City Commission Packet Archive 11-07-2022

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             NOVEMBER 7, 2022 @ 5:30 P.M.


    A. Presentation on Regional Transit Authority by Muskegon County
    A. Approval of Minutes         City Clerk
    B.     Arena Lease – Carlisle’s Arena Director
    C. Amendment to Marihuana Overlay District – Drive Thrus/Signs Planning
    D. Landscaping RFP Public Works
    E.     MDEGLE High Water Infrastructure Grant         Public Works
    F.     Roberts Street MDOT Agreement        Public Works
    G. Trash Compactors Public Works/Parks
    H. LRS ARP Updated Construction Agreement Development Services
    I.     LRS PRI Act 99 Installment Purchase Agreement        Development Services
    J.     Sale of 1527 Hoyt Street City Manager

                                            Page 1 of 2
    A. Sale of 206 Irwin Avenue City Manager
    B.   Sale of 291 McLaughlin City Manager

►        Reminder: Individuals who would like to address the City Commission shall do the following:
►        Fill out a request to speak form attached to the agenda or located in the back of the room.
►        Submit the form to the City Clerk.
►        Be recognized by the Chair.
►        Step forward to the microphone.
►        State name and address.
►        Limit of 3 minutes to address the Commission.
►        (Speaker representing a group may be allowed 10 minutes if previously registered with City Clerk.)


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                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 7, 2022          Title: Approval of Minutes

Submitted By: Ann Marie Meisch, MMC                Department: City Clerk

Brief Summary:   To approve the minutes of the October 10, 2022 Worksession and October 11,
2022 Regular Meeting.

Detailed Summary: N/A

Amount Requested: N/A                           Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                      Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: To approve the minutes.

For City Clerk Use Only:

Commission Action:
                                CITY OF MUSKEGON
                          CITY COMMISSION WORKSESSION

                               Monday, October 10, 2022
                                       5:30 p.m.
                              City Commission Chambers
                        933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440



Present: Mayor Johnson, Vice Mayor German, Commissioners Gorman, St.Clair, and

Absent: Commissioners Hood and Ramsey

Transportation Asset Management Plan
Public Act 325 of 2018 began a process which requires all road maintaining
agencies with at least 100 centerline miles to prepare and have on file with the state
a Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) that is updated every three years.
To that end, and recognizing the value of asset management principles applied to
City infrastructure, the Commission authorized Prein & Newhof to create a plan for
the City at the May 24, 2022 meeting.
As defined by the act, asset management is “an ongoing process of maintaining,
preserving, upgrading, and operating physical assets cost effectively, based on a
continuous physical inventory and condition assessment and investment to achieve
established performance goals.” In more practical terms the plan provides a
detailed inventory of roads, bridges, culverts and traffic signals in the City, sets goals
for maintaining the overall condition of the City’s transportation infrastructure, and
makes recommendations on how to achieve the goals in the context of the funds
expected to be available.
Staff will present the plan that is required to be submitted to the State, discuss it’s
benefits and recommendations, and outline the process going forward that will allow
staff, in consultation with Prein & Newhof, to develop a more comprehensive Capital
Improvement Plan that takes into account all of the City’s major infrastructure asset
categories (water, sewer, drainage and roadways).

Dan VanderHeide, Deputy Director of the Department of Public Works, provided
background of why we need a Transportation Asset Management Plan and introduced
Barb Marczak, Team Leader for the Prein & Newhof Muskegon office. She has
addressed the commission in the past, talking about Asset Management. Barbara and
Connie, another team lead for Prein & Newhof, presented an overview of the
Transportation Asset Management Plan that will be on the agenda for consideration on
October 11, 2022.
Storm Water Management Ordinance
The City has used the Muskegon County Drain Commissioner’s Office for storm water
management reviews of new development since about October of 2016. In 2021 the
City began the process of taking back management of our own storm water reviews to
increase quality and control over the process and to speed review times. Staff has
been working with ENG. Inc. to prepare a new storm water ordinance that will allow the
City to formally take back control of storm water management with an ordinance and
other documents in compliance with our state permitting requirements and EGLE
procedures. The City attorney has reviewed the ordinance.
The new ordinance will be presented for review, together with the far more in-depth
storm water procedures manual that governs how the ordinance is enforced. Both
documents will require review by the state, however in a quirk of procedure the state
will not review or approve the documents until adopted. Given the similarity of these
documents and rules to those of other Muskegon County governments and similar
governments throughout the state, staff and the consultant anticipate minimal
comments from the state, if any.
Developers will see little change to the process, as the new ordinance and rules are
designed very similar to the County standards we now use, and reviews will continue to
be performed by ENG. Inc., the same consultant that performs reviews for the County.
What changes do occur are anticipated to be positive to both the City and developers,
with the goal of increasing service and practicality of application.

Dan VanderHeide, Deputy Director of the Department of Public Works, presented
information on a proposed Storm Water Management Ordinance. Ryan, a
representative from ENG, Inc., the same consultant that performs review for the County,
was also present and provided an explanation of the role of ENG, Inc. in the City of

Discussion took place and the Storm Water Management Ordinance will appear on the
agenda for the October 25, 2022 meeting.

Special Events Policy Changes
Staff is seeking guidance on potential changes to the special event policy and fee
waivers. Jacqui Erny, DPW Clerical Supervisor, presented information about events
that have taken place this past year and provided information about feedback that
has been received regarding some events logistics. Some proposed changes to the
fee waiver process are being presented.
Discussion took place regarding the proposed changes to the Special Events Policy
and this item will appear on the agenda for the October 25, 2022 meeting.
Marihuana Ordinance/Muskegon Social Equity Program
The Planning Commission and City Commission held a joint meeting on August 4
and discussed a variety of marihuana issues related to zoning. Please see the
enclosed packet from that meeting, with notes from the meeting in red. Staff is also
requesting to amend the Muskegon Social Equity Program to allow all social equity
applicants to be considered, not just those with a prior arrest. Staff would also like to
clarify how many grants an applicant may be awarded.
To qualify as a State of Michigan social equity recipient, an individual must meet one
of the following qualifying criteria:
   1. Residency in a disproportionately impacted community for at least five
      cumulative years.
   2. Misdemeanor or felony conviction of a marihuana related offense.
   3. Registration as a primary caregiver under the Michigan Marihuana Act for at least
      two years between 2008 and 2017.

Mike Franzak, Planning Manager, presented information regarding the Muskegon Social
Equity Program and is seeking to expand access to grant funds for social equity
applicants as indicated above.

Discussion took place and this item will appear on the agenda for a regular meeting at a
later date.

Pere Marquette Parking & Boardwalk Improvements
Leo Evans, Director of Department of Public Works, presented a brief update on the
plans that are just getting developed in regards to the options for expanded parking and
boardwalk improvements within Pere Marquette Park.

Commission approved engineering for this project back in January of 2022 and
requested that staff undertake additional negotiations with the engineer to further
refine the project scope. That additional negotiation was not finalized until late April.
Survey was conducted in July and the preliminary design concepts were developed
in August/September.

Director Evans presented the preliminary designs and talked through a few of the
details about the project to provide the public and Commission and update on the
Discussion regarding the project took place, the Department of Public Works will
continue to move forward and inform the commission as appropriate.
Parks and Rec Reorganization
LeighAnn Mieksell, Interim City Manager, is seeking input on a plan for the new Parks
and Recreation Department.

A team consisting of all four division heads, the clerk, and the parks supervisor have
been discussing how best to organize the new Parks and Recreation Department.
There are interim and future charts showing the proposal for the new department
and the changes to the City Clerk’s office.
Parks and Rec Interim: The new department head position reports to the Public
Works Director, and the new department will include three focus areas.
Recreational programming will include coordination with existing programs until a
new supervisor position can be funded. Special event coordination will fall under the
new department.
Parks and Rec Future: Once a new supervisor is hired and funding is available for
additional staff, the new department will include recreational programming,
neighborhood appearance, special event coordination, as well as city run events.
City Clerk Interim: There are no changes proposed to this department in the interim.
City Clerk Future: Once staff are added to the Parks and Recreation Department,
city run events will be moved to the new department. At this time, the group agrees
that the Farmer’s Market and Western Market should be retained with the City Clerk
into the future.
The leadership team seeks input from the commission on this proposal. Leadership will
work together to determine details, phasing, and timing for implementation.

Discussion took place regarding the Reorganization and leadership staff will continue to
discuss and craft a transition plan.

Public Comment: Public comments were received.

Adjournment: The City of Muskegon Worksession meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.

                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk
          OCTOBER 11, 2022 @ 5:30 P.M.


The Regular Commission Meeting of the City of Muskegon was held at City Hall,
933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, October 11, 2022,
a moment of silence was observed, after which the Commission and public
recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present: Mayor Ken Johnson, Vice Mayor Willie German, Jr., Commissioners
Teresa Emory, Rebecca St.Clair, Rachel Gorman, Michael Ramsey, and Eric
Hood, Interim City Manager LeighAnn Mikesell, City Attorney John Schrier, and
City Clerk Ann Meisch.
Absent:   Vice Mayor Willie German, Jr.
PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS:               No public comments were received.
2022-89     CONSENT AGENDA:
  A. Approval of Minutes       City Clerk
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: To approve the minutes of the September 12, 2022
Work Session and September 13, 2022 Regular Meeting.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the minutes
  B.   MERS – Police Command DB Pension Multiplier       Finance
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City seeks to reduce the Police Command Defined
Benefit multiplier from 3.0% to 2.67% per the Union Contract effective December
31, 2022.
The Finance Department wants permission to sign a Defined Benefit Plan
Adoption Agreement to reduce the multiplier for Police Command as
An employee who was hired before July 28, 2006 and became member of
the Police Command unit between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2022
shall receive a retirement benefit as determined by the Police Officer’s Labor
Council contract with the City of Muskegon the following.

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An employee who retires on or after December 31, 2022 shall receive a
bridged benefit as follows:
   a) A pensions multiplier of 3.0% for service prior to December 31, 2022
      times the employee’s “frozen final average compensation”.
   b) A pension multiplier of 2.67% for service on or after December 31, 2022
      times the employee’s “termination final average compensation”.
The total pension shall not exceed 80% of the “termination final average
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To reduce Defined Benefit pension multiplier from
3.0% to 2.67% for the Police Command Unit.
  C. Transportation Asset Management Plan                Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Public Act 325 of 2018 began a process which
requires all road maintaining agencies with at least 100 centerline miles to
prepare and have on file with the state a Transportation Asset Management
Plan (TAMP) that is updated every three years. To that end, and recognizing
the value of asset management principles applied to City infrastructure, the
Commission authorized Prein & Newhof to create a plan for the City at the
May 24, 2022 meeting.
As defined by the act, asset management is “an ongoing process of
maintaining, preserving, upgrading, and operating physical assets cost
effectively, based on a continuous physical inventory and condition
assessment and investment to achieve established performance goals.” In
more practical terms the plan provides a detailed inventory of roads,
bridges, culverts and traffic signals in the City, sets goals for maintaining the
overall condition of the City’s transportation infrastructure, and makes
recommendations on how to achieve the goals in the context of the funds
expected to be available.
As a part of the obligations to the state, the Commission must certify the plan,
including a resolution designating the mayor and chief financial officer (Finance
Director) as the City’s authorized signers.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            To adopt a resolution authorizing the mayor and
Finance Director to certify to the state that the City has a Transportation Asset
Management Plan, and to adopt the plan.
  F.   Rezoning 398 Catawba Avenue             Planning
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Request to rezone the property at 398 Catawba Ave
from R-3, Single Family High Density Residential to B-4, General Business, by
Gordon Painting and Pressure Washing, LLC.
The Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning by a 7-0

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STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            To rezone the property at 398 Catawba Ave from
R-3, Single Family High Density Residential to B-4, General Business.
  H. Ten Month Extension to Complete Construction of Home at 1210 Morgan
     Avenue     Planning
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The City Commission approved the vacant lot sale of
1210 Morgan Ave. to Mr. Edward Pierce Jr. at their May 11, 2021, meeting. Mr.
Pierce was given 18 months to construct a single-family home on the property
starting from the closing date of July 7, 2021. Mr. Pierce is asking for an extension
from the January 7, 2023, deadline due to scheduling issues with a contractor for
the construction. Mr. Pierce stated that he will be trying to find another
contractor and is asking for an extension until November 30, 2023.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:            Staff recommends approval of the time
extension, as well as authorization for both the City Mayor and Clerk to sign the
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Emory, to accept
the consent agenda as presented, minus items D, E, and G.
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Ramsey, Gorman, Emory, St.Clair, Johnson, and Hood
             Nays: None
  D. Combination Sewer Truck           Public Works
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The equipment division is seeking approval to
purchase one (900 ECO) Combination Sewer Truck from Fredrickson Supply
within the Sourcewell Contract in the amount of $565,555.00.
Currently we have two combination sewer trucks that are each approaching
15 years of age and are due for replacement. The existing trucks require
extensive upkeep and maintenance and have surpassed their useful life. In
the future we are looking to shorten the length of use for this piece of
equipment and only maintain one active combination sewer truck in our
fleet but cycle it through for replacement on a more frequent basis to lessen
the maintenance costs and increase operational efficiencies.
Delivery of the truck and payments are estimated at least 1 year out from
date of order.
Staff originally budgeted to finance this vehicle over 5-years with the first
payment amount shown in the 22/23 budget. Given the rapid increase in
interest rates staff plans to re-evaluate the available financing mechanisms
to best make this purchase. As noted below the first payments will not be

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due until next fiscal year which allows us additional time to research those
AMOUNT REQUESTED: $565,555 (23/24) AMOUNT BUDGETED: $107,000 (22/23)
FUND OR ACCOUNT: 661-563-971
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:        Authorize the purchase of a new 900 ECO
Combination Sewer Truck from Fredrickson Supply in the amount of
Motion by Commissioner Emory, second by Commissioner St. Clair, to authorize
the purchase of a new 900 ECO Combination Sewer Truck from Fredrickson
Supply in the amount of $565,555.00
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gorman, Emory, St.Clair, Johnson, Hood, and Ramsey
             Nays: None
  E.   Parks Donation Policy   DPW/Parks
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff previously presented a new policy related to
donations made towards the City Parks at the August Work Session meeting.
Staff has made noted revisions to the document and returns it for further
discussion and/or adoption. Major revisions made are as follows:
   •   Added language to the “Donation Cost” section that allowed for City
       to partner on specific projects at the discretion of the Parks and
       Recreation Director when those projects are deemed to be in
       extensive mutual interest to both the donor and the City Park system.
       Intended to provide a mechanism for shared cost on select donation
       items when appropriate.
   •   Added language to the “Donation Term” section that encouraged
       donors to partner with the CFFMC on donations that are intended to
       exist in perpetuity.
Added language to the “Donation Term” section to define an Act of God.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION:          To approve the Donation Policy for City Parks
Motion by Commissioner Emory, second by Commissioner St. Clair, to approve
the Donation Policy for City Parks with Type 1 donation requests that are
approved for locations within the Beachwood Bluffton neighborhood parks to be
charged double the actual cost as outlined in the policy, the additional
proceeds generated will be used to provide matching amenities to parks in
other areas of the city that have not traditionally received as high of demand for

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ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Gorman, Emory, St.Clair, Johnson, Hood, and Ramsey
            Nays: None
  G. Firefighting Turnout Set   Public Safety/Fire
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The Fire Department is seeking approval to
purchase ten (10) sets of firefighting turnout gear. Each set is comprised of a
coat and pants with suspenders. The current sets are worn and contain PFAS
materials that are harmful to firefighters. The waterproofing materials in
firefighting turnouts were found to contain PFAS. The vendor allowed us the
same price break the City of Grand Rapids received for their recent
purchase if turnout gear.
AMOUNT REQUESTED: $29,650             AMOUNT BUDGETED: $30,000
FUND OR ACCOUNT: 101-901-982-092114
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve staff to purchase ten sets of
firefighting turnout gear from MES of Sanford Michigan.
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Hood, to approve
staff to purchase ten sets of firefighting turnout ear from MES of Sanford,
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: Emory, St.Clair, Johnson, Hood, Ramsey, and Gorman
            Nays: None
2022-91     NEW BUSINESS:
  A. Ordinance Amendment – Reduced Housing Unit Size Minimums
SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Staff-initiated request to amend section 2319 of the
zoning ordinance to reduce the minimum size requirements for single-family
houses, rowhomes, duplexes and small multiplexes (up to 6 units) from 850 sf of
floor area to 550 sf (total) and to also change the minimum size requirements for
large multiplexes (6 units and above), mixed-use buildings and accessory
dwelling units from 650 sf of floor area to 375 sf (total).
A motion to recommend approval of the original request failed by a 2-3 vote
at the August 11 Planning Commission meeting. At the august 23 City
Commission meeting, staff requested to remove the item from the agenda in
order to make some changes to the proposal and bring back to Planning
Commission. The proposal was amended and brought back to the Planning
Commission at their September 15 meeting, where they recommended
approval of the new amendments by a 6-1 vote.

                                         Page 5 of 6
The changes to the original amendment include requiring an additional 100 sf
for each additional bedroom; additional language stating that all units located
in single-family residential districts must comply with Section 400 of the zoning
ordinance, which will prevent single-family houses from being split into
additional units. It should also be noted that the current minimum housing size is
measured by “floor area,” which is defined by the zoning ordinance as “the
area in a dwelling unit included in the determination of occupancy restrictions.
It includes the sum of floor areas of bedrooms, and common living areas. The
floor area of storage areas and closet, basements without a second egress,
attached garages, breezeways, and enclosed and unenclosed porches shall
be excluded.” Staff is proposing to no longer use this method in determining the
minimum size, but rather by measuring from the outside wall of the unit.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To approve the request to amend section 2319 of
the zoning ordinance to reduce the minimum size requirements for single-
family houses, rowhomes, duplexes and small multiplexes (up to 6 units) from
850 sf of floor area to 550 sf (total) and to also change the minimum size
requirements for large multiplexes (6 units and above), mixed-use buildings
and accessory dwelling units from 650 sf of floor area to 375 sf (total).
Motion by Commissioner Ramsey, second by Commissioner Hood, to approve
the request to amend section 2319 of the zoning ordinance to reduce the
minimum size requirements for single-family houses, rowhomes, duplexes and
small multiplexes (up to 6 units) from 850 sf of floor area to 550 sf (total) and to
also change the minimum size requirements for large multiplexes (6 units and
above), mixed-use buildings and accessory dwelling units from 650 sf of floor
area to 375 sf (total).
ROLL VOTE: Ayes: St.Clair, Johnson, Hood, Ramsey, Gorman, and Emory
             Nays: None
PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: Public Comments were received.
ADJOURNMENT: The City Commission meeting adjourned at 6:27 p.m.

                                               Respectfully Submitted,

                                               Ann Marie Meisch, MMC – City Clerk

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                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 7, 2022                                  Title: Arena Lease – Carlisle’s

Submitted By: Jake Laime                                                   Department: Arena Director

Brief Summary: Seeking approval of the amended lease with Carlisle’s at the Trinity Health Arena.

Detailed Summary & Background:
Amendment of Section 6 of the Agreement for Management of a Portion of a Licensed Premises
Pursuant to Participating Agreement.
To reflect the following:
Construction costs paid by Carlisle and/or reimbursed to the City of Muskegon in the amount of
$439,219.91, will result in a use credit to Carlisle at the rate of $7.00 per month for each $1,000 of
construction costs incurred together with interest on the unreimbursed construction costs calculated
at the rate of 5% per annum. Any unused credit for the month shall roll over and be added to the
total available use credit in subsequent months. These credits shall continue monthly for the term
of this Agreement and any extensions thereof to and until such time as the use credit is fully utilized
and amortized.

In the original agreement the construction cost was $650,000.00. However, we are reducing the
credit costs by $210,780.09 due to construction overages by Carlisle’s. Allowing Carlisle’s to utilize
to credit saves the City $279,259.64 in accrued interest thru 2040.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:

Amount Requested:                                        Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s): 254                               Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: Approve the lease and authorize the Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign.

Approvals: Get approval from division head at a minimum prior              Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
to sending to the Clerk.
Immediate Division Head            Information Technology                  Yes
Other Division Heads               Communication                           No
Legal Review

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
     Amended & Restated Agreement for Management of a Portion of
       a Licensed Premises Pursuant to Participating Agreement

        This Amendment is made effective as of October _____, 2022 between the

     City of Muskegon
     a Michigan municipal corporation
     933 Terrace St.
     Muskegon, MI 49440
     (hereinafter "City of Muskegon"), and

     Carlisle's Goods & Leisure, LLC
     a Michigan limited liability
     company 14716 Leonard Rd.
     Spring Lake, MI 49456
     (hereinafter "Carlisle")


A.      The City of Muskegon owns the Mercy Health Arena located at 470 W. Western
        Avenue, Muskegon, Michigan 49440 (“Arena”). The City of Muskegon is
        responsible for operation, maintenance, and improvements for the Arena.

B.      The City of Muskegon has the authority to authorize use of portions of the Arena
        on an exclusive and non-exclusive basis.

C.      The City of Muskegon has applied for a Class C liquor license and related permits
        issued by the Michigan. Liquor Control Commission ("MLCC") for providing a
        restaurant, concessions, bar, and bar service throughout the Arena (collectively
        the "License").

D.      The City of Muskegon proposes entering into a Participating Agreement with
        Carlisle pursuant to Rule 436.1401 to permit the limited use of the license, subject
        to and only upon the approval of the MLCC, upon the terms and conditions of this

E.      In connection with this Agreement, the City of Muskegon is willing to grant to
        Carlisle, and Carlisle desires to receive from the City of Muskegon, the exclusive
        right to use and manage that portion of the Arena to be known as the Carlisle Area
        (See attached Exhibit A) for the operation of a certain restaurant and bar business
        commonly known as the "Carlisle's Goods & Leisure", subject to and in accordance
        with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

In consideration of the premises and the mutual promises set forth herein, the parties
agree as follows:

1.    CARLISLE PARTICIPATING AGREEMENT. Upon execution of this Agreement, the
      parties agree to act in good faith and to utilize their best efforts to make application to
      the MLCC for a Participating Agreement/Participation Permit Application pursuant to
      Rule 436.1041. Carlisle will operate a full-service restaurant, bar and bar service within
      the Carlisle Space as hereinafter defined. The parties acknowledge that this
      Agreement is contingent upon and shall only become effective upon approval of the
      MLCC of the Participating Agreement/Participation Permit Application.

2.    DESCRIPTION OF CARLISLE SPACE. Carlisle will have the right to use and manage
      the Carlisle Space and fixtures as follows:

      a. The exclusive right to use and manage the Carlisle Space (depicted on the
      attached Exhibit A) and the Outdoor Sidewalk Patio, and a non-exclusive right of
      access for Carlisle's employees, patrons and suppliers to and from the Restaurant
      Space across other portions of the Arena.

      b. The limited nonexclusive right to use other areas in the Arena that would not
      interfere with the management and operation of the Arena by the City of Muskegon,
      excluding only the area identified as the "Rad Dad's Space" in the Agreement for
      Management of a Portion of a Licensed Premises Pursuant to Participating Agreement
      between the City of Muskegon and Rad Dad's, LLC (depicted on Exhibit B).

      c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, during events held at the Arena when it is open to
      the public, the term exclusive use shall be construed to allow patrons to enter and
      leave the Carlisle Space and all areas of the Arena licensed by the MLCC.

3.    TERM. This Agreement shall become effective upon execution with the contingencies
      provided for herein. The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a period of five (5)
      years commencing with the approval of the MLCC of the Participating
      Agreement/Participation Permit Application with a term extension equal to the time from
      such approval to the date a certificate of occupancy is issued by the City of Muskegon,
      a license is issued by the Muskegon County Department of Health or the MLCC has
      approved the licensed space identified on Exhibit A, whichever date is latest. The
      monthly Use Payment shall commence on the first day of the month following such
      approval. In addition, Carlisle shall have six additional five (5) year options. In the
      absence of any other provision herein, Carlisle shall be provided written notice of any
      default and afforded not less than sixty (60) days to cure the default. Provided that
      Carlisle is not in material default of this Agreement at the time of expiration of the initial
      term or any option term, Carlisle shall provide the City of Muskegon with written notice
      of its intent to renew this Agreement in writing no later than sixty (60) days prior to the
      expiration of the initial term and any renewal term provided, however, that said sixty
      (60) days shall not begin to toll until sixty (60) days after the City of Muskegon has
      provided Carlisle with written notice of the expiration of the initial term or any renewal

     the Participating Agreement, the City of Muskegon, at its sole cost and expense, will
     undertake construction of Carlisle Space improvements substantially in accordance
     with the plans, specifications, and costs identified and attached hereto as Exhibit B.
     The City of Muskegon agrees to proceed in good faith and in a reasonable manner in
     order to complete the work and obtain all regulatory approvals and signoffs within 60
     days of this agreement provided that an additional term of 120 days will be allowed for
     completion. Carlisle will repay the City of Muskegon the actual costs of the
     improvements within 90 days following the completion of the construction and
     issuance of approval of the License, whichever occurs later. Upon completion of the
     construction, the City of Muskegon shall provide Carlisle with written confirmation of
     the amounts expended by the City of Muskegon under this Section 4. The total Cost
     of Improvements shall not exceed $650,000 unless mutually agreed upon by the
     parties and, once repayment is made by Carlisle as set forth above, the amounts on
     the amortization schedule (see the attached Exhibit C) shall be credited against the
     Use Payments provided for in Paragraph 6.

     Carlisle shall use and manage the Carlisle Space for purposes of operating a sports
     bar and restaurant operation, including food and beverage service preparation

5.   CARLISLE'S COMPENSATION. In consideration for the management and operation
     of the Restaurant and the Carlisle Space, Carlisle shall retain 100% of the net profits
     generated from the operation of the Restaurant, including the sale of alcoholic
     beverages under the License, non-alcoholic beverages, food, merchandise, cover
     charges, and other goods and services which would not constitute a violation of MLCC
     rules. The term "net profits" as used in this Agreement shall mean all revenue derived
     from the operation of the Restaurant less all expenses related to the operation of the
     Restaurant. During the term of this Agreement, Carlisle will deliver to the City of
     Muskegon at least 15 days before the end of each month an income statement
     certified by an officer or manager of Carlisle setting forth its net profits of the prior
     period. Carlisle grants to the City of Muskegon the right at all reasonable times to have
     access to all books, accounts, records, and reports that may be kept by Carlisle
     showing all financial information related to the operation of the Restaurant. If a review
     discloses any discrepancy in the net profits, the parties shall mutually agree on a
     Certified Public Accountant to review the financial statements and records of Carlisle
     and determine the net profits. Such determination shall be binding on the parties.

6.   MONTHLY USE PAYMENT. In consideration of this Agreement, Carlisle shall pay
     monthly Use Payment to the City of Muskegon in an amount equal to $3,645.83
     during the initial Term. Provided, each subsequent five-year renewal option
     thereafter, the applicable monthly Use Payment will be adjusted as follows:

            a.   Option #1        $4,229.17
            b.   Option #2        $4,666.67
            c.   Option #3        $4,958.33
            d.   Option #4        $5,250.00
            e.   Option #5        $5,541.67

             f.   Option #6       $5,833.33

      Construction costs paid by Carlisle and/or reimbursed to the City of Muskegon in the
      amount of $439,219.91, will result in a use credit to Carlisle at the rate of $7.00 per
      month for each $1,000 of construction costs incurred together with interest on the
      unreimbursed construction costs calculated at the rate of 5% per annum. Any unused
      credit for the month shall roll over and be added to the total available use credit in
      subsequent months. These credits shall continue monthly for the term of this
      Agreement and any extensions thereof to and until such time as the use credit is fully
      utilized and amortized.

7.    ADJUSTMENT OF MONTHLY USE PAYMENT. The monthly Use Payment shall be
      adjusted upon the following events and upon the following terms:

      i. Professional Hockey, Football, and Soccer Games. The amount of monthly use fee
      shall periodically increase during months when there occur in the Arena USHL hockey,
      professional football, and/or professional soccer games. The amount of such increase
      shall be the sum of $500 per USHL hockey event day, $400 per professional football
      event day, and $400 per professional soccer event day that takes place at the Arena
      during a given month, and shall be paid with the payment of the following month's use
      payment. For example, if during the term of this Agreement there are five hockey
      events and two football events at the Arena during the month of January, Carlisle's
      use fee for the month of February would be increased by $3,300 ($500 x five hockey
      events ($2,500) + $400 x two football events ($800) = $3,300). Carlisle shall have no
      further obligation to provide financial support or sponsorship to any event using the
      Mercy Health Arena. If Carlisle can reasonably demonstrate that events held in the
      Arena other than USHL hockey, professional football, and professional soccer,
      negatively impact the gross sale of Carlisle, Carlisle shall not be obligated to pay a
      temporary rent increase for any such other events.

      ii. Suspension of Liquor License. In the event that the License issued by the MLCC
      shall be suspended, Use Payments shall be suspended pro rata during such
      suspension term.

8.    CONTRIBUTION TO OVERHEAD AND MAINTENANCE. Carlisle shall also pay to
      the City of Muskegon a contribution for overhead utilities not separately metered and
      maintenance costs in an amount equal to $1,750 per month during the initial Term.

9.    UTILITY COSTS. City shall pay all charges for gas, electricity, water, power,
      telephone, cable television and internet service used, rendered or supplied upon or in
      connection with the Carlisle Space. City shall have the discretion to set the level of
      cable service provided within the Carlisle Space. Carlisle may request that the City
      upgrade such services, with the additional associated costs added to Carlisle's
      contribution to overhead and maintenance as outlined in Section 8 of this Agreement.

10.   ASSIGNMENT. Carlisle shall not assign this Agreement without prior written consent
      of the City of Muskegon and the MLCC. Such approval and consent shall not

      unreasonably be withheld by the City of Muskegon and shall be subject to the rules
      and regulations of the MLCC.

11.   OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGON. The City of Muskegon shall purchase
      all alcoholic and food inventory to be used by the Restaurant. The City of Muskegon
      shall furnish "janitorial services" for the exterior of the building and in lobby areas and
      restrooms used by the public, exclusive of those areas used and managed by Carlisle.
      The City of Muskegon agrees to maintain in satisfactory working order, all public ways
      and structures of the Arena, including plate glass, roof, and outer walls and heating,
      electrical and plumbing supply sites, air conditioning and hot water supply units. The
      City of Muskegon agrees to allow use of its dumpsters by Carlisle, and the cost of
      such service shall be shared between The City of Muskegon and Carlisle. The City of
      Muskegon agrees to be responsible for any structural repairs, replacements or
      changes in the Arena which affect the Carlisle Space for its intended purpose.

12.   OBLIGATIONS OF CARLISLE. Carlisle shall reimburse the City of Muskegon for all
      alcoholic and food inventory purchased by the City of Muskegon for the Restaurant
      within 15 days of receipt of an invoice from the City of Muskegon. Carlisle agrees that
      it will pay all expenses in connection with the use and management of the Carlisle
      Space and fixtures, including, but not limited to, all rights and privileges granted,
      including all taxes, permits, fees, license fees and assessments lawfully levied or
      assessed upon Carlisle's personal property or upon its use of possession of the
      Carlisle Space and fixtures. Except for the License, Carlisle agrees to secure all
      permits and licenses required related to its use of the Carlisle Space, including any
      other metered utility services provided to the Carlisle Space.

      Carlisle agrees that it will at all times maintain the Carlisle Space and fixtures in a neat,
      clean, safe, sanitary and orderly condition, and shall provide janitorial services with
      respect thereto. Carlisle shall provide for the sanitary handling and disposal of trash
      and other refuse from its operation in a manner satisfactory to the City of Muskegon.

      Carlisle will make no structural changes or additions to the Carlisle Space without first
      obtaining written approval from the City of Muskegon.

      Carlisle agrees to provide and pay for any and all decorations to the Carlisle Space.
      Carlisle shall provide the following services from the Carlisle Space at all times during
      the term of this Agreement at its sole cost and expense:

      a.     Carlisle shall furnish, at its expense, all service equipment of every sort (such
      as silverware, linen, glassware, crockery, utensils, pots and pans, and additional
      equipment), which may be required for use in Carlisle's operation and which is not
      already presently located in the Carlisle Space.

      b.     Carlisle shall undertake to comply with all MLCC rules and shall not allow

      c.     Carlisle shall cooperate with the City of Muskegon in securing all permits and
      licenses required by any public agency, including the License issued by the MLCC in
      connection with the operation of the Arena as a sports and entertainment venue.

      d.     Carlisle shall carry workers compensation insurance in the amounts required
      by state law for all employees hired by Carlisle to work in the Carlisle Space.
13.   ORDINANCES AND STATUTES. Carlisle shall comply with all statutes, ordinances,
      and requirements of all municipal, state and federal authorities now in force or which
      may be in force, pertaining to the premises, occasioned by or affecting the use there
      of by Carlisle. The commencement or pendency of any state or federal court
      abatement proceeding affecting the use of the Carlisle Space shall, at the option of
      the City of Muskegon, be deemed a breach hereof. The City of Muskegon represents
      and warrants that the Arena shall be in compliance with the Americans with
      Disabilities Act, and its regulation, as of the commencement of this Agreement.
14.   MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS. Carlisle shall, at its expense and at all
      times, maintain the Carlisle Space in good and safe condition, including plate glass,
      electrical wiring, plumbing and heating installations. Carlisle shall also maintain in
      good condition such portions adjacent to the Arena within the Carlisle Space, such
      as sidewalks, driveways, lawns, and shrubbery.
15.   ENTRY AND INSPECTION. Carlisle shall permit the City of Muskegon or the City of
      Muskegon's agents to enter upon the Carlisle Space at reasonable times for the
      purpose of performing maintenance and making repairs and replacement in any case
      where the City of Muskegon is obligated, and in any other case where the City of
      Muskegon determined that it was necessary to do so in order to preserve the
      structural safety of the Carlisle Space to correct any condition likely to cause injuries
      or damages to persons or property.

16.   DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES. If by reason of any cause the Carlisle
      Space is damaged to such an extent that the Carlisle Space is unusable in whole or
      in substantial part, then:

      a.      If the repairs and rebuilding necessary to restore the Carlisle Space to its
      condition prior to the occurrence or the damage can be in the reasonable judgment
      of Carlisle be completed within ninety (90) days from the date on which the damage
      occurred, Carlisle shall so notify the City of Muskegon in writing and shall proceed
      promptly with such repairs and rebuilding, and in such event the use of said premises
      shall be abated for the period from the date of the occurrence of such damage to the
      date upon which such repairs and rebuilding are completed; and

      b.     If such repairs and rebuilding cannot, in the reasonable judgment of Carlisle,
      be completed within ninety (90) days, the City of Muskegon and Carlisle can mutually
      agree either to:
             • Have Carlisle proceed promptly with said repairs and rebuilding, in which
                 event the said use shall be abated; or

             •   To terminate this Agreement.

17.   RISK OF LOSS, During the term of this lease, and any extension or renewal thereof,
      the risk of loss with respect to all risks insurable under a fire and extended coverage
      insurance policy meeting the requirements of the laws of the State of Michigan,
      together with the risk of loss with respect to all uninsurable losses to the premises
      which are subject to the control or prevention by Carlisle, shall rest upon Carlisle.

18.   SUBROGATION. Carlisle, its officers, agents, or employees shall not be liable for
      damage to the Leased Premises or for interruption of rent resulting from any of the
      perils covered by fire and extended coverage insurance, or which would be covered if
      such insurance were in force, and the City of Muskegon agrees not to sue for such
      damage and that every applicable policy of insurance will contain or be endorsed with
      the standard waiver of subrogation clause. The City of Muskegon shall not be liable
      for damage to the property or business of Carlisle in or on the Carlisle Space resulting
      from any of the perils covered if such insurance were in force, and Carlisle agrees not
      to sue for such damage and that every applicable policy of insurance will contain or
      be endorsed with the standard waiver of subrogation clause.

19.   INSURANCE. Carlisle, at its expense, shall maintain general liability insurance
      insuring the City of Muskegon and Carlisle with minimum coverage as follows:
      $1,000,000.00. Carlisle shall provide the City of Muskegon with a Certificate of
      Insurance showing the City of Muskegon and CFMC as additional insureds. The
      Certificate shall provide for a thirty (30) day written notice to the City of Muskegon
      and CFMC in the event of cancellation or material change of coverage. To the
      maximum extent permitted by insurance policies, which may be owned by the City of
      Muskegon or Carlisle, Carlisle and the City of Muskegon, for the benefit of each other,
      waive any and all rights of subrogation, which might otherwise exist. The City of
      Muskegon agrees to notify Carlisle in writing as soon as practicable of any claim,
      demand or action arising out of an occurrence covered, and to cooperate with Carlisle
      in the investigation and defense of such claim. Carlisle and the City of Muskegon
      agree that each insurance policy shall provide for a minimum of thirty (30) days written
      notice of cancellation to the City of Muskegon. Carlisle shall also be responsible for
      a portion of the cost of the liquor liability insurance purchased by the City of Muskegon
      for the Arena. Carlisle agrees that the amount of the liquor liability premium equal to
      the percent that Carlisle's alcohol sales bear to total sales under the License during
      the measured period of time shall be added to the monthly Use Payment on an
      estimated prorated basis, with any necessary adjustments being made within 30 days
      after the end of a calendar quarter.
20.   SIGNS. The City of Muskegon and Carlisle shall cooperate to secure maximum
      signage area for Carlisle which shall be reasonable commensurate with its exclusive
      space. All signage shall be in conformance with applicable laws and statutes and
      Carlisle shall not construct the signage without the prior written consent of the City of
      Muskegon which consent shall not unreasonably be withheld or delayed.
21.   ABANDONMENT OF CARLISLE SPACE. If Carlisle shall abandon or vacate the
      Carlisle Space, or be dispossessed by process of law, or otherwise, the City of
      Muskegon shall have the right to declare this Agreement is terminated. In such event,
      any personal property belonging to Carlisle left within the Carlisle Space shall be

      deemed to be abandoned, and the City of Muskegon shall be permitted to dispose of
      such personal property as it deems appropriate.
22.   INSOLVENCY. In the event that a receiver shall be appointed to take over the
      Carlisle's business, and such receivership is not dismissed within sixty (60) days or in
      the event that the Carlisle shall make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors,
      or Carlisle shall take or suffer any action under any insolvency or bankruptcy act, the
      same shall constitute breach of this Agreement by Carlisle.

23.   TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. Subject to the provisions in Paragraph 25, The
      City of Muskegon, at its option, may declare this Agreement terminated in its entirety
      upon the happening of any one or more of the following events:

      a.     If the any expenses, fees, charges, and/or other money payments for which
      Carlisle is financially responsible, shall be unpaid thirty (30) days from the date that
      they become due;

      b.    If Carlisle abandons the Carlisle Space for a period of thirty (30) days at any
      one time, except when such abandonment and cessation is due to fire, earthquake,
      governmental action, default of the City of Muskegon, or other cause beyond it

      c.     If Carlisle shall use or permit the use of the Carlisle Space at any time for any
      purpose for which the use was not authorized by this Agreement or by a subsequent
      written agreement between the parties after written notice and opportunity to cure;

      d.     If Carlisle shall use or permit the use of the Carlisle Space in violation of any
      law, rule or regulation to which Carlisle had agreed in this Agreement to conform after
      written notice and opportunity to cure.

24.   REMEDIES OF OWNER ON DEFAULT. In the event of any material breach of
      this Agreement by Carlisle, the City of Muskegon may, at its option, terminate this
      Agreement and recover from Carlisle: (a) the worth at the time of award of the unpaid
      monthly Use Payment which would have been earned at the time of termination; (b)
      the worth at the time of award of the amount by which the unpaid monthly Use
      Payment which would have been earned after termination until the time of the award
      exceeds the amount of such loss of use that the Carlisle proves could have been
      reasonably avoided; (c) the worth at the time of award of the amount by which the
      unpaid monthly Use Payment for the balance of the term after the time of award
      exceeds the amount of such loss of use that Carlisle proves could be reasonably

      The City of Muskegon may, in the alternative, continue this Agreement in effect, as
      long as the City of Muskegon does not terminate Carlisle's right to use and
      management, and the City of Muskegon may enforce all his rights and remedies
      under this Agreement, including the right to recover the monthly Use Payment under
      this Agreement, if said breach continues, the City of Muskegon may at any time

      thereafter, elect to terminate this Agreement. Nothing contained herein shall be
      deemed to limit any other rights or remedies which the City of Muskegon may have.

25.   RIGHT TO CURE. In addition to the rights herein before set forth, Carlisle shall have
      the right to contest any allegation of material breach in the appropriate court in
      Muskegon County, Michigan. In the event of an adjudication of a material default of
      this agreement by such court, the relief shall provide that Carlisle shall have 30 days
      from the date of such adjudication to cure the default.


      a.    The City of Muskegon reserves the right to further develop or improve the
      Arena as it sees fits, regardless of the desires or view of Carlisle.

      b.     The City of Muskegon reserves the right to adopt, from time to time,
      reasonable rules and regulations for the operation of the Arena which are not
      inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement. Carlisle and its agents,
      employees, invitees, and licenses shall comply with all those rules and regulations.

27.   SURRENDER AND HOLDING OVER. Carlisle agrees that at the expiration or
      termination of this Agreement, it will quit and surrender the Carlisle Space in good
      state and condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and also excepting
      damage arising from acts, events or conditions beyond the control of Carlisle, and
      that Carlisle shall forthwith remove all equipment trade fixtures and personal
      property belonging to it. Carlisle shall give the City of Muskegon the first right of
      refusal to purchase any equipment or trade fixtures purchased by Carlisle. Carlisle
      further agrees that all structures and improvements on the Carlisle Space and all
      fixtures in Exhibit B are the property of the City of Muskegon, shall remain upon the
      Carlisle Space, and shall be in good usable order and condition, with allowance for
      reasonable wear and tear and damage by the elements, and also excepting damage
      arising from acts, events and conditions beyond the control of Carlisle. The City of
      Muskegon shall have the right upon such expiration or termination to enter upon
      and take possession of such property.


      a.     Governing Law. This Agreement is executed in accordance with, shall be
      governed by, and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State
      of Michigan.

      b.     Entire Agreement. This Agreement shall constitute the entire agreement, and
      shall supersede any other agreements, written or oral, and any contemporaneous or
      prior negotiations and representations that may have been made or entered into, by
      and between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and shall
      not be modified or amended except in a subsequent writing signed by the party against
      whom enforcement is sought.

c.     Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit
of and be enforceable by, the parties and their respective legal representatives,
permitted successors and assigns.

d.      Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and each set
of duly delivered identical counterparts which includes all signatories shall be deemed
to be one original document.

e.      Full Execution. This Agreement requires the signature of both parties. Until
fully executed, on a single copy or in counterparts, this Agreement is of no binding
force or effect and if not fully executed, this Agreement is void.

f.     Non-Waiver. No waiver by any party of any provision of this Agreement shall
constitute a waiver by such party of such provision on any other occasion or a waiver
by such party of any other provision of this Agreement.

g.      Severability. Should any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement be
determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable in any respect, the validity,
legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not in
any way be impaired or affected.

h.     Assignment or Delegation. Except as otherwise specifically set forth in this
Agreement, neither party shall assign all or any portion of its rights and obligations
contained in this Agreement without the express prior written approval of the other
party, which approval may not be unreasonably withheld.

i.      Venue. The parties agree that for purposes of any dispute in connection with
this agreement, the Muskegon County Circuit Court shall have exclusive personal and
subject matter jurisdiction and venue.

j.     Terms. Nouns and pronouns will be deemed to refer to the masculine,
feminine, neuter, singular and plural, as the identity of the person or persons, firm or
corporation may in the context require.

k.      Fax Signatures. The parties have agreed that fax copies of the signed
Agreement shall constitute a valid, enforceable agreement. Each party will mail
originals to the respective party upon their execution of this Agreement.

l.     Notices. Any notice which either party may or is required to give, shall be
given by mailing the same, postage prepaid, to Carlisle at' the address shown above,
or the City of Muskegon at the address shown above, or at other such places as may
be designated by the parties from time to time. Notice shall be sent by regular first-
class mail or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested.

        Signature Page to the Amendment to Agreement for Management of a
         Portion of a Licensed Premises Pursuant to Participating Agreement
                           Effective Date October ____, 2022


By:    _________________________
Name: Ken Johnson
Title: Mayor
Date: ____________________, 2022

By:    _________________________
Name: Ann Meisch
Title: Clerk
Date: ____________________, 2022


By:    _________________________
Name: _________________________
Title: Manager
Date: ____________________, 2022

  Exhibit A

Carlisle Space


                Exhibit B

Carlisle Plans, Specifications, and Fixtures


                                               Exhibit C

                                     Amortization Schedule

Compound Period: Monthly

Nominal Annual Rate: 5.000 %


       Event        Date            Amount       Number      Period        End Date

 1     Loan         10/01/2022    439,219.91             1

 2     Payment      11/01/2022      3,074.53           216   Monthly   10/01/2040

 3     Payment      11/01/2040      4,675.85             1


                           Date   Payment         Interest     Principal       Balance

           Loan     10/01/2022                                              439,219.91

                1   11/01/2022     3,074.53       1,830.08     1,244.45     437,975.46

                2   12/01/2022     3,074.53       1,824.90     1,249.63     436,725.83

     2022 Totals                   6,149.06       3,654.98     2,494.08

                3   01/01/2023     3,074.53       1,819.69     1,254.84     435,470.99

                4   02/01/2023     3,074.53       1,814.46     1,260.07     434,210.92

                5   03/01/2023     3,074.53       1,809.21     1,265.32     432,945.60

                6   04/01/2023     3,074.53       1,803.94     1,270.59     431,675.01

                7   05/01/2023     3,074.53       1,798.65     1,275.88     430,399.13

                8   06/01/2023     3,074.53       1,793.33     1,281.20     429,117.93

                9   07/01/2023     3,074.53       1,787.99     1,286.54     427,831.39

               10   08/01/2023     3,074.53       1,782.63     1,291.90     426,539.49

               11   09/01/2023     3,074.53       1,777.25     1,297.28     425,242.21

               12   10/01/2023     3,074.53       1,771.84     1,302.69     423,939.52

               13   11/01/2023     3,074.53       1,766.41     1,308.12     422,631.40

               14   12/01/2023     3,074.53       1,760.96     1,313.57     421,317.83

2023 Totals                36,894.36   21,486.36   15,408.00

        15    01/01/2024    3,074.53    1,755.49    1,319.04   419,998.79

        16    02/01/2024    3,074.53    1,749.99    1,324.54   418,674.25

        17    03/01/2024    3,074.53    1,744.48    1,330.05   417,344.20

        18    04/01/2024    3,074.53    1,738.93    1,335.60   416,008.60

        19    05/01/2024    3,074.53    1,733.37    1,341.16   414,667.44

        20    06/01/2024    3,074.53    1,727.78    1,346.75   413,320.69

        21    07/01/2024    3,074.53    1,722.17    1,352.36   411,968.33

        22    08/01/2024    3,074.53    1,716.53    1,358.00   410,610.33

        23    09/01/2024    3,074.53    1,710.88    1,363.65   409,246.68

        24    10/01/2024    3,074.53    1,705.19    1,369.34   407,877.34

        25    11/01/2024    3,074.53    1,699.49    1,375.04   406,502.30

        26    12/01/2024    3,074.53    1,693.76    1,380.77   405,121.53

2024 Totals                36,894.36   20,698.06   16,196.30

        27    01/01/2025    3,074.53    1,688.01    1,386.52   403,735.01

        28    02/01/2025    3,074.53    1,682.23    1,392.30   402,342.71

        29    03/01/2025    3,074.53    1,676.43    1,398.10   400,944.61

        30    04/01/2025    3,074.53    1,670.60    1,403.93   399,540.68

        31    05/01/2025    3,074.53    1,664.75    1,409.78   398,130.90

        32    06/01/2025    3,074.53    1,658.88    1,415.65   396,715.25

        33    07/01/2025    3,074.53    1,652.98    1,421.55   395,293.70

        34    08/01/2025    3,074.53    1,647.06    1,427.47   393,866.23

        35    09/01/2025    3,074.53    1,641.11    1,433.42   392,432.81

        36    10/01/2025    3,074.53    1,635.14    1,439.39   390,993.42

        37    11/01/2025    3,074.53    1,629.14    1,445.39   389,548.03

        38    12/01/2025    3,074.53    1,623.12    1,451.41   388,096.62

2025 Totals                36,894.36   19,869.45   17,024.91

        39    01/01/2026    3,074.53    1,617.07    1,457.46   386,639.16

        40    02/01/2026    3,074.53    1,611.00    1,463.53   385,175.63

        41    03/01/2026    3,074.53    1,604.90    1,469.63   383,706.00

        42    04/01/2026    3,074.53    1,598.78    1,475.75   382,230.25

        43    05/01/2026    3,074.53    1,592.63    1,481.90   380,748.35

        44    06/01/2026    3,074.53    1,586.45    1,488.08   379,260.27

        45    07/01/2026    3,074.53    1,580.25    1,494.28   377,765.99

        46    08/01/2026    3,074.53    1,574.02    1,500.51   376,265.48

        47    09/01/2026    3,074.53    1,567.77    1,506.76   374,758.72

        48    10/01/2026    3,074.53    1,561.49    1,513.04   373,245.68

        49    11/01/2026    3,074.53    1,555.19    1,519.34   371,726.34

        50    12/01/2026    3,074.53    1,548.86    1,525.67   370,200.67

2026 Totals                36,894.36   18,998.41   17,895.95

        51    01/01/2027    3,074.53    1,542.50    1,532.03   368,668.64

        52    02/01/2027    3,074.53    1,536.12    1,538.41   367,130.23

        53    03/01/2027    3,074.53    1,529.71    1,544.82   365,585.41

        54    04/01/2027    3,074.53    1,523.27    1,551.26   364,034.15

        55    05/01/2027    3,074.53    1,516.81    1,557.72   362,476.43

        56    06/01/2027    3,074.53    1,510.32    1,564.21   360,912.22

        57    07/01/2027    3,074.53    1,503.80    1,570.73   359,341.49

        58    08/01/2027    3,074.53    1,497.26    1,577.27   357,764.22

        59    09/01/2027    3,074.53    1,490.68    1,583.85   356,180.37

        60    10/01/2027    3,074.53    1,484.08    1,590.45   354,589.92

        61    11/01/2027    3,074.53    1,477.46    1,597.07   352,992.85

        62    12/01/2027    3,074.53    1,470.80    1,603.73   351,389.12

2027 Totals                36,894.36   18,082.81   18,811.55

        63    01/01/2028    3,074.53    1,464.12    1,610.41   349,778.71

        64    02/01/2028    3,074.53    1,457.41    1,617.12   348,161.59

        65    03/01/2028    3,074.53    1,450.67    1,623.86   346,537.73

        66    04/01/2028    3,074.53    1,443.91    1,630.62   344,907.11

        67    05/01/2028    3,074.53    1,437.11    1,637.42   343,269.69

        68    06/01/2028    3,074.53    1,430.29    1,644.24   341,625.45

        69    07/01/2028    3,074.53    1,423.44    1,651.09   339,974.36

        70    08/01/2028    3,074.53    1,416.56    1,657.97   338,316.39

        71    09/01/2028    3,074.53    1,409.65    1,664.88   336,651.51

        72    10/01/2028    3,074.53    1,402.71    1,671.82   334,979.69

        73    11/01/2028    3,074.53    1,395.75    1,678.78   333,300.91

        74    12/01/2028    3,074.53    1,388.75    1,685.78   331,615.13

2028 Totals                36,894.36   17,120.37   19,773.99

        75    01/01/2029    3,074.53    1,381.73    1,692.80   329,922.33

        76    02/01/2029    3,074.53    1,374.68    1,699.85   328,222.48

        77    03/01/2029    3,074.53    1,367.59    1,706.94   326,515.54

        78    04/01/2029    3,074.53    1,360.48    1,714.05   324,801.49

        79    05/01/2029    3,074.53    1,353.34    1,721.19   323,080.30

        80    06/01/2029    3,074.53    1,346.17    1,728.36   321,351.94

        81    07/01/2029    3,074.53    1,338.97    1,735.56   319,616.38

        82    08/01/2029    3,074.53    1,331.73    1,742.80   317,873.58

        83    09/01/2029    3,074.53    1,324.47    1,750.06   316,123.52

        84    10/01/2029    3,074.53    1,317.18    1,757.35   314,366.17

        85    11/01/2029    3,074.53    1,309.86    1,764.67   312,601.50

        86    12/01/2029    3,074.53    1,302.51    1,772.02   310,829.48

2029 Totals                36,894.36   16,108.71   20,785.65

        87    01/01/2030    3,074.53    1,295.12    1,779.41   309,050.07

        88    02/01/2030    3,074.53    1,287.71    1,786.82   307,263.25

        89    03/01/2030    3,074.53    1,280.26    1,794.27   305,468.98

        90    04/01/2030    3,074.53    1,272.79    1,801.74   303,667.24

        91    05/01/2030    3,074.53    1,265.28    1,809.25   301,857.99

        92    06/01/2030    3,074.53    1,257.74    1,816.79   300,041.20

        93    07/01/2030    3,074.53    1,250.17    1,824.36   298,216.84

        94    08/01/2030    3,074.53    1,242.57    1,831.96   296,384.88

        95    09/01/2030    3,074.53    1,234.94    1,839.59   294,545.29

        96    10/01/2030    3,074.53    1,227.27    1,847.26   292,698.03

        97    11/01/2030    3,074.53    1,219.58    1,854.95   290,843.08

        98    12/01/2030    3,074.53    1,211.85    1,862.68   288,980.40

2030 Totals                36,894.36   15,045.28   21,849.08

        99    01/01/2031    3,074.53    1,204.09    1,870.44   287,109.96

       100    02/01/2031    3,074.53    1,196.29    1,878.24   285,231.72

       101    03/01/2031    3,074.53    1,188.47    1,886.06   283,345.66

       102    04/01/2031    3,074.53    1,180.61    1,893.92   281,451.74

       103    05/01/2031    3,074.53    1,172.72    1,901.81   279,549.93

       104    06/01/2031    3,074.53    1,164.79    1,909.74   277,640.19

       105    07/01/2031    3,074.53    1,156.83    1,917.70   275,722.49

       106    08/01/2031    3,074.53    1,148.84    1,925.69   273,796.80

       107    09/01/2031    3,074.53    1,140.82    1,933.71   271,863.09

       108    10/01/2031    3,074.53    1,132.76    1,941.77   269,921.32

       109    11/01/2031    3,074.53    1,124.67    1,949.86   267,971.46

       110    12/01/2031    3,074.53    1,116.55    1,957.98   266,013.48

2031 Totals                36,894.36   13,927.44   22,966.92

       111    01/01/2032    3,074.53    1,108.39    1,966.14   264,047.34

       112    02/01/2032    3,074.53    1,100.20    1,974.33   262,073.01

       113    03/01/2032    3,074.53    1,091.97    1,982.56   260,090.45

       114    04/01/2032    3,074.53    1,083.71    1,990.82   258,099.63

       115    05/01/2032    3,074.53    1,075.42    1,999.11   256,100.52

       116    06/01/2032    3,074.53    1,067.09    2,007.44   254,093.08

       117    07/01/2032    3,074.53    1,058.72    2,015.81   252,077.27

       118    08/01/2032    3,074.53    1,050.32    2,024.21   250,053.06

       119    09/01/2032    3,074.53    1,041.89    2,032.64   248,020.42

       120    10/01/2032    3,074.53    1,033.42    2,041.11   245,979.31

       121    11/01/2032    3,074.53    1,024.91    2,049.62   243,929.69

       122    12/01/2032    3,074.53    1,016.37    2,058.16   241,871.53

2032 Totals                36,894.36   12,752.41   24,141.95

       123    01/01/2033    3,074.53    1,007.80    2,066.73   239,804.80

       124    02/01/2033    3,074.53     999.19     2,075.34   237,729.46

       125    03/01/2033    3,074.53     990.54     2,083.99   235,645.47

       126    04/01/2033    3,074.53     981.86     2,092.67   233,552.80

       127    05/01/2033    3,074.53     973.14     2,101.39   231,451.41

       128    06/01/2033    3,074.53     964.38     2,110.15   229,341.26

       129    07/01/2033    3,074.53     955.59     2,118.94   227,222.32

       130    08/01/2033    3,074.53     946.76     2,127.77   225,094.55

       131    09/01/2033    3,074.53     937.89     2,136.64   222,957.91

       132    10/01/2033    3,074.53     928.99     2,145.54   220,812.37

       133    11/01/2033    3,074.53     920.05     2,154.48   218,657.89

       134    12/01/2033    3,074.53     911.07     2,163.46   216,494.43

2033 Totals                36,894.36   11,517.26   25,377.10

       135    01/01/2034    3,074.53     902.06     2,172.47   214,321.96

       136    02/01/2034    3,074.53     893.01     2,181.52   212,140.44

       137    03/01/2034    3,074.53     883.92     2,190.61   209,949.83

       138    04/01/2034    3,074.53     874.79     2,199.74   207,750.09

       139    05/01/2034    3,074.53     865.63     2,208.90   205,541.19

       140    06/01/2034    3,074.53     856.42     2,218.11   203,323.08

       141    07/01/2034    3,074.53     847.18     2,227.35   201,095.73

       142    08/01/2034    3,074.53     837.90     2,236.63   198,859.10

       143    09/01/2034    3,074.53     828.58     2,245.95   196,613.15

       144    10/01/2034    3,074.53     819.22     2,255.31   194,357.84

       145    11/01/2034    3,074.53     809.82     2,264.71   192,093.13

       146    12/01/2034    3,074.53     800.39     2,274.14   189,818.99

2034 Totals                36,894.36   10,218.92   26,675.44

       147    01/01/2035    3,074.53     790.91     2,283.62   187,535.37

       148    02/01/2035    3,074.53     781.40     2,293.13   185,242.24

       149    03/01/2035    3,074.53     771.84     2,302.69   182,939.55

       150    04/01/2035    3,074.53     762.25     2,312.28   180,627.27

       151    05/01/2035    3,074.53     752.61     2,321.92   178,305.35

       152    06/01/2035    3,074.53     742.94     2,331.59   175,973.76

       153    07/01/2035    3,074.53     733.22     2,341.31   173,632.45

       154    08/01/2035    3,074.53     723.47     2,351.06   171,281.39

       155    09/01/2035    3,074.53     713.67     2,360.86   168,920.53

       156    10/01/2035    3,074.53     703.84     2,370.69   166,549.84

       157    11/01/2035    3,074.53     693.96     2,380.57   164,169.27

       158    12/01/2035    3,074.53     684.04     2,390.49   161,778.78

2035 Totals                36,894.36    8,854.15   28,040.21

       159    01/01/2036    3,074.53     674.08     2,400.45   159,378.33

       160    02/01/2036    3,074.53     664.08     2,410.45   156,967.88

       161    03/01/2036    3,074.53     654.03     2,420.50   154,547.38

       162    04/01/2036    3,074.53     643.95     2,430.58   152,116.80

       163    05/01/2036    3,074.53     633.82     2,440.71   149,676.09

       164    06/01/2036    3,074.53     623.65     2,450.88   147,225.21

       165    07/01/2036    3,074.53     613.44     2,461.09   144,764.12

       166    08/01/2036    3,074.53     603.18     2,471.35   142,292.77

       167    09/01/2036    3,074.53     592.89     2,481.64   139,811.13

       168    10/01/2036    3,074.53     582.55     2,491.98   137,319.15

       169    11/01/2036    3,074.53     572.16     2,502.37   134,816.78

       170    12/01/2036    3,074.53    561.74     2,512.79   132,303.99

2036 Totals                36,894.36   7,419.57   29,474.79

       171    01/01/2037    3,074.53    551.27     2,523.26   129,780.73

       172    02/01/2037    3,074.53    540.75     2,533.78   127,246.95

       173    03/01/2037    3,074.53    530.20     2,544.33   124,702.62

       174    04/01/2037    3,074.53    519.59     2,554.94   122,147.68

       175    05/01/2037    3,074.53    508.95     2,565.58   119,582.10

       176    06/01/2037    3,074.53    498.26     2,576.27   117,005.83

       177    07/01/2037    3,074.53    487.52     2,587.01   114,418.82

       178    08/01/2037    3,074.53    476.75     2,597.78   111,821.04

       179    09/01/2037    3,074.53    465.92     2,608.61   109,212.43

       180    10/01/2037    3,074.53    455.05     2,619.48   106,592.95

       181    11/01/2037    3,074.53    444.14     2,630.39   103,962.56

       182    12/01/2037    3,074.53    433.18     2,641.35   101,321.21

2037 Totals                36,894.36   5,911.58   30,982.78

       183    01/01/2038    3,074.53    422.17     2,652.36    98,668.85

       184    02/01/2038    3,074.53    411.12     2,663.41    96,005.44

       185    03/01/2038    3,074.53    400.02     2,674.51    93,330.93

       186    04/01/2038    3,074.53    388.88     2,685.65    90,645.28

       187    05/01/2038    3,074.53    377.69     2,696.84    87,948.44

       188    06/01/2038    3,074.53    366.45     2,708.08    85,240.36

       189    07/01/2038    3,074.53    355.17     2,719.36    82,521.00

       190    08/01/2038    3,074.53    343.84     2,730.69    79,790.31

       191    09/01/2038    3,074.53    332.46     2,742.07    77,048.24

       192    10/01/2038    3,074.53    321.03     2,753.50    74,294.74

       193    11/01/2038    3,074.53    309.56     2,764.97    71,529.77

       194    12/01/2038    3,074.53    298.04     2,776.49    68,753.28

2038 Totals                36,894.36   4,326.43   32,567.93

        195    01/01/2039     3,074.53      286.47        2,788.06   65,965.22

        196    02/01/2039     3,074.53      274.86        2,799.67   63,165.55

        197    03/01/2039     3,074.53      263.19        2,811.34   60,354.21

        198    04/01/2039     3,074.53      251.48        2,823.05   57,531.16

        199    05/01/2039     3,074.53      239.71        2,834.82   54,696.34

        200    06/01/2039     3,074.53      227.90        2,846.63   51,849.71

        201    07/01/2039     3,074.53      216.04        2,858.49   48,991.22

        202    08/01/2039     3,074.53      204.13        2,870.40   46,120.82

        203    09/01/2039     3,074.53      192.17        2,882.36   43,238.46

        204    10/01/2039     3,074.53      180.16        2,894.37   40,344.09

        205    11/01/2039     3,074.53      168.10        2,906.43   37,437.66

        206    12/01/2039     3,074.53      155.99        2,918.54   34,519.12

 2039 Totals                 36,894.36     2,660.20      34,234.16

        207    01/01/2040     3,074.53      143.83        2,930.70   31,588.42

        208    02/01/2040     3,074.53      131.62        2,942.91   28,645.51

        209    03/01/2040     3,074.53      119.36        2,955.17   25,690.34

        210    04/01/2040     3,074.53      107.04        2,967.49   22,722.85

        211    05/01/2040     3,074.53          94.68     2,979.85   19,743.00

        212    06/01/2040     3,074.53          82.26     2,992.27   16,750.73

        213    07/01/2040     3,074.53          69.79     3,004.74   13,745.99

        214    08/01/2040     3,074.53          57.27     3,017.26   10,728.73

        215    09/01/2040     3,074.53          44.70     3,029.83    7,698.90

        216    10/01/2040     3,074.53          32.08     3,042.45    4,656.45

        217    11/01/2040     4,675.85          19.40     4,656.45        0.00

 2040 Totals                 35,421.15      902.03       34,519.12

Grand Totals                668,774.33   229,554.42     439,219.91

                         Agenda Item Review Form
                          Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 8, 2022              Title: Amendment to Marihuana Overlay
                                                       District – Drive Thru’s/Signs

Submitted By: Mike Franzak                             Department: Planning

Brief Summary: Staff-initiated request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to reduce
signage restrictions on marihuana businesses and to allow drive-thru marihuana facilities under
certain conditions.

Detailed Summary: After discussing the proposed ordinance at the Planning Commission meeting,
the board decided to slightly modify the proposal and request that all drive thru’s require a special
use permit. The final language approved in the motion is as follows:
Section 2331:
       B. Grower, Excess Grower, and Processor Requirements:
          1. Signage. Signage shall follow the regulations set forth by the underlying zoning district.

       C. Provisioning Center, Retailer, Microbusiness and Designated Consumption Establishment

           1. Signage. Signage shall follow the regulations set forth by the underlying zoning district.
           4. Curbside/Drive Thru. Curbside delivery is allowed at all retail sale locations with an
              approved site plan that does not impede traffic or pedestrian safety. Drive thru’s are
              allowed as a special use permitted under the following conditions:
               a. The underlying zoning designation must be B-2, B-4, MC, I-1, I-2 or any Form Based
                   Code designation/building type that allows for drive thru businesses.
               b. Drive-thru windows must be located on private property. Streets and alleys may only
                   be used for the movement of traffic and may not be used for drive-thru vehicular
               c. A traffic study must be performed showing anticipated number of stacking spaces
                   and where they would be located on site.

Amount Requested:                                     Amount Budgeted:

Fund(s) or Account(s):                                Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: To approve the request to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to
reduce signage restrictions on marihuana businesses and to allow drive-thru marihuana facilities
with the conditions listed as proposed.
                                      Planning Commission Excerpt:


   1. This Marihuana Facilities Overlay District currently restricts drive-thru’s at retail facilities. Curbside
      sales are also prohibited, but enforcement was relaxed during the pandemic.
   2. Staff has not received any complaints in the time that curbside sales have been allowed.
   3. Many businesses have noted that they are in favor of allowing drive-thru’s at retail facilities. The
      State of Michigan recently amended the statute to allow for them.
   4. Staff recommends that drive-thru’s are only allowed in areas with heavy vehicular traffic and not
      allowed in downtown, where drive-thru’s are restricted.
   5. Staff also recommends that there is proper maneuvering room for vehicles to be granted the special
      use permit. This will eliminate some of the existing marihuana retailers because of how their
      properties are already set up.

Existing Ordinance:


   B. Grower, Excess Grower, and Processor Requirements:
      1. Signage. Signage shall be limited to one sign, no larger than 25 square feet and shall not use the
         word marihuana/marijuana, cannabis or any other word or phrase which would depict
         marihuana/marijuana; nor may pictures of a leaf or leaves, green cross or any other rendering which
         would depict marihuana/marijuana be displayed on a sign or any part of the building.

   C. Provisioning Center, Retailer, Microbusiness and Designated Consumption Establishment

      1. Signage. Signage shall be limited to one sign, no larger than 25 square feet and shall not use the
         word marihuana/marijuana, cannabis or any other word or phrase which would depict
         marihuana/marijuana; nor may pictures of a leaf or leaves, green cross or any other rendering which
         would depict marihuana/marijuana be displayed on a sign or any part of the building.
      4. Indoor Activities. All activities of a provisioning center shall be conducted within the structure and
         out of public view. Walk-up and drive thru windows are not permitted.

Proposed Ordinance:

      B. Grower, Excess Grower, and Processor Requirements:
         1. Signage. Signage shall follow the regulations set forth by the underlying zoning district.

      C. Provisioning Center, Retailer, Microbusiness and Designated Consumption Establishment

          1. Signage. Signage shall follow the regulations set forth by the underlying zoning district.
          4. Curbside/Drive Thru. Curbside delivery is allowed at all retail sale locations with an approved
             site plan that does not impede traffic or pedestrian safety. Drive thru’s are allowed under the
             following conditions:
                a. The underlying zoning designation must be B-2, B-4, MC, I-1, I-2 or any Form Based Code
                   designation/building type that allows for drive thru businesses.
                b. Drive-thru windows must be located on private property. Streets and alleys may only be
                   used for the movement of traffic and may not be used for drive-thru vehicular stacking.
                c. There must be at least three vehicle stacking spaces on site that do not impede vehicular
                   circulation or parking spaces.

Existing locations that are likely to meet the requirements (internal floor plans could also limit some of these

420 Harvey St                                1801 Peck St

313 W Laketon Ave                            580 W Hackley Ave
1965 Peck St                               2125 Lemuel St

1922 Park St

Example of a location that may not work:
1839 Peck St Suite B
                                           CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                   MUSKEGON COUNTY, MICHIGAN

                                          ORDINANCE NO._____

An ordinance to amend Section 2331 of the zoning ordinance to reduce signage restrictions on marihuana
businesses and to allow drive-thru marihuana facilities under certain conditions.


Section 2331:

       D. Grower, Excess Grower, and Processor Requirements:
          2. Signage. Signage shall follow the regulations set forth by the underlying zoning district.

       E. Provisioning Center, Retailer, Microbusiness and Designated Consumption Establishment

           2. Signage. Signage shall follow the regulations set forth by the underlying zoning district.
           5. Curbside/Drive Thru. Curbside delivery is allowed at all retail sale locations with an approved
              site plan that does not impede traffic or pedestrian safety. Drive thru’s are allowed as a special
              use permitted under the following conditions:
               d. The underlying zoning designation must be B-2, B-4, MC, I-1, I-2 or any Form Based Code
                   designation/building type that allows for drive thru businesses.
               e. Drive-thru windows must be located on private property. Streets and alleys may only be
                   used for the movement of traffic and may not be used for drive-thru vehicular stacking.
               f. A traffic study must be performed showing anticipated number of stacking spaces and
                   where they would be located on site.

This ordinance adopted:



Adoption Date:

Effective Date:

First Reading:

Second Reading:

                                                     CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                     By: _________________________________
Ann Meisch, MMC, City Clerk

       The undersigned, being the duly qualified clerk of the City of Muskegon, Muskegon
County, Michigan, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an
ordinance adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, at a regular meeting of the
City Commission on the 8th day of November 2022, at which meeting a quorum was present and
remained throughout, and that the original of said ordinance is on file in the records of the City
of Muskegon. I further certify that the meeting was conducted and public notice was given
pursuant to and in full compliance with the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, Public Acts of
Michigan No. 33 of 2006, and that minutes were kept and will be or have been made available as
required thereby.

DATED: ___________________, 2022.            __________________________________________
                                             Ann Meisch, MMC
                                             Clerk, City of Muskegon

Publish:       Notice of Adoption to be published once within ten (10) days of final adoption.
                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON
                                               NOTICE OF ADOPTION

Please take notice that on November 8, 2022, the City Commission of the City of Muskegon adopted an
ordinance to reduce signage restrictions on marihuana businesses and to allow drive-thru marihuana
facilities under certain conditions
Copies of the ordinance may be viewed and purchased at reasonable cost at the Office of the City Clerk
in the City Hall, 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, Michigan, during regular business hours.

This ordinance amendment is effective ten days from the date of this publication.

Published ____________________, 2022.                          CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                               By _________________________________
                                                                        Ann Meisch, MMC
                                                                        City Clerk



Account No. 101-80400-5354
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 7, 2022                              Title: Landscaping RFP

Submitted By: Leo Evans                                                Department: Public Works

Brief Summary: Staff requests authorization to issue a request for proposals to obtain pricing to
transition a number of downtown landscaping areas to private contract.

Detailed Summary & Background:
Staff has worked with the Downtown BID, DDA, Chamber of Commerce, Lakeside BID and other
stakeholders to develop the attached RFP that covers a wide array of landscaping services currently
provided through the City Parks Department. There is a desire among the stakeholders to improve
the level of service being provided and a desire among city staff to free up staffing resources that are
currently expended for the services to improve service in other areas of the city parks. Issuing the
RFP will be the next step in exploring that prospect by obtaining prices from interested firms to further
inform future decisions.

The RFP proposes to obtain prices for nine (9) identified areas as follows, with each area having a
distinct scope of work and a proposed assigned cost share. The baseline RFP proposes a 3-year
contract with optional extensions for a 4th and 5th year.

   •   Western Avenue
   •   Hackley Park
   •   3rd Street (Midtown)
   •   City Hall Grounds
   •   Farmers Market Grounds
   •   Shoreline Drive
   •   Scatter Flower Pots / Planters
   •   Citywide Irrigation Startup / Shutdown
   •   Lakeside BID

Once bids are obtained for the work the responsible entities will reconvene to review pricing and
make a determination on future recommendations. Future decision may have cost implications for the
City, DDA, BID, and established care funds at the Community Foundation; however there is no cost
implication to issue the RFP and obtain bids.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
Destination Community & Quality of Life – Enhanced Parks & Recreation Department and Services

Amount Requested: $0                                  Amount Budgeted: $0
Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                       Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to issue the RFP for Landscaping Services.

Approvals:                                                      Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head       Information Technology            Yes
Other Division Heads          Communication                     No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                     CITY OF MUSKEGON

                     NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR

                    REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS

PROJECT NAME:                Landscaping

DATE OF ISSUANCE:            August 1st, 2022

DATE PROPOSAL DUE:           August 30th, 2022

ISSUING OFFICE:              City of Muskegon
                             c/o Leo Evans
                             Department of Public Works
                             1350 Keating Ave.
                             Muskegon, MI 49442
                             Tel. (231) 724-6920


PROPOSAL & AWARD ............................................................................................................... 3
INSTRUCTIONS TO CONSULTANTS ..................................................................................... 4
SPECIFIC PROJECT INFORMATION..................................................................................... 6
SCOPE OF SERVICES ................................................................................................................. 8
CONTENTS OF PROPOSAL ...................................................................................................... 9
EVALUATION ............................................................................................................................ 12
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FOR AWARD ............................................................................... 13
INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................. 14

Note: Should any of the pages or documents listed above be missing from your packet, or if you
have any questions regarding this RFP, please contact Leo Evans, Director of Public Works for
the City of Muskegon at (231) 724-6920 or via E-mail at

                                     PROPOSAL & AWARD

The undersigned having become thoroughly familiar with and understanding of all the proposal
documents attached hereto, agrees to provide the services as specified herein, for the total fees as
stipulated herein, subject to negotiation.

I hereby state that all of the information I have provided is true, accurate and complete. I hereby
state that I have authority to submit this proposal which will become a binding contract if accepted
by the City.

I hereby state that I have read, understand and agree to be bound by all of the terms of this proposal



Firm Name




                            INSTRUCTIONS TO CONSULTANTS


All proposals must be submitted following the proposal format supplied in this document and shall
be subject to all requirements of this document.

The City may consider as irregular any proposal in which there is an alteration of or departure
from the format stated in the RFP documents, and at its option may reject the same.

Each firm will include in their proposal a listing of each principal and the names of any proposed
sub-consultant/contractor and the name and address of each office which may be involved in the

Before executing any subcontract, the successful firm shall submit the name and principals of any
proposed subcontractor for prior approval.


Three (3) copies of the proposal documents shall be submitted in a sealed envelope to:

                                        City of Muskegon
                                        City Clerk’s Office
                                        933 Terrace Street
                                       Muskegon, MI. 49440
The envelope shall be clearly marked on the exterior denoting the name of the firm submitting the
proposal and the name of the particular professional services contract for which the proposal is

The proposals shall be submitted by no later than 2:00 PM, Tuesday, August 30th, 2022


The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any irregularity in proposals
received whenever such rejection or waiver is in the best interest of the City. The firm to whom
the Award is made will be notified at the earliest possible date. All firms submitting proposals
will be notified when the award is made. Award will not be completed until confirmed and
recommended by the city commission.


The City will provide information as to the requirements for the project and make available
pertinent information which may be useful in the project work.

The City will designate a person to act as the City’s Project Manager with respect to the work to
be performed. Such person will have the authority to transmit instructions, receive information,
interpret and define the City policies and decisions with respect to elements pertinent to the project.

The Project Manager will examine all studies, reports, estimates, proposal, and other documents
prepared by the firm and render in writing, if necessary, decisions pertinent thereto within a
reasonable time.

The Project Manager will direct the consultant in writing to begin the work on each phase of the
project upon receipt of written evidence from the firm of the appropriateness of such action.

The Project Manager will direct the firm in writing to furnish any special services, sub-consultants
and/or extra work that may be required on the project upon receipt of written evidence from the
firm detailing as to cost, time schedule, and reason for such special service or extra work.

                            SPECIFIC PROJECT INFORMATION


The City of Muskegon is seeking bids from landscaping firms to provide a variety of landscaping
services within the core downtown area for an extended period of time. Reference the attached
map and scope of work noted below for further information.

Bid Area #001 - Western Avenue
From 5th Street to Terrace Street (6 Blocks), inclusive of ½ block on all side streets. Also
includes limited services at the Parking Lot behind the Hines Building / Russell Block and in
Alcoa Square along Western Avenue as defined below.
Scope of Work
   •     Spring Cleanup
   • Fertilization
   •     Nuisance Management
   •     Mowing
   •     Fall cleanup
   •     Additional Bid Area #001 Specific Items
            o 200 Block West Western (Alcoa Square & Splashpad)
                       Clean and refresh the stone landscape beds, add/remove stone as needed
                       Provide nuisance management to the stone beds on the same schedule as
                        other weed control items
            o 387 & 401 Morris Avenue (Parking Lots)
                       Clean and refresh the stone landscape beds, add/remove stone as needed
                       Provide nuisance management to the stone beds on the same schedule as
                        other weed control items
            o 479, 489, 495 & 505 Western Avenue (Parking Lot)
                       Include landscaping on perimeter of parking lot with remainder of
                        Western Avenue landscaping.
                       Include mowing of NE side terrace of 5th @ Clay for Monet Gardens

Bid Area #002 - Hackley Park
Entire boundary of Hackley Park bounded by Clay / 3rd / Webster / 4th Streets including the
internal areas of the park and the street terraces.
Scope of Work
   •     Spring Cleanup
   • Hanging Baskets / Flower Pots (Estimated Need = 30 Baskets)
   • Fertilization
   •     Nuisance Management
   •     Mowing
   •     Fall cleanup
   • Additional Bid Area #002 – Specific Items
            o Event Restoration
                    Restore the site following events. Work expected to include
                     mowing and raking grass, additional watering, fertilization, topsoil
                     and seeding of any damage, and similar work.
                    Estimated need for this service is 15 times annually.
            o Many of the landscape beds within Hackley Park are planted with annual
              plants in contrast to most other landscape beds which are majority
              perennial plantings

Bid Area #003 - Third Street
The raised planter beds along 3rd Street from Muskegon Avenue southeast to First Street. Project
area includes five (5) irrigated raised planter beds.
Scope of Work
   •     Spring Cleanup
   • Fertilization
   •     Nuisance Management
   • Fall cleanup

Bid Area #004 - City Hall
The entire boundary of City Hall bounded by Terrace / Muskegon / Jefferson / Walton Streets
including the internal areas of the campus and the street terraces.
Scope of Work
   • Spring Cleanup
   • Fertilization
   •     Nuisance Management
   •     Mowing
   •     Fall cleanup

Bid Area #005 - Farmers Market
The entire boundary of City Farmers Market bounded by Terrace / Morris / Western Streets and
bounded by the Muskegon Poste Office. Including the internal areas of the site and the street
terraces, less the Western Avenue Terrace which is included in a separate item.
Scope of Work
   • Spring Cleanup
   • Fertilization
   •     Nuisance Management
   •     Mowing
   •     Fall cleanup

Bid Area #006 - Shoreline Drive
Shoreline Drive from West Western Avenue north and east to Ottawa Street (Approximately
1.25 Miles in length). Work areas and items includes only the landscape items within the median
and on shoulders. City staff will provide mowing and turf maintenance.
Scope of Work
   • Spring Cleanup

   • Fertilization
   •     Nuisance Management
   •     Fall cleanup

Bid Area #007 – Various Flower Pots and Planters
Spread throughout the entire core downtown area. Bid should be based on servicing the
following quantity and size of flower pots
   •     9 EA – Large Diameter Concrete Pots
   •     18 EA – Small Diameter Concrete Pots
   •     45 EA – Galvanized Troughs
Scope of Work
   • Hanging Baskets / Flower Pots

Bid Area #008 – Irrigation Startup / Shutdown
Citywide as outlined in the attachments
Scope of Work
Includes the following work:
    • Seasonal startup of identified irrigation systems prior to June 1 annually.
    • Identification and completion of repairs needed upon startup. Repairs needed shall be
       reviewed with City staff prior to completion and can be invoiced separately on a time and
       material basis.
    • Seasonal shutdown and winterization of identified irrigation systems prior to October 15th

Bid Area #009 – Lakeside Commercial District
Lakeshore Drive from Robinson Street to Clifford Street
Scope of Work
   •     Spring Cleanup
   • Fertilization
   •     Nuisance Management
   •     Mowing
   •     Fall cleanup
   • Additional Bid Area #002 – Specific Items
            o Area includes three irrigated, raised landscape beds that are subject to all
              applicable maintenance tasks
            o Areas includes the turf terrace areas along Lakeshore Drive between the
              noted intersections


The proposed project seeks to provide more uniformed and routine maintenance to a wide variety
of landscaped features in and around the core downtown area for the 2023-2025 calendar years
with potential extensions for 2024 and 2025 (Base 3-Year / Max 5-Year). Currently the areas
listed above are maintained by a variety of entities and there is a desire to consolidate the services.

                                                         BID FORM


                                 CONTENTS OF PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL

At a minimum, each proposal shall include the following items:

     1. Signed and Completed Proposal & Award Page

     2. Signed and Completed Bid Form

     3. Listing of any identified Subcontractors

     4. Copy of Insurance


Staff will review the submitted proposals and make a recommendation to the City Commission
and other controlling entities for award based on the current purchasing policies of the City.


Issue RFP ...................................................................November 1, 2022

Proposal Due Date .....................................................November 22, 2022 (2:00 PM)

City Commission Consideration of Bids ...................December 13th, 2022

Start Date ...................................................................January 1, 2023

Completion Date ........................................................December 31, 2025 (2027 with Extensions)


The Consultant will be required to comply with the following insurance and indemnity

   a. Hold Harmless Agreements: To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant agrees to
      defend, pay on behalf of, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed
      officials, employees, volunteers and others working on behalf of the City against any and
      all claims, demands, suits, or loss, including any costs connected therewith, and for any
      damages which may be asserted, claimed or recovered against or from the City, its elected
      and appointed officials, employees, volunteers, or others working on behalf of the City, by
      reason of personal injury, including bodily injury and death, property damage, including
      loss of use thereof, and/or the effects of or release of toxic and/or hazardous material which
      arises out of or is in any way connected or associated with this contract. The obligation to
      defend and hold harmless extends to Consultant’s employees, agents, subcontractors,
      assigns and successors.

   b. Consultant Insurance Requirements: Consultant shall not commence work under this
      contract until obtaining the insurance required under this paragraph. All coverage shall be
      with insurance companies licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Michigan
      and Best Rated A VIII. All coverage shall be with insurance carriers acceptable to the City.

   c. Workers' Compensation Insurance: The Consultant shall procure and maintain during the
      life of this contract, Workers' Compensation Insurance, including Employer's Liability
      coverage, in accordance with all applicable Statutes of the State of Michigan.

   d. General Liability Insurance: The Consultant shall procure and maintain during the life of
      this contract, commercial General Liability Insurance on an "Occurrence Basis" with limits
      of liability not less than $500,000 per occurrence and/or aggregate combined single limit,
      Personal Injury, Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Coverage shall include the following
      extensions: (a) Contractual Liability; (b) Products and Completed Operations; (c)
      Independent Contractor's Coverage; (d) Broad Form General Liability Extensions or

   e. Motor Vehicle Liability: The Consultant shall procure and maintain during the life of this
      contract Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance, including Michigan no-fault coverage, with
      limits of liability of not less than $500,000 per occurrence or combined single limit Bodily
      Injury and Property Damage. Coverage shall include all owned vehicles, all non-owned
      vehicles and all hired vehicles.

f. Professional Liability Insurance: The Consultant shall procure and maintain during the life
   of this contract and during the performance of all services Professional Liability Insurance
   covering all performances from the beginning of the consultant's services on a "claims
   made basis" and shall maintain coverage from commencement of this contract until six (6)
   months following completion of the consultant's work with limits of liability not less than
   $500,000 per claim.

g. Additional Insured: Commercial General Liability and Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance,
   as described above, shall include an endorsement stating the following shall be "Additional
   Insured": The CITY OF MUSKEGON, all elected and appointed officials, all employees
   and volunteers, all boards, commissions and/or authorities and board members, including
   employees and volunteers thereof.

h. Cancellation Notice: Workers' Compensation Insurance, General Liability Insurance,
   Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance, and Professional Liability Insurance, as described
   above, shall include an endorsement stating the following: "It is understood and agreed
   that Thirty (30) Days Advance Written Notice of Cancellation, Non-Renewal, Reduction
   and/or Material Change shall be sent to: CITY OF MUSKEGON ENGINEERING

i. Proof of Insurance Coverage: The Consultant shall provide the City at the time the
   contracts are returned by him for execution, certificates and policies as listed below:

   1. Two (2) copies of Certificate of Insurance for Workers' Compensation Insurance

   2. Two (2) copies of Certificate of Insurance for Commercial General Liability Insurance

   3. Two (2) copies of Certificate of Insurance for Vehicle Liability Insurance

   4. Two (2) copies of Certificate of Insurance for Professional Liability Insurance

   5. If so requested, certified copies of all policies mentioned above will be furnished.

   If any of the above coverage expires during the term of this contract, the Consultant shall
   deliver renewal certificates and/or policies to the City at least ten (10) days prior to the
   expiration date.

   Not Shown
   Approximately 72 EA planter beds of various                          Farmers Market
   size and shape located throughout the
   downtown area, sample pictures attached.

                          200 Block West Western
                          Alcoa Square & Splashpad
                          (Included with Western Avenue Bid Area)

387 Morris Ave & 401 Morris Ave
Parking Lots
(Included with Western Avenue Bid Area)

 Shoreline Drive
 (Western to

                                                                                                            City Hall
                         Hackley Park                                                    Western Avenue
                                                  Third Street                           Fifth to Terrace
                                                  (Muskegon to First)
Commerical District

                      Raised Landscape Beds

Items defined below provide a general scope of work. Each individual bid area has unique needs
and items specific to that area. Use this document as a general guidance document that covers
many of the areas that are common and duplicated throughout multiple areas. Additional
specific information for each area along with which general scope items apply are included in the
Request for Bids document. Any variances (additions/subtractions/revisions from this document
should be noted on the Bid Form in the notes section.

   •   Spring Cleanup - To be completed prior to May 15 annually
           o Thatch and aerate all turf areas as needed
           o Edge all turf areas where appropriate
           o Trim all ornamental grasses and annual plants to spring start height
           o Cleanout landscape beds of all trash, weeds, excess mulch, leaves and any
             other landscape debris
           o Trim and prune all shrubs, bushes and trees within the designated areas
           o Assess landscaping, shrub, tree, and all other plantings for condition and
             variety. Provide contract owner with recommendations and cost estimates to
             replace plantings for conditional reasons and to provide for broader color
             options and season long appeal. Contract owner will review
             recommendations and will provide authorization to proceed with approved
             plantings along with separate negotiated payment for new plantings.
           o Install new hardwood mulch in all mulched landscape beds to provide
             consistent and uniform coverage
           o Repair and recommend for replacement any landscape edging
           o Haul and dispose of all yard waste. Trash collected can be bagged and left
             for City staff to collect
           o Ensure that all sidewalks, streets, and curb lines are cleaned of all debris
             created during the process
           o Coordinate with DPW staff to activate irrigation at the appropriate time

   • Fertilization

      o Four (4) fertilization applications on all turf areas and any other areas as
        recommended by the Contractor on the following schedule:
                Spring (completed by June 1)
                Early Summer (completed by July 30)
                Late Summer (completed by September 30)
              Fall/Winterized (completed by Nov. 30)
      o Contractor shall have discretion to recommend fertilizer product as
        appropriate and in compliance with all governing laws/ordinances
      o Fertilizer shall be appropriate for areas with expected human/animal

•   Nuisance Management
      o During the period of May 1 – October 31 provide weekly hand weeding
        and cleanup of all landscaped areas.
      o During the period of May 1 – October 31 provide weekly hand weeding or
        equally effective herbicide to sidewalk and curb areas to keep them free of
        nuisance weed and grass growth.
      o Four (4) applications of weed control, insecticide and fungicide to all turf
        areas and landscaping beds. Application rates and timing shall be at
        contractor discretion to ensure proper growth and maintenance.
      o Contractor shall have discretion to recommend nuisance control product as
        appropriate and in compliance with all governing laws/ordinances
      o Nuisance control products shall be appropriate for areas with expected
        human/animal contact and shall be applied by a licensed applicator.

•   Mowing
      o During the period of May 1 – October 31 provide weekly mowing of all
        turf areas
      o All areas that can’t be accomplished with a mower to be weed whipped on
        a similar schedule or have additional landscaping added to eliminate weed
      o Provide weekly edging at all locations where a hard surface meets a turf

       o Ensure that all sidewalks, streets, and curb lines are cleaned of all debris
         created during the process

•   Fall cleanup – To be completed prior to November 15 annually
       o Contractor shall have discretion to address items identified in the Seasonal
         Spring Cleanup section during the fall with Contract Owner approval. This is
         intended to ease spring operations and/or provide additional benefit to the
       o Cleanout landscape beds of all trash, weeds, excess mulch, leaves and any
         other landscape debris
       o Assess landscaping, shrub, tree, and all other plantings for condition and
         variety. Provide contract owner with recommendations and cost estimates to
         replace plantings for conditional reasons and to provide for broader color
         options and season long appeal. Contract owner will review
         recommendations and will provide authorization to proceed with approved
         plantings along with separate negotiated payment for new plantings.
       o Coordinate with DPW staff to winterize irrigation at the appropriate time

• Hanging Baskets / Flower Pots
       o Hanging baskets and flower pots shall be installed and actively maintained
         from May 15 – September 15 annually
       o Install flowers within existing pots (Bid Area #008) or provide hanging
         baskets to fit the site (Bid Area #002)
       o Recommend plantings for the hanging baskets and flower pots and work
         with the Contract Owner to obtain approval for the plantings to ensure
         broad variety, season long appeal, and themed uniformity.
       o Provide frequent watering and any other services needed to the hanging
         baskets to ensure they remain vibrant and blooming throughout the
         growing season
       o Recommend replacement of damaged baskets/pots
       o Coordinate with the city on needed relocations annually. City staff intend to set
         the location prior to the Spring start date and only move planters as needed for
         specific projects/events with a goal to minimize movement throughout the season.
         Any additional work required to restore a planter related to mid-season
         relocations is paid separately.


General Notes
   •   Approximate location map -

   •   Check all locations for hose bibs or any other locations where water may be present

   •   Ensure all pumps are deactivated prior to starting blowout. Turn all irrigation controllers to off
       when done

   •   1/4 turn all valves after shutoffs and when done with blowouts. Open all drains at lowest point
       of water lines in chases if possible

   •   Pits with meters that are shallow or pullable, disconnect and let drain, leave in pit

Locations For Inclustion In Bid Item

   •   Aamodt (2 taps)
         o Shutoff for E. half of park on Marquette by front of park. Close both valves in pit
            and open drain. Quick coupler by 3 valve boxes by controller. Can blow through
            pit or quick coupler.
         o Shutoff for W. half of park on Erickson. Can blow through quick coupler, or
            valve in pits.

   •   City Hall (2 taps)
          o Median: Shutoff for median in road on Terrace/Walton. ¼ turn valve in water
             meter box by big breaker in the median. Do not blow median just turn off and ¼
             turn valve to drain.

           o Building grounds: Meter pit by vacuum breaker by building, shutoff and drain in
             pit. Blow point silver pipe in ground valve box sticking up.

   •   Day of Caring
          o Shutoff and drain in pit. Blowout on breaker – remove plug

                                                                                                Page 1 of 5
•   Dog Park
       o Shut off, meter drain and pull. Drain in valve box. Blowout in black panel behind
          brick wall.

•   Greenwood
       o Shutoff in meter pit, blow out w/quick coupler by breaker, pull meter and let

•   Hackley Park
      o Pit by Clay on Northside of park. Shutoff ball valve and open drain when done.
          NO Gate Valve.
      o Vacuum breaker in center monument. Quick coupler for blowout next to it, ¼ turn
          when done.

•   Indian Cemetery
       o Shutoff in road in front of Indian entrance. Pit only has drain, blowout on breaker,
           pull plug on white pvc. Controller in traffic box in bushes to east next to post
           office parking.

•   Joe Clifford
       o Shutoff by sidewalk, pit in front of it.
       o 2 valves in pit – 1 shutoff for fountain (closest to road), 1 drain (closest to park).
           For main line open drain when done.
       o Blowout quick coupler in valve box in front of pit.
       o Metal case with lock may have to be lifted if no key, check under there to ensure
           blowout is complete. Be sure to open valve to blowout splash pad. Controller is in
           the back by electrical boxes and pavilion.

•   Lakeshore Dr. and Addison St.
       o Shutoff at breaker and blowout. Manually turn on if necessary, 4 zones down by
          lagoon, 1 up by road across street by Lakeside sign. Solar controller further up
          Addison by guardrail, battery key needed to operate.

•   Lakeshore Dr. and Frisbie St. & Lakeshore Dr. North
       o Controller on pole. Valves do not turn on, had to turn on manually. On Frisbee
          turn off valve by curb, manhole has drain, blow point on hose bib. (Lakeshore Dr.
          North) Across street by Amoco site behind wall shutoff closer to road and drain
          by backflow. 1 valve with controller on it.

                                                                                    Page 2 of 5
•   Lakeshore Dr. (meter pit 1 and 2) (2 taps)
       o 50-55psi. End of Mann St. pull meter, drain, leave. Blowout at breaker and also
          across street by Marine Tap, also can on southside Torrent St. flower bed.

•   Laketon Bike Path (3 taps)
       o By Mission:
              Manhole has shutoff and drain. Quick coupler is the blowout. From the
                 mission to Southern.

       o Elwood/Laketon:
             Pump-pit-controller

       o Pine/Laketon:
             Controls Leahy to 1 block west of Wood St.
             Shut off.
             Take wire off pump start to deactivate pump – wired to controller.
             Blowout in pump box, remove plug, close last valve. Pressure gauge, pull
                drain on pump.

•   Lighton
       o Drain in curb stop by RPZ. In pit across from county building shutoff water.
          Either pull plug right after the meter, or blow from backside of second check on
          RPZ. 1 zone, puck by RPZ in valve box. Pull batteries and set to off when done.

•   McLaughlin Community Park
      o Meter pit behind box, shutoff and pull meter. Get in irrigation box, controller in
         pavilion. Blowout from hose bib on side of box.

•   Monet
      o Meter pit for shutoff by controller. Blow point on breaker. Do not do anything for
          pond other than blow out fill valve. 1 zone does not work and has a nelson puck
          (probably zone 2ish). Blow, turn off, and remove batteries. Puck in valve box on
          left side of sidewalk across from controller (may be covered). Not sure about
          drinking fountain.

                                                                                  Page 3 of 5
•   Shoreline Drive (6 taps)
       o Tap #1: (Southern to Western, median and sides)
               Just past Southern in median manhole by breaker, may have to pump out
               Shutoff and drain in pit by breaker. Quick coupler by base of breaker for
                 blowout. Controller at end of Western ? (Zones 23 and higher)

       o Tap #2: (Western to 7th) (Zones 14-21?)
             Shutoff and drain in pit. Blow the same as the others.

       o Tap #3: (7th to 4th?) (9-13 or 1-8?)
             Tap in median across from the Amazon just past 7th. Deep pit, allow to air
                out. Same as others.

       o Tap #4: (4th to 3rd)
             Controller on light pole (6-8 stations?). Shutoff in water cover. Drain in
                curb stop by quick coupler. Valve by quick coupler and breaker.

       o Tap #5: (Between 3rd and 1st)
             Pull up from south side to prevent damage to irrigation. Pole has
                controller. Shutoff, blow point in pit.

       o Tap #6 at end of Terrace (1st to Moses J. Jones and medians on Terrace)
             Manhole, close ball valve, open drain. Blow point on breaker by ground,
                ¼ turn when done.

•   St. Joseph
        o Shutoff in meter pit. Pull meter if possible. Blow through breaker w/ ¼ inch
           adapter. Valve next to breaker for fountain. Remove y-strainer if possible from
           fountain to prevent freezing.

•   Terrace Point
       o Shutoff, meter, and drain across from Shoreline Inn parking lot. Shutoff, blow
          through RPZ. Open drain when done. Controller down the road in the trees.

•   Third St.
       o Shutoff and meter in pit in landscape. Blow point on breaker. Pull meter and drain
          when done. Drain in curb stop by meter pit.

                                                                                   Page 4 of 5
•   Western Ave. (2 taps)
      o Tap #1: (Terrace to 1st)
              Located at Jefferson and Western in landscape. Shutoff in pit and drain is

       o Tap #2: (1st to 3rd)
             Located at 2nd and Western in landscape. Shutoff is curb stop in sidewalk
                and drain by RPZ. Blowout from RPZ.

•   Young Park
       o Shutoff, pull meter from pit and drain. Controller on valve, blow from breaker.

                                                                                 Page 5 of 5
                                                                                 BID FORM - DOWNTOWN LANDSCAPING






Line Item Description                                         Year #1 (2023 Season)          Year #2 (2024 Season)   Year #3 (2025 Season)   Year #4 (2026 Season) / Optional   Year #5 (2027 Season) / Optional

     1     Bid Area #001 - Western Avenue

     2     Bid Area #002 - Hackley Park

     3     Bid Area #003 - Third Street

     4     Bid Area #004 - City Hall

     5     Bid Area #005 - Farmers Market

     6     Bid Area #006 - Shoreline Drive

     7     Bid Area #007 - Various Flower Pots and Planters

     8     Bid Area #008 - Irrigation Startup / Shutdown

     9     Bid Area #009 - Lakeside Commercial District


Bid Tabulation 1 of 1
Description                                        DT BID   LS BID   DDA    City GF   CFFMC   Farmers Market   TOTAL

Bid Area #001 - Western Avenue                     100%                                                        100%

Bid Area #002 - Hackley Park                                                          100%                     100%

Bid Area #003 - Third Street                       100%                                                        100%

Bid Area #004 - City Hall                                                    100%                              100%

Bid Area #005 - Farmers Market                                                                    100%         100%

Bid Area #006 - Shoreline Drive                                              100%                              100%

Bid Area #007 - Various Flower Pots and Planters                     100%                                      100%

Bid Area #008 - Irrigation Startup / Shutdown       10%      10%             80%                               100%

Bid Area #009 - Lakeside Commercial District                100%                                               100%

Bid Tabulation 1 of 1
                     Agenda Item Review Form
                      Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 7, 2022                             Title: MDEGLE High Water
                                                                      Infrastructure Grant

Submitted By: Leo Evans                                               Department: Public Works

Brief Summary: Staff requests a resolution of support and commitment of matching funds for
submittal to MDEGLE through the 2023 High Water Infrastructure Grant Program.

Detailed Summary & Background:
The Michigan Legislature appropriated $14.25 million to the Michigan Department of Environment,
Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) for a grant program to provide infrastructure and planning grants
that directly address the impacts and vulnerabilities presented by severe weather events, with a focus
on projects that address flooding, coastline erosion, urban heat, and storm water management.

Staff has identified restoration of the beach access at Kruse Park as a target for this program. Staff
has previously conducted community engagement on this project and developed a master plan for the
site that is available on our website here -

Staff has prepared an application to pursue funds to support the work identified in Phase 1 of the
Master Plan as well as obtaining letters of support from our legislative contacts, the Muskegon
Conservation District, WMSRDC, Beachwood-Bluffton Neighborhood Association, and Disability
Network West Michigan.

If successful as drafted the grant will provide $700,000.00 towards the project and will require a
commitment of matching cash/in-kind funds from the City in the amount of $343,915.00 during the
23/24 fiscal year.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
Destination Community & Quality of Life – Enhanced Parks & Recreation Department and Services

Amount Requested: $0                                 Amount Budgeted: $0

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                           Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: Approve the Resolution of Support and Commitment of Matching Funds for
the 2023 State High Water Infrastructure Grant and authorize the Clerk to sign.

Approvals:                                                            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head    Information Technology
Other Division Heads       Communication

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                           City of Muskegon


                                   Kruse Park Beach Access Restoration

WHEREAS, Muskegon City Commission supports the submission of an application titled, “Kruse Park
Beach Access Restoration” to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy within
the 2023 State High Water Infrastructure Grant Program for completion of Phase 1 improvements at
Kruse Park; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon desires to make improvements on the site to provide increased access
to the shoreline and enhanced recreational activities; and,

WHEREAS, the proposed application is supported by the Community’s 5-year Approved Parks and
Recreation Plan; and,

WHEREAS, funding is available from the State of Michigan through a legislative appropriation, and

WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon is hereby making a financial commitment to the project in the amount
of $343,915.00 matching funds in cash and in-kind services should the project be selected; and

NOW, THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED, that Muskegon City Commissioners hereby authorizes
and supports submission of a 2023 State high Water Infrastructure Grant for $700,000.00 for completion
of Phase 1 Kruse Park Beach Access Restoration, and further resolves to make available its financial
obligation amount of $343,915.00 for a total project cost of $1,043,915.00 during the Cities 2023-2024
fiscal year.




I certify that the above Resolution was adopted by the City Commission of the City of Muskegon on
November 7th, 2022.

BY:       Ann Meisch, City Clerk

          Signature                                           Date
                             M ICHIGAN C OASTAL MANAGEMENT P ROGRAM

                            W ATER R ESOURCES DIVISION

                      State High Water Infrastructure Grant Program
                                 2023 Grant Application

  Proposed Grant Title: Kruse Park Beach Access Restoration

                                        Applicant Information

  Name of Agency/Organization: City of Muskegon
  Address: 933 Terrace Street                    City: Muskegon                   ZIP: 49440

              Applicant Contact Name:        Leo Evans

                                   Title:    DPW Director
                          Phone Number:      231-724-6920
                          Email Address:

     Authorized Representative Name:         Leo Evans

                                   Title:    DPW Director
                          Phone Number:      231-724-6920
                          Email Address:

                                 List of counties work will take place in:

  If your project is site-specific, please include the latitude and longitude coordinates of the site
  entrance location.        Is your project site specific?    ☐ Yes        ☐ No

  LAT: N 43.205029                                   LONG: W 86.320437

US Congressional District 3                               Fed ID#     38-6004522
  State Senate District     32                             UEI#       NVASZGCGV2Z5
  State House District      87                        Grant Amount $700,000.00
    Great Lake or                                     Match Amount $343,915.00
 Connecting Waterway        Lake Michigan              Project Total $1,043,915.00                            Page 1 of 3                     EQP9315 (Rev. 9/2022)
                                 W ATER R ESOURCES D IVISION

                                           Project Description
A. Provide a concise description of project scope and how the project addresses the impacts and
    vulnerabilities presented by severe weather events, with a focus on projects that address flooding,
    coastline erosion, urban heat, and stormwater management.
Project scope includes completion of Phase 1 of the attached master planning document to restore
safe and accessible beach access at Kruse Park. The original access at the site was destroyed by
coastline erosion during the high water levels on Lake Michigan in 2019 and 2020, the continued use
of the site by the public has led to erosion of the critical dune in the area. The proposed project
takes into account the higher levels of fluctuation expected within the great lakes and seeks to utilize
construction elements that will provide greater resiliency and restoration of the critical dunes.
B. Provide a detailed description of the proposed project tasks, activities, outcomes, and work
    products. The description should fully explain the details of each task and provide greater context
    to information supplied in the Project Tasks and Schedule section. Descriptions should include
    details on project readiness and transferability of project results.
The project includes all items identified in Phase 1 of the attached master plan document; which
includes demolition of the remaining sections of the lower portion of the beach access walkway, and
construction of a new beach access ramp/stair combo. The new access will confine the erosion that
is resulting from pedestrians traversing the dune and allow the eroded areas to be restored with
native plantings. The project has gone through extensive master planning with the community to
reach the level it is currently at and is ready to be pushed forward into design/permitting.
C. Provide a description of the source of secured or committed (20%) match funds with letters of
   commitment from each source. A letter from each entity contributing match, with amount
   specified, must be received alongside the application.
Matching funds will be provided by the City of Muskegon General Fund.

D. Provide a description of how the proposed project leverages other technical and/or financial
The project will restore access to the beach that has been fully lost as a result of coastal erosion.
The site serves as the City of Muskegon Dog Beach which was a regional attraction for visitors.
Kruse Park itself falls within the area where the city charges for parking, so improving amenities at
this site will in turn attract more visitors and generate additional revenue for the city to help support
the implementation of other parks capital projects within the city.
E. Provide a description of your organizational capability to administer the grant; including outlining
    the qualifications of all individuals anticipated to work on the project tasks with indication of their
    roles and responsibilities of oversight of contractual service providers.
The project will be led by the Department of Public Works which includes a staff of 2 registered
professional engineers and an 4 staff within the engineering department. The staff routinely delivers
a large capital program and has successfully delivered previous state grant projects through
MDEGLE, MDNR, and MDOT. City staff will provide oversight and administration and anticipates
consulting to develop the site specific plans, permit, and bid package necessary for the project.                               Page 2 of 3                       EQP9315 (Rev. 9/2022)
                                 W ATER R ESOURCES D IVISION

                                    F. Project Tasks and Schedule:

Please provide a Gantt Chart that outlines proposed tasks, the expected timeline that tasks are
expected to be completed, and work products to be created from completion of tasks as an
attachment with your application.

                                              Project Budget

Download and use the Budget Form available on the MCMP’s website,
When completing the Budget Form, select one of three cost accounting approaches for project
indirect costs. Indirect accounting options include:
   1) The applicant’s federally negotiated indirect rate, which must be accompanied by a
      Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA)
   2) A 10 percent de minimis rate; or
   3) Zero indirect expenses for projects that do not require any reimbursement of indirect costs.

                                         Required Attachments

Please provide the following items as attachments with your application:
   • Project location map for proposed project.
   • Proof of Audit
         o Applicants must provide documentation of financial stability by providing proof of a
             financial audit within 24 months of the announcement of this GFO. The audit date is
             based on the audit period and not the date of the audit or audit letter.
   • Resolution or Letters of Support
         o A Resolution of Support is required for applications from local units of government or
             other partner organizations. A sample Resolution of Support is available on the MCMP’s
   • Letters of Commitment
         o Provide any letters or commitments of support from partner organizations.

If you need this information in an alternate format, contact or
EGLE does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, marital
status, disability, political beliefs, height, weight, genetic information, or sexual orientation in the
administration of any of its programs or activities, and prohibits intimidation and retaliation, as
required by applicable laws and regulations. Questions or concerns should be directed to the
Nondiscrimination Compliance Coordinator at or
This form and its contents are subject to the Freedom of Information Act and may be released to the
public.                               Page 3 of 3                        EQP9315 (Rev. 9/2022)
ea   Kruse Park Beach Access Restoration                                                                                                          SIMPLE GANTT CHART by
Enter   of Muskegon
      Company Name in cell B2.
    Department of Public Works                                                                                              Mon, 4/3/2023
Enter the name of the Project Lead in cell B3. Enter the Project Start date in cell E3. Pooject Start: labelStart:
                                                                                                  Project    is in cell C3.
                                                                                                                            1                             Apr 1, 2023                                                                                                     May 1, 2023                                                                                                                     Jun 1, 2023                                                                                                                 Jul 1, 2023                                                                                                             Aug 1, 2023                                                                                                                 Sep 1, 2023                                                                                                             Oct 1, 2023                                                                                                             Nov 1, 2023                                                                                                                 Dec 1, 2023                                                                                                                 Jan 1, 2024                                                                                                             Feb 1, 2024                                                                                                             Mar 1, 2024                                                                                                                 Apr 1, 2024                                                                                                         May 1, 2024                                                                                                                     Jun 1, 2024                                                                                                                 Jul 1, 2024                                                                                                             Aug 1, 2024                                                                                                                 Sep 1, 2024                                                                                                             Oct 1, 2024
e                                                                                                Display Week:
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is                                                                                           TO
     Project Startup
       Issue RFP for Design Consultant (Pending Grant Notice)                               DPW                          4/3/23      5/1/23
       Score Proposals                                                                      DPW                          5/1/23      5/9/23
       Submit Recommendation to City Commission                                             DPW                       5/9/23       5/9/23

       Commission Consideration of Recommendation                                           DPW                      5/23/23       5/23/23
     Design & Permitting
       Field Survey                                                                      Consultant                   6/1/23       6/15/23

       Preliminary Design                                                                Consultant                  6/15/23       7/15/23

       70% Plan Review                                                               Consultant / DPW                7/15/23       7/15/23

       Critical Dune Permit Application                                                  Consultant                   8/1/23       2/1/24

       Final Design                                                                      Consultant                  7/15/23       8/1/23

       Bidding                                                                       Consultant / DPW                 8/1/23       8/30/23

       Contract Award                                                             DPW / City Commisison              9/19/23       9/19/23

    Construction (Spring 2024 Shown, Could be Fall 2023 Depending on CD Permit Status)
Sample phase title block
       Removals                                                                          Contractor                   4/1/24       4/15/24

       Site Grading                                                                      Contractor                  4/15/24       4/30/24

       Helical Piers                                                                     Contractor                   5/1/24       5/10/24

       Framing                                                                           Contractor                  5/11/24       5/31/24

       Decking & Rails                                                                   Contractor                   6/1/24       6/15/24

       Armoring                                                                          Contractor                  6/15/24       6/25/24

       Dune Grass Plantings (Seasonally Restricted)                                      Contractor                  10/1/24      10/15/24
                                              WATER RESOURCES DIVISION
                                            COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM
                                                 PROJECT BUDGET
                            Organization Name: City of Muskegon
                                 Project Name: Kruse Park Beach Access Restoration
                               Project Number: TBD
           Name and Title of Staff               Hours               Rate               Grant Amount       Local Match Amount       Total
Leo Evans / DPW Director & City Engineer              100.00 $              56.99   $                  -   $         5,699.00   $      5,699.00
Dan VanderHeide / Deputy DPW Director                 100.00 $              47.52   $                  -   $         4,752.00   $      4,752.00
Matt Schwemin / Parks Supervisor                      100.00 $              31.12   $                  -   $         3,112.00   $      3,112.00
                                                             $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                             $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                             $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                             $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                             $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                             $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                             $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
              Staffing Subtotal                                                     $                  -   $        13,563.00   $     13,563.00

                                                      Fringe Benefits
                   Fringe                                            Rate               Grant Amount       Local Match Amount       Total
Leo Evans / DPW Director & City Engineer                                    40.00% $                   -   $         2,279.60   $      2,279.60
Dan VanderHeide / Deputy DPW Director                                       40.00% $                   -   $         1,900.80   $      1,900.80
Matt Schwemin / Parks Supervisor                                            40.00% $                   -   $         1,244.80   $      1,244.80
0                                                                                  $                   -   $              -     $           -
0                                                                                  $                   -   $              -     $           -
0                                                                                  $                   -   $              -     $           -
0                                                                                  $                   -   $              -     $           -
0                                                                                  $                   -   $              -     $           -
0                                                                                  $                   -   $              -     $           -
0                                                                                  $                   -   $              -     $           -
            Fringe Benefits Subtotal                                               $                   -   $         5,425.20   $      5,425.20
     Staffing and Fringe Benefits Subtotal                                         $                   -   $        18,988.20   $     18,988.20

                                                    Contractual Services
             Name of Contractor              Hours or Units      Rate or Total          Grant Amount       Local Match Amount       Total
Engineer / Architect                               1.00   $          84,627.00   $               -      $        84,627.00   $      84,627.00
Contractors - Various                              1.00   $         940,299.80   $        700,000.00    $       240,299.80   $     940,299.80
                                                          $                -     $               -      $              -     $            -
                                                          $                -     $               -      $              -     $            -
                                                          $                -     $               -      $              -     $            -
                                                          $                -     $               -      $              -     $            -
                                                          $                -     $               -      $              -     $            -
                                                          $                -     $               -      $              -     $            -
                                                          $                -     $               -      $              -     $            -
                                                          $                -     $               -      $              -     $            -
        Contractual Services Subtotal                                            $        700,000.00    $       324,926.80   $   1,024,926.80

                                              Supplies and Materials
       Itemized Supplies and Materials   Quantity                  Cost              Grant Amount       Local Match Amount       Total
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
       Supplies and Materials Subtotal                                           $                  -   $              -     $           -

                                            Equipment (Any Item Over $5,000)
             Itemized Equipment          Quantity                  Cost              Grant Amount       Local Match Amount       Total
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
             Equipment Subtotal                                                  $                  -   $              -     $           -

                    Mileage               Miles                    Rate              Grant Amount       Local Match Amount       Total
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                   Lodging                Nights                   Rate              Grant Amount       Local Match Amount       Total
                                                          $                -     $                  -   $              -     $           -
                        Meals            Quantity                  Rate              Grant Amount       Local Match Amount       Total
                                                               $               -   $                  -       $              -       $           -
     Other Travel (Tolls, Parking, Etc.)         Quantity               Rate           Grant Amount           Local Match Amount         Total
                                                               $               -   $                  -       $              -       $           -
                                                               $               -   $                  -       $              -       $           -
                                                               $               -   $                  -       $              -       $           -
                                                               $               -   $                  -       $              -       $           -
               Travel Subtotal                                                     $                  -       $              -       $           -

                Description                      Quantity               Cost           Grant Amount           Local Match Amount         Total
                                                               $               -   $                  -       $              -       $           -
                                                               $               -   $                  -       $              -       $           -
                                                               $               -   $                  -       $              -       $           -
                                                               $               -   $                  -       $              -       $           -
                                                               $               -   $                  -       $              -       $           -
               Other Subtotal                                                      $                      -   $                  -   $               -

                                                            Project Subtotal
                                                                                       Grant Amount           Local Match Amount         Total
              Project Subtotal                                                     $        700,000.00 $              343,915.00 $       1,043,915.00

              Indirect Approach
                      Rate                        0.00%
               Indirect Subtotal                                                   $                  -       $              -       $           -
What expense categories are included in the
 indirect calculation (e.g. salary and fringe,

                                                      Grant and Match Budget
           Grant and Match Total                                                   $        700,000.00 $              343,915.00 $       1,043,915.00
          Project Percentage Split                                                              67.06%                    32.94%

                                                       Sources of Match
                Organization                                                                   Dollar Value Committed
                                                                                         In Kind                    Cash                 Total
City of Muskegon                                                                                     $            18,988.20    $          324,926.80   $   343,915.00
                                                                                                     $                  -      $                 -     $          -
                                                                                                     $                  -      $                 -     $          -
                                                                                                     $                  -      $                 -     $          -
                                                                                                     $                  -      $                 -     $          -
                                                                                                     $                  -      $                 -     $          -
                                                                                                     $                  -      $                 -     $          -
                                                                                                     $                  -      $                 -     $          -
                                                                                                     $                  -      $                 -     $          -
                                                                                                     $                  -      $                 -     $          -
                 Subtotal                                                                            $            18,988.20    $          324,926.80
Total Match Must Equal Local Match Amount
          in Budget Sheet Above                                                                                                                        $   343,915.00
If you need this information in an alternate format, call 800-662-9278 or contact:        
EGLE does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, marital status, disability, political beliefs, height,
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 7, 2022                Title: Roberts Street MDOT Agreement

Submitted By: Dan VanderHeide                            Department: Public Works

Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of a contract with MDOT for the repaving of Roberts
Street from Sherman Boulevard to Laketon Avenue, and approval of resolution authorizing the
Mayor and Clerk to sign the contract.

Detailed Summary & Background: This is the standard contract that governs construction contracts
that use federal funds and/or are administered through MDOT. The estimated cost of the project is
$1,046,811.25, with $371,340 of that being Category F Transportation Economic Development Fund
(TEDF) grant dollars. The reminder of $675,471.25 is accounted for in the City’s FY22 Major Street
fund capital budget. Of the $825,000 budgeted for the project, $31,880.07 has been spent on
engineering and other design phase services.
The project will be bid this fall and begin construction in the spring; the exact schedule is not
known at this time but will be communicated to the businesses and residents in the area once

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
Key Focus Area: Sustainability in financial practices and infrastructure.

Amount Requested: $675,471.25                         Amount Budgeted: $825,000.00 Requested
                                                                            $ 31,880.07 Expended
                                                                            $793,119.93 Remaining

Fund(s) or Account(s): 202 (Major Streets)            Fund(s) or Account(s): 202 (Major Streets)

Recommended Motion: Approval of the Roberts Street MDOT Contract and a resolution
authorizing the DPW Director and Clerk to sign the contract.

Approvals:                                                             Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head          Information Technology                Yes
Other Division Heads             Communication                         No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                          RESOLUTION __________


Moved by Commissioner ________________ and supported by Commissioner
______________ the following Resolution be adopted:

WHEREAS, entry by the City of Muskegon into Contract no. 22-5487 between the
Michigan Department of Transportation and the City of Muskegon for the
Reconstruction of Roberts Street between Barney Avenue and Laketon
Avenue within the City is in the best interests of the City of Muskegon.

RESOLVED, that entry by the City into Contract Agreement Number 22-5487 be and
the same is hereby authorized and approved and the DPW Director and Clerk are
authorized to execute said contract for and on behalf of the City of Muskegon.

Adopted this 7TH day of November, 2022.


                                            Leo Evans, Director of Public Works


                                             Ann Meisch, City Clerk


This resolution was adopted at a meeting of the City Commission, held on
November 7, 2022. The meeting was properly held and noticed pursuant to the
Open Meetings Act of the State of Michigan, Act 267 of the Public Acts of 1976.
                                               CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                               Ann Meisch, City Clerk
TED (F)                                                  COM
NON FED                                    Control Section   EDF 61000
                                           Job Number        215087CON
                                           Contract No.      22-5487

        THIS CONTRACT is made by and between the MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF
TRANSPORTATION, hereinafter referred to as the "DEPARTMENT;" and the CITY OF
MUSKEGON, a Michigan municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the “REQUESTING
PARTY;” for the purpose of fixing the rights and obligations of the parties in agreeing to the
following improvements, in Muskegon, Michigan, hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT" and
estimated in detail on EXHIBIT "I," dated October 6, 2022, attached hereto and made a part

       Hot mix asphalt reconstruction along Roberts Street from Laketon Avenue to Barney
       Avenue, including earthwork, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk and
       permanent pavement markings; and all together with necessary related work.


       WHEREAS, the State of Michigan is hereinafter referred to as the “State;” and

        WHEREAS, the PROJECT has been approved for financing in part with funds from the
State appropriated to the Transportation Economic Development Fund, hereinafter referred to as
"TED FUNDS," qualifies for funding pursuant to PA 231, Section 11(2)(b); Public Act of 1987,
as amended, and is categorized as:

                            CATEGORY “F” FUNDED PROJECT

        WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached an understanding with each other regarding
the performance of the PROJECT work and desire to set forth this understanding in the form of a
written contract.

        NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual undertakings of
the parties and in conformity with applicable law, it is agreed:

        1.      The parties hereto shall undertake and complete the PROJECT in accordance with
the terms of this contract.

       2.      The term "PROJECT COST," as herein used, is hereby defined as the cost of the
physical construction necessary for the completion of the PROJECT.

01/23/03 TEDDIR.FOR 10/6/22                   1
       The costs incurred by the REQUESTING PARTY for preliminary engineering,
construction engineering and inspection, and right-of-way are excluded from the PROJECT
COST as defined by this contract.

        The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy has informed the
DEPARTMENT that it adopted new administrative rules (R 325.10101, et. seq.) which prohibit
any governmental agency from connecting and/or reconnecting lead and/or galvanized service
lines to existing and/or new water main. Questions regarding these administrative rules should
be directed to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. The cost
associated with replacement of any lead and/or galvanized service lines, including but not limited
to contractor claims, will be the sole responsibility of the REQUESTING PARTY.

       3.      The DEPARTMENT is authorized by the REQUESTING PARTY to perform, at
no cost to the PROJECT, such administration of the PROJECT covered by this contract as is
necessary to assist the REQUESTING PARTY to qualify for funding. Such administration may
include performing such review, legal, financing, any other PROJECT related activities as are
necessary to assist the REQUESTING PARTY in meeting applicable State requirements.

       The DEPARTMENT shall provide the REQUESTING PARTY with a notice to proceed
with the award of the construction contract for the PROJECT.

       The DEPARTMENT shall make a final acceptance inspection of the PROJECT as
necessary to ensure the PROJECT meets State requirements. Failure to comply with State
requirements may result in forfeiture of future distributions of the Michigan Transportation Fund
as described in Section 5. No charges will be made by the DEPARTMENT to the PROJECT for
any inspection work or construction engineering.

       4.    The REQUESTING PARTY, under the terms of this contract, shall advertise and
award the PROJECT work in accordance with the following:

               A.     The REQUESTING PARTY will, at no cost to the DEPARTMENT or the
                      PROJECT, design, or cause to be designed, the PROJECT, and shall
                      accept full responsibility for that design. Any review undertaken by the
                      DEPARTMENT is for its own purposes and is not to nor does it relieve
                      the REQUESTING PARTY of liability for any claims, causes of action or
                      judgments arising out of the design of the PROJECT.

               B.     The REQUESTING PARTY, hereby, certifies to the DEPARTMENT that
                      the plans, specifications, and estimates for the PROJECT have been
                      prepared in compliance with applicable State laws, standards, and

               C.     The REQUESTING PARTY, hereby, certifies to the DEPARTMENT that
                      the contracting procedures to be followed by the REQUESTING PARTY

01/23/03 TEDDIR.FOR 10/6/22                     2
                  in connection with the solicitation of the construction contract for the
                  PROJECT shall be based on an open competitive bid process. It is
                  understood that the proposal for the PROJECT shall be publicly advertised
                  and the contract awarded on the basis of the lowest responsive and
                  responsible bid in accordance with applicable State statutes and

                  (1)    The REQUESTING PARTY shall not award the construction
                         contract prior to receipt of a notice to proceed from the

                  (2)    Upon verification that contractor selection by the REQUESTING
                         PARTY was made in accordance with the terms of this contract
                         and upon receipt of the “Request for Payment” form from the
                         REQUESTING PARTY, the DEPARTMENT will authorize
                         payment to the REQUESTING PARTY for the eligible amount in
                         accordance with Section 5.

            D.    The REQUESTING PARTY will, at no cost to the PROJECT or the
                  DEPARTMENT, comply with all applicable State statutes and regulations,
                  including, but not limited to, those specifically relating to construction
                  contract administration and obtain all permits and approvals with railway
                  companies, utilities, concerned State, Federal, and local agencies, etc., and
                  give appropriate notifications as may be necessary for the performance of
                  work required for the PROJECT.

                  The REQUESTING PARTY agrees to comply with all applicable
                  requirements of Part 91, Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control of the
                  Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451 as
                  amended by 1995 PA 60 and 1996 PA 173, MCL 324.9101 et. seq., for all
                  PROJECT work performed under this contract, and the REQUESTING
                  PARTY shall require its contractors and subcontractors to comply with the

            E.    All work in connection with the PROJECT shall be performed in
                  conformance with the DEPARTMENT’S current Standard Specifications
                  for Construction, special provisions, and the supplemental specifications
                  and plans pertaining to the PROJECT. All materials furnished and used in
                  the construction of the PROJECT shall conform to the aforesaid
                  specifications. Any changes in the scope of work for the PROJECT will
                  require approval by the DEPARTMENT.

            F.    The REQUESTING PARTY shall, at no cost to the PROJECT or to the
                  DEPARTMENT, appoint a project engineer who shall administer the

01/23/03 TEDDIR.FOR 10/6/22                 3
                    PROJECT and ensure that the plans and specifications are followed, and
                    shall perform or cause to be performed the construction engineering and
                    inspection services necessary for the completion of the PROJECT.

                    Should the REQUESTING PARTY elect to use consultants for
                    construction engineering and inspection, the REQUESTING PARTY shall
                    provide a full-time project manager employed by the REQUESTING
                    PARTY who shall ensure that the plans and specifications are followed.

             G.     The REQUESTING PARTY shall require the contractor who is awarded
                    the contract for the construction of the PROJECT to provide, as a
                    minimum, insurance in the amounts specified in and in accordance with
                    the DEPARTMENT'S current Standard Specifications for Construction,
                    and to:

                    (1)    Maintain bodily injury and property damage insurance for the
                           duration of the PROJECT.

                    (2)    Provide owner's protective liability insurance naming as insureds
                           the State of Michigan, the Michigan State Transportation
                           Commission, the DEPARTMENT and its officials, agents and
                           employees, the REQUESTING PARTY and any other party with
                           jurisdiction for the roadway being constructed as the PROJECT,
                           and their employees, for the duration of the PROJECT and to
                           provide copies of certificates of insurance to the insureds. It is
                           understood that the DEPARTMENT does not assume either
                           ownership of any portion of the PROJECT or jurisdiction of any
                           REQUESTING PARTY highway as a result of being named as an
                           insured on the owner's protective liability insurance policy.

                    (3)    Comply with the requirements of notice of cancellation and
                           reduction of insurance set forth in the current Standard
                           Specifications for Construction and to provide copies of notices
                           and reports prepared to those insured.

       5.     The PROJECT COST shall be met in part by contributions by TED FUNDS.
TED FUNDS Category F shall be applied to the eligible items of the PROJECT COST up to an
amount not to exceed the lesser of: (1) 45 percent of the approved and responsible low bid
amount, or (2) $375,000, the grant amount. The balance, if any, of the PROJECT COST, after
deduction of TED FUNDS, is the sole responsibility of the REQUESTING PARTY.

       The REQUESTING PARTY shall be responsible for the payment of all costs and
expenses incurred in the performance of PROJECT work.

01/23/03 TEDDIR.FOR 10/6/22                 4
        Based upon the final cost of the PROJECT and/or a request by the REQUESTING
PARTY, a payment adjustment may be initiated and/or authorized by the DEPARTMENT for
eligible items of the PROJECT COST such that the total amount of TED FUNDS does not
exceed the grant amount. The REQUESTING PARTY shall certify all actual costs incurred for
work performed under this contract that are eligible for payment with TED FUNDS and will be
required to repay any TED FUNDS it received in excess of 45 percent of the total of such costs.

        6.      The REQUESTING PARTY shall establish and maintain adequate records and
accounts relative to the cost of the PROJECT. Said records shall be retained for a period of three
(3) years after completion of construction of the PROJECT and shall be available for audit by the
DEPARTMENT. In the event of a dispute with regard to allowable expenses or any other issue
under this contract, the REQUESTING PARTY shall continue to maintain the records at least
until that dispute has been finally decided and the time after all available challenges or appeals of
that decision has expired.

       The DEPARTMENT, or its representative, may inspect, copy, or audit the records at any
reasonable time after giving reasonable notice.

       The REQUESTING PARTY, within six (6) months of completion of the PROJECT and
payment of all items of PROJECT COST related thereto, shall make a final reporting of
construction costs to the DEPARTMENT and certify that the PROJECT has been constructed in
accordance with the PROJECT plans, specifications, and construction contract.

       In the event that an audit performed by or on behalf of the DEPARTMENT indicates an
adjustment to the costs reported under this contract or questions the allowability of an item of
expense, the DEPARTMENT shall promptly submit to the REQUESTING PARTY a Notice of
Audit Results and a copy of the audit report which may supplement or modify any tentative
findings verbally communicated to the REQUESTING PARTY at the completion of an audit.

        Within sixty (60) days after the date of the Notice of Audit Results, the REQUESTING
PARTY shall: (a) respond in writing to the responsible Bureau or the DEPARTMENT indicating
whether or not it concurs with the audit report, (b) clearly explain the nature and basis for any
disagreement as to a disallowed item of expense, and (c) submit to the DEPARTMENT a written
explanation as to any questioned or no opinion expressed item of expense, hereinafter referred to
as the “RESPONSE”. The RESPONSE shall be clearly stated and provide any supporting
documentation necessary to resolve any disagreement or questioned or no opinion expressed
item of expense. Where the documentation is voluminous, the REQUESTING PARTY may
supply appropriate excerpts and make alternate arrangements to conveniently and reasonably
make that documentation available for review by the DEPARTMENT. The RESPONSE shall
refer to and apply the language of the contract. The REQUESTING PARTY agrees that failure
to submit a RESPONSE within the sixty (60) day period constitutes agreement with any
disallowance of an item of expense and authorizes the DEPARTMENT to finally disallow any
items of questioned or no opinion expressed cost.

01/23/03 TEDDIR.FOR 10/6/22                      5
        The DEPARTMENT shall make its decision with regard to any Notice of Audit Results
and RESPONSE within one hundred twenty (120) days after the date of the Notice of Audit
Results. If the DEPARTMENT determines that an overpayment has been made to the
REQUESTING PARTY, the REQUESTING PARTY shall repay that amount to the
DEPARTMENT or reach agreement with the DEPARTMENT on a repayment schedule within
thirty (30) days after the date of an invoice from the DEPARTMENT. If the REQUESTING
PARTY fails to repay the overpayment or reach agreement with the DEPARTMENT on a
repayment schedule within the thirty (30) day period, the REQUESTING PARTY agrees that the
DEPARTMENT shall deduct all or a portion of the overpayment from any funds then or
thereafter payable by the DEPARTMENT to the REQUESTING PARTY under this contract or
any other agreement, or payable to the REQUESTING PARTY under the terms of 1951 PA 51,
as applicable. Interest will be assessed on any partial payments or repayment schedules based on
the unpaid balance at the end of each month until the balance is paid in full. The rate of interest
will be based on the Michigan Department of Treasury common cash funds interest earnings.
The rate of interest will be reviewed annually by the DEPARTMENT and adjusted as necessary
based on the Michigan Department of Treasury common cash funds interest earnings. The
REQUESTING PARTY expressly consents to this withholding or offsetting of funds under those
circumstances, reserving the right to file a lawsuit in the Court of Claims to contest the
DEPARTMENT’S decision only as to any item of expense the disallowance of which was
disputed by the REQUESTING PARTY in a timely filed RESPONSE.

      The REQUESTING PARTY shall comply with the Single Audit Act of 1984, P.L.
998-502 and applicable State laws and regulations relative to audit requirements.

       7.      Upon completion of construction of the PROJECT, the REQUESTING PARTY
will cause to be enacted and enforced such ordinances or regulations as may be necessary to
prohibit parking in the roadway right-of-way throughout the limits of the PROJECT.

        8.       The REQUESTING PARTY certifies that it is not aware if and has no reason to
believe that the property on which the work is to be performed under this agreement is a facility,
as defined by the Michigan Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act [(NREPA), PA
451, 1994, as amended 2012]; MCL 324.20101(1)(s). The REQUESTING PARTY also
certifies that it is not a liable party pursuant to either Part 201 or Part 213 of NREPA, MCL
324.20126 et seq. and MCL 324.21323a et seq. The REQUESTING PARTY is a local unit of
government that has acquired or will acquire property for the use of either a transportation
corridor or public right-of-way and was not responsible for any activities causing a release or
threat of release of any hazardous materials at or on the property. The REQUESTING PARTY
is not a person who is liable for response activity costs, pursuant to MCL 324.20101 (vv) and

        9.     If, subsequent to execution of this contract, previously unknown hazardous
substances are discovered within the PROJECT limits, which require environmental remediation
pursuant to either State or federal law, the REQUESTING PARTY, in addition to reporting that
fact to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy , shall immediately

01/23/03 TEDDIR.FOR 10/6/22                     6
notify the DEPARTMENT, both orally and in writing of such discovery. The DEPARTMENT
shall consult with the REQUESTING PARTY to determine if it is willing to pay for the cost of
remediation and to determine the eligibility, for reimbursement, of the remediation costs. The
REQUESTING PARTY shall pay all costs associated with such remediation, including all delay
costs of the contractor for the PROJECT. If the REQUESTING PARTY refuses to participate in
the cost of remediation, the amount of TED FUNDS the REQUESTING PARTY received from
Grant #1009 shall be forfeited back to the DEPARTMENT.

       10.     If State funds administered by the DEPARTMENT are used to pay the cost of
remediating any hazardous substances discovered after the execution of this contract and if there
is a reasonable likelihood of recovery, the REQUESTING PARTY, in cooperation with the
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy and the DEPARTMENT, shall
make a diligent effort to recover such costs from all other possible entities. If recovery is made,
the DEPARTMENT shall be reimbursed from such recovery for the proportionate share of the
amount paid by the DEPARTMENT and the DEPARTMENT shall credit such sums to the
appropriate funding source.

    11.   The DEPARTMENT'S sole reason for entering into this contract is to enable the
REQUESTING PARTY to obtain and use funds provided by the State.

        Any and all approvals of, reviews of, and recommendations regarding contracts,
agreements, permits, plans, specifications, or documents, of any nature, or any inspections of
work by the DEPARTMENT pursuant to the terms of this contract are done to assist the
REQUESTING PARTY in meeting program guidelines in order to qualify for available funds.
Such approvals, reviews, inspections and recommendations by the DEPARTMENT shall not
relieve the REQUESTING PARTY and the local agencies, as applicable, of their ultimate
control and shall not be construed as a warranty of their propriety or that the DEPARTMENT is
assuming any liability, control or jurisdiction.

        The providing of recommendations or advice by the DEPARTMENT does not relieve the
REQUESTING PARTY and the local agencies, as applicable, of their exclusive jurisdiction of
the highway and responsibility under MCL 691.1402 et seq., as amended.

       When providing approvals, reviews and recommendations under this contract, the
DEPARTMENT is performing a governmental function, as that term is defined in MCL
691.1401 et seq. as amended, which is incidental to the completion of the PROJECT.

        12.    The DEPARTMENT, by executing this contract, and rendering services pursuant
to this contract, has not and does not assume jurisdiction of the highway, described as the
PROJECT for purposes of MCL 691.1402 et seq., as amended. Exclusive jurisdiction of such
highway for the purposes of MCL 691.1402 et seq., as amended, rest with the REQUESTING
PARTY and other local agencies having respective jurisdiction.

01/23/03 TEDDIR.FOR 10/6/22                     7
        13.    The REQUESTING PARTY shall approve all of the plans and specifications to
be used on the PROJECT and shall be deemed to have approved all changes to the plans and
specifications when put into effect. It is agreed that ultimate responsibility and control over the
PROJECT rests with the REQUESTING PARTY and local agencies, as applicable.

        Upon completion of the PROJECT, the REQUESTING PARTY shall accept the facilities
constructed as built to specifications within the contract documents. It is understood that the
REQUESTING PARTY shall own the facilities and shall operate and maintain the facilities in
accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, including, but not limited
to, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 USC 12131 et seq., and its
associated regulations and standards, and DEPARTMENT Road and Bridge Standard Plans and
the Standard Specifications for Construction.

        14.     The REQUESTING PARTY agrees that the costs reported to the DEPARTMENT
for this contract will represent only those items that are properly chargeable in accordance with
this contract. The REQUESTING PARTY also certifies that it has read the contract terms and
has made itself aware of the applicable laws, regulations, and terms of this contract that apply to
the reporting of costs incurred under the terms of this contract.

        15.     Each party to this contract will remain responsible for any and all claims arising
out of its own acts and/or omissions during the performance of the contract, as provided by this
contract or by law. In addition, this is not intended to increase or decrease either party’s liability
for or immunity from tort claims. This contract is also not intended to nor will it be interpreted
as giving either party a right of indemnification, either by contract or by law, for claims arising
out of the performance of this contract.

        16.     In connection with the performance of PROJECT work under this contract the
parties hereto (hereinafter in Appendix “A” referred to as the “contractor”) agree to comply with
the State of Michigan provisions for “Prohibition of Discrimination in State Contracts,” as set
forth in Appendix A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. The parties further covenant that
they will comply with the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 being P.L. 88-352, 78 Stat. 241, as
amended, being Title 42 U.S.C. Sections 1971, 1975a-1975d, and 2000a-2000h-6, and will
require similar covenants on the part of any contractor or subcontractor employed in the
performance of this contract.

        17.     The REQUESTING PARTY and other local agencies, as applicable parties,
understand and agree that the highway(s) or street(s) being improved under the terms of this
agreement and funded with Transportation Economic Development Funds, shall not be subject to
any restriction by local authorities in using certain commercial vehicles on such highway(s) or
street(s). Such restrictions are in conflict with the basic concept of the Transportation Economic
Development Program and Funding. The REQUESTING PARTY, by signing this agreement,
agrees to obtain concurrence from other local governmental agencies within whose jurisdiction
or control the highway(s) or street(s) are being improved.

01/23/03 TEDDIR.FOR 10/6/22                       8
        18.     This contract shall become binding on the parties hereto and of full force and
effect upon the signing thereof by the duly authorized officials for the parties hereto and upon the
adoption of the necessary resolution approving said contract and authorizing the signatures
thereto of the respective officials of the REQUESTING PARTY, a certified copy of which
resolution shall be attached to this contract.

        IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed as
written below.

CITY OF MUSKEGON                                     MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT
                                                     OF TRANSPORTATION

By___________________________                        By____________________________
 Title:                                               Department Director MDOT

                                                              By Larry Doyle at 11:00 am, 10/24/22

01/23/03 TEDDIR.FOR 10/6/22                      9
                                                                           October 6, 2022

                                       EXHIBIT I

                           CONTROL SECTION             EDF 61000
                           JOB NUMBER                  215087CON

                                   ESTIMATED COST


      Contracted Work                                                $825,200

                          ESTIMATED COST PARTICIPATION

GRAND TOTAL ESTIMATED COST                                           $825,200
Less TED FUNDS*                                                      $371,340
BALANCE (REQUESTING PARTY'S SHARE)                                   $453,860


*TED FUNDS for the PROJECT are limited to an amount as described in Section 5.

01/23/03 TEDDIR.FOR 10/6/22                10
                               APPENDIX A

In connection with the performance of work under this contract; the contractor agrees as follows:

1.     In accordance with Public Act 453 of 1976 (Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act), the
       contractor shall not discriminate against an employee or applicant for employment with
       respect to hire, tenure, treatment, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment or a
       matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of race, color, religion,
       national origin, age, sex, height, weight, or marital status. A breach of this covenant will
       be regarded as a material breach of this contract. Further, in accordance with Public Act
       220 of 1976 (Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights Act), as amended by Public Act 478
       of 1980, the contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for
       employment with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment
       or a matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of a disability that is
       unrelated to the individual’s ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position. A
       breach of the above covenants will be regarded as a material breach of this contract.

2.     The contractor hereby agrees that any and all subcontracts to this contract, whereby a
       portion of the work set forth in this contract is to be performed, shall contain a covenant
       the same as hereinabove set forth in Section 1 of this Appendix.

3.     The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants for employment and
       employees are treated without regard to their race, color, religion, national origin, age,
       sex, height, weight, marital status, or any disability that is unrelated to the individual’s
       ability to perform the duties of a particular job or position. Such action shall include, but
       not be limited to, the following: employment; treatment; upgrading; demotion or transfer;
       recruitment; advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of
       compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship.

4.     The contractor shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on
       behalf of the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for
       employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, height,
       weight, marital status, or disability that is unrelated to the individual’s ability to perform
       the duties of a particular job or position.

5.     The contractor or its collective bargaining representative shall send to each labor union or
       representative of workers with which the contractor has a collective bargaining
       agreement or other contract or understanding a notice advising such labor union or
       workers’ representative of the contractor’s commitments under this Appendix.

6.     The contractor shall comply with all relevant published rules, regulations, directives, and
       orders of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission that may be in effect prior to the taking
       of bids for any individual state project.
7.   The contractor shall furnish and file compliance reports within such time and upon such
     forms as provided by the Michigan Civil Rights Commission; said forms may also elicit
     information as to the practices, policies, program, and employment statistics of each
     subcontractor, as well as the contractor itself, and said contractor shall permit access to
     the contractor’s books, records, and accounts by the Michigan Civil Rights Commission
     and/or its agent for the purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance under this
     contract and relevant rules, regulations, and orders of the Michigan Civil Rights

8.   In the event that the Michigan Civil Rights Commission finds, after a hearing held
     pursuant to its rules, that a contractor has not complied with the contractual obligations
     under this contract, the Michigan Civil Rights Commission may, as a part of its order
     based upon such findings, certify said findings to the State Administrative Board of the
     State of Michigan, which State Administrative Board may order the cancellation of the
     contract found to have been violated and/or declare the contractor ineligible for future
     contracts with the state and its political and civil subdivisions, departments, and officers,
     including the governing boards of institutions of higher education, until the contractor
     complies with said order of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission. Notice of said
     declaration of future ineligibility may be given to any or all of the persons with whom the
     contractor is declared ineligible to contract as a contracting party in future contracts. In
     any case before the Michigan Civil Rights Commission in which cancellation of an
     existing contract is a possibility, the contracting agency shall be notified of such possible
     remedy and shall be given the option by the Michigan Civil Rights Commission to
     participate in such proceedings.

9.   The contractor shall include or incorporate by reference, the provisions of the foregoing
     paragraphs (1) through (8) in every subcontract or purchase order unless exempted by
     rules, regulations, or orders of the Michigan Civil Rights Commission; all subcontracts
     and purchase orders will also state that said provisions will be binding upon each
     subcontractor or supplier.

                                                                              Revised June 2011
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 7, 2022                               Title: Trash Compactors

Submitted By: Matt Schwemin, Parks Supervisor                           Department: Parks

Brief Summary: Staff requests authorization to sign a three-year lease for 14 self-compacting
trash receptacles at Pere Marquette and Margaret Drake Elliot parks.

Detailed Summary & Background:
These 50 gallon capacity, self-compacting units from Connect by BigBelly would enhance the
shoreline look and be one direct result of the paid for parking benefit. Not only will the units look
aesthetically pleasing as opposed to the current metal open face cans, but with a fully enclosed
system, less trash would blow out of the units onto the beach.
Current walkway pads allow for placement and not block those with ADA needs. The units are sturdy
in nature and can handle the winds and sands at the beach location according to the manufacturer.
The biggest goal with the three-year lease period is to not only see how much the cans get used, but
also to see how the units stand up to the elements. We will have the ability to extend the lease or
purchase units at the end of the three-year period.
Local suppliers can provide liners for the units. The manufacture does have a subsidiary in Kentucky
that can provide liners if need be. The units also provide options to advertise or brand; staff is still
discussing the pros and cons of this option and will proceed carefully, if at all. The units do connect to
the internet if available, and will notify staff of the need for emptying and include usage data.
During the off season, roughly October through April, we have enclosed storage available at Margaret
Drake Elliot for the units. Depending on how maneuverable they are and the installation needs, staff
is considering locating them downtown during the off season. The three-year lease provides annual
maintenance and troubleshooting, however placement of the units and removal each season would
depend on Parks staff. The units are large and would require heavy machinery to move.
Staff has performed a financial comparison, and while these units are about twice as expensive as
traditional receptacles we calculate we will recoup that cost and more by reducing the times they need
to be emptied and reducing litter cleanup in the area. The current budget includes $10,000 for these
units. The actual impact to this year’s budget will be approximately $4,549.11 (for three months of
lease payments). Future budgets will include for the exact lease amounts per fiscal year.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
Destination Community & Quality of Life – Enhanced Parks & Recreation Department and Services

Amount Requested: $ 4,549.11 (FY22)                    Amount Budgeted: $10,000 (FY22)
                      $54,589.32 (Over 3 Years)        $54,589.32 (Total Including Future Budgets)

Fund(s) or Account(s): 101-770-762 (Parks)             Fund(s) or Account(s): 110-770-762 (Parks)
Recommended Motion: Authorize staff to enter into a three-year lease agreement with Connect by
BigBelly for a total of $54,589.32 over three years for 14 self-compacting 50 gallon trash receptacles.

Approvals:                                                            Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head          Information Technology               Yes
Other Division Heads             Communication                        No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                                                                                     Quote Number: Q39726-4
                                                                                                             October 4, 2022

                                                                                        Executive Summary Proposal

                                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON

Program Overview

Connect LX is Bigbelly’s turnkey smart city solution which delivers a connected smart waste and recycling platform and
provides Customers with a partner to help deploy, manage, and optimize their customized solution over a 36-month term.
This subscription-based service was designed to deliver a flexible, scalable, smart platform that transforms waste
operations today, and enables Customers to benefit from the technology innovations of the future.

                                                 Connect LX 36 Month Term

             System Software                                         Automated System Monitoring

            CLEAN Management Console Licenses for Full Term
                                                                    Automated System Diagnostics and Alerts
            CLEAN Mobile Software Licenses for Full Term

             Equipment/Hardware                                      Cleaning and Inspection

            Custom Configuration as Detailed Below                 Annual Comprehensive Station Cleaning
                                                                    Annual Station Inspection

             Station Installation                                    Warranty

                                                                    Hardware Parts Warranty for Full Term
                                                                    Expanded Warranty Coverage for Battery End-of-Life
            On-Site Installation for Stations
                                                                     Replacement and Network Communication
                                                                     Upgrades for Full Term

             Setup and Training                                      Customer Support

            CLEAN Software Account Setup                           Customer Support Hotline and Trained Field Service
            System Training & Onboarding                            Professionals

             Equipment/Hardware Configuration

   12      HC5 Single Station with Foot Pedal

 Total Monthly System Cost                                                                                         $1,502.28

                                                         One Time Fees
 (5) Boxes of HC Bags (Box of 50)                                                                                    $192.50
 Shipping                                                                                                          $2,130.00

1Pricing is valid for 60 days from October 4, 2022.
2Sales Tax is NOT included in above pricing.
3Pricing is subject to Connect Program Terms and Conditions.

Connect LX by Bigbelly Executive Summary Proposal                                                            Bigbelly 2022
                                                                                                     Quote Number: Q41098-1
                                                                                                             October 4, 2022

                                                                                        Executive Summary Proposal

                                                      CITY OF MUSKEGON

Program Overview

Connect LX is Bigbelly’s turnkey smart city solution which delivers a connected smart waste and recycling platform and
provides Customers with a partner to help deploy, manage, and optimize their customized solution over a 36-month term.
This subscription-based service was designed to deliver a flexible, scalable, smart platform that transforms waste
operations today, and enables Customers to benefit from the technology innovations of the future.

                                                 Connect LX 36 Month Term

             System Software                                         Automated System Monitoring

            CLEAN Management Console Licenses for Full Term
                                                                    Automated System Diagnostics and Alerts
            CLEAN Mobile Software Licenses for Full Term

             Equipment/Hardware                                      Cleaning and Inspection

            Custom Configuration as Detailed Below                 Annual Comprehensive Station Cleaning
                                                                    Annual Station Inspection

             Station Installation                                    Warranty

                                                                    Hardware Parts Warranty for Full Term
                                                                    Expanded Warranty Coverage for Battery End-of-Life
            On-Site Installation for Stations
                                                                     Replacement and Network Communication
                                                                     Upgrades for Full Term

             Setup and Training                                      Customer Support

            CLEAN Software Account Setup                           Customer Support Hotline and Trained Field Service
            System Training & Onboarding                            Professionals

             Equipment/Hardware Configuration

    2      HC5/SC5.5 Double Station with Hoppers and Foot Pedals

 Total Monthly System Cost                                                                                           $432.96

                                                         One Time Fees
 (1) Box of HC Bags (Box of 50)                                                                                       $38.50
 (1) Box of SC Bags (Box of 100)                                                                                      $58.00
 Shipping                                                                                                            $980.00

1Pricing is valid for 60 days from October 4, 2022.
2Sales Tax is NOT included in above pricing.
3Pricing is subject to Connect Program Terms and Conditions.

Connect LX by Bigbelly Executive Summary Proposal                                                            Bigbelly 2022
                      Agenda Item Review Form
                       Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 7th, 2022               Title: LRS ARP Updated Construction

Submitted By: Jake Eckholm                                Department: Development Services

Brief Summary:
Staff is requesting that Commission amend the construction and development agreement with Mr.
Rubin Briggs, LRS Enterprises to accommodate a Priority Related Investment Loan from the
Community Foundation for Muskegon County.

Detailed Summary & Background:
Mr. Briggs proved capable of working with the city during the Jackson Hill Infill Housing Pilot,
where 2 homes on Leonard were constructed. Commission awarded LRS Enterprises with an ARP
agreement for 6 homes, with half the money from ARP and the other half from the developer’s own
financing. We have found this to be a hardship for smaller, minority owned builders who do not
have the access to capital of some of our larger partners.

In an effort to be equitable and not let a systemic barrier to our own program disqualify builders of
color, staff has secured a Priority Related Investment Loan from the Community Foundation for
Muskegon County to cover Mr. Briggs’ $750,000 of the original contract. This would be a loan in
the city’s name at prime (5.5%) plus 2 percent interest with a .5% increase on January 1, 2023,
and would be paid back first as the homes sell. Any additional profits from sale would go the Public
Improvement Fund. The updated purchase agreement reflects this PRI, which will return to the
Commission for final approval and signatures. The Act 99 Installment Purchase Agreement
agenda item on this docket is a precursor to the PRI approval.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
Goal 1 (Image) Housing Focus Area, Goal 2 (Quality of Life) Housing Focus Area, Action Item 21-8
Expand Housing Options, Goal 3 (Revitalize Revenues) Social Equity Focus Area, Action Item 21-
11 Increase Opportunities for Minorities in Economic Development, and Goal 3 (Revitalize
Revenues) Housing Focus Area, Action Item 21-13 Increase Property Values in Urban Core and
Eastside Neighborhoods

Amount Requested: $750,000                           Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): (101) to (404)                Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: Motion to accept the construction agreement as presented and to
authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign.
Approvals:                                          Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head    Information Technology   Yes
Other Division Heads       Communication            No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

        This Agreement is effective on __________________, 2022 (“Effective Date”) between LRS
Enterprises of 525 South Dangl Street, Muskegon, MI 49442 (“Builder”) and THE CITY OF
MUSKEGON of 933 Terrace Street, Muskegon, MI 49440 (“Owner”) with reference to the following


        Builder and Owner (individually, a “Party” or collectively, “Parties”) agree that Builder shall
develop five (5) lots with six (6) owner-occupied housing units (collectively the “Residences”) for Owner
on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and in the general conditions attached as Exhibit
A (“General Conditions”).

        The parties agree as follows:

       1. Building Site. Owner owns the building sites located at 754 Leonard, 750 Leonard, 740
    Leonard, 730 Leonard, and 628 Mulder Street, Muskegon, Michigan 49442 and legally described on
    Exhibit B (the “Property”). Owner has agreed to hire Builder to build the Residences on the Property.

        2. The Residences. Builder shall build the Residences in accordance with the plans and
    specifications attached as Exhibit C (the “Plans”).

       3. Price. The total price for constructing the Residences shall be One Million Five Hundred
    Thousand Dollars and 00/100 ($1,500,000.00) (“Price”).

        4. Estimated Completion Date. Builder shall commence construction of the Residences within
    ____ days from the Effective Date (“Commencement Date”). Builder shall complete the Residences
    within ____ weeks of the Commencement Date (“Completion Date”).

         5. General Conditions. Owner and Builder agree to all of the General Conditions attached to
    this Agreement as Exhibit A.

                                                        Builder – LRS Enterprises

                                                        By:      ________________________________
                                                        Name:    ________________________________
                                                        Title:   ________________________________
                                                        Date:    ________________________________

                                                        Owner –THE CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                        By:      ________________________________
                                                        Name:    ________________________________
                                                        Title:   ________________________________
                                                        Date:    ________________________________
                                           EXHIBIT A

                                  GENERAL CONDITIONS

    1. Payment of the Price. The Price shall be paid in accordance with the following schedule
(“Payment Schedule”):

            a.   Foundation installed……………………………… 20% of the Price
            b.   Mechanicals installed…………………………….. 40% of the Price
            c.   Certification of Occupancy……………………..... 30% of the Price
            d.   Completion of Punch List Items………….……… 10% of the Price

    2. Costs Included in Price. Unless excluded by Section 3 or adjusted as set forth in Sections 4,
the Price is fixed and includes all cost of labor and materials purchased, including all sales taxes
incurred by Builder, for complete construction of the Residences. Price is not based on allowances or
estimates of costs for items to be added to the Residences. The Price includes:

            a.   A security system;
            b.   A driveway;
            c.   Curb cut (Builder may use existing curb cut unless damaged);
            d.   Sod/seed over the entire front, back and side yards;
            e.   A street tree;
            f.   A small landscape package along each side of the Residences with street frontage;
            g.   Edging and mulch;
            h.   Builder fee in the amount of 10% of the Price.

    3. Costs Excluded From Price. Owner shall be responsible for each of the following items and
the cost of each item shall be excluded from the Price and the sole responsibility of Owner:

            a. Lot Lines. Prior to the Commencement Date Owner shall own the Property with new
            lot lines established as depicted on the Site Plan.

            b. Site Preparation. Prior to the Commencement Date, Owner will prepare the Property
            for construction of the Residence, including the removal of the following:

                     i.      existing fences;
                     ii.     community garden;
                     iii.    existing sidewalks; and,
                     iv.     debris.

            c. Water and Sewer Leads. Owner will provide water and sewer leads to the Residence.

            d. Permit and Connection Fees. Owner shall be responsible for any municipal permits,
            connection fees, tap fees or assessments, including sewer and water connection fees.

            e. Site Variance. Any abnormal site conditions discovered during excavation will be
            communicated to Owner along with an estimated cost to proceed with construction.
            Examples include such items as buried debris, bad soils, or rear yard drainage constraints.
            Any additional site work required will be corrected by Owner unless Owner authorizes
            Builder to correct any site variance issues in writing and the appropriate Change Order is
            fully executed.

            f. Damaged Curb Cuts. Any damaged curb cuts will either be approved for use or
            removed by Owner.

            g. Irrigation. Irrigation can be added for $3,000, provided the appropriate Change Order
            is fully executed.

            h. Future Security System Service Fees. Ongoing monitoring service fees will be the
            responsibility of Owner or subsequent owner.

    4. Modifications/Extras. No modifications to the Plans (“Modifications”) or requests for
additional construction (“Extras”) shall be binding upon either party, unless the Modifications or
Extras are set forth on a written Change Order that is signed by Builder and Owner in substantially
the form as attached Exhibit E (“Change Order”). The Change Order must provide a detailed
description of the Modifications or Extras and the cost or credit to be charged. In those instances
where a Change Order increases or decreases the Price by more than $200 (“Adjusted Price”), the
Adjusted Price shall be paid according to the remaining portion of the Payment Schedule.

     5. Payments, Sworn Statement and Lien Waivers. Payments required by the Payment
Schedule shall be made within 10 days of Builder’s invoice by Owner to Transnation Title Insurance
Company of 570 Seminole, Muskegon, Michigan 49441(the “Title Company”). Builder will deliver
to the Title Company a sworn statement showing all amounts due for labor and materials furnished in
connection with construction of the Residences or other improvements to the Property through the
date of Builder’s invoice together with waivers of lien showing all amounts from any previous draw
have been paid in full. The Title Company shall pay Builder per the Payment Schedule within 2
business days of approval by the Title Company of the last sworn statement provided proper partial
unconditional waivers of lien from Builder and for each supplier and sub-contractor to whom
payment has been made are received and approved by the Title Company.

    6. Possession. Owner shall be entitled to possession of the Residences upon payment of the
Price in full.

    7. Extension of Dates. Any date may be extended by agreement of the Builder and Owner and
the Commencement Date and the Completion Date may be extended as a result of circumstances
beyond the control of Builder, including, but not limited to, delays caused by suppliers or
subcontractors, delays for utility hook-ups, Acts of God, labor disputes, governmental inspections,
regulations, or permit processes, material back orders, Owner’s requests for Change Orders, fire,
injury or disability to Builder, or weather.

    8. Builder's Warranties. Builder shall complete the Residences and all improvements on the
Property timely and in a first class manner. All building materials used in the construction of the
Residences shall be new. Builder guarantees its workmanship for a period of 12 months from the
date of sale or lease of the Residences to a party other than Owner or 24 months from the date of the
Certificate of Occupancy, whichever first occurs (“Warranty Period”). This warranty is fully
transferable by Owner and may be assigned to a 3rd party. Within the Warranty Period, Builder may
replace, at its option, any materials incorporated into the Residences which are defective. To make a
claim under this warranty, Owner or its successor must give Builder written notice of any such defect
in the workmanship and/or materials promptly upon discovery and not later than expiration of the
Warranty Period. This warranty does not apply to workmanship or materials requiring repair or
replacement because of normal wear and tear, natural settling or mold. Builder shall turn over and
transfer to Owner all manufacturers’ warranties that are delivered directly to Builder by the
manufacturer at the time of final payment by Owner. In addition to this warranty between Builder and
Owner and successors of Owner, Builder shall also provide to Owner and successors of Owner at no
cost to Owner the Ten Year Warranty for New Homes provided by Residential Warranty Company,
LLC attached as Exhibit F (“Long Term Warranty”). Nothing in the Long Term Warranty shall limit
the scope of the warranties provided by Builder to Owner or its successors.

     9. Owner's Warranties. Owner covenants and warrants that Owner owns the Property in fee
simple, free and clear of all liens, except for those encumbrances specifically set forth on Exhibit G.
Owner shall provide evidence satisfactory to Builder, such as a commitment for title insurance issued
by the Title Company, which indicates such ownership. Owner shall locate the exact location of the
Residences on the Property. All corners of the Property and the Residences shall be clearly marked
with surveyor stakes. Owner covenants and agrees that such location is in compliance with all
applicable federal, state, and local rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, building
restrictions, set-back requirements and zoning ordinances.

    10. License. Builder is a residential builder and a residential maintenance and alteration
contractor and is required to be licensed under article 24 of Act 299 of the Public Acts of 1980, as
amended, being sections 339.2401 to 399.2412 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. An electrician is
required to be licensed under Act No. 217 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended, being sections
338.881 to 338.892 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. A Plumber is required to be licensed under Act
No. 266 of the Public Acts of 1929, as amended, being sections 338.901 to 338.917 of the Michigan
Compiled Laws. Builder is licensed by the State of Michigan as a licensed Michigan Contractor and
maintains its license in good standing. Builder's License number is 2101155717 respectively.

    11. Laws, Ordinances and Regulations. In connection with the construction of the Residences,
Builder shall meet and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations, including the
Muskegon Historical District rules.

    12. Notice of Commencement. Owner shall deliver a Notice of Commencement in accordance
with the Michigan Construction Lien Act within ten days of the Effective Date.

     13. Risk of Loss. Until a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the Residences the risk of loss for
the Residences lies solely with Builder. Provided, Owner shall be solely responsible for building
materials on Property and Owner shall reimburse Builder for the cost of building materials vandalized
or stolen from the Property.

    14. Insurance. Builder shall procure and maintain an “all risk” insurance policy and shall name
Owner as an additional named insured. Builder shall maintain a policy of builder's insurance fully
insuring the Residences from the date construction commences until the date of substantial
completion. Owner may also maintain a policy of insurance on their interest in the Residences.
Builder shall also carry public liability insurance with coverage limits not less than $1,000,000
single-limit coverage and worker's compensation insurance in an amount not less than the statutory
minimum. Such policies shall name Owner as an additional named insured. Builder shall provide
Owner with evidence of such insurance upon request. Owner and Builder waive all rights against
each other for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by insurance provided
under this paragraph.

    15. Diligent Pursuit. Builder shall diligently pursue its obligations under this Agreement.

    16. Default. If either Party believes that the other Party has failed to comply with this
Agreement (“Default”), the non-defaulting Party shall provide the Defaulting Party not less than 10
days written notice of such non-compliance, a list of the non-defaulting Party’s specific complaints,
and a reasonable time within which the defaulting Party shall cure the Default (“Default Notice”). If
the defaulting Party fails to cure the Default within the period of time specified in the Default Notice,
the non-defaulting Party may pursue any and all remedies available, including specific performance
in that there may not be an adequate remedy at law. In addition, Owner may replace Builder with
another party to complete construction and may deduct from the Price any amount paid by Owner to
such third party to complete construction in accordance with the Plans. In the event either Party takes
any action to enforce this Agreement, the prevailing Party shall reimburse the other Party for all
expenses incurred by the prevailing Party, including attorney fees.

    17. Cross Default. Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, Owner and
Builder are entering into ___ similar agreements for the construction of homes similar to the
Residences on each of the ___ lots depicted on the Site Plan (“Other Agreements”). Owner and
Builder agree that a default of this Agreement or any of the Other Agreements shall constitute a
default of all Other Agreements and this Agreement.

    18. Dispute Resolution. Any claim or demand of either party arising out of this Agreement,
including without limitation, claims of fraud, misrepresentation, warranty or negligence and that
exceeds $5,500 in value shall be submitted to binding arbitration. The parties shall attempt to agree
on a mutually agreeable independent arbitrator. If the parties are unable to mutually agree on an
arbitrator, and arbitrator shall be selected in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration
Association. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of the American
Arbitration Association, Home Construction Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures. A Circuit
Court judgment may render judgment upon the award made pursuant to this Agreement. This
Agreement is specifically made subject to and incorporates the provisions of the Michigan Arbitration
Act, MCL 600.5001 et seq. The cost of such arbitration shall be divided equally between both
parties. Neither Party shall be required to submit to arbitration any claim or demand of a value less
than $5,500.

    19. Miscellaneous.

            a. Authority to Bind Owner. No approval, agreement or consent and no document
    signed in connection with this Agreement shall be binding on Owner unless made, given or
    signed by Frank Peterson, Cathy Brubaker-Clarke, or Derrick Smith.

            b. Applicable Law. This Agreement is executed in, shall be governed by, and construed
    and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan.

            c. Entire Agreement. This writing shall constitute the entire Agreement, and shall
    supersede any other Agreements, written or oral, that may have been made or entered into by the
    parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and shall not be modified or amended, except in
    a subsequent writing signed by the party against whom enforcement thereof is sought.

            d. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and be
    enforceable by the parties and their respective legal representatives, successors, assigns, officers,
    directors, employees, agents, heirs, executors, and administrators.

             e. Full Execution. This Agreement requires the signature of both parties. Until fully
    executed on a single copy or in counterparts, this Agreement is of no binding force or effect, and
    if not fully executed, this Agreement is void.

            f. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of
    which shall be deemed an original as against any party whose signature appears thereon, and all
    of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Agreement shall become
    binding upon the parties when one or more counterparts, individually or taken together, shall bear
    the signatures of all parties.

         g. Non-Waiver. No waiver by any party of any provision of this Agreement shall
constitute a waiver by such party of such provision on any other occasion or a waiver by such
party of any other provision of the Agreement.

        h. Severability. Should any one or more of the provisions of this Agreement be
determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable in any respect, the validity, legality, and
enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be impaired or affected.

        i. No Discrimination. Discrimination on the basis of religion, race, creed, color,
national origin, age, sex, marital status, or handicapped condition by either party in respect to the
construction of the Residences is prohibited.

        j. Assignment or Delegation. Neither Builder nor Owner may assign all or any part of
this Agreement. Provided, that Builder may delegate all or any part of its obligations to perform
the services under this Agreement, to any persons or entities that Builder, in its sole discretion,
deems appropriate, including sub-contractors. Such delegation shall be at the sole expense of
Builder unless otherwise provided.

         k. Notices. Any notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement must be
in writing and sent to the address shown below (or such subsequent address as may be designated
by either party in writing) by certified mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid, a
recognized courier service (Federal Express, UPS, or DHL), or by email with confirmation of
delivery received. The notice will be effective upon receipt.

To Builder:
                LRS Enterprises
                525 South Dangl Street
                Muskegon, MI 49442
                Attn: Rubin Briggs
                Phone: 231-855-3775

To Owner:
                City of Muskegon
                933 Terrace Street
                P.O. Box 536
                Muskegon, MI 49443-0536
                Attn: Jake Eckholm
                Phone: 231-724-6780
                Fax: 231-722-1214

With a contemporaneous copy to:

                Parmenter Law
                601 Terrace Street
                P.O. Box 786
                Muskegon, Michigan 49443-0786
                Attn: John Schrier
                Phone: 231-722-5401
                Fax: 231-722-5501

         l. Time is of the Essence. Builder and Owner acknowledge and agree that the time
related provisions set forth herein are critical and essential terms of this Agreement and that time
is of the essence with regard to the transactions contemplated in this Agreement. Failure to
strictly comply with the time related provisions of this Agreement will be considered a breach of
the entire Agreement.

        m. Pronouns. For convenience, Owner has been referred to this Agreement sometimes in
the singular and at other times in the plural.

        n. Notice of Sale or Lease. Upon the sale or lease of the Residences by Owner to a third
party, Owner shall provide notice to Builder of such sale or lease and provide builder with all
contact information for the buyer/tenant, including a phone number and an email address.


       EXHIBIT C


                                              EXHIBIT E

                                         CHANGE ORDERS

        Owner has requested, and Builder agrees to the following Modifications to the Plans with the
cost/credit set forth below:

  MODIFICATION                       COST                        CREDIT             ADJUSTED PRICE

                                                        Builder -

                                                        By:      ________________________________
                                                        Name:    ________________________________
                                                        Title:   ________________________________
                                                        Date:    ________________________________

                                                        Owner – THE CITYOF MUSKEGON

                                                        By:      ________________________________
                                                        Name:    ________________________________
                                                        Title:   ________________________________
                                                        Date:    ________________________________

       EXHIBIT G






            LRS Enterprises
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 7th, 2022               Title: LRS PRI Act 99 Installment
                                                          Purchase Agreement

Submitted By: Jake Eckholm                                Department: Development Services

Brief Summary:
Staff is requesting that Commission authorize the statutorily required Act 99 Installment Purchase
Agreement and Resolution.

Detailed Summary & Background:
Public Act 99 of 1933 is a statute which allows municipalities to borrow funds for real estate related
endeavors. We have previously used this Act to partner with the Community Foundation for
Muskegon County on the Jackson Hill Infill Pilot.

The attached resolution covers the requirements laid out in the Act, and has the Agreement itself
attached that is to be executed. This item is jointly presented for consideration along with the
Amended LRS Enterprises ARP Agreement.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
Goal 1 (Image) Housing Focus Area, Goal 2 (Quality of Life) Housing Focus Area, Action Item 21-8
Expand Housing Options, Goal 3 (Revitalize Revenues) Social Equity Focus Area, Action Item 21-
11 Increase Opportunities for Minorities in Economic Development, and Goal 3 (Revitalize
Revenues) Housing Focus Area, Action Item 21-13 Increase Property Values in Urban Core and
Eastside Neighborhoods

Amount Requested: N/A                                 Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A                            Fund(s) or Account(s): N/A

Recommended Motion: Motion to adopt the Resolution Authorizing the Installment Purchase
Agreement related to the Jackson Hill ARP Infill Housing Project as presented, and to authorize
the Mayor and Clerk to sign.

Approvals:                                                             Guest(s) Invited / Presenting:
Immediate Division Head          Information Technology                Yes
Other Division Heads             Communication                         No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:

       THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of _______________, 2022, by and among the City of
Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan (the “City”), LRS Enterprises, Muskegon,
Michigan (the “Builder”), and the Community Foundation for Muskegon County, as assignee of
the Builder (the “Lender”), is as follows:

        1.      Purchase Price, Title and Useful Life. The City agrees to purchase and the Builder
agrees to construct, sell and deliver 6 single family residences on the property located at 754, 750,
740, 730, 720, and 716 Leonard Street (collectively, the “Property”), all as set forth in the
Residential Construction Agreement between the City and the Builder, dated as of November 7th,
2022 (the “Construction Agreement”) as attached hereto as Exhibit A, for the sum of $1,500,000
(the “Purchase Price”). The City will finance $750,000 of the Purchase Price by this Agreement
(the “Financed Price” or the “Loan”) and the balance of the Purchase Price will be paid by the City
to the Builder from its available funds.

       The Financed Price will be payable by the City to the Lender as assignee of the Builder in
accordance with Section 3 hereof within three years from the anniversary date of the Loan. Upon
sale of each home, the resulting net proceeds shall be paid to the Lender and applied to the
outstanding Loan balance. If there remains a Loan balance after the sale of both homes, then the
City shall pay equal monthly payments of principal and interest on the first day of each month, at
the then applicable Interest Rate, amortized by the time remaining to three years from the
anniversary date of the Loan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the entire principal balance and
accrued interest shall be due and payable in full on the three (3) year anniversary of the Loan. The
Loan may be prepaid at any time, in whole or in part, without penalty.

        The City shall pay interest on the unpaid balance of the Financed Price to the Lender as the
assignee of the Builder in accordance with Section 3 hereof, at a rate of interest equal to the Federal
prime interest rate (currently 5.50%) plus two (2.0%) percent per annum on the outstanding
principle balance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the interest rate will be adjusted annually, and
determined in December for the forthcoming year, not to exceed .50% or 50 basis points change in
any one year. The annual prime portion of the interest rate on the Note will be adjusted as defined
above, plus two (2.0%) percent (the “Interest Rate”), and readjusted in a like manner thereafter.

        Upon receipt by the Builder of the Purchase Price for the Property, title and occupancy to
the Property shall vest in the City. The City agrees that the useful life of the Property is at least equal
to or longer than the date of the final payment hereunder.

        2.      Incorporation by Reference. The Builder and the City agree to all the instructions,
terms and conditions as may be outlined in the Construction Agreement and any supplements
thereto, which are hereby incorporated by reference in full herein. In the event of a conflict in terms
between this Agreement and the Construction Agreement regarding the financing of the Financed
Price, the specific terms of this Agreement shall govern.

       3.     Assignment to the Lender; Disbursement of Funds. The Builder hereby irrevocably
assigns this Agreement immediately to the Lender in consideration for and effective upon a
payment from the Lender to the Builder of the first draw of funds under this Agreement. The City
shall make a written request for disbursement for each draw of funds of the Loan, with a written
request by the City and submitted to the Lender at least 5 business days in advance of the
disbursement. The request for a disbursement shall specify the amount of the draw. The date of
receipt by the city of the first draw will mark the anniversary date of the Loan. Draws shall not be
made more frequently than once per calendar month. The proceeds of the draw shall only be used
to pay the Builder for the Property in accordance with the terms of the Construction Agreement
with the Builder.

        The City hereby consents to said assignment, except with respect to the warranties and other
obligations of the Builder set forth in Section 2 and 5 of this Agreement, all of which shall remain
the sole responsibility of the Builder and shall not be assignable. With respect to the Lender, the
City hereby waives any defenses based upon warranty, failure, or inability of the Builder to perform
its non-assignable obligations or the failure of the Property to perform its intended function. To the
extent that funds are received by the City from the Lender in accordance with this paragraph, the
City’s obligation to the Lender is absolute and unconditional and shall remain in full force and
effect until the amount of the payment to the City by the Lender as specified in this paragraph
together with interest thereon shall have been paid by the City to the Lender, and such obligation
shall not be affected, modified or impaired upon the happening from time to time of any event,
including without limitation any of the following:

               (a)    Any failure of title with respect to the Builder’s or the City’s interest
       in the Property specified herein or the invalidity, enforceability, or termination of
       this Agreement;

              (b)     The modification or amendment (whether material or otherwise) of
       any obligation, covenant or agreement set forth in this Agreement;

                (c)     The voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution, sale or other
       disposition of all or substantially all of the assets, marshaling of assets and
       liabilities, receivership, insolvency, bankruptcy, assignment for the benefit of
       creditors, reorganization, arrangement, composition with creditors or readjustment
       or other similar proceedings affecting the Builder or any of its assets or any
       allocation or contest of the validity of this Agreement, or the disaffirmance of this
       Agreement in any such proceeding;

              (d)     To the extent permitted by law, any event or action which would, in
       the absence of this clause, result in release or discharge by operation of law of the
       Builder from the performance or observation of any obligation, covenant or
       agreement contained in this Agreement; or

               (e)     The default or failure of the Builder fully to perform any of its
       obligations set forth in this Agreement.

       The City shall make payments to the Lender when due and shall not withhold any such
payments as a result of any disputes arising between the City and the Builder or any other person,
nor shall the City assert any right of set-off or counterclaim against its obligation to make such

payments or be entitled to any abatement of such payments as a result of accident or unforeseen
circumstances, or the Property being defective.

       It is expressly agreed between the Builder, the City and the Lender, by acceptance of the
assignment of this Agreement, that the City shall make all payments of principal and interest of the
Financed Price directly to the Lender.

       4.      Reporting. The City covenants and agrees that until all payments of principal
and interest under this Agreement have been paid in full, it will:

             (a)       Use the funds strictly in accordance with the terms of this

              (b)    Permit the Lender to review and evaluate the Property funded by the
       Loan, including visits to the Project and discussions with the City’s staff and City

               (c)     Provide the Lender with a quarterly written progress report on the

       5.     Warranty. The Builder warrants its Property as set forth in the Construction
Agreement. Any warranties with respect to the Property shall not be assigned, but shall remain
enforceable by the City.

       The Builder represents and warrants that the assignment to the Lender of this Agreement
does not violate any agreement, contract or loan agreement to which it is a party, and that the
Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the Builder.

        The Lender makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, as to any matter
whatsoever, including, without limitation, as to the merchantability or fitness for any particular
purpose of any of the Property or as to the value, design, condition, use, capacity or durability of
any of the Property. The City agrees that (a) the Lender has no liability for the delivery or
installation of the Property, (b) the Lender assumes no obligation with respect to any
manufacturer’s or Builder’s product warranties or guaranties, (c) neither Builder nor any
manufacturer or any representative of said parties is an agent of the Lender, and (d) any warranty,
representation, guaranty or agreement made by any manufacturer or by the Builder or any
representative of said parties shall not be binding upon the Lender.

       6.     Borrower Representations. The City makes the following representations to induce
       the Lender to make the Loan:

                       (a)      The City is a duly created, validly existing and fully constituted
       political subdivision of the State of Michigan and has the power and authority to enter
       into the Agreement.

                     (b)     The Agreement is a valid and binding obligation of the City
       enforceable against the City in accordance with its terms.

                      (c)     There is no action, suit or proceeding pending or threatened
       against the City in any material respect that could adversely impact its repayment
       of the Loan.

                       (d)     The City agrees that, in the performance of this Agreement,
       it will not unlawfully discriminate in its employment practices, volunteer
       opportunities, or the delivery of programs or services, on the basis of race, religion,
       gender, national origin, age, medical condition, handicap, veteran status, marital
       status, or sexual orientation.

       7.      Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the documents expressly incorporated by
reference herein constitute the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the financing of the
Property. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, and
statements, oral or written, are hereby terminated.

       8.      Amendments. Any attempt to modify the terms of this Agreement or of any
supporting document shall be ineffectual unless in writing, signed by all parties and the City agrees
to secure the consent of the Lender to any such modifications, provided that the consent of the
Builder to the modification of any of the terms of payment by the City to the Lender shall not be

       9.      Security. The obligation of the City to pay principal and interest under this
Agreement is a limited tax general obligation of the City. The City shall include in its budget and
pay each year, until this Agreement is paid in full, as a first budget obligation, such sum as may
be necessary each year to make all payments hereunder, when due. In addition, the City hereby
pledges to levy in each fiscal year ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in the City each year
in an amount necessary to make its debt service payments under this Agreement, subject to
applicable constitutional, statutory and charter tax rate limitations.

       10.     Legislative Authorization; Governing Law. This Agreement is made in accordance
with and pursuant to Act 99, Public Acts of Michigan, 1933, as amended. This Agreement shall
be construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan.

       10. Severability. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held invalid or
unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render
unenforceable any other provision hereof.

       11. Binding Effect. The covenants herein contained shall bind, and the benefits and
advantages shall inure to, the respective successors and permitted assigns of the parties hereto.

        12. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts, which
counterparts shall be considered as one and the same instrument. Facsimile copies of this
Agreement shall have the full force and effect of an original document.

                                         CITY OF MUSKEGON

                                                Its:   Mayor

                                                Its:   City Clerk

                                         COMMUNITY FOUNDATION FOR
                                          MUSKEGON COUNTY
                                         as Lender


                                                Its: _____________________

                                         LRS ENTERPRISES
                                         as Builder

                                                Its:   Authorized Representative

                          EXHIBIT A


                             RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING

                                  CITY OF MUSKEGON
                            County of Muskegon, State of Michigan

       Minutes of a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of
Muskegon, State of Michigan, held on the 7th Day of November, 2022 at 5:30 p.m., prevailing
Eastern Time.

       PRESENT:        Members____________________________________________________


       ABSENT:         Members____________________________________________________

       The following preamble and resolution were offered by Member ___________________
and supported by Member _________________________:

        WHEREAS, the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan (the “City”)
desires to acquire six single family residences on the property located at 754, 750, 740, 730, 720,
and 716 Leonard Street (collectively, the “Property”), all as set forth in the Residential
Construction Agreement between the City and LRS Enterprises, Muskegon, Michigan (the
“Builder”), dated as of November 7th, 2022 (the “Construction Agreement”); and

        WHEREAS, under the provisions of Act No. 99, Public Acts of Michigan, 1933, as
amended (“Act 99”), the City is authorized to enter into any contracts or agreements for the
purchase of the Property to be paid for in installments over a period of not to exceed the useful life
of the Property acquired as determined by resolution of the City; and

       WHEREAS, an Installment Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement”) between the City, the
Builder, and Community Foundation for Muskegon County (the “Lender”), for the installment
purchase of the Property has been prepared; and

        WHEREAS, the City shall acquire the Property for the sum of $1,500,000 (the “Purchase
Price”) of which amount the total of $750,000 (the “Financed Price”) shall be financed through
the execution of the Agreement; and

        WHEREAS, the outstanding balance of all purchases by the City under Act 99, exclusive
of interest, shall not exceed one and one quarter percent (1-1/4%) of the taxable value of the real
and personal property in the City at the date of such contract or agreement; and

       WHEREAS, purchase of the Property pursuant to an installment purchase agreement will
not result in the outstanding balance of all such purchases in excess of the limitation contained
within Act 99 as set forth above; and
       WHEREAS, the Agreement is to be assigned to the Lender; and

        WHEREAS, it is necessary to approve the Agreement and authorize the Mayor and City
Clerk to execute the Agreement and authorize City officials to execute certain other documentation
relative thereto.


        1.       Approval of Agreement; Agreement Terms. The Agreement is hereby approved
substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. The City shall incur the debt described in
the Agreement through execution of the Agreement by the officers authorized below which debt
shall consist of the Financed Price of $750,000 which shall be payable within three years of the
anniversary date of the first draw of the Financed Price, at a rate of interest equal to the federal
prime interest rate (currently 5.5%) plus two percent (2.0%) per annum from the date funds are
distributed by the Lender. The rate of interest on the Loan will be adjusted to the federal prime
interest rate then in effect plus two percent (2.0%) and readjusted on the yearly anniversary date of
the Loan, provided that the rate of interest will be adjusted annually on the yearly anniversary date
of the Loan to the federal prime interest rate then in effect plus (2.0%) percent per annum. The
Mayor, City Clerk and Finance Director are each hereby authorized to adjust the payment dates
and final details set forth herein to the extent necessary or convenient to complete the transaction
authorized herein, and in pursuance of the foregoing are each authorized to make determinations
regarding the principal and interest payment dates.

       2.     Execution and Delivery of Agreement. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby
authorized and directed to execute the Agreement and deliver it to the Builder, substantially in the
form attached hereto with such additions, changes and modifications as shall be approved by the
City’s Bond Counsel.

        3.      Useful Life of Property. The useful life of the Property is hereby determined to be
not less than fifteen (15) years.

        4.     Authorization of Officers. The Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are each
hereby authorized and directed to execute such additional documentation and open such accounts
as shall be necessary to effectuate the closing of the Agreement and the assignment thereof to the
Lender within the parameters set forth in this resolution.

       5.      Assignment of Agreement. The assignment of the Agreement by the Builder to the
Lender is hereby approved.

        6.      Security; Limited Tax Pledge. The City hereby agrees to include in its budget for
each year, commencing with the present fiscal year, a sum which will be sufficient to pay the
principal of and the interest coming due under the Agreement during such fiscal year. In addition,
the City hereby pledges to levy ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in the City each year in
an amount necessary to make its debt service payments under the Agreement, subject to applicable
constitutional, statutory and charter tax rate limitations.

       7.      Rescission. All resolutions and parts of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the
provisions of this resolution be and the same hereby are rescinded to the extent of such conflict.

AYES:          Members _________________________________________________________


NAYS:          Members _________________________________________________________


                                                            Ann Marie Meisch
                                                            City Clerk

        I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of a resolution adopted by
the City Commission of the City of Muskegon, County of Muskegon, State of Michigan, at a
regular meeting held on December 8, 2020, and that said meeting was conducted and public notice
of said meeting was given pursuant to and in full compliance with the Open Meetings Act, being
Act 267, Public Acts of Michigan, 1976, and that the minutes of said meeting were kept and will
be or have been made available as required by said Act.

                                                            Ann Marie Meisch
                                                            City Clerk

                                               Exhibit A

                          [Attach Form of Installment Purchase Agreement here]

                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 7, 2022                            Title: Sale of 1527 Hoyt

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                                      Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of the purchase agreement for 1527 Hoyt Street.

Detailed Summary & Background:
1527 Hoyt Street was constructed through the agreement with Dave Dusendang to construct infill
housing with ARPA funding.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
Create an environment that effectively attracts new residents and retains existing residents by
filling existing employment gaps, attracting new and diverse businesses to the city, and expanding
access to a variety of high-quality housing options in Muskegon. Diverse housing types

Amount Requested: N/A                               Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                              Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: to approve the purchase agreement for 1527 Hoyt Street.

Approvals:                                                           Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head         Information Technology
Other Division Heads            Communication                        Yes

Legal Review                                                         No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
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                                                         WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                         #           1
         DATE:                         11/01/2022                   ,                    (time)                                               MLS #                 22025427

         SELLING OFFICE:                          West Urban Realty          BROKER LIC.#:        6505429509                    REALTOR® PHONE:                     616-366-2459

         LISTING OFFICE:                        West Urban Realty           REALTOR® PHONE:                       6163662459

        1. Effective Date: This Agreement is effective on the date of Seller's acceptance of Buyer's offer or Buyer's acceptance of any
            counteroffer, as the case may be, and this date shall hereafter be referred to as the "Effective Date". Further, any reference to "days"
            in this Agreement refers to calendar days. The first calendar day begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the Effective Date. Any reference
            to "time" refers to local time.
         2. Agency Disclosure: The Undersigned Buyer and Seller each acknowledge that they have read and signed the Disclosure Regarding
             Real Estate Agency Relationships. The selling licensee is acting as (choose one):
                  Agent/Subagent of Seller             Buyer’s Agent          Dual Agent (with written, informed consent of both Buyer and Seller)
                  Transaction Coordinator
              Primary Selling Agent Name:                       Mariana Murillo VanDam            Email: mariana@westurbanrealtymi.c Lic.#:                             6506015435

             Alternate Selling Agent Name:                                             Email:                                   Lic.#:
         3. Seller’s Disclosure Statement: (This paragraph applies to sales of one-to-four family residential units.)
                 Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, dated                              . Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property
                 is currently in the same condition as Seller previously disclosed in that statement. Seller agrees to inform Buyer in writing of any
                 changes in the content of the disclosure statement.
                 Buyer has not received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, in writing, any time prior to receipt
                 of the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Once Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, Buyer may terminate this
                 Agreement, in writing, within 72 hours of receipt if the disclosure was received in person, or within 120 hours if received by
                 registered mail. Exceptions:
                 Seller is exempt from the requirements of the Seller Disclosure Act.
        4. Lead-Based Paint Addendum: Transactions involving homes built prior to 1978 require a written disclosure which is hereby attached
            and will be an integral part of this Agreement.
        5. Property Description: Buyer offers to buy the property located in the        City    Village Township of                 Muskegon          ,
            County of                  Muskegon                , Michigan, commonly known as (insert mailing address: street/city/state/zip code)
                                                                         1527 Hoyt Street, Muskegon, MI 49442
             with the following legal description and tax parcel ID numbers:
                                             DIST:24 SUBD:CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT (OF 1903) SEC/TWN/RNG/MER:SEC 05 TWN 9N

             PP#                                                                  61-24-205-280-0009-00                                                                                     .
           The following paragraph applies only if the Premises include unplatted land:
           Seller agrees to grant Buyer at closing the right to make (insert number)                     division(s) under Section 108(2), (3), and
           (4) of the Michigan Land Division Act. (If no number is inserted, the right to make divisions under the sections referenced above stays
           with any remainder of the parent parcel retained by Seller. If a number is inserted, Seller retains all available divisions in excess of the
           number stated; however, Seller and/or REALTOR® do not warrant that the number of divisions stated is actually available.) If this sale
           will create a new division, Seller’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent on Seller’s receipt of municipal approval on or
           before                                  , of the proposed division to create the Premises.
        6. Purchase Price: Buyer offers to buy the Property for the sum of $                                    189900
                                                  one hundred eighty-nine thousand nine hundred                                            U.S. Dollars
        7. Seller Concessions, if any:                                                      Seller concessions of $10,000

        8. Terms: The Terms of Purchase will be as indicated by “X” below: (Other unmarked terms of purchase do not apply.)
           SOURCE OF FUNDS TO CLOSE: Buyer represents that the funds necessary to close this transaction on the terms specified below
           are currently available to Buyer in cash or an equally liquid equivalent.
             If the Property’s value stated in an appraisal obtained by Buyer or Buyer’s lender is less than the Purchase Price, Buyer shall within
             three (3) days after receipt of the appraisal: 1) renegotiate with the Seller, 2) terminate the transaction, in which case Buyer shall
             receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or 3) proceed to close the transaction at the agreed Purchase Price.
                   CASH. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed. Buyer Agrees to provide Buyer Agent/Dual Agent
                   verification of funds within five (5) days after the Effective Date, and consents to the disclosure of such information to Seller and/or
                   Seller’s Agent. If verification of funds is not received within 5 days after the Effective Date, Seller may terminate this Agreement
                   at any time before verification of funds is received by giving written notice to Buyer. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be
                   arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement.
                   NEW MORTGAGE. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed, contingent upon Buyer’s ability to
                   obtain a fha                            type 30              (year) mortgage in the amount of 96.5         % of the Purchase Price
                   bearing interest at a rate not to exceed 8              % per annum (rate at time of loan application), on or before the date the sale is
                   to be closed. Buyer agrees to apply for a mortgage loan, and pay all fees and costs customarily charged by Buyer’s lender to
                   process the application, within 3                  days after the Effective Date, not to impair Buyers’ credit after the date such loan if
                   offered.      Seller    Buyer will agree to pay an amount not to exceed $                         representing repairs required as a
                   condition of financing. Buyer         agrees      does not agree to authorize Buyer’s Agent/Dual Agent to obtain information from
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Page 1 of 6 Rev. Date 8/2022                                                                AKW           DDJ           Buyer’s Initials       LM                   Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                      11/02/22      11/02/22                            11/02/22
                                                                                                    2:15 PM EDT   1:35 PM EDT                         3:49 PM EDT
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                                                                                                                          West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement                    Page 2 of 6
                   Buyer’s lender regarding Buyer’s financing, and consents to the disclosure of this information to Seller and/or Seller’s Agent.

                   SELLER FINANCING (choose one of the following):                        CONTRACT or                         PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE
                   In the case of Seller financing, Buyer agrees to provide Seller with a credit report within 72 hours after the Effective Date. If the
                   credit report is unacceptable to Seller, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer within 48 hours of Seller’s receipt, or if
                   Buyer fails to provide said credit report to Seller within the time frame allotted, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer
                   within 48 hours. Seller is advised to seek professional advice regarding the credit report.
                   $                           upon execution and delivery of a
                   form (name or type of form and revision date), a copy of which is attached, wherein the balance of $
                   will be payable in monthly installments of $                            or more including interest at                    % per annum,
                   interest to start on date of closing, and first payment to become due thirty (30) days after date of closing. The entire unpaid balance
                   will become due and payable                            months after closing. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and
                   paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:

                   EQUITY (choose one of the following):         Formal Assumption or       Informal Assumption
                   Upon execution and delivery of:       Warranty Deed subject to existing mortgage OR             Assignment of Vendee Interest
                   in Land Contract, Buyer to pay the difference (approximately $                             ) between the Purchase Price above
                   provided and the unpaid balance (approximately $                             ) upon said mortgage or land contract, which Buyer
                   agrees to assume and pay. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for accumulated funds held in escrow, if any, for payment of future
                   taxes and insurance premiums, etc. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten
                   (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:

                   OTHER:                                Builders home warranty effective from date of occupancy permit issued by the city of muskegon
                                                                   Paragraph 8- will provide a quit claim deed vs a warranty deed.

         9. Contingencies: Buyer’s obligation to consummate this transaction (choose one):
                   IS NOT CONTINGENT - is not contingent upon the sale or exchange of any other property by Buyer.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON CLOSING - is contingent upon closing of an existing sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at:

                   A copy of Buyer’s agreement to sell or exchange that property is being delivered to Seller along with this offer. If the existing sale
                   or exchange terminates for any reason, Buyer will immediately notify Seller, and either party may terminate this Agreement in
                   writing, within 3 days of Buyer’s notice to Seller. If either party terminates, Buyer shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest
                   Money Deposit.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON THE SALE AND CLOSING - is contingent upon the execution of a binding agreement and the closing
                   of a sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at
                                                         on or before                                      . Seller will have the right to continue to
                   market Seller’s Property until Buyer enters into a binding agreement to sell or exchange Buyer’s property and delivers a copy
                   thereof to Seller. During such marketing period, Seller may enter into a binding contract for sale to another purchaser on such
                   price and terms as the Seller deems appropriate. In such event, this Agreement will automatically terminate, Buyer will be notified
                   promptly, and Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded. Exceptions:

         10. Fixtures & Improvements: The following is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of items included with the Property. All
             improvements and appurtenances are included in the Purchase Price, if now in or on the Property, unless rented, including the
             following: all buildings; landscaping; attached smart home devices; attached security systems; lighting fixtures and their shades and
             bulbs; ceiling fans; hardware for draperies and curtains; window shades and blinds; built-in kitchen appliances, including garbage
             disposal and drop-in ranges; wall to wall carpeting, if attached; all attached mirrors; all attached TV mounting brackets; all attached
             shelving; attached work benches; stationary laundry tubs; water softener; water heater; incinerator; sump pump; water pump and
             pressure tank; heating and air conditioning equipment (window units excluded); attached humidifiers; heating units, including add-on
             heating stoves and heating stoves connected by flue pipe; fireplace screens, inserts, and grates; fireplace doors, if attached; liquid
             heating and cooking fuel tanks; TV antenna and complete rotor equipment; satellite dish and necessary accessories and complete
             rotor equipment; all support equipment for inground pools; screens and storm windows and doors; awnings; installed basketball
             backboard, pole and goal; mailbox; flagpole(s); fencing, invisible inground fencing and all related equipment, including collars;
             detached storage buildings; underground sprinkling, including the pump; installed outdoor grills; all plantings and bulbs; garage door
             opener and control(s); and any and all items and fixtures permanently affixed to the Property; and also includes:
                                                                     Fridge, Stove, Dishwasher, microwave, washer and dryer

              but does not include:

                                                          1527 Hoyt Street, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                           Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                             AKW                DDJ             Buyer’s Initials        LM             Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                          11/02/22           11/02/22                               11/02/22
                                                                                                        2:15 PM EDT        1:35 PM EDT                            3:49 PM EDT
                                                                                                       dotloop verified   dotloop verified                       dotloop verified
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                                                                                                                   West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement                    Page 3 of 6

         11. Heating and Cooking Fuels: Liquid heating and cooking fuels in tanks are included in the sale and will transfer to Buyer at time of
             possession unless usage is metered (in which case it is not included in the sale). Sellers are responsible for maintaining heating and
             cooking liquid fuels at an operational level and shall not permit fuels to fall below 10% in the tank(s) at the time of possession, except
             that the tank(s) may be empty only if now empty. Further, Seller is precluded from removing fuel from tank(s) other than what is
             expended through normal use. Exceptions:

         12. Assessments (choose one):
             If the Property is subject to any assessments,
                  Seller shall pay the entire balance of any such assessments that are due and payable on or before the day of closing (regardless
                  of any installment arrangements), except for any fees that are required to connect to public utilities.
                  Seller shall pay all installments of such assessments that become due and payable on or before day of closing. Buyer shall assume
                  and pay all other installments of such assessments.
         13. Property Taxes: Seller will be responsible for any taxes billed prior to those addressed below. Buyer will be responsible for all
             taxes billed after those addressed below.
              Buyer is also advised that the state equalized value of the Property, principal residence exemption information and other real property
              tax information is available from the appropriate local assessor’s office. Buyer should not assume that Buyer’s future tax bills on the
              Property will be the same as Seller’s present tax bills. Under Michigan law, real property tax obligations can change significantly when
              property is transferred.
                  No proration.           (Choose one):
                         Buyer                Seller    will pay taxes billed summer                         (year);
                         Buyer                Seller    will pay taxes billed winter                         (year);
                  Calendar Year Proration (all taxes billed or to be billed in the year of the closing). Calendar year tax levies will be estimated, if
                  necessary, using the taxable value and the millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken down to a per diem tax payment
                  and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying for January 1 through the day before closing.
                  Fiscal Year Proration - Taxes will be prorated as though they are paid in (choose one):         advance.          arrears.
                  Fiscal Year will be assumed to cover a 12-month period from date billed, and taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Fiscal
                  year tax levies will be estimated, if necessary, using the taxable value and millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken
                  down to a per diem tax payment and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying through the day before closing. Exceptions:

         14. Well/Septic: Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, (choose one)  Seller or     Buyer will arrange for, at their own expense,
             an inspection of the primary well used for human consumption (including a water quality test for coliform bacteria and nitrates) and
             septic systems in use on the Property. The inspection will be performed by a qualified inspector in a manner that meets county (or
             other local governmental authority, if applicable) protocol.
              If any report discloses a condition unsatisfactory to Buyer, or doesn’t meet county standards that are a condition of sale, Buyer may,
              within three (3) days after Buyer has received the report, by written notice to Seller, either terminate this Agreement and receive a
              refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails
              to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be deemed to have accepted the well/septic as-
              is. Seller will respond in writing within three (3) days to Buyer’s request. If Seller fails to respond or to arrive at a mutually agreeable
              resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer will have three (3) days to provide written notice of
              termination of this Agreement and receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate the contract,
              Buyer will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

         15. Inspections & Investigations:
              Inspections: Buyer, or someone selected by Buyer, has the right to inspect the buildings, premises, components and systems, at
              Buyer’s expense. Any damage, misuse, abuse, or neglect of any portion of the Property or premises as a result of inspections will be
              Buyer’s responsibility and expense.
              Investigations: It is Buyer’s responsibility to investigate (i) whether the Property complies with applicable codes and local ordinances
              and whether the Property is zoned for Buyer’s intended use; (ii) whether Buyer can obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy for the
              Property at price and terms acceptable to Buyer; (iii) and whether or not the Property is in a flood zone.
              All inspections and investigations will be completed within 3____ days after the Effective Date. If the results of Buyer’s inspections and
              investigations are not acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may, within the above referenced period, by written notice to Seller, either terminate
              this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those
              unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be

                                                         1527 Hoyt Street, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                    Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                      AKW                DDJ             Buyer’s Initials        LM             Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                   11/02/22           11/02/22                               11/02/22
                                                                                                 2:15 PM EDT        1:35 PM EDT                            3:49 PM EDT
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                                                                                                                   West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement                    Page 4 of 6

            deemed to have accepted the Property as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s proposal
            or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s
            receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and receive a
            refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day period, Buyer will
            be deemed to accept the Inspections & Investigations and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this
                Buyer has waived all rights under this Inspections & Investigations paragraph.
        16. Municipal Compliances: Seller will arrange and pay for current certificates of occupancy, sidewalk compliance, and smoke detector
            ordinances, if applicable.
        17. Title Insurance: Seller agrees to convey marketable title to the Property subject to conditions, limitations, reservation of oil, gas and
            other mineral rights, existing zoning ordinances, and building and use restrictions and easements of record. An expanded coverage
            ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price shall be ordered by Seller and furnished to Buyer at
            Seller’s expense, and a commitment to issue a policy insuring marketable title vested in Buyer, including a real estate tax status
            report, will be made available to Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. If Buyer so chooses, or if an expanded policy is
            not applicable, then a standard ALTA Owners’ Policy of Title Insurance shall be provided.
              If Buyer objects to any conditions, Buyer may, within three (3) days of receipt of the Title Commitment, by written notice to Seller,
              either terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct
              those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be
              deemed to have accepted the Title Commitment as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s
              proposal or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days
              after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and
              shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day
              period, Buyer will be deemed to accept the Title Commitment as-is and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions
              of this Agreement. Exceptions:

        18. Property Survey: Broker advises that Buyer should have a survey performed to satisfy Buyer as to the boundaries of the Property
            and the location of improvements thereon.
                 Buyer or     Seller (choose one) shall within ten (10) days of the Effective Date, order, at their expense, a boundary survey with iron
              corner stakes showing the location of the boundaries, improvements and easements in connection with the Property. Upon receipt of
              the survey, Buyer will have three (3) days to review the survey. If the survey shows any condition, in Buyer’s sole discretion, which
              would interfere with Buyer’s intended use of the Property, the marketability of the title, or zoning non-compliance, then Buyer may,
              within said three (3) day period, terminate this Agreement, in writing, and Buyer will receive a full refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money
                 No survey. Buyer has waived all rights under this paragraph.
              When closing occurs, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the boundaries of the Property and the location of such improvements
              thereon. Exceptions:

        19. Home Protection Plan: Buyer and Seller have been informed that home protection plans may be available. Such plans may provide
            additional protection and benefit to the parties. Exceptions:

        20. Prorations: Rent; association dues/fees, if any; insurance, if assigned; interest on any existing land contract, mortgage or lien
            assumed by Buyer; will all be adjusted to the date of closing. For the purposes of calculating prorations, it is presumed that Seller
            owns the Property through the day before closing.
        21. Closing: If agreeable to Buyer and Seller, the sale will be closed as soon as closing documents are ready, but not later than
                        11/30/2022            . An additional period of fifteen (15) days will be allowed for closing to accommodate the correction of
            title defects or survey problems which can be readily corrected, or for delays in obtaining any lender required inspections/repairs. During
            this additional period, the closing will be held within 5 days after all parties have been notified that all necessary documents have been
            prepared. Buyer and Seller will each pay their title company closing fee, if applicable, except in the case of VA financing where Seller
            will pay the entire closing fee. Exceptions:

        22. Pre-Closing Walk-Through: Buyer (choose one)                     reserves        waives the right to conduct a final walk-through of the
            Property within three (3) days of the scheduled closing date. The purpose of the walk-through is to determine that the Property is in
            a substantially similar condition as of the Effective Date, any contractually agreed upon items have been fulfilled, and that any included
            personal property is still located at the Property. Buyer shall immediately report to Seller any objections to these conditions and Buyer’s
            requested corrective action.
        23. Possession: Seller will maintain the Property in its present condition until the completion of the closing of the sale. Possession to be
            delivered to Buyer, subject to rights of present tenants, if any.
                At the completion of the closing of the sale.
                At                a.m.     p.m. on the                     day after completion of the closing of the sale, during which time Seller
                                                         1527 Hoyt Street, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                    Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
                                                                                                   AKW                DDJ             Buyer’s Initials        LM             Seller’s Initials
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                      11/02/22           11/02/22                               11/02/22
                                                                                                 2:15 PM EDT        1:35 PM EDT                            3:49 PM EDT
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                                                                                                                   West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement                    Page 5 of 6
              will have the privilege to occupy the Property and hereby agrees to pay Buyer $                                             as an occupancy
              fee for this period payable at closing, WITHOUT PRORATION. Payment shall be made in the form of cash or certified funds.
              If Seller fails to deliver possession to Buyer on the agreed date, Seller shall become a tenant at sufferance and shall pay to Buyer as
              liquidated damages $                        per day plus all of the Buyer’s actual reasonable attorney's fees incurred in removing the Seller
              from the Property.
              If Seller occupies the Property after closing, Seller will pay all utilities during such occupancy. Buyer will maintain the structure and
              mechanical systems at the Property. However, any repairs or replacements necessitated by Seller’s misuse, abuse, or neglect of any
              portion of the Property will be Seller’s responsibility and expense.
              On the agreed delivery date, Seller shall deliver the Property free of trash and debris and in broom-clean condition, shall remove all
              personal property (unless otherwise stated in this or an additional written agreement), shall make arrangements for final payment on
              all utilities, and shall deliver all keys to Buyer. Exceptions:

        24. Earnest Money Deposit: For valuable consideration, Buyer gives Seller until                             5:00pm                      (time) on
                         11/02/2022              (date), to deliver the written acceptance of this offer and agrees that this offer, when accepted by
            Seller, will constitute a binding Agreement between Buyer and Seller. An Earnest Money Deposit in the amount of $                  $1000
            shall be submitted to                                       Transnation Title                                  (insert name of broker, title
            company, other) within 72 hours of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall be applied against the Purchase Price. If the Earnest
            Money Deposit is not received within 72 hours of the Effective Date or is returned for insufficient funds, Seller may terminate this
            Agreement until such time as the Earnest Money Deposit is received. If Seller terminates this Agreement under this provision, Seller
            waives any claim to the Earnest Money Deposit. If the sale is not closed due to a failure to satisfy a contingency for a reason other
            than the fault of Buyer, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be refunded to Buyer. If the sale is not closed as provided in this Agreement
            and Buyer and Seller do not agree to the disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit, then Buyer and Seller agree that the Broker holding
            the Earnest Money Deposit may notify Buyer and Seller, in writing, of Broker’s intended disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit. If
            Buyer and Seller do not object to such disposition in writing within fifteen (15) days after the date of Broker’s notice, they will be deemed
            to have agreed to Broker’s proposed disposition; if either Buyer or Seller object and no mutually agreeable disposition can be
            negotiated, Broker may deposit the funds by interpleader with a court of proper jurisdiction or await further actions by Buyer and Seller.
            In the event of litigation involving the deposit, in whole or in part, either the Seller or the Buyer that is not the prevailing party, as
            determined by the court, will reimburse the other for reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with the litigation,
            and will reimburse the Broker for any reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with any interpleader action
            instituted. If the entity holding the Earnest Money Deposit is not the Broker, then to the extent that the terms of any escrow agreement
            conflict with this paragraph, then the terms and conditions of the escrow agreement shall control.
        25. Professional Advice: Broker hereby advises Buyer and Seller to seek legal, tax, environmental and other appropriate professional
            advice relating to this transaction. Broker does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the advisability of, or the
            legal effect of this transaction. Buyer further acknowledges that REALTOR® above named in the Agreement hereby recommends to
            Buyer that an attorney be retained by Buyer to pass upon the marketability of the title and to ascertain that the required details of the
            sale are adhered to before the transaction is consummated. Buyer agrees that Buyer is not relying on any representation or statement
            made by Seller or any real estate salesperson (whether intentionally or negligently) regarding any aspect of the Property or this sale
            transaction, except as may be expressly set forth in this Agreement, a written amendment to this Agreement, or a disclosure statement
            separately signed by Seller.
        26. Disclosure of Information: Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that the Purchase Price, terms, and other details with respect
            to this transaction (when closed) are not confidential, will be disclosed to REALTORS® who participate in the applicable Multiple Listing
            Service, and may otherwise be used and/or published by that Multiple Listing Service in the ordinary course of its business.
        27. Other Provisions:

        28. Mergers and Integrations: This Agreement is the final expression of the complete agreement of Buyer and Seller, and there are no
            oral agreements existing between Buyer and Seller relating to this transaction. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed
            by Buyer and Seller and attached to this Agreement.
        29. Fax/Electronic Distribution and Electronic Signatures: Buyer and Seller agree that any signed copy of this Agreement, and any
            amendments or addendums related to this transaction, transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means shall be competent evidence
            of its contents to the same effect as an original signed copy. Buyer and Seller further agree that an electronic signature is the legal
            equivalent of a manual or handwritten signature, and consent to use of electronic signatures. Buyer and Seller agree that any notice(s)
            required or permitted under this Agreement may also be transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means.
        30. Wire Fraud: Seller and Buyer are advised that wire fraud is an increasingly common problem. If you receive any electronic

                                                         1527 Hoyt Street, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                    Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
                                                                                                   AKW                DDJ             Buyer’s Initials        LM             Seller’s Initials
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                      11/02/22           11/02/22                               11/02/22
                                                                                                 2:15 PM EDT        1:35 PM EDT                            3:49 PM EDT
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                                                                                                                       West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement                                    Page 6 of 6
              communication directing you to transfer funds or provide nonpublic personal information (such as social security numbers, drivers’
              license numbers, wire instructions, bank account numbers, etc.), even if that electronic communication appears to be from the
              Broker, Title Company, or Lender, DO NOT reply until you have verified the authenticity of the email by direct communication with
              Broker, Title Company, or Lender. DO NOT use telephone numbers provided in the email. Such requests may be part of a scheme
              to steal funds or use your identity.
        31. Buyer’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Buyer approves the terms of this offer and acknowledges receipt of a copy of this offer.

              Buyer 1 Address                                                                             X        Alexandrea Kristeen Wilson                                                             Buyer
                                                                                                                                                                                 dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                                                 11/02/22 2:15 PM EDT

              Buyer 1 Phone: (Res.)                                    (Bus.)                                          Alexandrea Wilson
                                                                                                                              Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

              Buyer 2 Address                                                                             X       DeQuinis Dominic Jones                                                                  Buyer
                                                                                                                                                                                 dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                                                 11/02/22 1:35 PM EDT

              Buyer 2 Phone: (Res.)                                    (Bus.)
                                                                                                                              Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

        32. Seller’s Response: The above offer is approved:                       As written.    As written except:

             Counteroffer, if any, expires                                       , at                     (time). Seller has the right to withdraw this
             counteroffer and to accept other offers until Seller or Seller’s Agent has received notice of Buyer’s acceptance.
             33. Certification of Previous Disclosure Statement: Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property is currently in the same condition as
             disclosed in the Seller’s Disclosure Statement dated                          (choose one):   Yes      No. Seller agrees to inform
             Buyer in writing of any changes in the content of the disclosure statement prior to closing.
        34. Notice to Seller: Seller understands that consummation of the sale or transfer of the Property described in this Agreement will not
            relieve Seller of any liability that Seller may have under the mortgages to which the Property is subject, unless otherwise agreed to by
            the lender or required by law or regulation. Buyer and Seller are advised that a Notice to Seller & Buyer of Underlying Mortgage form
            is available from the respective agents via the West Michigan REALTOR® Boards.
       35. Listing Office Address: 3478 Persimmon Ln, Holland, MI 49424                                                    Listing Broker License #
             Listing Agent Name: Mariana Murillo VanDam                                                                     Listing Agent License # Mariana Murillo VanDam

        36. Seller’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Seller approves the terms of this Agreement and acknowledges receipt of a copy. If Seller’s
            response occurs after Buyer’s offer expires, then Seller’s response is considered a counteroffer and Buyer’s acceptance is required
            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time): LeighAnn Miksell
                                                                                                                                                                                                        dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                                                                        11/02/22 3:49 PM EDT

                         LeighAnn Miksell                                                                              Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                            Yes                No*
                                Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                                                                                       Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                            Yes                No*
                                 Print name as you want it to appear on documents.
             Seller’s Address:                                                            Seller’s Phone (Res.)                                              (Bus)
                 * If Seller(s) is not a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien, there may be tax implications and Buyer and Seller are advised to seek professional advice.

        37. Buyer’s Receipt/Acceptance: Buyer acknowledges receipt of Seller’s response to Buyer’s offer. In the event Seller’s response
            constitutes a counteroffer, Buyer accepts said counteroffer. All other terms and conditions in the offer remain unchanged.

             X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

             X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

        38. Seller’s Receipt: Seller acknowledges receipt of Buyer’s acceptance of counter offer.
             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):               LeighAnn Miksell
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                                                                                                                                                                                                        11/02/22 3:49 PM EDT

             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

                                                         1527 Hoyt Street, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                        Date                                       Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                          AKW                DDJ             Buyer’s Initials        LM                           Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                       11/02/22           11/02/22                               11/02/22
                                                                                                     2:15 PM EDT        1:35 PM EDT                            3:49 PM EDT
                                                                                                    dotloop verified   dotloop verified                       dotloop verified
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 7, 2022                            Title: Sale of 206 Irwin

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                                      Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of the purchase agreement and amendment for 206
Irwin Avenue.

Detailed Summary & Background:
206 Irwin Avenue was constructed through the agreement with Dave Dusendang to construct infill
housing with ARPA funding. After signing the purchase agreement, the buyer elected to update
the purchase price and seller concessions which equate to a net zero change in funds to the city.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
Create an environment that effectively attracts new residents and retains existing residents by
filling existing employment gaps, attracting new and diverse businesses to the city, and expanding
access to a variety of high-quality housing options in Muskegon. Diverse housing types

Amount Requested: N/A                               Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                              Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: to approve the purchase agreement and amendment for 206 Irwin Avenue.

Approvals:                                                           Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head         Information Technology
Other Division Heads            Communication                        Yes

Legal Review                                                         No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
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                                                         WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                       #           1
         DATE:                        10/25/2022                    ,                           (time)                                      MLS #                 22045125

         SELLING OFFICE:                         West Urban Realty                 BROKER LIC.#:         6506015435          REALTOR® PHONE:

         LISTING OFFICE:                        West Urban Realty                 REALTOR® PHONE:                        6163662459

        1. Effective Date: This Agreement is effective on the date of Seller's acceptance of Buyer's offer or Buyer's acceptance of any
            counteroffer, as the case may be, and this date shall hereafter be referred to as the "Effective Date". Further, any reference to "days"
            in this Agreement refers to calendar days. The first calendar day begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the Effective Date. Any reference
            to "time" refers to local time.
         2. Agency Disclosure: The Undersigned Buyer and Seller each acknowledge that they have read and signed the Disclosure Regarding
             Real Estate Agency Relationships. The selling licensee is acting as (choose one):
                  Agent/Subagent of Seller             Buyer’s Agent          Dual Agent (with written, informed consent of both Buyer and Seller)
                  Transaction Coordinator
              Primary Selling Agent Name:                      Mariana Murillo VanDam                    Email: mariana@westurbanrealtymi. Lic.#:                     6506015435

             Alternate Selling Agent Name:                                             Email:                                   Lic.#:
         3. Seller’s Disclosure Statement: (This paragraph applies to sales of one-to-four family residential units.)
                 Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, dated                              . Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property
                 is currently in the same condition as Seller previously disclosed in that statement. Seller agrees to inform Buyer in writing of any
                 changes in the content of the disclosure statement.
                 Buyer has not received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, in writing, any time prior to receipt
                 of the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Once Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, Buyer may terminate this
                 Agreement, in writing, within 72 hours of receipt if the disclosure was received in person, or within 120 hours if received by
                 registered mail. Exceptions:                                              Builder Warranty
                 Seller is exempt from the requirements of the Seller Disclosure Act.
        4. Lead-Based Paint Addendum: Transactions involving homes built prior to 1978 require a written disclosure which is hereby attached
            and will be an integral part of this Agreement.
        5. Property Description: Buyer offers to buy the property located in the        City     Village Township of                Muskegon          ,
            County of               Muskegon County            , Michigan, commonly known as (insert mailing address: street/city/state/zip code)
                                                                              206 Irwin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442
             with the following legal description and tax parcel ID numbers:
                                                                        City of Muskegon Revised Plat of 1903 Lot 5 Blk 266

             PP#                                                                         24-205-266-0005-00                                                                               .
           The following paragraph applies only if the Premises include unplatted land:
           Seller agrees to grant Buyer at closing the right to make (insert number)                     division(s) under Section 108(2), (3), and
           (4) of the Michigan Land Division Act. (If no number is inserted, the right to make divisions under the sections referenced above stays
           with any remainder of the parent parcel retained by Seller. If a number is inserted, Seller retains all available divisions in excess of the
           number stated; however, Seller and/or REALTOR® do not warrant that the number of divisions stated is actually available.) If this sale
           will create a new division, Seller’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent on Seller’s receipt of municipal approval on or
           before                                  , of the proposed division to create the Premises.
        6. Purchase Price: Buyer offers to buy the Property for the sum of $                                    $180,000
                                                             one hundred eighty thousand                                                   U.S. Dollars
        7. Seller Concessions, if any:                                                                              $6800

        8. Terms: The Terms of Purchase will be as indicated by “X” below: (Other unmarked terms of purchase do not apply.)
           SOURCE OF FUNDS TO CLOSE: Buyer represents that the funds necessary to close this transaction on the terms specified below
           are currently available to Buyer in cash or an equally liquid equivalent.
             If the Property’s value stated in an appraisal obtained by Buyer or Buyer’s lender is less than the Purchase Price, Buyer shall within
             three (3) days after receipt of the appraisal: 1) renegotiate with the Seller, 2) terminate the transaction, in which case Buyer shall
             receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or 3) proceed to close the transaction at the agreed Purchase Price.
                   CASH. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed. Buyer Agrees to provide Buyer Agent/Dual Agent
                   verification of funds within five (5) days after the Effective Date, and consents to the disclosure of such information to Seller and/or
                   Seller’s Agent. If verification of funds is not received within 5 days after the Effective Date, Seller may terminate this Agreement
                   at any time before verification of funds is received by giving written notice to Buyer. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be
                   arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement.
                   NEW MORTGAGE. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed, contingent upon Buyer’s ability to
                   obtain a FHA                            type 30              (year) mortgage in the amount of 96.5         % of the Purchase Price
                   bearing interest at a rate not to exceed                % per annum (rate at time of loan application), on or before the date the sale is
                   to be closed. Buyer agrees to apply for a mortgage loan, and pay all fees and costs customarily charged by Buyer’s lender to
                   process the application, within 5                  days after the Effective Date, not to impair Buyers’ credit after the date such loan if
                   offered.      Seller    Buyer will agree to pay an amount not to exceed $                         representing repairs required as a
                   condition of financing. Buyer         agrees      does not agree to authorize Buyer’s Agent/Dual Agent to obtain information from
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Page 1 of 6 Rev. Date 8/2022                                                                         PJ               Buyer’s Initials       LM                   Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                             10/26/22                                 10/26/22
                                                                                                           2:46 PM EDT                              3:16 PM EDT
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                                                                                                                      West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement           Page 2 of 6
                   Buyer’s lender regarding Buyer’s financing, and consents to the disclosure of this information to Seller and/or Seller’s Agent.

                   SELLER FINANCING (choose one of the following):                      CONTRACT or                     PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE
                   In the case of Seller financing, Buyer agrees to provide Seller with a credit report within 72 hours after the Effective Date. If the
                   credit report is unacceptable to Seller, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer within 48 hours of Seller’s receipt, or if
                   Buyer fails to provide said credit report to Seller within the time frame allotted, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer
                   within 48 hours. Seller is advised to seek professional advice regarding the credit report.
                   $                           upon execution and delivery of a
                   form (name or type of form and revision date), a copy of which is attached, wherein the balance of $
                   will be payable in monthly installments of $                            or more including interest at                    % per annum,
                   interest to start on date of closing, and first payment to become due thirty (30) days after date of closing. The entire unpaid balance
                   will become due and payable                            months after closing. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and
                   paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:

                   EQUITY (choose one of the following):         Formal Assumption or       Informal Assumption
                   Upon execution and delivery of:       Warranty Deed subject to existing mortgage OR             Assignment of Vendee Interest
                   in Land Contract, Buyer to pay the difference (approximately $                             ) between the Purchase Price above
                   provided and the unpaid balance (approximately $                             ) upon said mortgage or land contract, which Buyer
                   agrees to assume and pay. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for accumulated funds held in escrow, if any, for payment of future
                   taxes and insurance premiums, etc. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten
                   (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:


         9. Contingencies: Buyer’s obligation to consummate this transaction (choose one):
                   IS NOT CONTINGENT - is not contingent upon the sale or exchange of any other property by Buyer.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON CLOSING - is contingent upon closing of an existing sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at:

                   A copy of Buyer’s agreement to sell or exchange that property is being delivered to Seller along with this offer. If the existing sale
                   or exchange terminates for any reason, Buyer will immediately notify Seller, and either party may terminate this Agreement in
                   writing, within 3 days of Buyer’s notice to Seller. If either party terminates, Buyer shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest
                   Money Deposit.
                   IS CONTINGENT UPON THE SALE AND CLOSING - is contingent upon the execution of a binding agreement and the closing
                   of a sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at
                                                         on or before                                      . Seller will have the right to continue to
                   market Seller’s Property until Buyer enters into a binding agreement to sell or exchange Buyer’s property and delivers a copy
                   thereof to Seller. During such marketing period, Seller may enter into a binding contract for sale to another purchaser on such
                   price and terms as the Seller deems appropriate. In such event, this Agreement will automatically terminate, Buyer will be notified
                   promptly, and Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded. Exceptions:

         10. Fixtures & Improvements: The following is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of items included with the Property. All
             improvements and appurtenances are included in the Purchase Price, if now in or on the Property, unless rented, including the
             following: all buildings; landscaping; attached smart home devices; attached security systems; lighting fixtures and their shades and
             bulbs; ceiling fans; hardware for draperies and curtains; window shades and blinds; built-in kitchen appliances, including garbage
             disposal and drop-in ranges; wall to wall carpeting, if attached; all attached mirrors; all attached TV mounting brackets; all attached
             shelving; attached work benches; stationary laundry tubs; water softener; water heater; incinerator; sump pump; water pump and
             pressure tank; heating and air conditioning equipment (window units excluded); attached humidifiers; heating units, including add-on
             heating stoves and heating stoves connected by flue pipe; fireplace screens, inserts, and grates; fireplace doors, if attached; liquid
             heating and cooking fuel tanks; TV antenna and complete rotor equipment; satellite dish and necessary accessories and complete
             rotor equipment; all support equipment for inground pools; screens and storm windows and doors; awnings; installed basketball
             backboard, pole and goal; mailbox; flagpole(s); fencing, invisible inground fencing and all related equipment, including collars;
             detached storage buildings; underground sprinkling, including the pump; installed outdoor grills; all plantings and bulbs; garage door
             opener and control(s); and any and all items and fixtures permanently affixed to the Property; and also includes:
                                                                                   Microwave, Dishwasher

              but does not include:

                                                         206 Irwin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                              Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                           PJ                    Buyer’s Initials          LM             Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                      10/26/22                                         10/26/22
                                                                                                    2:46 PM EDT                                      3:16 PM EDT
                                                                                                   dotloop verified                                 dotloop verified
dotloop signature verification:

                                                                                                                         West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement           Page 3 of 6

         11. Heating and Cooking Fuels: Liquid heating and cooking fuels in tanks are included in the sale and will transfer to Buyer at time of
             possession unless usage is metered (in which case it is not included in the sale). Sellers are responsible for maintaining heating and
             cooking liquid fuels at an operational level and shall not permit fuels to fall below 10% in the tank(s) at the time of possession, except
             that the tank(s) may be empty only if now empty. Further, Seller is precluded from removing fuel from tank(s) other than what is
             expended through normal use. Exceptions:

         12. Assessments (choose one):
             If the Property is subject to any assessments,
                  Seller shall pay the entire balance of any such assessments that are due and payable on or before the day of closing (regardless
                  of any installment arrangements), except for any fees that are required to connect to public utilities.
                  Seller shall pay all installments of such assessments that become due and payable on or before day of closing. Buyer shall assume
                  and pay all other installments of such assessments.
         13. Property Taxes: Seller will be responsible for any taxes billed prior to those addressed below. Buyer will be responsible for all
             taxes billed after those addressed below.
              Buyer is also advised that the state equalized value of the Property, principal residence exemption information and other real property
              tax information is available from the appropriate local assessor’s office. Buyer should not assume that Buyer’s future tax bills on the
              Property will be the same as Seller’s present tax bills. Under Michigan law, real property tax obligations can change significantly when
              property is transferred.
                  No proration.          (Choose one):
                         Buyer               Seller    will pay taxes billed summer                                (year);
                         Buyer               Seller    will pay taxes billed winter                                (year);
                  Calendar Year Proration (all taxes billed or to be billed in the year of the closing). Calendar year tax levies will be estimated, if
                  necessary, using the taxable value and the millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken down to a per diem tax payment
                  and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying for January 1 through the day before closing.
                  Fiscal Year Proration - Taxes will be prorated as though they are paid in (choose one):         advance.          arrears.
                  Fiscal Year will be assumed to cover a 12-month period from date billed, and taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Fiscal
                  year tax levies will be estimated, if necessary, using the taxable value and millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken
                  down to a per diem tax payment and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying through the day before closing. Exceptions:

         14. Well/Septic: Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, (choose one)  Seller or     Buyer will arrange for, at their own expense,
             an inspection of the primary well used for human consumption (including a water quality test for coliform bacteria and nitrates) and
             septic systems in use on the Property. The inspection will be performed by a qualified inspector in a manner that meets county (or
             other local governmental authority, if applicable) protocol.
              If any report discloses a condition unsatisfactory to Buyer, or doesn’t meet county standards that are a condition of sale, Buyer may,
              within three (3) days after Buyer has received the report, by written notice to Seller, either terminate this Agreement and receive a
              refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails
              to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be deemed to have accepted the well/septic as-
              is. Seller will respond in writing within three (3) days to Buyer’s request. If Seller fails to respond or to arrive at a mutually agreeable
              resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer will have three (3) days to provide written notice of
              termination of this Agreement and receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate the contract,
              Buyer will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
                                                                      Seller to include fridge, stove, washer, and dryer

         15. Inspections & Investigations:
              Inspections: Buyer, or someone selected by Buyer, has the right to inspect the buildings, premises, components and systems, at
              Buyer’s expense. Any damage, misuse, abuse, or neglect of any portion of the Property or premises as a result of inspections will be
              Buyer’s responsibility and expense.
              Investigations: It is Buyer’s responsibility to investigate (i) whether the Property complies with applicable codes and local ordinances
              and whether the Property is zoned for Buyer’s intended use; (ii) whether Buyer can obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy for the
              Property at price and terms acceptable to Buyer; (iii) and whether or not the Property is in a flood zone.
              All inspections and investigations will be completed within ____ days after the Effective Date. If the results of Buyer’s inspections and
              investigations are not acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may, within the above referenced period, by written notice to Seller, either terminate
              this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those
              unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be

                                                         206 Irwin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                 Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                              PJ                    Buyer’s Initials          LM             Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                         10/26/22                                         10/26/22
                                                                                                       2:46 PM EDT                                      3:16 PM EDT
                                                                                                      dotloop verified                                 dotloop verified
dotloop signature verification:

                                                                                                                   West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement           Page 4 of 6

            deemed to have accepted the Property as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s proposal
            or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s
            receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and receive a
            refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day period, Buyer will
            be deemed to accept the Inspections & Investigations and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this
                Buyer has waived all rights under this Inspections & Investigations paragraph.
        16. Municipal Compliances: Seller will arrange and pay for current certificates of occupancy, sidewalk compliance, and smoke detector
            ordinances, if applicable.
        17. Title Insurance: Seller agrees to convey marketable title to the Property subject to conditions, limitations, reservation of oil, gas and
            other mineral rights, existing zoning ordinances, and building and use restrictions and easements of record. An expanded coverage
            ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price shall be ordered by Seller and furnished to Buyer at
            Seller’s expense, and a commitment to issue a policy insuring marketable title vested in Buyer, including a real estate tax status
            report, will be made available to Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. If Buyer so chooses, or if an expanded policy is
            not applicable, then a standard ALTA Owners’ Policy of Title Insurance shall be provided.
             If Buyer objects to any conditions, Buyer may, within three (3) days of receipt of the Title Commitment, by written notice to Seller,
             either terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct
             those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be
             deemed to have accepted the Title Commitment as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s
             proposal or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days
             after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and
             shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day
             period, Buyer will be deemed to accept the Title Commitment as-is and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions
             of this Agreement. Exceptions:
             Transnation Title
        18. Property Survey: Broker advises that Buyer should have a survey performed to satisfy Buyer as to the boundaries of the Property
            and the location of improvements thereon.
                 Buyer or     Seller (choose one) shall within ten (10) days of the Effective Date, order, at their expense, a boundary survey with iron
              corner stakes showing the location of the boundaries, improvements and easements in connection with the Property. Upon receipt of
              the survey, Buyer will have three (3) days to review the survey. If the survey shows any condition, in Buyer’s sole discretion, which
              would interfere with Buyer’s intended use of the Property, the marketability of the title, or zoning non-compliance, then Buyer may,
              within said three (3) day period, terminate this Agreement, in writing, and Buyer will receive a full refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money
                No survey. Buyer has waived all rights under this paragraph.
             When closing occurs, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the boundaries of the Property and the location of such improvements
             thereon. Exceptions:

        19. Home Protection Plan: Buyer and Seller have been informed that home protection plans may be available. Such plans may provide
            additional protection and benefit to the parties. Exceptions:

        20. Prorations: Rent; association dues/fees, if any; insurance, if assigned; interest on any existing land contract, mortgage or lien
            assumed by Buyer; will all be adjusted to the date of closing. For the purposes of calculating prorations, it is presumed that Seller
            owns the Property through the day before closing.
        21. Closing: If agreeable to Buyer and Seller, the sale will be closed as soon as closing documents are ready, but not later than
                        11/30/2022            . An additional period of fifteen (15) days will be allowed for closing to accommodate the correction of
            title defects or survey problems which can be readily corrected, or for delays in obtaining any lender required inspections/repairs. During
            this additional period, the closing will be held within 5 days after all parties have been notified that all necessary documents have been
            prepared. Buyer and Seller will each pay their title company closing fee, if applicable, except in the case of VA financing where Seller
            will pay the entire closing fee. Exceptions:

        22. Pre-Closing Walk-Through: Buyer (choose one)                     reserves        waives the right to conduct a final walk-through of the
            Property within three (3) days of the scheduled closing date. The purpose of the walk-through is to determine that the Property is in
            a substantially similar condition as of the Effective Date, any contractually agreed upon items have been fulfilled, and that any included
            personal property is still located at the Property. Buyer shall immediately report to Seller any objections to these conditions and Buyer’s
            requested corrective action.
        23. Possession: Seller will maintain the Property in its present condition until the completion of the closing of the sale. Possession to be
            delivered to Buyer, subject to rights of present tenants, if any.
                At the completion of the closing of the sale.
                At                a.m.     p.m. on the                     day after completion of the closing of the sale, during which time Seller
                                                         206 Irwin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                           Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
                                                                                                     PJ                    Buyer’s Initials          LM             Seller’s Initials
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                      10/26/22                                         10/26/22
                                                                                                 2:46 PM EDT                                      3:16 PM EDT
                                                                                                dotloop verified                                 dotloop verified
dotloop signature verification:

                                                                                                                   West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement           Page 5 of 6
             will have the privilege to occupy the Property and hereby agrees to pay Buyer $                                             as an occupancy
             fee for this period payable at closing, WITHOUT PRORATION. Payment shall be made in the form of cash or certified funds.
             If Seller fails to deliver possession to Buyer on the agreed date, Seller shall become a tenant at sufferance and shall pay to Buyer as
             liquidated damages $                        per day plus all of the Buyer’s actual reasonable attorney's fees incurred in removing the Seller
             from the Property.
             If Seller occupies the Property after closing, Seller will pay all utilities during such occupancy. Buyer will maintain the structure and
             mechanical systems at the Property. However, any repairs or replacements necessitated by Seller’s misuse, abuse, or neglect of any
             portion of the Property will be Seller’s responsibility and expense.
             On the agreed delivery date, Seller shall deliver the Property free of trash and debris and in broom-clean condition, shall remove all
             personal property (unless otherwise stated in this or an additional written agreement), shall make arrangements for final payment on
             all utilities, and shall deliver all keys to Buyer. Exceptions:

        24. Earnest Money Deposit: For valuable consideration, Buyer gives Seller until                               3pm                       (time) on
                         10/26/2022              (date), to deliver the written acceptance of this offer and agrees that this offer, when accepted by
            Seller, will constitute a binding Agreement between Buyer and Seller. An Earnest Money Deposit in the amount of $                  $1000
            shall be submitted to                                       Transnation Title                                  (insert name of broker, title
            company, other) within 72 hours of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall be applied against the Purchase Price. If the Earnest
            Money Deposit is not received within 72 hours of the Effective Date or is returned for insufficient funds, Seller may terminate this
            Agreement until such time as the Earnest Money Deposit is received. If Seller terminates this Agreement under this provision, Seller
            waives any claim to the Earnest Money Deposit. If the sale is not closed due to a failure to satisfy a contingency for a reason other
            than the fault of Buyer, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be refunded to Buyer. If the sale is not closed as provided in this Agreement
            and Buyer and Seller do not agree to the disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit, then Buyer and Seller agree that the Broker holding
            the Earnest Money Deposit may notify Buyer and Seller, in writing, of Broker’s intended disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit. If
            Buyer and Seller do not object to such disposition in writing within fifteen (15) days after the date of Broker’s notice, they will be deemed
            to have agreed to Broker’s proposed disposition; if either Buyer or Seller object and no mutually agreeable disposition can be
            negotiated, Broker may deposit the funds by interpleader with a court of proper jurisdiction or await further actions by Buyer and Seller.
            In the event of litigation involving the deposit, in whole or in part, either the Seller or the Buyer that is not the prevailing party, as
            determined by the court, will reimburse the other for reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with the litigation,
            and will reimburse the Broker for any reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with any interpleader action
            instituted. If the entity holding the Earnest Money Deposit is not the Broker, then to the extent that the terms of any escrow agreement
            conflict with this paragraph, then the terms and conditions of the escrow agreement shall control.
        25. Professional Advice: Broker hereby advises Buyer and Seller to seek legal, tax, environmental and other appropriate professional
            advice relating to this transaction. Broker does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the advisability of, or the
            legal effect of this transaction. Buyer further acknowledges that REALTOR® above named in the Agreement hereby recommends to
            Buyer that an attorney be retained by Buyer to pass upon the marketability of the title and to ascertain that the required details of the
            sale are adhered to before the transaction is consummated. Buyer agrees that Buyer is not relying on any representation or statement
            made by Seller or any real estate salesperson (whether intentionally or negligently) regarding any aspect of the Property or this sale
            transaction, except as may be expressly set forth in this Agreement, a written amendment to this Agreement, or a disclosure statement
            separately signed by Seller.
        26. Disclosure of Information: Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that the Purchase Price, terms, and other details with respect
            to this transaction (when closed) are not confidential, will be disclosed to REALTORS® who participate in the applicable Multiple Listing
            Service, and may otherwise be used and/or published by that Multiple Listing Service in the ordinary course of its business.
        27. Other Provisions:

        28. Mergers and Integrations: This Agreement is the final expression of the complete agreement of Buyer and Seller, and there are no
            oral agreements existing between Buyer and Seller relating to this transaction. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed
            by Buyer and Seller and attached to this Agreement.
        29. Fax/Electronic Distribution and Electronic Signatures: Buyer and Seller agree that any signed copy of this Agreement, and any
            amendments or addendums related to this transaction, transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means shall be competent evidence
            of its contents to the same effect as an original signed copy. Buyer and Seller further agree that an electronic signature is the legal
            equivalent of a manual or handwritten signature, and consent to use of electronic signatures. Buyer and Seller agree that any notice(s)
            required or permitted under this Agreement may also be transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means.
        30. Wire Fraud: Seller and Buyer are advised that wire fraud is an increasingly common problem. If you receive any electronic

                                                         206 Irwin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                           Date                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
                                                                                                     PJ                    Buyer’s Initials          LM             Seller’s Initials
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                      10/26/22                                         10/26/22
                                                                                                 2:46 PM EDT                                      3:16 PM EDT
                                                                                                dotloop verified                                 dotloop verified
dotloop signature verification:

                                                                                                                        West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement                          Page 6 of 6
             communication directing you to transfer funds or provide nonpublic personal information (such as social security numbers, drivers’
             license numbers, wire instructions, bank account numbers, etc.), even if that electronic communication appears to be from the
             Broker, Title Company, or Lender, DO NOT reply until you have verified the authenticity of the email by direct communication with
             Broker, Title Company, or Lender. DO NOT use telephone numbers provided in the email. Such requests may be part of a scheme
             to steal funds or use your identity.
        31. Buyer’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Buyer approves the terms of this offer and acknowledges receipt of a copy of this offer.

             Buyer 1 Address                                                                               X        Phylicia Joseph                                                              Buyer
                                                                                                                                                                         dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                                         10/26/22 2:46 PM EDT

             Buyer 1 Phone: (Res.)                                      (Bus.)                                          Phylicia Joseph
                                                                                                                           Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

             Buyer 2 Address                                                                               X                                                                                     Buyer
             Buyer 2 Phone: (Res.)                                      (Bus.)
                                                                                                                           Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

        32. Seller’s Response: The above offer is approved:                        As written.    As written except:
              Seller to provide a quit claim deed

             Counteroffer, if any, expires                                       , at                     (time). Seller has the right to withdraw this
             counteroffer and to accept other offers until Seller or Seller’s Agent has received notice of Buyer’s acceptance.
             33. Certification of Previous Disclosure Statement: Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property is currently in the same condition as
             disclosed in the Seller’s Disclosure Statement dated                          (choose one):   Yes      No. Seller agrees to inform
             Buyer in writing of any changes in the content of the disclosure statement prior to closing.
        34. Notice to Seller: Seller understands that consummation of the sale or transfer of the Property described in this Agreement will not
            relieve Seller of any liability that Seller may have under the mortgages to which the Property is subject, unless otherwise agreed to by
            the lender or required by law or regulation. Buyer and Seller are advised that a Notice to Seller & Buyer of Underlying Mortgage form
            is available from the respective agents via the West Michigan REALTOR® Boards.
       35. Listing Office Address: 3478 Persimmon Ln, Holland, MI 49424                                                   Listing Broker License #
             Listing Agent Name: Mariana Murillo VanDam                                                                    Listing Agent License # Mariana Murillo VanDam

        36. Seller’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Seller approves the terms of this Agreement and acknowledges receipt of a copy. If Seller’s
            response occurs after Buyer’s offer expires, then Seller’s response is considered a counteroffer and Buyer’s acceptance is required
            X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time): LeighAnn Miksell
                                                                                                                                                                                            dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                                                            10/26/22 3:16 PM EDT

                         LeighAnn Miksell                                                                               Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                  Yes                No*
                               Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                                                                                        Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?                  Yes                No*
                                Print name as you want it to appear on documents.
             Seller’s Address:                                                             Seller’s Phone (Res.)                                     (Bus)
                 * If Seller(s) is not a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien, there may be tax implications and Buyer and Seller are advised to seek professional advice.

        37. Buyer’s Receipt/Acceptance: Buyer acknowledges receipt of Seller’s response to Buyer’s offer. In the event Seller’s response
            constitutes a counteroffer, Buyer accepts said counteroffer. All other terms and conditions in the offer remain unchanged.

             X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

             X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

        38. Seller’s Receipt: Seller acknowledges receipt of Buyer’s acceptance of counter offer.
             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):                LeighAnn Miksell
                                                                                                                                                                                                dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                                                                10/26/22 3:16 PM EDT

             X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

                                                         206 Irwin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                                 Subject Property Address/Description                                                                Date                                   Time
         ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
         Revision Date 8/2022                                                                             PJ                    Buyer’s Initials          LM                         Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                        10/26/22                                         10/26/22
                                                                                                      2:46 PM EDT                                      3:16 PM EDT
                                                                                                     dotloop verified                                 dotloop verified
dotloop signature verification:

                                                                    WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL
                                                          ADDENDUM TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT

        MLS # 22045125                                                                   Date: 11/03/2022                                                                         (time)
        Selling Office West Urban Realty                                      , REALTOR® Phone 616-366-2459                                 Email
        Listing Office West Urban Realty                                      , REALTOR® Phone 616-366-2459                                 Email

        1.   Addendum # 1                                to Purchase Agreement dated 10/26/2022                                                         covering property at

             206 Irwin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442

        2.   This Addendum shall be an integral part of the Purchase Agreement, which is amended as follows:
             Purchase price to be increased to $182900
             Seller concessions to be $8800.

        3.   The    Seller     Buyer (check one) gives the above-named REALTOR® 2                                 days to obtain the written acceptance of this
             Addendum to the Purchase Agreement. If accepted, this Addendum will constitute a binding change to the Purchase Agreement.

        4.   RECEIPT IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY BUYER of a copy of this Agreement.

                                                                                                    Phylicia Joseph
                                                                                                                                                        dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                        11/03/22 6:39 PM EDT
                Date                                                                            X                                                       TQIE-AJ5X-DV5K-5NI5    Buyer
                                                                                                    (Note: Please sign as you wish your name to appear on final papers.)

                                                                                                X                                                                              Buyer
                                                                                                    (Note: Please sign as you wish your name to appear on final papers.)

        5.   RECEIPT IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY SELLER of a copy of this Agreement.

                                                                                                    LeighAnn Miksell
                                                                                                                                                      dotloop verified
                                                                                                                                                      11/03/22 6:19 PM MST
                Date                                                                            X                                                     HMUR-GSCK-BTCX-KV21      Seller
                                                                                                    (Note: Please sign as you wish your name to appear on final papers.)

                                                                                                X                                                                              Seller
                                                                                                    (Note: Please sign as you wish your name to appear on final papers.)

        ©West Michigan REALTOR® Boards
        Rev 7/2020
                       Agenda Item Review Form
                        Muskegon City Commission

Commission Meeting Date: November 7, 2022                            Title: Sale of 291 McLaughlin

Submitted By: LeighAnn Mikesell                                      Department: City Manager

Brief Summary: Staff is requesting approval of the purchase agreement for 291 McLaughlin

Detailed Summary & Background:
291 McLaughlin Avenue is being constructed through the agreement with Dave Dusendang to
construct infill housing with ARPA funding. The home is under construction with a planned cost of
$235,000. The offer presented is for a sales price of $172,500 with no seller concessions.

Goal/Focus Area/Action Item Addressed:
Create an environment that effectively attracts new residents and retains existing residents by
filling existing employment gaps, attracting new and diverse businesses to the city, and expanding
access to a variety of high-quality housing options in Muskegon. Diverse housing types

Amount Requested: N/A                               Amount Budgeted: N/A

Fund(s) or Account(s):                              Fund(s) or Account(s):

Recommended Motion: to approve the purchase agreement for 291 McLaughlin Avenue.

Approvals:                                                           Guest(s) Invited / Presenting
Immediate Division Head         Information Technology
Other Division Heads            Communication                        Yes

Legal Review                                                         No

For City Clerk Use Only:
Commission Action:
                                       WEST MICHIGAN REGIONAL PURCHASE AGREEMENT
DATE:                  10/26/2022                  ,         6:00p.m.        (time)                                MLS #   not currently listed

SELLING OFFICE:            Five Star Real Estate Leaders         BROKER LIC.#:        6501280679    REALTOR® PHONE:             616-638-1627

LISTING OFFICE:                West Urban Realty                REALTOR® PHONE:                616-366-2459

1. Effective Date: This Agreement is effective on the date of Seller's acceptance of Buyer's offer or Buyer's acceptance of any
    counteroffer, as the case may be, and this date shall hereafter be referred to as the "Effective Date". Further, any reference to "days"
    in this Agreement refers to calendar days. The first calendar day begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the Effective Date. Any reference
    to "time" refers to local time.
 2. Agency Disclosure: The Undersigned Buyer and Seller each acknowledge that they have read and signed the Disclosure Regarding
     Real Estate Agency Relationships. The selling licensee is acting as (choose one):
          Agent/Subagent of Seller             Buyer’s Agent          Dual Agent (with written, informed consent of both Buyer and Seller)
          Transaction Coordinator
    Primary Selling Agent Name:                        Patti Styburski                Email:   Lic.#:

     Alternate Selling Agent Name:                Randy Styburski              Email: Lic.#:
 3. Seller’s Disclosure Statement: (This paragraph applies to sales of one-to-four family residential units.)
         Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, dated                              . Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property
         is currently in the same condition as Seller previously disclosed in that statement. Seller agrees to inform Buyer in writing of any
         changes in the content of the disclosure statement.
         Buyer has not received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Buyer may terminate this Agreement, in writing, any time prior to receipt
         of the Seller’s Disclosure Statement. Once Buyer has received the Seller’s Disclosure Statement, Buyer may terminate this
         Agreement, in writing, within 72 hours of receipt if the disclosure was received in person, or within 120 hours if received by
         registered mail. Exceptions:
         Seller is exempt from the requirements of the Seller Disclosure Act.
4. Lead-Based Paint Addendum: Transactions involving homes built prior to 1978 require a written disclosure which is hereby attached
    and will be an integral part of this Agreement.
5. Property Description: Buyer offers to buy the property located in the        City    Village Township of                Muskegon           ,
    County of                  Muskegon                , Michigan, commonly known as (insert mailing address: street/city/state/zip code)
                                                        291 McLaughlin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442
   with the following legal description and tax parcel ID numbers:
                                    CITY OF MUSKEGON REVISED PLAT OF 1903 LOT 12 BLK 264 EX W 4 FT FOR ALLEY

   PP#                                                                   24-31-29-182-00                                                                 .
   The following paragraph applies only if the Premises include unplatted land:
   Seller agrees to grant Buyer at closing the right to make (insert number)                     division(s) under Section 108(2), (3), and
   (4) of the Michigan Land Division Act. (If no number is inserted, the right to make divisions under the sections referenced above stays
   with any remainder of the parent parcel retained by Seller. If a number is inserted, Seller retains all available divisions in excess of the
   number stated; however, Seller and/or REALTOR® do not warrant that the number of divisions stated is actually available.) If this sale
   will create a new division, Seller’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent on Seller’s receipt of municipal approval on or
   before                                  , of the proposed division to create the Premises.
6. Purchase Price: Buyer offers to buy the Property for the sum of $                                   172,500.00
                                          one hundred seventy-two thousand five hundred                                            U.S. Dollars
7. Seller Concessions, if any:                                                              none
8. Terms: The Terms of Purchase will be as indicated by “X” below: (Other unmarked terms of purchase do not apply.)
   SOURCE OF FUNDS TO CLOSE: Buyer represents that the funds necessary to close this transaction on the terms specified below
   are currently available to Buyer in cash or an equally liquid equivalent.
   If the Property’s value stated in an appraisal obtained by Buyer or Buyer’s lender is less than the Purchase Price, Buyer shall within
   three (3) days after receipt of the appraisal: 1) renegotiate with the Seller, 2) terminate the transaction, in which case Buyer shall
   receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or 3) proceed to close the transaction at the agreed Purchase Price.
         CASH. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed. Buyer Agrees to provide Buyer Agent/Dual Agent
         verification of funds within five (5) days after the Effective Date, and consents to the disclosure of such information to Seller and/or
         Seller’s Agent. If verification of funds is not received within 5 days after the Effective Date, Seller may terminate this Agreement
         at any time before verification of funds is received by giving written notice to Buyer. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be
         arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement.
         NEW MORTGAGE. The full Purchase Price upon execution and delivery of Warranty Deed, contingent upon Buyer’s ability to
         obtain a FHA                            type 30              (year) mortgage in the amount of 97           % of the Purchase Price
         bearing interest at a rate not to exceed TBD            % per annum (rate at time of loan application), on or before the date the sale is
         to be closed. Buyer agrees to apply for a mortgage loan, and pay all fees and costs customarily charged by Buyer’s lender to
         process the application, within 3                  days after the Effective Date, not to impair Buyers’ credit after the date such loan if
         offered.      Seller    Buyer will agree to pay an amount not to exceed $ 0                       representing repairs required as a
         condition of financing. Buyer         agrees      does not agree to authorize Buyer’s Agent/Dual Agent to obtain information from
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        Buyer’s lender regarding Buyer’s financing, and consents to the disclosure of this information to Seller and/or Seller’s Agent.

        SELLER FINANCING (choose one of the following):                   CONTRACT or      PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE
        In the case of Seller financing, Buyer agrees to provide Seller with a credit report within 72 hours after the Effective Date. If the
        credit report is unacceptable to Seller, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer within 48 hours of Seller’s receipt, or if
        Buyer fails to provide said credit report to Seller within the time frame allotted, Seller shall have the right to terminate this offer
        within 48 hours. Seller is advised to seek professional advice regarding the credit report.
        $                           upon execution and delivery of a
        form (name or type of form and revision date), a copy of which is attached, wherein the balance of $
        will be payable in monthly installments of $                            or more including interest at                    % per annum,
        interest to start on date of closing, and first payment to become due thirty (30) days after date of closing. The entire unpaid balance
        will become due and payable                            months after closing. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and
        paid for by Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:

        EQUITY (choose one of the following):         Formal Assumption or       Informal Assumption
        Upon execution and delivery of:       Warranty Deed subject to existing mortgage OR             Assignment of Vendee Interest
        in Land Contract, Buyer to pay the difference (approximately $                             ) between the Purchase Price above
        provided and the unpaid balance (approximately $                             ) upon said mortgage or land contract, which Buyer
        agrees to assume and pay. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller for accumulated funds held in escrow, if any, for payment of future
        taxes and insurance premiums, etc. Any appraisal required by Buyer shall be arranged and paid for by Buyer within ten
        (10) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Exceptions:


9. Contingencies: Buyer’s obligation to consummate this transaction (choose one):
        IS NOT CONTINGENT - is not contingent upon the sale or exchange of any other property by Buyer.
        IS CONTINGENT UPON CLOSING - is contingent upon closing of an existing sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at:

        A copy of Buyer’s agreement to sell or exchange that property is being delivered to Seller along with this offer. If the existing sale
        or exchange terminates for any reason, Buyer will immediately notify Seller, and either party may terminate this Agreement in
        writing, within 3 days of Buyer’s notice to Seller. If either party terminates, Buyer shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest
        Money Deposit.
        IS CONTINGENT UPON THE SALE AND CLOSING - is contingent upon the execution of a binding agreement and the closing
        of a sale or exchange of Buyer’s property located at
                                              on or before                                      . Seller will have the right to continue to
        market Seller’s Property until Buyer enters into a binding agreement to sell or exchange Buyer’s property and delivers a copy
        thereof to Seller. During such marketing period, Seller may enter into a binding contract for sale to another purchaser on such
        price and terms as the Seller deems appropriate. In such event, this Agreement will automatically terminate, Buyer will be notified
        promptly, and Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded. Exceptions:

10. Fixtures & Improvements: The following is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of items included with the Property. All
    improvements and appurtenances are included in the Purchase Price, if now in or on the Property, unless rented, including the
    following: all buildings; landscaping; attached smart home devices; attached security systems; lighting fixtures and their shades and
    bulbs; ceiling fans; hardware for draperies and curtains; window shades and blinds; built-in kitchen appliances, including garbage
    disposal and drop-in ranges; wall to wall carpeting, if attached; all attached mirrors; all attached TV mounting brackets; all attached
    shelving; attached work benches; stationary laundry tubs; water softener; water heater; incinerator; sump pump; water pump and
    pressure tank; heating and air conditioning equipment (window units excluded); attached humidifiers; heating units, including add-on
    heating stoves and heating stoves connected by flue pipe; fireplace screens, inserts, and grates; fireplace doors, if attached; liquid
    heating and cooking fuel tanks; TV antenna and complete rotor equipment; satellite dish and necessary accessories and complete
    rotor equipment; all support equipment for inground pools; screens and storm windows and doors; awnings; installed basketball
    backboard, pole and goal; mailbox; flagpole(s); fencing, invisible inground fencing and all related equipment, including collars;
    detached storage buildings; underground sprinkling, including the pump; installed outdoor grills; all plantings and bulbs; garage door
    opener and control(s); and any and all items and fixtures permanently affixed to the Property; and also includes:
    The following Stainless appliance package of a dishwasher and a microwave to be included, along with central air to be included. Laundry in the
       basement, with a gas dryer hook up. Same color interior as your new build located at 1227 Pine St. White cabinets in the kitchen and both

    but does not include:

                                   291 McLaughlin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442                                        11/01/2022
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11. Heating and Cooking Fuels: Liquid heating and cooking fuels in tanks are included in the sale and will transfer to Buyer at time of
    possession unless usage is metered (in which case it is not included in the sale). Sellers are responsible for maintaining heating and
    cooking liquid fuels at an operational level and shall not permit fuels to fall below 10% in the tank(s) at the time of possession, except
    that the tank(s) may be empty only if now empty. Further, Seller is precluded from removing fuel from tank(s) other than what is
    expended through normal use. Exceptions:
                                                                          natural gas
12. Assessments (choose one):
    If the Property is subject to any assessments,
       Seller shall pay the entire balance of any such assessments that are due and payable on or before the day of closing (regardless
       of any installment arrangements), except for any fees that are required to connect to public utilities.
       Seller shall pay all installments of such assessments that become due and payable on or before day of closing. Buyer shall assume
       and pay all other installments of such assessments.
13. Property Taxes: Seller will be responsible for any taxes billed prior to those addressed below. Buyer will be responsible for all
    taxes billed after those addressed below.
    Buyer is also advised that the state equalized value of the Property, principal residence exemption information and other real property
    tax information is available from the appropriate local assessor’s office. Buyer should not assume that Buyer’s future tax bills on the
    Property will be the same as Seller’s present tax bills. Under Michigan law, real property tax obligations can change significantly when
    property is transferred.
       No proration.      (Choose one):
              Buyer           Seller    will pay taxes billed summer                      (year);
              Buyer           Seller    will pay taxes billed winter                      (year);
       Calendar Year Proration (all taxes billed or to be billed in the year of the closing). Calendar year tax levies will be estimated, if
       necessary, using the taxable value and the millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken down to a per diem tax payment
       and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying for January 1 through the day before closing.
       Fiscal Year Proration - Taxes will be prorated as though they are paid in (choose one):         advance.          arrears.
       Fiscal Year will be assumed to cover a 12-month period from date billed, and taxes will be prorated to the date of closing. Fiscal
       year tax levies will be estimated, if necessary, using the taxable value and millage rate(s) in effect on the day of closing, broken
       down to a per diem tax payment and prorated to the date of closing with Seller paying through the day before closing. Exceptions:

14. Well/Septic: Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, (choose one)  Seller or     Buyer will arrange for, at their own expense,
    an inspection of the primary well used for human consumption (including a water quality test for coliform bacteria and nitrates) and
    septic systems in use on the Property. The inspection will be performed by a qualified inspector in a manner that meets county (or
    other local governmental authority, if applicable) protocol.
    If any report discloses a condition unsatisfactory to Buyer, or doesn’t meet county standards that are a condition of sale, Buyer may,
    within three (3) days after Buyer has received the report, by written notice to Seller, either terminate this Agreement and receive a
    refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails
    to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be deemed to have accepted the well/septic as-
    is. Seller will respond in writing within three (3) days to Buyer’s request. If Seller fails to respond or to arrive at a mutually agreeable
    resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer will have three (3) days to provide written notice of
    termination of this Agreement and receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate the contract,
    Buyer will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
                                                                  City water and City sewer

15. Inspections & Investigations:
    Inspections: Buyer, or someone selected by Buyer, has the right to inspect the buildings, premises, components and systems, at
    Buyer’s expense. Any damage, misuse, abuse, or neglect of any portion of the Property or premises as a result of inspections will be
    Buyer’s responsibility and expense.
    Investigations: It is Buyer’s responsibility to investigate (i) whether the Property complies with applicable codes and local ordinances
    and whether the Property is zoned for Buyer’s intended use; (ii) whether Buyer can obtain a homeowner’s insurance policy for the
    Property at price and terms acceptable to Buyer; (iii) and whether or not the Property is in a flood zone.
    All inspections and investigations will be completed within tbd
                                                                ____ days after the Effective Date. If the results of Buyer’s inspections and
    investigations are not acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may, within the above referenced period, by written notice to Seller, either terminate
    this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct those
    unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be

                                   291 McLaughlin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442                                             11/01/2022
                                        Subject Property Address/Description                                               Date              Time
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                                                                                             West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement      Page 4 of 6

    deemed to have accepted the Property as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s proposal
    or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days after Seller’s
    receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and receive a
    refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day period, Buyer will
    be deemed to accept the Inspections & Investigations and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions of this
        Buyer has waived all rights under this Inspections & Investigations paragraph.
16. Municipal Compliances: Seller will arrange and pay for current certificates of occupancy, sidewalk compliance, and smoke detector
    ordinances, if applicable.
17. Title Insurance: Seller agrees to convey marketable title to the Property subject to conditions, limitations, reservation of oil, gas and
    other mineral rights, existing zoning ordinances, and building and use restrictions and easements of record. An expanded coverage
    ALTA Homeowner’s Policy of Title Insurance in the amount of the Purchase Price shall be ordered by Seller and furnished to Buyer at
    Seller’s expense, and a commitment to issue a policy insuring marketable title vested in Buyer, including a real estate tax status
    report, will be made available to Buyer within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. If Buyer so chooses, or if an expanded policy is
    not applicable, then a standard ALTA Owners’ Policy of Title Insurance shall be provided.
   If Buyer objects to any conditions, Buyer may, within three (3) days of receipt of the Title Commitment, by written notice to Seller,
   either terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money Deposit, or make a written proposal to Seller to correct
   those unsatisfactory conditions. If Buyer fails to make a written proposal within the above referenced time period, then Buyer will be
   deemed to have accepted the Title Commitment as-is. Seller may negotiate with Buyer, or by written notice to Buyer, accept Buyer’s
   proposal or terminate this Agreement. If Seller fails to respond, or to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution within three (3) days
   after Seller’s receipt of Buyer’s proposal, Buyer shall have three (3) days to provide written notice of termination of this Agreement and
   shall receive a refund of any applicable Earnest Money Deposit. If Buyer fails to terminate this Agreement within said three (3) day
   period, Buyer will be deemed to accept the Title Commitment as-is and will proceed to closing according to the terms and conditions
   of this Agreement. Exceptions:
   Buyers side to be prepared by and closed with Star Title.
18. Property Survey: Broker advises that Buyer should have a survey performed to satisfy Buyer as to the boundaries of the Property
    and the location of improvements thereon.
       Buyer or     Seller (choose one) shall within ten (10) days of the Effective Date, order, at their expense, a boundary survey with iron
    corner stakes showing the location of the boundaries, improvements and easements in connection with the Property. Upon receipt of
    the survey, Buyer will have three (3) days to review the survey. If the survey shows any condition, in Buyer’s sole discretion, which
    would interfere with Buyer’s intended use of the Property, the marketability of the title, or zoning non-compliance, then Buyer may,
    within said three (3) day period, terminate this Agreement, in writing, and Buyer will receive a full refund of Buyer’s Earnest Money
      No survey. Buyer has waived all rights under this paragraph.
   When closing occurs, Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the boundaries of the Property and the location of such improvements
   thereon. Exceptions:
   Seller to provide an existing copy of the survey prior to closing.
19. Home Protection Plan: Buyer and Seller have been informed that home protection plans may be available. Such plans may provide
    additional protection and benefit to the parties. Exceptions:

20. Prorations: Rent; association dues/fees, if any; insurance, if assigned; interest on any existing land contract, mortgage or lien
    assumed by Buyer; will all be adjusted to the date of closing. For the purposes of calculating prorations, it is presumed that Seller
    owns the Property through the day before closing.
21. Closing: If agreeable to Buyer and Seller, the sale will be closed as soon as closing documents are ready, but not later than
                   TBD                . An additional period of fifteen (15) days will be allowed for closing to accommodate the correction of
    title defects or survey problems which can be readily corrected, or for delays in obtaining any lender required inspections/repairs. During
    this additional period, the closing will be held within 5 days after all parties have been notified that all necessary documents have been
    prepared. Buyer and Seller will each pay their title company closing fee, if applicable, except in the case of VA financing where Seller
    will pay the entire closing fee. Exceptions:
                                          upon completion of the build and the appraisal and lender clear to close.
22. Pre-Closing Walk-Through: Buyer (choose one)                     reserves        waives the right to conduct a final walk-through of the
    Property within three (3) days of the scheduled closing date. The purpose of the walk-through is to determine that the Property is in
    a substantially similar condition as of the Effective Date, any contractually agreed upon items have been fulfilled, and that any included
    personal property is still located at the Property. Buyer shall immediately report to Seller any objections to these conditions and Buyer’s
    requested corrective action.
23. Possession: Seller will maintain the Property in its present condition until the completion of the closing of the sale. Possession to be
    delivered to Buyer, subject to rights of present tenants, if any.
        At the completion of the closing of the sale.
        At                a.m.     p.m. on the                     day after completion of the closing of the sale, during which time Seller
                                   291 McLaughlin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442                                            11/01/2022
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   will have the privilege to occupy the Property and hereby agrees to pay Buyer $ 0                                           as an occupancy
   fee for this period payable at closing, WITHOUT PRORATION. Payment shall be made in the form of cash or certified funds.
   If Seller fails to deliver possession to Buyer on the agreed date, Seller shall become a tenant at sufferance and shall pay to Buyer as
   liquidated damages $ 100.00                 per day plus all of the Buyer’s actual reasonable attorney's fees incurred in removing the Seller
   from the Property.
   If Seller occupies the Property after closing, Seller will pay all utilities during such occupancy. Buyer will maintain the structure and
   mechanical systems at the Property. However, any repairs or replacements necessitated by Seller’s misuse, abuse, or neglect of any
   portion of the Property will be Seller’s responsibility and expense.
   On the agreed delivery date, Seller shall deliver the Property free of trash and debris and in broom-clean condition, shall remove all
   personal property (unless otherwise stated in this or an additional written agreement), shall make arrangements for final payment on
   all utilities, and shall deliver all keys to Buyer. Exceptions:

24. Earnest Money Deposit: For valuable consideration, Buyer gives Seller until                            6:00p.m.                     (time) on
                 11/02/2022              (date), to deliver the written acceptance of this offer and agrees that this offer, when accepted by
    Seller, will constitute a binding Agreement between Buyer and Seller. An Earnest Money Deposit in the amount of $                5,000.00
    shall be submitted to                        Five Star Real Estate Leaders (NON REFUNDABLE)                     (insert name of broker, title
    company, other) within 72 hours of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and shall be applied against the Purchase Price. If the Earnest
    Money Deposit is not received within 72 hours of the Effective Date or is returned for insufficient funds, Seller may terminate this
    Agreement until such time as the Earnest Money Deposit is received. If Seller terminates this Agreement under this provision, Seller
    waives any claim to the Earnest Money Deposit. If the sale is not closed due to a failure to satisfy a contingency for a reason other
    than the fault of Buyer, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be refunded to Buyer. If the sale is not closed as provided in this Agreement
    and Buyer and Seller do not agree to the disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit, then Buyer and Seller agree that the Broker holding
    the Earnest Money Deposit may notify Buyer and Seller, in writing, of Broker’s intended disposition of the Earnest Money Deposit. If
    Buyer and Seller do not object to such disposition in writing within fifteen (15) days after the date of Broker’s notice, they will be deemed
    to have agreed to Broker’s proposed disposition; if either Buyer or Seller object and no mutually agreeable disposition can be
    negotiated, Broker may deposit the funds by interpleader with a court of proper jurisdiction or await further actions by Buyer and Seller.
    In the event of litigation involving the deposit, in whole or in part, either the Seller or the Buyer that is not the prevailing party, as
    determined by the court, will reimburse the other for reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with the litigation,
    and will reimburse the Broker for any reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in connection with any interpleader action
    instituted. If the entity holding the Earnest Money Deposit is not the Broker, then to the extent that the terms of any escrow agreement
    conflict with this paragraph, then the terms and conditions of the escrow agreement shall control.
25. Professional Advice: Broker hereby advises Buyer and Seller to seek legal, tax, environmental and other appropriate professional
    advice relating to this transaction. Broker does not make any representations or warranties with respect to the advisability of, or the
    legal effect of this transaction. Buyer further acknowledges that REALTOR® above named in the Agreement hereby recommends to
    Buyer that an attorney be retained by Buyer to pass upon the marketability of the title and to ascertain that the required details of the
    sale are adhered to before the transaction is consummated. Buyer agrees that Buyer is not relying on any representation or statement
    made by Seller or any real estate salesperson (whether intentionally or negligently) regarding any aspect of the Property or this sale
    transaction, except as may be expressly set forth in this Agreement, a written amendment to this Agreement, or a disclosure statement
    separately signed by Seller.
26. Disclosure of Information: Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that the Purchase Price, terms, and other details with respect
    to this transaction (when closed) are not confidential, will be disclosed to REALTORS® who participate in the applicable Multiple Listing
    Service, and may otherwise be used and/or published by that Multiple Listing Service in the ordinary course of its business.
27. Other Provisions:
   This in a new build and is currently under construction.
   This home will be a 2 bedroom 1 and 1/2 bath, with the laundry in the basement, Please install a gas line in the laundry room.
   includes dishwasher, microwave, and central air conditioning. This home is to have White Cabinets in the kitchen and both bathrooms. The
   front home to be styled like the front of 1527 Hoyt St. "door to be to the left like Hoyt street and the two front windows in the kitchen in the
   kitchen and dining room to be side by side". Siding to be light grey color with white trim.

   #24 Non refundable Earnest Deposit of $5000.00.
   Builder to supply the buyer with a front design of the home and a floor plan drawing within 4 weeks of acceptance.

28. Mergers and Integrations: This Agreement is the final expression of the complete agreement of Buyer and Seller, and there are no
    oral agreements existing between Buyer and Seller relating to this transaction. This Agreement may be amended only in writing signed
    by Buyer and Seller and attached to this Agreement.
29. Fax/Electronic Distribution and Electronic Signatures: Buyer and Seller agree that any signed copy of this Agreement, and any
    amendments or addendums related to this transaction, transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means shall be competent evidence
    of its contents to the same effect as an original signed copy. Buyer and Seller further agree that an electronic signature is the legal
    equivalent of a manual or handwritten signature, and consent to use of electronic signatures. Buyer and Seller agree that any notice(s)
    required or permitted under this Agreement may also be transmitted by facsimile or other electronic means.
30. Wire Fraud: Seller and Buyer are advised that wire fraud is an increasingly common problem. If you receive any electronic

                                   291 McLaughlin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                        Subject Property Address/Description                                             Date               Time
©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
Revision Date 8/2022                                                                                Buyer’s Initials                     Seller’s Initials
                                                                                                West Michigan Regional Purchase Agreement         Page 6 of 6
    communication directing you to transfer funds or provide nonpublic personal information (such as social security numbers, drivers’
    license numbers, wire instructions, bank account numbers, etc.), even if that electronic communication appears to be from the
    Broker, Title Company, or Lender, DO NOT reply until you have verified the authenticity of the email by direct communication with
    Broker, Title Company, or Lender. DO NOT use telephone numbers provided in the email. Such requests may be part of a scheme
    to steal funds or use your identity.
31. Buyer’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Buyer approves the terms of this offer and acknowledges receipt of a copy of this offer.

    Buyer 1 Address                                                                         X                                                        Buyer
    Buyer 1 Phone: (Res.)                              (Bus.)
                                                                                                    Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

    Buyer 2 Address                                                                         X                                                        Buyer
    Buyer 2 Phone: (Res.)                              (Bus.)
                                                                                                    Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

32. Seller’s Response: The above offer is approved:                 As written.        As written except:
     front elevation has been predetermined per builder. Buyer has received front elevation and changes to the floorplan.

    Counteroffer, if any, expires              11/08/2022               , at        12pm         (time). Seller has the right to withdraw this
    counteroffer and to accept other offers until Seller or Seller’s Agent has received notice of Buyer’s acceptance.
    33. Certification of Previous Disclosure Statement: Seller certifies to Buyer that the Property is currently in the same condition as
    disclosed in the Seller’s Disclosure Statement dated                          (choose one):   Yes      No. Seller agrees to inform
    Buyer in writing of any changes in the content of the disclosure statement prior to closing.
34. Notice to Seller: Seller understands that consummation of the sale or transfer of the Property described in this Agreement will not
    relieve Seller of any liability that Seller may have under the mortgages to which the Property is subject, unless otherwise agreed to by
    the lender or required by law or regulation. Buyer and Seller are advised that a Notice to Seller & Buyer of Underlying Mortgage form
    is available from the respective agents via the West Michigan REALTOR® Boards.
35. Listing Office Address: 3478 Persimmon Ln, Holland Mi 49424                                    Listing Broker License #
    Listing Agent Name: Mariana Murillo VanDam                                                     Listing Agent License #

36. Seller’s Approval and Acknowledgment: Seller approves the terms of this Agreement and acknowledges receipt of a copy. If Seller’s
    response occurs after Buyer’s offer expires, then Seller’s response is considered a counteroffer and Buyer’s acceptance is required
    X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                                                                 Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?   Yes      No*
                   Print name as you want it to appear on documents.

    X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):
                                                                                                 Is Seller a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien?   Yes      No*
                    Print name as you want it to appear on documents.
    Seller’s Address:                                                           Seller’s Phone (Res.)                         (Bus)
       * If Seller(s) is not a U.S. Citizen or Resident Alien, there may be tax implications and Buyer and Seller are advised to seek professional advice.

37. Buyer’s Receipt/Acceptance: Buyer acknowledges receipt of Seller’s response to Buyer’s offer. In the event Seller’s response
    constitutes a counteroffer, Buyer accepts said counteroffer. All other terms and conditions in the offer remain unchanged.

    X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

    X (Buyer’s Signature, Date, Time):

38. Seller’s Receipt: Seller acknowledges receipt of Buyer’s acceptance of counter offer.
    X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

    X (Seller’s Signature, Date, Time):

                                    291 McLaughlin Avenue, Muskegon, MI 49442
                                         Subject Property Address/Description                                                 Date                Time
 ©Copyright, West Michigan REALTOR® Associations
 Revision Date 8/2022                                                                                    Buyer’s Initials                      Seller’s Initials

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