City Commission Packet 06-28-2022

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                 JUNE 28, 2022 @ 5:30 P.M.

□          CALL TO ORDER:
□          PRAYER:
□          ROLL CALL:
□          CONSENT AGENDA:
    A. Approval of Minutes         City Clerk
    B.    Mercy Health Arena ADA Upgrades – Contract Award              Arena and Public
    C. Catamaran Storage           Public Works
    D. Concession Agreement – Frostbite Shaved Ice                Public Works
    E.     Watermark Development Agreement Rescission City Manager
    F.     Swan Alpha Development Agreement Rescission City Manager
    G. Interim City Manager Stipend City Manager
    H. Sale – 1920 S Getty, 2155 Continental, and 2209 Valley Planning
    I.     First Responder Training and Recruitment Grant Acceptance             Public
    J.     Purchase of 1192/1194 Pine Street       Community & Neighborhood
    K. Rezoning 930 W Sherman Boulevard – 2nd Reading                   Planning
    A. Transmittal of 2022-23 Proposed Budget                Finance

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    A. Housing Board of Appeals Demolitions                            Public Safety
         938 E. Forest Avenue
         1945 Reynolds
    B.   4th Quarter Reforecast             Finance
    C. 2022 Long Term Goal Adoption                          City Manager
►        Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►        Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►        Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►        Be recognized by the Chair.
►        Step forward to the microphone.
►        State name and address.
►        Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►        (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)


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                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 28, 2022             Title: Approval of Minutes

Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC                Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary: To approve the minutes of the May 20, 2022 Special Meeting, May 24, 2022
Regular Meeting, and May 25, 2022 Special Meeting.

Detailed Summary: N/A

Amount Requested: N/A                            Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                       Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: To approve the minutes.

For City Clerk Use Only:

Commission Action:
              MAY 24, 2022 @ 5:30 P.M.


The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 24, 2022.
Vice Mayor, Willie German, Jr., opened the meeting with prayer, after which the
Commission and public recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present: Mayor Ken Johnson, Vice Mayor Willie German, Jr., Commissioners, Eric
Hood (left at 7:25 p.m.), Teresa Emory, Rachel Gorman, Rebecca St.Clair, and
Michael Ramsey (left at 7:30 p.m.) Interim City Manager LeighAnn Mikesell, City
Attorney John Schrier, and Deputy City Clerk Kimberly Young
PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS:             No public comments were received.
2022-46     CONSENT AGENDA:
  A. Approval of Minutes       City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the April 26, 2022 Regular
Meeting and April 29, 2022 Special Meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the minutes.
  C. Concession Agreement – Patti Wagon            Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is asking permission to enter into a contractual
agreement with Patti Costner of “Patti Wagon” at various locations including
Robert C. Lighton Park, Beachwood Park, Pere Marquette Park, and Margaret
Drake Elliot Park.
Staff is asking permission to enter into a Concession Agreement for 2022 with
Patti Costner of “Patti Wagon” at various parks including Robert C. Lighton Park,
Beachwood Park, Pere Marquette park, and Margaret Drake Elliot Park. “Patti
Wagon” has been operating in the parks near the beach and City Hall at
various times this spring. Staff has contacted Ms. Costner in an attempt to reach
a concession agreement. Ms. Costner and staff have proposed fees to the City
of $250.00 plus 5% of gross receipts; the specific proposal is in the packet and

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includes certification and inspection documents; staff will work to ensure all
necessary licenses and certificates are on file. Ms. Costner proposes to locate
the concession each day depending on weather and traffic in an attempt to
maximize sales. Staff will work with Ms. Costner to ensure specific locations are
safe and accessible.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Authorize staff to enter into a Concession
Agreement with Patti Costner of “Patti Wagon” at various city parks, including
Robert C. Lighton, Beachwood, Pere Marquette, and Margaret Drake Elliot, for
  D. Engineering Services – Drinking Water Revolving Fund for Lead Service Line
     Replacement       Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is seeking permission to enter into a professional
services agreement with Prein & Newhof for $220,000 related to lead service line
replacement design and construction engineering services.
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) has
awarded the City a Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF) loan of up to
$3,220,000 for lead service line replacement (LSLR). As a part of the Water
Infrastructure Funding Transfer Act (U.S. Senate Bill 1689), this “loan” was issued
with the knowledge that once complete, $3,000,000 in principle will be forgiven.
The funding will be available for expenditure from approximately October 1,
2022 through September 20, 2025 (over a three year period).
Staff are pursuing a two-pronged approach. Approximately half of the $3 million
will be spent by DPW staff over the next three years. The grant will be used to
pay existing staff when working on LSLR, purchase additional equipment and
hire new staff as necessary, and buy materials. The other half will be spen by
contracting to replace service lines in the Marsh Field neighborhood, southwest
of the intersection of Laketon and Getty. The full three years will be provided to
the contractor to help reduce pricing.
In accordance with the prequalified firm process undertaken with the
Commission in late 2019, staff negotiated with Prein & NEwhof to prepare a
proposal for design and construction services related to the contracted portion
of the loan, as well as assistance, with the loan paperwork and reporting on the
entire loan. The proposal and professional services agreement are provided in
the packet, are predicated on a three-year construction period, and are of the
form used by Prein & Newhof for the last several years. If the contracted portion
is completed sooner, at the contractor’s option, then the amount of
construction services could be less. This was not included in this fiscal year
budget as award of the loan was not certain. It will be included in the next three
fiscal year budgets as appropriate.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:        $220,000            AMOUNT BUDGETED:          n/a

                                          Page 2 of 11
FUND OR ACCOUNT:          591-60555-Various
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Authorize staff to enter into a professional
services agreement with Prein & Newhof for $220,000 related to lead service line
replacement design and construction engineering services.
  E.   Transportation Economic Development Fund            Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is seeking a formal resolution of support to submit
a grant application to MDOT for a TEDF Grant for the extension of Olthoff Drive.
Staff is seeking funds for the extension of Olthoff Drive to serve developments on
the former corrections department site. Grant funding is being pursued through
the state’s Transportation Economic Development Fund, specifically the
Category A program. If successful this grant could provide up to 65% of the
funding necessary for the project. If successful, construction would likely begin in
the spring of 2023.
A formal resolution of support for the application is required as a part of the
grant process. Staff is recommending approval of the resolution of support.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Approve the resolution of support for the TEDF
Category A grant applications and authorize the clerk to sign.
  F.   Transportation Asset Management Plan          Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is requesting authorization to contract with Prein &
Newhof for professional services related to preparation of a Transportation Asset
Management Plan and related services.
Public Act 325 of 2018 began a process which will require all road maintaining
agencies with at least 100 centerline miles to prepare and have on file with the
state a Transportation Asset Management Plan that is updated every three
years. A rolling deadline system has resulted in Muskegon having our first plan on
file by October 1, 2022h. To that end, and recognizing the value of asset
management principles applied to City infrastructure, staff solicited a proposal.
As defined by the act, asset management is “an ongoing process of
maintaining, preserving, upgrading, and operating physical assets cost
effectively, based on a continuous physical inventory and condition assessment
and investment to achieve established performance goals.” In more practical
terms, the plan will provide a detailed inventory of roads, bridges and culverts in
the City, make and keep a record of their condition, set goals for improving the
overall condition of the City’s transportation infrastructure, and make
recommendations on how to achieve the goals in the context of the fund
expected to be available.
Staff worked with Prein & Newhof to obtain a proposal for the plan. Prein &
Newhof has prepared asset management plans for the City’s water system,
sanitary sewer system, and stormwater drainage system using various grant-

                                          Page 3 of 11
based funding sources over the past five years. They have developed a
consistent format that allows the City to house much of the data in a single GIS-
based database, making decisions about which assets to repair or replace a
more wholistic and context-based process. Staff is confident that having the
Transportation Asset Management Plan as a part of the same system as our
other asset management plans will be a critical to making cost-efficient and
practical investments that take all the City’s assets into account.
Due to a plan document format required by the state, and the impending
deadline, Prein & Newhof has proposed to perform the work in two parts. First,
and with data collection assistance from the City, they will prepare a plan that
meets the state’s requirements for format, data collection, and deadlines. Once
approved by the state, and as the second part of the work, they will translate
the plan and data into the existing system the City is using, and make capital
improvement recommendations using the new transportation asset
management data in the context of the other plans the City has, namely water,
sanitary and drainage.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:        $29,500.00         AMOUNT BUDGETED:         $29,500.00
FUND OR ACCOUNT:         202- AND 203-60440-5300
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:        Authorize staff to contract with Prein & Newhof in
the amount of $29,500 to prepare a Transportation Asset Management Plan and
related services.
  G. Updated (MNRTF) Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant Resolution
     Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is seeking to rescind a previously approved
resolution of support and replace it with an updated resolution of support for a
Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant application.
Commission previously approved Resolution 2022-27(B) at the March 22, 2022
Commission Meeting which was submitted to the Michigan Department of
Natural Resources (MDNR) on April 1, 2022 as part of a grant application. During
the administrative review process, it was noted by MDNR that the costs in the
resolution did not match the costs in the grant application.
Staff is requesting to have Resolution 2022-27(B) rescinded and to have the new
resolution approved to fulfill the administrative completeness requirements
identified by MDNR. There is no change in the match amount ($400K) or the
grant request amount ($300k) from the original resolution.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Rescind previously approved Resolution 2022-
27(B) and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the updated Resolution of
Support for the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Application at Pere
Marquette Park.

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  I.    HOME Administrative and Planning Funds from American Rescue Plan
       (ARP) Grant Community and Neighborhood Services
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: HOME Administrative and Planning Funds from
American Rescue Plan (ARP) grant.
HOME – ARP grant allows up to 5% of our award to Community Housing
Development Organizations and non-profit organizations including homeless
providers administering all or a portion of our program grant. United Way has
provided a proposal through the RFP process offering 2022 CDBG funding
support. Their request is more in line with the new resources from HOME – ARP to
address homeless assistance needs through supportive services from the City’s
FY2021 budget.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:        FY - $50,000        AMOUNT BUDGETED: $60,912.50
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To approve the funding request to hire a
Muskegon Homeless Coordinator/Grant Writer for the HOME – ARP initiative
through the City of Muskegon.
  J.   Muskegon Social Equity Plan Amendments Planning
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to approve the Muskegon Social Equity
Program. The percentages allocated to each individual program have been
modified slightly.
Last year, the allocations were as follows: 30% towards grants/loans, 35%
towards expungement clinics, 35% towards education/community outreach.
This year, we are proposing 40% towards grants/loans, 30% towards
expungement clinics, 30% towards education/outreach.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve the Muskegon Social Equity Program
amendments as proposed.
  K. Re-assignment of 433/435 E. Isabella Avenue          Community and
     Neighborhood Services
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To assign the 2-unit Building Rehabilitation to
Community and Neighborhood Services for Affordable Housing contacts with
Local Continuum of Care agencies for the creation of City Rental Rehabilitation
Current rehabilitation of 433/435 E Isabella (2-unit) house is nearing the rough-in
inspection stage and will be demarked to assign to CNS for the final Certificate
of Occupancy inspection. CNS will hold as a Rental property owned by the city
for Affordable Housing units for local CoC agencies in need of housing units for
homeless, and at-risk of homelessness.
AMOUNT REQUESTED:        $150,000       AMOUNT BUDGETED:        $320,000

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FUND OR ACCOUNT:          HOME Program 2020
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         Approve the re-assignment of 433/435 E Isabella
Avenue to CNS for affordable housing creation under the Rental Rehabilitation
Motion by Commissioner Gorman, second by Commissioner Ramsey, to accept
the consent agenda as presented, minus item B and H.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gorman, Emory, St.Clair, Johnson, Hood, Ramsey, and
             Nays: None
  B.    Annual Action Plan Budget 2022      Community and Neighborhood
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Annual Action Plan Budgets are presented to the
Commission for approval based on the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) appropriations for FY2022. The Community Planning and
Development (CPD) office funded programs are Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME investment Partnerships (HOME) and the
allocations total $1,252,544.00 for eligible programs administered by the office of
Community and Neighborhood Services.
       CDBG - $912,894                      CDBG - $912,894
       HOME - $339,650                      HOME - $339,650
FUND OR ACCOUNT:          472 AND 473
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:     To approve the 2022 Annual Action Plan Budgets
for CDBG and HOME Programs.
Motion by Vice Mayor German, second by Commissioner St. Clair, to approve
the 2022 Annual Action Plan Budgets for CDBG and HOME Programs.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Emory, St.Clair, Johnson, Hood, Ramsey, German, and
             Nays: None
  H. City Park Concession Policy      Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQEUST: Staff is seeking approval of a formal concession fee
waiver process to be applied to potential concessionaires operating within the
City Park system.

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Staff is presenting a draft fee waiver application for concessionaires within the
City Park system. This document and discussion are the first step in developing a
formal concession policy, of which this fee waiver application would be one
part. Currently applications are accepted by DPW and approved at the
Commission level, with no formalized policy.
If approved, the fee waiver structure would apply to any concessionaire within
the traditionally recognized city park system that seeks a waiver due to the
types of services they provide and the groups their efforts benefit. As presented,
this waiver application would not apply to other similar operations lie Western
Market that operate outside of the city park system.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Approve the City Park Concession Fee Waiver
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Vice Mayor German, to approve
the City Park Concession Fee Waiver Application.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: St.Clair, Johnson, Hood, Ramsey, German, Gorman, and
            Nays: None
  A. Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate – Sweetwater Development
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Sweetwater Development was issued a Commercial
Facilities Exemption Certificate (PA255) on June 25, 2019 for the development of
The Leonard building at 292 W Western Avenue. This commercial tax abatement
was awarded to the first three floors of the building, while the top three floors
were awarded a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate for the residential
units. They are requesting to revoke the portion of the commercial tax
abatement on only the third floor so that they may convert that floor to
additional residential units.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:         To revoke the third floor portion of the
Commercial Facilities Exemption Certificate, number 2019-142, at 292 W Western
PUBLIC HEARING COMMENCED:           Jared Balka with Warner, Norcross, and
Judd, on behalf of Corey Leonard, provided an update to the Commission as to
the progress of the project.
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Emory, to close the
public hearing and revoke the third floor portion of the Commercial Facilities
Exemption Certificate, number 2019-142, at 292 W. Western Avenue.

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ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Johnson, Hood, Ramsey, German, Gorman, Emory, and
             Nays: None
  B.    Commercial Rehabilitation Certificate – Northern Biomedical Research,
       Inc. Planning
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Pursuant to Public Act 210 of 2005, as amended,
Northern Biomedical Research Inc has requested the issuance of a Commercial
Rehabilitation Certificate at 2725 Olthoff Drive.
The Certificate will freeze the taxable value of the building and exempt the new
real property investment from local taxes. The school operating tax and the
State Education Tax (SET) are still levied on the new investment. Land and
personal property cannot be abated under this act. The City Commission
approved the creation of the Commercial Rehabilitation District at its March 22
meeting. The estimated investment cost is $63,000,000. The tax incentive
committee has recommended an abatement duration of ten (10) years.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:           To approve the issuance of a Commercial
Rehabilitation Certificate at 2725 Olthoff Drive for a duration of the (10) years.
Rev. James Johnson, 1541 Fifth Street, opposed – would like to keep this type of
business out of Muskegon.
Jan Jacobs, 16 Watershore Drive, Norton Shores, opposed.
Darlene DeHudy, 4356 Lake Harbor, Norton Shores, opposed.
Hannah Hilborn, 3320 Peck Street, opposed.
Michael Haueisen, 903 Turner Avenue, opposed.
Kwame James, 2076 Miner Ave, appreciates Commission’s careful
Shane Woods, CEO of Northern Biomedical Research, answered questions from
the City Commissioners.
Motion by Commissioner Hood, second by Commissioner Emory, to close the
public hearing and approve the issuance of a Commercial Rehabilitation
Certificate at 2425 Olthoff Drive for a duration of ten (10) years.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Hood, Ramsey, German, Gorman, Emory, St.Clair, and
             Nays: None

                                          Page 8 of 11
  A. Concession Agreement – Muskegon Lighthouse Conservancy
     Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff is asking permission to enter into a 3-year
contractual agreement with Erin Vorgias of the Michigan Lighthouse
Conservancy – Muskegon Lights Branch to operate a gift shop and to support
the tour operations in the chalet at Pere Marquette Park.
Staff is asking permission to enter into a Concession Agreement from May 10,
2022 – May 10, 2025 with Erin Vorgias of the Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy –
Muskegon Lights Branch. Ms. Vorgias has proposed to operate a gift ship and
support facility for their tour operations in the chalet at Pere Marquette Park.
MLC is proposing to pay the standard $1,000 annual fee to the city for the right
to use the facility, but is asking for the standard 5% of gross receipts to be
waived to help support the capital fundraising goas of the 501c3 organization as
they work to secure funds for needed repairs at the lights.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          Authorize staff to enter into a 3-year Concession
Agreement with Erin Vorgias of the Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy for use of
the chalet at Pere Marquette Park.
Motion by Commissioner St.Clair, second by Commissioner Emory, to authorize
staff to enter into a 3-year Concession Agreement with Erin Vorgias of the
Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy for use of the chalet at Pere Marquette Park.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Ramsey, German, Gorman, Emory, St.Clair, Johnson, and
            Nays: None
2022-50     NEW BUSINESS:
  A. Housing Board of Appeals Demolitions            Public Safety
     872 Forest
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: This is to request that the City Commission concur wit
the findings of the Housing Board of appeals that the structure located at 872
Forest is unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that it be demolished within
thirty (30) days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain
bids for the demolition of the structure and that the Mayor and City Clerk be
authorized and directed to execute a contract for demolition with the lowest
responsible bidder or staff may issue infraction tickets to the owner, agent, or
responsible party if they do not demolish the structure.
FUND OR ACCOUNT:         101-80387-5356

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STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals
decision to demolish 872 Forest.
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Gorman, to concur
with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish 872 Forest.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: German, Gorman, Emory, St.Clair, Johnson, Hood, and
             Nays: None
  B.    Amendment to Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Certificate – 292 W. Western
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The project was approved for the NEZ Certificate in
December 2019 and included 18 residential units on floors three through six. The
applicant will now be converting the second floor into additional residential
units for a total of 24 units and is requesting to amend the NEZ certificate to
include the units on the second floor.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:             To approve the amendment to the NEZ
certificate at 292 W Western Avenue to include the new second floor units for a
total of 24 units on floors two through six.
Motion by Commissioner Gorman, second by Commissioner Ramsey, to
approve the amendment to the NEZ certificate at 292 W. Western Avenue to
include the new third floor units for a total of 24 units on floors three through six.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gorman, Emory, St.Clair, Johnson, Hood, Ramsey, and
             Nays: None
   A. Request to fly Japanese Flag      Mayor Johnson
Consul General Chido, from the Consulate-General of Japan, Detroit will be
visiting Muskegon with his wife on Friday, June 10, 2022. Mayor Johnson has
proposed to fly the Japanese flag in recognition of their visit.
Motion by Commissioner St.Clair, second by Commissioner Emory, to fly the
Japanese flag on June 10, 2022 at City Hall.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Emory, St.Clair, Johnson, Hood, Ramsey, German, and
             Nays: None

                                            Page 10 of 11
   B. Request to fly Progressive Pride Flag in June        Commissioner Ramsey
Last year the City Commission passed a resolution to recognize June as Pride
Month each year and part of that is to fly the Pride Flag.
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner St.Clair, to fly the
Progressive Pride Flag for the month of June, except June 10, when we will fly the
Japanese Flag.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: St. Clair, Johnson, Ramsey, Gorman, and Emory
            Nays: Hood and German
Also, under any other business, Mayor Johnson shared that the Great Lakes Area
of Concern Conference is taking place this week in the City of Muskegon. As
part of the conference, the EPA is here in Muskegon to celebrate the Greater
Muskegon Area’s completion of all management actions, setting us up for a de-
listing of Muskegon Lake from the Great Lakes Area of Concern. This is a
monumental moment in our history.
PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS:                   Public comments received.
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.

                                            Respectfully Submitted,

                                            Kimberly Young, Deputy City Clerk

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                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 28, 2022                  Title: Mercy Health Arena ADA Upgrades –
                                                        contract award

Submitted By: Leo Evans & Jake Laime                    Arena & Department: Public Works

Brief Summary:
Upon previous approval at the February 8th, 2022 Commission Meeting, Spark43 and Coalition
Companies proceeded with designing and bidding the ADA and necessary Life safety upgrades to the
Arena and infrastructure/utility upgrades to Thayer St. The design is now complete and competitive
bids have been solicited for the work.

Detailed Summary:
Bids were solicited for the construction project at the Arena & Thayer. ADA upgrades will be made to
the alley, restrooms will be accessible from the street, the out of code stairs will be replaced with a new
set that includes a storage area. Utilities along Thayer will be replaced, including the water main, water
services and appurtenant parts. The bid tabulation is attached.
The arena portion of this project is proposed for funding through ARPA Dollars as noted in the
February 8th Commission item, alternatively and if awarded RAP (Revitalization And Placemaking)
Grant dollars can be utilized though that grant award is still several months away, if the project is

Amount Requested: $788,550                            Amount Budgeted: $750,000

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Fund(s) or Account(s):
590-UNASSIGNED (Thayer) = $113,156                    590-UNASSIGNED (Thayer) = $100,000
591-UNASSIGNED (Thayer) = $113,156                    591-UNASSIGNED (Thayer) = $100,000
254-UNASSIGNED (ARPA) = $562,239                      254-UNASSIGNED (ARPA) = $550,000

Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to proceed with the project utilizing the recommended sub-
contractors for a total amount not to exceed $788,550.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.
For City Clerk Use Only:                              Commission Action:
          Project Name:                     Mercy Health Arena                                          General Project Info:                                                          Total           Unit Price

                                  470 W Western Ave, Muskegon,
       Project Address:                                                                                       Use           Storage/Deck                             Site Acreage                        #DIV/0!
                                           MI 49440

                       Client:                City of Muskegon                                          Structure               Precast                      Building Gross SF                           #DIV/0!

                   Architect:                      Spark 43                                             Wall Type               Precast                   Building Foot Print                            #DIV/0!

         Estimate Type:                               Bid                                       MEP Systems                         TBD                  Building Heated SF                              #DIV/0!

         Drawing Date:                               TBD                                            # of Floors                      1                           Total Unit SF                           #DIV/0!

                       LEED:                          No                                                                                                               # of Units                        #DIV/0!

               Taxable:                            6.0%
          Labor Burden:                            60.0%                                Project Schedule:                                            Project Cost Estimate: $           788,550
                                                                                                           Start         Finish
                                                               Preconstruction   23.6   Weeks            01/02/22    06/16/22
                                                                                 13.0   Weeks
                                                            Construction Phase                           06/28/22    09/27/22
                                                                                 3.00   Months

                                                                                                           PROJECT ESTIMATE DETAIL
                                 Description                                     Unit   Quantity                    CC                    Subs & Consultants                 Reimbursables             Comments              Category Total

Design Services


                                                                                                            Direct Costs or Estimates                   Subcontractor
                                 Description                                     Unit   Quantity                                                                                       Other           Comments              Category Total
                                                                                                           Labor         Material        Equipment     $$$               Name

Cost of Work

               024               BUILDING DEMOLITION                                                                                                                                                                                          0
                                  Inlcuded Below                                  LS                1                                                         0.00

               028               HAZARDOUS MATERIAL                                                                                                                                                                                           0
                                  None required                                   LS                1

               030               CONCRETE                                                                                                                                                                                              110,327
               Civil              Concrete - RA HOLMES BID - Civil Package        LS                1                                                  33,446.00        RA Holmes
   ADA/Restroom Upgrades          Concrete - RA HOLMES BID - Storage Package      LS                1                                                  32,969.00        RA Holmes
   ADA/Restroom Upgrades          Colored Concrete Deduct                         LS                1                                                  -11,088.00       Coalition
   ADA/Restroom Upgrades          Foam for base                                   LS                1                                                  30,000.00        Coalition                   Allowance for Foam
   ADA/Restroom Upgrades          Sand for Base                                   LS            -                                                      10,000.00        RA Holmes                 Alternate - NOT Accepted
          Storage                 Helical Piers                                   LS                1                                                  25,000.00        Coalition                        Allowance

               034               PRECAST CONCRETE                                                                                                                                                                                       35,000
          Storage                 Precast Plank                                   LS                1                                                  35,000.00         Fabcon

               042               MASONRY                                                                                                                                                                                                87,936
          Storage                 Storage Related Work                            LS                1                                                  75,282.00          RAM
                                                                                    Direct Costs or Estimates       Subcontractor
                        Description                            Unit   Quantity                                                                     Other                Comments                         Category Total
                                                                                   Labor    Material   Equipment   $$$               Name

ADA/Restroom Upgrades    Restroom Related work                  LS         -                                       13,344.00          RAM                             Switched to Gyp
                                                                                                                                                            Needed to meet arena Egress. Should
     Added Scope         Cut Arena Egress Opening               LS             1                                   10,997.00          RAM                   be a Carlisle cost. Added scope upon
                                                                                                                                                                        further study.
       CIO Hall          CIO Hall Vent Infill                   LS             1                                    1,657.00          RAM

        051             STEEL                                                                                                                                                                                       24,500
       Storage           Galvanized hand rails                  LS             1                                   17,000.00        Next Gen
       Storage           Hand Rail install                      LS             1                                    7,500.00        Coalition
       Storage           Steel Structure                        LS         -                                       67,000.00        Next Gen

        060             GENERAL TRADES                                                                                                                                                                                    0
         061            Rough Framing Package                   LS             1                                           0.00                                    Included in other scopes

        075             ROOFING                                                                                                                                                                                           0
       Storage           EPDM Roofing                           LS         -                                       22,500.00
       Storage           Flashing of Garland Curbs              LS             1                                    6,500.00       Ostrander
       Storage           Deduct for Garland Curbs               LS             1                                    -6,500.00      Ostrander                         Remove Mechanical

        083             OVERHEAD DOORS                                                                                                                                                                              4,389
       Storage           8x16 Garage Door                       LS             1                                    4,389.00      Discount Door

        084             GLASS & ALUMINUM                                                                                                                                                                           57,330
ADA/Restroom Upgrades    Storefront Glass                       LS             1                                   51,185.00 Grand Valley Glass
       CIO Hall          CIO Hall Windows                       LS             1                                    6,145.00 Grand Valley Glass

        092             FRAMING, DRYWALL, & ACOUSTICAL                                                                                                                                                             15,000
ADA/Restroom Upgrades    Framed walls                           LS             1                                   15,000.00        Coalition                   Allowance to provide coverage

        096             FLOORING                                                                                                                                                                                    2,693
ADA/Restroom Upgrades    Restroom flooring                      LS             1                                    2,693.44 River City Flooring

        099             PAINT                                                                                                                                                                                      15,975
     Added Scope         Entry Way Expansion                    LS             1                                         850.00       Vork
ADA/Restroom Upgrades    Mens room Repaint                      LS             1                                    1,100.00          Vork
ADA/Restroom Upgrades    Womens Room repaint                    LS             1                                    1,050.00          Vork
       Storage           Alley Way Seal and Storage paint       LS             1                                   12,975.00          Vork

        221             PLUMBING                                                                                                                                                                                   15,000
ADA/Restroom Upgrades    Base Bid                               LS             1                                           0.00      Hurst                             Included in MEP
                                                                                                                                                           Consideration for it there is piping in the
     Added Scope         Allowance for unforeseen conditions    LS             1                                   15,000.00        Coalition
                                                                                                                                                                    wall we are demoing.

        230             MECHANICAL                                                                                                                                                                                 63,068
       Storage           Storage Base Bid                       LS             1                                   56,494.00          Hurst
ADA/Restroom Upgrades    ADA Restroom Base Bid                  LS             1                                           0.00       Hurst
       CIO Hall          CIO Hall AC work                       LS             1                                   26,574.00          Hurst
       Storage           Restroom Mechanical Deduct             LS             1                                   -20,000.00       Coalition
                                                                                                      Direct Costs or Estimates        Subcontractor
                           Description                                  Unit          Quantity                                                                           Other                       Comments                      Category Total
                                                                                                     Labor    Material   Equipment   $$$              Name

           260             ELECTRICAL                                                                                                                                                                                                         16,300
          Storage          Base Bid - Storage                            LS                     1                                      8,300.00    CS Erickson
   ADA/Restroom Upgrades   Base Bid - ADA Restrooms                      LS                     1                                     10,500.00    CS Erickson
   ADA/Restroom Upgrades   Allowance - Misc Electrical                   LS                 -                                          5,000.00    CS Erickson
   ADA/Restroom Upgrades   Alternate - Add Wall packs                    LS                 -                                          1,500.00    CS Erickson
   ADA/Restroom Upgrades   Deduct - power to 2 evap units and 1 ACCU     LS                     1                                     -2,500.00      Coalition

           310             EARTHWORK & UTILITIES                                                                                                                                                                                             120,725
           Civil             Thayer Work                                 LS                     1                                    100,725.00 Shoreline Dirtwork
                                                                                                                                                                                         Due to the nature of materials, and the
                                                                                                                                                                                          complexity of the site package, it is
           Civil             Scope Specific Contingnecy                  LS                     1                                     20,000.00      Coaliton                                 adivsed that a scope specific
                                                                                                                                                                                          contingnecy is held for this scope of

           321             ASPHALT PAVING                                                                                                                                                                                                     12,500
           Civil             Repave Thayer                               LS                     1                                     12,500.00        API

           323             FENCING                                                                                                                                                                                                                  0
           Civil             Thayer Utility Fencing                      LS                 -                                              0.00      Coaliton                                    Presently not included

                                                                                                                                                                                             Cost of Work Subtotals                  580,743
Allowances & Contingencies

                           Allowance(s)                                  LS                 -                                                                                                                                                       0

                           Design Contingency                            %                 0.00%                                                                     $      580,743                                                                 0

                           Construction Contingency                      %                 2.50%                                                                     $      580,743                                                           14,519

                           Scope Specific Contingencies:                                                                                                                                                                                            0

                                                                                                                                                                           Allowance & Contingencies Subtotals                        14,519
Value Enhancement

                           Accepted VE                                                                                                                                                                                                              0

                           Pending VE                                                                                                                                                                                                               0

                           Suggested VE                                                                                                                                                                                                             0

                                                                                                                                                                                     Value Enhancement Subtotals                         0
Construction Support

                           General Conditions                            LS                     1                                                                    $       31,750               See GCs Detail Sheet                        31,750

                           Building Permit                               LS                     1                                                                    $           8,135                                                         8,135
                             BUILDING PERMIT      (1 = YES, 0 = NO)               1                                                                                  $      728,828                Project Total Value
                             JURISDICTION                                     Safe Built
                             COST FOR FIRST $1,000.00                   40.00                   40
                             COST FOR EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000.00         6.50                4731
                             PLAN REVIEW FEE (IF PROJECT > 1,000,000)   10%                     0
                                                                                                          Direct Costs or Estimates                  Subcontractor
                         Description                                          Unit      Quantity                                                                                    Other                     Comments                        Category Total
                                                                                                         Labor        Material    Equipment         $$$               Name

                         Bonding                                                                                                                                                                                                                               0
                          Surety Bond                                          LS            -                                                                                  $             -

                         Insurances                                                                                                                                                                                                                       5,953
                          Liability Insurance                                  %            1.00%                                                                               $         595,262
                          Design Build Insurance                               LS            -                                                                                  $             -
                          Builder's Risk Insurance                             LS                1                                                                              $             -

                         Inspections & Testing                                                                                                                                                                                                            3,000
                          Materials Testing                                    LS                1                                             $          1,500   Allowance

                          Trade 3rd Party Testing                              LS                1                                             $          1,500   Allowance

                         Survey & Layout                                                                                                                                                                                                                  7,500
                          Site & Utility Staking                               LS                1                                             $          2,500   Allowance

                          Site & Utility Staking                               LS                1                                             $          2,500   Allowance

                          Building Construction Staking                        LS                1                                             $          2,500   Allowance

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Construction Support Subtotal                  56,338

                         Description                                          Unit      Quantity                 CC                   Subs & Consultants                  Reimbursables                       Comments                        Category Total

Construction Management Services

                         Coalition Companies                                   LS                1   $                   29,900   $                         -     $                           -        See CM Services Detail Sheet                     29,900

                         Construction Management Fee                           %            7.00%    $                  736,963                                                                                                                         51,587

                                                                                                                                                                                           Construction Management Subtotal                             81,487

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           $      788,550

Building Element / Scope Cost Summary:

       Identifier                                    Description                            Estimated Cost of Work                       Percentage of Cost of Work                       Applied Soft Costs - Based on %             Total Building Element Cost

          Civil                         Descritpion of what "A" represents              $                              166,671                     28.7%                        $                                              59,640     $           226,311

        Storage                         Descritpion of what "A" represents              $                              221,940                     38.2%                        $                                              79,416     $           301,356

 ADA/Restroom Upgrades                  Description of what "A" represents              $                              130,909                     22.5%                        $                                              46,843     $           177,753

        CIO Hall                Sitework, including utilities, paving, & concrete       $                               34,376                      5.9%                        $                                              12,301     $            46,677

      Added Scope           Unit Split (If Necessary - Typical to allocate "general")   $                               26,847                      4.6%                        $                                                9,607    $            36,454

                                                                             TOTAL:     $                             580,743                      100.0%                       $                                            207,807      $          788,550
                                         Direct Costs or Estimates        Subcontractor
Description      Unit        Quantity                                                      Other   Comments   Category Total
                                        Labor     Material   Equipment   $$$        Name

              COW Match-->              TRUE

                                                END OF ESTIMATE
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 28, 2022                  Title: Catamaran Storage

Submitted By: Leo Evans                                 Department: Public Works

Brief Summary:
Staff is requesting Commission approval to designate a portion of HarbourTowne Beach for
Catamaran use during the sailing season (April – October) and to establish a user fee.

Detailed Summary:
The city previously offered catamaran storage at both Pere Marquette and HarbourTowne; during the
previous high water cycles this service was canceled as there was a lack of beach to offer. As the
water has receded the opportunity has returned and there are a group of users passionate to see
catamarans make their return to the areas.

Staff would not recommend returning the service at Pere Marquette, however utilizing a small portion
of HarbourTowne Beach was reviewed by staff and found to be an option that could be considered.

Staff is recommending that an approximately 70 FT x 50 FT section of the southerly end of
HarbourTowne Beach could be used for this purpose as shown in the attachment. It’s estimated this
could accommodate somewhere in the range of 10 Catamaran’s.

Staff is also proposing an annual fee of $400 per boat for the use of this area. Staff will provide no
services other than the installation of signs to delineate the designated area. With the proceeds
contributed towards the General Fund for use in maintaining the areas.

Spaces would be offered on a first come first serve basis up to a maximum of 10 catamaran’s or when
the space is full, whichever comes first.

Amount Requested: N/A                                 Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                            Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: Approve the establishment of a catamaran zone at HarbourTowne Beach and
establish the user fee at $400/Season.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.
For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
      of Muskegon Utility Map                                                                                                  Date: 6/14/2022
                         lt   on



                                                                                               Proposed Catamaran
                                                                                               Storage Area

                                                                                               Approx 70 FT x 50 FT




                                                                           Maintain minimum 10 FT of

                                                                           walking space behind
                                                                           Catamaran Storage
Engineering Department ©                                                                                              Legend
0                      160                         320                                  640 Feet                         Parcels w Address
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: May 24, 2022                 Title: Concession Agmt – Frostbite Shaved Ice

Submitted By: Dan VanderHeide                         Department: Public Works

Brief Summary:
Staff is asking permission to enter into a contractual agreement with Justin Hawkins of “Frostbite
Shaved Ice” at various locations including Sheldon, Campbell and Pere Marquette Parks.

Detailed Summary:
Staff is asking permission to enter into a Concession Agreement for 2022 with Justin Hawkins of
“Frostbite Shaved Ice” at various parks including Sheldon, Campbell and Pere Marquette Parks.
Staff have proposed fees to the City of $1,000.00 plus 5% of Gross Receipts; the specific proposal
is attached. Mr. Hawkins proposes to locate the concession daily depending on weather and traffic
in an attempt to maximize sales. Staff will work with Mr. Hawkins to ensure specific locations are
safe and accessible.

Amount Requested: N/A                                Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                           Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion:
Authorize staff to enter into a Concession Agreement with Justin Hawkins of “Frostbite Shaved Ice” at
various locations including Sheldon, Campbell and Pere Marquette Parks, for 2022.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

Greetings to the Board

My name is Justin Hawkins, owner of Frostbite Shaved Ice, LLC;
A Special Transitory Food Unit. We originated right here in
Muskegon county. We are an concession trailer that serves
shaved ice, directly from the block topped with fresh fruits and
flavors. We recently received honors for the Best Taste as well
as Best New Bite Award from Taste Of Muskegon. I would like
to ask permission from the board, to offer my services to
visitors at Sheldon, Campbell and Pere Marquette parks in
Muskegon county. I’ve lived in the Sheldon park area for over
20 years and have a good relationship with East Muskegon
Little League Baseball community. I would love to give back and
share this experience with our neighbors and close family.

Thank you for your time and consideration

Justin Hawkins,
Frostbite Shaved Ice, LLC
Frostbite Menu
Assorted flavors
 •   Watermelon Strawberry
 •   Lemon       Tigers Blood
 •   Pineapple   Blue raspberry
 •   Grape       Egg Custard
 •   Orange      Vanilla
 •   Pina colada Cherry
 •   Lime        Tamarind
     And many more!!

     Topping: $1
 • Snow cap
 • Gummy candies
 • Chocolate candies
     Reg: $5 8oz cup
     Lrg: $8 12oz Flower cup
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                           Muskegon City Commission
Commission Meeting Date: June 28, 2022                    Title: Watermark Development Agreement

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                           Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: City Commission previously approved a development agreement for the Watermark
Center. Staff is seeking approval to rescind the development agreement.

Detailed Summary: The agreement and consent assessment approved in January 2021 were never signed
by the developer/owner. The property is now under different ownership and is listed for sale.

Amount Requested: N/A                                   Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                              Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: To approve the rescission of the Watermark Development agreement.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.        Fire Dept.       IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                           Agenda Item Review Form
                           Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 28, 2022                    Title: Swan Alpha Development Agreement

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                           Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: City Commission previously approved an agreement with Swan Alpha Development to
develop 26 new housing units at the former farmer’s market site. Staff is seeking approval to rescind the
development agreement which has been canceled by the developer.

Detailed Summary: Following the City Commission’s approval of the updated Swan Alpha Development
Agreement in December 2020, the developer continued with preconstruction due diligence. The result of
that due diligence was the understanding that the development would likely be too expensive to construct
because of environmental issues that would require significant expense to remedy. Accordingly, the
developer has canceled the agreement. The development agreement contemplated the City of Muskegon
making certain investments in the necessary infrastructure, and $250,000 from the Economic Development
Fund was set aside. That will no longer be necessary.

Amount Requested: $0                                     Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                               Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: To approve the rescission of the Swan Alpha Development agreement.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.        Fire Dept.       IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 28, 2022                 Title: Interim City Manager Stipend

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                        Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: Revise stipend paid for the additional duties being performed in the Interim City
Manager role.

Detailed Summary: The $300 weekly salary stipend is set to expire June 30, 2022. Due to the
level of effort and time commitment required to serve in multiple capacities for an extended period
of time, it is being proposed to raise the stipend to $450 per week for another 3 month time period,
ending September 30, 2022. If the selection for the City Manager is not made within this
timeframe, the salary and benefits will be renegotiated.

Amount Requested: $5,850                             Amount Budgeted: Included in salary line

Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-10172-5100                Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-10172-5100

Recommended Motion: To approve the weekly stipend as presented.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 28, 2022                  Title: Sale – 1920 S Getty, 2155 Continental,
                                                        and 2209 Valley

Submitted By: Hope Griffith                             Department: Planning Department

Brief Summary: City staff is seeking authorization to sell five of the City owned vacant lots to
Garrett Investment Properties LLC.

Detailed Summary: Garrett Investment Properties LLC will be constructing a total of 7 single-family
homes on the lots owned by the City of Muskegon. The properties are zoned R-2 (Single Family
Residential). There will be five single-family homes constructed on the property at 1920 S Getty
with one single-family home constructed on each of the parcels at 2155 Continental and 2209
Valley. They will be sold for 75% of the True Cash Value (TCV) per policy. The total selling price
will be $11,550. All of the properties are located in the Brownfield Development area. The homes
will be constructed within twenty-four (24) months.

Amount Requested: None.                               Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): Public Improvement             Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: Authorize the Code Coordinator to work with the developer and complete
the sale of the three City owned buildable lots as described and to have the Mayor and Clerk sign
the purchase agreement and deed.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.
For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 28, 2022                Title: First Responder Training and
                                                      Recruitment Grant Acceptance

Submitted By: Interim Director Andrew Rush            Department: Public Safety

Brief Summary: In February, Public Safety applied for grant funds from the First Responder
Training and Recruitment grant program. We were one of 60 communities awarded funds out of
over 400 applicants. We ask the City Commission to accept $87,065.00 in awarded funds and
approve the expenditures as outlined in the grant.

Detailed Summary: Public Safety was awarded $87,065 from the State of Michigan First
Responder Training and Recruitment grant program. The grant proceeds can only be used for the
purposes for which they are awarded. Our grant application outlined the funds being used as
   •   Expand recruitment by sponsoring two law enforcement officer recruits to attend the police
   •   Improve training and provide additional professional development of all our law enforcement
       officers by purchasing de-escalation and use of force simulator training equipment (MILO
       system) and;
   •   Improve training and provide additional professional development of our firefighters by
       contracting with a firm to provide ice rescue training.

       Category                    Item                        Description              Cost
                                                      $20 per hour, 40 hours per
                               Two MPD Law
    Salary and Wages                                  week, for 15-week police          $24,000
                            Enforcement Recruits
                                                      Tuition ($7,120), student fee
       Contractual          GVSU Police Academy       ($1,700), academy uniform         $18,280
                                                      ($320) for two recruits
                                                      Ice Rescue Training Student fee
       Contractual        Dive Rescue International   ($425) for 20 firefighters.       $8,500
                                                      MILO virtual reality simulator
                                                      equipment to include mobile
                                                      training system equipment
                            MILO Judgement and De-    ($20,995) and add on training
           Equipment                                                                   $36,285
                              Escalation Simulator    options equivalent to the
                                                      equipment used by MPD

                                                        Total Grant Request/Award $87,065

Amount Requested: $87,065                            Amount Budgeted: $0 (100% reimbursed
                                                     through grant)

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To accept the First Responder Training and Recruitment Grant and
approve the expenditures as outlined in the grant application.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action
4425 (Rev. 1-19)

                                                  STATE OF MICHIGAN
      GRETCHEN WHITMER                        DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY                                 RACHAEL EUBANKS
               GOVERNOR                               LANSING                                          STATE TREASURER

                                                          May 19, 2022

               Chief Executive Officer                                                      VIA EMAIL
               City of Muskegon

               Congratulations on being a successful applicant for a grant from the State of Michigan’s First
               Responder Training and Recruitment Grant program!

               With more than 400 municipal governments submitting nearly $30,000,000 in requests and
               funding limited to $5,000,000, competition among the many worthwhile proposals was
               extraordinary. We are pleased to announce City of Muskegon has been chosen to receive a grant
               award in the amount of $87,065.00.

               To accept this grant, an acceptance must be submitted through the State of Michigan E-Signature
               process, which you will receive further instructions about accessing in a separate e-mail within
               two business days. The acceptance must be signed by the award recipient’s chief executive
               officer and acknowledge the following:

                   •   The amount of the award listed in this letter.
                   •   The grant will be distributed on a reimbursement basis only after adequate documentation
                       has been provided to the Michigan Department of Treasury in accordance with
                       procedures that can be found on the First Responder Training and Recruitment Grants
                       web page.
                   •   The grant proceeds will be used only in accordance with the purposes for which they are

               The Michigan Department of Treasury looks forward to receiving your acceptance letter and
               working with you toward the successful implementation of your First Responder Training and
               Recruitment Grant program activities.

               If you have questions regarding the award or need additional information or clarification, please
               contact Dave Finks at or Jim Mills at

                                           P.O. BOX 30728 • LANSING, MICHIGAN 48909-8228
                                      • (517) 335-7463
MILO Range Advanced Training System
 Mobile Judgment and De-Escalation Simulator
                         Proposal prepared for:

            Muskegon Police Department
              Attn: Cpt. Tim Bahorski
               980 Jefferson Street
               Muskegon, MI 49440

   1229 Oak Valley Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108             FAX 734 761 5368                              Toll Free 800 344 1707
February 10, 2022

MILO Range Advanced Interactive Training Simulator
GSA Contract Number: GS-00F-332CA
FAAC Incorporated
SIN: 874-9

Thank you for your interest in the interactive MILO Range Firearms Training Simulators from FAAC Incorporated. This
proposal will provide you with requested system information, specifications, pricing and details for the system and
equipment for your training requirement.

The MILO Range use of force and firearms training simulators have been selected by the most demanding law
enforcement, military and public safety agencies, and are in daily use around the world in over 40 countries. The
MILO Range training system is a comprehensive solution that is designed to allow trainers the ability to give
presentations and classes, conduct interactive testing and assessment, and provide immersive hands-on scenario-
based exercises with detailed debriefing and after-action review. Each MILO system is designed to increase trainee
knowledge, skills and confidence in a safe, challenging environment that is highly interactive and engaging.

Through our 20-year history of providing innovative interactive simulation training solutions, we have become widely
regarded as a low-risk, highly reliable contracting and business partner. We have the industry’s most dedicated and
experienced sales and support team on staff, and all MILO customers receive the best technical service in the business,
including free software updates, newly filmed and released scenarios with new exercises and environments to keep
interest high and skills sharp.

On behalf of the entire MILO Range Team, I sincerely appreciate the consideration of our proposal for this requirement and to
have the opportunity to be of service to your agency.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Jesse Wimmer
US Regional Sales Manager- Law Enforcement
MILO Virtual
A Division of FAAC Incorporated
1195 Oak Valley Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108
O- 800.344.1707
M- 303.378.5283

                     1229 Oak Valley Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108                      FAX 734 761 5368
                                                  Toll Free 800 344 1707
                                     MILO RANGE ADVANCED TRAINING SIMULATOR
Item                                     Description                                Qty.     GSA Unit Price   GSA Extended Price
  1    MILO Range Advanced Mobile Training System                                    1           $20,995.00           $20,995.00
       GSA Item #MILO-RNG-A                                                                                            GSA Item
       System includes:
            - MILO Laptop – Based on MS Windows OS (64-bit)
            - HD Projector
            - HD 7’x12’ fast-fold Projection Screen
            - 8-device Hit Detection Box with Flashlight option
            - All Power and Video Cables, Power Strip
            - Speakers/Digital Audio Sound System
            - Transport Cases for System and Peripheral Items
            - 850+ Multi-Branching Interactive Scenarios are pre-loaded as well
                 as 55+ skill-builder exercises
       Dry-Fire Laser Training Weapons                                              Inc.
       System includes two (2) Replica SIRT G17 Training Weapons
       OC Spray Training Device                                                     Inc.
       Laser modified OC spray training devices for less-lethal applications.
       Thumb or trigger activation.
       Includes two (2) laser OC canisters
       Low Light Training Program                                                   Inc.
       Allows the trainee to use real flashlight in-conjunction with his/her
       weapon for low light training. This system is non-lane based which allows
       for multiple users.
       Includes two (2) MILO-supplied flashlights
       MILO Trainee Action Capture (TAC) with Picture in Picture Video/Audio        Inc.
       Audio and color video capture of trainee’s actions in a scenario for
       immediate or later debriefing and review.
       Graph-X Targets                                                              Inc.
       Allows the user to utilize any of the Graph-X modules for Marksmanship,
       Shoot-house, Basic Targets and Range Practice includes 55+ interactive
       CGI skill-builder exercises
       Statistics and Management                                                    Inc.
       Allows user to manipulate the database information as to create individual
       and/or group statistics using relevant filtering criteria
       Baton/Punch/Strike Branching and Scoring                                     Inc.
       Allows the trainer to manually branch the scenario while the trainee uses
       his actual baton or makes a strike
       Delivery, Insurance and Standard 2-year Full-Coverage Warranty               Inc.
       FREE Access to MILO Digital Scenario                                         Inc.
       New HD Scenarios available- approx. 12-15 available per quarter.
(A)                                MILO RANGE ADVANCED TRAINING SYSTEM TOTAL:                                         $20,995.00

                         1229 Oak Valley Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108                     FAX 734 761 5368
                                                     Toll Free 800 344 1707
                               Optional Training Items Requested by Muskegon Police Department
Item                                            Description                                Qty.           Unit Price        Extended Price
  2          X26P Taser Weapon with Cartridges                                              2                 $2,245.00           $4,490.00
             Includes: Taser weapon modified for use on the MILO Range and two (2)
             dual-laser cartridges.
  3          MILO Range WRK Recoil Kit- AR/M4                                                2               $2,100.00            $4,200.00
             GSA Item #MILO-RECOIL-RIFLE                                                                                          GSA Item
             Drop-In tether-less recoil kit with two (2) disposable CO2 magazines. No
             permanent modification to weapon required. *Kit does not include weapon
  4          MILO Range Refillable Magazines for WRK Recoil AR                               2                 $355.00              $710.00
  5          MILO Range WRK Recoil Kit- Pistol (Glock 17 Gen?)                               2               $2,100.00            $4,200.00
             GSA Item #MILO-RECOIL-PISTOL                                                                                         GSA Item
             Drop-In tether-less recoil kit with two (2) disposable CO2 magazines. No
             permanent modification to weapon required. *Kit does not include weapon
  6          MILO Range Refillable Magazines for WRK Recoil Pistol                           2                 $355.00              $710.00
  7          MILO Range WRK Tabletop Refill Nozzle and Co2 Tank                              1                 $625.00             $625.00
             GSA Item #MILO-RECOIL-NOZZLE                                                                                         GSA Item
  8          WRK Armorer’s Kit for WRK Recoil Kits (AR/Pistol)                               1                 $355.00              $355.00
  9          System and Peripheral Training – US Sales Only                                  1               $2,700.00            $2,700.00
             GSA Item #MILO-TRNG-MOD-1                                                                                            GSA Item
             4-6 Students at Client Site for one (1) day of operational training
(B)                                             REQUESTED OPTIONAL TRAINING ITEMS TOTAL:                                         $17,990.00

                                                         MILO Range Advanced System Sub-Total (A):                               $20,995.00
                                               MILO Range Advanced Requested Options Sub-Total (B):                              $17,990.00
                                                          MILO Range Credit for In-State Training (C):                           ($2,700.00)
  MILO Range Advanced System Total for Muskegon Police Department (A+B)-(C):                                                  $36,285.00*

           *Purchases under the GSA Disaster Recovery Program are at the determination of the agency. GSA requires that a Purchase
           Order or contract issued under this Program include an identification statement (see below):
           “This order is placed under GSA Schedule number GS-00F-332CA under the authority of the GSA Disaster Purchasing
           program. The products and services purchased will be used in preparation or response to disasters or recovery from
           major disaster declared by the President, or recovery from terrorism or nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological

                             Suggested Extended Warranty Option for Muskegon Police Department
                                                                                                                             GSA Extended
  Item                                           Description                                      Qty.     GSA Unit Price
      1A        Extended Bronze Warranty Coverage for Additional Years                            1 Yr.         $1,814.25        $1,814.25
                GSA Item #MILO-WTY-BRONZE                                                                        Per Year          Per Year
                    - Based on 5% of initial system cost plus peripherals ($36,285.00)                                            GSA Item
                    - Bronze Warranty coverage is for 12 months
                    - Warranty covers all items (excludes batteries and bulbs)
                    - Bronze Warranty can be purchased in 1-Year Increments

                               1229 Oak Valley Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108                    FAX 734 761 5368
                                                          Toll Free 800 344 1707
FAAC Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale

Quote Validity: 90 Days (All prices quoted in US Dollars)
Grant: 100% upon final acceptance or 30 days post-delivery, whichever comes first.
Government/GSA Funded: Upon completion or Performance based payments if applicable
Payment Terms: NET 30 from date of invoice
Termination for Convenience: If Buyer’s order is canceled for any reason other than for Seller’s default, Buyer is liable for all costs
incurred at the time of cancellation to include order termination processing costs and restocking fees for any reusable components
credited to Buyer’s account
US Delivery Lead Time: Standard Production System: 90 DAYS ARO
US Delivery Location: FOB Destination, unless otherwise stated. Partial Shipment and Partial Invoice may occur.
Taxes (Domestic):
a) Prices quoted do not include local, state or federal taxes unless indicated otherwise
b) If this sale is subject to Use Tax, Buyer is liable for the tax and should make payment directly to its taxing authority. However, FAAC
will collect Sales Tax for the following states: CA, FL, HI, IA, KY, MA, MI, NY, TN, UT, WA and WV.
c) If applicable, please include a copy of your tax exemption certificate or direct pay permit with your purchase order.
d) FOB Factory will be subject to 6% MI Sales Tax.
Warranty: 24 Months from date of Training (if Training is required) or Date of Equipment Delivery, unless otherwise stated in the
purchasing contract or order.
GSA Pricing: If eligible, this proposal may contain both GSA and Open Market items. GSA items are identified with a GSA part number and
are designated “GSA Item” in the Unit Price column. All other items are to be considered Open Market. Open Market items are allowed
under circumstances set forth in FAR 8.402(f).
Cage Code: 3J401
Tax ID: 38-2690218
DUNS: 175204163
GSA Schedule: PSS/00CORP; Contract # GS-00F-332CA

Please address all orders to:
FAAC Incorporated
C/o Contracts Department
1229 Oak Valley Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
(877) 322-2387 / Fax: (734) 761-5368

Please address all sales inquiries to:
Sales Representative: Jesse Wimmer- Regional Sales Manager
Sales Representative Phone: (303) 378-5283 or

                        1229 Oak Valley Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48108                              FAX 734 761 5368
                                                             Toll Free 800 344 1707
                                                         GVSU Police Academy
                                                       Employed/Sponsored Recruit
                                                           Information Sheet
2022 Estimated EXPENSES:
                                             SPRING/SUMMER                              SUMMER                                  FALL
                                           15-week BASIC Police                   8-week MP Vets Police                  15-week BASIC Police
                                                Academy                                 Academy                               Academy
 Tuition                                 $7,120 (15 credit hours)*              $3,588 (6 credit hours)*               $7,120 (15 credit hours)*
 Student Fee (Training
                                         $1,700                                 $800                                   $1,700
 Uniform                                 $320 approx.                           $240 approx.                           $320 approx.
                                                                                                                       $105 - $240 (approx. depends
 Parking                                 n/a                                    n/a
                                                                                                                       on type)
                                         Cost varies based on size of           Cost varies based on size of           Cost varies based on size of
 On-Campus Housing (Note:                unit/number of roommates:**            unit/number of roommates: **           unit/number of roommates: **
 living on campus is not                 Housing Rates - Housing - Students -   Housing Rates - Housing - Students -   Housing Rates - Housing - Students -
 required)                               Grand Valley State University          Grand Valley State University          Grand Valley State University
                                         (                             (                             (
*Based on University catalog in effect at the time of enrollment.
**Advise Housing Department you are a Police Academy Student.

Admittance / Entrance PROCESS:
    1. Agency contacts Academy Director with estimated number of attendees as soon as possible to request a seat hold (Note: preference
       over pre-service candidates only provided for agencies with in the GVSU geographical service area).

   2. Agency contacts MCOLES Field Representative [Gretchen Galloway, 517-648-3767,] to determine eligibility and
       which MCOLES paperwork/standards screening needs to be completed. Agency is responsible for all screening, testing,
       documentation, and MITN entry.

                                                                          Page 1 of 2
3. Agency provides Academy Director with final Attendee(s) Name, DOB, MI Ops #, e-mail, mailing address, cell phone number, and brief
   biography no later than:

       •   March 1, 2022 for SPRING/SUMMER Basic Academy

       •   April 1, 2022 for SUMMER MP Veterans Academy

       •   July 1, 2021 for FALL Basic Academy

4. Academy Director will send agency sponsored recruits (and agency representative) instructions on applying as a student to the

       •   First week of March for SPRING/SUMMER Basic Academy

       •   First week of April for SUMMER MP Veterans Academy

       •   First week of July for FALL Basic Academy

5. Agency sponsored recruits and an agency representative will attend the Academy Orientation Meeting on

       •   March 25, 2022 for the 15-week Spring/Summer Basic Academy

       •   May 13, 2021 for the MP Vets 8-week Summer Academy

       •   July 29, 2022 for the 15-week Fall Basic Academy

   NOTE: The Agency will be billed for the Student Fee.

   NOTE: Course Registration information will be provided at the orientation meeting. Tuition bill will be sent to registering student
           or the agency (upon request).

6. The academy sessions:

       •   SPRING/SUMMER 15-week Basic Police Academy session runs May 2 - August 11, 2022

       •   SUMMER 8-week MP Vets Police Academy (dependent upon min. enrollment numbers) runs June 13 – August 5, 2021

       •   FALL 15-week Fall Basic Academy session runs August 29 – December 9, 2021

                                                              Page 2 of 2
                                     ICE RESCUE TRAINER
                                          Program Information Guide
The Ice Rescue Trainer Program is uniquely designed for public safety                     Topics
personnel. This course presents ice rescue training in a practical and
efficient system, giving trainers the tools to build a competent and safe   •	    Teaching the Adult Learner
team. Successful Ice Rescue Trainer graduates will return to their          •	    Preparation and Effective
departments with a complete training system. With the purchase of                 Presentation of the Ice
student kits from Dive Rescue International, trainers will be able to             Rescue Program
conduct in-house ice rescue training for departmental personnel. This       •	    Testing and Evaluation of
is a surface rescue program and does not involve diving.
                                                                            •	    Identifying and Evaluating
                                                                                  Ice Strength and Formation
CERTIFICATION                                                               •	    How Cold Affects a Victim
Ice Rescue Trainer                                                          •	    Equipment and Manpower
RECOMMENDED FOR                                                             •	    Scene Evaluation
All First Responders                                                        •	    Assessment of Risk/Benefit
3 Days/24 Hours                                                                        Schedule
                                                                             DAY 1
CLASS SIZE                                                                   8:00-8:30      Registration
The optimal number of students is 20 (17 paid/3 free to hosting agency).
                                                                             8:30-12:00     Classroom
Class size is negotiable. Contact Dive Rescue International for more
information.                                                                 12:00-1:00     Lunch
                                                                             1:00-4:00      Classroom
$425.00 (US Funds) per student for classes in the US, $435.00 (US            DAY 2
Funds) for classes held in Alaska & Canada.                                  8:00-12:00     Field Exercises
                                                                             12:00-1:00     Lunch
PREREQUISITES                                                                1:00-6:00      Field exercises
All students must be a member of a public safety agency and at least
21 years of age, current First Aid and CPR training and departmental         DAY 3
sponsorship letter.
                                                                             8:00-12:00     Trainer Lectures
This program is designed for personnel who are physically fit.               12:00-1:00     Lunch
Participants are encouraged to participate after successfully completing     1:00-5:00      Trainer Lectures
the IADRS Watermanship Test or testing to a fitness level of 13 MET                         Review, final
(Metabolic Equivalents) or greater. Participants with aerobic fitness                       exam, and
questions or concerns should consult their physician prior to in-water                      closing

Dive Rescue International                       (800) 248-3483         
Student must apply for the Ice Rescue Trainer program. Application does not guarantee admission to the
program. Dive Rescue International staff must verify that each student meets the eligibility requirements.
The student may obtain an application from the host or Dive Rescue International. Students will be officially
notified of their acceptance once their application is reviewed. Completed applications must be received at
Dive Rescue International three weeks before start of class.

	      2 chain saws/fuel (blade adequate to cut thickness of ice)
	      2 pike poles
	      4 snow shovels
	      1 warming station (minimum requirement: wind break; recommend heating unit)
	      1 oxygen and First Aid kit

CLASSROOM EQUIPMENT (Please Initial Each Item)
	       The classroom should be large enough for the class being hosted. The room should be well lit and
have adequate air-conditioning/heat. The classroom should have the ability to be darkened with blinds,
curtains, or other material to allow viewing of projected images.

	      A table with chairs for each 2-3 students is the preferred option. This allows for adequate room to
spread out class material. A table should be set up at the front of the classroom for instructor materials.
Desks are an acceptable option for students if tables are not available.

	      A dry erase board with markers, cleaner, and eraser located at the front of the classroom is ideal.
A chalkboard with chalk and eraser is an acceptable option.

	       A powerpoint projector should be attached to a computer that is capable of projecting from a USB
drive or a CD/DVD.

	      A large projection screen for should be placed in the front of the classroom. A white classroom
wall can be an excellent substitute for a projection screen. If using a classroom wall choose an area
approximately 5-6’ wide and 4-5’ in height.

The ice site should have accessible parking and an access area large enough to accommodate the class.
The host needs to provide several chain saws for cutting holes in the ice, should the ice be extensive
enough to do so. Host will receive a setup map for preparing the ice site. Warming station at ice site on
second day of class is mandatory.

Essential Considerations
•	 Instructor transportation to and from the airport and during his/her stay
•	 Facilities to clean, dry, and store equipment
Recommended Considerations
•	 Refreshments - i.e. coffee, juice, donuts or muffins during class and practical sessions
•	 Lunch at ice site

Dive Rescue International                      (800) 248-3483      
                         Agenda Item Review Form
                          Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date:                               Title: Purchase of 1192/1194 Pine Street
June 28, 2022

Submitted By: Sharonda Carson                          Department: Community and Neighborhood
                                                       Services (CNS)

Brief Summary: To purchase the 2 Building- 3 unit Property for the purpose creating Affordable Housing opportunities for
families in need of placement through our local Continuum of Care agencies and maintained by CNS through its City
Rental Rehabilitation Program.

Detailed Summary:
This market-rate development was completed through the Public Improvement fund. CNS wants to
capitalize on the creation of affordable housing units for a vulnerable population of homeless
families through the selection process of the Continuum of Care (CoC) network.
CNS will manage and monitor occupancy of this property through the Rental Rehabilitation
Program for income eligible households at or below 60% AMI and at-risk of homelessness.
(Appraisal attached)

Amount Requested: $ 316,000.00                               Amount Budgeted: $ 400,000.00

Fund(s) or Account(s): HOME 2020/2021                        Fund(s) or Account(s): HOME 2020/2021

Recommended Motion: Approve the purchase of 1192/1194 Pine Street from the City of
Muskegon to create Affordable housing for the Continuum of Care (CoC) population
through the City’s Rental Rehabilitation Program.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                    Peggie Collis Christiansen - DBA: Great Lakes Residential Appraisers

                                                                                                   File No. 11922022


Hope Griffith
City of Muskegon
933 Terrace St, Room 202
Muskegon, MI, 49440

File Number: 11922022


In accordance with your request, I have appraised the real property at:

                                                1192 Pine St
                                          Muskegon, MI 49442-3477

The purpose of this appraisal is to develop an opinion of the defined value of the subject property, as improved.
The property rights appraised are the fee simple interest in the site and improvements.

In my opinion, the defined value of the property as of April 13, 2022                                    is:

                                 One Hundred Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars

The attached report contains the description, analysis and supportive data for the conclusions,
final opinion of value, descriptive photographs, assignment conditions and appropriate certifications.

Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
Licensed Residential Appraiser
920 W Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441



                      920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
Peggie Collis Christiansen - DBA: Great Lakes Residential Appraisers

                                                                       File No. 11922022

                       APPRAISAL OF

                        LOCATED AT:
                          1192 Pine St
                    Muskegon, MI 49442-3477

                        City of Muskegon
                    933 Terrace St, Room 202
                      Muskegon, MI, 49440

                             AS OF:
                           April 13, 2022

                  Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                  Licensed Residential Appraiser

 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                                                             Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                                                                                     Residential Appraisal Report                                                                              File No. 11922022

                The purpose of this appraisal report is to provide the client with a credible opinion of the defined value of the subject property, given the intended use of the appraisal.
                Client Name/Intended User City of Muskegon                                                           E-mail

                Client Address 933 Terrace St, Room 202                                                              City Muskegon                                          State MI                                 Zip 49440
                Additional Intended User(s) Unknown

                Intended Use Market Value

                Property Address 1192 Pine St                                          City Muskegon                                                                                     State MI      Zip 49442-3477
                Owner of Public Record City of Muskegon                                                                                                                                  County Muskegon

                Legal Description CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 N 1/2 LOT 2 BLK 245
                Assessor's Parcel # 61-24-205-245-0002-00                              Tax Year 2019                                                                                     R.E. Taxes $ 575
                Neighborhood Name City of Muskegon                                     Map Reference 26-121                                                                              Census Tract 0005.00
                Property Rights Appraised   X Fee Simple Leasehold Other (describe) Market Value
                My research X did              did not reveal any prior sales or transfers of the subject property for the three years prior to the effective date of this appraisal.
                Prior Sale/Transfer:       Date 05/10/2019                            Price $4,500                     Source(s) Online Deed Rec
                Analysis of prior sale or transfer history of the subject property (and comparable sales, if applicable) Online Deed Records is reporting a covenant deed sale for the
                subject property (noted above). The appraiser's research did not reveal any prior sales/transfer for the comparable sales in the prior 12

                months from the date of sale for the comparables. Data source for subject & comparable prior sales/transfer information is the
                Muskegon County Register of Deeds online site and there may be delays in recording.

                Offerings, options and contracts as of the effective date of the appraisal   Unknown

                             Neighborhood Characteristics                                               One-Unit Housing Trends                                         One-Unit Housing                           Present Land Use %
                Location X Urban         Suburban   Rural                      Property Values  Increasing                       X Stable           85% Declining      PRICE                  AGE     One-Unit                                       %
                Built-Up X Over 75%      25-75%     Under 25%                  Demand/Supply    Shortage                         X In Balance        5% Over Supply    $(000)                 (yrs)   2-4 Unit                                       %
                Growth      Rapid      X Stable     Slow                       Marketing Time X Under 3 mths
                                                                                             3-6 mths                19 Low                          5% Over 6 mths                                 1 Multi-Family                                   %
                Neighborhood Boundaries Marquette Ave to the   North, Laketon Ave to the South, US-31 to the East   550 High                         5%                                           132 Commercial                                     %

                & Seaway Dr to the West. The subject is located in Muskegon Public School District.                 120 Pred.                        0%                                            65 Other                                          %
                Neighborhood Description The subject is located in the City of Muskegon, McLaughlin Neighborhood. Homes in the area are a mix of older
                "historical" homes, ranch, 1.5 and 2 story capecod & bungalow designs on residential city lots with some larger sites. The subject has
                good access to employment, schools & shopping/recreation. (See addendum for further neighborhood description & information)

                Market Conditions (including support for the above conclusions) Research of multi-family & single family properties in the city of muskegon indicates
                there is 2.76 month supply of unsold homes currently offered for sale in the subjects broader market. Median days on market over the
                past 12 months = 16 days vs 27 days for the previous period.

                Dimensions 33x132                                                   Area 4356 sf                               Shape Rectangular (see plat map)   View N;Residential
                Specific Zoning Classification R-3                                  Zoning Description Single Family High Density Residential (See Attached Zoning Map)
                Zoning Compliance        X Legal           Legal Nonconforming (Grandfathered Use)          No Zoning           Illegal (describe)
                Is the highest and best use of the subject property as improved (or as proposed per plans and specifications) the present use?     X Yes     No If No, describe. The highest & best
                use analysis of the subject site is as its current use: Single Family Residential. (See Attached Addendum for further analysis of Highest & Best Use)
                Utilities        Public     Other (describe)                                                  Public         Other (describe)                         Off-site Improvements—Type                             Public          Private

                Electricity  X           Adequate                Water           X          City              Street Paved                   X
                Gas          X           NG                      Sanitary Sewer  X          City              Alley None
                Site CommentsSubject site is typiical for the market area. No adverse easements or encroachments noted at time of inspection. Subject
                site is somewhat atypical for the market being a very small site with a shared driveway. However, this fact does not have a major
                negative impact on the marketability for the subjects market area.

                              GENERAL DESCRIPTION                                      FOUNDATION                EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION        materials                                        INTERIOR              materials
                Units X One           One w/Acc. unit                      Concrete Slab      X Crawl Space      Foundation Walls     Block/Avg                                               Floors         Lam/Cpt/Good
                # of Stories 2                                             Full Basement      X Partial Basement Exterior Walls       Vin/Alum/Good                                           Walls          DW/Good
                Type X Det.             Att.       S-Det./End Unit      Basement Area 176                    sq. ft.
                                                                                                                 Roof Surface         Comp Shing/Good                                         Trim/Finish    Wood/Good
                X Existing           Proposed         Under Const.      Basement Finish 0                        Gutters & Downspouts None
                                                                                                                 %                                                                            Bath Floor     Lam/Good
                Design (Style) Colonial                                    Outside Entry/Exit       Sump Pump    Window Type          SH/Vinyl/Good                                           Bath Wainscot CT/Good
                Year Built 1930 (estimate)                                                                       Storm Sash/Insulated Vin/Alum/Good                                           Car Storage         None
                Effective Age (Yrs) 20                                                                           Screens              Full/Half/Good                                           X Driveway # of Cars 2
                Attic                          None                     Heating X FWA      HW            Radiant Amenities                 WoodStove(s) # 0                                   Driveway Surface Paved
                     Drop Stair                Stairs                      Other          Fuel NG                    Fireplace(s) # 0   X Fence Chain                                             Garage     # of Cars 0

                     Floor                   X Scuttle                  Cooling X Central Air Conditioning       X Patio/Deck Wd        X Porch CPA                                               Carport    # of Cars 0
                    Finished                 Heated                         Individual               Other                            Pool None          Other None             Att.          Det.        Built-in
                Appliances     X Refrigerator X Range/Oven
                                                        X Dishwasher                             Disposal        X Microwave            X Washer/Dryer X Other (describe) Ceiling Fans
                Finished area above grade contains:       5 Rooms                                            2 Bedrooms                      1.1 Bath(s)      1,090 Square Feet of Gross Living Area Above Grade
                Additional Features See Attached Addendum

                Comments on the Improvements Subject is in above average condition;Subject has been well maintained & extensively updated for age with all
                new flooring, new drywall, new paint, new electrical & plumbing fixtures, new windows, new siding, newer roof, completely updated
                kitchen & bathrooms, new trim and lighting fixtures. No external or functional obsolescence was noted during inspection.No deferred
                items apparent at time of inspection. Roof surfaces were observed from the ground & from the second story windows and appear to be
                in good condition. An interior visual inspection of the ceiling did not indicate any roof issues.

                                                                                             Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                 This form Copyright © 2005-2016 ACI, a First American Company. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                                   Page 1 of 4                                                                 (gPAR™) General Purpose Appraisal Report 3/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GPARSUMWOCI_17 04252017
                                                                                                             Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                                                                                                       Residential Appraisal Report                                                                                File No. 11922022

                                    FEATURE                         SUBJECT                        COMPARABLE SALE NO. 1                                      COMPARABLE SALE NO. 2                                     COMPARABLE SALE NO. 3
                            1192 Pine St                                                   257 Monroe Ave                                          1355 Kingsley St                                         965 Ada Ave
                            Address Muskegon, MI 49442-3477                                Muskegon, MI 49441                                      Muskegon, MI 49442                                       Muskegon, MI 49442
                            Proximity to Subject                                           0.39 miles NW                                           0.80 miles SE                                            0.40 miles NE
                            Sale Price                     $                                                        $            140,000                                         $       125,000                                            $              135,000
                            Sale Price/Gross Liv. Area     $              0.00 sq. ft. $   96.35 sq. ft.                                           $  108.51 sq. ft.                                        $  144.23 sq. ft.
                            Data Source(s)                                             Flexmls                                                     Flexmls                                                  Flexmls
                            Verification Source(s)                                     Deed Records/Online                                         Deed Records/Online                                      Deed Records/Online
                            VALUE ADJUSTMENTS                      DESCRIPTION                   DESCRIPTION                +(-) $ Adjustment            DESCRIPTION                 +(-) $ Adjustment             DESCRIPTION                       +(-) $ Adjustment
                            Sale or Financing                                              ArmLth                                                 ArmLth                                                   ArmLth
                            Concessions                                                    Cash;0                                               0 Conv;0                                                 0 FHA;0                                                         0
                            Date of Sale/Time                                              01/19/2022                                           0 04/13/2022                                             0 12/17/2021                                                    0
                            Location                       Urban;Res                       Urban;Res                                              Urban;Res                                                Urban;Res
                            Leasehold/Fee Simple           Fee Simple                      Fee Simple                                             Fee Simple                                               Fee Simple
                            Site                           4356 sf                         8712 sf                                              0 6186 sf                                                0 5358 sf                                                       0
                            View                           Residential                     Residential                                            Residential                                              Residential
                            Design (Style)                 2 Story Colonial                2 Story Colonial                                     0 1.5 Story Bungalow                                     0 1 Story Bungalow

                            Quality of Construction        Average                         Average                                                Average                                                  Average
                            Actual Age                     92 yrs (estimate)               91 yrs                                               0 92 yrs (estimate)                                      0 92 yrs (estimate)                                             0
                            Condition                      Above Average                   Above Average                                          Above Average                                            Above Average
                            Above Grade                    Total Bdrms.      Baths         Total Bdrms.     Baths                                  Total Bdrms.          Baths                              Total Bdrms.           Baths
                            Room Count                         5     2               1.1     5     3            1.1                      0 6 4         1.0                                    1,000 5 2          1.0                                           1,000
                            Gross Living Area        12           1,090 sq. ft.                   1,453 sq. ft.                     -4,356       1,152 sq. ft.                                    0          936 sq. ft.                                       1,848
                            Basement & Finished            Part./176 sf                    Part./450 sf                                  0 Crawl                                              7,500 Part./864 sf                                                   0
                            Rooms Below Grade              Unfinished                      Unfinished                                                                                               FamiyRoom,Bed                                             -3,000
                            Functional Utility             Average                         Average                                                Average                                           Average
                            Heating/Cooling                GFWA/C-Air                      GFWA/C-Air                                             GFWA/None                                   1,000 GFWA/None                                                   1,000
                            Energy Efficient Items         See Addendum                    See Addendum                                           See Addendum                                      See Addendum
                            Garage/Carport                 2 Car Driveway                  2 Car Driveway                                         2 Car Driveway                                    2 Car Driveway
                            Porch/Patio/Deck               CPA,Deck                        Porch,Patio                                          0 CPA,Patio                                       0 Porch,Patio                                                          0

                            Net Adjustment (Total)                                               +      X -  $                        4,356X +          -  $                                  9,500X +          -  $                                                848
                            Adjusted Sale Price                                            Net Adj. -3.1%%                               Net Adj. 7.6% %                                         Net Adj. 0.6% %
                            of Comparables                                                 Gross Adj. 3.1% % $                   135,644 Gross Adj. 7.6% % $                             134,500 Gross Adj. 5.1% % $                                       135,848
                            Summary of Sales Comparison Approach         All sales are less than 1 mile from the subject in the City of Muskegon and in the same school district as the subject( Muskegon) & all sales are
                            less than 6 months old. Sale 1, 2 & 3 received the most weight. Sale 1 being a very recent 2 story colonial design sale that has been recently completely updated, closest in proximity to the
                            subject, nearly identical in above grade room count, with an unfinished partial basement, similar in site size, quality, condition & external influence with central air & no garage. Sale 2
                            being a the most recent sale that has been completely updated, close in proximity to the subject, very similar in GLA, similar in chronological age, quality, condition,site size & external
                            influences with no garage. Sale 3 being a recent sale that has been completely updated close in proximity to the subject, nearly identical in room count, similar in site size, chronological
                            age, quality, condition, GLA & external influences with a basement & no garage. See addendum & additional comparables page for further comments on adjustments.

                            Indicated Value by Sales Comparison Approach $                    135,000
                            All sales are less than 1 mile from the subject in the City of Muskegon and in the same school district as the subject( Muskegon). Due to good ongoing maintenance and updating all sales appear to be
                            similar in effective age and no chronological age adjustment is warranted in this case. However, due to the subjects market consisting of many Historical Homes exact chronological age is often unknown
                            therefore, the subject & sales ages are taken from the MLS & tax/deed records & the subject & some comparable exact ages are unknown & are therefore estimates that are based on their design

                            elements and ornamentation; as well as, the typical age of the surrounding properties. Adjustments for condition, GLA, bath counts, central air, basement/basement finish & garages are all based on the
                            appraisers extensive research/analysis of matched data pairs, quantitative analysis and the appraisers research & analysis of appeal to market for the subjects market area.
                            Since all sites are typical residential lots no site size adjustments are warranted for minor differences (less than 1 acre) in site size.
                            All comparable sales are single family detached homes with access to all the same amenities as the subject and they all have the same external influences as the subject. The subject comparables
                            proximity to commercial properties on Apple Ave. minimally effects the marketability of the subject. The subject & comparables appeal to market is its suburban/urban location with all the city amenities
                            (schools, public water/sewer, transportation & roads) within a wooded suburban neighborhood located close to Muskegon Lake & Lake Michigan.

                            Discussion of methods and techniques employed, including reason for excluding an approach to value:

                            Reconciliation comments: The sales comparison approach is given the most weight since it reflects more accurately what is taking place in the

                            market. The cost approach was not applied in this case. Due to a lack of reliable rental data the income approach was not applied in
                            this case.

                            Based on the scope of work, assumptions, limiting conditions and appraiser's certification, my (our) opinion of the defined value of the real property that is
                            the subject of this report as of             04/13/2022                                                  , which is the effective date of this appraisal, is:
                             X Single point $ 135,000                                  Range $                                 to $                           Greater than           Less than $
                            This appraisal is made X "as is,"               subject to completion per plans and specifications on the basis of a hypothetical condition that the improvements have been completed,
                                 subject to the following repairs or alterations on the basis of a hypothetical condition that the repairs or alterations have been completed              subject to the following:
                            The appraisal of the subject is made in "as is" condition, excluding all personal property.

                                                                                                              Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                    This form Copyright © 2005-2016 ACI, a First American Company. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                                                    Page 2 of 4                                                                    (gPAR™) General Purpose Appraisal Report 3/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             GPARSUMWOCI_17 04252017
                                                                                                         Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                                                                                                     Residential Appraisal Report                                                                               File No. 11922022

                                   FEATURE                         SUBJECT                       COMPARABLE SALE NO. 4                                     COMPARABLE SALE NO. 5                                     COMPARABLE SALE NO. 6
                            1192 Pine St                                                 1907 Terrace St.                                        1638 Park St
                            Address Muskegon, MI 49442-3477                              Muskegon, MI 49442                                      Muskegon, MI 49441
                            Proximity to Subject                                         0.31 miles SE                                           0.80 miles SW
                            Sale Price                    $                                                      $            129,900                                         $       123,000                                            $
                            Sale Price/Gross Liv. Area    $              0.00 sq. ft. $ 120.28 sq. ft.                                           $  120.83 sq. ft.                                        $                    sq. ft.
                            Data Source(s)                                            Flexmls                                                    Flexmls
                            Verification Source(s)                                    Deed Records/Online                                        Deed Records/Online
                            VALUE ADJUSTMENTS                     DESCRIPTION                  DESCRIPTION               +(-) $ Adjustment            DESCRIPTION                 +(-) $ Adjustment             DESCRIPTION                       +(-) $ Adjustment
                            Sale or Financing                                            ArmLth                                                  ArmLth
                            Concessions                                                  FHA;0                                               0   Conv;0                                               0
                            Date of Sale/Time                                            03/18/2022                                          0   02/04/2022                                           0
                            Location                      Urban;Res                      Urban;Res                                               Urban;Res
                            Leasehold/Fee Simple          Fee Simple                     Fee Simple                                              Fee Simple
                            Site                          4356 sf                        5706 sf                                             0   3485 sf                                              0
                            View                          Residential                    Residential                                             Residential
                            Design (Style)                2 Story Colonial               1.5 Story Bungalow                                  0   1Story Bungalow                                      0
                            Quality of Construction       Average                        Average                                                 Average
                            Actual Age                    92 yrs (estimate)              79 yrs                                        0         98 yrs                                       0
                            Condition                     Above Average                  Above Average                             7,500         Average                                 10,000
                            Above Grade                   Total Bdrms.     Baths         Total Bdrms.    Baths                                   Total Bdrms.         Baths                               Total Bdrms.          Baths
                            Room Count                        5     2              1.1     6     3           2.0                 -1,000 5 3          1.0                                   1,000
                            Gross Living Area        12          1,090 sq. ft.                  1,080 sq. ft.                         0        1,018 sq. ft.                                   0                                    sq. ft.
                            Basement & Finished           Part./176 sf                   Full/864 sf                                  0 Part./864 sf                                           0
                            Rooms Below Grade             Unfinished                     Unfinished                                     Unfinished
                            Functional Utility            Average                        Average                                        Average
                            Heating/Cooling               GFWA/C-Air                     GFWA/None                                1,000 GFWA/None                                          1,000
                            Energy Efficient Items        See Addendum                   See Addendum                                   See Addendum
                            Garage/Carport                2 Car Driveway                 2 Car Garage                            -2,500 2 Car Driveway
                            Porch/Patio/Deck              CPA,Deck                       Porch,Patio                                  0 CPA,Deck

                            Net Adjustment (Total)                                         X +          -  $                       5,000X +          -  $                                12,000 X +          -  $                                                     0

                            Adjusted Sale Price                                          Net Adj. 3.8% %                              Net Adj. 9.8% %                                         Net Adj. 0.0% %
                            of Comparables                                               Gross Adj. 9.2% % $                  134,900 Gross Adj. 9.8% % $                             135,000 Gross Adj. 0.0% % $                                                     0
                            Summary of Sales Comparison Approach             Sale 4 & 5 were given the new most weight, Sale 4 being a very recent sale, close in proximity to the subject, most similar in GLA,similar in
                            site size, quality, condition, effective/chronological age & external influences with an unfinished basement. Sale 5 although less updated when compared to the subject, was given
                            consideration (least amount of weight) being a very recent sale, close in proximity to the subject, similar in site size, effective/chronological age, room counts, GLA 7 external influences
                            with an unfinished basement & no garage.

                             Selection of Comparable & Condition Adjustment Comments
                            All sales are less than 1 mile from the subject in the City of Muskegon and in the same school district as the subject( Muskegon) & all sales are less than 6 months old. All comparable
                            sales (except sale 5) are older single family detached homes that have been recently significantly updated with access to all the same amenities as the subject and they all have the same
                            external influences as the subject; Furthermore, sales 1, 2 & 3 all have been as significantly updated as the subject & sale 4 although has been recently significantly updated its level of
                            updating is not as significant as the subject & therefore, a minimal condition adjustment is warranted in this case & Sale 5 (which was give the least amount of weight) is in average
                            condition due to it having been recently moderately updated but significantly less updated then the subject & therefore, a condition adjustment for sale 5 is warranted in this case. These
                            condition adjustments have been made based on the appraisers extensive research/analysis of matched data pairs, quantitative analysis and the appraisers research & analysis of appeal
                            to market for the subjects market area. The subjects appeal to market is its urban/suburban location with all the city amenities (schools, public water/sewer, transportation & roads) within
                            close proximity to medium density low impact commercial properties, favored public schools & Downtown Muskegon; as well as, Muskegon Lake & Lake Michigan . Furthermore, the
                            comparables provided are the most similar available comparables in all major benchmarks of value, the closest & most recent comparables that after adjustments best represent the
                            subjects place in the market and market value.

                            Basement/Basement Finish Adjustments
                            The appraiser has researched the effect of the existence of a partial basement & basement finish on marketability in the subjects market area and per market data the existence of a partial
                            basement has a moderately positive effect on marketability and basement finish has a positive effect on marketability. Therefore, a moderate adjustments for sale 2's lack of a basement vs
                            the subjects partial basement & a moderate adjustment for sale 3's basement finish vs the subjects lack of basement finish are warranted/supportable in this case per market data research
                            and these adjustments have been made based on the appraisers extensive research/analysis of matched data pairs, quantitative analysis and the appraisers research & analysis of appeal
                            to market for the subjects market area.

                            Garage Adjustments
                            The appraiser has researched the effect of the existence of a garage on marketability in the subjects market area and per market data the existence of a garage both 1 or 2 stall have a
                            moderately positive effect on marketability; however, a 2 stall garage has a more positive effect on marketability than a 1 stall garage per market data for the subjects market area &
                            therefore a moderate adjustments for sale 4's 2 car garage vs the subjects lack of a garage is warranted & supportable in the subjects market area & this adjustment has been made based
                            on the appraisers extensive research/analysis of matched data pairs, quantitative analysis and the appraisers research & analysis of appeal to market for the subjects market area.

                             Search Parameters: In the preparation of this report the appraiser researched sales in a 2 mile radius from the subject, in the City of Muskegon over the past 12 months. Due to the lack of
                            significantly recently update sales in the subjects market all design types were given consideration in the 930 - 1,500 sq foot range. No major geographic boundaries were crossed in the
                            selection of comparables. All Sales presented are located in the city of Muskegon, in the same school district (Muskegon )as the subject.
                            Special Comments:

                            There is no evidence in the market data that indicates an adjustment is warranted for bedroom counts in the subjects broader market area; However, the market does indicate adjustments
                            for bath counts are warranted and have been made based on the appraisers extensive research/analysis of matched data pairs, quantitative analysis and the appraisers research & analysis
                            of appeal to market for the subjects market area.

                                                                                                           Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                    This form Copyright © 2005-2016 ACI, a First American Company. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                                          Additional Comparables                                                                (gPAR™) General Purpose Appraisal Report 3/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GPARSUMWOCI_17 04252017

Client: City of Muskegon                                                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                        State: MI                     Zip: 49442-3477

      Conditions of Appraisal
      Purpose & Intended Users
      This appraisal is made "as is" and is to be utilized as a guide for lending purposes only. This report has been completed for
      the exclusive use of the client (City of Muskegon) and those parties noted in the limiting conditions and certification. The
      appraiser is not responsible for the unauthorized use of this report.

      In the normal course of business, the appraiser attempted to obtain an adequate amount of information regarding the
      subject and comparable properties. Comparable property data was generally obtained from third-party sources (MLS).
      Consequently, this information should be considered an "estimate" unless otherwise noted by the appraiser.

      This appraisal report form is intended to comply with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2-2(a) of the
      Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice for an Appraisal Report.

      In Michigan, appraisers are required to be licensed/certified and are regulated by the Department of Licensing and
      Regulatory Affairs, P.O. Box 30018, Lansing, MI 48909.
      Additional Certification
      Prior Valuation Services Provided - The appraiser of this report, as indicated in the signature section, HAS NOT provided
      valuation services for the subject property in the 36 months prior to the acceptance date of this report.
      Exposure Time Comment
      A reasonable exposure time for the subject property at the opinion of value indicated is estimated to be 20 days and was
      derived using an analysis of the current absorption rate and median days on market as indicated in the Market Conditions
      Section (Page 1).
      Neighborhood Description
      The subject is located in the city of muskegon in Mclauglin Neighborhood which is bordered by Apple Ave to the north,
      Laketon Ave to the South, Wood St to the East and Peck St to the West. McLaughlin Neighborhood is a market area that is
      currently in what is commonly referred to as the revitalization period of a neighborhoods life cycle with many existing homes
      being renovated/updated, some new single family homes, new condos & apartments are being constructed, as well as,
      updating of public areas, city amenities, streets & recreational areas. Many new commercial business have recently opened
      in the Apple Ave shopping area. Although, McLaughlin Neighborhood is an older neighborhood it is located near favored
      schools, transportation corridors, downtown, entertainment, cultural & employment centers, it has a strong potential for a
      total revitalization. It is a neighborhood that was once in decline & is in the beginning stages of revitalization. The subject &
      comparables appeal to market is its quiet setting in a mixed commercial/residential urban market area with access to city
      amenities, transportation corridors, popular shopping districts, public transportation and favored schools.
      The subject is located close in proximity to several employment, shopping/dining districts & large entertainment facility
      (Frauenthal Center/Walker Arena/Hackley Library/Museums) in Downtown Muskegon, as well as, several major
      thoroughfares & Muskegon Lake water frontage, as well as, being approx. 5 miles from Lake Michigan (Pere Marquette
      Beach). Furthermore, the subject's proximity to Apple Ave & US 31 has no negative effect on the subject's marketability
      giving the subject easy access to a number of larger communities along the interstates & allows for many employment
      opportunities in the cities of Muskegon, Fruitport, Spring Lake, Grand Haven & Holland. Being located in the City of
      Muskegon's McLaughlin neighborhood the subject has good access to (within .5 to 3 miles) employment, schools &
      entertainment. Some of the employment, schools & recreational activities include: The County & City offices, US Post Office,
      the Muskegon Harbor & Dock, Hackley Public Library, Muskegon County Museum, Muskegon Museum of Art, the historic
      Frauenthal Theatre, Downtown shopping district, the LC Walker Arena, Hackley Park & Heritage landing (both concert &
      event venues). Furthermore the subject is located approx. 0.6 miles to Muskegon High School. Muskegon Community
      College & Baker College are approx. 2.5 miles northeast of the subject.

      Highest and Best Use
      The highest and best use for the subject as improved was determined to be its present use as a single family residence.
      This use is legally permissible; it is the only legal use under the current zoning regulations. It is physically possible; there are
      no topological or engineering considerations evident which would prevent this use. It is financially feasible; local financing for
      such improvements is readily available at prevailing rates. And it is maximally productive, in that it returns maximum benefit
      to the owner and to the community.

      Additional Features
      The dwelling appears to have a standard compliment of energy efficient items. These items are consistent with market
      expectations in the subject neighborhood for improvements of similar age, quality and price range.
      Energy Efficient Items
      No significant differences between the subject and comparables existed; therefore, no adjustment for energy efficient items
      were warranted.
      Sales or Financing Concessions Comments:
      Sales or financing concessions adjustments reflect the difference between what the comparables actually sold for with the
      sales or financing concessions and what they would have sold for without the concessions. The dollar amount of the
      adjustments is an approximate amount of the reaction of the market to the concessions. Due to the appraiser determining
      per the subjects market data that the amount of the adjustment or lack of an adjustment, for each comparable with sales or
      financing concessions should be equal to any increase in the purchase price of the comparable that the appraiser
      determines to be attributable to the concessions a negative dollar adjustments for sales concessions was warranted per
      market data and the amount of an adjustments to the comparable sales is not based on how typical the concessions might
      be for a segment of the market area. Large sales or financing concessions can be relatively typical in a particular segment of
      the market and still result in sale prices that reflect more/less than the value of the real estate. Adjustments based on
      dollar-for-dollar deductions that are equal to the cost of the concessions to the seller, as a strict cash equivalency approach
      would dictate, are not appropriate & have not been made in this case.

      Time Adjustment Comments

                                                               Addendum Page 1 of 2

Client: City of Muskegon                                                                        File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                                  Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                      State: MI                    Zip: 49442-3477

      Despite an overall slight price increase trend for sales in the subjects broader market area (City of Muskegon), the most
      recent sales prices for the current 6 month period(for the subjects market area) changes are not consistently increasing and
      price changes are too minor & too inconsistent to extrapolate a reliable time adjustment percentage that would be a
      significant factor in determining current market value. Current sales prices tend to be stable (not increasing or decreasing).
      The inconsistent sales price changes to the subjects market over the prior 6 months are minor and inconsistent and these
      slight increases/decreases are likely due to nothing more important than natural market cycles & the appraiser was unable
      to extrapolate a reliable consistent, significant time adjustment from the market data, therefore, no current comparable sales
      (within prior 6 months) warrant a time adjustment per market data. Due to the appraisers research of market trends and
      analysis stated above the appraiser has not made unwarranted (per market data) time adjustments.

      Verification Source Comments(GLA, Room Counts,Site Size)
      All comparables GLA & room counts are taken from the MLS, the Online Township Records are considered less reliable in
      this case due to the use of formulas & original blueprints to determine GLA & to derive room counts & a lack of regular
      updating of online site; therefore the MLS is considered more accurate & adequately supported source for GLA & room
      counts in this case.

      The subject & comparables site size was derived from GIS mapping and from the Muskegon County online deed records
      site sketches and appear to be accurate & adequately supported.

      The subjects GLA presented in this report is the appraisers measured GLA which is considered more reliable then the
      MLS/County Deed Records GLA, due to the fact that the appraiser has physically measured the subject using the
      approved/standardized ANSI measuring technique.

      FEMA Comments
      Per FEMA Disaster Declarations Page Muskegon County has not had a FEMA Disaster Declaration in the Past 2 years. The
      subject and comparables have not been affected by any disaster. Furthermore, per the EPA online search page the subject
      city water has not been contaminated by PFAs. The State of Michigan FEMA Declaration of a state of emergency due to the
      Covid 19 pandemic does not appear to have an effect on marketability in the subjects market area per market data sales
      trend analysis.
      Appraisal Interior/Exterior Inspection Comments
      The appraiser made an interior/exterior inspection of all readily accessible areas of the subject property improvements.
      Appraiser did not make entry into attic/scuttle or crawl space and did not move any personal property or furniture. Appraiser
      has noted all readily observable conditions of the subject property that is conditions that are immediately noticeable and
      discernible during a typical site visit. Appraiser is not responsible for determining the functionality of appliances or
      mechanical systems. The appraiser is not a home inspector and the appraisal report is not a home inspection. The appraiser
      only performed a visual observation of accessible areas and the appraisal report cannot be relied upon to disclose
      conditions and/or defects in the functionality of appliances or mechanical systems.

                                                             Addendum Page 2 of 2
                                                                          Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                                                                   Residential Appraisal Report                                                                      File No. 11922022

Scope of Work, Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
Scope of work is defined in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as " the type and extent of research and analyses in an
assignment." In short, scope of work is simply what the appraiser did and did not do during the course of the assignment. It includes, but is not
limited to: the extent to which the property is identified and inspected, the type and extent of data researched, the type and extent of analyses applied
to arrive at opinions or conclusions.
The scope of this appraisal and ensuing discussion in this report are specific to the needs of the client, other identified intended users and to the
intended use of the report. This report was prepared for the sole and exclusive use of the client and other identified intended users for the identified
intended use and its use by any other parties is prohibited. The appraiser is not responsible for unauthorized use of the report.
The appraiser's certification appearing in this appraisal report is subject to the following conditions and to such other specific conditions as are
set forth by the appraiser in the report. All extraordinary assumptions and hypothetical conditions are stated in the report and might have affected the
assignment results.
1. The appraiser assumes no responsibility for matters of a legal nature affecting the property appraised or title thereto, nor does the appraiser render any opinion as to the title, which is
assumed to be good and marketable. The property is appraised as though under responsible ownership.
2. Any sketch in this report may show approximate dimensions and is included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property. The appraiser has made no survey of the property.
3. The appraiser is not required to give testimony or appear in court because of having made the appraisal with reference to the property in question, unless arrangements have been
previously made thereto.
4. Neither all, nor any part of the content of this report, copy or other media thereof (including conclusions as to the property value, the identity of the appraiser, professional designations,
or the firm with which the appraiser is connected), shall be used for any purposes by anyone but the client and other intended users as identified in this report, nor shall it be conveyed by
anyone to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media, without the written consent of the appraiser.
5. The appraiser will not disclose the contents of this appraisal report unless required by applicable law or as specified in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
6. Information, estimates, and opinions furnished to the appraiser, and contained in the report, were obtained from sources considered reliable and believed to be true and correct.
However, no responsibility for accuracy of such items furnished to the appraiser is assumed by the appraiser.
7. The appraiser assumes that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures, which would render it more or less valuable. The appraiser assumes
no responsibility for such conditions, or for engineering or testing, which might be required to discover such factors. This appraisal is not an environmental assessment of the property and
should not be considered as such.
8. The appraiser specializes in the valuation of real property and is not a home inspector, building contractor, structural engineer, or similar "expert", unless otherwise noted. The appraiser
did not conduct the intensive type of field observations of the kind intended to seek and discover property defects. The viewing of the property and any improvements is for purposes of
developing an opinion of the defined value of the property, given the intended use of this assignment. Statements regarding condition are based on surface observations only. The
appraiser claims no special expertise regarding issues including, but not limited to: foundation settlement, basement moisture problems, wood destroying (or other) insects, pest infestation,
radon gas, lead based paint, mold or environmental issues. Unless otherwise indicated, mechanical systems were not activated or tested.
This appraisal report should not be used to disclose the condition of the property as it relates to the presence/absence of defects. The client is invited and encouraged to employ qualified
experts to inspect and address areas of concern. If negative conditions are discovered, the opinion of value may be affected.
Unless otherwise noted, the appraiser assumes the components that constitute the subject property improvement(s) are fundamentally sound and in
working order.
Any viewing of the property by the appraiser was limited to readily observable areas. Unless otherwise noted, attics and crawl space areas were not accessed. The appraiser did not move
furniture, floor coverings or other items that may restrict the viewing of the property.
9. Appraisals involving hypothetical conditions related to completion of new construction, repairs or alteration are based on the assumption that such completion, alteration or repairs will
be competently performed.
10. Unless the intended use of this appraisal specifically includes issues of property insurance coverage, this appraisal should not be used for such purposes. Reproduction or
Replacement cost figures used in the cost approach are for valuation purposes only, given the intended use of the assignment. The Definition of Value used in this assignment is unlikely
to be consistent with the definition of Insurable Value for property insurance coverage/use.
11. The ACI General Purpose Appraisal Report (GPAR™) is not intended for use in transactions that require a Fannie Mae 1004/Freddie Mac 70 form,
also known as the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR).

Additional Comments Related To Scope Of Work, Assumptions and Limiting Conditions

                                                                           Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727         This form Copyright © 2005-2016 ACI, a First American Company. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                 Page 3 of 4                                                         (gPAR™) General Purpose Appraisal Report 3/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                               GPARSUMWOCI_17 04252017
                                                                           Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                                                                   Residential Appraisal Report                                                                            File No. 11922022

Appraiser's Certification
The appraiser(s) certifies that, to the best of the appraiser's knowledge and belief:
1. The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct.
2. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions and are the appraiser's personal, impartial, and unbiased
professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions.
3. Unless otherwise stated, the appraiser has no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and has no personal interest with respect to the parties
4. The appraiser has no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment.
5. The appraiser's engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results.
6. The appraiser's compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of
the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal.
7. The appraiser's analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
8. Unless otherwise noted, the appraiser has made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report.
9. Unless noted below, no one provided significant real property appraisal assistance to the appraiser signing this certification. Significant real property appraisal assistance provided by:
Prior Valuation Services Provided - The appraiser of this report, as indicated in the addendum section, HAS NOT provided valuation
services for the subject property in the 36 months prior to the acceptance date of the assignment. I have no current or prospective
interest in the subject property or the parties involved; as an appraiser or in any capacity.

Additional Certifications:

Definition of Value:     X Market Value      Other Value:
Source of Definition: FNMA (Fannie Mae) - Secondary Market Definition
DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE: The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market
under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is
not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of
title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: (1) buyer and seller are typically motivated; (2) both parties are well informed
or well advised, and each acting in what he or she considers his or her own best interest; (3) a reasonable time is allowed for
exposure in the open market; (4) payment is made in terms of cash in U. S. dollars or in terms of financial arrangements
comparable thereto; and (5) the price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative
financing or sales concessions* granted by anyone associated with the sale.

1192 Pine St
Muskegon, MI 49442-3477

APPRAISER                                                                                                   SUPERVISORY APPRAISER

Signature:                                                                                                  Signature:
Name: Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen                                                                       Name:
Company Name: D/B/A Great Lakes Residential Appraisers                                                      Company Name:
Company Address: 920 W Hackley Ave                                                                          Company Address:
Muskegon, MI 49441
Telephone Number: 231-286-6980                                                                              Telephone Number:
Email Address:                                                                       Email Address:
State Certification #                                                                                       State Certification #
or License # 1203075259                                                                                     or License #
 or Other (describe):                            State #:                                                   State:
State: MI                                                                                                   Expiration Date of Certification or License:
Expiration Date of Certification or License: 07/31/2022                                                     Date of Signature:
Date of Signature and Report: 04/24/2022                                                                    Date of Property Viewing:
Date of Property Viewing:         04/13/2022                                                                Degree of property viewing:
Degree of property viewing:                                                                                     Interior and Exterior              Exterior Only                    Did not personally view
X Interior and Exterior               Exterior Only             Did not personally view
                                                                           Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727               This form Copyright © 2005-2016 ACI, a First American Company. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                 Page 4 of 4                                                               (gPAR™) General Purpose Appraisal Report 3/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                     GPARSUMWOCI_17 04252017
                                                                       Great Lakes Residential Appraisers
                                                  FLOORPLAN SKETCH
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                        PLAT MAP
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON ZONING MAP
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                       FLOOD MAP
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                       AERIAL MAP
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                     LOCATION MAP
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                 SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                                                    FRONT VIEW OF
                                                                    SUBJECT PROPERTY

                                                                    Appraised Date: April 13, 2022
                                                                    Appraised Value: $ 135,000

                                                                    REAR VIEW OF
                                                                    SUBJECT PROPERTY

                                                                    STREET SCENE
                                             PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

Opposite Street View                                                     Side View

Side View                                                                Kitchen (main level)

Second View of Kitchen (main level)                                      Dining Room (main level)

                                      Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      PHT6
                                        PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                                                      File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                                Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                    State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

Living Room (main level)                                            1/2 Bath (main level)

Laundry Area (main level)                                           Bedroom (second level)

Bedroom (second level)                                              Bathroom (second level)

                                 Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      PHT6
                                        PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                                                      File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                                Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                    State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

Unfinished Basement                                                 Furnace

Water Heater                                                        Electrical Box

Central Air Unit

                                 Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      PHT6
                                 COMPARABLE PROPERTY PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                           State: MI                Zip: 49442-3477

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #1

                                                                          257 Monroe Ave
                                                                          Muskegon, MI 49441
                                                                          Sale Date: 01/19/2022
                                                                          Sale Price: $ 140,000

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #2

                                                                          1355 Kingsley St
                                                                          Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                                          Sale Date: 04/13/2022
                                                                          Sale Price: $ 125,000

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #3

                                                                          965 Ada Ave
                                                                          Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                                          Sale Date: 12/17/2021
                                                                          Sale Price: $ 135,000
                                 COMPARABLE PROPERTY PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                           State: MI                Zip: 49442-3477

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #4

                                                                          1907 Terrace St.
                                                                          Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                                          Sale Date: 03/18/2022
                                                                          Sale Price: $ 129,900

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #5

                                                                          1638 Park St
                                                                          Muskegon, MI 49441
                                                                          Sale Date: 02/04/2022
                                                                          Sale Price: $ 123,000

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #6

                                                                          Sale Date:
                                                                          Sale Price: $
                                                               AIR/USPAP CERTIFICATION
                                                          GEOGRAPHIC COMPETENCY STATEMENT

  Borrower:                                                                                                                    File No.: 11922022
  Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                                                               Case No.:
  City: Muskegon                                                                                                   State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477
  Lender: City of Muskegon

                                   By submitting this report, I confirm that these services were completed in compliance of
                                                   all AIR, FIRREA, USPAP, and Dodd-Frank regulations.
                                                                 I make the following statements:

                                                                       Appraisers USPAP/A.I.R
                            I have no current or prospective interest in the subject property or the parties involved; and no services
                               were performed by the appraiser within the 3 year period immediately preceding acceptance of this
                                                           assignment, as an appraiser or in any capacity.
                             If any of this information is to the contrary, I have appropriately commented and remarked in my report.

                                                                   AIR Statement:
      No employee, director, officer, or agent of the lender, or any other third party acting as joint venture partner, independent contractor,
          appraisal management company, or partner on behalf of the lender, shall influence or attempt to influence the development,
      reporting, result or review of an appraisal through coercion extortion, collusion, compensation, instruction, inducement, intimidation,
                                                          bribery, or in any other manner.

      I have not been contacted by anyone other than the intended user (lender/client as identified on the first page of the report), borrower
       or designated contact to make an appointment to enter the property. I agree to immediately report any unauthorized contacts either
                                         personally by phone or electronically to City of Muskegon.

                                                                            XI FIRREA
                           Title XI FIRREA compliance statement: Appraiser certifies that the appraisal was prepared in accordance
                            with the requirements of Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of
                                        1989, as amended (12 U.S.C. 3331 et seq), and any implementing regulations.

                                                       Geographic Competency Statement:
        The subject property is located approx. 2 miles from my office. This assignment requires geographic competency as part of the
     scope of work. I have spent sufficient time in the subjects market and understand the nuances of the local market and the supply and
     demand factors relating to the specific property type and the location involved. Such understanding will not be imparted solely from a
         consideration of specific data such as demographics, costs, sales and rentals. The necessary understanding of local market
                  conditions provides the bridge between a sale and a comparable sale or a rental and a comparable rental.

    Appraiser:                                                                                  Supervisory Appraiser:
    Name: Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen                                                       Name:
Additional Text Addendum                                          Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      TXT4 01282013
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                    E & O INSURANCE
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11922022
Property Address: 1192 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                                                              Order Form
                        General                                                                                                              Status:
                        File No.:        11922022                         Loan Type:                                                         Dates
                        Case No:                                          Job Type:                                                          Ordered:
                        Client File No.:                                  Property Type:                                                     Due:

                        Tracking No.:                                     Form Type:                                                         Assigned:
                        Filename:        C:\Users\Wayne2015\Dropbox\11922022.aci                                                             Inspected:      04/13/2022
                        Property Information                                                                                                 Reviewed:
                        Address:       1192 Pine St                                                                                          Signed:         04/24/2022
                        City:          Muskegon                     County: Muskegon                            St: MI     Zip: 49442-3477   Fax/EDI:
                        Location:                                   Map No:26-121                                  Census: 0005.00           Delivered:
                        Legal:      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 N 1/2 LOT 2 BLK 245                                                Invoiced:       04/24/2022
                        Sale Price:                    X Refinance       Loan Amt.:                 Date of Sale:                            User Defined:
                        Rooms:      5        Bedrooms: 2         Baths: 1.1           Appraised Value: $135,000                              Cancelled:
                        Borrower First:                    Last:                           Owner: City of Muskegon                           Paid:
                        Client Information          X Ordered By            X Bill To            Send To
                        Client:     City of Muskegon                                                                                         Billing Information
                        Branch:                                                                                                              Invoice No.:    11922022
                        Address:       933 Terrace St, Room 202                                                                              Fee:                           $350.00
                        City:          Muskegon                              State: MI                              Zip: 49440
                        Phone:                                               Fax:
                        Contact:       Hope Griffith

                        Client Information                                   Bill To                           Send To
                        Client:                                                                                                              Tax:                             $0.00
                        Branch:                                                                                                              Total Amount:                  $350.00
                        Address:                                                                                                             Payment 1:
                        City:                                                State:                                 Zip:                     Check #:              Date:
                        Phone:                                               Fax:                                                            Payment 2:
                        Contact:                                                                                                             Check #:              Date:
                        Misc:                                                                                                                Due:                           $350.00
                        Appraiser/Broker Information
                        Name:          Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen                                         Supervisor:

                        Cert #:                                                             State: MI          Cert #:                                                     State:
                        License #:     1203075259                                           State: MI          License #:                                                  State:
                        Exp. Date:     07/31/2022                                                              Exp. Date:
                        Primary Contact Information
                        Primary Contact:                                                               Home Phone:
                        Best time to call:                                                             Work Phone:
                        Secondary Contact Information
                        Secondary Contact:                                                             Home Phone:
                        Best time to call:                                                             Work Phone:
                         Special Instructions


                                                                               Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                       order 04182018
                     Peggie Collis Christiansen - DBA: Great Lakes Residential Appraisers

                                                                                              File No. 11922022

                                      ********* INVOICE *********

File Number: 11922022                                         04/24/2022

Hope Griffith
City of Muskegon
933 Terrace St, Room 202
Muskegon, MI 49440

Invoice # :           11922022
Order Date :
Reference/Case # :
PO Number :


1192 Pine St
Muskegon, MI 49442-3477

                      Appraisal Fee: Market Value                                 $      350.00

                      Invoice Total                                               $      350.00
                      State Sales Tax @                                           $        0.00
                      Deposit                                                    ($              )
                      Deposit                                                    ($              )
                      Amount Due                                                  $      350.00


Please Make Check Payable To:

Peggie Christiansen
920 W Hackley
Muskegon, MI 49441

Fed. I.D. #:

               Prepared By: Peggie Nori Collis-Christiansen- Licensed Residential Appraiser

                      920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                           Thumbnails               File No.   11922022

Subject Front View        Title         Subject Rear View

Subject Street Scene   Extra Photo 1       Extra Photo 2

   Extra Photo 3       Extra Photo 4       Extra Photo 5

   Extra Photo 6       Extra Photo 1       Extra Photo 2

   Extra Photo 3       Extra Photo 4       Extra Photo 5

   Extra Photo 6       Extra Photo 1       Extra Photo 2
                      Thumbnails             File No.   11922022

Extra Photo 3    Extra Photo 4     Extra Photo 5

 Extra Photo 6   Sales Comp. 1     Sales Comp. 2

Sales Comp. 3    Sales Comp. 4     Sales Comp. 5

Sales Comp. 6      Extra Map         Flood Map

   Plat Map        Aerial Map       Location Map

  Extra Image    License Image
                    Peggie Collis Christiansen - DBA: Great Lakes Residential Appraisers

                                                                                                   File No. 11942022


Hope Griffith
City of Muskegon
933 Terrace St, Room 202
Muskegon, MI, 49440

File Number: 11942022


In accordance with your request, I have appraised the real property at:

                                                1194 Pine St
                                          Muskegon, MI 49442-3477

The purpose of this appraisal is to develop an opinion of the defined value of the subject property, as improved.
The property rights appraised are the fee simple interest in the site and improvements.

In my opinion, the defined value of the property as of April 13, 2022                                    is:

                                 One Hundred Eighty-One Thousand Dollars

The attached report contains the description, analysis and supportive data for the conclusions,
final opinion of value, descriptive photographs, assignment conditions and appropriate certifications.

Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
Licensed Residential Appraiser
920 W Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441


                      920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
Peggie Collis Christiansen - DBA: Great Lakes Residential Appraisers

                                                                       File No. 11942022

                       APPRAISAL OF

                        LOCATED AT:
                          1194 Pine St
                    Muskegon, MI 49442-3477

                        City of Muskegon
                    933 Terrace St, Room 202
                      Muskegon, MI, 49440

                             AS OF:
                           April 13, 2022

                  Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                  Licensed Residential Appraiser

 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                                                             Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                                                                                     Residential Appraisal Report                                                                              File No. 11942022

                The purpose of this appraisal report is to provide the client with a credible opinion of the defined value of the subject property, given the intended use of the appraisal.
                Client Name/Intended User City of Muskegon                                                           E-mail

                Client Address 933 Terrace St, Room 202                                                              City Muskegon                                          State MI                                 Zip 49440
                Additional Intended User(s) Unknown

                Intended Use Market Value

                Property Address 1194 Pine St                                          City Muskegon                                                                                     State MI      Zip 49442-3477
                Owner of Public Record City of Muskegon                                                                                                                                  County Muskegon

                Legal Description CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 S 1/2 LOT 2 BLK 245
                Assessor's Parcel # 61-24-205-245-0002-10                              Tax Year 2021                                                                                     R.E. Taxes $ 18.85
                Neighborhood Name City of Muskegon (McLaughlin Neighborhood)           Map Reference 26-121                                                                              Census Tract 0005.00
                Property Rights Appraised   X Fee Simple Leasehold Other (describe) Market Value
                My research        did X did not reveal any prior sales or transfers of the subject property for the three years prior to the effective date of this appraisal.
                Prior Sale/Transfer:       Date                                       Price                         Source(s) Online Deed Rec
                Analysis of prior sale or transfer history of the subject property (and comparable sales, if applicable) No prior sale of the subject has been reported in the last 36
                months. Appraisers research did not reveal any prior sales/transfer for the comparable sales in the prior 12 months from the date of

                sale for the comparables. Data source for subject & comparable prior sales/transfer information is the Muskegon County Register of
                Deeds online site and there may be delays in recording from the assessors/treasurers offices.

                Offerings, options and contracts as of the effective date of the appraisal   Unknown

                             Neighborhood Characteristics                                               One-Unit Housing Trends                                         One-Unit Housing                           Present Land Use %
                Location X Urban         Suburban   Rural                      Property Values  Increasing                       X Stable           85% Declining      PRICE                  AGE     One-Unit                                       %
                Built-Up X Over 75%      25-75%     Under 25%                  Demand/Supply    Shortage                         X In Balance        5% Over Supply    $(000)                 (yrs)   2-4 Unit                                       %
                Growth      Rapid      X Stable     Slow                       Marketing Time X Under 3 mths
                                                                                             3-6 mths                19 Low                          5% Over 6 mths                                 1 Multi-Family                                   %
                Neighborhood Boundaries Marquette Ave to the   North, Laketon Ave to the South, US-31 to the East   550 High                         5%                                           132 Commercial                                     %

                & Seaway Dr to the West. The subject is located in Muskegon Public School District.                 120 Pred.                        0%                                            65 Other                                          %
                Neighborhood Description The subject is located in the City of Muskegon, McLaughlin Neighborhood. Homes in the area are a mix of older
                "historical" homes, ranch, 1.5 and 2 story capecod & bungalow designs on residential city lots with some larger sites. The subject has
                good access to employment, schools & shopping/recreation. (See addendum for further neighborhood description & information)

                Market Conditions (including support for the above conclusions) Research of multi-family & single family properties in the city of muskegon indicates
                there is 2.76 month supply of unsold homes currently offered for sale in the subjects broader market. Median days on market over the
                past 12 months = 16 days vs 27 days for the previous period.

                Dimensions 33x132                                                   Area 4134 sf                               Shape Rectangular (see plat map)   View N;City;
                Specific Zoning Classification R-3                                  Zoning Description Single Family High Density Residential (See Attached Zoning Map)
                Zoning Compliance        X Legal           Legal Nonconforming (Grandfathered Use)          No Zoning           Illegal (describe)
                Is the highest and best use of the subject property as improved (or as proposed per plans and specifications) the present use?     X Yes    No  If No, describe. The highest & best
                use analysis of the subject site is as its current use: Single Family Residential. (See Attached Addendum for further analysis of Highest & Best Use)
                Utilities        Public     Other (describe)                                                  Public         Other (describe)                         Off-site Improvements—Type                             Public          Private

                Electricity  X           Adequate                Water           X          City              Street Paved                   X
                Gas          X           NG                      Sanitary Sewer  X          City              Alley None
                Site CommentsSubject site is typiical for the market area. No adverse easements or encroachments noted at time of inspection. Subject
                site is somewhat atypical for the market being a very small site with a shared driveway. However, this fact does not have a major
                negative impact on the marketability for the subjects market area.

                              GENERAL DESCRIPTION                                      FOUNDATION                EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION        materials                                        INTERIOR              materials
                Units X One           One w/Acc. unit                      Concrete Slab      X Crawl Space      Foundation Walls     Block/Brick/Cmt/Avg                                     Floors         Lam/Cpt/Good
                # of Stories 2                                             Full Basement      X Partial Basement Exterior Walls       Vin/Alum/Good                                           Walls          DW/Good
                Type X Det.             Att.       S-Det./End Unit      Basement Area 698                    sq. ft.
                                                                                                                 Roof Surface         Comp Shing/Good                                         Trim/Finish    Wood/Good
                X Existing           Proposed         Under Const.      Basement Finish 0                        Gutters & Downspouts None
                                                                                                                 %                                                                            Bath Floor     Lam/Good
                Design (Style) Colonial                                    Outside Entry/Exit       Sump Pump    Window Type          SH/Csmt/Vin/Gd                                          Bath Wainscot CT/Good
                Year Built 1930 (estimate)                                                                       Storm Sash/Insulated Vin/Alum/Good                                           Car Storage         None
                Effective Age (Yrs) 20                                                                           Screens              Full/Half/Good                                           X Driveway # of Cars 2
                Attic                          None                     Heating X FWA      HW            Radiant Amenities                 WoodStove(s) # 0                                   Driveway Surface Paved
                     Drop Stair                Stairs                      Other          Fuel NG                    Fireplace(s) # 0      Fence None                                             Garage     # of Cars 0

                     Floor                   X Scuttle                  Cooling X Central Air Conditioning       X Patio/Deck CvdWd X Porch CPA                                                   Carport    # of Cars 0
                    Finished                 Heated                         Individual               Other None        Pool None          Other None            Att.           Det.        Built-in
                Appliances     X Refrigerator X Range/Oven
                                                        X Dishwasher                             Disposal   X Microwave X Washer/Dryer X Other (describe) Ceiling Fans
                Finished area above grade contains:      11 Rooms                                         6 Bedrooms          2.2 Bath(s)      2,916 Square Feet of Gross Living Area Above Grade
                Additional Features See Attached Addendum

                Comments on the Improvements Subject is in above average condition;Subject has been well maintained & extensively updated for age with all
                new flooring, new drywall, new paint, new electrical & plumbing fixtures, new windows, new siding, newer roof, completely updated
                kitchen & bathrooms, new trim and lighting fixtures. No external or functional obsolescence was noted during inspection.No deferred
                items apparent at time of inspection. Roof surfaces were observed from the ground & from the second story windows and appear to be
                in good condition. An interior visual inspection of the ceiling did not indicate any roof issues. Subject is a 2 unit Multi-family property
                that is tenant occuppied.

                                                                                             Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                 This form Copyright © 2005-2016 ACI, a First American Company. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                                   Page 1 of 4                                                                 (gPAR™) General Purpose Appraisal Report 3/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GPARSUMWOCI_17 04252017
                                                                                                             Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                                                                                                       Residential Appraisal Report                                                                                File No. 11942022

                                    FEATURE                         SUBJECT                        COMPARABLE SALE NO. 1                                      COMPARABLE SALE NO. 2                                     COMPARABLE SALE NO. 3
                            1194 Pine St                                                  1123 Pine St                                              1621 Terrace St                                          201 Merrill Ave
                            Address Muskegon, MI 49442-3477                               Muskegon, MI 49442                                        Muskegon, MI 49442                                       Muskegon, MI 49441
                            Proximity to Subject                                          0.11 miles NW                                             0.55 miles SE                                            0.49 miles SW
                            Sale Price                     $                                                        $            160,000                                         $       180,000                                            $              161,000
                            Sale Price/Gross Liv. Area     $              0.00 sq. ft. $   88.89 sq. ft.                                            $   63.72 sq. ft.                                        $  109.67 sq. ft.
                            Data Source(s)                                             Flexmls                                                      Flexmls                                                  Flexmls
                            Verification Source(s)                                     Deed Records/Online                                          Deed Records/Online                                      Deed Records/Online
                            VALUE ADJUSTMENTS                    DESCRIPTION                   DESCRIPTION                  +(-) $ Adjustment            DESCRIPTION                 +(-) $ Adjustment             DESCRIPTION                       +(-) $ Adjustment
                            Sale or Financing                                             ArmLth                                                    ArmLth                                                   ArmLth
                            Concessions                                                   Conv;0                                                0   Conv;0                                               0   Conv;0                                                      0
                            Date of Sale/Time                                             03/11/2022                                            0   12/27/2021                                           0   03/15/2022                                                  0
                            Location                       Urban;Res                      Urban;Res                                                 Urban;Res                                                Urban;Res
                            Leasehold/Fee Simple           Fee Simple                     Fee Simple                                                Fee Simple                                               Fee Simple
                            Site                           4134 sf                        2526 sf                                               0   8712 sf                                              0   3833 sf                                                     0
                            View                           Residential                    Residential                                               Residential                                              Residential
                            Design (Style)                 2Unit Colonial                 2Unit Colonial                                        0   4Unit Colonial                                       0   2Unit Colonial

                            Quality of Construction        Average                        Average                                                   Average                                                  Average
                            Actual Age                     92 yrs (estimate)              102 yrs (estimate)                              0         92 yrs (estimate)                                    0   93 yrs                                                      0
                            Condition                      Above Average                  Above Average                               7,500         Above Average                                            Above Average
                            Above Grade                    Total Bdrms.      Baths        Total Bdrms.      Baths                                   Total Bdrms.         Baths                               Total Bdrms.          Baths
                            Room Count                      11      6                2.2 11        6            2.2                                 12        7             4.0                   0 6 3          2.1                                              0
                            Gross Living Area        12           2,916 sq. ft.                  1,800 sq. ft.                      13,392        2,825 sq. ft.                                   0        1,468 sq. ft.                                     17,376
                            Basement & Finished            Part./698 sf                   Full/900 sf                                    0 Part./600 sf                                           0 Full/836 sf                                                   0
                            Rooms Below Grade              Unfinished                     Unfinished                                       Unfinished                                               Unfinished
                            Functional Utility             Average                        Average                                          Average                                                  Average
                            Heating/Cooling                GFWA/C-Air                     GFWA/None                                  1,000 GFWA/None                                          1,000 GFWA/None                                                   1,000
                            Energy Efficient Items         See Addendum                   See Addendum                                     See Addendum                                             See Addendum
                            Garage/Carport                 2 Car Driveway                 2 Car Driveway                                   2 Car Driveway                                           2 Car Driveway
                            Porch/Patio/Deck               CPA,CvDeck                     CPA,Patio                                      0 CPA,Patio                                              0 CPA,Patio                                                            0

                            Net Adjustment (Total)                                          X +          -  $                       21,892 X +          -  $                       X +        1,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                 -     $           18,376
                            Adjusted Sale Price                                           Net Adj. 13.7%%                                Net Adj. 0.6% %                        Net Adj. 11.4%%
                            of Comparables                                                Gross Adj. 13.7%% $                    181,892 Gross Adj. 0.6% % $       181,000 Gross Adj. 11.4%% $                    179,376
                            Summary of Sales Comparison Approach All sales are less than 1 mile from the subject in the City of Muskegon and in the same school district as the subject( Muskegon) & all sales are
                            less than 12 months old. All comparable sales are older multi family detached homes that have been recently updated with access to all the same amenities as the subject and they all have
                            the same external influences as the subject. Sale 1 received the most weight being a recent 2 unit multifamily sale that has been updated, close in proximity to the subject, identical in units
                            & room counts, with an unfinished basement, similar in site size, quality, condition & external influence with no garage. Sale 2 & 3 received the next most weight. Sale 2 being a recent
                            multifamily design sale that has been completely updated, close in proximity to the subject, most similar in GLA, similar in chronological age, quality, condition & external influences with an
                            unfinished partial basement & no garage. Sale 3 received the next most weight being a recent 2 unit multifamily sale that has been completely updated close in proximity to the subject,
                            similar in chronological age, quality, condition, site size & external influences with a unfinished basement & no garage. See addendum & additional comparables page
                            Indicated Value by Sales Comparison Approach $                181,000
                            All sales are less than 1 mile from the subject in the City of Muskegon and in the same school district as the subject( Muskegon). Due to good ongoing maintenance and updating all sales appear to be
                            similar in effective age and no chronological age adjustment is warranted in this case. However, due to the subjects market consisting of many Historical Homes exact chronological age is often unknown
                            therefore, the subject & sales ages are taken from the MLS & tax/deed records & the subject & some comparable exact ages are unknown & are therefore estimates that are based on their design

                            elements and ornamentation; as well as, the typical age of the surrounding properties. Adjustments for condition, GLA, central air are all based on the appraisers extensive research/analysis of matched
                            data pairs, quantitative analysis and the appraisers research & analysis of appeal to market for the subjects market area.
                            Since all sites are typical residential lots no site size adjustments are warranted for minor differences (less than 1 acre) in site size.
                            All comparable sales are multi family detached homes with access to all the same amenities as the subject and they all have the same external influences as the subject. The subject comparables
                            proximity to commercial properties on Apple Ave. minimally effects the marketability of the subject. The subject & comparables appeal to market is its suburban/urban location with all the city amenities
                            (schools, public water/sewer, transportation & roads) within a wooded suburban neighborhood located close to Muskegon Lake & Lake Michigan.

                            Discussion of methods and techniques employed, including reason for excluding an approach to value:

                            Reconciliation comments: The sales comparison approach is given the most weight since it reflects more accurately what is taking place in the

                            market. The cost approach was not applied in this case. Due to a lack of reliable rental data the income approach was not applied in
                            this case.

                            Based on the scope of work, assumptions, limiting conditions and appraiser's certification, my (our) opinion of the defined value of the real property that is
                            the subject of this report as of            04/13/2022                                                   , which is the effective date of this appraisal, is:
                             X Single point $ 181,000                                 Range $                                  to $                           Greater than           Less than $
                            This appraisal is made X "as is,"               subject to completion per plans and specifications on the basis of a hypothetical condition that the improvements have been completed,
                                 subject to the following repairs or alterations on the basis of a hypothetical condition that the repairs or alterations have been completed              subject to the following:
                            The appraisal of the subject is made in "as is" condition, excluding all personal property.

                                                                                                              Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                    This form Copyright © 2005-2016 ACI, a First American Company. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                                                    Page 2 of 4                                                                    (gPAR™) General Purpose Appraisal Report 3/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             GPARSUMWOCI_17 04252017
                                                                                                        Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                                                                                                     Residential Appraisal Report                                                                                 File No. 11942022

                                   FEATURE                        SUBJECT                        COMPARABLE SALE NO. 4                                    COMPARABLE SALE NO. 5                                        COMPARABLE SALE NO. 6
                            1194 Pine St                                                 1536 Jiroch St
                            Address Muskegon, MI 49442-3477                              Muskegon, MI 49442
                            Proximity to Subject                                         0.46 miles SW
                            Sale Price                    $                                                     $            160,000                                           $                                                           $
                            Sale Price/Gross Liv. Area    $              0.00 sq. ft. $   92.27 sq. ft.                                         $                    sq. ft.                               $           0.00 sq. ft.
                            Data Source(s)                                            Flexmls
                            Verification Source(s)                                    Deed Records/Online
                            VALUE ADJUSTMENTS                  DESCRIPTION                     DESCRIPTION              +(-) $ Adjustment            DESCRIPTION                    +(-) $ Adjustment             DESCRIPTION                       +(-) $ Adjustment
                            Sale or Financing                                            ArmLth
                            Concessions                                                  Conv;0                                             0
                            Date of Sale/Time                                            08/19/2021                                         0
                            Location                      Urban;Res                      Urban;Res
                            Leasehold/Fee Simple          Fee Simple                     Fee Simple
                            Site                          4134 sf                        7318 sf                                            0
                            View                          Residential                    Residential
                            Design (Style)                2Unit Colonial                 Cape Cod                                           0
                            Quality of Construction       Average                        Average
                            Actual Age                    92 yrs (estimate)              92 yrs (estimate)                            0
                            Condition                     Above Average                  Above Average                            7,500
                            Above Grade                   Total Bdrms.     Baths         Total Bdrms.   Baths                                   Total Bdrms.          Baths                                Total Bdrms.           Baths
                            Room Count                    11      6                2.2     6     4          3.0                      0
                            Gross Living Area        12          2,916 sq. ft.                  1,734 sq. ft.                   14,184                                    sq. ft.                                                     sq. ft.
                            Basement & Finished           Part./698 sf                   Part./670 sf                                0
                            Rooms Below Grade             Unfinished                     Unfinished
                            Functional Utility            Average                        Average
                            Heating/Cooling               GFWA/C-Air                     GFWA/C-Air
                            Energy Efficient Items        See Addendum                   See Addendum
                            Garage/Carport                2 Car Driveway                 2 Car Driveway
                            Porch/Patio/Deck              CPA,CvDeck                     CPA,Patio                                          0

                            Net Adjustment (Total)                                         X +          -  $                    21,684     +                          -     $                                    +                -     $

                            Adjusted Sale Price                                          Net Adj. 13.6%%                             Net Adj.                             %                                Net Adj.                   %
                            of Comparables                                               Gross Adj. 13.6%% $                 181,684 Gross Adj.                           % $                              Gross Adj.                 % $
                            Summary of Sales Comparison Approach          Sale 4 was given the next most weight being a multi family property sale, close in proximity to the subject, similar in site size, quality,
                            condition, effective/chronological age, design & external influences with an unfinished partial basement.

                             Selection of Comparable & Condition Adjustment Comments
                            All sales are less than 1 mile from the subject in the City of Muskegon and in the same school district as the subject( Muskegon) & all sales are less than 12 months old. All comparable
                            sales are older multi family detached homes that have been recently updated with access to all the same amenities as the subject and they all have the same external influences as the
                            subject; Furthermore, sales 2 & 3 have been as significantly updated as the subject & sale 1 & 4 although having been recently updated their level of updating is not as significant as the
                            subject & therefore, moderate condition adjustment are warranted in this case & these condition adjustments have been made based on the appraisers extensive research/analysis of
                            matched data pairs, quantitative analysis and the appraisers research & analysis of appeal to market for the subjects market area. The subjects appeal to market is its urban/suburban
                            location with all the city amenities (schools, public water/sewer, transportation & roads) within close proximity to medium density low impact commercial properties, favored public schools
                            & Downtown Muskegon; as well as, Muskegon Lake & Lake Michigan . Furthermore, the comparables provided are the most similar available multi family comparables in all major
                            benchmarks of value, the closest & most recent comparables that after adjustments best represent the subjects place in the market and market value.

                            Basement/Basement Finish Adjustments
                            The appraiser has researched the effect of the existence of a partial basement & basement finish on marketability in the subjects market area and per market data the existence of a partial
                            basement has a positive effect on marketability and basement finish has a positive effect on marketability. Therefore, all comparables have a unfinished basement & no adjustments are
                            required based on the appraisers extensive research/analysis of matched data pairs, quantitative analysis and the appraisers research & analysis of appeal to market for the subjects
                            market area.

                             Search Parameters: In the preparation of this report the appraiser researched multi-family property sales in a 2 mile radius from the subject, in the City of Muskegon over the past 12
                            months. Due to the lack of significantly recently update sales in the subjects market all design types were given consideration in the 1,400 - 3,000 sq foot range. No major geographic
                            boundaries were crossed in the selection of comparables. All Sales presented are located in the city of Muskegon, in the same school district (Muskegon )as the subject.
                            Special Comments:

                            There is no evidence in the market data that indicates an adjustment is warranted for bedroom or bath counts for MultiFamily properties in the subjects broader market area & therefore, no
                            adjustments for bed or bath counts are warranted and have not been made based on the appraisers extensive research/analysis of matched data pairs, quantitative analysis and the
                            appraisers research & analysis of appeal to market for the subjects market area.

                                                                                                          Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                       This form Copyright © 2005-2016 ACI, a First American Company. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                                         Additional Comparables                                                                   (gPAR™) General Purpose Appraisal Report 3/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            GPARSUMWOCI_17 04252017

Client: City of Muskegon                                                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                        State: MI                     Zip: 49442-3477

      Conditions of Appraisal
      Purpose & Intended Users
      This appraisal is made "as is" and is to be utilized as a guide for lending purposes only. This report has been completed for
      the exclusive use of the client (City of Muskegon) and those parties noted in the limiting conditions and certification. The
      appraiser is not responsible for the unauthorized use of this report.

      In the normal course of business, the appraiser attempted to obtain an adequate amount of information regarding the
      subject and comparable properties. Comparable property data was generally obtained from third-party sources (MLS).
      Consequently, this information should be considered an "estimate" unless otherwise noted by the appraiser.

      This appraisal report form is intended to comply with the reporting requirements set forth under Standards Rule 2-2(a) of the
      Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice for an Appraisal Report.

      In Michigan, appraisers are required to be licensed/certified and are regulated by the Department of Licensing and
      Regulatory Affairs, P.O. Box 30018, Lansing, MI 48909.
      Additional Certification
      Prior Valuation Services Provided - The appraiser of this report, as indicated in the signature section, HAS NOT provided
      valuation services for the subject property in the 36 months prior to the acceptance date of this report.
      Exposure Time Comment
      A reasonable exposure time for the subject property at the opinion of value indicated is estimated to be 20 days and was
      derived using an analysis of the current absorption rate and median days on market as indicated in the Market Conditions
      Section (Page 1).
      Neighborhood Description
      The subject is located in the city of muskegon in Mclauglin Neighborhood which is bordered by Apple Ave to the north,
      Laketon Ave to the South, Wood St to the East and Peck St to the West. McLaughlin Neighborhood is a market area that is
      currently in what is commonly referred to as the revitalization period of a neighborhoods life cycle with many existing homes
      being renovated/updated, some new single family homes, new condos & apartments are being constructed, as well as,
      updating of public areas, city amenities, streets & recreational areas. Many new commercial business have recently opened
      in the Apple Ave shopping area. Although, McLaughlin Neighborhood is an older neighborhood it is located near favored
      schools, transportation corridors, downtown, entertainment, cultural & employment centers, it has a strong potential for a
      total revitalization. It is a neighborhood that was once in decline & is in the beginning stages of revitalization. The subject &
      comparables appeal to market is its quiet setting in a mixed commercial/residential urban market area with access to city
      amenities, transportation corridors, popular shopping districts, public transportation and favored schools.
      The subject is located close in proximity to several employment, shopping/dining districts & large entertainment facility
      (Frauenthal Center/Walker Arena/Hackley Library/Museums) in Downtown Muskegon, as well as, several major
      thoroughfares & Muskegon Lake water frontage, as well as, being approx. 5 miles from Lake Michigan (Pere Marquette
      Beach). Furthermore, the subject's proximity to Apple Ave & US 31 has no negative effect on the subject's marketability
      giving the subject easy access to a number of larger communities along the interstates & allows for many employment
      opportunities in the cities of Muskegon, Fruitport, Spring Lake, Grand Haven & Holland. Being located in the City of
      Muskegon's McLaughlin neighborhood the subject has good access to (within .5 to 3 miles) employment, schools &
      entertainment. Some of the employment, schools & recreational activities include: The County & City offices, US Post Office,
      the Muskegon Harbor & Dock, Hackley Public Library, Muskegon County Museum, Muskegon Museum of Art, the historic
      Frauenthal Theatre, Downtown shopping district, the LC Walker Arena, Hackley Park & Heritage landing (both concert &
      event venues). Furthermore the subject is located approx. 0.6 miles to Muskegon High School. Muskegon Community
      College & Baker College are approx. 2.5 miles northeast of the subject.

      Highest and Best Use
      The highest and best use for the subject as improved was determined to be its present use as a single family residence.
      This use is legally permissible; it is the only legal use under the current zoning regulations. It is physically possible; there are
      no topological or engineering considerations evident which would prevent this use. It is financially feasible; local financing for
      such improvements is readily available at prevailing rates. And it is maximally productive, in that it returns maximum benefit
      to the owner and to the community.

      Additional Features
      The dwelling appears to have a standard compliment of energy efficient items. These items are consistent with market
      expectations in the subject neighborhood for improvements of similar age, quality and price range.
      Energy Efficient Items
      No significant differences between the subject and comparables existed; therefore, no adjustment for energy efficient items
      were warranted.
      Sales or Financing Concessions Comments:
      Sales or financing concessions adjustments reflect the difference between what the comparables actually sold for with the
      sales or financing concessions and what they would have sold for without the concessions. The dollar amount of the
      adjustments is an approximate amount of the reaction of the market to the concessions. Due to the appraiser determining
      per the subjects market data that the amount of the adjustment or lack of an adjustment, for each comparable with sales or
      financing concessions should be equal to any increase in the purchase price of the comparable that the appraiser
      determines to be attributable to the concessions a negative dollar adjustments for sales concessions was warranted per
      market data and the amount of an adjustments to the comparable sales is not based on how typical the concessions might
      be for a segment of the market area. Large sales or financing concessions can be relatively typical in a particular segment of
      the market and still result in sale prices that reflect more/less than the value of the real estate. Adjustments based on
      dollar-for-dollar deductions that are equal to the cost of the concessions to the seller, as a strict cash equivalency approach
      would dictate, are not appropriate & have not been made in this case.

      Time Adjustment Comments

                                                               Addendum Page 1 of 2

Client: City of Muskegon                                                                        File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                                  Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                      State: MI                    Zip: 49442-3477

      Despite an overall slight price increase trend for sales in the subjects broader market area (City of Muskegon), the most
      recent sales prices for the current 6 month period(for the subjects market area) changes are not consistently increasing and
      price changes are too minor & too inconsistent to extrapolate a reliable time adjustment percentage that would be a
      significant factor in determining current market value. Current sales prices tend to be stable (not increasing or decreasing).
      The inconsistent sales price changes to the subjects market over the prior 6 months are minor and inconsistent and these
      slight increases/decreases are likely due to nothing more important than natural market cycles & the appraiser was unable
      to extrapolate a reliable consistent, significant time adjustment from the market data, therefore, no current comparable sales
      (within prior 6 months) warrant a time adjustment per market data. Due to the appraisers research of market trends and
      analysis stated above the appraiser has not made unwarranted (per market data) time adjustments.

      Verification Source Comments(GLA, Room Counts,Site Size)
      All comparables GLA & room counts are taken from the MLS, the Online Township Records are considered less reliable in
      this case due to the use of formulas & original blueprints to determine GLA & to derive room counts & a lack of regular
      updating of online site; therefore the MLS is considered more accurate & adequately supported source for GLA & room
      counts in this case.

      The subject & comparables site size was derived from GIS mapping and from the Muskegon County online deed records
      site sketches and appear to be accurate & adequately supported.

      The subjects GLA presented in this report is the appraisers measured GLA which is considered more reliable then the
      MLS/County Deed Records GLA, due to the fact that the appraiser has physically measured the subject using the
      approved/standardized ANSI measuring technique.

      FEMA Comments
      Per FEMA Disaster Declarations Page Muskegon County has not had a FEMA Disaster Declaration in the Past 2 years. The
      subject and comparables have not been affected by any disaster. Furthermore, per the EPA online search page the subject
      city water has not been contaminated by PFAs. The State of Michigan FEMA Declaration of a state of emergency due to the
      Covid 19 pandemic does not appear to have an effect on marketability in the subjects market area per market data sales
      trend analysis.
      Appraisal Interior/Exterior Inspection Comments
      The appraiser made an interior/exterior inspection of all readily accessible areas of the subject property improvements.
      Appraiser did not make entry into attic/scuttle or crawl space and did not move any personal property or furniture. Appraiser
      has noted all readily observable conditions of the subject property that is conditions that are immediately noticeable and
      discernible during a typical site visit. Appraiser is not responsible for determining the functionality of appliances or
      mechanical systems. The appraiser is not a home inspector and the appraisal report is not a home inspection. The appraiser
      only performed a visual observation of accessible areas and the appraisal report cannot be relied upon to disclose
      conditions and/or defects in the functionality of appliances or mechanical systems.

                                                             Addendum Page 2 of 2
                                                                          Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                                                                   Residential Appraisal Report                                                                      File No. 11942022

Scope of Work, Assumptions and Limiting Conditions
Scope of work is defined in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as " the type and extent of research and analyses in an
assignment." In short, scope of work is simply what the appraiser did and did not do during the course of the assignment. It includes, but is not
limited to: the extent to which the property is identified and inspected, the type and extent of data researched, the type and extent of analyses applied
to arrive at opinions or conclusions.
The scope of this appraisal and ensuing discussion in this report are specific to the needs of the client, other identified intended users and to the
intended use of the report. This report was prepared for the sole and exclusive use of the client and other identified intended users for the identified
intended use and its use by any other parties is prohibited. The appraiser is not responsible for unauthorized use of the report.
The appraiser's certification appearing in this appraisal report is subject to the following conditions and to such other specific conditions as are
set forth by the appraiser in the report. All extraordinary assumptions and hypothetical conditions are stated in the report and might have affected the
assignment results.
1. The appraiser assumes no responsibility for matters of a legal nature affecting the property appraised or title thereto, nor does the appraiser render any opinion as to the title, which is
assumed to be good and marketable. The property is appraised as though under responsible ownership.
2. Any sketch in this report may show approximate dimensions and is included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property. The appraiser has made no survey of the property.
3. The appraiser is not required to give testimony or appear in court because of having made the appraisal with reference to the property in question, unless arrangements have been
previously made thereto.
4. Neither all, nor any part of the content of this report, copy or other media thereof (including conclusions as to the property value, the identity of the appraiser, professional designations,
or the firm with which the appraiser is connected), shall be used for any purposes by anyone but the client and other intended users as identified in this report, nor shall it be conveyed by
anyone to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media, without the written consent of the appraiser.
5. The appraiser will not disclose the contents of this appraisal report unless required by applicable law or as specified in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
6. Information, estimates, and opinions furnished to the appraiser, and contained in the report, were obtained from sources considered reliable and believed to be true and correct.
However, no responsibility for accuracy of such items furnished to the appraiser is assumed by the appraiser.
7. The appraiser assumes that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures, which would render it more or less valuable. The appraiser assumes
no responsibility for such conditions, or for engineering or testing, which might be required to discover such factors. This appraisal is not an environmental assessment of the property and
should not be considered as such.
8. The appraiser specializes in the valuation of real property and is not a home inspector, building contractor, structural engineer, or similar "expert", unless otherwise noted. The appraiser
did not conduct the intensive type of field observations of the kind intended to seek and discover property defects. The viewing of the property and any improvements is for purposes of
developing an opinion of the defined value of the property, given the intended use of this assignment. Statements regarding condition are based on surface observations only. The
appraiser claims no special expertise regarding issues including, but not limited to: foundation settlement, basement moisture problems, wood destroying (or other) insects, pest infestation,
radon gas, lead based paint, mold or environmental issues. Unless otherwise indicated, mechanical systems were not activated or tested.
This appraisal report should not be used to disclose the condition of the property as it relates to the presence/absence of defects. The client is invited and encouraged to employ qualified
experts to inspect and address areas of concern. If negative conditions are discovered, the opinion of value may be affected.
Unless otherwise noted, the appraiser assumes the components that constitute the subject property improvement(s) are fundamentally sound and in
working order.
Any viewing of the property by the appraiser was limited to readily observable areas. Unless otherwise noted, attics and crawl space areas were not accessed. The appraiser did not move
furniture, floor coverings or other items that may restrict the viewing of the property.
9. Appraisals involving hypothetical conditions related to completion of new construction, repairs or alteration are based on the assumption that such completion, alteration or repairs will
be competently performed.
10. Unless the intended use of this appraisal specifically includes issues of property insurance coverage, this appraisal should not be used for such purposes. Reproduction or
Replacement cost figures used in the cost approach are for valuation purposes only, given the intended use of the assignment. The Definition of Value used in this assignment is unlikely
to be consistent with the definition of Insurable Value for property insurance coverage/use.
11. The ACI General Purpose Appraisal Report (GPAR™) is not intended for use in transactions that require a Fannie Mae 1004/Freddie Mac 70 form,
also known as the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR).

Additional Comments Related To Scope Of Work, Assumptions and Limiting Conditions

                                                                           Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727         This form Copyright © 2005-2016 ACI, a First American Company. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                 Page 3 of 4                                                         (gPAR™) General Purpose Appraisal Report 3/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                               GPARSUMWOCI_17 04252017
                                                                           Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen
                                                                   Residential Appraisal Report                                                                            File No. 11942022

Appraiser's Certification
The appraiser(s) certifies that, to the best of the appraiser's knowledge and belief:
1. The statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct.
2. The reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions and are the appraiser's personal, impartial, and unbiased
professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions.
3. Unless otherwise stated, the appraiser has no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and has no personal interest with respect to the parties
4. The appraiser has no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment.
5. The appraiser's engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results.
6. The appraiser's compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of
the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal.
7. The appraiser's analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
8. Unless otherwise noted, the appraiser has made a personal inspection of the property that is the subject of this report.
9. Unless noted below, no one provided significant real property appraisal assistance to the appraiser signing this certification. Significant real property appraisal assistance provided by:
Prior Valuation Services Provided - The appraiser of this report, as indicated in the addendum section, HAS NOT provided valuation
services for the subject property in the 36 months prior to the acceptance date of the assignment. I have no current or prospective
interest in the subject property or the parties involved; as an appraiser or in any capacity.

Additional Certifications:

Definition of Value:     X Market Value      Other Value:
Source of Definition: FNMA (Fannie Mae) - Secondary Market Definition
DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE: The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market
under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is
not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of
title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: (1) buyer and seller are typically motivated; (2) both parties are well informed
or well advised, and each acting in what he or she considers his or her own best interest; (3) a reasonable time is allowed for
exposure in the open market; (4) payment is made in terms of cash in U. S. dollars or in terms of financial arrangements
comparable thereto; and (5) the price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative
financing or sales concessions* granted by anyone associated with the sale.

1194 Pine St
Muskegon, MI 49442-3477

APPRAISER                                                                                                   SUPERVISORY APPRAISER

Signature:                                                                                                  Signature:
Name: Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen                                                                       Name:
Company Name: D/B/A Great Lakes Residential Appraisers                                                      Company Name:
Company Address: 920 W Hackley Ave                                                                          Company Address:
Muskegon, MI 49441
Telephone Number: 231-286-6980                                                                              Telephone Number:
Email Address:                                                                       Email Address:
State Certification #                                                                                       State Certification #
or License # 1203075259                                                                                     or License #
 or Other (describe):                            State #:                                                   State:
State: MI                                                                                                   Expiration Date of Certification or License:
Expiration Date of Certification or License: 07/31/2022                                                     Date of Signature:
Date of Signature and Report: 04/24/2022                                                                    Date of Property Viewing:
Date of Property Viewing:         04/13/2022                                                                Degree of property viewing:
Degree of property viewing:                                                                                     Interior and Exterior              Exterior Only                    Did not personally view
X Interior and Exterior               Exterior Only             Did not personally view
                                                                           Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727               This form Copyright © 2005-2016 ACI, a First American Company. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                                 Page 4 of 4                                                               (gPAR™) General Purpose Appraisal Report 3/2017
                                                                                                                                                                                                     GPARSUMWOCI_17 04252017
                                                                       Great Lakes Residential Appraisers
                                                  FLOORPLAN SKETCH
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                        PLAT MAP
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                             CITY OF MUSKEGON ZONING MAP
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                       FLOOD MAP
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                       AERIAL MAP
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                     LOCATION MAP
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                 SUBJECT PROPERTY PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                                                    FRONT VIEW OF
                                                                    SUBJECT PROPERTY

                                                                    Appraised Date: April 13, 2022
                                                                    Appraised Value: $ 181,000

                                                                    REAR VIEW OF
                                                                    SUBJECT PROPERTY

                                                                    STREET SCENE
                                                        PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                                                                      File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                                                Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                                    State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

Opposite Street View                                                                Side View

Side View                                                                           Kitchen - (Unit A - second level)

Second View of Kitchen (Unit A - second level)                                      Dining Area (Unit A - second level)

                                                 Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      PHT6
                                             PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

Living Room (Unit A - second level)                                      Den (Unit A - second level)

Bedroom (Unit A - second level)                                          Bedroom (Unit A - second level)

Bedroom (Unit A - second level)                                          Bathroom (Unit A - second level)

                                      Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      PHT6
                                                         PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                                                                       File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                                                 Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                                     State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

Second View of Bathroom (Unit A - second level)                                      1/2 Bath (Unit A - second level)

Laundry Area (Unit A - second level)                                                 Furnace (Unit A - second level)

Water Heater (Unit A - second level)                                                 Electrical Box (Unit A - second level)

                                                  Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      PHT6
                                                      PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                                                                    File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                                              Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                                  State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

Foyer (Unit A - second level)                                                     Kitchen (Unit B - main level)

Second View of Kitchen (Unit B - main level)                                      Dining Area (Unit B - main level)

Living Room (Unit B - main level)                                                 Bedroom (Unit B - main level)

                                               Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      PHT6
                                            PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                                                          File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                                    Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                        State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

Bedroom (Unit B - main level)                                           Bedroom (Unit B - main level)

Bathroom (Unit B - main level)                                          1/2 Bath (Unit B - main level)

Laundry Area (Unit B - main level)                                      Foyer (Unit B - main level)

                                     Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      PHT6
                                              PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                                                            File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                                      Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                          State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

Foyer (Unit B - main level)                                               Unfinished Basement (Unit B)

Furnace (Unit B - basement)                                               Water Heater (Unit B - basement)

Electrical Box (Unit B - main level)                                      Central Air Unit

                                       Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      PHT6
                                        PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                                                      File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                                Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                                    State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

Second Central Air Unit

                                 Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      PHT6
                                 COMPARABLE PROPERTY PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                           State: MI                Zip: 49442-3477

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #1

                                                                          1123 Pine St
                                                                          Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                                          Sale Date: 03/11/2022
                                                                          Sale Price: $ 160,000

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #2

                                                                          1621 Terrace St
                                                                          Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                                          Sale Date: 12/27/2021
                                                                          Sale Price: $ 180,000

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #3

                                                                          201 Merrill Ave
                                                                          Muskegon, MI 49441
                                                                          Sale Date: 03/15/2022
                                                                          Sale Price: $ 161,000
                                 COMPARABLE PROPERTY PHOTO ADDENDUM
Client: City of Muskegon                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                           State: MI                Zip: 49442-3477

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #4

                                                                          1536 Jiroch St
                                                                          Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                                          Sale Date: 08/19/2021
                                                                          Sale Price: $ 160,000

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #5

                                                                          Sale Date:
                                                                          Sale Price: $

                                                                          COMPARABLE SALE #6

                                                                          Sale Date:
                                                                          Sale Price: $
                                                               AIR/USPAP CERTIFICATION
                                                          GEOGRAPHIC COMPETENCY STATEMENT

  Borrower:                                                                                                                    File No.: 11942022
  Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                                                               Case No.:
  City: Muskegon                                                                                                   State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477
  Lender: City of Muskegon

                                   By submitting this report, I confirm that these services were completed in compliance of
                                                   all AIR, FIRREA, USPAP, and Dodd-Frank regulations.
                                                                 I make the following statements:

                                                                       Appraisers USPAP/A.I.R
                            I have no current or prospective interest in the subject property or the parties involved; and no services
                               were performed by the appraiser within the 3 year period immediately preceding acceptance of this
                                                           assignment, as an appraiser or in any capacity.
                             If any of this information is to the contrary, I have appropriately commented and remarked in my report.

                                                                   AIR Statement:
      No employee, director, officer, or agent of the lender, or any other third party acting as joint venture partner, independent contractor,
          appraisal management company, or partner on behalf of the lender, shall influence or attempt to influence the development,
      reporting, result or review of an appraisal through coercion extortion, collusion, compensation, instruction, inducement, intimidation,
                                                          bribery, or in any other manner.

      I have not been contacted by anyone other than the intended user (lender/client as identified on the first page of the report), borrower
       or designated contact to make an appointment to enter the property. I agree to immediately report any unauthorized contacts either
                                         personally by phone or electronically to City of Muskegon.

                                                                            XI FIRREA
                           Title XI FIRREA compliance statement: Appraiser certifies that the appraisal was prepared in accordance
                            with the requirements of Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of
                                        1989, as amended (12 U.S.C. 3331 et seq), and any implementing regulations.

                                                       Geographic Competency Statement:
        The subject property is located approx. 2 miles from my office. This assignment requires geographic competency as part of the
     scope of work. I have spent sufficient time in the subjects market and understand the nuances of the local market and the supply and
     demand factors relating to the specific property type and the location involved. Such understanding will not be imparted solely from a
         consideration of specific data such as demographics, costs, sales and rentals. The necessary understanding of local market
                  conditions provides the bridge between a sale and a comparable sale or a rental and a comparable rental.

    Appraiser:                                                                                  Supervisory Appraiser:
    Name: Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen                                                       Name:
Additional Text Addendum                                          Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                      TXT4 01282013
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                    E & O INSURANCE
Client: City of Muskegon                                                           File No.: 11942022
Property Address: 1194 Pine St                                                     Case No.:
City: Muskegon                                                         State: MI                  Zip: 49442-3477

                                 920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                     Peggie Collis Christiansen - DBA: Great Lakes Residential Appraisers

                                                                                              File No. 11942022

                                      ********* INVOICE *********

File Number: 11942022                                         04/24/2022

Hope Griffith
City of Muskegon
933 Terrace St, Room 202
Muskegon, MI 49440

Invoice # :           11922022
Order Date :
Reference/Case # :
PO Number :


1194 Pine St
Muskegon, MI 49442-3477

                      Appraisal Fee: Market Value                                 $      350.00

                      Invoice Total                                               $      350.00
                      State Sales Tax @                                           $        0.00
                      Deposit                                                    ($              )
                      Deposit                                                    ($              )
                      Amount Due                                                  $      350.00


Please Make Check Payable To:

Peggie Christiansen
920 W Hackley
Muskegon, MI 49441

Fed. I.D. #: 366-88-9647

               Prepared By: Peggie Nori Collis-Christiansen- Licensed Residential Appraiser

                      920 W. Hackley Ave, Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone:231-286-6980
                                                                                              Order Form
                        General                                                                                                              Status:
                        File No.:        11942022                         Loan Type:                                                         Dates
                        Case No:                                          Job Type:                                                          Ordered:
                        Client File No.:                                  Property Type:                                                     Due:

                        Tracking No.:                                     Form Type:                                                         Assigned:
                        Filename:        C:\Users\Wayne2015\Dropbox\11942022.aci                                                             Inspected:      04/13/2022
                        Property Information                                                                                                 Reviewed:
                        Address:       1194 Pine St                                                                                          Signed:         04/24/2022
                        City:          Muskegon                     County: Muskegon                            St: MI     Zip: 49442-3477   Fax/EDI:
                        Location:                                   Map No:26-121                                  Census: 0005.00           Delivered:
                        Legal:      CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 S 1/2 LOT 2 BLK 245                                                Invoiced:       04/24/2022
                        Sale Price:                    X Refinance       Loan Amt.:                 Date of Sale:                            User Defined:
                        Rooms:      11       Bedrooms: 6         Baths: 2.2           Appraised Value: $181,000                              Cancelled:
                        Borrower First:                    Last:                           Owner: City of Muskegon                           Paid:
                        Client Information          X Ordered By            X Bill To            Send To
                        Client:     City of Muskegon                                                                                         Billing Information
                        Branch:                                                                                                              Invoice No.:    11922022
                        Address:       933 Terrace St, Room 202                                                                              Fee:                           $350.00
                        City:          Muskegon                              State: MI                              Zip: 49440
                        Phone:                                               Fax:
                        Contact:       Hope Griffith

                        Client Information                                   Bill To                           Send To
                        Client:                                                                                                              Tax:                             $0.00
                        Branch:                                                                                                              Total Amount:                  $350.00
                        Address:                                                                                                             Payment 1:
                        City:                                                State:                                 Zip:                     Check #:              Date:
                        Phone:                                               Fax:                                                            Payment 2:
                        Contact:                                                                                                             Check #:              Date:
                        Misc:                                                                                                                Due:                           $350.00
                        Appraiser/Broker Information
                        Name:          Peggie Nori Collis Christiansen                                         Supervisor:

                        Cert #:                                                             State: MI          Cert #:                                                     State:
                        License #:     1203075259                                           State: MI          License #:                                                  State:
                        Exp. Date:     07/31/2022                                                              Exp. Date:
                        Primary Contact Information
                        Primary Contact:                                                               Home Phone:
                        Best time to call:                                                             Work Phone:
                        Secondary Contact Information
                        Secondary Contact:                                                             Home Phone:
                        Best time to call:                                                             Work Phone:
                         Special Instructions


                                                                               Produced using ACI software, 800.234.8727                                       order 04182018
                           Thumbnails               File No.   11942022

Subject Front View        Title         Subject Rear View

Subject Street Scene   Extra Photo 1       Extra Photo 2

   Extra Photo 3       Extra Photo 4       Extra Photo 5

   Extra Photo 6       Extra Photo 1       Extra Photo 2

   Extra Photo 3       Extra Photo 4       Extra Photo 5

   Extra Photo 6       Extra Photo 1       Extra Photo 2
                      Thumbnails             File No.   11942022

Extra Photo 3    Extra Photo 4     Extra Photo 5

 Extra Photo 6    Extra Photo 1     Extra Photo 2

 Extra Photo 3    Extra Photo 4     Extra Photo 5

 Extra Photo 6    Extra Photo 1     Extra Photo 2

 Extra Photo 3    Extra Photo 4     Extra Photo 5

 Extra Photo 6    Extra Photo 1     Extra Photo 2
                      Thumbnails             File No.   11942022

Extra Photo 3    Extra Photo 4     Extra Photo 5

 Extra Photo 6    Extra Photo 1     Extra Photo 2

 Extra Photo 3    Extra Photo 4     Extra Photo 5

 Extra Photo 6   Sales Comp. 1     Sales Comp. 2

Sales Comp. 3    Sales Comp. 4     Sales Comp. 5

Sales Comp. 6      Extra Map         Flood Map
                  Thumbnails            File No.   11942022

Plat Map      Aerial Map       Location Map

Extra Image   License Image
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 28, 2022                Title: Rezoning 930 W Sherman Blvd
                                                      2nd Reading

Submitted By: Mike Franzak                            Department: Planning

Brief Summary: Request to rezone the property at 930 W Sherman Blvd from B-2, Convenience
and Comparison Business to B-4, General Business, by 930 Sherman, LLC

Detailed Summary: The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the

Amount Requested:                                    Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the request to rezone the property at 930 W Sherman Blvd
from B-2, Convenience and Comparison Business to B-4, General Business

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                    Planning Commission Excerpt

Hearing, Case 2022-11: Request to rezone the property at 930 W Sherman Blvd from B-2, Convenience
and Comparison Business to B-4, General Business, by 930 Sherman, LLC.


   1. The property is zoned B-2 Convenience and Comparison Business. The applicant is requesting to
      rezone it to B-4, General Business in order to apply for a special use permit to build and operate a
      mini storage facility.
   2. The property measures 4.1 acres and hosts a 2,500 sf building.
   3. There are two other mini-storage facilities located just to the west. Phase two of construction is
      underway at the facility located to the east of the Bat-N-Club. That development reserved the out-
      lot fronting Sherman Blvd for commercial development and located the storage in the back,
      accessible by an easement.
   4. Notice was sent to everyone within 300 feet of this property. At the time of this writing, staff had
      not received any comments from the public.
Aerial Map

Zoning Map
                                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                         MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                            ORDINANCE NO.

An ordinance to amend the zoning map of the City to provide for a zone change for 930 W Sherman Blvd from B-2 to


The zoning map of the City of Muskegon is hereby amended to change the zoning for 930 W Sherman Blvd from B-2 to

FT TO E LN FOR POB TH N 00D 33M W 850.70 FT TH W 220 FT TH S 00D 33M E 850.90 FT TO S LN SD SEC TH

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                           By: __________________________

                                                            Ann Meisch, MMC

                                                            City Clerk
                          CERTIFICATE (Rezoning 930 W Sherman Blvd from B-2 to B-4)

The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan, does hereby
certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of
Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 28th day of June 2022, at which meeting a quorum was
present and remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City of
Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given pursuant to and in full
compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept
and will be or have been made available as required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2022       ________________________________

Ann Meisch, MMC

Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish        Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                                 NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on June 14, 2022, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an ordinance
amending the zoning map to provide for the change of zoning for 930 W Sherman Blvd from B-2 to B-4:

FT TO E LN FOR POB TH N 00D 33M W 850.70 FT TH W 220 FT TH S 00D 33M E 850.90 FT TO S LN SD SEC TH

Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk in the City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2022                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON

By ___________________________

Ann Meisch, MMC

City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 28, 2022                Title: Transmittal of 2022-23 Proposed

Submitted By: Ken Grant                               Department: Finance

Brief Summary: At this time staff is transmitting to the City Commission the proposed budget for
fiscal year 2022-23 which starts July 1, 2022. Both hardcopy and electronic versions of the budget
have been distributed to Commissioners. Additionally, the budget is available for inspection on the
City’s website and at the City Clerk’s office.
The proposed budget was reviewed in detail with staff at the June 13, 2022 work session. A public
hearing on the budget was held at the regular Commission meeting on June 14, 2022. City
ordinance requires that the budget be adopted by the Commission on or before the second
Commission meeting in June.

Detailed Summary: N/A

Amount Requested: N/A                                Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                           Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: To approve the proposed budget for fiscal year 2022-23.

For City Clerk Use Only:

Commission Action:
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 28, 2022                 Title: Housing Board of Appeals, Demolitions

Submitted By: Interim Director Andrew Rush             Department: Public Safety

Brief Summary: This is to request that the City Commission concur with the findings of the Housing
Board of Appeals that the structures are unsafe, substandard, a public nuisance and that they be
demolished within 30 days. It is further requested that administration be directed to obtain bids for
the demolition of the structures and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to
execute a contract for demolition with the lowest responsible bidder or staff may issue infraction
tickets to the owner, agent or responsible party if they do not demolish the structure.

Detailed Summary:

Amount Requested: BIDS                               Amount Budgeted: not applicable (if needed)

Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-80387-5356                Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To concur with the Housing Board of Appeals decision to demolish.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept. ☒
Fire Dept. ☐
IT Dept. ☐

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: June 21, 2022                 Title: 4th Quarter Budget Reforecast

Submitted By: Kenneth Grant                            Department: Finance

Brief Summary: At this time staff is asking for approval of the 4th Quarter Budget Reforecast for the
FY2021-22 budget year.

Detailed Summary: Staff has prepared the 4th Quarter Budget Reforecast a memo outlining some
of the highlights is attached.

Amount Requested: n/a                                 Amount Budgeted: n/a

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the 4th Quarter FY2021-22 Budget Reforecast as presented.

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
 To:     City Commissioners
 From:   Finance Director
 Date:   6/21/2022
 Re:     FY2021-22 4th Quarter Budget Reforecast

 Highlights of 4th Quarter Budget Reforecast:

 General Fund


 Income Tax collections have been better than projected for the 4th Quarter. The Income Tax Revenue
 has been adjusted up to $9,300,000. Income tax revenue projections were originally budgeted for
 $9,100,000 this year.

 State Replacement Revenue for Personal Property Taxes has been adjusted to $929,000 they were
 originally budget for $800,000

 Bond Proceeds has been adjusted down toe $289,176 from $1,085,275. Most of the revenue was
 collected in the previous year.


 The Contributions Department budget has been increased by $88,600. Some of the significant changes
 were primarily for the Neighborhood Associations Grants. Their year-end expenses expected to be
 $227,000 they were originally budgeted $150,000. Port City Football was excluded from the original
 budget. We are expected to pay them $5,000 this fiscal year. Rate increases were updated to the
 Muskegon Area Transit (Regular and Micro)

 Police and Fire salaries were adjusted up again based on actual payroll figures.

 City Attorney fees are higher based on additional hourly fees. Projected costs thru the end of the year is
 $505,000. The original budgeted amount was $380,000. Last year we paid them $431,002.

  Page 1
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: 6/28/2022                     Title: 2022 Long Term Goal Adoption

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                        Department: City Manager

Brief Summary:
Staff is seeking approval of the long term goals for 2022-2027.

Detailed Summary:
Staff and commissioners met on April 15 to create a shared vision of the future with major goals
key objectives, and one year tasks. After receiving the report from our facilitator, Lew Bender, city
division and department heads developed a draft City Commission Vision for 2022-2027. The
vision includes four major goals: Destination Community & Quality of Life, Economic Development,
Housing, and Business, Community Connection, and Financial Infrastructure. Staff reviewed the
draft vision with commissioners at the June work session and have modified the document based
on comments received. Changes are highlighted in yellow. The final version is presented for
approval at this time.

Amount Requested: None                               Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                           Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: to approve the City Commission Vision for 2022-2027

Check if the following Departments need to approve the item first:
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
IT Dept.

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

                      SUBMITTED TO THE

                              JUNE 2022
In April 2022, the City Commission convened with division and department heads to discuss
a five-year vision for the City. This document summarizes the process used and goals selected
for focus in the coming 5 years.
Prior to the April meeting, commissioners completed an analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Challenges, and staff provided input on their top challenges and goals for
their individual departments as well as top goals for the city at large.
On Friday, April 15, 2022, the leadership team of the City of Muskegon, consisting of the
Mayor, City Commissioners, City Manager, and Department Heads, met to create a shared
vision of the future with major goals, key objectives, and one-year tasks. The following
summary reflects the discussion's main points that take the City forward.

                                   VISION TOUR
Commissioners and staff worked together to develop a vision for the future of Muskegon.
Three small groups captured ideas and then met as a whole to refine a shared vision. In 2027,
a visitor touring the City of Muskegon will see the following:
  •    Diversity – neighborhoods, businesses, and city staff are reflective of the larger
  •    Economic opportunities – a wide variety of jobs are available for current and future
       residents; developers see the community as a good and safe place to invest
           o Youth-focused – the community is dedicated to helping youth reach their
           o Seasonal balance – community activity and commerce is balanced across all
           o Creating micro commercial areas to fit into each neighborhood
  •    Communication – neighbors, workers, businesses owners, and visitors have easy
       access to information
  •    Blight is cleaned up – all neighborhoods are improving and attractive
  •    Events and activities throughout the city, providing diverse options and through all
  •    A train from Chicago to Muskegon – progress toward passenger transit service
       between Muskegon and Chicago
  •    Improved public access to Muskegon Lake – public access exists throughout the
       shoreline with a variety of ways to interact with the lake
  •    Additional retail incubators – small retail spaces (much like those at the Western
       Market) are available near the NOAA station at Pere Marquette Park

•   Community connection – additional sources of communication between the residents
    and the City including better use of technology and development of a city newsletter
•   Increased election engagement – more residents are voting, running for office,
    working on campaigns, working at the polls, or otherwise engaged in election
    processes; additional use of election trailer
•   Improved connectivity between downtown and the waterfront and between
    downtown, other commercial corridors, and the beaches – idea for water taxis,
    implementation of the Imagine Muskegon Lake Plan
•   Progress on the current economic development projects
    -      Windward Pointe
    -      Harbor 31 Business Park
    -      The Docks
    -      Hartshorn Marina Village
    -      Adelaide Pointe
    -      The Leonard Phases II & III
    -      Lakeview Lofts Phase II
    -      1144 Third Street
    -      Ameribank Building (880 First St)
    -      Watermark Building
    -      Huntington Bank Building
    -      former McDonald's (122 W. Muskegon)
    -      Catholic Charities Building (1095 Third Street)
    -      790 Terrace
    -      902 Pine Street
    -      Morris St lot redevelopment
    -      Port City Industrial Park Expansion
    -      Infill Housing with continued focus on attainability for all residents
•   More integrated community – reduce segregation based on economic status and
•   Education and engagement in neighborhoods – all neighborhood associations are
    active and work together with city staff
•   Improved perception of and partnership with Muskegon Public Schools as an
•   Develop and support other commercial corridors outside of the downtown

  •    Western Avenue is full and diverse – there are no remaining vacant lots, and the
       residents and businesses better reflect the diverse community
  •    Infill housing – greatly reduce the number of buildable vacant lots in neighborhoods
  •    Improved housing at all levels – more housing options, better living conditions
  •    Decrease the burden on residents to support infrastructure – secure more federal

                              MAJOR GOAL AREAS
It is the City Commission’s desire to ensure that all goals, projects, programs, and practices
are implemented in ways that improve racial equity and advance opportunities for all.
Create an environment that puts an emphasis on improving amenities and investing in the
traits that positively affect residents’ quality of life and attract visitors.

                                     Key Focus Areas
                             Improved access to the waterfront
                Improved connections between downtown and the beaches
                             Passenger transit service to Chicago
                                        Blight cleanup
                  Enhanced Parks and Recreation Department and Services
                                     Events and activities
           Public transportation options (tram, scooters, trolley, biking network)
                             Public restrooms that remain open

                                   Goal 1 Action Items
Action Item 2022 – 1.1         Set meetings for conversation with Amtrak and Greyhound
Action Item 2022 – 1.2         Investigate water taxi and other downtown to Lake Michigan
                               circulator vendors
Action Item 2022 – 1.3         Establish a robust Park and Recreation improvement plan
Action Item 2022 – 1.4         Proceed with events and activities
Action Item 2022 – 1.5         Increase grant assistance to neighborhoods to reduce blight
Action Item 2022 – 1.6         Allocation of funds for tram and restrooms

Create an environment that effectively attracts new residents and retains existing residents
by filling existing employment gaps, attracting new and diverse businesses to the city, and
expanding access to a variety of high-quality housing options in Muskegon.

                                    Key Focus Areas
                                   Diverse housing types
                   Diversity reflected in businesses and business owners
                     Improved reputation for inspections department
                         Micro-commercial areas in neighborhoods
                                Retain youth within the city
                      Neighborhood commercial center development
          Progress toward completion of ongoing economic development projects

                                  Goal 2 Action Items
Action Item 2022 – 2.1        Include neighborhood commercial center development in
                              master plan update
Action Item 2022 – 2.2        Pursue funding for food hall at farmer’s market
Action Item 2022 – 2.3        Increase variety of housing types
Action Item 2022 – 2.4        Develop subsidies to improve housing affordability
Action Item 2022 – 2.5        Begin engagement and discussion about chalets at Pere
                              Marquette Park near NOAA and per the Imagine Muskegon
                              Lake plan
Action Item 2022 – 2.6        Complete Adelaide Pointe public improvements
Action Item 2022 – 2.7        Investigate options for assisting minority owned businesses

Create an environment of mutual respect and trust between local government and the
community we serve. Increase communication with residents, workers, business owners, and
visitors to inform, educate, and create opportunities for input.

                                     Key Focus Areas
                     Enhanced internal and community communication
                            Focus on neighborhood associations
              Foster strong ties among government and community agencies
                              Help increase public participation
                                More integrated community
                      Increased range of options for communications
                          Staff reflective of the diverse community
                                 Increased election turnout

                                   Goal 3 Action Items
Action Item 2022 – 3.1         Monthly communication with neighborhood associations
Action Item 2022 – 3.2         Increase education and outreach to voters
Action Item 2022 – 3.3         Update and implement internal communication policies
Action Item 2022 – 3.4         Develop a community newsletter
Action Item 2022 – 3.5         Create media content to assist with community engagement
Action Item 2022 – 3.6         Modernize the recruitment strategy

Create an environment that naturally affects the city’s revenues in a positive manner, with a
focus on reclaiming city investments in housing, nurturing startup projects proposed
throughout the city, and exploring staff recommendations related to new revenues.

                                     Key Focus Areas
                         Decrease infrastructure burden on residents
                   Sustainability in financial practices and infrastructure
                                      Increase revenue

                                  Goal 4 Action Items
Action Item 2022 – 4.1         Identify specific major capital projects across all departments
Action Item 2022 – 4.2         Take advantage of external revenue sources
Action Item 2022 – 4.3         Complete study of sewer and water rates
Action Item 2022 – 4.4         Improve the budget process to maintain focus throughout the
Action Item 2022 – 4.5         Investigate options to improve environmental sustainability
                               for projects within the city

Once adopted, the leadership team will discuss the vision and goals at regular intervals to
confirm that the action plan is guiding decision making. A more formal review of the plan
will take place with commissioners near the end of each calendar year, and appropriate
revisions will be made. In annual increments, commissioners and leadership staff will
review progress made on the action items in the previous year and develop new action
items for the coming year. Decisions by commissioners and staff should be guided by this
strategic action plan.


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