 Project No: 1201 248 SF 12' - 0" / 12' - 0" SHAFT EXIT STAIR 312 SF 6 NORTH 12' - 0" / 12' - 0" 181 SF D D C:\Users\kirst\OneDrive\Documents\architektura PLC\Projects\1201_Adelaide Pointe (Restaurant)\Revit\Leestma - Building L V8.rvt Scale: AS INDICATED SERVICE, AND ARCHITEKTURA PLC SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUTORY AND OTHER THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ARCHITEKTURA PLC AS AN INSTRUMENT OF Seal: RESERVED RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO. Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL A A Sheet Title: FIRST FLOOR 8,840 SF 1ST FLOOR PLAN Sheet Number: NO RTH FIRST FLOOR PLAN A-2.01 8/6/2021 9:13:48 AM 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 2 3 4 5 6 Project : 1 2 3 4 5 6 E E ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: ( 8 5 5 ) M K G - L A K E Consultants: D D 5 1 8 B RO A D ST R E E T SAINT JOSEPH , MI 490 85 P: (269) 932.4502 www.edgewaterresources .c om DN MECHANICAL DN ENCLOSURE 34 Not Enclosed 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 ww w . a r c h i t e k t u r a p l c . c o m / EXIT STAIR WOMEN 28 25 163 SF 166 SF C C HALL 648 N. PLANKINTON 35 MEN AVE. 93 SF 26 SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 163 SF P: (4 1 4 ) 2 7 3 - 8 2 3 0 SITE LOCATION: GREEN ROOF DECK RESTAURANT KITCHEN 33 27 32 3547 SF 2494 SF 1072 SF ELEV FREIGHT 30 31 77 SF 77 SF Date: 10 AUGUST 2021 B B Project No: 1201 EXIT STAIR SHAFT 29 47 NORTH 181 SF 38 SF C:\Users\kirst\OneDrive\Documents\architektura PLC\Projects\1201_Adelaide Pointe (Restaurant)\Revit\Leestma - Building L V8.rvt Scale: AS INDICATED SERVICE, AND ARCHITEKTURA PLC SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUTORY AND OTHER THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ARCHITEKTURA PLC AS AN INSTRUMENT OF Seal: RESERVED RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO. Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL A A Sheet Title: SECOND FLOOR 5,020 SF 2ND FLOOR PLAN Sheet Number: NO A-2.02 RTH SECOND FLOOR PLAN 8/6/2021 9:13:49 AM 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 2 3 4 5 6 Project : 1 2 3 4 5 6 E E ADELAIDE POINTE 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: ( 8 5 5 ) M K G - L A K E Consultants: D D 5 1 8 B RO A D ST R E E T SAINT JOSEPH , MI 490 85 P: (269) 932.4502 www.edgewaterresources .c om DECK AND STAIRS BELOW 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 P: (616) 843-1002 ww w . a r c h i t e k t u r a p l c . c o m / EXIT STAIR WOMEN 18' - 0" / 12' - 0" C C MEN DECK 648 N. PLANKINTON AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (4 1 4 ) 2 7 3 - 8 2 3 0 VENUE GREEN ROOF DECK BELOW 2906 SF SITE LOCATION: BELOW TABLES AND CHAIRS 18' - 0" / 12' - 0" CAPACITY 195 DECK STANDING ROOM 1181 SF 280 CAPACITY 75 WARMING KITCHEN 541 SF ELEV FREIGHT VENUE ENTRY 18' - 0" / 12' - 0" POINT (VIA ELEVATOR) Date: 10 AUGUST 2021 SHAFT B B Project No: 1201 EXIT STAIR NORTH C:\Users\kirst\OneDrive\Documents\architektura PLC\Projects\1201_Adelaide Pointe (Restaurant)\Revit\Leestma - Building L V8.rvt Scale: AS INDICATED SERVICE, AND ARCHITEKTURA PLC SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUTORY AND OTHER THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ARCHITEKTURA PLC AS AN INSTRUMENT OF Seal: RESERVED RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO. Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL A A Sheet Title: THIRD FLOOR 4,952 SF 3RD FLOOR PLAN Sheet Number: NO RTH THIRD FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" A-2.03 8/6/2021 9:13:50 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 Project : 1 2 3 4 5 6 E E 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 B.4 ROOF TOP 151' - 0" ADELAIDE POINTE 5' - 0" COMPOSITE PANELS ROOF BRG 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE 146' - 0" MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: ( 8 5 5 ) M K G - L A K E GLASS GUARDRAIL 14' - 0" THIRD FLOOR GLASS GUARDRAIL PLAN Consultants: OVERALL BUILDING HEIGHT 132' - 0" D D WOOD SIDING GLASS GUARDRAIL 51' - 0" 14' - 0" 5 1 8 B RO A D ST R E E T SAINT JOSEPH , MI 490 85 P: (269) 932.4502 SECOND FLOOR www.edgewaterresources .c om COMPOSITE METAL 118' - 0" SIDING 18' - 0" STOREFRONT GLAZING 1609 PINERIDGE DR GRAND HAVEN, MI 49417 FIRST FLOOR P: (616) 843-1002 100' - 0" ww w . a r c h i t e k t u r a p l c . c o m / ALUMINUM OVERHEAD DOORS STRUCTURAL WOOD COLUMNS STOREFRONT GLAZING C C NORTH ELEVATION 648 N. PLANKINTON 1 1/8" = 1'-0" AVE. SUITE 240 MILWAUKEE, WI 53203 P: (4 1 4 ) 2 7 3 - 8 2 3 0 SITE LOCATION: D C B A ROOF TOP 151' - 0" 5' - 0" COMPOSITE PANELS ROOF BRG WOOD SOFFIT 146' - 0" 14' - 0" METAL B B Date: 10 AUGUST 2021 SIDING Project No: 1201 THIRD FLOOR GLASS PLAN OVERALL BUILDING HEIGHT GUARDRAIL 132' - 0" NORTH 51' - 0" WOOD C:\Users\kirst\OneDrive\Documents\architektura PLC\Projects\1201_Adelaide Pointe (Restaurant)\Revit\Leestma - Building L V8.rvt 14' - 0" Scale: AS INDICATED SIDING SERVICE, AND ARCHITEKTURA PLC SHALL RETAIN ALL COMMON LAW, STATUTORY AND OTHER THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN PREPARED BY ARCHITEKTURA PLC AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SECOND FLOOR 118' - 0" Seal: EXTERIOR MATERIALS COMPOSIT E METAL SIDING SIDING 18' - 0" QUALITY EDGE - HORIZONTAL SIDING, METAL NICHIHA USA - COMPOSITE PANELS STOREFRO CERTAINTEED: HORIZONTAL SIDING, RESTORATION CLASSIC, D41/2 RESERVED RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE COPYRIGHT THERETO. NT FLASHING AND SHEET METAL GLAZING ALUMINUM FASCIA Project Phase: PUD SUBMITTAL FIRST FLOOR DOORS AND WINDOWS 100' - 0" KAWNEER 1600 - U-FACTOR WITH LOW-E GLASS: 0.26 A A Sheet Title: OVERHEAD DOORS 12' H x 10' W OHD's CLOPAY (OR EQUAL) PREMIUM SHORT PANEL w/ LITES IN ALL PANELS 8'X10' LOADING DOCK DOOR - OVERHEAD DOOR OR EQUAL ELEVATIONS WINDOWS & SLIDING GLASS DOORS Sheet Number: KAWNEER 1600 THERMALLY BROKEN FRAMES WITH INSULATED EAST 1 ELEVATION GLAZING 2 1/8" = 1'-0" A-3.01 8/6/2021 9:13:51 AM 1 2 3 4 5 6 Project : 1 2 3 4 5 6 E E B.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ROOF TOP 151' - 0" 5' - 0" COMPOSITE PANELS ROOF BRG ADELAIDE POINTE 146' - 0" 1204 WEST WESTERN AVENUE MUSKEGON, MI 49441 P: ( 8 5 5 ) M K G - L A K E 14' - 0" GLASS GUARDRAIL GLASS GUARDRAIL THIRD FLOOR OVERALL BUILDING HEIGHT PLAN 132' - 0" Consultants: 51' - 0" 14' - 0" D WOOD D GLASS GUARDRAIL SIDING 5 1 8 B RO A D ST R E E T SAINT JOSEPH , MI 490 85 SECOND FLOOR P: (269) 932.4502